About Us The Performance Golf en5ty was founded by Darren Delacy in 2008. The vision for the company was to improve Professional services at Golf Professional Shops and posi5oning the Golf Professional as the expert in the game amongst peers, members, and guests of our great game.
Proshop Solu5ons White Labeled The YourGolfPro brand was born in 2014. The primary objec5ve for the brand is for members, guests and local community to be able to connect with YourGolfPro. In 2015 we signed Deborah HuLon to help us engage a new audience and welcome women into golf through a Na5onal campaign strategy. Further to this strategy is a complete end to end Proshop Marke5ng and sales solu5on
We believe all Proshops do “some kind” of marke5ng using 3rd party apps. We have iden5fied that this has its challenges constantly, consistently and structurally. We have developed & con5nue to develop, applica5ons & solu5ons for your pro shop to engage, connect and con5nue to connect with your members, guests and local Community. These solu5ons are branded under Your Brand.
Progressive Golf, is an unbranded group that enjoy the suppliers deals and buying opportuni5es and from 5me to 5me marke5ng ini5a5ves.
Na5onal Campaign 400,000 + a week reach
YourGolfPro model – Ø Consultancy to your Proshop Business every 8 weeks Ø Na5onal marke5ng campaign $300,000 company investment each year Ø Brand Ambassador – Deborah HuLon Ø Localized/ Customized structured monthly newsleLer Ø Localized / Customized structured monthly ac5va5on mail campaigns Ø Complete website, that will house -‐ Your Videos -‐ Group ini5a5ves -‐ Your Online Booking Coaching diary -‐ Your logo E commerce store Ø Online “cloud based” coaching diary Ø Integrated feed, Demo day, E Campaign, Bookings Ø Demo club tracking and follow up applica5on Ø E POP Up stores Ø New Member engagement app/solu5on Ø Follow up drip campaigns on purchases app Ø Guest experience follow up app Ø Personalized wine “gib of purchase” for your customers Ø Supplier sales programs available Ø Buying and selling solu5on(s)
Connect – Invite – Capture
Fully Managed Website
Sales E POP up store
E Logo Store
Say Thankyou
Follow Up Mails Guest Experience
E Voucher store
E Lesson sales
Your Brand White Label model – Ø Your Brand on your portal and all communica5on Ø Localized/ Customized structured monthly newsleLer Ø Localized / Customized structured monthly ac5va5on mail campaigns Ø All ac5va5on is targeted back to your website Ø Booking link for events only Ø Integrated feed, Demo day, E Campaign, Booking Ø Demo club tracking and follow up applica5on Ø E POP Up stores Ø New Member engagement app/solu5on Ø Follow up drip campaigns on purchases app Ø Guest experience follow up app Ø Supplier sales programs available Ø Buying and selling solu5on(s)
Member Engagement
Traffic to your website
Lesson packages
Guest Experience
Increase / track hardware
Examples – Automated interface Dear Glenn, As YourGolfPro I’m just checking in to see how the club(s) you recently demo'd performed for you. I would love to know whether the clubs met your expecta5ons, and if not if there was a par5cular issue you found with them? Taking a club out for a demo is the natural first step to finding the right hardware for your game; it doesn’t maLer what it says on the box, you need to be able to set the club up to the ball and be confident that it will deliver the result you’re looking for. The next step, which is no less important, is to convert that good feeling into a good result by fikng the club you’re comfortable with to suit your body and swing type. This will maximize the club’s performance and therefore the value you derive from your purchase. So if you are interested in a fikng session, another demo or even just a chat about your game, send me a mail and we can arrange a 5me. -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐
Guest Experience
Within 7 days – Welcome and an invite to be concierged around the club 30 days an offer from the Pro for a free lesson 60 days an offer form the Pro for a game of golf 180 days an offer to bring your family down for a free clinic from the pro 1st year happy birthday mailer
Dear Mark, Firstly we would like to thankyou for playing XYZ Golf Club. We hope you enjoyed your experience yesterday and look forward to seeing you again. To help us increase our overall service and experience could you please kindly rate your experience at XYZ golf club yesterday. You will be able to pull live reports from your portal, how many players, ra5ngs, comments and averages -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐
30 days, Congratula5ons on your electric buggy's purchase, its 5me for me to tell you about the add on accessories that are available and also a quick lesson in maintenance 6 Months a full report and advice on maintenance 12 months congratula5ons your buggy is 12 months old, and now in need of a service. Invite to bring into proshop (charges apply) Your buggy is now 18 months old, you may experience some baLery challenges. Let me help out and offer my advice around your baLery
-‐ 25 days, As YourGolfPro I would like to check in to see how your shoes are. I want to advise you we offer a 25 day comfort warranty and if you are having any issues with comfort please come back in and see our friendly proshop staff -‐ 6 Months, I have a respike opportunity and promo5on -‐ 12 Months, Congratula5ons, your golf shoes are now 1 year old. I'm just checking in to make sure the waterproofing is s5ll working on your shoes. If you have found they are leaking please bring them in ASAP as the warranty runs out this month.
-‐ 30 days, Congratula5ons your Golf Clubs are now 30 days old. As YourGolfPro its my responsibility to look out for your equipment and I would like to offer you a free gapping session – you can book by reply email -‐ 6 Months-‐ Free golf lesson -‐ 12 Months – Regrip your clubs opportunity
Ac5va5on Portal 30 Day free trial -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐
Edi5ng suite for your newsleLers and ac5va5on campaigns – (allocated crea5ve manager) Data entry on sales, hardware, shoes,electric buggies New member interface Demo club interface and follow up mailer Live data feed of guests and guest experience
Guest Experience
Sell your brands / products to a new market YGP Data from Website
We take responsibility for the game, the growth and par5cipa5on, for too long the industry has been figh5ng for market share and market voice to a market that has not grown. It’s 5me to: Ø Grow the numbers of players and enhance your market share and voice Below are our growth numbers in Australia 2014 Vs 2015 YTD These numbers are based on our group readership and website traffic
2014 Jan 1 – June 1, average 3,500 weekly web visits
2015 Jan 1 – June 1, average 17,000 weekly web visits
YGP Audience
Ladies Mens 80 60 40 20 0
Process Funnel 22 Million Poten5al Customers
Na1onal Campaigns hLp://otg.golfaustralia.com.au/#folio=35 hLp://www.golfaustralia.com.au Localized / Customized Communica1on hLp://esp.nextgen-‐communica5ons.com/ public/messages/view-‐online/ pRaaKNWlrOSnnGy5/8qR9gBN2LkX9GTST Localized / Customized Engagement hLp://esp.nextgen-‐communica5ons.com/ public/messages/view-‐online/ pRaaKNWlrOSnnGy5/4rCxoQflzVCyDKTO Seamless Online Booking Solu1on(s) hLp://yourgolfpro.net/steve-‐lipovas/ Exceeding Customer Expecta1on Thankyou wine
Post Sales Follow Up hLp://yourgolfpro.net/portal/login/? redirect_to=%2Fportal%2Fclub-‐purchase-‐ follow-‐up-‐campaigns%2F
How to choose your Proshop Solu5on
If you want to: -‐ Na5onal Adver5sing campaign -‐ Brand ambassador -‐ New customers -‐ Increased sales -‐ Increased Lessons & Clinics -‐ Online Cloud based Teaching diaries -‐ Na5onal Brand -‐ Buying /Program opportuni5es -‐ Connect & Communicate beLer with your members & new comers using world best prac5ce -‐ Increase your sales with current members and guests and new golfers -‐ Find out about your guests experience -‐ Set and measure KPIs in the proshop -‐ Con5nue to connect with your Members & Guests follow up mails -‐ Local and remote community responsibility -‐ Overall execute worlds best prac5ce in the Proshop -‐ Plus much more
Then YourGolfPro solu5on is for you at $325 a month
If you want to: -‐ Enhance your Club Brand -‐ Connect & Communicate beLer with your members using world best prac5ce -‐ Increase your sales with current members and guests -‐ Find out about your guests experience -‐ Set and measure KPIs in the proshop -‐ Con5nue to connect with your Members, Guests and importantly new members And you don’t need -‐ New customers -‐ Increased coaching -‐ Na5onal marke5ng strategy -‐ Filtered customers to a central managed website -‐ An online teaching diary The the white Label solu5on is for you at $225 a month
If you want to: -‐ Buying Opportuni5es
And you don’t need -‐ Na5onal Adver5sing campaign -‐ Brand ambassador -‐ New customers -‐ Increased sales -‐ Increased Lessons & Clinics -‐ Online Cloud based Teaching diaries -‐ Na5onal Brand -‐ Buying /Program opportuni5es -‐ Connect & Communicate beLer with your members & new comers using world best prac5ce -‐ Increase your sales with current members and guests and new golfers -‐ Find out about your guests experience -‐ Set and measure KPIs in the proshop -‐ Con5nue to connect with your Members & Guests follow up mails -‐ Local and remote community responsibility -‐ Overall execute worlds best prac5ce in the Proshop -‐ Plus much more
The Progressive Golf Model for you Free