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Please findmore Art events at mynorth.com
Art Workshop at Solace Spa 2
This adult class, taught by noted local artist June Storm, uses a step-by-step paint along method which students of all levels find easy to follow. 12:30-3:30pm, $39/person, includes use of art supplies. No additional materials or art experience are required. Boyne Mountain, Boyne Falls, 231-549-7946, boyne.com.
30th Annual Traveling Print Show
10-May 6
A juried print exhibition features over 30 Michigan artists demonstrating a wide variety of printing techniques, from traditional to the more contemporary. Opening Sun. Apr. 10, 1-4pm. Jordan River Arts Center, East Jordan, 231-582-6399, jordanriverarts.com.
Talk About Art with Clifton Monteith 21
The Lake Ann artist shares his thoughts about “An Artist’s Work From & With Nature.” Monteith is an artist of national and international prominence. He began his professional life as an illustrator and graphic designer in New York City. For the last quarter century, he has focused almost entirely on making willow furniture. Free and open to the public. Glen Arbor Art Association, 231-334-6112, glenarborart.org.
Exposures 2011
2011 Easter Egg Hunts
April 23, 24
Memorial Park, Call for time, 231-882-5801
Boyne City
Veterans Memorial Park, Apr. 24, 2pm, 231-582-6222
Charlevoix East Park, 2pm, 231-547-2101
Support student creativity at a special exhibit of Leelanau County student work chosen for the publication of Exposures2011 magazine. Free event. Old Art Building, Leland, 231-256-2131, oldartbuilding.com.
From Women’s Hands
29-May 1
Over 150 female visual artists, authors, musicians and filmmakers show and sell their works at this all-female exhibition. The event connects art, community and service of the arts to an important cause: the Women’s Cancer Fund, Munson Healthcare Foundation. The fund receives 20% of all art sales and 100% of the proceeds from the art raffle and silent auction. Hagerty Center, Traverse City, 231-943-8073, fromwomenshands.com.
Please findmore Dance at mynorth.com
Free Line Dance Lessons 4, 11, 28, 25
“Just Country Kickin’ Line Dance Club” offers free line dance lessons. All ages and levels of dance expertise welcome. 7:30-9:30pm, St. Joseph Parish Center, Manistee, 231-233-8092, justcountrykickin.com.
Just Country Kickin’ Line Dance 5, 12, 19, 26
“Just Country Kickin’ Line Dance Club” invites you to dance with them every Tuesday. All ages and levels of dance expertise welcome. Dance to a wide variety of music from country to rap, and dance styles from cha-cha to waltz. 6:30-7pm Free lesson, 7-9pm Open dance. Manistee, 231-233-8092, justcountrykickin.com.
Northwoods International folk Dancing 6, 13, 20, 27
Every Wednesday, $3, at Fitness Center in Traverse City, 231-947-6675.
Up North Big Band Swing Dance 30
Experience the magic of the 30’s and 40’s big band sound and the dance styles popularized by the music. Lindy and jitterbug dance styles are taught as well as other ballroom styles. The Up North Big Band provides music with an 18-piece Big Band and all the high energy tunes from that era. Instruction begins at 6:45pm, dance at 7:30pm, beginners are welcome. $10 adult, $6 under 18 years and free under 5 years. Community Center, Petoskey, 231-675-4508, blissfest.org.
Fairs, Festivals &Holidays
75 Annual National Trout Festival 27-May 1
This year’s theme: “75 Years of Family, Fishing and Fun!” 2011

East Jordan High School/Easter Fun & Games, 10am, 231-536-2534 (Sign up at 9am)
Mineral Springs Park Pavilion, 10am 231-352-7251
Interlochen Cycle-Moore Grounds Noon, 231-276-9091
Ludington Ludington High School Gym, 1pm, 231-852-0861
Jefferson Elementary School, 1pm, 231-398-3262
Pentwater Village Green. Noon 231-869-4150
Petoskey Young State Park, 11am 231-582-7523

Crystal Mountain Resort 10am, 800-968-7686
Traverse City Civic Center, 11am 231-947-3220
Village @ Grand Traverse Commons Front Lawn, 11:30am 231-941-1900
King and Queen are Dave Wolfe and Elizabeth Dunham. Fun for everyone includes trout fishing contests, special breakfasts, family entertainment tent, queen coronation, Kalkaska Idol, children’s fishing contest, parades, special dinners, Taste of Trout, craft show, flea market and fireworks. Kalkaska, 231258-9103, nationaltroutfestival.com.
Please find Kids events at mynorth.com and/or subscribe free to Kids Up North at MyNorth.com/kids.
Kids Events at Interlochen Public Library 1-27 Apr. 1, 15 Baby Play Time, for babies under the age of 2, 10am. Apr. 6, 13, 20, 27 Preschool Story Hour. Two sessions: 10am and 1pm. Apr. 13, 27 Read to Katie the Therapy Dog, 4-6pm. Apr. 20 P.J. Story Time. Stories, a craft and snack, P.J.s optional, for families, 6:30pm. Interlochen, 231-276-6767, interlochenpubliclibrary.org.
Saturday Sampler 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Saturday Sampler lasts 35-40 minutes and is recommended for a variety of ages, 11-11:45am. It is free and open to the public, families welcome. Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City, 231-932-8503, tadl.org.
Story Hour at Horizon Books 4, 11, 18, 25 Bring the kids to hear some stories, do some activities and make a craft. 10-11am, Traverse City, 231-946-7290, horizonbooks.com.
Celebration for Young Children 30 Downtown Traverse City hosts this Annual Celebration, with activities throughout the area. Events take place at the City Opera House (Hands-on Activity Tables and Performances), Horizon Books and many other shops Downtown. 231-922-2050, downtowntc.com.
Winter Blues Festival
Third week in February
Spring Open House
First Friday in June
Farmers Market
Friday Mornings throughout the Summer
Concerts in the Park Mid June through Mid August

Gallery Walk
Third Thursday in June
July 4th Celebration
Always on July 4th
Art in the Park
Third Saturday in July
Sidewalk Sales
Last Weekend in July
Festival on the Bay Third Weekend in August
Downtown Petoskey Shopping Scramble
First Saturday in October
Downtown Trick or Treat
Last Saturday in October
Stafford’s Downtown Petoskey Holiday Parade
Saturday after Thanksgiving
Holiday Open House
First Friday in December