Early Bird eNewspaper 050618

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W E E K E N D E D I T I O N - M AY 6 , 2 0 1 8


UC students, staff learn why teens kill CLINTON RANDALL

CORRESPONDENT crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

Hardee’s could make a return to Greenville RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Plans have been submitted and Greenville Planning & Zoning Commission is currently examining plans for a new restaurant in the city. This time it’s not pizza. Hardee’s has submitted plans to return to the Treaty City, but this time, if plans are approved, the restaurant famous for their Thickburgers® and sausage gravy and biscuits, will be heading north. Plans show the restaurant being built on the frontage of the Rural King property at the corner of Wagner Avenue and Russ Road. The 2,650 squarefoot restaurant would be surrounded by Rural King to the east, Farmers State Bank to the south and Greenville Federal and McDonald’s across the street

and to the west and north of proposed restaurant. Second National Bank sits on the northwest corner of the intersection. The preliminary plans would also give the city additional right-of-way property at the corner of Russ and Wagner. Curt Garrison, safety service director for the city, pointed out at the May 1 meeting of Greenville City Council, the additional right-of-way would allow the city to redesign the corner and help prevent trucks from cutting the curb when turning east on Russ Road. The preliminary plans also show two additional exit right-of-ways, one on Wagner Avenue and another on Russ Road. Hardee’s first opened in 1960 and has undergone several transformations in its 58-year existence. In the 1980s, Hardee’s acquired Burger Chef. The brand is currently operated by CKE Restaurants of California.

DC Jail meth contamination may be a first for Ohio SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

DARKE COUNTY – County commissioners gave a brief update Monday concerning the methamphetamine clean up at the county jail. According to Matt Aultman, air ducts were being replaced this week, with the jail’s re-opening to take place late this week or early next week. The jail became contaminated April 17, when the Darke County Sheriff’s Office was processing parole violator Stephan A. Garner Jr. of Ansonia. Garner had several baggies of meth on his person and threw one at staff, contaminating the air flow in the jail. At the time of the incident, as well as the following day, several jail employees became ill. Commissioners learned late last week that the county jail being contaminated in this manner is a first for the state of Ohio, according to the county’s insurance provider, County Risk Sharing Authority – CORSA, said commissioner Mike Rhoades. Commission is waiting to hear if CORSA will

cover any of the costs associated with the jail clean up, since this is a “first,” Rhoades said. Last week, commission approved an emergency resolution granting $75,142 for clean up. That amount has increased, Aultman and Rhoades said Monday, with the total costs not yet finalized. Also, fees paid to both Miami County and Mercer County jails for housing Darke County inmates is not covered by insurance, Rhoades confirmed Monday. The cost to house an inmate is approximately $60 per day. Darke County typically has 30-34 inmates daily. In other business Monday: * Commission passed a resolution allowing Key Funding to apply for an Ohio Department of Transportation Aviation Grant to use for the removal of trees on the east end of the runway. The project is estimated to cost $2,500. * Approved a resolution annexing 11.052 acres of Harrison Township into the village of New Madison.

UNION CITY, Ind. News about another school shooting has become a more frequent occurrence than ever before in today’s society. Like most high schools around the country, Union City High School is searching for ways to educate its students and staff with tools to not only handle a crisis situation, but how to avoid one from ever occurring. On Tuesday, UCHS welcomed youth advocate and nationally accredited author, Phil Chalmers, who gave a valuable insight into why some teens become killers. With years of researching and interviewing hundreds of school shooters and serial killers, Chalmers’ experience has helped him author two well-respected books - True Lies and Inside the Mind of a Teen Killer. His expertise on this unfortunate issue plaguing our nation has also allowed him to reach television audiences across the country through shows like A&E’s Killer Kids

and Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen. After learning about his interactive approach to school safety issues, Union City Police Chief Cobie Wells was instrumental in bringing Chalmers to the school. “The Union City Emergency Services has always tried to find new innovative ways to train staff and stay connected with the community. Our local schools are of the utmost importance in maintaining a safe community. Educating students and staff on up-to-date issues is one of those goals,” Chief Wells told The Early Bird. Not only can bullying ultimately lead to a homicidal/suicidal teenager carrying a weapon into school, Chalmers educated the Union City students about drugs, sex, social media and even how today’s music and entertainment impacts their generation. “Be a role model to your younger siblings, because they look up to you,” Chalmers told the students. “Tell someone, anyone if something happens to you...just don’t try to bury it inside,

Phil Chalmers speaks to students at Union City High School. (Clinton Randall photo)

because it will only make things worse.” In addition, he gave helpful tips on how to avoid abduction and human trafficking by “making a scene” and never leaving willingly with an armed abductor no matter how scared you may be. After concluding his presentation to the students, Chalmers met with school faculty and administrators to discuss and educate on the warning signs and what to do if faced with an active shooter. “Having Phil Chalmers in to speak was a great experience for our students and staff,” said UC Principal Aaron Black. “He gave a lot of valuable advice and

information that I hope promotes a positive change in our building moving forward.” Growing up in Cleveland, Chalmers briefly gave the UC students a snapshot of his childhood and being part of a very poor family with an abusive, alcoholic father. He left home at the age of 17 before going to college and becoming the youth culture expert and teen advocate he is today. “Everyone has a story... and no matter what you have been through in your life, you are just as valuable as everyone else,” he concluded. Learn more about Phil Chalmers and his mission at www.philchalmers.com.

New fire code will force fair to move trailers RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Aaron Ward and Brian Wilson, of the Greenville Township Fire Association, addressed the Darke County Fair Board to share concerns in the new State Fire Marshal’s Fire Code adopted in December that will directly affect the Darke County Fair. The changes could mean fewer vendors and a loss of revenue for the fair. Wilson, Greenville Twp. Fire Association Fire Marshal, shared the new directives addressing the distance between food trailers and food trailers and structures, as well as requiring CO monitors if the conces-

sionaire has gas appliances. The Ohio Fair Managers Association (OFMA) has lobbied the State Fire Marshal to get some changes to the code, but the variance wasn’t enough to put the local fair in the clear. Originally, the fire marshal wanted 10-feet between mobile food units and 10feet between mobile food units and structures. Tents are included in the definition of structures. After discussion with the OFMA, the state fire marshal dropped the 10-foot requirement between food trailers to 3-feet. “They are not giving any leeway on trailer to building or trailer to tent. It’s still going to be 10-feet,” said Wilson. The new rules apply to any mobile food unit that

uses gas or electric appliances. Wilson pointed to some of the concessionaries that are located along the Coliseum pointing out they will be affected most by the new rules, but there are others such as a kettle corn vendor that operates under a tent and some of the concessionaires with seating areas under tents that will need to abide by the new rules. Ward, Greenville Township Fire Assoc. Chief, said, “We already realize the spaces for this year are already sold, so we’re going to kinda do a …We are not going to look the other way, but we’re just going to say, ‘Hey, here’s the ones that are not in compliance. Next year please make those in

compliance.’ We can live with that.” Wilson added, “The way I feel is we’re on site so, we got to make an effort to try to do something in the future. If the fire marshal comes in here, he can say, ‘move those trailers.’” In other business, the fair board agreed to a contract with the Darke County Sheriff’s Patrol for security during the fair. There was discussion to limit police cruisers to less than three at gate four, but the amendment failed on a 5-5 vote. The motion to approve the three-year contract passed 6-4 with Brian Rismiller, Dave Niley, Richard Delk, Ed Erisman, Jim Zumbrink, and Dean Neff voting in favor.

Several honored as 2018 Teacher of the Year candidates DARKE COUNTY – The Darke County Educational Service Center and the Darke County Retired Teachers Association honored nine educators during Wednesday’s 2018 Teacher of the Year Luncheon. Eight of the nine honorees are PreK-6th grade teachers from the county’s school districts, with another being honored as the Michael C. Crawford Mentor of the Year for 2018. According to Darke County ESC Superintendent Mike Gray, each of the county’s individual school district administrations and teaching staffs selected their candidate for teacher of the year

to be considered for the ESC’s award. Last year, teachers from grades 7-12 were honored, Gray said, with this year’s selections coming from the elementary grade levels. Greenville City School’s intervention specialist Libby Langston received the Mentor of the Year Award with the following teachers being recognized as their district candidates for the 2018 Darke County Teacher of the Year: * Stacy Lee, Ansonia * Andrea Painting, Arcanum- Butler * Tina Schmitz, Bradford * Teresa Hartzell, Franklin Monroe

Local teachers were honored during the May 2 Teacher of the Year Luncheon. Left to right, Megan Delk, Cassidy Helman, Tina Schmitz, Stacy Lee, Teresa Hartzell, Emily Clark, and Andrea Painting. (Susan Hartley photo)

* Megan Delk, Greenville * Emily Clark, Mississinawa Valley

* Cindy Munchel, TriVillage * Cassidy Helman, Versailles

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POLICE BEAT Charges pending for man who OD’d, revived with NARCAN PAGE 2 May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

OVERDOSE On April 29 ofďŹ cers were dispatched to the 400 block of Wayne Avenue in reference to a possible drug overdose. OfďŹ cers were met by the complainant who pointed to the kitchen and said the victim, James Clay-Wright was unresponsive lying on the oor. ClayWright was starting to turn purple but was breathing with snoring respirations. Greenville Township Rescue arrived and administered NARCAN. When

Clay-Wright came to, he became combative with rescue personnel. Eventually he settled down and agreed to be transported to Wayne Healthcare for treatment. Before leaving, rescue personnel asked if he had a change of clothes because he had urinated in his pants. When Clay-Wright started to change clothes he said he had some dope on him. Clay-Wright reached into his shorts pocket and pulled out a metal container and syringe. Inside the

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container was a substantial amount of a white crystal substance Clay-Wright said was meth. Clay-Wright had multiple track marks on his arms indicative of intravenous drug use. The metal container and syringe were transported to GPD and placed into property for evidence. The contents of the container were sent to BCI for analysis. Once police receive the results, they will follow up with the prosecutor’s ofďŹ ce for felony possession charges. DRUG ABUSE On April 29 ofďŹ cers were dispatched to Family Dollar on Martin Street on the report of a trespassing complaint. An employee told the ofďŹ cer that William Bush was in the bathroom and had been in there for 15-20 minutes. The employee said she saw Bush conceal items in his pockets. The ofďŹ cer went to check and found Bush walking out of the bathroom. The ofďŹ cer advised him why he was there and Bush got very agitated and said he knew all the employees and they wouldn’t say that. The ofďŹ cer walked Bush to the front of the store and conďŹ rmed with employees to make sure he was speaking to the correct person. Another ofďŹ cer arrived on scene to assist. Bush was advised that ofďŹ cers were going to pat him down for weapons and also to see if he had stolen merchandise. He quickly turned around and told ofďŹ cers ‘no.’ An ofďŹ cer asked him to turn back around and Bush became even more agitated. He starting yelling obscenities so ofďŹ cers detained him for safety and explained he was not under arrest, just detained because of his actions. Upon checking Bush, ofďŹ cers located several items that belonged to the Family Dollar. Bush said the items were all his and that he came in with the items. OfďŹ cers also located a soap container in his front left pocket, which contained a glass pipe with burnt white residue inside, two Subox-

one strips, two unknown white pills and a small clear baggy containing a white crystal substance. Bush was issued a misdemeanor citation for drug abuse instrument, trespassed from Family Dollar and released. The merchandise was returned to Family Dollar employees. All illicit items were transported to GPD and placed into property. DUI On April 27 an ofďŹ cer was dispatched to Walmart after receiving a report about a non-injury accident involving a possibly intoxicated driver. Upon arrival, the ofďŹ cer observed a pickup truck in the grassy area between Walmart and the Shell station. It appeared the driver drove over the parking blocks into an embankment that separates the two lots. A Shell employee told the ofďŹ cer the driver was inside the station and he smelled like alcohol. The ofďŹ cer made contact with the driver, Terry Deaton. While speaking with Deaton, the ofďŹ cer observed him put a breath mint in his mouth, but the ofďŹ cer could still smell a strong odor of alcohol. At ďŹ rst Deaton said he had not been drinking, but changed his story and said he had a few drinks at the bar with dinner. When asked how the truck got stuck between the parking lots, Deaton said he thought the lots were connected and when he pulled in, the next thing he knew he was stuck. The ofďŹ cer ran Deaton’s Ohio ID card through LEADS/NCIC and discovered his driver’s license was not valid due to a failure to reinstate from a previous OVI charge in 2004. Deaton declined to perform ďŹ eld sobriety tests, stating several times it didn’t matter about the tests. Deaton also complained several times that the lights blinded him and that’s why he crashed. Deaton was placed under arrest for OVI. During the investigation, the ofďŹ cer observed several pieces of 2x6 planks had broken through

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CLUES ACROSS 1. In bed 5. Project portfolio management 8. __ Bator: Mongolian capital 12. Roamed 14. Notre Dame legend Parseghian 15. Nothing (Spanish) 16. Not level 18. Self-contained aircraft unit 19. Baseball broadcaster Caray 20. __ Tomei, actress 21. “The Raven� writer 22. Bathrooms 23. Skilled inventors 26. Forcefully silence 30. Remove 31. The arrival of daylight 32. Split lentils 33. “Walking Dead� actress 34. A lazy person 39. Doctors’ group 42. Crooks 44. Fragrant essential oil 46. Conjured 47. One who predicts 49. Scarlett’s home 50. Television network 51. Something comparable to another 56. What a thespian does 57. Word element meaning life 58. Italian island 59. “King of Queens� actress Remini 60. Jogged 61. Norse gods 62. Lazily 63. Midway between northeast and east 64. Hindu queen

CLUES DOWN 1. Top Rank boxing promoter 2. __ fide (Latin) 3. At all times 4. Hindu female deity 5. Tufts of hairs on plant seeds 6. Edited 7. Portuguese archipelago 8. Your parents’ brothers 9. Pakistani city 10. Farewell 11. Short sleep sessions 13. Remove salt 17. Drug officers 24. One and only 25. The Golden State 26. Fabric baby carrier (abbr.) 27. Quid pro __ 28. New England research university 29. Baseball pitcher’s stat 35. Western India island 36. __ Angeles 37. Midway between east and southeast 38. British singer Stewart 40. Suggesting the horror of death and decay 41. Riding horse 42. Where wrestlers work 43. Regions 44. Of a main artery 45. Not classy 47. Competed against 48. Biscuit-like cake 49. Large ankle bones 52. Computer company 53. “Friends� actress Kudrow 54. “Chocolat� actress Lena 55. Brain folds


the back window and struck Deaton in the back of the head. A squad was called to the scene to check Deaton and he went to Wayne HealthCare for treatment. Deaton declined to provide a chemical test and refused further treatment at the hospital. Deaton was discharged from the hospital and was transported to GPD, where he was placed under an ALS for his refusal to take the tests, issued a citation for OVI and failure to reinstate. Deaton was released to his brother. The truck Deaton was driving was registered to Coates Concrete from West Milton. The truck was towed from the scene. WANTED PERSON On April 25 an ofďŹ cer at the Greenville Police Department spoke with Jason Garrett who came to the station to turn himself in on an outstanding warrant. The ofďŹ cer conďŹ rmed Garrett had an active bench warrant for failure to appear on the original charge of driving under suspension. Garrett was arrested and transported to Mercer County Jail. Bond was set at $2,025. On April 27 an ofďŹ cer responded to Kathy’s Restaurant, 416 Martin St. on the report of a suspect being there who had an active warrant. The suspect, Donald Ballard was located inside the restaurant. Ballard was advised he had a felony warrant out of Darke County for rape and gross sexual imposition. He was placed in handcuffs and was transported to the Darke County Jail, where he was released to corrections ofďŹ cers with no bond. On April 28 an ofďŹ cer patrolling the 1200 block of Sweitzer Street observed a vehicle traveling south bound, being driven by its registered owner, Brittany Hiatt, who had an active warrant through the Darke County Sheriff’s ofďŹ ce. The ofďŹ cer conducted a trafďŹ c stop and found Hiatt’s expired on Feb. 23. Dispatch conďŹ rmed the active warrant through LEADS/ NCIC. Hiatt was arrested and transported to the Darke County Sheriff’s ofďŹ ce where she was released to a deputy. The original charge was possession of drugs with a $1,525 bond. Hiatt also was cited for the expired license. On April 29 an ofďŹ cer conducted a trafďŹ c stop in the 200 block of Green Street and discovered the operator of the vehicle, Kayla York had an active GPD arrest warrant for failure to comply with court ordered rehabilitation. York was placed under arrest, searched and transported to the Miami County Jail

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where she was incarcerated on her warrant and held with no bond. The vehicle was legally parked on Green Street and the registered owner was notiďŹ ed of its location. VANDALISM On April 27 an ofďŹ cer was dispatched to Walmart on Wagner Avenue on the report of vandalism to a vehicle. The ofďŹ cer found a van with the passenger side mirror broken off and lying in the parking lot beside the victim’s vehicle. The ofďŹ cer made contact with the victim who said while he was inside Walmart checking out he heard a man say “do you have a staring problem?â€? The victim said he didn’t look up because he didn’t think that it concerned him. The victim said he heard the man repeat the statement, so he looked up to see a man looking at him. The victim continued checking and ignored the man. The victim then went to his vehicle and was sitting inside the van when the male subject approached. The victim said he attempted to speak with the subject, asking him to walk to the driver’s side of the vehicle so he could ask what he was talking about. The victim said the man then ripped the passenger side mirror off his vehicle, looked at him through the window and pointed, and threw the mirror at the passenger side window. The mirror landed in the parking lot and shattered into several pieces. After destroying the vehicle’s mirror, the subject walked to his vehicle and left the scene. The victim told the ofďŹ cer a woman parked one row over from him witnessed the incident and wrote down the subject’s license plate number. The ofďŹ cer checked the plate through LEADS/NCIC and the vehicle matched the description given by the witness and the victim. The registered owner also matched the description of the suspect. The individual was identiďŹ ed as Ian Johnson, who called the police department a short time later to speak to an ofďŹ cer. Johnson told ofďŹ cers the victim had assaulted his girlfriend when she was younger, and that the victim was staring at them in Walmart to intimidate them. Johnson admitted he lost his temper. Johnson also admitted he broke the mirror off the victim’s vehicle and threw it down. Johnson was issued a misdemeanor citation for criminal damaging. EARLY BIRD POLICY The Greenville Police Beat is prepared from public records available at the Greenville Police Department. Every effort is made to balance the public’s right to know with the rights of the individuals involved. Readers are encouraged to contact Greenville Police if they have information or concerns regarding these or any other incidents they see. The Early Bird notes all suspects are innocent until proven guilty and welcomes comments and concerns regarding this community service.


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May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 3

BeneďŹ t focused on things Lachat loved BY LINDA MOODY CORRESPONDENT lmoody@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Deirdre “Didiâ€? Howell wanted to do something for her only sibling, Nicole Lachat, who died March 7, 2017, at the age of 31. That mission was accomplished on April 28 with a beneďŹ t in Nicole’s honor at the All Season’s Place on the Lighthouse Christian Center complex. Proceeds from the beneďŹ t will go to Final Dance Studio at 107 W. Main St., Greenville, for Artistic Variations and Kendall’s Music Crew. “I heard about the dance studio after my sister passed,â€? Howell said. “She loved dancing. She loved the arts. This is something my sister would have loved. Final Bow is a non-proďŹ t organization offering free performing arts classes for children and adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD). This is such a great opportunity for these individuals to interact more with their peers and to perform in the community.â€? According to Howell, her sister was born with Cerebral Palsy. “She knew how to live life to the fullest and loved people,â€? Howell said. “She couldn’t stay at home. The word ‘can’t’ didn’t exist for her. She wanted to experience what life had to offer.â€? Howell had a lot of help

planning the event. She contacted Art Sense workshop out of Union City and they came up with decorating ideas and incorporated Nicole’s favorite color, purple, in the color scheme. “I’ve been planning the beneďŹ t for three months,â€? said Howell The evening featured numerous rafes, vendors and entertainment by Howell and the Artistic Variations of Final Bow, managed by Hillary Holzapfel, who performed a dance with her students. Howell sang and played guitar to her own song, “Buttery,â€? as well as “My Heart Will Go On,â€? the song in the movie Titanic, which Nicole loved and Howell dedicated to Nicole’s friend Brett. She also sang “Forever Youngâ€? and “A Thousand Years,â€? as well as danced one dance. Among those in attendance were the parents, Chris and Barbara (Berger) Lachat; Howell’s husband Mark and their children Inara and Jonathan; and her special friend, Brett Brinley of Greenville. The Lachat family continues to support people with I/DD. Nicole, a 2006 graduate of Greenville High School, was employed by PCS in Greenville since 2006. Howell is hoping this will become an annual event. “I’d love to add more groups and try to reach



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Among those gathering at Nicole Lachat’s beneďŹ t were father Chris, mother Barbara, friend Brett Brinley and sister Didi Howell. (Linda Moody photo)

out to the I/DD program,â€? Howell said. “My sister’s death was the hardest thing I had to experience. Her disability didn’t let it deďŹ ne who she was. She came down with pneumonia and couldn’t wait to go back to work. She didn’t complain. It seemed like she was her cheery self two days prior. She lived life to the fullest

every single day. Our mother devoted her whole life to her; they were like two peas in a pod.�

Spring Market Day set for May 12 at TSC GREENVILLE – Tractor Supply Company in Greenville is showcasing the talents of local craft makers, artisans and growers during its spring Market Day event Saturday, May 12. Community members are invited to celebrate spring by shopping local, homemade and homegrown goods at the Greenville Tractor Supply from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Crafters and growers will display their goods for sale in tented areas in front of the Tractor Supply store. “Market Day allows us to provide a space for the Greenville community to come together to shop local, support their neighbors, and highlight the incredible talent that’s right here in our own backyard,â€? said Don Sturdevant, manager of the Greenville Tractor Supply. “You never know what you might ďŹ nd at this one-day event—or how it might inspire your family’s next crafting or growing adventure.â€? Tractor Supply’s Market Day will take place Saturday, May 12 at 1415 Wagner Avenue. Contact the Greenville Tractor Supply store at 937-548-1462 for more details or information about participating in the event.

DARKE CO. – The following closures are currently in effect for the upcoming weeks: SR 705 between Reed Road and Spencer Road, ROAD CLOSURE April 30–May 11. The ofďŹ cial detour is: SR 716 to SR 119 to SR 364 US 36/US 127 between Hogpath Road and Horatio – Harris Creek Road, Daily lane closures April 30–Aug. 31 between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. One lane will remain open in each direction. SR 49 between Hollansburg-Sampson Road and Arcanum Bears Mill Road,

Lane closure April 16–May 16. One lane will remain open for travel in each direction through the use of a portable signal. Upcoming Closures: Darke – Sweitzer Street/West Fourth Street between Pine Street and Sycamore Street, ROAD CLOSURE May 21–31. The ofďŹ cial detour is: Pine Street to Washington Avenue to Broadway. Darke – SR 502 between New Madison-Coletown Road and Shade Road, ROAD CLOSURE May 7–18. The ofďŹ cial detour is: IN SR 227 to US 36 to SR 121 to SR 49

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PAGE 4 May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Greenville High School annual event entertains local senior citizens BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Area senior citizens were once again entertained by Greenville High School’s students during Tuesday’s annual Senior Citizen Luncheon, sponsored by the student council. “It’s a great event,” said senior Will Coomer, who serves as student council vice president and chair of the Senior Citizen Luncheon. “It brings the senior citizens together and shows what GHS has to offer.” The morning kicked off with a presentation by the NJROTC and was followed by musical selections from the GHS Preschool under the direction of the Career Tech Center’s Careers With Children director Amy Schoen. “They get so excited to perform,” Schoen said of the 16 3-5 year-old preschoolers who took to the stage to sing a “hello” song, as well as songs about the days of the week, the Monthly Macarena song and a weather song. Also providing musical entertainment were the Wavaires, the Jazz Scene and the high school orchestra.

Student Council members, including junior Nathan Fry, helped served lunch to senior citizens during Tuesday’s Senior Citizens Day. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

Again this year, Brookdale Assisted Living provided the luncheon, which consisted of sausage penne, salad, breadsticks and cookies. Student council members assisted with serving lunch. Adviser Jessica Shaffer said the student council “is learning to be studentleaders” by helping to plan and work at the luncheon. “We want to continue this event and make it even better,” said Shaffer, who was selected as student council adviser this past January and also works as a para professional in the high school’s inclusion classrooms. “Being involved in the community

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is very rewarding” for the student-leaders, Shaffer said. “I think it’s great,” Joan Hesson of Greenville said of her first GHS Senior Citizen Luncheon. Also attending the luncheon for their first time were former GHS employees Jerry and Nancy Rismiller, also of Greenville. A retired science teacher who also has worked as a sub for the district, Jerry laughed and said he came back “to see if things had changed.” Nancy, the school’s former attendance secretary said “I think people need to be more aware of our students’ talents. All we hear about is the negativity.” Nancy Williams, also of Greenville said she “liked the variety” of musical selections performed by the high school singers and instrumentalists, which included many from the early days of rock n’ roll. Senior citizens who would like to receive information about next year’s luncheon are invited to contact Shaffer by calling the school or by emailing her at jshaffer@gcswave. com.


May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 5


Our Duty Before God to Vote It is our American and Christian duty before God and man to vote. We are in a cultural war of conicting worldviews – secularism vs. Christianity – and at stake is the heart and soul of America. The secular view pushes for more government control of education, transgender restrooms, the diminished inuence of religion in the public arena, the promotion of abortion, the elimination of our God-given right to defend ourselves and loved ones, etc. The Christian worldview holds to a limited government under God’s standards for marriage, family, sexuality, and it protects the life, liberty and property of all Americans through equal justice, not social justice. Our loss of these standards can be traced, not to the enemies of liberty, but to Christians who have allowed this takeover, due to their lack of involvement in civil government. The Church has been charged to train its people

for ministry in every area of life, including politics and voting with wisdom and discernment. The people we elect will make decisions that will affect our lives and our families for years. These ofďŹ cials will take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Do we, as American citizens, know enough about the Constitution to choose candidates who will uphold its standards? In Exodus 18:21 we ďŹ nd instructions on how to choose civic rulers, speciďŹ cally judges. The qualiďŹ cations were Godfearing men of truth who hate covetousness. This conďŹ rms that the church is to be training its members how to vote on principle and with discernment. The goal is to elect people to public ofďŹ ce who will govern wisely, according to God’s standards, that we might receive the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity. Keith Threewits, Union City Executive Chairman for the Darke County Republican Party

Scholarships available for college students GREENVILLE – The Darke County Foundation is offering several scholarships for students who have graduated from a Darke County high school and have completed at least one year of college (not including college credits earned in high school). Applications may be downloaded from the Darke County Foundation website: www. darkecountyfoundation. org. Deadline to apply is June 1, 2018. John E. and Ella M. Stevenson Scholarship: Several awards will be given to students who have completed at least 3 years of college and are pursuing a degree in law, education, theology or healthcare-related ďŹ eld. Lori Michelle Williams Healthcare Scholarship: This award is for students

who have completed at least one year of college and are pursuing a healthcare-related degree. Nils and Collette Eikenberry Scholarship for Greenville graduates: This scholarship is for Greenville High School graduates who have completed at least one year of college and will have an unpaid internship this summer or had an unpaid internship within the last year. Internships must be related to career goals. For more information, call the Darke County Foundation at 548-4673 or email dcf@darkecountyfoundation.org. The Darke County Foundation is a community foundation dedicated to improving the lives of Darke County residents by receiving, managing and distributing charitable gifts.

Homeowners could qualify for tax break DARKE COUNTY – Are you receiving the OwnerOccupancy Credit on your Real Estate Taxes? Carol Ginn, Darke County Auditor, recently announced that homeowners and Residential and Agricultural Real Estate Properties who did not receive the OwnerOccupancy Credit on their 2017 tax statements have until the last day in December (12-31-2018) to ďŹ le an application for the reduction. To determine if you received the Owner-Occupancy Credit, check your tax statement. If an amount appears on the Owner-Occupancy Credit Line, the reduction has been granted. No yearly renewal is required unless you moved or sold the property. To qualify for the reduction, you must own and live in the home as of Jan. 1, 2018. The reduction will be allowed on the home, garage and one acre or less,

regardless of acres owned. Manufactured Homes (not taxed as real estate), rental properties, and bare land are not eligible. However, owners of Manufacture Homes taxed like Real Estate and owned by the occupants are eligible to apply. Also, homeowners who have constructed new homes last year would be able to apply if they moved into their homes before Jan. 1, 2018. Homeowners who did not receive the Owner-Occupancy Credit but are eligible to apply may obtain an application at the Darke County Auditor’s OfďŹ ce, Courthouse in Greenville or from the website at www.darkecountyrealestate.org under Forms and select DTE105C. If more information is needed, call (937) 547-7311 or 547-7317 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays.

Polling places announced for May 8 Primary Election GREENVILLE – The Darke County Board of Elections announces the following voting locations will be open for the Primary Election to be held Tuesday, May 8. Voters are urged to check the following list or visit www.myohiovote.com for their voting location and sample ballot. Please note: Precinct 21, Greenville Township West – A, has been permanently moved to a new location. Formerly the Eagles Lodge on Shade Road, the precinct will now vote at the Shawnee Prairie Nature Center. 01 1-A, Greenville – First, Congregational Christian Church, Community Bldg., 123 Wayne Ave. 02 1-B, Greenville – First Assembly of God Church, 7219 SR 118 03 1-C, Greenville – First Assembly of God Church, 7219 SR 118 04 2-A, Greenville – First Congregational Christian Church, Community Bldg., 123 Wayne Ave. 05 2-B, Greenville – Brethren Home – Brick Room, 750 Chestnut Street 06 2-C, Greenville – Brethren Home – Brick Room, 750 Chestnut Street 07 3-A, Greenville – American Legion, 325 N. Ohio St. 08 3-B, Greenville – American Legion, 325 N. Ohio St. 09 3-C, Greenville – American Legion, 325 N. Ohio St. 10 4-A, Greenville – First

DAYTON—Miami Valley Community Action Partnership (MVCAP) is celebrating Community Action Month, dedicated to recognizing the success of the national Community Action Network. America’s Community Action Agencies connect millions of children and families to greater opportunity, transforming their lives and making our communities — and our nation— stronger. This month, MVCAP will be engaging in programs and events that showcase our innovative work in the Miami Valley.

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Community Center, 218 S. Harrison St., New Madison 25, Union City Village, U.C. Medical Center, 618 E. Elm St., East Entrance, Union City 26, Jackson Township, Mississinawa Valley H.S. – 1469 St. Rt. 47 – Concession Area, U. City 27, Liberty Twp. & Palestine, Church of Christ, 209 Lynn St., Palestine 28, Mississinawa Township, Mississinawa Valley H.S. – 1469 St. Rt. 47 – Concession Area, U. City 29, Monroe Twp. & Pitsburg, Pitsburg City Building, 100 Lumber St., Pitsburg 30, Wayne Lakes Village, Community Building, 100 Community Dr., (Wayne Lakes) Greenville 31, Neave Township, New Twp. House, 3880 St. Rt. 121, (Ft. Jefferson) Greenville 32, Patterson Twp., Osgood, Yorkshire, American Legion, 162 S. North St., Osgood 33, Richland Township, Beamsville Christian Church, 6102 Beamsville Union City Rd.,(Beamsville) Greenville 34, Arcanum A, Arcanum School Fieldhouse, 310 N. Main – N. Entrance, Arcanum 35, Arcanum B, Arcanum School Fieldhouse, 310 N. Main – N. Entrance, Arcanum 36, Twin Twp., Gordon, Ithaca, Arcanum School

Fieldhouse, 310 N. Main – N. Entrance, Arcanum 37, Van Buren Township, Township House, 4213 Sarver Rd., (Abbottsville) Greenville 38, Wabash & North Star, Community Center, Gym, S.E. Entrance, 124 E. Star Rd., North Star 39, Washington Township, Township House, 1573 Wagner Rd., Greenville 40, Versailles A, K of C Hall, 8490 St. Rt. 47 W., Versailles 41, Versailles B, K of C Hall, 8490 St. Rt. 47 W., Versailles 42, Wayne Township, K of C Hall, 8490 St. Rt. 47 W., Versailles 43, York Township, Community Center, Gym, S.E. Entrance, 124 E. Star Rd., North Star The polls will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. All voters are reminded to bring identiďŹ cation to the polls. IdentiďŹ cation may include a current and valid photo ID, military ID, driver’s license, copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document, other than a notice sent to you by the Board of Elections. Anyone having questions regarding the election or their polling place can call the Darke County Board of Elections at 937-548-1835. They may also be reached by email at darke@ohiosecretaryofstate.gov.

Miami Valley CAP celebrates 54 years

Assembly of God Church, 7219 St. Rt. 118 11 4-B, Greenville – Greenville Twp. Emergency Service Bldg, 1401 Sater St. 12 4-C, – Greenville – Greenville Twp. Emergency Service Bldg, 1401 Sater St. 13, Adams East & Bradford, Church of Brethren, 120 W. Oakwood Av., Bradford 14, Adams West & Gettysburg, Township House, 100 Park Street, Gettysburg 15, Allen Twp., N. Weston & Rossburg, Community Hall, 411 E. Main St., New Weston 16, Brown Twp. & Ansonia, Church of God Fellowship Hall, 750 S. Main St., Ansonia 17, Butler Twp. & Castine, Butler Twp. Hall, 1481 St. Rt. 127 S., Arcanum 18, Franklin Township, Twp. House, Painter Creek, 9034 Painter Creek -Arc. Rd., Arcanum 19, Greenville Twp. East A, St. John’s Church, 7418 St. Rt. 121 N., Greenville 20, Greenville Twp. East B, Township House, 5366 St. Rt. 571, Greenville 21, New Location, Greenville Twp. West A, Shawnee Prairie Nature Center, 4267 St. Rt. 502, Greenville 22, Greenville Twp. West B, Nazarene Church, 7584 St. Rt. 118, Greenville 23, Harrison West & Hollansburg, Cedar Grove Church – Family Life Center, 373 Love Road, St Paris 24, Harrison East & New Madison, New Madison

“Community Action Month is a wonderful time to honor and celebrate the impact Community Action has in the lives of families and communities across the country,� stated MVCAP President and CEO, Cherish Cronmiller. “The Community Action Partnership Network offers insight to leaders looking to understand what is working on the ground to help families thrive—creating smarter solutions that can be put to work within communities across the country.� Cronmiller continued, “This past year, our agen & " "! $ $!

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Wanting to start or stop your Early Bird? Call 937-547-0851 Missed delivery? Call 937-547-0851 DEADLINES: Classified line advertising.............................Noon on Thursday All other advertising and inserts.................Thursday by 5 p.m. Editorial content.............................................Noon on Thursday The Early Bird is distributed weekly in Darke and surrounding Counties and audited by CVC & is locally owned and operated by Brothers Publishing Company.

cy has served thousands of families in the Miami Valley and empowered them to attain self-sufďŹ ciency. Our Home Weatherization Assistance Program alone has served more than 1,200 households in that timeframe. Our work changes lives and strengthens our entire community.â€? To celebrate its success and raise awareness in the community, MVCAP will host three free events with food, prizes, entertainment, and more in Darke, Greene, and Montgomery Counties throughout the month. Greenville City

Park is the site of their event on Thursday, May 24 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information, visit MVCAP’s Facebook page at Facebook.com/ MVCAP/. Miami Valley Community Action Partnership is a 501(c)3 private, nonproďŹ t Community Action Agency, committed to eliminating the causes and conditions of poverty and promoting self-sufďŹ ciency by providing programs and services in the Miami Valley. Contact Jim Ingram at (937) 341-5000 ext.150; James.Ingram@ capdayton.org.

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PAGE 6 May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Seniors homer on senior night in Lady Wave run-rule win over Sidney GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Greenville earned its 20th win of the season for the 16th consecutive year on a night the Lady Wave honored two seniors; Cassie Cromwell and Sydney Grote prior to the game. “Hats off seniors,” said a proud Greenville coach Jerrod Newland. “What an awesome opportunity. Four year players in their careers and both have 100 hits, both 100 wins, both are one-two all-time home runs here at Greenville High School.” “Just proud of them all four years,” continued Newland. “What I like is how solid they came in and played as freshmen all the way through. Both are three time all-leaguers and when you think of that you step back and say, darn, well, Greenville has two seniors that have been allLeague for three straight years and this year will be the fourth.” “When you’re all-League

player for four years and you do the things that way and you come out and you compete every day, that’s when you lead by example,” added Newland. Both seniors drilled home runs to put an exclamation point on 2018 senior night at Lady Wave Stadium. “I am so proud of those kids,” Newland said of Cromwell and Grote. “I told them and their parents one thing today – it’s only May and I can promise them this month of May is going to be a very special time for them and their daughters here as we make our journey to Akron. Can’t wait to punch our ticket and go.” The Lady Wave used the long ball driving three home runs out of the park to run-rule the Sidney Lady Yellow Jackets for the second consecutive night giving the young team its 13th run-rule victory of the season. Greenville freshman Grace Shaffer went the distance on the mound holding Sidney to two hits over five innings of work

and sophomore shortstop Morgan Gilbert also homered for the Lady Wave. The Greenville girls took an early 4-0 lead after one inning of play with the Lady Jackets scoring their lone run of the night in the top of the second to trail 4-1. Greenville wasted little time putting the game out of reach adding six runs in the bottom of the second to lead 10-1 with the teams heading to inning No. 3. The Lady Wave added two runs in the bottom of the third to lead 12-1, a lead that would hold up for the final score of the night. It’s May – we are finally starting to roll,” said Newland. “The weather is warming up. Fun stuff and just proud of the kids and the opportunity out here. When we pitch and play defense like that we’re going to be tough to beat.” Following the game, both seniors agreed the night was both tough and a little emotional for them while both agreed their final season wearing the Green and White is long from over.

Lady Wave softball coach Jerrod Newland and family members share senior night with Greenville seniors Cassie Cromwell and Sydney Grote. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

“There is a lot more coming,” said Cromwell. “I wouldn’t play anywhere else. I love it.”

“I love it here,” Grote stated. “Ready for June.” Twentieth win – 16th straight year,” concluded

Coach Newland. “Proud of the kids and we play for the name on the front and that’s what it’s about.”

(Front L-R) Roger McEldowney (father), Kami McEldowney, Holly McEldowney (mother). (Back L-R) Brian Shappie (assistant coach), Jacki Stonebraker (Versailles coach Jacki Stonebraker) and Doug Giere Athletic Director). (Gaylen Blosser photo) Ansonia Tigers coaches and 2018 seniors (L-R) Head Coach Dustin Hetch, Josh Heitkamp, Jarvis Thwaits, Aric Barga, Rygh Fortkamp, Taylor Brewer and Assistant Coach Greg Stoll. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

Ansonia baseball team earns senior night win over Newton BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

ANSONIA – The Ansonia Tigers baseball team held on for a 5-4 Cross County Conference home win over the Newton Indians on senior night. “Great win,” said Ansonia coach Dustin Hecht. “We’ve been preaching to them all season if we throw strikes we’re a dang good team and that proved it tonight.” Newton had the tying run on second with two outs in the top of the seventh but failed to score with Rygh Fortkamp coaxing a fly to center giving the Tigers a Wednesday night win. “We stayed in there, we came out hot with the bats and we continued work and it just fell in our favor tonight,” Hecht said. “We played a heck of a game.”

Ansonia senior, Rygh Fortkamp went the distance for the Tigers on the mound. “He went all seven,” Hecht said of Forthkamp. “The senior took all seven. It was definitely a team win. Everybody contributed at the plate tonight.” Coach Hecht took time following the win to talk about his five seniors. “Rygh Fortkamp was a freshman when I took over this program so I have had the pleasure of having him all four years and he is a standup guy,” said Hecht. “I couldn’t ask for someone better. He’s always right there and he’s ready to do anything for a team win.” “Jarvis Thwaits came back this year after taking a year off,” Hecht said. “He’s been a huge contributing factor for this team this year. He’s played amazing at shortstop for us. He’s come in and pitched whenever we needed him

and really stepped up at the plate.” “Taylor Brewer has helped us on the mound, he’s been a contributing factor in the outfield,” said Hecht. “He’s moved around in every position in the outfield and really helped out there too.” “Eric Barga is four years on the baseball team,” stated Hecht. “Whatever we need out of the kid he gives you 100 percent every time and that’s practice or in game situations.” “Josh Heitkamp has been four years with the baseball team,” Hecht said. “He’s a team player, he’ll do whatever I ask. He’s basically been an outfielder for first three years. We had a spot at first this year and he stepped up and wanted to play there. It’s a huge change for him but he’s done great.” “Great group of kids,” concluded Hecht. “Couldn’t ask for a better senior class.” 1375 Wagner Ave, Greenville (937) 548-1252

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Versailles’ McEldowney signs to play basketball at Urbana University BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

VERSAILLES – Versailles senior Kami McEldowney, the daughter of Roger and Holly McEldowney signed with the Urbana University Lady Blue Knights basketball program. “It’s a dream come true,” McEldowney said. “If I work hard and earn my spot I can definitely see a lot of minutes my freshman year.” “It is a good fit for her,” said Versailles coach Jacki Stonebraker. “It’s close to home and they have an up and rising program. I’m excited for her to be part of a building program.” McEldowney, a four-year starter for the Versailles Lady Tigers basketball team earned an OHSAA Division III state championship her freshman season and backto-back state runner-up finishes her junior and senior years. “She has been a great leader for us ever since a freshman,” Stonebraker noted. “She’s a great hustler out there, she gets the offense ignited with her three-point shot, she can

take it to the hole as well. She’s just a very fun player to watch and I’m excited to see her play at the next level.” The Midwest Athletic Conference named McEldowney girls basketball conference player of the year and was selected second team all-Ohio by the Ohio Prep Sportswriters Association. “She can raise and lower her game anytime she wants to,” said Stonebraker. “She’s going to take those girls and put them on her back and say let’s go, let’s win this game. She is a game player. In tight situations you want her on the court.” McEldowney had impressive numbers as a four year starter, scoring 1,323 career points with 603 of the points (201 baskets) coming from beyond the arc. The Versailles senior dished out 384 assists and pulled down 258 rebounds. During her four year career, the Lady Tigers compiled an impressive 100-17 record, a 26-3 post season mark including three

trips to the final four in Columbus.s “It’s phenomenal how many games she played and how many wins she got underneath her belt – as a whole team,” said Stonebraker. “It’s phenomenal how many trips they made to state and just how successful those four years of hers were these past couple of years.” “I didn’t really realize how much we won,” McEldowney said of her senior teammates. “I think just the seniors left a huge part in Versailles and I’m really proud – we really had fun with it and just left it all here.” As a freshman, McEldowney helped the Versailles volleyball team to a state semifinal appearance and a Division III state championship as a senior. “Work hard and have fun – really enjoy it,” McEldowney said of her college goals. “I only have four more years left.” McEldowney plans to study early childhood education, “and I’m probably going to go into caching with that too,” Kami added. “Trying to give back.”

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May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 7

Greenville baseball sweeps Sidney with run-rule win GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The Greenville varsity baseball team made it a sweep of the Sidney Yellow Jackets with a 17-7 five inning run-rule game after defeating the Jackets 9-4 in a Monday night game at Sidney and run-ruling Covington 15-0 in a Friday night game. “Scored a lot of runs,” said Greenville coach Eric Blumenstock. “I would have liked to have not given up seven tonight, could have been a little more effective on the pitching side but it was a good outing. Owen (Paulus) picked up a win tonight and we hit the heck out of the ball.” Greenville knocked out

17 hits in just four innings of work at the plate to earn the lopsided win. “This is the time when we want to start elevating our game,” Blumenstock stated. “We want to start getting better, we want to start getting in the tournament mode.” The Wave took a 2-0 lead after one inning of play getting a Landon Eldridge leadoff single and steal of second and scoring on a Tyler Beyke RBI double to left. A Karsyn Fender RBI single plated Beyke with the second run of the opening inning. Greenville broke the game open with seven second-inning runs. The offensive outburst came from singles by Ethan Saylor, Landon Eldridge, Mar-

cus Wood, and Kyle Mills, an error on a Tony Sells smash to third and a double off the bat of Karsyn Fender. Sidney bounced back in the top of the third with four runs to cut the Wave lead to 9-4 only to have Greenville put three runs on the board in the bottom of the frame pushing its lead to 12-4 with the runs coming from an Ethan Saylor single, an Eldridge RBI triple to left and a Marcus Wood two run homer. The Yellow Jackets made it a 12-7 game scoring three runs in the top of the fourth with Greenville putting up five runs in the bottom of the inning to take a 10 run 17-7 lead. “We’re starting to figure out how to step on the

throttle when we get somebody down,” Blumenstock said. Tony Sells led off the inning with a liner to left for a single, Alec Fletcher legged out an infield hit to short, Reed Hanes laid down an RBI bunt single scoring Sells, with Fletcher scoring on the throw down to second for a 14-7 score. Saylor followed with an RBI single to left, Eldridge walked and Beyke drilled a two run double to left to close out scoring on the night with Sidney going down in order in the top of the fifth. Owen Paulus recorded the win for Greenville in four innings of work with Tyler Beyke pitching a scoreless fifth and final inning.

Karsyn Fender drills a second inning RBI double to left in Greenville’s runrule win over Sidney. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

“Starting off the season with two with Tipp (Tippecanoe 20-3), two with Butler (14-10), two with Troy (13-6), it’s tough for a team who is 70 percent sophomores,” noted Blu-

menstock. “We just have to go out every day and figure out what we need to work on and learn from our losses, figure out ways to learn from our wins and go from there.”

Patriots’ Holsapple signs with Grote’s 2-homer night lifts Bluffton University volleyball Lady Wave over Springfield BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

NEW MADISON – Tri-Village senior Alana Holsapple signed to play volleyball for the Bluffton University Lady Beavers. “I’m really excited about it,” said Holsapple. “I really love playing volleyball. Chris (Tri-Village coach) has given me a great senior year and I just really wanted to continue playing volleyball.” “I am really glad she chose Bluffton playing volleyball,” said Tri-Village volleyball coach Chris Brewer. “I know the coach up there. I played with him in college so I knew she was going to a good program, a good coach.” Holsapple, the daughter of Pam and Dick Holsapple plans to study psychology and become a clinical therapist for children while continuing the sport she enjoys. An NCAA D-III pro-

(Front L-R) Dick Holsapple (father), Alana Holsapple, Pam Holsapple (mother). (Back L-R) Tri-Village coach Chris Brewer and Dylan Holsapple (brother). (Gaylen Blosser photo)

gram, Bluffton competes in the Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference. “I know Bluffton is a pretty good program,” said Brewer. “They’ve had some success in the past couple of years. I am very proud of her.” Holsapple joins a Bluffton team coming off a string of four consecutive winning seasons coached by Steve Yarnell, a teammate Holsapple’s high school volleyball coach, Chris Brewer.

“They have a really good team,” noted Holsapple. “They’ve had a lot of success in the last years. Their coach is really good, so I’m really excited to work with him and improve my skills.” Holsapple earned second team all-Cross County Conference her senior season playing for the Lady Patriots. “Just want to have fun and continue playing volleyball,” Holsapple said of her college goals.

Ansonia Lady Tigers honor seniors BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

ANSONIA – The Ansonia Lady Tigers hosted the Newton Lady Indians softball team in a Cross County Conference matchup on senior night in Ansonia with the visitors coming away with a 13-0 win. “I have three seniors this year that did everything I asked of them,” said Ansonia coach Floyd Jenkins. “They came out every day, they didn’t miss practices, they’re getting good grades and that’s what it’s about.” Three Lady Tigers honored three seniors; Katelyn McKenna, Sarah Rhoades and Lexi Shinn prior to the CCC game. “It’s been a fun ride,” said Shinn. “I’ve probably played 12 year and three years in high school.” “I made so many new friends with all the fresh-

Three Ansonia Lady Tigers’ seniors (L-R) Katelyn McKenna, Sarah Rhoades and Lexi Shinn. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

men and the sophomores and playing my last home game here with my seniors, it’s been one heck of a ride,” Rhoades stated. “I’m going to miss it so much.” “It was a blast,” noted McKenna of playing softball for the Lady Tigers.” I have a lot of memories and made a lot of new friends.” “We talk about that (life lessons) all the time,”

concluded Coach Jenkins. “It’s nice to be out there – a team sport and learn stuff, but really what is it? It’s school, get an education and a good job in the future. That’s what they concentrate on the most.”

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SPRINGFIELD – The Lady Wave capitalized on two Sydney Grote home runs and four RBIs on their way to a 10-3 win over the Springfield Lady Wildcats and earn their 21st win of the year upping their impressive 2018 season mark to 21-4. “Great day for the kids and the program,” said Greenville coach Jerrod Newland, a Springfield native. Greenville jumped out to an early lead in the top of the first with the Lady Wave’s Grote drilling a three run homer out of the park to give the Darke County girls a 3-0 advantage. Springfield would plate a run in the bottom of the first only to have the Lady Wave add two runs in the top of the second and tack on three runs in the top of the third to lead 8-1. The Lady Wildcats added a single run in the bottom of the third for an 8-2 score followed by a scoreless fourth inning. Grote went deep for the second time of the night

Lady Wave senior Sydney Grote was good for two home runs in 10-3 Thursday night win over Springfield. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

drilling a solo shot over the outfield fence to lead the Lady Wave to a win over the GWOC National East Lady Wildcats. Grote, Morgan Gilbert, Baylee Petry, Cassie Cromwell and Haleigh Mayo each banged out two hits on the night with Gilbert collecting a single and a double knocking in two RBIs. Chloe Sowry poked a double collecting two RBIs while Cromwell was adding an RBI. Caitlin Christman went the first four innings on

the mound for the win with Grace Shaffer pitching the final three innings in relief for the Lady Wave win over the large D-I Springfield school. “Proud of the kids and the 2018 run so far,” Coach Newland said. “Can’t wait for the next four weeks and the journey to Akron.” The Lady Wave hosts Milton-Union Monday night at Lady Wave Stadium with a 5 p.m. start time before opening OHSAA tournament play Tuesday night.


PAGE 8 May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

SLYDER – Charles “Mark” Slyder, 75, of Ansonia, passed away on April 27, 2018 at State of the Heart Care Center in Greenville. Mark was born on Jan. 5, 1943 in Greenville, the son of the late J. Harold and Leah (Amspaugh) Slyder. In addition to his parents, Mark was preceded in death by his son, Phil Slyder; his brothers, Wayne Slyder and Gene Slyder; his sister, Madge Deis; and his brother-in-law, Richard Besecker. Mark was a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles in Greenville, Darke County Plowman’s Association, Darke County, State of Ohio, and NTPA Tractor Pullers Associations. He worked at the Union City Body Company as welder for 42 years and has been a lifelong Darke County Farmer. He enjoyed Enduro Racing in Fremont, building demo derby cars, and collecting Massey Harris Tractors. Mark is survived by his wife of 55 years, Donna (Besecker) Slyder, whom he married on September 2, 1962; his sons and daughters-in-law, Jeffrey (Julia) Slyder of Union City, Ohio, and Kent (Dora) Slyder of Loveland, Ohio; his grandchildren, Jamie, Leah, Bradley, Mackensie, Matthew,

and Samuel Slyder; his siblings, Maxine Hezlep of Ft. Myers, Florida, Marilyn Swallow of Versailles, and Don (Shirley) Slyder of Ansonia; his brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Jack (Bonnie) Besecker of Florida; and several nieces and nephews. A Celebration of Life service will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at Tribute Funeral Homes, Greenville Campus, with Pastor Dan Kuhbander Officiating. Burial will follow in Teegarden Cemetery. Friends and family may visit on Tuesday, May 1, 2018 from 5-8 p.m. at Tribute Funeral Home, Greenville Campus. Memorial contribution may be made to State of the Heart Care, 1350 N. Broadway Street, Greenville, Ohio 45331 or to the Ansonia Rescue, 225 Elroy Ansonia Road, Ansonia, Ohio 45303. Online memorials may be shared with the family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com.

Wilt; and her half brother, Francis Wilt. She is survived by her children, Betty Lou Shepherd, Sharon K. (Steve) Peters, and Michael (Roberta) Ditty all of Greenville; her daughter-in-law, Cathy Ditty of Greenville; numerous grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. A Celebration of Life service will be held at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, May 1, 2018 at Tribute Funeral Homes, Greenville Campus, with Pastor Bill Baker officiating. Burial will follow in the Palestine Cemetery. The family will receive friends on Tuesday, May 1, 2018 from 10-11 a.m. at the funeral home. The family requests that memorial contributions be given to The Brethren’s Home Resident’s Aid fund. Online condolences may be shared with the family at www.tributefuneralhomes. com.


– Mabel I. Black, 94, of Greenville, passed away on April 27, 2018 at The Brethren Retirement Community in Greenville. She was born on October 27, 1923 in Darke County, the daughter of the late Dewey and Della Mae (Rose) Wilt. Mabel was a member of Faith Baptist Church in Greenville. She worked for many years at Wayne Hospital in central supply and volunteered with the Toys for Tykes. Mabel enjoyed spending time with her family and friends. In addition to her parents, Mabel was preceded in death by her son, Charles Ditty, Jr.; brother, Elmer

HEMMERICH – Deborah “Debbie” (Tittle) Hemmerich, 62, of Bradford, ran into the loving arms of her Savior, Jesus on April, 27, 2018. In the end, she was surrounded by the love and prayers of her close family and friends. She passed away from complications with a brain tumor that she has been fighting for over 18 years. We will always remember her as a witty, loving, amazing woman who dedicated her life to Jesus’s mission by taking care of those around her and reaching out to those who needed more love and light in their lives. She was so many things to so many people: wife, mom, grandma, sister, daughter, aunt, friend, prayer warrior, coworker, nurse, mentor,

teacher, flower arranger, singer, pianist, seamstress, baker, athlete; the list goes on and on! After her tumor took many of her identities away, she adjusted and made the most of her extra 18 years by making memories, filling her days with family and love, and praising her Lord for His healing and unfailing love. She is preceeded in death by her granddaughter, Adele Hemmerich; her mother, Mary Tittle; her father- and mother-in-law, Doyle and Naomi Hemmerich; and her brother-in-law, Terry Butters. She is survived by her loving and devoted husband, Theodore “Ted” Hemmerich; her father, Richard Tittle of Miamisburg, OH; her son, Jacob (Angela) Hemmerich and grandchildren, Sofiya, Sebastian, and Brystol of Mishawaka, IN; her daughter, Natalie (Alexia) Hemmerich and grandchild, Calliope of Saint Paul, MN; her sisters, Pam Butters and Cynthia (Brad) Smith; her brother-in-law, Michael (Julie) Hemmerich; her sister-in-law, Judith “Jane” (Bruce) Kaiser; and numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, dear friends that are family, and her Church Family at Pleasant View Missionary Church. Services will held Friday, May 4, 2018 at Pleasant View Missionary Church, Greenville, with Rev. Allen Sudmann officiating. Burial is in Gettysburg Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Make a Wish; Compassion International; or Pleasant View Tree Memorial. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www.zecharbailey. com.

WHITTAKER – Betty June Whittaker, 77, of New Madison and formerly of Arcanum, passed peace-

fully away on May 1, 2018 peacefully surrounded by her family. She was born on Oct. 29, 1940 in New Madison, the daughter of the late Lowell and Maxine (Higgs) Emrick. Betty was a 1958 graduate of New Madison High School. She and her husband raised their family in Arcanum, where she was very involved with various school and community activities with her children. She was a member of Abbottsville United Methodist Church, where she was active in various leadership roles. She owned B-J Ceramics in Arcanum for 30 years. She made cross-stitch artwork and loved to enter them in the Darke County Fair, winning numerous ribbons for her talent. Betty had a massive stuffed bear collection, and her wish was to have them donated to various charities for children. She is survived by her husband of 55 years, Roger Whittaker of New Madison, whom she married on October 7, 1962 at the New Madison United Methodist Church; her daughters, Annette (Doug) Pepple of Greenville, Karen (Bill Walter) Whittaker of Dayton; her twin sons, Jerry (Susan) Whittaker of Greenville, and Larry (Stephanie) Whittaker of Douglasville, Ga.; her grandchildren, Nathan (Shelby Netts) Pepple, David Pepple, Maggie (Anna) Pepple, Billy (Tammy) Floyd, Angela Floyd, Elizabeth Whittaker; her great granddaughter, Sara Weyant; and many loving extended family and friends who will miss her dearly. A Celebration of Life service will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, May 7, 2018 at Tribute Funeral Homes, New Madison Campus, with Pastor Eric Fee officiating. Burial will follow in the Greenmound Cemetery. The family will receive friends on Sunday, May 6, 2018 from 2-4 p.m. at the funeral home. The family requests that memorial contributions be given to State of the Heart Care, 1350 N. Broadway, Greenville, Ohio 45346 or to James Cancer Center, 460 W 10th Ave, Columbus, OH 43210.

Online condolences may be shared with the family at www.tributefuneralhomes. com.

HORNER – Donald R. Horner, 84, Greenville, died Thursday, April 26, 2018. Funeral services were held Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at Zechar-Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in Miami Memorial Park, Covington. RADER – Robert Elmer Rader, 60, of Sidney and formerly of Greenville, died Sunday, April 29. A celebration of life will be held at the American Legion from 2-5 p.m. Sunday, May 6, 242 Fayette St., New Madison. TRASK

– Phillip J. Trask, 86, of New Madison, died Friday, April 27, 2018. A funeral mass will be held at St. Mary’s Catholic Church at a later date and a private family only service will take place at Otterbein Cemetery.

WOLFE – Lucy E. Wolfe, 102, of Greenville, died Wednesday, April 25, 2018. A funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 6, 2018, at the First Presbyterian Church 114 East 4th St., Greenville. Burial will follow in Gettysburg Cemetery. The family will receive friends on Saturday from 5-7 p.m. at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville and Sunday from 1-2 p.m. at the church. BLANKENSHIP – James D. Blankenship, 85, of Greenville, died Tuesday, May 1, 2018. A funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 5, 2018, at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial will follow in Abbottsville Cemetery in Darke County. The family will receive friends from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday. ALLEN – William “Bill” Allen, 75, of West Manchester, died Wednesday, May 2, 2018. Funeral services will be held Sunday, May 6, 4 p.m., at the Kreitzer Funeral Home, 204 N. Main St., Arcanum. Family will be holding a visitation from 2-4 p.m. Sunday leading into the funeral service.

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May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 9

Revolutionary War soldiers to be honored

Donald & Joyce Weikert - 1953

Donald & Joyce Weikert – present

Weikerts celebrate 65th anniversary POTSDAM – Donald Duane and Joyce Ann (Myers) Weikert of Potsdam celebrated their 65th Wedding Anniversary on April 19. They attend the Potsdam Church of the Brethren, where they were married on a snowy day in 1953. They are deacons and Joyce Ann is involved in the Kids’ Club ministry, choir and FISH of Miami County. She has been a member of the Potsdam Town Council and served on the Miami

County Central Committee and the Board of Elections for many years. Duane is involved with hospitality at the church and welcomes members and guests every Sunday morning. He is retired from General Motors Delco. They are parents of three children - Pat and Rhonda Weikert, Potsdam; Claudette and Steve Post, Potsdam; and Pam and Todd Cot, Troy. They also have nine grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

Bowers 50th anniversary DARKE COUNTY – The children of Richard and Janet (Furby) Bowers happily announce their parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. Richard and Janet were married on May 11, 1968 at Hillgrove Federated Church in Union City, Ohio by Rev. Fred Luzarder. They have been blessed with two children, Stacy (Christie) Bowers of Greenville and Rhonda (Chad) Oler of New Madison. They have two grandchildren, A.J. and Tressel Bowers. The couple will be celebrat-

Richard & Janet Bowers

ing their special day with their family.

2nd Sunday Breakfast GREENVILLE – The 2nd Sunday Breakfast at the Greenville Elks, 214 W. 3rd St., will be held on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 13. Breakfast begins at 9 a.m. and continues until 12:30 p.m. The menu includes eggs

and omelets to order, sausage, bacon, hash browns, biscuits & sausage gravy, waffle bar and more. The cost is $9 for adults and $5 for children under 12. The event is open to the public.

IN MEMORIAM Together for 56 years was such a blessing, then just a year ago on May 1, 2017 the Lord took you so peacefully from our farm home to reside in your “heavenly” home with the Lord whom you loved. The family grieves for you so much. There is a piece in our hearts that is missing and that is you. We shall always “Cherish” the wonderful memories you left behind and you will always be remembered. Your presence is everywhere. We miss seeing you out in the field as it is planting time and the empty chair at church and at home, the kids miss you. Boating you loved and the “Anchor” reminds us that we have this “HOPE” as

DARKE COUNTY – Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR along with VFW Post 7262 will be having two marker dedications in honor of American Revolutionary War Soldiers buried in Darke County in May. On May 15 at 6:45 p.m., Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR and VFW Post 7262 will be dedicating a new marker at the Greenlawn Cemetery in Versailles for American Revolutionary War Soldier Richard McGriff. McGriff was a Private in the York County, PA Militia. He was born circa 1760 and died post 1820 in the Versailles area. Descendants still live in the Darke County area. Next will be on May 27, 2 p.m., a dedication for American Revolutionary War Soldier Ezekiel Farmer will be given during the Memorial Day Program at Ithaca Cemetery. During the program, a dedication speech will be given by DAR member Michelle Alderman. Following the program, a prayer by DAR member Helen Wright and flowers will be laid at the gravesite. Ezekiel Farmer was a Private in the South Carolina Continental Line. According to his pension declaration “He entered the service of the United States as a volunteer in April of the year 1778 and served under General Greene (Nathanael Greene) and Captain Blassinger (Thomas Blassingame) for a term of seven months, all of which time he was with the 4th Regiment of Continentals – that he started with the Company from Farmins Creek which reinforced General Gates (Horatio Gates) on the high hills of the Santee after the battle of Camden (August 1516, 1780), thence, after a skirmish, at Camden, he passed with the Army, into North Carolina for safety,

Luncheon for Ladies planned

Gary Allen Kingrey

an anchor, for the soul firm and secure. Hebrews 6:19 You’re so loved and missed, but what a better place to be than to be with the Lord. We Rejoice! Love, Your Family, The Bride – Maxine, Scott, Kim Morrison, Tyler, Kayla, Tarrin Morrison, T.J. Lindsey, Aiden Terrace, Brad, Renee Wilcox, Kaylee, Alexis Wilcox

GREENVILLE – Lighthouse Christian Center is hosting a Ladies Luncheon on Saturday, May 19, 11 a.m., in the All Seasons Building, 5256 Sebring Warner Road, Greenville. Local retired school teacher Kathy Brewer will be the spotlight speaker and ladies of all ages are invited to attend. The cost is $10 per person and reservations can be made by calling the church at 548-7464 or Jamie LeVeck at 670-0311; please leave a message. The church will also be raffling off four gift baskets and all of the day’s proceeds will benefit the local abuse shelter.


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Charleston and Camden being then both in possession of the Enemy – that he received his discharge there from General Greene and returned home to South Carolina; that he was drafted, he thinks in January or February of the year 1779 for three months and again served under Captain Blasingame and General Greene – that he proceeded from Union County to Georgetown in South Carolina, thence to North Carolina, where his time expired and he received his discharge from General Pekin (Andrew Pickens). That in April of the year 1780 he was again drafted for the term of three months and

served under General Greene, Captain Blassingame and Major Jolly; during which time he was engaged in no Battle, but laid most of the time near St. John’s Island watching the Enemy who were on the Island – that his time having there expired he received his discharge from, he thinks, General Brannin – that he again volunteered in the summer of 1780 and served as a Ranger under Captains Avery, Young, and Watson in South Carolina for a term of eight months; that in the fall of 1781 he was engaged with a scouting party under Captains John Putnam, Daniel Cromer,

and Benjamin Watson for six or eight months; That he served in all more than two years.” Fort GreeneVille DAR invites everyone to attend along with McGriff and Farmer descendants. Please honor our county’s Patriots. Spring Is Here! GO TO

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PAGE 10 May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


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Grillot opens Little Lilacs in Webster BY LINDA MOODY CORRESPONDENT lmoody@earlybirdpaper.com

WEBSTER – Donna Grillot’s dream of having her own floral shop has come to fruition and she has named it Little Lilacs, located in the former grange hall at 9914 State Route 185, Bradford, in the hamlet of Webster south of Versailles. The building, which was also at one time the old Webster school, is owned by her husband of nearly one year, Alvin Grillot, who runs Chalmer’s Garage. “I started a craft show on March 17 here but the weekend was really bad,” she said. “I had it the following weekend and decided to open up yet a third consecutive week. I was then working parttime and one Tuesday seven people came in. We decided to get a vendor’s license.” Grillot, who has three diplomas from as many different floral schools in Italy, moved back to Ohio in 2013. “I lived in Europe for 25 years; two years in Germany and the other years were spent in Italy,” said the U.S. Air Force veteran. “I served during Desert Storm and worked in the post office at Rheinmaine Air Base in Germany. She met her first husband while she was serving with a Naval Fleet in Naples. I stayed in Italy, married my husband and had twin sons, Alessio and Davide.”

Donna Grillot stands beside the sign outside of her newly opened flower shop, Little Lilacs in Webster. (Linda Moody photo)

Her husband, she said, was the owner of a flower shop. “After our divorce, I decided to leave Italy,” she said. “I came back to the U.S., found land in the Rossburg area and had a log cabin built. I had to find work and started working in Versailles.” She met Grillot, a bachelor mechanic, when someone suggested she go to him to have work done on her vehicle. During their courtship, Donna wanted to take a look inside the grange hall, much to the dismay of Alvin. But he allowed her to do so. As a result, they renovated it, complete with a purple decor. Thus, when she had her “flower shop,” she named it Little Lilacs, which of-

Senior Prom planned for Monday GREENVILLE – A Senior Prom sponsored by the Treaty City Senior Dance and Village Green Health Campus will be held from 1-4 p.m. Monday, May 7. The event, “Dancing the Night Away,” will be held at the Loyal Order of Moose, 1200 Sweitzer St., Greenville.

The cost is $3 per person or $5 per couple. The event will include live music by The Silvertones, door prizes, and cash refreshments including sandwiches, cake and punch. For more information, call Vicky at 548-1993 or Lynn at 937-621-2546.

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fers floral arrangements but there are no fresh-cut flowers; all kinds of artificial flowers; floral wreaths; any type of cemetery work; and all kinds of signs, plaques and pictures. “My love is basically flowers,” she said, looking around her flower shop. “I did all of the flowers for my wedding...the bouquets, corsages and boutonnieres. We had 128 people in here for the reception.” “My heart is still over in Italy,” said the 1988 graduate of Miami East High School. “My sons stayed there with their father, but I call them every day, because I miss them.” “Dreams actually do come true. I think God’s grace prevails. His hands are working in our lives. For awhile, the valley was not so bright; now it’s amazing. I’m Donna again. I want people to come in here even if it’s just to talk, look at books and magazines or have some refreshments. I want there to be a light in this town.” The floral shop is open from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays. The shop is closed Sundays and Mondays. Those wanting more information may call her at 937-569-1454.

Mother’s Day breakfast set

GREENVILLE – American Legion Post 140, 325 N Ohio St, Greenville, will host an All-You-CanEat Buffet, on Mother’s Day, May 13. They will be serving a breakfast menu, along with pork chops, meat loaf, dressing, noodles, desserts, and many other items from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The cost is $8 and includes drinks.

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May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 11

%PO U 'PSHFU .PUIFS T %BZ t .BZ Toledo Symphony Orchestra returns with Pops Concert GREENVILLE – Darke County Center for the Arts will present the Toledo Symphony Orchestra in concert at Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall in Greenville on Saturday, May 19. The concert will feature guest artist Connor Bogart, who will perform Broadway hits from Jersey Boys, Phantom of the

Opera, Les Miserables, and more. According to DCCA Artistic Director Keith Rawlins, Bogart has an amazing voice and range. “Connor sounds authentic whether he’s singing the music of Guns’ n’ Roses, Puccini, or Andrew Loyd Webber,” Rawlins said. The final concert of DCCA’s 2017-

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2018 Artists Series season begins at 8 p.m. Since its formation in 1943, the Toledo Symphony Orchestra has grown from a core group of 22 part-time musicians to become a regionally prestigious ensemble employing 65 full-time professional musicians, as well as numerous others to meet the needs of an expansive and eclectic repertoire. The orchestra, known for the joy they bring to their skillful performances which inspire audiences throughout Ohio and Michigan,

reaches an audience of more than 260,000 individuals annually through its performances and education programs. Sponsors for the TSO concert are Greenville Federal and the Harry D. and Esther Stephens Memorial Fund. Additionally, the Ohio Arts Council helps fund this program with state tax dollars

May events at Arcanum Public Library ARCANUM – The Arcanum Public Library has several events planned for the rest of May. On Tuesday, May 15, there will be an adult coloring session at 4:30 p.m. Join them for a relaxing afternoon of coloring and chatting. Supplies are provided. Also on May 15 will be a book club meeting at 5:30 p.m. They will be discussing “The Hideaway” and picking up the next book, “Little Bee.” Newcomers always welcome. The annual book sale will be from Monday, May 14 – Saturday, May 19. The sale will be held during regular business hours. Check out the selection of books, movies, and more that will be available. Registration for the Summer Reading Program will begin on Monday, May 28. This very popular program includes programs for all ages in addition to reading for incentives and prizes. Sign up the entire family. Come in to check out the display of items on loan from the Arcanum Historical Society. There are lots of interesting items to look at, and plenty of history to be learned. If you have any questions about these programs, call the library at 937-692-8484 or visit www.arcanumpubliclibrary.org. The library is also on Facebook and Twitter.

Beaded key chains at PCDL

WEST MANCHESTER – The Preble County District Library will host a program at the West Manchester Branch on May 16 and Eldorado Branch on May 24 for teens and adults. Both programs start at 4:30 p.m. and will guide participants as they make beaded key chains with their favorite team or school colors. We will be having refreshments afterwards.

to encourage economic growth, educational excellence and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans. DCCA receives funding from the Ketrow Foundation and Lydia E. Schaurer Memorial Trust Fund; DCCA membership contributions also help support this show. Tickets for the concert by Toledo Symphony

Orchestra are $35; students will be admitted at half price. Seats may be reserved by contacting DCCA at 937-547-0908 or dcca@centerforarts. net, or at DCCA’s office located within Greenville Public Library or online at www.CenterForArts.net. Tickets may also be purchased at the box office prior to the performance.

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PAGE 12 May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Drama Club brings Neverland to Ansonia BY CLINTON RANDALL CORRESPONDENT

ANSONIA - For their second performance of the school year, the talented students of the Ansonia Drama Club brought a

taste of Neverland to Ansonia High School. After a successful fall show of Amuse Bouche, the club was back on stage for a three-day performance of Peter Pan - A Musical

Adventure. The cast demonstrated both their singing and acting skills which were a smash hit with the audience. The show brought to life the tale of the boy that

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never grew up, Peter Pan, and the adventure of Wendy and her brothers flying away to Neverland - where they meet the lost boys, a tribe of Indians and a band of pirates, led by the evil Captain Hook. According to club director, Morgan Aultman, the cast and crew worked very hard for several months in preparation for the performance. “In my opinion this year’s production of Peter Pan is the best show we have put on at Ansonia in the five years that I have been director,” Aultman said. “I am excited to see more and more people finding the joy of theater and figuring out just how much fun it can be.” “I could not be more

Log on to bluebagmedia.com for complete list of cast members and photos of the performance. (Clinton Randall photo)

proud of all of the students and all of the hard work they have put into making these productions what they are,” she added. “Most of what you see during the productions is student created with a little bit of advice, direction, or help from Ms. Danielle Rhonemus, adult volun-

teers or myself. I am truly excited to see where this program could go in the coming years!” For more information about the Ansonia Drama Club, visit their Facebook page at facebook.com/Ansonia-HighSchool-Drama-Club877856732310306/

Kathy’s Krafts planned at BPL BRADFORD – Kathy’s Krafts will be at Bradford Public Library on Tuesday, May 7 at 6:30 p.m. crafting a beautiful Mother’s Day card. This multidimensional card features flowers, a butterfly and a 425 Memorial Dr. Greenville, OH 45331

pull up verse. Any mother would be thrilled to receive this card; sure to be a treasured keepsake for years to come. Cost of material and instruction is $5. Make checks payable to Kathy

Weigandt. A nonrefundable payment will hold your registration. Call Bradford Public Library at 937-448-2612 or visit them to reserve your spot.

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Greenville unites for Pierri honored for 35 years in the classroom Mary’s and is currently the SUSAN National Day of Prayer school’s third and fourth HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com


MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – For consecutive years, Greenville’s observance of the National Day of Prayer was moved inside due to weather. The rain outside couldn’t dampen the spirit inside as approximately 100 people came together to pray for the community, state, nation and each other. Normally held on the steps of the Greenville Municipal Building, the year’s event was moved to St. John’s Episcopal Church at the corner of South Broadway and Water Streets. This year’s theme was Unity with scripture found in Ephesians 4:3 encouraging all to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Joseph Helfrich opened the service by singing and playing several worship songs and Pastor John Monroe opened the service. Mayor Steve Willman read the proclamation declaring May 3 as National Day of Prayer in the City of Greenville and led the Pledge of Allegiance. American Legion Post #140 presented the Colors for the service. Pastor Brian McGee, of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Greenville, opened the prayers by praying for the community. U.S. Representative Warren Davidson prayed for the government and Fred Dean prayed for the military. Local attorney Travis L. Fliehman offered a prayer for the Judicial System. Several candidates for

Congressman Warren Davidson offers a prayer for the government during Greenville’s National Day of Prayer event.

Ohio House of Representatives were also on-hand to offer prayers. Jena Powell, vice-president of sales and marketing for Huntington Outdoor, prayed for business; Aaron Heilers, project manager at Blanchard River Demonstration Farms Network, prayed for agriculture; and Susan Manchester, director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Central Ohio, prayed for families. Others offering prayers included Steve Baker, WHIO-TV, praying for the media; Mekenna Anderson, Tri-Village High School sophomore, prayed for education; Pastor Douglas Klinsing praying for volunteers; and Dr. James Vandermark of St. Paul United Church of Christ praying for the church. The Greater Greenville Ministerial Association, program sponsors, believes it is vital for believers to lift up their praise to Almighty God along with their petitions for His guidance, strength and continued blessings.

Commission opens bids for community recycling events SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

DARKE COUNTY – Commissioners approved two bids for upcoming recycling events hosted by the Darke County Solid Waste District, during their Wednesday, May 2 meeting. A third recycling event – tire recycling, set for Sept. 26 – received two bids – from 1 Shot Services in Bradford and Rumpke Waste and Recycling in Greenville. Both bids were read in open session and will be reviewed by Krista Fourman, Solid Waste director, who will make a recommendation to com-

missioners. Although Fourman attempted to solicit bids from several contractors, only one bid each was returned for both the Community Shred Day and Household Hazardous Waste Day, as follows: * Community Shred Day, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Ohio Center on the Darke County Fairgrounds – a bid for $1,250 from Document Destruction in Cincinnati was approved * Household Hazardous Waste Day, set for 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 6, at the Darke County Fairgrounds – a bid for $10,322.42 was approved from Environmental Enterprises Inc. in Cincinnati.

Transportation scholarship VERSAILLES – Pohl Transportation, Versailles, is offering a $1,000 scholarship to a student who is pursuing a degree or certificate in a transportation-related field requiring four years of study or less. The award is open to graduating seniors or current college students who attended high school in Darke, Mercer, Shelby, Miami, or Auglaize counties. Eligible fields include logistics, supply chain man-

agement and diesel technology. Colleges that offer these types of programs include Edison Community College, University of Northwestern Ohio, Clark State Community College, Ivy Tech, and many four-year universities. To request a scholarship application or ask questions, e-mail the Darke County Foundation at dcf@darkecountyfoundation.org or call (937) 548-4673. Deadline to apply is June 15.

GREENVILLE – St. Mary’s Catholic School has been home to Kathy Pierri most of her life. After attending grades 2-8 at the Third Street school in Greenville, Pierri returned for 33 years of a 35-year teaching career. Pierri says she became a teacher “thanks to my mother. She’s the one who encouraged me to pursue education.” On Tuesday, May 1, Pierri was honored for her 35-year milestone during an event honoring Catholic educators, held at the Presidential Banquet Center in Kettering. Pierri attended kindergarten and first grade at Greenville’s North School – since St. Mary’s didn’t offer those grade levels at that time. She went on to graduate in 1978 from Greenville High School, then attended Wright State University to study education. She completed her student teaching at Greenville’s South School under the tutelage of second-grade teacher Barb Goen. Pierri spent her first two years teaching at St. Peter’s School in Huber Heights before returning home to Greenville’s St. Mary’s School. Through the years, Pierri has taught grades 3-8 at St.

grade teacher. “I just thoroughly enjoy spending my day with the kids and watching their growth from the first day of school each year,” Pierri said of her students. The biggest change for education during her tenure, Pierri believes has been technology. Not only has it allowed students to learn keyboarding and improve researching skills, the use of technology also has impacted how teachers plan lessons and keep track of classroom records, Pierri said. “I used to record grades in a grade book, now it’s all online,” she said. Students mostly use computers for the Renaissance Program – formerly Accelerated Reading – where students read then take computerized tests about each book. Pierri then rewards her students with Book It, a reading incentive program designed by Pizza Hut. Pierri also uses technology to assist in specific lesson planning, visiting Pinterest and a site called Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT) – an educational marketplace for teachers to share lesson tips and ideas, including worksheets and classroom activities on a variety of subjects. “I really enjoy lesson planning,” Pierri admitted. “I like to keep up with current trends.” The use of email also has

St. Mary’s Kathy Pierri was honored this year for 35 years in Catholic education. Above, Pierri displays scrapbooks, which includes one page for every year in the classroom. (Susan Hartley photo)

simplified communication between Pierri’s classroom and parents of her students. “I give my students a morning snack and whenever I see I’m running low I just send out an email and snacks start coming in.” Pierri, who isn’t ready to leave her home-away-fromhome quite yet, will be teaching this coming school year and will be introducing Chromebooks to her class. When she’s not planning lessons or teaching in the classroom, Pierri enjoys crafting, camping and spending time with her grandchildren. She’s also spent quite a bit of time scrapbooking, creating a page for every year of her career. The pages include class photos, notes and cards from students and other mementoes from each of her 35 years. Pierri and her husband

Rick, who retired from Whirlpool, are the parents of two sons, RC and his wife Ashley who reside with their daughter Kinley, 8, near Ft. Bragg, N.C. and Phillip and his wife Jodi who live in Greenville with their four children, Mason, a fifth-grader at St. Mary’s who was lucky to have his grandmother for a teacher last year; Hudson, a secondgrader who will be in grandma’s class next school year; Chloe, age 5 and Brady, age 3. This summer, Pierri and her husband will be taking a month-long camping trip to California to visit family. Along the way they plan on stopping to see several historical sites, including Utah’s national parks. “Planning the trip is almost as fun as actually going,” Pierri said.

Bradford Lady Railroaders honored for GPA GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

BRADFORD – The Bradford Lady Railroaders 20172018 varsity basketball team was presented the Ohio National Guard Academic Team Award for having one of the top cumulative grade point averages in Ohio. “We talk a lot with our girls hard work doesn’t always pay off the next day, that night, and this is exactly a good replication of that,” said Bradford varsity girls basketball coach Patrick McKee. “The hard work that we started clear back in October pays off now.” Sergeant First Class Justin Ward of the Greenville Ohio National Guard presented the award to the Lady Roaders and Coach

Patrick McKee Tuesday afternoon in the school’s gymnasium with the high school students in attendance. “The Academic Team Award is an award that identifies the teams that have the highest GPA,” said Ward. “Every single girl on that team had a 4.0 GPA, which they tied in first throughout the entire state for that award.” To be considered for the award, eight varsity letter winners from the school’s varsity basketball team vie for the award from teams across the state. Not only did eight of the Bradford players have 4.0 GPA averages, but the entire team of 13 Lady Railroaders earned a 4.0 GPA in the classroom. “One thing we try to instill in our kids is that the things that we really want in

The Bradford Lady Railroaders are presented the Academic Team Award for the state of Ohio by the Ohio National Guard. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

life that require hard work is not going to happen overnight,” McKee stated, “but if you trust in the process it’s going to happen eventually.” The Lady Railroaders worked hard on the court this past season, a year that did not produce results the team was hoping for. “We knew this past summer when we got them together they kind of clicked

right away,” said Coach McKee. “Obviously we didn’t get the wins we wanted this year, but I think every team will admit that we fight, we fight for four quarters and I have a feeling that has a lot to do with the hard work they put into their academics. I’m a coach that believes your work in the classroom carries over to the court and I think that helps us out there.”

Council discusses parklets and blights RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Main Street Greenville (MSG) received approval from Greenville City Council to try something new at the June First Friday event. Crysta Hutchinson, executive director of MSG, addressed council to ask for permission to use part of the city’s right-of-way to create parklets that evening. The parklets are temporary green spaces and Hutchinson hopes they will encourage people to come downtown, find a place to sit and build community. MSG, with the city’s bless-

ing, would close off several parking spaces for the weekend. “We would seek approval from businesses where these will be set up,” she said. They are hoping to work with local landscape companies to install the parklets. The landscape crews would begin work on Friday morning and the temporary green spaces would be removed by Monday morning. Councilman Doug Wright said he thought it was a great idea. Jeff Whitaker added, “I like it.” Councilwoman Dori Howdieshell commented, “It’s different.” She also noted that if she still had a business downtown she would want it in front of her shop.

Hutchinson explained the edge of the parklet would not affect the traffic flow. Council approved the temporary parklet unanimously. Council also approved Community additional Funds to be used for YOLO and the Greenville City Municipal Band. The city will give $2,800 to YOLO and $5,800 to the band for new chairs. Wright also asked the city’s administration about a property on Hall Street that he said was “dilapidated and needed to have something done. It makes the neighborhood look very, very bad.” Council President John Burkett asked, “Where are we on our plans

to demolish or pursue this?” Safety Service Director Curt Garrison noted there currently aren’t any plans to demolish any buildings in the city. “It would take a conversation by the administration, estimates council would have to approve and the law director to move it forward,” said Garrison. Mayor Steve Willman suggested they would find out who owns it and take the first step. “I’m not sure what the process is. This is the first time I would ever go through it.” He continued, “All I can say is that we’ll find out what we’re supposed to do and report back.” Burkett shot back, “We expect you to do that.”

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PAGE 14 May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

DC Chamber sets stage for Annual Meeting GREENVILLE – The Darke County Chamber of Commerce invites chamber members to its Annual Luncheon Meeting on Friday, June 1, at Romer’s Catering, Greenville. Registration opens at 11 a.m., business meeting begins at 11:30 a.m., and the meeting ends at 1 p.m. Cost is $20 for chamber members and reservations are required by May 29.

The meeting program includes the ceremonial introduction of ofďŹ cers and directors, presentation of the 2018 Chamber Citizen of the Year Award, and distribution of the 2018-2019 Membership Directory. Additionally, the Darke County Visitors Bureau will share the stage to present their Tourism Citizen of the Year Award. The keynote speaker is

Kevin P. Rojek, supervisory special agent (SSA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). SSA Rojek will present Current Cyber Threats: An Ever-Changing Landscape. Cybercrime is a signiďŹ cant and constantly evolving threat that affects everyone. The FBI is working diligently to understand the threat and remain one-step ahead of the criminals who

RANDALL INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Randall Insurance Agency, Inc. wishes to send our gratitude to our community for the wonderful out pouring of love and support that has been shown to us in the past 3 months with the passing of Mike and John Randall. We value your patience during our transition. Words cannot describe the appreciation that we have felt during this difďŹ cult time. We are pleased to announce that we will continue to service our clients, just as we have for the past 89 years. Currently, our ofďŹ ce manager, Jodi Cates is running the Agency. She comes with over 21 years of experience as a licensed Agent, all 21 years with Randall Insurance. She will continue to service your needs, just as she has in the past. We look forward to moving ahead with new staff so that we may continue to service the community as the Agency grows. Randall Insurance Agency, Inc. wishes to thank our current clients for their continued business and welcomes any new clients to our Agency. Please do not hesitate to call our ofďŹ ce at 548-1181, Monday through Friday, 8:30am5:00pm, or feel free to stop by at 239 E Main Street for any insurance needs that arise. We look forward to doing business with you! Randall Insurance Agency. Inc.,

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seek to steal our money, pilfer our intellectual property, and threaten our livelihood. To effectively address this threat, the FBI requires the constant assistance of a well-informed public. SSA Rojek joined the FBI in September 2002 after serving 11 years in the United States Army as an artillery and intelligence ofďŹ cer. After graduating from the FBI Academy, SSA Rojek spent 10 years as an agent and supervisor in the Norfolk, Va. ďŹ eld ofďŹ ce working counterintelligence and cyber matters. In May 2012, SSA Rojek accepted a promotion to FBI Headquarters, where he worked National Security computer intrusion investigations. SSA Rojek returned to Norfolk in November 2013 and worked counterintelligence mat-

GREENVILLE – The Edison State Community College Darke County Campus will hold a free grant researching workshop for nonproďŹ t leaders on Wednesday, May 16 from 4 to 6 p.m. at 601 Wagner Ave., Greenville. During the workshop, participants will receive an introduction to The Foundation Center’s Foundation Directory Online a research tool designed to help nonproďŹ ts ďŹ nd the Grantmakers most likely to fund their projects. Learn

Solid Rock Apostolic 8991 Old US 36, Bradford, 937-718-0351 CAC of Greenville 630 Pine, Greenville 937-730-1313 Greenville First Assembly of God 7219 State Route 118N Greenville, Oh 937-548-5445 Favorite Hill Baptist Church 1601 South Street, Piqua, 773-6469 First Baptist Church 7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville 548-7616 Faith Baptist Church 740 E Russ Rd., Greenville, 548-1808 Greenville Baptist Temple 4689 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., 548-7283 Union City First Baptist Church 225 S. First St., Union City, OH 937-968-6163 Cornerstone Historic Baptist Church 933 N Howard St, Union City, IN 765-964-3119


Beech Grove Church of the Brethren 3420 Harrison Rd., Hollansburg 937-997-4895 Bradford Church of The Brethren 120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215 Castine Church of the Brethren 624 State Route 127, Arcanum 678-9945 Cedar Grove Church 373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675 Greenville Church of the Brethren 421 Central Ave., 548-3583

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Oakland Church of The Brethren 8058 Horatio-Harris Creek Rd. Bradford * 448-2287 Pitsburg Church of Brethren 8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum 937-692-8772




St Mary’s Catholic Church 233 W Third St. Greenville 548-1616 St Denis 14 E Wood St, Versailles 937-526-4945 Holy Family (Frenchtown) 11255 St Rt 185, Versailles 937-526-4945 St Louis 15 Star Rd, North Star 419-582-2531 Immaculate Conception 5874 N. Buckneck Rd., Bradford, 937-526-4945 St Mary 425 W Hickory St, Union City, IN 765-964-4202


Ansonia Christian Church 123 W. Weller St., Ansonia, 548-5490 Coletown Congregational Church 2876 State Route 571, Greenville 548-6590 East Zion Church 6171 St. Rt. 36, Greenville First Congregational Church 115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH 937-548-3575 Woodington Congregation Church 8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441 Stelvideo Christian Church 6808 Church St., Stelvido, Greenville, OH 316-8198

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St Paul’s Lutheran Church 13495 Greenville St. Marys Rd Vers., 419-336-7111 St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 6825 State Route 722, Ithaca, 678-8584 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 8520 Oakes Rd., Pitsburg 937-692-5670 Trinity Lutheran Church 1470 W. State Route 28, Union City, IN 765-964-5712 Trinity Lutheran Church 204 E. Wood Street, Versailles 937-526-3091

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Abbottsville United Methodist Church 3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum Ansonia United Methodist Church Corner of Pearl and High St., Ansonia 337-5781 EUM Church 1451 Sater Street, Greenville, OH 45331 Faith United Methodist Church 101 E. South St., Arcanum, 692-8934 First United Methodist Church 202 W 4th St. Greenville, 548-3075 Fort Jefferson United Methodist 3856 Church St., Greenville 548-4410 Gordon United Methodist Church 311 East St., Gordon, OH 937-884-5129 Ithaca Grace United Methodist 750 Arcanum-Ithaca Rd 678-9062 Nashville United Methodist 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 New Madison United Methodist 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341 Rossburg United Methodist 117 Ross St., Rossburg, 937-338-4765 Trinity United Methodist Church 112 West South Street Arcanum, OH 692-8530 Versailles United Methodist 122 W Wood St, Versailles 937-526-3855 Webster United Methodist Church 8849 Seibt Rd., Versailles 526-3855

Teegarden Congregational Church 2753 State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 CMA Church 306 Devor St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955 Greenville Church of Christ 4599 Chldrns Hm Brdfrd Rd., Greenville, 937-548-4467


Ansonia First Church of God 750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 The New Beginning Church of God 802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502 Triumphant Christian Center 1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300


St Paul’s Episcopal Church 201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575


Family of God 310 W South St., Arcanum, 692-8521 Lighthouse Christian Center 5256 Sebring Warner Rd., Greenville, 548-7464



Greenville Missionary Church 1110 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842 Pleasant View Missionary Church 5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885

St. John Lutheran Church 7418 State Route 121, Greenville 548-5404 St Paul Lutheran Church 131 E. 4th Street, Greenville 548-5770

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how to conduct a focused search, screen a foundation’s guidelines, ďŹ nd out when and how to contact the foundation’s staff, and see who else receives money from that particular foundation. Participants will then have the opportunity to take what they have learned and begin their focused search for Grantmakers. The instructor will be on hand to help answer database questions as well as to help brainstorm search strategies.


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The workshop will be led by Becky Telford who is a librarian at the Edison State Library. Telford holds a bachelor’s degree from Ohio University and a Master’s degree of Library and Information Science from the University of South Carolina. She has been employed at Edison State since 1994. Seating for the workshop is limited. For more information or to register, call 937-548-5546 or email cbeanblossom@edisonohio.edu.

Beamsville Christian Church 6102 Beamsville-Union City Rd. Greenville 547-0009 Calvary Bible Church 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 Friendship Community Church 1005 Eaton Fort Nesbit Rd. New Paris, 997-3592 True Life 5990 State Route 36, Greenville 548-3558 Living Waters Ministries 102 W Main St., Versailles, 526-4567 Bible Fellowship Church: 7757 Grnv-Celina Road, Greenville 937-547-1952 Northside Community Fellowship 8135 St. Rt. 127 N., Greenville, 548-8965 Rosehill Country Church St. Rt. 49 and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill Versailles Christian Church 105 W Ward St., Versailles 937-526-4194 Hillgrove Federated Church 1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332 Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-547-0092 Arcanum Community of Faith 109 W. George St., Arcanum

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Knapp Ford Lincoln, Family Health, FRAM Group, Greenville Technology, Leis Realty, Mercer Savings Bank, Ramco Electric Motors, Reid Health, Rumpke, Second National Bank, Walls Brothers Asphalt, and Walmart. Contact the Chamber at 937-548-2102 or info@ darkecountyohio.com to make a reservation by May 29, 2018.




SSA Kevin P. Rojek, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Grant Researching Workshop at Edison

Worship Guide APOSTOLIC

ters until April 2014, when he was selected for his current position, as the supervisor of the Cincinnati ďŹ eld ofďŹ ce’s Cyber Squad. The Cyber Squad is responsible for investigating all criminal and national security cyber matters in Cincinnati’s area of responsibility. SSA Rojek currently supervises seven agent investigators, three computer forensic experts, and two computer scientists. Additionally, SSA Rojek is responsible for supervising the Cincinnati FBI’s SWAT Team. The Darke County Chamber has proudly served its membership as an advocate for business and community development since 1927. The event sponsor of the Annual Meeting is Greenville National Bank; Silver Sponsors are BASF, Dave



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May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 15

May blood drives planned in Darke Co. DARKE COUNTY – Several area groups will salute the military by hosting community blood drives in the Darke County area. Everyone who registers to donate will receive the special edition “Gave in the USA” t-shirt, honoring the sacrifices of the nation’s military members and blood donors. Community Blood Center encourages donors to schedule an appointment online at www. DonorTime.com or call 1-800-388-GIVE. CBC is celebrating May National Military Appreciation Month with the “Gave in the USA” campaign. The olive green t-shirt is a special twosided design with the CBC blood drop on the front and “Gave in the USA – Protecting America’s Blood Supply & More” on the back. The design features flag stenciled letters and military dog tags over silhouettes of soldiers. The “Gave in the USA” t-shirt is a gift to everyone who registers to donate April 30 through June 9 at a CBC Donor Center or most CBC mobile blood drives. The following local blood drives are open to the public and appointments are encouraged: Monday, May 7, Green-

SERO will meet May 9 GREENVILLE – The School Employees Retirement Organization (SERO) will meet on May 9 at the Moose Lodge in Greenville. You can purchase your lunch from the menu or their special of the day. Check in by 11 a.m. to order your lunch. The meeting begins at noon; a program will follow.

ville Grace Church, 4805 St. Rt. 49, 3–7 p.m. Monday, May 7, Union City City Building, 105 North Columbia Street, Union City, Ind., 2:30– 6:30 p.m., sponsored by Union City Lions Club Tuesday, May 8, please note this blood drive will be held at Greenville Church of the Brethren, 421 Central Avenue, 12:30–6:30 p.m., spon-

sored by Wayne Hospital Auxiliary Thursday, May 10, Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 8520 Oakes Road, Pitsburg, 3–6:30 p.m., sponsored by Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Monday, May 21, Versailles K of C Hall, 12:30– 6:30 p.m., 8440 St. Rt. 47, Versailles, sponsored by Versailles K of C.


New Medicare Cards Come with New Scams

There is great news for Medicare beneficiaries, and a bit of caution regarding scammers. The good news is that Medicare will be sending out new Medicare cards to each recipient. Mailing of the new cards will begin April 1st of this year and will be completed by April 1st of next year. The new cards WILL NOT HAVE the enrollee’s Social Security number on them, as they do now. This is a major accomplishment for Medicare and is being done to help put a stop to identity theft via Social Security identification numbers. This problem has been rampant nationally and is very serious business for Medicare enrollees who have had their cards compromised by internet bandits. The new cards will have an encrypted 11 digit number that even the holder will not be able to “unencrypt.” So that is good news. For the State of Ohio, delivery of new cards is scheduled to begin after June 1st. But, along with the good news, bad news sometimes seems to follow. The bad news is that Medicare scammers have already jumped into the game. There is more than one technique involved, but these are the two most used.

GREENVILLE – Continuing their donations in support of Darke County Special Olympics, shown here are John Swallow and Joy Greer of Second National Bank as awards presenters at last year’s Darke Co. Special Olympics Track and Field Event. Left to right are special needs student athletes Christian Nixon, Lance Watkins Kayden Chalmers and Landen Kimmel. The annual event with all Darke County school districts participating will be held Friday, May 11 (with the inclement weather date of May 14) at the new Jennings Center Track and Field Complex behind Greenville High School. Over 350 school aged special needs athletes are expected to participate. The public is invited to attend.

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First, scammers are calling Medicare recipients, sometimes identifying themselves as Medicare or “government” officials, and telling them that the new cards are coming out, but that they will have to send $30-50 to get the new cards. THIS IS BOGUS—there is no charge for the new cards—and CMS/Medicare does not call people—it only uses the US Postal Service to communicate. The second technique is for the scammer to say that they have a Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plan available, but then request personal Medicare information so that the new plan can be utilized. THIS IS ALSO BOGUS. Whatever you do, do not fall for this. Medicare information is personal, and the scammers simply use it for illegal activities. So, we don’t know when or how the scammers will spring into operation in Ohio, or the Miami Valley region, but if you receive one of these calls, just hang up, and report the activity with a call to 1-800Medicare. And…above all, do not feel pressured to respond to any of these calls—the scammers are well-trained in intimidation and persistency. Don’t fall for it. Donna Kemp Premier Senior Insurance, LLC


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PAGE 16 May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

I Like Mike!

Re-Elect Mike Stegall County Commissioner

Promises Made. Promises Kept. PROMISE #1: Fiscal Responsibility Since 2011, due to a rising economy, sales tax revenues have increased and delinquent tax collections have increased, allowing Darke County to be able to continue an aggressive campaign of modernization and remodeling... all while staying within budget! PROMISE #2: Economic Collaboration The County Community Improvement Corporations (CIC), the Economic Development Department, and the Partnering for Progress initiative (P4P), along with individuals, communities, schools, and businesses, have joined to help retain and create about 2200 jobs since 2011. This collaboration must continue as it will help keep Darke County as a leader in agricultural production and economic expansion. PROMISE #3: Fix What Needs Fixing Since 2011, the County Commissioners have allowed for much needed maintenance and upgrades on taxpayer funded buildings and equipment in order to keep them viable for the future. This includes improvements to the Sheriff’s building and vehicles, 911 center, the Wagner Ave. complex, the Garst Ave. complex, and the Courthouse. Again, all while staying within the budget!

STAY THE COURSE! Paid for by the Committee to Elect Mike Stegall Commissioner, Randall E. Breaden, Treasurer, 6380 Fairway Ct., Greenville, OH 45331

Early Bird/Bluebag Media is top sponsor GREENVILLE – Annie thinks The Early Bird/ Bluebag Media is tops. She is publicly thanking them for their third year as the top supporters of the Annie’s Star Spangled Gala as the Program Book Sponsors. The Gala, a casual event and FUNdraiser, will be held on Saturday, June 9. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. at the Garst Museum. All proceeds benefit the Garst Museum and The National Annie Oakley Center. Join in on this great evening of live and silent auctions, lots of fun raffles, door prizes, and great appetizers by Montage. You can view the many auction and raffle prizes at the Garst website or at this link, with more being added daily: https://www.flickr.com/ photos/garstgala2018/ One of the advance raffles is Annie’s Star Spangled Raffle, which you need not be present to win. Raffle tickets are $5 a chance. Prizes include: $1,000 cash; two night deluxe cottage at Glenlaurel, a Scottish Inn in Hocking Hills, with gourmet breakfasts and one 6-course gourmet dinner for two. Donated by Glenlaurel and Friends of the Museum.; and $500

cash. Odds are you are going to have fun – and the odds are in your favor. And, if you are present at the Gala, there are two bonus draws - $250 cash and $100 gift certificate to the Garst Museum Store. The Gala is $20 per person or $15 for Garst members with paid advance reservations by June 6. At the door, tickets are $25. Tables of six or more can be reserved. Dress is casual. Wines, courtesy of The Bistro off Broadway, and various beers from Montage and Friends of the Museum are available

on a donation basis. Garst beer or wine glasses from JAFE Decorating are available for purchase for $3. Brian Rismiller will be the Live Auctioneer, and Steve Gruber, Garst board member will be the announcer for the evening. Reservations for the event are available by calling the Museum at 937548-5250. Tickets for the Annie’s Star Spangled Raffle are available at the Museum or by contacting a board member. All funds raised at this event will benefit the Garst Museum and The National Annie Oakley Center in Greenville.

GREENVILLE – The West Central Ohio Gourd Patch is excited to announce its third annual Spring Gourd Show. The show will be held Saturday, May 19 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Darke County Shawnee Prairie Preserve in Greenville, in conjunction with their Spring Native Plant sale. The events are free and open to the public. During the show, handcrafted gourds will be available to purchase from local artisans, along with dried gourds and plants. Come meet the talented artists who will gladly

share their knowledge of their craft. It will be a wonderful opportunity to see the many different artistic techniques that can be implemented to a gourd. Some carve and wood burn them, while others may cut, paint or dye them different colors, or use a combination of techniques to create a unique piece of art. With so many different sizes and shapes of gourds available, the possibilities of ideas are only limited by your imagination. While gourd plants will be available for purchase, any questions you

might have about planting, growing, harvesting, drying, and cleaning a gourd will happily be answered. If you are looking for a unique item for a special someone or just for yourself, or curious to learn more about gourds, come check them out. You might be surprised at what you may find and learn.

Annie is thanking Ryan Berry, managing editor along with Keith Foutz, CEO and publisher of The Early Bird/Blue Bag Media, for being the top sponsor.

Gourd Patch hosting annual gourd show

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Gourd Patch meets May 10 GREENVILLE – The West Central Ohio Gourd Patch will be meeting at the Darke County Shawnee Prairie Nature Center on Thursday, May 10, 7 p.m. Discussion for the evening will be the upcoming Spring Gourd Show on Saturday, May 19 in conjunction with the Native Plant Sale being held by the Nature Center. They are always looking for new members to join their group; if you are interested in learning more about gourds, please feel free to come.

May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 17

BPW prepares to install new officers Community Gardens coming to DCP GREENVILLE – The Greenville Business & Professional Women’s (BPW) Club Foundation Committee is making preparations for its May meeting which will be held Thursday, May 10 in the Brick Room at the Brethren Retirement Community. Members of the committee are Lindsey Gehret, chair, Betty Kosier and Leigh Fletcher. The

new officers for 20182019 will be formally sworn in and a purse and jewelry exchange will be held. Those attending are asked to bring a “gently used” purse or jewelry item to the meeting if they would like to participate. Any items left from the exchange will be donated to charity. Tickets will also be available at the meeting for the Chicken BBQ

fundraiser to be held on June 20. For tickets, contact any BPW member or Deb Niekamp at 419-3052178. Tickets can also be purchased at Merle Norman in downtown Greenville, Financial Achievement Services, or the New Madison Public Library. Tickets are $7.50 and dinners can be picked up at the Greenville VFW, 219 N. Ohio from 4:30PM-6:30PM. All proceeds go toward granting college scholarships to the young women of Darke County. At the April meeting the club recognized and welcomed seven new members into the local BPW Club. The Club boasts that they are proud to be the second largest BPW club in the state of Ohio. The dinner meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. and the cost is $12 per person. The Greenville BPW Club invites women interested in learning more about the Club to attend, and you can also check them out on Facebook at Greenville BPW Club. For reservations, contact Vicki Cost by noon on Monday, May 7 at vcost@coxinsurance. com.

Book sale in New Paris NEW PARIS – The New Paris Branch of the Preble County District Library will host a book sale on May 12-18 during regular library hours. Fill your bookshelves and help your local library. On May 12, there will also be baked goods for sale.

GREENVILLE – You may have noticed some activity at the new Bish Discovery Center on Ohio Street. Cinder blocks and soil have been delivered to build at least 20 raised beds on the empty lot on the north side of the building. Staff and volunteers have been on site more regularly as the excitement for using this space for the community continues to grow. The purpose of the community garden is twofold as the district looks to provide space for both individuals and school students. The majority of the beds will be available to rent for a small fee by people who would like a place to garden but may not have the space or proper sunlight at their residence. A garden contract will ensure that there is a mutual understanding between the park and the renter. Darke County Parks will provide quality soil, access to water, and video surveillance to detour vandalism. There will also be a number of op-

portunities to gather and learn for those interested in expanding their knowledge. The hope is to create a community of people who have an interest in gardening and a place to learn more about how to have a successful harvest. The Greenville Elementary School will be the main focus of the educational gardens in the space. The park district plans to offer curriculum based programming for classes and have the gardens available for independent field trips and lessons as well.

While the focus will be on kindergarten through first grade in the beginning, it is expected to include all of the grade levels at the elementary school in the future. Darke County Parks is proud to be the recipient of a grant from RAB Lighting to get this project off the ground. Along with the community garden there are plans for rain barrels, aquaponics, a compost area and cold frames. For more information or to sign up for programs call 937-548-0165.

Solid Waste gets grant money COLUMBUS – Ohio EPA is awarding nearly $4 million this year in grant funding to 60 local governments, businesses and nonprofit organizations throughout Ohio to establish and implement recycling, litter prevention, recycling market development and scrap tire recycling programs. Local governments use these funds to support litter collection activities,

develop education programming or create opportunities for residents to properly dispose of scrap tires through tire amnesty collection events. All local cleanup efforts will involve the work of volunteers and take place on public property. Locally, Darke County S0lidy Waste has received $17,000 for scrap tire collection and disposal.

401 Wagner Avenue - Greenville 548-1997 facebook.com/elcaminoreal.greenville

MOTHER’S DAY BUFFET SUNDAY-MAY 13 More 11AM-2PM CINCO DE MAYO PARTY Surprises Homemade Mexican ALL DAY SPECIALS Coming!!! & American Dishes MAY 5TH - PARTY TIME! $3 OFF* Regular Menu Purchase $5 OFF* Regular Menu Purchase El Camino Real $15.00 or More $25.00 or More El Camino Real Not valid with other coupons or discounts. Expires 5/22/2018

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www.facebook.com/newmadisonsupermarket FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF OVER 80 SALE ITEMS!

Copy of entire ad available at the store starting Monday morning. AD PRICES IN EFFECT MON., MAY 07 - SAT., MAY 12, 2018 HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 8-9, Sun. 10-8 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES - NO DEALER PURCHASE * Eligible additional purchase requirements for sale prices do not include tobacco products, 12 pack advertised soft drinks & the purchased item*


to Francis Furnitur e Gre enville

PRODUCE ................................................ 1 lb.

STRAWBERRIES 1.99ea ................................................ Large Slicing Size Hydroponic

TOMATOES 1.18lb ................................................ Fresh

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ICEBERG TOSSED SALAD 1.28ea ................................................ Sundia 7 oz.

TOMATOES .89lb ................................................

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ICE CREAM SANDWICHES 2.79ea ................................................

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FROZEN APPETIZERS 2.69ea ................................................ Grown in Idaho 28 oz.

Carolina 96% Fat Free Oven Roasted Kahn’s Deluxe Club All Meat or

GARLIC BOLOGNA 2.19lb ................................................ Cooper Farms Honey Roasted

SMOKED TURKEY BREAST 4.39lb ................................................ Farmland 95% Fat Free

COOKED HAM 2.79lb ................................................ Harvest Brand

SMOKED BEEF LOAF 6.29lb ................................................ Lebanon

BOLOGNA 6.29lb ................................................ Arctic Shore 16 oz.

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CUBED STEAKS 3.99lb ................................................


reg. 2.19

FROZEN ................................................

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TURKEY BREAST 2.19lb ................................................

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IDAHO POTATOES 2.99ea ................................................ YELLOW ONIONS 1.49ea ................................................

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PROVOLONE CHEESE 3.49lb ................................................

3 lb.


ITALIAN PORK SAUSAGE 2.79lb ...............................................

FRUIT CUPS .99ea ................................................ ZUCCHINI .99lb ................................................ 10 lb.

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Frito Lay 9½-10 oz. Lay’s reg. 4.29 POTATO CHIPS 2.29ea ................................................ Frito Lay 9½-13 oz. reg. 4.29 TOSTITOS 2.59ea ................................................ Milka 1.44 oz. Single reg. .99 OREO CANDY BARS .79ea ................................................ Kellogg’s 10.6-13.1 oz. reg. 4.79

SPECIAL K CEREALS 2.99ea ................................................ Kellogg’s 12 oz.

reg. 3.99

Quaker 12.5-14 oz.

reg. 3.99

CORN FLAKES 1.99ea ................................................ CAPTAIN CRUNCH CEREALS 1.99ea ................................................ Kellogg’s 8 Count

reg. 2.89 POP TARTS 1.99 ea ................................................ Quaker 6.1-10.1 oz. Chewy reg. 2.99 GRANOLA BARS 1.99ea ................................................ Kellogg’s 5.64 oz. 8 Count reg. 2.89

RICE KRISPIES TREATS 1.99ea ................................................ Hostess 9.5-11.25 oz.

reg. 2.99 MINI DONUTS 1.79 ea ................................................ Folger’s 22.6 oz. Decaf or reg. 9.99 30.5 oz. Classic Roast GROUND COFFEE 5.99ea Limit 1 with additional $20 purchase ................................................ Keebler 7 oz. reg. 2.39 CHEEZ-IT CRACKERS 1.99 ea ................................................

Essential Everyday 5 lb. All Purpose FLOUR 1.79ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 64 oz. reg. 2.79

CRANBERRY JUICE COCKTAIL 1.79ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 24 oz.

reg. 2.39

Wesson 48 oz.

reg. 4.79

KOSHER DILL PICKLES 1.49ea ................................................ COOKING OILS 2.99ea ................................................

Pop Secret 19.2 oz. 6 Count reg. 6.29

MICROWAVE POPCORN 3.49ea ................................................ Nabisco 10.1-15.35 oz.

reg. 4.19

Keebler 9.9-14.8 oz.

reg. 3.29

Keebler 15 oz. Original

reg. 3.89

OREO COOKIES 2.99ea ................................................ CHIPS DELUXE COOKIES 1.99ea ................................................ GRAHAM CRACKERS 1.99ea ................................................ Keebler 10-15 oz. reg. 2.99-3.69 Frosted Animal Crackers, Oatmeal Cookies, Soft Batch, Pecan Sandies or VANILLA WAFERS 1.99ea ................................................ Aunt Jemima 24 oz. reg. 4.49 PANCAKE SYRUP 2.49 ea ................................................ 6 Pack 16.9 oz. Bottles

COCA COLA & SPRITE PRODUCTS 2.29ea ................................................

PAGE 18 May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

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CADC holds annual Monte Carlo Night GREENVILLE – Mark your calendars now for an evening of fun, food, games and door prizes. The Cancer Association of Darke County will hold its annual fundraiser “Monte Carlo Night� on Friday, May 11 from 6-9:30 p.m., at VFW Post 7262, 219 N. Ohio St.,

Continuing Nursing Education scholarship

GREENVILLE – Registered nurses employed in Darke County may apply for a scholarship for continuing nursing education. Applicants must be employed in healthcare in Darke County for the last ďŹ ve years. The Joyce Bruns Memorial Scholarship may be used for the following purposes: * Completion of a B.S.N., M.S., M.S.N., N.P, PhD. or related nursing degree * CertiďŹ cation preparation and exam * National or state nursing convention The scholarship is sponsored by the Darke County Nursing Education Council (DCNEC) and administered by the Darke County Foundation. Applications are available at www.darkecountyfoundation.org. Deadline is June 15. Joyce Bruns, RN, BSN, was a dedicated nurse in Darke County who died in April 1998. Bruns was an active proponent of Hospice and board member for 13 years. She worked as a nurse at Wayne Hospital for 18 years before serving as director of nursing at the Versailles Healthcare Center. For questions, contact the Darke County Foundation at dcf@darkecountyfoundation.org or call (937) 548-4673.

Greenville. There will be lots of games, door prizes, cake walks, silent auctions, food and rafes. The cost is $10 at the door and all proceeds will go to the local cancer association to beneďŹ t cancer patients in Darke County. If you would like to volunteer to help at this event, call the ofďŹ ce at the number below. The association partners with United Way and is not afďŹ liated with the American Cancer Society. They are currently enlisting for 2018 Corporate Sponsorship. The 2017 Corporate Sponsors of the association were: American Legion 140, Ansonia

Lumber, Bible Fellowship Church, Diane Evans Insurance, Farmer’s State Bank ~New Madison, First Assembly of God, Greenville Memorial Auxiliary 7262, Greenville National Bank, Greenville Technology, Inc., Hittle Buick, GMC, Kiwanis Club of New Madison, Ray and Bettye Laughlin, Lowdy OfďŹ ce Machines, Mercer Savings Bank, Ramco Electric Motors, Second National Bank, Sisco, VFW Post 7262, Women of the Moose, Wayne Health Care, Williamson Insurance, LLC. If you have questions, feel free to call the ofďŹ ce and speak with Christine Lynn, Director at 937-5489960.

2018 Prom Court

Coomer & Fields are GHS prom royalty GREENVILLE – Greenville Senior High School is pleased to announce its 2018 Prom Court and Prom King and Queen. This year’s queen candidates included Payton Brandenburg, Lauren Burns, Laura Fields, Lauryn Goehrich, Emma Jennings, Larisa Schmitmeyer and Maddie Shepard. The king candidates were Zach Massie, Alex Chui, Braden Russell, John LeMaster, Andrew Kocher, Will Coomer, and Noah Vanhorn. Named king and queen during the prom night festivities were

Will Coomer and Laura Fields

Will Coomer and Laura Fields. (Richard Brown photos)



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May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 19


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SERVICES OFFERED Complete Lawn Care Spring clean-up, Yard rolling, Garden tilling, Mowing, Edging, Laying mulch, Trimming shrubs. For free estimate call John 937621-0663 LAWN MOWING Residential or Commercial. Shrub Trimming. Mulching. Edging. Spring and Fall Clean-Up. Senior Discounts-Fair RatesFully Insured. Contact Daryl Riffle at 937417-7240

LAWN MOWING & ROLLING, Yard Cleanup, Shrub Trimming, Edging, Mulching, General Landscaping. Free Estimates. Leave message for Gettysburg Outdoor at Lavy’s Corner Mart 937-4473051 MOWING, large or small jobs. Also Landscaping, Shrub Trimming, Spraying/Fertilizing, Snow Removal. Reasonable rates. References available. Very dependable. 548-1716, ask for Justin

RN Behavioral Health Positions 10-bed Geriatric Psychiatry Unit, Wayne Hospital, Greenville, OH. RNs Needed - Full-time night position and PRN RN positions/either shift Clinical Assessment Coordinator - Assess patients; determine dispositions. Req’s ADN (BSN pref’d) Resume to: Dan Thomas; dan.thomas@horizonhealth.com. EOE


The YMCA of Darke County is hiring lifeguards with early morning availability (5am) for our Greenville and Versailles locations. Lifeguards must have a nationally accredited certification. Training is available to the right candidate. Submit resume in person at 301 Wagner Ave., Greenville, or send to Tyler Roberts, troberts@ ymcadarkecounty.org (Greenville) or Cole De’Nise, cdenise@ymcadarkecounty.org (Versailles.)

SERVICES OFFERED Dealing with water damage requires immediate action. Local professionals that respond immediately. Nationwide and 24/7. No mold calls. Call today! 1-800-730-9790 Spring garden tilling for Darke County & surrounding areas. Very reasonable rates. Call 937-417-9319 for appt HELP WANTED CONSTRUCTION WORKER needed. Experience not necessary but helpful. Send resume to: Help WantedCW, c/o The Early Bird, 5312 Sebring-Warner Rd, Greenville, OH 45331

HELP WANTED VINT’S RESTAURANT, 1226 Sweitzer, Greenville. Now taking applications for late morning, afternoon and weekend help. Qualifications to include a desire to give excellent service to our customers while maintaining a clean and friendly atmosphere. If you have those qualifications, we would like to talk to you. No phone calls. Apply in person Bicycle Shop looking for salesperson w/mechanic skills. Located Greenville OH. Send resume countrysidebikeshop@yahoo.com Full or part-time Carpenter. Minimum 2 years experience. 5482307


Dull Homestead Farm in Brookville, Ohio is now accepting applications for summer employment. Applicants must be at least 14 years of age in 2018. For an application and more information, please visit www.dhidetasseling.com or call Mahala or Jessi at (937) 833-3339 ext. 113.


Parker Hannifin


at their Lewisburg & Eaton locations.

TEMP TO HIRE POSITIONS all shifts available

Wolf Tent now accepting applications for summer help erecting tents. Please call 548-4161 for appointment. Must be at least 16. If 18 or older, driver’s license preferred Responsible & dependable individuals needed to deliver Early Birds in many GENERAL AREAS. There are MOTOR & WALKING routes. Ansonia in-town walking route. Walking routes in Greenville. Walking route in-town New Madison. Western Greenville/Palestine area motor route. Southern New Madison/Hollansburg motor route. If you are interested, please contact Becky at 937-5470851, 937-548-3330 and leave your name, address & phone number, if no answer WANTED Wanted: Used house trailers in good condition. Please call 937448-2974 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Flea Market & Craft Space Available for Farm Power of the Past, Darke County Fairgrounds, July 5-67-8. Call 692-5798


TYPE OF AD: Please circle one of the categories. Agriculture, Automotive (includes cars, trucks, vans, auto parts, etc), Business Opportunity, Equipment, For Rent, Garage Sales, Help Wanted, Household, Livestock, Lost and Found, Misc. For Sale, Mobile Homes, Motorcycles, Pets, Produce, Real Estate, Recreational, Services Offered, Special Notice, Wanted, Wanted to Buy, Wanted to Rent CARD OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM-COST 45¢ PER word. PHONE NUMBER MUST BE INCLUDED IN AD. ADDRESS MUST BE INCLUDED IN GARAGE SALE AD.


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PETS Chocolate Lab pups for sale. Born Feb 22. Fullblooded. $300. 419852-9146

PETS Yorkie Chihuahua pups. Born March 20, 2018. $300. Call 260251-0233 LIVESTOCK Brown egg laying pullets. 937-526-4541

FOR RENT 2 BR Ranch double in Rolin Acres. 1 car garage. New interior paint. Washer/dryer hookup. Central air. NO Pets/Smoking. $525/ mo. 937-548-2397

TRUCK TOPPER FOR SALE FOR 8 FT. BED. Came off of 2005 Dodge Ram P.U. Model is CoverMaster. Metallic gray. $275 OR BEST OFFER. Please call 548-3330 and ask for Keith or Becky.

Currently Hiring for Full Time and Part Time RN’s, LPN’s & STNA’s

We offer competitive compensation and benefit packages

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CITY ______________________________________________________ST/ZIP __________________________

DISPLAY ADVERTISING $18.00per column inch

LOST AND FOUND Lost orange/white sm. male tabby cat white patch on back, declawed/neutered, no collar. Missing April 23, 600 block of E 3rd St Grnvl. Very timid. Needs medicine. Responds to Howard. If seen call 547-0261 leave message. A treasured family pet

High School Diploma or GED preferred. For more information please contact Kim at 1-800-432-2664



WANTED TO BUY Cars/Trucks, running or not UP TO $500. Free pick-up. 937-423-2703 or 937-621-5809 Stay-at-home mom with eBay store wanting to buy your items. See if I’m interested! Call or text 937-423-2192 BUYING Flutes, Saxophones, Trombones, Trumpets in good condition, Yamaha, Selmer, King, Conn. ALSO buying OLD GUITARS, Banjos, Mandolins & Amplifiers. Bring them to Bach to Rock Music, 334 S. Broadway, Greenville, OH for an offer. 937-547-1970, email: bachtorock@ earthlink.net

$11-$12 per hour

Ads NOT INCLUDING name, address & phone number will not be placed NAME ____________________________________________________________________________________


Unless you have an open account with Brothers Publishing Company, payment for business line ads must be in our office by noon on Thursday for your ad to appear in Sunday’s Early Bird. You may also place your ad and use your Visa, MasterCard or Discover Cards. These ads may be phoned in by calling (937) 548-3330. Fax: (937) 548-3376. Classified Display...............4:00pm Thursday Classified Liners...............Noon Thursday Classified ads may be mailed or brought into our office at 5312 Sebring-Warner Road, Greenville, OH 45331 or emailed to classifieds@earlybirdpaper.com Office Hours Mon.-Thurs. 9am-5pm/Fri. 9am-4pm

CDL Driver Wanted-Union City, OH Good Pay - Health Benefits. $60-80k annual income. Home weekends. Please come & be a part of a new Transportation Team. $1,000 sign on bonus! Call: 937-621-7869 or 937-621-8383 or message blackhawktransportllc@yahoo.com. Visit us on Facebook

Birchwood Genetics, Inc. is moving production to 1st shift. We have two 1st shift positions available at our West Manchester, OH facility. One position is for a laboratory technician. This is a production lab. Responsibilities include preparing and packaging product as well as set up and clean up. Previous experience is not necessary. Training provided. The other position is for a sire technician. Responsibilities include care and feeding of boars, collection of product, cleaning and routine maintenance of barn equipment. Livestock experience is preferred. This is a high-health herd with strict bio-security. Contact with other swine is not permitted.

BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CLINICIAN-(FULL TIME) Family Health, an innovative community health center committed to an integrated approach to health and wellness, seeks an experienced and highly motivated clinician to conduct individual, child and family therapy through the Behavioral Health and Wellness Center. The successful candidate will have a Master’s or Doctorate degree in clinical psychology, or clinical social work. Independent licensure status and a minimum of two years clinical experience is required. Experience with chemical dependency is preferred but not required. Position is full-time (32-40 hours per week), with the flexibility of schedule hours. This position is offered on a fee-for-service, contractual basis. EOE Qualified applicants send resume to HR@familyhealthservices.org

$13.00 per hour minimum starting wage and an excellent benefits package including health insurance, over 3 weeks paid time off, and 401K. EOE. Email a resume to jamie.hundley@ genusplc.com or call 1-800-523-2536 for more details if you are interested in joining our team.


MAY 7TH-MAY 11TH OhioMeansJobs Darke County 603 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 937-548-4132 Option #6

Monday, May 7th


Ohio Business College-Class A CDL Education/Training Information


Adecco-Open Interviews


Heartland of Greenville-Open Interviews


Staffmark-Open Interviews


Upper Valley Career Center Information on Current Programs


UCM Residential Services-Open Interviews


Ohio Business College-Class A CDL Education/Training Information

Thursday, May 10th


AM & PM Employment-Open Interviews

Friday, May 11th 2pm to 4pm


OhioMeansJobs Darke County CCMEP Youth Program Information Session

Tuesday, May 8th LINES:


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Wednesday, May 9th


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Call or stop by to learn more!

PAGE 20 May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Storage for personal & business use. Penske Truck Rentals. Call Greenville Stor & Lock. 548-1075, 5328 Michelle St Willow Place Apartments - We’re better than ever! 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Call 937316-8489. Equal Housing Opportunity Quiet 2-3 bedroom, 1 bath house in Palestine. W/d hookup. All other appliances. No pets. $500/month. 937547-0468 937-548-4663


Efficiency & 1 Bedroom Apartments All utilities included. $375-$500 per month. Plus security deposit. 6 or 12 month lease options. $25 application fee and background check required.

Becoming a Home Owner Need Not Be Just A Dream 2&3 Bedroom Homes Available Check our our selection of FREE handyman homes. Rental Homes Available Too! Sherwood Forest Mobile Home Community 937-548-9898 www.parkbridgehomes.com

OPEN SUNDAY, MAY 6 - 1 - 2:30 pm

7 Parkdale Dr, Arcanum: Updated brick ranch offering 3 bedrooms. 20x20 living room. Oak kitchen cabinets. Ceramic tile floor in kitchen, dining area and utility room. Newer carpet plus both baths have been remodeled. 2-car garage with workbench and cabinets. LBR 4534 MLS 730517 Look for signs on N. Main St, turn west on Parkdale.

FOR RENT Spacious clean apt suitable for 1 person. Near Wayne Hospital. All appliances. Private. Offstreet parking. No Pets, Smoking or Metro. Low utilities. 937-548-7339 Downstairs apt, newly remodeled, appls incl. $600 mo. 937-5473051 One bedroom apartment in New Madison with appliances, water trash included 937-4233318 Nice 3 BR ranch style house in Greenville north end. $650. No Pets. 937-447-7845 1 BR apt. W/D hookup. $325/mo + deposit & utilities. 937-417-1491 Spacious cathedral ceiling, liv/dine/kit, 2 BR, 2 full baths. French doors/ patio. Attached garage, Genie opener. C/a, gas heat. Greenville. Lawn care/snow removal. NO PETS. NO SMOKING. 937-547-1435 House for rent at 505 Markwith Ave, Greenville, OH. $575/mo + $575 Security Deposit + utilities. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, NO PETS! Not Metro approved. Call 937-417-4546 for Rental Application Very nice 2 BR upstairs apt in Greenville. $450/ mo. Water, trash & lawn care included. Call Dave at 937-621-4726 Grnvl 3 BR 1.5 bath townhouse. Hardwood floor, stainless steel appliances. Off-street parking. No pets. 12 month lease. $695/ mo+dep. 937-548-1877 SPECIAL NOTICES Were you an INDUSTRIAL or CONSTRUCTION TRADESMAN and recently diagnosed with LUNG CANCER? You and your family may be entitled to a SIGNIFICANT CASH AWARD. Call 1-844522-0818 for your riskfree consultation.

REAL ESTATE SO CATSKILLS LAND LIQUIDATION! 6 acres - $59,900. 90 Mins NY City! Woods, stonewalls, quiet Country setting! Approved for bldg! Terms avail. 888-738-6994 NewYorkLandandLakes.com 9945 Painter Creek-Arcanum Rd, situated on 1 acre m/l. 3 bedroom, 1 bath house for sale. 3-car detached garage. F-M School District. 660-654-0683, 660654-2286 COOPERSTOWN REGION 20 acres $39,900. Pond, stream, woods, apple trees, stonewalls! 6 miles Cooperstown. Twn rd, survey, clear title. Terms 888-431-7214 3 BR, 1 bath home in Union City. New furnace/water heater. Mostly remodeled. Possible land contract. $35,000 obo. 765-9644291

PALESTINE, very nice 2 BR, 2 bath house for sale. 2 car garage. 937621-1889 AUTOMOTIVE 1995 Chrysler LeBaron convertible, 128K mi, red w/white top, all in great shape. $3000. 765-964-4491 2012 Fusion, 65,000 $8995. 2011 Traverse AWD, 112,000 $10,995. 2012 Escape 4x4, 103,000 $8995. 2011 Equinox, 104,000 $8995. 2015 Trax, 32,000 $12,995. 2008 Tahoe, 95,000 $13,495. 2008 Colorado 4x4, 107,000 $9995. 2009 Vue $5995. Buy - Sell - Trade! CountryAutoSalesGreenville. com 548-1337 MISC. FOR SALE IRS TAX DEBTS?10k+? Tired of the calls? We can HELP! $500 free consultation! We can STOP the garnishments! FREE Consultation Call Today 1-855-900-5594

CHECK OUT THESE! 119 E. 4TH St. Greenville Pride of Ownership. You’ll want to show off this building to your friends. And your friends will envy the positive cash flow it generates. If you’re able to invest possibly 20% down and a $82,000 purchase price doesn’t scare you, call now for details on an exceptional investment. 144 E Main St., Verona Check out this recently remodeled turn key carryout/restaurant. Newly installed 400 amp single phase electric, a 26x45 enclosed area for additional seating or pool tables, etc. All equipment & liquor license is included in purchase or lease of property. There is also a large fenced in outdoor patio area for customers to enjoy. Property available for lease $1,000 monthly lease for 1 year. 302 W Oak St., Union City, IN Want to own your own business? This is it! First floor is a full operational bar with a smoking permit, gaming license with a 3 way liquor license. Lower level has had several updates including new furnace and central air. Second level could be remodeled into multi-unit apartments.

First Choice Realty

The Right Choice 1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331

MISC. FOR SALE PROFESSIONAL SOUND SYSTEM Rental, Sales & Installation. Free quotes to your business, church or home for sound system updates & improvements. JBL, EAW, QSC, PEAVEY, CROWN. Bach to Rock Music 547-1970, email: bachtorock@earthlink. net. Also Renting sound systems for Weddings, Graduations, Business Meetings, or any other engagements! Dish Network-Satellite Television Services. Now Over 190 channels for ONLY $49.99/ mo! HBO-FREE for one year, FREE Installation, FREE Streaming, FREE HD. Add Internet for $14.95 a month. 1-800-219-1271 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE SHOPPE, 901 E Elm St, Union City, OH937-968-6804, 937-423-5397. 17 YEARS IN BUSINESS! Amana & Kenmore top load washer/dryer sets, $200 each. Samsung front load washer/dryer $250. Whirlpool pedestal washer/dryer $400. R E F R I G E R AT O R S : Whirlpool dutch door $225. JennAire sideby-side $300. Amana dutch door $275. DRYERS: 2017 gray Samsung $300. 7 dryers in stock $100 each. 30Day Warranty. Delivery Available. My business operates on appointment

Remember, the

DEADLINE for Classified

Ads is NOON on Thursday.




SUNDAY MAY 6, 2018 1 TO 2:30


Sam Schwartz

WANTS ANY TYPE OF: • Carpentry Work • Room Additions • Garages • Siding • Foundation Replacement • Crawl Space Work • Restoration • Roofs/Re-Roofs FREE ESTIMATES





101 ROYAL OAK DR GREENVILLE, OH 4 Bedroom 3.5 bath home with over 3200 square feet. Appliance packed chefs kitchen with custom cabinets, granite counter tops, multiple pantries, oversized breakfast bar, skylights. Great room with massive stone fireplace and beamed cathedral ceiling. Owner has added additional family room to the house which offers lots of windows for views and access to the garden area. Spacious owners suite with extra sitting area. Split floor plan offers 3 additional bedrooms with large closets. Beautiful woodwork, crown molding and too many updates to mention. Stop in Sunday to see this amazing home. 1303 Chippewa Dr. Greenville

CALL US TODAY 937-316-3782 General Associate Production Positions 2nd or 3rd shift Greenville Technology Inc., a plastic injection molding company serving the automotive industry, is interested in highly motivated and dependable individuals for production positions in our climate controlled Greenville, Ohio manufacturing facility.

Open positions are in Injection, Assembly and Paint Departments on 2nd and 3rd shifts. Skills/Requirements: Hand and tool-assisted assembly Inspection, sanding and buffing of painted parts Machine operation High regard for quality Willingness to work overtime Team-oriented Proven work record Rate: $15.02 starting pay per hour. $16.32 per hour after 6 months of service. Great Opportunities for growth within company Excellent benefits including Medical, Dental, Vision, 4011k Attendance and profit sharing bonuses Light Manufacturing Environment, Uniforms Provided Please send resume to: Greenville Technology, Inc. PO Box 974 Greenville, Ohio 45331 Or hr_employment@gtioh.com ***Open Interviews on Wednesdays from 1:00-3:00PM at 5755 State Route 571 E. Greenville, Ohio 45331***


READY TO GO FISHING? This home at 3840 Algonquin has lake frontage on Algonquin Lake! Some updates. Mid 50s. IN HOLLANSBURG this 2-story home at 110 W. Union Street has lots of charm and character! Original hardwood staircase and beautiful fireplace! Carpet new in 2016. Upper 50s. ZONED LIC these 2 lots at corner of W. Park and St. Rt. 49 have plenty of possibilities! Mid 20s. IN PALESTINE this 3 bedroom home at 120 Lynn Street offers plenty of storage! Free-standing with custom chimney; 2+ car detached garage. Upper 60s. COMMERCIAL BUILDING at 5294 Sebring-Warner Road has over 5400 sq. ft. of warehouse space; 1185 sq. ft. of office space; 60x90 shop; PLUS foyer and reception area! Newly painted exterior; 3 overhead doors with openers. $325,000. BE READY TO BREAK GROUND this spring to build your new home at the corner of Bur Oak and Aspen! Improved with well; grass; trees and sidewalks! $30,000. 4 BEDROOMS in this 2-story home at 707 Martin Street! New carpet; new vinyl siding; covered front porch; 2 car detached garage PLUS 20x18 storage building! Mid 50s.


Jim Shuttleworth Evelyn Shuttleworth Joe Shuttleworth Greg Shuttleworth Richard Edwards


R&S Reck Mobile Home Park New Paris, Ohio

Mobile Homes for Rent Or Rent to Own Call

937-417-7111 GREENVILLE


Truck Rentals


We are here to meet your storage and moving needs! 5328 Michelle Rd. Greenville


Arcanum BOE ARCANUM – The Arcanum-Butler Local Board of Education will hold its Regular Board of

Education Meeting on Thursday, May 10, 7 p.m., in the Board of Education Office.

Picture frames at PCDL WEST MANCHESTER – West Manchester Branch of the Preble County District Library will hold a craft session for kids 12 and LEGAL NOTICE

FOR RENT Greenville: Small, 2 BR house. 1 car detached garage, fenced yard. No pets. $525 deposit, $525/mo. Call 937-5644126 2 BR brick duplex w/ attached garage. Arcanum schools. Rural area. No Pets. $500/ mo + deposit. Call evenings 423-2200 Greenville: 3-4 BR house. 2.5 car attached garage. No pets. $600 deposit, $600/mo. Call 937-564-4126

under on Wednesday, May 9 at 4:30 p.m. Participants will make a picture frame and decorate it to hold their favorite picture.

CITY OF GREENVILLE On May 1, 2018, the City of Greenville, Ohio adopted the following legislation: • Ordinance #18-47 supplemental appropriations • Resolution #18-48 authorize participation in the ODOT winter contract (018-19) for road salt • Resolution #18-49 authorize the Mayor to prepare and submit an application to the Darke County CDBG allocation program for paving improvements to Memorial Drive • Resolution #18-50 authorize the Mayor to prepare and submit an application to the Darke County CDBG critical infrastructure program for replacing pavers on South Broadway • Resolution #18-51 authorize the S/S Dir. to advertise for bids for sanitary sewer grouting services • Resolution #18-52 authorize the S/S Dir. to enter into an agreement to purchase a street sweeper to be used by the City Street Department This legislation can be read and examined in its entirety at the office of the City Auditor, Room 200, Municipal Building, Greenville, Ohio, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday and 8:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. on Friday. Approved: Eric Brand, Law Director Vicki Harris, Clerk of Council City of Greenville 5/6, 5/13 2T

In the Probate Court of Darke County, Ohio Jason R. Aslinger, Judge In the matter of the adoption of Amie Grace Burtrum Case No. 18-5-008 To: Kristie Gail Burtrum, Address Unknown Kristie Gail Burtrum, address unkown, will take notice that on March 27, 2018, the Petitioner, Rochelle M. Burtrum, filed her Petition for Adoption of Amie Grace Burtrum in the Probate Court of Darke County, Ohio, being in Case No. 18-5-008 on the docket of the Court, said case being captioned, “In the Matter of the Adoption of Amie Grace Burtrum”. Pursuant to said Petition, Petitioner is seeking to legally adopt Amie Grace Burtrum. Kristie Gail Burtrum will take notice that she is required to answer said Petition for Adoption of Amie Grace Burtrum within twenty-eight (28) days after the last publication. Said cause will be heard before Judge Jason R. Aslinger, Darke County Juvenile Court, 300 Garst Avenue, Greenville, Ohio 45331 on July 26, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. or soon thereafter as the Court can hear and determine the same. This publication is required by Ohio Rule of Civil Procedure 4.4 (A). Matthew J. Pierron (0090483) Hanes Law Group, Ltd. 507 South Broadway Greenville, Ohio 45331 PH: 937-548-1157 FX: 937-548-2734 mpierron@haneslaw.com Attorney for Rochelle M. Burtrum 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20 6T


THOMAS W. DEETER, Trustee, et al. Plaintiffs vs THOMAS W. DEETER, et al. Defendants CASE NO. 18-CV-00095 JONATHAN P. HEIN, JUDGE The Unknown Heirs, Legatees, Devisees, Administrators, Executors, Successors, and Assigns of Norman B. Teaford, Deceased, shall take notice that on the 5th day of April, 2018, DONNA JOAN ABNER filed a cross-claim in a certain action in the Common Pleas Court of Darke County, Ohio, 504 S. Broadway St, Greenville, Ohio 45331, said case being captioned “Thomas W. Deeter, Trustee, et al., Plaintiffs, vs. Thomas W. Deeter, et al., Defendants”, and being Case No: 18-CV-00095, on the docket of said Court, alleging that Donna Joan Abner is entitled to an order establishing an easement for ingress and egress across a certain tract of real property comprised of 0.542 acres, more or less, located in the Village of Palestine, Darke County, Ohio, and parcel being identified on the Darke County Auditor’s records as having an address of Second Cross Street, Palestine, and further being identified by said Auditor’s Parcel Identification Number I36-2-111-15-02-01-156-00. The Defendants named in this Notice are required to answer said Complaint within twenty-eight (28) days of the final of six (6) consecutive weeks of publication of this notice, or the allegations of said Cross-Claim will be considered by the Court to be confessed by the Defendants as true. LAW OFFICE OF RUDNICK & HOSEK, LTD. Attorneys for Donna Joan Abner NATHAN D. HOSEK (ID No. 0083994) 121 W. Third St. Greenville, Ohio 45331 Telephone: (937) 547-1591 Email: nathan@rudnickhosek.com 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 6T

GREENVILLE 38 Robinhood Dr $7,900. 2 bed, 2 full bath mobile home, shed, propane heat. (758375) 513 Ash St. $54,500. 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 car det. Garage, full basement, craftsman inspired style, curren rental property. (745216) 1004 Harrison Ave. $57,000. 3 Bed, 1 bath, 2 car det. Garage, double lot, 1.5 story home. Current rental property. (755763) 5020 St. Rt. 121 $175,000. 3 Bed, 3 bath, large attached garage, deck, 3 acres, walk out basement. (755824) OUT OF GREENVILLE 4540 Fairlawn Ct. Englewood $289,900. 5 Bed, 4 full bath, 2 half bath, 2 car att. Garage, fireplace. (761044) 13 Parkdale Dr. Arcanum NEW LISTING $154,900. 3 Bed, 2 bath, 2 car att. Garage, deck, many updates. (760639) 123 E. Wayne St. New Madison NEWLISTING $75,000. 2 Bed, 1 bath, 1 car att. Garage, storage shed, partially finished basement. (762075)

VERSAILLES – Worch Memorial Public Library is thrilled to announce it is hosting a Poultry Days Talent Show to showcase the various community talents. Prizes will be awarded in a variety of categories. At the Worch Poultry Days Talent Show on Sunday, June 10 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., participants will be able to show off their talents during the Poultry Days’ festivities in the old gym. Talent show screenings will be held at Worch Library on Wednesday, May 16 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and on Saturday, May 19 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Screenings will include performing the arranged act, performing a portion of the act or reading a summary of the intended act. Categories include first through fourth grades, fifth through eighth grade, high school, adult and family. Make sure to get your acts ready for the Worch Poultry Days Talent Show on June 11 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. For more information about this or anything else at the library, call 526-3416. Or visit the library website at www.worch.lib. oh.us for a calendar with a full list of the activities throughout the year.


Location/Directions: Take St. Rt. 503 app. 3½ miles North of the Village of Lewisburg to left or West onto Georgetown Verona Rd. go app. 8 tenths of a mile to AUTCION SITE @ 3937 GEORGETOWN-VERONA RD., LEWISBURG, OHIO 45338. (off road parking-weather permitting.)



Newer Greenlee Equip; Ridgid Threaders; Many Hand & Power Tools; Specialized Tools & Equip; Vidmar Shop Cabinets; Shop Smalls & Inventory; Greenlee Job Boxes; 2003 Suzuki 4x4 ATV; 2003 Dodge 4x4 1 Ton W/Utility Bed; 1995 INT. 4700 DSL w/20’ Box Bed; 1984 GMC DSL w/20’ Alum. Grain Bed; 16’ Cargo Trailer; 1979 Corvette Stingray; Anderson 5’ Rock Picker; Killbros 490 Grain Cart; (2) Handi-Herman Manlifts; AWD 30’ Boom LIft.





At 6833 Sweet Potato Ridge Rd. From Rt 40 go north on Rt 49 then east on Sweet Potato Ridge Rd half mile to sale site.

SAT, MAY 12, REAL ESTATE SELLS AT 9:00 AM ~ PERSONAL PROPERTY TO FOLLOW A very nice 55 ft X 105 ft Morton steel sided pole barn w/ concrete floor, both overhead & dbl sliding doors, plus 20 ft X 22 ft insulated workshop, 200 amp electric service, situated on 5+ acres w/ a minimum opening bid of $115,000 w/ $5,000 down & the balance in 30 days. ANTIQUES & UNIQUES: Vintage Sohio gas pump; pay telephone; slant front feed box; fall front desk; dinner bell; 2 gas powered R/C airplanes, helicopter & race boat, etc; Lionel 6 pc train set; H) & N gauge new trains; metal detector; Ohaus scales; mountain bikes. TWO JAZZY PRIDE MOBILITY SCOOTERS. HOME FURNISHINGS: Matching Smith Brothers brown leather couches; recliner couch & loveseat; light brown rocker-recliner; new Pro-Lounger pillow back lift chair; 2 sets of dining room furniture; oak table w/ roller chrs; glass top patio table w/ 6 rd base spring chrs; nice kneehole desk; QS bed complete w/ bedroom furniture; Fr. Prov. bedrm suite; new oak mantle; Samsung window AC; Kenmore washer & dryer; counter top refrigerator & figural music boxes. GOOD SHOP ITEMS: Hyster 1970’s propane fork lift w/ hard tires; Bridgeport mill converted to sgl ph; Wade metal cutting lathe, 3 ph w/ converter; Snapon, Mac & Waterloo tool chests; vintage machinist’s chest; great group of tools; DeWalt radial arm saw; Makita 10” miter saw; band saw; 4” jointer; 2 drill presses; Wagner airless paint sprayer; air compressors; Craftsman 5 HP, 2400 W generator; Power Mig Astro 130 welder; Hobart Handler 120 wire welder; Hobart Air Force 250 cutting torch; acetylene torches; welding supplies incl table; vises; barn & floor jacks; Dayton commercial dbl grinder on stand; Jet horizontal metal cutting band saw; Curtis key cutter w/ blanks; parts cleaner; bolt bins & organizers; 6 bays of heavy duty industrial adj shelving. LAWN & GARDEN: Coleman & Excel pressure washers; battery chargers; Stihl & Echo string trimmers; Stihl telescoping limb trimmer; JD lawn edger; Toro SP mower; MTD 5 HP -24” snow blower; lawn & garden tools; ladders; 3 sets of alum loading ramps & all types of supplies. SPORTING GOODS: Landau 12’ jon boat; trolling motors; rods, reels, tackle boxes & related; camp lanterns & supplies; smoker & smoker grill; binoculars; golf bags & clubs incl Ping, Callaway & Taylor; Hagen & Browning youth sets; new softballs; horseshoe set; hunting blinds; foam & poly Canada geese & other decoys incl crows; hunting clothes; waders; etc. Treadmill & ex bike. AMMO, GUN RELOADING EQUIPMENT, BUILD & REPAIR SUPPLIES; Over 30 cases of name brand 12, 20 & 28 ga shotgun shells; other ammo; 16 cases of clay targets; rough cut & finished stocks & forearms; very nice offering of Lyman, MEC & RCBS reloading equipment incl Dillon Precision SL-900 power activated model; Stan Baker bore gauge & gunsmithing items; wadding; scopes; gun rests; 15+ hard shell long gun cases; pistol holsters & more! Plus 10 Ducks Unlimited & other wildlife prints. FOOD SERVICE ITEMS: Stainless steel work table; laminated top work table; Hobart Model 1612 meat slicer; commercial meat saws & prep knives; Food prep & display cabinets; coffee grinder & brewer; Like new elec appliances & kitchens items; elec cash register; office goods; commercial clothes rack & more! Note: This is a great auction w/ real estate first & then a huge amt of home furnishings, tools & outdoor items. Off road parking & a large barn. Your attendance will be worthwhile. Photos and details at www.stichterauctions.com Property of Lawrence & Jeri Schroeder by Brad & Fawn Schroeder Holloway

ARCANUM/PITSBURG 294 Schnorf-Jones Rd, 2 miles south of 49; May 10-11; 9-5; Industrial cart, old vintage shutters, old doors, old suitcases, household, home décor, antiques, fabric & jeans scraps, wooden & metal high chairs, breast pump, boys newborn to 7t, some girls clothing, name brand young men, girls jrs, misses and plus sizes. lots of skirts & shoes. Very clean sale. Don’t miss! 2832 Jaysville-St Johns Rd, Arcanum; May 16, 9a-7p; May 17, 4p7p; Nice clean boys’ clothes 0-2, toys, lots of household items. Clean, inexpensive! 25 Greenmoore Dr, Arcanum; May 10-11-12; 9-5; Big Garage/Yard Sale! Downsizing & parting w/lots of treasures. Something for everyone One Day Only! 809 Red River West Grove Rd; May 19; 8-5pm; Free queen mattress, desk chair with needlepoint, Antique wash stand, Junior boys size 1016 (very good stuff), gobs of purses, fresh baked cookies, 1 box free laminate flooring, many nice items not mentioned GREENVILLE HUGE MOTHER’S DAY FISHING SALE! 108 Redbud Ct; May 10-13; 9-6; Rods, reels, lures, combos, tackle. 937-417-1182 MULTI-FAMILY! 5404 Naomi Dr, Greenville; May 10-11, 9am-5pm; May 12, 9am-1pm; Furniture, clothes, lawn mower, books, doors, lots of misc

GREENVILLE 6702 Arcanum Bears Mill Rd (between Rt 36 & Requarth); May 10-11 9-5; May 12th 9-12; Scented geraniums, tomato plants, girls clothes 0-3 mo, 3T. Boys clothes 0-3 mo, 4T. Indoor & outdoor toys. Maternity clothes, adult clothes, books, knickknacks, 2 TVs, record player, power washer, lots of misc Multi-Family; 1341 Holly Hill Dr; May 9, 4p-8p; May 10-11, 8a5p; Elliptical, oak hutch, snowblower, toys, home decorations, Longaberger baskets, tools, men’s, women’s & children’s clothes Multi-Family; Lighthouse Christian Center, corner of 127 & Sebring-Warner Rd; May 10-12; Thur-Fri 8am-5pm, Sat 8am-2pm; Outdoor furniture, kids’ toys & games, glassware, Tupperware & other misc household items Brumbaugh

Huge Moving Sale! 5120 Smith Rd, 4 miles NW of Palestine; May 9-12; 9am-6pm; Household, furniture, tools, barn & garage items, horse tack. Everything Must Go! Huge Clean Sale! 365 Martin, beside Marsh, plenty of parking; Wed May 9, 5pm-9pm; Thur-Fri, May 10-11, 9am-5pm; Nice name brand clothes: baby to 2 X, including Harley. Shoes, purses, crafts, fabric, large metal letters. 63 kids’ chairs, new & old toys, Barbies + other dolls. Kitchen & household items. New & vintage Christmas, Halloween, lots of popular books. Baby items, jewelry, modern & antique furniture. Drop leaf table, Jenny Lind bed, dryer. Trombone, clarinet, fishing lures. You name it, we got it! This sale was formally held at 226 E 4th, by Firestone. Very low prices as always



At 4055 Rasor Dr. From Rt 571 between Tipp City & West Milton, go south on Frederick Pike & then east on Rasor Drive. Street parking.

MON, MAY 14, 3:00 PM AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: After many years at this location, the Brumbaugh’s have sold their country home & are relocating nearer family. You’ll like this event. Everything is neat, clean & in good condition. Please plan to attend. For the complete listing and photos go to www.stichterauctions.com Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Brumbaugh, Owners Auctioneers: Jerry Stichter & Scott Pence Kevin Kauffmann, Apprentice

GREENVILLE 4097 Beanblossom Rd; May 9-11, 9am6pm; May 12, 9amNoon; Tools, old license plates, Mustang front clip, 35mm camera, racing scanner, Corelle dishes, coolers, king size bedding, misc

OUT OF COUNTY 1346 Banta Rd, West Manchester; May 1012; 8am-6pm; Old dishes, linens, antiques, pictures, garden tools, vises, books, toys, quilts, old granite, wagon, sweeper, comforter, walnut bench, tools, Kobalt tool bag set, oak hall tree, lots of misc





ANTIQUES/COLLECTIBLES/FURNITURE/TOOLS & MORE Empire Blow Mold, Vintage Cabinet, Rooster Collection, Tonka Vw Bugs, Walnut Plant Stand, Lazyboy Recliner, Lamp Tables, Vizio 36” Flat Screen Tv, Vintage Pyrex, Wagnerware Magnalite Roaster, Cast Iron Skillets-national, Ge Microwave, Kitchen Table W/6 Chairs, Canister Set, Set Of Leather Btm Chairs, Afghans, Kneehole Desk, Doilies, 3 Pc Chest/dresser & Vanity, 2001 Walking Liberty & Anniversary 1oz Silver Coins, Hamilton Beach Roaster, Enamelware, Ball Jars, Granite Ware, Vintage Gas Cans, Coleman Lanterns, Plastic Milk Crates, Vintage Fishing Lures, Comfort Zone Halogen Heater, Porch Swing, Outdoor Chairs, Metal Desk & Filing Cabinet Toolscraftsman Router, 5hp 60 Gallon Stand Up Air Compressor, Air Hose, Hand Tools, Ladder, Central Machinery Hd 16 Speed Drill Press, Portable Air Tank, Skilsaw, Dewalt Cordless Drill, Littlestown Bench Vises, Screwdrivers, Drill Bits, Champion Wrench Set, Bolt Cutters, Socket Sets, Ram-tool Hex Bit Set, Rigid Pipe Wrenches, Bolt Bins, Floor Jack, Wheelbarrows, Poulan 180 Pro Chainsaw, B&d Professional Chop Saw & Sawzall, Bench Grinder, Crescent 70+pc Tool Kit, Chain Binders, Murray Push Mower, Lawn Roller, Appliance Dolly, 2 Wheel Cart, Mantis Style Tiller, Rubbermaid Water Cooler, Staplers, Power Puller & Much More...


Probate #2017-1-279 Terry Bey & Karen Smith-executors AUCTIONEERS NOTES: This Is A Nice Clean Sale With A Nice Selection Of Furniture, Tools, Household, Antiques, Fishing Items & More. This Is A Small Sale That Will Start Promptly At 10am. Will See You Then!!!

Chateaux Real Estate Company Grube Auctioneering, Llc Adrian Grube 419-305-9202

Adrian Grube - 2016000125

Brian Rismiller - 2006000011


WEDNESDAY – MAY 30TH 2018 - 6:00 P.M. 408 N. BRIDGE ST. GETTYSBURG, OH 45328



Thursday - May 24, 2018 at 6:PM

128 & 130 E. 4TH St. and 424 Walnut St. – Greenville, OH 45331

DISREGARD ANY ALL PREVIOUS ASKING PRICES -ATTEND AND BID YOUR PRICE!! Open House: Saturday – May 12 from 1 to 3PM or Showings available anytime by appointment Super location! Prime real estate located on a large corner city lot just two city blocks from downtown, city building, court house, banking, shopping and more. A great opportunity to purchase a nice, well maintained income producing investment property. This impressive 3 story, brick and block structure currently houses three rental units in the main portion with additional business/ office space available for additional income. Current zoning is Downtown Enterprise (DE). The current monthly income is $2050 with additional potential income available. The condition of the entire property, interior and exterior, is above average with many updates throughout, and includes newer windows and roof. All rents and operating expenses shall be prorated and settled with the purchaser at closing. Showings may be scheduled by contacting the auction office at (937)-548-2640. TERMS: A 10% buyers premium shall be added to the last accepted bid to establish the final contract sale price day of auction. The buyer shall deposit $3,000 down day of auction with the balance due within 35 days. Please visit our website for photos at www.midwest-auctioneers.com.

Xumei Ruan, Owner

220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com


FORMERLY PRODUCTIVE ELECTRIC INC. Auctioneer’s Note: Large clean auction. Bobby has decided to retire from his business & disperse of all the above inventory. PREVIEW: Friday May 18th 1-3 pm. You will find that everything is in Tip Top condition & working order. Starting on all Electrical and Related. Truck-Farm Equip-ATV & Corvette sell app. 1:30 p.m. Please plan to attend. TERMS: CASHCheck-MC-Visa or Discovery w/4% surcharge. No Buyers premium or tax charged. For info call Jon @ (937) 545-4416 also sale day phone. All announcements on day of auction take precedence over printed material. Food & restroom. SALE CONDUCTED BY: JON W. CARR. “I sell the earth and everything on it” AUCTIONEER & REALTOR BROOKVILLE, OHIO (937) 545-4416 WWW.JWCAUCTIONS.COM



Worch hosts Poultry Days Talent Show

May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 21

Open Houses

Monday May 7th 5:00-6:00 P.M. Monday May 14th 5:00-6:00 P.M. Sunday May 20th 1:00-2:30 P.M.

DIRECTIONS: From Greenville, OH take 36 E to the flashing light in Gettysburg, turn Left. Watch for signs. Up for auction is this two - story home, built in 1900 with 1968 square feet of living space. This home host five bedrooms, two baths, kitchen, dining room with a wood burner, and living room. Other features include a closed in front porch for relaxing. This home is centrally located in the small-town of Gettysburg, between Piqua and Greenville, OH. This home is in need of improvements but, would make a great project home. Plan to attend an open house to see all the possibilities. TERMS: The Buyer will pay $5,000 down day of auction, with the balance due at closing. Closing shall be on or before June 30th, 2018. Buyer shall have possession day of closing. Seller to pay taxes up to closing. Buyer to pay all taxes due & payable thereafter. Have your financing arranged & be prepared to buy. Call 937-547-3202 or 423-2656 or go to www.edwardsauctions.com for more details.


AUCTIONEER DIRECTORY Mike Baker Auctioneer/Broker 220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH

Weekly Auctions now featuring audio/video bidding. Convenience fee for on-line bidders only.

937-548-2640 www.midwest-auctioneers.com

Jeff Slyder


Associate of

(937) 316-8400 (937) 459-7686

Grant Bussey 937-564-6250 Auctioneer/ Realtor • Estates • Real Estate • Ag & Farm Machinery • Personal Property

Auctioneer/ REALTOR Slyder Auction Services

Real Estate, Farm, Personal Property, Autos, Collectibles, & Antiques

Phone: 937-459-7731 slyderauctionservices@bright.net

PAGE 22 May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Bliss appointed to board of National Federation of Republican Women ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Lyn Bliss, a local Republican woman leader will serve on the Board of Directors of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) in 2018-2019. NFRW President Jody Rushton has appointed Lyn Bliss of Greenville to the organization’s Bylaws Committee, which is responsible for ac-

cepting proposed amendments to the NFRW Bylaws and approval of bylaws for all new club chartering applications. The NFRW board met March 22-24 in the Washington, D.C., area to conduct organizational business, prepare for the upcoming midterm elections, and receive updates from more than 25 Re-

publican Members of Congress on a range of issues, including human trafficking and the opioid crisis. “With the midterm elections just months away, the NFRW is gearing up to help Republicans across the country win races at the local, state and national lev-

Email your editorial to: rberry@earlybirdpaper.com

els,” Rushton said. “We are pleased that Bliss is going to play a key role in this effort by sharing her talents and ideas with our members across the nation.” Bliss is currently serving as Immediate Past President and Parliamentarian of the Ohio Federation of Re-

publican Women (OFRW). She has previously served the OFRW as President, Southwest District Vice President and Legislative/Political Education Chairman. Bliss is currently a member of the emPOWERED Republican Women and serves as its Secretary.

“Being appointed to the NFRW Bylaws committee by President Rushton is indeed an honor and privilege. I am looking forward to continued service on the NFRW’s Board of Directors in this new capacity,” noted Bliss. Founded in 1938, the National

Federation of Republican Women is the largest and most influential Republican women’s group in the nation, proudly representing the party that first made it possible for women to vote in the U.S. The NFRW works to increase the effectiveness and relevance of women

in the cause of good government. Our mission remains to recruit and elect Republican candidates, promote the principles of the Republican Party, educate the public, and inform the media. For more information about the NFRW, visit www. nfrw.org.


SATURDAY, MAY 19, 2018 9:00AM




• ALL items must be paid for the day of auction. • ALL items are sold as-is. • TERMS: Cash or Good Check with Proper Photo ID; Visa / MC / Discover accepted with a 3% Clerk Fee added. • Visit us online @ www.auctionzip.com and enter USER I.D. #8673 for photos and information. • Food Available on Site! • See complete listing in next week’s Early Bird! REMEMBER: +++Never, Ever a Buyer’s (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions… What You Bid Is What You Pay! We Office: 937.316.8400 work for our sellers, we appreciate our Cell: 937.459.7686 buyers, and we love our profession! Michel Werner Auctioneer Kirby & Staff


SATURDAY, MAY 12, 2018 9:00AM


Directions: Approx. 30 miles NORTH of Dayton, Ohio. From the intersection of S.R. 49 and U.S. 127 Bypass, take U.S. 127 NORTH approx. ¼ mile to Sebring-Warner Rd. and turn RIGHT or EAST to auction site, just 2 buildings EAST of the “Early Bird”. (WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS ON SALE DAY) TRACTORS & COMBINE John Deere 2950 (Diesel) Tractor, 18.4-38 like new Rear Rubber, Dual Remotes, Full View Cab, 8-Speed, Looks & Runs Great; Ferguson “20” Tractor (not running at time of listing); Massey-Harris 44 Tractor, Original, good Rear Rubber (not running at time of listing); John Deere 750 (Diesel) 4x4 Utility Tractor w/J.D. #67 Hyd. Front Loader, 5 Ft. Bucket, 60” Mower Deck, Turf Tires, P.S., 1,257 Hrs., Runs Great, Super Sharp. Additional 5 Ft. Front Snow Blade; John Deere #45 (Gas) Combine; 1937 John Deere Mdl. “B” Tractor, on Steel Wheels, older restoration, Looks & Runs Good, Ser. # B49887. BACKHOE & SKID LOADER Case 480-D (Diesel) Backhoe w/Cab, Runs Good; New Holland L-455 (Diesel) Skid Loader w/5Ft. Bucket, NEW Tires & Battery, only 2,306 Hrs., Runs & Works Great. TRAILERS Belshe Equipment Trailer Mdl. # DT-255, Tandem Axels, Dual Wheels, 22 Ft. w/Dovetail, Nice; 16 Ft. Tandem Axel Car Trailer w/Ramps, Dovetail, Heavy Duty Floor, Storage Boxes, Very Nice; Coleman 2-Wheel Utility Trailer w/Fiberglass Top, 5’x4’ Versa-Trl. ARIAL HIGHLIFT Condor Industrial Highlift Mdl. # T-60, 60’ Platform Height, 4x4, Runs & Works Great. JEEP 1947 Willy’s Jeep, Army style, 4x4, good Rubber, solid body, (Red) w/Hardtop (not running at time of listing). VEHICLES 1993 Ford Econoline Conversion Van, V-8, Auto, A/C, P.W., P. L., 4 Captain Chairs, Sofa, Alum. Wheels, 1-Owner, 136,711 Miles, NEW Jasper Engine at 120,000, White Exterior w/Green Stripes; 1997 Ford Ranger XLT P.U., 4 Cyl., Auto, P.S., A/C, P.W., P. L., Alum. Wheels, 166,265 Miles, Silver, Runs Good; 1988 Chevrolet 1500 Scottsdale Ext. Cab, Pick-Up Truck; 1977 Olds Cutlass Supreme 2 Dr., Runs Good, Body Rough; 1995 Chevrolet Spectrum 4 Door, Auto, P.S., Lower Miles, has sat for a while & haven’t tried to start yet. FARM EQUIPMENT & MISC. John Deere 7200 6-Row, 30” Corn Planter w/Dry Fert.; Brillion 10 Shank Hyd. Ripper 10’; John Deere Hydraulic Wheel Disc. AW 12’; John Deere 12’ Field Cultivator; I.H. 45 Vibrashank Cultivator 14’ w/Harrow; Remlinger Pull Type Hyd. Spike Tooth Harrow, 12’ w/Manl. Wings; John Deere 3-Point 4-16’s Plow; 12’ Cultipacker; John Deere 3-Point 6-Row, 30” Cultivators; 12’ Brady P.T.O. Stock Chopper; Ford 3-Point 2-Bottom Plow; New Idea #214 P.T.O. Manure Spreader; 500 Gal. Pull Type Sprayer, P.T.O. w/Booms; (2) Moridge P.T.O. Portable Transportable Batch Grain Dryers; New Holland H6750 Mow Max 9 Ft. Disc Mower, 3-Point Hitch, P.T.O. (Like New); New Holland #258 Hay Rake; Early Hay Rake on Steel w/Wood Tongue; (2) John Deere, 3-Sections Spike Tooth Harrows; (2) Allis-Chalmers “60” Pull Type Combine, All Crop Harvester; Massey-Ferguson #31, 7’ Sickle Bar Mower; King Kutter 6’ 3-Point Finish Mower; John Deere #213 Grain Head on T. Axel Trailer; John Deere #443 Corn Head; John Deere 10’ Grain Head; Mayrath 60’ 8” P.T.O. Auger w/ Swing Out Fill; Mayrath 54’ 8” P.T.O. Auger w/Swing Out Fill; Hutchinson 54’ 8” P.T.O. Auger; I.H. #710, 5 Bottom 3-Point Plow, 5-16’s, Autoreset; John Deere 7200 Maxemerge 2 (6) Row Planter w/Liq. Fert. (Super Nice Planter); John Deere 4 Btm. Plow, 4/16’s; Brady 8 Ft. Pull Type P.T.O. Flail Mower; 3-Point Bale Fork Carrier; Calkins Slurry Treater; 3-Point 50 Gal. Portable Sprayer w/Booms; Pr. of 15-5-38 Duals; New Holland # 269 P.T.O. Hayliner Bailer; Allis Chalmers # 66 Pull Type P.T.O. Combine; Pair of John Deere “B” Rear Steel Spoke Wheels w/Like New 11.2-30 Rubber; (2) John Deere Front Wheels w/Good Tires; (2) John Deere Front Steel Spoke Wheels; Box of Steel Tractor Wheels Lug Treads; (2) 250 Gal. Upright Pedestal Fuel Tanks; Elec. Gas Pump w/Stainless Steel Panels; (2) Round Galv. Hog Feeders; Rolling Hog/Pig Head Crate; Ritchie Automatic Feed Lot Water Fountain; (2) Live Traps; 20 Gal. Pull Behind (Gas) Lawn Sprayer w/Booms; 4 Ft. Steel Lawn Roller 950 Lbs.; Reese Receiver Type Cargo Carrier; numerous Pipe Gates; misc. Long Handle Yard Tools; misc. Tractor & Farm Implement Parts. HOPPER WAGONS J&M 250-7 B.U. Hopper Wagon w/Extensions, H. Duty Gehl Gears, Floater Tires, Super Nice (Red); J&M 150 B.U. Hopper Wagon w/Floater Tires; J&M 125 B.U. Hopper Wagon; Parker #165 B.U. Hopper Wagon w/Floater Tires. FLAT BED WAGONS 16’ Flat Bed Hay Wagon w/Steel Floor; 16’ Flat Bed Wagon w/Side Boards; 16’ Flat Bed Hay Wagon w/Upright; 4’x6’ Wood Utility Trailer w/Stock Racks; (2) 20 Ft. H. Duty Flat Bed Hay Wagons w/ Uprights, H. Duty J.D. Gears, Adj. Tongues, Very Nice. LAWN TRACTORS John Deere G.T. 235 Lawn Tractor, 18 HP, Hydro w/J.D. Bagger System & 48” Cut; John Deere L-100 Lawn Tractor, 5 Speed. TOOLS & SHOP EQUIPMENT ¼ H.P. Standing Drill Press; Dbl. Bench Grinder; John Deere 14 Pc. S.A.E. Polished Combination Wrenches; Come-A-Long; ¾” Socket Set; sev. Rigid Pipe Wrenches; sev. Log Chains; (5) Gear Pullers (various sizes); Heavy Duty Building Jack; sev. Wood Block Planes; numerous C-Clamps; B&D 7” Polisher/Grinder; 4” Bench Vise; Jack Stands; sev. nice Tool Boxes; Open & Box End Wrenches; 3/8” Socket Set; numerous Drill Bit Sets; Pliers; Vise Grips; Hammers; Hatchets; Hand Saws; Organizer Units; Levels; Sledge Hammers; Lg. Funnels; (2) Reese Receivers; NEW Spark Plugs; Propane Insect Fogger; Elec. Fence Insulator & more! ADDITIONAL TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT MAY BE ADDED. CHECK AUCTIONZIP.COM FOR UPDATES.


Office: 937.316.8400 Cell: 937.459.7686 Michel Werner Auctioneer

• ALL items must be paid for the day of auction. • ALL items are sold as is. • TERMS: Cash or Good Check with Proper Photo ID; Visa / MC / Discover accepted with a 3% Clerk Fee added. • Visit us online @ www.auctionzip.com and enter USER I.D. #8673 for photos and information. • Food Available on Site! • Preview day on Friday, May 11th from 12:00PM to 5:00PM. • REMEMBER: +++Never, Ever a Buyer’s (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions…What You Bid Is What You Pay! We work for our sellers, we appreciate our buyers, and we love our profession! Kirby & Staff

May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 23


BBBS gets ready for Duck Derby & 5K SIDNEY – Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby & Darke County’s 12th annual Duck Derby & Duck-N-Run 5K is coming up on Thursday, June 21, at Tawawa Park in Sidney. This fundraiser is open to the public and individuals and businesses are encouraged to participate.

The Duck Derby and 5K are a fun and exciting way to support children within our local communities. By “adopting” a rubber duck for $5 each or 6 for $25, you not only have a chance to win some fantastic prizes, but you will make a positive impact

If this happens to your vehicle... call

supporting mentoring programs. New this year is the opportunity to raise money through a peer-to-peer campaign, which will allow participants to receive free duck adoptions, 5K registrations, and other incentives. Details can be found at the agency’s website. The Duck-N-Run 5K is part of the Shelby County 5K Tour. Pre-registration for the 5K must be received by Monday, June 11. On the day of the event, 5K registration will begin at 7 p.m. at Tawawa Park’s Geib Pavilion, and the evening race is set to start at 8:15 p.m. Adopted ducks for the Duck Derby will be released into Tawawa Park’s Mosquito Creek at approximately 7:30 p.m. Don’t miss out on the chance to see your duck cross the finish line and possibly win one of 13 great



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prizes including $1,000 cash, two Country Concert tickets compliments of Meyer’s Garage & Drive Thru, Overnight Getaway to Peek ‘n Peak Resort, Cedar Point tickets, Kings Island tickets, Cincinnati Reds tickets, and many more wonderful prizes. If you’re looking for an affordable way to promote your business and help an organization that supports youth in our community, various sponsorship opportunities are available and range from $100 to $500. Door prize donations and general monetary gifts are greatly appreciated as well. If you would like to take advantage of sponsorship opportunities, please contact the Big Brothers Big Sisters office prior to Monday, June 11. A Big Brothers Big Sisters representative will be offering duck adoptions and 5K registrations to the public during the Great Sidney Farmers’ Market and Greenville Farmers’ Market on June 2, 9 and 16. You can also adopt ducks from Meyer’s Garage & Drive Thru in Newport, board members, local community festivals, and the agency office located at 121 E. North Street in Sidney. For a complete listing of prize packages, sponsor-

FM BOE will hold meetings PITSBURG – The Franklin Monroe Local Board of Education will be holding special board meetings in the board of education conference room at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, May 7 and Tuesday, May 8. The purpose of these meetings is to consider personnel. The board will enter into executive session on these matters.

ship opportunities, online duck adoptions, online 5K registrations, and more

Knopp studies athletic training NEW CONCORD – Hannah Knopp of Versailles is studying athletic training at Muskingum University in New Concord. Knopp is currently serving in a clinic rotation at Muskingum University with men’s lacrosse. Athletic training students work with teams on and off campus as part of clinical education rotations for a major requirement. They serve under athletic training mentors. Each student will complete six practicum courses, each having a clinical education assignment by graduation. Muskingum University’s Athletic Training program is accredited by the Commission for the Accreditation of Athletic Training Education. To learn more about Muskingum University and its academic programs, visit muskingum.edu.

information, go to www. bigbrobigsis-shelbydarke. org or call 937-492-7611 or 937-547-9622.

COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP SERVICE. Crankshaft Grinding Block Boring Aluminum Welding Flywheel Grinding Connecting Rod Service Pressure Testing Cylinder Head Service Engine Parts



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Turbo 4-cyl., FWD, only 3,XXX miles, white

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2017 Chevy Trax LT, Turbo 4-cyl., FWD, only 3,XXX miles, white ..$19,795 2017 Chevy Equinox LT, 2.4 ltr., 4-cyl., FWD, only 6,XXX miles, maroon ...$22,995 2015 Ram ProMaster Cargo Van, 3.0 ltr., 4-cyl., Turbo Diesel, FWD, 34,XXX miles ............................................$28,995 2015 Jeep Patriot, 2.4 ltr., 4-cyl., high altitude edition, 4x4, sunroof, white ...................................................................$16,995 2014 Chevy Equinox, 2.4 ltr., 4-cyl., FWD, all power, silver ............$14,995 2013 Chevy Sonic, 1.8 ltr., 4-cyl., FWD, remote start .......................$8,995 2013 Chevy Malibu, 2.5 ltr., 4-cyl., FWD, 55,XXX miles, white .......$12,995 2013 GMC Terrain, 2.4 ltr., 4-cyl., 2WD, only 62,XXX miles, silver..$16,995 2012 Honda CR-V, 2.4 ltr., 4-cyl., AWD, loaded, sunroof, DVD, black . $16,995 2012 Honda Civic, 1.8 ltr., 4-cyl., FWD, local trade, only 46,XXX miles, silver ..........................................................$11,995 2009 Honda CR-V, 2.4 ltr., 4-cyl., 4x4, leather, sunroof, dark green....$12,995 2008 Honda Ridgeline, 3.5 ltr., V6, 4x4, clean ............................................. 2008 Chevy Equinox , 3.4 ltr., V6, FWD, sunroof, maroon ...............$7,775

2005 Dodge Neon, 2.0 ltr., 4 cyl., FWD, local trade..........................$2,995 2005 Honda CR-V, 2.4 ltr., 4 cyl., auto, AWD .....................................$4,788 2003 Buick LeSabre, 3.8 ltr., V6, FWD, leather, loaded ....................$4,995 2002 Chevy Tahoe, 5.4 ltr., V8, local trade, 4x4 ................................$6,775 2001 Chevy Silverado, 4.8 ltr., V8, 4x2 .............................................$3,795 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix, 3.1 ltr, V6, FWD .......................................$3,995 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee, 4.7 ltr., V8, 4x4, leather, roof ...............$4,990 1996 Chevy Conversion Van, 4.3 ltr, V6, RWD ................................$3,995 1994 Olds Cutlass Ciera, V6, FWD, local trade ...............................$3,188 1994 Dodge Ram 2500 Regular Cab, 8.0 ltr., V10, 4x2, long bed, work truck ...................................................................$2,495 1993 Mercury Capri, 4 cyl., 1.6 ltr., red.........CONVERTIBLE ..........$2,995 1989 Cadillac Sedan Deville, mint condition, only 74,XXX mi..........$5,995 1963 Buick Riviera, 430 Cubic Inch, 2 owners, very well maintained .................................................................$39,995 ALL PRICES PLUS TAX, TITLE & FEES


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PAGE 24 May 6, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Flyball returns to Greenville Democrat breakfast GREENVILLE – Are Your Rrrrrready? The dogs are back in town. Local Flyball Club, Extreme Insanity Dog Sports, is bringing flyball back to Greenville on May 12 & 13 from 8 a.m.–4 p.m. at the Darke County Fairgrounds Coliseum. It’s free to the public. Not sure what flyball is? It’s a 4 on 4 dog relay drag race where each team sends one dog at a time down a straight line course. It’s 51-feet over Extreme Insanity will host the sixth four-jumps to a spring Darke County Fairgrounds. loaded box where a tennis ball awaits the dog. The dog four dead stops and turns. catches the ball, returns Now that’s a fun dog sport back down the four-jump for all to watch. Come out for two fun course where the next filled days and cheer on dog is anxiously awaiting to start the course. Cur- the local and first Ohio rently, it takes less than team, Extreme Insan15 seconds for the world ity Dog Sports, as they go record run of four dogs, head to head with some 32 jumps, 408 feet and of the fastest teams in the

to be held May 12

GREENVILLE – The Darke County Democrats will hold an early riser breakfast in the Brethren Retirement Community cafeteria on May 12, 8 a.m. Come and enjoy fellowship and breakfast.

The guest speaker will be Chief Mark Whittaker, Darke County Sheriff’s Department. Everyone is welcome. For reservations, call Tom Hans at (937) 273-3865 or Dave Niley at (937) 548-4517.


DCP board will meet

GREENVILLE – The Darke County Park District Board of Commissioners will meet in regular session on May 10, 4 p.m., at the Shawnee Prairie Preserve Nature Education Center, 4267 SR 502 W., Greenville.

annual Flyball tournament at the

world today in the fastest sport on four legs. They’d like to thank Arcanum’s Winery, A.R. WINERY, for sponsoring the tournament. For more information call Russell at 937-423-2546 or visit www.extremeinsanityflyball.com.

Kiwanis honors April Students of the Month GREENVILLE – Greenville High School seniors Lauryn Goehrich and Ryan Trick were honored as April Students of the Month by Kiwanis on April 24. Goehrich, the daughter of Tracy Schaar and Eric Goehrich, is active with Greenville High School’s CORE Leaders, track and field, president FCCLA, is a member of the Science Club and Varsity G, and the Career Tech Center’s Careers With Children program. She also is a volunteer GHS seniors Lauryn Goehrich and Ryan Trick, pictured with Principal Stan with the Backpack pro- Hughes (center) were honored by Kiwanis as April Students of the Month. (Gaylen Blosser photo) . gram. Following graduation from GHS, Goehrich plans and Mindy Trick, is ac- School Program. Trick will be attendto attend Sinclair Com- tive with track, Varsity G, munity College one year CORE Leaders, Student ing Bethel College where before transferring to Ket- Athlete Council, Art Club he will study business administration and also pole tering College where she and Science Club at GHS. He attends EUM Church vault for the Bethel Track will pursue a degree in raand is a volunteer for team. diologic technology. Trick, the son of John the Greenville K-8 After-


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(937) 548-4151

801 Front St., Greenville, OH 45331





2017 BUICK ENCORE FWD, 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, like new, white, 29,012 miles ........................................................................................................................ $20,995 .........$19,500 2017 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, one owner, like new, blue, 13,880 miles ........................................................................................................... $37,995 .........$36,900 2017 GMC ACADIA SLT AWD, 3.6L, V6, leather, loaded, super nice, burgundy, 18,158 miles .................................................................................................................. $36,995 .........$35,900 2016 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., silver, 36,516 miles......................................................................................................................... $23,995 .........$22,900 2016 JEEP CHEROKEE LATUTUDE FWD, 2.4L, 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., white, 56,786 miles ........................................................................................................................ $17,995 .........$16.900 2016 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, all power, exc. cond., champagne silver, 38,506 miles ..................................................................................................... $25,995 .........$24,500 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, leather, loaded, exc. cond., red, 45,561 miles ......................................................................................................... $30,995 .........$29,500 2014 GMC SIERRA SLE REG CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, Z71 package, loaded, sharp, red, 74,266 miles ........................................................................................................................... $25,995 .........$24,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, one owner, loaded, super nice, crystal red, 53,627 miles ................................................................................................................ $20,995 .........$19,500 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT DOUBLE CAB 4WD, 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, white, 45,613 miles ........................................................................................................................ $28,995 .........$27,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., crystal red, 73,013 miles ................................................................................................................ $18,995 .........$17,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, sunroof, loaded, super nice, white, 54,687 miles ........................................................................................................................ $18,995 .........$17,500 2013 GMC ACADIA SLT FWD, 3.6L, V6, leather, loaded, super nice, champagne silver, 51,007 miles ..................................................................................................... $22,995 .........$21,500 2013 CHEVY TRAVERSE LTZ FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, maroon, 87,380 miles .................................................................................................................... $18,995 .........$17,900 2013 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, sunroof, loaded, very nice, black, 93,288 miles................................................................................................................................... $18,995 .........$17,500 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, diamond white, 123,330 miles ....................................................................................................... $15,995 .........$14,900 2012 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 191,724 miles .................................................................................................................. $16,995 .........$15,500 2012 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO EXT. CAB 2WD P.U., 4.3L V6, one owner, auto, air, exc. cond., silver, 41,676 miles........................................................................................ $18,995 .........$17,900 2011 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY TOURING VAN, 3.6L V6, leather, all power, very nice, black, 131,184 miles ........................................................................................................................ $7,995 ...........$6,900 2011 GMC CANYON SLT CREW CAB, 4x4 P.U., 3.7L, 5 cyl., leather, loaded, super nice, red, 77,315 miles ........................................................................................................................... $18,995 .........$17,900 2011 CHEVY 1 TON LT CREW CAB DUALLY 4X4 P.U., 6.6L, Duramax Diesel, leather, loaded, exc. cond., white, 279,057 miles .................................................................................................... $26,995 .........$25,500 2008 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, well equipped, very nice brown, 176,052 miles ..................................................................................................................... $14,995 .........$13,900 2007 DODGE CALIBER SXT, 4 dr., 4 cyl., nicely equipped, exc. cond., blue, 104,814 miles .......................................................................................................................... $6,995 ...........$5,500 2007 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT, EXT. CAB 2WD, P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 141,575 miles .................................................................................................. $11,995 .........$10,500 2006 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, black, 102,187 miles ...................................................................................................................... $13,995 .........$12,500 2005 CHEVY ½ TON SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 261,369 miles ........................................................................................................................ $8,995 ...........$7,500 2005 FORD RANGER XLT SUPER CAB 2WD P.U., 3.0L V6, auto, air, cruise, good cond., black, 220,261 miles ........................................................................................................................ $4,995 ...........$3,900 2005 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., diamond white, 150,250 miles ....................................................................................................... $10,995 ...........$9,500 2004 CHEVY COLORADO REG CAB 2WD P.U., 2.8L 4 cyl., 5 speed, air, sharp, yellow, 166,455 miles ....................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$6,500 2004 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 105,466 miles ........................................................................................................................ $7,995 ...........$6,900 2004 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., all power, exc. cond., blue, 148,224 miles .......................................................................................................................... $6,995...........$5,900 2003 OLDSMOBILE SILHOUETTE VAN, 3.4L, V6, all power, good cond., maroon, 149,274 miles .................................................................................................................... $4,995 ...........$3,900





2003 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., one owner, loaded, very nice, beige, 214,383 miles ........................................................................................................................ $5,995 ...........$3,900 2002 CHEVY ¾ TON SILVERADO LT, EXT. CAB 4X4 PU, 6.6L Duramax Diesel, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 264,931 miles .................................................................................................. $11,995 .........$10,500 2002 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L, V8, leather, loaded, good cond,. red, 230,992 miles ........................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$6,500 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4X4, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 208,621 miles .................................................................................................................... $6,995 ...........$5,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, good cond., maroon, 226,550 miles .................................................................................................................... $5,995 ...........$3,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 142,478 miles ........................................................................................................................ $9,995 ...........$8,900 2001 CHEVY BLAZER LT 4WD, 4.3L V6, loaded, poor cond., maroon, 200,173 miles .......................... $2,995 ...........$1,500 2001 DODGE DAKOTA SPORT REG CAB 4X4 P.U., 3.9L V6, loaded, fair cond., red, 171,545 miles ........................................................................................................................... $4,995 ...........$3,900 2001 FORD F150 XL XLT SUPER CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.6L V8, 5 speed, loaded, good cond., red, 146,376 miles ........................................................................................................................... $5,995 ...........$4,500 2001 FORD F150 XLT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.6L V8, loaded, very nice, black, 347,655 miles ........................................................................................................................ $7,995 ...........$6,900 2000 MERCURY VILLAGER ESTATE VAN, 3.3L V6, leather, loaded, fair cond., maroon, 150,889 miles .................................................................................................................... $2,995 ...........$1,900 1999 GMC ½ TON SAVANNA CONVERSION VAN, 5.7L V8, fully loaded, very nice, brown, 116,796 miles ....................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$5,900 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats, all power, nice cond., green, 144,748 miles ....................................................................................................................... $6,995 ...........$5,900


2017 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr.,1.4L 4 cyl., all power, super nice, silver, 30,761 miles......................................................................................................................... $14,995 .........$13,900 2016 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr.,1.6L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, super nice, gray, 19,809 miles .......................................................................................................................... $16,995 .........$15,900 2016 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, one owner, leather, loaded, like new, blue, 19,741 miles .......................................................................................................................... $25,995 .........$24,900 2015 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., blue, 26,006 miles .......................................................................................................................... $16,995 .........$15,500 2015 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.5L, 4 cyl., leather, loaded, like new, champagne silver, 24,407 miles ..................................................................................................... $17,995 .........$16,500 2015 CHEVY SS, 4 dr., 6.2L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, silver, 6,017 miles........................................................................................................................... $38,995 .........$37,900 2014 CHEVY MALIBU LT 4 dr., 2.5L, 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, exc. cond., champagne silver, 50,772 miles ..................................................................................................... $15,995 .........$14,900 2014 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, diamond white, 56,311 miles ......................................................................................................... $22,995 .........$21,500 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, all power, exc. cond., blue, 90,043 miles .......................................................................................................................... $11,995 ...........$9,900 2009 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., brown, 99,877 miles ......................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$6,500 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 115,528 miles .................................................................................................................. $10,995 ...........$9,500 2007 CHEVY COBALT LT 4 dr., 2.2L 4 cyl, well equipped, good cond., silver, 216,055 miles......................................................................................................................... $3,995 ...........$2,500


2017 TOYOTA CAMRY SE, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., white, 45,075 miles ....................... $18,995 .........$17,500 2017 NISSAN MAXIMA, 3.5L V6, 4dr., loaded, super sharp, black, 43,372 miles.................................. $21,995 .........$20,500 2017 CADILLAC XTS LUXURY, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, like new, silver, 30,734 miles......................................................................................................................... $29,995 .........$28,900 2015 HONDA CIVIC LX, 2 dr., 1.8L 4 cyl., all power, like new, gray, 10,380 miles ................................. $15,995 .........$14,900 2014 TOYOTA COROLLA S, 4 dr., 1.8L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., black, 38,447 miles........................ $14,995 .........$13,500 2012 FORD FOCUS SE, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., black, 111,220 miles ...................................................................................................................... $10,995 ...........$8,900 2008 MERCURY MILAN PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.0L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, beige, 69,814 miles ........................................................................................................................ $10,995 ...........$9,500 2006 BUICK LUCERNE CX, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, all power, very nice, blue, 236,603 miles .......................................................................................................................... $4,995 ...........$3,900

CORNER MAIN & GEORGE, ARCANUM SERVICE HOURS: Mon. 8am-8:30 pm/Tues.-Fri. 8-5:30/Sat. 8-12 SALES HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8am-8pm/Sat. 8am-5:30pm

CALL 692-8373 OR 692-8360

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