Early Bird eNewspaper 10-04-15

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Pastors take message to John Boehner RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – With the country’s most recent funding bill signed into law, the efforts of several local pastors may seem fruitless. A group of 70 pastors, most of which were from Congressman John See exclusive fire video at Bluebagmedia.com/video (Clinton Randall Boehner’s 8th Congressiophoto) nal District, recently traveled to Washington. Ten members of the delegation were given an opportunity to meet with the Speaker of the House. Their message to Boehing to spread to a 2-story CLINTON ner was to end taxpayer home at 201 West Second RANDALL STAFF WRITER funding of Planned ParentStreet. crandall@earlybirdpaper.com Homeowners were out- hood. They pushed for him side and very emotional as to include legislation on ARCANUM – Several Arcanum homes were they watched the flames the funding bill, even if it threatened as two large get closer to the homes. meant shutting the governbarns burnt to the ground Firefighters were able to ment down. One of the pastors in the early Friday morning (Oct. extinguish and contain the blaze in the second barn group of 10 that met with 2). Numerous reports before the fire spread to Rep. Boehner was Pastor flooded the Darke County the residence. However, at Steve Short of the Beams9-1-1 Dispatch Center just least one home did sustain ville Christian Church. Pastor Short pointed out before 2 a.m. Friday morn- heavy smoke damage. Electrical crews were this campaign has nothing, as flames engulfed the first barn on Sycamore, be- called in to kill power to ing to do with preventing hind the 200 block of West surrounding homes, due to women from getting propSecond. The wind helped lines being on the ground er healthcare. This camto spread the fully involved and poles being damaged paign is against the killing structure to another barn by the fire. The cause of of unborn children. In fact, across the alley, according the fire is under investiga- the delegation encouraged Boehner to give the fundto an Arcanum Police Of- tion. Log on to bluebagme- ing Planned Parenthood ficer who was first on the dia.com for report updates would receive to other scene. As fire crews arrived, and exclusive video of the women’s clinics that care for the needs of women – the second barn was fully fire. other than abortion. engulfed and threaten-

Overnight barn fires threaten Arcanum homes

Students learn to vote informed BOB ROBINSON

According to Short, the meeting with Boehner formed quickly. The group originally approached Boehner’s aid during Congress’ summer recess hoping to meet with him while he was in town. The aid didn’t believe it would be possible, but said he would check with the Speaker. Shortly after Boehner returned to Washington, the group received a phone call asking if they could meet with him in Washington, DC. In less than a week, the local pastors were able to get commitments from 70 pastors to attend. Short felt as though Boehner understood the group’s plea, but was not willing to take a chance and attach it to the legislation. The following is Boehner’s statement regarding funding Planned Parenthood, “We’re also standing

with the American people to stop these grisly practices that we’ve seen from some abortion providers throughout our country. Right now, as you’ve heard, we’ve got three committees actively investigating this. We’ll also vote to strengthen the legal protections for infants that are born alive, and…address some of the practices that we’ve seen in these videos. My colleagues on the Democrat side, both in the House and the Senate, should heed what the American people are saying. It’s time to stop these horrific practices and the selling of baby parts in America.” Although Pastor Short was confident defunding Planned Parenthood would not be part of the legislation funding the government, he believes the visit was beneficial. He believes

the 70 pastors involved understand now, more than ever before, the need to educate people. He believes pastors should be taking the message to their pulpits. “I know churches need to be involved. We’ve left the abortion issue lay too long,” he said. “Washington is not going to change people’s minds. That needs to come from pulpits and churches. Without it, it won’t change.” Short encourages other pastors to talk about the videos and abortion. In addition to Pastor Short, Pastor Kyle Herrmann of Harrison Street Baptist Church in New Madison, was one of the 10 pastors meeting with Rep. Boehner. Justin Powell, an Arcanum resident who formerly worked in Washington, DC, served as the group’s tour guide.

Hohler says goodbye to career as local firefighter

ASSOCIATE EDITOR brobinson@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – One of the hot topics in Edison State Community College’s public speaking classes is the legalization of marijuana. Out of three classes, 14 are in favor of it, 13 are against it and another half dozen aren’t sure. For most, these are reactions with little information. Although a majority of students are in the College Credit Plus program and not old enough to vote, many can. A few of them for the first time. A fundamental part of communication is learning to think critically about a topic, getting all possible information, then making an informed decision about it. They are learning they have the privilege – and responsibility – to vote informed. The students are entering their seventh week of a 16-week Fundamentals of Communication course. Not only are they learning public speaking skills, they are also learning to use ethics, diversity, teamwork, research, critical thinking and the proper use of persuasion in their interaction with others. While most have an opinion on the

Pastors Steve Short and Kyle Herrmann, of Darke County, were among the 10 pastors given an opportunity meet with Representative John Boehner.


STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

Edison CCP students Hannah Coakley, Greenville, and Haley Wampler, Ansonia, register to vote at the Darke County Board of Elections. (Bob Robinson photo)

marijuana initiative (Issue 3), they also acknowledge not knowing as much as they should about it. Their job? Discover all they can about marijuana, and the Issue itself, that they will see on the ballot in November. Two students, Hannah Coakley, College Credit Plus (CCP) student from Greenville, and Haley Wampler, CCP student from Ansonia, have turned 18 since the last election. They went to the Darke County Board of Elections Sept. 29 and registered to vote. Another communications student, recent Mississinawa Valley graduate Cydney Adams, registered

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on Oct. 1. They know they have some work ahead of them before they express their opinions on Nov. 3. According to Susan Snipes, Elections Board employee, a lot of new registrations came in as a result of the petitions turned in for Darke County. The board will be checking over 2,000 names on the petitions. Overall traffic has been heavy in the last week or two. A side benefit for the two students registering Tuesday came with an opportunity to volunteer on election day. Haley immediately signed up… Hannah hopes to if her schedule allows it.

GREENVILLE – After 22 years of serving his community, now retired Greenville Firefighter, Mike Hohler went on his ‘Final Ride’ Monday morning. Hohler’s family, friends and fellow firefighters (his brothers) gathered at the Greenville Fire Station to celebrate his bitter-sweet goodbye. A tearful Hohler told The Early Bird he will definitely miss all his brothers at the department, but looks forward to spending more time with his wife Donna and playing lots of golf during his retirement. “It really has been his choice,” Hohler’s wife Donna said. “He is ready to retire and as long as he is happy with it, I am happy.” Hohler, who is now 48years-old, began his career in 1991 with the Chattahoochee Volunteer Fire Department in Cussetta, Ga. He then moved to Ohio and worked with the

See more photos and a video of Hohler’s final ride exclusively at facebok. com/bluebagnews. (Clinton Randall photo)

Union City, Ohio FD for three years before settling in with the Greenville Fire Department. “Biggest thing I’m gonna miss most is the guys (fellow firefighters),” Hohler said. “We are a close-knit bunch and it will be very different not being around them.” Hohler lives in Greenville with his wife of 29 years, Donna. They have three sons, two of which have served or is serving as a firefighter… just like their

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dad. “When Mike was a senior in high school he had a real bad leg injury during a football game and the doctors said he may never walk again,” Hohler’s mother Nancy recalled. “A little bit of miracles and some therapy… a year later he called me after jumping out of an airplane in the military!” Hohler is an active member in his church and says he will definitely stay in touch with his “family” at the station.

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PAGE 2 Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


Woman cited twice for child endangering On September 20 police responded to the

area of St. Clair and East Main Streets regarding

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a small child in a diaper found wandering in the middle of the road. According to the report, two witnesses removed the child from the road and called police. The temperature at the time was about 52 degrees. One of the witnesses gave a coat to the child. The child wouldn’t speak to the officer but led them to the neighborhood where a neighbor recognized him and told police where he lived. The door was answered by a juvenile who confirmed the child was her brother. The officer asked to speak to an adult. The child left – could be heard telling her mother to get up – then returned and told police “my mom said to go away.” Police responded she needed to get up or she would be arrested. When she was advised where her son had been, she appeared unconcerned and asked the officer to leave her residence. The officer responded she could be arrested for child endangerment and that she had already been warned once on Aug. 31. The officer took statements from the witnesses and issued the woman a citation for Child Endangerment. She said “we were ruining her life.” When the officer tried to get additional information the defendant shut the door. On September 25 police were dispatched to the neighborhood of East Third Street regarding a small child, wearing only a diaper, playing in the roadway. When a witness tried to get the child to come to her he ran away. According to the report, police found this to be the same child as the one from the Sept. 20 incident. When they knocked on the door the defendant said “Is he out again?” She said she was sleeping, as were all the

children. She started to exit the front door, then said the back yard, and slammed the door shut. The police went around back to find the child playing in the yard unsupervised. There was a fire burning in a pit and a baby pool filled with water. The child’s diaper was filed with feces and urine. He was dirty and his lower legs were covered with open sores and bites. Inside the residence were three other children. Two girls were wearing pajamas. A third child, one year old, was in a dark room lying in a crib. The mattress was wet from urine, as well as the child. A soaked diaper was in the corner; the child was only wearing a shirt. The officer secured the defendant’s identification and went outside to call Children’s Services. Another officer was getting statements from witnesses. Officers and a representative from Children’s Services were at the house for over an hour and a half trying to get the defendant to open the door. She refused to do it until her mother arrived on the scene. She was afraid her children were going to be taken away again. She was cited for Endangering Children and Obstructing Official Business. OVERDOSE

On September 28 police and rescue personnel were dispatched to 316 12th St. regarding a suspected heroin overdose. According to the report, the resident had just gotten home from work and was unaware police had been contacted. He let the officer in as a male, Alexander Bryant, was carrying a female down the stairs. She was unconscious and her face was blue. Bryant was instructed to place the female on the ground so



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she could be checked to see if she was breathing. She wasn’t and the officer was unable to find a pulse. The female was covered in water and had bruising and track marks on her arms consistent with injection of heroin or other drugs. Bryant stated he put her in the shower to try to wake her up and that she uses heroin but he was not around her when she was doing it. The officer began CPR after which she began to breathe on her own. Greenville Township arrived and administered Narcan. She woke up and refused transportation to the hospital. The resident signed a consent to search the residence. The officer found an open cigarette pack containing a cellophane bag which had eight green oval pills. Bryant reportedly said they were Xanax he had purchased for the victim. The officer confirmed the type of pills, which is a controlled substance. Bryant said he purchased the pills “on the street.” He was issued a misdemeanor citation for possession of drugs. Both Bryant and the victim were transported from the residence. On September 26 police were dispatched to 1603 Martindale Road regarding a possible overdose. According to the report, a witness led the officer to an outdoor deck where he observed Michael Crawford lying on the ground unresponsive. Two witnesses were talking to him, saying “wake up, Michael.” All were asked to move out of the way; the officer noted Crawford’s lips and face were blue and he was not breathing. The officer detected a pulse, administered CPR. Crawford would take in gasps of air and moan. He could not breathe on his own so CPR was continued until Township Rescue arrived. The officer asked if Crawford had been using drugs that night; witnesses responded they didn’t observe him doing it. He was given permission to conduct a search inside and found five empty pill capsules, a syringe and inside a cigarette package, two pill capsules containing a powder substance. At Wayne HealthCare Crawford said he wasn’t sure what had occurred but he had fallen asleep, woke up and went outside to have a cigarette. He said he felt “weird.” The next thing he knew there were paramedics around

him. When the officer asked about the items he had found, Crawford looked confused, saying he takes several prescription drugs for pain and depression. He said a girlfriend had been “snuck” in, had gone to the bathroom then come back out “****** up.” He changed his story twice, but denied repeatedly the items were his or that he’d ever used heroin. Hospital staff advised he gave urine and blood samples. The officer reported that hospital records will be subpoenaed with charges pending the analysis of the items submitted. Paramedics advised they had given Crawford Narcan, which caused him to be responsive and alert. DRUGS

On September 28 police responded to the area of Warren and Hall Streets regarding a male who had no shirt on, was swinging his arms and acting strange. According to the report, police saw Uriah Hodge on Hall Street swinging his arms and screaming obscenities. He said he had something in his eye and was trying to get it out. He was sweaty and his pupils were pin point. He had visible track marks on both his left and right arms. Hodge was breathing heavily, tried to avoid eye contact with the officer and kept trying to put his hands in his pockets. He was asked to stop moving his hands. Hodge admitted having a syringe in his pocket. At first he said it was for diabetes, then reportedly acknowledged it was “drawn up” to “use cocaine or anything else.” Township Rescue evaluated him; he refused transport to the hospital. He was transported to the police department where he was cited for possession of a drug abuse instrument. EARLY BIRD POLICY

The Greenville Police Beat is prepared from public records available at the Greenville Police Department. Every effort is made to balance the public’s right to know with the rights of the individuals involved. Readers are encouraged to contact Greenville Police if they have information or concerns regarding these or any other incidents they see. The Early Bird notes all suspects are innocent until proven guilty and welcomes comments and concerns regarding this community service.

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Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 3

Local teen game store owner upgrades growing business BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

Members of the New Madison Fire Department post arson reward notice at scene of fire. (Clinton Randall photo)

Weekend Castine fire ruled arson BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

CASTINE – A fire that destroyed a home, two storage buildings and a shed early Saturday morning in Castine has officially been ruled as arson. The Blue Ribbon Reward sign was posted on the property at 26 Pine St. Wednesday morning by members of the New Madison Fire Department and the Darke County Sheriff’s Office, who investigated the fire with the aid of the State Fire Marshal’s Office. Approximately 12 fire departments from Darke and Preble Counties responded to the blaze, just before 3 a.m. Saturday morning. The flames had

already consumed most of the structures by the time crews arrived on the scene. Firefighters worked to contain the fire so no additional surrounding structures were damaged. The homeowners were not in the home at the time of the fire. No injuries were reported. Total damages are estimated to be around $150,000… according to the New Madison Fire Department. Authorities are urging anyone with information to contact the Darke County Sheriff’s Office at 937-5482020 or the Darke County Crime Stoppers tipline at 937-547-1661. You may also submit a tip online atdarkecountycrimestoppers.com/tips.

Greenville man pleads guilty day of trial in burglary case BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Facing charges on four separate indictments, 31-year-old Kyle A. Reigelsperger of Greenville pleaded guilty September 30 prior to his scheduled jury trial. Reigelsperger entered a guilty plea Wednesday morning in the Darke County Common Pleas Court to three counts of Burglary, felonies of the third degree; two counts of Receiving Stolen Property, fourth degree felonies; and Misuse of a Credit Card, a fifth degree felony. The state dismissed one count of Grand Theft of Firearms, two counts of Theft and one count of Theft of a Credit Card which Reigelsperger was indicted on as part of a plea agreement. According to the indictments, the offenses occurred between March

SERO meets October 14

GREENVILLE – The next SERO meeting will be Oct. 14, at the Moose Lodge in Greenville. You are welcome to purchase your lunch from the Moose menu. Check in by 11 a.m. You can order your lunch and be enjoying it until the meeting starts at noon. They will be having a special guest to entertain them and get ready for the Christmas season. Be prepared to come and enjoy yourself since they will be thinking of others during this holiday season. Please bring a can or two (or any amount) to donate to the food pantry where their entertainer goes to church (Oakland Church of the Brethren).

GREENVILLE – On Saturday, teenage business owner, Ryan Wintrow, will hold his second grand opening in less than a year. The 17-year-old Greenville High School senior opened his video game store – Go Go Gamers – on Oct. 25, 2014. Since then, Wintrow says his inventory has tripled in size and value… and has outgrown the current shop location at 413 Walnut St. in Greenville. To accommodate the successful growth, Wintrow has decided to move his expanding store to the Buckeye Square Plaza on Wagner Ave. – next to Radio Shack and the Asian Buffet. “I have been wanting to move the store to a more visible location for a while now,” Wintrow told The Early Bird. “We will get a lot more exposure in the new location which should lead to many new customers that don’t already know about us.” In addition to Ryan, Go Go Gamers has four employees. The store buys, sells and trades any brand of video game, console, video game accessories and more. As a special service, they repair smartphones and some tablets. “The phone repair service has really gotten to be a big part of the business,”

Wintrow noted. “We even get referrals now from Verizon and Radio Shack.” As an additional service, Wintrow plans to begin selling used phones and return the favor by having his customers activate their airtime at one of the local cellular providers. When asked what the young entrepreneur has planned for the future, he told The Early Bird he hopes to open a second Go Go Gamers in Eaton for starters. When it comes to small business ownership, Ryan has a very experienced support system. His parents, Joe and Laura, own a very successful local sign and vehicle wrapping business – Wintrow Signs. According to Joe, he and Laura help their son out with some things… “Ryan handles most of all the business decisions on his own.” The public is invited to the grand opening Saturday, Oct. 3 – beginning at 10 a.m. Special video game legends, Mario and Luigi will be on-hand to help celebrate and take photos with all their fans. The new Go Go Gamers is located at 533 Wagner Ave. in Greenville. Their new phone number is 937459-5726. Log on to gogogamersonline.com for store hours and more information. Like them on Facebook for updates on new releases and store specials.

Kyle A. Reigelsperger

and June in the City of Greenville. Reigelsperger is reported to have entered unoccupied homes and stealing items… including prescription medication and tools, according to Assistant Darke County Prosecutor Deborah S. Quigley. He also stole and used the credit card from an elderly man, which led to the additional charges. “He really does not have much of a criminal history,” Quigley told The Early Bird. Reigelsperger remains incarcerated in the Darke County jail on a $30,000 bond and is scheduled to return to court for sentencing on Oct. 15 at 2:45 p.m. He faces up to 13 years in prison and over $40,000 in fines.

Tolly’s Gastropub Announces Their

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Rumpke’s fall clean up in Greenville GREENVILLE – Rumpke Waste, Inc. will provide Fall Clean Up service for the residents of the City of Greenville during their scheduled pick up day the week of Oct. 12-16. This is for large items only – no bags. The following items will be accepted for removal (limit of five large items): Push type lawn mower (60lb limit), refrigerator with Freon removed by a technician removed by a technician, water heater, stove, washer, dryer, bed springs or mattress, furniture, lawn furniture, bicycles, television set, stereo equipment, microwave ovens, computer monitors, carpet cut and tied in nor more than four-

Go Go Gamers holds second grand opening Saturday at 10 a.m. (Clinton Randall photo)

24 Hour Emergency Service

foot lengths, and branches bundled and tied in no more than 4x2 foot lengths (must have a yard waste sticker attached). They will not accept 50-65 gallon drugs, fence roll, hazardous waste, liquids, asbestos, gas propane bottles, tires or yard waste without stickers.

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DELINQUENT VACANT LAND TAX NOTICE (Section 5721.03, Revised Code) 2014 Duplicate Year Brown Township – Ansonia Corporation – AAJA Batten Hazel J C15-2-213-22-02-10-12100 Greenville Township – Greenville Corporation Flory Steven A & Kymberli Jt Surv F27-2-212-35-01-03-10100 Liberty Township – Palestine Corporation Teaford Norman B & Wilt Constance T I36-2-111-15-02-01-15600 Richland Township – Ansonia LSD Johnson Lewis Wesley N86-0-311-20-00-00-11000 Twin Township – Ithaca Corporation Crampton Alta Et Al P61-6-308-28-03-02-11901

1,818.00 1,714.90 280.56 827.36 36.76

I, hereby certify the foregoing is to be correct as shown by the records in the office of the Darke County Treasurer. Scott J. Zumbrink Darke County Treasurer Notice is hereby given that this Delinquent Vacant Land will be certified for foreclosure and forfeiture by the Darke County Auditor pursuant to law unless the whole of the delinquent taxes, assessments, interest and penalties are paid within twenty-eight days after the final publication of this notice. Carol Ginn Darke County Auditor



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PAGE 4 Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Ansonia students meet challenge, get reward BY BOB ROBINSON ASSOC. EDITOR brobinson@earlybirdpaper.com

ANSONIA – “Are you ready?” Yeah!! “Are you teachers ready?” Not exactly silence, but the drop in noise level was deafening… Once again, Ansonia elementary school kids were given a summer reading challenge. Once

again they exceeded it. Their reward? They got to see ALL their teachers drop down an inflatable 15-foot (appx.) slide. The teachers seemed a little nervous, but they didn’t disappoint. “Climb up! Climb up! Climb up…” the kids chanted as teachers pulled on the rope and grabbed footholds to climb up

the slide. Later the chant changed to the names of the teachers. Ansonia Elementary Principal Krista Stump said their goal to avoid the “Summer Slide” (and drop their teachers down the slide) was 900 hours of reading. They turned in 1,089 hours of reading. This was the fourth year of the annual challenge.

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In 2012 students read 752 hours, 788 in 2013 and 905 in 2014. Every year the goal was exceeded. “Next summer we’re going to be raising that bar a little bit higher,” Stump told the students. “Okay?” Yeah! “Okay??” Yeah!!! Once all teachers, including Stump, had dropped down the slide, students went back to their classrooms. They got their turns on the slide during their “Specials” throughout the day. Students were able to find and read books of their choice on Tuesdays at the Ansonia Elementary Library and at Greenville Library’s Summer Reading Program on Wednesdays. They were also given information on how to choose books at specific online sites. Children had an opportunity to win a Kindle and earned treats by turning

GREENVILLE – The YMCA of Darke County staff and coaches are looking forward to the 20152016 DCY Winter Short Course season beginning Oct. 19, with Trial Week beginning Oct. 12. The swim team serves the spirit of competition, keeping physically fit and fostering fellowship

OCTOBER 2015 Free Monthly Diabetes Education Class This educational class is designed to help you understand and manage diabetes. Join us for a free class each month.

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Tuesday, October 13th, 2:00pm-3:00pm Wayne HealthCare, 3rd Floor Conference Room

Thursday, October 8th, 10:00am-11:00am Preble County Council on Aging 800 East St. Clair St., Eaton, OH

National Diabetes Month Program Tuesday, November 10th, 6:00pm-7:00pm Wayne HealthCare, 3rd Floor Conference Room Karen Droesch, RD, LD, CDE Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) will present and lead all diabetes education classes and programs.

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Step Up To Wellness 41st Annual Darke County Health Fair

Tuesday, October 13, 2015 8:00am-4:00pm Come Visit Our Walk-Through Colon!

Tuesday, October 20th

Located at the Darke County Fairgrounds in the Youth Building, located on State Route 49 in Greenville, Ohio. Door Prizes! Services offered and information available include: • Blood Pressure • Diabetic Education • Blood Sugar • Fall Risk/Safety • Blood Work • Flu Shots • Cancer Care • Glaucoma/Vision • Hearing • Pulmonary Function • Height/Weight • Reflexology/Massage • Mammograms • Spinal Screening • Osteoporosis • Corporate Wellness

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Healthy Moments Breast Cancer Presenter Daniel P. McKellar, MD, FACS

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Jill Brown, RN, BSN, OCN, CBCN Wayne HealthCare Cancer Coordinator

RSVP by Oct. 16th by contacting Shelly Acker at (937) 547-5943 or michele.acker@waynehealthcare.org

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Monday, October 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th

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Wayne HealthCare, 3rd Floor Conference Room Free if delivering at Wayne HealthCare. $50 cost if mother does not.

in their reading tickets each week. Sponsors were Paula’s Diner, The Whistle Stop and MnM’s. Stump thanked slide owner, Erica Kramer, for lending it to the school. “I was trying to think of a challenge,” she said. “Then I thought ‘summer slide’ and then her slide… this is perfect!” Last year, the Ansonia principal

greeted her students as Uncle Sy Robertson, leader of the Duck Dynasty. Melinda Thompson’s kindergarten class will be participating in the challenge next year. So what reward would they like from their teachers? Top suggestions: Slide again, maze in a bouncy house, trampoline, dunking and a congratulations cheer.

Y Swim Team will hold Trial Week


Diabetes Education Programs

All elementary teachers fulfilled their obligations to their chanting students, some of them more enthusiastically than others. (Bob Robinson photo)


American Cancer Society Smoking Cessation Program October 12th, 14th, 19th, 21st 5:00pm-6:00pm

Lifestyle Enhancement Center This program is free to all registered participants. To register, Call (937) 547-5917

To learn more about the programs or events at Wayne HealthCare, call (937) 548-1141 or visit: www.waynehealthcare.org

among the team. They hope to provide each swimmer the opportunity to grow both socially and emotionally through learning the values of team sportsmanship and team cooperation. Through the program, character traits of caring, responsibility, honesty, and respect will not only be learned and practiced, but also required. The swim team is open to all Darke County Y members, ages six and older, who can exhibit competency in 50 yards of freestyle and backstroke. Trial Week is an opportunity for interested swimmers and their parents to “get their feet wet,” and meet the coaches, other parents and swimmers. It gives them an opportunity to experience the swim team environment and also provides the coaches an opportunity to evaluate the swimmers’ abilities. Coaches will also be conducting stroke clinics focusing on breast stroke, butterfly, and backstroke. Returning swimmers

should also plan to attend Trial Week, especially if they have aspirations to be promoted to a new practice level. The trial week opportunity begins Oct. 12-15, 6-8 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday practice will be held at the Greenville Branch. Tuesday practice will be held at the Versailles Branch. The DCY Sharks offers training and practice groups for swimmers of all ages and ability levels. It is the goal of the DCY Sharks to offer ability level-specific training for all of their athletes geared towards challenging each individual and developing each individual to the best of their abilities. The three training levels include Bronze, Silver and Gold. For further information, contact coach Tony Mart at birdhunter888@ gmail.com; Shanna Good or Tyler Roberts at the Greenville Y at 548-3777; or Cole De’Nise at the Versailles Y at 526-4488.

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Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 5


DARKE COUNTY SOUNDS OFF Speaker of the House and U.S. Representative John Boehner announced his pending resignation on Sept. 25. He will leave the office on Oct. 31. Locals react to the announcement… Jake Monnin Was it the right decision? It depends on what happens next. I don’t believe he was aggressive enough either with the Republicans or with Obama. I think he quit because he gave up trying to change Obama. I gave up on him. Obama wants to be a dictator and I think he’ll get it done. Dennis Davison I pretty much agree (with Jake). Was it the right decision? How can I judge that? I don’t know. Boehner had too much pressure inside the GOP. He just got tired of fighting. In general I think he was trying to do the right thing.

Charles Anthony Right choice? I wish we knew more of the ramifications. It was a big letdown (the announcement) for a while. I don’t think it’s over. He said he was only going to run for one term. He ran for 13. I think he just got tired of messing around with Obama. Jim Dull That’s the best thing (resignation) that could have happened. Get him out of there. Get a woman in there. They got more brains than men. Get Donald Trump in there to fix all that. Jack Bubeck That’s the best thing that ever happened. Things have gone downhill more and more while he’s been in there. If I got in nobody would be there more than six years. He’s been in, what, 26 years?

Drug testing certain welfare recipients Ohio, like many o t h e r states, has seen an increase in drug abuse and deJIM BUCHY pendency. OHIO REPRESENTATIVE With this, we also see a correlation between drug abusers and poverty. The Cincinnati Enquirer recently did a story on an 18 month investigation into a drug ring that benefited from tax payers’ hard earned money. The investigation uncovered 2 million dollars worth of food stamps that were being exchanged for cash and drugs. In an effort to end this kind of fraudulent behavior, we are currently considering House Bill 298. House Bill 298 would create a pilot suspicion-based drug testing program for Ohio Works First welfare recipients. Under this legislation, applicants for unemployment benefits through Ohio Works First, in participating counties, would be subject to drug testing in order to receive these welfare benefits. House Bill 298 is designed not only to prevent tax dollars from being used for illicit drugs, but to help the individuals and families who are impacted by drug abuse. Under the bill, individuals who test positive for

drugs would have access to treatment options so they can get the help they need. Also, the children of an applicant who fails the test would still be eligible to receive benefits through a protective payee. This way, children are still protected and the parents can focus on their recovery. Opponents have tried to smear House Bill 298 and similar drug testing initiatives by calling it a war on minorities. However, data tells us that the majority of Ohioans receiving government subsidies are, in fact, Caucasian. Plus, this bill provides an avenue for those denied benefits because of a positive drug test to get clean and get their lives back on the right track. With Ohio coming out of the Great Recession ahead of most states, we need to continue to focus on ways to cut wasteful spending and fraudulent activity. Through House Bill 298’s suspicion-based drug testing program we can prevent fraud, end the cycle of drug-induced poverty, and encourage recovery by keeping tax dollars out of the hands of criminals. Please give me your opinion on this topic and others in the news this month by completing an online survey at tinyurl.com/buchyseptember2015.

Early Riser Breakfast GREENVILLE – The Darke County Democrats will hold an early riser breakfast in the Brethren Retirement Community’s cafeteria on Oct. 10, 8 a.m.

Come and enjoy a wonderful breakfast and good fellowship. Everyone is welcome. For reservations, call Tom Hans, 273-3865, or Dave Niley, 548-4517.

Park board will meet GREENVILLE – The Darke County Park District Board of Commissioners regular board meeting has been changed to Oct.

8, 4 p.m., in the Tecumseh Room of the Shawnee Prairie Nature Education Center, 4267 St. Rt. 502 W., Greenville.

Bill Beagle will run for Boehner’s seat TIPP CITY – State Senator Bill Beagle (R–Tipp City) today announced that he is entering the race to succeed John Boehner to represent the 8th Ohio Congressional District. Senator Beagle currently represents the 5th Ohio Senate District, which includes Miami, Preble, and portions of Darke and Montgomery Counties. “After a great deal of consideration and discussions with my wife and family, I have decided that I am prepared to make this commitment to the people of Southwest Ohio. I am running because our country needs problemsolving leaders at the helm

September is the time for falling leaves, bonfires, harvesting of crops, cooler temperatures, and football games from Thursday until Monday. Smaller Counties like Darke County also include a lot of local festivals celebrating the harvest. Fall in our county is the prettiest time of year with all the changing colors in the leaves. September is also the first taste of the approaching winter that we all know is inevitable, no matter how much we don’t want to see it coming. September has been a very good month in the Commissioner’s office. If you have driven past the South end of Greenville, you will have noticed two significant changes out by the Sheriff’s office and the County Home. The first thing you will notice is the new road that is being constructed behind and around the Sheriff’s office. This new drive, the

Views expressed on this page from guest columnists, cartoonist or readers voicing their perspective do not necessarily reflect the views/opinions of the newspaper. Readers are encouraged to utilize our letters to the editor space to share their own views/opinions. The Early Bird and Bluebag Media reserve the right to not publish letters that are considered libelous, slanderous or unsigned.

5312 Sebring-Warner Rd, Greenville, OH 45331


President & Publisher: Keith L. Foutz klfoutz@earlybirdpaper.com Managing Editor: Ryan Berry rberry@earlybirdpaper.com Marketing Director: Rhonda Dorsten rdorsten@earlybirdpaper.com Production Manager: Shannie Denney sdenney@earlybirdpaper.com Webmaster: Clinton Randall crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

helped to turn a massive budget shortfall into a surplus and turned record job losses into real opportunity for Southwest Ohio. “Since my first day in public office, I have been focused on strengthening our economy and building an economic environment that instills confidence in job creators to locate and grow their businesses here in Ohio. My proven track record of fighting for common sense policies to balance our budget, cut taxes for the middle class, streamline regulations and get government out of the way of the private sector is exactly what we need more of in Washington.

“I firmly believe that while government may be complex, simple rules should still apply. These are the same rules that apply to all of us and govern the daily decisions we make as spouses, parents, neighbors and employees: stay true to your conservative principles, live within your means, listen to the people around you, don’t put off difficult decisions and invest in our children’s future. I’m running for Congress because I am on a mission and that that mission is to make the tough decisions that need to be made to fix Washington and put America back on the path to prosperity.”

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who have the fortitude to get things done – and we need that now more than ever. The citizens of the 8th District deserve to be represented by a conservative they can trust and who has the know-how to hit the ground running. I am proud of the work I have done at the Statehouse to get Ohio back on track and I am ready to do my part to help get our great country headed in the right direction again. “When I first ran for public office five years ago, Ohio was broken, just like Washington is today. Many of the decisions I’ve made since then have been tough, but those decisions

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DEADLINES: Classified line advertising.....................Noon on Thursday All other advertising and inserts .........Thursday by 5 p.m. Editorial content .....................................Noon on Thursday Letters to the editor and other reader contributions of general interest are encouraged. Letters should be no more than 300 words and must contain the name, address and phone number of the writer. The Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising or editorial material. The Publisher does assume responsibility for typographical errors but only will be responsible for the cost of that portion appearing in error. We will not be responsible for errors in advertising after their first insertion. The Early Bird is distributed weekly in Darke and surrounding Counties and audited by CVC & is locally owned and operated by Brothers Publishing Company.

South Industrial Drive, is for access to the Industrial park that the Commissioners passed last year. This drive already has a purpose for O.D.O.T.’s new garage to be built next to the Sheriff’s office, with access from St. Rt. 49. We also have another business who wishes to acquire 20 acres. This leaves about 50 acres available, plus the available acreage across US Rt. 127 for development. The Commissioners feel this will be a great asset for the County, as available land is the first key to have for new business looking to locate here. The second significant change you will notice is the big white barn behind the County Home, and a few smaller buildings, are being taken down and a few will find new homes. Timberframe Reclaimers out of Eaton, is taking the barns down, and relocating them for use by other people. The big White barn is going to North Carolina to be reassembled there for people to use as a gathering place. The other smaller buildings will find similar homes. One of the nice

things about this project is Timberframe is having students from Miami University fly a drone in and around the buildings taking video as they are taken down and reassembled so we will have a record of the process for all to enjoy later on. The Commissioners are glad to see this being done as the buildings were serving no purpose to the county, but with this process they will still serve some usefulness to others. This is much more desirable than just having them destroyed, which we really didn’t want. Economically, the unemployment rate for Darke County has fallen below 4-percent, as more people are hired for the jobs available here in the county. We urge everyone who is seeking employment, or looking to change jobs, to go to our website, hometownopportunity.com, and put your resume’ on the site and look at all the opportunities here locally. Our economic development (E.D.) office, along with the C.I.C., Partnering 4 Progress, and Jobs and Family Services, are

working constantly to fill the jobs our great companies have, and to put everyone back to work. Our success the last several years speaks for itself. One of the reasons for Darke County’s success is the continued cooperation from all involved. This is one of the few counties in the state that sees all departments from E.D., J.F.S., Partnering 4 Progress, the C.I.C., law enforcement, and our hard working people in the courthouse, all pulling in the same direction to make this county successful. Thanks to all for putting the people of the county first. Fall is here, and with the harvesting getting done, it is time for things to slow down a little. If you have more time, why don’t you make plans to come to one of our public sessions? We meet every Monday and Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. in the Commissioner’s office located just south of the Courthouse at 520 South Broadway in Greenville. Hope to see you there! The Darke County Commissioners

PAGE 6 Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Greenville CROP Hunger Walk set GREENVILLE – Are you looking to make a differ-

ence in these trying times? The Greenville CROP Hun-


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ger Walk has set a goal of 200 walkers and hopes to raise $14,000 to help stop hunger and poverty in our community and around the world, through self-help initiatives. A portion (25percent) of the funds raised in Greenville will go to the Castine Area Food Bank, Grace Resurrection Community Center, and FISH. This year, Greenville and 2,000 cities and towns nationwide are joining together in interfaith community CROP Hunger Walks around the theme “Ending hunger one step at a time.” Haiti is one part of the world where CROP Hunger

Walks are making a big difference. In the aftermath of the killer earthquake, Church World Service was there with much-needed emergency assistance. With the recovery effort in full swing, CWS is helping families and communities to rebuild homes, food supplies and livelihoods. CROP Hunger Walks also play a role in the U.S., helping communities ravaged by floods and tornadoes to recover.For more information about the Greenville CROP Hunger Walk, contact Austin Burk, 459-4189 or greenvillecropwalk@gmail.com.

Spices for your Apple & Pumpkin baked goods


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Cemetery mausoleum now has 140 cremation vaults available. (Clinton Randall photo)

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Greenville Union Cemetery offers cremation vaults


Hours: Tues-Wed-Fri 10am-4pm Sat. 10am-3pm

BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

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GREENVILLE – With budgets getting tighter, the cost of a traditional burial expense can really impact a family financially. For this reason, many are turning to cremation as a more affordable alternative when a loved one passes away. To accommodate this growing trend, the Greenville Union Cemetery is now offering 140 cremation spaces in their mausoleum. According to Cemetery Manager Dick O’Brien, the decision to offer the cremation vaults will allow families a chance to secure a spot in the final resting facility at a much more affordable cost. A traditional casket vault costs around $4,500 – while the new cremation vaults go for only $900. The price included a 12″

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cubic space and a custom engraved plate to display on the front of the vault. “We know a lot of families just can’t afford traditional cost of casket burials,” O’Brien told The Early Bird. “This really gives them a way to not spend so much, but still have a very nice memorial for their loved one… and in a secured facility.” The mausoleum was built in 1912 and promoted by Dr. J.P. Collett… as the engraved plague reads just inside the bronze main entry doors. There are 458 individual crypts contained within the mausoleum and in addition to the 140 cremation vaults, there are still 40 casket vaults available. If you would like to know more about purchasing a vault or touring the mausoleum, contact Dick O’Brien at the Greenville Union Cemetery at 937548-3235 or stop by the office at 200 West Street in Greenville.

A variety of activities and games were available to children and adults during Darke County Parks’ annual Prairie Days. (Bob Robinson photo)

Prairie Days a Darke County success story BY BOB ROBINSON ASSOC. EDITOR brobinson@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Despite a slow start due to the weather, Prairie Days at Shawnee Prairie still had well over 4,000 visitors. According to Darke County Parks Executive Director Roger Van Frank, estimates ranged from 4,300 to 4,500. “One family had 10 kids,” Van Frank said. “They were here all day. The sorghum press was a hit… We borrowed Ted Abney’s press; he even brought his horse to run it.” He added Jim Poeppelman has also rebuilt a press and donated it to the Park District; they will have their own in the future. “We were very blessed to have a good crowd,” Van Frank said. “We had well over 100 volunteers… volunteers and staff made this a success. We had new vendors, new games and activities… a lot of new faces.” He commented on what he considered an interesting point. Noting all vendors were happy with the

weekend, some did well on Saturday and others didn’t. On Sunday it was exactly the opposite. The ones who weren’t busy were and vice versa. He added former interns came back for the event. “They’ve grown up, moved into other jobs but they came back to help.” He said the volunteers were from all walks of life… a Darke County Commissioner (Diane Delaplane), doctors, historical reenactors like John and Karen Burkett, retirees… also working were Sheriff’s Deputies and Greenville Transit Service. “We have grown and continue to grow each year,” Van Frank continued. “Such a talented group of people.” He added they also continue to have “a lot of folks bringing back some history to us.” They remember certain things, how they were done… and they talk about it. “This is such a huge success story for the District and Darke County,” Van Frank said.

Glow Hole ‘n Bowl with United Way VERSAILLES – The Darke County United Way will host a Glow Hole ‘n Bowl on Oct. 17 at McBo’s Lanes in Versailles. The cost is $25 for an individual or $100 for a team. You can also enjoy the pizza buffet for $5. In addition to bowling, there will be corn hole, miniature golf, prize raffles and more. There will be three sessions to choose from, 5, 7 and 9 p.m. Companies can also get

involved and sponsor a lane for $100. Have your company logo or name on a 2x4 banner that will hang at McBo’s Lanes two weeks prior and two weeks after the event. Proceeds from this event will support Darke County United Way’s partner agencies, which reach approximately 20,000 residents each year. For more information, contact Darke County United Way at 547-1272.

Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 7

Bradford ready for annual Pumpkin Show BRADFORD – The 87th annual Bradford Pumpkin Show will be held Oct. 6-10 with something for everyone. Although the festival doesn’t kick off until Tuesday, activity begins on Sunday with the property decorating contest. The following is the event schedule for the Pumpkin Show.

Craft Show in Bradford

BRADFORD – The Bradford Pumpkin Show will host a Craft Show during the annual festival at Iddings Park. Visit the booths on Oct. 9 and 10, noon to 8:30 p.m. There will be over 20 vendors where visitors can find everything from specialty foods and home décor to crafts, purses and makeup. There will also be plenty of decorations and handmade items available.

OCT. 4, 2015 7 p.m. Property Decorating Contest OCT. 5, 2015 4-7 p.m. Pumpkin Painting & Decorating Contest (All entries for children, teens & adults are entered at the Bradford’s City Building) 5:30-8 p.m. Display Building entries for the largest pumpkin 6:30-8 p.m. Display Building entries received (see specific departments) OCT. 6, 2015 * The amusement company will NOT be opening the rides on Tuesday 10 a.m.-noon Display Building entries received (see specific departments) 4 p.m. Official Opening of the 2015 Pump-

kin Show 4:30 p.m. Pumpkin Diaper Derby & Pumpkin City Run 7 p.m. Band Parade 7:30 p.m. Princess & Prince Contest (North end stage) 10 p.m. Festival Closing OCT. 7, 2015 (NO CONFETTI NIGHT) 9 a.m.-1 p.m. BakeA-Pumpkin Pie & Pumpkin Bread Contest, entries received at Clark’s Pizza. 4 p.m. Midway of rides, games & concessions will open 4:30 p.m. Little Miss Pumpkin & Master Pumpkin (North end stage) 6 p.m. Pumpkin Pie & Pumpkin Bread Auction @ Clark’s Pizza, 7 p.m. Little Miss Pumpkin & Master and Queens Parade

Car Show in Bradford

BRADFORD – Everyone is invited to participate in and stroll the Bradford Pumpkin Show Car Show on Oct. 10, noon to 3 p.m. The event will take place in the Bradford Village Park. Registration will be from 9 a.m. to noon. There is a $10 non-refundable registration fee applied per vehicle. The event will feature door prizes and a 50/50 drawing. The top 25 receive trophies. There will be one Best of Show awarded and three Unfinished Awards presented. For additional information, contact the event chairperson, Doug Minnich, 418-2973.

7:30 p.m. Winners of the Little Miss Pumpkin and Master Pumpkin will be crowned 7:30 p.m. Queens Pageant – Crowning of Miss Pumpkin 2015 (North end stage) 10 p.m. Festival Closing OCT. 8, 2015 4 p.m. Midway of rides, games & concessions will open 4:30 p.m. Kiddie Tractor Pull (event will be held on the Midway. If the weather does not permit the event will be held at the Bradford Fire Department. 7 p.m. Band & Cheerleading Parade 7:30 p.m. Pee-Wee Cheerleading Competition @ Bradford Fire/ Rescue Building (Rain date to announced but

the competition will be held at the Bradford High School) 7:30-9:30 p.m. Entertainment at the north end stage-Common Thread 10 p.m. Festival Closing OCT. 9, 2015 1 p.m. Midway opens 1:30 p.m. School parade 2 p.m. Big Wheel Races (event will be held on the Mid-way. If the weather does not permit the event will be held at the Bradford Fire Department. 7-10:30 p.m. Live Entertainments – Flashback 11 p.m. Festival Closing OCT. 10, 2015 9 a.m.-noon Car Show Registration Noon-3 p.m. Car Show

Noon Pet & Novelty Parade (location behind Bradford’s City Building) (North end stage) 2 p.m. Cutest Baby (North end stage) 4 p.m. Family Float Contest 4 p.m. Extravaganza Parade & Miami County Fire Prevention Parade Grand Marshall— “Butch and Lynn Hart” Bradford High School class of 1975 5 p.m. Bed Races (North end) 5:30 p.m. Registration for the Talent Contest 6:30-8:30 p.m. Talent Contest (North end stage) 10 p.m. “Lucky Pumpkin Sweepstakes” 11 p.m. Closing of the 2015 Bradford Pumpkin Show













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PAGE 8 Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


Mark and Dawn Lemon – 1990

Mark and Dawn Lemon - present

GREENVILLE – On October 6, 1990 Mark Lemon and Dawn (Coburn) Lemon were united in marriage on the bridge at the Greenville Park. Tina Clark served as the Matron of Honor and Tony Hull served as the Best Man. Mark and Dawn’s daughters were also part of the wedding. To make the day special and to show the uniting of the family for their four children Mark gave Dawn’s daughters diamond rings and Dawn gave Mark’s daughters diamond rings. Their daughters also stood up with them on their wedding day. Their oldest daughter was the Junior Bride -Jennifer. Bridesmaids were their other three daughters, Jess, Jen and Nichole. Mark is a Lead Test Equipment Engineer at G.E. Aviation in Dayton. He has been with the company for 25 years in January. Dawn is currently a “stay at home grandma.”

They have three grandsons and one granddaughter. Mark and Dawn both enjoy spending time with their grandchildren. Dawn enjoys camping, swimming, cycling, kayaking, photography, drawing and painting. Mark enjoys camping, kayaking, cycling, hunting, fishing, guns, and astronomy. The couple attends Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church in Tipp City. Mark and Dawn celebrated their 20th anniversary by visiting the islands of Hawaii for three weeks. For their 25th anniversary they have purchased a camper so they can travel and enjoy the outdoors, as well as spend time with family and friends. An intimate gathering, at the Versailles Winery with family and friends, will be held to help them celebrate this special 25th anniversary.

Lemons celebrate 25th anniversary

Pillowcase Project at East Main Church GREENVILLE – On Oct. 11, 5 p.m., the East Main Church of Christ, 419 East Main St., Greenville, will be having “The Pillowcase Project” program presented by Sandra Dunn from the Darke County Chapter of the American Red Cross. After this presentation, designed for children, there will be a brief time for pizza and games before dismissing around 6:15 p.m. The Pillowcase Project- designed originally in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina and since implemented by several other Red Cross chapters- teaches elementary school students emergency preparedness and coping skills. The program was inspired by students who carried their valuables in pillowcases when they were evacuated for Katrina. Part of the presentation has children decorating pillowcases. The project seeks to emphasize the importance of community


Open House for Simon

Tolly’s Gastropub No Meal Is Complete Without A Slice of Our


Grace Bergman






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measures and proactive households by providing students with information and tools to better handle stressful events. It teaches students about being prepared for emergencies such as home fires and tornadoes while also helping them build basic coping skills to handle anxiety in emergencies of all kinds. Students will be given the tools and information to help their families create an Emergency Communications Plan, Emergency Contact Cards, Home Fire Escape Plan and a Home Emergency Supplies Kit. Through this comprehensive program, the Red Cross seeks to increase individual, family and community preparedness and resilience. While the presentation has been adapted to focus specifically on students in grades 3-5, children from first to sixth grade are welcome to attend the presentation at East Main. It is asked that those who will be attending RSVP by calling the church at 547-1557 by Oct. 8.

Name: Grace Suzanne Bergman Age: 8 Birthday: Oct. 4 Parents: Brad and Heather Bergman, Palestine Grandparents: Alice and John Otte, St Henry, Jerry and Deb Bergman, Rossburg, Daniel and Heidi Linebaugh, Union City, OH, and Henry Post, Greenville Great Grandparents: Ruby Bartos, Eldorado, and Lester and Nancy Linebaugh, Union City, OH

VERSAILLES – A Birthday Party Open House will be held for Mary Ann Simon in celebration of her 80th birthday. The celebration will be held Oct. 17, 2-5 p.m., at the Versailles Vets Club.

for Family Health Patients Family Health-Greenville

Wednesday, October 7th 8:30am-4pm Wednesday, October 14th 8:30am-4pm Saturday, October 24th 8am-12 noon Please Enter at Main Entrance

Family Health-Arcanum Thursday, October 22nd 8:30am-4pm

Family Health-New Madison Thursday, October 15th 8:30am-4pm

Family Health-Versailles Tuesday, October 13th 8:30am-4pm The cost for the flu vaccine is $25.00 and may be billed to your health insurance. *Please note the above dates and times are for Adults (19 years and up). Children under 19 years of age, please schedule with your Family Health healthcare provider.

Faith UM helps Church World Service ARCANUM – Arcanum Faith United Methodist Church was recently a collection depot for the Church World Service kits collected in the surrounding area. Approximately 1,347 school kits, 799 hygiene kits, and 22 baby layettes were brought to the trailer manned by Janice Michael. Participating churches of various denominations

were from Eaton, Troy, Ansonia, Nashville, Webster, and Faith UM in Arcanum. These kits were taken to the Festival of Sharing in Westerville. The Festival of Sharing was held Sept. 19, on the campus of Otterbein University. Church World Service is a global mission with participation from the National Council of Churches.

Parmenter Reunion GREENVILLE – A reunion of the Parmenter family was recently held at the Lange estate picnic shelter, located on Calumet Road, Ludlow Falls. These were the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of the late William and Rose Parmenter of Versailles. William was known as “Billy the popcorn man” in Versailles. The children were/are Mary Leugers of Greenville, Joseph (dec.), Evelyn Grillot (dec.), Charles and his wife Nor-

ma of Ludlow Falls, Paul and wife Karen of Vandalia. Many children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were in attendance, some were from Colorado, Michigan and Tennessee. The oldest in attendance was Mary who is now 85; the youngest was two months. It was a beautiful afternoon for a picnic that was enjoyed by all. Memories were made and pictures were taken to commemorate the event.

Rosary Rally is 10/10

Richard “Dick” Harmeson

Harmeson turns 90

GREENVILLE – A Birthday Open House in celebration of Richard “Dick” Harmeson’s 90th birthday will be held Oct. 18, 2-4 p.m., at the Brethren Retirement Community in the Brick Room, 750 Chestnut St., Greenville.

Flu Vaccine Schedule

Shown are Sharon Karns, Judy Fourman, Sharon Troutwine and Janice Michael, District Representatitve.

GREENVILLE – According to Ginny Metzcar, co-chair of the Rosary Rally at St. Mary’s Church, our country is at a critical crossroads. “We have allowed God to be rejected by our government, which is in total opposition to the wishes of our Founding Fathers. Our Founding Fathers realized without God our country could not survive. The choices our current and previous administration and judicial branch have made are contradictory to the right that our Founding Fathers wrote in the Constitution and their dedication of our country to God.” She continued, “We

must stop this trend and turn to God and ask for his help to save our country. He will hear us, if we pray through the intercession of his Blessed Mother.” That is why the St. Mary’s Catholic Community is inviting the Darke County community to join them and communities all over the country in the 2015 Public Square Rosary Crusade on Oct. 10, noon. In the Secret of the Rosary, St. Louis de Monfort said, “Public prayer is more powerful than private prayer to appease the anger of God and call down his mercy on the Church and our country…”

Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 9


– Millie Kiger Dunaway (May 5, 1928 – September 29, 2015). We celebrate the qualities that make Millie so special. An enormously talented woman, she believed her family was her greatest work of art. For 66 years, she created a full life with her high school sweetheart, Ray. Millie often joked that they started a dynasty, referring proudly to her four children, Claudia, Connie, Cheryl and David, their spouses and her 10 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. She loved her family (and all animals) fiercely and protectively. Gifted at the arts, she bequeathed a wonderful legacy of paintings, poems, and recipes. Millie’s favorite Shakespeare quote (adapted) best describes her passing: “When she shall die take her and cut

her out into stars and she shall make the face of heaven so fine.” Knowing that our dearest Millie continues to shine gives us peace. There will be a private service held at the convenience of the family. Arrangements are under the direction of Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville, Ohio. It is the wishes of the family that memorial contributions be given to the Wayne HealthCare Cancer Center. Condolences for the family may be sent to www.zecharbailey.com.


– Nancy Marie Getts, 84, of Greenville, and formerly of West Alexandria, passed away on Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015 at 3:15 p.m. at the Brethren Retirement Community, Greenville. She was born on Dec. 5, 1930 in Montgomery County, Ohio, to the late Emmert M. and Edna Mae Smith. She is survived by her son, Dwight E. Getts of Greenville; daughter, Diane E. Getts of Houston, TX; granddaughter, Danielle L. Getts; sisters, Vera Mae Marley of Ashland, OH, and Bonnie Jane Phelps of Day-

WCE gives Bible GREENVILLE – Every year at the Darke County Fair, Darke County Weekday Christian Education (WCE) has a booth in the Domestic Arts Building, which is also known as the Grange Building. Bread of Life graciously donates the Bible for this and the winner of the adult Bible this year is Jackie Lawton, of Greenville. Vivian Dailey, leader of Darke County WCE, pre4sented her with the Bible. WCE teaches children who voluntarily attend in most Darke County schools for one hour after school. The program lasts for eight weeks in the fall and eight weeks in the spring. The

Vivian Dailey, WCE’s leader, presents a Bible to Jackie Lawton, of Greenville.

children are excited about learning, playing Biblical games and refreshments. For more information about getting your child into the classes, contact Sue Ann Shuttleworth, 238-6705 or sueann@shuttleworths.org.

ton; as well as several nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents she is preceded in death by her husband, Paul E. “Eddie” Getts; son, Duane Getts; and brother, John L. Smith. Nancy was a 1948 graduate of Dixie High School. She owned and operated a beauty salon in Preble County for a few years as well as worked at the Preble County Home in various jobs. A graveside service was held Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015 at Sugar Grove Cemetery, West Alexandria, with Pastor Todd Reish officiating. Arrangements are under the direction of Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. In lieu of flowers it’s the wishes of the family that memorial contributions be given to the Brethren Retirement Community Resident Aid Fund or charity of your choice. Condolences for the family may be sent to www.zecharbailey.com.

Cloyd steps down as local WCE leader GREENVILLE – Darke County Weekday Christian Education committee recognizes Gene Cloyd after stepping down from leadership this year after faithfully and being fully dedicated for 40 years. Darke County Weekday Christian Education is an ever growing program at Darke County schools that was established in 1927. It is an after school program that includes an hour of teaching the Word of our Lord and Savior to all who want to attend. If your child would like to attend, they are given a form at the school to be 425 Memorial Dr. Greenville, OH 45331

filled out by the parents. If you child was missed and would like to go, contact Sue Ann Shuttleworth, 238-6705. The committee consists of Leader Vivian Dailey, Secretary Carmen Howell, Treasurer Lois Nichols, Gene Cloyd, Linda Hardy and Harold Stockslager. Teachers are Sue Ann Shuttleworth, Diane Hans and Erin Ayette. If you are interest in helping with this great program in anyway financially, snacks for the children or being a helper in any of the schools, contact Dailey, 996-5588.

VERSAILLES – The annual St. Peter’s Homecoming was recently held at the “little church in the wildwood” on St. Peter’s Road south of Versailles. The little log church now covered in white clap board is believed to be the last log church in Darke County. The building now appears on the National Register of Historic Places and is only open on the third Sunday of September. The church remains much as it looked when it closed in 1905 for the lack of a German speaking congregation. The Board of Trustees thanks those in the community who took part in the worship service: the Lance Family for their gift of beautiful music before the service, organist Karen Lawrence of Trinity and soloist Paul Neff and accompanist Carla Hummel of St. Paul, North Star. A special thank-you is extended

GREENVILLE – The monthly get together for the Greenville High School Class of 1964 will be Wednesday, Oct. 14, 11:30 a.m., at Danny’s Place. Mark your calendar and join in for some fun. Everyone is welcome.

Coffee house will host local illusionist

GREENVILLE – JC’s Coffee House is featuring Circus Fun on Oct. with the Illusionist Jerry Gasquez. Assisting Jerry with the main attraction is Lance LaVeck. The Coffee House is located in the U-Turn building at the Lighthouse Christian Center on the corner of Sebring-Warner Road and US Route 127. Bring the family, date or mate. The snack bar will be open and there is no charge at the door. Doors will be open at 7 p.m. For more information, call Janice at 417-5926.

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BARGER – Angeline

“Angie” Barger, 91, of Versailles, formerly of Bradford, died Friday, Sept. 25, 2015. Funeral services were held Tuesday, Sept. 29 at Stocker-Fraley Funeral Home, Bradford. Interment is at Miami Memorial Park Cemetery, Covington.

HOSKINS – Doris Eileen Hoskins, 89, of Greenville, and formerly of Union City, Ohio died Sunday, Sept. 27, 2015. Funeral services were held Friday, Oct. 2, 2015 in the Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in the Greenville Township Memorial Gardens.

St. Peter’s extends thanks for support

GHS Class of 1964

Shown are (front row) Gene Cloyd, Vivian Dailey, (back row) Lois Nichols, Harold Stockslager and Carmen Howell. Not pictured is Linda Hardy.

CARDER – Gary Randolph Carder, 74, of Bradford, formerly of Covington, died Sept. 25, 2015. A funeral service was held Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2015 at Stocker-Fraley Funeral Home, Bradford. Interment is at Miami Memorial Park Cemetery, Covington.

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Rev. Bob Akins, of Trinity in Versailles and Friedens in Bloomer for leading worship. They also want to acknowledge the church sexton, Chalmer Unger, for keeping the church looking nice. They appreciate those attending from Michigan, Virginia, and Arizona, as well as all across Ohio. Your assistance, attendance, and financial giving are appreciated. Without these gifts they would not be able to maintain this historic site. If you were not able to attend and still wish to make a donation, you may do so by sending your gift of support in care of Richard Shumaker, 5958 Children’s Home Bradford Road, Greenville, Ohio 45331.


SWABB – Charles W. “Bill” Swabb, 85, of Bradford, died Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015. A funeral service was held Friday, Oct. 2, 2015 at Stocker-Fraley Funeral Home, Bradford. Interment is at Harris Creek Cemetery. STONEROCK – Carol Louise Stonerock, 79, of Bradford, died Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015. No services will be held. BATTY – Stephen James Batty, 60 of Versailles, died Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015. Private services will be held at the convenience of the family at Bailey Zechar Funeral Home, Versailles. SHEPARD – Rex A. Shepard, 58, of Greenville, died Friday, Sept. 25, 2015. Funeral services were held Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015 at the Kreitzer Funeral Home, Arcanum. Burial is in Ithaca Cemetery.

held Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015, at Stocker-Fraley Funeral Home, Bradford. Interment is at Miami Memorial Park Cemetery, Covington.

BURK – Shirley Ann (Harris) Burk, 66, of Hollansburg, died Sept. 29, 2015. No public services will be held. SUSLIK – Laurie Louise Suslik, 55, of Greenville, died Sept. 28, 2015. No public services will be held. MARKER – Chalmer

F. Marker, 91, of GreenVeteran ville, died Sept. 29, 2015. A funeral service was held Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015 at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in Stelvideo Cemetery.


TURNER – Dorothy E Turner, 81, of Greenville, died Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015. Funeral services were held Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015 at the Pitsburg Church of the Brethren New Conference Location, Pitsburg. Burial is at Oakland Cemetery. HEISEY

– Helen D. “Mary” Heisey, 77, of Bradford, died Monday, Sept. 28, 2015. A funeral service was

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PAGE 10 Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

McFarland lists schedule for October GREENVILLE – Dr. Debbie McFarland, Chiropractor, Acupuncture, Functional Medicine, 607 S. Broadway, Greenville, has announced her upcoming schedule of events. She can be reached at (330) 4479680 or holisticendocrinology@gmail.com. All classes are free and will be held at her office. Oct. 5, Noon, and Oct. 15, 6 p.m., Essential Oils – No matter what brand of oils you use, this class will be very informative. They will discuss the properties of essential oils, how to use them and where to apply. They will also be sampling many oils. Oct. 5, 6 p.m., Thyroid – Have you ever thought you had thyroid issues but the tests came back normal? This class is all about how to detect thyroid, adrenal, and fibromyalgia issues. They will discuss underlying causes, how to properly test and many natural solutions. Oct. 8, noon, and Oct.

26, noon, Immunity and Auto Immune – They will be discussing the basics of the immune system and what can go wrong. They will talk about many of the underlying conditions, how to detect them, the importance of proper detox and diet, as well as many other natural holistic solutions. Oct. 8, 6 p.m., and Oct. 12, noon, Makeover Your Medicine Cabinet, Essential Oils – If you have been looking for natural solutions instead of traditional medications, essential oils may be the answer you have been seeking. This class discusses how to use essential oils for babies and adults. It is easy to understand and very informative. Oct. 12, 6 p.m., and Oct. 15, noon, Diabetes, Adrenal Fatigue and Insomnia – It’s all about balance and determining the underlying conditions. This class will be discussing how hormones work, common imbalances and how to address these is-

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sues naturally. Oct. 22, noon, Detoxification with Food, Baths and Supplements – There is so much information on detox; what is right for you? How does detox work? How often should you do it? Is it safe? What are my options? They will be discussing many forms of detox and why you need to be careful. Some detox methods can actually make you worse. Oct. 22, 6 p.m., Holy Oils of the Bible – Two of the three gifts given the Christ child were essential oils. She will be teaching on the properties of these holy oils and how they can work for you even now. Oct. 26, 6 p.m., Essential Oils Emotions - Every essential oil has emotional properties. This class discusses common emotional issues and underlying causes including anxiety and depression as well as many others. Oct. 29, noon, Lab Testing from Holistic Point of View/Detox! – Have you had so many lab tests run and still no answers? She will teach you about some nontraditional tests and why you should consider having them performed. Testing from a functional and not symptom standpoint makes a huge difference in finding the underlying patterns and broken pathways. Oct. 29, 6 p.m., Elimination Diet – Why, When and How To – This really should be caused lifestyle eating, eliminating known allergens and inflammatory foods for good health. She will be teaching on how to read food labels and what makes a food inflammatory. She has a large library of food labels they will discuss. Dr. McFarland is a nationally known speaker and teacher on health care related topics. She is also

the author of seven books on Holistic Solutions using essential oils, a book called “Preparing for a Miracle” and soon to release a book on Elimination Diet and Lifestyle Changes. She is available to speak to your club or group. Dr. McFarland has been a practicing Chiropractor for 29 years. She is licensed in Medical Acupuncture, has training and 1000’s of hours in essential oils, supplements, and natural products. She is a wife, mother of three, raised six children and proud grandmother of 11 wonderful children. In her office she does comprehensive holistic consults, extensive testing to get to the underlying cause, nutritional and food counseling, chiropractic adjustments with hands on and activator, acupuncture, emotional release, Aromatouch massage and other naturally based techniques. If you are unable to make any of the scheduled classes, feel free to schedule a one on one visit.

Fall Harvest meeting set GREENVILLE – A Fall Harvest Meeting for the Darke County Farmers Union will be held Oct. 24, 7 p.m., at the Darke County Extension Office, 603 Wagner Ave., Greenville. The Darke County Farmers Union will recognize and honor the 4H kids they supported at the recent county fair. Speakers will be Dave Shindollar from the Ohio Farmers Union Office and Chad Booher, a representative from Hastings Insurance. Information will be available on the Affordable Healthcare Act. A free Thanksgiving turkey/door prize will be given away.

DELINQUENT MOBILE HOME TAX NOTICE (Section 5721.03 Revised Code of Ohio) 2015 Tax Year

The lands, lots and parts of lots returned delinquent by the County Treasurer of Darke County, the taxes, assessments, interest and penalties, charged against them agreeably to law, are contained and described in the following list, Viz:

A02 - ADAMS TWP-GREENVILLE CSD 02676 CRAIG SHEILA R 95.94 A05 - ADAMS TWP-GETTYSBURG CORP 02126 MCCONNELL RONALD & TONYA 2,169.54 B06 - ALLEN-ANSONIA LSD-AAJA 03154 HABER CHARLES R JR 3,036.21 B11 - ALLEN-NEW WESTON CORP-AAJA 02129 IDLE ROBERT 84.97 C13 - BROWN-ANSONIA LSD-AAJA 02132 RIFFELL DENNIS D 4.82 03248 MILLER CHARLES E II 1,707.77 C15 - BROWN-ANSONIA CORP-AAJA 02493 JONES JEANETTE N & ARCHEY TODD D 60.93 02496 PARTIN CODY R 71.10 02697 BLACK SCHANDA R 15.63 03092 WEEKS MICHAEL 1,906.01 D16 - BUTLER TWP-ARC-BUTLER/AJAD 02138 BRENNER ROBERT & ARLINE 41.58 D17 - BUTLER TWP-TRI-VILLAGE/TVJAD 03053 WOODYARD LINDA S 128.54 F27 - GREENV TWP-GREENV CORP 02008 KLACKNER VIOLET A 2,050.39 02109 CAVE NATHANIEL 730.62 02117 DEAN CODY 66.72 02140 FORTE DAMON C 144.84 02171 LAWSON SACHA & HOLLOPETER ERIC 392.43 02283 TINKMAN JERRY 300.59 02402 JESSE KATHY 322.62 02425 THOMPSON CRAIG 10.44 02438 HARSHBARGER BRAD 50.49 02570 HOLLINGER RICHARD L 8.63 02610 BOOMERSHINE GLORIA 214.03 02670 HOFF DAVID L 77.87 02723 BENTON CHRISTOPHER J & HEATHER R 360.42 02762 SCANTLAND JEREMY 288.36 02783 MAXWELL BRIAN 910.46 02804 MOBBS CAROLYN 243.67 02943 WINN RICHARD A 32.72 02947 SIMMONS TERESA 749.82 02962 SHAVER KISTA 643.56 02985 MC COY BONNIE SUE 32.72 03134 DELK DARLENE & HORNBACKER TIM 114.48 03164 PITMAN FRANK 188.04 03254 LAPEER VICTOR & NIKKI 338.70 03298 ZELLER NANETTE K 319.45 03317 RIDDLE JAMI LYNN 20.56 G28 - HARRISON TWP-TRI-VILLAGE LSD 02396 BACK DONALD 41.58 02512 CASSEL JOHN 128.54 03012 VILLASENOR TIMOTHY 743.56 03325 BACK CHRIS 273.94 G30 - HARRISON TWP-HOLLANSBURG CORP 02003 VINSON WILLIAM E 170.05 02522 BACK JAMES E II 42.82 02788 MEADOWS GRANT KENWORTHY MARILYN S 2,073.30 H32 - JACKSON TWP-MISSISSINAWA VALLEY LSD 02032 SPURLOCK PAULINE 122.82 02034 PATTERSON BETTY L 88.39 02167 ESTATE OF STRAIT RUTH J 394.29 02319 HILL KENNETH 35.77 02551 DEETER JAMEY 215.42 02651 DAVIS AMBER 107.28 02770 LLOYD CODY 36.14 02771 DE GARCIA DELMY E GALVEZ 18.06 02864 POUDER BOBBY 104.22 02902 CAMACHO CRYSTAL 62.76 03180 D & J MOBILE HOMES 1,000.91 03183 HEITKAMP MIRANDA L 58.04 03184 DE LA TORRE ABEL 49.87 03188 AVILEZ VICTOR MANUEL 328.63 03191 TAMMAC CORPORATION 859.50 03203 RAMOS ALBARO ROQUE 23.85 I34 - LIBERTY TWP-TRI-VILLAGE LSD 02397 BACK STEVEN W & CONNIE J 150.84 K39 - MONROE TWP-FRANKLIN-MONROE LSD 02383 MACY RICHARD A JR & STEPHANIE J 1,573.13 03036 WHEELER DAVE 173.88 L44 - NEAVE TWP-GREENVILLE CSD/AJAD 02055 SIZEMORE BILLY & COMBS NELLIE 249.87 02070 SLEPPY AVO L 110.00 02071 MARTINO JOSEPH & CARROL 923.92 02093 DICKEY TOMMY JR & BRODRICK KERRI 75.35 02205 WOLFE DAVID & HARTWICK CATHY 546.68 02212 AMERICAN HOUSING PROVIDERS INC 253.37 02213 UCOH LLC 48.10 02226 GLASSCOE WILLIAM J 59.44 02227 KERRIGAN MELANIE 117.79 02230 AMERICAN HOUSING PROVIDERS INC 317.29 02231 KOLLING JOAN KOLLING RICK 858.92 288.79 02287 KOONTZ ERIC S 02382 WYAN HANNA R 31.21 02394 LEEDOM TERRY & RUTHANNA 460.87 02410 BARKER DEBORAH 259.29 02691 JAMES HELEN H 264.67 02726 KRUGH VICTOR 169.57 02767 SHEFFER SHANTEL 31.21 02810 AMERICAN HOUSING PROV INC 445.36 02866 HARRINGTON JAMIE 56.10 02890 BARKER DESIRE D 109.22 02894 MCGUIRE MELANIE 14.86 02974 STUKENBURG ALLAN W 538.46 02990 DANIELS TERI 761.92 03002 HARSHBARGER LAURA & DURHAN NATHAN 48.42 03124 MYERS NATHANIEL T 62.39 03133 RYAN MICHAEL 589.63 03145 TAMMAC HOLDING CORP 817.71 03242 DEUBNER BRIAN & VANICE 1,922.97 03267 WOODYARD LAURA 64.04 03304 HARRIS AMBER 129.74 L45 - NEAVE TWP-TRI-VILLAGE/TVJAD 02541 CURTNER RICHARD L 450.20 M50 - PATTERSON TWP-VERSAILLES EVSD 02051 GRILLIOT KEVIN 41.29 N53 - RICHLAND-ANSONIA LSD-AAJA 02672 SINCLAIR SHIRLEY A 228.97 N54 - RICHLAND TWP-GREENVILLE CSD 02725 KREITZER ELNORA 74.36 N55 - RICHLAND TWP - VERSAILLES EVSD 03084 HEIDENREICH LISA A CHRIS D 3,260.60 R68 - WABASH-ANSONIA LSD-AAJA 02088 FULLROTH DARLENE 633.29 02609 FULLROTH JEFFREY MESCHER STACY 128.54 02900 RISMILLER MARK 115.81 S70 - WASHINGTON TWP-GREENVILLE CSD 02517 CHAMP BILLY R JR 41.58 03029 MARKER CHALMER 69.05 S71 - WASHINGTON TWP-MISSISSINAWA VALLEY LSD 02220 MARSH CHARLES & CINDY 320.61 T76 - WAYNE TWP-VERSAILLES CORP 03238 WORDEN GEORGE H JR & JULIA BETH 193.58 I, hereby certify the foregoing list to be correct as shown by the records in the office of the Darke County Treasurer. Scott J. Zumbrink Darke County Treasurer Notice is hereby given that the whole of such several lands, lots or parts of lots will be certified for foreclosure by the County Auditor pursuant to law unless the whole of the delinquent taxes, assessment, interest and penalties are paid within one year. Carol Ginn Darke County Auditor

Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 11

Tecumseh Trail is free family fun

Shown are Tracy Schaar, assistant general manager for Bob Evans, and Christine Lynn, executive director of Cancer Association of Darke County

Bob Evans and CADC team up in October GREENVILLE – Bob Evans Restaurant, 1366 Wagner Ave., Greenville, is celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness through the month of October and will be donating 15-percent of sales to the Cancer Association. Flyers to this event can be picked up at the Cancer Association and also at Bob Evans. To participate in this event, present the flyer at checkout. If you would like the flyer mailed to you (or faxed), call Christine at the cancer center at 548-9960 with your name and address (or fax number). October is breast cancer awareness month, but Cancer Association of Darke County provides benefits for all types of cancer all throughout the year to patients living in Darke County. The organization is very pleased local businesses are willing to join this fight against a very serious disease. The organization is celebrating its 20th year and has provided over a million dollars in benefits to local cancer patients during that time. Corporate sponsors for

CADC for 2015 are Johnston Chiropractic Clinic, North Star Hardware and Implement, Williamson Insurance, Greenville Memorial Auxiliary, American Legion Auxiliary, FOE Ladies Auxiliary, Farmers State Bank ~ New Madison, Women of the Moose 102, Leis Realty, Family Health, Brothers Publishing (Early Bird/Bluebag Media), Osgood State Bank, Ansonia Lumber Company, Brethren Retirement Community, William Hole, Jr., Judge Julie Monnin, Darke County Municipal Court, Second National Bank, American Legion Post 140, Greenville Technology, Inc., Diane Evans, State Farm Agency and VFW Post 7262. Grants and other funding also provided by Darke County Foundation, Darke Rural Electric Trust, Harry Stephens Memorial, Ketrow Foundation, Lydia Schaurer Memorial, Rotary Club of Greenville, United Way, Bunco for Boobies, Annie Oakley Golf Tournament and many other donations and memorials too numerous to mention.

The table is set and waiting for you.

Candlelight Dinners on the Prairie at DCP GREENVILLE – The table is set, the servants are in their places, and the Darke County Park District is ready to provide you with a remarkable 18th century historical experience in the log house at Shawnee Prairie Preserve, 4267 St. Rt. 502 west of Greenville. A hearth-cooked meal will be served family style to all who attend this unique Candlelight Dinner on the Prairie. The event is a fundraiser with proceeds going towards maintenance, repairs, and cultur-

al programming within the log house. The two opportunities to take part in the dinners will be Oct. 24, and Nov. 7, both at 5 p.m. The fee is $50 per person or $90 per couple, and preregistration is required. Attendees must be 21 years old or older. Fees are due by Oct. 13. Space is limited. To register for this event or to learn more about other programs the Darke County Park District has to offer, call 548-0165.

GREENVILLE – The crisp autumn breeze flows past you as you pedal your way to the next rest point. Bright reds and oranges crunch under your tires as other leaves float gently down around you. Ahead you spot a few of summer’s last Monarchs making their way south. All these experiences and more await you at the Tecumseh Trail Bike Trail. Here in your own backyard, the Darke County Park District has provided residents and visitors alike with this fantastic, free, family friendly recreational opportunity. Currently, the bike trail runs from Bradford to State Route 571, and there are plans to extend the trail to reach inside the City of Greenville corporation limits. To date there are 11.2 miles of trail completed with approximately four of those miles being “share the road.” There are three different and convenient parking areas located along the trail. A three car parking lot is located where the bike trail intersects St. Rt. 571 about one mile south of the St. Rt. 571 and US Route 127 intersection. Another three car parking lot is located on Hartzell Road between State Route 571 and Gettysburg directly south of Turtle Creek Golf Course. The largest parking lot for the bike trail is located on Bridge St. in Gettysburg and is capable of holding up to 25 vehicles. No matter what section of the trail you or your family would like to bike, there is plenty of parking available to suit your needs. If you would like to see an interactive map of the Tecumseh Trail as it currently stands, visit www.mybiketrails.com, click on SW Ohio Trails, Darke County, and Tecumseh Trail. Greenville resident John Halley has assisted the Darke County Parks significantly, by keeping this website up to date with current map features, pictures, and even video of the trail itself. Mr. Halley has graciously recorded video as he biked the trail himself and uploaded the video to the website, so you can see how beautiful and fun riding the Tecumseh Trail is. The interactive map is also accessible by smart phone while on the trail dependent

Bike enthusiasts enjoy the trail regularly. Why not you?

on service coverage. Phase 4 of the trail project is planned to be completed in the late fall of 2016, and Phase 5, which will bring the trail into the city limits, will be completed pending approval for the Clean Ohio Funds. For more information about the Tecumseh Trail, any other Darke County Parks, or programs offered by the Park District, call the Nature Center at 548-0165, visit the Darke County Parks’ website at www.darkecountyparks. org, or check out the Darke County Parks’ Facebook page.


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ARCANUM – The Arcanum-Butler Local Board of Education will hold a Records Commission meeting and the Regular Board of Education Meeting on Oct. 5. The Records Commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. followed by the Regular Board Meeting at 7 p.m. in the Board of Education Office. This is a change from the regularly scheduled date.


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GREENVILLE – Community Action Partnership of the Greater Dayton Area – Darke County will be closed Oct. 12 in honor of Columbus Day. This includes the Darke County Metropolitan Housing Authority and Community Transportation Services. Normal hours will resume on Oct. 13.



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8th grade Green Wave football top the GWOC North GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

See more photos at bluebagmedia.com/photos. (Gaylen Blosser Photo)

Lady Patriots knock off Bradford 3-1 BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

BRADFORD – The TriVillage Lady Patriots defeated the Bradford Lady Railroaders three games to one, 25-23, 23-25, 2513 and 25-17 in a Thursday night (Oct. 1) CCC volleyball matchup. “We played very well,” said Tri-Village Coach Eric Burkhart. “I was very happy with them. They played as a team.” Tri-Village led 19-11 in game one before the Lady Railroaders battled back to even the game at 21-21 and took a 22-21 lead only to have the visitors put four points on the board while limiting Bradford to two points to take game one 2523. “We tried out some new things and some of them didn’t pan out quite the way I wanted them to,” said Bradford Coach Maddie Armstrong, “but we definitely made some gains.” Game two had the Lady Patriots racing out to an 11-3 advantage with Bradford using an 11-3 run to even the set at 14-14. The teams would battle toe-to-toe the balance of the game including seven ties with the Lady Railroaders winning 25-23 to even the match at 1-1. “Bradford is a scrappy

team,” stated Burkhart. “There was probably three or four in that second or third game that they dug that I was really impressed with. They were just scrappy. On some that should have been kills, they got them up.” Tri-Village took an early game three 12-3 lead and went on to outscore the home team 13-10 to take a 2-1 lead with the 25-13 third set victory. “We had a rough part in there in the second game with ball control,” said Burkhart. “After that timeout we picked it back up and finished it off.” Game four had Tri-Village taking a 4-1 lead before Bradford would even the score at 6-6. The Lady Patriots would move out to a four point lead at 10-6 with the Railroaders cutting the TV lead to two at 13-11. “We’re going to need to keep adjusting things until we get it right,” Armstrong said. Tri-Village would outscore Bradford 12-6 to win set four 25-17 and take the match 3-1. “As long as we get better each game I’m happy with us,” said Burkhart. “I see positive in every game that we have done. It showed tonight that we can put it together when we need to.”

GREENVILLE – The Green Wave 8th grade football team sits atop the GWOC North with a 4-1 record after defeating the Vandalia-Butler Aviators 40-26 Wednesday night at Harmon Field. Marcus Wood took the first handoff of the night from Tyler Beyke and raced 65-yards down the right sideline to give Greenville a 6-0 lead with just 13-tickes off the first quarter clock. “We run that play every game,” said Greenville 8th grade coach Josh Gilmore. ”It’s the first play we run. He (Wood) has scored on it four times.” Ethan Flanery would make good on the PAT kick putting the home team up 7-0 with 7:47 on the first quarter clock. Flanery… I’m telling you he’s the real deal. Wait till’ next year. He kicked a 35yarder last week at Piqua and made it by ten. He’s got a leg. He can kick.” Greenville would fall on a Butler fumble with 7:34 showing and take an early first quarter 13-0 lead with a pass from Beyke to Tony Sells at 4:58 in the first. The Aviators would answer with a 65-yard TD pass with 3:22 on the board. A Wave quarterback sack on Butler’s twopoint conversion attempt had a 13-6 score. Beyke would hit Wood

with a 63-yard TD strike with 1:39 in the first followed with a Flanery PAT kick splitting the uprights giving the home team a 20-6 lead heading to the second period. 5’2” 108-pound Jordan Toler would intercept a Butler pass giving the Wave a first-and-ten at the Vandalia 46-yard line only to have a penalty have Greenville looking at a third and 20 from their own 44-yard line. “One kid I thought really stepped up tonight was Jordan Toler before he got hurt,” Gilmore said. “He’s been busting his tail at practice and got that interception. That’s the kind of kid you want.” A 31-yard pass completion from Beyke to Andrew Cates and a Tony Sells 21-yard run set up a firstand-goal for the Wave at the two yard line with Sells carrying the ball up the middle for a score and a 27-6 Green Wave first half lead. “Andrew Cates had a great catch on our fourth down tonight… come back got the ball,” stated Gilmore. “Cates is a great athlete.” With Butler facing a third-and-13 from their own 32-yard line, Alec Fletcher would intercept an Aviators pass giving Greenville possession. “My defense is solid,” said Gilmore. “I say I have the best 8th grade defense in this GWOC North… hands down.” Unable to move the ball,

See more photos from the game at Bluebagmedia.com/photos (Gaylen Blosser photo)

Butler took over late in the first half and turned the possession into a 75-yard touchdown pass at 1:09 with the Green Wave holding 27-12 halftime lead. “I thought at halftime we should have been up two more touchdowns, but you have to remember these guys are junior high guys,” said Gilmore. Beyke would intercept a third quarter Butler pass at 6:25 setting up a Wave first-and-ten at their own 49-yard line. Looking at a second-and-five at the Aviators 45, Wood took a Beyke handoff and scampered 45-yards for a Wave touchdown and a 33-12 lead. “I can’t say it enough how special he (Wood) is,” Gilmore said. “He’s a once on a lifetime talent. You don’t get kids like that too often. He’s a player that plays well beyond his years.” Greenville would get two defensive plays, a Cates fumble recovery and

a Sells interception keeping the visitors off the third period scoreboard. A Beyke five-yard early fourth quarter quarterback keeper up the middle and a Flanery PAT kick through the posts had the Wave with a comfortable 40-12 lead. “Beyke; my quarterback… he’s just as good as anybody else,” said Gilmore. “I could put him at tailback and he would probably go for 300-yards running the ball too.” Butler would add two late fourth quarter touchdowns giving Greenville a 40-26 win. “We are 4-1 and in first place in the GWOC North,” Gilmore said. “We have three games left. Our next three games are probably going to be the toughest games. We go down to Trotwood next week… it’s Trotwood. They are always good. They are athletes, big, fast… we can’t kill ourselves with penalties.”

UC unveils new gym floor BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

UNION CITY, Ind. – “We are very happy with how it turned out,” Union City Community High School (UCCHS) Athletic Directory Mike Thornburg said about the newly reconstructed gymnasium floor. UCCHS unveiled the new floor to the students, faculty and public on Wednesday, Sept. 23. The floor was totally rebuild… from the concrete slab on up, according to Thornburg. It is constructed of maple flooring and all the

modern specifications for a high school gymnasium. The color-scheme is red, white and blue and displays a wood-stained Indian logo at center court. “The old floor had several ‘dead spots’ and was just in desperate need for repair,” Thornburg added. “We had some delay in getting it ready, but we rather get it right then hurry up and get it done.” According to Thornburg, no updates have been made since the basketball court was built and dedicated in 1959… almost 60 years. A new scorekeepers

Log on to bluebagmedia.com to see more photo angles of the new floor. (Clinton Randall photo)

table and wall pads are planned to be added prior to the first varsity basketball games in November. The Union City volleyball

teams will be the first to play on the new court- as they host Seton Catholic on Oct. 5.

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Tri-Village hosts Patriot Invitational BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

See more photos from the meet at Bluebagmedia.com/photos (Gaylen Blosser photo)

Versailles finish strong in Tour de Sewer cross country meet BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

VERSAILLES – St. Henry took first place in the nine team girls Tour de Sewer cross country meet Saturday morning hosted by the Versailles cross country team with the Lady Tigers finishing in second place. St. Marys Memorial’s Kelly Wilker finished first in the high school girls race with a time of 19:51.25 followed by Marcy Bradshaw of Arcanum with a time of 20:16.92 for a second place finish and Bradford’s Karmen Knepp finishing third with a time of 20:24.27. St. Marys Memorial took third place followed by the Ft. Recovery Indians in fourth. Rounding out the 9-team girl’s field was Marion Lo-

cal in fifth followed by Arcanum, Bradford, Ansonia and Mississinawa Valley. St. Henry would finish first out of the 11-team high school boys cross country field followed by a Houston second place finish. The Versailles Tigers finished third followed by Arcanum, Jackson Center, Marion Local, St. Marys Memorial, Ft. Recovery, Botkins, Bethel and Bradford. Bethel’s Korry Hamlin finished in first place with a time of 16:29.00 while Joe Spitzer of Versailles finished with a time of 16:29.24 and Arcanum’s Isaac Stephens finished fifth with a 17:34.59 time. Go to http://www. finishtimingresults. com/2015/09-26-VER/index.html for complete race results.

See photos from the event at bluebagmedia.com/photos (Clinton Randall photo)

UCCHS sophomores beat seniors to win powderpuff UNION CITY, Ind. – The sophomore class celebrated a victory over the seniors in the annual Homecoming Week Powderpuff game Wednesday evening at the

Union City Community High School. After defeating the juniors in game one, the class of 2018 (sophomores) stunned the seniors for class bragging rights.

GHS Drive to Victory Campaign planned GREENVILLE – WHIOTV (channel 7) has selected the Greenville vs. Piqua football game as Game of The Week on Oct. 5. The Greenville School District will be competing in the Goodwill Stores 2015 Drive to Victory Competition. Goodwill Stores 2015 Drive to Victory Competition is put together by the Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley and WHIO-TV. This Competition has been helping people with disabilities in our local communities over the last five years. It has raised over a half a million pounds of clothes and household items, along with over 40 used vehicles. During the week of Oct. 5-9 they are asking for



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the community and all of Greenville School District to come together with community spirit and pride to win the competition for Greenville. The winning school district of the competition receives scholarship money. In 2012 the community rallied and won overall. The donation of the following items would greatly be appreciated: Clothing, household items, used vehicles, books, and computers. There will be a Goodwill Truck located at the high school stadium parking lot where you can begin adding your donations starting Oct. 5. The donation cut off will be at noon on Oct. 9.

NEW MADISON – The Miami East girls took first place in the Patriots Invitational Cross Country Meet Tuesday night followed by National Trail with a second place finish. Rounding out the high school girls cross country finishes was Franklin Monroe in third, Ansonia fourth, host team TriVillage fifth, Arcanum sixth, Greenville seven and Mississinawa Valley finishing eighth. Houston finished first at the Tri-Village event for the high school boys with Miami East plac-

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See more photos from the invite at Bluebagmedia.com/photos (Gaylen Blosser photo)

FM Lady Jets improve record with win over rival Tri-Village BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

NEW MADISON – The Franklin Monroe Lady Jets varsity volleyball team got a three games to none win over the TriVillage Lady Patriots to improve to 14-3 on the season and 7-1 in conference play. “Every win from now to the end season is going to be a big win just so we can have a good record for tournament draw,” Franklin Monroe Coach Amy Booher said after the Tuesday night win. The Lady Jets won the first set of the night 2516 as an improved young Lady Patriots kept the game within reach. “We saw them at our CCC tournament earlier this year,” Booher stated. “They have improved a lot. I give them credit for that.” Game two had Tri-Village down early but the girls from New Madison made a game out of it battling back to pull within one at 23-22 and 24-23 before falling 25-23 to trail 2-0 heading to game three. “I think we were a little off on our blocks tonight,” said Tri-Village Coach

Eric Burkhart, “but I think we got enough to change their game plan.” “The second game I wasn’t too happy with our play,” said Booher. “That game I think we fell asleep a little bit… kind of got a little lackadaisical so I told them that third game… they better come out and kill it and they did.” With the score even at 1-1 in game three, the Lady Jets reeled off 10-unanswered points to lead 11-1 and held a 15-3 advantage before TV battled back putting eight points on the board while FM would add 10-points to win the third set 25-11. “We was in it… we played well all night,” said Burkhart. “That third set we kind of got down a little bit but I’m happy with the girls on how the played. We tried a new lineup tonight and it worked out good.” Tri-Village has five league games remaining in the 2015 season beginning on the road Thursday night at Bradford. “We still have a tough schedule but there are some in there I think we should be able to take,” said Burkhart. “We haven’t given up yet.”

See more photos from the match at Bluebagmedia.com/photos (Gaylen Blosser photo)

Franklin Monroe has five games yet to play starting with a Thursday night match at Newton. “We have Newton on Thursday,” said Booher. “We are going to have to

play better than tonight against Newton on Thursday. Then we have Arcanum next week. We have a couple tough games yet to get through.”

GJHS volleyball battles Troy in GWOC North rematch BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – It was a battle for first place in the GWOC North as the Lady Wave 8th grade volleyball team hosted unbeaten Troy Tuesday night at the Greenville Jr. High School. In a rematch from Sept. 3, the 9-1 Greenville team looked to get revenge over the Lady Trojans who sit atop the GWOC North division. It was a true battle of two very talented teams as Greenville took game one. “We came out looking great,” Greenville Coach Abby Thatcher said. “That first game really put the momentum on our side.” Troy got going in game two to get the win and force


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ing second and National Trail rounding out the top three finishers. Arcanum took the fourth spot followed by Franklin Monroe and Tri-County North. Eaton finished seventh, Twin Valley South eight, Bradford ninth and Greenville finishing tenth. Arcanum’s Isaac Stephens took first place in the high school boys race with a time of 17:56 with Troy Riley of Miami East finishing second at 18:03. Houston runners took the third, fourth and fifth place finishes. Visit www.alliancerunning.com for the Patriots Invitational Cross Country Meet.

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the match into a deciding third set. Greenville had the lead late at 22-19 with the win in sight, but Troy battled back to score six straight and get the win. “I am so proud of how the girls played tonight,” Thatcher added. “They have nothing to hang their heads about. Troy is a tough team and we gave them a fight!” With the loss, the Lady Wave fell to 9-2 on the season and remain in second place in the GWOC North under Troy. The 7th grade team also lost, falling 2-0 against Troy.

Log on to bluebagmedia.com to see more photos from the match. (Clinton Randall photo)


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Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 15


ANSONIA – The Ansonia High School will be celebrating its annual Homecoming festivities Oct. 5-10. This year’s Homecoming Court has been named. They are: (front row) Freshman Trinity Henderson, Sophomore Aliya Barga, Queen Candidates: Megan Jones, Megan Bergman, Shelby Hartzell, Taylor Thwaits, Aleesha Mestemaker, Alyssa Henderson; Junior Traeva Newland, (back row) Freshman Devyn Sink, Sophomore Mason Billenstein, King Candidates: Dyllan Saintignon, Austin Alexander, Dane Wentworth, Trent Rader, Andrea Brangi, Nick Buckingham; and Junior Trevor Beam.


Open house for students and parents PIQUA – Edison State Community College invites community members, area high school students and their parents to Explore Edison on Oct. 15 from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Robinson Theater at the Piqua Campus. The open house event will showcase over 30 of the College’s academic programs. In addition to exploring Edison’s academic programs, attendees are invited to meet professors, tour state-of-the-art facilities, learn more about the many financial aid and scholarship opportunities available, and speak with university partners about transfer

opportunities. “It’s time for students to shop for college and this event enables them to discover all the wonderful opportunities Edison has to offer,” said Christina Raterman, enrollment manager. “They can talk to Admissions to find out their next steps for enrolling, talk to faculty about programs, and attend breakout sessions covering topics such as College Credit Plus and scholarships. We look forward to connecting with families and getting them the information they want to know.” A comprehensive list of programs will be highlight-

ed including career programs within such areas as Business, Computer Information Technology, Engineering Technology, Health Science, Industrial Management and Technology, and Social and Legal Services. Participants can also learn more about Edison’s unique 2+2 University Transfer Degrees, which allows student to complete the first two years of a bachelor’s degree at Edison before transferring to their university of choice. Industry leaders will also be in attendance to speak one-on-one with students and parents about the need

for skilled workers in the Miami Valley. While here, attendees are also encouraged to learn more about College Credit Plus, the new state supported post–secondary option program, which offers higher learning opportunities to high school students at little to no cost. The evening includes free pizza and refreshments and attendees will also be entered to win a three-credit hour tuition waiver or one of two Kindle Fire HD tablets. Register to attend online by visiting www.edisonohio. edu. For more information, call 778-8600.

GHS vocal music dept.’s fall concert GREENVILLE–The Greenville High School Vocal Music Fall Concert, “Be Our Guest” will be held Oct. 20, 7 p.m., at the newly renovated St. Clair Memorial Hall. All seats are reserved; tickets may be purchased at the Greenville High School ticket booth, 11:30 a.m.-1

p.m., from Oct. 7-20. Ticket price for this event is $5 for adults and $4 for students if purchased prior to the night of the show. The price for tickets at the door will be $6 for adults and $4 for students. There are no refunds or exchanges. Tickets may also be re-

served by contacting Katie Netzley (evenings until 9 p.m.), 547-9659. The choirs are accompanied by Judy Mills and directed by Chelsea Whirledge. The concert will begin with The Wavaires and Collage singing, “Be Our Guest.” Girls Glee is performing

choral highlights from “Annie.” Collage is singing a medley from “Sister Act.” The Wavaires are performing choral highlights from “Mamma Mia.” The Concert Choir is performing a choral medley from “Phantom of The Opera.” Spotlight acts will also be featured.

BPA holds first meeting at MVCTC Versailles FFA Soil Judging participants included Marcus Berger, Isaac Ruhenkamp, Dean Heitkamp, Andrew Harshbarger, Jacob Wuebker, Cole Kremer, Danielle Hesson, Makayla Berger and Kylie Lyons.

Versailles has top two teams in soil judging VERSAILLES – On Sept. 22, the Versailles FFA participated in the County FFA Soil Judging competition. The Versailles FFA had nine members participating who were divided into teams of two. The members who participated were Dean Heitkamp, Isaac Ruhenkamp, Danielle Hesson, Kylie Lyons, Makalya Berger, Marcus Berger, Cole Kremer, Andrew Harshbarger and Jacob Wuebker. The team consisting of Dean Heitkamp, Isaac Ruhenkamp, Danielle Hes-

son, and Kylie Lyons placed first overall out of seven teams, while the team consisting of Makalya Berger, Marcus Berger, Cole Kremer, Andrew Harshbarger and Jacob Wuebker placed second. Out of 34 participants, Dean Heitkamp placed first individually in the competition, Makayla placed second and Isaac Ruhenkamp was third. The top eight participates advanced to the District 5 FFA Soil Judging competition in Montgomery County.

ENGLEWOOD – The Miami Valley Career Technology Center held its first official Business Professionals of America (BPA) chapter meeting on Sept. 22. The meeting included the pinning of the new officers, the induction of the new junior members, and a speech from local philanthropist Luke Westerman. The new BPA chapter officers for the 2015-2016 school year are: * President – Eliza Wallace (Medical Office Management) Miamisburg * Vice President – Jordan Puckett (Game Programming & Web Applications) Eaton * Secretary – Kenzi Gordon (Medical Office Management) Valley View * Treasurer – Alysen Baddeley (Medical Office Management) MiltonUnion * Public Relations – Evan Florkey (Computer Repair & Technical Support) Greenville * Parliamentarian – Maria Coyle (GIS) Arcanum * Historian – Yvonne Barga (Medical Office

Management) Arcanum * Video Crew – Anchor/ Story Writer – Abbey Michel (Medical Office Management) Northmont * Video Crew – Anchor/Story Writer – Carrie McRorie (Medical Office Management) Northmont * Video Crew – Director/Editor – Michael Putt (Media and Video Production) Carlisle * Video Crew – Editor/ Story Writer – AutumnRain Dell (Media and Video Production) Bethel The new officers were elected last school year and were pinned at the recent BPA meeting by MVCTC’s Business, Information, and Technology Supervisor, David Peltz. All 11 members make up the chapter’s cabinet, and each member has his or her own responsibilities and roles for the chapter’s meetings. The first meeting’s main event was a speech on business and entrepreneurship from CEO and modern Renaissance man Luke Westerman. Luke grew up in Brookville, Ohio, and is the

Several members of the Versailles FFA chapter helped during the annual Darke County Farm Bureau’s banquet.

Members attend Farm Bureau Banquet Constitution Week

Lauren Wright is shown with Julie Schmidt, Children’s Librarian, Helen Wright, Caroline Petitjean, and Shirley Hughes, members of the DAR, at Greenville Public Library.

VERSAILLES – Several Versailles FFA members attended the Darke Farm Bureau Banquet on Sept. 16 at the Lighthouse Christian Church, Greenville. FFA members in attendance were Bri Buzard, Janelle Holescher, Hallie Mills and Jacob Wuebker. While at the banquet, Versailles FFA assisted with serving drinks and cleaning up. The banquet was led by Darke County Farm Bureau President Jim Rismiller of North

Star who finished his three year term as president at the banquet. A special thanks to Jim Rismiller for his commitment to Darke County and Ohio Agriculture in serving as the president for three years. Matt Aultman was installed as the new Darke County Farm Bureau President at the banquet. The guest speaker for the evening was Dr. Chris Winslow who spoke about water quality especially in reference to Lake Erie.

winners announced

GREENVILLE – The Fort GreeneVille Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Greenville Public Library and Worch Library announce the winners of the Constitution Week Contest held the week of Sept 17-23 at each library. Owen Gehret was the Worch Library winner and Lauren Wright was the winner at Greenville Public Library.

Owen Gehret is shown with Caroline Petitjean, DAR member, at Worch Library.

MVCTC 2015-2016 BPA Officers with guest speaker Mr. Luke Westerman. Shown are Abbey Michel (Medical Office Management) Northmont; Maria Coyle (GIS) Arcanum; Autumn-Rain Dell (Media and Video Production) Bethel; Alysen Baddeley (Medical Office Management) Milton-Union; Guest Speaker Luke Westerman; Yvonne Barga (Medical Office Management) Arcanum; Kenzi Gordon (Medical Office Management) Valley View; Eliza Wallace (Medical Office Management) Miamisburg; Jordan Puckett (Game Programming & Web Applications) Eaton; Carrie McRorie (Medical Office Management) Northmont; Evan Florkey (Computer Repair & Technical Support) Greenville.

founder and CEO of Columbus, Ohio, based venture capital firm Solomon Global holdings. Westerman shared tips on being successful in the small business world as well as telling students about the ample opportunities and challenges that face entrepreneurs and small business owners today. The BPA chapter’s plans for the coming year include five more great meetings, celebrating Career & Technical Student Organization week, chapter members representing MVCTC as BPA Region 3 Officers, and competing in local, regional, state and national BPA Competitions. Business Professionals of America is the leading CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organization) for students pursuing careers in business management, office administration, information technology and other related career fields.

BPA has 43,000 members in over 2,300 chapters in 23 states. BPA is a co-curricular organization that supports business and information technology educators by offering cocurricular exercises based on national standards. For over 40-years, MVCTC has been providing career technical education for 27 partner school districts encompassing five counties in Southwest Ohio. MVCTC is dedicated to providing in-demand workforce training for youth, adults, and organizations in the Miami Valley. For more information about MVCTC, visit www.mvctc.com or follow MVCTC on Facebook (Facebook.com/MVCTC) or Twitter (Twitter.com/ MVCTC). For more information about BPA, visit www.bpa.org, and for more information about Luke Westerman visit, http://lukewesterman.

Singer wins Kindle Fire ANSONIA – Every summer Ansonia Elementary sponsors a reading program to encourage kids to read during the summer so they do not experience the Summer Slide! Kids are asked to read 20 minutes a day five out of the seven days in a week. If they do this, they can fill out a ticket that qualifies as an entry into a drawing on the first day of school.

This year’s winner the first day of school for a Kindle Fire HD was Mackenzie Singer, a sixth grader. If kids want to turn their ticket in at a local Ansonia business sponsor for a sweet treat, they could do that and still have the ticket eligible for the Kindle Fire HD. This year’s sponsors were Paula’s Diner, The Whistle Stop and M n Ms.

PAGE 16 Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

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UCCHS students learn dangers of distracted & drunk driving CLINTON RANDALL

STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

UNION CITY, Ind. As part of the Students Against Drunk Driving program’s ‘It Can Wait’ campaign and Homecoming Week, the Union City Indiana Police Department joined forces with S.A.D.D. members to show students at the Union City Community High School the dangers of distracted and impaired driving. During the school’s two scheduled lunch periods Wednesday, the UCIPD offered a lesson in the dangers of driving under the influence. Officers rode along in a golf cart, with each willing student, on one of two small courses in the school parking lot. After going through the course normally, officers then had the students put on special goggles called “Fatal

S.A.D.D. officers - O’Kay Newbauer, Co-President; Ashley Waddups, Secretary; Yogen Solanki, President; and Kelly Holmes, Advisor; with members of the Union City Indiana Police Department. (Clinton Randall photo)

Vision”. The custom designed goggles make the wearer have a similar view and feeling of the road, as a person actually under the influence of alcohol. The department brought along different blood alcohol content (BAC)

goggles... varying from buzzed driving to simulating someone driving with .20% BAC (over twice the legal limit). “We hope the kids realize how unsafe it is to get behind the wheel of a vehicle with alcohol or any other substances in their system,” stated Union City Indiana Police Chief Cobie Wells. “Several of them put the glasses on and said they couldn’t do it (drive). That is the point we want to get across to them... along

with just don’t drink and drive, it’s not worth it.” In addition to the students, several adults... including the S.A.D.D. Advisor Kelly Holmes, gave the course a try. “That was hard to do,” Holmes noted. “I know some of the kids were joking around while driving the cart, but I really hope they at least got the message!” This is Holmes’ first year with the program and first campaign as the new

UCIPD Chief Cobie Wells rides along with a S.A.D.D. member during the impaired driving lesson Wednesday at the Union City Community High School. (Clinton Randall photo)

S.A.D.D. Advisor. In addition to the impaired driving experience outside, the students were also encouraged to sign a personal pledge as part of the ‘It Can Wait’ campaign. The pledge is a promise to not text while driving and offer to be a designated texter if not in the driver’s seat. Texting while driving is the cause of more than 200,000 automobile crashes across the nation each year. “We are trying to get the message out about how

easy it is to be distracted while driving these days,” Holmes concluded. “With this being homecoming week, we want to see everyone be safe and just have fun!” The Union City Jr. and Sr. High School S.A.D.D. program currently has approximately 70 official members. After signing, the personal pledge forms were hung in the school foyer as a reminder to students to always practice safety while operating a motor vehicle.

It’s all the same, just the ‘language’ is different BOB ROBINSON

ASSOCIATE EDITOR brobinson@earlybirdpaper.com

Mandy Martin, Naturalist for Darke County parks, helps a student release a monarch butterfly to fly south for the winter following her presentation to his East School science class. (Bob Robinson photo)

East students learn about the monarch butterfly BOB ROBINSON

ASSOCIATE EDITOR brobinson@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – “The Magic of the Monarch Butterfly.” Mandy Martin and Hannah Linebaugh, Darke County parks naturalists, paid a visit to Sherry Flora’s science class at East School Sept. 29. Their topic was the unique monarch butterfly. Martin went through its life cycle, from fertilization and laying eggs, to becoming hungry caterpillars… “If you ate as much as these little guys in such a short period of time, how big do you think you would be?” The students had no answer. “As big as a school bus,” she said. She fin-

City’s Trick or Treat GREENVILLE – Trick or Treat in the City of Greenville will be from 2-4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 25. Your cooperation is appreciated in keeping with this time frame. If you plan on participating in handing out candy, please turn on your porch light. Parents or guardians are encouraged to accompany children during this time.

ished describing the cycle, noting in Day 18 or 19 the caterpillar will spin a “little pad… then hang in a ‘J’ shape” from a twig. It becomes a chrysalis. During Day 10 of that stage the chrysalis becomes clear – you can see the butterfly – and about four hours later the butterfly emerges. During the caterpillar stage, the primary source of food is the milkweed. “This makes the butterfly poisonous to vertebrates… anything with a backbone.” Like other butterflies, the monarch drinks nector from flowers as an adult. Each fall, the monarchs migrate to Mexico, then each spring they return to the United States. Martin showed the children how Ohio was part of the migration pattern; then it was time for their assignment. As part of a ‘symbolic migration,’ the students created and decorated their own monarch butterflies to send to the children in Mexico. The butterflies the students make will travel 2,095 miles from East School to Mexico. That’s the same distance that a monarch Martin and the class released will travel to its winter destination. It had to be nudged… once it took flight it headed directly south. Destination, Mexico.


GREENVILLE – “I never had a formal education, but I know what I know.” Bill Light is a musician, computer programmer, farmer, engineer, licensed pest control, chemist, bacteriologist, author, illustrator (although he says he just plays at that) and more. At the moment he was a volunteer for Prairie Days at Darke County parks. How does he do ‘all that stuff?’ “It’s all the same,” he said. “Just the language is different.” He added he got 90 percent of what he learned from two individuals who were mentally challenged… “You can learn from people with Down Syndrome if you care enough to learn.” Light never went to college but taught in college. He often found himself talking to professors who were happy to tell him where they got their degrees; then they would ask where he went to college. “I told them Johns University,” adding he did a lot of his reading and studying

while in the bathroom. “In 40 years no one ever asked me where Johns University was.” An accomplished musician, Light played bass. “I could make 400 bucks in a weekend,” he said. During the summer he would go to the Desert Inn in Columbus. “I made more money than ever there.” While everyone else was in college, Light jumped on a bicycle, rode 460 miles into Michigan and lived in the wilderness for six weeks. “At heart I’m a woodsman,” he said. “I know the language of animals better than I know people.” Light said he has studied his whole life, finding one of the biggest ‘depth of field’ characters he ever studied to be Adolf Hitler. “He was a fascist and a socialist. He took control of the highest educated population in the world, took over a whole country… and there are still people over there who think he was just misunderstood.” Light played in the bands of a couple “big boys,” Woody Herman, Sy Zentner… “I went to the Crystal Ballroom once… Sy Zentner was there. I

Bill Light

listened to the bass player thinking I could do better. During an intermission I went up to Sy, said ‘have bass will travel,’ and sat back down… “He came up to me. Can you read music? he asked. Better than that guy, I said.” Two days later Light was on a plane to Las Vegas. Why did he finally quit? “I’d gone as far as I could go,” he said. Light has held a variety of jobs, one of which was working seven years for the City of Greenville, and another 30 years for Master Industries in Ansonia. He did some work repairing electronics for Radio Shack… and one day he got

Midmark celebrates with public on Oct. 11 VERSAILLES – On Oct. 11, Midmark Corporation will be opening the doors of its Education Center to the public from 1-4 p.m. The Midmark Education Center is located east of the main office building on its Versailles Campus at 60 Vista Drive, Versailles. Midmark encourages members of the surrounding communities to attend the open house and learn about the progress made during its first 100 years of

business. The Education Center contains a history wall that tells the story of the company, starting with 1915 when the company produced concrete mixers, to the comprehensive healthcare solutions it provides today. The Midmark Education Center exhibits these solutions using model exam and procedure rooms allowing visitors the chance to interact with its products first-hand. Each station displays a

current line of Midmark products serving one of the company’s three markets: medical, dental and animal health. The Education Center also houses a design room where its customers can view the many customizable color and material options available with Midmark products. Midmark continually strives to create and lead the future of healthcare. In the company’s 100 year history, Midmark has po-

sitioned itself as a leading provider of quality equipment solutions and as an expert of efficient patient care, including workflow optimization and patientcaregiver interactions. The compassionate and highly-motivated culture at Midmark is driven by its tagline, Because we care.® To learn more about Midmark, visit midmark. com, and follow Midmark on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.





11 AM - 1 PM


bored and decided he was going to be a carpenter. He went to a housing construction site and started doing some framing. “Who are you?” asked the owner. “Someone who’s trying to do a job if you’d leave me alone and let me work,” Light responded. Later in the day, same question, same answer. Finally the boss goes up to him and says, “I don’t know who you are, but you’re hired!” Some of these stories can be found in Light’s book, “The Stories, the Journey through Time.” And many more… “I’ve had things happen in my life you’d never believe,” Light said.

Doors Open at 11am / Bingo at 1pm



6@$500 1@$236


PAGE 18 Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

DELINQUENT LAND TAX NOTICE (Section 5721.03 Revised Code of Ohio) 2014 Duplicate Year

The lands, lots and parts of lots returned delinquent by the County Treasurer of Darke County, with the taxes, assessments, interest and penalties, charged against them agreeably to law, are contained and described in the following list, Viz: A01 - ADAMS TWP-BRADFORD EVSD A01-0-409-20-00-00-20500 WELCH JANET A01-0-409-21-00-00-41300 WILLIAMS WALTER V A01-0-409-21-00-00-41601 WILLIAMS WALTER V A01-0-409-21-00-00-41700 WEISS SHIRLEY L A01-0-409-29-00-00-11300 COBY DOUGLAS A A02 - ADAMS TWP-GREENVILLE CSD A02-0-310-02-00-00-40200 BOWMAN RUE & MELISSA D JT SURV A02-0-310-02-00-00-40201 BOWMAN RUE E & MELISSA D JT & SURV A02-0-310-02-00-00-40202 BOWMAN RUE E & MELISSA D JT & SURV A02-0-310-11-00-00-20300 SPONAUGLE RUTH L A02-0-310-12-00-00-40302 BYERS TIMOTHY D ET AL A02-0-310-21-00-00-40100 WELCH JOHN S A02-0-310-26-00-00-31400 APPLE TIMOTHY C & DONNA S A02-0-310-27-00-00-31000 CRAIG SHEILA R A02-0-310-27-00-00-32200 TEDDER MARK A A02-0-310-28-00-00-22000 KENWORTHY GEORGE A & KENWORTHY NOAH A A02-0-310-33-00-00-31600 GRAVES CHRISTOPHER A & MICHELLE D JT SURV A02-0-310-34-00-00-40400 LAMBERT RICHARD O JR A02-0-409-31-00-00-10301 WHITTON JONATHAN A02-0-409-32-00-00-40400 WHITTON JONATHAN A02-3-310-26-03-01-12000 RIEMAN JERRY & PEGGY J A04 - ADAMS TWP-BRADFORD CORP A04-2-409-21-01-01-11500 STONEROCK MILDRED E A04-2-409-21-01-02-12900 PETTY JASON T & KAREN L A04-2-409-21-01-02-13100 ROCKTOP PARTNERS I LP A04-2-409-21-01-02-13200 VICTOR RODNEY R A04-2-409-21-01-05-10900 BRADFORD INSURANCE SERVICE INC A04-2-409-21-01-05-12100 HACKETT GALEN R A04-2-409-21-02-01-12400 HACKETT GALEN R & CONNIE L A04-2-409-21-02-04-10700 DILL CHADRICK MILES & NEFF STEPHANI LYNN A04-2-409-21-02-04-10900 GRICE EDMUND D & GRICE SUSAN L A04-2-409-21-02-04-14000 WITHROW JOHN C & KAREN A JT SURV A04-2-409-21-02-05-10600 BRADFORD INSURANCE INC A05 - ADAMS TWP-GETTYSBURG CORP A05-4-310-25-01-01-11001 SMITH CASSIE ANN A05-4-310-25-02-03-11000 BARKER LINDA PRIMROSE A05-4-310-25-04-01-11100 SCHMIDT DONALD B B06 - ALLEN-ANSONIA LSD-AAJA B06-0-214-11-00-00-10100 STAMMEN RICHARD & NYCHOLE STAMMEN DONALD F B06-0-214-15-00-00-20700 HEIKKILA LAURIE B06-0-214-15-00-00-20800 HEIKKILA LAURIE B08 - ALLEN-MISSISSINAWA VAL-AAJA B08-0-214-30-00-00-10100 THORNHILL JOSH M B08-0-214-30-00-00-20300 THORNHILL JOSH M B12 - ALLEN-ROSSBURG CORP-AAJA B12-6-214-26-03-01-12800 O DELL GREGORY E C13 - BROWN-ANSONIA LSD-AAJA C13-0-213-20-00-00-40300 BACK STEVEN & DAYNA JT & SURV C13-0-213-29-00-00-30700 GOINES JANIE B C13-0-213-29-00-00-31100 WILKINSON JAMES & JORETTA JT SURV C13-0-213-34-00-00-40100 HOBLIT GOLDIE S A C13-1-213-32-02-01-10700 RUTTER ROLAND T & VICKIE K JT SURV C14 - BROWN, MISSISSINAWA VAL-AAJA C14-0-213-18-00-00-30201 UNGERICHT TERRY L C14-0-213-19-00-00-30201 BERGMAN KEVIN JOSEPH & KIMBERLY A C14-0-213-30-00-00-10300 BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA BANK OF NEW YORK C15 - BROWN-ANSONIA CORP-AAJA C15-2-213-22-01-01-10300 BLACK RYAN L C15-2-213-22-01-01-12000 REIER JAN C15-2-213-22-01-03-10200 GANTT MATT J C15-2-213-22-01-03-10300 GANTT MATTHEW J C15-2-213-22-01-03-15200 CASE ROBERT A & JULIA A JT SURV C15-2-213-22-02-02-11300 BURNFIELD NATHAN & BETTY JT SURV C15-2-213-22-02-03-10100 HAHN RICHARD L & DIANE M C15-2-213-22-02-03-11100 SCHLARMAN PAULA J C15-2-213-22-02-05-10900 LONG SARAH M C15-2-213-22-02-05-13600 PEACE JANN L C15-2-213-22-02-06-11500 CLARK TERESA R & ANTHONY TERRY L C15-2-213-22-02-10-10900 CHRISTMAN RICHARD A & LODORA J JT SURV C15-2-213-23-03-02-11200 SNYDER KENT E C15-2-213-23-04-02-11600 CURTIS ROBERT A D16 - BUTLER TWP-ARC-BUTLER/AJAD D16-0-210-12-00-00-40100 MORITZ ANDY & MORITZ LOU JT SURV D16-0-210-24-00-00-30200 US DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT D16-0-210-24-00-00-40100 MURRAY JODY P & JENNIFER JT SURV D16-0-210-35-00-00-30200 STRICKLER CHARLES R & ROBERTA L JT SURV D16-0-210-35-00-00-30301 STRICKLER CHARLES R & ROBERTA L JT SURV D17 - BUTLER TWP-TRI-VILLAGE/TVJAD D17-0-210-17-00-00-40200 WILLETTS KIM R & WILLETTS KRIS E TRUSTEES D17-0-210-18-00-00-10301 BARHORST STEPHEN J D17-0-210-19-00-00-30100 WILLETTS ROBERT H TRUSTEE D17-0-210-19-00-00-30500 WILLETTS ROBERT H TRUSTEE D17-0-210-19-00-00-40600 WILLETTS ROBERT H TRUSTEE D17-0-210-29-00-00-10600 SNYDER RICK L & TRUDY L JT & SURV D17-0-210-30-00-00-10100 WILLETTS KIM R & WILLETTS CHRIS E D18 - BUTLER TWP-CASTINE CORP D18-2-210-26-02-01-10100 STRICKLER CHARLES R & ROBERTA L JT SURV D18-2-210-26-02-01-10200 BLOCHER JALYNN D18-2-210-26-02-01-10400 GIBBONS SHELLIE J D18-2-210-26-02-01-10901 MURPHY ALAN D & MISTY K JT SURV D18-2-210-35-04-01-11700 STRICKLER CHARLES D18-2-210-35-04-01-11900 STRICKLER CHARLES R D18-2-210-35-04-01-12400 MYERS DEBORA K D19 - BUTLER TWP-NEW MADISON CORP D19-4-210-18-04-03-11600 PORTER TROY ALLEN & DITTY LISA SUE D81 - BUTLER TWP-ARC-BUTLER/TVJAD D81-0-210-11-00-00-30501 VAN SCOYK MIRIAM E E20 - FRANKLIN TWP-FRANKLIN-MONROE LSD E20-0-309-12-00-00-20201 ARNETT LARRY R & DAWN M E20-0-408-05-00-00-20400 SMITH MARK E E21 - FRANKLIN TWP-BRADFORD EVSD E21-0-408-04-00-00-40202 HALE JAMES M E83 - FRANKLIN TWP-FRANKLIN-MON/AJAD E83-0-309-13-00-00-20400 KNISLEY KELLY S E83-0-309-24-00-00-40101 MOSS JOAN M T.O.D. TO ROCK CHARLES A G E83-0-408-16-00-00-30202 JAMISON DONNIE E & CHERYL L JT & SURV E83-0-408-28-00-00-31200 HESS LISA K E83-0-408-28-00-00-40401 NEFF ROSE FRANCES E83-0-408-29-00-00-41200 SMITH TIMOTHY M & LINDA K F24 - GREENVILLE TWP-GREENVILLE CSD F24-0-211-02-00-00-10100 GANTT MATTHEW J & CANDY A JT SURV F24-0-211-08-00-00-30101 WEYRICK RANDALL J & DEBORAH J JT SURV F24-0-211-10-00-00-32700 PRICE JEREMY A F24-0-211-11-00-00-10300 WRODA PROPERTIES LLC F24-0-211-11-00-00-41300 MILLER MERLIN S & MAXINE M JT SURV F24-0-212-01-00-00-10101 SLOBODA PAMELA J F24-0-212-01-00-00-22400 YOHEY SHIRLEY F24-0-212-01-00-00-24600 BROWN TERRY A & DEBORRAH S F24-0-212-08-00-00-31500 PLOCH JAMES R & GAYLE E JT & SURV F24-0-212-12-00-00-30401 DEAL MARTIN A & NICOLE J JT SURV F24-0-212-18-00-00-30900 METZNER CHAD E F24-0-212-20-00-00-22300 STUMP MICHAEL E F24-0-212-20-00-00-30200 LEBER LANCE L & TERRY L JT SURV F24-0-212-20-00-00-30600 PETTY MARILYN CUST FOR PETTY NICHOLAS & NOAH F24-0-212-22-00-00-40300 JESS CECEIL T.O.D. TO JESS RAYMOND E F24-0-212-25-00-00-11000 PEPPLE DOUGLAS E & ANNETTE L JT SURV F24-0-212-28-00-00-20500 ROHR FREDRICK F24-0-212-28-00-00-41900 MULLINS SCOTT WILLIAM F24-0-212-28-00-00-42400 ADDIS DENISE & JEFFREY JT SURV F24-0-212-29-00-00-22200 CREWS DEBORA D AS TRUSTEE F24-0-212-32-00-00-23002 JENKINS RALPH C & JENNIFER JT/SURV F24-0-310-30-00-00-31100 CHALMERS ROBERT L III & CHRISTINA B JT SURV F24-0-310-31-00-00-24500 MONTGOMERY JAMES A F24-1-212-19-04-01-12000 ETZLER EUGENE F TRUSTEE F25 - GREENVILLE TWP-ANSONIA LSD F25-0-212-05-00-00-11300 HIXENBAUGH WALTER E & SHIRLEY M JT & SURV F25-5-212-05-01-01-10300 HIXENBAUGH WALTER E & SHIRLEY M JT & SURV F25-5-212-05-01-01-11500 CHAVEZ REINALDO F27 - GREENVILLE TWP-GREENVILLE CORP F27-2-211-02-04-01-10700 MITCHELL SUSAN A F27-2-211-02-04-01-14700 BERGER TINA MARIE F27-2-211-02-04-03-10500 COLBY TERAH F27-2-211-02-04-04-10300 KAYLER ELIZABETH F27-2-211-02-04-06-10501 SHUTTLEWORTH RUTH F27-2-211-02-04-09-11700 LIPPS SHIRLEY A F27-2-211-02-04-14-12200 TEAFORD BELVA O LE & PARKER NANCY F27-2-211-02-04-16-10300 BRASS RINGS LEASING LTD F27-2-211-02-04-17-10100 FRANKLIN DAWN M F27-2-211-02-04-17-12001 HURD GWENDOLEN ANN F27-2-211-02-04-17-12100 HURD GWENDOLEN ANN F27-2-211-03-01-01-10200 SHROYER THEODORE LEE F27-2-211-03-02-01-10600 SHROYER THEODORE L

153.54 136.26 89.13 940.83 1,057.33 4,340.39 1,467.11 1,217.04 2,523.12 727.43 1,533.76 1,448.98 157.97 581.79 358.81 1,666.98 301.92 0.46 33.13 192.00 260.55 968.85 383.32 1,021.03 1,057.65 832.07 1,133.78 682.82 1,018.77 575.68 477.54 931.18 394.16 1,157.48 1,617.69 110.92 679.10 1,319.09 706.69 389.38 998.84 1,030.05 903.90 391.61 68.74 969.59 1,038.28 373.08 560.86 383.94 412.45 195.61 491.05 173.79 255.75 852.39 1,005.23 636.07 63.55 21.10 355.77 67.63 1,015.11 724.20 456.21 315.45 121.80 984.38 1,735.51 1,201.04 393.17 545.98 2,106.07 677.18 387.19 304.05 1,118.42 11.61 113.64 55.85 235.79 657.28 1,191.48 567.63 454.86 97.37 593.26 1,302.76 624.94 725.97 265.21 968.48 187.42 398.16 459.16 128.90 5,907.30 157.23 1,182.93 1,475.98 429.27 379.61 297.02 539.07 1,333.10 338.61 80.69 464.01 641.45 425.46 471.53 2,561.27 43.26 1,755.10 718.80 109.53 282.74 93.40 117.58 1,127.91 908.34 454.96 654.02 408.88 1,334.74 676.91 1,240.26 948.39 8.63 843.23 526.14 2,713.79

F27-2-212-23-03-02-15800 WINTERROWD LINDA S F27-2-212-25-03-01-10300 MITCHELL DEBRA F27-2-212-25-04-02-11300 ZEEDYK ADAM D F27-2-212-26-01-01-10100 CLARK WILLIAM E II F27-2-212-26-01-04-14900 WRODA JIMMY & LAURIE JT SURV F27-2-212-26-01-05-15500 KOHN DEBRA A F27-2-212-26-01-05-15900 HALL SHANE O & AMBER L JT SURV F27-2-212-26-02-02-12800 PLESSINGER STEVEN V & AUDREY K JT SURV F27-2-212-26-02-03-12600 GETTINGER BARRY J F27-2-212-26-02-03-16000 TIPPLE LYLE C & TIPPLE LANE F27-2-212-26-02-03-17700 KLOSTERMAN MELISSA J F27-2-212-26-02-03-17800 PRICE JEREMY A F27-2-212-26-03-01-12300 MC CLUNG ANGELA M F27-2-212-26-03-02-12200 EUBANK DIANE L F27-2-212-26-03-06-13300 TRENT NORMA F27-2-212-27-01-01-15800 ALBRIGHT MICHAEL G & BARBARA J JT SURV F27-2-212-27-02-02-11500 WRIGHT KENNETH R F27-2-212-27-02-03-10300 HARTER DAVID ALAN F27-2-212-27-02-04-14900 VANCE ADAM C F27-2-212-34-01-01-12800 GANTT MATTHEW J & CANDY A JT SURV F27-2-212-34-01-01-14800 BAILEY RALPH E F27-2-212-34-01-03-10900 LONG BRIAN K F27-2-212-34-01-03-11200 GANTT MATTHEW & CANDY A JT & SURV F27-2-212-34-01-03-14400 WION CHARLENE & WION DALE R F27-2-212-34-02-01-11200 WINTROW MICHAEL A & BARTON APRIL B F27-2-212-35-01-01-10400 A & W INVESTMENTS INC F27-2-212-35-01-01-11500 YOUNT & BREWER FAMILIES PARTNERSHIP F27-2-212-35-01-01-14200 HURD FRANK & ELAINE F27-2-212-35-01-02-11800 GANTT MATTHEW J F27-2-212-35-01-03-11600 MYERS TINA MICHELLE F27-2-212-35-01-03-13700 GANTT MATTHEW J F27-2-212-35-01-05-10800 GANTT MATTHEW J F27-2-212-35-01-05-13800 JAMES MICHAEL W F27-2-212-35-01-05-14800 BARTON APRIL D F27-2-212-35-01-06-11100 BARTON APRIL D F27-2-212-35-01-07-13900 GROTE BLAINE G F27-2-212-35-01-08-11200 SMITH KYLE A & MELISSA A JT & SURV F27-2-212-35-01-08-13400 HOUDESHELL THOMAS A F27-2-212-35-02-01-14800 HENN JACQUALYN S F27-2-212-35-02-02-10100 TAYLOR TRAVIS L & CHARLOTTE L JT SURV F27-2-212-35-02-02-13500 WYNN JOSHUA A F27-2-212-35-02-02-15000 BRYANT GLEN J F27-2-212-35-02-04-11600 HOSIER MICHAEL E & JEAN A JTSURV F27-2-212-35-02-04-13700 GANTT MATTHEW J F27-2-212-35-02-05-10500 GANTT MATTHEW J & CANDY A JT & SURV F27-2-212-35-02-06-13500 BARTON APRIL D & WINTROW MICHAEL A JT SURV F27-2-212-35-02-06-14600 GANTT MATT J F27-2-212-35-02-06-15100 BUEMER LINDA ET AL F27-2-212-35-02-07-12600 GANTT MATTHEW J F27-2-212-35-02-07-14600 LUTZ SHIRLEY A F27-2-212-35-03-01-13300 JAMES MIKE F27-2-212-35-03-01-13400 JAMES MICHAEL W F27-2-212-35-03-03-11400 GANTT MATTHEW J F27-2-212-35-03-03-12200 GANTT MATTHEW J F27-2-212-35-03-04-13100 SYKES CHRISTOPHER S & STACY J JT SURV F27-2-212-35-03-05-10600 CLAY RANDALL W & CAROLYN F F27-2-212-35-03-05-13500 MARCUM BRIAN D F27-2-212-35-03-09-10500 BERGMAN DARREN R F27-2-212-35-03-13-10700 SOTERIA US PROPERTY INC F27-2-212-35-04-02-10500 EASTWAY LLC F27-2-212-35-04-02-15000 GANTT MATTHEW J F27-2-212-35-04-06-10700 KREITZER RONNIE E & MARY L F27-2-212-35-04-06-10900 GANTT MATTHEW J F27-2-212-35-04-06-11000 GANTT MATTHEW J F27-2-212-35-04-07-12000 JAMES MICHAEL W F27-2-212-35-04-07-13600 TEICHER CAROL JOYCE F27-2-212-35-04-08-11700 TULLY ANNE E F27-2-212-35-04-08-13900 MULLINS SCOTT W F27-2-212-35-04-11-10300 JAMES MICHAEL W F27-2-212-36-04-01-11200 HOLSAPPLE PHYLLIS E G28 - HARRISON TWP-TRI-VILLAGE LSD G28-0-110-01-00-00-40400 SABROFF KEVIN & CARRIE G28-0-110-05-00-00-30500 GREER JACK L G28-0-110-05-00-00-31100 DEVOR WEBB J G28-0-110-05-00-00-40100 JONES DAVID C G28-0-110-05-00-00-40103 JONES DAVID C G28-0-110-05-00-00-40301 JONES DAVID C G28-0-110-05-00-00-40302 JONES DAVID C G28-0-110-05-00-00-41000 GILBERT TERRI JOLEN ET AL G28-0-110-07-00-00-10402 GODOWN AMY G28-0-110-16-00-00-20501 BACK MARY A TRUSTEE G28-0-110-16-00-00-21200 BACK MARY A TRUSTEE G28-0-110-16-00-00-30300 BACK DONALD G & BARBARA J G28-0-110-21-00-00-10300 THOMAS SANDY L G28-0-110-21-00-00-30400 MC NAMARA CHERYL ANN G28-0-110-24-00-00-20100 BACK DONALD & BARBARA JT SURV G28-0-110-24-00-00-20400 BRYSLAN PERL A G28-0-110-26-00-00-20100 EVANS GRANT ROBYN E & ET AL G28-0-110-27-00-00-20601 HANNAH JAMES T & KIMBERLY M JT SURV G28-0-110-34-00-00-10200 FUDGE NORMAN R & JUDITH A JT SURV G28-0-110-34-00-00-10401 HAMMOND PATRICIA A G28-0-110-34-00-00-10402 HAMMOND PATRICIA A G28-0-110-35-00-00-20400 ADDIS JEFF & ADDIS DENISE A JT SURV G28-1-110-33-01-01-10200 WILEY RICHARD J & LOIS J CO-TRUSTEES ET AL G29 - HARRISON TWP-NATL TRAIL LSD G29-0-110-33-00-00-21000 MEYERS BRIAN & JOVETTE JT SURV G30 - HARRISON TWP-HOLLANSBURG CORP G30-2-110-05-03-01-10200 PEDEN SUSAN G30-2-110-05-03-01-10300 PEDEN SUSAN G30-2-110-05-03-02-10100 DEVOR WEBB J G30-2-110-05-04-01-10200 HOPE RYAN G30-2-110-05-04-01-11100 VINSON WILLIAM E & REBECCA L JT & SURV G30-2-110-05-04-02-12300 MARTIN AIMEE G30-2-110-05-04-03-10600 WEATHERLY BEATRICE JOY AKA BEATRICE J WEATHERLY G30-2-110-05-04-03-11300 VARVEL NEWTON EDWARD G30-2-110-05-04-03-11601 GILBERT TERRI JOLEN ET AL G30-2-110-05-04-04-10100 JONES DAVID C G31 - HARRISON TWP-NEW MADISON CORP G31-4-110-13-01-02-11300 CR HOMES LLC G31-4-110-13-01-02-12200 ERNST CHANCE G31-4-110-13-01-02-13600 HUBLER DEAN E & REBECCA I JT SURV G31-4-110-13-01-04-10300 STAMPS PHILLIP WILLIAM JR G31-4-110-13-02-01-13800 LINDAMOOD TONY A & LOU ANN JT SURV G31-4-110-13-02-01-14500 CALL TRAVIS T & DEANNA R G31-4-110-13-02-04-11100 COOK ROBERT A & NICOLE L G31-4-110-13-02-04-12500 STOKES LACY D H32 - JACKSON TWP-MISSISSINAWA VALLEY LSD H32-0-113-10-00-00-10400 WHITLEY DANIEL S H32-0-113-27-00-00-40301 DIRKSEN JASON P H32-0-113-28-00-00-30300 MORGAN KAREN E H32-0-113-33-00-00-41700 RIMMER JOHN G JR & MELANIE S H32-0-113-33-00-00-43900 VANATTA TODD R & SHANNON F JT SURV H33 - JACKSON TWP-UNION CITY CORP H33-2-113-29-03-01-11100 KISER LAWRENCE H & MARCIA JT SURV H33-2-113-29-03-01-11200 KISER LAWRENCE H H33-2-113-29-03-04-12400 LAUX BRENDA S H33-2-113-29-03-06-12700 BOISE MICHAEL A H33-2-113-29-03-06-13500 BRETZ ALAN W H33-2-113-29-04-01-11300 VANATTA SHANNON F H33-2-113-29-04-02-10500 CONNOR JONATHAN & TERESA H33-2-113-29-04-02-12900 HUNT WILLIAM R & LUEMMA JT & SURV H33-2-113-29-04-03-10500 CRAWFORD DANNY L & TERESA F H33-2-113-29-04-03-11900 FUNK ERIC D H33-2-113-29-04-04-10300 HARBOUR PORTFOLIO VIII LP H33-2-113-29-04-04-11500 REHMERT RONALD & SANDY JT SURV H33-2-113-30-01-01-13100 JENKINSON RANDALL G H33-2-113-30-01-02-11800 FINDLEY HENRY H33-2-113-30-02-01-11100 MELENDEZ VICTOR MANUEL & VALDEZ SILVIA JT SURV H33-2-113-30-02-01-11201 MELENDEZ VICTOR MANUEL & VALDEZ SILVIA JT SURV H33-2-113-30-02-02-10900 WOGOMAN CHARLES LEON & VIOLA BELLE JT SURV H33-2-113-30-02-02-14300 CRUZ GUADALUPE DELA H33-2-113-32-04-01-13400 HEITKAMP CRAIG C & HYLTON ATHENA M I34 - LIBERTY TWP-TRI-VILLAGE LSD I34-0-111-02-00-00-30200 KLEPINGER TAMMY B & KLEPINGER VANCE EDWARD I34-0-111-03-00-00-10200 PUTERBAUGH CHRIS D I34-0-111-07-00-00-20700 BRICKLER JOHN E & MARY KATHRYN I34-0-111-11-00-00-10400 HURD MICHAEL D I34-0-111-13-00-00-20500 GLEASON THOMAS A I34-0-111-22-00-00-10300 BOWLES HENRIETTA KAY I34-0-111-26-00-00-40200 ASHBY TODD I34-0-111-27-00-00-20100 CLEMENS LINDA S I34-0-111-29-00-00-40300 RICHARDS GARY SCOTT & JANET DEE TRUSTEES ET AL I34-0-111-32-00-00-30601 DOTSON ZULA LEE

1,152.06 541.15 1,216.01 1,350.89 24.92 295.71 1,544.47 983.85 457.36 402.26 369.73 390.19 612.61 482.16 16.61 1,182.65 552.83 1,409.02 384.87 201.32 1,295.81 330.00 355.50 455.84 871.46 816.15 1,446.96 654.50 386.38 527.29 25.25 324.38 429.20 200.17 235.40 445.81 506.94 1,038.54 495.67 84.18 475.79 440.06 570.40 286.41 513.12 296.47 705.50 561.10 321.41 41.58 1,015.33 388.88 364.65 377.22 1,115.29 50.63 1,374.64 499.84 919.92 936.28 307.00 1,043.66 463.24 510.59 500.63 1,817.32 1,265.80 429.80 659.60 1,630.90 230.82 1,695.54 16.06 424.70 44.41 297.99 64.35 68.45 189.25 42.60 429.64 436.52 567.79 1,741.05 928.99 445.89 710.59 386.18 3,892.29 731.07 38.73 1,090.78 121.33 420.36 156.82 3.22 455.68 245.28 25.53 463.67 226.50 260.52 45.96 135.54 1,040.89 537.39 1,454.14 420.43 1,267.99 432.17 1,282.02 1,176.86 767.53 264.72 350.42 87.10 2,180.83 553.01 549.35 662.66 367.56 65.76 963.34 24.74 142.37 510.01 251.70 325.46 375.80 739.74 875.05 348.75 41.25 14.64 384.46 525.31 1,107.36 569.26 186.37 400.00 843.32 297.07 952.08 1,021.53 577.35 188.25

I34-0-111-32-00-00-31300 GUINN CHRISTOPHER R & LISA A I34-0-111-33-00-00-30400 BROWN TYLER W I34-0-111-36-00-00-10102 PRICE RICHARD A I34-0-111-36-00-00-10103 PRICE RICHARD A I34-1-111-32-03-01-11600 DOTSON JOHN F I36 - LIBERTY TWP-PALESTINE CORP I36-2-111-14-03-01-11600 HAYES THOMAS SIDNEY & LENORA K39 - MONROE TWP-FRANKLIN-MONROE LSD K39-0-308-01-00-00-21700 WHEELER PAMELA A K39-0-308-12-00-00-20200 DICKEY JAMES A & CHRISTINE K39-0-308-25-00-00-40300 SMITH JERRIE V K39-0-407-08-00-00-32700 HUMPHREY TONYA K39-0-407-09-00-00-10100 RENCH CRYSTAL L K40 - MONROE TWP-TRI-CO NORTH LSD K40-0-407-31-00-00-20400 WHEELOCK FRANCIS R & NICHOLAS R K43 - MONROE TWP-PITSBURG CORP K43-2-308-12-01-01-11100 HOLDERMAN DAVID R & DEBORAH L JT SURV K43-2-308-12-01-01-11800 DIVER FRANK O II & LADEANA JT SURV K43-2-407-07-04-01-11000 FOX KEVIN W K43-2-407-07-04-05-10300 MOORE JOSEPH M & THORA R JT & SURV L44 - NEAVE TWP-GREENVILLE CSD/AJAD L44-0-211-13-00-00-20700 ELLIOTT CONNIE S L44-0-211-13-00-00-22000 CROWE LINDA K L45 - NEAVE TWP-TRI-VILLAGE/TVJAD L45-0-211-20-00-00-30301 PRICE RICHARD A L45-0-211-29-00-00-21600 MARTIN KENNETH L L45-0-211-31-00-00-31103 MOORMAN TERESA L45-0-211-33-00-00-30502 YANCEY DOYLE L80 - NEAVE TWP-WAYNE LAKES CORP L80-2-211-28-01-01-11300 RHOADES JOHN R L80-2-211-28-01-01-12200 TALOS TERESA L80-2-211-28-02-01-13300 COTTONGIM ANN M L80-2-211-28-02-01-15800 FOGT SUSAN L L80-2-211-28-02-02-16900 DOSS JERRY L & DOSS JORDON M JT SURV L80-2-211-33-01-01-11700 MATHIS MICHAEL R & PAMELA A L80-2-211-33-01-03-10300 GRIFFIN JENNIFER L L80-2-211-33-01-03-10301 GARWOOD TERRY A JR L80-2-211-33-04-02-10800 YANCEY DOYLE DE LYNN & DOROTHY MARIE JT SURV L80-2-211-33-04-02-10900 YANCEY DOYLE DE LYNN & DOROTHY MARIE JT SURV L82 - NEAVE TWP-GREENVILLE CSD/TVJAD L82-0-211-21-00-00-40300 MURPHY MICHAEL J SR L82-0-211-27-00-00-30900 IGNAFFO RAYMOND C L82-0-211-27-00-00-40200 SMITH MICHELLE L82-0-211-28-00-00-30500 RIMMER JOHN G JR & MELANIE S JT SURV M50 - PATTERSON TWP-VERSAILLES EVSD M50-0-312-36-00-00-40103 HEITKAMP LEO L & KATHLEEN J JT SURV M51 - PATTERSON TWP-OSGOOD CORP M51-2-312-01-02-01-12200 BENSMAN JOHN E M51-2-411-06-03-01-13800 POEPPELMAN CLIFF M & SARAH L JT SURV M52 - PATTERSON TWP-YORKSHIRE CORP M52-4-312-12-02-01-11100 BRUNS PHILIP J M52-4-411-18-04-01-10100 HARMON TERESA M N54 - RICHLAND TWP-GREENVILLE CSD N54-0-310-04-00-00-10100 BOWMAN RUE & MELISSA D JT SURV N54-0-310-04-00-00-10101 BOWMAN RUE & MELISSA D JT SURV N54-0-310-04-00-00-10103 BOWMAN RUE & MELISSA D JT SURV N55 - RICHLAND TWP - VERSAILLES EVSD N55-0-311-28-00-00-10301 OLIVER MICHAEL P56 - TWIN TWP-ARCANUM-BUTLER LSD P56-0-308-03-00-00-30100 STEPHENS FRANK D TRUSTEE P56-0-308-28-00-00-20300 LONG GRIESHOP LORA MARIE P56-0-308-28-00-00-30700 BRUMBAUGH LEE F P56-0-308-29-00-00-10800 LE VALLEY NAOMI M P56-0-308-31-00-00-20100 MC MILLEN BARRY & KAREN L JT SURV P56-0-308-35-00-00-10200 MILLER GERALD M & ALMA P P59 - TWIN TWP-ARCANUM CORP P59-2-308-04-03-03-11801 MEANS JOHN C & BRENDA T P59-2-308-04-03-04-14100 JUSTICE BARBARA J P59-2-308-04-03-06-10900 DEVOR WEBB J P59-2-308-04-03-06-11500 CHANEY JESSE M P59-2-308-09-01-01-12300 MC LAIN WILLIAM JAMES P59-2-308-09-01-03-10600 FOUDA NEAMA P59-2-308-09-04-01-12700 SCHROEDER WANDA J P59-2-308-09-04-05-10200 BEISNER DANE T.O.D. STIGLER NICOLE P60 - TWIN TWP-GORDON CORP P60-4-308-35-01-02-10100 BUCK JAMES E & BONNIE SUE P60-4-308-35-01-02-13200 SHEPARD LORI A P60-4-308-35-01-03-11300 SMITH SHANNON W P60-4-308-35-01-03-11800 MILLER GERALD M & ALMA PAULINE JT SURV P60-4-308-35-01-03-11900 MILLER GERALD M & ALMA P P61 - TWIN TWP-ITHACA CORP P61-6-308-28-03-01-10300 BRUMBAUGH ROBERT S JR & CINTHIA A JT SURV Q62 - VAN BUREN TWP-FRANKLIN-MONROE LSD Q62-0-309-04-00-00-20400 WILER ARRON S Q62-0-309-04-00-00-20802 WILER ARRON S & CAROL A Q62-0-309-16-00-00-30200 SKIDMORE JERRY WAYNE Q63 - VAN BUREN TWP-ARCANUM-BUTLER LSD Q63-0-309-30-00-00-10200 RADEMACHIR JERRY E & DARLA S JT SURV Q63-0-309-33-00-00-11000 MC CAIN DANIEL E Q63-0-309-33-00-00-11800 RIDER LEE A & JANET L JT SURV Q63-0-309-34-00-00-20700 BESECKER JESSE LEE R68 - WABASH-ANSONIA LSD-AAJA R68-0-312-20-00-00-10200 THOMAS JUSTIN D & AMY M JT & SURV R69 - WABASH-NORTH STAR CORP-AAJA R69-2-312-08-02-01-10800 GRIESDORN KYLE W S70 - WASHINGTON TWP-GREENVILLE CSD S70-0-112-10-00-00-21000 WILKINSON MARY E HOLDEMAN S70-0-112-10-00-00-22400 EDGER JODI L S70-0-112-10-00-00-22500 HESS RICKIE L & PHYLLIS D JT & SURV S70-0-112-10-00-00-31600 PAHL ANDREA L S70-0-112-14-00-00-10600 CHAMP BILLY R S70-0-112-14-00-00-11200 COOK TIMOTHY E & ROBIN L S70-0-112-15-00-00-40200 BLOCHER DOUGLAS A S70-0-112-17-00-00-10100 UNION CITY COUNTRY CLUB INC AN OHIO CORP S70-0-112-26-00-00-30101 DEVOR WEBB J S70-0-112-29-00-00-20300 EVERMAN JOHN ROBERT & MCNELLY WILLA JT & SURV S71 - WASHINGTON TWP-MISSISSINAWA VALLEY LSD S71-0-112-03-00-00-30500 HECKLER SUZANNE F S71-0-112-04-00-00-10300 FOREMAN STEVEN L & PATRICIA S JT & SURV S71-0-112-04-00-00-10500 BARGA MICHAEL E & BONNIE J JT & SURV S71-0-112-08-00-00-20301 BENAVIDEZ ANTONIO & ORALIA TRUSTEES ET AL S71-0-112-08-00-00-30101 GREEN AMY E S71-0-112-09-00-00-10900 STUMP BRIAN J & MYA JT SURV S71-0-112-20-00-00-30200 ROPP SHARON K T73 - WAYNE TWP-VERSAILLES EVSD T73-0-311-14-00-00-10103 KOCH CHARLIE W & CATHY L JT SURV T73-0-410-31-00-00-10201 PAULUS ROBERT F & JENNIFER L JT SURV T73-0-410-32-00-00-40800 PAULUS ROBERT & JENNIFER JT SURV T76 - WAYNE TWP-VERSAILLES CORP T76-2-311-13-02-01-11200 GROFF CHRISTOPHER J & DENISE A JT SURV T76-2-410-18-03-02-14900 KELSEY JESSIE A T76-2-410-18-03-03-12700 POTTER MELVIN R & LORI A T76-2-410-19-01-04-12200 PLEIMAN MARY EVELYN TRUSTEE ET AL T76-2-410-19-01-06-10501 BROWN JAMES R & CHANDA R T76-2-410-19-01-06-10800 GANTT MATTHEW J & CANDY A JT SURV T76-2-410-19-01-06-11600 ROQUEMORE JOHN D & ROQUEMORE SUZANNE H T76-2-410-19-01-06-12700 PAULUS ROBERT F & JENNIFER L T76-2-410-19-02-01-12200 GROFF CHRISTOPHER J & DENISE A JT SURV T76-2-410-19-03-01-10300 HUBER THOMAS L & CHRISTA L JT SURV T76-2-410-19-04-01-10303 PARIN BARRY D T76-2-410-19-04-01-12200 JOHNSON WILLIAM E T76-2-410-19-04-01-12300 TORK SOHIER T76-2-410-19-04-03-10700 WORCH JENNIFER M T76-2-410-19-04-04-11200 BRUNS THEODORE M & REBECCA A JT & SURV T76-2-410-19-04-04-11300 WEAVER DANIEL T76-2-410-20-04-01-11200 RIDER LEE A & JANET L JT SURV T76-2-410-20-04-01-12100 BERGMAN LESTER A JR & BUSCHUR RENEE L JT SURV U77 - YORK-ANSONIA LSD-AAJA U77-0-213-13-00-00-20100 WOODMAN EILEEN U77-0-311-18-00-00-20200 WOODMAN EILEEN & WEYANT JAMES E U77-0-312-32-00-00-40102 YOHEY TRAVIS U78 - YORK TWP-VERSAILLES EVSD U78-0-311-09-00-00-20201 BUBECK MICHAEL L & ALISA E U78-0-311-09-00-00-20203 BUBECK MICHAEL L & ALISA E JT & SURV U78-1-311-04-01-01-10400 GRILLOT MICHAEL T

45.64 1,407.33 2,144.07 328.17 574.75 633.78 800.10 882.73 8,833.92 364.23 2,015.84 709.60 1,586.55 855.00 589.94 1,229.89 803.26 578.27 1,179.16 373.44 1,066.06 223.43 656.00 381.28 1,530.97 809.25 107.22 602.14 32.58 709.06 18.42 348.98 863.03 1,080.35 628.03 123.48 386.45 928.43 449.75 237.23 611.68 2,188.39 1,383.75 524.73 820.41 989.08 1,629.20 2,019.67 731.48 806.72 36.94 962.56 410.93 359.18 297.53 440.97 268.88 595.14 100.47 448.95 137.17 414.80 135.96 2,264.64 747.31 1,787.04 18.54 1,465.35 1,158.60 665.97 1,444.52 353.16 446.15 661.10 961.88 978.79 560.75 705.69 264.92 670.44 171.05 5,963.35 1,045.20 76.75 259.14 991.05 977.40 1,320.36 1,178.96 429.51 3,640.77 1,120.67 275.44 1,847.43 59.55 373.85 802.03 1,099.75 475.96 469.11 314.80 1,015.05 156.73 474.32 614.77 867.19 387.29 1,107.71 62.27 290.25 2,385.27 461.91 714.19 530.30 1,004.01 364.71 302.04 2.79

I, hereby certify the foregoing list to be correct as shown by the records in the office of the Darke County Treasurer. Scott J. Zumbrink, Darke County Treasurer Notice is hereby given that the whole of such several lands, lots or parts of lots will be certified for foreclosure by the County Auditor pursuant to law unless the whole of the delinquent taxes, assessment, interest and penalties are paid within one year. Carol Ginn, Darke County Auditor

Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 19

Why Not Winter With Us At Brethren Retirement Community L SPR I NG D M OMM I T ME N T I F T F PR I VA T E I D T C F I N E R OP ENHOUS E I N SA F E S E C N Y D F I F T E EN W R L E R Y - FRE E E N THR E E Y I T I ES





Across 2. Move Back Home In The Spring 4. No Long Term Commitment 6. Cozy, spacious, private apartments 8. Move Into Brethren Retirement Community In The Winter 9. Learn More About the Winter Stay Program at our Open House, October 22nd 10. Spend the winter with us so you can stay Safe and Sound 12. Three nutritious meals per day with Fifteen entrée options 14. Choose a worry-free winter this year 15. Stay Four Months For The Price of Three 16. Countless Amenities and Scheduled Activities Daily 17. Furnished apartments available

Open House October 22nd


Down 1. Space is limited, so call 547-7610 today to schedule a tour 3. BRC’s Assisted Living just received a deficiency free survey from the Ohio Department of Health 5. Complimentary Membership To Our Senior Fitness Gym 7. Pet Friendly 11. Winter Stay offered in our Assisted Living Apartments 13. Twenty Percent Monthly Discount

Winter Stay Program

Call 547-7655 today to schedule a time for your personal tour between 9am-1pm or stop by our campus from 3pm-6pm on October 22nd. For anyone who schedules an appointment or stops by for a tour will receive a quart of our delicious homemade soup and a loaf of our special bread to take home.









W W W. B H R C . O R G

PAGE 20 Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

NEW MADISON SUPERMARKET Harvest of Quilts set for Oct. 9 and 10

Whole BONELESS 12 to 15 lb Average Sliced Free 8am-5pm

GREENVILLE – Towne Squares Quilt Club, Inc. will be hosting the 34th annual Harvest of Quilts Show on Oct. 9 and 10, at the Darke County Fairgrounds. Admission is $6 with $1 off with a donation of non perishable food items, which will be given to local food banks. Persons interested in exhibiting quilts should contact Toni at 548-0211. She will be accepting quilts on Oct. 7, 4-7 p.m. and Oct. 8, 9-11 a.m. The quilt auction will be Oct. 10, 2 p.m. The featured charity quilt is an A to Z from Ewe to Me and designed by Janet Stone. Proceeds will benefit Children’s Medical


Darke County’s October blood drives


www.facebook.com/newmadisonsupermarket FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF OVER 80 SALE ITEMS!

Copy of entire ad available at the store starting Monday morning. AD PRICES IN EFFECT MON., OCT. 5, - SAT., OCT. 10, 2015 HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 8-9, Sun. 10-8 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES - NO DEALER PURCHASE * Eligible additional purchase requirements for sale prices do not include tobacco products, 12 pack advertised soft drinks & the purchased item*

PRODUCE SPECIALS ................................................ 10 lb.

IDAHO POTATOES 2.49ea ................................................ Dole 12 oz.

ICEBERG TOSSED SALAD .99ea ................................................


Arctic Shores 16 oz.

reg. $4.99

Carolina 96% Fat Free White Oven Roasted

Eckrich 14 oz. Skinless Smoked

reg. $3.99

Bob Evan’s 20 oz.

reg. $3.69

Bob Evan’s 1 lb. Fresh

reg. $3.79

Johnsonville 19 oz. Bratwurst or Italian

reg. $4.99

PORK SAUSAGE 2.39lb ................................................ TURKEY BREAST 2.19lb ................................................ Lipari

TILAPIA FILLETS 3.99ea ................................................ SAUSAGE 1.99ea ................................................

Dole 14 oz.

COLBY WHOLE HORN 2.99lb LONGHORN CHUNK 3.19lb CHEESE SLICED 3.39lb ................................................

SAUSAGE GRAVY 2.79ea ................................................

Red-Ripe Hydroponic

SQUEALIN’ COW PATTIES ................................................

SAUSAGE 3.99ea ................................................

BOLOGNA 2.19lb ................................................

GROUND BEEF 2.49lb ................................................

BOLOGNA 6.29lb ................................................

NEW YORK STRIPS 6.49lb ................................................

Dole 1 lb.

MINI CARROTS .99ea ................................................ COLE SLAW .99ea ................................................ BEEFSTEAK TOMATOES .99lb ................................................ 2 lb.

YELLOW ONIONS .99ea ................................................

DAIRY SPECIALS ................................................ Pillsbury 16.3 oz.

reg. $2.39

“GRANDS” BISCUITS 1.19ea ................................................ 59 oz.

reg. $2.99 GOLD PEAK TEA 1.99ea ................................................ Azteca 14.1 oz. 10 Pack reg. $2.19

LARGE FLOUR TORTILLAS 1.49ea ................................................ Smith Dairy ½ Gallons

reg. $1.59

PEACH OR SWEET TEA .99ea ................................................

FROZEN SPECIALS ................................................

½ Ground Chuck-½ Bacon 100% Moo-oink’n good

Kahn’s Deluxe Club All Meat Lebanon

Farmland Deli Sliced

CANADIAN BACON 4.69lb ................................................ Farmland 95% Fat Free

COOKED HAM 3.09lb ................................................ Armour


CHOPPED HAM 2.59lb ................................................ CORNED BEEF 6.49lb ................................................ Shopper’s Value 5 ¼ oz. Original, Pepperoni or

reg. $.99

SUPREME PIZZAS .79ea ................................................ Farm Fresh IQF Ready to Cook

reg. $8.99

CHICKEN WINGS 6.99ea ................................................ Arctic Shores 11 oz.

reg. $10.39

Arctic Shores 8 oz. Imitation

reg. $1.85

SHRIMP RINGS 7.99ea ................................................ CRAB MEAT 1.59ea ................................................

Klondike 6 Pack

reg. $3.99 2.99ea

Frito Lay’s 9½-13 oz.

Groton’s 24.5 oz. Value Pack

reg. $5.99

12 Inch

reg. $6.99

Essential Everyday 12 oz. reg. $1.89 TORTILLA CHIPS 1.69ea ................................................ Duncan Hines18-18.3 oz. reg. 2/3.00 BROWNIE MIXES .99ea ................................................ Betty Crocker 12-16 oz. reg. $2.49 Ready to Spread FROSTINGS 1.39ea ................................................ Kellogg’s 12 oz. Corn Flakes reg. $3.99 or 10.5 oz. reg. $4.79 FROSTED FLAKES 1.89ea

FISH STICKS OR FISH PORTIONS 3.99ea ................................................ DIGIORNO’S PIZZAS 4.99ea ................................................

GROCERY SPECIALS ................................................ Frito Lay’s 9½-10½ oz.

reg. $4.29

LAY’S POTATO CHIPS 2.29ea ................................................

NEW YORK STRIP STEAKS 7.99lb ................................................ BONELESS, Rolled & Tied Beef Round

reg. $4.99

ICE CREAM BARS ................................................

73% Lean In 3 lb. or Larger Pkgs.


Smith Dairy 4 Quart “Whale” O’ Pail

ICE CREAM 3.99ea ................................................

SAUSAGE ROLLS 2.79ea ................................................

RUMP ROAST 3.99lb ................................................ CUBED STEAKS 4.39lb ................................................ Fresh, Never Frozen, BONELESS SKINLESS

CHICKEN BREASTS 1.79lb or in 3 lb. or Larger Bags 1.69lb ................................................ Our Best, BONE-IN, Center Cut PORK LOIN CHOPS 1.99lb ................................................ Great in the Crock Pot or for Pulled Pork BBQ, Sirloin End PORK LOIN ROAST 1.59lb ................................................ Cut from the Pork Loin, Extra Meaty, Country Style

SPARE RIBS 1.79lb ................................................


TOSTITOS 2.29ea ................................................

................................................ Kellogg’s 8 Count

reg. $2.89 POP TARTS 1.69ea ................................................ Folger’s 10.3-11.5 oz.

reg. $4.99

ASSORTED COFFEE 3.49ea ................................................

Chicken of the Sea 5 oz. reg. $1.13 Water or Oil Pack Chunk Light TUNA .79ea ................................................ V-8 reg. $3.49-3.79 46 oz. Vegetable Juice or V-8 FUSION 2.49ea

................................................ Marzetti 16 oz.

reg. $3.69

Nabisco 11.3-15.35 oz.

reg. $4.19

SALAD DRESSINGS 1.99ea ................................................ OREO COOKIES 2.99ea ................................................ 7.5 oz. Liquid Hand Soap reg. $2.39 SOFT SOAP 1.39ea ................................................ Domino 4 lb. reg. $2.39



Limit 1 with additional $20.00 purchase


DARKE COUNTY – Darke County will have several cancer awareness blood drives throughout the county. Everyone who registers to donate will receive the Community Blood Center (CBC) “Every Donor Makes a Difference - Give Hope, Give Blood” cancer awareness t-shirt. Donors are encouraged to schedule an appointment online at www.DonorTime.com or call 1-800-388-GIVE. The “Make a Difference” campaign began with September National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and continues through October National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Everyone who registers to donate now through Oct. 31 at any CBC Donor Center and most CBC mobile blood drives will receive the “Every Donor Makes a Difference – Give Hope, Give Blood” t-shirt. The design features a “fight cancer” ribbon composed of multi-colored ribbons representing the many types of cancer. They especially encourage the continued

This A to Z Quilt will be auctioned with all proceeds benefiting the Children’s Medical Center.

Center. The raffle quilt is Hanover Stars 97”x97”. The drawing is Saturday at 4 p.m. For more show information, contact Linda at

support of type O whole blood donors and type A/B platelet and plasma donors. Local drives open to the public are as follows (appointments are encouraged): Oct. 12 – Bradford High School, 750 Railroad Ave., Bradford, 3–6:30 p.m., sponsored by Bradford HS Student Council Oct. 13 – Greenville Church of the Brethren, 421 Central Ave., Greenville, 12:30–6:30 p.m., sponsored by The Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Greenville Memorial Post 7262 Oct. 16 – The Blood Drive at Kroger has been cancelled. Oct. 17 – Tri-Village Rescue, 320 North Main, New Madison, 8 a.m.– noon, sponsored by TriVillage Rescue Oct. 19 – Greenville Grace Church, 4805 St.

548-7084 or Lewcrese at 547-0202, http:// townesquares.blogspot. com or on Facebook (Towne Squares Quilt Club).

Rt. 49, Greenville, 3–7 p.m. Oct. 22 – Ansonia High School, High School Gym, 8 a.m. to noon Oct. 24 – North Star Community Center (Old Elementary School), 124 East Star, North Star, 8–11 a.m., sponsored by St. Louis Catholic Church Learn more at www. GivingBlood.org. Connect with Community Blood Center for the latest information and services at www.GivingBlood.org. Get fast and complete answers on how to make your first donation, organize a blood drive, or bring our education program to your school. Get all the updates in the CBC/CTS newsroom, find quick links to our social media pages, or schedule your next appointment to donate by connecting to www.DonorTime.com.

Jim Oliver

Oliver Photography at Greenville Library

The program is four FREE one-hour sessions. All of the methods and activities contain the most effective elements for success. The single most important element is You – and your dedication to fight the addiction to nicotine that makes you want to smoke. Freshstart can be your start to a new life without cigarettes!

Program Dates October 2015 12, 14, 19, 21 Time 6:00-7:00pm Location Lifestyle Enhancement Center Cost Free to all registered participants To register, call (937) 547-5917

GREENVILLE – On Oct. 16 and 17, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., the community is invited to the Greenville Public Library to view and purchase photographs from the collection of Jim Oliver. The collection consists of portraits of individuals, families and pets, landscapes, aerial shots, landmarks, past local businesses, and historic prints. This wide variety of photos will be available with no minimum price.

All donations collected will benefit the Library. This “sale” is a very generous contribution by Jim who is a long-time Library supporter. On Oct. 7, Jim will be the featured interview in the Library’s literary blog “Fourth & Sycamore.” See www.fourthandsycamore.com for Jim and David Nilsen’s thoughtful conversation about Jim’s background and art form.

Health fair focuses on lung health RICHMOND, Ind. – A special health fair focused on lung health on Oct. 6 at Reid Health will launch a new group dedicated to helping people with chronic lung issues. The event, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Lingle Hall on Reid Health’s main campus on Reid Parkway, will include presentations by physicians and information from departments who offer services for people with chronic lung problems. The event opens at 10 a.m. with “COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary

Disease,” a presentation by Dr. Horia Draghiciu, Internal Medicine, Pulmonary/Critical Care. A noon presentation will feature Dr. Dana Reihman, Internal Medicine, Pulmonary/ Critical Care, titled “Therapy of Lung Disease, From Inhalers to Oxygen to Lung Transplantation.” The event will also feature representatives and information including these areas and topics: Nutrition, Pharmacy, Infection Control, Respiratory, Home Medical Equipment, Wellness, Palliative Care, Deciding Together,


Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 21





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“WOW!” 14” Thick Pillow Top Mattress King $399 FREE BOX Queen $259 FREE BOX SPRING SPRING Full $249 Best Deal We’ve Ever Seen! Free Box Spring (with purchase)













Factory Furniture Mattress and More has the right to reserve quantities. Quantities limited. Actual product may differ from items purchased. Valid only in Ohio. Merchandising may vary. No exchanges or refunds on any layaway or down payments. This advertisement is produced and distributed by an independently owned and operated furniture store.




















PAGE 22 Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com




LOCKSMITH & KEYS 937.548.1035 Commercial - Residential Automotive

Bonded, Licensed, Insured 24 Hour Emergency Service 701 Wayne St. Greenville

Pray for Our Country and Our People!

Helen’s Flowers 937-548-3008 1146 Sweitzer St. Greenville, OH 54331 www.helensflowersgreenville.com


APOSTOLIC Solid Rock Apostolic

Tree & Lawn Care

8991 Old US 36, Bradford, 937-718-0351

CAC of Greenville

Since 1946

630 Pine, Greenville 937-730-1313 ---------------------------------------------

David P. Furlong, Owner

ASSEMBLY OF GOD Greenville First Assembly of God

Certified Arborist

4617 Jaysville St. Johns Road Greenville OH 45331

7219 State Route 118N Greenville, Oh 45331 937-548-5445 ---------------------------------------------


david@fitzwatertreeandlawncare.com www.fitzwatertreeandlawn.com

BAPTIST Favorite Hill Baptist Church

1601 South Street, Piqua, 773-6469

First Baptist Church

7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville 548-7616

COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS Where Price & Quality Meet All your Home & Agricultural Building Needs 300 S. Main St Ansonia, OH 937-337-3111 M-F 7:00 – 5:00 Sat 7:00 – 12:00 (Noon) See Photos at www.ansonialumber.com

Faith Baptist Church

740 E Russ Rd., Greenville, 548-1808 1499 N. Broadway Greenville, Ohio 45331

653 Hickey Ave. Versailles, Ohio 45380

548-4141 526-4440

Greenville Baptist Temple 4689 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., 548-7283

Union City First Baptist Church


RJW arner Insurance

Where Insurance is a Profession Not a Sideline Call or Drop In: 5 S. High Street, Arcanum 45304 937-692-8123 219 Sycamore, Greenville 45331 937-692-6554 Email us: insurance@rjwarner.com Visit us on the Internet at: www.rjwarner.com


225 S. First St., Union City, OH 937-968-6163 ---------------------------------------------

BRETHREN Beech Grove Church of the Brethren

3420 Harrison Rd., Hollansburg 937-997-4895

Bradford Church of The Brethren 120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215

Castine Church of the Brethren 624 State Route 127, Arcanum 678-9945

Cedar Grove Church

373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675

Greenville Church of the Brethren 421 Central Ave., 548-3583


Oakland Church of The Brethren

Personal Care is the Backbone of Our Business!

8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum 937-692-8772 ---------------------------------------------


109 Rhoades Avenue Greenville


8058 Horatio-Harris Creek Rd. Bradford * 448-2287

Pitsburg Church of Brethren

CATHOLIC St Mary’s Catholic Church 233 W Third St. Greenville 548-1616

www.johnstonchiropractic.net St Denis 14 E Wood St, Versailles (937)526-4945

Holy Family (Frenchtown) 11255 St Rt 185, Versailles (937)526-4945

Littman-Thomas Agency With two locations to serve you... Greenville Bradford 515 E. Main St. 110 E. Main St. 937-548-2131 937-448-2590 proudly representing

St Louis

15 Star Rd, North Star (419)582-2531

Immaculate Conception

5874 N. Buckneck Rd. (RR 2), Bradford, (937)448-6220

St Mary


425 W Hickory St, Union City, IN (765)964-4202 ---------------------------------------------

CHRISTIAN Ansonia Christian Church

123 W. Weller St., Ansonia, 548-5490

Coletown Congregational Church 2876 State Route 571, Greenville 548-6590

East Zion Church 602 WAGNER AVENUE GREENVILLE, OH 937.548.4503 www.ggfloorfashions.com Your Hometown Floor Store with Hometown Service

6171 St. Rt. 36, Greenville 937-548-6364

First Congregational Church


We Do More to Serve You Best

Delivery Available 100 Ft. Jefferson Ave. Greenville 937-547-1642 www.theprescriptionstore.com

www.cfpoeppelman.com RADIO DISPATCHED ON TIME DELIVERY BUILDING MATERIALS CRUSHED STONE & SAND Bradford Office, Plant 937-448-2191 Versailles Plant 937-526-5137 Union City Plant 765-964-6572

201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575 ---------------------------------------------

INTERDENOMINATIONAL Family of God 310 W South St., Arcanum, 692-8521

Lighthouse Christian Center

5256 Sebring Warner Rd., Greenville, 548-7464 ---------------------------------------------

LUTHERAN St. John Lutheran Church

7418 State Route 121, Greenville 548-5404

St Paul Lutheran Church 131 E. 4th Street, Greenville 548-5770

St Paul’s Lutheran Church 13495 Greenville St. Marys Rd Versailles, 419-336-7111

St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

6825 State Route 722, Ithaca, 678-8584

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

8520 Oakes Rd., Pitsburg 937-692-5670 ---------------------------------------------

METHODIST - UNITED Abbottsville United Methodist Church 3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum

Ansonia United Methodist Church Corner of Pearl and High St., Ansonia 337-5781

CMA Church

Faith United Methodist Church

6808 Church St., Stelvido, Greenville, OH 316-8198

Teegarden Congregational Church 2753 State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249

Woodington Congregation Church

8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441 ---------------------------------------------

CHURCH OF CHRIST Greenville Church of Christ

4599 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., Greenville, 937-548-4467 ---------------------------------------------

*Home Medical Equipment * Health Care Screenings

EPISCOPAL St Paul’s Episcopal Church

EUM Church

Stelvideo Christian Church • Brakes • Cooling Systems • Air Conditioning Systems • Ignitions • Electrial Systems Over 30 Years Experience OPEN 6 DAYS Mon.-Fri. 8-5 • Sat. 8-12 4209 Kilborne Rd. between Rt. 49 & Hogpath Rd.

1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300 ---------------------------------------------

115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH 45331 937-548-3575 306 Devor St., Greenville, OH 45331 937-548-4955

Parts & Service Aces in Automotive Service

CHURCH OF GOD Triumphant Christian Center

CHURCH OF GOD Ansonia First Church of God

750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945

The New Beginning Church of God

1451 Sater Street, Greenville, OH 45331 101 E. South St., Arcanum, 692-8934

First United Methodist Church 202 W 4th St. Greenville, 548-3075

Fort Jefferson United Methodist 3856 Church St., Greenville 548-4410

Gordon United Methodist Church 311 East St., Gordon, OH 937-884-5129

Ithaca Grace United Methodist 750 Arcanum-Ithaca Rd 678-9062

Nashville United Methodist 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421

New Madison United Methodist 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341

Rossburg United Methodist

117 Ross St., Rossburg, 937-338-4765

Trinity United Methodist Church 112 West South Street Arcanum, OH 692-8530

802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502

METHODIST - UNITED Versailles United Methodist 122 W Wood St, Versailles 937-526-3855

900 E. Main Street Greenville

937.547.6300 Now Taking Online Orders


Webster United Methodist Church

8849 Seibt Rd., Versailles 526-3855 ---------------------------------------------

MISSIONARY Greenville Missionary Church 1110 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842

Pleasant View Missionary Church

5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885

NON-DENOMINATIONAL Beamsville Christian Church 6102 Beamsville-Union City Rd. Greenville 547-0009

Calvary Bible Church

9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978

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Wieland Jewelers Fine Jewelers Since 1907

Friendship Community Church

Marriage Symbol Necklace

1005 Eaton Fort Nesbit Rd. New Paris, 997-3592

True Life

5990 State Route 36, Greenville 548-3558

Living Waters Ministries

102 W Main St., Versailles, 526-4567

Northside Community Fellowship 623 Spring St., 548-8965

Rosehill Country Church

St. Rt. 49 and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill

Versailles Christian Church 105 W Ward St., Versailles 937-526-4194

The Hillgrove Federated Church

1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332

Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue

Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-547-0092 ---------------------------------------------

PENTECOSTAL Faith Apostolic Lighthouse

332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299 ---------------------------------------------

PRESBYTERIAN First United Presbyterian Church

114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188 ---------------------------------------------

UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - UCC St. Paul United Church of Christ

129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506 ---------------------------------------------

UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST First Universalist Church

331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403 ---------------------------------------------

WESLEYAN Trinity Wesleyan Church

1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337

Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331

414 S. Broadway Grenville


www.wielandjewelers.net Call us before you buy!


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Auto Towing & Recovery 5520 HOGPATH ROAD We DO ALL Types of Auto Repair Call Tom Dillman Today!

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“Add good days to your life... ...full life to your days” 1350 N. Broadway Street Greenville, OH 45331 937-548-2999 www.stateoftheheartcare.org

FULL SERVICE AUTO REPAIR WE MEET ANY COMPETITORS PRICE OR COUPONS • Brakes • Steering/Suspension • Diagnostic • Tires (New & Used) • Tune-Ups • Alignments • Maintenance • Heat • AC • Batteries M-F 8-6 • SAT. 9-2 Waiting Room with Wi-Fi

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Independent Insurance Agent

TROUTWINE AGENCY, INC. Complete Insurance Service

21 WEST GEORGE ST. ARCANUM 937-692-8310 OR 1-800-613-8310 www.troutwine-ins.com

Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 23



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HELP WANTED ADC CONCRETE looking for Class A & B CDL Drivers. Pay based on commission of truck’s income. 937-968-4195

HIRING DRIVERS 1 year experience in the last 3 years or 5 years experience in the last 10 years. Fed-Ex Ground contractor. Please call 937-547-1402

HELP WANTED Full & Part-time Stylist with clientele preferred. Bring resume & references. Call 548-5411 & ask for Rita


NOW HIRING for Construction experience & Concrete Finishers. Need 3-5 yrs experience. 937-9684195

Wholesale Carpet Outlet

The Preble County District Library has openings for: Part Time Children’s Library Assistant 23 hrs/week (some evenings and Saturdays). Primary duties: assist Youth Services Librarian, plan and present programs for K-12, recommend materials for purchase, maintain displays, and assist teen programming. Good organization and communication skills required. PT/FT Library Assistant Multiple openings. Preble County District Library. Primary duties are customer service, material circulation, and assisting with branch events. Computer and communication skills required. Full job descriptions at www.preblelibrary.org/about-us/jobs. Send cover letter and resume to: pcdl@preblelibrary.org. Deadline is Nov. 1.

HELP WANTED Evening Sales Associates Needed

2 Positions Available

Mon-Fri 3pm-8pm Saturday’s Rotate 12pm-5pm Call 447-4265 or stop in at our Gettysburg Location

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Truck Rentals


We are here to meet your storage and moving needs! 5328 Michelle Rd. Greenville


Sam Schwartz

WANTS ANY TYPE OF: • Carpentry Work • Room Additions • Garages • Siding • Foundation Replacement • Crawl Space Work • Restoration • Roofs/Re-Roofs FREE ESTIMATES



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MOWING, large or small jobs. Also Landscaping, Shrub Trimming, Spraying/Fertilizing, Snow Removal. Reasonable rates. References available. Very dependable. 548-1716, ask for Justin WANTED Wanted: Used house CUSTOM COMBIN- trailers in good condiING, $30 per acre. Call tion. Please call 937Gary 937-417-4056; 448-2974 Responsible individuals Chuck 937-726-6833 needed to deliver Early Birds in all areas. Both motor & walking routes are available. If you are interested, please contact Becky S. at 937547-0851 and leave your name, address & phone number, if no answer HVAC INSTALLER TECH Excellent opportunity to be a part of a quality team. Immediate permanent positions available. Schmidt’s Heating, AC, Refrigeration & Geo Thermal. Apply at 999 Sweitzer St, Greenville, 548-5220 SERVICES OFFERED SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied benefits? We Can Help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1-800-208-6915 to start your application today! Zumba classes at EUM Church every Thursday evening at 6:30pm, 111 Devor St, Greenville. For information call 937-423-1570 HELP WANTED Responsible individuals needed to insert Early Birds. Inserting starts on Fridays at 8pm. MUST be 16 years or older. If you are interested please call 937-547-0851. If no answer please leave your name, address, and telephone number where you may be reached




SERVICES OFFERED LAWN MOWING & ROLLING, Yard Cleanup, Shrub Trimming, Edging, Mulching, Landscape Maintenance. Free Estimates. Leave message for Gettysburg Outdoor at Lavy’s Corner Mart 937-447-3051

WANTED TO BUY BUYING VINTAGE GUITARS, Banjos, Mandolins & Amplifiers. ALSO buying Flutes, Saxophones, Trombones, Trumpets in good condition, Yamaha, Selmer, King, Conn. Bring them to Bach to Rock Music, 334 S. Broadway, Greenville, OH for an offer. 937547-1970, email: bachtorock@earthlink.net

PAGE 24 Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Willow Place Apartments - We’re better than ever! 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Call 937316-8025 or 937-3168489. Equal Housing Commercial space for Opportunity. rent. On Broadway in Gnvl. Call for more de- 4 BR, 1 bath country home near Versailles. tails. 548-3549 All new paint & flooring. $600/mo. Send contact info & references to PO Box 162, Versailles, OH 45380. COMMERCIAL SPACE for rent. Great location on East Main St, high visibility. Call for more details, 548-5264 2-3 BR half double, 308 STNA’s - Full & Part Time - All Shifts Vine St, Gnvl. 2 baths. No pets. $500 deposit, LPN or RN $500/mo. Call 937-564Part Time - First Shift 4126 Greenville, 3 BR duplex. Resident Assistant - Full & Part Time Appliances furnished. W/d hookup. $550/mo w/deposit, 1 year lease. Non-Medical Caregivers - Home 937-654-3173 Health Positions 4 BR, 2 bath house in Greenville. All new Contact: Linda Kirk, HR Coordinator inside & out. Possible linda.kirk@bhrc.org lease purchase. NO PETS. $675/mo + de750 Chestnut St., Greenville, OH 45331 posit. 459-2615 www.bhrc.org

LOST AND FOUND MISSING! Brown Blue Tick Hound, 15 yrs old, from Preble Co-Butler Twp Rd since 9/17/15. Answers to Ashton. Very tame. Any info please call 937-2733682

SPECIAL NOTICES DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-800-895-7416

FOR RENT Nice 3 BR brick ranch house in Greenville north end. No Pets. $700. 447-7845

Available Positions

Storage for personal CLASSIFIED LINE ADS and business use. Penske Truck Rentals. Call CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Greenville Stor and Lock. 548-1075, 5328 In The Matter Of Issuance Of A Certificate of Title Case No. 15CVT00454 Michelle St. To any person having any interest in the following described IN GETTYSBURG, 1/2 motor vehicle: You will take notice that an application for isdouble, 101 George, suance of title has been filed by Joe Miller Jr. for the followmotor vehicle: 1968 Suzuki K10P Motorcycle Serial No. 2 BR, gas F/A heat, ing 437105. washer/dryer hookup in application will be considered by Judge Jonathan P. Hein, basement. $350/month The Darke County Common Pleas Court, on October 30, 2015, + $350 Security De- at 8:30 a.m. Any persons having an interest in said motor In Gnvl, 3 BR half posit + utilities. Water vehicle should appear at the hearing and prove their interest therein or the title issuance will be granted as requested. double, W/D hookup.1 bill $48 minimum per Joe Miller Jr., applicant month. NO PETS! Call car garage. $500/mo + Jonathan P. Hein, Judge 548-9940 for Rental deposit. 548-8210 10/4, 10/11 2T Application 2 BR downstairs apt, Union City, IN. Furnished. All utilities paid. $185/week, $400 deposit. NO PETS! 938968-6804 4 BR house, 601 Sater St, Gnvl. Completely remodeled. No pets. $600 deposit, $600/mo. Call 937-564-4126 Very nice 2 BR duplex in country. Attached garage, stove, fridge, W/D 639 Wagner Ave., Suite D, Greenville hookup, new flooring & Sponsored by paint. 1859 SR 571 W, Apt A. $475/mo. 5485053 www.benanzer. com FOR RENT 36’ x 48’ auditorium with stage on 3rd floor of the Bach To Rock Building at 334 South Broadway, Greenville. Has restroom & kitchen area included. Great for dance classes, rehearsals, Martial Arts, etc. Call Bruce at 937547-1970


Equal Opportunity Employer

Automotive Sales


Dave Knapp Ford Lincoln has an opening for an Automotive sales person. This year will be a great year in the car business. Ford and Lincoln are poised to be a Greater success than ever before. Dave Knapp is in its 21st year and is in the leader in Darke County. We have a large selection of new and used cars and trucks along with advertising to get the message to everyone. If you’re on the fence about your career then make an appointment with me just to talk. I’ve been in this business for 30 years and have enjoyed every year. I had no special skills when I graduated high school but I did enjoy talking to people and wanted to be successful at something and its been a great career. I think it could be one for you too. If you have experience in auto sales, great. If not, we have an excellent training program along with a 401K plan and insurance. See you soon. Call 547-3000 or email us at herkcarman@gmail.com


Manufacturing Positions



offering Competitive Wage, Benefits, Employee Discounts

Please Call 937-316-3782

Immediate Opening

Walk-In Interviews given at 725 Pine Street, Greenville or mail resume.


The Unknown Heirs, Creditors, Devisees, Legatees, Administrators, Executors and Assigns of Barbara J. Justice, Deceased, whose last place of residence is unknown, and whose present place of residence is unknown will take notice that on August 25, 2015 Brethren Retirement Community filed its Complaint for Foreclosure in Case No. 15-CV-00395 in the Court of Common Pleas of Darke County, 504 South Broadway, Second Floor Courthouse, Greenville, Ohio 45331, seeking foreclosure and alleging that Defendant(s) the Unknown Heirs, Creditors, Devisees, Legatees, Administrators, Executors and Assigns of Barbara J. Justice, Deceased, have or many claim an interest in the real estate described below.

The holiday season is just around the corner! Thriving food manufacturer (Mercer County) has opportunities with immediate start date for dependable and reliable Production Team Members on all shifts. We offer flexibility with shifts, on the job training, job stability, and excellent opportunities for advancement. Attractive wage, full benefits package, medical, dental, vision, life, paid uniforms, holidays and vacation. Open House on Tuesday October 6th 9AM TILL 4PM. Not available for the Open house? Call to schedule YOUR interview 419-678-2304 X-104. EOE.

Tastemorr Snacks, BGP Inc. 300 East Vine Street Coldwater, Ohio 45828

Situated in the Village of Arcanum, County of Darke and State of Ohio and more particularly described as follows: Being Lot No. 115 Ivester’s Second Addition to the Village of Arcanum, Ohio. Engineer’s I.D.: No P59-2-308-04-03-04-141-00 (Lot 115) The Defendant(s) named above are required to answer within 28 days of the date of the last publication of this Notice. Brethren Retirement Community By: John Marchal, Esq. Attorney for Plaintiff 116 West Fourth Street Greenville OH 45331 937.548.1125 10/4, 10/11, 10/18 3T

Darke County Sheriff’s Estate Sales For more information call 937-547-4603 or go to www.darkecountysheriff.org

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

DLJ Mortgage Capital VS. No. 15CV00218 Neal Marvin Dalton Jr, et al.

Sun Trust Mortgage VS. No. 15CV00144 Philip Cavin, et al.

Bank of America VS. No. 14CV00551 Christopher Galindo, et al.

Nationstar Mortgage VS. No. 14CV00465 Betty Swartwout, et al.

Bank of America VS. No. 15CV00247 Gregory Godown, et al.

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 9, 2015, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Township of Greenville in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 9, 2015, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Village of Versailles in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 9, 2015, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Township of Adams in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 9, 2015, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the City of Greenville in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 9, 2015, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Village of Hollansburg in Darke County to-wit:

Street Address: 5042 State Route 121 S Greenville, Ohio Parcel Number: F24021110000031800

Street Address: 1007 Jackson St. Versailles, Ohio Parcel Number: T76231113020113000

Street Address: 9950 Grandview Dr. Bradford, Ohio Parcel Number: A01040916000021000

Street Address: 416 Southbrook Dr Greenville, Ohio Parcel Number: F27221102030112700

Street Address: 175 N Main St. Hollansburg, Ohio Parcel Number: G30211005040412901

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $130,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $104,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $85,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $86,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 3T

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 3T

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 3T

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 3T

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $54,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 3T

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

General Information

The Sheriff is issued Orders of Sales from the Clerk of Courts Office. Sales are advertised in The Early Bird once every week for three consecutive weeks. The Sheriff’s Office does not mail or give away a list of properties or information about purchasing foreclosed property. The properties are not available for tour or inspection as the Sheriff’s Office does not have keys to any properties. Prior to the sale, most properties are appraised from the outside only. The property is sold “as is”, caveat emptor (let the buyer beware). The Sheriff’s office does not have information on liens or taxes. Real estate tax information can be found at the following web site: darkepropertymax. governmax.com real estate appraisal database. All sales are held in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building, 520 South Broadway, Greenville. All sales begin promptly at 10:00 a.m.

More Information

You may contact Abby Wilson at (937) 5474603 if you require further information. A listing of properties can be viewed at darkecountysheriff.org.

Bidding information

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Bank of New York Mellon VS. No. 15CV00045 Joseph Moore, et al.

JPMorgan Chase VS. No. 14CV00490 Robert Anthony, et al.

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 9, 2015, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Village of Pitsburg in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 9, 2015, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Village of Pitsburg in Darke County to-wit:

Street Address: 112 Harrison St. Pitsburg, Ohio Parcel Number: K43240707040510300

Street Address: 320 Baker St. Pitsburg, Ohio Parcel Number: K43230812010111700

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $30,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 3T

Bidding starts at two-thirds of the appraised value. Successful bidders must deposit 15% of the purchase price

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $65,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 3T

at the time of the sale. Personal check (proper ID, local check signed in our presence), cashier’s check or cash is accepted. The buyer will be required to sign a disclaimer

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Onewest Bank VS. No. 15CV00180 Judith Howard, et al. Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 9, 2015, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Village of Arcanum in Darke County to-wit: Street Address: 601 S High St. Arcanum, Ohio Parcel Number: P59230809040311700 The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $52,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 3T

that relieves the Sheriff and appraising agents of liabilities of hazards, or past due bills, as it it the responsibility of the buyer to look into these matters before the sale

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Wells Fargo VS. No. 14CV00503 Michael Reinhard, et al. Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 9, 2015, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Village of New Madison in Darke County to-wit: Street Address: 216 E Wayne St. New Madison, Ohio Parcel Number: G31411013020311800 The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $49,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 3T

date. The unpaid balance of the purchase price must be paid at the confirmation of the sale, which is approximately 30 days after the date of sale.

Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 25

Small 3 BR brick ranch in country. 1 bath, 1-1/2 car garage. Arcanum SD. NO METRO. NO PETS. NO SMOKING. 2 BR apt/garage. $450 + $600 per mmonth + deposit, electric & gas. $600 deposit. 937421 E 3rd St, Green- 678-4418, leave mesville. 937-548-2108 sage FOR RENT 2 BR duplex, new carpet, W/D hookup, $435. Ansonia. 548-9302

Becoming a Home Owner Need Not Be Just A Dream 2&3 Bedroom Homes Available Check our our selection of FREE handyman homes. Rental Homes Available Too! Sherwood Forest Mobile Home Community 937-548-9898 www.parkbridgehomes.com

FOR RENT Upstairs 1 BR apt, Union City, IN. All new flooring. Fresh paint. Totally remodeled. Furnished. All utilities paid. $185/week, $400 deposit. NO PETS! 937968-6804

1 BR furnished apt w/ garage, in Gnvl. $400/ mo + deposit. 5488210 1 BR apt in Gnvl, upstairs. Utilities included. Metro approved. 3374225

Newly/completed remodeled apt in historical Greenville. 2 bed, 2 bath, all appliances included. $575/mo. No pets, no smoking. 937547-3051 3 BR house in Greenville w/appliances & w/d hookup furnished. $600/month + deposit. 419-790-3967

R&S Reck Mobile Home Park New Paris, Ohio

Mobile Homes for Rent Or Rent to Own Call



Driving home through the trees you can see the lights sparkling in this elegant 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath brick ranch. Secluded in its own forest glen, it offers a jenn-air range in a custom kitchen, formal dining room, family room with F/P, formal living room. You will enjoy the features in this custom built home. Stop in for your personal tour with REALTOR® Everett Hocker. (111101)

REMINDER OPEN HOUSE TODAY! 1-2:30 388 W. SALEM RD-CLAYTON A home with a lot of personality. Freshly painted through out and ready to move into.

OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY OCTOBER 11TH 1-2:30PM 1050 DONALD DR-GREENVILLE Must check out this lovely brick ranch, located near Greenville City Park, home is located on large corner lot, with over 1500 sq. ft. that includes 3 bedrooms, living room and family room, basement that is partially finished, 2 car garage. This home has had many recent updates. 7156 ST RT 118 – GREENVILLE Nice 3 BR brick ranch home. Located in country but close to parks, schools, and shopping. Immediate Occupancy.

NEW TO THE MARKET! 790 ARCANUM ITHACA RD-ARCANUM Sit on your deck and enjoy your view of your acreage with a woods that opens to creek. Open floor plan in this 2 bedroom one story home allows for many possibilities. 520 BOULDER RD-WEST MILTON Ready to move into, clean as a pen. Immediate occupancy. Priced for quick sale. 112 E. MAPLE-GREENVILLE You will love this 3BR, 1.5 bath, brick ranch with 1 car attached garage. Call today to schedule a tour of this lovely home.


7278 ST RT 121 N, Greenville, OHThis 2 bedroom home north of Greenville sits on 1.287 acres. Country living close to town. Stop in today for more details. 8766

STOP BY AND CHECK THESE OUT! OPEN HOUSES TODAY 1-2:30 P.M. 6631 Daly Rd., Greenville 303 S. Chippewa, Greenville

PRICE REDUCED 126 Lumber St., Pitsburg

First Choice Realty

The Right Choice 1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331



11+ ACRES! 2-ST farm home w/3 BR, 2 BA. LRM & FRM. Newer roof, septic. 30x50 barn for garage, workshop. MLS 608166 #4434 IN ARCANUM! 2 large BRs w/hardwood floors in this brick ranch. 1½ BA. LRM has WB/FP. DRM (possible 3rd BR). 9x37 enclosed patio. MLS 609992 #4472 RENTAL PROPERTY IN NEW MADISON. Unit 1 has 3 BR; unit 2 has 2 BR & unit 3 has 1 BR. MLS 609254 #4415 CONVENIENTLY LOCATED NEAR TOWN! Brick ranch w/3 BR, 2 BA. Hardwood floors under carpet in LRM, hall & BRs. Fenced back yard. Extra garage for workshop/storage area. MLS 607990 #4467 NEW LISTING! Spacious 2-ST vinyl sided home w/4 BR, 2 BA. LRM & FRM. Currently used as a single family – it could be used as a 2-family. Upstairs KIT (possible 5th BR). MLS 621254 #4490

1303 Chippewa Dr. Greenville


Arcanum 204 E. First St. $116,500. 3 bed, 2 bath, many updates, garage & workshop. Owner may consider a land contract. (111120) 105 Merrie Ln. NEW LISTING $109,200. 4 bed, 2 bath, spacious brick ranch, 2.5 car att. Garage, family room, shed. (111590) 304 S. High St. NEW PRICE $92,900. 3 Bed, 1.5 bath, Great room, fenced yard. (110390) 208 S. Sycamore NEW PRICE $69,500. 2 bed, 1 bath, det. 4 car garage, many updates inside and out. (111474) Greenville 3230 US RT 36 $322,000. 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 3100+ sq ft., 2 car garage, 10 acres, long paved drive way, deck. (111006) 6328 Bakers Store Gvl Rd. $147,000. 3 bed, 2 bath, 2+ acre with barn. (110840) 3468 St. Rt. 571 W. NEW PRICE $129,000. 3 bed, 1.5 bath, 1 car att. Garage, 2 acres, with 20x30 barn, bonus room upstairs. (111258) 2820 St. Rt. 571 $106,900. 3 bed, 1.5 bath, barn, .43 acre. (110635) 829 Harrison Ave. $74,500. 3 bed, 2 full bath, 2.5 detached garage, enclosed porch and a sunroom! (111335) 316 Wayne Ave. $77,900. 3 bed, 1.5 bath, lots of storage. (109431) 619 E. Fifth St. $65,000. 3 bed, 1 bath, large backyard. Realtor owned. (111117) 115 Northwest $50,000. 2 bed, 1 bath, block building apartment with storage. (111112) Union City 788 Beamsville UC Rd. $64,900. 2 bed, 1 bath, 2.88 acre Priced to sell. (110835) 209 N. Grandview St. $249,900. 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 half bath, finished basement, 2.5 car att. Garage, 3100 sq ft living space. (111254)

FOR RENT 1 BR upstairs apt. Stove & fridge included. $340/mo. 5489600

3BR brick. $825/mo. 2 car garage, new floors/ paint/carpet/counters. Appliances inc. Tenant pays utilities. On Donald. 937-726-5700 call/txt

GARAGE SALES ANSONIA MOVING SALE! 315 S Main St; Oct 9-9-10; 10am-? ARCANUM/PITSBURG 15 Park Dr, Arcanum; Oct 8-9; 9-5; Furniture, guitars, doors, household misc, clothes, Xmas items

13 Edgewood, Arcanum; Oct 8-9; 9-5; Garden bench, spinning wheel, antiques, Xmas items, household misc 14 Edgewood Dr, Arcanum; Oct 8-9-10; 9-5; Household items/décor, adult & children’s clothes, unpainted ceramics, girl’s 24” bicycle, lots more 115 East 2nd St, Arcanum; Oct 8-10, 9-5. Books; stroller; furniture; housewares; Christmas dec.; purses & shoes LITTLE RED BARN SALE. 9423 GrubbsRex Rd, 1 mile E of SR 49, Oct 9, 8-5; Oct 10, 8-1. Bunk bed; rocking chairs; coffee & end table; electric fireplace; couch; love seats; adult/teen clothing; housewares; plus more. Priced to sell. BRADFORD/ GETTYSBURG 7855 New HarrisonBradford Rd; Oct 9-10; 9am-7pm GREENVILLE LARGE YARD SALE; 7806 Greenville-Celina Rd; Oct 8-9-10; 9a-5p; Tools, furniture, collectibles, art & craft books, cross stitch material, DMC floss, professional mat cutter, framing supplies, gourds, generator. Large Variety Brethren Retirement Community’s Fall Garage Sale. 750 Chestnut St, Oct 8, 9-5; Oct 9, 9-12. Lot of treasures. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! 7544 Fisher-Dangler Rd; Oct 8-9; 9-5; Too much to mention!

“OPEN TODAY! 1-2:30”

1630 ST. RT. 571- This 3 bedroom, 1½ bath brick ranch is ready for a new family! Total electric; 1½ car attached garage; utility shed. $72,500. NICE SIZED ROOMS in this 2 bedroom home at 617 Fair Street! 1 car detached garage. Low 50’s. IN UNION CITY at 300 S. Deerfield is a 4-5 bedroom home with 2.6 acres M/L. $25,000. JUST EAST OF GORDON is a 3 bedroom brick ranch with 2 car attached garage! New septic system in 2010; new roof in 2012. Located at 8002 St. Rt. 722. Now offered at $98,500. INVESTMENT PROPERTY at 131 and 141 Pine Street! 2 bedroom each side; gas F/A heat. Both occupied. Low 40’s. NEWLY REMODELED 2-3 bedroom home at 329 E. Water has everything new inside and new vinyl siding outside! Seller with pay closing costs for qualified buyer! $63,000. APPROVED BUILDING LOT at corner of Bur Oak and Aspen! Improved with drilled well; trees; grass and sidewalks! Upper 20’s. COMMERCIAL BUILDING LOT 60x100 with office at 602 Riffle. Mid 50’s. 8 ACRES M/L with this 2-story home at 5988 Routzong Road! Stone fireplace in living room; exposed logs in 2 upstairs bedrooms; oak staircase! PLUS barns! $189,900. IN WAYNE LAKES this 2 bedroom home at 1180 East Drive has corner fireplace; attached garage. WOODED, CORNER LOT! Upper 40’s. 29 ACRES M/L nestles this 2-story brick home at 1648 Mills Road! Updated and well maintained home has walnut woodwork; built-ins; hickory cabinets in kitchen; oak and plank flooring; oak staircase; hot water and corn-burning heat! 3-4 car attached garage PLUS barns! $299,000. OFF-THE-ROAD setting with this spacious home at 6473 Jaysville-St. Johns Road! Hard surface flooring throughout; 3 fireplaces; central vac system; 20x40 inground pool; Florida room; sun room; partially finished basement! 5 acres M/L. $295,000.


Sleeping room. Close to uptown Greenville. Rent by the week or by the month. Call 6211732 REAL ESTATE 2 bed, 1 bath home for sale. Convenient location in Greenville. Many updates. Asking $58,900. Call 937-6734505

Jim Shuttleworth Evelyn Shuttleworth Joe Shuttleworth Richard Edwards


GREENVILLE 7 Family; 3422 SR 571 W; Oct 8-9-10; Fish poles, chicken eggs, cellphones

Yard Sale; 96 S Ohio St; Oct 9-11; 9-6; Baby items, something for everyone 6220 Hartzell Rd (36 E to Arcanum-Bears Mill Rd, or off 571 E), Oct 8-9, 9-5. 3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE. Crafts; wall hangings; glass ware; some clothes, etc. 3800 St Rt 502, Thurs, Oct 8, 9-3. Bedroom suite; furniture & appliances; misc household; fishing; tools. 2777 Byrket Rd.; Oct. 8,9,10; 9-6. HUGE Car parts, tools, kitchen items, cookbooks, DVD, Nascar Cheap!! Knickknacks, clothes, tv, dressers, 2 recliners, mini fridge, Christmas items, hunting, jackets, file cabinet, softball, computer monitor & keyboards, bags, purses, swimming pool supplies, very nice L shaped desk. Lots & lots more. Too many items to list. 310 Marion Dr; Oct 8-9; 9-5; Bake Sale! Baby boy clothes, adult clothes, many new items 218 Elm St.; Oct. 7,8,9; 9-5. Estate Sale - Furniture, household items, 2006 Colorado, tools & much more 318 Marion Dr.; Oct. 8,9; 8-5. Dishes, knickknacks, sofa table, 2 wheel cart, lamps, stands, winter coats, women’s clothes, misc. 7319 Fisher-Dangler Rd., 571 W. to Wildcat Rd., follow signs. Oct. 8,9, 9-5; Oct. 10, 9-12. 2 Garages - Clothing to 3X, knick knacks, pictures, kitchenware, rocker recliner, sm. Chest freezer, self-prop. Lawn aerator, potato bin, 27” TV, APPLES! Overfield’s Sale - 7813 St Rt 571 E, Oct. 8, 9-6; Oct. 9, 9-12. Decor, foosball table, Jr. clothes sz 0-4, so much more! 109 Westbury Dr, Oct 8 & 9, 9-5. FAMILY GARAGE SALE. Furniture; 52” HDMI TV; lamps; DVD’s; kitchenwares; etc. VERSAILLES 13225 Versailles-Yorkshire Rd, Friday Oct 9, 8-6. Old fishing poles; decoys; sand blaster; oil heater; propane heater; bookshelf; books; desk; desk chair; bedding; iron skillets; womens & mens clothing, smallplus size; & more

REAL ESTATE For Sale By Owner: 3 BR, 1 ba home, attached garage. $39,900. Union City area. 937-548-9596

PETS PUPPIES FOR SALE. NKC registered American Bull Dog puppies. $700/ea. 1 male & 1 female. Available late 937-733Investment Properties October. 4036 for sale, Greenville area. Owner will help Persian kittens, longwith financing. 937- haired, flat faced, CFA 417-0917 reg. $300. 1 female, 4 Beautiful large log males. Ready to go. home on 2.4 aces w/3 Call or text 937-417BRs, loft, pellet boiler, 0983 after 1pm

pond & much more. Located on SR 571 on the edge of Greenville. $309,000. Trump Realty 678-5687 for your personal showing 271 Orchard Dr, 3 BR, 2 ba, 1660 sq ft home in Greenville. New HVAC, several updates & fenced-in yard. 937-548-6080 for details. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 10/4 from 1-4

FREE Kittens, gray & white, 8 wks. Eating & litter box broke. 937467-1972 EQUIPMENT Two new augers for stirator. 937-968-3562 RECREATIONAL 1993 Class C 28’ motor home, 460 Ford, stored inside, 53,000 miles, $7000. 937884-5549


11527 Reed Rd Vers. O 45380

Old Pinball Machine Antiques- Paper Items Toys-Games / Lg Lot of Modern/Ant Furniture H.Hold-Garage-Tools Midmark Equipment Terms-pics-details@ See AUCTIONZIP.COM #3859

Larry Martino

Auctioneer larry@larrymartino.com


3452 Co. B U YS. H E RRd.E 25A  •PI-75 AYatHExit E R69E





PAGE 26 Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

AUTOMOTIVE 2002 Dakota 4x4, 5 speed $5995. 2002 Mountaineer $2995. 2001 CR-V $4195. 2003 Expedition $5995. 2005 GMC Envoy $6495. 2006 Dakota $7995. 2006 Torrent $6495. 2010 Equinox $13,295. 2007 Vue $6195. 2004 Chevy diesel Crew 4x4 $17,995. 2010 Grand Caravan $10,495. 2008 G6 $7995. 2005 Cobalt $3995. Buy - Sell - Trade! www.CountryAutoSalesGreenville. com 548-1337

2003 Ford F-150 LX short bed pick up truck. 14,645 miles. Garaged. Like new. $10,000. 937547-0553 2009 Cadillac CTS, low mileage, under 63K, silver ext, lt gray leather int, great cond., title in hand! Asking $14.5K obo. Any questions, email jmcmiller21@yahoo.com or call Bob @ 937-417-6856

2004 Jeep Liberty Sport 4x4, sunroof, PW, PL, 136,039 miles. To be sold “as is” on Oct 12 @ 6pm by auction. Call 937-586-3251 for information 1979 Chevy pickup for sale. New motor, good tires, flatbed. 937-4170917 HOUSEHOLD FREE Air hockey table, treadmill, 2 glider/rockers, 55” projection TV (needs repair). 937548-2411 Very nice used Rainbow vacuum sweeper. Warranty. Call 548-0870 Kenmore late model washer & dryer $300. Maytag Neptune dryer $150. Roper dryer $100. Maytag dryer $100. Electric range, works $95. 3 king mattresses/ box springs sets $100/ set. 3 full mattresses/ box springs sets $75/ set. Whirlpool washer $100. 937-968-6804


MISC. FOR SALE Acorn Stairlifts. The AFFORDABLE solution to your stairs! **Limited time -$250 Off Your Stairlift Purchase!** Buy Direct & SAVE. Please call 1-800-410-7127 for FREE DVD and brochure.

New, warehouse liquidation, queen $169, king $219, full $149, twin $79. We deliver. Call 937884-5455 MISC. FOR SALE Professional SOUND SYSTEM Rental, Sales & Installation. Free quotes to your business, church or home for sound system updates & improvements. JBL, EAW, QSC, PEAVEY, CROWN. Bach to Rock Music 547-1970, email: bachtorock@earthlink. net. Also Renting sound systems for Weddings, Graduations, Business Meetings, or any other engagements!

We will Match online prices for Guitars & Keyboards. Come see us at BACH TO ROCK MUSIC, 334 S Broadway, Greenville, for all your musical instruments & accessories. Large selection of sheet music! 937-547-1970 or bachtorock@earthlink.net Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 1-800-906-3115 for $750 Off



Ronnie Kaugher

1546 Cox Rd., Union City, OH (937) 968-7279

Emergencies can strike at any time. Wise Food Storage makes it easy to prepare with tasty, easyto-cook meals that have a 25-year shelf life. FREE sample. Call: 800-970-5771

Englander pellet stove, like new, $650 OBO. Band-Flex LT 2000 gym, new, $350 OBO. 937-621-9565 after BEER & WINE MAK- 4pm ING Supplies. Orme Hardware, 210 S. Main, Used insulation, 1” 3-1/2”. 765-847-1480 Arcanum, 692-8282 MISC. FOR SALE FURNACES $285 While Supplies Last. TUNS 1-877-473-8867



Sunday, October 11, 2015 at 12:05pm 5419 St. Rt. 49 S. Greenville, OH 45331

Auction is located behind Barga Heating & Air Business

Large Monthly Auction. Items up for auction are: Cars 2005 Ford Freestyle-3rd row seat with DVD Player, 2005 Chevy Equinox LS, LG White Front Loader Washer & Dryer, AspireOne Acer Notebook computer, Old metal 2 wheeled scooter, Galvanized & Aluminum painted signs, Coin Operated Mutual Scale Co scales, Silvertone Guitar & case, Vintage Old Crank Western Telephone, Tools - Sandblaster, sandblaster cabinet, 2bags blasting beads, Lincoln 220 stick welder, several jack stands, 4000 lb engine hoist, transmission jack, ball joint tools, hydraulic jacks, fuel pump & vacuum tester, automotive mat, creepers, table top drill press, table top band saw, Ryobi tile cutter, air compressor air storage tanks, grinder with stand, misc hand tools, battery chargers, air hoses, welding rods, Craftsman pliers and screwdrivers, engine stand, 1914 Metal Brake, 30 ft ext. ladder, Warner 6ft ext. ladder, old wooden hand held drill, numerous old wooden 2 man saws, 20ft automobile workbench with vice, steel spring loaded gun shooting targets, bucket empty shotgun shells, paintball gun, #3 metal washtub, Furniture - 2 His & Hers Lazboy Recliners, Bedroom suites, several dressers, leather sofa & chair, couch, lamps, filing cabinet, several coffee & end tables, porcelain pair white elephant plant stands, Weslo exercise bike, workout ab station, M-Pex weight lifting bench & weights, foosball table, Arachnid electronic dart board with stand, bar stools, decorative wood shelves, Kitchen-Kitchen Aid Mixer, Soda Stream, Corelle dish sets, Imitation cookware, Keurig Coffee Maker, Jewelry- large lot, Old FFA & numerous schools pins, watches, pocket watch, Zippo lighters, barlow knives & other knives, samurai sword, Cast Iron Bell, OSU items, indian items, Ladden lamp, Mason items, numerous oil lamps, One Direction dolls, Nascar cars, PEZ collection, model car collection-Dukes of Hazzard & Daisy Duke, porcelain dolls, American Doll items, Monster High, NIB Figit toys, NIB remote control hotrod car, crochet yarn, numerous Thomas the Train items, German Beer Steins, Atari 5200, Genesis games, Gas Powered Remote Control Truck, Yamaha Keyboard w/stand, Antler Deer sheds, walkers.

Terms & Conditions: Cash, Check with proper ID, Visa and MasterCard (with 3% clerking fee). Weekly Auctions now featuring audio/video bidding. Convenience fee for on-line bidders only.

Lunch Provided by “The Weiner Wagon” Check auctionzip for pictures and additional listing of items. www.auctionzip.com ID#14589.




Directions: Approx. 30 miles NORTH of Dayton, Ohio. From the intersection of S.R. 49 and U.S. 127 Bypass, take U.S. 127 NORTH approx. ¼ mile to Sebring-Warner Rd. and turn RIGHT or EAST to auction site, just 2 buildings EAST of the “Early Bird”. (WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS ON SALE DAY) AUTOMOBILE 1993 Geo Metro Convertible, 2 Door, 3 Cyl., 5 Speed, AM/FM Cass., New Tires, Bright Red, Black Top, Runs Good, Lots of MPG’s, 148,199 Miles. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Wood Butter Churn; Wood Coffee Grinder; Several Quilts; Wood Sugar Bucket; Several Cast Iron Footed Pots; Several Cast Iron Skillets; Wood Harp; Wood Washer Ringer; Brass Spittoon; 5 Gal. Milk Can; Parking Meter; Granite Ware Items; (2) Ice Tongs; Wood Wash Board; Several Crocks; Coal Bucket; Wood Butter Paddle; Alum. Christmas Tree; Early Valentine’s; Red 73 Creamery Milk Holder; ½ Pt. & Qt. Glass Milk Bottles (various Dairy’s); Marbles; Buttons; Sadd Iron; Tonka Jeep Truck & Horse Trailer; Early Wood View Finder; Trench Art Brass Candle Holders; Cast Iron Eagle Ash Tray; Cast Mini Stove; Early Duck Milk Pitcher; Early Typewriter; 45 Record Player; Early Roller Skates; Early Jart Game; Rug Beater; Early Medicine Bottles; Early Reversed Oval Painting on Glass; Children’s Books; Early Newspapers, Readers, U.S. History Book; Anheiser-Bush Wood Crate; Early Scales; Gone With The Wind Style Lamp; Coca-Cola Bottle Opener; Misc. Costume Jewelry; Pocket Knives; Glasses; Pins; Razors; Kero Lantern; Royal Snow Sled; Daisy Mdl. 880 Pump BB Rifle. FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Curved Front Glass Mahogany Corner Cabinet; Oak Roll Top Desk; Mersman Oak Sofa Table; Mahogany Wall Hugger Table; Beautiful Dining Table w/(10) Rose Back Chairs & Leaf; Victorian Settee w/Rose Carving Trim; Victorian Side Chair (Rose Back); Dining Table w/ (4) Hi-Back Rush Bottom Chairs; Dbl. Drop Dining Table; Pine Sofa Table; 3 Piece Maple Bedroom Suite including: Dbl. Bed w/Pillow Top Mattresses, Chest of Drawers, Dresser & Mirror; 2 Piece Mersman Maple Hutch; 9 Drawer Oak Dresser w/Mirror; Mahogany Cabinet w/ Drop Down Desk; Leather 3-Cushion Dual Reclining Sofa (Maroon); Leather Dual Reclining Love Seat (Black); Leather Recliner (Black); Black Wood Rocker; Wood Cedar Chest; Wood Blanket Chest; (2) Wood Deccan’s Benches; Several Sets of Lamp & Coffee Tables; Several Maple Cabinets & Stands; Oak Wash Stand; Wire Baker’s Rack; Wood Quilt Rack; Wood Trunk; Whiskey Barrel Stool; Wood Toy Box Bench; 6 Dr. Dresser w/Mirror; Swivel Rocker; Various Wingback Chairs; Computer Desk; Walnut Bed Frame (Full-Queen); 5 Dr. Chest of Drawers; Lighted Curio Cabinet; (2) Oak Lamp Tables; Glass Top Patio Table; Several Plant Stands; Needle Point Foot Stool; Misc. Table & Standing Lamps; Wood Amish Made Iron Board/Stool; G.E. Elec. 30” Range (White); Whirlpool Elec. 30” Range (White); Hot Point Elec. Washing Machine; Microwave Oven; Elec. Fireplace; Various Chandeliers. COMMERCIAL RESTAURANT & CATERING EQUIPMENT Stainless Steel Hobart 220 Volt Commercial Meat Saw; Stainless Steel Henny Penny Comm. Pressure Fryer/Cooker; Henny Penny Glass Front Hot Food Display Cabinet w/Lights (Mdl. HMT-5); Dbl. Door Glass Food Display Cabinet; Raetone Stainless Steel Dbl. Door Commercial Refrigerator; Stainless Steel Single Glass Door (5) Shelf Cooler; (2) Commercial Wood Butcher Blocks; Rex 18” Paper Dispenser; Lots of Bake Ware Items Including: Cake Molds, Pans, Plates, Wedding Cake Towers, Candy Molds, Mixing Bowls, Cake Decorations, Cake Stands, Pots, Pans, General Elec. Meat Slicer. GOOD GLASSWARE Lg. Fry Glass Bowl; Green Depression Pitcher, C&S, Bowl; Pink Depression Plate; Fenton Fluted Top & Hobnail Red/Pink Items; Fenton White Hobnail Items; Alabaster Donkey; Tiara Candy Dish w/Lid; Salters; (2) Glass Apples; Refrigerator Dish; Corning Baking Dishes. TOOLS – HOUSEHOLD – MISC. Kellog-American 5 H.P. Upright 220 Volt Air Compressor; MTD Gas Walk Mower; Dewalt 10” Radial Arm Saw; Toro 24 Volt Trimmer; Toro Elec. Blower; Concrete Bird Bath; 6’ Wood Ladder; Misc. Hand & Power Tools; Live Trap; Galv. Water Can; Several Igloo Coolers; Kero Heater; Box Fan; Lawn Chairs; Char-Broil Gas Grill Stainless Steel (Nice); Webber Charcoal Grill; Several Vacuum Cleaners; Misc. Luggage; Record Albums; Sm. Elec. Kitchen Appliances; Pictures; Board Games; Christmas Items; Country Decorations; Wood Wall Shelves; Tupperware; Boyd’s Bears; Seth Thomas & Linden Mantle Clocks; J.W. Hance Seed Cleaner; Cement Yard Ornaments.


Office: (937)316-8400 Michel Werner Apprentice Auctioneer

• ALL items must be paid for the day of auction. • ALL items are sold as is. • We must collect Sales Tax (except on titled vehicles). • TERMS: Cash or Good Check with Proper Photo ID; Visa / MC / Discover accepted with a 3% Clerk Fee added. • Visit us online @ www.auctionzip.com and enter USER I.D. #8673 for photos and information. • Good Food Available on Site! • Open Friday, October 9th from 9:00AM to 5:00PM for Inspection. REMEMBER: +++Never, Ever a Buyer’s (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions…What You Bid Is What You Pay! We work for our sellers, we appreciate our buyers, and we love our profession! Kirby & Staff

FRIDAY – OCT. 16TH @ 3:30 PM 114 Parkside Drive – Greenville, OH 45331 *Real Estate will be open for viewings & inspections from 3 – 6 pm*

THE ESTATE OF DARYL D. CERNY David & Neil Cerny, Co-Execs. Thomas Graber, Atty. – Darke Co. Probate Case#: PE 20151172

TROY – The TriCounty Board of Recovery and Mental Health Services at its June 24 meeting elected Dennis Butts of Greenville as Chair and Rod Austin of Sidney as Vice Chair. Austin will also chair the Finance Committee, replacing Butts. Executive Director Mark McDaniel presented a commemorative gavel to outgoing Board Chair Jason Wagner of Versailles and thanked Wagner for his leadership since becoming Board Chair in July 2013. In making the presentation, McDaniel noted “how important it is to have a dedicated and engaged Board of community volunteers with a variety of experience and talents, to ensure that the needs of the communities

they represent are being served, and that our tax dollars are put to use wisely and appropriately.” Two past Board members are rejoining the Board. Robert Menz of Sidney has been appointed by Shelby County Commissioners to a fouryear term effective June 2, 2015. Menz previously served on the Board from June 2008 to March 2014. Katharine Ketron of Troy has been appointed by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services effective July 1, 2015. Ketron previously served from June 2007 through June 2014. The Board’s membership currently stands at 15 of the 18 maximum allowable under Ohio law.


Auctioneers & Realty, Inc

Mike Baker, Auctioneer/Broker 220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com


REAL ESTATE LAND & PERSONAL PROPERTY AUCTION 1191 Red River West Grove Rd. – Laura, OH 45337


80 Acres located in Monroe Twp., Darke County, OH 80 acres m/l of mostly tillable land (no woodlands) with home and buildings will be offered to the highest bidder in one complete tract. Located approximately 1 mile north of St. Rt. 49 with approx. 1,375 feet of road frontage along Red River West Grove Road. This family farm has been exceptionally maintained and managed for many years. Currently standing crops include corn, wheat, and soy beans. Terms: $10,000 required down day of auction, balance due within 35 days. GRAIN BIN - BARN PRIMITIVES & ANTIQUES – HOUSEHOLD & SHOP TOOLS –FARM IMPLEMENTS Approx. 3,000 bu. Grain bin w/ elevated floor, bin sweep, and aeration system Antiques: Horse drawn single bottom plow; Oil Can; Motor oil tins & lard tins; Approx. 12 JD Farm toys (NIB); Wood beverage crates; Primitive milk stool; Porc. Pans; Clothes drying rack; Canes; Framed prints & pictures; Wood racks; (2) GE Radios; Adv. Yard sticks; Crocks; Medicine bottles; Tobacco presses; Beer cans; (2) Wringer washers; Radio Jet red wagon; Surveyors measuring kit; Early Ag books; Smoking stand; Copper wash boiler; Was tubs Pocket knives; Potato crates; Zenith High Fidelity record player; Adv. Fans; Celluloid dresser set; Oak music cupboard; High chair; Primitive barn items; Milk cans; Adv. Thermometers; Canning jars & supplies; Miniature handmade farm scene; Costume jewelry; 1960’s Car models; Glassware; Pink Depr. glass; EAPG; Granite & tin ware; White Mountain Ice cream maker; McCormick Dearing Cream separator; Seed cleaner; Platform scales; Stripping/butcher table; Single trees; Tackle; Cast iron heat stove; Grinder/sharpener; Push plow; Barn Prim./Implements: Oliver row crop 88 tractor w/ side shields – 8,522 hrs; IH 615 Combine w/ grain head & extra parts; Parker 200 bushel grain bin; 4 row JD planter 494A (one owner); 7 ft. Woods 84 rotary mower; Intnl. 4 row series 53 cultivators; JD spike tooth harrow; Farmall 686 heat houser & 656; Oliver 88 heat houser & windshield; Lawn roller; New old stock wagon spokes; Hog panels & wood gates; Chicken & hog feeders; (2) 200 gal. fuel tanks; Hydro cylinder; Portable air compressor; Wood wagon running gears; Oil barrels; Household & Shop: Living room furniture; Bedroom suite & other bedroom furniture; Recliner; 30 cu. Ft deep freezer; Microwave; Sm. Kitchen appliances; Gibson stove; 1952 Zenith TV; Singer sewing mach.; 1950’s desk; Board games; Bedding; Pyrex; Cookware; Alum. Step ladder; Hand tools; Hardware cabinets; Socket sets; Wrenches; Ladders; Horse harness; Tractor parts; Garden tools; Galvanized wash tubs; Butchering tools; Toro gas trimmer; Sears battery charger; many more items not listed. TERMS: Accepted payment is cash, check w/ ID, and Master Card/Visa w/ additional 3% clerking fee. Please visit WWW.MIDWEST-AUCTIONEERS. COM for more information including pictures, soil & aerial maps, and more or call 937-548-2640 for your bidders packet.

FLORENCE MAE DIETRICH TRUST Ronald & Donald Dietrich, Trustees

Midwest Auctioneers & Realty, Inc Mike Baker, Auctioneer/Broker

220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com

Pictured are John Stepp, Justin Meyers, Phil Girod, Craig Swartz, Mark Hemmerick, Don McCray, Mike Herrmann, Terry Zehr, Brad Freeman, Jerry Hinshaw, John Engle, Jesse Swafford, Stacy Hofacker, Mark Bro, Kyle Gambill, Jordan Combs, and Jack Gambill.

Company helps get IUPUI car on track CLAYTON – Hofacker Precision Machining hosted the IUPUI Jaguars Formula SAE team at their facility in Clayton earlier this year. “We are glad we were able to help out the IUPUI FSAE team by donating a number of specific parts to help get them out on the track,” said Jerry Hinshaw, Owner/ CEO. Hofacker Precision Machining employs an IUPUI student who introduced the HPM team to the Jaguars Formula SAE program. HPM gladly purchased material and donated multiple parts while becoming the main sponsor of the car which has compet-

ed at Michigan International Speedway among other venues this season. “We are very thankful that we were able to find a quality partner like Hofacker Precision Machining,” added Chris Lawrence of IUPUI. “HPM fulfilled all of our expectations and were very easy to work with.” About Hofacker Precision Machining Hofacker Precision Machining is located in Clayton, and was established in 1997 and serves as a full service aerospace precision machine shop. To learn more visit www.hofackerprecision.com or give them a call at 832-7712.

Gavin Glasscoe joins Littman Thomas GREENVILLE – As of Aug. 1, the Littman Thomas Agency in Greenville has added Gavin Glasscoe to their sales team. Gavin brings with him three years’ experience as an agent working primarily with home, auto, business and commercial insurance sales. “We are very happy to welcome Gavin to our agency. He brings youthful energy and a desire to pair his clients with products that will best meet their needs at an affordable price.” Gavin is a graduate of Franklin Monroe High School and Indiana University East with a B. S. in Education. He and

Gavin Glasscoe

his wife, the former Ann House of Arcanum, reside outside Arcanum with their two children. The Littman Thomas Agency specializes in all types of insurance including home and auto, life and health, farm and commercial. Call Gavin at 548-2131 and he will be happy to help you with all of your insurance needs.

Darke County Holman and Manmembers are Butts, dy Martin. Miami Wagner, Terrence County members


AUCTION MONDAY – OCT. 12TH @ 4:PM 110 Ave. E – Greenville, OH 45331

2000 Toyota Sienna Mini Van w/ 101,803 miles ANTIQUE & PRIMITIVE FURNITURE – HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: Aero sonic piano; Sofa w/ glass shelves; Sofa; Side chairs; Oak ent. Stand; Marble top fern stand; Hard rock maple bed & dresser; (5) Pc. Queen size bedroom suite; 3 pc. Bedroom suite – desk, double bed & dresser; Provincial style twine bed & dresser; Oak chest of drawers;(4) Roseback chairs; Duncan Phyffe 2 tier table; Sm. Decorative tray table; Kitchen table; Coat & hatrack; Bakers rack; Computer table & chair; Maple corner cupboard; Book shelves; Leather top kneehole desk; Cedar lined wardrobe; Primitive blanket chest; Slat top trunk; Large bench; Lg. high back slatted wood glider; Set of (4) highback woven wicker chairs; Early painted flip top card table; Cast metal footstool; Washer/dryer; Sm. Kitchen appliances; SS utensils; Corningware; Pyrex mixing bowls; Cookware. GLASSWARE – COLLECTIBLES: Hull rose bowl; Glassware; Crystal; Pottery; Pictures, Prints, pictures, wall hangings; (2) Antq. Bibles; Handmade quilt; Hand painted china; Hand towels & bedding; Costume jewelry; Jewelry boxes; Wool blankets; LP’s; Meadow gold milk cooler; SHOP TOOLS – LAWN & GARDEN ITEMS: Metal shelving; Hand tools & shop items; Alum. step ladder; 3 ft. step ladder; Garden tools; Ironstone sugar container; Cast Iron 3 pc. Garden set; and many more items not listed. Terms: Accepted payment is cash, check w/ ID, and Master Card or Visa w/ additional 3% clerking fee. Please visit www.midwestauctioneers.com for more information.


Randall Breaden, Exec. John Marchal, Atty. – Darke Co. Probate Case# PE20141316


Auctioneers & Realty, Inc

Mike Baker, Auctioneer/Broker 220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com


AUCTION SATURDAY – OCTOBER 17TH @ 9:30AM 1369 E Main St – Greenville, Ohio 45331

Furniture – Antiques & Collectibles – Kitchen & Household – Lawn & Garden Furniture: Queen Anne style hall table; Mirrors; 2-door glass front hutch; Howard Miller 60th Anniversary Edition Grandfather clock; (2) Regulator wall clocks; Tell City kitchen table & 4 chairs; (2) Wood entertainment centers; (2) Sofas; (2) La-Z-Boy recliners; Numerous free-standing & wallmounted wood cabinets; Wood ettagiere; Cane-bottom chairs; Oak washstand; Pedestal dinning room table w/extensions & 4 chairs; Oak pedestal table; (3) Upholstered footstools; (2) Queen Anne style coffee tables; End tables; Marble-topped tables; Corner display cabinet; (2) Glass-fronted corner curio cabinets; Oak rocking chair; Cane-bottom rocking chair; Metal vertical file shelf unit; Metal desk w/matching file cabinet; 3-drawer & 1 door metal file cabinet; (2) Barrister book cases; Dresser w/mirror; Wicker chair; Numerous arm/side chairs; (2) Oak side tables; Full-size oak bed w/head & foot boards; (4) TVs; Wicker plant stand; Bell & Howell electric organ; Floor & table lamps; Antiques & Collectibles: Limoges plates; Palissy pottery cup & saucer; Shirley Temple doll & book; English bone china cups & saucers; RS Prussia & Miessen floral plates & bowls; Kerosene lamps; Carnival glass bowls; Pink & green depression glass; EA pressed glass; Fenton lily of the valley basket; Granite ware coffee pots; Brayton Laguna cookie jars; Crystal ware; Wall-mount coffee grinder; (2) Wooden coffee grinders; Oak kitchen hutch w/pullout cutting board; Oak shaving cabinet; Wood butter churn; Crank handle telephone; Blue Willow transfer ware; Wooden rolling pins; Wire birdcage; Jewel Tea creamer; Milk glass; GWTW lamps; (2) Sets of Haviland china; (3) Sets of Rogers silverware in cases; Fenton candlesticks; Wood cradle; Folk art wall hanging; CI lion bank; Longaberger baskets, pottery, & wrought iron; Doll collection; Porcelain & glass figurines; Pottery umbrella stand; Framed artwork & pictures; Kitch. & Household Items: Hamilton Beach countertop microwave; Hamilton Beach Toastation; Kitchen Aid stand mixer; Numerous small appliances; Pyrex mixing bowls; Cookware; Cookbooks; Bedding & linens; LPs, CDs, VHS tapes; Ceramic Xmas village; Xmas decorations; Books; Home healthcare items including Wheelchairs, Walkers, Arjo Huntleigh Maxi Move, Electric lift chair, Oxygen concentrator; Board games; Office supplies; Lawn & Garden: Garden statuary; Painted lawn jockey; Rakes; Hedge trimmers; Brooms; Mops; Metal shop stool; Union Manufacturing tool chest; many more items not listed. Terms: Accepted payment is cash, check w/ ID, and Master Card/Visa w/ additional 3% clerking fee. Please visit our website: WWW.MIDWEST-AUCTIONEERS.COM for complete listing and pictures.


Arlynn Mahefkey & Sharon Haney, Co-Execs. Tom Graber, Atty. – Darke Co. Probate Case #: PE-20151173


Auctioneers & Realty, Inc

Mike Baker, Auctioneer/Broker 220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com







Tri-County Board of Recovery and Mental Health Services Executive Director Mark McDaniel, left, presents a commemorative gavel to outgoing Board Chair Jason Wagner of Versailles, marking the end of Wagner’s term as Chair.

are Ketron, Tom DeVault, Jerry Herbe, George Lovett, Roger Welklin, and Marcia Youtz Henning. Shelby County members are Austin, Menz, Velina Bogart, Vicki Hornbeck, and Marianne Helmlinger. For more information about Board terms, appointment authorities and to express interest in being a Board member, go to tcbmds.org/ board. AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUC-

HOUSEHOLD FURN. & COLLECTIBLES 3 pc. Walnut bedroom suite – dbl. bed, dresser, & chest; Sofa; Recliner; Kenmore washer & dryer; 3 pc. Book shelves; (2) cushioned side chairs; Floor lamps; Book cases; Filing cabinets; (2) Oak desk; Office chairs; Futon; Chest of drawers; Rocker/glider; Twins size bed & headboard w/ S&M; Hall tree; Kitchen table & 4 chairs; Card table; (2) Wicker porch chairs; Sm. Sanyo TV; Sm. Electronics; Whirlpool humidifier; Vacuums; Blankets & bedding; Ironing board; Scenic framed paintings; Baskets; Desk supplies; Paper shredder; Christmas décor; Lg. selection of books & Natn’l Geographics; Floor fans & heaters; Sm. GE refrigerator w/ freezer compartment; GE Refrigerator w/ top freezer; Kelvinator chest freezer; Sm. Kitchen appliances; Vita Mix drink mixer & dispenser; Bread box; Kitchen utensils & eatery; Sewing supplies; Handmade quilts & aphgans; Costume jewelry; Jewelry boxes; Leather wallets; Old luggage & trunks; Older photography equipment; Glass figurines & collectibles; Wooden German clogs; Glass Corn Oil jugs; Granite cookware. SHOP ITEMS – LAWN & GARDEN Sears ½ HP portable air compressor; Chicago Elec. Power Tools 12” bench band saw; bench vise; Hand & shop tools; Garden tools; Step ladders; Scrap wood & metal trim; Craftsman Speed Start 4 cycle mini tiller; Black & Decker battery hedge trimmers; Craftsman hand push tiller; DR Whisper Lite cordless elec. mower; MTD Limb shredder; Craftsman 220 mph leaf blower; Old gas cans; Fence post driver; 5 gal. buckets; Rolls of chicken wire; Tarps; Oxygen torch kit; Grass seeder; Dolly; Creeper; Bailing twine; Hand pump sprayer; Propane tanks; Garden hose & reels; Jack stands; Dog cage; Gutter pieces; Rakes; Shovels; Brooms; and many more items to be uncovered. Terms: Accepted payment is cash, check w/ ID, and Master Card or Visa w/ additional 3% clerking fee. Please visit www.midwestauctioneers.com for more information.

Tri-County Board elects officers







Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 27

PAGE 28 Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Shown are Bigs and Littles enjoying a craft activity together. The Big Buddy, Jennifer Terriquez from Mississinawa High school is matched with Little Buddy Abigail Barton, daughter of Maria Barton from Greenville.

Big Buddies program ends with smiles GREENVILLE – The Big Brothers Big Sisters High School mentoring program concluded 2014/15 “Big Buddies” after-school program. Each site celebrated with snacks, games and crafts. The program pairs high school sophomores, juniors and seniors with local youth and the “matches” meet twice a month throughout the school year. The High School “Buddies” work together with their “Littles” on activities that focus on educational and social enhancement, as well as personal safety. This past year our curriculum focused on Science Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). Some of the STEM activities included building a tower out of toothpicks and marshmallows, learning about chro-

matography (how marker on a coffee filter spreads when it gets wet), learning new games on Kindle Fires’, math relays, creating bubble wands, and much more. All activities are planned and supervised by the Big Brothers Big Sisters staff. The locations for the 2014/15 Darke County Big Buddies program included sites in Greenville at Woodland Heights Elementary, Ansonia Elementary, and Versailles Elementary. The Locations for Shelby County Big Buddies program includes sites at Emerson, Longfellow, Whittier, and Northwood Elementary Schools all located in Sidney. There were 23 Bigs and Littles at Woodland heights, 37 Bigs and Littles at Ansonia Elementary, 35 Bigs and Littles at Versailles Elementary,

25 Bigs and Littles at Emerson, 53 Bigs and Littles at Longfellow, 53 Bigs and Littles at Whittier, and 37 Bigs and Littles at Northwood. That equals to 263 students 18 years or younger who benefited from the after school big buddies program in Shelby and Darke County. Big Brother Big Sisters of Shelby and Darke County is a nonprofit United Way agency and an affiliate organization of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Any high school student interested in becoming a mentor for the 20152016 school year should call the office at 492-7611 or 5479622. The agency is also still in need of local adult volunteer mentors as well. If you have a couple of hours to spare two times a month we have volunteer opportunities for you.


SATURDAY OCTOBER 10TH, 2015 – 10:00 A.M. Doors open at 8:30 A.M. 5862 Kruckeberg Rd. Greenville, OH 45331

DIRECTIONS: From downtown Dayton, Ohio Take I -70 West to St. Rt. 127 North to Greenville to Kruckeberg Rd. Turn right on Kruckeberg go approx. 1 mile to sale site on left. (Watch for signs) Auctioneers Note –This is a very large auction, hope to see you there! Featuring Live Audio & Video so you can bid at home or on the go with your smart phone or tablet. Go to www.auctionzip.com, enter auctioneer ID # 3426, click on the current auction date, click on bid now button to enter auction. No buyer’s premium charged for attending the live & collectible auction. Buyer’s premium applied to online bidders only. ANTIQUES-COLLECTIBLES-COINS-INDIAN ARTIFACTSGUNS-TOOLS-GARAGE ITEMS Antiques- Alum. 6.5 Ft. Vintage Christmas Tree; Round Drum Table; Vintage Chrome Table & 6 Chairs; Antique Library Table; Empire Style Walnut Chest of Drawers W/ Dove Tailed Drawers; Drop Front Secretary Desk; Early School Desk; Indian Artifacts; Axe Heads; Silts; Hammer Heads; Guns- Antique Rifle-Rolling Block Belgium 1-Hex Barrel; Crossman Vintage Pump Pellet Rifle; Cast Iron Dinner Bells; Cast Iron Coffee Pot; Cast Iron Skillet; B.C. From B.P. Glasses & Pitchers; Toy Tractors; 1888 Darke County Plat Book; World War 11 Book; Older Books; World Globe; Oil Lamps; Vintage Doll Cradles; Costume Jewelry; 1972 & 1975 Troy, OH Class Rings; Blue Fenton Satin Bowl; Crock Jug; Vintage Hat; Art Glass Vases; Pink Depression Cracker Jar; Indian Glass Olive Hen on Nest; Vintage Novelty Items Gag Gifts; Ruby Flash Solders Home Goblets; Glass Paperweight; Green Depression Cups; Sad Irons; Crotched Linens; Coins-Sev. 1964 Roosevelt Dimes; 1964 Washington Quarters; Mercury Dimes; Kennedy & Franklin Half Dollars; Walking Liberty Half Dollars; Standing liberty Quarters; Silver Nickel; Household-Gibson Heavy Duty Freezer; White Amana Microwave; Oak Blue Rocker Gliders; Hide a Bed Sofa Green Plaid; Maple Twin Beds; Child’s Gilder Rocker; Childs Rocking Chair; Oval End Table; Step Back End Table; Bookcase; Hall Tree; Oak Bookshelf; Oak Drop Leaf Table; Metal 27 Drawer Card File; Knee Hold Desk; Wood Rocker; Floor Lamp; Brass Lamps; TV: Corning ware Dish Set; Corning ware Baking Dishes; Misc. Pots; Pans; Rival Crock Pot; Lg. Plastic Santa Claus; Lg. Selection of Christmas Items; Garage- Coleman Powermate Pressure Washer; Kennedy Tool Box; Fiberglass Picnic Table; Metal Lawn Chairs; Coolers; Garden Seeder; Meat Grinder On Bench; And More.


TERMS: CASH or local checks w/proper ID. Visa & Master Card Accepted w/3% Clerk Fee. Auctioneer licensed in Ohio. Auction held INSIDE facility. We must collect sales tax.

Midmark program helps teammates DAYTON – The Midmark Foundation recently announced its participation in a new volunteer donation program for all of its U.S. teammates called “Paying it Forward.” With this program, Midmark teammates can volunteer with the organization of their choice and after 25 service hours, Midmark will donate $250 to the organization. Every teammate and their spouse/ partner are eligible for this program providing the organization of choice is preapproved by the Midmark Foundation Board. Eligible organizations are ones that provide assistance in healthcare and education, as well as community stability programs. Eligible programs that Midmark partners with are ones such as The Dayton Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity, St. Vincent De Paul, YMCA, and several others, but many teammates have stepped outside the box and are contributing to organizations that hit close to home. Jorge Monroy, senior financial analyst, is a board member for Dayton SMART Elementary School, the only public bilingual elementary school in Dayton. With Midmark’s participation in the “Paying it Forward” program, their contribution will help pay for a new playground area for the children.

“I maintain a close eye and ear to the wants and needs of our student body,” stated Monroy. “Thanks to Midmark’s focus on healthy living and community outreach, their contribution will help our school’s quest to obtain the resources needed.” With the “Paying it Forward” program, Monroy is not the only teammate making a difference in the lives of others. Amy Denlinger, an operations manager in Midmark’s dental division, is using this program to volunteer time for the youth of Versailles. By serving on the Young Life Committee, Amy is running fundraisers to assist children in raising funds to attend summer camp. “Young Life meets kids of all walks of life right where they are,” said Denlinger. “We build trusting relationships with the kids in our community, and help support them on a personal and spiritual level. I have gotten to know several of the kids and just love spending time with them.” Other teammates are participating in this volunteer program with local organizations such as the Volunteer Fire Department in Osgood, and the Versailles Music Boosters and Performing Arts Center to help make an impact in their hometowns. The “Paying It Forward” program embodies the mis-

Advisory Council seeks representatives GREENVILLE – Are you interested in early childhood education issues? Please share your voice in an opportunity to help shape an innovative and positive future of our young children. Call today and be part of the solution. The Council on Rural Services… programs for innovative learning, your local early childhood education provider for Head Start and Early Head Start, needs interested community representatives to join the early childhood advisory council. This group has the task of reviewing program design for quality standards that result in improved outcomes for young children from birth through age 5. The advisory council is made up of program parents as well as members of the community. They review grants, participate in program evaluations, provide insight into local needs, and serve as a liaison to the community in sharing the value and necessity of early education services. As a member of this early childhood advisory council, you will also influence continued services

of health, nutrition and parent involvement; all of which increase a child’s readiness for school. If you live or work in any of the following counties (Auglaize, Champaign, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Preble, Shelby, and Van Wert) served by the Council on Rural Services, please call Skye Roberts at 937.778.8220 or email to sroberts@ corsp.org about an application. Monthly meetings are held at A Learning Place in Piqua, the second Tuesday of each month, from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon with lunch following the meeting. You can play an important role in your community and our children’s future! Council on Rural Services provides education, support, and volunteer services through programs such as Kids Learning Place™, Head Start, Early Head Start, Gateway Youth Programs, Achievement Center for Educational Success, and Community Connectors in the nine county service area, check the web at www. councilonruralservices.org for more information.

This Young Life Group is one of the organizations that could benefit from Midmark’s new volunteer donation program.

sion and values that Midmark has carried for 100 years now. With a passion to make a difference in the practice of healthcare and to every life touched, Midmark values the engagement of teammates in the community. Just last year, Midmark raised more than $42,000 for various organiza-

tions, potentially saved more than 5,000 lives through its partnership with the Community Blood Center and donated hundreds of pieces of equipment to countries in need through the World Vision global organization and Union Gospel Mission. Global Community Relations

Manager, Mitch Eiting commented, “Every year, Midmark seeks opportunities to contribute to the needs of communities and the world. With the “Paying it Forward” volunteer program and the commitment to continually live out our motto, “Because we care”, 2015 is no exception.


WEDNESDAY– OCTOBER 21, 2015 - 5:00 P.M. Open House Dates

Wednesday October 7th 5:00-6:00 P.M. Sunday October 11th 1:00-2:30 P.M. Wednesday October 14th 5:00-6:00 P.M.

1142 South Shawnee Dr. Wayne Lakes, Greenville, OH 45331

DIRECTIONS: From Greenville, OH take 127 S. turn right onto 36 W, turn right onto 121S. Turn right onto Main Dr. in Wayne Lakes, Follow Main Dr. to Shawnee Dr. (Watch for signs). Selling at auction is this 1,248 square foot, ranch style house built in 1973 located in the quaint village of Wayne Lakes; boasting a large 20’ x 16’ wood deck overlooking Shawnee Lake. This home, offers a kitchen which includes the stove and refrigerator, living room, utility room and 2 bath. Featuring a master bedroom, & 2 additional bedrooms, 1 including a gas fireplace. This home offers central air conditioning and electric heat pump. Come and see the possibilities of what your home could be! TERMS: Buyer to pay 3,000.00 down day of auction, with the balance due at closing. Closing shall be on or before November 26th, 2015. Buyer shall have possession day of closing. Seller to pay all taxes up to day of closing. Buyer to pay all taxes due & payable thereafter. Have your financing arranged & be prepared to buy. Call 937-547-3202 or 423-2656 or go to www.edwardsauctions.com for more details.



SATURDAY– OCTOBER 24, 2015 - 10:00 A.M. Open House Dates Tuesday October 13th 5:00-6:00 P.M. Sunday October 18th 1:00-2:30 P.M. Tuesday October 20th 5:00-6:00 P.M.

5352 Heritage Rd., Greenville, OH 45331

DIRECTIONS: From Dayton, OH, take 49 N.to Heritage Rd. (Watch for signs). Selling at auction is this spacious, ready to move into, one story home located in Darke County close to the fairgrounds and shopping; built in 1945 with 2,625 sq. ft. This home offers three bedrooms, two full baths, kitchen, living room w/fireplace, and a family room. Also features a, den and a utility room. For relaxation, there is an enclosed sun room/patio, and a covered porch. The fenced in back yard contains a utility shed and a large dog kennel. Attached to the home is a 2-car garage, all situated on 0.75 acres of land. Come and see the possibilities of what your home could be! TERMS: Not an absolute sale, will sell by owners confirmation. Buyer to pay $5,000.00 down day of auction, with the balance due at closing. Closing shall be on or before November 26, 2015. Buyer shall have possession day of closing. Seller to pay all taxes up to day of closing. Buyer to pay all taxes due & payable thereafter. Have your financing arranged & be prepared to buy. Call 937-547-3202 or 423-2656.


Thomas Graber Attorney, Darke County Case # 2015-1-202 and Lois Elson

Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 29


Music will fill the air on Broadway

Cover photo of the 2015 Darke County Parks Calendar of Worth Family Preserve submitted by Kate Young.

Still time to enter DCP photo contest GREENVILLE – Calling all amateur photographers! There are still a few more weeks to submit photos for the 2015 Darke County Park District Photo Contest. Get outside and capture the beauty of your Darke County Parks! The winning photos submitted will be used to create a 2016 calendar. There are 12 Darke County Parks and 12 months in the year. The goal is to feature a different park each month highlighting the particular season. The rules are as follows. Photos must be taken in one of the Park District’s 12 park areas during 2014 or 2015 and submitted by amateur photographers only. (Amateur is defined as someone who does not earn more than half of their income through photography.) Scenery photos are preferred, but photos of people using the parks may be submitted. (A model release form must be signed if there are recognizable people featured in the photo.) Photos must be in a horizontal orientation only and must be submitted digitally

(6 megapixel minimum.) No more than five entries can be submitted per photographer per month. Entrants under 18 years old require a signature from their parent or guardian. All photos submitted become the property of the Darke County Park District who retains the right to use all submitted photos in any advertising and or promotion it deems suitable. Entries will be evaluated based on appeal, content, and photographic skill, and the judges’ decision will be final. Credit will be given to the winning photographer in the 2016 Darke County Park District Calendar. The deadline for submissions is November 1, 2015. Please submit photos to Naturalist Hannah Linebaugh at hlinebaugh@darkecountyparks.org; include the date and location where the photo was taken and the photographer’s name. For any questions about the 2015 Darke County Parks Photo Contest, contact Hannah Linebaugh at the above email or by calling the Nature Center at 548-0165.

Painted pumpkins greet kids as they start round two of The Great Pumpkin Hunt.

The Great Pumpkin Hunt at County Parks GREENVILLE – Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere! Wander through the woods in search of fall’s most popular color, orange! Each pumpkin contains a special fall treat, but participants must answer some fall trivia questions to find the hidden goodies. Inside the Nature Center each child will get a pumpkin to paint and take home. Children are encouraged to wear a costume and receive an extra prize!

The Great Pumpkin Hunt will take place on Oct. 24, 1-3 p.m., at Shawnee Prairie Preserve, 4267 St. Rt. 502 west of Greenville. Pre-registration is required, and a $6 fee is charged. To register for this fun fall event, call the Nature Center at 548-0165. To find out more about other programs offered by the Darke County Park District, call the office, visit darkecountyparks.org, or make the trip to visit the Nature Center.

GREENVILLE – The next time you are in downtown Greenville, close your eyes and open your ears. Quickly, you will notice background music now fills the air of the historic district. Main Street Greenville, the non-profit organization created to help revitalize the downtown district, typically plays holiday music throughout downtown from the end of November through the first of January. Now, music will be offered all year-round for residents and visitors to enjoy. “Our Design Committee works to create a welcoming environment in the downtown area. They felt offering music all-year would make the district more inviting,” said Amber Garrett, Executive Director of Main Street Greenville. Shortly after coming up with the idea, the YOLO Organization and the Greyson James Steyer Fund through the Darke County Foundation partnered to provide the financial support to make the project possible. The YOLO Organization was created by Phillip & Jodi Pierri, through their passion to give back to their community. The Pierri’s established a funding source through the festival of races the organization has created and managed. Proceeds from their events are used to assist with local projects to help build a better place to live. When asked why YOLO made the decision to get involved with the project, Phillip said, “Our family loves downtown Greenville and believes in the work that Main Street Greenville is doing. This is the first project YOLO has donated to. We look forward to helping with many more future community projects similar to this one.” The Greyson James Steyer Fund was created by Matt & Mindy Steyer, in memory of their son. “Thank you to our family and friends who continue to remember our son,” said Matt. “As a supporter of downtown Greenville, our family is happy and honored that Greyson is able to partner with us on this music project.” In March, the YOLO Organization and the Greyson James Steyer Fund donated $3,500 to Main Street Greenville, for the purpose of updating the downtown speaker system. The upgrade

State of the Heart meets GREENVILLE – State of the Heart Hospice will hold its 2015 annual meeting on Oct. 5, 6 p.m. The meeting will take place at State of the Heart Hospice’s community room, 1350 N. Broadway, Greenville, at 6 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.

If this happens to your vehicle... call

allowed for new equipment and wiring the sound system into Main Street Greenville’s office. Music played in public places and shopping districts is much more than just simple background music. Studies have shown it can encourage a longer visit, reduce crime, and even increase sales. “We want downtown Greenville to be a destination where people will want to visit, time and time again. We feel this is one more step in the right direction,” said Garrett. Before moving forward with the project, Main Street Greenville asked for the downtown business owner’s opinions and suggestions about the days and hours in which music would be played. The organization also contacted the city about any potential concerns or issues. Work for this project was completed by local businesses, Greg Peck Sound, 3-Way Electric, and Doss Business Systems. At this time, Main Street Greenville

is testing different volume levels to find the best fit for the district. They also plan to change the type of music offered each day, ranging from oldies to current hits. Main Street Greenville is committed to stimulating and supporting revitalization efforts, historic preservation and economic growth in Historic Downtown Greenville. To learn more about the organization, visit www. DowtownGreenville.org or call 548-4998. You can also like the organization on Facebook to receive updates on a regular basis.

If you look up while in downtown Greenville you will notice new speakers have been installed in the business district.

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2015 GMC Canyon ................................ $27,500

All-Terrain, 2WD, Crew Cab, low miles, St. 8481A Was $29,500

2015 GMC Sierra SLE Z71 .................... $36,995 4 WD, Crew Cab, low miles, St. 8525A

Was $38,995

2WD, V6, Low Miles, St. 8431A

Was $32,995

2WD V8, Crew Cab, St. 8515A

Was $34,995

4WD, V8, Crew Cab, St. 8467A

Was $42,995

4WD, Diesel, Crew Cab 2500, St. 8416A

Was $45,995

4WD, Crew Cab, one-owner, St. 8379A

Was $29,995

4WD, Ext. Cab, St. 8385A

Was $27,995

Crew Cab, 4WD, St. 7858C

Was $26,500

4WD, Crew Cab, St. 8257A

Was $23,995

2014 GMC Sierra SLE .......................... $29,995 2014 Sierra SLT ................................... $33,995 2014 Ford F-250 Lariat ........................ $40,995 2013 GMC Sierra SLT ........................... $43,995 2012 GMC Sierra SLE .......................... $26,995 2012 GMC Sierra SLE .......................... $25,500 2011 Chevrolet Silverado LT ................ $24,500 2011 Chevrolet Avalanche LT .............. $21,995 2010 GMC Sierra SLE .......................... $25,995 Leather, 4WD, Crew Cab, low miles, St. 8448A Was $27,995



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2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee ................. $22,995 4WD, Laredo, Sunroof, St. 8271A

Was $24,995

FWD, Leather, One Owner, St. 8381A

Was $26,995

FWD, 4DR, St. 8388A

Was $23,995

2012 Buick Enclave ............................. $24,500 2011 GMC Acadia SLT ......................... $20,995




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PAGE 30 Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


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2011 Chevy Malibu LTZ

33,XXX miles, Extra Clean, Heated Leather

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2001 GMC Sonoma

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$24,995 2008 Chevy Silverado 4.8 Ltr. V8, 4X4, 136,XXX miles



2013 Chevy Equinox LTZ

2012 Chevy Silverado 1500 Ext. Cab, 5.3 Ltr. V8, 4x4, 54,XXX miles

56,XXX miles, 4 cylinder, FWD, Black

Garden clubs host annual wreath sale GREENVILLE – The Ladybug Garden Club and Butterflies Junior Garden Club have kicked off its annual live wreath sale of fresh mixed wreaths, traditional door swags, roping and mixed bunches to decorate for the holidays. Each wreath is constructed of fresh Noble Fir, accented with Incense Cedar, Blue Berried Juniper and Ponderosa Pine Cones. The wreaths are available in 20”, 24”, 28”, 32”, and 42” diameters. The roping is of white pine. The mixed bunches have Noble Fir, Princess Pine, Blue Berried Juniper and Incense Cedar. The traditional door swags are attractive with a combination of Western Red Cedar, Princess Pine, and Ponderosa Pine Cones. The 24 inch wreath is ideal for a front



$18,995 2012 GMC Terrain, silver, 31,000 miles ......................................... $18,995 2012 Honda CRV AWD EXL black ................................................ $23,995 2012 GMC Terrain, 32,000 Miles ................................................... $18,995 2012 Chevy Sonic LT 4dr, hatchback, orange Was $11,500 ........................................................ Now only $10,637 2011 Honda Accord Special Edition, leather, sunroof, only 60,000 miles, Was $15,995 .................................... Now $14900 2010 Honda CRV 4WD .................................................................. $16,995 2009 Chevy Impala 102,XXX miles, 3.5 ltr, V6 ..............Now Only $9,995 2007 Jeep Compass, local trade, 66,XXX miles ............................. $9,495

$26,995 2007 Pontiac G5, 2 dr., sunroof, 4 cyl., automatic, 107,XXX mi. ........................................................... $6,995 2006 Jeep Liberty Limited Edition, sunroof ................Now Only $9,995 2003 Ford Focus ...........................................................Now Only $4,995 2002 Mercury Sable ........................................................................ $3,595 2001 Chevy S10, Regular Cab 2WD, 4 cyl., 327,XXX miles............................................................. $4,995 2000 Dodge Grand Caravan........................................................... $4,995 1996 Jeep Grand Jeep Grand Cherokee....................................... $2,950




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door or fireplace and sells for $25.00. A red velvet, red-plaid wired or natural colored bow can be added for an additional $5. Orders can be placed

with members of the Butterflies Junior Garden Club and the Ladybug Garden Club or by calling Kim Cromwell at 547-0899.

President Lavern Weitzel presented Cody Fields with a $500 scholarship check.

Ft. Recovery Cruise-in set for Oct. 10 FT. RECOVERY – A Cruise-in will be held Oct. 10, 4-8 p.m., on the streets of Fort Recovery, rain or shine. Proceeds will be used to fund community projects and three $500 automotive scholarships. Dash plaques and more than 40 awards will be given away. Cars, trucks and motorcycles are welcome to participate. For more information, call (419)

375-4908. The car club has donated to the Fort Recovery Museum, school, fire department, police, Camp Bearable, Center for Neurological Development and more. The Cruise-in is sponsored by area merchants, Fort Recovery Merchants and Fort Street Car Classics Car Club.






2015 CHEVY EQUINOX 2LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, leather, loaded, like new, black granite, 18,152 miles ................................................................................................... $27,995 ....... $26,900 2015 CHEVY TAHOE LTZ 4X4, 5.3L V6, DVD System, loaded, like new, silver, 1,903 miles ................................................................................................................. $56,995 ....... $55,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., gray, 20,697 miles ................. $22,995 ....... $21,500 2013 CHEVY SILVERADO ½ TON LT CREW CAB 4X4, 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 49,835 miles......................................................................................... $29,995 ....... $28,900 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LS FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., blue, 25,798 miles ................ $18,995 ....... $17,500 2013 GMC SIERRA SLE EXT. CAB, 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, exc. cond., blue granite, 26,248 miles .................................................................................................... $30,995 ....... $29,500 2013 CHEVY ¾ TON EXPRESS CARGO VAN, 6.0L V8, well equipped, like new, white, 11,017 miles ............................................................................................................... $30,995 ....... $29,500 2011 CHEVY EQUINOX FWD LT, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, exc. cond., silver, 60,995 miles ............................................................................................................... $14,995 ....... $13,900 2011 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 97,457 miles ........................................................................................................... $17,995 ....... $16,900 2011 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., blue, 84,089 miles ................................................................................................................ $14,995 ....... $13,900 2010 NISSAN CUBE FWD, 2.0L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., maroon, 111,359 miles ................ $10,995 ......... $8,900 2008 CHEVY ½ TON EXTENDED CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, exc. cond., brown, 136,771 miles ........................................................................................................... $16,995 ....... $15,900 2007 CHEVY HHR LT FWD, 2.2L 4 cyl., all power, good cond., lavender, 196,743 miles .............. $5,995 ......... $4,500 2007 CHEVY HHR LS FWD, 2.2L 4 cyl., loaded good cond., lavender, 229,577 miles .......................................................................................................... $4,995 ......... $3,500 2007 CHEVY AVALANCHE LTZ 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, white, 126,811 miles ............................................................................................................. $18,995 ....... $17,900 2006 TOYOTA RAV 4 FWD, 3.5L V6, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 102,304 miles ...................... $11,995 ....... $10,500 2005 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, very nice, beige, 187,141 miles ...... $9,995 ......... $8,900 2005 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., diamond white, 132,910 miles .............................................................................................. $10,995 ......... $9,500 2005 FORD ESCAPE XLT 2WD, 3.0L V6, sunroof, all power, very nice, maroon, 153,759 miles........................................................................................... $6,995 ......... $5,500 2004 CHEVY SILVERADO ¾ TON EXT. CAB 2WD, P.U., 6.0L V8, auto, air, good cond., white, 283,613 miles ........................................................................................... $6,995 ......... $5,500 2003 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 4X4, 4.2L 6 cyl., all power, very nice, beige, 100,455 miles .............................................................................................................. $6,995 ......... $5,500 2003 CHEVY ½ TON EXT. CAB LS 4X4, P.U., 5.3L V8, loaded, good cond., gray, 223,807 miles ................................................................................................................ $7,995 ......... $6,500 2002 CHEVY SILVERADO ½ TON REG. CAB 2WD, P.U., 4.3L V6, auto, air, cruise, good cond., beige, 206,122 miles ............................................................................... $5,995 ......... $4,500 2002 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB 4WD P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., white, 101,500 miles................................................... $10,995 ......... $9,500 2002 CHEVY VENTURE LS VAN, 3.4L V6, loaded, good cond., blue, 185,647 miles ................... $4,995 ......... $2,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 142,478 miles ............................................................................................ $9,995 ......... $8,900 2000 CHEVY SILVERADO ½ TON EXT. CAB 4X4, P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, good cond., red, 242,110 miles .................................................................................................................. $6,995 ......... $5,500 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats, all power, nice cond., green, 144,748 miles .............................................................................................................. $6,995 ......... $5,900


2014 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., all power, like new, blue, 4,150 miles ........................ $17,995 ....... $16,500 2013 CHEVY CRUZE LTZ, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 9,841 miles ...... $17,995 ....... $16,900 2013 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., gray, 13,041 miles ...... $17,995 ....... $16,500 2013 CHEVY MALIBU LTZ, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., champagne silver, 19,541 miles ........................................................................................... $19,995 ....... $18,900 2013 CHEVY MALIBU ECO, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp!, black, 39,146 miles ................................................................................................... $20,995 ....... $19,500 2012 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, one owner, loaded, super nice, black, 38,534 miles .... $15,995 ....... $14,900 2012 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, one owner, loaded, like new, silver, 25,890 miles ............................................................................................................... $16,995 ....... $15,900 2012 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 54,800 miles.. $15,995 ....... $14,900 2012 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, all power, like new, silver, 30,905 miles . $15,995 ....... $14,500 2011 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, loaded, very nice, gold mist, 77,280 miles ................... $11,995 ....... $10,900





2011 CHEVY CAMARO LT COUPE, 3.6L V6, RS Package, sunroof, loaded, sharp, blue, 22,754 miles ..................................................................................................... $23,995 ....... $21,900 2009 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., all power, one owner, very nice, blue, 140,706 miles ................................................................................................................ $8,995 ......... $7,500 2009 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, red, 21,677 miles .................................................................................................................. $14,995 ....... $13,900 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LS, 4 dr., 3.5L V8, loaded, very nice, gray, 140,754 miles.......................... $5,995 ......... $4,900 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 115,528 miles ..... $10,995 ......... $9,500 2006 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 163,567 miles ................................................................................................................ $7,995 ......... $6,500 2006 CHEVY MONTE CARLO SS, 2 dr., 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, white, 90,141 miles ............................................................................................................... $11,995 ....... $10,500 2006 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.2L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., white, 132,199 miles ............................................................................................................... $8,995 ......... $7,500 1998 CHEVY CAVALIER LS, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., auto, air, good cond., green, 189,328 miles .............................................................................................................. $2,995 ......... $1,900


2009 PONTIAC G6 GT, 2 dr., 3.5L V6, sunroof, loaded, sharp, maroon, 76,089 miles ........................................................................................................... $11,995 ....... $10,500


2014 BUICK REGAL GS AWD, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, diamond white, 26,173 miles ................................................................................................ $28,995 ....... $27,900 2013 BUICK REGAL PREMIUM, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, crystal red, 26,985 miles....................................................................................................... $22,995 ....... $21,500 2012 BUICK LACROSSE, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, brown, 13,243 miles ............................................................................................................. $23,995 ....... $22,500 2012 BUICK REGAL T TYPE, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, white diamond, 29,717 miles ................................................................................................ $20,995 ....... $19,900 2009 BUICK LACROSSE CXL, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., gray, 73,847 miles ................................................................................................................ $10,995 ......... $9,500 2007 BUICK LUCERNE CXS, 4 dr., 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, super nice, gray, 76,028 miles ................................................................................................................ $12,995 ....... $11,900 2007 BUICK LUCERNE CXL, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 178,737 miles .............................................................................................................. $8,995 ......... $6,900 2006 BUICK LUCERNE CXL, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., green, 112,282 miles ............................................................................................................ $10,995 ......... $8,900 2005 BUICK LACROSSE CXS, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., silver, 86,683 miles ........................................................................................................................... $9,995 ......... $8,500 2003 BUICK CENTURY CUSTOM, 4 dr., 3.1L V6, all power, one owner, exc. cond., beige, 42,660 miles ................................................................................................................ $8,995 ......... $7,500 2002 BUICK LESABRE LIMITED, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, very nice, silver, 125,876 miles ............................................................................................................... $9,995 ......... $8,500 2000 BUICK LESABRE CUSTOM, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, cloth seats, loaded, good cond., beige, 157,232 miles .............................................................................................................. $8,995 ......... $6,900 1999 BUICK CENTURY LIMITED, 4 dr., 3.1L V6, leather, loaded, nice car, maroon, 128,243 miles ........................................................................................................... $5,995 ......... $4,900


2012 HARLEY DAVIDSON SOFT TAIL CLASSIC, one owner, many extras, like new, maroon, 1,307 miles......................................................................... $22,995 ....... $19,900 2011 HYUNDAI SONATA, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., maroon, 95,583 miles ........... $12,995 ....... $11,500 2010 FORD FUSION SE 4 dr 2.5 L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., gray, 126,670 miles .............................................................................................................. $10,995 ......... $9,500 2006 CADILLAC CTS, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, black, 124,526 miles ............................................................................................................... $8,995 ......... $7,900 2006 CADILLAC CTS, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, gray, 74,041 miles ................................................................................................................ $16,995 ....... $13,900 2002 OLDSMOBILE ALERO, 4 dr., 3.4L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, good cond., white, 163,777 miles ............................................................................................................... $4,995 ......... $3,500 1997 CADILLAC DEVILLE, 4 dr., 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., green, 119,533 miles .............................................................................................................. $4,995 ......... $2,500 1996 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, nice car, beige, 163,266 miles .............................................................................................................. $4,995 ......... $2,500

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PAGE 32 Sunday, October 4, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com



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128 oz Essential Everyday White Vinegar ............................... $1.99 8 oz Ortega Taco Sauce .................. $1.49 18 oz Quaker Oats Oatmeal ........... $1.99 5 oz Chicken of the Sea Chunk Light Tuna...................................... $0.79 9.2-13.8 oz Keebler Townhouse or Club Crackers ................................. $2.49 26 oz Essential Everyday Family Size Soup .............................. 1.39 14.5-15 oz Essential Everyday Tomatoes......................................... 0.79 12-16 oz Betty Crocker Ready to Spread Frosting ......................................... $1.39

12-16 oz Barilla Pasta


8-12 oz Hershey’s Baking Chips ...... $2.49 36.2-40.9 oz Hershey’s Halloween Candy ........................ $10.99 .87-1.62 oz McCormick Mexican Seasoning Packets ........................... 0.59 15 oz Essential Everyday Mayonnaise..................................... 1.99 64 oz/ 8 ct Juicy Juice..................... $2.99 3 ct Puffs Family Facial Tissue ........ $4.99 100 oz Essential Everyday Laundry Detergent ...................................... $4.99 116-121 oz Clorox Bleach ............... $3.99 35 lb Tidy Cats Scoop Cat Litter .... $12.99


6 pk 12 oz bottles Not Your Father’s Root Beer



BUY 10 FOR $10.00

48 oz Randall Beans



8 oz Sargento Shredded Cheese ...... 2.49 10-12 oz Essential Everyday String Cheese ................................ $2.99 8-12.4 oz Essential Everyday Cinnamon or Crescent Rolls .......... $1.49


7-12.1 oz Bear Creek Dry Soup Mix

Kellogg’s Cereal: Corn Flakes 12, Apple Jacks 8.7, Corn Pops 9.2, Rice Krispies 9 oz, Froot Loops 8.7, Frosted Flakes 10.5, 15.25-19 oz Raisin Bran 13.7 Campbell’s Chunky Soup

When you buy 4. Others will be $1.49


oz 15.35Cookies 11.3-O o co re Nabis

8 ct Kellogg’s Pop-Tart

2 Lb Essential Everyday Brown or Powdered Sugar

18-34.2 oz Digiorno Pizza




2L Coke Products

24 oz Reiter Cottage Cheese

.75 oz 10-15 Potato or ay Frito eLttle Chips K

5.33-6.63 oz Pringles Potato Crisps




othe 3. All y u b you 4.49 When will be $



4 lb ryday e ar tial Ev Essen ulated Sug Gran

2 oz 8 pk 1ts , z o 2 c 1 12 pk epsi Produ P

1.5 oz 10.3-r1s Coffee Folge

16 oz International Delight Creamers


12 ct Stone Ridge Ice Cream Sandwiches ................... $3.49 24-29.5 oz Banquet Boneless Chicken Poly Bag ........................... $3.99 4.44-11 oz Smart Ones Frozen Entrée ............................... $2.49 7 oz Bagel Bits Frozen Snacks ......... $1.99

22-28.05 oz Tyson Any’tizers Breaded Chicken............................ $8.99 12-16 oz Oscar Mayer Beef Franks.................................... $3.99

$ 12 / 3

59 oz Tropicana Orange Juice

qt Dairy Pure Half/Half


Miller’s Amish Split Chicken Breast ............................. 1.69 lb 19 oz Johnsonville Bratwurst or Italian Sausage ............................ 3.99


16 oz Bob Evans Roll Sausage


2/ 1 $

Extra Large Pumpkins

Decorative Gourds ........................ 4/$3

4.49 lb

or annongurt D z o 6 nch Yo Yocru

1/2 gal. TRUMOO Chocolate Milk


Grown in Ohio

4.99 lb

1.49 lb

Sutton’s Signature Boneless Honey BBQ Wings .......................... 4.99 lb

1.39 lb

USDA Choice Black Angus Chuck Roast

Potato or Macaroni Salad

5.49 lb


Tomatoes on the Vine

4.29 lb

Wilson Roast Beef or Corned Beef

Signature Mild Cheddar or Pepper Jack Cheese

Navel Oranges


USDA Choice Black Angus Eye Round Roast


7.99 lb

op ew Cr 8 lb Nt Potatoes Russe ef nd Ben Grou% a 85 le





18-19 oz Progresso Vegetable Classic Soups

0.5 oz 18.3-2Crocker Bettyditional Tra ie Mix Brown

z 15.5 oks o o r B li Chi Beans 14 oz Essential Everyday Pizza Sauce gal Hinckley Springs Nursery Water 1.41-1.9 oz Essential Everyday Instant Oatmeal 1.25 oz McCormick Chili Seasoning 1.9-7.2 oz Rice-a-Roni or Pasta-Roni

oz 10-16 Eye Birdszen Fro bles a Veget 5.3 oz Dannon Greek Yogurt 12-16.3 oz Pillsbury Grands Refrigerated Biscuits 14.25 oz Essential Everyday Bagels

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