1 minute read
But age and experience will do a number on you, expanding your skills, repertoire and self-compassion, allowing you to see that most people simply want to be at ease and feel truly welcome in your home. Just recently, I had the lastminute opportunity to invite my neighbor Laura over to hang out and catch up over dinner. We had frozen chicken burgers and salad, and a few fresh strawberries after dinner with the last pieces of a bar of dark chocolate. I forgot to chill the wine so the chard was warm. We had a delightful time. See? I’m teachable.
It warms my heart to have Lissa authoring this month’s “Wild Dinner”; what food issue would be complete without an homage to the Northwoods bounty that surrounds us? Even better, the host/forager/cook is none other than Keefer, now a delightful, grown and über-competent man of the woods (and lake… and field). I guarantee you’ll feel the maternal pride rising up from every description, that you’ll practically smell the morels sizzling in their buttery bath—abundant, delicious, more than enough to share for anyone lucky enough to be pulled in the door and offered a seat at the Edwards table.
Cara McDonald Executive Editor cara@mynorth.com
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