6 minute read
dave & de B ra Car lson
owners, toad hall
Formerly the home of Saks Fifth Avenue, the Toad Hall building has stood as an anchor in downtown Petoskey for generations. Now Dave Carlson, 37, a Marine with degrees in political economics, English and 20th Century American poetry, and Debra Carlson, a practicing optometrist, are continuing the tradition of offering specialty gifts to Gaslight District shoppers—but combining that with a forward-thinking market sensibility. “Our most frequent customer is from the Chicago area,” says Dave. “We need to be on the leading edge of trends.”
A member of the Downtown Management Board and the Economic Enhancement Committee, Dave says the city is planning for families, with a recent push to include more outdoor art and green spaces downtown, and with the children’s concert series. “The downtown events have been a big hit. People are getting ice cream and coming into the stores. They’re spending the day here.”
“Next to Traverse City,” Dave says, “downtown Petoskey is the center of economic and entertainment activity in Northern Michigan. It’s small enough to offer the historic feeling of a pedestrian downtown, but large enough to accommodate new ideas and activity.”
He’d like to see a children’s museum, extended business hours, more restaurants and entertainment venues, and the continued development of the waterfront and downtown. Other points on the wish list: a swim area, improved green spaces, development of the railway corridor, better public restrooms and more welcoming entry points.
“We want this to remain a community in which we love to be as a family,” Debra says. “What we do at Toad Hall is reflective of that.
She finds inspiration for innovation in the surge of young people she sees downtown and the fresh infusion of style from longtime resorter families: “I love having two or three generations purchasing items from the same boutique.”
Becky Phili PP-k ra nig
wner, Bear Cu B o ut fitters
It’s the Norman Rockwell experience that charms both visitors and residents in downtown Petoskey, says Becky PhilippKranig, 38, and that experience is what also convinces people to put down roots here long before retirement.
“This atmosphere makes you feel part of something,” she says. “It’s cozy and fun every day, no matter the season. This is really evident to us when we host nighttime events and over 300 people come out. The people here like to be part of their community, like to get out and do things. They’re looking for stores that provide more than just shopping; something fun with a small-town flair to it. Businesses downtown really recognize that, and that makes it fun for younger generations to be involved, because that’s what we want to do, too.”
Julie a dams
wner & Chef, Julienne t om atoes
Passionate praise for a sandwich—it’s not uncommon to hear at Julienne Tomatoes, and it’s a phenomenon that humbles owners Julie Adams and Tom Sheffler. “Success is something we can never take for granted, says Julie, 41. “On a daily basis we must continue to keep our customers engaged with quality products and superior service.” She says the leadership and community make downtown Petoskey thrive—a reason she and Tom opened the cafe in 2003. “It’s obvious when you come into our town that we take pride in it. The park, the gaslights, the grassy medians, the wayfinder signs—they’re all cool.”
She says she’s looking forward to growth in the Gaslight District, and her wish list includes a butcher, baker and brewery. “Services abound that focus on the development of new businesses. The leadership seems keenly aware of what we have here and takes action to ensure our continued success.”
Davi D Marvin Vice-President, s ta fford’s Perry Hotel, Weat Her Van e r es taurant, Bay VieW i nn , Pier r es taurant
“My dad’s the president of the company, so what that meant for me growing up was that I was going to go into anything but hospitality,” says David Marvin, 35. At Albion College he studied economics and business management, but when he took an internship with Stafford’s, his destiny became clear. “People asked me questions and I just knew the answers,” he says.
With a sense of history at the heart of his company, David must constantly balance modern conveniences with old-time charm. “There used to be [party]line telephones,” he says. “Now, we try to be a good example of what’s fresh.” Stafford’s was one of the first environmentally savvy lodging groups in the state, and the hotels rely on a “tremendous recycling program; one that we started long before it was a trend,” David says.
That desire to stay out front extends to the downtown district. “If there’s something going on in downtown Petoskey, our job is to be a part of it,” he says. “If there’s nothing going on in downtown Petoskey, it’s our job to create it.” It’s a great slogan, but it’s also key to making bank for the hospitality company. “We don’t make widgets here, we make memories. As long as we make memories, people are going to come back.”
With three kids, David says he recognizes that catering to families is a big business boon. “Local people know, for example, that Santa is always at the Perry Hotel. So a little boy sees Santa for his very first time here, and decades later he knows he can bring his kids and his grandkids to
Jennifer sH or ter
see Santa here, too. It’s a really neat thing to make that connection.”
Julie Sy Mon S oWner, B. JeWel ed
With a freshly minted law degree and a new husband from her hometown on her arm, Julie Symons chose family togetherness over far-off fortunes. At 31, she has followed in her father’s retail footsteps, tending fine clothing and accessories in her hip downtown boutique. Her memories are becoming the memories of her two small boys, on the slopes, the beaches and in the woods. And she expects her boys to enjoy growing up on her home turf: “I hear more and more each year about how desirable our area is for young travelers,” she says. “I strongly believe that the Gaslight District has a lot to do with that.” Its strength, she says, comes from merchants who recognize the power of a resort town. “Its quaintness is its best attribute.”
Chan Dler Sy Mon S oPerator, c a Va Waterfront d in ing, cHan dler’s r es taurant, Pierson’s g rille & sPir its, s ym ons g en eral s to re
His parents found success in Petoskey, and for Chandler Symons, 40, the future was simple: “How could I be anywhere else? I love my parents and I love the company they started, and I believe in it. Why wouldn’t I take that opportunity?”
Recent beautification projects and extended business hours make downtown Petoskey progressive, he says. What’s lacking is “our front yard.” He’s referring to the entrance to downtown Petoskey, an excavated city block that went into foreclosure in 2010. Purchased in December by an undisclosed buyer, the block’s fate is still unknown.
“We absolutely have to fill that obnoxious hole,” Chandler says.
Also on Chandler’s wish list for downtown: “Public transportation, for the environmental impact it could offer and the ease on the parking burden, and to help in the reduction of drunk driving. Downtown is very happening ... and we all know what happens when the sun goes down.”
With a business degree from the University of Michigan, Jennifer Shorter, 36, is moving her family’s store into its 65th year by holding tight to traditional philosophies while modernizing behind the scenes. She’s a member of the Downtown Management Board, the parking committee, the finance committee and is chair of the marketing committee. “When you’re involved you understand more of what’s happening around you as a whole, and you understand how your part is so important. The people who own shops and homes here, they’ve made a conscious decision to be here. So everyone’s working for success. I want to succeed because I want my daughter to succeed here, just as my family has done for generations.”
He digs the cyclical nature of the tradition-packed place. “Petoskey has a really great history. As kids, people came here, and now they come back and bring their own kids. That’s just cool.” He notes that the presence of young families isn’t necessarily a dramatic departure. “Petoskey isn’t changing—the faces are. Petoskey has always had a younger crowd. But now I see so many young people making opportunities for themselves here.” Just as Chandler realized for himself, young entrepreneurs are recognizing that they can have it all, where they want it. “It’s easy to say I could live and work anywhere. But it’s not easy to say I could do that and be happy.”