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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Fair holds fundraiser for new barns Event will raise money for construction of new swine, goat, dog barns 2019. Other donors will offer testimonials during the GREENVILLE — The Friends of the Senior Fair event, while evangelist, farmer, and inspirational Board will host a formal speaker Ray Perryman, dinner to raise funds for who conducted services at the Darke County Fair’s the 2018 fair, will produce ongoing efforts to build an exclusive video that will several new barns. debut as part of the night’s The event will take place April 12 at 7 p.m. in festivities. Fair Board member Thomas Shaw the Youth Building at the Darke County Fairgrounds, will M.C. the event. The new building project and will feature locallyconsists of plans to conprepared food and guest struct new dog, goat, and speakers, including Dave swine barns. The former Knapp, owner of Dave Knapp Ford in Greenville, swine barn was destroyed in a fire in October 2018. who was appointed chairGuests are asked to supman of the fundraising port the fair’s fundraising campaign in February

By Anthony Baker


campaign with donations ranging from as little as $300 to as much as $400,000. Donations will secure naming rights to pens, bleachers, and show arenas in each barn, as well as to the new dog and goat facilities themselves (valued at $75,000 and $400,000 respectively); naming rights to the swine barn were awarded to Minnesota-based Cargill, Inc. following a $500,000 donation made by the corporation in January of this year. Gifts are tax-deductible and can be spread out over five years. Seating for the event is

limited, so reservations are for adults only. Those interested can RSVP by calling (937)459-9655 or via email at darkecountykickoffevent@gmail.com. The new buildings are designed to do two things, according to Friends of the Senior Fair Board and Darke County Barrow Boosters member Rachel Fearon: meet the needs of Junior Fair kids and provide the Darke County community with a one-ofa-kind event center. “The new swine barn will be a true multipurpose building,” Fearon said. “We want to attract

events throughout the year; it’s a lot of money to spend on a building you only use once a year. If successful, this facility will hold 1000 people. There isn’t any place in the county that will hold that many warm bodies at once.” The multi-purpose building will begin construction in the spring, and is expected to be finished in time for the 2019 fair. The Cargill donation and an expected $800,000 insurance payout make up $1.3 of the projected $2.5 million needed to complete the project, according to Matt Hughes, whose Cincinnati-based nonprofit consulting firm Fair Fund-

ing, LLC was hired by the fair board to raise funds for the project in October 2018. Hughes has raised an additional $150,000, but stressed that the latter two barns will only be built if the remaining funds can be raised. “The quicker we accomplish this, the faster those other two buildings can go up,” Hughes said. “That is entirely dependent on a successful private sector campaign.” Fearon expressed similar sentiments. “All gifts matter,” Fearon said. “Our community is very special, and as we like to say, none of us are as strong as all of us.”

Vietnam Vets honored SUSAN HARTLEY

mation, more than 3 million men and women served during Vietnam, with 58,000 losing their lives in service. Also, approximately 330 DARKE COUNTY – In Ohioans are among those honor of Vietnam Veterans Day, a proclamation signing who did not return home, including 15 from Darke was held Monday, March County. 25, with Darke County The city of Greenville’s Commissioners Matt Aultproclamation signed by man and Mike Stegall and Willman, states “Today we Greenville Mayor Steve honor those Americans who Willman. served, we pay tribute to In attendance were Vietnam veterans and members those we have laid to rest, of the Ft. GreeneVille DAR. and we reaffirm our dedication to showing a generaMarch 29, 1973, marked the end of the United States’ tion of veterans the respect and support of a grateful involvement in Vietnam. nation.” According to the proclaSTAFF WRITER shartley@aimmediamidwest.com

Commissioners Matt Altman, Mike Stegall, Mike Rhoades approve tree removal at airport

Commissioners approve removal of trees at airport SUSAN HARTLEY

Matt Aultman. The window for STAFF WRITER removal ends this week, shartley@aimmediamidwest.com Aultman explained, due DARKE COUNTY – By to Indiana bats. which the first of April, 19 trees use the trees as a habitat to raise their young. along the east approach to the Darke County Air- According to Wikipedia, the Indiana Bat is on the port will be removed. County Commissioners endangered species list in the United States. on Monday approved a After this weekend, bid submitted by Foster the next opportunity to Tree & Landscaping in remove the trees would the amount of $5,390 to be in October, Aultman remove the trees. said. Trees on the west The project is being end of the airport have paid for by a grant the already been removed. The tree removal is tak- county applied for and ing place in order to clear received from the Ohio obstructions for eventual Department of Transpornighttime use of the run- tation. way, said Commissioner

Susan Hartley | Aim Media Midwest

Darke County Commissioners Matt Aultman and Mike Stegall as well as Greenvillle Mayor Steve Willman sign proclamations in honor of March 29 as Vietnam Veterans Day. Pictured above, front row, left to right, Aultman, Willman and Stegall. Back row, left to right, Doris Aultman, Karen Burkett, Terry Saylor, Charles Shields, Bob Birt, Mike Sanders, Rod Saylor, Shirley Hughes, Gary Evans, Kathie Evans, Ellen Wright, and Brenda Arnett.

NextGen looking toward future SUSAN HARTLEY

“It was an issue gaining traction in Greenville and Darke County, to bring more young people back or bring DARKE COUNTY – new young people in.” Since last fall, a group of NextGen is “bringabout a dozen residents ing like-minded young and business leaders have been brainstorming ideas on people together,” Staugler explained, to brainstorm enticing millennials – and ideas. upcoming generations – to NextGen participants make Darke County their include representatives home. from a variety of established The group – NextGen – businesses, including the is a sub-committee of the county’s larger corporaDarke County Community tions to those working in Improvement Corporation the financial and insurance (CIC), said Matt Staugler, director of the Darke Coun- arena, said Krista Bloomingdale, executive director of ty Convention and Visitors Main Street Greenville. Center. “It’s really a mix,” Staugler said he was Bloomingdale said. approached last fall to help After several brainstormlead the initiative to retain ing sessions, NextGen conand invite young people cluded its first step should looking to settle down. STAFF WRITER shartley@aimmediamidwest.com

be to retain researchers at The Ohio State University to conduct a study to collect quantitative data. The CIC agreed, Staugler said, and is helping fund the study. NextGen hopes to receive the study’s findings sometime this coming fall. Researchers, Bloomingdale explained, will look at other communities similar to those in Darke County to see how they are attracting business and growth. For example, Staugler said, since 2000, Troy has grown its population by 4,000 while Greenville has lost 500 residents. “What assets do they have to attract young people?” Staugler asked. “What are they dong right? Cities see-

ing population growth are making informed decisions,” in regards to offering housing, retail and restaurant choices. The OSU study also can be used by Main Street Greenville to attract downtown business, the Chamber of Commerce and by other city, village and county officials. “We are viewing the data as a holistic tool,” Staugler said. Another question Bloomingdale said NextGen wants to answer is “what are we doing to keep people living here? We need to figure out what we need to do.” Staugler said he views NextGen as an “on-going” project for the county.


2A Sunday, March 31, 2019

Greenville Early Bird

Patient cited for persistent disorderly conduct at Wayne HealthCare Disorderly

On March 22 an officer was called to Wayne Healthcare on the report of a disorderly patient. Joshua Bolin had been transported to the hospital for withdrawing from drugs and, according to the report “wanting help.” The officer found Bolin was uncooperative

with hospital staff and only appeared to want food and a “warm blanket.” He refused to answer questions and became disorderly when the staff would not provide him with food due to not being able to check him in as a patient. Bolin became more irate and began yelling obscenities

APRIL 12, 2019

ALL-U-CAN EAT FISH FRY 2nd Friday Each Month

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Darke County CRIME


See it? Report it! 937



FEATURED FUGITIVE Name: Tyelor Jamal Henry-Dever Wanted For: February 2019 – Warrant issued by Darke County Common Pleas Court for Failure to Register as Arson Offender, a felony of the fifth degree. October 5, 2018 – Warrant issued by Darke County Adult Probation for Probation Violation. LKN Address: AT LARGE, 124 W. Harmon Dr. Greenville, OH; 513 E. Third St. Greenville, OH; 602 Gray Ave. Greenville, OH; 36 Robin Hood Dr. Greenville, OH, Born: September 1995 / Age 23 now, Height: 5’10”, LKN Weight: 140, LKN Hair: Brown, Eyes: Brown, Tattoos: Unknown, Marks & Scars: Scar left forearm

Submit tips online at www.darkecountycrimestoppers.com

from his ER room. He yelled several times while walking into the hallway and causing a disturbance for staff and other patients. Bolin refused to stay in his bed and had to be redirected by the police officer and hospital security several times. Bolin was also warned several times for disorderly conduct. Bolin refused to keep his pants on and attempted to walk into the hallway without them on numerous times. Bolin began running in his room from one side to the other running into the door and running into the glass on the front of his room. He also began throwing himself and hitting his head on the counter in the room. Bolin finally calmed down enough for a nurse to assess why he was in the ER and how to treat him. The nurse advised Bolin they needed a urine sample. He attempted to give them a sample and ultimately urinated and defecated on the floor and bed. Bolin eventually had to be restrained in leather restraints by hospital staff until he could be medicated enough to calm him down. Bolin was eventually admitted to the ICU to be observed and was cited for persistent disorderly conduct in a medical facility. On March 19 the School Resource Officer at the Greenville K-8 building was contacted by the principal about an incident involving two students acting in a disorderly manner. The principal said he was informed two male

On March 22 while on patrol a dog ran into the roadway in the 100 block of River Street. The officer made contact with a female at a residence in the 100 block of River Street concerning the dog. The female identified herself as Tori Yoder. Upon conducting a LEADS/ NCIC check, the officer discovered Yoder had an outstanding felony warrant from the Darke County Sheriff’s Office for an original charge of possession of a dangerous drug. Yoder was searched and transported to the county jail, where she was incarcerated and held with no bond. On March 26 an officer was traveling south on Hamilton Street and observed a vehicle traveling west bound on MarWanted Person tin Street with no functioning tail lights. The officer initiated On March 24 an officer a traffic stop in the 500 block received information that Kayla York was at a residence of South Broadway Street. As in the 600 block of Wayne Ave- the vehicle was stopping, the officer saw the front passenger nue. York was known to have exit the vehicle and start runan active bench warrant with ning east bound on East Fifth the Greenville Police DepartStreet. The officer alerted ment for failing to comply with terms of her sentence on other units that the passenger was running and continued the original charge of underage consumption. The officer with the traffic stop. The officer approached the driver’s stopped by the residence and side of the vehicle and ordered knocked on the front door. York answered and confirmed the driver to exit. The driver was immediately detained and her identity. was identified as Justin Gannt. The officer advised York Gannt told the officer he did she had a bench warrant for her arrest. The defendant was not know who was in his van because he just picked him up arrested and transported to the Miami County Jail, where because he asked for a ride. Gannt said all he knew was his she was incarcerated with no name was Brandon. Two other bond. students were challenging and taunting each other to fight in the bathroom and in the middle of the hallway, causing several students and staff to be alarmed. The SRO reviewed video of the incident and spoke with three witnesses, two students and one staff member. All witnesses said both students were equally taunting each other to physically fight. Reviewing the video showed that two other students got in between the two disorderly students, preventing the fight. Also according to the video, a teacher arrived and escorted one of the students away from the area. Both students were issued citations for disorderly conduct.

officers were able to apprehend the runaway subject behind the Bistro Off Broadway on East Fifth Street. The subject was identified as Brandon Middaugh. The GPD dispatch checked Middaugh through LEADS/NCIC and it revealed that he had several active warrants out of Montgomery County and one out of Darke County, all for probation violations. Gannt was found to be valid and gave officers consent to search his vehicle. Nothing was found during the search and Gannt was released with a warning for no tail lights. Middaugh was transported to the Darke County Jail in reference to his warrants without further incident. He was cited for obstructing official business for obstructing the performance of an officer’s lawful duties on the traffic stop. Middaugh’s Darke County warrant was a felony probation violation with an original charge of possession of dangerous drugs, no bond. EARLY BIRD POLICY The Greenville Police Beat is prepared from public records available at the Greenville Police Department. Every effort is made to balance the public’s right to know with the rights of the individuals involved. The Early Bird notes all suspects are innocent until proven guilty and welcomes comments and concerns regarding this community service.

CBC announces April blood drives DARKE COUNTY – Darke County will celebrate blood donors as real-life heroes by hosting various community blood drives. Everyone who registers to donate will receive the “Hero Blood Donor” travel tumbler from Community Blood Center. Make an appointment online at www.DonorTime.com or call 1-800-388-GIVE. CBC needs whole blood to sustain the area blood supply and is also seeking new platelet and plasma donors. Donors now have more opportunities to donate platelets and plasma at an increas-

ing number of community blood drives. Platelets are the cells that control bleeding while plasma is the fluid that carries nutrients and proteins throughout the body. Both are vital for the treatment of cancer, trauma, organ transplant, and burn patients. New platelet donors are in high demand, especially those with blood types A, AB, or B positive. Find out more at www.GivingBlood.org or talk to an apheresis specialist at (937) 461-3220. The following local blood drives are open to the public;

appointments are encouraged. Saturday, April 6 - TriVillage Rescue, 320 North Main, New Madison, 8–11:30 a.m., sponsored by Tri-Village Rescue Tuesday, April 9 - Greenville Church of the Brethren, 421 Central Ave., Greenville, 12:30–6:30 p.m., sponsored by Darke County Retired Teachers Association Thursday, April 11 - Bradford High School, 750 Railroad Ave., Bradford, 3–6:30 p.m., sponsored by Bradford HS Tuesday, April 22 - Saint Paul Lutheran Church, 13495

Greenville-St. Mary’s Road just outside of North Star, 2:30–6:30 p.m., sponsored by Saint Paul Lutheran Church Learn more at www.GivingBlood.org.

Heritage Goodhew Standing Seam Metal Roofing

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Owner: Vincent Goodhew

Friday, April 5 - Monday, May 13

CLUES ACROSS 1. Builder’s trough 4. Pouch 7. Adam’s partner 8. Zelda soldiers 10. Network of nerves 12. Heinrich __, poet 13. Algerian port 14. Reciprocal of one ohm 16. Title of respect 17. Form of expression 19. Hoover’s office 20. Samoan monetary unit 21. Cooperation 25. Fiddler crabs 26. Portion of a play 27. Tropical American shrub 29. Frosts 30. Short-winged diving seabird 31. Chemical compound used as a hardener (abbr.) 32. Diversion 39. __ Turner, rock singer 41. __-bo: exercise system 42. Large, edible game fish 43. Doctor of Education 44. Where the Knicks play 45. Basics 46. Tall tropical American trees 48. Men wear them 49. Widespread destruction 50. Midway between north and northeast 51. Vast body of water 52. Hair product

CLUES DOWN 1. Very brave 2. Go too far 3. Individual feature 4. Drug trials term (abbr.) 5. Has emerged 6. Helped the Spanish conquer Mexico 8. Northern Vietnam ethnic group 9. Dried-up 11. Reactive structures (abbr.) 14. Licensed for Wall Street 15. Japanese conglomerate 18. Home to the Celtics 19. Title given to Italian monk 20. Drunkards 22. Cylindrical containers 23. South American plants 24. Frozen water 27. Town in Galilee 28. Not in 29. Journalist and suffragist Wells 31. Consumed 32. Edible Mediterranean plant 33. Poke fun of 34. “First in Flight” state 35. Fortifying ditch 36. Receding 37. Christian liturgical creed 38. Used to decorate Xmas trees 39. High-__: complex 40. Thoughts 44. __ and cheese 47. Constrictor snake


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Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, March 31, 2019 3A

Kiwanis Aktion Club earns top spot GREENVILLE - Greenville Kiwanis Club Aktion Club members are living up to their pledge, which states: I pledge on my honor to follow the Objects of Aktion Club. To better my community, my country and myself. To help those in need. To demonstrate loyalty to our community and nation. And to encourage others to do the same At Monday’s meeting, club members presented Pastor Roger Emerson and the Ansonia United Methodist Church with food for their food pantry. Club

members received notice at the meeting that their collection of 749 items designated them the winners of the Aktion Club Five County Food Challenge, which is an annual event held among the surrounding area Aktion Clubs. The Greenville club would like to thank the many people in the community that donated to their cause. Food was also donated to Grace Resurrection Center and Union City Community Help Center. They would also like to thank the following groups for participating - Greenville Kiwanis Club, Banner

COMPETITIVE PRICING CONSULTATION & FREE ESTIMATES Greenville Kiwanis Club recently donated food to Ansonia United Methodist Church for their food pantry. The club participated in a fivecounty drive, earning top honors.

Bound 4-H group, Greenville City Schools Key Club/Community, Darke County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Art Sense, Your Happy Place,

PITSBURG – The Franklin Monroe Alumni Banquet dinner has been moved to the Cafetorium inside the new school. Handicap parking is available as first come, first serve at the south and east sides of the building. Please use the new east side and south side entrances by the gym.

Garden Club Fundraiser ARCANUM – The Arcanum Garden Club is taking orders for hanging basket flowers. They will be delivered on May 10 – just in time for Mother’s Day.

They will be taking orders until April 10. Contact any garden club member to place an order. The fundraiser helps beautify the Arcanum community.

Scholarship due March 31 GREENVILLE – Seniors from the class of 2019 who attend a Darke County high school or are homeschooled in Darke County may apply for scholarships from the Darke County Foundation. (New this year – students may live outside Darke County and attend a Darke County high school.) Application deadline is March 31, 2019. Students planning to attend a four-year college, two-year college, or shorter vocational program are

encouraged to apply. By filling out one general application, seniors are eligible for about 80 awards worth $160,000. Apply at www. darkecountyfoundation.org/ scholarshipinformation. The Darke County Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life for Darke County residents by receiving, managing and distributing charitable gifts. For more information, call (937) 548-4673 or visit www.darkecountyfoundation.org.

St. Mary’s screening set GREENVILLE – St. Mary’s School kindergarten screening will take place Wednesday, April 10, from 8 a.m.–noon. Please call the school office @ 548-2345 to set up an appointment. Children must be 5 years

old on or before September 30. Please provide copies of your child’s birth certificate, immunization records and custody papers (if applicable).

Democrat Breakfast GREENVILLE – The Darke County Democrats will hold an early riser breakfast in the Brethren Retirement Community cafeteria on Saturday, April

13, 8 a.m. Come and enjoy fellowship and breakfast. Everyone is welcome. For reservations, call Tom Hans at (937) 273-3865 or Dave Niley at (937) 548-4517.

Masons pancake breakfast GREENVILLE – The Greenville Masonic Lodge will host a pancake breakfast on Saturday, April 20, 7-9:30 a.m. at the Masonic Temple, 200 Memorial Drive. The breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee, tea, and orange juice. The suggested donation is $6 for adults and $3 for children 12 and under. Proceeds will benefit

Darke County Special Olympics. If you are unable to attend, a donation would be greatly appreciated. Please send donations to Greenville Masonic Lodge #143, P.O. Box 44, Greenville, Ohio 45331, or you may turn in at the door on April 20. Tickets may also be purchased at the door.

Bradford alumni to gather BRADFORD – All Bradford High School alumni are asked to get on board as planning has begun for the 2019 banquet, set for May 18 at the high school. Invitations will be mailed out April 6 and will contain all of the information. Honor clubs will be 1969,

1994 and 2009. The Bradford Alumni Golf Outing is also scheduled for May 18 at the Stillwater Valley Golf Course. In charge are Beener Wood, Scott Floyd and Jim Smith. For more information call 937-418-0869.


FM Alumni move banquet

Shown are members of the Arcanum Garden Club.

High Quality

GHS Class of 1964 GREENVILLE – The Greenville High School Class of 1964 will meet for their monthly luncheon at noon on Thursday, April 11 at the Greenville Moose Lodge on Switzer Street. For more information, call Sue at 467-6894.

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4A Sunday, March 31, 2019

Greenville Early Bird

Winner’s Meats wins big at OAMP Competition COLUMBUS – The last weekend in February was a big one for Winner’s Meats. The Ohio Association of Meat Processors held their annual convention and product competition in Columbus. Meat packers from all over the state came to enter their products to see how they fare against their competitors. Winner’s Meats brought home 12 Ribbons this year for a variety of different products. Winners took home the Grand Champion Prize in the “LOAF” Category for their Honey Pork & Beef Loaf and Grand Champion in “Specialty Class” for their new Flank Steak Roll Up and currently a Greenville Farm exclusive. Winner’s won Reserve Champion in four more categories for products that include their Sweet Italian Whole Hog Sausage Brat, and Smokey Snack Sticks. In the “Slab Bacon, Skin-

(Courtesy photo)

Winner’s Meats brought home 12 ribbons for their products at the Ohio Association of Meat Processors.

On” category, their Osgood Plant won Reserve Champion and Greenville took First Place - double award winning Winner’s Smoked Bacon. They took home five

other first place ribbons. After 90 years and four generations, “Quality” is still their number 1 priority, and they’re still bringing home the ribbons to prove it.

Union City’s First Friday event set for April 5 UNION CITY, Ind. – The next First Friday event in Union City is coming on April 5th. Be sure to attend and bring a friend, relative, or anyone else you would like to invite. Everyone from the Ohio side and Indiana side of the state line are welcome and refreshments will be provided or you can bring your own. Hors d’oeuvres will be provided. The event is hosted by

the Historical Preservation Society of Union City, Ind. and Ohio. Co-hosts for April are the Randolph County Economic Development Corporation, https:// www.facebook.com/ randolph.corp, Randolph County Community Development and Ball State University Indiana Communities Institute. The event will be held in the Community Room, 105113 N. Columbia St., Union

City, Ind. Co-hosting for any First Friday Event is open to anyone interested including businesses, organizations, and individuals. Contact Betsy Jefferis at (765) 9645658 for more information. A Cultivating Community meeting starts at 4:30 p.m. This is your chance to express your thoughts and ideas on what Union City needs and how all of us can make it happen.


Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, March 31, 2019 5A

Readers Write Support for Jesse Green To Whom It May Concern: This letter is in support of Jesse Green for the position of Greenville City Law Director. We have known Jesse for many years and his personal integrity is second to none. He has shown his leadership qualities in work, a stellar military career, church and family situations. Serving in the Marine Corps and retiring in 2017 as a Lt. Colonel with the Ohio National Guard has given him invaluable experience in handling any set of circum-

stances that may arise at a moment’s notice. His vast 25 year professional experience with the Darke County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office is important to consider. He is a thoughtful and compassionate person who has served this community well. Whenever Jesse makes a commitment, he makes it 100%. Be assured that Jesse will be available full time to this position and the residents of Greenville it serves. Please vote at election time and select Jesse Green for Greenville City Law Director. Bill and Kris Osterbur Greenville

MV Insurance welcomes Hicks COVINGTON – Miami Valley Insurance Agency in Covington is excited to announce they’ve hired a new agent, Matt Hicks. Hicks is a 2012 graduate of Covington High School and currently lives in Arcanum. Hicks formerly worked at Harvest Land. He has many years of experience working with local farmers and would like to continue building those relationship helping farmers and other

Matt Hicks

locals with their insurance needs. Contact Hicks for rates on your farm, business, home and auto insurance, (937) 473-2171, matthew@ miamivalleyins.com.

Nostalgia: Where have all the articles gone?

Langsdon Collection at Greenville Library

I wish I could remember all of the interviews I ever did and stories I wrote over the years. Another wish would be that I would have GREENVILLE – Mercer als. Learn about mineral composition and uses while saved them all somehow, but County District Library being entertained with that would be nearly imposhas a hidden gem in the sible as my home couldn’t Langsdon Minerals Collec- memorabilia and stories hold it all. tion with over 900 minerals about minerals. This is a free, family If I were more tech-savvy, showcased at the Library. I could have saved the artiOn Thursday, April 11, 6 friendly event but not recommended for children cles on disks, but I’m not; p.m., they will present an educational program at the under 8 years old. Registra- not to mention it’s too late tion is required and space now. Greenville Public Library is limited. Please call 548People come up to me that includes hands-on 3915. when I’m out and about and exploration of 20 miner-


Monday, April 8th • 5:30-7:00pm “Complications of Diabetes; Proper Dental and Foot Care OPEN TO THE PUBLIC • DOOR PRIZES • LIGHT MEAL WILL BE PROVIDED

The Behavioral Health and Wellness Center is excited to host Family Health’s very own Dr. Michael Fourman, DDS and his guest Dr. Michael R. Maher, DPM of Western Ohio Podiatrists Medial Center. They will be presenting their important educational message on “Complications of Diabetes; Proper Dental and Foot Care”. Please join them as they discuss their personal experiences with diabetes in their professional fields of dentistry and podiatry.

Location: Reid Building 1101 Jackson St., Greenville (Next to Family Health) Please call Jane Urlage or Lacie Grosch at (937) 547-2319 to reserve a seat!

DELIVERY DEADLINE for your Early Bird is


EarlyNewspaper Bird 100 Washington Avenue, Greenville, OH 45331


(937) 548-3330 Toll Free: 1-800-548-5312 Fax: (937) 548-3376

usually know who I am. Of course, that makes me feel good. On the other hand, I now, more than ever, ask a person how I may know them if they look familiar. Usually after they explain, I may remember the particular interview, but, for some reason, I usually remember where it took place and sometimes my reason for doing the story. At one point in time, I created theme pages and wrote on different angles about the subject to fill the page. Some of those pages included several interviews and as many stories. That was generally fun. My favorites have always been human interest/feature, feel-good stories. I love personalizing them. I didn’t particularly care about controversial stories, but I know they’re important in the newspaper business, nor am I much of a political person, but, like I said, they have to be done. Meetings were not always fun, yet I usually got something out of them to report on in the paper. I believe I could write a story about most anything because there is always something to say about any person, group, event or interesting issues. I hoped my writings have improved over the years as I have taken a look at some of those “old” stories, and won-

der, “What was I thinking?” I was fortunate to be chosen to be in a field where I loved and still love going to work (most of the time), and I hope that continues. What made my lifetime career special were the hundreds (maybe thousands) of people I have met throughout the years who gave me the wonderful interviews, who entertained me and made me laugh and sometimes even cry and those who have become friends as well. I think I found my niche in life, so to those I come into contact with, don’t get upset if I ask a lot of questions in our conversations. That’s my job. Deal with it (just kidding). **** Jamie and I send our condolences to the families of: Norma Magoto, Doris Sander, Bill Bohler, Shirley Hedger Tapp, Andrew Faller, Paul Coning, Annette (Rhoades) Holmes, Galen Oswalt, Clarence Norris, Stephen Eugene Brown and Connie Stocksdale. ***** Please pray for these people: Albert Duncan, Frank Fullenkamp, Haskel Howard, Todd Walls, Paul Brubaker, Kelly Van De Grift, Marilyn Shellabarger, Chuck Davis, Kenny Delk, Merlin “Bus” Booker, Randy Heck, Ron and Nancy Moody, Danny Brown, Neal Gray, Terri

On the Trail – Navigate by the Stars GREENVILLE – Join Darke County Parks at Shawnee Prairie Preserve on April 6 as they welcome the Stillwater Stargazers. They will lend their expertise while we explore the forgotten practice of celestial navigation. Starting promptly at 8 p.m., On the Trail: Navigate by the Stars will take place outside under the night sky; We want to hear from Please le you! know ho t us w are doin we g.

Wanting to start or stop your Early Bird? Call 937-547-0851 Missed delivery? Call 937-547-0851 DEADLINES: Classified line advertising.............................Noon on Thursday All other advertising and inserts .................Thursday by 5 p.m. Editorial content .............................................Noon on Thursday The Early Bird is distributed weekly in Darke and surrounding Counties

Hunt, Ruth Deal, Jack Hale, Jessi Klosterman, Marilyn Peterson, Dakota Miller, Jack Good, Mary Faller, Mary Ullery, Larry Badger, Wayne Neal, Bill Schellenbarg, Martha Higgins, Scott Clark, Duke Temple, Paulette (Swab) Shields, Neil Isch, Larry Hummel, Phyllis Turner, Kerry Young, Dale Clark, Judi Peters, Linda Birt Schaffer, Herbert Bayman, Adam Ullery, Vicky Henderson, Don Hittle, Emily Moody, Roger McEowen, Becky GarrettRoss, Darcy Buckingham, Roger Tingley, Crew Neaves, Jackson Stout, Katie Rehmert, Alayna Marie Brantley, Irma Stewart, Dawn Oldiges, Don Booker, Tracy Pratt, Jim Marker, Mason Osterloh, Kyndal Wynk, Ron Kreitzer, Stacy Dorko, Keith Starks, Kohen Thwaits, Jerrod Pratt, Al Bliss, Layna Best, Wanda and Joe Bailey, Shelly Hoffman, Pappy Harshman, Bob Hiestand Jr., Tina Kiser Deaton, Kody Ketring, Lois Hittle, Kevin Hemmerich, Samantha Smith, Tim Heck and Ron Kramer.

Ansonia Fire Dept.’s BBQ

ANSONIA – Ansonia Fire Department will be serving its annual chicken barbecue dinners on Palm Sunday, April 14, starting at 11:30 be sure to come dressed a.m. until all meals are sold for cool temperatures. In out at the firehouse, 110 W. the event of cloudy skies Weller St. this program will take place Dinners can be obtained indoors. by going through the driveRegistration is required thru or dining inside the and there is a $5 fee. firehouse in at $7 per dinner. Visit http://www.dark“All proceeds will supecountyparks.org/ to create port the fire department to an account and register ensure we can continue to today. For more informaprovide the best possible sertion call the Nature Center vice to the community,” said (937-548-0165). Fire Chief Paul McCleskey.

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8A Sunday, March 31, 2019


Greenville Early Bird

MV’s Trent Collins throws no-hitter at Bethel GAYLEN BLOSSER

Collins was in control on the mound the entire SPORTS EDITOR night throwing 44 strikes gblosser@aimmediamidwest.com while only tossing 33 balls, striking out 11 and walking UNION CITY – Trent three on his way to a season Collins tossed a Tuesday night 14-0 run rule no-hitter opening no-hitter. The Hawks sent 13 batagainst the visiting Bethel ters to the plate in the botBees to give Mississinawa tom of the first to take a 9-0 Valley Blackhawks coach lead after one complete. Max Guillozet his first no“We put a lot of work in hitter in nine years at the when it comes to hitting,” helm of the Hawks as well stated Guillozet. “We work as his first coaching win on that every night. I tell over Bethel. “I didn’t even know until the guys there’s no reason – we’re stuck in that gym the last inning,” Collins said of his no-hitter. “I was because the weather the way it is here there’s no rea– oh wait, I’m throwing a son you shouldn’t get 250no hitter.” 300 swings in every night. “That’s the first pitcher We have T-drills set up, I’ve ever had at the high school varsity level throw a we have live cages going. I throw batting practice every no-hitter here in the eight night to these kids and or nine years I’ve been that’s what it takes.” coaching,” said Guillozet. After a second inning “Trent is a good pitcher,” opening walk, Collins Guillozet continued. “He quickly sat the Bees down has some good off-speed by way of three consecustuff, he has a really good curve ball, he has some pop tive strikeout, the first two in his fastball and he can hit swinging and the third looking. spots. He usually can keep “When it comes to it together mentally. That’s the big thing – being able to baseball you got to have confidence in everything keep it together.”

you do,” Guillozet noted of Collins’ confidence in throwing a 3-1 curve ball for a strike. “I don’t care if you’re batting, fielding, pitching, it doesn’t matter. You have to have confidence in everything you do if you want to be successful. It’s a tough game. You hear me say it a lot – play between your ears.” Mississinawa Valley added two runs to the board in the bottom of the second to extend its lead to 11-0 with the teams heading to the third inning of play. Neither team would dent the plate in inning No. 3; the only inning MV would go scoreless on the night. Collins struck out the side in order in the top of the fourth as the big right hander got stronger as the game went on. Mississinawa plated three runs in their half of the inning in what would prove to be the Hawks last plate appearance of the night. “I was…the sun is going down,” noted Collins, “I want to go home and get

some food in me.” Collins used his 10th and 11th strike outs of the night with the Blackhawks setting Bethel down in order to give the Mississinawa senior a 2019 season opening no-hitter. “It was just an unbelievable feeling to get it done with this group of guys,” said Collins of the opening day no-hitter. “We have a great team.” “I had to take Cody (Dirkson) out there in the fourth inning,” Guillozet said of his starting catcher. “He’s battling some arm issues right now. I brought Zach Longfellow in in the fifth inning to get the job done because Cody was struggling. He’s going to get that check out because he’s a vital part of what we do.” “Every kid has a vital role, but your catcher is definitely a big part of what we do and he’s been a starting catcher since he was a freshman. That’s the thing with a lot of these kids – the varsity experience they have. I have four juniors that were starters as freshmen and I

getting better,” added Guillozet. “You start out, you take your lumps. These kids have stuck with me and they believed in what I try to teach them, and yes, there are times when I can be pretty hard on them but that’s just that part of it too.” Zach Longfellow went 3-3 with 3-RBIs and 2-runs scored, Cameron Shimp was 2-3 with 3-RBI’s and a run, Trent Collins went 2-3 with an RBI, Ethan Dirksen Gaylen Blosser | AIM Media Midwest 1-3 with an RBI and a run, Trent Collins throws a season Kyler Guillozet 2-4 with opening no-hitter for Mississinawa a RBI and 2-runs, Xavier Valley in 14-0 run rule win over the Manning went 2-2 with Bethel Bees. 3-runs scored, Hawk Thomhave three seniors that were as was 1-1 with 2-RBI’s and a run, Max Dirmeyer was starters as freshmen.” “I have kids on this team 1-2 with 2-RBI’s and 2-runs and Cody Dirksen and that have played a lot of Caleb Trobrodge each score baseball. They don’t just play baseball from February a run for Mississinawa Valley. to May and then put the “I have a good group of stuff away. These kids are young men,” concluded playing Legion ball, they Guillozet. “They get me and play travel baseball and I get them. They know.” travel teams. This is one of those games you have to play in order to get good at Reach Gaylen Blosser gblosser@ aimmediamidwest.com or 937-548it – you have to play it.” 3330 “This program keeps

Greenville Lady Wave opens softball season 2-0 the program and we runrule Wayne,” said veteran Lady Wave coach Jerrod Newland. “JV team gets a GREENVILLE – The run-rule win and the varsity Lady Wave opened the comes back and beats West 2019 season 2-0 in a SatLiberty – just a great day. urday opening day double Top notch West Liberty header starting with an program and coaches.” 11-0 run-rule win over the Lady Wave sophomores Wayne Lady Warriors and downing the West Liberty- Kennedy Fashner and Grace Shaffer each pitched Salem Lady Tigers 2-1 in extra innings in the second three shutout innings game of the day at Stebbins against the Lady Warriors with Shaffer pitching the Field, home of the Lady final three innings to pick Wave. up the win. The Lady Wave junior Game No. 2 had the visitvarsity girls defeated the ing Lady Tigers and the Wane Lady Warriors JV Lady Wave playing to a 0-0 squad 13-3 with freshman stalemate after five innings Karmen DeHart picking up her first win at the high of play before West LibertySalem plated a run in the school level. top of the sixth to grab a “Great day for the kids,

By Gaylen Blosser


1-0 lead. Down to their last out in the bottom of the seventh inning and bases empty, Lady Wave sophomore Allison Powell coaxed a 2-out walk with Coach Newland inserting Saige Fellers to pinch run with the freshman scoring by way of a first pitch double off the bat of Morgan Gilbert to score Fellers and send the game to extra innings tied 1-1. “Just a good game back and forth,” noted Newland. “We were down to our last out and we get a kid on and little Fellers runs all the way around and Morgan hits her in.” With Shaffer on the mound, the Lady Wave kept the Lady Tigers off

The Early Bird and Bluebag Media Athletes of the Week

outs. Zoe Pressnall followed with a walk-off single to left on a drawn-in Lady Tigers infield to give the Lady Wave a come-from-behind 2-1 win and go 2-0 on the new season. “That last inning a senior gets on and works her way around and just good stuff,” said Newland. “Zoe steps up as a leader and knocks a base hit, and bottom line Gaylen Blosser | AIM Media Midwest – 2-0.” Morgan Gilbert gets the third out in the top of the eighth to keep West Grace Shaffer recorded Liberty-Salem off the board in 2-1 Lady Wave opening day win. both wins to go 2-0 on the day. hit while racing to second the board in the top of the “We’ve had five weeks eighth with Gilbert throw- beating the tag at the base on a heads-up play to put a of training camp and now ing across the diamond we’re together for the from her shortstop position runner in scoring position next 70 days and that’s 70 to get the final out bringing with no outs. days that’s going to end in Next up, Fashner the Greenville girls to the Akron,” Newland concludreceived an intentional plate in the bottom of the ed. “It’s going to take all 26 walk putting runners on inning. of us at different times and first and second followed Greenville’s lone senior, seeing where we are at.” by a perfectly placed bunt Lani Shilt led off the botoff the bat of Haleigh tom of the eighth with a Mayo-Behnken loading the Reach Gaylen Blosser soft fly ball between short gblosseraimmediamidwest.com or Lady Wave bases with no and center dropping for a 937-548-3330

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Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, March 31, 2019 9A

Wave boys tennis wins 5-0 over Stebbins GAYLEN BLOSSER

tonight,” Greenville coach Dennis Kiser said. “I felt we SPORTS EDITOR gblosser@aimmediamidwest.com improved from last night overall.” Greenville freshman Jack GREENVILLE – The Marchal defeated the IndiGreen Wave varsity boys ans’ Joe Song 6-2, 6-1 in tennis team moved to 2-0 on the new season defeating first singles Branson Leigeber gave the visiting Stebbins Indians 5-0 in a Tuesday night home Greenville a win at second singles beating Stebbins’ match following a Monday Hawkins Parker by scores of night season opening 3-2 6-2, 6-1 to move Leigeber to win over Wapakoneta. 2-0 on the year. “I thought we handled At third singles, Wave the wind a little better

sophomore Jiahao Zhang defeated Hawkins Parker 6-1, 6-0 to give Greenville a sweep at singles on the night. The Greenville squad continued to dominate on the court by sweeping Stebbins in doubles. Greenville’s Josh Galloway and Landon Muhlenkamp beat Bryson Owens and Matt Knospe 6-0, 6-0 at first doubles to move to duo to 2-0 on the season.

Pablo Badell and Eric Price also advanced to 2-0 on the season at second doubles for the Green Wave by defeating Stebbins’ Ant Quach and Ray Zheng 6-0, 6-1. Junior varsity matches on the night had Logan Witwer and Jimmy Normile winning at singles for Greenville. Reach Gaylen Blosser gblosser@ aimmediamidwest.com or 937-5483330

Gaylen Blosser | AIM Media Midwest

Landon Muhlenkamp returns a volley in tennis doubles in Greenville’s 5-0 team win over Stebbins.

Wave boys 1st at Sidney track & field Invitational By Gina Ferguson aimmediamidwest.com

SIDNEY – Twelve teams including Greenville Senior High School hit the Sidney High School track and field to compete in the Sidney Invitational meet Tuesday evening. It was a great victory for the Greenville boys team who took their first invitational win in at least 4 years by 21 points scoring in 15 of

17 events with a total of 126 points. “The boys won the meet by 21 points so it was an all-around great night for boys,” said Greenville Coach Bill Plessinger. “First invitational victory for the boys in at least 4 years. I think we scored in 15 of 17 events and had 2 score in many of the 15. It was a dominant performance from start to finish.”

TV & Arrows split DH the Patriots off the board to take the opener 10-6. Game No. 2 had TriNEW MADISON – The Village taking a 2-0 lead Tri-Village Patriots hosted the Preble Shawnee Arrows after 1-inning of play with in a season opening double Preble Shawnee knotting the score at 2-2 in the top of header with Shawnee taking the opener 10-6 and the the second. The Patriots put 2-runs Patriots battling back to on the board in the bottom take game No. 2 by an 8-4 of the second to lead 4-2, score. added a run in the fourth “We are a very young an inning and 3-runs in the fifth inexperienced team and to lead 8-2 after five innings combining that with the of play. rough spring weather we The Arrows added single have had so far, it showed runs in the top of the sixth in our play on the field,” and seventh innings for an said Tri-Village coach Jim 8-4 Tri-Village win. Maples. “I am really happy “Our pitchers are not with our work effort though overpowering so a tight and if that continues more defense is going to be a positive results will hapnecessity,” Maples stated. pen.” “A couple of our best hitters “I’m looking forward to didn’t have their greatest competing and trying to day but a few of the new surprise a few teams this guys picked up the slack and year,” Maples added. helped us to get the split.” The Arrows took a 2-0 Derek Eyer picked up the lead in the top of the second win to go 1-0 on the new with Tri-Village plating a season tossing six innings run in the bottom of the while Gage Hileman was inning to make it a 2-1 earning a save pitching the score. final inning. Innings three and four “Twelve errors in a had both teams going scoreless before each added three doubleheader is way too runs to the board in the fifth many, but I felt we weren’t discouraged and continued inning sending the game to battle,” Maples said of his to the sixth with Shawnee team’s defensive play. “I was leading 5-4. The Arrows made it a 9-6 happy to win the second game and show improvegame scoring four sixthinning runs while the home ment.” team was plating two runs in the inning. Shawnee plat- Reach Gaylen Blosser gblosseraimmediamidwest.com or ed one final run in the top 937-548-3330 of the seventh while keeping By Gaylen Blosser


The girls did a great job also bringing home 4th place scoring 80 points with only an 11 point gap between first and fourth place. “The girls finished fourth but on 8 1/2 second and 11 points from first,” Coach Plessinger noted. “So, considering some of the bad luck the team suffered through tonight they still battled for a team title right up to the final event.” The Greenville Green Wave will host the Greenville Invitational, Friday, March 29 with a 4:30 p.m. start time. The following are results for the top eight Greenville athletes in each event (only top team in relays listed): Boys 3200 Relay – Thomas, Shilt, Watson, Stevens, 1st Girls 100m Hurdles – Winifred Stiefel, 19.02, 8th

Boys 110m Hurdles – Foster Cole, 17.02, 2nd, Jordan Hudson, 19.04, 5th Girls 800m Relay – Cattell, McKinney, Stiefel, Gonzalez, 5th Girls 1600m Run – Isabelle Rammel, 5:31.67, 2nd Boys 1600m Run – Riley Emerick, 4:46.34, 2nd, Calab Browder, 5:04.93, 5th, Bryce Shilt, 5:18.21, 8th Girls 400m Relay – Stiefel, Hunt, McKinney, Cattell, 5th Boys 400m Relay – Butsch, Boltin, Hutt, Sibery, 2nd Girls 400m Dash – Lauren Dull, 1:08.24, 6th Boys 400m Dash – Joey Thomas, 56.92, 8th Boys 300m Hurdles – Jordan Hudson, 47.64, 5th, Jace Bunger, 49.25, 7th Girls 800m Run – Lauren Dull, 2:55.69, 6th Boys 800m Run – Jacob

Gina Ferguson | AIM Media Midwest

Foster Cole takes second place for Greenville in the boys 110m Hurdles at the Sidney Invitational.

Watson, 2:23.63, 8th Boys 200m Dash – Alex Hutt, 24.72, 6th Girls 3200m Run – Isabelle Rammel 12:18.11, 1st Boys 3200m Run – Riley Emerick, 10:33.60, 2nd, Matt Karns, 11:37.37, 3rd Girls 1600m Relay – Cattell, Gonzalez, McKinney, Stiefel, 7th Boys 1600m Relay – Watson, Cline, Boltin, Thomas,

7th Girls High Jump – Emma Klosterman, 5’, 1st Boys High Jump – Foster Cole, 5’4”, 3rd, Calab Browder, 5’4”, 4th, Ian Riffell, 5’4”, 7th Girls Long Jump – Grace Conway, 15’2”, 2nd, Emma Klosterman, 14’1”, 6th Boys Long Jump – Ian Riffell, 19’9.5”, 2nd, Foster Cole, 19’7.25”, 3rd

Lady Wave run rules Trotwood Lady Rams there.” Caitlin Christman and Kennedy Fashner combined GREENVILLE – Greenon the mound to strike out ville improved to 3-0 on 15 Lady Rams while the the season with the 2019 young Lady Wave defense Lady Wave starters in tenwas playing error free ball. nis shoes riding the pines The Lady Wave plated in the dugout giving the younger team valuable var- six runs in the opening sity experience while earn- inning to lead 6-0 after one ing a 17-0 run rule win over and continued to rack up hits tacking on six runs in the improved Trotwoodthe second inning to lead Madison Lady Rams. 12-0 with two innings in “A lot of kids and it was fun, a great atmosphere and the book. Greenville coach Newthe older kids – everybody land used the ‘leaving the smiling, having fun,” said bag too early’ showing Greenville coach Jerrod respect to the visitors to Newland. “That’s what it’s plate one run in the third all about.” and closing out the Lady “We play for the name Wave’s night at the plate on the front and the name on the back changes yearly. with four runs in the bottom of the fourth. Just proud of the 11-12 “Just a breath of fresh older kids there – look air,” Newland said. “Just at them, they’re carrying proud of the kids and proud buckets as we leave.” of the program. It’s just a “It’s just a cohesiveness and you learn by example,” great day. The young kids added Newland, “and those get an opportunity to play older kids – is as good as it some varsity softball.” Christman was credgets, student athletes and ited with the win for the great stuff and going from

By Gaylen Blosser


Gaylen Blosser | AIM Media Midwest

Grace Shaffer picks up a win over West Liberty-Salem in second game of Saturday double-header to record her second win of the day.

Lady Wave throwing three innings of 1-hit ball, allowing no runs while striking out eight and walking one. Fashner pitched two innings of no-hit ball in relief recording the last six outs to earn the save for Greenville. Layne Claudy went 2-2 with a RBI and a run scored, Emliee Bowling was 1-2 with a double, 2-RBIs and 2-runs, Keira Beavins went 1-3 with a double, 2-RBIs and 2-runs,

Rylie Norton was 1-3 with 2-RBIs, 2-runs and Saige Fellers went 1-2 with 2-walks and 2-runs scored. The Lady Rams issued a total of 11-walks on the night. “Just proud of the opportunity ahead,” Newland concluded. “Move to 3-0 on the year and getting ready to roll.” Reach Gaylen Blosser gblosseraimmediamidwest.com or 937-548-3330

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10A Sunday, March 31, 2019

NOGGLE – Terry Eugene Noggle, 70, of Greenville, went to be with the Lord on Friday, March 22, 2019, at Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, Ohio. He was born on Dec. 7, 1948, in Cincinnati. He was adopted on June 1, 1951, by the late Lawrence and Aline (Hughes) Noggle of Greenville. Terry and his brother, Larry, enjoyed giving the gift of music to others. He enjoyed singing and playing the piano to anyone who would listen. It was common to find Terry performing at churches, stores, and other people’s homes. Terry was a member of CMA Church in Greenville, where he enjoyed spending time with his church family. He is survived by his twin brother, Larry Noggle, and his long-time friend, David Elliot, both of Greenville, and his beloved church family. A celebration of Terry’s life will take place at the convenience of the family. Burial will follow in Greenville Township Memorial Gardens. Terry’s family has entrusted Tribute Funeral Homes, Greenville Campus with the final arrangements. Memorial contributions may be given in memory of Terry to the funeral home to help offset final expenses. Online condolences may be shared with the family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com.

John W. Morland

MORLAND – John W. Morland, 61, of Greenville, passed away Friday, March 22, 2019 at the Dayton VA Medical Center. He was born on Oct. 21, 1957 in Marietta, Ohio to the late Charles and Margaret (Gamary) Morland. In addition to his parents, John was preceded in death by several aunts, uncles and cousins. John served his country honorably in the United States Army and was a member of the DAV and the American Legion Post 526. After leaving the Army, John worked many jobs; he worked in the oil fields, operated heavy equipment, hauled equipment and drove truck. His last job was as a fabricator for Twin City Fans. John also enjoyed volunteering for the Special Olympics.

He loved the outdoors and could be considered a true outdoorsman. He enjoyed horseback riding, camping, hunting and fishing. Though he would occasionally come home empty-handed, John still loved being out with his buddies hunting. Sometimes the only “turkeys” they would see would be themselves. John loved his family and was always there for them. He was help with any project or hobby as long as it meant spending time with his children and grandchildren. John was a simple man who and lived a simple life, but his impact on the world around him and those who knew him was extraordinary. John is survived by his wife of 24 years, Lou Ann (Roberts) Morland, whom he married August 21, 1994; his children, Dana (Crystal) Wells of Belpre, Ohio, Eugene Wells of Belpre, Ohio, Crystal (Randy) Shook of Chesterhill, Ohio and Mark “Jay” Stone of Greenville, Ohio; seven grandchildren, and one great-grandson; his siblings, Edward (Fran) Morland of Cambridge, Ohio, Julia Gress of Vandalia, Ohio, Vera (Ronnie) Hara of Cambridge, Ohio, Elizabeth (Edward) Timar of Haddonfield, New Jersey, Jerry (Jenny) Morland of Camden, Ohio, Cheryl Howard of Vandalia, Ohio, Diane Elders of Byesville, Ohio, and Margaret Eileen Colarusso of Vandalia, Ohio. John also leaves behind his baby, Jake, his beloved dog; and countless nieces, nephews, and friends. Family and friends visited on Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at Tribute Funeral Homes, Greenville Campus. Military honors, provided by the Greenville Honor Guard was held immediately following the visitation. Memorial contributions may be made to Tribute Funeral Homes to help assist with the final expenses. Online condolences may be shared with the family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com.

Paul Gene Coning

CONING – Paul Gene Coning, 89, of Greenville, passed away at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, March 24, 2019 at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus. Paul was born April 2, 1929 in Dawn, and

the son of the late Herbert and Leila (Halley) Coning. He was a veteran of the Korean War serving in the U.S. Army from 1950-1953. Also a very active member of the Woodington Congregational Christian Church and had served in many offices of the church. He was a 1947 graduate of Greenville High School, a 32-year employee at the Union City Body Company as a skilled tradesman mechanic and had farmed his entire life in the Darke County area. He was also involved with the Darke County Fair, serving first as manager of the Swine Department for 20-years, then as secretary of the Fruit & Youth Vegetable Department for 18-years. Through the years Paul spent much of his time volunteering with the following organizations: 4-H advisor in Auto Mechanics, coached Little League baseball for 8 years, oversaw building the press box for the Greenville High School football field, served as President of the Athletic Boosters at Greenville High School, served on the board for the March of Dimes Walk-A-Thon and volunteered at the Shawnee Prairie Nature Preserve. Also Paul and Nola rode on their mighty Gold Wing touring most of United States. Paul is survived by his wife Nola Lucille (Whittaker) Coning of Greenville. They were married June 26, 1951. Also children Diane (Garry) Crowe of Greenville and David (Kathy) Coning of Beavercreek; granddaughters Emma Coning, a student at the University of Dayton and Sarah Coning, a student at the University of Cincinnati; sisters Sharon Schlechty of Union City, Ohio and Linda Coning of Union, Ohio as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral Services were held Friday, March 29, 2019 in the Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville, with Pastor Jim Fulton officiating. Burial is in the Abbottsville Cemetery. The family will receive friends on Thursday from 5-8 p.m. in the funeral home. The Greenville Veteran’s Honor Guard conducted Full Military Services. In lieu of flowers the family would like Memorial Contributions be given to the Woodington Congregational Christian Church. Condolences for the family may be sent to www. zecharbailey.com. OSWALT – Galen L. Oswalt, 86, of Arcanum, passed away on Tuesday, March 26, 2019 at 11:50 p.m. at Brookdale of Greenville. He was born Aug. 18, 1932 in Lightsville, the son of the late Roy C. & Iva O. (Wyan) Oswalt. He was a veteran of the Korean War. He was a lifelong farmer; a member of Castine Church

Greenville Early Bird

of the Brethren; the Darke County Farm Bureau; past Twin Twp. Trustee; a graduate of Arcanum High School; Arcanum High F.F.A; and a 4H Advisor. He is preceded in death by his parents; his son in law: W. Kelly Ellison; his sister: Illah June Sink; his brother: George A. Oswalt. He is survived by his wife: Shirley L. (Markwith) Oswalt of Arcanum; his daughters & sons in law: G. Lynne & Steve Myers of Arcanum, Deborah L. & Craig Dynes of Arcanum, Sheryl A. & Kelly Kramer of Arcanum; grandchildren: Amber & Kyle Schlechty, Tyler J. & Chelsey Myers, Keyna L. & Nick Castelluccio, Kami L. & Jeff Knitt, Leigha A. & Jeffrey Brown, Maci L. & Austin Bruner, Chey D. Kramer & fiancée Rachel; step grandchildren: Ryan C. & Becky Dynes, Mallory & Sean McDermott; great grandchildren: Kody & Kaylee Schlechty, Colton J. Myers, Sophia, Micah, & Luke Castelluccio, Jay Knitt, Ivy & Henry Dynes, Cooper McDermott, Haydon Brown, Easton Brown, Jayce & Jayda Bruner. Services will be held on Monday, April 1, 2019 at 11 a.m. at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville, with Rev. Gary Cloyd officiating. Burial will follow in Miami Memorial Park, Covington. The family will receive friends 1 hour prior to services on Monday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Arcanum High School FFA. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www.zecharbailey.com.

with the class of 1974. She worked sales in Cleveland. Annette attended the Triumphant Christian Center in Greenville. A memorial service will be held at a later date with private burial in Lisbon Cemetery in Union City, Indiana. Arrangements are under the direction of Zechar Bailey Funeral Home in Greenville. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www.zecharbailey.com.

Connie Kay (Kelner) Stocksdale

STOCKSDALE – Connie Kay (Kelner) Stocksdale, 77, of Union City, Ohio, went to be with her Lord on Monday, March 25, 2019 in her home, surrounded by her family. She was born on April 30, 1941 in Mendon, Ohio to the late Robert A. and Evelyn (Thomas) Kelner. Connie graduated valedictorian from Mendon Union High School in 1959. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in Education and History from Ohio Northern University in 1963, where she graduated Magna Cum Laude. In 1968, Connie earned her Master of Science in Education from Wright State University. She met her sweetheart at the Mercer County Fair in 1959. On December 26, 1965, she married Jesse Stocksdale, son of Glen and Ethel (Barnhart) Stocksdale of Darke County. Connie spent 36 years teaching elementary students at Celina City Schools, Greenville City Schools, and Mississinawa Valley Schools. In 2000, she was named the Darke CounAnnette Marie (Rhoades) Holmes ty Teacher of the Year. Connie attended Ansonia HOLMES – Annette First Church of God. Over Marie (Rhoades) Holmes, the years, she served on the 63, of Arcanum, passed music board, helped with away at 8:05 p.m. on Tueschildren, sang in the choir, day, March 12, 2019, at her led the high school and residence. elementary handbell choirs, Annette was born Decem- and served as the church ber 2, 1955, in Dayton to organist. Richard & Margaret (WalJesse and Connie were ton) Rhoades of Greenville. married for 53 years In addition to her parents, and enjoyed three lovely Annette is also survived by daughters: Anne Marie a son, Alphonso Durden of (David) Anderson of St. Cleveland; sister-in-law, Deb- Simons Island, Georgia, orah Rhoades of Minnesota; Julie (Dusty) Rose of nieces, Amanda Jo Rhoades Miamisburg, Ohio, Jenof Minnesota and Alyssa nifer (David) Detling of Joy Rhoades of Texas; great- Liberty Township, Ohio. niece, Isabel; and a greatThey were blessed with 8 nephew, Isaiah. grandchildren: Jessica, KateAnnette was preceded lyn, and Jordan Anderson, in death by her brother, Wyatt, Demi, and Fletcher Michael Rhoades. Rose, and Lauren and Leah Annette graduated from Detling. Connie is survived Greenville High School by her sister, Jackie (Dick)

Schleucher of Celina, Ohio. A celebration of Connie’s life will take place at 11 a.m. on Monday, April 1, 2019 at Ansonia First Church of God with Pastor Derek Specht officiating. Burial will follow at Greenville Union Cemetery. Guest may visit with her family on Sunday, March 31, 2019 from 2-5 p.m. at Tribute Funeral Homes, Greenville Campus and on Monday from 10:00 AM until the time of service at the church. Memorial contributions may be given in memory of Connie to the State of the Heart Care, 1350 N Broadway St, Greenville, Ohio 45331 or the Cancer Association of Darke County, P.O.Box 781, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Online condolences may be shared with the family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com.

Deanne J. Julien

JULIEN – Deanne J. Julien, 65, of Arcanum, passed away Wednesday, March 27, 2019, at the State of the Heart Care Center in Greenville. She was preceded in death by her father, Vester Hall. Deanne was a music lover and enjoy spending every minute she could with her grandchildren. She loved her family and friends with all her heart and will be deeply missed. Deanne is survived by her husband of 43 years, Russell Julien; children, Matthew (Michelle) Julien, Leslie (Kevin) Phlipot; grandchildren, Kellen Julien, Josephine Phlipot; siblings, Sandra Hepner, Timothy (Theresa) Hall, Joan (Gary) Clark; sisters-in-law, Twila (Charles) Wilt, Joyce Julien, Betsy Julien, and numerous other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be held 11 a.m. Tuesday, April 2, 2019 at the Kreitzer Funeral Home, 204 N. Main St. Arcanum, Ohio 45304. Burial to follow at Abbottsville Cemetery. A visitation will be held from 5-8 p.m. Monday, April 1, 2019 also at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Cancer Association of Darke County. Email condolences may be sent by going online to www.kreitzerfuneralhome.com. See OBITUARIES | 11

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Greenville Early Bird

Obituaries From page 10

Wilson Franklin Bunger

BUNGER – Wilson Franklin Bunger, 87, of New Madison, passed away Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at 4:34 a.m. at Miami Valley Hospital. Wilson was preceded in death by his parents, Cecil and Gerelda (Noggle) Bunger of New Madison; and great-granddaughter, Ava Brianne Henry of Greenville. Wilson graduated from New Madison High School in 1949. He was a wellknown, long-time Butler Township farmer. In addition to farming, Wilson worked in several factories during his life, including Crosley and Delco, where he did a precision machinist apprenticeship; NCR in Dayton where he was employed for 18 years; and finally retiring from BASF in 1993 after 18 years as a reactor operator. Many of his co-workers became some of his closest friends. Wilson is survived by his wife, Phyllis (Bolinger), and together they recently celebrated their 68th wedding anniversary; daughter, Paulette Garrison and Jerry; son, Dennis Bunger and Lois; grandchildren, Matt Garrison and Amy, Lauren Henry and Chad, Rachal Bunger, Jessica Couvutsakis and Jason, and Denise Whited and Shawn; and great-grandchildren, Drew and Alex Garrison; Carson, Ethan and Garrison Henry; Eleanor Pease and Avery Bowser; Jacob, Bryce and Violet Couvutsakis. Wilson enjoyed traveling the United States visiting all but three of the 50 states, and abroad, with trips to England and Scotland. Over the years, Wilson, with his wife, Phyllis, attended shows at the Schuster Performing Arts Center and Victoria

Theater in Dayton, the La Comedia Dinner Theater in Springboro, and most recently, the Community Theater in Brookville. Wilson and Phyllis also took many bus trips, meeting a multitude of new friends. Wilson was a life-long member of the former Savona EUB Church, serving as a lay leader and Sunday School teacher, and most recently, was a member of the New Madison United Methodist Church. Wilson was past master and member of Ft. Black Masonic Lodge/Greenville Masonic Lodge for 54 years, and a 32nd degree Scottish Rite member. Wilson was also past president of the New Madison Alumni Association and a member of Darke County Farmers’ Union. The family will receive friends on Monday, April 1, 2019 from 4 to 7 p.m. at Tribute Funeral Home in Greenville. The Greenville Masonic Lodge will conduct a memorial service and the Scottish Rite Ring service at 6:45 p.m. Monday. A celebration of Wilson’s life will be held at 11 a.m., Tuesday, April 2, 2019 at the funeral home, with Pastor David Richey officiating. Guests may visit with family one hour before the service. Burial will follow at the Oak Grove Cemetery in Ft. Jefferson. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts can be made to the New Madison United Methodist Church, 149 N Main St, New Madison, OH 45346 or the New Madison Community Fire Department, 215 N Main St, New Madison, OH 45346. Online condolences may be shared with the family by visiting www.tributefuneralhomes.com

Ellen C. McGriff

MCGRIFF – Ellen C. McGriff passed away Monday, March 25, at her home at Village Green Health Center in Greenville, Ohio.

Strike for a Cure to benefit Relay for Life WEST MILTON - A Strike for the Cure bowling event will be held at the West Milton Bowling Alley from 2-5 p.m. Sunday, March 31. Proceeds will benefit Team Surviving and Thriving and the Miami County Relay for Life. All ages and skill levels Pastor Donald T. Brode are welcome to participate. July 23, 1929 – Mar. 26, 2018 The cost is $10 per person. The event will include You are loved and missed bowling, food, music and very much. fun. Wife Judy and family

In Memoriam

She was 85 and died of complications from lung cancer. Ellen was born in Montgomery County, Ohio, on June 27, 1933, as the ninth of 11 children of the late Jesse and Susan (Morton) Garber. She married George W. McGriff in June 1952 and he preceded her in death in 2000 after 47 years of marriage. Her first child, Gregory McGriff, died shortly after birth in 1953, and her stepson, Dennis McGriff, died in 1970. Ellen was an avid shopper at garage sales and enjoyed gardening, making quilts, a good game of cards and anything and everything pink. Ellen is survived by sons Gary (Toni) McGriff of Connecticut and Jeff (June) McGriff of Washington, stepdaughter Karen (Keith) Besecker of Arcanum, and sisters Grace (Lester) Baker, Alma (John) Beckner and Lois (John) Wolfe, along with eight grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Niece Sharyl Brown and her husband, Randy, of Arcanum provided immeasurable love and support during her final months. She was preceded in death by her brother Norman Garber and sisters Martha (Elmer) Brumbaugh, Lydia (Theodore) Sell, Emma (William) Brumbaugh, Mary (Paul) Hoskins, Pearl (Raymond) Peters and Alice (Duane) Brewer. Services will be held on Tuesday, April 2, 2019 at 10 a.m. at Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville, Ohio with Pastor Randy Brown officiating. Burial will follow in Mote Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6-8 p.m. on Monday April 1, 2019 at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to State of the Heart Care. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www.zecharbailey. com. EITING – Shirley Roll Eiting, 68, of Versailles, died Sunday, March 24, 2019. A celebration of Shirley’s life was held Thursday, March 28, 2019, at Versailles Christian Church, 105 West Ward St., Versailles. Burial is in Brock Cemetery. Condolences for the family may be expressed through www. zecharbailey.com.

Sunday, March 31, 2019 11A

New Community Service in Gordon GORDON - Gordan UMC, along with St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church and Grace UMC in Ithacca, invites the public to join together at the church’s new Wednesday evening community outreach service. A free meal will be served from 5:30-6:30 p.m. with games for the kids and

during a Sunday worship service, or have a desire to further your relationship with God in a new way, you are welcome to attend the community service on Wednesday night. All are welcome to come be part of what God is doing in Gordon.

conversation for all. At 6:30 p.m., the worship service will begin and will include live music and a relaxed atmosphere. At 7 p.m., groups will be held for adults, teens and youth. If you feel out of place

Easter Breakfast

GORDON - Gordon UMC will host its annual Easter Breakfast and Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 13. Breakfast will be served at 10 a.m. followed by activities, including an egg hunt in the park directly behind the church at 11 a.m. In case of bad weather, the egg hunt will be inside the church. For more information, contact Peggy Foureman at 937-994-7470.

Caroline Singer

Singer celebrate at In Memoriam Oakley Place Doris Mae “Voke” Mikesell July 9, 1922-March 28, 2006 Those we love don’t go away, They walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear. Love and miss you, Gary E. Voke & Family

Card of Thanks

GREENVILLE – Oakley Place helped Caroline Singer celebrate her 100th birthday this week. As part of the celebration, the facility provided one of Singer’s favorites – donut holes. She was born on March 25, 1919. Singer enjoys the facility where she is living. She likes going out to eat on Tuesdays, playing bingo and working on jigsaw puzzles.

I want to thank all of my family and friends for all the cards, phone calls, gifts and all who came to celebrate my 80th birthday. A special thanks to my family for giving me a surprise party. Love you all, Greta Werner

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Verona UM rummage sale VERONA – Verona United Methodist Women’s Spring Rummage Sale will be held Thursday, April 4, 5-8 p.m.; Friday, April 5, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Saturday, April 6, 9 a.m.–noon. All items sold by donation only; money raised will go toward mission projects. There are lots of clothes, household items, furniture and toys. They will also hold a bake sale. The location is 206 S. State St., Verona, approximately three miles north of State Route 40 on Preble County Line Road.



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12A Sunday, March 31, 2019

Greenville Early Bird


Greenville Girls Softball

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WEEKEND EDITION Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, March 31, 2019 Section B

Teaford’s celebrating an anniversary SUSAN HARTLEY

STAFF WRITER shartley@aimmediamidwest.com

GREENVILLE – Monday marks the first anniversary of Aaron Keaser’s ownership of Teaford’s Pizza and Subs – a Greenville landmark also known as Teaford’s Dairy Store – at 101 Pine St. Keaser purchased the pizza and sub shop from his father and stepmom, Terry and Marge Keaser last spring and continues to offer award-winning subs, pizza and a variety of sandwiches, snacks and beverages including beers and local wines. Teaford’s has been a Greenville staple since at least the 1920s, Keaser said – in the same location. “After something’s been here that long, we don’t want to change it,” he said. Keaser has made some upgrades to the kitchen area of the store, including adding air conditioning and a new freezer. “We’re upgrading and preparing for the future,” Keaser said. He’s also in tune with changes in how customers are moving to making healthy choices, including adding a gluten-free cauliflower crust. “We can make any of our pizzas on the cauliflower crust,” Keaser said, adding one of the most popular pizzas is the super deluxe, which is featured on a billboard sign on State Route 121. “It’s got everything on it but the kitchen sink, People will call in and ask for the pizza on the sign,” he said. Keaser’s father purchased the business in December 2003, adding pizzas to the menu. The younger Keaser said he

Susan Hartley | AIM Media

Aaron Keaser is celebrating his one year anniversary as owner of Teaford’s Pizza and Subs. Above, Keaser is holding a photo of Teaford’s, taken in the 1930s.

remembers stopping in Teaford’s for penny candy as a kid and went on to work there for his dad before earning a business degree from Indiana University East in Richmond. “It was meant to be and fell into place,” he said of keeping the business in his family. More information about Teaford’s menu selections may be found on their website, teafords.com. There’s also an online ordering option on their website. Currently Keaser has four employees and said he’s looking to add a couple part-time positions in the near future. Hours are Monday through Thursday and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. For more information, check out Teaford’s website, teaford.com, their Facebook page at Teaford’s Dairy Store.

Students urged to go ‘All In’ GREENVILLE – Greenville students in grades 5-8 are being motivated to go “all in.” On Monday, motivational speaker Gian Paul Gonzalez visited Greenville Middle School, giving his trademark “All In” presentation, thanks to a grant from the Coalition for a Healthy Darke County. “We felt like Gian Paul Gonzalez was a good fit for Greenville Middle School because we encourage students to be their best selves by being kind, doing for others, working at something they are passionate about while making good choices to stay drug, alcohol and tobacco free,” said Tiffany Fine, school counselor. Gonzalez, who currently works as a freshman world history teacher in Union City, New Jersey, created the “All In” program as a motivation for at-risk youth. In 2011, a friend who was team chaplain, asked Gonzalez to fill in as a pregame speaker for the N.Y.

“It’s what you are doing when no one is watching,” that shows an individual is committed to going all in. “His message showed students that being all in is not always easy,” Fine said. “He advised students to find someone to be all in for, so that when times are hard, they have something to help push them through.” Gonzalez also touched on the importance of students choosing positive Greenville Middle School student Jadyn Norris performs push-ups people, activities and hobwith motivational speaker Gian Paul Gonzalez offering encouragement bies to focus on, as well as during the school’s “All In” assembly. (Provided photo) being all in on staying drug and alcohol-free. “My personal hope,” said Giants. Today, Gonzalez is making decision making Fine, “for our students is credited for motivating the that affects all aspects of that they heard Gian Paul their lives. team to go all in on their say that others may not “When you decide to game, leading to a Super Bowl XLVI victory against commit to something, you understand their ‘all in’ and may even give them a hard do your best,” he said. the Patriots. Gonzalez cautioned that time about it, but if their all Since then Gonzalez has in’ is truly what they love, been asked to present “All “when you go all in, some they have to work hard for people will laugh. People In” to other sports teams, it, even when times get might make fun of you. organizations, businesses, hard. If our students are ‘all The greatest thing from even to the FBI, he told keeping you from going all in’ they don’t have time for Greenville students on drugs, alcohol and tobacco in is yourself – not your Monday. and that is a very important coaches, friends or parGonzalez challenged message for our students to Greenville’s students to go ents.” Another piece of advice: hear.” all in as they are faced with

Knapp celebrates 25 years in business Knapp came to Greenville after working as the general sales manager at GREENVILLE – Dave Knapp had no expectations Eastgate Ford in Beavercreek. when he founded Dave “I have some deep roots Knapp Ford Lincoln. Now in Greenville, way before I 25 years later, he’s proud came to the city for being of the business he built in business,” Knapp said. and the relationships he’s “Greenville is probably formed in the community. one of the greatest com“When you have a pasmunities to raise children. sion for people and you I think the rural Darke do a labor of love, the County seat of Greenville time flies,” Knapp said … I wouldn’t want to be Friday morning during a any place else. This is my ceremony recognizing his home.” 25 years in business. “It’s Knapp’s sons, Bryan like a labor of love, just building relationships with and Brad, are training to take over the business people in the community. from their father when he Twenty-five years went so fast. It was like a streak of retires. “It may not go forward lightning.” with me very much longer, Representatives from but I have identical twin Ford, the Darke County sons that will be following Chamber of Commerce, behind me,” Knapp said. Greenville Mayor Steve “As a matter of a fact, we Willman and state Sen. Steve Huffman were among are grooming them to the individuals on hand to make the change of the honor Knapp and his busi- succession plan. But, yeah, I think Ford’s future with ness’ success.

By Kyle Shaner


Kyle Shaner | The Daily Advocate

Dave Knapp (center) was recognized Friday morning for being in business for 25 years.

the products that we have – we have some great selling products, we have the highest customer loyalty of any brand – so I think that Ford is going to be the backbone as it has been for many, many years.” Throughout his years of business, Knapp has seen many changes, most prominently through advances in technology. “In the cars we have today, we have autono-

mous, self-driving technology today that these cars are the most safe they’ve been ever with 360 cameras and we have adaptive cruise control that will adapt to the speed of a car whether it’s stopped or whatever speed it is,” he said of the changes in his business in the past 25 years. “The safety and our technology today is the greatest it’s ever been.”

4-D’s Hair Studio celebrating tenth year Ullery, who had owned the salon since 2009. After his passing in March 2012, CORRESPONDENT Hughes decided to take it over, bringing with her GREENVILLE – 4-D’s Sherri Marshal, another Hair Studio is celebratstylist. ing its 10th year this year. “We’re fire bunnies,” said Located on Martin Street, Hughes, who also has Robin it is now owned by Angie Cloyd, Melissa Billig and Hughes. Ashley Shoop working for “We came from uptown, when Hair Studio burned in her. “Sherri and I worked together for almost 30 an electrical fire on Fourth years. She’s my right-hand Street 10 years ago,” said Hughes, a hairstylist for 33 man. We managed the Hair Studio for Dew.” years. She said it was Ullery At the time, she worked who found the new location for the late Donald “Dew”


after talking with Louise Clawson, the current building’s previous owner. “We do it all….manicures, pedicures and all kinds of hair styles,” Hughes said. “It’s been good for us, a lot of fun.” The five stylists are planning a couple of specials in celebration of their 10th anniversary. “Every year in April, we give $10 haircuts and, to get ready for summer, we do gel nails for $20,” Hughes said. The 4-D Hair Studio

accepts walk-ins, if they are available. “We try not to turn anybody down,” she said. The salon will be closed for vacation, like it does every year, during July 4. This year they will be closed June 29-July 8 and returning July 9. Hughes grew up in Gettysburg and is married to Wayne Hughes. There are five children, Dusty, Derek and Dani and Demi Hathaway and Nick Hughes. The daughter of Sue (Keith) Schlechty and Ken

Shown is the staff of 4-D’s Hair Studio.

Wombold, Hughes is a 1985 Point. She likes to camp, golf graduate of Greenville High and play darts, when she School and attended the gets the time. Dayton Academy at Pivot

2B Sunday, March 31, 2019

Greenville Early Bird







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Oakland Church of The Brethren 8058 Horatio-Harris Creek Rd. Bradford * 448-2287 Pitsburg Church of Brethren 8376 Pitsburg Laura Rd., Arcanum 937-692-8772 Greenville Church of the Brethren 421 Central Ave., 548-3583


Greenville First Assembly of God 7219 State Route 118N Greenville, Oh 937-548-5445


Favorite Hill Baptist Church 1601 South Street, Piqua, 773-6469 First Baptist Church 7233 Ohio 121-North, Greenville 548-7616 Faith Baptist Church 740 E Russ Rd., Greenville, 548-1808 Greenville Baptist Temple 4689 Childrens Home Bradford Rd., 548-7283 Union City First Baptist Church 225 S. First St., Union City, OH 937-968-6163 Cornerstone Historic Baptist Church 933 N Howard St, Union City, IN 765-964-3119


Beech Grove Church of the Brethren 3420 Harrison Rd., Hollansburg 937-997-4895 Bradford Church of The Brethren 120 West Oakwood St., 448-2215 Castine Church of the Brethren 624 State Route 127, Arcanum 678-9945 Cedar Grove Church 373 Love Rd., New Paris, 997-3675

Wieland Jewelers Fine Jewelers Since 1907 Marriage Symbol Necklace 414 S. Broadway, Grenville




St Mary’s Catholic Church 233 W Third St. Greenville 548-1616 St Denis 14 E Wood St, Versailles 937-526-4945 Holy Family (Frenchtown) 11255 St Rt 185, Versailles 937-526-4945 St Louis 15 Star Rd, North Star 419-582-2531 Immaculate Conception 5874 N. Buckneck Rd., Bradford, 937-526-4945 St Mary 425 W Hickory St, Union City, IN 765-964-4202


Coletown Congregational Church 2876 State Route 571, Greenville 548-6590 East Zion Church 6171 St. Rt. 36, Greenville First Congregational Church 115 W. 5th St., Greenville, OH 937-548-3575 Woodington Congregation Church 8978 N State Route 49, Greenville 548-9441 Stelvideo Christian Church 6808 Church St., Stelvido, Greenville, OH 316-8198

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Greenville City Schools schedules K registration GREENVILLE – Greenville City Schools will hold kindergarten registration at the Elementary School from 4-7 p.m. April 2, from 4-6 p.m. April 3 and 4-6 p.m. April 4. Parents also can register their children from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at Memorial Hall or register children online at https://greenville.esvportal. com. Children do not need to be present for registration. Children must be 5 years old by Aug. 1 to be eligible for kindergarten. Once a child has been registered, parents will be assigned a kindergarten screening date. Kindergarten screening will be held the week of May 6. At screening, children will be given a short academic, speech and health screening, and parents will be provided information about kindergarten at Greenville City Schools. Screening is an opportunity for parents to have any questions answered and for students and parents to visit the school. Screening is vital for families to get information about how kindergarten has changed over the years and


St Paul’s Lutheran Church 13495 Greenville St. Marys Rd Vers., 419-336-7111 St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 6825 State Route 722, Ithaca, 678-8584 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 8520 Oakes Rd., Pitsburg 937-692-5670 Trinity Lutheran Church 1470 W. State Route 28, Union City, IN 765-964-5712 Trinity Lutheran Church 204 E. Wood Street, Versailles 937-526-3091



Family of God 310 W South St., Arcanum, 692-8521 Lighthouse Christian Center 5256 Sebring Warner Rd., Greenville, 548-7464

Abbottsville United Methodist Church 3145 St. Rt. 49, Arcanum Ansonia United Methodist Church Corner of Pearl and High St., Ansonia 337-5781 EUM Church 1451 Sater Street, Greenville, OH 45331 Faith United Methodist Church 101 E. South St., Arcanum, 692-8934 First United Methodist Church 202 W 4th St. Greenville, 548-3075 Fort Jefferson United Methodist 3856 Church St., Greenville 548-4410 Gordon United Methodist Church 311 East St., Gordon, OH 937-884-5129 Ithaca Grace United Methodist 750 Arcanum-Ithaca Rd 678-9062 Nashville United Methodist 5984 Palestine Union City Rd. Greenville 548-1421 New Madison United Methodist 149 N. Main St., New Madison 937-996-5341 Rossburg United Methodist 117 Ross St., Rossburg, 937-338-4765 Trinity United Methodist Church 112 West South Street Arcanum, OH 692-8530 Versailles United Methodist 122 W Wood St, Versailles 937-526-3855 Webster United Methodist Church 8849 Seibt Rd., Versailles 526-3855



Teegarden Congregational Church 2753 State Route 47 W., Ansonia 337-4249 CMA Church 306 Devor St., Greenville, OH 937-548-4955


Greenville Church of Christ 4599 Chldrns Hm Brdfrd Rd., Greenville, 937-548-4467


Ansonia First Church of God 750 S Main St., Ansonia, 337-3945 The New Beginning Church of God 802 East 4th St.,Greenville, 937-214-6502 Triumphant Christian Center 1129 South Towne Ct., Greenville 548-0300


St Paul’s Episcopal Church 201 S Broadway St., Greenville 548-5575


St. John Lutheran Church 7418 State Route 121, Greenville 548-5404 St Paul Lutheran Church 131 E. 4th Street, Greenville 548-5770

Pray for Our Country and Our People!

Helen’s Flowers 937-548-3008 1146 Sweitzer St. Greenville, OH 54331 www.helensflowersgreenville.com

Greenville Missionary Church 1110 N. Broadway, Greenville 937-548-1842 Pleasant View Missionary Church 5231 Gettysburg Pitsburg Rd. Greenville, 447-3885


Beamsville Christian Church 6102 Beamsville-Union City Rd. Greenville 547-0009 Calvary Bible Church 9462 State Route 571, Arcanum 947-1978 Friendship Community Church 1005 Eaton Fort Nesbit Rd. New Paris, 997-3592 True Life 5990 State Route 36, Greenville 548-3558 Living Waters Ministries 102 W Main St., Versailles, 526-4567 Bible Fellowship Church: 7757 Grnv-Celina Road, Greenville 937-547-1952 Northside Community Fellowship 8135 St. Rt. 127 N., Greenville, 548-8965 Rosehill Country Church St. Rt. 49 and McFeeley-Petry Rd, Rosehill Versailles Christian Church 105 W Ward St., Versailles 937-526-4194 Hillgrove Federated Church 1009 Hillgrove Woodington Rd., Union City, 968-6332 Congregation Anshe Emeth Jewish Synagogue Caldwell St., Piqua, 937-623-1234 Arcanum Community of Faith 109 W. George St., Arcanum


Faith Apostolic Lighthouse 332 W Payton St, 765-628-3299


First United Presbyterian Church 114 E. Fourth St., 937-548-3188


St. Paul United Church of Christ 129 W. Third St., Greenville, 548-4506


First Universalist Church 331 E. Washington St. New Madison, 996-3403


Trinity Wesleyan Church 1400 E Main St., Greenville, 547-0337 Greenville Wesleyan Holiness Church 201 Hall Street Greenville, OH 45331 Bethel Long Wesleyan Church 255 Stingley Road, Greenville

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learn about the district and a typical day in kindergarten. Greenville City Schools also will gain information about children that will help the school place them in their kindergarten classroom. Students will have the opportunity to get on a school bus and learn about bus safety. They also will receive a pencil, magnetic dry erase board and marker, magnetic letters, crayons, scissors, a book about manners at school and a Wee Wave drawstring bag to keep everything tidy. Parents will learn how to use these materials with the students to provide the best start to school curriculum. Parents are encouraged to register their children early so that they can be included in the screening process. Documents needed to complete the registration include official birth certificate, immunization records, two documents for proof of residency (something with a mailing address included,) parent or guardian photo ID and custody papers if applicable. Anyone with questions may contact Elementary Principal Jody Harter at 5483185.


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Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, March 31, 2019 3B

Arcanum OFD Parade sign-up ARCANUM – Applications are currently being accepted for the 2019 Old Fashioned Days Parade in

Eldora Speedway will once again support State of the Heart Care’s annual Heart & Sole 5K.

A legend gives back to SOH Care ROSSBURG – You hear Eldora Speedway and most of us automatically think “World’s Greatest Dirt Track.” However, there is another side of Eldora that many may not be familiar with, but should be. Ever since its beginning in 1954, Eldora has been finding ways to give back and partner with local organizations. Larry Boos, an employee of Eldora Speedway since 1991, explained it all started with Earl Baltes, who was a very giving person and would participate with a lot of requests from different area groups for auction items. He did not boast about the donations and chose to keep it low key. Tony Stewart became the owner of Eldora in 2004, and with his existing record of humanitarianism brought Eldora’s ability to participate with charities and non-profit organizations to a higher level. One example of this is the Prelude to the Dream, an all-star dirt late model race held at Eldora from 20052012. In that eight-year span, the Prelude raised more than $4 million for charity. Through different fundraisers, Eldora gives some of its proceeds to the Tony Stewart Foundation, which directly benefits critically ill or disabled children, at-risk or endangered animals, and drivers injured in motor racing. Eldora also has a longstanding partnership with the Community Blood Center out of Dayton, and Racing 4 Relief, a local organization out of St. Henry, that has recently given proceeds to the Mercer Co. Fire Department, Mercer Co. EMS, and American Red Cross. Larry continued, “It’s important because that’s what we are all here for

and it’s the story of life for everyone to work towards a good cause. If it’s within our parameters at Eldora we will want to jump on board to offer help.” Since 2015, Eldora has partnered with State of the Heart Care and allowed the organization to hold their annual 5K race, the Heart and Sole 5K, donating the use of their grounds and Ballroom. “Everyone has an awareness of hospice and the good things hospice provides. When we were approached to host the event five years ago we jumped on it because State of the Heart Care is such a recognizable and reputable group and we feel honored to work with you,” said Boos. Boos hopes for another good turnout at the 5K this year and said, “We are happy to help host the event and to work together towards a great cause. The reward is watching smiles on the participants knowing they have just completed the 5K and also contributed to a good cause.” Join State of the Heart Care at Eldora Speedway for State of the Heart Care’s sixth annual Heart and Sole 5K on Saturday, April 6. Proceeds from the race benefit their Care Center, located on the fourth floor of Wayne Healthcare. You can find a link to register at www. stateoftheheartcare.org or at https://runsignup.com/ Race/OH/NewWeston/ HeartandSole5KOH. The Heart and Sole 5k is the first race in the Darke County Wellness Challenge. For any race day questions, contact Erica Wood, Race Director, at ewood@stateoftheheartcare.org or (937) 5482999.

Arcanum. The parade takes place on Saturday, May 18, beginning at 11 a.m. If you are interested in

participating in the 2019 parade, send an email to: arcanumofd@yahoo.com. Once your email is

received, they will send back an application with additional instructions. If you do not have an email you can contact Jason Blackburn at 937-621-2166.

Calendar of Events April 2019 Free Monthly Diabetes Education Class This educational class is held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month and is designed to help you understand and manage diabetes. Join Karen Droesch, Certified Diabetes Educator, for a free class each month.

Special Beginnings

Classes are free to mothers who deliver at Wayne HealthCare. The cost is $50 for Childbirth Classes and $10 for Breastfeeding Classes for mothers who deliver elsewhere.

3-Week Thursday Series Childbirth Class

How do Different Diabetes Medications Work in Your Body?

Monday, May 6th, 13th, 20th 6:00pm-8:00pm

Tuesday, April 9th 2:00pm-3:00pm

Breastfeeding Class

Wayne HealthCare, 3rd Floor Conference Room #2

Wayne HealthCare, 3rd Floor Conference Room

Diabetes Education Programs

Tuesday, May 21st 6:00pm-8:00pm

Wayne HealthCare, 3rd Floor Conference Room #3 For more information or to register call (937) 547-5755.

Karen Droesch, RD, LD, CDE Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) will present and lead all diabetes education classes and programs.

Diabetic Group Classes April 8th, 15th, 23rd, 29th 10:00am-12:00pm

Wayne HealthCare, Room 405 Insurance may cover the cost of the class.

Pre-Diabetic Group Class Wednesday, May 22nd 10:00am-12:00pm

Wayne HealthCare, Room 405 Cost to attend is $10 per class. Insurance may cover the cost of this class. For more information or to RSVP contact Karen Droesch at (937) 547-5750 or karen.droesch@waynehealthcare.org

Healthy Moments

Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and Possible Treatments Kara Schultz, MD, FACS Surgeon Wayne Surgeons

Tuesday, April 16th

RSVP by April 12th Wayne HealthCare, 3rd Floor Conference Room Complimentary Meal: 5:30pm Presentation: 6:00pm Cost: Free RSVP to Robyn Feitshans at (937) 569-6504 or robyn.feitshans@waynehealthcare.org

click | connect | engage www.waynehealthcare.org

Thank You To Our Volunteers!

To learn more about services, programs and events at Wayne HealthCare connect with us online or call (937) 548-1141

4B Sunday, March 31, 2019

Greenville Early Bird

Heritage award honors Fort GreeneVille DAR GREENVILLE – The Darke County Historical Society’s Heritage Award was created in 2004 to recognize distinguished citizens or organizations for their outstanding contributions or actions of unusual excellence that help connect people to Darke County’s past. Dr. Clay Johnson, CEO of the Garst Museum, notes, “For those familiar with the area, Darke County is rich in its history and traditions, and its significance touches so many in the community. The Darke County Historical Society (DCHS) recognizes this importance and feels its responsibility is to honor those that join in its mission in celebrating the county’s past.” The DCHS operates the Garst Museum according to its mission to collect, preserve, exhibit, study, and interpret materials relating to the history and culture of Darke County. This year’s Heritage Award goes to the Fort GreeneVille Chap-

Members of the Fort GreeneVille Daughters of the American Revolution and Dr. Clay Johnson.

ter of Daughters of the American Revolution. The Fort GreeneVille DAR chapter was organized in January 1922. Over the years, the chapter has flourished and received high honors for its work in various areas that the DAR stands for.

Honoring patriots of the Revolutionary War, the women’s service organization promotes historic preservation, education, and patriotism. Today, the chapter has 61 dedicated members that meet in the Studebaker Schoolhouse, the first brick school house


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Copy of entire ad available at the store starting Monday morning. AD PRICES IN EFFECT MON., APRIL 1 - SAT., APRIL 6, 2019 HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 8-9, Sun. 10-8 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES - NO DEALER PURCHASES *Additional purchase requirements do not include the item, 24 pack soft drinks, tobacco products and alcohol products*

PRODUCE ................................................



Green or Red Seedless

GRAPES 1.69lb ................................................ 4 lb. Seedless California

In Store Made Fresh Stuffed

Arctic Shores 16 oz.

reg. 4.99

Jumbo Western

Lipari Yellow

Hormel 6 oz Pillow Pack

reg. 3.99 3.49ea

Bob Evans 12 oz

reg. 4.19

Essential Everyday 16 oz

reg. 2.79

NAVEL ORANGES 2.79ea ................................................

PORK SAUSAGE 2.19lb ...............................................


AMERICAN 3.99lb CHEESE ...............................................

3 lb. Idaho

TURKEY HAM 3.19lb ...............................................


TURKEY BREAST 4.69lb ...............................................


CHICKEN BREAST 4.69lb ...............................................

New Small Size Red

TURKEY BREAST 4.99lb ...............................................

RED ONIONS .99lb ................................................ TOMATOES 1.19lb ................................................ POTATOES 1.39ea ................................................ SQUASH .79lb ................................................ GREEN BEANS .99lb ................................................ POTATOES .59lb ................................................

DAIRY ................................................ Smith Dairy Yellow “Super Jug”


1.49ea Limit 1 with additional $20 purchase ................................................ Gallons Smith Diary 100% reg. 4.19 ORANGE JUICE 3.49ea ................................................ Smith Dairy 24 oz. reg. 3.49 COTTAGE CHEESE 2.49 ea ................................................ Smith Diary 16 oz. reg. 2.19-2.39 French Onion Chip Dip or SOUR CREAM 1.49ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 6 oz. reg. 69¢ Fat Free YOGURT .49ea ................................................ Simply Orange Juice reg. 4.29-4.49 52 oz. or 89 oz. LEMONADE 2.99ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 8 oz. reg. 2.99 Natural Sliced (sorry no swiss) SLICED CHEESE 1.99ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 12 oz. American

reg. 2.69

Essential Everyday 7.5 oz Aerosol Real Topping

reg. 2.19

Imperial 16 oz. Soft Spread Quarters

reg. 1.19

International Delight 16 oz. Flavored

reg. 2.49

CHEESE SINGLES 1.99ea ................................................ WHIPPED CREAM 1.49ea ................................................ MARGARINE .79ea ................................................ COFFEE CREAMERS 1.99ea ................................................

FROZEN ................................................

Made by Smith Dairy 48 oz. reg. 3.99 Frozen Yogurt, Regular or Sugar Free ICE CREAM 2.99ea

................................................ Jimmy Dean 7-9 oz.

reg. 2.99-3.19 BREAKFAST BOWLS 1.99ea ................................................ Stouffer’s 10.25-12.5 oz.

reg. 3.79

FRENCH BREAD PIZZAS 2.49ea ................................................ 7 oz.

reg. 2.59-2.79 BAGEL BITES 1.99ea ................................................ “Made in Idaho” 28 oz. reg. 3.39-3.49 FRENCH FRIES 2.49ea ................................................ Stone Ridge 42 oz. 12 Count reg. 3.69 Mint, Cookies & Cream or Regular

ICE CREAM SANDWICHES 2.99ea ................................................

New York 10.5-11.5 oz reg. 3.29 Garlic Breadsticks or Garlic TEXAS TOAST 2.39ea

................................................ 12 in Tombstone

reg. 4.39 2.99ea

PIZZAS ................................................


Eckrich Fried

Eckrich Oven Roasted Eckrich Cajun Eckrich

COTTO SALAMI 3.99lb ............................................... Eckrich

ROAST BEEF 6.29lb ............................................... Eckrich 96% fat free

HONEY BAKED HAM 3.49lb ............................................... Eckrich All Meat

BOLOGNA 2.49ea ............................................... Eckrich

SUMMER SAUSAGE 2.99ea ................................................ Eckrich

PEPPERONI 4.29lb ............................................... Arctic Shores 12 oz. 41-50 ct to the pound

reg. 6.39

COOKED SHRIMP 4.99ea ...............................................

TILAPIA FILLETS 3.69ea ............................................... PEPPERONI ...............................................

BREAKFAST LINKS 2.99ea ................................................

CORN DOGS 2.49ea ................................................ CHICKEN LEG QUARTERS .69lb ................................................ Center Cut Smoked

PORK LOIN CHOPS 3.49lb ................................................ Boston Butt Pork

SHOULDER STEAKS 1.79lb ................................................ 81% Lean in 3lb pkgs or larger

GROUND CHUCK 2.69lb ................................................ Beef Round Boneless Bottom

ROUND ROAST 3.49lb ................................................ Beef Boneless

CUBED STEAKS 3.99lb ................................................ Whole Boneless 12-15lb

NEW YORK STRIP LOIN 4.99lb ................................................ Beef Boneless

NEW YORK STEAKS 6.99lb ................................................ ½ GROUND CHUCK ½ SMOKED BACON


GROCERY Frito Lay 9.5-10 oz.

reg. 4.29

Frito Lay 9.5-13 oz

reg. 4.29

Mikesell’s 5.5 oz. Puffcorn Delights or

reg. 2.00

POTATO CHIPS 2.29ea ................................................ TOSTITOS 2.59ea ................................................

CHEESE CURLS 1.49ea ................................................

Essential Everyday 64 oz. reg. 2.59

CRANBERRY JUICE COCKTAIL 1.79ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 24 oz.

reg. 2.29-2.39

PICKLE SPEARS 1.79ea ................................................

Kellogg’s 15-18 oz. Cereals reg. 4.69 MINI WHEATS 2.49ea ................................................ 100 oz. Liquid LIMIT 1 reg. 15.99

TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT 11.99ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 14.5-15.25 oz.

reg. 1.69

Kellogg’s 12 Count

reg. 3.89

Nabisco 7-13 oz.

reg. 3.99

Hershey’s 7-14 oz.

reg. 3.25

CAN FRUIT .99ea ................................................ POP TARTS 2.49ea ................................................ CHIPS AHOY COOKIES 2.79ea ................................................ BAKING CHIPS 2.49ea ................................................

Nabisco 3.5-9.1 oz. reg. 3.99 Wheat Thins, Better Cheddars and Assorted SNACK CRACKERS 2.49ea ................................................ Kellogg’s reg. 3.99-4.69 18.2-18.7 oz. Raisin Bran Crunch or

RAISIN BRAN CEREALS 2.49ea ................................................

Chicken of the Sea reg. 1.19 5 oz. Oil or Water Pack Chunk Light TUNA .89ea ................................................ Charmin 12 Pack reg. 9.49 Double Roll Ultra

BATHROOM TISSUE 6.99ea ................................................ French’s 20 oz. Yellow

reg. 2.49

MUSTARD 1.79ea ................................................

Essential Everyday 24 oz. reg. 1.39 SQUEEZE KETCHUP .99ea ................................................ Essential Everyday 4 lb. reg. 2.49 Granulated SUGAR 1.49ea Limit 1 with additional $20 purchase ................................................ Essential Everyday 2 lb. reg. 2.19 Powdered or BROWN SUGAR 1.49ea ................................................ Peter Pan 16.3 oz. reg. 3.19 PEANUT BUTTER 1.49ea Limit 1 with additional $20 purchase ................................................

Bush’s 21-28 oz. Grillin’ or reg. 2.59 BAKED BEANS 1.99ea ................................................

Mueller’s 12-16 oz. reg. 1.99 Macaroni, Spaghetti, and Assorted PASTA .99ea

CRACKER PACKS 2.49ea ................................................

SALAD DRESSINGS 1.99ea ................................................

Keebler 11 oz.

Kellogg’s 5.64-6.2 oz.

reg. 2.49-3.29

reg. 3.19

RICE KRISPIES TREATS 2.49ea ................................................

................................................ Marzetti 16 oz.

12 pack 12 oz cans

reg. 3.69

PEPSI & MT DEW PRODUCTS 3/$11 ................................................

(Courtesy photo)

Wreaths Across America at the Greenville-Union Cemetery and placed approximately 300 wreaths on veterans’ graves. The chapter has donated countless genealogical and historical books to local libraries and presents historical programs at local schools. Sustaining its legacy, the organization continues to accomplish its mission with such high integrity. It is with great appreciation that Garst Museum recognizes the members of the Fort GreeneVille Daughters of the American Revolution and honors its members with the 2019 Heritage Award for their dedication in preserving history, promoting education, and honoring patriots.

ties. This past Decemerected in 1840 in Darke County. The school house ber, they participated in was gifted to the DAR in 1934, and the chapter has maintained the grounds and school as a beautiful entrance to Greenville on St. Rt. 49. and The DAR is very active in the county searching 3598 St. Rt. 49 for the gravesites of RevoArcanum, Ohio 45304 lutionary War veterans. 937.313.1118 Over 20 Revolutionary 937.692.5798 War patriot graves in Ohio License Darke County have been cfcinc@centurylink.net 21876 identified with grave markers or rededicated since 521 Wagner Avenue, 2016 with more to come. Greenville The members donate their OPEN DAILY 11AM time and money to preserve veterans’ uniforms 937-316-6111 and memorabilia in the NOW THRU APRIL 14, 2019 Veterans’ Building at the Darke County fairgrounds. Lunch or They have encased 31 uniDinner Buffet forms over the past two years. They help organize DINE-IN OR CARRY-OUT and participate in Veterans Must present coupon to cashier. May not combine with any other offer. Day parades and activi-


Electrical Service Home Inspection

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Greenville Early Bird


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SEASONAL TRUCK DRIVER With Class A or B CDL. HAZMAT ENDORSEMENT Is a plus but not required. Apply at NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS, 100 W. Vernier St., Ansonia, OH or call 337-0111

HELP WANTED LANDSCAPE/LAWN CARE Multiple positions available. Send resume to Crowell Lawn Service, PO Box 141, Greenville, OH 45331 or email cls45331@gmail.com

Seeking Artistic/ Production Director

• Research and contract with artists to be presented. • Manage, evaluate, and work with all Production Crew Members to achieve highest possible quality performances. • This job has seasonal part-time hours, including DCCA performances. Full Job Description online at DarkeCountyArts.org Please send resume to: DCCA@darkecountyarts.org or mail to: Darke County Center for the Arts P.O. Box 718 Greenville, OH 45331


Sunday, March 31, 2019 5B

HELP WANTED Dump Truck Driver, Class A or B CDL + 2 years experience needed. Call Eugene Meyer, Inc, Versailles, OH 937526-4071, leave name & number

We have openings for Lawn Mowing and Landscape crew members. Required: 18+, valid license, references. Experience a plus but not necessary. Wage based on qualifications. email: scott@hupmanslawncare.com or mail to 5678 Route 36 E, Greenville, OH 45331 PART-TIME Sales & Customer Service Office Staff Person Needed. Three days per week. Salary plus commission. Computer & Sales experience needed. Pick Up Application at 7875 N. Cresent Rd., Covington, call 937473-3038


Rapidly growing non-profit has an immediate need for someone experienced in setting up and conducting fundraising opportunities. Empowering Darke County Youth needs someone who can build its fundraising programs and work with other agencies on behalf of Darke County youth. Must be community minded and prepared to participate in a variety of community events. Empowering Darke County Youth is a 501(c)3 United Way Partner Agency. Compensation to be negotiated. Send email to the Executive Director at: empoweringyouth101@ gmail.com

Scholarship Sales

Rapidly growing non-profit has an immediate need for energetic individuals to solicit sponsorships in their local communities for its online fundraising website. Applicants must be outgoing, friendly and enjoy talking to people. They must be willing to make regular cold calls, and build and follow up contacts, as well as participate in community events on behalf of the organization. Empowering Darke County Youth is a 501(c)3 United Way Partner Agency. Compensation to be negotiated. Send email to the Executive Director at: empoweringyouth101@ gmail.com

Grant Writer

Rapidly growing non-profit has an immediate need for an experienced grant writer. Individual is needed to explore educational grant opportunities for Empowering Darke County Youth, then work with the Executive Director to submit grant requests. Empowering Darke County Youth is a 501(c)3 United Way Partner Agency. Compensation to be negotiated. Send email to the Executive Director at: empoweringyouth101@ gmail.com


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Agriculture, Automotive (includes cars, trucks, vans, auto parts, etc), Business Opportunity, Equipment, For Rent, Garage Sales, Help Wanted, Household, Livestock, Lost and Found, Misc. For Sale, Mobile Homes, Motorcycles, Pets, Produce, Real Estate, Recreational, Services Offered, Special Notice, Wanted, Wanted to Buy, Wanted to Rent CARD OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM-COST 45¢ PER word. PHONE NUMBER MUST BE INCLUDED IN AD. ADDRESS MUST BE INCLUDED IN GARAGE SALE AD.


1 0 0 WASH I N G T ON G R E E N V I L LE

A V E .


Unless you have an open account with Aim Midwest Media, payment for business line ads must be in our office by noon on Thursday for your ad to appear in Sunday’s Early Bird. You may also place your ad and use your Visa, MasterCard or Discover Cards. These ads may be phoned in by calling (937) 548-3330. Fax: (937) 548-3376. Classified Display...............4:00pm Thursday Classified Liners...............Noon Thursday Classified ads may be mailed or brought into our office at 100 Washington Avenue, Greenville, OH 45331 or emailed to classifieds@earlybirdpaper.com Office Hours Mon.-Thurs. 9am-5pm/Fri. 9am-4pm

HELP WANTED Concrete Truck Drivers Needed. Class A or B CDL required. Recently increased starting pay! Full-time, benefits, vacation, profit sharing, uniforms. Contact Nate or Bob at St. Henry Tile Company, Inc., 281 West Washington Street, St. Henry, Ohio or call 419-678-4841. Online applications accepted at www.sthenrytileco.com. Glick’s Construction, Inc, locally owned & operated construction company with over 20 years in business, looking for reliable, selfmotivated, hardworking individuals who are willing to learn & grow with our company. Skills beneficial but not required. Must have valid driver’s license. Call 547-3051 or 937-6032007

UCM Residential Services a 43 bed ICFIID is currently seeking compassionate, caring & responsible DSPs to provide direct services to individuals living within the facility. Positions open currently for all shifts – starting wage $11.00 hr. with considerations for experience. Competitive benefits. Must have High School Diploma or GED. Apply in person at 400 South Melvin-Eley Avenue, Union City, Ohio 45390 or visit our website at ucmresidentialservices.com. Further inquiries may contact Sylvia at 937-968-6265 or email at s.luster@ ucmresidentialservices.com Full or part-time Carpenter. Minimum 2 years experience. 5482307

HELP WANTED Part time Kitchen help wanted. Monday-Friday 8 am to 2 pm

No experience necessary

Apply in person at

www.mprichmond.com Parker Hannifin has Open Interviews at Parker Eaton on Wednesdays from 9-3


at their Lewisburg & Eaton locations. TEMP TO HIRE POSITIONS - ALL POSITIONS AVAILABLE

$11-$12 PER HOUR

High School Diploma or GED preferred. For more information please contact Kim at 1-800-432-2664

Machinist Trainee

Need a person with good mechanical skills to train in our engine department. A great opportunity with good wages and benefits. A real chance to secure a good future. Trade school or other work experience good but not required. E-mail resume to aj481x@aol.com or drop off at SRS Engine Parts 5453 S R 49 Greenville OH 45331


• Carpenter & Construction Experience • Valid Driver’s License • Drug Test Required Employee Benefits Include • Employee Health Insurance • Paid Vacation Days and Holidays • Retirement Plan Please send resume to: Bill Hawkey & Associates P.O. Box 1011 Greenville, Ohio 45331

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The Early Bird 100 Washington Avenue, Greenville, OH 45331 Phone: 937-548-3330 Fax: 937-548-3376 E-mail: classifieds@earlybirdpaper.com

For ad to appear in the following weekend’s Early Bird, order blank with payment must be received in our office NO LATER THAN NOON THURSDAY!

DISPLAY ADVERTISING $18.00per column inch

CONTRACT RATES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST BUSINESS LINE ADS $1.85/line, $7.40 min. IN MEMORIAM, CARD OF THANKS 45¢ word “Homeowner” ads are $1.85/line, $7.40 minimum Use the handy order blank appearing on this page. HELP WANTED Local company looking for Class B CDL Driver. Newer equipment. Contact Kevin at 937313-2091 Local company looking for Class A CDL Drivers, prefer tanker endorsements. Pay by gross percentage of the truck. Weekly settlements. Prefer 2 years experience & know how to use paper logs. Newer equipment. Contact 937459-6220

Responsible & dependable individuals needed to deliver Early Birds. Walking & Motor Routes in All Areas. Insurance required for motor routes. If you are interested, please contact Becky at 937-5470851, 937-548-3330 and leave your name, address & phone number, if no answer. AGRICULTURE WANTED FARMGROUND TO RENT: $260/acre, SPRING PAYMENT, FERTILITY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. (937) 564-6351


Maintenance & Processing Positions Full time [day shift] positions available in our Production & Processing Departments Maintenance Positions are responsible for maintaining our equipment and building. Processing Positions are responsible for candling and packaging eggs.

Apply in person:




Very Competitive Pay Paid Holidays & Vacation Dental, Health, Vision Ins KSOP and 401(k)

134 Martin Street Greenville, OH 45331




3078 Washington Rd Rossburg, OH Or Call 937.337.9576 Office Hrs. 8 am-5:00 pm EEO/M/F/V/II


Accounting Clerk. Must have accounting experience with payables and reconciliations. Must be proficient in Excel & Word and experience using accounting software. Very Competitive Pay Paid Holidays & Vacation Dental, Health, Vision Ins KSOP and 401(k)

Apply in person: 3078 Washington Rd Rossburg, OH Or Call 937.337.9576 Hrs. 8 am-5:00 pm EEO/M/F/V/II

Human Resources Dept:

HR Data Specialist 1st Shift Full-Time

SUMMARY: Works with HR Coordinator to effectively manage all administrative duties of the HR/Education Department. The position will be responsible for payroll and assisting the department with such things as auditing, tracking, reporting, invoicing and various other duties to ensure compliance to policies and procedures of Brethren Retirement Community. *For a complete Job Description please contact Kendra Anglero, HR Coordinator If you are interested please contact Kendra Anglero, HR Coordinator Phone #: 937-547-7643 Kendra.Anglero@bhrc.org

To apply visit www.bhrc.org


Darke County’s premier property maintenance company is seeking quality individuals for full time positions in their commercial mowing department. Applicants must have a valid driver’s license, be 18 years of age, and be willing to work in an outdoor environment. Flory Landscaping is a family-based, locally-owned company that offers pay based on experience & quality of work, benefit packages (to be discussed in the interview), and a drug-free workplace. To apply: Fill out an application or drop off a resume at 1224 Ft. Jefferson Ave., Greenville, OH (121 South behind fairgrounds) M-F 8-4:30 PM 937-548-2200 or email mflory@ florylandscaping.com. PDF applications are available to be emailed.

Walking and motor routes are available in various areas. Must have dependable transportation, valid drivers license, and insurance to be considered for a motor route. All routes are considered independent contractor routes and profits vary based upon number of papers delivered

For more information, please call Becky, 547-0851 or 548-3330. The

Early Bird


AGRICULTURE Krause field cultivator, model 4118, 22’ wide, HR w/chain harrow, $5500. 937-338-6137 Krause field cultivator, model 4218, 21’ wide, HR $4500. 937-3386137 Aerway 15’, w/draw bar tongue, $5000. 937338-6137

LIVESTOCK FOR RENT Very nice 1 BR small Brown egg laying pul- 1/2 double apt close to house. Central air. No lets. 937-526-4541 downtown Greenville. Pets. $475 + deposit. 2 BR, 1.5 baths. $500/ Good location, Castine. FOR RENT 937-823-4526 mo. 937-459-2156 Small house near Wayne Hospital. Attached garage. Single level for mature. Central AC & low utilities. No pets or smoking. Call: Tony Baker 548-7339

For all your Real Estate Needs

DJ Rose Realty and Associates 937-564-9526

A Place to Live + Income! A 2 BR mobile home, a 1 BR house & a 28x60 metal barn with a 1 BR apartment + room for workshop or garage. MLS 781493 #4567 Investment Opportunity! Brick “double” in excellent condition – including all carpeting, roof, vinyl replacement windows. 2 BR, 1 BA on each side. Price recently reduced! MLS 785303 #4572

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! OPEN SUNDAY APRIL 7TH FROM 1 TO 2:30 PM 6686 Jaysville St. Johns Rd. Greenville, OH Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick ranch home with a 2 car attached garage. Home offers over 2,000 sq. ft. living space. Large Owners Suite with a large walk in closet. Open floor plan with cathedral ceilings in living room and dining room. This property sits on over an acre of land with fruit and nuts trees. Beautifully landscaped. (785301) Stop in for your personal tour with REALTOR® Lisa Francis.

Looking for an investment property or starter home?

Check these out!

305 Anderson Ave., Greenville 2 bedroom, 1 bath single story 1195 Ft Jefferson Ave., Greenville One house has 4 – 1 bedroom apartments plus there are 3 single 1 bedroom units 337 Howard St., Union City IN 2 bedroom, 1 bath 1012 Debolt Ave., Union City, IN 3 bedroom with large back yard

1303 Chippewa Dr. Greenville


In the Common Pleas Court of Darke County, Ohio In the Matter of Issuance of a Certificate of Title for 1973 Ford Mustang Case No. 19CVT00121 Notice of Hearing To: Don’s American Muscle Cars, Robert G. Maxwell, or other persons having any interest in the following described motor vehicle: You will take notice that an application for issuance of title has been filed by Mike Pabst for the following motor vehicle: 1973 Ford Mustang Serial No. 3FO5Q213979 The application will be considered by Judge Jonathan P. Hein, Darke County Common Pleas Court, on April 11, 2019, at 8:00 a.m. Any persons having an interest in said motor vehicle should appear at the hearing and prove their interest therein or the title issuance will be granted as requested. Jonathan P. Hein, Judge Mike Pabst, Applicant 3/24, 3/31 2T

LEGAL NOTICE COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE Lisa E. Miller v. Bradley A. Miller, Darke County Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations Division, Case No. 18-DIV-00551 To: Bradley A. Miller, Address Unknown, but whose last address was 528 Monterey Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305: Bradley A. Miller, whose address is unknown and cannot be ascertained with reasonable diligence, is hereby notified that on the 20th day of December, 2018, Lisa E. Miller filed in the Darke County Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations Division, 504 South Broadway, Greenville, OH 45331, a Complaint for Divorce against Defendant Bradley A. Miller. Said case is entitled Lisa E. Miller v. Bradley A. Miller, and is identified on the docker of said Court as Case No. 18-DIV-00551. The Complaint alleges that Plaintiff is entitled to a divorce from Defendant on the grounds of incompatibility and living separate and apart from the other for more than one year, among others, and requests that Plaintiff be awarded and absolute decree of divorce from Defendant Bradley A. Miller. Defendant Bradley A. Miller shall take notice that he is required to answer said Complaint on or before the expiration of twenty-eight days from the date of the last publication of this notice. James S. Detling, Esq. Detling Law Offices, LLC 421 Public Square Greenville, OH 45331 (937) 316-4800 Attorney for Plaintiff Lisa E. Miller 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31, 4/7 6T

PRICE REDUCED 103 Rebecca Circle, Englewood

First Choice Realty

The Right Choice 1400 Wagner Ave. Greenville, OH 45331



Landscape & Grounds Maintenance Technicians Needed

Flory Landscaping is currently seeking talented landscape and grounds maintenance team technicians with experience in assisting with the installation of landscape and grounds maintenance services. Position Description: As a key member of Flory Landscaping, you will be responsible for: • assisting crew leader with the installation of new landscaping to include: removal, installation, mulching, and other job-related duties • maintaining a clean and safe work environment • operating automatic transmission vehicles as well as a variety of landscape and turf equipment • reading daily worksheets and job instructions and documents Position Requirements: The ideal candidate is an excellent communicator and organizer who is result driven, efficient, has an eye for detail, and is a team player. He or she has the following: • high school diploma or GED • valid driver’s license (preferred) • landscape or grounds maintenance industry experience (preferred) • good oral and written communication skills (preferred) • working knowledge and experience with safe operation of grounds maintenance and landscape equipment Compensation & Benefits: If you’ve got what it takes, we’ll provide the rest. You’ll join a company with a stellar reputation and enjoy significant growth potential along with the following:

• competitive hourly wage • paid vacation and sick time off • retirement plan with company match • insurance with supplemental policy available • a family atmosphere with additional benefits

How to Apply: Call Flory Landscaping at 937-548-2200, email mflory@ florylandscaping.com, or stop in the office at 1224 Ft. Jefferson Ave., Greenville, OH (M-F 8-4:30) to request an application. You can also email a résumé to mflory@ florylandscaping.com. At Flory Landscaping, equal talent will always get equal opportunity. Thank you for your interest in Flory Landscaping & Lawn Care. We are always looking for talent, so if you know of someone who would be a great addition to our team, please pass the word on!

“OPEN TODAY! 1-2:30” 602 MAGNOLIA - Split bedroom design in this 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick ranch home! Gas fireplace; stainless steel appliances; oak cabinets; walk-in closet in 2 bedrooms. $235,000. OVER 2,000 SQ. FT. of living area in this 2-story home at 243 Sater! 4 bedroom, 2 bath home has beautiful woodwork throughout! Newer custom cabinets in kitchen; built-ins in living, family and dining rooms! Walk-up attic for easy access to storage! Fenced back yard and 2 car detached garage. $129,900 IN PITSBURG at 222 Lumber Street is a 1½ story home with 3 bedrooms and a 24x9 enclosed porch. 18x11 storage building included! Mid 50s 4 ACRES ZONED COMMERCIAL on Wagner Avenue across from LOWE’S! Can be divided! Call Joe for additional information! SCENIC CREEK RUNNING THROUGH this 5 acres at 3433 Stingley Road! 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick ranch has 4 car attached garage PLUS 20x40 building! $250,000 IN BRADFORD this 1½ story home at 135 E. Church Street has 2 bedrooms and a 2 car detached garage. Miami County. Mid 40s IN NORTH END OF GREENVILLE this 3 bedroom brick ranch at 1229 Northmoor has 2 car attached garage. $115,000 COMMERCIAL BUILDING at 5294 SebringWarner Road has over 5400 sq. ft. of warehouse space; 1185 sq. ft. of office space; 60x90 shop; PLUS foyer and reception area! Newly painted exterior; 3 overhead doors with openers. $325,000 OVER 7,000 SQ. FT. in this commercial building at 1185 Wayne Avenue! Features 5 units with offices; ample parking! Previously used as a medical building. $365,000


Jim Shuttleworth Evelyn Shuttleworth Joe Shuttleworth Greg Shuttleworth Richard Edwards


FOR RENT Storage for personal & business use. Penske Truck Rentals. Call Greenville Stor & Lock. 548-1075, 5328 Michelle St Willow Place Apartments - We’re better than ever! 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Call 937316-8489. Equal Housing Opportunity IN GETTYSBURG 1/2 double at 101 George St. 2 bedrooms both up; washer/dryer hookup in basement. $350 per month plus $350 Security Deposit plus utilities (Vectren/DP&L/ water bill minimum $50 per month). NO PETS! Not Metropolitan approved. Call 548-9940 for Rental Application 3 BR, 1 car garage brick ranch, south end of Greenville. No Pets. No Smoking. $650/mo. 937-548-2397 Small house, Arcanum. Lv/rm, kitchen, bath, utility rm, garage. No Pets/No Metro. 6925798 Nice Greenville 2 BR, 1 bath brick home. C/a & 2-car attached garage. All appliances furnished. Absolutely NO Smoking or Pets allowed. 937-266-4650 for details 410 S Broadway, formerly Brenda’s Beanery, $750/mo. 608 S Broadway, next to Pack ‘N Ship, $450/mo. 937417-0841 for more info Nice 2 BR ranch style house in Greenville park. No Pets. $675. 937-447-7845 Grnvl, 1BR house includes water, appliances, off-street parking, lawn care. $365/mo. 409 Spring St. 937-5485053 benanzer.com 1 BR apt, Arcanum. Stove & refrigerator provided. Tenant pays elec & gas. No Pets. No Smoking. 692-5059

Greenville Early Bird SERVICES OFFERED LANDSCAPING SERVICES - Spring & Fall Cleanup. Bed Maintenance, Edging, Mulching, Shrub Trimming, New Landscaping. Free Estimates. Gettysburg Outdoor since 1999! 888-834-1549 Call Empire Today® to schedule a FREE inhome estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 1-866-538-7163 GARBER SERVICES Handyman service, furniture assembly, business/home cleaning, landscape maintenance. 937-417-3271 LAWN MOWING Residential or Commercial. Senior Discounts-Fair Rates-Fully Insured. Contact Daryl Riffle at 937-459-2173 LAWN MOWING Lavy’s Lawn Care, since 1996. Lawn care section from Gettysburg Outdoor. Mowing, Trimming, Rolling, Spring Clean-up and Leaf Removal. Leave message at Lavy’s Corner Mart 937-447-3051 WANTED TO BUY Local buyer paying cash for antiques. Arcanum, Greenville, Darke Co & Darke Co Fair items & any other collectibles. No furniture bigger than a washstand. 692-8050 Cars/Trucks, running or not UP TO $500. Free pick-up. 937-423-2703 or 937-621-5809 NO SUNDAY OR HOLIDAY CALLS

AUTOMOTIVE 2001 Ford F150 Lariat, crew cab, loaded, some rust, good condition, 240K miles, $3950. 937526-5146 2014 Traverse, 54K $15,995. 2008 Town & Country $7495. 2013 Chrysler 200 $7995. 2013 Cruze $7495. 2006 Dakota crew $6495. 2015 Kia Soul, 5 speed $8995. Buy - Sell - Trade! CountryAutoSERVICES OFFERED SalesGreenville.com MOWING, large or small 548-1337 jobs. Also Landscaping, MISC. FOR SALE Shrub Trimming, Spraying/Fertilizing, Snow Craftsman 26” electric Removal. Reasonable start snowblower, used rates. References avail- twice, paid $900, will sell able. Very dependable. $400. 937-548-3330 548-1716, ask for Justin Two 6’ aluminum hinged Looking for new lawns folding ramps, new, $50. to be mowed soon. 937-548-0343 Please call Brian Brown Attention: Oxygen UsGain freedom Lawn Care at 547-1064 ers! with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator! No more heavy tanks and refills! Guaranteed Lowest Prices! Call the OxySam Schwartz gen Concentrator Store: WANTS ANY TYPE OF: • Carpentry Work 866-288-3671 • Room Additions EZ-Heat 1500 btu heater • Garages w/remote, new, $50. 2 • Siding • Foundation Replacement Life Smart infrared heat• Crawl Space Work ers w/remotes, 1500 btu • Restoration each, new, $50 each. • Roofs/Re-Roofs 937-548-0343 FREE ESTIMATES 260-701-8020 Dish Network-Satellite Television Services. Now Over 190 channels GREENVILLE for ONLY $49.99/mo! STOR & LOCK HBO-FREE for one year, Truck FREE Installation, FREE Rentals Streaming, FREE HD. Add Internet for $14.95 a BOOK EARLY AND SAVE $$$ month. 1-800-219-1271


We are here to meet your storage and moving needs! 5328 Michelle Rd. Greenville


Greenville 315 Walker NEW LISTING $74,900. 4 Bed, 1.5 bath, new flooring and paint, 1 car garage, wrap around front porch. (786601) 3188 McMecham Rd. NEW LISTING $60,000. 3 Bed, 1 bath, ranch home, attached and detached garage, ½ acre. (786802) Out of Greenville 123 Clay St. Bradford $24,900. 2 bed, 1 bath home, 1.5 det. Garage, fenced in backyard. (757262) 3827 Beamsville UC Rd. Ansonia NEW LISTING $169,000. 3 Bed, 2 bath, pole barn, fenced area, 1 acre, many updates in last 5 years. (786497)

GARAGE SALES St. Henry Community Garage Sales are April 4-5-6, over 50 addresses in the listing! Limited copies of flyer are available at St. Henry area businesses or on the village website ANNUAL CHILDREN’S CLOTHING & HOMESCHOOL SALE; 3061 Shurley Rd, Eldorado; Apr 2-3, 9-8; Apr 4, 9-3. Clothing (0-16 & juniors), toys, & baby items. 50+ families 141 N Main St, Eldorado; Apr 6; 8am-?; 2 Sales! 1 in garage & 1 in the house. Baseboard heaters, alum ext ladder, 2 pressure canners, hand tools, gas grill, furniture, cookbooks, china, more

GARAGE SALES Estate Sale; 623 Spring St, Greenville; Apr 4-5, 9-5; Apr 6, 9-?; Furniture, clothes, hutch, jewelry, misc LEGAL NOTICE

6B Sunday, March 31, 2019

2 miles south of New Madison on Walkers Curve, 1042 St Rt 121; Apr 4-6; 8am-3pm; Furniture, Victorian lamps, vintage glass, yard tools, Stihl stick pruner, more!

CITY OF GREENVILLE On March 19, 2019, the City of Greenville, Ohio adopted the following legislation: • Ordinance #19-35 supplemental appropriation • Ordinance #19-36 authorize a partnership agreement with the Darke County Commissioners for community housing impact and preservation • Ordinance #19-37 amend section 10.09(B) of the civil service regulations • Ordinance #19-38 amend section 252.25 of the codified ordinances • Resolution #19-39 waiving payment by, or in the alternate, authorizing reimbursement to Michael James in the amount of Six Hundred Twenty Nine Dollars and 28/100 Cents; representing sewer usage charges incurred as the result of a water leak at 410 South Broadway, Greenville, Ohio. This resolution has an emergency clause. This legislation can be read and examined in its entirety at the office of the City Auditor, Room 200, Municipal Building, Greenville, Ohio, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday and 8:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. on Friday. Vicki Harris, Clerk of Council City of Greenville Approved: Eric Brand, Law Director 3/24, 3/31 2T


Randall E. Breaden, Administrator of The Estate of Guadalupe Dela Cruz Plaintiff, VS Santiago Dela Cruz, Lynda L. Dela Cruz, Guadalupe Camargo and Christina Hernandez Defendants. CASE NO. 2012-1-283A NOTICE BY PUBLICATION To Santiago Dela Cruz, whose address is unknown; Lynda L. Dela Cruz, whose last known address was 201 E. Peppermint St., Union City, OH 45390; Guadalupe Camargo, whose address is unknown; and Christina Hernandez, whose address is unknown; you are hereby notified that you have been named as a defendant in a legal action entitled Randall E. Breaden, Administrator of the Estate of Guadalupe Dela Cruz, Plaintiff vs. Santiago Dela Cruz, Lynda L. Dela Cruz, Guadalupe Camargo and Christina Hernandez, defendants. This action has been assigned case number 2012-1-283A and is pending in the Probate Court of Darke County, 300 Garst Ave., Greenville, OH 45331. The object of the complaint is for authority to sell decedent’s real estate located at 343 S. State Line St., Union City, OH 45390, to pay debts. You are required to answer the complaint to the plaintiff’s attorney; Gary Brown, Esq., 414 Walnut Street, Suite B, Greenville, OH 45331, within 28 days after the last publication of this notice which will be published once each week for six successive weeks. The last publication will be made on May 5, 2019 and the 28 days for answer will commence on that date. In case of your failure to answer or otherwise respond as required, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. Claudia Shepherd Chief Deputy Clerk Probate Court Darke County, Ohio 3/31, 4/7, 4/14, 4/21, 4/28, 5/5 6T

REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS FROM PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRMS AND STATEMENTS OF INTEREST The Darke County Board of Commissioners (the Board) hereby requests that design firms interested in providing professional Architectural and Engineering design services to Darke County for the project described in this announcement; submit statements of qualifications and interest. The Darke County Board of Commissioners intends to contract for architectural and engineering services for design and construction of a facility. Firms interested in being considered for a contract to provide the required services must reply in writing with a statement of qualifications no later than 4:00 PM on April 12, 2019. Statements received after this date will not be considered. Statements of qualifications should include information regarding the firm’s history, education, technical training and experience of owners and key technical personnel; the technical expertise of the firm’s current staff; the firm’s experience in designing similar projects; ability of the firm to complete the Project, including availability of the firm’s staff and other equipment and resources to achieve completion of the project; past performance as reflected in evaluations of previous and current clients with respect to factors such as control of costs, quality or work, and meeting deadlines; the firm’s equipment and facilities; references; and any previous work performed for the Board. Statements of qualifications should be transmitted to: Jim Surber, Darke Co. Engineer 504 South Broadway Greenville, Ohio 45331 Ph: 937-547-7375 email: engineerdarke@gmail.com As required by Ohio Revised Code 153.65-71, responding firms will be evaluated and ranked in order of their qualifications. Following this evaluation, the Owner will enter contract negotiations with the most highly qualified firm. The preliminary project description is as follows: The Project: Design and construction of highway equipment storage building and attached general purpose building Location:

7670 Celina Road Greenville, Ohio 45331

Description Of Services Requested:

Architectural and Engineering Services for Building Design; Construction Documents; Bidding Specifications; Construction Administration and additional Construction Administration and Coordination responsibilities.

Project Budget:

The cost of all improvements is estimated at $1,800,000.

Source of Funding:

County highway funds

Project Schedule: The Owner anticipates the design process to commence early in 2019, with construction to follow, and the project to be completed before November of 2020. 3/24, 3/31 2T


Greenville Early Bird

From Charity to Sustainability VERSAILLES – Dr. Kim Lamberty of Catholic Relief Services and founder of Just Haiti will be at St. Denis Church basement on Tues-

day, April 9. They will begin with pizza and salad at 6 p.m. Kim will speak at 6:30 p.m. about ““From Charity to Sustainability”. They

Village of Ansonia Sanitary Sewer Overflow Report For the Year 2018

This is to inform any or all interested parties that a report of the Village of Ansonia’s sanitary sewer overflows has been submitted to the state and district offices of the Ohio EPA. This report is available for anyone to review at the offices of the Village of Ansonia, located at 202 North Main Street. For further information please contact the Village (937) 337-6781.

GREENMOUND UNION CEMETERY CLEANUP The Trustees of Greenmound Union Cemetery would like to announce their annual spring cleanup. The Trustees are asking families and loved ones to remove any decorations that they wish to save by April 7. The trustees will begin removing old arrangements and decorations that are not in vases attached to the monuments or saddle type arrangements beginning April 7. This cleanup is necessary to properly maintain the grounds. When placing decorations, the Trustees ask that they be limited to arrangements in vases attached to the marker or saddle type arrangements that attach to the monument. The only exceptions to this are Easter, Memorial Day, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, when ground items will be removed one week later. Additional rules are posted on the cemetery building.

will conclude at 8 p.m. with questions. A donation of $10 is asked for to cover the cost of food and drinks. You can register online at https:// secure.acceptiva. com/?cst=ec7122 or call the office at 937526-4945. Pope Francis challenges us in our work with the poor to move beyond charitable aide to helping them find a means of earning a living. All of us want to be masters of our destiny, to live in a way

that fosters our own dignity. Charity is a temporary response. Sustainability (the ability for people and communities to meet their own needs without depleting their resources and not dependent on outside help) is a long term solution that promotes the economic well-being of every human being. Kim will speak to how we can and should put forth the effort for a world of inclusion rather than exclusion.

Probate Court of Darke County, Ohio Judge Jason Aslinger In Re: Change of Name of Jeramy L. Toombs, Jr. To Jeramy L. Olmack Case No. 19-9-019 Notice of Hearing Applicant hereby gives notice to all interested persons that the applicant has filed an Application for Change of Name in the Probate Court of Darke County, Ohio, requesting the change of name of Jeramy L. Toombs, Jr. to Jeramy L. Olmack. The hearing on the application will be held on the 2nd day of May, 2019, at 1:30 o’clock, p.m. in the Probate Court of Darke County, located at 300 Garst Avenue, Greenville, OH 45331. Jeramy L. Toombs, Jr. Applicant, 3/31 1T

Poultry Clinic set for April 6 GREENVILLE – All Junior Fair Poultry Exhibitors from Darke County and surrounding counties are invited to attend the Darke County Junior Fair Committee Poultry Clinic on Saturday, April 6, noon-2:30 p.m., in the Youth Building at the Darke County Fair, sponsored by Darke County Junior Fair


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Poultry Committee. The clinic will immediately follow the Quality Assurance Program in the Youth Building, which begins at 10 a.m. A free lunch will be served at the start of the clinic sponsored by Cooper Farms. The poultry clinic will focus on nutrition, animal care, animal

Liberty Twp. cemetery cleanup PALESTINE – The Liberty Township Trustees will be conducting spring clean-up for the township cemeteries, including but not limited to Palestine Cemetery, Bass Cemetery & Clemens Cemetery. Families and loved ones are asked to remove all decorations and items on and around the gravesites by April 15 so the grounds can be properly maintained. These items include, but are not limited to shepherd’s hooks or a similar type, and decorations/ flowers not attached or sitting on the monument. The trustees are also asking that you pay particular attention to the rules listed which excludes any digging, planting or use of glass containers. The

Author’s Night at Library


Sunday, March 31, 2019 7B

GREENVILLE – Join the Greenville Public Library on Friday, April 12 for Greenville poet Myrna Stone, who will be reading from her latest book Luz Bones (Etruscan, 2017). Stone is the recipient of three Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Awards in Poetry, a Full Fellowship to Vermont Studio Center, the 2017 New Letters Poetry Prize, the 2002 Dr. O. Marvin Lewis Poetry Award (now called the Dr. Sherwin W. Howard Poetry Award), and the 2001 Ohio Poet of the Year Award from the Ohio Poetry Association. Stone is a founding member of The Greenville Poets and has authored five full-length books of poems. See facebook.com/ myrna.stone1. Greenville Public Library doors open at 6:15 p.m. and the presentation begins at 7 p.m. Finger snacks are served from 6:15-6:55 p.m. Come mingle and enjoy the presentation.

rules are in place for the safety of everyone, especially our cemetery workers. When placing arrangements on grave sites, all arrangements must be in the vase attached to the marker or a monument saddle arrangement. The only exception will be Easter, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day and Christmas. Any other arrangements must be removed or the arrangements can be removed by cemetery caretakers one week following these special occasions. If you have any questions regarding the cemeteries in Liberty Township, please call Scott Brewer, Mike Foreman or Curt Hiatt.

health, processing, showmanship and fair selection and biosecurity. The 2019 Darke County Meat Poultry judge will be present to help conduct the clinic. This clinic is a great opportunity to expand knowledge of your poultry projects and get prepared for upcoming fair. Also at the clinic information and updates will be provided on mandatory skillathon for all poultry exhibitors, information about outstanding poultry exhibitors awards, sale process and updates about poultry barn rules changes, poultry

barn scholarship opportunities, opportunities to serve on junior for board representing the poultry department and Darke County Poultry Royalty program. At the clinic junior fair poultry exhibitors can practice through upcoming skillathon information. The program will also feature door prizes. RSVP by calling Dena Wuebker at 937-423-2369 or Cindy Mayo at 937-417-2296, Amy Addis-937-216-2107 or email Dena at dena.wuebker@ vtigers.org by April 2.






8B Sunday, March 31, 2019


Greenville Early Bird


5239 S ST RT 49 GREENVILLE OHIO 45331 5239 S. St Rt. 49, Greenville, OH 45331 Directions: From south of Greenville take St Rt 49 N to Auction Center on right (across from Erwin Bros. fuel stop) Tractors: JD 9620RX, 651 hrs, GPS, PTO, 36”tracks, VERY NICE; Case IH 2012 350HD, 65 hrs., 3pt, PTO, 50” rubber, GPS, autoguidance, front weights, luxury cab, VERY NICE; JD 8450, PTO, 3-point, quick hitch, LED lights, 4300 hrs.; MF 1805, 4WD 855 Cummins, 290HP; JD 4010 diesel; IH 574 w/loader; 1957 AC D17 4800 hrs.; ’48 Massey Harris 30; International 756 Diesel Farm Tractor: 4906 Hours, Diesel, 3 point hitch, PTO: 76.5hp, Rear tire: 18.4-34; International 986 Tractor with Snow Blower: 105HP Diesel, new 34” radial tires, wheel weights, suitcase weights, good TA all new air conditioner compressor and parts, blows cold, heat works, 6130 hours. 2017 NH T4100, 757 hrs, 1 1/2 yr warranty, PTO, 2 hydr. remotes, 100 hp eng, 80 PTO; John Deere A, electronic ignition, new tires, rebuilt carb, runs nice; NH TD5050 tractor, 1226 hrs, roll bar, Pto, sync shuttle shifter; Combines: ’91 JD 9500 3600 sep. hrs/4000 eng. hrs.; Case IH 1666 3777 hrs. good tires; JD 6600 diesel, with 443 corn head; Skidsteer: 13’ JD 320D, 3,500 hrs. cab heat/air, pilot controls, 2spd. Hydr. Quick-tach, new tires, material bucket, aux. hydr; NH L160 SuperBoom, 5058 hrs.; 2013 Bobcat S590 Skidloader: 1 owner machine (very nice), Deluxe glass cab with heat and air, 2 speed transmission, deluxe seat, keyless start with security system, 66HP turbo diesel engine, 2,100 rated capacity 4,200lbs, quick attach bucket, 1421 hours; Sprayers: Hagie 8240 sprayer 60’ booms,440 Raven controller,w/trailer; Kuker pull type sprayer; Walsh pull type 40’ x-fold, man. Booms, adj. height, 500 gal tank,Tee-Jet monitor; Hardi TR500, 500 gal, 45’ booms, height adj; Clark pull type sprayer 300 gallon 30 foot booms stainless tank 3 section controller; Planters: JD 7000 4-row, 30”, liquid fert.; JD 7000 4-row wide, w/harrow, precision meters, dry fert.; JD 7000 16-row 15” bean planter w/ IH 800 CYCLO AIR delivery system; JD 7000 bean planter, 13-row, 15”; White 5100 Seed Boss, 6-30”, no-till Yetter row cleaners, liquid fert., monitor; IH 800, 8 row, liquid fert, Ausherman no-till; Trucks: 1990 L-8000 Ford tndm. axle w/20’ grain bed, Shurco roll tarp,air brakes; Ford F-750 plow truck w/salt spreader; 2016 Dodge Ram 3500 4X4 Diesel Dump Truck: Cummins Turbo Diesel, Eisen Automatic Transmission, 410 Limited slip rear end, All terrain radial tires, Tilt steering cruise control, Sirius Stereo, bluetooth phone capable, Automatic door locks, Manual windows, 40-20-40 bench seat with fold down console, Power convenience, Snow plow prep package, Diamond tread aluminum back pack tool box, Keyless, remote start, Rear view camera built into rear view mirror, 9' crystal fold down side dump bed with double acting electric over hydraulic scissor lift hoist and two way dump through tail gate, roll tarp, heavy duty hitch plate with receiver, only ,11,000 miles, Bumper to bumper dodge factory warranty; 2000 Chevy 2500HD extended cab 4X4 short bed: 6.0L V8 gas, automatic, loaded with options, power leather seats, 177K, with Boss 7'6" power angle snow plow and removable pro wings compete; 2002 Dodge 3500 Diesel 4X4: Cummins Turbo diesel, auto, dual wheels, limited slip axles, tilt, cruise, air, all terrain tires, tow hitch with brake controller, 9’ steel flatbed with goose-neck hitch, 174K; Ford F150 ’08, 1 owner, always garage kept, 4x4 King Ranch, ARE topper, 25,000 mi; 1974 International 1600 grain truck with hoist 1000 miles on complete engine rebuild;1970 Chevy C90 grain truck diesel 16 foot bed live tandem; Trailers: Cox 20’ +5 dovetail gooseneck,14,800,ramps, spare tire, LED lights, w/ winch; 375 bushel grain trailer, hyd. dump; ’04 Coyote K220 travel trailer, 20’; 16’ Tandem Axle Utility Trailer: 2 Factory Built 16’ Tandem Axle, landscape, lawn care utility trailer, 2 – 3500lb axles (7,000 lb GVW), Firestone 225/75/16 Radial tires with spare tire, New custom built split mesh ramps for easy loading, good wood floor/ treated and painted, 2 5/16” coupler with safety chains, Very nice clean trailer; Wagons: Killbros 350 gravity bed/10-ton gear; JM250 bushel gravity bed, 10-ton gear w/truck tires; (2) Franklin hopper wagon; 125 bu. hopper wagon; center dump hopper wagon; flair box wagon-JD gear w/hyd. hoist, very nice; Augers: 72x8 Mayrath auger, swing away, hyd. lift.; Conveyors: 32’ Viking bale conveyor; 32’ bale elevator; Mayrath 62’ 8” swing away, hydr. Lift; Drills: JD 750, good condition; IH 620 press wheel drill w/grass seeder; IH 620 14’ drill; IH 5100 w/press wheels, 21X7; Crust Buster 4615, 15’ no-till; IH 5400, 10’ no-till bean 15” spacing; Moldboard Plows: IH 720 5-bottom spring reset ; White 549 ARS 5 bottom; IH 720 ARS 5 bottom; IH 720 toggle trip 5-bottom; Oliver 3 bottom, 3-point; JD 3 bottom, 3-point; Ford 3 bottom, semi-mount; IH 420 2 bottom, 3-pt.; Tillage Equip: McKee 24’ Danish tine, hyd. Fold field cultivator; JD hyd. fold field cultivator; M&W EarthMaster 4-shank ripper; Taylor Way 9 shank disk chisel; MF 11 shank chisel plow; Steiger 7 shank chisel plow; Krause 1900 Series 24’ disk w/hyd. fold; Oliver 10’ wheel disk; 5’ King Kutter 3-pt. disk; Case IH 183 6-row cultivator; IH 133 8-row cult., hyd. fold; DMI 30’ crumbler; DMI 23’ rolling basket; Brillion 25’ vert. fold packer; Brillion 16’ end transport packer; Brillion 12’ cultipacker; 12’ drag chain harrow; JD 400 28’ rotary hoe; JD 400 25’ flat-fold rotary hoe; JD 400 15’ rotary hoe; JD 400 15’ rotary hoe; Krause 21’ hydraulic fold seedbed finisher; AC 2600 Wheel disk 22’, single bar harrow; Krause 1969 30’ Rock flex disk w/rear hitch; JD 230 wheel disk, 24’; Glenco 559 disk chisel, 9 shank soil saver; Remlinger 20 foot hydraulic fold spike tooth harrow; John Deere 1600 3 point chisel plow 13 shank with leveling bar; JD RM 4-row cultivator; Fertilizer Equipment: Water wagon 1,000 gal.; DMI 2800 Nutri-Placer, 11 row 28% applicator; pair 200 gal. saddle tanks; Balers: NH 570 small square baler, good condition; NH BR7060 baler, only 1,200 bale, belt, net and twine wrapper; NH 275 baler w/thrower; MF #12 square baler; Cornpicker: N.I. 323 1-row; Livestock Equipment: Heston 6650 mower, NH 408 haybine, 8'cut, rubber rolls; 14’ head w/steel rollers, extra set of cutting blades; Arts-Way 320 grinder-mixer; Papec 880, Feed Grinder, 2 screens 540 PTO; JD tandem axle feed buggy; 12’ steel bunk feeders for calves; Gehl 95 feed grinder 2 screens 540 pto ;Mowers: JD MX 8, 3 pt., 8’ bush hog; 6’ heavy-duty 3-pt. bush hog; NH 7’ sickle mower; Brady 1680 16’ flail mower; Snow Equip: Blizzard 2 Stage Snow Blower: 3 Point Hitch, 540 PTO, hydraulic swing control, skid shoes, 2 stage auger/fan assembly, like new, less than 10 hours used; Buyers 10’ Backhoe/Loader Snow Pusher: Buyers Brand Steel 10’ Snow Pusher Box, 2’x10’ adjustable rubber Edge, adjustable steel skid shoes, universal bucket mount, used very little. Boss 7'6" Super Duty Power Angle Snow Plow: RT3, Smart Hitch, SL1 Lights, complete wiring with smart touch controller, 2011 & Newer Chevy/GMC truck mount; Warren 8’ Stainless Steel V-Box Salt Spreader: 8.5HP Gas engine, electric start, in cab controller, 2 piece heavy duty top screen, inverted V, nice unit; International 756 Diesel Farm Tractor: 4906 Hours, Diesel, 3 point hitch, PTO: 76.5hp, Rear tire: 18.4-34. Misc. Equip.: Kwik-Way skid steer blade; Land Pride RBT1572 3-pt. blade; Woods post hole auger; Farmstar 6’ landscape blade, Cat 1 3pt; Logsplitter, pull type, hydr hookup; 7130 Magnum front fenders; HLA plate adapter for JD tractors (fits H240); Akwret 12x16x5 skid steer tires (4); 12’ skid steer tracks, w/tires & spacers; (2) 18.4-38 Armstrong Power lug tires, 8 ply, on John Deere Dual Rims; Steel Flatbed 12’ Diamond Plate: Heavy Duty 8’ wide x 12’ long diamond plate steel truck flatbed with cab guard protector. 4” long sills with 3” structural steel tube cross sills, recessed goose neck hitch plate with cover, full rear skirting with LED stop, tail, and turn lights, cab guard protector with additional stop, tail and turn lights high mounted, stake pockets with rub rails, DOT approved lighting, removable wood side boards, recessed D ring tie downs, 2” reece receiver tube with safety chain D rings and back up alarm; DMI hitch; rolling baskets; semi tires & wheels; (24) JD planter closing wheels; Tillers: WAC 4’ 3-pt. tiller; Caroni 5’ tiller; new 4’, 3-pt. tiller; new 5’, 3-pt. tiller; new 6’, 3-pt. tiller; Golf cart, electric w/John Deere paint scheme; 8X30 office trailer; Lawnmowers: (2) new Country Clipper 60” commercial mowers w/full warranty; 2018 Country Clipper XLT, 60” deck, 29.9 hrs., demo w/warranty; Boulevard, 54” deck, demo unit w/full warranty; 2015 Z960R John Deere Zero Turn Lawn Mower: 31 HP Kawasaki engine, 11.5 gallon fuel tank, max speed 12mph, 24x12x12 Turf Tires, 60” MOD mower deck, hydraulic lift deck, auto blade shut off, adjustable suspension seat, 1857.2 one owner hours; 2017 Z930M John Deere Zero Turn Lawn Mower: 25.5HP Kawasaki engine, 11.5 gallon fuel tank, max speed 10mph, 24x12x12 tweel turf tires (airless), 60” MOD mower deck, adjustable suspension seat, 1,131 one owner hours, full John Deere Warranty through April 1, 2020; 2017 Z950R John Deere Zero Turn Lawn Mower: 27 HP Kawasaki engine, 11.5 gallon fuel tank, max speed 12mph, 24x12x12 tweel turf tires (airless), 72” mower deck, hydraulic lift deck, auto blade shut off, adjustable suspension seat, foot controlled blade blocker attachment, 1237.9 one owner hours, Full John Deere Warranty through April 1, 2020 or 1500 hours; 2017 Z950R John Deere Zero Turn Lawn Mower: 27 HP Kawasaki engine, 11.5 gallon fuel tank, max speed 12mph, 24X12X12 Turf Tweel Tires (airless), 72” mower deck, hydraulic lift deck, auto blade shut off, adjustable suspension seat, foot controlled blade blocker attachment, only 1203.5 one owner hours. Full John Deere Warranty April 1, 2020 or 1500 hours; 2016 Grasshopper 329B Zero Turn Lawn Mower: 60” Mid Mount mower deck, 29HP Big Block Gas engine, adjustable deluxe grammar seat, suspension seat, fold able rops, turf tires, with grass/leaf metal commercial grade collection system, 1405.2 one owner hours; John Deere 445 Garden Tractor: Kawasaki liquid cooled engine, hydrostatic drive for available attachments, Runs great needs transmission work; John Deere 322 Garden Tractor: 22HP gas hydrostatic drive, hydraulic lift deck, turf tires, power steering, auxiliary hydraulics for multiple attachments; John Deere 60" Mower Deck: with attachment hardware for JD 425, 445, & 455 mowers; John Deere 3520 4X4 Compact Utility Tractor: 35 HP 3 cylinder diesel, hydrostatic foot control with high & low range, power steering with auxiliary loader hydraulics, tilt wheel & suspension seat, 3-point hitch with 540 PTO, 2,760 1-owner hours. Curtis cab enclosure, includes glass doors, glass windshield, windshield wiper, insulated roof, hot water heater, overhead controls with stereo CD player, LED worklights, strobe light, 6’6” power angle snow plow with 22” removable pro wing extensions, includes all framework & hydraulic hoses2015 Z960R John Deere Zero Turn Lawn Mower: 31 HP Kawasaki engine, 11.5 gallon fuel tank, max speed 12mph, 24x12x12 Turf Tires, 60” MOD mower deck, hydraulic lift deck, auto blade shut off, adjustable suspension seat, 1857.2 one owner hours; Wheel Horse Model 417a Garden Tractor: 1985 Hydro-static drive 17HP Kohler gas engine, 3 gallon fuel tank, hydraulic lift snow plow with manual angle, new seat, front & rear lights, no mower deck, 1231 hours, ready to plow snow; Lunch Stand will be provided by the Tri-Village FFA alumni. Proceeds will go to the FFA. Financing available through Ag Direct/ Shipping available through Triple H Farm Equipment. Online bidding powered by ProxiBid, Conditions apply, *ALL ONLINE BUYERS ARE SUBJECT TO BUYERS PREMIUM**; Terms of Auction: Cash or check with proper ID. Visa, Mastercard, Discover, & American Express all accepted with 4% clerking fee. Bussey Brothers Auction Service, LLC does not assume responsibility or liability for accidents, items after purchased, no shows or equip not accurately represented. All purchases are “As-is, Where-is”. Statements made sale day take precedence over printed material. Auctioneers are licensed and bonded in Ohio.photos & info @www.auctionzip.com – Auctioneer # 47130 This is only a partial listing. more items will be consigned by day of auction! Note: Auction will start promptly at 9:00 A.M. with small items selling between 9:00-9:30. For any questions on order of sale or online bidding please contact auctioneer. Thank you!

Bussey Brothers Auction Service LLC Auctioneers: Grant Bussey, Grant Nicodemus, Bill Roll, Trey Nicodemus, Bart Hoblit and Austin Miller




Located 2 Mi So. of Fairgrounds on St Rt. 49


Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, March 31, 2019 9B













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Applicable to most makes and models. Expires 4/6/19













Applicable to most makes & models. Expires 4/6/19


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Expires 4/6/19

LOW TIRE PRICE GUARANTEE ALL MAJOR BRANDS 547-9401 • 500 Wagner Ave. Greenville, Ohio










130 120




120 120 $



































10B Sunday, March 31, 2019

Greenville Early Bird

Puzzles & Prizes at April’s First Friday event GREENVILLE – Put on your thinking cap and spend some quality family

time together during Main Street Greenville’s First Friday event on Friday,

If this happens to your vehicle... call

April 5, from 6-9 p.m. Main Street Greenville has prepared a scavenger hunt for kids of all ages to explore the downtown district and shake off cabin fever. There will be over a dozen businesses participating and the scavenger hunt will feature prizes for those who complete the challenge. The hunt is not a race and those who wish to participate can pick-up a form at the Darke County Welcome Center (421 S. Broadway) the evening of the event. You can pick-up your


form to start the hunt any time between 6-8:30 p.m. There are several locations on the hunt, so please allow for enough time to complete the challenge! All forms must be submitted back to the Welcome Center by 9 p.m. to be entered for prizes. Solve the riddle at each stop to figure out what you’re hunting for. Once you’ve found the item, snap a selfie and tag Main Street Greenville & the business you’re in! Once you’ve completed the hunt bring your form back to The Welcome Center to let your little ones pick out a prize. For the “big kids” in your group, Main Street Greenville will be doing a drawing for three $25 gift cards. Winners will be picked from the photos posted on Facebook so be sure to share your selfies. As with any First Friday, many downtown businesses will be staying open late, including the business featured on the hunt. If

(Courtesy photo)

Explore downtown Greenville in a family friendly scavenger hunt on Friday, April 5.

you aren’t interested in participating in the hunt, head downtown to dine, shop, and enjoy a night out. First Friday events are presented by Main Street Greenville, a non-profit organization that supports downtown Greenville, Ohio through stimulating and supporting revitalization efforts, historic preservation and economic growth. Learn more about the organization on their website, www.mainstreetgreenville.org, or follow

Rediscover Joy Support *LIFETIM WARRANTYE

*See Shop for details.


Darke County’s Finest in Collision Repair

FREE ESTIMATES We repair all makes and models 1525 Wagner Ave. (Next to Walmart) Greenville

COLDWATER – Rediscovering Joy: A Support Group for Widows and Widowers will hold its next meeting on Monday, April 8, 6:30–8 p.m. The group meets on the second Monday of every month at the Preferred Insurance Center’s Meeting Room located at 809 West Main St., Coldwater. Guest speaker for the April meeting will be Amy Kemper, demonstrating

the benefits of yoga. Social time with a light snack will follow. In addition to the monthly meetings, the group also offers a variety of social outings for members. For information, call or text Judy at 419-733-5629 or Mary at 419-678-8830. Email is also available at Rediscoveringjoy@yahoo. com. If you are widowed, please come to meet others and to see if this new group is for you.

them on Facebook. You can contact them at info@ mainstreetgreenville.org or 937-548-4998.




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2018 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, all power, like new, blue, 45,670 miles......................... $45,995 .........$44,500 2017 CHRYSLER PACIFICA VAN, 3.6L V6, leather, DVD system, loaded, like new, gray, 28,366 mi... $29,995 .........$28,900 2017 CHEVY COLORADO CREW CAB 2WD PU, 2.5L 4 cyl., one owner, all power, exc. cond., black, 25,442 miles ........................................................................................................................ $23,995 .........$22,900 2017 CHEVY EQUINOX PREMIER FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, leather, loaded, super nice, white, 43,234 miles ........................................................................................................................ $22,995 .........$21,900 2017 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO DOUBLE CAB LT 4WD P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, like new, red, 15,463 miles ........................................................................................................................... $33,995 .........$32,500 2017 CHEVY EQUINOX PREMIER FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., heated leather, loaded, like new, gray, 38,202 miles .......................................................................................................................... $23,995 .........$22,500 2017 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN GT,, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., gray, 48,378 miles .......... $19,995 .........$18,500 2017 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, super nice, gray, 41,156 miles .......................................................................................................................... $19,995 .........$18,900 2017 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, like new, black, 27,111 miles .......... $20,995 .........$19,900 2017 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, exc. cond., black, 56,673 miles ..................... $39,995 .........$38,500 2017 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN GT,, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, black, 47,084 miles ........................................................................................................................ $22,995 .........$18,900 2016 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L, 4 cyl, leather, sunroof, one owner, loaded, like new, blue, 31,282 miles .......................................................................................................................... $22,995 .........$21,500 2016 TOYOTA RAV 4 LIMITED, AWD, 2.8L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, all options, one owner, sharp, black, 39,072 miles ............................................................................................................. $26,995 .........$25,500 2016 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, one owner, exc. cond., maroon, 50,539 miles .................................................................................................................... $20,995 .........$19,500 2015 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB 4x4 P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, one owner, very nice, silver, 30,797 miles ........................................................................................................ $29,995 .........$28,500 2015 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB, 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, exc. cond., red, 38,156 miles ......................................................................................................... $31,995 .........$30,500 2015 NISSAN ROUGE SV AWD, 2.5L 4 cyl., one owner, all power, exc. cond., silver, 77,849 miles ..... $17,995 .........$16,900 2015 GMC ½ TON SIERRA SLE EXT CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, Z71 Suspension, one owner, loaded, like new, black, 33,792 miles ......................................................................................................... $31,995 .........$30,900 2015 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO CREW CAB LT 4WD P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, one owner, loaded, super nice, silver, 44,363 miles ...................................................................................................... $31,995 .........$29,900 2014 CHEVY ¾ TON SILVERADO LS EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 6.0L V8, one owner, well equipped, exc. cond., black, 163,327 miles .................................................................................................... $19,995 .........$18,500 2014 GMC ½ TON SIERRA SLT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, loaded, red, 70,859 miles .... $30,995 .........$29,900 2014 GMC ½ TON SIERRA SLE CREW CAB 2WD P.U., 4.3L V6, all power, very nice, black, 100,757 miles ...................................................................................................................... $22,995 .........$21,900 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT DOUBLE CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, super nice, black, 41,386 miles...................................................................................................... $27,995 .........$26,900 2014 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, leather, loaded, exc. cond., red, 45,561 miles ......................................................................................................... $30,995 .........$29,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 3.6L V6, leather, one owner, loaded, super nice, crystal red, 53,627 miles ................................................................................................................ $20,995 .........$19,500 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 73,764 miles.............................................................................................................................. $17,995 .........$16,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LTZ FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, exc. cond., crystal red, 73,013 miles ................................................................................................................ $18,995 .........$17,900 2014 CHEVY EQUINOX LT FWD, 2.4L 4 cyl., one owner, sunroof, loaded, super nice, white, 71,441 miles ........................................................................................................................ $18,995 .........$17,500 2013 GMC TERRAIN SLT AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., white, 110,314 miles ...................................................................................................................... $14,995 .........$13,500 2013 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, exc. cond., maroon, 109,583 miles .................................................................................................................. $19,995 .........$18,900 2011 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO EXT. CAB 4x4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, very nice, blue, 119,819 miles ........................................................................................................................ $15,995 .........$14,900 2008 HONDA ODYSSEY VAN, 3.5L V6, leather, loaded, good cond., silver, 235,438 miles........................$6,995 ...........$5,900 2007 JEEP COMPASS SPORT 4X4, 2.4L 4 cyl., sunroof, very nice, green, 125,722 miles .................... $5,995 ...........$4,900 2007 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 2WD, P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, good condition, black, 199,709 miles ...................................................................................................................... $10,995 ...........$9,900 2007 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT, EXT. CAB 2WD, P.U., 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 141,575 miles .................................................................................................. $11,995 .........$10,500 2006 GMC ENVOY XL DENALI 4WD, 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, gray, 199,889 miles .............................................................................................................................. $8,995 ...........$7,500 2006 CHEVY COLORADO Z71 4X4 CREW CAB, 3.5L 5 cyl., all power, good cond., white, 228,586 miles ..............................................................................................................................$8,995 ...........$7,900

Troutwine Chevrolet




2006 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO LT CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, all power, very nice, black, 102,187 miles ...................................................................................................................... $13,995 .........$12,500 2005 JEEP WRANGLER SPORT 4X4, 4.0L 6 cyl., 5 speed, air, fair cond., green, 197,508 miles .......... $5,995 ...........$4,500 2005 BUICK RENDEZVOUS FWD, 3.4L V6, all power, good cond., blue, 139,557 miles........................ $6,995 ...........$5,900 2005 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., diamond white, 154,592 miles ....................................................................................................... $10,995 ...........$9,500 2004 CHEVY TAHOE Z71 4X4, 5.3L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, good cond., beige, 224,739 miles ........................................................................................................................ $6,995 ...........$5,500 2004 CADILLAC SRX AWD, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, good cond., beige, 105,466 miles ...................... $7,995 ...........$6,900 2004 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4WD, 4.2L, 6 cyl., all power, exc. cond., blue, 148,224 miles .......................................................................................................................... $6,995 ...........$5,900 2004 CHEVY ½ TON SILVERADO CREW CAB 4X4 P.U., 5.3L V8, one owner, loaded, fair condition, black, 342,618 miles .................................................................................................. $8,995 ...........$7,900 2002 CHEVY ½ TON SUBURBAN LT 4WD, 5.3L, V8, leather, loaded, good cond,. red, 231,470 miles ........................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$4,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LTZ 4X4, 4.2L, 6 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 215,294 miles .................................................................................................................... $6,995 ...........$5,900 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 2WD, 4 dr., one owner, cloth seats, loaded, exc. cond., beige, 182,686 miles ........................................................................................................................ $9,995 ...........$8,900 2001 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LXI VAN, 3.8L V6, leather, loaded, very good cond., maroon, 165,697 miles .................................................................................................................... $3,995 ...........$2,500 2001 DODGE DAKOTA SPORT REG CAB 4X4 P.U., 3.9L V6, loaded, fair cond., red, 171,545 miles ........................................................................................................................... $4,995 ...........$3,900 2000 DODGE DAKOTA SPORT EXT. CAB 4X4 P.U., 4.7L V8, loaded, very nice, white, 167,762 miles ........................................................................................................................ $6,995 ...........$5,900 1999 PONTIAC MONTANA VAN, cloth seats, all power, nice cond., green, 160,151 miles..................... $6,995 ...........$5,900


2018 CHEVY IMPALA PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, exc. cond., black, 31,874 miles ....... $24,995 .........$23,900 2017 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., silver, 46,522 miles .............................. $16,995 .........$15,500 2017 CHEVY MALIBU LS, 4 dr., 1.5L 4 cyl., all power, exc. cond., silver, 43,214 miles......................... $17,995 .........$16,500 2017 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.6L V8, all power, exc. cond., pepperdust, 40,800 miles .................... $19,995 .........$17,900 2016 CHEVY CRUZE PREMIUM, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., leather, loaded, super nice, white, 52,338 miles ........................................................................................................................ $16,995 .........$15,500 2014 CHEVY CRUZE LT, 4 dr., 1.4L 4 cyl., RS package, loaded, one owner, exc. cond., beige, 68,975 miles ........................................................................................................................ $10,995 ...........$9,500 2014 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr., 2.5L, 4 cyl., one owner, loaded, exc. cond., champagne silver, 54,491 miles ..................................................................................................... $15,995 .........$14,900 2013 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ, 4 dr., 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 51,875 mi. ..... $14,995 .........$13,900 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.5L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, exc. cond., blue, 118,206 miles ........................................................................................................................ $11,995 ...........$9,900 2008 CHEVY IMPALA LT, 4 dr., 3.9L V6, sunroof, loaded, very nice, maroon, 167,922 miles ............... $10,995 ...........$9,500 1989 CHEVY CAMARO IROC Z28 COUPE, 5.7L V8, T-Tops, loaded, show car, white, 63,899 miles ........................................................................................................................ $18,995 .........$17,500 1979 CHEVY CAMARO SHOW CAR, 5.7L V8, nicely equipped, super nice, red, 833 miles since restoration ..................................................................................................... $18,995 .........$17,500


2018 CHRYSLER 300 AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, super nice, black, 28,612 miles ........................ $23,995 .........$22,500 2017 HYUNDAI SONATA, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., nicely equipped, exc. cond., gray, 49,823 miles ................ $14,995 .........$13,900 2017 BUICK VERANO, 4 dr., 2.4L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., white, 52,584 miles ................................. $16,995 .........$14,900 2014 DODGE CHARGER R/T AWD, 4 dr., 5.7L V8, leather, sunroof, loaded, super sharp, red, 66,789 miles ........................................................................................................................... $20,995 .........$19,900 2014 TOYOTA CAMRY SE SPORT, 4 dr., 2.5L, 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, like new black, 30,225 miles ........................................................................................................................ $17,995 .........$16,500 2013 FORD FUSION SE, 4 dr., 1.6L 4 cyl., loaded, exc. cond., blue, 49,858 miles ............................... $12,995 .........$11,900 2012 HONDA CIVIC EX, 4 dr., 1.8L 4 cyl., sunroof, loaded, super nice, black, 88,088 miles................. $10,995 ...........$9,500 2008 CHRYSLER SEBRING LIMITED CONVERTIBLE, 3.5L V6, leather, loaded, sharp, maroon, 112,081 miles .................................................................................................................... $7,995 ...........$6,500 2008 MERCURY MILAN PREMIER, 4 dr., 3.0L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded, super nice, beige, 69,814 miles ........................................................................................................................ $10,995 ...........$9,500 2007 AUDI A4 QUATTRO, 4 dr., 2.0L 4 cyl., leather, sunroof, loaded, very nice, black, 177,453 miles ........................................................................................................................ $5,995 ...........$4,500 1999 FORD MUSTANG GT CONVERTIBLE, 4.6L V8, leather, loaded, sharp, gray, 68,000 miles ........ $10,995 ...........$9,900 1994 JAGUAR XJS CONVERTIBLE, 4.0L 6 cyl., leather, loaded, show car, maroon, 52,066 miles .................................................................................................................... $17,995 .........$16,500

CORNER MAIN & GEORGE, ARCANUM SERVICE HOURS: Mon. 8am-8:30 pm/Tues.-Fri. 8-5:30/Sat. 8-12 SALES HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8am-8pm/Sat. 8am-5:30pm

CALL 692-8373 OR 692-8360

View our used inventory at: www.troutwineautosales.com

Greenville Early Bird

Sunday, March 31, 2019 11B

Swim team summer sign-up GREENVILLE – The Darke County Stingrays Swim Team will be holding sign-ups in the Arcanum High School Cafetorium on Saturday, April 6 from 10 a.m. to noon and Tuesday, April 9 from 6-8 p.m. There will be signs posted as you enter the school. The swim team is hosted by the Greenville City Swimming Pool. All practices and home meets are held at this location. Darke County Swim Team is a community-based recreational team open to all Darke County children with an emphasis on having fun, learning and refining swim techniques, individual accomplishment, and team spirit. The season runs from the beginning of June to the middle of July. The indoor practice season will be held at the Darke County YMCA on May 2, 9, 16, and 23 from

6:00-8:00 p.m. Outdoor practices will begin in June and are Monday through Friday starting at 6 p.m. Their swim meets are held on weeknights or Saturday mornings and include events for kickboardassisted swimmers to high school state qualifiers. Payment is due at registration. There is a registration fee of $35/swimmer or $80/ family and the cost of a Greenville City Pool pass is $100/person or $150/family. Swimmers will have the opportunity to try on and order swim apparel if interested. Board members will be present at sign-ups to answer any questions. You may also visit teamunify.com/ recdcs for additional information including their calendar of events. Please email the Darke County swim team for further questions: darkecountyswimteam@outlook.com

April at the Arcanum Public Library ARCANUM – Spring is a season filled with activities, and the APL has resources to help. Patrons can come in to make copies, send a fax, pick up a packet of seeds, use the computers, and more. Need to unwind? Pick up a great book or movie to enjoy. There will be weekly activities in April for children. StoryTime for preschoolers will be held on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. Children listen to stories, sing songs, make a craft, and more. Kids in grade school can come to SPARK after school on Tuesdays from 3:45 – 4:45 to play games, meet with friends, and learn something new. On Thursday, April 4, 6 p.m., the library will be hosting a 2109 Community Read Event titled “DNA Testing Ethics: Things to

Dietrich is BPW’s featured speaker GREENVILLE – The Greenville Business & Professional Women’s Club is making preparations for their meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 11. The meeting is being hosted by the Membership Committee consisting of Chair Sonya Christ and members Kasey Christian, Holly Lovely, Kathy O’Dell and Susan Shields. The meeting will be held at the Brethren Retirement Community in the Brick Room at 6:30 p.m. The featured speaker Tammy Dietrich is an Executive Sales Leader as a Norwex Independent Sales Consultant. She is a wife to Jeff and mom of four children, ages 14 down to 7.

She along with her husband helps run the National Kiddie Tractor Pullers Association kiddie tractor pulls. She is an active church member of Greenville Grace. Dietrich is very passionate about helping people make their homes safer and healthier by removing toxic chemicals. She states, “I want them to live safer, healthier lives, while making their cleaning faster, easier and better”. The Club will be meeting on Thursday, April 11, in the Brick Room at the Brethren Retirement Community at 750 Chestnut, Greenville. The dinner meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. The Greenville BPW Club would like to invite women inter-

Tammy Dietrich

ested in learning more about the Club to the meeting. The 2018-2019 Scholarship winners and their families have been invited to attend the April meeting. Contact Vicki Cost at vcost@coxinsurance.com by noon on Monday, April 8, 2019 to make a reservation to attend this meeting. The cost is $12 per person.

Village Green deficiency free survey GREENVILLE – Village Green Health Campus is pleased to announce they received perfect marks on both of their annual surveys for Health Center and Assisted Living from the Ohio Department of Health. The first survey team visited the campus the week of Jan. 21 and spent several days reviewing patient records, employee files, and observing the delivery of services for the health center. The second survey was completed for the assisted living on March 13 through similar audit. At the conclusion of the surveys, the facility was notified that they were in 100 percent compliance with state and federal regulations, with no deficiencies cited.

“We have a great group of dedicated caregivers at Village Green,” commented Alyssa Winner, executive director. “We strive to provide quality services that exceed our residents’ and families’ expectations and we are thrilled that we have received confirmation of the quality of the care we provide from the Ohio

Department of Health.” Village Green Health Campus offers a full range of personalized senior living services, from assisted living to skilled nursing and shortterm rehabilitative services. For more information about the services offered, please contact the campus at (937) 548-1993.

We are now servicing Darke County for Residential, Commercial, and Roll Off.



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Consider”. Amie Tennant will be presenting a look at the Genetic Genealogy Standards of 2015 to consider what sound ethical practices in the field of genealogy. There is no registration needed for this drop in event. There will be an adult coloring session on Tuesday, April 9 at 4 p.m. Patrons can come relax with other adults and color

with provided supplies. No registration is needed. Also on Tuesday, April 9, the book club will be meeting at 5:30 p.m. There is no need to register, and newcomers are always welcome. The APL is pleased to be holding an introduction to bees and other pollinators on Thursday, April 25 at 6:30. Patrons will hear about the importance of

bees and other insects, how to be sure we can help provide them with what they need to survive, and more. No registration is needed for this event. Patrons can call the library for more information at 937-692-8484, or check out the website at www.arcanumpubliclibrary. org. The library can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

12B Sunday, March 31, 2019


Greenville Early Bird

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