2 minute read
Time To Grow
Each year, many Sandites prepare their gardens for spring: removing weeds, tilling the soil, planting seeds, applying mulch, pruning shrubs. Growing a colorful, thriving garden takes effort, and so, too, does personal growth. Personal growth is the ongoing process of developing oneself in order to achieve one’s fullest potential.
To help us flourish in our personal lives and the community where we’ve put down roots, try some of these suggestions and watch as your lives slowly but surely, like tiny plant shoots in the ground, blossom:
Make working out and reading a priority Exercising your body and your brain will give you bursts of energy to tackle a presentation at work (or to finally clean out the garage) and help enrich your mind and cultivate new knowledge.
Quit a bad habit Whether you bite your nails or leave your shoes in a pile at the front door, it’s important to identify what triggers these habits and learn how you can break the pattern. Once you are able to surrender the habit for a week, try a month. Each day that you can curb negative practices will give you the confidence to continue.
Build a new skill High school students and retirees alike - and everyone in between - can benefit from trying a new skill. Learn a new language, practicing public speaking, or figure out how to code. Ask your boss or mentor about a skill you could try that would help you improve professionally or personally.
16 WeAreSandSprings.com | March 2020 Start a new hobby Most of us have an activity we want to try for fun, but we let our busy schedules and laundry list of obligations prevent us from pursuing something just for leisure. This month, sign up for the pottery class, start the cookbook club, or visit the parks for bird-watching.
Ask for feedback Invite your boss or colleagues to share any observations about your work performance, attitude, or recent project submissions. Be receptive to the information they share and see how incorporating their advice can enhance your performance on the job.
Perform an act of kindness Bring your elderly neighbor’s trash to the curb, buy coffee for the person in line behind you, send a casserole to a friend who is grieving, or surprise your child’s teacher with flowers. Making someone’s day feels good, so this will benefit you, too.
Get involved as a volunteer There are plenty of organizations around town that could use a hand. Reach out to the Salvation Army, Veterans Outreach International, or the Sand Springs Parks and Recreation Department to see how you can help.
Support local businesses Whether it’s the coffee shop near your office, the diner on your way home, the floral shop on the corner, or the clothing boutique with pretty clothes, be sure to patronize these companies and celebrate the financial impact small business has on our town.
This summer, all the gardeners who planted flowers, fruits, and vegetables in March will reap their rewards: bright bouquets, sun-ripened cantaloupe, garden fresh tomatoes. Put in the work now to improve your mind, body, and spirit and see just how much you can grow and transform by summer, too.