Defining Moments. eria
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Pr t rk a P por e s r R e ual My n n 0A 201
2010 is now on the scrap heap with all the years before
it. For us as a congregation, it was 365 days filled with births, deaths, baptisms, weddings, divorces, graduations, career moves, financial challenges, sickness and recovery. Some might call it business as usual for the church.
Yet I have a sense that 2011 will be anything but usual. Maybe it was the blanket of snow and ice in January that brought our city to a virtual standstill. But I think God and the ever-changing needs of our congregation are calling us to fasten our seat belts, evaluate what has become stale and ineffective and get to work. Look at everything with fresh eyes and an open heart—worship, Sunday School, Academy, stewardship, outreach, pastoral care, adults, children, youth, recreation and congregational life. Then ask yourself, “Where is the Spirit leading us?” This is a question you and I must ask one another over and over again.
off the calendar and make others more meaningful and rewarding. A year to make your face and my face the faces of discipleship. Life is too short to waste. So join me in this exciting time of evaluation and renewal. Surely God would not want us to add years to the pile, with little sense of excitement, joy and anticipation for the future. Together we can make the year of our Lord, 2011, exceptional!
My prayer is that 2011 will be a year of renewal and vision. A year to stop doing things that have served their purpose. A year to clear some things
Administration 2010 Accomplishments Communications
launched new website with online congregational directory and began implementation of churchwide online registration; conducted full year of quarterly surveys to assess effectiveness; started creating an ongoing discipleship video series for spring 2011 introduction; developed social media policy guidelines and tool analysis in preparation for first quarter 2011 kickoff; and introduced Journey, a new quarterly magazine.
analyzed ways to improve navigation of our campus and initiated wayfinding/signage project scheduled for completion in spring of 2011; heightened overall campus security with a new security system and limited door access; and broke ground and worked toward an on-time, on-budget second quarter 2011 completion of the new 42,000 square foot outreach center.
worked with all church ministries to manage a tight 2010 budget and readied the rollout of a flat 2011 budget.
appointed new Weekday School director and facilitated faculty hires for new full-day portion of school; finalized hiring the coordinator of new members and Presbyterian Women; and began the search for a director/pastor for the children and their families’ ministry and a stewardship/development director.
2011 Challenges Communications
Facilities Personnel
streamline and improve churchwide online registration; transition from printintensive focus to greater use and implementation of electronic forms of communication; and use diverse tools to build community and deepen awareness of opportunities for growth and transformation. plan for systems replacement in tight financial environment; and plan and bring outreach center online. continue search to replace the associate pastor/director for children and their families, the stewardship development director and the local outreach director.
Defining Moments: Administration Moving forward on the new outreach center despite the economy. “This was, and is, a strong testimony of faith and an unparalleled commitment to outreach.� Jamie McLawhorn, Administration Chair
Adult Education 2010 Accomplishments
Sunday School
introduced two new Sunday School classes and blended two others into existing classes to match class type to demographic need.
conducted 39 Academy classes with 352 students.
New Initiatives
launched monthly book discussion and Remedial Christianity groups as a result of member feedback.
Officer Development trained and installed 26 officers. Speaker Series
initiated new speaker series on the Future of Faith collaborating with Davidson College, Queens University and Selwyn Presbyterian.
Bible Study
celebrated the seventh consecutive year of the Tuesday Men’s Bible Study.
Educational Travel
continued planning a new educational travel program with Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond which begins in 2011.
2011 Challenges
Sunday School
determine Sunday School guidelines and evaluate additional summer offerings.
analyze existing Academy program and assess new initiatives, curriculum and publicity to diversify and broaden its appeal.
New Study
gauge whether to add Bible Workbench to our Bible study offerings.
Educational Travel
further the educational travel program with a 2012 trip to the reformation heritage sites and a 2013 trip to the Holy Land and Egypt.
Small Groups
explore the best ways to offer and support small groups including book discussions.
Defining Moments: Adult Education Reaching beyond our doors. “Hundreds came to hear nationally-renowned Harvey Cox in the new speaker series as we explored how changes in culture affect the future of faith.� Jack Fenlon, Adult Education Chair
Children & Their Families 2010 Accomplishments
revamped the Mission Kids program, increasing and broadening participation, culminating in a December family mission event with 68 children and adults.
Weekday School
launched full-day program for infants – three-year-olds; hired new director and assistant director; earned a five-star rating from the state of North Carolina and NAEYC accreditation for full-day program; realigned board to begin functioning along more traditional non-profit board guidelines.
Wednesday Night Programming
initiated Jr. Art & the Bible class for three and four-year-olds and introduced a time of spiritual reflection for elementary-aged children called The Way of the Child.
Overall Ministry
increased lay and parental involvement after departure of associate pastor.
2011 Challenges
Search Continues
maintain Children and their Families Ministry’s vibrancy during search for associate pastor/director.
Deep and Wide
improve how we equip ministry leaders and broaden discipleship base to avoid burnout of lay leadership and improve satisfaction.
Weekday School
add full-day, four-year-old classroom to the Weekday School; deal with state licensing issues; continue the evolution of the board; prepare for NAEYC reaccreditation for half-day program; and complete playground safety upgrade.
develop and strengthen communication with families of children, infants-to-fifth-grade, as well as the overall congregation.
Experiential Activities revamp Vacation Church Camp to deepen the experience for children and disciples.
Defining Moments: Children & Their Families Revitalizing our Mission Kids ministry. “Mission Kids has tapped into a hunger among our children and families to put their Christian faith into action. With energetic staff and lay leadership and a revamped program we have increased accessibility and deepened experience, “ Jennifer Schubert, Children and Their Families Co-Chair Expanding our weekday school ministry in the middle of a recession. “The decision to include a full-day program not only has given working families a safe and nurturing environment for their preschoolers but it also has deepened their involvement and connection to our church family. One parent said, ‘We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking this leap of faith.’” Pam Clark, Children and Their Families Co-Chair
Congregational Life 2010 Accomplishments
Every Member Has A Ministry
obtained 1,162 ministry commitments from disciples – an 11 percent decrease over 2009 levels.
New Members
introduced a new small group class format led by Senior Pastor Steve Eason and Executive Pastor Millie Snyder and welcomed over 111 people to the church.
Presbyterian Women
strengthened this vibrant ministry with 235 women involved as circle members; distributed $5,529 in proceeds from annual consignment sale fundraiser to the Myers Park Presbyterian Weekday School and the Seigle Avenue Preschool Cooperative.
Christian Life Center
hosted record number of basketball team participants and increased diversification of summer sports camps, afterschool gymnastics programs, exercise classes, flag football and basketball team programming.
2011 Challenges
Mind, Body and Spirit
broaden interest in fitness and recreational ministries, and develop innovative ways to increase membership and participation through the new outreach center.
Generation Y
encourage and support Trinity, a newly-formed fellowship of adults 25- to 40-years-old, as they develop discipleship opportunities, social functions and a weekly Sunday School class.
Welcome Our Neighbors determine how to become a more hospitable church and increase the number of disciples who serve as hosts. Deepen Faith
continue to educate and encourage members to engage in Every Member Has a Ministry, and offer diverse opportunities for individuals to deepen their faith and strengthen their relationship with God and one another.
Defining Moments: Congregataional Life Getting out of the way of Gen X and Y. “Allowing the 20s and 30s to define how they can best serve and grow in Myers Park Presbyterian was pivotal. The new lay-led Trinity Group encompasses over 1,000 people.� Missy Plyler, Congregational Life Chair
Outreach 2010 Accomplishments
Funding Requests
reviewed and approved annual grant requests and fulfilled a number of neighbor needs including providing emergency/ disaster relief funds for areas stricken by earthquakes and other natural disasters; applying endowment funds towards a Hawthorne High School infant daycare to enable teen mothers to finish their education; assisting with the Hope Haven roof repair; funding a McCreesh Place grief counselor; and helping pay for the funeral of a murdered young girl.
Strengthened Relationships joined with CrossRoads Corporation in an ongoing Grier Heights book discussion group which has initiated friendships and built trust; congratulated CrossRoads which applied for, and received, $546,577 in grants to further its Grier Heights mission; deepened our relationship with Billingsville Elementary School and Freedom School; began a new relationship with the Urban Eagles soccer players who are living in Grier Heights and mentoring middle school boys through athletics. Educating Our Church Family
furthered understanding of the significance of relationships to discipleship; emphasized deeper versus wider with our agency support; filmed video stories of transformation; fine-tuned our outreach structure; and hosted a justice and advocacy workshop.
experienced strong participation on mission trips to our partner countries (Congo, Cuba, El Salvador, Hungary and Malawi).
CROSS Missions
hosted more than 700 youth and adults for Charlotte urban ministry.
Record Discipleship
Defining Moments: Outreach Going deeper versus wider. “Tough financial decisions had to be made in 2010 and our ministry was no exception. Wrestling with these issues is never fun but it clarifies your perspective.� Teri Boone, Outreach Chair 10
Outreach Causes & Effects
Mission Education
Global Relationships
2011 Challenges Heighten Relationship- Building Focus
assess the level of hands-on involvement among our many outreach ministries; ensure volume of opportunities matches interests and passions of our members; emphasize ministries which expand relationships; and deepen our commitment to the streamlined endeavors.
Build Momentum
identify more disciples to engage in outreach ministries and in outreach leadership roles.
Quality & Quantity
maintain the excellent quality of CROSS Missions as participation grows exponentially.
strive to be the best stewards possible of the annual, endowment and emergency funds available.
Defining Moments: Pastoral Care Feeling God moving in our midst through prayer. “It started with over 20 people showing up for eight hours on a Saturday in July to focus on centering prayer. Then Steve Eason called to say he had something on his heart that he wanted to bring to the deacons—it was a meditation on prayer. Of the growth, interest and participation in our prayer ministry, Deborah said, “God is moving” and I knew it was true. Kay Norris, Deacon Moderator 12
Pastoral Care 2010 Accomplishments
Prayer Ministry
expanded the role of prayer in our church with newly-renamed prayer ministry; deepened congregational prayer by hosting a Centering Prayer workshop and establishing a weekly Centering Prayer group; hosted weekly Silent Nights during Advent focusing on centering prayer and Christian meditation; and continued our intercessory prayer ministry on behalf of those requesting prayer.
Meal Ministry
shared compassion, meals and onsite visits with those experiencing illness or disability.
Church Friends
fostered intergenerational friendships to keep those unable to attend services connected to the church.
Health Ministries
provided physicians, nurses and translators for our uninsured neighbors at the Charlotte Community Health Clinic on a monthly basis; hosted health awareness programs, a flu shot clinic and a very successful blood drive; and offered advice and expertise to international mission team members.
Deacon Connections
researched, developed and prepared to launch Deacon Connections, a new initiative that will connect members to each other and to the church’s ministries; and identified each deacon’s personal network in the church so he/she can stay informed about individual concerns/needs and foster caring for one another.
Stephen Ministry
provided support to over 30 members; commissioned new Stephen Ministers; continued to look for outreach opportunities with Urban Ministry and W.I.S.H.; and provided support to grieving families through the bereavement ministry and attendance at funerals and memorial services.
Helping Hands
introduced a new member-to-member ministry to assist senior adults, single parents and less mobile individuals with small indoor and outdoor household projects.
2011 Challenges
Deepen Connections
foster closeness and caring within our large and vibrant church through our deacon fellowship; ensure that in times of physical and spiritual need we are there for each other, reflecting Christ’s love; and deepen the prayer life of our church.
Stewardship 2010 Accomplishments
Completed a nine-month, intergenerational stewardship task force and determined shift is needed from a pay-the-dues mentality to generous discipleship. Rejoiced in generous 2010 annual and capital campaign contributions despite a weak economy. Began a five-year strategic plan which calls for a stewardship council to oversee annual campaigns and a full-time stewardship director.
Supported church activities through our endowment with a total expenditure of $68,000; half of this amount was applied towards community outreach, 25 percent went toward worldwide outreach and 25 percent was used for denominational relations; the current balance of the Myers Park Presbyterian Church endowment is approximately $6.3 million.
2011 Challenges Lay the groundwork for a multi-year stewardship culture change. Encourage, monitor and acknowledge annual and capital gifts. Deepen support for annual operating budget and heighten overall understanding of its necessity. Overcome either/or mentality when it comes to the fulfillment of capital pledges and making annual commitment. Ensure sound stewardship by balancing a tight budget against growing programming and personnel needs.
Defining Moments: Stewardship Seeing the courage of people stepping in the breach for those who were unable. “We are not there yet, but in 2010, we saw an amazing spirit of generosity emerging.� Ivan Hinrichs, Stewardship Chair 14
2011 Budget
Expense Summary
2010 Approved Budget
2011 Approved Budget
administrative services
total administrative
Children & Their Families
Congregational Life
Denominational Relations
Pastoral Care
Youth & Their Families
Total General Fund Budget
Defining Moments: Worship & Music “Realizing glorifying God can take many forms . Defining moments happened in worship Sunday after Sunday, as we explored how to deepen the worship experience, yet tighten expenses.� Faye Tate, former Worship Chair 16
Worship & Music 2010 Accomplishments
enhanced consistency between the four weekly services (two of each worship type) through the video link for the sermon and interchange of pastors.
increased adult choir participation in 8:45 a.m. service.
strengthened lay and youth participation in worship.
launched Wednesday morning Lenten services.
Special Services
augmented special services throughout the year including Maundy Thursday, Palm Sunday, Easter, the travelers’ service and five Christmas Eve services.
Worship Services
2011 Challenges
Enhance Meaning
provide a challenging and meaningful experience for all worshippers.
Build Youth Involvement further incorporate youth into worship through lay reading, ushering and flower ministry. Strengthen Participation grow the youth choir despite changes in choir trip and special event funding. Facility Changes and Updates
upgrade video and audio equipment in the Celebrate service to reflect improved technology; and improve sound quality in the chancel.
Ensure Worship Unity heighten continuity between the Celebrate and sanctuary services. Heighten Worship
find new ways to improve the quality of the worship experience despite a reduced music budget.
Youth & Their Families 2010 Accomplishments
Clergy & Staff
welcomed Michelle Thomas-Bush to the Myers Park Presbyterian community of faith and engaged Nick Cheek as a permanent member of the pastoral staff.
finalized the 2011 summer mission trip schedule six months early and created online registration for all youth trips.
Growing & Serving
hosted nine local, national and international trips with 332 youth.
Getting Involved
prepared and executed a successful August kick-off event for youth and their parents which included parental discipleship opportunities and the entire 2011 schedule; and introduced monthly class dinners in families’ homes.
Special Events
hosted a battle of the bands high school concert to benefit Haiti which raised $1,400; and planned David Lamotte adult and youth concerts.
launched four-week Room in the Inn immersion experience for middle school youth.
Building Leaders
streamlined the youth council meeting schedule and established six subcommittees (community of faith, spiritual growth, supportive environment, outreach/mission, discipleship and finance).
began planning a 2011 fundraiser for youth programs.
Defining Moments: Youth & Their Families Bringing Michelle Thomas-Bush, our new youth pastor, on board. “Her leadership has energized the youth and their families strengthening their relationship with one another and the church.� David Simas, Youth & Their Families Chair 18
2011 Challenges
New Space
acclimate youth to their new space and use it to further highlight and enhance our youth ministry.
Youth Participation
grow the number of youth who participate in at least one youth program (choir, Sunday school, Sunday night youth fellowship, class dinners, etc.).
Parental Participation
increase parental involvement in all youth programs; select a summer intern to assist the youth ministry team.
Growing Leaders
improve youth leadership opportunities in areas such as outreach, fundraising, mission trip planning and Sunday night youth fellowship.
Wow Factor
build excitement around the Christian education programs particularly for high school students.
Making it Work
further improving the youth ministry council and sub-committees’ functionality.
It will be a defining moment when...
“...being a Christian is more than becoming a member of a church but a way of life. When we realize that Christianity is more than a religious club. When what we value, how we communicate, our priorities and our goals are defined by the very character of God. When we realize our faith is way more than mere charity or tradition. And when we defy the culture around us and live into the culture of Christ.” Steve Eason, Pastor
“...we understand that hospitality belongs to each of us as Christians. When we own hospitality not as a ministry or a program but as an integral piece of who we are as a family of Christ. And when we realize that hospitality is not a maybe or a should, but part of the gospel.” Millie Snyder, Executive Pastor
“...our perception of mission changes from that of donor to recipient and becomes an exchange of gifts and culture; when we shift our focus from projects and money to building relationships; when we forget changing other people and focus instead on learning from them; and when we no longer think of ourselves as the authorities with all the answers and instead realize we are students of Christ who need to stop talking and listen.” Bob Breed, Associate Pastor for Outreach
God has shown you what is good, and what the Lord requires of you but to do justice, love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
“..the way we live as Christians is so attractive that people outside the church want to belong. When our words and actions are indistinguishable. When our love for God spills out into love for neighbors and for ourselves. And when the grace of God so transforms us that we become instruments of transformation for our communities, our nation and our world.” Von Clemans, Associate Pastor for Adult Education
“...we see ourselves not only as doers reaching out to others but as body of believers cultivating inward relationships with Jesus Christ. And when we become more aware of who we are in and through Christ, it allows us to be more effective in serving others.” Deborah Conner, Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care
“...we become intentional about our own faith and that of our families. When we move beyond the checklist of confirmation, mission trip and what we think we need, to faith as a way of life. And when we commit as a whole family to the adventure of faith and its unbelievable joy. Michelle Thomas-Bush, Associate Pastor for Youth & Their Families
Myers Park Presbyterian Church 2501 Oxford Place Charlotte, NC 28207 704.376.3695