Early Bird eNewspaper 09-11-16

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Thompson takes over as new Greenville Fire Chief CLINTON RANDALL

STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE - After the retirement of Mark Wolf at the end of July, then Captain Russell Thompson took over as interim chief of the Greenville Fire Department. Friday morning, 47-yearold Thompson was officially sworn in as the new Chief and will begin his first shift on duty Monday morning. “I was the first person hired by newly promoted Chief Wolf in 2002. I find it humbling that his first hire is his successor,” Thompson said. Thompson was promoted from Captain after recently scoring the highest on his civil service exam, according to the City of Greenville Safety Service Director Curt Garrison. “I look forward to work-

ing with Chief Thompson,” Garrison told The Early Bird. “He demonstrates what it takes to be a true leader and his willingness to build relationships with other departments will be a positive impact on the entire community.” Thompson started his fire service career with Greenville on July 29, 2002. Rising through the department ranks, he was promoted to Lieutenant on May 2, 2011 and then to Captain on April 27, 2015. When asked what his goals are as the new Chief, Thompson says “there are three that quickly come to mind...” The first is to build positive relations with businesses, the community, mutual aid partners and locally appointed and elected officials. Second, is to restore and improve the depart-

ment’s Fire Safety Inspection Program for all commercial occupancies in the city. The goal is to provide fire prevention and education to business owners by completing inspections at least once a year. The third goal is obtaining required training and education for the newly promoted officers in addition to providing training opportunities for our young firefighters. Chief Thompson takes over a department with several young firefighters and a new Assistant Chief, Shannon Fritz, who was promoted to the position after David McDermitt left the department at the end of June. Despite all of the transitions the Greenville Fire Department is currently going through, Thompson says he is confident in his crew... which he refers to as family. “Retired Greenville Fire-

fighter Tim Ridenour lost his battle with cancer earlier this week. All available personnel attended his services for the duration. The majority of our firefighters never worked with Tim, but understand the concept that the fire department is a family,” Thompson explained. “Engine companies from New Madison and Liberty Township staffed our station during the service showing how our fire family is not restricted to the walls of our firehouse.” Russ Thompson is the son of Lee Thompson and the late Jackie Thompson. He is a 1987 graduate of Covington High School and served in the United States Army Military Police from 19871997. He has an AA in Police Administration from Eastern Kentucky University and is currently working toward a BS in Fire Administration

Darke County remembers 9/11 With this Sunday marking the 15 year anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 - The Early Bird asked it’s Facebook fans what they remember about that tragic day. Below are a few of the nearly 100 posts received: I was at home getting ready to go to work when the first one hit. I sat down and watched with incredible sadness what was happening. I could not imagine what those people trapped in there were going through. I prayed for all who were involved and the people who had lost loved ones. It was and is still awful. -Diana Stebbins I was at work at Panasonic. Someone came down and told me a plane hit the world trade center. So I went to break and no more than that the 2nd plane hit and exploded . No one would leave the break room at all. Then the Pentagon was hit. Alot of emotion, alot of anger, and alot of tears happened after it was quickly discovered it was a terrorist attack. A day that will never be forgotten. God bless those who perished and that were affected by this! -Dan Heaton I was at home just finished getting our daughter off to school. Watching CBS morning news seeing it unfold before my eyes. I was in shock, fear and up most saddened. As the day and night went on I thought how could a country so free be under attack. A few days later watching President Bush give an awesome speech on ground zero made me see how great our country was forming together to help all. Every year I am saddened and remember all those lost that horrible day. I remind my children daily to live and love each day. That day plays over in my head ev-

ery year. -Stacy Moorman Sykes I was home watching the morning news on CBS along with my 2 and 5 year old boys. My husband was getting ready for work. I watched the live coverage of the first plane hitting and then watched in absolute horror as the second plane hit. I was in shock and disbelief. My husband never made it to work that day. My most vivid memory of that day was how blue the sky was that morning. A perfect Fall day. A few days later, I was driving down Broadway and saw the flags surrounding the circle and I was overcome with such pride. It was a beautiful sight. My memories are still very vivid to this day and I remember them every single year. - Michelle Stepp For me it’s different, not because I lost someone personally but because it’s my birthday. Yes I remember where I was and what I was doing. I relive that moment a lot more than some people realize because I always get the “awe” when I have to give my date of birth. For me it’s not a horribly sad day, how can it be? But it’s not always the easiest day to

celebrate. -Jessica Byram I don’t remember much BC I was so young, but this is why I enlisted in the Army. - Sydnee Townsend I was at work cleaning a patient’s teeth. I stopped what I was doing and he sat up in my dental chair and we both watched in disbelief. I remember just wanting to get home asap to Mark. On my way home, I heard one of the planes leaving Wright Patterson AFB break the sound barrier and I was terrified we were being bombed. - Amy Puckett-Loy I was sitting in English class when it came over our tv’s in the school and you could hear a pin drop throughout the entire school while we all just stared in disbelief. I got home and my dad was panicking worrying about some of our family in that area that he hadn’t herd from yet and at that point I was terrified. When your little and see your dad worried your terrified. -Briana McDonald I was working at Clark’s gas station, and (secretly) barely pregnant with my now 14 y.o daughter. I got to work a few minutes early. There was a lady who had

just finished pumping her gas, and she asked me (as I was walking in to work) what I thought of the attacks. I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. We walked inside and the tv was on, the two of us east he’d the second tower being attacked together. We cried and hugged each other, trying to calm the other’s fear, and not let our own consume us. That day I “spilled the beans” about being pregnant because I was so scared and unsure of what the future held. I will never forget, the passion our country bestowed toward one another during the wake of that treacherous day. -Yulanda Wolfe I was at work. Someone plugged in a small tv when customers told us what happened. I wanted to stop watching but it had a grip on me. I prayed and cried for all of the families and friends who lost loved ones. I wanted to hold on to my family and not let go. -Lisa Martin I was at work in Versailles. We were all standing there, eyes glued to the tv. Then the second plane hit. Wow. At that moment we knew our country had been attacked. I don’t remember much about the rest of that day other than the drive home seemed surreal. Almost eerily quiet. We United as Americans that day, we all felt the same thing. We all felt violated regardless of skin color or religion. My son was little at the time and he asked for years why the planes flew into the buildings. I couldn’t tell him why, I guess I didn’t want to be the one to tell him of such evil in the world. -Misty Hinkle Read many more memories on The Early Bird Facebook page at www.facebook. com/bluebagnews.

Russ Thompson was sworn in as the new Greenville Fire Chief Friday morning. (Clinton Randall photo)

from Bowling Green State University. He has lived in Greenville for nearly 15 years and is married to his wife Danielle (Wooldridge). Thompson has two daughters, Lauren and Sara, and two stepsons, Jordan and Griffin. “I am looking forward to new challenges and opportu-

nities for myself and the department. I wish my mother and sister could have both been here to experience this milestone in my career,” concluded Thompson. With Thompson now the Chief, Lt. Daniel Myers is expected to be promoted to the now vacant Captain position.

Willman selected to serve as mayor the Ohio EthG R E E N ics Commission VILLE – The to determine if Republican Centhere would be tral Committee a conflict of infor the City of terest with his Greenville has wife’s (Roxanne) spoken and their working as the choice to fill the city’s auditor. mayor’s position The commission is Steve Willman. determined neiWillman finished Steve Willman ther position had ahead of six othauthority over er candidates vying for the the other and there is not a position. The appointment became conflict of interest. The committee was also necessary when Mike Bowers resigned as mayor of tasked with filling the vaGreenville to take the direc- cancy in the treasurer’s tor’s position in the Darke office when Barbara Fee County Economic Develop- retired. Cindy Austen was tapped to be the city’s new ment office. Willman said he isn’t treasurer. Dave Keiser, head of the planning on making any changes in personnel when Republican Central Comhe takes office. “Everything mittee, stated the votes in is all new and we’ll go from the mayor’s contest were day one.” However, he does very close. The top two canhave at least one point didates recommended by of emphasis he wants to the interviewing commitstress when he sets up of- tee for each position were fice. “Communication is the brought in to talk to the 10 biggest thing I’m going to precinct chairs. The top two stress,” he said. He wants to for mayor were Willman and have an open door with the Dr. Stephen Gruber. The top community members, city two for treasurer were Ausemployees, and local busi- ten and Esther Schmidt. The appointment of Willnesses. Willman has spent his man is temporary. He, and entire life in Greenville. The anyone else from either or 1971 Greenville High School party or independent intergraduate worked at Corn- ested in filling the remaining, Inc. for 30-years. He der of the term, will be rehas also served the commu- quired to run for election nity on numerous boards, next year. The Republican including Darke County and Democrat parties will United Way and Boys and hold a Primary Election in Girls Club of Greenville. May and the candidates who He said, “I believe I have win their Primaries will be the right skills for bringing placed on the ballot for the General Election in Novempeople together.” Prior to the vote with the ber 2017. The term will run Republican Central Com- through 2019. mittee, Willman contacted

PAGE 2 Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


Police respond to Fourth Street stabbing STABBING On Sept. 1 an officer was dispatched to the 500 block of East Fourth Street on the report of a stabbing. Upon investigation, the officer was told by witness Jacob Houndshell that he (Houndshell) was asked by his children to come outside. Upon doing so, the witness saw Josh Johnson on top of Josh Gillispie fighting. According to the report, Houndshell’s wife Sabrina attempted to break up the fight. Sabrina said she saw Gillispie with a knife and told her husband to call police. Josh Noble, a neighbor, also spoke with police and said she saw Johnson on top of Gillispie, beating him. Noble said he was not sure how the fight started. Gillispie told the officer Johnson was calling him obscenities and called him outside to fight. Gillispie then told officers he was attempting to defend himself when Johnson was on top of him beating him in the face, so he pulled out his knife and began repeatedly stabbing Johnson in the back and head area. Officers were unable to locate the knife at the scene. The knife is described as a black folding knife about six inches in length. Johnson reported to police the incident began when he heard Gillispie had poured bleach on Johnson’s daughter’s clothes.

Text messages between the two men escalated, leading to the altercation. The two met in the alley behind the 500 block of homes on East Fourth Street to fight. Paramedics were called to the scene but both parties refused treatment. Both men went to Wayne HealthCare Emergency several hours later for treatment. On Sept. 2, Johnson came to the police department to fill out a statement and advised he was afraid for his daughter’s life. He said he believed Gillispie will not stop the violence “until someone is dead.” He also advised he received six stitches and 13 stables to treat the lacerations caused by the knife attack. Photos were taken of the injuries. Information on the stabbing has been forwarded to the prosecutor’s office for review. TRAFFIC STOP On Sept. 1 an officer saw Tiara Tedore operating a vehicle northbound on North Broadway near North Main Street. Tedore was under two drug suspensions and was not valid to drive. The vehicle had fictitious plates, and was towed by Hot Rod Towing. Tedore was cited and released. DISORDERLY On Sept. 4 an officer was dispatched to the alley in the 400 block of Harrison Avenue in reference

the grid so that every row, column and Sudoku Fill3x3inbox contains the numbers 1 through 9

toa subject harassing kids. Upon arrival the officer spoke with three witnesses. Several children were riding their bikes in the alley and the church parking lot to the rear of the residence. The witnesses told the officer a man drove through the alley on a lawn mower and stopped at the rear of the residence. He appeared drunk and asked if he could cause aproblem. One of the witnesses told him no and to just move on. The man then called the three names and yelled unintelligible words that may have been foul language. He left and then came back, again calling names and yelling foul language. One of the witnesses told the officer she believed the man lived around the corner and went by the name JR. The police officer had knowledge that Herman

Linder goes by this name and showed the witnesses Linder’s jail photo. They advised that it was him. On Sept. 5, Linder was advised of the offense and cited for an M-4 disorderly conduct since this took place within 1,000 feet of a school. EARLY BIRD POLICY The Greenville Police Beat is prepared from public records available at the Greenville Police Department. Every effort is made to balance the public’s right to know with the rights of the individuals involved. Readers are encouraged to contact Greenville Police if they have information or concerns regarding these or any other incidents they see. The Early Bird notes all suspects are innocent until proven guilty and welcomes comments and concerns regarding this community service.

Subway robbery suspect identified, currently in custody GREENVILLE – The suspect in the Aug. 28 robbery of the Greenville Subway on Martin Street has been identified as 31-yearold Michael D. Brown. He is currently in the Darke County Jail on a parole violation. Official charges are filed and are pending through the Darke County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. Brown was arrested for a parole violation warrant during last week’s investigation of a reported stolen vehicle on Jaysville-St Johns Road. He is not considered to be suspect in the July Subway robbery, according to the Greenville

Michael D. Brown

Police Department. Anyone with any information on other Greenville robberies are urged to contact the Greenville Police Department at 937548-1103 or Darke County Crime Stoppers at 937547-1661 – you may remain anonymous.

Sponsors help local students GREENVILLE – Four Greenville businesses have signed up to sponsor Greenville Varsity home football games this fall by donating money for every touchdown made by the Green Wave. Money that

Look for Sudoku Answers in the Classified Pages

CLUES ACROSS 1. Kiln 5. American time 8. Female sibling 11. Fencing sword 13. Spoken in Laos 14. Swiss river 15. Fictional Middle-earth 16. “The Real World” (abbr.) 17. Replacement worker 18. Form after cuts 20. Frozen water 21. Irritates 22. Type of bread 25. Female peace officers 30. Where to put things 31. Commercials 32. Hard drinker 33. Take in 38. Copy 41. Volume of published materials 43. Used to be called “skim” 45. Organizes 47. Parts of worms 49. __ Khan: hereditary title 50. A cravat with wide square ends 55. Central China mountain range 56. Longing

57. Elephant’s name 59. British children’s author Blyton 60. Something curved in shape 61. Home to important events 62. Nagorno Karabakh Republic (abbr.) 63. A very large body of water 64. Consists of two elements CLUES DOWN 1. Former CIA 2. Ooohs and ___ 3. Invests in little enterprises 4. Spanish river 5. In the preceding month 6. Malignant tumor 7. Dried off 8. Via __: main street of Ancient Rome 9. Asian country (alt. sp.) 10. One point south of southeast 12. Confederate soldier 14. Popular Bollywood actress Thottumkal 19. Small scale embedded generation (abbr.) 23. Female sheep

24. Of unsound mind 25. Pacific Time 26. Iowa town 51044 27. Trim 28. Wrath 29. Used to serve wine 34. Make less bright 35. Skywalker mentor __-Wan Kenobi 36. Protestant, Ulster, Loyalist 37. Expression of disappointment 39. Tropical fruits 40. Furniture with open shelves 41. Metal can be extracted from it 42. Flat tableland with steep edges 44. Lingua __ 45. Chadic language 46. Peruse 47. Yemenese port city 48. Lean 51. Helps little firms 52. Blackjack players need this 53. Be obedient to 54. Source of the Nile River 58. Cool


Darke Co. Aviation Day set for Sept. 24 GREENVILLE – The Darke County Commissioners in conjunction with the Civil Air Patrol are sponsoring an Aviation Awareness Day at the Darke County Airport on Sept. 24. The event will be open to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Darke County Airport, 9724 State Route 121, Versailles. This will be a free and fun event for everyone who has an interest in aviation. Education will be provided by the Civil Air Patrol, Richard Borgerding, Private Pilot, Aerospace Instructor, Aviation Maintenance Technicians from Miami Valley Career Technology Center, Aerospace Occupation from Upper Valley Career Center and Bowling Green State University Aviation programs Aircraft on display includes the Civil Air Patrol disaster service aircraft, experimental and ultralight aircraft, Darke County Airport tenants airplanes as well as stories to share, Midmark Corporation corporate jet, agricultural spray aircraft and Bowling Green Piper Warrior plane. Parking and security for this event will be provided by Civil Air Patrol Cadets. GHS Supply Chain Management team will be offering lunches to the visitors for donation (donation will benefit Special Olympics of Darke County). The goal of the event is to provide insightful information of aerospace opportunities to guests of all ages.

adds up to help in the efforts to raise funding for the Greenville Schools Foundation, which in turn helps to fund activities for students in the Greenville City Schools. Committing to sponsorships this year are Second National Bank, SVG Motors, Greenville Federal, and Greenville National Bank. The trustees of the foundation wish to thank these local businesses for their support of Greenville students. Come cheer as the Green Wave battles these opponents at home this fall – Sept. 9, Urbana; Sept. 23, Trotwood; Sept. 30, Vandalia Butler; Oct. 14, Tippecanoe (Homecoming); and Oct. 21, Troy (Senior Night).

Guitar Duo Loren & Mark to kick off DCCA 2016-2017 Artists Series Sept. 24 at St. Clair Memorial Hall in Greenville.

Guitar duo will open DCCA’s 2016-17 series GREENVILLE – Darke County Center for the Arts will open its 20162017 season at St. Clair Memorial Hall in Greenville on Sept. 24 with Loren and Mark, guitarists whose varied repertoire crosses genres, appealing to fans of pop, bluegrass, western, and jazz music. “These guys are widely admired by their musical peers, including guitar god Tommy Emmanuel and Grammy Award-winning producer Lloyd Maines,” said DCCA Artistic Director Keith Rawlins. “Their spontaneously creative show consists of amazing guitar duets and beautiful vocal harmonies, along with delightful interaction between the two musicians and their audiences that keeps everyone engaged and entertained,” Mr. Rawlins concluded. The concert begins at 8 p.m. Loren Barrigar and Mark Mazengarb first started playing together in 2010 at the Chet Atkins Guitar Festival in Nashville, where they earned a standing ovation. The duo has since toured extensively across the USA, as well as Canada, Europe, and Mark’s homeland of New Zealand, generating

a rapidly growing fan base around the world. Loren is known as the youngest instrumentalist to ever appear on the Grand Ole Opry, playing “Yackety Axe” and “Steel Guitar Rag” on the legendary show at the age of 6. Greenville VFW Post 7262 and The Early Bird & Bluebag Media are sponsors of the Loren and Mark concert. Additionally, the Ohio Arts Council helped fund this program with state tax dollars to encourage economic growth, educational excellence and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans. DCCA also receives funding from the Harry D. and Esther Stephens Memorial, Ketrow Foundation, and Lydia E. Schaurer Memorial Trust Fund, as well as DCCA memberships. Tickets for the performance by Loren and Mark cost $20, and can be purchased by contacting DCCA at 547-0908 or dcca@centerforarts.net, at DCCA’s office located within Greenville Public Library, as well as online at www.CenterForArts. net. If any remain by show time, tickets will also be available at the door prior to the performance.

United Way expects another big campaign BY RYAN BERRY MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – After surpassing its goal last year, the Darke County United Way has its sights set a little loftier this year. Christy Baker, executive director for the Darke County United Way, revealed last year’s goal of $375,000 was easily exceeded when the organization was a little over $3,000 short of hitting the 1/2-million dollar mark. Baker felt the Darke County United Way’s governing board was conservative when deciding this year’s goal of $425,000. “I don’t want to lose ground,” she said. “I want to keep pressing on.” She expects to once again surpass the goal and top $500,000 when the campaign ends. Thousands of local residents are affected by the funds raised by the United Way. Baker explained the majority of the dollars raised in the county stay in the county. Matt Jordan, 2016 campaign chairman, outlined where the donations have gone and how many people they’ve helped. The three main categories of giving are Education, Stability and Health. Education includes or-

ganizations such as Big Brothers Big Sisters, Boys & Girls Club of Greenville, Gateway Youth Program, Miami Valley Boy Scouts, ACES Alternative School, 4-H and others. Stability includes the American Red Cross, Emergency Homeless Shelter, Supportive Housing, Community Unity, FAME, Fish Choice Food Pantry, Grace Resurrection Community Center and YMCA Child Development Center. Health includes Cancer Association of Darke County, Catholic Social Services, Senior Transportation, Community Services for the Deaf, Recovery & Wellness Centers of Midwest Ohio, Safehaven and State of the Heart Care. The Health category received $62,300 and served 2,392 people. United Way gave $128,000 to the Education category that served 2,501 people. Through local supporters, the Stability category received $88,500 and served 19,341 people. Bridge the Gap, an organization dedicated to help working adults with unexpected expenses such as rent and utilities received $5,000. Donations were also made to specific organizations directed by the giver.

United Way’s Dolly Parton Imagination Library received $22,000. Thos funds were derived from numerous grants and donations from several area organizations. The library currently serves over 700 local children from birth through pre-school. These children receive a new book every month. Baker encouraged all residents with children in this age group to take advantage of the program. Since 2010, over 23,000 books have been distributed locally. For more information, contact the Darke County United Way at 547-1272. Last year’s top five lo-

BY RYAN BERRY MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

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Travis Tritt

ately who it is and go back to the songs and refresh those in their memory. I think it brings back really good memories for them. Music is something that you can always remember certain memories in your life by the soundtrack that was playing behind them when they were taking place.” With over 25-years in the country music limelight, Tritt called himself “extremely fortunate” and “blessed.” He said, “I always wanted to just be an artist, record and go out and play concerts and try to take the music to as many people as I possibly could. In the process of dreaming about all of that, when I was first getting started, I could have never ever imagined that it would go as far as it has. To still be out doing it – everybody wants to have a long lasting career that spans decades. I can’t even think about the word retirement because I love it too much.” Tickets for the Tra-


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age appropriate activities. To register or for further information, call OSU Extension at 5485215 or email Diane Barga at barga.8@osu.edu. Registration needs to be completed by Oct. 7.

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cal corporations donating to the United Way where Whirlpool, Ramco Motors, Midmark, BASF and GTI. The top five based on employee giving were Whirlpool, GTI, Family Health, PolyOne and Wayne HealthCare. Whirlpool’s combined employee and corporate donation made up approximately onethird of the entire funds received in the 2015 campaign. Jordan and Baker encouraged residents to take part in giving opportunities offered by local employers or contact the Darke County United Way to make a donation.

GREENVILLE – OSU Extension, Darke County, has scheduled a “Building Blocks I” parenting series. The classes will be held October 5, 12 and 19, 2016, at the OSU Extension Learning Center, 603 Wagner Avenue, Greenville. The class times are from 6-8 p.m. There is no fee for this class. This is an adult only series. The “Building Blocks I” parenting classes are for parents who wish to develop better parenting skills or parenting techniques for children ages 0-6 years. There will be three classes focusing on parent education, parent and child interaction and

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Matt Jordan will serve as the 2016 Campaign Chairman for the Darke County United Way.

Travis Tritt coming to Versailles on Sept. 24 VERSAILLES – If your idea of a country club is driving an old Ford pickup truck and you do your drinking from a Dixie Cup, then you will want to be in Versailles at BMI Speedway on Sept. 24 for one of country music’s legendary artists, Travis Tritt. Tritt, who dominated the charts in the 1990s, will be thrilling audiences with his music including hits like Country Club, Here’s a Quarter, Help Me Hold On, Best of Intentions, Anymore, It’s a Great Day to Be Alive and Foolish Pride to name a few. It was 1989 when Tritt broke onto the country music scene. After signing a deal with Warner Bros. he produced his first album, Country Club. He would go onto produce six more albums with the label and amass more than 25 million career album sales, two Grammys, and three CMA awards. When Tritt’s music comes on the radio anyone slightly familiar with country music knows whose voice it is. “My voice doesn’t sound like anybody else’s,” he said. “From the very beginning, for whatever reason, my voice had a special unique quality to it that I didn’t sound like any other artist.” The country music legend understands what his music and his voice means to many of his fans. “The fact that people can still hear my music on the radio and know immedi-

Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 3

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vis Tritt concert are still available. All tickets are general admission, which means first-come, firstseated. Tickets are $45 and available at www. bmispeedway.com or visit BMI Karts, 769 E. Main St., Versailles. Doors open at 5 p.m. and the concert begins at 7 p.m. with Shelby County Line as the opening band.

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PAGE 4 Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Greenville’s new transportation director calls position ‘awesome’ BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – It’s his second week of school and Greenville City School’s new transportation director is still super excited about his job. “It’s awesome,” he said Tuesday. “The (Greenville) bus drivers really care about their students, getting them to and from school safely,” noted Andrew Grasty, who was hired in August to take the position vacated by Beth Cain. Grasty comes to Greenville by way of VandaliaButler Schools, where he worked in the same position – only directly reporting to a transportation service contracted by the school instead of district officials. “We’re very excited to have Andrew,” said Andrea Townsend, Greenville’s director of administrative and pupil personnel services: Grasty and Townsend have been working closely

to prepare for the district’s planned mid-winter move to the new K-8th grade building on Ohio Street. Currently, about 60 percent, or 1,500-1,600 students ride a bus to one of Greenville’s five buildings. When school starts back after Christmas break, the number will jump due to fewer students being able to walk to their new school. Buses will only be transporting students to two locations – the high school and the new K-8th grade building. Grasty wants parents to “be on the lookout” for another postcard from the school district announcing final transportation plans for after the holiday break. The postcard could be overlooked with all the holiday mail coming to homes in December. While start and ending times won’t drastically change after Christmas, Townsend said, there may be some slight “tweaks” to the schedules.

Grades 5-8 will continue to be dropped off around the 7:30 a.m. timeframe, with a slight break of activity around the building until grades K-4 arrive around from 8:45 to 9 a.m. The plan is to have signage and plenty of volunteers at the new facility during the first few days of school, Townsend said, to let parents who transport their children know where they should stop for drop off or pick up. Grasty is excited to be part of the Greenville district’s move to the new building. “I’m really happy to be part of the team,” the Nashville, Tenn. native said. Grasty met his wife Kara while they were attending Libscomb University in Nashville, where he earned a degree in business management and marketing. The couple currently resides in Englewood and are parents of two – Joshua, 19 months, and Hannah, 4 months. Kara, a native Buckeye,

is a second-grade teacher for Troy City Schools. A licensed school bus driver, Grasty said he hasn’t had to drive a route – yet – but is willing to do so when the need arises. “I have an understanding of what drivers do day after day,” he explained. “You can’t expect drivers to do anything you wouldn’t do.” Grasty also said he has been impressed with the friendliness he’s found in Greenville and the dedication of the school district’s bus drivers. “Some of our drivers have other jobs,” he said. “But they make driving a bus a priority of their day.” The district currently has 20 daily routes driven by regular bus drivers, but is still in need of sub bus drivers. Grasty urges parents who like to attend their children’s sporting events to apply to become subs. “It’s great for parents who don’t want to drive a regular route,” he said, but

TSC celebrates Pet Appreciation Week GREENVILLE If you’re a proud pet owner or would like to be, mark your calendars for Sept. 17 when the Tractor Supply Co. store in Greenville will be celebrating your furry friends for Pet Appreciation Week’s Main Event. The main event on Sept. 17 will include pet adoptions with community groups, samples, giveaways, drawings for gift cards, and other family friendly activities. In ad-

dition, deals on pet products, from food and treats to toys and crates, will be featured from Sept. 14-18. “Pet Appreciation Week is a time when our love for animals really shines,” said Don Sturdevant, manager of the Greenville Tractor Supply store. “It’s an opportunity for us to celebrate the love of pets, find great homes for local adoptable animals, and showcase the community partners and rescues who

care for these animals year-round.” In addition to supporting community groups in their work to find good homes for dogs and cats, Pet Appreciation Week, Sept. 14-18, will help raise awareness of the importance of spaying and neutering pets and provide information on proper pet care and nutrition. Pet Appreciation Week is open to the public — and all leashed, friendly pets —


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PRODUCE SPECIALS ................................................ 5 lb. Idaho

POTATOES 1.69lb ................................................ 2 lb. Yellow

ONIONS .99ea ................................................ Green

CABBAGE .39lb ................................................ Dole

CELERY .99ea ................................................ 8 oz. Whole White

MUSHROOMS 2/$3.00 ................................................ Large Hydroponic

SLICING TOMATOES .99lb ................................................

DAIRY SPECIALS ................................................ Yoder’s 8 oz.

reg. $1.99 CHUNK CHEESES 1.79ea ................................................ Yoder’s 8 oz. Shredded reg. $2.59 CHEESES 1.79ea ................................................ Smith Dairy 24 oz. reg. $2.99 COTTAGE CHEESE 2.49ea ................................................ Smith Dairy Gallons reg. $4.19 ORANGE JUICE 3.49ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 16 oz. reg. $1.99 Jumbo Homestyle and Buttermilk BISCUITS 1.39ea ................................................ Minute Maid 59 oz. reg. $4.99

SQUEEZED ORANGE JUICE 2.49ea ................................................

FROZEN SPECIALS ................................................ Swanson 13.1-17 oz. Hungry Man

reg. $3.89

TV DINNERS 2.79ea ................................................

Essential Everyday 32 oz. reg. $2.99 VEGETABLES 1.99ea ................................................ Made by Smith Dairy reg. $5.79 “Ruggles” Frozen Yogurt Sugar Free Ice Cream or ICE CREAM 2.99ea ................................................ Pepperidge Farm reg. $4.99 19-19.6 oz. LAYER CAKES 2.49ea ................................................

GROCERY SPECIALS ................................................

MEAT SPECIALS In Store Made Same As Served at The Great Darke Fair

STUFFED PORK SAUSAGE 2.19lb ............................................... Carolina 96% Fat Free White

OVEN ROASTED TURKEY BREAST 2.19lb ................................................ COJACK CHUNK 3.19lb CHEESE SLICED 3.39lb ................................................ Eckrich

FRIED TURKEY BREAST 4.69lb ................................................ Eckrich

OVEN ROASTED CHICKEN BREAST 4.69lb ................................................ Eckrich

CAJUN TURKEY BREAST 4.99lb ................................................ Eckrich

BUFFALO STYLE CHICKEN BREAST 4.99lb ................................................ Eckrich

COTTO SALAMI 3.99lb ................................................

CORN DOGS 2.19ea ................................................ In Store Made Fully Cooked Ready to Heat & Eat

HAM LOAF 3.99lb ................................................ Boneless, Rolled & Tied

BEEF ROUND RUMP ROAST 3.49lb ................................................ Boneless Beef

CUBED STEAKS 3.99lb ................................................ Boston Butt Pork

PORK SHOULDER STEAK 1.49lb ................................................ Sirloin End

PORK LOIN ROAST 1.69lb ................................................ Boneless Cubed

PORK CUTLETS 2.99lb ................................................

ROAST BEEF 6.29lb ................................................

Yoders 32 oz.

reg. 3.29

HONEY BAKED HAM 3.49lb ................................................

Fresh, Never Frozen, In Approx. 3 lb pkgs Boneless, Skinless


Eckrich 97% Fat Free

SAUERKRAUT 1.89lb ................................................

HONEY LOAF 4.59lb ................................................


ALL MEAT BOLOGNA 2.29lb ................................................ Arctic Shores 16 oz. Pkg

reg. 5.99

COD FILLETS 4.99ea ................................................

CHICKEN BREASTS 1.99lb ................................................ 73% Lean, In 3 lb. or Larger Pkgs

GROUND BEEF 1.99lb ................................................

GROCERY SPECIALS Hawaiian Punch, Big Red, Squirt, Verners, RC Cola, Diet Rite and Assorted

14.5-24 oz. Prego Limit 2

2................................................ LITERS 7-UP .99ea

General Mills 8.7 oz reg. 3.99-4.59 Kix, 12 oz. Golden Grahams, 13 oz Reeses Peanut Butter Puffs or 8.9 oz. CHEERIOS 1.99ea ................................................ 30.6-36.8 oz. Original reg. 7.99

Frito Lay 9-10½ oz.

reg. $3.49

Kellogg’s 10.6-13.1 oz

reg. $4.69

PEANUT BUTTER 1.99ea ................................................

SPECIAL K CEREALS 2.79ea ................................................

reg. 2.79

reg. 4.29

STARKIST TUNA .79ea ................................................

FRITOS OR CHEETOS 1.69ea ................................................

Essential Everyday 16 oz.

WALKING TACOS 1.99ea ................................................

BIG RED SMOKEYS 3.79lb ................................................

MAXWELL HOUSE GROUND COFFEE 5.99ea ................................................

PUFFCORN DELIGHTS 1.49ea ................................................

reg. 2.49

Kahn’s 15 oz


reg. $2.00

Mikesell’s 5.5 oz.

Oscar Mayer Uploaded 4-4.5 oz

5 oz. Oil or Water Pack

15.5-16 oz. Jif

64 oz. Juice Drink

reg. $1.49

reg. 2.89-3.19

reg. $3.49 V8 SPLASH 1.99ea ................................................

reg. $2.99

PASTA SAUCE 1.99ea ................................................

Essential Everyday 48 oz. reg. $3.99 COOKING OILS 2.19ea ................................................ Nabisco 10.1-15.35 oz. reg. $4.19 OREO COOKIES 2.99ea ................................................ 128 oz. reg. $3.99 TRADEWIND TEA 2.49ea ................................................ Essential Everyday reg. $3.99 24 Pack 1/2 Liter LIMIT TWO SPRING WATER 2.69ea ................................................ 18.5-19 oz. reg. $2.89

PROGRESSO SOUPS 1.39ea ................................................ Hostess 8-13 oz. Multipack, Ho-Ho’s, Assorted Snacks and

reg. $3.99

TWINKIES 2.49ea ................................................

and will take place at Tractor Supply at 1415 Wagner Avenue. Several activities will take place during the main event, including Pet Adoption. Community partners for this year’s Pet Appreciation Week include the Darke County Humane Society, Sept. 17, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Contact the Tractor Supply store at 548-1462 for pet adoption details and other planned activities. For more information on Pet Appreciation Week, visit Facebook.com/TractorSupplyCo or TractorSupply.com.

Andrew Grasty, Greenville’s new transportation director, says he’s happy to be part of Greenville City Schools. (Susan Hartley photo)

who still want to attend after-school events. Those who would like to apply for a sub position are welcome to stop by either Grasty’s office at the transportation building at

511 Markwith Ave. or at the administration’s office inside Memorial Hall. More information may be found at www.greenville.k12. oh.us/Transportation.aspx

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Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 5


READERS WRITE U.S.127 and Kruckeberg An idea for the U.S.127 and Kruckeberg Road intersection. As at many other similar intersections I have seen in my travels I propose the following. The right turn lane going east from Kruckeberg south on 127. The distance of the merge lane, install left and right turn lanes going north for turns in both directions. Sometimes there are more vehicles than the current lane can handle and they end up stopping in the left lane of traffic. Then do the same thing coming south on 127. Also add a lane the same distance leading north from Kruckeberg as

a merge lane in the medium. Then post 55 mph just about 1 tenth mile farther before the new pavement and then 50 mph at the half way point to the intersection posted strictly enforced. Also add flashing yellow lights on 127. Then 1 tenth mile past the merge lanes install resume speed signs. This is similar to many other intersections and is an alternative to closing it creating a similar problem in another location. This should eliminate all accidents at intersection. Dale Dickerson Union City

I still remember the day that John Glenn made that historic flight to orbit the JIM BUCHY earth. I was OHIO REPRESENTATIVE 22 at the time and was glued to my television, watching America make history. It was unbelievable and something no one thought was possible. John Glenn was more than an astronaut that day, he was a household name. John Glenn, born and raised in Ohio, made the first orbital flight of the earth, aboard the Space Shuttle Mercury-Atlas 6 “Friendship 7”, on February 20, 1962. On this historic day, he inspired millions of Americans by piloting the spacecraft as it orbited the earth three times in nearly five hours, a feat which eventually earned him the NASA Distinguished Service Medal. Following his historical space flight, Glenn ran to represent Ohio in the U.S. Senate and won on his third attempt. He was actively involved in weapons control and government affairs during his four terms in Congress. He also was chairman of the Senate Government Affairs Committee, and served on the Special Committee on Aging and the Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees. Upon retirement from the Senate, Glenn em-

barked on his last mission into space, a part of the Space Shuttle Discovery Crew, and became the oldest human to go into space. John Glenn has had numerous accomplishments and holds a special place in the hearts of many around Ohio and the nation. He has helped bring a glimpse of our universe into our living rooms, and has impacted the lives and dreams of many while doing so. From his service in the U.S. military, to his dedication to space exploration and his commitment to representing Ohioans in Washington, D.C., John Glenn has certainly made a lasting legacy. To honor this legacy, the Ohio House recently voted to rename Port Columbus International Airport after one of the most famous pioneers of flight. Glenn has inspired Ohioans of every age and I was proud to support the effort to name John Glenn International Airport to celebrate his many endeavors throughout his life. John Glenn has always inspired me to reach for the big things in life. Hard work is the foundation that John Glenn built his life around and it is ultimately what led him to accomplish his dreams. Glenn continues to be a testament that anybody can achieve greatness and leave their mark on the world if they work hard and believe in themselves.

John Glenn inspires generations to dream

BNI meets in Versailles VERSAILLES – The Darke County Referral Network Chapter of Business Network International (BNI) will meet at 7:30 a.m. on Sept. 22 at the Versailles Health Care Center, 200 Marker Road (SR 121), Versailles.

All are invited. BNI is the largest professional networking organization of its kind with over 7,500 chapters throughout the world. RSVP to Chapter President Rebecca Detling at (937) 417-1989.

Views expressed on this page from guest columnists, cartoonist or readers voicing their perspective do not necessarily reflect the views/ opinions of the newspaper. Readers are encouraged to utilize our letters to the editor space to share their own views/opinions. The Early Bird and Bluebag Media reserve the right to not publish letters that are considered libelous, slanderous or unsigned.

425 Memorial Dr. Greenville, OH 45331

Commissioners’ Corner August has come and gone. Hot, humid weather, followed by flash rain storms and in some places flooding, the start of high school football, schools going back in session, and of course, the nine-day run of the Great Darke County Fair. Sounds like a typical August in the Miami Valley and in Darke County. First of all, the Darke County Commissioners wish to congratulate Clayton Murphy of New Madison for his outstanding Olympic accomplishment of a bronze medal in the 800 meter finals. I am sure that everyone in Darke County was yelling at the television when Clayton, with his classic last lap kick, was catching and finally caught the third place runner and became the Olympic Bronze Medalist. Congratulations to Clayton and the Murphy family for raising such and inspiring young man. Darke County is certainly proud of you. Of course, one of the biggest happenings every year is the Great Darke County Fair. Thank you to all the fairboard members, Fair Manager Daryl Riffle, and the entire

maintenance staff for all the hours of preparation and hard work you do throughout the year to make our fair the best in the country. This year, despite the weather and rain, the fair seemed to be as vibrant as ever. The Commissioners talked to several people from other states, some as far away as Texas, California, and Missouri, who really enjoyed themselves and thought they would come back. We will bet not many county fairs anywhere can say that. The Commissioners would also like to thank all of the 4H, FFA members, cheerleaders, band members, and everyone else who performed and showed their projects at the fair. We realize these young people are the backbone of the fair, and their accomplishments through hard work and dedication are making them into outstanding adults. The parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and advisors who help with guidance of these young people should be proud of the efforts and rewards these young people have received for their hard work. Once again, “Thank You” to all who made this

year’s fair another success. There has been some real excitement happening in Darke County this month. We would like to Congratulate Mayor Mike Bowers as August is his last month as Mayor of Greenville. Mr. Bowers is taking over as the new Economic Development Director for the county starting in September. Mike was the perfect pick for the job, as he worked very closely with the former director, Marc Saluk, who left to be close to his home of Philadelphia. The Commissioners, the C.I.C, and Partnering 4 Progress wish Mike the best of luck, and continued economic success for Darke County. Another great event for the county was the announcement and groundbreaking for the new Whirlpool distribution system. The new building will be around 325,000 square feet, and will be state of the art. This is another example of the commitment Whirlpool, and the city and county have made to continue their success here. Whirlpool should start the building process shortly, and they hope to

be in by late spring. None of this is possible without a vibrant, talented and dedicated workforce. The people we have working in our manufacturing facilities continue to impress the managers and CEOs to the point that Darke County is where they want to locate, and stay. Thank you to all the hard workers who have made Darke County successful. The new MARCS radio tower has been purchased and should be going up in the future. The tower will be located in the Union City, Ohio area, and will much improve radio communications in the northern part of the county As we roll into September, and hopefully cooler and more stable weather, things continue to look up for Darke County. We would like for everyone to be informed of all that happens here, and the best way for that is for you to attend a regularly scheduled session. We meet every Monday and Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at 520 S. Broadway in Greenville, just south of the Courthouse. Hope to see you there! The Darke County Commissioners

Work to begin soon on park’s band shell BY RYAN BERRY MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – An initiative that began a year ago to refurbish the Marling Band Shell may soon come to fruition. Mike Henderson of Mote & Associates and Dale Musser, president of the Greenville City Park Board, addressed Greenville City Council on Sept. 6 to share the progress that has been made. Henderson told council they are ready to start the

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bidding process. Musser shared the park board believes it has achieved its goal for funds for the matching portion of the grant through the Land & Water Conservation Fund. The project is expected to cost $300,000. Actual construction costs are expected to be around $256,000. The outside of the band shell will be removed and rebuilt. The inner soundshell will be supported until the outside portion is rebuilt. Offices and restrooms will be added at the rear of the property. Musser said the park board currently has $94,959 in-hand. Those funds combined with

a park fund that has $30,000 and verbal commitment should help them exceed their goal with $155,000. According to Musser, those funds will be available “if the people that have committed to us verbally do what they have said they were going to do.” Council will be required to pass legislation to allow the board to begin requesting bids. The project is expected to begin this fall. Pam Garland, Greenville’s public transportation director, requested the city donate a vehicle that no longer serves a purpose for the city to the American Legion for

use by the Darke County Honor Guard. Fred Dean, representing the Honor Guard, said, “We are in dire need of getting a bus. The one we have is falling apart on us and costing us a lot of money. We are hoping the council will generously donate this bus to us.” Dean has inspected the bus and believes it will suit their purpose. President Pro Tem Tracy Tryon asked Dean to submit an official request from the American Legion Post Commander on the organization’s letterhead. Acting Mayor John Burkett explained the official request is needed because the city can’t give the bus to an individual.

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OFFICE HOURS: Mon.-Th. 8:30am-5pm, Fr. 8:30am-4pm President & Publisher: Keith L. Foutz klfoutz@earlybirdpaper.com

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Managing Editor: Ryan Berry rberry@earlybirdpaper.com Marketing Director: Annette Sanders asanders@earlybirdpaper.com Production Manager: Shannie Denney sdenney@earlybirdpaper.com Webmaster: Clinton Randall crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

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DEADLINES: Classified line advertising.....................Noon on Thursday All other advertising and inserts .........Thursday by 5 p.m. Editorial content .....................................Noon on Thursday Letters to the editor and other reader contributions of general interest are encouraged. Letters should be no more than 300 words and must contain the name, address and phone number of the writer. The Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising or editorial material. The Publisher does assume responsibility for typographical errors but only will be responsible for the cost of that portion appearing in error. We will not be responsible for errors in advertising after their first insertion. The Early Bird is distributed weekly in Darke and surrounding Counties and audited by CVC & is locally owned and operated by Brothers Publishing Company.


PAGE 6 Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

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Randall named UCHS Parade Grand Marshal GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

UNION CITY, Ind. – Clinton Randall has been selected to serve as the 2016 Union City Community High School Homecoming Parade Grand Marshal. “Every year the students nominate several citizens from the community to be considered to serve as the Homecoming Parade Grand Marshal,� said UCHS Principal Aaron Black. “The students nominated several people including Clinton Randall and took the names to a vote.� “Clinton won by a land-

slide when his name came up,� continued Black. “Clinton being named Grand Marshal, stems from him being here for the kids and taking part in a drug education program at our school and being available for our student athletes and putting many photos of the athletes online.� “It’s an honor that the students selected me as their homecoming Grand Marshal – I am truly humbled to even be considered.� Randall said. “I have developed many friendships since covering events at UCHS and look forward to many more in the years

to come.� “Being a part of a newspaper that allows me to cover events that are outside the Darke County border is refreshing and I know my years of experience will positively impact our community as a whole,� concluded Randall. Randall, the webmaster for the Early Bird Newspaper and Bluebag Media includes hundreds, if not thousands of photos of the UCHS athletes online, all available at no charge. Keith Foutz, the President and Publisher of The Early Bird and Bluebag Media stated he was extremely proud of Clinton

Wave seventh-graders win big over Rams BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Wave seventh grade football coach Josh Gilmore got his ďŹ rst career win over the Trotwood-Madison Rams in his ďŹ ve years of coaching junior high football for Greenville with a convincing 27-8. “It’s a good win,â€? said Gilmore. “First time I ever beat them‌feels really good. They (Rams) show up with 10 kids and they are all athletes. They show up with 30 of them, they are all athletes. Five years of this‌ and ďŹ nally.â€? The Wave seventh graders got on the board ďŹ rst with Owen Jankowski taking the handoff from Wave quarterback Hayden Bush at the Greenville 14-yard line and carrying to the one. The following play had Jankowski scoring to give the Wave a 6-0 lead. Greenville recovered a Rams fumble with 3:59 in the ďŹ rst setting up a Wave scoring drive from the Trotwood 29-yard line. The big play on the drive came by way of a completed pass from Bush to Wave tight end Nolan Curtis on a third-and-14 at the 24 yard line setting up a Wave ďŹ rstand-goal from the seven. Jankowski picked up his second one-yard TD carry followed by a Nolan Curtis PAT kick giving the seventh graders a 13-0 ďŹ rst quarter lead. The visitors (No.5) would get their lone touchdown of the night taking advantage of a 65-yard TD run on their ďŹ rst play from scrimmage. “The ďŹ rst half you saw

Owen Jankowski runs over Rams defender for big gain in win over Trotwood (Gaylen Blosser photo)

No. 5,â€? said Gilmore. “He’s the best player on the ďŹ eld hands down.â€? A completed two point pass conversion made it 13-8 score with the teams heading to second quarter play. “The second half we come out and started hitting him,â€? Gilmore said of No. 5. “My kids ďŹ gured out that we could play with them. That’s a big conďŹ dence thing when you ďŹ gure out you can play with somebody. That changes the game and it did for us tonight big time.â€? Trotwood moved into scoring position past the halfway mark of the second period facing a second-andgoal from the four-yard line only to have the Wave recover a Rams fumble. “I told the kids at halftime; we can’t give up guys,â€? stated Gilmore. “Look at the score. We are up at the half‌not much, one play away from a long run. We held this kid in check. He has scored one time on us. We can stop him and they bought into it and look what happened. The second half‌shut them out. Just a great football game.â€? Greenville made it a 21-8 third period score with Jankowski scoring on a 19-

yard run followed by a Wyatt Trissel two-point conversion run. The big defensive play of the game came when Nolan Curtis raced the length of the ďŹ eld to stop a Rams certain TD, tackling the Rams running back at the one-yard line resulting in the Wave pushing the visitors back on the following plays, keeping the Rams off the board. “Unbelievable effort‌ that was huge,â€? Gilmore said of the Curtis hit. “That was the biggest play of the game.â€? “Nolan is our defensive end and he’s chasing down a Trotwood running back,â€? continued Gilmore. “Just unbelievable effort. The kid is full of energy. All of these kids I have; they practice hard, they come in, they want to win, they are willing to do whatever it takes to win.â€? Jankowski would pick up his fourth touchdown of the night on a 21-yard two-play drive with the game’s ďŹ nal TD coming by way of an 11yard Jankowski carry for a 27-8 Wave victory. “Owen Jankowski‌absolute monster,â€? said Coach Gilmore. “There is some talent coming up and if we can keep them all out and keep it going‌things are looking goodâ€? “Coach Shaffer is the head of it,â€? continued Gilmore. “I build the foundation, but those guys (JV and varsity coaches) build the house and we have a good looking house coming.â€? “Coach Shaffer is the best coach around,â€? coach Gilmore concluded with a broad smile.


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ton receive this honor and recognition. It is well de-

served for his tireless efforts.�

Greenville hosts State Horseshoe Tournament BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Greenville, billed as the Horseshoe Capitol of the World was host to the 2016 Ohio State Horseshoe Tournament over the Labor Day weekend in the Greenville City Park. “We have some of the best horseshoe pitchers in the world competing here in the men’s division,â€? said Darke County Horseshoe Club president Brian Fisher. “We have 10 juniors pitching this weekend.â€? “The state tournament has been held here at Greenville since 1957 and I have been in most of them,â€? said Gary Roberts, Ohio Horseshoe Pitching Association president. “This is my 52nd state tournament and going to Greenville is always the highlight of my year. It truly is the Horseshoe Pitching Capitol of The World.â€? “It’s a place where the whole family can enjoy themselves,â€? continued Roberts. “You have the park here and there are all kinds of activities going. We horseshoe pitchers love Greenville. Everybody knows about Greenville.â€? Alan Francis of DeďŹ ance defended his 2015 State Championship with an 85.27 percent on his way to

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Longtime Darke County media personality Clinton Randall accepts UCHS invitation (Gaylen Blosser photo)

and his accomplishments, “I am thrilled to see Clin-






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Alan Francis pitches a ringer on his way to 20th Ohio State Championship (Gaylen Blosser photo)

winning his 15th consecutive State title dating back to 2002. “What a history here in Greenville at these courts,â€? said Francis. “The legends, the all-time greats have played here.â€? “I enjoy coming here especially when the weather is like it is,â€? added Francis. “The club maintains the courts well. It’s just a super place to come and play.â€? Johnstown’s Jimmy Walters was the last State Champion taking the title in 2001 before Francis began his string of 15 titles. “This is home to me,â€? Walters said of his weekend in Greenville. “I was raised in Troy, Ohio so this is where it all started for me in 1985‌coming to Greenville twice a year for pretty much the last 30 years. It’s like home.â€? Walters’ 77.96 percent took runner-up in the weekend tournament.

Francis won his ďŹ rst Ohio title in 1996 stringing together ďŹ ve consecutive titles from 1996 – 2000 before his recent run of 15 straight giving him 20 state titles in the past 21 years. Marlene Cooper of DeďŹ ance, Ohio claimed her second Women’s State Horseshoe Pitching title tossing 64.05 percent with her ďŹ rst title coming in 1993 while ďŹ nishing runner-up in three state tournaments. “I love pitching here,â€? Cooper said of Greenville. “It’s the Horseshoe Capitol of the World.â€? Amy Francis, wife of 21 time World Champion and reigning Ohio Horseshoe pitching champion Alan Francis, took the runnerup spot in the Women’s pitching 58.94 percent. Alex Francis took ďŹ rst place in the Junior Division with 42.46 percent. Alex is the son of Amy and Alan Francis.

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Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 7

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Greenville hosts Treaty City Invitational BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Greenville hosted 1,130 runners representing 34 schools at the Treaty City Invitational. First year event manager and GHS varsity Cross Country Coach Stephanie Lind was pleased with the 2016 race in the Greenville City Park. “This was my first year as event manager,” said Coach Lind. “We really think it went off without a hitch. Coach Eckstein was invaluable. We just can’t thank everyone enough.” “A lot of work by the committee,” said Dennis Eckstein, Greenville Junior High Cross Country Coach and course manager. “Stephanie Lind did a great job taking over as meet manager. Ed Porter did a wonderful job for years and he was ready to step aside. We thank him for all his

years of work.” “Coming in new we made a few changes…getting some schools back and getting some new schools here,” added Eckstein. “Schools know there is a great history here and like being part of this. Schools are coming back and we have commitments from teams next year that are not here today.” “We have a great park here,” said GHS High School Principal Jeff Cassell. “It’s a chance to showcase our park and give our athletes a home meet and a chance to have our community see them in action. Cross country is somewhat of a tough sport sometimes to watch but this is a great venue. You get to see a lot of the race and it’s just great to have all of these kids come here.” An event of this magnitude takes months of planning and preparation and would not be possible without the many volunteers who give so much of their

time. “I think every single parent of a runner helped in some capacity,” said Lind. “Some staying from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. the day before the race.” “All the city officials came together to help and the city and Darke County Parks were wonderful,” said Lind. “We got numerous comments on how beautiful our parks were, how well maintained this year.” “A special thank you to Sean Shumaker for mowing and rolling the course to perfection,” added Lind. Greenville’s Riley Emerick took first place in the boy’s middle school race with Alex Subler finishing in sixth place. “This makes me really excited for the future of Greenville running,” said Coach Lind. “All of our runners had a great day. Four high school runners got

Wave hangs tough in Xenia loss BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The Green Wave varsity boys soccer team played well in the first half Tuesday night at Harmon field in a match with the Xenia Buccaneers to trail 2-0 at the half. “I’m tickled to death,” said Greenville coach Mark Coppess. “That game could have went either way and that is the thing that we have to keep focused on. We have to keep focused on the positives and take the good stuff from the games and move forward with when we get back in the tougher GWOC games.” The Greenville boys played even better the second half shutting out the first place GWOC American South Division leading Buc-

caneers losing by a respectable 2-0 score. “A great second half,” Coppess said. “Ultimately if they had played the first half like they played the second, it would have been a 0-0 tie or one goal difference one way or another.” “Very good second half,” added Coppess. “We outshot them the second half.” Greenville and Xenia finished the night with identical 4-2 records on the young 2016 soccer season. “Another great game,” stated Coppess. “I thought our defense did a really good job of covering. Dalton Walls did a great job cleaning up some things back there. We put a lot of good things together but we can’t come out dead on our feet like that like we did in the first half. It’s coming.”

lifetime personal records today.” Tippecanoe took first place in the boys middle school followed by Versailles with a second place team finish and Greenville finishing third out of 20 schools. Bradford’s Skipp Miller finished first in the girls middle school race with Austy Miller also of Bradford taking third.

Joe Spitzer of Versailles finished first in the High School Boys Small School. Bradford’s Karmen Knepp finished second in the High School Girls Small School race. “The kids are working hard, have big goals, and we are going to continue to see those times fall,” Lind stated. “The sportsmanship and compassion you see at running events can-

not be matched. Our team joined another school team in prayer for a runner who had to be taken off by ambulance. A boy from Houston finished in the top five and then immediately started serving water to the following runners.” “It’s a great honor for us to host the Treaty City Invitational,” concluded Mr. Cassell. “Couldn’t have asked for a better day.”

Perfect weather greets YOLO race BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

Mac Kirk moves the ball for Greenville in tough loss to Xenia (Gaylen Blosser photo)

See more photos from the invitational at bluebagmedia.com/photos (Gaylen Blosser photo)

GREENVILLE – The YOLO Organization of Greenville held its third YOLO Festival of Races including a Half Marathon, 15K, 5K and Kids Fun Run race events Sunday morning starting and finishing at Harmon Field after winding its way through Greenville and Darke County. “We are raising money for the community,” said race director Phillip Pierri. “Doing projects within

Greenville, Versailles and Darke County.” “It was fantastic,” added Pierri. “Beautiful weather. It’s always a good turnout when there’s about 400 runners here. We had some people come out from Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. We have Indiana, Kentucky obviously Ohio. We did have one from Florida come up. They come from all over. We’re trying to get the word out there so people can get to Darke County

Children compete in YOLO Kids Fun Run (Gaylen Blosser photo)

and run this race.” Log onto gtraces.

com for complete listing of participants and times.

Wave freshmen crush Wilmington BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The Greenville freshman football team dismantled the Wilmington Hurricanes 30-0 in just two 10-minute halves played at Harmon Field in a Saturday afternoon game. “They got two quarters in after the JV game,” said Greenville JV and freshman football coach Bart Schmidt. “They took advantage of it and took it to them. Did a lot of great things out there.” Greenville got on the board a 2:39 in the first with Marcus Wood scampering 53 yard for the first score of the game. Wave freshman quarterback Tyler Beyke con-

nected with Tony Sells for a two-point pass conversion giving the Wave an 8-0 advantage. Wood returned a onehanded acrobatic pass interception for a 73-yard touchdown extending the Green Wave lead to 14-0 sending the teams to the break after 10-minutes of play. Wilmington opened second half play with possession of the ball only to have Sells scoop up a Hurricanes’ fumble and race 46-yard for a Greenville score with 6:48 on the second half clock. Beyke hit Alec Fletcher good for a two-point pass conversion and a 22-0 Wave lead. Greenville would score by way of a Beyke 13-yard

Marcus Wood returns an interception for a Wave TD in win over Wilmington (Gaylen Blosser photo)

quarterback keeper with 1:30 on the game clock and complete a two-point conversion pass to Tytan Grote giving the home team a 30-0 win in 20-minutes of play.

“That shows where our program is at with the numbers that we have,” Schmidt said of the large number of athletes playing Green Wave football. “Our program is getting better.”

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Ansonia FCOG hosts Persuaded Trio to sing in Greenville marriage conference

Dan and Beverly Wilson – 1956

Dan and Beverly Wilson present

Wilson’s 60th anniversary

NEW MADISON – Dan and Beverly (Bailey) Wilson of New Madison will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary on Sept. 17 at the Brethren Retirement Community, 750 Chestnut St., Greenville, in the brick room from 1:30-4:30 p.m. They were married Sept. 21, 1956 at the Methodist Church in Greensfork, Ind. They are the parents of two daughters, Valerie (Joe) Curtis, Danna Wilson, (Lloyd), grandchildren Jessica (Danny) Royer, Rocky Martinez and Hyster Thrush; and three great grandchildren, Lawrence Ella and Sophia Royer.

ANSONIA – The Ansonia First Church of God will be holding a marriage conference featuring Steve and Debbie Wilson, founders of Marriage Matters Now, Inc. This marriage ministry is devoted toward impacting marriages across the world. Steve and Debbie are passionate about seeing marriages and families become all that Jesus desires for them to be. This year’s topic will be Communication: The Missing Piece. In this conference, they go through the Six Levels of Communication, that if done well, will lead them into the intimate relationship desired in our marriages.


The family of Larry A. Stump would like to thank Toby Spencer and all the deputies and dispatchers at DCSO and all the Darke County Fire & EMS units who showed us such support as we dealt with Larry’s passing. We would especially like to thank Darke County Sheriff’s OfďŹ ce, Liberty Township Fire, New Madison Fire, Tri-Village Rescue and Union City Police for the escort to the cemetery and all those who stood for the touching tribute at the graveside. Also to Liberty Township Fire and the Liberty Belles for the wonderful meal they served after the proceedings. God Bless you for all your kindness.

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The conference will take place at the church campus, 750 S. Main St., Ansonia, on Sept. 23, 6-9 p.m. and Sept. 24, 8:30 a.m.-noon. The cost for this conference is $50/ couple, $25/individual and includes a full-catered dinner by Gloria Harpest on Friday evening as well as a continental breakfast Saturday morning. Steve and Debbie will also be presenting the message during the morning worship service on Sept. 25, at 10:30 a.m. Reservations are due by Sept. 19 and can be made by contacting Jamie Campbell at 417-1080, Kim Campbell at 623-2120, or the church ofďŹ ce at 3373945.

Jessica Emrick – Jonathan Gilbert

Emrick and Gilbert to wed

UNION CITY – Billy and Cindy Emrick are announcing the engagement and approaching wedding of their daughter, Jessica Ann Emrick to Jonathan Shane Gilbert. Jessica is a 2008 graduate of Union City Community High School and a 2012 graduate of IU East with a bachelor’s degree in nursing. She is employed as an oncology nurse. Jonathan is the son of Curtis Gilbert and Doris Vella. He is a 2007 graduate of Mississinawa Valley High School and a 2010 graduate of Edison state Community College with an associate’s degree in criminal justice. He is employed in law enforcement. The couple is planning an October wedding.

When Kids’ Allergies Strike in the Fall School is in session, and just like clockwork your 8-year-old starts sneezing, snifing, and snorting. What’s going on? Chances are it’s allergies—the immune system’s abnormal reaction to a substance that would normally be quite harmless.1 Up to 40 percent of children in the U.S. have nasal allergies.2 How can you know for sure whether allergies are the culprit? One way is to have your child see the pediatrician, who may ďŹ nd clues in places like nasal mucous membranes. But the only way to identify speciďŹ c triggers is to do allergy testing.1 Outdoor allergens. Also known as hay fever, seasonal allergies often bring images of springtime sufferers, so common when many plants begin to bloom. In the fall, however, outdoor allergens such as ragweed and tumbleweed may also release tiny pollen and wreak major havoc—especially in the morning.2,3 Indoor allergens. But that’s not all. In the fall, your child begins spending more time inside at school and home. That’s why many indoor allergens may then also rear their ugly heads.4 Here’s just a sample: • Dust mites, a microscopic insect that lives in bedding, sofas, and carpets • Mold • Animal allergens such as fur, skin, feathers, or saliva • Clothing and toys made or stuffed with animal hair • Latex in rubber gloves, toys, or balloons, as well as in the elastic found in clothing3,4 Avoiding triggers. You don’t have a lot of control over indoor allergens at school. But there certainly are some things you can do to

protect your child. Here’s a small sample of steps you can take: • Use air conditioners and keep windows closed in your car and at home to reduce exposure to pollen. • Have your child avoid playing in piles of dead leaves if mold allergies are a problem. • Take steps to reduce mold growth in the home. For example, ďŹ x leaky plumbing, remove bathroom carpets, and control indoor humidity. • Vacuum upholstered furniture and wash linens weekly and other bedding every 1 to 2 weeks in hot water. • Limit stuffed animals in the bedroom. Yes, I know‌. That might be a tough sell. • Replace pillows every 2 to 3 years. • Encase pillows, mattresses, and comforters in special covers that keep dust mites out. Avoiding triggers is the best way to prevent the symptoms of allergies. But keep in mind that it can take three to six months to see an improvement in symptoms once indoor triggers are removed. 3 Talk time. Sometimes avoiding triggers is not enough to control symptoms. Before you stock up on loads of over-the-counter drugs, however, swing by and have a talk with me. I can point you to products in our store and guide you on their use. Also, make sure to have a conversation with your child’s pediatrician. Sometimes allergy testing or prescription medications are needed to bring real relief. 1 Nothing herein constitutes medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or is a substitute for professional advice. You should always seek the advice of your physician or other medical professional if you have questions or concerns about a medical condition.

See Your Local Pharmacists-David Mook, Cindy Dapore and Eric Everman for more information.

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Hours: Mon-Fri. 9:30-6/Sat. 9-12:30

GREENVILLE – The Persuaded Trio from the beautiful Hocking Hills area of Ohio will present a free concert at Triumphant Christian Center, 1129 South Towne Court, Greenville, on Sept. 18, 6 p.m. Andy Good, as founder of this all male trio, is Persuaded that God loves us and sent His best for us. The desire of Persuaded is to share this good news with anyone who comes within earshot of their music. From their beginning in a revival meeting in 2011, their schedule has grown as they bring their unique sound and ministry to churches, fairs, festivals, shows and more.

Trinity Hog Roast

Persuaded Trio

Featuring a sound built around close harmony and a Southern Gospel style, a Persuaded concert will often include high energy music, as

well as acapella, patriotic music and comedy. Their mission is to share the Gospel and encourage the church.


VERSAILLES – Trinity Lutheran Church in Versailles is planning its annual Hog Roast Meal on Sept. 18. This will be dine-in, carryout or drive-thru (along StefďŹ n Street). Serving will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (or until sold out). The menu will include pulled pork sandwich, baked beans, au gratin potatoes and apple crisp. The dinners are a donation of $6.50 each. Presale tickets are available by calling the church ofďŹ ce at 526-3091 or you may purchase tickets at the door. This is open to the public.

JC’s hosts Tommy Renfro

GREENVILLE – Tommy Renfro will be appearing at JC’s Coffee House on Sept. 16. Renfro, a Christian songwriter and recording artist will entertain guests that evening. You will also be able to purchase his CDs. The doors will open at 7 p.m. and there is no cover charge. Come out and enjoy the music and get in a game of pool if you like. Parties of eight or more may call for reservations. The Snack Bar will be open. For more information, call Janice at 417-5926 in Lighthouse Christian Center’s Complex on Sebring-Warner Road southeast of Greenville off of US Route 127.

Celebration party set UNION CITY – The family of Robert “Bob� Lee Bateman wishes to invite anyone who was his friend, customer, family member or acquaintance to honor, memorialize and celebrate his life. The Celebration Party will take place in the Bateman “woods� at 1266 Ellis Rd., Union City, Ohio on Sept. 17, 3 p.m. Meat and tableware will be provided. Feel free to bring a covered dish or beverages. The event will occur rain or shine.

UNON CITY, Ind. –Wanda Derr, great great grandmother and the matriarch of a ďŹ ve generation family. She is shown holding baby Kaydin Leedom. Family members are also Kaylee Leedom, mother, Cindy Davis, great grandmother and Jason Leedom, grandfather.

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Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 9

Trial Week at local Y Local musicians sign with California record label GREENVILLE – The YMCA of Darke County staff and coaches are looking forward to the 20162017 DCY Winter Short Course season beginning Oct. 10, with Trial Week beginning Oct. 3. Swim team is open to all Darke County Y members, ages 6 and older, who can exhibit competency in 50 yards of freestyle and backstroke. Trial Week is an opportunity for interested swimmers and their parents to “get their feet wet,” and meet the coaches, other parents and swimmers. It gives them an opportunity to experience the swim team environment and also provides the coaches an opportunity to evaluate the swimmers’ abilities. Coaches will also be conducting stroke clinics focusing on breast stroke, butterfly, and backstroke. Returning swimmers should also plan to attend Trial Week, especially if they have aspirations

to be promoted to a new practice level. The trial week opportunity begins Oct. 3 from 5:30-8 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday practice will be held at the Greenville Branch. Tuesday practice will be held at the Versailles Branch. The parent’s meeting will be Oct. 15, 6 p.m., at the Greenville Branch. The DCY Sharks offer training and practice groups for swimmers of all ages and ability levels. It is the goal of the DCY Sharks to offer ability level-specific training for all of our athletes geared towards challenging each individual and developing each individual to the best of their abilities. The three training levels include Bronze, Silver and Gold. For further information, contact Tyler Roberts at the Greenville Y at 548-3777.


ROSSBURG – The Rossburg United Methodist Church will hold its annual Potpie Supper and Craft Show on Sept. 24, 4-6:30 p.m. the menu consists of chicken potpie, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, pie and drinks. The price is $7 for adults and $3 for children. Carryout is available. Shown preparing the supper is (seated) Vera Moore, Dennis Dickey, (standing) Karen Printz, Pastor Arnold, Rowena Dickey, Nadine Turner, Nancy Dunwoody, Ron Widener, Pat Lee and Linda Pike.

BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE - As newest members of a Christian heavy metal band BioGenesis, a local family of musicians are now recording artists of a Californiabased record label. Dan Nealeigh, owner of D.A. Music Studios in Greenville, along with his sons Luke and Sam and daughter Majennica, joined with original members of the band - Chaz Bond and James Riggs earlier this year. While working on a new album, the band caught the attention of Roxx Records out of California who recently signed the group to their label.

BioGenesis has been in existence since the year 2000 and has previously released two successful albums, The Mark Bleeds Through and The Rise, The Fall, The Rebirth. After being apart for three years, BioGenesis reformed by Bond and Riggs in 2016, welcomed the Nealeigh family, who brought an abundance of talent and years of experience. The newly formed band has spent the year working on a brand new album which will be entitled A Decadence Divine, as well as working on a live show. BioGenesis’ new album is planned to be officially released under the Roxx Records label sometime

BioGenesis signing contract with Roxx Records. (Savannah Royster photo)

in early 2017, according to the band. They are scheduled to perform live on Oct., 1 at the Cornerstone Church of God in Lebanon, Ohio, at 6 p.m.. BioGenesis will

be one of several Christian Heavy Metal bands performing at this event. To learn more about the band and for upcoming shows and news, like BioGenesis on Facebook.

Edison students speak with residents GREENVILLE—Communications students at Edison State Community College’s Darke County Campus have been going into local schools for several years, talking to elementary and intermediate students about drugs, bullying… even the values of being courteous and respectful. Edison State’s summer Fundamentals of Communication class entered new territory this year, talking to Brethren Retirement Community residents about the challenges of the generations. “You’ve lived through these decades,” the students said. “You have dealt with them, survived them.” They noted the Great Depression and World War II, and then offered brief summaries of the successes and challenges of each decade through today’s issues of racial tension and terrorism. Their point? “You have lived through so much and dealt with so much... what advice do you

have for us as we deal with our challenges,” they asked the seven residents in attendance. “As a nation, we need to bring God back into our lives,” said one resident. The others immediately voiced their agreement. From their perspective, it was as simple as that. The students, without exception, considered the presentation a successful experience, not only having a respectful offering to different generations but also in teamwork. While they were happy with the way their assignment went, they had a bonus their counterparts in the fall and spring semesters don’t have. “What I really liked,” one of the students said, “was sitting down with the residents and simply talking.” The other students agreed. “We got a chance to get to know each other… learned a lot more than we did standing in front of them with our presentations.” Bob Robinson, Edison

Edison State students are Ruby Sacher, Julie Roseberry, Cierra Kaufhold, Zach Bevins, Tamera Mendenhall, Cory Jefferis and RJ Rabi Galleto.

DCC communications instructor, said the speech was the capstone of the course. It incorporated all of the elements of communication fundamentals – from research, ethics and critical thinking to teamwork and diversity – needed to be successful in today’s world. “Today’s professionals – more than any time in the past – need to be able to work as a team and understand the issues of human

diversity, not only among themselves but also those with whom they are communicating,” said Robinson. “They need to understand the roles that these values play in their dealings with others.” In the fall and spring, Edison State students make their capstone presentations to students in kindergarten through sixth grades. This summer their audience consisted of adults in their 70’s and 80’s.

PAGE 12 Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


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LOCAL5K to continue Corynna’s


Dept. heads at odds with city council RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Greenville City Council will hold a special meeting on Sept. 13 as a result of challenge to a report approved by council at its Aug. 2 meeting. Several of the city’s department heads are at odds with information collected by Councilman Tracy Tryon in an individual assignment to review compensation and parameters for employment for all department heads. As stated in the minutes from the Aug. 2 meeting, Tryon, who serves as the chairman of the Finance Committee, was tasked with reviewing “all current Department Head’s compensation and parameters for employment.” However, Public Transportation Director Pamela Garland, Utilities Office Manager Betsy Smith and Tax Administrator Robin Henry say in their challenges that Tryon did not review “all” current department heads’ compensation and parameters for employment. Tryon countered the charge that he did examine every department head’s office. “I stand by the report,” he said. In the committee report submitted to council on Aug. 2, only a handful of departments were singled out as being studied. Tryon’s recommendations were to further study the Safety/Service Director’s salary as it falls below those of communities with similar social, economic and physical demographics and the position of Street Superintendent since the city has added more responsibilities to that position. The positions of Fire Chief and Police Chief were also singled out. He further recommended “the current compensation scale for salary wages remain in effect.” He also suggested that “consideration be given in the future for compensation for the Department Heads that oversee the operation of a 24-hour department.” The report also touched on the new federal government regulations regarding salaried and hourly employees that will take affect later this fall. During the meeting, Tryon stated, “In any business you would have the opportunity for hourly workers to earn more than salaried workers because of overtime.” Henry, in her challenge, stated she discussed the issue with the councilman prior to filing the challenge to the report. “I asked Tracy why he used the 2013 OML (Ohio Municipal League) City Salary Survey when there was a 2015 OML City Salary Survey. He stated that he didn’t know that there was a 2015 Survey.” She continued, “I showed Tracy a chart I had made up showing the different salaries of the cities he had listed on the report, along with the 2010 Census population. I asked him if he had a similar chart. He said no. He said he looked up some of the salaries on

serb.ohio.gov and wrote them on sticky notes. I told him I would like to see the sticky notes of the salaries for my job. Tracy stated that ‘Oh, I really didn’t look up the salaries for your job.’” Tryon said he looked at the numbers again compared to the 2015 OML City Salary Survey and contends his report continues to fall in-line with those numbers. Tryon pointed out not all of the communities he examined had departments comparable to what Greenville has. According to Henry, one of the cities Tryon used as a reference for making his report was Defiance and the tax administrator in that city makes $10,000 more than the same position in city of Greenville. Smith suggested the report be amended to reflect the positions actually covered in the report. Garland said, “The methodology for the report is also in question for inadequacy as the comparable cities used, did not have transit and there was no consideration for other factors such as education, years of experience, assets managed, etc.” She added, “Our livelihood is taken very seriously as some of us are the sole breadwinners of our families. This report took over one year to conduct and yet was not given its due diligence.” Acting Mayor John Burkett asked for the special meeting and suggested it should be held in executive session for the expressed purpose of discussing personnel.

wish to ‘Shine On’ SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE - Wanting to continue their daughter’s legacy to “Shine On,” Sean and Kristi Strawser are inviting the community to join them Saturday, Oct. 1 at the Darke County Fairgrounds. The 3rd annual Shine On Corynna Glow in the Dark Run/Walk and Family Event will benefit Corynna Strawser’s desire to raise awareness for Mitochondrial Disease research. Corynna passed away from the disease in 2013, at the age of 16. The annual event, Kristi Strawser said, “brings together the two things she (Corynna) wanted for her legacy – to fight Mitochondrial Disease and to give back to her community, which supported her. Corynna ended up being the community’s child – so many people supported her” while battling the disease. Corynna was officially diagnosed during her last year of life. “She had always had issues with her GI (gastrointestinal tract) system. When she was 13 it took over her life. Her GI system failed and she could not eat. As other systems began failing, they (doctors) started looking at the possibility of Mitochondrial Disease.” Corynna’s wish was for her family to raise awareness by fundraising for research being conducted by the United Mitochondrial Foundation, as well as for a

scholarship to be presented to a graduating senior at Greenville High School and for Corynna’s Wish through State of the Heart Hospice. The funds raised through the 5K also go to support other community efforts, Kristi said, for example, someone who is ill or who has a need. “There are families in Darke County who are affected by Mitochondrial Disease,” Kristi said. “There is no cure for the disease, no treatment. There’s not actually a lot of great diagnosis treatment, that’s why we support research.” The Strawsers are so dedicated to helping find a cure that they’ve spent countless hours to recently be named a non-profit organization. “That’s kind of a big accomplishment,” Kristi explained. “We’re now Shine On Corynna Inc. It was quite a lengthy process for us.” Attorney Travis Fliehman assisted the Strawsers as did Fry & Company CPAs, both of Greenville. “You have to be stateapproved, form your bylaws, come up with a mission statement that the IRS will approve, write a purpose. It’s a big process to get approved by the IRS. You can’t be benefitting one person, they’re really specific about that.” As part of being declared tax exempt, Shine On Coynna Inc. now has a dedicated committee and board members to help plan the fundraiser and oversee the proceeds.

The Strawsers are hoping to see around 300 people support this year’s event. “The first year was just phenomenal in the 5K portion, with around 400 participants,” Kristi said. “Last year the weather didn’t cooperate.” Although Corynna wasn’t a runner, her sport of choice was dance, says her mother. “She was more the artsy type. She was an aspiring makeup artist and dancer. That was her big passion, her sport.” Corynna took dance at Barbata Rethlake Dance Studio and at 5678 Dance Studio, both in Greenville. All activities for the Oct. 1 Shine On Corynna event will take place within the Darke County Fairgrounds and will begin at 4:30 p.m. “We rent out the Youth Building on the fair-

Illumination Festival celebrates 10 years RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Over a decade ago one person with a vision to bring contemporary Christian music to Darke County turned into annual festival that brings thousands of visitors to Greenville. It started with a visit by Marty McCabe to the Darke County Fairgrounds and a visit with Daryl Riffle. That meeting turned into another meeting with a few more invited guests. From that meeting it was decided to open it up to the public to see if there was interest in forming a committee to bring a music festival to the community. In the little conference room at the Darke County Fairgrounds a new festival was born. One of the first orders of business was to find a name. A plea was made in The Early Bird and the new committee received many good suggestions, but the winner came from Randy Hammaker who suggested the festival be named Illumination – Light in the Darke. McCabe said he had been to other festivals and felt a continual pull to do something here. “After going to other festivals and

conferences, like Alive and Acquire the Fire, it seemed like we could pull something off like that in our hometown.” Since the beginning, McCabe and his wife, Connie, have been the steam in the Illumination locomotive to keep the train moving forward. “They’re dedication to this event is unparalleled,” said one committee member. While the festival has changed a few times over the years, McCabe says it is exactly what he hoped it would be. The games, activities and coffee house music during with the main concert in the evening make it an all-day event. “It’s exactly what I dreamed,” he said. While some might think getting to know the bands or enjoying the music would be the committee’s favorite part of the festival, McCabe and his fellow committee members would disagree. Many times they stop what they’re doing and look around at the crowd and take pleasure in the joy the visitors are experiencing. McCabe admitted, “I really enjoy turning around and watching the crowd and seeing them enjoying the worship music, or maybe their worshiping, singing or have their

One of the highlights for Illumination Festival committee members at every concert is watching the crowd enjoy themselves and letting the music become part of them.

hands raised.” McCabe was quick to praise the committee and volunteers who help put the festival together. “They all have their own God given talents,” he said. “They

use their talents to the fullest to make this event possible.” Over the years, Illumination has featured Big Daddy Weave, Newsboys, Toby Mac, Sanctus Real,


GREENVILLE - The 2016 Illumination Festival will be the kick-off to Fish Choice Pantry’s 7th annual ‘Feed Darke County’ food drive. Fish Choice Pantry is excited to be a part of the Illumination Festival by greeting and accepting non-perishable foods at the entrance to the fairgrounds again this year. Feed Darke County is the main fundraiser/food drive for the Fish Pantry and helps to supply the pantry for a large part of the year. Many churches, clubs, businesses and individuals donate to Fish throughout the year and some choose to hold their own food drives during the fall to participate in Feed Darke County. If you would like more information on how to be involved with Fish or the Feed Darke County food drive, contact Kristy at 316-8420 or fishchoicepantry@gmail.com.

Jeremy Camp, MercyMe, Brit Nicole, Mandisa, David Crowder and many more top Christian artists. This year’s line-up is no different with Matthew West chosen as the headliner. Joining him on stage this year will be Building 429, Blanca and KJ-52. Leading up to the concert, visitors can enjoy plenty of activities in the midway, including zip-lining, high ropes, laser tag, GaGa ball, inflatables and much more. Visitors can get a $5 wrist band to enjoy all of the activities. There is also free music throughout the afternoon beginning at 1 p.m. on the Coffee House Stage. This year’s artists include Kellen, Radiant, The Lasting Hope and Hannah Schaefer. Tickets to the concert are $25 for Grandstand (general admission), $30 for Reserved Seats and the Track (no seats), and $50 for VIP (track seating in front of the stage). Prices go up $5 on the day of the show. Tickets are available online at www.darkecountyfair.com or at the fairgrounds box office, Bread of Life Bookstore in Greenville, Christian Bookstore in Union City and Trinity Gifts and Books in Richmond, Ind.



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The 3rd annual Shine On Corynna Glow in the Dark Run/Walk and Family Event is set for Oct. 1 at the Darke County Fairgrounds, in honor of Corynna Strawser, who passed away at age 16 from Mitochondrial Disease.

grounds,” Strawser said. “We really try to involve people who aren’t necessarily runners. We’ll have a bouncy house, cotton candy and face painting for the kids.” The after-dark 5K Run/ Walk will take place at 7:45 p.m., with registration from 4:30-7:30 p.m. Timing will be provided by Good Time Races. Awards will be given to the top three male and female in each age group. Age groups are follows: 10 and under, 11- 14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 6069, 70-79, 80- older. Volunteers from First United Methodist Church will man the 5K course. Other family-friendly fun will include games, a DJ, door prizes, raffle, and much more. Romer’s Chicken Dinners will be available for purchase prior to the event with meals available that day from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Kristi said a number of chicken dinners will be available for purchase the day of the event. Registration for the 5K is $18 and includes one Tshirt ($2 extra for 2XL or larger). Registration deadline for a guaranteed glowin-the-dark T-shirt is Sept. 18. The T-shirt is not guaranteed after Sept. 18. Online Registration may be made at www.goodtimesraces.com. Check out the event’s Facebook page Shine On Corynna, email shineoncorynna@gmail.com or call937-423-1794. There will be a free kids run prior to the 5K.






PAGE 14 Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


thy A. Ridenour, 56, of Veteran G r e e n v i l l e , passed away on Sunday, Sept. 4, 2016 with his loving wife and caregiver by his side at the James Cancer Center at Ohio State University Medical Center. He was born September 20, 1959 in Shelby, Ohio the son of Jean & Mel Evenden of Troy and the late Clarence Ridenour. He served in the United States Navy. He retired from the Greenville Fire Department in 2008. He was a member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church; Knights of Columbus; he was a Boy Scout Leader; Lehman Catholic Music Department; Rolling 50s Car Club; President of the Greater Ohio Fire Safety Educators for several years; Fire Safety Educator for the Greenville Fire Department; he built the fire truck book case at the Greenville Library; he was a welder; and would do anything for anybody at any time. He is preceded in death

by his father. He is survived by his mother and step father; his wife of almost 34 years Mary Ann Ridenour; sons: Christopher Ridenour, Kevin Ridenour and fiancé Brooke; brothers & sisters & spouses: Ken & Ann Ridenour, Nita & Juan Rivera, John & Deb Ridenour, Jim Ridenour, Sally & Alan Dunavent, and Patrick Ridenour; numerous step siblings; & numerous nieces & nephews. A Memorial Mass was held Friday, Sept. 9, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 233 West Third St., Greenville, with Rev. Fr. Ken Baker Celebrant. Memorial contributions may be made to the Cancer Association of Darke County or Lehman Catholic High School. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www.zecharbailey.com.

WILSON – Glenn H. Wilson, 77, of Bradford, died Friday, Sept. 2, 2016. A funeral service was held Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2016, at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial

is in Riverside Cemetery, Troy.


– Michael M. Pretsman, 55, of Greenville, died Monday, Sept. 5, 2016. A Celebration of Life Service was held Thursday, Sept. 8, 2016 at Oliver-Floyd Funeral Home, Greenville.


Saturday one-hour prior to the services in the church.


Mitchell, 71, of Union City, Ind., died Sunday, Sept. 4, 2016. A memorial service will be held at 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2016, at Hollansburg Christian Church, 172 Elm St., Hollansburg.

– Floyd James Whis78, of Veteran tler, Greenville, died Monday, Sept. 5, 2016. A funeral service was held Saturday, Sept. 10, 2016, at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in Greenville Township Memorial Garden.

WILLIAMS – Margaret N. Williams, 94, of Greenville, died Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2016. Memorial Services will be held at the convenience of the family in First Presbyterian Church, 114 East Fourth St., Greenville. Burial will be held at a later date in the Greenville Cemetery.

CRAWFORD – Martha Marie Crawford, 83, of Palestine, died Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2016. Funeral Services will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 10, 2016 in the First United Methodist Church, 202 West Fourth St., Greenville. Burial will follow in the Clemens Cemetery, Darke County. The family will receive friends on

MASSIE – Daniel Paul Massie, 63, of Greenville, died Sept. 6, 2016. There will be a service held on Sunday, September 11, 2016 at 3 p.m. at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial will follow in the Greenmound Cemetery, New Madison. Family will receive friends on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2016 from 5-7 p.m.

at the funeral home.


– Dwight William Roll, 77, of Port Veteran Clinton and formerly of Ansonia, died Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2016. A Celebration of Life Ser-

Summer reading winners at library GREENVILLE – The Greenville Public Library’s Adult Summer Reading 2016 was a smash hit. Four hundred and sixty-six patrons participated by submitting 2,954 entries. Eighteen weekly prizes were awarded plus the three grand prizes to the following winners: The YMCA Package went to Gary Brown. It consisted of a three-month adult membership to the Darke County Y, $25 Subway Gift Certificate, decorative wooden crate, water bottle, and beach towel. The SNAP Fitness Package was won by Tracy Dirkson. This prize consisted of a three-month adult membership to the Darke County SNAP Fitness gym, $25 Sub-


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-------------------------------APOSTOLIC -------------------------------Solid Rock Apostolic 8991 Old US 36, Bradford, 937-718-0351 CAC of Greenville 630 Pine, Greenville 937-730-1313

Greenville First Assembly of God 7219 State Route 118N Greenville, Oh 937-548-5445

-------------------------------BAPTIST --------------------------------

Favorite Hill Baptist Church 1601 South Street, Piqua, 773-6469 First Baptist Church 7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville 548-7616 Faith Baptist Church 740 E Russ Rd., Greenville, 548-1808 Greenville Baptist Temple 4689 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., 548-7283 Union City First Baptist Church 225 S. First St., Union City, OH 937-968-6163

-------------------------------BRETHREN -------------------------------Beech Grove Church of the Brethren 3420 Harrison Rd., Hollansburg 937-997-4895 Bradford Church of The Brethren 120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215 Castine Church of the Brethren 624 State Route 127, Arcanum 678-9945 Cedar Grove Church 373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675

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-------------------------------BRETHREN -------------------------------Greenville Church of the Brethren 421 Central Ave., 548-3583 Oakland Church of The Brethren 8058 Horatio-Harris Creek Rd. Bradford * 448-2287 Pitsburg Church of Brethren 8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum 937-692-8772

-------------------------------CATHOLIC --------------------------------

St Mary’s Catholic Church 233 W Third St. Greenville 548-1616 St Denis 14 E Wood St, Versailles 937-526-4945 Holy Family (Frenchtown) 11255 St Rt 185, Versailles 937-526-4945 St Louis 15 Star Rd, North Star 419-582-2531 Immaculate Conception 5874 N. Buckneck Rd. (RR 2), Bradford, 937-448-6220 St Mary 425 W Hickory St, Union City, IN 765-964-4202

-------------------------------CHRISTIAN -------------------------------Ansonia Christian Church 123 W. Weller St., Ansonia, 548-5490 Coletown Congregational Church 2876 State Route 571, Greenville 548-6590 East Zion Church 6171 St. Rt. 36, Greenville 937-548-6364 First Congregational Church 115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH 937-548-3575 CMA Church 306 Devor St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955



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-------------------------------CHRISTIAN -------------------------------Stelvideo Christian Church 6808 Church St., Stelvido, Greenville, OH 316-8198 Teegarden Congregational Church 2753 State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 Woodington Congregation Church 8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441

-------------------------------CHURCH OF CHRIST -------------------------------Greenville Church of Christ 4599 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., Greenville, 937-548-4467

-------------------------------CHURCH OF GOD -------------------------------Ansonia First Church of God 750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 The New Beginning Church of God 802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502 Triumphant Christian Center 1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300

-------------------------------EPISCOPAL -------------------------------St Paul’s Episcopal Church 201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575

-------------------------------INTERDENOMINATIONAL -------------------------------Family of God 310 W South St., Arcanum, 692-8521 Lighthouse Christian Center 5256 Sebring Warner Rd., Greenville, 548-7464

-------------------------------LUTHERAN -------------------------------St. John Lutheran Church 7418 State Route 121, Greenville 548-5404

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-------------------------------LUTHERAN -------------------------------St Paul Lutheran Church 131 E. 4th Street, Greenville 548-5770 St Paul’s Lutheran Church 13495 Greenville St. Marys Rd Versailles, 419-336-7111 St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 6825 State Route 722, Ithaca, 678-8584 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 8520 Oakes Rd., Pitsburg 937-692-5670 Trinity Lutheran Church 1470 W. State Route 28, Union City, IN 765-964-5712 Trinity Lutheran Church 204 E. Wood Street, Versailles 937-526-3091

-------------------------------METHODIST-UNITED --------------------------------

Abbottsville United Methodist Church 3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum Ansonia United Methodist Church Corner of Pearl and High St., Ansonia 337-5781 EUM Church 1451 Sater Street, Greenville, OH 45331 Faith United Methodist Church 101 E. South St., Arcanum, 692-8934 First United Methodist Church 202 W 4th St. Greenville, 548-3075 Fort Jefferson United Methodist 3856 Church St., Greenville 548-4410 Gordon United Methodist Church 311 East St., Gordon, OH 937884-5129 Ithaca Grace United Methodist 750 Arcanum-Ithaca Rd 678-9062

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-------------------------------METHODIST-UNITED -------------------------------Nashville United Methodist 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 New Madison United Methodist 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341 Rossburg United Methodist 117 Ross St., Rossburg, 937-338-4765 Trinity United Methodist Church 112 West South Street Arcanum, OH 692-8530 Versailles United Methodist 122 W Wood St, Versailles 937-526-3855 Webster United Methodist Church 8849 Seibt Rd., Versailles 526-3855

-------------------------------NON-DENOMINATIONAL -------------------------------Northside Community Fellowship 8135 St. Rt. 127 N., Greenville, 548-8965 Rosehill Country Church St. Rt. 49 and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill Versailles Christian Church 105 W Ward St., Versailles 937-526-4194 Hillgrove Federated Church 1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332 Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-5470092

-------------------------------PENTACOSTAL --------------------------------

-------------------------------MISSIONARY -------------------------------Greenville Missionary Church 1110 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842 Pleasant View Missionary Church 5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885

-------------------------------NON-DENOMINATIONAL --------------------------------

Beamsville Christian Church 6102 Beamsville-Union City Rd. Greenville 547-0009 Calvary Bible Church 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 Friendship Community Church 1005 Eaton Fort Nesbit Rd. New Paris, 997-3592 True Life 5990 State Route 36, Greenville 548-3558 Living Waters Ministries 102 W Main St., Versailles, 526-4567

Faith Apostolic Lighthouse 332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299

-------------------------------PRESBYTERIAN --------------------------------

First United Presbyterian Church 114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188

-------------------------------UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST -------------------------------St. Paul United Church of Christ 129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506

-------------------------------UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST -------------------------------First Universalist Church 331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403

-------------------------------WESLEYAN -------------------------------Trinity Wesleyan Church 1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337 Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331

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way Gift Certificate, decorative storage box, Adidas gym bag, and water bottle. The Yoga Package went to Rise Labig. It consisted of a three-month adult membership to Nature’s Heart Yoga Studio (formerly elementsLife), $25 Subway gift certificate, decorative wooden crate, Manduka yoga mat, and water bottle. Many thanks to the YMCA, SNAP Fitness, and Nature’s Heart for their generous donations to the Library’s Summer Program. Congratulations to all the participants and winners. The library offers materials and activities for all age groups, lifestyles, and diverse tastes. Stay involved with your public Library.


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vice will be held on Monday, Sept. 12, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. at the Oliver-Floyd Funeral Home. Burial will follow in the Abbottsville Cemetery. Family and friends may call on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016 from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. at Oliver-Floyd Funeral Home.


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Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 15

Orthopedic Associates sponsors SUNshine 5K

This giant swallowtail butterfly drinks nectar from the wild bergamot near the nature center.

Park P.A.L.S. will discover pollinators GREENVILLE – Darke County Park District invites children in kindergarten through second grade to join them on Sept. 17 from 10 a.m. to noon to explore pollinators during Park P.A.L.S. Butterflies, bees, and more. Students will discover the importance of pollinators while they hike the trails and get up close and with these winged wonders. Participants will also do a cool craft, so kids are encouraged to bring their creativity, sense of adventure, and a friend. Park P.A.L.S. is a series of monthly programs de-

signed for students of this age group who are interested in nature. P.A.L.S. stands for Practicing And Learning Stewardship, and its mission is to develop future earth stewards through meaningful educational opportunities and hands-on experiences in the natural world. A fee of $3 is charged for the program, and preregistration is required. For any questions about the Park P.A.L.S. program or any other Park District programs or to register for the September class, call the Nature Center at (937) 548-0165.

Run for the Rails will be held in Bradford

BRADFORD – Whether walker or runner, experienced or beginner, all are welcome to run the rail. he Bradford Ohio Railroad Museum will host its fifth annual Run for the Rails 5K run/walk on Oct. 8. All activities will be held at the Bradford Church of the Brethren Refinery Coffee House (corner of Miami Ave. and Oakwood Street in Bradford.) The 5K event will start at 8:30 a.m. rain or shine, with same-day registration from 7-7:45 a.m. Participants who pre-register before Sept. 23 are ensured a free event t-shirt and a $20 entry fee. Those who reg-

ister after Sept. 23 will not receive a shirt, but registration fees are $15. There will also be a onemile fun run at 8 a.m. for children. To participate there is a $2 entry fee, same-day registration and the opportunity to win prizes for all participants. There will be a top three male/female finisher award in 14 divisions, top male/ female and team overall awards, free breakfast, refreshments and door prizes following the event. All proceeds from the Run for the Rails 5K event will benefit the Bradford Ohio Railroad Museum’s capital improvement fund.

GREENVILLE – Orthopedic Associates of Southwest Ohio is proud to serve as a major sponsor of the SUNshine 5K Run/Walk on Sept. 17 in Greenville City Park. Hosted by the Darke County Foundation, the event will feature hundreds of participants and raise funds for five local non-profit organizations: Bunco 4 Breast Cancer, Brethren Retirement Community (Senior Fitness), DeColores Montessori School, St. Mary’s School, and Team AddieGirl for Dayton Children’s. These organizations will receive $15 for each person registered under their group’s name. Orthopedic Associates is located at 732 Sweitzer St., Greenville, across from Wayne HealthCare. Dr. Safet Hatic II practices at Orthopedic Associates of SW Ohio along

with Dr. Chad Weber, Dr. Brent Bamberger, Dr. Cara Perez, Carla Robinson, PA, and Holly Wolters, PA. A fellowship-trained orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon, Dr. Hatic and his wife, Dr. Anna Hatic, and their two children live in Greenville. The Hatic family has participated in the SUNshine 5K the last several years. “We are pleased to join the Darke County Foundation in working towards a common purpose: to improve the well-being of our community and its residents, making Darke County a better, healthier place to live,” said Dr. Hatic. Runners and walkers at the SUNshine 5K will enjoy a scenic 5K route with age-group awards, great door prizes, and a variety of postrace drinks, snacks and homemade cookies. Free

Pictured are Christy Prakel, executive director of the Darke County Foundation; Angie Fahncke, technician at Orthopedic Associates; and Dr. Safet Hatic II, physician at Orthopedic Associates.

childcare is available. To register, visit www.darkecountyfoundation.org. Entry fee is $20 (limited long-sleeve shirts available day of event) and $5 for kids age 14 and under (no shirt). The race begins at 8:30 a.m., with a free kids 800-meter fun run at 8:20 a.m. The SUNshine 5K is part of

Art Guild will host 41st annual art show GREENVILLE – The Greenville Art Guild is proud to announce the opening of its 41st annual art show and sale Sept. 24-27 at Shawnee Prairie Nature Center on State Route 502 west of Greenville. The opening of the show coincides with Prairie Days on Sept. 24 and 25. The weekend’s activities promise to be fun for all ages and admission is free. The art show is a must see feast for the eyes with over 120 original pieces of art on display by local artists and many of them will be for sale. The public is welcome to this free cultural event and a lovely door prize painting by local artist Kay Cress will be awarded to one lucky art show attendee. Larry Wetzel of B & B Frame Gallery on

Kay Cress, local artists, displays the painting that will be given as a door prize.

State Route 49, north of Arcanum, generously donated the framing for this painting. The show will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sept. 24 and noon to 5 p.m. on Sept. 25 with additional hours from 9 a.m.

to 5 p.m. on Sept. 26 and 27. Be sure to stop by their face painting booth, which will be at Prairie Days again this year. Donations collected at the face painting booth support their community activities such as their free rock doodling workshop this past spring at the nature center and our support of children’s art activities outside of school through Greenville art teacher Julie Brewer. In addition, the Guild is sponsoring a children’s art show in the nature center classroom for the fourth time this year during Prairie Days. For more information about these art activities, call Jan Boyer at 548-1916 or Marilyn Banks at 6786870.

the Darke County Wellness Challenge. The Darke County Foundation enriches the quality of life for Darke County residents by receiving, administering and distributing charitable gifts for the benefit of the community. For more information, call 548-4673 or visit www. darkecountyfoundation. org. GREENVILLE EAGLES EVENTS


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PAGE 16 Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Partnership forms for After School Program GREENVILLE – “Greenville Schools cares ‘a bunch’ about its students,” said Andrea Townsend, GCSD Director of Administrative & Pupil Personnel Services. “We know that it takes all of us to help them succeed. “This program offers such an awesome opportunity,” she continued. “It’s the collaborative approach… Greenville

Schools, Edison, the Empowering group. It couldn’t have been done otherwise.” Townsend was referring to the inaugural After School Program at Edison State Community College, conducted by Empowering Darke County Youth. It offers kindergarten through fourth grade students a safe, secure place to get help in areas they are hav-


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Indoor & Outdoor Flea Markets and Outdoor Farmer’s Market CALL OR EMAIL FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.


ing trouble with or to do their homework. Some students will take part in shared reading, art or other educational activities while waiting for mom or dad to pick them up after work. Parents at East Intermediate and Woodland Primary schools will be getting the forms in about a week to enroll their children in the program and request a bus assignment to take the students directly to Edison from school. Parents are then responsible to pick their children up by 6 p.m. The program starts Sept. 19. “We tutored kids over the summer,” said Eric Fee, president of Empowering Darke County Youth. “Seven tutors worked with 43 students at the Greenville Library. Over time we realized the needs of these kids won’t go away once school starts again. If it wasn’t for Edison and Greenville schools this couldn’t be happening.”

Darke County Campus Dean Chad Beanblossom said Edison has the space and it is an excellent opportunity for the college to provide additional services to the community. Edison President and Empowering Board Member, Doreen Larson, concurred. “Edison is about education in Darke County,” she said. “It is our focus – and responsibility – to serve our community in any way we can. This program is a great fit.” GCSD Transportation Supervisor Andrew Grasty will be coordinating the bus schedules. According to Townsend, he will be handling each transfer request to Edison individually. “I look forward to doing this,” Grasty said. “I love kids and this is an awesome opportunity for them.” Empowering accepts financial donations and needs volunteers for supplies, snacks and fundraising efforts. For more information, go to Facebook Empowering Darke County Youth or email empoweringdarkecountyyouth@ gmail.com. The Bistro Off Broadway is offering a donation event to Empowering when a bill is paid with a flyer available at Edison, the Greenville Library or from any Empowering Board member. The dates are Sept. 15-17.

Volunteers run the Mad Anthony’s Tavern serving up old fashioned sodas to quench everyone’s thirst.

Delicious food served at Prairie Days GREENVILLE – What is everyone’s favorite part of a festival? That’s right, the food. Once again, most food available during the Prairie Days festival will be provided by local nonprofit organizations; so not only are you filling your belly, you are helping out a good cause. Parking and admission to Prairie Days are free, so that gives families a few extra bucks to splurge on some pie and ice cream. From hamburgers to hot dogs, walking tacos to sloppy joes and sausages, there is sure to be a sandwich to satisfy everyone’s cravings. There will also be French fries, kettle

corn, pork rinds, fresh fruit, cider slushies, and much more. Don’t forget to wash all the food down with some old fashioned sodas and top off the meal with a piece of the best pie in Darke County from the pie baking contest. Prairie Days has extended hours for the third year, so come for lunch and grab an early supper before leaving. The festival will be held Sept. 24 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sept. 25 from noon-5 p.m. For more information, call the Nature Center at 5480165, or visit the website at www.darkecountyparks. org.

DSWC Annual Fish Sale GREENVILLE – The Darke Soil and Water Conservation District will be conducting its annual fish sale. They will be offering largemouth bass, bluegill, channel catfish, yellow perch, black crappie, redear sunfish, hybrid bluegill, white amur and min-

nows. Call the Darke Soil and Water Conservation for order forms and pricing. You can visit them online at darkeswcd.com, follow them on Facebook and Twitter, or stop by the office at 1117 South Towne Court in Greenville.

Orders must be received with payment at the office no later than Oct. 17 before 4 p.m., call 548-1752. You can pick up your order at 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 20. Please bring a five-gallon bucket full of your pond water to transport the fish.

1410 Wagner Ave Greenville, OH 45331



Pick Up Your Scratch-Off in-store!

SALE HELD OVER Through September 18, 2016!


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M-T-W-F 10-8/Th & Sat. 10-5/Sun. 12-4

Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 17



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For the City of Greenville, Ohio Salary Range $39,624 - $55,868.80 Medical, Retirement, Vacation Benefits Application deadline: September 20, 2016 Visit: cityofgreenville.org/jobs for full details

Production Operators Needed

SERVICES OFFERED CUSTOM SEWING & ALTERATIONS. Crafts. Homemade cloth dolls & stuffed animals. 937423-5523

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Gettysburg, OH Facility Full time 2nd shift Day one beneďŹ ts available Apply in person or at your local job center Pre-employment drug screen and physical required 937-497-3184 www.norcold.com Norcold is an EOE Employer

Cloyd’s Carpet Installation, Re-Stretch & Repair. Tile & Wood. 30 yrs experience. Free Estimates! 765-2388797 Evenings

Now hiring for all positions

• Fun place to work • Shift meals provided • Flexible schedules

Apply in person at: 1371 Wagner Ave., Greenville

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“Now I know whe re garage sa the les are!�

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Custom Litter Spreading. Access to chicken Manure. 937-564-3399 Musical Instrument Consignment at Bach To Rock Music in Greenville! Better chance of selling it at a Store that Specializes in what Musicians want than a regular consignment shop. Call us today (or better yet, stop by with your clean & playable item) to hear the details. 5471970, bachtorock@ earthlink.net MOWING, large or small jobs. Also Landscaping, Shrub Trimming, Spraying/Fertilizing, Snow Removal. Reasonable rates. References available. Very dependable. 548-1716, ask for Justin LAWN MOWING & ROLLING, Yard Cleanup, Shrub Trimming, Edging, Mulching, Landscape Maintenance. Free Estimates. Leave message for Gettysburg Outdoor at Lavy’s Corner Mart 937-447-3051 Attention Small Businesses: Simplify Your Payroll & Taxes with Paychex! New customers receive one month of payroll processing free! Receive a Free Quote! Call 800-8050164 HELP WANTED Now hiring Class A & B CDL Drivers. Pay based hourly or commission of truck. 937-968-4195 ext 205 Full & part-time groundmen needed. Must have a valid drivers license. Gunckle Tree Service. 937-423-2190 Livestock auction facility in Eaton looking for part time barn help. Work every Tuesday from 7 am to completion of the auction. Contact us at 617 S. Franklin Eaton, Ohio 45320 or call 937456-4161. Wolf Tent Company seeking temporary help erecting tents. Must be at least 16. Driver’s license preferred. Call 548-4161 for more information Responsible & dependable individuals needed to deliver Early Birds in the Yorkshire, Versailles, Greenville & Arcanum areas. There are walking & motor routes available. If you are interested, please contact Becky at 937-547-0851 and leave your name, address & phone number, if no answer


Sam Schwartz



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Truck Rentals


We are here to meet your storage and moving needs! 5328 Michelle Rd. Greenville


HELP WANTED LEGAL ASSISTANT/ PARALEGAL (parttime/full-time) - Candidate should be organized, have excellent telephone skills, and enjoy working directly with clients. Experience with probate process and forms is preferred. Please send resume to attorney Travis Fliehman, 8314 St Rt 121, Greenville, OH 45331

Concrete Finishers & lead position opportunities available. Starting pay $29.22/hr. 937968-4195 x. 205



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OďŹƒce Assistant Position:

Flory Landscaping & Lawn Care is a 27 year old company that currently has a position open for the right individual for an Office Assistant position. Job training is available but experience in the following skills is a plus: • Good personality/Customer Service skills • Answer multi-line phone system • Ability to multi-task/Meet deadlines • Word/Exel/Quick Book’s experience • Valid Driver’s License • Website posting/Internet Friendly • Willingness to be trained to run skidloader and help w/outside sales JOB OFFERS: Competitive wages, Flexible schedule, Advancement opportunity, Family oriented, Benefit package & more. For application contact Flory Landscaping at 937-548-2200 or stop in at 1224 Fort Jefferson Rd., Greenville, Ohio 45331 (Behind Fairgrounds).

We’re Ramping Up Our Distribution Center!

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***** A mid-size trucking company strong in the agricultural industry is seeking a qualified candidate for a Fleet Logistics Coordinator for its West Central, OH Terminal. Employment Status: Full-Time Employee, must have ability to work weekends, holidays, on call, and overtime as required. Reports To: Terminal Manager Primary Responsibilities: (Note: The following list of essential duty functions is not exhaustive, and may be supplemented as necessary). • Interact with customers and truck drivers to coordinate, dispatch, monitor shipments, and schedule trucking service for the agricultural industry. • Coordinate backhaul search/brokerage search with new/current customers. • Establish and maintain good working relationship with customers and truck drivers, to include phone support, quality assurance, and reviewing and confirming customer invoices, driver settlement reviews, and confirming driver routes. • Data entry of orders and driver settlements. • Lead by example and come to work mentally and physically prepared to multi-task, trouble shoot ideas and make positive contributions to the team each day. Required Qualifications: • Good communication and interpersonal skills • At least one year minimum dispatching experience in transportation industry • Ability to multitask under pressure • Working knowledge of trucking/DOT regulations • Good computer and math skills • Ability to problem solve • Ability to work as a professional team player Additional Comments: All employees are responsible for working toward the corporate mission and all quality goals of the organization. Confidentiality must be maintained at all times.

Qualified Candidate with experience could earn up to $75,000/yearly Excellent Health Benefit Package Vacation and Holiday Pay 401K Retirement Plan & Loyalty Bonus Send Resume and references to: Fleet Logistics Coordinator %The Early Bird 5312 Sebring Warner Rd. Greenville, OH 45331

PAGE 18 Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

LANDSCAPE POSITION. Send resume to: Crowell Lawn Service, PO Box 141, Greenville, OH 45331

Grounds Maintenance & Landscape Installers Needed

Darke County’s premier property maintenance company is seeking quality individual’s for a “Full Timeâ€? position in their commercial mowing and landscaping department. Applicants must have a valid driver’s license, be 18 years of age, and the willingness to work in an outdoor environment. All applicants are subject to drug-screening. Pay is based on the experience and quality of work performed. BeneďŹ t package will be discussed in the interview with selected applicants. Fill out an application or drop o a resume at 1224 Ft. Jeerson Rd., Greenville, OH (121 South behind fairgrounds) M-F 8-4:30pm 937-548-2200 or email info@orylandscaping.com


Notice is hereby given pursuant to ORC 4929.26 division C of the Ohio Revised Code, that the Village of Wayne Lakes will hold two public hearings for public comment on the Village’s Natural Gas Aggregation Plan of Operation and Governance for the Municipal Natural Gas Aggregation Program to be held on Monday, September 12, 2016 and Monday, October 10, 2016 at 7:30pm at Village of Wayne Lakes Community Building, 100 Community Dr., Greenville, OH 45331, in conjunction with the Electricity Aggregation Meeting. The Village of Wayne Lakes’ Natural Gas Aggregation Plan of Operation and Governance describes the policies and procedures by which the Village will carry out its Municipal Natural Gas Aggregation Program, including those policies and procedures which relate to rates and customer service. The Plan includes information on member education, opt-out procedures, billing, obligations of a natural gas supplier solicitation of bids, changes and termination of service and selection of a natural gas supplier. A copy of the proposed plan is available for inspection at Village Hall during normal business hours. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE VILLAGE OF ANSONIA NATURAL GAS AGGREGATION PLAN OF OPERATION AND GOVERNANCE.

Notice is hereby given pursuant to ORC 4929.26 division C of the Ohio Revised Code, that the Village of Ansonia will hold two public hearings for public comment on the Village’s Natural Gas Aggregation Plan of Operation and Governance for the Municipal Natural Gas Aggregation Program to be held on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 and Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 7:00pm at Village of Ansonia’s Municipal Building, 202 N. Main St., Ansonia, OH 45303, in conjunction with the Electricity Aggregation Meeting. The Village of Ansonia’s Natural Gas Aggregation Plan of Operation and Governance describes the policies and procedures by which the Village will carry out its Municipal Natural Gas Aggregation Program, including those policies and procedures which relate to rates and customer service. The Plan includes information on member education, opt-out procedures, billing, obligations of a natural gas supplier solicitation of bids, changes and termination of service and selection of a natural gas supplier. A copy of the proposed plan is available for inspection at Village Hall during normal business hours.

Brown’s Sweet Shop is needed a waitress for new hours Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 6 AM-1 PM. Great job if commuting to college. Call Carol 937-621-4910 or Julie 937-526-4411 ext 207 or e-mail jboring@boringcpa.com Glick’s Construction, Inc, locally owned & operated construction company with over 20 years in business, looking for reliable, selfmotivated, hardworking individuals who are willing to learn & grow with our company. Skills beneficial but not required. Must have valid driver’s license. Call 547-3051 Klingshirn and Sons Trucking, Inc. Local Dump truck driver wanted. Percentage based pay. Medical/ vision/dental/401k provided. Call 937-3385000 Night shift Machine Operator. Must have prior operator or general maintenance/mechanical experience. EOE. Send resume to info@ hcp3.com or apply in person at Health Care Products, 410 Nisco St, Coldwater FARM WORKER NEEDED, Full-time. Job includes turkeys, hogs, beef cattle, and field work. Will train. For more info call 937467-0022


AUDITOR’S OFFICE Courthouse 1st Floor 504 S. Broadway Greenville, OH 45331-1984 Members PHONE: (937) 547-7310 Darke County Prosecuting Attorney Auditor, Secretary Darke County Auditor Darke County Treasurer LEGAL NOTICE In accordance with Section 5747.51(J), 5747.53 of the Revised Code of Ohio and House Bill No. 111, Darke County Budget Commission has made the following apportionment of the Local Government Funds for the Year 2017 for the County, Townships and Corporations.

Corporations Ansonia Arcanum Bradford Burkettsville Castine Gettysburg Gordon Hollansburg Ithaca New Madison New Weston North Star Osgood Palestine Pitsburg Rossburg Union City Versailles Wayne Lakes Yorkshire Total Grand Total

Estimated Amount of: Percentage Share Local Government Fund 30.00 405,042.79 16.50 22,773.54 0.90 12,151.29 0.77 0.75 0.76 0.76 0.77 0.88 0.77 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.75 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.75 0.77 0.76 0.75 15.32

BUYING OLD GUITARS, Banjos, Mandolins & Amplifiers. ALSO buying Flutes, Saxophones, Trombones, Trumpets in good condition, Yamaha, Selmer, King, Conn. Bring them to Bach to Rock Music, 334 S. Broadway, Greenville, OH for an offer. 937-547-1970, email: bachtorock@ earthlink.net PETS Black Mouth Cur dog, female, almost 2 yrs old. Housebroken & kennel trained. NKC registered. Asking $150. 423-0705 LIVESTOCK Brown egg laying pullets. 937-526-4541 SPECIAL NOTICES SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied benefits? We Can Help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1-800-208-6915 to start your application today! WANTED TO RENT FARMGROUND TO RENT: $270/acre, SPRING PAYMENT, FERTILITY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. 937-622-2735

Thomas L. Harris v. Western Ohio National Bank & Trust, Co., or its successor in interest Case No. 16CV00484 The Western Ohio National Bank & Trust, Co., or its successor in interest, whose name and addresses are undeterminable, will take notice that on September 1, 2016, Thomas L. Harris, filed a Complaint to Quiet Title to Real Estate in Case No. 16CV00484, in the Court of Common Pleas of Darke County, Ohio, Second Floor Courthouse, Greenville, Ohio 45331, seeking to quiet title and alleging that Defendant Western Ohio National Bank & Trust, Co., or its successor in interest may claim to have an interest in the real estate described below: Parcel No.: F27-2-212-35-02-06-142-00 (Lot 319) Said parcel is more particularly described at Official Records Volume 390, Page 342, and Volume 517, Page, 215, in the office of the Darke County Recorder, Darke County, Ohio. Said claim may be derived from a Mortgage dated March 23, 1981, and recorded at Official Records Volume 467, Page 251, in the office of the Darke County Recorder, Darke County, Ohio. The Defendant named above, including any successor in interest, are required to answer on or before the 28th day from the last publication date. Travis L. Fliehman (0071874) Attorney for Plaintiffs 8314 State Route 121 North Greenville, Ohio 45331 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, 10/16


District Darke County Greenville City Park District Townships Adams Allen Brown Butlet Franklin Greenville Harrison Jackson Liberty Mississinawa Monroe Neave Patterson Richland Twin Van Buren Wabash Washington Wayne York Total

WANTED TO BUY Cars/Trucks, running or not UP TO $500. Free pick-up. 937-423-2703 or 937-621-5809

10,396.10 10,126.07 10,261.08 10,261.08 10,396.10 11,881.26 10,396.10 10,261.08 10,261.08 10,261.08 10,261.08 10,126.07 10,261.08 10,261.08 10,261.08 10,261.08 10,126.07 10,396.10 10,261.08 10,126.07 206,841.82

2.25 30,378.21 4.50 60,756.42 2.01 27,137.87 0.77 10,396.10 1.00 13,501.43 2.53 34,158.61 1.15 15,526.64 1.45 19,577.07 0.86 11,611.23 2.20 29,703.14 1.11 14,986.58 1.02 13,771.45 1.18 15,931.68 1.15 15,526.64 1.65 22,277.35 1.20 16,201.71 4.30 58,056.13 4.95 66,832.06 1.02 13,771.45 0.98 13,231.40 37.28 503,333.17 100.00 1,350,142.61 R. Kelly Ormsby III, Chairman/Prosecutor Scott J. Zumbrink, Member/Treasurer Carol Ginn, Secretary/Auditor

REAL ESTATE ABANDONED FARM LAND SALE! 16 acres - $29,900. Gorgeous upstate NY setting! Woods, meadows, nice views, apple trees, country road frontage just west of Cooperstown Lakes! Terms avail! Call 866-4958733 or NewYorkLandandLakes.com

Beautiful large log home, 2.4 aces w/3 BR, loft, pellet boiler, pond, much more. On SR 571E, edge of Greenville. NEW PRICE $292,000. Trump Realty 678-5687 OPEN HOUSE: Great Office or Small Business. Sat., Sept 17, 2-5pm. Sunday, Sept 18, 2-5pm. 544 Wagner, Greenville

GARAGE SALES GREENVILLE 6208 Bakers StoreGreenville Rd; 9/1617; 9-6; Antique library table, glassware, household items, kids’ clothes 0- size 12, 7647 SR 722; Sept 15- queen bed, twin train 16, 9-6; Sept 17, 10-?; bed, KitchenAid mixer, Antiques, collectibles, toys, blankets, misc tools, little bit of every720 Wayne St.; Sept. thing. No Clothes 15,16,17; 9-6. FurniGREENVILLE ture, clothes, dishes & 1270 Oaktree; Sept misc. 15-16; 9-4; Children’s 216 Glenwood Dr; Sept clothes, Christmas dec- 15-16; 9-5; Multi-Famiorations, misc ly; Variety! ARCANUM/PITSBURG 8756 Grubbs Rex Rd; Sept 15-16-17; 9:30-4; Household goods, fishing tackle, tow bar, misc

123 Harrison Ave; Sept 15-17; 5-Families; Lots of misc + homemade baked goods 112 Greenwood St; Wed Sept 14, 5-7p; Sept 15-16, 9-5; Moving/Multi-Family! Everything must go! Lawn equipment, sports equipment, Household items, home decor, Clothing, board games, Rainbow vacuum cleaner, Huffy bicycle, bookcases 631 Bucoba St; Sept 15-16-17, Rain Dates Sept 22-23-24; 9-4; Bell collection, angel collection, small appliances, toys, Barbies, craft supplies, fishing equip, clothes L-2X, TV, radio. Everything Clean & Priced To Sell 629 Wayne Ave.; Sept. 15, 8-4. Jr. girl’s clothes, shoes, DVD’s $.50, Holiday decor, saw, misc. household items 5063 Warvel Rd; Sept 16-17; 9am-?; MultiFamily Moving Sale! Circa 1950 Bolens Ridemaster lawn tractor with accessories, primitive home decor, vintage toys, lots more!

Robert L. Lee v. Leslie D. Lee Darke County Court of Common Please Domestic Relations Division Case No. 16-DIV-00418

To: Leslie D. Lee, Address Unknown, but whose last known address was 301 Oxford Drive, Greenville, OH 45331: Leslie D. Lee, whose address is unknown and cannot be ascertained with reasonable diligence, is hereby notiďŹ ed that on the 28th day of July, 2016, Robert L. Lee, ďŹ led in the Darke County Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations Division, 504 South Broadway, Greenville, OH 45331, a Complaint for Divorce against Defendant Leslie D. Lee. Said case is entitled Robert L. Lee v. Leslie D. Lee, and is identiďŹ ed on the docket of said Court as Case No. 16-DIV-00418. The Complaint alleges that Plaintiff is entitled to a divorce from Defendant on the grounds of incompatibility and living separate and apart from each other for more than one year, among others, and requests that Plaintiff be awarded an absolute decree of divorce from Defendant Leslie D. Lee. Defendant Leslie D. Lee shall take notice that she is required to answer said Complaint on or before the expiration of twenty-eight days from the date of the last publication of this notice. James S. Detling, Esq. Detling, Harlan & Fliehman, Ltd. 421 Public Square Greenville, OH 45331 (937) 316-4800 Attorney for Plaintiff Robert L. Lee 8/7/16 - 9/11/16 6T GREENVILLE NATIONAL BANK VS. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, CREDITORS DEVISEES, LEGATEES, ADMINISTRATORS, EXECUTORS AND ASSIGNS OF DEBORAH J. STARKS, DECEASED et al.

LEGAL NOTICE The Unknown Heirs, Creditors, Devisees, Legatees, Administrators, Executors and Assigns of Deborah J. Starks, Deceased, whose last name of residence is unknown, and whose present place of residence is unkown will take notice that on July 13, 2016, Greenville National Bank filed its Complaint for Foreclosure in Case N. 16-CV-00392, in the Court of Common Pleas of Darke County, 504 South Broadway, Second Floor Courthouse, Greenville, Ohio 45331, seeking foreclosure and alleging that Defendant(s) the Unknown Heirs, Creditors, Devisees, Legatees, Administrators, Executors and Assigns of Deborah J. Starks, Deceased, have or may claim an interest in the following real estate: ENGINEER’S ID: F27-2-212-35-02-03-103-00 ADDRESS: 505 Markwith Ave. Greenville, Ohio 45331 PRIOR DEED: Volume 305, Page 1561, Deed Records Darke County, Ohio The Defendant(s) named above are required to answer within 28 days of the date of the last publication of this Notice. Greenville National Bank By: John Marchal, Esq. Attorney for Plaintiff 116 West Fourth Street Greenville, OH 45331 937.548.1125 8/28, 9/4, 9/11 3T

36 East of Greenville to 6535 Westfall Rd; Sept 15-16-17; 9-5; Antiques, guitar & amp, self-propelled mower, adult clothes - some name brands, scrubs small-XL, snowman collection, bunks & full size beds - no mattresses, furniture, dining room table & chairs, flat screen TV, dishes, home decor seasonal, lots more. Priced to sell 6493 Requarth Rd; Sept 15-17; Baby items, men’s toys, misc. Everything nice 1248 Northmoore Dr.; Sept. 16,17; 9-?. Household items & grapevine trees 781 Gardenwood Dr; Sept 15-16; 10-5; Wrought iron patio set, fishing equip, camping/ boating equip, clothes, shoes, misc 1330 Radcliffe Dr; Sept 17-18; 9am-3pm; Huge Moving Sale! Tons of toys & decorations 211 Ash Street; Sept 15 & 16 from 10 to 6. Primitive, Longaberger, crafts, Harley,Oak Ent. center, baby stuff, material and etc UNION CITY 537 N Stateline; Sept 15-16; 9-5; Tools, garden tools, knickknacks, misc 1st Time Barn Sale; 1415 Ellis Rd; Sept 1517; 9-5; Multi-Family; Boys’ clothes 10-16, women’s clothes XLPlus, scrubs, some children’s items, antiques, books, name brand handbags, much more 407 North Division St, OH side; Sept 15-1617; 9-5; Multi-Family Sale; Something for everyone. Don’t miss this one! VERSAILLES MOVING SALE; 9310 Kelch Rd; Sept 15-16; 9a-7pm; We have EVERYTHING! Household items, clothes, bikes, more


Notice is hereby given pursuant to ORC 4929.26 division C of the Ohio Revised Code, that the City of Greenville will hold two public hearings for public comment on the City’s Natural Gas Aggregation Plan of Operation and Governance for the Municipal Natural Gas Aggregation Program to be held on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 and Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 7:30pm at City of Greenville’s Municipal Building100 Public Sq., Greenville, OH 45331, in conjunction with the Electricity Aggregation Meeting. The City of Greenville’s Natural Gas Aggregation Plan of Operation and Governance describes the policies and procedures by which the City will carry out its Municipal Natural Gas Aggregation Program, including those policies and procedures which relate to rates and customer service. The Plan includes information on member education, opt-out procedures, billing, obligations of a natural gas supplier solicitation of bids, changes and termination of service and selection of a natural gas supplier. A copy of the proposed plan is available for inspection at City Hall during normal business hours. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE VILLAGE OF ANSONIA ELECTRIC AGGREGATION PLAN OF OPERATION AND GOVERNANCE.

Notice is hereby given pursuant to ORC 4928.20 division C of the Ohio Revised Code, that the Village of Ansonia will hold two public hearings for public comment on the Village’s Electric Power Aggregation Plan of Operation and Governance for the Municipal Electrical Aggregation Program to be held on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 and Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 7:00pm at Village of Ansonia’s Municipal Building, 202 N. Main St., Ansonia, OH 45303. The Village of Ansonia’s Electric Power Aggregation Plan of Operation and Governance describes the policies and procedures by which the Village will carry out its Municipal Electric Aggregation Program, including those policies and procedures which relate to rates and customer service. The Plan includes information on member education, opt-out procedures, billing, obligations of an electric supplier solicitation of bids, changes and termination of service and selection of an electric supplier. A copy of the proposed plan is available for inspection at Village Hall during normal business hours. LEGAL NOTICE

HELP WANTED Full or part-time Carpenter. Minimum 2 years experience. 5482307


On September 6, 2016, the City of Greenville, Ohio adopted the following legislation: • Ordinance #16-89 Supplemental Appropriations • Resolution #16-90 Accept amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorize the necessary tax levies and certify them to the County Auditor • Resolution #16-91 Approve a contract for sanitary sewer grouting services, materials, and equipment • Resolution #16-92 Authorize solicitation of bids for removal and disposal of lime sludge from the Water Treatment Plant This legislation can be read and examined in its entirety at the office of the City Auditor, Room 200, Municipal Building, Greenville, Ohio, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday and 8:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. on Friday. Vicki Harris, Clerk Greenville City Council Approved: Eric Brand, Law Director 2T 9/11, 9/18

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Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 19

Becoming a Home Owner Need Not Be Just A Dream 2&3 Bedroom Homes Available Check our our selection of FREE handyman homes. Rental Homes Available Too! Sherwood Forest Mobile Home Community 937-548-9898 www.parkbridgehomes.com

R&S Reck Mobile Home Park New Paris, Ohio

Mobile Homes for Rent Or Rent to Own Call

Harley Davidson 2008, beautiful bike, Sportster 1200cc, lots of extras, 7000 miles. 937-6704212 HOUSEHOLD MOTORCYCLES 1993 Kawasaki Vulcan Very nice used Rainbow 1500, $850 or trade for vacuum sweeper. Wargolf cart. 765-277-6265 ranty. Call 548-0870 WANTED Wanted: Used house trailers in good condition. Please call 937448-2974


PRIME COMMERCIAL LAND on Greenville’s North side. Located just north of WalMart, Lowes & Kroger this area has a traffic count of 4900 per day (2010 study). This 5 acre tract is fairly level and has city water, sewer and storm available at the street. Current zoning is General Business which allows for wide variety of businesses. If you are looking to locate in the Greenville area, this is a premium site. Call today for more details (716698) PRIME COMMERCIAL LAND on Greenville’s North side. Located just north of WalMart, Lowes & Kroger this area has a traffic count of 4900 per day (2010 study). This 5 acre tract is fairly level and has city water, sewer and storm available at the street. Current zoning is General Business which allows for wide variety of businesses. If you are looking to locate in the Greenville area, this is a premium site. Call today for more details (716698) RUNNING OUT OF STORAGE AND GARAGE SPACE? We have your solution. Fantastic block shop building (24x60) has an office & ½ bath. Building features city water, gas heaters, 20x10 insulated overhead door, storage loft, 11 foot ceilings and tool crib. Secondary building, old school house, makes a great office or storage building. This building offer a 21x19 heated office space plus 17x19 garage space with storage loft. These building has been well maintained and would make excellent workshop you. Call today for a private (719594) tour. Zoning is residential SR3. EXCELLENT LOCATION fronting on State Route 571E and Martindale Rd. City water and sewer available along Martindale Rd. Great visibility. Includes 1.050 acres in road right-of-way. (719118) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY AWAITS NEW OWNERSHIP. Successful drive-thru offers C1 & C2 liquor license as well as food service. There is an opportunity to expand and add eat-in dining or deli carry-out. Current owner has been operating for the past 7 years and has a proven track record. Very strong community supports this business throughout the year. Whether you looking for an owner operator business or just an investment this is a prime opportunity to consider. Asking price includes real estate, trade fixtures and liquor license. Inventory will be purchased in addition to asking price. Trade fixtures include, but not limited to; walk-in cooler, free standing coolers, food prep table, condiment table, pizza oven, fryer, small oven, microwave, three basin sink, numerous signage and advertising. (716298) GREAT RETAIL BUILDING DOWNTOWN Greenville with large display windows!!! The canvas is blank and awaiting for a business to make it its own. The lower floor offers over 1440 square feet of space. The second floor offers a rental income from a one bedroom apartment, currently renting for $350 a month and additional square footage not included in apartment. Property has a new forced air overhead furnace and hot water heater. Formally known as Grote Photography (711551) LOOKING FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO START YOUR OWN RESTAURANT? Restaurant is being sold fully equipped. But could also be sold without equipment. There is an area for office space. (701906) LOOKING TO INVEST? Check out this duplex, close to the hospital, restaurants and other businesses (626020) FORMER MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING OFFERS UP TO 5 SUITES. Suites 1&2 offer waiting room, reception, 4 exam rooms, office, kitchenette and 2- Restrooms. Suite 3&4 offer private waiting room, reception, 4 exam rooms, office, lab space and 2- restrooms. Suite 5 offers 2 offices, lounge, kitchenette and restroom. Will consider leasing individual suites or sale of the entire facility. Large asphalt parking lot to accommodate the entire facility. Located on the south side of Greenville close to the Wayne Health Care, Family Health, Reid and Good Samaritan health centers. (712799) COUNTRY INVESTMENT with lots of potential, this 2 unit rental has many updates and currently brings $1100.00 a month in rents. Property could also be easily converted into a single family home. Call today for a showing. (704075) VACANT CORNER LOT available with city utility hookups available in Union City. (701170) HISTORIC BRICK TURN OF THE CENTURY PROPERTY! The upstairs living area could be a rental that will pay your bills or a place to relax after a hard day’s work downstairs. Over 2,400 sq. ft in this 2-story building with 2 bedroom, 1 bath living area on the second floor. If you need a good location, the property can be seen from U.S. Rt. 36. A back area with a separate entrance could possibly be (701610) rented out as another small business area. 2,033 SQUARE FEET COMMERCIAL space available for lease. This space includes kitchen, walk in freezer, office, and retail space. Potential storage space up to 2,008 square feet available. Previously known as South Town Carry Out (703882) VACANT COMMERCIAL LOT on 1 acre with all gravel surface. Priced to sell! (701599) VERY SUCCESSFUL long standing A&W Root beer restaurant with 30 inside dining spots, 20 covered car dining spots. Also has a drive thru window. The building is set up for year round operation but current owner has been operating for 6 months out of the year to allow time to travel in winter. (717387) COMMERCIAL BUILDING SITE located in Industrial Park in Union City. Offers 15 acres, willing to sub-divide. (701614) GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. This duplex features a 3 bedroom unit on the first level and a 1 bedroom unit up. Both units are currently and bring a monthly rental income of 725.00. Tenants pay gas and electric and owner pays water. Water bill runs approx $90.00 per quarter. Excellent cash flow opportunity. (713375) CHURCH FACILITY looking for a new congregation. All the chattels convey and all infrastructure is in place. Inside you have a sanctuary that is equipped with 17 pews, pulpit and organ. Fellowship area equipped with kitchenette and refrigerator. Small office, entry and 2 restrooms finish off the interior space. (360674) OFFICE SPACE-WAREHOUSE offers over 15,000 sq. feet including office space and 2 bathrooms. Great location on state route and close to the by-pass in Greenville. (701615) FANTASTIC DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL BUILDING. Property has had many current renovations. Newer flooring has been put in the south side. Restrooms have been remodeled. Features dining room, banquet room, office area and kitchen. Street frontage on E 3rd and Walnut. (701907)

PRICE REDUCED! 1½-ST brick home w/large front porch, 4 BR, 2 BA. LRM & DRM. 14x6 enclosed back porch. MLS 706047 #4502 PEACEFUL COUNTRY LOCATION! Beautifully updated 2-ST brick home! All natural woodwork, wood floors thru-out! Remodeled KIT has cherry cabinets. 3 BR, 2 full BA. LRM. MLS 708121 #4506 COMMERCIAL BUILDING IN ARCANUM! Formerly pizza/ice cream shoppe. Ample parking area! MLS 703103 #4420 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! 1460 sq ft brick ranch is move-in ready! New KIT cabinets, stainless steel sink, faucets & vinyl flooring. Freshly painted interior. LRM & FRM have new carpet. Covered patio. MLS 716904 #4518

“OPEN TODAY! 1-2:30” 740 N. BROADWAY - This 3 bedroom home has newer floor coverings; beautiful oak cabinets in kitchen; gas corner fireplace; breezeway to 2 car garage; close to park; CORNER LOT! $110,000. _____________________________________ BACK A LONG LANE this 3 bedroom, 3 bath brick ranch home has over 2700 sq. ft. of living area! Free-standing wood stove in family room; decorative concrete patio with fire pit; hickory cabinets in kitchen; 900 sq. ft. attached garage! 7+ acres M/L at 8832 St. Rt. 185. $337,000. COMMERCIAL BUILDING 60X100 with office at 602 Riffle! Mid 50’s. IN VERSAILLES at 306 Wayne Street is a 1 bedroom home with maintenance free exterior! 1 car detached garage; mature trees; CORNER LOT! $70,000. $43,500 for this 2 bedroom home at 624 E. Fifth! Home has newer furnace; central air; vinyl siding! CORNER LOT! CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN this 2-story home at 407 W. Fourth has over 2700 sq. ft. of living area! Maintenance free exterior; 2 car detached garage. Mid 80’s. IN SOUTH END OF GREENVILLE this 2 story home at 617 Fair Street has 1 car detached garage! Mid 40’s. IN ESTABLISHED NEIGHBORHOOD this 2-story home at 408 E. Water has charm and character! 3 bedrooms; 1½ baths; eat-in kitchen; 2 car detached garage! Low 70’s. COZY 2 bedroom home at 138 Sherman has lots of updates! 2 car detached garage; partially fenced yard! Upper 60’s.


Jim Shuttleworth Evelyn Shuttleworth Joe Shuttleworth Greg Shuttleworth Richard Edwards


STOP BY AND CHECK IT OUT! OPEN SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 11TH 2016 92 St. Rt. 121 New Paris, OH OPEN 2 to 3:30

Well maintained ranch home on 6 acres! Beautiful hard wood floors throughout much of the home. Both bathrooms have been beautifully remodeled. Step saver kitchen with new vinyl, laminate counter tops and white cabinets SHARP. Bedrooms all have large closet(s). The utility room can be on first floor or in the unfinished dry basement with a lot of storage room and room for a rec room. Updates; bathrooms 2014, kitchen 2015/16, garage 2013, approximate 5 yrs water heater, well pump and bladder tank, furnace/ac 10 yrs, vinyl tilt-in windows 15 yrs. The spacious deck leads you to the above ground pool and to the fire pit for bomb fires on those cooler evenings. The metal pole barn offers water and electric can be used for animals with the pasture or your toys and workshop area. You will be able to heat the home efficiently with your wood stove and approximately 2 acres of woods. Korsen alarm system $80. quarterly. (716568) Stop in for your personal tour with REALTOR® Kim Leis-Anderson.


6464 Country Club Dr. Greenville, OH OPEN 1 to 2:30 PM

Custom built one owner home/condo is looking for you to call it home. Built in 1985 by Tom Haworth, no expense has been spared with this property. Enjoy the spectacular golf course view from the enclosed screened porch or multi-level decking. Inside features an updated appliance packed kitchen. Great room features ceiling to floor stone gas fireplace, cathedral ceiling, with an abundance amount of natural light. Large master suite with a recently updated 21x11 on suite bathroom that features two walk in closets, soaking tub, his and her sinks, heated flooring, huge walk-in shower. Guest bathroom newly updated. Partial finished walk-out basement with a kitchen area for all your entertainment needs. Three car attached heated garage. Much more to see. Call today for a personal tour. Realtor related to seller. (714520) Stop in for your personal tour with REALTOR® Lisa Francis.

PILLOWTOP 14 INCH THICK MATTRESS & BOX SPRINGS: FULL SET $237; QUEEN SET $259; KING SET $399. NEW IN PLASTIC WITH WARRANTY. 937-8845455 We deliver FURNITURE SHOPPE, by Appointment Only. Estate dryer $100. Frigidaire dryer $100. GE side-by-side $250. Frigidaire double dr, 20.6 c.f. $275. Frigidaire elec range $175. Freezers, upright, chest $100 ea. 937-423-5397 New, warehouse liquidation, queen $169, king $219, full $139, twin $109. We deliver. Call 937884-5455 AUTOMOTIVE 2012 Cruze, 6 speed, 58,000 $9995. 2011 Impala $9995. 2008 Equinox $7495. 2012 Fusion $11,495. 2010 Equinox $9995. 2011 Malibu, 47,000 $11,995. 2014 Cruze $11,995. 2004 Expedition $6195. 2005 Envoy $5995. Buy - Sell - Trade! CountryAutoSalesGreenville.com 548-1337 MISC. FOR SALE Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 1-800906-3115 for $750 Off Bach to Rock School Band Instrument Rent to Purchase! We have Name Brand clarinets, trumpets, flutes, drum kits, violins, cellos, violas, saxophones, trombones. Subject to Credit Approval. No interest. No obligation to buy. All rent applies to purchase after trial period. Free repair included with rental. Call or come in! 334 S. Broadway, Greenville, OH 937-547-1970 John Deere 42” Riding Mower $700.00. Please call weekends 937-5648633 Acorn Stairlifts. The AFFORDABLE solution to your stairs! **Limited time -$250 Off Your Stairlift Purchase!** Buy Direct & SAVE. Please call 1-800-410-7127 for FREE DVD and brochure Professional SOUND SYSTEM Rental, Sales & Installation. Free quotes to your business, church or home for sound system updates & improvements. JBL, EAW, QSC, PEAVEY, CROWN. Bach to Rock Music 547-1970, email: bachtorock@earthlink. net. Also Renting sound systems for Weddings, Graduations, Business Meetings, or any other engagements! Life Alert. 24/7. One press of a button sends help FAST! Medical, Fire, Burglar. Even if you can’t reach a phone! FREE Brochure. CALL 1-800-746-0979 FOR RENT Greenville - efficient 1 br house, C/A, stove, refrig., W/D hook-up. No pets. 937-423-2190

212 Glenwood Dr. Greenville 3 bedroom brick ranch in nice neighborhood, 3rd bedroom can be used as family room, new furnace & central air. 12 x 24 building, w/electric & workshop. Call Doug for more information.


5 acres, light industrial manufacturing, 1 loading dock, 6 overhead doors, storage warehouse, office space, tons of parking, house is 2,184 sq ft


5 offices, 23 ft conference room, large parking lot, completely remodeled


Downtown location, finished office space & open area in the back of the building



2 parcels each 1.113 acres


2 residential building lots

First Choice Realty

The Right Choice 1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331




211 Westminster Dr., Greenville PRICE JUST REDUCED!

Look no more...this is the one! 1,943 sq ft home sitting on a quiet cul-desac, full semi finished basement with 2 walkout French doors. Big back yard area for pool and play area. Solid wood doors and trim compliment this home along with master suite with a Whirlpool tub and walk in closet. Agent: Doug Harman 937-623-9959

First Choice Realty

The Right Choice 1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331




128-130 E FOURTH GREENVILLE, OH Lovely older Brick home with large front porch and beautiful woodwork throughout. Home has 7 fireplaces and many built ins. Home currently has 2 apartments with roof top patios. Large building with open space plus 10 offices. This is a multi- purpose property which is located close downtown.

OPEN SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 18TH 1 TO 2:30 285 ST RT 503 ARCANUM, OH 53 Acre horse farm with rolling pastures and creek, Large barn with 9 Stalls, a building for office. 3 BR. 2.5 Bath home with amazing great room and stone FP. Partially finished basement. Stop in to see this amazing property.

OPEN TODAY SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 11 1 TO 2:30 531 E 5th Street, Greenville, OH (Broadway to 5th Street) 306 E Meeker, Greenville, OH (N. Broadway, Turn right onto Garst Ave, Turn left onto Ave B, Turn right onto Meeker Ave) 950 Manchester, Greenville, OH (N. Broadway, Turn right onto Berkshire, Turn right onto Manchester) 121 Dwyer, Greenville, OH (E. Main, Take a slight right turn, Left onto Dwyer) 1036 E 4th Street, Greenville, OH (Broadway to E 4th to sign) 1303 Chippewa Dr. Greenville



THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER 22, 2016 - 6:00 PM

49.1 +/- acres of wooded land with 1200 sq. ft. shelter house and large pond. Shelter house comes complete with electric, water, screened in doorways and a wood burning stove. Many trails makes this property ideal for hunting, fishing & camping. 40 +/acres is surrounded by fence. Property also features a large fire ring and has a Limberlost tributary creek that runs through the woods. TERMS: $5,000 down day of auction (PER TRACT) with balance due within 35 days. Property will be offered in 2 tracts as follows. TRACT 1 - PARCEL # 380814100006000028 & 80814100007000028 8.35 +/- ACRES INCLUDES SHELTER HOUSE & POND TRACT 2 - PARCEL # 380814100003000028. 40.66 +/- ACRES OF CLASSIFIED WOODLANDS GRUBE AUCTIONEERING, LLC ADRIAN GRUBE 419-305-9202 ADRIAN GRUBE - #AU2015000034

PAGE 20 Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

OPEN HOUSE Sun. Sept. 11 1-2:30pm Tues. Sept. 13 .6-7:30pm

Set on 0.78 acre, this 1,536 sq. ft. ranch house has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, eat-in kitchen, large living/dining room, plus an office. Home has central heating and air conditioning and attached garage. Backyard with a potting shed and 26’x40’ metal building with finished shop space and garage with 10 ft. door. Home is move in ready and priced below appraised value. Call Marty at 937-417-5529.



Located at 424 South Howard Street, Union City, Indiana (watch for signs) on:


2003 Ford Crown Victoria w/4.6L automatic & 103,000 miles; 1997 Ford F250 5.4L V-8 Triton, automatic, A/C, bed liner & 137,000 miles; aluminum shell for S-10 Ford Ranger; 4320 J D 60hp. diesel tractor w/7’ front loader; Gehl 175 manure spreader; 5’ Ford bush hog w/3pt. hitch & PTO; 272 J D finish mower w/3pt. hitch & PTO; 2 Bridgestone turf tires w/rims for J D 13.6 x 12 x 28 6 ply; late 1980’s 14hp. Wheel Horse 314 Classic 8-sp. w/48” side discharge mower deck; 500 & 1000 gal. fuel tanks w/elect. pump & meters; 100 gal. gravity fed fuel tank on legs; lg. aluminum pool reel; 2 new cases of Back Flow preventer testers; lg. lot of bicycles & bicycle parts & items too numerous to mention. Check www. auctionzip.com #2005 for complete listing & pictures. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: This is an inventory reduction of city property.


RONNIE KAUGHER #AU19800052 UNION CITY, OH 937-968-7279


JEFF SLYDER #AU19900023 UNION CITY, OH 937-968-5993

TERMS: Cash or Check w/Proper ID. Statements made day of Auction take precedence over printed matter. NO BUYER’S PREMIUM


FRIDAY EVENING SEPT. 16TH, 2016–5:00 P.M. Doors open at 4:00 P.M. 5862 Kruckeberg Rd. Greenville, OH 45331

DIRECTIONS: From downtown Dayton, Ohio Take I -70 West to St. Rt. 127 North to Greenville to Kruckeberg Rd. Turn right on Kruckeberg go approx. 1 mile to sale site on left. (Watch for signs) Auctioneers Note – Featuring Live Audio & Video so you can bid at home or on the go with your smart phone or tablet. Go to www.auctionzip. com, enter auctioneer ID # 3426, click on the current auction date, click on bid now button to enter auction. No buyer’s premium charged for attending the live & collectible auction. Buyer’s premium applied to online bidders only. LARGE SELECTION OF FENTON GLASS- BASKETS, ANIMALS, BELLS, AND VASESAPPROX. 1000 PIECES FINE GEMSTONES – SEV. GOLD RINGS 10 & 14 K. THOMAS KINKAID HOUSES- CHERISHED TEDDIES- MISC. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS


TERMS: CASH or local checks w/proper ID. Visa & Master Card Accepted w/3% Clerk Fee. Auctioneer licensed in Ohio. Auction held INSIDE facility. We must collect sales tax.



This Frame Ranch Style Home Features (3) Bedrooms, Living Room, Eat-In-Kitchen w/Oak Cabinets, (1) Bath, Lg. Laundry/Utility Room w/ Oak Cabinets, Carrier Forced Air Gas Furnace w/Central Air Cond., Newer Roof, Vinyl Siding, Paved Driveway, Covered Rear Porch, 24 Ft. x 30 Ft. Detached (2) Car Concrete Block Garage w/Opener, 8’x15’ Detached Building for Sewing or Crafts. Attend Open Houses & Check Out This Home!

Inspect This Property Make Financial Arrangements Be Prepared to Buy on Auction Day

Open House: By appointment… Call: Kirby Lyons (937) 316-8400 Everett Hocker (937) 417-0748

Terms: $3,000.00 down on day of auction. Complete Balance Due Within 30 Days of Auction. Taxes will be figured short term pro-ration to closing. Possession at closing.


Jack Sparklin – P.O.A. For photos and additional information on this offering please visit us at www.auctionzip.com and enter User I.D. # 8673. Remember, Never, Ever a Buyers (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions *WHAT YOU BID IS WHAT YOU PAY* “We work for our sellers, appreciate our buyers, and love our profession”

Office: 937.316.8400 Cell: 937.459.7686

FOR RENT 3 BR brick ranch, 2 full baths. Located at 313 Monroe St, Eldorado. Spacious living rm/dining rm. Open to kitchen. Oversized 2 car garage. Lots of storage space. This home is larger that it appears from the street. $850 rent, $850 deposit. No Pets permitted. Call Nadine Garwood, Better Homes & Gardens-Big Hill @ 937-750-7497

1 story brick duplex, Canterbury, Greenville on quiet cul-de-sac. 2 BR, 2 full baths, l/rm, kitchen. W/d hookup. A/c. Refrig, stove. 1 car attached garage w/opener. No Pets/ Smoking/Metro. $590/ mo + deposit. 692-8094 3 BR 1/2 double in Greenville. Large living room, kitchen, dining room. W/D hookup. Appliances provided. Resident pays utilities. $500/ mo + deposit. No Pets. No Smoking. 937-5482397 Nice 2 BR 1/2 double in Greenville. Washer/ dryer hookup. Tub/shower combo. Appliances provided. No Pets. No Smoking. $400/mo. 937548-2397 Coming Available: Spacious Apartment near Wagner Ave. 2 Br, 2 full baths etc. Yard care/ snow removal provided. No Pets. No Smoking. 937-547-1435 by appt only. 3 BR 2 story home located at 140 S Main St, Eldorado. 1 BR down, 2 upstairs. $675 rent/$675 deposit. No Pets permitted. Call Nadine Garwood, Better Homes & Gardens-Big Hill @ 937750-7497 LAND CONTRACT Arcanum, 3-4 BR, 2 BA home. Seller provides new roof, gutters, facia & landscaping. $98K, includes $15K remodeling allowance. $2K down/$687.76/mo. 6492 Holl.-Arc.Rd. 5485053 benanzer.com Greenville, 2 BR Apt. Water, sewer, trash removal included. All electric. No pets. Deposit required. 548-5264 Greenville, large 1 bdrm, appliances. Central heat & a/c. $550/month & deposit. 1-937-654-3173

Large roomy, 1 BR upstairs apartment, newer paint. Stove, refrigerator, kitchen table & chairs included. $360/ mo. 548-8613 Very nice 3 BR home, Greenville. No smoking. Small pet friendly. $615 & $650/mo. 548-5053 benanzer.com House in Greenville, 3 BR, 1 bath. Stove & fridge. Washer/dryer hookup. No pets. $600 + deposit. 208-5694980 Nice 1 BR furnished upstairs apt in Greenville. Tub/shower combo. Water/sewer provided. $300/mo. No Pets. No Smoking. 937-548-2397 VERY NICE 2 BR duplex, W/D hookup. Utililty shed. Union City, IN. Parking in front & back. 937-459-8156 Storage for personal & business use. Penske Truck Rentals. Call Greenville Stor & Lock. 548-1075, 5328 Michelle St


SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17TH, 2016 - 10:00 A.M. 305 Victoria Ave. Greenville, OH 45331

DIRECTIONS: From Wagner Ave turn onto Rhoades Ave, Turn Right onto Victoria Ave. (Watch for signs) ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES – FURNITURE HOUSEHOLD - TOOLS Antique Seller Type Kitchen Cabinet; Antique 2 Door Glass Front Bookcase; Antique Oak Kitchen Table & 6 Chairs; Matching Buffet Server; Cosco Stool; Drop Leaf Sewing Table; Antique Birds Eye Maple Wicker Bottom Kitchen Chair; Antique Full Size Bed W/Mattress Box Springs; Sewing Caddy; Curio Cabinet; Brass Candle Stick Telephone Lamp; Cedar Chest; Sm. Rocking Sewing Chair; Oak Kitchen Chair; Cedar Jewelry Box; Pocket Knives; Binoculars; Cast Iron 10” Skillet; Goofus Glass Plate; 13+ Mosser Glass Clown Figurines; Art Glass Vase; 12 Place setting of Eggshell China; Silver Plated Creamer & Sugar; King Edward- Silver Plate Flatware; Antique Milk glass Salt & Pepper Shaker; Spice Tins; Wood Red Handle Rolling Pin; Carnival Glass Candy Dish; Shirley Temple Creamer; Miniature Crock Jugs; Fenton Glass Baskets; Collector Plates; Boyd Toothpick Holders; Salt & Pepper Shakers; Viking Glass Elephant; Miniature Hen on the Nest; Sev. Miniature Bells; Elephant Collection; Thimbles; Cast Iron Door Stop; Hershey Chocolate Train; Books; 8 NCR Cash Register Drawers; Vintage View Master Stereoscope; Figurines -Boyd Carnival Glass Tractor; Small Elephant Figurines; Campbell Soup Figurines; HOUSEHOLD- Frigidaire Washer & Dryer; Upright Frigidaire Freezer; Westinghouse Roaster; Night Stands; Small Microwave; Sm. Kitchen Cabinet; Computer; Computer Desk; Desk Chairs; Corning ware Dishes; Pyrex Baking Dishes; Tupperware/ Plastic ware; Misc. Stainless Steel Pots & Pans; Kitchen Utensils; Sm. Electric Appliances; Misc. Flatware; Paper Shredder; Games; Puzzles; Bissell Sweeper; White #935 Sewing Machine; Crosley reproduction Turn Table; Dolls; Sewing items; Sewing Material; Bedding; Pictures; Wall Decorations; Cookbooks; GARAGE ITEMS - Porch Swing; Misc. Hdw; Shelving Units; Sm. Hand Tools; Lawn Chairs; Filing Cabinets; Sharpening Steels; Werner 6 ft. Wood Step Ladder; Hose Reel; 2 Wheeled Cart; Garden Tools; Shepherd Hook; And More.


TERMS: CASH or local checks w/proper ID. Visa & Master Card Accepted w/3% Clerk Fee. Auctioneer licensed in Ohio. Auction held outside, bring your lawn chairs. No sales tax.




Ronnie Kaugher

1546 Cox Rd., Union City, OH (937) 968-7279

Weekly Auctions now featuring audio/video bidding. Convenience fee for on-line bidders only.



FARM EQUIPMENT-TRUCK-TOOLS-HOUSEHOLDCOLLECTIBLES Farm Equipment and Truck 2004 2500 Sierra SLT Chevrolet pick up crew cab w/Duramax diesel leather seats power locks and windows; 6620 JD Combine; 7000 JD7000 planter 4 row wide; 225 bu hopper wagon w/auger; Hay Buster 256 bale shredder, 1000 RPM, self loading; 12’ Brillion cultipacker; 10’ IH 37 wheel disc; 2 row mtd cultivator; Snapper rider w/bagger (not running). Tools Honda 5000 watt generator; mortar mixer; Stihl chainsaw; Husqvarna electric cement saw; Milwaukee cordless tool set; Craftsman roller tool box w/stacker; Skilsaw tile saw; Bosch router; Dremel tool and bits; Makita table saw; Makita angle grinder; Makita palm sander; B&D jig saw; air chisel; Echo string trimmer; Campbell Hausfeld air compressor; Titan pressure washer; 115,000 BTU Reddy heater; 3 ½ ton floor jack; double grinder on stand; standing drill press; air hose on reel; battery charger; torch cart; log splitter; scaffolding and walk planks; form stakes; Werner fiberglass 25’ extension ladder; JOBOX tool box; wheel barrows; bull float; masonry tools; mortar boxes; 2 wheel dolly; orbital polisher; long handle tools; fence post driver; post hole digger; garden tools; Craftsman wrenches and socket sets; screwdrivers; tap and die set; tool belt with tools; safety harness; estate rake; Coleman gas lanterns; Coleman propane camp stove; large cooler; lawn chairs; trampoline; ammo box; asphalt tamper; heavy angle iron (lintels); heavy extension cords; wooden level; lawn seeder; bicycles. Household Very nice curved glass lighted curio cabinets; Ethan Allen dining table w/3 boards and 4 chairs; double drop table; coffee table; large sewing cabinet; wood magazine rack; ornate wooden lamp stands; occasional chair; lamps; bar stools; dishes; teacups; slow cookers; bread maker; kitchenware; 3 piece bedroom suite; metal bed; chest of drawers; wall mirror; blanket chest; hall tree; SS roaster; Kitchen Aid stand mixer; redwood cradle; roll top desk; cutting boards; pizza stones; Tupperware; sofa; wooden rockers; wall shelf; tapestry rack; 10’x10’ pop up gazebo; several metal folding chairs; office chair; picture frames; 2&3 drawer filing cabinets; books; 2- small wood or coal stoves. Collectibles Singer treadle sewing machine; watch timer; metal toys; coal bucket; globe; kerosene lamps; Precious Moments dolls and figurines; Lincoln logs; painted crosscut saw; small crosscut saw; wind chimes; carom board; many nice decorative items and household pieces too numerous to mention.

Forest Angle, Janice Filbrun, and Others

Terms: Cash or good check w/proper ID. Discover, MC, Visa accepted w/3% fee. Lunch by Heavy Smokers BBQ. www.auctionzip. com user 11883 for pictures. Never a buyer’s premium.

(937) 316-8400 (937) 459-7686

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At 4555 Walnut Grove Rd. From I-75, north of Dayton, take Exit 74, east on Rt 41 through Troy & one mile east of Rt 202 turn south on Knoop Rd, then jog right & left to east on Walnut Grove Rd to sale site.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 17, 9:30 AM TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT: Case 580C diesel tractor w/ front loader bucket & backhoe; Ford 4000; 1940’s Ferguson; Toro Grounds Master 345 lawn mower w/ 88” folding wings deck; Gravely 817 lawn tractor, as is; Bush Hog pull-type 5’ rotary mower; Three Point: Ferguson 2 btm plow, disc, sickle bar mower, slip scoop & buzz saw; flat bed wagon on Yetter gear; log splitter; Troy Bilt tiller & shredder vac; cement mixer; 5000W generator & Vader II diesel engine truck washing vehicle. GAS ENGINES & VINTAGE FARM ITEMS: 2 Hercules 1.5 HP gas engines on steel wheel carts; small IHC gas engine on skid; Maytag kick start engine; IHC wooden corn sheller & 1 box mtd; barn jacks; wooden wheelbarrow; pedal grinder; incubator; tool chest; etc. FROM THE WORKSHOP: Craftsman: Table, radial arm & band saws; compound miter saw w/ portable stand; jointer; shaper; wood lathe; mig wire feed welder; 230 amp stick welder. Acetylene torch set; horizontal band saw; drill press; Ryobi spindle sander; full line of hand & small power tools; Keen Kutter 12 pc chisel set in orig box; blacksmith tongs; wooden planes & other old tools & much, much more! ANTIQUES: Two dinner bells; sleigh bells; wagon seat; lg brass kettle; lightning rod; Royal Oak pot belly stove & 1 other; crocks & jugs; Daisy #20 glass churn; stomp churn & other country antiques; trunks; quilts; oil lamps; hanging lamps; Ithaca double dial clock & others; very nice Butler’s Chest; drop leaf tables; roll top desk; lg selection of furniture in the rough to incl kitchen cabinets; step-back cupboards, storage cupboards, chests, chairs & more! Violin; bird cage; leaded glass windows; ea leaf ironstone; Am Sweetheart monax depression & other glassware; Kodak wooden camera; Longaberger baskets; Santas & much more! TOYS: Wyandotte long nose sedan w/ camping trailer; Buddy L truck; Hubley gyrocopter; 2 cast iron revolvers & tin litho G-man tommy gun; Daisy No. 72 “Squirt-Matic water pistol; Ford 4000 tractor & implements, plus other toys; books & small collectibles of interest. AUTO: Mercedes Benz, 1976, silver 450-SL auto w/ removable hard top, 105,832 miles, w/ reserve. NOTE: Carl & Sara purchased the old farm house over 40 years ago. They enjoyed country living for many years, but with Carl’s passing and Sara’s move to a smaller home, it is now time to pass their collection on to others. Field parking. Photos & more details at www.stichterauctions.com


Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 21

COMMERCIAL SPACE for rent. Great location on E Main St, high visibility. For more details 548-5264 Versailles, furnished 2 BR house, south end, efficiency apt. $315 + no pets, $450/mo, $450 deposit & electric. No deposit. 937-417-6325 Pets. 937-548-2108 FOR RENT 2 BR upstairs apt, Union City, IN. Furnished. $125 weekly, $400 deposit. 9379687-6804

Willow Place Apartments - We’re better than ever! 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Call 937316-8489. Equal Housing Opportunity Efficiency apt. in Greenville. Deposit required. No Pets. 548-9400


3 BR, 1.5 bath house, Greenville. $700/mo. No pets. No Smoking. 937-423-3318 Very nice 1 BR ground floor apt with W/D hookup. No Pets or Smoking. 120B W Water. $385/mo. 548-5053

1 BR upper apt, New Madison. No pets. $385/mo incl water/ trash. 937-423-3318 Greenville- Montgomery Street. 1 Bedroom unit. Rent $350 + deposit. Water & trash included. (937)548-5284

FOR RENT 3 BR house, UC, IN. W/D hookup, low gas heat bills, large yard, water included. No pets. $550/mo, $550 deposit. 765-9644291

1/2 of A Brick Double/ In Arcanum 2 Br, Living room, Kitchen , Bath all Appliances provided. $695 A Month. No pets,no Metro. Call 692-5798.

Remember, the

DEADLINE for Classified

Ads is


on Thursday.



Directions: Approx. 30 miles NORTH of Dayton, Ohio. From the intersection of S.R. 49 and U.S. 127 Bypass, take U.S. 127 NORTH approx. ¼ mile to Sebring-Warner Rd. and turn RIGHT or EAST to auction site, just 2 buildings EAST of the “Early Bird”. (WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS ON SALE DAY) AUTOMOBILE 2008 Chevrolet Impala LT, 4-Dr. Sedan, 3500 V-6, P.W., P. Locks, P. Seat, Center Console Shift, Alum. Wheels, P. Mirrors, AM/FM/CD, Tilt, Cruise, Charcoal Gray, only 27,533 Miles. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Early Framed “Pabst Blue Ribbon” 6-Horse Hitch Team Picture (From Wilbur Stock Food Company, Milwaukee, WI); 3 Ft. Metal Delco Battery Advertising Thermometer; Farmers Crop Producing Fertilizer Adv. Thermometer, Columbus, OH; Early Lighted Santa Face; Union 76 Advertising Tire Stand; Early Child’s Metal Scooter (from Suber Hwd., Fletcher, OH) w/Original Box; World Globe Marked “Case Dealer”; Goodyear Rubber Tire Ash Tray; sev. Early Gulf Oil/Gas Road Maps; (2) Daizey B.B. Rifles; Early Fristoe Grain Adv. Thermometer, Piqua, OH; Early Scales; Ruby Red Glass; Glass Paper Weight; Testor’s (Gas) Powered Indy Race Car in Original Box; Early Buster Brown Shoe Box; sev. Quilts, Dbl. Wedding Band, Etc.; 1961 Cincinnati Reds Championship Banner; JFK Photos; Ladies Hats; Early Stuffed Animals; Boy Scout Shirt; Lg. Crock Batter Bowl; MoorMans Feeds Tin Cup; 40’s, 50’s & 60’s Life Magazines; 1856 Framed U.S. Land Grant Deed; #9 & #10 Favorite Piqua Iron Skillets; (2) #8 Wagner Skillets; Wagner Alum. Dutch Oven Pan; (3) Tobacco Spears; Meat Saw; Early Christmas Décor; #6 Lg. Crock; sev. Glass Candy Dispensers; sev. 10 Gal. Milk Cans; 3-4-5 Prong Pitch Forks; numerous Indian Stones & Arrow Heads; Copper Wash Boiler w/Lid; Early Ride-A-Way Metal Child’s Tricycle; Wood Nail Keg; Radio Flyer Wagon; 2 Qt. Glass Dairy Maid Milk Bottles; (2) Wash Boards; (2) Early Snow Sleds; several Early Oil Lamps; Cigar Boxes; Fairbanks Platform Scales; 5 Gal. Alemite Motor Oil Can; 5 Gal. Lion Motor Oil Can; Galv. Sprinkling Can; Early “Pure” Metal 4 Qt. Oil Can; 5 Gal. “Pure” Lube Gear Can; 2-Man Saw; Log Roller; Wood Corn Jobber; Galv. Tubs; Bushel Baskets; Granite Pans; Wood Crayon Box; New Slinky (in Box); Early Hanson Nursery Scales; (2) Nail Pullers; Hay Hooks; Minnow Buckets; Dietz Oil Lamp; 1953 Leaf Tobacco Dealers (Framed Certificate); Sellers S&P; Floral Deep Bowls; Fenton Basket; misc. Press Glass items; #6 Wagner Skillet; Early Tin Lunch Pale; Sadd Iron; Leather Razor Straps; (2) Reel Type Lawn Mowers; Early Postmaster Cigar Tin 2 for 5 Cents; Sellers S&P Shakers; Green Jadeite S&P; (2) Jadeite Vases; Fire King Bowl; Plaster Black Art Wall Plaque; Miller Beer/Cleveland Browns Mirror; Early Buchy’s Tin (Greenville, OH); Victrola Records (RCA); 33 & 45 Records; Traveler’s Ins. Adv. Calendars, 1963, 64, 65, 68 & 69; Early Wood U.S. Navy Trunk (stamped - Air Craft Radar Equip.); EARLY METAL TRUCKS & TOYS including: Tonka, Structo, Nylint, Semi’s, Fire Trucks, Army Truck, Cement Mixers, Dump Truck, Texaco Tanker, Car Haulers & more. ANTIQUE FURNITURE Early Wood & Glass Bakery Display Cabinet, 3 Shelves, Wavy Glass (Nice); Early Wood & Metal Steamer Trunk; Tiger Oak Twisted Leg Parlor Lamp Table; Early Wood Apothecary Cabinet; Ball & Claw Oak Stool; Early Wood/Mirrored Medicine Cabinet Signed 7-4-1924; Duncan Phyfe Cherry Dbl. Drop Dining Table, 3-Pedestal w/Brass Feet, (2) Leaves & (6) Music Back Style Chairs; Roos Cedar Chest; Lane Cedar Chest; Early “Sellers” 2 Pc. Kitchen Cupboard, Orig. Red & White w/Red & White Porcelain Top, Orig. Handles & Paint Details; 4-Pc. Cherry Bedroom Suite including: Dbl. Bed, Dresser & Mirror, Chest of Drawers, Bachelors Cabinet; Oak Hi-Boy Dbl. Bed; Early Oak “Sellers” Kitchen Cabinet Base w/Blue/White Porcelain Top (Nice); Early Victorian Settee (Black cloth); Early RCA Standing Victrola, Hand Crank; Early Oak “New Home” Sewing Machine Cabinet, Trendle (Very Ornate); Chrome Legs & Trim Kitchen Table & Chairs; (2) Metal “Spring Type” Lawn Chairs; (3) Early Oak Rockers, Rush Btm. Side Chairs; Wood Record Cabinet; Cherry Finish Knee Hole Desk. MODERN FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Smith Bros. 3-Cushion Floral Sofa & Matching Love Seat; Maple Dbl. Drop Kitchen Table w/Leave; Maple Kitchen Table & (4) Chairs; Maple Dbl. Bed, Chest of Drawers & Dresser; Oak Bentwood Base Rocker; 4 Dr. Metal File Cabinet; 5 Dr. Wood Chest of Drawers; Oak Sewing Cabinet; Wood Bookcase w/Glass Doors; Oak 4-Shelf Bookcase; Wood Lamp Tables; Wood Magazine Stand; Amana Refrigerator w/Bottom Freezer (White); Whirlpool Upright Freezer; Frigidaire Washer & Dryer; Frigidaire Ref./Freezer; (2) G.E. Porcelain Elec. 36” Stoves (White) (Super Nice). LAWN EQUIPMENT Craftsman R-1000 Rear Engine Riding Mower, 30” Cut (Like New) (ideal for smaller yards); Yard Man (Gas) Walk Mower; Toro Elec. S-120 Snow Blower; Sears Elec. Leaf Blower; Sears 18” Elec. Hedge Trimmers; Elec. Weed Trimmer. SCOOTER Rascal 3 Wheeled Handicap Scooter (Red). HOUSEHOLD & GARAGE ITEMS Copper Btm. Pots & Pans; Elec. Kitchen Appliances & Utensils; Corning Glass Baking Dishes; Alum. Pans & Tubs; Silverware; Dresser Lamps; Bath Towels; Blankets; Table Cloths; Afghans; Kitchen Aid 3-C-Mixer & Att.; Microwave Oven; (2) Card Tables & Chairs; Doctors Scales; Janome Port. Sewing Machine; Table Fan; Cosco Step Stools; (2) 2 Dr. File Cabinets; VCR & Tapes; Bear Cat 30 Channel Hand Held Scanner; Wireless Router; ½” Socket Set; 3’ Step Ladder; (2) Sleeping Bags; Full Face Motorcycle Helmet; Round Kero Heater; Ext. Cords; Water Hoses; Long Handle Tools; Gazing Ball; Shepherd Hooks; (2) 8’ Metal Shelves; Pole Tree Trimmer; Crochet Set; Hand Sye’s; Campbell Hausfield Port. Air Compressor; (2) H. Duty Canvas Tarps.


• ALL items must be paid for the day of auction. • ALL items are sold As-Is. • We must collect Sales Tax (EXCEPT on Titled Vehicles). • TERMS: Cash or Good Check with Proper Photo ID; Visa / MC / Discover accepted with a 3% Clerk Fee added. • Visit us online @ www.auctionzip.com and enter USER I.D. #8673 for photos and information. • Food Available on Site! • Open Friday, September 16th from 9:00AM to 5:00PM for Inspection. REMEMBER: +++Never, Ever a Buyer’s (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions…What You Bid Is What You Pay! We work for our sellers, we appreciate our buyers, and we love our profession! Kirby & Staff

Office: 937.316.8400 Cell: 937.459.7686 Michel Werner Auctioneer

PAGE 22 Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

T&CP’s Nunsense comes to Greenville GREENVILLE – The Towne & Country Players of Versailles invite you to join them as they welcome the Little Sisters of Hoboken and the comedy “Nunsense” to Greenville’s beautiful and historic Memorial Hall. This production was presented at the Versailles Performing Arts




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Center last June. It’s rare that such a small cast in a musical can hold captive, an audience like this show does and also hold the test of time. From slapstick humor and silly songs; to tap dancing, ballet and a poignant ballad or two, this musical has it all. Terry Cassel a Greenville native is the show’s pianist and in charge of the small band that gives life and a beat to this musical. The direction team of Jim Kelch and Phyllis

Corbin come out of retirement to give their special touch to the show, along with Chad Peyton, a newcomer to the directorial team. Peyton brings a marvelous insight in his first time in a directorial role. This team is complimented by the extraordinary talents of veteran producer Angie DeMange. The artistry doesn’t end there as veteran local choreographer, Lynn Blakely and a team of helpers including Abigail White, Bailey DeMange, and Heidi DeMange make dance look

NMPL Food for Fines NEW MADISON – New Madison Public Library (NMPL) will be joining the libraries of Darke County in the Feed Ohio initiative this month. NMPL will accept donations to the Tri-Village Backpack Program. For each item donated, patrons can erase $1 in overdue fines. NOTE: This does not include replacement fees charged for lost or damaged items. Items for donation include single-serve fruits, applesauce, pudding, snack crackers, and microwavable meals. Juice boxes and individually packed fruit snacks or

dried fruits work well also. For more information, call 996-1741.

Milkweed Pod Collection

GREENVILLE – The Monarch Butterfly numbers have been on the decline for a number of years. One plant that impacts the Monarch butterfly’s survival is the common Milkweed plant. The Monarch Butterfly pretty much relies on the Milkweed plant for the majority of its lifecycle. These pods should be collected between through Oct. 31. The seed pods must be dry and turning a golden yellow to a grayish brown color for the seed to be mature. There is a bin provided by Rumpke at the south end of the Darke Soil and Water Conservation office for those individuals or groups wishing to deposit the seed pods. Please put the pods into a breathable paper bag; not plastic. Contact Darke SWCD at 548-1752.


effortless. Set and lighting design for the production are in the capable hands of Greenville native Ron Asman With all of this going on behind the scenes the front of the stage is filled by the talents of T.&C.P. veterans and local favorites, Lois Knapke and Kim Borchers. They are joined by Erin (Brown) McKibbin who has practically grown up on area stages and recent newcomer Heidi DeMange in her fourth production. Chelsea Leis, a former Greenville Wavier and recent musical major graduate compliments the talented ensemble. The Oct. 8 performance will be held at 8 p.m. in St. Clair Memorial Hall. Tickets will go on sale Sept. 6 by calling 689-6111. All seats are reserved.



BURKETTSVILLE – The Courage to Live Foundation recently presented a check in the amount of $35,000 to the Center for Neurological Development in Burkettsville. Shown are (front row) Bryce Siefring, Joe Fortkamp, (middle row) Joan Kiser, Marge Schwieterman, Zelda Zizelman, Annette Mestemaker, (back row) Tom Schwieterman, Ellen Schwieterman, Ron Schwieterman and Dave Mestemaker. They expressed a sincere thank you to all the business and individuals who donated money or gifts to The Courage to Live Foundation. The July benefit weekend was co-hosted by the foundation and The Wendelin Sports Club. All proceeds assist in the day-to-day operations of the Center for Neurological Development in Burkettsville.

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Sunday, September 11, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 23


Event hosted by Olde Thyme Gardeners

Shown are Angela Beumer, Lisa Marcum, Charlene and Rodney Applegate and Cindy McCallister.

Cindy McCallister, Angela Beumer and Lisa Marcum present the award to Eunice Steinbrecher.

Beautification Awards given by Ladybugs GREENVILLE – Ladybug Garden Club Community Beautification Awards were recently presented to Rodney and Charlene Applegate, Eunice Steinbrecher, and Virginia Crim. The committee of Angela Beumer, Lisa Marcum and Cindy McCallister selected the winners. The Applegates were chosen for the plantings of perennials, annuals and numerous items of garden art at their home on Washington Avenue. The large concrete planter in their front yard was planted with petunias, sweet potato vine and dracena. They have numerous hanging baskets of various annuals. Eunice Steinbrecher, along with her late husband Leroy, created

their garden on their 11acres when they moved to Greenville. It brought many hours of relaxation to them and it now brings joy with the many trees, shrubs, giant tropicals plants and other plantings to attract birds and butterflies. Eunice gets the assistance of gardener Jim Chrismas to help maintain the gardens. A saying in the gardens reads “Happiness is Home Grown” and it is evident the Steinbrecher gardens bring much happiness. At the age of 98, Virginia Crim of the Brethren Retirement Community plants many flats of marigolds ranging in different colors. She enjoys staying active and her garden is a passion that gets her outdoors and active.

Municipal Court Report GREENVILLE – Judge Julie L. Monnin, Darke County Municipal Court, reported on the case statistics of the court for August 2016. There were 508 new cases filed in the Darke County Municipal Court in August 2016. The breakdown of these cases include: 116 criminal, 16 O.M.V.I., 241

other traffic and 135 civil cases. There were 481 cases terminated/disposed of in August 2016. For more information, contact Judge Julie L. Monnin, Darke County Municipal Court, Darke County Courthouse, 504 South Broadway, Suite 7, Greenville, Ohio 45331, 547-7340.

GREENVILLE – The Olde Thyme Gardeners are excited to present their autumn tea, coffee and dessert buffet on Oct. 9, 2 p.m., at the Shawnee Prairie Nature Center. The special program by Jan Brady, “Tied by the Apron Strings,” a history of women in and out of the kitchen, will be both entertaining and informative. The cost is $10 per person and reservations are required by Oct. 2.

Registration forms can be found at the nature center at 4267 State Route 502, Greenville or send your name, address, phone number and email address with a $10 check made out to Olde Thyme Gardeners to P.O. Box 74, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Confirmations will be sent by email only. For more information, find them on Facebook or check out their blog at oldethymegardener.blogspot. com.

UCI Fire fundraiser UNION CITY, Ind. – The Union City, Ind. Fire Department is conducting a fund drive. Representatives will be going door to door contacting homes throughout their protection area asking for a donation of $20 or more from each family

and business location. These donations will be used to update and improve their service to the community. Each household or business that makes a contribution will be offered a complimentary family portrait to thank them for their support.

SERVICE DIRECTORY Virginia Crim was recognized by Angela Beumer, Cindy McCallister and Lisa Marcum.

Genealogical Society hosts fall workshop GREENVILLE – The Darke County Genealogical Society, Inc. will hold its Fall Genealogy Workshop on Oct. 8. The workshop will be held at Garst Museum in the Lowell Thomas Meeting Room, 205 N. Broadway, Greenville. Doors open at 8:30 p.m. with introductions and welcome taking place at 9:15 a.m. This year’s featured speaker is Katherine Wilson. The workshop will have four sessions. The first is Little-Known and Rarely Used Google Resources and Search Tips; session two is They Didn’t All Come Through Ellis Island;



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the third session is Which Way Did She Go – Finding Those Elusive Maiden Names; and the fourth session is They Did What – Finding Archived Articles About Your Ancestors. Be sure to pack your lunch; drinks and dessert furnished. There will be door prizes and handouts. Pre-registration before Sept. 23 is $20. Registration at the door is $25. Make checks payable to the Darke County Genealogical Society and mail to Brenda Arnett, 6745 Dull Road, Arcanum, Ohio 45304. For more information, email office.manager@garstmuseum.org or call 692-6511.

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2015 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., all power, like new, gray, 4,209 miles ............................. $22,995.........$21,900 2015 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, black, 10,874 miles.................. $41,995.........$40,900 2015 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, like new, champagne silver, 21,843 miles .................................................................................................... $24,995.........$23,900 2015 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., all power, like new, white, 19,872 miles.......................... $21,995.........$20,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, all power, exc. cond., tungsten, 34,148 miles ................................................................................................................... $19,995.........$18,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LS FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., all power, super nice, black, 10,672 miles ..................... $19,995.........$18,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., crystal red, 27,223 miles ................................................................................................................ $24,995.........$23,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LS FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., many options, super nice, blue, 35,463 miles ............... $18,995.........$17,500 2014 BUICK ENCORE AWD, 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, crystal red, 14,131 miles ................................................................................................................ $26,995.........$25,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, super nice, black, 7,409 miles ........................... $22,995.........$21,900 2014 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L, V6, one owner, all power, super nice, black, 32,045 miles ........................................................................................................................ $27,995.........$26,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, super nice, silver, 23,289 miles ........... $21,995.........$20,900 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT REG CAB, SHORT BOX 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, power bed cover, loaded, like new, silver, 26,347 miles ................................................................. $33,995.........$32,900 2014 CADILLAC SRX, AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, black, 14,129 miles ............. $39,995.........$38,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L, 4 cyl, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, crystal red, 21,376 miles ................................................................................................................ $25,995.........$24,500 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX 2LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, crystal red, 8,661 miles .................................................................................................................. $24,995.........$23,900 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 29,725 miles ........ $19,995.........$18,500 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LS FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., blue, 18,257 miles .......................... $18,995.........$17,900 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., all power, super nice, blue, 13,242 miles ....................... $21,995.........$20,500 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 3.6L V6, loaded, super nice, crystal red, 19,628 miles .................... $21,995.........$20,500 2013 CADILLAC SRX, AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, white, 26,600 miles ............. $33,995.........$32,900 2013 BUICK ENCLAVE FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, gray, 26,225 miles ......... $33,995.........$32,500 2013 GMC TERRAIN DENALI AWD, 3.6L, V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, black, 26,787 miles................................................................................................................................... $28,995.........$27,500 2012 ½ TON CHEVY SILVERADO LT REG. CAB 4WD P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded fiberglass shell, like new, red, 15,348 miles ................................................................................... $27,995.........$26,500 2012 GMC ACADIA SLT FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, maroon, 60,916 miles................. $21,995.........$20,900 2012 CHEVY ½ TON REG. CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.8L V8, auto, air, one owner, exc. cond., red, 59,879 miles ............................................................................................................................. $19,995 .........$18,900 2012 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED 4 DOOR 4WD CONVERTIBLE, 3.6L V6, 6 speed, meltdown pkg., loaded, sharp, green, 61,310 miles ...................................................................... $26,995.........$25,900 2011 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, all power, very nice, blue, 111,816 miles ........................................................................................................................ $15,995.........$14,500 2010 CHEVY EQUINOX LS, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, very nice, maroon, 85,281 miles ................................ $12,995.........$11,500 2008 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB 2WD P.U., 5.3L V8, loaded, super nice, red, 73,448 miles ........................................................................................................................... $18,995.........$17,500 2008 CHEVY HHR LT PANEL, 2.4L, 4 cyl., leather, loaded, very nice, red, 154,107 miles...................... $6,995...........$5,900 2007 CHEVY TAHOE LTZ 4WD, 5.3L, V8, leather, loaded, sharp, maroon, 86,096 miles ..................... $21,995.........$20,900 2007 CHEVY HHR LS FWD, 2.2L, 4 cyl., loaded, good cond., blue, 242,686 miles ................................ $4,995...........$3,500 2007 GMC YUKON XL SLT 4X4, 5.3L, V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., gray 173,525 miles......................................................................................................................... $15,995.........$14,900 2007 CHEVY ½ SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 2WD, 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded good cond., black, 165,800 miles .................................................................................................. $13,995.........$12,900 2006 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., all power, good cond., silver, 175,505 miles ........... $6,995...........$5,900 2005 FORD F150 XLT CREW CAB 2WD P.U., 4.6L V8, loaded, good cond., green, 203,656 miles ......... $8,995 ...........$7,500 2006 FORD ESCAPE FWD, 2.3L 4 cyl., all power, good cond., orange, 143,228 miles........................... $5,995...........$4,900 2005 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT EXT. 4X4, 4.2L 6 cyl., loaded, very nice, maroon, 178,752 miles ........ $6,995...........$5,500 2005 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, very nice, beige, 187,141 miles ............... $9,995...........$8,900 2005 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., diamond white, 140,250 miles ....................................................................................................... $10,995...........$9,500 2003 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4.2L 6 cyl., one owner, loaded, very nice, beige, 214,383 miles................................................................................................................................... $5,995...........$4,500 2003 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.7L, V8, loaded, good cond., silver, 144,706 miles......................................................................................................................... $7,995...........$6,900 2003 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB, 4X4, P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., white, 185,114 miles .................................................................................................... $9,995...........$8,500 2003 CHEVY AVALANCHE 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., silver, 100,397 miles............. $11,995 .........$10,900 2002 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LS EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, loaded, good cond., gray, 215,511 miles .......................................................................................................................... $8,995...........$7,500 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, good cond., maroon, 226,550 miles .................................................................................................................... $5,995...........$4,900





2002 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB 4WD P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., white, 101,500 miles .................................................................................................... $10,995...........$9,500 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 142,478 miles ..................................................................................................... $9,995...........$8,900 2001 ½ TON DODGE RAM LARAMIE SLT CLUB CAB 4WD P.U. 5.9L V8, loaded, good cond., gold, 139,711 miles .......................................................................................................................... $7,995...........$6,500 1999 GMC ½ TON SAVANNA CONVERSION VAN, 5.7L V8, fully loaded, very nice, brown, 116,796 miles ....................................................................................................................... $7,995...........$6,900 1999 TOYOTA TACOMA REG. CAB, 2WD, P.U., 2.4L 4cyl., 5 speed, air, good cond., green, 120,031 miles ....................................................................................................................... $5,995...........$4,900 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats, all power, nice cond., green, 144,748 miles .................... $6,995...........$5,900 1998 CHEVY VENTURE LS EXT VAN, 3.4L V6, loaded, fair cond., white, 173,079 miles ...................... $1,995...........$1,200


2015 CHEVY SS, 4 dr., 6.2L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, silver, 2,387 miles ......................... $41,995.........$40,900 2014 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., white, 13,002 miles.............................. $15,995.........$14,900 2014 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, like new, blue, 6,662 miles .................. $15,995.........$14,900 2014 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., white, 61,021 miles ........................ $15,995.........$14,500 2013 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, super nice, champagne, 35,525 miles................................................................................................................................... $14,995.........$13,900 2013 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., gray, 46,340 miles ............................... $14,995.........$13,900 2011 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., all power, super nice, crystal red, 53,425 miles .................. $14,995.........$13,900 2011 CHEVY MALIBU LTZ, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, super sharp, crystal red, 35,863 miles ................................................................................................................ $15,995.........$14,900 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, all power, exc. cond., blue, 90,043 miles .............................. $11,995.........$10,500 2010 CHEVY CORVETTE GRAND SPORT COUPE, 6.2L V8, 6 speed, leather, loaded, like new, maroon, 2,838 miles........................................................................................................ $46,995.........$45,500 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr, 3.5L V6, leather, loaded, very nice, silver, 69,849 miles........................ $11,995.........$10,900 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 115,528 miles.............. $10,995...........$9,500 2006 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 163,567 miles .......................................................................................................................... $7,995...........$6,500


2008 PONTIAC G6 GT CONVERTIBLE, 3.5L V6, leather, all options, super nice, diamond white, 46,661 miles ......................................................................................................... $14,995.........$13,900 2000 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GT, 2 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, good cond., black, 229,374 miles ..... $3,995...........$2,500


2015 BUICK LACROSSE PREMIUM II FWD, 4 door 3.6L, V6, leather, sunroof, all options, like new, white, 14,181 miles ......................................................................................................... $30,995.........$29,900 2014 BUICK REGAL T-TYPE, 4 dr., 2.0L Turbo, 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, blue, 12,223 miles ........................................................................................................... $22,995.........$21,500 2013 BUICK REGAL GS, 4 dr., 2.0L Turbo, 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, black granite 23,444 miles ............................................................................................................. $23,995.........$22,900 2013 BUICK REGAL GS, 4 dr., 2.0L Turbo 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, all power, super nice crystal red, 23,473 miles ................................................................................................................ $24,995.........$23,500 2013 BUICK REGAL PREMIUM, 4 dr., 2.0L Turbo 4 cyl., leather, loaded, super sharp, silver, 15,358 miles......................................................................................................................... $19,990.........$18,500 2011 BUICK REGAL T-TYPE, 4 dr., 2.0L Turbo, 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., mocha, 38,487 miles ...................................................................................................................... $16,995.........$15,500 2003 BUICK PARK AVENUE, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, one owner, leather, loaded, very nice, maroon, 175,676 miles .................................................................................................................... $6,995...........$5,500 2002 BUICK LESABRE LIMITED, 4 door 3.8L, V6, leather, loaded, super nice, white, 201,609 miles ........................................................................................................................ $5,995...........$4,900


2012 FORD FOCUS SE, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., black, 111,220 miles .............. $10,995...........$9,500 2012 CHRYSLER 300C AWD, 4 dr, 5.7L Hemi V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, black, 78,976 miles ........................................................................................................................ $23,995.........$22,500 2010 CADILLAC DTS, 4 dr., 4.6L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., gold, 45,986 miles ............ $18,995.........$17,500 2008 FORD TAURUS SEL, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, loaded, very nice, beige, 140,313 miles ................................ $7,995...........$6,500 2006 CADILLAC CTS, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, gray, 92,155 miles ................... $16,995.........$13,900 2004 SATURN L 300, 4 dr., 2.2L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., silver, 98,430 miles ..................................... $4,995...........$3,500 1998 OLDSMOBILE INTRIGUE, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, loaded, good cond., brown, 211,256 miles ................... $2,995 ...........$1,900 1997 CHRYSLER SEBRING LXI CONVERTIBLE, 2.5L V6, leather, loaded, very nice, black, 166,143 miles ........................................................................................................................ $4,995...........$3,900 1997 CADILLAC DEVILLE, 4 dr., 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., green, 119,533 miles................ $4,995...........$2,500 1996 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, nice car, beige, 163,266 miles ............... $4,995...........$2,500 1992 OLDSMOBILE 98 REGENCY ELITE, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, very nice, gray, 165,115 miles................................................................................................................................... $3,995...........$2,500

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