Annual Report: 2012

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Casting Our Nets. Myers Park Presbyterian Church 2012 Annual Report



2012 is behind us. Construction is complete. Our church, community and world ministries are thriving. Financial pledges are up. And members are being transformed by ministry like never before. It is time to build momentum. It is time to cast our nets.

Jesus compared ministry to fishing. The

This annual report is

two are a lot alike. Fishing requires

one view of our efforts

patience. You cannot see what is going on

at fishing. It reflects our

beneath the surface. You have very little

ministry and our efforts

control over the fish. Sometimes technique

to be faithful. Cast the

helps but not always. In the end, you may

nets…and trust God to use you in the

catch fish, you may not.


Being in ministry with Christ is a lot like that. Our job is to cast the nets. Be faithful. Get ourselves in the right position. Go to deeper waters. Maintain the boat and equipment. Be ready. Keep at it!

“And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me and I will make you fish for people.’” Mark 1:17


Administration 2012 Accomplishments Communications

Initiated churchwide website calendar and registration system; unveiled new streamlined churchwide website and individual sections for children, youth and adults; created comprehensive capabilities brochure, Discover Myers Park Presbyterian; launched Equip, a new real-time tool, and in one year it has been viewed by people in 90 of the world’s 195 countries; introduced church’s Facebook page with peak week of 20,000 views and potential reach of 160,000 individuals; conceptualized and produced stewardship video and print campaign; retooled Engage based on user feedback; developed new worship pocket folder and unified collateral materials; and continued to assess communications effectiveness through ongoing surveys.


Partnered with building committee to complete Oxford Hall renovations; replaced existing Oxford Hall roof; upgraded existing heating and air conditioning controls; completed re-keying system for all facilities; finished electrical service relocation in D-building; installed new carpet with stain-resistant backing in A- and B-buildings; supported Oxford Hall renovations with $100,000 in necessary upgrades to existing facility, including new furniture.


Implemented $100,000 budget freeze in response to pledge shortfall; balanced 2012 revenues and expenses; coordinated with stewardship council on 2013 campaign; conducted quarterly reviews of all operating funds; developed 2013 operating budget; and continuing to monitor capital receipts and disbursements.


Hired Lee Northcott as interim director of music ministries and Kim Vanover as Weekday School managing director; completed staff study for music ministries; hired Kevin Harper as program manager for wellness ministries; approved and implemented revised policy and procedures for annual staff compensation reviews and adjustments; hired Beth Bell as members’ ministry coordinator; and initiated staff study for outreach ministries.

Casting Our Nets: Administration “This year we have watched God multiply our resources into something awesome. You can see the Lord at work in our campus renovations, personnel, finance and communications. It is a combination of creative, yet analytical, thinking.” Allen Woodward, Administration Chair


2013 Goals Communications

Assess effectiveness of new communications system introduced in 2012; deploy creative content across multiple platforms and heighten interactive capabilities; continue to partner with ministries through think tanks and the communications committee.


Fulfill long-range space plan for choir and renovate four existing A-building rooms for music ministry’s use; aid implementation of Weekday School’s long-range strategic plan; provide two new sinks in C-building for half-day school expansion; execute day-to-day maintenance for expanded facilities; and carry out any necessary major projects that fall within budget parameters.



Continue to work with stewardship team to bring annual pledges to pre-recession levels; maintain focus on financial stability of operating funds; partner with stewardship team to complete final year of Deeper Discipleship capital campaign. Conduct search to find and hire the director of music ministries; initiate other music staff study recommendations; maximize positive benefit of upcoming clergy sabbaticals while minimizing any adverse impact on the church due to their absences; continue to refine personnel policies and their implementation in light of the current economic environment.


Adult Education 2012 Accomplishments

Strategic Planning

Completed multi-year review and reported outcome to session; research included surveying best practices among regional and national churches and polling our congregation regarding their opinions; surveyed comparable churches for best practices.

Faith & Politics Speaker Series

Launched four-week community speaker series prior to the election.

Sunday School

Supported the eight adult classes.


Offered 16 Winter / Lent 2012 classes to over 200 participants.

Educational Travel

Led two-week Holy Land/Egypt experience for 34 individuals from Myers Park Presbyterian.

Book Discussions

Concluded monthly discussion of A New Kind of Christianity and began discussion of Speaking Christian.

Men’s Tuesday Bible Study

Focused on Ezra-Nehemiah, parables for today, Paul, James and Job.

Officer Development Prepared 12 elders, 12 deacons and two youth deacons for service. Lenten Small Groups Guided six Lenten groups with 48 participants.

2013 Goals Implement and request feedback on new disciple-making vision; continue to explore small group ministry models for our church; live into new space in the renovated Oxford Hall; foster intergenerational spiritual formation; increase use of digital media, networks and technology; and shift to Sunday morning as the primary day and time for adult disciple making.


Casting Our Nets: Adult Education “Last year we laid a strong foundation, and we are excited about the future for adults here at our church. It is a conscious shift from simply educating adults to making disciples. We want men and women to understand the joy and lifelong nature of spiritual growth.� Will Davis, Adult Education Chair 5

Children & Their Families 2012 Accomplishments

Sunday School

Evaluated curricula and implemented Spark for preschool through elementary classes.

Baptism Support

Formed a new team to develop programming for ages 0-3, such as a Musikgarten class for parents and young children; developed Bibles and Babies discipleship class in cooperation with adult education; and began providing families with a children’s Bible at baptism.

Faith Formation

Engaged the following number of children and their families through these activities: 150-200, Sunday morning classes; 250+, Vacation Church Camp; 50-60, Wednesday night programming; 47 fourthand fifth-graders, Mission Kids outreach; and over 250, Weekday School.

Weekday School

Hired Managing Director Kim Vanover; added four enrichment classes: art, music, faith development and library; continued board development with strategic planning, bylaw updates and budget analysis.

2013 Goals



Deepen relationships with church partners, including Billingsville Elementary and Grier Heights.

Faith Milestones

Strengthen programs like third-grade Bible and the fifth-grade Faith and Human Sexuality Workshop, and develop new faith milestone activities such as a first-grade communion workshop and kindergarten worship education.

Disciple Making

Find new ways to inspire and equip adult disciples to serve in this ministry.

Preschool Worship

Enrich worship for preschoolers by using the Godly Play curriculum during WeeWorship.

Weekday School

Continue improving Providence Hall, the playground and existing space; explore afterschool program for elementary school-aged children; refine communication between parents, staff and board; and develop scholarship resource assistance for families in need.

Casting Our Nets: Children and Their Families “We are continually assessing how best to meet the needs of our congregation, providing families with spiritual nourishment both at church and at home. We want to equip parents with the tools to make faith a part of their children’s daily lives. Parents are the most important faith educators for their children, and we are here to provide support and resources as families grow together in faith.� Jen Schubert, Children and Their Families Chair


Congregational Life 2012 Accomplishments



Focused on program growth and stabilization; evaluated/ established rate structure for 2013; added ballroom dance instruction; expanded after-school program to include 3-year-olds and non-Weekday School students; added youth sports clinics during school holidays; began providing an at-risk youth mentoring program through partnership with Crossroads Corporation and Phi Beta Fraternity; encouraged weight loss and netted over $500 for Loaves and Fishes through Your Loss, Their Gain.

Every Member Has A Ministry

Reevaluated our tools for the call and response of disciples to ministry; updated online spiritual gifts inventory; gathered data regarding members actually serving in ministry; partnered with staff and lay leaders to encourage healthy teams and meaningful ministry experiences; and encouraged individuals in their search for the right ministry fit.

New Members

Welcomed 153 new members in 2012, a 24 percent year-to-year increase; embraced growing demographic of 20 through 40-yearolds joining the church; utilized nine-member lay team to lead small group discussions, answer questions, and personalize the class experience.

Presbyterian Women

Conducted 15 circles for over 200 participants; launched The Cypress circle and another circle focused on global women’s issues; hosted special events such as staff appreciation lunch, women’s retreat and children’s consignment sale; organized spring birthday celebration, Sharon Towers social, fall gathering and Christmas communion with lunch; managed the $1,009 Thanksgiving, the $1,185 Christmas Joy, and the $1,769 May Birthday special offerings; and raised $970 from the sale of Mother’s Day cards for women’s international health; and donated $6,570 in consignment sale proceeds to specific outreach partners, the high school mission trip and our Weekday School.


Continued weekly Sunday School class for individuals in their mid-20s to mid-40s; gathered for special events such as the fall barbeque, bowling, and a Christmas party; and participated in outreach ministries together such as Habitat for Humanity.

2013 Goals Wellness

Evaluate long-term financial outlook; develop and support programs for target demographic.

New Members

Offer five 2013 classes using one-day format based on user input; ensure that newcomers become engaged disciples by heightening welcome and increasing their familiarity with resources.

Every Member Has A Ministry

Help members sense and respond to God’s call; assist lay leaders in more effectively calling, equipping and encouraging disciples in ministry; ensure ministry teams are well-structured and foster meaningful ministry experiences; utilize the church’s database more accurately to track where and how members serve in ministry; and reach out individually to members who are not engaged in ministry.


Develop ministry for members to serve at the reception desk on Sunday mornings; call and equip ambassadors on Sunday mornings to welcome those who attend.


Outreach 2012 Accomplishments


Provided $520,000 in financial support to 34 regional ministries/agencies and six global ministry partners; helped manage capital expenditures for Malawi, the Remedios Presbyterian Church in Cuba, and Habitat for Humanity El Salvador; obtained funding for medical mission and education in Getsemani, El Salvador; approved endowment funding for Care Ring, the Samaritan Counseling Center Safe Churches program, Billingsville Elementary’s Let Me Run program, and Room in the Inn shelter support during the Democratic convention; approved a total of $806,500 in capital campaign funding for the Billingsville teacher mentor program, the YWCA Billingsville Youth Center, Communities in Schools, the Montreat Assembly Inn, and El Salvador World Vision and El Salvador Getsemani; and were able to go above and beyond to meet global outreach needs thanks to record global gift catalog proceeds.

Relationships Continued building Grier Heights relationships through the Learning Collaborative Preschool, AG Middle School afterschool Bulldogs Matter, and the Urban Eagles’ sports and mentoring programs; provided ongoing support to CrossRoads Corporation which broke ground on a new affordable housing subdivision and won a $200,000 independent grant for a Grier Heights community center; supported Billingsville Elementary through tutoring, clerical support, and continued funding of the new teacher mentor staff position; partnered with the YWCA on a new Billingsville afterschool program; continued support of the summer program and Billingsville garden; celebrated the completion of our 25th Charlotte Habitat home; deepened personal relationships with mission partners in Congo, Cuba, El Salvador, Hungary and Malawi through mission trips and hosting representatives from the countries; completed a Congolese girls’ school; and established a parent/ child mission to El Salvador. Engagement


Reorganized local outreach into Mercy, Homeward Bound, and Grier Heights teams; assisted denomination’s global mission restructure; presented Getsemani community development plan to the Habitat Global Village Summit; and shared best practices among nearly 300 people at Toxic Charity author Bob Lupton’s presentations.


Welcomed 200 Room in the Inn neighbors, thanks to 100 members’ service; 75 members hosted 11 Family Promise families; over 40 disciples consistently served at the Loaves and Fishes downtown pantry; 20 disciples delivered Friendship Tray meals weekly; over 100 disciples prepared casseroles for the Men’s Shelter of Charlotte throughout the year; 725 youth and adult teams from five states served more than 10,000 hours through CROSS Missions; 26 disciples aided families without insurance at the Community Health Clinic; a single disciple collected and delivered food monthly for First Sunday food drive; 55 El Salvador disciples completed the goal of 92 homes built, supported education and entrepreneurship, and fostered youth peacemaking programs; and 15 members partnered with The Great Church of Debrecen, Hungary, to strengthen its relationship with the Roma community.

2013 Goals Broaden depth of member participation; avoid one-way, non-relational giving; and transition several ministries’ funding from capital to annual.

Casting Our Nets: Outreach “The October Elizabeth Heights groundbreaking ceremony was a meaningful culmination of prayer and partnership. What a defining moment to see our church, neighborhood leaders and residents, local and state officials, and media representatives celebrating a new day in Grier Heights.” Joe Helweg, Outreach Chair 11

Casting Our Nets: Pastoral Care “It is a blessing to share the love and spirit of Christ. It has been particularly heartwarming to witness the caring and sharing at Billingsville Elementary and in the Grier Heights community.� Sally Butz, Deacon Moderator


Pastoral Care 2012 Accomplishments

Prayer Ministry

Offered weekly centering prayer time at our church; continued our intercessory prayer ministry; prayed for every church member during Lent; taught Academy Christian meditation classes; and held an Introduction to Centering Prayer workshop.

Meal Ministry

Shared compassion and meals with individuals who were experiencing illness or disability.

Church Friends

Fostered intergenerational friendships to keep those unable to attend services connected to the church.

Health Ministries

Worked with parish nurse to train 12 members for caring teams; provided physicians, nurses and translators for our uninsured neighbors at the Charlotte Community Health Clinic; hosted a flu shot clinic, a CPR training class and two successful blood drives; provided Billingsville Elementary first aid and supplies; and offered medical equipment to church members in need.

Deacon Connections

Matched deacons to members, fostering two-way communication regarding needs.

Stephen Ministry

Provided support to over 30 members; commissioned and trained new Stephen Ministers in partnership with another local church; attended funerals/ memorials to console grieving families; and hosted a reception after the annual Kindermourn worship service for parents grieving the death of a child.

Helping Hands

Assisted senior adults, single parents and less mobile individuals with small indoor and outdoor household projects through this member-to-member ministry.

2013 Goals Deepen Connections

Heighten awareness, and encourage use, of the deacons’ ministry for individuals who are in physical or spiritual need; and deepen the prayer life of our church.


Stewardship 2012 Accomplishments

Enhanced understanding and inspiration regarding weekly plate offering through pulpit interviews and Sunday bulletin ministry features. Rejoiced over year-to-year annual stewardship increases including the total amount pledged of $5 million, the average family unit’s pledge of $4,440, and the nearly 60 percent of pledging family units who increased their financial commitments. Doubled number of disciples serving in financial stewardship ministries. Raised awareness of how giving supports countless ministries through Commit stewardship campaign.

2013 Goals

Build on annual stewardship momentum and encourage a continued increase in the number of yearly financial commitments. Solicit significant percentage of outstanding capital campaign pledges. Grow faith-based individual/family giving plans through increased endowment education.

Casting Our Nets: Stewardship “Commitment Sunday was a memorable day for the congregation. Many families made their financial commitments, and people noted how meaningful the worship experience was. We are embracing God’s miraculous transformation of our dollars into ministries which impact people’s lives.” Bill Plyler, Stewardship Chair



Casting Our Nets: Worship & Music


“Both the sanctuary and Celebrate worship services provide abundant ways for you to grow and serve. It may be greeting worshipers, singing in the choir or even preparing communion, but you will be blessed. The men, women, youth and children of our faith community combine to make worship so vibrant. What a wonderful way to share Christ’s love.” Sandy Thompson, Worship Chair

Worship & Music 2012 Accomplishments

Worship Services

Heightened awareness of ministries through yearlong integrated ministry campaign – poster-size photographs, slides, video, the bulletin and speakers; introduced service of wholeness; increased number of ushers by revising program; and transitioned Celebrate location to interim space.

Sanctuary Music

Shifted from permanent to interim staff; repaired organ at cost much below original estimate; and presented Josef Rheinberger’s The Star of Bethlehem during Advent.


Expanded the discipleship team and improved the process.


Provided floral arrangements to all assisted living facilities where our members reside.

2013 Goals

Worship Services

Analyze current worship schedule to gain efficiencies; conduct quarterly service of wholeness; utilize new technology to enhance and integrate the sanctuary and Celebrate services; build on the momentum of the integrated ministry program; identify and train a new lay reader coordinator and sanctuary decorating disciples; expand and diversify Celebrate’s music; build on strong family participation throughout worship.

Sanctuary Music

Optimize the music staff; renovate the sanctuary Steinway piano; recruit new choir members for all ensembles; and move the music library to its expanded location.


Recruit additional disciples to assist at all four services.


Minister to members in assisted living facilities, and offer discipleship opportunities to individuals who enjoy floral arranging.


Youth & Their Families 2012 Accomplishments



Guided 240 youth on seven summer events/trips; established lifelong connections with first youth/parent mission trip to El Salvador; engaged 54 youth who served at Vacation Church Camp; brainstormed and implemented Manna Mission so youth can host bake sales and donate proceeds towards a common purpose; and hosted Jesus and Me for 24 sixth- and seventh-graders.


Started a new tradition by hosting nearly 300 parents and youth at a kickoff lunch; established new record making over 30,000 meals in two hours for Stop Hunger Now; launched a new annual event for seniors to honor the adult leadership team who have mentored them; nurtured 65 eight-graders during the confirmation experience which included several small group mission experiences; served monthly meals to the women of Elizabeth’s Caldwell House; baked and sold pies and donated proceeds to mission scholarships; enjoyed ongoing parent fellowship at class dinners; created class t-shirts to instill sense of identity and belonging; hosted 275 area-wide middle school youth for a dance; and formed middle school youth council which meets monthly to give insight and evaluate worship and programs.

2013 Goals Continue fostering youth as church leaders, welcoming two youth as elders and two as deacons; create adolescent milestones of faith; partner with other large regional churches on a fall youth spiritual formation retreat; host discernment dinner/workshop for high school youth and confirmands who are trying to discern a call to ministry; and develop a three-week spring middle school sexuality class.

Casting Our Nets: Youth & Their Families “With all the pressures our teenagers face today it is important to connect with God and their faith more than ever. Our goal is to provide youth with the opportunity to learn about God, grow in their faith and serve others through discipleship. We have developed an environment where youth feel comfortable asking the difficult questions, and have fun in their journey of faith.� Beth Pence, Youth Chair


2013 Budget

Expense Summary

2012 Approved Budget

2013 Approved Budget





Adult Education





Children and Their Families





Congregational Life





Denominational Support















Pastoral Care



















Youth and Their Families





5,274,432 100.00



Program Support

Total General Fund Budget


2012-2013 Annual Fund Pledge Comparison Increase


New Pledge

164 92



Held Constant

Capital Pledge Payment Progress Goal

campaign receipts $22,063,999

amount outstanding $7,936,001

campaign goal $30,000,000

paid in full (58%)

Elder Class 2013 Pam Clark Elizabeth Dickens Joe Helweg Jack Hinson Jeff Long Peggy McBryde Jen Schubert Julian Spratt Sandy Thompson Rainey Way Sandy Weathersbee Rob Willingham

Elder Class 2014 Glenn Boone Bob Davies Jimmy Flowers Bev Hance Carolyn Hudson Mary Mandeville Beth Pence Bill Plyler Ernie Reigel Bill Warren Allen Woodward

partially paid


no payments (8%)

Elder Class 2015 Will Davis Diana Faison Greg Hinrichs Linda Ibsen Thom Klingman Daniel LaFar Travis McCollum Tom Okel Mary Beth Pope Bill Scott Vicki Smith Jo Stewart 21

Myers Park Presbyterian Church 2501 Oxford Place Charlotte, NC 28207 704.376.3695

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