Early Bird 07-13-14

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SUNDAY, JULY 13, 2014

Banner year for The Early Bird benefits Darke Co. residents GREENVILLE – For over 45 years, residents of Darke County have RYAN BERRY been relying Managing Editor on The Early bluebagmedia.com Bird for local news and features about the people and events in the community. In addition to providing timely news, The Early Bird has partnered with local businesses promoting their products and services, which gives residents an opportunity to save money and, of course, a chance to support locally owned businesses in Darke and surrounding counties.

Only six months into 2014 and it has already been a banner year for the newspaper. At the beginning of the year Editor & Publisher, the leading trade magazine for the newspaper industry, included The Early Bird in its list of 10 newspapers that do it right. Two months later, Brothers Publishing and The Early Bird unveiled its revamped website, Bluebag Media. More recently, Judge Jonathan Hein, of the Darke County Court of Common Pleas, ruled The Early Bird is a Newspaper of General Circulation. While the locally owned

and operated newspaper is already considered by many to be Darke County’s first choice for news and savings, the designation by the court was important to provide Darke County’s governmental offices and attorneys a choice when placing legal advertisements. Weekly and daily newspapers in the county will now be able to compete for legal advertisements, which ultimately means taxpayers, businesses and citizens will save money. Plus, with nearly 28,000 copies of The Early Bird distributed each week, these notices will be available to more peo-

ple, which is what legislators intended when they amended the law in 2011. In addition to finding legal notices in the newspaper, they will also appear on Bluebag Media. Since the site was re-launched in May, online traffic has more than doubled and continues to grow. The law requires a newspaper be printed in English and be not less than eight pages in broadsheet or 16 pages in tabloid form; contain at least 25% editorial content; have been published continuously for at least three years; have the ability to add to its distribution list; be distributed by

carrier delivery or mail; and file a Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation with U.S. Postal Service or have an independent audit. The court ruled The Early Bird met each and every requirement. Jim Haigh, government relations consultant for Mid-Atlantic Community Papers Association, played an active role during the legislative process of amending the law and said, ““We are pleased by Judge Hein’s clearly reasoned ruling. It upholds the letter and the spirit of the law we fought for years to modernize.” The newspaper’s most

recent audit by Circulation Verification Council showed 81.8% of the households that receive the newspaper regularly look through or read the paper. The same audit showed 83.2% frequently purchase products or services from ads seen in The Early Bird. Both are far above the national average of 73% and 65%, respectively, as reported by the National Newspaper Association. For information on how to get your legal notice read by more people, email or call Keith Foutz, publisher, klfoutz@earlybirdpaper.com, 5483330.

Visit The Early Bird tent at The Gathering at Garst

Darke County Commissioners Diane Delaplane, Michael Rhoades and Mike Stegall signed a proclamation declaring the week of July 13-19 as Paint the County Purple: Darke County Relay for Life Week. Left to right: Lisa Irey, Vickie Miller, Rose Schlater, Joyce Johnson, Ray Johnson and Sarah Burke. (Clinton Randall photo)

Paint the County Purple Week DARKE COUNTY – In conjunction with the Darke County Relay for Life, the Darke County Commissioners proclaimed the week of July 13-19 as “Paint the County Purple! - Darke County Relay for Life Week” All citizens and businesses of Darke County are urged to join in the fight against cancer by decorating the towns, homes and businesses in purple! Consider making it a block competition. Then take a picture of your neighborhood or individual decorations and submit your photo to schlater48@embarqmail.com. Be sure to submit your name, address, phone number along with your picture. Win-

ners will be announced at the Relay on July 18. The business winner will receive free advertising on the 2015 Relay T-Shirts. The homeowner winner will receive a Relay Basket full of goodies. The deadline to submit a picture is 2 p.m. on July 17. Questions may be directed to Rose at 526-5151. Please show your support by decorating your house, town and business district purple. The Darke County Relay for Life will be held at Heritage Park in Versailles beginning July 18, 6 p.m. with an opening ceremony and going throughout the night (because cancer never sleeps) until noon (the closing ceremony) on

July 19. Relays are for Celebrating (with those who are survivors) – Remembering (those who lost their battle) – Fighting Back (to find a cure and educate). During the relay luminaries are available to purchase. However advanced purchases are encouraged by contacting Michele Alt at malt@midmark. com or going online at www.relayforlife.org/ darkecounty and click on the “Dedicate a Luminaria” icon. Luminaries are $10 each. Each luminary is inscribed with the name of the person to be honored or remembered. The luminaries are placed around the track and at dusk (ap-

proximately 9:45 p.m.) the Luminary Ceremony will begin reading the names and lighting the luminaries. Also on Friday starting at 7:30 p.m. is the Relay for Life Auction with many great items that would appeal to individuals, families, young and old. Cincinnati Red’s tickets, tickets to a NASCAR truck race held at Eldora Speedway, a beach bag filled with gift cards & lottery tickets, and gift card to the Inn of Versailles to name a few. There are also many activities designed for the young children with entertainment by Tyler &


continued on page 3

House fire erupts in New Madison N E W MADISON – Crews battled a multi-alarm house fire at CLINTON RANDALL 350 S Main Staff Writer St. in New bluebagmedia.com Madison in the early morning hours of Tuesday, July 8. The New Madison Fire Department called for mutual aid as flames were clearly visible as they arrived on the scene just after 1 a.m. Crews from both Darke and Preble County rushed to help contain the fire a block from the Tri-

Village school and only feet from neighboring homes. The cause is not yet confirmed and remains under investigation. It was reported the fire started in the upper part of the home as flames shot out from the roof. According to a 911 caller, they could see fire in the kitchen light socket before exiting the home. Two juvenile residents were able to get out of the burning home without injury. The rest of the family were in Florida on vacation at the time.

The single story home suffered extensive damage throughout and is reported to be a total loss.

Police Beat .................pg. 2

Church/Social ........ pg. 6/7

On Your Mind .............pg. 5

Obituaries ...................pg. 8

Grumpy Side of 60 .....pg. 5

Senior Scribes...........pg. 15

Log on to blubagmedia.com for exclusive video of the fire and auto of actual 911 call.

GREENVILLE – The Early Bird and Bluebag Media will have a booth at this year’s The Gathering at Garst. Be sure to stop by for a chance to win burritos from Hot Head Burrito or a meal from The Bistro Off Broadway. In addition to offering the giveaway, local cartoonist Paul Ackley will be present on both days drawing caricatures. Ackley has been expressing his opinion through cartoons for almost 40 years. His editorial cartoons currently appear each week in The Early Bird. Many of those cartoons will be available

for sale during The Gathering. Proceeds from the sale of his editorial cartoons will be donated to the Senior Scribes Scholarship Fund to help local students further their education. The Gathering at Garst will be held July 26 and 27 on the grounds of the Garst Museum. Be sure to stop by the tent, visit with The Early Bird and Bluebag Media staff, meet Paul Ackley, signup for the daily e-mail newsletter and have a chance to win dinner from Hot Head Burrito or The Bistro Off Broadway.

Darke County approves balanced mid-year budget GREENVILLE – Darke County Commissioners approved a balBOB ROBINSON anced midAssociate Editor year budget bluebagmedia.com on June 30 for the first time in three years. The General Fund budget for 2015, at least at this point, is $16,882,522. Because a balanced mid-year budget is not required by law, it is treated more as a “wish list,” or an anticipated budget if funds come in as expected, according to commissioners. The mid-year budgets for 2013 and 2014 were both approved in the “red,” with anticipated expenses exceeding anticipated income. They were approved by 2-1 margins, with Commissioner Diane Delaplane voting no on both occasions. This year the vote was unanimous. In her report to the commissioners, Darke County Auditor Carol Ginn noted the county had seen an $872,998 increase in income tax receipts from 2011 to 2013. During the same time period, however, Local Government revenue decreased $316,394. She noted the state will likely reduce local income again, “so any increase in sales tax would be offset by the reduction of Local Government Revenue.” “Taxpayers don’t understand how the loss of Local


Stay connected with The Early Bird online where you can find breaking news, weather, sports scores, classified ads, garage sale map and lots more.

Government revenue impacts their services,” she said. “Originally, the state had asked the people to support a tax increase; in return they promised the local governments would get a share.” She added this decreasing Local Government revenue impacts governments at all levels: county, city, village, township and other tax-funded entities. Ginn acknowledged the previous two years of midterm budgets were passed in the red, but was pleased to note this one is balanced. “It’s really like we look at the dollars coming in as anticipated money,” adding the end of the year budget, by law, must balance. “This year it looks like we’re going to be right on target,” she said. Neither the commissioners nor Ginn rely on anticipated casino revenue or sales tax increases in determining potential receipts versus appropriations. The funds coming from those sources helped in creating a carryover balance for this year of $3,543,184. In her report, Ginn also noted the Darke County Wagner Avenue facility debt, as of Dec. 31, will be $6,125,214.37. Principal and interest due in 2015 will be $535,407.51. “The county General Fund will need to continue to help support this facility,” she added.

PAGE 2 Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


Police investigate suicide attempt, domestic violence incidents On June 26 police were dispatched to 520 Martin St. John Haberny had allegedly attempted to commit suicide by

hanging himself. A family member opened the door after which Haberny yelled “get the **** out of my house,” add-

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ing “No one called you, you can’t just come in my house!” At that point Haberny started to go into the kitchen but was detained by police. For his safety and theirs, they handcuffed him. It took two officers to do it and place him in a patrol car. The relative described a conversation he had with his child’s mother, adding he said he was going to kill himself. He blocked the door to his room; when the relative was able to push the door open she saw him face down on the floor, belts attached to a ceiling fan with a bench directly underneath. She called 911. Haberny was transported to Wayne

ER by Greenville Township EMS where he later told police he had anger issues, did not really want to kill himself but was depressed about his child’s mother. He used the fan and belts to upset the individuals involved. He was cited for Obstruction of Official Business. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE On July 2 police were dispatched regarding a domestic violence incident committed by the defendant (unnamed in the report). He had accused the victim of hiding his false teeth. She told him he had lost them a while ago. He became angry and grabbed her arm, twisting it. The victim had visible bruising on her right wrist; she was transported to Wayne Healthcare by Greenville Township Rescue. The defendant admitting to the allegations saying she should have returned his teeth. He appeared to be partially disabled. The victim stated he has become increasingly violent and she is scared what he may do next. He was placed under arrest for domestic violence and transported to Darke County jail. On July 4 police were dispatched regarding a domestic violence incident. Police spoke with the victim; the suspect, Brandon Gray, was gone. He had become verbally abusive. When she yelled back he grabbed her phones and smashed them with a hammer, then shoved her against a wall, pressing his forearm against her upper chest and throat. This caused pain and redness to her neck and chest. She also had a cut to her skin around her shoulder. EMS was called but the victim refused transport to the hospital. She advised a location outside the city where the suspect might be found. Police will be charging him with Domestic Violence when arrested. DUI On June 28 police stopped a vehicle for a license plate light violation. The driver, Michael Keckler, had a strong odor of alcoholic beverage on him and his eyes appeared to be glassy. Also in the vehicle was

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Wyatt Murphy. There was an open container of beer in the vehicle which Murphy indicated was his. Keckler was asked to do a field sobriety test and did poorly on it. Murphy was given a warning for the open container and released; Keckler was placed under arrest and transported to Greenville Police Department. He agreed to a breath test which registered .13 He was placed under Administrative License Suspension, given his citation and released to a friend. On July 5 police responded to a fight call at Speedway South. The employee said some of those involved had left in a silver 4-door sedan. He gave them the license number. Police observed the sedan a minute later in the 300 block of W. 4th St. The driver, Dustin Clark, said there was no assault at Speedway, that the subject had gotten “in his face.” Clark had no driver’s license, only an Ohio I.D. card. He had a strong odor of alcoholic beverage on him; his eyes were bloodshot and glassy, his speech slurred. He had three passengers: Robert Dancer in the front, Brad Smith and Karly Wolfrey in the back. A green glass pipe with marijuana residue was on the floor next to Smith. Clark advised it was his. Clark staggered when he was asked to exit the vehicle and did poorly on the field sobriety test. He was arrested for OVI. Following a search, police found a blue glass pipe with marijuana residue and a baggie of marijuana in his pockets and an orange pipe with residue in the glove compartment of his vehicle. The passengers were released and Clark taken to the Greenville Police Department. He registered .19 on a breath test. He was issued citations for OVI, 12 Point Suspension, Drug Abuse and Drug Paraphernalia. He was released to a relative. JUVENILE On June 30 police were contacted by the complainant that his 15year-old son came home with beer against his wishes. The father is ill and cannot control the boy. The juvenile had a strong odor of alcoholic beverage on him and appeared intoxicated. He is under probation with the Darke County Juvenile Court. The court was contacted; they said if a relative of the boy would take him in for the rest of the night the court would deal with him the next day. The relative agreed. While police were on the scene, the boy became

ill and began vomiting. Greenville Rescue was contacted and he was transported to Wayne ER. The youth was cited for Underage Consumption and released to the relative. On June 28 a little after 1 a.m. two complaints were received regarding a vehicle seen driving erratically and the occupants throwing things at parked cars. A description and license plate number were provided. The vehicle was found and stopped shortly afterward. There were two juveniles, however they denied involvement in the incidents. The vehicle was searched and nothing found. However, due to the complaints and no reasonable excuse for being out, the driver was cited for Curfew and released to his mother. WARRANTS On July 4 police were dispatched to the Preble County jail regarding a warrant on Robert Pelfry. He was arrested on a warrant for passing bad checks. Pelfry was transported to the Mercer County jail and released on bond, $10,125. He was issued a trespass notice from Ace Hardware. On July 4 police observed Kaye Lynn Trittschuh in the 300 block of Euclid Ave. An active bench warrant from the Darke County Sheriff for probation violation was confirmed and she was arrested and transported to Darke County jail with no bond. On July 1 police were dispatched to the Darke County Courthouse regarding Storm Parsons who had turned himself in due to having an active arrest warrant from Greenville Police. The original charge was theft. He was transported to Mercer County jail with a bond of $1,525. On June 30 Ryan Ruppe was brought to the Greenville Police Department for questioning. It was learned he had an active arrest warrant out of Darke County Sheriff’s Office for complicity to burglary and grand theft. Ruppe was arrested and transported to Darke County jail with no bond. DECEASED On July 1 police assisted the Darke County Coroner’s office with a death investigation occurring within the city limits. Phyllis Holsapple was found deceased in a vehicle that had been traveling within the city of Greenville. Due to her medical conditions, the family doctor agreed to sign the death certificate and the body was released to the family.

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Mason DeMange starting at 8:30 p.m., games for all ages, and food, such as marinated grilled tenderloins, walking tacos, burgers, chicken and noodles, and snocones offered throughout Friday evening and again Saturday morning. All booths are operated by Relay teams and all proceeds are given to the American Cancer Society to be used for research,

education and advocacy. The statistics are staggering; one in three people will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime and more than two-thirds of all cancer deaths are preventable. Since someone you know will encounter this disease your awareness and participation in this countywide event is requested. Consider coming out to the Heritage Park grounds for your Friday evening meal, spend a

little time learning what resources are available, methods for early detection and how the funds are utilized. You will meet some of the bravest people who have battled or are battling this disease. You’ll witness their passionate support for the Darke County Relay for Life and you’ll see the admiration and gratitude they have for your presence, compassion, concern and desire to work with them to finding a cure.

Left to right: Second runner-up Little Miss Firecracker Emylee Springer, first runner-up Aubrey Eley, Little Miss Firecracker Leah Lawrence, Little Mr. Firecracker Jasen Godwon, first runner-up Grady Thomas and second runner-up Quinten Smith.

Lawrence, Godown Little Mr. & Miss Firecracker BY BOB ROBINSON ASSOC. EDITOR NEW MADISON – “I’m the Pledge of Allegiance!” said Leah Lawrence. Her favorite toy is a gold fish named Goldie. She likes baseball and did the Pledge of Allegiance for an appreciative crowd… Later she yelled “mom, dad, I won, I won.” She was named New Madison’s Little Miss Firecracker 2014. Jasen Godown was Uncle Sam and played the part by waving the American flag at every opportunity. He also recited the Pledge of Allegiance for an appreciative crowd, earning the title of Little Mr. Firecracker 2014 for his efforts. Leah is four and the daughter of Scott and Lindsay Lawrence. Jasen is three and the son of Rob and Lori Godown.

First runner-up Little Miss was Aubrey Eley, 4, daughter of Eric and Sarah Eley; second runnerup was Emylee Springer, 4, daughter of Sara Ditty and Rodney Springer. First runner-up Little Mister was Grady Thomas, 4, son of Adriane and Brian Thomas; second runner-up was Quinten Smith, 3, son of Josh and Justena Smith. All six rode in the Independence Day parade the next day, July 4. MC Kami Hollinger had the challenge of interacting with 14 threeto-five-year-olds, most of whom presented themselves exactly as parents, grandparents and other family members had anticipated. Addie Pipenger did some tumbling, while Emylee, dressed in a fireworks display, told Hollinger

she was the “Grand Finale.” Elizabeth Jesse’s pet was a puppy. “What’s its name?” Hollinger asked. “Puppy,” she answered. A couple of them froze, but Quinten provided some unexpected entertainment for the crowd… He didn’t say a word. Dressed as a cowboy, he grinned as he put his lasso over Hollinger’s head; then put his hat on her head… then leaned on her shoulder. Grinning (without a word) the entire time. “Not talking? Hollinger asked. Quinten shook his head. “Are you done?” Quinten nodded. Other contestants in the 2014 Mr. & Miss Firecracker pageant were Kaley Brandon, Audrey Thomas, Kayla Washington, Raegan Hunt, Annabeck Spencer and Glori Mae Rausch.


GREENVILLE - Ten young women will be vying for the honor of becoming Miss Annie Oakley 2014 during Annie Oakley Days July 25-27 at York Woods. They are (front left) Mariana Ramos, sponsored by Stebbens Excavating; Majenica Nealeigh, Farm Power of the Past; Shawna Osborne, Buckeye Cleaning Service; Katie Hurd, C. F. Poeppelman; Jennifer Maher, Western Ohio Podiatric Medical Center; Tara Goubeaux, Keller Grain and Feed; (back row) Alyssa Baumgardner, Greenville Car Wash; Rachel Francis, Leis Realty; Hannah Gulley, Chicken Kitchen II; and Hannah Bingham, LA Bryson & Co. and Darke County Guns and Ammunition. Contestants will have a practice session on July 22; the preliminary contest begins July 23 with the final wrapping up on July 24. All sessions start at 6 p.m. at York Woods.


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New Madison Open Golf Tourney set NEW MADISON – The New Madison Civic Organization will be hosting its 30th annual New Madison Open Golf Tournament on July 19 at White Springs Golf Club. The New Madison Civic Organization is a non-profit group providing support to the community through a variety of fund raising activities. Proceeds from events help support local scholarships to Tri-Village senior graduates and other community need based programs. This is a best ball scramble format four man teams and the cost is $45 per player or $180 per team and includes greens fees, cart, food, drinks, skill and door prizes. They currently have openings for teams. If you are interested in participating, e-mail layth.scantland@ludy. com. The Civic Organization also maintains the Community Center

Building, 218 S. Harrison St., New Madison. The building is available to rent for graduation parties, wedding receptions, birthday

parties and other family get togethers. For more information on rental prices and availability contact Tom or Bonita Schlechty, 996-0042.

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Darke Co. Beef The Darke County Beef 4-H Club met on May 6, at McBo’s Lanes, Versailles. This was our Friends & Family Night with bowling and the club provided pizza and pop. The theme for the night was favorite sports team. The next meeting will be June 3, at the fairgrounds in the show arena. There will be a grooming demonstration. There will also be scholarship applications available for those who qualify. Theme will be duck dynasty. Clover buds will be making bird feeders. Trever Mann, reporter

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PAGE 4 Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

GHS Class of ‘94 plans 20th reunion GREENVILLE – The Greenville High School Class of 1994 invites classmates to join them on Aug. 2, 7-11 p.m., in celebration of their 20th class reunion. “We are really hoping for a great turn out,” said Jason Anderson, Class of ’94 president. “We’ve put together a fun evening, and we hope that both locals and those living outside of the area will make an effort to gather for the event.” The reunion will be

held at The Old Arcana, 109 George St., Arcanum. The restaurant, which opened in May, touts the mission of combining the magic of great food and soul-inspiring music in a charming, historic environment. For the reunion, the restaurant will prepare a variety of their most popular hors d’oeuvres and desserts, including Arcana meatballs in tomato sauce with parmesan cheese and the Arcana famous banana

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pudding. The restaurant will also offer a cash bar and feature live music throughout the evening. Reservations are $25 per person and may be made by sending a check to the attention of Susan (Allread) Barker at Greenville Federal, 690 Wagner Avenue, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Checks should be made payable to the GHS Class of ‘94. Or, make a reservation through PayPal at James_Bachman@ hotmail.com. Reservations are requested by July 18. The reunion weekend also coincides with a First Friday event in downtown Greenville, and classmates who are in town on Aug. 1, 6-9 p.m., are invited to stop by The A&B Coffee and Cake Company, owned and operated by ‘94 graduate Aaron Ward. The A&B is located at 501 South Broadway, Greenville. Follow all of the reunion details on Facebook at Greenville High School Class of 1994 – 20th Class Reunion. Questions may be directed to Rachael (Wagner) Stebbins at wagner_rachael@hotmail. com or at (304) 6468177.

ECOT Honor Roll named DARKE COUNTY

– Three Darke County students have earned a position on the honor roll at ECOT (Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow), Ohio’s first and largest K-12 online public school. Those students are Jay Lawrence, Emily Rue and Aaron Stewart.

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Steve Countryman (holding the shovel) and brother Cary slice watermelons for Steam Thresher Reunion visitors. (Bob Robinson photo)

New Steam Thresher attractions designed to entertain all

BY BOB ROBINSON ASSOC. EDITOR YORK WOODS – Kendra Price was enjoying a family tradition… she was eating a watermelon slice cut with a buzz saw. Actually the watermelon wasn’t the tradition; going to the Steam Threshers Reunion was. Her family has been attending it for years. This unique method of slicing watermelon was a new offering for the 58th Annual Steam Threshers Reunion at York Woods. It was cooked up by Steve and Cary Countryman, along with their grandson Wyatt Downard, as a way to attract young people. “We try to think up things that would keep the kids interested,” he said, noting they come to the shows to entertain, have fun and keep busy. “You see a kid at one of these shows, he looks around, he doesn’t come back. We have to find a way to get him interested if we don’t want to lose this part of our history.” So they came up with the watermelon buzz saw. Steve said Cary saw a can crusher one time, then asked “why can’t we make an arm that crushes cans.” They did. About a dozen people gathered around as the model steam engine was fired up. It was attached to a long belt which drove the ‘crusher’ arm. The cans were fed one at a time and crushed almost flat; better than most cancrushers in use today. Everything operates with a belt attached to a steam engine. “Everything,” Steve repeated. “The way it was done in 1900.” He added, however, there probably wasn’t much need for a can crusher in 1900. Long time Reunion announcer Rick Brewer said attendance was up this year, much better than the previous year. “New officers and directors… new attitude… the show is headed in the right direction!” He said the show this year had 10 full size steam engines and 10 scale-model steam engines. “This is up from last year,” he added. He

While acknowledging crushed pop cans wasn’t a problem in the 1900’s, the Countryman brothers showed how early 1900 technology could be used to solve it. (Bob Robinson photo)

A visitor looks at a variety of scale-model early 1900’s equipment being offered by one of the vendors at this year’s Steam Threshers Reunion. (Bob Robinson photo)

pointed out a Case Roller, noting it was owned by Wayne Murphy and featured this year. “Lots of action and creativity this year,” Brewer said. A few of the activities included threshing wheat, the sawmill, buzz saw, a binder that cuts wheat, puts it into shocks and wraps twine around it. There were several vendors offering ice cream, sandwiches and pop; along with an adhesive rated at 2500 pounds per square inch (after 24 hours).

There was one more new offering at the 2014 Reunion. In past years, the chug-a-chug-a-chugga was the dominating sound of a Steam Threshers visit. This year there was a new sound… like an organ doing traditional favorites such as ‘Good Old Summertime” and more. It was the Kitch Greenhouses Steam Calliope out of Miamisburg. It was fired up for about 15 minutes every hour and sent the chugs into a barely noticeable background sound.

GREENVILLE – Applications are now being accepted for The 2014 Great Darke County Fair Little Miss and Mr. Pageant. The pageant will take place in the fairgrounds youth building, located behind the gazebo. It will be on Aug. 18, 2014 with the boys starting at 5:30 p.m. and the girls starting at 6:30 p.m. This year’s theme is “A Magical Kingdom Comes to Life,” a Disney themed and judged event. Children must be between the ages of 3-5 years by Aug. 18, and a

resident of Darke County. There will also be a most photogenic contest for a boy and girl this year. Please include a 5x7 or smaller photograph with no enhancements with your entry fee and registration form. Please make sure the picture is labeled with name and address. There is a $15 non-refundable entry fee due at the time of registration. Applications will be accepted until Aug. 6. No applications will be taken after this date with any exceptions. Please drop off or mail your application, registration fee and picture at The Flower Patch, 104 Rhoades Ave Greenville, Ohio 45331. Applications can be picked up at the following businesses: Readmore Hallmark Store Greenville, The Flower Patch Greenville, Darke County Fair Office, The Corner Cupboard in Union City, Arcanum Hardware, Farmers State Bank in New Madison, Second National Bank in Versailles, John’s IGA Foodliner in Versailles, and Greenville National Bank in Ansonia. Applications can also be printed from www.facebook. com/flowerpatchgreenville, www.facebook. com/DarkeCountyFairLittleMissLittleMrPageant and www.darkecountyfair.com. For any questions, contact The Flower Patch at 548-5675.

Register for fair’s Little Miss and Mr.

Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 5


READERS WRITE Camp is Successful Dear Editor, This year was the 21st consecutive year for the Matt Light Football Camp. The camp is a free two day camp for 8 to 14 year old youths from Greenville, Darke County, and the surrounding area (160 campers attended). This football camp is made possible through the generous financial support of individuals and many local businesses. I would like to restate that many businesses and individuals from Greenville and Darke County have made generous contributions for many years to perpetuate the unique camp. The true meaning of “giving back” is demonstrated by the good businesses, businessmen, and businesswomen of Greenville and Darke County supporting the unique concept of a free football camp. I would like to encourage area residents to patronize and to thank the list of businesses and individuals listed below, when the opportunity arises. Again, this year we were lucky enough to have Matt Light in attendance for both days of camp. Matt spoke to the kids on several occasions and helped with the coaching. As a bonus, Matt invited two current Purdue University starting offensive linemen, Jack DeBoef and Robert Kugler to work with the kids. Also, visiting the camp this year was a former New England Patriot teammate of Matt’s, Mike Wilson. Thank you to the following: The Light Foundation, Greenville Federal, Walmart, Drew Ag Transport, Maid-Rite Sandwich Shoppe, Treaty City Industries, Greenville Technology, Inc., TXI, Inc., Bob Evans Restaurants, Greenville National Bank, Loudy’s, Performance Mortgage, Dr. Stephen Stentzel, Dr. Ronald Dean and Western Ohio Dental Medicine, Bolyard Heating & Cooling, Inc., Hittle Buick-GMC, Wayne Health Care, Randall Insurance Agency, Francis Furniture, Dave Knapp Ford, NuWay Builders, Diane Evans-State Farm Insurance, Littman-Thomas Insurance, G & G Floor Fashions, Inc., RJ Warner Insurance Agencies, Subway, Buckeye Beverage Drive Thru, McDonald’s Restaurant, Eikenberry’s Tru-Value, Double M Diner, Hot Rods and Harleys, Dr. Kim Lyons Tecumseh Center for Natural Healing, Kirby Lyons Auctioneers, Mercer Savings Bank, Montage, Jim Gable-State Farm Insurance Agency, Reflections Auto Body, The Daily Advocate, Second National Bank, Whirlpool Corporation, Marcos Pizza, The Beanery, Greenville City Schools, JT’s Brew and Grill, Jon Coomer Investment Management, Red and Ruth’s Tavern and Hamilton Auto Sales, LLC. Sincerely, Larry E. Masters, Camp Director ________________________ Supreme Court Decision Dear Editor: I can’t get over how the Dayton Daily Birdcage Liner, other newspapers, and news media cry over the how “Republicans”, when it was a Supreme Court Decision, continue to trample on “Women’s Rights”. I think it was an excellent decision and wish it had gone further. The decision did not say a woman could not say “no” to sex, it did not say the woman could “not” have used/or insisted on protection, and it did “not” say the woman could “not” open her legs, and it did “not” say the woman could “not” butcher her child, in the name of abortion, during her pregnancy that resulted from her stupidity. This was a win for the church and those who believe in the right to follow their religious beliefs. It is unfortunate the demoncrats and those who do not believe in a higher power feel the way they do, for actions like this and beliefs like this have caused God to remove the hedge protection from around this country. We will become and experience what Israel once endured. The time is coming and is very near when you will be casting another hope. Soon we will see another great war- a war the God will win to defend the very people He placed in His country Israel. This country, while sitting on the fence, will be cast aside even further because of the lack of leadership this country presently has. This will expedite the coming action. Take it to the bank it is coming! Dave Long Greenville

Board of Elections GREENVILLE – The Darke County Board of Elections will meet on July 14, 2 p.m. for a regularly scheduled

meeting. The Board will determine the voting unit allocation to the precincts for the Nov. 4 General Election.

Golf outing helps The Journey Home GREENVILLE – On July 26, the V.F.W. Post #7262 will host its annual golf outing at Turtle Creek Golf Course. This event will be open to the public with a 1 p.m. shotgun start. All proceeds from this event will go to the The Journey Home facility in Winchester, IN. The Journey Home is a residential/transitional facility whose mission is “to make the impossible happen on a daily basis in the lives of homeless veterans with addiction problems.” This facility is open to veterans in Darke, Preble and Mercer coun-

ties in Ohio and a couple counties in Indiana. Deadline for this event is July 21. The entry fee is $60 per golfer, which includes 18 holes and a cart. A meal will be served at the Greenville V.F.W. with a dance after the meal. Higgins & Madewell will provide the entertainment. There are cash awards for first, second and third places as well as raffles and door prizes. Entry forms can be picked up at the V.F.W. in the canteen. For more information, call 5484004.

DISCLAIMER Views expressed on this page from guest columnists, cartoonist or readers voicing their perspective do not necessarily reflect the views/opinions of the newspaper. Readers are encouraged to utilize our letters to

the editor space to share their own views/opinions. The Early Bird and Buebag Media reserve the right to not publish letters that are considered libelous, slanderous or unsigned.

I’d have done it, too Grumpy Side of 60

by Bob Robinson Associate Editor bluebagmedia.com

Watching a Little Mr. & Miss competition is never boring; in fact, it’s often hilarious. I had the privilege of covering one at Poultry Days, two over the July 4 weekend and will likely be in the midst of the excitement when little ones compete at the annual Darke County Fair “Littles” pageant. As Ken DeMange noted last month at the Little Miss Poultry Days pageant… “You never know what they might say, or do.” And you don’t. One contestant proved his point by telling everyone she didn’t like “Frozen” or its theme song, “Let it go.” “I don’t like that,” she said. Over and over… especially when she and other ‘Littles’ were asked to sing and dance to the song. During the Independence Day weekend, I saw a young man tromp up on the stage, the grin-

ning conquering hero, then decided he didn’t want to talk. There was the young lady who named her puppy… Puppy; and another who named her goldfish Goldie. A 4-year-old soccer fan had no qualms about deciding the U.S. was cheated in the World Cup (or whatever that competition was). I don’t think I’ll ever forget the 3-year-old who came dressed as a cowboy and put his lasso over the MC’s head, then his hat on it and leaned against her, grinning. He never said a single word. Some kids know exactly what they want to be when they grow up… a construction worker who will build what he’s supposed to build, to the child who simply wants to be big, or a princess or a unicorn. One youngster, however, didn’t know what he wanted to be when he grew up or even what his favorite food was. I saw some of these kids later at the parades. They looked a little more relaxed (in other words, ready for candy). They of course didn’t know me,

but several kids from Woodland and East schools did. “I thought that was you across the street,” said one youngster. I’d come over to her side and was starting to walk past her family when she called out. I knew her immediately. She was one of the kids who enjoyed giving me a hard time… “You gave me a hard time at school, didn’t you?” I asked. “Yep,” she said, grinning. Then gave my kneecaps a hug. I can’t remember everything we talked about, but she kept me occupied with questions and comments almost until parade time. If I remember right, she had a pretty good idea what Independence Day meant and why we were having a parade. Then there’s the library. That institution of knowledge that seems like home to some and a foreign land to others. I meet with a few kids for an hour or two each week to help them finetune their reading skills. They have to read one or more books a week. Some are serious; some

– like my Woodland student – love to give me a hard time. One of my “kids” disappeared when my back was turned. I looked everywhere for her, even went outside to look. She was, after all, my responsibility until dad picked her up. She’d been hiding under a table. Dad said, “Yeah, she does that all the time.” I learned a new game over the past few weeks. It’s called “The different ways you can ride in an elevator.” Three 7-yearolds would lie flat on their backs, then on their tummies… finally on their stomachs with their feet pulled up behind them. I don’t know which was funnier… the giggling kids or the expressions on the faces of adults who happened to be waiting for the elevator when the doors opened. I just looked at them with this stupid grin on my face… a look that said, “Don’t ask!” If I’d been 60 years younger I’d probably have done it, too.

Democrat Helping workers receive benefits Breakfast

GREENVILLE – Darke County Democrats will host an early riser breakfast at the Brethren Retirement Community cafeteria on July 12, 8 a.m. Come and enjoy good fellowship, plus a wonderful breakfast. Everyone is welcome. For reservations, call Tom Hans, 273-3865 or David Niley, 548-4517.

Municipal Court Report GREENVILLE – Judge Julie L. Monnin, Darke County Municipal Court, reported on the case statistics of the court for June 2014. There were 521 new cases filed in the Darke County Municipal Court in June 2014. The breakdown of these cases include: 103 criminal, 24 O.M.V.I., 288 other traffic and 106 civil cases. There were 569 cases terminated/disposed of in June 2014. For more information, contact Judge Julie L. Monnin, Darke County Municipal Court, Darke County Courthouse, 504 South Broadway, Suite 7, Greenville, OH 45331, 547-7340.

To cut costs, some employers cheat the system by misclassiSHERROD fying their BROWN employU.S. SENATOR ees as independent contractors. Though the vast majority of employers are honest, the ones that aren’t deny their employees vital worker safeguards and avoid paying their fair share of Social Security, unemployment insurance, and income tax. This practice, which occurs across several industries including construction, trucking, landscaping, and home health care, cheats workers out of the benefits they deserve and places honest employers at a competitive disadvantage. It also robs taxpayers of funds that would otherwise go towards public services. A 2009 study found that Ohio alone loses and es-

timated $890 million a year from worker misclassification. Ohioans don’t deserve to lose out because of some employers’ dishonest business practices. My legislation, the Fair Playing Field Act would stop the misclassification of employees, ensuring workers are protected and employers are paying the taxes they owe. The bill allows the IRS to order employers to properly classify their workers; requires clarification of the rules for verifying employment status, making it easier to determine for both employers and workers; and penalizes employers who don’t follow the rules. At the same time it preserves current law for professional services that have always treated their employees as independent contractors. Cracking down on misclassification raises revenue that we can use to

fund job-creating future transportation projects like repairing the more than 2,200 bridges in Ohio deemed “structurally deficient.” The Highway Trust Fund, the main source of funding for critical infrastructure projects is running low. The fund expires on September 20 but it’s possible that the Department of Transportation could begin delaying payments as early as July 18. The Fair Playing Field Act would raise $5.7 billion over the next ten years, enough to help pay for a short-term highway bill to prevent insolvency while Congress works towards passing a longterm bipartisan transportation bill. Preventing worker misclassification through the Fair Playing Field Act will protect Ohio’s workers, strengthen our economy, and provide a much-needed solution to keeping our infrastructure reliable.

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(937) 548-3330 Toll Free: 1-800-548-5312 Fax: (937) 548-3376


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PAGE 6 Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


Fitzgerald turned 104 on July 2

Juanita Besecker

Besecker turns 100

GREENVILLE – Juanita Sanders Besecker will be celebrating her 90TH birthday on July 17. Juanita is the daughter of late Anna and Earl Fair. She was married in June 1942 to Verlin R. Besecker who passed away in 2006. Juanita is the mother of three sons, Thomas (Linda), Ronald (Karen) and Daniel (Patricia). She also has 11 grandchildren, 29 great grandchildren, and one great great grandson. A card shower would brighten her day as she loves receiving mail. Please help her celebrate by sending cards to Juanita Besecker, 1401 North Broadway, Apt. 200, Greenville, Ohio 45331.


Thanks to all for making my 90th a special day. God Bless. Bernettia Kester

GREENVILLE – On July 2, Greenville resident and State of the Heart Hospice patient Elaine Fitzgerald turned 104 years old. Last summer, she was the oldest person attending The Great Darke County Fair on Senior Citizens Day and received a $100 first prize. “I never thought I would see 100 let alone 104,” she said. Elaine credits State of the Heart, with the agency’s many services, for allowing her to stay in her home of over 30 years surrounded by familiar furnishings and mementoes. “I couldn’t do it without the help of State of the Heart,” she said. Her birthday was special. Plans started with having her hair done on Tuesday before her birthday, a trip with relatives on her birthday for lunch at one of her favorite restaurants, the Golden Corral in Richmond, then back home where family would be stopping by throughout the day and evening to bring birthday wishes. Floral bouquets were on display. State of the Heart Hospice presented her with a cake baked by a hospice volunteer. “I get one every year and they are the best,” she said. Last year when she turned 103, an article appeared in local papers and on the inter-

Elaine Fitzgerald

net. “I heard from people in California and on the east coast telling me they had seen the story on the internet. I never thought I would be on the internet.” Dressed in stylish white slacks and bright pink slippers that are her favorite, she walked to the chair where she preferred to have her photo taken with the birthday cake. Beside her on the chair was a beautiful silver purse that she had purchased with the $100 from the fair last year. She had said then that she was using it as her “mad money.” She enjoys telling about her childhood confusion over her birthday and July 4. “I remember bands marching past the house and fireworks going off. I was so happy as I thought it was all in honor of my birthday.” It wasn’t until she started school that she learned the hoopla was for July 4. “What a rude awakening,” she added.

Netzley Reunion GREENVILLE – The

annual Netzley Reunion will be held July 20, noon to 4 p.m., at the Eagles Picnic Area on Shade Road, 2.6 miles west of Greenville (turn south State Route 502 onto Shade Road to the Eagles Picnic Area). The building is air conditioned and there is a fenced-in playground. Bring a potluck dish, tablecloth, table service and a beverage. Dinner begins at 12:30 p.m. President is Teresa Kendall Long, Arcanum, email tlong423@ woh.rr.com.

GREENVILLE – James (Jim) and Opal (Grooms) Hughes are celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary on July 17. They were married at Stelvideo Christian Church by the Reverend Denlinger, now deceased. The Best Man, Dwight Thomas, still resides in North Carolina and the Maid of Honor, Janet (Hughes) Stover, still resides in Bradford. Opal was the family seamstress and made clothing, doll clothing, stuffed animals, quilts and crocheted blankets for all the children, grandchildren and now, great grandchildren. She also worked as relief operator at Fram Corporation, Greenville, and retired after 33 years. Over the years Jim grew roses and landscaped the yard for hosting family reunions and graduation parties for the children and grandchildren. In addition, he worked as a press operator at Corning Glass Works in Greenville for 23 years and later, for 20 years at Eikenberry’s Grocery, where he con-

We have great to go deals!!

16 Pieces Chicken, Potato Wedges, Coleslaw and Rolls


Allread Reunion GREENVILLE – The

James and Opal Hughes present

Hughes celebrate 65th anniversary


GREENVILLE – The families of Nathan and Angel (Holt) Snyder would like to announce the arrival of their newest family member. Lilyian Faith Snyder was born to her parents Nathan and Angel on June 24, 2014 at Wayne Hospital. Lilyian was born at 11:19 a.m., weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. Also proud to welcome her is her grandparents, Rick Snyder of Arcanum; Becky Snyder of Greenville; Linda Lester of Covington and Gary Holt of Farmland, Ind. Great grandparents are Jerry Snyder of Arcanum; Wayne and Martha Neal of Greenville; Jim and Jerylin Lester of Ansonia; and Jay and Carolyn Cox of Winchester, Ind. Along with many aunts, uncles, cousins nieces and nephews. Everyone would like to congratulate and send all three of them much love and happiness. Thank You I would like to express my sincere appreciation for all the kind words, flowers, gifts and cards, for my recent retirement with Greenville National Bank after 27 years of service. I have enjoyed each and every one of the friends and customers I have met over the years. Carolyn Wilmoth

James and Opal Hughes – 1949 Alivia Addis

Lilyian Faith



Name: Alivia Ann Addis Age: 7 Years Birthday: July 12, 2007 Parents: Larry and Amy Addis Siblings: Blake and Evan Addis Grandparents: Larry and Shirley Linder and Larry and Shirley Addis Great Grandparent: Betty Lutz, all from Greenville



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Warner turns 80

GREENVILLE – Bill Warner will be celebrating his 80th birthday on July 17. His family invites you to share in this celebrating by sending cards to him at 1279 Highland Drive, Greenville, Ohio 45331. He will be delighted to hear from family, friends and acquaintances on this big occasion.



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Bill Warner





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GREENVILLE – Mary Davidson, a lifelong Darke County resident, will celebrate her 100th birthday this week. Mrs. Davidson is the mother of Mrs. Betty L. Via of Greenville. She also has two granddaughters, seven greatgrandchildren, and two greatgreat grandchildren. Mrs. Davidson still lives in her own home and has attended EUM Church in Greenville since 1946. Her family lovingly describes her as a wonderful homemaker and tireless worker who has always enjoyed fixing things, cleaning house, and baking her famous apple pies. First and foremost, she has spent many years taking

Mary Davidson

good care of everyone in her family and being a blessing to those around her. Family and friends are invited to attend a special party at the Brethren Retirement Community at 750 Chestnut Street, Greenville, on July 24, 4-6 p.m. in the Brick Room.

Didiers celebrate 50th anniversary DARKE COUNTY – Jim and Shelia (Gigandet) Didier will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. They were united in marriage on July 18, 1964, at St. Denis Catholic Church. Witnesses were Jim’s brother Dick Didier and Shelia’s sister Karon (Gigandet) Crowell. Jim is the son of the late Raymond and Marie Didier. Shelia is the daughter of the late Leonard (Jiggs) and Lucille Gigandet. Jim served in the United States Army. Jim and Shelia started their own business in February 1980, Industrial Trucks & Equipment, and retired in July 2011 after 31 1/2 years in business. They are the parents

Jim and Shelia Didier

of two children, Randy (Angie) Didier and Sandy (Shawn) Peters, both of Versailles. They have 7 grandchildren Dylan, Benjamin, Elliot, Dalton, Cole, Nathan, and Cassie. They enjoy spending time with family and friends, traveling, and gardening. They will be celebrating with family.

Trinity Wesleyan welcomes pastor GREENVILLE – Trinity Wesleyan Church of Greenville will welcome Pastor Rick Kavanaugh and wife Marcia on July 20. The community is cordially invited to welcome the Kavanaughs at the 10 a.m. service. Pastor Rick and Marcia are joining Trinity Wesleyan Church after Rick and Marcia Kavanaugh six years in North Carolina. They interests, which include started their pastorate hiking, traveling, foot32 years ago in West- ball and baseball and erville, Ohio and con- with the right welcome, tinuing at Presque Isle, he may consider becomMaine for 22 years. ing a Buckeye fan! They have decided to return to Ohio. Pastor Rick has a BA CARD OF THANKS and Masters in Pastoral Thank You Theology from KingThank you to everyswood University. one that attended our The Kavanaughs 50th wedding anniverhave two grown chil- sary celebration on June dren, (David and Can- 14. You helped make the dice) and two grand- day very special. Also, children, (Ivy and Le- thanks for the many land). Candice and her cards and gifts that we family plan to relocate received. to Ohio as well. Joe and Mary K. MillPastor Rick has many er



$10 Reg. Price

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tinues to work two days per week. The Hughes have five children. Their first child, Gary, died as an infant. They have three daughters, Beverly (Larry) Hughes-Fitzwater, of Greenville, Sue (Don) Scheiltz, of Troy, and Kathy (Jeff) Huffman, West Virginia. Their youngest child, a son, Tony, lives in Greenville. There are 12 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren (one deceased). The couple still takes regular trips to JoAnn’s Fabric in Piqua and to Richmond to eat out. They attend EUM Church in Greenville and frequent family euchre parties. They have always been grateful for a home community that has been a blessing to them and all their family. The children invite family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances to share in this 65th wedding anniversary celebration with a card shower sent to “Anniversary”, 108 Meadow Lane, Greenville, Ohio 45331.

Allread Reunion will be held July 20, 1 p.m., at Shelter #5, Greenville City Park. Bring your lunch, table service, drink and your family. All relatives are welcome.

Davidson turns 100

MONDAY - THURSDAY 9-5 • FRIDAY 9-2 1200 E. Russ Rd


Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 7

A Tribute to Our Lady of Fatima

EUM hosts free movie night on 7/31 GREENVILLE - EUM Church in Greenville will be showing the movie God’s Not Dead free to the public on July 31, 6-8:30 p.m., at the worship center, 1451 Sater St., Greenville. Lemonade and snacks will be provided for free. After the movie a giveaway of six tickets to the 2014 Illumination Festival will be held to all in attendance. You can get tickets for

the movie at the Greenville Public Library, the Bread of Life book store, A&B coffee shop or the Coffee Pot in Greenville. There will also be tickets at the door of EUM Church the night of the movie. Each person with a ticket will be eligible for the giveaway. The movie is free of charge. Learn more about EUM Church at eumchurch.org.

1989 Corvette

Corvette helps kids GREENVILLE – Would you like to own this beautiful car? Now is your chance. The Greenville Schools Foundation will have its raffle for a 1989 Corvette at the Gathering at the Garst on July 26 and 27. Tickets are $5 each or five tickets for $20. All proceeds go to

support the needs of local school children with everything from basic classroom needs to college grants. If you miss them at the Gathering, be sure to visit their booth at the Great Darke County Fair for a chance to win this sweet ride.

Kids Cooking Class set for Bear’s Mill GREENVILLE – The Darke County Farm Bureau and Bear’s Mill will be offering its second kids cooking class on July 16, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Bear’s Mill, 6450 Arcanum-Bear’s Mill Road, Greenville. During this cooking class the kids will learn how to prepare a pizza from scratch. “We thought that having a cooking class would be a great way for kids to learn where their food comes from along with having some fun. We can show all the different agriculture commodities that we have in Darke County from the grain to the cheese just by making a pizza” says Mandy Havenar, organization

director, Darke County Farm Bureau. “The Home Grown Series with the Darke County Farm Bureau has always been a fun collaborative effort at Bear’s Mill so it seems right to take it a step further to educate and engage kids with healthy food choices too” stated Merri Niekamp, Outreach Manager at Bear’s Mill. This cooking class is open to kids 7-12 years old. Cost is $5 per child; they have a limited space so call early to make sure that you kids can attend. Please make your reservations by July 14, to the Darke County Farm Bureau, 855-335-1471.

Observatory comes to local library GREENVILLE – Rocket through space and sail among billions of stars and galaxies! Utilizing some amazing simulation software you will be guided through the mind-boggling scale of the universe. Along the way you’ll stop at the moon and individual planets. Then you’ll make the jump to light speed and head to interstellar space and see all the galaxies in the uni-

verse. Don’t worry; he’ll have you back home in time for dinner! The Cincinnati Observatory will present a program at the Greenville Public Library on July 16. You can see the program at Family Fun Day, 11 a.m., and “Tour of the Universe: You Are Here” at 2 p.m. Sign up at the Circulation Desk or on the Library’s Children’s page on Facebook.

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MARIA STEIN – On Aug. 8, 7:30 p.m., at the Spiritual Center, Maria Stein, devotions will be conducted in honor of the Mother of God. This is the 20th year for this event. It will begin with a Mass with the Reverend Daniel Schmitmeyer as the main celebrant. Fr. Schmitmeyer was recently appointed the vocations director for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and is a native of McCartyville. After Mass the rosary will be recited during a candlelight procession around the grounds. Participants may



want to bring a lawn chair (no seating is provided) and a flashlight. There will be handicap, bus parking, and general parking on the grounds. Join them in giving honor and glory to God; and pleasing Him by honoring Mary, the mother of His Son, Jesus. The Spiritual Center is located on St. John Road, Maria Stein. From U.S. Route 127, go east on State Route 119 to St. John Road, then north one half mile. For information, visit www. spiritualcenter.net or (419) 925-7625.

BIBLE SCHOOL ARCANUM – Gordon United Methodist, along with St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Ithaca, invite all children three years of age through fifth grade to take a walk on the wild side with Weird Animals! When kids feel weird, different, or even lost in a crowd – nothing compares to the extraordinary love of Jesus! You’ll experience new friends, amazing experiments, lip smacking snacks, surprising adventures and incredible music. The fun begins July 14 and ends on July 18 from 6:30–8:30 p.m. each evening. On the Saturday following VBS, all will enjoy a pool party and picnic at the Arcanum pool. While Gordon United Methodist and St. Matthew Lutheran will be co-hosting the event, all classes will be held at Gordon UMC, 311 East St., during the week. If you haven’t pre-registered, come at 6:15 p.m. on Monday. If you have questions or would like to pre-register, call Kathy Brown from Gordon UMC at 884-5364 or Kristie Stump from St. Matthew Lutheran at 564-8802. ~~~~~ GREENVILLE – Are your kids ready to become special agents for the one true God? Then they won’t want to miss a minute at International Spy Academy! Kids

Gestures from the Heart

Local talent will sing GREENVILLE – Pastor Sam Shilot and the church family at Triumphant Christian Center invite everyone to an evening of song and praise on July 20, 6 p.m. This evening will feature local talent Denis Lemon and David Hughes, Gestures from the Heart (Sharon Jones and Wanda Dickman), Brenda Wise and Doug Hawes sharing their love for Jesus and His love for you.

will learn to know, love, and live for the one true God as they enjoy songs, crafts, games, and goodies. Vacation Bible School at the International Spy Academy will be filled with excitement. Beamsville Christian Church is calling all special agents to join them in knowing, loving, and living for the one true God! Vacation Bible School will be held July 21-25, 6:30-8:30 p.m. For more information, contact 547-0009. ~~~~~ GREENVILLE – Lighthouse Christian Center, Sebring-Warner Road, Greenville, will host the SonWest Roundup Vacation Bible School on July 21-25, 6-8 p.m. Get ready for fun and adventure in the Wild West. Children ages four years old through sixth grade are welcome. For more information, call 548-7464.

DARKE COUNTY – Martha Jane Snyder is the matriarch of a five generation family. Shown are (seated) Snyder, great great grandmother, Holden Kaiser, being held by Karen (Snyder) Printz, great grandmother, (standing) Todd Printz, grandfather, and Sara (Printz) Kaiser, mother of Holden.

BIBLE SCHOOL ANSONIA – The Ansonia First Church of God invites children ages four through going into the sixth grade to Weird Animals VBS, July 14-17. At Weird Animals, the kids discover where Jesus’ love is one-of-a-kind. They will participate in memorable Bible learning activities, sing fun songs, play teamwork-building games, enjoy great treats, experience cool Bible adventures and collect Bible Memory Buddies to remind them they are one of a kind. Plus, kids will discover how to see evidence of God in everyday life – something

called God Sightings. Parents, grandparents, and friends are invited to join them each day at 8:40 p.m. because that’s when they’ll be having The Tail End – a celebration that gets everyone involved in living what they’ve learned. The fun starts at 6:55 p.m. and will end at 9 p.m. Call the church office to register your child/children, 337-3945, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday or com on July 14 and register that night. Beth Campbell is your Weird Animal VBS director, 3377901.

5k helps eliminate malaria NEW MADISON – The New Madison United Methodist Church would like to thank the many runners, sponsors, supporters and donors of its 5K Run/ Walk for Missions. This year their mission was Imagine No Malaria. Imagine No Malaria is an extraordinary effort of the people of The United Methodist Church, putting their faith into action to end preventable deaths by malaria in Africa. Did you know malaria is 100% preventable? Unlike many other diseases that are awaiting a cure, malaria was eliminated in the U.S. in the 1950s. However, in Sub-Saharan Africa, malaria continues to kill a person every 60 seconds. But there is hope! Imagine No Malaria is part of a global partnership and together with their partners; this generation can beat malaria once and for all. Imagine No Malaria has already helped reduce malaria deaths by half by improving the ways people fight the disease using bed nets, providing access to diagnostic tests and medicine, draining standing water, improving sanitation, and treatment through health facilities and education.

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Congregations and communities of all sizes faithfully respond when hearing the malaria story and the healing vision. Many thanks to everyone who helped them help in this great ministry. A special thanks to Sheriff Toby Spencer, New Madison Village, New Madison police, and the New Madison Rescue Squad. They also want to thank Dannon Yogurt of Minister for supplying yogurt for the runners. Door Prize donations came from Arby’s, Ambrosia Ayette, Happy Feet, Sterling House, Pizza Hut, JT’s Brew and Grill, Asian Buffet, Tangles, Pamela’s Intimate Apparel, Back in Time, Premiere Video, O’Reilly Auto Parts, Stockton Studios, New Madison Market, Hot Head Burrito, Downing Fruit Farm, Deb and Ambrosia’s Wildflowers, Kitchen Aid, Readmore/Hallmark, Ann’s Gifts, Steve and Lisa Eadler, Hittle’s, Dave Knapp, Helen’s Flowers, Eikenberry’s, and Beechwood Golf Course. The bags were donated by Wayne Healthcare with donated items inside.

Additional donations for bags came from McDonalds, Taco Bell, New Madison Mini Mart, Advanced Auto Parts, Second National Bank, Snack Shop, and New Madison Insurance Agency. Gold Sponsors include Western Ohio Dental Medicine, Snack Shop, New Madison Kiwanis, G&R Plumbing & Heating, Braund Pope Funeral Home, Singer Farms, American Legion #245, and New Madison United Methodist Church. Silver Sponsors include New Madison Mini Market, Greenville National Bank, Wayne and Sharon Deshambeau, and Jack and Ann Etzler. Bronze Sponsors include Flaig Lumber, Barga Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Inc., Farmer State Bank, Laux Seed Solutions, LLC, Phil and Shirley Dubbs, Potatoes, Tornados, and More, Donna Harter, Doug and Carol Duffield, and Fred and Dorothy Worch Farms. Other donations came from Firpos, Ketring Locker Service, Donna Gabbard, and Phyllis and Wilson Bunger.

PAGE 8 Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

OBITUARIES BRUMBAUGH – June L. (Smith) Brumbaugh, 81, died Wednesday, July 2, 2014. Funeral services were held Monday, July 7, 2014 at the Baird Funeral Home, Troy. Interment is at Miami Memorial Park in Covington. NEARGARDER

– Mark “Hammer” Neargarder, 56, of Greenville, died Sunday, June 29, 2014. Private services will be held at a later date.

SHAHAN – Ben Shahan, 72, of New Madison, died December 15, 2013. A graveside committal of ashes will was held July 5, 2014 at Monroe Cemetery. STUART

– Delbert Paul Stuart, 96, of Veteran Greenville, died Saturday, July 5, 2014. Services will be held Monday, July 14, 2014, 11 a.m., at Trinity Wesleyan Church, 1400 East Main St., Greenville. Burial will follow in Greenville Township Memorial Gardens. Family will receive friends one hour prior to the service.


In loving memory of our sister Phyllis Holsapple, died July 1, 2014. Sisters, Jan Dunham, Dianna Brown, Jo Michael, Charmaine Thornburg. We will miss you.


– K. Gene “Joe” Rose, 78, of AnVeteran sonia, died Friday, July 4, 2014. Services were held Friday, July 11, 2014 at the Oliver-Floyd Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in the Lisbon Cemetery, Union City, IN.

COLLINS – Reba G. Collins, 92, of Greenville, died Sunday, July 6, 2014. Services were held Thursday, July 10, at the Chapel of the Brethren Retirement Community, Greenville. Burial is in the Teegarden Cemetery near Ansonia. POWELL – Aileen M. Powell, 86, of Greenville, died Monday, July 7, 2014. A funeral service was held Friday, July 11, 2014 at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in Abbottsville Cemetery, Darke County. CURTIN

– Charles Edwards “Chuck” Veteran Curtin, 78, of Greenville, died Monday, July 7, 2014. Mass of Christian Burial was held Saturday, July 12, at the St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Greenville. Private burial will take place at a later date in the St. Mary’s Church Cemetery.

ELLIOTT – Cecil “Sonny” E. Elliott, Sr., 67, of Union City, died Tuesday, July 8, 2014. There will be no services.


– Dawson N. Lea, 83, of Union Veteran City, IN, died Wednesday, July 9, 2014. Graveside services will be held Tuesday, July 15, 3:30 p.m., at Union City Cemetery. The family will receive relatives and friends on Tuesday, 1-3 p.m. at the Reichard Funeral Home, Inc., 400 W. Deerfield Road, Union City, IN.


– Carolyn Kay Brum-

baugh, 73, of Ansonia, died Wednesday, July 9, 2014. Memorial services will be held at 4 p.m., Friday, July 18, at OliverFloyd Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial will be at Harris Creek Cemetery at the convenience of the family. The family will receive friends at the funeral home one hour prior to the service.

MARTIN – Ida Mae Martin, 76, of Bradford, died Saturday, June 28, 2014. A Memorial Ser-

vice was held Wednesday, July 9 at the Stocker-Fraley Funeral Home, Bradford


– Douglas K. BridenVeteran baugh, Sr., 69, of Greenville, died Wednesday, July 9, 2014. Graveside Services will be held 10:30 a.m. on Monday, July 14, 2014 at Mote Cemetery, Pitsburg. The family will receive relatives and friends Sunday 2-4 p.m. at Kreitzer Funeral Home, Arcanum.


– Donald J. “Don” Veteran B e r n a r d , 73, of Greenville, died Wednesday, July 9, 2014. Services will be held at 1 p.m., Tuesday, July 15, at the OliverFloyd Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial will follow in the Greenville Township Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends at the funeral home Tuesday, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Youth needed for DCCA’s Rapunzel GREENVILLE – Darke County Center for the Arts is once again presenting a week-long Missoula Children’s Theatre residency which begins with auditions offering the opportunity for all interested youngsters to try out for a role in a full-scale musical theatre production and concludes with performances starring local youth. Auditions for MCT’s Rapunzel, a silly tale of personal triumph and friendship, will be held July 28, 10 a.m. until noon; performances are scheduled for Aug. 2, 3 and 7 p.m. All activities take place at St. Clair Memorial Hall, 215 West Fourth Street, Greenville. Approximately 60 roles are available for

local youngsters. All students entering grades 1 through 12 are encouraged to audition; there is no charge for participation in this production. Those wishing to try out should arrive by the scheduled starting time, and remain for the entire session. Some of the cast members will be asked to stay for the first rehearsal which begins 30 minutes after the casting announcement at the end of auditions. Rehearsals continue daily from 10 a.m. until noon and 12:30 until 2:30 p.m. throughout the week. Although not all cast members are needed at every session, those auditioning should have a clear schedule for the entire week. In addition to title character Rapunzel,

roles to be cast include Rapunzel’s parents, the Princes, and mean Madame Gothel. Other characters are Wood Elves, Pixies, Rapunzel’s friends the Unicorns, the tricky Gremlins, Three Billy Goats Gruff and a Troll, Three Bears, a Beaver, Ogres, Mushrooms, and Ears of Corn and a Potato, who are actually spies. Additionally, Assistant Directors will be chosen to assist with technical aspects of the production. No advance preparation is required for the group audition. According to DCCA Executive Director Andrea Jordan, youngsters participating in this unique project not only experience the thrill of performing, but also develop social and communication skills, self-discipline, and a strong work ethic. “This experience

with the Arts also teaches how to accept responsibility while cooperatively working with others to contribute something of value to the community,” said Mrs. Jordan. “And it’s also a whole lot of fun,” she concluded. The residency by Missoula Children’s Theatre is made possible by a grant from Darke County Endowment for the Arts and donors to DCCA’s Power2Give. org Everybody Wins! Project. Darke County Center for the Arts also receives funding from local businesses, foundations, and the Ohio Arts Council. Tickets to the performance cost $5; to reserve tickets for either Saturday performance of MCT’s Rapunzel or for further details regarding auditions and the production, contact DCCA at 547-0908 or Centerforarts.net.

Camp BEARable receives donation GREENVILLE – State of the Heart Hospice, with offices in Portland, Greenville, and Coldwater, recently received a $1,200 grant from the Community Foundation of Randolph County’s Union City Fund. The funds will go toward sending children from Randolph County to the nonprofit agency’s 14th annual Camp BEARable for grieving children. The camp, which is open to youth ages six through 15, will be held July 11-13 at the Spiritual Center at Maria Stein. Over 550 youth have attended the camp since it was started in 2000. It is free and open to any child needing help with grief and loss, and there need be no association with hospice. As a matter of fact, only a small num-

ber of youth attending camp have any association with hospice care. State of the Heart has cared for patients and families in eastern Indiana and western Ohio who are confronting a life limiting illness for 33 years. As a nonprofit agency, State of the Heart provides services and care to anyone who needs hospice care, regardless of ability to pay. There is an application at the agency’s web site, www.stateoftheheartcare.org. Go to the bereavement tab and click on Camp BEARable. You can print the application and mail it in to any of the agency’s offices. If you have questions about camp, please call 1-800-417-7535 and ask to speak to a member of the bereavement staff.

Dome Theater at Greenville Library GREENVILLE – The Greenville Public Library is thrilled to present Dome Theater on July 19. Eight programs will be shown throughout the day from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. There is room in the dome for 4-5 families at a time. Because of this, they will require tickets for all shows. The tickets are free and are currently available. The Dome is a Mobile Digital Theater that features highly innovative, immersive, and educational programs. With the Dome Theater, Kramer Edu-tainment

brings the excitement of museum-quality shows in a state-of-the-art mobile digital theater system. Programs are: “Earth’s Wild Ride” 9:30 a.m.; “Passport to the Universe” 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.; “Future Moon” 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.; “Saturn, The Ring World” 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.; “Cosmic Collisions” 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.; “Molecularium” 12:30 p.m.; “Microcosm, The Adventure Within” 3 p.m.; and “The Search for Life: Are We Alone?” 3:30 p.m.

Abbottsville Monuments We do not employ funeral homes, cemeteries or sales people. Therefore, we can pass on to our customers the 20 to 35 percent commission

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M-F 9-4; Sat. 9-12; Other times by appointment

Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 9

Car show at Annie Oakley Festival GREENVILLE – The Annie Oakley Festival is excited to announce they will again host their third annual Annie Oakley Car Show. The event will take place on July 27, 1 p.m., at the festival’s new location at York Woods. The show is sponsored by B&D Pizza of Gettysburg and the Ohio Cardinal Semi Pro Football Team. The team will be present at the car show signing autographs for the public. There will be six trophies awarded, includ-

ing ďŹ rst through third places, Miss Annie Oakley’s choice, Buffalo Bill’s choice and an award for the furthest distance travelled to attend the show. There will also be door prizes given out to the participants. All awards will be presented at 3 p.m. This car show is open to any and all with pride in their ride. Registration begins at 1 p.m. the day of the show. For more information, call Bill Gunckle, 548-4249.

Memorial Poker Run

Big prize money for Walk the Line 10k UNION CITY – Returning with a new course for 2015 The Walk the Line 10k will begin at 7:30 a.m. at Railroad Park in Union City. The race takes place on OhioIndiana State Line Road with participants running south on the Indi-

T&CP takes show to Relay for Life Steven Caudill will portray frontiersman, Daniel Boone at the Gathering at Garst.

Gathering will host Daniel Boone GREENVILLE – Steven Caudill of Winchester, KY grew up and now lives just a few miles northeast of Fort Boonesborough, KY. Steven is an 18th century re-enactor who portrays Daniel Boone so well that watching him can leave one wondering if he isn’t the modern-day embodiment of Boone himself! His sincere passion for his state’s magniďŹ cent history and his admiration for Daniel Boone are honest and unmistakable. He may be as close as we in the 21st century can come to watching the original Daniel Boone in action. Steven will take you on a historical educa-

tional journey through the life and adventures of one of history’s most notable ďŹ gures. He will talk about the facts and myths that surround Kentucky’s favorite frontiersman. Don’t miss “Daniel Boone, American Heroâ€? on the main stage at The Gathering at Garst on July 26, 3 p.m. and July 27, 2 p.m. Mark your calendars now for a wonderful weekend of great entertainment as the fourth Gathering at Garst takes place on July 26 and 27. Be sure to visit www. gatheringatgarst.com for frequently updated details or LIKE our Facebook page to learn more.

VERSAILLES – This week Towne & Country Players take the entertainment to Heritage Park for the “Relay for Lifeâ€? fundraiser. Brothers, Tyler & Mason DeMange, will bring their acoustic renditions of some popular classics to serenade the volunteers for this special event. In May 1985, Dr. Gordy Klatt walked and ran for 24 hours around a track in Tacoma, Washington, ultimately raising $27,000 to help the American Cancer Society ďŹ ght the nation’s biggest health concern – cancer. A year later, 340 supporters joined the overnight event. Since those ďŹ rst steps, the Relay for Life movement has grown into a worldwide phenomenon, raising more than $4 billion to ďŹ ght cancer. Join Towne & Country Players and Relay for Life in the ďŹ ght against cancer on July 18 at Heritage Park off of Hubert Drive in Versailles.

ana side of the road and returning on the Ohio side. The event offers $1000 in cash prize money split $250 for ďŹ rst, $150 for second and $100 for third to both the top three males and females in addition to medals to top three age group winners in 16 age group classiďŹ cations. The race is a double points event for the Wayne Healthcare challenge participants. For online registration, visit www.rocketshipsports.com.

GREENVILLE – The family and friends of SPC. Eriel Valdes will be hosting the Eriel Valdes Memorial Poker Run on July 19 at the National Guard Armory on 1468 Wagner Avenue in Greenville. Valdes was a member of the 1-506th HHC, 101st Airborne. Proceeds from the event will beneďŹ t the Family Readiness Group and Soldiers at

the 107th A Troop National Guard. Sign is at 10 a.m. and the ďŹ rst bike out is at 12:30 p.m. The cost is $10 per person or $15 per couple. There will be great prizes, 50/50 rafe, corn hole and an opportunity to have your photo taken in a Humvee. For more information, call Randy at 423-2963.


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% "" #

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____ 20# Pail-5+1 .......................... $40.95 ____ 40# Carton-IQF...................... $81.95 ____ 4/2½# Bags-IQF .................... $27.95

(All Vegetables are IQF)


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____ 12/2# Bags ............................ $33.95 ____ 6/2# Bags .............................. $19.95

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#$ " ") & $ # BROCCOLI CUTS, SHOESTRING CARROTS, ONION STRIPS, SLICED CELERY, RED PEPPER STRIPS, PEA PODS ____ 6/2# Bags .............................. $26.95


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____ 12/2½# Bags ......................... $79.95 ____ 4/2½# Bags ........................... $28.95

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% ' "

____ 12/2# Bags ............................ $46.95 ____ 6/2# Bags .............................. $25.95

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____ 12/2½# Bags ......................... $42.95 ____ 6/2½# Bags ........................... $24.95

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! !!


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____ #4 Carton.......................... $32.95

% ! # " #

____ Carrot 2/22 oz................... $14.95 ____ Pumpkin 2/22 oz............... $14.95

%) ! # ) !" % $ " & # " $ "$ "" #

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NAME ______________________________________________ TELEPHONE ________________________________________ ADDRESS___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________ ZIP______________

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2259 ST. RT. 502 GREENVILLE, OHIO 45331

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PAGE 10 Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Thomas Shaw

Dalton Subler

Brad Slyder

Andrew Wright

Lane Manning

Catey Fischer

Michaela Colby

Abigail Kramer

MacKenzie Dirmeyer

Katerri Schmitmeyer

Kaytlin Burchett

Kaelyn Marker

Paige Lavy

Emily Walters

Jenna Cline

Jessalyn Besecker

Courtney Rose

Abigail Nealeigh

Morgan McKinney

Tessa Jobes

Rachel Osterloh

Rachael Schmitmeyer

Lacie Mueller

Andrea Barga

Darke County Jr. Fair King and Queen Pageant is July 15 GREENVILLE – The Darke County Jr. Fair will host its 2014 Darke County Jr. Fair Pageant on July 15, 7 p.m., at

Memorial Hall, Greenville. There will be 19 girls and ďŹ ve boys vying for the titles. Each contestant will go through

a 10 minute interview process in front of three judges on Aug. 14. The scoring is based on activities, poise/personal-

ity, personal appearances, Jr. Fair involvement and essay. The 2013 Jr. Fair

King, Logan Moody and Jr. Fair Queen, Jenna King, will be crowning the new 2014 Jr. Fair

King and Queen. Past Kings and Queens are invited to attend the pageant.

Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 11

Hanes to speak at AO Golf Tourney GREENVILLE – Ronda Hanes, a local cancer patient, will share her personal story at the golfing dinner banquet this year. The Annie Oakley Golf Tournament will be held at the Turtle Creek Golf Course on July 21. The tourney starts with lunch for all the golfers at 11:30 a.m. It features a shotgun start with scramble format, chances to win great prizes, and dinner for the golfer and their guest. Most importantly, the proceeds from this fun and exciting event will benefit the local and independent Cancer Association of Darke County. Each golfer has the opportunity to win a new car for a hole-in-one on the sixth and 17th hole. Any golfer getting a holein-one in the eighth hole will win their choice of premium golf equipment. The golfer getting a hole-in-one on the 11th hole will win a Yamaha Golf Cart. After the golf, a wonderful meal and program

Ronda Hanes (second from right) is shown with her family.

will be provided. Jim Buchy will emcee. The cost is $125 for a fun filled day and the knowledge that all proceeds will go to the Cancer Association of Darke County which provides benefits to cancer patients living in Darke County.

If you would like to play golf that day and take a chance of winning a new car and also hear an encouraging story of hope and help from Ronda, call the Cancer Association and speak with Christine, director, 548-9960.

GIMB seeking support for trailer GREENVILLE – The Greenville Instrumental Music Boosters are seeking community support to raise funds to update the 1995 trailer utilized by all of the Greenville Senior High School instrumental music groups. Through the care and regular maintenance provided by members Low Prices at

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of the Greenville Instrumental Music Boosters, the trailer has been kept in great repair since its purchase. The proposed updates include removing the existing exterior paint, removing any rust and having the trailer professionally wrapped. Their fundraising goal is $3500 to complete this project and any funds raised beyond this goal will be deposited into an account specified for future maintenance and expenses relating directly to the trailer. All support is graciously accepted. Gold, silver and bronze sponsors donating $500, $150 or $75 will have their family or business name featured on the

trailer tailgate for two years with a signed contract. If you are able to provide financial support to the Greenville Instrumental Music Boosters for this project, make checks payable to Greenville Instrumental Music Boosters and mail to GIMB Trailer Fund, PO Box 772, Greenville, Ohio 45331. When your payment is deposited, a receipt will be mailed to you for your tax records. For further information, contact Rex Weyrick, vice president, Greenville Instrumental Music Boosters, 4596193, or Karin Napier, chairperson, Instrumental Music Trailer Fundraiser, 423-5818.

What’s Smarter -- Paying Off Debts or Investing?

It probably doesn’t happen as much as you’d like, but from time to time, you have some extra disposable income. When this happens, how should you use the funds? Assuming you have adequate emergency savings — typically, three to six months’ worth of living expenses — should you pay off debts, or fund your IRA or another investment account? There’s no one “correct” answer — and the priority of these options may change, depending on your financial goals. However, your first step may be to consider what type of debt you’re thinking of paying down with your extra money. For example, if you have a consumer loan that charges a high rate of interest — and you can’t deduct the interest payments from your taxes — you might conclude that it’s a good idea to get rid of this loan as quickly as possible. Still, if the loan is relatively small, and the payments aren’t really impinging on your monthly cash flow that much, you might want to consider putting any extra money you have into an investment that has the potential to offer longer-term benefits. For instance, you might decide to fully fund your IRA for the year before tackling minor debts. (In 2014, you can contribute up to $5,500 to a traditional or Roth IRA, or $6,500 if you’re 50 or older.) When it comes to making extra mortgage payments, however, the picture is more complicated. In the first place, mortgage interest is typically tax deductible, which makes your loan less “expensive.” Even beyond the issue of deductibility, you may instinctively feel

that it’s best to whittle away your mortgage and build as much equity as possible in your home. But is that always a smart move? Increasing your home equity is a goal of many homeowners — after all, the more equity you have in your home, the more cash you’ll get when you sell it. Yet, if your home’s value rises — which, admittedly, doesn’t always happen — you will still, in effect, be building equity without having to divert funds that could be placed elsewhere, such as in an investment. In this situation, it’s important to weigh your options. Do you want to lower your mortgage debts and possibly save on cumulative interest expenses? Or would you be better served to invest that money for potential growth or interest payments? Here’s an additional consideration: If you tied up most of your money in home equity, you may well lose some flexibility and liquidity. If you were to fall ill or lose your job, could you get money out of your home if your emergency savings fund fell short? Possibly, in the form of a home equity line of credit or a second mortgage, but if you were not bringing in any income, a bank might not even approve such a loan — no matter how much equity you have in your house. You may more easily be able to sell stocks, bonds or other investment vehicles to gain access to needed cash. Getting some extra money once in a while is a nice problem to have. Still, you won’t want to waste the opportunity — so, when choosing to pay down debts or put the money into investments, think carefully.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

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Beef Round BONELESS Bottom ROUND ROAST 3.49lb ............................................. Beef Round BONELESS Bottom ROUND STEAK 3.49lb ............................................. 81% Lean In 3lb or Larger Pkgs GROUND CHUCK 2.99lb ............................................. BONELESS Beef CUBED STEAKS 3.99lb ............................................. Great in the Crock Pot for Pulled Pork BBQ, BONE-IN, Sirloin End

PORK LOIN ROAST 1.99ea .............................................

EXTRA MEATY SKINLESS, SMOKED HAM SHANKS 2.59lb ............................................. SQUEALIN’ COW PATTIES

MOO-OINK’N GOOD ............................................. Eckrich 14 oz Bun Size

reg. $2.79

Eckrich 14 oz Pre-packaged

reg. $2.79

Arctic Shores 8 oz

reg. $1.85

Fishin’ Company 1 lb

reg. $5.99

FRANKS OR ALL MEAT WIENERS 1.49ea ............................................. SLICED BOLOGNA 1.49ea ............................................. IMITATION CRAB 1.49ea ............................................. SALMON FILLETS 4.99ea ............................................. Farm Fresh 48 oz IQF reg. $8.99 Ready to Cook

CHICKEN WINGS 6.99ea ............................................. Farm Fresh 16 oz 6 Count

reg. $2.49

CORN DOGS 1.99ea ............................................. Shopper’s Value 5¼ oz reg. $.99

ORIGINAL, PEPPERONI OR SUPREME PIZZAS .79ea .............................................

GROCERY SPECIALS General Mills reg. $3.69-4.89 12.25 oz Honey Nut Cheerios, 11.75-17.25 oz Fiber One Cereal, 10.7 oz Trix, 11.8 oz Cocoa Puffs, 12 oz Golden Grahams or 12.2 oz

Kellogg’s reg. $4.49-4.69 13.2 oz Crunchy Nut Golden Flakes, 18.7 oz Raisin Bran, 18 oz Corn Flakes, 12 oz Crispix or 18.2 oz

8 Quart Drink Mix

SALAD DRESSINGS 1.09ea ............................................

CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH 2.49ea ............................................

reg. $3.69

KOOL AID 1.99ea ............................................

RAISIN BRAN CRUNCH 2.99ea ............................................

Maxwell House 10½-11½ oz reg. $4.59 COFFEE 3.29ea ............................................ Essential Everyday 16 oz reg. $2.69

PAGE 12 Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

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LOCAL Adults were watching the parade with interest while the children had a slightly different motive: candy.

This young man was being a gentleman for the young lady. They were taking a break from chasing the bubbles mom was using to keep them entertained until the parade started.

SUNDAY, JULY 13, 2014

Local tree business owner rescues stranded cat

Dave Staver Family Grand Marshall was announced at the parade. Staver said he wasn’t sure why they were picked but he was “deeply honored.”

Waiting for the parade to start… Kristin and Trinity Peas were “ready for the candy.”

It’s about independence, but also the candy DARKE COUNTY – “Do you know what day this is?” WednesBOB ROBINSON day, ThursAssociate Editor day, Friday! bluebagmedia.com “Have you ever heard of Independence Day?” No! “Yes, you have,” his mom said. She added he was being grumpy… they had inadvertently arrived for the parade an hour early. They weren’t the only ones arriving early to the Ansonia Independence Day parade. A mother across the street was blowing soap bubbles for three little ones to chase. A dad had settled into a good spot with daughters Katie, Tiffany and Stacey Stobel. They were happy to acknowledge the day was about celebrating the people who are fighting for America.

One young lady, Misty Wentworth, knew her history… the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, 238 years ago. “I love history,” she said. Want to be president some day? “I don’t want to be president!” Why not? “Too much work!” She wasn’t alone; Carson Swallow and Jaylynn Falkner also had the right answers but expressed little interest in becoming president. Shelly Lynn Siders sang the National Anthem following the traditional 21-gun salute, then returned to her son, Devin Geyer, and family relative Celina Guthrie. Siders has been performing at the Ansonia Independence Day parade for years. This year’s Ansonia Grand Marshall Dave Staver said earlier he was deeply honored but

wasn’t real sure why he was chosen. He was pleased to report he’d just celebrated 50 years at Ansonia Lumber Co. Staver is a Boy Scout leader, American Legion and Ansonia United Methodist Church member, and a volunteer for the fire department. “I don’t still fight fires,” he said, “but I do pretty good at directing traffic.” Several hours later, adults and youngsters were waiting for the start of the New Madison Independence Day parade. One young man knew July 4 was special but wasn’t quite sure how… “It was the end of the war? No… it was the start of the war?” Brittany Brewer knew exactly the reason for the parade. Breanna McLear, however, didn’t care. She was 16 months old and running

mom and dad ragged trying to keep up with her. Relatively large audiences showed up for their respective parades on a comfortable sunny but slightly breezy day. County officials had their float, as did State Representative Jim Buchy, volunteer fire and EMS departments, local organizations and more. Many more. Adults watched with interest; children watched with wonder… but mostly with a different objective: to go after the candy as it was tossed from the floats. Kerstin Auske and Brooklyn Harnan showed off their “loot” after the parade was over. “We get candy all the time,” Kerstin said. “We don’t really need it.” Then will you share? “No!” She grinned, closed up her bag and got ready to leave.

Wehrkamp brothers show big promise in motocross racing DARKE COUNTY While most young boys are just learning to CLINTON ride a biRANDALL Staff Writer cycle, the bluebagmedia.com Wehrkamp brothers were competing in amateur motocross racing. Dylan, age 8, and Kyle, age 6, have a passion for the sport and have brought home the hardware to prove it. The brothers, who are students at Mississinawa Valley, both began riding dirt bikes at 4-years-old and are currently members of the Southern Ohio Motocross Series. Dylan, who races mainly locally, has won the title the past three years at the Treaty City Motorcycle Club racing event. Kyle recently qualified to compete in the largest national motocross race in the world. The youngster will put his skills to the test July 28 through August 3 at the 33rd Annual Rocky Mountain ATV/MC AMA Motocross National Championship at Loretta Lynn’s Ranch in Hurricane Hills, Tenn. Kyle took on over 20,000 other riders nationwide to earn one of

Dylan & Kyle Wehrkamp

the only 1,446 qualifying positions in the race that recently became part of the Red Bull Signature Series, which was aired on NBC live last year. “The Amateur Nationals at Loretta Lynn’s is the event every motocross racer in the country wants to compete in,” said Event Director Tim Cotter. “A win gives a rider instant national notoriety and can serve as a springboard to a lucrative motocross career.” Kyle will be racing on the same track as some of America’s top professional motocross riders, including James Stewart, Ricky Carmichael and Jeremy McGrath, who have all won the event. The Wehrkamp brothers practice at least every

weekend at their custom designed track located on their parents’ property near Union City, OH. The dirt track sits on approximately four acres of land and consists of some big turns and major jumps. Ronnie Wehrkamp, the boys’ mother, told The Early Bird the brothers have very different styles in their racing. Dylan, she said, is the more conservative, consistent rider, while the younger Kyle is “all about the speed and taking risks.” Their dad, Jason Amspaugh, is also a former amateur motocross racer and helps out a lot with the boys’ young careers and the sport in general. When asked if they plan to continue racing

when they graduate high school, both Dylan and Kyle told The Early Bird “absolutely!” The boys have sponsors such as KRW Cycles, Spy, Five Six O graphics, Braap Supply, Amspaugh Trucking and Kawy987/ebaystore.com who help in making their careers possible. Ronnie Wehrkamp did mention that as Kyle begins qualifying for more outof-state races, additional sponsors would be greatly appreciated and help tremendously. She asked that if anyone is wanting more information or wants to sponsor in someway, to contact the family at 459-7861. Dylan and Kyle will be racing locally on July 13 at the Treaty City Motorcycle Club off of State Route 571 West. The cost is $10 at the gate and children 12 and under are free. You can also see Kyle race for the national title live online at RacerTV.com during his big debut at Loretta Lynn’s Ranch. Learn more about the Southern Ohio Motocross Series at www. oswmxs.com and log on to bluebagmedia.com to watch video of Kyle practicing at his home track.

D A R K E got on his gear and made COUNTY - the climb towards Cotton. “I dropped “We were not sure how e v e r y t h i n g she would react to him I was doing getting close,” Cook said and went about Cotton seeing EdCLINTON to help out wards coming up the tree RANDALL Staff Writer in anyway I towards her. bluebagmedia.com could,” that Once within feet of is what local business Cotton, Edwards says he owner Jacob Edwards petted her for a couple said about getting the minutes before reachfrantic call on June 12 of a ing out to pick her up. To cat stuck high in a tree. everyone’s relief, Cotton Edwards, who is the clung to Edwards’ knot owner of Edwards Tree in his rope and the two Service in Greenville, ar- made their way safely to rived on the scene approx- the ground below. imately 30 minutes after “It was like she knew the call to find a young I was there to help,” Edwhite cat named ‘Cot- wards said. “It really made ton’ meowing on a tree my day and I was glad to branch nearly 50 feet in help.” the air. He Cotton, then learned who is only from home8-monthsowner Vanold, was essa Cook a rescued that Cotton cat as part had been of the up there for BARK orover five full ganization. days and Though nights. Cook and AccordHill-Clark’s ing to Cook, focus is on she and codogs, they founder of Local tree service owner, Jacob do somethe newly Edwards, with Cotton, the cat he times get formed ani- rescued from a tree after being calls for mal rescue stranded for several days. cats that organization BARK Carla need rescued. Hill-Clark, had tried evThe BARK Animal Reserything to get the cat to cue, Inc. is a non-profit orcome down. Cook said ganization which works as they called several other foster care for abused and tree service businesses neglected animals. It was and even the local fire de- founded in March and is partment to get someone currently waiting on the to come help, but nobody final paperwork approval had the time or desire to to begin taking in donacome to the residence. tions. You can learn more Cook told The Early about what BARK is all Bird that Cotton the cat about and see some of the had not moved from the animals currently needing branch, even through a homes on their Facebook severe storm. Desper- page at www.facebook. ate, the ladies found the com/BARKRescueOhio. number for Edwards You can contact Jacob Tree Service and called. Edwards for all your lo“After almost six days up cal tree service needs at there, we knew she didn’t 621-1195. His business is have much longer,” Hill- located in Greenville and Clark said. is family owned and operImmediately, Edwards ated.

Miller, Geyer named Mr. & Miss Red, White & Blue A N S O - en girls and five boys, ages NIA – Ad- three to six, for the title, dison Geyer eliciting a variety of inand Andy teresting responses. One Miller were contestant didn’t know named An- what he wanted to be BOB sonia’s 2014 when he grew up or what ROBINSON Associate Editor Little Miss his favorite food was. One bluebagmedia.com & Mr. Red, young lady simply wanted White & Blue just before to be “big” when she grew the annual Independence up. Another wanted to be Day parade on July 4. a unicorn while a third Both were dressed for the wanted to be a princess. occasion with red, white And a young man wanted and blue costumes looking to be a Power Ranger… like Miss “Black?” No. Liberty “Pink.” No. and Uncle “Green! It’s Sam. my favorite Addicolor.” son, 5, the Contesdaughter tants were of Migraded on chelle and attire, the Todd Geyinterview, er, told voice volMC Kathy ume and Cline she crowd rewanted to sponse. Adbe a sing- The 2014 Little Miss & Mr. Red, dison and er when White & Blue are Addison Geyer Andy each she grew and Andy Miller. received 56 up. Andy, 6, the son of out of 60 possible points. Scott and Shelley Miller, The remaining contessaid he wanted to be a tants were Shyann McKconstruction worker when enna, 4; Addison Smith, he grew up. 3; Ava Gosnell, 5; Haddie “Oh?” Cline said. “And Gilpin, 3; Karmella Simpwhat do you want to son, 3; Lexi Brunner, 3; build?” After only a slight Brody Taylor, 5; Caleb pause, “what I’m supposed Eubank, 5; Eli Gosnell, 3; to build,” he answered. and Jordan Hernandez, Cline interviewed sev- 4.

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PAGE 14 Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


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Faith Baptist Church

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Greenville Baptist Temple

4689 Childrens Home Bradford Rd.* 548-7283 ---------------------------------------------

BRETHREN Beech Grove Church of the Brethren

3420 Harrison Rd., Hollansburg 937-997-4895

Bradford Church of The Brethren 120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215

Castine Church of the Brethren 624 State Route 127, Arcanum 678-9945

Cedar Grove Church

373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675

Greenville Church of the Brethren 421 Central Ave., 548-3583

Oakland Church of The Brethren 8058 Horatio-Harris Creek Rd. Bradford * 448-2287

Pitsburg Church of Brethren

8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum 937-692-8772 ---------------------------------------------

CATHOLIC St Mary’s Catholic Church 233 W Third St. Greenville 548-1616

St Denis

14 E Wood St, Versailles (937)526-4945

Holy Family (Frenchtown) 11255 St Rt 185, Versailles (937)526-4945

Calvary Bible Church

St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

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CHRISTIAN Ansonia Christian Church

6171 St. Rt. 36, Greenville 937-548-6364

Greenville Christian & Missionary Alliance

306 Devor St., Greenville, OH 45331 937-548-4955

Stelvideo Christian Church

6808 Church St., Stelvido, Greenville, OH 316-8198

Teegarden Congregational Church 2753 State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249

Woodington Congregation Church

8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441 ---------------------------------------------

CHURCH OF CHRIST Greenville Church of Christ

4599 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., Greenville, 937-548-4467 ---------------------------------------------

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NON-DENOMINATIONAL Beamsville Christian Church

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St Louis

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1005 Eaton Fort Nesbit Rd. Hollansburg, 997-3592 ---------------------------------------------

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15 Star Rd, North Star (419)582-2531


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CHURCH OF GOD Ansonia First Church of God

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Triumphant Christian Center

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Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

8520 Oakes Rd., Pitsburg 937-692-5670 ---------------------------------------------

5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885 --------------------------------------------6102 Beamsville-Union City Rd. Greenville 547-0009

9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 5990 State Route 36, Greenville 548-3558

Living Waters Ministries 102 W Main St., Versailles 526-4567 623 Spring St., 548-8965

Rosehill Country Church

Ansonia United Methodist Church

105 W Ward St., Versailles 937-526-4194

Corner of Pearl and High St., Ansonia 337-5781

St. Rt. 49 and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill

Versailles Christian Church The Hillgrove Federated Church

EUM Church

1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332

Faith United Methodist Church

Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue

1451 Sater Street, Greenville, OH 45331 101 E. South St., Arcanum 692-8934

First United Methodist Church 202 W 4th St. Greenville, 548-3075

Fort Jefferson United Methodist 3856 Church St., Greenville 548-4410

Gordon United Methodist Church 311 East St., Gordon, OH 937-884-5129

Ithaca Grace United Methodist 750 Arcanum-Ithaca Rd 678-9062 or 692-6576

Nashville United Methodist 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421

New Madison United Methodist 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341

Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-547-0092 ---------------------------------------------

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332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299 ---------------------------------------------

PRESBYTERIAN First United Presbyterian Church

114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188 ---------------------------------------------

UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - UCC St. Paul United Church of Christ

129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506 ---------------------------------------------

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Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 15

Senior Scribes

To discover the writings of DARKE COUNTY’S SENIOR SCRIBES, please visit their website

Williams and Herzog featured


Versailles Vets visit Wayne Industries

GREENVILLE – The next concert presented by the Greenville Municipal Concert Band will take place July 13, 7:30 p.m., in the beautiful Greenville City Park. The band is directed by JR Price. This week, the Greenville Municipal Concert Band will perform music and pay tribute to the legendary American composer John Williams. John Williams has scored music for many films including Raiders of the Lost Ark, Star Wars, Jurassic Park and Superman to name a few. He has won numerous awards including Grammys for his music. His music is exciting and very recognizable. Joining the band this Sunday will be Sarah Herzog. A Greenville native, Sarah is the daughter of Steven and Kathy Herzog. She is a recent graduate of Greenville High School as Valedictorian of her class. She is a talented violin performer and singer having performed with the Dayton Philharmonic

Youth Orchestra. Sarah is a seven year member of the Greenville Orchestra Program. She has also sung in churches, baseball games and has attended master classes at the University of Dayton. Sarah is planning to attend Notre Dame majoring in oncology research. She has indicated she will be sure to take her love of music and her trusty violin to Notre Dame with her. Sarah will be singing I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables and she will be performing a beautiful violin solo to the theme from Schindler’s List. This wonderful exploration of the music of John Williams is free and open to the public on July 13 at the Marling Band Shell in the beautiful Greenville City Park. Plenty of seating is available or you are welcome to bring your own lawn chair or blanket to enjoy the band. Bring some friends and enjoy the show.

FOREIGN EXCHANGE She heard a squeak And took a peek. It was a mouse Inside her house. A scared shriek, “Eek! You have a week To leave this house!” She warned the mouse. Throughout the week, She’d sneak a peek. There was no doubt; The mouse moved out. She did not win— His friends moved in! ~~~~~~ THE “GREEN” THUMB It is not always accidental; Most houseplants are temperamental. Some want soil moist; others want it dry. Some need low light; many more need high.

Directions may advise How much to fertilize. When you think their conditions are right, You wake to find they’ve died overnight. ~~~~~~ STOPGAP Sign of woe, Overflow, Household flood. Pipe’s got crud; Won’t plunge out. Mop about; Stem the tide. All’s been tried. What a bummer! Call the plumber! ~~~~~~ TONIC Humor is deemed a good pick-me-up. So pour the proven and drink a cup.

Double Alphabet: FourBYLetter Answers LOIS WILSON, SENIOR SCRIBE

Complete the four-letter answers using the clues. The last letter is given. Each answer starts with a different letter of the alphabet. Cross off each letter as it is used. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1. Exercise system _ _ _ a 2. Lacking color _ _ _ b 3. Fashionable _ _ _ c 4. Sell _ _ _ d 5. Happiness or TV show _ _ _ e 6. Lobo _ _ _ f 7. Sink stopper _ _ _ g 8. School subject _ _ _ h 9. Cab _ _ _ i 10. Mecca pilgrimage _ _ _ j 11. Punt _ _ _ k 12. Window ledge _ _ _ l 13. Standard _ _ _ m 14. Become a member _ _ _ n 15. Naught _ _ _ o 16. Upon _ _ _ p 17. Baghdad site _ _ _ q 18. Bring children up, e.g. _ _ _ r 19. Yuletide _ _ _ s 20. Final _ _ _ t 21. Beige _ _ _ u 22. Saint of Norway _ _ _ v 23. “Come ___Your Horn” _ _ _ w 24. Linen fiber _ _ _ x 25. Unsightly _ _ _ y 26. Pop test _ _ _ z

BY KATHY MAGOTO SENIOR SCRIBE Members of the Versailles VFW Post #3849 and American Legion post #435 delivered a presentation of the proper etiquette of the American flag to those at Wayne Industries. Mark Kunk, a past VFW commander and former trustee, spoke on proper flying of the United States flag. He emphasized that the US flag is always positioned in a place of honor and handled with great respect. Some of Kunk’s presentation has been captured below to serve as a reminder of proper flag etiquette for all of us: “When displaying more than one flag on a pole the flag of the US is always placed in the position of honor at the top. Unless it is flown with the national banner of other countries, then each flag must be displayed from a separate pole of the same height and each flag should be the same size, because the flag of any one nation may not be displayed above that of another nation. “However when state or society flags are flown on separate flag poles of the same height in a straight line, the US flag is always to the right. The other flags may be smaller but none may be larger and the United States flag is to be raised first and lowered last. “The US flag should not touch the ground and is to be raised briskly and lowered slowly and ceremoniously. Ordinarily it should be displayed only between sunrise and sunset. But if it is flown

Pictured are Wayne Industry representatives Donna Davis, Elizabeth Brewer, Kenny Ankenbrandt with Lisa Short, Habilitations Manager, with Versailles Veterans Roger Henry, Mark Kunk, Mike Barga, Tim Wagner, and Bill Marshal. (Richard Coffield photo)

at night it should be illuminated. The flag of the United States of America is saluted as it is hoisted and lowered. The salute is held until the flag is unsnapped from the halyard or through the last note of music, whichever is the longest. “When a flag passes in a parade all persons are to come to attention. Those in uniform give the appropriate formal salute. Citizens not in uniform salute by placing their right hand over the heart and men with head cover should remove it and hold it to left shoulder, hand over the heart. Members of organizations in formation salute upon command of the person in charge. “During the pledge of allegiance citizens should respectfully stand at attention, face the flag, and salute. Also when the national anthem is played or sung an attentive salute should be directed to the flag from the first note until the last note. If the flag is not present the salute should

be directed towards the music. “The flag is not to be used as a covering or draping, there is bunting for such applications. However the flag is used to cover a military or veteran’s casket, in which case the flag is placed with the union (stars) at the head and over the left shoulder. But the flag should not be lowered into the grave. “When a flag is not flown or displayed it is folded in a specific manner. Roger Henry, Commander of the American Legion, explained the triangle folding of the flag and the meaning of the 13 folds while Kunk and Wagner executed the traditional method. Then Tim Wagner, Commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars demonstrated how the folded flag, displaying only the blue field (stars), is presented to

the family at a funeral. Upon which Mike Barga, Sergeant at Arms, trustee and a past commander of the American Legion, presented the flag to Wayne Industries on behalf of the VFW Post #3849 and the American Legion Post #435. Former American Legion commander and current trustee, Bill Marshal, also assisted with the presentation and demonstration while Richard Coffield of the American Legion served as photographer. Perhaps you have noticed the US flag appears reversed on the veteran’s uniforms pictured. The flag is displayed reversed on all military uniforms so it appears as if the soldier is moving into battle and not retreating? To better understand this concept, imagine someone carrying the U.S. flag on a pole while running forward.

Tri-Village/New Madison host reunion Shown are members of the Westmont Class of 1964.

Westmont Class of ‘64 recognized DARKE COUNTY – On June 21, alumni from Hollansburg, Palestine, and Westmont met at the Fraley Farm to enjoy a delicious meal and reminisce. The Westmont class of 1964 was the honored class, but class members from 1954 and 1944 were also recognized. Members of the 1964 Westmont class included Ellis Bates, Myra Hyre Coleman, Larry Clapp,

Richard Flatter, Dillard Gray, Sandy Baker Grossnickle, Carl Hill, Steve Hill, Jean Cassity Kennedy, Nina Teaford Leibfacker, Joe Lizak, Mary Jane Starks Lizak, Phyllis Weimer Michaelsen, Terry Mikesell, Linda Ford Miller, Linda Robbins Miller, Lois Flatter Moody, Robert Niswonger, Jean Winterrowd Noble, and Nancy Hans Silva.


GREENVILLE – A lot of activities happen at Brethren Retirement Community with our residents, their families and the greater community. To accommodate our residents, families and guests, we have expanded our parking areas, making 17 additional parking spaces close to the main building and eight additional spaces close to the Chestnut Village Center.

NEW MADISON – On May 16, the classes of New Madison High School (now Tri-Village High School) held a reunion in the school cafeteria. Over 100 graduates and classmates from 1938 to 2014 attended. The oldest graduate in attendance was 95 year old Joe Eliker, a retired farmer and fireman who still lives in the New Madison area. Charlotte Wander was recognized as having traveled the farthest. Charlotte was an exchange student from Germany who was sponsored by the Brethren Church and lived with the Mikesell family in the area. She graduated in 1954 before returning to her hometown near Hanover, Germany. Jim Warvell of Sovona was also in attendance. Jim left the area and joined the rodeo circuit. He married Jan Wilkey of Indiana. The two of them traveled the world with their horse act and were in demand at rodeos, fairs and large arenas. The Warvell family was recently inducted into the Texas Cowboy

Answers: 1. yoga, 2. drab, 3. chic, 4. vend, 5. Glee, 6. wolf, 7. plug, 8. math, 9. taxi, 10. Hadj, 11. kick, 12. sill, 13. norm, 14. join, 15. zero, 16. atop, 17. Iraq, 18. rear, 19. Xmas, 20. last, 21. ecru, 22. Olav, 23. Blow, 24. flax, 24. ugly, 26. quiz.

Care You Can Count On For As Long As Needed With Experience You Can Trust.

Offering Non-Medical Home Care Services from 2-24 hours a day in Darke, Miami, Preble, Shelby, Mercer & Northern Montgomery Counties.

Hall of Fame. Also attending was Joanne Hunt Dowler, a 1954 graduate, who returned and became a teacher for 32 years in the New Madison school system. Mrs. Dowler is also the grand niece of Annie Oakley. Shirley and Phil Dubbs graduated in 1957. They also went into education and taught for 35 years before retiring from teaching in the local New Madison area. These two have known each other since the fourth grade and, “…have been high school sweethearts since the fourth grade!” The Alumni Committee who organized the event included Monica (George) Schlechty, Stephanie (Smith) Burke, Barb (Cox) Baker, Joyce (Hoff) Harrison, Tanya (Drew) Clark and Chris Clark. Catering was done by “Delight Catering”. The New Madison “Mohawks” and the TriVillage “Patriots” (as of 1973) all had a wonderful evening as they saw old friends and rekindled many memories of a time long, long ago!

937-547-7600 | www.bhrc.org 750 Chestnut St., Greenville, OH 45331

PAGE 16 Sunday, July 13, 2014 The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com





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SERVICES OFFERED “Conklin’s Heating & Cooling LLC. Call for services, repairs & installs. Ohio license #45882. Ask for Alan 423-1551”

“LAWN MOWING, Yard Clean-up, Shrub Trimming, Edging, Mulching, Landscape Maintenance. Free Estimates. Leave message for Gettysburg Outdoor at Lavy’s Corner Mart, “Cloyd’s Carpet Instal- 937-447-3051” lation, Re-Stretch & Small Painting Jobs. Repair. Tile & Wood. 30 50 years experience years experience. 765- between me & my 238-8797 Evenings!” partner. 337-0123


The Village of New Madison, Darke County, Ohio will accept sealed bids until 5:00 p.m. on July 21, 2014 for the rent of twenty (20) acres of certain farm ground owned by the Village located on East Wayne Street ( part of parcel # G28-0-110-13-00-00-202-03). The lease shall be restricted to farming said parcel for hay and shall be for a term of five (5) years. Each bidder is required to submit proof of insurance with his/her bid. *The use of fertilizer, chemicals, or any form of spraying will be prohibited on said premises. All bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and mailed to the Village of New Madison, P.O. Box 15, New Madison, Ohio 45346. Envelopes shall be marked “REAL ESTATE BID.” No bid shall be accepted after 5:00 p.m. on July 21, 2014. Bid opening will be at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, July 21, 2014. Bidders need not be present at bid opening. The Village of New Madison reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

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Looking for houses to HELP WANTED “Finish carpenter, 5 clean. Very Depend- “MACHINE OPERA- yrs. experience miniable! 22 yrs of experi- TORS, GENERAL mum. Full or part-time. ence. 548-6062 CONSTRUCTION, 548-2307” I will officiate your ROOFING, ELECTRI- “Part-time help wanted wedding ceremony CAL positions avail- at Chicken Kitchen II. free. Licensed and or- able. Apply in person Apply in person. No dained. Stan Ray 937- at Bruns Building & Phone Calls please. 808-4130 or aj481x@ Development, 1429 102 Birt St, Greenville” Cranberry Road, St. aol.com Slip seat or solo drivHenry. EOE” HELP WANTED ers; home every day. indi- Class A CDL w/tanker Trained Dog Groomer “Responsible Looking for a house- wanted part-time. 937- vidual needed to de- HazMat. 2 yrs experikeeper or caregiver 564-4870 liver Early Birds in the ence required. Conin Wayne Lakes Laura/Potsdam area. tact Kenneth Mills at area? I have 30 “Food Service for fairs, Some routes are 260-251-4304. years experience. festivals & special walking routes, some WANTED TO BUY Call 547-0521 & events. Have fun while are motor routes. If working! Must be over you are interested, “Cars/Trucks, running leave message 17. Call 692-5798” please contact Becky or not. To $500. Will S. at 937-547-0851 PU. Also all types of and leave your name, metal. 937-423-2703, Looking for address & phone 937-621-5809” investment properties? Two tenant-occupied properties available number, if no answer” “BUYING VINTAGE SERVICES OFFERED “MOWING, large or small jobs. Also Landscaping, Spraying/Fertilizing, Shrub Trimming, Snow Removal. Reasonable rates. References available. Very dependable. 548-1716, ask for Justin”

Property One: A duplex located close to downtown. $59,900 The downstairs unit has 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, living room, eat in kitchen, and a large front porch. It currently rents for $480/month. The upstairs unit has 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, living room, eat in kitchen, and 2 entrances. It currently rents for $400/month. Property Two: A spacious home located in Coletown. $39,900. This property has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, a large utility room, kitchen/dining room, living room, front porch, and six car attached garage. It currently rents for $625/month. All units have very reliable and consistent renters Will consider selling both properties together for $94,500.

Contact seller at 937-459-8092 for additional details.

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“HVAC INSTALLER TECH. Excellent opportunity to be a part of a quality team. Immediate permanent positions available. Schmidt’s Heating A/C Refrigeration & Geothermal. Apply at: 999 Sweitzer St., Greenville. 548-5220”

“Wolf Tent Company accepting applications for summer employment - TWO DAYS ONLY - Monday 7/14 & Wednesday 7/16 from 1-5pm, 3352 St. Rt. 571 West, back long lane. Must be at least 16. Driver’s license preferred. 548“AKC Brittany pup4161” pies. Female $350, “Birchwood Genetics, male $300. Will have Inc., a leading ge- their 1st shots done. netic supplier to the Call 937-467-1361” swine industry, has an AGRICULTURE entry-level part-time For Sale: ApproxiLab Technician opening available at their mately 100 bales West Manchester, OH fresh cut grass hay. facility. This position Call 937-423-8130 will consist of helping LIVESTOCK with setup, preparBrown egg laying puling samples, running lets. 937-526-4541 packaging machines, and clean up. Training Registered Saanen will be provided. This Buck kids. 419-375position is third shift 2576 on Mondays, TuesFOR RENT days, Thursdays, and 28x32 Concrete Fridays. Competitive wage and benefits. Garage in Grvl. EOE. To apply, log Furnace/220. $175mo/ onto www.keystone- deposit. 548-8613 hr.com/login.php and “2 BR apt, $425 + complete the on-line deposit & utilities. No Application using Job pets. 118 Sweitzer St., Code OH0714” Gnvl. 937-548-2108”

HELP WANTED General Construction Work Concrete Pour & Finish Experience Masonry & Tile Finish Production/ Pickers/Packers Welders Fab/Mig and some reading of blue prints

Must have clean background and pass a drug screen Can apply online at associatesstaffing.com or contact


9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.


Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. 3078 Washington Rd. Rossburg, OH



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GUITARS, Banjos, Mandolins & Amplifiers. Bring them to Bach to Rock Music, 334 S. Broadway, Greenville, OH for an offer. 937-547-1970, email: bachtorock@ earthlink.net” WANTED Wanted: Used house trailers in good condition. Please call 937448-2974 PETS “2 Maltese male pups, $300 each. 8 weeks old, shots & wormed. Don’t miss these little cuties! 937-733-1849”

Positions open in our Pullet Production Dept. Looking for good people to handle & care for our Poultry. Must have a vehicle & driver’s license. Insurance & Other Good Benefits.

Apply in person: 3078 Washington Rd Rossburg, OH

Or Call

937.337.9576 Hrs. 8 am-5:00 pm EEO/M/F/V/II

“Several apts available, starting at $335. References required. New Madison. Stove & refrig included. 5641402” “Willow Place Apartments - We’re better than ever! 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Call 937-316-8025 or 937-316-8489. Equal Housing Opportunity.”



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“Beautiful quiet nbhd, 2 BR, 2 bath apts. $600/mo + dep. 2 car gar. W/d hookup. C/a. Yard care prov. No pets. 1000 & 1010 Manchester, Grnvl. “Storage for personal 423-2604” and business use. Penske Truck Rentals. “In Greenville, 2 BR Call Greenville Stor apt, W/D hookup, and Lock. 548-1075, $450/mo + deposit. 548-8210” 5328 Michelle St.”


$500 Full-Time Sign On Bonus Available VERSAILLES HEALTH CARE CENTER

200 Marker Road Versailles, OH 45380 www.versailleshealthcare.com Call: Pam Ordean Staff Development (937) 526-5570 EOE

The Greenbriar is seeking Caring Professionals to join our TEAM at our Senior Living Campus NURSING ASSISTANT – Full time, part time, PRN. We offer 12-hour shifts, perfect attendance bonus. Must have active C.N.A. certificate or STNA licensure. NURSES – RN & LPN. We offer 12-hour shifts and perfect attendance bonus for full-time status. Must have current licensure in State of Ohio. COOK – Part time (experience preferred) WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: Competitive wages, Paid vacation, paid personal hours, paid holidays, Medical, dental, vision & life insurances, 401k retirement savings plan.

Apply in person or online at: The Greenbriar Senior Living Campus 501 West Lexington Road Eaton, OH 45320 (937) 456-9535 www.greenbriarcampus.com Privately owned and operated. EOE

Setting the Standard for Excellence in Health Care

Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 17

FOR RENT “COMMERCIAL SPACE for rent. Great location on East Main St, high visibility. Call for more details, 5485264”

“2 BR apt in Greenville. Water, sewer & trash removal included. No pets. Deposit required. 548-5264”

“Spacious 2 BR duplex in nice area, W/D “3 BR apt in Green- hkp, garage, central ville w/garage, W/D air. No pets. $475/mo, hookup. $500/mo + 5482 Villa Ct. Greenville. 937-547-9871” deposit. 548-8210”

FOR RENT “3 BR, 2 bath home in Greenville located close to new school site & shopping. Fenced in yard. No pets. $77/mo, $700 deposit. No smoking. 1301 Nottingham. Call 459-5206, leave name & number”

“1 story brick duplex, Canterbury, Greenville on quiet cul-desac. 2 BR, 2 full baths, living room, kitchen, laundry room. A/c, refrig, stove. 1 car garage w/opener. No Pets/Smoking/Metro. $585/mo + deposit. 692-8094”

FOR RENT “LAND CONTRACT OR RENT Very nice low maintenace 3 BR home. Fenced in yard. Storage shed. W/d hookup. 217 Hiddeson. $1500 down, $495.62/mo., or rent for $595/mo. 937547-9871”

GARAGE SALES ARCANUM/ PITSBURG “123 W George St., at Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society - July 16, 1-6; July 1718, 9-4. “”Anything & Everything Rummage Sale”” - Air Conditioned.”

“1773 Arcanum Ithaca Rd; 7/16 4-8, 7/17 8-6; Toy box, Girls/Boys clothes 10-14, toys, books, tires, kerosene heater, misc” “9240 Oakes Rd.; July 17 ONLY, 8-5. Men’s 2X-4X/Women’s - L-2X Clothes, dryer, table/ chairs, concrete trowel mach. - needs work, refrig., lift chair, elec. Wheelchair - needs battery. Much More.” “Barn Sale; 9699 SR 722, just off SR 49 between Arcanum & Phillipsburg; July 1718-19; 9-5; Watch for signs! Primitives, antiques, tables, chairs, old school desk, 55 gal aquarium, antique high chair, toys, pictures, clothes” “7750 Alt 49E, Arcanum; July 17-18; 9-5; Toys, clothes, household items, pet cages, misc. Price to Sell!”

“HUGE Multi-Family; 3934 Kilbourn; July 16, 5-8pm; July 17, 9-5. Fisher Price Kitchen, Toy Box. Diego & Minnie bedding. Crib bedding & Dbl. bed rail. Girls clothes 12mo-6x, Boys 12mo-4T. Kid wagon & bike. Pack n play, baby saucer & walker. Leap Frog, Vtech learning ABC games, Kids books & DVDs. Wood table set. Brand name items, crafts, home decor, light fixtures. CLEAN SALE!” “9022 Pntr. Crk.-Arc. Rd.; July 18,19; Hospital bed no mattress, DVD’s & series, ladies clothes. Lots of misc” “210 N. Main St.; July 17, 4-7; July 18, 9-4. Boy’s clothes, Power Wheels Stinger, Wii & Atari w/games, toys, TV, misc. household” “2792 Gordon-Landis Rd, July 17-18. Primitives; 2004 Sea-Doo jet ski; mens size 38; womens size 16; girls size 10-14; all name brand. Almond Whirlpool wall mount lilke new microwave. All clean items.”

Family Health AFTER HOURS RECEPTIONIST Part Time Position

Monday - Thursday 5:30-8:00 pm (Additional hours may be available)

Great Customer Service Skills Required. EOE

Please Send Resume to: Family Health Attn: HR Director 5735 Meeker Road Greenville, OH 45331 or email: contact@familyhealth.cc

GREENVILLE “MULTI-FAMILY. 100 Parkside Dr; July 1618, 9-5. Kids clothes sizes 8-12-Nike, Under Armor, Justice; jr. girls clothes, sizes BRADFORD/ 0-1; adult womens GETTYSBURG M-P-L; American & “421 School St., home decor; X-Box Bradford; July 17-19, 360 games; lots 8-?. Antiques, Col- more.” lectibles, Fenton, Fiesta, 1880’s German “North on 127 6 miles dolls, Nutcrackers, to Beamsville-UC Rd, Primitives, Miriam right 1 mile, Steffen Vermylia oil painting, right, 1st house 9272; Precious Moments, July 16-18; 10-5; Clean! Antiques, 48”” baby items.” oak round table w/ “8863 SR 185, Brad- clawfeet, ice cream ford, July 18,19, 9-6. table/2 chairs. Kids: Huge Barn Sale - vin- barns, tables, chairs, tage items, antiques, sink, hutches. 42”” sq old feed scales. table 36””H/4 chairs, Something for every- lots more!” one!” “7294 Arnold Rd; July GREENVILLE 18-19-20; 9-5. RC “121 Royal Oak; July plane w/accessories, 16-17; 8-7; Complete books, men/women’s sets of Longaberger clothes, misc. tools & & Fiestaware dishes, lots more” Longaberger baskets, lamps, chair/ottoman, “Moving Sale; 6638 misc, misses’, plus, Daly Rd; July 17petite, men’s & kids’ 18; 9-6pm; No Early Furniture, nice clothes, picture Sales. Xmas items, antiques, frames-all sizes, tools, Honda scooter, carolers, plus more! lumber” Clean!” “110 Northwood, 4 “121 Hillview St, Turn blocks west of Aldi’s at light at Aldis; July off Shawnee; July 17- 17-18; 9-5; Teen girl 18; 8:30-?; Nice fur- clothes, baby items, niture, Temp-Tations household, lots of bakeware, Polish misc” ARCANUM/ PITSBURG “506 W. George St.; July 17 & 18; 9-5. Misc household items, clothes, furniture.”

pottery, self-propelled “200 Ark Ave; July lawn mower, Longab- 17-18; 9-5; Multierger baskets” Family; Housewares, “Huge - Multi Family Longaberger baskets, machine, - 173 Royal Oaks Dr., sewing women’s July 17,18,19, 8-4. washer, clothes M-XL, Men’s Household items, furM-LG. Items PRICED niture, adult clothing, DVDs, Avon Steins, to SELL” Misc clean & orga- “1224 Howard Dr; July nized” 17 & 18; 9-5. Mens & “311 Hart Ave; July womens clothing, fur16, 4-8; July 17, 9-6; niture, knickknacks & Adults/kids’ clothes, misc” household, misc “Moving Sale. 290 items” Hickory Dr; July 17 & 18; 9-5. Cookbooks, small appliances, fabric, crafts, quilting, flute, kitchen items, books, lots of misc.” “4 Family - 111 Fairfax Ct.; July 17-19; 8-5; Vanity top, exercise bike, counter-top stove, books, clothes & lots more. Homemade noodles & cream puffs!”


Sam Schwartz

WANTS ANY TYPE OF: • Carpentry Work • Room Additions • Garages • Siding • Foundation Replacement • Crawl Space Work • Restoration • Roofs/Re-Roofs FREE ESTIMATES


“1 BR efficiency, furnished, utilities included. $425/mo, $200 deposit. References. No pets. 937417-5128” “APARTMENT, ARCANUM. Nice! Living room, 2 BR, 1 bath. $450/mo, includes water/sewer. No pets. Ref. & deposit required. CALL 937459-6512”

FOR RENT “2 BR apt for rent. $430 a month, water included. Greenville. 937-467-8338”

“Unfurnished 3 BR, 2 bath brick ranch w/attached 2 car garage. Excellent location in north Greenville. $675. NO PETS. 548“4 bedroom, 2 story 2223” farmhouse w/attached garage. $675. 1161 “Small 2 BR house, Godfrey Rd, Hollans- 503 E 5th St, GreenStove/refrig burg, OH. 997-6794” ville. furnished. Fenced in “Nice 2 BR apt in backyard. $475 deGreenville. A/c, stove. posit, $475/mo. No W/d hookup. No Pets. Pets. 937-564-4126” $400/mo. 547-0370” “2 BR upstairs apt “Quaint 2 BR, 1 bath in Arcanum. Stove, house. $410/mo + Fridge, w/d provided. dep. Off-street park. Water paid. $420/mo. Spacious yard. 410 937-760-1110” Cross St, Ansonia. “House @ 633 423-2604” Sweitzer St. 2 BR, 2 “Country home for bath, 2 car garage. lease. 1-1/2 stories, Stove/ref. provided. 3 BR, 1.5 baths. Cen- Central a/c, w/d tral heat. $600/mo. hookup. $600/mo. Close to Beechwood No pets. No smoking. Golf Course. Call References & deposit 270-993-7312 or 270- required. 937-548685-2679” 0127”

“1st floor, 1 BR apt, in nice area, W/D hkp, lawn care & trash service provided. No pets. $390/mo, 305 “Large - 769 Honey- Miami Circle, #3, suckle Dr.; July 17,18; Greenville. 937-5478-5:30. Craftsman Rid- 9871” ing Mower, HydroStatic dr., 46””, 4’ snow- “2 BR apt, all electric. plow accessories; love Water included. W/d seat, desk, cupboards, hookup. 1 car garage. single bed, mattress, Ask about Free Rent. dresser, Nordic Track, No pets. $400/mo, JD tractor w/42”” $400 deposit. 765snowplow, space 964-4291” heater, clothes, knick- 2 BR house in Arcaknacks, lots more” num. Nice neighborLEIS REALTY “4118 Beanblos- hood. No pets; No CONGRATULATES som Rd.; July 17-18; smoking. Deposit & ERIC 9-5. Moving Sale! references. $475/mo. BROWN Homecoming/prom 692-5521 For being the high volume dresses, sz 6-8/M, 2 BR apt ($400) & 3 producer for the month of June 2014 Jr. clothes sz M; toys, BR apt ($450). Close Home decor, house- to downtown Greenhold, wicker patio set, ville. Water included. gas grill, patio table/ No Pets. Deposit rechairs, RC planes, quired. 937-569-1527 BB/Pellet guns, Christmas, snowman “Available August 15: Nice clean 2nd floor collection!” 3BR apt. Washer/ MOVING SALE! 109 dryer, OPEN TODAY! JULY 13 – 1 – 2:30 PM stove/refrig Avenue D; July 19; furnished. Downtown 9-5. Lawn equipment & Greenville. Call 548household goods; old 3549” waterfall desk; toys. Lots to choose from! “301 Harrison St, Grnvl. Very nice 3 BR, GET THE BEST! 1.5 baths, basmt. W/D OUT OF COUNTY hookup. $600/mo, de“HUGE BARN SALE! posit. No pets. 4487295 Delisle-Fourman Rd, Arcanum: 8115 Rockridge Rd, 2167 or 423-2544 “ Lovely setting with flower gardens enLewisburg; July 17hances this charming 2-story brick home! 18-19; 9-5; House- “1 BR apt located on 4 bedrooms! Living rm, family rm & dinhold items, some E. Main, just east of ing rm. Updates include newer furnace, Ohio St. Appliances, furniture, tools, eleccentral air & 40 year roof. Super kitchen! trical, plumbing, work a/c. $350/mo, $350 Enclosed back porch + deck & patio. 2+ deposit. No smoking. benches, platform acres in FM School District. LBR 4421 scales, tire changer, No pets. Call 459MLS 582438 vises, chain hoist, log 5206, leave name & Host: Lyle Bixler chains, Chevy dually number” tires & wheels, Chevy Very nice 2 BR duplex truck door, trash & w/appliances. Lawn burn barrels, lots of care & W/D unit proitems too numerous vided. No pets. $440/ to mention” mo. 308 W. Water. 937-547-9871 UNION CITY “Multi-Family Yard Sale; 1062 St Rt 571, Union City, OH; All NEW LISTING! Move in Ready! Don’t miss out on this beautiful home Day July 17 & 18. Doin Autumnwood Estates. This home features 3 bedroom 2 full baths a hme 968-5226” 2 car garage and fenced in backyard with deck and sun room for all “138 Willow Dr; July 17-18-19; 9-5; Christmas, baskets, dishes, lots of odds/ends”

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3452 Co. B U YS. H E RRd.E 25A  •PI-75 AYatHExit E R69E

BANKRUPTCY? BU Y H E R E  SLOW P AY PAY? HERE DIVORCE? EXCESS MEDICAL B U Y H E R E  P AY HBILLS? ERE B U Y HCARS E R E AT  LOW P AY PRICES HERE GREAT BAs U Ylow H E RasE 16.95%  P AY H ERE APR on selected models, B U Y H E R E  P AY H E R E some conditions apply. B U Y H E R E  P AY H E R E (937) B U Y H E R 335-6775 E  P AY H E R E - PAY BBUY U Y HHERE ERE  P AY HERE HERE

your outdoor entertaining. Call today to see the best priced home on Driftwood! (110276) NEW LISTING! Spacious Cape Cod home offers over 2400 sf of living space for your enjoyment. Large living room opens to the kitchen and dining area. Kitchen has hickory cabinets and an abundance of counter space. Breakfast bar separates the kitchen from the dining area. Owner suite located on the main floor. Private backyard, open enough for the kids to play or the pets to roam. 30’x24’ detached garage. (110278) NEW LISTING! Real nice, well kept 2 bedroom home. Nice kitchen- oak cabinets, newer water heater, big bath and laundry combo. Big bedroom closets. Good carpeting, nice big backyard. Covered front porch. Real nice starter home. (110292) NEW LISTING! Well maintained and well updated. This 3 bedroom 2 bath home is situated on .6 acres just outside of Arcanum, but located in Franklin Monroe School District. Lots of storage with an attached 2 car garage and a detached 2 car garage, call today to schedule a showing! (110307) NEW LISTING! Tired of the rat race? Come home to this 1 bedroom, 1 bath home and relax by fishing in the shared private pond in your backyard, in Wayne Lakes. Solid home with a front and back porch. (110322) NEW LISTING! Very nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath, brick ranch home with newer carpet, flooring, kitchen, and baths. Cathedral ceiling in open kitchen/great room. Patio doors to large fenced backyard. Large utility room, plus storage in garage. (110313) NEW LISTING! SHARP!! Every inch of this home has been updated. As you enter the drive you will see this home has appeal with the landscaping. The family room has new laminate wood flooring, kitchen offers plenty of counter space with the attractive island, ceramic tile floors. This is an immaculate 3 bedroom home you will not want to miss. Call today!! (110326) NEW PRICE! The ½ mile lane leads you away from stresses of your work day and into this cozy country home. Offers 3 bedrooms and 1 bath and sits on 1.17 acres of manicured lawn with mature trees. The family “handy man” will enjoy the 42x24 outbuilding that offers 100 amp service, newer vinyl siding and newer standing seam roof. Updates within the last 10 years include siding, windows, well pump and water heater. (110059) COTTAGE STYLE HOME loaded with charm. Original wood trim and wood floors set this home apart from the competition. Oversized living room opens to the spacious dining area. Modern kitchen with ample cabinet and countertop space. Two bedrooms and a full bath are also located on the main level. Additional rooms, bedroom and half bath on the upper floor. Two car detached garage and extra wide lot are added bonuses for this property. (110192) GREAT LOCATION CLOSE TO PARK ENTRANCE. This 3 bedroom offers newer paint, windows, carpet, vinyl and appliances including washer and dryer. Also, 1.5 car attached garage, plus carport. (106043) PRESTIGIOUS HOME! Offers 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, beautiful eatin kitchen, formal living and dining rooms, family room with fireplace, roomy study, fabulous Florida room and 2 car attached garage. Two brick paver patios and driveway. (109231) THIS HOME IS WONDERFUL TO START A FAMILY IN. Offers 3 bedrooms, 1 bath with 1 car detached garage. Updates include laminate flooring in living and family room, countertops and backsplash and ceramic tile in kitchen, roof on back part of the house. Added covered back porch. (110024) BEAUTIFULLY MAINTAINED HOME located on quiet cul-de-sac with wooded lot just two miles north of Greenville. This 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home has been freshly painted and features central air, wood floors, and many renovations within the last year. Including water pressure tank, water heater, water softener and blacktop driveway sealant, new roof, over-head garage door, interior doors, completely renovated master bath. New paver-brick patio, Pergo wood floor in bonus room. (110167)

PAGE 18 Sunday, July 13, 2014 The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

FOR RENT Nice 2 BR upstairs apt in Greenville. Washer/dryer hookup. Off-street parking. $375/mo + deposit. 548-4113

2nd floor 1 BR apt in Greenville. Utilities included. No pets. 1st month + deposit. Call for details. Metro approved. 337-4225 or 417-8097

REAL ESTATE “5 bedrooms, 2 baths. “BUILDING ONLY W/d hookup. No pets. “3 bedroom duplex For Sale, Downtown $500. Greenville. 548- each side. 307 & Greenville, 334 South 9302” 307-1/2 West 3rd St, Broadway. Bach To Rock Music is Want“Greenv. - Water St. 1 Greenville. Call 548- ing to Relocate locally. 5103” br unit, electric heat, Business is NOT for water/trash incl., W/D “2 BR modern house sale! 4 usable floors hook-up. $400 + dewith full basement & posit. 937-548-5284” in good condition, 3 upper. Electric, air attached large gaNice 3 BR house in rage, w/metal roof & heat all updated 6 Greenville. 2 car ga- on both. Big lot. Also half bathrooms. NEW rage. No pets. $550. has 2 BR apt in ga- ROOF. 36’X48’ au447-7845 rage. In Palestine. ditorium & stage on top floor. Ready for “1 BR, 1 bath in Green- Reasonable price. any type of business Good income propville. Stove, refrig & to move in. 937-547utilities furnished. erty. 997-3633” 1970, ask for Bruce” 937-621-2643” WANTED TO RENT Wanting to rent ga- SUNDAY JULY 13TH, 3-4:30 pm rage in Greenville 106 Bluestone Ct., area for vehicle storage. Call 937-467Greenville 0225 Kurt Beisner

“2 BR upper apt, A/C. No pets. $400/mo + $400 deposit. In Gnvl. 937-938-6903”


Lower Level 1 BR apt in Greenville. Range & W/D Hookup provided. $375. 5648279

937-469-1221 movewithkurt@gmail.com Professional Realty 511 E. Main Street Greenville, OH



109 VIRGINIA, GREENVILLE 3 Bedroom Ranch with 1.5 baths, 1452 sq ft home has new flooring in kitchen, updates in ‘09 to include dishwasher, hot water heater, furnace & central air. Home has a covered porch and 1 car garage with insulated garage door. 8652 ____________________________________ 115 RUTH AVE., GETTYSBURG 3 Bedroom, 1.5 bath brick ranch with MANY UPDATES to include a new kitchen with built in dishwasher, all new bathroom & half bath, freshly painted with new flooring, new roof, new front door & new insulated garage door. Stop by & see this nice updated home. 8634

STOP BY & CHECK IT OUT! OPEN SUNDAY JULY 13TH 419 MEDALLION DR. GREENVILLE OPEN 1-3 METICULOUS ONE OWNER HOME on a cul-de-sac. Spacious living room with a large window to bring in a lot of light. Covered patio off kitchen to enjoy your morning coffee. You will not find another home like this one. Stop in for your personal tour with REALTOR® Melissa Rosenbeck (110268)

405 SWEITZER, GREENVILLE PRICE REDUCTION….This is a good starter home or an investment property. Home has had many updates and is PRICED TO SELL AT $30,000!!! 8658




116 LINWOOD – GREENVILLE 3 BR brick ranch on corner lot, which is priced to sell. Call today. 6682 DALY RD – GREENVILLE 3 BR brick with full basement on large country lot close to Greenville. 6807 US RT 36 – GREENVILLE Exquisite 5 bedroom 3.5 bath home with over 5,000 square feet of finished living space. Home is situated on over 5 acres of woods and trails overlooking Greenville Creek. 3 car heated garage, full basement, plus your own sports arena. If you love to entertain this property will be perfect. Call today for your private tour. 1278 SUGAR MAPLE – GREENVILLE 3 BR brick ranch with full basement. New kitchen and bath. Greenville north end. 5445 REQUARTH RD – GREENVILLE Full finished walkout basement. Over 4,000 sq ft of living area. 5 BR with bonus room, 3 ½ BA, LR, FR, DR, den, large kitchen & breakfast area. 3 car garage on over an acre. 744 ST RT 571 – UNION CITY Owners have renovated Kitchen and Bath, Nice Hardwood floors and large utility room. Attached garage plus carport. 107 MEADOW LANE – GREENVILLE 2 BR home with LR and Bonus Rm. Detached 2 car garage. Located close to Greenville City Park. 3034 FOX RD – GREENVILLE Owner has remodeled this 3 BR brick ranch which offers large lot and utility barn located north of Greenville.

OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY, JULY 20TH 1:00-2:30 P.M. 3 IVESTER LANE, ARCANUM Ready to move in house with many updates: kitchen, bathroom, newer furnace and central air. 5347 OTTERBEIN-ITHACA RD., ARCANUM Move in ready home. Great location, watch the deer roam when you’re having your morning coffee. 13 SUMMERFIELD DR., ARCANUM Great location for this great home with newer roof, nicely landscaped lot waiting for you.

NEW LISTINGS 4347 HOLLANSBURG-SAMPSON RD., GREENVILLE Nice country home ready for new owners to add their own personal design. Call today! WEAVERS FT JEFFERSON RD., GREENVILLE Great opportunity to build a home on your own private retreat plus plenty of room to play. 10.649 acres.


1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331



OPEN SUN, JULY 20 1 – 2:30 PM


235 HICKORY – GREENVILLE 4 to 5 BR 3 bath home with new renovations. Screened porch and fenced yard. Immediate Occupancy. 2576 HOLLANSBURG-SAMPSON RD – NEW MADISON Well maintained 3 BR home with a beautiful view, home offers both living and Great Rms. Large garage, Breezeway, and fenced yard. Tri Village Schools 769 HONEYSUCKLE –GREENVILLE North end 3 BR 2 bath with over 2300 sq ft. living space on one floor. 2 car garage. 120 EASTWOOD – GREENVILLE 4 bedroom ranch with newer oak cabinetry in spacious kitchen. Home offers fenced yard for privacy and a large utility barn. Home is bank owned.

OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY – JULY 20, 2014 1:00 – 2:30 5621 KRUCKEBERG RD – GREENVILLE Bright and roomy! This 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath full basement home sets on 6 acres. A dream kitchen with all appliances plus a 2nd kitchen in the basement. Turn key ready. 1303 Chippewa Dr. Greenville


OPEN TODAY! JULY 13 – 1 - 2:30 PM 11884 Arcanum Rd, Arcanum MLS 583335 Hostess: Sandy Sando 417-7687 ----------------------------------------------------OPEN SUN, JULY 20 – 1 – 2:30 PM 5135 Folkerth Rd, Greenville MLS 588028 Hostess: Sandy Sando 417-7687 ----------------------------------------------------RENTAL PROPERTY IN NEW MADISON. 3 units – freshly painted interior. #4415 FM SCHOOL DISTRICT! Brick ranch w/large LRM, 2 BR. Vinyl replacement windows. Updated KIT & BA. 2-car attached garage. Immediate Occupancy! #4422 DUPLEX LOCATED ON COUNTRY LOT! Both sides have 2 BR, 1½ BA, electric ranges & dishwashers, 1-car garages w/openers. #4431 MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE! Easily maintained 2 BR vinyl sided home. LRM. Extra rm for office or 3rd BR. Newer roof. 20x30 barn for garage & extra storage. #4301 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Newer 1-ST duplex – 2 BR, 1½ BA each side. Both units also have electric ranges, microwaves & disposals. Excellent Condition! #4411 IMMACULATE 2-ST brick has all natural woodwork, wood floors. LRM, DRM & office. 4 BR. Zoned Res/Bus or possible 2-family. #4363

The Right Choice

Build to your specifications. Current garage on lot for storage. Good access to downtown area.


AUTOMOTIVE “2008 Kia $7495. 2009 Cobalt $7995. 2010 Aveo $7995. 2010 Fusion $9995. 2003 Avalanche $9995. 2003 Silverado $9995. 2004 Aztek $4495. 2006 Aveo, 81,000 $4495. 2005 Neon $4495. 2005 Cobalt $4995. 2008 6 acres of woods PT Cruiser $7495. in Northwest Darke 2007 Suburban 4x4 County. 419-375-2576 $17,995. 2010 Escape “3 BR, 2 Ba home for 4x4 $11,495. 2007 Sport Trac sale. 1366+ sq feet. Explorer $11,995. 2006 Trail1.5 acres, 3 outbuild- Blazer $8995. 2006 ings w/electric. Tons Escape $5995. 2006 of improvements Rendezvous $6995. to entire property. Buy - Sell - Trade! 12698 Light Rd, New COUNTRY AUTO Weston. $129,900. SALES 548-1337” 423-2461” “Moody Auto Sales, RECREATIONAL LLC, Dennis & Paula “1990 34 ft. Pace Moody, 111 E Canal, Arrow motor home. Ansonia. 2010 Buick 41,000 miles; gen- LaCrosse, local trade. erator $8700. Call 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan, Stow ‘n Go 548-3493” seats, power sliding “4-Sale: 2004 RV doors. 2013 Ford FuSportsman KZ park sion SE, pearl white, model, 37’, w/2 slide- Eco Boost. 2012 outs. Located D&W Chevy Silverado, ext Marina, Lot #31, Mon- cab, 4x4, like new, tezuma, OH. Boat slip 17,000 miles. 2012 Kia available. 937-417- Sedona, power slide 1644 for details” door, back-up camera, 13,500 miles. 2008 AUTOMOTIVE Buick Enclave CXL, “1997 Ford Crown very clean, loaded, Victoria, very good DVD, dual sunroof. condition. 937-526- 2000 Ford Excursion 3047” Limited, 4x4, exc. cond. 2000 Buick Century 2004 Honda CR-V for parts. 419-375- EX, very clean! www. MoodyAutoSales.com. 2576 937-337-6841”

First Choice Realty


Why rent?? Can be used as a 3 bedroom or a 2 bedroom with a finished attic. Offers a LIVING, DINING, BASEMENT, EAT IN KITCHEN, BONUS ROOM and a 2 CAR GARAGE.

REAL ESTATE “Beautiful large log home on 2.4 aces w/3 BRs, loft, pellet boiler, pond & much, much more. Located on SR 571 on the edge of Greenville. Call Trump Realty, 6785687, for your personal showing.”

108 E. 1st St, Arcanum: Terrific Cape Cod style home with 1373 sq ft. Fresh neutral colors, newer ceramic tile in kitchen, updated bathroom sinks & fixtures. 4 BR! Loads of storage space! Outside you’ll find a brick paver patio & private back yard! Oversized 2-car detached garage. MLS 587187 -------------------------------------------------MOTIVATED SELLERS! Ranch-style home with vinyl/stone exterior. 3 bedrooms. Spacious living rm opens to dining rm. New roof, water heater & updated well. Nice sized yard with 10x12 storage shed. MLS 578200 BRAND NEW ROOF on this 3 bedroom brick ranch on north end of Arcanum! Large living rm. Eat-in kitchen has custom built cabinets. Newer central air! Immediate Occupancy! Recently Reduced! MLS 584136 LOOKING FOR BUYERS! Easily maintained 1-story vinyl sided home with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Living rm & dining rm. Newer kitchen cabinets, counter tops & fixtures. Finished attic for additional living space/storage area. 1-car attached garage + barn with shop & space for 2 cars! MLS 586321 NEW LISTING! Nice 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home conveniently located on small country lot in FM Schools. Several updates including newer carpet, vinyl tilt-in replacement windows. Central air! 2-car attached garage. Must sell! MLS 587601 Visit www.bretttillman.com

Call Brett Tillman,

Realtor Cell 286-0600

Email: brett123@embarqmail.com

Lyle Bixler Realty


NEED 4 BEDROOMS? This 2-story home at 5300 Oliver Road may be just what you are looking for! Drive by and call for your personal showing! $97,500 8 ACRES M/L surrounds this 2-story home at 6975 Jaysville-St. Johns Road! Updated with new counter tops in kitchen; new furnace and central air! Corner fireplace; FULL finished basement; PLUS inground pool and small barn. $242,500. IN WOODBRIAR ESTATES there are 2 lots on 5K Avenue! Each 140’x175’. Both now offered for $29,900 IN WAYNE LAKES at 1190 East Drive is a 2 bedroom home on WOODED, CORNER LOT! Corner fireplace; attached garage. Upper 50’s IN VERSAILLES at 463 W. Wood Street you will find a 3 bedroom home that needs your finishing touch! New kitchen cabinets; newer windows, siding and soffit; newer wiring; metal roof; utility building. YES only $19,900 IN GETTYSBURG this double at 302 E. Main has 2 bedrooms each side. 1 car detached garage. Low 60’s APPROVED BUILDING LOT at corner of Bur Oak and Aspen! Improved with drilled well; grass; trees and sidewalks! Mid 30’s 5 ACRES M/L just north of Greenville on 127 includes a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on FULL basement! PLUS 2 barns, one with concrete floor, 2 overhead doors; electric and bath room. $159,900 SPACIOUS brick ranch at 279 Hickory has open floor plan; fireplace; laminate flooring in kitchen and dining area; Florida room; in-ground pool with new pump in 2013 and new liner in May 2014. Yours to enjoy! $147,500 7 ACRES ZONED COMMERCIAL on Wagner Avenue across from LOWE’S! Can be divided! Call Jim for additional information!


Jim Shuttleworth Evelyn Shuttleworth Joe Shuttleworth Richard Edwards


MOTORCYCLES “2003 H.D. 100 Anniversary Softail Deuce, exc. cond. 15,000 miles, $9000. Call 997-3533”

“2006 Suzuki C90 1500 cc Boulevard, $5000. 26,000 miles. Many extras. 937459-5763” HOUSEHOLD “PILLOWTOP Twin bedding set $149. Full bedding set $169. Queen bedding set $199. King bedding set $299. New in plastic/warehouse liquidation with warranty. Factory Furniture/ Mattress and More, 11 East Main St., Phillipsburg, 1-937-8845455”

MISC. FOR SALE “Professional SOUND SYSTEM Sales & Installation & Rental. Free quotes to your business, church or home for sound system updates & improvements. JBL, EAW, QSC, PEAVEY, CROWN. Bach to Rock Music 547-1970, email: bachtorock@ earthlink.net. Also Renting sound systems for Weddings, Graduations, Business Meetings, or any other engagements!”

MISC. FOR SALE “CRAFTSMAN 6hp, 60 gal, 220v air compressor, 5 yrs old, stored for last 18 months, upright floor model, $275. Txt 459“ F U R N I T U R E 0271” SHOPPE, 1379 FURNACES $285 Hillgrove-Wood. Rd, While Supplies Last. Union City, OH. RETUNS 1-877-473-8867 FRIGERATORS: GE side-by-side $375, “(2) mausoleum spac2 Frigidaire bisque es at Greenville Twp. $175/ea. Kenmore Memorial Gardens. dryer $125. Magic $1,000. 937-548Chef elec range $150. 2802” Clean Bedding & Furniture. 937-968-6804” “Foley saw & blade sharpening equip., Very nice used Rain- 800 Ford tractor, 6’ 3 bow vacuum sweeper. pt. finish mower, flatWarranty. Call 548- bed wagon, backhoe 0870 for skid loader. 937417-2469” “Entertainment center, oak finish, asking “4 big boxes women’s $225, good shape. clothes, everything size 692-8205” 3X, $60. 548-3094”


GREENVILLE – Greenville High School Student Council presented the Light Foundation with a Check for $400. Funds were raised through various activities during the school year. Pictured are Kristen Grim, Nick Schuckman, Paige Keller, Erika Jeffers and Principal Ken Neff. EXCELLENT

Primitives – Country Antiques Crocks – Signs – Furniture – Civil War Sword, Rifle & Bayonet –Garden Items – Vintage Tools & More!


At the Assembly Bldg, Miami Co Fairgrounds, 650 N. Co Rd 25A at the north edge of town.


lb Coffee box; wooden barber pole & porcelain sign; Jersey Cattle sign & others; Mail Pouch thermometer; Berry Brothers Varnishes wooden box wagon; wooden wheel barrow; vendor’s cart; bucket bench; buckets & measures; sugar buckets; huge kraut cutter; wooden water pump; skater’s lantern; CI iron banks; wild game match holder; pottery pigs; strand of bell shape sleigh bells; shaft bells; extra nice baskets; SHAKER ITEMS: utensil boxes; tin star utensil rack; spice cabinet w/ green paint; good candlesticks & molds; dough box; butter molds & paddles; utilitarian items, boxes, trays, etc; wooden shovel; ox yoke; tar bucket; wooden meat grinder & sausage stuffer; bitters bottles; amber canning jars; granite ware; great old lighting: Hanging lamps, cranberry opalescent oil lamps, Aladdin & others; glass & folk art canes; Iron: Jockey horse tie, 2 slat benches, urns & wall mtd fountain; wire & wooden plant stands; cider press; copper apple butter kettle & spider; etc. CROCKS & REDWARE: Blue marked jugs from Baker Liquors; Hayner Whiskey jug; excellent others w/ markings & manufacturers; Bennington bowl; nest yellow ware striped bowls; china deep bowls; over 100 pcs of ironstone; Mocha Seaweed items; variety of early English china, not all perfect, incl flow blue, Gooney Bird spatter, floral decorated pcs, etc; pattern glass; Loetz art glass vase & more! NICE FURNITURE: Walnut grain painted dry sink; Shaker flat arm rocker; wicker rocker & chair; 2 blind door cupboard tops; cherry 2 pc, glass door cupboard, painted; tiger maple cannon ball post sgl bed; 5 blanket chests, different sizes, painted & natural finishes; scrub top table; 4 stack bookcase w/ leaded glass & nice general store counter. CIVIL WAR ITEMS: Full stock Mod 1861 musket; bayonet w/ sheath & belt hanger; officer’s sword w/ scabbard; hard to find belting w/ buckle; pike head on staff & 1 other; brass powder measure; 1863 powder horn; soldier tin type; Lincoln tin type & electoral ballot; 2 pitchers; needlework; GAR tin cup & postcards; books & Confederate walking stick. OTHER MILITARY ITEMS: German & French bayonets; hand cuffs w/ keys; WWI trench art shells, plus inscribed mess kit, canteen & decorated belt; unique German bandana w/ rifle print. EVEN MORE! Quilts & coverlets (14); Erie Lackawanna RR watering can; Erie RR porcelain sign; rare wax sealers from “Agent’s Office of Erie RR, Kent, O” & Allegheny & Great Western RR; 2 Chicago & Northwestern RR glass fire extinguishers; RR map of Ohio, 1909; US map of roads, canals & railroads, 1834, framed; James Monroe, 1823 & Martin Van Buren, 1838 Ohio land grants; frakturs; duck decoys. VINTAGE TOOLS: Pedal jig saw; buck saws; broad axes; wooden vises & clamps; Stanley Planes: No’s. 45, 113, 78 & 180; #16 folding rule, #36 level & 1867 L. Bailey’s flex btm plane; lg group of wooden planes; brass trimmed braces & squares; slicks; chisels; gouges; compasses; travelers; cooper’s hammer; violin makers pattern, miniature planes & related tools; tool books. THERE’S EVEN MORE! 1950’s a set of bubble gum football cards; Wheaties license plates & RR logo signs; GREAT BOOKS: Animate Creation, 3 vols, w/ color illustrations; Ohio Birds in 2 vols, 1903, signed; local county histories & more to be determined. NOTE: Simply a great offering with all the variety & quality that you would expect from years of astute collecting & now being returned to the market place. Plan to spend the day with us. Details & photos at www.stichterauctions.com.

Sue Cummings & Glynn Marsh, Owners

Mike Baker, Auctioneer/Broker 220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com

contributed to the creation of over 1,500 new positions, most of these well-paying positions in the manufacturing sector. This growth has added over $44 million in annual payroll to the community and helped spur over $100M in local capital expenditure. In 2011, in response to the growing demand to fill these new positions, P4P launched a workforce development initiative that has both provided opportunity for the existing and emerging workforce as well as alleviate hiring issues for expanding companies. “Greenville Federal has been a mainstay of our efforts since Day One”, explained Marc Saluk, Darke County Economic Development Director. “And, like many of our supporters, their support has gone beyond simply the financial resources they provide. The bank is a true partner in the effort. There’s little doubt that this effort would be far less productive without the sincere commitment of their management team to this initiative.” Those interested in learning more about the county’s economic development efforts can call the ED office at 548-3250.


MILLER’S TRADING POST 500 Sweitzer St., Greenville (former Niley’s Citgo. At the point)



Early Notice – Make Preparations

Over 450 Acres

Darke and Preble County Farmland with nice homes and buildings.

Thursday – August 28th @ 5:PM

250 +/- acres located in Mississinawa Twp. of Darke Co.


Tuesday – September 30th @ 5:PM

200 +/- acres located in Twin Twp. of Preble Co.


Visit: WWW.MIDWEST-AUCTIONEERS.COM or call our office @ 937-548-2640 for bidder packets & more info.


Auctioneers & Realty, Inc

Mike Baker, Auctioneer/Broker 220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com

• Jim Wroda Auction Services • Jim Wroda Auction Services • Jim Wroda Auction Services • Jim Wroda Auction Services • Jim Wroda Auction Services

GREENVILLE - Greenville Federal Bank has maintained their status as a long running supporter of the Partnering for Progress (P4P) Initiative by once again contributing in 2014 to Darke County’s collaborative, public-private development effort. The bank has been a fixture since 2009 in the county-wide effort that has yielded tremendous growth for Darke County as well as opportunity for its citizens. “We’re proud to support the efforts of an organization that has returned such benefits to the citizens of Darke County”, commented Bank President Jeff Kniese, “Partnering for Progress has spurred growth and implemented new programs that have had, and will continue to have, a positive impact on the future of the entire community. This is obviously something the bank wishes to continue to support and be a part of in any way we can”. The Partnering for Progress initiative works to support the growth of business, jobs, and the infrastructure that lays the groundwork for development of both. The initiative began a business outreach program in 2009 that has

Everything Must Go!!

Look for the Amish Buggy



SUNDAY July 13th 2014 at 10:00 AM Greenville Auction Center 5239 ST RT 49 S Greenville Ohio 45331

Directions: We are located at the corner of ST RT 127 and ST RT 49S. Greenville, Ohio Here is a nice clean auction for 3 families from Greenville. Items to included but not limited to: Longeberger baskets; Fenton; Gibson sulfide PW; Milk Glass; Baseball bats; Hobnail glass; Broad Ax; 2 man saw; candlewick; brass lamps; childs rocker and other VERY CLEAN small furniture; Slag Glass; Imperial glass; Depression; Newer toys; Lamps; Buffett; Trays of Jewelry; Miniatures; Feed mill hand truck; Sewing & knitting books; Holiday Decorations; bottles; purse collection; dresser lamps; ROSEVILLE frogs and vase; Bohemian cut to clear; frames; books; covered owl; cologne bottles; vaseline glass; RARE Scarey Ann doll; and THOUSANDS of baseball cards! All item very clean. Lots more not listed.. Terms: Cash & Check. Visa MC Discover w/3% clerking fee.

Jim Wroda Auctions


• Jim Wroda Auction Services • Jim Wroda Auction Services •



Auctioneers & Realty, Inc

Greenville Federal continues support

3 Days Only Thur., Fri., Sat. July 17 - 18 - 19 10:00 a.m. -- ???

Real Estate & Personal Property

3575 Stingley Rd, Greenville, Ohio 45331

Saturday – July 26th @ 1:PM

**Auction Site: Greenville Auction Center 5239 State Route 49 S, Greenville, OH 45331 Personal Property selling same day @ 10:00 Showings and inspections by appointment!!


Disregard any & all asking prices. Attend & bid your price!! Great property for 4-H & livestock projects. Beautiful 2 story modern country style home w/ over 1800 sq. ft on just over 7 acres. This home offers 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, kitchen, spacious living & dining rooms, new 12x30 rear deck, new windows, doors, & siding. Property features a 60’x70’ barn, storage shed, a 12’x12’ dog kennel w/ 2 runs, & approx. 5 acres of pasture field with high tensile fence, 2 paddocks, & gates. Make plans to inspect, bid, & buy this property! Terms: $3,000 required down day of auction & balance due within 35 days. Please visit www. midwest-auctioneers.com for more info & pictures.



Auctioneers & Realty, Inc

Mike Baker, Auctioneer/Broker 220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com



Jeff Kniese, President & CEO of Greenville Federal presents the bank’s 2014 Partnering for Progress contribution to Darke County CIC President Jean Young. Also present are VP & CLO Shawn Daugherty, and Sr. VP & CFO Susan Barker.

Anything and Everything You Could Possibly Imagine. Household Items, Antiques, Fishing, Knives, Hunting, Tools, Power, Cordless, Craftsman, Dewalt, Milwaukee, Lawn Tractor, Dixon, Furniture, Glassware, Tobacionno, Gaming Systems, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360, and Games, Nascar, Vintage Greenville Yearbooks, Memorabilia, Baseball Cards, C.bs, Cds, DVD’s. MUCH MUCH MORE!!

Jim Wroda Auction Services • Jim Wroda Auction Services • Jim Wroda Auction Services

2520 hydro tractor w/ 62D belly mower & 200 CX loader, pallet forks, ballast box; New Holland Hay bine guards & sections; New Idea disc mower blades; MacDon guards & sections; New Idea round baler parts; New Holland square baler parts; New Idea rake parts; New Idea Cutditioner blades; Heating oil tank approx. 300 gal (needs new legs); Oil hand pump; Engine oils & coolants; Herd PTO 3 pt. grass seeder; Heat houser for Oliver 1655; John Deere double acting cylinder w/ hoses & tips; (2) Tire spacers; Hydraulic hoses & fittings; PTO shafts; Livestock Equip.: Horse: Saddles – (1) 12” (rare) & (1) 16”, pads & racks; show halters w/ leads; Cotton leads; Basal w/ head stall; Unique standard bred bites; Farrier box; Rasp; Hoof knives & picks; Headstall w/ bites & reins; Blankets; Lung lines, Cotton bending lines; Riding crop; Oster clippers & blades; Leather punch; Bale bags; Cattle: Wood feed bunk (56”Lx7”Dx34”Wx28”H); Rope halters & neck ropes; SS OB chains w/ handles; Tattoo items; Show sticks; Sorting paddle; Hot shot prod; Trailer mats; Clipping mats; Water tank & buckets; Pigs: (2) Hurdles; Self creep feeders; 16’ wire hog panel; Plastic disposal boots; Pick up box w/ divider (never used); Sheep: Rope halters; Hoof trimmers; Syringes; Tags & Tagger; Dog: (3) Dog houses; Feed & water bowls; Leads; (2) Crates; Chains & collars; (2) 16’ pipe gates; (2) 10’ tube gates; 4’ Tube gate; (2) 8’ Heavy pipe gates; 8’ Heavy pipe walk thru gate; Gate hanging hardware, bolts, & lags; Elec. fencing supplies; Fence stretchers; (2) 3-sided shades w/ new roofs; Tools – Mowers: Air compressor; Drain pan; Grease guns; Hand tools: sockets, wrenches, etc.; Craftsman tool chest; Truck tool box; Shop towels; Drills & bits; Nuts & bolts; Nails; Levels; Elec. cords; Elec. chain saw; Hand saws; Oil pump cans; Picks; Shovels; Manure & silage forks; Rakes; Hoes; Shovels; Hay hooks; Elec. hedge trimmers; Tile probe; Chains various sizes & length; Load binders; Come alongs; Fencing supplies & tools; Ladders; Garden & backpack sprayers; JD LA 135, 22 HP lawn tractor; JD JS 25” walk behind mower w/ bagger; Farm King 5” 3 Pt. PTO rotary mower (used on 10 acres only); Household - Collectables – Antiques – Sports Memor.: Gun cab.; (3) 4 drawer file cabinets; Lamps; 66” Micro suede sofa; Oval 46” maple dining table w/ 18” leaf w/ (4) maple chairs; 84” Blue plaid sofa; (2) Maple end tables; (2) Oak end tables; Beige chair; Round 42” cherry dining table w/ 18” leaf w/ (8) chairs, (1) captain chair; Cherry corner cabinet; 30” Church pew; 3 Pc. Bedroom suite w/ queen bed, head/foot boards w/ rails, night stand & armoire; 5 Pc. Maple bedroom suite, size full w/ head/foot boards, night stand, 4 & 3 drawer dressers; Decorative shelving; Desk; TV stand; (1) 27” TV’s; Saxaphone; Records, DVD’s, & CD’s; Maple high chair; 4 drawer red antq. dresser; Port. baby crib; Picnic table; GE 20” microwave; JCP Sewing mach.; Thermal spa; Assrtd. Dishes & pans; Bake ware; Silverware; Baskets; Christmas tree stands; Epic Holland grill; Grill mat; Propane canister; Painting & wallpaper supplies; Metal & plastic shelving units; Cannon camera & lens; Video recorder, Tri-pod; Slide projector & lens; Framed American Paint horse print; Ducks Unlimited framed print; Standard bred signed & framed prints; College text books; Horseman magazines; Merck Manual; Lg. Collection of hats; Breyer horse coll. w/ stable blankets & original boxes; Breyer stable barn; USTA Sires, Dams, & Registers (old & rare); Framed Dan Patch print; Mare w/ foal figurine; Horse head glass book ends; Currier & Ives “The Brush on the Homestretch” framed print; Urban Meyer signed OSU practice football; OSU signed flag; Softball & baseball gloves, bats, & balls; Golf clubs & bag; Antq: Garden tiller w/ attachments; Grinding wheel; Dinner bell; 28” buck saw; 80” two hand cross cut saw; 40” one hand cross cut saw; Wall cloth hanger; School desk; Lightning rod w/ glass globe; Window weights; Wagon; Mirror; Wood pulleys; Chair pads; 6 Drawer chest; Terms: All items must be paid for day of auction. Accepted payments are cash, check w/ proper ID, and Master Card or Visa w/ an additional 3% clerking fee. Lunch will be available by “Howards Hunger House BBQ”. On-site security provided by Darke County Sheriff’s office. Many more items not listed!! Please visit www.midwest-auctioneers.com for more details & pictures!


Thousands of Items Everything Imaginable!!



ity in her winning blood drive recruitment campaign. Krissy lives in Covington and is one of five scholarship winners representing schools in Montgomery, Clarke, Miami and Darke County. Also receiving $1,000 for college tuition


are Margaret Woolf from Northmont High School; Jennifer Felzien from Northeastern High School; Rachel Neff from Oakwood High School; and Hannah Saxe from Dayton Christian Shown are CBC’s Dana Puterbaugh, Bradford High School. High School senior Kristina Parke, and Bradford Applicants were High School Principal P.J. Burgett. asked to create a “The Paracord worked every blood theme for their high school blood Bracelet is used in drive the school has drive and explain the armed forces hosted since I was why it would ef- for an extra para- in sixth grade,” she fectively encourage chute string,” she said. “I was so exfellow students to said, describing the cited when I found donate. They were bracelet as a sym- out about the Lead also challenged to bol of “strength.” The Way scholarexpress the theme She explains the ship. “I worked so in a clever, creative connection in her hard on the blood fashion using con- slogan, “70 Feet of drives and it was so ventional market- Paracord can save exciting.” “Krissy is the ing techniques or ONE life, a Few innovative, artistic Minutes can save biggest sweetheart up to THREE! So you’ll ever meet,” expressions. Bradford Krissy’s cam- have STRENGTH said paign featured a and Come Donate. High School Principal P.J. Burgett. creative and un- ” “It is meant to “She’s known by usual donor gift: A bracelet woven hold heavy weight her whole class as from 70 feet of red and be very useful. the class ‘mom.’ If and white para- Many people just you cut your finger, chute cord. It’s an wear them because she’s probably got idea she says that they are neat and a Band-Aid in her will appeal to her made from all col- purse.” Krissy plans classmates because ors, but their real it is both symbolic use is to save lives,” to study pediatric she said. “They nursing at Kent and trendy. will get students State University. AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION The Lead The attention because Creative they are something Way for different… and can Scholarship actually be put to High School Segood use some- niors is made possible by a $5,000 day.” BHS hosts four grant from Vechigh school drives tren. It is open to and two communi- all graduating, colFARM & LIVESTOCK ty drives per year. lege-bound seniors EQUIPMENT & HOUSEHOLD AUCTION Krissy is a member in CBC’s 15-county SATURDAY - JULY 26TH @ 10:AM of Student Coun- region whose high AUCTION SITE: GREENVILLE AUCTION CENTER cil, which sponsors school hosts a CBC 5239 ST RT 49 S – GREENVILLE, OH 45331 two of the high blood drive. **Real Estate located at 3575 Stingley Road, Greenville will sell the same day @ 1:PM (at auction center)** Learn more at school drives, but Farm Equip.: she volunteers at www.GivingBlood. John Deere every drive. “I have org. BRADFORD – Community Blood Center (CBC) and Vectren have awarded a $1,000 Lead The Way Creative Scholarship to Bradford High School senior Kristina “Krissy” Parke for the skillful blend of style, symbolism and ingenu-



Parke wins Community Blood Center’s Scholarship

Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 19

PAGE 20 Sunday, July 13, 2014 The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Signage recognizes Lincoln’s train SkillsUSA honors Greenville students GREENVILLE – The Darke County Parks and the Phoenix Committee of the Friends of the Darke County Parks recently installed signage at the Tecumseh Trailhead in Gettysburg as a reminder of the Darke County connection to the Abraham Lincoln Funeral Train Route. This portion of the Tecumseh Trail was once an active railway and was utilized during this funeral train

procession. On April 30, 1865, the Lincoln funeral train traveled into Darke County. The train briefly stopped in Bradford, entered Gettysburg at 1:10 a.m. and later Greenville at 1:36 a.m. The Lincoln funeral train departed Washington D.C., April 21, 1865 at 8 a.m. and arrived in Springfield, Illinois on May 3, 1865. It is estimated that 1/3 of the population witnessed the train en route to Lincoln’s final

A group of individuals from the Darke County Parks and the Phoenix Committee of the Friends of Darke County Parks recently installed new signage at the Tecumseh Trailhead.

resting place. The Tecumseh Trail is part of an ongoing proj-




TERMS: Cash or Good Check with Proper Photo ID; Visa / MC / Discover accepted with a 3% Clerk Fee added. • We must collect sales tax (except on titled vehicles). • Visit us online at www.auctionzip.com and enter USER I.D. #8673 for photos and information. • Good Food & Good Times Available on Site! • Open Friday, July 25, 2014 from 9:00AM to 5:00PM for Inspection. • Check next week’s Early Bird for complete auction listing. REMEMBER: +++Never, Ever a Buyer’s (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions…What You Bid Is What You Pay! We work for our sellers, we appreciate our buyers, and we Office: (937)316-8400 Mobile: (937)459-7686 love our profession! Kirby & Staff


SATURDAY, JULY 19, 2014 12:00 PM

10 Acre (PERSONAL PROPERTY 10 Acre Mini Farm Mini Farm SELLS AT 9:00AM) with with 2262 N. OWENS ROAD Pond Pond PLEASANT HILL, OHIO Directions: From the monument in Pleasant Hill, OH at S.R. 48 & S.R. 718 take 718 to the WEST edge of town to Pearson Street. Turn RIGHT or NORTH on Pearson Street. Take Pearson to stop sign at Lauver Road. Turn LEFT on Lauver Road (go past Indian Hills 4-H Camp) approximately ½ mile to 1st RIGHT (N. Owens Road). Take N. Owens Road approximately ½ mile to auction site. WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS

ect of the Darke County Parks. Phase III bidding and construction is set to take place in Summer 2014. For questions or information about the Tecumseh Trail, call the Nature Center at 548-0165 or visit www.darkecountyparks.org

GREENVILLE – Students from Greenville-area high school and college technical education programs won the nation’s highest awards at the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference. Industry leaders representing over 600 businesses, corporations, trade associations and unions recognized the students for their demonstrated excellence in 99 hands-on occupational and leadership contests, such as robotics, criminal justice, aviation maintenance and public speaking. All contests are designed, run and judged by industry using industry standards.

Inspect This Property Make Financial Arrangements Be Prepared to Buy on Auction Day

Shown by appointment… Call: Kirby Lyons (937) 316-8400 Everett Hocker (937) 417-0748 Leis Realty Co. (937) 548-5750


Terms: $5,000 Down on Day of Auction w/ Complete Balance Due Within (30) Days of Auction. Taxes will be figured short term pro-ration to Closing. Possession is given at Closing. Visa & MasterCard accepted w/ a 3% clerking fee added. For photos and additional information on this offering please visit us at www.auctionzip.com Enter User I.D. # 8673. REMEMBER: +++Never, Ever a Buyer’s (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions…What You Bid Is What You Pay! We work for our sellers, we appreciate our buyers, and we love our profession! Kirby & Staff

Office: (937)316-8400 Mobile: (937)459-7686

ways - Industrial and Engineering Technology. Top student winners received gold, silver and bronze medallions. Many also received prizes such as tools of their trade and/

or scholarships to further their careers and education. The SkillsUSA Championships is for high school and college-level students who are members of SkillsUSA.



98 Acres M/L Tillable Farmland

Directions to Farm: From Ansonia, Ohio take S.R. 47 EAST of Ansonia approximately ½ mile just past the cemetery to Beam Rd. and turn RIGHT or SOUTH on Beam Rd. then approximately ½ mile on the LEFT or EAST side of the road. WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS


This auction will be conducted at Kirby Lyons Auction Facility at 5378 Sebring-Warner Rd., Greenville, Ohio. DIRECTIONS: Approximately 30 miles NORTH of Dayton, Ohio. From the intersection of S.R. 49 and U.S. 127 Bypass, take U.S. 127 NORTH approximately ¼ mile to Sebring-Warner Rd. and turn RIGHT or EAST to auction site, just 2 buildings EAST of the “Early Bird”. WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS ON SALE DAY This quality, productive Darke County Farmland will contain approximately (98) Acres M/L subject to the final survey which is in progress. This Farm will be offered in (1) One Tract, by the Acre. Feel free to drive by the farm, Inspect, make financial arrangements and be prepared to buy at auction. Inspect - Make Financial Arrangements Be Prepared to Buy on Auction Day For additional information contact: Kirby Lyons (937) 316-8400 (937) 459-7686 Everett Hocker (937) 417-0748 Leis Realty Co. (937) 548-5750 TERMS: $20,000.00 Down on Day of Auction w/ Complete Balance Due Within (30) Days of Auction. Possession given AFTER the 2014 harvest of crops. Taxes will be figured short term pro-ration to Closing.

DAVID & DANETTE FITZGERALD – OWNERS ANNE FITZGERALD & JEFF RAYMOND - OWNERS For additional information on this offering please visit us at www.auctionzip.com Enter User I.D. # 8673. Remember, Never, Ever a Buyers (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions…*WHAT YOU BID IS WHAT YOU PAY!* “We work for our sellers, appreciate our buyers, and love our profession!”

DAR Mothers Day Tea 2014 Ohio Regent Sandy McCann, St. Clair Manor owner Sherri Jones and Fort GreeneVille Regent Chris Nehring.

St. Clair Manor earns DAR honor GREENVILLE – On May 17, Fort GreeneVille Chapter and Ohio Regent Sandy McCann presented the National Historic Preservation Recognition Award to St. Clair Manor owners Mike and Sherri Jones. Sherri accepted the award during the 100th Anniversary Mother’s Day Tea Party hosted by the Fort GreeneVille DAR Chapter at the St. Clair Manor. The Historic Preservation Recognition Award recognizes and honors an individual or group that has done remarkable volunteer work at the community level. The award may be presented to DAR members and non-members and recognizes achievements in

all areas of historic preservation: buildings, landmarks, monuments, cemeteries, historic districts, statues, museum collections, manuscripts, documents, and archival materials. It also includes writing or compiling and publishing books on historic preservation projects, historical properties, genealogical and court house records, and photography collections; as well as compiling oral histories; and serving as historical guides, interpreters or docents. This award is administered by the DAR National Vice Chairman, Historic Preservation Recognition Award, Katie Hyman.

UC Lions honored by blood center This very unique Miami County Mini Farm features 10 Acres with a 2-Story Country Home, 2 Car Detached Garage, Large Barn w/ Work Shop, Chicken Coop Bldg., nice approx. 1 Acre Pond w/ Dock, several nice camping sites w/ electric and much more. The home features 3-4 Bedrooms, Family Room w/ Stone Fireplace, Eat-in-Kitchen w/ Dining area, Living Room, 1 ½ Baths, Den/Office area, Laundry area, High Efficiency Propane Furnace and Central A/C (approx. 1 year old). Some newer Windows, Alum. Siding & private Patio area.

Team AD (consisting of Kelsey McClure, Rachael Mann, Joey Wappelhorst), from Greenville Senior High School (Greenville), was awarded a Skill Point Certificate in Career Path-

UNION CITY - Two area representatives from the Community Blood Center of Dayton presented the program for the April 22 meeting of the Union City Lions Club. Dana Puterbaugh (Darke County) and Melinda Frech (Wayne and Randolph Counties) presented the club with the Platinum Partner Award for averaging 95% of the mobile goals at the club’s six drives per year. They also presented, “Blood by the Numbers,” an enjoyable program on the various aspects of the blood donor program. A few of the “facts” learned by the mem-

bers were: the CBC is celebrating 50 years of service, one pint of blood has the potential of saving three lives, a person can donate blood every eight weeks, the adult body contains 10 pints of blood and the body replaces a donated pint of blood in approximately 24 hours. The Union City Lions Club sponsors a blood draw six times a year at the Community Center next to the UCI City Office. The next draw is scheduled for July 14, 2:30-6:30 p.m. In 2013 the Union City Lions Club blood draws collected 235 units of blood.

Office: (937)316-8400 Mobile: (937)459-7686




Directions: From the monument in Pleasant Hill, OH at S.R. 48 & S.R. 718 take 718 to the WEST edge of town to Pearson Street. Turn RIGHT or NORTH on Pearson Street. Take Pearson to stop sign at Lauver Road. Turn LEFT on Lauver Road (go past Indian Hills 4-H Camp) approximately ½ mile to 1st RIGHT (N. Owens Road). Take N. Owens Road approximately ½ mile to auction site. WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS AUTOMOBILE 1957 Chevy 2 Dr. Post Model 210, V-8 Auto, Red, barn find, restorable; (2) ’57 Chevy Car Hoods. LAWN TRACTORS Craftsman DYS-4500 Spec. Edition 22 H.P. 42” Cut, Hydro; Craftsman YS-4500 24 H.P. 42” Cut, Hydro; Craftsman DYT-4000 24 H.P. 42” Cut, Hydro; 21” Lawn Chief Walk Mower Self Propelled. TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Logan 4 Ft. Metal Lathe; Steel Bench w/ Vise; 2-Ton Floor Jack; Bench Drill Press; Dbl. Bench Grinder; Jack Stands; Car Ramps; Port Air Comp.; Drill Press & Pipe Vises; Power Kraft 230 Welder; (2) Rolling Tool Cabinets; Kennedy Rolling Machinist Tool Boxes; Chain Boomers; Wrenches; Sockets; Ratchets; Hammers; Pipe Wrenches; Drill Bits; Come-A-Long; Elec. Power Tools; Coleman 8 H.P. 4000 Wt. Gas Generator; Werner 8’ Fiberglass Ladder; Alum. Ext. Ladder; Btl. Jacks; 3 Pt. Beam Pole; Oliver Steel Whl. Superior Grain Drill; Wood Ext. Ladder; Tree Saws; Chisels; Punches; Vise Grips; Inventory Units w/ Bolts; Nuts; etc.; Gear Pullers; C-Clamps; Battery Charger; Saw Horses; Fuel Cans; Platform Scales; several Tarps; Lawn Seeder & more. MISC. Coleman Camp Stove; Lantern; R. Tire Wheel Barrow; several Ammo Boxes (metal); Cabin Tent; MAC Creeper; 100,000 BTU Ready Heater; several Window A/C’s; Trailer Mover Dolly; several Conservos; Fishing Poles; Chicken Feeders/Waterers; Ladies Schwinn & Sting Ray type Bicycles; (2) Lawn Trailers; Walker w/ Brakes; Poly Folding Picnic Table; several Coke Crates; several Fans; Radio Flyer Wagon; Child’s Toys; Round Kero Heaters; Galv. Water Trough & Fill Cans; new Galv. Incubator. FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Wood Wash Stand; Computer Desk; 3 Pc. Maple Bedroom Suite; 6’ Wood Storage Wardrobe; Cedar Chest; Cedar Cabinet; several Chest of Drawers; Metal Bed; 50” Projection Big Screen TV; Sofa; several Chairs; Maple Dresser, Mirror & Chest; several Lamp Tables; Wood Gun Cabinet; numerous Lamps; (2) VCR’s; H.P. Computer; Printer & Scanner; Microwave Oven; Dbl. Wash Tub; Elec. Ringer Washer; (2) Sm. Chest Freezers; Whirlpool Refrigerator/ Freezer; 30” Elec. Stove; Kitchen Table & (4) Chairs; Wood Picnic Table & more. ITEMS OF INTEREST Early Gilbert Microscope; 1948 & 1957 License Plates; Early Gilbert Experiment Lab; (2) Daisy BB Rifles; numerous Oil Lamps; Fram Filter Metal Bank; Thomas Mantle Radio. HOUSEHOLD Corelle Dishes; Silverware; Elec. & Hand Kitchen Appliances & Utensils; Tupperware; Pots; Pans; Granite Roaster; Knick Knacks and much more.


TERMS: Cash or Good Check with Proper Photo ID; Visa / MC / Discover accepted with a 3% Clerk Fee added. • Visit us online: www.auctionzip.com USER I.D. #8673 for photos and information. • Good Food & Good Times Available on Site! REMEMBER: +++Never, Ever a Buyer’s (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions…What You Bid Is What You Pay! We work for our Office: (937)316-8400 sellers, we appreciate our buyers, and we Mobile: (937)459-7686 love our profession! Kirby & Staff

GREENVILLE – Kim Cromwell, chairperson for the Darke County Fair Flower Show, recently announced a change in each flower department supplement book noting “The Darke County Agriculture Society voted not to allow any department to remove or tear down until after 11 p.m. on Aug. 23. The Flower department will have dismantling beginning at 1 p.m. on Aug. 24. Premiums will be paid at 2 p.m. Please make arrangement for pick up of any items if exhibitors can-

Kim Cromwell is shown inserting the change in the flower department’s supplement book.

not be there. The Darke County Association of Garden Clubs will not be held responsible for theft, breakage, etc. of any items

left after vacating the premises after tear down on Sunday. If exhibitors have any questions, contact Kim at 547-0899.

PUBLIC AUCTION FRIDAY – July 18, 2014 3:00 P.M.

5862 Kruckeberg Rd. Greenville, OH 45331


TERMS: CASH or local checks w/proper ID. Visa & Master Card Accepted w/3% Clerk Fee. Auctioneer licensed in Ohio. Auction held INSIDE facility. We must collect sales tax.

GREENVILLE – Jill Brown, RN, recently presented a check to Dayton Clinical Oncology Program for cancer research in Darke County. The oncology program is a regional non-profit cancer research consortium serving the Miami Valley area as well as Cincinnati, Findlay, Greenville, Middletown, and Troy, Ohio Northern Kentucky and Eastern Indiana. The program, in cooperation with participat-

ing area hospitals, universities and physicians, provides local access to national state-of-the-art cancer clinical trials through the National Cancer Institute and its community oncology research. The Cancer Association of Darke County makes one yearly donation to an accredited research organization, such as the Dayton Clinical Oncology Program, that works with Darke County residents. The Cancer As-

Left to right are Sid Pinkus, president and CEO of DCOP, and Jill Brown, RN, BSN, OCN Cancer Coordinator and Research Nurse at Wayne Health Care.

sociation of Darke County exists to provide support for people in Darke County that have been diagnosed with cancer. The asso-

Dayton Cycling Club makes rest stop at Wayne Lakes W A Y N E LAKES – The Dayton Cycling Club’s 40th Annual Huffman Spring Classic bike riders stopped by the Wayne Lakes Lakeside Lodge on May 18 for a refreshment stop. Over 180 cyclists left Golden Gate Park in Brookville and travelled to the first refreshment stop at Filburns Pond. From there they travelled to Wayne

Lakes. They wrapped up the 60 mile trip by returning to Filburns for lunch, then back to Brookville’s Golden Gate Park. This year’s event benefitted the Schneider House of Hope, Xenia. Wayne Lakes Mayor Gary Lee Young said the sponsors commented on how much they enjoyed “beautiful Wayne Lakes

Library continues summer reading ARCANUM – The summer reading program at the Arcanum Public Library is down to its final two weeks. There are still plenty of activities planned for everyone to enjoy. On July 14, there will be two showings of the newly released move The Lego Movie, noon and 3 p.m. Popcorn will be served and all are welcome. On July 15, bring the little ones in for story time. There are two sessions for kids up to age 4, 10 and 11 a.m.

Come and hear stories, sing songs and participate in an activity. On July 16, the library will be showing two movies. The 1967 Dr. Doolittle starring Rex Harrison will be shown at 10 a.m. The 1998 Dr. Doolittle starring Eddie Murphy will be shown at 2 p.m. Popcorn will be served at both movies. On July 17, Brukner Nature Center will be bringing a great animal program to the library. It starts at 10 a.m. and due to limited seating requires an advance seating ticket. Call the library to check on availability. More information about the summer reading program and the library can be found online at www.arcanumpubliclibrary.org. Feel free to call the library at 6928484.

and our Lakeside Lodge.” This is the third year they have stopped and they plan to return next year. “Wayne Lakes certainly enjoys having them each year,” Young said.

ciation reimburses their patients for expenses including: mileage, medication, medical supplies, and nutritional supplementation. The organization also offers a monthly support group, a volunteer driver program, free wigs and head coverings for cancer patients, educational materials for the prevention and early detection of all cancers, information booths at various Darke

County events, and speakers for groups interested in learning more about our organization. The Cancer Association of Darke County is not affiliated with the American Cancer Society. It is funded by donations from individuals and other groups who hold fundraisers, etc. For more information about the Cancer Association of Darke County, call the office at 5489960.


PERSONAL PROPERTY Friday – July 18th @ 3:PM

631 Baughman St. – Ansonia, OH 45303

Real Estate will be open for inspections and offers from 3-6PM Tools – Lawn & Garden – Household *1949 Massy Harris 44 tractor engine block & other vintage small tractor parts to include MH & Case; Nice selec. Of Tools – Lawn/Garden: Lincoln 225 Ace Welder; Air tank; JD power washer; Workmate; Bench vise; Buffers & grinders; Shop vac; Fiberglass saw horses; Battery charger; Snap-On tool box; Jack stands; Craftsman chipper shredder; (2) Chain saws; Lg. selection of hand tools; Hand wrenches; Drill press; Bench grinder; Cordless drill; Car ramps; Floor jack; Air tools; Socket sets; Hand & Mechanics tools; 1Ton chain hoist; Elec. tools; (2) Creepers; Alum. Ext. ladder; Wood step ladder; Air hose; Band saw; 10” Table saw; Hardware; Grease guns; Lawn seeder; Plastic yard chairs; (3) Steel tractor rims; (2) Gas trimmers; Old metal lawn chairs; Gas cans; Sprinkling cans; Garden tools; Pump sprayer; Household & Collectables: Kenmore Refrig.; GE Elec. range; Magic Chef Refrig/Freezer; 32” Flat screen TV; Over stuffed recliner; Antq. Oak rocker; Upholstered elec. lift chair; Goose neck rocker; Side chairs; Sofa; Wing back side chair; Roll-away bed; (2) Chest of drawers; Filing cabs; Full size bed w/ S&M; Bedding; Kitchen dinette w/ chairs; Card table & chairs; Glass & brass lamps; Floor lamp; Reading lamp; Coffee & end tables; (2) Matching brass lamps; Step stool; Magazine rack; Paper shredder; Granite pot; Sm. kitchen appliances; Microwave; Coffee maker; Cookware; Glassware; Flatware; Window AC unit; TV trays; Box fan; Polks Tractor Magazines; Antique Power Mags; Christmas décor; Oil heater; Kerosene heater & lamp; Men’s bike; Terms: All items must be paid for day of auction. Accepted payments are cash, check w/ proper ID, or Master Card and Visa w/ an additional 3% clerking fee. Please visit WWW.MIDWEST-AUCTIONEERS.COM for more info and pictures. ITEMS FORMERLY BELONGING TO


Robert Christian & Karen Long, Execs. Ted Finnarn, Atty Darke Co. Probate Case # 20141082


Realty & Auctioneers, Inc Auctioneers & Realty, Inc

Mike Baker, Auctioneer/Broker 220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com



Ronnie Kaugher

1546 Cox Rd., Union City, OH (937) 968-7279

Weekly Auctions now featuring audio/video bidding. Convenience fee for on-line bidders only.


DIRECTIONS: From downtown Dayton, Ohio Take I -70 West to St. Rt. 127 North to Greenville to Kruckeberg Rd. Turn right on Kruckeberg go approx. 1 mile to sale site on left. (Watch for signs) Auctioneers Note – Now Featuring Live Audio & Video so you can bid at home or on the go with your smart phone or tablet. Go to www.auctionzip.com, for pictures and enter auctioneer ID # 3426, click on the current auction date, click on bid now button to enter auction, register if you want to bid. No buyer’s premium charged for attending the live & collectible auction. Convenience Fee applied to online bidders only. ANTIQUES-COLLECTIBLES-FURNITURE HOUSEHOLD- GARAGE ITEMS Misc. Glassware-Depression Glass; Germany, Japan, Mikasa, Blue Rose Elizabeth By Johnson Bros. England., Hand Painted Nippon; Linens; Sewing Items; F-N- Bee Dolls; Tin Canisters; Advertising Items; Baby Shoe Collection; Collection of Match Holders; Wall Pockets; Beaded Evening Bags; Costume Jewelry; Oil Lamps; Old Photos; Vintage Children’s Clothing; Tin Jewelry Boxes; Eden Pure Model 1000 Heater; Sev. Lamps; Twin Beds; Dining Room Table & Chairs; Breakfast Table & Chairs; Dressers & Mirrors; Vanity W/Mirror; Hide A Bed Couch; Recliners; Desk; Wall Unit; Bentwood Rocking Baby Bed; Oak Sofa Table; Oak Glider Rocker; Wood Kitchen Chairs; 3 Legged Table; Filing Cabinets; Sm. Flat Screen TV; Figurines; Thimbles; Table Cloths; Misc. Kitchen Items; Room Décor; Bedding; Throw Rugs; Pictures; Murray Riding Mower; Ladder; Wheel Barrel; Girls 26” Bicycle; Toys; Hand Tools; And Much More. Be Sure to Visit Auctionzip.com, Pictures Added Daily.

Donation made for cancer research


Change made for fair’s flower dept.

Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 21

PAGE 22 Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


& '

" ! #


$1999 due at signing; no security deposit required. Tax and license fees extra. Excess mileage charged, over 10,000 miles per year, at $0.25 per mile. Option to purchase at lease end for $13,926.60 plus tax and title. See dealer for details.

%$ % # j14712

$1999 due at signing; no security deposit required. Tax and license fees extra. Excess mileage charged, over 10,000 miles per year, at $0.25 per mile. Option to purchase at lease end for $14,019.50 plus tax and title. See dealer for details.

Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 23


Annie Oakley Days passes available GREENVILLE – The 2014 Annie Oakley Days Festival is being held July 25-27. A weekend festival pass is $3 at the gate during the festival or $2 if purchased before the festival. You can now pick up a printed schedule and weekend festival pass at the following locations: Hallmark Readmore, The Coffee Pot, KitchenAid Experience, AAA, Granny’s Corner, Greenville Mayor’s office, Greenville City Building, Main Street Greenville, Darke County Visitors Center, Bill Hawkey and Associates, Barga Heating and Air, Lavy’s Marathon, Gettysburg, and Unwrapped Pack & Ship. They have the Melodrama in a very large tent, just like the old

days, on Thursday and Friday at 7:30 p.m., Saturday at 3 and 7 p.m., and Sunday at 1 p.m. Watch the Annie Oakley Western Arts Showcase as they use whips and ropes for your entertainment pleasure, on Saturday at 1 and 7 p.m. The National Kiddie Tractor Pull will be held Saturday at 4 p.m., and the Greenville fast draw will be held Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bands will be playing on Friday from 1 to 9 p.m. and on Saturday from 1-7 p.m., with the Talent competition beginning at 1 p.m. on Sunday. The complete schedule of events for Annie Oakley Days is also available at www.annieoakleyfestival.org.

AWTHS rummage sale is July 16-18 ARCANUM – The Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society is holding its annual Anything and Everything Rummage Sale on July 16, 1-6:00 p.m., and July 17 and 18, 9a.m.-4:30 p.m., at the historical building, 123 West George St., Arcanum. Need wooden table chairs, books, pictures, decorator items for your home, yard ornaments among a large inventory of other things? All items are guaranteed to be priced at the lowest and most affordable prices of the garage sale/ rummage season. Most shopping at the historical society’s rummage sale will be provided in comfortable air conditioning in the historical building but larger items will be outside in Veterans Park adjoining the historical

building. Mark your calendar for July 16, 17 and 18 for the best rummage sale shopping in Darke County. End the week on July 19 with the weekly summer Farmer’s Market held in downtown Arcanum at the Veterans’ Park on West George St. The produce and marketable items vary each week, shop early to get the best selection of the day. The historical building will be open to the public for touring from 9 a.m. to noon with the research/resource room closed on July 19. The research/resource room will reopen at a later date. Also check out the new format on the society’s website at www.arcanumhistoricalsociety. org with pictures, history and information about the organization.

Drees named branch manager

John and Susie George are shown dancing during Rest Haven’s carnival.

Carnival held for residents, families GREENVILLE – In celebration of National Nursing Home Week, May 12-17, Rest Haven entertained residents, families, and staff with a carnival filled with music, games, food, and fun. On Wednesday evening the carnival arrived in Rest Haven’s dining room and courtyard. Traditional carnival games with prizes engaged all who attended; while Stan “the banjo man” Garrison played bluegrass

and old time music for all to enjoy. Fresh popcorn, snow cones, and laughter from the bounce house made everyone feel just like they were at a “real carnival!” Rest Haven delivers fun through various activities that encompass mind, body, and spirit for any age. To learn more about their care center and cutting edge rehab call, 548-1138 or email infoRestHaven.com.

Baseball tryouts GREENVILLE – TriCounty Twisters a Select 9U Baseball team will be forming for 2015 Baseball Season. Players must not turn 10 before May 1. Tryouts will be held on

Sater Street in Greenville at 6:30 p.m. on July 21 and 22, with a rain date of July 28. For more information, contact Mike Fulk, (765) 418-6504.

OSGOOD – Michael Monnier, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Osgood State Bank recently announced the promotion of Peggy Drees as Branch Manager of the Fort Loramie Branch of Osgood State Bank. This announcement is the bank’s continued effort to enhance the commitment and expertise of the branch staff serving the Fort Loramie area communities. The promotion of Peggy as Branch Manager provides the local knowledge needed to best serve our customers while offering the necessary financial products and services that meet the financial needs of Ft Loramie and surrounding communities. Her banking experience with Osgood State Bank began in 1995. She has a diverse retail banking background and has journeyed through many departments of the Bank, initially starting as a teller, as the Head of the Loan Processing Department, and as an Assistant Branch Manager. Her current responsibilities as Investment Advisor and Director of the Bank’s Wealth Management Division, as Marketing Director, and Secretary to the Board of Directors, provides the background needed for her additional role as Branch Manager. She has obtained investment li-

GREENVILLE – The Greenville High School Class of 1984 will hold its 30th reunion on Aug. 23, 7-11 p.m. The event will be held at the Elks Lodge in Greenville. Food and drinks will be available

Ends July 14th!

for purchase. The class invites members of the GHS Class of 1983 and 1985 to stop in. For more information, call Doug Shields, 423-2592.


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cense series 6, 7,24,51,63 needed for her wealth management investment responsibilities. She also has her license in offering Life and Health Insurance products. Peggy has the skills necessary to contribute to the growth of the branch while increasing the financial opportunities for our customer’s in Fort Loramie and the surrounding communities. Mrs. Drees was born and raised in the Fort Loramie community and is a graduate of Fort Loramie High School. She is the treasurer of the Fort Loramie Education Foundation, has been a member and served in several officer positions with the Fort Loramie Community Service Club, and is a Past President of the Fort Loramie Chamber of Commerce. Peggy has been married to her husband Dave for 17 years. They have three boys. Peggy enjoys camping, baseball, her sons’ sporting events, reading and watching movies.

GHS Class of 84 reunion


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Peggy Drees


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11673B 2014 Chevrolet Malibu black $22,995 $21,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P1771 2013 Chevrolet Malibu silver/grey $21,995 $20,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P1772T 2013 Chevrolet Silverado, Short Box Crew Cab 1500 4WD blue $35,995 $34,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11545A 2012 Honda Accord, Sedan LX silver/grey $19,995 $18,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11566A 2012 GEM E2 white $8,995 $7,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11706A 2012 Chevrolet Sonic, 4 Door 2LT white $12,995 $11,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11744A 2012 Ford Focus SE blue $15,995 $14,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P1722 2012 Kia Soul! black $16,995 $15,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P1740AT 2012 Chevrolet Avalanche, 1500 4WD black $32,995 $30,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P1752 2012 Malibu, Sedan LT white $16,995 $15,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P1753 2012 Hyudai Sonata GLS blue $17,995 $15,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P1767T 2012 Chevrolet Equinox, FWD LT red $24,995 $23,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P1776 2012 Chevrolet Cruze LT, 4 Door Sedan black $16,995 $15,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P1718 2011 Buick Regal CXL brown $19,995 $18,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P1766T 2011 Chevrolet Traverse, FWD silver/grey $22,995 $21,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P1770T 2011 Chevrolet Silverado, 1500 2WD Reg. Cab red $17,995 $16,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11479AT 2010 Chevrolet Traverse, AWD LT charcoal $20,995 $19,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11737AT 2010 Chevrolet Silverado, 1500 4WD Extended Cab red $23,995 $22,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P1742BT 2010 Chevrolet Traverse, FWD burgundy $20,995 $19,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11682AT 2008 Chevrolet Avalanche white $21,995 $19,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11713B 2008 Chevrolet Malibu LT, Sedan red $12,995 $11,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P1777 2008 Chevrolet Malibu, 4 Door silver/grey $8,995 $7,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11742A 2007 Buick LaCrosse CXS blue $10,995 $9,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11643AT 2004 Mercury Monterey burgundy $4,995 $3,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11368B 2003 Ford Mustang GT blue $8,995 $7,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------gold $5,995 $4,995 11719A 2003 Pontiac Grand Am SE, V6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11678CT 2002 Chevrolet Venture, 4 Door SWB silver/grey $5,995 $4,995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P1758A 1998 Buick Park Avenue white $4,495 $3,995

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PAGE 24 Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


Winn recognized for graphic design GREENVILLE – Jessica Winn, Communications Specialist for State of the Heart Hospice, was recently honored by Graphic Design USA for her promotional design work for the agency’s “Heart & Sole” 5K race held in February. “For the ninth straight year, more than 4,000 entries were submitted in the contest,” officials from the national graphics association said. “A highly selective 15 percent are recognized with a Certificate of Excellence.” Winn, of Greenville, is included in the 15 percent so honored. “It is a huge accomplishment for me personally, especially since I was competing against

4,000 other professionals, and many of them are from large, very well known companies,” she said. “This is an honor I will never forget and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to use my creative talents for State of the Heart.” Winn, who graduated with an Associate’s Degree from the School of Advertising Art in Kettering, has been with the nonprofit agency for almost a year. State of the Heart cares for patients and families in eastern Indiana and western Ohio who are confronting a life limiting illness. The 5K was the first ever held by the agency and raised $12,500. The logo was done in black, red




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and gray with a picture of runners on a snow covered course. Winn explained the process of creating an award-winning promotional piece: “There is a whole process that goes along with logo design,” she explained. “There is a brainstorming period, mock ups completed, and through all of this creative process, you come up with your final design. When I heard the name of the 5K – “Heart & Sole” the idea just clicked with me and within a few hours I had around six or seven sample mockups, but the one I decided on stood out in

general. That is the one we decided to use, and consequently earned us this national honor.” According to officials with the national graphics association, “Graphic Design USA for more than five decades has sponsored competitions that spotlight areas of excellence and opportunity. The American Inhouse Design Awards is the original and the biggest showcase for outstanding work by inhouse designers, recognizing designers for their talent, for the special challenges they face, and perhaps most important, for the value they bring

VERSAILLES – Flying J’s, 7546 State Route 242, Versailles, will host a Fun Night on July 23, 5:30 -7 p.m., to introduce several pieces of equipment at their new gym. There will be games

and prizes. Give it a flip! Please register for this event by email – flyingjs@outlook.com or call 526-4125 (leave a message). The cost is $10. Flying J’s offers tumbling and gymnastics.




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tion. State of the Heart Hospice, with offices in Greenville, Coldwater and Portland, has provided care to area communities for 33 years. For more information about the agency and the services it provides visit the web site at www. stateoftheheartcare.org.

Flying J’s Fun Night


Fully Insured Rick Gunckle (937) 547-0922

to their businesses and institutions.” Association officials also said that the award-winning work will be seen by more than 100,000 professionals through such outlets as print publication, online information, iPad app, and a digital magazine published by the associa-

DAR Mothers Day Tea 2014 Fort GreeneVille

DAR celebrates 100th Mother’s Day GREENVILLE – On May 17, Fort GreeneVille Chapter hosted a 100th Anniversary Mother’s Day Tea Party at the historical St. Clair Manor with Ohio Regent Sandy McCann in attendance as the special guest. Also in attendance were Commodore Preble Chapter mem-

bers, family members and friends. Fort GreeneVille Chapter Chaplain Karen Burkett gave a 100th Mother’s Day Anniversary program while Commodore Preble Regent Linda Coleman acknowledged Armed Forces Day. Following the program, numerous door prizes were given out.

Lauren Landes was recognized during the MVCTC’s senior recognition.

Landes awarded scholarship at CTC CLAYTON – Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) Class of 2014 scholarship winners were announced on May 16, during the Senior Recognition Ceremony at the Wright State Nutter Center. Over 600 students received their Career Passport during the ceremony. The Career Passport is awarded to students that successfully complete their MVCTC career program with good grades, good attendance, and the ability to demonstrate competencies in their career program. The Career Passport complements the high school diploma that is earned while at MVCTC. Students receive their high school diploma from the part-

ner school district they attend. In addition to Career Passports being awarded during the Senior Recognition Ceremony, several MVCTC students were announced as recipients of the 2014 MVCTC Department, Foundation, and Employee Association scholarships. Local student, Lauren Landes, Graphic Commercial Art student from Franklin Monroe, was the recipient of one of the Treva and Robert Sidle Scholarships In total over $2.6 million worth of scholarships were earned by the MVCTC Class of 2014. There were a total of 534 Tech Prep Scholarship earned this year by MVCTC seniors, totaling over $1.6 million.





2012 BUICK ENCLAVE FWD 3.6L V6, all power, super nice, white, 13,872 miles .....$29,995 .....$28,500 2012 GMC ACADIA SL FWD., 3.6L V6, loaded, like new, black, 6,514 miles .............$26,995 .....$25,900 2012 GMC ACADIA SL FWD., 3.6L V6, loaded, exc. cond,. blue, 8,879 miles...........$27,995 .....$26,500 2012 NISSAN EXTERRA PRO 4X4 4WD, 4.0L V6, all power, one owner, exc. cond., gray, 36,284 miles .............................................................................$24,995 .....$23,900 2012 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, super nice, blue, 14,631 miles ................................................................................................$27,995 .....$22,900 2012 CHEVY EQUINOX LS FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., all power, very nice, black, 21,143 miles ..$21,995 ......$20,500 2012 BUICK ENCLAVE CXL FWD 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., gray, 19,666 miles ................................................................................................$34,995 .....$33,500 2011 CHEVY TAHOE LTZ 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, DVD player, loaded, sharp, white, 37,731 miles ...................................................................................$40,995 .....$39,500 2011 GMC TERRAIN SLT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, sharp, maroon, 72,598 miles ..$19,995 ...... $18,500 2011 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., black, 29,124 miles ..............................................................................................$20,995 .....$20,200 2011 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 3.0L V6, sunroof, loaded, sharp, brown, 25,292 miles .. $22,995 ...... $21,500 2011 CHEVY TAHOE LTZ 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, one owner, loaded, super nice, maroon, 89,944 miles ..........................................................................................$32,995 .....$30,900 2009 CHEVY ½ TON CREW CAB LT 4X4, 5.3L V8, loaded, one owner, exc. cond., black, 158,995 miles ............................................................................................$19,995 .....$18,500 2009 GMC YUKON SLT 4X4, 5.3L, V8, leather, sunroof, DVD system, sharp, black, 92,347 miles ..............................................................................................$25,995 .....$24,500 2008 PONTIAC TORRENT FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, one owner, exc. cond., maroon, 69,368 miles ........................................................................$13,995 .....$12,900 2007 DODGE CARAVAN SXT, 3.3L V6, all power, good cond., blue, 156,331 miles....$6,995 .......$5,500 2006 FORD EXPEDITION LIMITED 4WD, 5.4L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp beige, 151,104 miles ............................................................................................$11,995 .....$10,500 2005 GMC YUKON DENALI 4X4, 6.0L, V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 135,582 miles ............................................................................................$13,995 .....$12,500 2003 PONTIAC MONTANA EXT. VAN, 3.4L V6, leather, loaded, very nice, white, 216,247 miles ..............................................................................................$5,995 .......$3,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4WD, 4.2L 6 cyl., sunroof, leather, loaded, good cond., black, 195,231 miles ..........................................................................$4,995 .......$3,500 2002 CHEVY VENTURE LS VAN, 3.4L V6, loaded, good cond., blue, 185,647 miles ..$4,995 .......$3,500 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 142,478 miles ...........................................................................$9,995 .......$8,900 2002 FORD F350 CREW CAB LARIAT 4WD P.U., 7.3L Turbo Diesel, one owner, leather, loaded, good cond., blue, 355,817 miles.................................................$10,995 .......$9,500 2001 FORD WINDSTAR SEL VAN, 3.8L V6, all power, good cond., green, 152,619 miles .............................................................................................$3,995 .......$2,900 2000 GMC SLE 1 TON CREW CAB DUALLY 4WD, 7.4L V8, utility body, loaded, good cond., brown, 245,856 miles .........................................................................$8,995 .......$7,500 2000 CHEVY ½ TON EXT. CAB LS 2WD P.U., 5.3L V8, loaded, good cond., red, 223,718 miles .................................................................................................$5,995 .......$4,900 2000 CHEVY VENTURE VAN, one owner, V6, good cond., silver, 188,476 miles ........$5,995 .......$3,900 1999 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LS REG. CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, red, 70,361 miles ...................................................................................$7,995 .......$6,900 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats, all power, nice cond., green, 144,748 miles .............................................................................................$6,995 .......$5,900 1998 PONTIAC TRANSPORT EXT. VAN, V6, loaded, exc. cond., white, 146,014 miles.. $6,995 ........$4,900 1997 CHEVY VENTURE LS EXT. VAN, 3.4L V6, all power, good cond., beige, 166,264 miles ..............................................................................................$3,995 .......$2,500 1997 DODGE CARAVAN SPORT, 3.3L V6, all power, sunroof, good cond., white, unknown mileage ...................................................................................................$3,995 .......$2,500 1994 GMC ½ TON SIERRA SLE EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.7L V8, all power, good cond., maroon, 128,128 miles ......................................................................$5,995 .......$4,500


2012 CHEVY MALIBU 2LT, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., diamond white, 18,509 miles ...............................................................................$18,995 .....$17,500 2012 CHEVY MALIBU 3LT, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, like new, diamond white, 7,085 miles .................................................................................$20,995 .....$19,900 2012 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., all power, super nice, white, 28,472 miles. $16,995 ..... $15,700 2012 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., all power, super nice, maroon, 16,511 miles ........................................................................................... $15,995 ..... $14,500





2011 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., all power, super nice, maroon, 21,628 miles . $17,995...... $16,700 2008 CHEVY COBALT LT, 4 dr., 2.2L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., red, 125,242 miles ....$8,995 .......$7,500 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 115,528 miles ........................................................................................$10,995 .......$9,500 2006 CHEVY MONTE CARLO SS, 2 dr., 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp white, 80,663 miles ..............................................................................................$12,995 .....$11,900 2006 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.2L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., white, 132,199 miles .. $8,995 ........$7,500 1992 CHEVY CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE, 5.7L V8, leather, loaded, super nice, maroon, 54,083 miles ..........................................................................................$16,995 .....$15,500


2012 BUICK REGAL GRAN SPORT, 4 dr., 2.0L Turbo 4 cyl., 6 speed, leather, sunroof, exc. cond., silver, 18,091 mi ...................................................................$25,995 .....$24,900 2012 BUICK LACROSSE CXL, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, super sharp, black granite, 15,197 miles ..................................................................................$24,995 .....$23,900 2012 BUICK VERANO FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, like new, silver, 6,843 miles.................................................................................................$19,995 .....$18,500 2012 BUICK REGAL, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, sharp, crystal red, 15,217 mi....$21,995 .....$20,900 2011 BUICK REGAL CXL, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, super nice, gray, 14,953 mi.....................................................................................................$18,995 .....$17,900 2011 BUICK REGAL CXL, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, beige 28,096 mi ...................................................................................................$18,995 .....$17,900 2007 BUICK LUCERNE CXL, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 178,737 miles ..............................................................................................$8,995 .......$7,900 2006 BUICK LUCERNE CXL, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, one owner, leather, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 96,522 miles ..........................................................................................$11,995 .....$10,500 2006 BUICK LUCERNE CXL, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., green, 112,282 miles ...........................................................................................$10,995 .......$9,500 2005 BUICK RENDEZVOUS CX AWD, 3.4L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, silver, 125,517 miles ..................................................................................................... $7,995........ $6,500 2005 BUICK LACROSSE CX, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, all power, exc. cond., maroon, 96,231 miles . $9,995........ $8,500 2002 BUICK LESABRE LIMITED, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, very nice, silver, 125,876 miles...............................................................................................$9,995 .......$8,500 2002 BUICK REGAL, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, good cond., green, unknown miles ..$2,595 ........$1,500 2000 BUICK LESABRE CUSTOM, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 157,232 miles ..............................................................................................$8,995 .......$6,900


2012 HARLEY DAVIDSON SOFT TAIL CLASSIC, one owner, many extras, like new, maroon, 1,307 miles ............................................................................................$22,995 .....$21,500 2011 CADILLAC SRX FWD, 3.0L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, silver, 33,795 miles...............................................................................................$27,995 .....$26,500 2010 CAN AM SMS MOTORCYCLE SPIDER R, audio and convenience package blue, 4,530 miles ..................................................................................................$17,995 .....$16,500 2008 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5S, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., loaded, super sharp, maroon, 90,681 miles ....$11,995 .....$10,900 2006 CADILLAC CTS, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, gray, 74,041 miles ................................................................................................$16,995 .....$14,900 2005 FORD TAURUS SEL, 4 dr., 3.0L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., silver, 171,771 miles...............................................................................................$6,995 .......$4,900 2004 CADILLAC CTS, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 115,970 miles ..........................................................................................$9,995 .......$8,500 2004 FORD TAURUS SES, 4 dr., 3.0L V6, all power, fair cond., blue, 185,129 miles ...$5,995 .......$3,900 2001 OLDSMOBILE INTRIGUE, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, all power, good cond., silver, 188,841 miles...............................................................................................$3,995 .......$2,900 1999 OLDSMOBILE INTRIGUE GLS, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, leather, loaded, sunroof, good cond., brown, 153,107 miles .............................................................................................$3,995 .......$2,900 1998 CADILLAC SEVILLE STS, 4 dr., 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, sharp, blue, 136,923 miles ................................................................................................$5,995 .......$4,500 1997 CADILLAC DEVILLE, 4 dr., 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., green, 119,533 miles .............................................................................................$4,995 .......$2,900 1996 TOYOTA AVALON XL, 4 dr., 3.0L, V6, loaded, good cond., beige, 266,963 miles..$3,995 ....... $2,900 1996 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, nice car, beige, 163,266 miles ..............................................................................................$4,995 .......$2,500

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Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 25


TOPS is helping people reach goals

Shown are Garst Museum Executive Director Dr. Clay Johnson, Dr. Christopher R. Johnson, Dr. Katharine Coles, and Blaine Baker.

A crew from Spencer Landscaping is shown planting one of the 24 large new trees at Garst Museum.

GREENVILLE – The Darke County Historical Society is pleased to announce a donation made in the memory of Sherlie Steffens Baker has created a wonderful start to the museum’s new “Green the Garst Tree Donation Program.” Sherlie Baker is the late mother of Garst Museum’s Executive Director Dr. Clay Johnson. Dr. Johnson, his brother, Dr. Christopher R. Johnson, and sister-in-law, Dr. Katharine Coles of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Sherlie’s husband, Blaine Baker of Dayton, Ohio,

in Kettering, and was the administrator of the Canterbury Care Center in New Lebanon in 1993. Following the donation of the former Buchy Food Service property in 2012, the museum grounds expanded to over nine acres. The City of Greenville recently awarded the Darke County Historical Society a Community Fund Grant to assist in its planning of converting the former Buchy property into an attractive, landscaped property and to create additional parking for the museum. In its fourth year, The Gathering at Garst has welcomed many thousands to its grounds in the last full weekend in July. As the Gathering’s popularity has increased, so has the need for shade for the vendors and patrons. “The Green the Garst Tree Donation Program” is a way the community can participate in beautifying the museum grounds and help create a lasting legacy.

Green the Garst program underway donated 24 large trees that were recently planted on the Garst grounds. Prior to her passing away in 1994, Sherlie was an Executive Committee member of the Miami Valley Health Improvement Council where she was recognized for her outstanding volunteer support of area wide health planning. Sherlie was also a former president of the Miami Valley Long Term Care Association and the former administrator of the Covington Care Center in Covington, Elm Creek in Dayton, Crestview Manor

Kindell gives 100th Lifetime Donation GREENVILLE – Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations – they are all important occasions, not just numbers on the calendar. That’s how Greenville donor Keith Kindell now feels about his milestone 100th lifetime blood donation, completed May 27 at the downtown Dayton Community Blood Center (CBC). “This is neat,” he said. “It’s part of my life.” Keith lives in Greenville and reports to work at Ohio Tool and Jig Grind, Inc. in Dayton at 4 a.m. He took a break around 9 a.m. to make his milestone donation. It was in fact a double red blood cell donation (Keith is an O-positive blood type donor) that jumped his lifetime donation total from 98 to 100. “I was hoping to do a double today to make 100,” he said. “When I started donating I hoped I could make a 100 before I couldn’t donate anymore.” He has accomplished a long-time goal, and will continue to add to his achievement, thanks to good health and a steady dedication to helping save lives. “I like doing this,” Keith said after trying on his “Donor for Life – 100 LTD” embroidered jacket, having a quick snack in the Donor Café, and heading back to work. “I know it helps kids (he has often received calls saying his blood was used at Dayton Children’s Hospital) or somebody, because it’s something money can’t buy.” Learn more at www. GivingBlood.org.




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Keith Kindell

Spencer Landscaping, Inc. of Greenville will administer the new program. Currently, the program will focus on the museum’s main grounds, east of the museum between Garst Avenue and Wilson Drive. Trees donated throughout the year will be planted in the fall based on the museum’s landscaping plan. Donations will be recognized on a plaque placed next to the Lowell Thomas House. Large Red Oaks, Marmo Maples, and Autumn Blaze Maples are available for donation for planting on the main grounds. The donation includes professional installation. As the planning for the former Buchy property evolves, additional landscaping options will be made available. For more information about “The Green the Garst Tree Donation Program,” please contact the Garst Museum at 548-5250 or Josh Green at Spencer Landscaping at 548-1800.

UNION CITY, IN – TOPS Club #1479 Union City, IN congratulates Ruth Bruss for losing 48.6 lbs. and reaching her weight loss goal. Ruth joined TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) June 10 and with only four gains in 48 weeks of weight loss has now attained the status of KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly). Ruth lives in Portland IN with her husband Allen (Butch) Bruss. She has three children; Penny, Anthony and Dennis Bruss, five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. TOPS Club is a weight loss club that meets every Thursday, 6 p.m. weigh-in, and 6:45 p.m. meeting time. Here’s what you can expect: Each member has a

private weigh-in before the meeting. The Meeting starts with members sharing challenges, successes, or goals (if they want). There’s a brief program. TOPS gives each chapter engaging, professionally prepared programs covering a variety of health and wellness topics. Awards go to weekly or monthly best losers, contest winners, and members who’ve reached goal! When needed, there’s a quick business meeting before the closing. Weekly meetings are held at Community Fellowship Church Fellowship Hall, 1051 N Jackson Pike St. and St. Rt. 28 E. Union City, IN 47390. For more information call Pat 765964-3736.

PAGE 26 Sunday, July 13, 2014-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


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