Early Bird eNewspaper 072317

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DCVB gets approval for downtown kiosk RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – After over three months of going back and forth with Greenville City Council, the Darke County Visitors Bureau (DCVB) finally got the go-ahead to install an informational kiosk outside the Main Street Greenville (MSG) and DCVB office. On July 18, council voted unanimously to approve an ordinance granting a variance to install the kiosk in the city’s right-of-way. Although council members had concerns at previous meetings regarding where the kiosk would be placed, who would have ownership of the kiosk and who would install the unit, the ordinance was not changed. The kiosk is going in the

originally discussed location, DCVB will have ownership and maintain the insurance and city crews will install the unit. DCVB Executive Director Matt Staugler pointed out the only difference is the design of the kiosk. The new design is a little more ornate, which Councilman Tracy Tryon believes fits better into the historical district. Tryon directed his comments to Staugler, “You ought to be commended for working with us and if we would’ve done those steps first I think it would have been done right away.” MSG Executive Director Crysta Hutchinson asked council to withdrawal legislation regarding the expansion of the Architectural Review District. She said, “There were obviously concerns

expressed regarding the nature of the design guidelines that are followed by the ARB (Architectural Review Board) and we would like to be proactive by addressing those concerns.” However, Council President John Burkett explained there are different rules when legislation is sent to council through the Planning & Zoning Commission. “Unless council so chooses to have it dismissed, I think it needs to be disposed of or at least handled presently,” said Burkett. Tryon also expressed concern over the downtown mural legislation submitted by the Planning & Zoning Commission. Under the proposed legislation, the intellectual property (design) would be property of MSG, but the property owner would

still have control of their building. “All the ordinance is doing is putting steps in place to help with the design process of the mural,” said Hutchinson. The design would need to be submitted to MSG for their approval before going to the ARB for final approval. After discussion with Safety Service Director Curt Garrison, it was learned it is currently possible to install a mural under the sign ordinance, but the property owner would need to seek a variance from Planning & Zoning if the mural is larger than what is currently allowed for signs. The design would still need to go through the ARB for a letter of appropriateness before Planning & Zoning would issue the variance. “The current process can work for murals,” said Garri-

son. He added that under current rules if a property owner is denied a letter of appropriateness by the ARB there is an appeals process that would take them before council. “I believe the way the legislation is written, it really removes that appeal process of a property owner,” said Garrison. Visit www.bluebagmedia.com for more from this council meeting. Shown is the redesigned kiosk that will be installed in downtown Greenville.

LLC sets sail at Wayne Lakes GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

Plans call for ODOT to purchase property and tear down the above building to realign State Route 571 and Arcanum-Bears Mill Road intersection. (Susan Hartley photo)

Dangerous intersection to be improved in 2018 SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

DARKE COUNTY – Motorists attempting to cross through the intersection of State Route 571 and Arcanum-Bears Mill Road, east of Greenville, won’t have much longer to wait for improvements. According to Mandy Dillon, communications director for District 7 of the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), work is scheduled to begin next spring. “The contractor will be starting in April or May,” Dillon said this past week. Work will include a realignment of the intersection, which has seen its share of accidents over the years, including a serious crash earlier this month.

“They will realign the north and south leg (of Arcanum-Bears Mill Road) and square traffic to State Route 571,” Dillon explained. Darke County Engineer Jim Surber confirmed improvements would be completed in 2018. Surber said it was unclear whether or not ODOT had purchased some land in order to realign the road, but said he understood that was to take place this year. Dillon did not have record of a sale, which could still be pending she said. Dillon and Surber also said a structure that sits on the southwast corner of the intersection would be torn down in order to give drivers a clear line of sight at the stop signs, as they check for traffic traveling State Route 571.

DAR dedicates Walker marker GREENVILLE – Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR along with VFW Post 7262 will be having a marker dedication for William Walker at the Ithaca Cemetery on July 28, 6 p.m. Walker is an American Revolutionary War Soldier who moved to Darke County after the War. De-

scendants of Walker from Texas and Ohio DAR Regent Nancy Schirm Wright will also be attending the dedication. The public is welcome to attend. Light refreshments will follow at Grace United Methodist Church located in Ithaca on Arcanum Ithaca Road.

WAYNE LAKES – The LLC (Low Life Charters) shoved off from the shores of Wayne Lakes’ largest lake, an 18 acre lake with five passengers on board, including boat owner and pilot Walt Poetsch and passengers, Les Spawn, Jim Miller, Mark McCown and Tom Thompson. A regular on the excursions is Poetsch’s female basset hound, a girl named Bud. “You see everything being LLC today so we just figured it would be Low Life Charters,” Poetsch said with a chuckle, “just as a joke.” “I did it to have my friends out and a place to get together,” Poetsch noted. “We get anywhere from four to seven people and just have a good time.”

The Darke County pontoon cruise line and fishing expedition takes to the water when Poetsch feels the urge to spend time on the water relaxing and fishing with his buddies. “That’s as much of it as anything,” said Spohn, “the friendship and everything that goes on getting a group of guys together like this. It’s great fun. The Wayne Lakes area is beautiful and I just thoroughly enjoy coming down here – very relaxing.” “I’ve lived here 33 years,” said Thompson. “I don’t know anyplace else really. I fish all the time. We have fish fries, have people out usually, fry up maybe 100 fillets or so. We have a lot of people that love to do this, catch fish and eat fish. They’re delicious if you like bluegill and crappies – clean fish.” “These lakes are probably some of the cleanest lakes

LLC fishermen (L-R), Walt Poetsch, Les Spohn, Mark McCown, Tom Thompson and Jim Miller.. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

you’re going to come across in Ohio,” added Thompson. “Down at the swimming hole when they test, that the water is pure in the swimming hole. All the lakes are pretty clean.” The LLC pontoon is powered by a 55 pound electric engine that needs recharged after several hours of use on the water, the reason Walt and the passengers have become very efficient at rowing the boat with the oars on board.

Poetsch, grew up in Mount Gilead, Ohio, moving to Medina before graduating from high school and ended up in Atlanta before moving to back to Ohio 30 years ago to take a job with Ludy Greenhouse Manufacturing Corporation in New Madison, traveling to all 48 contiguous states before retiring several years ago. “It couldn’t be any more relaxing,” concluded Poetsch of the fishing expeditions.

Greenville hires new band director SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Sara Lewis of Phillipsburg was named Thursday as Greenville High School’s instrumental music instructor, following the resignation earlier this summer of Erick Von Sas. Lewis is leaving a position at Mississinawa Valley to teach at Greenville. The board also approved the resignation of Brian McKibben’s supplemental contract as the assistant marching band director at GHS, effective July 5. In other personnel matters, the board held a public hearing to receive input concerning the retire/ rehire process of several

employees. Those wishing to be considered for retire/rehire include district treasurer Carla Surber, as well as bus drivers Allen Cox and Kathleen Custer and Linda Cox as a bus aide/paraprofessional. No public comments directly concerning these individuals were made during the hearing. The board will take action on the retire/rehire items during their Aug. 18 meeting. During his comments to the board, Superintendent Doug Fries reported asbestos abatement was currently being completed at the former junior high building. Fries said contractors will probably finish up that work within the next couple weeks, when the demo-

lition crew will move in to complete the project. In other business Thursday the board:  Approved a three-year contract with Waibel Energy Systems in the amount of $70,000 per year to provide heating, cooling and ventilation services at both the high school and K-8 facilities.  Approved high school fees for the 2017-18 school year - $45 total flat fee; $10 calculator rent; $25 parking pass; $5 replacement ID fee. Students also will be charged fees for course workbooks as needed.  Approved Auto Technology customer fees as follows: $30 per hour flat fee; parts plus 10 percent added to cost of parts for resale; 10 percent added

to estimated cost if customer furnishes parts; oil change, $4 (filter and lube); wheel balance, $3 each; tire replacement, $5; tire rotation, $5; turn rotor, $5; turn drum, $5; tire disposal, $2 (environmental fee).  The board also approved a Latchkey Program for Greenville students. Fees will be as follows: registration fee $20 per family; full time a.m. and p.m. $60 per week; before school a.m. only $40 per week; after school p.m. only $40 per week; each additional child in family $40 per week both a.m. and p.m.; each additional child in family $25 per week for a.m. or p.m. only; emergency/drop in $15 per visit.

PAGE 2 July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


Man overdoses in street; revived with Narcan OVERDOSE

Darke County for failure to appear on an original charge of assault. He was placed under arrest and transported to the Darke County Jail where he was incarcerated on a bond of $1,025.

On July 11 an officer responded to a call from the 400 block of East Fourth Street about a potential overdose. The subject was identified as Michael Brown, who also was wanted on an outstanding warrant for failure to appear on charges through the Greenville Police Department for possession of a drug abuse instrument. When the officer arrived on the scene he saw Brown lying in the street. Brown was unresponsive. The rescue squad was called to the scene and administered Narcan. Once Brown became alert he said he knew about the warrant and he refused further medical treatment. He also said he “might” have a syringe in his pocket. Officers found the syringe on Brown, who also was on parole. He was placed under arrest and transported to the jail. Since Brown was already facing felony drug charges, no further charges were made for this incident.

On July 14 an officer observed two juvenile males walking in Greenville City Park following curfew. The officer made contact with the juveniles, who said they were brothers, ages 14 and 16. The officer asked if their parents knew they were out after curfew. One of the boys said she knew they “were out walking.” One of the boys attempted to call his mother from his cell phone, but was not able to reach her. The officer then called the mother who answered and said she was not aware her sons were out of the house. She told the officer her sons were told to be home by 11 p.m. The officer transported the boys home and both were issued summons for the curfew violation.

On July 15 an officer on patrol in the 300 block of South Broadway noticed a verbal argument taking place between three individuals standing in the street. When the officer asked the subjects to identify themselves, two complied but the third, James Johnson Jr. walked away. Another officer arrived on scene and Johnson was detained. He finally identified himself. Johnson was found to have a warrant from

On July 14 an officer was dispatched to Walmart on the report of a shoplifting incident by suspect Jordan Bailey. The asset protection officer told the police officer Bailey had been observed with multiple DVDs in his hand while he was in the electronics department. The loss prevention officer followed Bailey to the toy department, where he proceeded to unwrap the DVDs and hide them in his shorts. While in the




Darke County CRIME


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toy department, Bailey selected two train sets and concealed them inside his shorts. Bailey then went to the alcohol aisle where he selected two beverages and also concealed them on his person. He walked to the front of the store and passed by all points of purchase. He exited the store and was met by


WANTED FOR: July 2016 – Indicted by Darke County Grand Jury for two counts of Theft, both are felonies of the fifth degree and one count of Grand Theft a felony of the third degree. LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: 6380 US36, Greenville, OH; 7487 Perry Street, Greenville, OH, ALIAS: Unknown, DOB: July 1980, HEIGHT: 5’-8”,WEIGHT: 190 (last known), HAIR COLOR: Black (last known), EYE COLOR: Brown, TATTOOS/PIERCINGS: Unknown, MARKS/ SCARS: Unknown

Submit tips online at www.darkecountycrimestoppers.com

BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – A Ludlow Falls man faces up to 25 years behind bars after being convicted on five counts of Gross Sexual Imposition (GSI), felonies of the third degree. Lonie E. Fourman elected to accept a plea offer from the state and avoid a jury trial set to

begin Tuesday morning in the Darke County Common Pleas Court. After being indicted in April on 15 counts of GSI the 60-year-old Fourman, along with defense attorney Jose Lopez, appeared in court to enter a guilty plea in the case. Fourman was charged following an investigation by the Darke County Sheriff’s Office that he

BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

DARKE COUNTY OH-49 North was shutdown between Hillgrove Woodington and Beamsville-Union City Road, earlier this week, while the authorities investigate a scene in which a homicidal man was said to have fled a vehicle after hitting a utility pole. According to the Chief Deputy Mark Whittaker of the Darke County Sheriff’s Office, at around 1 p.m. Wednesday the 911 Dispatch Center began receiving calls of a Buick LeSabre driving recklessly on US 127 near Hollans-

burg Arcanum Road. The same vehicle was later seen crashing into a utility pole on the 8000 block of OH-49 North, just south of Beamsville-Union City Road. Witnesses then reported the driver fled the vehicle and was acting erratically, wearing only his socks and underwear and threatening to harm himself. According to Chief Whittaker, the man identified as Roy Owens, Jr. - was standing along side the vehicle when deputies arrived on the scene. He was taken into custody for a warrant out of Elyria, Ohio. Then as deputies searched the

GREENVILLE - A 31year-old Winchester, Ind. man faces more than 30 years in prison after being convicted on multiple felony counts from a crime spree in Darke County. Christopher S. Newman entered a guilty plea on five felony counts Monday morning in the Darke County Common Pleas Court.

Originally indicted on eight counts, the state dismissed three charges after Newman pleaded guilty to one count each of Aggravated Robbery (F1), Aggravated Arson (F2), Burglary (F2), Receiving Stolen Property (F5) and Causing Harm to a Companion Animal (F5). He also faces a mandatory three additional years for a gun specification in association with the robbery charge.

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victimized a child under the age of 13-years-old on numerous occasion between 2007 and 2012. After accepting Fourman’s guilty plea, Judge Jonathan P. Hein ordered the case to the Adult Probation Department for a pre-sentence investigation. Fourman remains incarcerated on a $150,000 bond as he awaits his fate

at a sentencing hearing scheduled for Sept. 25 at 11 a.m. – where he faces up to 25 years in prison and a $50,000 fine. Once he completes his prison term he will be required to register as a Tier II sex offender for 25 years. The case is being handled by Darke County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Deborah S. Quigley.

vehicle, the body of what appears to be an adult female was discovered in the trunk of Owens’ vehicle. Prior to the incident, police in Elyria had been trying to locate him in connection with a missing woman, said to be his ex-girlfriend - 56-yearold Linnea Satterfield. The body is believed to be that of the missing Elyria woman, but has not yet been confirmed. Owens was transported to a local hospital to be evaluated before being booked into the Darke County Jail, held on the warrant out of Lorain County.

Roy Owens, Jr.

The Darke County Sheriff’s and Coroner’s Offices are working with the Elyria Police Department as the investigation continues.

Newman convicted of crime spree




The Greenville Police Beat is prepared from public records available at the Greenville Police Department. Every effort is made to balance the public’s right to know with the rights of the individuals involved.

Readers are encouraged to contact Greenville Police if they have information or concerns regarding these or any other incidents they see. The Early Bird notes all suspects are innocent until proven guilty and welcomes comments and concerns regarding this community service.

Body found in trunk of car Wednesday, suspect arrested



a citation for theft when located.

Fourman faces up to 25 years in child sex case

BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com


the loss protection officer, who escorted him to the store’s office. He took the items from his clothing and gave them back to the loss prevention officer. Before the police officer arrived, Bailey fled the store and left in a vehicle from the parking lot. According to the report, Bailey will be issued

CLUES ACROSS 1. Pile up 6. Midway between south and southeast 9. Canadian law enforcers 13. Bollywood director Prawaal 14. Body part 15. Ancient Greek City 16. Steep cliff 17. Korean ruler 18. As might be expected 19. Takes kids to learn 21. Absorption unit 22. Parts of the feet 23. Political action committee 24. Cerium 25. Former CIA 28. Of she 29. Japanese city 31. Expression of sorrow 33. Artificial body in orbit 36. Expressed violent anger 38. A way to surface 39. Northern gannet 41. Outer part of something 44. Nothing 45. Fathers 46. Siesta 48. Sino-Soviet block

(abbr.) 49. Of I 51. Cash machine 52. Discounts 54. __ Dickinson, poet 56. Watches over 60. Hindu queen 61. Steep banks 62. Fertility god 63. Port on Danube 64. Liquids 65. Greek war dance 66. In addition 67. Data acquisition system 68. Crash an aircraft CLUES DOWN 1. Curved shapes 2. "Beastmaster" actor Singer 3. A female domestic 4. Starches 5. Without name 6. An air cavity within a bone 7. Relaxing places 8. Midway between east and southeast 9. Editing 10. Baseball team 11. Intended to be sung 12. Video game Max __ 14. Makes free

17. French young women 20. Express delight 21. Takes to the sea 23. Monetary unit 25. Paddle 26. Hit with an open hand 27. Gurus 29. Sings to 30. Book of maps 32. Publish in installments 34. Ink (slang) 35. American inventor 37. Unclean 40. Snag 42. Mars Excursion Module 43. Abnormal rattling sounds 47. For each 49. Country music legend Haggard 50. Electronic communication 52. Drenches 53. Type of sword 55. Lodgings 56. Messenger ribonucleic acid 57. Figure skater Lipinski 58. Acquire by one's efforts 59. Stony waste matter 61. Offer 65. Without issue


Newman reportedly was charged after he is said to have made entry into a barn, located at 5363 Delisle Fourman Road on May 6. The homeowner stopped at the property with his three-year-old son because he noticed property sitting in front of the barn that wasn’t there before. When he got out to investigate, Newman exited the barn brandishing a 12-gauge shotgun and ordered the man back into his truck at gunpoint. Newman then got into the man’s truck and took his cell phone and wallet. He then grabbed the three-year-old in the backseat and at that point before the man wrestled the shotgun away from Newman - who quickly exited the truck. Newman fled the scene by driving his truck through a large overhead barn door and traveling east on Delisle Fourman Road. He crashed his truck into a creek a short distance away in the area of Delisle Fourman Road and Jaysville-St. Johns Road. Newman then fled on foot after the crash and was located by deputies outside a residence at 3598 Jaysville-St. Johns Road. Newman was also in-

Christopher Newman

dicted on a residential fire at 7808 Darke Preble County Line Road in Arcanum. Investigation into the fire revealed the residence appeared to have been ransacked and burglarized prior to the fire. Items of property from 7808 Darke Preble Line Road were located and recovered from inside and outside of the barn at 5363 Delisle Fourmans Road. Newman remains incarcerated on a $100,000 bond in the Darke County Jail. Sentencing in the case is scheduled for Aug. 18 at 2:45 p.m. Newman faces up to 32 years and fines of up to $55,000. As part of the plea agreement with the state, Darke County Prosecutor Kelly Ormsby is requesting a prison term of 12-15 years. Newman is represented by local defense attorney David A. Rohrer.

July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 3

OBITUARIES (13), Koller (12), Dalton (11), Sarah (11) and Jack (6). He will be missed.


– Dr. Richard D. Smith, 80, away Veteran passed peacefully in Sarasota’s Tidewell Hospice July 8, 2017 after a battle with cancer. A long-time resident and ophthalmologist in St. Petersburg, Richard was born March 22, 1937 and raised in and around Peebles. He put himself through Ohio University in 3 1/2 years and then medical school at Ohio State University. He completed his residency at Mound Park Hospital (Bayfront Medical Center) and was a Flight Surgeon (Captain) in the US Air Force. Richard moved back to St. Petersburg and opened his ophthalmology practice where he enjoyed the Florida lifestyle. He was an avid and accomplished fisherman, boater, and scuba diver. He enjoyed photography, carpentry and running, and played both tennis and golf. His family will always remember and appreciate the example he set, his tenacity, honesty, and the importance of remembering where he came from. His guidance in navigating life (working hard and being accomplished) and enjoying life will always be remembered. He was preceded in death by his sister, Helen Smith. He is survived by his loved companion of 20 years, Darlene Winterrowd; his daughter and son-in-law, Elizabeth and Danny Joy; his son and daughter-in-law, Weston and Peggy Smith; his brother Charles Smith; and his stepsons and their spouses, David Winterrowd, Jason and Marilisa Winterrowd, and Damon and Jenny Winterrowd. Importantly, he was “Papa” to ten grandchildren, who were fortunate to have his guidance and love, Amelia (17), Aidan (17), Grace (13), Ryan (12), Jacob (15), Olivia

– Theadore, T. Robert “Bob” Veteran Hinshaw, 92, Springfield, passed onto his heavenly home on Wednesday, May 31, 2017, surrounded by his loving family. He was born on December 11, 1924 in Alta, Iowa to the late Harvey R. Hinshaw and Beulah S. Bruff. Bob served in the U.S. Army during WWII from July 2, 1943 to February 7, 1947, serving primarily with the 523rd Engineer Maintenance Company, primarily in France, and then in Leyte, Philippines. He married the late Hazel M. Yoemans on November 24, 1951 in Federal Dam, Minn. Being a widower, Bob then married the late Edna L. Fisher on June 4, 1975 in Wausau, Wis. He is survived by his six children; Theodore Jr. of Wisconsin, Harvey (Lynne) of Greenville, Russell (Muriel) of Kansas, William of Springfield, Anna (Mike) Stone of Wisconsin, and Gerald (Tammylynn) of Arizona; 15 grandchildren (Elizabeth Proctor and James Hinshaw of Greenville, also Melody Dickerson formerly from Ansonia), 27 great-grandchildren (Austin Fitzgerald, Ethan Spencer, Hunter Henninger, Ayden, Henninger, Frankie Proctor, Harley Proctor, Hannah Hinshaw and Raven Hinshaw of Greenville), and one great great-grandchild. Bob was preceded in death by his parents; one brother, James B.; his wives; two daughters, Doradean and Delores; one granddaughter, Lisa; two grandsons, Festus and Michael; and one nephew, James P. Hinshaw. Visitation was held Sunday, June 4, 2017, 1:30-2:30 p.m., at Greenlawn Funeral

BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com DARKE COUNTY – Eighteen young men and women vied for the title of king and queen during Tuesday’s 2017 Junior Fair pageant. Shelby Manning of Union City was crowned queen with Wyatt King of Greenville taking home the title of king. The two will reign over the 2017 Great Darke County Fair and will represent the county at several events, both local and statewide during the next year. Also serving on the 2017 court will be 3rdrunnersup Zebediah J. Hannan of Union City and Kara Hollinger of New Madison; 2nd runners-up Kyle Wuebker and Faith Wilker, both of Versailles; and 1st runners-up Alex Weiss of Arcanum and Natalie Wuebker of Versailles. Both Manning and King admitted they were “shocked” when they heard their names called as queen

and king. “I was shocked because I thought it was pretty stiff competition this year,” said Manning who is representing Mississinawa Valley MVCTC FFA. Manning, 18, is the daughter of Jason and Heather Manning of Union City. Manning said she had one goal as fair queen. “I’d really just like to get to know a lot of the kids.” In her application essay, Manning said if chosen to serve as queen she would be privileged to “leave my legacy” for future girls who hope to wear the crown. Manning will be attending Morehead State University this fall to major in agriculture education. King also was surprised to be chosen but said he was “excited” and was “looking forward to leaving a good impression and representing the county the best I can and make everyone pleased.” King, 18, the son of Aaron and Becky King of Greenville is representing the Top Notch 4-H Club.


Home North. Funeral services were at 2:30 p.m.

ROSEBERRY – Danny D. Roseberry, 69, of Greenville, passed away July 18, 2017, at Hospice in Greenville. He was born August 30, 1947, in Flemingsburg, Ky., to the late James and Dorothy (Mitchell) Roseberry. Danny is survived by his wife of 43 years, Joy. He is also survived by daughter, Danna (Ty) Reents, Kettering; daughter, Melissa (Dennis Givens) Roseberry, Ansonia; son, Matt (Jaime) Roseberry, Tipp City; son, Jake (Katie) Roseberry, Greenville; daughter, Rachel (Cedric) Hicks, Hamilton; daughter, Traci (Bob) Gorman, Flemingsburg, Ky.; sister, Kiela (Kris) Willetts; brother, Kevin Roseberry; 11 grandchildren and two great grandchildren; and numerous nieces, nephews and other family. A Celebration of Life will be held Sunday, July 23, 2017, at the First Congressional Christian Church Activity Building, 115 W. 5th St., Greenville, from 2-5 p.m. NEWBAUER – Merle L. Newbauer, 72, of Greenville, and formerly of Woodington, died Sunday, July 9, 2017. A graveside service was held Friday, July 14, 2017 at Oakland Cemetery, Darke County. POHL – Roger Pohl, 85,

of Versailles, Ohio, died Veteran Friday, July 14, 2017. A Mass of Christian Burial was held Tuesday, July 18, 2017 at St. Denis Catholic Church, Versailles. Burial is in St. Valbert Cemetery, Versailles.

SIDES – Mark L. Sides,

52, of Greenville, died Veteran T h u r s d a y , June 22, 2017. A funeral service was held Friday, July 21, 2017, at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in the Dayton National Cemetery.

STONEROCK – Mildred Eileen Stonerock, 92, of Bradford, died Saturday, July 15, 2017. A funeral service was held Thursday, July

20, 2017 at Bridges-Stocker-Fraley Funeral Home, Covington. Interment is at Miami Memorial Park Cemetery, Covington.

WHITE – Roger L. White, 76, of Greenville, died Saturday, July 15, 2017. A funeral service was held Tuesday, July 18, 2017, at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in Greenville Cemetery. SHEETS – Holly Lynn (Evans) Sheets, 57, of Springfield, died Tuesday, July 11, 2017. A Celebration of Life service was held at the youth building at V.F.W post 1031, Springfield, on July 20, 2017. DRAKE – Charles Wil-

liam Drake, Sr., 92, of Veteran G r e e n v i l l e , died Monday, July 17, 2017. A Celebration of Life service was held Thursday, July 20, 2017 at Oliver Floyd Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in Abbottsville Cemetery.

WAGNER – Barbara Gail (Allen) Wagner, 54, of Bradford, died Thursday, July 13, 2017. A Memorial Service was held Friday, July 21, 2017 at the Oakland Church of the Brethren, Bradford. Interment of cremains is at Oakland Cemetery, Bradford. DICKEY – Paul Dickey,

72, of Greenville, died Veteran Monday, July 17, 2017. A Celebration of Life service was held Friday, July 21, 2017 at Oliver Floyd Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in Greenville Cemetery.

WALKER – Gracelynn Nicole and London Renee Walker, infants, died July 17, 2017. A Celebration of Life memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. on Sunday, July 30, 2017 at Oliver Floyd Funeral Home, Greenville. Following the memorial service, the family will gather at the Greenville City Park to continue to support each other. Family and friends may visit on Sunday, July 30, 2017 from 1-2 p.m. at the funeral home.

Junior Fair royalty crowned

Committee approves change to 911 safety plan BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com DARKE COUNTY – With a 2-1 vote, a revised final draft of Darke County’s 911 System was adopted during a 911 Committee meeting held Wednesday morning. Committee members Mike Rhoades, county commissioner and Matt Kolb, chairman of the Greenville Township Trustees voted in favor of the amended plan, with Greenville Mayor Steve Willman voting against. According to Rhoades the 911 plan’s “verbage” had to be changed due to the county’s plan to go with one PSAP unit for all 911 calls – both landline and cell phone. The city of Greenville has elected to retain and fund their own PSAP unit. “We think we can service the city better by doing our own,” Willman said, explaining his vote. “We think we can take care of our own people better than they can.” However, under the county’s new plan, all calls will first go to the dispatch center at the Darke County Sheriff’s Office and will be rerouted to the proper agency – fire, police, EMS. “With the new plan, they (Greenville dispatch) will not get (any) initial calls,” explained Whitaker. Whitaker also noted

for several years all of the city of Greenville’s EMS calls have gone through the county dispatch and will continue to do so. While no specific date has been established to make the change, it’s hoped everything will be in place by the end of the year, Rhoades said. The approved final 911 plan now gives the county’s 911 coordinator the go-ahead to begin looking at vendors for new equipment and to hire additional employees. “We’re still looking into which type of equipment,” to purchase, said Melissa Hawes, Darke County 911 Coordinator, noting it takes between 12-16 weeks to train new dispatch employees. “What’s crucial to us in vendors is the support and service,” they will offer, Whitaker said, pointing out “that doesn’t mean we’ll go with the most costly equipment” but will keep in mind the seriousness of the selection. Another component of the county’s emergency safety plan is the change to the MARCS communication system. County commissioners are currently working on a tax levy to place on the Nov. 7 ballot, which would support MARCS equipment. All residents of the county, including the city of Greenville residents, will be asked to vote on the levy. Kurt Troutwine


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Breakfast & Bingo Pictured are members of the 2017 Junior Fair Royalty. Sitting, center are Queen Shelby Manning and King Wyatt King. Queen runners-up include, left to right, 3rd runner-up Kara Hollinger, 2nd runner-up Faith Wilker and 1st runner-up Natalie Wuebker. King runners-up, from left to right include 1st runner-up Alex Weiss, 2nd runner-up Kyle Wuebker and 3rd runner-up Zebediah Hannan. (Susan Hartley photo)

He is attending Edison State Community College with plans to obtain an associated in agricultural business. His future plans include owning his own farm. He also serves as a volunteer on the Union City Fire Department. King also hopes to be a 4-H adviser in the future to “give back the opportunities that were given to me.” The junior fair pageant was held at the Lighthouse Christian Center’s All Seasons Place.

Other contestants included for king: Mark Mayo of Ansonia 4-H Club, Grant Flory of Darke County Beef Club, Matthew Slyder of Ansonia Animal 4-H, Mathew Knight of Pets-nPartners 4-H; and Chris Bucklew of RabbitHabbit. For queen: Morgan Heitkamp of Versailles Canine Capers; Allison Armstrong of Horse & Rider, Hannah Rammel of Darke County 4-H Shooting Sports, Shelby Rock of Joyful Jets 4-H, and Rebecca Thornhill of Darke County Girl Scouts.

Friday July 28th

9:30 - 10:30 a.m.


Community Bingo with PRIZES!

Heartland of Greenville 243 Marion Drive Greenville 548-3141

PAGE 4 July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

CHURCH & SOCIAL GHS Class of 1955

GREENVILLE – The Greenville High School Class of 1955 will hold its monthly luncheon on July 27, noon, at the Asian Buffet on Wagner Avenue, Greenville. For more information, contact Georgeanna, 548-2456.

UCCHS Class of ‘77 reunion Richard & Norma Kretschmar

Kretschmar anniversary

DARKE COUNTY – Richard and Norma Kretschmar will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on July 30. They are the parents of Keith (Kayyarn) Kretschmar and grandparents of Kourtney and Kelli.

Trinity Ice Cream Social UNION CITY, Ind. – Trinity Lutheran Church, 1470 State Route 28, Union City, Ind., will host an Old Fashion Ice Cream Social on July 31, 4:30-7:30 p.m. This event is open to the public and will include sandwiches, baked beans, cheesy potatoes, salad, ice cream and desserts. Carryout is available if needed.

Help us celebrate Kathleen Gunckle’s 80th Birthday. A party will be held in her honor on July 30th, 2017 from 3-6 pm. It will be held at the West Milton Senior Center at 435 Hamilton in West Milton, Ohio.

UNION CITY – UCCHS Class of 1977 will hold its 40th Reunion on Aug. 5, 8 p.m., at Woodcrest Lanes, Union City. They will be taking a class photo at the Union City Library after the State Line Heritage Days parade.

Gunckle will turn 80

WEST MILTON – Help family and friends celebrate Kathleen Gunckle’s 80th birthday. A party will be held in her honor on July 30, 3-6 p.m., at the West Milton Senior Center, 435 Hamilton, West Milton.

Stelvideo social set

GREENVILLE – Stelvideo Christian Church will host an Ice Cream Social on Aug. 5, 5-7 p.m. Everyone is welcome. The cost is by donation. The social will feature sandwiches, salads, desserts, drinks and ice cream.

Faith UMC Pool Party

ARCANUM – On July 29, from 6:30-9 p.m., Arcanum Faith UMC will be hosting a Community Pool Party at the Arcanum Community Pool. Admission is free and snacks and drinks will be provided. All are welcome to come and enjoy the pool and fellowship.

Revive Us Again! You are invited to a series of Revival Meetings July 30-Aug. 6 Cornerstone Dunkard Brethren Church, 5430 Greenville Falls-Clayton Rd., Covington Oh (just south of St. Rt. 36 near Rogers Grain)

Guest Evangelist: Mark Andrews, Grandview, MO

Sunday, July 30 & August 6 Sunday School 9:30a.m. - Sunday Worship Services 10:30a.m. and 6:30p.m. Carry-In Lunch and fellowship both Sundays - All are Welcome!

Monday-Saturday Evening Services 7:30p.m. July 31st-August 5th The community is welcome. Come and bring a friend! “Revive us again! Fill each heart with thy love, May each soul be rekindled with fire from above. Hallelujah...”

American Idol Star & Recording Artist

appearing in concert

TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2017, 7PM Greenville First Assembly of God 7219 St Rt 118 Greenville, OH • (937) 548-5445

FREE ADMISSION A Love Offering Will Be Received

Rhodehamel and Cassel united June 10 VANDALIA – Tricia Marie Rhodehamel, daughter of Kevin and Vickie Rhodehamel of Arcanum, married Mr. Jason Michael Cassel, son of Dean and Wanda Cassel of Vandalia, in an afternoon ceremony at Polk Grove United Church of Christ, Vandalia, on June 10, 2017 before family and friends. Grandmother of the bride is Lois Troutwine also of Arcanum. Grandparents of the groom are Jim and Millie Handy of Englewood. The Rev. Leslie Harris was the officiant at the nuptials. Prelude music was provided by Gene Scheibly on the organ and keyboard. Soloists Ashleigh Rickey and Ashley Ritchie performed God Gave Me You during the Sand Ceremony. During the ceremony, Janelle Cassel, sister-in-law of the groom read scripture. The Matron of Honor was Traci Greve, Arcanum, sister of the bride and Maid of Honor was Lacey Skiles, friend of the bride. Melanie Helman, cousin of the bride and Angie Miller, friend of the bride served as bridesmaids. Jesse Cassel, brother of the groom served as Best Man, Luke Bowman, cousin of the groom and Zach Rhodehamel, brother of the bride served as groomsmen. The groomsmen also served as ushers. Flower girls were Justina and Jillian Cassel, nieces of the groom. Jayden Cassel and Hamilton Greve served as the ring bearers, Jayden is the nephew of the groom and Hamilton is the nephew of the bride. The bridal party processed to Pachebel’s Canon in D. The bride and her father entered the sanctuary to Wagner’s Wedding March. Following the ceremony, the bride and groom entertained their guests at a reception at the Englewood American Legion.

American Idol finalist coming to Greenville

GREENVILLE – Phil Stacey, a finalist on American Idol and a Christian recording artist will be in a free admission concert at Greenville First Assembly of God, 7219 State Route 118, on Tuesday, July 25 at 7 p.m. The son of a pastor, he had been singing in church since childhood and continued to pursue music as an adult; taking lessons while he was in college at Phil Stacey Lee University. He married his wife, Kendra, who on the show, Stacey sang gave birth to their daugh- Edwin McCain’s “I Could ters Chloe and McKayla Not Ask for More,” which Jason and Tricia (Rhodehamel) (the latter being born the judge Randy Jackson proCassel day of his audition) and claimed as “hot” elaboratsupported his family as a ing that Stacey gave the The bride and groom U.S. sailor, remaining on best performance of the were chauffeured to the active duty as he appeared guys that week. The secreception in a 1970 Chevy ond week brought a peron the TV show. Monte Carlo owned by formance of John Waite’s While he was in the the grooms’ father. Guests “Missing You,” which was were welcomed into the re- Navy, Phil regularly sang praised by Jackson and and appeared in Navyception by host and hostfellow judge Paula Abdul, ess, Mike and Lisa Rhode- sponsored music events. as well as the show’s votEncouraged by a friend, hamel; aunt and uncle of ing public. the bride. A special photo he auditioned for the For the rest of the stoshow and made it from the display of the couples’ parMemphis rounds to Holly- ry…put Tuesday, July 25, 7 ents’, grandparents’, and wood where he eventually p.m. on your calendars to great-grandparents’ wedmade it into the Top 24 attend his free admission dings were displayed in (the Navy reassigned him performance. For more inold window panes to honto California so he could formation, call (937) 548or their family members in compete). The first week 5445. attendance and those who have passed on; Tricia and Jason wanted to honor those who were rejoicing with them from Heaven. The new Mrs. Cassel is a 2004 graduate of Arcanum High School, and received her Bachelor’s Degree in Education and her Master’s Degree in Special Education from Wright State University. She will begin a new teaching position in August with Greene County Educational Services as a Preschool Intervention The Christianaires Quartet Specialist. Mr. Cassel is a 1996 graduate of Vandalia-Butler High School and is employed by Crawford Hoying as a facilities manager. The couple honeyPITSBURG – The Pits- precious old hymns of the mooned in Jamaica and will make their home in burg Church of the Breth- church, their music is preren will present The Chris- sented with deep sincerity Huber Heights. tianaires Quartet Concert and warmth of spirit. They on Aug. 6, 6 p.m. The are genuine in their love for Christianaires’ music is a Jesus Christ, committed to blend of the kinds of mu- the ministry of the Chrissic that reaches the heart tian message, and effecand positively communi- tive in their presentation cates the message of Jesus of scriptural truth through Christ. gospel quartet music that dren will have a great From a distinct South- reaches the heart and hontime singing songs, creat- ern Gospel sound to the ors God. ing crafts, enjoying snacks and playing games. But most important, during class time, they’ll learn ARCANUM – Mr. and how much God loves Mrs. Shawn Loxley along them when He gave us with Rodney Todd would His Word to show us the best way to live. We’re like to announce the enlooking forward to shar- gagement and upcoming ing this exciting event marriage of their daughter, with the children and par- Victoria Todd to Zechariah ents of the neighborhood. Scheiding. Victoria is a 2014 gradWe hope you will join us uate of Arcanum High at SonQuest Rainforest. School as well as Miami Through their adventure, Valley Career Technology the children will discover Center Allied Health Tech that through these lessons Prep Program. Victoria is they ‘Get It!’ ‘Get Found!’ a 2017 graduate of Miami ‘Get Loved!’ ‘Get Praying!’ and ‘Get Going!,’” said Valley Career Technology Remencus. Each year a Center, earning her LPN different mission project degree. Victoria is curis chosen, and this year rently employed by The it will be Grace Resurrec- Village Green, Greenville. Zechariah is the son tion Community Center. of Mr. and Mrs. RobVictoria Todd – Children can bring in any ert Scheiding, Greenville Zechariah Scheiding canned goods or nonperishable items and/or and Tammy Jones, Lena. Zechariah is a 2014 grad- in Myofascial technique, money donations. Boca Raton, Fla., 2017. Call the church at 547- uate of Arcanum High Zechariah is currently selfSchool as well as Miami 1557 with any questions employed with an elite list Valley Career Technology about registration for VBS of clientele. Center Sports Medicine or for more information. The happy couple is program. Zechariah is a 2017 graduate of Dayton planning a September 8, School of Medical Massage 2017 wedding at Lost Creek earning his degree in Mas- Memory Barn, Casstown. sage Therapy. Zechariah The couple will continue ARCANUM – Grace also earned his Certificate to reside in Arcanum. United Methodist, St. Matthews Lutheran and Gordon United Methodist Ohio Wesleyan’s Class DELAWARE – Megan churches will hold a Vacation Bible School on July Kuether, of Yorkshire, of 2017 included 383 24-27 at 750 Arcanum- graduated this spring from spring, summer, and fall Ithaca Road. The VBS will Ohio Wesleyan University. graduates, with students take the theme Jungle Kuether graduated Cum representing 20 countries Safari and will run from Laude with a Bachelor of from Afghanistan to Venezuela. Arts degree. 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Pitsburg COB hosts monthly concert

East Main invites children to VBS GREENVILLE – The East Main Church of Christ in Greenville invites all children of Greenville and the area to join them at their Vacation Bible School, “SonQuest Rainforest.” It will be held July 30 through Aug. 3 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. each evening. On Thursday night only, activities will be shortened and will be followed by the closing program. Parents, family and friends are all invited to come to the church at 7:45 p.m. to attend the closing program. VBS will be held at the church building located at 419 East Main St. “We’re ready for a Vacation Bible School your children will never forget,” said Dawna Remencus, this year’s VBS director. Remencus said, “VBS is open to any child threeyears-old through sixth grade, based on the grade you just finished.” “At SonQuest Rainforest your kids will follow Jesus on a life changing journey, based on the parables of Jesus! Chil-

Todd, Scheiding to wed Sept. 8

Churches host Bible school

Kuether is OWU graduate

July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 5


Brown makes plea to DEA on opioid crisis WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) recently SHERROD joined colBROWN leagues in U.S. SENATOR sending a letter to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), urging the agency to better prevent painkillers from ooding the market. DEA has the authority to manage the amount of opioids drug companies can produce each year by setting quotas. The quotas ensure there is enough medication to meet legitimate needs of patients without overproducing drugs that can end up on the streets. Brown is urging DEA to enforce lower quotas in 2018 as part of ongoing efforts to address the opioid epidemic in Ohio. Last year, the DEA heeded the senators’ call to address America’s opioid epidemic by reducing nearly all opioid quotas by 25 percent or more. This was the ďŹ rst reduction of its kind in over 20 years, but DEA-approved opioid production volumes remain troublingly high—including 55 percent higher oxycodone levels in 2017 than in

2007. “Anyone paying attention to the opioid crisis knows we need fewer drugs on the market, not more,â€? said Brown. “DEA must do its part to crack down on the amount of opioids ooding the market.â€? * Between 1993 and 2015, the DEA allowed production of oxycodone to increase 39-fold, hydrocodone to increase 12-fold, hydromorphone to increase 23-fold, and fentanyl to increase 25fold. * As a result, the number of opioid pain relievers dispensed in the United States has skyrocketed over the last two decades - from 76 million prescriptions in 1991 to more than 245 million prescriptions in 2014. The increase in opioid-related overdose deaths has mirrored the dramatic rise in opioid prescribing, with more than 33,000 deaths in 2015. The senators also pressed the agency to improve transparency in its quota-setting process by providing an explanation of how it reaches a determination and publishing quotas granted to individual manufacturers of schedule II opioids.

READERS WRITE Thanks for Awareness I would like to thank the Town and Country Players of Versailles for bringing awareness of the importance to adopt shelter pets during the recent production of Annie. Sandy the dog actress in the show is a beautiful smart pet and she calls attention to the fact that there are many wonderful companions just waiting to be rescued. I refer to the part of the song “Tomorrow is only a day away.� That was true for Sandy (aka Macy), but for a good portion of shelter animals

tomorrow never comes. I would like to congratulate the wonderful cast on a job well done. I enjoyed the production immensely and was impressed with the talent. Thank you again for thinking of the Darke County Humane Society and for helping promote what we do. Thank you to Ken as well for your kindness to our representatives. Sincerely, Judith E. Francis, President, Darke County Humane Society, Greenville

Smith Merchants is moving and we are having a large sale The Month of July!

60% off all fabrics -----------------------------------------------------50% off all sewing notions, quilting supplies, books, etc. -----------------------------------------------------We will also have a 30% off storewide sale (all consignments are exempt from this sale)

COME IN and CHECK OUT! 109 W. George St., Arcanum, OH.

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Unleashed without parental supervision RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

Summer is about half over, but it seems like it has gone on forever this year. Maybe it’s just the excitement of ďŹ nally getting rid of one of my kids. That sounded a little harsh. We are not adopting out or ridding ourselves of either child. It would be difďŹ cult to decide which one we should part ways with. After all, they both have pros and cons to keeping them in or kicking them out of the family. However, we are a little over a month away from releasing our oldest daughter onto the world without parental supervision. We’ve tried to train her to be a good citizen. From a very young age we’ve tried to protect the world from her uniqueness. No, we didn’t lock her in a closet. We discussed it a few times, but we didn’t do it. We did, however, stress that if she thinks something is a good idea, it probably isn’t. When our oldest calls us instead of texting or send-

Dean’s List FINDLAY – The dean’s

list for the spring 2017 semester at the University of Findlay has been announced. To earn this achievement, a student must attain a grade point average of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. Local students include: Preston Deeter and Catherine Fischer of Ansonia; Bryant Fox of New Madison; Madison Grilliot and Christa Puthoff of Versailles; Nicole Sherry of Greenville; Marina Snipes of Laura; Mackenzie Weldy of Bradford; Megan Wendel of Osgood; and Amanda Winner of Yorkshire.

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ing a Snap Chat, we’ve already narrowed down what she is going to say. A.) She wants something – money, to go some place, do something, or bring something home – and the answer will probably be no unless she can plead her case, or B.) There really isn’t a B. She only calls when she wants something listed in A. A few weeks ago she called us. She had taken her dog for a walk and the dog uncovered a family of rabbits. Supposedly, only one bunny survived. I’m listening to my wife’s side of the conversation and I immediately blurt out, “DO NOT BRING THE BUNNY HOME.â€? My wife repeated my comments and then I hear, “It’s not too late. Take it back.â€? My wife caught her at the door and was steadfast that the bunny would not come into the house. The bunny stayed in a box on the back porch. The next morning my daughter nearly came to her senses and decided to take the bunny back. That’s right, I said, “nearly.â€? She had all of them but one – common sense. Instead of leaving the bunny in the box, she drove with the bunny on her lap. The bunny was not thrilled with the accommodations and jumped from her lap to the oorboard. She tried to catch the bunny, but when she grabbed its leg the bunny screamed and she let go. The bunny scampered up and behind the dashboard of the car where most of the electrical wires of the car are gathered. With the bunny nowhere to be found and

with time running out until we had to leave for a wedding, we brought the car home, parked it under a tree and opened the windows. We were hoping the bunny would descend from its hiding place – it didn’t. When we got home late that evening, my oldest daughter, wife and youngest daughter went on a mission to retrieve the bunny. I went to bed. At 1 a.m., their cheering woke me up. My youngest daughter was able to squeeze her hand into the bunny’s tight conďŹ nes and pull it free. At my wife’s insistence, they immediately took the bunny back (in a box) to where it came from. All I could think of was how bad the car would smell if they didn’t get the bunny out. On Aug. 25, we will

be unleashing her on the small northern Ohio community of TifďŹ n. My wife already follows their police department on Facebook so we are prepared for whatever happens. Author’s Note: A few months ago I made a deal with my oldest daughter that if she threw the shot put a certain distance she could give me a makeover. If she hit another distance she could post the pictures on social media. She exceeded both of those goals. This summer, she ďŹ nally decided it was time and I paid off my debt. If you would like to see what I look like with makeup, ďŹ nd this story at www.bluebagmedia.com. Warning: It is not pretty. It’s kind of like Grandpa from the Munsters meets Ru Paul’s Drag Race.

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OFFICE HOURS: Mon.-Th. 8:30am-5pm, Fr. 8:30am-4pm President & Publisher: Keith L. Foutz klfoutz@earlybirdpaper.com Managing Editor: Ryan Berry rberry@earlybirdpaper.com Marketing Director: Annette Sanders asanders@earlybirdpaper.com Production Manager: Shannie Denney sdenney@earlybirdpaper.com Webmaster: Clinton Randall crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

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PAGE 6 Sunday, July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Coach Shaffer gets ďŹ rst walk on new turf GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – GHS head varsity football coach Aaron Shaffer walked on the school’s new turf Tuesday as the installation crews passed the 50yard line. “It’s an exciting time,â€? said Shaffer. “We’re at the point where they are rolling out the turf and you can see it starting to really come together after the last month or so of seeing them tear it apart.â€? “Watching these guys work, it’s an amazing process,â€? Shaffer noted. “To go in a day and a half and be about two-thirds of the way down the ďŹ eld – it’s just a neat process to be able to watch these guys do this and see it come together for our athletes, for our community with so many events that can happen out here and that do happen out here. It’s just a neat thing to see.â€? Coach Shaffer, a GHS

alum is pleased to have a new ďŹ eld to begin the 2017 home football season. “A lot of great memories here for a lot of people, me included but it’s still Harmon Field,â€? Shaffer stated. “It’s still our home, it’s just going to have a little facelift in terms of the playing surface.â€? The Green Wave’s ďŹ rst regular season game comes on week one against the Eaton Eagles August 25th. “It’s going to be neat to come out and open our season – not have to wait a week or two into the regular season to get onto our new ďŹ eld and get to play a game,â€? Shaffer said. “It will rank right up there with the ďŹ rst game that I got to coach here,â€? stated Shaffer of coaching the ďŹ rst varsity game on the new turf. “Coming from Greenville and being a Greenville kid, I obviously take a lot of pride in my hometown and my school. It’s so not about me or any one person. This is about our community. I’m just

fortunate enough to lead our kids out onto the ďŹ eld that night and be a part of it.â€? With the football ďŹ eld turf and the new track facility, the project is halfway to its ďŹ nancial goal. “This is the beginning of the process in terms of the entire scope of the project,â€? Shaffer said. “We are really excited about having a full functional stand-alone track complex with an additional natural ďŹ eld.â€? “I am excited about having the artiďŹ cial ďŹ eld in Harmon Field. We don’t have to deal with any of the weather issues, but there is more to be done.â€? “We would really like to upgrade and make some improvements with our stands and our seating, but with that we’re going to need some new facilities in terms of concessions, restrooms, locker room facilities. We would also like to include if we can, weight room training facilities for all of our athletes, not just for the football kids but for everyone.â€?

Crafton takes checkered ag at Eldora NASCAR Dirt Derby 150 BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

ROSSBURG - Matt Crafton took advantage of a late-race restart 18 laps from the ďŹ nish driving his way past veteran dirt racer Stewart Friesen to win Wednesday night’s ďŹ fth annual Eldora Dirt Derby 150 NASCAR Camping World Truck Series race at the Darke County speedway. Crafton used the ďŹ nal 40 laps of the race to work his way from tenth place taking advantage of a Lap 127 caution to get himself in position to challenge Friesen to earn his ďŹ rst win in 27 races, the last coming last May at Charlotte Motor Speedway. “My ďŹ rst dirt win – a lot of fun,â€? Crafton said following his 14th career win. “In the second part of that race we downright

Greenville football coach Aaron Shaffer takes a walk on new football ďŹ eld turf. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

“Possibly including some improvements for our wrestling team with the addition of an actual wrestling room where they have a facility where they can work and improve and get better, so there is still more to be done.� “As a Harmon Field committee we’ve already started talking about the second phase of fund raising,� continued Shaffer.

second phase where we’re dealing with the stadium and ďŹ eldhouse, the lighting in Harmon Field will be included in that,â€? conclude Shaffer. “Our ďŹ eld is a little darker than most of the other ďŹ elds that we play at.â€? Got to: www.friendsofharmonďŹ eld.com to learn more about how you can help and to follow the progress of the project.

Arcanum hosts 7-on-7 scrimmage BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

Matt Crafton celebrates after winning Eldora NASCAR Camping World Truck Series race. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

just stunk. It was my fault. We over-tightened it a little bit in the ďŹ rst run. It got free and we just went back to the way we started the race.â€? “I knew I was getting beat down low,â€? noted Crafton. “Finally, at the end, I said, ‘Well – we

may have to tear the right side off to get the win.’ I started doing it and this truck became a rocket ship.â€? Friesen earned his career best ďŹ nish in the Truck Series with his second place ďŹ nish on the Eldora clay oval.

# " ! ! !

ARCANUM – Arcanum’s high school football program was host to Ansonia, Brookville, Sidney Lehman, and Dixie in a 7-on-7 scrimmage. “We get to compete, work on our pass coverage,� said Ansonia veteran coach Eugene Hoening. “We get a lot of route repetition, doing the routes over and over. Some conditioning as well. Getting used to running around in the heat. That’s about it.� “For us it’s just a little bit faster speed, seeing routes full speed,� said Arcanum coach Jason Schondelmyer. “Ones against ones, seeing how we can do with that and just aligning.� “It’s so early, it’s still July,� continued Schondelmyer. “Aligning in our base defense, communication in our coverages, trying to get it to where it starts to slow down mentally for the kids. That’s what you hope to get out of this seven-on-seven.� With seven-on-seven scrimmages, all offensive plays are passing plays giving the defense an opportunity for early season defensive pass coverage while the running game has to wait until the regular practice season starts July 31st. “It’s just out of my comCOUPON

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“We are continuing to look for that corporate help through business or whatever. Private donations would be great. We’re still selling square yards of turf. You can still buy a square of turf for $100 that will continue to help our project and help us raise money for those other two phases being the stadium and a potential ďŹ eldhouse.â€? “When we get to that

$ ! ! % % ! ! !





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Five teams including two Darke County teams, Ansonia and host team, Arcanum competed in seven-on-seven scrimmage. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

fort zone, and to throw like that,â€? said Hoening whose teams are known for their running game. “We completed a few. It give the boys a bit of conďŹ dence that we can throw deep if we have to.â€?

Ansonia traveled to Arcanum for sevenon-seven scrimmage.

“Seven-on-seven and our offense this year, it’s not what we are about,â€? Schondelmyer said of his plan to run in 2017. “We’re going to come off the ball, we’re going to run the ball.â€? The July start to regular season practice brought out the best in Coach Hoening as well as Schondelmyer weighing in on the early start. “Real practice begins this year July 31st,â€? Hoening stated. “It just seems so ‌ it seems too early. July – come on, but oh well, it’s here now. We’re

going to have to deal with it.â€? “It’s so early, its still July,â€? said Schondelmer. “Aligning in our base defense, communication our coverages, trying to get it to where it starts to slow down mentally for the kids. That’s what you hope to get out of our ďŹ rst seven-on seven.â€? “Everybody needs to get acclimated including myself as a coach, all of us do,â€? Schondelmyer said of the stiing heat and humidity the teams faced Thursday morning. “Obviously it’s what we are going to deal with. It always seems like the ďŹ rst Friday night of the season it’s hot and muggy.â€? “It was good,â€? concluded scrimmage host Coach Schondelmyer. “I was happy with it. I think it was good quality competition out here today.â€?

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July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 7

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Annie Oakley Baseball Tournament packs Greenville’s Sater Park BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The Annie Oakley Baseball tournament had perfect weather as 40 teams took to the diamonds at Sater Park Thursday through Sunday. “Big weekend, a lot of great baseball,� said Greenville Citizens Baseball League (GCBL) Commissioner Ryan Delk. “Big thanks to Jodi Byers, our concession stand manager for all the hard work she puts in. All my board members, Ron Kerg, Matt Oswalt, Nick Weaver, my Vice-Commissioner Shawn Trissel, Keith Heidrich our tournament director and Pete Pandy helped us out huge this weekend. It has just been a great weekend of baseball.� “Need to give a shoutout to Greenville Township Fire,� added Delk. “They

always come out and water down our diamonds so it’s not such a dust storm during the day.â€? The GCBL once again held the very successful tournament with funds raised from the long weekend tournament going to the local baseball complex. “We are a 501C3, we are all volunteers,â€? said Delk. “All the people on the board just love baseball and can relate from when they were kids down here playing on the diamonds. It’s just a lot of people that love the game of baseball and want to see it succeed in this city.â€? Tournament Director, Keith Heidrich is responsible for bringing the ďŹ nest umpires available in the area including neighboring Indiana to ofďŹ ciate tournament play. “Keith has done a great job organizing the umpires,â€? said Delk. “We

bring umpires in that we know have a love for the game and they want to be here, they are not just here to grab the check and leave. They love baseball. Some of these guys do college and high school for sure and then they come here and do an eight year old game or whatever and it’s all for love of the game.� “It has taken years to get the umpire list we have,� said Heidrich. “Essentially umpires make the tournament from a coach and from a parent’s standpoint. If you have an umpire making bad calls it ruins a game for you and it’s a bad experience. We want people coming back to Greenville, that’s the reason we do this. We have a great tournament and it grows every year.� “We have a lot of umpiring experience down here and as the tournament director its great knowing

Greenville football team competes in 7-on-7 hosted by UD BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

DAYTON – The Greenville High School football team traveled to Dayton’s Welcome Stadium Monday morning to compete in the University of Dayton’s passing camp. “We saw good competition today which was a goal when we come down to UD,â€? said Greenville football Coach Aaron Shaffer. “Also get our kids on campus, get to talk to and meet some collegiate coaches, some scouting recruiting service guys, trying to meet new guys and get their names out there, so it’s a good day.â€? “It’s structured,â€? Shaffer said of the UD camp. “Gets you in and out. You have to be ready to go right away.â€? In seven-on-seven play the Green Wave was up against some of the Dayton area’s best competition facing Wayne, Dunbar, Miamisburg and Indiana’s Park Tudor from Indianapolis. Seven-on-seven play gives a team’s coaching staff a look at the team’s passing game with each team made up of seven players minus the offensive and defensive lines with all plays coming by way of the pass. “What we look for is improvement day-to-day, starting last Monday to a seven-on-seven Thursday to this past Saturday down at Centerville to today,â€? Shaffer noted. “We want to see growth, especially when you are out competing against other teams. You want to be able to show that growth day-to-day.â€? “We got better Thursday, better Saturday, even better today,â€? continued Shaffer. “You’re playing the likes of Wayne, Miamisburg and Dunbar, your ďŹ rst three games. Park Tudor is a small school out of Indianapolis that competes well in their

that I have guys with lots of experience here,� added Heidrich. “I don’t have to worry about it. They handle all the issues down here. They are all very professional.� The GCBL is known for its large variety and quality of food sold at the organization’s concession stand under the direction of Jodi Byers. The buzz around the diamonds was the chocolate coated cheesecake on a stick; new to the menu this tournament. “Cheesecake on a stick,� said Delk with a chuckle. “Keith walked up to me and said, ‘have you tried it’, and he said, ‘oh mygosh it’s amazing, it’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever tasted’. It’s just one of those little things you add, people see it, people try it and they all come and want it – we love that part of it.� Greenville’s 8U team, a team that went winless at 0-21 last year took the 8U trophy going 4-0 in weekend tournament play defeating the Newton AllStars, West Alexandria’s Panthers, Celina and pull-

Greenville 8U baseball team, 2017 8U Annie Oakley Tournament Champions. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

ing out a one-run seesaw win over an excellent Union City team. “What a game – what a game,� said Greenville 8U Coach Matt Oswalt. “These kids have worked their tails off to get here. Union City for some reason is always our biggest competition. Since last year it seems like everywhere we go we run into Union City. That evened the series at 2-2 with Union City this year.� “Greenville (8U) won a great big tournament today in the Annie Oakley,� Oswalt added. “First tournament these boys have

ever won. It’s a lot of hard work.� With the 2017 Annie Oakley tournament in the history books, Commissioner Delk, his board and all who helped were very tired after four days of baseball, but very pleased. “Everybody leaves here exhausted on Sunday night, but when you hand the kids those trophies and you look back and go over your weekend, that’s why we are here,� Delk said. “That’s why we do it. It’s all for the park and I just couldn’t be happier.�

Greenville completes week long boys soccer camp BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

Greenville competes in 7-on-7 at University of Dayton Passing Camp. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

state playoffs.â€? The Monday scrimmage gave Coach Shaffer and his coaching staff an opportunity to evaluate senior quarterback Owen Paulus and sophomore QB Tyler Beyke. “One of the big questions this year obviously is; we have to ďŹ nd a quarterback to start for us,â€? Shaffer said. “Owen ďŹ nished the season last year but that doesn’t mean Tyler’s not going to have a chance to show what he can do. Two totally different skill sets, two totally different types of players. It doesn’t necessarily mean one can’t do it. It just might mean that somebody else has done a little here or a little there to give them the edge.â€? While the scrimmage gives the coaching staff a look at the new season’s starting quarterback spot, it also gives the defensive staff an opportunity to work on the pass defense side of the line. Coach Shaffer explained the early season scrimmages allows each quarterback to master a checklist used in the upcoming season. “He has to be able to communicate with the receivers,â€? said Shaffer. “He has a little checklist – we give them a checklist in their mind, what they have to do ďŹ rst, get the signal,

get it communicated, make sure everybody is set, read your defense, who are you looking at ďŹ rst. You have to ďŹ nd your safety, see where your safeties are at and from there progress out to your corners. Try to get an idea what the coverage is which helps them get in the read progressions – where they can go with the ball.â€? “It’s a lot for a young quarterback – for any quarterback for that matter,â€? added Shaffer. “To come out here and you have offensive guys yelling and defensive guys trying to get their stuff, there’s a lot going on so the mental process of a sevenon-seven in this environment puts some pressure on them. It’s deďŹ nitely good for those guys.â€? Greenville ďŹ nished Monday’s competition with an overtime victory on the ďŹ nal play of the day with Greenville sophomore John Butsch intercepting a pass to give the Wave a win over Park Tudor. “It was a great play,â€? noted Shaffer. “John is a good athlete. Read it right, got out and made a nice play.â€? “It’s good to see us compete and go get a win,â€? Shaffer said. “I really don’t care much what a seven-onseven score is – they don’t start counting until August 25th.â€?

GREENVILLE – The Greenville High School soccer program ďŹ nished up a successful week of soccer camp under second year coach Mark Coppess. Instructing at the weeklong camp was Romanian native, Marcel Matis, a former professional soccer player who came to the USA in 2000. Several of the teams Matis played for since coming to the US include the Cincinnati River Hawks, Cincinnati Kings and the indoor Cincinnati Excite and SeventeenNinety. “The kids are progressing every day and I think they will be ready for the season,â€? said a pleased Matis. “We worked on the technical stuff the beginning of the week and now we are on the tactical stuff, moving the ball and the role of each position.â€? Matis reinforced the need of physical ďŹ tness, ball skills, technical and tactical knowledge of what Coach Coppess has brought to the prograam. “They hear the same things from somebody that has had the experience I have not had, the playing experience that he has had,â€? said Coppess. I’ve had a lot of years doing this so it just helps encourage the boys and helps the boys understand. It just makes the season go better. It’s always good to bring somebody in from outside of the program.â€? “Marcel is great,â€? added Coppess. “I’ve known him for three or four years. We

Former pro soccer player Marcel Matis (L) and Wave coach Mark Coppess (R) instruct Greenville campers a week-long camp. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

get along well, have a lot of the same philosophies and some coaching tactics so it makes it real easy to work with the boys. When he leaves it’s the same thing, so it works out real well.â€? “We do speed camp all summer long,â€? noted Coppess of the conditioning the team has put in this summer. “Had a good attendance this year. Most of the boys have knocked over a minute off their mile. Half the team is under a 6.5 minute mile, so that’s really good for a soccer program.â€? With the new artiďŹ cial turf soccer ďŹ eld at Harmon, the Green Wave team will be playing at home for the ďŹ rst time on a regulation soccer ďŹ eld. With the game played on the artiďŹ cial turf the speed of the game will increase. “It’s going to increase

the speed of play a lot,â€? said Coppess. “New turf – faster play. Everything will be a lot faster. We’re learning to control ball speed.â€? “Will be 70 yards wide, so that is a true width ďŹ eld,â€? noted Coppess of the advantage it will bring to the team. “That was the thing with the small ďŹ eld, it increases small playing style. What we practice is small space but it’s like putting a weight on a baseball bat, when you take it off you can swing better, so you play small space then the big space is easier to play in. That is the objective of it. Learning to spread the defense out with our width – that deďŹ nitely plays into what we like to play.â€? “It’s been a great camp,â€? said Coppess, “I enjoyed the camp,â€? concluded Matis.



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Come see the many vendors and concessioners. Bring your blanket and chairs, or sit on the grass and watch the shows and competitions. Take time to spend time with your family and relax and enjoy the wonderful location and atmosphere of the Annie Oakley Festival


Arrive downtown Greenville at approximately 10:00 AM Saturday morning.


Annie Oakley Marksmanship Shoot-Out 50/50

Country Harmony Jeff Hittle Spittin’Image and Green de Villes

National Fast Draw Competition

Car Show

Sunday 12-3pm

Horse Shows In the Arena

Family Fun Games


FREE Historical Bus Tour

National Kiddie Tractor Pullers Association

Comfortable air conditioned touring bus. Narrated by Karen Chronister.

This tour leaves from the festival grounds on Saturday at 1-3 and 5pm and on Sunday at 1 and 3pm. The bus travels to Greenville where many historical sites and facts are shared with the guests, then north to Brock Cemetery where Anne Oakley and Frank Butler are buried.

2017 Annie Oakley Weiner Races

JULY 28, 29, & 30, 2017 -YO R K W O O D S -

Melodrama Fri-Sat-Sun



Story Time with Annie

2017 ANNIE OAKLEY FESTIVAL DAILY EVENTS TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2017 6:00 PM Miss Annie Oakley Shooting Contest Practice WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 2017 6:00 PM Miss Annie Oakley Shooting Contest Preliminaries THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2017 6:00 PM Miss Annie Oakley Shooting Contest Finals Pilgrimage to Annie Oakley’s Grave following completion of Shooting Contest. Honored Speaker to be announced FRIDAY, JULY 28, 2017 • 9AM-9PM 11:00 Family Fun Games 12 noon Ohio Western Arts Showcase. Presented by GLD Enterprises Communications LTD. 2:00 Meet 2017 Miss Annie Oakley 2:00 Country Harmony Horse Show (times to be announced) 4:30 Annie Oakley Marksmanship Shoot Out 50/50 5:30 Ohio Western Arts Showcase. Presented by GLD Enterprises Communications LTD. 6:00 Jeff Hittle 7:00


SATURDAY, JULY 29, 2017 • 9AM-9PM 9:00 Ohio Western Arts Showcase. Presented by GLD Enterprises Communications LTD. 9:00 National Fast Draw Competition Annie Oakley Parade – Downtown Greenville at 10AM Horse Show (times to be announced) 11:00 Family Fun Games 12 noon Annie Oakley Marksmanship Shoot Out 50/50 1:00 Ohio Western Arts Showcase. Presented by GLD Enterprises Communications LTD. 1:00 Spittin’ Image 1:00 Historical Bus Tours 2:00 Meet 2017 Miss Annie Oakley 2:00 Ohio Western Arts Showcase. Presented by GLD Enterprises Communications LTD. 3:00 Historical Bus Tours 3:00 National Fast Draw Competition 3:00 Melodrama 4:00 Annie Oakley Marksmanship Shoot Out 50/50 5:00 Ohio Western Arts Showcase. Presented by GLD Enterprises Communications LTD. 5:00 Historical Bus Tours 5:00 Melodrama 6:00 Green de Villes

SUNDAY, JULY 30, 2017 • 9AM-5PM 9:00 AM Church Service 9:00 National Fast Draw Competition Family Fun Games all afternoon 12-1:00 2017 Car Show registration Judging begins at 1:30 1:00 Historical Bus Tours 1:00 Melodrama 1:00 National Fast Draw Competition 1:30 sign up for the Annie Oakley Weiner Races 2:30 race time 2:00 Annie Oakley Marksmanship Shoot Out 50/50 2:00 sign up for Kiddie Tractor Puller Association 3:00 pull time 2:00 Meet 2017 Miss Annie Oakley 3:00 Historical Bus Tours

Weiner Races!


Ohio Western Arts Showcase Presented by GLD Enterprises Communications, Ltd

Friday – 12 Noon Friday – 5:30 PM Saturday – 9:00 AM Saturday – 1:00 PM Saturday – 2:00 PM Saturday - 5:00 PM

Open Workshops & Demonstrations, Whip Cracking, Knife Throwing, and More Ohio Western Arts Showcase Performance featuring Whip Artistry and Champion Knife Throwing Open Workshops & Demonstrations, Whip Cracking, Knife Throwing, and More Exhibition Competitions featuring the world’s ONLY Bullwhip Fast Draw and a special Indiana Jones-themed whip contest! Matinee Showcase Performance Ohio Western Arts Grand Showcase Performance hosted by “The Brothers & Co.” Music & Variety Group

Full Details & Schedule Online at www.ohiowesternarts.org

Come out and be thrilled and amazed at the talent behind each one of the performers!!! Watch as they demonstrate knife throwing, whip cracking, and as they feature the world’s ONLY Bullwhip Fast Draw and a special Indiana Jones – themed whip contest!

DK K9!

Sun. 4pm

Search and Rescue Dogs on Sunday!

Car Show Sunday July 30

Reg. 12-1pm Judging starts at 1:30 pm Cost $10.00 registration (can register at car show)

(non-refundable) Please direct any questions to: Rick Robinson Car Show Committee Chair Cell: 937-489-0750 ( leave message) Home: 937-316-8162 (leave message) Email: rickrobinson725@gmail.com Registration applications can be found online at : www.annieoakleyfestival.org

July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 9

Sheriff’s K9s coming to AO Festival ANSONIA – The Annie Oakley Festival is pleased to announce the Darke County Sheriff’s OfďŹ ce will be bringing its K9s and their handlers to the festi-

val on Sunday, July 30, 4 p.m., to perform a demonstration. Deputy Jay Pearson and K9 Eric have been a working team for the


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past three years for Darke County. Deputy Pearson has worked for the Sheriff’s OfďŹ ce for six years. K9 Eric is a six-year-old male German Shepherd; imported from Germany speciďŹ cally for police work in the states. Deputy Mike Day and K9 Britta have been a working team for the past two years for Darke County. Deputy Day has worked for the Sheriff’s OfďŹ ce for four years. K9 Britta is a six-year-old female German Shepherd and was also imported from Ger-

many speciďŹ cally for police work. Both teams hold two certiďŹ cations that enable them to work on the street together; one through the State of Ohio and one at a National level. The foundation that both teams operate from is obedience which supports their street duties in narcotics detection, article searching for evidence, tracking, suspect apprehension, handler protection, building searches, and open area searches for suspect and their apprehension.

Deputy Jay Pearson is shown with K9 Eric and Deputy Mike Day has K9 Britta.

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Join AO Festival for great entertainment ANSONIA – The 2017 Annie Oakley Festival has a wonderful lineup of live entertainment for you to enjoy this year. Country Harmony, Jeff Hittle, Spittin’ Image, and the Green de Villes will be the musical entertainment. Gery L Deer and the Ohio Western Arts Grand Showcase Performance hosted by “The Brothers & Co.� Music & Variety Group will be at the festival Friday and Saturday for your enjoyment. Come out and watch this wonderful demonstration as you will hold your breath as you watch their show. The Melodrama will be

performing one of their wonderful plays this year at various times, so be sure to catch one of their shows. There will be Fast Draw competitions and demonstrations that will amaze you with their skill. Horse shows will take place on Friday and Saturday this year, and you will not want to miss out on their performances. They will be having a “Weiner Race� this year that you will not want to miss. This will take place on Sunday, July 30 (time to be announced). Visit www.annieoakleyfestival.org for the latest information as it comes out.

Annie Oakley Days

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Shown are (front row) Layla Carrington, Kailey Fourman, Mariah Troutwine, Hope Schaaf, Cierra Miller, Johnna Siegrist, (back row) Hannah Bingham, Morgan Hissong, Megan Bingham, Nina McDaniel and Ira McDaniel.

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AO shooting contest deadline extended

GREENVILLE – Eleven young ladies from Darke County have already signed up to participate in the annual Annie Oakley Shooting Contest to determine the 2017 Miss Annie Oakley. While the original deadline has come and gone, the Annie Oakley Festival Committee has decided to extend the deadline to July 24. If you thought about it, but missed the original deadline you still have a chance to participate in this contest that relies on your ability to hit a target with a bb gun. Darke County Women age 14-19 are invited to sign up for the shooting and costume contest. Current contestants include Hannah Bingham, Morgan Hissong, Layla Carrington, Hope Schaaf, Cierra Miller, Kailey Fourman, Ira McDaniel, Mariah Troutwine, Megan Troutwine, Nina McDaniel, and Johnna Siegrist. The contest is part of the annual Annie Oakley Festival that is held at York Woods, the last weekend of

July. The shooting practice will be held at York Woods on July 25 at 6 p.m., with the shooting preliminaries held the next night, July 26 at 6 p.m. The winners of the preliminaries will have a shoot off on July 27 at 6 p.m. The 2017 Miss Annie Oakley will earn $125 and ďŹ rst and second runnersup will receive $75 and $50, respectively The shooting contest is open to the public with no admission charged. Darke County women age 14 to 19 are eligible to complete the application and send it in. If you need information or have questions, call (937) 547-9947.

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PAGE 10 July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Young Adult Book Sale GREENVILLE – Friends of the Library at Greenville Public Library will hold a Young Adult Book Sale July 2629. This will be in the Computer Room at the Library. Suggested donation is 25-cents per book or 5 for $1. On July 27, stop by

and grab a cookie, stick around for the YA Summer Reading Program Wrap-up Party, complete with an ice cream sundae buffet. There are many selections available to children’s and adult books, too.

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Camp offers view of future for Darke DD teens BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Five lucky teens ages 14-16 are attending Switching Gears – Summer Transition Experience 2017 at Edison’s Darke County campus this summer. In a partnership between the Darke County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Edison Community College and the county’s OSU Extension office, the students, who will soon be transitioning into area high schools, are learning and practicing skills they can put to use in the workforce in the near future. “Our focus is to get them aware of opportunities at a young age,” said Rodney Willis, Darke DD’s Community First Director. As students come to camp, they are given a pre-

assessment, Willis said, to determine interests and skills. At the end, they take a post-assessment to “see how they’ve grown” as well as areas in which they will need additional help. Information is then given to each students’ school and Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities team, who will “help them continue with their path to employment,” Willis explained. The five-week day camp helps improve work behaviors and independent living skills while building communication and interpersonal skills, work ethic, problem solving, staying on task and self-advocacy. The young people also learn about budgeting, appearance, hygiene, problem solving and time management. Cheryl Pressly, Darke


Using mini marshmallows and raw spaghetti, teens try their hand at constructing a building during the Darke County DD Switching Gears summer camp. (Susan Hartley photo)

DD Resource Coodinatior and Kathryn Osborn, summer resource coordinator, plan the lessons, activities and field trips for the classes, which are held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at Edison. On Tuesday, July 18, the five young people were learning about teamwork, using raw spaghetti and mini marshmallows to design and construct a building. Divided into two teams, all five students at first began working independently, sticking the ends of the spaghetti into the mini marshmallows to form walls and roofs. With encouragement from Pressly and Osborne, they soon learned they had to cooperate and work together in order to build a building that would actually stand up using only their two materials. As the students continued to try to get their materials to form a building,


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Austin Mikesell

Mikesell graduates

NEW MADISON – Austin Mikesell, of New Madison, is a member of the University of Northwestern Ohio’s graduating class of 2017. Mikesell graduated on June 11, receiving a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Agribusiness. UNOH’s graduating class consisted of 1,393 graduates representing 33 states and 21 countries.

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some became discouraged. “This is like schoolwork,” one student said. “But it’s not impossible,” voiced another. Using communication and teamwork, the buildings soon began to take shape. “Most students like to work independently, but soon learn they must work together,“ Pressly said. Field trips to local manufacturing and businesses also are a part of the summer transition camp. Earlier this month, the group toured Whirlpool where they saw humans and robots putting together and painting mixers. This past week they were treated to a tour of Michael Anthony’s at the Inn in Versailles and met Chef Michael. The county’s OSU extension offers the use of their facilities for activities such as cooking. And this coming week the students will be introduced to the concept of volunteerism as they travel out to Shawnee Prairie to spend a few hours assisting with park mailings and reading opportunities. The Switching Gears – Summer Transition Experience 2017 is being used as a pilot program, Willis explained. “We want to partner with other organizations to work on employment opportunities,” he said, for young people ages 12-16 who are Darke County DD consumers.

Cotterman speaks to DCRW GREENVILLE – Rebecca Cotterman, program director for Big Brothers Big Sister of Shelby & Darke County was the speaker for the Darke County Republican Women’s Club July dinner/business meeting. She spoke of the mentoring programs that provide support, activities, education etc. The DCRW will not meet in the month of August. They hope you will visit the Republican Tent during the Darke County Fair. The next business meeting will be Sept. 11. More information regarding that meeting will be forthcoming.


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July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 11

Chamber hosts 55th annual golf outing

Shown are Dede Wissman of the Friends, YA patrons Jozzlin Worley and Jozie Mancias, Amanda Olson YA Specialist, and patron Aaron Ada.

Teen Book Sale will begin July 26 at library GREENVILLE – Beginning July 26, the Friends of the Greenville Public Library will be hosting a Young Adult Book Sale on the second floor featuring a wide variety of titles, subjects and genres. The suggested donation is 25-cents per book or 5 for $1. On Thursday, July 27, stop by to grab a cookie

and a bookmark to go with your book, then stick around for the YA Summer Reading Program Wrap-Up Party, complete with an Ice Cream Sundae Buffet. There will also be many selections available for adults as well. Stop by during regular library hours and stock up.

PAWS offers program for Union City cats UNION CITY – PAWS Animal Rescue & Shelter is offering a cat spay/neuter program available to Union City residents. PAWS will cover cost of spaying/neutering community (stray & feral) cats for residents with a valid Union City address, Indiana or Ohio, up to $3,500. A short application must be completed for each cat to be altered. Approved applicants are issued a voucher for each cat. Vouchers must be presented to vet clinic at the time of surgery. PAWS reserves the right to limit the number of cats per household. Vets reserve the right to refuse sick or pregnant cats or kittens that are deemed too young or cats that are deemed too old. Cats must be transported by applicant to and from one of their three partner vets (Dr. Hines, Lynn; Dr. Schmidtz, Farmland; Dr. Bruns, Versailles). Cats must be taken in a carrier or a live trap. Carriers are available from PAWS. Live traps are available at the UCI Police Department. Overall healthy, nonpregnant cats will be altered and will receive a rabies vaccination at no cost to applicant. Any additional/optional medical care/needs desired by applicant would be paid for by applicant. The applicant is responsible for scheduling and keeping their ap-

pointment at a pre-selected vet of their choice (one of the three listed above). PAWS will notify the pre-selected vet that a voucher has been issued for their clinic prior to the appointment being scheduled. Applications are available at The Corner Cupboard in downtown Union City or can be emailed upon request by contacting mckenzi107@embarqmail. com.

GREENVILLE – The Darke County Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors have announced the 55th annual Chamber Golf Outing will be held Aug. 7, at Turtle Creek Golf Course. The Chamber Golf Outing is the oldest in Darke County and sign up is currently underway for golf teams and hole and cart sponsorships. This is a fundraising opportunity for the Darke County Chamber, but more importantly an excellent way for local business owners and professionals to meet and exchange ideas on the course. If you would like to play golf, the team fee is $400 and includes lunch and dinner, green fees, golf cart, and Buy the Pro, Skirts, and Mulligans. The format for this year will be a 4-person team, best ball scramble. Check in will begin at 11 a.m. with a shotgun start at 12:15 p.m. Hole and cart sponsorships are available for $100. Gold sponsors for the 55th Golf Outing are Phelan Insurance Agency, Premier Health and Walls Brothers Asphalt. Silver sponsors are Classic Carriers Inc., JAFE Decorating Inc., Leis REALTY, Orthopedics Associates of SW Ohio, Ramco Electric Motors, Rob-


Swiss Days Sale

Auto dealers will sponsor a hole-in-one at Turtle Creek Golf Course for the 55th annual Chamber Golf Outing. The dealers are shown with Chamber Ambassadors-Golf Committee.

425 Memorial Dr. Greenville, OH 45331

or for additional information contact the Darke County Chamber at 937-548-2102 or email info@darkecountyohio.com.

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PAGE 12 July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


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Whistle Stop jackpot grows weekly, local charities benefit CLINTON RANDALL

STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

The Erwin brothers with family, staff and Darke County Commissioners hold ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the grand opening of EB Fuel Stop. (Clinton Randall photo)

EB Fuel Stop finally opens for business CLINTON RANDALL

STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE - After a long battle with the city council over zoning issues, the EB Fuel Stop officially opened for business. The fueling center, convenience store and sub shop celebrated the occasion with a grand opening on Saturday, July 15 with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Owners Marc and Mike Erwin were thankful to finally see this day arrive. “Things have finally opened up after 10 months of hassles. We had a lot of obstacles with the city... with sewer and water, but finally got that all straightened out,” Marc Erwin told The Early following Saturday’s ribbon cutting. “Along with the EPA, we ended up putting in our own system and finally got to today where we could open the pumps and the

doors.” “It was a long uphill struggle, but the Erwins are tough and wouldn’t let anything stop them,” added Darke County Commissioner Mike Stegall. “We applaud their efforts and are really glad they are now operating; will be a great addition to the county!” The fueling center offers all the traditional unleaded grade and diesel automotive gasoline, in addition to ethanol mixtures of E15, E30 and E85 clean-burning fuels. Inside, the truck stop offers a massive convenience store and even the Long Haul Sub Shop to grab a quick submarine sandwich or pizza. Currently, there are 28 people on staff, according to Erwin. The EB Fuel Stop is located at 5210 OH-49 South, at the intersection of US 127. They are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

ANSONIA – The Whistle Stop Bar and Grill, located in downtown Ansonia, has been serving up great food to their customers since the late 1800’s and now there is something new on the dinner plate once again. The local favorite food and spirits stop has been hosting what is called the Queen of Hearts drawing each week. Thursday night’s jackpot was at nearly $90,000 – with no winner, next week’s winnings should be close to six figures. “When I purchased this bar in November of 2015 I wanted to start a Queen of Hearts board to attract and grow the business,” Whistle Stop Owner Andrew Riffle stated. “I would have never imagined so many people would flock to our little town to participate. It’s been a strong year for our small business with the acquisition of the Chicken Kitchen II famous fried chicken recipe and now the QOH’s game. We have had to add a ton of additional staffing to support our growth and we just appreciate everyone’s overwhelming support.” “The best part of this drawing is how much local Ansonia organizations are benefiting,” explained Riffle. “Every week organizations like the Ansonia Community Pride and the

(Submitted photo)

Ansonia 4th of July committee are doing a 50/50 and they have already raised close to $5,000 for their respective organizations. We also have bartenders and other staff helping out donating their pay to Ansonia organizations and the Whistle is donating money to the Ansonia Police Station to thank them for keeping everyone safe on Thursdays. The really neat thing is we have Ansonia organizations on the waiting list now to lend a helping hand.” Many bars, restaurants and clubs have Queen of Hearts boards and each board can vary slightly. The board starts with a deck of cards and two jokers making 54 cards. Tickets can

be purchased for $1 apiece and patrons write their name and number on the ticket. Each Thursday at 9 p.m. a ticket is drawn from the tumbler and a card is revealed. If it’s the Queen, the patron wins. If not the tickets are thrown away and the drawing continues to the next week. “I would just like to thank all of my employees, family members, volunteers, and this great community for making this event so successful,” Riffle noted. “I would like to give a shout out to the Ansonia Laundromat for allowing us to shut down High Street every week and the Ansonia Lumber Yard, Ansonia Auto Parts, MnM’s and all other businesses and individuals for

graciously allowing the patrons to park by their establishments. I had a vision to do many things at the restaurant when I purchased it like add draft beer, Keno, Chicken Kitchen chicken, among many other things.” “Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined the support of Darke and surrounding counties so I want to say thank you,” concluded Riffle. The Whistle is located at 200 South Main Street in Ansonia and is open 7 days a week serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. They offer dine in and carry-out and can be reached at 937-337-4101 or visit them online at www.whistlebarandgrill.com

Wayne Lakes hosts Hooked on Fishing GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

Nearly 100 kids show for FUNday Monday hosted by Darke DD and Kiwanis Action Club. (Clinton Randall photo)

FUNday Monday event supports at-risk youth CLINTON RANDALL

STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE - In honor of 50 years of the Ohio County Boards of Developmental Disabilities, the Darke DD and Kiwanis Action Club hosted the first FUNday Monday event in the Greenville City Park on Monday. The event was a way for the organizations to say thank you and to give back to the community. Along with games, music and food, kids got to meet local law enforcement officers and be entertained by a Karen Sink “Karnie” the clown. Music for the event was provided by Caleb Custer “DJ 911” and face painting by Terry Robins. “The whole idea of the event was to provide a fun day for at-risk youth,” said Sue Huston, Community Connections Coordinator for the Darke County DD. We had nearly 100 kids out here

today...which exceeded our goal of 85. It was slammin’!” “This was a great way for us to serve lunch and just give back to the community,” added Eric Lee, Information Technology & Public Relations Specialist for the Darke County DD. With the event being a huge success, Houston and Lee both agreed that they hope to host the event next year. The event was also in partnership with these local businesses, groups and organizations: We Are The Majority, Empowering Darke County Youth, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Job & Family Services, Art Sense, Person Centered Services & Your Happy Place, Darke County Sheriff’s Office, Greenville Police, Versailles Police, Michael’s Home, Greenville Kiwanis, Gateway For Youth and the local McDonald’s. Learn more about the Darke County DD at darkedd.org.

WAYNE LAKES – A large number of children and adults lined the shoreline at Wayne Lakes on Wednesday morning with Darke County’s youth taking part in Hooked on Fishing. Hooked on Fishing is in its 13th year of reaching out to the youth of Darke County with the dangers of drugs. “We have been averaging about 500 kids a year for 13 years,” said John Winger with Hooked on Fishing. “Darke County supports it, churches, local groups, Lions Clubs, Sheriff’s Department, the Prosecuting Attorney, everybody is into this drug thing. It wasn’t a big thing 13 years ago but it is now.” Two uniformed Deputies, Ronald Beisner and Josh Brinley took time to help the children fishing, bait their hooks, get a fish off the child’s hook and Deputy Beisner freeing a large turtle from a boys fishing line. “I come out here to support the Hooked on Fishing program,” said Beisner. “The sheriff has said for years that we cannot arrest ourselves out of the drug problem. “It’s multi-facetted and certainly community involvement is one big part of that. This is grass roots community involvement here. These guys and gals that are doing this are not getting paid. This is where it starts. This is great stuff.” Deputy Brinley will be serving as Mississinawa

Deputy Ronald Beisner chats with Darke County youth at Hooked on Fishing day at Wayne Lakes. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

Valley’s fulltime School Resource Officer this year. “I come out and support the program,” said Brinley. “Talk to the kids and support them. They are doing something to stay out of trouble, doing something positive. It’s a good program.” “Sometimes there are small battles we win, sometimes they’re big and you just continue to try and fight the battle every day,” added Brinley. Both Deputies are pleased the youth take interest in the Sheriff’s Department and for the support of the local community. “Initially they were (afraid of Deputies) but once they find out that we’re human, if you kneel down and talk to them, ask them questions and get them talking then that barrier goes

away,” said Beisner. “I love it.” “I feel like the kids are very interested in what we do, the uniforms we wear, the gear we carry and the cars we drive,” said Brinley. “A lot of kids want to hear our stories, they want to hear what we are doing out in the community. I feel the community supports us.” “Hooked on fishing Not on Drugs,” said Winger. “Our idea is to get kids interested in fishing and seeing they can have the equipment to fish with. Every week we give away prizes to the kids and hopefully this will keep the kids occupied. We stress the idea of drugs and we just want the kids to have fun and to fish. The fishing program is open to the public. “It’s not a baby sitting service,” said

Winger. “They have to have an adult with them and that’s kind of the idea to get the family interested.” “We do everything we can to promote it,” continued Winger. “We advertise; we have ads in the Early Bird. We are at the Sheriff’s Patrol (Home and Sports Show) – we have a booth there at their show and just word of mouth. We do everything we can to promote it. Everybody has just been great to come out and support us.” “If we save one child out of the whole summer, than we have been a success,” said retired Deputy Don Drew. “It’s a great program.” Anyone interested in having their children attend a day fishing at Wayne Lakes is welcome to call John Winger at 937-678-7864.





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PAGE 14 July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 15

Hale named ArcanumButler treasurer


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-------------------------------------APOSTOLIC -------------------------------------Solid Rock Apostolic 8991 Old US 36, Bradford, 937-718-0351 CAC of Greenville 630 Pine, Greenville 937-730-1313

-------------------------------------ASSEMBLY OF GOD -------------------------------------Greenville First Assembly of God 7219 State Route 118N Greenville, Oh 937-548-5445

-------------------------------------BAPTIST -------------------------------------Favorite Hill Baptist Church 1601 South Street, Piqua, 773-6469 First Baptist Church 7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville 548-7616 Faith Baptist Church 740 E Russ Rd., Greenville, 548-1808 Greenville Baptist Temple 4689 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., 548-7283 Union City First Baptist Church 225 S. First St., Union City, OH 937-968-6163 Beech Grove Church of the Brethren 3420 Harrison Rd., Hollansburg 937-997-4895 Bradford Church of The Brethren 120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215 Castine Church of the Brethren 624 State Route 127, Arcanum 678-9945 Cedar Grove Church 373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675 Greenville Church of the Brethren 421 Central Ave., 548-3583 Oakland Church of The Brethren 8058 Horatio-Harris Creek Rd. Bradford * 448-2287 Pitsburg Church of Brethren 8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum 937-692-8772

-------------------------------------CATHOLIC -------------------------------------St Mary’s Catholic Church 233 W Third St. Greenville 548-1616 St Denis 14 E Wood St, Versailles 937-526-4945 Holy Family (Frenchtown) 11255 St Rt 185, Versailles 937-526-4945 St Louis 15 Star Rd, North Star 419-582-2531 Immaculate Conception 5874 N. Buckneck Rd. (RR 2), Bradford, 937-526-4945 St Mary 425 W Hickory St, Union City, IN 765-964-4202

Ansonia Christian Church 123 W. Weller St., Ansonia, 548-5490 Coletown Congregational Church 2876 State Route 571, Greenville 548-6590 East Zion Church 6171 St. Rt. 36, Greenville 937-548-6364 First Congregational Church 115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH 937-548-3575 CMA Church 306 Devor St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955

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-------------------------------------CHRISTIAN -------------------------------------Stelvideo Christian Church 6808 Church St., Stelvido, Greenville, OH 316-8198 Teegarden Congregational Church 2753 State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 Woodington Congregation Church 8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441

-------------------------------------CHURCH OF CHRIST -------------------------------------Greenville Church of Christ 4599 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., Greenville, 937-548-4467

-------------------------------------CHURCH OF GOD -------------------------------------Ansonia First Church of God 750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 The New Beginning Church of God 802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-2146502 Triumphant Christian Center 1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300

-------------------------------------EPISCOPAL -------------------------------------St Paul’s Episcopal Church 201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575

-------------------------------------INTERDENOMINATIONAL -------------------------------------Family of God 310 W South St., Arcanum, 692-8521 Lighthouse Christian Center 5256 Sebring Warner Rd., Greenville, 548-7464

-------------------------------------LUTHERAN -------------------------------------St. John Lutheran Church 7418 State Route 121, Greenville 548-5404 St Paul Lutheran Church 131 E. 4th Street, Greenville 548-5770 St Paul’s Lutheran Church 13495 Greenville St. Marys Rd Versailles, 419-336-7111 St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 6825 State Route 722, Ithaca, 6788584 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 8520 Oakes Rd., Pitsburg 937-692-5670 Trinity Lutheran Church 1470 W. State Route 28, Union City, IN 765-964-5712 Trinity Lutheran Church 204 E. Wood Street, Versailles 937-526-3091

-------------------------------------METHODIST-UNITED -------------------------------------Abbottsville United Methodist Church 3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum Ansonia United Methodist Church Corner of Pearl and High St., Ansonia 337-5781 EUM Church 1451 Sater Street, Greenville, OH 45331 Faith United Methodist Church 101 E. South St., Arcanum, 692-8934 First United Methodist Church 202 W 4th St. Greenville, 548-3075 Fort Jefferson United Methodist 3856 Church St., Greenville 548-4410 Gordon United Methodist Church 311 East St., Gordon, OH 937-8845129 Ithaca Grace United Methodist 750 Arcanum-Ithaca Rd 678-9062

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-------------------------------------METHODIST-UNITED --------------------------------------

Nashville United Methodist 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 New Madison United Methodist 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341 Rossburg United Methodist 117 Ross St., Rossburg, 937-338-4765 Trinity United Methodist Church 112 West South Street Arcanum, OH 692-8530 Versailles United Methodist 122 W Wood St, Versailles 937-526-3855 Webster United Methodist Church 8849 Seibt Rd., Versailles 526-3855

-------------------------------------MISSIONARY -------------------------------------Greenville Missionary Church 1110 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842 Pleasant View Missionary Church 5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885

-------------------------------------NON-DENOMINATIONAL --------------------------------------

Beamsville Christian Church 6102 Beamsville-Union City Rd. Greenville 547-0009 Calvary Bible Church 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 Friendship Community Church 1005 Eaton Fort Nesbit Rd. New Paris, 997-3592 True Life 5990 State Route 36, Greenville 548-3558 Living Waters Ministries 102 W Main St., Versailles, 526-4567 Bible Fellowship Church: 7757 Greenville-Celina Road, Greenville 937-547-1952 Northside Community Fellowship 8135 St. Rt. 127 N., Greenville, 548-8965 Rosehill Country Church St. Rt. 49 and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill Versailles Christian Church 105 W Ward St., Versailles 937-526-4194 Hillgrove Federated Church 1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332 Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-547-0092

-------------------------------------PENTACOSTAL -------------------------------------Faith Apostolic Lighthouse 332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299

-------------------------------------PRESBYTERIAN -------------------------------------First United Presbyterian Church 114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188

-------------------------------------UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST --------------------------------------

St. Paul United Church of Christ 129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506

-------------------------------------UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST -------------------------------------First Universalist Church 331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403

-------------------------------------WESLEYAN --------------------------------------

Trinity Wesleyan Church 1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337 Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331

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ARCANUM – The Arcanum-Butler Local School Board appointed Brenda Hale as the district’s new treasurer at the board meeting held on July 12. Mrs. Hale will assume her new duties in the school district Aug. 1 for the 2017-18 school year. She replaces Matt Huffman who served as district treasurer since January 2008. Huffman was recently hired as CFO/ Treasurer for the Miami Valley Career Technology Center. Mrs. Hale is appreciative of the opportunity saying, “I’m excited to be returning to the Arcanum-Butler School District, where I previously spent many years as an employee. I am looking forward to working with friends and former colleagues, and feel extremely fortunate the Board of Education has given me this opportunity to serve the district and community.” Mrs. Hale had previously been at Arcanum for 13 years, serving as high school secretary before leaving to serve the

Brenda Hale

Versailles School District for the past two years as an Accounting Assistant while pursuing her Treasurer’s license. She has previous work experience as a payroll technician and assistant branch manager for Star Bank. She received her Associate of Applied Business from Edison State Community College and her Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting from Indiana Wesleyan University and recently completed school law and finance classes through the University of Phoenix. Mrs. Hale resides in Versailles with her husband Rodd. Son Clint and daughter Kylee are Arcanum High School graduates.

DC SAY Soccer seeking referees GREENVILLE – Darke County SAY Soccer League is in need of soccer referees for the upcoming SAY season. Opening day is Aug. 26. Interested persons should contact Amanda Wackler, President of DC SAY at (937) 6233612, or, Heather Sullivan, VP of DC SAY at (937) 423-1922. A referee training course will be available. If you are already a referee and would like to put your knowledge to use, contact one of the

above named persons to referee at the SAY Soccer games held at Pleasant View Missionary Church Soccer Fields located on Gettysburg-Pitsburg Road. The SAY league is not affiliated with the church, however they use their fields. They are in need of referees for Passers, Wings, Strikers and their Co-Ed Senior team. This a great way to earn extra cash for only 1 to 2 hour of your time. Interested persons must be at least 15 years old.

Cincinnati artists featured at Bear’s Mill GREENVILLE – Two Cincinnati-area artists will be featured in the upcoming “Art at the Mill” exhibit which opens Friday, July 28 in the Clark Gallery, with an opening night reception from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. offering finger food and drinks as well as brief talks by the artists who will share information about their work, methods, and inspiration at 7 p.m. Historic Bear’s Mill will host multi-media artist Liz Zorn whose work is a combination of Color Field, Abstract Expressionist, and Modern Mark Making disciplines, and sculptor John Leon. According to Marti Goetz, executive director of Friends of Bear’s Mill, these highly successful artists create exciting work that invites further examination. “Liz paints expressive pieces that directly communicate to the viewer even when not containing direct images, while John borrows from the entire world of art history for inspiration as he works with clay, stone, and wood to create pieces that can be classically realistic or abstractly expressionistic,” Ms. Goetz explained. “We are thrilled to be showing their amazing work in our rustic setting here at the Mill,” she concluded. Liz Zorn says that she loves texture, and especially enjoys working with a minimal palette, seeking to create work that is “in the moment”

like the flow of life. After winning a poster contest when she was in the fourth grade, Liz began taking painting classes in Indianapolis and has continued to paint ever since, branching out into printmaking and photography along the way. She lists Robert Motherwell, Cy Twombly, Joan Mitchell, and JMW Turner as her major influences as she continues to evolve as an artist and as a human being. Her goal is to tangibly capture that “always present, always elusive thing,” which she labels “the ghost in the room,” knowing that her quest is not possible, but finding joy in the attempt. Art at the Mill continues at Bear’s Mill’s Clark Gallery through December, with a new exhibit opening on the final Friday of each month; the surreal narrative paintings of Dayton resident Amy Kollar Anderson and delicate hand blown glass vessels created by Jim DeLange of Cedarville remain on display through June 23. Art at the Mill receives funding from Darke County Endowment for the Arts. Historic Bear’s Mill is owned and operated by Friends of Bear’s Mill, a non-profit organization, and is located at 6450 Arcanum-Bear’s Mill Road about 5 miles east of Greenville. For more information, contact Bear’s Mill at 937548-5112 or www.bearsmill.org.

PAGE 16 July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Edison State students will present a program on literacy at the Greenville Public Library on July 26.

Edison State students present at library GREENVILLE – According to a 2015 U.S. Department of Education report, 32 million adults cannot read above the ďŹ fth grade level‌ and one child in four currently grows up not knowing how to read. It’s not getting better. Today’s generation is less educated than the one before. Edison State Darke County Campus Fundamentals of Communication students have focused on literacy as their term project and one team will be making a presentation to the public about this Cornerstone to Success at the Greenville Public Library July 26 at 6 p.m. What is literacy? Is it just

reading or does it involve more, such as being able to use the knowledge as a function of success? What is the relationship between literacy and poverty? Literacy and crime? What role does it play in the overall wellbeing of a community? Edison students will explore this critical topic and what it means to a community and the individuals who live in it. They will offer suggestions that could help make a difference. The presentation is open to all ages and light refreshments will be served. Students will be available to answer questions following the presentation.

Family Fun Day grand ďŹ nale set for July 26 GREENVILLE – The Family Fun Day Grand Finale at the Greenville Public Library is July 26 at 11 a.m. with world-renowned magician Gordan Russ. Traveling through Europe, Australia and China, Gordon has brought his unique brand of illusion to thousands of people across the globe. Exciting, surprise-a-minute magic with audience participation brings screams of laughter and delight. At the end of the show the grand prize drawing will take place for two new bikes

for a boy and a girl. Other prizes will be given out as another great Summer Reading Program comes to a close. Meet on the lawn under the shade trees and bring a blanket or lawn chair. In case of inclement weather the First Congregational Christian Church on 5th Street generously offers their Activity Building. Family Fun Day is sponsored by grants from the Friends of the Library and the Greyson James Steyer Memorial Fund.

GPL’s Craft Beer Class on Farmhouse Ales GREENVILLE – Farmhouse ales offer a level of variety and complexity found in few other families of beer styles. Simultaneously rustic and reďŹ ned, these beer styles draw inspiration from the beers brewed by Belgian and French farm estates of the 18th and 19th centuries. Farms in those times were responsible for providing beer to sustain and refresh their seasonal ďŹ eld workers, and each farm’s beer was different from the last. Modern farmhouse beer styles carry forward this tradition of individuality while also exploring new frontiers of avor. On Aug. 3 and Sept. 14 at 6:30 p.m. each night, the

Greenville Public Library’s Craft Beer Education Series will take a look at the long tradition of farmhouse brewing, and explore how a rural community is uniquely positioned to appreciate these agrarian styles. The Craft Beer Education Series is led by David Nilsen, CertiďŹ ed Cicerone. Nilsen will guide attendees through a tasting of ďŹ ve beer styles, explaining the history and unique ingredients and brewing processes of each. Craft Beer Education Series classes are free, but seats are limited and registration is required. Call the library at (937) 548-3915 to reserve your seat.

Help Quintessentials get ready for AGT VERSAILLES – While the summer is heating up so is the schedule for The Quintessentials. The Versailles based group, consisting of Isaac Buschur, Mitchell Rawlins, Quincy Baltes, Brody Hyre and Kyle Wuebker, will be performing at different venues throughout the area in preparation for their America’s Got Talent (AGT) quest. The boys have only a few months to practice before heading in different directions back to school. “It was easy to practice when we were all going to the same school but now that four of us are in college, we only have a short time to get together,â€? says Brody Hyre, who just graduated this year. They started off their summer by scheduling their date for AGT. They will be heading to Florida to perform in front of the judges on Nov. 5. Quincy Baltes, a 2016 graduate added, “We’ve been excited to get ourselves this far since our ďŹ rst time performing. We just didn’t know we’d have so much support from the commu-

WMPL reading program closing 7/26 VERSAILLES – Even though the Worch Memorial Public Library summer reading programs are coming to a close, there are still a bunch of activities and programs planned. July 26 is the last day to get reading logs and program rafe entries in. The cutoff time for this is 7 p.m.; so make sure to get your tickets in. Joseph Helfrich will be performing the grand ďŹ nale show at 1:30 p.m. on July 26. Make sure to come out for this fun and entertaining show. After his performance, the summer reading program prize winners will be announced and prizes will be distributed. In addition, everyone that attends the grand ďŹ nale show will receive a goody bag for participating in the summer reading programs. The young adult summer reading program grand ďŹ nale show will be held at McBo’s Lanes also on July 26, at 4 p.m. Teen prize winners will be announced at their program, while everyone enjoys pizza. For more information about these programs or for a full line up of summer reading activities, visit the website at www.worch.lib. oh.us or contact the library at 526-3416.

nity.â€? The Quintessentials started their journey in 2015 after three of them performed barbershop at ONU Summer Music Camp. They enjoyed it so much that they added two more members and auditioned for Ohio Has Talent (OHT). Their competition song was a Jersey Boys medley that they performed in Van Wert at the Niswonger Performing Arts Center (www.npacvw. org) where they stole the show in 2016. Months later, Isaac Buschur, a 2016 graduate, received the call from AGT to set up an audition. “We were extremely excited when we got contacted by America’s Got Talent. We never planned to audition for something at such a high caliber, so having the opportunity to do so is incredible and we consider ourselves to be blessed.â€? They returned this past March to OHT to entertain while the votes were being tallied for this year’s contestants. You can see four of their performances on YouTube by searching for Ohio Has Talent 2016 (and 2017) Quintessentials. Their schedule this summer consists of a few visits to nursing homes, ďŹ ve shows with the Muse Machine in Dayton and two performances open to the public at the Versailles Performing Arts Center on Aug. 12. Help support them as

$3 OFF

they prepare for America’s Got Talent. Tickets for the Aug. 12, 3 and 7 p.m. performances are available by going to towneandcountryplayers.com and clicking on the seatyourself link. Tickets are $5 per person (plus a 50-cent fee per ticket). Remember to print

out your receipt. That will be your ticket to get into the show. For more information you can contact Michele Hyre at (937) 526-4710. Snacks and new shirts, designed by Quincy, will be available for purchase before and after the show and during intermission.

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"$ $ %# " #

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PRODUCE ................................................


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reg. 1.79

JUICY JUICE 2.49ea ................................................ JUICE DRINK 1.99ea ................................................ MACARONI, SPAGHETTI AND ASSORTED PASTA 1.25ea ................................................ Domino 4 lb. Granulated


reg. 2.99


Limit 1 with additional

$20.00 purchase ................................................ 12 Pack 12 oz. Cans Assorted

7-UP VARIETIES 3.39ea ................................................

July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 17



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Immediate opening for laborers. Start full time work today. Join the winning team at GMT Roofing. Call 937-5470468 UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP! Wolf Tent is seeking summer help erecting tents. Must be at Full or part-time Carpen- least 16, Drivers License ter. Minimum 2 years preferred. Call 548-4161 for appointment experience. 548-2307 HELP WANTED Hiring a Dump Truck Driver with Class B CDL and a general laborer for an excavation company. Must have a good work ethic and references. Pay based on experience. Call 937-997-3113

Help Wanted HVAC Service Technician To Provide Service on Residential Heating & Cooling Equipment and Provide the Customer with a High Quality Experience. 2-7 years minimum experience. $15.00 - 25.00 Per hour plus spis, and beneďŹ ts. Must pass drug and background screens. Valid Driver’s license and insurable driving record.

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Responsible & dependable individuals needed to deliver Early Birds in the Yorkshire area; it consists of a WALKING & MOTOR route. Also have a MOTOR route available in the New Madison area. If you are interested, please contact Becky at 937547-0851 and leave your name, address & phone number, if no answer Someone to clean out straw in barn. Will pay. 937-337-7901, 937238-7901



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HELP WANTED Independent Contractor (driver) needed to deliver papers in the Southern Mercer county and Darke county area. Applicant must be over 18, have a good driving record and insurance. To learn more please call The Daily Standard at (419)586-2371 or fill out application at www. dailystandard.com WANTED TO BUY Cars/Trucks, running or not UP TO $500. Free pick-up. 937-423-2703 or 937-621-5809

BUYING OLD GUITARS, Banjos, Mandolins & Amplifiers. ALSO buying Flutes, Saxophones, Trombones, Trumpets in good condition, Yamaha, Selmer, King, Conn. Bring them to Bach to Rock Music, 334 S. Broadway, Greenville, OH for an offer. 937547-1970, email: bachtorock@earthlink.net SERVICES OFFERED LAWN MOWING & ROLLING, Yard Cleanup, Shrub Trimming, Edging, Mulching, General Landscaping. Free Estimates. Leave message for Gettysburg Outdoor at Lavy’s Corner Mart 937-447-3051 MOWING large or small jobs. Also Landscaping, Shrub Trimming, Spraying/Fertilizing, Snow Removal. Reasonable rates. References available. Very dependable. 548-1716, ask for Justin A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-800880-1686

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Wanted: Used house trailers in good condition. Please call 937448-2974 PETS Australian Shepherd puppies, 6 weeks old. Some blues, 1 tri-color, 2 brown & whites. Call for appointment 937564-7484 PRODUCE Brehm’s Bodacious yellow Sweet Corn, 2633 Albright Road, Arcanum 937-692-8222



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PAGE 18 July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Customer Service Representative Fort Recovery Industries, Inc., a leading manufacturer of aluminum and zinc die casting, has an opening for a Customer Service Representative on first shift in Fort Recovery, OH. Some responsibilities include: • Be a contact for customers and provide sales and service support. • Input, verify and confirm orders, including terms, pricing and delivery dates. • Communicate quality issues to Quality Management. • Assist in coordinating resolution to customer service issues and communicating customer need requirements with other departments. Must be able to plan, organize, multi-task and self direct all work efforts, be detailed oriented, and have excellent communication skills. Apply online or in person from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fort Recovery Industries, Inc. 2440 State Route 49, Box 638 Fort Recovery, Ohio 45846-0638 www.fortrecoveryindustries.com


FOR RENT Newly remodeled 2 BR upstairs aparment, total electric with off-street parking. South end of Greenville. $400/mo + deposit. 417-9084

Willow Place Apartments - We’re better than ever! 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Call 937-3168489. Equal Housing Opportunity Greenville, 1 bedroom apartment upstairs, everything new. $390 mo/ deposit. 937-548-8613 ARCANUM 3 BR home w/garage & central air. Small pet friendly. $575/mo. 708 W North St. 548-5053 benanzer. com 2 BR apt, 306 Oxford, Greenville. 1.5 baths, laundry room. Stove, fridge, a/c, lawn care provided. 1 small pet per unit welcome. No Smoking. Pet deposit $50. Deposit $450, Rent $550. Utilities not included. Call 9am-10pm 937-621-2373 2 BR, 1 bath apt w/appliances near downtown Greenville. Nice yard & option for garage. $485/ mo. 937-813-5535 Nice efficiency apt, Greenville. No Smoking. No Pets. $475/ mo + deposit. Includes gas, electric, water. 527 E Main, rear. 996-3342 2 BR, 2 bath lower apt in Greenville. Recently remodeled. No Smoking or Pets. $625/mo. Call with questions 548-9400 Available Soon! Newer spacious apt, 2 BR, 2 baths, etc. Central air, gas heat. Attached garage. In Greenville. Yard care/snow removal included. 937-5471435 WANTED TO RENT FARMGROUND TO RENT: $260/acre, SPRING PAYMENT, FERTILITY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. 937-622-2735 REAL ESTATE HUDSON VALLEY LAND BARGAINS. 5 TO 50 ACRES FROM $49,900! 20 mins from Albany, 2 hrs GW Bridge! Woods, stonewalls, privacy! Terms! 888-738-6994 NewYorkLandandLakes. com House For Sale By Owner. Open House Thurs, July 27, 6:308pm. 4855 Doneva Dr, Greenville, 1 mile west of Whirlpool, off Children’s Home-Bradford Rd. 2000 sq ft brick ranch. Realtors welcome. 937-423-3842

EQUIPMENT Farmall Super H $2250. Farmall 450 $3850. Call or text 937-423-2664

MISC. FOR SALE SPECTRUM TRIPLE PLAY TV, Internet & Voice for $29.99 ea. 60 MB per second RECREATIONAL speed. No contract or 1998 Sportsman travel commitment. We buy trailer, 1 slide-out, 2 your existing contract doors, 21 ft awning, new up to $500! 1-800tires. 937-548-4882 806-5909 MOTORCYCLES FREE perennials, 60 2006 Suzuki C50 Bou- varieties. You dig. levard. Dresser. 8,000 Questions: email Bev miles, exc. cond. $3,600 bhfhouse@yahoo OBO. 937-273-8585 Cub Cadet riding mower, 42”, 3 yrs old, AUTOMOTIVE 2007 Honda Accord very good cond $800. $6495. 2008 Avenger 459-9646

$6495. 2010 Fusion $7495. 2008 F150 4x4 $13,995. 2006 Equinox $5495. 2008 Escape $5995. 2013 Equinox $11,995. 2007 Mountaineer $6995. Buy - Sell - Trade! CountryAutoSalesGreenville. com 548-1337 2007 Mazda Miata, black convertible, 28,000 miles. Great cond., $9,000 OBO. 937-273-8585 2013 International semi tractor, sleeper, 217” wheelbase, 450hp, 10 sp., air ride, aluminum wheels & tanks, wet kit. $18,500. 937-423-0862 HOUSEHOLD Peaceful Dream 11” Pillow Top Mattress Set. $249 full; $269 queen; $379 king. New in plastic with warranty. We deliver. 937-884-5455 Adjustable electric twin XL bed, gently used, no bugs, free soft mattress $300. La-Z-Boy rocker/ recliner, blue, gently used, no bugs $100. Cherry color TV stand w/shelves $40. 2 small freezers, 1 upright, 1 chest, work great, $50 each. 548-1024 15,100 btu air conditioner $75. 3 yrs old. 937-548-7832 MISC. FOR SALE Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 1-800906-3115 for $750 Off PROFESSIONAL SOUND SYSTEM Rental, Sales & Installation. Free quotes to your business, church or home for sound system updates & improvements. JBL, EAW, QSC, PEAVEY, CROWN. Bach to Rock Music 547-1970, email: bachtorock@earthlink. net. Also Renting sound systems for Weddings, Graduations, Business Meetings, or any other engagements!

The Early Bird and Bluebag Media is seeking a

Part-time Customer Service Representative with the following required skill sets; · MUST have either Peachtree/Sage or Quick Book experience; · Must be customer service driven, friendly, enthusiastic; · Must be able to work a flexible M-F schedule consisting of 20-25 hours weekly; · Must be able to pass drug test. This position could lead to full time in the future for the right candidate. Hourly compensation based upon experience. We provide a great culture and work environment with many of our existing team here for two or more decades. If you want to be considered to potentially join our team, please send resume with references and salary expectations to; publisher@earlybirdpaper.com


Policies for magazines and seniors changed

VERSAILLES – Worch Memorial Public Library is thrilled to announce that recent policy changes will give a longer checkout time for magazines and eliminate book fines for senior patrons. Starting July 17, checkout time for magazines will be two weeks. Prior to this change the checkout time for Older hot tub, $1800, magazines was one good condition. 996- week. This resulted 3342 in magazines and books being due at different times. Now book checkout times and magazine checkout times are the same; two weeks. In addition, for Classified Worch will no longer charge overdue book fines on patrons 65 or older. Anyone

Remember, the


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older than 65 should provide the library staff with their date of birth to ensure no overdue book fines are charged to the account. Worch continuously evaluates the library policies to ensure the community needs are being met. If there is an issue with any of the policies at the library, please let them know. They will evaluate these and determine if changes will best meet the community needs. If you have any questions about these policy changes or anything else at the library visit www. worch.lib.oh.us or contact the library at 526-3416.

Becoming a Home Owner Need Not Be Just A Dream 2&3 Bedroom Homes Available Check our our selection of FREE handyman homes. Rental Homes Available Too! Sherwood Forest Mobile Home Community 937-548-9898 www.parkbridgehomes.com

MULTI-FAMILY 18 S. State St., Phillipsburg Totally remodeled duplex. Both units have 2 BR, 1 bath. 431 Harrison Ave., Greenville Very well maintained duplex. Downstairs unit has 2 BR, Upstairs unit has 1 BR. 1220 E Main St., Greenville Within walking distance to new school. Downstairs unit has 2 BR, Upstairs unit has 2 BR but attic could be finished for 3rd BR. 518 Martin St., Greenville Live in one side, rent the other, plus 6 individual garage units that rent separate from apartments.

First Choice Realty

The Right Choice 1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331



LARGE LOT – a country-like feel with conveniences! 2-ST brick/vinyl home filled with extras – ceramic tile, large closet, whirlpool tub, double sinks & skylight in master suite. LRM, formal DRM. 4 BR! MLS 736715 #4542 ROOM TO ROAM! Tri-level home w/4 BR, LRM, FRM & DRM. Rec rm & office. Extra garage. 32x40 pole barn has workshop, enclosed patio & sauna. Inground pool. MLS 729566 #4533 NEW LISTING! Beautiful “like-new” Tudorstyle home on corner lot! Living rm has stone gas fireplace. Hardwood floor in formal DRM. All KIT appliances including gas range. Ceramic tile floor in foyer, KIT & utility rm. Master BA has whirlpool tub & large glassenclosed shower. MLS 742664 #4547


6725 Clifton Dr., Greenville

Brick and vinyl bi-level. 4 BR, 1½ BA. 32x40 outbuilding. Owner wants offer. Now $124,900 ****************** Verona – Pitsburg Rd. 4 BR, 2 BA, 2 acres w/frontage on SR49. Needs updating. Now $69,900 ****************** 1046 E. 4th St. Bigger than it looks! ¾ acre in town. 3BR, 2BA, workshop, 1 car attached garage & carport. $129,900. Should pass all inspections for VA, FHA, Rural Guarantee ****************** Fixer upper at 1026 E. 4th St. Only $53,000. On .85 acres. 3 large BR, 1 bath, 2 car detached garage.

FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE 203 West Main, Greenville, carpeted w/central air, 3 work stations, coffee/microwave store room. Available July 1st. $350/mo. 306 Sycamore St., Greenville, 3-4 rooms (one potential conference room), one block from traffic circle. $450/mo. CALL NANCY HEMER ****************** Fully equipped bakery at 316 S. Broadway. Professionally cleaned. Small apt. on 2nd floor. CALL ALEENE CROMWELL


IN SOUTHERN DARKE COUNTY this 3 bedroom brick ranch at 7904 Darke Preble County Line is yours day of closing! Newer vinyl windows; oak kitchen cabinets; 1½ car detached garage. CONVENTIONAL FINANCING ONLY! $73,900 IN ANSONIA this brick ranch double has 2 bedrooms each side; total electric; vinyl windows; washer/dryer hookup; appliances included! Low 90s IN SOUTH END OF GREENVILLE this 2-story home at 617 Fair Street has 1 car detached garage. Low 40s CONDO STYLE LIVING with this 2 bedroom brick ranch at 253 Ark Avenue! Oak woodwork and oak kitchen cabinets; sun room; all window treatments and appliances stay! 2 car attached garage. IMMACULATE! $149,900 CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN this 2-story home at 407 W. Fourth has over 2700 sq. ft. of living area! Maintenance-free exterior; 2 car detached garage! Mid 70s JUST EAST OF GREENVILLE this 3 bedroom home at 5882 Culbertson Road has lots of kitchen cabinets; newer furnace; 50x12 carport PLUS 50x30 barn with metal roof and metal siding! Now offered at $105,000 ZONED LIC these 2 lots at corner of W. Park and St. Rt. 49 have plenty of possibilities! $25,000 CORNER LOT with mature trees with this 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick ranch at 827 Dorothy Lane! Updated throughout! Fireplace and cathedral ceiling in Family room; eat-in kitchen; 24x28 deck wired for hot tub and sound system! $155,000.


Jim Shuttleworth Evelyn Shuttleworth Joe Shuttleworth Greg Shuttleworth Richard Edwards


July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 19

GARAGE SALES ARCANUM/PITSBURG 7835 Alt St Rt 49; July 27-28, 9-5; July 29, 9-12; Boys’ clothes 242T, men’s clothes, toys, tools, car parts, household items, perfumes, colognes & beauty supplies. Multi-Family Sale

9911 Grubbs Rex Rd; July 27; 9-5; Antiques, primitives, vintage fabric, household Huge Moving! 3469 Arcanum Bears Mill; July 26-27, 8-6; July 29, 9-1;Too much to list! Something for everyone




349 N Walnut St – Union City, OH 45390 Spacious 5 bedroom home with open living and family rooms with gas fireplace, central air, and hardwood floors throughout. Open front porch, rear deck, and detached garage. Priced to sell at $45,900. Hosted by Amy Shilt 937-423-4420.

220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH 937-548-2640


400 Martin St. MAJOR PRICE CHANGE $132,900.

Beautiful, well maintained century old 3-bedroom home is spacious with 2,200 square feet of living space with loads of storage and built in amenities. Semi-finished basement supports a second family room, exercise room, workshop, laundry and utility rooms. The landscaping requires minimal care and provides color for all seasons. Others features include gas fireplace, pocket doors, 2 story carriage home, upgraded electrical breaker box and newer roof. Must see. Two parcels, .2913 acre between the two. (731763)

ARCANUM/PITSBURG 205 E. South St., Arc.; July 27-28, 9-4. MultiFamily - clean sale. Name brand misses, women’s, men’s clothing, boy’s sizes 4-10/12, girl’s sizes 3-5, books, DVD’s, toys, Xbox 360 games, 12” girl’s bike, 26” women’s Huffy, Thirty-One items, home/Christmas decor, lots more!

210 N Main St, Arcanum; July 27-28; 9-4; Toys, boys’ clothes, collectible Barbies, player piano, grill, lawn mower, baseball items, bar, pressure canner, misc household items GREENVILLE 5843 Lake Ave; July 27-28-29; 9-5; MOVING SALE! Girls’ 4-5, jrs’ 0-5, toys, furniture, tools, crafts, lots of “stuff” PARKING LOT SALE; Greenville Medical Center, 1185 Wayne Ave; Thur-Fri July 2728; 9am-3pm; Home furnishings old & new, collectibles, framed art & décor, books, clothes, baby items. Medical & general office furniture, filing, equipment & supplies 103, 104 & 105 Sandalwood Dr; July 2728; 8:45-5; Beautiful collectibles, multiple fasteners, capenter’s tools, snowblower, dishes, women’s plus size clothes, children’s clothes, ladies’ & men’s clothes, housewares HUGE FISHING SALE; Fairgrounds Drive-Thru, 1207 Sweitzer St; FriSat, July 28-29; 9-6; Rods, reels, lures, tackle. Doug 937-417-1182 718 Gray Ave; July 28-29; 9-5; Antiques, jewelry, clothes, dishes, comp desk, old table, 18’ Grumman fishing boat w/25hp Mercury tilt over trolling motor

GREENVILLE Barn Sale; 8403 St Rt 571 East; Thur-Fri July 27-28; 9-5; Collectibles, wedding items & dress, baby items, much more

3595 Children’s Home Bradford Rd; Thur-Fri July 27-28; 9am-4pm; Futon, maple dry sink, rocking chairs, twin bed, dresser, boys’ clothes 0-3, knickknacks, 2007 Suzuki 400 scooter, wine fridge, clothes, kitchen items, purses, lamps, etc 515 Wayne Ave; July 2728-29; 9-5; Cleaning Out Sale! 4522 US 36 West, between 121 & 127 South; July 27,28,29; 8-5. 4 Families - jet tub, A/C, big mirror, stands, large wood cabinet & misc household. Lots of jewelry - clothes, updated & clean, many sizes 5222 St Rt 121 S; July 26-28; 9-?; Fridge, stove, washer, dryer, table/ chairs, shelving, tools, fishing, dressers, misc 100 Ave B & Garst, during Gathering at Garst; July 29-30; 9-dark; Lots of clean misc items, baked goods, eggrolls 720 Honeysuckle Dr; July 27-28; 8-6; Designer handbags, Thomas Kinkade books & décor, teacher & school supplies, Pampered Chef items, home décor, much more 306 W Park Dr; July 28-29, 9-6; Baby, misc, clothes, household, too much to list Rain or Shine - Moving Sale; 112 Parkside Dr; July 27-28-29; 9-5; Lots of everything! 1255 Highland Dr, off Russ Rd; July 27; 8:304:30; Clothes, books, furniture, bikes, kitchen ware. Something for everyone! Priced to Sell! 131 Ark Ave; Sat July 29; 8-5; Many misc items

1307 Sater St; July 26-28 & Aug 3-5; MultiFamily Sale; 1988 Chevy S10, 15K original miles. Christmas trees, Hallmark ornaments, snow village, collector dolls, crib, furniture, clothes, household items, antiques, dishware, toys 149 Royal Oak Dr; Wed July 26, 4-7; Thur July 27, 8-?; Lots of $1 per box 218 N. Broadway, July 27,28,29, 8-6. Asst. tools, sliding miter saw, electric chainsaw, collectibles, kitchen table, file cabinets, old theater chairs, household items. 106 N. Broadway, in rear of bldg., July 27,28,29, 9-5. 4 Family indoor - antique furniture, dressers, hutch, kitchen table/chairs, lots of large items, lamps, drum set, children’s & adults books & clothing, teacups/saucers, puzzles, home school curr. & more 1212 Donald Dr., July 27, 28; 9-3. Dressers, cookbooks, books, girl’s clothing, misc. OUT OF COUNTY 4325 New Market Banta Rd, Lewisburg; Sat. July 29; 9-4pm; Canning supplies, jars, food dehydrator, garden seeder w/seed plates, dishes, cookware, cookbooks, crafting supplies, scrapbooking items, sewing notions, fabrics, sewing machine, bedding, toys, DVD player, handguns, shotguns, rifles, ammo, chronograph, tools, multiple misc items. NO EARLY BIRDS PLEASE TRI VILLAGE Garage/Estate Sale; 9293 St Rt 121N, New Paris; 7/27-7/29; 9-5pm; Variety of items: household, kitchen, canning jars, lawn, garden, TVs, old water skis, 1990 HD 1200 Sportster, books, lots more!

Municipal Jazz Band to perform in the park GREENVILLE – The Greenville Municipal Jazz Band will perform the first of its Jazz and Pops

NEW LISTING! Investors Take a Look at this opportunity in New Madison, Ohio. Both units the same. Currently, one unit rented the second unit ready to move in. Buyer can live in one side and rent the other side. Priced to sell quickly, don’t miss your chance to start investing in rental properties. Located in New Madison. (741863) SELLING THE BUSINESS & INVENTORY plus equipment to run the carburetor rebuild shop including hand tools. Includes the computers & everything to run the sales & billing part of the business. (#6621) GREAT RETAIL SPACE in this 2 story, 2160 sq. ft. brick building in historical Arcanum, 107 N. High St.. 2 large store front glass pane windows. Two separate entrances with adjoining door. Upstairs could be made in to great living quarters. Lots of possibilities for this building located 107 N High St. Arcanum (739981) HISTORIC BRICK TURN OF THE CENTURY PROPERTY located at 101 Main St. Gettysburg, OH. The upstairs living area could be a rental that will pay your bills or a place to relax after a hard day’s work downstairs. Over 2,400 sq. ft in this 2-story building with 2 bedroom, 1 bath living area on the second floor. (701610) INVESTMENT PROPERTY! This property has a great return on investment. Already had the business built up, you can start making money immediately. If you like people, you will enjoy this business. Located 3 E Woodside Dr. Arcanum, OH (734122) LOOKING FOR HOME BASED BUSINESS?. We offer a 2 bedroom home with an attached retail space. Retail space is approximately 529 sf at 544 Wagner Ave. Over 13,000 vehicles go past the doors on a daily basis The property could be converted to all business with no living quarters, giving you over 1700sf of space. (728355) DON’T PASS UP THIS GREAT LOCATION FOR A BEAUTY SALON. This shop has 6 stations and all equipment stays plus inventory. This is a great opportunity to own your own Salon, located at 243 Fort Jefferson Ave. Greenville, OH (735347) LOOKING FOR ADDITIONAL STORAGE? Try this on for size. Block commercial building (42’x62’) with over 5200 sq ft of total space on 2 levels. Building includes 2 office areas; one Office (31’x12’) with electric heat. Large garage space with drive-in door and 2nd story is open for additional warehouse space. Gas is available. No city water. Roof has been updated after the fire. Located just off of downtown at 412 Plum St. Greenville, OH (733396) EXCELLENT LOCATION on St. Rt. 121 in Versailles, OH. 5 acres (719123) GREAT RECREATION GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS are now available for you at 6236 Shade Rd. Greenville, OH. Property offers 3 buildings, 2 shelter houses, playground, horseshoe pits, shooting range, woods and open space. Garage building is 28’x40’ with cement floors and electric. Approximately 7 acres of woods on the back end of this property. (721219) LOOKING TO INVEST? 523 Central Ave. Greenville, OH Check out this duplex, close to the hospital, restaurants and other businesses (724453) known as South Town Carry Out (703882)

in the park concert this Sunday, July 23 at the Marling Band Shell area of the Greenville City Park. The concert will begin at 7 p.m. and is free and open to the public. This week the Greenville Municipal Jazz Band takes over the entertainment of the park by presenting an evening of Jazz and Pops music. Selections for the concert will include music from Duke Ellington, Les Brown, Louis Armstrong, Stan Kenton, Aretha Franklin, Chicago and others. This Evening of Pops and Jazz Concert will also feature so-

loists and section features. Please plan to attend the Jazz and Pops in the Park concert on July 23 at 7 p.m. at the Marling Band Shell area of our beautiful city park. Limited bench seating is available and you can bring your own chair or blanket to sit on and enjoy the show. The concert series is a great way to spend an evening listening to music, reading a book or just creating quality family time without computers or television. Food trucks will be in the park for Sunday’s concert for your dining pleasure.

UNION CITY 531 N State Line; July 27-28-29; 9-5; Misc items

523 E North St; July 2829; 9-6; Truck, clothes, furniture, misc items 2137 Beamsville-U.C. Rd., July 27,28, 9-5; July 29, 9-1. Huge Multi-Family - Most items under $1.00 VERSAILLES 10344 Shaffer Rd; Thur July 27, 8-12; Fri July 28, 8-5; $1 SALE! Clothes including women’s plus size, printer, monitors & stuff! 9784 St. Rt. 121; July 27,28,29, 9-6. Women’s & men’s clothes - med. to lg. Wedding décor, G6 car rims & headlights, household, misc. items

ESTATE SALE; 246 Virginia St; July 27-28; 9-5; Garage - Basement - House: Antiques, headboard, sewing machine, lots of tools, nice mower, snowblower, handmade wooden toys & furniture, etc. Kitchen, household, upright Versailles Commu- freezer, refrigerator, nity Garage Sales; much more July 27-28; 48 Locations! Maps available 7411 St Rt 47; Thurs at Johns IGA, Worch July 27, 7:30am-7pm; Library & Versailles Fri July 28, 7:30-noon; Utility Office. Request Household & Tool map at versailles- Sale! Library table, rocking garagesales@gmail. bookcase, chair, recliner, 2 wood com. Facebook: Verfold-up chairs, misc sailles (Ohio) Commuitems. DeWalt saw, nity Garage Sales cordless drills, Shop 633 E Wood; 7/26, Vac, + other misc 2-6p; 7/27-28, 8a-6p; tools. 2005 Honda Kids’ clothes, furni- Helix 250cc scooter. ture, 31, Longaberger, Disney & Fisher Price Tupperware, misc toys VERSAILLES 9864 St Rt 185; Th July 27-Fr July 28; Moving Sale! Household items & décor, indoor & outdoor furniture, mini-fridge, small appliances, like new riding mower, more. Priced to Sell!

Monthly Public Auction Sunday, July 30, 2017 @ 12:00pm 5419 St. Rt. 49 South Greenville, OH 45331

Location Behind Barga Heating & Air Conditioning Numerous Totes, RC & Electric Cars, Part, Gas Power Truck & Cars, Gas Power Helicopter, Harley Davidson Coats, Shirts & DieCast Motorcycles, Glass Mixing Bowls, Metal Pots & Pans, Glass Baking Dishes, Corelle Ware, Scentsy Candles & Warmers, 60” Vizio Smart TV, 40” Flat Screen TV, Stero Equipment, Kenwood, JVC and Bose Speakers, Advent Speakers, DVD Players, Pittsburg Steelers Blankets, Numerous Blankets, Womens Shoes & Boots, Purses, Clothes & New Clothes w/Tags, X-Box 360 Items, Playstation, Sega & Nintendo Items, Silverware & Cooking Utencils, Boardgames, RollingPins, New Laundry Soap-Gain & Era, Bug Spray, Room Deoderizer, Trash Bags, New Bath Towels & Other Towels, Womens Nike Shoes, Mens Cowboy Boots, Measuring Cups, 4-Slice Toaster, George Fourman Cooker, Boom Box, Granite Ware, Cast Iron & WagnerWare & Other Cast Iron, AfterGlow Wireless Headphones, Microwaves, Coffee & End Tables, Brown Microfiber Couch, Recliner Set, Brown Leather Sectional, King Size Bedroom Suite w/USB Plug In Nightstand, New Lamps, Kitchen Table w/4 Chairs, Queen Size Bed, New Mattresses, Twin Beds, Older Kirby Sweeper, Bissell Sweepers, Bissell Shampoo, Toaster Ovens, Camping Items, New Sleeping Bags, Camping Tables, Chairs, New Air Mattress, Fishing Poles, Barbeque Grill, George Fourman Grill, Roadtrip Grill, Speakers, TV Speakers, Some Tools, Sanders, Saws, Grinder, Staplers, Knives, Screwdrivers, Large Service Sign From Ford Dealership, Sheets, Blankets, Country Craft Items, Toothpaste & Brushes, Kindle Fire NIB, Electric Skillets, NextBook 7’s, New Camo Sleeping Bags, Longaberger Baskets & Pottery, Shirt Press, Old Cookbooks, Keurig Coffee Maker, Mr. Coffee Maker, Zippo Lighters, Watches, Knives, Belt Buckles and Lots of Jewelry. Terms & Conditions: Cash, Check w/proper ID, Visa, Mastercard with 3% clerking fee. Brian Rismiller-Auctioneer 937-423-2070 Lunch provided by “The Weiner Wagon”. Please visit www.auctionzip.com for updates and pictures. ID#14589




Located in the North End of Greenville This Sharp Brick Ranch Home Has Many Features Including a Full Basement with Poured Concrete Walls, Large Foyer, Lg. Great Room with Vaulted Ceilings and Stone Fireplace, Lg. Open Concept Kitchen with Oak Cabinets, Center Island, Newer Stainless Steel Appliances, Dining Area. Large Master Bedroom with Full Bathroom and Dbl. Closets, (2) Additional Nice Size Bedrooms, Full Bath, 18’x18’ Enclosed Florida Room, Laundry Room, 2 Car Attached Garage w/Opener, Central A/C, Wood Patio Deck w/Enclosed Privacy Fence, Large Concrete Patio Area, Newer Roof, Nice Mature Landscaping, 10’x16’ Hip Roof Storage Building and Much More!

Attend Open Houses - Inspect This Property Make Financial Arrangements Be Prepared to Buy on Auction Day

Open Houses:

SUN., JULY 23rd, 1:00 – 2:30 PM SUN., JULY 30th, 1:00 – 2:30 PM And by appointment… Call: Kirby Lyons (937) 316-8400 Everett Hocker (937) 417-0748

Taylor Tyo received a $1000 scholarship from Marion Young Farmers represented by President Steve Homan.

Tyo receives Marion Young Farmers award VERSAILLES – Versailles FFA Member Taylor Tyo was awarded a $1000 scholarship from the Marion Young Farmers Scholarship. Tyo is the daughter of Tim and Deb Tyo and will be attending

the University of Kentucky majoring in animal science. Marion Young Farmers President Steve Homan was in the agriculture education room on May 11 to present Taylor with the scholarship.

Terms: $5,000.00 Down on Day of Auction. Complete Balance Due Within 30 Days of Auction. Taxes will be figured short term pro-ration to closing. Possession at closing.


For photos and additional information on this offering please visit us at www.auctionzip.com and enter User I.D. # 8673. Remember, Never, Ever a Buyers (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions *WHAT YOU BID IS WHAT YOU PAY* “We work for our sellers, appreciate our buyers, and love our profession”

Office: 937.316.8400 Cell: 937.459.7686

PAGE 20 July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Greenville Middle School lists 4th quarter honor roll Fifth Grade

Highest Honors – Bryce Blumenstock, William Gettinger, Emily Gibson, Cali Harter, Carson Henry, Sadie Lance, Ella McLear, and Gavin Swank Honor Roll – John Abao, Allena Arnett, Kaylyn Bailey, Grace Barhorst, Thomas Barr, Evan Beckley, Anthony Bergman, Alexis Bertsch, Rachel Bowers, Addison Burke, Kaitlyn Byrum, Tarryn DeHart, Chace Drew, Emma Erisman, Breyana Fitzwater, Corbin Frye, Lance Greer, Tyler Hartsock, Jayden Hicks, Sara Hollopeter, Keira Karger, Erin Leensvaart, Daniel Livingston, Ava Loudy, Zada Low-

er, Josie Madden, Landen Marcum, Trevor Mardin, Alexus Nelson, Jennifer Nguyen, Bradley Palmer, Haylee Potter, Mariah Pugalee, Kevin Rose, Rebecca Sanders, Leah Shafer, Phillip Shuttleworth, Preston Smith, Simon Snyder, Isabelle Sommer, Emily Sturgill, Cassandra Toombs, Hunter Tumbusch, and Peyton Wasson Merit Roll – Jasmine Baker, Hailey Barnhart, Kylie Bay, Sarah Boner, Zachary Browder, Sierra Brumbaugh, Skylar Bryson, Juniper Bussell, Christopher Chaney, Madalynn Cooper, Noah Deubner, Brody Fleming, Alexandria Foureman, Tristan Frye, Quentin Garner, Ella Gilbert, Elena Gonzalez, Kaelyn Gump, Samantha Hart, Cara Lippincott, Evan Manix, Cadence


TUE., JULY 25, 2017 2:00 P.M.


REAL ESTATE: Contemporary Brick Ranch with Vaulted Living Room, Family Room, Kitchen, Dining Area, Formal Living Room, Three Bedrooms and 2 ½ Baths. There is a Full Basement, a 2 ½ Attached Garage and a Morton Pole Barn with a Concrete Floor. Real Estate Sells at 5:00 PM. Call for a Bidders Information Packet. LIKE NEW RIDINING LAWN TRACTOR-DR FIELD and BRUSH MOWER 1971 CHEVROLET PICKUP TRUCK-1964 and 1978 INTERNATIONAL SCOUTS 1957 MARINER BOAT AND MOTOR - FIREARMS 1970 STARCRAFT TRAVEL TRAILERGEO SPECTRUM NEW DR PROFESSIONAL 1 TON VERSA TRAILER For Photos and Further Information Visit WWW.MUNYSELLS.COM or Call 937.687.1919 937-687-1919


Market, Hunter McCafferty, Kaylee McDaniel, Haleigh McDermitt, Ayden McFarland, Crystal McFerran, Isaac Mendenhall, Nicholas Moore, Braydon Osmer, Emma Palmer, Addison Plessinger, Dakota Price, Jayden Reynolds, Jack Royer, Brianna Schillingotson, Nathan Shaffer, Dylan Stump, Samantha Stump, Natalee Swallow, Aleah Tomlinson, Lee Trittschuh, Madison Warner, Lance Watkins, Trey Wogerman, Ricky Wyatt, and Emma Wynn

Sixth Grade

Highest Honors – Trevor Coppess, Noah Ellis, Avery Ernst, Tessa Fine, Kate Garber, Kenna Jenkinson, Tyler McKinniss, Alexis Slade, Ella Strawn, Luke Swensen, and Emma Tanner Honor Roll – Alexis Arnett, Joshua Baker, Lindsay Bandedo, Alaina Baughn, Carson Beach, Izzabelle Bowersock, Seth Branham, Hannah Carroll, Kyleigh Clark, Katelynn Cleere, Demitrius Clemens, Jarrod DeMange, Owen Denlinger, Autumn Dicke, Keith Elam, Nolan Ellis, Hunter Fannin, Skylar Fletcher, Drew Flora, Lukas Francis, Maisie Garrett, Samantha Gartenman, Damien Gates, Morgan Hanes, Khara Hartzell, Nathaniel Hittle, Brandon Howard, Emma Howard, Kamryn Hupman, Alexander Klopf, Mason Middlestetter, Patricia Sanchez, AJ Shaffer, Nick Snyder, Katy Startseva, Noah Stevens, Samantha Suter, Grace Swafford, Rheagan Wykes, LEGAL NOTICE

GREENVILLE – Greenville Middle School is pleased to announce its fourth nine-week academic honors.



Weekly Auctions now featuring audio/video bidding. Convenience fee for on-line bidders only.

and Ashlyn Zimmer Merit Roll – Braden Addis, Gabrielle Balcom, Chloe Brown, Xander Brown, Ty Bush, Logan Chalmers, Kelly Combs, Caydance Davidson, Aubrey Deal, Breanna Deal, Jazmine DeMoss, Aaron Dixon, Carter Elliott, Braydon Fleming, Brianna Flory, Larissa Foureman, Taz Gantt, Gabriel Gibson, Aidan Harrison, Rick Heidrich, Ethan Hudson, Jaden Johnson, Aleihs Jones, Colby Jones, Dean Jones, Emily Kreider, Caden Lecklider, Haiden Livingston, Noah Mansfield, Jarrod Mason, Jaybin McFaddin, Lainey Miller, Minaxi Pandey, Tyson Pool, Mckenzie Pressnall, Abigail Raffel, Abigail Randolph, Donovan Rogers, Joshua Ruble, Emma Sanders, Jacob Schmitmeyer, Hannah Shiverdecker, Mariah Stevens, Marissa Sypolt, Jackson Thomas, Isabelle Wead, and Gracie West

Seventh Grade

Highest Honors – Mackenzie Baker, Paige Benton, Jenna Hughes, Elizabeth McKinney, Nathan Miniard, Emmie Myers, Kate Rehmert, and Kara Thompson Honor Roll – Andrew Abell, Andrew Adkins, Jordan Badger, Parker Bailey, Dominick Baker, Sam Bankson, Joel Barhorst, Brianna Barnhart, Jacob Barr, Alex Baumgardner, Kierah Beavins, Novalee Becraft, Cole Blumenstock, Emalee Bowling, Ashlee Brumbaugh, Laikyn Bruner, Million Bryant, Hayden Bush, Jason Byrum, Cam-


On July 11, 2017, the City of Greenville, Ohio adopted the following legislation: • Ordinance #17-79 supplemental appropriations • Ordinance #17-80 suspend enforcement of codified ordinances chapter 828, pertaining to the conduct of home sales in connection with the “World’s Longest Yard Sale” event. This ordinance has an emergency clause. • Resolution #17-81 hiring and compensation of Assistant Directors of Law effective July 1, 2017 • Resolution #17-82 authorize the S/S Dir. to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement and/or Local Transportation Improvement Program(s) and to execute contracts as required. This resolution has an emergency clause. This legislation can be read and examined in its entirety at the office of the City Auditor, Room 200, Municipal Building, Greenville, Ohio, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday and 8:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. on Friday. Vicki Harris, Clerk Greenville City Council Approved: Eric Brand, Law Director 7/16, 7/23 2T


On July 18, 2017, the City of Greenville, Ohio adopted the following legislation: • Resolution #17-83 accept bid for street paving for 2017 • Ordinance #17-84 supplemental appropriations • Ordinance #17-85 waive the water tap-in fee for YOLO project • Ordinance #17-86 authorize a closure of the transit facility fire fund • Resolution #17-87 authorize the filing of a petition for appropriation for a certain portion of private property. This resolution has an emergency clause. • Ordinance #17-88 approve a contract with Darke County Visitor’s Bureau and Mainstreet Greenville and grant a variance This legislation can be read and examined in its entirety at the office of the City Auditor, Room 200, Municipal Building, Greenville, Ohio, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday and 8:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. on Friday.

(937) 316-8400 (937) 459-7686

Vicki Harris, Clerk Greenville City Council Approved: Eric Brand, Law Director 7/23, 7/30 2T

eron Clark, James Clark, Hunter Class, Danielle Cowart, Logan Dapore, Karmen DeHart, Seth Delk, Emma Delong, Alexis Durst, Eleanor Dutcher, Kaytlyn Everest, Brianna Fellers, Saige Fellers, Alaina Fishbaugh, Eli Flanery, Sara Flippo, Talasia Foland, Leah Fry, Hannah Gartenman, Isaiah Gilmore, Kaitlyn Gonzalez, Leticia Gonzalez, Taylor Gonzalez, Chloe Good, Isaac Gulley, Cheyanne Hartsock, Emma Haupt, Hayleigh Head, Jordyn Hines, Luke Hocker, Jenna Horne, Bryce Hott, Shane Houdeshell, Maggie House, Adron Howard, Elizabeth Hummel, Kristen Hunt, Rowan Huston, Maxwell Jordan, Alex Kolb, Madison Kolb, Maci Lewis, Yuxuan Lin, Makayla Martin, Kaijsa Maxwell, Ja’lynn McCombs, Kaylie McGreevey, Mollie McLear, Angelika Myers, Truman Nicholas, Haile Nichols, Jenna Pike, Spencer Pike, Harrison Plessinger, Megan Ratcliff, Reina Rockey, Kylee Rohr, Kie Roosa, Abigail Sandlin, Eden Sgro, Seth Shaffer, Shyanne Slade, Hannah Sloan, Isabella Smith, Alex Snell, Owen Snyder, Olivia Speer, Gavin Stastny, Hayden Stewart, Winifred Stiefel, Dalton Swank, Braci Swisshelm, Rileigh Swisshelm, Logan Thatcher, Austin Thobe, Emma Tutwiler, Jacob Wasson, Alayna Wilson, Valerie Withrow, George Worden, Emily Wright, and David Zimmer Merit Roll – Mallorie Anthony, De’sire’e Banfill, Shane Benedict, Breana Braun, Shane Breig, Keith Brewer, Liz Brunson, Anthony Combs, Caylynn Cook, Nolan Curtis, Brooklynn Davis, Zack Denniston, Shelby Evans, Taylor Gardner, Jordan Gump, Brandon Henninger, Julia Herron, Jared Hite, Javon Hittle, Savannah Hoop, Conner Hoover, Owen Jankowski, Tori Kimmel, Jeremiah Knight, Ethan Knoop, Evan Laughead, Xavier Maitlen, Kayleigh Marshall, Makyla McFarland, Hannah Mitchell, Steven Nguyen, Luke Nibert, Rileigh Norton, Ethan Palmer, Braxton Peters, Naomi Pieper, Makayla Pitman, Trinity Reis, Brandon Rihm, Savanna Sabroff, Brianna Schrock, Ashton Shaffer, Ethan Smith, Ethan Spencer, Bradley Stewart, Wyatt Trissel, Jacob Warren, Tyler Watson, Destiny Werner, and Michael Wolfe

Eighth Grade

Highest Honors – Kendra Arnold, Addyson Halcomb, and Kary Tollefson Honor Roll – Coltin Addis, Casey Baker, Tommy

Bandedo, Jordan Booher, Zachary Burgan, Brooklynn Bush, Jaden Cress, Mandy Denlinger, Milan Denlinger, Khale Donthnier, Ryan Dull, Isaac Elliott, Aubrey Evers, Kailey Fourman, Kole Francis, Noah Frazee, Chloe Freeman, Brooke Garber, Reed Hanes, Reese Hartle, Lane Hartzell, Tristan Heaton, Logan Hittle, Austin Jolley, Drayk Kallenberger, Teaha Kaufhold, Felicity Lance, Jesse Lavy, Priscilla Livingston, Faith Mansfield, Katlin Marshall, Sarah McDaniel, Connor McFaddin, Conner Mills, Lynndee Miltenberger, Landon Muhlenkamp, James Normile, Luke Perreira, Nathan Perreira, Allison Powell, Alex Rasool, Kristin Rieman, Joy Schaaf, Jaden Sensano, Brianna Smedley, Gabe Stevens, Alexander Strait, Ashley Strosnider, Alexander Subler, Aaron Suter, Abbygail Sutton, Brittni Walker, Cristian Warner, Jordan Warner, Jacob Watson, Eva Woodworth, and Abigail Yoder Merit Roll – Ryleigh Barber, Phoebe Bright, Katelyn Brodrick, Jace Bunger, Levi Byers, Sydni Byers, Kendall Cleere, Anna Comer, Riley Emerick, Brooke Ferguson, Daniel Fields, Cameron Fletcher, Lilian Gerace, Paige Hall, Mary Hart, Cheyenne Harter, Jacob Hinshaw, Keegan Honeyman, Aaron Matthew, Colt Miller, Hayden Nealeigh,

Deanna Osborne, Anson Phillips, Abigail Pooler, Aeris Raffel, Cole Sanders, Grace Shaffer, Hadyn Sharp, Emily Snyder, Kirsten St Myers, Saman-

tha Straw, Joseph Thomas, Harley West, Gavin Williams, Mikayla Wiskerchen, Bradley Wynn, Olivia York, and Jiahao Zhang


ANSONIA – The Ansonia FFA chapter showed their American pride by participating in the 4th of July parade through the streets of Ansonia on July 1. The dedicated team of officers put together a beautiful float that was pulled through the entire route of the parade where they threw candy at everyone they saw, and the occasional water balloon. Pictured are some of the officers Olivia Wright, Amber Bergman, Katie Werts, Katelyn McKenna, and Mark Mayo.



10:00 AM

5306 BROWN RD. VERSAILLES, OH 45380 Directions: From Greenville, Ohio take US 127 north to Brown Rd, turn left or west to auction site on the right. (watch for signs day of auction) Truck 1993 Ford Ranger XLT, 5-speed manual with 129,292 miles, in nice condition. Tractors and Equipment WD Allis Chalmers w/loader; 8N Ford; Case pull type rotary mower; New Idea Model 12A manure spreader in good condition; 2 bottom mounted breaking plow; 3 bottom mounted breaking plow; 2 row rear mount cultivator; 3 pt blade; Farmer Exchange conveyor. Shop Items Craftsman T1000 Lawn Tractor 42” deck; Yard Machine 5 Hp 24” snow blower; Craftsman 10Hp, 5600 watt generator 110-220 volt; Huskee 22 ton log splitter; Lazy Boy Deluxe rear tine tiller; Clarke air compressor; Poulan chainsaw; string trimmer; hedge trimmers; long handled tools; Stanley 8’ stepladder; battery charger; stand grinder; car ramps; log chains; grease guns; 2 wheel cart; platform scales; leather working tools. Collectibles Very nice oak drop front secretary; beautifully restored Indiana style porcelain top kitchen cupboard; Seller’s side cabinet; oak wash stand; kerosene lamp; early Great Heart Coal wooden wall thermometer, Peabody Coal Co.; 20 and 50 lb Buchy lard cans; 8 qt White Mountain ice cream freezer; Griswold and Wagner cast iron skillets; iron lock box; Big Bang safety cannon; Lindstrom’s wind up outboard motor; Gem City wood stove; McGuffey Readers; early Robin Hood book. Household Maple dining table w/6 chairs; end tables; sofa; recliners; 4 piece bedroom suite; pots, pans, dishes; Consew commercial sewing machine; 2-Singer sewing machines; armoire with shelves; sliding door bookcase; metal folding chairs; iron bed; several very nice paintings by Jean Grosch; western saddle; English saddle; tack. Guns Sears model 60 .22 semi-automatic rifle; .32 Smith & Wesson revolver; double barrel 10 gauge shotgun; double barrel 12 gauge shotgun; double barrel muzzle loader. Musical Instruments Yamaha guitar; Alvares guitar; George Washburn mandolin; Oscar Schmidt Autoharp, 2 dulcimers; E R Pfretzschner violin.


Terms: cash or good check w/proper ID. Discover, MC, Visa accepted w/3% fee. www.auctionzip.com User ID 11883. Lunch by Heavy Smokers BBQ.

Never a buyer’s premium.

Ansonia Jr. High enjoys Ag Fun Day

ANSONIA – On May 26, the Ansonia FFA hosted a Jr. High Ag Fun Day at Ansonia Local Schools. This day provided a great opportunity for the FFA officers to speak to the junior high students about different activities that the FFA participate in, and, how much work it takes to properly run all of the events. The junior highers were split up into four different color groups: red, blue, green and purple. The different color groups would travel together throughout the day to all of the different stations. The students would go to four stations (20 minutes at each), and finish with participating in a few fun games. The first sta-

Ansonia Jr. High students lined up across from their partner, patiently awaiting the start of the balloon toss game.

tion the students attended was the Greenhouse Management Station. Here, the students learned how to properly maintain plants in the greenhouse. The second station was the Livestock Judging Station. This stop tested the students on learning various parts of sheep

and goats, while exploring some of the things that judges look for in shows. Live sheep and goats were on site to provide hands-on experience. The next station, titled “What is FFA,” gave students the opportunity to learn about the basics of FFA. Finally, the last sta-

tion was the “Paraphernalia Station” where students discovered how to set up a proper FFA meeting. After the students passed through all of the stations, they participated in some exciting games. The first game they played is a balloon pop game where they each had a balloon tied to their ankle and they had to try and pop another person’s balloon that had the same color as theirs’. The last person with their color of balloon, unpopped, won the game. The next game the students played was a candy game where they split back up into their color groups and sucked up a Smartie with the end of a straw and carried it a few feet

where they were to drop the Smartie into a bowl. The first group to have all of their Smarties gone was deemed the winner. Next up was a balloon toss where each student grabbed a partner to see who could toss their water balloon between themselves the farthest before it busted. The final game was a cup-pass game where participants would fill up a cup that had holes in it and pass it down a line and dump the remaining water in a bowl. The group that could fill up their bowl the fastest, wins. This action packed day required a lot of preparation for the FFA officers, but the Jr. High students had fun, and that’s what makes it all worth it in the end.

July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 21

Bistro Off Broadway sponsors DCCA shows GREENVILLE – Darke County Center for the Arts recognizes Ted and Diana Abney, owners of The Bistro Off Broadway, for their sponsorship of DCCA’s 20162017 Connections Season and for their continued support of the arts in Darke County. The Abney’s recently hosted and sponsored the sold out Coffee House Series performance of “Blues from the Heart of the Rock & Roll City” featuring Cleveland blues singers Austin “Walkin’ Cane” and Kristine Jackson. According to DCCA’s Artistic Director Keith Rawlins, “The Abney’s are a great example of strong community

Austin “Walkin’ Cane” & Kristine Jackson after their performance at The Bistro Off Broadway with Ted and Diana Abney, owners of The Bistro Off Broadway, and Andrea Jordan, DCCA executive director.

supporters; they not only strengthen downtown Greenville by providing a full service restaurant, but also enhance the quality of life in our community by supporting the performing arts and making it possible for DCCA to present high quality artists at a reasonable ticket price.” The Bistro Off

Broadway and Ted & Diana Abney were also spotlight sponsors for the sold out Artists Series presentation of We Banjo 3 at Memorial Hall in February. For more information on DCCA and upcoming events, contact the DCCA office at 5470908 or www.centerforarts.net.

VERY LARGE SATURDAY, JULY 29, 2017 9:00AM KIRBY LYONS AUCTION FACILITY OUTSTANDING SEBRING-WARNER RD., GREENVILLE, OHIO 45331 QUALITY AUCTION 5378 DOORS OPEN AT 8:00AM *2 AUCTION RINGS* Directions: Approx. 30 miles NORTH of Dayton, Ohio. From the intersection of S.R. 49 and U.S. 127 Bypass, take U.S. 127 NORTH approx. ¼ mile to Sebring-Warner Rd. and turn RIGHT or EAST to auction site, just 2 buildings EAST of the “Early Bird”. (WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS ON SALE DAY)

JOHN DEERE TRACTOR & ACCESSORIES PACKAGE – TRACTORS & FORKLIFT 2016 John Deere 4044-R (Diesel) Tractor with H-180 Hyd. Front Loader w/84” Bucket, 4x4 Remotes, Shuttle Shift, Hi/Lo Trans., 1-Local Owner, only 25 Hrs. Absolutely new Condition. 2016 Frontier S.B. 1184 P.T.O. Tractor Snow Blower 7 Ft. Brand New (Never Used). 2016 Frontier G.M. 2084 3-Point P.T.O. 7 Ft. Finish Mower. 2016 Frontier 7 Ft. 3-Point Grader Blade. 1989 White 100 Diesel Tractor, Full View Cab, A/C, 18.4-38 Rubber, Dual Remotes, (2) Owners, only 1,597 Hrs., Outstanding Condition, all Original, Books, Manuals, Don’t Miss This One! International 766 Diesel Tractor, Wide Frt., Full View Cab, 3-Point, Remotes, 18.4-34 Rubber, A/C, only 2,875 Hrs., Nice. Massey Ferguson 65 Gas Tractor, Wide Front, Hi/Lo Trans., only 2,471 Hrs., Runs/Looks Good. 1944 Farmall “H”, (2) Owners, 3-Point Hitch, Good Rubber, Good Paint, Super Nice. Farmall “M” Tractor w/Hyd. Loader, Trip Bucket, Runs Good, Ser. #:FBK-289649X1. International 504 Reverse Fork Lift, 21 Ft. Height, Runs & Works Good. I.H. Cub Low Boy with Belly Mower. John Deere “B” Tractor, 6 Spd. Trans. Allis Chalmers “B” Tractor w/Starter & Lights. 1954 Super “M”-TA Pulling Tractor. FARM EQUIPMENT New Holland #900 Metalert II Forage Harvester, P.T.O. w/Monitor, Corn Head (Very Nice); Gehl Hi-Throw P.T.O. Auger Blower; New Holland Mdl. #716 P.T.O. Silage Wagon Tandem Axel; Badger Mdl. #:BN 950 P.T.O. Silage Wagon Tandem Axel; New Idea #19 P.T.O. Manure Spreader; Yetter #3412 3-Pt. Rotary Hoe; 40 Ft. P.T.O. 6” Auger; Farm-Fans A13-8B Portable Auto Grain Dryer-L.P.; 12 Ft., 14 Ft. & 16 Ft. Flatbed Hay Wagons; Hesson Lg. 3 Pt. Hale Bale Mover; 6 Ft. 3 Pt. Disc; 4 Ft. Dbl. Whl. Arena Finish Tool; Woods R.M. 372 6 Ft. 3 Pt. Finish Mower; Keen Kutter 7 Ft. Pull Type Rotary Mower; 7 Ft. 3 Pt. Grader Blade; J.D. #207 3-Pt. P.T.O. Rotary Mower; Pair of 150 Gal. Tractor Saddle Tanks & Acc.; Hanson 7 Ft. P.T.O. 3-Pt. Snow Blower; Set of 18.4-34 Clamp on Duals; several Portable Fuel Tanks & Pumps; 12 Ft. Pipe Gate; (2) 14 Ft. Wood Gates; 12 Ft. Belt Handler Auger; several Augers; Ford 7 Ft. 3-Pt. P.T.O. Flail Mower; Brillion & Caldwell Rotary P.T.O. Mowers; John Deere 5-16’s Plow; New Idea 201 P.T.O. Manure Spreader; Pequa #910 Hay Tedder; (5) J&M 250 Hopper Wagons (1) w/J&M Hyd. Auger & J.D. Gears; 14 Ft. Flatbed Hay Wagon; Pr. of 400 Gal. Poly Saddle Tanks; 1000 Gal. Poly Tank; Set of 15.5-38 Duals; 6 Ft. Woods 3-Pt. Finish Mower; 1975 Ford F-700 18 Ft. Grain Bed Truck w/Hoist, Tandem Axel. TRAILERS 2004 Big Tex 16 Ft. x 8 Ft. Car Trailer w/Dove Tail, Ramps, Elec. Brakes, 6-Lug Wheels, Super Nice; T.S.C. 5 Ft. x 8 Ft. Utility Trailer w/Rear Ramp Gate, Fenders, Spare Tire (Like New); Haulin 4 Ft. x 6 Ft. Tilt Bed Utility Trailer (Nice); 16 Ft. Tandem Axel Utility Trailer w/Ramp, Weed Trimmer; Racks, Pental Hook Hitch, Alum. Wheels; 2004 20 Ft. Cargo Trailer, Tandem Axel, Swing Doors, some damage; 36 Ft. Gooseneck Enclosed Cargo Trailer w/Ramp Door. BOATS Coleman 17 Ft. Poly Flat Bottom Fishing Canoe; Sunfish 14 Ft. Fiberglass Sail Boat w/Dilly Trailer; Wood 12 Ft. Sailboat w/Trailer. GOLF CART – 3-WHEELER – GO CART - MOTORCYCLE Club Car Elec. Golf Cart w/Roof (newer Batteries & Charger); Manco 5 H.P. 3-Wheeler; Honda C.B. 100 Motorcycle; Elec. Scooter (runs good); Go Cart Airplane w/Onan Gas Engine. GUNS & GUN SAFE Marlin 22 L. Rifle Mdl. 25N w/Tasco 3-7x20 Scope; Mossburg 20 Ga. Mdl. 185K-A Bolt Action Shot Gun; Mossburg 410 Shot Gun; Newport 16 Ga. Mdl. WN Single Shot; Winchester (Key Pad) Locking Gun Safe Mdl. #:TS-22, holds 25+ Guns (like new). 3 COMMERCIAL ESTATE MOWERS Toro #345 Groundsmaster Estate Mower, 72” Cut, Hyd. Front Deck, 4 Cyl. Ford Engine, only 750 Hrs., Super Nice; Toro #345 Groundsmaster Estate Mower, 72” Cut, Hyd. Front Deck, 4 Cyl. Ford Engine, 3,223 Hrs.; Toro Pro-Line #120 Estate Mower, 52” Cut, Hyd. Front Deck, 25 H.P., only 1,353 Hrs. QUALITY FURNITURE Brown “Leather” Dual Reclining Sofa (Nice); Oak Dining Room Pedestal Table w/(8) Chairs & (2) Leaves; Light Tan “Leather” (3) Cushion Sofa (Nice); Large Flat Screen TV Stand; Insignia 50” Flat Screen TV w/Remote; Pair of Oak Lamp Tables; Leather Chair & Ottoman (Ruffled Grouse Society Chair); Oak Elec. Fireplace; Base Rocker; Piano Bench; 4 Pc. Bedroom Suite including: King Sleigh Bed, Dresser & Mirror, 6 Dr. Chest of Drawers, Night Stand; (2) Oak Cedar Chests w/Padded Lids; Maroon “Leather” Dual Reclining Elec. Vibrating Sofa, Nice; Maroon “Leather” Recliner; Oak Sofa Table; 4 Pc. Empire Style Bedroom Suite including: High Back Queen Bed w/Leather inlay on Head & Foot Boards, Dresser w/Marble Top, Chest w/Marble Top, Wardrobe w/Marble Top; 21” Flat Screen TV (Zenith); Oak Cabinet with Glass Doors, 1 Pc. (Nice); 3 Dr. Oak Chest of Drawers; 4 Pc. Bedroom Suite including: Queen Poster Bed, Maple Chest of Drawers, Dresser & Mirror, Night Stand; Blanket Chest; Lane Upright Cedar Lined Cabinet; sev. nice Lamps; (2) Wicker Patio Settees; Standing Jewelry Cabinet; Quilt Rack. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES 3 Ft. Metal Atlas Antifreeze Thermometer; Pair of 1926 Illinois License Plates; (2) Wood Dovetail Boxes; Early Metal Fire Chief Pedal Car; Mercedes Pedal Car; Flat Top Steamer Trunk; Glass Insulators; Wood Wagon Wheel Chandelier; Portable Suitcase 50’s Picnic Set; John Wayne & Lone Ranger Metal Signs; Pair of Pony Boy Cap Guns & Holsters; Western Beer Steins; sev. Bryers Horses; Roy Rogers 10 Cent “Dell” Framed Comic Book; Concrete Horse Head Bench; (2) Sets of Western Spurs; #1 Crock; sev. Longaberger Baskets; Oil Lamps; Oak Buggy Seat w/Springs; sev. Roy Rogers Golden Books; Lone Ranger & Gene Autry Books; Roy Rogers 45 Record; (2) Roy Rogers Figurines on Horses; Western Jim Beam Decanters; Costume Jewelry. POWER EQUIPMENT & TOOLS (2)Troy Bilt Gas Leaf Blowers; Poulan Gas Chain Saw; Elec. Chain Saw; B&D Hedge Trimmers; Honda EN 2500 Gas Generator; 1250 Watt Portable Gas Generator; Troy Bilt 7.0 H.P. Gas 3000 P.S.I. Pressure Washer; Snapper Gas Snow Blower; Gas Walk Mower; Space Heater; Gas Pole Tree Saw; Dewalt Elec. Sawzall; Dewalt Batt. Drills; Circ. Saw; Stack-On Roller Tool Cabinet; misc. Hand Tools; Ryobi Chop Saw; Coleman Upright 6 ½ H.P. 60 Gal. Air Compressor; Dbl. Bench Grinder; 1” Socket Set; Come-A-Long; Clark Mig 130 Wire Welder; 15 Lb. Propane Heater; Sm. Shop Vacuum; Quarts Light w/Reel; (2) Sets of Jack Stands; Metal Chop Saw; Jet 2-Ton Arbor Press; Delta 1” Sander; Delta Scroll Saw; Forney P.T.O. Generator Mdl. #:P.T.O. 20-F 115/230 Single Phase, 20,000 – 25,000 Watts; Acetylene Torch Set w/Cart; Hobart Elec. Welder; Rockwell 10” Tilting Arbor Table Saw; (2) Reese Hitch Receivers; Reese Hitch Type Cargo Carrier; (2) 15 Gal. 12-Volt Pull Type Yard Sprayers; 1000 Lb. Platform Scales; “Blue Ox” Tow Bar System; Flex Head Torque Wrench; Lincoln Welding Rods; Pair of 5 Ft. Alum. Ramps; Alum. Ref. 2 Whl. Hand Truck. GARAGE & MISC. Sev. Metal Work Benches; (2) Lg. Wood Parts Shelves; (2) Poly Roller Carts; (2) Coleman 6 Ft. Storage Cabinets; (3) Coleman Base Cabinets; (2) Coleman Wall Cabinets; Alum. (3) Hole Hunting Dog Box w/Fans (Nice); Alum. (2) Hole Hunting Dog Box; Lg. Portable Dog Kennel; Wood Dog Box; Portable Dog Crate; Natl. Gas Shop Furnace; lots of Poly Fuel Cans; Lg. 4 Ft. Barn Fan; misc. Golf Cart Tires & Parts; Ski Board; Clay Pigeon Thrower w/Seat; 5 Boxes of New Clay Pigeons; Extension & Step Ladders; Rubber Maid 100 Gal. Water Trough; Galv. Tub; 6 Ft. Wood Feed Box w/ Lid; Goose Neck Trl. Hitch; S.S. Gas Grill; Charcoal Grill; Bolts; Screws; Nails; Elec. Wire; Ext. Cords; Fishing Poles; Pitch Forks; Long Handle Yard Tools; sev. Wheel Barrows; sev. Bicycles; Pro Weight Machine; (2) Treadmills; 1989 Chevy C-30 4 Door Dually 2 WD 454 V-8, Auto (Salvage only); 1988 G.M.C. 3500 Dually 7.4 Liter Big Block, Reg. Cab, 147,563 Miles (Salvage only); Bobcat Walk Behind Comm. Self. Propelled Mower; Troy Bilt 8 H.P. 33” Cut Self Propelled Mower; 12” Gas Sod Cutter; (2) Draw Tite 5th Wheel Camper Hitches; Draw Tite Gooseneck Ball & Plate Hitch. HOUSEHOLD Decorative Picture Frames; Horse Dishes; Silverware; Baking Dishes; Kitchen Utensils; Elec. Kitchen Appliances; Tupperware; Pots; Pans; Cookbooks; 33 Record Albums; Blankets; Quilts; Etc. HORSE EQUIPMENT Halters; Twitches; Lead Ropes; new Sheets; Blankets; Coolers; Bits; Leg Wraps; Vacuums; Saddle Racks; Whips; Tale Extensions; Clippers; Measure Stick; Hooks; Brushes; Cleaning & Prep items; Show Belts; Hair Ribbons; Stall Picks; Muck Buckets; Tack Carts; Wagon; 2 Whl. Cart. SADDLES 16” Speed Roper Western Saddle; Australian Riding Saddle; older Western Saddle. BOOTS (2) Pairs of Lucchesse Size 8 Sting Ray Western Boots; Size 8 Alligator Western Boots; Size 8 Ostrich Western Boots; Western Hats & Hat Boxes. APPLIANCES Frigidaire Upright Freezer; G.E. Side-By-Side Ref./Freezer; Whirlpool Cabrio Washer/Dryer.


Office: 937.316.8400 Cell: 937.459.7686 Michel Werner Auctioneer

• ALL items must be paid for the day of auction. • ALL items are sold as is. • TERMS: Cash or Good Check with Proper Photo ID; Visa / MC / Discover accepted with a 3% Clerk Fee added. • Visit us online @ www.auctionzip.com and enter USER I.D. #8673 for photos and information. • Food Available on Site! • Open Friday, July 28th from 9:00AM to 5:00PM for Inspection. REMEMBER: +++Never, Ever a Buyer’s (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions…What You Bid Is What You Pay! We work for our sellers, we appreciate our buyers, and we love our profession! Kirby & Staff

PAGE 22 July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


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Rebate on 4 See store for details







Rebate on 4



Rebate on 4

See store for details




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See store for details


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Rebate on 4

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July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 23



Jason Drew-Owner Phone (937) 548-3334

295 North Ohio Street Greenville, Ohio 45331

Exhaust, Tires, Brakes Oil Changes, General Maintenance Hours: M-F 8-6

Internment story comes to Versailles COMPLETE

VERSAILLES – The Carl and Anna Fuhr family immigrated to the United States from Germany in 1927 and 1928 and settled in Cincinnati. In 1940, they were told by the Naturalization Service and the FBI to register at the post office. Then in 1942 they were taken into custody. Without a hearing they were ordered into internment. They boarded a train and headed to their “new” home in Crystal City, Texas. And their crime... they were German immigrants during WWII. The camp was like a prison. Fences were 12-feet high and guard towers every 50 yards. There is much more to this story. Join Eberhard Fuhr, their son, to hear the rest of the story. He

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Carl and Ann Fuhr family - (standing) Gerhard, Anna, Eberhard, Julius and (seated) Carl.

will give his talk on Sunday, July 30 at the Versailles High Performing Arts Center at 2 p.m. This event is sponsored by the Versailles Area Historical Society. Fuhr has a local connection, as

he is Rosemary Paulus’ cousin. This event is free and open to the public. The museum will be closed on July 30 so volunteers may attend this special program.





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2016 GMC ¾ TON H.D. DENALI CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 6.6L diesel, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, gray 4,438 miles ................................................................................................. $60,995.........$59,900 2015 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, all power, one owner, like new, crystal red, 27,975 miles $24,995.........$23,500 2015 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, one owner, exc. cond., gray, 20,483 miles ........ $19,995.........$18,900 2015 CHEVY SILVERADO REG. CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., red, 37,779 miles ........................................................................................................................... $24,995.........$23,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LS FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, exc. cond., champagne silver, 32,992 miles ..................................................................................................... $15,995.........$14,500 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT DOUBLE CAB 4WD, 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, white, 45,613 miles ........................................................................................................................ $28,995.........$27,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, leather, loaded, super nice, crystal red, 26,977 miles ................................................................................................................ $21,995.........$20,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, nice, diamond white, 26,794 miles ......................................................................................................... $22,995.........$21,900 2014 GMC TERRAIN SLE FWD, 2.4L, 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., silver, 25,396 miles ....................... $17,995.........$16,900 2014 BUICK ENCORE AWD, 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, black, 24,441 miles............. $21,995.........$20,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, like new, black, 19,870 miles ............... $19,995.........$18,500 2014 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 4WD, 2.0L, 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, blue, 59,358 miles .......................................................................................................................... $20,995.........$19,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, sunroof, loaded, super nice, white, 54,687 miles ........................................................................................................................ $18,995.........$17,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., crystal red, 27,223 miles ................................................................................................................ $24,995.........$22,900 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT, CREW CAB 4X4 PU, 5.3L V8, loaded, one owner, very nice, black, 68,168 miles ........................................................................................................................ $28,995.........$27,900 2013 CHEVY TAHOE LTZ 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, DVD system, loaded, sharp, diamond white, 61,658 miles ......................................................................................................... $36,995.........$35,900 2013 NISSAN ROGUE SL AWD, 2.5L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, all power, sharp, maroon, 49,351 miles $16,995.........$15,500 2013 CHEVY AVALANCHE 4X4, 5.3L V8, one owner, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, black, 45,651 miles ........................................................................................................................ $31,995.........$30,900 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, diamond white, 114,372 miles ....................................................................................................... $15,995.........$14,900 2013 GMC TERRAIN DENALI AWD, 3.6L, V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, black, 26,787 miles................................................................................................................................... $28,995.........$25,900 2013 CHEVY CAPTIVA LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., white, 53,454 miles....................... $12,995.........$11,500 2013 GMC SIERRA SLT 2WD CREW CAB PU, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, super nice, maroon, 39,598 miles................................................................................................................................... $29,995.........$28,900 2012 GMC TERRAIN SLT FWD, 3.0L, V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., gray, 42,697 miles .......................................................................................................................... $20,995.........$19,500 2012 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB, 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, all power, super nice, brown, 25,663 miles .................................................................................................... $27,995.........$26,500 2012 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN, 3.6L V6, Stow & Go seating, all power, super nice, black, 61,716 miles ........................................................................................................................ $16,995.........$15,900 2011 FORD FLEX SEL FWD, 3.5L V6, all power, one owner, nice, blue, 205,198 miles ......................... $7,995...........$6,500 2011 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, all power, very nice, blue, 111,816 miles ........................................................................................................................ $15,995.........$14,500 2008 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 3.4L V6, loaded, very nice, white, 249,777 miles ............................... $5,995...........$4,900 2008 CHEVY AVALANCHE LS 4WD, 5.3L, V8, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 61,039 miles ....................... $20,995.........$19,500 2008 SATURN OUTLOOK XR FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, nice, light blue, 168,584 miles .................................................................................................................. $8,995...........$7,500 2006 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, black, 102,187 miles ...................................................................................................................... $13,995.........$12,500 2005 BUICK TERRAZA CXL VAN, 3.5L, V6, leather, DVD player, loaded, good cond., blue, 202,472 miles .......................................................................................................................... $3,995...........$2,900 2005 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., diamond white, 150,250 miles ....................................................................................................... $10,995...........$9,500 2004 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 105,466 miles ...................... $7,995...........$6,900 2004 CHEVY COLORADO REG CAB 2WD P.U., 2.8L 4 cyl., 5 speed, air, sharp, yellow, 166,455 miles ....................................................................................................................... $7,995...........$6,500





2004 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4WD, 4.3L, V6, all power, exc. cond., blue, 148,224 miles ................. $6,995 ...........$5,900 2003 DODGE DURANGO SLT 4WD, 5.9L, V8, leather, loaded, good cond., black, 191,714 miles ......... $5,995 ...........$4,500 2003 FORD ¾ TON CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 6.0L diesel, all power, good cond., beige, 219,880 miles ... $11,995...........$9,900 2003 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4.2L 6 cyl., one owner, loaded, very nice, beige, 214,383 miles ........................................................................................................................ $5,995...........$3,900 2003 DODGE RAM ½ TON SLT CREW CAB 4x4 P.U., 4.7L V8, loaded, good cond., black, 153,115 miles ........................................................................................................................ $7,995 ...........$6,900 2002 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER LIMITED EDITION, 2.4L, 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, purple, 231,729 miles....................................................................................................................... $3,995 ...........$2,500 2002 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L, V8, leather, loaded, good cond,. red, 230,992 miles ............. $7,995 ...........$6,500 2002 DODGE DURANGO SXT 4X4, 4.7L, V8, leather, good cond., blue, 206,717 miles ........................ $4,995...........$3,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4X4, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 208,621 miles .................................................................................................................... $6,995...........$5,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, good cond., maroon, 226,550 miles .................................................................................................................... $5,995...........$3,900 2002 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB 4WD P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., white, 101,500 miles .................................................................................................... $10,995...........$9,500 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 142,478 miles ..................................................................................................... $9,995...........$8,900 2001 CHEVY BLAZER LS 4X4, 4 dr., 4.3L V6, leather, loaded, good cond., blue, 281,398 miles ........... $3,995 ...........$2,900 2001 FORD F150 XLT SUPER CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.6L V8, 5 speed, loaded, good cond., red, 146,376 miles........................................................................................................ $5,995...........$2,900 2000 MERCURY VILLAGER ESTATE VAN, 3.3L V6, leather, loaded, fair cond., maroon, 150,889 miles .................................................................................................................... $2,995 ...........$1,900 1999 GMC ½ TON SAVANNA CONVERSION VAN, 5.7L V8, fully loaded, very nice, brown, 116,796 miles ....................................................................................................................... $7,995...........$5,900 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats, all power, nice cond., green, 144,748 miles..................... $6,995...........$5,900


2016 CHEVY CRUZE PREMIER, 4 door, 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, like new, white, 23,847 miles ..... $18,995.........$17,900 2016 CHEVY CAMARO 2SS CONVERTIBLE, 6.2L V8, leather, all power, one owner, like new, gray, 1,651 miles ............................................................................................................. $40,995.........$39,900 2015 CHEVY SS, 4 dr., 6.2L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, silver, 6,017 miles .......................... $38,995.........$37,900 2015 CHEVY SPARK, 1.2L 4 cyl., loaded, one owner, exc. cond., blue, 25,590 .................................... $11,995.........$10,500 2015 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, super nice, white, 9,152 miles ................ $19,995.........$18,500 2015 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.5L V6, all power, exc. cond., maroon, 13,095 miles ......................... $18,995.........$17,500 2014 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, diamond white, 56,311 miles ......................................................................................................... $22,995.........$21,500 2014 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., crystal red, 20,260 miles .................... $17,995.........$16,500 2014 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., loaded, super nice, red, 23,345 miles ................................. $13,995.........$12,500 2014 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 door, 1.4L 4 cyl., all power, super nice, blue, 4,421 miles ........................... $14,995.........$13,900 2014 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 door, 1.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, sharp, gray, 25,617 miles .................. $12,995.........$11,900 2014 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.5L V6, all power, like new, blue, 22,786 miles .................................. $16,995.........$15,500 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, all power, exc. cond., blue, 90,043 miles ............................... $11,995...........$9,900 2010 CHEVY CORVETTE GRAND SPORT COUPE, 6.2L V8, 6 speed, leather, loaded, like new, maroon, 2,838 miles........................................................................................................ $46,995.........$45,500 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 115,528 miles ............... $10,995...........$9,500 2007 CHEVY AVEO LS, 4 dr., 1.6L, 4 cyl., 5 speed, loaded, very nice, orange, 107,178 miles............... $5,995...........$4,900 2006 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 163,567 miles .......................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$5,900 2005 CHEVY IMPALA LS, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, white, 118,552 ............................ $7,995 ...........$6,900


2014 BUICK LACROSSE, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, diamond white, 29,781 miles ......................................................................................................... $21,995.........$20,500 2012 FORD FOCUS SE, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., black, 111,220 miles ............... $10,995...........$8,900 2008 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, sunroof, loaded, sharp, gray, 134,241 miles .................... $6,995 ...........$5,500 2006 BUICK LUCERNE CX, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, all power, very nice, blue, 236,603 miles ............................. $4,995 ...........$3,900 2000 BUICK LESABRE LIMITED, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, good cond., blue, 159,340 miles .......................................................................................................................... $4,995 ...........$3,900 2001 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SE, 4 dr., 3.1L V6, all power, fair cond., brown, 191,763 miles ................ $2,995...........$1,500

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PAGE 24 July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


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July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 25

PAGE 26 July 23, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com




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2.49 LB














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1.79 LB








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1.99 LB










Hours: MON-SUN. 7:00A.M.-10:00P.M.













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