School Supply List 2015

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July 22, 2015


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KINDERGARTEN 1 box markers, 2 boxes 24 count regular size crayons, 1 small PLASTIC school box, 2 boxes Kleenex, 4 Elmer's glue sticks, 1 plastic pocket folder, 1 box pencils, 1 backpack with child's name on it. For rest time: 1 “THIN” folding Kindermat and 1 towel; both with child's name written on it. Please do not send PILLOWS, STUFFED ANIMALS OR MAT COVERS! For changing: 1 complete change of clothes with child's name on each article in a large Ziploc bag. FIRST GRADE 2 - 24 count crayons, 1 pair Fiskar scissors, 2 large pkgs. #2 pencils, 1 pkg cap erasers, 1 small plastic school box, 3 pkgs. (4 ct.) dry erase markers, 4 Elmer's glue sticks, 2 PLASTIC pocket folder, 2 boxes tissue, 1 spiral notebook, 1 hand sanitizer (pump top) SECOND GRADE 1 small pencil box, 1 box crayons, 48 - #2 wood pencils, scissors, 6 glue sticks, 1 plastic folder, 3 boxes Kleenex, 1 spiral notebook (library), 1 composition notebook (wide ruled), 1 pkg. antibacterial wipes, 1 pkg. cap erasers, 1 box quart baggies. No rolling backpacks. THIRD GRADE 3 pkg (24 ct.) pencils, crayons or markers, 2 glue sticks, Fiskar scissors, 1 pkg. paper, supply box, pencil top erasers, 2 boxes Kleenex, 4 composition notebooks (wide-rule), 1 notebook (1 subject), 1 (1 in.) 3 ring binder, 2 plastic folders with prongs, 1 box quart baggies, Germ-X FOURTH GRADE 2 glue sticks, 1 - 1” 3-ring binder, 1 pkg. wide-rule paper, colored pencils, crayons, 1 plastic folder, 1 pencil bag, 1 pencil box, 48 #2 pencils, 2 - 1 subject notebooks (wide-rule), 2 composition notebooks (wide-rule) 2 boxes Kleenex, hand sanitizer FIFTH GRADE cap erasers, scissors, 2 plastic folders, colored pencils, handheld pencil sharpener, pencil bag for binder, 2 highlighters, 48 #2 pencils (made in usa), 1 binder (1 1/2 in.), 2 spiral notebooks (70 pg.), 1 composition notebook, wide-rule notebook paper

LOUISE DURHAM ELEMENTARY KINDERGARTEN Please label all of your child's supplies with his/her name. Bring all labeled supplies to Open House. 1 pair of children’s scissors (Fiskars preferred), 1 Kindermat (3-way fold; red and blue preferred), 1 pkg. regular size #2 yellow WOOD pencils, 4 - 4 oz. bottles of white school glue, 2 (24 count) boxes of regular crayons, 1 pkg. of washable markers (basic colors only and no fine tip markers), 1 set of watercolors, 1 plastic school box (cigar size), 2 boxes of Kleenex, 1 large bottle of antibacterial hand gel, 2 containers of wet wipes, 1 large block pink eraser, 1 box of Ziploc bags (Girls bring quart, Boys bring gallon), 1 change of clothes in a bag with teacher's name and student's name, 1 backpack (NO WHEELS/ROLLERS) Individual teachers may add other items as needed. FIRST GRADE Please label all of your child's supplies with his/her name. Bring all labeled supplies to Open House. 2 - 12 count pkg. #2 wooden pencils, 1 pair of children’s scissors (Fiskars preferred), 3 boxes of regular crayons (24 count), 3 - 4 oz. bottles of white school glue, 2 large block pink erasers, 1 box of Ziploc storage bags (Girls bring sandwich size, Boys bring gallon size), 1 plastic school box (cigar size), 3 boxes of Kleenex, 2 containers of wet wipes, 1 backpack (NO WHEELS/ROLLERS), handwriting paper will be purchased at school, 4 pocket folders (no prongs) red, blue, yellow, green, 2 composition notebooks, 1 pkg. of colored pencils, 1 pkg. of black expo markers. Individual teachers may add other items as needed. SECOND GRADE Please label all of your child's supplies with his/her name. Bring all labeled supplies to Open House. 1 pair of children’s scissors (Fiskars preferred), 2 boxes of crayons (24 count), 6 large glue sticks, 3 - 12 count package #2 wooden pencils, 2 large block pink erasers, 1 box of Ziploc bags (Boys bring quart size, Girls bring gallon size), 4 boxes of Kleenex, 1 pocket folder, 2 containers of wet wipes, 2 composition notebooks (not spiral), 1 plastic school box, 1 backpack (NO WHEELS/ROLLERS), 2 black expo markers, 1 large bottle of Germ-X. Handwriting paper will be purchased at school. Send $5 to classroom teacher. Individual teachers may add items as needed.


THIRD GRADE 2 boxes of #2 pencils (24 count), 2 boxes of crayons, 1 large pair of scissors, 2 pkgs. of loose leaf paper (wide ruled), 2 spiral notebooks (70 pgs), 2 boxes of Kleenex, 2 bottles of glue, 4 large glue sticks, one 1” black 3-ring binder, 1 composition notebook, 2 pocket folders, 1 pkg. Expo markers for student mini-boards, 1 big pink eraser. ART: 1 black sharpie, 3 pencils, 1 pkg. of 8 markers, 1 small handheld pencil sharpener. LIBRARY: 1 spiral notebook (70 pgs.) **Please, no mechanical pencils or Trapper Keepers.** FOURTH GRADE Large container disinfecting wipes, Flat Pencil Bag (No boxes please), 1 Take Home Folder (plastic pocket folder with prongs) 48 #2 pencils (please no mechanical pencils), 3 pkg. cap erasers, 2 Pilot G-2 red gel ink pens, 3 -12 pack colored pencils, 1 box of 24 crayons, 1 glue stick, 2 pkgs. of loose leaf paper (wide ruled), 3 large boxes of Kleenex, 1 flat athletic string bag or small canvas tote. 2 pkgs. tabbed dividers (one for Literacy and one for Math), 2 composition notebooks (non-spiral). ART: 1 black sharpie, 3 pencils, 1 watercolor paint set, 1 glue stick. LIBRARY: 1 (70 page) spiral notebook. MATH: 1 pkg. multiplication/division cards to leave at home to study with all year. **Please, no mechanical pencils or Trapper Keepers.** FIFTH GRADE 24 pencils (No. 2), 1 pkg. of red grading pens, 1 pkg. of pencil top erasers, One 3 ring pouch, 1 pkg. subject dividers (8 count), 1 pkg. washable markers, 2 pkgs. of loose leaf paper (wide ruled), 2 boxes of Kleenex, 1 medium bottle hand sanitizer, 1 flash drive, 1 Trapper Keeper or large binder (for all classes). LITERACY: 2 Expo markers (any color) for students SCIENCE: 2 Expo markers for students, 1 pkg. 3x5 inch ruled index cards, one 1” 3-ring binder ART: 1 glue stick, 3 pencils, 1 black sharpie, 1 big pink eraser. MATH: 2 Expo markers (any color) for students


6TH GRADE Literacy: 1 - 1” 3-ring binder, 1 pkg loose leaf paper, 1 composition notebook, 1 glue stick, 1 pkg. 3x5 note cards, 1 pkg. #2 pencils, 1 pkg. 5 tab dividers, 1 pkg 3x3 Post-it notes, 1 flash drive (2 GB all classes) MATH: 1 - 2” 3-ring binder, 1 pkg. wide-ruled paper, 1 pkg. #2 pencils, 1 box Kleenex SCIENCE: 1 - 3” 3-ring binder, 1 pkg. loose leaf paper, 1 composition notebook, 3 dividers, 1 pkg. colored pencils, 1 pkg. #2 pencils, 1 box Kleenex SOCIAL STUDIES: 1 - 3 subject notebook w/pockets, 1 pkg. colored pencils, 1 pkg #2 pencils TOOLS FOR LEARNING: ear buds, 1 flash drive (2 GB min.) 7TH GRADE: LITERACY: 1 - 1” 3-ring binder, 1 pkg loose leaf paper, 1 composition notebook, 1 glue stick, 1 pkg. 3x5 note cards, 1 pkg. #2 pencils, 1 pkg. 5 tab dividers, 1 pkg 3x3 Post-it notes, 1 flash drive (2 GB all classes) MATH: 1 - 2” 3-ring binder, 1 pkg. loose leaf paper, 1 pkg. tab dividers, 1 pkgs #2 pencils. SCIENCE: 1 pkg. colored pencils, 1 pkg. loose leaf paper, 1 pkg. 5 tab dividers, 1 - 1” 3-ring binder. SOCIAL STUDIES: 1 - 3 subject notebook, 1 pkg. colored pencils, 1 pkg. #2 pencils 8TH GRADE: LITERACY: 1 - 1” 3-ring binder, 1 pkg loose leaf paper, 1 composition notebook, 1 glue stick, 1 pkg. 3x5 note cards, 1 pkg. #2 pencils, 1 pkg. 5 tab dividers, 1 pkg 3x3 Post-it notes, 1 flash drive (2 GB all classes) MATH: 1 - 2” 3-ring binder, 1 pkg. loose leaf paper, 2 - pkgs #2 pencils, 1 pkg. cap erasers, 1- 100 pg. spiral notebook, 1 pkg. 3x3 post-it notes. SOCIAL STUDIES: 1 - 70 pg. spiral notebook, pencils or pens SCIENCE: 1 pkg. colored pencils, 1 pkg. loose leaf paper, 1 pkg. 5 tab dividers, 1 - 2” 3-ring binder, 1 composition notebook 7TH/8TH ART: 1 sketch book (5x7 or 6x8) F.C.S.I.: 1 - 1 in. 3-ring binder, 1 pkg loose leaf paper C.O. OR INTRO TO AGRI.: 1 - 1 in. 3-ring binder, 1 pkg loose leaf paper 7TH/8TH EAST LAB/KEYBOARDING: 1 - 1” 3-ring binder, 1 flash drive (2GB minimum), 1 pkg. loose leaf paper, ear buds


KINDERGARTEN Kindermat &/or towel, backback (no wheels) GRADES 1-6 Backpack (no wheels)

All other school supplies at Vandervoort Elementary School (only) will be provided by Vandervoort First Baptist Church. Your child’s school supplies will be delivered to his or her teacher.

WICKES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ALL GRADES - NO BACKPACKS WITH WHEELS!!!! KINDERGARTEN Please label all supplies! 1 package of cap erasers, 1 backpack (no wheels), 1 pkg. #2 pencils, 3 pkgs. 24 count crayons (Crayola brand, regular size), 1 - 8 count crayons (Crayola brand, regular size, classic colors), NO MARKERS, 1 cigar sized school box (plastic), 1 pair Fiskar scissors for kids (5”), 1 plastic red and blue folding mat, 1 - 1” three ring binder (hard), 1 small bottle Elmer’s glue, 4 glue sticks (no colored), 1 pkg. clear plastic sleeves, 1 - binder pouch, 1 - Five Star 2 pocket folder with stay-put tabs, 1 or 2 pocket poly folder with paper fasteners, 1- 8 color water color paint set (classic colors) Donated for classroom use: (no labels necessary) 2 boxes of Kleenex, 1 box Ziploc baggies (Quartgirl’s only) (Gallon-boy’s only), 1 box baby wipes, 1 bottle of anti-bacterial hand gel (12 oz.), 1 pkg. of unlined index cards, 1 box of brads (paper fasteners), 1 pkg. fine tipped black Expo dry erase markers, 1 change of clothing in bag with child’s name on it, (NO summer clothes). FIRST GRADE 1 box 16 or 24 count crayons (NOT flourescent), 1 Fiskar scissors for children, 1 glue stick (art), 2 boxes Kleenex, 1 cigar sized school box (plastic), 1 plastic folder with pockets on bottom, 1 box Ziploc baggies (gallon with sliders), 1 bottle of Germ-X, 1 disinfecting wipes SECOND GRADE 2 composition notebooks, 1 box 24 count crayons, 1 gallon Ziploc bags (boys), 1 quart Ziploc bags (girls), 1 pencil box, 2 glue sticks, 2 boxes of Kleenex, Clorox wipes, 1 box colored pencils, 1 colored sharpies (art class), 1 bottle Germ-X ***Teachers will provide the students with pencils, cap erasers and folders*** THIRD GRADE 1 pkg. wide-ruled loose leaf paper, 2 pkgs. #2 pencils, 1 pkg. markers, 3 pkg. cap erasers, 2 plastic folders with brads, 3 pocket folders, 2 boxes Kleenex, 1 pkg. Clorox or Lysol wipes, 1 box of Ziploc baggies (girls quart, boys gallon), 1 spiral 1 subject notebook, 2 pkgs. highlighters, 1 pack of large round glue sticks (art teacher) FOURTH GRADE 3 pkgs. of wide ruled loose leaf paper, *1 large Trapper Keeper style binder (VERY IMPORTANT), 1 composition notebook, 2 pkgs. of 24 count #2 wooden pencils, 1 pkg. of cap erasers, 1 pkg. of red ink pens, 1 pkg. highlighters, 1 box of gallon baggies, 1 container disinfecting wipes (ex: Clorox) FIFTH/SIXTH GRADE NO MARKERS OF ANY KIND, 1 large Trapper Keeper, 1 plastic pocket folder (pockets on bottom)(you can use last years), 1 pkg tab dividers, 1 pkg wide rule loose leaf paper (DO NOT OPEN), 5 composition books, 1 box of 24 count #2 pencils, 1 pkg cap erasers, 1 pkg. ear buds (pocket size only), 1 small box crayons (24 count), 2 boxes Kleenex, 1 box gallon Ziploc baggies, 2 containers of Clorox or Lysol wipes. 5th GRADE: 1 pkg black sharpies (art), 6th GRADE: 1 pkg. colored sharpies (art) Small backpack/bag to fit in locker (bags will not be allowed in classroom) ***No roller bags***

600 Hwy. 71 N • SUPERCENTER 67

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