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Stretch of highway named for Byrum LINDA MOODY


ANSONIA – The stretch of highway from AnsoniaElroy Road to Union CityBeamsville Road on State Route 118 has been named in memory of Donald Edward Byrum, who was killed at the age of 19 in Vietnam on June 28, 1966, a little more than four months after his arrival in that southeast Asian nation. His death came on his brother Bob’s birthday and the dedication of the sign took place on sister Marge’s birthday. The unveiling of the sign took place this past Thursday morning, and despite

the wind, a small group showed up to witness the event. Those attending included family, friends and classmates. Byrum’s siblings Joyce Walters and Marge Class, both of Greenville, and Larry Byrum of Union City, Ind., welcomed and thanked all who came to the event. Brother Robert of Arizona was unable to attend. Also there were Ben Thaeler, deputy district director for the eighth congressional district in Ohio, who made a presentation and the Rev. Derek Specht, pastor of the Ansonia First Church of God. The roadway has been named PFC Donald D. By-

rum Memorial Highway. Byrum was a member of the U.S. Army, serving in A Co. 1st Bn. 27th Infantry, 25th Inf. Div. On June 28, 1966, Byrum was serving with his company in South Vietnam, and on that day was killed in action with 11 others. He sustained multiple fragmentation wounds. Walters said her brother was out on a search and destroy mission on the day of his death. “The leader had been up 24 hours and was tired,” she said. “He took his bunch out and they followed him. They cut through a rice patty field and were mowed down by the Viet Cong.” Byrum was posthumous-

ly awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge, Purple Heart, National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal and the Vietnam Campaign Medal. Byrum, in his junior year of high school, wanted to serve his country according to sister Joyce. “He got turned down in Cincinnati, so he went to Wooster and they accepted him,” she said. Byrum is buried in Union City Cemetery with his parents, Herschel and Pauline (Brooks) Byrum. “Donnie would really be proud,” said Marge. “This was a long time coming.” “Our mother would really be happy,” Joyce added. “Donnie was a good kid

Don Byrum’s siblings are shown in front of the highway sign dedicated to him. They are, from left to right, Joyce Walters, Margie Class and Larry Byrum. Brother, Bob lives in Arizona and was unable to attend. (Linda Moody photo)

and we all hung on after our parents’ divorce. We had a good family.” The installation of the sign was a brainstorm of Marge.

“I decided one day to get a road sign, so I went to the VA and they told me to contact Jim Buchy,” she said. “It has taken a year and a half but it worked.”

Ribbon cutting officially opens Jennings Center Track & Field Complex GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Brad Jennings and the Jennings Family cut the ribbon on the new Jennings Center Track & Field Complex to a large crowd of government dignitaries, business leaders, Friends of Harmon committee members, donors, fans and Greenville City Schools employees and

coaches. “It is a wonderful that the Jennings family stepped up, and of course Brad,” said Greenville Mayor Steve Willman. “The conditions of the track were so poor that he wanted to help makes sure it was safe for the kids and Greenville being his home town where he grew up, and The Friends of Harmon Field – without their help it wasn’t going to get done.”

Erin Frederick is shown with her dad Neil and her mom Valerie.

Winners named in coloring contest GREENVILLE – The Early Bird and Bluebag Media is pleased to announce its winners of the Easter Coloring Contest. Hundreds of entrees were received and The Early Bird thanks all participants. The winner of the 5-8year-old category is Lily Selhorst, of North Star. Erin Frederick, of Versailles, earned the top prize in the 9-12-year-old category. In the 65 and older category, Donna Schultz was the winner. Each winner received

Jennings, a 1994 GHS graduate anchored the project with an $800,000 donation to make the new facility a reality. “It’s really nice,” said Jennings. “I just drove by our house over there – kind of cool seeing all this.” “It has been long awaited,” stated Greenville City Schools Superintendent Doug Fries. “This facility will serve Greenville, our track team and all our students and community for years to come.” GHS alum, Jon McGreevey and Matt Light had the vision more than three years ago to improve the Greenville athletics facilities. “What a great day,” said McGreevey. “We have the Jennings family, a lot of community support and a lot of community members that donated a lot of time and money to make this happen. It’s a great day for the city, the students and community overall.” “The Jennings Center is an incredible example of how a private and public partnership is supposed to work,” Matt Light stated. “The Jennings Family generosity was the catalyst of what will be a completely new and exciting era in GHS sports history. I’m extremely proud of the Friends of Harmon Field Committee

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

Lily Selhorst

and all of the school board members for their commitment on this project.” A Friends of Harmon Field committee of 15 was formed and more than three years later a large crowd was on hand to celebrate the long awaited opening and ribbon cutting of the new complex. “We’re excited that we are having the ribbon cutting today,” said Dave Ernst, one of the original steering committee members along with Dustin Leis and Mike Henderson. “Today we have the Jennings family back in Greenville. It’s always exciting to have Brad and his family back in town.” Jennings family members on hand for the ceremony included; Brad Jennings and his family: Alex, Madeline, Gavin, Steve, Beth, Emma, Christian and Collin. Phase one and two are

now complete but the total sports complex is only half way to completion. Remaining phases include an athletic complex located between both facilities and a new stadium with new lights for Harmon Field. Following the ribbon cutting, the Greenville junior high and high school track and field team hosted the Piqua Indians in the first high school meet on the new track. “What a great facility,” said Piqua Athletic Director and former UD standout basketball player Chip Hare. “This represents the community and the commitment for what they feel for the schools. It’s refreshing to walk in here and see a new track and field facility. I look behind me and the brand new turf facility and I know three miles down the road you have a new middle school. The commitment

this community has made to education and athletics is very special.” “It is a great time for kids to come to school in Greenville, for a staff to work at Greenville,” Fries said. “It’s just a great upgrade for the overall community.” “Very special,” Fries, the former Green Wave head varsity basketball and baseball coach said of his return to GHS as Superintendent. “I really wanted to upgrade the facilities – one of the big reasons I wanted to come back.” Brad Jennings noted he does realize what the new facility means to the people of Greenville as many have reached out to him. “It is very special, it is very cool,” said the softspoken Jennings. “My wife is not big into pictures and she just stopped and made sure she got a picture – it’s kind of cool.”

Commission opens bids for upcoming road work; accepts SVG bid SUSAN HARTLEY

a beautiful candy bouquet from The Candy Bouquet, 523 S. Broadway, Greenville.

The Jennings Center Track & Field Complex ribbon cutting at Greenville City Schools. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

DARKE COUNTY – Darke County Commissioners met in regular session Wednesday and opened bids for both resurfacing and striping of selected county and township roads. The bids will be reviewed by Jim Surber, county engineer, before being brought

to commission for final approval. Surber said he estimated the county road resurfacing work to be approximately $1,960,603.09. Surber’s township road resurfacing estimate is $269,848.30. Estimates for center lane and side road striping also were opened for five townships who are working with the county, including Wayne, Neaves, Franklin, Liberty and Brown.

Surber estimated the road striping should not exceed $96,938. Companies bidding on the projects include Walls Brothers Asphalt, Aero Mark Inc., Oglesby Construction, and A&A Safety. According to Surber, 27.08 miles of portions of county and township roads will receive new asphalt, with 268 miles slated to receive middle lane and no passing zone striping and

81 miles to receive white edge line striping. Also this week, commissioners approved a bid by SVG Motors for two Malibu vehicles for the county’s children’s services workers to use to transport children as well as other job-related trips. The bid for both vehicles total $41,967.02 Both Hittle’s and Troutwine’s were contacted to enter bids, but declined.


PAGE 2 April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Darke County CRIME


See it? Report it! 937





WANTED FOR: October 2016 – Indicted by the Darke County Grand Jury on one count of Breaking and Entering and one count of Theft. Both are Felonies of the 5th degree. LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: 115 S. John St., Union City, OH; 1203 Turner St. Apt. 3, Union City, IN; 305 E. North St., Union City, OH; 442 Union City – Elroy Rd., Union City, OH. ALIAS: Unknown DOB: March 1984 HEIGHT: 5’-8� WEIGHT: 160 (last known) HAIR COLOR: Black (last known) EYE COLOR: Brown TATTOOS/PIERCINGS: “FOX� with the O being the face of a fox on back of right calf, “CONNER� on right bicep with a heart below it with the name of SANDY� on it, “Fried Rice� on left bicep; “KARLI� on under side of left forearm. MARKS/SCARS: Unknown

Submit tips online at www.darkecountycrimestoppers.com

CLUES ACROSS 1. Maintained possession of 5. Dropsy 10. Type of music 12. One who is deliberately cruel 14. 411 16. Rhode Island 18. Follows sigma 19. Baked dessert 20. Craftsman 22. Austrian river 23. Distributed 25. Close 26. Midway between east and southeast 27. Thunderstorm code 28. Where wrestlers work 30. Away from (prefix) 31. Canadian law enforcers 33. Shade 35. Sir Samuel __, Brit. statesman 37. Della __, singer 38. Existing in fact 40. Tennis matches have at least two 41. Reunifying Chinese dynasty 42. Not just “play� 44. Angry 45. Photomultiplier tube 48. Slovenly person 50. __ and Diu 52. Cologne 53. What actors deliver 55. Campaigned 56. Cash machine 57. Spanish be 58. Animal that eats insects 63. Colonists who supported the British 65. Loved 66. A pair of people who live together 67. Work tools CLUES DOWN 1. Kilogram force (abbr.)

2. Your consciousness of your own identity 3. Score 4. A way to modify 5. Respect 6. Midwife 7. Region near the Dead Sea 8. __ Gerais: gold-rich state of Brazil 9. Equally 10. Monetary units 11. The mentioning of things one by one 13. Traveling entertainers 15. Small island 17. A way to sing 18. __-bo: form of exercise 21. “The Bard� 23. The best player 24. Male parent 27. Harm the reputation of 29. Allow for the tare of 32. Grand __: wine classification 34. Soak 35. Bother 36. Ophthalmologist 39. Preceded 40. __ Francisco, California 43. Touch gently 44. Lithuanian given name 46. Matched 47. Stomach 49. Mother of all gods in Scots’ Celtic mythology 51. Partner to cheese 54. Fit of irritation 59. Visit 60. Suffragist Wells 61. Swearing to the truth of a statement 62. Old Red Sandstone 64. Sacred Hindu syllable


Greenville resident ďŹ nds car with sleeping driver in backyard DUI

On April 6, police received a report concerning a suspicious vehicle with someone asleep inside parked in the backyard of a home in the 400 block of Southbrook Drive. The ofďŹ cer went to the doctor’s ofďŹ ce in the 1000 block of Wayne Avenue, which butts the Southbrook’s residence’s backyard. The ofďŹ cer found a vehicle had been driven onto the lawn and came to rest on pavers at the back of the home. There didn’t appear to be any damage to the vehicle or the backyard, except for a couple of short ruts in the yard. The ofďŹ cer found Shawn Foster, the registered owner of the vehicle, passed out in the driver’s seat. The ofďŹ cer woke Foster up and asked him to exit the vehicle. The ofďŹ cer detected a strong odor of alcohol on Foster, his eyes were bloodshot and glassy and his speech was slurred. Foster had difďŹ culty maintaining his train of thought and kept calling the ofďŹ cers on the scene by different names. He admitted to drinking heavily at Danny’s Place, then attempted to follow someone home while driving. He thought he was somewhere other than where he had parked the car. Foster did poorly on ďŹ eld sobriety tests and was transported to the police department for more testing. While ofďŹ cer were explaining to Foster about additional testing, he stated “I’m drunk.â€? He was issued a citation for physical control of a vehicle under the inuence of alcohol or drugs and was released to a friend. They were told to make arrangements for the vehicle to be moved from the parking lot of the medical ofďŹ ce on Wayne Avenue, where ofďŹ cers had moved the vehicle before leaving the scene. Drugs

On April 5 an ofďŹ cer on routine patrol observed a vehicle traveling north bound on North Broadway Street without a functional license plate light. A trafďŹ c stop was initiated and the ofďŹ cer made contact with the driver, Trey Koons who said he did not know his license plate light was out. The ofďŹ cer could smell a strong odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. The ofďŹ cer ran the driver’s name through LEADS, then returned to the vehicle to ask him if had been smoking anything. Koons responded and told the ofďŹ cer he

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had smoked marijuana earlier in the day. He admitted to smoking in his car and pulled a baggy containing green leafy vegetation from the driver’s side oorboard, as well as a green container with residue. Koons was asked to exit the vehicle so ofďŹ cers could perform a search. When he was patted down, ofďŹ cers found another baggy from the suspect’s coat pocket containing green leafy vegetation. Koons told the ofďŹ cers he had capsules with liquid THC. OfďŹ cers located the bottle containing four capsules containing a brown liquid inside the pocket of his coat. Koons also admitted he had a scale under the driver’s seat of the vehicle. The suspect was advised he would not be receiving citations at this time, and that ofďŹ cers were going to have the capsules tested to be positive of the contents. All items located and conďŹ scated were transported to the police department, where they were packaged and placed in property as evidence. After the capsules are tested, ofďŹ cers will determine charges. Koons was released from the scene. Disorderly

On April 4 an ofďŹ cer was dispatched to the Coffee Pot, 537 S. Broadway, on the report of a ďŹ ght between two juvenile girls. While enroute, the ofďŹ cer was able to locate one of the suspects in the Subway parking lot. The ofďŹ cer transported the juvenile back to the scene and made contact with the other suspect. According to the report, one of the female juveniles asked the other to go outside so they could ďŹ ght. The two walked outside, where a ďŹ ght ensued. When one of the girls went back inside to the restroom to clean blood off, the other suspect followed and the two began to ďŹ ght again. One of the suspects left

the Coffee Pot and went to The Boys and Girls Club, 613 S. Broadway. The other suspect followed and they continued the ďŹ ght outside the club. One of the juveniles told the ofďŹ cer the other juvenile began calling her names while at the Coffee Pot, but she did not know why. They both admitted to police it was a mutual ďŹ ght. Both girls were cited for disorderly conduct and released to their mothers. On April 6 an ofďŹ cer was dispatched to the 500 block of Washington Avenue in reference to a 911 hang up. While enroute, the ofďŹ cer was advised by dispatch the number belonged to Herman Linder. Upon arrival, two ofďŹ cers observed Linder stumbling off the porch. As the ofďŹ cers approached, he was leaning on a telephone pole in front of the residence and appeared to be sleeping. When ofďŹ cers woke Linder up, he told them he was being followed but ofďŹ cers did not see anyone else around. The ofďŹ cers noticed a strong odor of alcohol around Linder that became stronger as he spoke. Linder was placed into a police cruiser and transported to his own residence in the 300 block of Harrison Avenue. Linder refused several times to get out of the cruiser. Another ofďŹ cer arrived on scene and they were able to pull Linder out of the cruiser. Linder lay down in the roadway and refused to get back up after being told numerous times to do so. Three ofďŹ cers attempted several times to help Linder stand up to get him out of the street but he still refused. Greenville Township Rescue was dispatched to the scene so Linder could be treated for possibly having too much alcohol. Linder was cleared by paramedics and refused to be transported

to Wayne Hospital for further evaluation. Dispatch contacted a friend of Linder’s to see if she could watch him for the night. OfďŹ cers eventually helped Linder into his residence. He was cited for disorderly conduct, a fourth degree misdemeanor due to the Decolores Montessori School being within 1,000 feet of the incident. Wanted Person

On April 5 an ofďŹ cer responded to the area of the 600 block of Martin Street in reference to Jamin Brenner, who had an active felony warrant. A police detective reported Brenner left the area in a truck traveling eastbound on Martin Street. The truck was located and a trafďŹ c stop was conducted at State Route 36 East and U.S.127. Brenner was located in the passenger seat of the stopped vehicle. He was arrested for the felony warrant, with the original charge of complicity to robbery from Miami County. Brenner told the ofďŹ cer he had a small baggie of marijuana shavings and a smoking pipe. The items were transported to the Greenville Police Department and placed into property. Brenner was transported to the Darke County Jail to await pick up by Miami County at a later time. EARLY BIRD POLICY The Greenville Police Beat is prepared from public records available at the Greenville Police Department. Every effort is made to balance the public’s right to know with the rights of the individuals involved. Readers are encouraged to contact Greenville Police if they have information or concerns regarding these or any other incidents they see. The Early Bird notes all suspects are innocent until proven guilty and welcomes comments and concerns regarding this community service.

Bond set at $75,000 for attempted gas station robber BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Anthony Felix is being held in the Darke County Jail after receiving a $75,000 bond for Monday’s attempted robbery with a weapon at Dill Oil, 401 Union St., Greenville. Felix, 25, appeared for arraignment before Judge Jonathan P. Hein via video conference on Wednesday. According to Prosecutor Kelly Ormsby, a “realistic BB gunâ€? was found by Greenville police ofďŹ cers when they conducted a search on the vehicle Felix was driving. Ormsby also said Fe-

lix had criminal histories from New York and New Hampshire, and was considered a “risk factorâ€? due to not having ties to Darke County. “Obviously this is a serious offense,â€? Ormsby told Hein, adding that employees of the gas station were threatened with what they believed to be a real weapon. The attempted robbery took place about 11:15 a.m. Monday. Investigators have determined Felix ed the scene before getting cash or merchandise. Witnesses provided a description of both Felix and his vehicle to police, who were able to stop him near the trafďŹ c circle in downtown

Anthony Felix

Greenville. Felix is set to appear April 18 in municipal court in order to review evidence in the case, before ďŹ nal charges are made. Hein appointed Nicole Pohlman as the defendant’s attorney.

New date set for MARCS move BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

DARKE COUNTY – The county’s switch to the MARCS communication system is now set for Monday, May 21. “That’s the goal,â€? said Chief Deputy Mark Whittaker said this week. MARCS was originally set to go online April 16. Whittaker told county commissioners last month there was a delay in the installation of the ďŹ ber optic cable needed for MARCS to operate across the county. Progress is being made,

Whittaker said, noting the county’s agencies had been given the date of May 7 to install the needed equipment on their vehicles. “If vendors meet their objective to get installation by May 7 we will allow a two- week time period to make sure everyone is up and running,� Whittaker said. “What I’m telling all the chiefs is, because we’re dealing with so many vendors and so many vehicles – that need equipment installed, these dates are goals and are subject to change. “This week we are in-

stalling the brand new 911 software,â€? at the sheriff’s ofďŹ ce. “There’s a lot going on in our communications center.â€? Whittaker said county ofďŹ cials are keeping in contact with the county’s agencies, giving updates on a regular basis, either by face-to-face meetings or emails. Whittaker praised the county’s 911 coordinator, Melissa Hawes for her efforts working with the MARCS project. “She’s been doing a great job keeping everyone informed,â€? he said.

April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 3

Bradford Lions barbecue set

Kelly Fliehman is shown with members of her committee. (Peggy Foutz photo)

Backpack Gala helps feed local schoolchildren BY KEITH FOUTZ PUBLISHER klfoutz@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Supporters of the Red Yellow Black & White Gala enjoyed dinner and dancing to raise funds for the Backpack Ministry at Romers Catering on April 6. The mission of the Backpack Program is to meet the needs of hungry children in grades K-4 by providing them with nutritious and easy-to-prepare food to take home on weekends and school vacations when other resources are not available. Volunteers assemble the sacks of food and distribute to the schools on Fridays where teachers slip the bags into students’ backpacks.

The program originated eight years ago and while it originally focused on Greenville, it has expanded to cover all of the Darke County Schools. Kelly Fliehman, founder of the event stated “We need to be able to provide for 460 children and it takes $100 per child per year to fund so we’re hopeful this event will help us reach our goal.” All funds go directly to the Life Changing Ministry administered by Grace Resurrection Community Center (GRCC) which is also the hub for distribution in Darke County. Attendees at the event enjoyed a dinner and live and silent auction, with dancing. Ms. Fliehman would like

to thank the sponsors, Second National Bank, Greenville National Bank and Fliehman Law offices as well as The Grace Resurrection Community Center for their generous donations and support. Also, a special thank you to the Committee Members, Amanda Armstrong, Angie Arnold, Becky Jenkinson, Christy Baker, Cindy McCallister, Kathy O’Dell, Kristene Clark, Mindy Stebbins, Paula Moody, Peggy Fullrod, Sandy Detrick, and Shelby Myers who worked to put together the gala. Donations are still being accepted. Please contact the Grace Resurrection Community Center at 937-548- 2595 to make a donation.

CAC honored during Shelter from Violence banquet BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The Darke County Shelter from Violence held its annual banquet Monday, April 9 at Montage Café. Annie Sonner, coordinator for Shelter from Violence introduced Julie Lecklider, director and Carol Littman, deputy director with the Darke County Community Action Partnership – the featured agency being highlighted by Shelter From Violence. The directors outlined the several programs administered by CAC for those in need in Darke County, including the emergency homeless shelter. “It’s full all the time,” Littman said, noting during 2017, the shelter assisted with 107 individuals – including 27 children. Littman said “drugs are a big problem right now.” Other programs designed to assist Darke County residents, including the elderly include transportation, for example to medical appointments or grocery shopping, family supportive housing, free tax service, Salvation Army funds to use for emergency assistance, home energy assistance, food and clothing banks.

Above, left to right, Carol Littman, Annie Sonner and Julie Lecklider during Monday’s Shelter from Violence banquet. Each shared information about services offered for those in need in Darke County. (Susan Hartley photo)

Children who qualify also are invited to attend Camp Swoneky in Southern Ohio, a program affiliated with the Salvation Army. According to Lecklider, the CAC program is working with area businesses to provide employees in need transportation to and from work. Currently, there are 13 CAC employees and a couple volunteers who manage these programs for Darke County residents. Sonner also took a few minutes to share some information from a recent training meeting she attended in Mason. Again, the state’s drug epidemic was one of the main topics of discussion, causing homelessness,

unemployment and children being placed in foster care. “I wish we could fix it,” Sonner said. “We have so much stuff to fix. The things we do in this community are so good.” One Ohio school district, she shared, had more than 200 students living in foster care, mainly due to the opioid epidemic. Along with CAC employees, others in attendance Monday included county commissioners Mike Rhoades and Mike Stegall, Greenville Mayor Steve Willman and Greenville Police Chief Steve Strick. For more information about the CAC and its programs, including Camp Swoneky, call 548-8143.

BRADFORD – The Bradford Lions are having a BBQ Chicken and Pork Chop Dinner on Sunday, April 29. All dinners are $7 and presale tickets are needed. Tickets are on sale at both Bradford banks, Littman-Thomas Insurance, Bradford office, or from any Bradford Lions or Lioness members. You may also call Kathy Myers 448-2667 or Joanne Ferree 620-7225 by the ticket deadline purchase date of Sunday, April 22. Dinners consist of one half BBQ chicken or two pork chops served with applesauce, chips, and roll with butter prepared by Romer’s. Dinners may be picked up on April 29 from 11 a.m.

to 1 p.m. at Clark’s Pizza, Bradford location. Profits will go toward purchase of eye exams and eyeglasses, recognition of Bradford students, and other ongoing Bradford Lions’ Club community projects.


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PAGE 4 April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

High school seniors network, interview with area businesses BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – High school seniors got a glimpse of the local job market on Tuesday as part of the Darke County Senior Interview & Networking Event, sponsored by the county’s economic development ofďŹ ce.

The event, held at Greenville High School drew graduating seniors from around the county. “This event allows them to connect with what our companies have to offer,� said Mike Stegall, county commissioner, who along with commissioner Matt Aultman volunteered in helping

guide students through the networking process. According to Tamala Marley, workforce specialist for Darke County Economic Development, students were given the opportunity to “interview� and gather information through networking, then participated in a three-minute interview

with each company. “The students got questions ahead of time, if they wanted to be prepared,â€? Marley explained. Thirteen businesses and organizations were on hand to share information with students about summer job opportunities as well as internships and future careers within Darke County. These included Edison Community College, Wayne HealthCare, Brethren Retirement Center, Midmark, GTI, Whirlpool, FRAM, Kroger, Fort Recovery Industries, Village Green, King’s Command, and Ramco. OfďŹ cers also were on hand to speak with students seeking information on law enforcement careers. This was the third year for the career event, Marley said. “The event was started to provide opportunities for our students and local employers to work together to ďŹ nd what options they have for working and living in Darke County,â€? Marley said. Dawn Baker, production manager with King’s Command said she had a “lot of interestâ€? from students wanting to know more about the Versailles food processing plant. “We had one student who was studying agriculture. This ďŹ ts right in, since we’re a USDA-inspected plant and follow all their guidelines.â€? Midmark’s Emily Niekamp, who works as a human

ODOT road construction

DARKE COUNTY – The Ohio Department of Transportation’s construction season has kicked-off and motorists should be aware of areas that could slow their commute. State Route 49 between Hollansburg-Sampson and Arcanum Bears Mill Road will experience lane closures from April 16 through May 16. One lane will remain open for travel in each direction through the use of a portable signal. State Route 716 between Washington Street and Water Street will be closed April 16–22. The ofďŹ cial detour will be: SR 705 to SR 364 to SR 119.

Emily Niekamp, HR generalist with Midmark, speaks with Ansonia seniors, left to right, Lexi Shinn, Cierra Longenecker and Bailey Stammen during the Darke County Senior Interview & Networking Event, held Tuesday at Greenville High School. (Susan Hartley photo)

resource generalist, shared information about the company’s summer jobs and internship opportunities, as well as other careers available at the medical equipment plant, also in Versailles. “They’re asking a lot of questions about opportunities available for summer,â€? she said of students. Niekamp took the time to explain all career possibilities within a manufacturing company, not just assembly line jobs. Niekamp told one senior who said she was going to be studying nursing in college “you’ll see all our equipmentâ€? in medical ofďŹ ces. “We have 1,700 team members, with 900 in Versailles,â€? and provides medical equipment to 90 percent of the world, she noted. Three seniors from Ansonia took time to network together during Tuesday’s career event. Each said they were glad they took the opportunity to attend the career event. “I like talking to everyone and asking questions,â€? Bailey Stammen said. After the networking and interviewing activities, each


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ALLIANCE- 6 yr old spayed



group of students were invited to hear about the Darke County Economic Development’s HometownOpportunities.com job placement website and were assisted with registering their email with the site online. This is the ďŹ rst year, said Economic Development Director Mike Bowers, that students actually were walked through the process with the website, as well as downloading an app on their phones. During the two previous years, students were given the information to register on their own time. “This is a concerted effort between Darke, Shelby Auglaize and Mercer counties,â€? Bowers explained to students. “It’s a great tool for companies in the four-county region to look at you.â€? Greenville Mayor Steve Willman also took a few minutes to speak with students. “What a great opportunity you guys have here. This is a cool deal. You’ve got a chance to talk with people and get familiar with how the process is. There are jobs out there. Everybody here wants you to succeed.â€?

MIDNIGHT - 3 1/2 yr old

female. Lover and lazy

spayed female. Not as mean as I look :-) I’m a lover.

ANNABELLE - 5 yr old Dalmatian hound mix. Very sweet and loving. Fits in anywhere.

ROXY- spayed female lab mix 4 yrs old. She does not like other animals.

Spring Shot Clinic Sat., May 12 10a-5p PAWS Bingo Hall


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April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 5


Supporting Manchester

In just a few weeks we’ll again have the privilege to cast a vote for the candidates we want to represent us in our local and state government. As a lifelong resident of Darke County and the Versailles School District, and having served 16 years as a Versailles school board member, I recognize, appreciate, and value the role a good governing body can have on a community. We in Darke county are blessed to have dedicated individuals with high moral values and the right ideas representing us in our local government. It’s important to me that we continue to elect the right people and that is why I write this article in support of Susan Manchester for State Representative of the 84th District (including northern Darke County). I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Susan and ask for your support and vote in the May 8th election. Susan was raised on a farm near WaynesďŹ eld, Ohio, a place much like Darke County where people support each other and want their community to be the best it can be. Growing up in this environment made her also recognize, appreciate, and value that she was rooted in such a supportive system. She attended The Ohio State University, earning degrees in Psychology and Political Science, then worked for Congressman Jim Jordan’s ofďŹ ce in Washington DC. During her time in DC, Susan saw the disconnect in Washington that has frustrated so many of us. She saw the breakdown between the people’s interests and the government’s interests. She saw how little the people in Washington understood about the values and lifestyle of people in West Central Ohio. Now she wants to represent our values and our ideas in Columbus. We need a strong, experienced voice that can advocate for us. Personally, I value that she is 100% Pro-Life and believes in local control of education. Trust me when I say, local school boards in our area do not need people in Columbus or Washington DC telling us how to run our districts! I ask those of you in northern Darke County to join me and vote for Susan Manchester for State Representative as she will be the voice that speaks for us and helps us keep Darke County the best place to live in Ohio! Sincerely, Ron Gehret Versailles

Lovett for 80th District

George Lovett ďŹ rst appeared on my radar when he was mayor of Tipp City, Ohio. As President of the local chamber of commerce at the time, I had occasion to meet with George and discuss the act of making hard decisions. As a conservative in a conservative town, any talk of raising a tax, even to fund police, ďŹ re, and streets can garner a sideways look of public suspicion. Regardless of this, Tipp City residents now enjoy smooth roads as well as safe and effective public service vehicles; in part, due to the work of Mayor Lovett in marshaling support for public infrastructure. While George is a strong conservative, he does not suffer the fool’s errand of kicking the can down the road. More speciďŹ cally, some ďŹ nd it politically expedient to delay dealing with a problem hoping that it will disappear, or someone else will take care of it. If you indeed are done with politics as usual and want our region of Ohio to address challenges headon with action and a sense of urgency, you’ll join me in voting for George Lovett for House Representative of Ohio’s 80th District on May 8th. Mike McDermott, Tipp City


Lovett is Best Candidate

Dear Editor, George Lovett is the best candidate to serve us as the State Representative for the 80th House District. We met George 15 years ago when he was doing a fundraiser for a new roof for Temple Ansche Emeth in Piqua. George is a Christian, but he worked hard to raise the funds for the project. He cares about all faiths and felt it was important that Miami County kept its only synagogue. Since then we have seen George’s practice grow to four ofďŹ ces. He cares for his clients and works hard for them. He is honest and gets things done. He has created jobs and signed paychecks. He’s been Tipp City Mayor and served with lots of nonproďŹ t groups. George and the TriCounty Board are addressing the negative impact of the opioid crisis with One Wellness Place. This should help those in need and save money doing it. This is common sense leadership here in Miami County from George. We know he can do that in Columbus. This is why we are voting for him and urge you to so too. Jerry and Joanne Hillelson, Troy

FCCLA’s special week VERSAILLES – Versailles FCCLA (Family Career and Community Leaders of America) celebrated “National FCCLA week� on Feb. 12-15. Members planned and conducted activities to help spread the word about the organization and demonstrate the importance of family consumer sciences. FCCLA will also be collecting pop tabs until April 25. All will be donated to the Ronald McDonald house.

Feb. 12 – Club ofďŹ cers sold breakfast items in the morning. ProďŹ t went to Children’s Hospital. Feb. 13 – Members served breakfast to teachers Feb. 14 – Students wore “redâ€? to represent FCCLA. The class that wore the most red was treated to donuts. Feb. 15 – OfďŹ cers sold breakfast again that morning. They also held an ice cream oat party for members.

Church won’t be the same Linda’s Mood Swings by Linda Moody bluebagmedia.com

Rose Hill Country Church lost a good pastor, Don Brode, on March 26. We attended church there for several years and really enjoyed going there. Pastor Don’s sermons were very good, thoughtful and interesting. We loved hearing him talk about growing up in Maryland; about his love of ďŹ shing and hunting; his gardening projects; and I’m pretty sure he loved to dance as he showed some of his moves a couple of times during sermons. Of course, some of this was discussed around the table prior to the start of the Sunday service, where there was usually good fellowship. He was quite the character, someone you want to have in a good pastor. He was a Korean veteran and had been a postman, Scoutmaster and a master gardener and ďŹ sherman. My son, Jamie, said he felt like Pastor Don was a grandfather-like ďŹ gure for him. “I want to say thank you, Don. Baptizing me was one of the best things that ever happened to me,â€? Jamie said. “When I heard he passed that devastated me, because he had become like another grandpa to me.â€? Pastor Don outlived some of our other members in recent years. Also gone are Dick Michael, Lowell Arnold and Jim Moody. Jamie said they are all probably at McDonald’s in the sky looking down on us, as they patronized the local

The Early Bird and Bluebag Media has not endorsed a candidate for any ofďŹ ce in the May 8 Primary Election. Although we provide space for opinions through letters to the editor and offer an editorial cartoonist, the views reected in these pieces are

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Bill Merz. April 24 to Jeff Peters, Ron Greeson, Rick Bubeck, Cheryl Emmons, Starr Schmitmeyer, Carol Good, Angie Jones and Sherry Wapplehorst. April 25 to Dennis “Beazer� Beasley (65), Mikayla Waymire (20), Donn Thornhill Ethan Reichert, Rich Black, Kent Wilcox, Debbie Hammontree and Allen Blackburn. April 26 to Shannon Peters Hall, Ryan Stoltz, Deanna Moody, Russ Potter, Richard Hole II, Stephanie Grilliot, Mike Husted and Heather Wilkin. April 27 to Paul McCleskey, Bill Roll, Natasha Oliver, David George, Kathy Bothast and Alex Niekamp. April 28 to John Christman, Tasha Mikesell and Darin Whittington. April 29 to Kassi Frye and Tammy Wilcox. April 30 to Bernie May, Cindy Horsley, John Bennett, Beth Vehre, Mark Bevins and Sue Beane. May 1 to Becky Schultz, Bruce Adkins, LeAnn Kelly McClure, Tiffany Black, Ashley Julian and Jean Runner. May 2 to Cody Spencer, Marge Morse, Carol Weaver, Ruth Peters and Shawn McGuire. Happy anniversary to: Ron and Laura Turner on April 21; Jason and Kori Weiss on April 24; and John and Betty Grimes (68) and Nathan and Tonya Leeper, all on April 28. ***** Please pray for these people: Paulette (Swab) Shields, Linda Birt Schaffer, Herbert Bayman, Loree Money, Adam Ullery, Vicky Henderson, Terry Ungericht, Dwight Martin, Bill Clark Jr., Marilyn and Don Hittle, Emily Moody, Tonya Schoenleben Thompson,

Early Bird election letters deadline set

fast-food restaurant almost every Tuesday at one point. Pastor Don had had some ailments, but I never thought it would take his life, especially now. It was a shock to hear the news, but we know he was no doubt ready for eternity. We won’t forget him. “When I was in the hospital in 2014, Pastor Don came in and visited me and prayed I’d be healed,� Jamie said. “God bless, Pastor Don.� The future of the church at this time is uncertain, but hopefully a viable decision will be made soon. It has been a small congregation but you were made to feel at home there all because of Pastor Don. Memorial services for him will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. April 21 at the First Assembly of God on State Route 118 just north of Greenville, near the Brode home and where a number of us were baptized 2 1/2 years ago. The service will start at 3 p.m. R.I.P. Don. ***** Happy birthday: April 19 Dan and Renee Whittington, Connie Keller, Debbie Reel and Denise Mayo Lee. April 20 to Taylor Meadows, Mike Kerrigan and Monica Gibbs Saintignon. April 21 to Frank barrow, Maggie Jenkins, Megan Ward, Paige Heck, Amy Hanes and Sue Grile. April 22 to Marvin Peters, Scott Rudnick, Don DeMange, Greg Amspaugh, Dixie Gray, Scott Gibboney and Andrea Baker Gray. April 23 to Danny Batten, Andy Gates, Kim Fourman Freeman, Bill Burk, Kevin Collins, George Stammen, Ryan Benge, Dave Bullard, Donna Howdieshell, Ronnie Mayo, Candice Kendall and

Roger McEowen, Jerry Koverman, Becky GarrettRoss, Jim Winterrowd, Ron Moody, Tom Brumbaugh, Sherry Benge, Betty Cox, Travis Henderson, Barbara Morrow Zimmerman, Dick Shuttleworth, Kent Clark, Carol Schuh, Darcy Buckingham, Roger Tingley, Ron Kaffenberger, Brooke Ferguson, Crew Neaves, Jackson Stout, Katie Rehmert, Shannon Peters Hall, Alayna Marie Brantley, Sherri Gibbons Feitshans, Ann Westerling Bailey, Irma Parton Stewart, Jim Kammer, Ralph Beam, Lincoln Enis, Chuck Davis, Dawn Oldiges, Don Booker, Richard Yount, Tracy Pratt, Brenda “Billâ€? Riffell, Shari Widener, Larry Francis, Jim Marker, Mike Grillot, Gary Reier, Mason Osterloh, Marilyn Peterson, John “Jackâ€? Henry and wife Marsha, Kyndal Wynk, Ron Kreitzer, Stacy Dorko, Charlotte Metzcar, Kevin Metzcar, Bill Duncan, Keith Starks, Scott Clark, Kohen Thwaits, Jerrod Pratt, Lowell Elsass, Linda Johnston, Glenna Curry, Al Bliss, Layna Best, Phyllis and Tom Gibbons, Wanda and Joe Bailey, Shelly Hoffman, Don Shilt, David Magoto, Pappy Harshman, Bob Hiestand Jr., Tina Kiser Deaton, Kody Ketring, Bob Finkbine, Lois Hittle, Kevin Hemmerich, Samantha Smith, Tim Heck and Ron Kramer as well as for all who are serving and defending our country, whether it be current soldiers, veterans or ďŹ rst responders. ***** Jamie and I send our condolences to the families of Susie George, Janie Goines, Thelma Harshbarger, Joan Eley, Bob Bennett, Donna Thomas, Fred Lester, Cindy Gibson Cole-Pearson, Mary Isenhouer, Dave Hoff and Richard Stentzel. ***** Think about it: “New occasions teach new duties.â€? Unknown

that of the author and not those of the newspaper, website or its employees. The Early Bird and Bluebag Media welcomes your thoughts and comments as long as they are not libelous or slanderous. The ďŹ nal edition for letters relating to the May 8th & " "! $ $!

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PAGE 6 April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Greenville baseball run-rules Stebbins 18-3 in five GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The Greenville varsity baseball team had little trouble defeating Stebbins in a fiveinning run-rule 18-3 GWOC crossover matchup. “We collected a total of 13 hits,” said a pleased Greenville coach Eric Blumenstock. “We stole a total of 10 bases.” Greenville got on the board in the top of the first with Landon Eldridge legging out an infield single to

short, stealing second and third and coming home on Stebbins error to lead 1-0. Kyle Mills batting second for the Wave, drilled a homer over the leftfield fence to give Greenville a 2-0 lead before the home team would register an out. “Some guys are starting to swing the bat with some authority,” said Greenville coach Eric Blumenstock. “Kyle Mills drove a deep solo homer over the right field wall in the first inning.” The Green Wave added

seven fifth-inning runs led by Tony Sells, Reed Hanes, Tytan Grote, Ethan Saylor, Colton Zumbrun and Terry Miller driving in a run. “Freshman Reed Hanes had a great day at the plate,” Blumenstock noted. Tyler Beyke earned the win on the mound for Greenville allowing four hits and two runs while striking out three over four innings of work. Cameron Kaiser threw one inning in relief to pick up the save for the Wave. Sells was 3-4 on the day at the plate.

Greenville trio combine for nohitter in run-rule win over Rams BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

TROTWOOD – A trio of Greenville pitchers; Tytan Grote, Tyler Beyke and Cameron Kaiser combined to toss a run-rule no-hitter while battling high winds, rain, sleet and snow in a Friday night GWOC win over the Trotwood-Madison Ram. “You can never complain about a no-hitter,” said Greenville coach Eric Blumenstock. “It could have been a little cleaner but it’s freezing out here. Happy to get away with a win and get back home.” Greenville got on the board first with a Landon Eldridge single to center, a Kyle Mills walk and an RBI single off the bat of Beyke as the Wave would send 13 first-inning batters to the plate to jump out to an 8-1 lead after one inning of play. Greenville plated four second-inning runs while the Rams were taking advantage of Wave walks to score three unearned runs in the inning. The teams would each put a run on the board in the fourth and Greenville adding a fifth-inning run to close out scoring on the night and give the Wave a run-rule win. “It’s tough for pitchers,” Blumenstock said. “Their hands are freezing cold, they’re wet. It’s tough for

Greenville third baseman Tony Sells. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

Greenville Lady Wave downs Vandalia-Butler Lady Aviators BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

Cameron Kaiser tosses three-innings of no-hit ball for Greenville in runrule no-hitter over the Trotwood-Madison Rams. (Gaylen Blosser)

them to get a good grip on the ball. It makes it tough but we did what we had to do. Everybody got some playing time tonight and had some fun.” Greenville sophomore Tytan Grote opened on the mound throwing 1 2/3 innings while not allowing a hit, giving up five walks, one hit batsman, a balk and throwing four strikeouts. Beyke stuck out the lone batter he faced to close second-inning play with Cameron Kaiser pitching no hit ball over the final three innings, striking out the side in the fourth, allowing a run, one walk and tossing five strikeouts. Beyke paced Greenville with three singles in five plate appearances including a stolen base, a run scored and three RBIs. Landon Eldridge went 2-4, was hit by a pitch,

scored three runs and accounted for two RBIs. Alec Fletcher was 2-4 with a single and double, scoring two runs and knocked in three RBIs. Karsyn Fender went 2-4 with two runs scored, Kyle Mills was 1-3 and a walk with a run scored and two RBIs. Terry Miller went 1-3, reached by way of a hit batsman and scored two runs. Cameron Kaiser walked twice and score two runs, Nathan Fry walked, was hit by a pitch and scored a run. Connor Mills scored a single run and Reed Hayes picked up an RBI. Colton Zumbrun accounted for a run scored by way of a hit batsman. The Friday night win made it back-to-back GWOC wins. “Can’t beat that,” said Blumenstock as the team quickly packed up for the bus ride home.

GREENVILLE – The Lady Wave held on for a 5-4 GWOC American North win over the Vandalia-Butler Lady Aviators in a game played a Stebbins field with the temperature showing 36 degrees. Butler took a 1-0 lead in the top of the first with the Lady Wave grabbing a 2-1 lead in the bottom of the opening frame. Morgan Gilbert led off the first with a single to center, Courtey Bryson legged out a bunt single and Sydney Grote drilled a 2-run double to center. Baylee Petry kept the visitors off the board in her second inning of work with Greenville plating two runs in the bottom of the inning to lead 4-1 after two complete. Nyesha Wright reached on an infield single, Gilbert knocked a single to left and Cassie Cromwell drilled an RBI single to right-center. Grote followed with her third RBI of the night drilling a shot off the leg of the Butler pitcher good for a run-scoring single. Caitlin Christman took the mound in the top of the third and got out of the inning with a 6-4-3 (Gilbert to Mayo to Cromwell) double-play keeping the visitors off the board. The Lady Aviators scored two runs in the top of the fifth to make it a onerun 4-3 Greenville lead. The Lady Wave used a Gilbert double down the leftfield line and a two-out Grote RBI single giving Greenville a 5-3 lead with Butler coming to the plate in the top of the seventh. A Butler lead-off home run cut the Lady Wave

Sydney Grote drives a 2-run double to center in Lady Wave win over Vandalia-Butler. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

lead to 5-4 followed by an error and a one-out single putting the potential tying and winning runs on first and second. A game ending double play got the Lady Wave out of the jam with Zoe Pressnall stepping on third and firing to Cromwell at first for a walk-off double-play preserving the 5-4 Greenville win. “We made two of them today,” Newland said of the double play. “The ball is hopping every which way, a lot of runners, a lot of different things, just a good fast pitch softball game, good atmosphere, a pleasant 36. It wasn’t wet, it wasn’t windy.” “What’s neat – we got one to make it two and then that girl jacks it to make it one and instantly it’s a one run game and two on there with one out,” Newland noted of the Wave’s insurance run in the bottom of the sixth-inning. “Just good competitive softball.” “That’s the winner,” added Newland. “Earlier we left three on. We left some on and you can’t leave ducks on the pond in big games like this. Obviously we got that insurance run and that’s the one we

needed for the big one.” “Quietly that’s good because it makes everybody a little deeper and churn,” Newland noted of the game going down to the wire. “Usually you get those sometime before the end of the year and at the beginning of the year.” “I picked Butler to finish second in the league behind us and I knew it would be a battle today,” concluded Newland. “We’re just happy to escape and move on.” Grote was 3-4 driving in four of the Lady Wave’s five runs. Cromwell went 1-4 with a double and an RBI. Gilbert was 3-3 with a double and a walk, Petry and Bryson each picked up a single and Wright reached base twice with a walk and an error. Petry pitched the opening two innings for Greenville with Caitlin Christman throwing the final five innings on the mound. “Hats off today – Christman coming in, throwing five great innings and pitching hard on her birthday, 16-year old birthday today, and gets the game ball and the win,” Newland stated.

Lady Wave Softball to play in Reds Futures Showcase game BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The Lady Wave Softball team has been selected to participate in the 2018 Skyline Chili Reds Futures High School Showcase. “Awesome opportunity and honored,” said Greenville Coach Jerrod Newland. “The committee extended the invitation last year and we were super pumped.”

The Lady Wave will be facing the Northmont Lady Bolts, Thursday, April 19th at Wright State University with a 4:30 p.m. start time. “We get recognized by the Reds and actually get to walk on the field during a game,” Newland said. “Just excited for the kids to take in a Reds game and the Lady Wave Softball Program to be recognized. Very cool. Neat to be on the scoreboard and to play

at Wright State University again this year.” Admission to the game is $5.00. Your purchase of a ticket will grant you admission to the game, a voucher good for a free View Level Ticket to a select 2018 Cincinnati Reds game, and a coupon good for a FREE Skyline Chili Cheese Coney. Tickets are available in the Greenville High School Athletic Department and at the stadium on game day.


April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 7

Greenville’s Owen Paulus to pitch for Mount Vernon Nazarene University BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Greenville’s Owen Paulus, the son of Kelly and Barry Paulus signed to pitch for the Mount Vernon Nazarene University Cougars baseball team. “It is definitely a blessing,” said Paulus of his Saturday signing. “Give all thanks to God for sure. All the coaches helped me through all these years – definitely been a huge blessing.” “Owen is the hardest working kid that I have ever had,” said Greenville coach Eric Blumenstock. “Owen goes and works out for a couple hours before he comes to our practices and he just puts in so much effort.” “I’d take 15 Owens on my team that just go out there and bust their butts every day for me,” added Blumenstock. “He has taken a strong leadership role this year and I think that is really going to help him going into college.” The Cougars were not in Paulus’ plans until the Greenville senior recently made his first visit to the University. “I actually wasn’t even going to visit Mount Vernon because I had two good choices, but God led me up there,” Paulus said. “Once I got up there I kind of new that’s where He wanted me to be and

Greenville’s Kyle Mills signs with Wright State University Lake Campus BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

(Front L-R) Barry Paulus (father), Owen Paulus, Kelly Paulus (mother). (Back L-R) Taylor Paulus (brother), Coach Chris Ward, Coach Mark Ridgeway and Head Coach Eric Blumenstock. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

just had that feeling – had the Christ relationship through all of it.” The Cougars currently stand at 19-13 on the season and 8-6 in the conference while finishing 33-24 overall and 14-13 in the Crossroads League last season. “Their head coach (Keith Veale) has been there 28 years,” Paulus noted of the team he will be joining at the college level. “A great program. I know they’re going through some rough spots this year – got a few guys out injury wise. Definitely excited to be up there with the program they have.” “Just help the team as much as I can,” Paulus said. “Don’t really have any goals right now but once I get up there I’m sure I’ll find some for sure.”

“Owen came in as a freshman throwing 70 miles an hour,” said Blumenstock. “I don’t think I ever thought of him as a difference maker and a couple years later he’s added eight, nine miles an hour to his fastball – up in the 80s. That’s just hard work.” “It’s the accumulation of four years of putting in the effort in the off-season and putting the effort in in the summer time and working on the grades,” concluded Blumenstock. “That’s what it come down to.” Paulus plans to major in Mathematics Education with a minor in sports management and teach at the high school level after graduation. “Want to be a quarterback coach and a pitching coach,” stated Paulus.

GREENVILLE – Greenville senior Kyle Mills, the son of Jamie McGillivary and Steve Mills signed to play baseball for the Wright State University Lake Campus Lakers. “It’s amazing,” Mills said of his signing. “It’s been a dream for me and I am very blessed to have this opportunity.” The Lakers are a member of the United States Collegiate Athletic Association, and stand at 7-2 in conference play and 13-9 overall this season currently riding a seven game winning streak. WSU-LC finished the 2017 season 27-18 overall and advanced to the Small College World Series for a second consecutive year. “That’s the reason why I do this – getting to see those kids go out and sign their commitment letters,” said Greenville Coach Eric Blumenstock. “They go off and play college sports they’re going to be all right. They work their tails off to get to that point. It’s just the accumulation of four years of putting in the effort in the off-season, putting the effort in in the summer time, working on the grades and that’s what it come down to.” “Kyle’s biggest strength is his control,” added Coach Blumenstock. “I can’t remember a time where I ever thought Kyle was really in trouble be-

(Front L-R) Grady Looker (brother), Jamie McGillivary (mother), Kyle Mills and Steve Mills (father). (Back L-R) Conner Mills (brother), Coach Chris Ward, Coach Mark Ridgeway and Head Coach Eric Blumenstock. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

cause he put himself there. He’s always around the strike zone and he’s generally in very good command when he’s out there. He’s just level headed and just goes with the flow and makes it happen.” “It’s close and I like it up there,” Mills stated of his choice of WSU-LC. “I like the players, I like the coach, it’s a great place. They are very good, so that will be nice for a winning program.” Mills plans to study Engineering while continuing to his baseball career both at an infield position and pitching. “I’m excited about it,” Mills said of playing multiple positions. “I know a lot of people only play one position and I like being a double position player.” “I think he’s going to be a high 80’s on the mound when he gets in the weight room a little bit more and

starts focusing,” Blumenstock said of Mills pitching. “A lot of these kids play three or four sports during their school career and they get to college and play baseball that’s all they’re doing is baseball. Usually you see kids add six, seven, eight, nine miles an hour to their fastball and double their power as far as hitting, so it’s going to be interesting to see what he does.” “Go hard and try my best,” said Mills of his college on-field goals, “that is all I can ask for.” Mills would like to have an opportunity to move up the Wright State’s main campus and one day play for the Division I Wright State Raiders baseball program. “I’m going to try to,” noted Mills of possibly moving to the Dayton campus. “That’s my thing to do.”

Franklin Monroe gets walk-off win over Bradford baseball team Bradford Lady Roaders earn

CCC win over FM Lady Jets

BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

PITSBURG – The Franklin Monroe Jets baseball team battled back to plate two runs in the bottom of the seventh and defeat the visiting Bradford Railroader 3-2 in a Cross County Conference matchup. “What a barnburner that was,” said FM coach Eddie Meyers. “They (Bradford) are a lot better than what they have been in the past.” Trailing 2-1 in their final at-bat, the Jets put together a string of four hits to pull out the win. “No quit out of these guys,” Meyers said. “Was unbelievable stringing four hits together like that. Two bloopers and two solid hits and never quit. I couldn’t be prouder of the guys for that.” Bryce Filbrun led off the seventh with a bloop single to center for the Jets followed by a Trevor Collins single to left bringing Tim Lawson to the plate to drive in the tying run with an RBI single to center. Larkin Ressler sent a walk-off RBI single to right giving the home team the come-from-behind win. “We had two little bloop

BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

Noah Koffer pitches for Franklin Monroe in win over Bradford. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

singles that kind of just dropped in,” Meyers said. “Bryce Filbrun led it off with a bloop single to center, then Trevor Collins hit a single to left, time Lawson hit the RBI single to center field and the Larkin Ressler hit the game winner to right field – those last two RBIs were awesome.” Noah Koffer opened

on the mound for the Jets with Brendon Hosler closing the game in relief. “Noah Koffer on the mound today – bulldog it,” said Meyers. “We put our freshman in there to close them off at the end.” “Andy is a good coach,” Meyers noted of Bradford coach Andy Mead. “He has gotten that program a lot better.”

PITSBURG – The Bradford Lady Railroaders defeated the Franklin Monroe Lady Jets 8-4 in a Thursday night Cross Country Conference game on the Jets home field. “That was a huge win,” said Bradford coach Shon Schaffer. “I told the girls that this was going to be a really good team and to stay positive throughout the game because this game was going to go up and down. They did a real nice job battling all game long.” Bradford took a 2-1 lead after one inning of play with Franklin Monroe plating a run in the bottom of the second to knot the score at 2-2 with two innings in the book. The Lady Railroaders closed out the night doubling the score on the Lady Jets. “We hit the ball well today even though it may not look like it in the scorebook as far as base hits go,” said “We hit the ball really well right at them a lot. The girls are really hitting the ball good this year in the

Bradford freshman Skipp Miller picks of a complete game win over the Lady Jets. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

five games we have played so far. I’m super proud of them.” Bradford freshman Skipp Miller went the distance on the mound to earn the win for the Lady Railroaders. “She’s our horse,” said Schaffer. “She’s pitching

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really well so far this young season and I can only hope she’s going to keep getting better.” “Bailey Wysong, my senior – she’s kind of like the anchor on the team,” added Schaffer. “We kind of go where her feeling goes and she had the girls going.”


PAGE 8 April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

COX – Douglas A. Cox, 62, of Troy, passed away on April 3, 2018 at his residence. Douglas was born on April 7, 1955 in Greenville, the son of Patricia (Riegle) Cox of Tipp City and the late Robert Gene Cox. In addition to his father, Douglas was preceded in death by his grandparents, Earl and Weltha Cox and Glen and Grace Riegle Douglas was a 1973 graduate of Arcanum High School and a 1977 graduate of Bowling Green State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism. He was a member of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. Doug spent most of his working career in human resources and sales with various Miami Valley companies. He never met a stranger, had an amazing memory, and a knack for making people smile. In addition to his mother, Douglas is survived by his brother and sister-in-law, Philip (Lois) Cox of Tipp City; his nephews, Brandon Cox of Tipp City and Kevin (Chelsea) Cox of Tipp City; great nephew, Clark Cox; his great niece, Ryan Cox; and his extended family, Melissa Allen, Kellie Brand, Dawn Curnette, Cathy Cox, Logan Spears, Alex Brand, and Jack Brand. A Celebration of Life service will be held on Saturday, April 14, 2018 at 3 p.m. at Tribute Funeral

Homes, Greenville Campus with Rev. Eric Fee officiating. Burial will follow in Oak Grove Cemetery, Ft. Jefferson. Family and friends may visit on Saturday, April 14, 2018 from 1-3 p.m. at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Miami County Animal Shelter, 1110 N Co Rd 25A, Troy, Ohio 45373. Online condolences may be shared with the family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com.

THOMAS – Donna Jeanne Thomas, 90, of Greenville, passed away on April 6, 2018 at her home. She was born May 13, 1927 in Greenville. Donna was an avid bowler and traveled the United States bowling in tournaments. She and her husband, Bob, loved bluegrass music and tractor shows. She was also a member of the First Congregational Christian Church of Greenville. She was preceded in death by her husband of 67 years, Robert (Bob) Thomas; her parents Donald and Frieda Poling; and her brother Richard Poling. She is survived by her daughter, Chris (Dean) Eby of Greenville; her son, Doug (Sandy) Thomas of Salem, Ohio; grandchildren, Tricia (Brandon) Fellers of Troy, Robyn (Chad Kennedy)

Flanery of Greenville, Sherry (Tom) Schlater of Wyoming, and Justin Thomas of Greenville; great-grandchildren, Michael and Macy Fellers, Ethan and Eli Flanery, Nic, Tommy, and Parker Schlater, and Hawk Thomas; great-great grandchild, Hazel. A Celebration of Life service was held Wednesday, April 11, 2018, at Tribute Funeral Homes, Greenville Campus, with Pastors Don Meyers and Rick Sheer officiating. Burial is at Greenville Township Memorial Gardens. The family requests that memorial contributions be given to Heartland Hospice, 580 Lincoln Park Blvd #320, Dayton, OH 45429. Online condolences may be left for the family at www. tributefuneralhomes.com.

BENNETT – Robert L.

“Bob” Bennett, 98, of Veteran Greenville, passed away early Sunday morning, on April 8, 2018, at Wayne Health Care in Greenville. Bob was born on October 26, 1919 in Union City, Indiana, the son of the late Otto and Minnie (Reck) Bennett. In addition to his parents, Bob was preceded in death by his wife, Donna Adine (Wilson) Bennett on November 17, 2007; his

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loving family. She was born on July 20, 1970, in Greenville, to Charles and Jennifer (Goeke) Edger. Cynthia was a waitress at Bob Evans and a member of the Union City Elks Lodge. She enjoyed reading and loved to travel. Her mother, Jennifer, preceded her in death. Cynthia is survived by her daughter Alycia Davidson of Piqua, Ohio, two sons: Charles “Chase” (Jessica) Miller of Greenville, Ohio and Michael Sargent of Gettysburg, Ohio, and a brother: Eric (Brandi) Edger of Arcanum, Ohio. Cynthia has seven grandchildren that she dearly loved: Alexis, Lily, Ashlyn, Faith, Tegan, Jaden and Logan. A gathering of family and friends was held Thursday, April 12 with a noon memorial service at Coletown Congregational Christian Church, 2876 S.R. 571, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Pastor Eric Knight officiated. Burial of cremains will follow at Greenvillle Union Cemetery, 200 West Street, Greenville. The family requests that memorial contributions be made to the family to help offset the costs of the funeral. For additional information and to view Cynthia’s online obituary, please visit www.churchfuneralsdirect. com. DENNING – Tanya Lin (Gibson) Denning, 67, of Kodak, Tenn., passed away April 9, 2018. She was born Oct. 13, 1951 to the late Dean and Donna (Hawes) Gibson. She is survived by her husband, Steven; two stepchildren, sisters, Tamara (Gibson) Eichler, and Penelope Gibson; and a brother, Russ Gibson. Steve was the most wonderful husband, taking care of her for many years. He was very devoted to her in their 36 years of marriage. Tanya graduated in 1970 from Greenville Senior High and Ohio State Beauty Academy in 1971. She worked at several beauty salons and at Gade’s Nursing Home as a beautician and activities director. In 1981, Tanya married Steve Denning of Piqua. They moved to Arizona to manage several apartment complexes. Steve did the maintenance work. Tanya went on to manage an H&R Block office. She then went on disability because of diabetes and health issues. She loved returning to Greenville to attend class reunions and to see many friends. Tanya also loved dogs and cats. HAUBERG – Victor F. Hauberg, 86, of Brookville, Veteran Ind. died

daughter, Barbara Ellen; an infant son; his son, William Bennett, and 6 brothers and sisters. Bob served his country honorably in the Army Air Corp from February 9, 1942 to May 25, 1945 and gained the rank of tech sergeant. Bob was a shipping foreman at Sheller Globe in Union City and retired after 30 years of service. Bob was also a grain farmer for most of his life. He and Adine loved to travel and made many trips around the globe. Bob spent many years on the Ansonia School Board and Wayne Health Care Board. He would attend all the events for his grandchildren recording them with his VHS camcorder. He enjoyed spending time at the Whistle Stop drinking coffee and chatting with his friends. Bob is survived by his special friend, Elizabeth Roth of Greenville; his daughter-in-law, Jett Bennett of Greenville; son and his wife, John and Phyllis Bennett of Ansonia; his grandchildren, Jodi Bennett of Greenville, Lindsay Bennett of Williamsburg, Ohio, Kim Marker of Ansonia, Kelly (Jason) Kelch of Greenville, Kristen (Trevor) Gosnell of Ansonia, Nikki (Mitch) Pearson of Eldorado; ten great grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. A Celebration of Bob’s life, with full military honors conducted by the Greenville Honor Guard, will be held at 3 p.m. on Sunday, April 15, 2018 at Tribute Funeral Home, Greenville Campus with Pastor Gary Oser officiating. Burial in Beamsville Cemetery will be at a later date. Family and friends may visit on Sunday from 2 p.m. until the time of the service at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorial contributions may be given to State of the Heart Care, 1350 N. Broadway Street, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Online condolences may be shared with the family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com. (veteran)

DAVIDSON – Cynthia (Edger) Davidson, 47, of Greenville, passed away Friday, April 6, 2018 at Wayne Hospital, surrounded by her 425 Memorial Dr. Greenville, OH 45331

Sunday, April 8. A memorial service was held Friday, April 13 at 11:30 a.m. at the St. Thomas Lutheran Church, Brookville, Ind.. Graveside services will be conducted at the convenience of the family at a later date as per Mr. Hauberg’s wishes to be buried along with his parents in the Greenville Township Cemetery. GEORGE – Susie George, 67, of Greenville, died Thursday, April 5, 2018. Services were held Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester, Ind. WILSON – LeRoy Francis Wilson, 88, of GreenVeteran ville, died Monday, March 26, 2018. A celebration of LeRoy’s life was held Saturday April 14, 2018 at First Presbyterian Church, Greenville. SHADE – John Jacob Shade, 95, of Lewisburg, Veteran died Friday, April 6, 2018. Services were held Thursday, April 12, 2018 at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in Sugar Grove Cemetery, West Alexandria. HALL – Delmer Eugene Hall, 91, of Greenville, died Monday, April 9, 2018. Private Funeral Services will be held at the convenience of the family in the Zechar Bailey Funeral Home Greenville. Burial will follow in the Abbottsville Cemetery. There will be no public visitation. SELL – Sharon Lee Sell, 79, of Bradford, died Sunday, April 8, 2018. A funeral service was held Thursday, April 12, 2018 at StockerFraley Funeral Home, Bradford. Interment is at Oakland Cemetery. DOTSON – Mark Allen Dotson, infant, was stillborn on Sunday, April 8, 2018. There will be no service. WOOD – Rosemary Marie Wood, age 68 of Bradford, died Tuesday, April 10, 2018. A Gathering of Friends at Bradford Church of the Brethren, 120 W. Oakwood St., will be held 2–4 p.m. Saturday, April 14, 2018 in the basement. GOINES – Janie B. (Enis) Goines, 74, of Ansonia, died Monday, April 9, 2018. A funeral service will be held at 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 14, 2018, at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home in Greenville. Burial will follow in Snell Cemetery in Washington Township. The family will receive friends on Saturday from 1-3 p.m. at the funeral home.

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Hebrew Then & Now

Sarah Green – Sam Augustine

Green and Augustine plan wedding

TIPP CITY – Jesse and Tamara Green are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Sarah Green, to Sam Augustine of Waynesburg, PA. The groom is the son of Jim and Holly Augustine. The wedding will take place at the Willow Tree near Tipp City on May 2018. After the wedding, the couple plan to start their life in Seattle, WA, where Sam is currently serving on active duty with the U.S. Air Force.

PIQUA – Saturday, April 21 from 1–2:30 p.m. Congregation Anshe Emeth, the Jewish synagogue in Piqua, will offer a class for the community: Hebrew, Then and Now: The Development of Hebrew from Aramaic in the Torah and Jewish Liturgy. As we know from English, language changes and evolves. Rabbi Taylor will look at the origins of Hebrew from the Semitic languages of the Ancient Near East, including Aramaic, and Hebrew’s growing role in Judaism from the Torah to modern Jewish liturgy. The class will be led by Rabbinic Intern, Taylor Poslosky. First, they will focus on the language of the Torah, which is actually two languages - Hebrew and Aramaic. They will spend time looking at the Torah scroll itself to see what Hebrew and Aramaic look like and give special attention to the physical layout of certain segments of Torah text. In addition to this, they will touch on the requirements for writing a Torah and how to care for one.

After that, they will look at the languages used in Jewish prayer books. They will see how it looks similar and different from what is viewed in the Torah scroll and talk about the transition from Aramaic into more usage of Hebrew as the modern Jewish prayer language. Taylor is a second year rabbinical student at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati. She grew up at Congregation Beth Torah in Overland Park, KS and received her Bachelor of Arts in Religion from William Jewell College in 2013. The class will be held at Congregation Anshe Emeth, 320 Caldwell St. in Piqua, www.ansheemeth.org, a Reform Jewish congregation formed in 1858 serving Greenville, Piqua, Sidney, Troy, Tipp City and surrounding areas. The goal is to share information, not impose beliefs. There is no charge for the class, however, reservations would be appreciated to allow for sufficient seating, to Eileen, (937) 623-1234 or ansheemeth@gmail.com.

JC’s makes second attempt at Spring Fling

Chalmer Myers

Card Shower for Myers GREENVILLE – Family and friends of Chalmer Myers are hosting a 90th Birthday Card Shower. Myers will turn 90 on May 2. Cards can be sent to 4536 US Route 127, Greenville, Ohio 45331.

GREENVILLE – JC’s is trying again for a Spring Fling. Their last attempt was cold and snowy. The next attempt will be on April 20 with a small fun auction with proceeds going to Circle of Friends. Circle of Friends is a ministry of Lighthouse Christian Center with Delores Ely teaching developmental handicap about Jesus and the Bible. It’s a great and growing ministry and needs a room of its own. Come out, have a good time and help support this

Church camp fundraiser


Marje Bridenbaugh

Annabelle Linebaugh

Name: Annabelle Rose Linebaugh Age: 1 Year Birthday: April 16, 2017 Parents: David and Nichole Linebaugh of Union City, Ind. Grandparents: Nancy Linebaugh of Union City, OH and John and Cindy Shockney, Union City, Ind. Great Grandparents: Rose Thorn of Union City, Ind. and Helen Shockney of Union City, Ind.

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ministry and maybe go home with a great treasure. JC’s will be open at 7 p.m. and there is no charge at the door. Games will be open at no charge. The Snack Bar will be open with its usual good prices. The auction begins at 8 p.m. JC’s Coffee House is located in the U-Turn Building in the Lighthouse Christian Center’s Complex, southeast of Greenville on Sebring-Warner Road off of the US Route 127 by-pass. For more information, call Janice at (937) 4175926.

Bridenbaugh turning 95 GREENVILLE – Marje Bridenbaugh will celebrate her 95th birthday on April 30. Her family would like to have a card shower to celebrate this special day. Cards can be sent to Marje Bridenbaugh, 750 Chestnut St., c/o 620 Rosewood, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Marje also enjoys visitors; feel free to stop by and say Happy Birthday. She will be away from her room on April 29, 2-8 p.m.

GREENVILLE – Camp BreakAway will hold a Quarter Auction on April 21 at Greenville Trinity Wesleyan Church, 1400 E. Main St. Doors open at 5 p.m. and the event begins at 6 p.m. The Quarter Auction will help raise money for the Camp BreakAway Church Camp. The camp is a nondenominational camp for youth entering the seventh grade through 12th grade. Their focus is on Christ, the Savior. There will be several vendors as well as donations from local businesses. Admission is $3, which includes a paddle. Each additional paddle is $1. There will also be a 50/50 drawing. Come early and grab some food from the kitchen. If you are interested in donating an item for this event, email rshaw2007@ hotmail.com. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK


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April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 9

Jackson Bros. coming to Calvary Bible Church ARCANUM – The Calvary Bible Church, 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum, will host the Jackson Brothers on April 22, 6 p.m. The Jackson Brothers are a Southern Gospel quartet rooted in generations of family singing and gifted instrumentalists. In the early years, the Jackson Family lived in Nashville, TN and traveled nationwide doing gospel concerts. They have given concerts in all 50 states and nine foreign countries, appearing in 2000 concerts. Today, the Jackson Brothers make their home in Dayton and continue their family legacy with rich family vocal blend

and a passion for sharing the gospel message. Lead singer, Bryson Jackson, is joined by tenor, Brent Jackson, baritone Bruce Jackson and bass, Andrew Wirrig.

Game-aPalooza at local church

GREENVILLE – First Congregational Christian Church, 115 West 5th St., Greenville, will be holding a Game-a-Palooza on Friday, May 5 from 6-8 p.m. This event is free and open to the community. Various familyfriendly games will be set up around the church and snacks will be available. Tickets will be awarded at each game and can be cashed in for an assortment of prizes. It will be a fun night for the whole family.

Audiences young and old alike are thrilled by the energetic, creative stylings of this quartet as they sing the classic southern songs and hymns they grew up singing in church.

CARD OF THANKS The Witters Family

We wish to thank all the Friends and Family of Randy who paused in their day to say until we meet again. We will miss you but remember our times together, although too short. Dad Fred, Mom Marjorie, Brother Rodney, Sister-in-Law Damelys, Nieces and Nephew Amy and Rich, Stacey, Emily and Richard, Ben and Chelsea, Great nieces and great nephews Alyssa, Makayla, Ada, Chris, Justin, Alex, Bryden, Landon, Trent, Ryan and Jacob and extended Family and Friends

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Charles Lane

Lane turns 90

GREENVILLE – On open house will be held to celebrate the 90th birthday of Charles Lane. The event will be held May 5, 2-6 p.m., at the Village Green Health Campus, 1315 KitchenAid Way, Greenville.

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PAGE 10 April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

April declared Child Abuse and Neglect Awareness Month DARKE COUNTY - The month of April has been declared Child Abuse and Neglect Awareness Month by Darke County Commissioners Mike Rhoades, Mike Stegall and Matt Aultman and Greenville City Mayor Steve Willman. The Banner Bound 4-H club continues to bring awareness to child mal-

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treatment by planting 800 pinwheels in the Courthouse lawn to represent the number of children and adults impacted in 2017 by child abuse or neglect. This is the seventh year that the Banner Bound 4-H club has continued to show their support by bringing awareness to Child Abuse and Neglect Awareness Month. “Darke County Job and Family Services is continuously grateful for the support shown by youth and leaders of Banner Bound,” said Michelle O’Connor, administrator with the Darke County Job and Family Services. “As a community, we join together to prevent Child Abuse and Neglect.” The Darke County Family and Children First

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Council (FCFC) organizes the Intersystem Diversion Team, often referred to as IDT, to families of children with needs for supportive services. According O’Connor “this popular prevention program has an enrollment of 92 children and 65 parents.” Providers involved in this process are the child’s local school system and/or the Darke County Educational Service Center, Darke County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Darke County Health Department, Darke County JFS – Children Services Unit, Darke County Juvenile Court, Family Health Services, Gateway Youth Programs, and the Recovery & Wellness Centers of Midwest Ohio. This team of providers meets with the parents to come up with a plan to help meet the needs of their family. Family Centered Services and Supports Program (FCSS) continues to be an active voluntary program offered to families in the community, FCSS also is funded through the Family and Children First Council. FCSS assists families with multiple challenges working to prevent child abuse or neglect by offering in-home supportive services. “This program currently has 28 open cases, providing in-home services to 55 children and 43 adults,” O’Connor said. The FCSS program works with a wide variety of challenges that may be impacting a child’s behavioral, mental, educational, emotional,, or social functioning. These needs warrant additional supportive services to be put into place for stability and support of the family.



Paws Bingo Hall-Greenville, Ohio This year’s dinner is scheduled to begin at 5:00 and will be served until 7:00. The Fairlawn will be catering a delicious meal of spaghetti, tossed salad and breadstick . Tickets are $7 and available for purchase at the school and at the door. Please call the school, 548-2345, for additional information or check out our website for additional information. ~ http://charityauction.bid/smsauction The auction is free to attend and is scheduled to begin at 6:00. It will feature a live and silent auction ran by Brian Rismiller. Many exciting items have already been donated to the auction with new items being collected daily. Here is just some of what we have available… ■ One Week Stay in 3-bedroom, ■ Class Jeans Passes, Pizza Parties and 3-bathroom beach home in Ice Cream Party ■ Massage, Reflexology, Manicure Fort Myers Beach, Florida ■ 4 Day and 3 Night Stay in the Wyndham & Hair Cut Certificates ■ Live Plants, Landscaping and Smokey Mountain Indoor Waterpark ■ Winner’s Meat 1/2 Hog with Processing Many Home Decorating Items ■ Gift Certificates to Many Area and Beef Half with Processing ■ One Hour Plane Ride Around Golf Courses and Restaurants ■ Gift Certificates for Car Washes, Darke County for 2-3 people ■ Kalahari Resort ~ Rooms for up to 4 or Oil Changes and Alignments ■ Many Custom Items with 8 guests with Waterpark Passes ■ Several Ohio State, Cincinnati Reds and St. Mary’s Logo ■ Professional Photography Bengals Sports Memorabilia Items ■ 4 tickets for Cincinnati Reds ~ 7/3/2018 Gift Certificates ■ Personalized Sign from and tickets for the Dayton Dragons ~ 4/29 and 6/22 Stillwater Welding ■ 4 tickets for Eldora Speedway ~ ■ Delivered Load of Gravel ■ 24 hr. Jumpy House Rental Saturday, May 12th ■ 2 Darke County Fair Concert Tickets ~ ■ Beats by Dr. Dre Studio 2 2 Track tickets + Meet & Greet Passes Wireless Headphones ■ Creation Museum, Newport Aquarium, ■ Oak Computer Desk ■ Outdoor Illuminated Rosary Cincinnati Zoo, Sky Zone, EnterTrainment Junction & Kings Island ■ Woodfired Pizza Oven ■ YETI Cooler and Rocking Lawn Chairs ■ Class Baskets with themes of ~ ■ Preschool Quilt Pool Side, Downtown Broadway, ■ New Sewing Machine with Accessories Under Armour, Come Fly with Me, ■ Ghyslain Chocolates American Girl, Hot off the Grill, ■ Rental of St. Clair Manor Wild Wild West, We Believe, Rooting for Ohio & Now That’s Italian FIND OUR EVENT ■ A Celebrity Dessert Auction featuring ON FACEBOOK many local bakers


TICKET Sponsored by:


Drawing held at the Auction Dinner-April 21 (Need not be present to win) Traeger Bronson Wood Pellet Grill (Value $499) Winners Grill Bundle which includes: 4 Marinated Chops, 10 Winner’s Weiners, 10 4 oz. Patties, 2 Ribeyes & 1 Shaker Seasoning (Value $50)

Brian Rismiller, Auctioneer 937-423-2070 Auctionzip.com ID 14589

These prevention services align with Children Services goal of exhausting efforts to keep children in their homes, with their family, in safe environments. If there are circumstances that prevent a child from remaining safely in their home, it may warrant an out-of-home placement with a relative or even in a foster home. “Darke County currently has 11 foster homes that are licensed to care for the children who are unable to remain in their homes or be placed with a relative,” O’Connor said. Foster families work with the child, the agency, and sometimes even the parents to support and encourage reunification. During 2017, Darke County saw an increase in the number of families who were interested in opening their homes for Darke County’s children in need – whether those be relatives or wanting to become foster parents. “The need for out-ofhome placements is on the rise due to parents and caregivers who are battling addiction,” O’Connor explained. “The opioid epidemic plaguing our community continues to play a significant role in the number of children who require interventions for care or safety. Darke County Children Services has continued to see an increase in investigations due to the mothers and infants testing positive at birth.” During 2017, Children Services was involved with 1,911 individuals because

Greenville’s mayor and Darke County Commissioners signed proclamations declaring April Child Abuse and Neglect Awareness Month. Pictured above, front row: Mayoe Steve Willman, Commissioners Mike Rhoades, Matt Aultman, Mike Stegall, back row, left to right Kay Robbins, Stephanie Lehman, Andrea Franck, Lisa Rodeheffer, Dr, Terrance Holman, Vickie Martin, Prosecutor Kelly Ormsby, Ruth Barga, Chief Deputy Mark Whittaker, Kaley Wagner, Tim Tyo, and Assistant Prosecutor Margaret Hayes. (Susan Hartley photo)

Members of Banner Bound 4-H Club spent some time this past weekend setting out 800 pinwheels in the Darke County Courthouse lawn to recognize the number of children and adults affected by child abuse in Darke County.

of concerns for children. The agency had a total of 59 children in custody who required an out-of-home placement. There are circumstances that allow for children to remain in-home by receiving court ordered services often referred to as protective supervision. In 2017, 40 children remained in-home by receiving court ordered protective services. Typically, these are circumstances where providers can meet the needs of the children and families successfully by providing preventative, supportive and collabora-

tive services in the home. Children Services mission is to have children prosper in safe environments and preserve families when possible. All residents of Darke County are asked to join Job and Family Services in bringing awareness to child abuse and neglect in order to work together to help children grow into contributing members of their communities. If you see abuse or neglect report it – call 937548-4132 option 5 during business hours or 937-5482020 after business hours.

Winery at Versailles donates to Darke County Veterans Services DC trip BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

VERSAILLES – The Winery at Versailles donated to the Darke County Veterans Services for the 2018 Washington DC trip for local veterans. Owners, Mike and Carol Williams used a fundraiser at the Winery in Versailles to help support the local Darke County Veterans Services DC trip planned for the fall of 2018. “We try to do good as well as do well here and quite frankly, I’m a veteran and my father-in-law was a veteran,” said Mike Williams. “Veterans need to be recognized. These people do an awful lot that’s unrecognized and it takes money and we have the opportunity, we have the people that can put it together so we are going to do it.”

(L-R) Mike Williams, Thomas Pitman, Jim Kammer DCVS Vice President and John “Jack” Sloat DCVS Commissioner. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

Williams spent eight years in the US Army while serving in Germany, Italy, Iran, Turkey and Israel. Winery employee, Carlena Sneed worked tirelessly to help put together the fundraiser for the Williams that included prizes, drawings and auctions with item donated from local business. “It’s outstanding,” said Thomas Pitman, Department Head/CVSO . “Carlena called me one morn-

ing out of the blue and said we’re going to have this fundraiser, can we donate this year to you and your trip to Washington DC? I was very appreciative of the offer.” “When I came out to the Winery and saw what they did, how much they were able to generate and donate to the fundraiser – we just can’t say thank you enough to the Winery,” added Pitman.

Lady O’Brien’s to feature 19th century European decor BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com GREENVILLE – What started as an interest in searching her family history has led Cassy O’Brien to opening a very unique antiques store in downtown Greenville. Lady O’Brien’s Inc., which ofďŹ cially opened April 6 at 132 E. Third St., offers a variety of furniture and accessories – with most pieces coming from the land of O’Brien’s ancestry – Ireland. O’Brien says she became interested in family history following a family tragedy. Beginning her search online, O’Brien said she’s connected 5,600 of the O’Brien clan together. One “cousin,â€? now considered a “fatherâ€? to O’Brien, is Mark O’Brien, who travels Europe, purchasing antiques mainly from estate sales. After going through her family tragedy, O’Brien said Mark O’Brien suggested she open up a shop to sell some of the unique pieces he has collected. Originally from Michigan, O’Brien and her ďŹ ancĂŠ moved to Greenville last October. She decided to set up


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Cassy O’Brien has opened a unique antique shop in Greenville. (Susan Hartley photo)

shop and began receiving her inventory from Mark O’Brien – which he ships by sea. Many of the historical facts are sent along with the pieces, O’Brien said. Information also is being collected by a Preble County historian. Some of the more interesting pieces, dating to 19th Century and earlier Ireland as well as the rest of Europe, include a small box gifted by Queen Victoria, blanket and clothing chests, writing desks. Grandfather clocks, throne chairs and decorative pieces such as vases – all with a rich history. O’Brien’s social media sites shares the history – and prices – for most of her inventory.

She said she’s also looking for Annie Oakley items to sell at Lady O’Brien’s. Another unique aspect of O’Brien’s business is that she’s going to use a portion of her proceeds from each piece – some priced in the several thousand dollar range – to help support those in need in the Darke County area. O’Brien said she also is looking forward to working with Main Street Greenville and their projects. Lady O’Brien’s will be open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. For more information, visit Lady O’Brien’s Facebook page or website, www.ladyobriens.com.

LWV will host League Candidates’ Night GREENVILLE – The League of Women Voters of Darke County is again sponsoring a Candidates Forum on Monday, April 23 from 7–9 p.m. Located at the American Legion Hall, Ohio Street, in Greenville, the forum will focus on the Republican Primary contested races for Darke County Commissioner and the 80th and 84th House Districts. * Republican Primary Candidates for Darke County Commissioner: John D. Kennedy or Mike Stegall * Republican Primary Candidates for the 84th House District: Travis Faber, Aaron Heilers or Susan Manchester * Republican Primary Candidates for the 80th House District: George H. Lovett, John W. O’Brien, Jena Powell or J.D. Winteregg The evening will begin featuring the House District

April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 11

TOMATOES 1.29lb ................................................ GREEN BEANS .99lb ................................................ CAULIFLOWER 2.39lb ................................................ 4 lb. Seedless

CALIFORNIA NAVAL ORANGES 2.99ea ................................................ 3 lb.

IDAHO POTATOES .99ea ................................................ JUMBO SWEET ONIONS .69lb ................................................

DAIRY ................................................ Ajoyo ½ Gallon

reg. 3.59

ALMOND MILK 2.69ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 8 oz.

reg. 2.49

CHUNK CHEESES 1.69ea ................................................ Yoder’s 8 oz.

reg. 2.59

SHREDDED CHEESES 1.69ea ................................................

Essential Everyday 12 oz. reg. 2.69

AMERICAN CHEESE SINGLES 1.79ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 8 oz.


70-6/5&&3 0110356/*5*&4 "7"*-"#-&


HAM LOAF 3.99lb ................................................ Copperwood Kitchens

NATURAL SWISS CHEESE 3.99lb ................................................ Carolina

TURKEY HAM 3.19lb ................................................ Kahn’s Deluxe Club

ALL MEAT OR GARLIC BOLOGNA 2.19lb ................................................ Cooper Farms Honey Roasted

SMOKED TURKEY BREAST 4.39lb ................................................ Farmland 95% Fat Free

COOKED HAM 2.79lb ................................................ Harvest Brand

SMOKED BEEF LOAF 6.29lb ................................................ Lebanon

BOLOGNA 6.29lb ................................................ Eckrich 14 oz. Regular or Bunsize

reg. 2.79

FRANKS 1.19ea ................................................

COTTAGE CHEESE 2.39ea ................................................

Frito Lay 10-11 oz.

reg. 4.29 2.29ea

Frito Lay 9-10½ oz.

reg. 3.79

Essential Everyday 24 oz. reg. 2.99

reg. 1.19

reg. 4.69

FROZEN ................................................

Made by Smith Dairy reg. 3.99 “Ruggles� 48 oz. Frozen Yogurt, Sugar Free or Regular ICE CREAM 2.99ea ................................................ Stone Ridge 20 Count reg. 4.49 35 oz. JUNIOR POPS 2.49ea ................................................ Marie Callender 16 oz. reg. 3.79

LARGE POT PIES 2.49ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 12.3 oz.

reg. 2.19

Banquet 7 oz.

reg. 1.19 .99ea

WAFFLES 1.59ea ................................................ POT PIES ................................................

Arctic Shore 8 oz.

reg. 1.85

Arctic Shore 16 oz.

reg. 4.99

IMITATION CRAB MEAT 1.69ea ................................................ TILAPIA FILLETS 3.59ea ................................................ CHICKEN LEGS .99lb ................................................ CHICKEN THIGHS .79lb ................................................ Center Cut or Butterfly Cut Boneless

PORK LOIN CHOPS 1.99lb ................................................ CUBED PORK CUTLETS 2.99lb ................................................ Whole Boneless

PORK LOIN 1.79lb ................................................ 81% Lean, In 3 lb. Pkgs or Larger

GROUND CHUCK 2.59lb ................................................ Beef

BONELESS SHOULDER SWISS ROAST 3.49lb ................................................ Beef

BONELESS STEW MEAT 3.99lb ................................................ Beef

BONELESS NEW YORK STRIP STEAKS 7.49lb ................................................

GROCERY reg. 3.29

PURE PREMIUM ORANGE JUICE 3.49ea ................................................


In Store Made, Fully Cooked, Ready to Heat & Eat

Mikesell’s 9-10 oz.

Tropicana 59 oz.

Voters is a non-partisan organization with the major purpose being to inform voters about the candidates and issues. Further information about the Candidates Night may be obtained by calling Holly Finnarn 937.417.4483 or Eileen LitchďŹ eld, 937.623.1234, Voter Service Co-Chairs. Please remember to vote on Tuesday, May 8.

ITALIAN PORK SAUSAGE 2.79lb ................................................

reg. 1.89

SOFT SPREAD MARGARINE QUARTERS .89ea ................................................

candidates followed by the Commissioner candidates. After two minute introductory speeches candidates will answer questions. The public is encouraged to attend and submit written questions. Questions are then screened by a panel of League members and presented to the candidates by a moderator. The League of Women

In Store Made, Bulk or Stuffed

CREAM CHEESE BAR 1.39ea ................................................

Blue Bonnet 1 lb.

The League of Women Voters of Darke County’s Candidates’ Night will feature the contested Republican Primary races for Darke County Commissioner, and 80th and 84th House Districts. Shown are 84th House District candidates Travis Faber, Susan Manchester, and Aaron Heilers.


PARTY SIZE POTATO CHIPS 1.99ea ................................................ DORITOS ................................................ FRITOS OR CHEETOS 2.29ea ................................................ Kellogg’s 13.6 oz.

reg. 5.19

CINNAMON OR REGULAR FROSTED FLAKES CEREALS 2.49ea ................................................ Post 15-16 oz. reg. 3.99-4.99 Shredded Wheat, 20.5 oz. Grapenuts, or 14-16 oz.

GREAT GRAINS CEREALS 2.99ea ................................................

Kellogg’s 12.2-12.5 oz. reg. 4.79 Apple Jacks, Froot Loops or CORN POPS 2.49ea ................................................ Kellogg’s 8 Count reg. 2.89 POP TARTS 1.99 ea ................................................ Hunt’s 24 oz. reg. 1.39 KETCHUP .99ea

................................................ Nabisco 3.5-9.1 oz. reg. 3.49 Triscuits, Better Cheddars and Assorted

SNACK CRACKERS 2.49ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 46 oz.

reg. 1.89 TOMATO JUICE 1.49 ea ................................................

10-16 oz. Creamette or reg. 1.79-1.89 San Giorgio, Macaroni, Spaghetti and ASSORTED PASTA .99ea

................................................ Hunt’s 15-16 oz.

reg. 1.49

Hunt’s 24 oz.

reg. 1.89

SLOPPY JOE SAUCE .99ea ................................................ PASTA SAUCE 1.09ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 30 oz. reg. 2.99

SALAD DRESSING OR REAL MAYONNAISE 1.99ea ................................................ Wesson 48 oz.

reg. 4.79

COOKING OILS 2.99ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 8-12 oz. reg. 1.99 Potato Chips or

TORTILLA CHIPS 3/5.00 ................................................ Keebler 8-13.6 oz.

reg. 3.00

Keebler 11.3-14.8 oz.

reg. 3.29

FUDGE SHOPPE COOKIES 1.89ea ................................................ CHIPS DELUXE COOKIES 1.89ea ................................................

Keebler 10-15 oz. reg. 2.99-3.69 Animal Crackers, Oatmeal Cookies, Soft Batch, Vanilla Wafers or PECAN SANDIES 1.89ea ................................................ 12 Pack 12 oz. Cans reg.4.99

MT DEW & PEPSI PRODUCTS 3/10.00 ................................................

Spring Home and Garden

PAGE 12 April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

6 home décor trends to make a style statement (StatePoint) - Is your home décor starting to feel a bit stale? Spruce up your interiors with some of the hottest home design trends for 2018 -from customized cozy to natural textures to retro touches. Here are some stylish ways to incorporate new trends, from one of the nation’s most soughtafter celebrity interior designers, Taniya Nayak. 1. Create an Oasis: Make your home a tropical escape all year long. Add floral or banana leaf accents to form a staycation-worthy “at-home

paradise” no matter the temperature. Nayak suggests pairing pops of metallic gold with plush greens and crisp white to build a look that is sophisticated, yet fun and exotic. 2. Keep it Simple: In 2018, Nayak encourages DIYers to “go big or go home…in the simplest way imaginable.” An easy way to accomplish this is to paint your baseboards, trim or window mullions a dramatic contrasting color, like black against a white wall, for an effortless, yet powerful effect. And when it comes


2017 GRASSHOPPER 721D/3461 ...................... 61” P.Fold Deck, Wide Stance, Turf Tires, 192 hrs

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$11,500 $12,500 $1,600 $5,600

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2013 GRASSHOPPER 620T/3452 ......................... 52” P.Fold, 293 hrs, Bar Tires, Wide Stance

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2008 GRASSHOPPER 620T2/3452 ...................... 52” P. Fold

2006 CUB CADET TANK L48............................. 48” Deck, 23HP Kawasaki, 405 hrs

$4,600 $4,250 $3,500 $500 $3,100 $2,500 $2,000 $1,650

2003 JOHN DEERE L130 ............................... Automatic Lawnmower

2002 JOHN DEERE F735 MOWER..................... 61” Deck, Turf Tires, 1301 hrs

2001 GRASSHOPPER 225......................................... 61” Midmount Deck, Turf Tires, 2128 hrs

1994 GRASSHOPPER 720K...................................... 52” Deck, Grasscatcher, Bar Tires, Wide Stance

JOHN DEERE GT235 LAWNMOWER .................... w/48” Deck

to achieving clean, sharp paint lines, one of Nayak’s vital, go-to tools is a premium painter’s tape, like FrogTape brand painter’s tape that delivers the sharpest paint lines possible. Treated with patented PaintBlock Technology, FrogTape is a fool-proof way to get professionallooking results and eliminate the need for touchups. 3. Incorporate Natural Touches: This trend is all about nature’s textures -think wood grain, geodes or ocean waves. One way to incorporate this look is to combine earthy tones like browns, beiges and deep blues with vibrant neon colors to generate the effect of the northern lights around the home. 4. Get Back to the Future: Give what’s old a modern, futuristic update to achieve this trend. Try painting a vintage chair with a pop of color, for example, a combination of rich blue with jewel-toned green. This creates an eyecatching masterpiece that seamlessly integrates into both retro and modern home décor. Introducing bright colors to antiques produces a beautiful new spin on a classic look. 5. Design it with Love: What’s “in” in home design this year? Creating warm and cozy spaces that are customized just for you. This is the true essence of DIY. Painting an accent wall in a pastel color, like lavender, will set a relaxed and comforting tone in the room. From there, add personal pieces like a soft woven blanket, a macramé wall hanging or ivory plates on a wall to transform any room to “your” room. 6. Embrace New England Prep: This style embraces the timeless combination of crisp white linens and navy blues, but what really gives a room an authentic New England vibe is the addition of camel-colored leather décor accents. Nayak recommends adding mono-

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grammed pillows to a leather accent chair, or whitewashing your brick fireplace to create a look that never goes out of style. Visit FrogTape.com for more trend information and inspiration. Get started on your home projects now so you can enjoy your refreshed décor all year long.


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Spring Home and Garden

April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 13

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Smart tips to keep your grill clean and safe (StatePoint) Nothing beats barbecues, block parties and al fresco dining. For your family’s safety and for the sake of your grill, here are some pointers on keeping that grill wellmaintained all season. Visual Check Ensure your grill is still in good working order after the off-season by giving it a once-over. Remember to turn off the gas and tank valves before getting started. Check whether all of its components are intact, including gas hoses. Also, determine whether the tank is full. Keep in mind that many

grills come with a warranty, and you may be able to replace worn out parts without needing to buy a brandnew grill entirely. Quick Clean-Up When it comes to the grates, experts recommend using tools that allow you to skip the brush and the elbow grease to save some time and energy. “Spray a concentrated multipurpose cleanser over your grill’s grates evenly, wait a few seconds to give the

grease time to break down, then gently wipe the area down with a sponge,” says TV contractor, Jeff Devlin, who uses Mean Green on his grill. The spray, which was recently named by Real Simple Magazine as the Best Multipurpose Spray, is available at Walmart and other retailers. Other Considerations A deep clean is important once or twice a season. However, after each use, you can keep debris and build-

Summer movie night in your own backyard (StatePoint) Looking for a way to get the most out of your summer evenings? Make it a night at the drivein at home! With the right equipment and planning, you can easily enjoy your favorite movies under the stars, right in your own backyard. Here are a few simple steps for bringing your new favorite tradition to life. The Setup Designing your outdoor screening space is a simple process. To begin, determine where your screen should be placed. You will want your screen positioned where there is minimal light once the house lights are off and the sun has set. There should be ample space for guest seating, and room for the projector’s image throw distance. For optimal image quality, your projector should be elevated. For seating, an assortment of lawn chairs, floor chairs, outdoor ottomans and outdoor rugs will accommodate preferences for guests of all ages. Since you will be limit-

ing ambient light as much as possible, keeping pathways lit for safety purposes is a sensible exception. Solar LED pathway lights are a tasteful accent that will keep guests safe around tripping hazards. The Basics Select the right projector. Since outdoor settings include a number of light sources that are not always within your control, such as street lights and moonlight, choosing a projector with the right lumen level for your space is critical for clear image projection. As a rule, the more ambient light in your backyard, the higher you will want your projector’s lumen level to be. The second component to consider is sound. No home theater system is complete without quality sound, and your outdoor screening experience is no exception. Your guests will appreciate an audio source with enough output to cut through ambient noise. For simplicity and convenience, consider an all-in-

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up from becoming a bigger problem with a quick spot clean. One important area you don’t want to neglect is the bottom of the grill, where ash and grease buildup is likely to occur. Scrape out this section regularly. You can better protect your grill from the elements and guard against rusting by covering it after each use. If possible, use the cover provided by the manufacturer, as its designed to best fit your grill.

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one outdoor movie theater kit, such as the one offered by Improvements, which is Wi-Fi enabled and features everything your backyard home theater needs, including a 1,200 lumen projector with 800x480 DPI, Bluetooth speaker and a 90-inch screen. The Extra Details Since you’ll most likely be waiting for the sun to set before starting the movie, get creative with activities for both kids and adults to pass the time. It’s a smart step to spray the area for bugs before guests arrive, and keep additional pest control solutions on hand. Hosting an outdoor movie party is a fun opportunity to put a twist on movie theater snacks, especially ideas that can be prepared in advance. However, fresh popcorn is an absolute must. Creating a drive-in theater in your backyard is easier than you think. With the right equipment, and some planning, the most difficult step will be picking out the movie.



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Spring Home and Garden

PAGE 14 April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Avoid scams after storms and natural disasters (StatePoint) As if the damage from a natural disaster isn’t ough, consumers trying to rebuild after a natural disaster often face a different danger: a flood of fly-by-night contractors -ultimately raising the risks of sub-par repair work and outright scams. “Unfortunately, there are bad apples who blow into storm damaged areas and

natural disaster locations with intentions to cheat and steal from consumers, making it harder for honest businesses and contractors to serve their communities the right way,” says Eric Miller, Owens Corning Roofing and Asphalt. “It is more important than ever for buyers to beware and fully educate themselves before engaging with any

Don’t fall for contractor scams. (StatePoint photo)

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contractor.” According to many reports, hundreds of criminal cases are still pending due to fraudulent work in the wake of hurricanes Katrina and Sandy. Many properly licensed and insured contractors are providing counsel and repair to the thousands of homeowners and businesses hard hit by recent storms, but consumers need to watch out for those providing misleading quotes and services. To help educate consumers on how to identify the right contractors to help them recover, while avoiding scammers and other potential pitfalls, Owens Corning Roofing and their network of independent Preferred Contractors have joined together to offer tips and advice. • Know the basics. Understanding the basics of the damage to your home will help you avoid the worst cheaters and make you a better, more informed consumer. For example, if someone says your entire roof needs to be replaced but you are unsure, get a second opinion, especially on a newer roof. • Make sure potential contractors are fully insured. Reduce your potential insurance risk by only working with insured contractors and make sure you get proof of Liability Insurance. • Ensure proper licensing. To make sure the job is done right, ensure contractors carry the right licenses and know all the state and local codes and rules. • Confirm potential contractors’ affiliations. A reputable contractor will take additional classes and earn certifications to be affiliated with a major national manufacturer. For example, those affiliated with Owens Corning, work to meet high standards and satisfy strict requirements, including a commitment to customer service, business stability and quality; carrying all required state and local licenses; holding at least $1,000,000 in general liability insurance; and going above and beyond local code, with things like proper product usage and nailing patterns. Check with the Better Business Bureau. Make sure potential contractors have a good reputation. Check to make sure they have no bankruptcy or

leans on the business. You can find out through the Better Business Bureau at bbb.org. Looking for a trustwor-

thy and reliable contractor in your area, but don’t know where to start? Visit owenscorning.com for a list of reliable, vetted independent contractors in your area.

Don’t let a bad situation get worse. As you pick up the pieces after a storm or natural disaster, be sure to work with only reputable contractors who will do the job properly.



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Spring Home and Garden

April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 15

Sheriff’s Patrol Expo has one of biggest shows in 56 years BY RYAN BERRY MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREEVNILLE – The Darke County Sheriff’s Patrol hosted its 56th annual Home & Sports Expo at the Darke County Fairgrounds on April 6-8. A full slate of vendors featuring everything from home repair to hunting equipment were on-hand to support the deputies. During the opening ceremony on Friday evening, Sheriff Toby Spencer praised the work of the committee that put the show together, “I’m in shock and awe! What a great display of vendors. I am really impressed. The committee…my hat goes off to you guys. You have done a fantastic job.” Spencer also praised the Sheriff’s Patrol and explained they are a nonprofit organization that gets their funds to operate from events like the Expo.

“I don’t know how I could operate without those special people (Sheriff’s Patrol members). They are a godsend to me.” Sheriff’s Patrol members differ from an auxiliary in that they are fully-sworn sheriff’s deputies and have the same law enforcement powers as a full-time deputy. The Patrol regularly handles security at high school sporting events, the Darke County Fair and Eldora Speedway, as well as volunteering with the Sheriff’s department each month to patrol the roadways of Darke County. Doug Riffle, Sheriff’s Patrol member, said, “County taxes do not go to the Sheriff’s Patrol. We are self-supporting.” He also pointed out the Patrol is taking applications from persons interested in being Patrol members. Ohio Senator Bill Beagle, said, “Sometimes we take for granted that we

feel safe here. It is because of the Sheriff’s Patrol that we can feel safe. We are here to support the Sheriff’s Patrol to feel safe and save taxpayers money.” He concluded, “So, open up your wallets and enjoy yourself.” Commission Mike Stegall, “You see the full-time officers, but the Sheriff’s Patrol helps take some of

the pressure off them.” He encouraged visitors to the Expo to spend money, support the vendors and continue to support the Sheriff’s Patrol. The committee responsible for this year’s Expo included long-time committee person Jerry Bunch, Diane and Don Delaplane, Joe Wintrow, Aaron Kruckeberg, and Dick Rhoades,

Sheriff Toby Spencer is shown with some of his full-time officers that are also members of the Sheriff’s Patrol.

Choose the greenest builder available (MS) — As building codes enforce tightened minimum standards for eco-responsibility, the more progressive builders are illustrating their own accountability by using and producing materials that are even more efficient than mandates demand. This is great news if you are currently designing, planning or simply getting ready to buy a new home — your investment will likely deliver greater environmental conservation, lower occupant costs and increased property value. Building code revisions worldwide are ushering a whole new generation of structures that are between 35 and 40 percent more environmentally re-

sponsible. The improved practices in construction are showcasing advancements in wall building, windows, insulation and air-infiltration. “Switching from woodframing to concrete walls, for example, has so many spin-off benefits,” explains Natalie Rodgers of Nudura, the manufacturer of an advanced building method called the insulated concrete form (ICF). “Solid, air-tight concrete walls would initially lower your energy bills. You’ll live in a stronger, more comfortable home while the investment grows in resale value. As importantly, your home would create far lower demand on natural resources.”

Designed like Lego, the interlocking Nudura forms are designed with monolithic concrete sandwiched between two continuous layers of expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam. “The foam material isolates the concrete and significantly reduces the flow of heat through the wall,” says Rodgers. “It stabilizes the internal temperature from day to night fluctuations and provides a largely self-regulating environment. This faster method of construction creates one solid concrete wall.” As a result, you will need less energy for mechanical heating and cooling, delivering cost savings throughout the year. A home built with this con-

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crete system is stronger, provides greater safety, offers greater sound and fire resistance, and would be far less prone to mold, cold spots and drafts. “Benefits are plentiful to builders, too,” says Rodgers. “The patented hinged web allows the forms to fold flat, requiring smaller shipping space and less manpower than other methods.” If you want your builder to use insulated concrete forms, be sure to make the request well before construction gets underway.

as well as Sheriff’s Patrol members that came to the

meetings to support the committee.

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Darke County Commissioners spent their day Wednesday taking high school students from area school districts on tours of county facilities. (Susan Hartley photo)

Commissioners host Student Government Day BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com DARKE COUNTY – Darke County Commissioners hosted 23 high school students during Student Government Day on Wednesday. Sophomores, juniors and seniors from school districts around the county participated in the annual event, which includes tours of county facilities and offices. Each commissioner took groups of students to tour facilities throughout the morning before heading back to the county administration building for a pizza lunch and the commissioners’ regular Wednesday afternoon session. At the courthouse, Darke County Common Pleas Court Judge Jonathan P. Hein took a few minutes to talk with each group about the functions of Ohio’s court system, describing court as “having a place to go to solve disputes.” Hein also engaged the students by asking questions, for example what type of cases they think he deals with more than any other – with drugs being the correct answer. “We’re right next to the center of the universe,” he said as far as the current drug crisis, explaining how three major Interstates (70, 71, and 75) are in proximity to the Dayton area. Hein also shared how Darke County court normally handles about 100

home foreclosure cases a year, but during the 200809 recession, that number exploded to 400. Darke County Clerk of Courts Cindy Pike also spent some time with the students, explaining how clerks used to record court proceedings by hand, in books. “Technology has greatly helped our office,” she said, adding that the clerk’s office was computerized in 2009. A tour of the Darke County Jail also held an interest with the high school students – for most it was their first time inside the facility. Shane Grant of Arcanum said he was impressed by “how secure it was.” A senior, Grant said he would be attending Edison to study criminal justice. Also from Arcanum, senior Kyle Collins found it interesting how after watching an Indiana woman during a video conference extradition hearing in Hein’s courtroom, his group also saw her being processed when they toured the county jail. Collins, who will be entering the Air Force and will be studying aerospace engineering, said he found it interesting his group “got to see the process through.” During regular session, the students followed along with the meeting agenda as commissioners approved several items and opened bids for county and township road work to be completed this summer.

Use caution during Trash Bash April 21-22 DARKE COUNTY – Darke County Sheriff Toby L. Spencer and the Darke County Solid Waste Management District Director Krista Fourman advises motorists to use caution while traveling Darke County roadways on the weekend of April 21-22. On that weekend Darke County Solid Waste Management District will be holding its 11th annual Trash Bash. Over 1100 volunteers and organizations will be cleaning up 735 miles of Darke County and Township roads. These volunteers will be walking along roadways and picking up trash. The volunteer’s vehicles will be parked along or near the roads where the trash pick-up is occurring. Participants should be wearing bright colored shirts to increase visibility. Trash

pick-up is scheduled to occur from dawn to dusk on both days. Motorists are advised to slow down and pay attention to volunteers working near the roadway. As always you should not engage in distracted driving while operating a vehicle and keep your attention focused on driving your vehicle. Practice defensive driving techniques by looking ahead and being prepared for any problems that may occur. Darke County deputies will be patrolling Darke County roadways and enforcing traffic laws. Always wear your seat belt and take the time to look both ways at intersections. Let’s all work together to make Darke County roadways safe for volunteers and other motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.

Pastor Brian Jenkins and Barb Landress-Gentry accepted plaques for their awards; he for Male Volunteer of the year and she as Female Volunteer of the Year. (Linda Moody photo)

Recipients of the Distinguished Service Award were , from left to right, Roy Keagy; and Dianna and Terry Dowler. (Linda Moody photo)

UC Chamber honors local people, businesses LINDA MOODY CORRESPONDENT lmoody@earlybirdpaper.com

UNION CITY, Ind.— Seven awards were presented at the Union City Chamber of Commerce’s annual banquet and award night at the Elks Lodge. Dennis Pratt served as master of ceremonies for the program, which attracted a room full of guests. Recipients of the Distinguished Service Award were Roy Keagy and Terry and Dianna Dowler for their service to the community. The Rising Star Award went to Sutton’s Foods and there to receive the honor were Josh and Shalah (Sutton) Urlage. Named Female Volunteer of the Year was Barb Landress-Gentry, who is one of the Chamber’s directors, while Male Volunteer for the year is Pastor Brian P. Jenkins, another director on the board. The Hub Award was presented to NAPA of

Union City, owned by Kim Day, who accepted the award. Pak-A-Sak was selected as this year’s Business of the Year, and that award was accepted by employees: Laura Gullett, director of operations; Melissa Myers, area supervisor; and Adana Ramos, Krystle Guzman and Amy Stump. It was noted that Pak-ASak, founded by Jim Peterson in 1959, first began serving Union City on the Oho side in 1986 and, in 1993, the company acquired a convenience store at the current site of the Super Wash Car Wash and in 2006 built the store at its current site. Three years later, Peterson demonstrated his gratitude to his employees by selling the company back to them through the establishment of an Employee Stock Ownership Plan. Now as a 100 percent employeeowned company, its 450 members earn long-term retirement benefits and the pride in a company

Shown here are those who received additional awards at the Union City Chamber’s banquet. They are (front row) Adana Ramos, Krystle Guzman and Melissa Myers, all of Pak-A-Sak, Shalah Urlage of Sutton’s Foods and Kim Day of NAPA; and (back row) Amy Stump and Laura Gullett of PakA-Sak and Josh Urlage of Sutton’s. Pak-A-Sak received the outstanding Business of the Year Award; Sutton’s, the Rising Star Award; and NAPA, recipient of the Hub Award. (Linda Moody photo)

they own together. Chamber President Susan Linder handed out the awards. Speakers for the evening were Chad Spence, who talked on the YMCA Daycare project; Jan Auk-

erman, who informed the audience about October’s Dancing with the Stars event; and Linder herself. The theme for the banquet was “Union City: Building Our Future Together.”

Former New Madison fire chief retires CLINTON RANDALL

CORRESPONDENT crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

NEW MADISON – After nearly 43 years of serving his community, the New Madison Fire Department’s former chief Roger Hunt made the tough decision retire. He officially retired in February, but was honored by his Station 11 family during a celebration on Sunday, April 8 at the community center. Hunt joined the volunteer fire department in November 1975, where he has served at every rank available since, including being chief for three years before Robert “Scoob” Cook assumed the title in 2013. Under Chief Cook, Hunt was assigned as the department’s Safety Officer... where he remained until his recent retirement. The one call that came to mind when asked what he remembered most in his 43 years was the tile factory fire in 1976 in Greenville. Hunt said the one thing that has changed the most over his career has been the teamwork of different fire departments when battling a blaze, unlike in the past when each department tried to handle a call on their own. “Even though I am going to miss it, I’ve done my time,” Hunt told The Early

Roger Hunt is shown with members of the New Madison Fire Department at celebration honoring the longtime firefighter. (Clinton Randall photo)

Bird. “I have some health issues and just can’t do everything like I used to... even though I really want to.” “I am really going to miss all my brothers at the station,” he added. “We are all one big family here and have many that actually are related.” Hunt’s son Ryan grew up around the station with his dad and is now a firefighter himself with a son of his own that is also growing up around the fire department. “I joined the department in 2000 because of everything I learned growing up around my dad,” said Ryan Hunt. “When dad called and said he was going to retire, I took it kind of hard and really didn’t believe him at first. All the good

times of fighting fires with him and just being together meant a lot to me...it won’t be the same without him.” A number of fellow firefighters had a lot of positive things to say about Roger during his retirement party, including Chief Cook and firefighter Charles “Chas” Godsey - who has been with the department throughout Hunt’s career. “The dedication Roger has is second to none,” stated Chief Cook. “We could always depend on him - everything from fire calls to helping out with our chicken BBQ, he was always more than willing to volunteer his time and efforts. I really hate to see him go!” “He is definitely a pillar of the community...I call him the “rock” because he


is always so relaxed and is just a solid person,” added Godsey. “He handles people so well and even though he has never demanded respect, he definitely earned it from everyone that knows him.” “From his faith in God to the support of the community, Roger is a man I am honored to call my friend... and he will definitely be missed,” Godsey noted. Hunt says he will continue working for a couple more years at his job at BASF, where he has been for 28 years. Though he will truly miss being a firefighter, he looks forward to spending more family time with his wife Marci, son Ryan (daughter-in-law Kim), daughter Jamie (son-in-law Jeremy) and his six grandchildren.



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PAGE 18 April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

WWII Airborne Soldier Jim Martin to speak at GPL

GREENVILLE – The Greenville Public Library is proud to host Jim “Pee Wee� Martin to share his experiences in an effort to

promote and preserve the legacy and lessons of the Second World War. This free event will be held at the Henry St. Clair Memo-

FAME sponsors summer speech clinics GREENVILLE – FAME is sponsoring two summer speech clinics for preschool and school-age children with speech/language impairments. Each clinic will run for two weeks straight with students being seen every weekday for approximately 20 minutes. The clinics will be held at the Darke County Educational Service Center in Greenville. The ďŹ rst clinic will run from June 18-29. The second clinic will be held July 9-20. The cost for each clinic is $40 and ďŹ nancial assistance for part of the fee is available

on a limited basis. Children who are not currently enrolled in speech therapy or have not had their speech screened recently will be screened on their ďŹ rst day of therapy to determine if they are appropriate to attend. It is recommended that children be at least threeyears-of-age in order to beneďŹ t from these therapy sessions. For more information or to sign up your child for the speech screening or for one of the summer clinics, call 548-4915.

Essential Oils Workshop set BRADFORD – Hannah Pennington will again hold a workshop on Thursday, April 19 at the Bradford Public Library, 6:30 p.m. Her class is entitled “Spring into Summer Essential Oils - a make ittake it!� Warmer temperatures are certainly on their way, along with pesky insects and the need to do some Spring Cleaning. Hannah has just the solution to help

solve these potential issues in a safe and natural way. Participants will make multi-purpose cleaner and a Bugger Off spray in glass spray bottles, and both seasonal wellness and anti-itch rollers, all for $20. Advance registration is required and payment will hold your spot. The class size is limited to 12. Contact the library at 937-4482612 if you have any questions.

rial Hall on Saturday, April 21 from 1 to 2 p.m. All ages welcome. Martin was a member of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, 3rd Battalion, G Company, from 1942 to 1945. These men went through intense training at Camp Toccoa, Ga., where the 506th was formed, an elite company consisting of 140 men and seven ofďŹ cers. Known as the “Toccoa Originalsâ€? they were made famous by the book Band of Brothers by historian Stephen Ambrose which was later made into the HBO miniseries. Their harrowing story began the night before DDay, June 6, 1944, when they parachuted over Normandy and touched down in enemy-controlled territory behind Utah Beach. They fought for 43 days as

part of the Normandy campaign before moving on to invade Holland, fending off Nazi ďŹ ghters during the Battle of the Bulge, and ďŹ nishing off by taking Berchtesgaden, site of Hitler’s “Eagle’s Nestâ€? redoubt in the German Alps. On June 6, 2014, the 70th anniversary of D-Day, Martin became the last WWII era American paratrooper to jump over Normandy at the age of 93. He landed behind Utah Beach just as he had 70 years earlier. He felt ďŹ ne after the jump and reportedly said, “It didn’t compare because there wasn’t anybody shooting at me today.â€? During the commemorations, Martin was fortunate to meet several of the actors involved in HBO’s “Band of Brothersâ€? series. He has said on many occasions that he holds all of these men in high regard.

GREENVILLE – There will be a trail closure at Prairie Ridge Meadow, part of the Darke County Park District located between North Broadway and Wilson Drive. The closure will begin near the trestle bridge and continue Northeast towards Wilson Drive. DCP believes this trail will remain closed until

late autumn. The site will be part of the construction for Phase VI of the Tecumseh Trail and modiďŹ cations that are underway. Please use caution in the area as there may be machinery and/or other equipment present during this time. Contact park ofďŹ ces at 937-548-0165 for more information.

St Paul’s Lutheran Church 13495 Greenville St. Marys Rd Vers., 419-336-7111 St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 6825 State Route 722, Ithaca, 678-8584 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 8520 Oakes Rd., Pitsburg 937-692-5670 Trinity Lutheran Church 1470 W. State Route 28, Union City, IN 765-964-5712 Trinity Lutheran Church 204 E. Wood Street, Versailles 937-526-3091

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Greenville First Assembly of God 7219 State Route 118N Greenville, Oh 937-548-5445


Favorite Hill Baptist Church 1601 South Street, Piqua, 773-6469 First Baptist Church 7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville 548-7616 Faith Baptist Church 740 E Russ Rd., Greenville, 548-1808 Greenville Baptist Temple 4689 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., 548-7283 Union City First Baptist Church 225 S. First St., Union City, OH 937-968-6163 Cornerstone Historic Baptist Church 933 N Howard St, Union City, IN 765-964-3119


Beech Grove Church of the Brethren 3420 Harrison Rd., Hollansburg 937-997-4895 Bradford Church of The Brethren 120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215 Castine Church of the Brethren 624 State Route 127, Arcanum 678-9945 Cedar Grove Church 373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675 Greenville Church of the Brethren 421 Central Ave., 548-3583

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Oakland Church of The Brethren 8058 Horatio-Harris Creek Rd. Bradford * 448-2287 Pitsburg Church of Brethren 8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum 937-692-8772


St Mary’s Catholic Church 233 W Third St. Greenville 548-1616 St Denis 14 E Wood St, Versailles 937-526-4945 Holy Family (Frenchtown) 11255 St Rt 185, Versailles 937-526-4945 St Louis 15 Star Rd, North Star 419-582-2531 Immaculate Conception 5874 N. Buckneck Rd., Bradford, 937-526-4945 St Mary 425 W Hickory St, Union City, IN 765-964-4202


Ansonia Christian Church 123 W. Weller St., Ansonia, 548-5490 Coletown Congregational Church 2876 State Route 571, Greenville 548-6590 East Zion Church 6171 St. Rt. 36, Greenville First Congregational Church 115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH 937-548-3575 Woodington Congregation Church 8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441 Stelvideo Christian Church 6808 Church St., Stelvido, Greenville, OH 316-8198

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Abbottsville United Methodist Church 3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum Ansonia United Methodist Church Corner of Pearl and High St., Ansonia 337-5781 EUM Church 1451 Sater Street, Greenville, OH 45331 Faith United Methodist Church 101 E. South St., Arcanum, 692-8934 First United Methodist Church 202 W 4th St. Greenville, 548-3075 Fort Jefferson United Methodist 3856 Church St., Greenville 548-4410 Gordon United Methodist Church 311 East St., Gordon, OH 937-884-5129 Ithaca Grace United Methodist 750 Arcanum-Ithaca Rd 678-9062 Nashville United Methodist 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 New Madison United Methodist 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341 Rossburg United Methodist 117 Ross St., Rossburg, 937-338-4765 Trinity United Methodist Church 112 West South Street Arcanum, OH 692-8530 Versailles United Methodist 122 W Wood St, Versailles 937-526-3855 Webster United Methodist Church 8849 Seibt Rd., Versailles 526-3855

Teegarden Congregational Church 2753 State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 CMA Church 306 Devor St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955 Greenville Church of Christ 4599 Chldrns Hm Brdfrd Rd., Greenville, 937-548-4467


Ansonia First Church of God 750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 The New Beginning Church of God 802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502 Triumphant Christian Center 1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300


St Paul’s Episcopal Church 201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575


Family of God 310 W South St., Arcanum, 692-8521 Lighthouse Christian Center 5256 Sebring Warner Rd., Greenville, 548-7464



Greenville Missionary Church 1110 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842 Pleasant View Missionary Church 5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885

St. John Lutheran Church 7418 State Route 121, Greenville 548-5404 St Paul Lutheran Church 131 E. 4th Street, Greenville 548-5770

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Beamsville Christian Church 6102 Beamsville-Union City Rd. Greenville 547-0009 Calvary Bible Church 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 Friendship Community Church 1005 Eaton Fort Nesbit Rd. New Paris, 997-3592 True Life 5990 State Route 36, Greenville 548-3558 Living Waters Ministries 102 W Main St., Versailles, 526-4567 Bible Fellowship Church: 7757 Grnv-Celina Road, Greenville 937-547-1952 Northside Community Fellowship 8135 St. Rt. 127 N., Greenville, 548-8965 Rosehill Country Church St. Rt. 49 and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill Versailles Christian Church 105 W Ward St., Versailles 937-526-4194 Hillgrove Federated Church 1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332 Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-547-0092 Arcanum Community of Faith 109 W. George St., Arcanum


Faith Apostolic Lighthouse 332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299


First United Presbyterian Church 114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188


St. Paul United Church of Christ 129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506


First Universalist Church 331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403


Trinity Wesleyan Church 1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337 Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331

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ries. Damian asked Martin about his experiences from Toccoa through Bavaria and spoke about his experiences during the production of “Band of Brothers.� This unexpected encounter was a special moment for Martin. A Q&A and picture opportunities will follow the presentation.

Highlighted in red is the portion of the trail that will be closed until late autumn.



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Martin considers them to have brought attention to the legacy of WWII. While attending the wreath laying ceremony at the Winters Leadership Memorial near Sainte Marie du Mont, Martin had a completely unexpected conversation with the British actor Damian Lewis. Lewis portrayed Maj. Richard Winters in the se-

DCP trail closure at Prairie Ridge Meadow

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Jim “Pee Wee� Martin



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United Way ďŹ ghting for every person GREENVILLE – The mission of the Darke County United Way is to ďŹ ght for the health, education, and ďŹ nancial stability of every person in our community. But, what does that really mean? What does that look like on a day-to-day basis for many living in Darke County? Over the last quarter, United Way partner programs have been very busy. The Boys & Girls Club of Greenville welcomed 1,383 kids through their doors for afterschool programming. Grace Resurrection Community Center provided food to over 3,000 individuals, and an additional 460 children received a back-

pack of food each Friday to guarantee they had something to eat over the weekend. Recovery & Wellness Centers of Midwest Ohio supported 1,228 student interactions through the “We Are The Majority Program� which promotes a substancefree lifestyle. Community Action Partnership (CAP) arranged and provided transportation for seniors and low income individuals 2,019 times for a total of 31,215 miles. In addition, CAP had an average of sixteen (16) individuals in the Homeless Shelter each month. This adds up to 707 nights and 2,120 meals provided. CAP also gave out 196 boxes of food to seniors 60+ who qual-

ify. In 2017, FISH Choice Food Pantry, through the Ohio BeneďŹ t Bank, ďŹ led income tax returns for 492 individuals resulting in $849,561 coming back to Darke County families. Between Grace Resurrection Community Center (GRCC) and FISH Choice Food Pantry, over 6,000 families received food assistance through the pantries. In addition, GRCC served 11,224 meals through the Soup Kitchen that is open MondayThursday. Children were mentored through Big Brothers Big Sisters, prepped for ACT tests through Bridges to College, and tutored through Gateway

Canner gauge testing time GREENVILLE – Planning to do some canning this year to take advantage of your garden produce? That means it’s time to get your home canning equipment in working order. OSU Extension, Darke County, will check dial type pressure canner gauges beginning May 1 and continuing through Sept. 30. There is no charge to have your gauge tested. You will need to bring your dial gauge into the ofďŹ ce and they will test it, or call you to pick it up after it has

been tested. In addition, you will receive the most recent materials available on home food preservation. Please bring your canner lid with the gauge attached to be tested. They will also check the gasket on your canner to make sure that, too, is in working order. OSU Extension, Darke County, is located at 603 Wagner Avenue, Greenville, on the north side of Edison State College. If you have any questions, call 937-548-5215.



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Before your produce is ready to preserve, be certain that you check the jars you plan to use. Inspect them for cracks. Run your ďŹ nger around the rim of each jar to inspect for chips, nicks and bumps in the glass. Any irregularities can cause seals to fail, so discard jars that don’t meet the standard for canning, or use them for decorative or other purposes. Also, mayonnaise jars, or similar commercial food jars, are considered “one-tripâ€? jars. These jars are not thick enough to withstand the repeated use in home canning. So make sure your jar supply is ready for the task, as well as the rest of your canning equipment. Remember, pressure canning is the only safe method of canning low acid vegetables, meats, poultry and seafood. The 240 degree temperature required to preserve these foods safely can only be reached in a pressure canner. Canning is not the place for creativity. Use only scientiďŹ cally tested recipes, instructions and recommendations for home preserving foods. Home food preservation is easy and safe, but only if you follow safe guidelines for each particular food you are canning. Freezing is a safe method to preserve any food, so when in doubt, freeze it.

and Empowering Darke County Youth. Smoke detectors were installed by Red Cross and costly prescriptions were paid for through FAME (Financial Assistance for Medical Emergencies). Those facing a cancer diagnosis were provided re-

April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 19

imbursement for mileage, nutrition support, and prescription reimbursement. Those dealing with a mental health issue have a place to learn practical skills at SafeHaven and State of the Heart Care walks alongside those dealing with a life-limiting illness. Every day across Darke County, thousands of indi-

viduals are being touched and impacted by a United Way program. In 2017, more than 23,000 individuals received services through one of these programs. The United Way will continue its work in the areas of health, education, and income stability through the generous support of the community.



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PAGE 20 April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Wayne HealthCare’s Healthy Living Series set to begin GREENVILLE – Wayne HealthCare invites you to participate in the “Healthy Living Series” a program that can help you make healthy changes that will last. Healthy Living is aptly named as its purpose is to

help individuals reach and maintain a healthy lifestyle by learning to incorporate positive changes in their eating, exercise, and other health habits. The Healthy Living Series curriculum is a nation-

ally recognized prevention program and is approved by the Center for Disease Control. Trained instructors will be with you every step of the way, providing support and sharing knowledge with you on your jour-

ney toward healthy living. Lessons, handouts, and additional resources included in this program will help you learn what a healthy lifestyle looks like, how to make small changes that lead to healthier choices, and how to sustain these small changes to see long term success. This year-long program focuses on making longterm lifestyle changes that will last. A year may seem like a long commitment; however, it takes time to learn new habits, develop new skills and build confidence. The first half of the program will focus on learning to make healthier food choices (without giving up your favorite foods); adding physical activity into your daily routine; dealing with stress; and coping with changes that make it hard to stay healthy. The second

half of the program will focus on continued support and guidance to help you continue to make healthy lifestyle changes. The goals of the Healthy Living Series are to: 1) lose 5-7% of your starting weight through lifestyle changes, and 2) gradually increase physical activity to a minimum of 150 minutes per week. The intent of the program is to assist participants with making lifestyle changes to improve health and overall wellness. As a result of making healthy lifestyle changes many participants do lose weight, as well as reduce their risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other conditions. This year-long program will start April 24. The group will meet weekly (April 24 to June 26), then twice a month (July 10 to

Dec. 18) and monthly (Jan. 8 to March 12, 2019). The program helps participants become more skillful in making long-term healthy lifestyle changes through the support, accountability and feedback provided during the sessions. The program will be held on Tuesdays from 4:30-5:30 p.m. in the Administrative Board Room at Wayne HealthCare. Your private insurance or Medicare plan may pay for this program if you meet specific criteria. You can also participate in the program through self payment. Please call 937-5475750 for more information regarding the program. An informational session will be held on April 17 at 2 and 4:30 p.m. in the Administrative Board Room at Wayne HealthCare.

VERSAILLES – The Versailles Agricultural Education Department and FFA Chapter is conducting its seventh annual Greenhouse Sale. The Greenhouse is scheduled to open to Versailles School staff, FFA members and parents, FFA alumni on April 24 and 25 from 2:30-5:30 p.m. and will open to the general public on April 26 and will remain open until May 30 while supplies last. The greenhouse will be open Monday through Friday 2:30-5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and closed on Sundays. The greenhouse is located on

the West side of Versailles Schools at 280 Marker Rd, close to the auditorium. On May 12, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Versailles FFA will conduct its annual Greenhouse Open House. The Open House will consist of door prizes, plant sales, discount specials on plants and refreshments. Special activities will be planned for children that attend the open house. Special note the Greenhouse will not be open on May 3 and 4 due to State FFA Convention. The annuals for sale include Calibrachoa: Yellow, Orange, Pink, Purple; Impatiens: Lipstick Mix, Red, White, Pink; Supertunia: Royal Velvet, Black Cherry, Honey, Latte, Bubblegum; Bordeaux; Salvia: Victoria Blue; Begonias: Cocktail Mix, Nonstop Mix, Dragon Wing Red; Dusty Miller; Euphorbia “Diamond Frost”; Verbena Purple; Vinca Vine; Wondering Jew; Spike; Cyperus Coleus; Lobelia: White; Sweet Potato Vine; Geraniums-

Bright Pink, Bright Red, Salmon, Soft Pink; Bacopa: Snowstorm; Wave Petunia: Easy Pink, Purple, Red; Marigolds- Mixed; Angelonia Angelwing: Blue, White; Licorice Lemon; Dahlia, Canna; Pennisetum: Rubrum; Nickel Vine; Cobulana: White Knight; Thunbergia: Lemon. The Perennials available in 1-2 gallon containers include: Grasses; Sedum; Baptisia: Blueberry, Sundae; and Shasta: Daisy. The vegetable plants available include Tomatoes, Cabbage, Peppers, Melon, Cucumbers, Broccoli, Squash, Zucchini, Watermelon, and a variety of herbs. Hanging Baskets will be available in 10- and 12inch pots. A variety of planted pots will also be available. If you have any questions please email Versailles FFA Advisor Dena Wuebker at dena.wuebker@vtigers. org or Versailles FFA Advisor Colton Prescott at colton.prescott@vtigers.org. They look forward to seeing you at the greenhouse.

Versailles Greenhouse set to open


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ESCC Administrative Professional Day PIQUA – Edison State Community College will present a program on Wednesday, April 25 in recognition of Administrative Professional Day that salutes the many contributions of support staff throughout the area. The Office Systems and Administration Advisory Committee at Edison State sponsors the program. The program is open to all office support professionals, including administrative assistants, executive assistants, office managers, and other employees who provide secretarial or administrative support for one or multiple supervisors. Supervisors and managers of those administrative professionals are encouraged to attend with their valued employees. “This will be the 26th year that we have honored administrative professionals,” said Marva Archibald, Assistant Professor of Occupational Healthcare and Administration at Edison State. “We hold this event each year to celebrate the many contributions that administrative professionals bring to the workplace. It is the financial support from our corporate sponsors that makes this day possible.” The day’s events are made possible by this year’s corporate sponsors, which include Emerson; Greenville National Bank; Hobart/ITW Food Group; the City of Piqua; Upper Valley Career Center-Adult Division; and Wilson Health. The featured speaker at this year’s program will be Officer Paula Craft, a wellrespected member of the Pi-

qua Police Department. In her address entitled “Safety Awareness,” Officer Craft will speak about various techniques individuals can use to protect themselves from being attacked in the workplace. “Administrative professionals are the heart of any office,” said Gloria A Harpest, Administrative Vice President of Human Resources and Marketing of Greenville National Bank and Chairperson for the Occupational Health and Administration Advisory Committee at Edison State. “Smooth operation in today’s office is contingent on administrative professionals who are organized in every aspect of their work life.” The day’s breakout event schedule this year will include two sessions addressing pertinent topics: “Rape Aggression Defense (RAD)” and “Hats Off to Administrative Professionals.” Those interested in participating must register by April 18. The cost to attend is $35 per person, which includes admission to all sessions, a buffet lunch and refreshments, and entry into the drawing for door prizes. The event runs from 11:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will be held at Edison State’s Piqua Campus. Limited reserved parking will be available. For more information, contact Marva Archibald, Assistant Professor of Occupational Health and Administration, by calling 937-778-7908 or emailing marchibald@edisonohio. edu. Registration forms can be requested and submitted via mail, e-mail or fax.

PAGE 22 April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Jill Jack performs at DCCA coffeehouse GREENVILLE – Singer/ songwriter Jill Jack has won numerous awards in her hometown of Detroit, and has launched successful tours of England as well as across America. Darke County Center for the Arts will present the charismatic artist as part of their intimate Coffeehouse Series on Thursday, May 3 at Arcanum Historical Society’s Wayne Trail House in downtown Arcanum. The show begins at 7 p.m. According to DCCA Artistic Director Keith Rawlins, Jill Jack is a unique performer who has no interest in pigeonholing herself into one or even a few genres. “Jill makes herself at home in all musical styles; she can croon a pop standard like “Moon River,” whisper the folk lullaby “All the Pretty Little Horses,” or belt out the gospel tune “Oh Happy Day” with equal conviction and proficiency,” Rawlins stated. “Her innate talent is matched by her ability to form a connection to her audience that pulls everyone in to the world she creates with her songs,” he concluded. DCCA Executive Director Andrea Jordan explained that DCCA’s Coffeehouse Series was established to present high quality artists performing in a casual social setting where food and

Darke County Center for the Arts will present Jill Jack as part of their intimate Coffeehouse Series at Arcanum Historical Society’s Wayne Trail House.

drink are also served; this concert is the final Coffeehouse presentation for the 2017-2018 season. “In addition to the opportunity to enjoy an outstanding concert in a comfortably accessible setting, patrons can partake of an enticing array of tasty homemade tidbits available for a small donation provided by the Arcanum Historical Society,” Ms. Jordan said. “These exciting uptown shows in a down-home environment provide rare access to firstclass performers, and can be thoroughly enjoyed by music lovers of all ages,” she concluded.

DCCA’s Coffeehouse Series is sponsored by Eileen and Steve Litchfield and Rodney Oda. DCCA also receives operating support from the Harry D. and Esther Stephens Memorial as well as funding from the Ketrow Foundation and Lydia E. Schaurer Memorial Trust Fund. DCCA membership contributions also help support these shows. Tickets for the Jill Jack show cost $10, and can be obtained by contacting DCCA at dcca@centerforarts.net or calling 937547-0908. Tickets are also available online at www. CenterForArts.net.

Mad Dash for Missions 5K is May 12 ANSONIA – Mad Dash for Missions 5K (Run/Walk) will be held May 12, 9 a.m. This event is hosted by Ansonia First Church of God, 750 S. Main St., Ansonia. Part of the Darke County Wellness Challenge, this “flat and fast” course is open to strollers and dogs, with an on-course water station provided. Chip-timing is used in this event and there are monetary awards for the top male and female finishers, plus awards for each

age group. Also provided at the Mad Dash are free childcare, post-race refreshments, and door prizes to be drawn after awards. Chicken dinner tickets are available for purchase until May 1 and will be available for pickup immediately after the awards ceremony Proceeds from the 5K and chicken dinners will go primarily toward local missions and secondarily toward international missions

at Ansonia First Church of God. This includes various projects and events in the local community to build relationships and to help those in need. Contact Ansonia First Church of God at 937-3373945 with any questions. Early registration is available at www.gtraces.com – you can purchase chicken dinners here, too. Day-of registrations are accepted that morning starting at 7:30 a.m.

April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 23


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HELP WANTED Immediate opening for Laborers. Start full-time work today. Join the winning team at GMT Roofing. Call 937-5470468 DUMP TRUCK DRIVER WANTED - Local Darke County business looking to hire a driver for the 2018 season. GREAT PAY & EXCELLENT BENEFITS. Inquiries, call 937-423-7451 Harris Trucking needs Drivers with Class A CDL, EDL knowledge, 3 years experience. Pays weekly. Dallas, TX to Richmond, IN weekly. Call/Text 765-994-7235 or 937-336-1753

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HELP WANTED Looking for a Great Career with a Growing Company? Fitzwater Tree and Lawn Care of Greenville, OH is one of the area’s largest growing tree and lawn care companies. We are now accepting applications for full-time permanent employees. We are hiring for our Mowing and Landscaping crews, Ground man and Tree Trimmers for our Tree crews. We offer great company benefits including medical, 401k, paid vacations, and much more. We are a drugfree company and you must be able to pass a drug test. No Experience needed, we will train. We are an EEOC. You may fill out an application between the hours of 9am and 3pm: Fitzwater Tree and Lawn Care, 4617 Jaysville-St. Johns Rd, Greenville, OH 45331 WANTED Stay-at-home mom with eBay store wanting to buy your items. See if I’m interested! Call or text 937-423-2192 Wanted: Used house trailers in good condition. Please call 937448-2974 PETS Jack Russell puppies born 3/6/18, $350. Voicemail 765-8471584 Fountain City, IN

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SPECIAL NOTICES Lung Cancer? And 60 Years Old? If So, You and Your Family May Be Entitled To A Significant Cash Award. Call 800-897-7205 To Learn More. No Risk. No Money Out of Pocket FOR RENT Spacious clean apt suitable for 1 person. Near Wayne Hospital. All appliances. Private. Offstreet parking. No Pets, Smoking or Metro. Low utilities. 937-548-7339 Storage for personal & business use. Penske Truck Rentals. Call Greenville Stor & Lock. 548-1075, 5328 Michelle St Ansonia, very nice 2 BR apt. A/c, w/d hookup, appliances. No Pets/ Smoking. $385/mo. 308 Smith St. 548-5053 or benanzer.com

FOR RENT Tiny efficiency in Greenville. No pets. 937-548-9400 Willow Place Apartments - We’re better than ever! 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Call 937316-8489. Equal Housing Opportunity 2 BR Ranch double in Rolin Acres. 1 car garage. New interior paint. Washer/dryer hookup. Central air. NO Pets/Smoking. $525/ mo. 937-548-2397 Versailles, 1 BR apartment, newly remodeled. $395 + deposit & electric. NO PETS! Village Court 937-5482108 Ansonia: Very Nice 2 BR Duplex with Garage W/D Hookup. No pets or smoking. 101 Schlemmer. 548-5053, benanzer.com Downstairs apt, newly remodeled, appls incl. $600 mo. 937-5473051 LAND CONTRACT GRNVL. Very nice 3 & 4 BR homes in the country. $3k- $5k down. $664-$690/mo. 5485053 or benanzer.com 2 BR apt in New Madison. Met approved. $385/mo + deposit & utilities. No appliances, pets or W/D hookup. References. 937-4592784 2 Room Upstairs Efficiency, Greenville. Full Kitchen + 1 other room & Bath. Utilities Included, No Pets. $400/mo + Deposit. 937-467-9347 Greenville apt. 2BR, 1.5 bath, appliances incl. All electric. Water/ trash paid. No smoking/ pets. $625. Call 614205-1209


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2 BR, 1.5 bath townhouse, north side of Greenville. Seconds from Wagner Ave. No pets. Range, D/W, central a/c, lawn care, snow removal provided. Private patio. W/D hookup. Tenant pays utilities. $525/mo. 937459-2269 2 BR downstairs apt w/garage, Greenville. A/c. No Pets, Smoking. $575/mo, water incld. 548-9400 AUTOMOTIVE 2006 black Equinox LT, $5200. 937-316-8156 2008 G6, 79,000 $5995. 2010 Fusion $4995. 2006 Grand Prix $3995. 2006 Equinox $5995. 2006 Torrent $3995. 2007 Chevy 2500 HD 4x4, 72,000 $13,995. 2008 Tahoe, 95,000 $13,495. 2008 Escape $5995. Buy Sell - Trade! CountryAutoSalesGreenville. com 548-1337

AUTOMOTIVE 1991 International single axle dump truck, 140K mi. Sealed bids sent to: Jackson Township, 744 Pickett Rd, Union City, OH 45390. Bids must be received by the May 7 meeting at 8pm. For details 937-968-4358 REAL ESTATE LENDER ORDERED WATERFRONT LAND SALE! APRIL 28th! 1 DAY ONLY! 7 Waterfront Parcels /Finger Lakes-Ithaca Area! Ex: 6 acres - 150’ Waterfront - $49,900. 8 acres - 600’ Shoreline - $69,900. Owner terms avail! Call 888-7386994 to register. NewYorkLandandLakes.com 9945 Painter Creek-Arcanum Rd, situated on 1 acre m/l. 3 bedroom, 1 bath house for sale. 3-car detached garage. F-M School District. 660-654-0683, 660654-2286

Lawn Mowing Assistant and Landscape Installers Needed

Darke County’s premier property maintenance company is seeking quality individual’s for a “Full Time” position in their commercial mowing and landscaping department. Applicants must have a valid driver’s license, be 18 years of age, and the willingness to work in an outdoor environment. All applicants are subject to drug-screening. Pay is based on the experience and quality of work performed. Insurance, retirement, paid vacation and benefit package will be discussed in the interview with selected applicants. Fill out an application or drop off a resume at 1224 Ft. Jefferson Rd., Greenville, OH (121 South behind fairgrounds) M-F 8-4:30pm 937-548-2200 or email mflory@florylandscaping.com

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Cheeseman Transport, Ft. Recovery, OH is adding positions for Second Shift Trailer Maintenance. The open positions include:

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PAGE 24 April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

HOUSEHOLD Burgundy matching love seat and couch. Used very little. $400. 937-996-6344 L-Shaped Sectional Couch & Loveseat, $200. Highboy Dining Table & 4 Stools, $100. All in Excellent Condition! If interested, text “Couch� or “Table� to 937-417-4600 to be sent pictures and for further information Whirlpool washer/dryer, $50. 937-316-8156 MISC. FOR SALE IRS TAX DEBTS?10k+? Tired of the calls? We can HELP! $500 free consultation! We can STOP the garnishments! FREE Consultation Call Today 1-855900-5594 PROFESSIONAL SOUND SYSTEM Rental, Sales & Installation. Free quotes to your business, church or home for sound system updates & improvements. JBL, EAW, QSC, PEAVEY, CROWN. Bach to Rock Music 547-1970, email: bachtorock@earthlink. net. Also Renting sound systems for Weddings, Graduations, Business Meetings, or any other engagements! Dish Network-Satellite Television Services. Now Over 190 channels for ONLY $49.99/ mo! HBO-FREE for one year, FREE Installation, FREE Streaming, FREE HD. Add Internet for $14.95 a month. 1-800-219-1271 JD 2757, 693 hr, 60 deck $4200. 937-2387901

MISC. FOR SALE Approximately 300 Gallons of Propane: $600; Used 475 Gallon Propane Tank, you must remove. Asking $300. Call 937-467-9347 Used Dixon 3363 lawn mower, new battery, tuned up, blade sharpened $500. 547-1930 GARAGE SALES 401 W 1st Arcanum; Apr 18th-21st, Wed 5-8pm, Thurs-Sat 9-5pm; Quilt fabric, quilt tops, baby quilt, books, puzzles, games & misc Huge Four-Family Sale! 113 Linwood Dr, Greenville; April 1819; 9-5; Clothes, toys, doors, much more! Cancelled If Rain Multi-family. 7413 Folkerth Rd, Grnvl; April 19-20, 9-5; In heated garage. African violets, twin stroller, other baby items, clothing and lots of misc 121 Royal Oak, Grnvl; Apr 18-19; 9-5; Scroll saw, exercise bike, medicine cabinets, dresser mirrors, pressure cooker, blender, food chopper, Crock Pots, toaster oven, hand sewn 18� doll clothes, baby clothes/ items, med maternity clothes, petite/missy clothes, many more nice items 6871 Delisle-Fourman Rd, Arcanum; April 1920-21; Thursday-Friday 9am-6pm, Saturday 9am-12pm; Some antiques and collectibles, linens, few teenage boys’ and girls’ clothes, 2 push golf carts


For the City of Greenville, Ohio Salary range $42,473.60. - $59,862.40. Medical, retirement, vacation benefits Visit: cityofgreenville.org/jobs for full details 4/15, 4/22 2T

RADIOLOGY TECH Family Health Services of Darke County, Inc. is seeking a full-time Radiology Tech at the Greenville office. Position includes radiology duties, back office (MA duties), and lab duties. 40 hour week, consisting of 2 After Hours shifts per week. Must be friendly, a team player, and patient oriented. Full-time benefit package offered. Must be licensed in the State of Ohio. EOE Qualified applicants send resume to HR@familyhealthservices.org

Come Dance with Me helps local shelter PIQUA – In conjunction with Thrivent Financial, the Darke County Shelter from Violence will be participating in a fundraiser entitled “Come Dance with Me� on May 10, 2018. This dinner and concert presentation will be held at the Fort Piqua Plaza (currently the Piqua Public Library). Tickets are $35 each and are available by calling 937-548-4679. The deadline to purchase tickets is April 30. This promises to be an enjoyable evening of entertain-

ment featuring the music of Frank Sinatra. The price for the event includes dinner and dancing with a cash bar. Doors will open at 5 p.m. with dinner served at 6 p.m. and entertainment starting at 7 p.m. A portion of the proceeds will beneďŹ t and support the domestic violence shelter. Thrivent Financial is a membership organization of Christians. For more than 100 years, Thrivent has been helping Christians make wise money choices that reect their values.

Vendors invited to showcase goods at TSC GREENVILLE – Calling all growers, crafters and artisans: the Greenville Tractor Supply store is inviting you to showcase your homemade and homegrown goods at its spring Market Day event Saturday, May 12. Vendors with expertise in everything from homemade crafts, candles and soaps to honey, eggs, produce, baked goods, gardening, furniture and more are encouraged to sign up. To register, vendors should visit TSCEventPartners. com or the Greenville store. NonproďŹ t organizations and food trucks are also encouraged to register. Vendor registration closes Wednesday, May 9. During Market Day on Saturday, May 12, vendors will be able showcase their goods free of charge in tented areas near the storefront. All vendors participating in this event will be responsible for complying with local and state ordinances. “Market Day is a

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way for us to bring neighbors together to spotlight the diverse talent that makes the Greenville community so unique,� said Mary Lawley, vice president of store administration at Tractor Supply Company. “From the hobbyist to the professional, not only do we want to celebrate locally produced goods, but also the people who make them.� As of March 31, 2018, the Company operated 1,700 Tractor Supply stores in 49 states and an e-commerce website at www. tractorsupply.com.

They provide opportunities for their member-owners to be even more generous where they live, work and worship. They offer a broad range of ďŹ nancial products, plus personalized guidance to help you do more with what you have. For more information on their services, contact Mark Reedy or Spencer Peltier at 937-7781353.

Church shares mentoring program UNION CITY, Ind. – The Union City Lions Club recently hosted a program presented by Jane Bloom and Beverly Chenoweth from the New Lisbon Christian Church. The ladies shared about a mentoring program their church is involved in. Kids Hope USA is a national program that matches adult mentors with elementary age stu-

dents. Each mentor promises one hour per week to meet with an elementary student. They spend the hour talking, working, and playing games. New Lisbon Christian Church started their association with this program a few years ago and has between 12 and 22 mentors each year that meet with North Side Elementary students in Union City.

The initial cost of joining the program was a donation from an individual in Randolph County. Jane and Bev both expressed the beneďŹ t for the kids is great and the return for the mentors is also good. Mentors must be from the New Lisbon Church, but the church is open to partnering with another church to expand the program for North Side.

YMCA plans annual Healthy Kids Day GREENVILLE – On Saturday, April 21, from 10 a.m.noon, the YMCA of Darke County is holding a free community event to inspire more kids to keep their minds and bodies active at the annual YMCA’s Healthy Kids DayŽ, the Y’s national initiative to improve health and well-being for kids and families. Healthy Kids Day is an opportunity to ignite children’s imaginations so that they can imagine what they’ll accomplish this summer. The event features activities such as: games, make a healthy snack station, free yogurt samples donated by Dannon, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby-Darke County, a Healthy Kids Day t-shirt give away, tricycle races, yoga bingo, a hula hoop contest,


Notice is hereby given that the Civil Service Commission of the City of Greenville, Darke County, Ohio, will hold a written examination for the position of Patrol Officer for the Police Department of the City of Greenville, Ohio, on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 6:00 pm in the Greenville Municipal Building Basement Classroom, 100 Public Square, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Salary ranges from $39,624 to $55,868.80 annually, plus benefits. Additional information, including minimum requirements; a detailed job description; the addition of credits; and how to obtain an application is available on-line at cityofgreenville.org or from the Office of the Mayor in the Municipal Building at 100 Public Square, Greenville, Ohio 45331, from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Thursday and from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm on Fridays. An application fee of $25.00 must accompany the application upon submission. Completed applications are due to the Office of the Mayor no later than 1:00 pm on Friday, April 27, 2018 to be eligible to take the examination. The City of Greenville is an Equal Opportunity Employer, m/f 4/8, 4/15, 4/22 3T

SIRE TECHNICIAN Birchwood Genetics, Inc. has a 3rd shift sire technician position available at our West Manchester, OH facility. Responsibilities include care and feeding of boars, collection of product, cleaning, and routine maintenance of barn equipment. Livestock experience is preferred. This is a high-health herd with strict bio-security. Contact with other swine is not permitted. $13 per hour starting wage and excellent benefits package. EOE. If you are interested in joining our team email a resume to jamie.hundley@genusplc.com or call 1-800-523-2536 for more details.

a bouncy house, exercise demonstrations, and more to motivate and teach families how to develop and maintain healthy routines at home throughout the summer months. Help Me Grow will also be on hand to do child growth and development screenings for children age 3 and younger. “When a child is healthy, happy, and supported they can make great things happen,â€? says Tyler Roberts, Operations Director of the Y. “We believe in the potential of all children, and we strive to help kids ďŹ nd that potential within themselves. A child’s development is never on vacation and Healthy Kids Day is a great opportunity to educate families and motivate kids to stay active in spirit, mind and body throughout the summer,â€? he added. In celebration of YMCA’s Healthy Kids Day, the Y offers the following tips to help families develop healthy habits this summer that can have a lifetime effect: * High Five the Fruits and Veggies – Make sure kids get at least ďŹ ve servings a day, the minimum number nutritionists recommend to maintain healthy childhood development. And to keep kids’ taste buds evolving, have everyone in the family try at least one bite of a new fruit or vegetable at least once a month. * Read Together – The summer is a great time to enjoy books with summer program participants—and 30 minutes a day goes a long way! Take trips

to the local library or create a family reading challenge to see who can log the most minutes of reading. Encourage youth to create their own stories as well. * Get Moving! – Activities that require movement also help kids ex their mental muscle. Use materials in unique ways: ask youth to build models, manipulate tools or develop their own theatrical scenes. * Play Together – Play may be the best way to prevent

childhood obesity. By putting more play into your family’s day, you will soon ďŹ nd yourself getting the activity that will have your family feeling energized and strong. * Make sleep a priority – Doctors recommend 10-12 hours of sleep a day for children ages 5-12 and 7-8 hours per night for adults. Sleep plays a critical role in maintaining our healthy immune system, metabolism, mood, memory, learning and other vital functions.


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Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent The City of Greenville has an opening for the position of Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent for the City of Greenville, Ohio. Salary ranges from $62,812 to $77,815 annually, plus benefits. Completion of post-secondary education in engineering, science, public administration or a related field is preferred but not mandatory. Five (5) years’ experience in operation of “Class III� wastewater treatment plant operations, possession of a valid Ohio driver’s license & a Class III operator’s license is required. Additional information, including a detailed job description and how to obtain an application is available online at cityofgreenville.org or from the Office of the Mayor in the Municipal Building at 100 Public Square, Greenville, Ohio 45331, from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday thru Thursday and from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm on Friday. Completed applications are due to the Office of the Mayor no later than 1:00 pm on April 20, 2018 to be eligible for consideration. The City of Greenville is an Equal Opportunity Employer, m/f


The area’s leader in building supplies for over 100 years is expanding it’s sales force. We’re looking for friendly, motivated people of integrity for a sales position. A great opportunity to earn and learn with an established leader in the industry. Send resumes to: The Ansonia Lumber Company c/o Todd Klipstine PO Box 247, Ansonia Ohio 45303





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BPW learns non-lethal ways to protect yourself GREENVILLE – Damsel in Defense Independent Director Melissa Barhorst was the featured speaker at the Greenville Business and Professional Women’s Club (BPW) meeting on Feb. 8. The meeting was held at the Brethren Retirement Community and hosted by the Public Relations Committee consisting of Chair Peggy Foutz and members Annette Sanders, Diana Frazier, Melissa Barhorst and Susan Fowble. Barhorst spoke about Damsel in Defense that was started by two moms seven years ago. She has been a Damsel representative for almost six years. Their mission is to equip, empower and educate women to protect themselves and their families. They are changing statistics and giving back to these amazing partner organizations that are making a difference

Members of the Public Relations Committee hosted the Damsel in Defense at the Greenville BPW meeting.

in the lives of those who have been assaulted. They are RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network) and Wipe Every Tear. Barhorst provided information on what Damsel in Defense is about: * Wear Your Warning - A product line including t-shirts to announce you are always in ‘defense mode’. * Family Education - Safe Hearts books and pamphlets for parents to educate themselves on protecting their children. A Digital Defense program that is a safeguard

against threats online that are unseen. * Pepper spray. * Concealed carry purses. RIFD wallets to protect credit card theft. * Security on the Go which includes protection products for travel. There are 350 representatives in Ohio and 10,000 across the nation. Melissa can be contacted through damselpro967@gmail. com. The Greenville BPW Club annually supports community services. This month the club collected items for the Domestic Violence

Shelter of Darke County. Director Annie Sonner was present and thanked the group for donating items for the shelter. The Greenville Business & Professional Women’s Club is the leading advocate for working women achieving equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education, and information. The local Club meets once a month to present programs to provide members with professional development programs, networking, participation in grassroots activism, and opportunities to support scholarships for the young women of Darke County. Anyone interested in learning more about the Greenville BPW Club or becoming a member can contact President Brenda Miller at (937) 423-7552 or brenda@newmadisonpubliclibrary. org.

April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 25

Buchy speaks to Republican Men’s Club GREENVILLE – The Republican Men’s Club held its February meeting. With petitions certified for the upcoming May Primary, the club got a glimpse of the field of those running for office. Those attending received reports of what is going on in the county, state and the federal government. In attendance were a couple candidates for the Ohio 80th House District along with representatives for state officials, and the candidates for County Commissioner. Each month the club invites a speaker to talk about pertinent topics affecting our community and to educate the group of growth as well. This month the guest speaker was the Honorable Jim Buchy, past legislator, businessman, and all around voice for West-

ern Ohio for many years. He shared the history of how he went from family butcher businessman to seasoned politician, and how it all started when a couple close friends talked him into being a part of the Greenville School board. Agriculture and youth development is close to his heart and that shows as he works on his passion to bring agriculture education through 4-H and FFA to many schools to bring structure, education, and opportunity like many of us take for granted here in Darke County. Jim is outspoken on behalf of agriculture and good legislation and that is how he is spending his post legislative years with The Batchelder Company. He is currently working with Central State University to build



POSITION SUMMARY The Site-Based Program Coordinator supervises Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) match meetings between high school mentors (“Big Buddy’s) and elementary mentee (“Little Buddy’s”) during after-school mentoring programs held at seven elementary schools located in Shelby & Darke County. The Site-Based Program Coordinator will also be in charge of three additional site-based mentoring programs including X-Force, Jackson Center Lunch Buddies, and Career Quest. The Site-Based Program Coordinator supports enrollment efforts by assisting the Program Coordinator in conducting interviews of potential participants. The Site-Based Program Coordinator conducts regular points of contact match support meetings with mentors and youth and prepares high-quality written progress reports. The Site-Based Program Coordinator also provides comprehensive documentation of YOS, SOR, and other necessary surveys to track the program participants’ match progress. The candidate must effectively and professionally represent the agency at assigned schools, maintaining positive dialog with school personnel. This position supports the Program Coordinator in the dissemination, administration, and collection of all agency/outcome surveys. EDUCATION • Bachelor’s degree in a related field preferred, or equivalent education or experience. COMPETENCIES AND SKILLS • Interest and ease working with elementary to high school-aged youth. • Familiarity with the school setting and a comfort level interacting with school personnel. • Skilled at working with 30-60 individuals in a group setting. • Demonstrated written and verbal communication skills. • Assessment skills with the ability to provide appropriate support, interventions, and resources. • Good interviewing skills with the ability to engage youth and adults in discussion about expectations, interactions, needs, and feedback. • Ability to work independently and keep accurate records. • Organized with attention to detail and commitment to meet deadlines. • Must be proficient in Microsoft Word and the ability to learn any online information management database. • Maintains confidentiality. • Good written and verbal communicator. • Experience working with diverse youth and adult populations. • Friendly and customer focused. • Ability to be an active participant of a team environment, effectively collaborating with others. • Commitment to the highest level of youth safety. • Punctual. • Creative. • Must have vehicle and valid Ohio driver’s license and meet state-required auto insurance minimums. • Must be willing to travel within our two-county service area. • Must have access to offsite internet and have a cell phone. • Must be able to carry and lift up to 50lbs. • Must pass criminal background check & BMV search. RESPONSIBILITIES • Ensure youth safety, academic achievement, and a rewarding experience for mentoring relationships at assigned sites. • Conduct and document quality and on-time match support contacts primarily through in-person youth and volunteer contacts. • Provide accurate, thorough, and timely documentation to track the progress of match relationships. • Carry out enrollment and match process resulting in the placement and launching of youth and mentor relationships. • Maintain rapport with volunteers, youth, parents, school staff, and agency partners. • Maintain program standards and enforce BBBS program rules and adherence to school/site rules and regulations. • Be in strict compliance with all assigned BBBSA training. • Ensure the safety of all youth and promptly report any infraction or concern to Program Coordinator and/or appropriate school personnel. • Process program paperwork and survey administration as directed by the BBBS Program Coordinator. • Assess, address, and convey site needs to Program Coordinator. • Responsible for the administration of interviews during youth enrollment in September and January and at other assessment points within the school year. • Provide agency communication to parents, and engage the parent in match development. • Communicate upcoming school and/or match meeting schedules, enrichments/activities, encouraging their participation and reinforcing the attendance policy. • Attend regular team meetings, as well as staff meetings, at BBBS office. • Follow up with youth and volunteers who are absent, confirming their commitment to the program, and enforcing the attendance policy. • Assist with the facilitation of programmatic enrichment activities for volunteer/youth matches as outlined by Program Coordinator. • Other duties as assigned. • Assist with agency fundraiser activities to help gain monetary support for the agency programs. WORK SCHEDULE • Available for up to 20-30 hours a week on average, including match support work approximately 10-20 hours per week taking place on weekdays typically after school hours (3pm to 6pm) and/or other hours outside of site meeting times. • As a seasonal employee/position, please note there will be limited hours available during the holiday break (specific dates vary based on mentoring site specifics) and during the summer. • Match support/recruitment work begins early September and ends June. Physical Demands • The physical demands here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. • While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to sit and use hands for typing, filing, talking on the phone, and writing. The employee will be required to travel independently, driving a vehicle and may be required to occasionally lift and/or move up to 50 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, distant vision, and ability to adjust focus. WORK ENVIRONMENT • The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. • Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. • The noise level in the office environment is normally quiet, yet in school settings can be loud. OTHER BBBS provides equal employment opportunities to all qualified individuals without regard to race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, or non-disqualifying physical or mental handicap or disability. BBBS operates under an Affirmative Action Policy. TO APPLY Please submit a cover letter, resume, and availability of weekday hours to: jenny@bigbrobigsis-shelbydarke.org 0r mail to: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby & Darke County Attention: Jennifer Bruns P.O. Box 885, Sidney, Ohio 45365 Or fax to: 937-492-4555

Shown is scholarship recipient Amy Parker.

Dr. Harry Thomas Scholarship awarded GREENVILLE – The Garst Museum and the Darke County Historical Society is pleased to announce that Amy Parker received the H. G. Thomas Medical Scholarship for the 2017-2018 academic year. Amy is a student at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine. The H. G. Thomas Medical Scholarship program, administered by the Darke County Historical Society, was established and funded in 1971 by Lowell Thomas and his sister Pherbia Thomas Thornburg, in memory of their father Dr. Harry G. Thomas. The scholarship program was later supplemented by a bequest from Lowell Thomas’ estate and interest generated by the fund also supplements the fund. To be eligible for this scholarship the applicant must be a resident of Darke County and a graduate of a Darke County high school. Applicants

Dean’s List

CEDARVILLE – Cedarville University has named the following students to its Dean’s Honor List for fall semester, 2017. Students achieving this recognition maintained a 3.75 GPA for the semester while carrying a minimum of 12 credit hours. Local students earning this honor include Stevie Johnting, of Arcanum, William Massaro, of Bradford, Victoria Miller, of Greenville, and Kassidy York, of Greenville.

must have been accepted into a medical school. Students may be considered for scholarship awards for up to four years during medical school.

Joe LeMaster, club president (left), is shown with the Honorable Jim Buchy (right).

their agriculture program since receiving their Land Grant College status. From the group and many who live in the district, Jim was thanked for his continued service and what he has done for his constituents. As always Jim finished his talk with this author’s favorite quote: “This is why Western Ohio is a great place to Live, Work, and Raise a Family!” March’s Guest Speaker will be Darke County Auditor Carol Ginn. Also, in the planning is a candidate forum for Republican Candidates of Ohio’s 80th and 84th House districts and the County Commissioner candidates.

The reason to offer this forum for these and not others is due to races being contested. The date and more information will follow. The Republican Men’s Club meets in the side dining room at the Brethren Retirement Community the third Saturday of each month at 8 a.m. Feel free to come out at 7:30 a.m. and enjoy breakfast before the meeting and enjoy community fellowship. Coffee is a $1 donation, Breakfast is a $6 donation and a yearly membership to the club is $20. If you have questions, contact the club at DCRMPresident@darkegop. org or an elected Republican official.

Open Interviews Saturday, April 21 10am-2pm 5755 St. Rt. 571 E., Greenville, OH Great Opportunities for growth within company Starting Wages: $15.02 hr. 6 month increase to $16.32 Excellent benefits including Medical, Dental, Vision, 401k Attendance and profit sharing bonuses Light Manufacturing Environment, Uniforms Provided Looking for highly motivated and dependable individuals for production positions in our climate controlled Greenville, Ohio manufacturing facility. Open positions in Injection, Assembly and Paint Departments on 2nd and 3rd shifts.

We are an equal opportunity employer. Drug testing required.

General Associate Production Positions 2nd or 3rd shift Greenville Technology Inc., a plastic injection molding company serving the automotive industry, is interested in highly motivated and dependable individuals for production positions in our climate controlled Greenville, Ohio manufacturing facility.

Open positions are in Injection, Assembly and Paint Departments on 2nd and 3rd shifts. Skills/Requirements: Hand and tool-assisted assembly Inspection, sanding and buffing of painted parts Machine operation High regard for quality Willingness to work overtime Team-oriented Proven work record Rate: $15.02 starting pay per hour. $16.32 per hour after 6 months of service. Great Opportunities for growth within company Excellent benefits including Medical, Dental, Vision, 4011k Attendance and profit sharing bonuses Light Manufacturing Environment, Uniforms Provided Please send resume to: Greenville Technology, Inc. PO Box 974 Greenville, Ohio 45331 Or hr_employment@gtioh.com ***Open Interviews on Wednesdays from 1:00-3:00PM at 5755 State Route 571 E. Greenville, Ohio 45331***

PAGE 26 April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Greenville National Bank continues Empowering support the program is “very valuable to our community.” The Greenville National Bank donation was presented during the second program incorporating a Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring session, conducted by Becca Cotterman, program coordinator, followed by tutoring in the remaining available time. “This is a winwin situation for our kids,” said Bob Robinson, Empowering Program Coordinator. “The Big Buddies program has been working with at-risk children for years. It has a history of success in


AFFORDABLE LIVING!! 1-2:30PM 301 BROAD, ROSSBURG Why Rent when you can own this home for less! Call today to schedule your showing! 925 HARRISON, GREENVILLE Affordable living in this cute one story home! Call for details! 202 WASHINGTON- GREENVILLE Looking for a fixer upper? This home has lots of space and has beautiful woodwork and open stair case! 632 WASHINGTON- GREENVILLE Cute and Cozy one a half story home with detached garage and fenced yard! If you are thinking about BUYING or SELLING Call us at DJ Rose Realty 937-547-3077 1303 Chippewa Dr. Greenville


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Lisa Martin (center left) presents a check to Empowering Darke County Youth Assistant Program Coordinator Melissa Eve at a recent combined tutoring and Big Buddies program.

its one-on-one approach to mentoring local youth.” Robinson noted it’s also a “win-win” for both programs. Students get the benefit of both tutoring and mentoring approaches, Big Buddies reaches more students and Empowering gets the benefit of BBBS experience and the services of additional volunteer tutors. The combined program occurs twice a month. Big Brothers Big Sisters Director Jennifer Bruns agreed. “Big Brothers Big Sisters has a rich history and knowledge

of mentoring youth through community base and after school programming,” she said. “With this in mind it made perfect sense to reach out to Empowering Youth for a partnership. I believe the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization can bring a lot to the table and can feed off the manpower and new ideas that Empowering Youth has to offer.” “The main goal of both of our programs is to help the youth in Darke County and this will be accomplished by joining forces on this project,” she added. 937-548-4663


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READY TO GO FISHING? This home at 3840 Algonquin has lake frontage on Algonquin Lake! Some updates. Now offered at $56,900. IN HOLLANSBURG this 2-story home at 110 W. Union Street has lots of charm and character! Original hardwood staircase and beautiful fireplace! Carpet new in 2016. Upper 50’s. BE READY TO BREAK GROUND this spring to build your new home at the corner of Bur Oak and Aspen! Improved with well; grass; trees and sidewalks! $30,000. 4 BEDROOMS in this 2-story home at 707 Martin Street! New carpet; new vinyl siding; covered front porch; 2 car detached garage PLUS 20x18 storage building! Mid 50’s. IN PALESTINE lots of storage in this 3 bedroom home at 120 Lynn Street! Freestanding stove with custom chimney; 2+ car detached garage. Upper 60’s. 4 ACRES ZONED COMMERCIAL on Wagner Avenue across from LOWE’S! Can be divided! Call Joe for additional information! COMMERCIAL BUILDING at 5294 Sebring-Warner Road has over 5400 sq. ft. of warehouse space; 1185 sq. ft. of office space; 60x90 shop; PLUS foyer and reception area! Newly painted exterior; 3 overhead doors w/openers. $325,000.


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tude toward their education.” Robinson noted that Empowering Darke County Youth is a 501c3 United Way Partner and is grateful for the support its programs have received from the community. “I can’t thank Lisa enough for her strong support on behalf of Greenville National Bank,” he said. “I’m also looking forward to developing stronger ties with Big Brothers Big Sisters on behalf of Darke County youth.” The Empowering Mission: Empowering Darke County Youth provides After School and Summer Tutoring programs to assist students in the areas of language arts and math with the goal of Strong Students for a Strong Community. For more information about Empowering programs and how to help, email: empoweringdarkecountyyouth@ gmail.com or mesARCANUM – sage Empowering on The Village of Ar- its Facebook page. canum’s Utility Department will be flushing fire hyFINDLAY – The drants on April 17 dean’s list for the and 18. Hydrants fall 2017 semester will be flushed from at the University of 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Findlay has been This may cause announced. To earn some discoloration this achievement, a to the water. Resi- student must attain dents may want to a grade point avercheck their water age of at least 3.5 on before washing. a 4.0 scale. If needed, due Local students to weather, the fol- include Catherine lowing Tuesday and Fischer of AnsoWednesday, April nia; Bryant Fox of 24 and 25, are also Greenville; Madischeduled. son Grilliot of Ver-

Hydrant flushing

Dean’s List

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TUDOR-STYLE HOME offering formal entry & DRM. Great rm has stone-surround gas F/P. Gourmet’s KIT w/stainless appliances, gas cooktop & wall oven. 3 BR, 2½ BA. Corner lot! MLS 742644 #4547 ********** ROOM TO ROAM! Spacious 2-ST home w/5 BRs! LRM, FRM & DRM. Large lot! Needs some attention. MLS 751793 #4541 WAITING FOR YOU! Brick ranch in north section of Arcanum. 3 BR, 2 BA. Large LRM. Oak KIT cabinets. Ceramic tile floors in KIT, dining area & utility rm. Price recently reduced! MLS 730517 #4534

GREENVILLE 701 N Broadway NEW LISTING $117,000. 3 Bed, 2 bath, 2 car det. Garage, located in City park, double lot, fenced in backyard. (759915) 4015 Crumrine Rd. NEW PRICE $129,900. 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car att. Garage, 5 acres, fenced in pasture, barns. (753404) 132 Shawnee NEW PRICE $139,900. 4 Bed, 2 bath, 2 story home, 2 car det. Garage. (757569) 4690 Crumrine Rd. NEW LISTING $153,500. 3 Bed, 1.5 bath, country home, 22x20 outbuilding, 1.26 Acres. (759921) 126 Ridgeview St. NEW LISTING $175,000. 5 Bed, 2 bath, 2 car garage, City park area, 1900 sq. feet of living space. (760146) OUT OF GREENVILLE 123 Clay St. Bradford $29,500. 2 bed, 1 bath home, 1.5 det. Garage, fenced in backyard. (757262)

sailles; Nicole Sherry of Greenville; and Megan Wendel of Osgood.

TROY – Congressman Warren Davidson (R-OH) recently announced the nomination of 19 students of the Eighth District for the United States Service Academies; all of whom he personally congratulated during a ceremony and reception earlier this year. Locally, Wills Troutwine, of Arcanum, was nominated for the following academies – U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Naval Academy, and U.S. Military Academy (West Point). “Interviewing these young men and women for our county’s service academies is one of the best parts of the job for me. These individuals are our leaders in waiting and I commend them for wanting to serve their county. For the nominations, we want to nominate those who have the intellect,

athletic ability, and moral character to complete a rigorous curriculum, and likewise have the desire serve their country with distinction. We are blessed to have so many young people who meet these qualifications within the Eighth District.” Representative Davidson nominated candidates based on leadership ability, academic accomplishment, athletic achievement, and extracurricular activities. An eleven member advisory board of former military and community leaders aided Davidson in the interview and vetting process. A congressional nomination does not guarantee acceptance to a service academy. A graduate of the U.S. Military Academy, Davidson served in the 75th Ranger Regiment, The Old Guard, and the 101st Airborne Division.

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ESTATE AUCTION SAT. APRIL 21ST, 2018 @ 10:00 A.M. 722 S. Franklin St. Eaton, Oh 45320 “Preble County Fairgrounds-Expo Building” **2nd of 4 Auctions for this Estate** ***1955 CHEVY BEL AIR HARDTOP*** 1955 Chevy Bel Air 2-Door Hardtop w/Only 47,226 Miles-Approx. 60 Miles on Restoration!! 265 Power Glide 2-Barrel V8 Engine w/Orig. Power Glide Transmission…All Numbers Match- -New Bias Ply Wide White Wall Tires, This Car was a Complete Off the Frame Restoration within the last 3 Years & Has Been Garage Kept!! ONE OWNER FORD TRUCKS: 2011 F250 Power Stroke w/6.7 Diesel w/Crew Cab, Always Garage Kept & Detailed Yearly at Zebart-only 74,700 Miles-Dark Blue in Color, 2001 F350 w/7.3 Diesel w/Crew Cab-135,796 Miles 260 + LOTS TO BE SOLD OF FARM TOYS/COLLECTIBLES THE MAJORITY IS 1/16TH SCALE & NIB- -HIGHLIGHTS: Precision Key Series, Several JD Train Sets, Tru-Scale, Combines, JD & IH Case Tractors; JD Pedal Combine, 4-JD Pedal Tractors, 1-Farmall Super H & Super M Pedal Tractors; 3-Custom Made Pedal Tractor Attachments-New Idea Pull Type 2 Row Corn Picker; JD Pull Type Combine, Grain Wagon 15 ANTIQUE TRACTORS + LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS -2 HIT-N-MISS ENGINES, MOST OF THESE UNITS HAVE GOOD PAINT & STRAIGHT SHEET METAL: 1953 JD 60, 1954 JD 70 Gas, 1959 JD 730 Diesel, 1939 JD A, JD 530, JD 730 Gas, JD 435 Diesel, JD 830 w/Cab & Duals, JD D, JD MT Touch-O-Matic, JD 630 Gas, IH 350 Utility w/Freeman Loader, 1953 Farmall Super M, Farmall Super H, Custom Made Tractor by Pence Machine Shop-West Alex-Used to Pull a Single Row Wheat Drill, 2-JD 110 Lawn & Garden Tractors, JD Tilt Lawn Trailer, Case 444 Garden Tractor w/Deck & Snow Blower, Cub Cadet 123 Garden Tractor, JD Type E 1.5 Hp. Hit-N-Miss Engine & Int’l LB 1.5 to 2.5 Hp. Hit-N-Miss Engine, JD Model 376 Horse Drawn Plow & Harrow, 2-Fuller & Johnson Pump Engines, JD Hand Crank Corn Sheller & Other, Very Large Assortment of New & Used Parts for JD & Int’l Tractors, Several Case-JD-Int’l Hight Pressure Cylinders, Heater Houses for JD Tractors, New JD Fenders & Mounting Brackets, Several Attachments including Plows/Loader: Loader for JD A, Several Different Styles of 1-2-3-4-5 Bottom Plows by JD-ACInt’l, Int’l Roll Over Pull Type 2 Bottom Plow, Oliver #415 Pull Type 2 Bottom Plow, 2-JD 4 Row Wide Front Mount Row Cultivators & 1 2-Row, 3 Pt. Quick Hitches, Several Early Operator Manuals, Hand Crank Forge Blower, Approx. 150# Anvil, Oliver 4340 3 Bottom Plow- -Complete Listing on Auctionzip & ID #1025 Terms: Cash or pre-approved checks-Credit cards w/3.5% Cashiering Fee-State sales tax applies-note the Chevy Bel Air sells subject to sellers reasonable confirmation…Food by Cowboy Dave… Next Auction For This Estate Sat. June 2nd Modern Farm Equipment & Shop Tools/Farm Items & Auto’s Thank You for Attending Our Auctions! THE ESTATE OF LYNN F. SORRELL Dale A. Flory & Joe E. Wigger Co-Executors Dirk Earley, Attorney for the EstatePreble Co. Probate Court Case #20181001 Offered at Auction By


Bob Roach, Auctioneer, & Realtor-937.533.7081 Anna Marie Roach, Manager-Realtor-937.657.5626 Luciano “Lucky” Montoya, Auctioneer, & Realtor


Serving the Entire Miami Valley Auction & Real Estate Markets Licensed in Ohio as well as Indiana Serving as Probate Court Appointed Appraiser in Several Ohio Counties AUCTION-AUCTION-AUCTION-AUCTION-AUCTION-AUCTION


2579 Albright Rd., Arcanum The perfect home, a wonderful home for Mom, numerous outbuildings with a man cave for Dad and a 20’x 40’ in ground pool for the kids. Lots of natural woodwork and wood floors add to the charm of this wonderful property.

“We look forward to learning and growing from this experience.” Despite being only two years in existence, the Empowering program has had major successes in its goal to reach local students struggling with their academic basics. In a recent survey of parents in the After School Program, all but one noted improvement in one or more academic areas, with some of the improvements being dramatic. One teacher reported a student had gone to A’s and B’s when before he’d been struggling with two D’s and an F. “That’s just one of many successes,” Robinson said. “There are more, too many to note here. All students except one look forward to coming to the program, and only two haven’t developed an improved atti-


GREENVILLE – Greenville National Bank recently continued its support for Empowering programs. The check was presented to Empowering Assistant Program Coordinator Melissa Eve during a combined tutoring and Big Brothers Big Sisters program at Greenville Intermediate & Elementary School. Lisa Martin, marketing and development officer for the bank said Greenville National Bank was pleased to be able to increase its support this year, noting Empowering’s “excellent results last year.” She added

Troutwine gets service academy nominations

April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 27

ODNR will stock Ohio lakes with trout Unger, Remencus earn COLUMBUS – More than 100,000 rainbow trout are expected to be released this spring in 64 Ohio public lakes and ponds, creating excellent fishing opportunities for anglers all across Ohio, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). The first rainbow trout release was scheduled for Friday, March 2, at Adams Lake in Adams County. Rainbow trout releases will take place across Ohio from March 2-May 19 as long as areas are ice-free and accessible to anglers. Information about

the trout releases, including updates to the schedule due to weather and stocking locations, is available at wildohio.gov or by calling 800-WILDLIFE (945-3543). By stocking these water areas throughout the state, opportunities are created for anglers of all ages to get out and enjoy quality spring trout fishing in a family-friendly environment. Many stocked locations will feature special angler events, including youth-only fishing on the day of the trout release. Rainbow trout are raised at Ohio’s

state fish hatcheries and measure 10-13 inches before they are released by the ODNR Division of Wildlife. The daily catch limit for inland lakes is five trout. Anglers age 16 and older must have an Ohio fishing license to fish in state public waters. The 2018-2019 fishing license is now available and is valid through Feb. 28, 2019. An annual resident fishing license costs $19. A one-day fishing license costs $11. The one-day license may also be redeemed for credit toward the pur-


THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 2018 • 6:00PM


chase of an annual fishing license. Licenses and permits can be purchased online at wildohio.gov and at participating agents throughout the state. A complete list of participating license sales agents can be found at wildohio.gov. Sales of fishing licenses along with the federal Sport Fish Restoration (SFR) program continue to fund the operation of the ODNR Division of Wildlife’s fish hatcheries. No state tax dollars are used for this activity. This is a userpay, user-benefit program. The SFR program is a partnership between federal and state gov-

ernment, industry, anglers and boaters. When anglers purchase rods, reels, fishing tackle, fish finders and motor boat fuel, they pay an excise tax. The federal government collects these taxes, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service administers and disburses these funds to state fish and wildlife agencies. These funds are used to acquire habitat, produce and stock fish, conduct research and surveys, provide aquatic education to youth, and secure and develop boat accesses. For a list of trout stocking dates and locations, go to wildlife.ohiodnr. gov/fishing/troutstocking-dates.

Career Tech honors GREENVILLE – The students of the month for February 2018 from Greenville High School Career Tech Center are Rachel Unger and Nathan Remencus. Selections were made by high school staff on the basis of service, reliability, and achievements in their Career Tech program. Rachel, a junior in the Marketing program, has demonstrated outstanding leadership and hard work this year. As the Marketing program secretary, she always does what is asked of her, and goes above and beyond in helping others while offer-

ing a smile! Most recently, Rachel demonstrated her professional skills by placing first place in the region for her Interview Skills competition for Business Professionals of America. I look forward to watching Rachel compete at state and know that she will continue to achieve much success in all that she sets her mind to. Nathan is a senior in the Automotive program at GHS Career Tech. Nathan has been a huge help with this year’s auto project. He has taken it upon himself to take a leadership role with the design of the project and

GREENVILLE – Financial services firm Edward Jones ranks No. 5 on the 2018 FORTUNE 100 Best CompaGREENVILLE – The Greenville Athletic Boosters nies to Work For extend a big thank you to Grilliot Alignment Service in list in its 19th apGreenville for recently donating their services to get pearance on the the “Wave Wagon” up and running again.” prestigious list, ac-

cording to global research and consulting firm Great Place to Work® and FORTUNE magazine. The firm is the highestranking financialservices firm on the list. Edward Jones, a Fortune 500 company headquartered in St. Louis, provides financial services in the U.S. and, through its affiliate, in Canada. Every aspect of the firm’s business, from the investments its financial advisors offer to the location of its branch offices, caters to individual investors. The firm’s 15,000-plus financial advisors serve more than 7 million clients and care for $1 trillion in assets under management. Visit the firm’s website at www.edwardjones.com and its recruiting website at www.careers.


Edward Jones is 5th as Great Place to Work


WEDNESDAY – APRIL 25TH, 2018 - 6:00 P.M. 3522 NORTH DRIVE, WAYNE LAKES, OH 45331


These Homes are all being demolished to make way for the Brethren Retirement Community expansion. Each Home will be sold in its asis condition with buyer to have salvage rights on any and all items up to the cut-off date for demolition. Addresses of Homes • 700 Chestnut Street • 704 Chestnut Street • 219 Oak Street • 225 Oak Street • 265 Oak Street • 266 Oakwood Some Houses have detached garages, storage shed, etc. Items of interest in the Houses are: Newer gas forced air furnaces, central air conditioning units, copper plumbing, wiring, hardwood flooring, doors, windows, some have appliances, 7 or 8 nice garage doors, garage door openers, wood trim, moldings, rod iron railing, light fixtures & anything you deem of value. *Professional asbestos abatement has been performed and completed.* Buyers will have through Sunday, May 6th for any removal of items wanted. Demolition of Houses begins Monday, May 7th “NO EXCEPTIONS”! Buyers must sign Waiver of Liability with removal of items.

BRETHREN RETIREMENT COMMUNITY ~ OWNERS. • ALL items must be paid for the day of auction.

• ALL items are sold as-is. • TERMS: Cash or Good Check with Proper Photo ID; Visa / MC / Discover accepted with a 3% Clerk Fee added. • Visit us online @ www.auctionzip.com and enter USER I.D. #8673 for photos and information. REMEMBER: +++Never, Ever a Buyer’s (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions… What You Bid Is What You Pay! We Office: 937.316.8400 work for our sellers, we appreciate our buyers, and we love our profession! Cell: 937.459.7686 Michel Werner Auctioneer Kirby & Staff

Open Houses Monday April 16th 5-6:00 P.M.

DIRECTIONS: From Greenville, OH take 127S. turn right onto 36 W, then turn left onto St. Rt. 121 S. Then turn right onto Weavers Ft. Jefferson Rd. Turn right onto North Dr. Watch for signs. Scenic Views await you from this lake front property boasting 3 lots totaling 1+ acres. This one-story home has 1120 sq. ft. with 2 bedrooms and 1 1/2 bath. The living room and kitchen is open combined living space with a wood burning stove and electric base board heat through out. Updates include vinyl replacement windows in 2013 except for the picture windows; and a total roof replacement completed in 2015. The large lot has several mature trees and a partially fenced in yard for your pets, also including a back patio for relaxing and enjoying the sunset overlooking the lake. Plenty of storage in this 1 car garage with attached 12 ft. x 20 ft. work shop. Plan to attend an open house to see all the possibilities. TERMS: Buyer to pay $5,000 down day of auction, with the balance due at closing. Closing shall be on or before May 30th, 2018. Buyer shall have possession day of closing. Seller will pay taxes due using the short form proration method. Buyer to pay all taxes due & payable thereafter. Have your financing arranged & be prepared to buy. Call Richard Edwards at 937-547-3202 or 4232656 or go to www.edwardsauctions.com for more details.

Ted Abney, owner of Bistro Off Broadway, presents a check to Bob Robinson, program coordinator, supporting the Empowering Darke County Youth programs.

Bistro Off Broadway supports Empowering


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Mike Baker Auctioneer/Broker 220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH

Weekly Auctions now featuring audio/video bidding. Convenience fee for on-line bidders only.

937-548-2640 www.midwest-auctioneers.com

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edwardjones.com. Member SIPC. Great Place to Work is the global authority on hightrust, high-performance workplace cultures. Through its certification programs, Great Place to Work recognizes outstanding workplace cultures and produces the annual Fortune “100 Best Companies to Work For®” and Great Place to Work Best Workplaces lists for Millennials, Women, Diversity, Small & Medium Companies, industries and, internationally, countries and regions. Through its culture consulting services, Great Place to Work helps clients create great workplaces that outpace peers on key business metrics like revenue growth, profitability, retention and stock performance.



Associate of

has gathered all of the students behind him. After an unfortunate accident has taken him out of school for recovery, he has continued to keep the students on task through messages daily and keep tabs on project progress. Couple that with his excellent grades and attendance, Nathan is the perfect choice for student of the month. Both students are very deserving of this award for February 2018. The students received a plaque, special parking space, and a gift certificate donated by the MaidRite Sandwich Shoppe.

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GREENVILLE Ted and Diana Abney, owners of Bistro Off Broadway, are long-time supporters of the community and community programs. They recently joined a growing list of community and business supporters with a donation to the Empowering Darke County Youth programs. For years the Abneys have provided scholarships through the Senior Scribes Scholarship Fund; they also participate in Darke County Center for the Arts Coffee House Series, among other events. Bistro Off Broadway serves a unique upscale

Midwestern menu in a themed environment featuring 20th century memorabilia. E m p o w e r ing Darke County Youth is wrapping up its second year of support for at-risk youth through its Greenville elementary and middle school After School Program and Darke County Summer Tutoring programs. The Empowering Mission: Empowering Darke County Youth provides After School and Summer Tutoring programs to assist students in the areas of language arts and math with the goal of Strong Students for a Strong Community.

PAGE 28 April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Bowl for Kids’ Sake raises over $38,600 GREENVILLE – This year’s Bowl for Kids’ Sake was held on March 2 and 3 at Bel-Mar Lanes in Sidney and Treaty Lanes in Greenville. The event was supported by 123 local businesses and individuals who sponsored, made general donations, and/or donated prizes for the event. The twoday event brought together 348 bowlers to make up 69 participating teams. Preliminary figures show that Bowl for Kids’ Sake has raised $38,642 for the Shelby and Darke County agency, which is $4,433 shy of their $43,075 goal. Donations are still being accepted to help catapult Big Brothers Big Sisters past this ambitious goal. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby & Darke County would like to thank the surrounding communities, businesses, and individuals who supported

their biggest fundraiser of the year. Executive Director Jennifer Bruns, recently shared, “the support Big Brothers Big Sisters receives from the community, businesses, and people year after year through our Bowl for Kids’ Sake event blows me away. We are very fortunate to be a part of such great communities. The event was a complete success regardless of if we reached our overall goal. The kids we serve are the ones that will benefit from the proceeds, and that is all that counts.” The money raised will go toward their after-school “Buddies” program and their communitybased program. Both programs establish one-to-one mentoring relationships between caring adults and children. Last year, the local agency served over 500 children

Bigs & Littles recently participated in Bowl for Kids’ Sake at Bel-Mar Lanes in Sidney and Treaty Lanes in Greenville.

throughout Shelby and Darke County. Prize levels were determined by the amount each individual fundraised. Participants who raised at least $40 ($25 for those under 18) were awarded with an event t-shirt. Those who fundraised up to $50 were entered into a drawing for a $50 Amazon Gift Card, and this year’s winner was Sara Carr who bowled with the Mutual Federal Team. Those who fundraised up to $150 qualified for three entries into


the Amazon Gift Card drawing along with one entry for a $500 Cash Grand Prize drawing, and this year’s Grand Prize winner was Maverick Long who bowled with the Super Tubers Team from Freshway Foods. Maverick has generously donated his prize winnings back to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby & Darke County. The “Individual Most Money Raised” award went to Joe Rizzo, who raised $305 in addition to his com-

pany-sponsored entry from Cargill. Joe was awarded a Columbus Overnight Gift Basket including overnight accommodations, four admission tickets to COSI, and a $25 Darden Restaurant Gift Card. Bowl for Kids’ Sake is a nationallyrecognized fundraiser, and almost 700 Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies across the country hold their own event each year. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby & Darke County’s 12th annual Duck Der-

by & Duck N Run 5K will be held on Thursday, June 21, at Tawawa Park in Sidney. The Duck Derby is a fun and exciting way to continue supporting one-to-one mentoring programs in our community. By “adopting” rubber ducks, you are given the chance to win fabulous prizes, all while making a difference in the life of a child. Duck adoptions, sponsorship opportunities, and 5K registrations are available on the agency’s website. Big Brothers Big Sisters is a nonprofit United Way member agency. If you would like to become an event sponsor, donor, volunteer, or learn more about how you can make a difference in a child’s life, contact our local agency at 937-492-7611, 937547-9622, or go to www.bigbrobigsisshelbydarke.org for more information.

Shown are Brian McKibben, Jennifer Yohey, Pamela Kimes, Jaleesa Hutchinson, Elizabeth Langston, Stephen Eldred, Scott Eberwine, Alissa Elliot, Danesa Borgerding, Nicole Hawk, Lori Hoover, and Tiffany Labig. They are pictured with members of the foundation board of directors.

Foundation awards grants to educators GREENVILLE – The Greenville Schools Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of grants for the 2017-2018 school year. The directors wish to thank everyone who has supported the foundation during the past year and helped make these awards possible. In all, the foundation awarded $9,300 in assistance for projects and purchases that could not be funded

using conventional district resources. This year’s recipients have worked hard to help make Greenville a great place to go to school. 2018 recipients are: Brian McKibben, Jennifer Yohey, Pamela Kimes, Jaleesa Hutchinson, Elizabeth Langston, Stephen Eldred, Scott Eberwine, Alissa Elliot, Danesa Borgerding, Nicole Hawk, Lori Hoover, and Tiffany Labig.

SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 2018 9:00AM


(WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS ON SALE DAY) ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Early Metal Coca-Cola Cooler; Copper Wash Boiler; Early Cast Iron John Deere Pedal Tractor w/Gear Shift; Early Metal Ranch Wagon Pedal Car; Early Child’s Metal Gas Station; Early Wood Table Top Bowling Game; sev. Wire Egg Baskets; Early Ohio License Plates, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1918 & 1921; Cast Iron Hand Crank Coffee Grinder; Dumain Saxophone in Case; (2) Lg. Wood Pulleys; Wood Coke Case w/24 Bottles; Early Uncle Tom’s Cabin Book; (2) H. Crank Grinders; Advertising Yard Sticks; (12) Dairy Maid Qt. Glass Milk Bottles; Crocks including: #10, #3, #2 & (5) #1; Early Valentines; Early Paper Dolls; Leather Doctors Bag; Sellers Cracker Jar; Alum. Colored Glasses; Cast Iron Kettle; Sinclair “Dino” Soap in original box; Advertising Thermometers; Wood Duck Pull Toy; Early Eye Glasses; Tin Wind-Up Tractor; Early Ice & Roller Skates; (2) Buck Saws; Bull Nose Lead; Derby Hat; (2) Early Canister Fire Extinguishers; Early Horse Hyde Baseball Mitt (Joe Gordon); SS Surge Milker; (6) Wood Chicken Crates; (20) 10 Gal. Milk Cans (all with lids); (10) Purina Adv. Chicken Feeders; Early Cast (ornate) Ceiling Lights; Early Desk Lamp; Wood Smoking Stand w/Copper Liner; sev. Lunch Boxes; (2) Lg. Milk Strainers; (2) Army Coats; Wood Crates; Early Post Cards; 1932 Auction Sale Flier, Versailles, Ohio; Copper Flashlight; Advertising Rain Gauges; Granite Coffee Pot, Pans, Canners; 1957, 59 & 60 Roysters Almanacs; Allis Chalmers D-15 Tractor Manual; Early Girls Tank Bicycle; 3 Marathon & Lube Advertising Cans; 1000 Lb. Platform Scales; Wood 5 Ft. Chicken Nesting Box; (2) Wash Tubs; Early Wood Crocket Set; Magellan Fox Fur, Argentina & others; sev. Longaberger Baskets; 4 Pocket Watches (1) Military; sev. Early Oilers; Pocket Knives; sev. Hat Pins; sev. Cap Guns; Wood Carpenters Box. GLASSWARE 8” Roseville Dbl. Handle Vase #91; other Roseville & Hull Vases; Fenton Glassware Pcs.; lots of colorful Paper Weights; Lg. Chicken Cookie Jar; China Tea Pot Set; 12 Place Noritake China Dishes w/Serv. Pcs.; Victorian Figurines; Floral Bowls & Plates; Alabaster Pcs.; Ceramic Lighted Christmas Tree; 8 Pl. Corelle Dishes; Glass Juicer; Graduated Pyrex Bowls; Corning Glass Ash Tray; Knick Knacks. ANTIQUE FURNITURE Early 3 Pc. Dk. Cherry Finish Bedroom Suite, Dbl. Bed, Dresser w/Mirror & Stool, 6 Dr. Chest of Drawers; Lg. 7 Ft. Early Corner Cupboard w/Dbl. Glass Doors w/8 Panels each; Early Walnut 3 Pc. Bedroom Suite, Dbl. Bed, Dresser w/Mirror & Bachelors Wardrobe; Lg. Early Wood Blanket Chest; Duncan Phyfe Footed Drum Table; Early Lane Cedar Chest on Pedestal; Oak Dbl. Drop Dining Table w/Porcelain Casters; Wood Hall Tree; Pair of Early Lamp Tables (Mersman); 6 Ft. Wood Single Door Storage Cabinet; Flat Top Military Trunk w/Till & Wood Slat Trim; 50’s Chrome Table w/ Yellow Formica Top; (3) Cast Iron & Marble Base Standing Lamps; 4 Pc. Cast Iron Patio Set; (3) Metal Spring Back Lawn Chairs; Red & White Porcelain Top Table. MODERN FURNITURE Very nice 3-Cushion Sofa, Brown Paisley w/Wood Trim & matching Side Chair; Tan Swivel Rocker (Like New); 4 Pc. Pecan Bedroom Suite, Queen Bed, Dresser, Chest, Lamp Table; (2) 6 Ft. Pecan Wall Unit Bookcases; 2 Pc. Oak “Tell City” Dining Room Hutch w/Glass Doors; 6 Ft. Grandfathers Clock (Oak); Maroon Leather Wingback Recliner; La-Z-Boy Aqua Rocker/Recliner; Wingback Chair (Aqua); Cherry Desk w/Leather inlay top (Nice); sev. nice Wood Lamp & Entry Tables; sm. Oval Desk w/Rush Btm. Chair; Oak Rolling Tea Cart; Oak Standing Jewelry Cabinet; Octagon Lamp Table w/Glass Top; Smoke Glass Flat Screen TV Stand (very modern); Sofa Table; 6 Ft. Dbl. Door Metal Cabinet; 4 Ft. Glass Showcase/Display Counter; Star S.S. Under Counter Refrigerator. NEON ADVERTISING SIGNS Early Round Schlitz Stain Glass Light; Lg. Miller Lite Neon; Coors Light (Pacers) Neon; Red Wolf Neon; Lite Beer w/State of Texas Neon; Lg. Bud Light Bottle Neon; (2) Smirnoff Bottle Neons; O’Douls Neon; Miller Lite Time & Miller Lite Bottle; Sharps Bottle Neon; (2) Miller Genuine Draft Neons; Michelob Lite Neon Bottle; Budweiser “Live Music” Neon; Lg. Coors Light Neon; Lite Beer “Open” Neon; Rolling Rock Neon; Bud Light Neon; Marlboro “Open” Neon. ADVERTISING CLOCKS I.U. Indiana University Clock; Coca-Cola Plastic Lighted Clock; Farm Bureau Ins. Clock; Bud Light Lighted Clock; Lowenbrau Lighted Clock; Budweiser Lighted Clock; Pepsi Plastic Clock; Purdue Boilmakers Clock; Miller Lite Beer Can Clock; Kessler “Wood Wagon Wheel Clock”. BEER LIGHTS & SIGNS Michelob Hanging Eagle Light; Stroh’s Light Beer Lighted Sign; Jack Daniels No. 7 Lighted Sign; Old Milwaukee Dbl. Red Globe Light; Round Disco Ball (multi-colored) Light; large Stroh’s Notical Hanging Light; Heineken Lighted Sign; Blatz Lighted Sign; Coors Lighted Mirror; (2) Lg. Lighted “Open” Signs; Pabst; Chivas; Seagram’s; Corona; Heineken; Strohs; Blatz; Bud Light Colts; Coors & many more. BEER MIRRORS Bud Select; Bud Light; Kessler; (2) Early Miller High Life; Olympia; Budweiser; Matila Bay; Pool Parlor; Blue Moon Brewery; Miller Lite on Draft; Miller Race Car Mirror; Cerveza Pacifico; 3 Ft. Round Conclave Mirror; Bacardi Silver; Leroux Schnapps & many more. METAL BEER SIGNS Bud; Bud Light; Coors; Smirnoff & Jim Beam; Pabst Chalk Boards & more; full size Cardboard Dale Earnhardt Jr. MISC. Framed Budweiser Label’s Over The Years; sev. Beer Taps; (8) Stadium/Theater Seats (blue cloth); Fisher Stereo & Speakers; Elec. Cash Register; Cash Drawers; numerous Framed Automobile Pictures; 20+ Drive-In Theater Movie Posters in original cardboard tubes (Warner Bros. Dist.); (2) Pool Table Hanging Lights; Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer & Bowls; McGraw Flatware in wood case; sm. Elec. Kitchen Appliances; Kitchen Utensils; Pots; Pans; Pictures; Luggage; Table Lamps; Knotted Comforters; Blankets; Handi Work; Table Covers; (2) nice Area Rugs; Folding Metal Table; Lawn Chairs; sev. Dolls; Holiday Decorations; Yard Gazing Ball; Long Handle Yard Tools; misc. Hand Tools; Cookbooks; Motor Repair Manuals; Elec. Stewart Clippers; (6) Fire Extinguishers; (8) Pool Sticks & Rack; lots of Costume Jewelry; Manual Tire Bead Breaker.




Office: 937.316.8400 Cell: 937.459.7686 Michel Werner Auctioneer

• ALL items must be paid for the day of auction. • ALL items are sold as-is. • We must collect sales tax. • TERMS: Cash or Good Check with Proper Photo ID; Visa / MC / Discover accepted with a 3% Clerk Fee added. • Visit us online @ www.auctionzip.com and enter USER I.D. #8673 for photos and information. • Food Available on Site! • ****PREVIEW DAY IS FRIDAY, APRIL 20TH FROM 12:00PM TO 5:00PM**** REMEMBER: +++Never, Ever a Buyer’s (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions…What You Bid Is What You Pay! We work for our sellers, we appreciate our buyers, and we love our profession! Kirby & Staff

MVCTC students excel at BPA Contest ENGLEWOOD – Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) Business Professionals of America (BPA) students performed well at the recent BPA Regional Contests. Of the regional winners, 50 qualified to compete at the State BPA Contest in Columbus March 8-9, 2018.

The following local MVCTC students qualified to compete at the State BPA Contest. First Place Finishers: * Basic Office Systems & Procedures BPA Regional Contest - Emelia Hammons, Medical Office Management student from Ansonia * Global Mar-

keting Team BPA Regional Contest Isabelle Middleton, Business Ownership student from Tri-Village; Alison Pierce, Business Ownership student from Huber Heights, and Kaitlan Thompson, Business Ownership student from Arcanum * ICD-10-CM Diagnostic Coding BPA Regional Contest - Shelly Brumbaugh, Medical Office Management student from Franklin Monroe * Presentation Management— Team BPA Regional Contest - Ashley Hunziker, Business Ownership student

MVCTC is excited for the 50 Business Professionals of America (BPA) students that qualified for the State BPA Conference.

from Northmont; Olivia Keihl, Business Ownership student from Arcanum; Delaney Norton, Business Ownership student from National Trail; and Keleigh Vogel, Business Ownership student from Valley View Second Places


Finishers: * Database Applications BPA Regional Contest - Brian Johnson, Computer Repair & Tech Support student from TriVillage * Medical Office Procedures BPA Regional Contest - Maegann Hackworth, Medical Office Management student from Arcanum Third Places Finishers: * Computer Security BPA Region-

April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 29

al Contest - Preston Fox, Computer Network Engineering student from Arcanum-Butler Fourth Place Finishers: * Advanced Word Processing Skills BPA Regional Contest - Payton Reichard, Medical Office Management student from Mississinawa Valley BPA is a national student organization that serves Business and Information Technology students. Members participate in activities that promote leadership, citizenship, academic, and technological skills, as well as competing in BPA contests related to their career field at the local, regional, state, and national levels. For more information about MVCTC, visit www. mvctc.com.


Darke County Sheriff’s


For more information call 937-547-4603 or go to www.darkecountysheriff.org Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

JPMorgan Chase VS. Gary Todd Moore, et al. No. 17CV00599

US Bank VS. Jason Ignaffo, et al. No. 17CV00108

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, May 4, 2018, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Village of Arcanum in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, May 4, 2018, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Village of Arcanum in Darke County to-wit:

Street Address: 315 N. Main St. Arcanum, Ohio Parcel Number: P59230804020111000

Street Address: 409 W. George St. Arcanum, Ohio Parcel Number: P59230804030411300

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $122,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. If any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale the same time of day and same place on Friday, May 18, 2018. There will be no minimum bid set for this sale according to ORC Section 2329.21. The purchaser shall be responsible for costs, allowance, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover. TERMS OF SALE: Deposit required for this property: $5,000.00 Balance due within 30 days after Confirmation. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 4/15, 4/22, 4/29 3T

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $40,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. If any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale the same time of day and same place on Friday, May 18, 2018. There will be no minimum bid set for this sale according to ORC Section 2329.21. The purchaser shall be responsible for costs, allowance, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover. TERMS OF SALE: Deposit required for this property: $5,000.00 Balance due within 30 days after Confirmation. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 4/15, 4/22, 4/29 3T

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Reverse Mortgage Solutions VS. Unknown Spouse of Daniel Pericolosi, et al. No. 17CV00189

Farm Credit Mid America VS. Willard Burns, et al. No. 17CV00359

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, May 4, 2018, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Village of Union City in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, May 4, 2018, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Township of Harrison in Darke County to-wit:

Street Address: 215 N. Cedar St. Union City, Ohio Parcel Number: H33211330020114600

Street Address: 1898 Payne Rd. Hollansburg, Ohio Parcel Number: G28011017000010400 & G28011017000010501

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $17,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. If any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale the same time of day and same place on Friday, May 18, 2018. There will be no minimum bid set for this sale according to ORC Section 2329.21. The purchaser shall be responsible for costs, allowance, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover. TERMS OF SALE: Deposit required for this property: $5,000.00 Balance due within 30 days after Confirmation. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 4/15, 4/22, 4/29 3T General Information The Sheriff is issued Orders of Sales from the Clerk of Courts Office. Sales are advertised in The Early Bird once every week for three consecutive weeks. The Sheriff’s Office does not mail or give away a list of properties or information about purchasing foreclosed property. The properties are not available for tour or inspection as the Sheriff’s Office does not have keys to any properties. Prior to the sale, most properties are appraised from the outside only. The property is sold “as is”, caveat emptor (let the buyer beware). The Sheriff’s office does not have information on liens or taxes. Real estate tax information can be found at the following web site: darkepropertymax.governmax.com real estate appraisal database. All sales are held in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building, 520 South Broadway, Greenville. All sales begin promptly at 10:00 a.m.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $220,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. If any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale the same time of day and same place on Friday, May 18, 2018. There will be no minimum bid set for this sale according to ORC Section 2329.21. The purchaser shall be responsible for costs, allowance, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover. TERMS OF SALE: Deposit required for this property: $10,000.00 Balance due within 30 days after Confirmation. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 4/15, 4/22, 4/29 3T Bidding information Bidding starts as directed in each sale ad. Successful bidders must deposit in the following: If appraised value of property is less than or equal to $10,000 the deposit is $2,000.00; $10,001 - $200,000 the deposit is $5,000.00; greater than $200,000 the deposit is $10,000.00. Personal check (proper ID, local check signed in our presence), cashier’s check or cash is accepted. The buyer will be required to sign a disclaimer that relieves the Sheriff and appraising agents of liabilities of hazards, or past due bills, as it it the responsibility of the buyer to look into these matters before the sale date. The unpaid balance of the purchase price is due within 30 days after confirmation of sale is filed. More Information You may contact Abby Wilson at (937) 547-4603 if you require further information. A listing of properties can be viewed at darkecountysheriff.org.


PITSBURG – The following students have been named Students of the Month. January: Ting Hao Zheng, Tristen Collins, Stephanie Dong, and Maya Diceanu. February: Meredith Cook, Jessica Brocious, Maddie Stacy, Kaitlyn McNutt, and Zach Garber. Each student was recognized for their outstanding contribution to Franklin Monroe Schools both in and out of the classroom. Vint’s Family Restaurant, Rapid Fired Pizza and Taco Bell provided coupons for these outstanding students.

Notice is hereby given that the names of persons to serve as Grand and Petit Jurors for the May 2018 Term of the Common Pleas Court of Darke County , Ohio will be drawn from the Jury Wheel at the Office of the Clerk of Common Pleas Court of Darke County, Ohio on Monday, April 23, 2018 at 8:00am. Melva C. Barga David W. Brewer Commissioners of Jurors Darke County, Ohio 4/15 1T CITY OF GREENVILLE On April 3, 2018, the City of Greenville, Ohio adopted the following legislation: • Ordinance #18-34 supplemental appropriations • Ordinance #18-35 transfer • Resolution #18-36 adopts a joint community housing impact & preservation plan agreement • Resolution #18-37 authorizes a contract with High-Tech Special Effects, Inc. for July 4th pyrotechnics • Resolution #18-38 authorizes the disposition of no longer needed office equipment This legislation can be read and examined in its entirety at the office of the City Auditor, Room 200, Municipal Building, Greenville, Ohio, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday and 8:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. on Friday. Approved: Eric Brand, Law Director Vicki Harris, Clerk of Council City of Greenville 4/8, 4/15 2T

In the Probate Court of Darke County, Ohio Jason R. Aslinger, Judge In the matter of the adoption of Amie Grace Burtrum Case No. 18-5-008 To: Kristie Gail Burtrum, Address Unknown Kristie Gail Burtrum, address unkown, will take notice that on March 27, 2018, the Petitioner, Rochelle M. Burtrum, filed her Petition for Adoption of Amie Grace Burtrum in the Probate Court of Darke County, Ohio, being in Case No. 18-5-008 on the docket of the Court, said case being captioned, “In the Matter of the Adoption of Amie Grace Burtrum”. Pursuant to said Petition, Petitioner is seeking to legally adopt Amie Grace Burtrum. Kristie Gail Burtrum will take notice that she is required to answer said Petition for Adoption of Amie Grace Burtrum within twenty-eight (28) days after the last publication. Said cause will be heard before Judge Jason R. Aslinger, Darke County Juvenile Court, 300 Garst Avenue, Greenville, Ohio 45331 on July 26, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. or soon thereafter as the Court can hear and determine the same. This publication is required by Ohio Rule of Civil Procedure 4.4 (A). Matthew J. Pierron (0090483) Hanes Law Group, Ltd. 507 South Broadway Greenville, Ohio 45331 PH: 937-548-1157 FX: 937-548-2734 mpierron@haneslaw.com Attorney for Rochelle M. Burtrum 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20 6T


THOMAS W. DEETER, Trustee, et al. Plaintiffs vs THOMAS W. DEETER, et al. Defendants CASE NO. 18-CV-00095 JONATHAN P. HEIN, JUDGE The Unknown Heirs, Legatees, Devisees, Administrators, Executors, Successors, and Assigns of Norman B. Teaford, Deceased, shall take notice that on the 5th day of April, 2018, DONNA JOAN ABNER filed a cross-claim in a certain action in the Common Pleas Court of Darke County, Ohio, 504 S. Broadway St, Greenville, Ohio 45331, said case being captioned “Thomas W. Deeter, Trustee, et al., Plaintiffs, vs. Thomas W. Deeter, et al., Defendants”, and being Case No: 18-CV-00095, on the docket of said Court, alleging that Donna Joan Abner is entitled to an order establishing an easement for ingress and egress across a certain tract of real property comprised of 0.542 acres, more or less, located in the Village of Palestine, Darke County, Ohio, and parcel being identified on the Darke County Auditor’s records as having an address of Second Cross Street, Palestine, and further being identified by said Auditor’s Parcel Identification Number I36-2-111-15-02-01-156-00. The Defendants named in this Notice are required to answer said Complaint within twenty-eight (28) days of the final of six (6) consecutive weeks of publication of this notice, or the allegations of said Cross-Claim will be considered by the Court to be confessed by the Defendants as true. LAW OFFICE OF RUDNICK & HOSEK, LTD. Attorneys for Donna Joan Abner NATHAN D. HOSEK (ID No. 0083994) 121 W. Third St. Greenville, Ohio 45331 Telephone: (937) 547-1591 Email: nathan@rudnickhosek.com 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 6T

Eric Stetzel joins Greenville Federal GREENVILLE – Greenville Federal is pleased to announce the addition of Eric Stetzel to the Commercial Banking Team as a Commercial Lender. Stetzel joins Greenville Federal’s growing commercial banking group and will immediately contribute to Greenville Federal’s success through the development and maintenance of commercial banking relationships. He brings 15 years of banking experience and will serve the Miami and Darke county markets. “I’m excited to join the Greenville Federal team and continue the success of the commercial lending department,” said Stetzel. “I look forward to helping businesses save time and money by providing knowledge and solutions

Eric Stetzel

specific to their needs.” Stetzel resides in Ludlow Falls with his wife Lisa and their two children. Founded in 1883, Greenville Federal has been serving our communities for 135 years and remains the oldest locally owned financial institution headquartered in Darke County. Greenville Federal is committed to providing excellent products and services to its customers and actively supporting the communities we serve.


Judge Johnathan P. Hein Case N. 18CV00095 THOMAS W. DEETER Successor Co-Trustee of the Mary G. Deeter Revocable Living Trust Dated April 8, 2004, et. al., Plaintiffs vs THOMAS W. DEETER et. al., Defendants. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, LEGATEES, ADMINISTRATORS, EXECUTORS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS OF NORMAN B. TEAFORD a/k/a NORMAN BAKER TEAFORD, Defendants whose last known address is: Unknown, and who cannot be served, will take notice that on March 5, 2018, Plaintiffs filed a Complaint to Quiet Title, for Declaratory Judgement, and for Reformation of the Deed in the Common Pleas Court of Darke County, Ohio, being Case N. 18CV00095, on the docket of the Court. Pursuant to said Complaint, Plaintiffs are seeking the Court’s determination for a finding and an order that paragraph numbered 2, as is more particularly set forth below under restrictions and exceptions following the legal description, as is contained in the Warranty Deed dated July 7, 1976, from Gale E. Teaford and Madonna E. Teaford, Grantors, now deceased, to Paul A. Deeter and Mary G. Deeter, Grantees, now deceased recorded on July 9, 1976, in Deed Volume 434, Page 342 in the Office of the Recorder of Darke County, Ohio, is a personal covenant between the original Grantors and Grantees and is not a restrictive covenant which runs with the land and, by virtue thereof, is void and unenforceable by the successors in interest of Gale E. Teaford and Madonna E. Teaford, and by the successors in interest of Paul A. Deeter and Mary G. Deeter; that the title to said real estate be quieted as against all of the Defendants named in the Complaint and all others claiming through or under them; to reform the existing deed and subsequent deeds accordingly; and for such further relief, both in law and in equity, to which Plaintiffs may be entitled. The real estate is described as follows: Situated in the Southeast Quarter of Section 15, Town 11 North, Range 1 East, Village of Palestine, Liberty Township, Darke County, Ohio and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pin at the northwest corner of Benjamin Eakins Plat in the Village of Palestine as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 3 of the Darke County Plat Records; thence South 7° 10’ East with the west line of said Eakins Plat 195,52 feet to an iron pin in the centerline extension of 2nd Cross Street, passing an iron pipe at a distance of 162.52 feet; thence South 83° 25’ West with the centerline extension of 2nd Cross Street 219.82 feet to an iron pin; thence North 7° 10’ West for a distance of 200.83 feet to an iron pin passing an iron pin at a distance of 33.00 feet; thence North 84° 48’ East for a distance of 219.94 feet to the place of beginning, containing 1.00 Acres, more or less, subject to all legal highways and easements of record in particular a 33 foot easement for road purposes off the south side of the above described tract and a 10 foot easement for a drainage tile crossing the northern part of the above described tract. Description prepared by James A. Vanden Bosch, Registered Surveyor No. 6009, from a survey made in June, 19 The above-described tract is also described as being situated in the Township of Liberty, in the County of Darke, and the State of Ohio. Being Lot Numbered Seven (7) in the Teaford’s Subdivision as recorded in Volume 17, Page 186, of the Plat records of Darke County, Ohio, but subject to all legal highways and easements of record. Parcel Number: 136-2-111-15-02-01-149-00 (1.00 Acre m/l) Property Address: 227 2nd Cross Street, Palestine, Ohio 45352 Subject to the following restrictions and exceptions: 1. Excepting and reserving to the grantors, their heirs and assigns, the right to use and maintain the drain tile heretofore installed in and across said premises, for the use and benefit of adjacent and neighboring premises, together with the right to enter upon said premises for the purpose of repairing or reconstructing said drain tile; the location of said drain tile appearing as a ten foot easement on the plat of said premises recorded in Plat Book 10, page 193, Recorder’s Office, Darke County, Ohio. 2. Grantors agree to protect and save harmless said Grantees from all assessments for the opening of 2nd Cross Street across the southern boundary of said tract; and agree to open said street for a distance of 100.00 feet from the eastern boundary of said tract. All Defendants will take notice that they are required to answer the Complaint within twenty-eight (28) days from the last publication of this notice. This publication is authorized by Ohio Revixsed Code Section 2703.14 and Ohio Civil Rule 4.4 (A). Respectfully submitted, HANES LAW GROUP, LTD Attorneys for Plaintiffs, Thomas W. Deeter Deborah E. Lawrence, and Gary A. Deeter, Successor Co-Trustees of the Mary G. Deeter Revocable Living Trust Dated April 8, 2004 Daniel C. Schipfer, Jr., of Counsel (0018301) 507 South Broadway Greenville, Ohio 45331 Telephone: (937) 548-1157 Facsimile: (937) 548-2734 E-mail: dschipfer@haneslaw.com 3/11, 3/18, 3/25, 4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 6T

PAGE 30 April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


VAM continues search for new artifacts VERSAILLES – Seasons come, and seasons go; much like displays at the Versailles Area Museum. They love showing off their numerous artifacts and always giving you something new to see. They are currently packing away their Toyland display and if you loaned items they may now be picked up at the museum. New items they are looking for include photos of people enjoying the “Great Outdoors.” Photos might include people camping, hunting, fishing, boating and other great outdoor activities regardless of the season. Time periods are open, but certainly older pictures are certainly encouraged. It would be great if you can identify the folks and the location.

COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP SERVICE. Crankshaft Grinding Block Boring Aluminum Welding Flywheel Grinding Connecting Rod Service Pressure Testing Cylinder Head Service Engine Parts

This display will change with the seasons and begin in mid-June and last about 10 months. Also, they are looking for items from the fun days at the “Stillwater Beach,” especially vintage swim wear and beach toys. Other displays where your help is needed is vintage Poultry Days costumes, banners, trophies, and of course your favorite Miss Chick photos. If you still have any of the unique crafts or egg dishes sold at the festival, they might be interested. In late summer they

will be doing a new display entitled “What’s in the Bag?” This wonderful display will pay tribute to the lady’s handbag carried for centuries, yet it, as well as its contents has changed as much as our society has changed. Vintage purses and contents from compacts to wallets to lip stick holders to perfume bottles and the menagerie of other items that could have once been included would be of interest. Also, they are always looking for new items to display from area villages

Kindergartners need to register at Tri-Village NEW MADISON – Tri Village Elementary School is currently registering kindergarten students for the 2018-2019 school year. Registration packets are available at the office Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. If you cannot come during this time frame, call the elementary office as soon as possible so they can make arrangements for you to receive the necessary information. All students must be registered by May 2.

Children being registered for kindergarten must be 5-years of age by Aug. 1 in order to be eligible for enrollment. Parents should bring the child’s birth certificate (must be original) and custody papers (if that applies). Please plan on spending a few minutes completing the necessary registration paperwork. If you have any questions, contact the office at 937-996-1511 and ask for Angie Harrington, elementary secretary.

5453 S.R. 49 GREENVILLE, OHIO, 45331


Welcome to HAMILTON Auto Sales Tony Ulman, Service Manager At your service! Give us a call for all your service needs!

BRADFORD – Would you like to try out a book club at your local library? Bradford Public Library will be holding two evening sessions a week beginning Tuesday, April 17 at 6:30 p.m. They will start out with The Underdogs by Melissa Fay Greene. On the first evening, participants will be initiated into the world of Group Reading and a book will be provided to each person. There is a maximum of 15 people for these two sessions and an early sign-up is required. There is no fee. Cherie Roeth, Library Director will be heading the sessions. On the second evening, a week later, the book will be discussed and they will all be greeted by a service dog and its handler from a local training facility. Call the library at 937448-2612 or stop in to sign up and ask additional questions.

BRADFORD – The New Friends Group of Bradford Public Library will be meeting on Thursday, April 26 at 6:30 p.m. Preparations are being made for a June Bus Trip to Cincinnati and other ventures. Call the library for additional information or President Carolyn Smith at 937-4482285.

Scouting for Food slated

Spring Vehicle Safety Inspections Believe it or not Spring is here and travel season is coming. Be prepared for your trips and the hot summer weather. Schedule your vehicle safety inspection now which includes a FREE Code scan. We also offer Complete Detailing Service to get rid of all that winter grime.

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Book clubs at Bradford Library

BPL Friends will meet



that make up their museum. If you think we might be interested, give them a call. Like Versailles Area Museum on Facebook to learn more of the great stories that make their communities unique.


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DARKE COUNTY – Boy Scouts in Darke District will once again be holding their Scouting for Food event. The scouts will be dropping off door hangers to all the homes in the community on April 21 beginning at 9 a.m. The scouts will return April 28 beginning at 9 a.m. to pick up donations. Nonperishable food items are requested. The Scouts are requesting that you place donations in bags, place the door hanger on the bag and place the bag outside in a place visible from the sidewalk/road before 9 a.m. on April 28. Food collected in Greenville will be delivered to Grace Resurrection Community Center and Darke County Fish Food Pantries. You can also drop off donations off at the Early Bird Newspaper office.

Park volunteers help to clear invasive plants so that natives can thrive.

Earth Day cleanup at Darke County Parks GREENVILLE – On Saturday, April 21, 1 p.m., Darke County Parks invites you to the newly acquired Bish Discovery Center, 404 N. Main St., Greenville, for an Earth Day Clean Up. The grounds and building need some TLC and your help is greatly needed.

Bring a friend, grab your gloves, and dress for the weather as you celebrate Earth Day with Darke County Parks. Refreshments will be provided for all participants. Please call 937-548-0165 if you have questions or need directions.

Susan Gunckle and Lynne Hinshaw prepared Christmas cards for a Brethren Retirement Community resident.

Grange serves throughout the year GREENVILLE – During Grange Month, the Stelvideo Grange is highlighting some of the activities it performs throughout the year. Stelvideo Grange members Susan Gunckle and Lynne Hinshaw were honored to represent Stelvideo Grange in preparing Christmas Cards for a resident at the Brethren Retirement Community, Rose Ebberts. They provided, signed and addressed the

cards. They do everything but provide the stamps. This is one of their Community Service projects. They did Rose’s Christmas cards for her for at least 12 years, if not more. Rose loved to send cards as well as receive them. She has sent as many as 120 and as few as 80. Rose passed away one week after they prepared her Christmas Cards.

Marion Local stages Footloose MARIA STEIN – Over 70 Marion Local High School students will take the stage as they present this year’s musical, Footloose! One of the most explosive movie musicals in recent memory bursts onto the live stage with exhilarating results. Performances will held in the Marion Local High

School gym on Friday, April 27 at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, April 28 at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, April 29 at 2 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online by following the link at marionlocal.org. Tickets can also be purchased at the door (based on availability). Tickets are $8 adults and $5 for students.




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April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 31


Library’s April Lunch WSU and ESCC team up for degree program & Learn is April 18 GREENVILLE – The Greenville Public Library’s Lunch & Learn for April features everyone’s favorite wellness expert Jordan Francis from Wayne Healthcare. Francis’ presentation is from his Healthy Living Series entitled “Change That Will Last.” Francis comments, “The program can help you reach and maintain a healthier lifestyle by making changes in eating, physical activity, and behavior. These lifestyle changes can lower your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and blood pressure.” Join them Wednesday, April 18 at noon. Space is limited to 20 participants. If you would like the boxed lunch from the Coffee Pot, register by calling 548-3915. It costs $5 and includes a wrap, fruit,

Jordan Francis

a salad or soup, and a beverage. Or just come for the program They apologize for having to cancel March’s program due to the snow storm. They have rescheduled Melissa Laux, Licensed Massage Therapist and Craniosacral Therapist, for Lunch & Learn in May.

Community project meeting ARCANUM – The Arcanum-Butler Local School District will host a community meeting and presentation to provide information regarding the Agricultural Education and Community MultiUse Facility project on

Thursday, April 19, 7 p.m. in the cafetorium. Guests will hear a brief presentation about the project, responses from frequently asked questions and will have the opportunity to ask questions.

PIQUA – Wright State University will soon offer a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Organizational Leadership at Edison State Community College’s Piqua Campus. To cement the partnership, Edison State Community College and Wright State University have entered an articulation agreement to ensure a seamless transfer for students interested in pursuing this degree. “We are excited to partner with Wright State University to offer the Organizational Leadership program to our students,” said Chris Spradlin, Provost for Edison State. “It is a wonderful opportunity for students to stay close to home and develop their leadership skills in preparation for many different career paths.”

Wright State’s Organizational Leadership undergraduate degree is a multidisciplinary degree that focuses on the people side of organizations and managing others. Graduates of the program learn to establish trust, build effective teams, enhance presentation skills, problem-solve, engage with and motivate employees and co-workers, appreciate diversity in a global work environment, take initiative, and leverage individual strengths for success. Using a combination of interactive video distancelearning (IVDL) technology and interactive online learning, students can complete their coursework being on Edison State’s campus one evening per week. “I’ve also been impressed by the IVDL technology; it delivers an authentic, in-

ARCANUM – The Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society (AWTHS) announces their spring and summer hours as well as the special open house for the Trojan alumni and summer Farmers Market. On Saturday, April 21 the house will be open from 1-4 p.m., 123 W. George St., Arcanum. This is the

special day for the Trojan Homecoming and Alumni and guests as well as open to the general public. Coffee will be served along with an opportunity to view the house, displays and memorabilia from the honored AHS classes as well as other classes and activities. Information is available on their Facebook page under

and with the game tailored to kids’ size and age, participants learn skills quickly while playing in a team environment. Following is more information about the upcoming program, including times and location: Grades K-5 – Sundays: June 10 – July 15, 6-7 p.m. Grades 6-9 – Tuesdays: June 5, 12, 26, July 10, 17, and 24, 6:30-8 p.m. The event takes place at

Greenville High School, 100 Green Wave Way. The cost is $65 per player (includes age appropriate racquet, t-shirt and goodie bag). Registration closes Sunday, May 13, 2018. Visit www.midwestteamtennis.com/ to learn more about the program and for easy online sign-up. Coaches and volunteers are always needed and training will be provided to those who volunteer.

Midwest Youth Team Tennis is open to girls and boys ages 5-14 years of age. Beginning, intermediate, and advanced players are welcome to participate. The program participant package includes the following: new age-appropriate tennis racquet and ball, team uniform, and additional items based on the specific program. Visit www.midwest.usta. com for more information.

will be held on Monday, April 30, from 5:30-7 p.m. in room 504/505 on the Edison State Piqua Campus for those interested in joining the Organizational Leadership cohort in fall 2018. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about the program, ask questions, and enjoy refreshments and giveaways. Those interested in attending are asked to RSVP to Brenda Kraner, Program Director, Organizational Leadership, Wright State University, 937-7753951, or brenda.kraner@ wright.edu. For more information about the program, contact Dr. Tony Human, Dean of Edison State’s Professional and Technical Programs at thuman@edisonohio.edu or call 937.778.8600 to speak with a Success Advisor.

AWTHS announces spring, summer hours

Midwest Youth Team Tennis in Greenville GREENVILLE – The USTA/Midwest Section (United States Tennis Association) is offering a Midwest Youth Team Tennis program for the Greenville community. Featuring the USTA’s Youth Tennis play format, which uses age appropriate equipment, court dimensions and scoring, Midwest Youth Team Tennis makes the game more fun right from the start. No tennis experience is needed

teractive classroom experience for everyone, no matter where they are located,” added Spradlin. The cohort-based program will be offered beginning in fall 2018 and students can complete the degree in as little as 16 months, depending upon the number of transfer credits they have earned. To enter the B.S. in Organizational Leadership degree program at Wright State, Edison State students must first complete an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science transfer degree. Alternatively, completion of 60 or more semester credit hours, cumulative minimum GPA of 2.0 or higher, and completion of Ohio Transfer Module Math will also grant admission to the program. An information session

“events” or website www. arcanumhistoricalsociety.org. Questions can be directed to contact@arcanumhistoricalsociety.org or through their Facebook page. AWTHS will also be open Saturday, May 5 from 9 a.m.-noon. If you are wishing to research or use the laptop, appointments are recommended. The Research Library is open other times as well but by appointment. Summer hours include: Open the first two Saturday mornings of the month from 9 a.m.-noon. However, the second Saturday is when their Coffee and Conversation sessions are planned. Please note the research library will only be open from 9-10 a.m. on those Saturdays. A full list of contacts are available on their website under the “contacts” tab.

Summer hours begin June 2 along with the Farmers Market outside the AWTHS at Veterans Park. Vendors are needed for produce, baked goods, quality crafts, antiques and homemade items. Contact Sharon Troutwine for details regarding set up. The market will run through the summer each Saturday morning. Detailed information is on their Facebook page and website. Tours of the historic Louis Deitrich Saloon and House, which now houses the AWTHS, are available to groups by appointment. AWTHS rentals are available for small groups and open house type events and parties. Call Carolyn Furlong to check availability and to reserve for your function including graduation parties, showers, family dinners, alumni, reunions, or club events.





2017 BUICK ENCORE FWD, 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, like new, white, 29,012 miles ........................................................................................................................ $20,995 .........$19,500 2017 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, one owner, like new, blue, 13,880 miles ........................................................................................................... $37,995 .........$36,900 2017 GMC ACADIA SLT AWD, 3.6L, V6, leather, loaded, super nice, burgundy, 18,158 miles .................................................................................................................. $36,995 .........$35,900 2016 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., silver, 36,516 miles......................................................................................................................... $23,995 .........$22,900 2016 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO REG. CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.3L V6, auto, air, cruise, like new, red, 22,900 miles ........................................................................................................................... $26,995 .........$25,500 2016 JEEP CHEROKEE LATUTUDE FWD, 2.4L, 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., white, 56,786 miles ........................................................................................................................ $17,995 .........$16.900 2016 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, all power, exc. cond., champagne silver, 38,506 miles ..................................................................................................... $25,995 .........$24,500 2014 GMC SIERRA SLE REG CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, Z71 package, loaded, sharp, red, 74,266 miles ........................................................................................................................... $25,995 .........$24,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, one owner, loaded, super nice, crystal red, 53,627 miles ................................................................................................................ $20,995 .........$19,500 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT DOUBLE CAB 4WD, 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, white, 45,613 miles ........................................................................................................................ $28,995 .........$27,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., crystal red, 73,013 miles ................................................................................................................ $18,995 .........$17,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, sunroof, loaded, super nice, white, 54,687 miles ........................................................................................................................ $18,995 .........$17,500 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT, CREW CAB 4X4 PU, 5.3L V8, loaded, one owner, very nice, black, 68,168 miles ........................................................................................................................ $28,995 .........$27,900 2013 GMC ACADIA SLT FWD, 3.6L, V6, leather, loaded, super nice, champagne silver, 51,007 miles ..................................................................................................... $22,995 .........$21,500 2013 CHEVY TRAVERSE LTZ FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, maroon, 87,380 miles .................................................................................................................... $18,995 .........$17,900 2013 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, sunroof, loaded, very nice, black, 93,288 miles................................................................................................................................... $18,995 .........$17,500 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, diamond white, 123,330 miles ....................................................................................................... $15,995 .........$14,900 2012 MAZDA CX7, 2.5L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., blue, 133,033 miles............................................... $7,995 ...........$6,900 2012 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 191,724 miles .................................................................................................................. $16,995 .........$15,500 2012 BUICK ENCLAVE CXL FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, diamond white, 69,174 miles ......................................................................................................... $18,995 .........$17,500 2012 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO EXT. CAB 2WD P.U., 4.3L V6, one owner, auto, air, exc. cond., silver, 41,676 miles......................................................................................................................... $18,995 .........$17,900 2011 GMC CANYON SLT CREW CAB, 4x4 P.U., 3.7L, 5 cyl., leather, loaded, super nice, red, 77,315 miles ........................................................................................................................... $18,995 .........$17,900 2011 CHEVY 1 TON LT CREW CAB DUALLY 4X4 P.U., 6.6L, Duramax Diesel, leather, loaded, exc. cond., white, 279,057 miles .................................................................................................... $26,995 .........$25,500 2009 CHEVY COLORADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 3.7L 5 cyl., one owner, all power, exc. cond. black, 170,991 miles ...................................................................................................................... $11,995 .........$10,900 2008 CHEVY COLORADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 3.7L 5 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., red, 112,118 miles ......................................................................................................................... $12,995 .........$11,900 2007 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT, EXT. CAB 2WD, P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 141,575 miles .................................................................................................. $11,995 .........$10,500 2006 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, black, 102,187 miles ...................................................................................................................... $13,995 .........$12,500 2005 CHEVY ½ TON SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 261,369 miles ........................................................................................................................ $8,995 ...........$7,500 2005 FORD RANGER XLT SUPER CAB 2WD P.U., 3.0L V6, auto, air, cruise, good cond., black, 220,261 miles ........................................................................................................................ $4,995 ...........$3,900 2005 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., diamond white, 150,250 miles ....................................................................................................... $10,995 ...........$9,500 2004 CHEVY SILVERADO ¾ TON, LT, CREW CAB, 4X4 P.U., 8.1L V8, leather, loaded, very nice, maroon, 174,927 miles .................................................................................................................. $11,995 .........$10,500 2004 CHEVY COLORADO REG CAB 2WD P.U., 2.8L 4 cyl., 5 speed, air, sharp, yellow, 166,455 miles ....................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$6,500 2004 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 105,466 miles ........................................................................................................................ $7,995 ...........$6,900





2004 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., all power, exc. cond., blue, 148,224 miles .......................................................................................................................... $6,995 ...........$5,900 2003 CHEVY AVALANCHE 4WD, 5.3L, V8, all power, exc. cond., gray, 185,974 miles .......................................................................................................................... $8,995 ...........$7,900 2003 OLDSMOBILE SILHOUETTE VAN, 3.4L, V6, all power, good cond., maroon, 149,274 miles .................................................................................................................... $4,995 ...........$3,900 2003 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., one owner, loaded, very nice, beige, 214,383 miles ........................................................................................................................ $5,995 ...........$3,900 2002 CHEVY ¾ TON SILVERADO LT, EXT. CAB 4X4 PU, 6.6L Duramax Diesel, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 264,931 miles .................................................................................................. $11,995 .........$10,500 2002 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L, V8, leather, loaded, good cond,. red, 230,992 miles ........................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$6,500 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4X4, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 208,621 miles .................................................................................................................... $6,995 ...........$5,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, good cond., maroon, 226,550 miles .................................................................................................................... $5,995 ...........$3,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 142,478 miles ........................................................................................................................ $9,995 ...........$8,900 2001 DODGE DAKOTA SPORT REG CAB 4X4 P.U., 3.9L V6, loaded, fair cond., red, 171,545 miles ........................................................................................................................... $4,995 ...........$3,900 2001 FORD F150 XLT SUPER CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.6L V8, 5 speed, loaded, good cond., red, 146,376 miles ........................................................................................................................... $5,995 ...........$4,500 2001 FORD F150 XLT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.6L V8, loaded, very nice, black, 347,655 miles ........................................................................................................................ $7,995 ...........$6,900 2000 MERCURY VILLAGER ESTATE VAN, 3.3L V6, leather, loaded, fair cond., maroon, 150,889 miles .................................................................................................................... $2,995 ...........$1,900 1999 GMC ½ TON SAVANNA CONVERSION VAN, 5.7L V8, fully loaded, very nice, brown, 116,796 miles ....................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$5,900 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats, all power, nice cond., green, 144,748 miles ....................................................................................................................... $6,995 ...........$5,900


2017 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr.,1.4L 4 cyl., all power, super nice, silver, 30,761 miles......................................................................................................................... $14,995 .........$13,900 2017 CHEVY IMPALA PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, silver, 18,854 miles................................................................................................................................... $27,995 .........$26,500 2015 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., blue, 26,006 miles .......................................................................................................................... $16,995 .........$15,500 2015 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.5L, 4 cyl., leather, loaded, like new, champagne silver, 24,407 miles ..................................................................................................... $17,995 .........$16,500 2015 CHEVY SS, 4 dr., 6.2L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, silver, 6,017 miles........................................................................................................................... $38,995 .........$37,900 2014 CHEVY MALIBU LT 4 dr., 2.5L, 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, exc. cond., champagne silver, 50,772 miles ..................................................................................................... $15,995 .........$14,900 2014 CHEVY CAMARO RS, 2 dr., 3.6L V6, one owner, loaded, like new, white, 19,935 miles ........................................................................................................................ $22,995 .........$21,500 2014 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, diamond white, 56,311 miles ......................................................................................................... $22,995 .........$21,500 2010 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.4L, 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, diamond white, 97,008 miles ........................................................................................................... $8,995 ...........$7,900 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, all power, exc. cond., blue, 90,043 miles .......................................................................................................................... $11,995 ...........$9,900 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 115,528 miles .................................................................................................................. $10,995 ...........$9,500


2017 TOYOTA CAMRY SE, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., white, 45,075 miles ....................... $18,995 .........$17,500 2017 NISSAN MAXIMA, 3.5L V6, 4dr., loaded, super sharp, black, 43,372 miles.................................. $21,995 .........$20,500 2017 CADILLAC XTS LUXURY, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, like new, silver, 30,734 miles......................................................................................................................... $29,995 .........$28,900 2014 TOYOTA COROLLA S, 4 dr., 1.8L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., black, 38,447 miles........................ $14,995 .........$13,500 2012 FORD FOCUS SE, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., black, 111,220 miles ...................................................................................................................... $10,995 ...........$8,900 2008 MERCURY MILAN PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.0L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, beige, 69,814 miles ........................................................................................................................ $10,995 ...........$9,500 2006 BUICK LUCERNE CX, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, all power, very nice, blue, 236,603 miles ............................. $4,995 ...........$3,900

CORNER MAIN & GEORGE, ARCANUM SERVICE HOURS: Mon. 8am-8:30 pm/Tues.-Fri. 8-5:30/Sat. 8-12 SALES HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8am-8pm/Sat. 8am-5:30pm

CALL 692-8373 OR 692-8360

View our used inventory at: www.troutwineautosales.com

PAGE 32 April 15, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


LOW TIRE PRICE GUARANTEE 500 Wagner Ave. Greenville, Ohio







Rebate on 4 See store for details




Rebate on 4 See store for details







Rebate on 4





Rebate on 4

Rebate on 4

See store for details


Rebate on 4

See store for details

See store for details


See store for details





Rebate on 4 See store for details






Rebate on 4


See store for details




Rebate on 4

See store for details



® ®



FREE $ 95 $ 95 79 19 POT HOLE SPECIAL

Includes: Front End Alignment, Tire Rotation, Balance All 4 Tires, Adjust Tire Pressure



Applicable to most makes and models Exp. 4/30/18

Applicable to most makes and models Exp. 4/30/18





Ask for It!

We’ll inspect: Fluid Levels, Battery, Shocks/Struts and Other Suspension Components, Exhaust System, Engine Cooling System, Hoses and Clamps, Drivestaft, Transmission, U-Joins and Shift Linkage, More



10% OFF BRAKE SERVICE Applicable to most makes and models Exp. 4/30/18

Applicable to most makes and models Exp. 4/30/18



Some restrictions apply Exp.4/30/18


44 Spring Saver Package $


Motorcraft Premium Synthetic Blend Oil and Filter Change, Rotate and Inspect Four Tires, Check Air and Cabin Air Filters, Inspect Brake System, Test Battery, Check Belts and Hoses, Top Off All Fluids Applicable to most makes and models Exp. 4/30/18


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