Emanuela Delfino
Design and implementation of a sustainable mobility system in Cape Town Politecnico di Milano Product Service System Design 2011/2012 Master Thesis Tutor: Carlo Vezzoli Co-tutors: F. Ceschin, C.Dell’Era and P. Landoni and M. M’Rithaa PRODUCT SERVICE SYSTEM
Service system offering diagram
The aim of the project is to offer sustainable mobility, firstly, to elderly and disabled people, and secondly to commuters and tourists, both in the city centre and in the poorer outer suburbs of Cape Town. The mobility system is designed around a solar and electric bicycle taxi.
System map of the project at its full operative phase Vehicle rental Payment Pay-per-use agreement
Vehicles and maintenance Payment for vehicle rental Service agreement
Local associations
The same model is applied to 2 BECs in the Cape Town area
Transportation Payment for transportation
Request of transportation
Bicycle workshops
(with priority to elderly and disabled)
Payment for the service
Township tour
Service agreement
Transportation Payment for the service Township tour request
Vehicles and maintenance
Providing company
Payment for vehicle rental
Request of city tour
Service agreement
Payment for the service
Vehicles and maintenance
Awol & Tours Touristic Agency
City tour Cab within city centre Payment for the service
Payment for vehicle rental
Request of transportation
Service agreement The City of Cape Town Municipality
Locals & Tourists
SunRide is a bicycle taxi rental company born from the collaboration between BEN (bicycle Empowerment network) a no profit association aimed at promoting the bicycle mobility in the poorer suburbs. And a local manufacturing company Shonaquip, a social enterprise that produces and commercializes wheelchairs and mobility aids for disabled people.
How the system works:
The storyboard video show how the system works from the point of view of the user of the service. click the image to view the video
Brand Image
Advertisement Take a lift from the SUN and around Cape Town
you’ll have FUN
Short-distance taxi service around the city centre & Touristic tour in the city centre and in the townships
Need short-distance taxi around Lavender Hill?
For more info call 0800 60 30 40 or visit www.sunride.org.za
A project promoted by
and delivered by
The SunRide taxi offers cheap fares and relaxing ride!
Wheelchair friendly, suitable
for all ages and environmentally friendly as well!
For booking call Fagodien Campher 0842414544 or visit the Imfundo Cycles Workshop (next to Lavender Hills Secondary School).
A project promoted by
For more info call 0800 60 30 40 or visit www.sunride.org.za
Design approach
The followed design approach is focused not only on designing a PSS solution, but also on designing the proper transition path strategy and activities to gradually incubate, introduce and scale up the PSS concept. In parallel with the identification and involvement of the actors that can support and foster the implementation process. It is a dynamic approach, in fact the PSS concept vision is not a static goal to achieve, but it is always subjected to adaptations and evolution as consequence of the implementation process.
Implementation: pilot project in Lavender Hill, Cape Town Pilot project system map The system map tool shows the interaction between the actors involved in the project
Pilot project context Lavender Hill is a township, poor suburban area, populated by the coloured community and characterized by unemployment, poverty and crime. The people that benefit from the experiment are both the users and the PSS providers. The main users are the elderly, sick and disabled from the community of Lavender Hill, who have physical and economic difficulties to move and reach the main places of interests. Furthermore secondary users are local NGOs, commuters and tourists. The PSS providers are the manager of the Bicycle centre and its Cycle Club that driving the vehicle can exercise and gain income, a way of keeping them away from the negative influences in the community.
Implementation phases: pilot project as a lab Prototype manufacturing
Presentation to the providers
Presentation to the users
Service and vehicle test
Feedback collection
Implementation phases: pilot project as a window Open gallery to visit the experiment
Launch event 12 October 2011
Involvement of new potential stakeholder
Service supporting a group of immigrants to build up opportunities for their future. Politecnico di Milano Product Service System Design Course 2009/2010 Final project for Mapping and Visualization of the PSS and Material for Design Tutors: Valentina Auricchio, Gianluca Brugnoli and Fabio Sergio, Luisa Collina and Cabirio Cautela
5 More opportunities to create a new life.
Quit from the service
Get in touch: Website,Email, Bank account They use the KIT
Stay in the program
START call 093245789 . Do not hesitate!
1 • poster • bus • flyers
The website
Finish working.
Money collected.
Senegoal is a service that help people from Senegal to buit up their future. The agency give the possibility to the africans to come in Italy to work for a certain period of time to collect money that they will use to start a new investement in Senegal. Two agencies, one in Dakar and one in Milan are always in contact to find a job for all the applicants and to provide all the documents (VISA, resident permit). With the service we designed also the logo, the interior of the agency, the advertisement campain and a personal kit. A website is provide to subscibe to the program and to keep in touch the applicant with the family.
System Map
Residence permit Bank account Accomodation
The companies ask workers to the agency
Introduction day at the company
Stipulate Apply for the contract with SENEGOAL SENEGOAL. program. • Skills and experience • Psychology test
• Legal Visa • Get KIT with all the info
First day at work.
. face to face interviews . expert interviews . video and photo ethnography . personal observation and pictures . video on internet . self-documentation (tool kit) . context immersion
Results of Tool kit camera one use only
Face to face interviews:
5 booksellers (from piazza Duomo) 3 bracelets sellers (from piazza Duomo) 2 body guards (from Mondadori and Ferrari shop) 1 shop assistant (from Ferrari shop) 1 italian volunteer (from EFO&AWA onlus association)
+ RED persona
> He comes illegally > He’s been here for just a few days > He still thinks that Italy is a Paradise >He doesn’t know about his future
YELLOW persona
> He arrived legally > The questura did not give him a residence permit > He met people who offered him a legal job > He lost the job and he became illegal > He will go back to Senegal with his head held high
The new one
I can’t wait to see the paradise.
> He comes illegally > He sells illegal stuff in the street > He remains being illegal all the time > He wants to escape
+ BLUE persona
The hopeful immigrant
The homesick
Looking for a way to go back.
GREEN persona
One day everything will get better.
> He arrived legally > Questura did not give him a residence permit > He married an Italian girl > He became an Italian citizen > He wants to continue living in Italy with his new family
The italianish
It was worth all my sacrifices.
The interior of the agency
The personal kit
The agency is very simple, a colorful and peaceful place where senegalese people are welcomed to enter and know about the programme.
The kit is given to all the applicants before coming in Italy and it holds a mobile phone, a sim card, an USB pen drive, a welcome booklet, a dictionary, a credit card and some vouchers for the plane tickets.
Italiano-Wolof Wolof-Italiano
more information on www.airEuropa.com/voucher
Push SIM from back to detach.
Special call rate for
The advertisment
The exhibition Opportunity builders.
Senegoal g ives t he opportunity t o you t o have a l egal j ob i n Italy, communicated by agencies in Sengal and Italy. This service w orks t o an agreement b etween t he Italian and t he Senegalese goverments.
We showed our service in an exhibition at university re-creating the path of a senegalese person who uses the service. The watcher has to follow all the step in the exhibition pretending to be one senegalese person attending the service.
An opportunity to create your
start the journey
info: 800 123 342 www.lavoro.gov.it/senegoal
Light on/Leash off
Service design project developed during 1 week workshop named “Leisure Moment in Milan the healhty city� in collaboration with Naomi Hasuike from MH Way. Politecnico di Milano Product Service System Design 2010/2011 Final Design Studio Tutors: Fabrizio Pierandrei and Cabirio Cautela
Light on/Leash off: a personal device to place between the leash and the collar to switch on the light in the public dog areas, connecting to the public furniture.
How the system works:
Involvment: advertising campaign
Join by registering your new dog...
or by asking it to your pet’s vet
On the way to the park
Leash off
Light on
Domenica in Famiglia
1 week workshop “Sunday: Happy moments in Milan the healhty city” in collaboration with Dario Buzzini from IDEO. Politecnico di Milano Product Service System Design 2010/2011 Final Design Studio Tutors: Fabrizio Pierandrei and Cabirio Cautela PRODUCT SERVICE SYSTEM
Sunday in family
On-line platform
It is an on-line platform which allows “familyless” workers and student in Milan, to organize the Sunday family lunch through the creation of new bonds. This because in the Italian tradition Sunday is the day dedicated to the family, celebrating with the lunch.
Benefits Fit in a new place Build roots New city, new Family finally...choose your Family!
System map hosts
organize lunch search hosts
sponsors & promotion
give comments
‘pu n
ti fr ago
e mor
How the system works:
Epon, an ex-change student in Milan, sees the 'domenica in famiglia' advertising on the esselunga magazine
Epon interested in this service decides to register and join a sunday lunch.
Epon contacts others members of the same sunday lunch, so that they can meet each other
Epon and Lisa do the shopping at 'Esselunga' and they use the card of the 'domenica in famiglia' to gain ‘punti fragola’.
Epon is such a curious lad that he also wants to meet Emy for coffee.
Epon invites Lisa and Emy again to go together to the host's lunch
Dipa welcomes his guests to his place
Everyone performs their task in the preparation of the lunch. The new family is enjoying their time together.
The system helps the family keep tangible memory of the event.
Communication strategy
Commercial video
Discount magazine
Our family is missing a teenage Our family is missing a mother www .domenicainfamiglia. com
www .domenicainfamiglia. com
Postcard advertising
Hostel +bc
Business canvas analysis for the no-profit association +bc using the Business Model Generation handbook Politecnico di Milano Product Service System Design 2010/2011 Final Design Studio Tutors: Cabirio Cautela BUSINESS ANALYSIS
Business model CANVAS “as is” Research and analysis about the Business model of the no-profit association, which aims at teaching how to fix a bicycle, adopting a learning-by doing approach. The “Ciclofficina” is a space where people freely can find tools, spare parts and share the passion for bicycle. It is completely run by volunteers which means that when people have time contribute to make this initiative work. Mainly for this reason, it does not have a stable business model and it has risked to close.
Business model CANVAS “to be� The canvas shows how the association can make different partnership and be economically sustainable and make clean profit, without leave behind the key value of the association. For example making a partnership with hostels in Milan, providing recycled bicycle to the tourists of the hostel. Old bicycles and spare parts are provided by the Police of Milan which collect abandoned bicycles around the city.
Storyboard Video Video to show how the system works. click on the image to view the video
The aim of the course is the creation of innovative products on the topic of mobility lifestyle giving the students the possibility to face the entire design process. Politecnico di Milano Product Service System Design 2009/2010 Concept Design Studio Tutors: Silvia Girardi, Norman Mc Nally and Valentina Auricchio.
Snap is not just a bag. It’s not just a sleeping bag. And it’s not just a hammock. It is more than that. It is the multifunctional solution thought for those that love to nap everywhere.
FUNCTIONS: Ground cloth Bed sheet set Hammock
The package becomes the bedside pocket
The cord tightens the bed sheet up to the matress
Feet pocket
The peculiarity of the design process wasto apply all the technical and creative abilities but also a big dose of commitment in terms of relational, managing and networking capabilities. Moreover it was asked to the design team to completely finance and lead the projects even in terms of materials gathering and production methods. 20 Snap limited edition were presented and sold during the event: Through the Box 2010.
sharp design ideas
55 designers 20 countries
1 design EVENT tuesday
june open from 12,.00 to 15.00 at politecnico di milano bovisa campus via durando 10 beware. be there. be through the box. WWW.TTBOX2010.COM Let us take you to the annual Design Event of PSSD 2010 at Politecnico di Milano Bovisa Campus, via Durando 10, Milan. This year we are showcasing fresh and tasty ideas of traveling products by 55 talented designers from 20 countries. Creative products from lamps, pocket games, bags, table, speaker, watch, fashion, you name them, we’ve got them. So Beware. Be there. Be through the box. special thanks to
sponsored by
For further info: www.ttbox2010.com http://www.flickr.com/ photos/ttbox2010/
Design, manufacturing and advertisement of a portable and contemporary furniture kit Cape Peninsula University of Technology Cape Town 2011 Tutors: Mugendi M’Rithaa and Johan van Niekerk
Left Right Design has been started by a group of 6
BTECH industrial design students from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT). The goal was to design, manufacture and sell the Fit’it kit composed of a table and a set of stools in order to achieve, and hopefully exceed, a profit of R5000 (euro 500) before the end of 2011.
Transportation packaging
Assembling instructions
Assembling video
(click on the image to view the video)
Communication tools
A3 Advertising poster
// leftrightdesign.blogspot.com // // leftright4design@gmail.com // // +27724959479 //
Business card
Fit'it is a flat-pack furniture kit // leftrightdesign.blogspot.com //that // leftright4design@gmail.com // // +27724959479 //
you can s lot together b y hand
any extra tools.
It can be easily packed up, transported and assembled wherever you need to sit around a table with your friends.
Fit'it is durable, attractive, practical and customizable.
It can be adapted to your mood with a simple flip o f the top and w hen you need m ore space it can be stored out of the way
Website A6 Flyers
(click on the image to view)
Public Design Festival
Come And Enjoy play and socialize Public Design Festival 2009 “Building up the public space in 2 x 5 metres” URBAN DESIGN
COME&ENJOY The aim of the project is to create a space where you can deposit bike, luggage or shopping bags, but not only, because it becomes a specific place to socialize. The idea was to create a little meeting point (2 x 5 m) where people, who live everyday the city, can take a break from chaos and frenzy in order to spend time to socialize, enjoy, chat and eat.
Come and enjoy is designed for a big city like Milan, where the possibility to find an outdoor equiped sharing point is not easy. The structure is extremly simple and cheap: it is made up of forty wood boxes of different highs which create, in the first part, the path to reach the “meeting area� and after they become tables and seats for specific activities.
laptop station checkers
Users can spend their time playing table games buying their personals pawns - cheap wrapped candies - from a specific vending machine.The bike & luggage deposit works insering a coin. Come and Enjoy!! pic&nic
Multi layer wood: thickness 5 mm
Plexiglass 2 23,65 €/m
3 €/m2
construction scheme SCALE 1:25
unfinished wood beams
Unfinished chestnut wood beams square section 8cm 2 € per units
Side works
Miscellaneus works designed for University courses, for external committents and for personal interests.
Feel coMfortABLE
All over the world we see signs such as “Welcome to Milan” when entering a city – either along the highway or at the airport. Such signs’ purpose is to welcome arriving people, or in other words; to greet the visitors in a glad and friendly way. If accomplished, the visitors will revisit the city, which probably is the main purpose from an economical point of view. The welcome sign is however only the first step of making the visitors happy and satisfied. To truly fulfill this mission, the city and the people of the city have to provide us with interesting information, entertain us, agree with our values and make us feel comfortable. These factors all contribute to the characteristics of a welcoming city. More generally, we need to discuss the act of welcoming from different points of views: First, the idea of experiencing the giving and/or the receiving of actions that strike us as pleasant or nice. This usually takes place when somebody arrives to a place, activity or context. Second, we can talk about “pre--
concepts” and “first impressions” created by the experience and memories associated with a good or bad reception; and finally the act of sharing as a tool to cause positive feelings.
The first concept is related to the creation of pleasant experiences in the welcoming process, whether in a deliberate or spontaneous way. This concept can be applied in different contexts like interpersonal relations, social inclusion, corporative strategies, and etcetera. In this case, welcoming is part of the well known social ritual that throughout time has been creating new meanings and new values thanks to technology, mass media and cultural exchange. Whether we are hosts or guests; we are nevertheless in the middle of this process. “Pre-concepts” and first impressions are important since they always create positive/negative thoughts or happy/unhappy memories in people’s minds. For that reason, to construct stimulating environments and
encouraging activities is of great essence in order to carry out a warm greeting, and so forth build a truly welcoming place. Sharing is also an activity connected to welcoming, mainly because – as we have observed in our research – people try to make their guests feel as friends even if they are complete strangers. Individuals, groups, non-profit organizations, and companies try to entertain and perform in their surroundings with the intention to include friends, pedestrians, homeless people, strangers and/or potential consumers. As a result of our research on signals of welcoming, we have identified multiple elements useful to design a great welcome; enjoyment, sharing, comfort, communication, reception, feelings. That is to say, we are not just talking about saying hello. Furthermore, it is clear that humans express their welcoming actions in different ways. In this paper we’ll see examples of new ways of welcoming people – both to the city, and more generally.
Blind I Am Zoomers Magazine is a trend research about contemporary welcoming concept. The Magazine is a collection of articles mainly about the welcoming in a city and it is divided into theme sections like events in the city, shops, products, services and advertising in order to explain the context in which the welcoming takes place.
The choir named Göteborgs Indiekör practices in Gothenburg, Sweden. The members board a random tram in Gothenburg (this was first done in April, 2009) and sing songs from their repertoar. Watch the clip on Youtube and you will get the welcoming feeling. This tram singing project is a part of a larger project named thetramsessions.blogspot.com, which is all about performing music in the trams of Gothenburg. The singers of the tram sessions now have free passes for the public transportations in Gotheburg, which can be interpreted as the habitants of Gothenburg like this project. They feel more welcome when entering the tram.
This is an outdoor installation of the artist Bros. The city was full of bright colored plates with the purpose to celebrate the urban elements. The intent was to exalt elements of the city as flowerbeds, becoming monuments to the nature or the garbage transformed into monuments to trash and doormats at the exit of the subway, bearing messages of ‘welcome’ in an imaginary open-air gallery, prepared during a night raid. Welcome to the museum wanted to invite people to have a vision of the city as a museum. It is an exhibition that wants to celebrate the daily space and objects that are in the same place from many times, it wants to be the representation of the commonplace.
WRITER: Emanuela Delfino SOURCE: Broschure: Bros presenta Collezione Pubblica PIC: Cosimo Filippini
They also developed the Fun Theory by trying to make people more responsible of the environment, especially the separation of rubbish for recycling by arousing people’s curiosity and making it fun.
g advertising c GABRIELLA
ART GALLERY IN THE WRITER: Gabriela Rocha SUBWAY SOURCE: www.thecoolhunter.net
WRITER: Sofia Reibring SOURCE: Flying with RyanAir
The team of Improv Everywhere created an art gallery opening on the 23rd Street subway platform in Manhattan. They put up 30 placards next to objects in the space (pipes, electrical boxes, signs, advertisements), transforming them into works of art.
2009 season. A crowd of ‘Adidas folks’ started exchanging shirts with strangers. People from all ages and body shapes start undressing and trying to get the new Adidas Ajax shirt. The people were really surprised but they really like the welcome of the new shirt.
ALLOW DESIGN Many of graffiti designers have an uncontrollable passion for drawing or writing anything in public locations; they just look around to guarantee that no one’s watching, and start sketching. But now the interactive Sharpe e-cost Billboard will satisfy their desires, allowing people to create their own graffiti. People are actually welcome to do such thing that otherwise is banned.
IKEA in Japan has decided to promote the opening of a new store in Kobe developing a creative guerilla style campaign concept. IKEA is trying to make inroads in Japan by advertising in one of that country’s high-traffic areas like train interiors. The train’s interior that connects the store to the center has been embellished with IKEA furniture and The Kobe
“Per fare un albero” (Create a tree) is a project by Fiat, City of Milan and the designer Fabio Novembre, who have a goal of creating a “symbol of a new way of living”. The Fiat 500 C, according to Fiat’s spokespeople, is friendly, innovative and has an eco-friendly character. The twenty fiberglass replica is exposed in Via Napoleone with different tree planted inside them. The message for people passing by is to care about the environment, but also to make them feel welcome to be creative concerning the environment and advertising.
Monorail will serve as a rolling catalog. This campaign reminds to a previous one conducted in New York for Design Week with interior furniture as outdoor installations in difficult places like bus stops, park benches. This campaign wants to show to the customer that with IKEA products you can create a homely friendly feeling anywhere.
BeWelcome is a hospitality exchange service. Imagine arriving in a big city and, instead of trying to find a taxi, there is somebody already waiting for you. Imagine that instead of going to eat at the place recommended by the guidebook, someone shows you his favorite restaurant. Bed sharing, organized by Esterni,
is also an example of this. It is used especially during particular events in Milan, when hotels in Milan are all booked and very expensive. These projects promote the meeting between people with the same interests and the cultural growing in cities usually perceived as cold and closed.
WRITER: Emanuela Delfino SOURCES: www.bewelcome.org www.bedsharing.org
MIGUEL IKEA’S BED Anybody who visits IKEA during weekend in China will be sure to find the familiar scene of customers napping on the couches and beds. Opening their first store ten years ago, IKEA has become a popular place for the Chinese rising middle class. It is now a place for spending free time; in other words, they do not necessarily buy any furniture. It is very interesting to observe how IKEA allows this kind of behavior.
This allowance expresses a kind of welcoming where the customers can really fell at home. WRITER: Miguel Bello SOURCE: www.psfk.com
WRITER: Sofia Reibring SOURCE: www.nolongerempty.com
WRITER: Gabriela Rocha SOURCE: www.thecoolhunter.net
WRITER: Silvia Remotti SOURCE: www.viralblogg.com
SOFIA No Longer Empty is a new nonprofit group of artists and curators. They find unused storefronts in Manhattan and fills them with temporary art shows. The project revitalizes empty spaces by filling them with art, and whomever is welcome to come and have a look. EMANUELA
Right after a RyanAir airplane arrives at the destionation airport - right after it hits the ground - a fanfare goes off. The fanfare is RyanAir’s way of pointing out that the flight was on time, which almost always is the case. The short music could also be interpreted as a welcome to the passengers.
This is an advertisement from Venice Casino, which uses WRITER: Silvia Remotti the moving baggage space to SOURCE: www.improveverywhere.com communicate with tourists, creating a creative welcome and also an invitation for them.
Some people installed a photography studio on a random subway car to take photos of every single person who rides the subway to produce a yearbook at the end of the year. The resulting photos show just how diverse New York subway riders can be.
WRITER: Emanuela Delfino SOURCE: DDB Agency Stockholm
SILVIA WRITER: Silvia Remotti Adidas made a viral advertising for the new SOURCE: www.improveverywhere.com Adidas Ajax Amsterdam home shirt for the 2008-
People need to be pushed by an attractive input as curiosity in order to make them to do something boring or tiring. We take a global example; love. Everyone knows that a first sight attraction or curiosity is necessary in order for the love to grow deeper. People need to be involved in everyday life; they need stimulus from the surroundings to drive their interests on doing actions for the society and for themselves.
WELCOME BACK TO THE SOCIETY There are lots of organizations worldwide that help homeless, prisoners or people addicted to narcotics to re-integrate and rejoin the society. For example, in Italy, San Patrignano Community takes care of young men and women who have serious drug abuse problems. The community does this through offering a new home, healthcare, study opportunities, and jobs. This can change their lives and help them
In a Milanese appartment where three Swedish students live, you find clear directions on how to sort
I definitely believe that the easiest way to change people’s behavior for the better is by making actions more fun to perform. In this case, the creativity of the piano staircase welcomes bored people who, every day, have to do the same action, go upstairs and downstairs, to make something fun out of the daily actions.
The advertising agency Team was behind this experiment that they called the Fun Theory - an ambitious experiment to try to change people’s bored attitude in Stockholm. The transformation of a subway staircase into a piano increased the stair use by 66 per cent.
WRITER: SOfia Reibring SOURCE: thetramsession.blogspot.com
events in the city
Apparently this is a viral video for Volkswagen. It has been making rounds on the Internet since it was released at the end of September. In the video, a group of people installs a giant piano over top of a busy staircase in a subway. Each step on the staircase corresponds to a separate key on the piano. The people’s reactions to it were amazing – most preferred to use the piano stairs rather than elevator stairs.
Transgression what many young the garbage. In theis cabinet under the basin, there are handwritten people looking they want to signsare indicating where for, to put paper, metal and other garbage. Of escape from their daily appearance course the Swedish students know how to do this in their own and exactly become new people during Sofia Reibring home - the signs are just there to WRITER: SOURCE: Visiting an appartment in help guests.leaving In other words, this iswell-ironed the night, their Milan PIC: Sofia Reibring a way of welcoming. shirts and ties at home. They put makeup on their faces using to become a member of the society again. blue or black colors, they wear The core of the problem is not the drug abuse, but it is the human beinglatex with dresses, and so on. I am his fears and weakness that threaten talking about a way to have fun to suck him in. Therefore, this is not a community for drug addicts but it if they are straight, gay or is a community for living, whereeither you can restart life after years spent as a transgender: this is a passion that social outcast. The real definition is a community is spreading increasingly among against social marginalization. young people in Milan, especially WRITER: Emanuela Delfino SOURCE: www.sanpatrignano.orgin places located in Corso Como, parking space. The idea was part for example the De Sadeof aclub, or design competition made by Esterni that plan to give a parking the Welcome Amnesia club. to fuorisalone 2009These - a space places back to the public. The place in Milano where you can find the mission: developing a creative organize parties where unique all the new trends in the design solution for a parking spot of 2 to 5 Walking through Zona meters (due per rulesworld.are that « everything iscinque), returning Tortona all the day in the crowdy it to the public domain in a positive legitimate and tiring. « everything is seems to be streets can »be really The way. Person Parking designers of Springtime studio had made for a low-traffic area. A soft permitted ». changing a parking place to relax, to take a break, to a great idea:
lot into a place to sit. The project saves a seat to you in a play on the culture-cemented idea of a
eat someting or just to chat. The illustrative form suggests you to sit and take part of it. The experiment was successful: many people took part in it and enjoyed it. Person Parkin is an innovative way to welcome people in the urban public space.
Z 13 12 events in the city WRITER: Gabriela Rocha SOURCE: Walking around in Milan PIC: Gabriela Rocha
WRITER: Miguel Bello SOURCE:
WRITER: Silvia Remotti www.milanapartments.me
SOURCE: Walking around in Milan PIC: Silvia Remotti
Blind I Am Movie Trendbook is the result of the previous trend research about welcoming.
The main character, Jack, is trying out these new 5 trends in order to understand that welcoming is all about feeling comfortable with the surroundings.
Five big different directions has been found. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n6tkQY5UBk
Catalogue design Meru Herbs products CTM alt
Herbal teas
* Cham
omile - 20
During my volunteering mission in Kenya I gave my contribution also re-designing the brand image, brochure and products catalogue for the tea and jam company, Meru Herbs, which operates in Meru.
Logo re-design
to - E.U
. Marke
x 2 gr.eac
h * Black
* Carca
dè and lem
- 20 tea
bags x 2
Tea - 20
x 2 gr.eac
gr.each * Carca
dè and lem
* Carca
- 20 tea
bags x 2
dè - 50
gr pak * Carca
dè - 50
gr pak * Carca
dè - 50
gr pak
Pictures shooted during my volunteering experience in Kenya, Summer 2010
Women carrying water, Ngong Road, Nairobi.
Landscape, Jampark Plaza, Nairobi.
Ruth Kerubo, 4 years old, Jukumu Letu, Nairobi.
Children playing in the dumpsite, Mathare, Ngong.
Exhibition space An event showcasing the products of 6 design teams from CPUT Btech Industrial Design 2011. Each team had to design and manufacture a product making a profit of R5000 by November 2011.
Communication tools before the event
Opening Night July 28th from 6 p.m. @[1hoh], 1 Hares ave, Woodstock, Cape Town on view until July 30th http://5kshow.wordpress.com
Advertising poster spread around the City. Postcard delivered around the area
Communication tools supporting the event
Wine sponsor
During the exhibition the stop-motion video was telling the story behind each products exhibited. (click on the image to view the video)
Magazine publication
A5 Front and back flyer.
because789 have designed a flash drive family from repurposed wood. French oak, from old wine barrels, red oak from door ways and maple, from the flooring. Each has it’s own personality and each family, their own story. http://because789.co.za
6 design teams from CPUT Btech Industrial Design 2011 present their innovative products in the object house. Design, manufacture and profit R5000 by November 2011.
“Superhero” and “Bird” organizational units can be used in a hallway or perhaps your home office. It is designed to help you organise and keep track of events and a space to put down your wallet and keys or any other bits and pieces. http://smacharry.blogspot.com
Fit'it is a flat-pack furniture kit that you can slot together by hand without any extra tools. It can be easily packed up, transported and assembled wherever you need to sit around a table with your friends. When you need more open space it can be stored out of the way. http://leftrightdesign.blogspot.com
This product is an armband which holds one mace/pepper spray canister and it is designed for any mountain biker or runners’ safety. The product is not intrusive on the users chosen sporting activity and provides peace of mind. http://rootdesignstudiosa.110mb.com
Flyers designed as a memorandum with a brief description of each product exhibited.
Nomadic Furniture provides you with a bed, two benches and a couch integrated into one product. The bed provides a place to sleep for you and a partner while the benches have the ability to seat you and five of your friends. The three-seater couch gives you a place to relax and watch a movie. http://five45.com
A device that affords mobility for PC's. Aimed at people who bring their computers to LAN events. It allows them to carry all their PC equipment (except the monitor) in one neat package that is comfortable and convenient to carry. http://takecoverbags.com
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