Annual Report: 2013

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2013 Annual Report

Measuring Impact


“I suppose there are several ways to provide an annual report on a church. We could look at the money or the number of new members we received. We could look at staff changes and program development. But how do we measure our overall impact as a church?” –Steve Eason, Senior Pastor


“I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined his ear to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the desolate pit, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.� Psalm 40:1-3

I suppose there are several ways to provide an annual report on a church. We could look at the money or the number of new members we received. We could look at staff changes and program development. But how do we measure our overall impact as a church? Myers Park Presbyterian has 4,520 members. When you add children and youth who have not yet been confirmed to that total, the number tips 6,000. Individually and collectively, we have a ripple effect in the world. We make a difference in hospitals, schools, businesses and corporate America. We influence relationships and families. But how do we measure our overall impact as a church? I think of all the weddings, funerals, baptisms and counseling sessions. I think about all the outreach and mission ministries, the hospital visits and surgeries. I think about vibrant worship services and educational classes. But how do we measure our overall impact as a church?

The Psalmist invites us to a different level of consideration regarding who we are and how Christ is at work in our midst. We wait for the Lord and God hears our cry. God draws us up from the desolate pit, out of the miry bog, and sets our feet on a rock making our steps secure. That is a different way of measuring our impact as a church. The following report gives you the various dimensions of this church over the past year. It cannot tell you everything. We cannot measure the ripple effect of our members in the community and the world. We cannot completely report on what the Holy Spirit has done in and through this church over the past year. We wait and we hope and we commit ourselves to the Lord. The real power, the real work is done by God among us. For that we give God our thanks and our praise!


“When we are faithful stewards, miraculous things happen. A girls’ school is built in the Congo; Grier Heights and Billingsville Leadership Academy are transformed; and children and youth in our midst are introduced to faith. If we are to answer Christ’s call to kingdom building, it not only takes faithful disciples but also money. Stewardship here at Myers Park Presbyterian means seeking to build a faithful community where ministry can thrive and the world may see and experience God’s grace.” –Bill Plyler, Stewardship Council Chair 2

Your commitment and generosity through our annual fund, our A Deeper Discipleship capital campaign and the Myers Park Presbyterian endowment has been an incredible catalyst. It has been a witness to other churches who are following our lead in addressing poverty and need. It has made a difference in our lives and the lives of others. We are grateful for God's incredible blessings and your part in it. In the coming days, you will hear more about how we want to stretch ourselves as a faith community, reaching out through free and abundant generosity to enhance the well-being of others. We hope to bring the A Deeper Discipleship to a successful conclusion, and encourage each of you to make the church your top giving priority. Why? Because we are called to serve as followers of Christ in all aspects of life. Because it is a response to God’s incredible grace. And because allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us feeds our souls and makes the journey far richer.


A Deeper Discipleship: Capital Accomplishments Education –Decreased teacher turnover and improved effectiveness by funding a teacher mentor. –Improved literacy and retention through the 2008-12 Billingsville Elementary Freedom School. –Heightened Billingsville student achievement through an onsite Communities in Schools coordinator. –Provided a new Learning Collaborative bus and tuition-free, quality education to at-risk preschoolers. Housing

–Launched CrossRoads Corporation to foster holistic community development in Grier Heights. –Helped construct Moore Place’s residence for 85 chronically homeless individuals. –Prevented homelessness for 48 families through Target Prevention, Crisis Assistance’s new faith community collaboration.

Church Transformation and Mission Education

–Fostered neighborhood/church teamwork in Grier Heights and Myers Park through Cornelius Corps. –Participated in Montreat’s Building on the Tradition campaign. –Equipped future ministry leaders through Union Theological Seminary’s campus development. –Expanded Grier Heights and Charlotte community health initiatives and strengthened the homebound ministry through our parish nurse.

Global Outreach


–Built 90 Habitat homes, provided clean water, and assisted with education, medical services and microfinancing in El Salvador. –Enhanced the long-term sustainability of central Congo’s primary healthcare facility. –Initiated the Congolese girls’ school, providing funds and guidance for building, staffing and operations; and supported mission co-worker Gwenda Fletcher in the strengthening of Congolese church education. –Improved public healthcare in northern Malawi by partnering with the Synod of Livingstonia. –Helped restore the Remedios church, manse and seminary in Cuba.

Outreach Center

–Housed, fed and led devotions for 238 homeless neighbors through Room in the Inn on 17 consecutive Thursday nights. –Hosted 1,384 CROSS Missions youth over a two-year period. –Cultivated the spiritual growth of 150 youth through Sunday evening classes. –Led an outreach sports camp for Grier Heights children during spring break. –Ran a basketball league with 716 youth and 126 coaches.

Main Campus Renovation –Expanded the capacity for new Sunday and weekday discipleship classes which are averaging 25 adults. –Provided an improved Celebrate worship space. –Welcomed 450 national delegates to the NEXT Church leadership conference worship and dinner. –Laid the groundwork for a full-day preschool through the E-building renovation. –Installed new organ consoles because of consistent repairs and safety concerns. –Restored the stained glass windows and repaired and water-proofed the building foundation.

Endowment The Myers Park Presbyterian Church endowment asset value in 1998 was $3.2 million. Over the past 15 years, it has more than doubled to $7.7 million with an average donor gift of $265,000 annually. This consistent generosity over the last five years has yielded $270,000 in annual disbursements for church vocation scholarships, crisis assistance, global and local assistance, congregational ministries, facilities, education, worship and youth -- support over and above the church’s annual operating budget. Oversight and policy making is conducted by fellow members on the endowment committee, while investments are handled by the Foundation for the Carolinas.


2013 Budget Expense Summary

2013 Approved Budget

2014 Approved Budget





Adult Education





Children and Their Families





Congregational Life





Denominational Support















Pastoral Care



















Youth and Their Families





2013-2014 Annual Fund Total General Fund Budget 5,303,810 100.00



Program Support

Pledge Comparison

2013-2014 Annual Fund Pledge Comparison (as of Jan. 16, 2014)

Increase New Pledge Decrease Held Constant 6


Increase New Pledge 161Held Decrease Constant


496 161 111 317


Capital Campaign Budget

Cumulative Actual thru 2013

Budget Variance

Expenses Outreach & Evangelism Local Global

$ 6,950,000 $ 3,500,000

$ 4,198,537 $ 1,825,645

$ 2,751,463 $ 1,674,355

$ 10,450,000

$ 6,024,182

$ 4,425,818

8,100,000 4,550,000 1,500,000 1,600,000

8,100,000 4,550,000 1,518,848 1,577,226

0 0 (18,848) 22,774

Total Campus Development

$ 15,750,000

$ 15,746,074

$ 3,926

Campaign Expenses & Debt Retirement

$ 3,800,000

$ 4,334,610

$ (534,610)

$ 30,000,000

$ 26,104,866

$ 3,895,134

Total Outreach & Evangelism Campus Development Outreach Center Oxford Hall Renovation Building B Renovation Maintenance Endowment Contribution

Total Expenses

Capital Pledge Payment Progress campaign receipts $24,441,781

campaign receipts $24,441,781

paid in full (72%)

paid in full (72%)

amount outstanding $5,558,219

amount outstanding $5,558,219

partially paid (22%)

partially paid (22%)

no payments (6%)

no payments (6%)


“Christ commands us to love God with all our heart and soul. As we welcome and minister to one another, engage in study, strengthen our bodies, and equip ourselves to be the hands and feet of Christ, we are serving as disciples: a lifelong commitment for us individually and as a congregation.” –Elsie Barnhardt, Congregational Life Chair



Administration 2013 Accomplishments Communications

Introduced new iPad edition of Journey with interactive capabilities and links to 14 newly-developed videos of members in ministry; while increasing quality, decreased Journey per issue cost 65 percent; created and launched new Serve section of website with church, community and world focuses; partnered with members who serve as Facebook advocates and saw a peak reach of 2,439 people on a single day; began development of a customized mobile app; created weekly call-toaction information slides for Celebrate; showcased members in ministry all summer through Telling the Story, a key photographic initiative; and began branding adult education offerings individually rather than in aggregate.


Incorporated new space into maintenance plan; individualized responsibilities on facilities team; finalized wayfinding and room signage; restored windows and stained glass throughout; repaired bell tower roof; and executed Weekday School facility improvements.


Advanced scheduled debt repayment on Oxford Hall renovation; joined with capital funding team to study capital pledge payments; helped strengthen Weekday School and wellness ministry’s financial plans; transitioned banking relationship; and obtained more favorable line of credit terms.


Hired Lee Northcutt as director of music ministries, John Turnbull as middle school director, Debbie O’Brien as Weekday School assistant director, Glenn Boone as interim outreach coordinator, and Jacob Collins as interim Celebrate music leader; formed outreach associate pastor/director search committee; initiated search for permanent Celebrate music leader; studied and proposed revisions to clergy sabbatical policy; interviewed consultants regarding regularly conducting clergy and senior staff 360 reviews.

2014 Goals Communications

Complete five-year strategic plan; deploy creative content across multiple platforms and heighten interactive capabilities; launch customized mobile app; and continue to partner with ministry teams through think tanks and the communications committee.


Design and install labyrinth/fire pit next to outreach center; complete youth classroom audio/visual upgrades; develop capital expenditure five-year plan; implement computerized energy-efficiency program; work with communications to animate wall spaces; and finalize prayer chapel furniture updates.

Finance Personnel


Develop a multi-year, multi-fund financial plan that reflects the church’s strategic priorities. Support the congregation’s call to an outreach associate pastor/director; hire a Celebrate music leader; finalize revised clergy sabbatical policy; streamline and heighten effectiveness of personnel and human resource function; and further longterm planning for next generation of church leadership.

“Our church has been blessed to advance our Oxford Hall debt repayments, which has allowed us to resume expanding our outreach and children/youth faith formation ministries.” –Allen Woodward, Administration Chair


Adult Education 2013 Accomplishments New Offerings

Launched 21 new adult discipleship classes in the new Oxford Hall classroom space, and began a 34-week D2 Challenge Bible study with 130+ participants.

Sunday School

Supported eight ongoing classes; introduced The Well, a new adult Sunday School Class led by Sandy Weathersbee; and renamed the Rhodes Johnston Boyce adult Bible class.

Community Opportunities

Hosted Christian Conflict Resolution seminar by In Christ Supporting Ministries; and held a community forum with New Testament scholar Dr. Amy-Jill Levine.

Officer Development Trained new class of 28 church officers (12 adult elders, two youth elders; 12 adult deacons and two youth deacons); and planned 2014 Lenten discipleship class as continuing education for current and past officers. Communication

Helped host the August ministry fair which drew hundreds of participants; revised adult education section of church website; and completed new discipleship class brochure.

Foundations Laid

Welcomed Wayne Felton as the new leader of our discipleship groups (formerly called small groups); and finalized 2014 Holy Land/Jordan trip plans.

2014 Goals Introduce a new adult Sunday School class so we have 10 total; initiate new adult discipleship groups; determine optimal ways to market adult faith formation opportunities; develop digital delivery systems for adult faith formation; identify new leadership and leadership training resources.


“Our defining moment this past year was the successful launch and build-out of the adult discipleship classes. These classes complement our traditional Sunday School programs by providing short-term, topic-driven faith formation to adults at convenient times throughout the week.” –Will Davis, Adult Education Chair


Children & Their Families 2013 Accomplishments Care/Welcoming

Launched a new ministry to congratulate families with new babies, providing them with fresh-baked bread and ministry information.

Faith Formation

Provided Sunday morning education and fellowship to 334 children – 3 years old though fifth-grade – thanks to 80+ adult leaders; hosted 130 participants at the fall Montreat retreat; provided music, art and faith activities for 100+ young children on Wednesday nights in partnership with the church’s music ministry.

Vacation Church Camp Explored God’s Big Neighborhood with 250+ registered children, 130+ adult leaders and 60+ youth helpers. Milestones

Established the first-grade communion class as part of our family/faith continuum which includes the third-grade Bible and fifth-grade faith and human sexuality programs.


Led 50 fourth- and fifth-grade Mission Kids as they served our Charlotte neighbors; initiated summer and Advent outreach opportunities for young children and their families.

Weekday School

Transitioned to a new Weekday School leadership model, hiring Debbie O’Brien as associate director; moved from financial deficit to surplus; began upgrading our half-day program’s supplies and curriculum; earned five stars, the highest possible score, during the state’s assessment of our full-day program.

2014 Goals


Preschool Worship

Enrich worship for preschoolers by incorporating Godly Play curriculum into Weekday School and Wee Worship.


Strengthen relationships developed through Family to Family, our Hope teams and the church’s Billingsville Elementary and Grier Heights ministries; and create ways for families with young children to serve together through the new SproutReach ministry.


Launch kindergarten worship series and develop a second-grade milestone.

Weekday School

Initiate a holiday/summer camp/afterschool program for Weekday School graduates who are now in elementary school; continue work on strategic plan which includes endowment development and facility upgrade planning.


Hire a part-time elementary ministry coordinator to enrich this age group’s faith formation, fellowship and service opportunities.

“It is wonderful to hear the joyful noise of children engaged in programs at the church on Sunday morning, Wednesday evening and during the weekday. We are blessed to have a community of parents and youth who support the faith formation of our growing population of young children and their families.” –Mary Beth Pope, Children and Their Families Chair


Clerk’s Council 2013 Accomplishments



Established the clerk’s council to serve as a coordinating and communicating body for the assignments, denominational relations, intern program and strategic vision teams.

Assignments Team

Assigned church officers to ministry teams, named members for the strategic vision team, recommended members for the outreach director/associate pastor search committee, and recommended members for the officer nominating committee.

Denominational Relations Team

Defined purpose which is overseeing the relationship between our congregation and PC(USA) governing bodies, and to support members who are exploring a call to ministry; this team will form in early 2014 and Steve Eason will serve as the staff resource.

Intern Program Team

Adopted team’s description to establish a churchwide internship program that provides a consistent quality experience; this team will form in early 2014 and Millie Snyder and Michelle Parker will serve as staff resources.

Strategic Vision Team

Formed this permanent long-range planning team to assist the session in evaluating and setting strategic priorities; named Ann Caulkins, Debbie Darden, Mark deCastrique, Mike McCoy (Chair), Bill Plyler, Alston Robertson and Mary Howard as team members; designated Steve Eason as the staff resource.

2014 Goals Assignments

Match individuals with God’s call to ministry when creating teams and search committees.

Denominational Relations

Name team members to fulfill the team’s stated purpose.

Intern Program

Select team to ensure that Myers Park Presbyterian serves as a teaching church, attracting, mentoring and training individuals in various areas of ministry.

Strategic Vision

Help the session address strategic ways to equip, encourage and lead disciples.

“These teams cause us to look forward. When we match people to ministries, support our denomination, mentor those coming into the ministry, and wrestle with strategic issues, we are shaping our future. It is an exciting time to be listening for God’s call.” –Vicki Smith, Clerk of Session


Congregational Life 2013 Accomplishments



Revised bylaws to better reflect ministry operations; increased membership base and 2013 revenues by more than $161,000 through heightened marketing; doubled use of personal trainers; conducted direct mail campaign with seven-day trial visit incentive; continued matching programming to user demand; partnered with mobile fresh market, yielding $415 in proceeds for Billingsville Leadership Academy; increased youth basketball participants by 38 percent in year-to-year comparison, serving 716 youth on 63 teams; and researched ways to increase youth programming to attract a younger demographic.

Members Ministry

Fostered year-round approach of engaging members in ministry through a relational, invitational model; developed and equipped a team of eight ministry mentors; began helping lay leaders of our 170 ministry teams call, equip and encourage disciples; provided resources on leading meetings, creating wellstructured teams, establishing succession planning, and incorporating more intentional faith-formation into our ministry teams; obtained more accurate data as to where and how our members are serving; and enhanced our communication of member testimonials, emphasizing how our faith is furthered when we follow God’s call.

New Members

Welcomed 153 new members through one-day new member classes held in January, March, June, September and October; expanded lay-led team from nine to 14 to better facilitate small group discussion and serve as new member resources; raised awareness of stewardship as a priority of membership; determined that for the second year in a row, 64 percent of those joining were aged 20-40; and conducted focus groups to gather feedback and research short and long-term engagement.


Strengthened both the content and attendance of our weekly Sunday School class for individuals in their mid-20s to mid-40s; hosted three social events including a Cinco de Mayo event in Oxford Hall, an end–of–summer barbecue and a Christmas party; launched a hospitality subcommittee which oversees prayer requests and food preparation for new parents and those who have relocated; adopted a first-grade Billingsville Leadership Academy class; and hosted Room In the Inn as an ongoing service project.


Began staffing the reception desk and serving as the face of our church on Sundays.

Presbyterian Women

Conducted 12 circles with 300 participants in diverse locations ranging from uptown Charlotte to the church kitchen; began rebranding to encourage participation by all female church members; hosted special events including the women’s retreat, staff appreciation luncheon and consignment sale; organized the spring birthday luncheon, Sharon Towers social and Christmas communion; served as the conduit for specific offerings such as the $1,740 May Birthday, and the $1,564 Joy Gift; and donated a record consignment sale profit of $8,824 to our Weekday School, youth mission trip scholarships and several community agencies.

2014 Goals Wellness

Establish a mission statement; continue marketing efforts, including discussions with facilities committee about acceptable ways to expand such efforts; continue evaluation of ways to expand membership among both members and non-members of Myers Park Presbyterian and align programs with need to ensure; continue partnership with mobile fresh market; explore increased outreach and youth programming; stabilize youth basketball program at a level that is manageable in the long run (likely 600 youth); review infrastructure to determine optimal model for long-term sustainability; initiate discussions with session regarding long-term financial support.

Members Ministry

Place more intentional emphasis on our spiritual formation as we serve as the hands and feet of Christ in the world; heighten awareness of ministry mentors to personalize ministry engagement; reach out to members who may not be engaged in ministry, offering the services provided by our ministry mentors; develop training/equipping opportunities for our lay leaders and “boots on the ground� disciples; create JumpStart communication tool to help members connect with the right ministry.


Adopt a new spring 2014 service project; continue to increase hospitality efforts and broaden participation beyond Sunday School attendance.


Equip Sunday morning ambassadors to welcome those who attend and to serve at the reception desk.

Presbyterian Women Host the new Myers Park Presbyterian Women of Faith luncheon in April, combining the traditional fall and spring gatherings.


Outreach 2013 Accomplishments


Provided $520,000 in financial support to 35 regional ministries and six global ministry partners in Congo, Cuba, Hungary, Habitat El Salvador, World Vision El Salvador and Malawi; donated $6,000 in Billingsville Leadership Academy uniforms; approved $696,000 in capital campaign funding for the Billingsville teacher mentor program, YWCA youth afterschool program and Communities in Schools coordinator; Freedom School at Alexander Graham Middle School, Urban Ministry’s Moore Place, Crisis Assistance Targeted Prevention program, and a new school in Tshitalala (Congo); renovated the Remedios, Cuba church’s education and meeting room, kitchen and overnight accommodations; continued supporting the Cuban church’s Christian education programs, seminary scholarships and feeding programs for the elderly.

Relationships Served as tutors, lunch buddies, summer program leaders, gardeners, clerical assistants, drivers, mentors and friends with the men, women, youth and children of Grier Heights; took part in joint service projects, mission trips, fellowship dinners, parent support groups, book studies, town hall meetings, Habitat builds, community events and prayer; worked with the Urban Eagles who coached nearly 100 Grier Heights youth on soccer teams; united with sister churches on our fall Grier Heights home build for the Yusuf family, our fifth Habitat for Humanity home in this neighborhood; partnered with Crossroads Corporation and neighbors on four Grier Heights critical home repair projects; engaged over 100 disciples in the preparation and delivery of casseroles/meal items to the Uptown Men’s Shelter and Salvation Army’s Center of Hope Shelter; paired nine church families with Learning Collaborative families through Family to Family; added three new disciples to the Friendship Trays team which includes 20 permanent drivers and 34 substitutes each month; welcomed 45 disciples who are serving Charlotte Family Housing at their new Elizabeth House location; nurtured 238 homeless neighbors on 17 consecutive Thursday nights through Room in the Inn; mentored 667 youth and adults from seven states through CROSS Missions as they provided 9,450 hours of community service; welcomed Daniel Izquierdo, the Matanzas, Cuba seminary president, on a recent visit; strengthened relationships at the annual Cuba Partners Gathering in Houston, Texas; took part in the dedication of the Congolese girls’ school which serves primary and secondary students; and sponsored Antonio Martinez who is living in Congo and designing/renovating an outpatient clinic.


“Our church and its members have been very active in 2013. We are grateful to God for the time, talent and financial resources that have been entrusted to us. We anticipate 2014 and the prospect of new leadership with great excitement.” –Mary Mandeville, Outreach Chair

Partnerships Took part as a founding church in Habitat for Humanity’s 30th anniversary celebration; celebrated Billingsville’s achievement as the state’s sixth highest ranked school in terms of performance improvements; united with CrossRoads Corporation in the development of 36 lots and the sale of seven new homes in the Elizabeth Heights affordable housing subdivision; congratulated CrossRoads on winning a $100,000 grant from Wells Fargo for phase 2 of the Elizabeth Heights subdivision; advocated for the renovation of the historic Billingsville School ( former Rosenwald school) as a community center using grants CrossRoads has obtained from outside sources and $100,000 from our Deeper Discipleship capital campaign; and joined with CrossRoads in its third year of the middle school afterschool enrichment program Bulldogs Matter.

2013 Goals Strategic Priorities

Develop disciples – engage and equip; invest God’s resources for greatest impact; and enhance organizational effectiveness.


“A defining moment comes in saying, ‘Yes.’ It is a word of praise from a woman who rarely speaks, advice from a church friend nearly 100, or meeting a friend’s mom on the day of his memorial. It is praying in the sanctuary during Lent for those whose trials you know well, and for those you don’t. There are defining moments in being a committee chair and baking casseroles for members in need. Defining moments come in saying, ‘Yes, Lord.’ Read Luke 10:25-37, and say, ‘Yes.’” –Kary Beaman, Deacon Moderator Elect 22

Pastoral Care 2013 Accomplishments Prayer Ministry

Offered weekly centering prayer time at our church; continued our intercessory prayer ministry; prayed for every church member during Lent; and offered a prayer discipleship class.

Meal Ministry

Shared compassion and meals with individuals who were experiencing illness or disability.

Church Friends

Fostered intergenerational friendships to keep those unable to attend services connected to the church.

Health Ministries

Worked with parish nurse to train caring team members; provided physicians, nurses and translators for our uninsured neighbors at the Charlotte Community Health Clinic; hosted a flu shot clinic, a CPR training class and two successful blood drives; provided Billingsville Leadership Academy first aid and other supplies and educational programs for parents and children; and offered free medical equipment to church members with physical needs.


Participated in Sunday worship; provided fellowship opportunities for older members at The Cypress; and conducted weekly visits to hospitals, nursing facilities, assisted living and private homes of our less mobile members.

Stephen Ministry

Provided confidential support to members and others in the community; trained and commissioned new Stephen Ministers in partnership with another local church; attended funerals/memorials to console grieving families; and hosted a community-wide Stephen Ministry workshop for over 25 different local churches.

Helping Hands

Assisted senior adults, single parents and less mobile individuals with small indoor and outdoor household projects through this member-to-member ministry.

2014 Goals Deepen Connections

Heighten awareness, and encourage use, of the deacons’ ministry for individuals and families who are in physical or spiritual need; expand our ministry to an aging population; and deepen the prayer and spiritual life of members of the faith community through centering prayer.


Worship & Music 2013 Accomplishments


Worship Services

Moved the Celebrate service into the renovated Oxford Hall space and integrated all-new technology; conducted quarterly service of wholeness; increased hospitality focus by sanctuary ushers and strengthen participation; and furthered understanding of why and how we worship through sermon series.

Sanctuary Music

Transitioned from an interim staff to a permanent music staff including a full time director of music who is responsible for music in both the Celebrate and sanctuary services and a sanctuary organist; welcomed eight new chancel choir members; doubled the number of children in our preschool and elementary-aged children’s choirs; offered a Good Friday evening service; performed the Messiah with orchestra during Advent; and sponsored Elisabeth Von Trapp as a featured dinner theater artist to celebrate the opening of Oxford Hall, concert organist Thomas Murray and The Raleigh Ringers through our Sullivan Arts Series.


Analyzed communion procedures; instituted a new elder sign-up system; conducted elder training.


Provided floral arrangements from select sanctuary services and funerals to members living in assisted living facilities.

“The life of the Christian flows from the worship of the church, where identity as a believer is confirmed and where one is commissioned to a life of discipleship and of personal response to God.” (Book of Order 2011/2013) Our worship is to an audience of ONE! It sets our course and response as believers and disciples. It is an integral component of a Christian life!” –Diana Faison, Worship Chair

2014 Goals Worship Services

Continue a “season of listening” to determine best practices and possible worship service integration opportunities such as joint services; study possible audio/visual sanctuary upgrades; and continue providing lay reader, usher and communion prep discipleship opportunities and seek diverse representation in these ministries.

Sanctuary Music

Hire a permanent director of Celebrate music; introduce a new Maundy Thursday service in Oxford Hall; host visiting choirs and guest ensembles through the Sullivan Arts Series; and begin restructuring our music support team to balance support for both the sanctuary and Celebrate worship services.


Consider restructuring this ministry to provide broader leadership participation; and recruit additional disciples to assist at all four services.


Minister to members in assisted living facilities, and offer discipleship opportunities to individuals who enjoy arranging flowers.


Youth & Their Families 2013 Accomplishments


Cooked monthly meals for Caldwell House; prepared 25,000 Stop Hunger Now meals that were sent to children in Haiti; helped plan and organize the Jubilee Christmas store, purchasing over 200 gifts for the store and making 50 dozen cookies for families who came to shop; served 100 strong in New Orleans and El Salvador in June; and aided our Charlotte neighbors as +50 youth took part in CROSS Missions.


Supported four high school juniors – two as elders and two as deacons – to serve in equal capacity among our church leadership; equipped youth leaders to serve as counselors at the weeklong outdoor challenge and small group leaders at Carolina Connection, a middle school retreat; connected youth to the Presbytery youth council where three of our youth are serving on local planning teams for youth events and another youth is serving on a national youth conference planning team.

New Staff

Hired John Turnbull, who will graduate from Presbyterian College in June 2014, as the director of middle school ministry.

Spiritual Development

Challenged the congregation to strengthen their faith during Lent and provided a daily text that invited 316 people into this Lenten spiritual discipline; enriched our faith at the Montreat youth conference with our largest group ever while simultaneously hosting a second group at the Presbyterian Youth Triennium; started a new tradition of a youthled worship service for our fall kick-off, attending by over 300 youth and their parents; welcomed 67 youth as new members through confirmation in the spring; began learning alongside the class of 2018 in the fall.

2014 Goals Welcome John Turnbull as full-time director of middle school ministry; search for a part-time director of high school ministry, rounding out a robust youth ministry staff; create intentional ways for high school youth to transition their faith into college and empower these young adults to continue in ministry; equip families to worship together outside of the church hour on Sunday morning with resources and workshops; broaden our base of willing adult chaperones as well as mission partners to accommodate increased demand for summer mission experiences.


“Our youth are deeply involved in God’s work throughout the world. Our 2013 summer mission trip to New Orleans is just one example. After a grueling 14-hour bus ride and very little sleep, our youth cheerfully served God and the people of this city, helping rebuild it from Hurricane Katrina’s devastation. What an honor to work alongside our youth and watch them grow closer to Christ.” –Gregory I. Hinrichs, Youth and Their Families Chair


Elder Class 2014

Elder Class 2015

Elder Class 2016

Clare Aus Elsie Barnhardt Glenn Boone Bob Davies Jimmy Flowers Bev Hance Carolyn Hudson Mary Mandeville James Miller Beth Pence Bill Plyler Ernie Reigel Bill Warren Allen Woodward

Will Davis Diana Faison Greg Hinrichs Linda Ibsen Thom Klingman Daniel LaFar Travis McCollum Tom Okel Mary Beth Pope Bill Scott Vicki Smith Jo Stewart

Jeff Armstrong Ann Caulkins Vicki Garrett Jannica Greife Sally Helweg Ray Killian Alan Lewis Kay Norris John Porter Jason Schubert Tim Stump Fletcher Wright




Main Number................................... 704.376.3695

Myers Park Presbyterian Church 2501 Oxford Place | Charlotte, NC 28207

Administration Accounts Payable................................ 704.927.1247 Administrator..................................... 704.927.1241 Capital Campaign............................... 704.927.1263 Communications................................ 704.927.1269 Donations........................................... 704.927.1247 Endowment........................................ 704.927.1263 Facilities.............................................. 704.927.1288 Finance Office..................................... 704.927.1247 Food Services..................................... 704.927.1248 Human Resources.............................. 704.927.1244 Adult Education............................... 704.927.1275 Children & Their Families.............. 704.927.1271 Congregational Life Trinity.................................................. 704.927.1245 Child and Youth Protection Training... 704.927.1245 Every Member Has a Ministry.............. 704.927.1245 Hospitality.......................................... 704.927.1245 New Members................................... 704.927.1261 Presbyterian Women.......................... 704.927.1261 Music................................................. 704.927.1252 Outreach.......................................... 704.927.1281 CROSS Missions................................... 704.927.1282 Global................................................. 704.927.1281 Local................................................... 704.927.1281

Outreach Center 1073 Providence Road | Charlotte, NC 28207

WEBSITES Children & CROSS Ministry Weekday Youth &

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Pastoral Care................................... 704.927.1275

Stewardship..................................... 704.927.1263

Youth & Their Families................... 704.927.1271

Wellness............................................ 704.927.1284 Worship............................................. 704.927.1252


2501 Oxford Place Charlotte, NC 28207

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