Polk County Pulse - December 30, 2020

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FREE WEEKLY 1168 Hwy 71 S Mena, AR 71953 479.243.9600

December 30, 2020

Your DAILY News Sources: KENA 104.1 FM & MyPulseNews.com

2020 in Review


Bud tested above limits

MHS Post Season Honors

Pages 16-17

Cottages prepped to open

Page 15

Realtors elect board

Page 15

Brewery Opens A historic moment in Polk County sold for $1,000 Friday, Oct. 30 at Ouachita Brewery, the newest addition to the growing brand of The Ouachitas, which has a product line including coffees, pastries, pizzas, and now beer and wine. Ouachitas owner Derek Campbell said the first beer legally brewed and sold in the county was a momentous occasion, one for which the community showed a vast amount of support. The vision Campbell is executing through his business brings people together in a welcoming environment. To accomplish this task, the entre-

preneur, his staff and supporters have risen to the challenge of maneuvering through new state policies and hurdles. “A huge first step was to approach the city council for approval,” Campbell said. At that meeting, a tied vote among council members was broken by Mena Mayor Seth Smith, which resulted in the approval Campbell needed to pursue state licensing. “The room at that meeting burst out in applause at the tie break, and that was such a great expression of a desire from the community for what we are doing.”

Lab results were returned to the prosecuting attorney’s office from a Drug Task Force raid, which seized $10,000 worth of flower suspected to be marijuana from the Tobacco SuperStore in Mena Of the nine samples that were sent for testing, six were not in compliance for state law’s definition of hemp. Prosecuting Attorney Andy Riner, for the 18th West Judicial District, said he does not have intentions to prosecute the clerks at the store or the owner of the state-wide chain. Riner said he asked for the search, seizer and testing after drug court participants were testing positive for THC, who claimed the product was purchased at the Tobacco SuperStore. The THC limit for hemp flower in the state is .3%. To be classified as marijuana, or an illegal substance, the labs would have to allow for the margin of error, resulting in THC levels of .36%. Riner said lab results from some of the samples returned THC levels as high as .41% and .55%.

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Polk County Pulse - December 30, 2020 by The Pulse - Issuu