IQoro® 2016 Caring for stroke survivors – is it difficult to swallow?

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Breathe. Eat. Talk. Smile.

Caring for stroke survivors – is it difficult to swallow?

• EASY TO USE • 1.5 MINUTES TRAINING/DAY • PROVEN, ENDURING EFFECT "IQoro® has restored my joy of living. Now I can enjoy a good dinner together with family and friends."

Gösta Svensson, Stroke survivor

The science of swallowing Many stroke survivors owe their lives to the healthcare professionals that cared for them. After saving their lives, the question that we focus on is ‘How do we save their Quality of Life?’ We use a neuromuscular training device and regime that addresses - and often cures completely - many of the conditions that can follow a stroke. The twenty years’ research and the studies that support the methodology are clearly listed and referenced on our website A stroke can leave long lasting conditions for a survivor: • Dysphagia – difficulties in eating and swallowing. • Speech difficulties. • Partial facial paralysis – drooling, poor expression control. • Hiatus hernia – acid reflux, heartburn, chest pain. • Snoring. • Apnoea. Our website is a good source of information about these conditions, their symptoms and their treatment.

Existing care methods

Health authorities in many countries recognize a very limited number of treatment methods for Dysphagia: • Speech and language therapy to learn new swallowing techniques. • Changing the consistency of food and liquids to make them safer to swallow. • Alternative forms of feeding, such as tube feeding through the nose or stomach. • Surgery to widen the narrowing of the esophagus by stretching it or inserting a plastic or metal tube (known as a stent). So, apart from surgical procedures there is a choice between getting around the problem with thickened food, or altering swallowing techniques.

Savings in care costs

IQoro® reinstates the body’s original, natural swallowing techniques without recourse to surgery, or changed diet or other ongoing medicine costs. The patient performs the exercises at home, usually without assistance. For more severely challenged patients, assistance can be provided by a friend or relative; but a trained HCP is not required. The savings in hospitalization time, avoiding surgery, continued HCP intervention and ongoing medication costs are huge.

How IQoro® works IQoro® stimulates the swallowing process by: 1. Via the lips. The cranial nerve, (CN) Trigeminus, provides the trigger function for the brain’s central command for both breathing and swallowing. This is activated immediately when the IQoro® is placed in the mouth, and further during the exercises. 2. All the upward-transmitting sensory nerves (“afferent nerve pathways”) - CN Trigeminus, Facialis, Glossopharyngeus, Vagus - in the oral cavity, are stimulated simultaneously and ‘lightning fast’. These are activated by a combination of the following stimuli: contact of the IQoro® on the lips, that the lips are compressed together, that a low-pressure is created in the oral cavity during the forward movement in the exercise, whereupon the tongue moves backwards and contacts the anterior palatal arch and the soft palate. 3. The tongue’s backwards and upwards movements towards the soft palate (”velum”) have a reinforcing effect on the direct stimulation up to the brain via the CN Glossopharyngeus and the Vagus. 4. The entire muscle chain - from the lips down to the diaphragm - is physically activated directly when you exercise by pulling on your IQoro® device. 5. The flat handgrip gives a steadier and more even pull when training, and this helps to develop symmetrical muscle strength. Symmetrical muscle strength is important for, amongst other things, the tongue’s upper and lower muscles (the “supra- and infra-hyoidalamuscles”); the balance of these is vital for the tongue’s backwards and upwards movements when initiating swallowing. Coordination between these muscles is also crucial in the closing off of the airway (“larynx”) and thus eliminating the risk of food ‘going down the wrong way’. 6. IQoro® is designed with the ideal shape, size and surface texture to develop maximum power to activate all the muscles from your lips down to your diaphragm when you exercise with it.

IQoro® in brief • Scientifically proven. • Easy and safe to use – no side-effects, suitable for children too. • Patient administered, at home. • Less than two minutes of training per day – high intensive training in short

sessions and fast results. • Proven, enduring effect. • No cast or fitting sessions – one size for children and one for adults. • CE-marked and patented solution – unique awardwinning design.

IQoro® was invented in Sweden where it is used by thousands of people suffering from one of the above problems. It is recommended by health care professionals working with swallowing difficulties, by speech therapists and by carers for the elderly. IQoro® reaches all three stages in the swallowing process. It is built on twenty years’ research and study and the scientific papers behind the method are all available on our website. Exercising with IQoro® is simple and takes 1.5 minutes minutes per day (3x10 seconds, three times a day). Results are noticeable within a short period: our site lists the expected treatment periods. Quick results encourage patients to continue with the regime. IQoro® is an approved Class 1 Medical Device awarded a CE mark. It is not currently available reimbursed, but can be purchased from us by email order at If you are interested in knowing more please contact us at: or call Office: +46 (0)650 40 22 37 UK: +44 (0)7518 511 620

MYoroface AB Sjötullsgatan 16 824 50 Hudiksvall, Sweden Tel: +46 (0)650 40 22 37




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