Early Bird eNewspaper 100817

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The Early Bird/BlueBag Media is proud to sponsor the Downtown Greenville


Line up for the parade/costume contest starts at 6:30 pm next to the Wayne Cinema building. The parade starts at 7 pm. Trick or Treating will start at 7:45pm.


W E E K E N D E D I T I O N - O C TO B E R 8 , 2 0 1 7


MV grad in Vegas: ‘It was a war zone’ SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

MIAMISBURG - Former Union City resident and Hospice nurse Chris Williford-Hole may never forget the night of Sunday, Oct. 1. “I’ve never been to a war zone, but could imagine that’s what it would look like. There were bodies everywhere,” said Williford-Hole of her experience following Sunday’s mass murder at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas, Nev. Williford-Hole, who now lives in Miamisburg, is a 1990 graduate of Mississinawa Valley High School. She studied nursing at Clark State Community College and has worked as a Hospice nurse. Williford-Hole, 45, said she started her nursing career as a tech in the emergency room at Good Samaritan Hospital in Dayton. “I would occasionally see gunshot wounds in passing as a tech. But I was not the hands-on person. Nothing like what I saw in Las Vegas. This was like a war zone.” Williford-Hole flew to

Vegas to attend the threeday country music festival at the request of a friend. “A friend of mine had an extra ticket and knew I loved country music just as much as she does.” The two attended all three days of the concert. Then a little after 10 p.m. Sunday, the crowd they were standing in began moving as the first shots rang out from Mandalay Bay. “There were a lot of us in the area I was in. Everyone started shifting to my right,” as they realized what they were hearing was not part of the music or fireworks or a sound show. “There was a pretty tall fence with a sound booth that provided some shelter to hide behind,” WillifordHole said. At only 4’11” tall, Williford-Hole soon realized she was not going to be able to get over the fence. “My friend got over. I told her to go on. I knew I couldn’t get over. People behind me were pushing, shoving and stepping over me to get out. I ran back toward where we were. There were bodies everywhere.” Williford-Hole then de-

Garrison says city supports .45 mill levy RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Greenville Safety Service Director Curt Garrison has been questioned several times regarding the city’s position on the proposed .45 mill levy for Emergency Communications, which will be decided by Darke County voters this fall. Although Garrison addressed the question during The Early Bird/Bluebag Media’s Facebook Town Hall meeting, he addressed it again on Tuesday with a letter to Greenville City Council. The letter reiterates the city’s support of the levy. Garrison has previously said the city will be making the switch to the MARCS (Multi-Agency Radio Communications System) when the county goes to the system in April 2018. He pointed out many agencies that surround Darke County have already made the switch to MARCS and with the county making the move to the system, the county will be able to communicate with the surrounding agencies. He also pointed out flaws with current VHF system are safety issues. “Due to the typography and geography, local agencies have a

difficult time communicating between each other and their respective dispatch,” he said. The City of Greenville, according to Garrison, was part of the Communications Committee that unanimously voted to make the switch providing the Darke County Commission provided a sustainable revenue source. Failure of the levy will definitely have an impact on the city’s budget Garrison told council members. “The city would need to spend $37,000 each year for the next five years to be fully operable with new radios. Each subsequent year, the city should budget for replacing a certain amount of radios and equipment.” He continued, “With current projects slated for completion with the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Fund, the burden of the MARCS radios may cause certain projects to be put on hold or postponed.” Garrison pointed out some agencies in the county will be able to absorb the cost of new radios, but other villages and townships will not. The Emergency Communications levy will be Issue 3 on Darke County ballots. The Facebook Live Town Hall can still be viewed on The Early Bird’s Facebook Page or You Tube channel.

1990 MV grad, Chris Williford-Hole (right) put her nurse’s training to use in the aftermath of the Las Vegas mass murder. She is shown with her daughter, Phoebe Hole.

cided to do what she was trained to do – help. “There was a guy – I just remember his face – and we were crawling through bodies checking for pulses, doing CPR. There was a girl with a gunshot wound to her leg. I took my belt off and used it as a tourniquet.” At that point, Williford-Hole said she realized there was a back exit from the venue and she could see cars starting to pull up to help transport the wounded to area hospitals. “They had turned on the stage lighting as Jason Aldean left the stage,” Williford-Hole said. “It was

still dark and you couldn’t tell who was moving, who was breathing.” Williford-Hole describes how she would wait until the shots would end as the shooter – Stephen Paddock, 64 - would either reload or pick up another weapon. She would then crawl to another person to help. “There were shots ricocheting off things. I could hear them hitting right next to me,” she describes. “We would get people back to the back exit where we knew there were vehicles.” At one point, WillifordHole heard a woman yelling “I’m a nurse, too.” That


DCVS Department Head/ CVSO were selected to represent the Veterans of Darke County in the ceremony. The four veterans included: Tom Pitman, Air Force Veteran and DCVS Department Head/CVSO – James Stamcoff, DCVS Commissioner and Air Force Veteran (1966-1970) – Byron Hart, Army Veteran (1957-1959) – John Longfellow, Air Force Veteran (1948-1952). “It was a great opportunity to represent Darke County and the veterans of our county,” stated Pitman. “It was truly an honor to place the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.” “Very honored to be able to be a part of it,” Stamcoff said. “Proud and honored – very humbling.” “It was quite an honor to do that,” said Longfellow, the oldest Veteran on the trip at 88 years of age. “Unbelievable – a great honor,” Hart noted. “It’s a great honor,” On March 4, 1921, Congress approved the burial of an unknown American soldier from World I and he was buried Nov. 11, 1921.

woman was attempting to help a young man just about her daughter Phoebe Hole’s age – 20. “There was a kid, about 21 years old with an abdominal wound. I ran to the kid and she (the other nurse) asked me to hold pressure to his abdomen. I got in a car and helped her. I held pressure on the wound and talked to him.” The hospital was on lock down, so Williford-Hole stayed to assist as much as she was allowed. “There was blood running down my leg. They thought I’d been shot but it was just cuts and bruises. They told me I needed help, but I told them no.” After refusing treatment for her injuries, WillifordHole gave comfort to some young people who were standing just outside the hospital. “I did that until we were told we were allowed to leave,” she said, grateful for the taxi drivers who were pulling up to the hospital to give free rides to area hotels. Williford-Hole said she got back to her hotel, the MGM Signature, about 3:30 a.m. She had called her daughter Phoebe – who is named after Phoebe Ann Mosey (Annie Oakley) – to let her know she was OK.

She then accidentally hit the phone icon on Facebook and Facetimed her partner, Amy Stuven, who was at home in Miamisburg. Stuven couldn’t really see Williford-Hole’s face, but said she listened to 10 minutes of chaos. “I wasn’t in the car yet (with the injured young man). I told her to tell everyone I’m OK and that I love them, just in case I don’t get home.” Williford-Hole’s original flight back to Ohio was canceled on Monday. She ended up flying into Columbus very early Tuesday morning. Although she admits it’s going to “probably take a long time” to recover from her Las Vegas experience, Williford-Hole does have a piece of advice for those thinking twice about canceling future plans, like attending concerts or sporting events. The one thing I want people to remember is that I saw people helping people. It didn’t matter what color, what music you like, what sexual orientation you were, what political party you belong to. If we let these kinds of people stop us from living our lives and enjoying these types of events, then they win.”

Darke County Veterans lay wreath at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

WASHINGTON DC – Darke County Veterans had the honor of laying the wreath at the “Wreath Laying Ceremony”, this past Friday, September 29th at the “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier” at Arlington National Cemetery in our Nation’s Capital. Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia is the final resting place for more than 400,000 service members, veterans and their families. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier stands atop a hill overlooking Washington DC, was created as a monument to those American service members whose remains were never identified. The tomb is guarded 24 hours a day by soldiers from the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, called “The Old Guard.” The ceremony was part of Darke County Veterans Services’ (DCVS) four-day Washington DC bus trip provided for local Veterans. The two oldest veterans on the trip, the oldest DCVS Commissioner and

Byron Hart (Back L) salutes as John Longfellow (Front L) and Tom Pitman (Front R) place the Darke County Veterans wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

“It is very special,” said Greenville’s Ted Bruner, a veteran and DCVS Commissioner. “Our first trip down I was one of them that got to go out there and lay that wreath. Just to step foot on that stone in which the tomb lays, it is a feeling that I just really can’t describe – an honor, humbling just to be there, that close to a tomb of a soldier who to this day remain unknown.” “It was special just to see it, see our guys go up and lay the wreath,” said Duane McEldowney, a New Madison resident and Air Force Veteran. “It was a wonderful thing to see.”

The local veterans group transported the wreath to Arlington, a wreath that was donated by Helen’s Flowers and Gifts in Greenville and crafted by Makenzie Boner. “That’s amazing,” Boner said of her work making it to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. “We just wanted to say thank you. We were just honored to do it.” “It was just something we could do to give back to the community and to the Veterans,” added Boner. “They put their lives on the line for us – that was the least we could do to say thank you.”

PAGE 2 October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

POLICE BEAT Wanted heroin trafďŹ cker found babysitting in Greenville

WANTED PERSON On Sept. 29 the Greenville Police Department was notiďŹ ed that known drug trafďŹ cker Dakota Bingham was babysitting at a home in the 300 block of Harrison Avenue. Bingham was wanted on a felony warrant from the Darke County Sheriff’s OfďŹ ce for a probation violation in reference to trafďŹ cking heroin. The complainant was able to make contact with the resident of the home, who gave permission for law enforcement

to search for Bingham. Four law enforcement ofďŹ cials went to the home and upon arrival asked the complainant and the home’s resident to knock on the door. Bingham answered and GPD ofďŹ cers were able to enter the home and take Bingham into custody. He was then released to a sheriff’s deputy and was transported to the Darke County Jail. CHILD ABUSE On Oct. 3 ofďŹ cers were called to investigate a domestic violence situation

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at a residence in the 100 block of Markwith Avenue. Upon arrival the ofďŹ cer spoke with the parents of two young children, ages 3 and 7 months. The father, who does not live at the Markwith Avenue residence, had arrived to pick the children up so the mother could go to work. An argument ensued, with the father holding the seven month old child. During the verbal argument, the father said he “grabbedâ€? the threeyear-old child to take to the car, but the mother also grabbed for the threeyear-old and they all fell to the ground. The argument was witnessed by the mother’s brother, who was inside watching television at the time. He separated the children from their parents. During the argument, the three year old suffered leg injuries. The police ofďŹ cer called for the squad to come to take care of the child’s injuries. Darke County Children Services also was informed of the situation. The children were released to the care of their father. The parents were cited for child endangering. On Sept. 28 an ofďŹ cer was dispatched to the 500 block of Martin Street in reference to a wanted subject inside a residence. The ofďŹ cer made contact with a resident who told police the suspect, Leanna Parris was inside. The ofďŹ cer asked the resident to have Parris come outside. Parris exited the residence and was placed under arrest on a warrant for failure to appear on three


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CLUES ACROSS 1. Plural of ascus 5. Repents 11. British School 12. Adhesive to catch birds 15. Male children 16. Oil company 17. Intestinal 19. Money slogan 24. 2nd tone 25. In actual truth 26. Belgian-French River 27. Rural Free Delivery 28. Midway between S and SE 29. Texas armadillo 30. 2nd largest Hawaiian island 31. Pile up 33. Changes liquid to vapor 34. Yemen capital 37. Byways 38. V-shaped cut 39. Painting on dry plaster 42. Daminozide 43. Papa’s partner 44. __ -fi: fiction/movie genre 47. 1st Soviet space station 48. Latvian capital 49. Come into view 52. Blue Hen school 53. Maine water company 55. Picture & word puzzle 57. Atomic #18 58. Xiamen dialect 59. Being overzealous 62. One who did it (slang) 63. Night breathing noises 64. A minute amount (Scott) CLUES DOWN 1. Race of Norse gods 2. Large pebbles 3. Latin line dances 4. The inner sole of a shoe

5. A French abbot 6. Moves stealthily 7. An alternative 8. 39th state 9. Lotus sports car model 10. River fill 13. Of I 14. Many noises 18. Ghana monetary units 20. Actor Hughley 21. The Cowboy State 22. Jests at 23. America 27. Surprise attack 29. Daddy 30. Extinct flightless bird of New Zealand 31. Express pleasure 32. Cellist Yo-Yo 33. Bronx cheer 34. A more firm substance 35. Essential oil obtained from flowers 36. Company that rings receipts 37. Largest church in Christianity 38. Capital of Wallonia 39. Heroic tale 40. Send forth 41. The Golden State 43. 1/1000 of an inch 44. Angel of the 1st order 45. Ukrainian peninsula 46. Disregard 48. Colophony 49. Spanish be 50. Military policeman 51. Cleopatra’s country 53. Br. drinking establishments 54. Removes moisture 56. Liberal Arts degree 60. Execute or perform 61. Atomic #77


counts of child endangering charges. She was transported to the Darke County Jail where she was incarcerated and held on a $8,025 bond. TRAFFIC STOP On Oct. 2 an ofďŹ cer conducted a trafďŹ c stop for an equipment violation. Upon running the vehicle’s registered owner’s name through LEADS/NCIC it was learned the owner, Catina McNutt, who was a passenger in the car, had an active warrant for a probation violation on a theft charge from Miami County. Miami County advised GPD they could not pick McNutt up until a shift change later in the day. She was transported to the Darke County Jail to await pick up. McNutt gave ofďŹ cers her approval for her companion to take her car when he was released from the scene. VANDALISM On Sept. 30 an ofďŹ cer was agged down in the 1300 block of Sugarmaple Dr. about a damaged vehicle parked in front of

a residence. The vehicle had been egged from the hood to the bumper. The ofďŹ cer also determined red and orange Kool-Aid and sugar also had been poured all over the vehicle. The driver’s side window was down and there was sugar all over the front seats as well. The word ‘slut’ had been written with marker on the glass and the car’s gas cap had been removed and an unknown substance had been poured in the gas tank. The ofďŹ cer contacted the vehicle’s owner who said her 16-year-old daughter drove the car. The ofďŹ cer spoke with the daughter who gave the ofďŹ cer the names of three suspects, two of which are female students at Greenville High School. The ofďŹ cer made contact with the male suspect who said he did drive by the Sugarmaple Drive residence the afternoon before with one of the female suspects and two other males, but he had nothing to do with the vandalism and was

home before it occurred. The neighbors also arrived home prior to the suspected vandalism and said they did not notice anything wrong with the car. The ofďŹ cer contacted the School Resource OfďŹ cer to locate and speak with the two female suspects named by the driver of the vehicle. No further information was available in the report. EARLY BIRD POLICY The Greenville Police Beat is prepared from public records available at the Greenville Police Department. Every effort is made to balance the public’s right to know with the rights of the individuals involved. Readers are encouraged to contact Greenville Police if they have information or concerns regarding these or any other incidents they see. The Early Bird notes all suspects are innocent until proven guilty and welcomes comments and concerns regarding this community service.

Babysitter sentenced in alleged shaken baby case BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com GREENVILLE – A local babysitter will spend the next year behind bars for what the prosecutor deemed as a “shaken baby syndromeâ€? case. Brittany Melton appeared in the Darke County Common Pleas Court for sentencing Monday morning after previously being convicted on a single count of Child Endangering, a felony of the third degree. The 25-year-old graduate of Greenville High School was charged with Felonious Assault and Child Endangering following an investigation by the Darke County Sheriff’s OfďŹ ce after a 5-month-old baby suffered a brain injury while in her care on Oct. 19, 2016. She pleaded ‘no contest’ in July to a lesser charge. “This child suffered

serious injury for doing nothing more than probably crying,â€? stated Darke County Assistant Prosecutor Deborah S. Quigley. “The child is now on medication as a result of this incident.â€? The young child was in the intensive care unit at Dayton Children’s Hospital for ďŹ ve days after suffering the injury, which medical examiners determined was caused due to shaken baby syndrome. “There was not one mark on the child, even though they claimed it was shaken baby syndrome,â€? contested Melton’s defense attorney Patrick Mulligan. “The only reason this didn’t go in front of a jury is because there was not enough ďŹ nancial resources to get medical experts to take the stand.â€? Melton has denied doing anything to hurt the child while babysitting last year. According to the in-

vestigation, she claimed the child fell and she was unresponsive. She ran to a neighbors house before returning home to call the mother of the child. “Instead of calling 911 ďŹ rst, you called me at work,â€? the victim’s mother read aloud to Melton during Monday’s sentencing. “Only a sick person could do such a thing‌you bullied a ďŹ ve-month-old.â€? The courtroom was ďŹ lled with family, friends and others in support of both sides of this case. “The aisle only separates both sides by four feet, but it may as well be 4,000 feet in this case,â€? Judge Jonathan P. Hein addressed the back of the courtroom. With having no prior criminal background, Judge Hein ordered Melton to serve 12 months in prison. She will be placed on a mandatory 36-month post release control after serving her time.

October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 3

DeColores students enjoy week of Leadership Camp BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

Elks board members Roger Reese, John Bayless and Scott Butt with Union City Ohio Police Chief Mark Ater and K-9 officer in training Bruno. (Clinton Randall photo)

Elks board members Roger Reese, John Bayless and Scott Butt with Union City Indiana Police Chief Cobie Wells, Sgt. Logan Shoemaker and Cpt. Justin Gower. (Clinton Randall photo)

Union City Elks Lodge donates to local police departments UNION CITY – The Union City Elks Lodge presented donations of $500 each to the Union City Ohio and Indiana police departments on Thursday. The funding went to

the K-9 Unit for the Ohio department and drug program for the Indiana side. Another $500 will be donated to the Union City Little League in the near future for help with expenses.

Helping Hands Holiday Bazaar GREENVILLE – The Helping Hands 4-H Club will be hosting a Holiday Bazaar on Oct. 21, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Greenville Moose, 1200 Sweitzer St. Come and do some early holiday shopping. Vendors will include Scentsy, Avon, Paparazzi, Thirty-One, Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple, Mary Kay, Jamby Styles, pottery, scrubbies, dish cloths, baby burp cloths, wood projects, coffee mugs, decals and many

other homemade items. The club members will also be doing a bake sale.

Getting it Right

In the article Shelly’s planning grand opening that appeared in the Oct. 1 edition of The Early Bird, we inadvertently referred to Shelly Flory’s sister incorrectly. Her name is Angie Flory Rex. The Early Bird apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused.

GREENVILLE – DeColores Montessori Junior High students spent the week putting their leadership skills to the test. The week-long Leadership Camp kicked off with activities at the school on Arcanum-Bears Mill Road, camping at Chenoweth Trails and a day trip to Camp Willson in Bellefontaine. According to teacher Melanie Miller, the school’s 17 sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders focused on outdoor skills during the week. The school holds Leadership Camp every fall with activities on a threeyear rotation so students don’t repeat as they move through their junior high years. The outdoor activities are based on the Montessori principle of Erdkinder – German for Earth Children. The goal of Erdkinder is “to produce adults who are equipped with the confidence in themselves and actual skills to live in the real world,” according to the website, montessoriforeveryone.com. Building communication skills, learning to trust each other, learning more about themselves and how to work in group settings were some of the objectives of this year’s camp. Eighth-grader Katherine Kauffman said the skills she’s learning at Leadership Camp are helpful as “we learn to work together.” One such team-building activity led by teacher Jason Arnett forced students to use their hearing and skills as well as their ability to give directions.

Students were paired up, with one being blindfolded. The other student had to give directions and “walk” his or her partner through a minefield to safety – with nine teams shouting and giving directions at once. Seventh-grader Tiana Mescher said she made it through the minefield, which was strewn with plastic balls, rubber chickens and mini orange traffic cones by “listening and being able to trust someone else.” Students also participated in a variety of activities centered on this semester’s school theme – Perspective and Place – which includes learning about ancient cultures and how their government and religious beliefs affected their lives. “The whole point,” said teacher Carrie Winhaven of Leadership Camp, “is getting to know each other and team building.’ Students also spent time working on journaling during their daily solo time, cooked their own meals and enjoyed kayaking and a star gazing experience. 425 Memorial Dr. Greenville, OH 45331

DeColores Montessori Junior High students spent a week learning leadership skills, which included following directions, during their annual fall Leadership Camp. (Susan Hartley photo)

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October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 5


GFD Thanks Sponsors In continuing the City of Greenville Fire Department’s commitment to a ďŹ re prevention education program, we organize an annual ďŹ re and burn prevention education program for the children of our community. We recognize the need for an ongoing effort to reach our children. To help cover the cost of the materials, our department seeks help from concerned businesses, industrial, and professional leaders to support this vital program. We also recognize the following for their 2017’s donations: PLATINUM SPONSORS: Maid-Rite Sandwich Shoppe, Treaty City Industries, Inc., and Wayne Healthcare. GOLD SPONSORS: Donegal Mutual Ins. Co., MJS Plastics, Inc., and Stateline Power. SILVER SPONSORS: Gary L. Flinn Co. L.P.A. and St. Paul United Church of Christ. BRONZE SPONSORS: Asian Greenville Buffet, Inc., Dave Knapp FordLincoln-Inc., Farmers State Bank, G & G Floor Fashions, Inc., Greenville National Bank, Hittle Buick-GMC, Inc., Jafe Decorating, Inc., Judge Jason Aslinger, McDonalds Restaurant Northtown, Midwest United Industries, Inc., Randall Insurance Agency, Inc., Second National Bank, Wagner Avenue Secure Storage and Williamson Insurance LLC. SPONSORS: Barry Family Dentistry, LLC, Bath Petroleum Inc./ Circle Mart, B & K Petroleum, Inc./Clark, Diane K. Evans, Agent State Farm Insurance, First Presbyterian Church, Francis-Condon Insurance Agency. Gordon Orthodontics/Douglass K. Gordon D.M.D.., M.S., Inc., Greenville Federal, Grosch Quality Water, Inc., Hot Head Burritos, Johnston Chiropractic Clinic, Inc., Kesco Products, Inc., KTL Performance Mortgage LTD, Littman-Thomas Agency, Inc., Mote & Associates, Schmerge Chiropractic LLC, Sweet Annie’s Cabin, Wendy’s and Wieland

Jewelers. Thank you for your kind and continued support of our youth, the City of Greenville Fire Department, and for being an important part of our community. Your generosity will surely reect itself through the children of our community. Sincerely, Russell L. Thompson, Chief City of Greenville Fire Department -------------------------------Unfounded Statistic Letter to the Editor: As a concerned resident of Wayne Lakes, I am upset with the articles in local newspapers concerning the septic systems in the Lakes. We are working towards a sewer system that is probably needed and to read the 2/3rds of the residences are causing a problem is unfounded statistic. If that is the case, all the lakes would be polluted. I have had a residence in Wayne Lakes for almost 30 years and these lakes are beautiful. These blatant ďŹ gures are terrible. To get referenced this way can affect home sales and people that use these lakes for ďŹ shing. We spend a lot of monies each year to maintain the lakes. I don’t smell any problem except the air from a facility on 121, when the wind is from an easterly direction, which has been that way for years. The mayor and village council have been working with the EPA and Health Dept. to rectify the problem and to be talked about this way is very counter-productive. Hopefully the people responsible for this can be more thoughtful in the future. Sincerely, Walt Poetsch, resident of Wayne Lakes EDITOR’S NOTE: The statistic Mr. Poetsch is referring to was a quote from Darke County Health Department Director Dr. Terrence Holman. The Early Bird did not create the statistic, but reported the information a health department ofďŹ cial gave.

Davidson offers Show Your Work Bill WASHINGTON, DC - Rep. Warren Davidson (OH-08) and Republican Study Committee Chairman Rep. Mark Walker (NC-06) introduced the “CBO Show Your Workâ€? Act in the House on Monday pushing for the Congressional Budget OfďŹ ce (CBO) to disclose the formulas it uses when providing budget and economic information to Congress and the public. “Transparency provides a strong safeguard against errors, omissions and bias. “The algorithms, datasets and methodologies in use by the CBO should be readily available for ev-

eryone to inspect and use at their own discretion. Having this data available will save precious time and staff resources as it lets congressional ofďŹ ces vet their legislation before submitting a ďŹ nal product to the CBO. “The CBO’s delay in providing timely analysis to the House and Senate during efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare punctuates a long list of reasons why transparency and peer review are essential,â€? said Davidson. Claudia Tenney (NY22) and Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) are co-sponsors to the “CBO Show Your Workâ€? Act H.R.3822.

Gotta wear pants to ďŹ nd my dog Ryan’s World by Ryan Berry Managing Editor bluebagmedia.com


I was worried when my MANAGING EDITOR left for oldest daughter college that life would be boring. Maybe worried is the wrong word. I think the correct word is hoping. Unfortunately, that hasn’t even come close to happening. I was kidding when I told people my wife was going to take things out of her luggage just so she would have a reason to visit. My wife made it a

prophecy and she’s been up there nearly every week. Thanks to my oldest daughter’s addiction to Snapchat, every move she makes is documented. I don’t know how many times I’ve been told, “I love seeing your daughter’s Snapchat because she is soooo funny.� What they don’t understand is her Snaps aren’t her trying to be funny. It is her naturally being funny. That is the one thing I do miss being around every day. I’m sure you’ve seen You Tube videos or heard tales of dogs that know when their owner is sick and stay by their side. Without my

Deadline to register for Nov. 7 election COLUMBUS – Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted reminded voters the deadline to register to vote in the Nov. 7 General Election is Oct. 10. Important dates to remember for this election are outlined below. Across Ohio’s 88 counties, there are 1,517 respective local issues that will appear before voters. Voters will also be deciding a number of local races and can obtain additional information on these contests by contacting their county board of elections. Register to Vote/Update Your Address The deadline to register to vote or update an existing registration ahead of the Nov. 7 General Election is Oct. 10, (30 days before the election). Voters may go to MyOhioVote. com/VoterRegistration in order to register online or update an existing registration. Voter registration forms can also be printed from MyOhioVote.com or obtained from a local library or board of elections ofďŹ ce. Military & Overseas Voting Early voting for military and overseas voters is al-

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ready underway. Military voters who have not yet registered to vote or submitted a request for absentee ballots in 2017 may still do so by visiting OhioMilitaryVotes.com. Overseas voters can visit OhioVoterPassport.com. There they can download the Federal Post Card Application, register to vote and request an absentee ballot, read through frequently asked questions, track the status of their ballot and sign up for election reminders via email and social media. Absentee Voting by Mail and In-Person All Ohio voters may begin voting on Oct. 11, 2017 (ďŹ rst day after the close of registration) via in-person or mail-in absentee ballot. For more information, visit MyOhioVote.com.

oldest daughter around and with my youngest not doing anything spectacular this week, I think one of my dogs knew I was lacking in writing material and decided to help out. I woke from a dead sleep the other night having to do what older people have to do when they drink a gallon of water before bed. I did as nature wanted and returned to bed, uffed the pillows to the perfect ufďŹ ness and then I heard something that would change the course of my night - whining. At ďŹ rst I thought it was my wife whistling through her nose while she was sleeping. I was very tempted to reach over and gently cover her nostrils with my ďŹ ngers to make sure it wasn’t her, but at 12:30 a.m. – it was one of those lines I wasn’t about to cross. The whining was coming from one of our dogs and it was the one that never whines. Maybe she drank a gallon of water before bed, I thought to myself. I dragged myself out of bed, unlocked the kennel door, took her downstairs and let her out. I went into the kitchen for about 30 seconds and when I came back she was gone. I started yelling quietly for her. It was more of a loud whisper than a quiet yelling. Maybe she came back inside – I looked everywhere and there was no sign of her. I went to the front door and whispered loudly a little more – nothing! I went back upstairs, grabbed my phone, put clothes on and woke my wife to tell her I was going to go look for the dog.

I went up and down the streets loudly whispering her name. Out of the darkness I hear, “What are you looking for?â€? Not expecting anybody to be up at that time of night, let alone talking to me, I nearly let loose of the remaining water from the gallon I drank that was still making its way to my bladder. The mysterious voice hadn’t seen my dog. I kept calling my dog’s name and I heard a sound. Every time I called, something answered. At ďŹ rst it sounded like it could be a Chihuahua and I got excited. Nope. It was just a cat and it answered me better than my kids do. I kept walking and walking and walking. Fortyminutes, 1.3 miles and four ights of stairs later my wife called. Our dog had returned on her own. By 1:30 a.m. I had more exercise than I do most days. When I put the dog back in the kennel and put myself back to bed, uffed my pillow to the proper ufďŹ ness – the whining returned. I knew for sure it wasn’t my wife this time because she was still as awake as I was. I wasn’t going to be fooled again. I shut my bedroom door and let her whine. My youngest daughter woke up the next morning and the ďŹ rst thing she did was complain that the dog whined all night long. I really wanted to slap her. I’m still not sure what I’m more upset about – having to walk all over town in the dead of night to look for a dumb dog or that I had to put pants on to go ďŹ nd her.

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Arcanum Lady Trojans on top of game at Ansonia Lady Tigers GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

ANSONIA – The visiting Arcanum Lady Trojans volleyball team had little trouble defeating the Ansonia Lady Tigers 3-0 in a Thursday night Cross County Conference (CCC) matchup. “We’re playing as a team,â€? said Arcanum Coach Macey O’Dell. “They are doing real well at that (communicating). We’re one big team right now and that’s what they need to be.â€? “Arcanum just at out outplayed us tonight,â€? said Ansonia Coach Craig Riethman. “We didn’t get to many options to hit. When we did get the opportunity to hit, we put it down, we hit well. We just didn’t get enough opportunities to do

that.â€? The Arcanum girls took an early 7-4 set one lead and quickly put together a string of 11 unanswered points to push its lead to 18-4 before going on to a 25-12 ďŹ rst game win to lead 1-0. Set two had the Lady Trojans jumping out to a 7-1 advantage bringing the ďŹ rst of two timeouts from the Ansonia bench with the second Lady Tigers timeout coming with the team trailing 13-4. Arcanum would go on to outscore the home team 12-7 to take game two by a 25-11 score and go up 2-0 on the night. The third set saw the Lady Trojans grab an 11-5 lead bringing a timeout from the home team’s bench. The Lady Tigers kept it a six point game trailing

14-8 only to have Arcanum put together a string of ďŹ ve unanswered points to lead 19-8. Ansonia score two quick points to trail 19-10 but it was the Lady Trojans scoring the ďŹ nal six points of the night to win set three by a 25-10 score and take an impressive 3-0 road win. The Lady Trojans were on their game at the serving line missing only two serves over the entire three set match. “We work a lot on serving,â€? noted O’Dell. “That’s my biggest pet peeve – missing serves. We spend a lot of time at practice serving. They all know when it hits the net it better be going on that (opponents) side. They did a nice job tonight. We missed two, we strive for zero, but I’ll let them have a few.â€?

Arcanum sophomore Camille Pohl slams a kill for the Lady Trojans in CCC win over Ansonia. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

“They served really well,� said Riethman. “Almost every time they served we were out of system.� “We’re coming on at the right time,� said O’Dell with OHSAA tournament

play just around the corner. “We are looking very strong right at the moment. I hope that continues through tournament and gets us far.� “Defensively we did ok

at times.� Riethman said, also looking towards tournament play. “We are looking forward to every opportunity we have to play to get better before tournament.�

Franklin Monroe downs Mississinawa Valley 3-0 BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

PITSBURG – The Mississinawa Valley Lady Blackhawks took the Franklin Monroe Lady Jets to the wire in sets one and two in a Tuesday night Cross County Conference volleyball matchup but could not stay with the Lady Jets in the ďŹ nal set losing the match 3-0 to the home team. “We just weren’t quite ready to play tonight,â€? said FM Coach Angie Filbrun. “We won but it wasn’t pretty. We decided that third set to go ahead and ďŹ nish that game.â€?

“We have the whole nine-yards,â€? MV Coach Billie Hunt said of her Lady Hawks team. “We have the blocking, we have hitting and we have serves. It’s just hard when you can’t quite pull off that win, but they play hard and they push themselves.â€? MV fell behind 3-0 in set one before battling back to even the score at 3-3, 6-6 and 7-7 only to have the Lady Jets take a 17-12 advantage. The Lady Hawks scored ďŹ ve unanswered points to knot the score at 17-17 but could not grab the lead on the way to a 25-22 ďŹ rst set

loss. Set No. 2 saw the game tied 11 times with the ďŹ rst at 8-8 and the ďŹ nal coming at 24-24 with the Lady Jets scoring the ďŹ nal two points of the set to win 26-24 and go up 2-0 on the night. The third and ďŹ nal set of the night had the Franklin Monroe girls bolting out to a 9-0 lead bringing a timeout from the Lady Hawks bench. MV made a 7-4 run to trail 13-7 before the Lady Jets would score four unanswered points to make it a double digit 17-7 FM lead. The Lady Hawks made it a 17-9 score, but it was


Seniors Justiss Cantu and Connor Kerns were crowned Homecoming Queen and King during Friday night’s varsity football game. To top it off, the Indians came out on top in a thrilling overtime win by a ďŹ nal score of 28-20. (Submitted photo)


the Lady Jets scoring the ďŹ nal eight points of the night for a 25-9 third set win and take the match by a 3-0 score. “I don’t know how you go out 25-22, 26-24 and 25-9,â€? said Hunt. “I have a great group of girls playing really hard ball and then we just can’t ďŹ nish it. I would love to see FM keep winning but it would have been fun (to get the win).â€? “We ďŹ nally woke and were ready to play,â€? said Filbrun. “Mentally the ďŹ rst two games we struggled a little bit and the third game we were ready to go. I’m proud of them. We ďŹ nished FM’s Makenzie Kreitzer goes for a kill in the Lady Jets CCC win over Mississinawa Valley. strong.â€? (Gaylen Blosser photo)

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Greenville earns comeback win over Lady Blackhawks BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

UNION CITY – The Greenville Lady Wave volleyball team had to battle back after dropping sets one and two by scores of 25-16 and 25-22 to the Mississinawa Valley Lady Blackhawks to get a 3-2 win, taking the ďŹ fth and ďŹ nal set by a 15-13 score. “This is the ďŹ rst time in mine and Coach (Janelle) Rinderle’s four years here that we’ve come back from two-sets down to

win a ďŹ ve-set match,â€? said Greenville Coach Chelsea Dowd. “They really played well.â€? “I was glad to see them come out and play hard tonight,â€? said MV Coach Billie Hunt. “They played great ball tonight. I had some great hits tonight, some great plays and I’m thrilled.â€? The opening set of the night saw the score tied nine times with the last coming at 13-13 before the Lady Hawks would outscore the GHS visitors

12-3 to take a 1-0 lead with a 25-16 set one win. Set No. 2 had the teams playing close to open the game. With GHS leading 8-7, the Lady Blackhawks would use a 5-0 run to lead 12-8 and follow with a second 5-0 scoring run to push their advantage to 17-9 only to have the Lady Wave battle back with an 11-3 run to knot the score at 20-20. MV closed out the second set outscoring the Lady Wave 5-2 to lead two sets to none with a 25-22

win. “I told the girls at the beginning of the third set we had kind of come back in the second set,â€? Dowd said. “We lost 25-22 but I said we have momentum right now so we don’t need to change anything. Keep going up from here and that’s exactly what we did. They never let down from that point on.â€? The Lady Wave opened set three with 8-1 and 10-2 leads, getting their ďŹ rst double digit lead of the night at 14-4 and going on

Fry football jersey makes Friday Night Lights BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Nathan Fry, a 205 pound junior Green Wave offensive/defensive lineman earned an opportunity to have his white road football jersey worn by FOX 45 sports broadcaster James Rider Friday night during the station’s Miami Valley’s high school football results news broadcast. Fry entered the FOX45 weekly contest by “tweetingâ€? a photo of himself in his Greenville game jersey. “You ‘demo’ a picture of yourself on twitter in your jersey – you direct message them on twitter, send a picture of you in your jersey and they will put you in a competition with four or ďŹ ve people,â€? explained Fry. “Whoever gets the most retweets wins.â€? James Rider, Fox45 sports anchor was in town Thursday afternoon to pick-up Fry’s winning jersey to wear on the station’s Friday night Miami Valley high school football scores program following the games. “Driving an hour to Greenville to pick up a jersey seems silly but at the same time it’s not about me,â€? said FOX45 Sports Anchor James Rider. “You get it (winner’s jersey and photo) on social media, you get

to force a fourth set with a 25-11 win and trail 2-1. T h e MV girls took an early setfour 5-2 lead with the Lady W a v e bouncing back to grab a 12-7 advantage bringing a timeout from the MV bench. G H S would e x t e n d Amanda Armstrong goes up for a kill for Mississinawa Valley in non-conference volleyball match with the Lady its lead Wave. (Gaylen Blosser photo) to 2013 only to have the home point of the night to take team score seven-unan- set ďŹ ve by a 15-13 score swered points to even the and earn a come-from-bescore a 20-20, 21-21, 22- hind 3-2 non-conference 22, 24-24 and 25-25 be- win. fore GHS would get the ďŹ â€œWe came out really nal two points for a 27-25 strong, but I have eight win and send the match to girls playing and it was a ďŹ fth and ďŹ nal set. wearing on them,â€? noted The ďŹ fth game had the Hunt. “You could see it. Lady Wave taking early They battled hard, they leads at 4-0, 8-2 and 10-5 battled it out and eight in the 15-point deciding girls played strong.â€? set with the Lady Hawks “We really played well battling back to trail 11-9 tonight,â€? Dowd stated. bringing a timeout from “The ďŹ rst two sets were a the Greenville bench. little slow but the third, The Lady Wave pushed fourth and ďŹ fth sets – its lead to 14-10 with MV they woke up, they played pushing back to make it together as a team and a 14-13 Wave lead before they found a way to get it GHS would score the ďŹ nal done.â€?

Nathan Fry (L) and FOX45 Sports Anchor James Rider (R) travels to Greenville to pick up Fry’s Green Wave football jersey. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

it on TV. Especially for a guy like Nathan, this is a unique chance to be on television where he probably wouldn’t get that opportunity otherwise.â€? The contest in its ďŹ rst season at the Dayton TV station was not an original idea of Rider or FOX45. “We just started it week two of the season,â€? said Rider. “There was a kid that tweeted me and was, ‘hey – how many retweets to get you to wear my jer-

sey on the show’, and I had no idea what to say.� “I go to my boss and say; hey, what do you think of this idea where maybe we have a contest and everybody submits this and whoever gets the most retweets wins. They loved the idea, and so far kids have really been excited about it.� “I’m excited by the fact that kids have been so excited because obviously it’s all about them,� con-

Greenville 8th grade volleyball “on ďŹ reâ€? as tournament nears

tinued Rider. “I wish I could take credit for the idea,� Rider said. “It was something that somebody had mentioned to me and I just kind of ran with it. It’s cool when you see the kids message the pictures, and then the retweets and then when they win how excited everybody is – that’s the thing that’s been so awesome for me.� “I won by 120 – something like that so it’s pretty cool,� concluded Fry.

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The Early Bird and Bluebag Media Athletes of the Week

BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – With a big win Tuesday night on the road against second place Tippecanoe, the Greenville 8th grade volleyball team has now successfully beaten all GWOC North opponents and advance to 12-2 on the season. The Lady Wave handed ďŹ rst place Troy their only loss of the season at home in September and have proven they are a force to be reckoned with come the GWOC Tournament – which is set to begin on Saturday, Oct. 16. Coach Abby Thatcher says she is extremely proud of the girls and the level of play she has seen from each of them as the season progressed‌and is very excited to see how it ends. “These ladies are on ďŹ re and are seeking out a GWOC championship,â€? said Coach Thatcher. Greenville currently

Pictured from L-R are: Susie Blocher, Coach Thatcher, Kierah Beavins, Hunter Class, Taylor Gonzalez, Kaitlyn Gonzalez, Winnie Stiefel, Lilly Hayes, Libby McKinney, Kate Rehmert, Carmen Badell and Coach Combs (7th grade coach). (Clinton Randall photo)

stands in second place, just below Troy (12-1), in the north division with just two games left. They

will host Northmont on Tuesday before ending the regular season in Vandalia on Thursday. 1370 KITCHENAID WAY GREENVILLE, OHIO


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AMANDA ARMSTRONG Senior, Mississinawa Valley Paul and Angela Armstrong Volleyball


Junior, Greenville High School Dennis and Susan Light Football





PAGE 8 October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


“Bill” Miller, of BradVeteran 87, ford, passed away on Saturday, Sept. 30, 2017 at 11:46 a.m. at Reid Health, Richmond, Ind. He was born Feb. 11, 1930 in Darke County, the son of the late Ezra & Christine Elizabeth (Martin) Miller. He retired from Greif Inc. and also from Meijer in Troy. He served his country in the United States Army. He was a member of Oakland Church of the Brethren. He is preceded in death by his parents; his son, Charles W. “Chuck” Miller; brothers, David, Bud

& Adrian Miller and also an infant brother; sisters: Donna Miller, Lucy Miller and an infant sister. He is survived by his wife, June (Gibboney) Miller of Bradford; sons & daughters in law, Mike & Wendy Miller of Greenville, Scott & Shelley Miller of Greenville; grandchildren, Andrew, Pacey, & Evie Lynn Miller; brothers & sisters in law, Norman & Delores Miller of Greenville, Marvin “Butch” & Beverly Miller of Greenville; sisters & brother in law, Shirley & Jim Smith of New Madison, and Marcia Miller of Greenville; and numerous nieces and

nephews. Services were held Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2017 at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville, with Rev. Dr. Fred Bernhard officiating. Burial is in Oakland Cemetery. Veterans Graveside services were conducted by the Greenville Veteran’s Honor Guard. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www.zecharbailey. com.

SEIBER – Marilyn Ann Seiber, born March 28, 1930 in Pineville, Ky., went home to be with her Savior on Oct. 1, 2017 after a brief illness.

She is survived by her husband of 70 years, Wallace R. Seiber; children, Glenda M. (Ron) Chumney of Columbia, SC, Michael L. Seiber of Ferris, Texas, Rebecca J. (Robert) Floyd, of Greenville, Peggy J. (Robin) Cabe, of Canton, GA; five grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren and one great great grandchild. There will be no services. Family requests in lieu of flowers or gifts that donations be made to State of the Heart Hospice.

LONGENECKER – Robert Lee “Bob” Longe-

necker, 81, of Ansonia, died Saturday, Sept. 30, 2017. A Celebration of Life service was held Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2017. Burial is in Abbottsville Cemetery, Arcanum.

at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial will follow in Greenville Cemetery. The family will receive friends on Monday from noon to 2 p.m. at the funeral home.

HOEFLICH – Carl John Hoeflich, 63, of Bradford, died Saturday, Sept. 30, 2017. A memorial service was held Thursday, Oct. 5, 2017 at StockerFraley Funeral Home, Bradford.

FRENCH – Victor Lee French, 74, of Greenville, died Thursday, Oct. 5, 2017. There will be a Celebration of Life on Sunday, Oct. 8, 2017, at 4 p.m. at EUM Church, 1451 Sater St., Greenville. Burial will be at the convenience of the family. There will be a visitation held on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2017, from 2-6 p.m. at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville.

TAYLOR – Remonia Taylor, 78, formerly of Greenville, died Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2017. A funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 9, 2017,

Local residents Walk to End Alzheimer’s First Church of God celebrates centennial BY LINDA MOODY CORRESPONDENT lmoody@earlybirdpaper.com

BY RYAN BERRY MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – Nearly 200 walkers helped raise over $15,000 for the Alzheimer’s Association during the organization’s largest fundraiser, The Walk to End Alzheimer’s. The Darke County walk started in the Greenville City Park and took walkers on either a one- or 2 1/2-mile walk. According to local organizers, over five million people live with Alzheimer’s and over 15 million individuals serve as un-paid caregiver. Locally, over 1,000 Darke County residents are living with the disease and receive assistance from over 3,000 caregivers. Funds raised during the Walk to End Alzheimer’s helps fund research and critical care and support programs for everyone affected. Deb Summer, volunteer with the local Walk, said, “As you look around you’ll notice orange, purple, yellow and blue flowers. These flowers highlight the reason we are here today; our connection to Alzheimer’s Disease.” She explained the orange flowers represent people who support

The Kies couple represented caregivers and Alzheimer’s victims during the annual Walk to End Alzheimer’s.

the cause and envision a world without the disease. The purple flower represents people who have lost a loved-one to the disease. Yellow flowers were held by persons who are currently caregivers to loved ones with the disease. The blue flower was held by Alzheimer’s victims. Although walkers carried a rainbow of flowers, there was a solitary fifth flower. The white flower was added to share there is hope that one day there will be a cure and all Alzheimer’s victims will be able to carry that flower. Danna O’Connell, vicepresident of development for the Alzheimer’s Asso-

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ciation of the Miami Valley, said, “Today is really about raising awareness and we also call our Walk our largest support group.” O’Connell has heard many stories in her role with the Alzheimer’s Association, and each of them have had an impact on her. “I was talking with a gentleman today that caregives for his wife,” she said. “He worked hard his whole life and has money sitting in the bank and now he’s a 24hour caregiver and is doing it on his own and gets help from family members on occasion. They are now limited and can’t travel.” The Alzheimer’s Association has set a goal of 2025 to have a treatment. In order to get there it will take successful fundraisers. Dorthy Lentz, who lost her husband earlier this year to Alzheimer’s, was the Walk’s top fundraiser by giving $1,200. There is still time to donate to support the Darke County walk. Visit www.alz. org to make your donation.

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ANSONIA – Ansonia First Church of God was the scene of a 100th anniversary celebration this past weekend. A reconnecting dinner was held late Saturday afternoon followed by a service, and another service was conducted at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, followed by a luncheon. Pastor Derek Specht, lead pastor, welcomed 274 celebrants to the church at the Sunday service. “All praise goes to Jesus Christ,” he said. “Come see and celebrate Christ with us. This permeates the love of God.” Specht introduced former pastors and associates who returned to help celebrate the church’s centennial. Among them were Pastor Chris Cottrell and wife Esther of Delaware, Ohio, who served from 1998-2006; Lee Wallace of Knoxville, Tenn., who served from 1977-95. Others who participated Sunday included John Coppess; Adam Wallace, Pastor’s Lee’s son, with a song; Randy Irwin and David Detling, who spoke briefly; and Tim Smith, who was an associate who played piano and sang. Esther Cottrell presented Specht as well as elders John Huddle, Kevin Lehman and board chairman Dean Butts with a plaque. She is the state director for the Church of God in Ohio. Wallace was the first to speak, and, as he begin to speak, fireworks were going off outside the church, which he later reported that was done on occasion when he was pastoring the church. Nonetheless, he seemed to be amazed but amused by the gesture of some fun-loving church members. Wallace said he has been in the ministry for 44 years and that Ansonia First Church of God was his first pastorate.

The Rev. Esther Cottrell presents a plaque to the Ansonia First Church of God which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. Accepting on behalf of the church are Pastor Derek Specht, elders John Huddle and Kevin Lehman, and Dean Butts, chairman of the trustees.

“I was 27,” he recalled. “I was green as a gourd but you all took us in and loved us. Brittany was a baby and Adam was born while we served here.” He praised the people of the church who stood by their family after Adam was born with water on the brain and was told their infant would never walk or smile. “You were with us every bit of that,” Lee said. “The waiting room was full of people. Doctors don’t have the last word; God does.” However, Adam entertained the church members with a powerful song after he made his way to the pulpit. Lee’s message for the centennial was “About looking back, about looking up, about looking around and about looking ahead, followed by a reading from Isaiah 51. “I want you to remember your roots; look back at the people you come from; look back at faithfulness of God,” said Lee, who attended the celebration with wife, Barbara, their two children and son-in-law Matt. “Things change but God remains the same.” He went on, “In the 100 years, you have had four to six generations of people. This church has built two facilities; one on State Route 47 where it was for 50 years and in 1967 you built this won-

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derful building. You are a faithful people. Think about all the sermons preached at this pulpit, all of the missionaries, Sunday school teachers, junior church workers and Vacation Bible School. In the last 100 years, it has always been about Jesus Christ and we need to look up at Him and never lose sight of Jesus Christ. He is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, and we lift Him up. This church is built solidly on Jesus Christ.” He concluded, “Look at this as a new chapter in the life of this congregation.”


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October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 9

EUM’s missions gala helps build homes

Faith UMC Mission Team Members load a truck with supplies. Shown are Tyra Clark, Susie Weisenbarger, John Fist (standing in back), Tassy Fist, Sharon Karns, Janice Michael - Depot Coordinator and Sharon Troutwine.

Faith UMC supports Festival of Sharing ARCANUM – Arcanum Faith United Methodist Church recently completed a mission project for the Festival of Sharing Kit Program – a program of Church World Service. The support of this program makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world. School kits were collected to give children in impoverished communities and refugee camps some of the basic tools for learning. Hygiene kits collected make all the difference between sickness and health for some struggling families. Emergency Cleanup Buckets with supplies enable people to manage the overwhelming job of cleaning up after a

flood, hurricane, tornado or other disaster in the United States. Faith Church served as the drop off site for the surrounding area churches of various denominations. All kits were collected and transported by Janice Michael, Depot Coordinator to Westerville, Ohio at the campus of Otterbein University. The Church World Service is a global mission with participation from the National Council of Churches. Arcanum Faith United Methodist Church is a mission-minded church located at 101 E South Street. Tim Pieper is the local pastor. All are welcome to attend the service each Sunday at 10 a.m.

Ignite your spiritual fire, catch the Sparks GREENVILLE – On Nov. 4, 6 p.m., First Presbyterian Church in downtown Greenville invites the community to a free concert devotional featuring Greg and Rebecca Sparks. This wonderful event will feature live music and focus on discipleship. Their music and stories bring together individuals from many communities to inspire and deepen faith all in one heart and voice giving thanks and praise to Jesus. First Presbyterian Church is very excited to host this special event. Please plan to come and join in the love of Jesus, while enjoying fellowship with others. You won’t want to miss the remarkable talent of these musicians. Let the Sparks ignite your spiritual fire. Greg and Rebecca Sparks are musicians from Pittsburgh, PA. Check them out on Facebook at Greg and Rebecca Sparks or check out www.thesparks.com. “Their min-

GREENVILLE – Destination Known Missions Ministry of EUM Church in Greenville is in its 12th year partnering with the Potter’s House Association in Guatemala. Over the years, teams from EUM Church have built 18 homes for families that live in the garbage dump shanty communities. They have visited countless families in their homes to pray with them, and to share Jesus with them in real and practical ways by installing wood burning cook stoves, providing much needed food to families, and passing out Bibles. Destination Known wants to continue building homes for families in the shanty communities; however, due to the increased cost of building supplies, funding these homes has become more difficult. A Missions Gala will be hosted by Destination Known with 100 percent of the proceeds being used to build homes for families living in the Guatemala City dump communities. This will be a great time

Eternity’s Crossing coming to Greenville GREENVILLE – Eternity’s Crossing, an all female trio from Shady Springs, WV, will be coming to Greenville Oct. 15 to share their unique Southern Gospel sound in a free concert at Triumphant Christian Center. This outstanding group has produced several CD’s and videos under the Homeland Entertainment label. One of the best known videos “Stand Strong” has been well re-

Trinity Trunk or Treat set Greg & Rebecca Sparks

istry work has expanded from concerts and leading worship to teaching and speaking at churches, camps, retreats, and conferences on topics ranging from authentic worship, transparent faith, and passionate mission in loving God and serving in His kingdom.” The next morning, Sunday, Nov. 5 will also feature the Sparks during worship at 10:30 a.m. at First Presbyterian Church. All are welcome. For more information, call the church at 937-548-3188, like them on Facebook, or visit the church at 114 E Fourth St., Greenville.

PITSBURG – Get your costumes and trunk decorating ideas ready for the third annual Pitsburg Trinity Lutheran Trunk or Treat event. The festival will take place on Oct. 22, 5-6:30 p.m., in the church’s parking lot, 8520 Oakes Road. This community-wide event will include games, decorated trunks, prizes, candy, food, bouncy house and more. All of it is free as a service to the community. They encourage you to enter a decorated trunk or truck bed for cash prizes. To enter a decorated trunk or truck bed, call 937-6925670 and leave a message; someone will respond ASAP. The church hopes to see your there in costume.

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to dress up and enjoy an evening of dinner and dancing. This is an alcohol free event that will be held at Romer’s Catering in Greenville beginning at 7 p.m. on Oct. 28. There will also be a live auction with some great things to bid on. Tickets are on sale now! The cost is $35 per person. Tickets may be purchased at EUM Church, Romer’s Catering, or online at www. eumchurch.org. If you are unable to attend but would like to make a donation, please make the check payable to EUM Church and mail to: EUM Church, 111 Devor St., Greenville, OH 45331, Attn: Cliff Rapier, and put “Guatemala Missions” in the memo line. If you would like more information about the Missions Gala, visit www. eumchurch.org or contact Cliff Rapier at 937-5483211 ext. 212 or crapier@ eumchurch.org. Also, follow EUM’s Facebook page and watch for continual updates on the auction items.

ceived through You Tube and on CD/DVD. As they travel the country, the main focus of Eternity’s Crossing is to sing for the Lord and see lives changed as Christians live for Him. The congregation of Triumphant Christian Center, 1129 South Towne Court, Greenville, invites you to come and join in fellowship and worship as Eternity’s Crossing presents their beautiful music. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the concert begins at 6 p.m.

GHS Class of 1964 GREENVILLE - The GHS Class of 1964 Luncheon will be held Oct. 12, noon, at the Greenville Moose Lodge on Sweitzer St. Come out for a good time and great food. For more information, call Sue at 467-6894.

Ralph & Alice Mangen – 1957

Ralph & Alice Mangen - present

Mangen’s 60th anniversary VERSAILLES – Ralph and Alice (Wooddell) Mangen, 326 Park Blvd, Versailles will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Oct. 12. They were married at St. Peter and Paul Catholic Parish in Newport. They are the parents of John & Susan, Diane & Jerry Elsas, Debbie & Jim Groff, Donna & Keith Barga, and Mark & Lynne. They have eight living grandchildren, Tony, Kaiti, Randy, Denise, Chris, Tami, Ben and Angie. Michael Groff is deceased. They have 12 great grandchildren with two more on

the way. Alice has a brother Donald and sister Judy Cost living. Two sisters and two brothers are deceased. Ralph has a brother Albert living and a brother deceased. They will be celebrating their anniversary with their family.

Shabbat services set PIQUA – Congregation Anshe Emeth, will be observing Shabbat with services on Friday, Oct. 13 at 7:30 p.m. Services will be conducted by rabbinic intern Taylor Poslosky at the synagogue located at 320 Caldwell St. in Piqua. An oneg will follow services. Please visit www.ansheemeth.org or call 937623-1234 with questions.

Shirley Mikesell

Mikesell’s 85th birthday GREENVILLE – Join family and friends as they celebrate Shirley Mikesell’s 85th birthday on Oct. 15, 2–5 p.m. at the Greenville Masonic Lodge, 200 Memorial Drive, Greenville. No gifts, please.

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PAGE 10 October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

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October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 11

Local BPA students get a ‘chat all about life’

BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com GREENVILLE – Ohio’s District 3 Business Professionals of America students from several local schools attended their Fall Leadership Conference Tuesday at Greenville’s Memorial Hall. In addition to installing new officers, students from Greenville, Mississinawa Valley, FranklinMonroe, Milton-Union, Wayne and the Miami Valley Career Technology Center received some advice for their future from motivational speaker

Katherine Bauer, of Sinclair Community College. Bauer told the students she’d been invited to “have a chat with you all about life.” Bauer shared several points from her perspective as a millennial, she said somewhere between “20 and 35” years of age. “We are the generation that can do it, can turn it around,” she said, speaking of bullying and negativity as well as violence prevalent in today’s world. Bauer briefly touched on this past Sunday’s Las Vegas mass shooting as an example.

“We need to support each other. Love one another, period,” she said. Bauer also gave some advice to students about their future college and career paths. “I’ve had a little bit of life experience, a little bit of work experience,” said the married mother of two young daughters. “I went to college not sure about what it was I was going to do. Think about what you want to do, but don’t limit yourself.” A communications major, Bauer earned an undergraduate degree from The Ohio State Uni-

versity. She’s now pursuing a master’s degree and encouraged the BPA students to strongly consider graduate courses after obtaining a bachelor’s degree, which will offer opportunities for a higher salary and other benefits. “Don’t be afraid to change your plans,” she said. “Do what you want to do and don’t do what other people want you to

do.” Bauer then told the students it was OK to seek advice from family and friends about their future, but to consider what they personally are passionate about when making those decisions. Also during the leadership conference, BPA students installed new District 3 officers for the 2017-18 school year as

follows: Danielle McVey, president, Franklin Monroe; Madison Hoffman, vice president, Milton- Union; Tyler Fleming, parliamentarian, Greenville High School; Faythe Watson, historian, Wayne; Alison Pierce, secretary, MVCTC; and Mason Hardwick, treasurer, Mississinawa Valley.

Flu Vaccine Schedule for Family Health Patients Family Health-Greenville Wednesday, October 11th 8:30am-4pm Saturday, October 28th 8am-12pm Please Enter at Main Entrance Pictured above are Greenville High School BPA members who attended the Fall Leadership Conference.

MV FFA hosts annual Fall Fair BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

UNION CITY, Ohio – The Mississinawa Valley FFA Chapter held it’s 48th annual Fall Fair Thursday evening at the school. To help raise money for the program, members grilled chicken and baked about 400 pies to be sold. Nearly 2,000 dinners were sold during the event, which could be eaten in the school cafeteria or for carry-out. The entire FFA chapter helped out with planning In addition to dinners, student exhibits were on display in the agricultural building for the public to see. According to sophomore Emily Schmitz, who serves as the Mississinawa Valley FFA Chapter Reporter, elementary classes were invited this year to

Tuesday, October 24th 8:30am-4pm

Family Health-New Madison Wednesday, October 18th 8:30am-4pm

Family Health-Versailles Tuesday, October 17th 8:30am-4pm

See more photos from the Fall Fair at bluebagmedia.com (Clinton Randall photo)

paint pumpkins and create farm scene to put on display as well as part of the exhibits. This is to give the younger students a chance be creative and to learn about FFA for when they get old enough to join. The MV FFA Chapter has over 85 active members, with 12 officers and two advisors. To learn

FFA’s Milkweed Pod Collection Drive

VERSAILLES – The Versailles FFA chapter is sponsoring its first Milkweed Pod Collection Drive. Through Nov. 10, Versailles community members are encouraged to chip in and help collect milkweed pods for Versailles FFA. Common milkweed is vital to the survival of Monarch Butterflies in Ohio. Seed pods from common milkweed should be collected when the pods are dry and grey or brown in color. Some may even have begun to pop open and reveal the seeds inside. If the center seam pops with gentle pressure, they can be harvested. Store collected pods in brown paper bags. Avoid using plastic bags because

Family Health-Arcanum

moisture can collect and allows mold to develop. Store seeds in a cool, dry place until drop-off. Collection/ drop-off points will be held at Versailles High School near the greenhouse area in a labeled bin marked milkweed collection. The milkweed pods collected will have the seeds harvested from inside, prepared for planting, and then redistributed throughout the county to encourage the development of milkweed plants. Feel free to contact Versailles FFA at dena.wuebker@vtigers.org or colton. prescott@vtigers.org with any questions about the drive.

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Insurance may be billed or payment at the time of service is $28.00 *Please note the above dates and times are for Adults (19 years and up). Children under 19 years of age, please schedule with your Family Health healthcare provider.

PAGE 12 October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Specht is Ansonia First Church Of God’s 20th pastor

BY LINDA MOODY CORRESPONDENT lmoody@earlybirdpaper.com ANSONIA – Derek Specht is the 20th lead pastor in the history of the Ansonia First Church of God, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. He came to Ansonia in November 2016 from North Carolina, where he had served two Church of God churches. In the ministry for nearly 20 years, he and his family are living in Greenville. “It’s a change for us... we came from a town three

times the size of Greenville,” said Specht, who grew up in Hickory, NC. He and wife Gina, married for 25 years, are the parents of three daughters, Gina, 21, a student at Asbury Theological Seminary who wants to teach Bible in English on the college level; Lauren Hope, 19, who is at Oklahoma City MidAmerica Christian University; and Grace, 13, all of whom have been home-schooled by their mother. At church, Gina is part of the worship team. Specht said he was 30 when he decided to enter

the ministry. “I felt like God was calling me to lead where I was,” he said. “I had gone to college for a business degree and I am now working on a degree in Christian ministries online. I started pursuing my credentials in the Church of God in early 1998, became licensed later in 1998 and was ordained in 2003. He is enjoying Darke County. “The people in this area have been just great in welcoming us,” the pastor said. A member of the Y, Specht said his hobbies

are running. He had participated in some local 5Ks and has done some marathons but never a whole one. He also likes to cook, serving southern comfort food. The pastor, who will mark his 50th birthday on Nov. 16, said Josh Stefanow is the associate pastor, working with the youth and worship and as leader of the praise team. Ansonia First Church of God, he said, has a membership of 300 with an average of 200 attendance. Ruth Ann Riffle is the office secretary and Stuart Beisner is the accountant. Elders are John Huddle and Kevin Lehman, while Dean Butts is chairman of the trustees. There is also a missions board and a Christian education board. Speaking for the church, Specht said “We’re excited about the celebration of our history this year and excited about changes taking place as we move into the second hundredth anniversary. It’s a different world than there used to be. You really have to engage your community.” Ansonia First Church of God’s first minister was the Rev. Ethel Orr, who served in 1917 and 1918. The ensuing pastors have been J.W.

Strotman, D.W. Patterson, E.A. Ball, Warren Roark, Luther Van Hoose, Paul Hartzler, G.M. Byrd, F.B. Nafe, Harry Heath, W.L. Shinn, M.F. King, Von A. Chesterman, E.E. Baker, Joseph Smith, George Van Norman, Carl Reynolds Lee Wallace and Chris Cottrell. Associate pastors have been the Revs. Nathan Nielson, Randy Irwin, William Ritter and Timothy M. Smith. Service times at Ansonia First Church of God are 9:30 a.m. Sunday school and 10:30 a.m. worship service, Nursery 1, Little Church and Children’s Church, all on Sunday, and Kreative Kids, Regen-

Pastor Derek Specht came to the Ansonia First Church of God in November 2016 as lead pastor. He hails from North Carolina. (Linda Moody photo)

eration Student Ministries and Adult Bible Study and 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday.

Sky’s the Limit Travel now offering day trips GREENVILLE – Are you looking for a quick getaway? Do you just want to get away for a day? You might want to consider calling Sky’s the Limit Travel. The travel business, located at 1117 E. Main St., Greenville, along with Endless Journey Bus Tours, a division of Sky’s the Limit Travel, is now offering day trips departing from Greenville and heading to exciting des-

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tinations. Get ready to go to a Blue Jackets Hockey Game in Columbus, take Amish Shopping Trip or possibly win big on a Casino Trip. The first tour will be on Nov. 4 when they travel to The Warther Train Museum and Gardens in Dover with a stop at Sugar Creek Village. They also have tours planned for Hollywood Gaming in Columbus and an overnight trip to Frankenmuth, Mich. Other trips in the planning stages include Victoria Theatre performances, LaComedia, Rising Star Casino, Hoosier Park and Shipshewana, Ind. For more information on their Endless Journey Bus Tours or booking a vacation with Sky’s the Limit Travel, call (937) 459-5568. They are open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 13

Smoking cessation is topic of free event GREENVILLE – In accordance with its mission of “Building healthy lives… together,” Family Health’s Behavioral Health and Wellness Center is hosting a Wellness in Mind, Body and Spirit program series. Speakers from Family Health, YMCA, and Wayne Healthcare, among many other community organizations will present programs and activities to enhance health and well-being from a whole person perspective. The Behavioral Health and Wellness center is excited to host Family Health’s very own Jane Urlage, RN, BSN, BS and The Darke County YMCA

as they partner together to provide a great educational message and exercise demonstration. Jane will be speaking about “Smoking Cessation”. Jane is the Patient Care Coordinator at Family Health and is responsible for the coordination of services and case management of patients with chronic diseases. Jane graduated from Morehead State University with an Associate’s degree in Nursing and a Bachelor’s degree in University Studies. Jane also holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Ohio University. Jane has been a registered nurse for over 30 years and has spent many

Upward Sports registration DARKE COUNTY – Registration deadline for the seventh season of Darke County Upward Sports program is only a week away. Friday, Oct. 13 is the last day you will have to ensure your young basketball player or cheerleader can be part of this year’s fun. Basketball players eligible must be at least five years old by Dec. 1, 2017 all the way up to 6th grade – 7th and 8th grade basketball has been cancelled for this year. Cheerleaders must also be at least five and as old as 8th grade. A child has the option to do both if eligible. You can register online at registration.upward. org/UPW64777 or drop off completed forms at the Pleasant View Missionary Church office between 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Cost per child is $87. Child must be registered in order to participate in upcoming evaluations and orientations, beginning Oct. 16. The events are mandatory in order to play.

The program is once again in need of volunteers to help out. Anyone interested in donating some hours of their time, contact the new apprentice league director June Anderson at 937-417-9892. Help is needed with concessions, scheduling, sound, score, mascot, set up and tear down, devotions, greeting, cheer and basketball coaching, assistant coaching, photography and more. For more information contact Mark at 937-5416281, June at 937-4179892 or the PVMC office at 937-447-3885. For all dates and times click the Upward Sports link online at www. pleasantviewmc.org

years providing educational presentations on various health related topics and has worked in a variety of health care settings. Recently Jane completed the Facilitator Training for The American Cancer Society Fresh Start Tobacco Cessation Program. The Fresh Start program emphasizes that smoking cessation is a two part process; stopping smoking and staying stopped. Smoking cessation can be a start to a new life without cigarettes. Join Urlage and the YMCA at the Behavioral Health and Wellness Center on Oct. 9 from 6:307:30 p.m. to hear her free educational message on Smoking Cessation. The YMCA will also be providing a free exercise demonstration that evening before the educational message from Urlage. The program will be held at the Behavioral Health and Wellness Center located at 1101 Jackson Street in Greenville (The Reid Medical Building next to Family Health) at 6:30 pm. Light refreshments will be provided. Contact the Behavioral Health and Wellness Center at (937) 547-2319 with questions and/or if you are interested in attending. Reservations are not required to attend, but are appreciated to provide adequate seating and materials. Kurt Troutwine

UC Wall of History needs volunteers UNION CITY – The Village of Union City, Ohio “Wall of History” committee is still active in researching and filing of early and present village history. The committee was formed in March 2011 and the mission then and now is to collect and preserve the history of the village so present and future generations can learn about their heritage. Their present display is located in the entrance room of the Village Municipal Building, located at 419 East Elm Street in Union City, Ohio. They have records of the platting of the village, early set-

tlers, a mural depicting the first 50 years of the village, early businesses, schools, churches, memories of citizens telling what they remember about Union City when they were growing up. They also have a 1926 map listing the owners of the lots, many old advertising items and much, much more. You can check out their display between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday. They have run out of space at their present location; they need to find space where citizens can sit down and read what they have and look up information

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from their many books. They are also looking for someone to help with their projects; someone who has time to not only attend their bi-monthly meetings but someone with a love for history to join the group and help with research, sort and file their many records that still need to be put into books; a volunteer to help work with an hour or two or as much time as you want. Can you help? Look at their present display, to see if you might be interested. If so, call Betty Grimes, chairperson, 937-9684756. It can be fun and educational.

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PAGE 14 October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Hall will speak to Darke County Republicans GREENVILLE – Kris Ann Hall of Northern Florida will be doing a guest appearance in Greenville on Oct. 13. In addition to being a renowned author and host of the Kris Anne Hall TV Show, she is a Constitutional Educator with an entertaining quality. Hall will be speaking about “State Sovereignty – the duty of state and local representatives�. The Doors will open at 6 p.m. on Oct. 13 at the Lighthouse Christian Center, 5256 Sebring Warner Road, Greenville. Admittance is $15, students free. Snacks and beverages will be available. The Darke County Republican Party will be sponsoring this event. “I created this presentation at the request of a state legislator in Utah after attending a genealogy presentation. In it, the origin of the Constitution and the federal government is

clearly explained. The unquestionable authority of the people through their states to be the ďŹ nal arbiters of their own liberty is laid out in a way that cannot be denied – unless you simply reject truth,â€? states Hall. “You will see the solution that the framers gave us to keep a lawless federal government in check.â€? Hall is an incredibly passionate speaker – a true Patrick Henry of our time. She speaks to audiences all across the country on Constitutional History, American Exceptionalism, and the Fight for Liberty. Her passion and enthusiasm is contagious and she is able to inspire any group. A steadfast warrior in the battle for liberty, she has kept the attention of crowd for hours. “Having heard a multitude of speakers, Kris Anne Hall, always remains in my mind as one of the most

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Kris Anne Hall, renowned author, TV host, and constitutional scholar, is a dynamic speaker as she presents liberty facts to her audience.

dynamic and interesting speakers I have ever heard,� commented Ohio Federation of Republican Women’s President Lyn Bliss of Greenville. “She provides relevant information in an entertaining and dynamic presentation that keeps the audience captivated. This is a program you do not want to miss!� Hall has her law degree from the University of Florida, and is a former Russian linguist for the U.S. Army. She is a former state prosecutor. In private practice, she defended religious liberty and the liberties guaranteed by the First Amendment.

The purpose of the Darke County GOP is to secure the most capable, honest, and forward-looking administration for the government of the nation, state, county, township and municipalities, and in accordance with the principles of the Republican Party, continually assist in advancing and achieving the common welfare and the beneďŹ ts of liberty and justice for ourselves and our posterity. For more information regarding this event or the Darke County GOP, visit www.darkegop. org or contact Chairman Keith Threewits at keiththreewits@darkegop.org or 937-968-6158.

Lung Cancer is topic of BRC’s Lunch & Learn GREENVILLE – Brethren Retirement Community will host a free “Lunch and Learnâ€? on Lung Cancer with guest speaker Dr. Manish Sheth, a Board CertiďŹ ed Hematologist and Medical Oncologist with a practice in Greenville. Dr. Sheth is associated with Premier Health and participates in MD Anderson Cancer Network, a program of MD Anderson Cancer Center at Premier Health. As the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women in the United States, lung cancer kills more people each year than breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer combined. While smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, environmental factors are also associated with lung cancer. The Lunch and Learn

Dr. Manish Sheth

event will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 11 at Brethren Retirement Community, in the Brick Room, at noon. The program is free and open to the public. Seating is limited and reservations are required. Please call 937-547-7655 to reserve your space.


FISH FRY Darke County Fish and Game Club Thursday, October 12th

All you can eat fish fry, plus 2 sides


$8.00 adults, $4.00 children under 10

Dine in or carry out, dessert and pop for a small fee Public welcome 1407 New Garden Rd. New Paris Ohio, just off route 121 south of New Madison

GREENVILLE – Ohio Eighth District Congressman Warren Davidson visited with the Council on Rural Services Gateway ACES program on Friday, Sept. 22. ACES - Achievement Center for Educational Success - offers Darke County students in need of alternative educational opportunities an environment to continue their education and receive a high school diploma. Above, ACES senior Shasta, 16, shares her success story with Jeff Vaughn, ACES program manager (center) and Davidson.

October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 15

VAM changes displays; ready for road trip

Painted pumpkins greet kids as they start round two of The Great Pumpkin Hunt.

The Great Pumpkin Hunt planned at DCP GREENVILLE – Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere! Looking for an alternative to scary Halloween events? The Great Pumpkin Hunt is fun for the whole family. Spend the afternoon wandering through the woods at Shawnee Prairie Preserve on a scavenger hunt filled with tons of fall goodies. Inside the Nature Center each child will get a pumpkin to paint and take home. Children are encouraged to wear a costume and receive an extra prize! The Great Pumpkin

Hunt will take place on Oct. 21, 1 p.m., at Shawnee Prairie Preserve, 4267 St. Rt. 502 west of Greenville. Pre-registration is required, and a $6 fee is charged. To register for this fun fall event, call the Nature Center at (937) 548-0165. To find out more about the other programs offered by the Darke County Park District, call the office, check out the website at darkecountyparks.org, or visit the Nature Center Monday-Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Honor & Color Guard members needed GREENVILLE – American Legion Post 140 is in need of new members for the Honor and Color Guard. This unit is responsible for carrying the Colors and honoring veterans in parades and funerals. One veteran said he joined 14 years ago and there were 35 members. Now, the unit has 14 at the most when all are available. Many former members have passed away. Most members are now in their 80’s and 90s and the youngest is 65. Many will want their loved to

have a military funeral, which they deserve. It could be your father, grandfather, brother or sister and the biggest fear is there will be no one to honor them for their service. If you are ready to give our veterans their final honor, come to American Legion Post 140. It doesn’t matter what post you are from as long as you have an Honorable Discharge you can continue to serve or brothers and sisters with an Honorable Military Service.

VERSAILLES – The days are shorter, the nights cooler, and the trees are beginning to show a bit of color. These are sure signs that autumn is here. The Versailles Area Museum is getting ready for the season as well. The old cider press, featured in the North Star room has seen many autumn harvests over the years. The stove glows in the old Mercantile Store and the checkers are set for a game. Their 1900 Kitchen is ready for a cozy night at home, with lamp lights a glowing, and knitting to be done. A pot of coffee is on the stove and a bowl of hickory nuts are ready to be cracked open. The three sections of the school room are ready for a new school year and Tiger memorabilia through the years is on display. Why not gather the family after a Sunday dinner and come by the museum. There is so much to see and explore and lots of great volunteers who can’t wait to share a story or two about the fascinating stories waiting for you. The museum recently took a road trip that took them on the back roads around historic Centerville, Ind. With stops at the large Antique Shop in the area steeped with history. They

Democrat Breakfast

GREENVILLE – The Darke County Democrats will host an early riser breakfast on Oct. 14, 8 a.m., at the Brethren Retirement Community in the cafeteria. Come and enjoy fellowship and breakfast. The cost is $6. Everyone is welcome. For reservations, call Tom Hans, 937-273-3865 or Dave Niley, 937-5484517.

also stopped at Warm Glow, one of the area’s largest candle manufacturers. On their way home they stopped in Fountain City at the new Levi Coffin Visitor’s Center and learned even more about the Underground Railroad and, of course, Amish Acers, referred to by the locals as the “Amish Wal-Mart” ended their day. Their Oct. 12 trip will take them on to the amazing and historic, Woodland Cemetery in Dayton. This is one of the few true parkstyle cemeteries in the country. They will see the resting place of Dayton notables like

the Wright Brothers, Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Charles Kettering, Erma Bombeck and many others. They will enjoy lunch at Dayton’s famous Hickory Bar-B-Q on Brown Street. Then off to the Wright Brothers and Paul Lawrence Dunbar Historic site to conclude their day. They will be leaving the museum at 9 a.m. and will return around 4 p.m. It should be noted there will be some walking with this tour, but a guide will ride through with them telling about many important sites at the cemetery.

They are limited to 20 guests this time and they are filling up fast. Call the museum at 937-526-4222 to reserve your spot. Several drivers are always appreciated. NEW AT


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International Investing: Still a Journey to Consider Columbus Day is observed on October 9. And while it may be true that Leif Erikson and the Vikings beat Columbus to the New World, Columbus Day nonetheless remains important in the public eye, signifying themes such as exploration and discovery. As an investor, you don’t have to “cross the ocean blue,” as Columbus did, to find opportunities – but it may be a good idea to put some of your money to work outside the United States. So, why should you consider investing internationally? The chief reason is diversification. If you only invest in U.S. companies, you might do well when the U.S. markets are soaring, as has happened in recent years. But when the inevitable downturn happens, and you’re totally concentrated in U.S. stocks, your portfolio will probably take a hit. At the same time, however, other regions of the world might be doing considerably better than the U.S. markets – and if you had put some of your investment holdings in these regions, you might at least blunt some of the effects of the down market here. Of course, it’s also a good idea to diversify among different asset classes, so, in addition to investing in U.S. and international stocks, you’ll want to own bonds, government securities and other investment vehicles. (Keep in mind, though, that while diversification can help reduce the effects of volatility, it can’t guarantee a profit or protect against loss.) International investments, like all investments, will fluctuate in value. But they also have other characteristics and risks to consider, such as these: • Currency fluctuations – The U.S. dollar rises and falls in relation to the currencies of other countries. Some-

times, these movements can work in your favor, but sometimes not. A strengthening dollar typically lowers returns from international investments because companies based overseas do business in a foreign currency, and the higher value of the U.S. dollar reduces the prices, measured in dollars, of individual shares of these companies’ stocks. The opposite has happened in 2017, when the weaker dollar has helped increase returns from international investments. • Political risks – When you invest internationally, you’re not just investing in foreign companies – you’re also essentially investing in the legal and economic systems of countries in which those companies do business. Political instability or changes in laws and regulations can create additional risks – but may also provide potentially positive returns for investors. • Social and economic risks – It is not always easy for investors to understand all the economic and social factors that influence markets in the U.S. – and it’s even more challenging with foreign markets. U.S. markets are now worth less than half of the total world markets, and growth in the rest of the world is likely to keep expanding the number of global opportunities. You can take advantage of that global growth by putting part of your portfolio into international investments, including developed and emerging markets. In any case, given the more complex nature of international investing, you’ll want to consult with a financial professional before taking action. If it turns out that international investments are appropriate for your needs, you should certainly consider going global.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

Andria Haworth

684 Wagner Ave., Suite B Greenville, Ohio 45331

(937) 548-3917


Member SPIC

PAGE 16 October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

DELINQUENT LAND TAX NOTICE A01-ADAMS TOWNSHIP-BRADFORD EVSD A01-0-409-09-00-00-30600 DERSHEM RICHARD J ....................................................... 596.29 A01-0-409-09-00-00-40400 RIFFELL PAUL A & KEIHL JOYCE A ................................... 449.19 A01-0-409-09-00-00-40800 WESTFALL JULIA A ............................................................ 475.51 A01-0-409-33-00-00-20301 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION...... 112.20 A02-ADAMS TOWNSHIP-GREENVILLE CSD A02-0-310-02-00-00-40200 BOWMAN RUE & MELISSA D JT SURV .......................... 1,410.71 A02-0-310-02-00-00-40201 BOWMAN RUE E & MELISSA D JT & SURV....................... 745.77 A02-0-310-02-00-00-40202 BOWMAN RUE E & MELISSA D JT & SURV....................... 615.10 A02-0-310-11-00-00-20502 MC GLOTHIN TIMOTHY P & GLORIA S LE JT SURV ..... 1,250.00 A02-0-310-21-00-00-40100 WELCH JOHN S .................................................................. 785.31 A02-0-310-27-00-00-32200 TEDDER MARK A ................................................................ 625.55 A02-0-310-33-00-00-31403 CROWELL KATHERINE L ................................................ 1,647.02 A02-0-310-33-00-00-31600 GRAVES CHRISTOPHER A & MICHELLE D JT SURV ....... 855.13 A02-0-409-06-00-00-40100 NIXON ROBERT E JR & MARY JO JT SURV................... 1,689.12 A02-0-409-07-00-00-30301 BECK MARK A ..................................................................... 942.68 A02-0-409-18-00-00-40301 BECK MARK A ....................................................................... 23.23 A02-0-409-31-00-00-10301 WHITTON JONATHAN ............................................................ 1.57 A02-0-409-31-00-00-40800 JOHNSON THELMA ............................................................ 391.92 A02-0-409-32-00-00-40400 WHITTON JONATHAN ........................................................ 283.07 A04-ADAMS TOWNSHIP-BRADFORD CORPORATION A04-2-409-21-01-01-11200 LAMBERT DAVID CARR .................................................... 203.40 A04-2-409-21-01-02-13100 DSRE CENTEX PARTNERS 3 LLC ..................................... 378.24 A04-2-409-21-01-05-10600 FLORY WARREN E .......................................................... 5,596.00 A04-2-409-21-02-01-11401 DARST DANIEL A & MORGAN ET AL ................................... 28.78 A04-2-409-21-02-04-13100 CHRISTIAN JANICE ............................................................ 301.32 A04-2-409-21-02-05-10200 BROUGHMAN MATTHEW ................................................... 535.26 A04-2-409-21-02-05-10300 MELGAARD MATTHEW S & MELGAARD JENNIFER M..... 605.71 A05-ADAMS TOWNSHIP-GETTYSBURG CORPORATION A05-4-310-25-02-02-11200 STEPHENSON TABB K .................................................... 1,378.30 A05-4-310-25-02-02-11301 MILLER THELMA M ............................................................... 32.99 A05-4-310-25-02-02-13800 TAYLOR TRAVIS & CHARLOTTE L JT SURV ..................... 504.66 A05-4-310-25-02-02-14200 DSV SPV1 LLC .................................................................... 537.57 A05-4-310-25-02-03-11000 BARKER LINDA PRIMROSE ............................................... 884.98 B08-ALLEN TOWNSHIP-MISSISSINAWA VALLEY LSD/AAJA B08-0-214-21-00-00-20400 WIDENER PERRY LEE & LORA LYNN................................ 908.36 B08-0-214-28-00-00-20400 CURTIS TERRY C ............................................................... 300.51 B08-0-214-29-00-00-20901 RAMMEL MICHAEL J ............................................................ 94.79 B08-0-214-31-00-00-40101 WESTFALL KEVIN M & WESTFALL JEANNETTE .............. 547.14 B10-ALLEN TOWNSHIP-BURKETTSVILLE CORPORATION B10-2-214-03-01-02-10200 WENDEL JAMIE LYNN ........................................................ 540.71 B11-ALLEN TOWNSHIP-NEW WESTON CORPORATION/AAJA B11-4-214-10-01-01-13100 BURK KEITH D JR & CYNTHIA A JT SURV ........................ 470.72 B12-ALLEN TOWNSHIP-ROSSBURG CORPORATION/AAJA B12-6-214-27-02-01-14400 RODEHEFFER RODNEY L & DIANE................................... 900.92 B12-6-214-27-02-01-15500 MARTIN TERRI LYNN ...................................................... 1,359.08 B12-6-214-34-01-01-10200 HARTZELL CASSANDRA M ............................................... 149.44 C13-BROWN TOWNSHIP-ANSONIA LSD/AAJA C13-0-213-20-00-00-40300 BACK STEVEN & DAYNA JT & SURV ................................. 522.52 C13-0-213-22-00-00-30600 NEAL AMBER A ................................................................... 569.11 C13-0-213-30-00-00-20200 MC KENNA KEVIN & BETTY JT SURV ............................... 587.70 C13-0-213-31-00-00-10301 MC KENNA KEVIN & BETTY .............................................. 247.46 C15-BROWN TOWNSHIP-ANSONIA CORPORATION/AAJA C15-2-213-22-01-01-10300 BLACK RYAN L ................................................................... 551.62 C15-2-213-22-01-02-10800 LEE N CAROL ..................................................................... 298.67 C15-2-213-22-01-02-11900 GIVENS DENNIS ................................................................. 966.67 C15-2-213-22-02-01-11200 PFLEDDERER SCOTT A .................................................... 696.13 C15-2-213-22-02-02-11000 CONRAD LOLA IRENE ....................................................... 399.17 C15-2-213-22-02-02-11100 BEST ANITA ......................................................................... 329.91 C15-2-213-22-02-06-12100 MINKER PROPERTIES INC .................................................. 51.30 C15-2-213-22-02-10-10700 CALLIHAN LISA R ............................................................... 408.44 C15-2-213-22-02-11-13400 OLIVER JAMES D & KELLY R JT & SURV .......................... 683.24 C15-2-213-22-02-12-10600 BRYSON LAMONT R ............................................................ 47.78 C15-2-213-22-03-01-11000 CHRISTMAN RODNEY A & JODY D JT SURV ................... 271.80 C15-2-213-23-03-03-10800 JOHNSTON WAREHOUSE INC ............................................ 30.39 C15-2-213-23-04-02-11600 WALTERS REESE M & KAITLYN D JT SURV ..................... 141.87 D16-BUTLER TOWNSHIP-ARCANUM-BUTLER LSD/AJAD D16-0-210-25-00-00-20100 WRIGHT MARY E ................................................................. 178.01 D16-0-210-35-00-00-30400 REYNOLDS TYLAN E & DEVON M JT SURV .................. 1,634.54 D16-0-210-36-00-00-10200 DENLINGER CAMERON R & KYRSTON L JT/SURV ........... 38.30 D17-BUTLER TOWNSHIP-TRI-VILLAGE LSD/TVJAD D17-0-210-30-00-00-20800 HARTMAN MICHAEL I & LISA K JT SURV .......................... 561.54 D18-BUTLER TOWNSHIP-CASTINE CORPORATION D18-2-210-26-02-01-11000 MIRAS JOHN R III ............................................................... 613.21 D19-BUTLER TOWNSHIP-NEW MADISON CORPORATION D19-4-210-18-04-01-12200 REYNOLDS TYLAN E & DEVON M JT SURV .................. 1,803.95 D19-4-210-18-04-01-12400 RANTZ M KRIS .................................................................... 243.71 D19-4-210-18-04-01-12600 RANTZ M KRIS .................................................................... 230.23 D19-4-210-18-04-01-13600 STRONG CLARENCE P ...................................................... 146.38 D19-4-210-18-04-01-13700 STRONG CLARENCE P ...................................................... 584.30 D19-4-210-18-04-03-11200 RABY ETHEL R ................................................................... 214.74 D81-BUTLER TOWNSHIP-ARCANUM-BUTLER LSD/TVJAD D81-0-210-03-00-00-40100 FLORY RANDALL M ............................................................ 395.97 E20-FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP-FRANKLIN-MONROE LSD E20-0-309-01-00-00-40301 BERNING DALE .................................................................. 527.99 E83-FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP-FRANKLIN-MONROE LSD/AJAD E83-0-309-24-00-00-40101 MOSS JOAN M T.O.D. TO ROCK CHARLES A G............. 1,284.07 E83-0-408-16-00-00-30202 JAMISON DONNIE E & CHERYL L JT & SURV .................. 615.93 E83-0-408-20-00-00-10200 FARMER H WAYNE & PATRICIA ........................................... 77.79 E83-0-408-21-00-00-20400 BEAM KENNETH E & REGINA L JT & SURV ...................... 443.61 E83-0-408-29-00-00-40600 JONES AMY M .................................................................... 571.62 E83-1-408-19-02-01-10500 KNIESLY MICHAEL A .......................................................... 768.81 E83-1-408-20-03-01-10800 KNIESLY MICHAEL A .......................................................... 182.70 F24-GREENVILLE TOWNSHIP-GREENVILLE CSD F24-0-211-08-00-00-10104 MATTIE DAVID ..................................................................... 180.62 F24-0-211-08-00-00-10300 WEYRICK FLOYD E & VIRGINIA M .................................. 1,180.44 F24-0-211-08-00-00-10301 WEYRICK FLOYD E & VIRGINIA M ..................................... 845.22 F24-0-211-10-00-00-32700 PRICE JEREMY A ............................................................... 503.48 F24-0-211-12-00-00-10500 DA MAR PROPERTIES LLC ............................................ 4,027.99 F24-0-212-13-00-00-32300 JONES ANNIE MAE & JONES NAOMI JT SURV ................ 340.55 F24-0-212-20-00-00-21800 NOGGLE MARTHA J TRUSTEE ......................................... 981.12 F24-0-212-20-00-00-22700 HOLMAN JEREMIAH A ......................................................... 28.72 F24-0-212-20-00-00-30600 PETTY MARILYN CUST FOR PETTY NICHOLAS & NOAH 337.55 F24-0-212-20-00-00-30603 HUNT DALE L ................................................................... 1,356.68 F24-0-212-20-00-00-41400 JONES DALE A & LOIS A JT SURV ...................................... 89.03 F24-0-212-20-00-00-41800 BRUMBAUGH RICHARD D & CAROLYN S JT SURV ...... 1,263.51 F24-0-212-20-00-00-41900 MYERS STEVEN K .............................................................. 343.78 F24-0-212-22-00-00-20100 CREMEANS DEBBIE ........................................................... 701.91 F24-0-212-22-00-00-21200 CREMEANS DEBORAH J ................................................... 788.91 F24-0-212-29-00-00-40402 FOUREMAN JOHNNY B & MELISSA A ............................... 343.55 F24-0-212-29-00-00-40404 FOUREMAN DANIEL J ........................................................ 729.16 F24-0-212-31-00-00-10300 KUNKLE JASON D ................................................................ 85.32 F24-0-309-08-00-00-40199 OLENDORF DAVID W JR & CYNTHIA .................................. 39.88 F24-0-310-18-00-00-20200 WESTERN OHIO COON HUNTERS ASSN ........................... 53.88 F24-0-310-30-00-00-30300 MURPHY LEROY ................................................................. 226.12 F24-0-310-30-00-00-31100 CHALMERS ROBERT L III & CHRISTINA B JT SURV ..... 1,749.57 F24-0-310-32-00-00-14000 SCHENCK BRUCE E & BARBARA J ................................ 2,916.99 F24-3-212-12-01-02-11200 KLINGENSMITH DONALD W & SHARRI L JT SURV .......... 221.77 F27-GREENVILLE TOWNSHIP-GREENVILLE CORPORATION F27-2-211-02-03-01-13400 LONROW PROPERTIES LLC ............................................. 577.91 F27-2-211-02-04-03-10500 COLBY TERAH .................................................................... 830.13 F27-2-211-02-04-04-10300 KAYLER ELIZABETH ........................................................... 652.07 F27-2-211-02-04-10-12300 BUTTS SUSAN A ................................................................. 480.23 F27-2-211-02-04-14-10600 LEAS GREGORY D ............................................................. 330.00 F27-2-211-02-04-17-10400 DENHAM CARMEN R ......................................................... 893.80 F27-2-212-23-02-01-10503 LANDMARK STAR PROPERTIES INC ........................... 48,448.17 F27-2-212-23-02-01-11000 REAGAN & PUTHOFF ...................................................... 2,905.22 F27-2-212-23-02-01-11300 REAGAN & PUTHOFF ...................................................... 3,120.48 F27-2-212-23-03-01-12300 BALL CAROL L .................................................................... 901.61 F27-2-212-23-03-03-10600 MASSIE DANIEL P & COOPER GAIL A JT SURV................. 76.63 F27-2-212-23-03-03-10601 MASSIE DANIEL P & COOPER GAIL A JT & SURV ............. 51.77 F27-2-212-23-03-03-10700 COOPER GAIL A & MASSIE DANIEL P .............................. 654.35 F27-2-212-23-03-03-11000 COOPER GAIL A & MASSIE DANIEL P .............................. 728.93 F27-2-212-23-03-03-11100 MASSIE DANIEL P & COOPER GAIL A JT SURV............... 586.84 F27-2-212-23-03-03-11200 COOPER GAIL A & MASSIE DANIEL P JT SURV............... 240.63 F27-2-212-25-04-01-13200 RAMSEY PRESTON M ..................................................... 1,142.08 F27-2-212-26-01-01-11500 SWISHER LAMAR E ........................................................... 592.43

(Section 5721.03, Revised Code of Ohio) 2016 Duplicate Year The lands, lots and parts of lots returned delinquent by the County Treasurer of Darke County, the taxes, assessments, interest and penalties, charged against them agreeably to law, are contained and described in the following list, Viz:

F27-2-212-26-02-03-14700 BEVINS BEVERLY A ........................................................... 818.05 F27-2-212-26-02-03-15600 DISPENNETTE GLENNA .................................................... 470.93 F27-2-212-26-02-03-16100 MURPHY LEROY E ............................................................. 252.40 F27-2-212-26-02-03-17800 PRICE JEREMY A ............................................................... 389.04 F27-2-212-26-02-05-10300 WOLFE CLARK H JR .......................................................... 350.00 F27-2-212-26-03-02-10600 HALL KATHLEEN JOAN ...................................................... 495.28 F27-2-212-26-04-07-12100 HARGRAVE JASON E ...................................................... 1,094.10 F27-2-212-26-04-07-14300 ABERNATHY ADAH FAYE ................................................ 1,412.23 F27-2-212-27-01-01-15800 ALBRIGHT MICHAEL G & BARBARA J JT SURV ............ 2,288.19 F27-2-212-27-02-02-11500 MARKLEY DAVID L & MARKLEY DONNA M....................... 766.33 F27-2-212-27-02-04-14900 VANCE ADAM C .................................................................. 383.71 F27-2-212-34-01-01-11000 GREENVILLE 06 LLC .......................................................... 899.48 F27-2-212-34-02-01-10500 BLEVINS BETTY J ............................................................... 444.28 F27-2-212-34-02-01-11200 WINTROW MICHAEL A & BARTON APRIL B...................... 378.81 F27-2-212-35-01-01-10400 A & W INVESTMENTS INC .............................................. 1,719.23 F27-2-212-35-01-03-11000 HARGRAVE JASON E ......................................................... 482.69 F27-2-212-35-01-03-13400 CAMPBELL CHRISTOPHER GARRETT........................... 1,476.53 F27-2-212-35-01-04-12600 ERISMAN REAL ESTATE HOLDING LLC .............................. 68.84 F27-2-212-35-01-06-11100 BARTON APRIL D ............................................................... 258.16 F27-2-212-35-01-08-11200 SMITH MELISSA A .............................................................. 505.42 F27-2-212-35-02-02-10100 TAYLOR TRAVIS L & CHARLOTTE L JT SURV .................... 83.93 F27-2-212-35-02-04-13900 STEBBINS PROPERTIES LLC ............................................ 276.88 F27-2-212-35-02-06-13500 BARTON APRIL D & WINTROW MICHAEL A JT SURV ..... 270.72 F27-2-212-35-02-08-10100 COOPER GAIL A & MASSIE DANIEL P ........................... 2,466.40 F27-2-212-35-02-08-11401 AZOR SCRIBNERS FAMILY RESTAURANT & LOUNGE INC . 163.08 F27-2-212-35-02-09-13100 WEHERLEY TOBY L & DIANA L JT SURV .......................... 881.73 F27-2-212-35-03-01-11800 BERGMAN DARREN R ....................................................... 882.71 F27-2-212-35-03-02-10800 NEAL AMBER A ................................................................... 387.05 F27-2-212-35-03-02-13500 KENNEDY FAITH .............................................................. 1,154.29 F27-2-212-35-03-04-10100 GIBBONEY ROBERT & GIBBONEY DAWN JT SURV ..... 1,376.84 F27-2-212-35-03-04-12500 MASSIE DANIEL P & COOPER GAIL A .............................. 540.32 F27-2-212-35-03-05-11200 COOPER GAIL ANN ............................................................ 574.29 F27-2-212-35-03-05-13500 MARCUM BRIAN D ............................................................. 770.51 F27-2-212-35-03-07-11300 RANDALL TYRONE & LEANDREA ................................... 1,237.05 F27-2-212-35-03-07-14800 MARSHALL JERROD M & STEWART ABBIE G.................. 729.01 F27-2-212-35-03-08-10100 HARGRAVE JASON E ......................................................... 571.01 F27-2-212-35-03-08-13100 GILPIN JODI M .................................................................... 550.00 F27-2-212-35-03-09-10500 BERGMAN DARREN R .................................................... 1,046.51 F27-2-212-35-03-09-12000 SANCO PRODUCTS CO .................................................. 1,875.45 F27-2-212-35-03-12-11200 HARGROVE JASON E ........................................................ 499.00 F27-2-212-35-03-12-12600 GAMBREL DAVID K ............................................................ 510.88 F27-2-212-35-04-02-12900 MORRIS GAIL L ................................................................ 1,229.19 F27-2-212-35-04-03-11500 SALEM TAMER .................................................................... 924.38 F27-2-212-35-04-06-10700 KREITZER RONNIE E & MARY L ........................................ 301.43 F27-2-212-35-04-09-14200 METZCAR GREGORY B .................................................. 1,438.13 F27-2-212-35-04-10-11100 MURPHY LEROY E ............................................................. 465.72 F27-2-212-36-04-03-12900 BELL DEBORAH S ........................................................... 1,125.31 G28-HARRISON TOWNSHIP-TRI-VILLAGE LSD G28-0-110-02-00-00-20102 WALDEN DANIEL K & PAULA A ...................................... 1,128.65 G28-0-110-02-00-00-30400 BRIDGES MEARL KENT & MARILYN ELIZABETH ............. 156.94 G28-0-110-02-00-00-30500 BRIDGES M KENT & MARILYN E ........................................ 336.29 G28-0-110-03-00-00-10500 COLVIN JAMES E & ROBIN K JT SURV ............................. 706.87 G28-0-110-05-00-00-40103 JONES DAVID C .................................................................... 44.08 G28-0-110-05-00-00-40301 JONES DAVID C .................................................................. 295.72 G28-0-110-05-00-00-40302 JONES DAVID C .................................................................... 63.82 G28-0-110-11-00-00-40500 BRIDGES MEARL KENT & MARILYN ELIZABETH ............. 165.42 G28-0-110-11-00-00-40600 BRIDGES M KENT & MARILYN E ......................................... 90.53 G28-0-110-11-00-00-40700 BRIDGES M KENT & MARILYN E ....................................... 145.65 G28-0-110-11-00-00-40800 BRIDGES MEARL KENT & MARILYN ELIZABETH .......... 1,180.30 G28-0-110-28-00-00-40100 COMBS JERRY W ............................................................... 350.68 G28-0-110-34-00-00-10200 FUDGE NORMAN R & JUDITH A JT SURV ..................... 3,160.94 G30-HARRISON TOWNSHIP-HOLLANSBURG CORPORATION G30-2-110-05-03-01-10200 PEDEN SUSAN ...........................................................................133.49 G30-2-110-05-03-01-11300 FLATTER MICHAEL T & BAKER ASHLEY ..................................508.87 G30-2-110-05-04-02-10800 SLEPPY RANDY W .....................................................................162.39 G30-2-110-05-04-02-11500 WEATHERLY BEATRICE JOY AKA BEATRICE J WEATHERLY ..253.87 G30-2-110-05-04-02-12200 CLARK BARRY B & & VIRGINIA M JT&SURV ............................204.40 G30-2-110-05-04-03-10600 WEATHERLY BEATRICE JOY AKA BEATRICE J WEATHERLY ..107.24 G30-2-110-05-04-03-10700 WEATHERLY BEATRICE JOY AKA BEATRICE J WEATHERLY ..290.07 G30-2-110-05-04-03-11700 DILL ROBERT DUANE & NANCY LEE TRUSTEES ET AL .........247.88 G30-2-110-05-04-04-10100 JONES DAVID C ..........................................................................133.83 G31-HARRISON TOWNSHIP-NEW MADISON CORPORATION G31-4-110-13-01-02-10400 HENDRICKS BENJAMIN J & ASHLEY L JT SURV ............. 833.22 G31-4-110-13-01-03-11300 RIKE CURTIS L & CONNIE S............................................ 1,172.71 G31-4-110-13-01-03-12000 RIKE CURTIS L ................................................................ 1,540.67 G31-4-110-13-01-04-10300 STAMPS PHILLIP WILLIAM JR ........................................... 339.80 G31-4-110-13-02-01-10100 RANTZ MARY KRIS .............................................................. 89.40 G31-4-110-13-02-01-12200 TIETGE JAMES JR .............................................................. 549.72 G31-4-110-13-02-01-13800 LINDAMOOD TONY A & LOU ANN JT SURV...................... 591.44 H32-JACKSON TOWNSHIP-MISSISSINAWA VALLEY LSD H32-0-113-05-00-00-30900 PETERS JEFFERY C & CHERYL A JT & SURV ................. 797.26 H32-0-113-05-00-00-31700 FOWLER MICHAEL J .......................................................... 383.81 H32-0-113-08-00-00-40101 PEARCY MICHAEL L .......................................................... 324.16 H32-0-113-19-00-00-20300 UTEMARK KEVIN ................................................................ 272.37 H32-0-113-21-00-00-10301 HOLDERMAN JOHN M ....................................................... 654.88 H32-0-113-23-00-00-20303 CRAWFORD SHANE K JR .................................................... 43.61 H32-0-113-25-00-00-20201 FRITZ FRANKLIN D TRUSTEE ........................................... 163.28 H32-0-113-26-00-00-30100 STEWART ALVA E & BOBBY JOYCE .................................. 635.82 H32-0-113-33-00-00-43900 VANATTA TODD R & SHANNON F JT SURV ................... 2,171.46 H33-JACKSON TOWNSHIP-UNION CITY CORPORATION H33-2-113-29-03-06-10300 GILDERSLEEVE OLIVER .................................................... 208.28 H33-2-113-29-04-01-11300 VANATTA SHANNON F ....................................................... 457.93 H33-2-113-29-04-01-11801 LIVINGSTON META SUE .................................................... 678.60 H33-2-113-29-04-02-11100 STEBBINS PROPERTIES LLC ............................................ 161.66 H33-2-113-29-04-02-11300 RUST ERIC .......................................................................... 559.90 H33-2-113-29-04-03-11900 FUNK ERIC D ...................................................................... 501.70 H33-2-113-29-04-04-11500 REHMERT RONALD & SANDY JT SURV............................ 178.32 H33-2-113-30-01-02-11800 FINDLEY HENRY ................................................................ 868.97 H33-2-113-30-01-02-12500 LOPEZ ISMAEL V & LYDIA R JT & SURV ........................... 352.55 H33-2-113-30-01-02-12600 STEBBINS PROPERTIES LLC ............................................ 223.47 H33-2-113-30-02-01-10200 HALL LISA M ....................................................................... 109.34 H33-2-113-30-02-01-10300 LIEBRECHT CONSTANCE D .............................................. 147.30 H33-2-113-30-02-01-11100 MELENDEZ VICTOR MANUEL & VALDEZ SILVIA JT SURV .. 347.50 H33-2-113-30-02-01-11201 MELENDEZ VICTOR MANUEL & VALDEZ SILVIA JT SURV .... 41.10 H33-2-113-30-02-01-11900 BADERTSCHER LINDA K ................................................... 438.94 H33-2-113-30-02-01-15700 KISER HELEN J ................................................................... 515.63 H33-2-113-30-02-02-10100 JENKINSON RANDALL G ................................................... 531.05 H33-2-113-30-02-02-12300 JOLLY DIXIE M AKA JOLLY DIXIE ....................................... 353.72 H33-2-113-31-01-01-13200 COPELAND KIP .................................................................. 542.66 H33-2-113-31-01-01-13900 SIMONS ROY E & ANGELA S ............................................. 296.29 I34-LIBERTY TOWNSHIP-TRI-VILLAGE LSD I34-0-111-06-00-00-10300 TOWNSEND PHYLLIS L ..................................................... 644.85 I34-0-111-06-00-00-30200 TOWNSEND PHYLLIS L ..................................................... 454.06 I34-0-111-17-00-00-10101 BARGA AG LLC ................................................................ 1,576.10 I34-0-111-21-00-00-30200 FILBY MICHAEL D & REBECCA S JT SURV.................... 1,368.66 I34-0-111-26-00-00-40200 ASHBY TODD ...................................................................... 812.76 I34-0-111-29-00-00-40300 RICHARDS GARY SCOTT & JANET DEE TRUSTEES ET AL ..1,202.62 I34-0-111-32-00-00-30600 DOTSON JOHN F & DAVIS HEATHER JT SURV .................... 7.14 I34-0-111-32-00-00-30601 DOTSON JOHN F & DAVIS HEATHER M JT SURV .............. 79.77 I34-0-111-32-00-00-31300 GUINN CHRISTOPHER R & LISA A .................................... 497.94 I34-0-111-36-00-00-40400 CLEMENS DANNY JOE ET AL ............................................ 269.96 I34-1-111-32-03-01-11600 DOTSON JOHN F & DAVIS HEATHER JT SURV ................ 569.79 I35-LIBERTY TOWNSHIP-GREENVILLE CSD I35-0-111-06-00-00-40100 TOWNSEND PHYLLIS L .................................................. 2,433.66 I36-LIBERTY TOWNSHIP-PALESTINE CORPORATION I36-2-111-14-03-01-13200 COLVIN ROBIN K .................................................................. 74.49 J37-MISSISSINAWA TOWNSHIP-MISSISSINAWA VALLEY LSD J37-0-114-28-00-00-30200 WEHRKAMP RONNIE L & AMSPAUGH JASON .............. 1,607.35 J37-1-114-23-04-01-10400 SUMMERS DAVID H ........................................................... 458.74 K39-MONROE TOWNSHIP-FRANKLIN-MONROE LSD K39-0-407-08-00-00-31700 TIELBUR GREGORY & SHAUNNA JT SURV...................... 582.98 K39-0-407-08-00-00-40202 GRILLMEIER STEVEN E & JENNIFER V JT & SURV ......... 501.75 K39-0-407-09-00-00-20600 MAY RONALD & PAMELA JT SURV ................................... 422.12 K39-0-407-18-00-00-30100 MEYERS NATHANIEL ......................................................... 953.40 K39-0-407-20-00-00-10100 ROHWER JOSHUA .......................................................... 1,161.10 K43-MONROE TOWNSHIP-PITSBURG CORPORATION K43-2-308-12-01-01-10400 POLLARD MICHAEL ........................................................ 1,693.67

K43-2-308-12-01-05-10300 STEWART SANDRA K ........................................................ 558.45 K43-2-308-12-01-05-11400 RABY CHARLES J & APRIL R JT SURV ............................. 389.54 K43-2-308-12-01-06-10600 SPITLER PENNI J ............................................................ 2,334.71 L44-NEAVE TOWNSHIP-GREENVILLE CSD/AJAD L44-0-211-13-00-00-21000 STEWART JOSHUA W ........................................................ 511.76 L44-0-211-13-00-00-22400 PELLMAN NICHOLAS A .................................................. 1,166.66 L44-0-211-13-00-00-42100 FEE JON E & KRISTIN E...................................................... 932.57 L45-NEAVE TOWNSHIP-TRI-VILLAGE LSD/TVJAD L45-0-211-16-00-00-30300 BARGA AG LLC ................................................................... 107.31 L45-0-211-17-00-00-20101 GEIST DALE E & JULIE B ................................................... 643.46 L45-0-211-20-00-00-30302 MENDENHALL TAMERA LOUISE HODSON ....................... 574.00 L45-0-211-21-00-00-41200 BARGA AG LLC ..................................................................... 95.82 L45-0-211-29-00-00-21500 EMRICK BONNIE S ............................................................. 293.46 L45-0-211-33-00-00-30502 YANCEY DOYLE .................................................................. 105.29 L45-3-211-29-02-01-10100 KARNEHM NATHAN ............................................................ 453.53 L80-NEAVE TOWNSHIP-WAYNE LAKES CORPORATION L80-2-211-28-02-01-13700 BARGER L DOUGLAS & HELM TAMMY L JT & SURV .... 1,829.46 L80-2-211-28-02-02-12500 BARGER LOREN DOUGLAS & TAMMY L JT SURV ............. 73.96 L80-2-211-33-01-01-12100 HORNBACKER TIM ............................................................... 43.62 L80-2-211-33-01-01-12200 HORNBACKER TIM ............................................................. 258.85 L80-2-211-33-01-01-12500 HORNBACKER TIMOTHY B ............................................... 755.18 L80-2-211-33-01-03-10301 GARWOOD TERRY A JR .................................................... 812.56 L80-2-211-33-01-03-14400 BOYER MARK A & LINDA F JT SURV ................................... 28.61 L80-2-211-33-04-02-10800 YANCEY DOYLE DE LYNN & DOROTHY MARIE JT SURV.... 8.75 L80-2-211-33-04-02-10900 YANCEY DOYLE DE LYNN & DOROTHY MARIE JT SURV . 165.75 L82-NEAVE TOWNSHIP-GREENVILLE CSD/TVJAD L82-0-211-15-00-00-30100 BARGA AG LLC ................................................................ 1,414.00 L82-0-211-16-00-00-20100 BARGA AG LLC ................................................................... 901.92 L82-0-211-16-00-00-30400 BARGA AG LLC ..................................................................... 85.35 L82-0-211-21-00-00-41300 BARGA AG LLC ................................................................... 142.54 L82-1-211-27-04-01-11300 COLE TIMOTHY S ............................................................ 1,256.65 M47-PATTERSON TOWNSHIP-MINSTER LSD M47-0-411-09-00-00-30102 BOHMAN JOHN R & JANICE M JT SURV ........................ 1,903.86 M47-0-411-09-00-00-30200 BOHMAN JOHN R & JANICE M ........................................ 1,519.23 M50-PATTERSON TOWNSHIP-VERSAILLES EVSD M50-0-411-32-00-00-30100 BOHMAN DONALD J & JANET M JT SURV ..................... 3,450.08 M50-0-411-32-00-00-30101 BOHMAN JOHN R ............................................................... 146.35 M51-PATTERSON TOWNSHIP-OSGOOD CORPORATION M51-2-411-06-03-01-13800 POEPPELMAN CLIFF M & SARAH L JT SURV................ 2,731.17 N53-RICHLAND TOWNSHIP-ANSONIA LSD/AAJA N53-0-311-29-00-00-30800 DARKE COUNTY STEAM THRESHERS ASSN INC ........... 193.97 N54-RICHLAND TOWNSHIP-GREENVILLE CSD N54-0-310-04-00-00-10100 BOWMAN RUE & MELISSA D JT SURV .......................... 1,038.87 N54-0-310-04-00-00-10101 BOWMAN RUE & MELISSA D JT SURV ............................. 656.89 N54-0-310-04-00-00-10103 BOWMAN RUE & MELISSA D JT SURV ............................. 334.95 N54-3-310-09-02-01-12700 JAMES ANTHONY G ........................................................... 405.69 N55-RICHLAND TOWNSHIP-VERSAILLES EVSD N55-0-311-27-00-00-30400 HEIDENREICH CHRISTOPHER D & LISA A JT SURV ....... 230.37 N55-0-311-28-00-00-10301 OLIVER MICHAEL ............................................................... 889.81 P56-TWIN TOWNSHIP-ARCANUM-BUTLER LSD P56-0-308-15-00-00-10703 BESECKER KIM D & DEBRA L JT/SURV .............................. 81.91 P56-0-308-15-00-00-10800 BESECKER KIM DOUGLAS & BESECKER DEBRA L ..... 1,310.50 P56-0-308-26-00-00-40400 SENDELBACH JOSHUA K .................................................. 632.63 P56-0-308-29-00-00-10800 LE VALLEY NAOMI M ....................................................... 1,314.61 P56-0-308-29-00-00-40400 LARGE ROGER L ................................................................ 580.25 P56-0-308-35-00-00-21500 ASKINS ROBERT W & KIMBERLY S JTSURV .................... 510.16 P59-TWIN TOWNSHIP-ARCANUM CORPORATION P59-2-308-04-03-03-11899 ARCANUM LODGE F & A M ............................................... 318.24 P59-2-308-04-03-03-13001 STEWART SANDRA K ........................................................ 466.55 P59-2-308-04-03-03-13200 HYDEN JERAMY R & KREGER TAMMY J JT SURV .......... 101.90 P59-2-308-04-03-05-10600 COLE GLENN L & ELAINE R ................................................. 37.84 P59-2-308-04-03-05-11400 CLARK RICHARD C ............................................................ 829.86 P59-2-308-04-03-05-12100 GRANT SHAWN H & MISTY D JT & SURV ......................... 852.24 P59-2-308-04-03-06-10900 BLANKENSHIP ANNETTE .................................................. 744.49 P59-2-308-04-03-06-11500 CHANEY JESSE M .............................................................. 261.74 P59-2-308-04-04-01-14300 LOXLEY JESSICA A ............................................................ 640.79 P59-2-308-09-01-02-13800 CLARK RICHARD & LINDA............................................... 2,006.53 P59-2-308-09-04-02-11800 MULLINS ALICIA C .............................................................. 524.81 P59-2-308-09-04-03-10900 WILT GARY L ....................................................................... 785.82 P60-TWIN TOWNSHIP-GORDON CORPORATION P60-4-308-35-01-01-11200 SMITH SHANNON W & KATHLEEN M JT SURV................. 522.71 P60-4-308-35-01-02-10400 SMITH KATHLEEN ................................................................ 61.28 P60-4-308-35-01-03-11300 SMITH SHANNON W ........................................................... 195.20 P61-TWIN TOWNSHIP-ITHACA CORPORATION P61-6-308-28-03-01-10500 FOURMAN NEAL A & MICHELLE L JT SURV ..................... 728.30 P61-6-308-28-03-01-12000 KURACKA VIRGINIA S & BROWN DERHONDA A ............. 875.74 P61-6-308-28-03-01-12100 CLARK DERHONDA ........................................................... 634.12 P61-6-308-28-03-01-12300 MC FADDEN MARK ............................................................. 827.36 P61-6-308-28-03-01-13100 MC FADDEN MARK ................................................................. 2.04 Q62-VAN BUREN TOWNSHIP-FRANKLIN-MONROE LSD Q62-0-309-16-00-00-30200 SKIDMORE JERRY WAYNE ............................................ 1,482.56 Q63-VAN BUREN TOWNSHIP-ARCANUM-BUTLER LSD Q63-0-309-19-00-00-40500 FARMER HOLLIS CLAY & ANGELA LYNN JT SURV.......... 790.47 Q63-0-309-20-00-00-30700 SANDERS DARRIN T .......................................................... 832.21 Q63-0-309-20-00-00-31800 DILL D M & JUDITH JT & SURV ....................................... 1,018.27 Q63-0-309-28-00-00-40100 SINK KEVIN J & KIMBERLY J JT SURV .............................. 536.47 Q63-0-309-33-00-00-11000 MC CAIN DANIEL E ............................................................. 675.65 Q63-0-309-33-00-00-11800 RIDER LEE A & JANET L JT SURV ..................................... 697.35 R69-WABASH TOWNSHIP-NORTH STAR CORPORATION/AAJA R69-2-312-08-02-01-10800 GRIESDORN KYLE W ......................................................... 749.50 S70-WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP-GREENVILLE CSD S70-0-112-10-00-00-31600 PAHL ANDREA L ................................................................. 703.55 S70-0-112-11-00-00-31000 KLACKNER MATTHEW J .................................................... 918.71 S70-0-112-13-00-00-10200 MALOON JOSIAH K ......................................................... 1,812.16 S70-0-112-13-00-00-11100 MALOON JOSIAH ................................................................ 209.23 S70-0-112-14-00-00-10900 MALOON JOSIAH K & JUANITA L JT SURV ....................... 656.23 S70-0-112-14-00-00-11000 MALOON JOSIAH K & JUANITA L JT SURV ....................... 169.47 S70-0-112-15-00-00-40200 BLOCHER DOUGLAS A ................................................... 3,581.00 S70-0-112-26-00-00-30101 BLANKENSHIP ANNETTE ............................................... 2,188.24 S70-0-112-29-00-00-20300 EVERMAN JOHN ROBERT & MCNELLY WILLA JT & SURV .. 76.50 S70-0-112-32-00-00-21900 DOWELL CATHERINE S & DOWELL VERNON L ............... 351.38 S70-0-112-36-00-00-20200 BYRAM DAVID S & SUSAN N JT SURV .............................. 260.17 S71-WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP-MISSISSINAWA VALLEY LSD S71-0-112-04-00-00-10500 BARGA MICHAEL E & BONNIE J JT & SURV ..................... 973.24 S71-0-112-04-00-00-41000 HOLDERMAN JOHN M & ANDERSON ERIKA K JT SURV ... 120.06 S71-0-112-08-00-00-10101 GIRTON CHAD A & GIRTON KATHY S JT SURV ............... 225.57 S71-0-112-19-00-00-10402 BOWMAN MARLYN J & CONNIE K CO-TRUSTEES ET AL .. 614.87 S71-0-112-20-00-00-30200 ROPP SHARON K ............................................................ 2,315.08 S71-1-112-04-04-01-12900 HOLDERMAN JOHN M & ANDERSON ERIKA K JT SURV ... 981.54 T73-WAYNE TOWNSHIP-VERSAILLES EVSD T73-0-410-05-00-00-20301 BOHMAN ORVILLE F .......................................................... 191.63 T73-0-410-30-00-00-30100 RAHM JOHN M & MARY A TRUSTEES .............................. 110.65 T73-0-410-31-00-00-20600 NIXON ROBERT E & MARY JO JT SURV ........................... 667.78 T73-0-410-31-00-00-20700 NIXON ROBERT & MARY JO SURV ................................... 328.75 T73-0-410-32-00-00-30700 NIXON ROBERT E & MARY JO JT SURV ............................. 56.06 T75-WAYNE TOWNSHIP-RUSSIA LSD T75-0-410-04-00-00-20100 KRUCKEBERG ROBERT W & DOROTHY A JT SURV ....... 732.11 T76-WAYNE TOWNSHIP-VERSAILLES CORPORATION T76-2-311-13-02-01-12600 MC CLAIN DAVID J .......................................................... 1,464.98 T76-2-410-18-03-02-13902 MARCHAL JAMIE L ............................................................. 504.17 T76-2-410-19-01-03-13100 MC CLAIN DAVID J .......................................................... 2,031.84 T76-2-410-19-01-03-14000 BERGMAN DARREN ........................................................ 1,065.85 T76-2-410-19-01-06-11000 MANGEN ALBERT J ............................................................ 783.67 T76-2-410-19-03-01-10300 HUBER THOMAS L & CHRISTA L JT SURV ....................... 504.66 T76-2-410-19-03-02-10800 KRUCKEBERG BRIAN R .................................................... 901.09 T76-2-410-19-04-04-11300 WEAVER DANIEL ................................................................ 226.13 T76-2-410-19-04-05-10100 RICHHART DAVID L ET AL ................................................. 732.33 T76-2-410-19-04-05-10301 SHAFER BRYAN S & SHAFER TAMMY M JT SURV .............. 1.22 T76-2-410-20-04-01-11200 RIDER LEE A & JANET L JT SURV .................................. 1,192.68 U77-YORK TOWNSHIP-ANSONIA LSD/AAJA U77-0-213-13-00-00-20100 WOODMAN EILEEN ............................................................ 713.18 U77-0-311-18-00-00-20200 WOODMAN EILEEN & WEYANT JAMES E ......................... 529.83 U77-0-312-32-00-00-40102 YOHEY TRAVIS ................................................................ 1,004.98 U78-YORK TOWNSHIP-VERSAILLES EVSD U78-0-311-04-00-00-10200 TRISSELL RYAN DOUGLAS & JULIE A JT SURV ................ 37.10 U78-1-312-33-02-01-10600 MANGEN ARMELLA ........................................................... 280.45

I hereby certify the foregoing list to be correct as shown by the records in the office of the Darke County Treasurer. Scott J. Zumbrink, Darke County Treasurer Notice is hereby given that the whole of such several lands, lots or parts of lots will be certified for foreclosure by the County Auditor pursuant to law unless the whole of the delinquent taxes, assessment, interest and penalties are paid within one year. Carol Ginn, Darke County Auditor

Special event at Versailles Area Museum

Area non-proďŹ t organizations representatives receiving community grants from the Darke County Foundation are (front row) Erica Wentworth (State of the Heart Care); Christy Baker (Darke Co. United Way); Tiffany Bergman (Kinder Korner); Ronda Stammen, Kyle Wuebker, Jamie Hart, Grace Francis (Versailles High School Band), (back row) Bob Robinson (Empowering Darke County Youth); Holly Tryon (GIVE Medical Ministry); Eric Fee (Empowering Darke County Youth); Marti Goetz, Lois Smith (Friends of Bear’s Mill); Tamera McNulty (Anna Bier Gallery); Keith Rawlins (Darke County Center for the Arts); Doug Klinsing (Greenville Community Unity); and Scott Garrison (TASKS, Inc.).

Representatives from area non-proďŹ t organizations receiving community grants from the Darke County Foundation are (front row) Brendin Gillem, Julia McCullough, Heather Marsh (Arcanum High School Band); Christine Lynn (Cancer Assoc. of Darke County); Vivian Dailey (Darke Co. Weekday Christian Education); Meme Marlow, Betty Byrd (Worch Memorial Library), (back row) Jeff Vaughn (Council on Rural Services); Ashlee Fourman, Leslie Rhoades (Ansonia Elementary); April Brubaker (L.I.G.H.T. Project); Phillip Pierri (Y.O.L.O. of Darke County); Sam Casalano (YMCA of Darke County); Molly Daffner, Christy Gulley (Girl Scouts of Western Ohio); Mike Koenig, and Mark Jackson (Greenville High School Science Dept.).

Foundation gives community grants GREENVILLE – The Darke County Foundation recently awarded $76,000 in community grants to 30 non-proďŹ t organizations that serve Darke County residents. The following groups received grants to support their programs and services: Ansonia Elementary Music Dept., Arcanum High School Band, Anna Bier Gallery, Brethren Retirement Community, Cancer Association of Darke County, Council on Rural Services (ACES School), Darke County Center for the Arts, Darke County Humane Society, Darke County Special Olympics, Darke County United Way, Darke County Weekday Christian Education, Darke County Educational Services (L.I.G.H.T. Project), Empowering Darke County Youth, FAME (Financial Assistance for Medical Emergencies), Friends of Bear’s Mill, Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, Give Medical Ministry, Greenville High School Science Dept., Greenville Community Unity, Kinder Korner, State of the Heart Care, TASKS, Inc., Versailles High School FFA,

Versailles High School Music Boosters, Worch Memorial Public Library, YMCA of Darke County, and Y.O.L.O. of Darke County The following funds at the Darke County Foundation provided money for the grants: J. Michael Beard Fund, Darke County Special Olympics Fund, Darke County United Way Fund, Ruth Elaine Furlong Fund, Zachary Garbig Fund, Helen L. Hawkey Music Project, Jan Johns Fund, Kremer Family Farms Fund, Low Vision Support Group, Ami McClurkin Fund, William Michael and Caleb Knick Fund, Oliver Family Fund, William Robertson Fund, Greyson James Steyer Fund, Jean Louise Thieme Fund, Dr. Marlin Thompson Founder’s Fund, Ella VanDyke/St. Clair Home Fund, Beth Bolen Warner Fund, and Darke County Foundation Unrestricted Fund The Darke County Foundation is a community foundation dedicated to improving the lives of Darke County residents by receiving, managing and distributing charitable gifts. Non-proďŹ t orga-

nizations in Darke County may apply for grants from the Darke County Foundation by ďŹ lling out the grant application made available in April each year. Deadline to submit the application is in late June. For more information, call 548-4673 or visit www.darkecountyfoundation.org.

VERSAILLES – It may just be October, but the Versailles Area Museum is thinking Christmas. Their 2017 theme is a “Depression Era Christmas.â€? With this in mind their wizard of crafts, Linda Cassel will host a decoration workshop to help make decorations for the upcoming displays. On October 8 and 15 starting at 1:30 p.m., Linda will help create decorations to reect the period when thrift took on a whole new meaning. They will provide the supplies and you can be the needed hands to make this Christmas display truly special. Everyone is welcome and they will provide work space, materials, and a snack to keep volunteers going. Each session will be about two hours long and provide a nice treat for the museum. You don’t need to be a pro, just come and help them create memories for a special holiday season! You may call the museum this week to let them know you are coming, but also feel free to just come and join the fun.

DELINQUENT VACANT LAND TAX NOTICE (Section 5721.03, Revised Code) 2016 Duplicate Year The Delinquent Vacant Lands returned delinquent by the County Treasurer of Darke County, with the taxes, assessment, interest and penalties charged against them according to law and remaining delinquent for five years, are contained and described in the following list, Viz: Brown Township-Ansonia Corporation/AAJA Saxton, Jennifer Trustee

C15-2-213-23-03-01-10300 2,320.77

Greenville Township-Greenville Corporation Spurlock, Louise F

F27-2-212-34-02-02-10300 5,210.63

Harrison Township-Hollansburg Corporation Brock, Lynette Marie & Christopher, Shane

G30-2-110-05-04-04-10700 592.77

Neave Township-Wayne Lakes Corporation Werling Courtney N & Daugherty Timothy M

L80-2-211-33-04-01-10700 204.77

Twin Township-Arcanum-Butler LSD Keller Steven A

P56-0-308-28-00-00-41301 390.02

I, hereby certify the foregoing is to be correct as shown by the records in the office of the Darke County Treasurer. Scott J. Zumbrink, Darke County Treasurer Notice is hereby given that this Delinquent Vacant Land will be certified for foreclosure and forfeiture by the Darke County Auditor pursuant to law unless the whole of the delinquent taxes, assessments, interest and penalties are paid within twenty-eight days after the final publication of this notice. Carol Ginn, Darke County Auditor

SUNDAY 12 pm - Salute to America - North End Stage Dusk - Property Decorating Contest - Village of Bradford and surrounding area

TUESDAY Midway Open: 4 pm - 10 pm (NO RIDES) 4 pm - Midway Open 5:30 pm - Pumpkin Diaper Derby & Pumpkin City Run (NOTE: Registration is at 4:30 pm) - North End Stage 7 pm - Parade - See parade route on map Immediately following parade - Prince and Princess Contest North End Stage

OCTOBER 10-14, 2017

WEDNESDAY Midway Open: 4 pm - 10 pm (NO CONFETTI NIGHT) 10 am - 1 pm - Bake-A-Pumpkin Contest Entries Accepted - Clark’s Pizza House 4 pm - Rides and Midway Open 4:30 pm - Little Miss and Master Pumpkin (NOTE: Preregistration only) - North End Stage 7 pm - Parade - See parade route on map Immediately following parade - Miss Pumpkin Queen Contest - North End Stage THURSDAY Midway Open: 4 pm - 10 pm 4 pm - Rides and Midway Open 4:30 pm - Kiddie Tractor Pull (NOTE: Registration is at 3:30 pm) - Midway near Secretary’s Office 7 pm - Parade - See parade route on map Immediately following parade - Cheerleading Competition - The Depot (203 E. Main Street, east of midway) 8 pm - Live Entertainment: Chapter Seven & BioGenesis - North End Stage FRIDAY Midway Open: 1 pm - 11 pm 1 pm - Rides and Midway Open 1:30 pm - School Parade - See parade route on map

4:30 pm - Big Wheel Contest (NOTE: Registration is at 4 pm) - Midway near Secretary’s Office 8 pm - Live Entertainment: Jeff Hittle - North End Stage SATURDAY Midway Open: 10 am - 11 pm 8 am - 5K Race (Sponsored by BORM) - Race route around Bradford 9 am - 3 pm - Car Show - Back of Village of Bradford Park behind rides 10 am - Rides and Midway Open 12 pm - Craft Show Open (end time varies by vendor) Space between Iddings Park and bike path 12 pm - Pet & Novelty Parade - Starts at City Building ends at North End Stage 2 pm - Cutest Baby Contest (judging and line up begins at 1:30 pm) - North End Stage 4 pm - Extravaganza Parade - See parade route on map 5 pm - Smash A Pumpkin (tickets on sale all week) North End Stage 6:30 pm - Talent Show - North End Stage 10 pm - Lucky Pumpkin Sweepstakes (tickets on sale all week) - North End Stage

WHOLESALE CARPET OUTLET 301 E. Main St., Gettysburg, OH 45328


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October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 17


(Section 5721.03, Revised Code of Ohio) 2017 Tax Year The lands, lots and parts of lots returned delinquent by the County Treasurer of Darke County, the taxes, assessments, interest and penalties, charged against them agreeably to law, are contained and described in the following list, Viz: A02-ADAMS TOWNSHIP-GREENVILLE CSD 02440 BOWMAN RUE & MELISSA ............................................... 84.14 A05-ADAMS TOWNSHIP-GETTYSBURG CORPORATION 02126 MCCONNELL RONALD & TONYA................................. 2,931.87 B08-ALLEN TOWNSHIP-MISSISSINAWA VALLEY LSD/AAJA 02540 CURTIS TERRY C .............................................................. 41.58 B11-ALLEN TOWNSHIP-NEW WESTON CORPORATION/AAJA 02129 IDLE ROBERT .................................................................... 90.84 C15-BROWN TOWNSHIP-ANSONIA CORPORATION/AAJA 02102 BLACK BRANDY ................................................................ 74.60 02114 NEWBAUER JASON & ANNA........................................... 264.36 02401 MALLONEE TAMMY .......................................................... 44.86 02493 JONES JEANETTE N & ARCHEY TODD D........................ 59.35 03092 WEEKS MICHAEL ......................................................... 1,815.28 D16-BUTLER TOWNSHIP-ARCANUM-BUTLER LSD/AJAD 02138 BRENNER ROBERT & ARLINE........................................ 129.18 F27-GREENVILLE TOWNSHIP-GREENVILLE CORPORATION 02109 CAVE NATHANIEL ......................................................... 1,279.87 02117 DEAN CODY .................................................................... 137.81 02140 FORTE DAMON C ............................................................ 294.51 02160 ETZLER JILL .................................................................... 118.31 02283 TINKMAN JERRY.............................................................. 526.46 02370 PEARSON CINDA ............................................................... 67.05 02434 PERSINGER LENVIL ........................................................ 564.29 02610 BOOMERSHINE GLORIA ................................................. 142.74 02647 ULLERY RYAN & TOWNSEND SELENA ........................... 58.91 02670 HOFF DAVID L .................................................................. 415.76 02723 BENTON CHRISTOPHER J & HEATHER R ..................... 631.32 02751 MASSEY ASHLEY .............................................................. 63.66 02762 SCANTLAND JEREMY ..................................................... 408.03 02783 MAXWELL BRIAN .......................................................... 1,350.17 02908 FELLERS JAMES L........................................................... 127.72 02912 ROYER THOMAS E ............................................................ 69.86 02923 VERWEY TONI ANN ......................................................... 266.06 02947 SIMMONS TERESA ......................................................... 907.10 02962 SHAVER KISTA ............................................................. 1,581.98 02985 MC COY BONNIE SUE ..................................................... 101.45 03073 MCCONNELL STACEY ..................................................... 260.84 03164 PITMAN FRANK & BETTY ................................................ 297.96 03253 WOLFE SIMON & TINA .................................................... 451.26 03286 BATTEN PAT & MUSSELMAN CONSTANCE ................ 2,521.49 03317 RIDDLE JAMI LYNN ............................................................ 63.79 G28-HARRISON TOWNSHIP-TRI-VILLAGE LSD 03012 VILLASENOR TIMOTHY................................................ 1,156.10 03132 LIGHT WAYNE & TERESA ............................................... 309.05 03325 BACK CHRIS..................................................................... 464.60 G30-HARRISON TOWNSHIP-HOLLANSBURG CORPORATION 02554 FARBER REBECCA ............................................................ 30.22 H32-JACKSON TOWNSHIP-MISSISSINAWA VALLEY LSD 02031 WATTS WILLIAM................................................................. 48.44 02032 SPURLOCK PAULINE ....................................................... 167.95 02034 PATTERSON BETTY L ...................................................... 142.15 02167 ZUNIGA VERONICA BARRON ........................................... 86.19 02319 HILL KENNETH ................................................................. 110.83 02324 JOHNSON ROBERT E........................................................ 17.98 02551 DEETER JAMEY ............................................................... 315.03 02651 DELA TORRE NORMA ....................................................... 23.75 02770 LLOYD CODY...................................................................... 51.76 02771 DE GARCIA DELMY E GALVEZ ......................................... 55.96 02864 POUDER BOBBY .............................................................. 159.85 02902 CAMACHO CRYSTAL ....................................................... 128.01 03180 D & J MOBILE HOMES .................................................. 1,368.68 03183 HEITKAMP MIRANDA L...................................................... 98.72 03184 DE LA TORRE ABEL ........................................................ 101.74 03188 AVILEZ VICTOR MANUEL ................................................ 558.86 03191 TAMMAC CORPORATION ............................................. 1,753.03 03203 RAMOS ALBARO ROQUE.................................................. 73.91 I34-LIBERTY TOWNSHIP-TRI-VILLAGE LSD 02397 NOTEWORTH INVESTMENT GROUP ............................. 467.11 I36-LIBERTY TOWNSHIP-PALESTINE CORPORATION 02602 COLVIN ROBIN K ................................................................ 78.98 K39-MONROE TOWNSHIP-FRANKLIN-MONROE LSD 02383 MACY RICHARD A JR & STEPHANIE J ....................... 1,852.56 03148 MAY RONALD & PAMELA .................................................. 40.62 L44-NEAVE TOWNSHIP-GREENVILLE CSD/AJAD 02071 MARTINO JOSEPH & CARROL .................................... 2,239.56 02205 WOLFE DAVID & HARTWICK CATHY.............................. 913.49 02212 AMERICAN HOUSING PROVIDERS INC......................... 336.12 02213 UCOH LLC .......................................................................... 84.02 02227 KERRIGAN MELANIE ....................................................... 117.43 02230 AMERICAN HOUSING PROVIDERS INC......................... 469.69 02231 KOLLING JOAN KOLLING RICK.................................... 1,211.83 02236 SOWERS HOWARD ........................................................... 78.69 02247 LANDIS MELISSA ............................................................. 149.57 02290 SCHNEIDER STEPHANIE & DARKES SCOTT ................ 100.73 02382 WYAN HANNA R ................................................................. 31.13 02410 BARKER DEBORAH ......................................................... 456.23 02574 JOBES CAROLYN K ............................................................. 6.67 02591 SMITH KODY ...................................................................... 31.13 02629 SIZEMORE BARBARA ANN ............................................. 187.64 02741 TOMLINSON MATTHEW L ................................................. 95.16 02810 AMERICAN HOUSING PROV INC ................................... 590.72 02866 HARRINGTON JAMIE ....................................................... 527.62 02960 RUE VAUGHN A ................................................................. 74.07 03007 PLESSINGER ROBIN K .................................................... 171.11 03079 LONG KRISTY N ............................................................... 143.26 03080 JONES GARTH R &/OR JONES DIANE R ....................... 200.18 03124 MYERS THOMAS LEE JR .................................................. 31.13 03145 TAMMAC HOLDING CORP............................................... 554.60 03265 HAMMONS VALINDA.......................................................... 95.95 03267 WOODYARD LAURA .......................................................... 31.13 03269 WOLFE LOYD ................................................................... 158.64 03292 CLARK KODY ..................................................................... 63.48 03304 ANSPACH TINA & JONES THOMAS.................................. 11.55 N53-RICHLAND TOWNSHIP-ANSONIA LSD/AAJA 02672 SINCLAIR SHIRLEY A ...................................................... 350.22 N54-RICHLAND TOWNSHIP-GREENVILLE CSD 02284 KREITZER ELNORA BOOHER .......................................... 41.58 02725 KREITZER ELNORA ......................................................... 230.79 N55-RICHLAND TOWNSHIP-VERSAILLES EVSD 03084 HEIDENREICH LISA A CHRIS D ................................... 3,502.37 R68-WABASH TOWNSHIP-ANSONIA LSD/AAJA 02088 FULLROTH DARLENE................................................... 1,072.05 02609 FULLROTH JEFFREY MESCHER STACY ....................... 222.15 S70-WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP-GREENVILLE CSD 03029 MARKER CHALMER ........................................................ 142.61 S71-WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP-MISSISSINAWA VALLEY LSD 02220 MARSH CHARLES & CINDY ............................................ 427.47 T76-WAYNE TOWNSHIP-VERSAILLES CORPORATION 03238 WORDEN GEORGE H JR & JULIA BETH ........................ 250.74 I, hereby certify the foregoing list to be correct as shown by the records in the office of the Darke County Treasurer. Scott J. Zumbrink, Darke County Treasurer

Notice is hereby given that the whole of such several lands, lots or parts of lots will be certified for forclosure by the County Auditor pursuant to law unless the whole of the delinquent taxes, assessments, interest and penalties are paid within one year. Carol Ginn, Darke County Auditor

TIME IS RUNNING OUT To Reserve Your Chestnut Village Home

PAGE 18 October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

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Darke County Veterans Services completes Washington DC trip GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

WASHINGTON DC – The 2017 Darke County Veterans Services (DCVS) Washington DC Bus Trip was filled to capacity with Darke County Veterans and spouses after months of planning and fund-raising by the DCVS staff and DCVS Commissioners. DCVS staff members hosting the trip included: DCVS Department Head/ CVSO Tom Pitman, VSO Var Gehron and Cindy Bruner, the organization’s Administrative Assistant. Ted Bruner, an Army Veteran (1986-1991) having served with the MultiNational Forces in the Sinai Peninsula, current Veterans Service Commissioner, Past President of the Veterans Service Commission, Past American Legion Commander and the immediate Past President of the Veterans Service Commission for the state of Ohio also made the trip. “I had very little to do with planning,” Bruner said of the trip. “This was

all our staff. The Commissioners were along pretty much just for the ride and to assist in any manner while we were here.” Chis Rehmert, a retired Army First Sergeant with more than 30 years of service, Navy Veteran James Krammer and Army Veteran James Stamcoff, DCVS Commissioners also made the DC trip. “They planned it well, they executed it well and the trip was incredible,” Rehmert said. “It couldn’t have been planned any better, it just came off perfect.” “I’ve been to DC before, but this was excellent,” said Ansonia’s Richard Grow, a Navy Veteran (1970-1974) who served two tours in Vietnam. The veterans included three Navy, six Marine Corps, eight Air Force and 14 US Army Veterans. With four branches of service represented, there was often good-natured bantering going on between the branches. “We all had each-others back,” said Grow. “Like the Navy and Marines going at it all the time. We picked

on each other on the bus – we did that after we got out of boot.” “It was almost like being back in the military, the camaraderie that we experienced and it didn’t matter what service they were from,” said Pitman. “Everybody got along great and shared their stories of their military experience while experiencing Washington DC and the memorials together.” “You tease each other but deep down you can count on them,” Rehmert said. “Someone always has your back.” Ansonia was represented with three veterans, Arcanum four, Covington one, Greenville 14, New Madison three, Osgood one, Rossburg one, Union City one and Versailles with two veterans. The group was comprised of one Korean Veteran, 16 Vietnam Veterans, six Gulf War Veterans, four Army National Guard Veterans, one Army Reservist Veteran and four Peacetime Veterans. The trip included a White House tour, US Capitol tour and visits to

FCCLA steers students towards safe driving LINDA MOODY


ANSONIA – Drivers, impending drivers and non-drivers were all treated to a Safe Driving assembly at Ansonia Schools on Thursday morning in two sessions; the first one for junior high and the second for senior high. “Impact Teen Drivers: What Do You Consider Lethal” was the title of the two programs presented by Heidi Deane of Cleveland, the state education outreach coordinator for Impact Teen Drivers, sponsored by State Farm Insurance. “We saw her (Deane) last year at the state leadership conference,” said Toni Shellabarger, adviser for the Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) at Ansonia, which sponsored the morning’s event. “And our officers thought it would be great to bring her here.” According to Shellabarger, both the junior and senior high school students basically saw the same program with some variations for the junior high since they are mostly passengers in vehicles. A video was shown, interspersed with messages from Deane. The student body also heard messages from affected parents in that video as well as from various teenagers who were involved in these fatalities. She talked about reckless and distracted driving being the number-one killer of American teens. “You already have a lot to do when driving,” Deane told the group. She pointed out that

Darke County Veterans and spouses gather at the US Air Force Memorial in Washington DC. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

Arlington National Cemetery, Holocaust Museum, Washington Monument, US Air Force Memorial and the 911 National Pentagon Memorial – Flight 77. “I really enjoyed the trip,” stated Louis Bohman, an Army Veteran (1958-1964) and Osgood resident. “Very good people running it – do not know how they put it all together but it has been great.” Tom Pitman, James Stamcoff, Byron Hart and John Longfellow represented the Darke County Veterans at a Friday Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. “It was a great opportunity to represent the county and the Veterans of our county,” said Pitman. “Truly an honor to place the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.” The group also made visits to the WW-II, Ko-

rean and Vietnam memorials. “It was a beautiful trip,” said Air Force veteran (1971-1980) Duane McEldowney of New Madison. “The people that set it all up did a wonderful job.” “It was very nice – I loved it,” said Marine Corps Vietnam Veteran Robert Jones of Ansonia. “The folks from Darke County Veterans Services did an outstanding job. They couldn’t have done better.” The Veterans and spouses had ample time for visiting with stops for meals at Hard Rock Café (DC), We, The Pizza (DC), Five Guys (DC) and stops at Golden Coral to and from DC. The group enjoyed one final meal together at the Kings and Queens Restaurant & Pub in Stoystown, PA after visiting the Flight 93 National Memorial on the return trip. “The trip was humbling, but yet we had a good time

with all the other veterans, memorials and Arlington Cemetary,” said Don Delaplane, a Vietnam Army Veteran. “It was quite humbling,” Delaplane’s wife Diane, a former Darke County Commissioner shared the DC trip with her husband, Don. “Being a former Commissioner for Darke County, I am very proud of our Darke County Veterans Services, for the things that they do for us all year around, plus this trip,” said Diane Delaplane. “I have been waiting to have my husband go on it because he is a Vietnam Vet. I am very proud and pleased that we were able to do this as a group.” “We couldn’t ask for a better group,” concluded Pitman. “These guys were all great and I had a really good time getting to know them a little bit better than I had in the past. We will definitely do this again.”

The LIGHT Project kicks off for county’s first-graders SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com

Members of the Ansonia FCCLA presented a safe driving program to junior and senior high students at Ansonia.

putting on makeup, spilling lattes and texting while driving could lead to deadly decisions. “You’ve got your whole life ahead of you,” she said. “More than 4,000 teen drivers were killed in accidents last year. Bad driving habits can be changed. Car crashes are 100 percent preventable.” She went on, “Every time you get in a vehicle, you need to make good choices. You may not always get a second chance to make a good choice.” She also told those who are not yet drivers, “Think differently about what your job is as a passenger in a car. Half the kids who die are passengers. Have strict rules in your car. Practice and experience make you a good driver. Pull over for five minutes if you are eating, then go on. Have conversations with parents to keep in touch so they know you’re safe.” Deane also had this to say: “Buckle up every time. Speak up if you feel you are unsafe. No text is worth a life.” After the assembly a seatbelt challenge was

conducted at lunch time with the winner receiving a large Marco’s Pizza and whoever comes up with the best slogan will receive a gift certificate from Bob Evans, Shellabarger announced. Impact Teen Drivers is a high-energy ongoing awareness and education program aimed at young drivers with meaningful messages delivered about distracted driving through: impacteendrivers.org, whatslethal.com, rulethal. com; facebook.com/impactteendrivers; on twitter at whatslethal; youtube. com/ImpactTeenDrivers; educational materials for teens; and the annual Create Real Impact contest at createrealimpact.com. The program aims to prevent deaths by reaching teens in schools and online; providing free research-based resources for communities; partnering with safety organizations; training first responders, educators and health professionals; engaging parents in conversation; and creating interactive lessons.

DARKE COUNTY – First-graders from around the county spent some time this past week exploring Chenoweth Trails, thanks to The LIGHT Project. For the past four years, the county’s young learners have participated in the science-based program, which was created by Angie McMurray, K-12 science curriculum specialist with the Darke County Education Service Center. McMurray says the project encourages young children and their families to explore nature and play together outside, along with learning reading and science-based skills. McMurray explains The LIGHT Project didn’t start out to be affiliated with The Light Foundation or Chenoweth Trails. After contacting the foundation, they adopted the program and sponsors several aspects, including providing classroom books children may check out, science tools for children to use as they explore nature and science, bookbags and journals for each firstgrader, along with visits and planned Family Fun Days to Chenoweth Trails. McMurray said she got the idea for The LIGHT Project, which stands for Literacy, Inquiry, Getting Outside, Have Fun and Time Spent with Family –

First-graders from Darke County schools visited Chenoweth Trails for The LIGHT Project kickoff this past week. (Susan Hartley photo)

after seeing her own children spend so much time with electronics. “They’d come home from school and want to play on the computer or with the Kindle. I wanted kids to have an opportunity to connect with their families. And go outside to play,” she said. She based The LIGHT Project curriculum on the state standards for science, math and language arts. McMurray sought support to fund her program and today has several partners who make the fun activities and opportunities possible for the county’s first-graders, including the Darke County Foundation, the Rotary Club of Greenville, The Knights of Columbus, as well as The Light Foundation. Also, the Hooked on Fishing, Not on Drugs Club from Wayne Lakes conducts fishing activities during one of the programs Family Fun Days, also held at Chenoweth Trails. This past Tuesday and

Wednesday, The LIGHT Project kicked-off for this school year with 600 firstgraders from the county’s school districts spending a few hours discovering Chenoweth Trails, decorating their very own book bag to take home and journaling a page by drawing their favorite outside activity or something they’d noticed during their visit to Chenoweth Trails. Six-year-old Laila Erisman of Greenville said one of her favorite things about the field trip to Chenoweth Trails were “the trees.” She also enjoys learning about animals and playing on her swing at home when she’s outside. The LIGHT Project offers first-graders and their families to work together on reading skills as well as outside play. Students who participate may earn incentives along the way, culminating in earning a chance to stay with their families in the Yurts and having a full day of adventure at Chenoweth Trails.




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-------------------------------------BAPTIST -------------------------------------Favorite Hill Baptist Church 1601 South Street, Piqua, 773-6469 First Baptist Church 7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville 548-7616 Faith Baptist Church 740 E Russ Rd., Greenville, 548-1808 Greenville Baptist Temple 4689 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., 548-7283 Union City First Baptist Church 225 S. First St., Union City, OH 937-968-6163

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Beech Grove Church of the Brethren 3420 Harrison Rd., Hollansburg 937-997-4895 Bradford Church of The Brethren 120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215 Castine Church of the Brethren 624 State Route 127, Arcanum 678-9945 Cedar Grove Church 373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675 Greenville Church of the Brethren 421 Central Ave., 548-3583 Oakland Church of The Brethren 8058 Horatio-Harris Creek Rd. Bradford * 448-2287 Pitsburg Church of Brethren 8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum 937-692-8772

-------------------------------------CATHOLIC -------------------------------------St Mary’s Catholic Church 233 W Third St. Greenville 548-1616 St Denis 14 E Wood St, Versailles 937-526-4945 Holy Family (Frenchtown) 11255 St Rt 185, Versailles 937-526-4945 St Louis 15 Star Rd, North Star 419-582-2531 Immaculate Conception 5874 N. Buckneck Rd. (RR 2), Bradford, 937-526-4945 St Mary 425 W Hickory St, Union City, IN 765-964-4202

-------------------------------------CHRISTIAN --------------------------------------

301 East Main Street Gettysburg




Ansonia Christian Church 123 W. Weller St., Ansonia, 548-5490 Coletown Congregational Church 2876 State Route 571, Greenville 548-6590 East Zion Church 6171 St. Rt. 36, Greenville First Congregational Church 115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH 937-548-3575 CMA Church 306 Devor St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955

Bradford Office, Plant 937-448-2191 Versailles Plant 937-526-5137 Union City Plant 765-964-6572

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Stelvideo Christian Church 6808 Church St., Stelvido, Greenville, OH 316-8198 Teegarden Congregational Church 2753 State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 Woodington Congregation Church 8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441

-------------------------------------CHURCH OF CHRIST -------------------------------------Greenville Church of Christ 4599 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., Greenville, 937-548-4467

-------------------------------------CHURCH OF GOD -------------------------------------Ansonia First Church of God 750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 The New Beginning Church of God 802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-2146502 Triumphant Christian Center 1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300

-------------------------------------EPISCOPAL -------------------------------------St Paul’s Episcopal Church 201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575

-------------------------------------INTERDENOMINATIONAL -------------------------------------Family of God 310 W South St., Arcanum, 692-8521 Lighthouse Christian Center 5256 Sebring Warner Rd., Greenville, 548-7464

-------------------------------------LUTHERAN -------------------------------------St. John Lutheran Church 7418 State Route 121, Greenville 548-5404 St Paul Lutheran Church 131 E. 4th Street, Greenville 548-5770 St Paul’s Lutheran Church 13495 Greenville St. Marys Rd Versailles, 419-336-7111 St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 6825 State Route 722, Ithaca, 6788584 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 8520 Oakes Rd., Pitsburg 937-692-5670 Trinity Lutheran Church 1470 W. State Route 28, Union City, IN 765-964-5712 Trinity Lutheran Church 204 E. Wood Street, Versailles 937-526-3091

-------------------------------------METHODIST-UNITED -------------------------------------Abbottsville United Methodist Church 3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum Ansonia United Methodist Church Corner of Pearl and High St., Ansonia 337-5781 EUM Church 1451 Sater Street, Greenville, OH 45331 Faith United Methodist Church 101 E. South St., Arcanum, 692-8934 First United Methodist Church 202 W 4th St. Greenville, 548-3075 Fort Jefferson United Methodist 3856 Church St., Greenville 548-4410 Gordon United Methodist Church 311 East St., Gordon, OH 937-8845129 Ithaca Grace United Methodist 750 Arcanum-Ithaca Rd 678-9062

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-------------------------------------CHRISTIAN --------------------------------------

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-------------------------------------METHODIST-UNITED --------------------------------------

Nashville United Methodist 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 New Madison United Methodist 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341 Rossburg United Methodist 117 Ross St., Rossburg, 937-338-4765 Trinity United Methodist Church 112 West South Street Arcanum, OH 692-8530 Versailles United Methodist 122 W Wood St, Versailles 937-526-3855 Webster United Methodist Church 8849 Seibt Rd., Versailles 526-3855

-------------------------------------MISSIONARY -------------------------------------Greenville Missionary Church 1110 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842 Pleasant View Missionary Church 5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885

-------------------------------------NON-DENOMINATIONAL --------------------------------------

Beamsville Christian Church 6102 Beamsville-Union City Rd. Greenville 547-0009 Calvary Bible Church 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 Friendship Community Church 1005 Eaton Fort Nesbit Rd. New Paris, 997-3592 True Life 5990 State Route 36, Greenville 548-3558 Living Waters Ministries 102 W Main St., Versailles, 526-4567 Bible Fellowship Church: 7757 Greenville-Celina Road, Greenville 937-547-1952 Northside Community Fellowship 8135 St. Rt. 127 N., Greenville, 548-8965 Rosehill Country Church St. Rt. 49 and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill Versailles Christian Church 105 W Ward St., Versailles 937-526-4194 Hillgrove Federated Church 1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332 Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-547-0092

-------------------------------------PENTACOSTAL -------------------------------------Faith Apostolic Lighthouse 332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299

-------------------------------------PRESBYTERIAN -------------------------------------First United Presbyterian Church 114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188

-------------------------------------UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST --------------------------------------

St. Paul United Church of Christ 129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506

-------------------------------------UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST -------------------------------------First Universalist Church 331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403

-------------------------------------WESLEYAN --------------------------------------

Trinity Wesleyan Church 1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337 Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331

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The Darke County Foundation recognizes Premier Health as a major sponsor of the recent SUNshine 5K in Greenville Park. Pictured (left to right): Chelsea Polleys, CNP; Kamran Riaz, MD; Diane Ewing, Chief Communications Officer for Premier Health; and Christy Prakel, director of the Darke County Foundation.

Premier Health sponsors SUNshine 5K GREENVILLE – The Darke County Foundation thanks Premier Health for serving as a major sponsor of the SUNshine 5K Run/ Walk on Sept. 16 in Greenville City Park. Premier Health is a leading healthcare provider in southwest Ohio. Its Greenville facility, the Good Samaritan Health Center, is located across from Wayne Healthcare at 742 Sweitzer Street. The facility houses the cardiology practice of Dayton Heart Center Greenville plus other medical specialties. With 470 registered participants, the SUNshine 5K raised $15,000 for the

following organizations: Brethren Retirement Community’s Senior Fitness program, Cancer Association of Darke County, DeColores Montessori School, Fort GreeneVille DAR, St. Mary’s School, Team Addiegirl for Dayton Children’s, and the Darke County Foundation. The Darke County Foundation is a community foundation dedicated to improving the lives of Darke County residents by receiving, managing and distributing charitable gifts. For more information, call 548-4673 or visit www.darkecountyfoundation.org.

Best-selling author returns home to APL ARCANUM – New York Times bestselling author Linda Castillo is coming to the Arcanum Public Library on Oct. 30 at 6:30 p.m. She will be at the library to talk about her literary journey and will be available for signing books. Her newest book, Down a Dark Road, will be available in limited quantities for purchase that evening. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the library at 937-692-8484. Castillo knew from an early age that she wanted to be a writer, and penned her first novel at age 13. She has published 30 books for New York publishing houses and has won numerous industry awards, including the Golden Heart, the Daphne du Maurier Award of Excellence, and a nomination for the prestigious Rita. Her debut thriller, Sworn to Silence, spent four weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. It was also adapted into a

Linda Castillo

two-hour original movie re-titled An Amish Murder, starring Neve Campbell as Kate Burkholder. Her latest book, Down a Dark Road, was released in July 2017. In her spare time, Castillo enjoys trail riding, and dabbles in barrel racing. A graduate of Arcanum schools, she now resides in Texas with her husband, two rescued Blue Heelers, and two Appaloosa horses. She’s currently at work on her next novel, a thriller set in Amish Country and featuring Chief of Police Kate Burkholder.

NM Fire will hold open house Oct. 14 NEW MADISON – The New Madison Volunteer Fire Department invites the public to their open house. The event will take place on Oct. 14, 2-4 p.m., at the New Madison Fire House, Station 11, 215 N. Main St., New Madison. The New Madison Volunteer Fire Department was established in 1888. They currently serve the villages of New Madison and Castine, also the Townships of Butler, Neave and Harrison. There are 30 active members under the

direction of Chief Robert (Scoob) Cook. They public will have the chance to tour the fire station, see the apparatus, meet the members and also find out their mission and goals for the future. Refreshments will be provided, as well as activities for the children, including a chance to meet Sparky the Fire Dog. An auto extrication demonstration will be held at 3 p.m. Station 11 members live by the motto “We the Team.”

GSF holds 500 Club Raffle GREENVILLE – The Greenville Schools Foundation will again conduct its 500 Club raffle to help raise funds for the direct benefit of teachers and students of Greenville City Schools. In recent years, the foundation has awarded over $8,500 in grants annually for programs and projects that could not otherwise have been realized through more traditional school district funding. Tickets are available

and are good for the duration of the nine-month raffle. The cost is $10. No more than 500 tickets will be sold increasing your chance to win. Each month there is a drawing for three winners – one $50 winner, one $20 winner and one $10 winner. There are 27 chances to win. You can buy your 500 Club tickets from any board member or by calling 5489895 or 548-1530.

October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 21

Autumn is the time to winterize your lawn you want it to be green and lush next spring there are


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some things you can do now to be proactive. Fall is a great time to winterize your lawn. Check pH Levels – Before you start winter prep work, test the pH levels of your soil. A neutral pH level is key to a healthy lawn; otherwise your lawn can thin out over time. Remove Weeds – When preparing your yard for the harsh winter weather, you want to safeguard only the plants that matter. Because perennial weeks compete for nutrients with the rest of your lawn, it’s important to remove them before the long winter. Spread Fertilizer – Fertilizers formulated for win-

ARCANUM – The Arcanum Garden Club is sponsoring a kitchen tour of eight local kitchens on Oct. 15. One of these is the beautiful, stylish new kitchen of Linda and Mike Schwieterman on Littles Road near Arcanum. The tour includes one new home, three newer homes, two recently remodeled kitchens, one

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terizing lawns have higher potassium content than their warm weather counterparts. They’re designed speciďŹ cally to strengthen plants under stress. Aerate to Refresh the Lawn – Aerating the lawn allows air, water and nutrients to reach down to the roots. Spread Grass Seed – This is the season to spread cool-weather grass seed. Continue to Remove Debris – Leaf removal isn’t the most glamorous of fall tasks, but it’s certainly necessary for your lawn’s health. Raking will also help to remove thatch, the layer of dead grass on top of the lawn.

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The snow may soon be covering your lawn, but if

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vintage kitchen and a commercial kitchen. For advanced tickets at $10 each, call Jenny Quigney at 937-459-8090 or pick up at Rose Post or Ben Franklin in Arcanum. Tickets are $12 at the door. Also available for purchase on the day of the tour will be chances to win a refurbished KitchenAid Mixer.

We have everything you need for a beautiful lawn

BRETZ SALES & SERVICE, INC. 739 W. Chestnut St., Union City, IN Monday-Friday 9am-8pm • Saturday 9am-5pm



PAGE 22 October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Hansbarger Home Solutions a longtime local business

BY SUSAN HARTLEY STAFF WRITER shartley@earlybirdpaper.com GREENVILLE – Keeping up with the ever-changing market and technolo-

gies, Hansbarger Home Solutions, 1127 Sweitzer Street, Greenville offers its customers the latest in home appliances, furniture and mattress options.

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Montano Lumber

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Next on the scene, says owner/general manager Marlise McCallister, are appliances that homeowners are able to control by using an app on their cell phones. “The next wave is WIFI connectivity,� says Marlise McCallister, Hansbarger owner and general manager. “There’s more technology being incorporated into appliances.� The longtime Greenville appliance store is keeping up with the latest and greatest while continuing to offer friendly hometown customer service. In business since the 1930s, Hansbarger Appliances was started by Roy Hansbarger, then run by Wayne and Betty Hansbarger. The business was

sold to McCallister’s father, Kurt LH McCallister in 1971, who kept the name already familiar with customers. Marlise McCallister said she “grew up with the businessâ€? working at the store as a teenager, then eventually as the owner. Her son Kendall Hemer, 21, is the ďŹ fth generation McCallister family member to work at the business, coming back to Greenville after earning a business administration degree while attending college in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Today, Kendall is the retail operations director. In 2007, the business moved to its current location – just a couple doors down from its original home on Sweitzer Street. The name also was changed slightly from Hansbarger Appliances, TVs and Electronics to Hansbarger Home Solutions, Hemer said, to reect its new emphasis on appliances, furniture and mattresses. The family renovated the 22,000-square-foot space, which today features ideas for kitchens and laundry rooms in addition to Serta mattresses. Homeowners can get ideas on updating their living spaces and get referrals to cabinet makers such as Knapke and Mauk. Hansbarger Home Solutions also works with area contractors for new build projects, Hemer explained, especially in the Troy and Tipp City areas. As “one of the last family-owned businesses who sell appliances,â€? Hemer said Hansbarger also offers competitive prices

Mother-son team Marlise McCallister and Kendall Hemer invite those looking to update appliances or home furnishings to stop by their business, Hansbarger Home Solutions. (Susan Hartley photo)

with the big box stores. Customer service also is important to McCallister and Hemer, who say their retail and customer service staff keep up with the latest in appliance technology by taking advantage of manufacture training opportunities. “We take a lot of pride in educating them (customers) to get them the

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product they want,â€? Hemer said. “We’re also the home of the ‘six ways to pay’ optionsâ€? which includes cash, check, credit, rent-to-own or an in-store credit card plan. The business employs 15, including their own delivery crew. They are supporters of the Darke County Fair, setting up a booth in the Coliseum during fair week and running a Hog Wild Sale each August – a Hansbarger tradition since its beginning. On Nov. 10, 11 and 12, the furniture and appliance store will conduct its yearly Friends and Family Sale, said Hemer. Those who read this article are invited to stop by and check out the latest in energy efďŹ cient appliances, as well as the newest in furniture styles. As always, customers who purchase a Serta mattress also will be presented a small stuffed Serta Counting Sheep.


PAGE 24 October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


fall is for


Fall is the time to plant. Right now the soil is in excellent shape for planting. Your plants will have all winter to develop strong roots for vigorous spring growth. If you plant this Fall, you can gain up to a year’s growth over trees and shrubs planted next Spring.






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October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 25


Magical Music of Disney


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WHITE OVEN ROASTED TURKEY BREAST 2.19lb ................................................ Kahn’s Deluxe Club

ALL MEAT OR GARLIC BOLOGNA 2.19lb ................................................ Cooper Farms

HONEY ROASTED SMOKED TURKEY BREAST 4.39lb ................................................ Lebanon

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COOKED HAM 2.79lb ................................................ Harvest Brand

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Maxwell House 30.6 oz. Original

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SPECIAL K CEREALS 2.49ea ................................................ GROUND COFFEE 5.99ea

Limit 1 with additional $20.00 Purchase ................................................ Heinz 38 oz. reg. 3.99 KETCHUP 2.49ea ................................................ Keebler 12.4 oz. reg. 3.29 Original CHEEZ ITS 2.49ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 5lb. reg. 1.79 FLOUR 1.19 ea ................................................

reg. 1.79-1.89

MACARONI & CHEESE .99ea ................................................ reg. 3.99

MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 2.99ea ................................................ Nabisco 10.1-15.3 oz.

reg. 4.19

Campbell’s 10.5-11.5 oz.

reg. 1.99

Campbell’s 15.25-19 oz.

reg. 2.99

6 Pack 16.9 oz. Bottles Assorted

reg. 3.49

OREO 2.99ea COOKIES ................................................ SOUPS 1.19ea ................................................ CHUNKY LIMIT 4 SOUPS 1.49ea ................................................

COCA COLA PRODUCTS 2.29ea ................................................

GREENVILLE – The Greenville High School Vocal Music students will perform their annual Fall Concert on Oct. 16, 7 p.m., at Memorial Hall. This year’s theme is “The Magical Music of Disney.” The concert will begin with all choirs performing the “Mickey Mouse March” and a few other fun Disney favorites. Girls Glee will perform songs from “The Little Mermaid.” Collage will perform multiple selections from “Mary Poppins.” Concert Choir will perform a medley of songs from “Frozen,” and the Wavaires will perform a medley of selections from “Moana.” The concert will conclude with all the choirs coming together for “A Musical World of Walt Disney Finale.” Various Disney solo and small group acts will take place in between the choirs.

Greenville High School’s Wavaires prepare for the upcoming Magical Music of Disney program.

Tickets for the show on Oct. 16 are available at Greenville High School in the choir room from 7:30-11:20 a.m., or at The Flower Patch on Rhoades Ave. Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tickets will also be available for purchase the night of the show in the ticket booth at Memorial Hall. Ticket prices range from $4-$6. The GHS Choirs are directed by Chelsea

Whirledge and accompanied by Judy Mills. The choreographers for the show are Brooke Jendrusik, Sierra Cress, Lauren Burns, and Sarah Crumrine. Be sure to like and follow Greenville High School Vocal Music Boosters on Facebook to receive the latest news and ways to support the GHS Vocal Music program and other events.

Simien brings Zydeco to Bistro Off Broadway GREENVILLE – Zydeco legend Terrance Simien and his Zydeco Experience Band will perform at Greenville’s Bistro Off Broadway on Thursday, Oct. 26. The second of Darke County Center for the Arts’ Coffeehouse Series presentations for the new season, the show starts at 7 p.m. Simien is an eighth generation Creole from one of the earliest families to have settled in Louisiana; zydeco is the indigenous music of French-speaking Creoles. According to DCCA Artistic Director Keith Rawlins, Terrance Simien is one of the most respected and accomplished artists in American roots music today. “Terrance is a force of nature; his musical abilities are matched by his joyous energy,” Mr. Raw-

lins said. “Believe me, the Bistro will be hopping during this show; everybody will be smiling and nobody will want the music to stop, including the musicians. This is truly a ‘don’t miss’ opportunity to see an internationally renowned artist whose unique talents are unparalleled,” Rawlins concluded. DCCA’s Coffeehouse Series presents high quality artists performing in a comfortable social setting where food and drink are also available. “The friendly, casual atmosphere enhances enjoyment of the performance, which is presented at a very accessible ticket price, making for a win-win situation for everyone,” stated Andrea Jordan, DCCA’s executive director. The performance by Simien and his band is sponsored by Ted and Diana Abney, Eileen and Steve Litchfield, Rodney Oda, and James and Julia Poeppleman. This presentation is supported by the Arts Midwest Touring Fund, a program of Arts Midwest that is funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, with additional contributions from the Ohio Arts Council and the Crane Group. The Ohio Arts Council helps fund

Offices closed on Monday

GREENVILLE – Darke County governmental offices will be closed on Oct. 9 in observance of Columbus Day.

Arcanum BOE

ARCANUM – The Arcanum-Butler Local Board of Education will hold its regular board meeting on Oct. 12, 70 p.m., in the Board of Education Office.

Zydeco legend Terrance Simien and his Zydeco Experience Band will perform at Greenville’s Bistro Off Broadway.

this program with state tax dollars to encourage economic growth, educational excellence and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans. DCCA also receives operating support from the Harry D. and Esther Stephens Memorial as well as funding from the Ketrow Foundation and Lydia E. Schaurer Memorial Trust Fund. DCCA membership contributions also help support this show. Terrence Simien and the Zydeco Experience Band will also perform for fourth through sixth grade students at all local public schools from Oct. 23-27; these performances are free and open to the public. Tickets for the Coffeehouse concert by Terrance Simien and the Zydeco Experience Band cost $10, and can be purchased at The Bistro Off Broadway, by contacting DCCA at 937-547-0908 or dcca@ centerforarts.net, or purchased at DCCA’s office located in Greenville Public Library or online at www. CenterForArts.net. If any remain by show time, tickets will also be available at the door. To make dinner reservations, contact The Bistro at 937-316-5000.

PAGE 26 October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

The Ghosts of Ohio at Memorial Hall National Chiropractic Health Month GREENVILLE – Here is your opportunity to meet author and paranormal researcher James Willis and members of his nationally recognized investigative organization “The Ghosts of Ohio.” The Greenville Public Library is partnering

with St. Clair Memorial Hall where this fascinating program will be held Oct. 19, 6 p.m. Free tickets can be picked up at the Reference Desk at the library or at the door at Memorial Hall. Get spooked as they share audio, video, and photos

We are now servicing Darke County for Residential, Commercial, and Roll Off.


Sky’s the Limit Travel along with Endless Journey Bus Tours

from some of their favorite hair-raising haunts...some of which might be in your own back yard! Don’t miss your chance to hear some strange and unnerving stuff recorded during a visit to a famous Greenville location. A book-signing will follow the presentation. James has written over a dozen books on the subject including Ohio’s Historic Haunts: Investigating the Paranormal in the Buckeye State, The Big Book of Ohio Ghost Stories, and Central Ohio Legends & Lore. Check out his blogs where he posts monthly updates as well as archived stories of research from 2010 to present with sights, sounds, and a big dose of humor and horror! strangeandspookyworld.com and ghostsofohio.org.

Toastmasters DAY TRIPS departing from Greenville help build confidence • Columbus Blue Jackets Hockey Games will be offering

• Amish Shopping Trip-Dover, Ohio/Sugarcreek • Casino Trips and More!


Call 937-459-5568 to get on the list or stop by our office at 1117 E. Main St., Greenville M & W 10-2 & 5-8 / T 5:30-8 / Th 10-8 / Fri. & Sat. 10-2

High Quality


• Need a roof that will last the rest of your life? • Tired of changing shingles and fixing leaks?

Call us today for a free estimate

• No exposed fastner’s system • Manufactured onsite with portable roll former • 40 Year Warranty • Available in 24 ga. & 26 ga. • Many colors to choose from Stephen Stoltzfus 765-576-1436 5301 East 900 South - Lynn, Indiana

GREENVILLE – Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped millions of men and women become more confident in front of an audience. Their network of clubs and their learn-by-doing program are sure to help you become a better speaker and leader. Why pay thousands of dollars for a seminar when you can join a Toastmasters club for a fraction of the cost and have fun in the process? Learn more and celebrate at an Open House hosted by the Greenville Toastmasters Club 1238 “The Can Do Club” on Thursday, Oct. 26, 2017 at the Brethren Retirement Center Brick Room, 750 Chestnut St., Greenville. Hear and be heard, have fun and enjoy refreshments and mingle with Toastmasters and friends beginning at 6:30 p.m. You may make reservations with Toastmaster Bob Farmer at 937-416-4687.

Brethren Retirement Community


Lunch & Learn Speaker: Dr. Manish Sheth Topic: Lung Cancer Noon Wednesday, October 11, 2017 Brick Room Brethren Retirement Community Dr. Manish Sheth, MD is a Board Certified hematologist and medical oncologist doctor who practices in Greenville, OH. He is 48 years old and has been practicing for 24 years. Dr. Sheth is affiliated with Miami Valley Hospital, Wayne HealthCare, Kettering Medical Center Sycamore and Kettering Medical Center.

This is a FREE event but reservations are required. Please RSVP to Holly 547-7655

GREENVILLE – Greenville Mayor Stephen Willman, along with the Ohio State Chiropractic Association has proclaimed October as “National Chiropractic Health Month.” Dr. Kristene Clark and Dr. Jessica Clark are joining chiropractors nationwide during National Chiropractic Health Month (NCHM) this October to share back injury prevention and strengthening tips as well as information on the value of a drug-free approach to back pain treatment NCHM raises awareness of the benefits of chiropractic care and its natural, whole-person, patient-center and drugfree approach to health and wellness. This year’s theme, “Back to Basics” emphasizes simple yet significant strategies for maintaining spinal health throughout a lifetime, as well as the growing body of evidence supporting a drug-free approach to back pain treatment. “Back pain remains one of the most disabling conditions worldwide, and is a common condition for which doctors prescribe pain medications, such as opioids,” says Dr.’s Kristene and Jessica Clark. “We want people to know that there are other approaches to back pain treatment, such as chiropractic care that does not involve drugs. There are also simple strategies and exercises you can learn to help keep your spine healthy and pain-free.” Statistics show that every day, more than 1,000 people are treated in the ER for misusing prescription opioid pain medications, and deaths involving the drugs have quadrupled since 1999. Back pain is one of the most common

Pictured are Dr. Kristene Clark, Mayor Willman, and Dr. Jessica Clark.

conditions for which opioids are prescribed. In the wake of the opioid epidemic, many respected health care organizations are recognizing the value of a conservative, non-drug approach to pain. Low-back pain treatment guidelines updated this year by the American College of Physicians now encourage the use of conservative therapies, such as spinal manipulation, for low-back pain before the use of drug therapies and surgery. Chiropractors are experts in performing spinal manipulation and are trained to offer ergonomic and lifestyle advice to help patients strengthen their spines, enhance overall health and prevent back pain. Johnston Chiroprac-

tic Clinic is dedicated to providing quality care for citizens. In honor of National Chiropractic Health Month, Dr.’s Kristene and Jessica Clark will offer all first day services, scheduled by new patients during the month of October, for $35.00 donation to benefit Grace Resurrection Community Center’s Backpack Program. This includes a musculoskeletal/ neurological examination, and personal consultation with Dr. Clark or Dr. Jessica. *Workers Comp, Auto/ PI and X-rays are excluded from this offer. The Johnston Chiropractic Clinic is located at 109 Rhoades Ave, Greenville. Call today for an appointment: 937-548-3610.

PITSBURG – Franklin Monroe will hold Parent Teacher Conferences on Nov. 8 and 9 at the school. Meeting times are Nov. 8 from 4:157:45 p.m. and Nov. 9 from noon-7 p.m. for the elementary school and Nov. 8 from 3:156:45 p.m. and Nov. 9 from noon-7 p.m. for the middle/high school.

There will be a two hour early dismissal on Nov. 8. To schedule an appointment, call the middle/high school at 947-1328. The elementary will be using the same online scheduler they used last year. Please log on to the following website to schedule your conference for elementary students, https://pickatime. com/client?ven=11612227.

FM plans conferences

October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 27



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CLASSIFIEDS WORK! 1-800-548-5312

CDL Driver Wanted-Union City, OH

Good Pay - Health Benefits. Haul Commodities with Belt Trailer. Please come & be a part of a new Transportation Team. Call : 937-621-7869 or 937-621-8383 or message blackhawktransportllc@yahoo.com. Visit us on Facebook


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HELP WANTED Experienced Carpentry and Construction All Phases Must have: • Valid Driver’s License • Be Able to Pass Drug Test We Provide: • Employee Health Insurance • Paid Vacation Days • Paid Holidays Send resume to: BILL HAWKEY & ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 1011 Greenville, OH 45331 No Phone Calls

Pay will be based on experience. Must be detail oriented and have good computer skills. Apply in person to Vera Houpt

500 Wagner Ave., Greenville OH 45331 No Phone Calls Please.

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SERVICES OFFERED Musical Instrument Consignment at Bach To Rock Music in Greenville! Better chance of selling it at a Store that Specializes in what Musicians want than a regular consignment shop. Call us today (or better yet, stop by with your clean & playable item) to hear the details. 547-1970, bachtorock@earthlink. net

HELP WANTED Full-time custom applicator for Harvest Land Co-Op & in Eldorado, OH. Must have a Class A CDL, HazMat tanker endorsments. Or willing to obtain a Class A CDL with HazMat tanker endorsements & custom applicator licenses. Position requires overtime hours during peak seasons. Physical & drug test will be required. Please call Have 10K in Debt? Na- 937-273-2131 or stop tional Debt Relief is rat- in for application ed A-Plus with the BBB. Responsible & dependYou could be debt free able individuals needed in 24-48 months. Call to deliver Early Birds in 1-888-998-4967 now all general areas. There for a free debt evalua- are MOTOR & WALKtion. ING routes. If you are interested, please conHELP WANTED tact Becky at 937-547LOCAL ESTABLISHED 0851 and leave your COMPANY HIRING: If name, address & phone you are interested in a number, if no answer new adventure that is extraordinary, we have Greenville small retail a position for you. All business has partshifts are available and time position available. we place in accordance Some Fridays & every to what suits your Saturday 9am-5pm are needs. Transportation, required, more hours in-home and central possible. Must be enlocations are the ap- ergetic, friendly, reliable plications currently be- & trustworthy. Duties: ing accepted. All you Selling merchandise, upkeep, need is: Valid driver’s Inventory license, pass a back- Cleaning, plus more. ground check, drug MUST have some screen and our phone computer skills & be number 548-6025 for able to operate a cash register. Some heavy an appointment lifting. Send resume: The YMCA of Darke Help Wanted/PT, c/o County is hiring life- The Early Bird, 5312 guards with early morn- Sebring-Warner Rd, ing availability (5am). Greenville, OH 45331 Lifeguards must have a nationally accredited certification. Training is available to the right candidate. Submit resume in person at 301 Wagner Ave., Greenville, or send to Tyler Roberts, troberts@ ymcadarkecounty.org

Immediate opening for Laborers. Start full-time work today. Join the winning team at GMT Roofing. Call 937-547-0468 First Call Staffing is Now Hiring for Greenville Technologies Inc. Apply: GTI 5755 SR 571 E. All positions require clean drug screen. Applications taken Mon-Fri from 8a4p. Bring 2 pcs of ID to apply

Saturday Oct. 21•9-2


Cal-Maine Foods, Inc


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Part-time bartenders needed. AVAILABLE NIGHTS & WEEKENDS Apply in person at 219 North Ohio Street, Greenville.


The Bistro Off Broadway is now hiring for SERVERS - KITCHEN HELP BUSSER & HOST Stop by The Bistro at 117 E. Fifth Street, Greenville to apply Wednesday-Friday 11-2 or 4-8 Work days are Wednesday-Saturday. If you have restaurant experience and are looking for a part time job during the evenings this is perfect for you. We are willing to train if you are willing to work.

Production Workers and Welders Needed Gettysburg, OH Facility

All Shifts Available Apply in person at our Gettysburg facility Pre-employment drug screen and physical required 937-497-3114 www.norcold.com Norcold is an EOE Employer

Oakley Place located in Greenville, OH is now accepting applications for a

Woodshop & Barn Sale



Full time maintenance positions available in our Rossburg and Union City Production Department Competitive Pay Paid Vacation Paid Holidays Health Insurance Dental Insurance Vision Insurance KSOP and 401(k) Apply in person: 3078 Washington Rd Rossburg, OH Or Call 937.337.9576 Office Hrs. 8 am-5:00 pm EEO/M/F/V/II

LPN - Part Time

Enlivant assisted living residences are intimate, vibrant communities where our staff treats residents like family and serves them with the utmost integrity and compassion. Our Commitment to Care Starts with Our Employees! We seek hardworking, compassionate and dedicated professionals who are inspired to make a difference to join our team.

For immediate consideration, please apply online at http://careers.enlivant.com and location Greenville, OH. We offer flexible schedules (full time, part-time and per diem) and benefits: Health Insurance, Dental, Vision, 401K and paid time off. Enlivant provides equal employment opportunities for qualified individuals and does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or other prohibited basis. Where required by state law and/or city ordinance; this employer will provide the Social Security Administration (SSA) and, if necessary, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), with information from each new employee’s Form 1-9 to confirm work authorization.

General Associate Production Positions 2nd or 3rd shift Greenville Technology Inc., a plastic injection molding company serving the automotive industry, is interested in highly motivated and dependable individuals for production positions in our climate controlled Greenville, Ohio manufacturing facility.

Open positions are in Injection, Assembly and Paint Departments on 2nd and 3rd shifts. Skills/Requirements: Hand and tool-assisted assembly Inspection, sanding and buffing of painted parts Machine operation High regard for quality Willingness to work overtime Team-oriented Proven work record Rate: $13.50 starting pay per hour. $16.08 per hour after one year of service. Great Opportunities for growth within company Excellent benefits including Medical, Dental, Vision, 4011k Attendance and profit sharing bonuses Light Manufacturing Environment, Uniforms Provided Please send resume to: Greenville Technology, Inc. PO Box 974 Greenville, Ohio 45331 Or hr_employment@gtioh.com ***Open Interviews on Wednesdays from 1:00-3:00PM at 5755 State Route 571 E. Greenville, Ohio 45331***

PAGE 28 October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

HELP WANTED Full or part-time Carpenter. Minimum 2 years experience. 5482307

MEAT WRAPPER Needed. Will train. Send resume to: 6630 Westfall Rd, Greenville, OH 45331

Massage Therapist & Reflexologist needed for growing business. A Soothing Touch Massage in Versailles, 937423-1219

LOOKING FOR A BEAUTIFUL CAREER? Then Beauty Systems Group/ Cosmoprof is looking for you! BSG in Greenville is hiring for order picker/pullers for 1st 2nd and 3rd shift. Hours are Monday-Friday with OT and some weekends. We offer a comprehensive benefit package. Interested candidates should apply in person at 5805 Jaysville St. Johns Rd. Greenville or online at https://careers-beautysystemsgroup.icims.com

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. 5755 St. Rt. 571 E. Greenville, OH Great Opportunities for growth within company Starting Wages: $13.50 hr. 3 month increase to $14.80 and 12 month $16.08 Excellent benefits including Medical, Dental, Vision, 401k Attendance and profit sharing bonuses Light Manufacturing Environment, Uniforms Provided Looking for highly motivated and dependable individuals for production positions in our climate controlled Greenville, Ohio manufacturing facility.

Open positions in Injection, Assembly and Paint Departments on 2nd and 3rd shifts.

We are an equal opportunity employer. Drug testing required.

150 Positions Available



Starting Wages

12-$13.00 an hour

HELP WANTED The YMCA of Darke County is looking for preschool teachers for our Versailles Child Development Center. Candidates must have prior experience working with children and must model the character traits of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. Submit resume in person at 301 Wagner Ave., Greenville, or send to Tyler Roberts, troberts@ymcadarkecounty.org

Now Hiring - Union City Carryout. Part-time days or evenings. Must be 21 years old. Hours: 1st shift 11am-4pm, 2nd shift 4pm-9pm, Mon-Thur, 4pm-10pm Fri-Sat. Stop in for application or drop off resume at 130 Oak St, Union City, IN WANTED Wanted: Used house trailers in good condition. Please call 937448-2974 PETS 16 month neutered black Lab. All shots current, housebroke. $300. 937-423-4956 WANTED TO BUY Cars/Trucks, running or not UP TO $500. Free pick-up. 937-423-2703 or 937-621-5809

WANTED TO BUY Am. Made guitars, 60s racing go karts & dune buggies. 937-621-4813

AGRICULTURE WANTED TO RENT. Are you getting enough for your farm ground? BUYING OLD GUI- Call us today to see TARS, Banjos, Mando- what we can do for you. lins & Amplifiers. ALSO 937-603-1365 buying Flutes, Saxo- LIVESTOCK phones, Trombones, Farm fresh Hormone Trumpets in good con- antibiotic & cage free dition, Yamaha, Selmer, eggs, $2.25/doz. 937King, Conn. Bring them 620-8121 to Bach to Rock Music, 334 S. Broadway, FOR RENT Greenville, OH for an In New Madison, 3 BR offer. 937-547-1970, apt. No Pets, Smoking email: bachtorock@ or Metro. Some utilities. earthlink.net $590. 996-6821 SPECIAL NOTICES 2 BR upstairs apt, Union Lung Cancer? And 60 City, IN. Stove, refrig Years Old? If So, You furnished. $145/weekly, and Your Family May $400 deposit. 937-968Be Entitled To A Signifi- 6804, 937-423-53987 cant Cash Award. Call NOW RENTING Surrey 800-897-7205 To Learn Lane Apartments. Call More. No Risk. No (937) 548-6977 TDD#: Money Out of Pocket 7-1-1. Handicap AcSOCIAL SECURITY cessible. Equal HousDISABILITY BENE- ing Opportunity. “This FITS. Unable to work? institution is an equal Denied benefits? We opportunity provider.” Can Help! WIN or Pay 1 room upstairs apt. No Nothing! Contact Bill Pets, Smoking or MetGordon & Associates ro. All utilities included. at 1-800-208-6915 to $400/mo, deposit restart your application quired. 937-417-3140 today! Gville: Very nice 1 br AGRICULTURE home with garage, 21 Metal Farm Gates. small pet friendly. NO Various sizes, some smoking. 521 Sater. 548-5053 walk thrus, 4 new live- $475/mo. stock panels 16 foot. benanzer.com $1,400.00. OBO for all. 1 BR upstairs apt; inCall for details. 937- cludes stove & fridge. 564-3969 $340 mo. No Metro, No Pets. 548-9600

AFFORDABLE! Needs TLC! 2-ST home in Ithaca. 5 BRs! LRM, FRM & DRM. 1-car attached garage. MLS 736153 #4541 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! Well-caredfor brick ranch on the edge of town. 3 BR, 2 BA. Wood burning fireplace in LRM. FRM. Extra room for office. 22x26 extra garage. MLS 745907 #4549 BACK ON THE MARKET! 2-ST brick home in FM School Dist. LRM has fireplace. Builtin china cabinet in DRM. FRM. 4 BR. 22x34 barn for workshop, garage + storage loft. MLS 420278 #4544 NEW LISTING! Great condition! Older 2-ST w/ample storage and closet space! Natural woodwork thru-out! 3 BR, 2 BA. Wood burning fireplace in KIT – newer counter tops, back splash, cabinets, range & microwave. Wood burning stove in FRM. Other updates include upstairs BA, furnace, roof & porch. MLS 748692 #4552

offering benefits & employee discounts

Call Us Today 937-316-3782


Jim Shuttleworth Evelyn Shuttleworth Joe Shuttleworth Greg Shuttleworth Richard Edwards


3 bedroom downstairs apt, Union City, IN. Appliances furnished, $400 deposit, $150 weekly rent. 937-9686804 Nice 1 BR upstairs apt w/balcony in Union City, IN. Refrigerator, stove, water, trash pickup, heat furnished. $395/mo, $300 deposit. 765-964-4641 or 260335-2764 BARN SPACE available for RV, Boat or Farm Machinery storage. Wide doors. 3 miles east of Arcanum. 765-584-0757

Nice 3 BR ranch style house in Greenville north end. No Pets. $650. 447-7845 Small 2 BR house. No Pets. 12th St, Greenville. $450/mo + dep. 937-621-3717 1 bedroom downstairs apt, Union City, IN. Furnished, all utilities pd, $146 weekly, $400 deposit. 937-9686804 2 BR apt, includes stove, fridge. Washer/ dryer hookup. $475/ mo. No Pets. No Metro. 548-9600 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE SHOPPE: 901 E. Elm, Union City, OH. Hrs: 11:30-4, MonFri or by appt 937-9686804, 937-423-5397. Used appliances for sale.



OPEN TODAY Oct. 8th from 1 to 3 PM: Two Properties/Same Time: 503 E North St and 509 E North St Union City, OH hosted by John Hannan OPEN Oct. 15th from 1 to 3 PM: 1278 Highland Dr. Greenville, OH hosted by John Hannan OPEN Oct. 15th from 1 to 2:30 PM: 349 Walnut St Union City, OH hosted by Amy Shilt

220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH 937-548-2640


Storage for personal & business use. Penske Truck Rentals. Call Greenville Stor & Lock. 548-1075, 5328 Michelle St Willow Place Apartments - We’re better than ever! 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Call 937-3168489. Equal Housing Opportunity 1 BR upstairs apt. No Pets, Smoking or Metro. All utilities included. $500/mo, deposit required. 937-417-3140

431 Harrison Ave., Greenville Very well maintained. 1220 E Main St., Greenville Within walking distance to new school. 518-520 Martin St., Greenville Live in one side, rent the other for additional income. 3847-3849 Drew Rd., Arcanum Nice brick ranch 2 unit. 18 S. State St., Phillipsburg 2 unit but could easily be converted back to single family.


First Choice Realty

Sam Schwartz

IN ARCANUM this 4 bedroom brick ranch at 305 N. West Street has over 2,000 sq. ft. of living area! Custom walnut cabinets in kitchen; fireplace in family room; 24x10 covered patio; fenced back yard! PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE $79,000! NORTHEAST OF ANSONIA this 2-Story home at 5858 York Road has over 2,300 sq. ft. of living area! 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 4 pole barns; workshop; 5 acres M/L! $315,000. ZONED LIC these 2 lots at corner of W. Park and St. Rt. 49 have plenty of possibilities! $25,000. JUST EAST OF GREENVILLE this 3 bedroom, vinyl sided ranch has new carpet in living room, hall and master bedroom! Mostly new vinyl windows; insulated garage. Covered front porch and deck out back! $93,900. IN PALESTINE plenty of storage with this 3 bedroom home at 120 Lynn Street! Freestanding stove with custom chimney. 2+ car detached garage. Now offered at $68,000. APPROVED BUILDING LOT at corner of Bur Oak and Aspen! Improved with well; grass, trees and sidewalks! $30,000. IN ANSONIA this 2 bedroom home at 332 E. Cross Street has new flooring in kitchen and hall; new roof; 1 car garage. Upper 50’s. IN WAYNE LAKES this 3 bedroom brick ranch overlooks Cucumber Lake with access to Mohawk Lake! Enclosed patio; 2 car attached garage plus storage shed. Drive by 3721 West Drive and call for your personal showing! $109,000. COMMERCIAL BUILDING at 5294 SebringWarner Road has over 5400 sq. ft. of warehouse space; 1185 sq. ft. of office space; 60x90 shop; plus foyer and reception area! Newly painted exterior; 3 overhead doors w/ openers. $325,000. UPDATED THROUGHOUT this 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick ranch at 827 Dorothy Lane is ready for a new family! Fireplace and cathedral ceiling in Family Room; eat-in kitchen; 24x28 deck wired for hot tub and sound system! $149,900. BRICK DOUBLE at 405 & 409 W. Weller in Ansonia has 2 bedrooms each unit; total electric; vinyl windows; washer/dryer hookup; appliances included! Low 90’s. LOW 40’S for this 2-story home at 201 Central! Newer furnace; several porches. CORNER LOT with this 3 bedroom brick ranch at 1229 Northmoor! Over 1400 sq. ft. of living area; updated kitchen, appliances included! 2 car attached garage. $129,900. 4 ACRES M/L ZONED COMMERICAL on Wagner Avenue across from LOWE’S! Can be divided! Call Joe for additional information!

FOR RENT G’ville Land Contract or Rent: Very nice 3 & 4 BR homes. $2K down, $612-$637/mo, or rent for $650-$675/mo. 5485053 benanzer.com

WANTS ANY TYPE OF: • Carpentry Work • Room Additions • Garages • Siding • Foundation Replacement • Crawl Space Work • Restoration • Roofs/Re-Roofs FREE ESTIMATES


Fox Run Senior Apartments 1230 Adrien Avenue Greenville, OH 937-316-8025

2 & 3 Bedrooms for Seniors 55 and Over This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer



Otterbein Ithaca Rd., New Madison Husband underfoot? Send him out to the woods to hunt, camp, and enjoy nature that comes with this 12.6 acre woods in New Madison.

The Right Choice 1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331




NEW PARIS ELDORADO RD 100 acres in Preble County , Call for details 1056 HOLLANSBURG ARCANUM RD 3 Bedroom 2 bath one story home with large 2 car garage. Many Updates!! 508 W HIGH, ANSONIA, OH 3 Bedroom one story home with open floor plan which is move in ready! 7638 BROOKVILLE PHILIPSBURG, BROOKVILLE Two story frame home with barn/garage on 6.3 acres in Brookville SD 4 N MAIN, ARCANUM 3-4 Bedroom 2 story Brick home with all that yesteryear charm. Beautiful woodwork, winding staircase and a 3 car garage.


1303 Chippewa Dr. Greenville


Greenville 513 Ash St. $57,000. 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 car det. Garage, full basement, craftsman inspired style. (745216) 312 E. Fifth St. $85,000. 3 Bed, 1 bath, 2 car detached garage, bonus room could be converted to 4th bedroom, original hardwoods. Many updates. (746290) 3821 St. Rt. 571 $99,900. 3 Bed, 1 bath, 1 car det. Garage, 44x32 barn, shed, backyard patio, huge porch. (717751) 5624 Requarth Rd. NEW LISTING $109,500. 3 Bed, 1.5 bath, 2 car att. Garage, country setting, .70 acre. (748787) 5950 Lake Ave. NEW PRICE $264,000. 4 Bed, 2.5 bath, 2 car att. Garage, family room with fireplace, hot tub & gazebo, no rear neighbors. (733817) 6636 5K Ave. NEW LISTING $647,000. 5 Bed, 3 full bath, 1 half bath, 3 car garage, 1.4 acres, in ground pool, custom built home, additional 18 acres to the back of property could be purchased as well. (747842) Out of Greenville 1905 S. St. Rt 489 Ludlow Falls NEW PRICE $594,000. 10-acre Horse Farm with 2 barns, House 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath with 2-car attached garage, inground heated swimming pool. (741498)

October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 29

HOUSEHOLD Maytag Centennial matching white washer/ dryer. Nearly new! $650/ set. 937-548-6905

WANTED TO RENT FARMGROUND TO RENT: $260/acre, SPRING PAYMENT, FERTILITY MANAGEPROGRAM. Peaceful Dream 11” Pil- MENT 937-622-2735 low Top Mattress Set. $249 full; $269 queen; REAL ESTATE $379 king. New in plas- FARM ESTATE LIQUItic with warranty. We DATION! OCTOBER deliver. 937-884-5455 14th! 16 TRACTS! Vinyl windows. 6: 40 C O O P E R S T O W N , wide, 48 7/8 high. 39 NY! 5 to 28 acres 1/2 wide, 48 5/8 high. from $19,900! Ponds, 2: 35 3/4 wide, 53 1/8 streams, Views, apple high. 31 3/4 wide, 53 orchards! Terms avail! 1/2 high. 23 3/4 wide, 37 Call 888-738-6994 high with frosted glass. EQUIPMENT Bath tub, 33 inches deep, 5 foot long, 7 foot D4H Caterpillar, good high, Lasco, built in. shape. 765-584-0757 937-547-1986 or 564- AUTOMOTIVE 7200 2002 Chevy 1500 4WD WANTED TO RENT truck, 300K miles, good Looking for a 3 BR condition, $3000. 2005 house in the country in Ford Focus, AWD, Ansonia School District. exc cond, 209K miles, $3000. 937-997-2003 937-621-2872 LEIS REALTY COMPANY CONGRATULATES


As Top Producer For September 2017


AUTOMOTIVE 2008 Buick Enclave $9995. 2014 Cruze $9995. 2008 Saturn Outlook $7995. 2007 Edge $6995. 2013 Chrysler 200 $9995. 2004 Colorado $5995. 2006 Dakota $7995. 2006 TrailBlazer $6995. 2004 GMC Duramax $12,995. 2011 Malibu $6995. 2007 Fusion $4995. Buy - Sell - Trade! CountryAutoSalesGreenville. com 548-1337 MISC. FOR SALE Colorado Blue, Norway, white Spruce, scotch, white pine, excellent for wind breaks or landscaping. 3’ $40; 4’ $53; 5’ $66; 6’ $80; 7’ $100; 8’ $120. Planting available. 419-582-3505

COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT: Hamilton Beach CPM700 mixer w/custom made bowl w/whip, $200. S/s mandolin, $50. NFS model 510F 2-basket deep fryer, $150. 937-997-2003

R&S Reck Mobile Home Park New Paris, Ohio

Mobile Homes for Rent Or Rent to Own Call


PROFESSIONAL SOUND SYSTEM Rental, Sales & Installation. Free quotes to your business, church or home for sound system updates & improvements. JBL, EAW, QSC, PEAVEY, CROWN. Bach to Rock Music 547-1970, email: bachtorock@earthlink. net. Also Renting sound systems for Weddings, Graduations, Business Meetings, or any other engagements! Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 1-800-906-3115 for $750 Off FREE FIREWOOD! 20+ trees to bring down. 1/2 are dead & ready to burn. Take 1 for your campfire or all for your woodstove. You cut & haul, I’ll do the cleanup; OR I will cut if you help with the clean-up. 937-947-1047 Remember, the

DEADLINE for Classified

Ads is NOON on Thursday.

GARAGE SALES ARCANUM/PITSBURG 5009 Hollansburg-Sampson Rd; Oct 12-13-14; 9-?; Household, Christmas, toys, furniture, cribs, vintage, & misc

9708 Painter Creek-Arcanum Rd; 1 Day Only, Oct 12; 8am-5pm; Old doors, two 7’ cabinets w/ glass doors on top, old bin units, base storage units, sm table w/hidden leaves, 5-drawer file cabinet, icebox w/sliding doors on top, some antiques, books, camping chairs, fabrics, denim, twill, polyester, & lots more of interesting items BRADFORD/ GETTYSBURG 224 W Keller St, Bradford; Oct 12-13; 8am4pm; HUGE SALE! Coca-Cola, cookie jars, Christmas, bookshelves, rolltop desk & other indoor & outdoor furniture, plus much more! GREENVILLE 1370 Benden Way; Oct 11-12; 9-5; Books, dog cage, toys, something for everyone 733 Birchwood, Oct 12-13, 9-5. Barbie jeep battery ride-on, TMNT toys, booster seats, bed rails, Coach purses, Paulette Zawosky painting

GREENVILLE 135 W Harmon, Sept 12: 9-7, Oct 13: 9-4. Kids & women clothing, home interior denim days, Budweiser Christmas Steins, Queen Anne Navy Blue Sofa, kids books & toys, home décor & collectibles, lots of misc

101 Canterbury Dr, Oct 12-13, 9-4. 220 generator, treadmill, play kitchen, mini fridge, coolers, household items, books, lawn mower, toys, car top cargo carrier, battery operated Gator, pool ladders 5474 Naomi Dr, Oct 12, 9-5. Boys clothes (0 to 4-5), girls clothes (0-9 mts), adult clothing, baby, household & garage items 780 Birchwood Dr; Oct 12-13; 9-6; Large Sale - Lots of items! Multiple family sale, 103 Surrey Lane, Oct 12-13, 9-6. Some of the items are a 5.5 brand new rug, 6’ round braided rug, 5x7 silver rug, headboard, nightstands, ottoman, small cabinet, designer purses & clothes, new craft items, old bicycle decorated for fall, tools, antique baby crib & so much more

7319 Fisher-Dangler Rd (571W to Wildcat Rd, follow signs), Oct 12-13, 9-5. Clothing to 3X, garden books, Christmas things, sweeper, and much more 6085 Sebring-Warner Rd, lots 22 & 66; Oct 12-13, 9-5; 14th 9-12; Bar stool, baskets, CDs, crocks, curtains, candles, car bra fits 2005 Chevy Monte Carlo, apple paperweights, lg tote, dog cage, electric stove, screen, round wicker chair 801 Dorothy Lane, Oct 12-13, 9-4. Alto sax/ case, kitchen items, cups & saucers, jigsaw puzzles, garden wagon, upholstered chair. Low prices!

GREENVILLE 122 Ark Ave; Oct 1213; 10am-3pm TRI VILLAGE MOVING SALE: 4037 Richmond Palestine Rd (1/2 mile south of Palestine), Oct 14, Saturday Only, 9-5. Camper, antique furniture, trailer, tent, exercise equipment, all very reasonable



Truck Rentals


We are here to meet your storage and moving needs! 5328 Michelle Rd. Greenville


Becoming a Home Owner Need Not Be Just A Dream 2&3 Bedroom Homes Available Check our our selection of FREE handyman homes. Rental Homes Available Too! Sherwood Forest Mobile Home Community 937-548-9898 www.parkbridgehomes.com


316 Victoria Dr. Greenville, OH OPEN 1 to 2 PM Great neighborhood, great home! Nice threebedroom home with fresh paint and carpeting throughout. Great room addition offers extra room for family and entertaining. Loads of storage available with built in shelving in Great Room and one of the bedrooms. Add your personal touches to make this your forever home. (747040) Stop in for your personal tour with REALTOR® Chris Barringer


OPEN HOUSE Sunday, October 8, 4 – 6 p.m. 312 Avenue A Spacious home for sale in Greenville Park. Turnkey, new from top to bottom. All new appliances stay. Move in right away! Don’t miss out! Call 937-417-6837 anytime for a private showing.

OPEN HOUSE October 8, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.

5050 State Route 722, Arcanum

Country home, located on almost 2 full acres, has original woodwork and character. This is a 4 bedroom, 2 story home with a 2-1/2 car garage and insulated, heated workshop. 24 X 34 metal pole barn, Arcanum school district and located 1-1/4 miles east of 127 (Castine), on St. Rt. 722. Immediate occupancy.

218 Jefferson St. New Madison Let this investment property pay for your mortgage. This 3 unit home is located within walking distance of supermarket, laundromat, and school. All new Blacketer windows 2016 plus separate meters for gas, water, electric. A “must see”. Contact Roxanne Beck 44 N. Miami St. West Milton This property located in downtown West Milton is zoned for business and priced to sell. This 2 unit home has separate electric, gas and water meters and new windows 2013. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by! Contact Roxanne Beck

Darke County Sheriff’s Estate Sales

For more information call 937-547-4603 or go to www.darkecountysheriff.org Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

JPMorgan VS. Cynthia Goins, et al. No. 16CV00345

Ally Bank VS. Jonathan Connor, et al. No. 17CV00141

JPMorgan Chase VS. Tannia Dershem, et al. No. 17CV00098

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 13, 2017, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Township of Twin in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 13, 2017, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Village of Union City in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 13, 2017, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Township of Adams in Darke County to-wit:

Street Address: 7637 St. Rt. 722 Arcanum, Ohio Parcel Number: P56030835000040400

Street Address: 371 N. Vine St Union City, Ohio Parcel Number: H33211329040210500

Street Address: 8203 Zerber Rd. Bradford, Ohio Parcel Number: A01040909000030600

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $120,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. If any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale the same time of day and same place on Friday, October 27, 2017. There will be no minimum bid set for this sale according to ORC Section 2329.21. The purchaser shall be responsible for costs, allowance, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $51,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. If any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale the same time of day and same place on Friday, October 27, 2017. There will be no minimum bid set for this sale according to ORC Section 2329.21. The purchaser shall be responsible for costs, allowance, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $52,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. If any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale the same time of day and same place on Friday, October 27, 2017. There will be no minimum bid set for this sale according to ORC Section 2329.21. The purchaser shall be responsible for costs, allowance, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover.

TERMS OF SALE: Deposit required for this property: $5,000.00 Balance due within 30 days after Confirmation. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/24, 10/1, 10/8 3T

TERMS OF SALE: Deposit required for this property: $5,000.00 Balance due within 30 days after Confirmation. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/24, 10/1, 10/8 3T

TERMS OF SALE: Deposit required for this property: $5,000.00 Balance due within 30 days after Confirmation. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/24, 10/1, 10/8 3T

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Carrington Mortgage VS. Kasey Simons, et al. No. 16CV00607

Federal National Mortgage VS. Unknown Heirs of Virginia Miles, et al. No. 17CV00090

Bank of America VS. Catherine Yant, et al. No. 15CV00406

US Bank VS. Kathi Duncan, et al. No. 16CV00367

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 13, 2017, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the City of Greenville in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 13, 2017, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Township of Greenville in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 13, 2017, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Township of Adams in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, October 13, 2017, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Township of Van Buren in Darke County to-wit:

Street Address: 810 Wayne Ave. Greenville Parcel Number: F27221102040911200

Street Address: 6808 Jaysville St. Johns Rd. Greenville Ohio Parcel Number: F24021225000011900

Street Address: 9320 US Rt. 36 Bradford, Ohio Parcel Number: A02040929000021100

Street Address: 7679 St. Rt. 571 Greenville, Ohio Parcel Number: Q62030911000030400

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $50,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. If any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale the same time of day and same place on Friday, October 27, 2017. There will be no minimum bid set for this sale according to ORC Section 2329.21. The purchaser shall be responsible for costs, allowance, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $125,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. If any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale the same time of day and same place on Friday, October 27, 2017. There will be no minimum bid set for this sale according to ORC Section 2329.21. The purchaser shall be responsible for costs, allowance, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $120,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. If any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale the same time of day and same place on Friday, October 27, 2017. There will be no minimum bid set for this sale according to ORC Section 2329.21. The purchaser shall be responsible for costs, allowance, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover.

TERMS OF SALE: Deposit required for this property: $5,000.00 Balance due within 30 days after Confirmation. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/24, 10/1, 10/8 3T

TERMS OF SALE: Deposit required for this property: $5,000.00 Balance due within 30 days after Confirmation. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/24, 10/1, 10/8 3T

TERMS OF SALE: Deposit required for this property: $5,000.00 Balance due within 30 days after Confirmation. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/24, 10/1, 10/8 3T

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $57,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. If any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale the same time of day and same place on Friday, October 27, 2017. There will be no minimum bid set for this sale according to ORC Section 2329.21. The purchaser shall be responsible for costs, allowance, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover. TERMS OF SALE: Deposit required for this property: $5,000.00 Balance due within 30 days after Confirmation. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 9/24, 10/1, 10/8 3T

General Information The Sheriff is issued Orders of Sales from the Clerk of Courts Office. Sales are advertised in The Early Bird once every week for three consecutive weeks. The Sheriff’s Office does not mail or give away a list of properties or information about purchasing foreclosed property. The properties are not available for tour or inspection as the Sheriff’s Office does not have keys to any properties. Prior to the sale, most properties are appraised from the outside only. The property is sold “as is”, caveat emptor (let the buyer beware). The Sheriff’s office does not have information on liens or taxes.

Real estate tax information can be found at the following web site: darkepropertymax.governmax.com real estate appraisal database. All sales are held in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building, 520 South Broadway, Greenville. All sales begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. Bidding information Bidding starts as directed in each sale ad. Successful bidders must deposit in the following: If appraised value of property is less than or equal to $10,000 the deposit is $2,000.00; $10,001 - $200,000 the deposit is $5,000.00; greater than $200,000 the deposit is $10,000.00.

Personal check (proper ID, local check signed in our presence), cashier’s check or cash is accepted. The buyer will be required to sign a disclaimer that relieves the Sheriff and appraising agents of liabilities of hazards, or past due bills, as it it the responsibility of the buyer to look into these matters before the sale date. The unpaid balance of the purchase price is due within 30 days after confirmation of sale is filed. More Information You may contact Abby Wilson at (937) 547-4603 if you require further information. A listing of properties can be viewed at darkecountysheriff.org.

PAGE 30 October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

DEADLINE FOR GETTING YOUR GARAGE SALE IN THE EARLY BIRDNOON THURS. STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF LIMESTONE IN THE PROBATE COURT CASE NO. 005-A012 IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION PETITION OF MONICA LEE SKINNER AND WILLIAM WESLEY SKINNER NOTICE OF ADOPTION PROCEEDINGS Notice to: David Harter, the father of the legal father of L.A.C., who is deceased, whose whereabouts are unknown. Please take notice that a Petition for Adoption of L.A.C. who was born to Rochelle Dominique Robbins on or about the 4th day of October, 2016, has been filed in said Court by MONICA LEE SKINNER and WILLIAM WESLEY SKINNER, Petitioners, and that the 30th day of November, 2017, at 9:30 a.m. has been set for a hearing on the same at the Limestone County Probate Judge’s Office located in the Limestone County Clinton Street Courthouse Annex, 100 South Clinton Street, Suite D, Athens, Alabama 35611. Please be advised that if you intend to contest this adoption, you must file a written response within (30) days hereof with counsel for said Petitioner, whose name and address are as shown below and with the Clerk of the said Probate Court. Done this 28 day of September, 2017. ANNE G. BURROWS Hand Arendall LLC 102 South Jefferson Street Athens, Alabama 35611 Telephone: (256) 232-0202 Fax: (256) 233-2407 SAROO7 E-Mail: aburrows@handarendall.com Attorney for Petitioners 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 4T


STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF LIMESTONE IN THE PROBATE COURT CASE NO. 005-A013 IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION PETITION OF MONICA LEE SKINNER AND WILLIAM WESLEY SKINNER NOTICE OF ADOPTION PROCEEDINGS Notice to: David Harter, the father of the legal father of A.L.C., who is deceased, whose whereabouts are unknown. Please take notice that a Petition for Adoption of A.L.C. who was born to Rochelle Dominique Robbins on or about the 10th day of November, 2014, has been filed in said Court by MONICA LEE SKINNER and WILLIAM WESLEY SKINNER, Petitioners, and that the 30th day of November, 2017, at 10:00 a.m. has been set for a hearing on the same at the Limestone County Probate Judge’s Office located in the Limestone County Clinton Street Courthouse Annex, 100 South Clinton Street, Suite D, Athens, Alabama 35611. Please be advised that if you intend to contest this adoption, you must file a written response within (30) days hereof with counsel for said Petitioner, whose name and address are as shown below and with the Clerk of the said Probate Court. Done this 28 day of September, 2017. ANNE G. BURROWS Hand Arendall LLC 102 South Jefferson Street Athens, Alabama 35611 Telephone: (256) 232-0202 Fax: (256) 233-2407 SAROO7 E-Mail: aburrows@handarendall.com Attorney for Petitioners 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 4T


On October 3, 2017, the City of Greenville, Ohio adopted the following legislation: • Ordinance #17-113 establish salary for the Street Department Superintendent. This ordinance has an emergency clause. • Ordinance #17-114 establish wages/salaries for the superintendent of Streets of the City of Greenville not covered by wage agreements. This ordinance has an emergency clause. • Ordinance #17-115 supplemental appropriations • Ordinance #17-116 transfer • Resolution #17-117 authorize the disposition of no longer needed Police personal property • Resolution #17-118 authorize the disposition of no longer needed personal property • Resolution #17-119 authorize the S/S Dir. to enter into a revised contract with Hull & Assoc., Inc. for the rendering of professional consulting services. • Resolution #17-120 authorize advertising for bids for roof replacement at the Police Dept. This legislation can be read and examined in its entirety at the office of the City Auditor, Room 200, Municipal Building, Greenville, Ohio, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday and 8:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. on Friday. Approved: Eric Brand, Law Director Vicki Harris, Clerk of Council City of Greenville 10/08, 10/15 2T



TO: DAVID SNIDER Guardian of the Person and Estate of June L. Ely, Incompetent 1400 North Broadway Greenville, Ohio 45331 In obedience to an Order and Decree of the Court of Common Pleas, Probate Division, within and for said County, made this day, in a certain cause wherein you as the Guardian of June L. Ely, an incompetent, are Plaintiff and June L. Ely, Alan Gustafson, Darke County Treasurer are Defendants, you are commanded to proceed according to law, to advertise and sell at Public Auction on the premises at 1000 Harrison Avenue, Greenville, Ohio on the 23rd day of October, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. for not less than two-thirds of the appraised value thereof (the appraised value being $56,490.00), the following described premises, to wit: Situated in the County of Darke, in the State of Ohio, and in the city of Greenville, and bounded and described as follows: Being Lot No. Two Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty-five (2235) in Fairlawn Addition to the City of Greenville, Ohio. Engineer’s I.D. F27-2-211-02-04-14-101-00 (Lot 2235) Said sale to be upon the following terms: The terms of sale and payment of the purchase money are case, $5,000.00 paid on the day of the sale with the balance due at the closing. Closing of sale shall be within thirty (30) days of the date of the sale. The real estate taxes to be paid by Seller on the short pro-ration to the date of closing and Buyer shall pay all real estate taxes and assessments becoming due and payable thereafter. You are commanded to execute the aforementioned Order and Decree of our said Court in all respects according to law, and of your proceedings herein make due return to this Court. GARBIG & SCHMIDT, LLC 2840 Alt. St. Rt. 49 N Suite A Arcanum, OH 45304

Darke County area October blood drives DARKE COUNTY – Donors can join the fight against cancer during October Breast Cancer Awareness Month by supporting the community blood drives in Darke County communities. Community Blood Center encourages donors to schedule an appointment online at www.DonorTime. com or call 1-800388-GIVE. Everyone who registers to donate will receive the “I Fight Cancer – I Give Blood” t-shirt. The t-shirt is char-

coal heather gray with a design that features an array of colored ribbons representing awareness for the many forms of cancer. The cancer awareness t-shirt is available at CBC Donor Centers and most CBC mobile blood drives through Saturday, Nov. 4. The “I Fight Cancer – I Give Blood” campaign represents the unique relationship between blood donors and cancer patients. Chemotherapy and other cancer treatments have a harsh

impact on blood cells. Transfusions of donated blood and blood products are vital to reducing complications and saving lives. The following blood drives are open to the public and appointments are encouraged: Oct. 9 – Bradford High School, 750 Railroad Ave., 3–6:30 p.m., sponsored by Bradford HS Student Council Oct. 10 – Greenville Church of the Brethren, 421 Central Ave., 12:30– 6:30 p.m., sponsored by Greenville

VFW Post 7262 Auxiliary Oct. 14 – TriVillage Rescue, 320 North Main, New Madison, 8–11:30 a.m., sponsored by Tri-Village Rescue Oct. 27 – Ansonia High School, High School Gym, 8 a.m.–noon Oct. 28 – North Star Community Center (Old Elementary School), 124 East Star, 8–11 a.m., sponsored by North Star American Legion Auxiliary Learn more at www.GivingBlood. org.

Successful mosquito trapping season GREENVILLE – As part of a mosquito control and surveillance grant, the Darke County Health Department has been trapping mosquitoes for over 17 weeks this summer. So far, more than 1,000 mosquitoes have been trapped and identified from more than 20 species. Grace Winhoven, a sanitarian with the health department who studied mosquitoes in college, is happy with the results so far. The mosquitoes found at the more than 20 trapping locations are identified by health department staff and sent to the Ohio Department of Health to be tested for West Nile Virus if they are a species that can spread the disease. Over 800 mosquitoes have been sent to the Ohio Department of Health and no mosquitoes have tested positive for West Nile Virus in the county. Of the more than 403,000 mosquitoes tested by the Ohio Department of Health, the virus has been found in mosquitoes from 45 counties. Some of the positive counties nearby include Greene, Montgomery, Clark, and Hamilton. There have been more positive mosquitoes this year than at this time the last several years. This increase is due to several factors including increased surveillance and testing, a wet summer, and a mild winter. The number of mosquitoes testing positive for West Nile Virus is high this year and seven people in Ohio have become ill with one fatality. There have been no human cases of West Nile Virus in Darke County in 2017. West Nile Virus is not the only mosquito borne disease which can be found in Ohio. La Crosse virus can be spread by mosquitoes in Ohio. This year there have been eight reported cases of La Crosse virus in Ohio, including one in Preble County. The last case of La Crosse in Darke County was in 2011. There are many ways to reduce the spread of mosquito borne diseases, and to protect yourself from becoming ill. Avoiding mosquito bites and reducing mosquito breeding areas around your home can help stop the transmis-

sion of these diseases. Wearing long sleeves, using mosquito repellants according to the label instructions, installing and repairing screens, and avoiding outdoor activities at peak biting times can help protect yourself and your family. Removing standing water on your property can decrease the number of mosquitoes on and near your property. The use of mosquito dunks, containing Bti, a bacteria that specifically kills only mosquitoes, can help treat standing water which cannot easily be drained. On Oct. 5, the Darke County Health Department will have an informational mosquito presentation at 7 p.m. at Shawnee Prairie Preserve. This event is free and open to the public. There will be an opportunity to see a sample of mosquitoes found in Darke County. You can also learn about mosquitoes and how to protect your property and family, find out what the Darke County Health Department is doing to protect the public, and they will be

available to answer your questions. For more information on their mosquito program, and ways to protect

yourself and your family, visit www. darkecountyhealth. org, or contact them at 937-548-4196 ext. 203.

PUBLIC HEARING School Inspections

The Darke County Board of Health will be holding a second public hearing and adoption of the School Environmental Health and Safety Inspection Methodology on Tuesday, October 10th at 9AM at the Darke County Health Department. The public hearing is regarding how the Health Department will be performing future inspections for the general safety and environment of the schools. The policy can be found on our website at www. darkecountyhealth.org or at the Health Department located at 300 Garst Ave., Greenville, OH. For more information please email Laura at laura. schwieterman@darkecountyhealth.org. STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF LIMESTONE IN THE PROBATE COURT CASE NO. 005-A011 IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION PETITION OF NICOLE EILEEN ISON AND KRISTOFFER ALAN ISON NOTICE OF ADOPTION PROCEEDINGS Notice to: David Harter, the father of the legal father of W.J.C., who is deceased, whose whereabouts are unknown. Please take notice that a Petition for Adoption of W.J.C. who was born to Rochelle Dominique Robbins on or about the 7th day of December, 2015, has been filed in said Court by NICOLE EILEEN ISON and KRISTOFFER ALAN ISON, Petitioners, and that the 30th day of November, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. has been set for a hearing on the same at the Limestone County Probate Judge’s Office located in the Limestone County Clinton Street Courthouse Annex, 100 South Clinton Street, Suite D, Athens, Alabama 35611. Please be advised that if you intend to contest this adoption, you must file a written response within (30) days hereof with counsel for said Petitioner, whose name and address are as shown below and with the Clerk of the said Probate Court at the address above. Done this 28 day of September, 2017. ANNE G. BURROWS Hand Arendall LLC 102 South Jefferson Street Athens, Alabama 35611 Telephone: (256) 232-0202 Fax: (256) 233-2407 SAROO7 E-Mail: aburrows@handarendall.com Attorney for Petitioners 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 4T



Legal-Wagner Ave. Secure Storage @ 7617 Greenville Celina Rd. Greenville, OH 45331. We will be offering the following units for auction on Thursday Oct. 19th 10:00 AM. Unit #122 belonging to-Charles Robbins 610 E. 5th St. Greenville, OH 45331 Containing- Whirlpool under the counter microwave; Range; couch & ottoman; Entertainment Center; Lg. Flat Screen TV: Chest of Drawers; Electrolux Vac; Misc. Boxes; Toys; Unit # 318 belonging to-Brenda & Todd Baker P.O. Box 861 Greenville, OH 45331. Containing- S.S. Microwave; Tool box; Turbo Dryer; Curio cabinet; Air Hockey Game; dresser; TV; Kids Items; Toys; Misc. Boxes; Unit #C-5 belonging to-Rick Smith 144 Locust St. Wyandotte, MI 48192 ContainingRefrigerator; Bed Frame; Snow Shovels; Battery Operated ATV Childs; Desk; & Misc. Boxes; Unit #407 belonging to-Diedre A. Ord 6938 St. Rt. 121 S. Greenville, OH 45331. Containing-Hospital Bed; Washer, Chest of Drawers; Filing Cabinet; Sev. Boxed Items; Unit #434 S belonging toRobert Wentz 11 204 River St. Greenville, OH 45331 Containing-Kerosene Heater; Tiles; Work Light; Plumbing Parts; Homemade Childs Scooter; Tools; Unit #442 belonging to-Darla League 309 Interprise Rd. West Alex, OH 45381 Containing-King Size Mattress; Lg. Tv; Lamp; Chest of Drawers; Misc. Items; Please Call Jim Rider @548-4011 with any questions or Richard Edwards Auctoneer@937-547-3202. This auction is CASH ONLY no checks or credit cards accepted. There will be $35.00 deposit required per unit, refunded after the unit is cleaned out and inspected by Jim Rider.


ANTIQUE FURNITURE – VICTORIAN FURNITURE – ANTIQUES – COLLECTIBLES – 1965 FORD MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE & MUCH MORE! *THIS IS THE FIRST OF 2 LARGE AUCTIONS FOR RICHARD & BETTY SHIVES* Watch next week’s Early Bird for a complete listing. Visit us online @ www.auctionzip.com and enter USER I.D. #8673 for photos and information. REMEMBER: +++Never, Ever a Buyer’s (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions… What You Bid Is What You Pay! We Office: 937.316.8400 work for our sellers, we appreciate our Cell: 937.459.7686 buyers, and we love our profession! Michel Werner Kirby & Staff Auctioneer

IN THE MATTER OF: ZACHERY P. DELARWELLE DATE OF BIRTH 09-01-2001 DARKE COUNTY, OHIO JUVENILE COURT CASE NO. 21730007 JASON R. ASLINGER, JUDGE TO: UNKNOWN FATHER OF ZACHERY P. DELARWELLE DOB: 09-01-2001 ADDRESS UNKNOWN Take notice that on April 12, 2017, the Movants, Terry Whittington and Letha Whittington, filed their Motion for Permanent Legal Custody in the Juvenile Court of Darke County, Ohio, being in Case No. 21730007 on the docket of the Court, said case being captioned, In the Matter of Zachery P. Delarwelle, Date of Birth 09-01-2001. Pursuant to said Motion, Movants are seeking to be designated as the permanent legal custodians of the minor child, Zachery P. Delarwelle. Take notice that the unknown father of Zachery P. Delarwelle is required to answer said Motion for Permanent Legal Custody within twenty-eight (28) days after the last publication. Said cause will be heard before Judge Jason R. Aslinger, Darke County Juvenile Court, 300 Garst Avenue, Greenville, Ohio 45331 on the 17th day of November, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. This publication is required by Ohio Civil Rule of Procedure 4.4(A). Please contact: Matthew J. Pierron, Esq., Hanes Law Group, Ltd., 507 South Broadway, Greenville, Ohio 45331, PH: 937-548-1157. 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29 6T Two Day



At the Youth Bldg of the Darke County Fairgrounds, 800 Sweitzer St ( Rt 49) across from the Hospital & easily accessible from Routes 36, 127 & 121.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2017 Time: 9:30 AM Preview & Auction: Note: Friday will be a wide range of collectibles, paper goods, china, glassware, sewing, craft items, holiday decorations & more! You can view the majority of items being sold Saturday. This auction will be treated as an individual event, so therefore we will not be able to take requests or switch any items from their respective days. COLLECTIBLES: Camel & other trunks; GE & Westinghouse fans; oil lamps & many others; shades & lamp parts; Buffalo ink well w/ pen holder & others; records; paper goods & adv; books; 1962 Reds pennant; Ernie Banks pin back button; pocket mirror w/ snuff ad; lighters; Chalk Fair Prizes (15+); Paperweights (6); sea shells; kitchen items. POTTERY: Rookwood gold vase, Waterlily bookend & small bowl. Roseville: Snowberry bowl, Zephyr Lily tea pot, cr & sugar. Van Briggle, Weller, Hull, McCoy, Georgia Art Pottery & more! Franciscan Starburst china set; Autumn Leaf Jewel Tea; German bowl & mugs set; crock bowls, etc. CHINA: Floral biscuit jar; Blue Bird juice reamer w/ pitcher; Crown Ming & HP Nioppon; tea sets; cups & saucers; figural cow creamers & loads of knick knacks. GLASSWARE: Colorful Pyrex; red cap milk glass spice set; cabinet jars; apothecary jars; Fire King peach luster dinnerware; Jadite coffee mugs & measure; Fenton cranberry opalescent basket; Hoosier Glass Works vase; few pcs of Heisey; pressed & pattern glass; colored glassware; depression ; 2 German steins w/ risqué lithophanes; etc. SEWING, CRAFTS & MISC.: A room packed w/ sewing items; vintage hankies, gloves, collars & lace clothing; celluloid collar box; flatware; Holiday decorations; box after box of knick-knacks & figurines; wall pockets; boy w/ top hat string holder; religious pictures & home communion sets.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2017 Time: 9:30 AM FURNITURE: OAK: Entry hall stand w/ rope twist decoration; library table; fall front desk; round table w/ bds; 2 pc stepback cupboard; glass door cupboard; kitchen cabinet, not perfect; buffet; mission sideboard; bedroom furniture; spindle, medallion curved back loveseat & Bellbrook, OH carved back rocker by J. Stake! MORE: Lg zinc lined dry sink w/ cabinet top; primitive dry sink on legs; 4 drw dough table; Tiger Maple top & mixed wood stand; youth rockers; painted ice chest; mission music cabinet; spider leg lamps; 2 cathedral & Emerson console wooden radios; 2 speakers. STOVES & RANGES: Huenefeld laundry stove; vintage cookstove, as found; 2 burner kerosene stove. ANTIQUES: Oak 2 pc stereo card cabinets (1-2 drawer & 1-6 drawer) w/ 1920’s Teacher’s Guide for “600” card set. Note: The majority of the cards are in the set, but I do not believe it is complete. 5 stereo card hand viewers; WWI Wallace Robinson military dogs print; 7 drw spice box; Shaker 3 ft tall hamper w/ lid; miniature bottom basket; sewing baskets & others; few quilts; miniature crocks & jugs; Southern Belle door stop; unique bird cage & stand; tilt-top candle stand; dial top general store counter scales; CI balance scales; primitive wall mtd coffee grinder; German coffee grinder; oak case wall telephone; sugar bucket; barn lanterns; B&O RR lantern; Dietz Scout lantern; etc. COUNTRY ITEMS: Dinner bell; lightning rods; nicely stenciled wooden wheel barrow; tobacco spears; cigar mold & cutter; haying tools; primitive wooden seeder; 2 fodder cutters; box mtd corn sheller; meal grinder; pedal grinder; incubator; milk cans; floor model butter churn; tin barrel pump; pitcher pump; lg slaw cutter; lg gypsy kettle; scalding kettle; fruit presses; egg baskets; copper tea pot; granite ware; very large butcher block; lg drying rack; quilting frame; lg folding sewing table; crocks up to 12 gallons; CI torch; grease bucket; buck saws; primitive ladder; etc. CLOCKS: International Time Recorder wall clock; parlor clock; French marble case & Sessions hump back mantle clocks, plus others; like new, Black Forest cuckoo clock & 3 others; Sunburst clock. TOYS: Structo “Rideon” Jeep; Structo “Hook & Ladder” fire truck; J D high post A tractor w/ driver; Cox Thimble Drone Stuka Bomber in orig box; 2 wooden kits for P-51 fighter planes; Big T Hot Rod; Hubley metal coupe kit; Revell Monza banked raceway set; Gilbert 71/2 Erector set; HO & other trains; scooter; tricycle; coaster wagon; glass candy containers; side oven range; CI Eagle range; book & dime banks, tin “Bank”; “Penney” toys; Yogi, Gerber & other baby spoons; Barbie & Ken 1962 boxed set of paper dolls, played with; modern dolls; tin litho doll house; etc. ADVERTISING, ETC: Salesman Coca Cola 1915-16 token, picnic cooler, bottles incl carrier & other modern Coke collectibles; Gold Dust Twins, Calumet, White Villa, Seal’s tobacco & other tins; 1933 World’s Fair psoter; signed; Billy Thorpe autographed Radio Sales brochure; John Davis for President pin back button; 1924 Air Races program; 1937 tin litho chicken tubs; Miami Valley Brewing box & bottles w/ paper labels; Humphrey’s vet bottle w/ horse head; fire extinguisher bottle; more to be found. MORE OF INTEREST: German stag handle sheath knife; straight razors; small box of Indian flint points; group of new wooden lures w/ boxes & others; bait casting reels; tackle box; machinist’s oak chest w/ contents; Pontiac steering knob; automotive items; pr of wooden frame car doors; Deering implement wrench; wooden rake; tractor seat; ice box hardware; galvanized sprinkling can & tubs. FRIDAY or SATURDAY ITEMS: Kettles & ca st iron cookware; dog nut cracker; beetle boot jack; skeleton, clock & furniture keys; movie projector & cameras; letter stamp set; rubber stamp holder; trade card scrapbook; piano rolls; Quaker Lace table cloth; 4 shelves of cream & milk pitchers; salt & pepper collection incl; F&F Mold pcs; more figurines incl Occ Japan; 12 pc Czech canister set; yard art incl alum tree surround bench & garden furniture; PLUS many other boxes of estate items yet to be determined. NOTE: This notice only touches the surface of the large amount of items from the fully packed house & barn. Photos at www.stichterauctions.com are not separted by day.


Jerry Stichter & Scott Pence, Auctioneers

October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 31

Joint county-Township paving improvements



and materials used included 27,227 tons of asphalt and 6,610 tons of shoulder aggregate. The project’s total cost was $2,090,254 and was funded with an OPWC grant of $773,394 and local funding by the recipients of $1,316,860. The paving contractor was Walls Brothers Asphalt of Greenville. This was the first project of its type in Darke County and another similar

project is currently under planning for 2019, to include the remaining 10 Boards of Township Trustees in the County. The average cost per mile for the resurfacing was $76,785 and the grant lowered the average cost to the Townships and County to $48,375 per mile, which is equal to the resurfacing cost of 10 years ago. The roads resurfaced and the recipient jurisdictions

This Well Built Brick Ranch Home sits on a Beautiful Corner Lot and Features, (3) Bedrooms, (2) Full Bathrooms, Lg. Formal Living Room, Eat-In-Kitchen, Family Room w/Wood Burning Fireplace, Lg. Mud Room/Office Area, Lg. Screened Patio Room off of Family Room, 2-Car Attached Garage w/Opener, Pull Down Attic Stairs w/ Floored Attic, Heated Garage w/Washer & Dryer Hook-Up, Newer Trane Gas Forced Air Furnace w/Central A/C, Newer Roof, Kitchen Aid Dishwasher, Whirlpool Range/Oven, Garbage Disposal & Attic Fan. Other Features include a Hip Roof Storage Building, Mature Landscaping & Lots of Closet Space. Attend Open Houses - Inspect This Property Make Financial Arrangements Be Prepared to Buy on Auction Day

Open Houses: WED., OCT. 11th, 6:00 – 7:00 PM SUN., OCT. 15th, 1:00 – 2:30 PM

And by appointment… Call: Kirby Lyons (937) 316-8400 Everett Hocker (937) 417-0748 Terms: $5,000.00 Down on Day of Auction. Complete Balance Due Within 30 Days of Auction. Taxes will be figured short term pro-ration to closing. Possession at closing.

Dorothy Pelanda, candidate for Oho Secretary of State, is shown with Bill and Barbara Holmes and Barbara Ketron.

For photos and additional information on this offering please visit us at www.auctionzip.com and enter User I.D. # 8673. Remember, Never, Ever a Buyers (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions *WHAT YOU BID IS WHAT YOU PAY* “We work for our sellers, appreciate our buyers, and love our profession”

Office: 937.316.8400 Cell: 937.459.7686



4431 North Star-Ft. Loramie Road – New Weston, OH Located in Northern Darke County at the corner of St. Rt. 118 & N Star – Ft. Loramie Rd across from the famous Eldora Speedway are these two prime properties offering the following:

4473 North Star-Ft. Loramie Road – New Weston Built in 1972, this well maintained 1 story brick ranch style home offers over 2300 sq ft w/ 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, quality woodwork & cabinetry, central air & vac, electric heat, full unfinished basement, & 2 1/2 car attached garage. Property sits on 1.7 acres.

4431 North Star-Ft. Loramie Road – New Weston Situated on 2.6 acres is this 2 story full insulated farm home w/ 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fuel oil furnace, new water softener and in excellent condition, 26’x 24’detached 2 car garage, storage shed and a 78’x 36’ metal sided barn with concrete floor. Terms: $3,000 will be required down per property day of auction with the balance due within 35 days of auction. Please visit our website www.midwestauctioneers.com for more information and pictures of complete auction.**Personal property will be selling same day starting at 3:00 PM and includes 4 Wheelers, shop tools, & household items.





GREENVILLE – On Oct. 2, Bill and Barbara Holmes hosted Dorothy Pelanda, candidate for Ohio Secretary of State, at the Brethren Retirement Community. Pelanda pointed out she was there to discuss her campaign and let people know of her goals for making Ohio a leader in

voting technology and voting security. In addition to stating her strong support for the use of photo ID for voting, Pelanda also shared her ideas for advancing Ohio to be more competitive for new business and an initiative to get young people involved in the election process.


Auctioneers & Realty, Inc Mike Baker, Auctioneer/Broker

Mike Baker Auctioneer/Broker 220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH

937-548-2640 www.midwest-auctioneers.com

Weekly Auctions now featuring audio/video bidding. Convenience fee for on-line bidders only.

Auctioneers & Realty, Inc

Mike Baker, Auctioneer/Broker 220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com

(937) 316-8400 (937) 459-7686

son, Billman, 1.35; Jackson, HillgroveWoodington, 1.52; Monroe, Oakes, 1.032; Twin, Loop, 0.502; Twin, Littles, 0.568; Washington, Wildcat, 1.20; Wayne, Conover, 1.00; and York, Wa-

bash-York, 1.23. County Roadways – New Madison-Coletown, 7.01; Requarth, 3.56; Hogpath, 3.49; and Chase (Twp.), 1.00 The total miles of roadway resurfaced were 27.222.



Greenville Auction Center: 5239 St. Rt. 49 S – Greenville, OH 45331 Former Auction Business Equipment & Assets: Shelving & Display Units – Chairs Furniture - Electronics Kubota Lawn Tractor- Diesel 60” deck Over 100 3” cushioned bottom chairs; Approx 25 8’ tables - wood and PVC; (3) 8’ sections of heavy duty Pallet racking; Stockroom shelves; Showcases/ Display cases; LARGE wood store front showcase; 2 Jewelers showcases 8’ long from Weiland Jewelers; Table top showcases; Rolling stockroom shelving on track; Counter tops & Oak bar; Oak podium; PA System; Large 6’ Safe w/ combo on rollers; 5th wheel slide hitch; Oak coat rack; Oak round tables w/ chairs; Utility carts; 2 wheelers; Office equipment; Metal inventory desk; Metal cabinets; Desks; Chairs; Waiting room chairs; Upright Pepsi Refrigerator; Some electronics; Stove; Ladders; Coolers; Large hanging Christmas decorations; Dog kennel; Trash cans; Misc hand tools; and more. Terms: A 10% Buyer’s Premium shall be applied to all purchases. Accepted payment is cash, check w/ ID, and credit cards w/ additional 3% fee. Please visit www.midwest-auctioneers.com for more information and pictures.



Auctioneers & Realty, Inc

Mike Baker, Auctioneer/Broker 220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com



**AUCTION LOCATION: 10709 N. Stateline Rd. Union City OH 45390** SELLING AT 9:00 AM: 2006 Buick Lucerne CXL w/grey leather interior, heated/ power seats w/ only 63,072 miles! JD X360 hydrostatic garden tractor w/power lift & steering, 48” deck, w/ 237 hours. Atq/Collec./HH: Chrome kitchen table & chairs; Lg. 2 pc. Pine cabinet; Parlor table; Wall-mounted gun rack; Oak S rolltop desk; Kerosene lamps; World 12” globe; Budweiser Clydesdale round adv.; Prim. cabinet base; 4 pc. Dbl BR suite; 4 pc. Twin BR suite; Cedar chest; Craftmaster sofa; Kitchen dinette set; (11) red leather dining table chairs (Three Gables); Flat screen TV; Sm. Elec. Kitchen appl; Whirlpool washer & dryer; Frigidaire upright freezer; Costume jewelry/boxes; Glassware; Flatware/utensils; Iron skillets; Tools/Outdoor: Craftsman gas-powered blower; (2) Makita cordless drills; Pull-behind garden cart; Wheelbarrow; Pole saw & pruner; Gas-powered weed trimmer; Concrete stable boy lawn ornament; Patio furniture; Fishing poles & reels; Numerous hand, power, & garden tools. And many more items not listed here! Terms: Accepted payment is cash, check w/ ID, and credit card w/ additional 3% fee. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

SELLING AT 2:00 PM 84 Acres of mostly tillable farmland in Indiana - House in Ohio Tract 1: 10709 N OH/IN Stateline Rd. – Union City, OH 45390. Country setting w/ mature trees on 1 acre. Sandstone front ranch style home w/ 3 BR, 1 bath, living room, kitchen w/ oak cabinets & dining area, carpet & hardwood flooring, full basement & 1 car attached garage. Wood windows, approx. 12 year old roof, electric geothermal heating/cooling. Also includes a 12x15 utility building w/ loft. Tract 2: 26 acres of mostly tillable farm ground located in the SE corner of 800 N & 600 E in Jackson Twp., Randolph County, Indiana. Tract 3: 58.07 acres of mostly tillable farm ground located along 800 N & 600 E in Jackson Twp., Randolph County, Indiana. Terms: $3000 required down (per tract) day of auction with the balance due within 35 days. Please visit our website: WWW.MIDWEST-AUCTIONEERS.COM for more information on both auctions including maps and pictures, or call our office at 937-548-2640 to request your bidder’s packet. (IN License: AU01050268)




Auctioneers & Realty, Inc

Mike Baker, Auctioneer/Broker 220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com


SOS candidate visits local residents


are as follows: Township Road Length (miles) – Adams, New Harrison-Bradford 0.55; Adams, Stahl, 1.01; Brown, Ansonia-Elroy, 1.18; Franklin, Painter Creek-Arcanum, 1.02; HarriAUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION

County Roads, and 1.00 mile of Township Road under County obligation. Asphalt thickness placed was 1-1/2 inches in two courses for the resurfacing and 2-1/2 inches thick in two courses on Chase Road. The road widths varied from 16.5 to 24 feet,


of 10 townships in Darke County and the County Engineer. The project was formulated and administered by the County Engineer’s Office. The work included asphalt paving on 12.162 miles of Township Roads, 14.06 miles of


DARKE COUNTY – After over two years in the making, a local road paving project in Darke County has been recently completed and was aided by a grant from the Ohio Public Works Commission. Project recipients were the Boards of Trustees

PAGE 32 October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Preble Co. horsemen plan fun weekend

PREBLE CO. – Join the Preble County OHC (Ohio Horseman’s Council) weekend of fun on Oct. 13, 14 and 15 at Hueston Woods Horseman’s Camp off Four Mile Valley Road, Morning Sun. Bring your own equine and participate in the Open Horse Show, on your supplied horse


WED.– OCT. 18TH, 2017 6:00 P.M.


DIRECTIONS: From US 36 in Greenville turn left onto Washington Ave., right onto Pine Street, and right onto Sweitzer. (Watch for signs). Up for Auction, is this two-story conventional style brick home, built in 1872 with 1732 square feet of living space. This home host 3 bedrooms 1 1/2 baths, with kitchen and living room and dining room. Featuring original hardwood flooring, doors, trim work, and transom windows above the interior doorways. It also offers a partial basement with washer and dryer hook up, and a detached garage. Plan to attend an open house to see all the possibilities. Terms- Come prepared to bid! Buyer to pay $10% down day of auction, balance due within 30 days. Buyer shall have possession day of closing. Closing shall be on or before November 30th, 2017. Taxes-short form pro-ration. Buyer to pay all taxes due thereafter. Have your financing arranged before the auction. Call 937-547-3202 or 423-2656 or go to www.edwardsauctions.com for more details and pictures.




or just come out to watch. There is no fee for watching the show. Registration starts at 9 a.m. and the show starts at 10 a.m.

You and your horse can ride any of the 18+ miles of trails at your leisure. See any member for a copy of the trail map.

Lunch & Learn at library is Oct. 11 GREENVILLE – The Greenville Public Library’s monthly Lunch & Learn is Oct. 11 at 12:30 p.m. The topic is “Bringing it all Together” presented by Jordan Francis, Wellness Director at Wayne Healthcare. Lunch and Learn is coordinated by Warren Richards as part of the Library’s Wellness Program. Francis explains, “We know we should eat right, exercise, and generally take care of ourselves, but what does that look like in practice? This presentation will cover how to implement healthy practices

Dinner is at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday. Cost is $6 per adult (11 years and older), and $3 per child (4 years to 10 years, under 3 years are free). Live music starts at 8 p.m. on Saturday with the Silvertones. Bring your

lawn chair. Sunday: Cowboy Church with Scarlett Rowland starts at 9:30 a.m. Funds from the proceeds of this weekend event go toward maintaining the bridle trails and horse campground at Hueston Woods

State Park. For additional information, contact Becky Clifton, 937417-4359 or Donn Buckingham 937417-4358 (call or text) or go to prebleohc.com website or their FB page facebook.com/groups/ pcohc for more info.


MONDAY– OCT. 23RD, 2017 - 6:00 P.M.

1000 HARRISON STREET GREENVILLE, OH 45331 Jordan Francis

into your daily routine by making the healthy choice the easy choice. The key is to remove barriers to healthy behaviors to make good habits routine.” Please bring your own lunch or buy one provided by Brenda’s Beanery at a cost of $5. The public is invited. Please call 548-3915 to make a reservation or just show up.

Open Houses Monday October 9th 5-6:00 P.M. Sunday October 15th 1-2:30 P.M. Sunday October 22nd 1-2:30 P.M.

DIRECTIONS: From St. Rt. 49 S turn East onto Fair St. by the hospital. (Watch for signs). Located on the corner of Fair St & Harrison Street. Up for Auction, is this 984-square foot, home built in 1921. This home host 2 bedrooms 1 bath, with kitchen and living room. It also offers a partial basement/crawl space & detached 24 x 12 garage. This home has a partial privacy fence attached to the garage and sits on a nice lot close to the hospital and the fair grounds. Plan to attend an open house to see all the possibilities. TERMS: Buyer to pay $5,000 down day of auction, with the balance due at closing. Bidding must start at no less than 2/3rds of the appraisal of $ 56,490. Opening bid must start at $ 37,660 or greater. Closing shall be on or before November 23rd, 2017. Buyer shall have possession day of closing. Seller will pay all taxes due and payable July 1, 2017, buyer to pay all taxes due & payable thereafter. Have your financing arranged & be prepared to buy. Call 937-547-3202 or 423-2656 or go to www.edwardsauctions.com for more details.






ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Early Oak (International) Time Clock, used in Ohio Popcorn Factory in Arcanum, Ohio (Made in New York); Flat Top Steamer Trunk w/Till; Green Porcelain Light; Dietz Red Globe Little Wizard Lantern; NKP Railroad Oil Can; Die Cast Fire Truck & Car; MC Railroad Oil Can; #8 Wagner & other Iron Skillets; Early “Standard” #2 Cast Iron Mailbox; (2) Cow Bells; Rookwood Vase; (2) Egg Scales; 1930’s Shell Oil Metal Truck; Alum. 6 Pack Coke Carrier; Wood Pulley; (2) Early Juicers; Zero Metal Bladed Table Fan; Metal Powder Horn; small Brass Canon; Green Granite Pail; misc. Granite Pans & Acc.; Perfection #4 Wood Washing Machine; Brighton #10 Wood Clothes Ringer; Early Sessions Oak Mantle Clock; 1950 Farmers Co-Op Wire Milk Crate; Pair of Roseville 4” Dbl. Handle Candle Holders; Brass Tea Kettle; Blue Swirl Granite Coffee Pot; Wood Nail Keg; Brass Face Door Knocker; Wood Dr. Pepper & Coke Crates; Early Wood Kitchen Cupboard; (2) 4’ Sections of Rod Iron Fence; Straight Razors; (2) Lg. Longaberger Baskets; (4) White & Black Porcelain Trays; Penn Deep Sea Fishing Reel; Champion Hand Crank Blower & Forge; Cast Iron Elephant Bank; Cast Iron Deer Bank; Lighted Crosswalk Sign; Early Wood/Mirrored Medicine Cabinet; Reiter Milk Banks, ½ Pint Milk Bottle Bank; 5 Gal. & 10 Gal. Milk Cans; Marble Plant Stand w/ Cast Iron Base; Early Delco 5 Gal. Brake Fluid Can; (2) 5 Gal. John Deere Cans; Bird Weather Vane; Early Buggy Jack; Porcelain Lionel Train Sign; Metal Harley-Davidson Weather Vane; Sure S.S. Milker; Glass Bordon Jar; (2) Wood Buckets; Jadeite Green Funnel; Wood Boat Shelf; Pyrex Colored Mixing Bowls; Alum. Milk Box; Hand Crank Oak Wall Phone; Cities Service, Mobil, Shell, Utility Oil Cans; Metal Texaco Gas Arrow; Metal Chesterfield Cigarette Sign; Metal Stop Sign; sev. Road Signs; Metal & Wood Pepsi Signs; Die Cast Tractor; Cast Iron Pig Bank; (3) Cast Iron Bldg. Stars; Shell Tune-Up Kit (in original box); 1967 Camaro Z-28 Model Car (in box); Early Chrome Car Hood Emblem; J. Deere Tractor Book 1918-1987; C.J. Paulus Furn. Adv. Coal Bucket Ash Tray; Chessie RR System #6 First Aid Kit; Glass Whale; 30 Gal. Quaker State Oil Drum; Early Sunoco Antifreeze Sign; Remington Arms Thermometer; Wood Carpenters Box; several Early Advertising Calendars including: 1957 Iddings Auto Parts, 1960 Littman-Thomas Ins., 1966 Fraziers Supply Co., 1961 R.J. Warner Ins., 1960 Arcanum Ohio Schools, 1964 Wynn’s NASCAR & 1953 D. County Directory Poster. FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Brown Sectional Sofa w/Ottoman; Brown Oversized Rocker/Recliner; Floral Love Seat; Mahogany Drop Front Secretary w/Serpentine Drawers; 6 Ft. Maple Corner Cupboard w/Glass Doors; Oak Dbl. Drop Dining Table w/(2) Chairs & Leaf; (3) Queen Beds; (1) Single Bed w/nice Mattresses; Stacking Books Lamp Table; Pine Dbl. Drop Table; Oak Sofa Table; Floral Wingback Chair; Green Chest of Drawers (distressed); Ornate What-Not Shelf; Black 3 Pc. Bedroom Suite; Sm. Dinette & (4) Chairs; Glass Top Patio Table w/Umbrella; Wicker Sofa & Love Seat; sev. Wicker Chairs; Sharp 42” Flat Screen TV; Vizio 27” Flat Screen TV; (4) Oak Rocking Chairs; Whirlpool Washer & Dryer (White); G.E. Elec. Range w/Glass Top Burners (White); Rainbow Sweeper w/Attachments; Bissell Upright Sweeper; Maytag Elec. Dryer (White); Frigidaire Front Load Washer (White). CARGO TRAILERS - TRUCK 1997 Classic 28 Ft. Enclosed Cargo Trailer, Tandem Axel; 1999 Interstate 14 Ft. Enclosed Cargo Trailer; 2010 GMC 1500 Sierra Pick-Up Truck (High Miles) (White). 2 CAMPERS 1987 Starcraft Pop-Up Camper; other older Pop-Up Camper. LAWN TRACTOR Cub Cadet LTX 1040 Lawn Tractor, 19 HP, Hydrostat, 42” Deck. LAWN RELATED Fimco 15 Gal. Poly Pull Type Sprayer 12 Volt (like new); Poulan (Gas) Weed Trimmer; Husqvarna Self-Propelled Mower w/Rear Bagger & Honda Engine; Elec. Chain Saw; Greenworks Elec. 8-A Tiller/Cultivator; Task Force Elec. Leaf Blower; Lawn Seeder; Pump Sprayer; Wheel Barrow; Craftsman 5 HP 24” (Gas) Snowblower w/ Rubber Tracks. TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 35,000 BTU Reddy Space Heater; Car Ramps; 3-Ton Floor Jack; H. Duty Roller Cart; sev. Pipe Clamps; Spray-Tech Painting System; Lg. Tool Box; Creeper; Long Handle Yard Tools; 10 Gal. Wet/Dry Shop Vacuum; misc. Hand & Power Tools; Router & Table; B&D Sander; B&D 8” Table Saw; Bench Top Band Saw; Ext. Cords; Makita Battery Drill; Werner Alum. Ext. Ladder. MISC. Char-Broil Elec. Outdoor Cooker; Propane Patio Heater; sev. 20 Lb. Propane Tanks; outside Chimney Fireplace; Round Kerosene Heater; Bag Chairs; Fuel Cans; Croquet Set; Life Jackets; Fishing Poles & Reels; Lg. outside Thermometer; 13 Stack Chairs; 3’ Alum. Ladder; (3) Hairstylists Chairs; Huffy Mountain Bicycle; Casio Elec. Cash Register; Early Horse Bits; Early Clothes Ringer; Chicken Waterer; Sadd Iron; Karaoke Machine; Snow Board; 33 & 45 Records; sev. Standing & Table Lamps; Wood Wine Rack; Towels; Throws; lots of nice Framed Pictures; sm. Elec. Kitchen Appliances & Utensils; G.E. Microwave; Oster Elec. Oven; H.P. Printer; Baking Dishes; Collectible Whiskey Decanters; Clown Figurines; Carnival Bowls; Stemware; Black Dishware Set (8 Plc.); Pots; Pans & much more!

ESTATE OF MICHAEL A. KNIESLY Michael A. Kniesly Jr., Executor Matt Pierron, Attorney. Case #: 2016-1-270


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PAGE 34 October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

The table is set and waiting for you.

Candlelight Dinner on the Prairie at DCP GREENVILLE – The table is set, the servers are in their places, and the Darke County Park District is ready to provide you with a remarkable 18th century historical experience in the Log House at Shawnee Prairie Preserve, 4267 St. Rt. 502 west of Greenville. A hearth-cooked meal will be served family-style to all who attend this unique Candlelight Dinner on the Prairie. The event is a fundraiser with proceeds going towards mainte-

nance, repairs, and cultural programming within the log house. The opportunity to take part in the dinner will be Saturday, Oct. 28, 5 p.m. The fee is $50 per person or $90 per couple, and preregistration is required. Space is limited; call early to reserve your place. To register for this event or to learn more about other programs that the Darke County Park District has to offer, please call (937) 548-0165.

Coat drive drop-off spots announced GREENVILLE – A coat drive is currently being held in conjunction with the Darke County Sheriff’s Department by several churches and an agency. New coats of all sizes, as well as new hats, gloves and scarves, will be accepted. Children’s coats will be given to the Darke County Sheriff’s Department for their Warm Winter Wear coats, hats and gloves donations. Adult-sized coats, hats and gloves will be given to the Addiction Help Cen-

ter to help those in need. Drop-off bins are located at the Addiction Center, 200 Martin St., Greenville, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Full Heavy Metal Church of Christ, 534 South Broadway St., Greenville, Sundays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 7-8:30 p.m.; First United Methodist Church, 202 W. 4th St., Greenville, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and First Assembly of God, 7219 State Route 118, Greenville.


Tickets now available for Runway & Rhythm GREENVILLE – Join Darke County United Way on Oct. 20, 7-10 p.m. for Runway & Rhythm at Montage Café. This fun, laidback Friday evening event will feature a premiere fashion show by Youniques, hors d’oeurves, beer and wine selections by Montage Café, silent auction, and great live music from Rick Robinson. Robinson is a solo artist whose vocal style ranges from reggae-flavored takes on classic rock and country standards to soulfully-owned renditions of a thoughtful selection of tunes that is customized to every specific venue and show bearing audience, atmosphere, season, and time in mind. Influences include the British invasion, psychedelic rock

Rick Robinson

of the 60’s and 70’s, old country, outlaw country, reggae, hip hop, grunge, prog, 80’s, classic southern alternative folk coffee shop rock, and on and on... ECLECTIC. Robinson grew up in Lima then attended Ohio State University earning a Bachelor in Fine Arts in Photography. While doing freelance photography, gigging, and DJ-ing, Robinson is a pro-

fessional firefighter and lieutenant on his department, as well as a family man. “Runway & Rhythm is a great event,” states Christy Baker, executive director for Darke County United Way. “Fantastic music, fantastic food, drinks, silent auction items, and a fashion show. A fun night out with friends and/or your significant other and you are helping the United Way raise funds to serve over 30,000 Darke County residents. That is a winwin!” Tickets for Runway & Rhythm are $25 each and are presale only. Tickets are limited so reserve yours today. You may purchase tickets at the United Way office by calling 5471272 or at Youniques and

Montage. Proceeds from this event will assist United Way partner agencies. Youniques will be open that evening for fantastic shopping during the event. United Way would like to thank their sponsors for this event who help to make this night possible including Brumbaugh Construction, Ramco Electric Motors, Second National Bank, The Bootery, and Youniques. The live music was sponsored by George and Becky Luce. The Darke County United Way fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every resident in Darke County. To learn more, visit us online at www.darkecountyunitedway.org.

DCCA selected to receive funding GREENVILLE – Darke County Center for the Arts (DCCA) has been selected to receive funding from Arts Midwest Touring Fund, a program of Arts Midwest, generously supported by the National Endowment for the Arts with additional contributions from the Ohio Arts Council and the Crane Group. Arts Midwest Touring Fund engages people in meaningful experiences with the fine arts of dance, music, theater, and other performing arts forms. Inter-state touring and the engagement of professional artists is central to the work of Arts Midwest. Arts Midwest Executive Director David J. Fraher says, “Arts Midwest is proud to support DCCA in their upcoming engagement of Terrance Simien and the Zydeco Experience Band. Arts events

like this not only provide uplifting experiences for audiences, they also create meaningful jobs for those employed in the arts industry – thus amplifying the effectiveness of our funding.” Terrance Simien and the Zydeco Experience Band will perform “Creole For Kidz” for fourth through sixth grade students at all local public schools from Oct. 23-27; these performances are free and open to the public. “Without the assistance of Arts Midwest, DCCA could not bring internationally-acclaimed artists like Terrance Simien to our underserved rural community,” Ms. Jordan explained. Terrance Simien and the Zydeco Experience Band will also perform at Greenville’s Bistro Off Broadway on Thursday, Oct. 26 as part of DCCA’s

Coffeehouse Series, the show starts at 7 p.m. and tickets are $10. For more information on Arts Midwest please visit www.artsmidwest. org. Darke County Center for the Arts presents and promotes performing

and fine arts encouraging cultural enrichment. For more information on their 2017-2018 ARTS COUNT season and to purchase tickets, contact the DCCA Office at (937) 547-0908 or visit their website at www.CenterForArts.net.

Get off your rocker at WMPL VERSAILLES – Worch Memorial Public Library is starting an adult community group called Off Our Rockers. The first meeting of this group will be on Oct. 11, 11 a.m. Off Our Rockers will meet monthly to converse with each other, learn new skills, gather information and evaluate opportunities to meet the community’s needs. This fun and interactive group will have something for everyone. Make sure to come in to the library on Oct. 11 for the first Off Our Rock-

ers meeting. If you need more information about this program or anything else at the library, call 5263416 or visit worch.library. oh.us.

Columbus Day closing GREENVILLE – Community Action Partnership will be closed on Monday, October 9 in observance of Columbus Day. They will reopen for regular hours on Tuesday, Oct. 10.





2017 BUICK ENCLAVE AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, maroon, 21,615 miles ....... $35,995.........$34,500 2017 CADILLAC XT5 FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, black, 15,544 miles ............... $31,995.........$30,900 2017 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN GT, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 26,567 miles ........... $24,995.........$23,900 2017 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SXT, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, like new, gray, 25,722 miles ............ $23,995.........$22,500 2017 CHEVY TRAVERSE 2LT AWD, 3.6L V6, loaded, exc. cond., white, 26,820 miles ........................ $29,995.........$28,900 2017 GMC ACADIA SLT AWD, 3.6L, V6, leather, loaded, super nice, burgundy, 18,158 miles............. $36,995.........$35,900 2016 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, all power, exc. cond., champagne silver, 38,506 miles ..................................................................................................... $25,995.........$24,500 2016 CHEVY SILVERADO REG CAB SHORT BED 2WD P.U., 4.3L V6, loaded, like new, black, 5,947 miles .......................................................................................................................... $24,995.........$23,900 2016 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LTZ CREW CAB 4x4 P.U., 5.3L V8, Z71 package, leather, loaded, one owner, like new, maroon, 13,775 miles ................................................................................... $44,995.........$43,500 2015 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., all power, very nice, champagne silver, 31,222 miles..... $19,995.........$18,900 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT REG. CAB, 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, all power, exc. cond., brown, 45,792 miles .................................................................................................... $25,995.........$24,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LS FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, exc. cond., champagne silver, 32,992 miles ..................................................................................................... $15,995.........$14,500 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT DOUBLE CAB 4WD, 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, white, 45,613 miles ........................................................................................................................ $28,995.........$27,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, leather, loaded, super nice, crystal red, 26,977 miles ................................................................................................................ $21,995.........$20,900 2014 GMC TERRAIN SLE FWD, 2.4L, 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., silver, 25,396 miles ....................... $17,995.........$16,900 2014 BUICK ENCORE AWD, 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, black, 24,441 miles............. $21,995.........$20,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, sunroof, loaded, super nice, white, 54,687 miles ........................................................................................................................ $18,995.........$17,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., crystal red, 27,223 miles ................................................................................................................ $24,995.........$22,900 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT, CREW CAB 4X4 PU, 5.3L V8, loaded, one owner, very nice, black, 68,168 miles ........................................................................................................................ $28,995.........$27,900 2013 CHEVY TAHOE LTZ 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, DVD system, loaded, sharp, diamond white, 61,658 miles ......................................................................................................... $36,995.........$35,900 2013 CHEVY AVALANCHE 4X4, 5.3L V8, one owner, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, black, 45,651 miles ........................................................................................................................ $31,995.........$30,900 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, diamond white, 114,372 miles ....................................................................................................... $15,995.........$14,900 2013 GMC SIERRA SLT 2WD CREW CAB PU, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, super nice, maroon, 39,598 miles................................................................................................................................... $29,995.........$28,900 2012 FORD EDGE SEL FWD, 2.0L 4 cyl., loaded, super nice, silver, 97,678 miles ............................... $12,995.........$11,900 2012 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN, 3.6L V6, Stow & Go seating, all power, super nice, black, 61,716 miles ........................................................................................................................ $16,995.........$15,900 2011 CHEVY 1 TON LT CREW CAB DUALLY 4X4 P.U., 6.6L, Duramax Diesel, leather, loaded, exc. cond., white, 279,057 miles .................................................................................................... $26,995.........$25,500 2011 CHEVY COLORADO LT CREW CAB 2WD P.U., 2.9L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., silver, 41,430 miles......................................................................................................................... $18,995.........$17,900 2011 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, all power, very nice, blue, 111,816 miles ...... $15,995.........$14,500 2009 BUICK ENCLAVE CX FWD, 3.6L, V6, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 143,949 miles .......... $9,995...........$8,900 2008 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 3.4L V6, loaded, very nice, white, 249,777 miles ............................... $5,995...........$4,900 2008 CHEVY ½ TON SUBURBAN LT 4x4, 5.3L, V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., silver, 142,227 miles....................................................................................................................... $15,995.........$14,900 2007 CHEVY SILVERADO ½ TON LT EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, good cond., blue, 107,893 miles ........................................................................................................................ $12,995.........$11,900 2006 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, black, 102,187 miles ...................................................................................................................... $13,995.........$12,500 2005 BUICK RENDEZVOUS CX FWD, 3.4L, V6, loaded, good cond., silver, 177,439 miles................... $3,995...........$2,900 2005 CHEVY COLORADO LS CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 3.5L 5 cyl., all power, very nice, blue, 212,751 miles .......................................................................................................................... $7,995...........$6,900 2005 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT 4x4, 5.3L, V8, leather, loaded, very nice, beige, 156,836 miles ............ $10,995...........$9,500 2005 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT REG. CAB 2WD PU, 4.7, V8, all power, very nice, white, 98,914 miles .......................................................................................................................... $8,995...........$7,900 2005 BUICK TERRAZA CXL VAN, 3.5L, V6, leather, DVD player, loaded, good cond., blue, 202,472 miles .......................................................................................................................... $3,995...........$2,900 2005 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., diamond white, 150,250 miles ....................................................................................................... $10,995...........$9,500 2004 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER EXT. LS 4X4, 4.2L, 6 cyl., all power, very nice, blue, 219,822 miles .......................................................................................................................... $4,995...........$3,900





2004 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 105,466 miles ...................... $7,995 ...........$6,900 2004 CHEVY COLORADO REG CAB 2WD P.U., 2.8L 4 cyl., 5 speed, air, sharp, yellow, 166,455 miles ....................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$6,500 2004 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., all power, exc. cond., blue, 148,224 miles ............. $6,995 ...........$5,900 2003 CHEVY S10 LS REG CAB 2WD P.U., 2.2L 4 cyl., 5 speed, air, cruise, exc. cond., beige, 126,545 miles ........................................................................................................................ $5,995 ...........$4,500 2003 DODGE DURANGO SLT 4WD, 5.9L, V8, leather, loaded, good cond., black, 191,714 miles ......... $5,995 ...........$4,500 2003 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., one owner, loaded, very nice, beige, 214,383 miles ........................................................................................................................ $5,995...........$3,900 2002 HONDA CRV AWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, good cond., silver, 197,181 miles ....................... $4,995...........$3,900 2002 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER LIMITED EDITION, 2.4L, 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, purple, 231,729 miles ...................................................................................................... $3,995...........$2,500 2002 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L, V8, leather, loaded, good cond,. red, 230,992 miles ............. $7,995 ...........$6,500 2002 DODGE DURANGO SXT 4X4, 4.7L, V8, leather, good cond., blue, 206,717 miles ........................ $4,995 ...........$3,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4X4, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 208,621 miles .................................................................................................................... $6,995 ...........$5,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, good cond., maroon, 226,550 miles .................................................................................................................... $5,995 ...........$3,900 2002 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB 4WD P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., white, 101,500 miles .................................................................................................. $10,995...........$9,500 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 142,478 miles ..................................................................................................... $9,995...........$8,900 2001 FORD F150 XLT SUPER CAB ZWD PU, 4.2L V6, loaded, very nice, red, 112,535 miles .............. $7,995...........$6,500 2001 CHEVY BLAZER LS 4X4, 4 dr., 4.3L V6, leather, loaded, good cond., blue, 281,398 miles ........... $3,995...........$2,900 2001 FORD F150 XLT SUPER CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.6L V8, 5 speed, loaded, good cond., red, 146,376 miles ............................................................................................................................... $5,995 ...........$4,500 2001 FORD F150 XLT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.6L V8, loaded, very nice, black, 347,655 miles ............. $7,995...........$6,900 2000 MERCURY VILLAGER ESTATE VAN, 3.3L V6, leather, loaded, fair cond., maroon, 150,889 miles ........................................................................................................................ $2,995 ...........$1,900 1999 GMC ½ TON SAVANNA CONVERSION VAN, 5.7L V8, fully loaded, very nice, brown, 116,796 miles ....................................................................................................................... $7,995...........$5,900 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats, all power, nice cond., green, 144,748 miles..................... $6,995...........$5,900


2017 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., all power, super nice, red, 29,168 miles .............................. $17,995.........$16,500 2017 CHEVY CRUZE PREMIER, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, sharp, white, 23,006 miles ............ $18,995.........$17,500 2017 CHEVY IMPALA PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, silver, 18,854 miles........ $27,995.........$26,500 2016 CHEVY CAMARO 2SS CONVERTIBLE, 6.2L V8, leather, all power, one owner, like new, gray, 1,651 miles ............................................................................................................. $40,995.........$39,900 2015 CHEVY SS, 4 dr., 6.2L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, silver, 6,017 miles .......................... $38,995.........$37,900 2015 CHEVY SPARK, 1.2L 4 cyl., loaded, one owner, exc. cond., blue, 25,590 .................................... $11,995.........$10,500 2014 CHEVY MALIBU LT 4 dr., 2.5L, 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, very nice, silver, 100,747 miles .......... $11,995.........$10,900 2014 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, diamond white, 56,311 miles ......................................................................................................... $22,995.........$21,500 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, all power, exc. cond., blue, 90,043 miles ............................... $11,995...........$9,900 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 115,528 miles ............... $10,995...........$9,500 2006 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 163,567 miles ........ $7,995 ...........$5,900 1989 CHEVY CAMARO IROC Z, 2 dr., 5.7L Tuned Port V8, loaded, show car, red, 53,946 miles ......... $16,995.........$15,900


2017 CHRYSLER 300C AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, blue, 14,280 miles ............. $28,995.........$27,500 2016 BUICK LACROSSE, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, black, 38,905 miles ........................................................................................................................ $22,995.........$21,900 2013 NISSAN ALTIMA S, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., white, 77,653 miles ............................. $11,995.........$10,500 2012 FORD FOCUS SE, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., black, 111,220 miles ............... $10,995...........$8,900 2011 DODGE CHARGER R/T, 4 dr., 5.7L, Hemi V8, leather, loaded, sharp, maroon, 63,483 miles ...... $20,995.........$19,500 2008 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, sunroof, loaded, sharp, gray, 134,241 miles .................... $6,995...........$5,500 2006 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GT, 4 dr., 3.8L Supercharged, V6, leather, loaded, sharp, black, 206,638 miles ........................................................................................................................ $4,995 ...........$3,900 2006 BUICK LUCERNE CX, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, all power, very nice, blue, 236,603 miles ............................. $4,995 ...........$3,900 2005 PONTIAC G6 GT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, good cond., gray, 188,425 miles ........... $5,995...........$4,900 2002 BUICK CENTURY CUSTOM, 4 dr., 3.1L V6, loaded, very nice, beige, unknown miles .................. $3,995...........$2,900 2000 BUICK LESABRE LIMITED, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, good cond., blue, 159,340 miles ....... $4,995...........$3,900 1989 PONTIAC TRANS AM GTA, 2 dr., 5.7L Tuned Port V8, leather, loaded, collector car, orange, 95,076 miles ..................................................................................................................... $15,995.........$14,500

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October 8, 2017-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 35


Glass mosaic guitars displayed at gallery

Nearly 40 students show up for help with their academics, grades ranging from kindergarten to seventh grade, as the Empowering After School Program kicks off Oct. 2.

Big numbers for Empowering After School Program GREENVILLE – On Oct. 2, the Empowering Darke County Youth After School Program kicked off with a bang, with students from kindergarten through the seventh grade seeking help with their academics. This is the second year of the program. Within the first two days of sign-ups, nearly 50 caregivers requested help for their children; the maximum that could be reasonably supported. A waiting list has been growing since then. “The most students we ever had at one time last year was 28 students,” Program Coordinator Bob Robinson said. “On our first day this year we had 39 students. We have strong support from Edison student volunteers to meet the needs of the program, but we also need experienced, licensed or caring adults to help out. We still have many students waiting to get help; we just need the volunteers to work with them.” The program has been moved to the new Greenville Elementary and Middle School on North Ohio Street. However, Edison State Community College is still actively involved through its student volunteers, board input and strong support services. Edison, along with Greenville Public Library, will

WMPL hosts quilt display

VERSAILLES – Worch Memorial Public Library is thrilled to have on display several of Rosie Pierron’s intricately creative quilts. Rosie had numerous quilts to choose from, but due to space restrictions at the library, they only have eight of her beautiful creations on display. Come in to see the variety of skills displayed in these colorful pieces. The quilts will be on display throughout library during October. Worch Library has a variety of display areas available at the library. If you have items you would like to display for the community to see, contact Betty Byrd at 526-3416. For more information about anything at the library, visit worch.library.oh.us.

also continue to host our summer reading and tutoring activities. Eric Fee, president of Empowering Darke County Youth, expressed his appreciation to both Edison and Greenville Public Schools. “Without Edison hosting the program, and Greenville providing the transportation, it never would have gotten off the ground,” he said. “Add to that, the Edison students who worked with these children last year, and continue to work with them this year. We are all grateful.” “This is a community effort,” Robinson said. “We have many partners who are helping us and we are grateful; however as our program grows, so do our needs. They include financial support to bring in more licensed and experienced tutors to oversee our volunteers and work with these children. Providing snacks – especially healthy ones – for 35 to 40 students every day is expensive. “We also need adult volunteers to maintain consistency in the program while Edison students transition between semesters,” Robinson continued. “If you would like to help – volunteer, snacks and supplies, donations – please leave a message at Edison Darke County Campus, 937-5485546, or send a message on Facebook Empowering Darke County Youth.” The Empowering Mission: Empowering Darke County Youth provides After School and Summer Tutoring programs to assist students in the areas of language arts and math with the goal of Strong Students for a Strong Community.

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GREENVILLE – The Anna Bier Gallery will present glass mosaic guitar artist, Gail Christofferson of Animal House Glass, at Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall in Greenville on Saturday, Oct. 7; the exhibit will be open from 6-8 p.m. with an artist presentation at 7 p.m. Christofferson’s passion for glass, teaching, community projects, and creating mosaic art has taken her on a wonderful journey. She is a full time artist coming from a commercial art form, design, and marketing background. Her current success with mosaic artwork has enabled her to move from the design field to pursue mosaic art full time; she considers herself an entrepreneur. Her vintage window sash frame mosaics

and up-cycled mosaic guitars featuring folk art imagery are featured in galleries and upscale retail locations. Gail’s mosaic guitars have gained national recognition and she has had several installations featuring over 30 mosaic instruments. She says, “The shape and form of traditional string instruments retain value even after the audio has gone silent. My work allows the instruments to continue to sing.” Christofferson’s latest work has been geared towards large-scale community-based projects. When she leaves the studio to share and teach, her community mosaic projects draw in participants to work collaboratively to create large-scale mosaic installations, resulting in

the unique sense of ownership and pride that comes from seeing their individual contributions blossom into a finished piece of art. At-risk youth and families create many of her large-scale murals; she is currently working on a project with the homeless community in Toledo, Ohio. Christofferson says, “The final reward to my work is seeing the effects of the mosaic process on participants. The shattered glass is like the broken parts of their lives and even with splintered pieces, they can recreate a beautiful whole, and a new image of themselves. Mosaic art is a very accessible art form, participants find affirmation through the process of creation and the act of making and building

October events at Arcanum Library ARCANUM – The Arcanum Public Library has programs for all ages. Preschool children can come to StoryTime on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. Join the fun as kids hear stories, sing songs, make crafts and learn their ABC’s. Kids in grades 1-4 are invited to come after school on Tuesdays from 3:45– 4:45 p.m. for SPARK. This after school group meets for games, snacks, crafts, experiments, and more.

2018 Wakefield reunion

GREENVILLE – The 2017 Wakefield Harvest Home Reunion (169th Rally Day) was recognized alongside the Maximillium Louis and Charlotte Meir-Leis gravesite, located within the Historical Wakefield Cemetery, of Greenville Township. The Wakefield Cemetery displays a legacy of the many names that were once part of the early pioneers of the hamlet of Wakefield settlement. The 2018 Wakefield Harvest Home Reunion will be held at North Park, 200 Lease Ave., Greenville, on Labor Day Sunday (Sept. 2, 2018), 1 p.m. The Wakefield Harvest Home Reunion is sponsored by the Lease Sisters, Marilyn and Betty. Further contacts can be reached at FRITZ1356@ roadrunner.com. Gather up your Wakefield stories and join in.

Kids in grades five and up have their own afterschool group, TNT, which meets on Thursdays from 2:45 – 4:15 p.m. Hang out with friends while enjoying snacks, movies, games, challenges, and a lot of fun. On Oct. 17, there will be an adult coloring session from 4–5:30 p.m. Come relax and get creative with Halloween themed pages. Beverages will be served, and supplies are provided. Also on Oct. 17, the book club will be meeting at 5:30 p.m. to discuss “Magpie Murders.” All are invited to come and join the group.

The next book, “Sworn to Silence” will be handed out. Beverages will be served. The library is also pleased to announce that Arcanum native and New York Times bestselling author, Linda Castillo, will be on hand for a book-signing event on Oct. 30 at 6:30 p.m. She will be discussing her life as a writer, and fielding questions in addition to being available for signing. Contact the library if there are any questions at 937-692-8484, or visit www.arcanumpubliclibrary. org. They can also be found on Facebook, and Twitter.


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something tangible that represents their lives. Art is an important tool for building hope, providing an outlet for personal expression and lifting spirits”. The Christofferson exhibit is sponsored by the generous donations of members and will run through Oct. 28. This and all Anna Bier Gallery exhibits and events are also made possible through the gracious support of Ketrow Foundation, Lydia E. Schaurer Memorial Trust Fund, and Harry D. and Esther Stephens Memorial. All exhibits are free to the public. Gallery hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and by appointment. Please contact Tamera McNulty, executive director, with any questions or comments and visit them on their Facebook page for more information.

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