Windows of Opportunity.
Myers Park Presbyterian Church
2011 Annual Report 1
60 seconds in a minute. 60 minutes in an hour. 24 hours in
a day. 365 days a year. An average of 78 years. God grants us a finite window of opportunity in our lifetime. How will we use it? Working hard and playing harder or honoring God? Living for all that the world has to offer or glorifying Christ? Investing in the finest portfolio imaginable or giving generously, knowing that all that we are and all that we have are gifts from above?
In many ways life is about accountability. Some would say accountability is accepting responsibility. Others think it is explaining your actions. Still others call it being transparent. As Christians, each of us is accountable to God and to one another. Daily we should ask ourselves how we are using our Godgiven gifts, and whether we are glorifying Christ to the best of our abilities. Those are the very same questions we ask here at Myers Park Presbyterian. Here we hold ourselves to an even higher standard than you might as an individual. Does our church maximize the resources you make available? Are we good stewards of our facilities? Are our ministries being pruned and tended to so that they may grow? Is this church a vessel for Christ to use?
These are the questions of accountability. Good answers build trust and strengthen this church for service in Charlotte and beyond. This annual report is our statement of accountability. We hope it provides you with helpful information about the life of Myers Park Presbyterian. We hope that the work reflected in these pages has brought honor and glory to God.
Administration 2011 Accomplishments Communications
completed analysis and designed new communications system; created How to Tell My Ministry’s Story guide; enlisted Facebook content providers and early adopters; conceptualized Equip, a new real-time e-publication; designed new streamlined churchwide website and sites for self-sustaining ministries – Weekday School, CROSS Missions and wellness ministry; produced stewardship video and print campaign; developed print and visual components for integrated ministry worship experience launch; and assessed overall effectiveness with quarterly congregational surveys.
partnered with building committee to open the 42,000 square foot Outreach Center on-time and on budget; installed wayfinding/signage; renovated space to further Weekday School expansion; standardized door hardware and key system to improve campus function and access; remodeled Cornerstone bathrooms and bedrooms for intern and Family Promise use; and completed pre-construction projects necessary for the Oxford Hall renovation.
balanced 2011 revenues and expenses; developed the 2012 budget using 2 percent pledge increase projection; informed/shaped the session’s decision to move forward with remodeling Oxford Hall; and devised a building financing plan with a $5.5 million project cap, $1 million short-term borrowing and repayment plan.
filled existing positions by installing Associate Pastor for Children and Their Families Julie Hester, Stewardship Development Director Sean Mitchell, Half-Day Weekday School Director Heidi Alexander and Wellness Director Donna Fair; and reviewed job description, compensation and performance evaluation systems.
2012 Goals
complete launch of new communications system in January to maximize efficiency and balance our print and electronic mix; use diverse tools to build community and deepen awareness of opportunities for growth and transformation; and partner with ministries through think tanks and the communications committee.
coordinate and integrate Oxford Hall renovation in partnership with the building committee; and plan and execute day-to-day maintenance and major projects despite budget reductions.
partner with the stewardship team and heighten year-round awareness of giving; assist our self-sustaining ministries – Weekday School, wellness, food service and CROSS Missions – in strengthening their financial future.
welcome the Weekday School Managing Director; continue restructuring music staff; heighten performance via job clarity, adequate compensation and regular evaluations.
Windows of Opportunity: Administration Onwards and upwards. Completing the Myers Park Presbyterian Outreach Center; proceeding with the Oxford Hall renovation; filling key staff openings; developing new communication methods; and continuing faithful giving. All bear witness to Christ at work within our church. Norman Walters, Administration Committee Chair
Adult Education 2011 Accomplishments
Sunday School
introduced a new class taught by Rev. Dr. Millie Snyder; blended the Mingles group into our eight other offerings; and conducted a lay-led Faces of Faith summer class series.
conducted 36 classes with 268 participants.
Other Initiatives hosted A New Kind of Christianity book discussion group and continued the seven-year tradition of a weekly men’s Bible study. Officer Development trained and installed 26 officers. Speaker Series
planned the 2012 speaker series.
Educational Travel
completed a Greece/Turkey summer trip with Union Seminary and Myers Park Presbyterian participants.
opened for regular hours on Sundays and selected weekdays.
2012 Goals
Sunday School
provide ongoing resources and guidelines and evaluate additional summer offerings.
research and analyze peer church’s offerings; evaluate new initiatives and methods of diversifying and broadening the Academy’s appeal.
Educational Travel
plan a 2012 trip to the Holy Land and Egypt and a 2013 reformation heritage experience.
Book Discussion Groups
develop book-centered small groups including Rob Bell’s Love Wins.
Small Groups
begin initiative during Lent, expand in the fall, and explore ongoing methods of support.
Windows of Opportunity: Adult Education Beyond our walls. “In 2011, the entire adult educational ministry team began a strategic planning process built around Faith Formation 2020. We are researching best practices among our peer churches nationwide, evaluating current program offerings, and analyzing the best ways to help members and friends grow as followers of Jesus the Christ.� Matt Gantt, Adult Education Chair 5
Children & Their Families 2011 Accomplishments
welcomed a new associate pastor, Julie Hester, who has a vision for, and commitment to, a deeper, streamlined ministry; and restructured to focus on deeper, interconnected programming that aligns with the church’s discipleship initiatives.
Vacation Church Camp
surveyed and used key constituent groups’ feedback to revamp Vacation Church Camp; the 2011 camp provided a more intimate experience for children and disciples and focused on key community outreach partners.
Wednesday Night revitalized Art and the Bible into a lay-driven ministry with simpler Programming crafts and a thematic tie to the previous week’s Sunday School lesson. Weekday School
opened a full-day, four-year-old class; restructured management to include full- and half-day program directors; hired a half-day director; and continued the board’s evolution into a governing entity.
2012 Goals
improve process for calling, training and developing ministry disciples and integrating new church staff.
heighten communication within the children and their families community and the overall congregation.
strengthen the Vacation Church Camp outreach partnerships throughout the year.
Weekday School
continue the board development process; initiate a strategic planning process for programming and facility needs; welcome a managing director; and complete the playground safety upgrade.
Equip Parents
develop and share ways parents can become primary faith educators for their children.
Windows of Opportunity: Children & Their Families Stronger and deeper. “Change is never easy, especially in a large, established organization such as ours. The efforts to transform this ministry into a more intimate and intentional program began in January 2011. Vacation Church Camp is a perfect example of this new focused approach with its mornings-only schedule, packed lunches rather than hot meals and fewer but deeper outreach partnerships. By verbalizing and acting on our vision to build a deeper, streamlined ministry, we reconnected with many families and their children, we became better at collaborating with other church ministry teams to reach common goals, and most importantly, we called an associate pastor who has a similar vision and nurturing heart that will continue to lead this reformation. So let the children and their families come – our doors are wide open!” Pam Clark and Jen Schubert, Children & Their Families Ministry Co-Chairs
Congregational Life 2011 Accomplishments Wellness Ministry
transformed land-locked recreational program into a full-fledged wellness ministry thanks to its midyear move into the new state-of-the-art Myers Park Presbyterian Outreach Center; initiated, expanded and managed comprehensive program offerings for children, youth and adults; took membership from 0 to 710 in less than six months; enrolled 670 boys and girls in our youth basketball program; and engaged adults of all ages through our more than 35 fitness classes, exercise room, track and other facilities.
New Members
introduced a one-day class for new members; welcomed 126 individuals through our new member program – a 13 percent year-to-year increase; and enhanced activities such as faith statement preparation, meaningful small groups, and an overview of growth and service opportunities.
Presbyterian Women fostered the growth, service and community of 290 women through 17 circles – a 23.4 percent increase over 2010; hosted various special events including the women’s retreat, birthday celebration, consignment sale, fall gathering, and Christmas communion; raised $1,278 for the Joy Offering; and contributed $6,164 in consignment sale net proceeds to the Myers Park Presbyterian Weekday School playground renovation, Seigle Avenue Preschool Cooperative, CROSS Missions, Room in the Inn and Family Promise. Generation Y
encouraged and supported Trinity, a fellowship of adults 25- to 40-years-old; and furthered their community of faith within our broader church family through Sunday School, social activities and fellowship, and serving together through Habitat for Humanity and Freedom School.
2012 Goals
Every Member Has A Ministry
offer year-round ways of prayerfully discerning God’s call and making a service commitment.
Welcome Our Neighbors
encourage members to serve as ambassadors for our faith community, fostering welcome throughout our campus, during this year of renovation.
Wellness Ministry
strengthen the breadth and depth of wellness offerings to enrich the mind, body, and spirit connection of its members; analyze and focus on health activities which have the most meaningful impact; build community; and encourage the faith of all who walk through the Myers Park Presbyterian Outreach Center’s doors.
Windows of Opportunity: Congregational Life Living our faith. “As we move into 2012, we know that every class, practice, and game gives us a chance to exhibit the kingdom of heaven to our community. We are energized by the grace God has shown us and will strive to change hearts rather than increase numbers. Our prayer is that we can encourage one another to truly live out our lives as Christ calls us to do.� Beth Bell, Congregational Life Chair
Outreach 2011 Accomplishments
approved grants for 30 regional ministries and agencies; continued to support Congo, Cuba, El Salvador, Hungary and Malawi global ministry partners; applied endowment funds towards Billingsville Elementary’s school garden, Charlotte Family Housing office equipment, Learning Collaborative scholarships, RAIN expenses and East African disaster relief; authorized capital expenditures for Billingsville Elementary’s Freedom School and teacher mentor programs, Union Presbyterian Seminary’s new campus, the outreach center’s initiatives, The Learning Collaborative’s facility, Remedios Presbyterian Church, and Habitat for Humanity El Salvador.
continued building Grier Heights relationships through CrossRoads’ book discussions, tutoring, sports teams, girls’ ministry, and Urban Eagles mentoring program; sponsored Grier Heights Habitat for Humanity home; opened new Double Oaks Child Development Center; participated in Congo, Cuba, El Salvador and Malawi mission trips; partnered with Congo Presbyterian Church on girls’ school; and hosted visitors from Debrecen, Hungary.
hosted a homelessness community forum with over 200 attendees; organized a PC(USA) event in Louisville, Ky., to foster the denomination’s mission approach.
welcomed 200 homeless neighbors through Room in the Inn; served as a home for 10 Family Promise (now Charlotte Family Housing) families in transition; provided over 40 Loaves and Fishes disciples; dispensed monthly Men’s Shelter of Charlotte meals; and nurtured over 600 CROSS Mission youth and adult teams.
2012 Goals Building Bridges
deepen the depth and breadth of discipleship with our partners; develop new outreach champions in key ministry areas; foster cross-pollination as a church; and transition funding of several ministries with annual rather than capital funds.
Windows of Opportunity: Outreach The amazing power of connection. “The opening of the new Myers Park Presbyterian Outreach Center was a highlight for our ministry. Take a recent night in December. Our Room in the Inn disciples were hosting 15 homeless neighbors, the basketball courts were packed with youth teams, siblings were playing in the recreation area, parents were connecting with one another, and folks were working out in the gym. Meanwhile, our neighbors from Urban Ministry were settling in and having dinner with their member hosts. It really looked and felt like an outreach center – a place where people can connect and get involved in the outreach ministry of our church.” Joe Helweg, Outreach Chair
Windows of Opportunity: Pastoral Care Meet people where they are. “During the year, the deacons held worship services and fellowship time with our church members at The Cypress and Sharon Towers. These meetings deepened our relationships and were an outward expression of our love and compassion for one another.� Stephen Heeseman, Deacon Moderator 12
Pastoral Care 2011 Accomplishments
Prayer Ministry
deepened congregational prayer by continuing weekly centering prayer and conducting follow-up sessions for area churches; continued our intercessory prayer ministry; and offered Christian meditation classes through the Academy program.
Meal Ministry
shared compassion, meals and on-site visits with those experiencing illness or disability.
Church Friends
fostered intergenerational friendships to keep those unable to attend services connected to the church.
Health Ministries
hired a new parish nurse to work with the pastoral care, outreach and wellness ministries; provided physicians, nurses and translators for our uninsured neighbors at the Charlotte Community Health Clinic on a monthly basis; hosted a flu shot clinic, a CPR training class and two successful blood drives; provided first aid and supplies for Billingsville Elementary; and provided medical equipment to church members in need.
Deacon Connections
continued to expand the 2010 initiative that identifies each deacon’s personal network in the church so he/she can stay informed about individual concerns/needs and foster caring for one another.
Stephen Ministry
provided support to over 30 members; commissioned and trained new Stephen Ministers in a joint partnership with another local church; continued to look for outreach opportunities with Room in the Inn and the Grier Heights neighborhood; consoled grieving families through the bereavement ministry by attending funerals and memorial services; and hosted a Kindermourn reception after worship for parents grieving the death of a child.
Helping Hands
assisted senior adults, single parents and less mobile individuals with small indoor and outdoor household projects through this memberto-member ministry; also hosted an informational women’s coffee.
2012 Goals
Deepen Connections
heighten awareness, and encourage use, of the deacons’ ministry for individuals who are in physical or spiritual need; and continue to deepen the prayer life of our church by praying the name of every member and member family during Lent.
Stewardship 2011 Accomplishments
Welcomed a full-time stewardship development director to focus on all aspects of Christian stewardship. Received $8.5 million in annual and capital campaign contributions to further the church’s local and global ministries. Fostered giving through an integrated combination of videos, pulpit interviews and printed materials. Made special holiday music, seminary student scholarships and global ministries possible through endowment funding in lieu of using annual operating funds.
2012 Goals
Implement a 12-month stewardship ministry that encourages and equips disciples to develop a faith-based money management and giving plan. Increase awareness of the many ways the church endowment fund supports ministries and sustains congregational life. Communicate capital campaign progress and demonstrate how it is transforming lives. Invite members to financially support the church’s ministries, and if possible, to grow in their giving.
Windows of Opportunity: Stewardship Answering the call. “Stewardship is not about raising money to satisfy a budget. Stewardship is about building God’s kingdom in this time and place. It is about equipping ministries to preach the good news and to answer Christ’s call to serve the least of these. Stewardship and budget are such sterile words, but each is necessary in allowing Myers Park Presbyterian to be the hands and feet of Christ in a world so in need of His loving care.” Bill Plyler, Stewardship Chair 14
Windows of Opportunity: Worship & Music Praising God in new ways. “We pray worshipping God and serving Him will reach new levels in 2012. For nearly a year, we have been planning how to communicate the mission of our church in a holistic way and demonstrate how serving as Christ’s disciples is transforming our own lives and those of our neighbors. Get ready to be amazed at God’s power working within us as we worship Him.” Rainey Way, Chair, Worship Ministry 16
Worship & Music 2011 Accomplishments
Worship Services
maintained four Sunday morning worship services; shared the beauty of worship by creating floral arrangements for 117 members living in retirement homes; enhanced worship with beautiful seasonal decorations; modified Communion by using wafers, significantly reducing disciple preparation time; strengthened disciple participation in worship.
added new members to adult choir; sang as a combined youth/adult choir during Christmas and Easter music services; adjusted programs in light of budget but maintained vibrancy; developed a 2012 staffing plan.
Special Services
conducted special worship times on Maundy Thursday, Palm Sunday, Easter, Lenten Wednesday and Christmas Eve, as well as the Travelers’ Service and the Service of Remembrance and Hope.
2012 Goals
Enhance Meaning
provide a meaningful worship experience and demonstrate the vibrancy of our church’s ministries in a holistic way, utilizing photography, disciple interviews, designated offerings and commissionings; research ways to deepen the meaning of worship.
Build Youth Involvement
further incorporate youth into worship through lay reading, ushering and flower ministry.
Strengthen Participation
add new disciples to the usher and flower ministry teams; grow the youth choir; encourage giving flowers for worship services.
Facility Changes relocate Celebrate worship to the Myers Park Presbyterian Outreach Center and Updates successfully while its space is renovated; analyze ways to revise sound systems including evaluation of microphones, speaker placement in the sanctuary and assistive technology for those with disabilities. Choir
stretch budget dollars to acquire new music, provide section leader support, and expand the youth choir; give a young musician vital post-graduate experience through an organ internship and help supplement our needs; restore a church-owned concert Steinway piano for worship use.
Youth & Their Families 2011 Accomplishments
Clergy & Staff
welcomed youth ministry interns, Wilson Kennedy and Jennifer Paden; created an intentional community with the CROSS Mission interns; and met weekly to discuss calling, boundaries, relationships and faith.
held weekly Feasting on the Word summer events.
hosted a successful Chicken Pickin’, raising $38,000 for mission activities and trips, and sold a record-breaking number of holiday pies.
New Space
transitioned smoothly into the new outreach center holding weekly summer events; began offering new senior high Sunday School elective series thanks to expanded classroom options, sparking a 35 percent attendance increase.
Parenting initiated Faithful Parenting series in partnership with First Presbyterian Church, Covenant Presbyterian Church, and Providence Presbyterian Church and participation levels are exceeding expectations. Mission Trips
engaged 43 youth in mission to El Salvador; 33 youth at Heifer Ranch; hosted Room in the Inn two full nights; and nurtured 174 youth on mission trips, including 108 different youth.
conducted monthly grade dinners, Sunday youth group and Sunday School classes on an ongoing basis.
Leadership Development
fostered a youth-led youth council and summer interns.
Confirmation Class
taught 77 confirmands – the largest confirmation class on record.
Vacation Church Camp
celebrated 51 youth who served, included three in key leadership roles.
Windows of Opportunity: Youth & Their Families
Nurturing and challenging our youth. “Our goal as a youth ministry is to provide small group activities that nurture and challenge youth to grow on their faith journey and to offer accountability to each other. The youth council is a wonderful opportunity for the youth in our church to learn and develop their leadership skills.” Rob Willingham, chair, youth and their families ministry
2012 Goals
identify an ongoing mission project where youth can serve several times a year and establish a partnership; create a three-year middle-school mission trip rotation.
Family Ministry
initiate a parent-youth mission trip and explore possibilities for family mission.
Youth Participation bridge the transition into middle and high school and welcome the youth through an active buddy system; maintain high school youth involvement; increase participation in other youth activities such as choir, class dinners and Sunday youth group; and keep it relevant. Adult Participation broaden the base of parents who serve behind the scenes, yet encourage the youth to lead.
2012 Budget
Expense Summary
2011 Approved Budget
2012 Approved Budget
Children & Their Families
Congregational Life
Denominational Relations
Pastoral Care
Youth & Their Families
Administration administrative services communications facilities personnel total administrative
Total General Fund Budget
2011–2012 Pledge Comparison (by households) Increase 399 New Pledge 95 Decrease 149 Held Constant 349
2007–11 Outreach Spending Source
General Fund Endowment Fund Special Gifts Fund Designated Gifts Global Gift Catalog & Other
688,483 37,000 6,831 4,750 43,215
663,128 51,635 4,693 1,089 37,588
627,021 80,646 19,784 4,691 49,189
610,141 135,131 24,034 41,024 34,353
501,579 75,267 0 55,967 35,805
3,747,913 408,379 68,836 109,147 214,147
Annual Expenditures Capital Expenditures
780,279 2,130
758,133 767,086
781,331 683,253
844,683 1,439,473
668,618 1,244,963
4,548,422 4,136,905
$ 782,409 $ 1,525,219 $ 1,464,584 $ 2,284,156 $ 1,913,581 $ 8,685,327
Annual Operating Fund 2011 Financial Summary Budget
$ 5,116,400
$ 5,037,709
806,707 *
$ 3,979,186
$ 4,003,161
$ 30,000
$ 39,734
$ 275,000
$ 249,431
Total Income Expenses Administration Communications Facilities Finance General Office Operations IT Operations Personnel Total Administration Congregational Life Administrative Congregational Ministries Total Congregational Life Denominational Relations Denominational Support Special Offerings Pass-thru Benevolence Administrative Total Denominational Relations *facilities spending includes additional utility costs.
$ 160,014
$ 120,906
$ 535,000
$ 501,579
$ 40,000
$ 28,118
$ 14,200
$ 14,586
$ 83,000
$ 80,194
$ 5,116,400
$ 5,037,709
Education Adult Children Youth Total Education Outreach Education Shelter Health Global Mission Education Administrative Expenses Total Outreach Total Pastoral Care Stewardship Endowment Stewardship Development Total Stewardship Worship Music Worship Total Worship
Total Expenses
Capital Campaign 2007-2011 Financial Statement Cumulative thru 2011 Income
Total Income
$ 18,871,810
Expenses Outreach & Evangelism Local Education Housing Church Transformation Health Total Local
1,642,274 122,942 33,285 $ 2,748,027
Global Congo Malawi El Salvador World Vision Cuba Total Global
$ 1,169,721
Total Outreach & Evangelism
$ 3,917,748
Campus Development Outreach Center Oxford Hall Renovation Building B Renovation Maintenance Endowment Contribution Total Campus Development Campaign Expenses & Debt Retirement
Total Expenses
402,580 268,945 380,204 100,492 17,500
7,950,259 353,729 1,518,848 1,576,964 $ 11,399,800 $ 4,177,246
$ 19,494,794
Elder Class 2012 Becky Abernethy Dick Darlington Linda deCastrique Jack Fenlon Matt Gantt Amy House Susan McConnell Bob McKinney Mary Yorke Oates Dick Spain Paul Stroup III Norman Walters
Elder Class 2013 Pam Clark Elizabeth Dickens Joe Helweg Jack Hinson Jeff Long Peggy McBryde Jen Schubert Julian Spratt Sandy Thompson Rainey Way Sandy Weathersbee Rob Willingham
Elder Class 2014 Beth Bell Glenn Boone Bob Davies Jimmy Flowers Bev Hance Carolyn Hudson Mary Mandeville Beth Pence Bill Plyler Ernie Reigel Bill Warren Allen Woodward
Steve Eason Pastor/Head of Staff
Von Clemans Associate Pastor for Adult Education
Michelle Thomas-Bush Associate Pastor for Youth and Their Families
Deborah Conner Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care
Rob Frazier Director of Music Ministries
Millie Snyder Executive Pastor Dale Allison Administrator Bob Breed Associate Pastor for Outreach
Julie Hester Associate Pastor for Children and Their Families
Myers Park Presbyterian Church 2501 Oxford Place Charlotte, NC 28207 704.376.3695