2016 Officer Ballot

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DEACONS Claire Marston Dunn Mileham

ELDERS Nancy Ehringhaus Chair

AT LARGE Stan Archibald

Marc Brinks Vice Chair

George MacBain

Rainey Way

Missy Plyler

Tom Yonchak

“I want to become more involved in the biblical education of MPPC members, youth and future leaders of the larger church.” Time and Talent Campaign co-chair, Habitat for Humanity Jimmy Carter Work Project leader, Youth Sunday School teacher and confirmation team leader, Boy Scout Troop 55 committee chairman and Scout Leader, Elder, Deacon, Resident Pastor Task Force member, Sanctuary Lay Reader coordinator, Hungary committee/Mission Trip to The Great Church, Men’s Shelter HERC Volunteer Team member. Rob Atkins “I would like to welcome all to worship and encourage them in their faith journey. It is such an honor and privilege to serve on the Session and work with other caring and dedicated disciples as we work together to discern God’s plan for MPPC.”

Elsie Barnhardt

Sunday School teacher; Presbyterian Women circle leader, circle scheduler, Nominating committee; Deacon, Elder, Christian Education Council chair, APNC for Associate Pastor of Children and Families, Hospitality Team, Ministry Mentor, Fellowship Sunday School Class, Disciple 1 Bible Study. “As an officer of the church I will pray continuously for all, for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, so that God might find pleasure in the fulfillment of his purpose for all that he has created; I will teach and preach the Gospel to all who will listen; I will direct the affairs of the church using the gifts with which I have been blessed.”

Fred Beaman

Malawi and Cuba Mission Teams, Lay Reader, Room in the Inn Team, Diaconate, Campaign for Deeper Discipleship, Vision 2000 Campaign, Sunday School facilitator, Outreach Council, Tapestry Team, Habitat for Humanity, International Ministry Committee, Gethsemane Enrichment Center mentor, Men’s Bible Study, Usher, Cuba Partners Network Gathering, Freedom School Partners, Faith and Sexuality Workshop.

“It’s a great time to be a part of MPPC. Transition periods provide an opportunity to grow together as a church community and help prepare the way for our next senior pastor. This is a remarkable church with an exciting future.”

ELDERS 2016 nominees

Administration Council chair, Personnel Committee chair, Deeper Discipleship Campaign vice chair, Denominational Relations Team, Strategic Planning Team. Marc Brinks “I will live out my discipleship by loving God and loving neighbor, by following Christ’s teaching, and by challenging myself and the Church to move towards deeper discipleship.” Stephen Ministry, New Member Ministry, Girl Scouts, Deacon, Elder, Associate Pastor Nominating committee, Weekday School Task Force, Weekday School Board, Children’s Ministry, 8th grade Confirmation. Laura Corsig “I am humbled by this call to serve as an Elder at Myers Park and I feel that it represents God’s direction for me and for MPPC to be a place where all members of our church family feel empowered to become strong disciples of Jesus Christ. I feel closest to God when I attempt to shine his light to others. I am humbled by the opportunity to help our congregation further embrace discipleship.” Alfred Hamilton

Officer Nominating Committee, Youth Sunday School teacher, Youth Council advisor, Confirmation leader, Emmaus Committee, Stephen Minister. “In order to make disciples we must continue to make a ‘home’ for its members. They must desire to be a bigger part of the puzzle. So I think we need to let them see regularly all the great work our MPPC disciples are doing.”

Deborah Hullinger

Sunday School teacher, Preschool board, Children & Families Ministry Milestones chair, Vacation Bible School shepherd, Outreach Council, Meal Ministry. “As an officer I would strive to discern the will of our Lord for MPPC and use my time, talents and energy to carry out that will in a manner that reflects the peace and joy of the Holy Spirit.” Elder, Deacon, Interim Pastor Search Committee, Endowment and Major Gifts Initiative Case Statement Advisory Committee, Habitat for Humanity critical home repair coordinator/volunteer, mission trips to Cuba and El Salvador.

Bob McKinney “I believe God has used me before for leadership in this church and I want to make my abilities, talents and efforts available to him for whatever purpose he chooses.” Building Committee chair, Campus Master Plan Team, Elder, Deacon; Personnel chair, Finance, Stewardship, Officer Nominating, Board of Deacons; treasurer, Endowment Council, Weekday School Board, Denominational Relations. Jim Miller “We need to remain focused on using all of our vast resources to continue furthering God’s kingdom on the earth, remain outward focused versus inwardly focused.” Heart Math Tutoring, Crisis Assistance Ministry, The Learning Collaborative, Safe Alliance, Habitat for Humanity, Men’s Shelter, Sunday School teacher (Adult and Children), Room in the Inn, Usher at Celebrate. Steve Rixham “I look forward to the spiritually uplifting fellowship serving as an officer as we attempt to discern God’s will in community and partner with likeminded institutions to serve.” Outreach chair, Session, Nominating Committee, Deacon, Senior High Sunday School teacher since approximately 2000. Gardiner Roddey “I would like to serve by worshiping God, by growing in faith together with members of our church family and by serving the needs of the ministries however I can with devotion to all in our congregation, our staff and our clergy.”

Jim Shaffner

Children’s Sunday School teacher, youth basketball coach, Campaign for Deeper Discipleship solicitor, Adult Faith Formation Council (Discipleship Class Study Group), Men’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study, Personnel Committee (compensation, staff search), Celebrate Worship Team (console, captain), Communications Committee.

YOUTH NOMINEES TO SERVE A ONE-YEAR TERM “I would like to be part of the leaders of the church that can and will truly shape the church. Also, I am very excited to take part in an experience that will allow my faith to grow.” Jack Helweg

Youth Council, Spirituality Committee co-chair, Montreat Youth Conference, Cuba team, Vacation Church Camp volunteer.

“I would love to use this opportunity to learn more about the Presbyterian Church and to use my voice to influence the direction we take and serve the church’s mission.” Lucy Hester

Youth Council Spirituality Committee, Vacation Bible School volunteer, Class Ambassador, Cross Mission, Youth Mission Trips.

Jeff Livingston is nominated to the Board of Deacons class of 2017 to complete an unexpired term.

Jeff Livingston “When we step out of our own worlds and into the presence of someone who needs a friend and neighbor, lives sparkle in ways we can only imagine. Giving time to others is the secret.” MPACT Sunday School Class, Celebrate worship service, Cuba team, mission trip Cuba 2014, Meal Ministry team, educational travel Turkey/ Greece 2011 and Israel/Egypt 2012; annual Montreat weekend, food, child care. Melinda Adkins “I want to gain a greater understanding of my faith and, through this process, position myself to be able to share my personal journey with others with the hope of encouraging people, inside and outside of our congregation, to explore what it means to be faithful.” Malawi mission team, Habitat for Humanity co-leader critical home repair, Crossroads Corporation Board of Directors. Teddy Chapman “I think the church does a great job living out its mission as a disciple-making church. I would like to see it continue making opportunities for all age groups available and to provide both short-term and long-term opportunities.” Vacation Church School, Parent Advisory team, Sunday School teacher, Chicken Pick’n. Stephanie Cline “My ministries have focused primarily on children. I will draw upon those experiences of nurturing and guiding our children, which is our baptismal vow, as I broaden my focus to support and care for the larger congregation wherever I am called.”


Weekday School (WDS) fellowship and fundraising committee, WDS Chapel team, Billingsville snack donation coordinator, Sunday School teacher, Vacation Bible School (VBS) co-chair and chair, VBS registration, Presbyterian Women parenting circle, Emerging Leaders class. Lora Connor “I believe that for MPPC to live out our mission as a disciple-making church we need to find more ways to continue to ‘educate’ our members on God’s word. We need ways to meet the educational needs of all our members—liberal, conservative and those in the middle.” Deacon, Sunday School teacher, Homeless Shelter assisting the homeless in obtaining daily employment, Room in the Inn, Habitat for Humanity, New Member team. David Finch “I feel that our church’s mission of ‘Every member has a Ministry’ has and can continue to make an enormous impact to those in need. We have been blessed with the opportunity to serve others through discipleship outreach.” Finance Committee, assistant treasurer, Cross Board Finance chair, Sunday School teacher, youth basketball coach. Ted Highsmith “I hope my discipleship reflects a committed and humble response to God’s grace and love, clearly visible through active service in our church to support its members and its ministries. I want to live my faith in a Christ-centered way with a dynamic spirituality that is courageous, compassionate and kind.” Bess Kercher

Women’s Bible study, Vacation Bible School, Pastoral Care committee, Mecklenburg Ministries, Sunday School shepherd, Parent Advisory team, Presbyterian Women Council, World vision. “I would serve by fostering volunteerism and service, increasing spiritual education opportunities, promoting financial giving as a spiritual disciple and ignite MPPC’s ‘healing’ after a challenging year of changes.” Cub Scout Pack 55 den leader and webmaster, Room in the Inn, Beds for Kids, Habitat El Salvador mission trip, Youth Sunday School, youth basketball assistant coach.

Michael Lenhart “I feel that MPPC does a great job of caring for our neighbors in need in Charlotte and across the world.” Adult Sunday School leader, Pre-school Sunday School teacher, Elementary Sunday School teacher, Vacation Bible School teacher; Presbyterian Women: Box Tops and Soup Labels, Mother’s Day Cards, Sharon Towers social; Confirmation co-director. Eva McCollum “I would like to serve by continuing to grow existing programs I am involved with and by providing fellowship with members in need, hopefully encouraging a sense of inclusion even for those not able to be present in church.” Presbyterian Women Board: New Member committee chair, Christmas Communion service chair, Children’s Consignment Sale chair; Tapestry Ministry. Isabel Owen “I would like to serve God through serving others. I am thankful for His love and grace and I would like to share that with everyone.” Weekday School teacher, Sunday School teacher, Vacation Bible School, Meal Ministry, Children and Families Ministry Outreach chair, Consignment Sale committee. Katie Sanderson “As a deacon my primary goal would be to have a positive impact on the life of another person whether by prayer, listening to someone’s problems or just spending quality time with someone in need of simple company. I believe I can make a difference in the life of another.” Room In the Inn, Faithful Parenting adult Sunday School class teacher, youth basketball coach. Cliff Smith

YOUTH NOMINEES TO SERVE A ONE-YEAR TERM “MPPC encourages people to help others with and without money. You can lend a helping hand by time or out of your wallet and it is showing people the importance of giving.” Cameron Good Montreat, Sailing trip, youth group, Bible study, Sunday School, Grier Heights committee, consignment sale.

“I will live out my discipleship by displaying God’s acceptance of all here at MPPC and the care, love and support that comes with being brothers and sisters in Christ.” Ellie McIntyre

Active youth group attendee, Youth Mission Action team chair, Communications Action Team and the Welcome Action Team, attended Montreat youth conference twice, Cuba mission trip (2015-2016).

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