Early Bird eNEwspaper 10-11-20

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Tickets for Chocolate Walk

Lady Wave golf advances

Farm, fame and infamy




THE EARLY BIRD Weekend Edition of the Daily Advocate

Weekend edition

Breaking news at DarkeCountyMedia.com

All content © 2020 The Early Bird. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

October is chiropractic health month Staff report

GREENVILLE — Greenville Mayor, Steve Willman, along with the Ohio State Chiropractic Association, have proclaimed October as “Spinal Health Month.” According to the proclamation, heavy backpacks and poorly designed computer workstations have been contributing to spinal problems in children. It was stated that chiropractic care is widely recognized as one of the safest non-drug, non-invasive approaches available for the treatment of lower back pain and other musculoskeletal issues. Also attending the signing of the proclamation was Dr. Kristene Clark, owner of Johnston Chiropractic Clinic. Dr. Clark advised that good spinal health makes it possible for all organs in the body to function efficiently, and that spinal health is essential to proper growth and development. Proper spinal health assures our nation of a more efficient and productive

population, and doctors of chiropractic are able to identify and alleviate most spinal issues. Every individual should be made aware of the benefits of spinal care and its impacts on our health. The science of chiropractic and doctors of chiropractic have contributed greatly to the betterment of our citizens by providing quality health care. Johnston Chiropractic Clinic is dedicated to providing quality care for citizens. In honor of Spinal Health Month, Dr. Clark will offer all first-day services, scheduled by new patients during the month of October, for a $35 donation to benefit Grace Resurrection Community Center’s Backpack Program. This includes a musculoskeletal/ neurological exam and a personal consultation with Dr. Clark. X-Rays are excluded from this offer. The Johnston Chiropractic Clinic is located at 109 Rhoades Avenue, Greenville. Call today for an appointment at 937-5483610.

Nathaniel Kubik | Darke County Media


Greenville Mayor Steve Willman poses for a photo with Dr. Kristene Clark and some of her associates from Johnston Chiropractic Clinic in Greenville. Shown from left to right are Kylie Shepherd, Kim Archey, Melissa Billig, Willman and Clark.

Sunday, October 11, 2020 • $1

Patriots, God and Country coming upon the USA. Each vehicle will be driven by a retired firefighter, veteran or police officer who has GREENVILLE — The Patriots, volunteered his or her time along God and Country Tour is making a the tour route. The Patriots, God stop along its national route in Greenand Country themes include the ville, Ohio on Thursday, Oct. 15 beginning at 11:30 a.m. One of the seven fire trucks and support American flag as a symbol of nationThe tour began Sept. 29 and comes vehicles wrapped with inspiring national al unity and blessings, the United to an end on election day Nov. 3, symbols in the Patriots, God and Country States Armed Forces, national, state national tour. and local law-enforcement, patriots 2020. Currently, it has planned ralof the past and present, the second lies in 28 cities, and will stop or pass amendment, and a truck that honors that the Patriots, God and Country through 22 states along its route. God. The Hometown Heroes Motorcycle tour will be making a stop in GreenFor more information on the tour, ville along the route. This is a mustAssociation is participating in the see event for everyone who can make go to the Patriots, God and Country Greenville tour stop, will make its tour homepage at www.patriotsdown Broadway to Wagner, and onto it out.” Lead by seven fire trucks and sup- godandcountry.com, or for local the Veteran Services Building, where updates, go the Hometown Heroes port vehicles, wrapped with inspirthe vehicles will be displayed until 8 Motorcycle Association Facebook ing national symbols of brave men p.m. Chris Hensley, president of the Hometown Heroes Motorcycle Asso- and women to remind all of the gifts page at www.facebook.com/pg/ HHMAOH2/posts/ and freedoms God has bestowed ciation, remarked, “We are honored

Staff report

Gabbard named Garst marketing director Staff report

GREENVILLE — Garst Museum is pleased to welcome Katie Gabbard as the new marketing director and chairperson of the Gathering at Garst. She replaces Jenny Clark, who has stepped down to spend some deserved time off in northern Michigan devoting many days to fishing, painting, and relaxing. The Garst Museum applauds all that Jenny has spearheaded for the community and wishes her the very best. Gabbard has been a familiar face at the Garst Museum as a volunteer for the Gathering at Garst since its inception in 2011. For this new role as marketing director, Gabbard brings specific insights into engaging social media, promotions, and events. “Prior to accepting this position, I spent 15 years as the owner of a small business in downtown Greenville. The lessons that I’ve learned about community engagement, outreach, and dynamic marketing are invaluable. I’m thrilled to apply those skills to this new adventure at the Garst Museum,” said Gabbard. Wasting no time and already working on ideas for the Garst Museum, Gabbard says, “With COVID-19 affecting nearly every facet of business and life, I think it’s important

Provided photo

New Marketing Director Katie Gabbard already busy with some heavy lifting at the Garst Museum.

to get a strong plan in place for 2021. I’m looking ahead to hosting a stellar 2021 Gathering at Garst,

bringing more awareness about the dynamic volunteer opportunities at the Garst Museum, and draw-

ing visitors from across the Midwest to experience all that the Garst Museum has to share.”


2A Sunday, October 11, 2020



Duke Alexander Allread turns ‘1’

Ivan and Clara Patterson celebrate 70th anniversary

Happy 90th Birthday, Mary Lamb ARCANUM — Mary Lamb, of Arcanum, is celebrating her 90th birthday! To help her celebrate, her family is requesting a card shower. Cards can be sent to 8169 Oakes Rd., Arcanum, OH 45304. Mary Louis Dieringer was born October 10, 1930. She has been married to the love of her life, Stan, for 71 years. Mary retired from K-mart in Englewood. Always a seamstress, she later fell in love with quilting. Her quilts are Lamb so beautiful and skillfully constructed they could hang in galleries. Mary and Stanley are the parents of six children: Pam (Danny) Myers, Doug (Sandy) Lamb, Deb (Rod) Sease, Kim (Gene) Young, Stanley Lamb, and Lisa (Allan) Hartzell. Their family has grown to include 15 grandchildren, 34 great-grandchildren, and seven great-great-grandchildren.

Happy 80th Birthday, Tom Stegall GREENVILLE —Tom Stegall of Greenville will be turning ‘80’ on Oct. 14, 2020! Tom was born and raised in New Paris, graduated from Jefferson School in 1959, and served his country in the United States Army. He retired from Trump and Stegall Contractors and built homes in Wayne Lakes, Arcanum and Greenville. Tom and his wife, Sherry, have been married 53 years, and have lived for 51 years at the entrance of Wayne Lakes. They have one son, Kyle, and one grandson, Andrew Thomas. Tom is in failing health, and if anyone would like to wish him a ‘Happy 80th Birthday,’ it would be greatly appreciated. Please send cards to: 3424 St. Rt. 121 South, Greenville, Ohio 45331.

Betty Murphy birthday card shower ARCANUM — Betty J. Murphy will be celebrating her 95th birthday on October 8. Due to COVID-19, we will not gather. However, to celebrate this wonderful milestone, a card shower during the month of October would be a great blessing! Please send cards to: 949 Arcanum-Ithaca Road, Arcanum, Ohio 45304. Thank you for joining in this special celebration.

DELINQUENT LAND TAX NOTICE In compliance with the provisions of Section 5721.03 Revised Code of Ohio, notice is hereby given that the lands and lots returned as delinquent by the Treasurer of Darke County, Ohio at the 2019 August Tax Settlements for real Estate and Manufactured Homes, will be published in a newspaper of general circulation in Darke County, unless the taxes, assessments, penalties and interest are paid in full. Any taxpayer that has not paid is regarded as delinquent under the law and is subject to publication. An interest charge will accrue on any accounts remaining unpaid on the last day of November 2019, unless at such time a written installment to pay taxes is reached with the Darke County Treasurer. Installment payments may be made in accordance with a written Delinquent Contract with the Darke County Treasurer. However, installment payments WILL NOT prevent the publication of the balance of unpaid taxes, assessments, penalties and interest.

GREENVILLE — Congratulations to Ivan and Clara Patterson who are celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary on October 21, 2020! Ivan and Clara cherish their family of six children (Carol, Dan, Diana, Wanda, Mary, and Martha) and their spouses, many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. From the foundation of their love for God, countless lives have been touched by their generous service through the Church of the Brethren, community organizations, and their work at Korrect Plumbing Company. Relationships with friends are dear to their hearts. The family invites you to send a card during the month of October to celebrate this milestone. Please send cards to: 1028 Chestnut Circle, Greenville, OH 45331-1079. Ivan and Clara Patterson in October, 2020.

Jed and Penny Smith celebrate their 50th anniversary ARCANUM —Congratulations to Jed and Penny Smith of Arcanum who will celebrate 50 years of marriage on Saturday, October 17! Jed and Penny were married in Greenville at Faith Baptist Church by Pastor Joe Godwin. Jed continues to grain farm and serve as a Van Buren Township Trustee, and Penny is retired from Greenville National Bank. Jed and Penny have two daughters, Katrina and her husband Craig Unger and Janelle and her husband Jason Brinksneader. They are the proud grandparents of Taylor, Brenna, Anna, Luke, Lance and Logan. Jed and Penny are members and Sunday School teachers at Pleasant View Missionary Church. They enjoy watching their grandkids in their sporting activities and showing livestock. Their Christ-centered marriage has Jed and Penny Smith on their Jed and Penny Smith in October, been a blessing to many. wedding day in 1970. 2020.

Dates and times set for trick or treating activities towards the end of the month:Ansonia will be holding its trick or DARKE COUNTY treat event Sunday, Oct. — The time of year 25 from 2 to 4 p.m. when youngsters put on Arcanum’s young ghouls costumes and roam the will also be going door to streets for candy and door on Sunday, Oct. 25 treats is almost upon us — and what a fitting year from 2 to 4 p.m. Versailles’ candy to wear a mask! gathering will take place Listed below are Sunday, Oct. 25 from 2 to days and times various 4 p.m. communities within Greenville’s treat Darke County will be holding their trick or treat seekers will be haunting

Staff report

Did we miss your community’s trick or treat event? Drop us a line at GDAeditorial@ aimmediamidwest.com

the streets Sunday, Oct. 25 from 6 to 8 p.m. Bradford’s trick or treat night will be held Thursday, Oct. 29 from 6 to 8 p.m. New Madison’s trick or

treat will be on Halloween itself, Saturday, Oct. 31 from 2 to 4 p.m. Union City, Ohio and Indiana will also be holding trick or treat night on Halloween, Saturday, Oct. 31, from 7 to 9 p.m. The Daily Advocate and Early Bird wish all trick or treaters (and parents, guardians and candygivers) an extra happy, and safe, All Hallow’s Eve!

Greenville City Schools renewal levy on ballot times it has been on the levy. It will also allow the homestead reduction factor GREENVILLE — Green- to continue for qualifying ville City Schools will have residents. The levy is for general the renewal of an existing 5.50 mill levy (Issue 7) for operations. “This money has always voters to consider on the been spent for district Nov. 3 ballot. maintenance, school buses, GCS Superintendent school books, technology, Doug Fries emphasized salaries and whatever it that this is not a new tax, but an already existing levy. takes to keep the daily “It comes up for renewal operations going for the good of the students,” Fries every five years,” Fries said. “It represents no new said. Some of the things for taxes, just a continuation for another five-year cycle.” voters to consider include: Over the past seven The levy has been sucyears, the district has cessful in passing all six By Rob Kiser


Further information may be obtained by contacting the Darke County Treasurer or Darke County Auditor, Monday through Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Carol Ginn OH-70206633 Darke County Auditor

become a one-to-one technology district, providing IPad devices for every student and teacher in the district. This is provided totally by district general funds or grants. No technology fee has ever been assigned to any family. Last year, the district successfully refinanced the bonds at the K-8 building and high school renovation. In restructuring the financing for both buildings, the district tax payers saved 18.35 percent over the life of the bonds. This is an overall savings to the district tax payers on those

two projects of $10,528,594 over the life of the bonds. During the pandemic last spring, our transportation, food service, para professionals, custodians and administrators worked together to serve 16,750 free student lunches to students who ordered them. “We continue this year to have curbside pickup of lunches for remote students who order them at no charge through December this year,” Fries said. The Greenville school district does not See RENEWAL | 7A



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Happy Birthday, Duke Alexander Allread! Age: 1 Birthday: October 3, 2019 Parents: Steve and Allison Allread, Centerville Grandparents: R. J. and Nita Allread, Greenville; Mark and Corinne Huey, Springboro

Greenville Early Bird


Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, October 11, 2020 3A


Arcanum hydrant flushing set Oct. 13-14 ARCANUM — The Village of Arcanum Utility Department will be flushing water hydrants Tues., Oct. 13 through Weds., Oct. 14, 2020 between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. This may cause some discoloration to the water. Residents may want to check their water before washing. If needed, due to weather, the following Tues. and Weds., Oct. 20 and 21, are also scheduled.

receiving degrees include: Cynthia Burchfield of Versailles, who graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Jennifer Stone of Ansonia, who graduated with a Doctor of Physical Therapy.

Village of Arcanum Council, Oct. 27 at 7 p.m. Service & Leisure Committee, Oct. 29 at 5 p.m.

Upcoming blood drives in Darke County

DARKE COUNTY – Help Community Blood Center during a time of critical need by supporting the following blood drives: The Union City Lions Club will sponsor a community blood drive Monday, Oct. 12 from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Union City City Building Community Room, 105 GREENVILLE — Thanksgiving dinner will be given away in a free raffle SatNorth Columbia Street, Union City. urday, Oct. 17 for the community at at First Presbyterian Church is canceled Greenville VFW Post 7262 Auxiliary and Rotary Park in Greenville. The park is this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. American Legion Post 140 Auxiliary will located by the traffic circle in the hisWe pray we will be able to return next toric district of Greenville. There will be co-sponsor a community blood drive Tuesyear. live music from the Reece Lincoln Band. day, Oct. 13 from 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. The event will take place outdoors from at the Greenville Church of the Brethren, 421 Central Avenue, Greenville. 1 to 3 p.m. There will be allowed one Pleasant View Missionary Church comfree raffle ticket per person and the winGREENVILLE — Darke County offices munity blood drive is Saturday, Oct. 24 ner must be present to claim the prize. will be closed on Monday, Oct. 12, 2020, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon in the SonLife in Observance of “Columbus Day.” ARCANUM — The Village of Arcanum This event is brought to you by Crazy Center, 5231 Gettysburg-Pitsburg Road, For Christ Church as an effort to supwill be hosting the following public meetport local businesses in our community. Greenville. ings at 309 South Albright Street: North Star American Legion Auxiliary Come out to a free event the whole famVillage of Arcanum Council, Oct. 13 at community blood drive Saturday, Oct. ily can enjoy. 7 p.m. “Celebrate Greenville” is an opportuni- 24 from 8 a.m. to 12 noon in the North Finance Committee, Oct. 14 at 4:30 p.m. Star Community Center gym, 124 E. Star ty for the community to stand together Service & Leisure Committee, Oct. 15 ATHENS — More than 1,900 students Road, Rossburg. and show our support for each other. at 5 p.m. graduated with bachelor’s, master’s or You must make an appointment at www. For more information visit www.crazyPlanning Commission, Friday, Oct. 16, doctorate degrees from Ohio University DonorTime.com or call 937-461-3220. forchristchurch.org. for summer semester 2020. Local students 2 p.m.

Darke County offices will be closed Oct. 12

Crazy for Christ Church FPC cancels upcoming sponsors free raffle GREENVILLE — $1,000 in gift cerThanksgiving dinner tificates to local shops and restaurants

Upcoming Arcanum public meetings

Students receive Ohio University degrees

GREENVILLE POLICE BLOTTER Domestic disturbance/ harassment September 30, 12:59 a.m.: Officers responded to the Greenville Police Department in reference to a child custody complaint. The child was successfully returned to the correct parent and matters were resolved amicably. September 30, 6:43 a.m.: Police were dispatched to the Greenville Police Department in reference to male that had arrived with cuts on his arm. He complained that his wife had pulled a knife on him during an argument. The victim filed a voluntary statement and left. Warrant October 1, 7:58 p.m.: Police located Carla Wintrow near the 200 block of Wagner Avenue and she was detained on a warrant for failing to follow court orders on an assault case. She was transported to the Darke County Jail where she is required to

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serve 89 days. October 3, 8:28 p.m.: While patrolling, an officer noticed Joshua Marshall. Marshall had an active warrant through GPD for failing to appear in court on a theft charge. Marshall was detained, but due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Darke County Jail was unable to take him. He was issued a summons and advised to contact the courts as soon as possible. Assault October 6, 12:31 a.m.: Police were dispatched to Wayne HealthCare, 835 Sweitzer Street, in reference to an assault that had just occurred. The victim claimed that they were assaulted by two men with a chain. There were no charges filed.

Theft September 24, 2:51 p.m.: Officers responded to CVS, 1009 East Main Street, in reference to a shoplifting complaint. Jennifer Cook was issued a citation for theft and was trespassed from CVS. September 28, 12:01 p.m.: Police were dispatched to the 400 block of East Fifth Street in reference to a theft complaint. The complainant, an employee of Rent to Own, complained that a renter did not return the items that were loaned to him. A television and Nintendo gaming console, valued at around $1,500, were stolen from the renter, he claimed. Charges were sent to the prosecutor’s office. October 1, 12:07 p.m.: Officers responded to the

Greenville Police Department in reference to a theft complaint. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the complainant, a travelling nurse, who advised that one of her “in-home visits” was missing a significant amount of her pain medication. There are no suspects at this time and the investigation is ongoing. October 4, 8:24 a.m.: Police responded to the 400 block of West Fourth Street in reference to a theft not in progress. The complainant advised that his motorcycle had been stolen and that he did not know who could have stolen it. The investigation remains ongoing.


Trespassing September 26, 11:15 p.m.: Police responded to the 500 block of Harrison Avenue in reference to a trespassing complaint. The complainant advised that a male, who had previously been trespassed from the property, had entered her garage for a period of time.

Officers were able to locate the man later and he was issued a criminal trespass citation. Drugs September 30, 4:07 p.m.: Police responded to the 200 block of Hall Street in reference to a possible overdose. Upon arrival, officers located Todd Kuhn, who was then arrested on a warrant from a previous charge citing possession of a drug abuse instrument. He was transported to the Darke County Jail where he must serve 29 days. October 5, 2:28 a.m.: Police conducted a traffic See POLICE | 7A

The Darke County Park District has a .5 mill levy on the November ballot. No matter how you break it down it still adds up to over $650,000 in 1 year and over $6.5 MILLION in 10 years! You can verify these figures by calling the Auditor’s Office at 937-547-7310.

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Traffic October 1, 1:38 p.m.: Officers responded to a call about a car parked on the edge of the roadway near the 400 block of Sater Street. The driver was issued a parking citation and was advised of a 48-hour notice to move the vehicle before it’s towed.


High Quality


Staff report

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4A Sunday, October 11, 2020

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Greenville Early Bird


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MAXINE M. LAVY BRADFORD — Maxine M. Lavy, age 81, of Bradford, Ohio, passed away peacefully, her family in attendance, Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at the Versailles Healthcare Center. Maxine was born on February 14th, 1939 in Adams Township to the late Herbert and Nellie Black. She was a 1957 graduate of Ansonia High School where she made many lifelong friends. She married Melvin Lavy September 3, 1966, and together they raised five daughters. Maxine worked at Corning Glass, Century Electric, SYTEK IEM, and Whirlpool. She was a union steward for the IBEW. She was also a member of the Greenville Moose Lodge. Maxine was all about family. She was a fierce supporter of her daughters, friends and family. She taught her daughters to be independent, strong women who value friends and family as their mother did, to work hard and to always do for others. Maxine was a friend to many and never knew a stranger. She enjoyed flowers and gardening, crafts and crocheting, going out to eat, and most of all spending time with friends and family. Maxine is preceded in death by her parents; brothers, Roger Black, William Black, and Carl Black; sisters, Effie Alice Black,

Arwana Black, and Margaret Arnett; and great-grandson, Titus Brubaker. Maxine is survived by her husband, Melvin Lavy; daughters, Cheryl Hittle (Gary), Greenville, Tonja Shell (Randy), Greenville, Sheila Jo Patton, Covington, Dianna Sampsel (Patrick), Bradford, and Melanie LavyPatton (Mason), Bradford; sister, Nihla York; twenty grandchildren; fifty-one great-grandchildren; and one great-great grandson. The family would like to thank the staff at Versailles Healthcare Center, especially night shift nurse Tammy, for the care they gave to Maxine and her family. The staff at Wayne Hospital for their care during this difficult time, and to their extended family and friends for their words of encouragement and support during this difficult time. Visitation with the family of Maxine M. Lavy will be held Mon., October 12, 2020, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Stocker-Fraley Funeral Home, Bradford, Ohio. A funeral service will be held Tues., October 13, 2020 at 11 a.m., at Oakland Church of the Brethren. Interment in Brock Cemetery. If desired, memorial contributions may be made to the charity of your choice. Condolences may be left for the family at www.stockerfraley.com.

Submit a letter to the editor By Erik Martin


GREENVILLE — Have an opinion on the upcoming election this November 3? Want to tout the virtues of your favorite candidate or issue? We want to hear from you! The Daily Advocate and The Early Bird are now accepting letters to the editor. No letters to the editor related to the November 3 General Election will be published after November 1. All submissions for the papers must be received no later than Thursday, Oct. 22, by 3 p.m. Letters to the editor on topics not related to the election are always welcome. To submit a letter to the editor, please email GDAeditorial@aimmediamidwest.com and put “Letter to Editor” in the subject line and place your letter within the body of the email text. With the email, you must also submit your first and last name, a contact phone number (for verification purposes if needed; we will not publish phone number), and your city of residence. Anonymous submissions or those with insufficient contact information will not be published. Letters mailed to the papers may or may not be published. All submitted letters are subject to editing for grammar, tone and length. Please keep letters at 400 words or less. We reserve the right to publish or not publish letters at our discretion. One letter per household, please.

GREENVILLE — Wayne Albert Neal, age 81, of Greenville, Ohio, passed away Monday, October 5, 2020, 7:10 p.m., at the Village Green of Greenville. Born February 23, 1939 in Darke County, Ohio, Wayne was the son of the late Muriel Neal. He had been employed for 27 years at ShellerGlobe of Union City, Indiana, and later retired from Crane Pumps of Piqua, Ohio. In his younger years, he helped his neighbor with farming. Wayne was a veteran serving in the United States Army. He was a member of the EUM Church of Greenville, and enjoyed fishing, horse racing, working crossword puzzles, and playing bingo. In addition to his mother, he is preceded in death by his wife, Martha D. (Stump) Neal, Jan. 23, 2018; and his brother, Ivan Neal. Wayne is survived by his children and their spouses:


Randy and Karen Neal of New Zealand, Becky Snyder of Greenville, Terry Neal of Greenville, Cheryl and Jason Ruble of Huber Heights, Amber and Matthew Murray of Greenville; 13 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; brother, Jerry Neal of Ansonia; as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral Services will be held Saturday, October 10, 2020, 10:30 a.m., at the Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville, Ohio, with Pastor Jeff Harper officiating. Burial with Full Military Honors by the Greenville Veterans Honor Guard will follow in the Snell Cemetery. The family will receive friends on Friday, October 9, from 6 to 8 p.m., in the funeral home. It is the wishes of the family that Memorial Contributions be given to the State of the Heart Hospice of Darke County. Condolences for the family may be sent to www. zecharbailey.com.

BETTY LOU JONES GREENVILLE — Betty Lou (Pence) Jones, 94, of Greenville, Ohio, formerly of Ansonia, Ohio, passed away Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at Versailles Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center in Versailles, Ohio. She was born on September 8, 1926, in Greenville, to the late William Pence and Mary (Brewer) Williams. In addition to her parents, Betty was preceded in death by her husband, Paul Jones, Jr., whom she married on January 6, 1944; her son, Rick Jones; her grandchildren, Deanna Jones and Michael Brooks; and her siblings, Eileen Byrum and Bill Pence. Betty was a homemaker for her entire life and her family meant the world to her. She loved spending time with her family and cherished every moment she had with her them. It was not uncommon to see Betty spoiling her grandchildren, and she even enjoyed attending their sporting events and other extracurricular activities. Betty loved to cook and bake and was known for her famous Apple Pie. Later in life, Betty enjoyed

going fishing with her husband, Paul, in Canada and in Michigan. Betty is survived by her daughter, Kathy Brooks and her husband, Bruce, of Greenville; her daughter-inlaw, Kay Jones of Ansonia, Ohio; her grandchildren, Darrell Jones and his wife, Erin, of Ansonia, Jeff Brooks and his wife, Kimberli, of Lebanon, Ohio, and Dan Brooks and his wife, Giovanna, of Hilliard, Ohio; her great grandchildren, Amanda Earick and her husband, Kaleb, Megan Jones, Austin and Sawyer Brooks, and Harrison Brooks; her great-great grandson, Landon Earick; and her brothers-in-law, Jack Jones of Waynesville, Ohio and Gene Byrum of Union City, Indiana. A graveside service will take place Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 11 a.m., at Greenville Township Memorial Gardens with Pastor Roger Emerson officiating. The family has entrusted Tribute Funeral Homes with the final arrangements. Online condolences and Hugs-FromHome can be shared with the family by visiting www. tributefuneralhomes.com.

GREENVILLE — Bryant Andrew Byers, age 21, of Greenville, died Saturday, October 3, 2020. He was born on February 8, 1999 in Greenville to Brian and Angela (Murphy) Byers, who survive. Bryant was a graduate of Bradford High School, Class of 2017. He was working in security and pursuing a career in law enforcement. Bryant was a very patriotic young man who loved watching and playing baseball. He was a fan of the Cardinals, and loved spending time with his friends. Preceded in death by his paternal great-grandparents, Herbert Francis and Mary Byers, and Leonard Ludwig; maternal greatgrandparents, Geneva and Floyd Kisor, and Robert and Florence Murphy. In addition to his parents, Bryant is survived by his paternal greatgrandmother, Ruby Ludwig of Greenville; paternal grandparents, Merrill Byers of Arcanum, Cheryl Byers (Jim Owens) of Gettysburg;

maternal grandparents, Glen and Mary Murphy of Bradford; aunts and uncles, Barry (LeAnne) Murphy of Covington, April (Roan) Brubaker of Bradford, Steve Murphy of Bradford, Jason (Courtney) Byers of Sylvania, Meredith (Jordan) Fader of Greenville; cousins, Channing Wolfe, Jett and Haleigh Murphy, Ivee and Oakley Brubaker, Morgan, Madison and Jayce Byers, Braylin Burchfield and Mason Fader; second cousins, Sofie Wolfe and Josie Christian; as well as many friends and extended family. Funeral Service will be held Friday, October 9, 2020, 10:30 a.m., at Stocker-Fraley Funeral Home, Bradford, with Pastor Fred Bernhard officiating. Interment in Gettysburg Cemetery. Visitation will be held Thursday, October 8, 2020, from 4 to 8 p.m., at the funeral home. If desired, contributions may be made to the family to help with final expenses. Condolences may be left for the family at www. stockerfraley.com.

CAROL LEE GOODWIN ANSONIA — Carol Lee Goodwin, age 67, of Ansonia, Ohio, passed away Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 11:53 p.m., at Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, Ohio. Born in Charleston, South Carolina on July 5, 1953, Carol was one of three children to the late Clifford L. McMullen, Sr. and Anna Lee (Stackhouse) McMullen- Stahl. Carol was a graduate of Blanchester High School, class of 1971. She worked in administration for 13 years for Hospice, as well as 13 years for the Brethren’s Retirement Community. Carol was a member of Gospel Baptist Church, Greenville, Ohio. Her family was her whole world, and she loved spending time with her husband, children and grandchildren. She will be deeply missed. In addition to her parents, Carol is preceded in death by her brother, Clifford L. McMullen, Jr.; and step-father, Albert C.

Stahl. Carol is survived by her husband of 48 years, Daryl Goodwin, whom she married August 5, 1972; her children, Craig and Roni Goodwin, Greg Goodwin, and Krista and Andrew Waymire; grandchildren, Hunter Goodwin, Isaac Goodwin, Kaeden Waymire, Kingsley Waymire, and Kaelyn Waymire; sister, Cindy Lou and Paul Butler; as well as many more family members, friends, and church family. Friends may call on the family Monday, October 12, 2020, from 6 to 8 p.m., at the Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville, Ohio. Funeral service to be held Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 11 a.m., with Pastor Bill Edwards presiding. There will be a visitation an hour prior to the service. Burial in Greenville Township Memorial Gardens, Greenville, Ohio. Memorial contributions may be made to the Gospel Baptist Church or The American Cancer Society. Online sympathies www.zecharbailey.com.


Find more obituaries on pages 5A and 7A




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passed away on Wednesday October 7, 2020, 5:05 p.m., at Versailles Rehab and Healthcare, Versailles, Ohio. A graveside service will be held on Wednesday October 14, 2020, 1 p.m., at Canaan Cemetery, Creston, Ohio. There will be no visitation. Arrangements are being handled by Bailey Zechar Funeral Home, Versailles, Ohio. Condolences expressed at www.zecharbailey.com

Greenville Early Bird




Sunday, October 11, 2020 5A


Elizabeth Hunt of EDGEWOOD, Baton Rouge, La., Ky.— Mildred E. Stacey and Jory “Mid” Hunt, age 97, for the West Virginia formerly of GreenGuinn of Greenville, NEW MADISON University Mountain- ville, passed away and Derrick and — William “Bill” eers football team. Lynn Bowers of Sunday, October D. Marshall, 80, He liked to listen to Panama City Beach, 4, 2020, 6:53 a.m., of New Madison, 700WLW and the Fla.; 14 great-grandat Charter Senior Ohio, passed away Cincinnati Reds. children; six great-greatLiving in Edgewood, Kenpeacefully Friday, Bill was proud of his tucky. grandchildren; and numerOctober 2, 2020, at family, and enjoyed ous nieces and nephews. Mildred was born his home. Mildred was a homemakSeptember 14, 1923, in He was born on Septem- spending time with his grandchildren, greater and very dedicated farm Darke County to the late ber 29, 1940, in Morganwife. She was a former Harvey and Carrie (Hole) town, West Virginia, to the granddaughters, and the neighborhood kids who McCullough. In addition to member of the Ansonia late William and Muriel called him, “Mr. Bill.” her parents, Mildred is pre- Christian Church. (Sponaugle) Marshall. In Bill is survived by his A funeral service will ceded in death by her husaddition to his parents, be held Thursday, Octoband, Joseph A. Hunt, on Bill was preceded in death children, David Marshall and his wife, Patty, of ber 8, 2020, 2 p.m., at February 15, 2013, whom by his wife, Calva Jean she married June 14, 1941; Zechar Bailey Funeral (Snyder) Marshall, whom Verona, Ohio, and Fred Marshall and his wife, daughter, Nancy F. Shiver- Home in Greenville, with he married on May 30, Shannon, of Sand Fork, decker; son, James R. Hunt; Pastor Eric Knight offici1962. W. Va.; his grandchildren, granddaughter, Shirley Col- ating. Burial will follow Bill graduated from Michael Marshall of New in Greenville Township lins; great-granddaughter, West Virginia University with his degree in Agricul- Madison, Taylor Flanders Madison Bowers; brothers, Memorial Garden. The and her husband, Brian, family will receive friends Floyd, Walter and Vernon ture Education. He spent of Middletown, Ohio, on Thursday, October 8, McCullough; and sisters, over 33 years as a Vo-Ag and Dalton Marshall of Thelma Fullroth, Margaret 2020, from 12 to 2 p.m., teacher until he retired Brookville, Ohio; his at the funeral home. Rank and Naomi Green. in the mid-1990s from great- grandchildren, Memorial contributions Mildred is survived by Tri-Village High School. may be made to Disabled her daughter and son-inAfter retirement, he went Gabriela Nickole and Raelyn Grace Marshall; American Veterans, P.O. law, Marilyn and James to work for Lowes in his siblings, Myrna Peters Bowers of Panama City Box 14301, Cincinnati, Richmond, and enjoyed and her husband, Carl, of OH 45250-0301 or the Beach, Fla.; daughter-inkeeping in touch with his law, Bonnie (Harris) Hunt ALS Association, 1300 previous students over the Silver Spring, Md., Marilyn “Pug” Evans of Palm Wilson Blvd., Suite 600, of Erlanger, Ky.; son-inyears. Bill loved his comArlington, VA 22209. Conlaw, Terry Shiverdecker of munity and helping others. Coast, Fla., and Richard dolences for the family Columbus; grandchildren, His passion for gardening Marshall and his wife, Mary, of New Madison, Todd and Georgetta Shiver- may be expressed through and horticulture showed Ohio; his uncles, Ford Rif- decker of Sidney, Jon and www.zecharbailey.com through his giving nature fle and George Sponaugle, of his garden’s produce. both of West Virginia; his It was not uncommon for two sisters-in-law; and Bill to give his produce CINDY LEE DOWNEY away to anyone and every- numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins. one. During the winter GREENVILLE — Cindy Monnin of Prattville, Ala., A celebration of Bill’s Bill would use his tractor Ginger Krauss of Tipp City, Lee Downey, age 62, of life will take place to plow snow for others Brent (Kelly Wher) Yohey Greenville, died Monday, Wednesday, October 7, throughout town. of Ft. Wayne, Ind., Daren October 5, 2020 at Miami Bill was an active mem- 2020, 7 p.m., at the New Yohey of Greenville, ThomValley Hospital, Dayton. Madison United Methodber of the New Madison as “Chester” (Justin StewCindy was born Sepist Church, New Madison tember 7, 1958 in Piqua Kiwanis Club for over art) Downey of Dayton, Ohio, with Pastor David 55 years. In fact, he even Tiffany (Dwayne) Macek to the late Thomas ChesRichey officiating. Guests ter and Dorothy Louise had perfect attendance of Weirton, W.Va., Jermay visit with Bill’s famthroughout the years. (Stuck) Downey. She was a emy Ross of Arcanum and ily Wednesday, from 4 He loved to help at the graduate of Greenville High Emily (Aaron) Thompson p.m. until the time of the sausage barn at the School, Class of 1977, and of Arcanum; life partner, service, at the church. Bill worked at Kroger in Green- Chadd Davis of Greenville; Darke County Fair, and will be laid to rest with his ville for many years. go through the barns and and his children, Derek wife in Snyder Cemetery support the Jr. Fair kids and Micah Davis; as well Cindy is survived by during the fair auctions. If in West Virginia at a later three siblings, Dorothy as many great nieces, nephhe was not at the sausage date. ews, other relatives and “Dottie” (William “Bill”) The family would like barn, he could be found in Lingle of Versailles, Gloria friends. to thank the nursing staff the Vo-Ag building at the No services to be held. (Robert) Yohey of Celina, at Miami Valley Hospifair. Bill was also a memThomas “Chuck” (Mary Jo) Condolences may be left for tal’s 6th floor heart ward, ber of the New Madison Downey of Bradford; nieces the family at www.stockerVolunteer Fire Department Wayne HeathCare ER, the and nephews, Tammy fraley.com. State of the Heart Care, until he retired in the and Tri-Village Rescue. early-2000s. Bill served OTIS C. MEAD Bill’s family has entruston the town water board for over 20 years and was ed Tribute Funeral Homes, 11 a.m., at Stocker-Fraley BRADFORD — Otis C. New Madison Campus even certified as a water Mead, age 77, of Bradford, Funeral Home, Bradford. with the final arrangetreatment technician. He Interment in Harris Creek passed away Wednesday, ments. was a proud member of Cemetery, Bradford. October 7, 2020 at Wayne In lieu of flowers, the the NRA. Bill and his wife, Condolences may be left for Hospital in the Hospice family request that memo- Unit. Funeral service Jean, were active memthe family at www.stockerrial contributions may be bers of the New Madison Saturday, October 10, 2020, fraley.com. United Methodist Church, given to State of the Heart where they both faithfully Care, 1350 N. Broadway, Greenville, Ohio, or the attended each Sunday. He loved to be outdoors New Madison United Find more obituaries on pages 4A and 7A and was an avid deer, rab- Methodist Church. Online condolences and bit and squirrel hunter, Hugs-From-Home may be and liked to go fishing. shared with the family by When he was not in New visiting www.tributefunerMadison, Bill liked to go alhomes.com. to West Virginia and root WILLIAM D. MARSHALL

GREENVILLE — Ronnie Eugene Kreitzer, 68, of Greenville, Ohio, passed away early Thursday morning, October 1, 2020, at home surrounded by his family. Ron was born April 11, 1952, in Union City, Indiana, to the late Leonard “Sam” and Florence (Brown) Kreitzer. In addition to his parents, Ron was preceded in death by his son, Ronnie E. Kreitzer Jr.;his brothers Dale Jones and Jerry Kreitzer; and his father-in-law, Albert Swartz. Ron was quite an amazing person with a one-of-a kind sense of humor. He was a hard worker and a dedicated family man. He loved guns, deer hunting, karaoke, his dogs, and a bargain, not to mention his family and friends. He was a terrible golfer, a mediocre bowler, and a hell of a marksman. He worked for the Union City Body Company and Workhorse for 38 years. Ron was a Darke County Sheriff’s deputy for 22 years, and worked at the Visitation House for 10 years. Throughout his life Ron touched many lives: his family, his coworkers, and becoming an influential father figure to many of his children’s friends. Though it was cut short, it was a full and meaningful life. His passing will be felt, and his legacy remembered for years to come.

Ron is survived by his wife of 50 years, Mary (Swartz) Kreitzer, the love of his life, whom he married on April 11, 1970; his children, Jenny Hayes and her boyfriend, Chris Stephens, and Angie Kreitzer, all of Greenville; his grandchildren, Kennedy Andress and her husband, Lee, Jerrod Hayes, Madelynn Hayes, MaKenzie Lowe, Isaac Lowe, and Lilly Lowe; his four great-grandchildren, Ava, Gwen, Atley, and Rydan; his siblings, Richard Jones of Jacksonville, Fla., Patty Hill and her husband, Kenny, of Union City, Ohio, Terry Swartz and her husband, Bill, of Greenville, Tony Kreitzer and his partner, Esther Inman, of Union City, Ohio, and Rose Edwards of Greenville. Ron also leaves behind an aunt, Irene Keller of Greenville, sister-in-law, Rose Hobbs and her husband, Jim, of Richmond, Ind.; and countless nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. A celebration of Ron’s life will be held Saturday, October 10, 2020, 2 p.m., at Tribute Funeral Homes, Greenville Campus, with Rev. Eric Fee officiating. Ron’s family will receive guests Saturday, from 10 a.m. until the time of the memorial service at the funeral home. Online condolences and Hugs-From-Home may be shared with Ron’s family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com

MARTHA JUNE BOLIN-BEVANS GREENVILLE — Martha June BolinBevans, age 87, of Greenville passed away Thursday, October 1, 2020, 1:38 p.m., at State of the Heart Hospice Care Center in Greenville. Martha was born September 26, 1933, in Tennessee, to the late Orville and Lola Timmons. In addition to her parents, Martha was also preceded in death by her first husband, James Bolin Sr.; second husband, Ralph Bevans; sons, Kenny and Gary Bolin; four sisters; and two brothers. Martha is survived by her sons and daughtersin-law, Mikel and Kim Bolin, and Jim and Tammy Bolin; daughters and sons-

in-law, Cathy and Michael Wright, and Christina and Jerry Nestor; several grandchildren, great-grandchildren and a great-greatgranddaughter. Graveside services will be held Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 11 a.m., at Snell Cemetery in Washington Township, Darke County, with Pastor Todd Reish officiating. Memorial contributions may be made to State of the Heart Care. Arrangements have been entrusted to Zechar Bailey Funeral Home in Greenville. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www.zecharbailey. com

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6A Sunday, October 11, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

From the farm to fame to infamy Novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald won acclaim for two novels. The first was “This Side of Paradise” in 1920. It was a semi-autobiographical novel about a Princeton student who chases fleshly pleasures like the rest of his Lost Generation. The second was the 1925 classic, “The Great Gatsby.” It was about North Dakota ordinary guy Jay Gatz who changes his name, moves to a New York suburb, and hopes his newfound wealth will win him the heart of Daisy Buchanan, another man’s wife. In his notebooks, Fitzgerald confessed to coveting a super car designed by Darke County native Harry Clayton Stutz. The author wrote this: “When I was a boy, I dreamed that I sat always at the wheel of a magnificent Stutz, a Stutz as low as a snake and as red as an Indiana barn.” That sexy dream car was the creation of Stutz, a farm boy who won and lost and won back fortunes, earned international fame for his prowess as a race car developer, and late-inlife was cast as villain in a scandalous love triangle. Certainly, like Fitzgerald, untold Americans have cherished a breathtaking automobile as a symbol of

the Great American Dream of success. When my grandfather, an orphan, emigrated from Russia-enslaved Poland in 1913, he found a job on Great Arrow Drive in Buffalo as an assembly line worker at the Pierce-Arrow plant. He earned enough to parlay his savings into an 80-acre family farm. Stutz’s dream was the opposite of my grandpa’s. Stutz wanted to leave the farm of his father Henry. He dreamed of building fast cars with streamlined designs and enviable performance. When Stutz was growing up, neighbors boasted that “the little Dutch boy” could repair any motor around. In his teens, he took an old horse buggy from barn storage and installed a self-built gasoline motor. He delighted neighbors as this horseless carriage went putt-putting on the streets of Ansonia. Stutz’s break for national acclaim came in 1911 when he entered the fledgling Indianapolis 500 with a prototype, which took him five weeks to build. His driver finished the grueling race and reporters descended upon him with flash bulbs-a-popping. Stutz’s Bearcat hit the auto market and won the hearts of flashy customers

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Hank Nuwer is newly moved to Union City, Indiana — about one block from Darke County. He retired July 1, 2020 from the Franklin College Pulliam School of Journalism after 18 years. He is the author of the historical novel Sons of the Dawn: A Basque Odyssey, which makes use of his experiences as a young reporter trailing a large band of sheep with Basque herders from Spain. A longtime magazine freelance writer, he shares his reflections on the people and places he finds in Darke County. His wife, Gosia, a native of Warsaw, Poland, is a freelance photographer and longtime accountant.

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patient for travel, diagnosing the ailment as stomach flu. He was dead wrong. During the long agonizing car trip, Stutz’s appendix burst. Gangrene set in, and although hospitalized, the flamboyant genius died of peritonitis. He was 53. Mrs. Stutz remarried right away. She chose a twicewidowed real estate market expert named Paul O. Meredith who needed help rearing his two-year-old daughter. Meredith was a workaholic. One day when he experienced stomach pains at work, he chose to delay seeking medical help to finish his tasks. He died the next day from a perforated appendix. He and Blanche had been man and wife for only one year.

*Additional purchase requirements do not include the item, 24 pack soft drinks, tobacco products and alcohol products*

BEEF LOAF $6.79/lb BOLOGNA $1.59/lb

was Blanche but everyone called her by the nickname of Jane. When not in concert, her passion was trapshooting, and she won many trophies. Stutz, a big game hunter and skeet shooter, considered her his perfect mate. Miller took Stutz to court charging alienation of affection. He demanded $50,000 if he won the lawsuit. But Blanche told the court that Miller had destroyed her love early in the five-year marriage. She charged that he had an incessant potty mouth and was unable to support her as he had promised while courting. The couple won the case but the scandal gained them the contempt of Indianapolis’s social set. Undeterred, the Stutzes moved to Florida and became the darling couple of a more tolerant social circle there. Newspaper and magazine writers portrayed them as the perfect couple. In 1930, Stutz visited a Florida doctor to complain of stomach pain prior to a planned business trip in Indianapolis. Stutz had mastered building light plane engines for a ready market electrified by Charles Lindbergh’s transAtlantic flight to Paris. The physician cleared the

AD PRICES IN EFFECT Mon., October 12 THRU Sat., October 17, 2020 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities - No Dealer Purchases.




Stutz and H.C.S. like F. Scott and his cars for performance wife Zelda Fitzgerald. and profit. His innovations as The former Clara an auto designer and Marie Dietz, the inventor made him daughter of German a Gasoline Alley legimmigrants in Texas end. He found a way who gave her away to strengthen and Near to become the stepimprove rear axles. Darke child of a religious He created shatHank Indianapolis man terproof windshield Nuwer named S.P. Secrest, glass. He was the first worked side-by-side to assemble a stock with her husband during car to use for racing. He designed engines as power- his first years of struggle. They married in 1898. ful as one with 598-cubicinch displacement. He even For years, Stutz grew restless and jumped from job designed and developed to job, taking positions that fire engines. showed off his engineering Although he came close to having his fortune wiped and mechanical talents. Always she went with him out on occasion, when he and supported his somewas high rolling he could time manic whims. match Fitzgerald’s Gatsby When Clara grew matronin extravagance. His money ly in the 1920s, Stutz, in came from autos but also from stocks, investments in her words, accorded her Florida orchards, and Indi- “Inhuman treatment.” He grew verbally abusive. ana real estate. The ink on the divorce He particularly lavished papers had dried but three gifts on his daughter months when Stutz marEmma, outfitting her with a new Stutz every year and ried a vivacious woman with flapper good looks in naming three yachts after December 1925. her. In true Gatsby-like fashUnfortunately divorce records containing testimo- ion, he had begun courting Mrs. Herbert J. Miller in ny from Mrs. Stutz exhibited anything but devotion 1923. He charmed her in on the entrepreneur’s part. his omnipresent rakish She was left always lonely fedoras and tailored suits. Harry’ Stutz’s “Daisy” and alone as he traveled the was an Indianapolis clasworld, studying the great cars of Europe to find ways sic harpist many years younger than he. Her name he could modify his own

OATMEAL $2.99/ea

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JUICE DRINK $2.99/ea V-8 46 oz reg $3.49


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Prego 14.5-24 oz reg $2.99

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Kraft Flavored or “Blue Box” 5.5-7.25 oz reg $1.69


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Essential Everyday 9-12 oz reg $2.19-$2.49


Essential Everyday 16 oz reg $2.89 Honey Roasted or Dry Roasted

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Progresso 18.5-19 oz reg $2.59

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COOKIE DOUGH $2.69/ea Essential Everyday 2-count Rolled 15 oz reg $2.99



Essential Everyday 16 oz reg $2.19

Florida’s Natural 52 oz reg $3.99


SOUR CREAM $1.49/ea

Essential Everyday 32 oz reg $8.99

Country Crock Soft Spread 45 oz reg $3.99

SHREDDED CHEESE $5.49/2 pounds

Creamette or San Giorgio reg $1.79-$1.89 12-16 oz MACARONI,

MARGARINE $2.99/ea

For the best local news coverage, visit DarkeCountyMedia.com

ORANGE JUICE $2.99/ea Simply 20 oz reg $2.79

HASH BROWNS $1.99/ea


Greenville Early Bird


Sunday, October 11, 2020 7A


See OBITUARIES | 4A and 5A


From page 2A

incorporate an athletic or extracurricular pay to participate fee. “We are working hard to maintain this practice so all kids can participate in extracurriculars without and established fee,” Fries said, adding more than half of the schools in the Miami Valley League have such a fee. To contact Rob Kiser, please email rkiser@aimmediamidwest.com or call 937.569.0055.

Police From page 3A

stop near North Main Street. Upon stopping the vehicle, officers noticed the driver appeared nervous and called a K9 unit to the scene. The K9 free air sniff alerted police to the presence of narcotics in the vehicle. After testing the substance, it was revealed that the driver was in possession of around 100 grams of methamphetamine. The driver, Michael Newman, was cited for first-degree felony drug possession.

VERSAILLES — John P. Davis, age 64, of Versailles, passed away Saturday, October 3, 2020, 2:47 a.m., at Versailles Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center. John was born January 24, 1956, in Sidney, to the late Orva and Catherine (Larger) Davis. In addition to his parents, John was also preceded in death by his brothers, Thomas, Steve and Lawrence Davis; and mother-in-law, Florence Smith. John is survived by his wife, Karen (Smith) Davis whom he married November 6, 1976; children, Eric and Paula

Davis of Naples, Fla., Julie and Mike Thornhill of Ansonia, Angie and Bryon Barhorst of Bradford, and Jenn and Jason Gray of Greenville; grandchildren, Brandon Thornhill, Kyle Thornhill, Nick Thornhill, Aeryn Barhorst and Cailyn Barhorst; brother, Bruce Davis of Piqua; sisters, Theresa D’Innocenzo of Milford, Mass., and Karen Belton of Valrico, Fla.; and numerous nieces and nephews. John retired from Clopay in Russia and Troy with over 30 years

of service. John was a member of St. Denis Catholic Church in Versailles; Knights of Columbus Council #1756; 4th Degree Knights of Columbus, St. Gaspar Del Bufalo Assembly, and St. Vincent de Paul Transportation Ministry. John was a former member of the Versailles Marching Band Pit Crew. John served as a Lector in the Catholic Church since age 16 and was a Distributor. John served on the Versailles Life Squad as a driver and basic EMT

and Thursday morning, from 9 to 10 a.m., at Bailey Zechar Funeral Home in Versailles. A prayer service will be conducted by the Knights of Columbus Council #1756 Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. Memorial contributions may be made to St. Vincent de Paul Transportation Ministry, P.O. Box 304 Versailles, OH 45380. Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the family is encouraging masking and social distancing. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www. zecharbailey.com.


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Miscellaneous September 29, 11:19 p.m.: Police responded to the 300 block of Washington Avenue in reference to a trash complaint. A notice was left at the residence to clean the trash, and when officers returned the next day, it was cleaned up.

for over 10 years. John enjoyed camping, bowling, pitching horseshoes, reading good books, spending time with his family and watching his grandchildren in programs and sports activities. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held Thursday, October 8, 2020, 10:30 a.m., at St. Denis Catholic Church in Versailles with Rev. Fr. Jim Simons celebrant. Burial will follow in St. Valbert Cemetery in Versailles. The family will receive friends Wednesday, October 7, from 5 to 8 p.m.,

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8A Sunday, October 11, 2020

Greenville Early Bird


Help preserve Bear’s Mill this Nov. 3

bility financially, continuing community pride and furthering program development, while maintaining the love for history and a Mill that means so much to so many. Please join us in SUPPORTING the Darke County Park District levy by voting YES in order to preserve and maintain ALL parks, trails and historic sites within Darke County.

to express my support of the Darke County Parks Levy. The parks have not only provided Darke Countians with amazing beauty, a “return” to nature, and greater health benefits, but have There is a piece of history located in provided schools experiential learning Darke County that has withstood the eleopportunities that students remember ments of time for nearly 175 years known for a lifetime. As principal of DeColores as Bear’s Mill. Montessori School and Junior High Bear’s Mill is unique. It is a window to Farm School, we know first hand the the past as well as a bridge to the future. Past and current owners have been pasLinda Snider Parks’ tremendous educational programs sionate about the beauty and resourcefulBoard of Trustees and knowledgeable staff. For many years, we have ness of the land, the history of the Mill Friends of Bear’s Mill and continued operation of the grinding Greenville complemented our student learning with the addition of educational programs; process that is unique to the Mill. This wildlife exploration, making maple passion continues today. As custodians syrup, monarch butterfly studies, bird of this treasure, we, the Friends of Bear’s investigations, water quality studies, Mill, see the absolute benefits of becoming canoe safety, and much more. The part of the Darke County Park District. We see the partnership with the Darke As a concerned citizen and teacher in Darke County Parks have provided these programs and continue to develop County Park District offering greater staour Great Darke County, I am writing

County parks levy important to education

and customize as a school’s unique needs arise. DeColores Montessori has benefited from many field trips and classroom experiences — experiences that keep our students’ passion for learning burning bright. Their expert staff is ready to serve and assist with questions and inquiries to meet our community’s wishes. I encourage each reader to consider the benefits the parks provide and will continue to do in the future. A passed levy will add Bear’s Mill to the Parks and continue the Mill’s positive, historical significance. I plan to vote “Yes” for the Parks Levy and hope you will do the same. Nancy Dean Administrator DeColores Montessori School Greenville

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November 3 Darke County Issues Notice of Election on Tax Levy

In Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation R.C. 3501.ll(G). 5705.19. 5705.25

Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the DARKE COUNTY PARK DISTRICT, Darke County, Ohio, passed on the 9th day of July, 2020, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the GENERAL ELECTION to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2020 the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation: An additional tax for the benefit of the Darke County Park District for the purpose of maintaining, upgrading, improving, and expanding the Darke County Park District’s parks for preserving their natural and historical resources and to benefit the general population; and (b) purchase equipment and personnel necessary and appropriate for management of said facilities; and (c) to support the parks and other recreational facilities owned or operated by the cities, villages and Darke County Park District located within Darke County, pursuant to O.R.C. 1545.21 at a rate not exceeding one-half (0.5) mill for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to five cents ($0.05) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for 10 years, commencing in 2020, first due in calendar year 2021. The polls for the election will be open 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day. By order of the Board of Elections,

Notice of Election on Tax Levy In Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation

R.C. 3501.ll(G). 5705.19. 5705.25

R.C. 3501.ll(G). 5705.19. 5705.25

Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Council of the VILLAGE OF ROSSBURG, Darke County, Ohio, passed on the 8th day of July, 2020, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the GENERAL ELECTION to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2020 the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation: A renewal of a tax for the benefit of the Village of Rossburg for the purpose of current expenses at a rate not exceeding three and two tenths (3.2) mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to thirty-two cents ($0.32) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for 5 years, commencing in 2021, first due in calendar year 2022. The polls for the election will be open 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day.

A renewal of a tax for the benefit of the Village of Rossburg for the purpose of current expenses at a rate not exceeding four (4) mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to forty cents ($0.40) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for 5 years, commencing in 2021, first due in calendar year 2022. The polls for the election will be open 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day.

R.C. 3501.ll(G). 5705.19. 5705.25 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Council of the VILLAGE OF WAYNE LAKES, Darke County, Ohio, passed on the 8th day of June, 2020, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the GENERAL ELECTION to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2020 the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation: A renewal of a tax for the benefit of the Village of Wayne Lakes for the purpose of the general construction, reconstruction, resurfacing and repair of streets, roads and bridges at a rate not exceeding two (2) mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to twenty cents ($0.20) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for a continuing period of time, commencing in 2021, first due in calendar year 2022. The polls for the election will be open 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day.

By order of the Board of Elections,

of Darke County, Ohio

of Darke County, Ohio

David E. Niley, Chair

of Darke County, Ohio

David E. Niley, Chair

David E. Niley, Chair

David E. Niley, Chair

Paul Schlecty, Director

Paul Schlecty, Director

Paul Schlecty, Director

Paul Schlecty, Director

Notice of Election on Tax Levy In Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation

Notice of Election on Tax Levy In Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation

Notice of Election on School District Income Tax

Notice of Election to Be Held

R.C. 3501.l l. 3505. 33. 5748.03 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Board of Education of the MISSISSINAWA VALLEY LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, Darke County, Ohio, passed on the 22nd day of June, 2020, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the GENERAL ELECTION to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2020 the question of imposing a school district income tax:

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a petition

R.C. 3501.ll(G). 5705.19. 5705.25

R.C. 3501.ll(G). 5705.19. 5705.25

R.C. 3501.ll(G). 5705.19. 5705.25

Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Board of Trustees of BROWN TOWNSHIP, Darke County, Ohio, passed on the 10th day of June, 2020, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the GENERAL ELECTION to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2020 the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation:

Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Board of Trustees of PATTERSON TOWNSHIP, Darke County, Ohio, passed on the 13th day of July, 2020, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the GENERAL ELECTION to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2020 the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation:

A renewal of a tax for the benefit of the Township of Brown for the purpose of fire protection at a rate not exceeding one (1) mill for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to ten cents ($0.10) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for a continuing period of time, commencing in 2021, first due in calendar year 2022.

A renewal of a tax for the benefit of the Township of Patterson for the purpose of fire protection at a rate not exceeding two and four tenths (2.4) mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to twentyfour cents ($0.24) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for 5 years, commencing in 2021, first due in calendar year 2022.

Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Board of Education of the GREENVILLE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, Darke County, Ohio, passed on the 18th day of June, 2020, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the GENERAL ELECTION to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2020 the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation:

The polls for the election will be open 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day.

The polls for the election will be open 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day.


Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Council of the VILLAGE OF ROSSBURG, Darke County, Ohio, passed on the 8th day of July, 2020, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the GENERAL ELECTION to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2020 the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation:

Notice of Election on Tax Levy In Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation

By order of the Board of Elections,

of Darke County, Ohio

Notice of Election on Tax Levy In Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation

Notice of Election on Tax Levy In Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation

A renewal of a tax for the benefit of the Greenville City School District for the purpose of current expenses at a rate not exceeding five and one-half (5.5) mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to fifty-five cents ($0.55) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for 5 years, commencing in 2021, first due in calendar year 2022.

Shall an annual income tax of three-fourths of one percent (0.75%) on the school district income of individuals and of estates be imposed by the Mississinawa Valley Local School District, to renew an income tax expiring at the end of 2021 for five (5) years, beginning January 1, 2022, for the purpose of current expenses?

The polls for the election will be open 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day.

The polls for the election will be open 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day.

By order of the Board of Elections,

On Local Option Question filed with the Board of Elections of Darke County, Ohio on the 7th day of July, 2020, there will be submitted to a vote of the electors of said precinct, at the GENERAL ELECTION to be held at the regular places of voting therein, on the 3rd day of November, 2020, in the precinct designated as follows: PRECINCT 05 - GREENVILLE CITY 2-8 On the questions designated as follows: Shall the sale of wine and mixed beverages and spirituous liquor be permitted for sale on Sunday between the hours of ten a.m. and midnight by Don Rudy, LLC, dba La Carreta, an applicant for a D-6 liquor permit, who is engaged in the business of operating a restaurant at 925 Sweitzer Street and patio, Greenville, OH 45331 in this precinct?

By order of the Board of Elections,

By order of the Board of Elections,

By order of the Board of Elections,

By order of the Board of Elections,

of Darke County, Ohio

of Darke County, Ohio

of Darke County, Ohio

of Darke County, Ohio

By order of the Board of Elections,

David E. Niley, Chair

David E. Niley, Chair

David E. Niley, Chair

David E. Niley, Chair

of Darke County, Ohio

Paul Schlecty, Director

Paul Schlecty, Director

Paul Schlecty, Director

Paul Schlecty, Director

Paul Schlecty, Director

Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, October 11, 2020 9A

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10A Sunday, October 11, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, October 11, 2020 11A

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WEEKEND EDITION Sunday, October 11, 2020 | Section B

Chocolate Walk tickets go on sale Staff report

Wayne HealthCare’s Chocolate Walk tickets will go on sale beginning at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 10.

GREENVILLE — The Wayne HealthCare Chocolate Walk on First Friday will be held Friday, Nov. 6, from 6 to 9 p.m. The highly anticipated date for tickets to go on sale is Saturday, Oct. 10, 9 a.m., at the Welcome Center, 421 S. Broadway, Greenville. This is a ticketed event that serves as a fundraiser for the non-profit organization. All of the chocolate has been donated by participating downtown businesses. The Wayne HealthCare Chocolate Walk on First Fri-

day is limited to 200 tickets and are on a first-come, firstserved basis. It is highly suggested those interested arrive early for tickets. Tickets are $20 each and there is a limit of four per person. No telephone orders will be accepted and you must purchase tickets in person. Generally, between 20 to 30 downtown businesses and organizations participate in the annual event. Ticket holders will need to check in at the Welcome Center on the day of the event to get a list of participating businesses and a

Chocolate Walk bag. Checkin begins at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 6. Main Street Greenville is a non-profit organization committed to stimulating and supporting revitalization efforts, historic preservation and economic growth in Historic Downtown Greenville. To learn more about the organization, visit or call 937-548-4998. You can also like the organization on Facebook to receive updates on a regular basis (www. facebook.com/mainstreetgreenville).

Jena Powell talks COVID-19, upcoming election By Nathaniel Kubik DarkeCountyMedia.com

DARKE COUNTY — With the upcoming election cycle fast approaching, State Representative Jena Powell (R-Arcanum) sat down with The Daily Advocate to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic and her future plans, should she be reelected. Powell, a Conservative Republican representing all of Miami County and a portion of southern Darke County, was first elected to Ohio’s 80th House District in 2018 and has since gained a considerable amount of political traction in Columbus. Powell was raised on a farm in Darke County and received a business marketing degree from Liberty Powell University before opening her own marketing business. She has served one term (two years) in the Ohio House of Representatives and is currently seeking reelection to a second term. She is being challenged by Democrat Ted Jones on Nov. 3. During the interview, Powell primarily touched on the COVID-19 pandemic and her future goals. She reaffirmed her commitment to putting the life and liberty of Ohioans first, and stated that she is hopeful for what the future brings. “Right now, I’m feeling good about reelection,” Powell confirmed. “I’ve heard a lot of positive things from our community about the work that I’ve done putting people’s needs first and fighting for their voice in the legislature. My primary focus, moving forward, is reopening the State of Ohio and removing COVID-19 regulations from our community. The governor’s orders have really strangled a lot of businesses, families, and non-profits in our community and state, and we need to do everything we can to reopen Ohio and keep people safe in the process.” Powell’s main focus, as it was in her first campaign, is to uphold personal, financial and religious liberties in Ohio. She noted that she believes the COVID-19 pandemic is not as bad as Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine originally predicted, and that the governor has been using his executive authority far too much. As with many legislators, Powell is concerned about this use of executive power moving forward. “In the House, we need to revise the code that the governor and the director of health are using to give statewide orders and mandates.” said Powell. “We’re over 8 months into the orders and mandates on Ohioans, and that’s a very long time for the executive branch to be making orders and mandates without the legislature’s approval. We believe, as a community and state, that we have the ability to keep Ohioans safe while removing the COVID-19 orders and mandates. Ohioans deserve to live free and they are See POWELL | 3B

Pastor John and Beth Hannan with members outside at CrossRoads Church of Union City, Ind.

Carol Marsh | Darke County Media

Faith ‘on the line’

CrossRoads Church of Union City opens By Carol Marsh


UNION CITY, Ind. — Perhaps the strongest bond between community and

church are born from the awareness that transformation is possible through faith and friendship. One startup church in Union City, Indiana, puts its faith “on the line” in a bold, new venture that has heads turning and people talking about what amazing things God can do when like-minded people work together. CrossRoads Church of

Union City, located at 229 West Pearl Street, recently celebrated its first “official” Sunday on September 27, 2020; yet, its presence within the Union City community has been felt for many months leading up to this day. CrossRoads Church founders, Pastor John Hannan and his wife, Beth, are both Union City natives, with family also living in Darke County, Ohio.

Having been first called into the ministry from the Wesleyan Church of Greenville, Pastor Hannan first served as Pastor to Cornerstone Chapel (West Carrollton, Ohio) and Senior Pastor at Monticello Wesleyan Church (Charlottesville, Virginia); however, when their fathers’ ailing health called them back home to

See FAITH | 2B

Traffic stop leads to drug discovery By Jim Comer


GREENVILLE — An early morning traffic stop in Greenville resulted in the arrest of a Union City, Ind., man and the seizure of nearly 200 grams of methamphetamine with

Taurus traveling the street value westbound on North of approximately Main Street. It was $20,000. reported that the On Monday, officer observed that October 5 at the vehicle failed to approximately 2:28 signal while turna.m., an officer ing northbound from the Greenville Newman onto Wayne Street Police Department prompting a traffic stop. observed a 2000 Ford

The officer made contact with the operator of the vehicle, Michael Newman, 52, of Union City, Ind., who had a known criminal history of drug activity that included dealing and the manufacturing of See DRUG | 3B

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2B Sunday, October 11, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

Faith From page 1B

Union City, the Hannans had a sense that God was “on the move.” Although serving for a time within the UMC, the Hannans felt strongly that God was calling them to serve in full-time ministry within the Wesleyan Church. In June 2019, they sought the counsel of Mark Gorveatte, District Superintendent of the Cross Roads District of the Wesleyan Church, who encouraged Pastor Hannan to stay in Union City, and embark upon the venture of “planting” a new Wesleyan church within the community. “We started out meeting at someone’s house… our house, Mary Greer’s house, Sheila and Rod Boone’s house, to where eventually we outgrew our homes. We had even tried meeting in D’s restaurant on Sunday evenings when they were closed.” explained Beth. “During this time, we had T-shirts made for our float in the Union City Stateline Heritage Days Parade where we passed out bottles of water… We also put on a picnic at Harter Park that August and had fun and games with the kiddos… Throughout this whole process, the Crossroads District had stated that ‘whatever money you collect for projects and fundraisers, we will match dollar for dollar.’ Wow! Were we ever so excited!” Taking up this “church planting” mantel, the Hannans have spent over a year preparing the ground-

Elmer Diaz and members of Casa de Oracion at CrossRoads Church. Provided photo

Pastors John Hannan and Pastor Claudia Silva lead Sunday worship at man, come on in.’ I told CrossRoads Church.

the group my story of with John and Beth out in my wife dying and being work for CrossRoads Church to open its doors. the halls of Hoosier Place homeless, and how I had a job, but due to my health I when they were there for Over the past year, one very special friendship has one of their activities…We am laid off. The only thing I could think of was to talked and they said that emerged between CrossRoads Church and another they love everyone no mat- read the Bible. After our conversation and prayer, I downtown ministry, Casa ter how they look.” said de Oracion. “John met Ray parishioner Jill Cassano. “ decided to come and help the group out with the I have tattoos and I wear Meijia (who) is part of a local Hispanic church here jeans and a T-shirt most of renovations. I call Pastor John ‘my real dog,’ meanthe time, but they accept within Union City called me for who I am, and that ing my best friend!” Casa De Oracion. The Currently, at the new building that they meet in is why I love this church location, CrossRoads and the people.” used to be the old Salvaoffers a Sunday morning Another parishioner, tion Army church which Scarlett Gross, remarked, service at 11 a.m., includclosed. Pastor John’s ing a staffed nursery and “I was going to another grandmother used to tell church that had closed its children’s church, and the story of walking her Casa de Oracion offers a doors, and saw John one children to the Salvation Saturday evening service day. I was talking to him Army Church. This is and he invited me to come at 7 p.m. In addition, the same church that his CrossRoads offers a “Best (to church). I have been mother and her siblings Years Fellowship” midcoming ever since.” came to know the Lord.” Another ministry friend, week service and lunch, said Beth. beginning Wednesdays at Darnell Hicks, remarked, Other members of the 11 a.m., which provides “I came into the church church talk about the an opportunity for other one day yelling, ‘Do you warm and welcoming area churches within the have a Bible I can have?’ atmosphere of the church community to gather in Pastor John said ‘Sure and the Hannans. “I met


Solid ......................................8991 SolidRock RockApostolic Apostolic .......................... 8991Old OldUS US36, 36,Bradford, Bradford,937-718-0351 937-718-0351 CAC .....................................................630 CACofofGreenville Greenville ....................................... 630Pine, Pine,Greenville Greenville937-730-1313 937-730-1313 Apostolic Church ...............212 ApostolicRestoration Restoration Church ........212W.W.Pearl PearlSt.,St.,Union UnionCity, City,IN,IN,765-625-1404 765-625-1404


Greenville Assembly of God RouteRoute 118N118N Greenville, OhOh937-548-5445 GreenvilleFirst First Assembly of .7219 God State 7219 State Greenville, 937-548-5445


Favorite Church .................................. FavoriteHillHillBaptist Baptist Church .......................1601 1601South SouthStreet, Street,Piqua, Piqua,773-6469 773-6469 First Baptist Church .....................................7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville First Baptist Church ..........................7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville548-7616 548-7616 Faith Church ........................................... E Russ FaithBaptist Baptist Church ...............................740740 E RussRd., Rd.,Greenville, Greenville,548-1808 548-1808 Greenville Temple ...................... 4689 Childrens GreenvilleBaptist Baptist Temple ..............4689 ChildrensHome HomeBradford BradfordRd., Rd.,548-7283 548-7283 Union Baptist Church .............225 UnionCity CityFirst First Baptist Church .......225S.S.First FirstSt.,St.,Union UnionCity, City,OH OH937-968-6163 937-968-6163 Cornerstone Baptist Church 933 N. 933 Howard St., Union City,City, IN, IN, 765-964-3119 CornerstoneHistoric Historic Baptist Church N Howard St., Union 765-964-3119 Bible Church ................................... BibleBaptist Baptist Church ........................510 510Front FrontStreet, Street,Greenville, Greenville,937-547-1239 937-547-1239 Gospel Baptist ................................115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH 937-316-5055 BRETHREN

Beech Grove Church of the Brethren ..3420 Harrison Rd., Hollansburg, 937-997-4895 BRETHREN Bradford ChurchChurch of The Brethren .............................120 448-2215 Beech Grove of the Brethren .3420 HarrisonWest Rd., Oakwood Hollansburg,St.,937-997-4895 Cedar Grove Church ...............................................373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675 Cedar Grove Church ...................................373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675 Oakland of The Brethren ... 8058. 8058 Horatio-Harris Creek Rd.Rd. Bradford, OaklandChurch Church of The Brethren Horatio-Harris Creek Bradford,448-2287 448-2287 Pitsburg Church of Brethren ............8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum Pitsburg Church of Brethren ..... 8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum937-692-8772 937-692-8772 Greenville of the Brethren ......................................421 GreenvilleChurch Church of the Brethren ........................421Central CentralAve., Ave.,548-3583 548-3583


StStMary’s Church .................................... 233 WWThird Mary’sCatholic Catholic Church .........................233 ThirdSt.St.Greenville Greenville548-1616 548-1616 StStDenis ..............................................................14 E Wood St, Versailles Denis ................................................ 14 E Wood St, Versailles937-526-4945 937-526-4945 Holy ............................. HolyFamily Family(Frenchtown) (Frenchtown) ..................11255 11255StStRtRt185, 185,Versailles Versailles937-526-4945 937-526-4945 StStLouis ..................................................................15 Star Rd, North Louis ...................................................15 Star Rd, NorthStar Star419-582-2531 419-582-2531 Immaculate Conception .......................5874 Immaculate Conception ............. 5874N.N.Buckneck BuckneckRd., Rd.,Bradford, Bradford,937-526-4945 937-526-4945 StStMary Mary..................................................425 .......................................425WWHickory HickorySt,St,Union UnionCity, City,IN,IN,765-964-4202 765-964-4202


Coletown Church ............ 2876 State ColetownCongregational Congregational Church .....2876 StateRoute Route571, 571,Greenville Greenville548-6590 548-6590 East Zion Church ....................................................................6171 St. Rt.Rt.36,36,Greenville East Zion Church ...................................................6171 St. Greenville First Congregational Church ................... 115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH 937-548-3575 Woodington Congregation Church ...8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441 OH-70205527


www.cfpoeppelman.com RADIO DISPATCHED ON TIME DELIVERY BUILDING MATERIALS CRUSHED STONE & SAND Bradford Office, Plant 937-448-2191 Versailles Plant 937-526-5137 Union City Plant 765-964-6572

JOHNSTON CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC. INC. Personal Care is the Backbone of Our Business!

109 Rhoades Avenue Greenville



Woodington Church6808 .........8978 N State 49,Greenville, GreenvilleOH548-9441 Stelvideo Congregation Christian Church, Church St .Route Stelvido, 316-8198 Stelvideo Christian Church, 6808Church Church St. Greenville, OH 316-8198 Teegarden Congregational ... ......... 2753 Stelvido, State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 Teegarden Congregational Church ............2753 State 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 CMA Church ...................................306 DevorRoute St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955 CMA Church ...............................................306 Devor St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955 CHURCH OF CHRIST

Commercial - Residential Automotive

Bonded, Licensed, Insured 24 Hour Emergency Service 701 Wayne St. Greenville

Carol Marsh covers community interest stories and handles obituaries for Darke County Media. She can be contacted by email at cmarsh@aimmediamidwest.com or by phone at 937-569-4314.

Rossburg United Methodist .............................. 117117 RossRoss St.,St., Rossburg, 937-338-4765 Rossburg United Methodist ................... Rossburg, 937-338-4765 Trinity United Methodist ChurchChurch ..........112 WestWest SouthSouth Street Arcanum, OH OH 692-8530 Trinity United Methodist ... 112 Street Arcanum, 692-8530 Versailles United Methodist ...........................122 W Wood St, St, Versailles 937-526-3855 Versailles United Methodist .................122 W Wood Versailles 937-526-3855 Webster United Methodist ChurchChurch .........................8849 SeibtSeibt Rd.,Rd., Versailles 526-3855 Webster United Methodist ............. 8849 Versailles 526-3855

Greenville Church of Christ ........4599 Chldrns Hm Main BrdfrdStreet, Rd., Greenville, Missionary Church ..................1110 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842 Greenville Missionary Church ......... 1110 East Main Church of Christ ......... 419 East Greenville,937-548-4467 937-547-1557 Greenville Pleasant View Missionary Church 5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885 East Main Church of Christ ................... 419 East Main Street, Greenville, 937-547-1557 Pleasant View Missionary Church......5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885

CHURCH OF GOD NON-DENOMINATIONAL NON-DENOMINATIONAL Ansonia First Church of God ........................750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 Ansonia First Church of God ..................................750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 Castine Church of the...................................624 Brethren .................... 624 StateState Route 127,127, Arcanum 678-9945 Route Arcanum 678-9945 Castine Church The New Beginning Church of God .... 802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502 The New Beginning Church of God .............802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502 Calvary Bible Church ................................... 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 Calvary Bible Church......................... 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 Triumphant Christian Center.............1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300 Triumphant Christian Center ..................... 1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300 Beamsville Christian Church .......6102 Beamsville-Union City City Rd. Rd. Greenville 547-0009 Beamsville Christian Church ..6102 Beamsville-Union Greenville 547-0009 EPISCOPAL Friendship Community ChurchChurch ........1005 Eaton FortFortNesbit 997-3592 EPISCOPAL Friendship Community .1005 Eaton NesbitRd. Rd.New NewParis, Paris, 937-459-2279 St Paul’s Episcopal Church ..................201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575 True Life ......................................................... 5990 State Route 36, Greenville 548-3558 St Paul’s Episcopal Church ...........................201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575 True Life ........................................... 5990 State Route 36, Greenville 548-3558 Living Waters Ministries .......................................102 W Main St., St., Versailles, 526-4567 INTERDENOMINATIONAL Living Waters Ministries ........................... 102 W Main Versailles, 526-4567 INTERDENOMINATIONAL Bible Fellowship Church ................. 7757 Grnv-Celina Road, Greenville, 937-547-1952 Family of God ...........................................310 W South St., Arcanum, 692-8521 Bible Fellowship Church ...........7757 Grnv-Celina Road, Greenville, 937-547-1952 Family of God........................................................310 W South St., Arcanum, 692-8521 Community Fellowship.................8135 St. Rt. N., Greenville, 564-5942 Lighthouse Christian Center ........ 5256 Sebring Warner Greenville, 548-7464 Northside Northside Community Fellowship ........8135 St. 127 Rt. 127 N., Greenville, 564-5942 Lighthouse Christian Center ...............5256 Sebring Warner Rd.,Rd., Greenville, 548-7464 Rosehill Country Church .............................St. Rt. 49 and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill Rosehill Country Church ..................... St. Rt. 49 and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill LUTHERAN LUTHERAN Versailles Christian Church ...........................105 W Ward St.,St., Versailles 937-526-4194 Versailles Christian Church .................105 W Ward Versailles 937-526-4194 John Lutheran Church ................7418 State Route 121, Greenville548-5404 548-5404 Hillgrove Federated Church .......1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332 St.St.John Lutheran Church ......................... 7418 State Route 121, Greenville Hillgrove Federated Church .. 1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332 Paul’s Lutheran Church ......13495 Greenville Marys Vers.,419-336-7111 419-336-7111 Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue .... Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-623-1234 StStPaul’s Lutheran Church ........... 13495 Greenville St.St. Marys RdRdVers., Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue ............Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-623-1234 Paul Lutheran Church ........................ E. 4th Street, Greenville548-5770 548-5770 Arcanum Community of Faith ...........................................109 W. George St., Arcanum StStPaul Lutheran Church ................................... 131131 E. 4th Street, Greenville Arcanum Community of Faith .............................. 109 W. George St., Arcanum Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran ............................................ St.St.Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran ChurchChurch ..6825 State Route 722, Ithaca, 678-8584 Common Ground Christian Church ...............120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215 PENTECOSTAL ................................................. 750 Arcanum IthicaRd., Rd,Pitsburg Arcanum,937-692-5670 937-678-9062 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church ............. 8520 Oakes Faith Apostolic Lighthouse ..........................................332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299 PENTECOSTAL Trinity Evangelical Church ....Route 8520 28, Oakes Rd.,City, Pitsburg 937-692-5670 Trinity Lutheran ChurchLutheran .............1470 W. State Union IN 765-964-5712 Faith Apostolic Lighthouse .............................332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299 Trinity Lutheran Church ........1470 W. State RouteStreet, 28, Union City, IN937-526-3091 765-964-5712 PRESBYTERIAN Trinity Lutheran Church ...........................204 E. Wood Versailles United Presbyterian Church ............................... 114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188 Trinity Lutheran church .................. 204 E. Wood Street, Versailles 937-526-3091 First PRESBYTERIAN



METHODIST-UNITED Abbottsville United Methodist Church .................................. 3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum Abbottsville Methodist Church of ......................3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum Ansonia United United Methodist Church......Corner Pearl and High St., Ansonia 337-5781 Ansonia Methodist Church .. Corner Sater of PearlStreet, and High St., Ansonia EUM ChurchUnited ....................................................1451 Greenville, OH 337-5781 45331 EUMUnited Church ......................................... 1451E.Sater Greenville,692-8934 OH 45331 Faith Methodist Church ...........................101 SouthStreet, St., Arcanum, Faith United Methodist Church .................101WE.4th South Arcanum, 692-8934 First United Methodist Church ................................202 St. St., Greenville, 548-3075 First UnitedUnited Methodist Church .................... W 4th Greenville, 548-3075 Fort Jefferson Methodist ........................ 3856 202 Church St.,St.Greenville 548-4410 Fort Jefferson United..........................................750 Methodist ..............3856Arcanum-Ithaca Church St., Greenville 548-4410 Gordon United Methodist Rd 678-9062 Gordon Grace United Methodist Church....... 750 Arcanum-Ithaca Rd 678-9062 Nashville United Methodist.............5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 Nashville United Methodist...... 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 New Madison United Methodist ..............149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341 New Madison United Methodist..... 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341

UNITED CHURCH OF Church CHRIST First United Presbyterian ................... 114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188 St. Paul United Church of Christ ........................129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506 UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST

UNITARIAN St. Paul UnitedUNIVERSALIST Church of Christ ..............129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506 First Universalist Church ..................... 331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST

WESLEYAN First Universalist Church ............. 331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403 Trinity Wesleyan Church .....................................1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337 WESLEYAN Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church .............. 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337 Trinity Wesleyan Bethel Long WesleyanChurch Church..........................1400 ........................................ 255 Stingley Road, Greenville

Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church ....... 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331 Bethel Long Wesleyan Church ............................255 Stingley Road, Greenville

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being able to collaborate and support other local churches and ministries in what they may do,” said Pastor Hannan. “We have functioned from our first meeting with the mindset that CrossRoads Church must be a multiplying church. This means that whatever we do as a local church must be alive and moving, where lives are being given and offered the opportunity to be changed and continually transformed.” For more information about CrossRoads Church, contact Pastor John and Beth Hannan at crossroadsunioncity@gmail.com or call the church at 937-4679714, or online at crossroadsunioncity.com

CHURCH OF CHRIST MISSIONARY Greenville Church of Christ 4599 Chldrns Hm Brdfrd Rd., Greenville, 937-548-4467 MISSIONARY

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friendship and support. Also, CrossRoads offers an online Bible study Tuesday through Friday at 8 p.m. centered around worship, study, and praying over the needs of the community and other local churches. In addition to services, CrossRoads also partners with the Darke County Mississinawa Valley Youth for Christ, and the Darke County Back Pack Food Program, picking up, transferring and delivering 200 bags of food per week with the help of Mississinawa Valley School students and staff. Future ministry plans in the works include an addiction recovery program, a senior community day, and a women’s exercise program. “Our desire (is) to complete the work that God has called us to do here in Union City. So we envision ourselves

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COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS Where Price & Quality Meet All your Home & Agricultural Building Needs 300 S. Main St Ansonia, OH 937-337-3111 M-F 7:00 – 5:00 Sat 7:00 – 12:00 (Noon) See Photos at www.ansonialumber.com


Greenville Early Bird


ernor has not touched is religious freedoms and liberties.” Powell noted. “Allowing churches to From page 1B operate in the way they people who can make wise choose is crucial to the founding of America, so decisions for themselves I’m very appreciative this and their families.” area has not been touched. While Powell is critical That is one area that I of the executive authority will definitely thank the of the governor, she also governor for, but we do offered up praise regardstill agree on many other ing DeWine’s handling of religious gatherings during things.” When asked about her the pandemic. previous term, Powell “One of the areas that stated that she is proud I’m very thankful the gov-

of her record and that she will continue to fight for the communities she represents, as well as all Ohioans. “In my first term, we passed the Heartbeat Bill.” said Powell. “The bill says that the first time you can hear a heartbeat in the womb, it is a child, and that child deserves every constitutional right that other individuals have. I believe in doing everything we can to protect the unborn and the Heartbeat

Sunday, October 11, 2020 3B

Bill was a huge step in the right direction for our state. I was a co-sponsor on the bill and I was proud to see it pass and to have worked on it.” To conclude the interview, Powell was prompted to speak directly to her voters. “Elections matter — state, local, and federal.” she said. “As you go to the ballot box, do everything you can to be informed. The power is truly in the hands of the people, and I

am really proud of how our community has dealt with COVID-19 and I’m proud of the way we have stood up and cared for the most vulnerable among us, and that gives me the ability to fight for them in Columbus because I know we use our freedoms responsibly. It is an honor to fight for them in the legislature everyday, and if elected again I will continue to be their voice.” For more information about Jena Powell’s reelection campaign and plat-

form, visit her website at www.jenapowell.com. You can also find her on Facebook by searching Jena Powell. She encourages all of her constituents to contact her with any questions or concerns they may have about the upcoming election. Her office can be reached by phone at 614466-8114. Nathaniel Kubik covers courts and crime for Darke County Media. He can be contacted by email at nkubik@ aimmediamidwest.com or by phone at 937-569-0066.

Provided photo

Greenville Police arrested Michael Newman of Union City for felony drug possession. Officers found $20,000 worth of methamphetamine during a traffic stop early Monday morning.

off,” said Greenville Police Chief, Steve Strick. “There have been numerous measures we have taken in the From page 1B recent past to help ensure the safety of the comdrugs. Due to the nervous munity and help keep the nature of Newman after drugs off the streets. I am being asked if the vehicle contained anything illegal, very proud of the work the officers on this department as well as multiple visual cues, the officer requested have put in and the work they continue to do.” permission to search the Along with the drugs, vehicle. Newman denied Newman was also found to permission to search his be in possession of a total vehicle leading the officer to request the assistance of of $290 in U.S. currency. The money and Newman’s a K9 unit from the Darke cell phone were taken as County Sheriff’s Office. evidence. Newman’s vehicle During the course of was also towed from the the K9’s performance of a scene. free air test of the vehicle, Newman was taken into the K9 alerted to the odor custody by the Greenville of illegal narcotics at the front driver side door area. Police Department and Upon searching the vehicle, transported to the Darke officers located a black soft County Jail where he was booked for felony possescase. Upon opening the sion of drugs. He is being case, a plastic bag of what held on $75,000 bond. was described as a white This incident remains crystal-like substance, as an active investigawhich had the appearance of methamphetamine, was tion by the Greenville Police Department and observed. A field test was additional charges may be performed on the subpending. stance and tested positive as methamphetamine. Jim Comer covers accidents, fires and “This is a testament of crime for Darke County Media. He how proactive policing in can be reached by email at jcomer@ our community is paying aimmediamidwest.com


Noah Barga selling his SAE goat soap, fudge and ice cream.

Versailles FFA expresses thanks for sale success


CITY OF GREENVILLE On October 6, 2020, the City of Greenville, Ohio, adopted the following legislation: • Ord. #20-102 supplemental.

SUNDAY, October 11 • 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.

5929 Wood Ave., Greenville Beautiful, move-in ready brick home located in Lakeview Estates. 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths, 1900 sq ft, 2 car attached garage, just under 1 acre with mature trees. 28x34 detached, heated 2 car garage, 15x24 Insulated building. Lots of updates.

• Ord. #20-103 establishing personnel within the City, emergency, amend and replace ordinances 18-106 and 19-19. • Res. #20-104 waive service charges for land owned by CIC. • Ord. #20-105 rezone property at 1185 Wayne Ave. from Suburban Residential to Neighborhood Business. • Res. #20-106 expending additional funds from Coronavirus Relief Dist. Fund. • Res. #20-107 approving the additional purchase of IWORQ equipment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. • Res. #20-108 accept WWSR Treatment Plant UV Treatment proposal.


1303 Chippewa Dr., Greenville

This legislationcan be read and examined in its entirety at the office of the City Auditor, Room 200, Municipal Building, Greenville, Ohio, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday, and 8:00 A.M. through 1:00 P.M. on Friday.




3 BUILDING LOTS at 1010 Gray Avenue! $29,000 for all 3. OH-70207740

SAT. OCT. 17TH, 2020 @ 9:00 A.M. 3272 BANTAS CREEK RD. WEST ALEX, OHIO 45381 Large Auction of: Antiques-Collectibles-Primitives-Crocks-Early Furniture-Cookware-Household Items; Approx. 165# Peter Wright Anvil-Porcelain Wood Burning Cook Stove by Liberty Kalamazoo Stove Company; Silver Dollars/Quarters/Halves& Other Coins-Paper Money-Marbles-Watches-Fishing Reels/Poles/Tackle; Bernina 830 & Kenmore 1781 Sewing Machines-Sewing Supplies-Material & Related Items; L & G Items-Hand/Power Tools-Scrap Metal; Selling in Double Auction Rings!

4 ACRES ZONED COMMERCIAL On Wagner Avenue across from LOWE’S! Can be divided! Call Joe for additional information!

CHAD HAGINS, INC............ Thank You for Attending Our Auction! Pics. & Listing online @ walnutharvestauctions.com


An interesting& fun auction!Terms:Cash or pre-approved & good checks-credit cards w/3.5% cashiering fee,all items sells in their current condition “as is”, 10% buyer’s premium for online bidding @ www.walnutharvestauctions.hibid.com....Held onsite w/Preble County Health Dept. Guidelines Due toCoronavirus Danny-Duane & Larry Bower, Heirs of Lester & Dorothy Bower

By Walnut Harvest Auctions, LLC Bob Roach, Auctioneer, Realtor 937.533.7081 Anna Marie Roach, Manager Realtor 937.657.5626 Luciano “Lucky” Montoya, Auctioneer, 937.313.1660 Harry H. Kindrick, Apprentice Auctioneer

DOUBLE ON CORNER LOT! 115 Olive and 501 Euclid offer 2 bedrooms each unit; covered front porch; 14x7 enclosed porch. 33x40 detached metal garage. Mid 60’s

16 ACRES M/L with this 3 bedroom custom built brick home! Formal entry; solid maple cabinets in unique kitchen; Florida Room looks out to lake with fountain and gazebo! 2.5 car attached garage PLUS 33x50 brick building with 3 overhead doors! Corner of Childrens Home Road and Arcanum-Bears Mill Road. $425,900 Jim Shuttleworth BLUE Evelyn Shuttleworth SPRUCE Joe Shuttleworth REALTY Greg Shuttleworth Richard Edwards 547-9770


Jessica Swan, Clerk of Council Approved: City of Greenville Michael Rieman, Law Director

and Andrew Lyons, who sold decorative wooden signs for his SAE. In addition, many thanks to community vendors and friends: Joan Grilliot (assorted of homemade desserts); Monica Goubeaux Mary Kay; Lydia Goubeaux (cookies); Morgan and Matt Aultman and Aultman Farms Pumpkins and Gourds; Brenda Abbott and SleekNails; Ashley Winner and DoTerra; Janell Wilker and Origami Owl; Bob Rhoads Woodcrafts; Grandma’s Sue’s Flower Creations; Crazy Train Creations; Judy Burns (gourds and dried flow-


Provided photo

Mallory York selling her SAE mums out of her mobile greenhouse.

ers); Jan Smith and Teal Dog Boutique; Kayla’s Kreations; and Hinton Farm Toys. In addition, Versailles FFA sold apples and apple cider. Versailles FFA would like to thank everyone for coming out and supporting these great vendors and the FFA chapter. A special “thank you” goes out to Bill Didier of Versailles Table Rental Services for allowing the chapter to use his picnic tables.

Fox Run Senior Apartments 1230 Adrien Avenue Greenville, OH 937-316-8025 2 & 3 Bedrooms for Seniors 55 and Over This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer OH-70207386

VERSAILLES — On Saturday, Sept. 26, the Versailles FFA hosted a Harvest Fall Sale and Farmers Market in tents near the auditorium area at Versailles Schools. Many thanks to the following vendors who participated in the sale: FFA members Phillip and Lauren Grogean, who sold honey and creamed honey; Noah, Levi and Delaney Barga, who sold goat soap, fudge and ice cream; Mallory York, who sold mums; Kobe Epperly, who sold frozen broiler meat; Trey Huber, who sold eggs;

Village of New Madison Trash and Recycling Bids The Village of New Madison is soliciting bids for curbside trash and recycling service from February 1, 2021 through January 31, 2024. Sealed bids marked as "Curbside Trash and Recycling Service" shall be submitted to the Village by mail at: Village of New Madison, PO Box 15, New Madison, OH 45346. Bid specifications may be obtained by contacting the Village office between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, at 937-996-0298 ext. 2. All bids must be received on or before Monday, November 16, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. The bid opening will take place at the regular council meeting on Monday, November 16, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. Bidders need not be present at bid opening. A copy of the bidder's current Liability Insurance Certificate, as well as a copy of the bidder's current Workers' Compensation Insurance coverage shall be submitted with each bid. The Village reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to waive any irregularities in the bidding process.


ANTIQUE STORE CLOSE OUT AUCTION Cratiques Antiques and Collectibles is closing its doors. Join us for a fun, merchandise moving auction!

Sunday, October 18, 1:00 p.m. 144 W. 4th Street, Greenville The auction is in the parking lot behind the building. We are selling the remaining contents of the store, including glass ware, porcelain, china, cast iron, memorabilia, crockery, furniture, vintage clothing, local advertising (Including Petersime Incubator Company, Gettysburg, OH). Also up for bids will be a complete Kingsley Hot Foil Stamp Machine, with 14 boxes of type, accessories, and foil. We are also selling the display cases including revolving cases, shelves, and so forth. Terms of the auction are cash or check only. We will collect Ohio state sales tax. Heavy Smokers BBQ will provide food.

Bradford, OH 45308


Staff report


Howerton family thanks community, provides update By Carol Marsh


Course scheduled for Oct. 25 in Greenville By Nathaniel Kubik DarkeCountyMedia.com

she struggles to talk, eat, drink and comprehend normal things around the house as her delirium and hallucinations sometimes dominate her sense of reality. But, as the cancer progresses, and as she struggles each and every day, so do our finances.” “As I have told my story many times over the last six months, I’m absolutely amazed with the overwhelming support we’ve received. I’ve tried my best to inform our family and friends on her current condition and hospital trips, I decided to use social media for updates. From the ‘TheresaStrong’Facebook page, the ‘Theresa Howerton’ Go Fund Me page, and the numerous donations from in and around the community, some given anonymously, the response has been overwhelming.” “I want to thank each

and every one of you that has either donated something or just kept us in your prayers. My faith in humanity has been restored due to the outpouring of support and generosity from the community. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers, and once again — thank you for your continued support!” Howerton concluded. Ed will be sponsoring a garage sale to benefit Theresa and the family on Oct. 16 and 17, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at 108 Westview Street, Arcanum. For more information, visit the TheresaStrong Facebook page at www. facebook.com/Theresastrong-107422587677190/ Carol Marsh covers community interest stories and handles obituaries for Darke County Media. She can be contacted by email at cmarsh@aimmediamidwest.com or by phone at 937-569-4314.

DIRECTIONS: From Downtown Greenville take 571 west Approx. 2 Miles from Coletown. (Watch for signs) Auctioneers Note:Food available from Shives Concessions. Online bidding (NOT) available for this auction.Auction held inside the house, barns and outside;We will be following the Covid 19 regulations, so please wear a mask and stay 6ft away from other customers. Go to www.edwardsauctions.com for more pictures.

BOBCAT XRT 61” 24H.P. ZTR MOWER-HONDA TRIAL WAGON 4X4, 390 CC BY BRISTER’SW/ELECTRIC WENCH -UTILITY CARGO TRAILER-SHOP TOOLS- HAND TOOLS-ANTIQUE FURNITURE- APPLIANCES– FURNITURE - ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLESHAY WAGON MADE FOR HAY RIDES ANTIQUE FURNITURE- 6 Section Stacking Bookcase; 4 Section Stacking Bookcase by Macy; Eastlake Parlor Table; Oak Settee; Drop Leaf Oak Table; Corner Curio Cabinet; Cedar Chest; Sev. Antique Chairs; Rocking Chair; Sm. Child’s Rush Back Chair; 4 Drawer Dresser; Oak Kitchen Cabinet (Nice); Wood Cabinet;Sev. Wood Trunks; Army Trunk;School Desks;Rolling Pin Style Foot Stool; Stained Glass Lamp W/ Cast Iron Base; Pitcher Pump Lamp;Gone with The Wind Style Lamp; Oil Lamps; The Earth Stove 710; Sev. Antique Furniture Pieces that need refinished; Wood Folding Card Table;COLLECTIBLES- Cast Iron Horse & Wagon; Sev. Wood & Paper Mache Ducks & Crows; East Wing Hammer; Silver Plated Tea Pot & Serv. Tray; Stoneware; Wood Coffee Grinder; Copper Basket;Crocks; Ironstone Pitcher & Bowl; Stanley Block & Rabbit Planes; Oil Lanterns; Cast Iron Kettles; Wood Tool Box; Cameras; Sellers Type Spice Jars; Lg. Porcelain Wash Pan;Galv. Buckets; Milk Can; Vintage Tricycle;Books; Comic Books; Fossils &Primitive Stones Local Area;FURNITURE/HOUSE HOLD/APPLIANCES/ MISC.- LG Side BySide Refrigerator W/ Water & Bottom Freezer; Whirlpool Upright Freezer; Small Chest Freezer; 30” Frigidaire Range;30” Electric Range; Frigidaire Harvest Gold Refrigerator;Frigidaire Affinity Washer & Dryer W/Stands;Hot Point Washer & Dryer; Maple Full Size Bedroom SuiteBed, Chest of Drawers, Dresser, & Night Stand; 7 Drawer Chest;Lg. Oak Entertainment Center/Bookcase; Oak Quilt Rack; Wood Hamper; Sev. Filing Cabinets; Large Combination Safe; Red Plaid Love Seat & Matching Chair & Ottoman; Sofa Table; Desk & Chair; Table Top Showcase;Bose Radio; Kirby Sweeper; Sears Sewing Machine W/Cabinet; Infrared Zone Small Heater; Pyrex Dinnerware; SS Pots & Pans; Small Kitchen Appliances; Pressure Cooker; Keurig Coffee Maker; Older Kitchen Aid Mixer; Electric Skillet;Gun Cases; Hunting Items; Knives;Anniversary Clock; Lg. Tubs; Whitex 1DX Pro Medal Detector; Invalid Items-Approx. 40’ Wheel Chair Ramp; Reece Hitch Power Mobility Lift; Extra Wide Wheel Chair; Bath Chair;2- Invalid Scooters non-working;GARAGE/LAWN & GARDEN ITEMS- Huskee 22 Ton Log Splitter; 6 ¾ HP. B &S Engine; ATV Snow Plow Attachment Cycle Country; Roto Hoe Rear Tine Tiller; Snapper S.P. Mower;Swisher Walk Behind Grass Trimmer; Walk Behind 25 Gallon Country Line Broadcast Spreader;Yard Machine 18.5 H.P. Riding Mower no deck, not running; Small Toro Snow Blower; Lawn Roller; High Wheel Cultivator; C-3HP.20 Ga.Air Compressor; Small Chipper Shredder; Long Hdl. Garden Tools;Halogen Work Light on stand; Tools-Like New DeWalt 18 V. Drill Set; DeWalt 12” Chop Saw on Stand; Craftsman Router; Hand Tools; Drills, Saw Horses; Chain Saw;Stihl- Pole Saw,Weed Eater; Misc. Wrenches; Hdw: Tap & Die; Fishing Poles & Tackle; Wheel Barrel; Misc. Lumber; Gas Cans;Sev. Tool Boxes; Chicken Wire; OSB Boards; Paint Ladder; Sev. Trash Cans; Small Wood Burning Laundry Stove; Firewood; Scrap Lumber; Picnic Tables; Extra Wide Lawn Chair; Coolers; Canning Jars; 8 Metal Garage Shelves; And Much More. Owner: Glenn Robert Welch Estate, Robert A. & Michael L. Welch Co Executors, Attorney Randall E. Breaden LLC, Darke County Case # 20-1-057

Terms -Cash or local checks w/proper ID. Visa & Master Card Accepted w/3% Auctioneers licensed in Ohio.

enon, and include the latest trends, research, motivations, and case studies of active shooter events. For a more hands-on approach, students will be trained on Tactical Medicine, a U.S. Military developed, battlefield proven, trauma care system that helps bridge the gap between when a traumatic injury occurs, and the time it takes to get treatment by a medical professional. When asked about the nature of his company, Pohl confirmed that his primary goal is to help people learn to protect themselves, and their family and friends. “The convergence of civil unrest and reduced police capacity has created an environment where community members feel more vulnerable now than ever.” said Pohl. “Our SURVIVE training program helps fill that void by teaching the community how to prevent and survive traumatic injuries, whether from violent encounters, car and farm

To contact the writer, Nathaniel Kubik, email nkubik@aimmediamidwest.com or call 937-569-0066.



Sat. – October 19, 2019 at 9:00 AM

CBC in critical need of blood 201 N Main St. – Arcanum, OH 45304

Tools – Antiques – Household Goods - Collectables Staff report John Deere 110 garden tractor in with bagger and blade Full size slate blood- drives. Scheduling currently high demand pool — table & accessories - Approx. 200 pandempcs. stained glass w/ Taurus appointments throughout and the COVID-19 DAYTON Community water cutter, buffers, grinders, patterns, & more ic continues to hinder CBC the week will help CBC Blood Center is in critical Tools: Lg. selection of hand, power, and maintain adequate staffing need of blood types A posi- blood collection. & garden tools; Bench grinder; and reduce waiting. To encourage donations tive andmechanics O positivetools after a tool boxes; (4) Donors are required to and help avert a blood spike inWilton bloodscroll usagesaw; over(2) Kennedy Metal for machinists Craftsman arm provide a photo ID that shortage, CBC will give the weekend the treat-benches; Air America compressor; includes their full name. a $10 Kroger giftFloor card to ment ofsaw; gunshot wounds 220 air jacks; Lincoln AC-225 Arc welder; Craftsman Past CBC donors are also everyone who registers and trauma. box; Battery charger; Work asked to bring their CBC to donate Tuesday, Oct. Area double hospitalstack usedtool nearly mates; Power craft sander; Troy Built 2600 Psi donor ID card. Donors 6 through Saturday, Oct. 400 red cell units Friday pressure washer; Engine stand; Gas cans; must be at least 17 years through Saturday, including 10 at the Dayton CBC Work bench sander; Metal shelving; Galaxy of age (16 years old with nearly 200 type O positive Donation Center, 349 500 Ford engine parts; Wellcraft boat engine; parental consent: form and A positive units. A sin- South Main Street, DayScott Atwater boat motor; Lg. lawn roller; available at www.givington. Donors must make gle trauma case at Miami Lawn sweeper; Brooms, rakes, & shovels; blood.org or at CBC branch an appointment at www. Valley Hospital required 43 Hedge trimmers; Weed eater; Antq: “Birds and blood drive locations), DonorTime.com or by callred cellEye” units3and 42 plasma pc. maple bedroom suite; Oak ornate weigh a minimum of 110 ing 937-461-3220. Donors and platelet units. dining room table w/leaves; (6) pressed pounds (you may have to can help CBC protect Nearly 75 percent of the back plank chairs; Parlor table; Oak chest of weigh more, depending against COVID-19 by wearpopulation is either blood drawers; Childs desk & chair; Koo-Koo clock on your height), and be in ing a face mask and maintype A (Germany); positive or OLicense posi- plates; Barn lanterns; good physical health. taining social distancing at tive. These blood types are Wood machinists bench; Milk bottles & jugs; Sad iron; High chair; Victorian framed print; AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTIONOak AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION Victorian marble top dresser; dresser; Buffett; Clothes dryer; Carnival & Depression glass; Bowl, pitcher, & stand; Blue China; HHG: Electrical household items; Frigidaire SxS refrigerator; Frigidaire chest freezer (4 yrs. old); Washer & dryer set; Queen mattress & pivot box; Bar chairs; Wood & metal beds; Hall tree; Gun racks; LR furniture; Oak TV Bidbench; Now!!Roll Online bidding stand; Bucket top desk (new); has begun via www.Proxibid.com will continue until Shadow box; Pair glass lamps; and Bedroom table lamps; Thursday Blonde 3 pc. Bedroom suite; – October 15th at 5:00 pm. Figurines; Clown ornaments; Cookware & **Preview items October 10th bakeware; Pitching horseon Saturday shoes; – Mens & from 10 am to 5pm. womens bicycles; Located Shot gun at: 109shell N Westreloader; St – Greenville, OH 45331 Antique Furniture – 10 Gal Crocks – and Wood Whiskey Fishing equip.; Kerosene lamps; many Barrels – Floor model radio – - Beverage Bottles – Train Set –This Vintage Toys, Games, & Children’s more itemsCedar notChest listed. Auctioneers Note: Books – Cowboy Pistols - (2) Women’s Vintage Bikes - Vintage Cameras & is a large Accessories auction with many additional items not listed. The auction will be - Brass Cornet in case – Kerosene Lamps – RR Lanterns – Cast held underIroncover then60’s following with household Skillet starting – Arcanum with & Westtools Manchester & 70’s Year Books - Anniversary items and antiques. will be applied to all purchases. Clock – Jewelry –Terms: GlasswareA– 10% Pottery Buyer’s – Flatware Premium - Sewing & Crafting Supplies - Appliances – Smart Tv w/ Rokupayment - and many is more itemscheck not listed!w/ ID, and credit card w/ 3% fee. Accepted cash, Please visitregister www.midwest-auctioneers.com information and Terms : You must to bid at www.Proxibid.com, upon registeringfor you more are accepting all pictures. terms of the auction. A 15% Buyer’s Premium will be applied to all purchases. There will be

t Only Auction e n r e t In

The Hogg Family Trust

NO SHIPPING from this auction!! Pick up times will be Fri., Oct. 16 and Sat., Oct. 17, from 9am to 5pm. Please visit our website www.midwest-auctioneers.com complete information, terms, pictures, and listing. Carrie Schmidt,forAtty. Jerrilyn McFarland, Trustee

Warren & Joyce Buske, Owners

220 E. 4th St., Greenville, OH • 937-548-2640 • www.midwest-auctioneers.com



email: Rich@edwardsauctions.com

Provided photo

The Pohl Group will be hosting a SURVIVE Tactical Medicine training program Oct. 25 in Greenville.

accidents, or accidents at home. We have been teaching SURVIVE for several years now and the feedback has been tremendous. Taking charge of your own personal safety is something that is more important now than ever as emergency services face reduced staff and a reduced ability to respond. We help people protect themselves, their property, family and friends.” With the rising threat of active shooter events in our communities, training citizens on how to prevent, mitigate, and respond to attacks has never been more important. The course being offered, and other courses hosted by The Pohl Group, are an excellent opportunity to learn how to protect, and administer aid to, yourself, your family, and your friends in the event of a serious injury or active shooter incident. To register for the event, visit www.ThePohlGroup.com/Media or www.paypal.me/ThePohlGroup. The training course and high value trauma kit will cost $229, and there is a cheaper, tourniquet only option that costs $99. For more information about The Pohl Group, visit www. ThePohlGroup.com or call 937-901-1244.


937-547-3202 CELL # 937-423-2656


Ed and Theresa Howerton.

DARKE COUNTY — The Pohl Group, LLC. will be hosting SURVIVE Tactical Medicine training program on Sunday, Oct. 25, from 1 to 4:30 p.m at the Baymont Inn Hotel, 851 Martin Street in Greenville. The Pohl Group, founded by retired Department of Defense and FBI Task Force Special Agent, Mark Pohl, specializes in active shooter response and tactical medicine training. Pohl is a DHS certified instructor in both disciplines and has previously trained government workers, schools, and police in his area of expertise. SURVIVE was developed by The Pohl Group to enhance community safety capabilities to respond to traumatic injury and mass casualty events such as active shooter incidents, tornadoes, floods, storms, car accidents, and farm and industrial accidents. The program was designed to be accessible for teachers, law enforcement, EMS, firearms carriers, hunters, farmers, and church and industrial safety teams. The course will provide information about the active shooter phenom-


Provided photo



Pohl Group to host tactical medicine training


ARCANUM — At the end of July 2020, Ed and Theresa Howerton were featured in a Daily Advocate story about their family’s day-to day struggle following Theresa’s diagnosis of inoperable Glioblastoma Grade 4 brain cancer. Ed Howerton recently provided an update on Theresa’s condition, and extended his thanks for the continued prayers and generosity of the Darke County community: “Anybody that has be following the story about my wife, Theresa, knows that our lives changed forever on the afternoon of April 16. That’s when she collapsed in front of our house and rushed to the hospital, only to discover that she had a deadly disease and did not know it. A terminal, inoperable brain cancer called Glioblastoma Grade 4, which debilitates a person from day one, with no cure.” “That’s why I had to step away from my job as an over the road truck driver to care for my wife instead of someone else doing my job. I feel that I should take my vows towards my wife seriously. I care for her as I know she would do the same for me,” he said. “This cancer has no timeline. It has a mind of its own. As of today,

Greenville Early Bird


4B Sunday, October 11, 2020


Greenville Early Bird

Shrine to host ‘Sipping with the Saints’

Staff report

GREENVILLE — Carol Ginn, Darke County Auditor, is pleased to announce that real estate property owners may claim a reduction in the taxable value of their real estate property for buildings that have been destroyed, torn down, or damaged, regardless of the time of year the destruction or damage occurred.

chased after this date will be $40 per person. Tickets are available online at mariasteinshrine.org under “Event Calendar.” The Maria Stein Shrine is located at 2291 St. John’s Road in Maria Stein. For more event information, visit www. mariasteinshrine.org

Enacted legislation by the State of Ohio enables real estate property owners to claim the reduction at any time regardless of the cause of the damage (fire, wind, etc. or torn down). The amount of reduction would be prorated on the basis of the calendar quarter in which the damage occurs. Property owners must file the Form-DTE 26 with the county auditor for

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937-547-3202 CELL # 937-423-2656



Darke County Auditor’s office, in the Courthouse, at 937- 547-7316 or 937547-7317, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except holidays; or you may print the required Form-DTE 26 from the county auditor’s website at www.darkecountyrealestate.org. Complete this form and return it to the Darke County Auditor’s Office.

Jeff Slyder


Crankshaft Grinding Block Boring Aluminum Welding Flywheel Grinding Connecting Rod Service Pressure Testing Cylinder Head Service Engine Parts

the reduction. Real estate property destroyed or damaged during the first 3 quarters (January through September) must be filed by Dec. 31 of the year of the damage. Real Estate property destroyed or damaged in the last quarter (October through December) must be filed by Jan. 31 of the following year. For additional information, please contact the



MARIA STEIN — On November 1, All Saints Day, the Maria Stein Shrine will host “Sipping with the Saints” at Bella’s Italian Grille in Celina. This special event will include a four-course dinner and drinks that pertain to the life of a saint. The first course is inspired by St. Helen and will include a Saint Croix Cooler (rum based) and salad. The second course is inspired by Saint Pius X and will include an Old Fashioned (bourbon based) and pasta. The third course, inspired by Saint Boniface, will include a Lumberjack (vodka based) and the main course, a center-cut pork topped with a brandy apple compote served on herb mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables. The final course, inspired by Saint John the Apostle, will include a White Flame (gin based) and orange sorbet dessert. During each course, Matthew Hess, Director of Ministry at the Maria Stein Shrine, will speak on the life of the saint and how the course relates to their life and teachings. The cost is $35 per person if tickets are purchased before October 12, 2020. Tickets pur-

Property owners may claim reduction


Staff report

Sunday, October 11, 2020 5B

(937) 459-7686

Outstanding Vehicles - Lower Prices TRUCKS, VANS&&SUV’S SUV’S ...................................WAS WAS TRUCKS, VANS



2019BUICK TOYOTA RAV 4 XLE 2.5L 4 cyl.,loaded, sunroof, power, super nice, silver, 26,648 miles ......... $26,995.........$25,500 2020 ENCLAVE AWD,AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, likeallnew, white, 19,340 miles ...................................$39,995 $38,900 2019TOYOTA DODGERAV GRAND GT, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 42,532 miles ..... $20,995.........$19,500 2019 4 XLECARAVAN AWD 2.5L4cyl.,sunroof,all power,super nice,silver,26,648miles ..................$26,995 $25,500 2019CHEVY GMC ACADIA SLTRSFWD, leather, power,allvery nice,like gray,new, 15,970 miles ............................$31,995 $30,500 2019 EQUINOX FWD,3.6L 2.0LV6, 4 cyl., oneallowner, power, black, 31,569 miles .......$22,995 .........$21,900 2019 GMC ACADIA SLT AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, white, 30,212 miles .................... $32,995.........$31,500 2019 CHEVY TRAVERSE HIGH COUNTRY AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, one owner, 2019 CHEVY 1/2 TON SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, like new, maroon, miles ...........................................................................................................$43,995 $42,500 super nice, 21,793 white, 40,171 miles...................................................................................................... $43,995.........$42,500 2019CHEVY CHEVYTRAVERSE EQUINOX HIGH RS AWD, 2.0L 4AWD cyl., 3.6L one owner, all power, like one new,owner, silver, like 3,623 miles ........ $31,995.........$30,900 2019 COUNTRY V6, sunroof, leather, new, 2018 red, NISSAN ROGUE SL 2WD 2.5L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, nice, silver, 46,284 miles ......................... $19,995.........$18,500 cajun 21,793 miles .......................................................................................................................$43,995 $42,500 2018 GMC 1/2 TON SIERRA SLT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U. 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp 2018 GMC ACADIA SLE FWD, 2.5L 4cyl., one owner, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 26,811 miles ..........$23,995 $22,900 white, 54,852 miles ........................................................................................................................ $40,995.........$39,500 2018 LTLT 4X4,5.3LV8,leather,all $44,500 2018CHEVY CHEVYTAHOE TAHOE 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather,power,like all power,new,blue,45,670miles like new, blue, 45,670 ................................$45,995 miles......................... $45,995.........$44,500 2018 TRAX LT AWD, 1.4L one 2.5L owner, all power, new,sunroof, silver, 12,716 $17,900 2017CHEVY SUBARU FORRESTER, 2.54 Icyl., Touring 4 cyl., AWD, like leather, loaded,miles...............$18,995 white, 91,427 miles 2018 CHEVY EQUINOX LT ........................................................................................................................ FWD, 1.5L 4 cyl., one owner, all power, super nice, cajun red, 42,891 miles $19,995.........$18,900 2017 GMC ACADIA DENALI AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 43,706 miles...$32,995 ......... $31,500 ............................................................................................................................................................ $19,900 2017 INFINITY QX30 HATCHBACK, 2.0L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 51,137 miles .... $20,995 $20,995.........$19,500 2018 PREMIER FWD, 4cyl.,leather, leather,loaded, one owner, like new, silver, 2017CHEVY BUICKEQUINOX ENCLAVE FWD, 3.6L V6,1.5L sunroof, exc. loaded, cond., silver, 22,443 miles ........ $30,995.........$29,500 2017 CHEVY ¾ TON CREW CAB LTZ, 4X4 P.U., 6.6L Duramax Diesel, one owner, 19,373 miles .......................................................................................................................................$22,995 $21,900 leather, loaded, like new, silver, 22,658 miles ................................................................................ $57,995.........$56,900 2017 SUBARU FORESTER AWD, 2.5L 4cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, white, 97,370 miles .$18,995 $17,900 2017 CHEVY EQUINOX PREMIER FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, leather, loaded, super nice, 2017 INFINITY QX30miles HATCHBACK, 2.0L4cyl.,leather,loaded,exc. cond.,maroon,51,137miles .............$20,995 $19,500 white, 43,234 ........................................................................................................................ $22,995.........$21,900 2017 PREMIER FWD, 4cyl.,loaded, one owner, leather,black, loaded, supermiles nice,..................... white, 2017CHEVY CHEVYEQUINOX TAHOE LT 4WD, 5.3L V8,2.4L leather, exc. cond., 56,673 $39,995.........$38,500 2016 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, Z71, all power, super nice, 43,234 miles .......................................................................................................................................$22,995 $21,900 maroon, 25,984 $30,995.........$29,900 2017 CHEVY TAHOE LTmiles 4x4, .................................................................................................................... 5.3L V8, one owner, leather, sunroof, all power, super nice, black, 2016 BUICK ENCORE FWD, 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, all power, exc. cond., 82,556maroon, miles .......................................................................................................................................$36,995 $35,500 19,298 miles .................................................................................................................... $19,995.........$18,500 2017 PREMIER AWD leather, one V6, owner, power, super 2016CHEVY CHEVYTRAVERSE ½ TON SILVERADO REG.3.6L CABV6, 4X4 P.U. 4.3L wellall equipped, supernice, nicepearl white, 30,326 miles ........................................................................................................................... $22,995.........$21,500 60,797red, miles .......................................................................................................................................$27,995 $26,900 2016CHEVY CHEVYTRAX EQUINOX LT 1.4L FWD.,4 cyl., 2.4L,one 4 cyl., one well owner, all power, verynice, nice,black, silver, 43,460 miles .... $17,995.........$16,900 2017 LT FWD, owner, equipped, super 2016 TOYOTA RAV 4 LIMITED, AWD, 2.8L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, all options, one owner, 19,821 miles .......................................................................................................................................$17,995 $16,500 sharp, black, 39,072 miles ............................................................................................................. $26,995.........$25,500 2017 CREW CAB2.4L LT 4WD 3.6L loaded, V6, one one owner, loaded, 2016CHEVY CHEVYCOLORADO EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 4 cyl.,P.U., leather, owner, exc.sharp, cond.,red, 27,885maroon, miles .......................................................................................................................................$28,995 $27,900 50,539 miles .................................................................................................................... $20,995.........$19,500 2015TOYOTA CHEVY TACOMA ½ TON SILVERADO CABV6, 4X4 5.3Lall V8,power, all power, nice, 2017 CREW CAB LT 4X4CREW P.U., 3.5L oneP.U., owner, supervery nice, silver, miles....................................................................................................................... $23,995.........$22,500 25,871silver, miles106,258 .......................................................................................................................................$29,995 $28,900 2015 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., black, 47,116 miles .............................$17,995 .........$16,900 2016 CHEVY 1/2 TON SILVERADO P.U., 4.3L V6, auto, air, super nice, 2015 SUBARU FORESTER AWD, REG. 2.5L 4CAB cyl.,4WD one owner, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc.red, cond., 33,730white, miles 109,695 .......................................................................................................................................$24, 995 .........$15,500 $23,900 miles ..........................................................................................................................$16,995 2016 LTZ FWD, 2.4L cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond.,loaded, 2015CHEVY CHEVYEQUINOX ½ TON SILVERADO LT 4CREW CAB 4X4 P.U.,one 5.3Lowner, V8, one owner, cond.,miles white,........................................................................................................................$20,995 82,450 miles ...................................................................................................... $27,995.........$26,900 maroon,exc. 50,539 $19,500 2014 CHEVY ¾ TON SILVERADO CREW CAB 2WD P.U., 6.0L V8, well equipped, very nice, 2016 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ AWD, 2.4L 4cyl., leather, loaded, super nice, maroon, 50,698 miles ..........$18,995 $17,500 silver, 74,026 miles......................................................................................................................... $22,995.........$21,500 2016 TAHOE 4WD,SLE 5.3l EXT. V8, one owner, allV8, power, cond., 2014CHEVY GMC 1/2 TON LTZ SIERRA CAB 4X4 leather, P.U., 5.3L one exc. owner, Z71,maroon, loaded, 96,957super milesnice, .......................................................................................................................................$33,995 $32,900 maroon, 47,997 miles .................................................................................................. $27,995.........$26,900 2014CHEVY CHEVYEQUINOX EQUINOX FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., 2015 LTLT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., oneleather, owner,loaded, loaded,exc. exc.cond., cond.,black, white,45,015 miles............. $16,995.........$15,500 2014 GMC ½ TON SIERRA SLT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, red, 70,859 miles .... $30,995.........$29,900 $14,500 71,767 miles .......................................................................................................................................... $15,995 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, one owner, loaded, super nice, 2015 CHEVY SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 2WD P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., $20,995.........$19,500 crystal 1/2 red,TON 53,627 miles ................................................................................................................ red, miles ................................................................................................................................$28,995 $27,500 201430,033 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 73,764 miles ..$17,995 .........$16,900 2014SUBARU CHEVY EQUINOX FWD, 4 cyl., cond., crystalexc. red,cond., 73,013 miles .. $18,995.........$17,900 2015 FORESTERLTZ AWD, 2.5L2.4L 4 cyl., oneleather, owner, loaded, leather, exc. sunroof, loaded, 2014 CHEVY LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, sunroof, loaded, super nice, white, 109,695EQUINOX miles ..........................................................................................................................$16,995 $15,500 white, 84,441 miles ........................................................................................................................ $14,995.........$13,500 2015 FORD F150 LARIAT CREW3.6L CAB,V6, 4X4 P.U. 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, 2013 BUICK ENCLAVE FWD, leather, loaded, exc. cond., goldmist 78,178 miles .................. $17,995.........$16,900 blue, miles ...............................................................................................................................$32,995 $31,500 201273,702 TOYOTA SIENNA LE VAN, 3.5L V6, one owner, all power, Teal Green, 134,224 miles ....................$11,995 .........$10,900 2011CHEVY CHEVYEQUINOX 1 TON SILVERADO LS CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 6.0L, gas, one red,73,013miles owner, well equipped, 2014 LTZ FWD, 2.4L4cyl.,leather,loaded,exc. cond.,crystal ...........$18,995 $17,900 goodTERRAIN cond., silver, miles ................................................................................................... $15,995.........$14,900 2013 GMC SLE 195,621 FWD, 2.4L 4cyl., well equipped, exc. cond., black, 108,791 miles ................$9,995 $8,900 2011 NISSAN QUEST LE VAN, 3.5L V6, one owner, sunroof, leather, loaded, very nice, 2013 CHEVY SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, good cond., dark cherry, 162,985 miles ............................................................................................................... $9,995...........$8,500 white, 254,711AVALANCHE miles ...........................................................................................................................$11,995 $10,900 2011 CHEVY LTZ 4WD, 5.3L V8, one owner, leather, loaded, very nice, 2013 CHEVY TRAVERSE LTZ FWD, V6, leather, loaded, super nice, white, 108,280 miles ............$13,995 $12,900 diamond white, 244,251 miles3.6L ....................................................................................................... $15,995.........$14,900 2010CHEVY GMC ACADIA FWD, 3.6L leather, loaded, very nice, 166,460 $10,995...........$9,500 2012 1/2 TONSLT SILVERADO LTZV6, EXT. CAB 2WD P.U., 5.3L V8,maroon, leather, all power,miles exc.................. cond., 200871,148 HONDA ODYSSEY VAN, 3.5L V6, leather, loaded, good cond., silver, 235,438 miles........................$6,995 ...........$5,900 red, miles ................................................................................................................................$19,995 $18,500 2007 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LX VAN, 3.3L V6, well equipped, good cond., 2012 CHEVY 1/2 TON SILVERADO LTZ CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., silver, 165,841 miles......................................................................................................................... $4,995...........$3,500 gray, .............................................................................................................................$14,995 $13,500 2007167,050 CHEVY miles TAHOE LT 4x4, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, very nice, maroon, 206,573 miles ..................... $9,995...........$8,900 2007GMC GMCTERRAIN YUKON XL 4X4, leather,exc. sunroof, nice, gray, 218,764 miles ............... $9,995...........$8,500 2011 SLESLT FWD, 3.0l5.3L v6,V8, all power, cond.,loaded, silver 72,841 miles ...............................$11,995 $10,500

Troutwine Chevrolet

TRUCKS, VANS&&SUV’S SUV’S ...................................WAS WAS TRUCKS, VANS


2007 ½ TON SLT SILVERADO LT4cyl., CREW CAB loaded, 2WD, P.U., V8,maroon, all power, good condition, 2011 CHEVY GMC TERRAIN FWD, 2.4L leather, exc.5.3L cond., 154,727 miles ...........$8,995 $7,500 black, 199,709 miles ...................................................................................................................... $10,995...........$9,900 2010 HONDA PILOT TOURING AWD, 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, dvd system, very nice, gray, 2007 CHEVY LT 4X4, 5.3L V8, loaded, super nice, maroon, 109,737 miles .................................$13,995 .........$12,500 148,236 milesTAHOE .....................................................................................................................................$12,995 $11,500 2006 CHEVY ¾ TON SILVERADO EXT. CAB LT 4X4 P.U., 6.6L Diesel, all power, good cond., 2010 CHEVY 1/2 TONmiles SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, all power, exc. cond., silver, beige, 235,359 ...................................................................................................................... $14,995.........$13,900 2006 GMC ENVOY XL DENALI 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, gray, 199,889 miles....$8,995 ...........$7,500 231,478 miles .....................................................................................................................................$10,995 $9,900 2006 TOWN COUNTRY VAN, V6, well equipped, goodmaroon, cond., blue, 227,123 miles....$3,995 2009 CHRYSLER BUICK ENCLAVE CX&FWD, 3.6L V6, one3.3L owner, loaded, very nice, 83,703 miles .......... $9,995 ...........$2,900 $8,900 2006 CHEVY COLORADO Z71 4X4 CREW CAB, 3.5L 5 cyl., all power, good cond., white, 228,586 miles .$8,995 ...........$7,900 $6,900 2009 FORD FLEX SEL AWD, 3.5L V6, leather, one owner, loaded, nice, brown, 182,704miles ..............$7,995 2006 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, 2.4L 4 cyl., well equipped, very nice, blue , 199,574 miles ............ $13,995 $6,995 .........$12,500 $5,500 2008 TOYOTA SCIONmiles XB WAGON,, black, 102,187 ...................................................................................................................... 2008 NISSAN HONDA ODYSSEY cond.,silver, 235,438miles $5,900 2005 MURANOVAN,3.5LV6,leather,loaded,good SL AWD, 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, silver,..........................$6,995 278,727 miles ... $5,995...........$4,900 2007 CADILLAC GMC YUKONSRX XL SLT 4X4,5.3LV8,leather,sunroof,loaded,nice,gray, 218,764miles ......................$9,995 $5,900 2005 AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., diamond1/2 white, milesLT....................................................................................................... $10,995...........$9,500 2007 CHEVY TON154,592 SUBURBAN 2WD, 5.3L V8, loaded, super nice, gray, 223,587 miles .............$8,995 $7,500 2004 TRAILBLAZER LS EXT. 2WD,CAB 4.2LLT6 4X4 cyl., P.U., all power, very nice, maroon,good 220,295 2006 CHEVY CHEVY ¾ TON SILVERADO 6.6L Diesel, all power, cond.,miles ........... $5,995...........$4,900 2004 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 105,466 miles ...................... $7,995...........$6,900 beige,CHEVY 235,359TRAILBLAZER miles ...........................................................................................................................$14,995 $13,900 2004 LS 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., all power, exc. cond., blue, 148,224 miles ............. $6,995...........$5,900 2006 CHEVY CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY VAN,3.3LV6,well equipped,good 227,123 miles ......$3,995 $2,900 2004 ½ TON SILVERADO CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, onecond., owner,blue, loaded, fair condition, 342,618LTmiles .................................................................................................. $8,995...........$7,900 2006 CHEVY ½ TONblack, SILVERADO CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, 2002 CHEVY 1 TON EXPRESS CARGO VAN, 5.7L, V8, well equipped, good cond., black, 102,187 miles ...........................................................................................................................$13,995 $12,500 blue, 252,939 miles .......................................................................................................................... $3,995...........$2,900 2005 DODGE CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather,3.3L sunroof, loaded,fair exc.cond., cond.,silver, 191,288 miles ................ $2,995...........$1,900 2002 GRAND CARAVAN SPORT, V6, loaded, 2002 CHEVY ½ 154,592 TON SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L, V8, leather, loaded, good cond,. red, 231,470 miles . $7,995...........$4,900 diamond white, miles .............................................................................................................$10,995 $9,500 2002 TRAILBLAZERLSLTZ 4X4, 4.2L, 6 cyl., sunroof,very loaded, nice, 4.2L 6 cyl.,leather, well equipped, nice,very silver, 206,289 miles ...... $4,995 $3,500 2005 CHEVY CHEVY TRAILBLAZER EXT. 2WD, maroon, 215,294 miles .................................................................................................................... $6,995...........$5,900 2005 HONDA ODYSSEY VAN, 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, silver, 242,035 miles ..........$4,995 $3,500 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., 2004 CHEVY TRAIL BLAZER LS 4WD,4.2L,6cyl.,all power,exc. cond.,blue,148,224miles ....................$6,995 $5,900 beige, 182,686 miles ........................................................................................................................ $9,995...........$8,900 2001 SEQUOIA LIMITED 4WD, 4.7L leather, sunroof, black, 219,764 miles. $5,995 ...........$4,900 2002 TOYOTA CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., oneV8, owner, cloth seats, loaded, sharp, exc. cond., 2001 C6500 BOX TRUCK, 7.2L Caterpillar Diesel, well equipped, good cond., beige,GMC 182,686 miles ...........................................................................................................................$9,995 $8,900 white, 225,365 miles ........................................................................................................................ $9,995...........$8,900 2001 GMC C6500 BOX TRUCK, 7.2L Caterpillar Diesel, well equipped, good cond., 2000 DODGE DAKOTA SPORT EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.7L V8, loaded, very nice, white, 167,762 miles . $6,995...........$5,900 white,PONTIAC 225,365 miles ...........................................................................................................................$9,995 $8,900 1999 MONTANA VAN, cloth seats, all power, nice cond., green, 160,151 miles..................... $6,995...........$5,900 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats,all power,nice cond.,green, 160,151 miles.......................$6,995 $5,900

CHEVROLET 2019 CHEVY CAMARO CONVERTIBLE, 3.6L V6, all power, like new, white, 2,160 miles ................... $37,995.........$36,900 CHEVROLET

2018 IMPALAPREMIER PREMIER,4 4DOOR, dr., 3.6L silver, 32,832 40,784 miles miles ........ $20,995.........$19,900 2019 CHEVY CHEVY IMPALA 3.6LV6, V6,leather, leather,loaded, loaded,exc. likecond., new, black, ........$24,995 $23,500 2017 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., one owner, all power, super nice, maroon, 48,194 miles .... $15,995.........$14,900 2019 CHEVY CRUZE LT HATCHBACK, 1.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, like new, brown, 12,614 miles ..$19,995 $18,900 2016 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 1.5L 4 cyl., all power, one owner, exc. cond., maroon, 32,100 miles ... $17,995.........$16,500 2017 CHEVY CHEVY MALIBU 4 DOOR, 4 cyl., like new, gray, 2016 MALIBUPREMIER LT, 4 dr., 1.5L 4 cyl.,2.0L exc.turbo cond., blue,leather, 23,915loaded, mi. .............................................. $17,995.........$16,900 2013 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 51,875 mi. ..... $14,995 22,503 miles ....................................................................................................................................... $22,995.........$13,900 $21,900 2010 IMPALAPREMIER LT, 4 dr., 43.5L V6, 1.4L leather, sunroof, loaded, 118,206 ...... $11,995...........$9,900 2017 CHEVY CHEVY CRUZE DOOR, 4cyl., leather, loaded,exc. exc.cond., cond.,blue, white, 61,807miles miles ...$15,995 $14,500 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, well equipped, good cond., silver, 258,287 miles..................... $4,995...........$3,500 2017 CHEVY CRUZE LT 4 DOOR, 1.4L 4cyl., well equipped, very nice, maroon, 34,691 miles ..............$15,995 $14,900 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 167,922 miles ............... $10,995...........$9,500 2014 CHEVY CHEVY SPARK 4 DOOR, 1.2L2.2L 4 cyl., one5owner, nice, white, miles ....$8,995 $7,500 2007 COBALT RS, 2 dr., 4 cyl., speed,well wellequipped, equipped,very good cond., red,73,200 151,567 miles .. $3,995...........$2,900 1992 CHEVYSONIC CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE, V8,leather, leather,sunroof, loaded,6show car,very nice, black, 2013 CHEVY LTZ 4 DOOR, 1.4L turbo,5.7L 4 cyl., speed, maroon, miles .................................................................................................................... $15,995.........$14,900 159,132 miles 55,589 .....................................................................................................................................$5,995 $4,900 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4dr., 3.5LV6, leather, sunroof, loaded,exc. cond., blue,118,206miles .............$11,995 $9,900 2019 XTS LTZ FWD, 3.6L V6, loaded, super 46,641 miles ...................... $26,995.........$25,500 2010 CADILLAC CHEVY IMPALA 4 DOOR 3.9Lleather, V6, leather, sunroof, all sharp, power, black, exc. cond., silver, 150,678 miles ......$11,995 $10,500 2018 ALTIMALT, SL, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, very nice, gray, 44,950 miles .................. $16,995.........$15,500 2008 NISSAN CHEVY IMPALA 4dr.,3.9LV6,sunroof,loaded,very nice,maroon,167,922miles .........................$10,995 $9,500 2018 TOYOTA CAMRY SE, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, nice, silver, 41,226 miles........................ $20,995.........$19,500 1995 CADILLAC CHEVY CAMARO Z28 CONVERTIBLE, 5.7Lleather, V8, oneloaded, owner,like leather, power, like miles new,............... black, $30,995.........$29,900 2018 XTS AWD, 3.6L V6, sunroof, new, all silver, 42,759 397 actual miles ..................................................................................................................................$21,995 $20,900 2016 TOYOTA SCION IA, 4 dr., 1.5L 4 cyl., auto, all power, gray, 72,556 miles ...........................................$9,995 ...........$8,900 2016 dr., 3.6L5.7L V6, V8, leather, loaded,loaded, very nice, milesactual ....................... $21,995.........$20,900 1994 BUICK CHEVY LACROSSE, CAMARO Z284COUPE, one owner, likegold, new,17,321 white, 110 miles......$19,995 $18,900 2016 4 dr., 3.6L all power, nice,miles .........................$10,995 1992 BUICK CHEVY LACROSSE, CORVETTE COUPE, 5.7LV6, V8,leather, leather,sunroof, loaded, nice, black,super 120,494 $9,900 maroon, 25,788 miles .................................................................................................................... $24,995.........$23,500 2011 BUICK REGAL CXL, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc., cond., gray, 100,534 miles ............... $7,995...........$6,900 2010 4 dr., 2.5L 42.5L cyl., 4allcyl., power, nice, gray, 181,948 miles .............................. $5,995...........$4,500 2012 FORD NISSANFUSION ALTIMASE, 2.5S 4 DOOR, onevery owner, loaded, exc. cond., gray, 2008 MERCURY MILAN PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.0L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, 116,846 miles .....................................................................................................................................$8,995 $7,900 beige, 69,814 miles ........................................................................................................................ $10,995...........$9,500 2008 MERCURY MILAN PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.0L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, 2007 SATURN AURA XE, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, nice, silver, 221,458 miles ............................. $3,995...........$2,900 beige,BUICK 69,814 miles ..........................................................................................................................$10,995 $9,500 2002 CENTURY, 4 dr., 3.1L V6, well equipped, good cond., beige, unknown miles ..................... $2,995...........$1,900 1994 XJS CONVERTIBLE,4.0L6cyl., CONVERTIBLE, 4.0L 6 cyl., leather, loaded, show maroon, car, maroon, 52,066 miles ...... $17,995.........$16,500 1994 JAGUAR JAGUAR XJS leather, loaded, showcar, 52,066miles .............$17,995 $16,500



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6B Sunday, October 11, 2020

Greenville Early Bird

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Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, October 11, 2020 7B

Davidson introduces new bill on veterans’ benefits Staff report

DARKE COUNTY — Congressman Warren Davidson (R-Troy) recently introduced a bill in the U.S. House that, if passed, will protect survivor benefits for veteran families in relation to COVID-19. The Ensuring Survivors Benefits During COVID-19 Act requires the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) to obtain medical opinions when a veteran with a service-connected disability dies from COVID-19. This will ensure that

survivor benefits are not diminished when a service-connected disability was the principal or contributory cause of death. Additional due diligence from the VA shifts the burden from grieving families and streamlines casework to ensure that veterans and their families receive what they are owed. After introducing the bill, Davidson praised service members and urged congress to act quickly. “America must always provide every benefit promised to and earned

of the coronavirus by veterans.” pandemic. Veterstated Davidson. ans with long-term “Presently, cause medical challenges of death rulings shouldn’t have to threaten benefits worry that conveterans have tracting COVID earned. Congress 19 will endanger must act to ensure Davidson the benefits they that the VA accuearned while servrately deals with ing our country.” cause of death, while The Ohio Veterans accounting for serviceof Foreign Wars also related injuries in order showed their support for to properly care for all the bill. surviving family mem“Many servicebers.” connected conditions He continued, “I’m put veterans at a severe proud to introduce this risk from COVID-19,” bill to remedy a unique challenge facing families said Larry Moore, VFW Legislative Chairman, of veterans in the wake

“America must always provide every benefit promised to and earned by veterans.”

— Warren Davidson Congressman (R-Troy)

Department of Ohio. “The survivors of these veterans should not be burdened with administrative obstacles when they file for the benefits to which they are entitled. The VFW thanks Representative Davidson for introducing this important legislation,

which would require VA to secure a medical opinion to ascertain whether a service-connected disability contributed to the cause of death for veterans who die of COVID-19.” This bill has bicameral and bipartisan support, as it is the House companion to a similar bill introduced in the Senate, H.R. 8484, Ensuring Survivors Benefits during COVID-19 Act of 2020. Davidson is an origial cosponsor of the bill that was introduced in the House.

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Power Wheel Chair With New Batteries. $600 OBO. 937-996-6621 Up Right Walker For Sale. $200. Brand New 937-548-5023 Miscellaneous

2 NEW Life Smart infrared heaters with remote. $50 each 1 NEW Easy Heat infrared wood cabinet heater with remote. $75. 937-459-4885 NEW Franklin Electric Dart Board. $35.00 937-459-4885 Personal Electronics

5 year old home entertainment center in excellent condition $600 OBO. 937-459-5612 Want To Buy



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1351 Sugar Maple Dr, Greenville  Oct 15 & 16 9am-4pm fabric, flowers, sculpting clay tools, jewelry supplies, books, cross-stitch, etc, hand-made items, etc 138 Sherman St GVille Thu Oct 15 9am-4pm Fri Oct 16 9am-1pm Christmas decor, Primitive items, furniture, yard furniture, and more 4862 Doneva Dr, GR Oct 15 -16 9 - 4:30 Oct 17 9 - 1 Lots of Clothes, including baby girl to teen, Household, Christmas, Girl's toys, Outdoor Sofa & misc. 543 N Walnut St Union City, OH 5 Family Garage Sale Oct 15-16-17 9a-5p Wedding Dress, Hospital bed, Bass boat & trolling motor, Tools, Harley Clothes, Miss Jeans, Women's, Boy's, Girl's clothes, Glassware, etc. Something for everyone!

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Greenville: Fabulous Garage Sale!! 6745 St Rt 571 E, GR 6392 ST RT 571 E. October 15, 9am-5pm Oct. 15 & 16:9-5. Elliptical, household & Designer Women’s & old items Men’s tops: XL- 2XL $1.00 each. Boy & girl Ansonia: 3665 Elroy-Ansonia Rd. Oct designer clothing, costumes, TOYS, 15th & 16th 9am-5pm books, bed spreads, &17th 9am-noon. wall cabinets, furniture, tons of knick- knacks. Heated garage. Everything must go!!! Best sale of the year!!


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WATER/WASTEWATER PLANT OPERATOR I OR II The Village of Versailles, Ohio is seeking qualified, professional candidates for the position of Water and Wastewater Plant Operator I or II. The person appointed will report to the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Manager and will operate and monitor water and sewer treatment plant operations under the direction of the Waste and Wastewater Treatment Plant Manager. A complete job description is available by contacting the Village of Versailles Administrative Office at 937-526-3294, or by visiting the Village of Versailles website at www.versaillesoh.com. The candidate will have a High School Diploma or General Education Degree (GED) and a valid Ohio Driver’s License. A Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) with a Class B endorsement must be acquired by the end of a (6) six-month probationary period. An Ohio EPA Class I or II license in water and wastewater treatment is required. Any higher Ohio EPA license level will increase the compensation range for the position. Five years’ experience which evidences a comprehensive knowledge of water and wastewater treatment plant operations is preferred. The hourly compensation range for the Water Supply Class I license position is $20.40-$26.22 and the hourly compensation range for the Water Supply Class II license position is $22.92$27.90 with the beginning hourly rate of compensation to be determined by the successful candidate’s qualifications and experience. The Village of Versailles of Versailles maintains a Grade/Step Hourly Compensation Program and offers an excellent benefits and retirement program. Please submit resume and cover letter to Mike Busse, Village Administrator, Village of Versailles, 177 North Center Street, P.O. Box 288, Versailles, Ohio 45380 by 4:00 p.m. by October 16th, 2020. The Village of Versailles is an Equal Opportunity Employer. OH-70205322

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8B Sunday, October 11, 2020

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Greenville Early Bird

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Lady Wave golf advances to Districts Jenkinson sets 18 hole school record to lead the Lady Wave golf team to Districts By Gaylen Blosser DarkeCountyMedia.com

CINCINNATI – The Greenville Lady Wave golf team traveled to Cincinnati’s Glenview Golf Course to compete in the OHSAA Division I Sectionals and move on making it out to Districts with a fourth place finish. “I am very proud of the girls,” said Greenville coach, Tracy Haines. “They are peaking at the right time.” Greenville sophomore, Kenna Jenkinson and Centerville’s Meha Pandya tied for medalist with both shooting a 73 on the day. The 73 recorded by Jenkinson sets a new Greenville Lady Wave 18 hole record. The Centerville Lady Elks placed first with a scorching 302 followed by second place finisher Carroll with a 365 on the day. The Xenia Lady Buccaneers took third place with a 366 and the Lady Wave finished fourth with a 375 in a field of 22 teams. Rounding out the top 10 teams: Tippecanoe (5th), Oakwood (6th), Troy (7th), Miamisburg (8th), Bellefontaine (9th) and

Photos by Rob Kiser | Darke County Media

Greenville’s Emily Marchal hits a forehand in her go-to district match with Milton-Union’s Maggie Black in the D-II sectionals Tuesday at Troy City Park.

Photos by Gaylen Blosser | Darke County Media

Greenville Lady Wave Kenna Jenkinson sets new 18 hole school record at Sectionals.

rounded out the Lady Wave foursome with a 108 good for a 54th place finish. “Kenna Jenkinson set a new school record for 18 holes,” Coach Haines stated. “Trinity Reis had a 87, a personal best for 18 holes, Leah Fry had a 107 and Lexi Slade had a 108, a personal best for 18 holes.” The Lady Wave advance to Districts and will compete next Tuesday, OctoTrinity Reis earns a 16th place finish to help lead the Lady Wave to ber 13th at Glenview Golf Course in Cincinnati. Districts. Butler (10th). good for 16th place, Leah Trinity Reis finished the Fry placed 54th carding 18 hole course with an 87 a 107 and Alexis Slade

Contact Darke County Media Sports Editor Gaylen Blosser at gblosser@ aimmediamidwest.com or 937-5690122

Lady Wave soccer defeats Stebbins By Gaylen Blosser DarkeCountyMedia.com

GREENVILLE – The Greenville Lady Wave soccer team earned a 2-1 win over the visiting Stebbins Lady Indians in Monday night Miami Valley League play. “The girls showed a great deal of belief in themselves,” said Greenville head coach Dave Ernst. “Sometimes that is more improtant than skill, but believing that you can achieve.” Kendra Arnold opened scoring on the night taking advantage of a Lillian Schwer assist to put the Lady Wave up 1-0 where the score would stand with the teams heading to the break. The Lady Indians battled back to tie the match at 1-1 as the game was winding down with just 1:35 showing on the second half clock. Greenville’s Taylor Gonzalez gave the Lady Wave their second win of the season intercepting a pass and finding the back of the net for the winning goal with 1:20 remaining on the game clock. “The girls are no longer hoping not to lose, but expecting to win,” Ernst stated. “A great team

Photos by Gaylen Blosser | Darke County Media

The Greenville Lady Wave defeat the visiting Stebbins Lady Indians to earn their winningest season in eight years.

win, Abby (Raffel) played amazing in goal. Kendra (Arnold) and Taylor (Gonzalez) scoring.” Raffel recorded 18 saves in goal for the Lady Wave in the team’s win. The Lady Wave program continues to show great strides under first year Lady Wave head coach David Ernst as the team improves to 2-11-0 on the season with the win. “Just so proud of the See WAVE | 9B Greenville junior, Taylor Gonzalez.

Greenville’s Chyanne Hartsock chases down a forehand in a doubles match Tuesday at Troy High School.

Marchal earns third trip to district at D-II sectional tennis from advancing to the finals and a likely third match with Tippecanoe’s Dakota Schroeder SaturGREENVILLE — day. Greenville senior Emily They split two matches Marchal had been there — and done that — twice during the season. But first, Marchal faces before. third seed Leah Fraker of So, looking for her Bellefontaine in the semithird trip to the district tennis tournament might finals Saturday. “It is one match at a seem like a given. But, that’s not the way time,” Marchal said. “But, the second seed in singles today was a lot of fun.” The other players from was approaching it. Greenville all posted one “Actually, I think I win, before running into was more nervous this seeded players. year,” Marchal said after Felicity Lance opened cruising to Saturday’s with a 6-4, 7-5 win over semifinals and clinching a district berth with three Hannah Haley of Northwestern, before falling to straight-set wins at the Troy D-II sectional Tues- Schroeder 6-0, 6-0. Faith Mansfield day in Troy City Park and Troy High School. “Being defeated Olivia Stickney of Springfield 6-2, 6-1; a senior, there is more before losing to fourth pressure.” seed Mira Patel of TippeNot only did Marchal dominate in improving to canoe 6-1, 6-0. In doubles, Erin Ste21-1 on the season, she dripped just one game in phens and Cheyanne Hartsock defeated A. six sets played Tuesday. Flora and S. Leffel of She opened with a Springfield Shawnee 6-0, 6-1, 6-0 win over Mia 6-1 before losing to top Tobias of Tippecane and seed Amelia and Eliza followed it with matchZweizig of Tippecanoe ing 6-0, 6-0 wins over 6-0, 6-0. Delaney Gray of Kenton Sadie Lance and Sarah Ridge and Maggie Black Savoy defeated Macie Verof Milton-Union. “I knew the first match dier and Taylor Reineke of Lehman Catholic 7-6 was going to be a tough (8-6), 6-0 before losing one,” Marchal said. “It to second seeded Taylor is definitely a one match Falb and Shannon Brumat a time approach. This baugh of Milton-Union day is always a tough 6-0, 6-1. day, because you have to “Everybody won a play three matches. You match,” Koontz said. get out of school,which is kind of fun. But, it is a “Then, they ran into seeded players. We had marathon. But, it is a lot a really good season. We of fun.” lost three seniors and finGreenville coach Jim Koontz was not surprised ished 13-6.” And Marchal hopes to by Marchal’s success. make the third trip to dis“Emily (Marchal) is trict the charm — after a really hard worker,” two big matches Saturday. Koontz said. “She plays three times a day in the To contact Rob Kiser, please email summer. She is a great rkiser@aimmediamidwest.com or kid and a really nice kid.” call 937.569.0055. Marchal is one win

By Rob Kiser



Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, October 11, 2020 9B

Lady Wave honors US Military By Gaylen Blosser DarkeCountyMedia.com

Photos by Gaylen Blosser | Darke County Media

Lady Wave sophomore soccer goalie, Abby Raffel.

Gaylen Blosser | Darke County Media

Abbie Yoder tips the ball over the net for Greenville in the Lady Wave’s Military Apprectiation Night win over West Carrollton.

Contact Darke County Media Sports Editor Gaylen Blosser at gblosser@aimmediamidwest. com or 937-569-0122 SOLD


Consignment Equipment Auction Friday October 16, 2020 @ 9:00 A.M.



Located at Bussey Brothers Auction Yard: 4938 ST RT 49 Greenville Ohio 45331 Agri & Farm Equip. – Lawn/Garden – Trucks – Trailers – Excavation - & More!








OH-70200976 OH-70180762



Trucks:2014 F550 4X4 diesel dump truck, back pack toolbox, 9’ dump body, LED strobe lights, only 60,000 1 owner miles (Very nice unit); 2002 Dodge 3500 4X4 Cummins Diesel, Automatic Transmission, steel flatbed; 2010 Ford F350 Powerstroke, 6.7L B20 work truck w/153,074 miles; Skidloaders: 2016 CAT 242D 584hrs; Tractors: 1997 New Holland 7740 Tractor 86HP, enclosed cab, newly replaces air conditioner (works great), 540 & 1000PTO, Hour meter replaced at 2982 hours, new meter has 2080 hours, total approx hours = 5062; Snow Equipment: 2019 Boss 9’2” Stainless Steel DXT V-Plow, complete with wiring, and truck mount (Factory Warranty); 2018 Boss SK10 Snow Pusher Box, universal floating hitch, steel trip edge (Like New); Buyers 8’ Stainless Steel V-Box Salt Spreader, gas engine drive, deluxe incab controls, LED lights, vibrator kit; Buyers 9’ 4 cubic yard v-box salt spreader, gas engine drive, deluxe in cab control, LED lights, vibrator kit (Nice Unit); Front mount snowblower w/ motor; Trailers: 2016 B-Wise 18’ Ultimate dump trailer, 14,000lb tandem axle, hydraulic jack, hydraulic 2 way ramp door, fold down sides, roll tarp; 1997 Transcraft DTL-2000 55ft Super beam gooseneck trailers; Mowers: Ferris F800X Commercial Mower, w/bagger, snow blower, cab, excellent condition;John Deere X485 Garden Tractor, 25HP Liquid cooled kawasaki, hydrostatic drive, 62” deck, auxillary hydraulics (Nice Unit); Toro Z Master SFS w/52” deck; JD X485, AWS, 620 convertible deck; Toro Wheelhorse XL-380; Dixie Chopper Magnum 2250 zeroturn w/50” deck, 317 hrs; Hay Equip: New Holland Model 1411 Disk Bine/Conditioner - 10ft cut, only 75 acres on newly rebuilt cutter bar, (Field Ready); 2019 Ogdon 12 wheel Hydraulic Fold Hay Rake - with optional wheel covers (Like New);New Holland 570 Square Bailer with hydraulic drive kicker attachment; New Holland BR7060 Round Bailer, silage special, wind gard, complete with moniter (Low Acreage unit); 2019 Poettinger 4 basket hydraulic fold hay tedder, with hydraulic tilt option (Like New); 16’ Hay Wagon with upright; 18’ Hay Wagon with upright; Misc Ag: DMI300 Gravity Wagon, 10 ton gear, telescopic tounge; 2 wheel trailer, wooden bed; JD 9ft disk; JD drill; (2) Brillion 4 axle cultipackers; Skid Loader Attachments: 16” bucket; clamp bucket; backhoe for skidloader; Misc Equip: Woodmaster 5500 firebox; Steel dump truck bed 17.5 ft long, ready to mount, Mac dump truck bed; Saltbox 8’ Vbox;1500 Chevy truck topper; EZ dump trailer; Pop up camper; Concrete Equip: Approx 200 Symons forms, sizes 2’x4’, 2’x5’,2’x6’,2’x8’ TERMS & CONDITIONS: A 10% Buyer’s Premium is in effect on all purchases. Everything is selling on an “As is, Where is, In Place” basis with NO warranties or guarantees of any kind. It is the buyer’s responsibility to “Inspect Before Bidding.” Everything is to be paid for in full on day of auction with Cash, Company Check with Bank Letter of Guarantee, Wire Transfer, or credit cards w/ additional 3% fee. Removal is the Buyer’s Responsibility, Expense & Risk. Please check websites for updates: www.auctionzip.com ID: 47310 & 12379 and GotoAuction.com Id 4511, www.midwest-auctioneers.com or www.equipmentfacts.com for complete information and pictures of auction. Additional terms apply to online bidders. Auctioneers: Grant Bussey 937-5646250 & Mike Baker 937-459-9558





Girls Golf






Greenville High School


Contact Darke County Media Sports Editor Gaylen Blosser at gblosser@ aimmediamidwest.com or 937-5690122


Emily Marchal

girls,” Coach Ernst concluded. “They deserve the result and now they expect the results.” The two wins in a season is a first for the Lady Wave



From page 8B




soccer program dating back to the 2011season, the last season with more than a single win. Over the prervious eight years the Lady Wave have a combined 5-121-5 record.


Try our Spicy Steak, Chicken or Barbacoa on your next burrito or bowl


Lady Wave sophomore, Lillian Schwer.


Ladies of Liberty recognizes that women are instrumental in today’s military. As in past years, the Lady Wave volleyball program is proud to be a part, demonstrating our great appreciation for their service. Four service men were

service and fighting for our freedoms here in the United States — but it is definitely a roller coaster ride and lots of prayers.” With the win, the Greenville Lady Wave improve to 11-6 on the season.


Lady Wave head volleyball coach and ‘Military Mom,’ Michelle Hardesty shows appreciation for her team’s win over the West Carrollton Lady Pirates.

recognized prior the start of the varsity volleyball match including Lance Corporal Schulte who sent a recorded message from California for the special night. “What’s up Green Wave Nation,” the Lance Corporal’s voice boomed across the school’s PA system. “This is Lance Corporal Trae Schulte. Thanks so much for continued support, not just for me, but the greatest fighting force in the world. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there tonight. Mom and dad — I miss you guys. Good luck tonight. Go Lady Wave.” “Constant worry about the state of our nation and where my son might have to go or what he may have to do,” Coach Hardesty stated following the match. “I know every person that is still home working on base is working hard and we are forever grateful for their


GREENVILLE – The Lady Wave defeated the West Carrollton Lady Pirates in straight sets on Military Appreciation night in Greenville. The Lady Wave volleyball program used the Thursday night volleyball match to pay tribute to all men and women who serve our country defending our freedom. As a way to show support and gratitude for all active and retired service members, all players from Greenville and West Carrollton wore yellow ribbons and Lady Wave squads wore specially designed shirts during warmups. Greenville Head Varsity Volleyball Coach Michelle Hardesty is a “Military Mom” with her son, Lance Corporal Trae Schulte currently serving with the United States Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, California. LCpl Schulte is the son of Lady Wave volleyball coaches, Michelle and James Hardesty. “In today’s times we military parents are fortunate with technology that we do get to talk to our military sons and daughters a little more often than in the past,” stated Hardesty, “but it’s a roller coaster ride.” The Lady Wave took the opening set by a 25-19 score and earned a second set 25-14 win. Greenville closed out the night with all players seeing time on the court with a 25-20 win. “Tonight our sophomore parents put together a military appreciation night,” Hardesty noted. “It was a wonderful evening and very well planned. They did a very nice job and had several sponsors that helped and we appreciate them.” Donations were collected to help support The Ladies of Liberty Team with the Soldiers Angles which provide care package supplies. Ladies of Liberty is a team of allfemale volunteers who are dedicated to supporting specific needs of deployed female service members.








10B Sunday, October 11, 2020

Greenville Early Bird




SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2020 @ 9:00AM 5317 SEBRING-WARNER RD., GREENVILLE, OHIO 45331 Doors open at 8:00AM KIRBY LYONS AUCTION FACILITY Building #2 (White Building) 5317 Sebring-Warner Rd., Greenville, Ohio 45331


Preview day is Friday, October 16th from 12:00-5:00

(WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS ON HANDI-CAP SALE DAY) VAN - 4 WHEEL SCOOTER - ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES - SHOP TRACTORS EQUIPMENT & TOOLS - RELOADING EQUIPMENT & AMMO - FURNITURE - HOUSEHOLD 2010 John Deere 8345-R 4x4 Front Wheel Assist Diesel Tractor only 2,322 Approx. hours, Premium CommandDirections: View Cab with 30 miles NORTH of Dayton, Ohio. From the intersection of S.R. 49 and U.S. 127 Bypass, take U.S. 127 NORTH ¼ mile to Sebring-Warner Rd. and turn RIGHT or EAST to auction site. (WATCH FOR Active Seat, 345 HP, IVT Transmission, approx. 5 AUCTION SIGNS ON SALE DAY) Remotes, (22) Front Suitcase Weights, 1000 RPM-PTO, John Deere Quick Hitch, HANDICAP VAN (SELLS AT 12:00 NOON) 18,300 Lb. Cap. 3-Point, 2004480/80R.50 Chrysler Town & Country Limited Van, 3.8 Liter V-6, Auto, P. Windows, P. Locks, P. Seats, P. Mirrors, P. Sunroof, Rear Rubber with Duals, 380/80R.38 AM/FM/CD/DVD, Navigation, Tilt Wheel, Cruise, Dual Climate Controls, 3-Rows of Seating, Roof Mount Flip Down DVD Player, Braun Entervan Handicap Wheel Chair or Scooter Ramp, White Exterior, Gray Leather Interior, 1-Owner, Front Rubber with Duals, A/C, Tilt, Buddy 48,212 miles, Mobility Lowered Floor, this van is in fantastic condition, sold new for over $59,000.00. If you have Seat, many more options,only absolutely top a need for this type of van don’t miss this one! quality condition, low hours, field ready, be prepared to buy this one, Serial #: HANDICAP SCOOTER 1RW8345VADO14090; 2014 Case I.H. Jazzi Pride #1121 4-Wheel Power Scooter with oversize Leather Seat, fantastic condition, like new. 110 Maxxum, 4x4 Front Wheel Assist Diesel Tractor, only 811 hours, Full View FURNITURE ft. tallRemotes, Howard Miller Grandfather Clock; Tell City Double Drop Maple Dining Table with (2) Leaves and (6) Spindle Premium Cab, Tilt Wheel,7A/C, Back Chairs, excellent Lights, many options, 460/85R.38 Rear condition; Maple Dining Room 2-piece Hutch; 4-piece Cherry Finish Queen Bedroom Suite Queen Bed with nice Mattresses, 8-Drawer Dresser, 5-Drawer Chest of Drawers & Night Stand; 4 ft. Wood Rubber, 380/85R.28 Frontincluding: Rubber, local, Decansabsolutely Bench (White); small Maple Double Drop Dining Table with (2) Arrow Back Chairs; (4) Oak High-Back Highly high quality Tractor, low hours, like new, don’t miss this Carved one, Dining SerialChairs; #: 2-piece Maple Bedroom Suite including: Single Bed with nice Mattresses & 7-Drawer Dresser with Mirror (very nice); Maroon Leather Dual Reclining Love Seat; Lane Cedar Chest (nice); Light Tan/Brown Leather/ ZDBE19132. Suede Power Lift Chair & Power Recliner; 2-Drawer Oak Filing Cabinet; (2) Brown & Tan Upholstered Swivel Arm POLARIS ATV Chairs with Oak Trim; Oak Rocker with Rush Seat & Back; Maple Sewing Rocker; Oak 6 ft. tall Curved Glass Entry Polaris Ranger XP 900 Side-By-Side Piece Cabinet ATV, with Mirror; Blonde 5-Drawer Chest of Drawers; King Size Mattress (very nice); Singer Wood Cabinet 4x4, Automatic, Power Steering, Lights, Sewing Machine with Accessories; Wood Wash Stand; small Maple Desk & Chair; (2) Wood & Rotan Stools; pair of Roof & Windshield, 905solidmiles, Front hard rock Maple Lamp Tables; Victorian Arm Chair; White Wood Bench; small Maple Entertainment Center; Bumper with Elec. Winch, Dumping Queen Ann Cargo Maple Side Chair; 5-piece Wicker Patio Set including: Fainting style Sofa, Coffee & Lamp Tables; Oak Box, Dk. Green. Baby Swinging Baby Cradle; Oak Flat Screen TV Stand; Vintage 42”x30” Oak Table; 3-piece White Wicker Patio Set FARMLANDincluding: Sofa & (2) Arm Chairs; 5-piece Metal/Wire Round Patio Set including: Table & (4) Chairs; early 5 ½ ft. tall Wood– Dentist (2) Productive Preble Co.1940’s Farms 158 Cabinet with 22 Drawers, very unique & rare; Poly 48” Round Patio Table & (4) Chairs; Sony Bravia 46” Flat Screen TV; unique Rolling Wood Arm Chair with Leather Cushion; Black Leather High-Back Executive Acres & 71 Acres – Selling at 12:00 Rolling Office Chair; Noon – for information and bidders set of (4) Oak TV Trays with Cart; several Table & Standing Lamps; Rooster Table Lamp; (2) Wood Magazine Racks; Wood Drying Rack. packets contact: Kirby Lyons Auctioneers (937).316.8400 or Everett Hocker (937) SHOP EQUIPMENT & TOOLS 417.0748. Century AC-DC Heavy Duty Welder (like new); Craftsman Bench Drill Press on Stand; Craftsman 6” Elec. Pedestal GOLF CARTS & CARGO Belt TRAILER Sander with Side Surface Sander; Woodmaster Model 500 Professional style Band Saw & Stand; 48” Metal (2) E-Z-Go Elec. Golf Carts, both Lathe on Metalhave Stand, 28”-30” Bed; Craftsman 10” Table Saw; Makita Cordless Drill Driver with Case; several Metal Roofs & Windshields, 2ndOrganizer Rear Seat Units;that Sears Penske Engine Analyzer; Porter-Cable Router Bits; Bolt Cutters; Craftsman Wood Lathe Tools; Dremel in Case; folds flat for cargo platform, Hand RailsPunch & & Pick Set; Ace Tap & Die Set; A/C Gauges; Marson Rivet Kit; Weller Soldering Kit; Drill Bits; Shop Smith Drill Bits Foot Rests, Head & Tail Lights, Hubcaps, in Case; Sharpening Stones; 7-piece Screwdriver Set; 18” Ridgid Pipe Wrench; Flaring & Cutting Cable Ties; Magnetic Base; 8-Way 5-Ton Puller; 6” Square; Bosch Rotary Tool; Hatchets; Porter-Cable Router; Battery Chargers, both areTools; identical, Dark Ridgid Reversible Green with Tan Seats, excellent condition;Power Drill Speed Reducer; several Poly Pump Sprayers; Pruners; Trimmers; Pliers; Ratchets; Extensions; Circular 2005 8’ Long x 5’ Wide Cargo Express XL- Saw Blades; ¼” Socket Set; Tarps; Jumper Cables; C-Clamps; Stanley Block Planes; Elec. Drills; Craftsman Commercial Buffer/Polisher; Craftsman 90 Degree Angle Drill Head; Grinding Stones & Wild Wheels; Series Enclosed Cargo Trailer, Rear Swing Craftsman Air Ratchet; Wilton Vise; Sway Bars; Sears Battery Charger; Reddy Kerosene Heater; Trouble Light on Door, White Exterior, nice little trailer. Reel; T-50 Stapler Kit; Halogen Light; Battery Tender; Craftsman Double Bench Grinder; Craftsman ½” Elec. Drill; 7 ½” EARLY HORSE DRAWN WAGONS Elec. Saw; Paint Guns; Timing Light; Skil Belt Sander; Craftsman 5-Drawer Tool Box; Craftsman Wrenches; Ratchets; Early “John Deere” Wood Box Wagon Files;Bed Impact Driver; Allen Wrenches; Skil Bit Set; Snap Ring Pliers; Hand Shears; Ratchet Wrenches; Craftsman ½” with original paint & stenciling, Socket Set;10’ Pipe 8” Clamps; Welding Rods; Welding Gloves; Welding Chaps; Extension Cords; Adjustable Wrenches; long x 38” wide, Wood Spoke Vise Grips;Wheels, Porter Cable Dovetail Template; Craftsman Torch; Shop Mate Maxi Clamp; Jack Stands; Pry Bars; Levels; nice original wagon; “Tiffin” Wood Hand Saws; Stainless Steel early Yard Tool Set; Welding Helmet; Hammers; Propane Heater with Tank; several Reese Trailer Receivers; Long Handle Yard Tools, Bed Shovels, Rakes, Hoes Tree Trimmer; 16’ Alum. Extension Ladder; 8’ Aluminum Ladder; 2-Wheel Hand Truck; Rubber Tire Wheel Box Wagon with& Brooms; originalPolepaint & Barrow; 5-Gallon Fuel Cans; 16” Electric Hedge stenciling, lettered onB&Dsides (sold byTrimmers; Stihl FS-55RC (Gas) Weed Trimmer (like new); (2) Air Hoses; Shepherd’s Hooks; RotaTrim 4.75Knapp, HP (Gas)Decatur, Yard Edger,IN), like new; Water Henry 10’ several 8” long x Hoses; Creeper; Vintage Metal Shop Stool. 38” wide, Wood Spoke Wheels, very nice; ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES early McCormick-Deering “Weber” Box Early Zenith Trans-Oceanic Radio with Case (very nice); early Wood Military Box with Shoe Shine Equipment; U.S. Army Wood Trunk; early Singer Bed Wood Wagon original & early RCA Victor Cellulose Case “45” Record Player; Child’s Plastic Coca-Cola Dispenser; Portable Sewing Machinewith with Round Top paint Wood Case; stenciling, 12’ #6 long x 38” front Tool Children’s Books; Wagner Ironwide, Skillet; History of Darke County Ohio Volume 1&2 (1914); Howe’s Historic Ohio Books Volume 1&2 (1900); 1917 Book Box, Wood Spring Drivers Seat, Wood on Little Turtle Indian Chief; Galvanized Minnow Bucket; Coleman Camping Lantern; Cast Iron Skillets; Farmers Co-Op Glass Dairy Bottles; Indian Spoke Wheels, original wagon;Electric earlyIce Cream Freezer; 1946 Berlin Germany Photo Album; Kleanbore Wood Ammo Boxes; Morton Pottery Vases; Crocknice Porcelain Pot; Sterling Building Small WeatherBox Vane; Bed Cast Iron Eagle; Mens & Ladies Wood Wagon, 5’ long x Vintage Hats & Hat Boxes; Wooden Duck Decoy; Stromberg-Carlson Bakelite Radio; Kold Air Metalwide, Blade Fan; Radio; Vera Bradley & Purse; Bird Clock; Deep Mixing Bowls; Ross Transistor Radio; Brass Cable Car Bell; Sears Game 23” rareG.E. size, Wood Gears,Wallet Wood Fisher Trolling Reel TR-41; Fenton Silver Crest Baskets; Lighted Globe Lamp; Apollo II Glasses; McGuffey Readers; 1920 Vol. 4 Automobile Blue Book; Garcia Mitchell Spoke Wheels; very Fenton Early Glassware; Wood 2-Wheel 302 Fishing Reel; A.F.L. Metal Game; Tudor Metal Electric Baseball Game; Jerry Lucas Spin-Play Basketball; Quilts; Marx Mystery Space Ship in box; Carram Board; Equipment Wagon, 8 Ft.Electric long Football x 46” wide, numerous Board Games; Marx Transformer; Cast Iron Bell & Hanger; Texaco Buddy L Fire Truck (Metal); early Friction Metal Stake Bed Truck; Texaco Plastic Battery Ship; Airplane; tall 55” Wood Spoke Wheels, long tongue; Helicopter; Car; Plastic Models. (6) Wood Spoke Wagon Wheels. ALSO SELLING SAME DAY: MILK REOLADING EQUIPMENT & AMMO BOTTLES CLOTH FEED Pacific DL-250 –Ammo Re-loader; lots ofSACKS Remington – 20 Ga. Game & Skeet Loads & Target; 410 Shot Wads; 410 Shells; Reload Tools; 121 Lb. DuPont 700-X Shot Shell Powder; Federal ADVERTISING SIGNS ADVERTISING Primers; Pacific Reloading Dies;–Alcan AL-5 Powder; HS-6 Powder; Wading Boots; Ohaus 505 Precision Loading Scale; Forster Bullet Puller; Winchester large Rifle Primers; CH Reloader CALENDERS & COLLECTIBLES & Dies; Gun Cleaning Kits; Kirk 25 Lb. Chilled Shot.


HOUSEHOLD & MISCELLANEOUS Newer Rainbow S.E. Sweeper with Attachments; Rolling Walker with Brakes, Seat & Basket; Card Table & (4) Chairs; Char-Broil Gas Grill; G.E. Humidifier; small Combination Safe; several Step Stools; Electric Power Stairway Chair Lift with Accessories; Folding Lawn Chairs; Flag Pole; Fishing Poles, Rods & Reels; several Floral Area & Runner Rugs; Wood & Metal Canes; Desk & Office items; Luggage; Briefcase; Water Hose Holder; (2) Brass Water Nozzles; Traditions Pendulum Wall Clock; Electric Heater; Tupperware; small Electric Kitchen Appliances; Kitchen Utensils; Paper Cutter; Beer Steins; H.P. Printer with Accessories; Press Glass items; Amber Coin Glass Pitcher; Stemware; Glasses; Carnival Bowls; Corning Baking Dishes; Dishes; Glass Plates; •Corelle ALL Ware items must bePie paid forPink theDepression day of Glass; China Tea Pots; Fenton Stein; 12-place Linnfield China Set; Pyrex Glass Measuring Cups; Figurines; Cardinal Snow Globe; Anniversary Clock; Electric Paper Shredder; Blankets; Afghans; Bath Towels; Table Cloths; Jewelry Boxes; Costume Jewelry; Oster Hair Trimmers; DVD Movies; Norman Rockwell 50 auction. • ALL items are sold as-is. Favorite Picture Book; Fishing Tackle Box: Lures, Bobbers, Spoons, Hooks & Line; Wood Air Pistol Target Stand; Seal-A-Meal System; VCR & DVD Player; Blood Pressure Monitor; • We must collect sales tax. (Except on Christmas Decorations; Silk Scarves; Kitchen Knives; Midland Walkie Talkie; Dogs Playing Poker Picture; Motorola Bag Telephone; Pots & Pans; Pictures & Frames; Knick Knacks; Vinyl tractors which are exempt) Records; Elec. Cooler; Military Books; small Weaving Loom; Sewing Basket; CD/Disc Changer; Little Chief Smoker; Bag Chairs; Coleman Heater; Badminton Set; EZ-Access Portable •Ramp; TERMS: Cash or Good Check with Proper Furniture Sliders; Boat Winch; T-Fal Pans; Sewing items; Wood Adv. Crates; Horse Shoe Set; several Cameras; large Bug Light; Light Bulbs; Hummingbird Feeders; Snow Globes; Photo ID; Visa / MC / Discover accepted Plastic Storage Containers; Twin Size Air Mattress; Pfaltzgraff Dish; Glass Apothecary Jar; Glass Bells; Life Magazines.

with a 3% Clerk Fee added. LOIS A. RHOADES REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST • Visit us online @ www.auctionzip.com SARA YOSICK ~ TRUSTEE and enter USER I.D. #8673 for photos and information. Kirby Lyons – Auctioneer Michel Werner – Auctioneer • Great food ALL must be paid for the day of auction. • ALL items are sold AS-IS. • We must collect Sales from items Stewart’s Southern BBQ Tax (EXCEPT on titled vehicles). • TERMS: Cash or Good Check with Proper Photo ID; Visa / MC / REMEMBER: +++Never, Ever a Buyer’s Discover accepted with a 3% Clerk Fee added. • Visit us online @ www.auctionzip.com and enter (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions…What You USER I.D. #8673 forWe photos and information. • Great food available from Stewarts Southern BBQ! Bid Is What You Pay! work for our sellers, Office: 937.316.8400 we appreciate our buyers, and we love our • REMEMBER: +++Never, Ever a Buyer’s (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions…What You Bid Is What You Cell: 937.459.7686 profession! Kirby & Staff Michel Werner Auctioneer Pay! We work for our sellers, we appreciate our buyers, and we love our profession! Kirby & Staff OH-70207861

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