Early Bird Newspaper 081218

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Get ready for the 2018 Great Darke County Fair! Look inside today’s edition to find an easy to use fair guide!






Open Re-Grand28-29 Sept.









Commissioners put temporary patch on courthouse steps SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

BCI investigating Greenville Police Officer RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The Early Bird and Bluebag Media has confirmed City of Greenville Police Sgt. Shannon McDaniel is under investigation and could face criminal charges. According to Greenville Police Chief Steve Strick, McDaniel is on paid administrative leave, and is being investigated for off duty conduct. On Monday, the Darke County Commission approved a resolution to hire Mercer County Prosecutor Matthew A. Fox to assist the Darke County Prosecutor’s Office with the investigation of a Greenville Police Officer. Chief Strick shared the case had been turned over to the Darke County Sheriff’s Office (DCSO). Ac-

cording to Chief Deputy Mark Whittaker, of the DCSO, his department requested the investigation be completed by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigations (BCI). BCI confirmed on Wednesday its Special Investigations Unit received the request on Aug. 3 and is currently investigating allegations of alleged criminal misconduct. Because the investigation is ongoing they are not at liberty to share specifics of the investigation. BCI is conducting interviews and gathering evidence and will present the information to the prosecutor to determine if charges will be filed. The Early Bird and Bluebag Media will continue to update this story as information becomes available.

County’s O’Connor officially on the job SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE Already on the job, the county’s new facility and safety manager will be taking time to learn the ropes before officially taking charge Dec. 1. Rodney O’Connor of Union City, Ind. was hired by Darke County Commissioners earlier this summer to replace the retiring John Cook, who has been on the job for the past 21 years. Born and raised in Union City, O’Connor said following high school graduation from Randolph Eastern, he “hit the road running” on his career. Prior to being hired by the county commissioners, he worked as a longterm care director of environmental services and maintenance. The job, he explained, involved dealing with numerous safety issues. As the county’s facility and safety manager, O’Connor will oversee the county’s maintenance teams and facilities. He’s looking forward to

Rodney O’Connor of Union City, Ind. was recently hired as the county’s new facility and safety manager. (Susan Hartley photo)

learning more about the county and meeting its residents. Plus, he said, the drive is a little closer to home than his previous job. “It’s close and I really can tell everyone here is upbeat. When I read the job details, it inspired me to apply,” O’Connor said. O’Connor and his wife Angie are high school sweethearts who have been married 22 years. They are the parents of four children, Emily, 16, Elly, 13 and Scottie and Jac, both 11.

DARKE COUNTY – A temporary fix has been made to the Darke County Courthouse steps. Late last week, commissioners asked the county’s new facility and safety manager Rodney O’Connor to patch portions of the deteriorating steps. “It’s definitely a patch,” said Commissioner Mike Stegall, noting the attempt to fix the steps was “temporary.” As of Monday, orange cones and yellow safety tape were still in place keeping patrons from using a portion of the steps. According to Commissioner Mike Stegall, the patch materials totaled $48, plus labor. “The steps are curing,”

Rhoades said late Monday, indicating they will be open for public use as soon as possible. During their regular meeting on Monday, commissioners approved the hiring of Mercer County Prosecutor Matt Fox to assist with two issues including assisting the commissioners’ attorney on issues regarding the courthouse steps and security and also to assist the Darke County Prosecuting Attorney with an investigation involving a Greenville Police officer. Commissioners also approved a fund advance to pay the first two installments to Sunesis Construction for work being completed at the Darke County Airport. The sum of $537,273.60 was transferred from the general fund to an outside fund. The money will be re-

The courthouse steps will soon be open again for public use.

paid to the county through the FFA grant being used to complete the airport renovations. The contractor is currently overdue on the project, following an extension commissioners granted in July after a portion of the west end of the runway was found to be in need of additional work. The extension was

through July 26. In keeping with the contract, Sunesis is paying a $1,000 per day fine, which will be placed in the airport fund, said Mike Rhoades. Rhoades noted that the fine money will not be spent on any other county project, but will be placed in the same fund as airport hangar rental fees and fuel sales.

Council discusses paving, parks and splash pad RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Although the city has approximately $1 million in paving projects planned for 2018, they won’t be started until after Labor Day. Safety Service Director Curt Garrison shared the information with Greenville City Council at its meeting on Tuesday. “That project (maintenance paving) was scheduled to have started already,” said Garrison. The late start by the contractor will ultimately benefit the city. The project was scheduled to be complete by the end of August, but after a meeting with Walls Brothers Asphalt, the city learned the company would not be able to start until after the project was supposed to be completed. Walls Brothers will be required to pay $500 a day

for each day past the due date. “That will motivate them to get the project done,” said Garrison. Birt Street was not part of the maintenance paving contract and it is on track to begin on schedule. According to Garrison, the street will be reconstructed and paved by the end of September. Council learned the curbs have been installed on Fourth Street and the contractor is currently prepping to install sidewalks. The YOLO Urban Park project will need assistance from the city to help lower the cost of moving a utility pole. YOLO had requested DP&L move the pole. “DP&L’s charge to move the pole was a little more exuberant than what YOLO had anticipated,” said Garrison. “What I’m proposing to council, and there would be no change in the budget, is for the city to dig a trench from

the utility pole in the alley to the location of the new pole.” The city would also put the conduit in the ground to help save money on the project. The city’s cost would be the labor cost. Council will also consider applying for an ODNR grant to install a Splash Pad at South Park. The grant would be a dollar for dollar match. The city previously applied for this grant and was denied, but Garrison believes there is a better chance this time of receiving the grant because the city had two other ODNR grants that had not completed when the previous application was submitted. Garrison suggested city council put the issue in a committee to discuss the cost of a Splash Pad and possibly renovating the restrooms at the park so they will become ADA compatible. Council President John Burkett assigned the

issue to the Miscellaneous Affairs & Priority Needs Committee chaired by Dori Howdieshell. “It would be an amazing addition to the park,” said Councilman Jeff Whitaker. Doug Wright chimed in, “I think it would be a great idea.” The application for the grant is due Nov. 1. The grant is available every two years. At Whitaker’s suggestion, council’s Safety Committee will consider updating the 90-minute parking in downtown Greenville to three-hour parking. Whitaker believes there should be a time limit to prevent business owners and residents in that area from taking advantage of the parking spots, but pointed out there were no complaints during this year’s Annie Oakley Sidewalk Sales when the parking restrictions were lifted for that event.

911 Center renovation work to begin soon SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

DARKE COUNTY – By the end of the year, the county’s 911 center, located at the Darke County Sheriff’s Office on County Home Road, will be renovated with the addition of two work stations. On Wednesday, county commissioners approved a bid from Muhlenkamp Building Corporation, located in Coldwater, for $243,516 – well under the engineer’s original estimate of $482,000.

Four bids were received, noted John Cook, facilities and safety manager, with the county’s architect/ engineer for the project, Mote & Associates, recommending Muhlenkamp to commissioners after reviewing all four bids. “We are familiar with low bidder, Muhlenkamp Building Corporation,” wrote Mote & Associates, “and the quality of their work, which was found to be acceptable.” Cook said Mote & Associates had been involved in other projects being completed by Muhlenkamp and “was satisfied with

their work.” The project, which will begin in the next couple weeks, Cook said, will include the inside of the existing 911 Center and adding two additional work spaces. Also, in keeping with the county’s move to the MARCS communication system, the county is hoping to hire two additional personnel for the 911 Center. Commissioner Mike Rhoades also noted that the bugs continue to be worked out with MARCS and some of the new pagers purchased by some

emergency agencies within the county. Even though the county is still “doing a dual system,” there is no money being poured into the old communications system, Rhoades said, noting that once it’s (the old system) is turned off, it will be permanent. Also Wednesday, commissioners approved the 2019 license and other fees for the county’s Animal Shelter. The rates will remain the same, with a one-year dog license costing $16 and a three-year license running $48.


PAGE 2 August 12, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

GPD assists health department with search warrant, finds drugs Search Warrant

On July 27 an officer was in contact with a representative of the Darke County Health Department in regards to a house in the 400 block of Washington Avenue not having running water or electricity. It was also reported the occupants were possibly defecating in the bathtub and in the yard. On July 30 the officer met the health department employee at the Washington Avenue residence and spoke with resident David Newsome. Newsome was advised the health department was there to conduct an inspection and he agreed to allow them inside. During a walk-through of the residence, Newsome led the officer and health department employee into his room. The officer observed an orange plastic cap associated with syringes on the floor and asked Newsome if he had syringes and he said “no.” Newsome had a backpack on an entertainment center with one of the front pockets open. In plain view, the officer saw two syringes in the pocket and asked Newsome about the syringes. He said he was diabetic. The officer asked where his insulin was and he said it was in the refrigerator. The officer asked Newsome if he would show him and Newsome led the officer to the refrigerator. Not remembering that the residence did not have electricity, Newsome opened the door and a foul stench was emitted along with gnats and bugs. There was no insulin present. The officer then asked Newsome if he used the syringes for heroin or meth and he

CLUES ACROSS 1. Political action committee 4. Where sauces cook 8. Type of horse 10. Heavy sword (Brit.) 11. __ Nui, Easter Island 12. A type of burner 13. Spanish island 15. Rapid alteration of a musical note 16. Where priests work 17. Most impoverished 18. Tom Petty’s band 21. Luke’s mentor __-Wan 22. No longer is 23. Mandela’s party 24. Legislator (abbr.) 25. A type of “zebra” 26. The common gibbon 27. American icon 34. Hunting expeditions 35. What a princess wears 36. Switched gears 37. Protege to Freya (Norse myth.) 38. Serves 39. Darken 40. Fencing swords 41. Middle English letter 42. Go slowly 43. A type of flute

said he had used them for heroin. During the entire encounter with Newsome, he constantly picked at his chin to the point it was raw. Also, during the walk-through, the officer located Andrea Gabbard in a bedroom. While looking into her room where she was sleeping, the officer observed two syringes and a burned spoon. Two more syringes were on a nightstand by the bed, one of which was uncapped and filled with a bloody solution. After finding the drug paraphernalia, the officer contacted the police department and additional officers arrived on the scene. All subjects were removed from the residence while officers prepared to obtain a search warrant. Police also issued a trash notification and a junk motor vehicle complaint, as well as a nuisance abatement activity. Notices were posted on the front door. Newsome and Gabbard were cited Aug. 3 for possession of drug abuse instruments. On Aug. 4 an officer was dispatched to 116 Deshler Avenue concerning found property. The complainant told the officer he found a bag containing items belonging to Vincent Arnold in his garage. The complainant said he believes Arnold is sleeping in his garage but did not wish to pursue charges. The complainant gave the officer a brown duffle bag belonging to Arnold. The bag contained clothing, shoes, miscellaneous items, Arnold’s birth certificate, and a blue and silver camel tin with a used glass smoking pipe inside. Also found in-

CLUES DOWN 1. One who is rejected 2. Suitable for crops 3. Per __, each 4. Indulges 5. Preoccupy 6. NIN frontman Reznor 7. Posted 9. Infamous Ukraine village 10. Bizarre 12. One who loves to read 14. The products of human creativity 15. Extinct flightless bird of New Zealand 17. Famed Chinese American architect 19. These can be used to burn trash 20. Corpuscle count (abbr.) 23. Pokes holes in 24. Peter’s last name 25. Offered as a prize 26. French river 27. Young woman 28. A pot has one 29. Of the ears 30. Full of parasites 31. Dole out incrementally 32. Citrus fruit 33. Hearty 34. External form 36. Turn violently


side the bag was a plastic bottle with tin foil over the top containing a charred green leafy substance and two light bulbs with burn marks. Arnold’s duffle bag was taken for safe keeping and the drug paraphernalia was placed into property. Officers were not able to make contact with Arnold at that time. A citation for drug paraphernalia will be issued when Arnold is located. On Aug. 6 an officer was dispatched to the area of the East Fourth Street bridge after a complainant reported he was being chased by subjects who were trying to kill him. The officer met with Douglas Green at East Fourth Street and Tecumseh Street. Green was pointing towards the bridge telling the officer that he needed to go get them before they get away. The officer asked Green what was going on and he said he had been up all night at his girlfriend’s house on Oxford Street and he could hear “them” plotting to kill him because he was dating their daughter. Green said he left the residence and they chased him. Green pointed to the bridge again and stated he could see them standing there. Another officer arrived to assist and to check the bridge area. When the second officer arrived, Green told the first officer he heard the second officer say he was right and that she found “them.” No one was found. The officers requested Greenville Rescue respond for an evaluation. Prior to their arrival, Green was asked if he had any weapons on him and he said “no” and allowed officers to conduct a search. The officer felt an object resembling a marijuana pipe in Green’s right front pocket. When asked what the object was, Green stated it was a pipe for smoking marijuana. The pipe was removed and officers found it still contained vegetative matter. Green admitted to last smoking marijuana on Aug. 5. Green gave officers permission to look inside his backpack. They located 11 bottles of cough syrup. Seven bottles were sealed, three bottles were partially full and one bottle was empty. Each bottle contained 450 mg of the drug

dextromethorphan, an unscheduled cough suppressant. Green said he needed the cough syrup for his cough, although he previously told the officer he used to abuse “DXM,” an ingredient in cough medication. The officer seized the bottles to determine if they are legal. Greenville Rescue arrived, but Green refused to be transported and evaluated. It was determined Green was not at risk to harm himself or others. He was issued a citation for drug paraphernalia and released. DUI

On Aug. 4 an officer saw suspect Herman Linder driving a lawn mower the wrong way eastbound on Fifth Street near Harrison Avenue. The officer had prior knowledge that another police officer had dealt with Linder earlier in the day, and had warned him for public intoxication and disorderly conduct on Aug. 4. Prior to conducting a traffic stop, the officer observed Linder operating a riding lawn mower westbound in the 100 block of West Main Street. Linder was swerving back and forth while continuing to travel on Sycamore Street. A traffic stop was initiated and the officer spoke with Linder, asking him how much he had to drink. Linder said “not much.” While speaking with Linder the officer observed he had slurred speech, glassy eyes, and detected the strong odor of alcohol. The officer also observed three “tall boy” alcoholic beverages unopened in the trailer he was pulling behind the lawn mower. Linder was asked to perform a field sobriety test and he refused. After Linder refused the field sobriety test he was placed under arrest for OVI and transported to the Greenville Police Department, where he was asked and agreed to perform a breath test. It was found Linder was over the legal limit. Linder was issued a citation for OVI and driving in marked lanes. Disorderly

On Aug. 4 an officer was dispatched to the 400 block of East Main Street on the report of a harassment complaint. The officer spoke with a female complainant who said

David Setser had been harassing her while she was sitting on her porch. The officer spoke to Setser about harassing his neighbors, but after the officer left, Setser began walking on the sidewalk and harassing the complainant and others who were on her porch. The officer returned and spoke with Setser, who admitted to calling the neighbors “trash.” He also was drinking alcohol at the time. Setser was issued a citation for disorderly conduct and was advised to stop harassing his neighbors. Shoplifting

On Aug. 8 an officer was dispatched to Walmart on a theft complaint. While en-route, dispatch advised the defendant was running southbound

behind the North Towne shopping plaza. Upon the officer’s arrival, two deputies from the Darke County Sheriff’s office had Richard James in custody behind the apartments on Bendon Way. Through an investigation it was found that the defendant was inside the store and selected a backpack off of the shelf. The defendant went around the store selecting items and concealing them in the backpack. The defendant then passed all points of sale, leaving the store through a fire exit door. Walmart employees started chasing the defendant and officers caught him a short distance away. The defendant was incarcerated at the Darke County Jail and issued a citation for shoplifting.

Veteran’s Benefits Gathering Please join the staff of Zechar Bailey Funeral Home for a meal and informational gathering to discuss the different benefits that Veterans are eligible for. The presentation will be by the Darke County veterans Services Office. When: Wednesday August 29, 2018 at 6:00 PM Where: Montage Cafe Please RSVP to 548-4141 by Friday August 24, 2018

Hemmelgarn sentenced to one year in prison for sex charge BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Eric Hemmelgarn, 38, of Greenville was remanded to the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections on Wednesday after being found guilty for one count of gross sexual imposition. Judge Jonathan P. Hein also imposed 60 months of community control sanctions for one count of disseminating matter harmful to juveniles. Hemmelgarn’s attorney Paul Wagner, who requested a stay of execution to delay his client’s prison sentence, said he would be filing an appeal based on “conflicting testimony to say the least.” During Tuesday’s bench trial, Wagner objected to some of the state’s exhibits entered by Darke County Assistant Prosecutor Deborah Quigley, as well as what he termed “numerous hearsay” evidence. Wagner also told Hein that Hemmelgarn’s actions were “not a pattern of conduct.” Hemmelgarn’s charges stem from an incident, which took place in September 2017, when a 12year-old family member reported he showed her a pornographic movie on his cell phone. The victim, who testified in court, also said Hemmelgarn touched her inappropriately while the movie was playing. Another child who was asleep in the home at the time woke up and came into the room during the incident, the victim said, allowing her the chance to get away. Greenville Police in-

Eric Hemmelgarn listens as Judge Jonathan P. Hein announces his verdict Wednesday. (Susan Hartley photo)

vestigated the complaint, which included using a computer to extract browser history. Greenville Detective Jason Marion testified there was a history of pornographic videos found on the cell phone, even though Hemmelgarn thought he’d deleted them prior to handing over his cell to police. Also during Tuesday’s bench trial, Hemmelgarn admitted to using crack cocaine, which led to his addixtion to porn. Quigley said Wednesday she was pleased with the verdict, stating the “judgement was consistent with the testimony and evidence that was presented.” Quigley also praised the Greenville Police Department for their investigation. “They did an excellent job,” she said. Prior to announcing

his verdict, Hein heard a statement from the victim’s mother, who urged Hemmelgarn to get his life in order, stating “this is not the first time you’ve been accused, it is a repeat pattern.” When given the opportunity to make a statement, Hemmelgarn said he was “not apologizing for touching (the victim) because I didn’t do it.” He also said he would “apologize to (the victim and other family members) for allowing drugs back in my life.” Hein made it clear he did not consider past accusations that did not lead to charges against Hemmelgarn when considering his verdict in this case, calling the defendant’s addiction to porn “disturbing.” After his release from prison, Hemmelgarn must register as a Tier 2 sex offender for 25 years.



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August 12, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 3

PAGE 4 August 12, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Time to Put Excess Cash to Work? You’ll always want to base your investment decisions on your own needs and goals. But there may be times when you might consider adjusting your portfolio because of risks and opportunities. Now maybe one of those times. Here’s some background: In recent months, the Federal Reserve has raised short-term interest rates several times, and given its generally favorable outlook on the economy, it has indicated it may continue bumping up interest rates gradually over the next year or so. The Fed doesn’t control long-term interest rates, but these rates often follow the lead of short-term movements. However, longer-term rates haven’t yet risen as much as shorterterm ones, which means the difference between short- and long-term rates is relatively small, historically speaking. This doesn’t mean you should make drastic changes to your portfolio. You still need to stick with the asset allocation that’s suitable for your situation, which typically involves owning a certain percentage of growth-oriented vehicles, such as stocks, and a certain percentage of fixed-income securities, such as bonds. However, if you do have space in the fixed-income part of your portfolio, you may find the higher interest rates offered by short-term bonds and certificates of deposit (CDs) to be attractive. To take advantage of this opportunity, though, you will need to have the cash available to invest. Some people hold too much in cash, waiting for interest rates to rise, or as protection against the risk of a market decline. But holding excess cash involves its own risk – the risk of not investing. So, if you have your cash needs covered, you

may want to consider investing any excess cash. To determine if you are holding excess cash, you’ll need to review your entire cash situation. For example, do you have enough cash, or cash equivalents, to create an emergency fund of three to six months’ worth of living expenses? This fund can be vital in helping you pay for things like a major car repair or an unexpected medical bill without dipping in to your longterm investments. And, of course, you need enough liquidity to provide for your lifestyle, including your regular spending needs – your mortgage, utilities, groceries and so on. Also, you may want to set aside enough cash for a goal you want to reach in the next year or so, such as a vacation. But if you have taken care of all these needs and you still have excess cash, you may want to consider putting this cash to work, possibly by investing in short-term fixedincome vehicles now being issued at higher interest rates. And keep in mind that regardless of where interest rates are going, bonds and other fixed-income investments can offer some key benefits to investors. In addition to providing a source of regular income, these types of investments can help reduce the effects of volatility on your portfolio. While bonds can, and will, fluctuate in value, they typically can provide more stability to your portfolio and tend to behave differently than stocks over time. After years of historical lows, shorter term rates now have risen to levels that are more attractive to investors. Take the time to review your situation, perhaps with the help of a financial professional, to deter-mine if taking advantage of these rates may be appropriate for you.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

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Dohme brings home four awards from fair BY LINDA MOODY CORRESPONDENT lmoody@earlybirdpaper.com

ARCANUM – Taryn Dohme came home from the Ohio State Fair and two days of showing her horse, Annie, with four top awards, said to be a “first” for the state fair. “I won in my age group in western pleasure, in sportsmanship, in equitation and in western showmanship,” she said. “I got grand champion in western showmanship, third in western pleasure, fourth in equitation and fifth in western horsemanship.” The Dohmes were told that no one had ever won all four age group classes. “I was nervous,” Taryn said. “They calmed me by saying, ‘It’s just another show.’” Taryn, the daughter of Robert and Traci (Anderson) Dohme, is a senior at Arcanum High School and Miami Valley CTC, where she studies allied health nursing. She has been riding horses since the age of 6, and has been a member of the Buckeye Buckaroos 4-H Club for four years and the Boots and Saddles Club for five years prior to that. “I played basketball from fifth through eighth grade, and now I play on dirt floors not concrete floors” she said. Both she and her only sibling, Taylor, are competitive when it comes to the horses. Taylor showed for 11 years. “Nobody could beat her,” their mother Traci said. “Taylor was equine champion eight years and was in the showman of showmen competition five times. Taryn has also shown in showman of

Taryn Dohme and her horse, Annie, brought four top awards home from the Ohio State Fair. They make a good team. (Linda Moody photo)

showmen. They have competed against each other.” “As long as one of us is winning, I’m good,” Taryn said. “We’re competitive but nice about it. When we’re in the arena it’s game on.” According to Traci, Darke County cleaned up at the state fair. Thirteen went in competition. “They all did amazing,” she said. Taryn, who turned 17 on Aug. 10, enjoys helping the younger contestants. Many of them, it was noted, have asked her and Taylor to do lead line. Not only does Taryn do chores after school, she also works, volunteering at the Brethren Retirement Community and working at Drees’ Dairy Barn in Greenville. She is responsible for her own expenses, including vaccines and the grain for the horses and her show uniforms. Her father pays for the gas, and

Grandma Dawn Dohme is also a big help, cleaning her clothes and keeping them fitted and pressed. “It’s work, school and horses,” Taryn said. Her plan after graduation is to attend college and become an ultrasound technician. She rides most every day, even in wintertime, when they ride at a local arena. “As long as it’s above 20 degrees, we ride,” she said. Traci said it was the late Roberta “Bobbi” Hinker who got the girls involved in horses. “Bobbi died of cancer and had given the girls her horses before she passed away,” said Traci. “She told the girls to carry on her love for horses. They outgrew the horses and returned the old ones back to John (Hinker’s husband).” And, they’re doing just that.

Thank You!

The 55th Annie Oakley Festival was huge success! With over 17,600 people in attendance this year honoring Darke County’s most famous daughter, Annie Oakley, we hope that Annie Oakley would be proud of the activities that took place in her honor this weekend. The move back to the Darke County Fairgrounds (utilizing the south end of the fairgrounds and the 4H horse arena area), excellent entertainment events, great vendors and concessioner, all of those who came out to enjoy our festival, and the great weather that God blessed us with, proved this year to be an excellent Annie Oakley Festival. The Annie Oakley Festival Committee would like to thank all who attended during the 2018 Annie Oakley Festival. We continue to meet together to bring to Darke County, a festival that is 55 years strong, is family oriented, is full of activities to enjoy, and is FREE to attend. We couldn’t put together this festival without the help of a lot of people who stand with us in honoring Annie Oakley. We would like to thank the following sponsors for helping make this weekend possible. Fraternal Order of Eagles #2177 of Greenville (sponsored all of the entertainment and activities on the grounds), Whirlpool Corporation (Kitchenaid) (sponsored advertising and publicity), Lydia Schaurer Trust, Harry D Stephens Memorial Inc, Second National Bank, City of Greenville (sponsoring the Annie Oakley Parade), Darke County Visitor’s Bureau (awarding us the 2018 Tourism Grant for the Cowboy Mounted Shooting Event), Greenville Door Sales, Wayne Builders Supply, American Legion Post 140, Premier Health, Hartzell Veterinary Services (sponsored the Cowboy Mounted Shooting Event), Wayne Healthcare, Greenville National Bank, Greenville Federal, Phelan Insurance Agency, Francis Furniture, Goubeaux & Brand, Jim Buchy, Flaig Lumber, Family Health, Williamson Insurance, Whitewater Eye Care, Edwin F Nichol, Jafe, Bill Hawkey & Associates, Edgetown Veterinary Clinic, Buffalo Wild Wings (sponsored the Little Miss and Mr Contest), Cato (sponsored the 2018 Miss Annie Oakley Contest), Pet Valu (sponsored the Weiner Dog Race and Costume Contest), and Classroom in a Box who donated our new larger signs this year. We would also like to say thank you to the Darke County Fair Board for allowing us to use the grounds for our 2018 Annie Oakley Festival, and for many more years to come!! It is the perfect location, and gives us plenty of room to grow. Thank you so much!! We would like to also thank the following people and companies for what they did to help us: Gregory Peck Sound, for setting up sound for the festival and parade, and giving us equipment for the various events, The Early Bird and Bluebag

Media for all of the advertisements and releases that you did for us, Star 88.3 for your advertisements, Rapid Printing for printing all of our literature this year, Dave Knapp for providing us with vehicles for the parade, Harry Birt’s Store for the candy for our games, Jerry and Angie Gunckle for building the box for the Weiner Dog Races. This addition to our festival has become a HIT! Thank you for taking this on. Helens Flowers for the flowers for the shooting contest and wreath for the pilgrimage, Karen Chronister for narrating the Bus Tours, Waymire Barns for the use of your barns for Headquarters, Souvenirs, and Melodrama, Carts and Parts for the use of golf carts for committee members, City of Greenville for the man power to help with the parade this year, Greenville Instrumental Boosters and Community Service Workers for helping park cars, and helping keep the grounds clean, you did a great job!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! We would like to thank all of those that took part in our festival as a Vendor or Concessioner, who were there for all who attended, worked hard, and provided for what our visitors were looking for. We thank our entertainment, Country Harmony, Jeff Hittle, and Spittin’Image (Blain & Brian Swabb), who always bring wonderful singing to our festival and we enjoy listening to you. Thank you for sharing your talent with all in attendance. Gery L Deer and the Ohio Western Arts Showcase, you were awesome as always, and keep people coming back for more. Darke County Civic Theater, you bring an awesome Melodrama to our festival, and we are proud to have you as a part of our festival, and for always providing a wonderful performance. Jesse Peters and the Ohio Mounted Shooting Association, we thank you so much!! This is the first year of what I hope is many more to come. You brought something new to our festival, and it was so well received. We are looking forward to next year, and all of the wonderful entertainment that you brought to our festival. THANK YOU!! To the ANNIE OAKLEY FESTIVAL COMMITTEE, I cannot say Thank you enough!! You all helped put this festival together and without each and every one of you, this festival would not have happened. I AM PROUD TO BE A PART OF THE ANNIE OAKLEY FESTIVAL COMMITTEE AND FOR HONORING ANNIE OAKLEY THIS WEEKEND! Once again, thank you to all who attended. You are the ones who make the Annie Oakley Festival successful. We hope that you had a great year enjoying all of the entertainment and activities that we offered. We look forward to bringing to you another wonderful festival in 2019 JoEllen Melling, President of the Annie Oakley Festival Committee


August 12, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 5

City restricts parking during fair week GREENVILLE – In preparation for the 2018 Great Darke County Fair, the City of Greenville is announcing its no parking areas around the Darke County Fairgrounds. No street parking will be allowed on either side of the street on Martz from Ft. Jefferson Avenue to Sweitzer Street and Central Avenue to Harrison Avenue. Parking on Martz from Harrison Avenue to Washington Avenue will be restricted to the south side of the street. There will be no parking on Sherman Street from Central Avenue to Wayne Avenue. Parking on Fair Street will be restricted on both sides from Sweitzer to Washington Avenue. There will be no parking on either side of street on Central Avenue from

Birt Street to Martz St. and parking only on the west side of Central from Martz to Sherman. Parking is restricted to the west side of Harrison and Wayne Avenues from Birt to Sherman. TrafďŹ c ow near Gate 1 of the Darke County Fairgrounds (Sweitzer and Birt Street) will be similar to how it has been the past few years. Westbound trafďŹ c on Birt will need to detour on Central Avenue and a right-turn only lane will be in place from northbound Sweitzer to Birt Street. Temporary crosswalks at the corner of Birt and Sweitzer and on Sweitzer in front of Gate 1 will be in place. Cones will be in place along the west side of Sweitzer near the fair entrance to create a pedestrian walkway. Motorists should avoid the area if at all possible.

AHS plans meetings with students, parents ARCANUM – Arcanum High School will be having a meeting on Monday, Aug. 13, 7 p.m., in the Cafetorium. This meeting will only be for parents and students in grades 10 through 12 that will be attending classes in the Arcanum High School building. Students that attend MVCTC, AVA, and Gateway do not need to attend. This

meeting will cover the use of Chromebooks, college/ career topics, and student expectations. Arcanum High School will host the annual Fresh-

man/New Student and Parent Orientation on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 7 p.m., in the Cafetorium. All students new to Arcanum High School in grades 9 through 12, and their parents, are encouraged to attend this special program. The program will provide information on school procedures, academics, student schedules and activities. Students and parents may tour the building, ďŹ nd lockers and classrooms, and will have the opportunity to ask questions of school staff.

Alternatives for Pain Management program GREENVILLE – In accordance with its mission of “Building healthy lives‌ together,â€? Family Health’s Behavioral Health and Wellness Center is hosting a program series titled, “Alternatives for Pain Management.â€? Speakers from Family Health and Wayne Healthcare, among many other community organizations will present programs and activities to enhance health and wellbeing from a whole person perspective. The Behavioral Health and Wellness center is excited to host Dr. Heather Pappas, PT, DPT, and Dr. Sarah Osterloh PT, DPT from Wayne Healthcare on Monday, Aug. 13, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. as they discuss Physical Therapy Interventions for Pain Control. Sarah and Heather will discuss various interventions utilized by physical therapists to reduce pain and improve function. They will discuss interventions including cupping, dry needling, instrument assisted soft tissue mobi-

lization, edema control, improving muscle balance (reducing tightness/improving strength and activation). These and other interventions can be used by skilled professionals to return people to their typical work and leisure activities without pain, or in some cases with reduced pain. Join Heather and Sarah, as they discuss various physical therapy interventions and provide information on how physical therapy can manage pain. The free program will be held at the Behavioral Health and Wellness Center, 1101 Jackson St., Greenville (The Reid Medical Building next to Family Health). A light meal will be provided, and a drawing for door prizes. Contact the Behavioral Health and Wellness Center at (937) 547-2319 with questions and/or if you are interested in attending. Reservations are not required to attend, but is appreciated to provide adequate seating and materials.

Arcanum Elem. Open House ARCANUM – All parents of an Arcanum Elementary student for the 2018-2019 school year are invited to attend the annual Open House on Aug. 27, 6-7:30 p.m. Students will have the opportunity to meet the teachers, ask

questions, and visit classrooms. Please return First Day Packet Forms in the elementary gym at this time. You are also welcome to pay school fees and drop off any school supplies you may have.

My wife’s glance is my kryptonite

I’d like to think of myself as having above average in intelligence, but I’m sure I have co-workers that disagree. I’d like to think that I have a healthy dose of common sense, but my kids just think I’m full of it. I’d also like to think that I can leap tall buildings, have bullets bounce off of my skin and be powerful enough to stop a locomotive, but I’ll admit that I sometimes have trouble opening the lid on a jar of pickles. What’s my point? I don’t really have one. I just wanted to get it out there that I think I’m smart, wise and can take on Superman. If I’m like Superman

Construction planned in Darke County DARKE COUNTY – The Ohio Department of Transportation has announced the following upcoming road work in Darke County. * SR 571 between Palestine Union City Road and Fisher Dangler Road, BRIDGE CLOSURE through Aug. 14. The ofďŹ cial detour is: SR 49 to SR 47 to Indiana SR 28 to Indiana SR 32 to SR 571. Sweitzer Street/West Fourth Street between Pine Street and Sycamore Street, ROAD CLOSURE through May 31, 2019. The ofďŹ cial detour is: Pine Street to Washington Avenue to Broadway. US 36/US 127 between Hogpath Road and Horatio – Harris Creek Road, daily lane closures through Aug. 31 between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. One lane will remain open in each direction.

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then I must have a version of kryptonite that can also weaken me. I do. It’s my wife. If I get a certain glance from her I go running like a scared little boy. Oh sure, I wear the pants in the family, but she is the belt that holds them up. A few weeks ago I was walking through the department store‌ Okay, I’m dating myself by calling it a department store. I also dream of having a nogahide davenport. Let me translate for the younger readers – it’s a plastic couch that will rip the epidermis clean off of you when it comes in contact with bare skin. As I was walking through the store a price tag caught my eye. It was a drone and it was on sale. My heart leapt for joy, but then my mind started going in circles. Should I get it? Oh, my wife will kill me if I buy it. I put it in the cart and then I took it out of the cart. I couldn’t get my wife’s glance out of my head. I hadn’t even told her I wanted it, but somehow, when I wasn’t looking, she implanted her kryptonite into my brain. She and my youngest daughter were with me the next day and although she didn’t say yes, I got the other look.

The one that means you can go ahead and get it but I don’t like it and I will never act as though I like it and I think it’s frivolous. I know that was a run-on sentence, but most of my wife’s glances are like run-on sentences – they just keep going and going and you keep hoping for the period so it will end, but it never comes. I was excited when I arrived at the aisle, but my joy vanished as quickly as a sexy model at a David CopperďŹ eld show. It was gone. A day or two later, we were at the store again. The drone of my dreams had returned. Without even looking at my wife – because her glance can change from day-to-day and I wanted to cash in on the previous glance - I put the drone in the cart and headed straight to the register. Her only words to me were, “You’re going to

crash it.â€? A few weeks went by and I didn’t crash it. Then came the day that put a huge smile on my wife’s face - I crashed the drone. There wasn’t any damage because it had a soft landing. I crashed it into my face. I was taking it through a narrow area and the wind caught it, the drone bounced off the top of a barn and headed straight toward my face. My ďŹ rst thought was how do I keep this quiet and then my youngest daughter said, “Dad, your face is bleeding.â€? Within seconds my wife knew and was standing there laughing with her phone out ready to post my deformed face on Snap Chat. My response to her was, “I’m glad you don’t know how to put that video on Facebook.â€? Guess what - she knows how to put a Snap Chat video on Facebook.

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PAGE 6 August 12, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

ACL injury doesn’t stop Greenville’s Di’Maurye Ewing GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Greenville senior running back Di’Maurye Ewing was suited-up and toting the football for the Green Wave in the team’s first scrimmage of the season against Celina after battling back from a 2017 ACL football injury requiring surgery. “He popped a nice run right through the same exact location where he tore his knee up last year – jumped right up and kept on playing unfazed,” GHS coach Arron Shaffer noted of Ewing’s 2018 scrimmage play. “He works hard. His desire is through the roof.” Di’Maurye is a gifted athlete,” said Jim Beyke, Director of Wayne HealthSports Rehab Services. “It is going to be really exciting to see him enter the season healthy and be out there running hard.” Through determination and the aid of a leg brace, Ewing was able to finish the 2017 season in uniform with his teammates. “Historically it’s been uncommon for an athlete with and ACL injury to continue playing but with the bracing, being careful and putting him in the right situations it can be

done,” noted Beyke. “Last year he obviously tore his ACL,” said GHS Athletic Trainer Alyse Grillot. “That means you normally won’t play but he was determined to keep playing so we got him set up with a brace. It was just a lot of monitoring pain, making sure his quads strength was still decent enough to play. He played with a brace with a torn ACL – that was a first for me.” Determined to play his senior season, Ewing’s dedication and hard work paid off following ACL surgery with the GHS running back following through with a painful regiment of therapy. “It was painful but there was never a time when I said it wasn’t worth it because of my love for the game – it’s just there,” Ewing said. “Not being able to play football would just be heartbreaking to me so I had to get it done – and I got it.” “Di’Maurye is an excellent patient,” Beyke said. “He did his homework, he was compliant with all of our instructions and he worked extremely hard because he was very goal oriented to be back on the field this fall to play football.” Ewing is appreciative

of the services offered by the local Wayne HealthCare outpatient rehab and Orthopedics Associates of Southwest Ohio that helped get him back on the field for Friday Night Lights. “It starts with our six athletic trainers that Wayne HealthCare employs in Darke County,” stated Beyke. “Having them at the schools allows them to make early contact with our orthopedic group, Orthopedic Associates of Southwest Ohio and we can get these athletes in very quickly to be evaluated and then treated. That is what has made a big difference and then our rehab department is there to get started as quickly as we can.” “Jim Beyke really helped me with the physical therapy aspect of getting it all back and getting the muscles so I can get back up in the weight room and start building that even more,” Ewing said. “Alyse really helped with getting me there before surgery so that when I did come back it was all good and well.” “They can handle it all,” Ewing said of Wayne HealthCare. “I’ve seen other ACL injuries around the school and they have all been handled really

Di’Maurye Ewing carries up the middle for Greenville vs. Celina in preseason scrimmage after offseason ACL surgery. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

well.” “We have been real pleased working with Orthopedic Associates of Southwest Ohio and our Medical Director Dr. Safet Hatic.” Beyke said. “They make the process of referral go real smoothly.” “I want to thank Coach Shaffer,” said Ewing. “He was understanding last year with me wanting to play on it even though he probably didn’t want me to play – but he understood that it was just what I wanted to do. I really couldn’t go without it.” “Coach (Eric) Hanes (Ewing’s guardian/father) definitely helped especially with being there for me and helping me take care of everything that I need to get done,” continued Ewing. “My mom (Ronda Hanes) played a big part. She helped me right after surgery while I was down. She definitely kept me honest and kept me doing what I needed to do.” “It has really been impressive to watch him if people don’t know his story with him playing on a torn ACL last year and then getting it fixed and going through rehab – to see the things he’s been able to do,” said Coach Shaffer. “Sometimes you kind of have to throttle him back a little bit knowing that we’re trying to make sure that we’re getting him ready for the season and not overworking him in the preseason, but he’s a kid that is going to come out and work hard and do everything he can to be the best player he can be.” Coach Shaffer believes Ewing’s passion for the game is contagious and will be an inspiration to the Green Wave team. “It’s crazy,” said Shaffer. “Last year his decision to come back was based 425 Memorial Dr. Greenville, OH 45331

on that he couldn’t handle not being on the field. He felt like he could play with a torn ACL and we went through all the appropriate channels and spoke to doctors and trainers and such. Mom and dad and Di’Maurye decided it was something they wanted to do so we threw a brace on him and off he went. We have a lot of kids that want it but his want it may be at another whole level. We have a lot of guys like that – they want it so bad that it drives everybody else.” “Senior season – last

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Coach Eric Hanes and Di’Maurye (Gaylen Blosser photo) 1370 KITCHENAID WAY GREENVILLE, OHIO

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August 12, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 7

Greenville boys soccer earns 1-0 win over Twin Valley South GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The Greenville boys soccer team defeated the visiting Twin Valley South Panthers 1-0 in a defensive battle in a non-conference scrimmage. “I’m happy with the win,” said Greenville coach Mark Coppess. “Overall defense – that was what we were kind of focused on.” The teams played a 40 minute scoreless first half with much of the contest played at the Panthers end of the field. “The first half was more defensive our offense was horrible the first half I was not happy with them at all we’ve been working on defense all week we’re learning a new formation and they did really well tonight they smother quick they kept their shape quick they covered quick and pressured and supported really well kept our balance on defense it was really good

Greenville’s Alex Hutt works into position to score the games lone goal of the night earning a scrimmage win over the Panthers. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

After a half of solid defensive play, the Wave stepped up play on the offensive side of the field in the second half scoring the game’s only goal of the night when Greenville junior Alex Hutt found the back of the net with 9:26 on the game clock to give the Green Wave boys a 1-0 win. “We were working hard all game and it really felt good to put the team up,” said Hutt. “Looking for a

great season.” “Offensively we were horrible the first half and I pulled them out and some of our young guys got in there,” Coppess stated. “We had some better opportunities with our young players which is good – push that competitiveness. The second half was much-much more offensively, when they realized their jobs aren’t so safe.”

Lady Wave volleyball making positive strides BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

COVINGTON – The Lady Wave varsity and junior varsity squads competed in a Tuesday night quad volleyball scrimmage at the home of the Covington Lady Buccaneers. “Overall defensively the effort was great,” said first year varsity assistant coach Jim Hardesty. “Got a little tired there towards the end which we expected because of the late start we got with them.” “Defensively they did really good on the blocking part of it,” continued Hardesty. “We got our hands on a lot of balls. We work hard on that. Hitting wise we were a lot stronger. We got away from a lot of the tipping game they used last year.” The first year Lady

Wave husband and wife team of head coach Michelle Hardesty and husband Jim was well pleased with the team’s effort on the court. “Their effort was spectacular,” Hardesty noted. “We watched them play a couple times last year – not that they weren’t strong, their effort wasn’t there all the time and I would say tonight ninety-five percent of the time they did a great job.” “I would say on a scale of one to ten – I would rate that about eight-and-onehalf tonight on just what we wanted out of them,” added Hardesty. “They did a good job and actually we had a freshman out there setting for a little bit – and she did a great job,” concluded Coach Hardesty. “We have

Emma Klosterman returns a ball for the Lady Wave varsity volleyball team in preseason scrimmage at Covington. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

a lot of young girls that are coming up. These seniors are doing a good job bringing them up and no animosity working everybody in.”

The Early Bird and Bluebag Media Athletes of the Week

DI’MAURYE EWING Greenville High School

ALEX HUTT Greenville High School






Ethan Saylor breaks a 65 yard touchdown run for Greenville in Tuesday scrimmage against the Celina Bulldogs. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

Greenville football team scrimmages well vs. Celina BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The Green Wave entertained the Celina Bulldogs in a Tuesday morning football scrimmage at Harmon field and came away with GHS head football coach Aaron Shaffer pleased with the team’s play. “A lot of what we want to see early is enthusiasm, intensity, run around, getting excited,” said Shaffer. “I thought we played hard today. We made some plays – we missed a few. It was good to see our kids come out and get some things going early top to bottom, varsity down to JV – and then those freshmen were out there making plays so that is always good to see both offensively and defensively.” Coach Shaffer expressed satisfaction in the team’s positive progress on the young season. “The good stuff that we saw from Saturday to today – our offensive line it appeared we were better in our footwork, we were able to close some gaps down and work to the second level,” noted Shaffer. “Running backs and quarterbacks made some nice cuts and reads. Our receivers blocked better than

Saturday which those are all things you want to see.” Coach Shaffer was upbeat with the team’s play on the defensive side of the line as well. “Defensively took us a minute to get used to the little dive option that they were running,” Shaffer said. “I thought we tackled pretty well today – the secondary played fairly well. I don’t know that they had too many completed balls so when you are getting pressure on the quarterback and you’re covering them up, defense turns out pretty good on the pass side of it.” “They broke the one long run,” added Shaffer. “We have to figure out how to force the edge a little bit better which is all stuff that comes the more that you work. We have some young guys out there that are just learning it, but all

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in all pretty pleased both offensively and defensively.”

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PAGE 8 August 12, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

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ELEY – Robert “Bobâ€? Martin Eley, 68, passed away July 31, 2018. He was born on Nov. 18, 1949 in Greenville. He was preceded in death by his father, Richard Alonzo, in 2010 and his mother, Joan Irene, in March 2018. He was married in 1972 to Marian Louise (Schwarz) Eley. He had two sons and daughters-in-law, Robert Bradley and Treva Eley of Richmond, Ind., and Scott Thomas and Ashley Eley of Waynesville, that he loved more than they knew. His other pride and joys in his life were his two grandsons, Evan Bradley Eley and Dorian Alonzo Eley. He also leaves behind his loving brother, Doug and wife Jane, and their two girls, Jessica and husband Craig Campbell, and Erin and husband Luis Garceley who all live in Texas. He enjoyed spending time with them during the winter and visiting the Southwest. He also had many cousins and friends around the country that were dear to him. He also leaves behind many wonderful friends from GoKarting, raising rabbits, and drinking coffee. He was a good friend of Bill W. for 32 years. His loving dog, Max, will miss the many golf carts rides they enjoyed. Robert attended New Madison High School, graduating in 1968. He recently enjoyed attending his ďŹ ftieth class reunion and remembering his past. He enjoyed wearing his bright red, white, and blue bibs to the Tri-Village Patriot basketball games for the past few years. He raced go-karts all over the country for many years. Many Christmas vacations with his family were spent at Daytona Beach at his races. He achieved his goal of becoming National WKA Go-Kart Champion in his racing class in 1990. After racing, he then joined his wife showing Netherland Dwarf Rabbits all over the country. Another goal of his was achieved when, in 1996 and 1997, they were ANDRC National Quality and Points Champions. Also, adding to his goals met, they were Best of Breed Netherland Dwarf rabbit at the National ANDRC show in 2000 and Best of Breed at the National ARBA show in 2002. He was a member of the New Madison United Meth-

odist Church, Greenville Masonic Lodge, American Legion of New Madison, Ohio State Netherland Dwarf Club, American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA), and the American Netherland Dwarf Club (ANDRC). He earned a mechanic’s license after high school. He was self employed for awhile operating a Union 76 and then the Sohio service stations in New Madison. Later, he retired after working for 25 years as a rural mail carrier out of the Medway, Ohio Post OfďŹ ce. In Lieu of owers the family wishes that a donation be given to the New Madison United Methodist Church, 149 N. Main Street, New Madison, Ohio 45346, New Madison American Legion, 242 Fayette Street, New Madison, Ohio 45346 or to State of the Heart Care, 1350 N. Broadway, Greenville, Ohio 45331. A Celebration of Life memorial service will be held at noon on Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018 at the New Madison United Methodist Church, 149 N. Main Street, New Madison with Pastor David Richey and Pastor Carol DufďŹ eld ofďŹ ciating. Burial will follow in Greenmound Cemetery, New Madison. Family and friends may visit Saturday from 10 a.m. until the time of the service at noon at the church. Online condolences may be left for the family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com. GRAHAM – Marilyn L. Graham, 78, of Union City, Ohio died Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2018. A private graveside service at Greenville Cemetery will be held at the convenience of the family. JONES - Paul Jones Jr., 91, of Greenville, passed away Friday, Aug. 3, 2018, at Versailles Health Care in Versailles. Paul was born Sept. 17, 1926, in North Grove, Ind. to the late Paul Jones, Sr. and Mildred (Drake) Royal. In addition to his parents he is preceded in death by his son, Rick Jones; his granddaughter, Deanna Jones, his grandson, Michael Brooks; and his brother, Gene Jones. Paul is survived by his wife of 74 years, Betty Lou (Pence) Jones whom he married Jan. 6,1944; a daughter, Kathy (Bruce) Brooks of Greenville; daughter-inlaw, Kay Jones of Ansonia; grandchildren, Darrel (Erin) Jones of Ansonia, Jeff (Kimberli) Brooks of Lebanon, and Dan (Giovanna) Brooks of Hilliard; great-grandchildren, Amanda Jones, Megan Jones, Austin Brooks and Sawyer Brooks, and Harrison Brooks; his brother, Jack Jones of Waynesville; and his brother-in-law, Gene Byrum of Union City, Ind. Paul loved the outdoors. He enjoyed ďŹ shing, golďŹ ng and woodworking. He loved

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spending time with his grandchildren. They meant the world to him. A Graveside Celebration of Paul’s life was held Wednesday, Aug. 8, at Greenville Township Memorial Gardens with Pastor Roger Emerson ofďŹ ciating. Online condolences may be shared with the family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com. ALEXANDER - Kenneth R. Alexander, 71 of Covington, (formerly of Greenville) passed away peacefully on Thursday, August 2, 2018, at his home. Born Feb. 7, 1947, he was a son to the late Paul and Goldie (Bower) Alexander. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his daughter, Lori Alexander: brothers, Larry Alexander and Jim Alexander. Ken was a hardworking man. He retired from Corning after serving more than 25 years; owned Ken’s 76 Service Station in Ansonia and was a volunteer for the Ansonia Fire and Rescue Squad. He enjoyed playing pool, repairing cars, ďŹ shing and golďŹ ng at the Union City golf course. He was an avid Cincinnati Reds fan, but more than anything he loved spending time with his family and grandchildren. He will be missed by all who knew him. He is survived by children, Tina and Bill VanBebber, Mark and Deidra Alexander, and Kevin and Lesley Alexander: grandchildren Justin VanBebber, Scarlett Alexander and Greyson Alexander: brother, Rick and Corinna Alexander: nephews, Mike, Tony and Kris Alexander: as well as many more nieces, nephews, family members and friends. Ken’s wishes were simple, remember him as he was, share his stories, and smile when you think of him. Arrangements entrusted to the Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Online condolences may be made at www.zecharbailey.com. Memorial donations may be made to State of The Heart Hospice.

RIEGLE - Martha Lee Riegle. 89, of Greenville went home to be with her Lord on Friday Aug. 3, 2018, at the Brethren Retirement Community. Martha was born April 17, 1929, in Greenville, the daughter of the late Lewis and Goldie (Hines) Arnett. In addition to her parents, Martha was preceded in death by her husband, Grant E. “Gene� Riegle; her daughter, Linda S. Zumbrum; son-in-law, Richard W. Huff; sister and brotherin-law, Betty and Dwayne Rolfe; brother and sister-in -aw, Willard and Pat Arnett;

and sister-in-law, Clara Arnett. Martha was a member of EUM Church; she loved being a wife, mother, grandmother spending time with her family and having wonderful family gatherings. She was an owner and avid harness horse fan. She loved owers and had the amazing gift of music being able to play the organ and piano by ear. She was the ďŹ rst woman to win the prestigious “Lady Paceâ€? Trophy in Delaware, Ohio. Martha is survived by her sons and daughters in law, Alan and Linda Riegle of Greenville, Bruce and Diana Riegle of Washington, Pa., and daughter, Tami Huff of Greenville; grandchildren, Carey Riegle of Greenville, Nicole and Aaron Lewis of Beavercreek, Chris and Heather Bright of Dayton, Laura and Sean Benson of Chandler, Ariz., Chad and Ann Claire Riegle of Lexington, Ky., Taylor Riegle of Washington, Pa., Travis Huff of Los Angeles, Calif., andTrent and Lori Huff of Columbus; great- grandchildren, Grant Riegle, Hunter Benson, Adrianna Lewis and Rachel and Tyler Huff; brother, Andy Arnett of Greenville; sisters and brothers-in-law, Charlene and Roger Black of San Rafael, Calif. and Wanda and Don Bolyard of Greenville; and numerous nieces and nephews. A Celebration of Life Service was held Friday Aug. 10, at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial followed in Oak Grove Cemetery, Fort Jefferson. Memorial contributions may be made to EUM Church. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www.zecharbailey. com. KLOSTERMAN – Ida Mae (Garber) Klosterman, 86, a loving mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and friend to everyone she met. A loving caregiver of Tom, the love of her life. Ida passed away Monday Aug. 6, 2018, at 5:30 p.m. at the Village Green Healthcare Campus. She passed peacefully surrounded by family, friends and staff. She was born Feb. 22, 1932, on the family farm east of Greenville. Mom was a loving homemaker who would tackle any home repair, a bowler, gardener, she loved her owers, liked to mow the yard; she enjoyed the outdoors; she liked traveling when she got the opportunity with Pop, and vacations with family after he was gone; she enjoyed family gatherings with the grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She never met a stranger and was a member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church; the Moose and Eagles Lodges of Greenville. Ida is preceded in death by her parents, Vernon and Bertha Garber; her husband, Thomas Klosterman; brothers, Virgil, Paul and Ezra Garber; sisters, Opal Bayer and Eva (Myers) Shuttleworth; brothers-inlaw, George Bayer, Harold Myers, Virgil Clyde, Jerry, and Bob Klosterman; sisters-in-law, Donna Garber, Margaret Klosterman, Vir-

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ginia Henderson, and Joan Pence. Ida married Thomas Klosterman on Feb. 23, 1952, and together they had seven sons: Ron (Kay) Klosterman, Dan (Patty) Klosterman, Virgil (Tonya) Klosterman, Pat (Susan) Klosterman, Mark (Suzanne) Klosterman, Rich (Georgianna) Klosterman, Brian (Misty) Klosterman; numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren; brothers-in-law and sistersin-law, Norman (Dorothy) Klosterman, Donald Klosterman, Kenneth Pence (special friend); sisters-inlaw and brothers-in-law, Marlyn and George Forshee, Marcella (Bob) Downey, Mary Whittington, Mildred Garber; special friend and cousin, Ellen Magriff; and numerous nieces and nephews. A Mass of Christian Burial was held Friday, Aug. 10, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Greenville, with the Rev. Fr. John White Celebrant. Burial followed in St. Mary’s Church Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to State of the Heart Care or St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www.zecharbailey. com CONNERTON - Helen M. Connerton, 101, of Greenville, passed away Sunday, Aug. 6, 2018. Sercices will be held privately. Arrangements made by Kreitzer Funeral Home, 204 N. Main St. Arcanum, OH 45304. WOGOMON – Helen Wogoman, 93, of Arcanum, passed away Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2018. Funeral services were held Friday, Aug. 10, Kreitzer Funeral Home, 204 N. Main St. Arcanum, OH 45304. Burial followed at Abbottsville Cemetery.

OLER - Jerry Lee Oler Jr., 48, of Largo, Fla. passed away peacefully July 20, 2018, at Largo Medical Center. Jerry Lee was born Feb. 9, 1970, in Richmond, Ind. to Janice Kay O’Conner Oler of Ansonia and Jerry Lee Oler Sr. of Live Oak, Fla. He grew up in Darke County and attended Ansonia Local Schools. Jerry Lee was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents, Russell and Elsie Oler and maternal grandparents, Clyde and Julia O’Conner. Jerry Lee is survived by his parents; his brother, James; and numerous half siblings. Jerry had a large family of many aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews; and his best friend, Charlie Roest of St. Petersburg

His greatest joy was spending time with his friends. He loved the beach and spending time at the campground. Jerry was best known for his free spirit, positivity, and spreading joy to those around him. Jerry didn’t know a stranger. There was not a soul on this earth he would not help. His simple acts of kindness helped so many. A Celebration of Life is planned for Sunday, August 12, 2018, at the Middlefork Reservoir, Richmond, Ind. Memorial contributions may be given to the charity of your choice in Jerry Lee Oler’s name. HEINRICHSLouann A. Heinrichs “Tot,â€? 91, of Greenville, passed away peacefully Monday, Aug. 6, 2018, at Brookdale Centennial Park Nursing Home, Englewood. Born May 13, 1927, Tot was a daughter to the late Jacob G. and Minnie Mae (Ayers) Spillman. She was a graduate of The Ohio State University and received her master’s degree from Miami University. Tot was a home economics school teacher for more than 25 years for Greenville City Schools and was a member of many area associations and clubs including: The Darke County Ohio State Alumni Association; member of the Ohio and National Vocational Association; Ohio State Alumni Association; Ohio State Alpha Delta Gamma; Greenville Beta Sigma Phi; Greenville Criterion Club; Local Visitors Bureau and was very active in the D.E.C.A. In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by siblings Jack Spillman, Mary Helen Richards, Frances Kennedy, and Albert Spillman. She is survived by children Steve and Karen Heinrichs, Cindy Heinrichs and Jo Johnson: grandchildren, Jake Heinrichs, Kate (Nick) Searcy and Mara Johnson. A celebration of Tot’s life was held Friday, Aug. 10, at the Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, 1499 North Broadway, Greenville. A Church Service in her memory, will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 11, at the 1st United Presbyterian Church, 114 East Fourth Street in Greenville, with the Rev. Dr. John Person presiding. Memorial contributions can be made to The OSU Darke County Alumni Scholarship Fund or The OSU Human Ecology Scholarship. Online condolences may be made at www.zecharbailey.com. So, one last time ‌ O H - -!! RISMILLER - Norma Jean Rismiller, 86, of Versailles passed away Sunday, Aug. 5, 2018, at her residence. A funeral service was held Friday, Aug. 10, with burial in St. Paul Lutheran Church Cemetery. BANG – Funeral services for LaVerna Eileen Bang will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, at the Stocker-Fraley Funeral Home, Bradford. Interment will be in Gettysburg Cemetery.

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Library to host Hope Rocks Greenville project BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

Auvrie Hawkey

Name: Auvrie Hawkey Age: 6 Years Birthday: August 13th, 2012 Parents: Chris & Stephanie Hawkey, of Greenville Cousins: Kenton, Addyson & Iris Kenworthy, Farrah & Ryker Harris, Payson & Sawyer Hoblit, and Clint Spencer

Silvertones at Singles Dance GREENVILLE – Singles Dance hosted by Darke County Singles Group will be held Saturday, Aug. 25, from 8-11 p.m. at VFW Post 7262, 219 N. Ohio St., Greenville, in the ballroom. The “Silvertones” band will provide the music for your dancing and listening pleasure. This popular fivepiece group from Preble County performs a wide variety of music - classic rock, country, blues and more. This is a great place to see old friends and meet new ones. This is not your bar scene - just dance and a place to have fun. The event is open to public – singles 21 and older. Admission is $6. For more information, call or text Phyllis at (937) 901-3969.

GREENVILLE – Wanting to find a way to spread a little hope and cheer, Ruthie Trobridge typed the word ‘kindness’ into a search on Facebook. What she found has turned into a hobby she’s going to be sharing every fourth Tuesday at the Greenville Library. Rock Hopes Greenville began as a Facebook page in May, Trobridge explained, after she found a fun hobby that’s quietly growing across the United States – painting rocks with encouraging and uplifting scenes and messages. After painting a rock, you hide it around walking paths, parks or other places people gather. Once a rock is found, you take a photo of it, upload it to the Hope Rocks Greenville Facebook page and hide it somewhere else for another person to find. Some people are mailing rocks they find to friends and relatives living in other areas of the U.S. for them to hide in their hometown. Trobridge said she’s

found a couple other rock painting groups in Ohio, as well as one in California. “They’re giving me tips,” she said on painting and sealing the rocks and oyster shells she’s been painting all summer. “There’s just so much negativity in the world,” Trobridge said of seeking a hobby to help her spread happiness. “None of us can change the world, but if I can just touch one person at a time, it’s worth it.” Trobridge, who is struggling with health issues, including her eyesight, believes God has led her to this new hobby, which she is eager to share. So far, her family members have been assisting by collecting rocks. “My husband and grandkids and I take walks searching for rocks. And after a rain I’ll go to vacant lots to see if any rocks have come up,” she explained. For the most part, inspiration for the messages or scenes she paints on rocks come from their individual shapes. For example, a round rock inspired a beach ball, another she painted to look like a car. Yet another is Winnie the Pooh. On some

Quilters and crafters welcome at the fair GREENVILLE – If you are an amateur crafter and want to exhibit your handmade items or antiques at the 2018 Darke County Fair, the Domestic Arts Department has over 200 categories from which to choose. One item per category up to 25 items is allowed. The items are




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August 12, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 9


judged, with ribbons and premiums given for the top three entries in each category. There is also a category for Darke County professionals, for exhibit only. The rules, category lists and entry times are available at the fair secretary’s office or online at www. darkecountyfair.com. No preregistration is necessary; simply bring your items to the Domestic Arts building on Wednesday, Aug. 15, noon to 8 p.m. or Thursday, Aug. 16, 9 a.m. to noon. You must be available to claim your items on Sunday, Aug. 26, 1-5 p.m. There are no exceptions to entry and release times. A 2018 fair ticket in the exhibitor’s name is required for entry. Fifty-year Anniversary passes or 4-H passes for exhibitors over 11-years-old are not accepted for entry. Review the categories available, prior to entry, to ensure there is a suitable category for each item brought. Categories are changed year-to-year, especially in the antique class. Questions may be directed to the fair office at 548-5044, Betsy Nisonger, manager, at 423-0047, or Cathy Retterbush, secretary at 692-5634.



rocks she will include little sayings of encouragement. “Or I’ll listen to music and something will come to mind,” Trobridge said. She also has painted rocks as gifts for friends who may be suffering with an illness or for a couple’s wedding. After running across the Hope Rocks Greenville page on Facebook, librarian Rachel Brock contacted Trobridge to see if she would be interested in bringing her hobby to the library. Willing to share her hobby – and spread kindness, hope and cheer – Trobridge agreed. Beginning Aug. 28 and every fourth Tuesday, from 4-6 p.m. those who are interested in participating in Hope Rocks Greenville, are invited to bring a washed rock or two, some acrylic paints and paint brushes over to the library and participate in a painting session. Participants will take the rocks home to seal using their own spray sealant, Trobridge said. After sealing their rocks, the next step will be to hide it at a place of their choosing. All ages are welcome to attend the painting sessions and door prizes will be part of the class. “We’ll have a theme each time,” Trobridge said, for participants to use for inspiration on how to paint their rocks, if they wish. Information on the classes will be posted on


Erik C. O’Connor June 15, 1977-July 14, 2018

It has been one month since you left us. You are truly missed by all who knew you. Love, Your family & friends

Ruthie Trobridge will be sharing Hope Rocks Greenville the fourth Tuesday of each month at Greenville Public Library.

the Hope Rocks Greenville Facebook page, however, you must first ask to join

the group. Or call the library at 548 – 3915.

School supplies are on Teachers Lists DARKE COUNTY – Parents from local schools have a new tool in their back-to-school bag of tricks this year as all of their school’s supply lists are now posted on TeacherLists.com. With just one or two clicks, parents can find their child’s exact supply list and then click right over to pre-filled shopping carts on Target, Walmart, Office Depot, Amazon and more to purchase their list and have it shipped right to their home. Target, Walmart and Office Depot also offer in store pick-up. The site already includes lists for: * Arcanum Elementary, Arcanum * Butler Middle School, Arcanum * Franklin Monroe Elementary, Arcanum * Mississinawa Val-

ley Elementary School, Union City * Bradford Central Elementary, Bradford * Bradford High School, Bradford * Arcanum High School, Arcanum * Franklin Monroe Middle/High School, Arcanum * Greenville Elementary, Greenville * Tri-Village Elementary School, New Madison More than 50,000 schools now have lists posted on TeacherLists. Lists for more than 1 million classrooms are live on the site and include required and requested items as well as specific notes and clarifications from teachers and school staff. Complete details and all the lists are available at www.teacherlists.com/ parents

PAGE 10 August 12, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com



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Dogs move to south end for 2018 fair BY RYAN BERRY MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – When you are passing through the livestock barns on the north end of the fairgrounds this year you may feel like something is missing. It won’t be the livestock. They are where they normally are and some species have record numbers including the swine department and goats department. However, you won’t hear the yapping of little dogs or deep grumbling of the larger dogs. They have been moved to the south end of the fairgrounds. The dog department’s junior fair and open show can now be found north of Gate 5 and south of the junior fair horse barns. Gate 5 is the southern gate to the fairgrounds off of State Route 121. The dog committee is hoping to have a new building by this time next year and although the location has not yet been determined, they know it will be at the south end of the fairgrounds. The fairboard decided at its July meeting not to temporarily ďŹ x the roof on the current dog barn and erect a tent for this year’s fair. Andria Haworth, president of the dog committee, said she supported the

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Shown are Ed Erisman- Senior Fair; Cherolet Hutcheson- VP of Darke Co Dog Committee; Morgan Heitkamp- Junior Fair; Alisha Rismiller- Junior Fair; Andria Haworth- President; Becky Baker- Treasurer; Joy Greer- VP and Vickie Wessling, marketing manager of Second National Bank.

move for this year’s fair. She said, “The committee wants the community to see that we are taking our move seriously. We want to be able to test a location before we build.â€? She also noted the most important reason is the safety of the animals and the kids. When it rained, the barn would ood from water draining into the barn and prior to last year’s temporary ďŹ x, the roof would leak near electrical outlets. Haworth continued, “The tents, though not the ultimate goal, will provide cover

without leaks near electrical outlets.� The dog department is more than halfway to its goal of building a new dog barn. Haworth pointed out they still have some fundraising to do. Most recently, the department received support from Second National Bank. The bank pledged to support the new building by giving $5,000 over the next two years. Haworth added, “We greatly appreciate all of the support we have received.�

Nine-day fair passes now available GREENVILLE – Are you planning a trip to the Darke County Fair? How many days are you planning to go? It may serve you well to purchase a membership instead of a single day admission. A single membership for Darke County residents ages 18 remains at $20 this year. A single non-voting ticket for out of county residents and children ages 12

through 17 is also $20. The nine-day admission passes are gender speciďŹ c with female passes scarlet red in color and male passes are fray. The single day or night admission is $7. Children under 12, with an adult admission, are free. There is free parking on the fairgrounds when space is available.

Kindergarten Open House ARCANUM – All parents of a kindergarten student for the school year 20182019 are invited to attend a Kindergarten Open House on Tuesday, Aug. 21. Please join us in the Kindergarten classrooms (rooms 112, 113, 114 and 115) from 6–7 p.m. You will have the opportunity to meet the teachers, ask questions, see the classrooms, and visit the cafete-

ria. Students will have the opportunity to board and take a short ride on a bus at 6:15 or 6:45 p.m. You are welcome to drop off any school supplies you may have. Please bring your child’s school supplies labeled with their name in a plastic bag. Completed First Day Packet Forms should also be returned at Open House.



For Darke County Fair Board Every vote counts. I would like to count on yours. Paid for by David Singer, 503 US Rt 36, Greenville


AMY FRANTZ for Darke County


facebook.com/FrantzForFairboard 4-H Advisor, Darke County 4-H Alumni and Versailles FFA Alumni Plans once elected: • To focus on the individual needs of each department while recognizing their unique differences. One size does not fit all. • To vote on each issue considering the best interest of the entire fair. • To improve and expand camping. • To continue to support the education of junior fair participants. Paid for by Amy Frantz

August 12, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 11

Band plays tribute to Brown and McCoy GREENVILLE – The Greenville Municipal Concert Band will once again take the stage on Sunday, Aug. 12 at the Marling Band Shell in the beautiful Greenville City Park. The concert will begin at 7 p.m. and is free and open to the public. This week, the Greenville Municipal Concert Band will present a tribute to two great Greenville Musicians, Dwight Brown and Ken McCoy. Brown held the baton for the Greenville Municipal Concert Band for over 40 years. Celebrated as Greenville’s “Mr. Music,” Brown touched the lives of countless musicians and non-musicians alike. A graduate of Miami University, he led a very eclectic life. An avid aviator, Brown loved to fly and did so for both recreational purposes and in the service of our country. He was an educator in the Greenville School District but is also credited with starting band programs in our area. He served our community in government as well, presiding over the Park Board for many years and many other civic organizations. In many

ways, Brown was as much “Mr. Greenville” as he was “Mr. Music.” Very notably, he is credited with the building of the original Marling Band Shell located in the city park. Musically, Brown was a great admirer of all things John Philip Sousa. The Greenville Municipal Concert Band will perform favorites of Brown including Sousa Marches, Procession of the Nobles, The Sound of Music and a compilation of music hits by George Gershwin, whom Brown also enjoyed. Greenville Native Ken McCoy is a giant among national composers and arrangers. He graduated from the highly regarded North Texas State University in music. Upon graduation, McCoy became a public school music educator in Greenville and Versailles. He left public school education to make a serious mark in the music world on a national level in 1977 when he became the Chief Staff Arranger for the United States Army Field Band in Washington D.C. and wrote many pieces of music for many years for

that highly esteemed organization. In 1995, McCoy began arranging music for The Ohio State University Marching Band. He has had his arrangements performed by groups throughout the United States and the world and his arrangements and compositions have been re-

corded by The United States Army Field Band, Ohio State University and other national artists like Les Elgart and Stan Kenton, whose music McCoy enjoyed greatly. The Greenville Municipal Concert Band will perform works arranged by Ken McCoy such as Amazing Grace, Beautiful

Ohio and With A Little Help from My Friends. Please plan to attend this Celebration of the lives and musical commitment of Dwight Brown and Ken McCoy concert at the brand new Marling Band Shell. Park bench seating is available and you can bring your

own chair or blanket to sit on and enjoy the show. The concert series is a great way to spend an evening listening to music, reading a book or just creating quality time with family and friends and enjoying the park. We hope to see you there.

Do you know a special physician? RICHMOND, Ind. – Nominations are being accepted through Aug. 20 for the annual Paul S. Rhoads, M.D., Humanity in Medicine award, which recognizes a doctor who demonstrates a commitment to quality, compassion, sensitivity and caring attitudes in dealing with patients, families and colleagues. The Humanity in Medicine award and celebration, authorized as an annual event by Reid’s governing board in 1983, honors the memory of

Dr. Rhoads for his services to patients and medicine. He was the founding director of Reid’s Medical Education Department, now known as the Innovation Center. Rhoads helped organize the hospice program and helped organize the Wayne County adult clinic for the indigent. He was the first recipient in 1983. Nominations can be made here: http://www. reidhealth.org/about/him/. The award will be presented and announced Oct. 12.

Now Through August 24, 2018



GREENVILLE Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri 10-8 Thurs & Sat 10-5 • Sun 12-4



PAGE 12 August 12, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


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Victory Over Addiction a success LINDA MOODY


This Fair History/Memorial Gallery kiosk will be on display at the Great Darke County Fair this year. (Courtesy photo)

Abbottsville Monuments hosts kiosk at the fair LINDA MOODY


ABBOTTSVILLE – Abbottsville Monuments has obtained additional space at the Great Darke County Fair this year and decided to use part of that space for a new kiosk they built. It is a four-sided display with two sides housing 55inch monitors. “While the primary purpose of the kiosk is to display Darke County Fair history it will also be showing tributes to people who loved the fair and are no longer with us,” said Greg Brown, owner. “This way they can ‘always be at the fair’.” He went on, “If you have a loved one who really enjoyed the fair, you can set up a free tribute by emailing a picture of your family member (preferably of them at the fair but all are accepted) along with their name, dates (if you choose),

and one or two sentences of what they liked most about the fair to fair@abbottsville.com. You can also send them a message on Facebook or bring your picture to their office.” Persons interested in having historical pictures, items, or stories of the Darke County Fair that they would like to share with fair attendees can use the above methods to get them included in the display. Credit will be given in the display to whoever owns the items. This year will be Abbottsville Monument’s 42nd year in the same location at The Great Darke County Fair. “The Brown family, who owns Abbottsville Monuments, has always enjoyed the fair,” he said. “Since they know they are not the only people fond of our county’s annual ‘reunion’ they sincerely hope that this year’s fair attendees enjoy the kiosk they have built for them.”

Shown are Christena Sharp, State of the Heart Care; Jamie Welch, Rest Haven; Tina McClanahan, Brookdale Greenville; Jessica Hester, Village Green; Renee McGhee, JAG Health Care; and Sandy Baker, Oakley Place.

Partners in Care sponsors entertainment RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Mornings at the Great Darke County Fair are a great time to visit, walk around and enjoy the sites without having to push through too many people. Did you know there is also entertainment at the Gazebo each morning thanks to the Partners in Care? According to Sandy Baker of Oakley Place, each one

of the Partners in Care will sponsor the entertainment from 10:30-11:30 a.m. beginning Aug. 17 and ending Aug. 25. She said they have been providing the entertainment for more than 15 years. Members of the Partnering for Care group on-hand for the announcement were State of the Heart Care, Rest Haven, Brookdale Greenville, Village Green, Brethren Retirement Community, JAG Health Care and Oakley Place.

GREENVILLE – An estimated 65 people attended the Victory Over Addiction event in Greenville City Park on Aug. 5. Dave Miller, pastor/ chaplain of Mercy Ministries and a crisis intervention advocate in dying, death, domestic violence, suicide and drug abuse, brought the event which focused on drugs and their usage. His wife, Darla, opened the program. “It was Dave’s idea for this event,” she said. “Everybody affected needs someone to lean on, especially the ones being touched by it. I’ve watched Dave suffer greatly the last three to six months. We can be there for each other. We’ll never be alone anymore. We’re not going to do it starting today.” Dave, who has two daughters on drugs and a son who has been in recovery for five years, gave the audience what he called “disturbing facts.” “We need rehabilitation centers built,” Dave said. “I’ve been to some. It’s a joke. I’m madder than hell at the devil. It’s time for America to wake up.” Several people affected by drug usage gave testimonials. One was Miller’s granddaughter, Madison, who talked about her own and her mother’s abuse. Then

Here are just a few of the people giving testimonies at the Victory Over Addiction event. The men are from Genesis rehabilitation in Hamilton. They are shown with Dave Miller, second from left kneeling, who brought the event to Greenville City Park. (Linda Moody photo)

she and Summer Brock, who also lost a sister to drug abuse, sang Rascal Flatts’ song “I Will Stand by You.” Others speaking were four mothers who lost their children to drugs in one way or another, not to mention 11 men who attended from Genesis, a faith-based rehabilitation center in Hamilton, most of whom gave testimonials. Another former addict, Ashley Smith, said she has been sober for four years. “I’ve struggled with self-esteem problems all my life,” she said “I won’t go back to the monster I used to be. I’ll never go back even on the days I’m not in love with myself. I know Jesus is real because I met the devil

himself.” Additional highlights of the event were Dan Foster, reading the poem, “The Devil’s Den,” and a balloon launch. “I am just overwhelmed after today’s event,” said Miller. “I’m just filled up. Lives were touched today – all those that came from Genesis rehab, all the testimonies, tears of joy, also tears of sadness, but God is our strength; He will see us all through. Again thanks to all speakers Zac James Duarte and Bro. John Elam of Gateway Church for the message, and Jim Reynolds for special prayer. Thanks to all who supplied items. Special thanks to my wife, Darla Miller, for all the cooking, Bridget Swabb Ashley, Kimberly Burns

Markle and Dan Foster for serving, and Lynette Trent for the memorial wall. God is good.” Markle had this to say, “I was skeptical to attend but so glad I did. So many stories, so many tears of heartache over addiction make you truly feel that we are not alone in this epidemic. So many testimonies from recovering addicts; so many mothers who have lost their child to this horrible drug. A lot of heartache today but I left today with my heart full of peace knowing that all these people in attendance are going through what I have and continue to go through.” Darla Miller said they are thinking about starting a support group for people affected by drug addiction.

everyone in attendance to enjoy. “We appreciate the support of the community and all of those who participated in making the event a success,” Chief Ater said. “We would especially like to thank the UCOFD members for their assistance helping out on the event.” The car show is held each year in front of the police and fire department on the 400 block of Elm St., in conjunction with Stateline Heritage Days. All proceeds go to ongoing training and other expenses associated with the K-9 Unit, which has been a key factor in helping the

combat of possessing and transporting of drugs in Union City. “Without the community the K-9 unit would not be able to continue to take drugs off of our streets,”

Chief Ater concluded. For more information about the Union City Ohio PD and its K-9 program log on to their official Facebook page at facebook. com/ucopd.

Car show supports UCOPD K-9 Unit CLINTON RANDALL

CORRESPONDENT crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

UNION CITY, Ohio – The Union City Ohio Police Department hosted the annual car show Saturday evening in an effort to raise funds in support of the their K-9 Unit program. According to police chief Mark Ater, the event was a huge success – with over 50 cars participating in this year’s show. In addition to the variety of classic automobiles, live music by The Blue Leafs out of Tipp City, food and drinks were on-hand for

Giant puffball found on local farm CLINTON RANDALL

CORRESPONDENT crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

DARKE COUNTY – Whether you are a mushroom fan or not, finding a Giant Puffball Mushroom (Calvatia Gigantea), is enough to catch anyone’s eye. One of these overgrown white mushrooms was recently discovered at a family farm near Union City. The fungus was found by Ron Price, at the Kester Farm on Hillgrove Woodington Road and measured an impressive circumference of 43inches. He knew it was

way bigger than normal, so he called the grandkids, located a tape measure…and of course his camera. The current world record for the largest Puffball Mushroom was discovered in 2016 on the banks of the Kaministiquia River in Canada – measuring a circumference of 81 inches and a whopping 52.2 lbs. The mushroom is reportedly safe to eat until it matures and spores develop. Learn more about it, including cooking and medical uses, at https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Calvatia_gigantea.

Ron Price displays the giant puffball mushroom found on his farm.

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PAGE 14 August 12, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

SERVICE DIRECTORY New wreath added to Gold Star monument LAWN & GARDEN


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BY LINDA MOODY CORRESPONDENT lmoody@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Whenever the wreath needs replaced at the Gold Star Mothers monument at the southeast edge of Greenville City Park, it gets done, and this week was no exception. “Woodsprite Garden Club maintains the monument and Greenville City Park employees take care of it,� said Marcella Sewell, garden club member. She decided to get the wreath ready and invited Kathy Hoblit Bowen to help her place the wreath on the monument this past Tuesday. Bowen, who lives in both Greenville and Alabama, is the daughter of Jean Hoblit, who was the main person who made this monument a reality. Hoblit died Nov. 10,

2007. It was Gertrude Hoblit, Bowen’s grandmother, who was one of the founders of the Gold Star Mothers organization in Greenville, which is no longer in existence. The monument, erected in 1957, was dedicated to the World War I, World War II and Korean Conict veterans of Darke County who served (on land, sea and air) the country and who sacriďŹ ced their lives so that freedom might live. At one time, a time capsule was placed in the area by Gertrude’s daughter, Florence Magoto, but when it was redone, it was not located. Sewell created the wreath that was hung this time, making it out of yellow roses and carnations. In addition to this project, the Woodsprites deco-

Placing a new wreath on the Gold Star Mothers monument in Greenville City Park are Marcella Sewell, on the left, and Kathy Hoblit Bowen of Greenville and Alabama. (Linda Moody photo)

rate a Christmas tree at Garst Museum and the owers at the gates of Greenville Union City Cemetery. The Gold Star Mothers was founded by Grace Darling Seibold of Washington, D.C. when the United States entered World War I in 1917. Gold Star families are

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Arcanum BOE meets Aug. 13

Tim M. Greenville, Ohio

Worship Guide " " " ! # APOSTOLIC

Solid Rock Apostolic 8991 Old US 36, Bradford, 937-718-0351 CAC of Greenville 630 Pine, Greenville 937-730-1313 Greenville First Assembly of God 7219 State Route 118N Greenville, Oh 937-548-5445


Favorite Hill Baptist Church 1601 South Street, Piqua, 773-6469 First Baptist Church 7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville 548-7616 Faith Baptist Church 740 E Russ Rd., Greenville, 548-1808 Greenville Baptist Temple 4689 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., 548-7283 Union City First Baptist Church 225 S. First St., Union City, OH 937-968-6163 Cornerstone Historic Baptist Church 933 N Howard St, Union City, IN 765-964-3119


Beech Grove Church of the Brethren 3420 Harrison Rd., Hollansburg 937-997-4895 Bradford Church of The Brethren 120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215 Castine Church of the Brethren 624 State Route 127, Arcanum 678-9945 Cedar Grove Church 373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675 Greenville Church of the Brethren 421 Central Ave., 548-3583

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Oakland Church of The Brethren 8058 Horatio-Harris Creek Rd. Bradford * 448-2287 Pitsburg Church of Brethren 8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum 937-692-8772


ARCANUM – The Arcanum-Butler Local Board of Education will meet Monday, Aug. 13, 2018, 7 p.m., for their regular meeting and a public hearing to discuss funds received related to special education IDEA Part B.

Celina, OH Email: greg.rammel@gmail.com

St Mary’s Catholic Church 233 W Third St. Greenville 548-1616 St Denis 14 E Wood St, Versailles 937-526-4945 Holy Family (Frenchtown) 11255 St Rt 185, Versailles 937-526-4945 St Louis 15 Star Rd, North Star 419-582-2531 Immaculate Conception 5874 N. Buckneck Rd., Bradford, 937-526-4945 St Mary 425 W Hickory St, Union City, IN 765-964-4202


Ansonia Christian Church 123 W. Weller St., Ansonia, 548-5490 Coletown Congregational Church 2876 State Route 571, Greenville 548-6590 East Zion Church 6171 St. Rt. 36, Greenville First Congregational Church 115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH 937-548-3575 Woodington Congregation Church 8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441 Stelvideo Christian Church 6808 Church St., Stelvido, Greenville, OH 316-8198

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Greenville Church of Christ 4599 Chldrns Hm Brdfrd Rd., Greenville, 937-548-4467


Ansonia First Church of God 750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 The New Beginning Church of God 802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502 Triumphant Christian Center 1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300


St Paul’s Episcopal Church 201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575


Family of God 310 W South St., Arcanum, 692-8521 Lighthouse Christian Center 5256 Sebring Warner Rd., Greenville, 548-7464


Helen’s Flowers 937-548-3008 1146 Sweitzer St. Greenville, OH 54331 www.helensflowersgreenville.com

St Paul’s Lutheran Church 13495 Greenville St. Marys Rd Vers., 419-336-7111 St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 6825 State Route 722, Ithaca, 678-8584 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 8520 Oakes Rd., Pitsburg 937-692-5670 Trinity Lutheran Church 1470 W. State Route 28, Union City, IN 765-964-5712 Trinity Lutheran Church 204 E. Wood Street, Versailles 937-526-3091 Abbottsville United Methodist Church 3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum Ansonia United Methodist Church Corner of Pearl and High St., Ansonia 337-5781 EUM Church 1451 Sater Street, Greenville, OH 45331 Faith United Methodist Church 101 E. South St., Arcanum, 692-8934 First United Methodist Church 202 W 4th St. Greenville, 548-3075 Fort Jefferson United Methodist 3856 Church St., Greenville 548-4410 Gordon United Methodist Church 311 East St., Gordon, OH 937-884-5129 Ithaca Grace United Methodist 750 Arcanum-Ithaca Rd 678-9062 Nashville United Methodist 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 New Madison United Methodist 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341 Rossburg United Methodist 117 Ross St., Rossburg, 937-338-4765 Trinity United Methodist Church 112 West South Street Arcanum, OH 692-8530 Versailles United Methodist 122 W Wood St, Versailles 937-526-3855 Webster United Methodist Church 8849 Seibt Rd., Versailles 526-3855


St. John Lutheran Church 7418 State Route 121, Greenville 548-5404 St Paul Lutheran Church 131 E. 4th Street, Greenville 548-5770

Pray for Our Country and Our People!



Teegarden Congregational Church 2753 State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 CMA Church 306 Devor St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955

Greenville Missionary Church 1110 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842 Pleasant View Missionary Church 5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885


Beamsville Christian Church 6102 Beamsville-Union City Rd. Greenville 547-0009 Calvary Bible Church 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 Friendship Community Church 1005 Eaton Fort Nesbit Rd. New Paris, 997-3592 True Life 5990 State Route 36, Greenville 548-3558 Living Waters Ministries 102 W Main St., Versailles, 526-4567 Bible Fellowship Church: 7757 Grnv-Celina Road, Greenville 937-547-1952 Northside Community Fellowship 8135 St. Rt. 127 N., Greenville, 548-8965 Rosehill Country Church St. Rt. 49 and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill Versailles Christian Church 105 W Ward St., Versailles 937-526-4194 Hillgrove Federated Church 1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332 Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-547-0092 Arcanum Community of Faith 109 W. George St., Arcanum


Faith Apostolic Lighthouse 332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299


First United Presbyterian Church 114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188


St. Paul United Church of Christ 129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506


First Universalist Church 331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403


Trinity Wesleyan Church 1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337 Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331

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immediate relatives of U.S. Armed Forces members who died in battle or in support of certain military activities. These relatives can be parents, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters or other loved ones. The organization was named after the Gold Star that families hung in their windows in honor of the deceased veteran. After years of planning, June 4, 1928, 25 mothers met in Washington, D.C. to establish the national organization, American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.



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Nice 3 BR, 2 bathrooms, brick ranch home, full basement, country setting, Versailles schools. No pets. No smoking. Call 419-582-4227 Clean upstairs one bedroom apartment in Greenville. Stove, refrigerator furnished. $425 includes utilities. No pets/smoking. Call 937-548-6209 3 bedroom house, 106 Meadow Lane, Greenville, $600/per month plus security deposit, No Metro, pets and smoking 260-335-2666.

Birchwood Genetics, Inc. has two early morning 1st shift positions available at our West Manchester, OH facility. One position is for a laboratory technician. This is a production lab. Responsibilities include preparing and packaging product as well as set up and clean up. Previous experience is not necessary. Training provided. The other position is for a sire technician. Responsibilities include care and feeding of boars, collection of product, cleaning and routine maintenance of barn equipment. Livestock experience is preferred. This is a high-health herd with strict bio-security. Contact with other swine is not permitted. $13.00 per hour minimum starting wage and an excellent benefits package including health insurance, over 3 weeks paid time off, and 401K. EOE. For information about these positions call: 615-265-2744 or to apply please email your resume to: careers@genusplc.com

Custom Applicator - Harvest Land Co-op Versailles Ag Center

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Employment Opportunities

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August 12, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 17

FOR RENT Downstairs apt, newly remodeled, appls incl. $600 mo. 937-547-3051 Spacious clean apt suitable for 1 person. Near Wayne Hospital. All appliances. Private. Offstreet parking. No Pets, Smoking or Metro. Low utilities. 937-548-7339 1 BR upstairs apt close to downtown Greenville. Stove, refrigerator furnished. All utilities included. No Pets. No Smoking. No Metro. $500/mo + $500 damage deposit. 937-4173045 In Greenville, 2 BR 1/2 double w/garage. W/D hookup. $525 + deposit. 459-0334 2 BR apt in Greenville. No pets, Metro or smoking. $625 per month. Call for details 548-9400 Nice 2 BR 1/2 double in Greenville. W/D hookup. Appliances provided. Central air. No Pets. No Smoking. $400/mo. 937-548-2397 2 BR/1 bath, brick ranch w/attched garage in Greenville park. No pets or smoking. OPEN HOUSE on Aug 25th; 1-3. Call 937-692-0164 1 BR upstairs apt in Union City, OH. Elec heat. Appliances furnished. New windows. $350. 937-547-6182

Upstairs 1 BR apt in Greenville. Includes stove, refrig & utilities. No Pets. No Smoking. $500 + deposit. Call 937-547-0536 or 937467-5333 622 E 4th St, Greenville, OH. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. $475 per month plus $475 deposit plus utilities. Refrigerator & stove furnished upon move-in. Not Metro Approved. No Pets. Call 937-417-4546 for rental application REAL ESTATE 3 BR, 1 bath, w/2 outbuildings. $795/mo. Lease option possible with 5% down. $74,000. 8039 Arcanum Bears Mill Rd, Greenville. Sub-division Stelvideo. Call Dave at 937-3713241 BUY A LAKE! 35 acres - $149,900. 5 ac lake, gorgeous views, old barns & sheds! Quiet twn rd, G’teed buildable. Fin avail. Call 888-431-7214 or go to N e w Yo r k L a n dandLakes.com for video and photos FARM LIQUIDATION! 42 ACRES. ABUTS STATE LAND -- $69,900. 3 hrs NY City. Big views, woods, pond, meadows! Twn rd, utils. Owner terms. 888-738-6994 NewYorkLandandLakes.com

REAL ESTATE 453 E Ward St, Versailles. 3 BR, 2 bath home. Full basement. Attached garage. Covered patio. Jim Walterbusch 419-305-3231. Arnold Group. AUTOMOTIVE 1999 Ford F150, 4x4, big cab, new tires, short bed, $1850. Greenville 765-277-6265 Two (2) pickup truck shells for sale. Both in good shape and came off of Dodge Ram 8 ft bed. May be seen at The Early Bird MondayThursday 8:30-4:00. Paid an average of $300 each. Reasonable offers considered. Call 548-3330 and ask for Becky or Keith 1984 Corvette, new radiator, tires & exhaust. $4000. 937-875-1511 2003 Chevy 2500HD, diesel, crew, 110,000 $16,995. 2006 Dakota crew $6995. 2008 Vue $5995. 2011 Equinox $7695. 2012 Escape $8995. 2008 Jeep $7995. 2008 Expedition $11,995. Buy - Sell - Trade! CountryAutoSalesGreenville.com 548-1337

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Pre-employment drug screen and physical required 937-497-3025 www.norcold.com Norcold is an EOE Employer

MISC. FOR SALE Beautiful 12 foot PreLit Christmas tree (from Hobby Lobby) w/ornaments & decorations. $150. Paid over $500 for everything. LIKE NEW. Call Bruce, 937-547-1970 PROFESSIONAL SOUND SYSTEM Rental, Sales & Installation. Free quotes to your business, church or home for sound system updates & improvements. JBL, EAW, QSC, PEAVEY, CROWN. Bach to Rock Music 547-1970, email: bachtorock@ earthlink.net. Also Renting sound systems for Weddings, Graduations, Business Meetings, or any other engagements! DAVIDSON POOLS SALE! Hot tubs, Pools, Auto Covers, Pool & Pond Liners & Chemicals. 937-4474681

MISC. FOR SALE Bach to Rock School Band Instrument Rent to Purchase! We have Name Brand clarinets, trumpets, flutes, drum kits, violins, cellos, violas, saxophones, trombones. Subject to Credit Approval. No interest. No obligation to buy. All rent applies to purchase after trial period. Free repairs included with rental. Call or come in! 334 S. Broadway, Greenville, OH 937-547-1970 Dish Network-Satellite Television Services. Now Over 190 channels for ONLY $49.99/mo! HBO-FREE for one year, FREE Installation, FREE Streaming, FREE HD. Add Internet for $14.95 a month. 1-800-219-1271 HOUSEHOLD Nice traditional living room sofa, 3-cushion, medium/dark multi-color w/blue background with wood trim, $75 OBO. 2 dark wood end tables, $25/set OBO. Used but good condition. You haul. Bruce 937-547-1970



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EQUIPMENT Miller Dialarc 250 stick welder $700. Miller gas welder/generator $900. Lincoln stick welder $100. Thermal Arc plasma cutter $400. Lots of welding & cutting equipment. 937678-6033

• $8.30 per hour • Uniforms Provided • Guaranteed 28 hrs/Week • Flexible Scheduling We are looking for highlymotivated, smiling faces with an energetic drive to succeed. Applications available in store. Resumes for Management Opportunities being accepted. Please Send at: 419 N. Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331 No phone calls please EOE



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'1 1##)',% 2- #,& ,!# -30 1 *#1 2# + # 0# !!#.2',% 0#13+#1 ..*'! 2'-,1 $-0 -30 1 *#1 + 0)#2',% 2# + &'1 '1 , 1 *#1 .-1'2'-, 2& 2 0#/3'0#1 , -32 %-',% %%0#11'4# ',"'4'"3 * 5&- #,(-71 &#*.',% "4#02'1',% !*'#,21 .0-1.#0 7 5-0)',% 2- "#4#*-. + 0)#2',% .* ,1 ," 2&#, $-**-5',% 2&0-3%& 2- +-,'2-0 0#13*21 &'1 '1 ,-2 ',1'"# 1 *#1 ,-0 2#*#+ 0)#2',% *2&-3%& 1+ ** +-3,2 -$ -$9!# 2'+# '1 0#/3'0#" $-0 $-**-5 2&0-3%& # -$$#0 -," 7 0'" 7 5-0) 5##) 5'2& 1&-02#,#" " 7 -, 0'" 7 # 0# %0# 2 $ +'*7 -5,#" #,4'0-,+#,2 5'2& -4# 4#0 %# # 0,',%1 5'2& -2& 1# 1 * 07 ," 3,*'+'2#" !-++'11'-, .* , # .0-4'"# . '" 4 ! 2'-, 1'!) 2'+# ," +'*# %# 0#'+ 301#+#,2 &# '"# * ! ,"'" 2# .0-4'"#1 .-1'2'4# ! , "- 22'23"# 5'2& .0'-0 1 *#1 #6.#0'#,!# .0#$#0 *7 ', .0',2 ," "'%'2 * !-+ ',#" 5'2& !-+.32#0 1)'**1 "#.#," '*'27 ," 5&- '1 1##)',% *-,% 2#0+ ! 0##0 ,-2 (312 (- 5'**',%,#11 2- . 02'!'. 2# ', !-++3,'27 #4#,21 2& 2 0# !-+. ,7 1.-,1-0#" *1- 0#/3'0#" 13!& 1 &# 2&#0',% 2 012 ," &# 0# 2 0)# -3,27 '0 1 #6 +.*#1 312 & 4# "#.#," *# 20 ,1.-02 2'-, ," -,*7 2&-1# 5'2& 120-,% 1 *#1 #6.#0'#,!# ," "#1'0# 2- 13!!##" 1&-3*" ..*7 $ 2&'1 1-3,"1 *')# 7-3 .*# 1# 1#," 7-30 0#13+# ," 0#$#0#,!#1 2- #'2& -328 3 *'1&#0 2

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Troy Mayor’s Concert set TROY – The Troy Mayors’ Concert will be held on Prouty Plaza in downtown Troy on Sunday, Aug. 19, 7 p.m. The Dayton Philharmonic Band under the direction of Patrick Reynolds and Summer Chorus directed by Christine Smith, will be presenting the Lights of Broadway featuring the outstanding soprano vocalist Alaina Saliba and guest conductor Danny Elam. Alaina is with the Dept. of Music at the University of Dayton; and Danny is retired as music director at Bethel Local Schools. This year marks the 26th anniversary of the event that also features Troy Mayor Michael Beamish as conductor for His Honor March.


WANTS ANY TYPE OF: • Carpentry Work • Room Additions • Garages • Siding • Foundation Replacement • Crawl Space Work • Restoration • Roofs/Re-Roofs FREE ESTIMATES



Truck Rentals


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Fox Run Senior Apartments 1230 Adrien Avenue Greenville, OH 937-316-8025


St Rt 49, Greenville Great parcel of land just outside city limits to build a house, couple barns or just to use as farm ground. Call today! 1195 Ft Jefferson, Greenville Buy today and start making money today. 7 unit investment property on the edge of Greenville. Great location with all units rented. 305 Anderson Ave., Greenville Looking to downsize or just starting out? Cute 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom home in Greenville. Call today for your personal tour. 310 N State Line, Union City, OH Handy man special. 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home with 2 car attached garage ready for a little TLC. Currently has a 10 year tenant if you’re looking for an investment property.

First Choice Realty

The Right Choice 1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331



IN PITSBURG this 1½ story home at 222 Lumber Street has 3 bedrooms; 24x9 enclosed front porch; utility building. Low 60s. IN NORTH END OF GREENVILLE this 3 bedroom brick ranch at 1291 Chippewa has oak cabinets in kitchen; 1½ baths; maintenance-free exterior; concrete drive; 2½ car finished garage. $120,000. IN WAYNE LAKES great business opportunity! This commercial building at 1052 Main Drive has over 2700 sq. ft. M/L with open space for showroom and retail. Metal roofing and siding; concrete floors; half bath. Totally insulated. 20x30 garage with 14’ overhead door. 2+ acres. $129,900. BUILD YOUR NEW HOME at corner of Bur Oak and Aspen! Improved with well; grass; trees; and sidewalks! $30,000. IN HOLLANSBURG at 110 W. Union Street is a 2-story home with lots of charm and character! Beautiful fireplace; original hardwood staircase. Carpet new in 2016. Upper 50s. ZONED LIC these 2 lots at corner of W. Park and St. Rt. 49 have lots of possibilities! Want to change zoning for other uses? Apply to the City of Greenville! Mid 20s. COMMERCIAL BUILDING at 5294 SebringWarner Road has over 5400 sq. ft. of warehouse space; 1185 sq. ft. of office space; 60x90 shop; PLUS foyer and reception area! Newly painted exterior; 3 overhead doors with openers. $325,000. JUST WEST OF GREENVILLE at 7418 McMecham Road this 3 bedroom brick ranch has over 1300 sq. ft. of living area! Attached garage PLUS detached garage! 1+ acres. $119,900.


Jim Shuttleworth Evelyn Shuttleworth Joe Shuttleworth Greg Shuttleworth Richard Edwards


free of charge to the public. Limited seating will be available; however, you are encouraged to bring your lawn chairs. Rain location is in Hobart Arena. As in past years, handicapped parking will be available on South Market Street and Girl Scouts will assist with wheelchairs.

ATTENTION LANDOWNERS I have investors that are looking to purchase from 200 to 400 acres of farmland. They will be willing to cash rent the land back to the Sellers or other local farmers. Call today if you are willing to have a confidential conversation about this idea. Don Leis, Leis Realty Co. Greenville, OH 937-459-0886

FOR RENT 4800 sq. ft. usable space retail/office. High traffic area next to Auto Zone. $800.00 Month


Sam Schwartz


4556 US RT 127, GREENVILLE: Great Country Setting! Spacious brick ranch offering 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths. Living room. Family room has wood burning fireplace. Updates include roof, vinyl replacement windows, water heater & patio. Located on nearly 1 acre lot – south of Greenville on US Rt 127, past US Rt 36 on west side of road. MLS 767066 #4566

This summer event is being presented through the generosity of The Troy Foundation, the Kettering Health Network and the Premier Health Network / UVMC with additional support from many other businesses and individuals, allowing us to offer the concert

2 & 3 Bedrooms for Seniors 55 and Over This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer

Becoming a Home Owner Need Not Be Just A Dream 2&3 Bedroom Homes Available Check our our selection of FREE handyman homes. Rental Homes Available Too! Sherwood Forest Mobile Home Community 937-548-9898 www.parkbridgehomes.com


127.5 Acres - 100 tillable. Located east of Greenville in Darke County. Includes 2-story brick home, barns w/metal siding; 15 acres of woods & creek going thru land. Seeking buyer who will preserve the history & appreciate the unique features of this century homestead. Great place to raise a family.

Call (937) 548-2543 for more information or to make an offer. LEIS REALTY COMPANY CONGRATULATES


As Top Producer For July 2018

COMMERCIAL LISTINGS NEW LISTING! GRAIN STORAGE BINS, DRYING SYSTEM, GRAIN LEG - Grain elevator has 4 bins; 40K bu., 60K bu., 75K bu., 125K bu. Two have bin sweeps, two have power sweeps. 2 holding bins 10K bu. each. Grain Leg 5,500 bu. per hour. Dryer and leg to bins in working condition. Feed Mill area of property never used by present owners. After purchasing; utilize the bins or rent out. Do the math - it can turn some cash. (771036) MANUFACTURING & WAREHOUSE SPACE AVAILABLE. Building 1: Consist of 9,764sf; approximately 1,798sf of office space, 6,016sf manufacturing and 1,960sf of shipping. Manufacturing area has hanging heaters & 208V 800 Amp 3 phase electric supplies the facility. The main manufacturing space has approximately 16’ of clear height, 12� concrete floors and 14’ overhead door. Shipping area has 10’ of clear height, two 8’ overhead doors and access to exterior dock. Office space consists of conference room, receptionist office, 4 additional offices, break room and 3 restrooms. Office space has a gas forced air furnace and central air. Building 2: Consist of 3,960 sq ft of space with a 18’x20’ office in the corner. Warehouse has hanging furnace, 220V 200 Amp single phase electric, newer lighting. This warehouse does have a dock high door and 2 - 12’x12’ ground level doors. Building has approximately 12’ of clear height. Lot size .946 acres. Zoning–LIC (Limited Industrial/Commercial District) (762134) DOWNTOWN INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS. Here is your chance to own a piece of downtown history. Currently the building has 3 tenants paying a combined $1650/mo. Unit 1 has approximate 2000sf with lobby space and open studio/retail space. Unit 2 has approximately 2600sf, Space consist of workout/ retail area, small lobby and storage space. This unit has a new A/C unit in 2016. Unit 3 consist of a garage space that is currently leased out. Tenants reimburse the landlord for the utilities. There are 2 garage spaces in the rear of the building plus a lot more storage space. The second level has untapped potential. This space would make great loft apartments or office space. Another perk to this building is the public parking lot adjacent to the building. This is gives your tenants plenty of parking space for employees and customers. (766767) LOCATED ON US 127 IN WEST MANCHESTER. Great place to start up a Mom & Pop restaurant, Pizzeria, Donut Shop, the possibilities abound! Breakfast/ lunch, have the rest of the day to do whatever! Smaller room in front could be utilized as a mini grocery; milk, bread, etc., coffee shop, ice cream parlor, or an extension to the dining area. Many commercial wire racks, storage space, hood vent with fire retardant lines. Prep table in large kitchen area. Gas lines for appliances that buyer provides. Secured drive thru window and dining area offers eat in or eat out atmosphere. After purchase 2010 new heat & a/c, duct work, cooling unit to walk-in. Lots of truckers driving by that love a home cooked meal or a to go sandwich. This building is a business opportunity waiting to happen!! (759473) GREAT RECREATION GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS are now available for you at 6236 Shade Rd. Greenville, OH. Property offers 3 buildings, 2 shelter houses, playground, horseshoe pits, shooting range, woods and open space. Garage building is 28’x40’ with cement floors and electric. Approximately 7 acres of woods on the back end of this property. (756776) MULTI F FAMILY HOME with extra lot and plenty of off street parking. Bring your paint brushes and tool belt to transform into a great rental investment. Some newer windows. Includes lot 737 Martin St. (757872) LOOKING FOR HOME BASED BUSINESS?. We offer a 2 bedroom home with an attached retail space. Retail space is approximately 529 sf at 544 Wagner Ave. Over 13,000 vehicles go past the doors on a daily basis The property could be converted to all business with no living quarters, giving you over 1700sf of space. (728355)

PAGE 18 August 12, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Greenville Federal inducted into HOF

Reid’s Medical Monday scheduled for Aug. 13

RICHMOND, Ind. – Angela Cline, director of Reid Health Community Benefit, and Sharrie Harlin, Community Outreach, will share about their areas and roles in the health system’s outreach work in the region. Cline’s department is known Shown are Jeff Kniese, president and CEO of Greenville for awarding thouFederal and Ed Curry, Annie Oakley Golf Tournament sands of dollars in Chairman.

GARAGE SALES GREENVILLE 407 Wildrose Ln; Aug 15-16; 9-5; Wardrobe, desk, Avon collectibles, cassettes/tapes/cases, grinder, men/woman’s clothes - lrg sizes, new things added 306 Marion Dr; Aug 15-16-17; 9-5; Clothes, misc, furniture, fire pit

OUT OF COUNTY 104 S Main St, Laura; Aug 16-17; 9-4; Many collectibles, toys, household goods VERSAILLES 7472 Beamsville Webster Rd; Aug 16-17; 8-5; Particle boards, cowboy cooler, wooden wheelbarrows, shop tools, lg picnic table w/benchUNION CITY 331 N Howard St, Union es, puzzles, women’s clothes, much more City, IN; Aug 18; 9-2:30?; Rain or Shine; Tools, DEADLINE Craftsman roller toolbox, Troy Bilt tiller, wood, vent- FOR GETTING YOUR GARAGE less heaters, electronics, SALE TV, plantation shutters, IN THE EARLY furniture, Kemp chipper/ BIRDshredder-needs work, NOON O.Max Landon desk, file THURS. cabinet, misc


Private bid sale September 5, 2018 - Noon 84.114 +/- Acres Van Buren Township, Darke County, Ohio Location: St. Rt. 571 E., Darke County, Ohio (near Folkerth Road intersection) One Parcel: 84.114 acres, more or less Parcel No. Q62-0-309-10-00-00-20300 Comments: Detailed bid packets will be sent to any interested bidder by contacting Attorney Matthew J. Wuebker or John Marchal, 116 W. Fourth Street, Greenville, Ohio 45331; (937) 5481125; mwuebker@marchallaw.com Bids must be submitted per bid instructions no later than noon on September 5, 2018. The top four bidders will be invited to submit a rebid thereafter. Sellers reserve the right to alter the bid process and to reject any and all bids. Note: The property is being sold AS IS and no certification of actual acreage is being provided by the Seller. John Marchal Marchal & Marchal, Ltd. 116 W. Fourth St Greenville, OH 45331 8/12, 8/19 2T NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE ESTATE OF WARREN SMITH BOWERS, DECEASED DARKE COUNTY PROBATE COURT CASE NO. 2014-1-050A Address of Property: 325 E. North Street, Union City, Ohio 45390 Pursuant to the Order of the Probate Court of Darke County, Ohio, Case No. 2014-1050A, I will offer for sale at public auction on the 6th day of September, 2018 at 6:00 PM, on the premises, the following described real estate situate in the County of Darke, State of Ohio, to wit: Situate in the County of Darke in the State of Ohio and in the Village of Union City, in said county, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Lot numbered five hundred twenty-eighty (528) in said City of Union City, as designated and numbered and known on the French and other addition to said City. Auditor’s Parcel I.D. No. H33-2-113-29-04-04-124-00 Said premises are appraised at $20,000.00 and must be sold for not less than twothirds (2/3) of said appraised value. The terms of the sale and payment of the purchase money shall be cash, $3,000.00 paid on the day of the sale with the balance due at closing. Closing of the sale shall be within forty-five (45) days of date of sale. The real estate taxes, assessments and penalties/interest due and payable for any previous year, and due and payable for this year 2018, shall be paid by Seller, and Buyer shall pay all real estate taxes and assessments becoming due and payable thereafter. JAMES W. BOWERS, ADMINISTRATOR JAMES S. DETLING, ATTORNEY ESTATE OF WARREN SMITH BOWERS Detling Law Office, LLC 421 Public Square Greenville, OH 45331 8/12, 8/19, 8/26 3T


golf tournament. The Annie Oakley Golf Committee and the Cancer Association of Darke County are very much appreciative of the support that Greenville Federal has given to the golf tournament and the community through the years.

grants to programs that work to improve community health. Harlin is involved in a range of outreach efforts, including helping connect people with insurance and other assistance programs – and she is the organizer of Medical Mondays. Medical Monday is a free presenta-

Internet Only Auction July 20, 2018 – August 19, 2018

Bidding available NOW through Aug. 19, 2018 via www.Proxibid.com Modular is located at 238 W. 3rd St., St. Mary’s School - Greenville OH

1990’s 3-room modular office/classroom unit. Unit is approximately 12’x40’ with axles (no tires), in good condition with 3 entrances. Modular unit includes electric throughout, storage cabinets, programmable fire/security system box, wood ramp decking, and newer rubber roof (2 years old). There is no reserve. Terms: A 10% Buyers Premium shall be applied to the final accepted bid and due at the close of the auction. Removal must be within 30 days of close of auction. Please visit www.midwest-auctioneers.com for more info and pictures.

Greenville City Schools


GREENVILLE – The Annie Oakley Golf Tournament Committee recently inducted Greenville Federal into the Annie Oakley Golf Tournament Hall of Fame, which was established in 2006, the year of the tournament’s 25th anniversary. Criteria for this honor was decided by the committee and consists of long term participation, enthusiasm, and support of the committee’s goals in helping Darke County cancer patients. Jeff Kniese, president and CEO of Greenville Federal, accepted the award from Ed Curry, chairman of the

220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com


PUBLIC AUCTION SALE BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE TRI- VILLAGE LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 412 EAST WAYNE STREET, NEW MADISON, DARKE COUNTY, OHIO Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the Tri-Village Local School District (the Board), Darke County, Ohio, will offer for sale at public auction at 315 S Main Street, New Madison, Ohio at the Board office, commencing at 6:00 p.m, on September 26, 2018 the following described property: 0.662 Acres New Madison Situated in the Section 13, Township 10 North, Range 1 East, Harrison Township and New Madison, Darke County, State of Ohio, being part of a tract described in Official Record Volume 509, Page 549 in the office of the Darke County Recorder, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a railroad spike found at the Southeast corner of Section 13; thence, with the south line of the southeast quarter, South 89°22’14” West, 511.54 feet to a rebar found: thence, North 0°06’14” West, 665.16 feet to a rebar found; thence, North 83°21’02”West, 119.61 feet to a point; thence, North 58°28’06” West, 91.26 feet to a point; thence, North 74°57’35” West, 70.46 feet to a rebar found; thence, North 0°22’48” East, 1004.49 feet to a rebar found on the south right-of-way line of Wayne Street; thence, with the south right-of-way line of Wayne Street, North 89°46’04” East, 181.52 feet to a rebar found; thence, continuing with the south right-of-way line of Wayne Street, North 89°46’04” East, 221.00 feet to a rebar set; thence, continuing with the south right-of-way line of Wayne Street, North 89°46’04” East, 111.00 feet to a rebar set at the true point of beginning of the tract herein described; thence, continuing with the south right-of-way line of Wayne Street, North 89°46’04” East, 111.00 feet to a rebar set; thence, South 0°13’56” East, 259.78 feet to a rebar set; thence, South 89°46’04” West, 111.00 feet to a rebar set; thence, North 0°13’56” West, 259.78 feet to the true point of beginning and containing 0.662 acres of land, more or less, and being subject to all legal highways, easements, conditions, and restrictions of record; The above legal description was prepared from a field survey performed under the supervision of Larry J. Bill, Professional Surveyor # 7557 in May 2018 as recorded in Plat Volume 50 Page 132 in the Darke County Recorder’s office. All rebars set are 5/8” x 30” with a cap stamped “LJBILL PLS#7557”. Street Address: 412 East Wayne St., New Madison, Ohio 45346 The following protective and restrictive covenants will apply to the sale of property as well: 1. No structure other than single family dwellings with attached garage shall be erected. Each story dwelling shall have a minimum of 1,500 square feet of living area exclusive of garage, porches and patio areas. Each two story dwelling shall have a minimum of 1,700 square feet of living area exclusive of garage, porches, and patio areas. 2. Any out buildings will adhere to the Village of New Madison requirements. 3. All home construction must be completed within 18 months of closing. No prefabricated, trailer base, modular home, tent or shack shall be permitted on any lot. 4. Lawns and landscaping must be developed around all buildings and must be sown and/ or planted within seven months of completion of building. 5. All driveways must be constructed per Village of New Madison requirements. Water and sewer tap in fees and other utility charges for each individual lot shall be the responsibility of the lot owner, not the seller. 6. All utilities are to be underground. 7. No barn or outbuilding for animals or commercial purposes shall be permitted. 8. Fencing must meet Village of New Madison requirements. 9. No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept on any lot except dogs, cats, or other household pets, provided they are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purposes. 10. All buildings erected must conform to the zoning ordinances of the Village of New Madison. 11. No junk, unlicensed or inoperable vehicles stored outside. Method of Sale: Subject to the right of the board to reject all bids, the sale shall be made to the highest bidder, but shall not be final until written notification of the acceptance of the bid is given by the board. Minimum Price: The minimum price to be accepted at public action is $20,000.00. Terms of Sale: Cash (in the form of cash, or a certified or cashier’s check) within the time provided in the conditions of sale referred to below. Deposit: Cash, or a certified or cashier’s check payable to the Board of Education of the Tri-Village Local School District, or a combination, in the amount of $2,000.00 will be required at the time of the public auction from the highest bidder as security for faithful performance should the bid be accepted, which amount will be applied on the purchase price in the event the bid is accepted by the Board. AS-IS Sale: The Property is being sold and will be conveyed “as is” with all faults and defects, whether patent or latent, as of the date of closing. Additional Information and Conditions of Sale: Information concerning the auction sale and a copy of the “conditions of sale,” in accordance with and subject to which all bids shall be made, may be obtained at the office of the Treasurer, 315 S Main Street, New Madison, Ohio (Telephone: 937-996-4734).

tion and will begin at 1 p.m. Monday, Aug. 13, at Central United Methodist Church. To attend,

please RSVP Sharrie Harlin at (765)9833000, ext. 4676. The church is located at 1425 E. Main

St. in Richmond. Medical Monday is supported by Reid Health Community Benefit.



10:00 AM

2956 St Rt 503 Greenville, OH 45331

We will be offering, at auction, nice, well maintained, three bedroom brick ranch style home with attached garage. Home will sell with all appliances, including very nice washer and dryer, refrigerator, and range. Water heater was replaced 1 year ago. Home is located on nicely kept shaded lot and has a separate storage shed selling with the property. Open House August 12, 1:00-2:30 PM and shown by appointment. Terms: $2,500.00 earnest money deposit day of auction with balance due at closing within 30 days of auction. Property taxes will be short term proration until day of closing. Possession at closing. Visit us on the web at www.auctionzip.com user ID 11883 for pictures and information. Attend open house-Arrange financing-Bid your price



PUBLIC AUCTION SALE BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE TRI- VILLAGE LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 414 EAST WAYNE STREET, NEW MADISON, DARKE COUNTY, OHIO Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the Tri-Village Local School District (the Board), Darke County, Ohio, will offer for sale at public auction at 315 S Main Street, New Madison, Ohio at the Board office, commencing at 6:00 p.m, on September 26, 2018 the following described property: 0.906 Acres New Madison Situated in the Section 13, Township 10 North, Range 1 East, Harrison Township and New Madison, Darke County, State of Ohio, being part of a tract described in Official Record Volume 509, Page 549 in the office of the Darke County Recorder, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a railroad spike found at the Southeast corner of Section 13; thence, with the south line of the southeast quarter, South 89°22’14” West, 511.54 feet to a rebar found: thence, North 58°28’06” West, 91.26 feet to a point; thence, North 0°06’14” West, 665.16 feet to a rebar found; thence, North 83°21’02”West, 119.61 feet to a point; thence, North 74°57’35” West, 70.46 feet to a rebar found; thence, North 0°22’48” East, 1004.49 feet to a rebar found on the south right-of-way line of Wayne Street; thence, with the south right-of-way line of Wayne Street, North 89°46’04” East, 181.52 feet to a rebar found; thence, continuing with the south right-of-way line of Wayne Street, North 89°46’04” East, 221.00 feet to a rebar set; thence, continuing with the south right-of-way line of Wayne Street, North 89°46’04” East, 111.00 feet to a rebar set; thence, continuing with the south right-of-way line of Wayne Street, North 89°46’04” East, 111.00 feet to a rebar set at the true point of beginning of the tract herein described; thence, continuing with the south right-of-way line of Wayne Street, North 89°46’04” East, 153.01 feet to a Mag nail found; thence, with the east line of the aforesaid Southeast Quarter, South 0°13’26” West, 259.79 feet to a Mag nail set; thence, South 89°46’04” West, 150.94 feet to a rebar set; thence, North 0°13’56” West, 259.78 feet to the true point of beginning and containing 0.906 acres of land, more or less, of which 0.262 acres lies within the road right-of-way, and being subject to all legal highways, easements, conditions, and restrictions of record; The above legal description was prepared from a field survey performed under the supervision of Larry J. Bill, Professional Surveyor # 7557 in May 2018 as recorded in Plat Volume 50 Page 132 in the Darke County Recorder’s office. All rebars set are 5/8” x 30” with a cap stamped “LJBILL PLS#7557”. Street Address: 414 East Wayne St., New Madison, Ohio 45346 The following protective and restrictive covenants will apply to the sale of property as well: 1. No structure other than single family dwellings with attached garage shall be erected. Each story dwelling shall have a minimum of 1,500 square feet of living area exclusive of garage, porches and patio areas. Each two story dwelling shall have a minimum of 1,700 square feet of living area exclusive of garage, porches, and patio areas. 2. Any out buildings will adhere to the Village of New Madison requirements. 3. All home construction must be completed within 18 months of closing. No prefabricated, trailer base, modular home, tent or shack shall be permitted on any lot. 4. Lawns and landscaping must be developed around all buildings and must be sown and/or planted within seven months of completion of building. 5. All driveways must be constructed per Village of New Madison requirements. Water and sewer tap in fees and other utility charges for each individual lot shall be the responsibility of the lot owner, not the seller. 6. All utilities are to be underground. 7. No barn or outbuilding for animals or commercial purposes shall be permitted. 8. Fencing must meet Village of New Madison requirements. 9. No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept on any lot except dogs, cats, or other household pets, provided they are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purposes. 10. All buildings erected must conform to the zoning ordinances of the Village of New Madison. 11. No junk, unlicensed or inoperable vehicles stored outside. Method of Sale: Subject to the right of the board to reject all bids, the sale shall be made to the highest bidder, but shall not be final until written notification of the acceptance of the bid is given by the board. Minimum Price: The minimum price to be accepted at public action is $20,000.00. Terms of Sale: Cash (in the form of cash, or a certified or cashier’s check) within the time provided in the conditions of sale referred to below. Deposit: Cash, or a certified or cashier’s check payable to the Board of Education of the Tri-Village Local School District, or a combination, in the amount of $2,000.00 will be required at the time of the public auction from the highest bidder as security for faithful performance should the bid be accepted, which amount will be applied on the purchase price in the event the bid is accepted by the Board. AS-IS Sale: The Property is being sold and will be conveyed “as is” with all faults and defects, whether patent or latent, as of the date of closing. Additional Information and Conditions of Sale: Information concerning the auction sale and a copy of the “conditions of sale,” in accordance with and subject to which all bids shall be made, may be obtained at the office of the Treasurer, 315 S Main Street, New Madison, Ohio (Telephone: 937-996-4734). The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Kimberly Chowning, Treasurer Board of Education of the Tri-Village Local School District

Kimberly Chowning, Treasurer Board of Education of the Tri-Village Local School District

GREENVILLE – The upcoming installment of “Art at the Mill” on display from Aug. 31 through Sept. 23 will feature intriguing mobiles by Daytonarea architect Terry Welker along with the dynamic abstract paintings of his friend and art partner Ron Rollins. This exhibit in the Clark Gallery at historic Bear’s Mill opens on the Final Friday of August with a reception from 6-8 p.m., offering finger food and drinks as well as brief talks by the artists who will share information about their work, methods, and inspiration at 7 p.m. “Art at the Mill,” curated by Jan Roestamadji and Julie Clark, is free and open to the public. According to Ms. Clark, Mr. Welker’s fascinating mobiles, inspired by the natural world, will animate the Mill space with their form and motion. “His simple, yet elegant designs of all sizes use curves, arcs, and lines to draw three-dimensionally in space, delighting the eye and the spirit,” Ms. Clark stated. Ms. Roestamadji says that Ron Rollins’ highly colorful paintings

inspire happiness, evoking joy in the viewer. “Ron’s bold, strong, and freeing acrylic paintings have garnered a following among art enthusiasts of every genre. I am thrilled that the work of these exceptional artists who share a studio in Kettering will enliven our Clark Gallery, and hope that viewers will be inspired to consider enlarging their own collections with their outstanding work.” Striking mosaics crafted from slate and stone by Cincinnati area artist Peggy Schuning and rustic hewn stone pieces created by Harold Wiley remain on display at Bear’s Mill through Aug. 26. “Art At the Mill” is funded in part by a grant from Darke County Endowment for the Arts. Historic Bear’s Mill, owned and operated by Friends of Bear’s Mill, is located at 6450 ArcanumBear’s Mill Road about 5 miles east of Greenville; current hours of operation are Sundays 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays. For more information, contact Bear’s Mill at 937-548-5112 or www.bearsmill. org.



Estate of Betty J. Broerman, Deceased Case No. 18-1-193 To all persons interested in the estate of Betty J. Broerman, deceased, late of 9021 Barr Road, Union City, Ohio 45390. Darke County Probate Court, Case No. 18-1-193. An application has been filed asking to relieve the estate from administration, saying that the assets do not exceed the statutory limits. A hearing on the application will be held Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 10:00 o’clock am. Persons knowing any reason why the application should not be granted should appear and inform the court. The Court is located at 300 Garst Avenue, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Rudnick & Hosek, Ltd. 121 West Third Street Greenville, OH 45331 7/29, 8/5, 8/12 3T CITY OF GREENVILLE On August 7, 2018, the City of Greenville, Ohio adopted the following legislation: • Ordinance #18-79 supplemental appropriations • Ordinance #18-80 authorizing contract to provide Police services to Greenville City Schools. This ordinance has an emergency clause. • Ordinance #18-81 temporarily amend the personnel ordinance to permit hiring a clerical employee to replace the retiring Fire Department employee. This ordinance has an emergency clause. • Resolution #18-82 authorizing a contract not to exceed one year in duration with Littman-Thomas Insurance Agency for the providing of liability insurance coverage for the City of Greenville, Ohio This legislation can be read and examined in its entirety at the office of the City Auditor, Room 200, Municipal Building, Greenville, Ohio, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday and 8:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. on Friday. Approved: Eric Brand, Law Director Vicki Harris, Clerk of Council City of Greenville 8/12, 8/19 2T

ment Services (FAS), among many others. A full list of park supporters can be found on the organization’s website, www.yoloorg.com/ urban-park.htm. YOLO of Darke County is incredibly grateful for every business, organization, and individual who has already donated to this project and thanks to the many contributions received the urban park is 73 percent funded! The YOLO Committee would now like to open this project up to community support in the form of a crowdfunding campaign. A page has been created on the crowdfunding platform Fundly to allow community members to contribute to the park and be recognized as supporters within the park. To donate to this project, visit

www.fundly.com/ yolopark. Contributions will be used to purchase high quality furnishings for the park, including items such as tables, chairs, benches, trash cans, and bike racks, that will last for many years with minimal maintenance. Donations of any amount are welcome and greatly appreciated. Support at any level, from $10 to $10,000 all help to make this dream a reality. “We are incredibly grateful to YOLO of Darke County and the many donors who have contributed to this project so far,” said Crysta Hutchinson, executive director of Main Street Greenville. “We wholeheartedly believe that the urban park will be incredibly beneficial for downtown Greenville and our local businesses.” If you would like

to donate to the urban park project, visit fundly.com/ yolopark. There are options for sponsoring specific park features or, alternatively, custom donation amounts can be entered. If you would like to donate directly to the project to help avoid processing fees, contact Phillip Pierri at info@YOLOorg.com or 937-371-9088. The YOLO Community Fund was established with the goal of maintaining a fund that will be able to perpetually give back to the community in ways for which its members will be proud. All proceeds from Y.O.L.O. of Darke County, Inc. events will be deposited into this fund. The Y.O.L.O of Darke County, Inc is a nonprofit organization and any donation is tax deductible.


PUBLIC AUCTION SALE BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE TRI- VILLAGE LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 410 EAST WAYNE STREET, NEW MADISON, DARKE COUNTY, OHIO Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the Tri-Village Local School District (the Board), Darke County, Ohio, will offer for sale at public auction at 315 S Main Street, New Madison, Ohio at the Board office, commencing at 6:00 p.m, on September 26, 2018 the following described property: 0.662 Acres New Madison Situated in the Section 13, Township 10 North, Range 1 East, Harrison Township and New Madison, Darke County, State of Ohio, being part of a tract described in Official Record Volume 509, Page 549 in the office of the Darke County Recorder, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a railroad spike found at the Southeast corner of Section 13; thence, with the south line of the southeast quarter, South 89°22’14” West, 511.54 feet to a rebar found: thence, North 0°06’14” West, 665.16 feet to a rebar found; thence, North 83°21’02”West, 119.61 feet to a point; thence, North 58°28’06” West, 91.26 feet to a point; thence, North 74°57’35” West, 70.46 feet to a rebar found; thence, North 0°22’48” East, 1004.49 feet to a rebar found on the south right-of-way line of Wayne Street; thence, with the south right-of-way line of Wayne Street, North 89°46’04” East, 181.52 feet to a rebar found; thence, continuing with the south right-of-way line of Wayne Street, North 89°46’04” East, 221.00 feet to a rebar set at the true point of beginning of the tract herein described; thence, continuing with the south right-of-way line of Wayne Street, North 89°46’04” East, 111.00 feet to a rebar set; thence, South 0°13’56” East, 259.78 feet to a rebar set; thence, South 89°46’04” West, 111.00 feet to a rebar set; thence, North 0°13’56” West, 259.78 feet to the true point of beginning and containing 0.662 acres of land, more or less, and being subject to all legal highways, easements, conditions, and restrictions of record;




Since 1979, Mrs. Eunice Steinbrecher and the late Dr. Leroy Steinbrecher have owned and maintained this home to the highest standards possible. Start preparing now to attend, bid, and own this home! A complete property description, including over 150 photos, and terms of the auction can be found on our website: www.midwest-auctioneers.com.

Eunice Steinbrecher, Owner

220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com


PERSONAL PROPERTY AUCTION Monday, Aug. 13, 2018 10:00 AM 925 Sweitzer St. Greenville, OH 45331


Preview of all items selling will be on Sunday, August 12th from 1-3PM **Hand carved carousel horse signed and dated by local artist David Gwinn 1982**

Restaurant and Bar Equipment to include: SS kitchen sinks; Prep tables; Walk-in and reachin coolers; Ice machine; Servers; Bussing supplies; Catering supplies; Bartending and serving supplies; Coffee & beverage machines; Menu boards; SS cookware and flatware; Dinnerware; Linens; Fire suppression system; POS system and cash registers; Tables; Chairs; Stools; Patio furniture; Flat screen TV’s, Darke Co. Fair and horse racing pictures and memorabilia and other advertising items; and much more. Terms: A 10% buyer’s premium shall be applied to all purchases. Accepted payment is cash, check w/ID, and credit card w/ an additional 3% fee. Additional terms will apply to online bidders. Please visit our website www.midwest-auctioneers.com for complete information and pictures.


Live Onsite auction to be held under cover with internet bidding available via Proxibid.com

220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com



108.612 ACRE FARM THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 2018 6:30 P.M.


108 Acre Farm

Location: Located in Harrison Twp. Approximately 1 ½ miles South of Hollansburg, Ohio on Hollansburg Richmond Rd. (WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS)

The above legal description was prepared from a field survey performed under the supervision of Larry J. Bill, Professional Surveyor # 7557 in May 2018 as recorded in Plat Volume 50 Page 132 in the Darke County Recorder’s office. All rebars set are 5/8” x 30” with a cap stamped “LJBILL PLS#7557”. Street Address: 410 East Wayne St., New Madison, Ohio 45346 The following protective and restrictive covenants will apply to the sale of property as well: 1. No structure other than single family dwellings with attached garage shall be erected. Each story dwelling shall have a minimum of 1,500 square feet of living area exclusive of garage, porches and patio areas. Each two story dwelling shall have a minimum of 1,700 square feet of living area exclusive of garage, porches, and patio areas. 2. Any out buildings will adhere to the Village of New Madison requirements. 3. All home construction must be completed within 18 months of closing. No prefabricated, trailer base, modular home, tent or shack shall be permitted on any lot. 4. Lawns and landscaping must be developed around all buildings and must be sown and/or planted within seven months of completion of building. 5. All driveways must be constructed per Village of New Madison requirements. Water and sewer tap in fees and other utility charges for each individual lot shall be the responsibility of the lot owner, not the seller. 6. All utilities are to be underground. 7. No barn or outbuilding for animals or commercial purposes shall be permitted. 8. Fencing must meet Village of New Madison requirements. 9. No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept on any lot except dogs, cats, or other household pets, provided they are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purposes. 10. All buildings erected must conform to the zoning ordinances of the Village of New Madison. 11. No junk, unlicensed or inoperable vehicles stored outside. Method of Sale: Subject to the right of the board to reject all bids, the sale shall be made to the highest bidder, but shall not be final until written notification of the acceptance of the bid is given by the board. Minimum Price: The minimum price to be accepted at public action is $20,000.00. Terms of Sale: Cash (in the form of cash, or a certified or cashier’s check) within the time provided in the conditions of sale referred to below. Deposit: Cash, or a certified or cashier’s check payable to the Board of Education of the Tri-Village Local School District, or a combination, in the amount of $2,000.00 will be required at the time of the public auction from the highest bidder as security for faithful performance should the bid be accepted, which amount will be applied on the purchase price in the event the bid is accepted by the Board. AS-IS Sale: The Property is being sold and will be conveyed “as is” with all faults and defects, whether patent or latent, as of the date of closing. Additional Information and Conditions of Sale: Information concerning the auction sale and a copy of the “conditions of sale,” in accordance with and subject to which all bids shall be made, may be obtained at the office of the Treasurer, 315 S Main Street, New Madison, Ohio (Telephone: 937-996-4734).

This productive Darke County Farm has nearly 93.16 Tillable Acres, 12.55 Acres of Woodlands and 1 Acre with the home site. The 1 ½ Story Brick Home built in 1830 features (3) Bedrooms, Living Room, Family Room, Eat-in-Kitchen, Dining Room, (1) Full Bath, Enclosed Back Porch, Full Basement, approximately 2,340 Sq. Feet, NEW Roof, Central Air & more. Outbuildings include a 56 Ft. x 42 Ft. Bank Barn, a 30 Ft. x 40 Ft. Grainery and a detached 12 Ft. x 20 Ft. (1) Car Garage. Attend Open Houses - Make Financial Arrangements Be Prepared to Buy This Farm at Auction

Open House: SUNDAY, AUGUST 12, 1:00 – 2:30 PM

And by appointment: Call: Everett Hocker, (937) 417-0748 Kirby Lyons, (937) 459-7686 Terms: $25,000 Down on Day of Sale by Cashier’s Check made payable to Leis Realty Co. Trust Account. Complete Balance Due Within (30) Days of Auction. Taxes will be figured short term proration to closing. Possession of the House & Buildings will be at Closing. Possession of the Farm Ground & Woodlands will be after the Fall of 2018 Harvest of Crops.

BETHANY THOMSON & JENNIFER FOREST - OWNERS For photos and additional information on this offering please visit us at www.auctionzip.com Enter User I.D. # 8673. Remember, Never, Ever a Buyers (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions *WHAT YOU BID IS WHAT YOU PAY* “We work for our sellers, appreciate our buyers, and love our profession”

The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Kimberly Chowning, Treasurer Board of Education of the Tri-Village Local School District

Office: 937.316.8400 Cell: 937.459.7686


Mobiles and abstract paintings at Bear’s Mill

The YOLO organization has raised over $550,000 for the downtown Greenville Urban Park project, and hopes the community will rally to help complete the vision.


historic downtown, and to support our local businesses by attracting visitors and new residents,” said Phillip Pierri, founder of YOLO of Darke County. Funding for this project has come from several sources, including a $250,000 grant from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Local supporters include Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Wayne HealthCare/ Foundation, Greenville Federal Bank, Greenville National Bank, Greyson James Steyer Memorial Fund, The Light Foundation, Walls Brothers Asphalt Company, and Financial Achieve-


GREENVILLE – An urban park in downtown Greenville has existed only as a dream and in designer’s renderings for five years. But now that construction has officially begun, the vision presented by the YOLO Organization is finally becoming a reality. Thanks to the tireless efforts of the YOLO Committee members, over half a million dollars has already been raised for the creation of this community gathering place. “Our vision for the Urban Park has always been to create a space for friends and families to spend time together and enjoy our


YOLO Park close to the fundraising finish line

August 12, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 19 AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION

PAGE 20 August 12, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Park National second quarter results for second quarter NEWARK, Ohio - Park National Corporation (Park) (NYSE American: PRK) recently reported financial re-

sults for the second quarter and first half of 2018 (three and six months ended June 30, 2018). Park’s board of directors

also declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.96 per common share, payable on Sept. 10, 2018 to common sharehold-

65th Year Reunion for GHS Class GREENVILLE – The Greenville High School Class of 1953 met at JT’s Restaurant on July 28 for its 65th year reunion. Attendees included: (Front row) Nancy Brown Warner (‘54), Becky Jones

Faze, Connie Irwin Hufnagle, Sondra Crawford Carothers, Lowell Miller, Barb Wolfe Lennen, Pat Smith Roy, Nick Von Fahnestock, (back row) Mary Suter (‘55), John Suter, Darlene

Gribler Ryan, Bill Shreves, Jane Hufnagle Havorka, Joyce Long, Don Sechler, Shirley Cook Unger, Bill Warner, Tom Staley, Bill Covault and John R. Slonaker. (Dick Brown photo)

ers of record as of Aug. 17, 2018. Park’s net income for the second quarter of 2018 was $28.2 million, a 48.4 percent increase from $19.0 million for the second quarter of 2017. Second quarter 2018 net income per diluted common share was $1.83, compared to $1.24 in the second quarter of 2017. Park’s net income for the six months ended 2018 was $59.4 million, a 51.1 percent increase from $39.3 million for the six months ended 2017. Six months ended 2018 net income per diluted common share was $3.85, compared to


www.facebook.com/newmadisonsupermarket FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF OVER 80 SALE ITEMS!

Copy of entire ad available at the store starting Monday morning. AD PRICES IN EFFECT MON., AUG. 13 - SAT., AUG. 18, 2018 HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 8-9, Sun. 10-8 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES - NO DEALER PURCHASES *Additional purchase requirements do not include the item, 24 pack soft drinks, tobacco products and alcohol products*

PRODUCE ................................................ 5 lb. Idaho

POTATOES 1.79ea ................................................ Pint

BLUEBERRIES 1.99 ................................................ 4 lb. Valencia

ORANGES 4.99ea ................................................ SWEET POTATOES .59lb ................................................ Roma

TOMATOES .99lb ................................................ 1 lb. Mini Peeled

CARROTS 1.19ea ................................................

MEAT In Store Made, Fresh

STUFFED PORK SAUSAGE 2.19lb ............................................... Colby Longhorn or

CO-JACK SLICED 3.99lb CHEESE CHUNK 3.79lb ...............................................

Carolina 96% Fat Free Oven Roasted TURKEY BREAST 2.19lb ................................................ Kahn’s Deluxe Club or GARLIC BOLOGNA 2.39lb ................................................ Cooper Farms Honey Roasted

WATERMELON 2.99ea ................................................

SMOKED TURKEY BREAST 4.39lb ................................................

DAIRY ................................................

COOKED HAM 2.79lb ................................................

Whole Seedless

Smith Dairy Yellow “Super Jug”

Farmland 95% Fat Free Harvest Brand

Limit 1 w/additional $20.00 purchase ................................................

SMOKED BEEF LOAF 6.29lb ................................................

COTTAGE CHEESE 1.99ea ................................................

BOLOGNA 6.29lb ................................................



Smith Dairy 16 oz.

Reg. 2.69

Smith Dairy 16 oz.

Reg. 2.39 SOUR CREAM 1.49ea ................................................

Essential Everyday 8 oz. Reg. 2.99 Sorry No Swiss, Natural Sliced CHEESES 1.99ea

................................................ Essential Everyday 6 oz. Fat Free

Reg. .69

Country Crock 45 oz. Soft Spread

reg. 3.99

Simply 52 oz.

reg. 4.49

YOGURT .39ea ................................................ MARGARINE 2.99ea ................................................ ORANGE JUICE 2.99ea ................................................

FROZEN ................................................ Made by Smith Dairy reg. 3.99 48 oz. Frozen Yogurt, Sugar Free or Regular Ruggles ICE CREAM 2.99ea


................................................ Essential Everyday 20-32 oz. Onion Rings, Hash Browns,

reg. 2.99

TOTS OR FRIES 1.99ea ................................................ Birdseye 10-16 oz. reg. 1.99-2.29 Steam Fresh or Regular VEGETABLES 1.19ea

................................................ Eggo 12.3 oz.

reg. 2.99-3.29 FROZEN WAFFLES 1.99ea ................................................ Jack’s 12 Inch reg. 3.49 PIZZAS 2.49 ea ................................................

PORK SHOULDER STEAKS 1.79lb ................................................ Whole

BONELESS PORK LOIN 1.79lb ................................................ 81% Lean, In 3 lb. Pkgs or Larger

GROUND CHUCK 2.39lb ................................................ Beef

BONELESS BOTTOM ROUND STEAKS 3.19lb ................................................ Beef

Arctic Shores 16 oz.

reg. 4.99 3.59ea

BONELESS RUMP ROAST 3.99lb ................................................

Eckrich 14 oz. Regular or

reg. 2.79

Eckrich 14 oz.

reg. 3.49

Oscar Mayer 8-10.7 oz. Fun Pack

reg. 2.79

HOMESTYLE MEATBALLS 2.49ea ................................................ TILAPIA FILLETS ................................................ BUNSIZE LIMIT 6 FRANKS .99ea ................................................ SMOKED SAUSAGE 2.99ea ................................................ LUNCHABLES 1.99ea ................................................

Beef Round Rolled & Tied,


BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP STEAKS 3.99lb ................................................ ½ GROUND CHUCK ½ SMOKED BACON



GROCERY Kellogg’s 18.2 oz. reg. 3.99-4.69 Raisin Bran Crunch, 18.7 oz. Raisin Bran, 14.5 oz. Raisin Bran Strawberry Apple or 15-18 oz.

Van de Kamps 19.1-24.6 oz. reg. 6.69 Beer Battered Fillets or Value Pack FISH STICKS 3.99ea ................................................ Totino’s 19.8 oz. 40 Count reg. 4.69 PIZZA ROLLS 2.99ea

Boston Butt

BONELESS CUBED STEAKS 3.99lb ................................................

CHEESE STICKS ................................................ Cole’s 14-16 oz. reg. 2.79-3.39 Garlic Bread, Cheese or Regular TEXAS TOAST 1.99ea ................................................

SMOKED PORK LOIN CHOPS 3.49lb ................................................

reg. 3.69

Frito Lay 9-10 oz

reg. 3.69 2.19ea

Center Cut

Armour 14 oz.

................................................ Cole’s 11.5 oz.

CHICKEN LEG QUARTERS .69lb ................................................

reg. 4.29

POTATO CHIPS 2.29ea ................................................

MINI WHEATS CEREALS 1.99ea ................................................ Quaker 12.5-14 oz.

reg. 3.99

CAPTAIN CRUNCH CEREALS 1.99ea ................................................

Quaker 6.1-10.1 oz. Chewy reg. 2.99 GRANOLA BARS 1.99ea ................................................ Kellogg’s 12 Count reg. 3.89 POP TARTS 2.69 ea ................................................

Jif 15.5-16 oz.

reg. 2.89

64 oz. Juice Drink

reg. 3.49

64 oz. Juice Drink

reg. 3.49

64 oz. V-8

reg. 3.49

PEANUT BUTTER 1.89ea ................................................ V-8 SPLASH 1.99ea ................................................ V-8 FUSION 2.49ea ................................................ VEGETABLE JUICE 2.49ea ................................................ Mueller’s 12-16 oz. reg. 1.99 Spaghetti, Macaroni and Assorted PASTA .99ea ................................................ Hunt’s 15-16 oz. reg. 1.49

reg. .99

MANWICH SANDWICH SAUCE .99ea ................................................

Essential Everyday 23-24 oz. reg. 2.19 APPLESAUCE 1.49ea

FUDGE SHOPPE COOKIES 2.49ea ................................................

Heinz 20 oz Squeeze

reg. 2.79

KETCHUP 1.99ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 5 oz.

CHUNK LITE TUNA .69ea ................................................ ................................................

Keebler 8-13.6 oz.

reg. 3.00

$2.55 for the six months ended 2017. Increased net interest income, steady fee income, benefits from credit recoveries, decreased loan loss provision, federal tax changes, and other factors all contributed to Park’s net income results in the second quarter. “We continue to focus on long-term plans to fuel and sustain loan growth and strong overall performance,” said Park Chief Executive Officer David L. Trautman. “We celebrated NewDominion Bank officially joining our organization on July 1st, and everyone is engaged in further fortifying that relationship and ensuring a smooth transition.” Park’s community-banking subsidiary, The Park National Bank, reported net income of $28.8 million for the second quarter of 2018, compared to $20.2 million for the second quarter of 2017 and $55.5 million for the six months ended 2018, compared to $41.6 million for the six months ended 2017. Headquartered in Newark, Ohio, Park National Corporation had $7.5 billion in total assets (as of June 30, 2018). With the addition of NewDominion Bank effective July 1, 2018, the Park organization now consists of 11 community bank divisions, a non-bank subsidiary and two specialty finance companies. Park’s banking operations are conducted through Park subsidiary The Park National Bank and its divisions, which include Fairfield National Bank Division, Richland Bank Division, Century National Bank Division, First-Knox National Bank Division, United Bank, N.A. Division, Second National Bank Division, Security National Bank Division, Unity National Bank Division, The Park National Bank of Southwest Ohio & Northern Kentucky Division, and NewDominion Bank Division. The Park organization also includes Scope Leasing, Inc. (d.b.a. Scope Aircraft Finance), Guardian Financial Services Company (d.b.a. Guardian Finance Company) and SE Property Holdings, LLC. Complete financial tables are available upon request.

Bob Robinson, of Empowering Darke Count Youth, accepts a donation from the Greenville Eagles.

Empowering gets Eagles donation GREENVILLE - The Greenville Fraternal Order of the Eagles recently gave donations to Empowering Darke County Youth and five other nonprofit organizations. The donations come from their Charitable Bingo Funds. The Empowering donation will be used to help provide snacks and professional tutors for the 2018-19 school year. “The board of directors and I would like to thank the Eagles for the incredible support the organization is giving us,” said Eric Fee, President of Empowering Darke County Youth. “We are making a huge impact in the community and the Eagles are playing a major role in that.” E m p o w e r ing Darke County Youth was formed in 2016. Since then it has provided over 7,300 contact hours to more than 300 local students. It provides support in the academic basics – reading and comprehension, writing and math – for grades kindergarten through eight, although there are a number of students in high school who have also benefitted from the program. “We’ve been privileged to help students at nearly all grade levels,” said Bob Robinson, Program Coordinator. “Every student who has consistently participated has shown improvement. Some of the improvement has been dramatic.” Robinson added that in addition to paid tutors, who are also supervisors, Edison State students work with the youngsters, most of whom prefer being helped by students closer to their own age. “Our Edison State students do a great job with these kids,” Robin-

son added. “They not only provide academic help, they are role models. It’s a win-win situation for our community.” The Empowering Mission: Empowering Darke County Youth is a United Way Partner Agency providing After School and Summer Tutoring programs to assist students in the areas of language arts and math with the goal of Strong Students for a Strong Community. The Greenville Eagles is a fraternal organization that supports its youth, seniors and community through donations and activities. Membership

is open to the public. Applications can be requested at the Eagles: FOE 2177, 113 E. Third Street. The Eagles also gave donations to the Annie Oakley Festival Committee, Friends of Bear’s Mill, Main Street Greenville, Boys and Girls Club of Greenville and Greenville Instrument Boosters.

FM BOE meeting

PITSBURG – The Franklin Monroe Local Board of Education will meet in regular session on Monday, Aug. 13, 8 p.m., in the conference room at 8639 Oakes Road, Pitsburg.

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August 12, 2018-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 21


Garst unveils Great Darke Co. Fair exhibit GREENVILLE – Many Darke County families have fond memories of the Darke County Fair. Because the fair is an integral part of the county’s culture, the Garst Museum has documented the history of the Great Darke County Fair in its newest exhibit. The exhibit is a photo collage of fair activities, entertainment, advertising, horseracing, and much more. The fair has been a place to visit friends, show animals, ride the rides, eat the food and enjoy the entertainment. As the county seat, Greenville was selected for geographic reasons. Over the years, the fair has grown into one of the premier county fairs in Ohio. Although much has changed over the years, the fair continues to be a summer highlight that brings people together from far

(next to Maidrite)

2017 CHEVY TRAX LT 4-cyl., Turbo, FWD, 3,XXX miles

Marilyn Robbins working on the Great Darke County Fair exhibit.

and wide. Marilyn Robbins and Nancy Stump were instrumental in collecting and documenting the artifacts in the exhibit. The Garst Museum would like to thank the donors that helped with this exhibit Lydia E. Schaurer Memorial Trust Fund, Ansonia

Lumber, Darke County Historical Society’s Annual Fund, City of Greenville, Friends of Greenville Library, Doug Baker, Marilyn Robbins, and Nancy Stump. Be sure to stop in the museum to see this new exhibit. Who knows, you might be in it!


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2017 Chevy Trax LT, Turbo 4-cyl., FWD, 3,XXX miles, ............$19,377 2017 Chevy Equinox LT, 2.4 ltr., 4-cyl., FWD, 6,XXX miles .......................................................................$22,500 2016 Jeep Patriot SE, 2.4 ltr 4-cyl., 4X4, 8,XXX miles.............$18,995 2014 Chevy Captiva LS, 2.4 ltr., 4-cyl, FWD, very clean, 30,XXX miles .....................................................................$14,495 2013 GMC Terrain, 2.4 ltr., 4-cyl., 2WD, only 62,XXX miles, silver, WAS $16,995 ..........................................................$15,995 2012 Honda CR-V, 2.4 ltr., 4-cyl., AWD, loaded, sunroof, DVD, black, WAS $16,995 .........................................................$15,995 2012 Chevy Malibu LT, 2.4 liter, 4 cyl., FWD, sedan, 55,XXX miles, silver ...........................................................$12,995 2012 Dodge Caliber SXT, 2.0, 4 cyl., FWD, very clean..............$7,995 2010 Jeep Liberty, 3.7 ltr., V6, 4X4, only 72,XXX miles ...........$13,995 2009 GMC Yukon Denali XL 1500, 6.2 ltr., V8, AWD, loaded, NADA Retail $18,150 ........................................................$16,995

2008 Chevy Cobalt, 2.4 ltr 4-cyl., FWD, local trade ...................$4,995 2007 Chevy Malibu LTZ, 3.5 ltr V6, FWD, auto..........................$3,995 2005 Dodge Neon, 2.0 ltr., 4 cyl., FWD, local trade...................$2,995 2002 Chevy Sonoma Extended Cab, 4.3 ltr V6, 2WD, auto ............................................................................$2,995 2002 Honda Civic EX, 1.7 ltr., 4 cyl, FWD ..................................$2,495 2001 Chevy Silverado, 4.8 ltr., V8, 4x2 ......................................$3,795 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix, 3.1 ltr, V6, FWD ................................$3,995 1996 Chevy Conversion Van, 4.3 ltr, V6, RWD, WAS $3,995 ........................................................................$3,688 1994 Olds Cutlass Ciera, V6, FWD, local trade ........................$3,188 1994 Dodge Ram 2500 Regular Cab, 8.0 ltr., V10, 4x2, long bed, work truck.............................................................$2,495 1963 Buick Riviera, 430 Cubic Inch, 2 owners, very well maintained ..........................................................$39,995 ALL PRICES PLUS TAX, TITLE & FEES


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2018 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., silver, 18,652 miles ...................... $24,995 .........$23,900 2017 INFINITI QX30, 4 dr., 2.0L, turbo 4 cyl., leather, loaded, sharp, maroon, 31,251 miles ................. $24,995 .........$23,900 2017 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN GT,, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., black, 48,998 miles ........ $22,995 .........$21,500 2017 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN GT,, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, black, 47,084 miles ........ $22,995 .........$21,500 2017 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, one owner, like new, blue, 13,880 miles ........................................................................................................... $37,995 .........$36,900 2017 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., gray, 24,908 miles .......................................................................................................................... $33,995 .........$32,500 2016 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, one owner, exc. cond., maroon, 58,572 miles .................................................................................................................... $18,995 .........$17,900 2016 JEEP CHEROKEE LATUTUDE FWD, 2.4L, 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., white, 56,786 miles ........ $17,995 .........$16.900 2016 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, all power, exc. cond., champagne silver, 38,506 miles ..................................................................................................... $25,995 .........$24,500 2015 NISSAN ROUGE SV AWD, 2.5L 4 cyl., one owner, all power, exc. cond., silver, 77,849 miles ..... $17,995 .........$16,900 2015 GMC ½ TON SIERRA SLE EXT CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, Z71 Suspension, one owner, loaded, like new, black, 33,792 miles ......................................................................................................... $31,995 .........$30,900 2015 CHEVY ½ TON CREW CAB LT 4WD P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, one owner, loaded, super nice, silver, 44,363 miles......................................................................................................................... $31,995 .........$29,900 2014 GMC ½ TON SIERRA SLE CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, super nice, gray, 42,747 miles .......................................................................................................................... $29,995 .........$28,900 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, leather, loaded, exc. cond., red, 45,561 miles ......................................................................................................... $30,995 .........$29,500 2014 GMC ½ TON SIERRA SLE REG CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, Z71 package, loaded, sharp, red, 74,266 miles ........................................................................................................................... $25,995 .........$24,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, one owner, loaded, super nice, crystal red, 53,627 miles ................................................................................................................ $20,995 .........$19,500 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT DOUBLE CAB 4WD, 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, white, 45,613 miles ........................................................................................................................ $28,995 .........$27,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., crystal red, 73,013 miles .. $18,995 .........$17,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, sunroof, loaded, super nice, white, 54,687 miles ........................................................................................................................ $18,995 .........$17,500 2013 FORD EXPLORER XLT FWD, 3.5L V6, leather, loaded, one owner, sharp, gray, 78,898 miles .......................................................................................................................... $18,995 .........$17,500 2013 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB 2WD P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, all power, exc. cond., silver, 76,852 miles ...................................................................................................... $20,995 .........$19,900 2013 CHEVY TRAVERSE LTZ FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, maroon, 87,380 miles ....... $18,995 .........$17,900 2013 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, sunroof, loaded, very nice, black, 93,288 miles ........................................................................................................................ $18,995 .........$17,500 2012 FORD ESCAPE XLT FWD, 2.5L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 63,077 miles .............. $11,995 .........$10,900 2011 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 4X4, 3.6L V6, sunroof, loaded, super nice, green, 107,443 miles ..................................................................................................................... $14,995 .........$13,900 2010 DODGE JOURNEY SXT FWD, 3.5L V6, all power, super nice, blue, 91,620 miles......................... $8,995 ...........$7,500 2010 CHEVY 1/2 TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 PU, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, very nice red, 211,483 miles ......................................................................................................................... $14,995 .........$13,500 2009 GMC ¾ TON SIERRA SLT CREW CAB 4x4 P.U., 6.6L Duramax Diesel, leather, loaded, sharp, black, 107,293 miles ...................................................................................................................... $27,995 .........$26,900 2008 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, well equipped, very nice brown, 176,052 miles ..................................................................................................................... $14,995 .........$13,900 2008 CHEVY AVALANCHE Z71 2WD, 5.3L V8, one owner, leather, loaded, sharp, black, 134,296 miles................................................................................................................................. $14,995 .........$13,500 2007 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT, EXT. CAB 2WD, P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 141,575 miles .................................................................................................. $11,995 .........$10,500 2006 CHEVY HHR LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, super nice, purple, 104,042 miles ................... $6,995 ...........$5,900 2006 CHEVY COLORADO Z71 4X4 CREW CAB, 3.5L 5 cyl., all power, good cond., white, 228,586 miles ........................................................................................................................ $8,995 ...........$7,900 2006 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, black, 102,187 miles ...................................................................................................................... $13,995 .........$12,500 2005 CHEVY COLORADO LS EXT. CAB 2WD P.U., 3.5L 5 cyl., auto, air, cruise, sharp, beige, 159,307 miles ........................................................................................................................ $6,995 ...........$5,900 2005 CHEVY ½ TON SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 261,369 miles ........................................................................................................................ $8,995 ...........$7,500 2005 FORD RANGER XLT SUPER CAB 2WD P.U., 3.0L V6, auto, air, cruise, good cond., black, 220,261 miles ........................................................................................................................ $4,995 ...........$3,900 2005 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., diamond white, 150,250 miles ....................................................................................................... $10,995 ...........$9,500





2004 CHEVY S10 LS CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.3L V6, all power, exc. cond., white, 79,658 miles ........... $8,995 ...........$7,500 2004 CHEVY TAHOE Z71 4X4, 5.3L V8, one owner, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, maroon, 77,439 miles .................................................................................................................... $10,995 ...........$9,900 2004 DODGE ½ TON RAM SLT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.7L V8, all power, good cond., maroon, 186,264 miles .................................................................................................................... $6,995 ...........$5,900 2004 CHEVY COLORADO REG CAB 2WD P.U., 2.8L 4 cyl., 5 speed, air, sharp, yellow, 166,455 miles ....................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$6,500 2004 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 105,466 miles ...................... $7,995 ...........$6,900 2004 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., all power, exc. cond., blue, 148,224 miles ............. $6,995 ...........$5,900 2003 OLDSMOBILE SILHOUETTE VAN, 3.4L, V6, all power, good cond., maroon, 149,274 miles ....... $4,995 ...........$3,900 2002 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER LIMITED EDITION, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, good cond., purple, 236,520 miles....................................................................................................................... $3,995 ...........$2,500 2002 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO REG. CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.8L V8, one owner, auto, air, cruise, fair cond., gray, 199,579 miles .......................................................................................................................... $4,995 ...........$3,900 2002 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L, V8, leather, loaded, good cond,. red, 230,992 miles ............. $7,995 ...........$6,500 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4X4, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 208,621 miles .................................................................................................................... $6,995 ...........$5,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, good cond., maroon, 226,550 miles .................................................................................................................... $5,995 ...........$3,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 142,478 miles ........................................................................................................................ $9,995 ...........$8,900 2001 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LXI VAN, 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, very good cond., maroon, 165,697 miles .................................................................................................................... $3,995 ...........$2,500 2001 DODGE DAKOTA SPORT REG CAB 4X4 P.U., 3.9L V6, loaded, fair cond., red, 171,545 miles ... $4,995 ...........$3,900 2001 FORD F150 XLT SUPER CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.6L V8, 5 speed, loaded, good cond., red, 146,376 miles ........................................................................................................................... $5,995 ...........$4,500 2001 FORD F150 XLT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.6L V8, loaded, very nice, black, 347,655 miles ............. $7,995 ...........$6,900 2000 CHEVY TAHOE LS 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 192,922 miles .................... $5,995 ...........$4,900 2000 DODGE DAKOTA SPORT EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.7L V8, loaded, very nice, white, 167,762 miles ........................................................................................................................ $6,995 ...........$5,900 2000 MERCURY VILLAGER ESTATE VAN, 3.3L V6, leather, loaded, fair cond., maroon, 150,889 miles .................................................................................................................... $2,995 ...........$1,900 1999 GMC ½ TON SAVANNA CONVERSION VAN, 5.7L V8, fully loaded, very nice, brown, 116,796 miles ....................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$5,900 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats, all power, nice cond., green, 144,748 miles..................... $6,995 ...........$5,900


2017 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.6L V8, all power, exc. cond., pepperdust, 40,800 miles .................... $19,995 .........$18,900 2015 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., blue, 26,006 miles .............................. $16,995 .........$15,500 2014 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.5L, 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, exc. cond., champagne silver, 50,772 miles ..................................................................................................... $15,995 .........$14,900 2014 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, diamond white, 56,311 miles ......................................................................................................... $22,995 .........$21,500 2011 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, all power, super nice, maroon, 66,240 miles.......................... $10,995 ...........$9,900 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 114,988 miles ........................................................................................................................ $11,995 ...........$9,900 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 115,528 miles ............... $10,995 ...........$9,500 2006 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, blue, 202,256 miles ...................... $4,995 ...........$3,900 2002 CHEVY CAVALIER LS, 2 dr., 2.2L 4cyl., 5 speed, air, fair cond., silver, 162,097 miles................... $1,995 ..............$900 2002 CHEVY IMPALA LS, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, black, 219,633 miles .................... $4,995 ...........$3,500


2017 BUICK VERANO, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., white, 52,584 miles ................................. $16,995 .........$15,500 2017 CADILLAC XTS LUXURY, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, like new, silver, 30,734 miles............. $29,995 .........$28,900 2014 FORD FOCUS SE, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, super nice, red, 30,433 miles ..................... $13,995 .........$12,500 2013 HONDA CIVIC EX, 4 dr., 1.8L, 4cyl., sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 77,854 miles ............ $12,995 .........$11,500 2012 FORD FOCUS SE, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., black, 111,220 miles ............... $10,995 ...........$8,900 2008 MERCURY MILAN PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.0L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, beige, 69,814 miles ........................................................................................................................ $10,995 ...........$9,500 2002 VOLKSWAGON PASSAT STATION WAGON, 1.8L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, good cond., gray, 151,325 miles .......................................................................................................................... $3,995 ...........$2,500 1995 BUICK REGAL, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, all power, good cond., blue, 90,653 miles ...................................... $4,995 ...........$3,900 1994 JAGUAR XJS CONVERTIBLE, 4.0L 6 cyl., leather, loaded, show car, maroon, 52,066 miles .................................................................................................................... $17,995 .........$16,500 1992 OLDSMOBILE 98 REGENCY ELITE, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, one owner, leather, loaded, super nice, blue, 43,326 miles ............................................................................................................................ $6,995 ...........$5,500

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