Early Bird eNewspaper 10-02-16

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Pilot of crashed

Sunday, September

18, 2016-The Early

t pilot

plane was a studen

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CONTRACT RATES AVAILABLE RYAN Classified Liners...............Noon Thursday ON REQUEST BUSINESS LINE ADS Thursday ClassiďŹ ed ads may be BERRY $1.85/line, $7.40 min. mailed or brought into our IN MEMORIAM, CARD 5312 Sebring-Warner MANAGING Road, Greenville, OH ofďŹ ce at OF THANKS or emailed to classiďŹ eds@earlybirdpaper.com 45331 SERVICES OFFERED editor@earlybirdpaper.com “Homeownerâ€? ads are 45¢ word OfďŹ ce Hours Mon.-Thurs. LAWN– MOWING The 9am-5pm/Fri. 9am-4pm $1.85/line, $7.40 minimum & SERVICES OFFERED CUSTOM SEWING ARCANUM Use the handy order blank MOWING, & ROLLING, Yard CleanSheri’s large County ALTERATIONS. appearing on this page. up, Shrub Darke Crafts. Trimming, Attention Small Busi- or small jobs. Also SERVICES OFFERED HELP WANTED and Dr. Tim HomemadeDepartment cloth dolls Edging, PETS Mulching, nesses: Simplify Your Landscaping, Shrub Musical Instrument Darke County & stuffed animals. FOR RENT Kathman, 937- Landscape POSI- 2-1/2 year Mainte- Payroll & Taxes with Trimming, Spraying/ Consignment at Bach LANDSCAPE 423-5523 Coroner, have old male TION. Paychex! New custom- Fertilizing, nance.conďŹ rmed Free Estimates. vicSnow Re- To Rock Music in Green- CrowellSend resume to: Siberian Husky, $300. House in Greenville, of the two ers receive one month moval. names Leave Custom 3 BR, 1 bath. Stove theSpreadmessage StaplesLitter Reasonable ville! Better chance of PO Box Lawn Service, 937-603-3868 old & an airplane for of payroll fromGettysburg portion of the ising. 141, Greenville, fridge. tims processing rates. Access to expected ArWasher/dryer References selling it at a Store that OH 45331 remodeling a chicken at 14 near Outdoor Cato Fashions Manure. FOR RENT Lavy’s Corner Mart free! Receive a Free available. hookup. No pets. $600 Specializes in what Workers are currently crash on Sept. 937-564-3399 Avenue in Greenville. + M. Heins, Quote! Call 800-805- pendable. Very de- Musicians 937-447-3051 building on Wagner canum. Clayton Wolf Tent Company Storage for personal deposit. 208-569-4980 want than 548-1716, location in mid-November. was pi0164 to open in that ask for Justin regular consignmenta seeking temporary & business use. Pen- VERY NICE 20, of Arcanum, when help 2 BR dushop. Call us today ske Truck Rentals. loting the aircraft (or erecting tents. Must Call plex, W/D be at his home better yet, stop by with Greenville Stor & Lock. ilty shed. hookup. Utilleast it crashed near 16. Driver’sSafety Transportation strip. National license Union City, IN. the by your to be examined clean & playable preferred. Call 548-4161 548-1075, 5328 Michelle Parking in and private landing Local CPA ďŹ rm Esarey to a salvage yard item) front & back. the crash & Associates, was movedLLC to hear the details. for more information tax professionals airplane Also killed in 937-459-8156 impact,â€? St Jacob Theson. wreckage of thefor the upcoming 2017 is seeking 547-1970, Will consider applicants ďŹ ling seaa was a high-speed bachtorock@ was his passenger, Green- Board. he had Part-time short haul 1 story brick duplex, Can- 415 Gray quality comparable or year-round employment. interested in seasonal “We knew earthlink.net Ave, Greensaid Folkerts. stores at A. Turner, 19, of Chief part-time – When with Positionscate. terbury, Greenville CDL truck driver. to specumay also pilot certiďŹ cate at to or full-time GREENVILLE be its occupants. to mall specialty Local on ville. Upper apt, 1 BR. with exible hours. He refused and student oc- quiet cul-de-sac. bilities are HELPaccident. building be- low prices every day. New ville. AccordingWhittaker, craft Responsiruns. crash WANTED primarily, Nothe the touch Stove, but notspotof member how 2 freight. the Staples fridge, BR, limited on time an Mark to, water inof family only late No weekends. individual income the preparation The the it was Deputy tax returns, aircraft how many prototypes oerGettysburg, FARM contactingdon’t “The thing Retireesat 2 full baths, l/rm, kitchen. cluded. $400/mo + $400 know neededthe came vacant downed OH Facility clients as and conducting individuals were ted inviting the two before it store a curred. W/d hookup. A/c. Refrig, deposit. AsWORKER welcome. the IOpportunity looks for working on other client Leave frommeetings. he had. Full-time. Full time 3rd and mes564-4126 does is a matter of time began al- attractive and hours NEEDED, The Job sage shift had “known on the cornďŹ eldtax matters inexperience. to NTSB will beight re937-968-3739 dependent areas, thestove. 1 car attached ga– you have Must havefriends Desired911 turkeys, hogs, pilotincludes quite some- air was ďŹ lled. Work to bring shopping experience. skills to and certiďŹ cations: experience Greenville, large 1 three primary and called other for • Associates Cato Corwith each and therage w/opener. this student your or Bachelor’sAt BR beef private cattle,pilot degree success of The and field most immediately the machine TIG & time.â€? NOTICES said.Smoking/Metro. No Pets/ apt, appliances. Central Accounting the discovery. MIG welding man,SPECIAL or Finance exactlyin have to established Wings and work. he has port Will train. For more SOCIAL $590/ heat & a passenger.â€? • Recent in Bualo Wild it was an- poration has an exciting to y taxunknown is return preparation it investigation environment,â€? license a/c. mo at $550/mo time + The SECURITY deposit. as a paslook infoying and/or + 692-8094 deposit. call 937-467-0022 accounting experience Day one beneďŹ ts available the crash may more recently Fire Pizza their stores are going toBENEaircraft took what DISABILITY 937-654-3173 He admitted addition • CPA ortime shown the private They Enrolled Agent certiďŹ cation, that may have First CallaStaffing nounced Rapid in. Work and distinguished ApplyAt private land- have FITS. Unable in person occurred. or senger without anything willingness is Now to work? or at ayour be o from to consider ability obtainingas pilots known Road on • Attention Hiring would certiďŹ cation Bradford Public license would be moving to pre- to any development. Denied the for Greenvilleaected local job benefits? to details and accuracy Commonly strip on Dull the latest Library is seeking We ing center was pilot’s medical Federal Aviaindividuals Technologies. to maintain Cato, you’ll ďŹ nd of Sept. 14. • Ability has already begun Pre-employment the aircraft Help!aircraft, y the conďŹ dentiality and against the Apply atto Can WIN or Pay who may be interested in purchasing Piper, morning any occa- thedrug for a new for PA-11 handle Agency’s screen hot water heater, certiďŹ cation information GTI, regulations. andreported • asensitive Nothing!rest, 5755 St Rt 571history, fashion styles pare the way also Contact doors, windows, a gas dressy physicalWitnesses Compensation a fabric aircraft, the It tion soon in that aircraft fence and other required will bein wood 1947. The Bill E. pointed – work or play, based Hiring forout Gordon & Associates on education Folkerts store to open items. “For Saleâ€? plane ying and all shifts, experience Avenue. sion a and training. manufactured at be viewed on Thursday, items may seeing the malfuncwith was 1-800-208-6915 lots of about area the Email resume hp Continental crash site or casual in junior/misses tested for strip on Wagner openings on will 85 amandabaker@woh.rr.com, Sept. 22 from 5:00 tolook 937-497-3184 start at toits7:00 p.m. and in the Arcanum corn- yourbe of Cato Fash- and plus sizes. They also of Full-time At had an ortomail 2ndswath on Saturday, Sept. known as and 3rd! Amy Posner and willtoday! resume and was 10:00 to Noon by shoes morning of the crash. a engine tionsapplication 24 from www.norcold.com to: com- “100-foot they are coming to the library. and Part-time Esarey & Associates, history. didn’t appear It is aLLC 1 p.m., ions conďŹ rmed a Green- have great jewelry, positions maintenance WANTED Norcold ďŹ eldâ€? and tail-dragger. too. is an EOE Children’s Home Bradford approximately continavailable. Employer to a a 5180 across the positions Rd. to be a forcedAlllanding. planning to open mid-No- and accessories, company The NTSB will on the aircraft OH mon Greenville, by resident reported 45331 occurs Wanted: require Used house a clean landing In 1946, the Deputy the country. ville location drug trailers ue its investigation A forced screen. Walk-in in and Wayland Cato, Darke County goodiscondiexpected to to Mike Appli- aircraft vember. there are factors to plane and its occupants when cations According stores are founder, rePlease call 937with control, United Merchants Interview tion. Cato Fashions the National outside the pilot’s release a preliminary business were missing. Apparently in Eaton left Folkerts, of Wednesday of en- 448-2974 of weeks. & Thursday the failure launch his own Wayland already available same time a TraďŹƒc Safety Board’s such as port in a couple 8-10am at about the com- WANTED son, & 1-3pm. Coloand AppliTO BUY and Sidney. systems is with his Ed- family member was ying Central Region in only gines,cations Mon, Tues“It BUYING Cato, Jr., and weather. Heins over the The Cato Corporation ortaken OLD GUITARS, & Fri from retailer Henry The company a private aircrafttheir own rado (NTSB), pilot certiďŹ - ponents 8a-4p as well, gar Thomas. a leading specialty but no interview is avail- Banjos, Mandolins & had a student fashion apin 1968, took area conducting missing airof value-priced three store went public able on the spot. Please Amplifiers. ALSO buying in 1980, and search for the Flutes, parel operating Fashions, itself private in Saxophones, bring 2 pieces of I.D. All Garage againare Gettysburg, OH Facility publicSales to Trombones, Trumpets now featured on our brands – Cato Fashion then went apply “Now interactive mapavertin Full time 3rd and 2nd know whereI good condition, Yamaat 1987. The company It’s Fashion/It’s early shift They the the in Responsible & depend- ha, Selmer, garage sales Metro and Versona. 1,300 ed bankruptcy a new able individuals needed Bring them King, Conn. are!â€? after adopting Day one beneďŹ ts available to Bach to 1990s currently operate Garage sales; 4 linesstrategy RYAN to deliver Early Birds Apply in person or in Rock Music, 334 S. stores in 32 states. oers discount pricing minimum = $8.40 each additional line @ $1.85 the Yorkshire, Versailles, BERRY at your Broadway, Cato Fashions apparel and updated merchandise. MANAGING EDITOR local job center Greenville & Arcanum OH for an Greenville, Pre-employment drug women’s fashion editor@earlybirdpaper.com areas. There are walk- 547-1970, offer. 937screen and Ads NOT INCLUDING email: bach– A little name, address & phone ing & motor routes torock@earthlink.net NAME __________________________ physical required GREENVILLE number afterwill not be placed __________________________ available. If you are more than 24-hours ADDRESS___________________ in- Cars/Trucks, __________________________ of Clayterested, please contact running or __________________________ ______ 937-497-3184 the tragic death and __________________________ CITY __________________________ Becky at 937-547-0851 not UP TO $500. Free the ton “Clayâ€? Heins, 20, www.norcold.com ___________ 19, __________________________ The board approved and leave your name, pick-up. 937-423-2703 “Jakeâ€? Turner, __ST/ZIP __________________________ PHONE__________________________ – The Norcold is an EOE Employer packages near GREENVILLE of Edu- demolition bid the so- Jacob address & phone num- or 937-621-5809 __________________________ an airplane crash came in __________________________ ber, if no answer Greenville Board a resolu- and authorized for friends work ______ OF AD: Arcanum, of bids TYPE Please circle one Agriculture, Automotive cation approved Sept. 15 licitation to remember, of the categories. (includeselecGlick’s Construction, cars, trucks, state’s together vans, auto parts, etc), the healInc, Sales,the Help Wanted, Household, tion Thursday, begin Business Opportunity, Equipment, of through and locally owned & operLivestock, system. grieveLost Pets, Produce, For Rent, Garage and Found, Misc. For bidding Real Estate, Recreational, authorizing solicitationand tronic Sale, ated construction comautho- ing process. Services Offered, Special Notice,arriv-Mobile Homes, Motorcycles, The resolution bids for the abatement CARD Carpany with over 20 years friends began Wanted, Wanted to Buy, Wanted to Rent THANKS,The four of the IN MEMORIAM-COST treasurer OF 45¢ PER word. rizes demolition of in business, looking AD the ing in the evening to Heins’ TOdistrict READ ASwith for and FOLLOWS: PHONE Surber to work NUMBER home district’s buildings. reliable, self-motivated, MUST BE INCLUDED be known la ADDRESS MUST preIN AD. and owner-agent girlfriend’s BE INCLUDED IN their lives. Collectively to hardworking individuals GARAGE SALE AD. Proj- architect place the around 9 p.m. began to grieve and remember launch gathered together who 10:15 as the “Demolitionwill in- to prepare and are willing Turnerto learn and Jacob paring for a balloon At approximatelyfriends The of Clayton Heins& grow with our said friends. ects,â€? the buildingsPrimary, required advertisements Friends their his of compaWaterbury to honor MUST USE ONEacross ying, BOX FOR for beneficial ny.a Skills his p.m., 30-40 100 balloons to solicit bids. clude Woodland & PUNCTUATION MARKEACH CHARACTER, SPACE Heins as work home is located but Intermediate will remember AS SHOWN showing sent nearly she Must not required. During the board Greenville rememtheir the street from Franklin house IN SAMPLE in the seat have Middle everything and the air as they held prior to heart for where toddler sitting valid the driver’s (South), Greenville Ju- session license.“No matter into the two friends that meeting, Monroe Schools family of an airplane wearingCall everybody. ago regular monthly reported (East) and Greenville “He ab-547-3051 was going bered lives. nine-months to re- radio headphones. Garmann for lost their she what anybody nior High. will be Bill he was there may “come and friends gatheredyoung solutely loved ying,â€?Full or part-time Carpenthrough, The buildings the abatement $1 million more ter. Minimum 2 years member two the district’s sheex-said. much as a vacated when a tragic acci- said. perience. them,â€? passion 548-2307 facility in as budget.â€? lives lost in More than his new K-8th grade Christmas under LEGAL ASSISTANT/ dent. smiles opens following year. and Hugs, tears, PARALEGAL (part-time/ four-foot lengths, tied were interbreak this school full-time) - Candidate and laughter limit), refrigeratora branches bundled and you rememby Rump- be (60lb 4x2-foot – should twined. “Do organized, freon removed GREENVILLE in no more than a yard with or “how about supply havewill have excellent telephone water heater, since 1975. They sea- ber when‌â€?could be heard ke Waste Incorporated lengths (must technician, and – Briner ed Up serdryer, bed and enjoy working the time‌â€? Fall Clean skills, UNION CITY been se- eggs, fresh meat stove, washer, infur- waste sticker), of the reminisced about provide the residents directly spices, and has with clients. Ex-or mattress, 639 not accepted Wagner Items food, produce, stores and as they Building, Inc. with the vice for Ave., biperience Suite drums, duringwithsprings design/build D, Greenville their adventures probatelawn furniture, items to lected as the clude 50-65 gallon City of Greenvilleprocess Call ste- Us on the other western men. pick up hazardous and niture, Today forms istelevision set, roll, 937-316-3782 general contractorSuperior restaurants withinIndiana. young one person who their scheduled preferred. fence cycles, asbestos, microwave of Oct. 10-Please The send and eastern Morning Fresh waste, liquids, reo equipment, than most day of the week resume to attorney Inc. expan- Ohio tires, Tra- computer moniknew him better girlfriend, 14. (This is for large items Briner Building, propane bottles, Foods’ cold storage vis Fliehman, ovens, City. 8314 carpet cut and tied gas waste without stickwas his longtime bags) Rt 121, a 48-year design/build sion in Union yard tors, St special- Rhiannon Waterbury. She only –no Greenville, for the is items will OHmore than four-foot ers. Construction will be- general contractor a part no The following45331 in were and deremoval said airplanes 8,000SF addition and is izing in commercial time he be accepted for items): lengths, construction than construction of his life from the reof ďŹ ve large tied in no more industrial gin in September mower bris completion Indiana and was born. She fondly his (limit type lawn GREENVILLE in northeast scheduled for push picture in membered a of Ohio. early 2017. STOR & LOCK has been parts Morning Fresh operatand Truck family-owned Rentals

Cato Fashions ille coming to Greenv


Welders Needed

The Early Bird has made it even easier to ďŹ nd what you are looking for! and Turner s remember Heins bluebagmFriend edia.com EARLY BIRD CLASSIFIED

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MV grad ďŹ nds her way back to the classroom SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

Darke County United Way Campaign Chairman Jim Jordan and Executive Director Christy Baker accept a donation from Jennifer Thacker of Miami Valley Vending and Ariel Green of Whirlpool’s Greenville plant.

Whirlpool, Miami Valley Vending team up RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – When local companies team up great things can happen. That was never more evident than when the Greenville Whirlpool plant and Miami Valley Vending came together to raise funds for the Darke County United Way. While workers were eating their Jim’s Drive-in recipe Spanish Hotdogs, they probably didn’t realize that purchase helped 35,000 Darke County residents who rely on one of the 24 partner programs supported by United Way. Miami Valley Vending brought their food truck to the Whirlpool plant and served hotdogs to all three shifts. The funds raised

were designated to go to the Darke County United Way. Although Miami Valley Vending’s donation would have been a good one on its own, Whirlpool Corporation agreed to double the funds. A donation of $690 quickly turned into a donation of $1,380. Ariel Green coordinated the event for Whirlpool and pointed out a couple of the employees bought a few extra Spanish Hotdogs. The employees explained Jim’s Drive-In wouldn’t be open again until spring and they wanted to make sure they could have a few this winter. Christy Baker said the funds raised by Whirlpool and Miami Valley Vending will count towards the United Way’s $425,000 campaign goal.

GFD investigates another vacant mobile home ďŹ re CLINTON RANDALL

STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Crews battled another vacant trailer ďŹ re in Greenville Wednesday night. At approximately 9:15 p.m., the Greenville Fire and Police departments and Greenville Township Rescue responded to the Colonial trailer park on Sweitzer Street on the reported vacant trailer ďŹ re at lot #13. Flames were high in the air, at the rear of the mobile home, as crews arrived on scene. A second alarm was soon requested as the New Madison Fire Department soon arrived on scene to offer mutual aid. The ames were quickly contained to the trailer before the ďŹ re threatened surrounding structures. According to the Greenville Fire Department, the ďŹ re began in the rear of the

structure, which was conďŹ rmed to be unoccupied. The cause of the ďŹ re appears to be suspicious, but an ofďŹ cial arson ruling is still pending an investigation. The department has responded to several vacant trailer ďŹ res in the past few years – which most have been ruled as arson. This is the second suspicious ďŹ re of a vacant trailer at the park since February. An ongoing Nuisance Abatement Ordinance has been in the works against the property owner of the trailer park since 2014. The complaint revolves around the vacant structures which are targets for intentional ďŹ res. If you have information about any of the vacant trailer ďŹ res that have been reported at Colonial, you are urged to contact the Greenville Fire Department at 937-548-3040 or the Greenville Police Department at 937-548-1103.

Trick-or-Treat in Greenville GREENVILLE – Trick or Treat in the City of Greenville will be from 2-4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 30. Your cooperation is appreciated in keeping with this time frame.

If you plan on participating in handing out candy, please turn on your porch light. Parents or guardians are encouraged to accompany children during this time.

*$ - $$ , + * *!- / *) (*% "&* . Dr. Lucille P. Hosfeld CCC-A

GREENVILLE – Less than four years after graduating from Mississinawa Valley, Shelby Rehmert ďŹ nds herself back in the classroom. Only this time she’s standing in front of the classroom. A 2012 MV graduate, Rehmert said she always knew she was “meant for the classroom.â€? Following obtaining a degree in K-3 education in December 2015, from Indiana University East in Richmond, Ind., Rehmert was hired this past summer as an intervention specialist for Greenville City Schools. She spent last winter subbing with several Darke County schools. Following an interview with GCS, Rehmert began working with ďŹ rst-graders in August at Woodland Primary. Rehmert said she minored in mild intervention and also is licensed to teach in Indiana. She completed her student teaching with Ansonia Schools. “I feel strongly about differentiation in the classroom,â€? Rehmert said.

The term ‘differentiation’ applies to the variety of ways a child can be taught a speciďŹ c concept. Greenville City Schools, Rehmert said, practices inclusion of all children within their grade level. Different ways of teaching so each student can learn is used within inclusion classrooms. Currently, Rehmert is working with two classes of ďŹ rst-graders, she said, with her main responsibilities centered on reading, then math skills. Although the ďŹ rst-graders aren’t told ‘you must learn this for state testing,’ Rehmert said lesson plans follow state approved curriculum for ďŹ rst-grade learning. Rehmert said she sees the biggest struggle for would-be-readers is the concept of phonics. As children are learning, adults often concentrate on the beginning sound of a word. But, Rehmert said, more effort needs to be placed on the middle and ending sounds of words. “Parents can deďŹ nitely help by asking questions, making sounds for the beginning, middle and end. Ask ‘what are the different parts’ of the word,â€? she ex-

Woodland Primary intervention specialist Shelby Rehmert says her “passion� is working as a teacher with young students. (Susan Hartley photo)

plained. Rehmert said one of the most important thing parents and grandparents can do with young children is to have conversation. “There’s so many iPads and other stuff that keeps them (children) busy. We forget about regular conversation,� she said. Rehmert said she plans on continuing her education to obtain a master’s degree, possibly in read-

BRC supporters Shine Bright at Gala RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The Brethren Retirement Community’s (BRC) mission and core values were at the forefront of this year’s Shine Bright Like a Diamond Gala on Sept. 23 at Romer’s in Greenville. BRC President/CEO John Warner reminded attendees the mission and values the organization set about to fulďŹ ll on April 15, 1902 have changed little. The purpose 114 years ago was to provide care for adults and children incapable of providing care for themselves. “The more things change, the more they stay the same,â€? said Warner. While they no longer care for orphaned children, the staff continues to provide exceptional care for persons that can no longer care for themselves. BRC’s mission continues relatively unchanged – “Guided by Christian values, we provide exceptional service to all entrusted to our care.â€? They are able to accomplish this through their core values of benevolence, compassion, excellence, integrity and innovation.

The Brethren Retirement Community hosted several hundred supporters at its annual Gala. John Warner shared the organization’s core values during the event.

In its 10th year of hosting a charity auction and dinner, BRC has come to its supporters asking for help in purchasing speciďŹ c items. They have raised funds to purchase a new bus, equipment and programs. This year, Warner said he was asking for help in maintaining two speciďŹ c core values – benevolence and compassion. The organization is known for its care to

residents that have outlived their funds. They have never refused service to an individual that can no longer pay to stay. According to Warner, over a one-third of their residents receive charity care. The price tag for that type of care is approximately $178,000. Warner noted balancing charity care with ongoing operations can sometimes prove to be difďŹ cult. They recently


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Dr. Kylie Young CCC-A

ing. “I was one of those people who just knew I wanted to be a teacher. I always played school with my dolls and I always have worked with children my mom babysat. I’ve always been around kids. It’s been my passion,� she said. When not in the classroom, Rehmert said she likes to golf and be outside, working around her home in New Weston.

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learned the cost to ďŹ x an elevator was over $22,000. Gala attendees had the opportunity to give a donation or participate in the silent and live auctions. Darke County residents once again proved to be generous in their support. If you would like to donate to BRC, visit their website, www.bhrc.org and click on the Make a Donation tab.

PAGE 2 Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


Officers respond to Fentanyl trafficker gets 18 months overdose complaints OVERDOSE

On Sept. 24 an officer was dispatched to the 400 block of East Fifth Street in reference a possible overdose. No additional information was available in the report. On Sept. 26 and officer was dispatched to Wayne Emergency Room in reference to a female who was dropped off due to a suspected drug overdose. No additional information was provided in the report. DOG BITE COMPLAINT

On Sept. 25, police received a report of a dog bite. Officers were dispatched to the 300 block of Riffle Avenue to investigate. A report of the incident was forwarded to the Darke County Health Department. WANTED PERSON

On Sept. 22, an officer was dispatched to the 300 block of East Fourth Street in reference to a possible domestic dispute. The call was received from an unknown female. Upon arrival, the officer found Shannon Forsyth who said there was no problem at the residence and the officer’s help was not needed. Of-

Getting it right The article ‘Little Ones to cater to moms and kids,’ published in the Sept. 25 edition of the Early Bird contained incorrect store hours. The correct hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. Also the spelling for owner Tina Carroll’s 9 month old granddaughter was incorrect. The baby’s name is Alamira.

ficers then arrested Forsyth on an outstanding warrant through Wayne County, Ind. for failure to appear on a shoplifting offense. Forsyth was transported to the Darke County Jail awaiting pick up from Indiana. TRASH COMPLAINT

On Sept. 26, an officer was dispatched to the 200 block of Wayne Avenue in reference to a junk vehicle and a trash complaint, including garbage and a car with missing tires at the rear of the residence near the alley. The resident and owner of the vehicle were served a junk motor vehicle notice and a garbage notice. NOISE COMPLAINT

On Sept. 22 an officer responded to a loud noise complaint in the 200 block of Euclid Avenue. Upon the officer’s arrival, a known suspect (not named in report) was found playing music at a loud level and was issued a misdemeanor citation for the violation. EARLY BIRD POLICY The Greenville Police Beat is prepared from public records available at the Greenville Police Department. Every effort is made to balance the public’s right to know with the rights of the individuals involved. Readers are encouraged to contact Greenville Police if they have information or concerns regarding these or any other incidents they see. The Early Bird notes all suspects are innocent until proven guilty and welcomes comments and concerns regarding this community service.

BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE - Darke County Common Pleas Court Judge Jonathan P. Hein ordered an 18 month prison sentence Wednesday for a local woman convicted of trafficking Fentanyl - a deadly synthetic opioid. After previously entering a guilty plea to a sole count of Trafficking in Drugs, a third degree felony, 55-year-old Stephanie Lyn Brandeberry appeared for sentencing Wednesday afternoon. Brandeberry, along with co-defendant Deborah Sue Fornshil (53), were charged in February with several felony drug trafficking charges following a multi-agency narcotics investigation. Ac-

cording to detectives, the two women were part of a six week long heroin and cocaine investigation by Greenville, Dayton, state and federal DEA agencies. “What she was trafficking was thought to be heroin, but was actually Fentanyl,” stated Assistant Prosecutor Deborah S. Quigley. “This is a deadly drug and she was actively selling this poison into the community.” Brandeberry’s attorney, Randall E. Breaden, argued for a community control sanction for his client, stating that she thought she was selling heroin and was simply dealing the narcotic to feed her own addiction. “She was an addict at the time this all took place and has since em-

braced treatment and has changed her life,” stated Breaden. “I understand punishment is part of the sentence, but so is rehabilitation.” At Wednesday’s sentencing, several of Brandeberry’s friends, her AA sponsor and a member of the local Recovery & Wellness program addressed the court on her behalf. Each spoke with high admiration about Brandeberry’s active role in her own recovery since being indicted and how a prison sentence may jeopardize her sobriety and lead to another relapse. A pre-sentence investigation showed that Brandeberry has a long history of drug abuse and was convicted of trafficking in 2006 in Darke County. “Much like this time, in

UCO Fire personnel investigated UNION CITY, Ohio - In August, the Union City Ohio Fire Chief Pamela Idle, Assistant Fire Chief Brian Stump, and Captain Craig Idle on administrative leave without pay, after information was gathered that the three were involved in theft from the Village of Union City, Ohio Initial information was gathered, causing Mayor Pruitt to place the three on the administrative sanction. All information has been given to the Darke County Sheriff’s Office to aid in conducting a criminal investigation. After the three were placed on administrative leave, UCO Police Chief Mark Ater, who is a firefighter and para-

medic, was appointed to the Interim Fire Chief Position by Mayor Zachary Pruitt. Chief Ater will be supervising the day-to-day operations at the Union City Ohio Fire Department. Mayor Pruitt ensures that the community will continue to receive Fire and Emergency Medical services without interruption. In March of 2016 the Union City Ohio Police Department investigated a theft of a controlled substance from the Union City Ohio Fire Department drug box. At the conclusion of that investigation it was found that Mya Stump, wife of Capt. Stump, stole Fentanyl (a controlled substance) that is commonly used by

emergency medical personnel to control pain in an emergency setting. Stump was later indicted by the Darke County Grand Jury and was arrested for felony Theft of a Controlled Substance. She was granted an intervention in lieu of conviction in the case. Updates will be made public after the conclusion of the investigation by the Darke County Sheriff’s Office.

2006 after she got caught, she started cleaning up her act and got into treatment,” added Quigley. “The state would note that this time its the same pattern. She gets caught and starts cleaning up her act again...doing what she should have been doing to begin with.” Agreeing with the state’s recommendation, Judge Hein handed down the 18 month sentence. He noted that she should use this time as a motivator and opened the door for a review of her case towards the end of the year for a possible judicial release. “Your prior criminal history kinda makes me think you didn’t take it seriously in the past,” Judge Hein told Brandeberry. “I hope you can take this time seriously and come out with the right attitude and maybe even help others pull their head out and have a better life.” Following the sentencing hearing, Brandeberry was immediately taken into custody and was transported to the Darke County Jail - where she will await transport to the Ohio Reformatory for Women in Marysville, Ohio to serve her time. If she completes the 18 month sentence she will be placed on post release control for up to 36 months.

the grid so that every row, column and Sudoku Fill3x3inbox contains the numbers 1 through 9

Pottery and enhanced photos displayed at Mill GREENVILLE – “Art at the Mill” will feature teapots and other vessels created by The Millrace Potters along with the mixed media photographic overlays created by Celina resident Virginia Burroughs at their upcoming art exhibit opening with an artists’ reception at historic Bear’s Mill on Oct. 7. Entitled “Autumn Brews,” the display in the Mill’s Clark Gallery will include leafy nature photography and clay vessels for holding and serving tea and coffee. Sweet and savory finger food plus drinks will be offered from 6-9 p.m.; the artists will speak about their work, methods,

and inspiration at 7 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. The exhibit, on display during Mill store hours, closes on Nov. 6. According to Marti Goetz, executive director of Friends of Bear’s Mill, much excitement surrounds the unveiling of new work by the Millrace Potters. “These artists have been creating beautiful functional and decorative pieces for many years, and Mill customers are eagerly awaiting the unveiling of their latest creations,” Ms. Goetz stated. “Virginia Burroughs’ fantastic art photography will wonderfully complement the graceful shapes and

interesting glazes of our ceramic artists,” she concluded. Teacher, writer, and artist Virginia Burroughs has overlaid her photographs with photo segments and mixed media to help explore the reality of the scenes and enhance impressions of natural phenomena. “Various definitions of overlay include ‘cover the surface with a coating, lie on top of, become more prominent than’ or ‘something laid as a covering over something else,’” Ms. Burroughs explained. “I like to think that this series of Nature Overlays revisits precedents from the past, but greatly


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revises them in my effort to share my impressions of and responses to our natural surroundings with others,” the artist concluded. The Millrace Potters Collective, Julie Clark, Dionne Mayhew, Rita Wiley, and Loretta Wray, are good friends who share technical information, research, labor, and at times studios; this exhibition created unique challengers to the artists, as teapots and coffee serving vessels have many pieces and parts that require assembling. However, by adhering to the ultimate goals of balance, function, art, and design, each potter has created a series of unique and useful pieces. Julie Clark along with her husband Terry is the previous owner of Bear’s Mill; she continues to maintain a working studio in her barn home adjacent to the Mill. Versailles resident Dionne Mayhew was once the Mill’s store manager, and creates her pottery in Julie’s studio. Current Indianapolis resident Rita Wiley has collaborated with Julie for over 35 years, and will soon move to her new home just down the road from the Mill. Troy native Loretta Wray, who also once managed the Mill store, lives and maintains a studio on a farm near New Castle, Ind., and often shares her studio and soda kiln with other members of the Collective. Bear’s Mill is open 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays and 1-5 p.m. Sundays. Historic Bear’s Mill is owned and operated by Friends of Bear’s Mill, a non-profit organization, and is located at 6450 Arcanum-Bear’s Mill Road about five miles east of Greenville. For more information, contact Bear’s Mill at 548-5112 or www. bearsmill.com.

Look for Sudoku Answers in the Classified Pages

CLUES ACROSS 1. __ Nui, Easter Island 5. Midway between south and southeast 8. Small mark 12. Small antelope 14. Protects from weather 15. Goddess of women and marriage 16. City in Washington 18. Independent voters association 19. Bird genus 20. Train line 21. Annoy 22. Waste matter 23. 41st President 26. Type of cracker 30. Remove 31. Looked quickly 32. The habitat of wild animals 33. Type of gene 34. Humble 39. Barrels per day (abbr.) 42. Respectful compliments 44. Star Trek: The Next Generation doctor 46. Pithy remark 47. Sums up

13. Capable of being thought 17. One seeded fruit 24. Largest English dictionary (abbr.) 25. Platitudes 26. Very fast airplane 27. Pet detective Ventura 28. Resinous substance 29. Explosive 35. Purse 36. Swiss river 37. Separately managed account (abbr.) 38. Electron scanning microscope (abbr.) 40. Fable CLUES DOWN 1. Island north of Guam 41. Mythical monsters 42. Whale (Norwegian) 2. Biblical region 43. Domed recesses 3. Scottish ancestor 4. Hills in northeast India 44. Member of U.S. Navy 45. Cause to be loved 5. A way to cook by 47. Expression of surprise baking 48. Jessica __, actress 6. Attacked ferociously 49. Drove 7. Furniture with open 52. Commands to go shelves faster 8. Burt Reynolds film 53. Chinese dynasty 9. A way to examine 10. Plant of the goosefoot 54. Military vehicle 55. Chinese Muslim family 11. Job 49. Tailless amphibian 50. American Gaming Association (abbr.) 51. After seventh 56. Czech River 57. Folk band __ Iver 58. Kids ride this 59. Ancient Greek City 60. Liquefied natural gas (abbr.) 61. Net 62. Colors clothes 63. Midway between east and southeast 64. Japanese beverage


Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 3

Darke County’s ďŹ rst Aviation Day takes ight BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

DARKE COUNTY – The Darke County Airport was a beehive of activity Saturday, Sept. 24, during the Aviation Awareness Day open house, hosted by county commissioners and the Civil Air Patrol. Hoping for at least 150 to attend, the event drew more than 200, said Denise Dillman, administration assistant for Darke County. Visitors to the open house were treated to a display of several planes housed at the airport, as well as Midmark’s corporate jet. Experimental and Ultralight aircraft also were included along with an agricultural spray aircraft and a disaster service aircraft manned by the Civil Air Patrol. Young would-be aviators had the opportunity to make gliders, participate in an airplane toss activity, corn hole, make planes from Popsicle sticks and also drew their own airplane design, Dillman said. “We tried to make it kid-friendly. Aviation is a dying ďŹ eld. We wanted them to get excited,â€? Dillman explained. “The tenants would like to see another open house in April. We had a very positive response.â€? Aviation Day gained the support from other local organizations, Dillman said, including Greenville Career Tech Center’s Supply Chain Management class, which offered lunch items provided by Midmark, with donations supporting Darke County Special Olympics.

Educational opportunities were provided by Richard Borgerding, a private pilot and Aerospace Instructor; Aviation Maintenance Technician from the Miami Valley Career Technology Center; Aerospace Occupation class from Upper Valley Career Center and Bowling Green State University Aviation program. A moment of silence was conducted during the opening ceremony in behalf for the late David Shephard, a county airport tenant. County Commissioners have been taking the steps necessary to improve the airport, a portion of which has been county-owned since 1967, when the commissioners purchased 26.70 acres from William and Clissie Spillers, which is the present site of the runway and taxiway. The Spillers constructed the private airport in 1964, with a turf runway. The county’s plans also call for the lengthening of the runway to allow for more corporate jets to y in and out of Darke County. In 2014, the county received a 95/5 matching FAA grant to purchase additional property at the airport, which included the airport hangars and maintenance hangars. County Business Administrator John Cook said he was pleased with turnout during the open house. “We’d like to piggy back on what we did have here and make it better,â€? he said, for plans to host a spring Aviation Day in honor of the 50th anniversary of the county’s ownership of Spiller’s Field.

Members of the Civil Air Patrol speak with attendees during Darke County’s first Aviation Awareness Day on Saturday, Sept. 24. The Civil Air Patol was one of the sponsors of the event, along with the Darke County Commission. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

“A lot of the tenants have suggestions,â€? Cook explained, on what they’d like to see take place for the next public event. The county commissioners also were happy with Saturday’s turn out. “We’re very glad to have everyone out here for Aviation Day,â€? said Diane Delaplane, who did mention Saturday’s low cloud ceiling kept a few airplanes from ying in for the event. “We reached out to many people who already know about aviation, who want to teach about aviation and share the joy and excitement and try to get more people interested.â€? Delaplane also mentioned how the planned airport expansion would beneďŹ t a number of Darke County and surrounding businesses, naming those who regularly use the airport, including Jcrane, Midmark, Weaver Brothers, Rural King and Continental Carbonics. “It’s not just one company, but several companies. It’s (the airport) a good

Cancer victim needs community support GREENVILLE – Friends and family of Mark Robbins will be hosting a hog roast beneďŹ t in his honor on Oct. 23, noon-6 p.m., at J&J Enterprises, 3875 State Route 502 W., Greenville. The cost is $12 for adults and under 10 is free. There will be door prizes, 50-50 drawing, silent auction and more. The admission fee includes food and live music. Bring your own beverage. All proceeds will go towards Robbins’ cancer expenses. In April 2015, Robbins was diagnosed with prostate cancer and has been ďŹ ghting ferociously with everything he has and is now asking for help. Medical bills have surpassed $100,000, of which only a partial amount is being

Mark Robbins

covered by insurance. The cancer has since metastasized to his bones, including the skull, creating secondary medical issues. The secondary issues have recently caused

an extensive seven-day stay in Good Samaritan Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit. Since the additional stay, Robbins has been unable to work due to limited mobility, coordination and overall function. The symptoms he experiences are similar to someone that has had a stroke. Therapy is available to help ease this and bring his functionality to a higher level; however, his insurance provider may not cover all of this additional cost and there are no excess funds to support it at this time. Every day bills have fallen behind; even after ďŹ ling for bankruptcy. Robbins and his family put everything into this ďŹ ght.

economic tool for Darke County to have that access here.â€? To those who have been concerned about costs in upgrading the airport, Delaplane said “I believe that no matter what you offer, it’s shared throughout the community, including jobs.â€? Commissioner Mike Stegall and Delaplane also mentioned the beneďŹ t that extending the runway would have for Eldora Speedway. Currently, team owners are ying drivers and equipment to airports

located in counties surrounding Darke County. “We’re shooting for Darke County not to just be a backup,� for Eldora, Dela-

plane said. Stegall agreed, noting that opening the proposed 300-foot runway addition was “very critical. We already got it. We just need to get it opened. It’s going to be a great thing for Darke County.� The airport, Stegall said, was “going to be a great thing for Darke County. People will eat here, buy gas here, they’ll stay here. Back in 1968, when Governor (James) Rhodes said every county should have an airport - that was a good vision of his. A lot of the tenants wanted this, this was their idea. They want to see it grow and that’s what we’re trying to do.�

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PAGE 4 Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Prairie Days offers a taste of Pioneer living BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

DARKE COUNTY – Nine-year-old Myah Randall spent some time during

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Prairie Days getting a feel for how Pioneer children spent their days. “I fold laundry and help with the dishes,” the Church of God Academy student said, nodding when asked if she’d really like to be responsible for the chore of chopping wood – an activity she’d just experienced at Conner Trading Post. “I didn’t mind it,” Myah said, of using a cross-cut saw. Conner Trading Post was just one of several Prairie Days exhibits depicting life in and around Darke County

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200 years ago. Held at Darke County Park’s Shawnee Prairie, an estimated 4,500 visitors came out for the annual two-day event, which took place this year on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 24-25. First-person interpreter Tom Franklin of Winchester, Ind. was David Conner, an early trader who Franklin said settled in the Greenville area from 1811 to 1813, before moving north to Ft. Recovery, then west to Randolph County, Ind. Conner finally settled in the Marion, Ind. area, where he is buried. “A lot of stories have been written in history about David Conner,” Franklin said. Prairie Days included a variety of interpreters, demonstrations and familyfriendly activities, including candle making, apple butter

Arcanum alumni Pork Chop Dinner

ARCANUM – The Arcanum Alumni Association will be sponsoring a Marinated Pork Chop Dinner prior to the football game on Oct. 28. Tickets are $7 and include a marinated pork chop, applesauce, bag of chips, and dinner roll available for pick-up/ curbside or dine-in from 4:30-7 p.m. at the Arcanum Field House. All proceeds will go to the Arcanum Alumni Association Scholarship Fund. Presale tickets are available at all home football and volleyball games, and also at Sutton’s in the lobby on Saturdays (Oct. 1, 8 and 15) and Friday, Sept. 30 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. The last day to purchase a ticket is Oct. 20.

and apple cider demonstrations. Most were also kidfriendly, allowing young participants to get a feel for just how life really was for Pioneer children. Randy and Annette Burhman of Englewood brought six of their 10 grandchildren to experience Prairie Days. “This is our third time here,” Annette said. Granddaughter Jade Filbrun, 9, of Arcanum said she enjoyed riding the horse-drawn wagon and making candles. She also got a chance to turn the apple press to make cider. The apple press was manned by volunteers Bob Hoffacker and Eric George. Hoffacker said it took about a bushel of apples to make one gallon of cider. The apple press being used was donated to the park district and refurbished, he said. “I enjoy talking to the kids about the mechanical advantage of using a lever,” said the former Dayton Public Schools science teacher. “I’m happy to volunteer when I can. I like working with the kids.” Frank Rouse of Indianapolis made the trek back to Greenville to demonstrate the making of corn brooms – a class he’s taught several times for the Darke County Park District. This year, the brooms were made from broom corn harvested from the park district’s sorghum plants, he said, explaining that it takes 50-60 regular size broom corn bundles to make a regular size broom. A craft he learned from his grandfather when he was 10 years old, Rouse said he plans on passing along the art to his grandson who turns 10 next year. “I started studying it when I was 10 from my Paw-Paw,” Rouse said. “I found out he learned it from

A favorite of Prairie Days were pioneer crafts. Children were invited to make hand dipped candles, tin can lanterns, hats and dolls during the weekend event hosted by Darke County Parks. (Susan Hartley photo)

his Paw-Paw when he was 10. Now it’s time to pass it on again.” Beverly Borger of Greenville said she’d taken Rouse’s class before and was now learning how to make some Christmas gifts using the broom corn. Over at the 1800’s schoolhouse, schoolmarm Lara Askill from Seven Mile, Ohio was busy teaching her young’ns about the early versions of the American flag as well as what children were forced to wear during winter months in Darke County’s pioneer time – wool longjohns, which were actually sewed up with the child inside – after their skin was rubbed with bear grease – all an effort to keep them warm during cold winter months. “Imagine how bad the Pioneers smelled,” Askill said. “They wore those longjohns four or five months.”

Organizers are pleased with the 2016 event. “It was a great weekend, an absolutely great weekend,” said park naturalist Hannah Wiest. Saturday’s overcast skies didn’t draw quite the attendance as park officials planned, but Sunday made up for it, Wiest said. “From the numbers we were getting from the crafts, attendance was up on Sunday.” Children who participated in the pioneer craft areas made at least 1,000 hand dipped candles and 700 tin can lanterns, Weist said. Adults in attendance seemed to enjoy the entertainment and the encampment, which featured 14 different camps, and Johnny Appleseed, who spent Saturday walking around greeting visitors to Shawnee Prairie.

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Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 5


Sexennial Revaluation set for 2017 tax year GREENVILLE – Darke County Auditor Carol Ginn announced the Sexennial Revaluation for tax year 2017 is in process. As part of the Sexennial Reappraisal process, Lexur Appraisal Services of Dayton, a state registered appraisal firm, will be doing data review of each property in the county to verify the property characteristics, etc. Their cars will have a sign attached that show they are part of the Darke County Appraisal Staff. The Ohio Constitution and the Ohio Revised Code govern Real Property assessment and equity in Ohio. The goal of the County Auditor is to ensure that property information is correct and that each property is assessed in a fair and uniform manner. Ohio law requires Revaluations every six years (sexennial) with

updates every three years (triennial updates). The last update occurred with the triennial update in 2014. Before the 2017 appraised values are finalized by the county, an announcement will be made to all taxpayers offering them the opportunity to attend informal reviews if they have questions about their new values. This announcement will take place approximately in July-August 2017. The office is available to answer any questions you may have regarding this process. They welcome your participation in this process by assisting them in reviewing the data. Please call 547-7316 or 547-7317 or visit their office in the Courthouse, 504 S. Broadway during business hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays.

Ohio leads decline in workplace injuries COLUMBUS – The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) Board of Directors learned through the Medical Services and Safety Committee’s report the declining rate of workplace injuries in Ohio is outpacing the nation. Dr. Abe Al-Tarawneh, superintendent of BWC’s Division of Safety and Hygiene, reported a 16.7 percent decrease in the rate of private sector injuries in the BWC system between calendar years 2010 and 2014. The Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses shows the rest of the nation experienced an 8.6 percent drop over the same time period. During that period, total injuries in Ohio’s BWC system dropped from 105,568 to 95,802, a decrease made more significant considering a 7.5 percent growth in employment during the same time period. “Ohio is becoming a leader in the workers’ comp industry with an impressive offering of workplace safety programs and services, and the state is now exceeding the national trend of declining injuries,” said BWC Administrator/CEO Sarah Morrison. “Ohio employers are recognizing the benefits of injury prevention and investing in a culture of

safety, including partnering with BWC to make their workplaces safer.” Dr. Al-Tarawneh’s report, which also shows an additional four percent drop in injuries in 2015 alone, also highlights the effectiveness of Ohio’s occupational health and safety programs and services in preventing injuries. The Division of Safety and Hygiene increased the number of employers utilizing one or more of its services by 70 percent between 2009 and 2015. “During the past few years, the Division of Safety and Hygiene has significantly improved and expanded its operations,” said Al-Tarawneh. “We have introduced a mix of pioneering programs and services, along with new partnerships with educational institutions on safety research that could impact workplaces across the country. I encourage Ohio employers to take advantage of these services that can help protect their workforce by preventing injuries.” Employers can visit bwc. ohio.gov to learn about BWC programs and services that can assist in lowering workers’ comp costs by making workplace safety improvements.

New Madison Fire receives federal funds NEW MADISON – U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) recently announced the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded $24,886 to New Madison Community Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. in Darke County for Operations and Safety through the Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) program. “Firefighters and first responders keep our communities safe in times of crisis,” said Brown. “With so many communities facing budget shortfalls, these

funds will ensure that New Madison’s firefighters have the resources they need to protect families and homes from fire hazards.” The AFG program helps firefighters and other first responders protect the public and themselves. Projects funded though the Operations and Safety category include training, facility upgrades and modifications, and supplies such as protective equipment. Interested fire departments can contact Brown’s grant coordinator to receive information about federal grant opportunities.

LWV will host annual Candidate’s Night GREENVILLE – The League of Women Voters of Darke County is again sponsoring a Candidates Forum on Oct. 10, 7–8:30 p.m. Located at the American Legion Hall, Ohio St., in Greenville, the non-partisan forum will focus on the contested races for Darke County Commissioner and Darke County Prosecuting Attorney. Candidates for Darke County Commissioner, term commencing 1/2/17 (vote for one) – Matthew Aultman (R) or Leon Rogers (D) Candidates for Darke County Prosecuting Attorney (vote for one) – R. Kelly

GREENVILLE – Darke County will recognize National Manufacturing Day on Oct. 7 when all Darke County Sophomores will tour one of the local facilities. Participating manufacturers are Whirlpool, Midmark, GTI, FRAM, Jafe Decorating, Ramco Electric Motors, and Fort Recovery Industries. Manufacturing Day addresses common misperceptions about manufacturing by giving manufacturers an opportunity to open their doors and show what Manufacturing 2016 is and what it isn’t. Manufacturers will address the skilled labor shortage they face, the opportunities available, and connect with members of the future workforce Economic stability and growth in Darke County and higher living standards are largely dependent on the success of the region’s manufacturing base. While many recognize the availability of living wage jobs as

GREENVILLE – Assistant Majority Leader of the Ohio House of Representatives Jim Buchy (R-Greenville) announced three captains to serve on the leadership team of Western Ohio Values Voters for TrumpPence. The I-75 counties have been split into three sections: Northern Region, encompassing Lucas to Hancock Counties; Central Region, encompassing Al-


Managing Editor: Ryan Berry rberry@earlybirdpaper.com Marketing Director: Annette Sanders asanders@earlybirdpaper.com Production Manager: Shannie Denney sdenney@earlybirdpaper.com Webmaster: Clinton Randall crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

from the League House Tour. Further information about Candidates Night may be obtained by calling

Holly Finnarn, 417-4483, or Eileen Litchfield, 623-1234, Voter Service Co-Chairs. Please remember to vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8.

one cause of this economic dependence, the other factor to acknowledge is that every $1 in final sales of manufactured goods supports $1.37 in other services and production such as transportation, finance, construction, and retail. Every one job in manufacturing creates an additional 2.5 jobs in other sectors. No other sector does more to generate broad-scale economic growth. One of the biggest threats to the stability and growth of manufacturing in Darke County is the availability of a sufficient workforce to meet the current and future demands. The shortage of skilled workers is a current reality and is expected to increase due to retirements, a negative image of the manufacturing industry among younger generations, lack of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) skills among workers, and a gradual decline of technical education programs in

public high schools. Besides learning that current manufacturers are not antiquated factories housing only low paid, low skilled workers, there are other goals for the event such as learning…. * There are a multitude of diverse careers available through manufacturing requiring different levels of technical and formal education. * A career in manufacturing can be both lucrative and very satisfying. An average manufacturing worker in the U.S. earned $77,506 in 2013 – 20 percent higher than what an average worker earned in other industries. * Most manufacturers in the area will pay for college or technical training for their workforce if it corresponds to a position within the company. * There are other options after high school rather than just college or straight to work. There are technical schools and opportunities

to work and attend further education simultaneously. * The soft skills of dependability, creativity, ability to listen and take directions, get along with others, and work hard that are so often taken for granted in this rural county are exactly the skills sought after by the employers in all areas of this country. This is the third year that Darke County sophomores have been invited to tour local manufacturers on the first Friday of October. This event is part of a comprehensive effort to encourage and grow a skilled workforce to meet the current and future workforce demands of the region. Darke County is very fortunate to have collaborative programs between the largest employers and the school districts to encourage students to be lifelong learners and eventually return to Darke County to work and raise their families.

WOVV captains will work I-75 corridor

5312 Sebring-Warner Rd, Greenville, OH 45331

President & Publisher: Keith L. Foutz klfoutz@earlybirdpaper.com

The League of Women Voters of Darke County’s Candidates’ Night will feature the contested races for Darke County Commissioner and Darke County Prosecuting Attorney. Shown are Commissioner candidates Matthew Aultman (R) and Leon Rogers (D) along with the Prosecuting Attorney candidates R. Kelly Ormsby III (R) and David A. Rohrer (non party).

Manufacturing Day recognized in county

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Ormsby III (R) and David A. Rohrer (non party). The contested Commissioner candidates will give two minute introductory speeches and will answer questions. The public is encouraged to attend and submit written questions. Questions are screened by a panel of League members; equally represented by the Democratic and Republican parties. The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan organization with the major purpose being to inform voters about the candidates and issues. Funding for voter service activities comes

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DEADLINES: Classified line advertising.....................Noon on Thursday All other advertising and inserts .........Thursday by 5 p.m. Editorial content .....................................Noon on Thursday Letters to the editor and other reader contributions of general interest are encouraged. Letters should be no more than 300 words and must contain the name, address and phone number of the writer. The Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising or editorial material. The Publisher does assume responsibility for typographical errors but only will be responsible for the cost of that portion appearing in error. We will not be responsible for errors in advertising after their first insertion. The Early Bird is distributed weekly in Darke and surrounding Counties and audited by CVC & is locally owned and operated by Brothers Publishing Company.

len to Montgomery; and Southern Region, encompassing Warren, Butler and Hamilton Counties. State Representative Rob McColley (R-Napolean) will serve as captain for the Northern Region, State Senator Keith Faber (R-Celina) will lead the Central Region and State Representative Ron Maag (R-Lebanon) was tapped to serve as captain for the Southern Region. Each of these elected officials bring a dedication to values voters, political fore-

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sight, campaign experience and a knowledge of their respective geographical regions to the team. “We are fortunate to have such strong leaders along the I-75 corridor,” Buchy said. “I have worked with each of these captains in both a professional and personal setting, and I couldn’t ask for better insight or support. This corridor is a critical region for Ohio, and accounts for almost 25 percent of voter turnout in the state. We must work to ensure that

the voters are equipped with the knowledge to make a sound, educated vote come November.” Buchy established the Western Ohio Values Voters for Trump-Pence this fall to target the counties that I-75 runs through. This region of the state totals 12 percent of Ohio’s 88 counties and is an important sector that both presidential campaigns are focused on. The group encourages anyone wishing to join to visit tinyurl.com/westernohiovaluesvoters. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK


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Lady Trojans down stubborn Ansonia Lady Tigers GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

ARCANUM – Two of the area’s best varsity volleyball teams faced off Thursday night for a Cross County Conference (CCC) matchup with the Arcanum Lady Trojans coming away with a 3-0 win over the Ansonia Lady Tigers. “They are a very good team,” Arcanum coach Macey O’Dell said of Ansonia. “We came out fighting hard tonight. My girls knew they had to. We came out so strong tonight…we played awesome. I’m so proud of my girls.” “We played hard,” said Ansonia coach Craig Riethman. “That last set was the most competitive volleyball I’ve seen all year on both sides of the floor. Arcanum moves very well. They never stop moving their feet and it makes it

very difficult to score on them.” Arcanum jumped out to an early 5-0 lead in the first set, one of four scoring runs in game one. Leading 10-5, the Lady Trojans used seven unanswered points to move out to a 17-5 advantage bringing a timeout from the Ansonia bench. The Lady Tigers would score the first point out of the timeout only to have the Arcanum girls string together six consecutive scores stretching their lead to 23-6 before winning set one by a 25-10 score. Game No. 2 had Ansonia taking an early 4-0 lead and pushing their lead to 9-2 bringing an Arcanum timeout. Ansonia would continue to battle and stretch its advantage to nine points at 14-5. “I was a little worried,” said O’Dell. “We got down quite a few points and I

called that timeout. They knew I meant business. We were going to come back and we were going to win that game. We made a pact that we were going in three games and that is what we did.” Trailing 17-12, the Lady Trojans strung together six points to take their first lead at 18-17 with Ansonia calling a timeout. The Lady Tigers score three consecutive points out of the timeout to lead 20-18 before Arcanum would answer with six unanswered points for a 24-20 advantage and win game two by a 25-21 score. “I’m so proud of my girls for coming back that second game,” O’Dell said. Game three had eight ties, three coming early in the set and the remaining five ties coming late in the game. The early ties came at 4-4, 5-5 and 7-7 before the

Lady Hawks battle Minster BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

UNION CITY – The Mississinawa Valley Lady Blackhawks played well in a 3-0 loss to a veteran Minster Wildcats volleyball team. “There is nothing to hang our heads about,” said MV Coach Billie Hunt. “I am thrilled with our play. We covered tonight better than what we have covered the last few games.” “We’re moving around the court better,” added Hunt. “Our play tonight looked real good. You can’t be ashamed of that against Minster. Minster took St. Henry to five. St. Henry beat Miami East and we just played them really strong. I was very pleased with our play tonight.” The opening set of the night had the score tied early at 1-1 and 2-2 before the Lady Wildcats pulled away taking set one by a 25-12 score. Game two repeated the

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Lady Trojans moved out to a 15-8 advantage. Ansonia battled back, tying the game at 18-18 sending the third and deciding set to the wire. The game would see the Lady Tigers draw even at 23-23 and get their first lead at 2423 only to have Arcanum make it a 24-24 score.

Amanda Armstrong sets a serve for the Lady Hawks against Minster (Gaylen Blosser photo)

1-1 and 2-2 ties of game one before the visitors stretched their lead to eight points at 18-10 only to have the Lady Hawks battle back to knot the score at 22-22. MV took a 24-22 lead bringing a timeout from the Minster bench. The Lady Wildcats ran off three straight points to lead 25-24 with Mississinawa scoring two consecutive points to lead 26-25. Minster would score three unanswered points, the last coming by way of an ace to win game two by a 28-26 score. “I would have loved to have gotten one win on them tonight,” said Hunt. “I know it would have been a big confidence booster for the girls, but 28-26, that is still nothing to be ashamed of.” A game three 2-2 tie would be as close as the Lady Hawks would get in the final set of the night as the Lady Wildcats would go on the win 25-14 and take the non-conference

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win by a 3-0 score. “Amanda Armstrong hit well tonight, Kelsie Hunt hit well tonight…has been hitting well the past few games,” Coach Hunt said. “Our serves have been looking good here lately,” “They helped each other out,” noted Hunt. “If somebody wasn’t there, somebody was there covering for them. That is something we haven’t been doing as well, so I was just thrilled that we have some people backing each other up, out there covering for each other tonight and they did that well.” Team highs for the Lady Hawks included Spencer Warren with 2 aces, Shaiann Livingston 9 assists, Kelsie Hunt with 7 kills, Sidnie Hunt 6 kills and 10 digs, MaKenna Price totaled 19 digs and Amanda Armstrong accounted for 4 blocks. “If we keep this up we have a lot to look forward to in the next couple weeks as we wrap up the season,” concluded Hunt.

Ansonia would put the Lady Trojans’ backs against the wall taking a 25-24 lead, but it was Arcanum scoring the final three points of the night to get the game’s eighth tie at 25-25 setting the stage for a Lady Trojans 27-25 game three win and secure a 3-0 CCC victory.

LIBERTY CENTER – The Greenville Cross Country team traveled to Liberty Center to compete in the Widewater Invitational Many of the Green Wave runners had personal best times in the Saturday event. “Three-fourths of our team had personal lifetime best times or season best times,” said Greenville Cross Country Coach Stephanie Lind. “This is probably our toughest course.” The Lady Wave finished

of 12 teams while the Green Wave boys placed seventh out of a total of 12 teams. Three Lady Wave runners did not make the trip to Liberty Center due to illness Grace Coakley finished first with a time of 21:36.4 for the Greenville girls and 29th overall out of 123 Lady Wave cross country runners compete at entrants. Widewater Invitational (submitted photo) Calab Browder had a time of 17:57.2 good 33rd overall out of a field for a first place finish for of 191 runners. the Greenville boys and

Div. III golfers qualify for district play GREENVILLE – The boys Division III Sectional Golf Tournament was played Sept. 27 at Turtle Creek Golf Course. Three Cross County Conference teams qualified to move onto district play as well as several individual golfers. The top four teams to qualify were Catholic Central 347 (Kyle Foley 84, Jacob Woeber 84, Colin Kelly 87, Jack Brougher 97 and Colin Hanna 92); Newton Local, 363 (Chet Jamison 81, Milan Bess 93, Drew Thiesing 99, Grant Bayer 90, Garrett Peters 110); 3. National Trail 384 (Logan Petitt 85, Isaac Plankenhorn 90, Bryten Jones 97, Dawson Ward 112, Chris Brubaker 114); and 4. TriCounty North 387 (Zach Tincher 91, Brett Booso 101, Ethan Kelley 91, Alec Wayman 104, Bailey Lairson 108). Arcanum (388) finished fifth, Tri-Village (412) finished seventh and Ansonia and Bradford were 12th and 13th.

The top four individuals not on a qualifying team also qualified. They are Tyler Weinert (81) of Bethel; Andrew Slusher (85), Covington; Nick Kittles (88), Emmanuel Christian; and Steven Vanatta (90), Arcanum. A sectional tournament was also held at Beechwood Golf Course, Arcanum. The top four teams to qualify were 1. Mechanicsburg 341 (Caleb Westfall 79, Keane Dunn 88, Corey Bogan 87, Jack Shoemaker 87, David McMahill (104); 2. Ft. Loramie 347 (Brad Gottemoeller 81, Shea Swick 96, Zach Pleiman 90, Craig Eilerman 89 and Mitchell Puthoff 87); 3. Fairlawn 374 (Mason Jones 85, Jacob Caldwell 88, Nathan Lessing 89, Kody Curtner 85, Ben Brautigam 98; 4. Lehman Catholic 359 (Tyle Lachey 78, Ryan Schmidt 87, Cole Gilardi 85, Parker Riley 114, Seth Dooley 109). Franklin Monroe finished in sixth. The top four individuals

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“It was definitely a team win tonight,” O’Dell stated. “They all came, they all played, they knew we had to fight hard tonight, nothing hit the floor, we pounded at the net.” Ansonia’s record stands at an impressive 12-3 while Arcanum improves to 13-4 on the season.

Wave Cross Country competes at Widewaterninth Invitational out of a field BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com


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See more photos from the match at bluebagmedia.com/photos (Gaylen Blosser photo)


to qualify not on a qualifying team were Philip Miller 74, Dayton Christian; Josh Miller 81, Botkins; Nathan Osborn, 81, Twin Valley South; and Ben Kiser, 85, Dayton Christian. The Division III sectional qualifiers travel to Beavercreek on Oct. 6 for the district match. Full results can be found on www.bluebagmedia. com.

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Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 7

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UC girls basketball invited to play at historic Hoosier Gym BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

UNION CITY, Ind. – The Union City girls varsity basketball team is scheduled to play a special regular season game at the historic Hoosier Gym on Saturday, Dec. 17 against Campbell County High School from Jacksboro, Tenn. In 1985, the Knightstown, Ind. gym became the home of the Hickory Huskers in the movie Hoosiers. This will be the first time Union City has been invited to play at the historic Indiana venue. “We are very excited for our girls’ basketball team to be given this opportunity to play at the Hoosier Gym,” stated UC Athletic Director Mike Thornburg. “What a great honor it is for the girls to be able to play at such a historical site for Indiana basketball!” “Several community members participated in the filming of the movie Hoosiers in 1985. During that time, Union City School provided buses that transported students and adults to Knightstown. These folks were fortunate enough to be included in the film as fans at the Hoosier Gym during the filming of the game sequences,” Thornburg explained. “Many community members are thrilled to once again be back in the historic Hoosier Gym as fans watching our own Union City girls basketball team

(Submitted photo)

play. Our team and Coach Sarah Black have worked very hard the last few years and being asked to play in the Husker Classic in this special gym demonstrates that the rest of the state is beginning to recognize how that hard work is paying off. This should be a magical and memorable time when team members look back thirty years from now!” “This is the first time that we have been invited to play at the Hoosier Gym – it’s going to be a great experience for the girls to get that historical side of Indiana basketball history,” added Coach Black. “To be able to tell the story of Hoosiers and then be able to say that they were invited to play there and experience the atmosphere is not something every team gets the opportunity to do!” Coming off a Class A Regional runner-up season, the Union City Lady Indians return four of

their starting five with the primary goal of winning Regional and making it to state this season. “Our overall goal for the season is to finish better than we did last year. We have high aspirations for this team and the girls know the expectations that are out there and we hope to be playing deep into February when the tournament comes around,” Black concluded. “We had a busy summer and we’ve been having individual workouts in doing some preseason stuff to get ready and the girls have been very dedicated and have worked very hard to improve upon last year in hopes that this year the season will last even longer!” Tickets are limited for this game and will become available in October at the Union City Jr/Sr High School. For more information, visit the UC Athletic website at sports.resc.k12. in.us.

Darke County runners finish well at Tour de Sewer BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

VERSAILLES – Darke County runners finished well at the Tour de Sewer cross country meet Saturday morning in Versailles. Bradford’s Karmen Knepp took first place in the high school girls race with a time of 19:15.8 outdistancing the second place finisher Kelly Wilder of St. Marys Memorial with a time of 19:47.5 The Versailles high

Bradford’s Karmen Knepp finishes ahead of the high school runner to with the Tour de Sewer (Gaylen Blosser photo)

school varsity girls took first place followed by St.

Marys, Ft. Recovery, Marion Local, Houston, Arcanum and Ansonia. Versailles’ Joe Spitzer won the high school boys event with a winning time of 16:09.9 well ahead of second place finisher Tristin Freistuhler of Houston with a time of 17:11.1. Houston took first place in the high school boys race followed by Versailles, Botkins, Marion Local, St. Marys, Ft. Recovery, Arcanum, Twin Valley South, Bradford and Ansonia.

Wave entertain state ranked Tipp BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The No. 3 team in the Miami Valley and the state’s No. 14 ranked boy soccer team paid a visit to Harmon Field and got all they wanted from an improved Green Wave boys soccer team; getting out of town with a 4-0 GWOC North win. “I thought we played really well,” said Greenville Coach Mark Coppess. “If we could have converted a few of those throw-ins it would have been a different game.” The Greenville boys gave up first half goals to the Tippecanoe Red Devils at 33:19 and 20:28 sending the teams to the break with the visitors holding a 2-0 advantage. Tippecanoe would take a 3-0 lead with 12:26 on the third quarter clock. From the second goal to the third Red Devil’s goal of the night, the Wave boys kept the state ranked Tipp

Folger Pyles connects on a chest ball in match against Tippecanoe (Gaylen Blosser photo)

City boys off the board for an impressive 47 minutes and 6 seconds. “We played our game from start to finish,” Coppess noted. “Same pace, same pressure. It was a very well-played game.” The Red Devils would score a late goal with 00:27 remaining in the match keeping Tippecanoe’s unblemished 2016 season record intact at 12-0. “Tipp moved the ball very well…very fast pace,” Coppess stated. “Kept our

balance, our defense kept their balance, supported each other very well tonight.” Of Tippecanoe’s 12 wins on the season, nine matches have been shutouts, two teams scored a single goal and one team scored two goals. On the season, Tipp has outscore its opponents 60-4. “That’s a real good team,” Coppess said. “Number three in the Miami Valley and 14th in the state.”

Lady Hawks sweep Union City in rivalry volleyball match BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

UNION CITY, Ohio – The Mississinawa Valley volleyball team swept the visiting Lady Indians in three sets Wednesday evening to win the cross town rivalry match between the two Union City based schools. “We came out strong tonight and had some great blocking at the net…some of the best blocking I have seen this season,” said MV head coach Billie Hunt. “I was worried there in the third set, but we slowly worked our way back and got the win.” Up 2-0, the Lady Hawks found themselves playing comeback – down 9-1 to start off the third set. Taking advantage of several Union City mistakes and solid teamwork, MV made a comeback to take the last set 25-19 and the match. “I thought our passing was tremendous tonight…Spencer (Warren) did a great job passing,” added Coach Hunt. “Our serves were good and Sidnie (Hunt) serving there at

See more photos from both JV and varsity matches exclusively at bluebagmedia.com/photos. (Clinton Randall photo)

the end really helped closeout the win. After we were down, we just kind of whittled our way back into it and won it in three, which is real good against a good team like Union City.” The Mississinawa Valley junior varsity also swept the Lady Indians, winning 25-

15 and 25-12. Mississinawa Valley will travel to Greenville Monday evening to square off in a non-conference match with the Lady Wave. Union City hosts county and conference rival Winchester Thursday in their annual Volley for a Cure match.

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T-V Homecoming and School Fair candidates NEW MADISON – The Tri-Village Homecoming and School Fair are pleased to announce the courts for both events. The Tri-Village School Fair candidates are freshmen Javier Ramirez and Alisha Rismiller, sophomores Josh Sims and Peyton Bietry and juniors Jared Buckley and Taylor Bowles. The crowning ceremony will take place on Oct. 7 before the football game. Candidates will be honored in a parade on Oct. 8th at 11 a.m. Following the parade

there will be activities at the school which include a meal, crop and produce judging, a bake off, a car show, pinewood derby, games on the front lawn and vendor booths in the commons. The 2016 Homecoming court includes queen candidates Shelby Holzapfel, Kaylor Pearson, Payge Malott, Rachel Miller, Destiny Hemmelgarn and Chloe Clark; king candidates Gavin Richards, Jonny Wilson, Jorden Midlam, Trace Couch, Josh Wiford and Grant Flory. In celebration of Home-

coming, the high school classes will be competing in activities throughout the week of Oct. 3. Activities include hall decorating competition, clash of the classes, powder puff, dress up days as well as a parade and bonfire on Thursday to get ready for the crowning on Friday. The parade on

Oct. 6, 7 p.m. will highlight their Homecoming candidates and Tri-Village Varsity football team. The crowning ceremony will take place on Oct. 7 before the football game where Tri-Village will face off against Dohn Community. The Homecoming dance will be on Oct. 8 from 8-11 p.m. at the school.

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ARCANUM – The Village of Arcanum will offer residents an opportunity dispose of large household items, which will be picked up by Rumpke, Inc. on Oct. 12 (the regular trash collection day). Residents should place these items at the curbside for pickup, along with their normal residential waste. There is a limit of five large items per residential customer. The following items will not be accepted for removal – tires, lead, acid batteries, concrete, large screen televisions (unmanageable

by one person), oil tanks, liquids and/or hazardous waste, appliances containing CFC’s (Freon). Loose materials must be bundled and tied. Each bundle should not exceed four-feet in length and two-feet in diameter or 75-pounds. Propane tanks must be empty and valve removed for collection. Appliances must have a copy of the Refrigerant Recovery Statement. Residents should set out items for collection on Tuesday evening. For more information, call the village office at 692-8500.

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Homecoming royalty candidates include (front row) queen - Shelby Holzapfel, Kaylor Pearson, Payge Malott, Rachel Miller, Destiny Hemmelgarn, and Chloe Clark; (back row) king - Gavin Richards, Jonny Wilson, Jorden Midlam, Trace Couch, Josh Wiford, and Grant Flory.

BRADFORD – The Bradford Pumpkin Show will again have an Extravaganza Parade on Oct. 8, 4 p.m. Fire trucks from area villages, antique cars, floats, drill teams will highlight the parade. Anyone wishing to participate should contact Debbie Richard at 448-2845 or email her at drichard2@

woh.rr.com. There is no fee to participate in the parade. The Pumpkin Show will also be having a family float contest. Families are asked to decorate a float and use pumpkins in the display. The grand marshals for this year’s parade will be anyone born in 1936 or before. Let Debbie know if you are interested.

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School Fair candidates include (front row) freshmen Javier Ramirez and Alisha Rismiller; (middle row) sophomores Josh Sims and Peyton Bietry; and (back row) juniors Jared Buckley and Taylor Bowles.

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Chef Boyardee 15-16 oz. can reg. $1.69 PASTA .99ea ................................................ 10 oz. reg. $1.99 ROTEL TOMATOES .99ea ................................................

Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 9

Open House for Ayette PALESTINE – The children of Margaret Ann Ayette will be hosting an open house to celebrate her 85th birthday on Sunday, Oct. 9 at the Palestine Church of Christ, 209 Lynn St., from 2-4 p.m. Margaret’s children are: daughter, Michelle Marker, and sons, Tony, Gary, Randy, Phil and Mike Ayette. She has 14 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren. Please come and celebrate with Margaret; however, if you are unable to attend, best wishes can be sent to her at PO Box 116, Palestine, Ohio 45352. She requests that gifts please be omitted.


Hatfield Family

Hatfield Family will sing in Woodington WOODINGTON – The Woodington Christian Church will be having its Fall Rally Day on Oct. 9, 9:30 a.m. The entire service will be singing from the Travis and Sarah Hatfield Family, with all of the children taking part. They live near Arcanum with their five children and have been in the singing ministry together for 12 years. They feel it is important to give their children an early start in music and include them in their singing. The children love to sing and are excited to share about Jesus through their songs. A carry-in dinner will follow in the church basement. Pastor Jim Fulton and

congregation invites all to come and enjoy the music and fellowship. This will be enjoyable for both young and old. The church is located at 8978 State Route 49 N., approximately five miles north of Greenville.

Robert Boyd, Sr.

Boyd turns 90

Tom and Pam Singer – 1976

Tom and Pam Singer - present

Singer’s 40th anniversary

Trunk or Treat at Highland

GREENVILLE – The children of Tom and Pam Singer invite friends and family to an open house in honor of the couple’s 40th wedding anniversary. Please celebrate with them on Sunday, Oct. 16 from 2-5 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at EUM Church, 111 Devor St, Greenville. Refreshments will be served.

WEST MILTON – Highland Brethren in Christ Church, 7210 Jay Road, West Milton, will hold its Trunk or Treat Harvest Party on Oct. 26, 6-8 p.m. They will have a free supper, games for kids, jumpy house, photo booth, face painting and lots of candy. This will be a fun and safe trick-or-treat experience.

Jonah Schmitmeyer

VERSAILLES – Matthew and Elizabeth Schmitmeyer of Versailles are pleased to announce the birth of a son, Jonah Steven Schmitmeyer. He was born at 4:06 p.m. on Aug. 27, 2016 at Wayne HealthCare. He weighed 8lbs 6oz. and was 22inches long. Jonah was welcomed home by proud big brother Blake 9, and sisters Lucy 7, Sylvia 4, and Anne 3. Grandparents are Linda and the late Joe Schmitmeyer of Versailles, Steve and Dorothy Knapke of Ft. Recovery, and Great Grandmother Alma Schmitmeyer of Cranberry Prairie.

PIQUA – Betty Ruth and Emerson Shear are celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary on Oct. 5. Betty Ruth graduated from Greenville High School and Em was from Lewisburg. They lived in Greenville after they married until 1952 when they moved to Piqua. They have two children, Barb and Stu, who currently live in Piqua, also. Even though Betty and Em put down roots in Piqua and have had a good life there, Greenville is still a very special place for them. They have had

Emerson and Betty Shear

many wonderful friends in Greenville and so many special memories from there. Anyone who would like to send a card of congratulations may send it to them at 1513 Broadway, Piqua, Ohio 45356.

Trinity Ice Cream Social UNION CITY – Trinity Lutheran Church in Union City will have its annual Ice Cream Social as a Fall Event on Oct. 10, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. This event is open to the public. It is guaranteed that you enjoy a good meal, ice cream, desserts and plenty

of social time with family, friends and neighbors. Trinity is located at 1470 St. Rt. 28. Since it is harvest season, carry out will be available to deliver supper to the fields if needed. Everyone is welcome at Trinity Lutheran Church.

Grace Bergman

Name: Grace Suzanne Bergman Age: 9 Years Birthday: Oct. 4 Parents: Brad & Heather Bergman, West Manchester Grandparents: Alice & John Otte, St. Henry, Jerry & Deb Bergman, Rossburg, Daniel & Heidi Linebaugh, Union City, Ohio, Henry Post, Greenville Great Grandparents: Ruby Bartos, Eldorado, Lester & Nancy Linebaugh, Union City, Ohio


GREENVILLE – An Open House will be held for Robert (Bob) Boyd, Sr. in celebration of his 90th birthday. The event will take place in the Brick Room at the Brethren Retirement Community, 750 Chestnut St., Greenville, on Oct. 23, 2-5 p.m. If unable to attend, send a card to Robert Boyd, Sr., c/o Debbie Warner, 8086 Painter Creek-Arcanum Road, Arcanum, Ohio 45304. Please omit gifts and call to RSVP and for directions, Debbie at 548-0196 or Gloria at 997-3640. You can leave a message.


CHURCH & SOCIAL Shears celebrate 70th anniversary

The Lifestyle Enhancement Center's Better Breathers Group offers the opportunity to learn ways to better cope and live with Chronic Lung Disease, while getting the support of others who share in your struggles. This support group gives you the tools you need to live the best quality of life you can. The Better Breathers Group features educational presentations on a wide range of relevant topics, including:

• Living With Chronic Lung Disease • Breathing Retraining • Exercise • Energy Conservation • Emotional and Social Well Being Emery Linebaugh

Name: Emery Renee Linebaugh Birthday: Oct. 1 Age: 2 Years Parents: John & Lori (Badenhop) Linebaugh Union City, Ohio Maternal Grandparents: Dean & Sharon Badenhop, Napoleon Paternal Grandparents: Lester & Nancy Linebaugh, Union City Maternal Great Grandparents: Don & Delores Badenhop, Napoleon

• • • • • • •

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PAGE 10 Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

OBITUARIES FLORA – Doris Ann Flora, 67, of Bradford, died Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016 at her son’s home in Covington. She was born Sept. 6, 1949 in Smithville, MO to Marion Douglass & Ellen (Burns) Douglass; and was a member of the Old Order German Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her father and a grandson, Jackson Flora. Doris Ann is survived by her loving husband of almost 44 years, Darrell Flora; mother, Darrell Flora; five sons, Gabriel (Sarah) Flora of Bradford, Jonathan (Sarah) Flora of Covington, Jeremy (Joni) Flora of Covington, Dean (Tricia) Flora of Bradford, Kristofer Flora of Bradford; daughter, Anndrea (Kody) Peters of Covington; 21 grandchildren; two brothers, Robert (Janet) Douglass of Bradford, James (Jennifer) Douglass of Sierra Vista, AZ; five sisters, Mary Lee (Donald) Weakley of Wichita, KS, Elaine (Dave) Hitzelberger of Kansas City, MO, Sara Angela (Charles) Diehl of Bradford, Edie Douglass of Sierra Vista, AZ, Regina

(Duane) Garber of Bradford; and numerous other relatives & friends. A Funeral Service was held Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2016 at 8512 W. St. Rt. 185, Bradford, Ohio 45308 with Brethren officiating. Interment is at Oakland Cemetery. Condolences may be left for the family at www.stockerfraley.com.

CHAFFINS – Jimmie Doral Chaffins, 76, of Greenville, passed away on Monday, Sept. 26, 2016 at 1:25 a.m. at State of the Heart Hospice Care Center. He was born August 23, 1940 in Garrett, Ky. the son of the late Ivon & Nellie (Hicks) Chaffins. He retired from Corning Glass after 20+ years. He is preceded in death by his parents; and nine brothers and sisters. He is survived by his children, Starr Spencer of Greenville, Rick Chaffins of Greenville, and Norleka Saunders of Indiana; six grandchildren; one great grandchild; and eight brothers and sisters. There will be no services. Arrangements are

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being handled by Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville, Ohio. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www.zecharbailey.com.

One Children’s Plaza, Dayton, Ohio 45404. Condolences may be expressed to the family at www.bairdfuneralhome.com.

Services will be held in the Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial will follow in the Greenville Cemetery.

ROSS – Thelma S. Ross, 98, of Greenville, died Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2016. A funeral service was held Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2016, at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in Palestine Cemetery, Palestine.

LIPPS – Patricia L. Lipps, 91, of New Madison, died Monday, Sept. 26, 2016. A celebration of Patricia’s life was held Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016, at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. A private burial in Greenmound Cemetery in New Madison will be at the convenience of the family.


CAIN – Braylon Matthew Cain, 13-months, of Troy, passed away on Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2016 at Dayton Children’s Medical Center. He was born on Aug. 21, 2015 in Dayton, to Matthew J. Cain and Melissa J. Partin. In addition to his parents, Braylon is survived by siblings, Addison Perkins, Mikayla Cain and Hunter Cain; paternal grandparents, Gary and Beth Cain of Greenville; maternal grandparents, Tim and Vickie Partin of Troy; and great grandparents: Fidebell Cain and Jack and Janice Oswalt, all of Greenville. He was preceded in death by one uncle, Jesse Partin; and paternal great grandfather, Dick Cain. Services will be at 1 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 3, 2016 at Baird Funeral Home, Troy with Rev. Jon Keller officiating. Burial will follow in Riverside Cemetery, Troy. Friends may call from 2–4 p.m. on Sunday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Dayton Children’s Medical Center,

– Carl E. Wetzel, 85, of ArcaVeteran num, died Thursday, Sept. 22, 2016. Funeral Services were held Monday, Sept. 26, 2016 at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in the Oak Grove Cemetery, Ft. Jefferson.


– Douglas A. Burch, 87, of BradVeteran ford, died Thursday, Sept. 22, 2016. A funeral service was held Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2016 at Bradford Church of the Brethren. Interment is at Harris Creek Cemetery, Bradford.

PARTIN – Bobby Joe “Bob” Partin, 43, of Greenville, died Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016. A Celebration of Life Service was held Friday, Sept. 30, 2016 at Oliver-Floyd Funeral Home, Greenville. HYER – Deloris Violet Hyer, 93, of Greenville, died Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016. A service was held Thursday, Sept. 29, 2016 at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in Abbottsville Cemetery, Darke County. KAGEY – Carol R. Kagey, 94, of Greenville, died Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2016. Private Memorial

KNICK – Miriam Ilene Knick, 86, of Greenville, died Monday, Sept. 26, 2016. Funeral Services were held Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016 in the St. Paul Lutheran Church, Greenville. Burial is in the Gettysburg Cemetery. DRIELING – Bruce Gene Drieling, 84, of Bradford, died Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2016. A funeral service was held 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016 at the Bradford Church of the Brethren. Interment is

at Harris Creek Cemetery, Bradford.

BRAGG – Mark Edward Bragg, 61, of Greenville, died Thursday, Sept. 29, 2016. A Celebration of Life Service was held Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016 at the Oliver Floyd Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in the Stelvideo Cemetery. (veteran) RITENOUR – Martha Ritenour Woodbury, 91, of Greenville, died Thursday, Sept. 29, 2016. A Celebration of Life Service will be held at 11 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 3, 2016 at Oliver-Floyd Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial will follow in Ansonia Cemetery. Family and friends my visit Monday from 10-11 a.m. at the funeral home. WARD – Marlene N. Ward, 89, of Versailles, died Friday, Sept. 23, 2016. There will be a private service held at the convenience of the family.

St. Mary’s Church will host Rosary Rally GREENVILLE – On Oct. 15 at noon, St. Mary Catholic community will join 15,000 America Needs Fatima public square Rosary Rallies being held across the Nation to honor our Lady of Fatima and pray for our country. St. Mary’s invites every citizen of Darke County, who is concerned about the destiny of our country, to participate in this rally and pray the Rosary with them. You do not need to be Catholic to pray the Rosary. The prayers are simple and easily learned. The country is in great need of prayer, to reverse the negative trends that have been escalating dur-

GHS Class of 1965 meets

GREENVILLE – The Greenville High School Class of 1965 will meet for its luncheon on Oct. 12, noon, at J.T. Brew and Grill, 1475 Wagner Ave. Mark your calendar and join them for a good time. RSVP to Pam at (937) 9025612.

ing the last eight years of the current administration. If you are concerned about retaining your constitutional rights and religious freedoms, they need to unite in prayer because many voices will reach the heavens as a thunderous chorus of praise and petitions. These petitions will touch the heart of Our Lady of Fatima and her Son, Jesus; and will call upon the Father’s mercy for the country.


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Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 11

JCs welcomes Freda and Fanny Fay

Sarah Amspaugh – Tyler Bey

Amspaugh, Bey to wed

ANSONIA – Douglas and Kimberly Amspaugh of Ansonia are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter, Sarah Elyse Amspaugh to Tyler Joseph Bey, son of Albert and Cynthia Bey of Versailles. The bride-to-be is a 2011 graduate of Ansonia High School and is currently working toward her Associates of Applied Business degree at Edison Community College, majoring in Business Management. Sarah is employed at Greenville National Bank as a Consumer Loan Clerk. The groom-to-be is a 2009 graduate of Versailles High School. Tyler received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Wright State University, where he majored in Middle School Education with concentrations in math and science. He is currently a high school math and science teacher at Brookville Local Schools. The wedding will be held at St. Denis Catholic Church in Versailles on Oct. 15, 2016 at 1:30 p.m.

Church plans quarter auction

GREENVILLE – Solid Rock Apostolic Church will be having a quarter auction on Oct. 23, 2 p.m. They are looking for vendors/direct sales people. If you are interested, call Gina at 467-6355 or email gina.miller77@gmail.com for more information.

Ansonia UM breakfast and bazaar

ANSONIA – The Ansonia United Methodist Men will be having its annual Pancake and Whole Hog Sausage Day on Oct. 8, 7 a.m. to noon, in the Gathering Place at the church, located on the corner of W. High and Pearl Streets, Ansonia. Come and enjoy all the pancakes you can eat. The cost is $6.50 for adults, $3.50 for children 6-12 and free for kids under 6. Carryout is available. The women of the church will be having a bazaar on the same day and time. There will be different craft items and baked goods available. New this year will be a Christmas shop.

GREENVILLE – Come out and enjoy the antics of the impish Fanny Fay trying to get Freda Fay’s talent to Nashville on Oct. 7 at JCs Coffee House. JCs will be having a fun auction with the majority of proceeds going to LCC’s Ministry “Circle of Friends.” The comedy routine of Freda Fay and Fanny Fay will be working the auction and entertaining them with comedy and songs. There will be no cover charge and doors open at 7 p.m. All are welcome to come and bid at the auction or just enjoy the entertainment, relax, and have a cup of coffee. They will be auctioning hand quilted items, chicken/roosters, and other

School Fair Breakfast

NEW MADISON – The New Madison United Methodist Church will be sponsoring the Tri Village School Fair breakfast on Oct. 8, 7-10 a.m. Breakfast includes all you can eat pancakes and sausage. The church is located at 149 N Main St., New Madison. Donations will be accepted.

Nursing event set

GREENVILLE – The Darke County Nursing Education Council, in conjunction with State of the Heart Care, is sponsoring a contact hour event for Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses on Oct. 20 with registration at 5 p.m., a light meal and program at 5:30 p.m. Speaking on Atrial Fibrillation Management… Are We There Yet? will be local cardiologist Dr. Henry Chong, MD, FACC. Dr. Chong is a board-certified cardiologist at Bethel Cardiology in Greenville. He is an assistant clinical professor of medicine at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine and is a Medical Director of Cardiac Rehab at both Wayne HealthCare in Greenville and Reid Health in Richmond, Ind. He is Medical Director of Nuclear Cardiology at Wayne HealthCare. Dr. Chong will explain the epidemiology and prevalence of A-fib, describe stroke risk assessment, list strategies for anticoagulation, explain bleeding risk assessment, differentiate rhythm control vs. rate control and describe tachycardia mediated cardiomyopathy. This event will be held at Bethel Cardiology of Greenville, 1101 Jackson St., Greenville, and will provide 1.5 contact hours in nursing for participants. The event has been approved by the Ohio Board of Nursing through the OBN Approver Unit at Upper Valley Medical Center. The fee is $15. Registration information can be obtained from Kathy O’Dell, 548-0013. Registrations must be received by Oct. 13.

Welcomes Heather Bey GET $5 OFF

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great items. The Snack Bar will be open. They are located in the U-Turn Building at the Lighthouse Christian Center Complex on SebringWarner Road, southeast of Greenville off of U.S. Route 127. For more information, call Janice at 417-5926.

Safety Class at EUM Church

GREENVILLE – EUM Church is hosting an outreach program called Beware / Be Aware on Oct. 9 from 2–4 p.m. This event is free and open to the public and will be held at 111 Devor St., Greenville. Debb Summers and Brenda Glunt will be speaking about personal safety and self awareness. Debb has taught Refuse to be a Victim classes and is an NRA basic pistol instructor. Brenda is a black belt, and along with Dena Geesaman, teaches self defense courses. Light refreshments will be provided. There will be door prizes and all attendees will receive a free pepper spray. For more information, go to www.eumchurch.org or call 548-3211.


NEW WESTON – Otto and Laura Schwieterman, New Weston, announce the birth of a son, Owen Charles Schwieterman. Owen was born at 10:57 a.m. on Sept. 14, 2016 at Miami Valley Hospital. He weighed 5 pounds and 7 ounces and was 19 inches long. Owen was welcomed home by his brother Henry and the late Hayden. Grandparents are Jim and Lucy Schwieterman, Coldwater and Ted and Diane Pohlman, Yorkshire. Great-grandparents are Leon and Donna Homan, Coldwater, Ben and Hilda Schwieterman, Fort Recovery, Clete Dirksen, North Star, Rose Dirksen, Greenville, and the late Louis and Ellenor Pohlman

CBC announces October blood drives DAYTON – Area sponsors will host Community Blood Center blood drives throughout October. The “Buckeye Strong Blood Donor” ceramic coffee tumbler is a warm gift to everyone who registers to donate. Donors are encouraged to schedule an appointment online at www.DonorTime.com or call 1-800-388-GIVE. CBC is celebrating the fall season and college football with the “Buckeye Strong Blood Donor” ceramic tumbler with removable silicone grip. It’s free to anyone who registers to donate Oct. 10 through Dec. 3 at any CBC Donor Center and most CBC mobile blood drives. Community Blood Center is taking necessary steps to comply with new recommendations issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to protect the blood supply against the Zika virus. The following local blood drives are open to the community. Appointments are recommended. Oct. 10, Bradford High School, 750 Railroad Ave.,

3–6:30 p.m., sponsored by Bradford HS Student Council Oct. 10, Covington Eagles Hall, 715 East Broadway, 3–7 p.m. Oct. 11, Greenville Church of the Brethren, 421 Central Ave., 12:30–6:30 p.m., sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Greenville Memorial Post 7262 Oct. 15, Tri-Village Rescue, 320 North Main, New Madison, 8–11:30 a.m.,

sponsored by Tri-Village Rescue Oct. 17, Greenville Grace Church, 4805 St. Rt. 49, 3–7 p.m. Oct. 22, North Star Community Center (Old Elementary School), 124 East Star, 8–11 a.m., sponsored by St. Louis Catholic Church Oct. 26, Ansonia High School, High School Gym, 8 a.m.–noon Learn more at www.GivingBlood.org.

Village of Wayne Lakes Raffle


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Only 700 Tickets will be sold

Drawing when all tickets are sold. Tickets available at Doug’s Arcade 402 South Broadway, Greenville

PAGE 12 Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

One of a Kind Auction set for October 16

Entries accepted for Holiday Horse Parade

FT. RECOVERY – The Ft. Recovery Historical Society and Project Recovery will be holding its annual One of a Kind Auction on Oct. 16, 5-9 p.m., in the elementary/middle school auditeria. The theme for the auction is Up! Up! and Away! This event has become the major source of funds to support the maintenance of historical sites and visitors centers in the community. Tickets are on sale at the Ft. Recovery Insurance Agency, Mercer Savings Bank, First Financial Bank, Second National Bank, Kaup Pharmacy or from members of Ft. Recovery Historical Society and Project Recovery. Tickets are $10, which include your bid number and the appetizer and dessert

GREENVILLE - Voted best parade by the readers of Ohio Magazine in 2015, Main Street Greenville is busy preparing for the 13th Annual Hometown Holiday Horse Parade. The parade will take place the weekend before Thanksgiving on Nov. 19. The lighted horse parade event boasts 90+ entries and brings an estimated 8,000+ spectators into the downtown Greenville area. The parade begins at 7 p.m. with entertainment leading up to the main event. Main Street Greenville,

buffet catered by the Psi Lota Xi Sorority. Some of the items available include a patio table with umbrella, UD Flyer tickets, Destin, Florida Condo, Ohio State Fair package and more. The special raffle items this year include a 14k Blue Topaz Pendant set with .25 carat white diamonds valued at $1,195, a Ruger 10/22 Rifle and an iPad Mini2 with 32gb of memory. Auction items will be on display in Mays TV window and can be viewed on the Ft. Recovery State Museum website, www.fortrecoverymuseum.com. For more information, contact Nancy Knapke, (419) 375-4384 or Kathy Thobe (419) 375-4227.

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Buy One Multi-vitamin OR Vitapak, Get one 1/2 Price Expires 10/14/16 *can not be combined with other offers.

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Mayor Steve Willman signed a proclamation declaring Trigeminal Neuralgia Day in the City of Greenville. He was joined by Todd and Katie Loubier, Jennifer Dinet, Kim Wonacott and Rebecca Thorp.

Bringing awareness to Trigeminal Neuralgia BY RYAN BERRY MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Imagine facing pain and knowing there is little doctors can do to give you comfort. There is no cure and only a few procedures have been able to relieve the pain, but in most people with Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) the pain returns. A group of TN suffers are trying to bring attention to the disorder so more can be done to find a cure. With the help of Mayor Steve Willman, proclaimed TN Day in the City of Greenville on Oct. 7. If you see a per-


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Flu Vaccine Schedule

son wearing teal or see a building lit up in teal on this day you will be reminded of the pain. Over 100 monuments around the world will be lit up in teal. A local group of persons suffering with TN are working with Main Street Greenville to bring awareness of the disorder close to home. TN is a very painful disorder of the portion of the fifth cranial nerve (trigeminal nerve) that supplies sensation to the face. It is characterized by recurrent electric shock-like (paroxysmal) pains in one or more branches of the trigeminal nerve (maxillary, mandibular, and/ or ophthalmic branches), each supplying a different portion of the face. Severe facial pain can last from a second to 15 minutes or longer; some individuals may have up to 100 lightning-like bursts of stabbing pain in a day. Local residents Katie Loubier, Rebecca Thorp, Jennifer Dinet and Kim Wonacott face TN on a daily basis. Loubier said she has had the microvascular decompression surgery, but realizes the pain could return at any time. Thorp explained it doesn’t take much to trigger the shooting pain. It could be light, noise, breeze or even a light touch on the cheek. While discussing the affects of TN, Wonacott had to stop because she was having an attack and the pain she was facing was evident in her eyes. While most TN patients are over the age of 50, it can strike anyone at any age. The group pointed out they know of at least 54 pediatric cases with the youngest person to have the microvascular decompression surgery was three years old.

the non-profit organization that has been coordinating the event since 2004, and the Hometown Holiday Horse Parade Committee is accepting entries for the parade. All entries must be horse-drawn carriages, wagons, riders or buggies. Nothing motorized is permitted for this parade. Entry forms can be submitted online by visiting www.mainstreetgreenville.org, or by contacting their office at 548-4998 for a printed form. If you have any questions, call 548-4998 or agarrett@mainstreetgreenville.org.

Over 90 horse entries make this parade one you don’t want to miss. (Early Bird file photo)

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Family Health-Versailles Tuesday, October 11th 8:30am-4pm The cost for the flu vaccine is $25.00 and may be billed to your health insurance. *Please note the above dates and times are for Adults (19 years and up). Children under 19 years of age, please schedule with your Family Health healthcare provider.

Public Welcome


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Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 13

First Friday is the place to be for live music The Coffee Pot will host Dave Greer & the Classic Jazz Stompers (7-10 p.m.), The Cozy Nest will host Adam Liette, The Blue Bow Boutique will host JoEllen Melling, Chillz Frozen Yogurt will host Bill Light, Brenda’s Beanery will host John & Chelsea, and Danny’s Place will host Dustin Smith (6-9 p.m.). Main Street Greenville invites everyone to make reservations to eat dinner downtown from 6-7 p.m., and stay for the music performances from 7-9 p.m. (unless stated otherwise). In addition, many businesses will stay open late for shopping. “Our live music events are always extremely popular and well-attended,” said Amber GHS principal Jeff Cassell stands with seniors Jason Shields and Garrett, executive diMakenzie Slade who were recently honored as Students of the Month by rector of Main Street Greenville Kiwanis. (Gaylen Blosser photo) Greenville. “Our events are created to bring people to the downtown district to help support GREENVILLE – The temperatures may have dropped, but downtown Greenville will continue to offer a full calendar of events for all to enjoy. The fun will continue during the October First Friday: Live Music event on Oct. 7, 6-9 p.m. During the evening, nine musicians will perform in different

locations throughout the district. Some will be hosted inside businesses and some will be hosted outside. If there is a chance of inclement weather, the musicians will all be moved inside. The Bistro Off Broadway will host Matt Owens, Montage Cafe will host Adelee & Gentry, The Merchant House will host Shades of Grey,

Kiwanis honors Students of the Month GREENVILLE – Greenville Kiwanis honored two Greenville High School seniors as Students of the Month during the club’s regular weekly meeting on Sept. 21. Mackenzie Slade, daughter of Bill and Tiffany Slade is a member of the We Are the Majority and Garden Club. At Greenville High School she has been active in Key Club, currently serving as its president; Science Club, SADD, Art Club, Spanish Club, Varsity G, bowling and the National Honor Society. Slade plans to attend a four-year university following high school graduation. She also plans to continue volunteering as much

as possible before heading off to college, where she says she will continue her volunteer efforts. Jason Thomas Shields also was recognized for his efforts. The son of Doug and Susan Shields, the senior is a member of St. Mary’s Church, and has volunteered with the FISH organization and participated in the Rake and Run service project – raking leaves for area homeowners. Shields is active in the National Honor Society, SADD, baseball, orchestra, Science Club, Spanish Club and golf at Greenville High School. Following graduation, he plans to attend a fouryear university.


our local small businesses. The events are a nice boost for their sales and overall exposure to the community.” The October First Friday event is kindly sponsored by Interim Healthcare. They have recently opened an office in downtown Greenville at 203 W. Main St. You can contact them at 459-5911 or www. interimhealthcare.org/ greenvilleoh. In the upcoming months, Main Street Greenville will host the following events in downtown Greenville: Beggars’ Night and the Early Bird/Bluebag Media Halloween Parade on Thursday, Oct. 27; First Friday: Chocolate Walk on Friday, Nov. 4 (ticketed event); Win the Window Contest, Nov. 15-Dec. 15; Hometown Holiday Horse Parade on Saturday, Nov. 19; Small Business Saturday on Nov. 26; and First Friday: A Christmas Night on Dec. 2 Main Street Greenville is a non-profit organization committed GREENVILLE – The to stimulating and supSchool Employees Reporting revitalization tirement Organization (SERO) will meet on Oct. 425 Memorial Dr. 12, at the Moose Lodge in Greenville, OH 45331 Greenville. You can purchase your lunch from the menu or their special of the day. Check in by 11 a.m. to order your lunch. The meeting starts at noon. Executive Director Valerie Rodgers will be the speaker. Your attendance would be appreciated.

Eat, shop and enjoy the music during October’s First Event in downtown Greenville.

efforts, historic preservation and economic growth in historic Downtown Greenville. To learn more, visit www.mainstreetgreen-

SERO will hold meeting

ville.org or their social media accounts. You can contact them at 548-4998 or agarrett@ mainstreetgreenville. org.

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GREENVILLE – Richard Rhoades, left, received a Kiwanian of the Year 2016 plaque from Greenville Kiwanis President Mike Snyder during the club’s Sept. 28 meeting. Rhoades joined Kiwanis in 1988. He said he enjoys being involved with the local Kiwanis Club to “try to help others, especially the youth. It’s also good fellowship.”

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LOCAL 2016 DCCA Artists Series kicks off CLINTON RANDALL

STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – The Darke County Center for the Arts (DCCA) kicked off it’s 2016-17 Artists Series on Saturday with the world-class guitar playing of Loren & Mark. The audience at the St. Clair Memorial Hall spent the evening being entertained by the acoustical guitar duet and vocals of Loren Barrigar and Mark Mazengarb.

“DCCA patrons were amazed by the musical skill and talent of Loren and Mark, while thoroughly enjoying their performance. What a great way to kick-off the 2016-2017 Connections Season,” said DCCA Executive Director Andrea Jordan. “We are very much looking forward to the upcoming events and arts connections which will be made as the season continues.” Next on the schedule for DCCA is the Mirari Brass, performing Oct. 13 at the

Montage Cafe in Greenville, followed by the popular annual Ghost Walk slated for Oct. 28-30. “I would like to thank our patrons, sponsors, members, staff and board of directors for continuing DCCA’s mission of enriching lives through the arts,” Jordan added. For a complete schedule of upcoming events, order tickets and more DCCA information, visit their website at www.centerforarts. net or contact the office at 937-547-0908.


Right: Artistic Director Keith Rawlins announces DCCA Artists Series duet of Loren & Mark (above). (Clinton Randall photos)

Special events bring visitors downtown Greenville RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – It was a merger between city and country life when Main Street Greenville, Inc. hosted its annual A Day of Harvest celebration in downtown Greenville on Sept. 24. Visitors to the historic section of Greenville could enjoy shopping in the specialty shops that line South Broadway; giving shoppers an opportunity to find oneof-a-kind treasures. Although downtown Greenville is home to many stores, coffee houses and restaurants, it has not forgotten its rural roots and the charm that comes with knowing the shop keep-

ers as your neighbors and friends. Main Street Greenville’s Executive Director Amber Garrett said, “A Day of Harvest is a great way to get folks downtown to enjoy some shopping, dining, and our Farmers’ Market. It’s a busy weekend for Darke County and we love seeing people out and about, supporting our community.” To celebrate the harvest season, Main Street Greenville and downtown stores came together to offer special savings and activities. Visitors also had the opportunity to pick the winner of this year’s Chili Cook-Off. As they have for four consecutive years, Brenda’s Beanery took the top prize. Nathan & Laura Cloyd took second place and Jenna Snyder earned third place.

Garrett explained, “The Chili Cook-Off is a fun activity that encourages people to stroll throughout the district while taste testing samples of chili. The locals then get to vote for their favorite entry.” Main Street Greenville thanks Younique Boutique and The Meat Shop for sponsoring the Chili CookOff and Aultman Farms for donating 50 pumpkins for their Pumpkin Giveaway. Garrett said, “We also thank the Darke County United Way for bringing the Tractor Cruise through the downtown district.” The Darke County United Way was eager to remind visitors that it is harvest season in the county and invited farmers from around the county to participate in

the annual Tractor Cruise. The 11th annual Lead the Way Tractor Cruise is one of five main events for the Darke County United Way. Christy Baker, executive director, said, “What is great about this event is it really emphasizes the heart of Darke County, agriculture.” She pointed out the cruise pairs nicely with A Day of Harvest and Prairie Days, held at the Shawnee Prairie Preserve. This year’s event featured 18 tractors and raised nearly $4,800, which counts towards the United Way’s $425,000 campaign goal. Donations to the United Way supports 24 partner programs and the nearly 35,000 Darke County residents they serve.

Daryl Riffle gets help from his grandson, Caden James Riffle, age 3, during the Darke County United Way’s Tractor Cruise. Caden is the son of Adam and Jessica Riffle.

Google brings couple together after nearly 7 decades SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

NEW MADISON – The magic of being ‘Googled’ has brought two high school sweethearts from Philipsburg, Pa. together again in New Madison, Ohio. On May 21, 1948, Delbert Braund, now of New Madison, took his date, Marguerite Stover, now Marguerite Reed of Rochester, N.Y., to his senior prom at Philipsburg Junior/Senior High School. Marguerite, a freshman, also was Braund’s neighbor and their two families attended the same church – United Brethren - where the two young people were members of the same youth group. “We dated my entire senior year, until July 17, 1948. I said goodbye to her that night,” said Braund, now 86. “I was going into the U.S. Air Force. I told her ‘I’m not going to tie you down.’ She still had three years of high school.” It wasn’t long after that Reed, who turns 84 on Nov. 8, met her husbandto-be, James Reed. They were married 61 years and had three children and now four grandchildren. Reed retired after working in the bookbindery industry. Braund and Reed lost contact after their tearful July 1948 goodbye. When Braund was home on leave for three weeks in the early

1950s, he made it a point to stay away from seeing his former high school sweetheart, even going as far as attending another church on Sundays while he was home to avoid running into Marguerite. “I purposely avoided her,” he recalls. “We didn’t talk or see each other. Her twin sister saw me in town one Saturday and went home and said ‘guess who I saw in town?’” “Down through the years I didn’t know where she had gotten to,” he said. Braund served his country for 22 years, completing tours in Korea and Southeast Asia. He met his first wife, Lois, who was from Darke County while both were serving in the Air Force. He also did a tour at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. The couple had two children together and now there are two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Then in the early 1980s, after losing Lois, Braund met and married his second wife, Jane from Whitewater, Ind. and became a stepdad to her four children. On that side of the family there are now eight grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren. When Braund retired from the Air Force he went to work with Storch Funeral Home in New Madison, went to college at Sinclair in Dayton, and mortuary school in Cincinnati. He eventually bought the funeral home, served with

High school sweethearts Delbert Braund of New Madison and Marguerite Reed of Rochester, N.Y. are together again after a 68-year absence. (Susan Hartley photo)

the New Madison Fire Department for 46 years and was a high school sports official for 47 years. When Reed’s husband James passed away in 2015, she would call her twin Ethel every night and cry about the loss of her husband. She also started looking at her high school yearbooks, showing photos and sharing experiences with family members. After hearing about Reed’s prom date with Braund, her daughter and a niece looked him up and that’s where Google enters the picture. “He got away from me,” she says of Braund. “But, I asked my daughter to find him.” The Reed family did a Google search and found Braund living in New Madison, was a retired owner of a funeral home and was recently widowed. Reed said she never

would have thought the boy she knew in high school would become a funeral home director or owner. “That’s the last thing I thought,” she laughs. On March 26 of this year, Braund checked his mailbox and found a small envelope with a Rochester, N.Y. return address lying inside. “I looked at the return address and thought ‘I don’t know anyone in Rochester, N.Y.’ I thought someone had turned my name in to some dating service,” he said. He almost didn’t open the envelope. But curiosity got the best of him. He opened it and under a brief note saw the signature ‘Marguerite.’ “I didn’t want to seem too forward,” Marguerite says about just signing her name. Marguerite said she

On Sept. 18, Braund held an open house for his high school sweetheart. Family members came from as far away as Indianapolis. He also planned another surprise for Reed – inviting her twin Ethel and her husband Ted to drive from Pennsylvania to New Madison for the open house weekend. “She almost spilled the beans,” Reed said of her sister. The sisters hadn’t seen each other for almost two years, but due to Braund’s brother-in-law’s illness and subsequent death, he’d made the trip to Philipsburg, Pa. a couple times to assist his family. During those visits he met up with Ethel and Ted, even staying at their home during his brother-in-law’s funeral. “She’d call and say ‘I got a goodbye kiss from Delbert,’” Reed said of Ethel when it was time for his return trip to Ohio. The high school sweethearts are planning another trip – this time it’s Braund’s turn to visit Reed in New York. “I had open heart surgery in 2014,” Braund explains. “The doctor told my kids not to expect me to live till Christmas 2016. I often wondered why,” he said of his recovery. Braund said he’s never been much of a computer person. “All I can say is ‘thank goodness,’” he says of Reed’s daughter who typed his name into Google.



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learned on March 22 where Braund was living. “She didn’t waste any time,” he says of receiving the note just four days later. The following Saturday, Braund called the number Marguerite listed in the note, not knowing she had caller ID. “I was saying ‘hello Delbert’ while he was saying ‘this is a voice from your past,’” Marguerite remembers with a hearty laugh. Braund said he’s never been much of a computer person. “All I can say is ‘thank goodness,’” he says of Reed’s daughter who did the Internet search. The two quickly got reacquainted through phone calls and made plans to meet in May. But a health concern kept Marguerite at home. She canceled her flight and rescheduled for July, but then her daughter fell and broke both wrists and Marguerite felt as though she needed to stay home in case she was needed. So in mid-September, the two finally met faceto-face after 68 years, when Marguerite flew in to spend two weeks in New Madison. The two have spent the past couple weeks visiting with Braund’s family and friends. He’s taken her on a tour of Darke County. “She thinks I live in the sticks,” Braund said, noting that Marguerite was enamored by all the cornfields in Darke County.





PAGE 16 Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Floating for Colors with Darke Co. Parks Bestselling authors to visit Greenville GREENVILLE – Darke County Parks is going to try for one more float for the 2016 season. On Oct. 7, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., join naturalists at Shawnee Prairie Preserve west of Greenville on St. Rt. 502 for an exciting autumn paddle. After meeting at the Nature Center, participants will carpool to Lake Loramie State Park. Once there, everyone will enjoy a picnic lunch then launch the boats for an afternoon on the lake. Depending on the afternoon, the group may choose to paddle among the islands or choose a more secluded route through the channels searching for the best fall colors. Be sure to dress for the weather in quick drying, synthetic clothing and bring water, a packed lunch, and sunglasses with a strap. Due to the cooler air and water temperatures of this float, it is more suited for those with some experience. Paddling outings are weather dependent, and

Kayaks were originally developed by the arctic area natives and are believed to be at least 4,000.

adjustments may be necessary due to conditions. All equipment is provided. Parks’ staff members are certified canoe and kayak instructors. Call to reserve a kayak or canoe, and there will be a $5 fee for the program.

For more information about this or any of the other exciting program or to register for the outing, call the Nature Center at (937) 548-0165 or email info@darkecountyparks. org.

Tim Burton Halloween ELDORADO – Get ready for Halloween with Tim Burton-themed crafts and a popcorn bar! The teen program for grades

6-12 will be at: New Paris Library, Oct. 24, 6 p.m. Eldorado Library, Oct. 27, 4:30 p.m.

GREENVILLE – Acclaimed inspirational fiction authors Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse will be speaking and signing in promotion of their co-written novel Beyond the Silence, a historical romance with elements of suspense and mystery. Peterson will also be signing her most recent release, A Love Transformed, in the Sapphire Brides series. Peterson and Woodhouse will greet readers, share about their writing process, and sign books on Oct. 21, 2 p.m., at Bread of Life Bookstore, 533 S. Broadway, Greenville. For more information, call 547-1132. Peterson says that interacting with readers is one of her favorite parts of being an author, and “I hope they’ll enjoy this era of history as much as I have.” The two authors are long-time friends, and they speak at women’s retreats and churches about joy triumphing through adversity, which is also

Tracie Peterson

Kimberley Woodhouse

a theme of many of their books. Peterson is the bestselling, award-winning author of more than 100 novels. She also teaches writing workshops at a variety of conferences on subjects such as inspirational romance and historical research. She and her family live in Montana. Learn more at traciepeterson. com. Woodhouse is a multipublished author of fiction and nonfiction. A popular speaker/teacher, she’s shared her story with over 150,000 people at more than a thousand venues

across the country. She lives, writes, and homeschools with her husband of 20-plus years and their two awesome teens in Colorado Springs, Colo. Connect with her at kimberleywoodhouse.com. Greenville Public Library is co-sponsoring this event; light refreshments will be provided.


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-------------------------------APOSTOLIC -------------------------------Solid Rock Apostolic 8991 Old US 36, Bradford, 937-718-0351 CAC of Greenville 630 Pine, Greenville 937-730-1313

Greenville First Assembly of God 7219 State Route 118N Greenville, Oh 937-548-5445

-------------------------------BAPTIST --------------------------------

Favorite Hill Baptist Church 1601 South Street, Piqua, 773-6469 First Baptist Church 7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville 548-7616 Faith Baptist Church 740 E Russ Rd., Greenville, 548-1808 Greenville Baptist Temple 4689 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., 548-7283 Union City First Baptist Church 225 S. First St., Union City, OH 937-968-6163

-------------------------------BRETHREN -------------------------------Beech Grove Church of the Brethren 3420 Harrison Rd., Hollansburg 937-997-4895 Bradford Church of The Brethren 120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215 Castine Church of the Brethren 624 State Route 127, Arcanum 678-9945 Cedar Grove Church 373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675

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-------------------------------BRETHREN -------------------------------Greenville Church of the Brethren 421 Central Ave., 548-3583 Oakland Church of The Brethren 8058 Horatio-Harris Creek Rd. Bradford * 448-2287 Pitsburg Church of Brethren 8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum 937-692-8772

-------------------------------CATHOLIC --------------------------------

St Mary’s Catholic Church 233 W Third St. Greenville 548-1616 St Denis 14 E Wood St, Versailles 937-526-4945 Holy Family (Frenchtown) 11255 St Rt 185, Versailles 937-526-4945 St Louis 15 Star Rd, North Star 419-582-2531 Immaculate Conception 5874 N. Buckneck Rd. (RR 2), Bradford, 937-448-6220 St Mary 425 W Hickory St, Union City, IN 765-964-4202

-------------------------------CHRISTIAN -------------------------------Ansonia Christian Church 123 W. Weller St., Ansonia, 548-5490 Coletown Congregational Church 2876 State Route 571, Greenville 548-6590 East Zion Church 6171 St. Rt. 36, Greenville 937-548-6364 First Congregational Church 115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH 937-548-3575 CMA Church 306 Devor St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955



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-------------------------------CHRISTIAN -------------------------------Stelvideo Christian Church 6808 Church St., Stelvido, Greenville, OH 316-8198 Teegarden Congregational Church 2753 State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 Woodington Congregation Church 8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441

-------------------------------CHURCH OF CHRIST -------------------------------Greenville Church of Christ 4599 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., Greenville, 937-548-4467

-------------------------------CHURCH OF GOD -------------------------------Ansonia First Church of God 750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 The New Beginning Church of God 802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502 Triumphant Christian Center 1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300

-------------------------------EPISCOPAL -------------------------------St Paul’s Episcopal Church 201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575

-------------------------------INTERDENOMINATIONAL -------------------------------Family of God 310 W South St., Arcanum, 692-8521 Lighthouse Christian Center 5256 Sebring Warner Rd., Greenville, 548-7464

-------------------------------LUTHERAN -------------------------------St. John Lutheran Church 7418 State Route 121, Greenville 548-5404

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-------------------------------LUTHERAN -------------------------------St Paul Lutheran Church 131 E. 4th Street, Greenville 548-5770 St Paul’s Lutheran Church 13495 Greenville St. Marys Rd Versailles, 419-336-7111 St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 6825 State Route 722, Ithaca, 678-8584 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 8520 Oakes Rd., Pitsburg 937-692-5670 Trinity Lutheran Church 1470 W. State Route 28, Union City, IN 765-964-5712 Trinity Lutheran Church 204 E. Wood Street, Versailles 937-526-3091

-------------------------------METHODIST-UNITED --------------------------------

Abbottsville United Methodist Church 3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum Ansonia United Methodist Church Corner of Pearl and High St., Ansonia 337-5781 EUM Church 1451 Sater Street, Greenville, OH 45331 Faith United Methodist Church 101 E. South St., Arcanum, 692-8934 First United Methodist Church 202 W 4th St. Greenville, 548-3075 Fort Jefferson United Methodist 3856 Church St., Greenville 548-4410 Gordon United Methodist Church 311 East St., Gordon, OH 937884-5129 Ithaca Grace United Methodist 750 Arcanum-Ithaca Rd 678-9062

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-------------------------------METHODIST-UNITED -------------------------------Nashville United Methodist 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 New Madison United Methodist 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341 Rossburg United Methodist 117 Ross St., Rossburg, 937-338-4765 Trinity United Methodist Church 112 West South Street Arcanum, OH 692-8530 Versailles United Methodist 122 W Wood St, Versailles 937-526-3855 Webster United Methodist Church 8849 Seibt Rd., Versailles 526-3855

-------------------------------NON-DENOMINATIONAL -------------------------------Northside Community Fellowship 8135 St. Rt. 127 N., Greenville, 548-8965 Rosehill Country Church St. Rt. 49 and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill Versailles Christian Church 105 W Ward St., Versailles 937-526-4194 Hillgrove Federated Church 1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332 Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-5470092

-------------------------------PENTACOSTAL --------------------------------

-------------------------------MISSIONARY -------------------------------Greenville Missionary Church 1110 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842 Pleasant View Missionary Church 5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885

-------------------------------NON-DENOMINATIONAL --------------------------------

Beamsville Christian Church 6102 Beamsville-Union City Rd. Greenville 547-0009 Calvary Bible Church 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 Friendship Community Church 1005 Eaton Fort Nesbit Rd. New Paris, 997-3592 True Life 5990 State Route 36, Greenville 548-3558 Living Waters Ministries 102 W Main St., Versailles, 526-4567

Faith Apostolic Lighthouse 332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299

-------------------------------PRESBYTERIAN --------------------------------

First United Presbyterian Church 114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188

-------------------------------UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST -------------------------------St. Paul United Church of Christ 129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506

-------------------------------UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST -------------------------------First Universalist Church 331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403

-------------------------------WESLEYAN -------------------------------Trinity Wesleyan Church 1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337 Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331

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Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 17

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Factory Furniture Mattress and More has the right to reserve quantities. Quantities limited. Actual product may differ from items purchased. Valid only in Ohio. Merchandising may vary. No exchanges or refunds on any layaway or down payments. This advertisement is produced and distributed by an independently owned and operated furniture store.




















PAGE 18 Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

DELINQUENT LAND TAX NOTICE A01 - ADAMS TOWNSHIP - BRADFORD EVSD A01-0-409-09-00-00-30700 DAVIS BRADLEY N .....................................................................382.16 A01-0-409-09-00-00-40400 RIFFELL PAUL A & KEIHL JOYCE A...........................................725.72 A01-0-409-29-00-00-10400 HIGGINS ERICA L & GREER STEVEN W 1,399.36 A02 - ADAMS TOWNSHIP - GREENVILLE CSD A02-0-310-12-00-00-40302 BYERS TIMOTHY D ET AL .........................................................651.39 A02-0-310-26-00-00-30505 REICHARD GAIL L ......................................................................138.14 A02-0-310-27-00-00-32200 TEDDER MARK A........................................................................581.16 A02-0-310-28-00-00-22000 KENWORTHY GEORGE A & KENWORTHY NOAH A ...............358.44 A02-0-310-33-00-00-31403 CROWELL KATHERINE L ........................................................2,639.87 A02-0-409-06-00-00-40100 NIXON ROBERT E JR & MARY JO JT SURV ..........................1,568.40 A02-0-409-29-00-00-20800 GRACHEK LAURIE K ...............................................................1,051.27 A02-0-409-32-00-00-10501 GRACHEK LAURIE K ......................................................................9.88 A04 - ADAMS TOWNSHIP - BRADFORD CORPORATION A04-2-409-21-01-02-11100 KNECHT SUSAN K......................................................................272.04 A04-2-409-21-01-02-12900 PETTY JASON T & KAREN L......................................................964.12 A04-2-409-21-01-05-11400 STOCKER-FRALEY FUNERAL HOME LTD.............................5,755.97 A04-2-409-21-02-04-10700 DILL CHADRICK MILES & NEFF STEPHANI LYNN ................1,427.94 A04-2-409-21-02-04-12300 MC NUTT CHRISTOPHER ..........................................................392.94 A04-2-409-21-02-05-10300 MELGAARD MATTHEW S & MELGAARD JENNIFER M.........1,288.27 A04-2-409-21-02-05-10700 BARGER LARRY D .....................................................................317.19 A04-2-409-21-02-06-12500 BLACK DELORES J ....................................................................267.25 A05 - ADAMS TOWNSHIP - GETTYSBURG CORPORATION A05-4-310-25-02-01-12900 WHITTEN TERESA .....................................................................612.07 A05-4-310-25-02-02-10500 NEAVES JETT T & NATASHA A JT SURV ....................................96.39 A05-4-310-25-02-02-10600 NEAVES JETT T & NATASHA A JT SURV ..................................119.97 A05-4-310-25-02-03-10500 LOY ROBERT C...........................................................................461.31 A05-4-310-25-03-01-11100 BUZARD JAMES R & DARLENE A .............................................278.83 A05-4-310-25-03-01-11400 BOWEN DAVID & MOLLY JT SURV.........................................1,862.94 B06 - ALLEN TOWNSHIP - ANSONIA LSD - AAJA B06-0-214-03-00-00-20200 FOSTER RYAN C ........................................................................267.07 B06-0-214-35-00-00-30401 HABER CHARLES R JR & BEVERLY JT SURV ......................1,368.97 B06-0-214-35-00-00-40500 SHEETS ALBERT H & LEONA C JT SURV ..................................36.92 B08 - ALLEN TOWNSHIP - MISSISSINAWA VALLEY LSD - AAJA B08-0-214-21-00-00-20400 WIDENER PERRY LEE & LORA LYNN.........................................83.40 B08-0-214-30-00-00-10100 THORNHILL JOSH M ..................................................................625.58 B08-0-214-30-00-00-20300 THORNHILL JOSH M ..................................................................335.31 B10 - ALLEN TOWNSHIP - BURKETTSVILLE CORPORATION B10-2-214-03-01-01-10100 WERLING EDWARD ANTHONY .................................................985.03 B11 - ALLEN TOWNSHIP - NEW WESTON CORPORATION - AAJA B11-4-214-03-02-01-12701 FOSTER RYAN C ........................................................................981.14 B11-4-214-03-02-01-12900 HIATT JASON ...........................................................................1,117.63 B11-4-214-03-02-01-13800 FOSTER RYAN C ........................................................................337.23 B11-4-214-10-04-01-10700 GARLAND WILLIAM L ...................................................................84.26 B11-4-214-10-04-01-10800 GARLAND WILLIAM L ...................................................................88.68 B11-4-214-10-04-01-10900 GARLAND WILLIAM L ...................................................................91.50 B12 - ALLEN TOWNSHIP - ROSSBURG CORPORATION - AAJA B12-6-214-35-04-01-11500 SHEETS ALBERT H & LEONA C JT SURV ................................151.89 C13 - BROWN TOWNSHIP - ANSONIA LSD - AAJA C13-0-213-05-00-00-10100 WIDENER JOHN & MISSY JT SURV ..........................................795.00 C13-0-213-07-00-00-40100 WEBB JANET A & DAVID R SHIVERDECKER WILLIAM C (LE) .......... 1,233.16 C13-0-213-27-00-00-40400 NOGGLER EUGENE F JR & MELODY A JT SURV ET AL.........892.97 C13-0-213-28-00-00-10100 NOGGLER EUGENE F JR & MELODY A JT SURV ET AL.........157.52 C13-0-213-28-00-00-42200 CONWAY CHRISTOPHER G ......................................................172.73 C14 - BROWN TOWNSHIP - MISSISSINAWA VALLEY LSD - AAJA C14-0-213-19-00-00-30201 BERGMAN KEVIN JOSEPH & KIMBERLY A ...........................1,031.27 C15 - BROWN TOWNSHIP - ANSONIA CORPORATION - AAJA C15-2-213-22-01-01-12000 REIER JAN ..................................................................................801.08 C15-2-213-22-01-02-11900 GIVENS DENNIS .........................................................................667.61 C15-2-213-22-01-03-14200 WEAVER JENNIFER & VOISARD JASON..................................950.81 C15-2-213-22-01-03-15200 CASE JULIE A ...............................................................................48.61 C15-2-213-22-02-02-11000 CONRAD LOLA IRENE ...............................................................477.77 C15-2-213-22-02-03-10100 HAHN RICHARD L & DIANE M ...................................................395.21 C15-2-213-22-02-03-11100 SCHLARMAN PAULA J ...............................................................852.62 C15-2-213-22-02-07-10500 MILLER BETTY J .........................................................................305.51 C15-2-213-22-02-10-10700 SAINTIGNON RODNEY ..............................................................454.58 C15-2-213-22-02-11-13200 MATTHEW TOBY L ......................................................................607.11 C15-2-213-22-02-12-10600 BRYSON LAMONT R ..................................................................946.83 C15-2-213-22-03-01-10800 HALL DIANA S .............................................................................415.88 D16 - BUTLER TOWNSHIP - ARCANUM-BUTLER LSD - AJAD D16-0-210-02-00-00-30300 BEVINS DOUG L AKA DOUGLAS L BEVINS .............................554.40 D16-0-210-35-00-00-20100 DUKE LYLE ALLEN ..................................................................2,870.51 D16-0-210-35-00-00-30200 STRICKLER CHARLES R & ROBERTA L JT SURV ...................308.66 D16-0-210-35-00-00-30301 STRICKLER CHARLES R & ROBERTA L JT SURV ...................120.35 D17 - BUTLER TOWNSHIP - TRI-VILLAGE LSD - TVJAD D17-0-210-29-00-00-20300 SWIFT ALLEN D II .......................................................................954.50 D18 - BUTLER TOWNSHIP - CASTINE CORPORATION D18-2-210-26-02-01-10100 STRICKLER CHARLES R & ROBERTA L JT SURV ...................383.25 D18-2-210-26-02-01-10200 BLOCHER JALYNN .....................................................................325.37 D18-2-210-35-04-01-11100 FOSTER TODD D & NANCY D ...................................................451.51 D18-2-210-35-04-01-11200 FOSTER TODD D & NANCY D ...................................................169.69 D18-2-210-35-04-01-11700 STRICKLER CHARLES ...............................................................109.41 D18-2-210-35-04-01-11900 STRICKLER CHARLES R .............................................................52.25 D19 - BUTLER TOWNSHIP - NEW MADISON CORPORATION D19-4-210-18-04-01-12400 RANTZ M KRIS ............................................................................243.78 D19-4-210-18-04-01-12600 RANTZ M KRIS ............................................................................233.19 D19-4-210-18-04-03-11600 PORTER TROY ALLEN & DITTY LISA SUE ...............................590.77 D81 - BUTLER TOWNSHIP - ARCANUM-BUTLER LSD - TVJAD D81-0-210-33-00-00-10100 KENNEDY JOHN D & ROBINSON SCOTT C ...............................89.33 & ROBINSON SHELLEY D81-0-210-35-00-00-30702 GILLILAND JOSEPH E & SANDRA S ...........................................82.77 D81-1-210-09-01-01-10100 CALLANTINE WILLIAM J ............................................................251.53 D81-1-210-09-04-01-10700 FRECH MARK A & FRECH JAMIE S ..........................................265.71 D81-1-210-09-04-01-10800 FRECH MARK A & FRECH JAMIE S ............................................49.82 E20 - FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP - FRANKLIN-MONROE LSD E20-0-408-06-00-00-30900 KENNEDY STEVE & NONA ........................................................333.09 E83 - FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP - FRANKLIN-MONROE LSD E83-0-309-13-00-00-32400 SMITH MICHAEL G ..................................................................1,115.40 E83-0-408-16-00-00-30202 JAMISON DONNIE E & CHERYL L JT & SURV..........................897.90 E83-0-408-33-00-00-10600 WINTROW RUSSELL & SARAH E JT SURV..............................152.40 E83-1-408-19-02-01-10100 HENNINGER KEVIN J ...................................................................82.79 E83-1-408-19-02-01-10200 HENNINGER KEVIN J .................................................................338.06 F24 - GREENVILLE TOWNSHIP - GREENVILLE CSD F24-0-211-04-00-00-40200 HARTZELL KATHY ...................................................................1,815.64 F24-0-211-09-00-00-10201 SNEED RODNEY C ..................................................................2,423.73 F24-0-211-10-00-00-32700 PRICE JEREMY A .......................................................................458.65 F24-0-211-10-00-00-41300 SNEED RODNEY C .....................................................................585.41 F24-0-212-12-00-00-30401 DEAL MARTIN A & NICOLE J JT SURV .....................................300.00 F24-0-212-13-00-00-32300 JONES ANNIE MAE & JONES NAOMI JT SURV ....................1,167.25 F24-0-212-18-00-00-30900 METZNER CHAD E .....................................................................623.05 F24-0-212-20-00-00-21700 YOUNG KAREN J ........................................................................857.70 F24-0-212-20-00-00-21800 NOGGLE MARTHA J TRUSTEE .................................................983.14 F24-0-212-20-00-00-22300 STUMP MICHAEL E ....................................................................652.75 F24-0-212-20-00-00-30200 LEBER LANCE L & TERRY L JT SURV......................................570.69 F24-0-212-20-00-00-30300 LEBER LANCE L & TERRI L JT SURV .......................................123.89 F24-0-212-20-00-00-41400 JONES DALE A & LOIS A JT SURV .............................................89.22 F24-0-212-22-00-00-40300 JESS CECEIL T.O.D. TO JESS RAYMOND E .............................805.78 F24-0-212-29-00-00-40401 FOUREMAN JOHNNY B & MELISSA A ......................................496.08 F24-0-212-29-00-00-40404 FOUREMAN DANIEL J ................................................................843.02 F24-0-212-33-00-00-10900 HOLMAN KENNETH A & HARTZELL KATHY J JT SURV ..........375.61 F24-0-212-36-00-00-10900 WETZEL LISA A .......................................................................1,728.30 F24-0-310-18-00-00-10200 BUNCH JERRY E & ELIZABETH A JT & SURV.......................2,199.41 F24-3-212-12-01-02-10600 HOFFMAN JESSICA L ................................................................348.78 F24-3-212-12-01-02-11200 KLINGENSMITH DONALD W & SHARRI L JT SURV .................522.83 F25 - GREENVILLE TOWNSHIP - ANSONIA LSD F25-0-212-05-00-00-10900 LAMBERT ABEDNEGO & LAMBERT LAURIE A JT SURV .........65.98 F25-0-212-05-00-00-10901 LAMBERT ABEDNEGO C & LAMBERT LAURIE A JT SURV ......23.31 F25-5-212-05-01-01-10900 FIFTH THIRD BANK ....................................................................134.75 F27 - GREENVILLE TOWNSHIP - GREENVILLE CORPORATION F27-2-211-02-03-01-13600 WALDON CAROL A..................................................................1,417.01 F27-2-211-02-04-01-14500 SHARP PAUL R ...........................................................................518.03 F27-2-211-02-04-03-10500 COLBY TERAH ............................................................................413.17 F27-2-211-02-04-03-12500 LEESE RYAN M ...........................................................................809.70 F27-2-211-02-04-04-13000 ASHBY TERRI L & RUSSELL D JT & SURV............................1,128.44 F27-2-211-02-04-07-13801 METROKAS ALETA .......................................................................70.80 F27-2-211-02-04-16-10300 BRASS RINGS LEASING LTD..................................................1,242.86 F27-2-211-02-04-17-10100 FRANKLIN DAWN M ...................................................................947.37 F27-2-212-23-02-03-10500 LOFTIS BYRON & DEBORA JT SURV .......................................723.56 F27-2-212-23-03-02-10400 BYRAM SHIRLEY M LE & BYRAM DAVID S...............................534.25 F27-2-212-23-03-02-15800 WINTERROWD LINDA S..........................................................1,150.84 F27-2-212-25-03-03-12100 FREMD WILLIAM J ......................................................................603.15 F27-2-212-26-01-01-10100 CLARK WILLIAM E II ...................................................................642.59 F27-2-212-26-01-05-11700 ARNOLD LOWELL E ...................................................................731.59 F27-2-212-26-02-01-13700 LOAR INC ....................................................................................626.26 F27-2-212-26-02-02-10900 J & K SOPCZAK LLC CHARTER NUMBER 2219003 ..............1,947.39 F27-2-212-26-02-02-16000 BYRAM ROBERT J ........................................................................32.18 F27-2-212-26-02-02-16100 BYRAM ROBERT J ........................................................................34.07 F27-2-212-26-02-03-11000 HOWARD HERSCHEL L TRUSTEE ET AL.................................385.75 F27-2-212-26-02-03-12600 GETTINGER WILLIAM BRADLEY & GETTINGER BRIAN JAMES .......................................................456.88 F27-2-212-26-02-03-12900 EDGER KASHISH LEE KEHLI ....................................................853.74

F27-2-212-26-02-03-17800 F27-2-212-26-02-05-14500

(Section 5721.03 Revised Code of Ohio) 2015 Duplicate Year The lands, lots and parts of lots returned delinquent by the County Treasurer of Darke County, the taxes, assessments, interest and penalties, charged against them agreeably to law, are contained and described in the following list, Viz:

PRICE JEREMY A .......................................................................389.80 MITCHELL JENNIFER R & MITCHELL KATHERINE R JT/SURV........................................2,113.44 F27-2-212-26-03-02-12200 EUBANK DIANE L .......................................................................481.67 F27-2-212-26-04-07-14300 ABERNATHY ADAH FAYE........................................................1,415.01 F27-2-212-27-01-01-15800 ALBRIGHT MICHAEL G & BARBARA J JT SURV ...................2,500.05 F27-2-212-27-02-01-12100 WILSON BRIAN A & MICHELLE M .............................................107.46 F27-2-212-27-02-04-11500 JOHNSON KATHY .........................................................................43.74 F27-2-212-27-02-04-14700 MILLER JUDY LEE ......................................................................421.62 F27-2-212-27-02-04-14900 VANCE ADAM C ..........................................................................752.91 F27-2-212-34-01-01-11000 GREENVILLE 06 LLC ..................................................................898.58 F27-2-212-34-01-03-10900 LONG BRIAN K............................................................................802.73 F27-2-212-34-01-03-12600 ANDERSON LARRY W TRUSTEE ET AL ..................................607.33 F27-2-212-34-02-01-11600 MEADE DOUGLAS S & AMY M ..................................................439.90 F27-2-212-34-02-02-10100 HURD CARMEN D.......................................................................648.23 F27-2-212-35-01-01-13300 BERRY LORI A ET AL .................................................................508.45 F27-2-212-35-01-01-14500 PARKER JAMES M & ANGELA.....................................................54.93 F27-2-212-35-01-02-10700 MC GUIRE WILLIAM DALE & LINDA KAY ..................................737.83 F27-2-212-35-01-04-14500 TRENT NICHLES J & PAM E JT SURV.......................................369.52 F27-2-212-35-01-06-10400 DERSHEM BILL D & JANET M ...................................................206.26 F27-2-212-35-01-06-13000 WATTS WILLIAM H SR................................................................388.49 F27-2-212-35-01-07-13900 GROTE BLAINE G.......................................................................445.33 F27-2-212-35-01-07-14300 HIGGINS ERICA ..........................................................................894.20 F27-2-212-35-01-08-13800 HARSHBARGER GREGORY ROBERT ......................................380.47 & KRISTEN NICOLE JT SURV F27-2-212-35-02-01-11800 MUSTAINE APRIL R ....................................................................473.24 F27-2-212-35-02-02-10100 TAYLOR TRAVIS L & CHARLOTTE L JT SURV..........................176.64 F27-2-212-35-02-03-10300 STARKS DEBORAH J..................................................................157.77 F27-2-212-35-02-03-13300 ANDERSON LEANNA M .............................................................182.23 F27-2-212-35-02-05-12800 MEADE DOUG S & AMY M .........................................................519.98 F27-2-212-35-02-05-13100 WHITE STEPHEN W ...................................................................202.47 F27-2-212-35-02-05-14100 GODWIN CLARENCE & GODWIN ANGELA ..............................430.30 F27-2-212-35-02-05-14500 GODWIN CLARENCE F JR & ANGELA L JT SURV ..................307.13 F27-2-212-35-02-06-15000 WERNER RHONDA R .................................................................878.68 F27-2-212-35-02-07-10900 MILLER JUDY L ...........................................................................116.55 F27-2-212-35-02-07-14100 DONTHNIER STEVEN L .............................................................960.27 F27-2-212-35-02-08-11100 KISER WALTER L & ANN J .........................................................642.14 F27-2-212-35-03-01-11100 TRENT NICHLES J ......................................................................517.37 F27-2-212-35-03-01-11800 BERGMAN DARREN R ...............................................................463.29 F27-2-212-35-03-03-13500 MARLOW JAMES ........................................................................677.60 F27-2-212-35-03-05-10600 CLAY RANDALL W & CAROLYN F .............................................605.07 F27-2-212-35-03-05-10700 SHIRLEY NICOLE F & J HAGEN JT SURV ................................643.37 F27-2-212-35-03-05-13500 MARCUM BRIAN D ..................................................................1,373.24 F27-2-212-35-03-07-11300 RANDALL TYRONE & LEANDREA .............................................588.49 F27-2-212-35-03-07-14800 MARSHALL JERROD M & STEWART ABBIE G.........................730.44 F27-2-212-35-03-08-13100 GILPIN JODI M ............................................................................719.15 F27-2-212-35-03-09-14700 CLARK WILLIAM E & RONDA S JT SURV .................................422.76 F27-2-212-35-03-10-10400 COX MYRTLE JANE ....................................................................315.13 F27-2-212-35-03-10-13400 NORRIS JOSHUA D & SHERRI L ...............................................851.32 F27-2-212-35-03-12-11600 BEVINS ANITA M .........................................................................882.04 F27-2-212-35-04-02-11900 GRACHEK LAURIE K ..................................................................521.03 F27-2-212-35-04-05-12900 RHOADES ROBERT E & MARGARET L ....................................939.61 F27-2-212-35-04-09-12200 BERGMAN DARREN R ............................................................1,012.55 G28 - HARRISON TOWNSHIP - TRI-VILLAGE LSD G28-0-110-05-00-00-40700 RICHARDS DEVEDA S ...............................................................878.40 G28-0-110-05-00-00-40701 RICHARDS DEVEDA SUE ............................................................49.73 G28-0-110-05-00-00-41000 GILBERT TERRI JOLEN ET AL ....................................................67.83 G28-0-110-07-00-00-10402 GODOWN AMY ...........................................................................188.03 G28-0-110-10-00-00-10101 BOWMAN TIMOTHY D ................................................................611.87 G28-0-110-10-00-00-30100 MC COMBS KATHERINE C & JOSEPH O JT SURV ..................455.54 G28-0-110-11-00-00-40101 FLATTER THOMAS A & STACY L JT SURV.................................89.73 G28-0-110-17-00-00-10400 BURNS WILLARD .......................................................................882.11 G28-0-110-21-00-00-30400 MC NAMARA CHERYL ANN ....................................................1,730.02 G28-0-110-22-00-00-30301 HORNBACKER TIM.......................................................................66.77 G28-0-110-24-00-00-20400 BRYSLAN PERL A ......................................................................442.32 G28-0-110-24-00-00-41000 LIGHT WAYNE R & TERESA ANN JT SURV ...........................1,548.02 G28-0-110-26-00-00-20100 EVANS GRANT ROBYN E & ET AL ............................................771.11 G28-0-110-26-00-00-30102 REIER MARLIN D & KAREN D JT SURV....................................198.62 G28-0-110-27-00-00-40700 HORNBACKER TIM.....................................................................311.81 G28-0-110-30-00-00-40101 CELA CHRISTINE ET AL ..............................................................57.58 G28-0-110-34-00-00-20201 WOODYARD LINDA S .................................................................495.71 G28-0-110-34-00-00-20204 WOODYARD LINDA ....................................................................611.21 G28-1-110-33-01-01-10200 WILEY RICHARD J & LOIS J CO-TRUSTEES ET AL ...................27.38 G29 - HARRISON TOWNSHIP - NATIONAL TRAIL LSD G29-0-110-33-00-00-21000 MEYERS BRIAN & JOVETTE JT SURV .....................................415.43 G30 - HARRISON TOWNSHIP - HOLLANSBURG CORPORATION G30-2-110-05-03-01-10200 PEDEN SUSAN ...........................................................................155.98 G30-2-110-05-03-01-10300 PEDEN SUSAN ...............................................................................2.94 G30-2-110-05-04-02-10800 SLEPPY RANDY W .....................................................................209.27 G30-2-110-05-04-02-11500 WEATHERLY BEATRICE JOY AKA BEATRICE J WEATHERLY .254.08 G30-2-110-05-04-02-12200 CLARK BARRY B & & VIRGINIA M JT & SURV .........................298.19 G30-2-110-05-04-03-10600 WEATHERLY BEATRICE JOY AKA BEATRICE J WEATHERLY .107.27 G30-2-110-05-04-03-10700 WEATHERLY BEATRICE JOY AKA BEATRICE J WEATHERLY .290.33 G30-2-110-05-04-03-11601 GILBERT TERRI JOLEN ET AL ....................................................45.51 G30-2-110-05-04-04-10800 TAYLOR MARGIE D.....................................................................269.38 G30-2-110-05-04-04-12600 RICHARDS DEVEDA SUE ..........................................................190.02 G30-2-110-05-04-04-12601 RICHARDS DEVEDA S .................................................................43.81 G30-2-110-05-04-04-13100 HARBOUR PORTFOLIO VIII LP..................................................271.18 G31 - HARRISON TOWNSHIP - NEW MADISON CORPORATION G31-4-110-13-01-02-10700 GUTMAN GEORGIA R ..................................................................92.98 G31-4-110-13-01-04-10200 ALLEN PAUL ................................................................................394.09 G31-4-110-13-01-04-10300 STAMPS PHILLIP WILLIAM JR ...................................................369.48 G31-4-110-13-02-01-12800 WOODYARD JAMEY LEE ...........................................................427.70 G31-4-110-13-02-01-14300 PETERS JASON ..........................................................................638.04 G31-4-110-13-02-04-11100 COOK ROBERT A & NICOLE L ..................................................325.33 G31-4-110-13-02-04-12100 FILBY ALLEN E & SHARON S JT SURV ....................................828.85 H32 - JACKSON TOWNSHIP - MISSISSINAWA VALLEY LSD H32-0-113-05-00-00-31700 FOWLER MICHAEL J ..................................................................374.30 H32-0-113-10-00-00-10400 WHITLEY DANIEL S ....................................................................364.40 H32-0-113-18-00-00-20100 FETTERS STEPHEN R & JACQUE L JT SURV .........................330.00 H32-0-113-20-00-00-22000 IGNAFFO RAYMOND C...............................................................422.82 H32-0-113-25-00-00-20201 FRITZ FRANKLIN D TRUSTEE ...................................................340.57 H32-0-113-28-00-00-20100 KLEEM CHARLES M ...................................................................334.69 H32-0-113-29-00-00-21000 BEANBLOSSOM DAVID ...........................................................3,070.35 H32-0-113-33-00-00-31300 BOONE TORREY & SUSAN JT SURV .......................................946.24 H33-2-113-29-03-01-10702 BURNSIDE KAY...........................................................................537.08 H33-2-113-29-03-01-11100 KISER LAWRENCE H & MARCIA JT SURV ............................1,066.15 H33 - JACKSON TOWNSHIP - UNION CITY CORPORATION H33-2-113-29-03-01-11200 KISER LAWRENCE H ..............................................................1,059.12 H33-2-113-29-03-02-11800 HANNAN & LYNCH INC...............................................................276.41 H33-2-113-29-03-04-10100 JENKINSON RANDALL GENE ....................................................728.55 H33-2-113-29-03-04-11800 MINT REALTY LTD AN OH LIMITED LIABIL CO......................7,277.60 H33-2-113-29-03-06-14001 WESTFALL KEVIN M & WESTFALL JENNETTE M ......................15.14 H33-2-113-29-04-02-10500 CONNOR JONATHAN & TERESA ..............................................600.60 H33-2-113-29-04-02-11300 RUST ERIC ..................................................................................560.45 H33-2-113-29-04-03-11900 FUNK ERIC D ..............................................................................239.92 H33-2-113-29-04-04-13500 DOTSON BETTY L ........................................................................65.37 H33-2-113-29-04-04-13800 KLEEM CHARLES M .....................................................................97.93 H33-2-113-30-01-02-13000 STEMMER RICHARD LEE ..........................................................532.77 H33-2-113-30-02-01-10300 LIEBRECHT CONSTANCE D ......................................................143.43 H33-2-113-30-02-01-11100 MELENDEZ VICTOR MANUEL & VALDEZ SILVIA JT SURV .....347.85 H33-2-113-30-02-01-11201 MELENDEZ VICTOR MANUEL & VALDEZ SILVIA JT SURV .......41.12 H33-2-113-30-02-01-12900 GARLAND WILLIAM & FAITH JT SURV .....................................766.08 H33-2-113-30-02-02-10401 DESMOND R JOHN ......................................................................77.34 I34 - LIBERTY TOWNSHIP - TRI-VILLAGE LSD I34-0-111-09-00-00-10100 LUNDVALL ROBERT E ...............................................................152.56 I34-0-111-29-00-00-10301 ANTHONY ERIK & HUMMELL MICHELLE JT & SURV ..............106.83 I34-0-111-31-00-00-20400 THOMAS MARK B .......................................................................433.76 I34-0-111-36-00-00-40400 CLEMENS DANNY JOE ET AL ...................................................271.18 I35 - LIBERTY TOWNSHIP - GREENVILLE CSD I35-0-111-06-00-00-40100 TOWNSEND PHYLLIS L ..........................................................3,300.00 J37 - MISSISSINAWA TOWNSHIP - MISSISSINAWA VALLEY LSD J37-0-114-11-00-00-20101 BIHN JOSEPH .............................................................................736.33 J37-0-114-14-00-00-30200 GONZALEZ RAFAEL RAMIREZ ..................................................195.54 J37-0-114-17-00-00-20601 TROBRIDGE JUDITH ELAINE LE ET AL....................................574.11 J37-1-114-14-03-01-10300 GONZALEZ RAFAEL RAMIREZ ..................................................721.08 J37-1-114-23-04-01-10400 SUMMERS DAVID H ...................................................................459.34 J38 - MISSISSINAWA TOWNSHIP - FORT RECOVERY LSD J38-0-114-08-00-00-21300 FISHER MICHAEL L & CHARLENE Y.........................................433.03 J38-0-114-08-00-00-21301 FISHER MICHAEL L & CHARLENE Y...........................................67.72 J38-0-114-08-00-00-22100 LANGENKAMP DANIEL E...........................................................398.36 K39 - MONROE TOWNSHIP - FRANKLIN-MONROE LSD K39-0-308-12-00-00-20200 DICKEY JAMES A & CHRISTINE................................................878.46 K39-0-308-12-00-00-21700 VOILES JERRY R & SUSAN L JT SURV ....................................774.44 K39-0-308-12-00-00-21900 BERTRAM DOUGLAS W & CATHERINE M.............................1,651.67 K39-0-407-04-00-00-10300 EDGER TERESA M & O DELL LONNIE J JT SURV...................689.91 K39-0-407-08-00-00-32400 MACY RICHARD A JR.................................................................353.37 K39-0-407-18-00-00-30100 MEYERS NATHANIEL .................................................................457.52 K43 - MONROE TOWNSHIP - PITSBURG CORPORATION K43-2-308-12-01-01-11100 HOLDERMAN DAVID R & DEBORAH L JT SURV......................752.50 K43-2-308-12-01-02-10500 HOSLER DANIELLE L .................................................................892.98 K43-2-308-12-01-03-11100 ANDERSON WILLIAM R & CATHERINE.....................................703.81

K43-2-308-12-01-03-11500 THORNBURG RONALD L & CHERYL D.....................................980.57 K43-2-308-12-01-04-12300 ROBERTS NORMAN D & CELIA M .........................................1,585.71 K43-2-308-12-01-05-12200 PERDUE RICHARD T & LEEPER KIMBERLY J .........................812.71 K43-2-308-12-01-05-12300 DETLING TODD C & CAROL A................................................1,112.29 L44 - NEAVE TOWNSHIP - GREENVILLE CSD - AJAD L44-0-211-13-00-00-20200 ARNETT JEFFREY L ................................................................1,366.62 L44-0-211-13-00-00-21000 STEWART JOSHUA W ................................................................506.62 L44-0-211-13-00-00-40101 SMITH ISAAC A ...........................................................................803.61 L44-0-211-23-00-00-10101 COVAULT KEVIN C ..................................................................1,290.88 L44-0-211-24-00-00-10100 SHERRY WILLIAM C & D LUCILLE TRUSTEES .....................8,394.64 L45 - NEAVE TOWNSHIP - TRI-VILLAGE LSD - TVJAD L45-0-211-33-00-00-30502 YANCEY DOYLE..........................................................................221.38 L80 - NEAVE TOWNSHIP - WAYNE LAKES CORPORATION L80-2-211-28-01-01-10100 TALOS TERESA ............................................................................79.87 L80-2-211-28-01-01-10200 TALOS TERESA ............................................................................87.34 L80-2-211-28-01-01-10300 TALOS TERESA ............................................................................79.29 L80-2-211-28-01-01-12100 TALOS TERESA ..........................................................................155.69 L80-2-211-28-01-01-12200 TALOS TERESA ..........................................................................381.08 L80-2-211-28-01-01-12300 ALOS TERESA ..............................................................................46.51 L80-2-211-28-02-02-10900 BARGER LOREN DOUGLAS & TAMMY L JT SURV ..................103.70 L80-2-211-28-02-02-11000 BARGER LOREN DOUGLAS & TAMMY L JT SURV ..................471.63 L80-2-211-33-01-01-11800 MATHIS MICHAEL R & PAMELA A ...............................................77.35 L80-2-211-33-01-01-12000 MATHIS MICHAEL RAY ET AL ....................................................166.07 L80-2-211-33-01-01-12101 MATHIS MICHAEL RAY ET AL ......................................................32.76 L80-2-211-33-01-03-10300 GRIFFIN JENNIFER L .................................................................394.06 L80-2-211-33-01-03-11000 CORIELL MARK & BERNADETTE M JT SURV ..........................797.45 L80-2-211-33-04-02-10500 NIXON NOLA M .............................................................................22.70 L80-2-211-33-04-02-10800 YANCEY DOYLE DE LYNN & DOROTHY MARIE JT SURV.........18.42 L80-2-211-33-04-02-10900 YANCEY DOYLE DE LYNN & DOROTHY MARIE JT SURV.......348.79 L80-2-211-33-04-02-15300 WEAVER KARLINE .....................................................................526.41 L82 - NEAVE TOWNSHIP - GREENVILLE CSD - TVJAD L82-0-211-14-00-00-31600 ARNETT GARY L & EDITH E JT SURV ......................................921.27 L82-0-211-17-00-00-10700 COX FRANKLIN C & MARY A JT & SURV...............................1,712.23 L82-0-211-21-00-00-40300 MURPHY MICHAEL J SR ............................................................862.15 L82-0-211-27-00-00-30900 IGNAFFO RAYMOND C...............................................................573.72 L82-0-211-27-00-00-40200 SMITH MICHELLE .......................................................................444.60 L82-1-211-27-04-01-10300 SMITH MICHELLE ....................................................................1,203.10 M50 - PATTERSON TOWNSHIP - VERSAILLES EVSD M50-0-312-24-00-00-20200 HENRY BRADLEY L & PENNY S JT & SURV .........................1,164.44 M52 - PATTERSON TOWNSHIP - YORKSHIRE CORPORATION M52-4-312-13-01-01-12000 BEAM RANDY P ..........................................................................321.55 N53 - RICHLAND TOWNSHIP - ANSONIA LSD - AAJA N53-5-311-20-01-01-10700 WOLF RONALD A & IMAJEAN JT SURV ...................................133.86 N53-5-311-20-01-01-11400 WOLF RONALD & WOLF IMAJEAN .............................................42.80 N54 - RICHLAND TOWNSHIP - GREENVILLE CSD N54-1-311-32-04-01-10700 EDWARDS BILLY J......................................................................599.64 N54-3-310-09-02-01-10300 ODA ELNORA................................................................................20.35 N54-3-310-09-02-01-12700 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT...........853.72 N55 - RICHLAND TOWNSHIP - VERSAILLES EVSD N55-0-311-27-00-00-40201 SUBLER LUCAS A ......................................................................634.78 N55-0-311-28-00-00-20101 OLIVER MATTHEW W .................................................................475.87 P56 - TWIN TOWNSHIP - ARCANUM-BUTLER LSD P56-0-308-06-00-00-33400 VANCE ADAM C & SARAH M JT SURV .....................................642.00 P56-0-308-10-00-00-10401 HACKWORTH RUSSELL A & KIMBERLY L JT & SURV .........1,072.08 P56-0-308-10-00-00-10402 HACKWORTH RUSSELL A & KIMBERLY L JT & SURV ............297.20 P56-0-308-15-00-00-10800 BESECKER KIM DOUGLAS & BESECKER DEBRA L ...............624.73 P56-0-308-28-00-00-30700 BRUMBAUGH LEE F ...................................................................949.83 P56-0-308-29-00-00-10800 LE VALLEY NAOMI M...............................................................1,018.71 P56-0-308-33-00-00-20600 WHITING WEAVER JENNIFER R & SUGGS CHRISTOPHER D .........................................................303.32 P59 - TWIN TOWNSHIP - ARCANUM CORPORATION P59-2-308-04-03-05-10901 MILLER CHAD E..........................................................................493.34 P59-2-308-04-03-05-11400 CLARK RICHARD C ....................................................................395.62 P59-2-308-04-03-06-11500 CHANEY JESSE M ......................................................................323.40 P59-2-308-04-04-03-11700 ANDERSON TYLER LEIS ...........................................................869.54 P59-2-308-09-01-01-12800 ARTZ SAMUEL T & JESSICA M JT SURV .................................299.15 P59-2-308-09-04-02-11800 MULLINS ALICIA C......................................................................522.62 P60 - TWIN TOWNSHIP - GORDON CORPORATION P60-4-308-35-01-01-11900 LAWSON JEFFREY R & AMY J ..................................................154.52 P60-4-308-35-01-01-12100 LAWSON JEFFREY R & AMY J ..................................................102.27 P60-4-308-35-01-01-12200 LAWSON JEFFREY R & AMY J ..................................................677.00 Q62 - VAN BUREN TOWNSHIP - FRANKLIN-MONROE LSD Q62-0-309-02-00-00-20700 NORTON KENNETH E & SHARON J .........................................641.28 Q62-0-309-02-00-00-21700 PENNY HOWARD G & CAROLYN J JT SURV ...........................150.88 Q62-0-309-16-00-00-30200 SKIDMORE JERRY WAYNE ....................................................3,054.30 Q62-0-309-18-00-00-30500 SHELLABARGER RONALD E & NICOLE A JT SURV ............1,103.88 Q63 - VAN BUREN TOWNSHIP - ARCANUM-BUTLER LSD Q63-0-309-20-00-00-31800 DILL D M & JUDITH JT & SURV .................................................472.02 Q63-0-309-28-00-00-22900 MOORES RICHARD J & BRIDGET E JT SURV .........................546.06 Q63-0-309-28-00-00-40100 SINK KEVIN J & KIMBERLY J JT SURV ..................................1,097.27 Q63-0-309-33-00-00-11000 MC CAIN DANIEL E..................................................................1,381.15 Q63-0-309-34-00-00-20600 BESECKER JESSE T.O.D. .......................................................1,724.65 Q63-1-309-32-04-01-10300 MORRISON EDWIN R .................................................................368.25 Q64 - VAN BUREN TOWNSHIP - GREENVILLE CSD Q64-0-309-02-00-00-10503 HOWARD HERSCHEL L TRUSTEE ET AL.................................288.67 R65 - WABASH TOWNSHIP - VERSAILLES EVSD - AAJA R65-0-312-17-00-00-20700 BERGMAN JAY JERALD .............................................................583.59 R68 - WABASH TOWNSHIP - ANSONIA LSD - AAJA R68-0-214-13-00-00-30400 STUCK TAYLOR A ....................................................................1,306.28 R68-0-214-24-00-00-30200 FULLROTH JEFFREY A & STACY L JT SURV ........................1,055.95 R68-0-214-24-00-00-30202 FULLROTH JEFFREY A & STACY L JT SURV ...........................413.49 R69 - WABASH TOWNSHIP - NORTH STAR CORPORATION - AAJA R69-2-312-08-02-01-10800 GRIESDORN KYLE W .................................................................597.56 S70 - WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP - GREENVILLE CSD S70-0-112-10-00-00-31600 PAHL ANDREA L .........................................................................704.95 S70-0-112-11-00-00-31000 KLACKNER MATTHEW J ............................................................920.54 S70-0-112-13-00-00-10200 MALOON JOSIAH K .................................................................1,815.74 S70-0-112-13-00-00-11100 MALOON JOSIAH........................................................................209.65 S70-0-112-14-00-00-10900 MALOON JOSIAH K & JUANITA L JT SURV ..............................657.51 S70-0-112-14-00-00-11000 MALOON JOSIAH K & JUANITA L JT SURV ..............................169.81 S70-0-112-14-00-00-11200 COOK TIMOTHY E & ROBIN L ...................................................669.74 S70-0-112-17-00-00-10100 UNION CITY COUNTRY CLUB INC AN OHIO CORP .............5,974.39 S70-0-112-28-00-00-40402 GUNCKLE TODD L & BARBARA S.............................................667.46 S70-0-112-29-00-00-20300 EVERMAN JOHN ROBERT & MCNELLY WILLA JT & SURV ......36.50 S70-0-112-32-00-00-10200 COMBS LISA C............................................................................115.10 S70-0-112-33-00-00-30900 TILLER JONATHAN W & KARI L JT SURV .................................135.93 S70-0-112-33-00-00-31000 TILLER JONATHAN W & KARI L JT SURV .................................151.80 S70-0-112-36-00-00-20200 BYRAM DAVID S & SUSAN N JT SURV .....................................237.00 S71 - WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP -MISSISSINAWA VALLEY LSD S71-0-112-04-00-00-10500 BARGA MICHAEL E & BONNIE J JT & SURV ............................974.49 S71-0-112-04-00-00-20400 DANIELS KATHEREEN S & DOYEL R JT &SURV .....................524.74 S71-0-112-08-00-00-10101 GIRTON CHAD A & GIRTON KATHY S JT SURV ......................226.74 S71-0-112-08-00-00-20500 REHMERT CURTIS L & MELISSA A JT SURV...........................463.55 S71-0-112-19-00-00-10402 BOWMAN MARLYN J & CONNIE K CO-TRUSTEES ET AL .......615.64 S71-0-112-30-00-00-10200 PRESTON DEREK J & KALEY F JT SURV ................................872.93 S71-1-112-04-04-01-11900 DAILEY JANE H AKA DAILEY JANE ..........................................477.57 T73 - WAYNE TOWNSHIP - VERSAILLES EVSD T73-0-311-11-00-00-20101 BALTES MONTE L & BEVERLY C............................................1,066.66 T73-0-311-14-00-00-10103 KOCH CATHY L ........................................................................1,171.67 T73-0-410-30-00-00-10400 RICHHART DAVID L ....................................................................700.48 T73-0-410-31-00-00-20600 NIXON ROBERT E & MARY JO JT SURV ..................................668.58 T73-0-410-31-00-00-20700 NIXON ROBERT & MARY JO SURV...........................................329.15 T73-0-410-32-00-00-30700 NIXON ROBERT E & MARY JO JT SURV ....................................56.12 T75 - WAYNE TOWNSHIP - RUSSIA LSD T75-0-410-04-00-00-20100 KRUCKEBERG ROBERT W & DOROTHY A JT SURV ..............734.25 T76 - WAYNE TOWNSHIP - VERSAILLES CORPORATION T76-2-410-18-03-01-12300 SPAHR DAVID W .........................................................................501.11 T76-2-410-18-03-03-11600 LEEPER PRESTON A .................................................................351.56 T76-2-410-19-01-03-14000 BERGMAN DARREN .....................................................................46.23 T76-2-410-19-01-05-11800 INMAN NICHOLE M..................................................................1,881.58 T76-2-410-19-03-01-10300 HUBER THOMAS L & CHRISTA L JT SURV...............................500.34 T76-2-410-19-04-04-11300 WEAVER DANIEL ........................................................................306.13 T76-2-410-19-04-04-13300 KIMMEL CHAD W ........................................................................496.86 T76-2-410-19-04-05-10100 RICHHART DAVID L ET AL ......................................................1,540.38 T76-2-410-19-04-05-10200 SHAFER BRYAN S & SHAFER TAMMY M JT SURV..................531.88 U77 - WAYNE TOWNSHIP - ANSONIA LSD - AAJA U77-0-213-13-00-00-20100 WOODMAN EILEEN ....................................................................714.87 U77-0-311-05-00-00-30200 CLYMER JOHN D ........................................................................238.08 U77-0-311-18-00-00-20200 WOODMAN EILEEN & WEYANT JAMES E ................................530.65 U77-0-312-32-00-00-40102 YOHEY TRAVIS ...........................................................................479.50 U78 - YORK TOWNSHIP - VERSAILLES EVSD U78-0-312-33-00-00-10200 GILMORE BENJAMIN J & HEIDI L..............................................855.65 U78-1-312-33-02-01-10400 LITTLE TAMMY ............................................................................160.01 I, hereby certify the foregoing list to be correct as shown by the records in the office of the Darke County Treasurer. Scott J. Zumbrink, Darke County Treasurer Notice is hereby given that the whole of such several lands, lots or parts of lots will be certified for foreclosure by the County Auditor pursuant to law unless the whole of the delinquent taxes, assessment, interest and penalties are paid within one year. Carol Ginn, Darke County Auditor

Cantwil performs for Runway & Rhythm GREENVILLE – Join Darke County United Way on Oct. 21, 7-10 p.m. for Runway & Rhythm at Montage Café. This fun, laidback Friday evening event will feature a premiere fashion show by Youniques, hors d’oeurves, beer and wine selections by Montage Café, a silent auction, and great live music from Mark Cantwil. Mark is a singer/songwriter from Ohio. His small town roots are the driving force behind the inspiring lyrics and music found on his debut album, “Last Chance Johnny” and sophomore effort “Diggin’ On You.” Both albums contain 11 diverse tracks that capture the spirit, the struggle, and the joys of everyday life. The Americana roots of heavy top-

ics and storytelling are the foundation of Mark’s music and strongly represented on both albums. Mark is most often found playing solo shows but also tours with his band, a group of seasoned and talented musicians that he has branded “The Punch-Drunk Heroes”. Expect a high energy show with powerful vocals, thick harmonies, and tasty guitar and harmonica leads when you attend a “Mark Cantwil and the Punch-Drunk Heroes” show. You can also find Mark out playing as a duo with his guitar player, Brett Mullins. For more information about Mark Cantwil or to hear a sample of his music, visit http:// www.markcantwil.com/. Tickets for Runway &

Shown are garden club members Angela Beumer, Becky Collins of the Ladybug Garden Club with Audrey Allread and Kim Cromwell of the Butterflies Junior Garden Club.

Garden clubs take orders for live wreaths GREENVILLE – The Ladybug Garden Club and Butterflies Junior Garden Club have kicked off their annual live wreath sale of fresh mixed wreaths, traditional door swags, and mixed bunches to decorate for the holidays. Each wreath is constructed of fresh Noble Fir, accented with Incense Cedar, Blue Berried Juniper and Ponderosa Pine Cones. The wreaths are available in 20”, 24”, 28”, 32”, and 42” diameters. The 22” long mini bunches have Noble Fir, Princess Pine, Blue Berried Juniper and Incense Cedar.

The 24” traditional door swags are attractive with a combination of Western Red Cedar, Princess Pine, and Ponderosa Pine Cones. The 24-inch wreath is ideal for a front door or fireplace and sells for $25. A handmade red velvet or red-plaid wired bow can be added for an additional $5. Orders will be available the third week in November and can be placed with members of the Butterflies Junior Garden Club and the Ladybug Garden Club or by calling Kim Cromwell at 547-0899.

Rhythm are $25 each and are presale only. Tickets are limited so reserve yours today. You may purchase tickets at the United Way office by calling 547-1272 or at Youniques and Montage. Proceeds from this event will assist United Way partner agencies. Youniques will be open that evening for fantastic shopping during the event. United Way

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thanks its sponsors for this event who help to make this night possible including Brumbaugh Construction, Edwards Jones Financial Advisor Andria Haworth, Ramco Electric Motors, Romer’s Catering, Second National Bank, The Bootery, and Youniques. The live music is sponsored by George and Becky Luce.

Fish & Game Club holds Outdoor Days NEW PARIS – The Darke Co. Fish & Game Club, 1407 New Garden Road, New Paris, will be hosting its Outdoor Days on Oct. 8, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event will give members of the club an opportunity to show off everything that is available at the club and encourage new memberships. The first 200 people to arrive will receive a t-shirt. Refreshments will be provided. There will also be a 50-50 Raffle and Fishing Pole Raffle. The pond was recently stocked so bring your pole, bait, chairs, friends and family.

Did you know? A family membership for the Darke Co. Fish & Game Club is $25 and includes parents and children under 18 years of age. There are over 96-acres on the property. There are two ponds stocked with bass, catfish, perch, bluegill and carp. The club house is available for rent. They also have swimming, hiking, camping, horseback riding, pistol and rifle range, mushroom hunting and archery range available. To learn more, visit Outdoor Days on Oct. 8, Like them on Facebook or visit http://dcfgclub.com.

DELINQUENT VACANT LAND TAX NOTICE (Section 5721.03, Revised Code) 2015 Duplicate Year

The Delinquent Vacant Lands returned delinquent by the County Treasurer of Darke County, with the taxes, assessment, interest and penalties charged against them according to law, and remaining delinquent for five years, are contained and described in the following list, Viz: Adams Township – Greenville CSD Lucous Kenneth S A02-3-310-26-03-01-11400 Adams Township – Gettysburg Corporation Lucous Kenneth S A05-4-310-25-02-01-13800 Harrison Township – New Madison Corporation Stephens William Garth G31-4-110-13-01-02-10600

364.47 164.93 26,790.48

I, hereby certify the foregoing is to be correct as shown by the records in the office of the Darke County Treasurer. Scott J. Zumbrink Darke County Treasurer Notice is hereby given that this Delinquent Vacant Land will be certified for foreclosure and forfeiture by the Darke County Auditor pursuant to law unless the whole of the delinquent taxes, assessments, interest and penalties are paid within twenty-eight days after the final publication of this notice. Carol Ginn Darke County Auditor

DELINQUENT MOBILE HOME TAX NOTICE (Section 5721.03 Revised Code of Ohio) 2016 Tax Year

The lands, lots and parts of lots returned delinquent by the County Treasurer of Darke County, the taxes, assessments, interest and penalties, charged against them agreeably to law, are contained and described in the following list, Viz:


I, hereby certify the foregoing list to be correct as shown by the records in the office of the Darke County Treasurer. Scott J. Zumbrink, Darke County Treasurer Notice is hereby given that the whole of such several lands, lots or parts of lots will be certified for foreclosure by the County Auditor pursuant to law unless the whole of the delinquent taxes, assessments, interest and penalties are paid within one year. Carol Ginn, Darke County Auditor

PAGE 20 Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com



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FOR RENT Very nice 2 BR single story duplex w/garage. No Pets or Smoking. $475/mo. 5482 Villa Ct, Greenville. 548-5053

Willow Place Apartments - We’re better than ever! 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Call 937316-8489. Equal Housing Opportunity

Storage for personal & business use. Penske Truck Rentals. Call Greenville Stor & Lock. 548-1075, 5328 Michelle St




2012 Ford F-450 Dump Truck Accepting bids through 5pm on 10/10/16 on a 2012 Ford F-450 Dump Truck, 4WD, 41k miles. Contact Second National Bank at (937) 547-2537 for details and bid instructions.


Truck Rentals

Sam Schwartz

WANTS ANY TYPE OF: • Carpentry Work • Room Additions • Garages • Siding • Foundation Replacement • Crawl Space Work • Restoration • Roofs/Re-Roofs FREE ESTIMATES



We are here to meet your storage and moving needs! 5328 Michelle Rd. Greenville


1 story brick duplex, Canterbury, Greenville on quiet cul-de-sac. 2 BR, 2 full baths, l/rm, kitchen. W/d hookup. A/c. Refrig, stove. 1 car attached garage w/ opener. No Pets/Smoking/Metro. $590/mo + deposit. 692-8094 2 Bedroom upstairs apartment in Greenvile. Call for details 548-9400 COMMERCIAL SPACE for rent. Great location on E Main St, high visibility. For more details 548-5264

Village of Ansonia Fire Hydrant Flushing Notice


Office space, 3-4 Rooms, 1000 sq. ft., 306 Sycamore St., Greenville.


The Village of Ansonia will be flushing fire hydrants the 1st and 2nd weeks of October. The days allocated for flushing will be from 10/4/2016 thru 10/6/2016 and 10/11/2016 thru 10/13/2016. This step is taken to help keep the lines clean of deposits accumulated during the year and to see if any fire hydrants are in need of repair. Please be aware that this could cause instances of rusty water. Thank you for your patience. If there are any questions please call the Village of Ansonia at 937 337-6781 ext 3.

The Early Bird has made it even easier to find what you are looking for! All Garage Sales are now featured on our interactive map at


“Now I know whe re garage sa the les are!”

Garage sales; 4 lines minimum = $8.40 each additional line @ $1.85


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FOR RENT Nice 1 BR furnished upstairs apt in Greenville. Tub/shower combo. Water/sewer provided. $300/mo. No Pets. No Smoking. 937-5482397

2 BR House: stove, refrigerator , water, septic, trash pick up included. No smoking & No pets. $600/month plus 1 month deposit. 937-417-3140 LAND CONTRACT Arcanum, 3-4 BR, 2 BA home. Seller provides new roof, gutters, facia & landscaping. $98K, includes $15K remodeling allowance. $2K down/$687.76/mo. 6492 Holl.-Arc.Rd. 5485053 benanzer.com 3 bedroom upstairs apt in Union City, OH. Electric heat. $350. 5476182 Versailles, furnished efficiency apt. $315 + deposit & electric. No Pets. 937-548-2108 Greenville, 2 BR Apt. Water, sewer, trash removal included. All electric. No pets. Deposit required. 5485264 Nice 2 BR 1/2 double in Greenville. Washer/ dryer hookup. Central air. Appliances provided. No Pets. No Smoking. $400/mo. 937-5482397 1 BR upstairs apt. all utilities included. No pets. No smoking. $500/per month plus 1 month deposit. 937417-3140. Palestine House: 3 Br and 1 Bath. 1 Large yard & Garage. $550 plus Dep. 937-5641206 1 bedroom upstairs apt in Union City, OH. $295. 547-6182

Nice 3 BR house in Greenville north end. No Pets. $650. 447-7845 Hollansburg, 4 BR, 1.5 bath, 2 story. New carpet/paint. $650/mo + $650 deposit. 937-4590258 2 BR, 1.5 bath townhouse, north side of Greenville. Seconds from Wagner Ave. No pets. Range, D/W, central a/c, lawn care, snow removal provided. Private patio. W/D hookup. Tenant pays utilities. $500/mo. 937-4592269 Greenville, 3 BR, LR, Kit, W/D Hookup. $575 deposit/rent. 937-4238320 Upstairs 3 BR apt in Palestine. No Pets. Deposit & references required. 997-5455 SERVICES OFFERED MOWING, large or small jobs. Also Landscaping, Shrub Trimming, Spraying/Fertilizing, Snow Removal. Reasonable rates. References available. Very dependable. 548-1716, ask for Justin LAWN MOWING & ROLLING, Yard Cleanup, Shrub Trimming, Edging, Mulching, Landscape Maintenance. Free Estimates. Leave message for Gettysburg Outdoor at Lavy’s Corner Mart 937-447-3051 Attention Small Businesses: Simplify Your Payroll & Taxes with Paychex! New customers receive one month of payroll processing free! Receive a Free Quote! Call 800-8050164 Custom Litter Spreading. Access to chicken Manure. 937-5643399


Full-time positions Monday-Friday (40 hours + Saturday rotation)

CMA or Phlebotomist

Must be a quick learner and team player Experience preferred EOE Qualified applicants email resume to: HR@familyhealthservices.org



CONTRACT RATES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST BUSINESS LINE ADS $1.85/line, $7.40 min. IN MEMORIAM, CARD OF THANKS 45¢ word “Homeowner” ads are $1.85/line, $7.40 minimum Use the handy order blank appearing on this page. SERVICES OFFERED Sewing & Alterations. Hemming: Pants, dresses, wedding gowns. Stuffed animals & cloth dolls. 937-423-5523

Musical Instrument Consignment at Bach To Rock Music in Greenville! Better chance of selling it at a Store that Specializes in what Musicians want than a regular consignment shop. Call us today (or better yet, stop by with your clean & playable item) to hear the details. 547-1970, bachtorock@earthlink. net WANTED TO RENT FARMGROUND TO RENT: $260/acre, SPRING PAYMENT, FERTILITY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. 937-622-2735 REAL ESTATE Beautiful large log home, 2.4 aces w/3 BR, loft, pellet boiler, pond, much more. On SR 571E, edge of Greenville. NEW PRICE $292,000. Trump Realty 678-5687 FARM ESTATE LIQUIDATION! 7 hilltop tracts from 6 to 30 acres from $19,900! Gorgeous views, streams, ponds, woods, fields! Quiet country setting! Financing avail! 866495-8733 NewYorkLandandLakes.com HELP WANTED LANDSCAPE POSITION. Send resume to: Crowell Lawn Service, PO Box 141, Greenville, OH 45331

HELP WANTED First Call Staffing is Now Hiring for Greenville Technologies. Apply at GTI, 5755 St Rt 571 E. Hiring for all shifts, with lots of openings on 2nd and 3rd! Full-time and Part-time positions available. All positions require a clean drug screen. Walk-in Applications with Interview Wednesday & Thursday 8-10am & 1-3pm. Applications taken Mon, Tues & Fri from 8a-4p as well, but no interview is available on the spot. Please bring 2 pieces of I.D. to apply

Need serious, dependable, hardworking & energetic individuals to insert Early Birds. MUST be 18 years or older & able to stand a maimum of 8-12 hrs or longer as needed. Inserting starts on Fridays at 8pm. If you are interested please call 937-547-0851. If no answer please leave your name, address, and telephone number where you may be reached

NOW HIRING 5963 Jaysville St. Johns Rd GREENVILLE

Welding and metal fabrication experience preferred APPLY IN PERSON

Talent Account Manager

Designed to provide dedicated local support for a client, serving as the primary point of contact as it pertains to operational issues, management of the temporary workforce, and service delivery. Must be client focused with ability to build relationships and leverage resources. Qualifications include 2-3 years recruiting, staffing or vendor management experience, demonstrated experience in screening, hiring, orienting, training, assigning and managing temporary employees, high school diploma or equivalent, good verbal and written communication skills, proficient in Word, Excel and PowerPoint, ability to multitask, problem solve, and take a leadership role.

Call Today 937-316-3782


State Tested Nursing Assistants Looking for your next opportunity?

At Country View Family Farms, we pride ourselves in raising healthy pigs to make quality pork for our families and yours. We currently have multiple Full Time positions at our Deer Ridge and Red Key Farms located in Ridgeville, IN. Health benefits, overtime, bonuses, PTO, 401k, wellness program and on-the-job training are available! You also have the opportunity to grow your skills with our level training programs that can include wage increases. Farm experience is helpful, but not necessary. APPLY TODAY! at www.cvff.com/employment. If you have additional questions, please call Nick Bruns at 937-670-6494. Country View Family Farms is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer.



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For ad to appear in Sunday’s Early Bird, order blank with payment must be received in our office NO LATER THAN NOON THURSDAY!

Full-time $1500.00 Full-time Sign on Bonus Available VERSAILLES HEALTH CARE CENTER 200 Marker Rd. Versailles, OH 45380 www.versailleshealthcare.com Call and schedule an appt and apply in person or online. Call: Lynn Eschbach Director of Staff Development

(937) 526-5570 EOE

Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 21

HELP WANTED Part-time Maintenance person needed, day shift, no weekends. Willing to work with qualified candidates on hours and days worked. Send resume to: Treaty City Manor, 650 Wagner Ave, Greenville, Ohio 45331. 937-548-0932. Treaty City Manor does not discriminate on the basis of disability status in the admission or access to or treatment or employment in it’s federal assisted programs and activities

Warehouse/Shipping Opening: Arcanum Company has part time, first shift seasonal positions in their warehouse/shipping area. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: shipping, receiving, stocking, lifting up to 50 pounds. Strong computer skills a must. Inquires please email resume to: hr@allamericanclothing.com. Full or part-time Carpenter. Minimum 2 years experience. 5482307

Lab and Sire Technicians Birchwood Genetics, Inc. has two 3rd shift part-time positions available at our West Manchester, OH facility. One position is for a laboratory technician. This is a production lab. Responsibilities include preparing and packaging product as well as set up and clean up. Previous experience is not necessary. Training provided. The other position is for a sire technician. Responsibilities include care and feeding of boars, collection of product, cleaning and routine maintenance of barn equipment. Livestock experience is preferred. This is a highhealth herd with strict bio-security. Contact with other swine is not permitted. Competitive wage and excellent benefits package. EOE. If you are interested in joining our team email a resume to cody.gates@genusplc.com or call 1-800-523-2536 for more details.

Responsible & dependable individuals needed to deliver Early Birds in the Yorkshire, Versailles, Bradford, Greenville & Arcanum areas. There are walking & motor routes available. If you are interested, please contact Becky at 937-547-0851 and leave your name, address & phone number, if no answer Servers needed. Experience preferred. Willing to work nights & weekends. Apply in person at the Fairlawn Steak House 925 Sweitzer Street Greenville, Ohio. Drum Instructor needed at Bach to Rock Music. 547-1970 or 334 S Broadway, Greenville. Glick’s Construction, Inc, locally owned & operated construction company with over 20 years in business, looking for reliable, selfmotivated, hardworking individuals who are willing to learn & grow with our company. Skills beneficial but not required. Must have valid driver’s license. Call 547-3051

See You At Our JOB FAIR Tuesday, October 4

10:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. 639 Wagner Ave., Suite D, Greenville

Manufacturing Positions

offering Competitive Wage, Benefits, Employee Discounts

Call Us Today 937-316-3782

WANTED TO BUY Cars/Trucks, running or not UP TO $500. Free pick-up. 937-423-2703 or 937-621-5809

BUYING OLD GUITARS, Banjos, Mandolins & Amplifiers. ALSO buying Flutes, Saxophones, Trombones, Trumpets in good condition, Yamaha, Selmer, King, Conn. Bring them to Bach to Rock Music, 334 S. Broadway, Greenville, OH for an offer. 937-547-1970, email: bachtorock@ earthlink.net WANTED Wanted: Used house trailers in good condition. Please call 937448-2974 LIVESTOCK For Sale: Registered Suffolk Yearling Rams. Also, Suffolk ram lambs, $250 and up. Would consider lease. 765-857-2558. Bulk & Jumbo bags of Kiln-Dried Livestock Bedding. Great for all types of livestock. Delivery available. 937548-2200 or 937-4592545 Remember, the

DEADLINE for Classified

Ads is NOON on Thursday.

SPECIAL NOTICES SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied benefits? We Can Help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1-800-208-6915 to start your application today! AUTOMOTIVE 1993 GMC Sierra. 4 wheel drive, new battery, 200k miles, fair condition, $2500 OBO. Call 937-459-5002

1998 Sebring Conv. 6cyl auto, new brakes, new starter, high miles, well maintained.Everything works. Dependable $1200/ OBO.937548-1065 2008 F350 extended cab, 4x4, turbo diesel, auto, XLT, 99,000 miles, new tires, steel flatbed, $20,500 OBO. 937-459-2545 2008 G-6 $4995. 2010 Fusion $7995. 2012 Fusion $12,995. 2011 Impala $9995. 2005 Duramax dually $18,995. 2007 Escape $6995. 2007 Grand Cherokee $6995. 2008 Tundra 4x4 $17,995. 2005 Dakota crew $8995. 2008 Vue AWD $7995. Buy - Sell - Trade! CountryAutoSalesGreenville.com 548-1337

AUTOMOTIVE 2008 Chevy TrailBlazer, EC, local trade. 2004 Dodge Ram 2500HD 4x4. 2011 Honda Pilot EX/L. 2012 5th wheel camper, EC, very clean. 937-417-9818

MISC. FOR SALE Professional SOUND SYSTEM Rental, Sales & Installation. Free quotes to your business, church or home for sound system updates & improvements. JBL, EAW, QSC, PEAVEY, CROWN. Bach to Rock Music 547-1970, email: bachtorock@earthlink. net. Also Renting sound systems for Weddings, Graduations, Business Meetings, or any other engagements!

HOUSEHOLD PILLOWTOP 14 INCH THICK MATTRESS & BOX SPRINGS: FULL SET $237; QUEEN SET $259; KING SET $399. NEW IN PLASTIC WITH WARRANTY. 937-884-5455 We Acorn Stairlifts. The deliver AFFORDABLE solution Very nice used Rainbow to your stairs! **Limvacuum sweeper. War- ited time -$250 Off Your ranty. Call 548-0870 Stairlift Purchase!** New, warehouse Buy Direct & SAVE. liquidation, queen Please call 1-800-410$169, king $219, 7127 for FREE DVD full $139, twin $109. and brochure We deliver. Call 937- HON 683L commer884-5455 cial grade lateral file cabinet, like new, $175. MISC. FOR SALE 937-692-6143 HP 21 Monitor, Keyboard & Mouse. $50 Life Alert. 24/7. One OBO. Call 937-459- press of a button sends help FAST! Medical, 5002 Fire, Burglar. Even if you Safe Step Walk-In Tub can’t reach a phone! Alert for Seniors. Bath- FREE Brochure. CALL room falls can be fatal. 1-800-746-0979 Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 1-800-906-3115 for $750 Off

COMMERICAL RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Peerless double deck nat gas stone pizza oven, 2.5 yrs old. True pizza prep table, 66” long, like new. Ice cream hand dip cabinet, 16 flavors on top, storage underneath. 3-door glass cooler. LG stackable washer/dryer, like new. Electro-Freeze soft serve ice cream machine. BeverageAir ice cream fountain table. 937-417-9818 2012 John Deere 730 garden tractor, 25HP, ps, tilt, cruise, 300 hours, 54” deck with Power Flo bagger, extra set of blades, excellent condition, $5950. 937416-7961 MOTORCYCLES 2007 Harley Sportster, 14,000 miles, $3500. 937-548-8211 RECREATIONAL Used Gator 2x4, new seats, windshield & new paint. Good condition. 937-459-0610 CLASSIFIEDS WORK! 1-800-548-5312

OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY Oct. 2nd 1-2:30pm Product Engineer-International Fort Recovery Industries, Inc., a leading manufacturer of aluminum and zinc die casting, has an opening for a full-time qualified Product Engineer-International on first shift in Fort Recovery. This candidate should have the ability to direct teams in the areas of product launches, quality planning and process improvements; and good communication skills. Applicants should have a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical, Industrial or Manufacturing Engineering or equivalent education/work experiences. Must be capable of working and directing English & Mandarin team members to reach FRI’s goals and objectives. This candidate also must be willing to travel to Southeast Asia (or international sites) as required. Apply in person from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or online.

Fort Recovery Industries, Inc. 2440 State Route 49, Box 638 Fort Recovery, Ohio 45846-0638 fortrecoveryindustries.com

7278 ST RT 121 N, Greenville, OH-This 2 bedroom home north of Greenville sits on 1.287 acres. Country living close to town for $69,900! Stop in today for more details.


108 Woodside Dr., Pitsburg If you are looking for a house on a quiet street with lots of trees, this one is for you. The lot is just shy of 1/2 acre, set at the end of the street. You get the feel of country living but the convenience of town. House needs some updating. Close proximity to city park.

First Choice Realty

The Right Choice 1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331




6897 Seiler Rd. Greenville, OH $134,500.

FOR SALE OR WILL CONSIDER TRADE! Home completely remodeled in 2014. New plaster on the walls and ceiling. New windows, wood trim, flooring, tile in kitchen & bath. Premium Pergo wood laminate, new kitchen cabinets and counter tops, range and microwave, dishwasher and oven. Fireplace with insert fan. Completely ready to move in. 5 new ceiling fans, all new light fixtures. (716092)

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! OPEN SUNDAY OCTOBER 9TH 2016 8357 Larimer Rd. Greenville, OH OPEN 1 to 3 PM

NEW PRICE! Say hello to this good buy on 1.41 acres. The property consists of a 1989 Redmond mobile home with 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths. Newer Anderson windows, standing seam roof and siding. Also included is a 24x24 2 1/2 car garage, a 12x16 Waymire building and a 10x12 storage shed. Newer 30-year dimensional roof on the garage and outbuildings. Take your afternoon break on the nice covered patio. Plenty of room for you to add on or build new. Master bath has been dismantled to allow for more closet space. All plumbing is still in place to convert back to a master bath. Stop on out! (712737) Stop in for your personal tour with REALTOR® Melissa Rosenbeck.

108 Meadowridge Greenville, OH OPEN 1:30-3 PM

Must see this beautiful home in the Northwest side of Greenville. You simply will not believe all the space. Gorgeous kitchen, cabinets with pulls outs, beautiful counter tops with new back splash. Enjoy the gas log fire place in the Winter and the all season Florida room year round. Very large rec room or 3rd bedroom in upper level of home. This home has been repainted down stairs with new carpet laid in bedrooms. 2+ car garage attached. (717809) Stop in for your personal tour with REALTOR® Jay Kimmel.

PAGE 22 Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

GARAGE SALES ANSONIA 519 W High St; Oct 6 & 7; Quality winter clothing and coats, Christmas decor, king sheets, candle crafts, weedwacker and Jaw Saw.

Open House; Ansonia Hair Kair, 114 South Main St, Ansonia, 3370019; Oct. 8; 8am-1pm. Handmade Crafts & Purses. 10% off every $50 spent. 10% of proceeds goes to House of Hope in Dayton. ARCANUM/PITSBURG Betty’s 1st Antiques & Collective Sale; 9156 Stocker Rd, Arcanum, between Red River & Schnorf Jones Rd; Oct 6-7-8; 9am-?; 1930’s Old oak medicine cabinet. 1940-50’s 2-child chair rose back. Oak kitchen cabinet w/pullout dough board. 2 glass door, 1922 Montgomery Ward catalog, old benches, ice cream table & 2 chairs, old wood ladder, crocks, oil cans, small table, old dishes, dolls wall picture, 1980-90’s oak wall telephone, yard items, wall mirror, Christmas items, regular garage sale items. LOTS of stuff, too much to list! Come & See!

ARCANUM/PITSBURG 1662 Verona-Pitsburg Rd., Arcanum - corner of SR 49 S. & Verona Pitsburg Rd. Huge Estate Sale - Oct. 6,7,8. Thurs & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 9-?; 937-564-1694 or 937-564-0943 For info. Antique furniture, old books, toys, dolls, stereo cabinets, china cabinet, quilts, wringer washer, double rinse tubs & etc. Also: tools, nuts, bolts, garden tools, saws, dressers, cabinets, beds, sewing machine & accessories, dishes, knickknacks, too much to list GREENVILLE 101 Royal Oak; Oct 6-7; 8-6; Wall oven, drop-in flat top stove, gas wall heater, older Maytag washer, bikes, Schwinn elec exercise bike, weight bench, luggage, Keurig, lg set egg shell Priscilla pattern china + extra pieces, household, boys’ 24mo-2T, women S-M, jogging stroller w/infant car seat

4862 Doneva Dr, off of Children’s HomeBradford Rd, behind big pond; Oct 6-7, 9-5; Oct 8, 8-12; Lots of home, garden, Christmas. Clothes, jackets

Treaty City Manor Subsidized Housing for 55 Years & Above Efficiencies & 1 Bedroom Apartments Utilities and Appliances Provided Coin-Op Laundry Available

Now Available 650 Wagner Ave., Greenville Ohio 45331 937-548-0932 TTY 800-750-0750 Treaty City Manor does not discriminate on the basis of disability status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its federal assisted programs and activities.

GREENVILLE Large Barn Sale; 4340 US Rt 127 South; Oct 6-7; 9-5; Everything Must Go!

8192 St Rt 121 North; Oct. 7th, 5-8 pm; 8th, 9am-12; All sizes men’s, women’s, children’s - jeans, clothes, bras, athletic apparel, fleece jackets, hoodies, coats, shoes, cleats. Tons of Under Armour, Nike, Victoria’s Secret PINK, Daytrip, BKE, Miss Me jeans, Columbia, North Face, Aeropostale, American Eagle. Some misc. All clean, great shape, some new, well below retail. Dressing Room available 3130 US Rt 36; Oct 6-7, 9-6; Oct 8, 9-1; Doghouse, fishing boat, ext. ladder, Grizzly dust collector, pans, collectables, dishes Brethren Retirement Community’s Fall Sale, 750 Chestnut St, Brick Room; Oct 6, 9-5; Oct 7, 9-12; Lots of Treasures! YARD SALE; 6992 Arcanum-Bears Mill Rd; Oct 6-7-8; 9am-?; Women’s lg clothes 3/4/5X, cookbooks, misc Bish Boyer Trailer Park beside Speedway, Lot D-19; Oct 6-7; 8-5; Huge Yard Sale! Lots of stuff! Something for everyone

R&S Reck Mobile Home Park New Paris, Ohio

Mobile Homes for Rent Or Rent to Own Call

5847 Wood Ave., Oct. 7,8; 9-?. Antique furniture (couch, rocker & Victorian chair set), 35 gallon aquarium complete plus supplies, upholstery supplies & fabric, craft supplies, Christmas & fall decorations, primitive items, old NASCAR VHS tapes, lots of misc. & $.25 items. 1321 Sugar Maple; Oct 6-7; 9-4; Chain saw, tools, household items, decor, KitchenAid coffee grinder, new light fixture, Harley Davidson items

HALLOWEEN ONLY SALE! 226 E 4th St; Fri 10/7, 4-8; Sat 10/8, 9-1; Over 100 costumes from infant to adult. Many NWT. Masks, wigs, accessories, decorations. Nothing over $5. No Early Sales

Becoming a Home Owner Need Not Be Just A Dream 2&3 Bedroom Homes Available Check our our selection of FREE handyman homes. Rental Homes Available Too! Sherwood Forest Mobile Home Community 937-548-9898 www.parkbridgehomes.com

AUGUST 14TH OPEN 1-2:30PM HOUSE TODAY OCTOBER 2, 2016 1-2:30 128-130 E FOURTH, GREENVILLE Stop in to see this lovely old brick home with 7 fireplaces, home currently has 2 apartments with roof top patios. Business opportunity with attached building. Close to downtown and court house. 1381 ST RT 121 S, GREENVILLE Charming Home offers lovely wood floors, Custom Cabinets in Kitchen, 3 Bedrooms with upper floor having lots of built ins. 1.5 baths .Enclosed front porch plus deck to the back. 32 X 40 Barn with work benches all on .89 acre, just at the south edge of Greenville

NEW TO THE MARKET 765 MARTIN STREET 3 bedroom 2 story home on corner lot Call office for list of updates. 3 car garage.




OPEN HOUSE Sun. Oct. 2 1-2:30pm Tues. Oct. 4 6-7:30pm

6202 US RT 36 E, GREENVILLE Set on 0.78 acre, this 1,536 sq. ft. ranch house has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, eat-in kitchen, large living/dining room, plus an office. Home has central heating and air conditioning and attached garage. Backyard with a potting shed and 26’x40’ metal building with finished shop space and garage with 10 ft. door. Home is move in ready and priced below appraised value. Call Marty at 937-417-5529.

GREENVILLE 1287 Sugar Maple Dr, corner of Russ Rd; Oct 7-8; 8-1; Fold-down patio chairs, Weber grill, picture frames, wood 5’ step ladder, 4 metal folding chairs, Calphalon hanging pan rack, more

OWNER WANTS AN OFFER! Unique 2 BR home in Wayne Lakes! Covered porches & patios on each level. 3 docks. 7 lots on 4 acres. House, 4 lots & docks can be sold separately. MLS 557621 #4357 DRASTICALLY REDUCED! 1½-ST brick home w/large front porch, 4 BR, 2 BA. LRM & DRM. 14x6 enclosed back porch. Near downtown Greenville. MLS 706047 #4502 NICE COUNTRY LOCATION! Well-caredfor vinyl sided ranch on 1½ acre lot. 2 BR. Eat-in KIT w/newer cabinets, counter top & flooring. Newer furnace, central air & water heater. 36x64 barn w/workshop. MLS 713033 #4512


1373 Eaton Fort Nesbit Rd. New Paris $309,900. 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 car att. Garage, 36 acres, 3 barns and many home updates. (721555) 3029 St. Rt. Arcanum NEW PRICE $264,900. 4 Bed, 1 Bath, 2 car det. Garage, large patio, gravel lot to outbuildings, family room. (710485) 92 St Rt. 121 New Paris $179,000. 4 Bed, 2 bath, 2 car att. Garage, 6 acres, pole barn, unfinished basement. (716568) 70 Brown St. Pitsburg $122,500. 4 Bed, 2 bath, 2 car det. Garage, corner double lot, over 2,000 sq ft living space, bathroom and walk in closet in main floor bedroom. (718649) 125 E. North St. Union City NEW LISTING $19,200. 1 Bed, 1 Bath home, many updates, storage building. (721356)

GREENVILLE 8684 Hartle Rd; Oct 5, 3-5; Oct 6, 9-5; Oct 7, Noon-3; Kimball organ, old school desk, pictures, misc glass/ knickknacks, lamps, tables/chairs, seasonal decorations, books, unopened football cards, dish sets

TRI VILLAGE 127 E Union, Hollansburg; Oct 6-7-8; 9-5; Books, glass top canning jars, Ball, others. Baked goods. Many misc

VERSAILLES 7472 Beamsville-Webster Rd; Oct 5-6-7; 9-5; 3-phase Shop Vac, large bell, antique oak store 1370 Benden Way Apt. cooler, band saw, shop A 14; Oct, 6, 9-6 : Rain- tools, queen box springs, bow sweeper & Lots of driveway basketball Good bargains. hoop, many other misc

Pets of the Week GREENVILLE The Darke County Animal Shelter has many pets available for adoption, including several breeds of dogs, as well as cats and kittens. The Shelter, 5066 County Home Road, Greenville, chooses pets to feature each week. Emma is a fouryear-old Beagle. She is tri-color with short hair and is a friendly girl that walks well on a leash. She is current on his shots. Shadow is a 10month-old Border Collie mix. He is black and white with a little tan. He has long hair. He knows some commands and walks well on a leash. He is current on his shots. They also have a Chocolate Lab, a Golden Retriever, Boxer mix, a couple of Beagles, a couple of Coon Hounds and numerous other dogs, cats and kittens for adoption. The Shelter is open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday and 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday. For more information, call 547-1645. Their 2017 “Pets Calendars” are ready and are better than ever. They only print 200 so they won’t last long. You can come to the Shelter to pick them up. Be sure to keep your dog license on your dog so the Shelter can get them back home if they get loose. You can get your license online at www.doglicense.



us/oh/darke. All dogs over threemonths of age must have a license. To see the dogs they have, visit www.darkecounty-

animalshelter.com. Please visit also the website of the Friends of the Shelter: www.darkecountyfriendsoftheshelter.com.

Tween-tivities in Preble Co. PREBLE CO. – For ages 8-12, the Preble County District Library has programs at each library branch in October for children ages 8-12 that may include crafts, games, or other fun

activities. Catch tween-tivities at the following locations: Oct. 3, 4:30 p.m., West Manchester Library Oct. 4, 4:30 p.m., Eldorado Library Oct. 11, 4:30 p.m., New Paris Library



6795 E. US RT 36 $900,000. 4 beds, 5 full baths, 2 half bath, 3 car att. garage, 12,247 sq. feet on 5 acres. (602255) 420 Circle Dr. NEW LISTING $219,000. 3 Bed, 2 bath, 2 car att. Garage, over 2000 sf of living space, sunroom, large yard. (721473) 5489 Eastnol NEW PRICE $151,900. 3 Bed, 1.5 bath, 2 car att. Garage, half acre, basement could be finished for additional living space. (719077) 3797 St. Rt. 121 NEW PRICE $109,900. 4 Bed, 2 bath, 2 car det. Garage, 3rd story attic possible living area, recent updates garage, central air/furnace. (718897) 110 Redwood Dr. NEW LISTING $87,500. 3 Bed, 1 Bath, hardwood floors, 1 car att. Garage, large deck, closed to knew k-8 school. (721587) 8053 Arcanum Bearsmill Rd. NEW PRICE $76,900. 3 Bed, 2 bath, 2 living rooms, 1 car att. Garage, fenced in yard (714021) 214 Hart Ave. NEW PRICE $69,777. 2 Bed, 1 bath, 1 car det. Garage, full basement, many updates including windows, furnace, roof. (718862)

306 Marion Dr; Oct 6-7; 9-5; Bridal dresses & formals, misc furniture, clothes 1230 East Main, Oct. 6,7, 9:30-5. Household, toys, Christmas, clothes - children, Jr., adults. 1384 N. Chippewa Dr., Oct. 6,7, 10-5; Oct. 8, 10-2. Womens, mens & childrens clothes, kitchen items. Lots of misc.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2016 9:00AM 7515 St. Rt. 202 Tipp City, Ohio 45371

“OPEN TODAY! 1-2:30”

740 N. BROADWAY - This 3 bedroom home has newer floor coverings; beautiful oak cabinets in kitchen; gas corner fireplace; breezeway to 2 car garage! CORNER LOT! $110,000. IN PITSBURG This 2-story home at 220 Baker Street has been updated and well maintained! Above ground pool, pool house/ party room a definite PLUS! $89,900. IN VERSAILLES this 1 bedroom home at 306 Wayne Street has maintenance free exterior! 1 car detached garage; mature trees; CORNER LOT! $70,000. IN UNION CITY this DUO at 543 and 545 N. Walnut can be purchased separately or together! 3 bedroom ranch home for $41,000 and one for $36,000 or both for $77,500! Excellent return on your investment! COZY 2 bedroom home at 138 Sherman has lots of updates! 2 car detached garage; partially fenced yard! Upper 60’s. JUST EAST OF GREENVILLE this 3 bedroom home at 5882 Culbertson Road has lots of kitchen cabinets; newer furnace; 50x30 barn with metal roof and metal siding; 50x12 carport. $109,000. Owner says make offer! BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY SETTING at 6209 Hillgrove-Southern Road! 3 bedrooms; 2 baths; jacuzzi tub; new oak cabinets in kitchen of this brick ranch home! 2 car attached garage PLUS 2½ car detached garage! $155,000.


Antique Tractors and Attachments Bolens Power-ho 9+ units, Attachments include cultivators, sickle-bar mowers, harrows etc. Most in great condition. Bolens Power-ho Deluxe unit with cultivator, Bolens Huski Several dolly’s for the Power-ho units, several old riding tractors including an old Wheel Horse tractor. LT1000 Craftsman Riding Mower 42’’ cut 14.5 hp Briggs & Stratton engine, 3-point Sickle-bar Mower, 3-point 6ft. Snow Blade, Yardman 22’’ snow blower. Antique Hand Tools Approximately 50 Hand Wood Planes, Draw Knife, Lots of Hammers and Mallets, Approx. 30 antique Hand Drills and Shoulder Drills, 20+ Hand saws, 10+ Large Carpenter’s Squares, Old Wooden Levels, 25+ Vintage Oilers, Lots of Wrenches, Screwdrivers, Boxes of Misc. Hardware, Grease Pump, Vices, and so much more.Barn Items Old Hay Fork (Canton, Oh.) Harpoon Hay fork, Old Forge w/ electric motor, Many old screw and bottle jacks, Wheelbarrows, Old Runner sled, Antique Bell (The C.S. Bell Co. Hillsboro, Oh.), 20+ old reel mowers, Approx. 50 old feed sacks from the area, Hay scythes, Several single trees, log chains, all sorts of v-belts, Horse Shoes, Car ramps, Shopcraft Table Saw 10’’ , Wooden window frames and lots of wooden doors, Lots of Antique lanterns, Rakes, hoes, shovels, Old Bolens Chainsaw, Mall Chainsaw, Antique hand seeders, Victor mop wringer bucket, Burroughs Typewriter, Foothold Traps, Body-grip traps, Mole trap, Several air compressors, Galvanized tubs, Wooden Bushel baskets, Wooden ladders 6ft and extension, Lots of small engines, Old wooden and metal pulleys, Antique Oil and Lube Cans, Fuel Tank with stand and nozzle. Misc. Approx. 30’ Windmill, Fairbanks Scales, Glass insulators, Sawhorses, Lots of old barn lumber and Barn Beams 8’’ X 8’’ X 18’ long, Roll of barbwire, Lots of old advertising wood crates, Tool boxes, Tires & rims, Fireplace insert glass doors, Old Rail Spikes, Vintage U.S. Mail Sign, Wood cabinets and shelves, Antique drill presses, Tractor seats, and lots more. Auctioneers note: This is an absolute amazing barn find. This barn and all the contents have been sitting there since 1995. There is way too much to list. Lots of good quality antiques and old items. This will be a two ring auction and everything will sell “as is” to the highest bidder. Please plan to attend this great “Barn Find” auction. Auctionzip.com Auctioneer ID# 43637 Terms are Cash, Check, Credit Card w/ 3% fee Food and facilities on site.

Jim Shuttleworth Evelyn Shuttleworth Joe Shuttleworth Greg Shuttleworth Richard Edwards



Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 23

ABMS receives grant from Dollar General GREENVILLE – The Dollar General Literacy Foundation recently awarded Butler Middle School a $4,000 grant to support youth literacy. This local grant is part of $4.5 million in youth literacy grants awarded to approximately 1,000 organizations across the 43 states that Dollar General serves. Given at the beginning of the academic school year, these grants are aimed at supporting teachers, schools and organizations with resources to

strengthen and enhance literacy instruction. “The ArcanumButler Local School district thanks Dollar General and the Dollar General Literacy Foundation for their generous support,” said a school representative. Butler Middle School received the grant to support the implementation of Read 180. Read 180 is a leading blended learning intervention program to help students build reading, vocabulary, comprehension and writing skills. But-

ler Middle School interventions specialists Amy Seger, Erin Tegtmeyer, and Jaimee Garbig will utilize the program for struggling students. “By awarding these grants, the Dollar General Literacy Foundation is committed to making a meaningful impact in our local communities,” said Todd Vasos, Dollar General’s chief executive officer. “These grants provide funds to support youth literacy initiatives and educational pro-

grams throughout the communities we serve to ensure a successful academic year for students.” Committed to helping increase the literacy skills of individuals of all ages, the Dollar General Literacy Foundation has awarded more than $127 million in grants to nonprofit organizations, helping nearly 7.9 million individuals take their first steps toward literacy or continued education since its inception in 1993. The

Dollar General Literacy Foundation awards grants each year to nonprofit organizations, schools and libraries within a 20-mile radius of a Dollar General store or distribution center to support adult, family, summer and youth literacy programs. The Dollar General Literacy Foundation also supports customers interested in learning how to read, speak English or prepare for the high school equivalency test. At the cash regis-

Fish needs help to Feed Darke County GREENVILLE – The Fish Choice Pantry has begun its annual “Feed Darke County” food drive, which kicked off at the Illumination Festival held at the Darke County Fairgrounds on Sept. 17. According to Fish Director Kristy Cutarelli, donations are sorely needed to fill pantry shelves which have thus far this year served almost 1,800 households. “The Feed Darke County initiative was conceived in 2009, and is our only true food drive during the year; right now, our

shelves are getting frighteningly bare,” Mrs. Cutarelli explained. “The Illumination Festival collection yielded 311 pounds of canned and packaged food, but much more is needed so that the organization can continue to meet the needs of the community it serves,” she stated. Many churches, clubs, organizations, businesses and individuals donate regularly to the Choice Pantry. Donations to Fish are welcomed throughout the year; however, Mrs. Cutarelli says

that the success of the harvest season “Feed Darke County” drive is essential to providing local families with the help they seek. The Fish Choice Pantry, located at 400 Markwith Avenue, Greenville, provides a full range of food items from which clients can choose to meet their nutritional needs for a few days. Small donations of nonperishables can be left in the storage container behind the Pantry (access on Thirteenth Street); to give large donations and perishable items,

contact Mrs. Cutarelli at 316-8420 or kacuter@gmail. com. In addition to food, cleaning supplies. paper goods, and personal hygiene products are also appreciated, as these much-needed items cannot be purchased with food stamps. Mrs. Cutarelli says that volunteers are urgently needed, and that those interested in helping should contact her. The local Fish organization was formed in 1967 by an ecumenical group with the goal of doing good by reach-


ing out to neighbors in need. In the intervening decades, Fish has evolved and changed while still attempting to achieve its mission of service to others. Fish volunteers have logged almost 1,800 hours working at the Choice Pantry during 2016, while others have served by retrieving calls to the Fish phone at 548-2000, and making homedeliveries to those unable to access the Food Pantry. The Fish Choice Pantry is open Mondays 1-2 p.m., Wednesdays 10-11 a.m., and Fridays 4-5 p.m.

ter of every Dollar General store, customers may pick up a brochure with a postage-paid reply card that can be mailed in for a referral to a local organization that offers free literacy services.

PCDL burlap pumpkin craft WEST MANCHESTER – Make some fun, free decorations for fall at the Preble County District Library! This month, they will be making a burlap pumpkin craft. Pick the time and loca-

tion for you: Oct. 5, 4 p.m., at the West Manchester Library Oct. 11, 4 p.m., at the Eldorado Library Oct. 18, 6:30 p.m., at the New Paris Library


AUCTIONEERS: Mike Havenar-Rick BairTony Bayman – Ryan Havenar


9:30 A.M.

LOCATION: Shelby County Fairgrounds, 700 Fair Rd., Sidney, Ohio DIRECTIONS: Exit 90 off I-75 in Sidney, go east toward town 1 mile. Located in the livestock building.

2012 GOLDWING – 2006 VTX – 1967 PLYMOUTH – TOOLS MASTER FORCE TOOL BOX – NICE HOUSEHOLD ITEMS AUTOS - TOOLS: 2012 Goldwing, Black on Black, 5,882 Miles; 2006

Honda VTX Motorcycle, 4,711 Miles; Honda 450 Nighthawk Cycle (Needs Work); Honda Cycle in Parts; 1967 Plymouth Belvader, 2 Door, Hard Top (Needs Restored); Misc. Car Parts; Master Force 3 Piece Tool Box (Like New); Stihl Chain Saw; Craftsman ATV Motorcycle Jack; Lincoln AC/DC Stick Welder; B&S Pressure Washer, 2500 PSI; Senco Pro 325XP Nailer; Campbell/Hausfield Nailer; Ryobi Hand Planer; 4” Planer Jointer; 3 Ryobi Electric Sanders; Wagner Ware Steamer; Hand Truck; Mopar Engine Stand; Husky Air Compressor; Kobalt Table Saw on Wheels; Dewalt Miter Saw; Die Set; Snap on Rethreading Set; Summit Cam Degreeing Kit; Air Tools; Hand Tools; 2 Ton Motor Lift; Bench Grinder; HRX 217 Push Mower; Knipco Type Heater; Wheel Pullers; PC Cordless 18 Volt Reciprocating Saw; Paint Guns; B & D Grinder-Buffer; Hitachi 14” Cut-Off Saw; Craftsman 10” Buffer; Box End Open End Wrenches; Foundry Patterns; Auto Manuals, 50’s, 60’s, & 70’s; Dewalt Air Compressor; 2 PC Routers; Dewalt Biscuit Maker; Dewalt 4½” Grinder; Tin Snips; Vise Grips; Channel Locks; Hole Saws; Pipe Wrenches; Wood Tools; Flaring Tools; 2 Brad Nailers; Bosch Jig Saw; Milwaukee ½”, 90 Degree Electric Drill; Bosch Hammer Drill w/Right Angle Attachment; Impact Driver; Makita Miter Saw; Dremmel; 2 Dewalt Cordless 12 Volt Drills; Makita Belt Sander; Makita Table Saw; 7’ Level; Ladders; 12 Ton Bottle Jack; Shop Vacs; Yard Tools; Troy Bilt Mower. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Victorian Rocker; Oil Lamps; Kuehl Mantel Clock; Side Board; Hurricane Lamp; Modern High Table w/4 Chairs; Kitchen Table w/4Chairs; 32” Flat Screen TV; Deep Freezer; New Refrigerator 2.7, In Box; Whirlpool Refrigerator/Freezer; Kitchen Items; Pots; Pans; Crock Pots; Presser Cooker; Huffy Bike; Schwinn Bike GUNS: Mossburg 12 Gauge, Model 500 Crown Grade Pump; Slugster BBL1 28.0 VR, BBL2 24.0 Full; Rifled (Never Fired); Sterling Worth Double Barrel, 12 Gauge Shotgun, Made by Fox Gun Company; J.L. Higgins, Model 101 16-22 S/L Rifle; Astra 25 Caliber.


ADMINISTRATOR: CHERYL A. BROWNING MIAMI COUNTY CASE #88481 TERMS: Cash or Check with Proper I.D. Not Responsible for Accidents. Any Statements Made Day of Sale Supercede Statements Hereon.


Mike Havenar – Rick Bair – Tony Bayman – Ryan Havenar (937) 606-4743 “Have Gavel – Will Travel” www.auctionzip.com (Auctioneer #4544 & 6480)



Directions: Approx. 30 miles NORTH of Dayton, Ohio. From the intersection of S.R. 49 and U.S. 127 Bypass, take U.S. 127 NORTH approx. ¼ mile to Sebring-Warner Rd. and turn RIGHT or EAST to auction site, just 2 buildings EAST of the “Early Bird”. (WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS ON SALE DAY) ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Early Walnut Key Wind Penjelin Wall Clock w/Carved Wood Eagle; Cast Iron School Bell w/Bracket “Fredricks Town, OH); (2) Cast Iron 3-Footed Pots; Cast Iron Tea Kettle; sev. Cast Iron Skillets; Dazy #40 Glass Butter Churn; Early Wood Coffee Grinder; Early Wood Buggy Jack; Wood Corn Jobber; (2) Reading Apple Peelers; National Wood & Glass Washboard; Red Chief Hand Crank Corn Sheller; McCormick-Deering H. Crank Corn Sheller; Aladdin Oil Lamp (Pink); Early Cast Iron Door Stop; sev. Sadd Irons; Early Key Display from Darke County Children’s Home; Early Wood Coca Box; Early Ingraham (Key Wind) Mantle Clock (very ornate); Aladdin Lg. Floral Chandelier (Brass w/Glass Prisms & Bell); Buck Saw; Gray Granite Speckled Coffee Pot & Tea Kettle; sev. Copper Tea Kettles; Lg. 20 Gal. White Crock; Early #1 & #2 Gal. Crock Jugs; Early #1 & #3 Gal. Crocks; Lg. Concrete Goose; Child’s Spring Rocking Horse; Early Wood Rocking Horse; Yankee Clipper Snow Sled; 5 Gal. Cream Can; 10 Gal. Milk Can; Lots of Shooter Marbles & Clay Marbles; 4 Wheel Train Station Cart; Child’s Tricycle; sm. Ax w/Eagle; Reed’s Beverage Store Adv. Thermometer; Sleigh Bells; Early Coca-Cola Hand Fan; Straight Razor; sm. Shoe Lath; Early Caster Wheels; Lg. 120 Lb. Brass Hanging Scales; Early Wood View Finder; 4 Sm. Brass Hanging Scales (different makers); Early Photo of Downtown Greenville, Ohio; (2) Tin Match Holders; Cast Bottle Openers including: 7-Up, Pepsi, Coca-Cola; sev. Shuckin Pegs; Top Value & S&H Green Stamps; Early Insulator; Horse Hames w/Brass Knobs; Early Triumph #100 Mini Gas Stove; Eye Glasses; lots of Door Hinges & Knobs (some Brass); Culiner & Wood Stomper; Fair Canes; (4) Girl Scout Handbooks; Haliday 8MM Movie Projector; Girls Roller Skates (in case); Green & Ivory Porcelain Tea Kettle; Wood Adv. Box w/Hinges & old Brass Door Knobs; Wood Pepsi Crate; Coca-Cola Mirror; American Family Scales; Vintage Telephone; Early Adv. Tin Cans; Cow Kickers; Camel Tire Repair Tin; (2) Wood Pecker Tooth Pickers; Skeleton Keys; Hay Hook; Hay Sye; Draw Knife; sev. Wood Plock Planes & sev. Wood Molding Planes; NASCAR Jeff Gordon Coca-Cola 6-Packs; Wood Mallet; Wood Pulleys; Early Ax; sev. Ice Tongs; misc. Arrowheads; Hand Blown Glass Cane; Sunbeam Mix Master Counter Mixer; (2) Fram Filter Banks; 5 Cent R.G. Dunn Cigar Box; Early Tax Stamps; Tobacco Spear; Early Gyroscope. QUALITY POTTERY & GLASSWARE Vast Collection of Hull & Hull Art Pottery, 50+ Pieces, all styles & colors (Vases, Pitchers, Etc.); numerous pieces of Roseville Pottery including: Vases, Planters, Book Ends, Candle Holders; Large & Medium Carnival Glass Punch Bowls & Cups; misc. Carnival Glass items; numerous Hull Wall Pockets; Floral Deep Bowls; Warwick Dbl. Handle Deep Bowl; Pink Depression Glass; Fry Glass Plates; misc. Press Glass items; American Fostoria Amber Glass; (2) Cobalt Blue Shirley Temple Pitchers; misc. Ruby Red Early Glass (18991943); Cups & Saucers; Figurines. FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Tiger Oak Round Pedestal Table w/Formica Top & (6) Oak Chairs; Early Tiger Oak 4 Drawer Dresser w/Ornate Wishbone Mirror; Lane Cedar Chest; Early Rush Back Rocker w/Upholstered Seat; Wood Telephone Stand & Chair; Oak Hall Tree; sm. Ball & Claw Lamp Table; (2) Mahogany 6 Ft. Matching Corner Cupboards w/Glass Doors; Lg. Wood Blanket Chest; Antiqued Chest of Drawers & Dresser; Oak Seated Hall Tree w/Mirror; 4 Ft. Glass Front & Top Lighted Display Cabinet; nice Wood Office Desk; nice Sectional Sofa (3) Sections; Frigidaire Upright Freezer (White) (nice); 3 Section Metal Lockers; Sylvania 20” Flat Screen TV; Computer Desk; 4 Pc. Cast Iron Patio Set, Table, Bench & (2) Chairs; Black & White Table & (4) Chairs. LAWN TRACTOR & LAWN EQUIPMENT John Deere 318 Lawn Tractor, Hydrostat, Wheel Weights, 54” Deck, Hydraulics w/newer Honda Motor (Super Nice); John Deere 48 Inch Hydraulic Snow Blade; John Deere 48 Inch Hydraulic Snow Blower; Gilson (Gas) Snow Blower; 2 Wheel Dumping Lawn Trailer; (3) Gas Weed Trimmers; 20” Gas 3 ½ H.P. Walk Mower; Craftsman (Gas) Blower/Vac; Poulan 25-DA (Gas) Chain Saw; Pole Tree Trimmers; Fuel Cans; Pump Sprayers; Garden Hoses. SHOP EQUIPMENT & TOOLS Kohler 3500 Watt (Gas) Portable Generator; Shop Vacuum; 20’ Alum. Extension Ladder; Wood Step Ladders (5’ & 8’); Pr. of Car Ramps; Router Table & Router; 6” H. Duty Vise; Scroll Saw; (2) Dbl. Bench Grinders; 8” Craftsman Drill Press; Husky 1750 P.S.I. Elec. Power Washer; Early Machinist Chest; 2-Whl. Dolly; Rubber Tire Wheel Barrel; Extension Cords; B&D Elec. Sander & Drill; Hand Saws; Hole Saws; Rigid Pipe Wrenches; Angle Grinder; Wrenches; Sockets; Hammers; misc. Hand Tools; Ratchet Straps; Crow Bars; Lg. Gas Grill. GAMES & TOYS Nintendo Game System & Cartridges; Early Dolls; Matchbox Cars; Early Metal Race Car; Children’s Books; Ty Beanie Babies; Kenner’s Easy Bake Oven; Games & Toys including: Marx Pit Change Dodge Charger; Rattlin Gattlin Gun Arcade; Spider Man Racers; Junk Yard Pin Ball Game; Hot Wheels Criss/Cross/Crash; Radio Controlled 917 Porsche; U.S. 77 Motorific Action Highway; Battleship; Electronic Games; Board Games; Barbie Dolls; Crissy Doll; Doll Clothes; sm. Tonka Toys; Holly Hobby items including: Dolls, Dishes, Plates, Doll Bed, High Chair, Desk & Chair, Glasses; McDonalds Collectibles. MISCELLANEOUS Picnic Table; Lawn Chairs; Lawn Ornaments; Concrete Bird Baths; Golf Clubs; Baseball Gloves; Sony DVD/VHS Combo; Snow Skis; Baseball Bats; Roll Fence; misc. Lumber; Wood Moldings; Card Tables; Elec. Heaters; Vacuums; Quilt Rack; Mirrors; Pictures; Long Handle Yard Tools; 6 Ft. Metal Storage Cabinet; Radio’s; Coleman Oil Lamp; Camping Stove; Flashlights; Bud Light Coolers; Bissell Floor Scrubber; Rugs; Lamps; Camera’s; Clocks; Record Albums; sev. Rifle Cases; Skate Boards; Bolts; Nails; Hwd.; sm. Elec. Appliances; Sleeping Bags; Bath Chair; Halloween Costumes; Keepsake Christmas Ornaments; lots of Lighted Santa’s, Reindeer, Wisemen, Wreaths, Christmas Lights; Towels; Table Cloths; Tupperware; Bird Houses; Kero Heater; Amana Microwave; Dehumidifier; Pots & Pans; Bedding; Quilts & much more!


Office: 937.316.8400 Cell: 937.459.7686 Michel Werner Auctioneer

• ALL items must be paid for the day of auction. • ALL items are sold As-Is. • We must collect Sales Tax. • TERMS: Cash or Good Check with Proper Photo ID; Visa / MC / Discover accepted with a 3% Clerk Fee added. • Visit us online @ www.auctionzip.com and enter USER I.D. #8673 for photos and information. • Food Available on Site! • Open Friday, October 7th from 9:00AM to 5:00PM for Inspection. REMEMBER: +++Never, Ever a Buyer’s (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions…What You Bid Is What You Pay! We work for our sellers, we appreciate our buyers, and we love our profession! Kirby & Staff

PAGE 24 Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Companies reject Reid’s Affordable Care Act proposals



Larry Martino #3859 larry@larrymartino.com 937-564-3325

attempts to find common ground with the other companies remaining in Eastern Indiana - but so far, to no avail. “We have put offers on the table,” said Reid President/ CEO Craig Kinyon, speaking of recent negotiations with Anthem and MD Wise about efforts to reach an acceptable contract for the companies’ ACA plans for 2017. Reid offers include significant discounts and terms similar to existing agreements with major Wayne County employers. In proposed contracts by Anthem


Doors open at 8:30 A.M. 5862 Kruckeberg Rd. Greenville, OH 45331


Ext. Randall E. Breaden LLC, Darke Co. Probate # 16-1-194 TERMS: CASH or local checks w/proper ID. Visa & Master Card Accepted w/3% Clerk Fee. Auctioneer licensed in Ohio. Auction held INSIDE facility. We must collect sales tax.

Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) Student Ambassadors for the 2016-2017 school year from Darke County – Left to right – Amanda Shook (Ansonia), Kylie Furlong (Franklin Monroe), Nolan Archer (Franklin Monroe), Jared Quigney (TriVillage), Emily Fraley (Versailles), Spencer Warren (Mississinawa Valley, and Chloe Price (Arcanum). Not pictured – Lance Hundley (Franklin Monroe).

Students represent MVCTC with pride ENGLEWOOD – The Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) has 44 senior students who will serve as Student Ambassadors during the 2016-2017 school year. These students learn leadership skills and public speaking to represent MVCTC as spokespersons for the school. The MVCTC Student Ambassadors visit the 27 MVCTC partner school districts in the fall to share their experiences, career tech-



Ronnie Kaugher

1546 Cox Rd., Union City, OH (937) 968-7279

Weekly Auctions now featuring audio/video bidding. Convenience fee for on-line bidders only.

(937) 316-8400 (937) 459-7686

nical programs, and career goals with high school sophomores. All of the sophomores from the 27-partner school have the opportunity to select two career programs to visit at MVCTC during the annual Sophomore Career Days in December. For more information about Sophomore Career Days or visiting MVCTC, call 8548056. MVCTC Ambassadors from Darke County for the 2016-2017 school year are: Nolan Archer, Game Programming & Web Applications student from Franklin Monroe; Emily Fraley, Allied Health Technologies student from Versailles; Kylie Furlong, Criminal Justice student from Franklin Monroe; Lance Hundley, Electrical Trades student from Franklin Monroe; Chloe Price, Biotechnology student from Arcanum; Jared Quigney, Animal Care and Management student from Tri-Village; Amanda Shook, Graphic Commercial Art student from Ansonia; and Spencer Warren, Cosmetology student from Mississinawa Valley. For more information about MVCTC, visit www. mvctc.com.

at about 57 percent of the acute care average in the state. So he believes that a contract with a 10 percent reduction, meeting the companies halfway, would remain competitive to what other Reid contracted companies pay and would make it possible to provide ACA coverage in plans that would be fair to all. Anthem hasn’t changed their position and MD Wise has not responded to the offer. Consumers can view Indiana Hospital pricing on http://www.myCareINsight.org/ Reid Health officials say that an estimated 3,000 consumers in the region may find

themselves with ACA plans that are not accepted at Reid Health. If an agreement can’t be reached by Oct. 1, these consumers would not be covered at Reid Health and Reid Health Physician Associates facilities in 2017, except for emergency conditions as defined by these ACA plans. “Many of these patients want to use our services,” he said. “And we want them to be able to do so. For them to be able to, however, will require acceptable contracts that remain fair to the thousands of other Reid Health patients.” “Ninety percent is a competi-

tive rate, especially when consider that Reid’s gross prices are generally double digits percentages below area competitors” Kinyon said. “We have offered a compromise to Anthem. They have not moved from their initial rate offering. That could force people to have to drive up to an hour for non-emergent care when they should be able to get their care at home.” This is strictly a conversation and negotiation of the ACA Marketplace “on exchange” contract and doesn’t impact Reid’s existing Anthem PPO contract, which remains in force.




HOUSEHOLD – ANTIQUES – TOOLS Good, clean quality furnishings to include: Antq/HH: Duncan-Pfyffe table & 4 chairs; Upholstered foot stool; Oak curved bottom chair; Flambo figures & others; Emperor sm. grandfather-style clock; RCA TV & cabinet; Pressed glass; Dbl. wedding ring quilt & pillow cases; Frigidaire sm. chest freezer; Bissel rechargeable sweeper; (2) pc. Oak hutch; Fern stand; Pottery; Corn jobber planter; Chicken catcher; Iron kettle; Osc. fan; Wood tea cart; Maple end table; Art glass crane lamp; Maple coffee table; Double globe lamp; (2) upholstered recliners; Colonial pressed wood clock; Brass table lamps; Step stool; Butcher block style table & chairs; Book shelves; Floral sofa & love seat; Baskets; Linens & towels; 4 pc. queen size bedroom suite; Oak dresser; Kneehole desk; Sewing mach. & bench; Sm. desk lamps; Futon day bed; Cook/bake ware; Mug rack; Luggage; Sm. kitchen appliances; Picnic basket; Kerosene heater; Shepherd hook; Lawn chairs; Bird bath; Metal porch glider w/cushions. Tools: Power tools incl: circ saw, drill, jig saw, cordless screw gun, sander, & more; Hardware & cabinet; Lg. sel. of hand tools; Pipe thread dyes; C-clamps; Buffer/grinder; Work bench; Wood bits; Garden tools; Step ladder; Wheelbarrow; Gas weed trimmer; Garden hose; Pump sprayer; Chain saw; and More! Terms: A 10% Buyer’s Premium shall be applied to all purchases. Accepted payment is cash, check w/ ID, & Credit Cards w/ addtnl 3% fee. Please visit www.midwest-auctioneers.com for more info & pictures.



Auctioneers & Realty, Inc

Mike Baker, Auctioneer/Broker 220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com



10090 ST. RT. 47 – UNION CITY, OH 45390

MINI VAN - HOUSEHOLD ANTIQUES/COLLECTIBLES - GARAGE/SHOP **2006 Ford Windstar minivan, leather int. w/ 99,265 miles** HH: GE dryer; Whirpool washer; Floral sofa; Golden lift chair; Teal side chair; Daybed; (2) Double beds w/ frame, S&M; Oak, maple, & cherry chest of drawers; Marble top fern stands; Oak ornate table; Maple desk; Cedar chest; Oak highboy; Pedestal kitchen table & 4 upholstered chairs; Pine bakers cupboard; Dining table & 4 chairs; TV cabinets/stands; Book shelves; Metal file cabs; Wood storage bench; Full box S&M; Waist high oak jewelry box; Floral painted/wood ash tray stand; Angel fig. glass top side table; Sony 44” flat screen TV; RCA 26” TV; Emerson VHS player; Realistic 8 track/record player w/ speakers, tapes, & albums; Jason Explorer 400 telescope w/tripod; Weslo Candence G-40 treadmill; Sewing/crafting items; Rival food slicer; Meat grinder; Air purifiers; Sm. Kitchen appl.; Bakeware/ cookware; Kitch. linens/cloths; Luggage/purses; Funk & Wagnal Encycl. set; Antq/Collect.: (2) Glass front w/ bookcase & drop front secretary; Victorian ornate mirrored dressers; wood/leather rocking chair; Vntg vanity & matching dressers; Vntg cookie tins; Hobbnail/ red base oil lamp; Kerosene lamps; Fenton & Carnival glass; Albion China; (2) 1 oz silver dollar comm. birthday coins & others; 1/16 & 1/24 scale classic cars; HP deer scene clock; Sad iron; Underwood typewriter; Old cameras & supplies; Royal series sewing mach; Vntg doll collection; Quilts; Lg. sel. of costume jewelry & gold, sterling, & others; Japanese musical jewelry box; Lg. Star Trek collection incl: Ornaments, action figures, belt buckles, books, magazines, calendars, movies, video games, die cast & comm. plates. Tools/Garage: Cub Cadet ZTR w/50” deck; Ranch King 35 hp, 22” cut push mower; Farm King 16 hydro tractor q/front loader; Troybuilt tiller; Wheelbarrow; Garden tools & hose; Pump sprayers; Dewalt radial arm saw; Baldor buffer/grinder; Mont.-Ward 6” grinder; Caftsman socket set; B&D belt sander, polisher, jigsaw, drills, circ saw; Step & ext. ladders; Car ramps; Floor jack; Metal workbench & vise; Chain pulleys; Elec. space heaters; Work lights; Fluor. light bulbs; Shop vac; Tool boxes; Hydraulic hoses; Scrap metal; Charcoal grill; 30,000 BTU port. propane grill w/tanks; (5) rolls of 20 ft garden edging; Fishing poles; 3 pc. Metal porch set; Outdoor wooden benches & gliders; SS knife w/compass handle; MUCH MORE NOT LISTED NOT UNPACKED!! Terms: A 10% Buyer’s Premium shall be applied to all purchases. Accepted payment is cash, check w/ID, & Credit Cards w/additional 3% fee. Please visit WWW.MIDWEST-AUCTIONEERS.COM for more info & pictures.



Auctioneers & Realty, Inc

Mike Baker, Auctioneer/Broker 220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com


DIRECTIONS: From downtown Dayton, Ohio Take I -70 West to St. Rt. 127 North to Greenville to Kruckeberg Rd. Turn right on Kruckeberg go approx. 1 mile to sale site on left. (Watch for signs) Auctioneers Note – Auction starts at 9:00 A.M. with box lots; Regular Auction starts at 10:00 A.M. Featuring Live Audio & Video so you can bid at home or on the go with your smart phone or tablet. Go to www.auctionzip.com, enter auctioneer ID # 3426, click on the current auction date, click on bid now button to enter auction. No buyer’s premium charged for attending the live & collectible auction. Buyer’s premium applied to online bidders only. PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER EQUIPMENT- ANTIQUESCOLLECTIBLES-HOUSEHOLD- SHOP TOOLS-GARAGE ITEMS Photo Equipment- 4x5 Super Chromedga Enlarger W/Color Head, 3 Lens-Scheider 80,105 &135mm, Negative Holders,& Contrast Filters;4x5 Besler Enlarger , Scheider Lens 50,80 &105mm, Negative Carriers & Contrast Filters , Extra Light Bulbs 2- Nikon Cameras- F100 W/Battery Pack-Len AF Nikon 24-50 mm Zoom Lens, N 90 S -Lens AF Nikkor 35-70 Zoom Lens & Battery Pack , 2- lens AF Nikkor 70-210mm, Wide Angle Vivitar 17mm-28mm Lens, Flash Units-Nikkon SB-24 Electronic Flash -Mecablitz 60 CT -4, rechargeable battery, charging cord &instructions; Mecablitz 60 CT-1; Began Tripod 8 Ft. Heavy Duty Model 3058 ending numbers , With Bogen Head #3047 ;Vintage Minox Spy Camera W/ Leather Case works & Light Meter By Minox; Vintage Retina 111c Camera W/Case; Denny Twist Flex Foldable Background Gray W/Diagonal Pattern 6x5 ft; Sev Light Stands; 2-White Lightening Electronic Flash Ultra 600;And More; Antiques/Collectibles- Galvanized Milk Can; Old Books; Brass Bucket; U.S. Military Canteen; Galvanized Buckets; Hunting Knives; 2-Marbles Hunting Knives; Sabre Hunting Knife; Antique Fishing Tackle; Fishing Poles; Vintage Drs. Type Bag; Pair of German Binoculars In Original Case; Glass Prints; Sev. Yesterday’s Child Dolls; Misc. Antique Glassware; 5 Gallon Van Camp Gas Can; Oil Lantern; Vintage Pictures; Yellow Cosco Kitchen Stool; A-Red Kitchen Cart; Vintage Bird Cage on Stand; Adv. Oil Cans; Playskool Duffle Bag of Colored Blocks W/ Wood Blocks; KKK. Greenville, OH Fair Grounds June 14th 1923 Photo; And Much More. Household- Cream Floral Sofa; Full Size Beds; Dressers; Table & Chairs; Large Area Rug; Professional Karaoke Machine; Small Gun Cabinet; Tools/Garage Items-Utility Shed; Craftsman Table Saw; Craftsman Contractor Compound Miter Saw on Stand; Craftsman 10” Table Saw; HDC Band Saw; Craftsman Router & Table; Craftsman Belt/Disc Sander; Large Shop Press; Ryobi 10” Surface Planner; Large Selection of Wood Working Tools; Sev. Large Selection of Hand Tools & Power Tools; Ryobi 18 V. Power Tool Set; Coleman Air compressor; Ext. Ladder; Sev. Gluing Clamps; Roller Stands; Craftsman Scroll Saw; Cement Bench; Cement Lawn Ornaments; 3 Piece Wood Outdoor Glider Chairs; Garden Tools; Misc. Hdw. & Garage Items; Ralfigh 3 Speed Mans Bicycle; And More. Go to edwardsauctions.com for more listings.

no ability to justify that reduction for these plans to all of our other customers. While Anthem is holding onto their 20 percent reduction from a Facility’s PPO Rates offer, it is important to understand that not all providers in the state have the same facility PPO rates. In other words, there isn’t a consistent net price paid to all providers for the same services.” Kinyon said that such discounting was not part of the Reid-UnitedHealthcare agreement for ACA plans since January 1, 2015. The UnitedHealthcare ACA rate was the same as Reid’s PPO rate. Reid Health is consistently among the lowest in gross charge comparisons as a result noting that a recent review by the Indiana Hospital Association found Reid Health charges are


SATURDAY OCTOBER 8TH, 2016 - 9:00 A.M.

and MD Wise for ACA plans, both seek further significant discounts, which would pass along costs to other patients in the form of higher prices, Kinyon said. Kinyon said Reid Health, using a precedent established with agreements with regional employers, was able to offer a very generous rate reduction in negotiations with Anthem and also made the same offer to MD Wise that does not violate the longstanding fairness policy and is based on Reid Health’s generally lower charges. “We put terms on the table that are consistent with our fairness in pricing policy,” he said, “but so far they have not changed in their requirement of a 20 percent reduction from Reid’s current Anthem Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) rate. This leaves us with


all over the nation as major insurers leave the marketplace exchange network, Reid Health officials say they have made multiple


RICHMOND, Ind. – With Affordable Care Act insurance plans like UnitedHealthcare withdrawing from numerous markets

Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 25

DCP volunteers enjoy night of fun and food all their hard work and dedication. The staff hopes all the volunteers have enjoyed the past year at the park and will continue to volunteer for many years to come. Volunteers recently gathered for an evening of fun, food, and friendship at the Nature Center to celebrate a year’s worth of

In the Common Pleas Court of Darke County, Ohio Division of Domestic Relations Case No. 16DIV00510

Nicole S. Hernandez, Plaintiff

124 E. Main St., Versailles, Ohio 45380 DOB: 10/17/1990

vs. Gerardo Hernandez, Defendant Unknown DOB: 09/24/1985

Defendant, GERARDO V. HERNANDEZ, whose last known address is UNKNOWN due to deportation to Mexico, and cannot through reasonable diligence be ascertained will take notice that on the 15th day of September, 2016, the Plaintiff, NICOLE S. HERNANDEZ, filed a complaint against him in the Court of Common Pleas of Darke County, Ohio, Domestic Relations Division, being Case No. 16DIV00510, the docket of said Court, the object and prayer of said Complaint being for a Divorce from the Defendant. Custody of and support for the minor child, division of property, and such other relief as may be equitable. Defendant is required to answer within twenty-eight (28) days after the last publication of the notice.

volunteer accomplishments. After a light supper, volunteers enjoyed an ice cream sundae bar where they could create the perfect cool treat for a hot summer evening. Then everyone played bingo and received a plethora of prizes including fairy garden planters, gift cards, Pampered Chef cookware, and even a Kindle Fire all donated by staff and local businesses. A special thank you goes to KitchenAid Experience and the Darke County Visitors Bureau for donating a KitchenAid blender LEGAL NOTICE

GREENVILLE – Darke County Parks sends a huge thank you to all of their volunteers. Whether they regularly help with school groups, maintenance, animal care, historical interpretation, special events, habitat healing, or anything in between, the park district board and staff truly appreciate

L. PATRICK MULLIGAN of L. PATRICK MULLIGAN & ASSOCIATES, L.P.A., CO. Supreme Court #0016118 28 N. Wilkinson Street Dayton, Ohio 45402 (937) 228-9790 (937) 228-9788 patrickmulligan@patrickmulligan.com 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23

Harvest Home Reunion held

Volunteers enjoyed an evening of food and bingo.

won by Robert Wiest in a very lucky bingo. Volunteer Coordinator Kathi McQueen, who organized the event, said, “Our park volunteers are so generous with their time. I took over this position early


On September 20, 2016, the City of Greenville, Ohio adopted the following legislation: • Ordinance #16-93 Supplemental Appropriations • Ordinance #16-94 Transfer Appropriations • Resolution #16-95 Authorize advertising for the re-bid of the fixed explosive gas mitigation system for the closed landfill • Ordinance #16-96 Accept the annexation of a 7.14 acre tract and zoning said tract in accordance with the recommendation of the P&Z Commission This legislation can be read and examined in its entirety at the office of the City Auditor, Room 200, Municipal Building, Greenville, Ohio, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday and 8:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. on Friday. Approved: Eric Brand, Law Director Vicki Harris, Clerk Greenville City Council 9/25, 10/2 2T

this year, and they have worked so hard to help make the transition smooth.” She also encouraged anyone who may be thinking about volunteering to give her a call or an email to discuss the wide variety of opportu-

nities available. To inquire about volunteer opportunities or any of the exciting programs offered by Darke County Parks, call the Nature Center at (937) 548-0165 or email info@ darkecountyparks. org.


Thomas L. Harris v. Western Ohio National Bank & Trust, Co., or its successor in interest Case No. 16CV00484 The Western Ohio National Bank & Trust, Co., or its successor in interest, whose name and addresses are undeterminable, will take notice that on September 1, 2016, Thomas L. Harris, filed a Complaint to Quiet Title to Real Estate in Case No. 16CV00484, in the Court of Common Pleas of Darke County, Ohio, Second Floor Courthouse, Greenville, Ohio 45331, seeking to quiet title and alleging that Defendant Western Ohio National Bank & Trust, Co., or its successor in interest may claim to have an interest in the real estate described below: Parcel No.: F27-2-212-35-02-06-142-00 (Lot 319) Said parcel is more particularly described at Official Records Volume 390, Page 342, and Volume 517, Page, 215, in the office of the Darke County Recorder, Darke County, Ohio. Said claim may be derived from a Mortgage dated March 23, 1981, and recorded at Official Records Volume 467, Page 251, in the office of the Darke County Recorder, Darke County, Ohio. The Defendant named above, including any successor in interest, are required to answer on or before the 28th day from the last publication date. Travis L. Fliehman (0071874) Attorney for Plaintiffs 8314 State Route 121 North Greenville, Ohio 45331 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, 10/16

GREENVILLE – Marilyn Lease Fritz provided the entertainment at the 168th Historical Wakefield’s Harvest Home Reunion at the North Park on Lease Ave., Greenville. She wrote her song in tribute to her great grandparents, Maximillium Louis and Charlotte Meier Leis, called Here Comes the Pioneers. Although it was a small gathering, the spirit of the Hamlet of Wakefield was

Marilyn Lease Fritz

soon rekindled as they visited alongside the original woods historically known as the Leis-Lease Pioneer Homestead of Greenville Township, Darke County during the mid-1800’s.

LEGAL NOTICE TO MICHAEL WYNN Probate Court of Darke County, Ohio Adoption of Landin Ryan Domingo (Case No. 16-5-022) You are hereby notified that on August 3, 2016, Tyler Lee Domingo filed a Petition to adopt Landin Ryan Wynn and to change the name of the minor to Landin Ryan Domingo. The Petition for Adoption will be heard on November 29, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. in the Probate Court of Darke County, Ohio. Travis L. Fliehman (0071874) Attorney for Petitioner 8314 State Route 121 Greenville, Ohio 45331 937-548-6888 Probate Court of Darke County, Ohio Jason Aslinger, Judge Notice of Hearing on Change of Name Change of Name of Brooklynn Marie Besecker to Brooklynn Marie Longenecker Case No. 16-9-027 Applicant hereby gives notice to all interested persons that the applicant has filed an Application for Change of Name in the Probate Court of Darke County, Ohio, requesting the change of name of Brooklynn Marie Besecker to Brooklynn Marie Longenecker. The hearing on the application will be held on the 8th day of November, 2016, at 1:30 o’clock P.M. in the Probate Court of Darke County, located at 300 Garst Ave., Greenville, OH 45331. Jessica Markley Applicant Jason Aslinger, Judge

Darke County Sheriff’s Estate Sales For more information call 937-547-4603 or go to www.darkecountysheriff.org

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Bayview Loan VS. Brandon Miller, et al. No. 15CV00405

Bank of NY Mellon VS. John Withrow, et al. No. 15CV00481

Wells Fargo VS. Linda Smith, et al. No. 15CV00552

Wells Fargo Bank VS. Chad Eller, et al. No. 15CV00575

Federal National Mortgage VS. Joel Johnson, et al. No. 16CV00041

JPMorgan Chase VS. Shane Becraft, et al. No. 16CV00116

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 14, 2016, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Township of Adams in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 14, 2016, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Village of Bradford in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 14, 2016, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Township of Franklin in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 14, 2016, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Township of Greenville in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 14, 2016, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Township of Greenville in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 14, 2016, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the City of Greenville in Darke County to-wit:

Street Address: 9105 State Route 571 Arcanum, Ohio

Street Address: 4867 Childrens Home Bradford Rd. Greenville, Ohio

Street Address: 5590 Dininger Rd. Greenville, Ohio

Street Address: 531 E 4th St. Greenville, Ohio

Parcel Number: E83040829000041200

Parcel Number: F24021223000012400

Parcel Number: F24021105000030201

Parcel Number: F27221235010312000

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Street Address: 6742 N State Route 721 Bradford, Ohio

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Street Address: 139 Center St. Bradford, Ohio

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Parcel Number: A01040928000020100

Parcel Number: A04240921020414000

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $35,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $51,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $101,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $70,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than $28,000.00. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $81,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $30,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed.

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed.

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed.

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed.

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed.

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed.

Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/25, 10/2, 10/9 3T

Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/25, 10/2, 10/9 3T

Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/25, 10/2, 10/9 3T

Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/25, 10/2, 10/9 3T

Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/25, 10/2, 10/9 3T

Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/25, 10/2, 10/9 3T

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sun Trust Mortgage VS. Philip Cavin, et al. No. 15CV00144

Deutsche Bank VS. Carlene Lee, et al. No. 16CV00244

Federal National Mortgage VS. Patricia Jones, et al. No. 16CV00272

Fifth Third Mortgage VS. Andrew Mead, et al. No. 16CV00281

Lakeview Loan VS. Christopher Conway, et al. No. 16CV00313

Amerifirst Financial VS. Michael Stewart, et al. No. 16CV00368

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 14, 2016, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Village of Versailles in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 14, 2016, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Township of Greenville in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 14, 2016, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Township of Neave in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 14, 2016, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the City of Greenville in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 14, 2016, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Township of Brown in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 14, 2016, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the City of Greenville in Darke County to-wit:

Street Address: 1007 Jackson St. Versailles, Ohio

Street Address: 5312 Warvel Rd. Ansonia, Ohio

Street Address: 3706 Shira Rd. Greenville, Ohio

Street Address: 312 Short St. Greenville, Ohio

Street Address: 3635 Elroy Ansonia Rd Ansonia, Ohio

Street Address: 104 Redwood Dr. Greenville, Ohio

Parcel Number: T76231113020113000

Parcel Number: F24021201000041401

Parcel Number: L45021129000021200

Parcel Number: F27221234010113900

Parcel Number: F27221225030413200

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $104,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than $52,000.00. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $155,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $65,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $25,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

Parcel Number: C13021328000042200 & C13021328000040500

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed.

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed.

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed.

Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/25, 10/2, 10/9 3T

Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/25, 10/2, 10/9 3T

Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/25, 10/2, 10/9 3T

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

General Information

The Sheriff is issued Orders of Sales from the Clerk of Courts Office. Sales are advertised in The Early Bird once every week for three consecutive weeks. The Sheriff’s Office does not mail or give away a list of properties or information about purchasing foreclosed property. The properties are not available for tour or inspection as the Sheriff’s Office does not have keys to any properties. Prior to the sale, most properties are appraised

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

from the outside only. The property is sold “as is”, caveat emptor (let the buyer beware). The Sheriff’s office does not have information on liens or taxes. Real estate tax information can be found at the following web site: darkepropertymax.governmax.com real estate appraisal database. All sales are held in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building, 520 South Broadway, Greenville. All sales begin promptly at 10:00 a.m.

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $200,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $66,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed.

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed.

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed.

Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/25, 10/2, 10/9 3T

Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/25, 10/2, 10/9 3T

Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/25, 10/2, 10/9 3T

Bidding information

Bidding starts at two-thirds of the appraised value. Successful bidders must deposit 15% of the purchase price at the time of the sale. Personal check (proper ID, local check signed in our presence), cashier’s check or cash is accepted. The buyer will be required to sign a disclaimer that relieves the Sheriff and appraising agents of liabilities of hazards, or past due bills, as it it the responsibility of the buyer to look into these matters before

the sale date. The unpaid balance of the purchase price must be paid at the confirmation of the sale, which is approximately 30 days after the date of sale.

More Information

You may contact Abby Wilson at (937) 547-4603 if you require further information. A listing of properties can be viewed at darkecountysheriff.org.

PAGE 26 Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


Worch has programs for all ages in October VERSAILLES – Worch Memorial Public Library’s calendar is full during the month of October. If you haven’t checked out the website, www.worch.lib. oh.us, now is the time to do it and check out the calendar of activities for October. On Mondays at 6 p.m. is story time for threeyear-olds to kindergarten age and on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. is Wee Read for ages up to 36-months. On Wednesdays at 3:15 p.m. are the afterschool programs for the school age children and includes Minecraft, Lego Club, Techniques and Mega Mighty Readers. Also on Thursdays are

the Thumbs up Thursday programs for teens at 3:15 p.m. Knitting Circle is Oct. 4, at 5 p.m. The adult Fermented Foods 102 program is Oct. 6 at 5:30 p.m. Receive one-on-one guidance from Kellie Valenti, the Gut Lady, as you make your own fermented foods. Registration is required for this event. On Oct. 20, noon, the Lunch Bunch book club meets. This month’s book is Calling Me Home by Julie Kibler. At 6 p.m., the Book End book club meets and they will be discussing In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume. The library is being invaded by aliens. Don’t

We are now servicing Darke County for Residential, Commercial, and Roll Off.


worry, they caught one and will be performing an alien autopsy. Come to the library on Oct. 22, at 12:30 p.m. to find out how alien brains taste and what other tasty treats are found inside. This is a family friendly event for everyone. On Oct. 27, Color Crush Adult Coloring Club will be meeting at 5 p.m. to unwind with a favorite

childhood activity and create a beautiful work of art in the process. Bring your friends out and join in the fun at the library. For more information about these programs or anything else at the library, call 526-3416. Or visit the library website at www.worch.lib.oh.us for a calendar with a full list of the activities throughout the year.

Fish & Game Club monthly fish fry NEW PARIS – The public is welcome to attend any or all of the Darke Co. Fish & Game Club’s monthly fish fries. The fish fries will be held at the club, 1407 New Garden Road, New Paris. The first fish fry of the season Oct. 13 and will be served from 5-7 p.m. (or until sold out). The fish fry includes all-you-can-eat deep fried fish, hush puppies, baked beans, cole slaw, apple sauce and butter bread. The cost is $8 for adults

You’ve Got A Big Yard. We’ve Got Big Answers.

and kids eat for $4. Drinks and desserts are $1 each. If you are a member and would like to volunteer, your dinner will be half price and you will have a great opportunity to meet new people. The monthly fish fry will also be Nov. 10, 2016 Jan. 12, Feb. 9, March 9 and April 13, 2017.

Bear’s Mill Open House

GREENVILLE – Bear’s Mill will hold its Fall Open House on Oct. 1 and 2 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. both days. There is no cost to attend this traditional, festive event. Great food will be available for a donation, including bean soup and cornbread, apple dumplings, cider, pumpkin cookies and more. They will also host live music from 2-4 p.m. both days. Grinding demonstrations will be held at noon, 2 and 4 p.m.

TimeCutter SS Series


• Smart Speed® Trim/Tow/Mow ground speed ranges for optimal performance • Automatic Parking Brake - making operation simple • Heavy-Duty 10-gauge frame Kohler engine • 42” shown - other sizes available

See dealer for full warranty details



Visitors Bureau earns marketing awards LANCASTER – The Ohio Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus (OACVB) held its 19th annual Awards of Excellence Luncheon in Lancaster on Sept. 22. MIDDY Awards are presented for destination marketing and tourism development. The Darke County Visitors Bureau received two awards for Excellence in Tourism Marketing: a second place in the Brochure/ Flyer/Rack Card category for the Western Ohio Frontier Trail and a second place in the Visitor Guide category for the 2016-2017 Darke County Visitors Guide. In coordination with the Visitors Bureau, the Western Ohio Frontier Trail brochure was designed by C.J. Jasenski of Projectonetwenty, Greenville, and the 2016-2017 Darke County Visitors Guide was designed by Shelly Bohman of Graphic Communications, Maria Stein. “It’s a great honor to be recognized for these awards, and the Darke County Visitors Bureau is very lucky to have great design partners to work with like C.J. and Shelly,” said Matthew Staugler, executive director of the Darke County Visitors Bureau. “These projects directly impact our economy by attracting visitors to Darke County and are great vehicles to show off all the unique things Darke Coun-

Garrett speaks to DCRW

• ZT-3100 commercial hydrostatic transmissions for long lasting performance • Large 22” rear tires & 6.5” wide front tires for a smooth, cushioned ride. • 54” cut featured • 48” and 60” cut also in stock

call See dealer for full warranty details

Hydrant Flushing

ARCANUM – The Village of Arcanum Utility Department will be flushing water hydrants on Oct. 12 and 13 from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. This may cause discoloration to the water. Check the water before doing laundry. If needed, a second date of hydrant flushing will occur on Oct. 26 and 27.

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ty has to offer.” The MIDDY Award name reflects our region of the country, said Chris Schutte, Chairperson of the 2016 OACVB MIDDY Awards. Recipients are recognized for excellence in objective, results, creativity and originality. Over 130 entries were received in print, advertising, promotion, social media, TV/video, website and marketing campaign categories. All entries are judged by a team of experts in the communications, advertising, public relations, publications and/or tourism fields from outside of the OACVB membership. Convention and visitors bureaus are best described as destination marketing organizations and are responsible for promoting travel and tourism product awareness to visitors. Being recognized for a job welldone in the promotion of travel and tourism throughout the state of Ohio is a highly valued achievement.

521 Wagner Avenue, Greenville OPEN DAILY 11AM

Stephanie Garrett

GREENVILLE – Stephanie Garrett, Ohio Republican Party Central Committeewoman (5th district) serving Darke, Miami, Montgomery and Preble Counties, was guest speaker at the September meeting of the Darke County Republican Women’s Club. She spoke of her family and her work as Committeewoman. She also shared information regarding the forming of the Declaration of Independence. The next meeting for the DCRW’s Club will be Oct. 10. The public is always welcome.


The Darke County Visitors Bureau earned two second place Awards of Excellence at the annual Ohio Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus.

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*See Shop for details.


Flora’s Small Engine Repair 8524 St. Rt. 185, Bradford, Ohio

Stop in for end of the year deals on lawnmowers!


Darke County’s Finest in Collision Repair

FREE ESTIMATES We repair all makes and models 1525 Wagner Ave. (Next to Walmart) Greenville

Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 27


TSC partners with 4-H in October

President Lavern Weitzel presents Cody Broering with a $500 scholarship check.

Ft. Recovery Cruise-In FT. RECOVERY – A Cruise-In will be held Oct. 8, 4-8 p.m., on the streets of Ft. Recovery; rain or shine. Proceeds will be used to fund community projects and Automotive Scholarships. Dash plaques and more than 40 awards will be given away. Cars, trucks and motorcycles are welcome to participate. For more information, call (419) 375-

4908. The Cruise-In is sponsored by area merchants, Ft. Recovery Merchants and the Fort Street Car Classics Car Club. The club has donated to the Fort Recovery Museum, school, fire department, police, Camp Encouragement, Center for Neurological Development, Cancer Society and more.

GREENVILLE – Tractor Supply Company, in partnership with National 4-H Council, is announcing the October launch of the 2016 Fall Paper Clover Campaign. From Oct. 5–16, funds will be raised when Tractor Supply shoppers purchase a paper clover for $1 or more at checkout and will be awarded as scholarships to individual 4-H members wishing to at-

Democrat Breakfast

GREENVILLE – The Darke County Democrats will hold an early riser breakfast at the Brethren Retirement Community in the cafeteria on Oct. 8, 8 a.m. Come and enjoy good fellowship and a wonderful breakfast. Everyone is welcome. For reservations, call Tom Hans, 273-3865 or Dave Niley, 548-4517.

tend 4-H camps and leadership conferences across the country. With the completion of the 2016 fall campaign, Tractor Supply and the National 4-H Council hope to reach the milestone of $10 million raised for 4-H members since the partnership began seven years ago. With the more than $935,351 raised during the 2016 spring campaign, Tractor Supply and its shoppers have now raised more than $9.2 million for 4-H programs across the country in only seven years of Paper Clover Campaigns. The effort has provided direct support to further county level 4-H programs. Effective this fall, funds raised will be used to provide scholarships to youth for 4-H camps and leadership experiences. “Partnering with 4-H gives us the opportunity to enhance our stores’ communities and provide support to 4-H members,” said Christi

Korzekwa, Senior Vice President of Marketing at Tractor Supply. “With the help of our dedicated customers, these scholarships will allow numerous students to build upon their leadership skills through attendance at youth development camps, strengthening 4-H programs across the country.” Tractor Supply will work with 4-H groups on the state level to donate the funds as scholarships to local 4-H members to attend camps and leadership conferences. 4-H members can contact their county agents for information on how to apply. The number of scholarships distributed to students will be determined based on the total amount raised throughout the campaign. “For many years, this fundraising event has allowed us to provide thousands of 4-H youth across the country greater access to 4-H programs,” said Jenni-

Welcome to HAMILTON Auto Sales Tony Ulman, Service Manager Greenville Schools Foundation holds raffle At Your SERVICE! GREENVILLE – The otherwise be funded through Greenville Schools Founda- conventional means. ProGive us a call for your tion has elected to repeat ceeds from the sale of 500 the 500 Club raffle through Club tickets as well as other the 2016- 2017 school year fundraisers throughout the service needs - 548-1175 as it was administered last year are used for this purDetail Service Available - Cars-Trucks-Vans

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year. Every month from October to June there will be a drawing for three winners with first place receiving $50, second place gets $20 and third place takes home $10. Tickets are $10 each and last all year. No more than 500 tickets will be sold increasing your chances for a win. The foundation is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support programs and purchases within the Greenville City School District that benefit a large variety of student activities. Such programs make the Greenville Schools educational experience even more outstanding and could not

pose. You can buy your 500 Club tickets from any board member or by calling 5489895 or 548-1530.

fer Sirangelo, President and CEO, National 4-H Council. “We are thrilled about our continued partnership with Tractor Supply Company as it drives the excitement of local community participation and support for 4-H programs, and therefore the success of the 4-H Paper Clover Campaign.”




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2015 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, black, 10,874 miles.................. $41,995.........$40,900 2015 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, like new, champagne silver, 21,843 miles .................................................................................................... $24,995.........$23,900 2015 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., all power, like new, white, 19,872 miles.......................... $21,995.........$20,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, all power, exc. cond., tungsten, 34,148 miles ................................................................................................................... $19,995.........$18,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LS FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., all power, super nice, black, 10,672 miles ..................... $19,995.........$18,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., crystal red, 27,223 miles ................................................................................................................ $24,995.........$23,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LS FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., many options, super nice, blue, 35,463 miles ............... $18,995.........$17,500 2014 BUICK ENCORE AWD, 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, crystal red, 14,131 miles ................................................................................................................ $26,995.........$25,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, super nice, black, 7,409 miles ........................... $22,995.........$21,900 2014 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L, V6, one owner, all power, super nice, black, 32,045 miles ........................................................................................................................ $27,995.........$26,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, super nice, silver, 23,289 miles ........... $21,995.........$20,900 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT REG CAB, SHORT BOX 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, power bed cover, loaded, like new, silver, 26,347 miles ................................................................. $33,995.........$32,900 2014 CADILLAC SRX, AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, black, 14,129 miles ............. $39,995.........$38,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L, 4 cyl, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, crystal red, 21,376 miles ................................................................................................................ $25,995.........$24,500 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LT AWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., blue, 30,505 miles .......................... $19,995.........$18,500 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX 2LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, crystal red, 8,661 miles .................................................................................................................. $24,995.........$23,900 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, like new, black, 7,621 miles .............................. $21,995.........$20,900 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 29,725 miles .......................................................................................................................... $19,995.........$18,500 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LS FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., blue, 18,257 miles .......................... $18,995.........$17,900 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., all power, super nice, blue, 13,242 miles ....................... $21,995.........$20,500 2013 CADILLAC SRX, AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, white, 26,600 miles ............. $33,995.........$32,900 2013 GMC TERRAIN DENALI AWD, 3.6L, V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, black, 26,787 miles................................................................................................................................... $28,995.........$27,500 2012 GMC ACADIA SLT FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, maroon, 60,916 miles................. $21,995.........$20,900 2012 CHEVY ½ TON REG. CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.8L V8, auto, air, one owner, exc. cond., red, 59,879 miles ........................................................................................................................... $19,995.........$18,900 2012 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED 4 DOOR 4WD CONVERTIBLE, 3.6L V6, 6 speed, meltdown pkg., loaded, sharp, green, 61,310 miles ...................................................................... $26,995.........$25,900 2011 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, all power, very nice, blue, 111,816 miles ........................................................................................................................ $15,995.........$14,500 2010 CHEVY EQUINOX LS, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, very nice, maroon, 85,281 miles ................................ $12,995.........$11,500 2009 BUICK ENCLAVE CXL FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, diamond white, 145,787 miles...$12,995 .........$11,500 2008 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB 2WD P.U., 5.3L V8, loaded, super nice, red, 73,448 miles ........................................................................................................................... $18,995.........$17,500 2008 CHEVY HHR LT PANEL, 2.4L, 4 cyl., leather, loaded, very nice, red, 154,107 miles...................... $6,995...........$5,900 2007 CHEVY TAHOE LTZ 4WD, 5.3L, V8, leather, loaded, sharp, maroon, 86,096 miles ..................... $21,995.........$20,900 2007 CHEVY HHR LS FWD, 2.2L, 4 cyl., loaded, good cond., blue, 242,686 miles ................................ $4,995...........$3,500 2007 GMC YUKON XL SLT 4X4, 5.3L, V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., gray 173,525 miles......................................................................................................................... $15,995.........$14,900 2007 CHEVY ½ SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 2WD, 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded good cond., black, 165,800 miles .................................................................................................. $13,995.........$12,900 2006 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS EXT. 4X4, 4.2L 6 cyl., loaded, good cond., pewter, 142,430 miles...... $6,995...........$5,900 2006 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., all power, good cond., silver, 175,505 miles ........... $6,995...........$5,900 2005 FORD F150 XLT CREW CAB 2WD P.U., 4.6L V8, loaded, good cond., green, 203,656 miles ....... $8,995...........$7,500 2006 FORD ESCAPE FWD, 2.3L 4 cyl., all power, good cond., orange, 143,228 miles........................... $5,995...........$4,900 2005 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT EXT. 4X4, 4.2L 6 cyl., loaded, very nice, maroon, 178,752 miles ........ $6,995...........$5,500 2005 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, very nice, beige, 187,141 miles ............... $9,995...........$8,900 2005 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., diamond white, 140,250 miles ....................................................................................................... $10,995...........$9,500 2003 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4.2L 6 cyl., one owner, loaded, very nice, beige, 214,383 miles................................................................................................................................... $5,995...........$4,500 2003 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.7L, V8, loaded, good cond., silver, 144,706 miles......................................................................................................................... $7,995...........$6,900 2003 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB, 4X4, P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., white, 185,114 miles .................................................................................................... $9,995...........$8,500 2003 CHEVY AVALANCHE 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., silver, 100,397 miles............. $11,995 .........$10,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, good cond., maroon, 226,550 miles .................................................................................................................... $5,995...........$4,900 2002 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB 4WD P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., white, 101,500 miles .................................................................................................... $10,995...........$9,500





2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 142,478 miles ..................................................................................................... $9,995...........$8,900 1999 GMC ½ TON SAVANNA CONVERSION VAN, 5.7L V8, fully loaded, very nice, brown, 116,796 miles ....................................................................................................................... $7,995...........$6,900 1999 TOYOTA TACOMA REG. CAB, 2WD, P.U., 2.4L 4cyl., 5 speed, air, good cond., green, 120,031 miles ....................................................................................................................... $5,995...........$4,900 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats, all power, nice cond., green, 144,748 miles .................... $6,995...........$5,900 1998 CHEVY VENTURE LS EXT VAN, 3.4L V6, loaded, fair cond., white, 173,079 miles ...................... $1,995...........$1,200


2015 CHEVY SS, 4 dr., 6.2L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, silver, 2,387 miles ......................... $41,995.........$40,900 2014 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., white, 13,002 miles.............................. $15,995.........$14,900 2014 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, like new, blue, 6,662 miles .................. $15,995.........$14,900 2014 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., white, 61,021 miles ........................ $15,995.........$14,500 2013 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, super nice, champagne, 35,525 miles................................................................................................................................... $14,995.........$13,900 2013 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., gray, 46,340 miles ............................... $14,995.........$13,900 2011 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., all power, super nice, crystal red, 53,425 miles .................. $14,995.........$13,900 2011 CHEVY MALIBU LTZ, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, super sharp, crystal red, 35,863 miles ................................................................................................................ $15,995.........$14,900 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, all power, exc. cond., blue, 90,043 miles .............................. $11,995.........$10,500 2010 CHEVY CORVETTE GRAND SPORT COUPE, 6.2L V8, 6 speed, leather, loaded, like new, maroon, 2,838 miles........................................................................................................ $46,995.........$45,500 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr, 3.5L V6, leather, loaded, very nice, silver, 69,849 miles........................ $11,995.........$10,900 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 115,528 miles.............. $10,995...........$9,500 2006 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, all power, very nice, silver, 90,451 miles................................. $6,995...........$5,900 2006 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 163,567 miles .......................................................................................................................... $7,995...........$6,500


2009 PONTIAC G6, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, very good cond., silver, 147,455 miles................ $6,995...........$5,900 2008 PONTIAC G6 GT CONVERTIBLE, 3.5L V6, leather, all options, super nice, diamond white, 46,661 miles ......................................................................................................... $14,995.........$13,900


2015 BUICK LACROSSE PREMIUM II FWD, 4 door 3.6L, V6, leather, sunroof, all options, like new, white, 14,181 miles ......................................................................................................... $30,995.........$29,900 2014 BUICK REGAL T-TYPE, 4 dr., 2.0L Turbo, 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, blue, 12,223 miles ........................................................................................................... $22,995.........$21,500 2013 BUICK REGAL GS, 4 dr., 2.0L Turbo, 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, black granite 23,444 miles ............................................................................................................. $23,995.........$22,900 2013 BUICK REGAL GS, 4 dr., 2.0L Turbo 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, all power, super nice crystal red, 23,473 miles ................................................................................................................ $24,995.........$23,500 2013 BUICK REGAL PREMIUM, 4 dr., 2.0L Turbo 4 cyl., leather, loaded, super sharp, silver, 15,358 miles......................................................................................................................... $19,990.........$18,500 2011 BUICK REGAL T-TYPE, 4 dr., 2.0L Turbo, 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., mocha, 38,487 miles ...................................................................................................................... $16,995.........$15,500 2008 BUICK LACROSSE CXL, 4 door 3.8L, V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., gray, 107,616 miles .......................................................................................................................... $7,995...........$6,900 2003 BUICK PARK AVENUE, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, one owner, leather, loaded, very nice, maroon, 175,676 miles .................................................................................................................... $6,995...........$5,500 2002 BUICK LESABRE LIMITED, 4 door 3.8L, V6, leather, loaded, super nice, white, 201,609 miles ........................................................................................................................ $5,995...........$4,900 1990 BUICK PARK AVENUE, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, loaded, very good cond., maroon, 139,505 miles ............ $2,995 ...........$1,900


2012 FORD FOCUS SE, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., black, 111,220 miles .............. $10,995...........$9,500 2012 CHRYSLER 300C AWD, 4 dr, 5.7L Hemi V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, black, 78,976 miles ........................................................................................................................ $23,995.........$22,500 2010 CADILLAC DTS, 4 dr., 4.6L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., gold, 45,986 miles ............ $18,995.........$17,500 2006 CADILLAC CTS, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, gray, 92,155 miles ................... $16,995.........$13,900 2004 SATURN L 300, 4 dr., 2.2L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., silver, 98,430 miles ..................................... $4,995...........$3,500 1998 OLDSMOBILE INTRIGUE, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, loaded, good cond., brown, 211,256 miles ................... $2,995 ...........$1,900 1997 CHRYSLER SEBRING LXI CONVERTIBLE, 2.5L V6, leather, loaded, very nice, black, 166,143 miles ........................................................................................................................ $4,995...........$3,900 1997 CADILLAC DEVILLE, 4 dr., 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., green, 119,533 miles................ $4,995...........$2,500 1996 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, nice car, beige, 163,266 miles ............... $4,995...........$2,500 1992 OLDSMOBILE 98 REGENCY ELITE, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, very nice, gray, 165,115 miles................................................................................................................................... $3,995 ...........$2,500

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PAGE 28 Sunday, October 2, 2016-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


PICK mix or match





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Prices Effective the Week of October 3-9, 2016




2.99 LB 99¢ LB





8.99 LB

2.99 LB Miller Amish Thin & Fancy Chicken Strips .....................................3.99 lb 12-16oz Eckrich Meat Bologna or Franks ..................................................2/$3 12-16oz Oscar Mayer Sliced Bacon .......3.99

UP TO $30.00. By law tobacco and alcohol purchases can’t be used to meet your purchase requirement of $30.00.





2.6-3.6oz Armour Lunch Makers ......................................10/$10 2.25-4.4oz Oscar Mayer Lunchables ..........................................10/$10 16oz Bob Evans Fresh Roll Sausage .....2.99

Sweet Onions ....................................89¢ lb


ANY FROZEN TURKEY! (up to $30.00)

Celery ....................................................99¢















12” Noble Roman Pizza................. 2/14.99 American Cheese ...........................5.49 lb Cole Slaw.........................................1.99 lb 1-1.5lb slab Kretschmar FRIDAY ONLY St Louis Style Ribs ............................. 9.99

6.99 LB








12ct Stone Ridge Krunch or Ice Cream Bar ..........................................2.99 8oz Cole’s Mini Garlic Bread ..............10/$10 10.20-15.8oz Sister Schuberts Rolls ......2.99





13oz Essential Everyday Soft Pretzel...............................................1.99 16oz Essential Everyday Frozen Blended Vegetable...............................10/$10


ops, 12.5 Corn P s, 12.2 op Lo t oo Fr .2 12 d Flakes s, 15 Froste Apple Jack AL













24oz-12ct-116-121 oz Clorox Liquid Bleach ..............3.79 1.41-1.9oz Essential Everyday Instant Oatmeal Cup................................................10/$10 18oz Quakers Oats Oatmeal .......................................1.99

Cheese Single ..........................................2.49 32oz Essential Everyday Yogurt.............1.99 59oz Pure Leaf Tea ..................................1.99 16oz tub Essential Everyday Sour Cream ...........................................2/3.00 8ct Azteca Flour Torillas .....................10/$10 16oz Reiter Sour Cream & Chip Dips.....2/$3
















4.49 LB




3.99 EA


2.99 LB


1. Purchase any size or brand frozen turkey... your choice. (Excludes Fresh Turkeys) 2. Keep your receipt. 3. Enjoy your turkey on Thanksgiving 4. Return to the store on the Friday, Saturday or Sunday after Thanksgiving. Bring your receipt-the turkey wishbone and make a $30.00 purchase, and we will




















y 4. Others When you bu $4.49 will be

12-20.6oz Nabisco Crackers Family Size...................3.99 2.6-3oz Starkist Tuna ...............................................10/$10 3-3.5lb bg Essential Everyday Cat Food ...................2.99 20lb Shopers Value Cat Litter .....................................3.49

16oz Wild Harvest Salsa .............................................2.49 18-22ct bag or 32-50oz btl All Laundry Detergent ......................................................3.99 1 gal Essential Everyday Drinking Water ...................89¢

12pk-0.5ltr 12pk-23.7oz & 24pk.5ltr Ice Mountain Spring Water .........................................3.49 15.5oz Brooks Chilli Beans.....................................10/$10 1.62-4.25oz bg Frito Lay Single Serve ...................10/$10




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