Early Bird eNewspaper 10-25-15

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Talent show will help preserve history RYAN BERRY

MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – If you want to see some great entertainment while helping to preserve the county’s military history then the Greenville VFW, 219 N. Ohio St., is the place to be for the inaugural Mock Rock and Talent Show. Michael Maloney and other past commanders of local service organizations are banding together to make sure that Darke County’s veterans and their stories are not forgotten and this fundraiser is one way to make sure history will live on. The foundation for this project began in 1998 when the Greenville Veterans Memorial Park (located between VFW Post 7262 and American Legion Post 140) was built. The park played host to the Vietnam Travelling Wall, but local veterans wanted to do more than just put the wall in an empty field. One of the cornerstones for the park is a walkway that leads visitors along a trail of monuments memorializing Darke County’s Vietnam veterans that lost their lives defending and fighting for their country. Since 1998, several other monuments have been erected as a continual reminder of the sacrifice Darke County’s soldiers have given. Now, Maloney, past All American Commander, VFW Post 7262, is leading the charge in building a new memorial – a digital library. The

library will allow veterans to have their memories and memorabilia put in a digital format to be preserved for future generations. Maloney said, “We believe the best way to honor veterans is to maintain an accurate record for as many of them as possible.” In conjunction with the digital library, Maloney said they plan to build a state-ofthe art wall or structure in the Greenville Veterans Memorial Park that will display images 24 hours a day. He believes with the way technology has advanced, the possibilities are endless. Although the VFW has its share of fundraisers, Maloney said it will take a longterm plan and more than their normal chicken dinner fundraising to accomplish this goal. The Mock Rock and Talent Show will support these efforts. Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door and can be purchased by calling 548-4004 or 542-096. In addition to a lot of great entertainment, Grumpy’s BBQ will be available. Local entertainers from lip syncing to bands to standup comedy will make the night fun for all. Three grand prizes will be awarded to winners. Awards will be Best Overall Show, Most Original Show and People’s Choice Show. For more information, visit the VFW or the social media sites or email GVMPDL@gmail.com or call 5480966.

Still time to submit vet photos GREENVILLE – The Early Bird will once again be honoring local veterans on Nov. 8. A special edition, featuring photos and stories of those that have served in the Armed Forces, will celebrate their sacrifice and service while fighting to preserve our freedom. Pictures of family members and friends from area residents, past and present, that have served are currently being accepted. Past editions have featured photographs of soldiers beginning with the Civil War through those presently serving. In addition to continuing the tradition of accepting photographs, The Early Bird will also accept stories and memories from our veterans from their time in

service. Send or drop off photographs with the person’s name, branch of service and years served or stories/ memories to The Early Bird, c/o Veterans, 5312 Sebring Warner Road, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Photographs and information will also be accepted via email at editor@earlybirdpaper.com (please put Veteran in the subject line). For more information, call and ask for Ryan Berry, managing editor, 548-3330. The deadline for entries is Oct. 30, 4 p.m. To make it easier for some area residents, The Early Bird has kept past photographs and information on file. Call or email if you would like to have the information published in this year’s special section.

FD teaches fire safety PALESTINE – The Liberty Township Fire Department will be joining forces with the American Red Cross Northern Miami Valley Chapter to help save lives. On Nov. 7, volunteers will be canvassing the neighborhoods of Liberty Township, Palestine, Glenn Karn and portions of Neave Township to help residents develop a fire escape plan and complete a fire safety

checklist. They will also be available to install smoke alarms, replace batteries and teach residents how to test and maintain their smoke alarms. Do you need a smoke alarm, contact the American Red Cross, Greenville office, 548-1002. If you or your organization would like to help, please call Mark A. Loy, (614) 565-8113.

Sheriff’s Office adds UAV drone to investigation inventory CLINTON RANDALL

STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

DARKE COUNTY – The Darke County Sheriff’s Office has a new tool – an aerial drone – that will give the department an added advantage… an eye in the sky! Just as the military has utilized UAV drones in hostile territories oversees over the last several years, local law enforcement can now use aerial drones to help with many types of investigations. “This is a very valuable asset to the department,” stated Darke County Sheriff Toby L. Spencer. “This gives us a better viewpoint and without calling in aerial support from another agency somewhere.” The device, an Inspire 1 model from DJI, cost about $3,000 – that Sheriff Spencer says was completely paid for from impound lot fees collected over the years and cost the county absolutely nothing to purchase. “It not only doesn’t cost the taxpayers a dime, it has already proven to save a lot of manpower hours that will in turn save the county money,” Sheriff Spencer noted. Though it can be operated by one person, the drone is ideally operated by two individuals… one to fly and the other to maneuver the 94 degree field of view, on-board 12.4 M pixel camera. According to DCSO operator guidelines, the drone is not to be flown within five miles of an airport and should not exceed an altitude of 400 feet …to list a few safety practices. According to Det. Eric Hanes, who is the nor-

See photos of the drone and watch short video of the drone in action at bluebagmedia.com (Gaylen Blosser photo)

mal flight operator, the drone can stay in the air anywhere from 15-20 minutes – depending on the temperature outside. He and Det. Chris Clark are the primary trained operators of the drone and have already teamed up to aid in several local investigations. While in the air, Hanes typically has a visual on the actual craft, while Clark uses the aid of an app on a smartphone or tablet to take photos or record high definition (HD) video. DCSO has used the aerial device already for serious crash scene investigations and checking for illegal growing and manufacturing operations. The drone is an ideal tool for many other types of calls, including missing children, fleeing suspects, pre-planning for executing search warrants, hazmat and explosive investigations and several more. The only downside is that the current model is not equipped

Marijuana located using UAV over local corn field.

with night vision or infrared technology… which means the UAV is limited to daytime or lighted area investigations only. “The drone will also come in handy to help search for elderly patients with Alzheimer’s that may have went off the roadway somewhere,” Sheriff Spencer added. “There are so many ways this will come in handy and save so much time!” According to Sheriff Spencer, his department

has had a number of calls already from local farmers asking for assistance in searching their fields for marijuana. For a complete specifications of the DJI Inspire 1 model, log on to DJI. com. If you would like more information about the new UAV drone, contact the Darke County Sheriff’s Office at 548-3399 or email Sheriff Spencer at tspencer@darkecountysheriff. org.

Voter registrations are up; turnout likely to be higher BOB ROBINSON

ASSOCIATE EDITOR brobinson@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – A number of voters registering for the first time were primarily due to the petitions being signed during the summer. Also, according to Jean Anderson, Darke County Board of Elections, the last two weeks before the deadline there were a number of new registrations. The total new registrations wasn’t available at the time. As of Oct. 20 three military overseas absentee ballots have been received, 298 ballots have been mailed out (with 90 returned so far) and 222 have voted absentee in person. Board of Elections Director Becky Martin said she had a feeling overall voter turnout will be higher this year than four years

ago. “I think it will be primarily due to the number of Issues on the ballot. We had two then, three this year.” Voter comments about the issues has been minimal; regardless Elections Board employees aren’t allowed to talk about them. “They might mention them,” said Sue Snipes, “but we can’t discuss them.” Martin said training for 200 poll workers with the new electronic poll book has been going well. “Your student, Haley Wampler (Edison Community College CCP student from Ansonia), is working the polls this year,” Martin added. “That’s good. At her age she’ll pick up on that fast.” In addition to the three state issues - Redistricting (1), Anti-Monopoly (2) and Recreational Marijuana Monopoly (3) - there are renewals for Greenville Li-

Darke County Board of Elections personnel have been kept busy preparing for the November election. Registrations were up through the Oct. 2 deadline, while absentee voting in October has also increased from the previous four-year cycle. Shown (left to right) are Jean Anderson, Director Becky Martin, Sue Snipes and Administrator Luke Burton. (Bob Robinson photo)

brary and Greenville City Schools, plus renewals and additional for two townships and multiple villages. Greenville city residents will be voting on the mayor, the auditor, the law director and four council

members. A number of elected officials for several villages and townships will also be on the ballot. There are school board elections for Darke County, Greenville City Schools, Arcanum and Franklin Monroe.

PAGE 2 Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


Police handle assault, sexual assault and drugs On October 21 police were dispatched regarding an assault. The complainant, and witness, advised she was checking her mail when she realized the victim was standing in her own doorway. She noticed a large amount of bruising around the victim’s eyes and nose. The witness asked what happened; the victim could barely speak but thought she’d said she fell. The wit-

ness called 911. Police observed bruising around the victim’s eyes and nose, and another large bruise on the arm. There was dried blood on her pants and shirt. The witness asked the victim if she’d been assaulted. Victim nodded yes. When asked if she’d been sexually assaulted, she nodded yes. She also nodded yes when she was asked if she knew her attacker. Township


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Rescue transported the victim to Wayne HealthCare. The officers conducted an investigation, contacting neighbors and searching for evidence in the residence. Nothing appeared to be stolen from the residence, although there was a kitchen chair and a small shelf lying on the floor. No blood or other evidence could be found indicating an assault had taken place. At the hospital a sexual assault kit had been taken; it was transported to the police department. No other information at this time. ASSAULT On October 20 police were dispatched regarding an assault on a juvenile victim. The victim was at a friend’s house when Michael Crawford came over and they got into an argument. He was going to leave; she opened the passenger door to get in and he allegedly punched her in the side of the face causing her minor swelling. She went to the driver’s side to confront him about hitting her and he threw her to the ground, causing her pain. Two friends witnessed her being thrown to the ground. The officer could see minor swelling on the victim’s face. Crawford, 1603 Martindale, said he’d gone to the residence to pick the victim up. He said the victim and a friend were intoxicated and the victim was yelling at him. He said the victim had his phone and wouldn’t give it back. He told police he tried to leave but the victim followed and opened the door, then grabbed his car keys. He said he grabbed her hand; when she jerked her hand back she hit herself. He denied hitting her face. He said they were yelling at each other when she smashed his cell phone on the ground. When he got on the ground to pick it up, he said the victim stomped on his back, adding when he got up the victim and her friend started hitting him in the head, causing a small scrape to his nose. He admitted to pushing the victim to get her off of him; he did have a small scrape on his nose. He told the officer she’s had him charged with assault before and the next day always drops the charges. Crawford was issued a citation for assault. DRUGS On October 18 police were dispatched to Walmart, 1501 Wagner Ave., regarding an individual in the store who has an active

arrest warrant. The warrant is through the Adult Parole Authority. The defendant, Paul Brown Jr., started to walk quickly away when he saw the officer but was stopped and placed under arrest. The officer located two cigarette packs on his person. One had a hard substance which turned out to be a pill bottle along with two small, clear bags of white powder. The pill bottle had more white powdery substance. Also in the cigarette pack was a straw, approximately three inches long. Brown reportedly admitted the white substance was methamphetamine and that he uses the straw to snort the substance. Brown was transported to the Darke County jail on the warrant through the Adult Parole Authority and possession of Meth. The report is being forwarded to the prosecutor for charges. On October 19 police stopped a vehicle with expired registration. When contact had been made police observed the defendant (not named in the report) having glossy and bloodshot eyes, breathing heavily and hands shaking. Another passenger was in the rear seat, also with bloodshot and glossy eyes. On several occasions it looked as if he was falling asleep. When the officer asked if there were any drugs in the vehicle, the defendant said yes and gave permission to search. Two clear bags with a green leafy substance, a green glass pipe and a green plastic “grinder” were found. The defendant admitted the leafy substance was marijuana and that it, along with the glass pipe and grinder, were his. The leafy substance was field tested and showed positive for marijuana. The defendant was cited for possession of marijuana and expired registration. On October 19 police were dispatched to Family Dollar, 300 Martin St., regarding an arrest warrant. Derick Burton had an active warrant through Darke County for failure to appear on a theft charge. Burton admitted to having a hypodermic needle in his possession and that it was for drug use. The officer found it, then arrested Burton on the warrant and cited him for possession of a drug abuse instrument. SHOPLIFTING On October 20 police were dispatched to Rural King, 695 Wagner Ave., regarding a theft. A pair

jail for a felony indictment warrant. She was located while Derrick Burton was being arrested on a separate warrant. She had no local charges on her. On October 19 police were dispatched to 600 Wayne Ave. regarding damage to a vehicle. Upon investigation, complainant Matthew Mccubbin was found to have an active warrant out of Darke County Municipal Court regarding Failure to Comply/Contempt of Court. He was transported to Darke County jail where he must serve 12 days. On October 14 police contacted Colin Bradburn by telephone. Bradburn advised his location at 310 Marion Drive and was then arrested and transported to Darke County jail for failure to appear, original charge of theft. Sarah Bradburn also has an arrest warrant but fled the residence prior to police arrival.

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of boots had been stolen and the officer recognized Matthew Saintignon in a DVD of the theft. Saintignon was observed taking off the boots he was wearing and putting on the new ones. He then walked to the chain cutting aisle where he removed the metal alarm tag. There was an audible alarm from the tag. While the alarm was going off, Saintignon exited the store and drove away on a motorcycle. Rural King provided three DVD’s of the incident. Another officer stopped Saintignon and took the boots (there was a secondary report, not available). Saintignon will be charged with theft. WARRANTS On October 20, police were dispatched to Family Dollar, 300 Martin St., to assist another officer with a warrant transport. The female suspect, Angel Bowlin, was taken to Darke County

Look for Sudoku Answers in the Classified Pages

CLUES ACROSS 1. Angling worm 5. Tissue that conducts food in plants 11. 1937 Steinbeck novella 14. Feed storehouse 15. Raised pattern cotton cloth 18. Prophetic signs 19. Cowboy competitions 21. Ophthalmic products company, ______ Worldwide 23. Prefix meaning inside 24. Arousing or provoking laughter 28. Plant spike 29. Atomic #94 30. Himalayan goat 32. Patti Hearst’s captors 33. Rock TV channel 35. Pen point 36. Tiny bite 39. Organized work group 41. Atomic #58 42. Food fish of the genus Alosa 44. Fleshy slice of meat 46. Shallowest Great Lake 47. Tapered tucks 51. Winter muskmelon 54. Isaac’s mother

56. Picasso’s birthplace 34. Large vessel for holding 58. Lowest hereditary title liquids 60. Streisand/Reford film 36. Nanosecond (abbr.) 62. Verb states 37. Worn to Mecca 63. Soluble ribonucleic acid 38. 1/100 rupee 40. Of I CLUES DOWN 43. Distributed cards 1. Sink in 45. Public promotion of a 2. Hairdo product 3. Muslim leaders 48. Hard to find 4. Ringworm 49. Thinks or supposes 5. Oppresses or maltreats 50. More lucid 6. Cut fodder 52. Thai monetary unit 7. Natural logarithm 53. Phil __, CIA Diary 8. Not divisible by two author 9. Independent Islamic 55. Dialect variant of ruler “heron” 10. Written proposal or 57. One of the tender reminder bristles in some grasses 12. Tilt or slant 58. Pass 13. Nests of pheasants 59. Hot or iced brewed 16. Portable shelters beverage 17. Swiss singing 61. Equally 20. Body of an organism 22. Opposite of “yes” 25. 41st state 26. 007’s Fleming 27. They speak Muskhogean 29. Payment (abbr.) 31. “Spud Papers” author’s initials


Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 3

Arcanum Library events announced

Darke County Center for the Arts will present ArtsPower National Touring Theatre’s production of Madeline and the Bad Hat.

DCCA brings classic Madeline book to life GREENVILLE – Darke County Center for the Arts will present ArtsPower National Touring Theatre’s production of Madeline and the Bad Hat at Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall in Greenville on Nov. 15, 2 p.m. According to DCCA Artistic Director Keith Rawlins, the musical will appeal to boys as well as girls, many of whom are already fans of the Madeline books. “The bad hat of the title is Pepito, the mischievous son of the Spanish ambassador who moves in next door to Madeline,” Rawlins explained. “Pepito’s escapades lead him into danger, from which Madeline rescues him; the play entertainingly shows how challenges and conflicts can be resolved, an always relevant issue that is especially important to young children exploring the boundaries of their independence,” Rawlins stated. According to Rawlins, Madeline and the Bad Hat, one of the five Madeline books written by Ludwig Bemelmans, was deemed a classic almost immediately upon its publication in 1956. “Madeline and the other characters inhabit-

ing her world are timeless and universal, behaving exactly like real children whether they live in Paris, as Madeline does, or anywhere else in the world,” he said. ArtsPower productions have been seen by more than 13 million people across the U.S., and in some of the nation’s top cultural centers including The Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. and Lincoln Center in New York City. DCCA’s Family Theatre Series was established to provide local families the opportunity to enjoy professional theatrical productions within their home community at an economical cost. Tickets are $5; these low ticket prices are made possible by the contributions provided by the following sponsors: Dayton Power & Light Company Foundation, Second National Bank, Greenville Federal, Greyson James Steyer Fund of the Darke County Foundation, Edison Community College, Gordon Orthodontics, Jordan Insurance Agency, The Andersons Inc., Wayne HealthCare, and Greenville Rotary Club.

ARCANUM – Fall is here! It is always such an exciting season. The weather turns cooler, the sky a bit bluer, the days a bit shorter, and there is color everywhere. It seems there is so much to do in such a short season! The Arcanum Public Library is adding to the fun with lots of activities planned for the rest of October, November, and even into December. Tuesdays at the library are perfect for bringing in your preschooler for story time. There are two sessions each Tuesday in Oct., 10 and 11 a.m. Come for stories, songs, crafts and fun! The story time sessions on Oct. 27 will be extra special. The 10 a.m. session will be Halloween themed. Feel free to dress the kids up in a costume! The 11 a.m. session will be a Fall Harvest theme. Both sessions will have stories, snacks, fun and crafts for all! Also on Tuesdays, the afterschool club meets until 4:45 p.m. AfterWords is a chance for kids in grades 1-4 to come meet their friends after school, enjoy a craft, a snack, and some games. The fall party for AfterWords will be on Oct. 27. With Election Day coming up in November, the library is offering kids a chance to cast their votes for a favorite literature character. There will be ballots available all week, Nov. 2–6. Votes will be tallied and the results posted. That same week, the library is pleased to announce a “Taste of the Holidays” dessert sampler. It will be on Nov. 5, starting at 6:30 p.m. Join them by bringing in a favorite dessert for fellow patrons to sample, along with a copy of the recipe. Beverages will be served. On Nov. 13, the library will be showing a double feature! Movie times are at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Titles will be announced later. Popcorn will be served.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the thought of preparing for the holidays? Arcanum Public Library is hosting a one hour “Organized by Olive” session to help guide you through meal planning, setting limits, selecting gifts, and more. On Nov. 16, come hear a professional organizer share organizing tips and strategies to help you better enjoy the holiday season. The program will begin at 6:30 p.m. There will be a two session “Knit a Scarf for Christmas” class for older kids and adults. No knitting experience needed. The first class will be on Nov. 19, 6–7:30 p.m., and will cover the basics of casting on, and some knitting stitches. You can then bring your project to the next session for help in finishing it. It will be on Dec. 10, 6–7:30 p.m. The library

may have some supplies on hand, but patrons are asked to bring their own if possible. Knitting needles (size 8

is perfect for beginners) and worsted weight yarn are all that is needed.



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PAGE 4 Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Polling places listed for November 3 Election GREENVILLE – The Darke County Board of Elections announces the fol-

lowing polling places will be open for the General Election on Nov. 3. Voters are

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urged to check the following list before Election Day to verify their voting location. There have been four polling location changes. All voters in these precincts have been notified by mail of the location change. MISSISSINAWA TWP. #28 Mississinawa Township Mississinawa Valley School, Concession Area, 1469 St. Rt. 47, Union City WAYNE TWP. #40 Versailles A K of C Hall, 8440 St. Rt. 47 W., Versailles #41 Versailles B K of C Hall, 8440 St. Rt. 47 W., Versailles YORK TWP. #43 York Township North Star. Community Center, Gymnasium Southeast Entrance, 124 E. Star Rd., North Star The following is a complete list of Polling Locations: GREENVILLE CITY #01 Greenville City 1-A, First Cong. Christian Church, Comm. Bldg.,123 Wayne Av-

enue #02 Greenville City 1-B, Romer’s, 118 E. Main St., Walnut Street Entrance #03 Greenville City 1-C, Romer’s, 118 E. Main St., Walnut Street Entrance #04 Greenville City 2-A, First Cong. Christian Church, Comm. Bldg., 123 Wayne Avenue #05 Greenville City 2-B, Brethren’s Home, Brick Room, 750 Chestnut Street #06 Greenville City 2-C, Brethren’s Home, Brick Room, 750 Chestnut Street #07 Greenville City 3-A, American Legion, 325 N. Ohio Street #08 Greenville City 3-B, American Legion, 325 N. Ohio Street #09 Greenville City 3-C, American Legion, 325 N. Ohio Street #10 Greenville City 4-A, Romer’s, 118 E. Main St., Walnut Street Entrance #11 Greenville City 4-B, Greenville Twp. Emergency Service Bldg., 1401 Sater St. #12 Greenville City 4-C, Greenville Twp. Emergency Service Bldg., 1401 Sater St. ADAMS TWP. #13 Adams East & Bradford, Church of the Brethren, 120 W. Oakwood Avenue, Bradford #14 Adams West & Gettysburg, Adams Twp. House, 100 Park St., Gettysburg ALLEN TWP. #15 Allen Twp., New Weston and Rossburg, Community Hall, 411 E. Main Street, New Weston BROWN TWP. #16 Brown Twp. & Ansonia Village, Ansonia First Church of God Fellowship Hall, Rear Entrance, 750 S. Main Street, Ansonia BUTLER TWP. #17 Butler Twp. and Castine Village, Butler Twp. Hall, 1481 St. Rt. 127 South FRANKLIN TWP. #18 Franklin Twp., Franklin Twp. House, 9040 Painter Creek Arcanum Road, Painter Creek GREENVILLE TWP. #19 Greenville Twp. East A, St. John Lutheran Church, 7418 St. Rt. 121N. Greenville

#20 Greenville Twp, East B, Greenville Twp. House, 5366 St. Rt. 571E., Greenville #21 Greenville Twp. West A, Eagles Lodge, 6236 Shade Rd., Greenville #22 Greenville Twp. West B, Nazarene Church, 7584 St. Rt. 118 N., Greenville HARRISON TWP. #23 Harrison West & Hollansburg, Cedar Grove Church — Family Center, 373 Love Rd. #24 Harrison East & New Madison, New Madison Community Center, 218 S. Harrison St., New Madison JACKSON TWP. #25 Union City Village, Union City Medical Center, 618 E. Elm St., East Entrance #26 Jackson Twp., Mississinawa Valley School, Concession Area, 1469 St. Rt. 47, Union City LIBERTY TWP. #27 Liberty Twp. & Palestine, Church of Christ, 209 Lynn St., Palestine MISSISSINAWA TWP. #28 Mississinawa Township, Mississinawa Valley School, Concession Area, 1469 St. Rt. 47, Union City MONROE TWP. #29 Monroe Twp. & Pitsburg Village, Pitsburg City Building, 100 Lumber Street NEAVE TWP. #30 Wayne Lakes Village, Community Building, 100 Community Dr. Wayne Lakes #31 Neave Township, Neave Township House, 3880 St. Rt. 121, Ft. Jefferson PATTERSON TWP. #32 Patterson Twp., Osgood & Yorkshire, American Legion, 162 S. North St., Osgood RICHLAND TWP. #33 Richland Twp., Beamsville Christian Church, 6102 Beamsville Union City Rd., Beamsville TWIN TWP. #34 Arcanum A, Arcanum School Fieldhouse, 310 N. Main St. W. Entrance #35 Arcanum B, Arcanum School Fieldhouse, 310 N. Main St. W. Entrance #36 Twin Twp., Gordon & Ithaca, Arcanum School Fieldhouse, 310 N. Main St. W. Entrance VAN BUREN TWP. #37 Van Buren Township, Van Buren Twp. House, 4213 Sarver Rd., Abbottsville

WABASH TWP. #38 Wabash & North Star Village, Community Center, Gymnasium Southeast Entrance, 124 E. Star Rd., North Star WASHINGTON TWP. #39 Washington Township, Washington Twp. House, 1573 Wagner Rd., Greenville WAYNE TWP. #40 Versailles A, K of C Hall, 8440 St. Rt. 47 W., Versailles #41 Versailles B, K of C Hall, 8440 St. Rt. 47 W., Versailles #42 Wayne Township, K of C Hall, 8440 St. Rt. 47 W., Versailles YORK TWP. #43 York Township, North Star Community Center, Gymnasium Southeast Entrance, 124 E. Star Rd., North Star The polls will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. All voters are reminded to bring identification to the polls. Identification may include a current and valid photo ID; military ID; driver’s license; copy of a current utility bill; bank statement; government check, paycheck, or other government document other than notices sent to you by the Board of Elections. Voters who do not provide one of these documents will still be able to vote by providing the last 4 digits of their social security number and by casting a provisional ballot. Voters who do not have any of the above forms of ID, including a social security number, will still be able to vote by signing an affirmation swearing to the voter’s identity under penalty of election falsification and by casting a provisional ballot. Whoever commits election falsification is guilty of a felony of the fifth degree. Anyone having questions regarding the election, candidates and issues on the ballot in their precinct or the exact location of their polling place can call the Darke County Board of Elections at 548-1835 Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Board office, located at 300 Garst Ave., Greenville, will be open the same hours as the polling places on Election Day, Nov. 3.

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Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 5


READERS WRITE Inaccurate Claim

This letter was given to the Franklin Monroe Board of Education on behalf of the Franklin Monroe Middle/High School staffs. This letter is submitted as a response to Mr. Baker’s letter printed on Oct. 18th to show the inaccuracies of his claims. To: Franklin Monroe Board of Education On behalf of the Middle School and High School Staffs, I, Andy McKibben would like to present this letter to the Franklin Monroe Board of Education. Over the last few months, we have heard that certain members of the public have been misrepresenting us and talking on our behalf during Board of Education meetings. The intentions of this letter are simple. First, to make it very clear no member from the community has been given permission by our staff to speak on our behalf. Let it be understood that if we as an individual or a group have issues or concerns with the Administration, we will seek to resolve the situation with dialogue between us and the administration. If that does not resolve the issue we will come directly to you, the Board of Education. Secondly, let it be understood that we have all the faith in Mr. Patrick and Mr. Burgett as Administrators of the Franklin Monroe Staff. Simply put there is no mistrust, no reluctance to approach the two men, and no fear of speaking up because of a fear of losing our jobs. What has been said at Board of Education meetings on our behalf could not be further from the truth. To end, we are offended that the Board of Education would allow an individual from the community to speak on our behalf without our permission. We support Mr. Patrick and Mr. Burgett and would greatly appreciate if members from the community stop speaking on our behalf! This document was presented to the staff. A survey was put out by request of staff members to state whether they agree or disagree with the content of this letter. Out of 17 employees (not including the ones who are new this year and have no previous knowledge of the prior administration), 16 employees have agreed with the content of this letter. Meaning over 94% of the teachers fully support Mr. Patrick and Mr. Burgett. Thank you, Andy McKibben Pitsburg ---------------------------------------------------------------Kolb for Trustee

To the Residents of Greenville Township: Please join us in supporting Matt Kolb for Township Trustee. We have personally known Matt for several years. He is an honest and trustworthy person who will make sound decisions to the best benefit of the township. Matt currently serves as a board member for the Darke County CIC and for Treaty Manor. He has a genuine interest in the growth of the community and wellbeing of its residents. Please vote for Matt Kolb on November 3. Tom & Cindy Scott, Greenville

GCS renewal levy; high school open house GREENVILLE – Greenville Schools has an operational renewal levy on the ballot for the Nov. 3 Election. I emphasize this is a renewal levy with NO NEW TAXES. This is a 5.50 mill general operations levy for the district. It will appear as issue 6 on the ballot. This levy has been in existence since 1996 and has been approved with each renewal ever since by our community. Please be sure to vote in the Nov. 3 Election. Remember Issue 6 is the renewal issue about Greenville City Schools.

Also, Greenville Schools will hold two open houses on our newly renovated High School that are open to the public. These will be held Oct. 31, 9-11 a.m. and Nov. 1, 2–4 p.m. The public is invited into the high school to see the renovations. Thank you to the entire community for your support of the high school renovation project. Any questions about the renewal levy or high school open house, feel free to contact Superintendent Doug Fries at Memorial Hall or by phone at 548-3185.

Edison DCC offers seminar for leaders GREENVILLE - Edison State Community College will be offering its first of many Workforce Development seminars planned for the future. Entitled “Hands-On Communication in the Workplace,” this initial offering is scheduled for Nov. 10 and 17 from 2 to 5 p.m. “Communication skills in the workplace are critical to the success of a company,” said Edison DCC Dean Chad Beanblossom. “Hands-On Communication” will focus on personal interaction, group leadership, critical thinking and

problem solving to aid the supervisors of today – and tomorrow – in learning the skills necessary for successful leadership. Using both verbal and non-verbal techniques, the seminar is an action-oriented, interactive workshop providing a hands-on approach to learning successful communication skills. Cost of the “Hands-On Communication in the Workplace” seminar is $129 for registration by Nov. 3. To register contact Beanblossom at (937) 7787891 or email cbeanblossom@edisonohio.edu.

No on three. Yes on two. On Nov. 3 we will be asked to decide whether we want to join four other states, plus the District of Columbia, to make recreational marijuana legal in Ohio. It is a contentious issue. Those in favor insist we are spending millions of dollars every year trying to eradicate a substance that is similar in many respects to the legal use of alcohol. They often refer to Prohibition, asking “how well did that work?” They cite thousands of people sitting in our nation’s prisons who were convicted of nothing more than smoking pot. They tell us taxing legal marijuana sales will provide a financial windfall for Ohio while eliminating the drug dealers who often sell to our kids. It will also allow the state to set guidelines on use and distribution. Finally, they tell us legalized marijuana will be available for medicinal use. The vast majority of incarcerations in Ohio and elsewhere are not due to simply smoking pot; they are due to the crimes committed against property and persons to support drug use. In Ohio we are not waging a war against marijuana. Officers don’t waste time looking for people smoking pot. If it is discovered as part of another issue, it is cited as a misdemeanor and the defendant pays a fine. And finally, the active ingredient often connected with medicinal use, THC, is already legally available. Two THC products have been approved by the FDA for prescription by a qualified physician. Let’s look at Colorado where voters approved recreational use beginning in January 2014. Marijuana tax revenues in 2014 came to a little over $52 million, less than 1 percent of Colorado’s General Revenue Fund. Offsetting that, according to The Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area report, are multiple costs, both financial and hu-

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OFFICE HOURS: Mon.-Th. 8:30am-5pm, Fr. 8:30am-4pm President & Publisher: Keith L. Foutz klfoutz@earlybirdpaper.com Managing Editor: Ryan Berry rberry@earlybirdpaper.com Marketing Director: Rhonda Dorsten rdorsten@earlybirdpaper.com Production Manager: Shannie Denney sdenney@earlybirdpaper.com Webmaster: Clinton Randall crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

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man… Marijuana-related traffic deaths increased 41 percent in one year. Hospitals reported a 38 percent increase in marijuana-related hospitalizations. Denver police reported DUI’s involving marijuana doubled, from 33 to 66. Crime is up in the state. Oklahoma and Nebraska are suing Colorado because of the illegal influx of the state’s legally grown marijuana. Sheriffs in Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska are filing suit over a ‘crisis of conscience.’ Marijuana use is still illegal by the federal law they have sworn to uphold. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There’s the impact on our youth, for instance. We already have a substance abuse problem with many of our teens. Do we want to open the

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door of opportunity even more? Marijuana impacts the ability of individuals – young and old – to function, leads to loss of jobs and more. Ten multi-millionaires are asking you to approve Issue 3 so they can cash in on the monopoly they will have for growing commercial marijuana. This measure is opposed by nearly every major law enforcement, business, medical and public service organization in the state. It is opposed by Sheriff Toby Spencer, Greenville Police Chief Dennis Butts, Prosecutor R. Kelly Ormsby III and the Police Chiefs of Ansonia, Versailles, Arcanum, New Madison and Union City. They know the damage this would do to Ohio. However, there is one area that no one has addressed. At least not di-

rectly. The impact on family and society as a whole. Alcohol is a legal source of abuse and neglect in far too many home environments and crisis situations. The most vulnerable victims are the ones with the least amount of control over their circumstances… our children. Many child welfare and police investigations involve one or more parents with a drug or alcohol problem. We already have one personality-altering substance that can ruin careers, hurt innocent bystanders and destroy families. Why would we consider adding another one? It is beyond comprehension. The Early Bird/Bluebag Media is asking you to vote no on Issue 3. Vote yes on Issue 2, as it prohibits the monopoly Issue 3 wants to establish. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK


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PAGE 6 Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Green deVilles at Harvest Sounds

Sojourner Quartet

Quartet coming to Pitsburg COB PITSBURG – The Pitsburg Church of the Brethren will host the Sojourner Quartet on Nov. 1, 6 p.m. Sojourner Quartet is a Christian music ministry based in Findlay. Sojourner began in 1991 as a contemporary Christian group playing their own instruments and writing many of the songs they performed. As their popularity spread, they began to play throughout the country. In 1998, the group went solely southern gospel. As their ministry grew, they shared the platform with many of today’s top southern gospel groups including The Booth Brothers, The Hoppers, The Isaacs, Ivan Parker, The Crabb Family, The Tally Trio, Triumphant Quartet

and many more. Over the years, several songs released to southern gospel radio made the charts in the USA and in Europe. These four men are completely devoted to Jesus Christ not only through their music ministry, but through their personal lives. Their mission is to glorify God, the Father, by witnessing the gospel of His Son, Jesus Christ to as many people as possible, regardless of their denomination, through their music and personal testimony. The church is located at the west edge of Pitsburg, Ohio at 8376 PitsburgLaura Road. A love offering will be accepted and refreshments will be served following the concert.

! presented by

Faith Baptist & Immanuel Baptist Church

" Arcanum, Ohio ### "




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NEW MADISON – Members of First Universalist Church of New Madison are proud to announce Marling Band Shell located in the Greenville City Park, has been chosen to receive all proceeds from the church’s 15th annual beneďŹ t concert. The Harvest Sounds concert will be performed at 3 p.m. on Nov. 1 at First Universalist Church of New Madison, 331 East Washington St., New Madison. The 81 year old Marling Band Shell and the 146 year old Greenville Municipal Concert Band have a long history together. Beginning in 1869, nearly every Sunday evening from the July 4th weekend to Labor Day, beautiful music has ďŹ lled the summer air. Now the venerable old band shell is in need of restoration and rebuilding, and will soon witness an extensive upgrade. Opening the show will be First Universalist Trio, Roberta Feltman on piano, Lloyd Ketring, organist, and utist Margaret Schryver playing “Amazing Graceâ€? arranged by J. Cleveland. Margaret and Lloyd will then join Susan Harris, oboist and pianist to play Beethoven’s “Turkish Marchâ€? op. 113, “The Easy Winnersâ€? by Scott Joplin and “Too Blue to Cryâ€? by Lee West. Terri Fryman and son Darrell will present a piano duet of “This Little Light of Mine.â€? Terri appears as keyboardist with the municipal jazz band at the summer park shows, and frequently at Harvest Sounds programs, always leaving the audience asking for her return. Headlining the program will be the popular local group, The Green deVilles. The band in-

cludes Cindy Slick, singing songs by Patsy Cline, Etta James, Adele and more, with country her main inuence. Will Stacy, bass and vocals, having played with several rock bands, spent 25 years in the Trojans Band and 3 years with Four Front Band. Jeff Barga has loved drums since he was old enough to comprehend what they are. He plays a variety of music, currently working with several groups. Bill Westfall has played guitar in many types of bands over the years, playing rock, contemporary, and country. Besides the Green deVilles, he currently performs with The Avalons and works duo gigs with J. R. Price when the opportunity arises. J. R. Price serves as director of the Greenville Municipal Concert Band and will be performing with the Green deVilles at the Nov. 1 beneďŹ t. He is the orchestra director for Greenville City Schools and the Jazz Scene at Greenville Senior High School. He also performs with many groups throughout the Miami Valley. His talent on saxophone is legendary, and perfect for instrumental solos and backing music that others are performing. Tickets for Harvest Sounds are $10 and may be purchased from members of First Universalist or at the door the day of performance, with no charge for students through grade 12. Following the concert will be a reception and fall refreshments. For information, call 548-2480.


Teen Creative Writing Group

ELDORADO – Local teens in grades 6-12 can spur their creative juices at the Teen “Write On!� writing club. We’ll have creative writing prompts, snacks, and you can talk with other teens about writing. You can share aloud, but you don’t have to! The group meets at the Eldorado Branch on Oct. 29, 4:30 p.m.

Braxston McDowell

Name: Braxston Joseph McDowell Age: 1 Year Birthday: October 17, 2014 Parents: Brad and Kelly McDowell of Greenville Sister: Kashlynn Jo Grandparents: Becky Snyder and Rick Snyder both of Greenville, Mike McDowell of West Milton, the late Melissa Barbour and step grandparent, Jamie Harrington of Greenville Great Grandparents: Wayne and Martha Neal, Judy Cox and Joy (Wheelock) McDowell all of Greenville, and the late Jerry and Margorie Snyder


ARCANUM – The birth of Chase Austin Lucas on March 13, 2015 makes this a ďŹ ve generation family. Pictured with Chase is his great great grandfather, Earl Sease and great grandmother, Bonnie Millard, his father, Lane Lucas and held by his grandfather, Jeff Lucas. All reside in the Arcanum area.

Members of the Ansonia United Methodist have been busy preparing for the annual Election Day Dinner.

Election Day Dinner at Ansonia UM ANSONIA – The Ansonia United Methodist Church has been busy making noodles and wants to invite you to come and enjoy them. The church will be holding its annual Election Day Dinner on Nov. 3, 4:30-7 p.m. Come enjoy homemade chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, choice of side, dinner roll, drink and dessert. The cost of the meal is $7 for adults, $3.50 children 12-6 years of age, and free for children under

GHS Class of 1955

GREENVILLE – The Greenville High School Class of 1955 will hold a luncheon on Oct. 29, noon, at the Brethren Retirement Community Cafeteria. For more information, call Georgeanna, 548-2456.

the age of 6. The church is located at the corner of Pearl and High in Ansonia.


Damien Stewart

Name: Damien Stewart Age: 2 Years Birthday: Oct. 23, 2013 Parents: Jonny and Amanda Stewart of Greenville Grandparents: Vic and Angee Weaver of Arcanum and Todd and Tammy Howard of West Milton Sister: Lily

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Kaup Pharmacy Josh Brooks State Farm Versailles Health Care Center BMI Speedway Phelan Insurance Nature’s Reections The Best Bite Grill Osgood State Bank V.P.P. Industries Frenchtown Trailers

Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 7

LEASE – John Edward Lease, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. John was called upon by his Lord Jesus Christ on Oct. 5, 2015. He was born in Greenville, Ohio on Jan. 27, 1965 and was the son of Virgil Eugene and Marilyn Jane (Lease) Fritz, of New Madison and his biological father was George L. Horning, III. John was preceded in death by his grandparents, Edwards Charles and Opal Elizabeth (Reel) Lease and Virgil Calvin and Malinda Amelia (Henninger) Fritz. Surviving is a sister, Regena (Fritz) and David Brown, of Ansonia; brothers, Troy and Kari (Hawthorne) Fritz, of Indianapolis, Ind. and Shannon and Jodi (Hartzell) of New Madison; numerous nieces and nephews, Cullen, Aidan, Meghan and Ian Brown, Cheyenne, Calvin, Ty and Ryan Fritz. John attended Greenville Senior high School and later was a hair designer and Senior Cosmetology Educator at Creative Images and Certified Designer at Matrix Design Academy and American Crew of Men’s Haircutting. He graduated from Miami Jacobs Career College with an Outstanding Achievement Award from the Dean’s List in Respiratory Therapy. John was a brilliant conversationalist and

well-traveled. He will be missed by all who knew him. “Rest in Peace” Beloved Son and Brother. Memorial services will be held Oct. 31, 2105, 1:30 p.m., at Come As You Are church with Pastor Darby Livingston officiating. Friends may visit prior to services.

VARVEL – Harry “Junior” Varvel, 88, of Greenville and formerly of Coldwater, died Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015. A funeral service was held Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015 at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in Greenville Cemetery. FASICK

– Howard D Fasick, 88, of Veteran Greenville, formerly of Arcanum, died Friday, Oct. 16, 2015. Funeral Services were held Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015 at the Kreitzer Funeral Home, Arcanum. Burial is in Abbottsville Cemetery.


– Paul Richard Sharp, 75, Veteran of Greenville, died Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015. A graveside service was held Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015 at Greenville Cemetery in the old section.


– Gene R. Magoto, 72, of Greenville, formerly of Rossburg, died Friday, Oct. 16, 2015. Services were

held Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015 at the Oliver-Floyd Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in the Ansonia Cemetery.

POWERS – Bernice

A. Powers, 81, of Greenville, died Monday, Oct. 12, 2015. Private graveside services were held at Greenville Township Memorial Gardens.

BYRAM – Shirley M. Byram, 80, of Greenville, died Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015. A funeral service was held Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015 at Coletown Congregational Christian Church, Greenville. Burial is in Greenville Cemetery.

J. Flatter, 68, of Greenville, died Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015. A celebration of life service will be held at 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015 at 1234 Null Drive, Wayne Lakes, Greenville. The family requests you bring a lawn chair to the service.

LINDLEY – Betty E. (Teaford) Lindley, 91, of Greenville and formerly of Union City, Ind., died Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015. A Celebration of Life service was held Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015, at Braund Pope Funeral Home, New Madison. Burial is in the St. Johns Cemetery, Palestine.


BEARD – Betty M. Beard, 87, of Greenville, died Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015. A funeral service was held Friday, Oct. 23, 2015 at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home. Burial is in Miami Memorial Park, Covington.


HEMBREE – Norma I. (Schlechty) Hembree, 67, of Palestine, died Saturday, Oct., 17, 2015. A celebration of Norma’s life will be held at 3 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015 at Palestine Church of Christ in Palestine. Family and friends may visit from 1-3 p.m., also at the church. Burial will follow in the Palestine Cemetery.

– David Lee Peck, 50, of Greenville, died Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015. A funeral service was held Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015 at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville. Burial is in Abbottsville Cemetery. – Antoinette Marie Bootier, 97, originally of Saratoga Springs, NY, died Friday, Oct. 16, 2015. A funeral service was held Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015 at the Brethren Retirement Community Chapel, Greenville. Burial is in St. Peter’s Cemetery in Saratoga Springs, NY.


– Tom


Cast for annual Ghost Walk announced GREENVILLE – Darke County Center for the Arts’ 12th annual Ghost Walk on Oct. 30, 31 and Nov. 1 will feature costumed tour guides who lead participants to haunted sites in downtown Greenville as well as actors who will portray characters involved in the ghostly tales. Tour guides include Michael Bitner, Marilyn Delk, Tim Nealeigh, and Keith Rawlins. Aaron Buchy, Samantha Buchy, Sarah Buchy, John Burkett, Karen Burkett, Larry Delk, Maxwell Jordan, Katheleen Nealeigh, and Selene Weaver will share spooky stories at some of the spots visited on the tour. The Ghost Walk will leave from Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall at 7:30 p.m. and last at least an hour and a half each night. Greenville Masonic Lodge #143 Craft Club will be serving refreshments at Memorial Hall before and after the event. “I can’t think of a better way to celebrate Halloween weekend than by taking a fun, spooky, and informative walk in downtown Greenville,” said DCCA Executive Director Andrea Jordan. “The stories can give you chills,

but are still not too scary for children old enough to enjoy a long walk in the dark,” Ms. Jordan continued. The stories told during the Ghost Walk are based on tales collected by Arcanum-area resident Rita Arnold who has published several volumes recounting spooky happenings within Darke County and beyond. Ms. Jordan also reminds potential Ghost Walk participants that some tour sites include uneven terrain and may be located in dimly lighted areas. As in years past, Ghost Walk will be held regardless of weather conditions; if seriously inclement weather occurs, the stories will be told indoors. Tickets for the Ghost Walk cost $10, and are available at Greenville Public Library, as well as at Ann’s Gifts, Readmore’s Hallmark, and Darke County Visitors Bureau Welcome Center in downtown Greenville; tickets will also be sold at the door. Tickets may be reserved by contacting DCCA at 547-0908 or dcca@centerforarts.com, or purchased online at www.centerforarts.net.

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Soul Purpose

Soul Purpose and Wise at CADC event GREENVILLE – On Nov. 8, Cancer Association of Darke County will hold its annual gospel concert fundraiser. It will be held again this year at Memorial Hall from 3 to 5 p.m. The hall has been remodeled, so this will be an opportunity to hear some great groups sing and also see the revamped hall. Admission is free. A freewill offering will be taken. All proceeds will go to the Cancer Association. Refreshments will be served along with a bake sale. Some of the groups

SCC hosts Fall Meetings

COVINGTON – Stillwater Community Church, 7900 W. Sugar Grove Road, Covington, will host Fall Special Meetings on Nov. 8-11. The theme is “They Were Fully Devoted…Are You?” On Sunday evening at 6 p.m., Dr. Dennis Hensley, professor of Professional Writing at Taylor University, will speak. He has written several novels and many books (50) and articles. On Monday-Wednesday at 7 p.m., Pastor Brian Stull, of Vineyard Fellowship and Stull Woodworks, will speak. On Wednesday they will hold their annual “Soup Supper” at 6 p.m. For more information, call 473-5270 or visit stillwatercc.org.

performing are: Soul Purpose, based out of Grove City, offers a “one-of-akind” traditional southern gospel sound that awakens the spirit and excites the soul. Although their ministry began in 1972 as The Sounds of Joy, in 1995 they began a fresh start with the new name Soul Purpose. The name just seemed to be the perfect fit as they proclaim “Your Soul is our Purpose!” It doesn’t take long to realize this group loves the Lord. Soul Purpose has carried the Gospel to numerous churches, fairs, conventions and arts festivals in Ohio and surrounding states including the National Quartet Convention, Ohio State Convention of Baptists, and Northern Gospel Singing Convention. Also singing that afternoon will be Brenda Wise. Brenda lives in West Alexandria. Music has been an important part of her life for as long as she can remember. She has a beautiful voice and enjoys sharing that gift with others. She is part of the Praise and Worship Team and member of Triumphant Christian Center in Greenville and has shared her talent in many churches and events throughout the surrounding in area. She describes herself as a mother, grandmother, animal lover and most importantly a Christian. The public is invited.

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PAGE 8 Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

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Versailles volleyball advances with win GAYLEN BLOSSER

SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

See more photos from the game at bluebagmedia.com/photos (Clinton Randall photo)

Young Trojans end season with win BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

ARCANUM – Before the varsity teams from both schools mix it up on the field Friday night, the Arcanum and Mississinawa Valley middle school teams played their final game of the 2015 football season Wednesday afternoon at Arcanum Booster Stadium. The Blackhawks struck first with an opening drive touchdown, but that was the only time the Trojan defense allowed the ball anywhere near the endzone. The Trojan ‘D’ not only limited the MV run, but also disrupted their chance for an aerial assault with two interceptions on the day. “We tried to hang on to the ball as long as possible,” stated Arcanum Jr. High Head Coach Jason Stephan. “Mississinawa Valley has some real talented kids and a great passing game, so we want-

ed to make sure and not give them many chances to score on us.” The Arcanum offense moved the ball well on the ground, putting 22 points on the scoreboard for a 22-6 victory. The boys celebrated with dumping some ice cold water on Coach Stephan at the end of the game. “I couldn’t be happier with the team today… the guys took all the things we been talking about all year and made it happen… like working hard, playing through adversity, keeping your head, don’t turn the ball over and no dumb penalties,” Coach Stephan added. “We played hard whistle to whistle and made plays.” “Both of these teams today have a lot of talented kids that will be at the high school level next year… and I am excited to see how they will do the next four years,” Stephan concluded.


GREENVILLE – The anticipation of finding out who will be crowned homecoming queen is always exciting. It was no different on Oct. 9 when the Greenville High School 2015 Homecoming Court was announced. Only one of the girls would wear the crown. The anticipation came to an end when Serena Stastny was crowned the 2015 Greenville High School Homecoming Queen. She was joined by Chief Green Wave Codi Byrd. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

Scoreboards/Treaty Lane BOB & KATHY BRANDON ARE BACK at Treaty Lanes & invite everyone to stop in.

Sign up for Junior Bowling

Starts November 7 (ages 5-18). Stop in & Sign Up.

BROOKVILLE – The Versailles Lady Tigers volleyball team used a 3-0 win over the Northwestern Warriors from Springfield to advance in OHSAA Division III Sectional tournament play by scores of 2517, 25-16 and 25-16 Monday night. “Pretty happy,” said Versailles Coach Karla Frilling. “Overall pretty strong performance… a team effort” Game No. 1 had the makings of a tight first set as the Lady Tigers took a 1-0 lead with Northwestern getting even at 1-1 and 3-3. Holding a slim 6-5 advantage, Versailles would score four unanswered points to double the score at 10-5 with the Warriors keeping it close at 19-15. The Lady Tigers would put six-points on the board while holding the Warriors to two-points to take a 2517 game one win. “Our outside got more swings probably tonight than they have in a while,” said Frilling. “I was pleased with how they followed

through.” Northwestern took its first lead of the night opening game two with leads at 1-0 and 2-1 before the Lady Tigers would run off a string of eight consecutive points to lead 9-2. Northwestern would get back in the game closing to 9-7 before Versailles would move out to a 16-10 advantage bringing a timeout from the Warriors bench. The Darke County girls would extend the six-point lead to nine and win game two by a 25-16 score. Versailles opened game three with a 3-0 lead only to have the Lady Warriors tie the set at 4-4, 5-5 and claim their last lead of the night 6-5. A 5-0 Lady Tigers run had Versailles taking a 10-6 lead and doubled the score at 18-9 before taking game three by a final 25-16 score. “They were a good team,” Frilling stated. “They definitely challenged us at the net. They tested our blocking and we just kept fighting and stayed aggressive. That was what our game plan was.” “I’m ok with that,” said Frilling of her 2015 team’s

See more photos from the match at bluebagmedia.com/photos (Gaylen Blosser photo) .500 record as they look to advance on the tournament trail. “We came out with an exactly .500 record at the end of the season. I don’t like seeing a .500 record but you got to be realistic. These girls fought a lot of tough games. We play a heck of a schedule and it’s only going to pay off now and its showing.” West Liberty-Salem defeated Arcanum 3-2 in the

County has winners at CCC XC meet BY RYAN BERRY MANAGING EDITOR editor@earlybirdpaper.com

NEW PARIS – The Cross County Conference cross country teams traveled to National Trail High School on Oct. 17 for the CCC Conference Meet. This was a new location for the conference meet. Carly Shell, of Covington, set the pace by finishing in 18:39 to win the high school girls meet. Darke County runners finishing in the top 20 included Karmen Knepp, Bradford, fourth place; Marcy Bradshaw, Arcanum, ninth place; Chelsea Gill, Bradford, 14th place; and Nicole Brocious, Franklin Monroe, 18th place. Covington and Miami East battled for the top spots with Covington coming out on top by nearly four minutes. The highest ranking Darke County team was Ansonia in fourth place and was followed by Franklin Monroe in fifth. Arcanum earned sixth place, Tri-Village was ninth and Mississinawa Valley was 11th. Brady McBride, Newton, led the way in the high school boys meet with a time of 15:45. Students from Darke County’s schools finishing in to the top 20 included Isaac Stephens, Arcanum, fourth place; Cole Van Hook, Franklin Monroe, eighth

place; and Johnny Fike, Bradford, 12th place. Newton had more than a minute lead over Miami East for the top spot. Arcanum finished in fifth place, Franklin Monroe was in seventh place and Bradford finished in 10th place. Selene Weaver led the way in the junior high girls meet. The Franklin Monroe eighth grader finished in 12:39 and set a new school record. She was followed by Skipp Miller, Bradford, second place, and Audrey Cable, Franklin Monroe, third place. Other top 20 finishers from Darke County included Olivia Wright, Ansonia, seventh place; Chloe Sowry, Tri-Village, ninth place; Abby Gade, Bradford, 10th place; Aidan O’Brien, Arcanum-Butler, 11th place; Bree Hall, Ansonia, 17th place; and Lissa Silert, TriVillage, 20th place. National Trail’s junior high girls earned the top spot as a team finishing in 1:11:53, nearly five minutes ahead of Arcanum-Butler. Miami East’s Alex Hayes set the time to beat at 11:26 for the junior high boys. Justin Chen, Franklin Monroe, was Darke County’s top finisher in third place. Additional finishers in the top 20 included Dakota White, ArcanumButler, fifth place; Jacob Meyer, Franklin Monroe, 10th place; Jay Roberts,

Like us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/bluebagnews) to see more pictures from the CCC Cross Country meet. Rodney Baker photo

Bradford, 11th place; Landen Fraylick, Tri-Village, 12th place; Landen Kreusch, Arcanum-Butler, 14th place; Brendan Hosler, Franklin Monroe, 16tgh place; Jack Shan-


GREENVILLE – The Greenville Athletic Boosters will be sponsoring a Football Drop again this year. This is a great opportunity to support their student athletes while taking a chance to win $1,000. The cost of the ticket is $20 and the winning football will be “dropped” at the last home football game on Oct. 30. Along with a chance to win $1,000, the ticket includes a complimentary member-

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non, Arcanum-Butler, 17th place; and Gaven Trevino, Bradford, 19th place. Arcanum-Butler edged out Franklin Monroe by 15 seconds to take the top spot.

Athletic Boosters sponsor football drop



early game and will meet Versailles at Brookville in a 4:30 Saturday afternoon game. WL-S is led by 6’4” University of Dayton recruit Jamie Peterson. She (Peterson) a good player,” said Frilling. “We will definitely have to play some containment against her. We’ll put together a game plan in the next few days and be ready to go on Saturday.

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ship to the Greenville Athletic Boosters club for the 2015-2016 school year. Raffle tickets will be available for purchase at any home sporting event and also during tailgating before the home football games. You may also purchase a ticket by contacting a Greenville Athletic Booster Officer, any of the Coaches or the Athletic Department. All proceeds from this raffle will go into the General Operating Fund of the Greenville Athletic Boosters The Boosters would like to thank you for your continued support, they could not do it without you. GREENVILLE EAGLES EVENTS


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Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 9

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Arcanum knocked out by talented West Liberty-Salem team BY GAYLEN BLOSSER SPORTS WRITER gblosser@earlybirdpaper.com

Marcus Wood dives for touchdown in week 8 win over Sidney. (Clinton Randall photo)

8th grade Wave finish season at 5-3 BY CLINTON RANDALL STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – “I’m so proud of each one of these guys and I will definitely miss being their coach,” an emotional Greenville 8th grade football Head Coach Josh Gilmore said following Wednesday’s 42-30 win over visiting Sidney. After starting off the season winning four or their first five games, the Wave dropped two GWOC North games in week six and seven, to first place Troy and second place Trotwood. The 4-3 Greenville 8th football team went into the game needing the win over the 5-2 Yellowjackets to take third place in the GWOC North… and that’s exactly what they did. The Wave’s go-to star running back Marcus Wood, did what he does best…. break tackles and score touchdowns. Accompanied with the ‘big leg’ of PAT and field goal kicker Ethan Flanery, the Green-

ville offense kept a big lead throughout most of the game. The Wave defense held the jackets to little offensive gain for the first three quarters of play. The boys were able to capitalize on fumble recoveries and though Sidney made an attempt at a comeback in the fourth quarter, it simply wasn’t enough. “I love these guys! I have coached this team the last two years and know how much heart and dedication each of them have,” Coach Gilmore added. “Now I get to pass them off to one of the best coaches in the area… Coach Shaffer (Greenville varsity coach). The future looks really bright for Greenville football!” Greenville ended the season with a very respectable 5-3 record overall and 3-2 in the conference. The 7th grade team continued to struggle with their seventh straight loss of the season at Sidney, finishing with a record of 1-7.

BROOKVILLE – The No. 5 seed Arcanum Lady Trojans faced the No. 3 seed West Liberty-Salem Lady Tigers in OHSAA Division III sectional tournament play taking the Lady Tigers to the wire in a three-games-totwo heartbreaking loss. “If you’re going to go out… that’s the way to go out,” said Arcanum Coach Terri Day of her five seniors. “Effort is the only thing you can control. They gave all their effort tonight… without a doubt.” “Arcanum played really well,” said West Liberty-Salem Coach Rebecca Macy. The Lady Tigers bolted out to a 7-1 first game lead and never looked back taking game one with a comfortable 25-11 score with 6’4” University of Dayton recruit Jamie Peterson proving worthy of her Division I college signing. Arcanum would rebound to tie the match at 1-1 with a 25-20 game two win over the Lady Tigers. “It just took that first game for them to believe,” said Day. “They turned around the second game and knew they could do it. West libertySalem gives you a fight. You’re not going to just knock them off without

working it.” Game No. 3 had the teams even at 7-7 before the Trojans Ellie Siculan would step to the serving line with the Arcanum girls reeling off 16-unanswered points to take a 23-7 lead and win game two by a 25-10 score and hold a two games to one advantage. WL-S took an early 9-4 lead in game four and double the score on the Lady Trojans at 12-6 before the Arcanum girls rebounded to tie the score at 14-14, 15-15, 16-16 and 19-19. West Liberty-Salem would put six-unanswered points on the board to win game four 25-19 sending the sectional tournament match to a fifth and deciding game. “They dug deep,” said Macy. “I covered with them (during a WL-S timeout) different things to look for ahead of time. We went over things that they know to do… and that wasn’t working. I tried yelling a little and I’m not much of a yeller. They really just dug deep themselves. We have six seniors out of 12 and they weren’t really ready for

See more photos from the match at bluebagmedia.com/photos (Gaylen Blosser photo)

it to end quite like that. They weren’t playing their best game.” Arcanum would take an early 1-0 fifth-game lead only to have the Lady Tigers move out to an 11-4 advantage. “The middle of that last game was the game we wanted… not those first four points,” said Day. “If we could get those back… but you can’t. It’s a game of momentum.” The Trojans would close the scoring gap to 13-8 but quickly got within one point of elimination trailing 14-8 before making a 4-0 run to trail 14-12. WL-S would

put the final point on the board to win the game 1512 and the match by a 3-2 count. “We got to a point, made a couple mistakes and they let that effect another point,” Day stated. “Against a team like that you got to get over that mistake especially in that 15-point game. It just goes way too fast. You got to recover fast.” “It was a great season,” Coach Day said. West Liberty-Salem advances in sectional play in a 4:30 p.m. start time at Brookville High School taking on Darke County’s Versailles Lady Tigers.

Greenville cross country teams finish 3rd at GWOC meet CENTERVILLE – The Greenville High School cross country teams took 3rd place in the North division of the Greater Western Ohio Conference (GWOC) meet on Saturday. The boys scored 70 points in the division and placed 11th overall with a score of 315. The girls team also placed 3rd in the GWOC North with a score of 63 and finished 9th overall in the conference with a 251 score. According to CC Coach Stephanie Lind, a number of Wave runners re-

(Submitted photo)

corded personal bests on the day. For complete results

of the GWOC meet, log on to www.gwocsports. com.

Sponsored by:

Ansonia @ Covington Arcanum @ Bethel Bradford vs Danville

Greenville vs Sidney Mississinawa Valley vs Troy Christian Versailles vs Fort Recovery



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PAGE 10 Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Over 100 Years of Caring Service

750 Chestnut Street • Greenville • Ohio 45331 (937) 547-8000 www.bhrc.org

Ladies Shopping Day

”MasquerAID” was the theme for Brethren Retirement Community at their 9th Annual Charity Auction & Dinner held on September 11, 2015 at Romer’s in Greenville. Over 300 people enjoyed the event and there were nearly 250 auction items available. Thanks to the support of those in attendance and our many sponsors and donors, we were able to raise over $49,000 for the Resident Aid Fund. The Resident Aid Fund is a vital part of our ministry. It was established to fulfill our mission of caring for older adults. Brethren Retirement Community expresses their heartfelt

thanks to all our sponsors and the many additional business and individuals who donated items for the auction. In addition, because of the generosity of our donors, $24,470 was also raised that evening to help fund a 15 passenger bus. Each year the one bus we have is used for many things. Weekly shopping trips in Greenville and in outlying areas, monthly luncheons in surrounding communities (Winchester,

Richmond, Piqua, Troy, and Celina), sight seeing and educational tours, museum visits, Dragon games, Cincinnati shopping etc. There are trips scheduled an average of 2 times a week and many weeks more than that. This does not include the number of times the bus is used for transportation to doctor appointments in Richmond, Greenville, Dayton, Troy and Cincinnati. In addition to the money raised the eve of

Tuesday, November 10th, 6pm in the Brick Room 750 Chestnut St. Greenville, OH 45331

Nutrition Updates-Including The Gatekeeper and The Traffic Cop New Synergies Involving Vitamin D and Vitamin K

Pancake Breakfast Scheduled

Dr. John P Studebaker, M.S., M.D. has been an active Family Medicine Physician in Darke County, Ohio for 37-years. He has a masters in Marine Science (biology) in addition to his Doctor of Medicine Degree. He had a 3-year Family Medicine residency at Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, Ohio. He was Board Certified in Family Practice in 1978. In 2005 he became Board Certified by examination and recertified by examination in 2014 by the ABIHM (American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine). He practices and does consultations in Integrative Holistic Medicine at 404 Wagner Ave., Greenville, Ohio. From 2005 to date he has devoted time to nutrition, Vitamin D, and Vitamin K research both in office and academically. You will find his illustrated address immediately valuable for your own health and longevity as well as that of your family and acquaintances. - Refreshments will be served 750 CHESTNUT STREET GREENVILLE, OH 45331 937-547-8000 WWW.BHRC.ORG

the Gala, Brethren Retirement Community was also blessed with several lead gifts totaling $18,847 for the bus from BRC Ladies Auxiliary, Matt & Angie Arnold, John Marchal, Sr., residents from Brethren Retirement Community’s Chestnut Village campus and our Union campus Mill Ridge Village, all of which helped BRC achieve $43,317, more than half the funds necessary for the new bus. Brethren Retirement Community is committed to providing opportunities for our residents to get out and see things; it gives them something to look forward too. If you are interested in donating towards the BRC bus, please feel free to contact Jane Woodie at 937-5477642.

This event will fill up quickly, so call 547-7655 today for your reservation.

Pancakes, sausage, fruit…can a Saturday morning start off any better than that? The Kings Men will be hosting this delicious breakfast on Saturday, November 20th from 8am until 9:30am in the Chestnut Village Center located on the campus of Brethren Retirement Community. The Kings Men use Grandpa Pierce’s recipe that has been in the family for 100 years. There is a suggested donation of $4.00 and all proceeds will benefit the Resident Aid Fund to help cover the cost of caring for our elders, who have outlived their resources. Bring your family and friends!!!!

Recently, Chestnut Village residents and their guests had a Ladies Shopping Day in Columbus. The shopping stops for the day included Tailfeathers and Three French Hens, Prairie House and Morgan House. The day included a delicious lunch in the Morgan House Restau-

rant, chocolate, and the crowning of the “Shopping Queen”. It was a wonderful fall day with great fellowship, scenery and shopping. Another Ladies Shopping trip is planned for the Greater Cincinnati Holiday Market on November 13.

Public Is Welcome • Brethren Retirement Community Presents...

SUPPORT GROUPS/ACTIVITIES FOR NOV. 2015 Tuesday, November 3rd, 7pm, Meeting House LIVING WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP ------------------------------------------Saturday, November 7th, 9:30pm-2pm, Brick Room 47TH ANNUAL AUXILIARY BAZAAR ------------------------------------------Tuesday, November 10th, 6pm, Brick Room VITAMIN D PRESENTATION BY DR. STUDEBAKER ------------------------------------------Wednesday, November 18th, 4pm, Meeting House ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP

------------------------------------------Saturday, November 21st, 10am, Meeting House LIVING WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP ------------------------------------------Saturday, November 21st, 8am-9:30am, Chestnut Village Center KINGS MEN PANCAKE BREAKFAST ------------------------------------------Monday, November 23rd, 7pm, Chapel VIP (LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP)

Think The Best When Only The Best Will Do Think Brethren Retirement Community Therapy Team Physical, Occupational, Speech, and Outpatient Therapy Offered More than 150 people return home each year through our successful Rehab To Home program. Now offering the LSVT Big and Loud Program. Call today to learn more about the benefits of this program.

750 Chestnut Street • Greenville, OH 45331 937-547-7610 • www.bhrc.org

47th Annual Bazaar

SATURDAY, NOV. 7TH 9:30AM-2:00PM 750 Chestnut St., Greenville, OH 45331

• A homemade soup and sandwich lunch will be served from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in the Chestnut Cafe. • FREE canvas shopping bags will be given to the first 50 community adult shoppers. • The Bazaar will highlight baked goods and crafts by auxiliary members from participating Churches of the Brethren. • Proceeds from the Bazaar are used to 16 VENDOR purchase various items to enhance the BOOTHS!! retirement experience for the residents 750 CHESTNUT STREET , GREENVILLE, OH 45331 937-547-8000 •


Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 11

Ashlee Carder speaks to Greenville BPW

Shown are the baskets available in the Friends of the Library Gift Basket Raffle.

Worch friends host Gift Basket Raffle

VERSAILLES – Friends of the Library (Worch Memorial Public Library) will be holding a Gift Basket Raffle fundraiser. Tickets will be $1 each or 6 for $5. Tickets will be available for purchase at the Worch Library during library hours and during the Versailles Hometown Christmas Nov. 13 and 14 at the Craft Bazaar at Versailles Christian Church. There are six baskets available: a grocery basket featuring Paula Dean cookbook, a golf basket with a shirt from Stillwater Val-

ley Golf Course, an antique toys basket featuring a small wagon, a wine basket with wine from Versailles Winery, a reading basket featuring books from local authors Bill Schuette and Jodie Bohman and a soap basket from Mother Suds Soap Co. with natural skincare items that are made with organic, local and sustainable ingredients. Baskets can be viewed at the Worch Memorial Public Library and tickets purchased starting Oct. 26. The drawing will take place on Nov. 21.

Halloween events slated for Union City UNION CITY – Union City has several opportunities for the youth and families to enjoy Halloween this year. On Oct. 31, the village will be hosting Trunk or Treat at Railroad Park from 3-4:15 p.m. A costume pageant and parade will follow at the downtown park in Union City, Ind. from 4:15 to 5:30 P.M. Trick-or-Treat will be held from 6-8 p.m. The Union City, Ohio Police and Fire Departments encourage the beggars’ to

stop by their departments for a treat – they also like tricks. The inaugural Halloween Jamb will be held in the Union City Ohio Safety Service Building (police and fire). You will get to enjoy free food and entertainment. The whole family is invited to join in the fun from 8-9:30 p.m. The Union City, Ohio Police Department thanks the Union City, OH/IN Lions Club for sponsoring the parade and costume pageant again this year.

GREENVILLE – The Greenville BPW will host its monthly dinner meeting on Nov. 12 at the Brethren’s Retirement Community’s Private Dining Room, 6:30 p.m. The program will include a presentation by Ashlee Carder, Board Certified Music Therapist from State of the Heart Hospice. Ashlee will explain what Music Therapy is, how it is used, demonstrate some relevant exercises and discuss how we can use the music therapy toolbox for our own and our loved ones’ wellness. Ashlee studied music therapy at Ohio University for four years, completed a six month internship at State of the Heart Hospice, and took the board certification exam for music therapist in May of 2014. Ashlee works for State of the Heart Hospice, a nonprofit hospice agency that provides quality care for

Ashlee Carder

patients and families in western Ohio and eastern Indiana, serving 12 counties in those two states. State of the Heart Hospice provides care for patients and families in the end of life, after treatment is no longer successful or possible. State of the Heart, wants to ensure the best possible quality of life for you and loved ones at the end of life. As a music therapist,

Open Burning Advisory given DARKE COUNTY – The Darke County Association of Fire Chief’s, its member departments with the support of the Darke County Sheriff’s Office and The Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, is issuing an “Open Burning Advisory” for all of Darke County until further notice. The unusually dry conditions warrant such an advisory with respect to all types of outdoor open burning and fires. Per ODNR regulations, with limited exceptions, open burning is not allowed during 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. during the following months, March, April, May, October and November. This includes

burning yard waste, wood, brush, weeds, grass and other residential/agricultural debris. They are asking homeowners, farmers and the public to be extremely cautious during this dry period. Residents are urged to take extra precautions to prevent accidental fires to include: 1. Avoid burning of trash and debris 2. Do not discard cigarettes or other smoking materials outdoors 3. Do not have open cooking, campfires or recreational fires. 4. Charcoal from grills should not be removed until the charcoal has been thoroughly extinguished.

Ashlee uses music therapeutically for non-musical goals, such as pain management, connection, sensory stimulation, relaxation, spiritual and emotional support. Each session may look different, using music to best fit the needs of patients and families at that time. The BPW club will also have available for sale ‘super raffle’ tickets. Winners will be drawn at the Dec. 10 meeting. You can win one of four prizes: 11 quart Kitchen Aid Food Processor, a Diamond “Shimmer” Necklace from Wieland’s Jewelers, A Spa Mani, Pedi and Facial from Mae’s Beauty Salon & Spa, or reservations for two at a 2016 “Thrill of the Grill” Event at the Winery at Versailles. Tickets are also available from any BPW Club member or by contacting Susan Shields at 548-2592 / email dshields2@woh.rr.com or Debbie Niekamp at (419) 305-2178 / email debniekamp@hughes.net. All

Heritage Goodhew

proceeds are used to grant scholarships to the young women of Darke County. The Greenville BPW Club’s mission is to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education, and information. For reservations, contact Marilyn Emmons by noon on Nov. 9 at 548-5824 or demmons@embarqmail. com.



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PAGE 12 Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 13

Old Arcana launches Thanks for Giving ARCANUM – At the end of October, The Old Arcana restaurant in Arcanum will be launching its inaugural Thanks for Giving Campaign: A very special charitable effort created to serve those in our community who are in need of the most basic necessities in life: food and shelter. The Old Arcana has connected with the Darke County Community Action Partnership (CAP) as the recipient of their campaign donations for the season. Darke County Community Action Partnership, (a United Way Partner Agency), serves those in need in Darke County through multiple programs, with the ultimate mission of “working in partnership with local communities to eliminate the causes and conditions of poverty and to promote individual independence and self-sufficiency.” One CAP’s key programs include the Darke County Emergency Homeless Shelter, which provides emergency food and temporary housing for those who have become displaced or cannot afford food. The shelter is funded by the Homeless Crisis Response Program (HCRP) Grant from the state, the Darke County United Way and local donations. Due to aging and normal wear and tear, the shelter is in need of additional assistance. Currently, the shelter is in need of numerous items to effectively help those in need. * Non-perishable food items for the Community Food Bank * Volunteers for structural and maintenance assistance to the shelter building * Paint, flooring replacement, appliances and / or

appliance repair * Beds, dressers and a baby crib * Twin and full zippered plastic mattress covers * Twin and full sized sheets * Bath towels and wash cloths * Kitchen towels and wash cloths * Laundry soap, personal hygiene & toiletry items *Diapers in multiple sizes Through the “Thanks for Giving Campaign,” The Old Arcana is asking the local community to join them in supporting the Shelter throughout the Holiday Season in 3 ways: * Donation of needed items. Those interested in donating non-perishable food items or any of the daily living items listed above may drop items off at The Old Arcana, 109 W. George St. in Arcanum, during regular business hours from October 26 through December 20. Evening drop off hours will be scheduled once a week as well and will be announced via social media. * Attend the Campaign Fundraiser. The Old Arcana will also be hosting a special Collaborative “Multi-Chef Dinner” on Nov. 21 featuring a special tasting menu by Chef Jeffrey Besecker (The Old Arcana), Chef Zackary Weiner (Rue Dumaine, Taste, Olive), Brendon Miller (Lucky’s Tap Room & Eatery, Roost), and Nathan Heil (Pies and Pints). A portion of the proceeds from the evening will be donated directly to the shelter. Tickets for the event will be available online and at the restaurant by Oct. 26. Details regarding the evening’s special menu will be announced on that day.

* Become a “Thanks for Giving Campaign” Business Partner. The Old Arcana is in search of area business partners to help spread the word about the shelter’s need and expand the visibility of the campaign as much as possible. Tools to help market the campaign will be made available. Businesses interested in becoming a partner in the “Thanks for Giving Campaign” should contact the restaurant at 692-0068 or email leslie@ oldarcana.com. Jeff Besecker, owner and executive Chef at The Old Arcana said, “As business owners, we are so very grateful for the many blessings and opportunities we enjoy, from the roof over our head to the delicious food that is placed on our tables every day. We truly believe in the concept of giving back, and we hope members of the local community and our business neighbors will join us in our efforts to do what we can to help others during this season of giving.”

Stargazers at NMPL NEW MADISON - Enjoy an evening of stargazing at New Madison Public Library, 142 S. Main St., on Oct. 22, 6-8 p.m. Cheri Adams, director of Astronomy at Boonshoft Museum of Discovery will help attendees look at the sun through a solar scope, observe the moon in her autumnal splendor, hold real meteorites and learn more about them. Visitors will also learn about the Geninid Meteor Shower that will be visible in December. Bring your blankets and chairs to the backyard to enjoy the bonfire and the stars.


www.facebook.com/newmadisonsupermarket FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF OVER 80 SALE ITEMS!

Copy of entire ad available at the store starting Monday morning. AD PRICES IN EFFECT MON., OCT. 26, - SAT., OCT. 31, 2015 HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 8-9, Sun. 10-8 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES - NO DEALER PURCHASE * Eligible additional purchase requirements for sale prices do not include tobacco products, 12 pack advertised soft drinks & the purchased item*

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FROZEN SPECIALS ................................................

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GROUND BEEF 2.39lb ................................................ BONELESS Beef Arm Chuck

SHOULDER SWISS ROAST 3.49lb ................................................ Our Best, BONE-IN, Center Cut

PORK LOIN CHOPS 1.99lb ................................................ Great in the Crock Pot Sirloin End

PORK LOIN ROAST 1.59lb ................................................ Cut From the Pork Loin, Extra Meaty,

COUNTRY STYLE SPARE RIBS 1.79lb ................................................ Bulk Thick Sliced,

PLATTER STYLE BACON 3.79lb ................................................ BONELESS

BEEF STEW MEAT 3.99lb ................................................

GROCERY SPECIALS Kellogg’s reg. $4.59-4.79 12.5 oz. Corn Pops, 12.2 oz. Froot Loops, 12.2 oz. Apple Jacks, 11-11.4 oz. Krave Cereals or 10.5 oz. FROSTED FLAKES 2.49ea ................................................ Kellogg’s 12 Count reg. $3.89 POP TARTS 2.49ea ................................................ Nabisco 11.3-15.35 oz. reg. $4.19 OREO LIMIT 2 COOKIES 2.49 ea ................................................

Nabisco 4.5-8.1 oz.

reg. $3.89

Domino 4 lb.

reg. $2.39

TOASTED CHIPS 2.49ea ................................................ GRANULATED SUGAR

1.49ea Limit 1 with additional $20.00 purchase ................................................ Domino 2 lb. reg. $2.59 Powdered or BROWN SUGAR 1.99ea ................................................

Ansonia Chili Supper and Parade set ANSONIA – The Ansonia Volunteer Fire Department will host its 33rd annual Chili Supper and Halloween Parade on Oct. 29. The Chili Supper begins at 5 p.m. and continues until sold out. Dine in or carryout. The parade will line up at 6:30 p.m. with a 7 p.m. start time. Prizes will be awarded for best costumes. The annual raffle will follow the parade. Tickets are now available and a $1 each or six for $5. All proceeds support the fire department to ensure they can continue to provide the best possible service

Tween Craft at PCDL WEST MANCHESTER – Kids age 8-12 can create an unusual work of art with recycled CDs and paint. We’ll scratch the paint off in various designs to create a rainbow reflection! Take part in the craft on the following dates and times: Nov. 2, 4:30 p.m., at the West Manchester Branch Nov. 3, 4:30 p.m., at the Eldorado Branch Nov. 10, 4:30 p.m., at the New Paris Branch

to the community. Tickets can be purchased from any firefighter or by calling the Ansonia Fire Department

and leaving a message at 337-1811. Prizes include a whole hog, gift certificates, concert tickets and more.

Tolly’s Gastropub WEDNESDAY IS HUMP DAY! Celebrate with a 2lb. Grilled Pork Chop Dinner




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PAGE 14 Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

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Mehaffie is top Republican; Faber runs for Buchy’s seat BOB ROBINSON

ASSOCIATE EDITOR brobinson@earlybirdpaper.com

Jason and Christine Daugherty (center) accepting check in front of Miller’s Tavern from members of the Arcanum Lions Club – (not in order) Winston Brumbaugh, Dick Mathias, Bob Kimmel, Matt Jones, Adam Hodge, Dave Kessler and Bill Campbell. (Clinton Randall photo)

Lions help family after brain surgery CLINTON RANDALL

STAFF WRITER crandall@earlybirdpaper.com

ARCANUM – The Arcanum Lions Club donated $1,677 Oct. 16 to Street Department Superintendent Jason Daugherty and his wife Christine to help the couple make at least two payments on their newly purchased home. In August, Daugherty was diagnosed with having Brain Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM) – which caused three brain aneurysms. He underwent a neurological surgery at Miami Valley Hospital to save his life. Since then, Daugherty suffers from visual issues that make it impossible to get back to work. How much he will recover is not quite clear as of yet, but he continues after care and physical therapy to get back as much as possible. Family, friends and healthcare providers all agree it is a miracle he

is still alive. The Lions Club members held an auction at their bi-monthly meeting Oct. 15. Baked goods were donated from Brumbaugh Fruit Farm that club members bid on to help raise money for the Daugherty family. Club members met with Jason and Christine at Miller’s Tavern in Arcanum to present the check. According to Past President Dick Mathias, the club holds an auction like this each year. “He is the type of person that would do anything to help and go out of his way to make sure it got done,” said Mathias. Daugherty has been a member of the Village Street Department for three years. He is 34years-old and he and his wife have three children. If you would like to make a donation or want know more about how you can help – contact Tina at Miller’s Tavern in Arcanum at 692-5359.

Warm Winter Wear collection begins GREENVILLE – The employees of the Darke County Sheriff’s Office, through the support of Sheriff Toby L. Spencer, and in conjunction with local law enforcement, Crime Stoppers, and fire and emergency medical professionals have announced plans to host the 15th annual “Warm Winter Wear for Darke County Children” program. Thanks to generous donations from caring individuals and businesses within our community, “Warm Winter Wear” is able to provide all Darke County Schools with items they request for their students. New hats, gloves and coats are collected in the dispatch center at the Darke County Sheriff’s Office from Oct. 1 through the middle of November and items are distributed to the schools and local families as orders are filled. With the support and participation of the local K-Mart from 2000 - 2013, “Warm Winter Wear” was

able to provide over 3,000 coats to children in Darke County. The Darke County Sheriff’s Office now welcomes Wal-Mart as a partner in providing new coats, hats and gloves to children, ages 0-13, who are in need. With their support and participation last year, the Darke County Sheriff’s Office was able to provide over 300 coats to children in Darke County. The Darke County Sheriff’s Office wishes to thank the numerous individuals and businesses throughout the County who have made donations in previous years. Some of the donations we have received include new coats, as well as hand-made hats, scarves and gloves. We greatly appreciate the generosity of our citizens; our program could not continue without your help. Anyone with questions about this project may contact the Darke County Sheriff’s Office at 548-3399, and direct your call to Dispatch.

Christmas basket help UNION CITY – The Union City Community Help Center will start taking applications for Christmas Baskets for low income eligible individuals on Nov. 2-30. Hours are 9-11 a.m. and 1:30-3 p.m., Monday through Thursday. They will be closed Nov. 25 and 26 for Thanksgiving. All applicants must bring proof of income, including food stamps print out, Social Security, SSI,

unemployment, child support and housing authority print out. Applicants must be residents of Union City, Ind. (Wayne and Jackson Townships) and Union City, Ohio (Jackson Township and Mississinawa Valley School District). Others are asked to sign up in their own community. For more information, contact the Community Help Center at 964-4475.


GREENVILLE – Twenty-two veterans followed Greenville High School’s NJROTC Honor Guard to the front of the Youth Building Oct. 18 to kick off the annual Darke County Republican Pig Roast. Two special announcements were part of the program… Darryl Mehaffie was named the Darke County Republican of the Year for 2015. Ohio Senate President Keith Faber, in making the announcement, noted Mehaffie had served Republicans (and the community) at local, state and national levels, adding he was “a proud Darke Countian.” Mehaffie received commendations from the Ohio Senate (Faber and State Senator Bill Beagle), the House (State Representatives Jim Buchy and Steve Huffman), Greenville Mayor Mike Bowers, Representatives from U.S. Representative John Boehner and U.S. Senator Rob Portman and the Darke County Commissioners. Commissioner Diane Delaplane referred to Mehaffie as “a gentleman and a true Republican.” Just a week earlier, Mehaffie received the William L. Combs Patron of the Arts award, presented by Keith Rawlins, Artistic Director, and Andrea Jordan, Executive Director, on behalf of the Darke County Center for the Arts. “What a week! Wow!!” said Mehaffie following the announcement. “Patron of the Arts… and now this? Leaves me speechless.” He added he was a lucky man, able to do the things he loves… to give to his community and his state. “I’m very humbled,” he said. Huffman and Faber later called on Buchy to come

Darryl Mehaffie thanks everyone for the Republican of the Year honor, while elected officials or their representatives prepare to add their own commendations. (Bob Robinson photo)

to the front. He did so to a standing ovation from those in attendance. Buchy reaffirmed his announced intention to retire when his term was up, then announced Faber is running for his seat. “We need to get him back in the house to help keep us moving forward,” Buchy said. Regarding the much discussed Ohio Issue 3 on the ballot in November, he added “As long as we keep our faith and values, we will – hopefully – get the rest of the world to come back to us.” Faber has been in the Ohio Statehouse for 15 years. He is currently serving his second term as State Senator. Prior to that he served three terms in the Ohio House of Representatives. Faber noted Ohio went from losing 100,000 jobs a year to creating well over 300,000 jobs; Ohio went from balancing a budget on one-time funds with no money set aside, to having well over $2 billion in its Rainy Day Fund. He talked about helping his son with his government assignment… “I guess I know a little

Retiring Ohio Representative Jim Buchy and Ohio Senate President Keith Faber, who is term limited for the Senate, announce that Faber will be seeking election to Buchy’s seat in the House. (Bob Robinson photo)

about our government,” Faber said. He described the assignment, telling the Republicans and guests in attendance the textbook actually taught about the three branches of government as delineated in the U.S. Constitution. Then he noted ten millionaires were trying to change that by establishing themselves as the overseers of a monopoly in marijuana production and distribution in Ohio. “Vote no on Issue 3 so we don’t have to rewrite all the fifth grade history books,” he said. Darke County Chief

Beggars’ Night and Halloween Parade GREENVILLE – On Oct. 29, downtown Greenville will be transformed into a trail of Halloween treats for elementary school aged children. The Early Bird/Bluebag Media, Main Street Greenville and downtown businesses are pleased to bring this safe Halloween event to the community! There are many ways to join in the fun, including a costume contest and costume parade provided by The Early Bird/ Bluebag Media. Anyone who chooses to enter the costume contest will walk in this parade, from W. 5th Street (next to Wayne Cinema), down Broadway and finish at the circle. The costume judging will take place at the circle. Cash prizes will be awarded in each of the seven categories of costumes, with first place winning $30, second place winning $20 and third place winning $10! The seven prize categories are: 1. Tiny Tot Girls - up to age 6; 2. Tiny Tot Boys - up to age 6; 3. Masked Girls - ages 6-10; 4. Masked Boys - ages

6-10; 5. Masked Boys & Girls - ages 11-16; 6. Best Costumed Adult; and 7. Best Masked Group Schedule of events: 6:30 p.m. - To participate in the costume contest, line-up on W. 5th St. - next to Wayne Cinema 7 p.m. - Costume Contest Parade begins, will end at the circle. After costume judging (approximately 7:45 p.m.) - Beggars’ begin trick-ortreating! Also, there is a great photo opportunity available at the Circle with a luminary display. Don’t forget to stop by the Circle and take your pictures! The “begging” and luminary event has been organized as a way for downtown businesses to say thank you to the community for doing business downtown. The Beggars’ Night committee members are: Antonia Baker (Second National Bank), Joan Brandt (Commercial Printing), Julie Kessen (Granny’s Corner), Mary Lane (Staffmark), and Amber Garrett (Main Street Greenville).

Beggars’ Night and The Early Bird/Bluebag Media Halloween Parade will be held Oct. 29 in downtown Greenville.

Please no political campaigning. They ask that each participating business pass out kid-friendly items and not handouts or flyers. Only pre-registered businesses will be able to distribute candy during the event.

Main Street Greenville is a non-profit organization that supports downtown Greenville, Ohio through stimulating and supporting revitalization efforts, historic preservation and economic growth.





11 AM - 1 PM


Deputy Sheriff Mark Whittaker also expressed his opposition to Issue 3, saying passage of the issue would tell “our youth it’s okay to go ahead and light up… it is not okay.” State Senator Bill Beagle announced to the attendees he was running for U.S. Rep. John Boehner’s seat in the House of Representatives. Boehner announced recently he would be retiring at the end of the month. Other candidates have also expressed an interest in the seat although no official announcements have been made.

Doors Open at 11am / Bingo at 1pm



6@$500, 1@$345 HOTBALL $157


PAGE 16 Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com




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225 S. First St., Union City, OH 937-968-6163 ---------------------------------------------

BRETHREN Beech Grove Church of the Brethren

3420 Harrison Rd., Hollansburg 937-997-4895

Bradford Church of The Brethren 120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215

Castine Church of the Brethren 624 State Route 127, Arcanum 678-9945

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373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675

Greenville Church of the Brethren 421 Central Ave., 548-3583


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8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum 937-692-8772 ---------------------------------------------


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Holy Family (Frenchtown) 11255 St Rt 185, Versailles (937)526-4945

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CHRISTIAN Ansonia Christian Church

123 W. Weller St., Ansonia, 548-5490

Coletown Congregational Church 2876 State Route 571, Greenville 548-6590

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201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575 ---------------------------------------------

INTERDENOMINATIONAL Family of God 310 W South St., Arcanum, 692-8521

Lighthouse Christian Center

5256 Sebring Warner Rd., Greenville, 548-7464 ---------------------------------------------

LUTHERAN St. John Lutheran Church

7418 State Route 121, Greenville 548-5404

St Paul Lutheran Church 131 E. 4th Street, Greenville 548-5770

St Paul’s Lutheran Church 13495 Greenville St. Marys Rd Versailles, 419-336-7111

St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

6825 State Route 722, Ithaca, 678-8584

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

8520 Oakes Rd., Pitsburg 937-692-5670 ---------------------------------------------

METHODIST - UNITED Abbottsville United Methodist Church 3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum

Ansonia United Methodist Church Corner of Pearl and High St., Ansonia 337-5781

CMA Church

Faith United Methodist Church

6808 Church St., Stelvido, Greenville, OH 316-8198

Teegarden Congregational Church 2753 State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249

Woodington Congregation Church

8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441 ---------------------------------------------

CHURCH OF CHRIST Greenville Church of Christ

4599 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., Greenville, 937-548-4467 ---------------------------------------------

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CHURCH OF GOD Ansonia First Church of God

750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945

The New Beginning Church of God

1451 Sater Street, Greenville, OH 45331 101 E. South St., Arcanum, 692-8934

First United Methodist Church 202 W 4th St. Greenville, 548-3075

Fort Jefferson United Methodist 3856 Church St., Greenville 548-4410

Gordon United Methodist Church 311 East St., Gordon, OH 937-884-5129

Ithaca Grace United Methodist 750 Arcanum-Ithaca Rd 678-9062

Nashville United Methodist 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421

New Madison United Methodist 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341

Rossburg United Methodist

117 Ross St., Rossburg, 937-338-4765

Trinity United Methodist Church 112 West South Street Arcanum, OH 692-8530

802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502

METHODIST - UNITED Versailles United Methodist 122 W Wood St, Versailles 937-526-3855

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5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885

NON-DENOMINATIONAL Beamsville Christian Church 6102 Beamsville-Union City Rd. Greenville 547-0009

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9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978

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Living Waters Ministries

102 W Main St., Versailles, 526-4567

Northside Community Fellowship 623 Spring St., 548-8965

Rosehill Country Church

St. Rt. 49 and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill

Versailles Christian Church 105 W Ward St., Versailles 937-526-4194

The Hillgrove Federated Church

1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332

Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue

Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-547-0092 ---------------------------------------------

PENTECOSTAL Faith Apostolic Lighthouse

332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299 ---------------------------------------------

PRESBYTERIAN First United Presbyterian Church

114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188 ---------------------------------------------

UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - UCC St. Paul United Church of Christ

129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506 ---------------------------------------------

UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST First Universalist Church

331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403 ---------------------------------------------

WESLEYAN Trinity Wesleyan Church

1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337

Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331

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Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 17

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Hamilton Auto Sales opens a repair department Record setting tire collection at Rumpke BY BOB ROBINSON ASSOC. EDITOR brobinson@earlybirdpaper.com

GREENVILLE – “Monty (Hamilton, owner) was looking to grow his business,â€? said Hamilton Auto Sales Repair Manager Tony Ulman. “I worked with him at another dealership‌ then he opened up Hamilton Auto Sales. He contacted me, we talked, I said I’d help him with that.â€? The repair department was opened for business three weeks ago. It handles general maintenance‌ brakes, oil changes, tire rotations, tune-ups, belts, hoses and more, for all makes and models. “Monty’s main purpose has been selling pre-owned vehicles,â€? Ulman said. “He wanted to start servicing them.â€?

Hamilton Repair Department Manager Tony Ulman (left) and GHS Auto Tech student Ryan Sanders put the finishing touches on a maintenance job in the Hamilton Auto Sales Repair Department.

Ulman added they are working with Greenville High School’s Auto Technology program. GHS student Ryan Sanders works with Ulman‌ “It’s a really good experience,â€? Sanders said. Hamilton Auto Sales has been open about three

to four years, according to Ulman. The property has been in the family for generations. It is located at 141 N. Broadway, next to MaidRite Sandwich Shop. Hours are 9-7 Monday through Thursday, Friday 9-6 and Saturday 9-3.

OSU Tailgate and Blood Donor Party GREENVILLE – Blood donors on Nov. 10 may think they are at an OSU Football Tailgate Party. They will be close to the truth as the OSU Alumni Club of Darke County sponsors its annual Tailgate Blood Drive from 12:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Greenville Church of the Brethren, 421 Central Avenue. Amid game day decorations, Buckeye memorabilia will be given as door prizes and donors will be offered a large variety of goodies, including tasty buckeyes after donating, or attempting

to donate. The OSU Alumni Club of Darke County hopes to make this year’s number of donations a record. This annual blood drive always has the feeling of a party as Buckeye decorations, including a larger than life Brutus, are everywhere. The tasty buckeyes that are served along with cheese, cookies and juices are added incentive to those who choose to give toward saving someone’s life with their donation. Donors are encouraged to make an appointment for an easy in, easy out do-

nor experience by scheduling a time on line at www. DonorTime.com, or call 800-388-GIVE. Donors are required to present photo identiďŹ cation with full name to donate. Donors must be at least 16 and weigh at least 110 lbs. and be in generally good health. Sixteen year olds must bring a signed CBC parental consent form with them. Plan to be part of the Buckeye spirit, enjoy the tailgate party and feel good about donating your blood to help someone in need.

Hamilton Auto Sales, LLC is now offering

Complete Automotive Service



ONLY $39.95 EXPIRES 11/27/15

Hamilton Auto Sales, LLC 141 N. Broadway 937-548-1175 Greenville Tony Ulman Service Manager

We Look Forward to Serving You!

GREENVILLE — Darke County Solid Waste Management District and Rumpke Waste & Recycling collected nearly 274 thousand pounds of tires, the second-highest amount in event history, during the annual tire collection day, Sept. 23 at Rumpke’s Greenville location. This is the ninth year for this event. Rumpke provides the drop off area and donates containers and semi –trailers. Since inception, this program has collected more than two million pounds of tires. The highest amount ever collected was 368 thousand pounds in 2008. “Whole tires cannot be placed in modern sanitary landďŹ lls and tire piles can present many hazards,â€? said Noel Moomey, district

manager at Rumpke. “It’s crucial to provide options to clean up, collect and identify beneďŹ cial reuses for these items. Rumpke is proud to partner with the solid waste district to keep the county clean and assist with a solution for this

waste.� Rumpke & Waste Recycling has been committed to keeping neighborhoods and businesses clean and green since 1932 by providing environmentally friendly waste disposal solutions.

NMPL hosts Aukerman’s 4th Tuesday Auto & Tire Service NEW MADISON – Skip Hoover, American Legion Post 245, will be teaching ways to display, to preserve, & dispose of our American ag during the 4th Tuesday at the New Madison Public Library, 142 S. Main St. The program It’s a Grand Old Flag, But How do I Take Care of It will take place Oct. 27, 6:30 p.m. Bring your aged ags for appropriate disposal at the annual Veteran’s Day Program.

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PAGE 18 Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com


How to handle car trouble while driving

Sudden car trouble is something no driver wants to experience, but many a driver has been driving down the highway only to

feel his or her vehicle start to sputter. Such sputtering might indicate a car is running low on fuel, or it could be a sign of something more

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serious that requires motorists to think as quickly and safely as possible. When car trouble strikes while a vehicle is on the road, the first thing many drivers do is check their fuel gauges. A car that runs out of gas is certainly inconvenient, but if you can pull over to the shoulder or make it to the nearest filling station, then this unfortunate situation can be remedied rather easily. But when a car’s tank is full and it is still showing signs of trouble, drivers must take steps to protect themselves, their passengers and their vehicles. The following are a few simple tips motorists should keep in mind so they can safely handle any car trouble that may arise while they are out on the road. Keep a first-aid kit, spare tire and tire jack in the car at all times. Flat tires are no fun, but they are even more of a nuisance when drivers are not prepared to address them. Always keep a jack and spare tire in your car, even if the spare is a donut you can temporarily use to replace a flat tire until you make it to a filling station or automotive supply store. As an added safety measure, keep a fully stocked first aid kit in your vehicle in case you cut yourself while changing the tire or need to address another

Adult crafts at PCDL NEW PARIS – Make some custom greeting cards that really pop this holiday season. In the library’s November adult craft, they’ll be creating some unique 3D greeting cards. Check out the craft at any of the following branches: New Paris Branch, Nov. 17, 6:30 p.m. Eldorado Branch, Nov. 24, 4 p.m. West Manchester Branch, Nov. 25, 4 p.m.

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medical situation. Visit www.redcross.org for a list of items to include in your automotive emergency kit. Keep a blanket in the trunk as well so your passengers can stay warm should you experience car trouble on a cold day or night. Make note of your surroundings. Some car troubles can only be fixed by the professionals, so pay careful attention to your surroundings in case an issue arises and forces you to pull over and call for help. Always pay attention to mile markers and any landmarks that might help you describe where you are. Car troubles can strike at anytime and anywhere, so be sure to pay special attention to your surroundings when driving in unfamiliar areas. Pull over. Don’t panic if an issue arises suddenly. Remain calm and pull over onto the shoulder. The right shoulder is the area for pulling over on most roads, but you may also use the left shoulder on multilane highways with medians. Try to

Family Fun Night set NEW PARIS – Come to the New Paris Branch Library of the Preble County District Library on Nov. 2, 5:30 p.m., for their Family Fun Night! They’ll have a craft the whole family can make, and they’ll have snacks.


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Colors at Eidson Hike with Darke Co. Parks GREENVILLE – Darke County is awash with color just waiting to be marveled at and captured with a camera. Autumn hiking with its crisp air and lack of mosquitoes bests summer’s heat and humidity. On Halloween morning join a Naturalist at Eidson Woods Preserve where hopefully there will not only be vibrant colors above but also below. The beech and maple forest should provide stunning golds and oranges for

all to appreciate. Remember to dress for the weather as it may be muddy, and feel free to call the Nature Center for any updates on weather. The hike will take place on Oct. 31, 9:30 a.m., at Eidson Woods Preserve on the corner of PalestineUnion City Road and State Route 502 West. For questions about this hike or any of the other programs or opportunities offered by the Darke County Park District, call the nature Center at 548-0165.


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flare or triangle 10 feet directly behind the side of the vehicle that is closest to the road. The second should be placed between 30 and 60 feet (increase the distances as the posted speed limit increases) behind the middle of the bumper, while the third flare or triangle should be placed between 120 and 360 feet behind the vehicle’s right side. Stay with the vehicle. Once you have called for help and set up flares or triangles, stay with the vehicle, though do so at a safe enough distance so you are not in harm’s way. Sudden car troubles can be scary, but drivers who approach such issues calmly and quickly can reduce their risk for accident or injury.

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get as far away from traffic as possible without driving off of level ground, and always use your signals when pulling onto the shoulder. If the vehicle can’t make it to the median, put your emergency flashers on and get out of the car, moving away from both the vehicle and traffic. Immediately call for emergency roadside assistance, alerting the authorities if need be. Use flares or triangles to alert other drivers. So long as you are not risking your well-being, you can place flares and/or warning triangles behind your vehicle so oncoming traffic knows to drive around it. The popular not-for-profit motor club AAA recommends placing the first

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Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 19


Protect your vehicle from the cold Winter can be an unforgiving season. Freezing temperatures coupled with snow and ice can take its toll on people who live in climates where cold weather is a fact of winter life. While winter can test people’s patience, it also can be harsh on cars and trucks. Understanding what components of a vehicle can be compromised by dropping temperatures and snowy roads can help drivers take action to safeguard their automotive investments. While the Canadian Automobile Association notes that winter can wreak havoc on just about every part of a vehicle, there are some parts that seem to bear the brunt of Old Man Winter’s abuse. Properly servicing and caring for a car or truck can help. Drivers should take their vehicles for a tuneup and inspection before wintry weather arrives. A mechanic will examine the car battery and check antifreeze levels and make

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Scrapers should only be used on windows and not on the body of the car. sure that the thermostat, defroster, brakes, and even wiper blades are working effectively. Have the tires inspected for adequate tread, which can make navigating roads safer. If the treads are worn, replace the tires. In addition to visiting their mechanics, drivers can perform some inspections and fixes themselves.

Boosters fundraiser supports choirs GREENVILLE - The Greenville High School Vocal Music Boosters will host a Romer’s BBQ Chicken and Pork Chop Dinner on Nov. 20, at EUM Church, 111 Devor St., Greenville, prior to Night Out With The Wavaires. The money raised from this event will be used by the booster organization to support the entire vocal music program at Greenville High School. The dinner is dine-in, carry-out or drive-thru at EUM Church, located be-

hind the St. Clair Memorial Hall. Serving time is from 4:30-6:30 p.m. The menu is: Choice of Meat (1/2 BBQ chicken or 2-6 oz. pork chops), cupped applesauce, bag of chips and roll. The ticket cost per dinner is $8. All tickets are pre-order, pre-pay. All orders are due by Nov. 11. Tickets may be purchased from any choir student or by calling Deanna York, GHSVMB officer at 4676883, or emailing deannayork@gmail.com.

Check that all of the vehicle’s lights are operational so your car can be easily seen during inclement weather. Exchange your existing windshield washer fluid with one that will not freeze in cold conditions. Check the nozzles on the windshield-washer system routinely and clear out any blockages of ice or debris. While addressing windshield washer fluid, also replace worn out windshield wiper blades with ones that can withstand snow and icy weather. A new coating of wax can serve as a shield against road salt, snow, sleet, and rain. Try a polymer wax to protect the paint. Whenever possible, rinse off salt and grime so it does not dry on the car and gradually wear away at the paint. Some drivers mistakenly believe that salt stops being a problem once it dries simply because moisture is the active ingredient for a corrosive reaction. But humidity in the air is enough to keep the salt eating away at the car’s paint, and that

can contribute to rust. Be sure to rinse off the undercarriage of the vehicle as well. Have your tires’ alignment checked toward the end of winter or early spring. A season of traveling over pothole-ridden roads or hitting curbs buried under snow drifts can affect the alignment. Get everything back on track. Similarly, inspect tires routinely, as weather changes can affect tire pressure and strength. Use a soft snow brush or a foam brush to clear snow off of the car. Avoid hard plastic scrapers you might use on your windshield, as they can scratch painted surfaces. Try to park the vehicle in a garage or under a car port, each of which can protect cars and trucks from the often harsh elements of winter. Vehicles can be affected by the cold weather. Keep them running efficiently to prevent damage this winter.

Time for Trees Travis appears at Bearcreek Memories planned for Nov. 19 CELINA – Bearcreek Memories Dinner Theater in Celina is presenting Comedian Jimmy Travis on Nov. 5 at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Music and laughter: an unbeatable combination! That’s what you get with each Travis performance. His comedy is fresh , clean, and fun for audiences of all ages. His




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original songs are funny cleverly entertaining, and are sure to be a big hit with your group. In addition to being a top-notch comedian, Jimmy Travis is also a talented singer, songwriter and musician with five albums and four comedy videos to his credit. Travis’ natural gift of turning a quick phrase into a comedic song has been his unique calling card and is a hit with every audience. He has most recently written an album of children’s gospel songs that will be released in the near future. Buffet & Show tickets and Show-Only tickets are available. Gold seating is $25. Silver Seating is $20. Add a buffet for $14. Buffet is provided by Romer’s Catering. Tickets are available by phone by calling reservations at 567-510-0096 or online at www.bearcreekmemories.com. Bearcreek Memories Dinner Theater is located at 3769 US 127 S, Celina, at Romer’s Overdrive location. Bearcreek Memories Dinner Theater opened as a place where people could come for entertainment and a delicious meal after Bearcreek Farms in Bryant, IN closed forever in October 2013

WINCHESTER, Ind. – Start your holiday season by attending the 11th annual Time for Trees Open House on Nov. 19 in Husted Hall at the Randolph County Fairgrounds. There will be decorated wreaths, trees, and other holiday decorations donated by Extension Homemakers clubs, service organizations, and area businesses to bid on during the silent auction. All pro-

Elections Board announcement

GREENVILLE – The Board of Elections will be open on Oct. 31, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. for Early/Absentee voting. Between the hours of 9 a.m. until noon, the office will also distribute the election supplies to the Voting Location Managers for the Nov. 3 General Election. Board members will be present for a special meeting to review and approve the minutes of the Sept. 14 regular meeting.


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ceeds from this evening will go towards the Winchester Area Churches and Community Food Pantry. New this year will be a Talent Show. Please contact the Extension Office for an entry form If you would like to perform during the Time for Trees; entries are due Nov. 1. Viewing for the silent auction will be from 11 a.m.– 3:30 p.m. You can place a silent bid at that time or join them from 3:30–7 p.m. for entertainment, refreshments and door prizes. All silent bidding will end at 6:45 p.m. when they will announce winning bidders. Santa Claus will be appearing during the evening. Please bring a canned good or donation for entry to this event. This program is being sponsored by the Randolph County Extension Homemakers. For more information, contact the Randolph County Extension Service at (765) 584-2271.

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PAGE 20 Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com





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Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 21



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NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION¹ R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Trustees of Brown Township of Darke County, Ohio passed on the 8th day of July, 2015, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the General Election to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2015, the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation, for the benefit of Brown Township for the purpose of FIRE PROTECTION. Tax being ² a renewal of an existing tax at a rate not exceeding one (1) mill for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to ten cents ($0.10) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for five (5) years, commencing in 2016, first due in calendar year 2017. The polls for the election will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day. By order of the Board of Elections, of Darke County, Ohio. Edward W. Curry, Chair Becky J. A. Martin, Director Dated October 5, 2015 10/18, 10/25 2T

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NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION¹ R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Council of the Village of Gordon of Darke County, Ohio passed on the 9th day of June, 2015, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the General Election to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2015, the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation, for the benefit of the Village of Gordon for the purpose of CURRENT EXPENSES. Tax being ² a renewal of an existing tax at a rate not exceeding one and eight-tenths (1.8) mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to eighteen cents ($0.18) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for five (5) years, commencing in 2016, first due in calendar year 2017. The polls for the election will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day. By order of the Board of Elections, of Darke County, Ohio. Edward W. Curry, Chair Becky J. A. Martin, Director Dated October 5, 2015 10/18, 10/25 2T

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FOR RENT Commercial Space, 720 sq ft. Utilities furnished. $450/month, $450 deposit. 409 Walker, Greenville. 459-5570 NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION¹ R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Council of the Village of Arcanum of Darke County, Ohio passed on the 14th day of July, 2015, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the General Election to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2015, the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation, for the benefit of the Village of Arcanum for the purpose of POLICE PROTECTION SERVICES. Tax being ² an additional tax at a rate not exceeding one (1) mill for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to ten cents ($0.10) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for five (5) years, commencing in 2015, first due in calendar year 2016. The polls for the election will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day. By order of the Board of Elections, of Darke County, Ohio. Edward W. Curry, Chair Becky J. A. Martin, Director Dated October 5, 2015 10/18, 10/25 2T



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Storage for personal and business use. Penske Truck Rentals. Call Greenville Stor and Lock. 548-1075, 5328 Michelle St.

FOR RENT Studio apt, close uptown Greenville. No smoking. No pets. Washer/dryer available. 547-1986

NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION¹ R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Council of the Village of Gettysburg of Darke County, Ohio passed on the 30th day of July, 2015, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the General Election to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2015, the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation, for the benefit of the Village of Gettysburg for the purpose of FIRE PROTECTION. Tax being ² a renewal of an existing tax at a rate not exceeding one and nine-tenths (1.9) mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to nineteen cents ($0.19) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for five (5) years, commencing in 2016, first due in calendar year 2017. The polls for the election will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day. By order of the Board of Elections, of Darke County, Ohio. Edward W. Curry, Chair Becky J. A. Martin, Director Dated October 5, 2015 10/18, 10/25 2T

NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION¹ R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Council of the Village of Gettysburg of Darke County, Ohio passed on the 30th day of July, 2015, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the General Election to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2015, the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation, for the benefit of the Village of Gettysburg for the purpose of FIRE PROTECTION. Tax being ² a renewal of an existing tax at a rate not exceeding ninetenths (0.9) mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to nine cents ($0.09) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for five (5) years, commencing in 2016, first due in calendar year 2017. The polls for the election will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day. By order of the Board of Elections, of Darke County, Ohio. Edward W. Curry, Chair Becky J. A. Martin, Director Dated October 5, 2015 10/18, 10/25 2T

NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION¹ R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Board of Education of the Greenville City School District of Darke County, Ohio passed on the 18th day of June, 2015, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the General Election to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2015, the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation, for the benefit of the Greenville City School District for the purpose of CURRENT EXPENSES. Tax being ² a renewal of an existing tax at a rate not exceeding five and five-tenths (5.5) mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to fifty-five cents ($0.55) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for five (5) years, commencing in 2016, first due in calendar year 2017. The polls for the election will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day. By order of the Board of Elections, of Darke County, Ohio. Edward W. Curry, Chair Becky J. A. Martin, Director Dated October 5, 2015 10/18, 10/25 2T

NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION¹ R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Board of Education of the Tri-Village Local School District of New Madison, Ohio passed on the 18th day of May, 2015, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the General Election to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2015, the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation, for the benefit of New Madison Public Library for the purpose of CURRENT EXPENSES. Tax being ² a renewal of an existing tax at a rate not exceeding one and five-tenths (1.5) mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to fifteen cents ($0.15) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for a continuing period of time, commencing in 2016, first due in calendar year 2017. The polls for the election will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day. By order of the Board of Elections, of Darke County, Ohio. Edward W. Curry, Chair Becky J. A. Martin, Director Dated October 5, 2015 10/18, 10/25 2T

NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION¹ R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Council of the Village of Pitsburg of Darke County, Ohio passed on the 16th day of July, 2015, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the General Election to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2015, the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation, for the benefit of the Village of Pitsburg for the purpose of GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, REPLACEMENT AND REPAIR OF STORM SEWERS. Tax being ² a renewal of an existing tax at a rate not exceeding one and one-tenth (1.1) mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to eleven cents ($0.11) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for five (5) years, commencing in 2016, first due in calendar year 2017. The polls for the election will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day. By order of the Board of Elections, of Darke County, Ohio. Edward W. Curry, Chair Becky J. A. Martin, Director Dated October 5, 2015 10/18, 10/25 2T

NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION¹ R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Council of the Village of Pitsburg of Darke County, Ohio passed on the 16th day of July, 2015, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the General Election to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2015, the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation, for the benefit of the Village of Pitsburg for the purpose of CURRENT OPERATING EXPENSES. Tax being ² a renewal of an existing tax at a rate not exceeding one and fourtenths (1.4) mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to fourteen cents ($0.14) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for five (5) years, commencing in 2016, first due in calendar year 2017. The polls for the election will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day. By order of the Board of Elections, of Darke County, Ohio. Edward W. Curry, Chair Becky J. A. Martin, Director Dated October 5, 2015 10/18, 10/25 2T

NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION¹ R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Council of the Village of Rossburg of Darke County, Ohio passed on the 17th day of June, 2015, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the General Election to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2015, the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation, for the benefit of the Village of Rossburg for the purpose of CURRENT EXPENSES. Tax being ² a renewal of an existing tax at a rate not exceeding three and two-tenths (3.2) mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to thirty-two cents ($0.32) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for five (5) years, commencing in 2016, first due in calendar year 2017. The polls for the election will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day. By order of the Board of Elections, of Darke County, Ohio. Edward W. Curry, Chair Becky J. A. Martin, Director Dated October 5, 2015 10/18, 10/25 2T NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION¹ R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Council of the Village of New Weston of Darke County, Ohio passed on the 6th day of July, 2015, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the General Election to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2015, the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation, for the benefit of the Village of New Weston for the purpose of CURRENT EXPENSES. Tax being ² a renewal of an existing tax at a rate not exceeding two and seventy-five hundredths (2.75) mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to twentyseven and one-half cents ($0.275) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for five (5) years, commencing in 2016, first due in calendar year 2017. The polls for the election will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day. By order of the Board of Elections, of Darke County, Ohio. Edward W. Curry, Chair Becky J. A. Martin, Director Dated October 5, 2015 10/18, 10/25 2T

36’ x 48’ auditorium with stage on 3rd floor of the Bach To Rock Building at 334 South Broadway, Greenville. Has restroom & kitchen area included. Great for dance classes, rehearsals, Martial Arts, etc. Call Bruce at 937-547-1970 NOTICE OF ELECTION ON PROPOSITION¹ R.C.3501.11(G) Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an Ordinance of the Council of the Village of Union City, Ohio, passed on the 6th day of July, 2015, there will be submitted to a vote of the people of the Village of Union City at the General Election to be held at the regular places of voting, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2015, the question of Shall the Ordinance providing for an additional one-half percent levy on income commencing January 1, 2016, FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS, be passed? The polls for the election will be open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day. By order of the Board of Elections, of Darke County, Ohio. Edward W. Curry, Chair Becky J. A. Martin, Director Dated October 5, 2015 10/18, 10/25 2T NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION¹ R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Council of the Village of Rossburg of Darke County, Ohio passed on the 17th day of June, 2015, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the General Election to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2015, the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation, for the benefit of the Village of Rossburg for the purpose of CURRENT EXPENSES. Tax being ² a renewal of an existing tax at a rate not exceeding four (4) mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to forty cents ($0.40) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for five (5) years, commencing in 2016, first due in calendar year 2017. The polls for the election will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day. By order of the Board of Elections, of Darke County, Ohio. Edward W. Curry, Chair Becky J. A. Martin, Director Dated October 5, 2015 10/18, 10/25 2T NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION¹ R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution of the Council of the Village of Wayne Lakes of Darke County, Ohio passed on the 20th day of July, 2015, there will be submitted to a vote of the people at the General Election to be held at the regular places of voting on Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 2015, the question of levying a tax, in excess of the ten mill limitation, for the benefit of the Village of Wayne Lakes for the purpose of PROVIDING FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, RESURFACING AND REPAIR OF STREETS, ROADS AND BRIDGES. Tax being ² a renewal of an existing tax at a rate not exceeding two (2) mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to twenty cents ($0.20) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for five (5) years, commencing in 2016, first due in calendar year 2017. The polls for the election will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. on election day. By order of the Board of Elections, of Darke County, Ohio. Edward W. Curry, Chair Becky J. A. Martin, Director Dated October 5, 2015 10/18, 10/25 2T

PAGE 22 Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

2 BR brick duplex w/ attached garage. Arcanum schools. Rural area. No Pets. $475/ mo + deposit. Call evenings 423-2200 COMMERCIAL SPACE for rent. Great location 3 BR, 2 bath, w/d hook- IN GETTYSBURG, 1/2 on East Main St, high up. No pets. Greenville. double, 101 George, visibility. Call for more $525. 548-9302, 417- 2 BR, gas F/A heat, washer/dryer hookup in details, 548-5264 0360 basement. $350/month Security DeCITY OF GREENVILLE LEGAL NOTICE +posit$350 + utilities. Water On October 20, 2015, the City of Greenville, In compliance with Section Ohio adopted the following legislation: 5715.17, Revised Code of bill $48 minimum per • Ordinance #15-110 Supplemental AppropriaOhio, the tax returns for month. NO PETS! Call tions the current year have been 548-9940 for Rental • Ordinance #15-111 Transfer revised and the valuations • Ordinance #15-112 Modify the water and sewhave been completed and Application approved by the County GREENVILLE 2 BR, 2 er fees for BASF, Inc. Board of Revision on Octo• Resolution #15-113 Authorizing the S/S Dir. to ber 23, 2015 and are now bath brick ranch condo. advertise for bids for Ohio and East Main Streets open for public inspection in 1250 sq ft + 2 car gaIntersection Reconstruction project the office of the County Audi- rage. N gas F/A, C/A. • Resolution #15-114 Authorizing the disposition tor. Any complaints against of no longer needed personal property such valuation and assess- $650/mo, $650 dep. This legislation can be read and examined in its ment, except valuations fixed Immediate occupancy. entirety at the office of the City Auditor, Room and assessments made by No pets. No smoking. 200, Municipal Building, Greenville, Ohio, bethe Department of Taxation 547-0425 tween the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., of Ohio, will be heard by the Monday through Thursday and 8:00 A.M. and County Board of Revision Newly/completed rein May, 2016, in the Confer- modeled apt in histori1:00 P.M. on Friday. ence room of the County cal Greenville. 2 bed, Vicki Harris, Clerk Greenville City Council Administration Building. Approved: CAROL GINN 2 bath, all appliances Eric Brand, Law Director Darke County Auditor included. $575/mo. No Darke County, Ohio 10/25, 11/1 2T pets, no smoking. 937547-3051 PRIVATE SALE OF Willow Place ApartREAL ESTATE BY SEALED BID ments - We’re better than ever! 3 bedrooms, TROUTWINE FARMS, INC. 1.5 baths. Call 937Troutwine Farms, Inc., will take sealed bid on the real estate located at Blose Road 316-8025 or 937-316and Darke-Preble County Line Road, Arcanum, Ohio identified as follows: 84.628 8489. Equal Housing acres more or less of real property (bare ground-no improvements), Township of Opportunity. Monroe, Darke County, Ohio, Parcel ID No. K40-0-308-36-00-00-301-02 (84.628 acres). The subject property is being sold “as is”. The sealed bids will be accepted 1 BR apt in Castine, at the Law Office of Garbig & Schmidt, LLC, 2840 Alt. St. Rt. 49 N., Suite A, Arca$475/mo + deposit. num, Ohio, until Thursday, November 5, 2015 at 1:00 P.M. Ohio time. Bidder must Utilities included. No clearly set forth his/her bid in a total dollar amount. The sealed bids will be opened pets. 937-678-2409

2 BR apt/garage. $450 + deposit, electric & gas. 421 E 3rd St, Greenville. 937-5482108 Large 3 BR home in Greenville. No garage. No pets. References. $550 + deposit & utilities. 937-548-7041

FOR RENT 2 or 3 BR apt in Greenville. Washer/dryer hookup. Off-street parking. Storage building. $475 + deposit. 937-417-9084


FOR RENT 2 BR house for rent, $475 + deposit. 208 E. North St, Union City. Call 937-548-1800

at the office of Garbig & Schmidt, LLC on Thursday, November 5, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. Ohio time. All interested bidders who have submitted sealed bids may be present at the opening of the bids and may raise their bids. Seller reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. The successful bidder shall enter into a contract for the purchase of said real estate. The successful bidder shall pay $25,000.00 earnest money deposit on date of sale. The balance of said purchase price shall be due and payable upon delivery of an Ohio Warranty Deed within thirty (30) days after sale date or as soon thereafter as the Seller determines. Seller pays real estate taxes due in January 2016 (payable February 2016), Purchaser shall pay all real estate taxes due thereafter, including CAUV recoupment, if any. Possession shall be given at closing. Any statements made on day of sale shall take precedence over any statements made in this advertisement. A bid packet including a map of real property and bid form will be available at the office of Garbig & Schmidt, LLC, Attorneys at Law at 2840 Alt. St. Rt. 49N, Suite A, Arcanum, Ohio 45304 or call (937) 692-5278.


FOR RENT Commercial space for rent. On Broadway in Gnvl. Call for more details. 548-3549

1 bedroom apartment at 414 N Gray in Greenville. Range & refrigerator; washer/ dryer hookup. $350 per month + $350 Security Deposit + utilities. NO PETS! Call 548-9940 for Rental Application Nice small 2 BR house in Greenville. No pets. No smoking. Renter pays all utilities. $425 + deposit. 937-5488200 2 BR, 1 bath home, detached garage, C/A, No smoking, no pets. $500 rent, $500 deposit. 4232832 3 BR 1/2 double, Greenville. Completely remodeled. No Pets. 1 yr lease. $575/mo. 937548-1877 2 BR half double w/attached garage. 3847 Drew Rd, Arcanum. No smoking. No pets. $500/ mo + utilities; $500 deposit. 423-2236 3 BR house in Greenville. Fenced backyard w/new deck. 1 small pet allowed. $600/mo + utilities, $600 deposit. Call Dave 937-621-4726



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We are here to meet your storage and moving needs! 5328 Michelle Rd. Greenville


3 BR house, Union City, IN. $400 deposit + $600/mo rent. Appliances furnished. 937968-6804 Nice 3 BR house in Greenville. 2 car garage. No pets. $675. 447-7845 SERVICES OFFERED Small Painting Jobs. 50 years experience between me & my partner. 337-0123 Warner Tree Service. Trimming, removal, stump grinding. Leave msg, Joe. 547-2161 HOUSEKEEPING. 937621-9189 LEAF CLEAN-UP, large or small jobs. Also Snow Removal, Landscaping, Shrub Trimming, Spraying/Fertilizing. Reasonable rates. References available. Very dependable. 5481716, ask for Justin

SERVICES OFFERED SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied benefits? We Can Help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1-800-208-6915 to start your application today!

LAWN MOWING & ROLLING, Yard Cleanup, Shrub Trimming, Edging, Mulching, Landscape Maintenance. Free Estimates. Leave message for Gettysburg Outdoor at Lavy’s Corner Mart 937-447-3051


The Board of Public Affairs of the Village of New Madison, Darke County, Ohio will accept sealed bids until 5:00 p.m. on November 9, 2015 for the rent of approximately twentyfive (25) acres of certain farm ground owned by the Village located on Rush Road (part of parcel # G28-0-110-14-00-0020102). The lease of the ground will include incorporating sludge from the New Madison Wastewater Treatment Plant when needed per Ohio EPA requirements. *Please specify the method of farming, fertilizer and chemicals to be used. All bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and mailed to the New Madison Board of Public Affairs, Attn: Board of Public Affairs, P.O. Box 1, New Madison, Ohio 45346. Envelopes shall be marked “REAL ESTATE BID.” No bid shall be accepted after 5:00 p.m. on November 9, 2015. Bid opening will be at the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Public Affairs in November. Bidders need not be present at bid opening. The Village of New Madison reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.


Carol Piper, Pauline Tackett and Ruth Lines, will take sealed bid on the real estate located approximately one-third (1/3) mile east of St. Rt. 49 on Folkerth Road, Greenville, Ohio identified as follows: 40.323 acres more or less of real property (bare ground-no improvements), Township of Greenville, Darke County, Ohio, Parcel ID No. F24-0-21112-00-00-301-01 (40.323 acres). The subject property is being sold “as is”. The sealed bids will be accepted at the Law Office of Garbig & Schmidt, LLC, 2840 Alt. St. Rt. 49 N., Suite A, Arcanum, Ohio, until Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 1:00 P.M. Ohio time. Bidder must clearly set forth his/her bid in a total dollar amount. The sealed bids will be opened at the office of Garbig & Schmidt, LLC on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. Ohio time. All interested bidders who have submitted sealed bids may be present at the opening of the bids and may raise their bids. Seller reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. The successful bidder shall enter into a contract for the purchase of said real estate. The successful bidder shall pay $25,000.00 earnest money deposit on date of sale. The balance of said purchase price shall be due and payable upon delivery of an Ohio Warranty Deed within thirty (30) days after sale date or as soon thereafter as the Seller determines. Seller pays real estate taxes due in January 2016 (payable February 2016), Purchaser shall pay all real estate taxes due thereafter, including CAUV recoupment, if any. Possession shall be given at closing. Any statements made on day of sale shall take precedence over any statements made in this advertisement. A bid packet including a map of real property and bid form will be available at the office of Garbig & Schmidt, LLC, Attorneys at Law at 2840 Alt. St. Rt. 49N, Suite A, Arcanum, Ohio 45304 or call (937) 692-5278.

Darke County Sheriff’s Estate Sales For more information call 937-547-4603 or go to www.darkecountysheriff.org

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Bank of NY Mellon VS. No. 14CV00473 Daniel Kavanaugh, et al.

Greenville National Bank VS. No. 15CV00236 Kenneth Blackburn, et al.

Bank of NY Mellon VS. No. 14CV00205 Rolland Rutter, et al.

JPMorgan VS. No. 15CV00222 Carroll Scherer, et al.

JPMorgan VS. No. 14CV00459 Anthony Tuggle, et al.

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, November 6, 2015, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Township of Van Buren in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, November 6, 2015, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Village of Ansonia in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, November 6, 2015, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Township of Brown in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, November 6, 2015, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Village of Rossburg in Darke County to-wit:

Pursuant to an Order of Sale, I will offer for sale at public auction, in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, on Friday, November 6, 2015, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, in the Village of Arcanum in Darke County to-wit:

Street Address: 3840 State Route 49 N Arcanum, Ohio Parcel Number: Q63030929000011200

Street Address: 321 E Cross St. Ansonia, Ohio Parcel Number: C15221323040212100

Street Address: 203 W 1st St. Arcanum, Ohio Parcel Number: P59230809040512300

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $5,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

Street Address: 234 E Main St. Rossburg, Ohio Parcel Number: B12621426030113500

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $55,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

Street Address: 9077 Hathaway Rd. Ansonia, Ohio Parcel Number: C13121332020110600 & C13121332020110700

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed.

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed.

Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 10/18, 10/25, 11/1 3T

Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 10/18, 10/25, 11/1 3T

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $7,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $52,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination.

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 10/18, 10/25, 11/1 3T

TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 10/18, 10/25, 11/1 3T

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

The complete legal description of the parcel may be obtained from the county auditor. Property was appraised at $48,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. Appraisal did not include any interior examination. TERMS OF SALE: 15% down on day of Sale. Balance on delivery of Deed. Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff 10/18, 10/25, 11/1 3T

Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate

Delinquent Lands Revised Code, Sec. 5721.191 Notice of sale under judgment of foreclosure of liens for delinquent land taxes:

Delinquent Lands Revised Code, Sec. 5721.191 Notice of sale under judgment of foreclosure of liens for delinquent land taxes:

Delinquent Lands Revised Code, Sec. 5721.191 Notice of sale under judgment of foreclosure of liens for delinquent land taxes:

In the Common Pleas Court of Darke County, Ohio, Case No. 15CV00223, in the matter of foreclosure of liens for delinquent land taxes Scott J. Zumbrink, County Treasurer of Darke County, Ohio, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas Gibson, et al., Defendants.

In the Common Pleas Court of Darke County, Ohio, Case No. 15CV00336, in the matter of foreclosure of liens for delinquent land taxes Scott J. Zumbrink, County Treasurer of Darke County, Ohio, Plaintiff, vs. Jacqueline Hartley, et al., Defendants.

In the Common Pleas Court of Darke County, Ohio, Case No. 15CV00354, in the matter of foreclosure of liens for delinquent land taxes Scott J. Zumbrink, County Treasurer of Darke County, Ohio, Plaintiff, vs. David Castle, et al., Defendants.

Whereas, judgement has been rendered against certain parcels of real property for taxes, assessments, penalties, interest, costs, and charges as follows: $2,837.87 (Two Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty Seven and 87/100)

Whereas, judgement has been rendered against certain parcels of real property for taxes, assessments, penalties, interest, costs, and charges as follows: $4,073.81 (Four Thousand Seventy Three and 81/100)

212 Olive St. Greenville,OH Parcel No. F27221235031311700

334 N Deerfield Union City, OH Parcel No. H33211329040310400

Whereas, such judgement orders such real property to be sold by the undersigned to satisfy the total amount of such judgment;

Whereas, such judgement orders such real property to be sold by the undersigned to satisfy the total amount of such judgment;

Now, therefore, public notice is hereby given that I, Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff of Darke County, Ohio, will sell such real property at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder of an amount sufficient to satisfy the judgment against each parcel at 10 o’clock AM at the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, in the above named County, on Friday, the 6th day of November, 2015 at 10:00 o’clock A.M., and continuing from day to day thereafter, if any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale, under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place, on Friday, the 20th day of November, 2015, for an amount sufficient to satisfy the judgment against the parcel.

Now, therefore, public notice is hereby given that I, Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff of Darke County, Ohio, will sell such real property at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder of an amount sufficient to satisfy the judgment against each parcel at 10 o’clock AM at the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, in the above named County, on Friday, the 6th day of November, 2015 at 10:00 o’clock A.M., and continuing from day to day thereafter, if any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale, under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place, on Friday, the 20th day of November, 2015, for an amount sufficient to satisfy the judgment against the parcel.



Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff, Darke County, Ohio 10/18, 10/25, 11/1, 3T

Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff, Darke County, Ohio 10/18, 10/25, 11/1 3T

General Information The Sheriff is issued Orders of Sales from the Clerk of Courts Office. Sales are advertised in The Early Bird once every week for three consecutive weeks. The Sheriff’s Office does not mail or give away a list of properties or information about purchasing foreclosed property. The properties are not available for tour or inspection as the Sheriff’s Office does not have keys to any properties. Prior to the sale, most properties are appraised from

the outside only. The property is sold “as is”, caveat emptor (let the buyer beware). The Sheriff’s office does not have information on liens or taxes. Real estate tax information can be found at the following web site: darkepropertymax.governmax.com real estate appraisal database. All sales are held in the meeting room of the County Commissioners Building, 520 South Broadway, Greenville. All sales begin promptly at 10:00 a.m.

Whereas, judgement has been rendered against certain parcels of real property for taxes, assessments, penalties, interest, costs, and charges as follows: $376.45 (Three Hundred Seventy Six and 45/100) Part Lot 436 and Part Lot 437 on Poplar Lane Wayne Lakes Parcel No. L8022128010114000 Whereas, such judgement orders such real property to be sold by the undersigned to satisfy the total amount of such judgment; Now, therefore, public notice is hereby given that I, Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff of Darke County, Ohio, will sell such real property at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder of an amount sufficient to satisfy the judgment against each parcel at 10 o’clock AM at the County Commissioners Building in Greenville, in the above named County, on Friday, the 6th day of November, 2015 at 10:00 o’clock A.M., and continuing from day to day thereafter, if any parcel does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale, under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place, on Friday, the 20th day of November, 2015, for an amount sufficient to satisfy the judgment against the parcel. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL SUCH REAL PROPERTY TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION MAY BE SUBJECT TO A FEDERAL TAX LIEN THAT MAY NOT BE EXTINGUISHED BY THE SALE, AND PURCHASERS OF ANY SUCH REAL PROPERTY ARE URGED TO SEARCH THE FEDERAL TAX LIEN INDEX THAT IS KEPT BY THE COUNTY RECORDER TO DETERMINE IF NOTICE OF A FEDERAL TAX LIEN HAS BEEN FILED WITH RESPECT TO ANY SUCH REAL PROPERTY.

Bidding information Bidding starts at two-thirds of the appraised value. Successful bidders must deposit 15% of the purchase price at the time of the sale. Personal check (proper ID, local check signed in our presence), cashier’s check or cash is accepted. The buyer will be required to sign a disclaimer that relieves the Sheriff and appraising agents of liabilities of hazards, or past due bills, as it it the responsibility of the buyer to look into these matters before

Toby L. Spencer, Sheriff, Darke County, Ohio 10/18, 10/25, 11/1 3T

the sale date. The unpaid balance of the purchase price must be paid at the confirmation of the sale, which is approximately 30 days after the date of sale. More Information You may contact Abby Wilson at (937) 547-4603 if you require further information. A listing of properties can be viewed at darkecountysheriff.org.

Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 23

SERVICES OFFERED Interested in home & offices to clean. 20 years experience. Call 417-3720

PETS Short haired Jack Russell puppies, 8 wks old. $275 ea. 937-459-0671

REAL ESTATE Skip the realtor fees. New low price on a 2 bed, 1 bath for sale at 239 Sater St in Greenville. Motivated Seller asking $54,825. Several major updates have been made since 2007. 937-673-4505

HOUSEHOLD Kenmore late model washer $175. Maytag washer $150. Kenmore late model dryer $125. Kenmore dryer $100. Maytag Neptune dryer $100. GE electric range $75. Used Bedding, full, queen $75 ea/set; king $100. 937-968-6804

GARAGE SALES 5346 Tamarack Trail, Greenville; Oct 30-31; Fri 9-4, Sat 9-12; Aftermarket patio storm door blinds, glasstop drop-in Llama 1911 38 Super, stove, lots more! exc cond, $450. Taurus 113 Belair, Greenville; 709 Slim, NIB, $350. Sat. 10/31, 8-1pm; FurIver Johnson Break Top niture, household items, 32, good cond, $250. knickknacks, antiques, collectibles Cherry Queen Anne 937-968-4846 dining table w/extra Professional SOUND 9785 Detling Rd, Ansoleaf & 6 chairs. Good SYSTEM Rental, Sales nia; Oct 30-31; 9am-5condition. $195. 937- & Installation. Free pm; Heaters, exercise 459-5644 quotes to your business, equip, toy porcelain

REAL ESTATE Beautiful large log home, 2.4 aces w/3 BR, loft, pellet boiler, pond, much more. On SR 571E, edge of Greenville. NEW PRICE $292,000. Trump AUTOMOTIVE Realty 678-5687 2002 Taurus , 6 cyl, under 85,000 miles. Elderly owner. Runs good. Very clean. Full time position available, 1st shift for motivated $3400. 937-997-2063 individual to work in shop at established company installing snow equipment, truck accessories, and or 937-564-8322 New, warehouse general maintenance duties. Applicant must have queen 4 Craiger SS wheels liquidation, experience in general welding, grinding, drilling, $169, king $219, cutting torches and standard shop tools. On-job 14x6, used. Call for info training is available. All tools are provided. Pay full $149, twin $79. 548-9617 & Benefit package is based on experience and We deliver. Call 937knowledge in mechanic field. For Consideration 2 bucket seats, late 884-5455 apply at model (small pickup Mr. Plow Snow and Truck Equipment. like new Toyota), grey Victorian sofa, curved 1224 Fort Jefferson Road $200. 1-765-238-8797 wood trim w/rose, Greenville, OH 45331 curved legs, high back, 937-548-2200 2010 Equinox AWD nice fabric, good condi$9995. 2007 Vue tion, $275 OBO. Glass $6195. 2004 Chevy Du- globe lamp, white w/ HELP WANTED ramax crew $17,995. $65. 937-947MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN 2001 CR-V AWD daisies, 1139 Community Action Partnership – Darke $3995. 2010 Grand County is seeking a full time Maintenance Caravan $9995. 2003 SPECIAL NOTICES Technician for Housing Complexes and Office Avalanche $6995. 2002 DONATE YOUR CAR, Building. Applicants must be flexible and able Mountaineer $2995. TRUCK OR BOAT TO to adapt readily to assigned tasks. Have good 2006 Explorer $6995. HERITAGE FOR THE communication skills and ability to document 2003 Expedition $5995. BLIND. Free 3 Day services on agency forms. Be sensitive to the 2002 Escape $3195. Vacation, Tax Deductneeds of the elderly and disabled. Person must have own tools; is responsible for maintenance, 2002 Dodge Ram crew ible, Free Towing, All plumbing and some electrical. Have a valid Ohio $6495. 2005 Envoy Paperwork Taken Care driver’s license and be insurable. Wage Schedule $6695. 2007 Edge AWD Of. CALL 1-800-895C. Subject to criminal background check and pre- $11,995. Buy - Sell - 7416 Trade! www.Country- WANTED TO BUY employment and random alcohol/drug testing. AutoSalesGreenville. Applications may be picked up at: Cars/Trucks, running or com 548-1337 Community Action Partnership not. To $500. Will PU. WANTED 1469 Sweitzer Street – Greenville, OH 45331 Starter/alt $4-$10. Alum An Equal Opportunity Employer/Service Provider Wanted: Used house rims, $10-$14. CAT trailers in good condi- converters $5-$120. tion. Please call 937- 937-423-2703 or 937VILLAGE OF ARCANUM 621-5809 448-2974

EQUIPMENT John Deere 990 w/ bucket, 188 hrs. 6’ rotary John Deere mower. Dirt leveler. 765-5844940

Mechanic Needed:


The Village of Arcanum Utility Department is now accepting applications for the entry level position of Plant Operator. Duties include operating and maintaining electric generation facilities, monitoring water/sewer facilities, and performing physical labor within the Village Utility Department as needed. This is an hourly position starting at $14.00 per hour. Requirements include a High School education, a valid Ohio driver’s license, and a Water License (or receipt of water license within 3 years of employment) Applications are available at the City Building located at 104 W. South Street, Arcanum, Ohio. Applications and/or resumes must be returned no later than November 13, 2015. Job applications are not kept on file beyond six months, so any previous applicants are encouraged to re-apply. EOE.

AGRICULTURE WANTED: Young farmer looking for farmground, rent/buy/half. Call Tyler 564-9184 HOUSEHOLD Very nice used Rainbow vacuum sweeper. Warranty. Call 5480870


Looking For A Job? We Have Them In Stock Learn About Our Inventory at Our Job Fair

TUESDAY, OCT. 27 3-7 PM 639 Wagner Ave., Suite D, Greenville Sponsored by

Manufacturing Positions offering Competitive Wage, Benefits, Employee Discounts

Please Call 937-316-3782

BUYING VINTAGE GUITARS, Banjos, Mandolins & Amplifiers. ALSO buying Flutes, Saxophones, Trombones, Trumpets in good condition, Yamaha, Selmer, King, Conn. Bring them to Bach to Rock Music, 334 S. Broadway, Greenville, OH for an offer. 937547-1970, email: bachtorock@earthlink.net Local buyer paying cash for antiques. Arcanum, Greenville, Darke Co & Darke Co Fair items & any other collectibles. No furniture bigger than a washstand. 692-8050 MOTORCYCLES Firstgear heavy duty MC jacket. XL mens. Excellent condition. $60. 937-459-5644 MISC. FOR SALE We will Match online prices. Come see us at BACH TO ROCK MUSIC, 334 S Broadway, Greenville, for all your musical instruments & accessories. Large selection of sheet music! 937-547-1970 or bachtorock@earthlink.net Acorn Stairlifts. The AFFORDABLE solution to your stairs! **Limited time -$250 Off Your Stairlift Purchase!** Buy Direct & SAVE. Please call 1-800-4107127 for FREE DVD and brochure.

MISC. FOR SALE Colorado Blue, Norway, White Spruce, Scotch Pine, excellent for wind breaks. 3’, $40; 4’, $53, 5’. $66. 419-582-3505

church or home for sound system updates & improvements. JBL, EAW, QSC, PEAVEY, CROWN. Bach to Rock Music 547-1970, email: bachtorock@earthlink. net. Also Renting sound systems for Weddings, Graduations, Business Meetings, or any other engagements! Hot tub, 4-6 seats, 2 jet settings, fold-over lid, $2000 OBO. Call/text 937-423-1679 Merits power chair, model P-320, like new. Call for info 467-4844 FURNACES $285 While Supplies Last. TUNS 1-877-473-8867 Motorized hospital bed, like new. Brand new black wheelchair, 18”Wx17”H. Handicap tub & shower chairs. 12’L handicap ramp, 9”-down. Call for info 467-4844 Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 1-800-906-3115 for $750 Off BEER & WINE MAKING Supplies. Orme Hardware, 210 S. Main, Arcanum, 692-8282 GARAGE SALES HUGE MOVING SALE! 28 E Main St, Versailles; Oct 29-30, 9-5; Oct 31, 9-12; Beautiful solid cherry inlaid ornate table w/6 chairs, like new antique reproduction sofa w/2 wing back chairs, ornate marble top coffee table w/2 end tables, many misc pieces of furniture & wall decor. Very nice clothes: Girls’ 10-up, junior girls’ S-L, women’s 12-16, men’s S-L, plenty of jewelry & scarves. Lots & lots of very nice Barbies, furniture & accessories, like new porcelain dolls, full-queen size sparkly purple bedding & fuschia/black leopard bedding w/curtains. Lots & lots of misc! 606 Central Ave., Greenv.; Oct. 30, 9-5; Oct. 31, 9-1. Entertainment center, Home décor, pictures, toys, books, infant boys clothes & some girls, Holiday decorations. Come see this “Spooktacular” sale HOLIDAY GARAGE SALE; 2866 St Rt 571 W in Coletown; Fri-Sat, Oct 30-31 & Nov 6-7; 10am-5pm; Collectibles, toys, gifts, decorations, etc BARN SALE; 5522 Arcanum-Bears Mill Rd, Greenville; Oct 2930-31; 9-?; Lots of new & old Christmas decor, Hallmark collectibles, furniture, electric infrared heater, primitive decor/antiques, household 8684 Hartle Rd, Greenville; Oct 29-30; Thur 9-4, Fri 9-3; 4 kitchen tables/chairs, 4-drawer cupboard, Christmas decorations, old wood rocker, misc kitchen items, full size bed frame, baby crib, new in plastic baby mattress, crib comforter, train table, girl’s inside playhouse

dolls, scooters, suitcases, games, bikes, books. Something for everyone HELP WANTED Responsible individuals needed to deliver Early Birds in all areas. Both motor & walking routes are available. If you are interested, please contact Becky S. at 937547-0851 and leave your name, address & phone number, if no answer

HELP WANTED Semi-truck driver. Livestock experience necessary. Cell 937-417-0136


Part-time Sub Drivers Needed

Do you enjoy just getting out? We need part-time drivers to transport our clients to their appointments. Travel includes areas of Dayton, Troy, Richmond, Celina, and more. Just 20-25 hrs per wk, this is a perfect position for a retired person. You must possess a valid Ohio driver’s license, are subject to pre-employment and random drug & alcohol testing, criminal background check and MVR. Training available. Physical may be required. EOE. Applications available from 8am-4:30pm

Community Action Partnership 1469 Sweitzer St., Greenville, OH

Substitute School Bus Drivers Needed

Part time positions available- Great for stay home moms & retired individuals. Must be at least 21 years of age; be good with kids and able to multi task. Pay is: Routes- $13.31. Extra-curricular trips (athletics, field trip, etc.)- $10.71. Must have good driving record, pass background check, drug test and physical. We train inhouse. If interested, call Beth Cain at Greenville City Schools at 548-4464.


We are hiring for the following snow removal positions • Equipment operator (skidsteer/tractor/truck) • Shoveler (shoveling/snow blowing driveways and sidewalks) All positions can lead to landscaping jobs in the spring. Pay will be dependent on your attendance/customer service/attitude/ quality/safety! Direct correlation between the amount of heart you put into your job and the amount of money you put into your pocket! Please send resumes to Crowell Lawn Service, PO Box 141, Greenville OH 45331

Available Positions STNA’s - Full & Part Time - All Shifts LPN or RN Part Time/Full Time - All Shifts Resident Assistant - Full Time - All Shifts Non-Medical Caregivers Home Health Positions - Flexible Schedules Full Benefits for all Full Time staff! Contact: Linda Kirk, HR Coordinator 937-547-7644 linda.kirk@bhrc.org 750 Chestnut St., Greenville, OH 45331 www.bhrc.org Equal Opportunity Employer

ng i d n i tF Abou od Job? ATTEND O UR A Go JOB FAIR


639 Wagner Ave., Suite D, Greenville To Learn About

Manufacturing Positions offering Competitive Wage, Benefits, Employee Discounts Sponsored by

Please Call 937-316-3782

Facilities Engineering Technician Fort Recovery Industries, Inc., a leading manufacturer of aluminum and zinc die casting, has a part-time opening for a Facilities Engineering Technician on first shift (16-24 hours/week). Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Developing and implementing projects and procedures to upgrade and expand the facilities corporate wide. This is an excellent opportunity for someone looking for part-time employment. Applicants should have a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering or related field or have equivalent education/work experience. Apply in person from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or send resume to:

Fort Recovery Industries, Inc. EOE 2440 State Route 49, Box 638 Fort Recovery, Ohio 45846-0638 applications@fortrecoveryindustries.com

PAGE 24 Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

HELP WANTED ACCOUNTANT position for Bruns Construction Enterprises, Inc. Apply in person at 1429 Cranberry Road, St. Henry, OH 45883. EOE

Truck driver needed for agriculture equipment pickup & delivery. Will be using semi with low boy trailer. Duties include but not limited to: Loading, unloading & securing equipment on trailer. Complete daily inspection log & advise management of any repairs needed immediately. Complete delivery & pickup paperwork as needed. Send resumes to Apple Farm Service, Inc, 10120 W Versailles Rd, Covington, OH 45318 The YMCA of Darke County is hiring Gymnastics Instructors. Candidate should have tumbling and/or gymnastics experience. Qualified applicants apply in person or send resume to troberts@ ymcadarkecounty.org

The YMCA of Darke County is accepting applications for a Building Maintenance position. Qualified candidates with experience will assist the Property Director in maintaining our facilities, equipment, and grounds. Apply in person or send resume to jsturgill@ymcadarkecounty.org The YMCA of Darke County is accepting applications for Lifeguards. Qualified candidates must be at least 16 years old with Red Cross Lifeguard Certification. Training available. Qualified applicants apply in person or send resume to troberts@ymcadarkecounty.org HVAC INSTALLER TECH Excellent opportunity to be a part of a quality team. Immediate permanent positions available. Schmidt’s Heating, AC, Refrigeration & Geo Thermal. Apply at 999 Sweitzer St, Greenville, 548-5220

SNOW REMOVAL Positions for truck/tractor operators, & for handshoveling sidewalk crews. See block ad on page 23. Send resume: Crowell Lawn Service, PO Box 141, Greenville, OH 45331 HIRING DRIVERS 1 year experience in the last 3 years or 5 years experience in the last 10 years. Fed-Ex Ground contractor. Please call 937-547-1402

Working and Living in my Community GREENVILLE – Get to know Greenville resident Tom Messer and he will dispel many myths about people with disabilities. Tom works 40 hours most weeks, drives his own car, and lives independently


New Items Everyday! • Antiques • Glassware • Tools • Furniture • Bicycles • Fishing • Lawn & Garden Equipment • Motorcycle Service & Repair


Hours: Monday-Saturday 10am-5pm 5494 ST. RT. 121 SOUTH, GREENVILLE 937-316-6080

GREAT INVESTMENT BUILDING! 324 E. 3RD ST-GREENVILLE Spacious building with over 5800 Sq. Ft. Call to see the possibilities this property allows!



AS TOP PRODUCER FOR September 2015

REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE! $109,900 CALL TODAY! 1303 Chippewa Dr. Greenville



43 S. Steffin, Versailles 1 Bed/1 Bath, $375 Rent/$375 Deposit, tenant pays all utilities, no pets. 106 Imo, Greenville 2 Bed/1 bath, $625 Rent/$625 Deposit, basement and garage. No pets. 113 Anderson, New Madison 3 Bed/1 bath, $685. Rent/$600 Deposit rent includes water & trash. No pets. 212 N. Main St. Apt 2B, Arcanum 2 Bed/1 Bath, $450 Rent/Deposit, Stove/oven, w/d hookup, tenant pays electric. 214 N. Broadway, Greenville -Lower 2 Bed/1 Bath, $700 Rent/Deposit, landlord pays utilities, hot water steam heat. 214 N. Broadway, Greenville- Upper 1 Bed/1 Bath, $600 Rent/Deposit, landlord pays utilities, hot water steam heat. 620 Wayne, Greenville 3 Bed/1.5 bath, $650 Rent/Deposit, detached garage, no pets. 6724 US RT 36 Greenville Commercial Space, $700 Month/Deposit, 3 restrooms, 2 car attached garage. Tenant pays utilities.

“OPEN TODAY! 1-2:30”

6473 JAYSVILLE-ST. JOHNS ROAD - This spacious brick ranch features a sunken living room w/wood-burning fireplace; a Sun Room; Florida Room; partially finished basement; in-ground pool; 30x56 barn! Beautiful off-theroad setting on 5 acres M/L! $295,000. IN WAYNE LAKES this 2 bedroom home at 1180 East Drive has corner fireplace; attached garage; WOODED, CORNER LOT! Mid 40’s. CLOSE UPTOWN this 2-story home at 218 Elm Street has 3 bedrooms, 1½ baths; 2 car detached garage. Low 40’s. NICE, NICE, brick ranch at 1630 St. Rt. 571! Lots of new items! Fenced back yard and utility building. Low 70’s. 16 ACRES M/L bare ground in Section 13 of York Township! $10,500 per acre. NEWLY REMODELED 2-3 bedroom home at 329 E. Water has everything new inside and new vinyl siding outside! Seller will pay closing costs for qualified buyer! $63,000. APPROVED BUILDING LOT at corner of Bur Oak and Aspen! Improved with drilled well; trees; grass and sidewalks! Upper 20’s. 8 ACRES M/L with this 2-story home at 6975 Jaysville-St. Johns Road! Newer furnace and C/A; FULL basement; in-ground pool; small barn. $219,000. BRICK RANCH DOUBLE at 4044-4046 US Rt. 127! 2 bedrooms; 1½ baths; family room each side. 1 car attached garage. Both occupied. Mid 90’s. JUST EAST OF GORDON this 3 bedroom brick ranch at 8002 St. Rt. 722 has 2 car attached garage; new septic system in 2010; new roof in 2012. Upper 90’s. 7 ACRES ZONED COMMERCIAL on Wagner Avenue across from LOWE’S! Can be divided! Call Jim for additional information.


Jim Shuttleworth Evelyn Shuttleworth Joe Shuttleworth Richard Edwards


COZY 1-ST HOME w/LRM & DRM. 2 BR w/hardwood floors. Newer nat. gas furnace & C/A. Updated BA, wiring, roof. 1-car det. garage. MLS 622828 #4466 COMMERCIAL BUILDING! Centrally located in Arcanum w/large parking area! MLS 110114 #4420 AFFORDABLE 2 BR aluminum sided home. LRM & BRs have been repainted. 1-car det. garage. Storage shed. 60x90 lot. MLS 616273 #4481 EASILY MAINTAINED VINYL SIDED RANCH! 3 BR, 1½ BA. Gas F/P in LRM. Oak KIT cabinets. FRM. 2-car attached garage. MLS 616734 #4483 20 ACRES! Older 1½-ST home w/3 BR, 1 BA. Enclosed porch. Fireplace w/gas log in LRM. FM School Dist. MLS 620714 #4489 RECENTLY LISTED! Picture Perfect 1½-ST home in Greenville! LRM has gas F/P. Large rec rm. Quality carpet thru-out! 3 BR, 2½ BA. Screened-in porch. Paver block driveway & patio. MLS 622207 #4493

OPEN HOUSE TODAY! 1-2:30PM 224 1ST ST-UNION CITY 3 BR 2 B Brick home/ 2 car garage. Florida Rm and Large fenced back yard. Priced in the mid 70’s. 168 ROYAL OAK DR-GREENVILLE 3 BR 2 Bath Brick ranch home with open Family, Dining Rm.and Kitchen plus Formal Living Room. Florida Room, Well landscaped yard and 2 car garage. Home is well maintained and ready to move into. Stop in to see this lovely home.

OPEN HOUSE NOVEMBER 1ST 1-2:30PM 950 MANCHESTER-GREENVILLE Looking to downsize, check out this 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath home that is move in ready, many recent updates. Call today to schedule your tour of this lovely home. 112 E MAPLE-GREENVILLE Looking for a home close to the park? You will love this 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, brick ranch with 1 car attached garage. 7156 ST RT 118 – GREENVILLE Nice 3 BR brick ranch home. Located in country but close to parks, schools, and shopping. Immediate Occupancy!

NEW TO THE MARKET! 803 WAYNE AVE-GREENVILLE 2 BR 2 Bath one story home with spacious LR and Kitchen. Located in Greenville’s south end. Garage with extended carport. Must see! 6359 JAYSVILLE ST JOHNS RD This 3 Bedroom basement home offers space for everyone. Beautiful home situated close to Greenville. 1303 Chippewa Dr. Greenville


with his wife Alice. Tom is employed at Taco Bell in Greenville. Although he can do most jobs in the restaurant, Tom’s primary position is “back up” where he keeps food ready for other crew members who are filling orders. The fast paced environment is a great fit for Tom’s skills. “Tom can run circles around everyone“, said Bev Norton, General Manager. “When Tom is off and someone else is working in his position they cannot keep up like Tom can.” Tom is also effective at multi-tasking. From preparing food in the deep fryer to cleaning up the food prep area, Tom knows what to do and gets it done correctly. Bev shares that Tom is appreciated by every member of the Taco Bell team. “I would never want to lose him as a worker,” Bev said. Tom started working as a 12 year old on his family’s farm, feeding and caring for farm animals. Tom believes these early experiences helped prepare him for employment. Over the years, Tom has driven to restaurants in Troy and Englewood and to a local poultry producer to work. Tom came back to the Greenville Taco Bell just before the current manager Bev

R&S Reck Mobile Home Park

Becoming a Home Owner Need Not Be Just A Dream 2&3 Bedroom Homes Available Check our our selection of FREE handyman homes. Rental Homes Available Too!

Tom Messer

Norton joined the store. “Tom’s job was more limited when I came,” shared Bev. “I asked the staff if Tom had ever been trained for other job tasks and learned that he hadn’t, so I started showing him other jobs and gave him an opportunity. Tom learned very quickly.” Earlier this year, Tom celebrated his 5 year anniversary with Taco Bell in Greenville. When asked what he likes about his job, Tom answered, “Everything! I like going to work better than staying at home.” His advice for young people thinking about working in the community is to stay with a job when you get one, have good attendance and show up on time when you are scheduled. Tom and his wife Alice have been married for 18 years and live independently in a home they rent in Greenville. When Tom is not working, he and Alice enjoy visiting neighbors, going to the YMCA, going out to eat, and visiting with family. “Once in a while we go to the Piqua movie,” Tom shared.

FM Schools earn award PITSBURG – On Oct. 8, the Ohio School Board Association Southwest Region held its Fall Conference. At the conference, the Franklin Monroe Schools received one of three awards for an Outstanding Multi-District Impact Programs. The Franklin Monroe Business Academy is a partnership between the Miami Val-

Remember, the DEADLINE for Classified Ads is NOON on Thursday.

ley Career Technical Center and Sinclair Community College that allows FM students to earn college credits by taking business courses at Franklin Monroe High School. Students learn management, communication and leadership skills, software applications, customer service, contracts, economics, finance and accounting. For more information, contact the instructor, Carrie Wiant, at 947-1328.

Sherwood Forest Mobile Home Community 937-548-9898 www.parkbridgehomes.com


7278 ST RT 121 N, Greenville, OH-This 2 bedroom home north of Greenville sits on 1.287 acres. Country living close to town. Stop in today for more details. 8766


Nestled in Autumwood Estates is this beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Open concept floor plan that flows from Kitchen/Breakfast area to Living room. Dining area accessed from Kitchen or Living Room. Owner’s suite is enhanced with cedar lined closet, walk-in closet, bath with jacuzzi garden tub and a shower. Florida room that could be utilized almost year round. Storage in garage and attic above garage. For outside entertaining; privacy fence surrounds deck and back yard areas. Meticulously groomed landscaping. A Must See!! Stop in for your personal tour with REALTOR® Elaine Laux. (111480)


6959 HOLLANSBURG-SAMPSON RD., ARCANUM Looking for a home in the country in ArcanumButler School District? This is it! 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, 3 minutes from town. 303 S. CHIPPEWA, GREENVILLE Great location...close to shopping, park, & school. This well maintained, one story home features 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, hardwood flooring, central air, storage area in garage, & utility shed. Don’t let this home pass you by. Move in ready! 1345 SUGAR MAPLE, GREENVILLE Enjoy quiet evenings on the enclosed porch. Home features hardwood floors, newer vinyl windows and a backyard with room to play. Immediate occupancy of this ranch home. Invisible pet fence in backyard. 1368 HILLSIDE, GREENVILLE Need more space? Welcome to this cozy, updated home on a corner lot with a full basement. This home features a brand new (never used) dishwasher, backsplash, new counter tops, & refinished cabinets. Basement includes fireplace with hearth. Enjoy the back covered porch for those relaxing evenings. This home has many recent updates. You must see to appreciate.


1000 N COLUMBIA ST., UNION CITY, IN Nice home with a court yard in the middle. Lots of updates.

First Choice Realty

The Right Choice 1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331



New Paris, Ohio

Mobile Homes for Rent Or Rent to Own Call



3 bedroom farmhouse east of Greenville $750/mo. $750 deposit

Call 548-6060

ARCANUM 3998 ST RT 49 NEW PRICE $149,900. 3 bed, 2 full bath, recently remodeled, new and approved septic and plumbing. (111459) GREENVILLE 128 W. HARMON DR. $70,000. 3 Bed, 1 bath, 1 car det. Garage with loft storage, Close to City Park. (111569) 1303 SATER ST. $87,900. 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 car att. Garage, new inside and out including roof, siding, and kitchen! (111279) 101 PINEWOOD CT $104,900. 2 Bed, 2 full bath, 2 car att. Garage, workshop. (111568) 4409 CH. HM. BRADFORD RD. NEW LISTING $119,900. 3 Bed, 1 full bath, 2 half baths, 2 car att. Garage, full partially finished basement. (111566) 7308 OH-121 N $129,900. 3 bed, 2 full bath, 2 car att. Garage, nearly 1800 sq. ft. living space, just outside of Greenville. (111320) 254 HICKORY DR. $172,500. 3 Bed, 2.5 bath, 2 car att. Garage, great neighborhood, over 2200 sq ft living space, sun room. (111328) 4718 CLARK STATION RD. $250,000. 3 Bed, 2 full bath, 2 car att. Garage, 5 acre home, vaulted ceilings, walk-in in closet. (111466) 6329 HARTZELL RD. $289,900. 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car att. Garage, custom built home, additional garage with an office. (111101) NEW MADISON 116 N MAIN ST. NEW LISTING $57,900. 3 Bed, 2 full bath, 1 car garage, cheaper than rent! (111572)

Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 25

Music therapy at State of the Heart CAP provides Winter Crisis programs GREENVILLE – State of the Heart Hospice is celebrating Ohio Music Therapy Month! Music therapists all over the state of Ohio are celebrating this month to spread awareness about the field of music therapy. According to the American Music Therapy Association, Music Therapy is the clinical and evidencebased use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an ap-

proved music therapy program. Music therapists are required to complete 1200 hours of clinical training including completing a degree program, a supervised internship, and passing a board certification examination to earn the MT-BC credential. State of the Heart Hospice employs two Board Certified Music Therapists, Amy Pearson and Ashlee Carder. Ohio boasts the fifth highest number of board certified music therapists in the United States. Music therapists in Ohio work

State of the Heart Hospice’s recognized Amy Pearson and Ashlee Carder during Music Therapy Month.

with clients of all ages in a variety of settings including schools, therapy centers, hospitals, nursing homes, early intervention facilities, mental health facilities, group homes, hospice care, rehabilitation, private prac-

Pets of the Week GREENVILLE The Darke County Animal Shelter, 5066 County Home Road, Greenville has many pets available for adoption, including several breeds of dogs, as well as cats and kittens. The Shelter chooses pets to feature each week and this week they’ve selected: Chewbacca is a three year old terrier mix. He is tan with a white chest. He reminds them of Chewy on Star Wars. He is not as big as Chewy but weighs around 40 pounds. He is very friendly and knows how to sit and fetch. He has long hair. Oreo is a six month old Bor-

der collie mix. He is black and white with long hair and is very friendly and full of energy. He loves to play fetch and have fun. Baxter the Beagle is three years old. He is a typical Beagle; black, white and brown in color and has short hair. He loves to be close to you and walks well on a leash. They also have black and blond Labrador, terrier, mastiff mix and numerous other dogs. Shelter hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday and 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday. They can be reached at 5471645. Get your pet’s picture taken with

Santa Claus. This event will be held at Wal-Mart in Greenville on Nov. 21 in the Garden Center. This is a fundraiser for the Friends of the Shelter and helps support all the projects they do. You can get your license online at www.doglicense. us/oh/darke. All dogs over three months of age must have a license. For more information, contact the Animal Shelter at 5471645. To see the dogs available, visit www.darkecountyanimalshelter. com. Also visit the Friends of the Shelter at www.darkecountyfriendsoftheshelter.com.

tice, and in client’s homes. Ohio music therapists are currently seeking the creation of a music therapy license at the state level through House Bill 184. The creation of a music therapy license through state recognition of the music therapy profession will help ensure that consumers in our state have access to music therapy services provided by a qualified practitioner. It will serve to both protect the public and increase their ability to choose and access healthcare services that best meet their needs. If you would like more information about Music Therapy services offered by State of the Heart, please contact Amy or Ashlee at 548-2999 or (419) 678-4808. Find information about music therapy at the Association of Ohio Music Therapists (www.aomt.org), the American Music Therapy Association (www. musictherapy. org), and the Certification Board for Music Therapists (www.cbmt.org). You can also find out more at www. stateoftheheartcare.org.

GREENVILLE – The Community Action Partnership of the Greater Dayton Area will again provide emergency energy payment assistance this winter for eligible households. The Winter Crisis Program will begin Nov. 2, and continue through March 31, 2016, or until funds are depleted. Under the Winter Crisis Program, eligible households may receive a onetime payment of up to $175 for a utility emergency and $750 for bulk fuel. The Winter Crisis funds can pay a customer’s initial payment for the Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP Plus), a PIPP Plus default, a reconnection fee or a deposit. Users of bulk fuel, propane or bottled gas or solid fuels may also be eligible for assistance. A customer may receive a delivery of fuel if their tank contains 25 percent or less of its capacity. Income eligibility for the Winter Crisis Program is 175 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. For a family of four, household income cannot exceed $42,437.50 a year. They must be

on PIPP Plus or sign up for PIPP Plus or another payment plan. Proof of citizenship or alien status is required for the primary applicant. United States citizens will be eligible by providing a birth certificate, baptismal record, or U.S. passport. Those born outside the United States, naturalized citizens or aliens must provide one of the following: Naturalization papers/certification of citizenship; permanent visa; birth certificate or hospital birth record; refugee registration card; U.S. passport; INS ID card; military service record; Indiana census record; or voter registration card. Darke County customers may call (937) 548-8143 to make an appointment to re-certify their PIPP Plus status and apply for the Winter Crisis Program. Walk in appointments are available Monday – Friday at 8-9 a.m. for those customers who utilities have been shut off or completely out of Bulk Fuel. Customers are served on a first come fist served basis. Scheduled appointments start at

9 a.m. 2015–2016 Utility Payment Assistance Applications are available at www.cap-dayton. org. Customers may be seen at 1469 Sweitzer St., Greenville. Customers must bring all of the following items to their appointment: * Social Security cards for all household members; * Picture ID for the person whose name the account is in; * Current utility bill/disconnect notice/account number; *Proof of income received by all household members age 18 or older for the last 13 weeks, including child support, weekly or biweekly pay stubs; Social Security, pension, Workers’ Compensation or unemployment benefits. *Tenant eligibility and rent procedures for those living in HUD housing; * Financial aid break down and tuition and fee bills for students; * Landlord’s name and telephone number for renters. * Any income from odd jobs. If laid off, documentation from the pre-

vious employer is required. If a household member or head of household states they have no income and are being supported by another household member who has income, they must complete the “Zero Income Self-Declaration Section” of the application form. If a household member is receiving help from a non-household member, the application must include a notarized letter from that person stating how much and how often money is provided, how the bill is paid, and if the money is a loan or gift. Households reporting zero income who were not required to file taxes can request a copy of a “Verification of Non-Filing Status Transcript” by calling 1-800-9099946, faxing 1-859669-3592, or online at http://www.irs. gov/Individuals/ Get-Transcript. All applications are subject to random audit for accuracy and truthfulness. For more information about the Winter Crisis Program, visit www. energyhelp.ohio. gov or call 1-800282-0880.


SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2015 9:00 AM



SATURDAY, NOV. 14, 2015 11:00 AM 304 S. HIGH STREET, ARCANUM, OHIO 45304

Directions: Alternate Rt. 49 to Arcanum. Turn RIGHT on W. South St. then LEFT on S. High. (Watch for Auction Signs)

This well cared for Ranch Style Frame Home features: (3) Bedrooms w/Hardwood Floors, (1) Full Bath, Living Room, Lg. Family Room, Eat in Kitchen w/Refrigerator, Stove & Dishwasher, Laundry Room w/Washer & Dryer, Utility Sink & Cabinets, nice Office or Sewing Room, (1) Car Attached Garage w/Opener, Lg. Covered Rear Patio, Fenced Back Yard, 8’x8’ Hip Roof Storage Bldg., Maintenance Free Vinyl Siding & Soffits and much more. Attend Open Houses and check out this move in ready home.

Attend Open Houses - Inspect This Property - Make Financial Arrangements Be Prepared to Buy on Auction Day



• ALL items must be paid for the day of auction. • ALL items are sold As-Is. • TERMS: Cash or Good Check with Proper Photo ID; Visa / MC / Discover accepted with a 3% Clerk Fee added. • Visit us online @ www.auctionzip.com and enter USER I.D. #8673 for photos and information. • Good Food Available on Site! REMEMBER: +++Never, Ever a Buyer’s (Penalty) Pre- Office: 937.316.8400 mium at our Auctions…What You Bid Is What You Pay! Cell: 937.459.7686 We work for our sellers, we appreciate our buyers, and Michel Werner we love our profession! Kirby & Staff Apprentice Auctioneer


Open Houses:

SUN., OCTOBER 25, 1:00 – 2:30 PM SUN., NOVEMBER 1, 1:00 – 2:30 PM And by appointment… Call: Kirby Lyons (937) 316-8400 Everett Hocker (937) 417-0748

*Disregard any previous asking price as seller is highly motivated to sell this home.* Terms: $3,000.00 down on day of auction. Complete Balance Due Within 30 Days of Auction. Taxes will be figured short term pro-ration to closing. Possession at closing. Visa & MasterCard accepted w/ 3% clerking fee added.


Ronnie Kaugher


1546 Cox Rd., Union City, OH (937) 968-7279

For photos and additional information on this offering please visit us at www.auctionzip. com and enter User I.D. # 8673. MOTIVATED SELLER – MOVE-IN-READY – ALL APPLIANCES STAY Remember, Never, Ever a Buyers (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions *WHAT YOU BID IS WHAT YOU PAY* “We work for our sellers, appreciate our buyers, and love our profession”

Office: 937.316.8400 Cell: 937.459.7686

Weekly Auctions now featuring audio/video bidding. Convenience fee for on-line bidders only.

PAGE 26 Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com

Extension says dry weather puts farmers at risk for fire

DARKE COUNTY – This season, farmers are at a high risk of having a field fire. In less than a week we have had at least two field fires in the county and a few in our neighboring counties. What is fueling these fires you may ask? We had a tremendous amount of rain this past growing season which in turn produced a corn crop with a lot of fodder. We also have had less than a half inch of rain for most of the county since corn harvest began. Add in high winds, a discarded cigarette or a blowing ember from a trash fire and you have the opportunity for a major field fire. These field fires can grow out of con-

trol in a matter of minutes. Adjacent homes, buildings and standing crops all are at risk Additionally the conditions present during harvest season include dry plant material and grain dust that are highly combustible. Hot equipment or engine sparks are great ignition sources. It is not uncommon for exhaust pipes or catalytic converters to exceed 1,000°F. Add a little wind and there is a perfect opportunity for a field fire. Fighting a field fire can be quite the challenge and should be directed by the fire department in charge. You may be of assistance if you have a tillage tool ready to go to “plow” a bar-

rier. When plowing the barrier you do not want to attempt to till the ground at the fire. You would want to keep a safe distance between the fire and your tractor. Directly tilling the ground at the fire may result in severe damage to the tractor and a risk to the operator. Being prepared to handle field fires is important for all workers and transport drivers. Combines, tractors, grain trucks, and pick-ups should all be equipped with a trustworthy fire extinguisher as the first lines of defense. Combines should carry an ABC 10-pound fire extinguisher in the cab and a larger 20-pound unit at the ground level. Tractors and


Located 1 m. West of Greenville, Oh. to 3876 St. Rt. 571 West, Greenville, Oh. (watch for signs) on:


ANTIQUES: Oak pump organ w/bench W.W. Putman & Co, Stanton, Va; Victorian loveseat & chair; Oak curved China cabinet; Oak library table; Oak high chair; Oak parlor table w/ turned legs; Oak claw & ball feet parlor table w/rope twist legs; Oak organ stool; 2-2-dr. night stands; Victrola; record cabinet; vintage China cabinet w/glass door; Victorian marble top dresser w/mirror; cradle; camel back trunk; cast foot stool; Singer treadle sewing machine; several ladder back cane seat chairs; 8 legged stand; Mahogany tilt top table; cast iron floor lamp; caned seat & back rocker; Victorian side chairs; GE E-72 tube table top radio; child’s slat seat rocker & rush seat chair; vanity w/mirror; white painted vanity; Mobo Bronco metal horse; cast McCormick/Deering thrasher; cast car; Victorian walnut rocker; picture frames; copper wash boilers; Firkin sugar bucket; wedding ring quilt; Cambria pitcher & bowl chamber set; Johnson Bro’s 12pl. setting Rose Bouquet dishes w/serving pcs; 12pl. setting Czechoslovakia Antoinette dishes (not complete); h.p. cups & saucers, deep bowls, plates, desserts; glass salts; Va. Rose cream & sugar; HOUSEHOLD: Frigidaire upright freezer (2 yrs.); old Frigidaire 2 door refrig; modern chrome & smoke glass kitchen table w/5 chairs; Formica table; bar stools; microwave; misc. pots, pans, dishes, glasses, utensils, bakeware, silver plate pcs, & sm. elect. appliances; Imperial pcs; brass candelabra; couch; blue recliner, gold swivel rocker; Maple rocker; end tables; bookcases; RCA & Sanyo TV’s & stands; 2 Sanyo VCR’s; misc. lamps, bedding, Christmas items etc; 3 pc. Oak king bedroom suite; 4 pc. Blonde qu. bedroom suite; qu. poster bed; 2-5 dr. E. A. chest of drawers; 2 pc. matching chest & dresser w/mirror; 4 dr. chest; cedar chest; wood closet; Pine bench & cradle; metal file cabinets; metal desk; books; men & boys golf clubs & carts; kids table w/2 chairs; Schwinn girl & Next Wipeout boy bikes; tricycle; Kawasaki power wheel; lg. asst. of kids toys; Lionel train on board; Snow White collection: books, puzzles, stuffed items, pictures etc; CONSTRUCTION TOOLS: Craftsman 6” jointer, cut off saw, #100 table saw, tool boxes, 3” door planer; DeWalt radial arm saw; Lincoln AC225 welder; ext. cord for welder; Miller Fall 646 circle saws; Omark 330 nail shooter; Skill 736 Roto hammer; Stihl TS350 cement saw; transit; Acetylene set w/tanks; Wagner paint sprayers; Kennedy tool boxes; wooden tool boxes & others; 24” & 36” shingle cutters; ½” & 1 1/4” conduit bender; lg. pipe bender; lg. set pipe dies; 2 lg. ridged pipe cutters; cast iron pipe cutter; pipe vise; bar & pipe clamps; rebar cutter; cement float w/al. handle & tools; 6”, 8”, 12” cement forms; lot of 5 x 8 sheets of plexus glass; rolls of Velcro; NEW ITEMS: lg. amt. of elect. & plumbing supplies: metal & plastic receptacle boxes, indoor & outdoor covers, 24 hr. timer switches, 3 way switches, fuse cut off boxes, wire nuts, wire nails, breakers, flex conduit; ivory outlets, thermostats, elect. wire; all sizes of nails, screws, bolts, nuts, brass shut off valves & flare couplings, plastic T’s & elbows, test plugs; galv. elbows, T’s, caps, nipples, unions various sizes; galv. down spout & elbows; 36” door bottoms; cement blades & other saw blades; used Kenmore dishwasher & bath tub; misc. doors; MISC. ITEMS: 5hp. Master front tine tiller (Parimi Lynn, In.); elect. Lawn Chief push mower; yd. roller; Craftsman spreader; garden seeder; Homelite 14”chain saw; push plow; bu. baskets; misc. lawn & garden tools; lots of lawn chairs; redwood lawn furniture; 2-man rubber boat; metal shelving; wooden step ladders; hyd, bottle, floor, ladder, post & leveling jacks; elect. motors & ceiling heater; kerosene burner; Knipco heaters; unopened 5 gal. wh. bearing grease, Moly Supreme grease, Quaker St. wh. bearing lubricant, Pennzoil Hydra-Tranz, Moly gear lube, grease tubes, motor oil, caulking, al. paint etc; misc. sm. hand tools & elect. tools; air cut off, chisel gun & impact; sockets; old wall mt. drill press; old cast iron tub & sink; porcelain sinks, soap dishes, towel bars etc; fluorescent ceiling & can lights; scrap & a lot of items unseen & not listed. Check www.auctionzip.com #2005 for complete listing. Come prepared we will be running 2 rings most of the day. If weather permitting off road parking.





TERMS: Cash or Check w/Proper ID. Statements made day of Auction take precedence over printed matter. Lunch: HEAVY SMOKER’S Port-a-Jon NO BUYERS PREMIUM

trucks are recommended to have a 5-pound minimum extinguisher available. These extinguishers should be in EACH vehicle in the field. Nothing is worse than watching the combine go up in flames while you’re running to the end of the field to retrieve the fire extinguisher on the grain cart. Having an extinguisher on each piece of equipment ensures you will be ready to react on the first signs of smoke. Don’t get caught with a false sense of security. If you follow the recommendations and own enough fire extinguishers, then you must also follow the maintenance recommendations. Check the pressure gages periodically, making sure the needle remains in the “charged” zone. If a unit has been partially discharged, it must be fully recharged before using it again. Even a slight discharge can create a gap in the internal seal of the extinguisher valve, causing the pressure to leak out. The pressure needle may linger in the charged zone; however there may not be adequate pressure to expel the contents. Extinguishers could use a little shake a few times a year. By inverting the extinguisher and shaking it several times each season makes sure the powder doesn’t get lodged at the bottom of the unit. Equipment vibrations are notorious for compacting the reactive ingredients of fire extinguishers; making them worthless when they are needed. Extinguishers should also be inspected periodically by a fire professional. Fire service companies can be found in community directories. Your local fire department or insurance company can also point you in the right direction for

service companies. Some extinguishers are not designed to be refilled, or are too old to be refilled. These units should be replaced when they expire. Having these old extinguishers around does no good when the time comes to pull the pin. Follow other fire prevention practices. It is also important to keep machinery in good repair. Apply grease to bearings and oil chains regularly to reduce friction. It is recommended to perform maintenance checks at the end of the day, rather than at the beginning, to detect any hot smoldering areas that may break out into flames overnight. Keep machinery clean and free from plant materials, especially around the wrap points. Wipe up any fuel or oil leaks to eliminate additional fuel sources; and do not leave oily rags on equipment or in the cab. Use an air compressor or leaf blower to remove crop residue, and a pressure washer to remove built up oil or caked-on grease. Take time to cool down the equipment each night, and check for any hot spots. These steps can make a difference to save equipment, facilities, commodities, and lives. Being prepared to handle field fires is important for all workers. Having machinery equipped with a trustworthy fire extinguisher is one of the first lines of defense. Be fire smart, and safe harvesting. For more detailed information, visit the Darke County OSU Extension web site at www.darke. osu.edu, the OSU Extension Darke County Facebook page or contact Sam Custer, at 5485215.

Bigs and Littles learning about the Red Cross Pillow Case project.

BBBS hosts agency picnic at Earl’s Island FT. LORAMIE – Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby and Darke County sponsored an agency picnic at Earl’s Island, Lake Loramie State Park on Aug. 13, to provide an evening of fun and food for the volunteers and the children in the program. Over 40 individuals from Shelby and Darke Counties attended the picnic under clear skies and mild temperature. Everyone had a wonderful time, with the children enjoying the inflatable bounce house before and after the activities. Tied in with the evening activities was a pillow case project presented by the Red Cross. The pillow case project is a way to talk to the children about how to handle a disaster such as fire, flooding, etc. and what skills and items would be necessary to have with you if something of this nature were to happen. In addition to this, Bigs and Littles went on a scavenger hunt and enjoyed a picnic style lunch and socializing. Group activities are an integral part of the mentoring program for children from “at risk” homes. “Outings

such as these help to build team working skills, enhance social skills, and boost a child’s self esteem,” according to executive director, Jennifer Bruns. The Shelby & Darke County agency has 107 community based matches with a list of over 15 children in need of an adult volunteer. Volunteers are required to see the children two times per month offering support and fun, educational activities. It should be noted that match activities can be scheduled around a volunteers own calendar. Volunteers do not need to make a huge commitment of time, just have a “Big” heart and a willingness to have a positive impact on a youth in our own community. With this in

mind, the agency is always looking for new volunteers to become matched with a child and become a mentor. Every match is assigned a professional staff member to ensure that all parties are satisfied with the match and that the child is benefiting from the service. If you would like more information on entering your child in the program or on becoming an active volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters, call 547-9622 or 492-7611 or visit www.bigbrobigsisshelbydarke.org. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby and Darke County is a non-profit United Way member agency and an affiliate of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America.

3452 Co. B U YS. H E RRd.E 25A  •PI-75 AYatHExit E R69E



SATURDAY OCTOBER 31ST, 2015 - 9:00 A.M. Doors open at 8:30 A.M. 5862 Kruckeberg Rd. Greenville, OH 45331

DIRECTIONS: From downtown Dayton, Ohio Take I -70 West to St. Rt. 127 North to Greenville to Kruckeberg Rd. Turn right on Kruckeberg go approx. 1 mile to sale site on left. (Watch for signs) Auctioneers Note – This is a nice auction, check edwardsauctions. com for pictures and updates. Starting at 9:00 AM. with box lots. Featuring Live Audio & Video so you can bid at home or on the go with your smart phone or tablet. Go to www.auctionzip.com, enter auctioneer ID # 3426, click on the current auction date, click on bid now button to enter auction. No buyer’s premium charged for attending the live & collectible auction. Buyer’s premium applied to online bidders only. 1968 Corvette, 327 motor, 4 speed transmission, 600 miles on rebuilt engine & transmission, excellent shape

LONGABERGER BASKETS - ANTIQUES-COLLECTIBLESFURNITURE-HOUSEHOLD-TOOLS 180+Longaberger Baskets & Items; Kitchen Table & 4 Chairs; Breakfast Drop leaf Table & 2 Chairs; Blue Reclining Lift Chair; 3 Pcs. Full Size Bedroom Suite; Corner Oak Bench; Parlor Table; Quilt Sewing Machine; Fold Out Picture Frame Screen; Model Rail Road Tracks, HO , O Gauge & Accessories; RR Magazines, Modern; Lg. Rail Road Outdoor Reflective Sign; Eden Pure Heater; Super & Special 88 Lg. Popcorn Machine Like New; Suzuki Songcard Guitar Chord Qc1;Lamps; Area Rugs; Misc. Dishes; Knives; Die Cast Cars; Heater; And much much more.


TERMS: CASH or local checks w/proper ID. Visa & Master Card Accepted w/3% Clerk Fee. Auctioneer licensed in Ohio. Auction held INSIDE facility. We must collect sales tax.

Sunday, October 25, 2015-The Early Bird, www.bluebagmedia.com PAGE 27


Medicare Info Days at Family Health GREENVILLE – Medicare’s Annual Election Period begins now! Do you have questions or need assistance reviewing plans or selecting coverage? Come to Family Health for free assistance. Family Health Services of Darke County is hosting Medicare Information Days throughout October and November These information days are to assist current or future Darke County Medicare recipients in obtaining information about coverage options for 2016. Medicare recipients can change their Prescriptions Drug Plans and Medicare Advantage Plans annually from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7. Additionally, you may be able to explore other options including Medigap (Medicare Supplement) coverage, subject to medi-

cal underwriting. A representative from Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program (OSHIIP) and local insurance agents will be present for the next meeting scheduled on Oct. 28, 8:30-11:30 a.m. They will assist to provide accurate, unbiased information about Medicare and your insurance options. This event will be hosted in an open house format. Attendees are encouraged to bring along all current insurance cards and a list of their medications. Family Health will provide worksheets to help individuals identify what type of assistance they may need in comparing plans for 2016. Dates and times are as follows: Medicare Information Days: Assistance with

Prescription Drug Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Supplements, Oct. 28, 8:30-11:30 a.m. OSHIIP Medicare Check Up Day: OSHIIP Representatives onsite enrollment for Prescription Drug Plans (Part D), Nov. 11, 8:3011:30 a.m. All events will be held in Family Health’s large conference room, 5735 Meeker Road, Greenville. Please use the main entrance (Lab/ Radiology) in the center of the building. For more information, call 547-2312. The representatives are not employed by or endorsed by Family Health Services of Darke County. They are independent individuals who have volunteered their time for these public events open to interested community members.

GREENVILLE – Second National Bank (SNB) recently released its new business banking mobile app. Business owners and managers can use the app to securely approve transactions, deposit checks, view account balances, receive alerts, and transfer money from their smart phones. “Very few community banks offer a business banking app, but this technology was very important to us, because our customers told us it’s important to them. This app keeps them securely and conveniently connected to their money at all times. Now, they can easily approve payments, make deposits, get approval alerts and more, whether they’re in the car, in the field, in a meeting or in a restaurant,” said John Swallow, Second National Bank, John Swallow, President & CEO. The business banking app has the same multi-

layer security features as business online banking, strong fraud prevention, and customizable alerts and controls. Other features of the new business mobile banking app include: Push alerts for authorization and approvals; view pending and posted transactions; view check images; and make loan payments Second National Bank

recently upgraded its personal mobile banking app in August, which included an instant balance feature and new account alerts. Nearly 60,000 individuals use the personal banking app. The free apps are available for download in Apple’s App Store or in Google Play. To learn more about the business mobile banking app, visit SecondNational. com.

SNB has business banking mobile app

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2015 GMC ½ TON CREW CAB DENALI 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, gray, 2,989 miles .............................................. $48,995 ....... $47,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., gray, 20,697 miles ................. $22,995 ....... $21,500 2013 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., gray, 39,746 miles ................................................ $30,995 ....... $29,900 2013 CHEVY SILVERADO ½ TON LT CREW CAB 4X4, 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 49,835 miles......................................................................................... $29,995 ....... $28,900 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LS FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., blue, 25,798 miles ................ $18,995 ....... $17,500 2013 GMC SIERRA SLE EXT. CAB, 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, exc. cond., blue granite, 26,248 miles .................................................................................................... $30,995 ....... $29,500 2013 CHEVY ¾ TON EXPRESS CARGO VAN, 6.0L V8, well equipped, like new, white, 11,017 miles ............................................................................................................... $30,995 ....... $29,500 2011 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT FWD, 3.6L V6, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 97,457 miles ........................................................................................................... $17,995 ....... $16,900 2010 CHEVY TRAVERSE 2LT FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, one owner, exc. cond., gray, 125,641 miles .............................................................................................................. $15,995 ....... $14,900 2010 NISSAN CUBE FWD, 2.0L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., maroon, 111,359 miles ................ $10,995 ......... $8,900 2009 GMC CANYON SLE EXT. CAB, 2WD, P.U., 2.9L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., beige, 74,721 miles .............................................................................................................. $13,995 ....... $12,900 2009 GMC SIERRA SLE ½ TON EXT. CAB, 2WD P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, super nice, black, 114,323 miles ............................................................................................................. $16,995 ....... $15,900 2008 BUICK ENCLAVE CXL AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, rear video, very nice, brown, 133,707 miles ........................................................................................................... $14,995 ....... $13,900 2008 CHEVY ½ TON EXTENDED CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, exc. cond., brown, 136,771 miles ........................................................................................................... $16,995 ....... $15,900 2007 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, super sharp, black, 133,700 miles ............................................................................................................. $18,995 ....... $17,900 2007 CHEVY HHR LS FWD, 2.2L 4 cyl., loaded good cond., lavender, 229,577 miles .......................................................................................................... $4,995 ......... $3,500 2007 CHEVY AVALANCHE LTZ 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, white, 126,811 miles ............................................................................................................. $18,995 ....... $17,900 2006 TOYOTA RAV 4 FWD, 3.5L V6, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 102,304 miles ...................... $11,995 ....... $10,500 2005 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, very nice, beige, 187,141 miles ...... $9,995 ......... $8,900 2005 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., diamond white, 132,910 miles .............................................................................................. $10,995 ......... $9,500 2005 FORD ESCAPE XLT 2WD, 3.0L V6, sunroof, all power, very nice, maroon, 153,759 miles........................................................................................... $6,995 ......... $5,500 2004 HONDA CRV AWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 182,177 miles ........................................................................................................... $6,995 ......... $5,500 2004 CHEVY SILVERADO ¾ TON EXT. CAB 2WD, P.U., 6.0L V8, auto, air, good cond., white, 283,613 miles ........................................................................................... $6,995 ......... $5,500 2003 CHEVY ½ TON EXT. CAB LS 4X4, P.U., 5.3L V8, loaded, good cond., gray, 223,807 miles ................................................................................................................ $7,995 ......... $6,500 2002 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB 4WD P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., white, 101,500 miles................................................... $10,995 ......... $9,500 2002 CHEVY VENTURE LS VAN, 3.4L V6, loaded, good cond., blue, 185,647 miles ................... $4,995 ......... $2,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 142,478 miles ............................................................................................ $9,995 ......... $8,900 2000 CHEVY SILVERADO ½ TON EXT. CAB 4X4, P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, good cond., red, 242,110 miles .................................................................................................................. $6,995 ......... $5,500 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats, all power, nice cond., green, 144,748 miles........... $6,995 ......... $5,900


2014 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, like new, green, 14,437 miles .... $18,995 ....... $17,900 2014 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., all power, like new, blue, 4,150 miles ........................ $17,995 ....... $16,500 2013 CHEVY CRUZE LTZ, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 9,841 miles ...... $17,995 ....... $16,900 2013 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., gray, 13,041 miles ...... $17,995 ....... $16,500 2013 CHEVY MALIBU LTZ, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., champagne silver, 19,541 miles ........................................................................................... $19,995 ....... $18,900 2013 CHEVY MALIBU ECO, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp!, black, 39,146 miles ................................................................................................... $20,995 ....... $19,500 2012 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, super nice, silver, 56,331 miles $13,995 ....... $12,900 2012 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, one owner, loaded, super nice, black, 38,534 miles .... $15,995 ....... $14,900 2012 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, one owner, loaded, like new, silver, 25,890 miles ........ $16,995 ....... $15,900





2012 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 54,800 miles ................................................................................................................ $15,995 ....... $14,900 2012 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, all power, like new, silver, 30,905 miles ............................................................................................................... $15,995 ....... $14,500 2011 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., maroon, 96,580 miles ........................................................................................................... $10,995 ......... $9,900 2011 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, loaded, very nice, gold mist, 77,280 miles ................... $11,995 ....... $10,900 2011 CHEVY CAMARO LT COUPE, 3.6L V6, RS Package, sunroof, loaded, sharp, blue, 22,754 miles ..................................................................................................... $23,995 ....... $21,900 2009 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, red, 21,677 miles .................................................................................................................. $14,995 ....... $13,900 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LS, 4 dr., 3.5L V8, loaded, very nice, gray, 140,754 miles.......................... $5,995 ......... $4,900 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 115,528 miles ..... $10,995 ......... $9,500 2006 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 163,567 miles ................................................................................................................ $7,995 ......... $6,500 2006 CHEVY MONTE CARLO SS, 2 dr., 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, white, 90,141 miles ............................................................................................................... $11,995 ....... $10,500 2006 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.2L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., white, 132,199 miles ............................................................................................................... $8,995 ......... $7,500 2005 CHEVY IMPALA, 4 dr., 3.4L V6, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., silver, 90,099 miles ........... $6,995 ......... $5,900 1998 CHEVY CAVALIER LS, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., auto, air, good cond., green, 189,328 miles ......... $2,995 ......... $1,900


2009 PONTIAC G6 GT, 2 dr., 3.5L V6, sunroof, loaded, sharp, maroon, 76,089 miles ........................................................................................................... $11,995 ....... $10,500


2014 BUICK REGAL GS AWD, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, diamond white, 26,173 miles ................................................................................................ $28,995 ....... $27,900 2013 BUICK REGAL PREMIUM, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, crystal red, 26,985 miles....................................................................................................... $22,995 ....... $21,500 2012 BUICK LACROSSE, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, like new, brown, 13,243 miles ............................................................................................................. $23,995 ....... $22,500 2012 BUICK REGAL T TYPE, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, white diamond, 29,717 miles ................................................................................................ $20,995 ....... $19,900 2007 BUICK LUCERNE CXS, 4 dr., 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, super nice, gray, 76,028 miles ................................................................................................................ $12,995 ....... $11,900 2007 BUICK LUCERNE CXL, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 178,737 miles .............................................................................................................. $8,995 ......... $6,900 2006 BUICK LUCERNE CXL, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., green, 112,282 miles ............................................................................................................ $10,995 ......... $8,900 2005 BUICK LACROSSE CXS, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., silver, 86,683 miles ........................................................................................................................... $9,995 ......... $8,500 2000 BUICK LESABRE CUSTOM, 4 dr., 3.8L V6, cloth seats, loaded, good cond., beige, 157,232 miles .............................................................................................................. $8,995 ......... $6,900 1999 BUICK CENTURY LIMITED, 4 dr., 3.1L V6, leather, loaded, nice car, maroon, 128,243 miles ........................................................................................................... $5,995 ......... $4,900


2012 VW JETTA 2.5 SE, 4 dr., 2.5L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, sharp, red, 108,875 miles................... $9,995 ......... $8,500 2012 HARLEY DAVIDSON SOFT TAIL CLASSIC, one owner, many extras, like new, maroon, 1,307 miles......................................................................... $22,995 ....... $19,900 2011 HYUNDAI SONATA, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., maroon, 95,583 miles ........... $12,995 ....... $11,500 2010 FORD FUSION SE 4 dr 2.5 L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., gray, 126,670 miles .............................................................................................................. $10,995 ......... $9,500 2006 CADILLAC CTS, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, black, 124,526 miles ............................................................................................................... $8,995 ......... $7,900 2006 CADILLAC CTS, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, sharp, gray, 92,155 miles ................................................................................................................ $16,995 ....... $13,900 2002 OLDSMOBILE ALERO, 4 dr., 3.4L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, good cond., white, 163,777 miles ............................................................................................................... $4,995 ......... $3,500 1997 CADILLAC DEVILLE, 4 dr., 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., green, 119,533 miles .............................................................................................................. $4,995 ......... $2,500 1996 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, nice car, beige, 163,266 miles .............................................................................................................. $4,995 ......... $2,500

CORNER MAIN & GEORGE, ARCANUM SERVICE HOURS: Mon. 8am-8:30 pm/Tues.-Fri. 8-5:30/Sat. 8-12 SALES HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8am-8pm/Sat. 8am-5:30pm

CALL 692-8373 OR 692-8360

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