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A Country Girl at Heart



Germaine Love

Germaine Love

...when I’m not modelling, I’m actually a business woman and I make a mean old fashioned

WERE YOU EXCITED TO SHOOT FOR FHM? Y es! When I got the call, I was so happy! Still celebrating now!

HOW DO YOU PREPARE FOR A SHOOT? I eat cleaner and drink as much water as I can. I enjoy keeping fit anyway but I book in more PT sessions with my coach and the night before I need a good night sleep. I’m so not a morning person.

WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO DOING THIS YEAR? Traveling! It’s one of my favorite things to do and Vegas is on the top of the list. It’s great as I get to travel to so many awesome places to shoot too.

TELL US SOMETHING SURPRISING ABOUT YOU? Not many people know but I own a bar, so when I’m not modeling, I’m actually a business woman and I make a mean old fashioned.

IF YOU WEREN’T A MODEL, WHAT WOULD YOU BE? I would really like to be a lawyer. It’s something I might pursue and get my degree.

WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR HOBBIES? I’m really into my boxing at the moment, so even training in the ring or going to watch a fight. I’d really like to go and see a big fight, that’s on the bucket list. I’m also a country girl at heart so I enjoy walking my two dogs, Buster and Princess and going horse riding.

Germaine Love

Be sure to follow all of Germaine’s sexy adventures on Instagram @germainelovex

WHAT DOES YOUR TYPICAL DAY LOOK LIKE? Well my morning always starts with coffee followed by a workout. I like to take the dogs out on a country walk and then I go to work at my bar. If I’m not at work, I like to go to the movies or out for a meal and drinks. Normally a steak and a few rum and cokes unless I’m shooting of course. Then it’s a salad and no alcohol.

WHAT’S YOUR GUILTY PLEASURE? Pizza, white chocolate and champagne. So calorific.

WHAT CAN’T YOU LIVE WITHOUT? My dogs. They are my little shadows.

LASTLY, WHAT IS YOUR LIFE MO TTO OR A QUOTE THAT MEANS A LOT TO YOU? Be kind always. You don’t know what people are going through behind closed doors and kindness is free!

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