Careers 2014

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Careers Traverse City Region

Your Guide to Relocating in the Grand Traverse Region of Northern Michigan


LIVE. WORK. PLAY. HERE! Make a Rich and Memorable Life in Northern Michigan Neighborhoods and Towns What to consider when choosing your home

Local Economy

What our leading companies do


From K–12 through college, many good options are nearby

Health & Wellness, Active Outdoors Food, Wine & Entertainment Traverse City Region Careers



8/13/14 10:24 AM

Dream Jobs. Dream Location.

Munson Medical Center attracts some of the most caring and talented people working in health care today. People are drawn to our top quality hospital in one of the nation’s most beautiful places. We have outstanding facilities, sophisticated technology, and an inspiring medical team. All we’re missing is you.

Learn more about opportunities waiting for you in northern Michigan at

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8/12/14 5:21 PM


Careers Traverse City Region

3 #TC Start Here

Traverse City Area Chamber of Commerce



10 Neighborhoods 12 Play 16 Wine 18 Food 20 Entertainment

22 Healthcare

24 Local Economy 26 Education 28 Transportation

Working @

29 Northwest Michigan

Council of Governments 33 Northwestern Michigan College 41 Traverse City Area Public Schools

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From Engineering to Entry level, we are proud to manufacture bonded abrasive products that are sold in the US and 60 countries globally.

Our Success is Based On: • Employees that Care • Quality Products • Incredible Customer Service Scan to Learn More!

Careers Traverse City Region



2615 Aero Park Dr, Traverse City, MI BORIDEABRASIVES.COM


Jeff Smith Elizabeth Edwards Kate Bassett Kandace Chapple Kim Schneider Tim Tebeau Bob Wilcox Theresa Burau-Baehr Claire Stortz Todd Zawistowski Michael Thompson Roger Lamb Rachel Fournier Kris Riley


Jim Driver Ann Gatrell Lisa Gillespie Faulkner Jeff Hale Jill Hayes Amy Artz Joslin Cyndi Ludka Candace Morse Drew Warner


Rachel North



Deborah Wyatt Fellows

Jodi G. Simpson Dani Davis Monterey Wheeler Kirstin Gorney Bill O’Brien

Traverse City Region Careers

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# TC Start Here Come and see what everyone’s talking about. It’s not a surprise to those who live here when the Traverse City area is spotlighted on various “Best Of…” rankings across the country. The desirability of our region’s unique and abundant natural resources, small town appeal, wonderful arts and cultural offerings, funfilled festivals, and growing food and beverage scene gain more attention every day. Fortunately the business sector is keeping pace with growing expectations. The Traverse City Area Chamber of Commerce is working to grow business and build the community’s professional opportunities through a variety of services that include business financing, real estate site selection, professional development opportunities, and other strategic initiatives impacting business and government. The Chamber’s thriving Young Professionals program offers young people an opportunity to engage and make an impact in the region’s professional and social fabric. The Chamber’s economic development partners are implementing community growth strategies across the region. What follows are some of the stories highlighting Northern Michigan as an enticing locale to launch your professional career. From companies working with clients around the globe to those raising unique local food from our soil, the Chamber is working with the business community to keep this region a remarkable and rewarding destination for decades to come. We look forward to serving you soon. Doug Luciani, President & CEO


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#TC Start Here

Where to Start @ The Chamber VIDEO:

What’s Nice About Working in Traverse City


he serenity and quiet beauty of Northern Michigan is a major attraction for those seeking a less hectic place to raise a family or launch a career. But professional opportunities rely heavily on being able to connect to the outside world. Fortunately, the Grand Traverse region can offer both unmatched beauty and worldwide connectivity. It offers a thriving micro-metropolitan area just minutes from the great outdoors, where its residents can also access the nation and world through the region’s broadband network, modern airport, multi-modal transportation network and more. “Among our region’s assets is the ability to do business from a place that can offer living amenities you can’t find elsewhere— abundant natural resources, a thriving arts and culture scene, safe and growing communities, excellent public and private schools and more,” Chamber Chief Operating Officer Laura Oblinger said. “You can enjoy all the best of Northern Michigan and still do business all over the country and beyond.” Among the leaders in the regions’ technological evolution is Traverse City–based Munson Healthcare. Seven Munson Healthcare system hospitals were just recognized by the American Hospital Association’s professional journal among the “Most Wired” hospitals in the country for 2014. “The Most Wired recognition tells us that we are among those hospitals that are optimizing advanced technology to better support the care and safety of our patients,” said Chris Podges, chief information officer at Munson Healthcare. “Our IT staff members—and the thousands of clinical staff that have adopted the many changes— have done an outstanding job meeting the challenges to help create a system that can deliver more integrated and patient-centered care.” Randi Terry, one of three Information Services Directors at 4

Munson, said Munson’s capabilities for sharing electronic health data and patient records to health care centers across the country is important to Northern Michigan’s populations, where many residents divide their time between here and other parts of the country. Munson can also instantly send along critical medical data when they send patients to other facilities, such as University of Michigan Health System. “It’s hugely important for us,” Terry said. Munson’s technology advancements are also leading to career opportunities for IT professionals, Terry said. Both hardware and software specialists are needed to build and maintain these state-of-the-art systems, she said. “There really are a lot of opportunities out there,” Terry said. “I think we have the largest IT shop north of Clare.” Other segments of the region’s business sector are utilizing the improved connectivity of Northern Michigan to grow their business. Cherry Capital Airport Executive Director Kevin Klein pointed to significant growth in cargo movement at Cherry Capital in 2014 as further evidence of the region’s expanding economy. Cargo movement through Cherry Capital grew more than 17 percent in the first half of 2014, and the total weight surpassed 1.5 million pounds of goods and materials. The air-cargo mix includes everything from locally made manufacturing components to food items raised and produced here. Passenger travel at Cherry Capital is also up more than 6 percent for the first half of the year. “I think a lot of that is just general business growth,” Klein said. “It’s just an overall steady flow of stuff.” —Bill O’Brien


Northern Michigan Connects to the World

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#TC Start Here

Chamber Capital Grows Business M

ost everyone is familiar with the old saying that “It takes money to make money.” Finding access to growth capital is a challenge for many businesses, particularly start-ups or operations without a long track record. Through the Chamber’s Enterprise TraverseCONNECT, the Chamber is helping dozens of area businesses grow their companies, expand product lines, save energy and more through five Access to Capital programs that range from small micro loans up to hundreds of thousands for major development projects. The Chamber has made loans to 28 companies totaling nearly $1 million out of its $5 million portfolio. “The Chamber’s been able to help more than two dozen local businesses expand through our Access to Capital resources,” said Laura Galbraith, the Chamber’s Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration. “The financing is important, but our clients also receive key business planning and financing guidance from a team of experts to ensure their operations are viable over the long term.” The Chamber’s business financing programs include: · Sub Micro Loans up to $7,500 for business start-up or seed money. · Energy Efficiency Loans up to $50,000 for energy savings and peak load reduction projects. · Intermediary Relending Loans up to $100,000 for working capital, machinery and equipment in a program supported by the USDA. · Development Fund Loans up to $250,000 for gap and bridge financing, expanded production capacity and market diversification. · Regional Revolving Loans up to $500,000 for property acquisition, equipment and inventory, working capital or financing existing debt. The Chamber is also stretching its Access to Capital dollars beyond its traditional service area to fund economic development projects throughout the region. The Traverse City Area Chamber Foundation was recently certified by the Michigan Economic Development Corp. as the administrator for the Regional Revolving Loan Fund in the 10-county Region 2 area stretching from Manistee County north to the Mackinac Bridge. Businesses can seek loans up to $500,000 for economic development projects that meet federal requirements for job creation and/or eliminating blight. Learn more about all of the Chamber’s Access to Capital resources by visiting www.tcchamber. org. —Bill O’Brien

Perspective from a Young Professional Member The Traverse City Young Professionals Program is an asset to my career in Traverse City. I joined the Chamber’s Traverse City Young Professionals Program shortly after I moved to the area as a way to meet new people with similar goals and interests. Not only have I encountered a great network of people, I have been given the opportunity to grow both professionally and personally in a community that I truly adore. The YP program continually provides me with educational seminars that directly impact me in my position with the City of Traverse City. It also encourages me to contribute to and enrich our community through volunteerism and other social networking events. I am humbled to be a member of the Chamber’s Traverse City Young Professionals Program.

Katelyn Stroven Administrative Specialist City of Traverse City



Chamber Helps Grow Local Food Scene Finding money to launch a new restaurant in Suttons Bay featuring locally grown products was a challenge for Jen and Nic Welty of Nine Bean Rows farm in Leelanau County. But a $30,000 loan from the Traverse City Area Chamber’s Development Fund in 2013 set the Weltys’ dream in motion—and they haven’t looked back. “We were scratching around every nook and cranny to find the money we needed to get us up and running,” Jen Welty said. “I don’t think it would have been possible without the aid of the Chamber, frankly.” A year later the couple’s Suttons Bay restaurant is thriving, they’ve opened a bakery along M204 between Suttons Bay and Lake Leelanau, and their Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm is generating local food for their restaurant and other families. “We’re doing terrific,” Welty said. “The restaurant is going gangbusters, the bakery is doing great, and we’re continuing to grow.” — Bill O’Brien

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#TC Start Here

Saving Energy Dollars Radio Centre was among the downtown’s most modern developments when it was constructed more than a decade ago. But after several years of operations, owners were looking to reduce their energy costs—and turned to the Traverse City Area Chamber for help. “Even though it was a new building, there were some high energy costs,” said Chris Warren, general manager of Midwestern Broadcasting Co., which built the mixed-use complex. Midwestern received a $36,000 loan in 2013 from the Chamber’s Energy Efficiency Fund, which paid for “enveloping” the structure with foam insulation. The energy savings created by the project more than offset the debt service on the loan. “We hoped to be cash neutral, but it ended up being cash positive for us,” Warren said. The project also paid for itself in about half the time originally estimated by project consultants. “Within a year and a half, we covered that (loan) just in energy savings,” Warren said. The Chamber’s Energy Efficiency Fund is among five Access to Capital programs operated by the Traverse City Area Chamber. To learn more about these resources, visit 6

YPs Grow in Number, Influence B

usiness and community leaders across the country often find themselves asking the same question—how do we better engage with the young career-oriented people? In Northwest Michigan, the Traverse City Area Chamber’s Young Professionals program not only gets up-and-coming professionals involved in the community, but also helps with their personal and professional advancements through their connections with other YPs. Launched by the Chamber in 2008, the YP program has grown both in numbers and influence. More than 50 YPs regularly attend YP Committee meetings and serve on various subcommittees, while the YP contact list is more than 800 strong. “The Chamber created the Young Professionals program in response to the needs of both the region’s employers and its young professionals,” Chamber Chief Operating Officer Laura Oblinger said. “Employers needed their emerging leaders socially connected to help fulfill their ability to call northern Michigan home. Additionally, young professionals were informally gathering out of the same need to connect with peers and feel a sense of community.” Oblinger added that over time, the Chamber’s Young Professionals program has become a model for the state and other chambers nationwide.

“This has been one of the Chamber’s fastest growing and widest reaching programs,” Oblinger said. “We are a stronger organization because of it and the people involved.” Folks are taking notice. Michigan governor Rick Snyder made special mention of the success of the Chamber’s Young Professionals program in a special proclamation he signed early this year. Snyder followed that up with a special roundtable discussion with dozens of local YPs in April. Current YP Chair Jessica Wheaton said the program continues to evolve with the recent additions of new initiatives. The YP Insider helps local employers attract new talent to the area, building upon existing programs like YP Connect that helps make professional connections in the business community. “In 2014 I’ve focused on engaging YPs who may have been sitting on the sidelines and bringing them into the game,” said Wheaton, who’s the marketing and community relations coordinator for Traverse City Light & Power Co. “Not only do these initiatives help build the landscape for successful YP involvement in our community, they bring a sense of accomplishment to all those who are involved and working hard to make Traverse City a desirable place for young professionals to start, build, and grow their careers.” —Bill O’Brien

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8/12/14 3:08 PM

2155 Traversefield Dr. • Traverse City, MI 49686 231-995-8300 Forkardt is an equal opportunity employer

Microline specializes in developing sophisticated instrument and software systems used primarily for the in-place inspection of oil/gas wells and pipeline networks.

WORKFORCE Visit the Career CafĂŠ at Traverse City Michigan Works! Professional Career Facilitators will help you target your job search, improve your resume, practice interviewing, and connect to the full range of career opportunities in the Grand Traverse area. BUSINESS Work with a Business Liaison for all your hiring needs We provide customized recruiting services, workforce training, and connections to a network of resources for all your hiring and business development needs. COMMUNITY Engage in a community-based network Through a broad partnership with non-profits, public entities, and private sector businesses, we will connect you to additional resources throughout the community.

2397 Traversefield Drive Traverse City, MI 49686 231-935-1585

Call 1-800-442-1074 or visit

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8/12/14 3:10 PM

Downtown Riding the TART trail along West Grand Traverse Bay

MORE ABOUT DOWNTOWN Downtown Traverse City Association, 231.922.2050 Traverse City Chamber of Commerce, 231.947.5075

Traverse City Region Careers

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The new Bijou by the Bay Theater at Clinch Park Marina


Friday Night Live in downtown Traverse City


Shaping the Strategy

A Thriving, Stable Downtown ake a stroll down Traverse City’s Front Street on any given day, and you will enjoy a scene that is the envy of small town leaders across the nation: people are walking the sidewalks, shopping the boutiques and settling into restaurants and cafes. Downtown Traverse City’s strong pulse and vitality comes in part from the town’s captivating location on the shore of one of the planet’s largest freshwater bays, but smart planning also played a central role in the town’s strong economy. Decades ago, city planners understood that Traverse City naturally embodied the elements of successful towns that New Urbanist advocates were then promoting across the nation. Community members, government leaders and businesspeople joined in agreeing to a long term vision of the town as a walkable, livable place that would operate at an intimate, human level. The town improved sidewalks, installed crosswalks, cultivated a retail and food scene that stressed inventiveness, individuality and personality, and invested in a smartly designed marina and waterfront. The success of the plan is gratifying to see first-hand, in the present moment, but even more important—especially for career- and family-oriented people contemplating a move here—it shows that Traverse City’s economic strength is not temporary or flash-in-the-pan, but is the result of intelligent, shared-value decisions that form the foundation for long-term success.




Nationwide, at the end of 2013, the average vacancy rate for retail space hovered at about 10 percent; by comparison, in Traverse City, just 2 percent of retail space stood vacant. And local real estate agents and business people know that when a storefront space becomes available downtown, it doesn’t stand empty for long. Such high demand for downtown real estate testifies to efforts of two organizations that have shaped the current state of Traverse City: The Downtown Development Authority and the Downtown Traverse City Association. The organizations, made up of business and community leaders, work both behind the scenes (on things like tax-increment financing to fund downtown infrastructure) and in highly public, visible ways (on projects like Friday Night Live—a weekly summertime street party with musicians, food and kids events). The upshot for downtown entrepreneurs and residents is a fun and financially solid downtown whose future is being protected, supported and shaped by people who care.

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The call of gulls spiraling above. The faint clank of metal against mast as sailboats rock in the harbor. The sun rising over a mirror-calm bay. Whitecaps and a surging surf pushed by a north wind. When living in Traverse City, you sense Lake Michigan’s Grand Traverse Bay as a force, a presence in your daily life, a thing of natural beauty that’s somehow with you at all times, and while it’s true that nobody has figured a way to put a number on the lifestyle value of living by one of the world’s biggest bodies of fresh water, it’s equally true that the value is undeniable to those who have made that choice.

Traverse City Region Careers


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Neighborhoods Just one of the many beautiful neighborhoods in downtown Traverse City

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Live in Elk Rapids and you and your family could ride bikes or walk to the marina and chill out on the water.


Lakeside and Country Homes

Neighborhoods of Traverse City and Nearby T

Leland’s Fishtown



raverse City is a small town renowned for having the choices and amenities of towns far larger, and this is true of area housing options as well. From condos and classic Victorian homes near the heart of downtown to farmhouses and lakeside homes within a 30-minute commute, the variety of housing means the right home in the right place awaits families deciding to make a life here. Neighborhoods near downtown: When neighborhoods are strong, a town is strong—the saying is an axiom of urban planning, and Traverse City neighborhoods are visibly stable and beautiful. Tour the many blocks of homes within walking distance of downtown and find classic Americana streets. Hundred-year-old maples arch above, and smartly painted Victorian-era homes, some large and rambling, others cute and more every-day, line the sidewalks. Live near downtown and you have an easy walk or bike to cafes, the State Theatre, shops and that gorgeous waterfront. Condos near downtown: Local developers have created delightful and innovative condominium and townhouse options close

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Near Traverse City, rural living takes two forms: countryside homes and lakeside homes. Those who envision a life with a big garden, maybe even some farm animals and room to stretch out will be captivated by the region’s graceful and rolling farmland laced with orchards and vineyards. For people longing to live on the water, the region’s multitude of clean, clear inland lakes, rivers and Great Lakes shore offers dreamy possibilities within reasonable commute distance.

to downtown. Standouts include the Midtown townhouses, which rise along the Boardman River just a block from Front Street—walk the boardwalk, tie up your canoe or kayak out front. Also, the condos at Grand Traverse Commons, just a mile from downtown and surrounded by parkland, are lovely homes built within a tremendous, re-purposed Victorian-era hospital (a nationally recognized restoration project). Sandstonehued brick, wood floors, and light from grand windows make these spaces irresistible. Waterside and countryside townhouses and condos are also available in a number of marinas and nearby towns. Subdivisions: Within easy commuter distance, many options exist for families looking for subdivision living. Because nature is so close at hand here, subdivisions are within minutes of the natural amenities that draw people to the region: beaches, rivers and lakes for swimming and fishing, state and national forests for skiing, hiking, mountain biking and hunting.

Small Towns Within a half-hour of Traverse City several smaller towns offer attractive housing possibilities. Elk Rapids, Leland and Suttons Bay, for example, are harbor villages that, like Traverse City, offer wonderful, classic in-town neighborhoods and easy access to marinas, waterfront and downtowns. Empire and Glen Arbor are shoreside burgs surrounded by Sleeping Bear Dunes national park. Farming towns like Kingsley, Cedar and Williamsburg offer lovely countryside home locations.

Traverse City Region Careers


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Warm Weather Play These days, families are ever more aware that overall happiness—emotional and physical well-being–depends on healthy, active playtime outdoors for parents and children alike, and few places in America offer the outdoor fun possibilities found in Northern Michigan. When the weather warms, the choices are plentiful and easily accessible. Water is the big enchanting resource that people love here, and the options are dizzying: worldclass fishing (big game salmon, feisty small mouth bass, trout, panfish galore), sailing (from day-sailing to yachting), power boating, kayaking, canoeing, scuba diving, surfing, and stand-up paddleboarding. Back on terra firma, glorious possibilities exist too: moun-

At the end of the day, stow away the laptop and get your fish on at the mouth of the Platte River 12

tain bike on plentiful trails, road bike on paved trails or lightly trafficked back roads, hike or trail-run public lands like Sleeping Bear Dunes national park, the vast Manistee National Forest, or right in town in nearby parks. For people looking to share their outdoor fitness passions, many groups are ready to invite you in: Road biking groups, mountain biking groups, paddling groups and groups like the Friends of Sleeping Bear, which helps care for the national park’s trails and beaches. In addition, a vibrant world of citizen competition events exists here and is growing stronger each year. Find a steady offering of running races, mountain bike races, triathlons, and more, nearly all of which offer children’s events.

Find more about outdoor activity at MyNorth. com, click “outdoors,” or do a word search for your favorite outdoor sport.

Traverse City Region Careers

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Play Shredding the terrain park at Shanty Creek


Cold Weather Play When the weather turns cold and snow begins to fall, Northern Michigan residents reject the notion of hibernation. Continuing with the desire to build fitness, emotional equilibrium and family togetherness on this beautiful landscape, locals immerse in such activities as downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, ice fishing and snowmobiling. One of the wonderful aspects of winter in the region is that Lake Michigan has a moderating effect on the temperature, keeping our winters warmer than many places this far north, but we still receive plentiful snowfall. For families, that means it’s easy to dress for snow play and stay warm, so that even little children can play for hours outdoors in winter and be comfortable.

If snow sports aren’t part of your world, know that they tend to have strong community built around them. At crosscountry ski trails, families gather at places like Timber Ridge near Traverse City, which boasts a spacious hewnlog dining room with picnic tables and a huge fireplace. Likewise, at downhill ski lodges, families and friends take breaks together, heading inside to gather at big tables and around fireplaces to share brown-bag lunches or dive into hot food from the cafeteria line, and then head back out for more runs together. Downhill ski resorts in particular have worked to keep their sport affordable for families with very inexpensive season passes for kids (amazing “good grades” discounts) and special equipment purchasing programs that offer huge savings for families. Traverse City Region Careers

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Discover much more about Sleeping Bear Dunes at Click “vacation,” then “Sleeping Bear Dunes.” See a Video of Sleeping Bear Dunes at 14

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Sleeping Bear Play When Good Morning America asked the nation’s TV viewers to vote for the most beautiful place in America, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore received more votes than any other destination. Yes, our dunes won the vote! Sure, there are plenty of gorgeous places in America, and plenty of more famous national parks, but by casting their votes, Sleeping Bear’s fans showed just how deeply they have fallen in love with this remarkable region and its 40-story-high sand dunes that rise from a sparkling blue, see-forever Great Lake. For people who have chosen to make a life here, the national park becomes an easily accessible touch-

stone for nature and outdoor fun and exercise. Even midweek, locals can head out after work to do a quick hike to Empire bluffs and stand in awe of their landscape, or, instead, they can meet a pal to slide kayaks into the big water and paddle Sleeping Bear Bay as the sun sets. Often, friends call friends, send texts: “bonfire this evening on the beach,” and they sit around the embers, talking late into the night under the stars. In winter, the hiking trails turn to ski paths and snowshoe destinations, and locals seek the fresh beauty of this most beautiful place covered in white.

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Discover more about Northern Michigan wine country., click “food and wine,” then “wine.” Or do a word search for your favorite wine variety. Also … Leelanau Peninsula Vintners Association: Wineries of Old Mission:

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Wine Scene S


haring the 45th parallel with Bordeaux, Piedmont and Oregon’s Willamette Valley, Traverse City is surrounded by hundreds of hillsides planted to vitis vinifera and home to the Eastern United States’ hippest and most acclaimed wine growing region. The Leelanau and Old Mission Peninsulas collectively boast more than 35 bonded wineries that showcase award-winning coolclimate viticulture and a trail of tasting rooms set among breathtaking vistas of Grand Traverse Bay and its environs. Riesling, pinot gris and chardonnay dominate the white wine scene, showing bright forward fruit and fresh acidity, while cabernet franc, pinot noir and merlot serve as the backbone for rich local reds. The architecture and ambience of the wineries and their

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tasting rooms runs the gamut from the intimate and unassuming converted 19th-century schoolhouse at Peninsula Cellars to the arty and modern showpiece of polished concrete, steel and glass that is Two Lads Winery. Established commercial wineries like Chateau Grand Traverse and Black Star Farms produce a broad spectrum of single varietal wines and blends along with dessert wines, fortified cherry ports and traditional eau de vies. The cool maritime climate is perfect for crafting sparkling wines, the hub of which is L.Mawby Vineyards near Sutton’s Bay, where lovers of bubbly can find more than a dozen delicious permutations of award-winning bottle and tank-fermented wines, running from bone dry brut to sassy demi-sec.

Wine Touring The quality of Northern Michigan’s wine scene offers residents one more way to get out and enjoy the life and landscape of the region. Many locals build traditions around wine touring, and when friends and family come to visit, a day is set aside to roam the two-lanes of Leelanau Peninsula and Old Mission Peninsula, stopping in to favorite tasting rooms or seeking out new entrants to the Northern Michigan wine world. A sunny Saturday afternoon of wine tasting and picnicking, followed by a sunset on a Lake Michigan beach makes life feel right, and locals enjoy knowing the experience is close at hand, a simple but rich part of life here.

Traverse City Region Careers


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Discover more about the food scene in Northwest Michigan., click “Food and Drink.”


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Video: Meet chefs at “Best Eats” restaurants in Traverse City.

hen celebrity chef Mario Batali had a chance to write a piece for Bon Appétit culinary magazine a couple of summers ago, he chose to write what was essentially a love note to the food offerings in a small, out of the way place where he and his family make their summer home. That place is Traverse City and the adjacent Leelanau Peninsula. For people contemplating a move here, Batali’s endorsement can put to rest concerns that transitioning to Northern Michigan will mean leaving behind the kind of inventive foods and contemporary venues more associated with leading cities. Quite to the contrary. Traverse City’s food scene has flourished in recent years, attracting chefs who have trained

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in some of the nation’s top culinary programs and restaurants, chefs who are following a dream to open their own small restaurant and express their own food vision. Locals can choose from the elevated farm-to-table offerings at Cooks’ House, the Frenchinspired menus at Amical, Bistro FouFou and Patisserie Amie, the au-courant pork-centric offerings at Towne Plaza, and the Asian-Latin fusion magic at Georgina’s. Meanwhile, the region’s food truck scene is busting out, inspiring even more chef entrepreneurs, and the area’s microbrew scene (10 in Traverse City alone) and acclaimed wine region (more than 30 wineries) round out the rich culinary offerings.

Local Foods Leader Agriculture is not new to the Traverse City region. The area’s glacial till soils and weather moderated by the Great Lakes gave rise to a nationally renowned orchard industry of cherries and apples decades ago. But in recent years, the breadth and variety of farming has greatly expanded thanks largely to the flourishing local foods movement that has taken hold here. Nearly every small town now has a weekly farm market, with some markets running multiple days per week, and many farms offer community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs. Restaurants big and small, from high-end to everyday diners, tout their farm-to-table offerings. The region’s thriving food scene has certainly grown to become a rich part of daily life here, and national writers have taken notice, sharing the message with the world. Bon Appétit named Traverse City one of the nation’s Top 5 foodie towns and others have showered similar accolades.

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Entertainment and Arts P

eople who relocate to the Traverse City region are often surprised by the quality and vitality of the arts scene here, five hours north of Chicago. What new residents discover is that thanks to several arts organizations, national and international performers make their way to Traverse City year round, and that locals have weekly opportunities to experience touring musicians, comedians and other stage performers. The creative spirit of the region gives rise to many outstanding homegrown musicians as well, and live music and theater performances fill the calendar. In the visual arts realm, painters, sculptors, jewelers, potters and their kindred have long gravitated to the Traverse region because of the natural beauty. They are inspired by the elegant roll of the terrain, the orchards, vineyards and forests, and the quality of light shifted by reflection off one of the world’s biggest lakes. The plenitude of artwork fills galleries, art fairs, museums, restaurant walls, and of course people’s homes, enriching life in the region.

Making Arts Happen Traverse Symphony Orchestra Led by internationally acclaimed director Kevin Rhodes, the TSO plays at a level completely unexpected for an area of this size. Chamber Music North Executive director Debra Fayroian, a career cellist with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, builds remarkable seasons of chamber concerts with international, national and regional talents.

Sheryl Crow in concert at Interlochen.

Several arts organizations share the credit for the rich arts scene in and around Traverse City. Here’s a sampler.

year-round movie houses (the State Theatre and the Bijou by the Bay), with film lineups curated by Moore, and presents the annual weeklong Traverse City Film Festival, which screens a hundred films and brings in producers and directors to discuss their works. The organization also produces the city’s winter comedy festival with national acts.

Milliken Auditorium This acoustically engineered venue serves up global talent—from world beat bands to Chicago blues—year round.

National Writers Series Founded by New York Times best-selling author Doug Stanton, the NWS invites nationally renowned authors to monthly events at the City Opera House for discussion and q/a with the audience.

City Opera House This renovated Victorian theater hosts the National Writers Series events, films during the Traverse City Film Festival and dozens of touring acts throughout the year.

Interlochen Center for the Arts An internationally acclaimed music and arts school presents top-quality student performances and touring performances year round (See related sidebar.)

State Theatre and Traverse City Film Festival Founded by documentarian and author Michael Moore, the State Theatre organization runs two

Old Town Playhouse The area’s leading theatrical company stages performances year round on its main stage and at its studio theater nearby.

Botanic Garden Society With 25 acres and a site plan developed by an internationally renowned designer, the organization is creating a botanic garden on the grounds of Grand Traverse Commons. Porterhouse Productions An entertainment promotion company that sponsors microbrew and music festivals in summer and winter and presents concerts and other events year round. Grassroots arts organizations There are many more locally run arts organizations that encourage participation (painting classes, symphony bands, theater, much more) and present performances and gallery shows throughout the year.

Discover more about the Entertainment and Arts in Northwest Michigan. MyNorth. com, click “events.”

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LOOKING FOR MORE ABOUT HEALTH & WELLNESS? Munson Healthcare, 231.935.5000 Northern Michigan Regional Hospital, 800.248.6777

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Traverse City Area Chamber of Commerce, 231.947.5075


Preventive The landscape is your gymnasium! A healthful and beautiful bonus of making a life in northern Michigan is that the surrounding landscape can be a gym that inspires you to maintain your fitness level. Swim in a lake. Take walks. Cycle the trails and roads. Ski. Paddle. It’s all good, friends. It’s all good.

Healthcare T

hough Traverse City is a small town far from major urban areas, the medical community has had remarkable success in attracting the kind of professionals who were able to build a hospital system recognized as one of the best in the nation. In fact, from 1992 to 2012, Munson Medical Center, the flagship hospital of Munson Healthcare, was named to the list of Top 100 Hospitals 14 times, more than all but two hospitals in the entire nation. In addition, the hospital received the prestigious CareChex award in 2011 for having the most successful heart coronary bypass program in the nation. Many other accolades in a number of specialty areas have come before and since. To remain at the forefront of care, Munson continues to invest heavily in its medical infrastructure. Currently Munson is building a cancer care center designed to improve care and efficiencies by gathering oncology specialists and treatment tech-

nology all under one roof. The new center will feature a stateof-the-art infusion center and technically advanced stereotactic radio surgery equipment, which uses precisely controlled beams of radiation to treat cancers that might otherwise be considered inoperable due to risk. A similar approach—centralizing technology and services—was employed recently when Munson built a multi-story wing devoted to heart care and surgery, achieving meaningful results in patient care and efficiencies. In Northern Michigan, Munson is the only level II trauma center and the only neonatal intensive care center. As the medical world has evolved and hospital consolidation accelerated, the 391-bed Munson Medical Center has become the hub of an 8-hospital system in Northern Michigan, providing support systems to network hospitals in small communities an hour and more away.



Longer Term Care

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When moving to a new locale, families may have a situation in which they need to also transition an elderly family member to a nearby assisted living apartment or long term nursing care facility. The Traverse region has many good options for the broad range of care that might be needed. The Pavilions, a long-term care center adjacent to Munson Medical Center, is one of the highest rated facilities in the state. The Traverse City Senior Center organizes occasional open houses that enable people to take buses to tour several facilities in one day.

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Local Economy

Diversified Local Economy The Traverse region has attracted a diverse spectrum of entrepreneurs and their businesses. Following is a sampler of leading firms.

Alcotec Wire World’s largest producer of aluminum welding wire.

CRM Industries High

Boride Engineered Abrasives State-of-the-art

eFulfillment Leading

abrasives technology.

Britten Banner

A national leader in largeformat digital printing and custom vinyl banners.

Burnette Foods

Producing private label fruit products for retail companies and food service distributors.

Cherry Capital Foods Innovative distrib-

utor focused on connecting small local farms to commercial and large retail clients.

Clark Manufacturing

Precision CNC milling company.

World’s leading provider of Joomla! website hosting and support.

Cone Drive

Internationally renowned manufacturer of precision gear systems. 24

quality coating and finishing services.

company offering complete fulfillment services for online retailers.

Electro-Optics Faraday

rotators/isolators and fiber collimators for use with laser diodes, fiber lasers and solid-state lasers and photodetectors used to monitor the output of pulsed, modelocked and externally modulated cw lasers.

EJ A national leader in iron and steel products for the utility industry. E-Supply Link Dedicated

to creating, deploying and maintaining exceptional supply chain and enterprise application integration.

Forkardt Subsidiary of an international industrial firm that manufactures precision holding equipment, such as milling chucks. Graceland Fruit

The largest provider of dried fruits in the world—dried

cherries, cranberries, blueberries and apples for commercial and consumer use.

Grand Traverse Machine An industry

leader in the manufacturing of precision machined components.

Hagerty Insurance

Worldwide leader in underwriting the insurance of vintage automobiles and boats.

InForth Customize software systems and information management systems for medical offices.

Great Lakes Forge

iOmni Supply chain management based on advanced partnering approach.

Great Lakes Packing

Materne Leading international food company, based in France, with fruit-product facility based in Traverse City.

Great Lakes Stainless Stainless steel

Maxal International

Custom open die forging and products.

Cherry processor serving leading firms in the processed food industry.

fabrication with a focus on custom-designed indoor and outdoor kitchens.

High quality aluminum weld wire.

Microline Independent

Serving primarily the automotive industry with specialties in compression molding, s-rim and assembly.

research and development firm focused on Non Destructive Testing (NDT) as it relates to oilfield tubulars, including pipelines and downhole casing and tubing.

GT Pie Company

Munson Healthcare

Great Lakes Trim

Innovative dining franchise with emphasis on fresh ingredients and pies.

The region’s largest healthcare system; headquarters and flagship hospital, Munson

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Local Economy

Medical Center, in Traverse City.

Natural Gas Compression Fabricator

SafetyNet Network

design, security and backup systems.

Shoreline Fruit

of reciprocal and rotary screw natural gas compressors.

Producer of cherry products, dried fruits and nutraceuticals.

Opti-Temp Manufacturer

Skilled Manufacturing

of standard and custom chillers, heat exchangers and heat transfer equipment.

Plascon World class manufacturers of specialty plastic packaging for the food service, institutional, pharmaceutical and bulk packaging industries. Quantum Sails

Among the largest and most respected sailmaking companies worldwide.

RM Young International

Advanced manufacturing company serving the automotive and aerospace industries.

Solutionwhere, Inc.

Manufacturer of biopharmaceutical fluid handling products.

United Engineeered Tooling Full-service precision machine services.

Versus Technology State-of-the-art locating technology and information systems used to manage resources, services and processes, most notably in

healthcare settings.

World Magnetics

A leading producer of highend magnetic heads for high-wear applications and custom designed, ultra-sensitive pressure, vacuum and differential switches.

Wyant Computers

Design, implementation and support for local area network, wide area network and voice network.

Provider of web-based applications to school districts, K–12 service agencies, adult ed providers and state agencies.

Terrapin Network support, consulting and backup services.

leading manufacturer of precision meteorological instruments.

TranTek Robotics for automated assembly and manufacturing systems.

Salamander Technologies

Traverse City Area Public Schools The

Automated systems designed to help emergency responders track personnel and resources during incidents.

Twin Bay Medical

largest school district in Northwest Lower Michigan and the region’s second largest employer.

Encouraging Business Growth: NEXT Michigan Local government leaders formed the Grand Traverse Next Michigan Development Corporation to create incentives for new businesses that depend on multimodal commerce—that is, businesses that use two or more means of shipping to transport their products (for example, ship by air and roads or by rail and water). Generally speaking, eligible businesses fall into the manufacturing and supply chain categories. Supported by a 2010 state law, the program makes use of such powerful and proven economic development tools as tax abatements,

special districts for industrial development or plant rehabilitation, Renaissance zones and tax increment financing for public infrastructure improvements. The intent of the Next Michigan program is to create jobs by 1) encouraging local governments to work together with a shared economic purpose and 2) by connecting business growth with existing infrastructure like roads, airports, rail and shipping ports. For more information, contact the Grand Traverse County Planning & Development Department, 231.922.4676,

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Education F

amilies moving to the Traverse City area will discover a satisfying variety of quality schools for their K–12 children, a nationally ranked community college, and a University Center that offers four-year college degrees through relationships with accredited universities.

K–12 Education

The Traverse region offers families several good options for finding the right size and type of school setting for their children. Within the region-wide Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District there are 16 separate school districts, five public school academies and 14 private and parochial schools spread across five counties: Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska and Leelanau. Graduation class sizes range from about 550 in the two Traverse City high schools to just 10 students who graduate from tiny Northport each year. In addition, the area supports a number of high quality private schools, including a complete K-12 education through the Grand Traverse Area Catholic Schools, an acclaimed K-8 education through Pathfinder School, charter schools and the internationally renowned music and arts high school academy at Interlochen Center for the Arts. Traverse City Area Public Schools, by far the largest district in the region, offers the widest variety of experiences and course offerings for students. In addition to strong core offerings, the district has such offerings as a well-developed technology and robotics program and teaches a number of foreign languages. The performing arts programs—theater, choir, band—are highly developed, as are the sports programs. Smaller schools in the region have strong core offerings, and many have state and national academic awards—but the breadth of offerings is generally not as large as at big schools. What families love about their smaller schools is that students have easier access to the full high school experience because positions in things like the school play or the football team are not so competitive, and smaller class sizes assure that teachers know students well. Students also have access to career tech programs offered through the intermediate school district.



Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District

In Michigan, intermediate school districts are umbrella organizations that offer special services to local school districts within their jurisdiction, the types of services that each individual district might not be able to support. The TBAISD supports schools in five counties, and offers services like special education, speech therapy and career tech programs. Some of the most acclaimed TBAISD career-tech programs are culinary arts, welding, teacher

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prep, and health care. Families considering a move to the area should review the TBAISD website to investigate the complete course and service offerings.

Northwestern Michigan College

Ranking among the top community colleges in the nation, Northwestern Michigan College offers recent high school graduates and adults returning to school many opportunities to advance their careers. The college offers associate’s degrees in several career disciplines, including niche careers like operating remotely controlled underwater robots and airplane pilot training. The college also has a strong culinary arts program and is one of a handful of schools nationwide that offers maritime training for students seeking work on the world’s freighters. The college has recently taken steps to add four-year degrees to its offerings and intends to expand those programs in coming years. NMC also works with regional school districts to enable students who are still in high school to take college courses at no cost to the students. The program can significantly reduce the cost of college tuition.

University Center

Working in conjunction with several four-year accredited universities, Northwestern Michigan College also offers students the opportunity to earn bachelor’s and master’s degrees while taking classes in Traverse City. Check the NMC website for a list of university partners and degree possibilities. Traverse City Region Careers


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Ground Transportation Basics For the most part, Northern Michigan manufacturers rely on trucks to move their products out to the world—the major markets of Detroit and Chicago are both about five hours’ distant. Producers who prefer rail transportation must first truck their goods to the town of Cadillac, about an hour away, and connect to a rail line there. Transportation on ships—freighters that travel the Great Lakes and out to the world’s oceans— is also possible, but Traverse City itself does not have a deepwater port. The nearest industrial port is in Manistee, about 90 minutes south along the coast of Lake Michigan.

Connected by Air T

raverse City’s air-travel connectedness is well illustrated by a list of flight arrivals on a single summer Saturday at Cherry Capital Airport: Chicago, New York La Guardia, Detroit, Atlanta, Newark, Minneapolis, Denver. People considering relocating their family and business to the Traverse region can rest assured that the frequency and variety of flights (provided by three major airlines: Delta, American and United) makes it easy to visit customers, friends and extended family. Adding to the convenience of air travel here, Cherry Capital Airport is just five minutes drive from downtown Traverse City, with little traffic on the route. Airport planners designed a system that makes picking up and dropping off passengers remarkably

hassle-free, with curbside drop off smooth and easy, and parking, if needed, just a few steps away. Cherry Capital is also simply a well-designed, attractive airport— an aesthetic bonus that creates an impressive welcome for clients and family visitors and eases the stress of travel. Designed with organic elements favored by Frank Lloyd Wright, the interior is trimmed in natural cherry wood and stone, and a fireplace with handsome Craftsman style chairs welcomes arrivals or serves people waiting for flights. A separate terminal exists for private aircraft. Cherry Capital also supports an active and growing air freight business, with companies shipping tens of thousands of tons of product each year.

Public Transit Through the Bay Area Transit Authority (BATA) and regional transit partners, Traverse City and the surrounding area have a well-developed public transit system that pairs convenient and frequent in town routes with connections to small towns within commuter distance. The hub-and-spoke system enables people from neighboring counties to take rural routes into town and then transfer to city buses for work and shopping. The system also encourages riders to use bus bike racks, making it easy to step off a bus at the station and hop a bike for a short pedal to work.


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The Northwest Michigan Council of Governments (NWMCOG) is a regional organization serving local government, businesses, community organizations and individuals throughout northwest lower Michigan, with a mission to enhance the quality of life in our region.

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Resources @ NWMCOG Hagerty Headquarters, the worldwide leader in classic car and boat insurance.


or good reason, the 10-county region of Northwest Lower Michigan ranks as a nationally renowned tourism destination, but because its beauty and fun factor leave such a strong and lasting impression on people, they tend to cast the region as a place with a one-pillar economy: tourism, offering jobs only in that line of work. Career-oriented people contemplating a move here can be assured, however, that the economy of the region stands on a surprising number of pillars, and as a result it achieves an economic stability that outperformed Michigan and many parts of the nation in the recent recession. Yes, the things that draw people to vacation here—the water and natural beauty and four-season climate—are the same things that draw people here to live and start businesses, and the diversified economy reflects that. A 2013 study by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation shows that Accommodations and Food Service jobs make up just 14.6 percent of jobs in Northwest Lower Michigan, with the remaining 85.4 percent split among healthcare (17.1 percent), retail (14.0 percent), manufacturing (12.3 percent), education (7.5 percent), financial services (3.0 percent), and many others. Some of the area’s hottest job types are not well represented in the study because the hiring takes place within a large organization. Information technology, for example, is a much needed and rapidly expanding area of expertise within companies throughout the region, including Munson Healthcare (the region’s largest medical system), Hagerty Insurance (a national leader in insurance), and the region’s schools. Remote workers are another growing part of Northwest Michigan’s workforce. These professionals remain connected to


distant employers and clients via Internet and telecommunications, but they live in, say, a small northern town near the shore of Lake Michigan. Patrick Middleton exemplifies the ideal. He’s an independent software engineer who lives on a farm near Traverse City. He stays connected to his clients, his three employees and one of the highest tech and expanding industries in the global economy all via the web—and meanwhile keeps a half-dozen cattle, a horse, a goat and some ducks, and is a star on his Thursday night downhill ski team at nearby Crystal Mountain. He likes that his children attend a small rural school where the teachers really know the kids. The Northwest Michigan Council of Governments is keenly aware of the stability that a diversified economy provides, and how important that is for business owners and career-minded people here. As a way to maintain and further economic diversity, the NWMCOG Regional Planning department works with communities to plan for economic growth and vitality. This may include assessing infrastructure needs, collecting public input, and assisting the community with determining best strategies. For example, in Mesick, a small, rural town a half-hour south of Traverse City, NWMCOG worked with town leaders to map out a strategy for building infrastructure for long-term nursing care businesses. Manufacturing companies in Benzie are convening with the help of NWMCOG to develop skilled trades training programs. And NWMCOG is helping the village of Kalkaska to explore leveraging its economic potential because of its location on the US 131 corridor. Leveraging local economic strengths naturally furthers the economic diversity and resiliency of the region, which pays long-term dividends to local businesses and families.


Northwest Lower Michigan’s Diverse Job Possibilities

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Resources @ NWMCOG

Coolhouse Labs, an incubator for new businesses in Harbor Springs.

Regional Prosperity Initiative



he people of Northwest Lower Michigan—business leaders, community members, educators, government leaders—have an established history of working together to further the regional economy, and recently that cooperative spirit and sense of shared economic future received added momentum from the governor’s office. Governor Rick Snyder announced in his 2014 State of the State Address that he was launching a Regional Prosperity Initiative, a program designed to recognize and amplify the strengths of regional economies. The program has two major components. One effort will streamline the delivery of government services by reducing overlapping and conflicting agency jurisdictions (upshot: less bureaucracy and paperwork), while the other main effort will encourage regions to develop a consensus vision for an economic future and create proj-

ects that will move the region toward that vision. For people who are opening a business here or building a career here, the Regional Prosperity Initiative comes at an opportune time, as it will help lay the groundwork for more efficient governance and economic growth in coming years. Highlights of the Regional Prosperity Initiative plan for the 10 counties of Northwest Lower Michigan include: • Assess the workforce skill needs of manufacturers and then work with regional colleges to develop training programs in needed areas. • Assess ways to tap into highly skilled but underutilized individuals and use their talents to enhance the regional economy. • Assess the idea of creating a “backbone” support organization for not-for-profit companies. • Provide grants to local communities for regional prosperity projects.

NWMCOG Numbers to Know • 299,500 = Population of 10-county Northwest Lower Michigan region • 7.9% = Unemployment rate, June 2014 (1.1% lower than state; 1.7% lower than nation) • 5.2% = Projected growth in jobs by 2020 • 17% = Projected increase in people age 60 and over by 2020 • 10,658 = Number of online job postings in the 10-county region during 2013 • 13% = Manufacturing’s percent of gross regional product • 12% = Manufacturing’s share of regional jobs • 14% = Information technology’s (IT’s) percent of gross regional product • 9% = IT’s percent of regional jobs • 11% = Healthcare’s percent of gross regional product • 15% = Healthcare’s percent of regional jobs

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Resources @ NWMCOG The 10 counties of Northwest Lower Michigan, stretching from Manistee, Wexford and Missaukee at the southern rim to the Mackinac Bridge at the northern tip, certainly have many things in common—clean lakes and streams, vast stretches of forest, twisting two-lanes and beautiful farms, small towns and many harbors. But though they share a geography, the towns of the region still maintain individuality, and people who are considering moving their business and family here should sample many locales before deciding where to put down roots. Find tiny-town sense of community in Alden, on the shore of Torch Lake. Find a thriving manufacturing-oriented town in Cadillac. An urbane buzz in Traverse City. A prim and pretty comfort in Petoskey. A proud working class port town in Manistee. A farming heritage in Kingsley. Well, you get the idea. There’s much to discover and a place waiting for you, your business and family—a place to make your life—in Northwestern Lower Michigan.

Growth Occupations in Northwest Lower Michigan MANUFACTURING: Machinists, Welders, Machine Maintenance Technicians, Engineers. IT: Network Administrators, Computer Programmers, Software and App Developers. HEALTHCARE: Certified Nurse Aides, Registered Nurses, Home Health Aides, Health Educators, Medical Records, Physical Therapist Assistant, Physician’s Assistant

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Learning A great place to learn, work and live

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Learning @ NMC

Northwestern Michigan College is home to four different campuses and more than 60 programs of study.


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Learning @ NMC

A Note from NMC President Timothy J. Nelson In my more than 13 years as president of Northwestern Michigan College one thing I have vowed to never take for granted is the amount of pride that people in this region take in the college. This truly is the community’s college, and we strive to provide the services and opportunities that those who live here want and need. NMC is a special place and that is because the support we receive is unique and powerful. This truly is a great place to learn, to work and to live. We understand our mission, and NMC strives to provide our learners and communities with the skills, competencies and values that help them to create social and economic wealth during their lifetimes. I welcome you to learn more about Northwestern Michigan College and am always happy to hear from you at Sincerely, Timothy J. Nelson NMC President

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Learning @ NMC

Northwestern Michigan College: A Destination for Learning A community deserves a college that reflects what is great about it. The Grand Traverse region has that in Northwestern Michigan College. A beautiful, thriving area, full of entrepreneurship, innovation, volunteerism and philanthropy is home to a college that embodies each and every one of those values.


The community’s sense of pride in NMC has been there since day one—actually, even before day one. In 1951 the state of Michigan created a set of criteria for the establishment of community colleges, and a group of leaders from Traverse City was the first in line. Traverse City had a lot going for it, even in those days, but one

crucial thing it lacked was accessibility to higher education. Students graduated high school and went “off” to college, and not all came back, at least not right away. The establishment of Northwestern Michigan College filled that gap, The college, and the region, have been growing ever since. 

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Learning @ NMC

Founded in 1951, NMC is a fully accredited community college offering transfer, career degree, and certificate programs. NMC has over 640 employees all working to help learners succeed. We serve more than 50,000 learners annually throughout the Grand Traverse region and beyond.

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Learning @ NMC

NMC provides the true college experience for the graduating high school senior. It also is the first step on the path towards a new career. NMC is a place for big thinkers, and the place you return to, even if it’s been a while since your last class. The college puts the unique natural resources it has to great benefit. NMC is home to the Great Lakes Maritime Academy, one of only six maritime academies in the United States, and the only one located on a body of freshwater. NMC is now accredited to grant a bachelor’s degree in maritime technology, the first community college in Michigan to offer its own four-year degree. The maritime academy is one of the programs housed at the Great Lakes Campus, located right on Grand Traverse Bay. In the harbor at the Great Lakes Campus you’ll see our fleet of vessels, which includes the T/S State of Michigan, the 224-foot former Navy submarine surveillance ship docked in the harbor and now used as a training ship for the maritime program.


NMC is now accredited to grant a bachelor’s degree in maritime technology, the first community college in Michigan to offer its own four-year degree. NMC is home to the Great Lakes Water Studies Institute and created the first associate’s degree in freshwater studies. The aviation program is considered one of the best in the nation, featuring a constantly upgraded fleet of single and multi engine aircraft, a seaplane, an aerobatic plane, and NMC now offers helicopter training, as well. No college in the country has the amount of experience NMC has in unmanned systems, whether in the air, under the water or ground-based, NMC is a leader in one of the fastest growing industries in the world. NMC proves you don’t have to be a giant college to serve a large number of people. Every year more than 50,000 learners are served by NMC. From

credit seeking students to those taking non-credit courses through the robust Extended Education Services, to those who attend exhibits and performances at the Dennos Museum Center, to NMC’s business training programs, to NMC’s Rogers Observatory, to the college’s very own radio station (WNMC 90.7FM), NMC offers something for everyone. Local students make up the bulk of NMC’s credit enrollment, but for decades NMC has been a destination for students all over the state, the region, and the world. On-campus housing not only adds to the collegiate atmosphere of the campus, but also has allowed students from more than 70 countries to attend NMC. Thanks to NMC, area residents have more educational options than ever

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Learning @ NMC before. Not only can you earn degrees and certificates, or prepare for transfer to a four-year college, but thanks to the NMC University Center you can continue your higher education without leaving town. The University Center brings the best and brightest from around the state to provide bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs in Traverse City. Eight Michigan universities offer courses at times that make sense for working students. It’s been a great asset to the community and a tremendous success, and has awarded students more than 4,000 degrees. Traverse City is known for a commitment to the arts, and nowhere is that more evident than at Northwestern Michigan College’s very own Dennos Museum Center. A premier cultural facility for more than 20 years, the Dennos offers a dynamic array of exhibitions and programs in the visual arts, sciences and performing arts. The museum features three changing exhibit galleries and an elegant sculpture court, a unique hands-on Discovery Gallery and one of the largest and most renowned Inuit Art Galleries in the country. Community and continuing education is an important asset to any area, and NMC offers a wide-variety of courses for people of all ages. The very popular College for Kids is a great way to foster learning and fun during the summer months for kids from three through high school. NMC’s Life Academy is committed to the concept that “learning is forever” and offers a host of courses for those 50 and older. NMC’s Foundation is another major key to the success and growth of the institution. For more than 30 years, donations of time and money from people all over our region and beyond, have helped the college take on progressively larger roles within the community. Thanks in large part to the Foundation, NMC awards nearly a million dollars in scholarships to students every year. The spirit of philanthropy that so defines this region is something that Northwestern Michigan College will never take for granted.

NMC offers cultural, educational, and personal enrichment opportunities for all—a testament to the college’s goal of “keeping learning at the center.”

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Award-winning faculty, small class sizes, and a rigorous honors program.

Innovative S t u d e n t l i f e p ro g r a m s More than 60 areas of study to choose from including unique programs in unmanned aerial systems, robotics, water studies, and maritime.

l o c a t i o n . . .

NMC has on-campus housing & more than 40 student groups to choose from. You can even start your own.

l o c a t i o n . . .

l o c a t i o n . . .

Main campus is steps away from the best Lake Michigan beaches, minutes from downtown and close to great places to ski, bike, run, and swim.

support for students

We’re committed to your success with tutoring, advising, personal counseling, and financial aid.

AFFORDABILITY Save thousands of dollars by completing your first two years of classes at NMC.

Flexibility What good are classes if they’re offered when you can’t take them? We have lots of great options with weekday, night, weekend, and online classes.

S M O OT H T R A N S F E R S About half of NMC students transfer their credits to fouryear universities in Michigan and all around the country.

More than 90 percent of former NMC students say our low cost and high quality makes NMC a great value for the money.



Study all over the world, and study with people from all over the world. Students from more than 70 countries have attended NMC.

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Learning Traverse City Area Public Schools

Great Community, Great Schools

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Learning @ TCAPS

Message from the Superintendent As a parent, I know how important it is that your child has the very best. You want them to go to a school that is safe and inviting. You want caring, qualified educators who are invested in your child’s success and make learning fun. You want a school that is vibrant and deeply rooted in the community. That is just what you’ll find at Traverse City Area Public Schools. For generations, TCAPS has been helping students be ready for college, ready for a career, and ready for life. We invite you to experience why our schools are a big part of what makes our community great. Call or visit us today. Sincerely,

Paul Soma Superintendent 42

Our Schools Are A+++ World-class academics, athletics and arts programs in northern Michigan

Traverse City Area Public Schools (TCAPS) is known for offering the region’s widest variety of high-quality academic and extracurricular programs. Ranked among the top schools in the nation, TCAPS offers multiple world languages, including Mandarin Chinese, award-winning robotics, music and performing arts programs, and opportunities for students to earn college credit while still in high school.

About the District Traverse City Area Public Schools is the largest school district in northern Michigan, serving 10,000 students across 300-square-miles of Grand Traverse, Benzie and Leelanau counties. The school district is home to fourteen elementary schools, two middle schools, three high schools and a variety of preschool classrooms.TCAPS.NET/TELLMEMORE

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Learning @ TCAPS

Did You Know?

TCAPS parents save an estimated $2 million in college expenses each year. Early college, dual enrollment and advanced placement classes all help students earn college credit while still in high school.

Something for Everyone At Traverse City Area Public Schools, families can choose from a variety of preschool programs and locations to get their child’s learning journey off to a great start. TCAPS also offers unique opportunities for students looking for different ways to learn. “TCAPS is one of the few Michigan public school districts to offer Montessori,” said Caroline Wacker, director of the Montessori program at TCAPS Courtade Elementary School. “Our programs for toddlers through elementary school empahzie a child-centered environment that develops character, skills and independent learning. We are so happy to be able to offer Montessori in addition to our other great programs.” TCAPS also offers the International Baccalaureate* programme at the elementary and middle school levels, which engages students by teaching life-long learning skills and a global perspective. Engaging and challenging classes continue through high school and include many courses that count for college credit and offer students a head start on their

International Baccalaureate* students look at a map of China. Exploring the globe is an important part of their studies. education and careers after high school. Smaller learning communities at Traverse City Central High School and Traverse City West Senior High School give students the benefits of attending a small school with all of the opportunities offered by a large Class A high school. With so many options and award-winning extracurricular programs, TCAPS offers learners the opportunity to discover their passion and shine.

Working @ TCAPS

Making a difference in the lives of students TCAPS has job openings available for individuals seeking to advance their careers and fill positions that are critical to the health, safety and education of students. Opportunities are available in many fields, including positions for highly-qualified teachers and those with special education certification, bus drivers, preschool aides, custodial workers, maintenance technicians, and more. Find your fulfilling career at TCAPS. TCAPS.NET/TELLMEMORE

So Many Choices… • Nationally Ranked High Schools • Advanced Placement, Early College, Dual Enrollment • SCI-MA-TECH and Robotics • International Baccalaureate* • Talented and Gifted/Academically Talented • Montessori and Preschool Programs • World Languages, including Mandarin Chinese • TCAPS Online Academy • Foreign Exchanges—Students from 20+ Countries • Award Winning Music and Performing Arts • Class A Athletics—30 Varsity Sports and Many Club Sports

Highly-qualified teachers provide a personalized approach to instruction.

• Extracurricular Programs—Newspaper, Yearbook, Debate, Odyssey of the Mind, Model United Nations, National Honor Society and so much more Traverse City Region Careers

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I want to be an astronaut. Talented and Gifted Program Advanced Placement Courses Dual Enrollment Early College SCI-MA-TECH/Robotics Odyssey of the Mind Online Classes

I want to be an artist. Elementary School Music and Fine Arts Award Winning Journalism Programs Internationally Recognized Choirs Middle and High School Theatre World Class Bands & Orchestras Front Street Writers Program

I want to be in the Olympics. Elementary & Middle School Sports Program (LEAP) Championship Athletics 30 High School Varsity Sports Healthy Nutrition and Farm to School Programs

I want to be the President.

Something for everyone

Traverse City Area Public Schools

Great Community, Great Schools

Nationally Ranked High Schools National Merit & AP Scholars International Baccalaureate Primary and Middle Years Programmes* World Languages, PreK-12 Foreign Exchange Programs Top Rated Debate Teams Model United Nations

*TCAPS International School at Bertha Vos and Interlochen Community School are candidate schools** for the Primary Years Programme. TC East Middle School and TC West Middle School are candidate schools** for the Middle Years Programme. These schools are pursuing authorization as an IB World School. IB World Schools share a common philosophy—a commitment to improve the teaching and learning of a diverse and inclusive community of students by delivering challenging, high quality, programmes of international education that share a powerful vision. **Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its three academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), or the Diploma Programme (and in addition, the IB Career-related Certificate). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit

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