Early Bird eNewspaper 061018

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Drivers to see changes when renewing licenses SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

DARKE COUNTY – Beginning July 2, Ohioans will notice a couple of changes as they head out to renew their driver’s licenses. According to a press release from the state BMV, these changes are “an effort to ensure greater security and identification protection for customers, and to comply with federal regulations.” The security changes are part of the REAL ID Act, passed by Congress in 2005. For Ohio, changes include a single, central point of production for state driver’s licenses and identification cards. Licenses and ID cards will no longer be produced while you wait at the deputy registrar’s office. Rather, individuals will receive their new or renewed licenses or ID cards by mail about 10 days after visiting a deputy registrar’s office. A temporary proof of transaction will be issued by the deputy reg-

istrar when drivers renew. According to the press release, this will provide an extra level of security and greater protection against theft and counterfeiting. By making these changes, Ohio is joining 41 other states to provide driver’s licenses and ID cards through the mail. The other change effective July 2 will be the opportunity for drivers to choose to obtain REAL ID-compliant license in the form of a “credential” appearing on their license to show the driver meets requirements to access federal facilities or services. These services include airport security screening by the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) for boarding commercial airlines. This credential applies to those flying within the United States who do not currently have a U.S. Passport. To obtain the credential, customers will be required to provide documentation proving their name and date of birth (birth certificate, for example), Social Security number, and two additional documents proving residen-

New curbs and sidewalks can be seen at the Memorial Hall parking lot project. (Susan Hartley photo)

Work wrapping up at Memorial Hall parking lot SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Workers have about two solid weeks of work left before the new St. Clair Memorial Hall parking lot is complete. Greenville City Schools Superintendent said Thursday they are “hoping for good working weather” during the next couple weeks. “They’re putting in the walks now, then will be finishing up the final grading before putting gravel in, then pouring asphalt,” Fries said, with landscaping to be the last project to be completed. The job is being managed by Complete Demolition Services, with sub-contractors providing the paving, sidewalks and landscaping, Fries said. Visitors and school employees also will be dealing with road issues during

the city’s Sweitzer/Fourth Street reconstruction project this summer, and into the new school year. The city began working on the renovation project earlier this month with an end date set for next June. “At some point it will flip and work will get done” in front of Memorial Hall. Fries explained. “That’s why we’re hopeful they’ll get the new parking lot done so people can park there and come in from the side,” Fries said. “We’ll just work through it until it all gets done.” The new lot will offer 92 parking spots – four handicap accessible and is being constructed on the former junior high building site. As part of the school district’s Ohio Facilities Construction Commission project (K-8 building and demolition of former facilities), the site can be utilized for parking and green space.

tial address, such as utility bills. Customers not interested in obtaining the travel credential will still have the option of obtaining a standard driver’s license. According to the state BMV press release, the restrictions requiring secure identification for travelers go into effect in October 2020, and Ohio is getting a jump start on this process. Ansonia travel agent Julie Kimmel, an independent agent with Tons of Fun Travel, said this week she has not seen much information from airlines “on what we have to do” when work-

ing with customers planning in-country travel. “The majority of my travel planning is out-ofthe-country travel, so my customers have passports. I would recommend them (all travelers) to get a passport.” Campbell said she’s not sure what kind of impact this new regulation will have on those wishing to travel by air domestically. “I feel that’s what they’re pushing for, is for everyone to get a passport,” she said. For a complete list of accepted documents to prove name, date of birth, address and Social Security number

Shown is an example of the new REAL ID driver’s license that will eventually be required to travel by air within the United States.

in order to obtain a license with travel credentials, visit www.bmv.ohio.gov Customer costs are ex-

pected to remain the same when obtaining a standard or credentialed driver’s license or ID card.

Union City Vietnam casualty remembered LINDA MOODY


UNION CITY, Ind. – Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7084 in Union City, Ind., hosted the Jonathan L. Stoops Remembrance Ceremony and “Welcome Home/Thank You” Vietnam Veterans Dinner this past Tuesday evening. Guests gathered to remember PFC Jonathan Lynn Stoops, for whom the post is named and who was fatally wounded in action June 6, 1968, in Quang Tri province, at the age of 20. Circumstances of the casualty were attributed to: “Died through hostile action... air crash on land” Serving in Vietnam from 1967-68, with the III MEF/3rd Marine Division, 1st Battalion, 4th Marines, H S Company, he was born Jan. 26, 1948, to Lyle W. and R. Vivian Stoops, who died in 1991 and 1994, respectively. Stoops was a graduate of the Class of 1966, Union City Community High School, and is well remembered by his friends and classmates. Approximately 20 classmates attended

the remembrance. At St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery, Hetty Scofield, a classmate, placed a wreath on his grave. Robert Durbin, the incoming commander of the VFW, gave opening remarks, and Fr. Peter Logsdon of St. Mary’s Church, read a passage from the book of Wisdom and led in prayer. “This war broke this country apart and brought out the worst in some people and the best in some people,” Logsdon said. “We lost part of ourselves in the war and we need to remember to bring people back together.” Returning to the VFW excerpts from a story Don Corbin wrote on Stoops was read and fellow Marine John Holguin spoke and Fred Owens and Holguin presented the VFW with a charcoal drawing of the trio. “Here we were, one kid from New Mexico, one from Canada and the other one from Indiana,” said Holguin. “Jonathan was more laid back and mellow than we were. He was in the prime of his life. He was very thoughtful. He was older than both of us; we were louder. It was an

Attending the remembrance ceremony for PFC Jonathon Stoops were, from left to right, John Holguin, Stoops’ brother Mark, Fred Owens and Joe Wood. Wood was Jonathan’s best friend in high school and Holguin and Owens served with him in Vietnam. (Linda Moody (photo)

honor to serve with Jonathan. Fred and I have continued our brotherhood.” Classmate Joe Wood, who enlisted in the Marines with Stoops on the buddy system Nov. 27, 1967, remarked, “He was my best friend. In high school, he wanted to go into the Marine Corps and talked me into it. After we got to Vietnam, he went one way and I the other.” “He was a sweet, nice guy...a really nice kid,” said classmate Karen (Fuller) Carpenter. “We all loved him.” Jorge Ortiz, spokesperson for the State of Indiana also spoke as did Randolph County Veterans Service

Officer Mike Kennedy. Members of the Stoops family attending were Jonathan’s only living brother, Mark, who now lives in Fremont, Ind.; wife Nanette; sons Kyle and Jay; daughter-in-law Michelle; and granddaughter Kinley. “This has been overwhelming,” Mark said. “Jonathan was a terrific and caring brother. He would obviously do anything for me and I was eight years younger. When you’re 12, you don’t comprehend the gravity of the situation.” A free dinner and drinks followed.

Project would continue city’s move northward RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – There is no doubt the City of Greenville has been moving north over a series of decades. The trend will most likely continue and the city’s administration wants to be proactive in its preparation. Safety Service Director Curt Garrison asked council Tuesday evening if they would like him to proceed in bringing forth the necessary legislation to widen Wagner Avenue north of Walmart to Children’s Home Bradford Road. The project, discussed at a special meeting of council the week before, would widen Wagner Avenue to

five lanes including a center turn lane as well as installing curbs and sidewalks with the sidewalk on the east side of Wagner extending around the corner on Children’s Home Bradford and connecting to the sidewalk installed by Koenig Equipment at the corner of Children’s Home Bradford and KitchenAid Way. The total cost for the project is estimated to be $1.7 million, but the city would not bear the cost alone. Property owners would be assessed $1.2 million for the project over a period of 21 years. The city’s share would be just over a half-million. Garrison suggested the city could get a 30-year zero interest loan to pay for the construction. The property owners would

pay the first 21 years and the city would pay the final nine years of the loan. Garrison told council if the city is turned down for the loan the city would not do the project. Mayor Steve Willman said the project and the assessments have his support. With utilities already in place, the project would make the lots shovel ready. Greenville Auditor Roxanne Willman agreed the plan for the project wouldn’t be much different than getting a grant where the city is required to match the funds. In this case, the city’s match is approximately 30 percent. To learn if there was a downside to the plan, Willman said she spoke with Darke County Auditor Carol Ginn who informed

her with this special assessment property owners could not ask for a reduction. Garrison also asked council if they would consider legislation for total street reconstruction regarding South Ohio Street from Martin to Sater. The street would be widened and a new base installed that would accommodate truck traffic better. Although the project would not be completed until 2019, Garrison wants to start engineering this year because the city will most likely need to relocate utility poles. The estimated cost for the project is $577,000 and engineering costs will be $38,000. Council did not object to bringing forth legislation for either project.


PAGE 2 June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Man catches neighbor peeking at wife through bathroom window Voyerism

subject wearing a robe looking into his bathroom window where his wife was getting ready to take a shower. The subject saw the complainant and took off running west bound through the yard toward State Route 49 North. the complainant said he chased the subject, and identified

On May 30 an officer was dispatched to a residence in the 200 block of Westbury Drive in reference to a prowler complaint. The officer met with the complainant, who said as he was taking his dog for a walk at approximately 5:30 a.m. he saw a male

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Darke County CRIME


See it? Report it! it? 937




WANTED FOR: March 2016 – Warrant issued by Darke County Municipal Court for Theft. May 2016 – Warrant issued by Darke County Adult Probation for Probation Violation Assault on Peace Officer. LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: 3946 Kilbourn Rd. Arcanum, OH; 102 ½ S. Jefferson St. Pitsburg, OH; 745 Jackson St. Greenville, OH, 201 Harrison St. Pitsburg, OH. ALIAS: Unknown DOB: December 1991 HEIGHT: 5’-5” WEIGHT: 120 (last known) HAIR COLOR: Brown (last known) EYE COLOR: Blue TATTOOS/PIERCINGS: Gauged piercings in both ears MARKS/SCARS: Scars on right arm and left leg

Submit tips online at www.darkecountycrimestoppers.com

him as his neighbor, Dale Leensvaart, who lives in the 100 block of Greenhaven Drive. Leensvaart ran across State Route 49 at which point the complainant stopped since his dog was running with him. The complainant then saw Leensvaart coming back to his residence on Greenhaven Drive and confronted him. The subject still was wearing his only a robe, which was open. Leensvaart told the subject not to call the police because it would ruin his life. The complainant said he was furious and told Leensvaart that he wanted to “beat his **s.” When the officer arrived, he checked the area next to the window for any visible signs of bodily fluids, but did not see anything obvious. After reviewing the complaint it was decided Leensvaart would be issued a citation for voyerism. Officers went to Leenvaart’s residence on May 31 to issue the citation and he asked if could contact the victims to apologize. The officer told him it would be best to wait until after the case was through the court system. The of officer also took six photos of the area, showing both homes. Overdose

On May 27 an overdose was reported at a residence in the 900 block of Washington Avenue. Police found Daniel A. Weaver with drugs and paraphernalia. Weaver, who is homeless, was transported to Wayne HealthCare. The overdose took place at a family member’s home where Weaver had stopped to do his laundry. After starting laundry, Weaver went into the bathroom and closed the door for an unusual amount of time. One of his daughters could hear snoring and Weaver would not answer or open the door. The door was pushed open and Weaver was sitting on the toilet with his head hanging between his legs. He was unresponsive. Paramed-

ics were called and found a silver box sitting on the bathtub with two glass jars. One jar was open and contained an unknown white drug. A second glass jar was covered with a lid and contained a large amount of an unknown white drug. One uncapped syringe was on the floor beside the toilet. Another capped syringe was found inside the bathtub. All items were taken as evidence and transported to the Greenville Police Department. When officers questioned Weaver at Wayne HealthCare, he would not say what kind of drugs were inside the jars. Weaver was crying and stated he didn’t know what was wrong with him and couldn’t believe he did this in front of his girls. Weaver was given doses of Naloxone in the emergency room. The evidence will be sent to B.C.I. in London for analysis with charges pending upon the completion of the analysis.

cer had been at Speedway about 20 minutes prior and the vehicle was parked in the same location and running at that time as well. While driving by the second time, the officer noticed the occupant of the vehicle appeared to be hunched forward towards the steering wheel and was not moving. The officer also observed the vehicle’s windows were foggy with condensation. The vehicle was occupied by Steven Hawk. The officer knocked on the window to get Hawk’s attention. When Hawk had a hard time getting the window down, the officer asked him to open the car door. The officer noticed a baggie containing marijuana on the driver’s side floor board. Hawk told the officer he had been sleeping in the car for about two hours. He said he got off work and came to Speedway to relax just for a second. Hawk was issued a citation for possession.

On June 3 an officer was dispatched to McDonalds, 1301 Wagner Ave. on a drug complaint. The restaurant manager gave the officer a small plastic bag containing marijuana, which was found on the floor where customers pay for their food. The manager said he had no idea who the baggie belonged to. The officer transported the marijuana to the Greenville Police Department, where it was placed into the property room. On June 4 an officer was flagged down by a man in the 300 block of East Fourth Street. The man said while he was working in his yard, he found a small clear baggie containing an unknown rock-like substance. The property was transported to Greenville Police Department where it was placed into the property room. On June 6 an officer observed a vehicle parked on the north side of the Speedway parking lot, 1350 Sweitzer St. The offi-

On May 27 a vehicle was reported stolen from a residence in the 100 block of Montgomery Street. The complainant reported finding the car missing when she woke up. She said the keys were missing from the kitchen. She also said her front door was ajar and a light had been turned on. The complainant also told the responding officer she had kicked her brother, John Haberny out of the apartment and she believed he was the person who took her vehicle. Police went to Haberny’s mother’s residence on Martin Street and the vehicle was located at the rear of the residence. The mother of the victim and the subject told officers she had received a call from her daughter about the car and she found it parked behind her home, still running. She turned off the ignition and went inside to confront her son, who fled the scene when told by his mother the police were on the way. His friend, who had been sleeping in an upstairs bedroom came outside and told police Haberny did break into his sister’s home, take the car keys then drove the car without permission. He said they were going to eventually take the car back to the sister’s home and use her shower. John Haberny will be cited for driving without the owner’s consent when located.


High Quality


CLUES ACROSS 1. Glowering 7. Sports equipment 13. Relief organization 14. Go against the flow 16. A public promotion of some product or service 17. Premier League’s Spurs 19. Of I 20. Tears down (Brit.) 22. One point north of due east 23. Sandwich shops 25. American spy 26. Medieval stringed instrument 28. Self-immolation by fire ritual 29. Pearl Jam’s debut 30. Panthers’ Newton 31. Press against lightly 33. __ Squad 34. Eminem hit 36. Violent seizure of property 38. Native or inhabitant of Asia 40. Loudness units 41. Knotted anew 43. Daddy 44. Folk singer DiFranco 45. Women from the Mayflower 47. Metric capacity unit 48. Couple 51. A way to coat 53. __ and Diu: Indian territory 55. French river 56. Asteroids 58. Investment measurement (abbr.) 59. India and Nepal border river 60. Santa says it three times 61. Hungers 64. Linear unit 65. Speech 67. Taking forcefully 69. Places to be 70. Amusing behavior

CLUES DOWN 1. Adult female 2. An alternative 3. Rituals 4. Native American people 5. High school exam 6. Respect 7. Tanned 8. Kilometers per hour 9. Ancient Israeli city 10. Periods 11. Electron volt 12. Smallest interval in classical Western music 13. Metric weight unit 15. Occupies 18. __ and flow 21. Responsive to physical stimuli 24. One who presses into thin sheets 26. Jogged 27. Automobile 30. Punished 32. Belonging to a bottom layer 35. Japanese delicacy 37. Soda 38. Algonquian language 39. Legislators 42. Father 43. Needed at the ATM 46. Baltimore footballers 47. __ Tomei, actress 49. Expands 50. Person (Indonesian) 52. Related 54. Where wrestlers work 55. American communist leader 57. Creatively tell 59. Separatist group 62. Edgar Allan __, poet 63. A way to discolor 66. Actinium 68. Integrated circuit


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Stolen vehicle

Wanted Person

On May 30 officers were dispatched to a residence in the 700 block of East Main Street in reference to a subject with an active warrant. Upon arrival officers were able to locate suspect Ryan Klop-

fer, who had an active warrant through the Greenville Police Department. Klopfer was transported to the Darke County Jail where he was incarcerated on the original charge of child endangering. A bond of $1,525 was set. On June 2 an officer responded a residence in the 100 block of Vine Street in Greenville in reference to a wanted person. Greenville Police dispatch advised they received a tip that the wanted subject, Taylor Swartz was at a residence on Vine Street. The of officer contacted Swartz’s mother, who said she was at the home. The officer entered the residence and the other advised Swartz an officer was there and to get dressed. Officers confirmed the warrant and Swartz was transported to the Darke County Jail for booking without further incident. The warrant was for possession of heroin and aggravated possession of drugs (fentanyl) with no bond. On June 5 an officer was conducting a followup investigation in the 400 block of Harrison Avenue and learned that Michael Harris was at the residence. Harris had an outstanding arrest warrant from Darke County Municipal Court that was issued April 24 for failure to appear on an assault charge. Harris was located in bed and was arrested on the warrant. Since Darke, Mercer or Miami county jails were unable to take Harris, officers contacted the Municipal Court and they agreed to arraign Harris at that time so of officers transported him to the courthouse. While in the basement of the courthouse, Harris was unable to stand and another officer assisted in getting Harris to the courtroom. Harris entered a not guilty plea and was issued an own recognizance bond. He was transported back to the residence on Harrison Avenue and was released. EARLY BIRD POLICY The Greenville Police Beat is prepared from public records available at the Greenville Police Department. Every ef effort is made to balance the public’s right to know with the rights of the individuals involved. Readers are encouraged to contact Greenville Police if they have information or concerns regarding these or any other incidents they see. The Early Bird notes all suspects are innocent until proven guilty and welcomes comments and concerns regarding this community service.

Power Over Parkinson’s

VERSAILLES – Versailles Health Care Center invites you to their monthly event for people with Parkinson’s disease and their families. Power Over Parkinson’s meets monthly to empower, socialize, and learn. This month, they are discussing Coping with the Cognitive Changes of Parkinson’s. Some people with Parkinson’s might experience cognitive impairment such as harder to focus, overwhelmed by making choices, or having difficulty finding the right words. Cognitive impartment in Parkinson’s is very different than dementia. Power Over Parkinson’s will take place Wednesday, June 20, 4 p.m., at Versailles Health Care Center. This is a free meeting. Light snacks and beverages will be provided. To RSVP, call Stephen Winner at (937) 526-0130.

June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 3

Wreaths Across America Day at Greenville-Union Cemetery BY LINDA MOODY CORRESPONDENT lmoody@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE — National nonprofit Wreaths Across America (WAA) announced that Greenville Union Cemetery in Greenville will be joining in the effort to support the mission to Remember, Honor, Teach, as an

official location for 2018. This is the first year the cemetery will participate in this national event, thanks to the local efforts of Fort GreeneVille Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. And, the organization has gotten help from a couple of local businesses, Zechar Bailey Funeral

home and Dave Knapp Ford Lincoln. The cemetery will join the more than 1,200 participating locations across the country on Dec. 15 to proclaim “I’m an American. Yes, I am!” Every December, thousands of wreaths are escorted from Columbia Falls, Maine, to Arlington

National Cemetery for National Wreaths Across America Day. The goal for Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR at Greenville Union Cemetery is to raise enough funds to place remembrance wreaths on the headstones of all the local heroes laid to rest there, to ensure the individuals who served to protect the freedoms of our country never be forgotten and to bring the community together in patriotic commemoration. The first goal has already been met to place wreaths at all the veteran headstones located in the soldiers section of Greenville Union Cemetery. Thanks to Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, all 130 graves will be honored. The next goal is to honor all the veterans throughout the entire cemetery. To kickoff the second phase, Dave Knapp Ford donated $100. Greg Zechar, manager at Zechar-Bailey, commented, “This is a wonderful thing to do for veterans. We’re pleased to help sponsor the event this year and years to come.” “We like to help out in any way we can,” added Bryan Knapp of the local auto dealership. “It’s for a very good cause. We are purchasing seven wreaths.” “Also available is the option to donate a wreath to a grave-specific wreath. By choosing to sponsor a grave-specific wreath, you’re requesting that a Remembrance Wreath be placed at a specific mark-

DAR officers gather around Greg Zechar, manager at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, as he presents them a $1,950 check for the Wreaths Across America project. Shown are Regent Debbie Nisonger; Vice Regent Brenda Arnett, Registrar Doris Aultman, Treasurer Chris Nehrig and Chaplain Karen Burkett. (Linda Moody photo)

Bryan Knapp of Dave Knapp Ford Lincoln presents DAR members Regent Debbie Nisonger, left, and Treasurer Chris Nehrig with a check for $100. (Linda Moody photo)

er at Greenville Union Cemetery,” said a spokesperson. Donations can be made by going to https://www. wreathsacrossamerica.org/pages/search? searchType=group. Once at that webpage, type in 4-038OH. Locally, donations can be made by contacting Fort GreeneVille DAR by emailing FortGVille@gmail.com, contact any Fort GreeneVille Chapter member or stop in at the Greenville Union Cemetery office. Also there are grave-specific

wreath forms available through the aforementioned contacts. If any individuals or groups would like to help with the placing of wreaths and later the removal, contact the Fort GreeneVille DAR at FortGVille@gmail.com. To learn more about Wreaths Across America, either locally or at Arlington National Cemetery, visit www.WreathsAcrossAmerica.org. National Wreaths Across America Day is a free community event open to all people.

FBI agent addresses Chamber members BY LINDA MOODY CORRESPONDENT lmoody@earlybirdpaper.com GREENVILLE – “Current Cyber Threats: An Ever-Changing Landscape” was the theme for the keynote speech from Supervisory Special Agent Kevin P. Rojek of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) at the recent Darke County Chamber’s annual meeting. Cybercrime is a significant and constantly evolving threat that affects everyone. And, the FBI is working diligently to un-

derstand the threat and remain one-step ahead of the criminals who seek to steal individuals’ and businesses’ money, pilfer intellectual property, and threaten everyone’s livelihood. To effectively address this threat, the FBI requires the constant assistance of a well-informed public, according to Rojek, who joined the FBI in September 2002 after serving 11 years in the U.S. Army as an artillery officer and an intelligence officer. After graduating from the FBI Academy, he spent 10 years as an agent and supervisor in the Norfolk, Va., field office working counterintelligence and cyber matters. In May 2012, Rojek accepted a promotion to FBI headquarters, where he worked national security computer intrusion investigations. Rojek returned to Norfolk in November 2013 and worked counterintelligence matters until April 2014 when he was selected for his current position as the supervisor of the Cincinnati field office. The Cyber Squad is responsible for investigating

all criminal and national security cyber matters in Cincinnati’s area of responsibility. He supervises seven agent investigators, three computer forensic experts, and two computer scientists. Rojek’s presentation focused on the FBI and its work with cybersecurity responsibilities. He said the first priority is to the United States; then domestic and foreign. According to him there are 56 divisions, 35,000 employees and 13,500 agents in the FBI. He went on to talk about the cyber objectives; FBI threat priorities, the cyber threat spectrum; intrusion methods of which phishing/spear phishing is number one; the anatomy of an attack; an overview of cyber trends worldwide; the FBI’s mitigation strategy; its cyber resources; and prevention. The theft priorities, he said, are counterterrorism, counterintelligence and cyber, and indicated that the cyber threat spectrum is comprised of hacktivism, crime, insider, espionage, terrorism and warfare.

T-shirt design contest for Illumination GREENVILLE – The Illumination Festival Committee is in the process of preparing for the annual Illumination Festival on Sept. 15 at the Darke County Fairgrounds, but they are looking for help from the public. Since the beginning of the festival nearly 12 years ago, a committee member has always been responsible for designing the Illumination Festival T-Shirt. This year, the committee has decided to open the design process to the public. The winner will not only receive his/her design on the t-shirt, they will also receive two VIP seats to the concert and a t-shirt. This year’s concert features Matt

Maher, Danny Gokey, Tauren Wells, Stars Go Dim and the Splat Experience. The design will be put on a lime green t-shirt and must include the Illumination Festival sunrise logo. To enter a design, email conniemccabe@illuminationfestival.org with your design, name, and phone number. The deadline for entries is July 31. Tickets for the Illumination Festival are on sale now at Bread of Life Christian Bookstore in Greenville, the Christian Bookstore in Union City, Ind., Darke County Fairgrounds and online by visiting illuminationfestival.org and clicking on the buy tickets link.

PAGE 4 June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

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June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 5

Grant programs drive broadband expansion As part of a largely rural community, I understand the challenges that still exist regardKEITH FABER ing dependOHIO SENATE able internet PRESIDENT access, even in the 21st century. Technology has advanced almost exponentially since the creation of the original internet in the 1980s, but cities and towns across the state still struggle to develop modern infrastructure that supports a growing online network. That’s why the Ohio House has recently taken several steps to overcome this obstacle. In January, we passed legislation that would establish the Residential Broadband Expansion (RBE) Program. Created under House Bill 281, the RBE program strives to expand access to broadband through a strengthened partnership between local governments and private businesses. The program targets the issue of “last-mile� connectivity, when it is too expensive for private wireless providers to extend their services to residences outside of the current infrastructure. The RBE program would be funded through the Ohio Broadband Development Grant Fund, which would provide funds to local governments to pay off a broadband expansion project’s shortfall amount. The bulk

of the project cost would still be taken care of by the broadband provider, but the program allows local government to step in and depend on the RBE grant to pick up a third of the remaining cost. The bill encourages a pooling of resources to overcome ďŹ nancial barriers that prevent broadband expansion. We also passed House Bill 378, creating another grant program known as the Ohio Broadband Development Grant Program. The program would invest $100 million over the next two years through the proceeds of bonds supporting Ohio’s Third Frontier Program. Through this, private businesses, political subdivisions, and other eligible entities may apply for a grant speciďŹ cally for a project that helps expand high-speed internet across the state. Currently, nearly 300,000 rural households in Ohio do not have access to broadband internet. In the age of smart phones, cars, and more, this fact can be hard to believe. However, challenges still exist in our attempts to fully modernize as a state, and we must implement innovative solutions to remove limitations on educational opportunities, economic growth, and public safety resources that remain because of a lack of internet access. These two programs will help fund projects and urge collaboration between the state and private establishments.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. House of Representatives passed U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown’s (D-OH) bipartisan bill to advance childhood cancer research, prevention and access to treatment. Brown’s bill, the Childhood Cancer Survivorship, Treatment, Access, and Research Act of 2017 (Childhood Cancer STAR Act), is also sponsored by Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) and has been called “the most comprehensive childhood cancer legislation ever taken up by Congress,â€? by Children’s Cause Cancer Advocacy. Brown is urging the President to move quickly in signing this legislation. “This bill will expand the scope of childhood cancer research, so that we can better ďŹ ght this diseaseâ€? said Brown. “I urge the President to move swiftly on this legislation, so that we can get Ohio families the resources they need to prevent and treat childhood cancer.â€? Brown’s bill would address childhood cancer by doing the following: Improving Childhood Cancer Research  Reauthorize the National Childhood Cancer Registry through FY2022 and authorize the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to award grants to states to help improve state cancer registries.  Direct the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to utilize all information and samples available to further research into childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer. Improving Care for Childhood Cancer Survivors

* Direct the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to develop and establish a pilot program to help monitor and care for childhood cancer survivors. This program would work to establish a task force to develop and test standards for high-quality childhood cancer survivorship care and carry out a demonstration project to improve care coordination as childhood cancer survivors transition to adult care. Boosting Access to Treatment  Direct HHS to convene a Workforce Development Collaborative on Medical and Psychosocial Care for Pediatric Cancer Survivors.  Direct NIH to investigate outcomes for, and barriers faced by, pediatric cancer survivors within minority or medically underserved populations and follow-up care for pediatric cancer survivors, including research on the late effects of cancer treatment and long-term complications.  Directs the Government Accountability OfďŹ ce (GAO) to use NIH’s ďŹ ndings to make recommendations for removing barriers to childhood cancer survivors getting and paying for adequate medical care. In April, Brown’s bipartisan bill to reauthorize the Children’s Hospitals Graduate Medical Education (CHGME) program for an additional ďŹ ve years and increase its authorization to $330 million per year passed out of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee.

Brown’s bill to prevent childhood cancer

Kudos to Rife, McCabe on top awards Linda’s Mood Swings by Linda Moody bluebagmedia.com

I think the Darke County Chamber of Commerce and Darke County Visitors Bureau did a great job in selecting Marty McCabe and Andrew Rife, respectively, as their Citizens of the Year. I know both of them, and they are very deserving of these honors. Marty, in addition to being a businessman, has focused his outside interests on young people in the community via his work in his church, the school with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and other organizations and events. He has also had many roles in the EUM Church. Outside his business, coaching, and ministry to youth in Darke County, he has used his skills and participated in EUM mission trips near and far; thus, his caring for young people extends far beyond the county. Marty, a graduate of

COLUMBUS—Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine recently warned consumers to beware of ticket scams when seeking tickets to the NBA Finals, summer concerts, and other in-demand events. Consumers have reported suspected ticket scams involving a variety of events, including Cavs games and concerts, in complaints ďŹ led with the Ohio Attorney General’s OfďŹ ce. The average reported loss is over $200. “We want people to know that there are con artists out there,â€? Attorney General DeWine said. “If you’re trying to buy tickets on the secondary market from someone you don’t know, be careful. Some people will try to sell you tickets that don’t exist.â€? The Attorney General’s Economic Crimes Unit has pursued several ticket-scam cases. In most instances, the perpetrator advertised

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for the ďŹ rst time, and the continued growth of each successive drawing showed they enjoyed the experience they had in this area, as well as showcasing all the things Darke County has to offer. Without Andrew’s efforts, that would not have been possible. --------------------------Starting with this column, I will no longer be running birthdays and anniversaries due to space. However, I will be glad to resume both lists if it’s possible in the future. The lists will still be available with this column at www.bluebagmedia.com. --------------------------Please pray for these people: Bill and Linda Schellenbarg, Linda Bruss, Steve Waymire, Greg Thornhill, Duke Temple, Paulette (Swab) Shields, Larry Hummel, Phyllis Turner, Kerry Young, Dale Clark, Judi Peters, Linda Birt Schaffer, Herbert Bayman, Adam Ullery, Vicky Henderson, Terry Ungericht, Don Hittle, Emily Moody, Tonya Thompson, Roger McEowen, Jerry Koverman, Becky GarrettRoss, Jim Winterrowd, Tom Brumbaugh, Barbara Morrow Zimmerman, Dick Shuttleworth, Darcy Buck-

ingham, Roger Tingley, Ron Kaffenberger, Crew Neaves, Jackson Stout, Katie Rehmert, Shannon Peters Hall, Alayna Marie Brantley, Sherri Gibbons Feitshans, Irma Stewart, Ralph Beam, Chuck Davis, Dawn Oldiges, Don Booker, Richard Yount, Tracy Pratt, Brenda “Bill� Riffell, Jim Marker, Mike Grillot, Gary Reier, Mason Osterloh, Kyndal Wynk, Ron Kreitzer, Stacy Dorko, Keith Starks, Kohen Thwaits, Jerrod Pratt, Al Bliss, Layna Best, Wanda and Joe Bailey, Shelly Hoffman, David Magoto, Pappy Harshman, Bob Hiestand Jr., Tina Kiser Deaton, Kody Ketring, Lois Hittle, Kevin Hemmerich, Samantha Smith, Tim Heck and Ron Kramer. --------------------------Jamie and I send our condolences to the families of Billy Hankins, Macie Riegle, Everett Hart, Roger Cunningham, Joanne Sharp, Mary Ann Rieman Cox, Dwaine Richard Holsapple, Tisha Nunley Gibson, Donnie Amspaugh, Paul “Bill� Mayer, Grace Seeker, George Hesson, Stephen Eubank, Allison Davis Grundish, Lois Weese and Roger Kress.

tickets on Craigslist and collected payment from buyers, but then failed to provide any tickets or refunds. Tips to avoid ticket scams include: * Be skeptical of offers that are too good to be true. Sellers on Craigslist or other online marketplaces may offer tickets at face value (or below) for events that are sold out or highly in demand, but these offers may be scams. Some may offer phony explanations for why they need to sell tickets quickly, falsely saying they have a medical emergency or an overseas military assignment, for example. * Be careful dealing with individual third-party sellers. To protect yourself, deal with reputable businesses instead of third-party individuals who are not associated with an event. Before providing any payment or personal information, research a seller’s reputation, especially that of

an individual seller. Search the seller’s name, username, email address, phone number, and other details for information. Even if you ďŹ nd no negative information, don’t assume the seller is trustworthy. Some con artists change names regularly. * Check the venue’s ticket policies. Increasingly, a number of venues and events predominantly use electronic tickets. If you’re trying to buy a paper ticket, make sure it’s real. Check both sides of the ticket, and be aware that some ticket scammers use falsiďŹ ed photos, logos, or trademarks to create counterfeit tickets that look legitimate even though they are not. * Be wary of sellers who request speciďŹ c forms of payment. Con artists often request payment methods that are difďŹ cult to trace or recover, such as wire transfers, cash, or gift cards. They also may ask buyers to use

money-transfer apps or other payment options that may not carry speciďŹ c fraud protections. * Consider paying with a credit card. If a problem arises, you generally have greater ability to dispute charges on a credit card compared to other payment methods. If you’re using a mobile wallet or peer-topeer payment service, be sure to understand the protections that the service does (or does not) provide before you make a transaction. Consumers who believe they’ve been defrauded should immediately report the scam and contact the company they used to make the payment. Ohioans can report scams to the Ohio Attorney General’s OfďŹ ce at www.OhioProtects.org or by calling 800-282-0515. Suspicious Craigslist ads can be reported to the Ohio Attorney General’s OfďŹ ce directly from Craigslist.

Attorney General warns of ticket scams

Greenville High, is the son of Marvin and Maureen. He resides in Greenville with his wife and is the father of three children, Zach, Hannah and Noah. Andrew, recipient of the Tourism Citizen of the Year award, is a true entrepreneur and proved this past year that he could attract tourism to the county when his business, the Whistle Stop in Ansonia, hosted the Queen of Hearts. According to one report, some interesting takeaways from the Queen of Hearts promotion were: The winner of the Queen of Hearts walked away with $580,043; the total game payout amounted to more than $2.5 million; nearly $435k in donations were generated for community service agencies; and an estimated 25,000 people were at the Whistle Stop for the ďŹ nal drawing. Over the 11 months the Queen of Hearts took place, the impact of the promotion on the county was over $7 million in economic activity from the thousands of people who traveled from all over the area. The Queen of Hearts brought thousands of people into this county

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PAGE 6 June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Greenville Legion Post 140 run-rules Troy Post 43 and Richmond Post 65 GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

RICHMOND, IN – Greenville American Legion Post 140 run-ruled Richmond Post 65 by a 17-3 score putting runs on the board in seven consecutive innings of play following a six-inning runrule 12-1 win earlier in the week over Troy Post 43. Post 140 would get on the board in the top of the first taking advantage of an opening double off the

bat of Brandon Beyke, a Tyler Beyke walk and Kyle Mills RBI double to lead 3-1 with one inning in the book. “We went into Richmond struggling a bit with the bats, but the top of our order really set the pace tonight,” said Greenville Post 140 coach Chad Henry. “Doubles from Brandon and Kyle really got us going.” Greenville added a run in the top of the second and put six runs on the board in the top of the third to lead 10-3 after

three complete. Richmond would not dent the plate after the third while Post 140 was adding single runs in the four, fifth and sixth innings to lead 13-3 at the end of six inning of play. Greenville would closeout scoring on the night putting up four runs in the top of the seventh to take the Indiana team by 14 run margin of victory. Kenny Moore went the distance for Greenville surrendering three runs on two hits over seven innings while striking out seven.

“We needed efficiency on the mound tonight and Kenny gave it to us,” said Henry. “Going the distance on 90 pitches with only five base runners is what I think we can expect to get from him. He’s working on his mix and it’s been fun to see him work with Kody (Shinabery) keeping batters of balance.” Greenville Post 140 played error free ball while banging out 11 hits on the night. Brandon Beyke paced Greenville going 3-4 at the plate with two singles, a double, two walks while picking up four RBIs and five runs scored. Tyler Beyke went 2-4 with a walk, two RBIs and two runs scored. “The Beyke brothers are as solid as could be in the

Greenville Post 140’s Bandon Beyke. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

order,” noted Henry. “Together they had five hits, six RBIs and scored seven runs.” Kyle Mills was 2-3 including a double with two walks, three RBIs and two runs scored. “Kyle is having some kind of summer,” Hen-

ry said. “Everything he swings at right now gets crushed.” Logan Petitt was 2-4 with a single, a double, a walk and two runs scored. Casey Jones went 1-3 with two walks and two RBIs. Peyton Miller had a single, a walk and a run scored.

Greenville Lady Wave 2018 volleyball campers, coaches and high school volleyball helpers. (Gaylen Blosser photo

Greenville volleyball camp hosts 46 girls BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The Greenville volleyball coaching staff along with many high school volleyball athletes hosted 46 future volleyball players from the fifth grade through the eighth grade in a three day volleyball camp held in the two Greenville High School gymnasiums. “We are excited to have a new generation of girls,” said Greenville varsity volleyball coach Chelsea Dowd,” and we’re excited to get our season going in July.” Coach Dowd was assisted by GHS junior varsity coach Amy Schoen, eight grade coach Abby Thatcher and seventh grade coach Candee Combs. “We met as a coaching staff in March to go over the summer schedules and the camp,” shared Dowd. “It takes a lot of planning. We had 46 girls this year between the fifth and the eighth grade – so there are so many different skill lev-

els.” “We met for a good 30 to 40 minutes before each day just to talk about; what do we want to accomplish the following day and how are we going to most effectively do it,” added Dowd. “It took some time but it went well.” Many of the attendees are repeat campers from previous years as the Greenville volleyball program continues to see improvement each year. “The seventh and eighth grade girls, all of these girls, I recognize almost every single one of them,” noted Dowd. “They come every year and they come at a pretty high level, even the young ones.” Coach Dowd was pleased with the progress the young campers made in three days of instruction. “Every day we start with the basics,” Dowd stated. “On day one – the passing and the setting and then that leads us into passing and setting, hitting and serving and then putting

it all together, so each day they get a little more comfortable with the basic motions and calling the ball and doing the normal volleyball things. They have definitely gotten so much better in the span of three days – it’s amazing.” The team of coaches and high school volleyball players not only work to make the camp a time of learning but a time of having fun while improving their skills. “That’s really what it’s all about,” Dowd said of wanting the young girls to enjoy their time at camp. “We obviously want as many people to be interested in volleyball as we possibly can get, but having them come and keeping them entertained and making them actually like it, it’s really good for us.” “They had a blast, all the girls, all the age groups,” concluded Dowd. “I’m really pleased and I’m proud of my girls stepping up and helping out, so it was good.”

The Early Bird and Bluebag Media Athletes of the Week


Versailles, State Champion Track & Field, Cross Country


Franklin Monroe Track & Field, Cross Country Parents: Joe & Trisha Weaver






2018 Lady Jets volleyball camper, high school helpers and Coach Angie Filbrun. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

Franklin Monroe completes volleyball camp BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

PITSBURG – Franklin Monroe varsity girls volleyball coach Angie Filbrun completed a three day camp for with 28 campers in attendance. “It is so fun to see this many girls,” said Filbrun. “This is our biggest year so far that we’ve had in the last several years. It’s nice to see the interest and the excitement.” The FM Lady Jets varsity volleyball team is coming off a school record setting 20-2 regular season mark bringing added interest in the sport from future participants. “The improvement is tremendous,” Filbrun noted of the three days on the courts. “So fun to see them, and just their excite-

ment when they see that they can actually do it – it’s so fun to watch them.” Coach Filbrun and her varsity staff strive to keep the camp interesting and fun while learning the game of volleyball. “We do the teamwork games, the relay races and things like that, but we are still involving volleyball skills, volleyball communication,” noted Filbrun, “they have to work together with the team.” “I have great helpers,” Filbrun noted of her high school athletes. “That’s probably the best thing that I love about this camp, is watching the high school girls work with the younger girls. They don’t realize, or maybe they do, how much of an impact they are making on those kids.” “I like to introduce ev-

erything and then I let the high school girls take over,” explained Filbrun. “We’ll walk around and we’ll hear things that we’ve said multiple times come out of their mouth, and I’m like, oh, they are listening, so it’s fun.” “All good kids, all working hard,” Filbrun said of the campers and staff. “I see a lot of girls that are very good leaders at helping out.” Coach Filbrun took time to thank the many people and athletes that made the Lady Jets 2018 volleyball camp a success. “The administration, the athletic director for letting us come in and the kids for coming out, parents for allowing their kids to come into the gym and just get a taste of what volleyball is all about,” Filbrun said.


June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 7

Greenville boys basketball camp breaks century attendance mark GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The Greenville 2018 boys four day basketball camp came to a successful close for 122 campers from prekindergarten through the seventh grade. “Great to have so many kids in the gym,” said Greenville varsity basketball Coach Kyle Joseph. “Just continuing to try and build numbers and get more kids here. I think it’s one of those things where the more kids that are here the more fun it is and the more competition there is – so it’s better all the way around.” The camp continues to show strong growth under the guidance of Coach Joseph as demonstrated by the 2018 numbers.

The 2016 year saw 42 campers in attendance. 2017 saw a noticeable increase with 88 campers joining in. The 2018 camp went well over the century mark with 122 campers showing up for event. “We had 88 last year but that was with two extra grades – that was 88 with eighth and night graders included,” noted Coach Joseph. “We don’t have them in camp this year.” Coach Joseph and his staff are working to instill a desire to improve while learning basic year around drills in providing an opportunity for all young athletes to improve basketball skills. “You can tell that some of them have spent a little more time dribbling a basketball and that’s what we are trying to get with all of them,” stated Coach

Joseph. “Just start doing a little bit of dribbling and you’ll be amazed at how much better you can get if you just bounce the ball every now and then.” “That is part of what this camp is about – even the older grades,” Coach Joseph added. “It is just developing a passion for basketball and a want to. Basketball is fun, so we just want to make it something that is fun for them that they want to try and work at.” Coach Joseph is pleased his 2018 staff, a staff that has expanded many times over in three short years. “My staff has been both from current staff members that we have within the basketball program, current high schoolers, kids who have graduated that played here,” Coach Joseph said. “I’ve had a

Former Greenville teammates return home to assist basketball camp BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Three 2017 GHS alumni currently playing college basketball returned to assist GHS varsity coach Kyle Joseph with basketball camp. “It means a tremendous amount to the program,” Greenville varsity basketball coach Kyle Joseph said of his former players. “I can’t even put into words what it means to me.” Isaiah Gable (Southeast Missouri State University), Aaron Rich (Bluffton University) and Peter Pandy (Indiana University East) are assisting Coach Joseph. “They’re here working not even because I asked them to but because they asked if they could come here and help out,” said Joseph. “I can’t put into words how much that means to me. It’s just great to have them here helping out.” The three players were entering their senior season when Coach Joseph arrived on the scene. A change at the top can be disruptive to a basketball program but Gable, Pandy and Rich’s maturity showed the community why they are playing ball at the next level.” “I came in their senior year and they didn’t know me from Adam,” stated Joseph, “and they did everything that I asked them to do.” “I loved playing for Coach Joseph, I really loved it,” said Pandy. “I learned a lot from Coach Joseph. He helped me pick a school, a good school, a good team I’m on now. He just did so much for me. I can’t thank him enough.” “It’s like having another role model,” Rich said

Greenville 2018 basketball third grade through the seventh grade campers with camp coaching staff. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

couple kids here who I have worked with at other places (Akron University) and they’re really what makes the whole thing go.” “I can tell them to do this or that and they take and run with it,” continued Coach Joseph. “They’re the reason why the kids want to come. They want to see these players, their role models and they are great role models for these

kids. I can’t thank them enough. They are really what makes this camp go. The kids are here a lot of times to see them and it gives them something to shoot for.” Coach Joseph concludes each camp with the same message to the young campers – thank your parents. “I always tell the kids the last day of camp, every single one of them – you’ve had someone,

whether your parent, grandparent, family friend who has paid for you to be here, who has helped to transport you to and from camp and we really appreciate that. I tell the kids always to make sure you tell them thank you.” “I certainly appreciate it too,” concluded Coach Joseph. “They get all these young kids here and without them this camp doesn’t happen.”

State Champ and podium finishes in track BY RYAN BERRY MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GHS alumni and Green Wave varsity basketball teammates with Coach Joseph, (L-R) Aaron Rich, Peter Pandy, Coach Kyle Joseph and Isaiah Gable. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

of Coach Joseph. “He’s a great guy – you can’t say enough about him.” “Coach Joseph really helped me,” said Gable. “Just his playing style, his wisdom helped me out.” Coach Joseph is not surprised the three are playing at the next level. “Those are three extremely – not just talented basketball players, but extremely dedicated guys who wouldn’t miss a workout, who wouldn’t miss anything,” Joseph said. “They are at everything that is available.” “They are great role models,” continued Joseph. “Just there interaction with these younger kids and showing them some of what is possible if you are willing to work really hard at something.” The three former teammates are making the most of the few days they have together. “It’s different to see how much one year of college changes a person, more mature, more skilled, a lot more skilled basketball wise,” noted

Rich. “It’s nice to see the different aspects of the different levels of college and talking to them about how their seasons went, how they go about things. I like to hear how different colleges do different things – it’s pretty interesting.” “It’s good to see them because I don’t get to see them during the school year, it’s kind of far away and I don’t get to come back,” said Gable. “It is definitely good to see them and I get to play basketball with them. We play a lot. We see each other while I am here almost every day – every day we play open gym and workout together, so it’s nice. Just like old times to workout together.” “It feels good,” Pandy noted. “I haven’t seen the guys in forever. We all went our separate ways. It’s just good to see them and then the game of basketball, we love the game so it’s nice to see Coach Joseph, my former teammates and just hang out. We’re here doing something we love, together.”


COLUMBUS – Thousands of athletes invaded Jessie Owens Stadium at The Ohio State University for the annual OHSAA State Track & Field Tournament last weekend and Darke County had its share of athletes competing in the event. In division two, Versailles came home with the most medals for the county, including another state champion. Although Joe Spitzer qualified in two events, he chose not to run the 1600m Run in order to focus on running the 3200m Run. The decision paid off as he came home with the gold. Teammate Josh Steinbrunner returned to the podium in the 110m Hurdles. The senior hurdler finished third with a time of 14.51. Steinbrunner also finished 11th in high jump with a leap of 6′ and 11th in the 300m Hurdles with a time of 39.68. A.J. Ahrens, of Versailles, had a podium finish in shot put. The Tiger senior threw 51′ 9.25″ to finish sixth. Kyle Jones, senior, finished 15th in long jump with a leap of 19′ 11.5″ and senior Luke Shellhaas did not record a height in pole vault after missing three attempts at 13′ 6″. There were plenty of medals on the girls’ side in division two for the Lady Tigers. The team of Ellen Peters (12), Liz Watren (11), Lindsey Winner (10) and Kenia McEldowney (12) teamed up to post a time of 4:00.4 in the 4x400m Relay to finish third. Peters was also part of the 4x100m and 4x200m Relays. Peters along with Ali Moran (9), Ava Moran (11), and Lucy Prakel

(10) finished eighth in the 4x100m Relay (49.74) and Peters, Ali Moran, Cassie Peters (12), and Watren finished 6th in 4x200m Relay (1:44.74). Prakel earned a second podium finish with a vault of 12′ in pole vault. The height was good enough for third place. McEldowney finished 16th in the 800m Run with a time of 2:22.22. In division three, sophomore Brock Shellhaas placed fifth in pole vault after reaching 14′ 4”. Shellhaas’ teammate, junior Matthew Shook finished just off the podium in ninth with a vault of 13′ 6″. Franklin Monroe’s Selene Weaver finished on the podium in her first trip to the state meet. The sophomore pole vaulter cleared 11′ in route to sixth place. Arcanum sent four runners to compete in three events. The team of Tanner Delk (11), Chance Klip-

stine (12), Landen Kreusch (9) and Justin Vanatta (11) finished 14th in 4x800m Relay, but was able to post a PR of 8:20.06. Klipstine also ran the 800m Run and finished 12th with a time of 1:58.96 and Delk ran the 3200m Run and finished 15th in 10.04.89. Tri-Village junior Austin Bruner finished 15th in the 100m Dash with a time of 11.19. In division one, Greenville sent three athletes to compete. Senior Ryan Trick returned to the podium for a second consecutive year in pole vault. He was able to clear 14′ 6″ to finish 8th. On the girls’ side it was sophomore Riley Hunt making her first trip the state meet. She finished on the podium in sixth place with a vault of 11′ 6″. Senior Sierra Cress also made her first trip to the state meet. She finished 12th in discus after throwing 118′ 5″.

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PAGE 8 June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Addison Agen to sing JCs will celebrate at Jay County Fair red, white and blue PORTLAND, Ind. – The Jay County Fair will host The Voice alum Addison Agen on July 12, 7 p.m. Tickets are available by calling the Jay County Fair at (260) 726-9616 or visit Ticketweb.com. Adam Levine, Maroon 5 frontman and longtime coach on NBC’s “The Voice,â€? has described her as a unicorn, a mythical creature. However, the atypical grounded, humble and levelheaded 16-year-old ďŹ nished second in Season 13 of The Voice.

Agen comes from a family that knows the power of music. Her mother is a music therapist and worship leader who ministers to many people in need in northeast Indiana. Agen played her ďŹ rst piano recital at 2 and braved her ďŹ rst open mic night at 9. She performed regularly with her family’s band and was the ďŹ rst artist to appear on a small stage that her father constructed in his Fort Wayne record store.

GREENVILLE – JCs Coffee House will be celebrate the Red, White and Blue on June 15, 7-10 p.m. Between Memorial Day and Fourth of July, they decorate with red, white and blue, to remember those who gave their lives for our freedom and to celebrate our independence and freedom. JCs will be celebrating the colors and our freedom and those who are serving and have served. They will not forget the One who gave the ultimate sacriďŹ ce. Wear red, white and blue and receive a free beverage.

CARD OF THANKS My 95th Birthday was wonderful thanks to all my family and friends for the cards, gifts, best wishes and great chats. I want to give a special thanks to my sons David and Don Young and their families. Elsie Young

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I think of both of you every day, but that is nothing new. I miss both, Dad & Mom. Mother, I speak your name every day. Dad, you’re with me every day as I work. You both taught me very much. Your memories are a keepsake in my heart and which I’ll never part. God has you both now in his arms. Darrellyn, Jeff and your loving son Bruce will never forget you. Love you Dad & Mother. Love you Grandpa & Grandma



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Try the 2018 OAMP Grand Champion Winner Our Jalepeno Cheddar Brat & 1st Place Winner - Our Sweet Italian Brat

&& $''!)/* ( +$('* Grocery Store - Processing Plant GREENVILLE FARM

Vets and those in activity duty receive a free beverage and hot dog. Come out, have some fun, bring your own party or join theirs. Games are free and there is no charge at the door. They are located in the U-Turn building at the Lighthouse Christian Center Complex, corner of SebringWarner Road and US 127, southeast of Greenville. For more information, call Janice at (937) 417-5926. The Snack Bar offers hot and cold beverages, hot dogs, chili dogs, popcorn, chips and salsa, soft pretzels and there will be something sweet.

Singles Dance is June 23 GREENVILLE – Darke County Singles Group will host a Singles Dance on June 23, 8-11 p.m., at VFW Post 7262 in the ballroom, 219 N. Ohio St., Greenville. The group has monthly dances with great bands playing for your dancing and listening pleasure. This is the place to see old friends and to meet new ones. This month, dance to the music of Bountyhunter Band, Indiana and Ohio’s premier variety band that plays rock, blues, country, classics. The dance is open to the public for singles 21 and older. Admission is $6. For more information, call/text Phyllis at (937) 901-3969

Caitlin Kelly – Niles Brown

Kelly, Brown plan wedding GREENVILLE – The marriage of Caitlin Irene Kelly and Niles Wilson Brown is approaching. The bride-elect is the daughter of James and Dawn Kelly of Greenville and the groom-elect is the son of Eric and Catherine Brown of Arcanum. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Greenville High School and Wright State University. The bride-to-be is employed at Wayne HealthCare. Her ďŹ ancĂŠ is a graduate of Ansonia High School and University of Northwestern Ohio. The groom is employed at Dick Lavy Trucking. The couple will wed at 2:30 p.m. June 23 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church.

Pictured are (ďŹ rst row) Pastor Tim Pieper, Laura Shepard, Caleb Ordean, (second row) Dr. Dave Farst, Ava Farst, Sally Kattau, Beth Flora, (third row) Gary Shepard, Darwin Rhoades, and Dave Flora.

Faith UMC supports Global Well of Hope ARCANUM – Faith United Methodist Church in Arcanum has recently completed its Global Well of Hope International project. Shoes of all types and sizes were donated and will be shipped to Nairobi, Kenya, Africa. One hundred percent of the proceeds from the sale of the shoes

is used to support local widows, who are provided with land, a small house and hope for the future. FUM, 101 E. South St., Arcanum, is a mission minded Church led by Pastor Tim Pieper. Sunday Services are held at 10 a.m. every Sunday. All are welcome.

John & Karen Burkett – 1963

John & Karen Burkett - 2018

Burkett’s 55th anniversary GREENVILLE – John R. Burkett and Karen Walters-Burkett were married in Greenville on June 15, 1963. Their three children J. Scott resides in North Carolina, Jeffrey and wife Marlee reside in Texas, and Amy and husband Preston Brown reside in Indiana. They have been blessed with ďŹ ve grandchildren - Brittany Clouse, Parker Brown, MacKenzie Burkett, Nathan Burkett, Elaina Brown and one great grandchild GrifďŹ n

Highland plans VBS WEST MILTON – Highland Church of the Brethren, 7210 S. Jay Road, West Milton, will host its Vacation Bible School, Beach Party – SurďŹ n’ Through the Scriptures, on July 1115, 6:30-8:30 p.m. VBS is open to kids pre-K through sixth grade (goes by grade they recently completed). Come out for a fun night of Bible stories, games, crafts and much more. For more information, contact Stephanie Schlaffman, (937) 423-5096, Misty Dickens, (937) 4174306, or Maggie Beeson, (937) 623-3688.

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Clouse. John is the son of Herman H. Burkett and Lois Spitler-Burkett (both deceased). Karen is the daughter of Harold E. Walters and Mildred WhitedWalters (both deceased but long time residents of Darke County). Of particular interest is that Harold & Mildred Walters were married 62 years and grandparents Ray and Alma Washington-Walter were married 76 years.

Food Truck Rally June 17 GREENVILLE – The next Food Truck Rally in the Park will be on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 17. The event will be held in the Greenville City Park, 610 E. Harmon Drive, adjacent to the horseshoe pits and the band shell area parking lot. This event will be held from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. The food trucks participating on this particular Sunday are Tin Roof Mobile, Nacho Pig, Liberty Grill, Tennessie’s Philippine Cuisine and Creme de la Creme Cakery. There will also be free face painting for the kids. Enjoy a day at the park for Father’s Day with a great selection of food.

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PAGE 10 June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com



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June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 11


Apple Farm Service donates to fairgrounds ODOT construction continues in county GREENVILLE – On Thursday, May 31, The Darke County Ag Society received a donation from Apple Farm Service; a new tractor. Apple Farm Service donated a brand new Case IH Maxxum 125 to the Darke County Fairgrounds to be used free of charge for the next six months by the Darke County Ag Society. “We’re so happy that Apple Farm Service thought of us, and donated this tractor for our team to use,” said Fair Manager Brian Rismiller. “We’ve never been chosen for this program, and are thankful to be picked.” The new Case IH tractor will be used for plenty of tasks around the fairgrounds. Some of these tasks include resetting the track after races, raking dirt after tractor pulls, and mowing around the grounds. “Apple Farm Service is glad to help the Darke County Ag Society!” said Bill Apple, President of Apple Farm Service. “Case

Brian Rismiller, fair manager, Dave Hampshire, caretaker, and Ed Erisman, fair board member, accepted the tractor from Apple Farm Service.

IH is extremely generous in working with local dealerships to support to nonprofit organizations like the Ag Society. We are delighted to help an organization that is so vital to the community of

Darke County.” In six months this new Case IH Tractor will be for sale to a well-deserving farmer, but for now, you might see this machine working hard at the Darke County Fairgrounds.

Work of art at library for the summer GREENVILLE – Here’s the story from Dede Wissman about her beautiful painting on display at the Greenville Public Library for the summer. Her husband Bill worked for Greenville Technology Inc. from 1987 until he retired as Production Vice President and Plant Manager in 2004. During many of those years it was the practice of the company to purchase a painting each year from the Greenville Art Guild Show at the Brethren’s Retirement Community. These paintings were displayed in the office areas of GTI. Bill was drawn to a particular painting of the library by Bob Brubaker. Dede was employed by the library at the time. Bill expressed an interest in the painting thus the company gave it to him as a retirement gift. “It had been my hope to give it to Dede as a gift. She was surprised and thrilled to receive the painting” he reported. Since then it has hung in their home. Dede decided that their appreciation of Brubaker’s painting be shared with the community by lending it for display for the summer. It can be viewed near the Reference Desk on the second floor. Dede was employed as a Reference Librarian from 1990 to 2011. If you know Dede, you may still see her at the library. She helps manage

DARKE COUNTY – The Ohio Department of Transportation currently has the current projects taking place in Darke County. Arcanum Bears-Mill Road between Folkerth Road and Erisman Road, road closure through Aug. 3. The official detour is: SR 49 to US 36/US 127 to US 36 SR 49 between Rossburg Lightsville Road and SR 47, daily lane closures through July 2, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. One lane will remain open in each direction through the use of flaggers. SR 722 between GordonLandis Road and SR 49, daily lane closures through July 2, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. One lane will remain open in each direction through the use of flaggers. Sweitzer Street/West

$3 OFF

Fourth Street between Pine Street and Sycamore Street, road closure through May 31, 2019. The official detour is: Pine Street to Washington Avenue to Broadway.

US 36/US 127 between Hogpath Road and Horatio – Harris Creek Road, daily lane closures through Aug. 31, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. One lane will remain open in each direction.

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Father’s Day Buffet June 17 - 11AM-2PM

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Bill and Dede Wissman display a painting of the Greenville Public Library that is on display throughout the summer.

the Friends of the Library book sale in the computer room. Dede will tell you that it is the most enjoyable activity of her retirement...other than reading the treasures she comes

across sorting books. The Library appreciates the opportunity to display this painting. Bob Brubaker was a local award-winning artist and art teacher for many years. FRIDAY:

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(Behind the Darke Co. Fairgrounds)

PAGE 12 June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Rose sentenced to six years for Walgreens robbery BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

Pictured at the check presentation from left to right are Ashlee Knick (holding Henry Knick), owners Tina and Willie Powell, UCO Police Chief Mark Ater and Sgt. Jeff Turner.

Jim’s Drive-In supports UCO K-9 GREENVILLE - Jim’s Drive-In in Greenville recently showed its support of the Union City Ohio Police Department’s K-9 program. Owners of the popular local food drive-in presented a check for $1,500 to the department to help keep the four-legged offi-

cers sniffing out drugs on the streets. To learn more about and how you can help support the program, log on to the UCOPD Facebook page at https://www.facebook. com/ucopd/ or call the station directly at (937) 968-7744.

Baker enters guilty plea for child endangering BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The defendant in a child endangering case scheduled for a two-day trial pleaded guilty Thursday. Roselyn Baker of Greenville, accepted a plea deal, which included dismissal of one count of seconddegree child endangering and one count of seconddegree felonious assault in exchange for a guilty plea to one count of first-degree

misdemeanor child endangering. The incident occurred Sept. 15, 2017. Judge Jonathan P. Hein accepted Baker’s guilty plea and set a date of July 20 for sentencing. Baker remains free on an own recognizance bond, is to cooperate with her attorney Randall Breaden for pre-trial requirements and complete mental health counseling, parenting and anger management classes.

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GREENVILLE – Annyis Rose, 15, was sentenced to six years in prison for his role in the Jan. 6 Walgreens robbery in Greenville. Rose, of Lima, was one of four teens involved in the armed robbery, resulting in the theft of prescription drugs. Last week, Rose was bound over by Darke County Juvenile Court Judge Jason Aslinger to be tried as an adult. On Tuesday, Rose avoided a trial by admitting to the crime and entered a guilty plea. His attorney, Alex Pendl and assistant prosecutor Deb Quigley advised Judge Jonathan P. Hein they had a mutually agreed-upon plea and sentence. Charged with aggravated burglarly with a gun specification, Rose could

have received 11 years for the aggravated burglary in addition to the three- year mandatory sentence for the gun specification for a total of 14 years imprisonment. According to Pendl, the Jan. 6 incident “was a poor decision made by my client.” Pendl said Rose was influenced by “older individuals” he called “distant relatives” to commit the crime. Pendl added his client’s family “was very supportive” and had been in attendance for court proceedings over the past four-plus months. Pendl also told Hein his client told him he emptied the chamber before entering the drug store so no one would get hurt. During his statements, Hein noted the fact that Rose did not have a prior juvenile record. “In this case you jumped in big” adding that at age

Annyis Rose with attorney Alex Pendl hear sentencing statement from Judge Jonathan P. Hein. (Susan Hartley photo)

15, Rose was “impressionable and warned him to be on guard” during his time in the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation. Hein also admonished the juvenile “not to come out of prison worse than when you went in.” Hein reminded Rose he also had been involved in two other Walgreens’ robbery court proceedings – for fellow offenders Ishmael Luster and Ant-

wan Thompson. Due to those proceedings, Hein said he had seen reports and evidence presented and found Rose’s sentencing of six years “a fair and reasonably recommended sentence.” Both Luster and Thompson are serving sixyear sentences. The fourth juvenile, who has not been named, was remanded to officials in Allen County.

Court conducts inmate video appearances BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The following appeared June 4 by video before Judge Jonathan P. Hein from the Darke County Jail: * Nicholas Noggler 24, of Ft. Recovery appeared for a probation violation resulting in one charge of possession of drugs and one charge for possession of heroin. A July 19 probable cause and disposition hearing is scheduled. * Michael Vecera, 37, of

Greenville entered a guilty plea for probation violation. * Taylor Swartz, 23, of Greenville, was arraigned on one count for possession of heroin and one count of possession of fentanyl stemming from November 2017. Swartz told Hein she had been clean for six months and was receiving medical intervention for her addiction. Hein took Prosecutor Kelly Ormsby’s suggestion and imposed a $15,000 bond

since, according to Ormsby, Swartz has “substance abuse problems.” Randall Breaden was appointed to represent Swartz, with her next appearance set for July 2 for a pre-trial conference. * Lucas Lear, 32, of Gettysburg, appeared before Hein on one count of intrastate extradition. Lear was wanted in Richland County, Ohio for driving under suspension. He opted to accept a $2,500 bond, which allows him to

drive himself to Mansfield and turn himself in to the Richland County Sheriff’s Office. * Romona Miller, 47, of Dunkirk, Ind., appeared for two charges – on a fugitive from justice warrant from Jay County, Ind. and one for possession of drugs from Darke County. Hein ordered Miller to first appear for her Jay County charge, then report to Darke County to face the possession charge.

Fries enters guilty plea for breaking and entering BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Darke County Common Pleas Court Judge Jonathan P. Hein ordered a Monday program evaluation for Dennis Fries on Tuesday. Fries, 48, of Greenville, has served nearly three months in the Darke County Jail for a probation violation. On Tuesday, Fries entered a guilty plea to a breaking and entering offense that took place on March 13.

According to assistant prosecutor Deb Quigley, the defendant was “stealing to support his drug habit.” Quigley suggested Fries be sent to a treatment facility to receive help with his addiction and also said the state would dismiss Fries’ second charge of theft for pleading guilty to breaking and entering. Hein, as well as Fries’ defense attorney Randall Breaden agreed with Quigley and ordered he continue community control for 60 months

Dennis Fries appears in court with attorney Randall Breaden. (Susan Hartley photo)

plus complete an evaluation for Fries to enter the

Monday treatment program in Dayton.

June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 13

CBC announces Darke Midmark’s Trash Bash raises funds for VCC VERSAILLES – Mid- ed was awarded $50 to be County blood drives mark Corp., a leading pro- given to the team’s charity DARKE COUNTY – Donors can help “Build a Better Blood Supplyâ€? this summer and get a chance to win a home improvement make-over by supporting any of the Darke County area community blood drives available in June. Everyone who registers to donate will receive the patriotic “Earn Your Stars and Stripes - Donate Bloodâ€? t-shirt. Everyone 18 and older will be automatically entered in the Community Blood Center “Build a Better Blood Supply Summer Blood Driveâ€? drawing to win a $5,000 home improvement gift card. Donors are encouraged to schedule an appointment online at www.DonorTime. com or call 1-800-388GIVE. Summer is a time when high schools are on summer break, families are taking vacations, and outdoor activities increase. All this can disrupt donation schedules and impact supply. If you must miss an appointment to donate please reschedule when you can. OfďŹ cial rules for Build a Better Blood Supply are available at www.givingblood.org. The following local blood drives are open to the public; appointments are encouraged: June 12 – Ice Cream Social Blood Drive – donors

will enjoy ice cream sandwiches, ice cream bars, or fudge bars; Greenville Church of the Brethren, 421 Central Ave., Greenville, 12:30–6:30 p.m., sponsored by Greenville Masonic Lodge June 16 – Tri-Village Rescue, 320 North Main Street, New Madison, 8–11:30 a.m., sponsored by Tri-Village Rescue June 18 – Bradford High School, 750 Railroad Ave., Bradford, 3–6:30 p.m., sponsored by Bradford Fire & Rescue June 21 – Ansonia High School FFA & Mississinawa Valley High School FFA, Blood & Guts Grudge Match Challenge; get your appointment scheduled to VOTE for your favorite FFA; Ansonia High School Gym, 600 East Canal St., 2–6 p.m., sponsored by Ansonia High School FFA & Mississinawa Valley High School FFA June 21 – Eldora Speedway Ballroom, 13929 State Route 118, New Weston, 2:30–6:30 p.m., door prize drawings for race tickets, one pair of Kings Royal tickets, plus pairs of tickets for select races, sponsored by Eldora Speedway June 23 – Dave Knapp Ford Lincoln, 500 Wagner Ave., Greenville, CBC Donor Coach, 9 a.m.–noon. Learn more at www.GivingBlood.org.



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vider of medical, dental and veterinary equipment solutions, recently participated in a local environmental project. More than 35 teammates and family members formed eight teams and joined forces to clean up 16 miles of Darke County highway, investing 64 hours of volunteer work and collecting 103 bags of trash and recyclables. The project was hosted by Darke County Solid Waste District (DCSWD) as part of its Trash Bash program. For separating the recyclables from the trash, each team who participat-

“Run through historic downtown Greenville. Enjoy free post race snacks, door prizes, silent auction and chance to win a FREE car!�

When: Saturday, July 28, 2018 Where: Annie Oakley Statue, Downtown Greenville Intersections of South Broadway, Martin Street (OH 571) and Washington Street (OH 49) Time: Kids Run will start at 8:00am and 5K will start at 8:30am. (Race day registration will begin at 6:30am.) Race Details: Race information may be picked up on Friday, July 27th from 6:00-8:00pm at First Congregational Church Recreational Building (115 West 5th Street, Greenville, OH). Pink Mile Entry Fee: Ages 15 & Up Men $25 Early Registration with shirt (thru 7/15) 9:30am $15 No Shirt (thru 7/15) $30 No Shirt (after 7/15 & Race Day) Ages 14 & Under $12 Early Registration with shirt (thru 7/15) $5 No Shirt (thru 7/15) Registration: Register online at www.goodtimesraces.com or mail to: Breast Cancer Awareness of Darke County (BCADC) c /o Jill Brown 835 Sweitzer Street Greenville, Ohio 45331 Proceeds from the event will be given to community members who need mammogram screenings, ultrasound testing, wigs, prosthesis and other supplies to help aid in their treatment and care. For more information contact Jill Brown at (937) 547-5079 or jill.brown@waynehealthcare.org 8:30am (Race Day Registration starts at 6:30am)

Where: Annie Oakley Memorial Park: Intersections of South Broadway, Martin Street (OH 571) and Washington Street (OH 49) Greenville, Ohio 45331 Race Details: Packet Pickup: Friday, July 27th from 6:00am-8:00pm at First Congregational Church Recreational Building (115 West 5th Street, Greenville, OH). Race Day Packet Pickup: 6:30am-8:00am at First Congregational Church Recreational Building. Race Details: Kids Run will start at 8:00am and 5K will start at 8:30am. Pink Mile Men: Walk and activities will start at 9:30am.



5K Divisions: Male/Female: 10 & under, 11-14, 15-18, 19-24,25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59,

60-64, 65-69, 70 & Over


PICK UP & DELIVERY AVAILABLE New Columbia Mower & Snowblower Sales 230 N. THIRD ST. ANSONIA 337-4181 OR 417-9841 Steve Thornton, Owner Over 25 Years M-F 9-6:30 Sat. 8:30-2

Shown is one of the eight Midmark teams participating in Trash Bash clean-up effort in Darke County.

Breast Cancer Awareness 5K Run/Walk

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of choice in Darke County. Midmark chose the Versailles Council of Churches and donated a total of $400 to the charity, which maintains and distributes community donated food and funds to area families in need within the Versailles school district. Mitch Eiting said, “Our teammates really enjoyed being able to give back to the community, not only through the clean-up efforts, but in supporting the Versailles Council of Churches and their efforts to help those within our own area.�

Race Incentives: Shirt, electronic chip timing, post-race refreshments, door prizes, silent auction and FREE CAR

give-a-way from Dave Knapp! All proceeds will support Breast Cancer Awareness of Darke County.

Why pay for news?

Post Race Events: Awards, silent auction and post race refreshments will occur at approximately 11:30am at

Dave Knapp Ford. You must be over the age of 18 and present to win the car.

Race Contact: Jill Brown at (937) 547-5079 or jill.brown@waynehealthcare.org

We deliver your news & your newspapers.

Register online at www.goodtimesraces.com or Return the completed registration form and payment to: Breast Cancer Awareness of Darke County c/o Jill Brown 835 Sweitzer Street Greenville, OH 45331


Name: __________________________________________________________ Male or Female Address: _____________________________ City: ____________________ State: _____ Zip: _____ Phone: ________________________________

Email: _________________________________

Age on 12/31/2018: _____ DOB: _____________ Team Name: ________________________________ Emergency Contact: ___________________________________ Phone: ________________________ ď Ż Celina, OH Email: greg.rammel@gmail.com LAWN CARE

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Donation Only

Unisex Shirt (Circle Size): Ages 14 & under: ď Ż $12 with shirt thru 7/15 ď Ż $5 no shirt thru 7/15

Youth: S M L

Adult: S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL Ages 15 & up: ď Ż $25 with shirt thru 7/15 ď Ż $15 no shirt thru 7/15 ď Ż $30 no shirt after 7/15 & race day

Total Amount: ____________________ Waiver: In consideration of my entry in the Breast Cancer Awareness of Darke County (BCADC) 5K, I am intending to be legally bound for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, and do not herby WAIVE, RELEASE, AND DISCHARGE Breast Cancer Awareness of Darke County (BCADC), Good Times Racing Event Services, Wayne HealthCare, Darke County Wellness Challenge, organizers, volunteers, and sponsors; as well as their respective agents, parent subsidiaries, affiliates, successors and assigns; from ANY and ALL liability, all claims and damages, demands, actions whatsoever in any manner arising or growing out of my participation in this event. I also understand and agree that the event may subsequently use for publicity and/or promotional purposes my name, photographs, video, or other records of me participating in this event without liability or obligation to me. I have read the entry form and certify compliance by my signature.

____________________________________________________________ _________________ Participant Signature or Parent/Legal Guardian Signature (if participant is under 18)


PAGE 14 June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


Bike rack and parklet decisions delayed RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The new re-designed bike rack should be in this week, but it may be the end of the month or longer before they are installed and an effort to establish the parklets for the July and August First Friday events has been stalled. Main Street Greenville Executive Director Crysta Hutchinson addressed Greenville City Council asking for support of a couple issues in the coming months, but left without an immediate answer. Hutchinson approached council a few months ago asking for permission to have the parklets in the city’s right-of-way for the June First Friday and was given immediate approval, but when she returned on Tuesday to ask for the same consideration she was met with delay. “We felt the parklets were met with success and enjoyed by both the businesses they were placed in front of and the people who were able to sit and spend time, we would like to continue those parklets,” she said. However, Council President John Burkett broke with precedent set earlier this year to order a formal recommendation from the city’s administration. “I think that is a request that would need to come from the administration

to this council so they can bring something to the next council meeting,” he said. In regards to the bike racks, Hutchinson said, “As we have previously discussed with the new design of the bike racks, if the city is willing to help with the installation of those, we would need to have those funds approved.” The cost for the city to install the new racks is estimated at $3,229.76 for 10 bike racks. Burkett again asked the administration to prepare information for approval. Safety Service Director Curt Garrison pointed out there wouldn’t be any additional funds needed to install the racks, but instead the time spent for the installation would take away from other projects. Garrison said, “I think what we are looking for is a vote from council that would say we agree that city funds should be used for the installation of bike racks in the right-of-way and the street department would do that. That’s the type of question we’re looking for.” As to the parklet, Garrison said, “I would ask the question about the parklets. Mr. Burkett, I’m not sure what type of formal…I can put something in writing and a map of various locations that the parklets would go.” Burkett responded, “That would be better.”

Shown with the Chamber Citizen of the Year winner are Chamber Chairman Perry Walls; Ben Thaeler of Congressman Warren Davidson’s office; Lisa Hayes from the Office of the lieutenant governor; winner Marty McCabe and wife Connie; 2017 Citizen of the Year Mark Whittaker; Chamber President Sharon Deschambeau; Sen. Bill Beagle; and Rep. Stephen Huffman. (Linda Moody photo)

Andrew Riffle, fourth from left, holds up his award as Darke County Visitors Bureau Tourism Citizen of the Year. With him are Ben Thaeler of Congressman Warren Davidson’s office; Lisa Hayes from the Office of the lieutenant governor; Matt Staugler, executive director of the visitors bureau; Sen. Bill Beagle; and Rep. Stephen Huffman. (Linda Moody photo)

Riffle, McCabe top Chamber award winners LINDA MOODY


GREENVILLE – Two special awards – the 2018 Chamber Citizen of the Year and Darke County Visitors Bureau Tourism Citizen of the Year – were presented at the recent Darke County Chamber of Commerce annual meeting at Romer’s. Chief Deputy Sheriff Mark Whittaker, 2017 Chamber Citizen of the Year, presented this year’s award to his successor, Marty McCabe; and Matt Staugler, executive director of the Darke County Visitors Bureau, presented Andrew Riffle, owner of the Whistle Stop in Ansonia, with the tourism honor. Both men received plaques from the Chamber and Visitors Bureau, respectively; and from Sen. Bill Beagle; State Rep. Stephen Huffman; Office of the Lieutenant Governor represented by Lisa Hayes, southwest regional representative;

and Ben Thaeler, deputy district director for Congressman Warren Davidson. “This year’s recipient has coached and ministered to young people in Darke County since he was 23 years old,” said Whittaker of McCabe. “Those that know him say that he believes that nothing is more important in life than being one of God’s tools to shape a human soul. A friend shared, ‘I can’t think of anyone I know that has made more of an impact in our community through their acts of service. I’ve seen him invest his life in ministry to teenagers and act with compassion toward anyone in need. He has been engaged with Youth For Christ for more than 20 years, is a past board member and past chairman of the board.’” McCabe is described as someone who works to give back. “This is demonstrated by his tireless service at church (EUM in Greenville), at the school, and

with many other organizations and events in our community and beyond. And he does all this while operating a business and spending time with his own family,” Whittaker said. It was reported that in 2007, McCabe had a vision and was the primary force and organizer of the Illumination Festival held each year at the Darke County Fairgrounds. He worked with previous Fair Manager Daryl Riffle to bring the Illumination Festival and its Christian bands to the Darke County Fairgrounds. He organized the Illumination Festival board of directors and the volunteers to make the event a reality. The Illumination Festival is now in its 12th successful year.” Each year, the Chamber shares the stage with the Darke County Visitors Bureau, a separate organization which presents the tourism Citizen of the Year Award. Staugler said he was honored to present the

award to an individual who exemplifies the best of tourism in our community. Riffle, the honoree, is a member of the Darke County community. “The nominee is a person who is well-rounded in his commitment to tourism through community, employment and volunteerism,” Staugler said. “Above all, the nominee is a person who looks first at what they can do for Darke County and tourism within Darke County. He has demonstrated extensive and diverse participation, leadership and support in public and/or private tourism endeavors over a period of years. The nominee is a leader capable of getting others involved in tourism within the community.” Staugler went on, “Entrepreneurship was instilled early on in the life of this year’s recipient, and the most prominent foray of his business career thus far has been the purchase of a storied restaurant in Ansonia.”

Darke County author’s book cover a local creation SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

Neil Francis and his family and staff at Life Style Furniture & Mattress are joined by Darke County Chamber of Commerce members and ambassadors to cut the ribbon.

Local furniture store gets new name RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – A celebration for a name change from Furniture Express to Life Style Furniture & Mattress, 640 Wagner Ave., Greenville, was held Wednesday and included a ribbon cutting from the Darke County Chamber of Commerce. Neil Francis, president, explained the name change will maximize advertising and buying power as the company continues to grow. They currently have another location in St. Marys. The business opened

13 1/2-years ago and carries Ashley Furniture. While they don’t carry a lot of furniture at their showroom, Francis explained they are able to purchase direct from the factory, keep a low overhead and charge less. Francis explained customers will continue to receive the same great service from the same staff. Susan Deschambeau, Darke County Chamber of Commerce president, said, “We are happy to help you celebrate. It’s a lot of work changing things, but change is good. Here’s to new beginnings.”

GREENVILLE – The second in the Outlander Chronicles series has been published by local author and pastor C.H (Chris) Cobb. Book two, Outlander Chronicles - Pegasus, continues the physical and spiritual journey of a young man and his friends in a post-apocalyptic world. Pegasus not only boasts a local author, several other elements of the sixth novel written by the counseling pastor at Greenville’s Bible Fellowship Church have their roots in Darke County, says Cobb. “There are several local connections,” he explained. These connections include Brett Bender of Versailles who served as the model for the front cover. Bender is photographed riding his horse named Dan by Versailles photographer Brittney Elsas of Elsas Photography, who

The cover for Chris Cobb’s Outlander Chronicles – Pegasus has local ties.

Cobb says is an expert in equine photography. “It only took about an hour,” he said, for Elsas to capture just the right pose he was looking for. The scene for the front cover is Camelot Farm, northeast of Greenville and owned by Chris and Lisa Heidenreich, with the photoshoot being coordinated by Carol Williams of the Winery at Versailles. Cobb’s wife, Doris put the finishing touches on

C.H. (Chris) Cobb will conduct a book signing July 6 at Bread of Life for the second in his Outlander Chronicles – Pegasus.

the book’s cover. “This is the first time it’s all been done locally,” Cobb said of his latest endeavor. “Readers have been asking for the next one,” he said of the Outlander Chronicle series. Cobb said it took him about two years to complete Pegasus. On Friday, July 6, Cobb – and a possible special appearance by the book cover’s model Bender – will conduct a book signing at downtown Greenville’s Bread of Life Christian Book Store, 533 S.

Broadway. The book signing will be part of Main Street ,Greenville’s Memories on Main First Friday event. Cobb’s other works include Outlander Chronicles – Phoenix, Falcon Down, Falcon Rising, Falcon Strike, and The Candidate. Cobb also has penned A Prayer of Moses, a devotional study of Psalm 90. Cobb’s books may be found at Amazon and Kindle, as well as at Greenville Public Library and other independent book stores.

GREENVILLE VFW 7262, 219 Ohio St., Greenville Call 548-4004 for Hall Rental


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PAGE 16 June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Greenville Federal sponsors Annie Oakley Festival GREENVILLE – JoEllen Melling, president of the Annie Oakley Festival Committee, and Kristina Robinson, secretary of the Annie Oakley Festival Committee, met with Jeff D. Kniese, president and CEO of Greenville Federal, to receive their sponsorship on behalf of the 2018 festival. Greenville Federal has helped sponsor this Darke County long-time honored tradition for many years.

Giving back to local communities has long been a trademark of Greenville Federal, the oldest bank headquartered in Darke County. We are happy to help the Annie Oakley Festival Committee in the continuation of this county tradition. states Jeff Kniese, President & CEO. “We, the Annie Oakley Festival Committee, want to thank Greenville Federal for their support of this fes-

tival once again. Without businesses like Greenville Federal, we would not be able to offer all of the wonderful activities like we do,� said committee members. Each year, the success of the Annie Oakley Festival is due to the support of the residence of Darke County, and especially the businesses that continue to support the Annie Oakley Festival. This year, with the move to the Darke County

Maria Stein Country Fest is June 22-24 MARIA STEIN – The Maria Stein Country Fest is a family oriented festival that is held on the grounds of The Holy Relics in Maria Stein on June 22-24. It attracts around 75,000 visitors a year. All the entertainment and parking is free and there is no charge to get on the grounds. Otterbacher Shows provide the rides for the weekend. There are all kinds of entertainment all weekend, Including The County Fest Tractor Square Dancers, Neverless Nocks and much more. There are many other activities, too – volleyball, dodge ball, corn hole tournaments, Punt, Pass & Kick, and a Quarterback Challenge. For the four- to six-year-olds there is the Mini Indi. There will be seven bands and DJs play-

ing music of all kinds all weekend long. For those who need a little noise and a little dirt, they have go-cart racing, garden tractor pulls, Tug-a-Truck Sunday and the Poor Boys Antique Tractor Pulls followed by the real power with the Darke County Tractor Pullers Association gas and diesel truck and tractor pull. For those who like it a little quieter, they have a

large craft show and bingo. The event’s food choice includes pizza, strawberry shortcake, cabbage rolls, Knight’s Famous Fried Chicken and Legion’s Turtle Soup. The Kuenings will be doing chainsaw carvings throughout the weekend, which will be auctioned off on Sunday evening. For more information, visit www.mscountryfest. com.

Beyke joins Beta Beta Beta NEW CONCORD –Brandon Beyke of Greenville has been inducted into Beta Beta Beta as an Associate Member at Muskingum University in New Concord. Beta Beta Beta is the national biology honorary fraternity which serves to encourage serious scholarship in the ďŹ eld of biology.

To be a member one must be at least a second semester sophomore, declare a major in biology, complete three courses in biology with a “B� average in these courses, and be in good academic standing. For more information about Muskingum University, visit muskingum.edu.

Fairgrounds, the Annie Oakley Festival Committee, once again, is planning on having many activities for everyone to come out to enjoy, and we are happy about continuing to offer this to the public at no charge. The area by the 4-H Horse Barns and camping area at the Darke County Fairgrounds, provides a wonderful place for our festival. It offers some shade, a relaxing atmosphere, an area to bring in the Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association, and a lot of room for growth. The Annie Oakley Festival offers a chance for everyone to come out and appreciate the shows, the food, and the chance to ďŹ nd that hidden treasure through one of our ven-

ARCANUM – The Arcanum Girl Scout Troop #32131 has been busy this spring planning, constructing, and planting a garden located in Ivester Park. The 40x60 foot garden contains six raised beds with a 10x40 foot section planted in sweet corn. The girl scouts will be taking their harvest of produce to the Arcanum Farmer’s Market in the upcoming months to help raise money for the local food bank. In addition, any overabundance of produce will be given to the food

Solid Rock Apostolic 8991 Old US 36, Bradford, 937-718-0351 CAC of Greenville 630 Pine, Greenville 937-730-1313 Greenville First Assembly of God 7219 State Route 118N Greenville, Oh 937-548-5445 Favorite Hill Baptist Church 1601 South Street, Piqua, 773-6469 First Baptist Church 7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville 548-7616 Faith Baptist Church 740 E Russ Rd., Greenville, 548-1808 Greenville Baptist Temple 4689 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., 548-7283 Union City First Baptist Church 225 S. First St., Union City, OH 937-968-6163 Cornerstone Historic Baptist Church 933 N Howard St, Union City, IN 765-964-3119


Beech Grove Church of the Brethren 3420 Harrison Rd., Hollansburg 937-997-4895 Bradford Church of The Brethren 120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215 Castine Church of the Brethren 624 State Route 127, Arcanum 678-9945 Cedar Grove Church 373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675 Greenville Church of the Brethren 421 Central Ave., 548-3583

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Oakland Church of The Brethren 8058 Horatio-Harris Creek Rd. Bradford * 448-2287 Pitsburg Church of Brethren 8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum 937-692-8772




St Mary’s Catholic Church 233 W Third St. Greenville 548-1616 St Denis 14 E Wood St, Versailles 937-526-4945 Holy Family (Frenchtown) 11255 St Rt 185, Versailles 937-526-4945 St Louis 15 Star Rd, North Star 419-582-2531 Immaculate Conception 5874 N. Buckneck Rd., Bradford, 937-526-4945 St Mary 425 W Hickory St, Union City, IN 765-964-4202


Ansonia Christian Church 123 W. Weller St., Ansonia, 548-5490 Coletown Congregational Church 2876 State Route 571, Greenville 548-6590 East Zion Church 6171 St. Rt. 36, Greenville First Congregational Church 115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH 937-548-3575 Woodington Congregation Church 8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441 Stelvideo Christian Church 6808 Church St., Stelvido, Greenville, OH 316-8198

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Abbottsville United Methodist Church 3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum Ansonia United Methodist Church Corner of Pearl and High St., Ansonia 337-5781 EUM Church 1451 Sater Street, Greenville, OH 45331 Faith United Methodist Church 101 E. South St., Arcanum, 692-8934 First United Methodist Church 202 W 4th St. Greenville, 548-3075 Fort Jefferson United Methodist 3856 Church St., Greenville 548-4410 Gordon United Methodist Church 311 East St., Gordon, OH 937-884-5129 Ithaca Grace United Methodist 750 Arcanum-Ithaca Rd 678-9062 Nashville United Methodist 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 New Madison United Methodist 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341 Rossburg United Methodist 117 Ross St., Rossburg, 937-338-4765 Trinity United Methodist Church 112 West South Street Arcanum, OH 692-8530 Versailles United Methodist 122 W Wood St, Versailles 937-526-3855 Webster United Methodist Church 8849 Seibt Rd., Versailles 526-3855

Greenville Church of Christ 4599 Chldrns Hm Brdfrd Rd., Greenville, 937-548-4467


Ansonia First Church of God 750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 The New Beginning Church of God 802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502 Triumphant Christian Center 1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300


St Paul’s Episcopal Church 201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575


Family of God 310 W South St., Arcanum, 692-8521 Lighthouse Christian Center 5256 Sebring Warner Rd., Greenville, 548-7464



Greenville Missionary Church 1110 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842 Pleasant View Missionary Church 5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885

St. John Lutheran Church 7418 State Route 121, Greenville 548-5404 St Paul Lutheran Church 131 E. 4th Street, Greenville 548-5770

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bank. This opportunity has given the scouts the ability to earn their Silver Award while teaching them how to grow their own food.

St Paul’s Lutheran Church 13495 Greenville St. Marys Rd Vers., 419-336-7111 St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 6825 State Route 722, Ithaca, 678-8584 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 8520 Oakes Rd., Pitsburg 937-692-5670 Trinity Lutheran Church 1470 W. State Route 28, Union City, IN 765-964-5712 Trinity Lutheran Church 204 E. Wood Street, Versailles 937-526-3091

Teegarden Congregational Church 2753 State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 CMA Church 306 Devor St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955

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Beamsville Christian Church 6102 Beamsville-Union City Rd. Greenville 547-0009 Calvary Bible Church 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 Friendship Community Church 1005 Eaton Fort Nesbit Rd. New Paris, 997-3592 True Life 5990 State Route 36, Greenville 548-3558 Living Waters Ministries 102 W Main St., Versailles, 526-4567 Bible Fellowship Church: 7757 Grnv-Celina Road, Greenville 937-547-1952 Northside Community Fellowship 8135 St. Rt. 127 N., Greenville, 548-8965 Rosehill Country Church St. Rt. 49 and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill Versailles Christian Church 105 W Ward St., Versailles 937-526-4194 Hillgrove Federated Church 1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332 Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-547-0092 Arcanum Community of Faith 109 W. George St., Arcanum


Faith Apostolic Lighthouse 332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299


First United Presbyterian Church 114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188


St. Paul United Church of Christ 129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506


First Universalist Church 331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403


Trinity Wesleyan Church 1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337 Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331

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The Girl Scout troop invites the community to their “Garden Party� on Sunday, June 10, 6:30-8 p.m.




spots available for vendors and concessioners to come join with them for the 2018 festival. Please contact JoEllen Melling at (937) 548-1018 or mellings@embarqmail. com. More information on the Annie Oakley Festival can be found at www.annieoakleyfestival.org.

Girl Scout Troop #32131 stands in front of their garden in Ivester Park.



dors. The Annie Oakley Festival is less than two months away, and they are still seeking sponsorships and would be willing to sit down and answer any questions, with any local businesses or individuals who are interested in becoming a sponsor. They also still have

Girl Scout Garden Party in Arcanum

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Kristina Robinson, JoEllen Melling accept a donation from Jeff Kniese.




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June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 17

PAGE 18 June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Edison State holds 43rd Commencement Ms. Alison “Sunny” Herring delivered the ceremony’s keynote address. Commencement also included a welcome and introduction from Thomas Milligan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees; greetings from Stan Evans, Chairman of the Foundation Board of Directors; presentation of candidates for degree by Chris Spradlin, Provost; and special acknowledgments from Edison State President, Dr. Doreen Larson.

PIQUA – Edison State Community College will held its 43rd annual spring commencement ceremony on May 11. Nearly 450 students earned a total of 512 degrees or certificates in business, engineering and manufacturing, health sciences, information technology, and social and public services at this year’s graduation. Edison State alumna and Dayton Children’s Hospital Phlebotomist

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The Edison State Community College Class of 2018 features: * 447 Graduates * 393 Associate Degrees Earned * 119 Certificates or Certificates of Completion (“Fast Tracks”) Earned * 35% of the graduating class lives in Miami County, 22% in Shelby County, and 22% in Darke County. * Graduates represent 16 Ohio counties. * 27 students graduating with a minimum 4.0 GPA * 111 students graduating with a minimum of 3.5 GPA * The oldest graduate is 60-years-old, the youngest graduate is 17-yearsold; 116 are 21 or younger, and 10 are 50 or older. * 33 graduates were pinned as registered nurses * 51 College Credit Plus graduates including one high school junior * 165 students with transfer credit totaled 7,475 hours transferred, averaging 39.5 hours per student.

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FoWL ready for action in Wayne Lakes WAYNE LAKES – The first meeting of the Friends of Wayne Lakes (FoWL) was held June 6 at the Wayne Lakes Clubhouse, 100 Community Drive. Anyone interested in helping the Village of Wayne Lakes is more than welcome to attend. “There was a need for a group of community volunteers to come together and help raise funds and put them to good use in the community,” said Adam Wicker, president of the Friends of Wayne Lakes. “We have organized a great group of founding board members, and we are accepting memberships from anyone ready to help.” Membership dues are $20 per year. The first official FoWL fundraiser will be during the Wayne Lakes community garage sale taking place June 15, 16, and 17 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. FoWL will be set up at the shelter in the park

Friends of Wayne Lakes Board includes Adam Wicker – President, George Mittermann – Vice-President, Angie Wicker – Secretary-Treasurer, Sherrie Siegler – Director, and Tom Wetzel – Direct.

at the main entrance. Please call Adam Wicker at 937-670-6697 prior to June 12 to schedule a time for pick-up of your donations of gently used items. FoWL also will be selling fishing passes for the village lakes; bring the family out for a fun time fishing and enjoy the garage sales taking place all around the vil-

lage. FoWL meetings will be held the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Wayne Lakes Clubhouse and are open to anyone interested in making a difference. Please join FoWL today to support Wayne Lakes as a great place to live and enjoy the outdoors.

June at the Arcanum Public Library ARCANUM – The summer reading program has started at the Arcanum Public Library and there are plenty of activities to keep all ages involved. There are weekly Storytime sessions for preschoolers. Kids in grades 1 and up can participate in the Rock Stars on Tuesdays. Wednesdays are movie days, with show times at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. There are programs planned for Thursdays that are drop-in events, including a program with Brukner

Nature Center, a dance workshop, and a Name that Tune game. Come to the library to sign up and get a calendar of all of the events. In addition to the summer reading program, there are other programs this month. On Tuesday, June 12, there will be an adult coloring session at 4:30 p.m. Come enjoy a relaxing afternoon of coloring and take home a masterpiece. Also on June 12, at 5:30 p.m. is the next meeting of the book club. Newcomers

are always welcome. On Wednesday, June 13, at 11 a.m., there will be the next installment of their gardening series. “Herbal Extravaganza” will cover how to care for herbs, how to choose them, and things to do with herbs. No registration required. Feel free to call the library at (937) 692-8484 for more information. Patrons can also visit www.arcanumpubliclibrary.org, find the library on Facebook, or follow on Twitter.



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Round House opens for season GREENVILLE – The Greenville City Park along with Person Centered Services (PCS) has opened the iconic Round House for its second season. The concept came about as PCS was having a picnic in the City Park and the discussion began. Why has it been so long since it was open and how can we re-open it ourselves? After conversations with the park manager and the park board, the adventure began. After a deep cleaning, painting and the iconic Greenie mascot was created by a local artist, the Round House was once again open for business. The amount of support from the community and local businesses has been overwhelming. At the beginning of this season, The Darke County Foundation

made a generous donation to replace the heavy shutters above each service window, a new refrigerator and funds for upgrading the landscaping. It has been a great experience for all involved which will

DALLAS, Texas – Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) had 13 students qualify to compete in the National Leadership Conference of Business Professionals

of America (BPA) in Dallas, Texas, May 9-13. The National Leadership Conference is a culmination of the hard work and effort put in by members throughout the

June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 19

Hoosier Place partners with AARC for exhibit UNION CITY, Ind. – Coming Saturday, June 23, at noon, will be the first art show for students, amateurs, professionals who create art whether it be through photography, painting on canvas, sketching, music, poetry, garments, tapestries, pottery, hand carving, whittling, crayon, memorial art in honor of specific individuals artists no longer with us, quilts, cross-stitching, and other forms. Saturday opens with a

reception and announcement of awards at noon with viewing until 6 p.m. Then on Sunday, June 24, the exhibit opens at 1 p.m. for viewing until 5 p.m. This free art exhibit is put on by the Residents Council of Hoosier Place (a residential facility for seniors and disabled citizens) in partnership with the Art Association of Randolph County, Inc. in Union City, Ind. Setup is on Friday, June 22, beginning at 10 a.m. un-

til 6 p.m. For more information, contact Robert M Worth, Jr., director of events, Hoosier Place Residents Council or email HoosierPlaceArtExhibit@artistsgarden.us or call (616) 303-1526 or visit the following Facebook pages for status updates: https://www.facebook.com/ UnionCityIN/ and https:// www.facebook.com/groups/ HoosierPlaceResidents/ and https://www.facebook.com/ events/307572783110386/.

The Darke County Foundation is shown presenting a donation of $1,000.

continue to grow as time goes on. Second season hours of operation are M-W-F 4-7 p.m. T-TH 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from noon-3 p.m.; weather permitting.

Local MVCTC students compete

Joseph to entertain GREENVILLE – The Greenville Public Library welcomes back Joseph Helfrich on Wednesday, June 13, 11 a.m., for “Family Fun Day.” Each Wednesday the library features top-notch talent that will entertain the whole family. Joseph is a multiinstrument musician, singer, and storyteller who delights young and old alike and whose programs always include a healthy dose of humor. In case of rain they’ll meet at the First Congregational Christian Church Activity Building on Fifth

Joseph Helfrich

Street. Many thanks to the Friends of the Library and the Steyer Family Trust for their generous sponsorship of “Family Fun Days.”

year. It brings students from across the country together to participate, network and compete. Local students attending and competing included: Shelly Brumbaugh, Medical Office Management student from Franklin Monroe, Top 10 in the nation in the ICD10-CM Diagnostic Coding Contest. Shelly is the daughter of Delvin and Karen Brumbaugh of Arcanum. Kaitlan Thompson (Business Ownership student from Arcanum) was the recipient of the Sherrell Wheeler $500 Scholarship part of the National BPA Officer Scholarship Program. Katalin is the daughter of Matthew Thompson of Greenville. For more information, visit: www.bpa.org.


www.facebook.com/newmadisonsupermarket FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF OVER 80 SALE ITEMS!

Copy of entire ad available at the store starting Monday morning. AD PRICES IN EFFECT MON., JUNE 11 - SAT., JUNE 15, 2018 HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 8-9, Sun. 10-8 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES - NO DEALER PURCHASE * Eligible additional purchase requirements for sale prices do not include tobacco products, 12 pack advertised soft drinks & the purchased item*

PRODUCE ................................................ In the Husk


SWEET CORN 12/4.00 ................................................

In Store Made Fresh Stuffed

GRAPES 1.99lb ................................................

In Store Made, Lunch Meat &

TOMATOES 1.18lb ................................................ VIDALIA ONIONS .69lb ................................................


Seedless Red or Green

PORK SAUSAGE 2.19lb ...............................................

On the Vine

HAM SALAD 3.49lb ................................................

3 lb. Bag

GALA APPLES 2.99ea ................................................ Dole 14 oz.

COLE SLAW .99ea ................................................ 1 lb.

STRAWBERRIES 1.88ea ................................................

DAIRY ................................................ Smith Dairy 24 oz.

reg. 3.49 COTTAGE CHEESE 2.49ea ................................................ Smith Dairy Gallons reg. 2.59 Sweet Tea or PEACH TEA 1.69ea ................................................ Smith Dairy ½ Pint reg. 2.59

HEAVY WHIPPING CREAM 1.69gal. ................................................ Yoder’s 8 oz.

reg. 2.59

SHREDDED CHEESE1.99ea ................................................ Yoder’s 8 oz.

reg. 2.19 CHUNK CHEESES 1.99 ea ................................................ Coffee Mate 32 oz. reg. 3.99

MUENSTER CHEESE 3.49lb ................................................ Lipari

PROVOLONE CHEESE 3.49lb ................................................ Carolina

TURKEY HAM 3.19lb ................................................ Bluegrass

PICKLE & PIMENTO LOAF 3.99lb ................................................

reg. 3.99 BUTTER QUARTERS 2.99ea ................................................ Blue Bonnet 1 lb. reg. 1.19 Soft Spread

MARGARINE QUARTERS .89ea ................................................ Minute Maid 59 oz. Premium reg. 3.49 ORANGE JUICE 2.49ea ................................................

FROZEN ................................................ Smith Dairy 56 oz. Including Nut Flavors

reg. 3.69

QUALITY ICE CREAM 2.49ea ................................................

Stone Ridge 30 oz. 12 count reg. 3.79 Ice Cream Bars or KRUNCH BARS 2.99ea ................................................ Marie Callender reg. 8.75-8.79 28-46 oz.

FRUIT OR CREAM PIES 5.99ea ................................................

Stouffer’s 96 oz. Party Size reg. 15.99 LASAGNA 11.99ea ................................................ Culinary Circle 21.9-33.5 oz. reg. 5.99 PIZZAS 4.99ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 20-32 oz. reg. 2.99 Onion Rings, Tots, Hash Browns or FRENCH FRIES 1.99ea ................................................

reg. 7.99

Johnsonville 14 oz. Smoked Sausage or

reg. 3.99

Bob Evans 12 oz.

reg. 3.79

COOKED SHRIMP 6.99ea ................................................ BRATWURST 2.99ea ................................................ BREAKFAST LINKS 2.99ea ................................................ CHICKEN LEGS .99lb ................................................ CHICKEN THIGHS .79lb ................................................ Center Cut Smoked

PORK LOIN CHOPS 3.49lb ................................................ Boston Butt

PEPPER LOAF 3.99lb ................................................

PORK SHOULDER STEAKS 1.79lb ................................................

DUTCH LOAF 3.99lb ................................................

PORK LOIN 1.79lb ................................................

Bluegrass Bluegrass

Store Brand

BAKED HAM 2.99lb ................................................ Wilson’s

HARD SALAMI 5.29lb ................................................ Troyer’s

CHOPPED HAM 2.69lb ................................................ Kentucky’s Best Red Skin

BOLOGNA 1.39lb ................................................ Arctic Shores 16 oz.

reg. 3.49 POLLOCK FILLETS 2.99ea ................................................

FLAVORED COFFEE CREAMER 2.99ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 1 lb.

Arctic Shores 12 oz. 41/50 Count

Whole Boneless Beef Boneless

SHOULDER SWISS ROAST 3.49lb ................................................ Beef Boneless

STEW MEAT 3.99lb ................................................ 73% Lean, In 3 lb. Pkgs or Larger

GROUND BEEF 2.19lb ................................................ Beef Boneless

NEW YORK STRIP STEAKS 6.99lb ................................................

GROCERY Frito Lay 9½-10 oz.

reg. 4.29

POTATO CHIPS 2.29ea ................................................ Hostess 9.5-11.25 oz.

reg. 2.99 MINI DONUTS 2.29 ea ................................................ General Mills 12 oz. reg. 4.19-4.99 Cheerios or 17 oz.

HONEY NUT CHEERIOS 2.99ea ................................................ Cheez-It 7 oz.

reg. 2.39

CHEESE CRACKERS .99ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 13.7 oz. reg. 2.49



Keebler 11 oz.

reg. 2.49

Peter Pan 16.3 oz.

reg. 3.19

Compare to Ritz ................................................

CRACKER PACKS 1.99ea ................................................ PEANUT BUTTER 1.99ea ................................................

Essential Everyday 12-16 oz. reg. 1.59 Macaroni, Spaghetti and ASSORTED PASTA .99ea ................................................ Hunt’s 15-16 oz. reg. 1.49

MANWICH SANDWICH SAUCE .99ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 120 Count

reg. 1.49

NAPKINS .99ea ................................................

Essential Everyday 30 oz. reg. 2.99

REAL MAYONNAISE OR SALAD DRESSING 1.99ea ................................................ Wesson 48 oz.

reg. 4.79

COOKING OIL 2.99ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 10-20 oz. reg. 1.99 TORTILLA CHIPS 1.69ea ................................................ Keebler 9.4-14.8 oz. reg. 2.99-3.29

CHIPS DELUXE COOKIES 1.99ea ................................................ Keebler 15 oz.

reg. 2.99

GRAHAM CRACKERS 2.49ea ................................................

Keebler 10-15 oz. reg. 2.99-3.69 Frosted Animal Cookies, Oatmeal Cookies, Soft Batch or

VANILLA WAFERS 1.99ea ................................................ Keebler 11.2-11.3 oz. Pecan Sandies or

reg. 3.69

SHORTBREAD COOKIES 1.99ea ................................................ 12 oz. 12 Pack Cans

SELECT VARIETIES 7-UP PRODUCTS 3.29ea ................................................

PAGE 20 June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

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hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

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HELP WANTED Full time Inside Salescomputer & construction knowledge preferred. Must be able to lift 50+ lbs. Benefits & health insurance provided. Send resumes to: Help Wanted: IS, c/o The Early Bird, 5312 Sebring-Warner Rd, Greenville, OH 45331 Needing Housecleaner. 1 floor house, 4 rooms. 937-947-1545

Truck Driver wanted. Hauling cattle from West Ohio to Wis., Penn., Mich. Out 2 nights a week/home on weekends. 2000/3000 miles weekly. Call 937417-0136 Looking for summer help, will be outside work. Monday-Friday. Must have driver’s license. Call 937-4596200 leave message if no answer


Dull Homestead Farm in Brookville, Ohio is now accepting applications for summer employment. Applicants must be at least 14 years of age in 2018. For an application and more information, please visit www.dhidetasseling.com or call Mahala or Jessi at (937) 833-3339 ext. 113.

HELP WANTED Seeking a non-profit organization to handle trash pick-up at The Gathering at Garst on July 28 & 29th. The job pays $400. Interested youth groups must have adult supervision to apply. Golf cart & wagon will be available. Contact Jenny Clark at Garst Museum, 5485250 or 467-9953 DUMP TRUCK DRIVER wanted for Asphalt & Gravel. Experience preferred. Good pay. Call 459-0517

Harris Trucking needs Drivers with Class A CDL, EDL knowledge, 3 years experience. Pays weekly. Dallas, TX to Richmond, IN weekly. Call/Text 765-994-7235 or 937-336-1753 CHURCH SECRETARY, 30 hr/week minimum, paid vacation after 1 year, 6 paid holidays. Must have good secretarial skills, maintain confidentiality and be a good communicator. Send resume to: bruce@beschenck. com

2nd & 3rd Shifts Available Apply in person at our Gettysburg facility Pre-employment drug screen and physical required 937-497-3114 www.norcold.com Norcold is an EOE Employer

is seeking a

Great Opportunities for growth within company Excellent benefits including Medical, Dental, Vision, 4011k Attendance and profit sharing bonuses Light Manufacturing Environment, Uniforms Provided

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TYPE OF AD: Please circle one of the categories. Agriculture, Automotive (includes cars, trucks, vans, auto parts, etc), Business Opportunity, Equipment, For Rent, Garage Sales, Help Wanted, Household, Livestock, Lost and Found, Misc. For Sale, Mobile Homes, Motorcycles, Pets, Produce, Real Estate, Recreational, Services Offered, Special Notice, Wanted, Wanted to Buy, Wanted to Rent CARD OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM-COST 45¢ PER word. PHONE NUMBER MUST BE INCLUDED IN AD. ADDRESS MUST BE INCLUDED IN GARAGE SALE AD.


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WANTED TO BUY Cars/Trucks, running or not UP TO $500. Free pick-up. 937-423-2703 or 937-621-5809 NO SUNDAY OR HOLIDAY CALLS

Rate: $15.02 starting pay per hour. $16.32 per hour after 6 months of service.


Visa or Master Card No. ______________________________________

CONTRACT RATES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST BUSINESS LINE ADS $1.85/line, $7.40 min. IN MEMORIAM, CARD OF THANKS 45¢ word “Homeowner” ads are $1.85/line, $7.40 minimum Use the handy order blank appearing on this page.

Village of

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DISPLAY ADVERTISING $18.00per column inch


Please send resumes to aniekamp@cagroupinc.org or call 419-586-2137 to request an application




Job Coach - Full Time

CA Group is a provider that supports individuals with developmental disabilities find employment in the community and help with their personal choices to enhance their quality of life. CA Group is seeking motivated candidates to assists individuals in areas of work opportunities, and oversee job skills training while working in our enclave in Greenville. Excellent Benefits pkg. Candidates must be able to work without direct supervision.



Full-time Outside Material Handler – construction knowledge preferred; must be able to lift 50+ lbs often. Driver’s license required. Benefits & Health Insurance provided. Send resumes to: Help Wanted: KD, c/o The Early Bird, 5312 Sebring-Warner Rd, Greenville, OH 45331 Stickley Trucking, LLC, Arcanum, OH has Class A & B CDL driving positions available. Must be able to pass drug/alcohol test. Previous dump truck experience preferred but not required. For further details or questions call 937-459-0531 ADC Concrete looking for CDL drivers, concrete, and construction workers. Excellent starting pay with benefits. Call 937-423-1091 SPECIAL NOTICES Were you an INDUSTRIAL or CONSTRUCTION TRADESMAN and recently diagnosed with LUNG CANCER? You and your family may be entitled to a SIGNIFICANT CASH AWARD. Call 1-844522-0818 for your riskfree consultation. LIVESTOCK Brown egg laying pullets. 937-526-4541 Rhode Island red pullets and Golden Comet pullets. Laying brown eggs. Call 937-6208121


HELP WANTED The YMCA Child Development Center in Greenville is seeking candidates to fulfill teacher positions. Qualified candidate will provide quality experience to children and parents that focuses on the YMCA values of honesty, respect, responsibility, and caring. High school diploma required, Associates or Bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education preferred. Experience with children in a developmental setting preferred. See all details at http://ymcadarkecounty.org/employment-opportunities/ LOCAL FURNITURE SALES - Full or Parttime. Sales or decorating experience preferred. Rotating weekends. No holidays. Send resume to: Help Wanted/JP, c/o The Early Bird, 5312 Sebring-Warner Rd, Greenville, OH 45331 Responsible & dependable individuals needed to deliver Early Birds in many GENERAL AREAS. There are MOTOR & WALKING routes. Walking routes in Union City, OH. Ansonia in-town walking route. Walking routes in Greenville. Walking route in-town New Madison. Western Greenville/Palestine area motor route. Southern New Madison/Hollansburg motor route. If you are interested, please contact Becky at 937-5470851, 937-548-3330 and leave your name, address & phone number, if no answer Full or part-time Carpenter. Minimum 2 years experience. 5482307 Caregiver for elderly female, 2 hours twice a week. Prepare simple dinner, help with shower. 937-623-3240 Wanting people to help put up hay in barn. Also Barn & Farm help. Cleaning horse stalls. MUST BE RELIABLE. 937-997-3255 Art Sense (Adult Day Services) is seeking to hire the following positions: a variety of Professional Service Staff scheduled 8am4:30pm; part-time Housekeeping from 12:30pm to 4:30pm; full-time Music Therapist; and a full-time Professional Staff for Administrative, Marketing, and Programming with a minimum of an Associate’s degree. Wage based on experience. All openings require a GED or high school diploma. Good benefits and paid weekly. We will train. Please apply in person at 388 State Route 571, Union City, Ohio 45390 or stop by for open interviews on Wednesday, June 13th from 10am to 2pm

Production Workers and Welders Needed Gettysburg, OH Facility

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BRING IN OR MAIL TO: Brothers Publishing Company, 5312 Sebring Warner Rd., Greenville, OH 45331 Phone: 937-548-3330 Fax: 937-548-3376 E-mail: classifieds@earlybirdpaper.com

For ad to appear in the following weekend’s Early Bird, order blank with payment must be received in our office NO LATER THAN NOON THURSDAY!

Wayne Lakes Fiscal Officer

UAN Experience preferred Accounting experience will be considered Send resume to Village of Wayne Lakes 100 Community Drive Greenville OH 45331

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Flea Market & Craft Space Available for Farm Power of the Past, Darke County Fairgrounds, July 5-67-8. Call 692-5798 WANTED TO BUY BUYING Flutes, Saxophones, Trombones, Trumpets in good condition, Yamaha, Selmer, King, Conn. ALSO buying OLD GUITARS, Banjos, Mandolins & Amplifiers. Bring them to Bach to Rock Music, 334 S. Broadway, Greenville, OH for an offer. 937-547-1970, email: bachtorock@ earthlink.net

SERVICES OFFERED LAWN MOWING & ROLLING, Yard Cleanup, Shrub Trimming, Edging, Mulching, General Landscaping. Free Estimates. Leave message for Gettysburg Outdoor at Lavy’s Corner Mart 937-447-3051 Dealing with water damage requires immediate action. Local professionals that respond immediately. Nationwide and 24/7. No mold calls. Call today! 1-800-730-9790

CDL Driver Wanted-Union City, OH Good Pay - Health Benefits. $60-80k annual income. Home weekends. Please come & be a part of a new Transportation Team. $1,000 sign on bonus! Call: 937-621-7869 or 937-621-8383 or message blackhawktransportllc@yahoo.com. Visit us on Facebook






CALL US TODAY 937-316-3782 General Associate Production Positions 2nd or 3rd shift Greenville Technology Inc., a plastic injection molding company serving the automotive industry, is interested in highly motivated and dependable individuals for production positions in our climate controlled Greenville, Ohio manufacturing facility.

Open positions are in Injection, Assembly and Paint Departments on 2nd and 3rd shifts. Skills/Requirements: Hand and tool-assisted assembly Inspection, sanding and buffing of painted parts Machine operation High regard for quality Willingness to work overtime Team-oriented Proven work record

Please send resume to: Greenville Technology, Inc. PO Box 974 Greenville, Ohio 45331 Or hr_employment@gtioh.com

June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 21

SERVICES OFFERED MOWING, large or small jobs. Also Landscaping, Shrub Trimming, Spraying/Fertilizing, Snow Removal. Reasonable rates. References available. Very dependable. 548-1716, ask for Justin

FOR RENT House for rent at 505 Markwith Ave, Greenville, OH. $575/mo + $575 Security Deposit + utilities. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, NO PETS! Not Metro approved. Call 937-417-4546 for Rental Application Small 2 BR house in center of Greenville. No Pets. No Smoking. Washer/dryer hookup. Stove & refrigerator, water & sewage included. $525/mo, $525 security deposit required. 937417-3045 3 BR half double w/ garage. W/d hookup. $600/mo + deposit. 459-0334 Spacious clean apt suitable for 1 person. Near Wayne Hospital. All appliances. Private. Offstreet parking. No Pets, Smoking or Metro. Low utilities. 937-548-7339 Nice 2 BR 1/2 double in Greenville. W/D hookup. Appliances provided. C/a. No Pets. No Smoking. $375/mo. 937-548-2397 Greenville; 2BR, 2 full baths. Kit/living/dining. Central air. Attached garage. Gas heat. Yard care prov. No pets/ smoking. 937-547-1435

FOR RENT 1 BR upstairs apt; includes stove & fridge. $375 mo. No Metro, No Pets. 548-9600 Willow Place Apartments - We’re better than ever! 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Call 937-3168489. Equal Housing Opportunity Versailles. Furnished Efficiency Apt. Newly Remodeled. $325, deposit & electric. NO Pets. Village Court. 937-5482108

Fox Run Senior Apartments 1230 Adrien Avenue Greenville, OH 937-316-8025

2 & 3 Bedrooms for Seniors 55 and Over This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer



Efficiency & 1 Bedroom Apartments All utilities included. $375-$500 per month. Plus security deposit. 6 or 12 month lease options. $25 application fee and background check required.



As Top Producer For May 2018

3 BR apt in New Madison. Metropolitan approved. $425/mo + deposit & utilities. W/D hookup. No appliances. Electric heat. No Pets. References. 937-4592784 3-4 BR house, 1-1/2 bath, attached 2 car garage. Central air. 101 Surrey Ln, Greenville. $700 + deposit 937459-7377 Storage for personal & business use. Penske Truck Rentals. Call Greenville Stor & Lock. 548-1075, 5328 Michelle St Downstairs apt, newly remodeled, appls incl. $600 mo. 937-5473051 2 bedroom apartment in Greenville. Water & trash included in rent. Deposit & references required. No Pets. No Metro. 937-423-2161 1, 2 & 3 BR homes for rent in Greenville. $365-$625/mo. Small pet friendly. 548-5053 benanzer.com AUTOMOTIVE 2004 F150 $7995. 2003 Ram, Hemi, 92,000 $8995. 2014 Hyundai Accent, 68,000 $7995. 2012 Escape, 104,000 $8995. 2008 Silverado, 88,000 $12,995. 2009 Vue $5995. 2005 F250 $7995. 2007 Ranger, 85,000 $8995. Buy Sell - Trade! CountryAutoSalesGreenville. com 548-1337

MISC. FOR SALE Dish Network-Satellite Television Services. Now Over 190 channels for ONLY $49.99/ mo! HBO-FREE for one year, FREE Installation, FREE Streaming, FREE HD. Add Internet for $14.95 a month. 1-800-219-1271 IRS TAX DEBTS?10k+? Tired of the calls? We can HELP! $500 free consultation! We can STOP the garnishments! FREE Consultation Call Today 1-855900-5594 PROFESSIONAL SOUND SYSTEM Rental, Sales & Installation. Free quotes to your business, church or home for sound system updates & improvements. JBL, EAW, QSC, PEAVEY, CROWN. Bach to Rock Music 547-1970, email: bachtorock@earthlink. net. Also Renting sound systems for Weddings, Graduations, Business Meetings, or any other engagements! Whirlpool Cabrio washing machine $100. New French door 6’x 80’’, never been installed $350. 765-717-4441 Victory motorized scooter battery operated 3 big tires, less than a year old, swivel and adjustable seat. $500. Call 937-548-4842 Neon sign, Sports Bar & Grill. 765-964-5111

HOUSEHOLD Queen sofa bed couch, good condition, blue/gray tweed. Non-smoking, pet-free. Great for family room. $75. You move. 526-4666 leave msg Rainbow sweeper $40. Heavy wood work desk 60x32x30 $50. Toy shelf $20. Entertainment stand 48x43 $20. Maytag washer $25. 937423-9371 Spinet piano w/bench & light, $50 or will negotiate to good home. You move. 526-4666 leave msg REAL ESTATE ATTN: HUNTERS - 35 acres - $54,900. Hardwoods & evergreens, spring, brook. Great hunting. Owner terms! 888-738-6994. For location & photos, go to NewYorkLandandLakes.com ADJACENT TO STATE LAND 50 ACRES $89,900. Hardwoods, brook, trophy deer & turkey. Term avail! 888431-7214 for location & photos, go to NewYorkLandandLakes.com

REAL ESTATE 9945 Painter Creek-Arcanum Rd, situated on 1 acre m/l. 3 bedroom, 1 bath house for sale. 3-car detached garage. F-M School District. 660-654-0683, 660654-2286 EARLY BIRD CLASSIFIEDS WORK!





Truck Rentals

Sam Schwartz

WANTS ANY TYPE OF: • Carpentry Work • Room Additions • Garages • Siding • Foundation Replacement • Crawl Space Work • Restoration • Roofs/Re-Roofs FREE ESTIMATES


We are here to meet your storage and moving needs!


5328 Michelle Rd. Greenville


GREENVILLE 4772 S. St Rt 49 Greenville $194,500. 3 Bed, 2 bath country home, fenced in back yard, 1.5 acres, 2 car att. Garage. (765284) 2761 Byrket Rd. NEW LISTING $179,900. 3 Bed, 1 bath, 2 car att. Garage, 5 acres, Tri Village school district, barns, large front porch. (765542) 513 Ash St. $54,500. 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 car det. Garage, full basement, craftsman inspired style, currently a rental property. (745216) 1004 Harrison Ave. $57,000. 3 Bed, 1 bath, 2 car det. Garage, double lot, 1.5 story home. Current rental property. (755763) 5020 St. Rt. 121 $175,000. 3 Bed, 3 bath, large attached garage, deck, 3 acres, walk out basement. (755824)

Becoming a Home Owner Need Not Be Just A Dream 2&3 Bedroom Homes Available Check our our selection of FREE handyman homes. Rental Homes Available Too! Sherwood Forest Mobile Home Community 937-548-9898 www.parkbridgehomes.com

COMMERCIAL 119 E. 4TH ST., GREENVILLE Pride of Ownership. You’ll want to show off this building to your friends. And your friends will envy the positive cash flow it generates. If you’re able to invest possibly 20% down and a $79,800 purchase price doesn’t scare you, call now for details on an exceptional investment. 144 E. MAIN ST., VERONA Check out this recently remodeled turn key carryout/restaurant. Newly installed 400 amp single phase electric, a 26x45 enclosed area for additional seating or pool tables, etc. All equipment & liquor license is included in purchase or lease of property. There is also a large fenced in outdoor patio area for customers to enjoy. Property available for lease $1,000 monthly lease for 1 year.

EASILY MAINTAINED 2 BR vinyl sided ranch. Updates include electric service, natural gas furnace & central air. Patio. 1-car attached garage. Immediate Occupancy! MLS 764146 #4563 24+ ACRES IN TRI-VILLAGE SCHOOL DISTRICT. Currently Zoned Agricultural in Farm Program & is being subdivided. MLS 748428 #4551 ONLY TWO BUILDING LOTS – one for a 2-family & one for a single family home. MLS 727277 & 727284 #4176 BEAUTIFUL BRICK/CEDAR RANCH nestled on nearly 2 acres 3 bedrooms, 2½ baths. Built-in bookcases & gas fireplace in living rm/great rm combo. Granite counter tops & breakfast bar in KIT. Formal dining rm. Screened porch. 2-car attached garage + 2 additional garages. MLS 754008 #4557


First Choice Realty

The Right Choice 1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331



BUILD YOUR NEW HOME here at the corner of Bur Oak and Aspen! Improved with well; grass; trees and sidewalks! $30,000. IN HOLLANSBURG this 2-story home at 110 W. Union Street has lots of charm and character! Original Hardwood staircase and beautiful fireplace! Carpet new in 2016. Upper 50s. COMMERCIAL BUILDING at 5294 Sebring-Warner Road has over 5400 sq. ft. of warehouse space; 1185 sq. ft. of office space; 60x90 shop; PLUS foyer and reception area! Newly painted exterior; 3 overhead doors with openers. $325,000. IN PALESTINE this 3 bedroom home at 120 Lynn Street offers lots of storage! Free-standing stove with custom chimney; 2+car detached garage. Upper 60s. 4 ACRES ZONED COMMERCIAL on Wagner Avenue across from LOWE’S! Can be divided! Call Joe for additional information! SECLUDED SETTING with this 3 bedroom, 3½ bath brick ranch home just east of Greenville at 6098 US Rt. 36! Kitchen updated with stainless steel appliances; maple cabinets; granite countertops; Partially finished, full, walk-out basement. 2 car attached garage. 3 acres M/L with mature trees! $315,000. ZONED LIC these 2 lots at corner of W. Park and St. Rt. 49 have lots of possibilities! Want to change zoning for other uses? Apply to the City of Greenville! $24,500.


Darke County Sheriff’s Estate Sales

For more information call 937-547-4603 or go to www.darkecountysheriff.org

Jim Shuttleworth Evelyn Shuttleworth Joe Shuttleworth Greg Shuttleworth Richard Edwards


Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Revised Code, Sec. 5721.191 Notice of sale under judgment of foreclosure of liens for delinquent land taxes: In the Common Pleas Court of Darke County, Ohio, Case No. 18CV00066, in the matter of foreclosure of liens for delinquent land taxes Scott J. Zumbrink, County Treasurer of Darke County, Ohio, Plaintiff, vs. Georgia Gutman, et al., Defendants. Whereas, judgement has been rendered against certain parcels of real property for taxes, assessments, penalties, interest, costs, and charges as follows: $7,999.93 (Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine and 93/100)

Revised Code, Sec. 5721.191 Notice of sale under judgment of foreclosure of liens for delinquent land taxes: In the Common Pleas Court of Darke County, Ohio, Case No. 18CV00107, in the matter of foreclosure of liens for delinquent land taxes Scott J. Zumbrink, County Treasurer of Darke County, Ohio, Plaintiff, vs. Donald Schmidt, et al., Defendants. Whereas, judgement has been rendered against certain parcels of real property for taxes, assessments, penalties, interest, costs, and charges as follows: $5,080.68 (Five Thousand Eight Dollars and 68/100)

102 S. Main St. New Madison, OH G31411013010210300 & G31411013010210700

348 N. Bridge St. Gettysburg, OH A05431025040111100

Whereas, such judgement orders such real property to be sold by the undersigned to satisfy the total amount of such judgment; Now, therefore, public notice is hereby given that I, Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff of Darke County, Ohio, will sell such real property at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder of an amount sufficient to satisfy the judgment against each parcel at the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, in the above named County, on Friday, the 22nd day of June, 2018 at 10:00 o’clock A.M., and continuing from day to day thereafter, if any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale, under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place, on Friday, the 6th day of July, 2018, for an amount sufficient to satisfy the judgment against the parcel.

Whereas, such judgement orders such real property to be sold by the undersigned to satisfy the total amount of such judgment; Now, therefore, public notice is hereby given that I, Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff of Darke County, Ohio, will sell such real property at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder of an amount sufficient to satisfy the judgment against each parcel at the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, in the above named County, on Friday, the 22nd day of June, 2018 at 10:00 o’clock A.M., and continuing from day to day thereafter, if any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale, under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place, on Friday, the 6th day of July, 2018, for an amount sufficient to satisfy the judgment against the parcel.



Delinquent Lands

General Information The Sheriff is issued Orders of Sales from the Clerk of Courts Office. Sales are advertised in The Early Bird once every week for three consecutive weeks. The Sheriff’s Office does not mail or give away a list of properties or information about purchasing foreclosed property. The properties are not available for tour or inspection as the Sheriff’s Office does not have keys to any properties. Prior to the sale, most properties are appraised from the outside only. The property is sold “as is”, caveat emptor (let the buyer beware). The Sheriff’s office does not have information on liens or taxes.

Delinquent Lands

Real estate tax information can be found at the following web site: darkepropertymax.governmax.com real estate appraisal database. All sales are held in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building, 520 South Broadway, Greenville. All sales begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. Bidding information Bidding starts as directed in each sale ad. Successful bidders must deposit in the following: If appraised value of property is less than or equal to $10,000 the deposit is $2,000.00; $10,001 - $200,000 the deposit is $5,000.00; greater than $200,000 the deposit is $10,000.00.

Personal check (proper ID, local check signed in our presence), cashier’s check or cash is accepted. The buyer will be required to sign a disclaimer that relieves the Sheriff and appraising agents of liabilities of hazards, or past due bills, as it it the responsibility of the buyer to look into these matters before the sale date. The unpaid balance of the purchase price is due within 30 days after confirmation of sale is filed. More Information You may contact Abby Wilson at (937) 547-4603 if you require further information. A listing of properties can be viewed at darkecountysheriff.org.

PAGE 22 June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

GARAGE SALES ARCANUM/PITSBURG Country Neighbor Garage Sales; June 14th, 2018. Pitsburg, Red River, and Painter Creek Areas. Maps available. 937-564-8610 5 Summerfield Dr, Arcanum; Sat June 16; 9-5; Curio cabinet, antique dry sink, Longaberger baskets, Deb Strain figures, Santa galore, lots of misc. Name your price, everything must go! 8392 Oakes Rd. June 15th 9-7; June 16th 9-1. Multi family, Antiques, Crafts & lots more. Country Neighbors; 7857 Miller Rd; June 14-15; 8-5; Clean Multi-Family; Furniture, baby furniture & clothes, patio furniture, maternity & women’s clothes-all sizes, household items, misc Garage/Fabric Sale! 4126 St Rt 49 in Abbottsville; June 14-15-16; 9-5. Sewing items, material, lace,ribbon, bias tape, patterns, buttons. Clearance sale on 18” doll clothes. Last day will be 1/2 off everything 3926 Kilbourn Rd; June 13, 6 pm –8 pm; June 14 & 15, 9 am- 6 pm; All boys items, clothes sizes 5 to 14, shoes, Jr. golf clubs, backpacks, toys, coats 3333 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd, Arcanum (Pitsburg); June 13, 2pm-?; June 14-15, 8am-?; Huge Sale! Everything baby & kid! Car seat/ stroller combo, high chair, exersaucer, bottles, toys, shoes, girl clothes NB-8, boy clothes NB-5 & more! Very organized & clean

Country Neighbor Garage Sale; 9708 Painter Creek-Arcanum Rd; Wed evening 6/13, 5 till dark; Thurs 6/14, 8-5; Old wooden bins, wooden boxes, old door, misc old items, money counter, old platform scales, Home Comfort cookstove, Longaberger baskets, desk, lawn spreader, lots of misc! Multi Family Sale; 9305 Oakes Rd; June 14,15 from 9-5; June 16, 9 to noon; Name brand clothes: girls’ clothes: newborn to 18 months, size 10 to Jr. for girls, boys newborn to size 5. Toys, books, Baby Gear and much more!! HUGE BARN SALE! 5267 Gettysburg-Pitsburg Rd, part of Country Neighbors Sales; 6/13, 3-8; 6/14-15, 9-8; Lots of bargains. Next to Pleasant View Church 2 Weisenbarger Ct, Arcanum; 6/14-15; 9-4. Ceramic top white stove, wall-mounted microwave, women’s clothing, Vera Bradley bags, saddles, misc household items LARGE! 3736 St Rt 49, Arcanum; June 14-1516; 9-5; Orig. vintage oil paintings, dishes, furniture, vintage jewelry, ladders, chairs, air compressor, much more 4133 Gettysburg-Pitsburg Rd; 6/13, 5-9; 6/1415, 9-5; Water trough, carry-all, books, mirror, misc 4294 Swinger Rd, Arcanum; Thur June 14; 9am-5pm; Hand-cranked ice cream, lunchstand, KitchenAid mixer, household, homemade bread

ARCANUM/PITSBURG Huge Multi-Family; 9079 Pitsburg Laura Rd. Arcanum; June 14-15; 9-4. Boys’ & girls’ clothes, queen headboard & footboard, kitchen table & chairs, bar stools, household items, garden items, artificial flowers, craft items, 4-wheeler, full size soccer goal, sandbox, toys, wedding decorations Huge Garage & Barn Sale! 8318 St Rt 571 East; June 13, 4-8; June 14-15, 9-6; June 16, 10-4; Antiques, many household items, large frames, Jenny Lind beds, Heywood Wakefield bedroom suite, 928 D Grasshopper mower with vacuum grass catcher, Titan 8500 generator, old license plates, circular saws & chain saw. Lots of misc. Priced to sell! 9911 Grubbs Rex Rd, near Potsdam; June 1415; 9-4; Elliptical, TV, Wii system, canning jars, vintage fabric, antiques, pottery, furniture, garden, Eddie Bauer down coat, household BRADFORD/ GETTYSBURG 7798 Rt 36 East; June 13-15; 8-4; Lots Christmas decorations, lots misc, sweeper 5738 St Rt 721, Bradford; June 14-15; 9-5; Aged lath for crafts, craft supplies, sewing machine (as is), antique sewing machine, fabric, storage bins, drawers & cubbies, 2 modern desks for crafts or computers, doll bed & high chair, toys, books, men’s shirts, household, much more!



BRADFORD/ GETTYSBURG 2425 N St Rt 721, south of Bradford; One Day Only, June 14; 8-5pm; Large Sale! New Holland grill & Egg grill, old light fixtures, painting, frames, chairs, dishes, bottles & misc. Kid’s bunk bed. John Deere bike, scooter, bedding. Kids’ books & other things. Baby car seat, old Sellers cabinet for kids. Yard equipment power & non-power, heaters, duck things & more pictures, 2 radio bike helmets for adults, exercise equipment, ladies’ padded bike jacket, old silverware, kitchen stuff, luggage, 2 electric handicap bikes if needed, 1 electric scooter, golf push cart & ladies’ clubs, Christmas tree & other items. Too much to list everything! Things will be Priced to Sell! GREENVILLE Summer Vendor Craft Event! Saturday, June 16, 9-2 Paws Bingo Hall. 848 Martin StreetGreenville- FREE to the Public. 200 Memorial Dr @ Masonic Temple; June 13-14-15; 9-3; Clothes, furniture, glassware, lots of items. 6 Families Moving Sale; 6592 Woodbriar Ln; June 1415; 8-5; Everything Must Go! Variety of tools & lawn & garden. Unique & quality home furnishings. Solid wood home office desk with lighted curio top, side bar & dresser. Also some girls’ clothes 6633 Heller Rd; June 1415-16; 8-5; Lots of girl toys. Everything Must Go!

GREENVILLE Large Garage Sale! 142 Royal Oaks; Thur-FriSat, June 14-15-16; 9-6; Lots of primitives, pottery, crocks, old baskets, lots of tin ware, pie pans, many kitchen items, vintage glassware & plates, wooden bread paddles, comic books, cookbooks, & old books. Standing door shelf, shelves, wooden boxes & carriers, antiques of all kinds, candle box, shelf clock, silver, pewter items, old lunch boxes with thermos, old chair, decor pillows, lawn cushions, outdoor pillows, stack chairs, pictures, frames, brooms, candles, cosmetics, vintage jewelry, old porcelain & ceramics, miniatures, old cast iron banks (Black Beauty & mule). Boutique Clothing. My one-of-a-kind handmade necklaces & earrings will be on sale Friday & Saturday also. Don’t Miss This One! Moving Sale; 130 E. 4th St; June 15-16-17; 9-5; Tanning bed, furniture, household, appliances, window air conditioner, sunless tan automatic boot, new light glass design, more 2,000 varieties 4271 McNutt Rd, 1/4 mile south of Hogpath off 127 South; Thurs only, June 14; 8:30-6pm; Patio umbrellas & cushions, dishes, holiday, wicker, décor, bedding, doors, quality misc. Priced to sell! 101 Royal Oak; June 1415-16; 8am-6pm; Preparing to move; KitchenAid mixer, king mattress set, lots of everything. Baked Goods

Multi-Family; 106 E Park Dr; June 14-15; 9-?; Boy/ girl clothes (baby-6), men/women’s clothes, queen sleigh bed frame, home/holiday décor, collectibles, Troy Bilt snowblower, lots of misc Annual Multi-Family; 1302 Highland Dr; Wed 6/13, 4-8pm; Thur 6/14, 8am-5pm; NO EARLY SHOPPERS! Clothing, furniture, crafts, Xmas items, used pavers, much more 629 Wayne Ave; 6/12; 8-5; Toys, books, DVDs, clothes, shoes, household, golf club bag, misc 307 W Park Dr; June 1314; 8-5; Washer, dryer, refrigerator, household goods, misc ESTATE SALE; 1125 Donald Dr, corner Donald & Rhodes; June 15-16; 9-6; Everything must go! Kitchen items, glassware, lots of furniture, lamps, Pro Form treadmill, pictures, collectibles, records, books, huge set of clear Depression glass, daisy dinnerware, Mikasa, Fenton, Royal Ruby glass, cobalt blue glass & much more 173 Royal Oaks Dr; June 14,15,16; 8-5; Good clean sale! Sewing machine, quilting tools, furniture, décor, bedding, Longaberger, puzzles, pet supplies 213 Memorial Dr; June 15; 9-6; Battery-operated lawn mower, canning jars, dishes, bedding, misc OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX, 7304 Hogpath Rd; June 14-15-16; 9-5; MultiFamily; Something for everyone

GREENVILLE 7008 New MadisonColetown Rd; June 14 &15, 9-4; June 16, 9-12; Household items, lights, ceiling fan, craft items, some clothes (adults). A lot more. Come and see what we have. 6026 Arcanum Bears Mill Rd, 1 mi S of Bears Mill, use US 36, not SR 571; June 13, 2-6; June 14-15, 10-6; Bengals & Reds clothes & memorabilia, Unjury Protein Powder, cross stitch, men’s 2X dress & casual clothes, tools, fishing, Swisher gas powered walk-behind string trimmer, plants, so much more! NO EARLY SALES. Look for FREDDIE! Multi-family, clean sale. 5636 Hartzell Rd; Wed, June 13, 5-8 pm; June 14-15, 8-5. Name brand juniors-women’s clothes; size sm-xlg. Household items, kids’ toys/books. Items priced to sell 918 Brighton Dr; June 13-15, 9-5; 16th, 9-1. Women’s clothes, Easy Spirit slip-ons, jewelry, furniture, kitchen items, Pfaltzgraff Yorktown, Santa/village items, Willow Tree angels, home décor 410 Bucoba St; June 14-15, 9-5; June 16, 9-1. Furniture, clothing, bedding, misc 209 Westbury Dr; June 14-15, 9-4; Vera B, Longaberger, kid books, 12m-7y boys’, 0-8 girls’, Fisher-Price, stroller, suitcase, baby hiking pack, bed frames, golf clubs, headboards, Ab Lounger, dresser, toys, inversion table, misc

Wayne Lakes, 1188 Evergreen Dr; June 14,15,16; 9- 5; Educational, household, seasonal; men & women M-L. 218 N Broadway; June 14-15; 8-4. Household items, youth/adult clothes, craft items, home décor, toys, jewelry & much more. UNION CITY 11388 Staudt Rd, Union City, north of MV School; Fri-Sat, June 15-16; 9-5; Household items, misc, lighted lawn ornaments, antique sleds, tools, fishing items, electronics, VCR & large collection of tapes, some clothing. Something for everyone! VERSAILLES Multi Family Sale; 668 E. Wood St; Wed, June 13, 3-8pm; June 14 & 15, 9-6pm; Yarn, furniture, books, dishes, clothes-Variety of sizes. Lots of misc 10699 Shaffer Rd; June 14-15, 9-6; 16th, 9-12; 11 piece plastic outdoor Nativity scene, boat shaped sand box, kids’ slide, vintage metal pencil sharpeners, books (Amish & Love Inspired), old Darke Plat books, housewares, holiday décor, toys, clothes (women’s small to XL, girls’ 10-16, men’s XL shirts-some tall), and lots more. Sat 50% off Large Moving Sale: 11121 St Rt 185, Versailles (Frenchtown); June 14, 4-7pm; 15th, 8-4; 16th, 8-12; Tools, furniture, toys, lots of misc household. Rain or Shine!

SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2018 9:00AM



TRACTOR & MOWERS 8-N Ford (Gas) Tractor, Runs Good, Good Rubber, 3-Pt. Hitch, Good Straight Tractor; Craftsman YTS-3000 Lawn Tractor, 21 HP, 6-Speed, 42” Cut (Nice); Dixon #4515 Hydro-Drive, 15 ½ HP, 42” Cut, Zero-Turn Mower (Super Nice); Dixon 4423 Mechanical Drive, Zero-Turn Mower, 15 ½ HP, 42” Cut; Toro G.T.S. 6 HP Self-Propelled Walk Mower, Recycler, Rear Bagger (Very Nice); Toro E-Cycler 20” Cordless Elec. Walk Mower w/Rear Bagger; Lawn Boy (Gas) Walk Mower w/ Rear Bagger; Befco #26-C 3-Pt. P.T.O. Finish Mower. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES (2) Metal Bladed Fans; Blue Canning Jars; Galv. Wash Tub; sev. Wood Canes; (2) Early Wooden Snow Sleds; Granite Pots; 48 Star Flag; Kamp Kold Alum. Cooler; (10) Yellow Coca-Cola Wooden Crates; (2) Scotch Coolers; (6) Plastic Coke Carriers; Early Airline Table Radio; Seed & Sugar Cloth Sacks; sev. Child’s Chairs; Blue Bird Pie Plates; Wood Rolling Pins; Penguin Ice Bucket; Oil Lamps; Purina Pocket Knife; Fur Coat; Bushel Baskets; 15” Horse Saddle; Ace Deluxe Wagon; Lg. Wood Crate; Quilt Rack; (2) Quaker State 2 Cyl. Oil Cans; Kendall Outboard Motor Oil Can; 1 Pint Texaco Outboard Oil Can; Domestic Sewing Machine Oil Can; Radio Tube Tester (works); Kodak 804 Camera; Early Post Cards & Valentines. METAL TRUCKS & TOYS Nylint Dump Truck; Tonka Stables Truck & Trailer; Buddy “L” Police Wrecker; Structo Cement Mixer; Tonka & Buddy “L” Fire Trucks; Strato Airlines Tin Airplane; Marx Streamline Elec. Train (in original box); Tyco Elec. Train Set; Erectors Set; Roy Rogers Dbl. “R” Bar Metal Ranch; Tin Kitty Cyclist Toy; Scotty Pull Toy; Fisher Price Wood Pull Toys; Child’s Luggage; Child’s Mixer; (2) Indian Headdresses; Child’s Flat Top Trunk; Fisher Price Farm & School House w/Acc.; Tinker Toys; Board Games; Typewriter; Toy Rifles; Pistols; Marbles; Records; Remote Control Helicopter; Children’s Books; Tea Set; Child’s Easel; 10 Cent, 12 Cent & 15 Cent Comic Books, Batman & others; Roller Skates; Barbie Dolls & Clothing. EARLY METAL FARM TOYS Ford 8000 Tractor; I.H. 1465 Tractor w/Duals; Ertl I.H. Combine; Ertl Massey Ferguson Wagon; Ertl Disc; Tru-Scale Hay Bailer; Hopper Wagon; Ford 145 Tractor & Trailer; Hay Elevator; Massey Ferguson 1080 Tractor; J.D. 4-Row Planter; J.D. Sickle Bar Mower; Massey Ferguson 175 Tractor; Tonka Loader; Tonka Dozer. FURNITURE (2) Recliners, (1) Brown & (1) Tan; 5-Pc. Maple Bedroom Suite including: Dbl. Bed, Dresser w/Mirror, Chest of Drawers & (2) Night Tables; (2) 5-Drawer Chest of Drawers; Tan Striped Sofa; Wood TV Stand; Wood Frame Upholstered Rocker; Retro Kitchen Table w/(4) Chairs & Leaves; Wood Hall Tree; Green Upholstered Chair & Ottoman; Floral Sofa; 4-Pc. Wood Coffee & Lamp Table Set; Early Lg. Ball & Claw Oak Parlor Lamp Table; 4-Pc. Bedroom Suite including: Full Bed, Chest of Drawers, Dresser w/Mirror & Night Stand; Cedar Wardrobe; Lg. Blanket Chest on Wheels; (2) Flat Top Trunks; 2-Pc. Glass Door Hutch (Maple); 3-Pc. Cherry Finish Bedroom Suite including: Queen Bed w/Pillow Top Mattresses, Dresser & Mirror & Chest of Drawers; Paisley Wing Back Chair; (2) Ornate Wood Pedestal Plant Stands; Oak Library Table w/Drawer; Samsung 32” Color Flat Screen TV; 3-Pc. Bedroom Suite (Dbl.) Bed/Dresser/Chest; Glass Top Sofa Table; (2) 6’ Wood Storage Cabinets; 6’ Pine 2-Pc. Glass Door Cupboard; Pine Microwave Cart; Oak Rocker w/Rush Btm. & Back; Oak Base Rocker; Round Maple Lamp Table; sev. 6’ Oak Bookshelves; Maple Queen Bed/Frame/Mattresses; Single Bed w/Mattresses; Wood Bench w/(3) Wicker Baskets; Dk. Green Leather High Back Office Chair; Metal Rolling Cart; Glass Top 3’ Round Patio Table; Card Table & (4) Chairs; misc. Lamps; Cosco Step Stool; Free Standing Patio Glider; Metal Trellis w/ Bench; Excursion Picnic Set; Gibson Elec. Dryer; G.E. Elec. Washer; G.E. 18.2 C.F. Ref./Freezer (White). BOAT MOTORS – TOOLS – GARAGE ITEMS Sears 14 HP Boat Motor w/Stand; Shakespear 25 Trolling Motor; Boat Fuel Can; Boat Oar; Craftsman Gas Trimmers; Eagle Fish Finder; Long Handle Yard Tools, Shovels, Ax, Pitch Forks; Circ. Saws; Bottle Jacks; Shop Vac; Dbl. Bench Grinder; Elec. Drill; Ext. Cords; Hand Saws; Battery Charger; Drill Bit Sets; Wheel Barrow; Werner 6’ Alum. Ladder; Garden Hoses; 2’ Table Top Lathe; Craftsman Tool Box; misc. Hand Tools; sev. Metal Shelves; 5’ & 6’ Alum. Ladders; Lawn Chairs; Bag Chairs; 15’x13’ Portable Screen Gazebo; Thermos (Gas) Grill; Burton Camp Stove w/Fuel; Scott’s Yard Fertilizer; Wood Tool Box; American Flag & Pole; (2) 3-Spd. Bicycles; C.E. Walkie Talkies. MISC. - HOUSEHOLD Various Frank Sinatra items; Vintage Christmas Décor including Shiny Brite & Noma Christmas Bulbs; Ceramic Christmas Tree; Early Books; Local Post Cards; Darke Co. Plate; Community Silverware in Wood Box; Sm. Elec. Kitchen Appliances; misc. Bedding; Elec. Paper Shredder; sev. Coolers (all sizes); Fuel Cans; Flatware; (2) Folding Tables; Hoover Floor Steamer; Patio Umbrellas & Stands; Water Hose & Reel; sev. Camera’s; Corning Baking Dishes; Elgin Wall Clock; RCA Radio w/CD Player; Cool Mist Humidifier; (2) Folding Shopping Carts; Plastic Storage Containers; Elec. 5 Qt. Ice Cream Freezer; Digital Camera; Hand Towels; Deep Bowls; Cut Glass; Pots & Pans; Carnival Glass Pitcher & Glass Set; O.S.U. Glasses; S.S. Deep Bowls; Sewing items; Vases; Binoculars; Opra Glasses; Motorola Record Cabinet; Record Albums; Pipes; Hats & Boxes; Blankets; Afghans; Retro Hanging Lights.


Randa Snyder ~ Executor, Eric Brand, Attorney Case #: 2018-1-138


Office: 937.316.8400 Cell: 937.459.7686 Michel Werner Auctioneer

• ALL items must be paid for the day of auction. • ALL items are sold as-is. • We must collect sales tax. • TERMS: Cash or Good Check with Proper Photo ID; Visa / MC / Discover accepted with a 3% Clerk Fee added. • Visit us online @ www.auctionzip.com and enter USER I.D. #8673 for photos and information. • Food Available on Site! • ****PREVIEW DAY IS FRIDAY, JUNE 15th FROM 12:00PM TO 5:00PM**** REMEMBER: +++Never, Ever a Buyer’s (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions…What You Bid Is What You Pay! We work for our sellers, we appreciate our buyers, and we love our profession! Kirby & Staff

June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 23

Ft. GreeneVille Daughters of the American Revolution earn several awards GREENVILLE – Fort GreeneVille Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution members recently attended the 119th Ohio Daughters of the Ameri-

can Revolution State Conference in Columbus. The Ohio DAR members joined together to celebrate their many accomplishments over the past year.

Fort GreeneVille Chapter came home with many awards and recognition. Public Relations & Media: Outstanding Public Relations for Commemora-

Legal Notice:


We will be offering the following units for auction on Thursday June 28th 2018 @ 10:00 AM. Unit# 122 belonging to: Christina Pilkins 211 N. Pearl St. P.O. Box 706, Ansonia, OH 45303 Containing- 2 beds; TV; Entertainment Center; AC; Sm. Stand; Foot Stool; Printer; Tonka Truck; Unit 203 belonging to: Chrissi Brammer 701 ½ NW Avenue Sidney OH 45365. Containing-Sev. Boxes & Bags; Full; Unit #316 belonging to: Chrissi Brammer 701 ½ NW Avenue Sidney, OH 45365. Containing-Furniture, Dressers, Boxed Items; Unit # 302 belonging to: Katina Hartzell 2427 St. Rt. 571 Greenville, OH 45331. Containing-Several Boxes; Unit#423 belonging to: Syrenia Gipsob 829 Englewood Dr. Englewood, OH 45322. Containing-Hall Tree; Shovel; Furniture; Dresser; Unit# 434S belonging to: Jamie Curry 6405 35 East Lot 18 West Alexandria, OH 45381. Containing-Exercise Bike; Boxes; Bags; Furniture; Please Call Jim Rider @548-4011 located at 7716 Greenville Celina Rd. with any questions or Richard Edwards Auctoneer@937-5473202. This auction is CASH ONLY no checks or credit cards accepted. There will be $35.00 deposit required per unit, refunded after the unit is cleaned out and inspected by Jim Rider. Auction Held at 7617 Greenville Celina Rd. Greenville, OH 45331

tive or Community Event Public Relations & Media: Outstanding Public Relations for Print, Electronic and Broadcast Coverage (Committee Chair Debbie Nisonger) Public Relations & Media: Electronic Coverage to East Central Division judging Constitution Week: Achievement Award for Promoting Constitution Week (Committee Chair Brenda Arnett) DAR Service for Veterans Committee: Outstanding Service for Veterans from OSDAR (Committee Chair Chris Nehring and Debbie

Nisonger) DAR Service for Veterans Committee: Outstanding Support for Veterans: Debbie Nisonger, Caroline Petitjean, Doris Aultman, Helen Wright, Mary Jane Dietrich and Chris Nehring. OSDAR Honor Roll Report: 2017 State Honor Roll Report, Cardinal level (top 5) (Committee Chair Helen Wright) OSDAR Scholarship Committee: Awarding a Scholarship from the Chapter Conservation Committee: Outstanding Support of Conservation 20172018 with 14 Conservation Projects

Completed (Committee Chair Helen Wright) National Defense Committee: JROTC Bronze Medal Supporter National Defense Committee: ROTC/ JROTC Monetary Supporter National Defense Committee: 100% National Defense Reporting 2017 National Defense Committee: Outstanding National Defense reported to East Central Division Women’s Issues: Women’s Issues Participation and Women’s Issues Minutes/Programs (Committee Chair Caroline Petitjean) Outstanding Ju-

Shown are Chris Nehring, Helen Wright, Caroline Petitjean, Karen Burkett and Debbie Nisonger.

nior: Fort GreeneVille member Taylor Nehring Fort GreeneVille DAR thanks every-

one in Darke County for their support in making Fort GreeneVille DAR a success in all that they do.

In the Common Pleas Court of Darke County, Ohio

In the Matter of Issuance of a Certificate of Title For 1972 Chevy S1, 1971 Chevy Case No. 18CVT00256 Notice of Hearing

To Scott A. Cress, or other persons having any interest in the following described by motor vehicles. You will take notice that an application for issuance of title has been filed by Tamela Tennison for the following motor vehicle: 1971 Chevy C10 Serial No. CE1411622833 1972 Chevy C10 Serial No. CCE142S145116 The application will be considered by Judge Jonathan P. Hein, Darke County Common Pleas Court, on July 2, 2018 at 9:30a.m. Any persons having an interest in said motor vehicle should appear at the hearing and prove their interest therein or the title issuance will be granted as requested. Tamela R. Tennison, Applicant Jonathan P. Hein, Judge IN THE COMMON PLEAS COURT OF DARKE COUNTY, OHIO THOMAS W. DEETER, Successor Co-Trustee, et al. vs THOMAS W. DEETER, Individually et al. CASE NO. 18-CV-00095 JONATHAN P. HEIN, JUDGE The Unknown Heirs, Legatees, Devisees, Administrators, Executors, Successors, and Assigns of Norman B. Teaford, Deceased, whose last place of residence is unknown and who present place of residence is unknown will take notice that on April 24, 2018, Juanita M. Dowler and Michael R. Dowler filed their Answer, Crossclaims and Counterclaims in Case No. 18-CV-00095 in the Court of Common Pleas of Darke County, Darke County Courthouse 2nd Floor, Greenville, Ohio 45331 seeking an easement over and through certain real estate located in the village of Palestine, county of Darke, State of Ohio, and alleging that the Defendant(s) The Unknown Heirs, Legatees, Devisees, Administrators, Executors, Successors and Assigns of Norman B. Teaford, Deceased, have or may claim an interest in said real estate. The Defendants named in this Notice are required to answer within 28 days of the date of the last publication of this Notice. Juanita M. Dowler and Michael R. Dowler By: Joseph J. Latas, Esq. 116 West Fourth Street Greenville, OH 45331 937.548.1125 5/20, 5/27, 6/3, 6/10, 6/17, 6/24 6T

PAGE 24 June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Wuebker joins Marchal & Marchal GREENVILLE – Marchal and Marchal, Ltd. is pleased to announce the addition of attorney Matthew J. Wuebker as an associate to the firm. Wuebker is a native of the Maria Stein area. He is a graduate of Wright State University and University of Dayton School of Law where he interned with the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

Matthew Wuebker

Wuebker comes to the Marchal law firm with five years of legal experience in the areas of real estate, estate planning, probate ad-

ministration, Medicaid, small business planning, and landlord-tenant law. Wuebker is also a licensed real estate title insurance agent. Marchal & Marchal, Ltd. was founded in 1947. The firm is engaged in general practice with concentrations in the areas of probate, estate planning, business law and real estate law.



National Healthcare Volunteer Week

VERSAILLES – In celebration of National Healthcare Volunteer Week, Versailles Health Care Center recognized and thanked volunteers for their hard work and dedication with small tokens of appreciation. Special recognition of volunteer service years was made to the following volunteers: Adela Hoke,

26 years; Susan Fields, 25 years; Elsie Shappie, 13 years; Connie Stammen, 9 years; Karen Doseck, 9 years; Diane Yakos, 9 years; and Cate Custenborder, 5 years. Activities Director Kim Fair, ADC, thanked volunteers, “This year’s theme is ‘Celebrating Life, what better way to do it than with all our

great residents!” “Without such great volunteers I wouldn’t be able to do all the fun things we do. Our volunteers give us so many more opportunities to be able to have fun seven days a week.” If you would like to join the volunteer program at the care center, please call Kim Fair, ADC at 526-5570.

Versailles Health Care Center volunteers pictured are Elsie Shappie, Susan Fields, and Adela Hoke. Not present were Cate Custenborder, Karen Doseck, Connie Stammen, and Diane Yakos.

SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 2018 9:00AM


Directions: Approx. 30 miles NORTH of Dayton, Ohio. From the intersection of S.R. 49 and U.S. 127 Bypass, take U.S. 127 NORTH approx. ¼ mile to SebringWarner Rd. and turn RIGHT or EAST to auction site, just 2 buildings EAST of the “Early Bird”. (WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS ON SALE DAY) 2 COLLECTOR AUTOMOBILES 1928 Ford Mdl. “A” Roadster Convertible, Super Sharp, Rumble Seat, Rear Cargo Trunk, lots of Chrome, Wide White Wall Tires w/Chrome Spoked Wheels, Cream Yellow Exterior w/Black Running Boards & Fenders, Tan Convertible Top, (2) Fender Mounded Spare Tires w/Clamp on Mirrors, Car Cover, Don’t Miss This Great Looking Roadster; 1930 Packard Mdl. “733”, 2-Door, Straight V-8 Engine, Manual Transmission, only 61,180 actual miles, lots of Chrome, Burled Walnut Dash, Packard 7- Lug Solid Steel Wheels w/Wide White Walls, Rear Cargo Trunk, Tilt-Out Windshield, 2-Tone Dark Green Exterior, Super Sharp inside, Fender Mounted Spare Tire & much more. Check out this very rare Packard in fantastic condition. TRACTORS Massey Ferguson 50 (Diesel) Tractor, 4814 Hours, 4 Spd. Hi/Lo Trans., Wide Front, Front Bumper, Good Paint & Rubber, Runs Great; Farmall Super “M” (Gas) Tractor, orig. Paint, Good Rubber, Straight Sheet Metal, Very Nice; John Deere Mdl. “A” (Gas) Tractor, Newer Paint, Like New Rubber, Headlights, 3-Point, Roll-AMatic; Farmall Mdl. “H” (Gas) Tractor, Orig. Paint, Good Rubber, Runs Good; Ford 8-N (Gas) Tractor, Runs Good, Front Bumper, Wide Front; International Cub Mdl. “184” (Gas) Tractor, Runs Good, 3-Point, Turf Tires, Red & White. FARM EQUIPMENT Ford 2-Btm. 3-Point Mounted Plow 2/12’s; 3-Point Boom Pole; 5 Ft. 3-Point P.T.O. Rotary Mower; 6 Ft. Huskee 3-Point P.T.O. Rotary Mower; 8 Ft. Pull Type P.T.O. Rotary Mower. COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT – WELDERS – SHEARS – PLASMA CUTTER – BURN TABLE Central Machinery 4 ½” Metal Band Saw; Clarke Bench Drill Press, 5-Speed; Lincoln 225 Amp Welder; 2 ½ Ton Floor Jack; NEW Bull Dog Trash Pump, 206 CC Gas Engine; Cast Iron Inpellar, Pumps 264 Gal. per minute; Northstar Fresh Water Pump, 3”, Pumps 14,528 Gal. per hour w/Honda 5 HP Gas Engine; Dayton 4’ Round Elec. Fan on Steel Roller Cart; Stone 35,000 B.T.U. Propane Heater; Cement Mixer w/Elec. Motor; 8 Ft. Steel Work Bench w/Wood Top & Elec. Outlets; 5 Ft. Steel Work Bench w/Wood Top & Drawers; (2) Sets of Jack Stands; ½” Elec. Impact Wrench; (2) Sets of T-Handle Wrenches; Steel Rolling Welding Table; 4 Ft. Metal Foot Shear, 36” Bed Length; Lg. Commercial Drill Press; Heath Graphic/Magnetic Burn Table w/Acc.; Devilbiss 51” Exhaust Fan; Lg. Heavy Duty Hydraulic Winch (from Earthmover); Paint Pot w/Acc.; Brockmeyer H. Duty Elec. Motor; Explosion Proof Lights w/Assort. of Wiring & Controls; Miller Tig Welder, Mdl. #330-A/BF w/ Cooler, 300 Amp.; Hobart Stick Welder 300-500 Amp.; Hobart Elec. Driven Arc Welder, Spec. 1541; Linde Mig Welder Mdl. Vi253; 1941 Smith Arc Welder; Hobart Welder w/Mobile Jib; Wire Welder Boom Extenders; Plasma Cutter. WOOD WORKING EQUIPMENT Delta Rockwell Jointer 42” Long Table, 6” Cutter Head; Delta Rockwell Wood Lathe & Acc. 37 ½” Bed, Very Nice; Hitachi 10” Job Site Table Saw w/Dust Collector; Craftsman 4’ Wood Lathe w/Acc.; Craftsman 1 ¾ HP Router & Table; Delta 6” Motorized Jointer; Delta Table Top Band Saw; Craftsman 2 HP Wood Planer, 12” Wide Material up to ½” Thickness; Delta 6” Belt Sander/9” Disc Sander Combo; B&D Workmate Folding Table; Craftsman 10” Table Saw; 1920’s Tilt Top Table Saw (from Barney-Smith Car Co., Dayton, Ohio). SHOP EQUIPMENT – POWER & HAND TOOLS Sanborn 5 HP Upright Air Compressor & Hose; Central Hydraulics 2-Ton Engine Crane; 6” Elec. Dbl. Bench Grinder on Pedestal; Sears 16” Scroll Saw on Stand; Central Hydraulics 10-Ton Port-A-Power Set w/Acc.; Craftsman 8” Bench Drill Press; Century 230 Amp AC/Welder; Ready 40,000 B.T.U. Space Heater; Milwaukee (Elec.) Saw Zall in Case w/Extra Blades; Milwaukee H. Duty Right Angle Drill in Case; Milwaukee (Elec.) Handheld Band Saw; (2) Milwaukee (Elec.) H. Duty Hammer Drills; Milwaukee H. Duty Die Grinder; Skil 2 ½” (Elec.) Roto-Hammer in Case; Hilti DX-350 Piston Drive Tool w/Acc.; B&D H. Duty Buffer/Grinder; 4” Dewalt (Elec.) Grinder; (3) Air D.A. Body Sanders; MAC Air Grinder; sev. Air Impact Guns; H. Duty Air Grinder; Air Angle Ratchet; 3000 Lb. Elec. Winch; Lietz B-4 Auto Surveyors Level & Transom; 4” & 6” Bench Vises; (2) Small Rolling Tool Cabinets w/Top Boxes; Dbl. (Elec.) Bench Grinder; Air Dremel w/Acc.; Open End & Box Wrenches; 3/8” & ½” Sockets, Extensions & Ratchets; Deep Well Impact Sockets; Tap & Die Set; Pipe Cutter; Threader; C-Clamps; (2) Drain Eels; Brace & Wood Bits; Punches; Chisels; Hammers; (2) Hatchets; Ax; Sledge; sev. Elec. Sanders; B&D Circ. Saw; Drill Bits; Elec. Chain Saw Sharpener; Air Chisel; Wagner Power Painter; sev. Paint Guns; 18” Pipe Wrench; Adj. Wrenches; Pipe Clamps; Jack Stands; Welding Rods & Helmets; Pry Bars; Vise Grips; 18 Volt Cordless Drill Set; NEW Air Hose & Reel; sev. 3/8” & ½” Elec. Drills; Halogen Light; Timing Light; Tune Up Analyzer; Weller Sodder Gun Kit; 43 Range Multimeter; Coleman Gas Lantern; Wood Block Plane; Creeper; (2) Tool Boxes; Draw Knife; Inventory Units; Craftsman Torque Wrench; Ignition Wrenches; Propane Torch Set (NEW); Ext. Cords; Drop Lights; Bottle Jack; Files; Staples; Manual Tire Bead Breaker; (2) Shop Vacuums; Grease Guns; Cement Hand Tools; NEW Bolts, Screws, Nails, Hwd. Items; NEW Headlights, Spark Plugs, Oil Filters; NEW in box Screw Type Log Splitter; NEW Oil/Amp Gauges; NEW Sand Paper & Disc’s (all grits). NEW MISC. EQUIPMENT Steel 8 Ft. Long Side Mount Tool Box; (2) Nachi Hydraulic Power Units, Elec. 3-Phase Motor, Hyd. Pump, Tank, Manifolds, for use in various Applications; (93) Sm. Hydraulic Cylinders; (5) Truck Side Mount Propane Tanks, 48” Lg. x 20” Dia.; (1) Truck Side Mount Propane Tank, 64” Lg. x 15” Dia.; (1) Truck Side Mount Propane Tank 55” Lg. x 14” Dia.; (1) 75 Gal. “D” Tank for Ford; (1) 50 Gal. (Diesel) Tank for Ford; (5) Hydraulic Oil Reservoir Tanks, (3) 21 Gal. & (2) 34 Gal.; (1) 50 Gal. Oil Step Tank. MISC. EQUIPMENT 18 Ft. Boom w/Cable; 9-N Ford Tractor Loader (Hydraulic); 1500 Mercury Outboard Boat Engine (150 HP); Older Meyers Snow Plow & Acc.; (4) Pickup Truck Aux. Gas Tanks; 34 Gal. Alum. Oil Reservoir Tank; Acetylene Torch Cart; Todco Trk. Box Roll-Up Door Panels; Road Tractor Air Foil; 4-Metal Storage Boxes; Fire Proof File Cabinet; Counter Top Parts Catalog Organizer; Literature Cabinet. TRACTOR PARTS – GO-CART – MISC. (2) 8-N Ford Tractor Rear Fenders (like new); Farmall Grill; 8-N Ford Front Bumper; (2) P.T.O. Reduction Shafts; sev. Tractor Seats (some new); Tractor Lights; (2) John Deere P.T.O. Covers; sev. Tractor Draw Bars; NEW J.D. & I.H. Farmall Decals; Auto Spot Light; 5 HP (Gas) Go-Cart; I & T Shop Manuals, John Deere, Oliver, I.H., Ford & Ferguson; sev. Walk Mowers & Weed Trimmers; large Bug Light; Pet Carrier; Long Handle Yard Tools; Spray Paint (all colors). PACKARD PARTS 1930 Packard Straight 8 Engine, Disassembled, including: Block, Head, Crank, Pistons, Manifolds, Etc.; (3) 1930 Packard Solid 7-Lug Wheels; 1930 Packard Right Front Fender.


Office: 937.316.8400 Cell: 937.459.7686 Michel Werner Auctioneer

• ALL items must be paid for the day of auction. • ALL items are sold as-is. • We must collect sales tax (EXCEPT on titled vehicles). • TERMS: Cash or Good Check with Proper Photo ID; Visa / MC / Discover accepted with a 3% Clerk Fee added. • Visit us online @ www.auctionzip.com and enter USER I.D. #8673 for photos and information. • Food Available on Site! • Preview day on Friday, June 22nd from 12:00PM to 5:00PM. • REMEMBER: +++Never, Ever a Buyer’s (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions…What You Bid Is What You Pay! We work for our sellers, we appreciate our buyers, and we love our profession! Kirby & Staff

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June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 25

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PAGE 26 June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

19th annual Bluegrass Festival BRADFORD – The Bradford Public Library is sponsoring its 19th Bluegrass Music Program. There will be four bluegrass bands performing. These fine musicians are donating their time to provide entertainment for the community to enjoy. Bluegrass groups partic-

ipating: 5:30 p.m. – Showtime Grass (Veteran’s Appreciation program), 6:30 p.m. – Rum River Blend, 7:30 p.m. – Sugargrove, and 8:30 p.m. – Berachah Valley. Several of the groups’ members have appeared on National Music lists for performances or song

writing. They will have their music CD’s available to purchase. This festival is always well-attended; arrive early and get a great seat in the Bradford Auditeria. A raffle will begin at the library on Monday, June 18 for a variety of nice items with more to come that have been donated by local businesses and individuals. They have donated for this cause to help with the expenses of putting on the program. Stop in at the library and get your tickets at $1 each or 6 for $5. The tickets will be available the evening of the show and the drawing will be held between each band’s performance. Food will be available to purchase from the Bradford Historical Society.

RAPID RECOVERY TOWING & REPAIR 106 Vine St., Greenville Monday-Friday 9AM-6PM

Wrecker Service: In City Limits $30 Out of City Limits (up to 10 miles) $45 Rollback Service: In City Limits $45 Out of City Limits (up to 10 miles) $60 We offer a full line of new tires with the lowest prices in town! We also do brakes, oil changes, struts and much more! Ph: 937-621-4053 • Fax: 937-316-6038 Call for after hour & weekend prices


SNB announces promotion GREENVILLE – Second National Bank recently announced that Laura Cloyd has been promoted to an Administrative Officer. Cloyd began her banking career with Second National Bank in 2003 as a teller and customer service representative, and is currently a commercial cash management specialist. She graduated from Arcanum High School and has an Associate’s Degree in Accounting from Edison State Community College. She has been active in the community, most recently volunteering with the Ohio Benefit Bank the past two

years to prepare no cost tax returns for low income residents of Darke County. Cloyd lives in Greenville with her husband Nathan. “Laura is deserving of this promotion to an officer of Second National Bank. She is very knowledgeable in the cash management area and in banking. She provides excellent service and advice to our customers and we regularly receive compliments from customers on the great service she provides to them,” said SNB president John Swallow. Second National was

Laura Cloyd

originally chartered in July 1883 and has seven offices in Greenville, Arcanum, Versailles, Fort Recovery and Celina.

TASKS, Inc. donates to Versailles Schools VERSAILLES – TASKS, Inc. (Teaching About Safety Kids Style) recently donated money to Versailles Schools for the purchase of 12 Anti-Choking Training Vests and the associated training curriculum. All sixth grade students at Versailles receive instruction on how to perform abdominal thrusts on a choking victim (commonly known as the Heimlich Maneuver). However, teaching the proper technique is difficult due to the risk of injury if performing the thrusts on a non-choking person. The acquisition of these antichoking vests provides hands on skills training in a safe manner, protecting the “victim” from unintended harm. These vests contain an air bladder with foam plug that requires the trainee to use proper technique to dislodge the foam plug. If the technique is performed correctly, the foam plug will be expelled. With this award to Versailles Schools, TASKS, Inc.

Pictured above are TASKS board members Bob Frey and Scott Garrison, along with Versailles School nurse Tracy Cordonnier, holding one of the vests purchased with the grant money.

has donated nearly $4,000 to Versailles Schools and nearly $13,000 to a total of five county schools for CPR, AED, and related training materials. In its 3+ years in existence, TASKS, Inc. has awarded nearly $39,000 to Darke County organizations with an eye to providing youth safety education. As a 501(c)3, any donations made to TASKS, Inc. are fully tax deductible and supported with a receipt and thank you let-

Royer speaks at library’s Lunch & Learn GREENVILLE – The Greenville Public Library’s Lunch & Learn for June will feature Sarah Royer, a Naturopath, Certified Natural Health Professional and Reflexologist at The Natural Path in Greenville. Royer said, “It is my privilege to be a guest speaker for the Library’s Lunch & Learn. With so many different choices of supplements, herbs, and essential oils it can be very overwhelming to find the right products that you can trust. It is crucial to have someone with education and experience help guide you in your quest for a healthier more natural lifestyle. I look forward to sharing my story with you and a introduction to the wonderful world of natural health.”

Sarah Royer

Join them Wednesday, June 20 at noon. Space is limited to 20 participants. If you would like the boxed lunch from the Coffee Pot please register by calling 548-3915. It costs $5 and includes a wrap, fruit, a salad or soup, and a beverage. Or just come for the program.

ter from the organization. If you would be interested in donating to TASKS, donations may be sent to TASKS, Inc., 28 E. Ward St., Versailles, OH 45380. If you have any questions about our organization or the programs we would support, you may contact Scott Garrison at 937-3711249.

Ordean is OCU graduate

CIRCLEVILLE – Caleb Ordean graduated from Ohio Christian University with a Bachelor of Arts in Pre-Seminary. Ordean is a member of the Delta Epsilon Chi Honor Society. Ohio Christian University is committed to offering a complete education that develops students intellectually, professionally, and spiritually. OCU offers degree programs for residential undergraduate students, graduate students, and adult and online students.

Mescher graduates

MARIETTA – Trevor Mescher of Versailles, was among more than 250 students who received diplomas at Marietta College’s 181st graduation ceremony. Mescher completed requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering. He is a graduate of Versailles High School.

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HAMILTON Auto Sales, LLC 141 N. Broadway, Greenville



June 10, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 27


Endowment supports local arts organizations

Last Chance Mercantile accepts items for Garst GREENVILLE – Finally! The day is almost here! If you have some unwanted furniture, frames, watering cans, old garden statues, china sets, Greenville/Darke County memorabilia, antique textiles, artwork, and vintage decorative pieces please consider donating to The Last

Chance Mercantile, The Gathering at Garst (last weekend in July) – all donations are tax deductible. The proceeds benefit the Garst Museum. Items will be accepted at the Lowell Thomas house on Thursday, June 28, 4-7 p.m. and Saturday, July 14, 10 a.m.-noon.

Sign-up for SAY Soccer by June 16 GREENVILLE – SAY Soccer is a non-profit youth recreational soccer league for kids to play, learn skills and have fun. Under the direction of Heather Sullivan and board members, they are gearing up for a great 2018 season. Practices and home games are played at Pleasant View Missionary Church on Gettysburg Pitsburg Road. Most games are on Saturdays with a few scheduled throughout the week for the older divisions. Practices can start July 22

and second annual SAY Opening Day is scheduled for Aug. 25. Divisions start at three-years-old this year. Youth can play up until they’re 19 years of age. Registration is going on now and ends June 16. Sign up by going to their Facebook page, Darke County SAY Soccer, click the “sign up” button and follow the link. Don’t forget to like their page so you can receive updates. For more information, contact Heather Sullivan at (937) 423-1922.

GREENVILLE – Darke County Endowment for the Arts recently granted funds to eight applicants who submitted requests for financial assistance with their arts-related projects. The grants were awarded to: Ansonia High School Art Club provides students with enriching after-school art activities. Money awarded to the Darke County Association of Garden Clubs will contribute to the organization’s flower shows at the Darke County Fair. In addition to their annual Prairie Days event at Shawnee Prairie, Darke County Park District will host a Historical Encampment during The Gathering at Garst this summer. “Art at the Mill” in the Clark Gallery at historic Bear’s Mill received assistance from the Endow-

COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP SERVICE. Crankshaft Grinding Block Boring Aluminum Welding Flywheel Grinding Connecting Rod Service Pressure Testing Cylinder Head Service Engine Parts



ment; this series of art exhibits gives local residents the opportunity to view and possibly purchase the work of fine artists who are eager to display their talents to a broad audience. Greenville Art Guild will sponsor fine art workshops offering instruction in acrylic painting and color pencil drawing to beginning and advanced students. Greenville Instrumental Music Boosters requested money to purchase instruments essential to musical performance by high school students. The Endowment also granted funds to help cover operating costs for Greenville Municipal Band’s popular annual concert series in Greenville City Park that has provided free entertainment to generations of local residents. As part of Towne & Country

Players’ mission to enrich their community, the organization presents a series of free performances in downtown Versailles each summer. For more information, about how you can become involved in keeping the arts alive in our community, visit www.SupportDCEA. org, or contact DCEA at P.O. Box 155, Greenville, OH 45331.

Darke Co. BOE meets

GREENVILLE – The Darke County Board of Elections Board members will meet at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, June 12, for the June regular meeting. The Board meets in the office located at 300 Garst Avenue, Greenville.

Gold Cards on Sale! Excellent Gifts for

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2017 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN GT,, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., black, 48,998 miles ........................................................................................................................ $22,995 .........$21,500 2017 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN GT,, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, black, 47,084 miles ........................................................................................................................ $22,995 .........$21,500 2017 BUICK ENCORE FWD, 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, like new, white, 29,012 miles ....................... $20,995 .........$19,500 2017 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, one owner, like new, blue, 13,880 miles ........................................................................................................... $37,995 .........$36,900 2017 GMC ACADIA SLT AWD, 3.6L, V6, leather, loaded, super nice, burgundy, 18,158 miles .................................................................................................................. $36,995 .........$35,900 2017 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., gray, 24,908 miles .......................................................................................................................... $33,995 .........$32,500 2016 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., silver, 36,516 miles......................................................................................................................... $23,995 .........$22,900 2016 JEEP CHEROKEE LATUTUDE FWD, 2.4L, 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., white, 56,786 miles ........................................................................................................................ $17,995 .........$16.900 2016 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, all power, exc. cond., champagne silver, 38,506 miles ..................................................................................................... $25,995 .........$24,500 2015 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 4x4, 3.6L, V6, fully equipped, super nice, black, 39,021 miles ........................................................................................................................ $23,995 .........$22,500 2015 CHEVY ½ TON CREW CAB LT 4WD P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, one owner, loaded, super nice, silver, 44,363 miles......................................................................................................................... $31,995 .........$30,900 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, leather, loaded, exc. cond., red, 45,561 miles ......................................................................................................... $30,995 .........$29,500 2014 GMC SIERRA SLE REG CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, Z71 package, loaded, sharp, red, 74,266 miles ........................................................................................................................... $25,995 .........$24,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, one owner, loaded, super nice, crystal red, 53,627 miles ................................................................................................................ $20,995 .........$19,500 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT DOUBLE CAB 4WD, 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, white, 45,613 miles ........................................................................................................................ $28,995 .........$27,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., crystal red, 73,013 miles ................................................................................................................ $18,995 .........$17,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, sunroof, loaded, super nice, white, 54,687 miles ........................................................................................................................ $18,995 .........$17,500 2013 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB 2WD P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, all power, exc. cond., silver, 76,852 miles ...................................................................................................... $20,995 .........$19,900 2013 CHEVY TRAVERSE LTZ FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, maroon, 87,380 miles .................................................................................................................... $18,995 .........$17,900 2013 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, sunroof, loaded, very nice, black, 93,288 miles................................................................................................................................... $18,995 .........$17,500 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, diamond white, 123,330 miles ....................................................................................................... $15,995 .........$14,900 2012 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO EXT. CAB 2WD P.U., 4.3L V6, one owner, auto, air, exc. cond., silver, 41,676 miles........................................................................................ $18,995 .........$17,900 2011 CHEVY TRAVERSE LS FWD, 3.6L V6, nicely equipped, exc. cond., dark blue, 128,717 miles .................................................................................................................. $9,995 ...........$8,900 2009 GMC ¾ TON SIERRA SLT CREW CAB 4x4 P.U., 6.6L Duramax Diesel, leather, loaded, sharp, black, 107,293 miles ...................................................................................................................... $27,995 .........$26,900 2008 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, well equipped, very nice brown, 176,052 miles ..................................................................................................................... $14,995 .........$13,900 2007 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT, EXT. CAB 2WD, P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 141,575 miles .................................................................................................. $11,995 .........$10,500 2006 CHEVY ¾ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 6.6L Duramax Diesel, leather, loaded, very nice, beige, 240,561 miles......................................................................................... $16,995 .........$15,900 2006 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, black, 102,187 miles ...................................................................................................................... $13,995 .........$12,500 2005 CHEVY COLORADO LS EXT. CAB 2WD P.U., 3.5L 5 cyl., auto, air, cruise, sharp, beige, 159,307 miles ........................................................................................................................ $6,995 ...........$5,900 2005 CHEVY ½ TON SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 261,369 miles ........................................................................................................................ $8,995 ...........$7,500 2005 FORD RANGER XLT SUPER CAB 2WD P.U., 3.0L V6, auto, air, cruise, good cond., black, 220,261 miles ........................................................................................................................ $4,995 ...........$3,900 2005 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., diamond white, 150,250 miles ....................................................................................................... $10,995 ...........$9,500 2004 CHEVY 1 TON CREW CAB 4x4 P.U., 8.1L V8, all power, one owner, good cond., red, 111,285 miles ......................................................................................................................... $11,995 .........$10,900





2004 CHEVY COLORADO REG CAB 2WD P.U., 2.8L 4 cyl., 5 speed, air, sharp, yellow, 166,455 miles ....................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$6,500 2004 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 105,466 miles ........................................................................................................................ $7,995 ...........$6,900 2004 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., all power, exc. cond., blue, 148,224 miles .......................................................................................................................... $6,995...........$5,900 2003 OLDSMOBILE SILHOUETTE VAN, 3.4L, V6, all power, good cond., maroon, 149,274 miles .................................................................................................................... $4,995 ...........$3,900 2002 CHEVY SILVERADO REG. CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.8L V8, one owner, auto, air, cruise, fair cond., gray, 199,579 miles .......................................................................................................................... $4,995 ...........$3,900 2002 CHEVY ¾ TON SILVERADO LT, EXT. CAB 4X4 PU, 6.6L Duramax Diesel, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 264,931 miles .................................................................................................. $11,995 .........$10,500 2002 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L, V8, leather, loaded, good cond,. red, 230,992 miles ........................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$6,500 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4X4, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 208,621 miles .................................................................................................................... $6,995 ...........$5,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, good cond., maroon, 226,550 miles .................................................................................................................... $5,995 ...........$3,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 142,478 miles ........................................................................................................................ $9,995 ...........$8,900 2001 CHEVY BLAZER LT 4WD, 4.3L V6, loaded, poor cond., maroon, 200,173 miles .......................... $2,995 ...........$1,500 2001 DODGE DAKOTA SPORT REG CAB 4X4 P.U., 3.9L V6, loaded, fair cond., red, 171,545 miles ........................................................................................................................... $4,995 ...........$3,900 2001 FORD F150 XLT SUPER CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.6L V8, 5 speed, loaded, good cond., red, 146,376 miles ........................................................................................................................... $5,995 ...........$4,500 2001 FORD F150 XLT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.6L V8, loaded, very nice, black, 347,655 miles ........................................................................................................................ $7,995 ...........$6,900 2000 DODGE DAKOTA SPORT EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.7L V8, loaded, very nice, white, 167,762 miles ........................................................................................................................ $6,995 ...........$5,900 2000 MERCURY VILLAGER ESTATE VAN, 3.3L V6, leather, loaded, fair cond., maroon, 150,889 miles .................................................................................................................... $2,995 ...........$1,900 1999 GMC ½ TON SAVANNA CONVERSION VAN, 5.7L V8, fully loaded, very nice, brown, 116,796 miles ....................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$5,900 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats, all power, nice cond., green, 144,748 miles..................... $6,995 ...........$5,900


2017 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.6L V8, all power, exc. cond., pepperdust, 40,800 miles .................... $19,995 .........$18,900 2016 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., all power, super nice, silver, 30,801 miles ........................... $14,995 .........$13,900 2015 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., blue, 26,006 miles .............................. $16,995 .........$15,500 2015 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.5L, 4 cyl., leather, loaded, like new, champagne silver, 24,407 miles ..................................................................................................... $17,995 .........$16,500 2014 CHEVY MALIBU LT 4 dr., 2.5L, 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, exc. cond., champagne silver, 50,772 miles ..................................................................................................... $15,995 .........$14,900 2014 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, diamond white, 56,311 miles ......................................................................................................... $22,995 .........$21,500 2011 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, all power, super nice, maroon, 66,240 miles.......................... $10,995 ...........$9,900 2011 CHEVY CRUZE ECO, 4 dr., 1.4L 1.4L 4 cyl., 5 speed, all power, good cond., salvage title, crystal red, 220,322 miles ................................................................................................................ $2,995 ...........$1,900 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 114,988 miles ........................................................................................................................ $11,995 ...........$9,900 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 115,528 miles .................................................................................................................. $10,995 ...........$9,500 2007 CHEVY COBALT LT, 4 dr., 2.2L 4 cyl, well equipped, good cond., silver, 216,055 miles......................................................................................................................... $3,995 ...........$2,500 2000 CHEVY CAMARO Z28 COUPE, 5.7L V8, T-Tops, loaded, beautiful, beige, 89,866 miles ............. $11,995 .........$10,900


2017 TOYOTA CAMRY SE, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., white, 45,075 miles ....................... $18,995 .........$17,500 2017 CADILLAC XTS LUXURY, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, like new, silver, 30,734 miles......................................................................................................................... $29,995 .........$28,900 2015 HONDA CIVIC LX, 2 dr., 1.8L 4 cyl., all power, like new, gray, 10,380 miles ................................. $15,995 .........$14,900 2012 FORD FOCUS SE, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., black, 111,220 miles ...................................................................................................................... $10,995 ...........$8,900 2008 MERCURY MILAN PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.0L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, beige, 69,814 miles ........................................................................................................................ $10,995 ...........$9,500 2006 BUICK LUCERNE CX, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, all power, very nice, blue, 236,603 miles ............................. $4,995 ...........$3,900

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