April 12, 2017

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April 12, 2017


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Mena Police Department Nabs Armed Drug Suspect A v oids Shoot

-O u t

BY MELANIE BUCK • news@mypulsenews.com Mena Police officers’ quick response ended an apprehension before it escalated to a shoot out last week at the Budget Inn Motel in Mena. n Monday, April 3, 2017, Mena Police Chief Brandon Martin, along with fficers Ronnie Richardson, essie Curry, and Detective orm Gray traveled to the Budget Inn after receiving a tip that ason Tomblin of Mena was staying there.

Churches Join Together to Host Annual Community Sunrise Service


County Replaces Polk 4 Bridge Near Grannis BY MELANIE BUCK • news@mypulsenews.com Residents and travelers west of Grannis will be happy to know that the long await ed completion of the Polk 4 bridge is now complete. Polk County udge Brandon Ellison said the old bridge was in bad need of replacing and was under close watch by the Arkansas Highway Department Bridge Inspector. CONTINUED ON PAGE 9

Egger Stresses Importance of House Address Numbers BY MELANIE BUCK • news@mypulsenews.com House address numbers are an important addition to your home and one that could save your life, or the life of someone you love, in an emergency situation. Mena Fire Department Chief Steve Egger is a firm believer in prevention and would like for the public to be aware of the importance of having your address numbers clearly posted in an effort to prevent the loss of valuable time when trying to locate an emer

There will be a Community Easter Sunrise Service this Sunday, April 16th, at Bearcat Stadium in Mena. All are welcome to attend this annual event as all denominations gather together in observance of the return of Christ Jesus. The service will begin at 6:30 a.m. The guest speaker will be Bill Seitz pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Mena.


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. .April . . . . .12, . . .2017 ......................................................................................................................



Weekly Publication

Walk for Life this Saturday

The Polk County Pulse & MyPulseNews.com are p ublica tions of Pulse Multi-Media.

Logan Lind to Perform


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BY MELANIE BUCK• news@mypulsenews.com


resh S tart Pregnancy Resource C enter will host a W alk for L ife as a fundraising event for the ce nter on A p ril 15 , at Ja nssen Park in Mena. C andace Riner, I nterim D irect or of F resh S tart, said they have wanted to host the event for several years and are now in a p osition to do so. “ My heart for this is that p eop le will understand the value of human life. This is not a p rotest or march . I t’ s a ce lebration of life and fundraiser to sup p ort the work of F resh S tart Pregnancy Resource C enter,” said Riner. L ogan L ind has been announce d as the entertainment for the p ro-life event. B orn to p erform, L ind delivers a foot-stomp ing, cr owd-p leasing exp erience that blends original songwriting with a sound cr eated from the B ible B elt south and N ordic F olk cu lture. A rmed only with a weathered guitar and a beat up kick drum, this A ward W inning/ N orwegian American artist rocks venues with his dynamic stage presence and songs filled with dep th, humor, and heart. I n addition to L ind’ s p erformance , S tate Rep resentative Jo hn Maddox, Je anne Jo rdan, Prosecu ting A ttorney A ndy Riner, and F irst B ap tist of Mena Pastor Russell Threet, also C hairman of F resh S tart’ s B oard of D irect ors will all sp eak at the event. Riner reminds p artici p ants that it is not too late to register. The event will start with ch eck- ins between 8 : 45 a.m. – 9 : 3 0 a.m., with the walk lasting from 10 a.m. until noon. The way to raise money is for individuals or teams to garner p ledges from family, friends, and co mmunity members. F resh S tart’ s ultimate goal is to raise $ 13 ,0 0 0 through the event that will p rovide a vast amount of resource s through the ce nter. F resh S tart p rovides educa tional materials, training cl asses, diap ers and essentials, life skills, and much , much more. To Register or for more information go to www.F reshS tartPRC .co m/ events. H ashtags to be used for the event are: # F reshS tartPRC # F S PRC W alkforL ife # W alkforL ife. ou can also find out more by contacting the Fresh Start ffice, 1308 Hwy. 71 orth in Mena, or give them a call at 479 394 1186. ffice hours for Fresh Start are Monday Thursday, 9 : 3 0 a.m. – 5 : 3 0 p .m., cl osed F riday – S unday.

Sociable Seniors Invite Others to Have Fun


The Polk County Sociable Seniors held their most recent luncheon at the Limetree and are planning their April event. On Thursday, April 20, the always-fun group will meet at Paisano’s, 0 Hwy. 7 South in Mena, at noon. rgani er Diane Mathis said their e ents are always great. “Food is great, conversation is great, and we all have fun. Come have fun with us For more information, contact en or Diane at 47 - 4 -0 .

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Staff News Reporter/ Marketing Specialist


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PHONE: 479-243-9600 FAX: 479-243-9603 1168 Hwy 71 South, Mena

The Polk C ounty Pulse is the area’ s p remiere and fastest growing news p ublica tion. The Polk C ounty Pulse is F RE E and p ublished weekly on W ednesdays with a distribution of 8 ,0 0 0 and estimated readership of 10 ,0 0 0 . A ll rights to co ntents are reserved by Pulse Multi-Media. MyPulseN ews.co m cu rrently has an on-line audience of 24,0 0 0 giving us a co mbined readership of 3 2,0 0 0 . PO L I C Y: The Publisher reserves the right to rej ect or ca nce l any advertisement at any time. A ll p rop erty rights, inc luding any co p yright interest, in any advertisement p roduce d by Pulse Multi-Media and/ or The Polk C ounty Pulse using art work and/ or typ ograp hy furnished or arranged by Pulse Multi-Media and/ or The Polk C ounty Pulse shall be the p rop erty of Pulse Multi-Media and/ or The Polk C ounty Pulse. N o such advertisement or any p art thereof may be rep roduce d without the p rior written co nsent of Pulse Multi-Media & The Polk C ounty Pulse. PO L I TI C A L A D V E RTI S E ME N TS : A dvertisements of a p olitica l nature must be p re-p aid and must also incl ude the name of the entity p aying for the advertisement. I f an entity other than the ca ndidate the advertisement is endorsing is p aying for the ad, a statement must be signed by the ca ndidate verifying the ca ndidate has seen and ap p roved the advertisement.


April 12, 2017

Weekly Publication



Progress Continues for Mena School District for North Morgan Street & BY MELANIE BUCK • news@mypulsenews.com Louise Durham Expansion Projects T

The above picture shows a rendering of what Louise Durham Elementary should look like following the large renovation/expansion project.

he Mena S ch ool B oard is p rep ared to move ahead on a co up le of maj or p roj ect s that are up co ming for the district . I n their March monthly meeting, the sch ool board signed an easement for the N orth Morgan S treet roadway agreement, co ntingent up on the S tate H ighway C ommission’ s p lans. A lthough an exa ct start date is not set for the co nstruct ion of the new roadway that is hoped will alleviate traffic coming in and out of Holly Harshman Elementary, bids will be let out on May 3 1, 20 17 . W ork is exp ect ed to begin within 45 days of bid ap p roval. That p ushes the dates out to around Ju ly 20 17 , with the co mp letion date co ming before the beginning of the 20 17 -20 18 sch ool year. The street will run from H ighway 7 1, near S un C ountry I nn, to H olly H arshman. A nother maj or p roj ect that is steaming ahead is the exp ansion of L ouise D urham Elementary. “I’m glad to say, at this point, everything is coming together in our budget,” said D istrict S up erintendent B enny W eston. H e exp ect s docu mentation to be co mp lete by mid-A p ril, and the bidding p roce ss will begin. O nce the docu ments and bids are CONTINUED ON PAGE 30

Thompson Appointed as New Downtown Partners Liaison A

BY MELANIE BUCK • news@mypulsenews.com

t the April meeting of the Mena Downtown Partners MDP , udy Thompson was appointed to serve the group as iaison fficer. As such, she will work with and communicate to downtown businesses and the mayor’s office. Rick Chrisman, MDP president, noted that most of the businesses downtown have no extra time or staff to pursue the goals of MDP in actively promoting the downtown businesses and planning activities to highlight the downtown area. Because of such, he noted it has been difficult to not only get information out to all downtown businesses and to keep Mayor McK ee informed, but also to p lan and ca rry out sp eci al events routinely. H aving a p erson hired to do nothing but working with downtown such as a Main S treet Proj ect Manager would be advantageous for the co mmunity, however, that is not a p ossibility at the p resent time beca use of the co st and other req uirements of such a designation. C hrisman told the group that Thomp son has been a p art of MD P since before it was formed last year. S he was instrumental in the initial formation and organiza tion of the group . S he has assisted with various reco mmendations based on her backg round and has been involved with assorted PR efforts. She is presently working with Greg Phillips, A rkansas Main S treet D irect or, in his co ming to Mena to do a p resentation about this p rogram in hop es that in the future, it may beco me a reality. C hrisman further advised that Thomp son has volunteered to offer her assistance to rep resent the MD P and act ively p romote the downtown area. I t was the unanimous co nsensus of those present that she be appointed to serve as iaison fficer for the Mena Downtown Partners with downtown businesses and the mayor’s office. Voted Best Tribute Elvis Artist Prior to moving to Mena, Thomp son worked for 17 years in downtown develop ment Event Packages Available for Sponsors/Individual Tickets and historic p reservation as Main S treet Manager in L ouisiana. B efore that, she was

January 6, 2016

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April 12, 2017

1ST HALF OF THE CLUE I spy, with my little eye, A Queen, a rabbit, & More A path, a garden, and wide-open blue skies Oh, how I love to explore!

Grab 1st half of clue above, or tune in to Mark Hobson's Mena Morning Show on KENA 104.1FM... For the 2nd part of the clue, visit any one of the following sponsors: Then begin your hunt for the golden egg for your chance to win $250! Egg will be hidden on public property and will NOT be buried! (Don't go digging holes!) First Golden Egg winner is not eligible to win the second. (Let’s let everybody have a chance!)

Weekly Publication

Earth Day Celebration to Feature Tesla Car and an ELF BY MELANIE BUCK • news@mypulsenews.com


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April . . . . . 12, . . . 2017 ......



ci ty-wide E arth D ay C elebration is being p lanned by the Polk C ounty E nvironmentalists and they hop e that all will attend to learn more about a human’ s footp rint on the p lanet and how each ca n do their p art to make that imp rint a little smaller. The ce lebration will be held on E arth D ay, A p rill 22nd, from 10 a.m. – 4 p .m. in Ja nssen Park. The event is set to feature many technological advancements that will wow visitors. The first is an E F car a solar powered bicycle car hybrid. ocal owners, Marvin and Ann Glenn, will bring their E F for all to see. Also on hand will be a Tesla electric car. n Monday, April 10, 2017, Tesla was announced as having a market capitalization that is now bigger than General Motors’, making it the largest .S. based automaker by that metric. E vent organize rs said there will also be wind turbines, solar p anels, and other solar-p owered eq uip ment such as radios, flashlights, and even a solar oven on display at the Earth Day Celebration. From 1 p.m. 2 p.m. that day, children will have the opportunity to have their photo taken with none other than Woodsy wl, who has spent the last 46 years promoting the .S. Forest Service’s “Give a hoot Don’t pollute ” campaign. Woodsy’s most recent motto is “ end a hand Care for the land ” O ther ch ildren’ s act ivities will incl ude an arts and cr afts table where an E arth D ay p oster or cr own ca n be created among other things. Sunflower seed paintings and petting young chickens will also be available. There will also be p rize s, along with p lenty of handouts about how to keep your family healthy and help ing to co nserve E arth’ s resource s. Mena resident Marvin Glenn in his solar-powered bicycle-car hybrid ELF. Although this will be the first city wide Earth Day celebration for Mena, Earth Day has been celebrated in The car will be on display at the Earth Day Celebration in Janssen Park on April 22, 2017. the .S. since 1970, when 20 million Americans helped start the modern environmental movement. Twenty years later, Earth Day went global. ow, 196 other countries celebrate Earth Day as well. In conjunction with the Earth Day Celebration, uachita ittle Theatre will host a showing of An Inconvenient Truth at 2 30 p.m. The 2006 film won two Academy Awards, and Al Gore shared the 2007 obel Peace Prize for his part in the project. Everyone is invited and encouraged to share in the day’s events. “ ou’re invited to bring yourself, your family, your friends, and your neighbors for a fun and informative event ce lebrating E arth D ay,” said event organize rs.

January 6, 2016

Local Couple Receives Governor’s Downtown Liason SUBMITTED Arts Awards E ach year the A rkansas A rts C ounci l select s eight reci p ients for the Governor’s Arts A wards. This year, one of the awards recognized Sam and B arbara Tobias for the A rts C ommunity D evelop ment A ward beca use of their long-time work Sam and Barbara Tobias are pictured second and third from right with Governor Asa Hutchinson (center). with our local Mena Art Gallery. ther recipients were Thom Hall, ittle Rock, ifetime Achievement Award Art Porter Music Education, Inc., ittle Rock, Arts in Education Wright, indsey ennings P, ittle Rock, Corporate Sponsorship of the Arts Freda Cruise Hardison, Mountain iew, Folklife Award Reese Rowland, ittle Rock, Individual Artist Award ohnelle Hunt, Rogers, Patron Award Max Elbo, Eureka Springs, udges Recognition Award. N ominations from the p ublic are sent to the A rkansas A rts C ounci l and turned over to an indep endent p anel of art p rofessionals from around the state.A ll awards were p resented at a luncheon in ittle Rock at the Governor’s Mansion in mid March.


vice -p resident of marketing for a small manufact uring company which sold internationally. She is a Certified Main Street Manager and certified in Professional Downtown Development by the ational Main Street Center of the ational Trust for Historic Preservation. She will quickly acknowledge that downtown develop ment is a p assion of hers and emp hasize s how imp ortant a healthy, vital downtown area is to the health of the entire co mmunity. Thomp son advises that statistics show that an act ive, attract ive downtown is one of the first things both prospective industry representatives and visitors look for in a town. She says that she will spend time visiting with downtown businesses and Mayor Mc ee letting them know more about MDP and its goals as well as also keeping them informed through a “What’s Happening Downtown” newsletter each month. Recommendations will be given to MDP periodically about possible special events downtown. Thomp son will then assist with the act ual p lanning and follow through on the selected activities. She will actively work in presenting issues pertinent to the well being of the downtown area to the mayor’s office. As MDP recently joined the American Independent Business Association, one of that association’s primary issues of Shop ocal’ will be promoted. Thompson will assist in the MDP’s effort to have area residents realize the importance and benefits of shopping loca l. Thompson and her husband, T. ., moved to Mena in 2009 and have both been involved as volunteers in various loca l group s.

. . .April . . . . 12, . . . 2017 ......................................................................................................................



Weekly Publication

Local Racecar Driver Raises Awareness for Cancer

Emblem Club Installs New Officers news@mypulsenews.com at Dual-Club Meeting BY MELANIE BUCK

LOGAN MCCOURTNEY • l.mccourtney@mypulsenews.com


amie W hite, owner of E & W Marine on H wy 8 E ast is raising awareness for c ance r. W hite , a long time race ca r driver wants to make more p eop le aware of the effect s of ca nce r and the p eop le that it affect s. “ W hen I had built my ca r for this year I knew that I wanted it to be a ca nce r awareness ca r. There are so many p eop le that suffer with ca nce r and I wanted p eop le to see my ca r and then Pictured are Teena Brown and Carol Sickles of ask themselves what they co uld do to Clarice’s Room of Hope. help.” White has experienced firsthand the effects of cancer in the lives of people he loves. “My dad has been fighting against ca nce r for twenty years, his wife has ca nce r, and then my uncl e has it.” A nother way that White is joining the fight against cancer is by supporting those that are fighting to make a difference . Clarice’s Room of Hope is a local non profit 01 c 3 organization that is working alongside ca nce r p atients and their families to p rovide hop e and co mfort through their battle. I t was founded by Teena B rown. C larice ’ s p rovides several service s for ca nce r patients including consultation to find a wig, scarf, or turban for women going through ca nce r. H is ca r p roudly disp lay’ s the logo for C larice ’ s and this year, W hite has p ledged all of his winnings from his race s to Teena to sup p ort the work she is doing. Ja mie started his raci ng season a co up le of weeks ago and will co ntinue through the end of O ct ober. “ Raci ng is a p assion of mine, I have loved it since I was a kid. W hy not mix my p assion with a real need in our c ommunity? There are a lot of p eop le in this area that suffer through ca nce r and if I ca n help Teena help them, it is totally worth it.” L ast weekend, amie finished in 3rd place and as promised, his winnings were given to Clarice’s. W hen the weather p ermits, W hite will p ark his race ca r outside of C larice ’ s Room of H op e to show his sup p ort. “ My hop e is that p eop le will see the ca r, it will ca tch their attention, and they will get out to ch eck it out. W hen they do, hop efully they will go in and ask Teena what C larice ’ s is all about.” C larice ’ s is sup p orted and op erates through the generous donations of time and resource s of those in the co mmunity. F ounder and op erator of C larice ’ s, Teena B rown, says, “ I am so thankful for the sup p ort we rece ive from the co mmunity and p eop le like Ja mie. W ithout the co mmunity’ s sup p ort we ca n’ t p rovide this great service .” F or more information about C larice ’ s or how you ca n help support the fight against cancer in Polk County, call Teena at 479 38 071, or visit the website at http : / / www.cl arice sroom.org/ .

V erna’ s B. Brigade W e would like to thank the following folks for their donations and time to make our BBQ turn out wonderful: Bear State Bank, A&W Distributing, James Food, Walmart, SFA, La Villa, Lonita’s Beauty Shop, Lipstick & Curls Salon & Spa, Friot-Lay Inc, C&J’s Furniture in Potter, E&W Marine, and S&S Detailing. Our raffle for the recliner that was donated by C& J ’ s Furniture in Potter was won by Sasha Echols. Congratulations! Thanks to all the fellows who brought their race cars to help with our fundraiser. They are Jamie White, Chad Davis, Skip Miller & Stevie Allen. I also want to thank all the ladies and gentleman that cooked, served, and helped all day! G od Bless!

Emblem Clubs from Mena and Hot Springs met on Sunday, April 2, 2017 at the Mena Elks Lodge to install new officers. The two groups are the last of the Emblem Clubs in Arkansas and work in close conjunction to keep their programs going. Pictured left: front row, left to right: Chaplin Connie Campbell, President Sheila Prestenback, Marshall Judy Boyles. Back row, left to right: Vice President Judy Johncox, Treasurer Lena White, Recording Secretary Beth Scott, and Financial Secretary Dannie Bregman. Pictured right: front row left to right. Supreme Past-President Nancy Harris, Mena Emblem Club 470 President Sheila Prestenback, and (standing) State Association President Judy Johncox.


Public School Choice in Arkansas allows students to attend a public school in a district other than the one in which they reside. The applications must be made by May 1, 2017, to qualify for provisions under the Arkansas Public School Choice Act of 2013. Pursuant to standards adopted by a nonresident district may reserve the right to accept or rej ect applicants based on capacity of programs, class, grade level or school building. L ikewise, a nonresident district’ s standards may provide for rej ection of an applicant based upon the submission of false or misleading information to the above listed request for information when that information directly impacts the legal qualifications of an applicant to transfer pursuant to the School Choice Act. However, a nonresident district’ s standards shall not include an applicant’ s previous academic achievement, athletic or other extracurricular ability, handicapping conditions, English proficiency level, or previous disciplinary proceedings, except that an expulsion from another district may be included pursuant to Ark. Code Ann 618 510. Priority will be given to applicants with siblings attending the district. The nonresident district shall accept credits toward graduation that were awarded by another district and award a diploma to a nonresident district’ s graduation requirements. Applications postmarked or delivered to the Superintendent of Schools no later than May 1 for a child to be able to enroll for the fall semester. Transfers shall be granted on a nondiscriminatory basis. Students who have been accepted and enrolled in previous years do not have to reapply as approved transfers remain valid for as long as the student attends public school. The following districts comply with this public school announcement: Ashdown, Caddo Hills, Cossatot River, DeQ ueen, Dierks, Foreman, Horatio, Mena, Mineral Springs, Mount I da, ( DMESC: 22; w28 8 ) Nashville and Ouachita River.

Prom Night SAFETY April 12, 2017


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Live Mariachi Band 5-6 pm Saturday, April 22nd 1506 Hwy. 71 S, Mena • 479-394-6521

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• In the weeks before the prom, set aside time to talk with your teenager about the prom and about safety. • Participate in your teen’s prom preparations. While your teen is preparing for the big night, it’s a good idea to have some open discussions about safety issues, including driving, drinking, and post-prom parties. • Discuss what limits and guidelines you want to set with your teen. • Be sure your teenager has safe transportation for the entire evening. Provide transportation if needed. • Stress that under no circumstances should he/she get into a car with a driver who has been drinking or using drugs. • Make a backup plan just in case. • Decide if you want to revisit discussions you’ve had in the past about sex and about risky behaviors. • Talk with your teen about peer pressure. • Make sure you know your teen’s date or the friends they’ll be going with. • Consider holding a post-prom party at your home. • On the night of the prom if your teen plans on attending a party before or afterwards, get the address and phone numbers. • Remind your teen to call home if there is any change in plans. • If your teen plans on sleeping at a friend’s house, contact the friend’s parents to confirm the arrangements. Have your teenager call you once he/she reaches his/her friend’s house. • If you’re available on prom night, let your teen know that if he/she runs into trouble you’ll pick him/her up, regardless of the time.




. . April . . . . . 12, . . . 2017 ...................................................................................................................... Weekly Publication

Local Vietnam Veteran to Visit El Salvadorian Orphanages

Harris Honored at Reception

BY MELANIE BUCK • news@mypulsenews.com


loca l veteran has had a p roj ect laid up on his heart and p lans to p ut it into act ion next month. C liff ‘ Pop s’ B auman, a V ietnam V eteran who lives in A co rn has heard of a p lace in E l S alvador that has many orp hanages, of which are in need of cl othing, amongst other items, and he p lans to take a trip to see for himself. “ W hen you hear about some of these co untries and what’ s going on there, you really ca n’ t j ust take that without going to see for yourself,” exp lained B auman. “ I ’ m going down for two weeks to take a look around the co untry and see what ca n be done.” H e said that the idea for his trip ca me from listening to his nep hew and niece -in-law talk about the desolation in E l S alvador, esp eci ally near the town of H offa. “ I t’ s a co untry with one of the highest cr ime and co rrup tion rates in the world. There are way more orp hanages than should be.” H is nep hew’ s wife has family there, and they make the trip every few months or so, p acki ng as many ext ra cl othing items as they ca n to deliver to the orphanages. “ ou can only take a 0 pound bag,” explained Bauman. “They fill their bags up with cl othes for the orp hans and take very little for themselves.” The area B auman will visit is in a farming district where p eop le earn only $ 3 p er day for their hard efforts. A s B auman p ut it, “ I t’ s hard for them to sup p ort the orp hanages” on those wages. “ There is a p lace in the area where it co sts $ 25 p er month to send a ch ild to sch ool. I t makes it imp ossible for many to be educa ted. I want to go see for myself how it is,” he ex p lained. CONTINUED ON PAGE 30

DAV Auxiliary Donates Plaque to Veteran

Members of the DAV (Disabled American Veterans) Auxiliary visited Rich Mountain Nursing and Rehab on March 20th to present door plaques to veterans. Rose McLain and Carol Burns presented veteran Albert Alexander with a plaque. The plaques let visitors and other patients know that a veteran is in the room.

PCFRA Junior Rodeo Added $$$ Arena Fundraiser Saturday, April 22, 2017 at 2pm Andy Risenhoover Arena • Polk County Fairgrounds - Mena Admission: Adult - $5 6 to 12 - $3 5 & under - FREE

Barrel Racing Mini Broncs Pole Bending Mutton Bustin’ Breakaway Calf Scramble Goat Tying/Ribbon Pulling Call in Monday, April 17th, 5 to 9 pm 479-394-5592 Chute Dogging FMI 479-234-2477 or 479-234-9203 Team Roping

PHOTO COURTESY OF TAMMY STOCKTON A retirement reception was held on Thursday, March 30, 2017 for Roy Harris, who worked for the City of Mena for 20 years and Polk County for 24 years. Harris is looking forward to relaxing and spending time with his family, especially his grandchildren. He was presented with a watch by Mena Mayor George McKee.

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3723 - Excellent Opportunity!! Property includes 6.53 acres and Recently Remodeled 4176 sq ft. Building. There's a Spacious Open Concept Meeting Room with bright windows around about that opens out to the large wrap-around deck. Other areas include large rooms for kitchen, office spaces or other purposes, whether a church or a home if so desired. Energy efficient windows, vinyl siding, 2 powder rooms, 3 heat pumps, plus a newer roof offer excellent potential to the buyer to create their own business or homeplace AT A FANTASTIC PRICE OF $129,500!! MLS17009684

3722 - Absolutely Adorable!! A Decorator's Delight, this 3 bdr/1.5 bath Brick Home features beautiful Hardwood floors in the spacious living room, dining room and 2 of the bedrooms! Custom cabinetry in the kitchen and laundry is an organizer's dream, with pull out shelf drawers, and folding pantry/laundry shelf unit that has hidden storage galore! Front porch, back patio, a workshop AND a 12x20 finished craft/workshop. Pecan tree, garden area, plus a stormshelter. New Tub unit, new CH/A and xtra insulation added! MLS17008519 $125,000

Weekly Publication

Polk 4 Bridge



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April . . . . . 12, . . . 2017 ......


The old bridge on Polk 4, also known as Youngblood Road, was made of wood, sat low, had no guardrails, and was very narrow, only 12 feet wide by 64 feet long. Many times, even in “moderate floods,” the bridge would be under water and impassable, according to Ellison. Although the bridge inspector wanted “major repairs” done to the bridge, Ellison explained that it was not cost effective to keep repairing the bridge, and decided to replace it instead. He said county crews have had to repair the bridge many, many times, and especially during any notable amount of rain. “If two inches of rain falls pretty quickly here, the Rolling Fork rises up and covers the bridge,” said Ellison. There is a fair amount of traffic on the road between residents and, often times, log trucks hauling timber. To Ellison, it was simply time to fix it right. County crews were able to complete much of the dirt and gravel work as well as approach work for the new bridge, saving the county’s cost. In total, the new bridge cost $129,000, but a little more than half is being reimbursed by the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management. “I had applied, unsuccessfully, for a grant to fix it for at least two years. We were finally able to secure that grant last Fall,” said Ellison. The Hazard Mitigation Grant will reimburse the county for $68,000 of the cost, bringing the county’s expense down to $61,000. Around $113,000 of the total cost was paid to Husky Bridge out of Malvern for their bid on the project. The new bridge is of steel and concrete construction. It stretches 72 feet in length and is 16 feet wide. It also sits four feet higher than the old timber bridge. Ellison hopes the new height will keep the water from covering the structure. “If the Rolling Fork River covers this bridge, it will be out of its banks,” explained Ellison. The Polk 4 bridge is one of three bridges to be replaced in that part of the county in the last few years. Ellison said all three were “major projects” where the replacement of the bridges cut constant repair costs dramatically. County road crews are now gearing up for their Spring road projects.

January 6, 2016

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. . April . . . . . 12, . . . 2017 ......................................................................................................................



Weekly Publication

Drug Suspect


Tomblin is cu rrently on p robation and had an outstanding W hite warrant for his arrest. A W hite warrant is an arrest warrant that is issued typ ica lly for a p robation or p arole violation, or someone who absconds flees from supervision. Police received information stating Tomblin had rented a room at the motel with the alleged intent to sell methamp hetamine and also that Tomblin was “ act ing cr azy .” As officers approached the motel, Tomblin was sitting in his blue S 10 Blazer in front of his room. Police reports state that fficer Richardson was dropped off at the north end of the motel and Martin pulled into the south end of the parking lot. As Richardson made his way across the parking lot, Tomblin stepped out of the vehicle. As Richardson commanded Tomblin to get on the ground, Richardson stated that Tomblin kept looking inside the vehicle. As Tomblin moved towards the back of the vehicle, Richardson was able to close the distance and ap p rehend the subj ect . Since the vehicle was started, Richardson assumed that Tomblin kept looking inside the vehicle because he was considering fleeing. However, after Tomblin was apprehended, p olice found a loaded .22 p istol in the seat. When fficer Curry arrived to transport Tomblin to jail, the subject began to threaten Chief Martin and fficer Curry. As Curry transported Tomblin to the Polk County Detention Center, Tomblin allegedly told Curry that he considered “shooting it out” with police and “ wished he would have.” After a search of the subject’s vehicle and motel room, officers found methamphetamine, marij uana, drug p arap hernalia ( incl uding a p ip e used to smoke marij uana and a used syringe , and cash. According to the report, Detective Gray took a confiscation rep ort to Tomblin in j ail for him to sign and, not only did Tomblin refuse to sign it, he also threatened Gray at that time. Tomblin remains in the Polk County Detention Center and was formerly arraigned on Wednesday on one count of Possession of Methamphetamine with the Purpose to Deliver one count of Possession of Firearms by Certain Persons one count of Simultaneous Possession of Drugs and Firearms and one count of Possession of a Controlled Substance .

MRHS Names iCARE Employee of the Quarter T


iffany Simpson, Mena Medica l A ssoci ate’ s Q uality I mp rovement Specialist, was rece ntly named the iCARE Star Employee of the Q uarter. Tiffany rece ived many nominations from p atients and co -workers regarding her p rofessionalism and co mp assionate care. In addition to the personal certificate, she will receive her name engraved on the iCARE progressive plaque, which is displayed on the iCARE Wall of Fame, and a paid day off. Presenting the award are Chandler Cox, Human Resource Director Teresa Wise, C udy Sisk, MMA Director, and ay uebedeaux, CE .


Worthy is the Lamb 7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. 8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, 9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: 10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. 12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. 13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 3:7-14

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MRHS Names iCARE Department of the Quarter


April 12, 2017

Weekly Publication





he E mergenc y D ep artment at Mena Regional H ealth S ystem has been named the iC A RE S tar D ep artment of the Q uarter. The dep artment was rec ently ac c redited as a L evel I V Trauma C enter by the A rkansas D ep artment of H ealth. A dditionally, a new team of ex c ep tional p hysic ians has j oined the MRH S emergenc y medic al staff. “ W ith a c ombination of ex p erienc ed p rofessionals that have advanc ed training in emergenc y c are, p hysic ians and nursing staff foc used on p atient-c entered c are, leading edge tec hnology and certification as an AR Saves Stroke Center, the MRHS emergency dep artment c an be trusted for the emergent c are needed for you and your family,” said MRH S Public Relations S p ec ialist S onya Maye. A s D ep artment of the Q uarter, they rec eived a p laq ue to be disp layed on the iC A RE W all of F ame, a traveling trop hy, and a p iz z a p arty.

Weekly Publication


Ronald Terry Spencer was born December 1st, 1950, and left this earth April 8th, 2017. He was a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles in Mena where he was an officer and friend, as well as brother to all. He leaves behind his longtime love, Nancy Molloy; two brothers and two sisters, Harry Spencer and wife Gwen of Mena, Arkansas, Richard Spencer and wife Tressa of Georgia, Jeorgeanna Spencer of California, and Anita Spencer of California; and several nieces and nephews.

A Memorial will be held Thursday, April 13th at 3pm at Fraternal Order of Eagles. Potluck to follow at Eagles, 3091 Hwy. 71 N (towards Acorn).


James Horace Wilson, III, age 76, of Mena died Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at his home. He was born on Saturday, September 28, 1940 to James Horace Jr. and Mary Laverne Taylor Wilson in Dallas, Texas. Jim, as he was known to most of his friends, was an easy going gentleman that always saw the lighter side of things. He was a person that always tried to be nice

to others, with a generous, kind heart. Jim’s family was the most important thing in his life and he made sure they were taken care of. Jim loved hearing about the adventures of his children and grandchildren. He shared many tales of his adventures, both kid friendly and not. Jim was a character of sorts and a wonderful storyteller, not all were necessarily truthful but definitely entertaining. Jim’s dog, Duke, who died in December of 2016, was a great companion in the last few years. Jim loved socializing, playing golf and going to the fitness center every day. Jim owned and operated Smith Pallet Company, Inc., in Hatfield for 37 years. He was the member of the National Wooden Pallet Association. Jim was a loving husband, father, Pappy and a great friend and will be missed by all who knew him. He is preceded in death by his parents.

Jim is survived by his loving wife of 55 years, Donna Wilson of Mena; one son and daughterin-law, Lyle and Felicia Wilson of Mena; his daughter and sonin-law, Jamie and Jim Mabry of Little Rock; five grandchildren, Flannery Wilson of New York, New York, Zeb Wilson of Mena, William Mabry of Little Rock, Jack Mabry of Little Rock, and Mary Mabry of Little Rock; and a host of other relatives and friends. A memorial service was held Saturday, April 8, 2017 at 2:00 P.M. at the First Presbyterian Church in Mena with Pastor Bill Seitz officiating. Cremation services are entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena, Arkansas. Online Guestbook: www.bowserffh.com



January 6, 2016

C aring f or your f amily sinc eJanuary 1928 6, 2016 479-394-1310 611 Janssen Ave. Mena, AR 71953 BeasleyWoodFuneralHome.com



April 12, 2017

April 12, 2017





April 12, 2017

Weekly Publication



Arbor Day Program for Fourth Graders SUBMITTED

he Rich Mountain C onservation D istrict , the A rkansas F orestry C ommission, and the N atural Resource s C onservation S ervice , team up each year to educa te Polk C ounty’ s fourth grade students about A rbor D ay. A rbor D ay is held the 3 rd Monday in March in the state of A rkansas. I t is a day set aside to enco urage p eop le to p lant and ca re for trees. S tudents learned the imp ortance of p ine trees to our loca l co mmunity, how to ch oose a p lanting loca tion, and how to succe ssfully p lant a tree. E ac h fourth grade student from W icke s, V andervoort, A co rn, and H olly H arshman elementary was given a L oblolly p ine tree to take home and p lant over sp ring break. This year, trees were generously donated by D anny Powell.

Cossatot River High Music Department to Present Spring Concert T


he C ossatot River H igh S ch ool Music D ep artment will p resent their S p ring co nce rt, A N ig ht at t he M o vi e s, on Tuesday, May 2, 20 17 . The ch oir p ortion of the co nce rt will begin at 6: 0 0 p .m. with the band co nce rt following at 7 : 3 0 p .m. in the H olbert A uditorium in W icke s, A R. F eatured in the band co nce rt will be 7 th and 8 th grade bands and the C RH S S r. B and. The ch oir co nce rt will feature the 7 th grade TrebleMakers, 8 th grade TrebleTones, 7 th/ 8 th grade A ca F ellas, senior high ladies C antabile, and the senior high mixe d c hoir N oteworthy. S ongs for the p erformance incl ude the most p op ular hits from old and new movie favorites such as Pitch Perfect , The L ion K ing, O B rother W here A rt Thou, and many others. E nd of the year ch oir and band awards will also be given, and senior band and ch oir members will be reco gnize d. 20 17 C hoir S eniors are Megan A ndrews, S ilas B arrett, Je ssic a E ledge, K im E vans, Jo rdan G lover, L ara H errlich , A llyson H oyle, Rach el L yle, G abbi Pritch ett, Jo rdan S ch mitz , C aylee S tuart, A bby Taylor, K arli U nderwood, and S abrina W ard. 20 17 B and S eniors are G ilberto C ervantes, Jo se C ordova, I saac C ounts, A lej andro G onza lez, C asandra L op ez, A lissa Miles, L iliana Trinidad, and A shley W enze l. The band is under the direct ion of Timothy W alston, and the c hoir is under the direction of S usan B rewer. C ome out May 2 and be entertained by 20 0 talented C RH S Music D ep arment stuCOSSATOT RIVER SCHOOL’S BREAKFAST dents.

Wickes Elementary 3rd Nine Weeks Honor Roll 1

S T GR AD E : A L L A ’ S - S hayla Q uintana, E than Rich ardson, Melenie F ores, K imber H ayes, C arter H exa mer, A liha Pena, D amaria Thomp son, Temoc A ntunez, Ja ylie B rantley, S amuel C ordova, E unice Monsivais, E lianna V illarreal, K orey W heeler, K arder H elms, V anessa H ernandez, Porter Rop er, Yeshle C amp uza no, Paola G omez, I saac G ray, Raeleigh S p eight, L ance Thomas, McK ayla Molina. A ’ s & B ’ s - H eath Parsons, Je rry A ntonio, B en D avis, K ortsen E dwards, N ataly G arci a, Tabatha Rodriguez, Ja yna S anch ez, A edan A rco s, V ioleta C amarillo, Yurani E sq uivel, D ayami Ruiz, L .J. B lackm on, Ja cq ueline Teodoro, E lina O liver. 2nd GR AD E : A L L A ’ S - Marvin B rito, C lint H ennings, B raden S mith, A lan Munoz. A ’ s & B ’ s: K aleb O lalde, G regory D elgado, A bigail G othals, Jo nas H ernandez, A dileni H errera, C laira Morris, A xe l Moreno, V aleria Munoz, Yesenia V asq uez- A ntunez, B rent Ja mes, Maggie Jo Tadlock, N oah S axo ur, Ja yro C amp uza no, K aydince G ray, Ja reli H errera, A llison Medina, Rynley Rich ardson, Thomas S tover, K aden W hitmire, A lexa nder A gular, I sai E sq uivel, N ico le Martine. 3rd GR AD E : A L L A ’ S - E li S tark, Thomas G oethals, Raylee Youngblood, N athan W hite. A ’ s & B ’ s - Jh ovani Perez, C onnor McC ormick, A sp en Jo hnson, D iego A lvarado, V anessa F lores, Tony W einert, K enya A ntunez, Ja mes D avis, G arrett H ennings, A iden McK enzi e, D iana Munoz, Mairany Marrufo, N athanael Trinidad, Madelyn B enning, Phillip H ackn ey, S ulem L op ez, Macke nzi e Molina, N ayeli ( A bby) Pinon. 4th GR AD E : A L L A ’ s - E aston Jo hnson. A ’ s & B ’ s - D illon L oving, E dwin Trinidad, CONTINUED ON PAGE 15

M O ND AY 4/17 P optart, orange wedges, apple j uice, milk TU E S D AY 4/ 18 Chicken biscuit, applesauce, j uice, milk W E D NE S D AY 4/ 19 Cereal, banana, orange j uice, milk TH U R S D AY 4/ 20 Breakfast pizza, apple wedges, j uice, milk F R ID AY 4/ 21 S uper donut, raisins, apple j uice, milk


M O ND AY 4/17 S ub sandwich, lettuce, tomato, pickles, broccoli & carrots w/ dressing, chips, watermelon, milk TU E S D AY 4/ 18 Burrito w/ cheese, tossed salad, dressing, ranch beans, fruit cocktail, milk W E D NE S D AY 4/ 19 Beef strips, mashed potatoes, brown gravy, green beans, pears, roll, milk TH U R S D AY 4/ 20 Chicken faj itas, lettuce, tomato, salsa, cheese, pinto beans, S panish rice, mandarin oranges, milk F R ID AY 4/ 21 H amburger, lettuce, tomato, pickles, F rench fries, peaches, cookies, milk

Cossatot Menus Sponsored by: powered by


Weekly Publication

MENA PUBLIC SCHOOL’S BREAKFAST M O ND AY 4/17 F rench toast, variety cereal, string cheese, S cooby cinnamon grahams, diced pears, grape j uice, milk TU E S D AY 4/ 18 O melet, hash brown, toast, cereal bars, animal crackers, mixed fruit, fruit blend j uice, milk W E D NE S D AY 4/ 19 Cinnamon roll, variety cereal, string cheese, S cooby cinnamon grahams, applesauce, orange j uice, milk TH U R S D AY 4/ 20 Maple waffles, cheery yogurt, Elfin grahams, raisins, cherry star j uice, milk F R ID AY 4/ 21 Banana muffins, variety cereal, string cheese, diced peaches, apple j uice, milk MENA PUBLIC SCHOOL’S LUNCH M O ND AY 4/17 E L E M E N T A R Y : Chicken and noodles, chicken tenders, mashed potatoes, broccoli, apples, fruit blend j uice. M I D D L E S C H O O L : Chicken & noodles, chicken sandwich, pepperoni or cheese pizza, chicken faj ita, popcorn chicken or ham pizza salads, turkey sandwich, broccoli, mixed fruit, fruit j uice. H I G H S C H O O L : Chicken & noodles, chicken tenders/ hot roll, chicken sandwich, hamburger, tortilla line, chicken faj ita, pizza line, Grab- N- Go S alads & S andwiches. TU E S D AY 4/ 18 E LE M E NTAR Y: S paghetti w/ meat balls, chicken sub, green beans, red pepper strips, oranges, apple j uice. M ID D LE S CH O O L: S paghetti w/ meat sauce, cheeseburger, pepperoni or cheese pizza, chicken/ bean burrito, chicken ceasar or ham chef salads, ham & cheese sub, vegetables, fruits & j uice. H IGH S CH O O L: R otini w/ meat sauce, chicken tenders, hamburger, spicy chicken sandwich, tortilla line, chicken bean burrito, pizza line, GrabN- Go S alads & S andwiches. W E D NE S D AY 4/ 19 E LE M E NTAR Y: Baked potato w/ broccoli & cheese, hot roll, chicken sandwich, steamed carrots, zucchini sq uash, banana, grape j uice. M ID D LE S CH O O L: Baked potato w/ broccoli & cheese, spicy chicken sandwich, chicken nuggets, popcorn chicken or ham pizza salads, bean q uesadilla, steamed carrots, fresh zucchini, diced pears, grape j uice. H IGH S CH O O L: Baked potato w/ broccoli & cheese, chicken tenders, cheeseburger, chicken sandwich, tortilla line, bean q uesadilla, Grab- N- Go S alads & S andwiches. TH U R S D AY 4/ 20 E LE M E NTAR Y: Chicken chili crispito, sante fe rice, hot dog, BBQ black beans, celery sticks, applesauce, orange j uice. M ID D LE S CH O O L: Chicken chili crispitos, sante fe rice, meatball sub, pepperoni or cheese pizza, ham & cheese sub, beef nachos, chicken ceasar or ham chef salads. H IGH S CH O O L: Chicken chili crispitos w/ cheese, sante fe rice, chicken tenders, spicy chicken sandwich, hamburger, tortilla line, beef & bean nachos, Grab- N- Go S alads & S andwiches. F R ID AY 4/ 21 E LE M E NTAR Y: pepperoni pizza, cheeseburger, salad, baby carrots, mandarin oranges, fruit blend j uice. M ID D LE S CH O O L: General Tso’ s chicken w/ broccoli, rice, chicken sandwich, chicken tenders, bacon cheeseburger, tortilla line, fish taco, Grab-N-Go Salads & Sandwiches.

This weekly info proudly sponsored by:


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Louise Durham Participates in Battle of the Books


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April . . . . .12, . . .2017 ......




e are so p roud of our B attle of the B ooks Teams,” said L eah Roberts of L ouise D urham E lementary. L D students also c omp eted in the Mena/ D eQ ueen E duc ational C o-O p ’ s rec ent B attle of the B ooks contest. D first grade had two teams who placed first and second in grade level c omp etitions. L D sec ond graders placed second overall.

January 6, 2016

Wickes Elementary 3rd Nine Weeks Honor Roll


Bradley Thomas, Gustavo Cortes, Isaac Hall, achary McCormick, Brenna Roper. 5 th GR AD E : A L L A ’ s Mallory Farringer. A ’ s & B ’ s - L andrey Rich ardson, K aylee Williams, Brandon Moreno, ocelyn Hernandez, Monse Salgado, Megan Abney, Madison inker, Ethan oungblood, Emanuel Trinidad, Derek Perez, Chris Salinas. 6 th GR AD E : A L L A ’ S Ashley Castro. A ’ s & B ’ s Ale Rodriguez, Maria Salgado, Toby Brown, Breonna Cecil, Bria Dotson, Ricardo Esquivel, yla Ferguson, Grant Stark, Eric Pinon, Emily garte.

Check out all your school news at


. .April . . . . .12, . . .2017 ......................................................................................................................



Weekly Publication

Acorn High School’s March Students of the Month T


he A co rn H igh S ch ool F acu lties have ch osen students for the March S tudents of the Month p rogram. The following students were ch osen in each grade: 6th G rade, D akota S ullivan, son of S helby and Je nnifer S ullivan; 7 th G rade, A ndi B ates, daughter of B illy B ates; 8 th G rade, H alli H olland, daughter of S teven and S amantha H olland; 9 th G rade, Merce des Mowdy, daughter of E lvy and Tannie Mowdy; 10 th G rade, Megan V aughn, daughter of D avid and C heryl V aughn; 11th G rade, F aith H ill, daughter of D avid and Raych el H ill; and 12th G rade, B rittany W ilhite, daughter of D avid and Mari A nne W ilhite. These students were ch osen based on ch aract eristics of: p erforming at ability level, p artici p ating in the cl assroom, resp ect ful to facu lty and p eers, demonstrating a good work ethic and demonstrating all-around good ci tize nship . S tudents rece ived an aca demic p laq ue as well as had their lunch furnished by N idec at a restaurant of their ch oice .

Acorn Music Department to Host Dinner Theatre T


he A co rn H igh S ch ool Music D ep artment will be hosting a dinner theater on F riday, A p ril 28 th and S aturday, A p ril 29 th. C hoir students will be p erforming your favorite D isney songs while the band students serve a delici ous sp aghetti dinner with garlic bread, salad, and dessert. S eating is limited so p lease reserve your ticke ts as soon as p ossible. Ticke ts will be p aid for at the door. D oors op en at 5 : 3 0 . D inner will be served at 6: 3 0 , with the show starting at 7 : 0 0 . A dult ticke ts are $ 10 . C hildren 10 and under $ 8 . Ticke ts will remain this p rice until A p ril 14th. A fter A p ril 18 th ticke ts will be $ 15 .0 0 for adults and $ 13 for ch ildren. You ca n reserve ticke ts by: E mail vco uch @ orsd.k12.ar.us or by ca lling the high school office and speaking to Mindy yle 479 394 44

Mena Resident Graduates from University of Arkansas at Little Rock


ITT E R C , AR 03 30 2017 ee Smith of Mena, AR, recently graduated from the niversity of Arkansas at ittle Rock. The F all 20 16 co mmence ment ce remony was held D ec. 17 , 20 16, in the U A ittle Rock ack Stephens Center. With about 11,000 students and 100 programs, A ittle Rock offers learning, research , service , soci al and ca reer op p ortunities that ca n only be found at a metrop olitan university loca ted in A rkansas' ca p ital ci ty.

ACORN SCHOOL’S BREAKFAST M O ND AY 4/17 V ariety cereal, cheese omelet, yogurt, fruit, j uice, milk TU E S D AY 4/ 18 V ariety cereal, super donut, sausage link, fruit, j uice, milk W E D NE S D AY 4/ 19 V ariety cereal, sausage biscuit, j elly, fruit, j uice, milk TH U R S D AY 4/ 20 V ariety cereal, chocolate mini donuts, yogurt, fruit, j uice, milk F R ID AY 4/ 21 V ariety cereal, gravy & biscuits, j elly, yogurt, fruit, j uice, milk ACORN SCHOOL’S LUNCH M O ND AY 4/17 K - 6 T H G R A D E : Chicken faj itas, orange chicken fried rice, steamed broccoli, fruit, salad bar milk. 7T H – 12 T H G R A D E : Chicken faj itas, orange chicken, hamburger, fried rice, steamed broccoli, fruit, salad bar, milk. TU E S D AY 4/ 18 K - 6 TH GR AD E : beef nachos, cheeseburger, pinto beans, fries, fruit, salad bar, milk. 7TH – 12TH GR AD E : Beef nachos, cheeseburger, pizza, pinto beans, fries, fruit, salad bar, milk. W E D NE S D AY 4/ 19 K - 6 TH GR AD E : Chicken nuggets, turkey & cheese sub sandwich, wheat roll, corn, fruit, j ello, salad bar, milk. 7TH – 12TH GR AD E : Chicken nuggets, turkey & cheese sub sandwich, spicy chicken sandwich, wheat roll, corn, fruit, j ello, salad bar, milk. TH U R S D AY 4/ 20 K - 6 TH GR AD E : P opcorn chicken, BBQ chicken green beans, wheat roll, fruit, salad bar, milk. 7TH – 12TH GR AD E : P opcorn chicken, BBW Chicken, hamburger, green beans, wheat roll, fruit, salad bar, milk. F R ID AY 4/ 21 K - 6 TH GR AD E : Chicken tenders, pizza, wheat roll, steamed carrots, fruit, salad bar, milk. 7TH – 12TH GR AD E : Chicken tenders, pizza, vegetable beef soup w/ grilled cheese, wheat roll, steamed carrots, fruit, salad bar, milk.

Acorn Menus Sponsored by:

April 12, 2017



Presented At: Mena/Polk County Chamber of Commerce Banquet

Donna Montgomery

Citizen of the Year


Carla Vaught

Streetscape Project

Business of the Year

Best New Construction

Volunteer of the Year

U of A Rich Mountain

(not pictured)

The Crossing

Children’s Building

The City of Mena


Tammy Young 2016 President



April 12, 2017


he Mena/ Polk C ounty C hamber of C ommerce B anq uet and Membership C elebration was p resented to a full house at the C MA I ron Mountain Pavillion on Thursday, A p ril 6. The C hamber raised a reco rd-setting $ 10 ,0 0 0 through their annual auct ion, which p rovides funding for their sch olarship p rogram. F ormer Razo rback Q uarterback Tyler W ilson was the guest sp eaker and was ‘ sold’ as a table guest by ‘ always-fun’ auct ioneer S hannon H unter, who kep t the act ion hop p ing. W on by Tracy H ensley, she was honored to have W ilson as their guest for the evening and the reco rd-setting Razo rback p roved to be great co mp any. E ntertainment was p rovided by B rothers & S ons, a three-member group co mp rised of the V acca B rothers ( S co tt and Jo hnny) and J ared McP herson. A tailgate-style B B Q meal was served up by C hicollo’ s F ood E mp orium, and served right off the tailgates of brand new trucks p rovided by Mena F ord. S tewman’ s F lowers p rovided the table deco rations that kep t true to the CONTINUED ON PAGE 20-21

Music by:

Brothers & Sons

Guest Speaker:

Tyler Wilson

Table Decorations:

Stewman’s Flowers

at Mena

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Manufacturer of Quality CNC Parts 479.394.4248 104 Port Arthur Avenue Mena, AR 71953-3344

Catered by:

Chicollo’s Food Emporium


Hunter’s Auction Service

R ubber S ervice & S upply 479-394-4431 141 Polk 113, Mena Owned by Larry & Linda Dunaway

C ongratulations all C hamber A ward W inners!

April 12, 2017


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Pharmacy 204 Hwy. 71 S at 2nd St. Phone: 479-394-3254 Toll Free: 866-575-9594

Congratulations Award Winners!

S alvat i on Army Fami ly S t ore

401 S h erw ood Ave., Mena


HOURS T-F 9-5 & SAT. 10-3 Chang ing liv es one at a tim e! #PolkCounty #Donate Like us on Facebook!



April 12, 2017

April 12, 2017



CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 ‘ j eans and j erseys’ theme. The 20 16 C ommunity A wards were p resented at the banq uet to reco gnize the outstanding ach ievements of ci tize ns and businesses in the area. D onna Montgomery was honored as V olunteer of the Year. Montgomery cu rrently serves as the President of the Rich Mountain C ommunity C ollege F oundation and has served on many ci vic boards over the years. C arla V aught was reco gnize d as C itize n of the Year. V aught serves as the co unty’ s E xt ension A gent and p rovides ci tize ns with valuable agricu ltural information and resource s, and also heads up the 4H p rogram. The City of Mena was awarded Best Renovation Beautification for the completion of the Downtown Streetscape Project. The multi year project was completed in 2016 with the installation of new sidewalks, benches, and trash receptacles on orth Mena Street. B est N ew C onstruct ion was given to The C rossing C hurch for their new C hildren’ s B uilding. The massive addition was co mp leted in 20 16 and exp anded the ch urch by 5 ,10 0 sq . feet. The new addition p rovides more than three times the sp ace for ch ildren than p reviously. Advertising – Mena/Waldron Newspapers & Pulse Multi-Media niversity of Arkansas Rich Mountain was honored as Business of the ear. In 2016, Rich Mountain Community College joined the niversity of Arkansas’ system and became A Rich Mountain. Auctioneer - Hunter’s Auction Service Mena Polk County Chamber of Commerce Board President Matt Thomas presented Tammy oung with the Chamber’s Past President award for her leadership in 2016. Awards - Caveman Engraving Catering – The Branding Iron Decorations - Stewman’s Flowers Entertainment – Sock Monkey Improv Facilities - Ouachita Center at Rich Mountain Community College Lodging Accommodations – Mena Mountain Resort Programs - Union Bank Sound Equipment & Filming Assistance - CMA, The Crossing & RMCC Tickets - Pony Express

Congratulations to all Award Winners! Telissa Montgomery 205 N Morrow, Mena 479-394-1181



VA Clinic We serve you because you served us!

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Diesel REPAIR 1408 Hwy. 71 N • Mena, AR 71953



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Senator Larry Teague The Mena/Polk County Chamber of Commerce would like to say THANK YOU to all that helped make the attendance of this year’ s Chamber Banquet and Membership Celebration a great success. W ithout you, we would not have the pleasure of making this event happen. We would like to thank Tyler Wilson for making the evening more entertaining and fun. Thank you to all those who helped with event operations: Advertising - Mena/W aldron Newspapers & Pulse Multi Media, Auctioneer - Hunter’ s Auction Service, Awards - Caveman Engraving, Catering – Chicollo’ s Food Emporium, Decorations - Stewman’ s Flowers, Musical Entertainment – The V acca Brothers, Facilities – CMA I ron Mtn. Pavilion, Programs - U nion Bank, Tickets - Pony Express, T-Shirts – Sign FX , Photography - Michael Cate. Thank you all for your continued support!

(District 10)

Congratulations to all Community Award Winners!

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Open Saturday, April 15 • 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. 1007 Hwy 71 N (next to Mena Ford) 479.234.8236

Proud Member of the Mena/Polk County Chamber of Commerce

A special Congratulations to all our 2016 Community Award recipients: Volunteer of the Year: Donna Montgomery, Citizen of the Year: Carla V aught, Best Renovation/Beautification: Mena Streetscape Proj ect, Best New Construction: The Crossing Church-Children’ s Building and Business of the Year: U ofA Rich Mountain. Thank you to them and all our nominees for everything they do for our community and for making Mena/Polk County a great place to work, play and call home. Thank you to all the Auction Sponsors, together we raised a record breaking amount for the Chamber Scholarship program: ACCI Restoration & Resources * American Artisans * Arkansas Parks & Tourism * Arkansas V alley I nsurance * Arvest Bank * Atwoods * Baywash Car W ash * Bear State Bank * Branding I ron Steakhouse * Caveman Engraving * Coast to Coast * Edward J ones * Freedom Pharmacy * G lennaire Construction * Healthy Connections * J ames’ Supersave Foods * J anssen Ave. Florist * J anssen Park Place B& B * L aV illa Mexican Restaurant * Matt Thomas State Farm I nsurance * Mena Regional Health System * Paisano’ s * Sear’ s Hometown Store * Senator L arry Teague * Shelter I nsurance * State Representative J ohn Maddox * Stewman’ s Flowers * The Mercantile * The Old Bank Antiques * The Shop at the Foot of the Hill * Tim's Y amaha * Tyler W ilson * U ofA Rich Mountain * U nion Bank * W almart * W ashburn's Furniture

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Congratulations to all Community Award Winners & Nominees!

April 12, 2017

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April 12, 2017



Congrat ulat ions t o all t h e Communit y A w ard W inners! Lunch and Dinner Specials Everyday!


Thank you

for your continued support and voting UA Rich Mountain as the Mena/Polk County Chamber 2016 Business of the Year! 1100 College Drive, Mena • 479.394.7622 www.RMCC.edu

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Congratulations Award Winners!


Award Winners!

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April 12, 2017

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Congratulations to the 2016 Mena/Polk County Chamber of Commerce Community Award Winners!

710 4th Street • Mena, AR

April 12, 2017




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Congratulations to all Community Award Winners!

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Like us on F acebook!

Congratulations Community Award W inners!


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Visit us at swemsar.com


. . April . . . . . 12, . . . 2017 ......................................................................................................................


Weekly Publication

Thursday, 4/13 • 10:30 a.m. – Gator & Friends will be performing at The Mena Senior Center. • 11:30 a.m. – Rotary Club of Mena/Polk County will meet at Papa’s e ican Caf . Call Lisa artin 33 3 or Charles itman 4882 for more information. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - The Cove Branch of the olk County Library is open. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00p.m. - The Sonlighters in ction Card Shop will be open at 3 7 Highway est, one mile from Louise urham. • 1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. – The First Assembly of God Distributes food at Sutherland or call 3 . • 2:00 p.m. – Cove Library History Club meets at the Cove Library. • 5:00 p.m. - 9th Street Ministries will have a free dinner and fellowship in the th Street inistries building. • 5:30 p.m. – Weight Watchers meets at allas venue aptist Church amily Life Center. Call 7 3 7 for more information. • 5:30 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Women’s eeting at the C Club across from Chopping lock, Hwy, 7 , S., ena. 7 or 7 3 7. • 6:00 p.m. – Live Country, luegrass and ospel music in the aisy Room at Janssen ve lorist. :00 p.m. Hatfield’s Lion’s Club meets at the Lions Club ield House. • 6:30 p.m. – Mena Chapter #243, rder of the astern Star will meet at the asonic


• UNION BANK PURPLE ONIONS RELAY FOR LIFE TEAM will host a bake sale at their ena and Hatfield locations on riday, pril . • HEALTHY CONNECTIONS, INC., will hold their annual oard of irectors meeting on pril , 7, at p.m. at their ena location. he meeting is open to the public. • MENA YOUTH FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION will hold a ulled ork Sandwich Lunch fundraiser on pril , 7. uy tickets in advance by calling or te ting 7 3 or 7 . eadline for delivery orders is noon on pril th. roceeds will be used to purchase new helmets.

emple at 7 ort rthur. eeting will follow refreshments. • 7:00 p.m. – Amputee Support Group meets at irst Christian Church in ena. Call Laura for more information, 7 3 3 . • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the C Club across from Chopping lock, Hwy 7 , S., ena. 7 or 7 3 7. • 7:00 p.m. – Cherry Hill Fire Department meeting and training at the ire Station. Friday, 4/14 • 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – Road tests are given at the orrow Street Housing uthority Community Room unless the roads are wet. ritten tests are given at p.m. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Fibers Arts Group meets at ena rt allery. • 12:00 p.m. – The Lions Meetings are held in the Lions Club House on Highway 7 South. • 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. – Gator and Friends will be playing at the merican Legion in corn. . admission. drawing, potluck, and door prizes. • 7:00 p.m. – Good Friday Service at Hatton aptist Church with speaker ary Jewell. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the C Club across from Chopping lock, Hwy 7 , S., ena. 7 or 7 3 7. Saturday, 4/15 • 11:00 a.m. – Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt hosted by tn. iew ethodist Church will be held at eteran’s emorial ark in corn. Hunts for children ages toddler . Hot dogs, drinks, and prizes included. • 2:00 p.m. – Take a Wonder House Tour at Queen Wilhelmina State Park. Meet at the onder House. • 2:00 p.m. – Big Fork Community Easter Egg Hunt. spring social and cake walk will be held at 3 p.m. • 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – Easter Eggstravaganza to be held by nion ission Church at Janssen ark for ages . ounce houses, refreshments, face painting, and more. • 5:30 p.m. – 3rd Saturday Gospel Singing to be held at Janssen ark. ring a lawn chair and cold drink. usicians and singers welcome. or more information, contact Stanley or Jeanette reyer at 7 33. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at merican Legion uilding, Hwy 7 ., corn. • 6:30 p.m. – Big Fork Community Spring Social and Cake alk. • 7:15 p.m. – Enjoy Sunset Art in the Park at Queen Wilhelmina State Park. Meet in the icnic rea. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the C Club across from Chopping lock, Hwy 7 S., ena. 7 3 7 or 7 . Sunday, • 6:30 a.m. – Community Easter Sunrise Service will be held at earcat Stadium. v-

eryone is welcome to attend. • 7:00 a.m. – First Christian Church in ena will has an aster Sunrise Service with breakfast to be served after the program. • 10:00 a.m. – Take a Wonder House Tour at Queen Wilhelmina State Park. Meet at the onder House. • 2:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the C Club across from Chopping lock, Hwy 7 , S., ena. 7 or 7 3 7. • 3:00 p.m. – Go Lawn Bowling at Queen ilhelmina State ark. eet besides Campground athhouse. • 3:00 p.m. – Worship Service at Sulpher Springs Church. • 4:00 p.m. – Play Bird Bingo at Queen Wilhelmina State ark. eet in the Hearth Room. • 5:00 p.m. – United Methodist Youth Group at the irst nited ethodist Church in Mena. Monday, 4/17 • 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library will be open. • 12:30 p.m. – Cossatot Senior Center will have a oard eeting. • 3:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. – Seventh-Day Adventist Church ood antry across from the olk County airgrounds. on perishable food, personal care items, and nutritional help. o one will be turned away. • 5:30 p.m. – Polk County Republican Committee meets at olk County Library, orth Room. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at merican Legion uilding, Hwy 7 ., corn. • 6:30 p.m. – Boy Scouts of America Troop 92 meets at irst nited ethodist Church. veryone is welcome. • 6:30 p.m. – The Lady Ouachitas will meet at the ear State ank ain ranch. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the C Club across from Chopping lock, Hwy 7 , S., ena. 7 or 7 3 7. • 7:00 p.m. – Ouachita Beekeepers Association meeting at nion ank. Tuesday, 4/18 • 8:00 a.m. – The Reynolds Gardener Community en’s reakfast at the irst nited ethodist Church in ena. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Polk County Family Mission is open in the th Street inistries uilding. • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – “Art Day” at Mena rt allery, 7 ena St. ring your current pro ect and work with other artists. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – The Sonlighters in ction Card Shop will be open at 3 7 Highway est, one mile from Louise urham. :00 p.m. :00 p.m. The Hatfield Branch library will be open. • 5:00 p.m. – T.O.P.S. will meet in the nion ank Community Room for weigh ins, followed by a meeting. :00 p.m. The Regular Hatfield Town

Council will meet at the own Hall in Hatfield. • 7:00 p.m. – VFW Post 4451 meeting at eterans ark in corn. • 7:00 p.m. – The Marine Corps League Detachment will meet at Lighthouse itness. • 7:00 p.m. – Al-Anon for families of addicts and alcoholics meets at the C Club. • 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Bluegrass music at orrow Street Housing uthority Community Room. • 7:30 p.m. – Mountain Meadow Masonic Lodge #218 will meet at the Hatfield Lodge. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at irst nited ethodist Church, th ort rthur. 7 3 7 or 7 3 3 3. Wednesday, 4/19 • 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Charm Quilters will meet at the ree ill aptist Church on the corner of etros and Cherry St. • The Emergency warning sirens will be tested in Mena at noon. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Polk County Library Cove Branch is open. • 5:45 p.m. – The Mena First United Methodist Church Kidz will meet. • 6:00 p.m. – Warriors for Christ will meet at the Southside Church of od. • 6:00 p.m. – Regeneration Youth inistries Regenerating this eneration at ena Church of od Hwy ast. • 6:15 p.m. – Dallas Avenue Baptist Church hosts iscovery ids indergarten hru th rade; Collide outh inistry th hru th rades; and dult ible Study. • 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Trek and Varsity for iddle and High School students at race ible Church, Hwy 7 . ena. ll rea iddle and High School students are welcome. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the C Club across from Chopping lock, Hwy 7 , S., ena. 7 or 7 3 7. • 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Inquiry classes into the Catholic aith begins in the arish Hall of St. gnes Catholic Church at 3 th St. o cost. veryone invited. Call 3 7 or 3 for more info.


April 12, 2017

Weekly Publication



POLK COUNTY BIRTHS AT MENA REGIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM V i r g i ni a a nd W a yma n W a r d , of D i er ks, a r e the p r oud p a r ents of a b a b y g i r l, b or n on A p r i l 1 st. B r i ttney a nd Na tha n Moor e, of Mena , a r e the p r oud p a r ents of a b a b y g i r l, b or n on A p r i l 4 th. D a kota a nd J a y L i tchf or d , of D eQ ueen, a r e the p r oud p a r ents of a b a b y b oy, b or n on A p r i l 4 th. K end r a a nd Colb y Pr i d d y, of Mena , a r e the p r oud p a r ents of a b a b y b oy, b or n on A p r i l 6 th. Ma g a n G i lb er t, of D eQ ueen, i s the p r oud mother of a b a b y g i r l, b or n on A p r i l 7 th.

Please share your favorite photo of your pet. You may drop it off or mail it to: The Polk County Pulse | 1168 Hwy 71 S. Mena, AR 71953 or email: e.rowell@mypulsenews.com


A young woman brought her fiance home to meet her parents. After dinner, her mother told her father to find out about the young man. The father invited the fiancee to his study for a talk. “So what are your plans?” the father asked the young man. “I am a Biblical scholar,” he replies. “A Biblical scholar. Hmmm,” the father said. “Admirable, but what will you do to provide a nice house for my daughter to live in?” “I will study,” the young man replies, “and God will provide for us.” “And how will you buy her a beautiful engagement ring, such as she deserves?” asked the father. “I will concentrate on my studies,” the young man replies, “God will provide for us.” “And children?” asked the father. “How will you support children?” “Don’t worry, sir, God will provide,” replies the fiance. The conversation proceeded like this, and each time the father questioned, the young idealist insists that God will provide. Later, the mother asked, “How did it go, Honey?” The father answered, “He has no job and no plans, and he thinks I’m God.”

January 6, 2016


Marley loves to play with everyone. She is loved and spoiled by her family and loves to snuggle. Her mama is Janette Lyles Please share your favorite photo of your pet. You may drop it off or mail it to: The Polk County Pulse | 1168 Hwy 71 S. • Mena, AR 71953 or email: e.rowell@mypulsenews.com

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This week’s Cutest Pet Pic made possible by your friends at:

Ouachita Equine Clinic Serving all your small & large animal needs. Hours: Mon. Tues. Wed., and Fri. 8am-5pm • Closed on Thurs.


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April 12, 2017


hen he had rece ived the drink, Je sus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his sp irit.


ut he was p ierc ed for our transgressions, he was cr ushed for our iniq uities; the p unishment that brought us p eace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

H e is R is en! Celebrating your loved one is our family’s commitment.




esus said, “ F ather, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

t that moment the cu rtain of the temp le was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks sp lit 5 2and the tombs broke op en. The bodies of many holy p eop le who had died were raised to life. 5 3 They ca me out of the tombs after Je sus’ resurrect ion ande went into the holy ci ty and ap p eared to many p eop le. 5 4 W hen the ce nturion and those with him who were guarding Je sus saw the earthq uake and all that had hap p ened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God ”

C el eb rate th e S av ior & th e H op e of N ew Life! from Bowser Family Funeral Home 2608 Hwy 71 South • Mena, AR 71953

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Saturday, April 15th • 10 am

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April 12, 2017




s evening ap p roach ed, there ca me a rich man from A rimathea, named Jo sep h, who had himself beco me a disci p le of Je sus. 5 8 G oing to Pilate, he asked for Je sus’ body, and Pilate ordered that it be given to him. 5 9 Jo sep h took the body, wrap p ed it in a c lean linen cl oth, 60 and p lace d it in his own new tomb that he had cu t out of the rock. H e rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb and went away. 61Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were sitting there op p osite the tomb. The G uard at the Tomb 62 The next day, the one after Prep aration D ay, the ch ief p riests and the Pharisees went to Pilate. 63 “ S ir,” they said, “ we remember that while he was still alive that dece iver said, ‘ A fter three days I will rise again.’ 64S o give the order for the tomb to be made secu re until the third day. O therwise, his disci p les may co me and steal the body and tell the p eop le that he has been raised from the dead. This last deception will be worse than the first.” 65 “ Take a guard,” Pilate answered. “ G o, make the tomb as secu re as you know how.” 66S o they went and made the tomb secu re by p utting a seal on the stone and p osting the guard. 1 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary T he Staf f of Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. 2 There was a violent earthq uake, for an angel of the L ord ca me down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it.3 H is ap p earance was like lightning, and his cl othes wishes everyone a were white as snow. 4The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and beca me like dead men. 5 The angel said to the women, “ D o not be afraid, for I know that 6 He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still you are looking for esus, who was crucified. 6H e is not here; he with you in Galilee: 7 ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of has risen, j ust as he said. sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ” ~ Luke 24:6-7


Blessed Easter!

479-394-1310 • 611 Janssen Ave. • Mena

M E NA F IR S T U NITE D 5 01 Ninth S treet


TH U R S D AY, AP R IL 13 - 6 p.m. M audy Thursday - P otluck M eal and H oly Communion GO O D

F R ID AY, AP R IL 14 - 7 p.m. Tenebrae

S U ND AY, AP R IL 16 - “H

e I s R i sen”

6 :30 a.m. S unrise S ervice - Bearcat S tadium 8:30 a.m. H ospitality H our 9:00 a.m. S unday S chool Indoor E gg H unt for Children 10 a.m. Celebrate Christ’ s R esurrection A nn F er r i s, Pa stor

4 7 9 -3 9 4 -3 0 5 1

Annual Community

Easter Egg Hunt

11:00 am Saturday, April 15

Veteran’s Memorial Park-Acorn

Hot Dogs, Drinks, Prizes, Loads of Fun Immediately Following!

AGE GROUPS: Toddler to 3; 4-7; 8-12; “Special” Teen Hunt (13-18)

Sponsored by:

Mt. View United Methodist Church 1711 Sutherland (Hwy 8 West/Polk St.) Bible Study at 10 am Services at 11 am Mission: “To Reach Up, Reach Out, & Reach In”

. . April . . . . . 12, . . . 2017 ......................................................................................................................



Weekly Publication

House Address Numbers


gency situation. House address numbers are not just for the convenience of finding addresses, but are necessary for emergency responders, including fire fighters, police, and ambulance workers, to locate those in need. When responding to an emergency, minutes, and sometimes seconds, count. Clearly posted numbers on your home or mailbox can help those emergency responders quickly and easily find you. Many residents discount the importance of their house address numbers. It is mostly because the address numbers were posted by a previous owner of the home and they are left where they were first placed. However, checking with your local building inspectors on new regulations is the best policy. Each city may have their own regulations it is important to stay current, no matter where you live. Chief Egger said numbers should be large enough to be seen from the street, the larger the better. umbers should be placed facing the street and also be in a contrasting color to what they are placed upon. If your home is not visible from the road, use a mailbox or piece of wood for your address numbers. When placing numbers on your mailbox, be sure to place the numbers on both sides of the box, so that emergency personnel can see your house number from either direction. Also, use large numbers, if possible, to aid in this process. If you do not have a mailbox at the end of your driveway, you can erect a piece of wood in an area that is free of shrubbery or other obstructions, and clearly place your house numbers on both sides. Maintenance of the numbers is something else that most citizens don’t think of. Tips include keeping the numbers clean they may not be reflective or contrasting if they are covered in mud or debris trim back vegetation as needed and repair any broken letters as quickly as possible.

Veteran to Visit El Salvador


Although he isn’t taking any clothing donations for this trip, he thinks he will know more when he gets back. Set to leave on May 14th and return on May 26th, his plans include finding out whether it is more economically viable to have clothing shipped or to take it personally through luggage. “I know there is a proper way to go about it. The ones who have done it so far, they put it in their own luggage and take it. I’m going to check out the economics to see if shipping is more economical than making a trip to take it.” Bauman will be traveling with his nephew and oldest son on the trip. “They don’t really have interpreters and so you either have to learn the language or have someone that speaks the language,” he said. Bauman hopes his trip will remind others of how many people in the world need a little help. “I hope it makes people realize that there are people right here that need help. Maybe to a lesser degree, but we are a community and most of us are Christians. May be more people will start thinking of other people instead of themselves.” If you would like to become involved, contact Cliff at 479 234 2937. nce he comes back, he will know more about when he will either ship items or carry them over. At that time, the local Fraternal rder of the Eagles, of which Bauman is a member, will help with collections. “It’s a new adventure for me at the age of 70. I’ve been doing a little bit of research on the country and past .S. involve ment there isn’t a too favorable opinion of Americans. We are actually responsible for a lot of their orphanages. I’m getting near the end of my time and I think about the young kids down there that are just starting life. I served in ietnam and other countries that were desolate, and I am now in a time in my life that I can do something about that.”

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Progress Continues for Mena District CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 approved, the contract price on the large expan sion will be provided to the school board with construction start dates to follow. The $8 million renovation expansion of ou ise Durham Elementary will include a systems upgrade and the addition of approximately 16,000 square feet to the existing building, including approximately 14 classrooms, a new office area, and a large bathroom being built near the existing front entrance. The current renderings of the proposed project show a new exterior design that will match closely with Mena High School, keeping the same color schemes and large fa ade. The addition will see an end to modular units now in use and all students will be housed in the main building that will accom modate up to 600 students. Student drop off and pick up areas will change slightly when the project is completed. The systems upgrade portion is a $2.4 million project. Mena Public Schools will be responsible for only half of that cost, $1.2 million, because the district seized the opportunity to secure a matching grant from the Arkansas Division of Public School Academic Facilities and Transpor tation, which will pay the remaining $1.2 million. Mena’s portion will come from their building fund. The renovation and expansion of the facil ity will cost approximately $ .6 million and will be paid for through the district’s building fund and bond extension.

Weekly Publication

Mena Basscats Represented at AR Youth Bearcats Soccer Takes Down Gurdon Fishing Association Tournament T T


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January 6, 2016



he Mena B earc ats soc c er team took down the G urdon G o-D evils on Monday night, A p ril 10 th, by a sc ore of 3 -2. W ith this win over G urdon, Mena’ s rec ord now imp roves to 4-6 over the c ourse of the season so far. Mena lost their first four games of the season, but has won four of their last six , with wins over G urdon twic e, A rkadelp hia and C enterp oint. The B earc ats will host the B adgers of A rkadelp hia on A p ril 13 th, as well as the N ashville S c rap p ers on A p ril 17 th. The Mena L adyc ats, who have only p layed one game so far this season, will p lay their nex t game on A p ril 13 th, at home against the A rkadelp hia B adgers. The L adyc ats will then p lay host against the S c rap p erettes of N ashville on A p ril 17 th.

he Mena B assc ats were bac k in ac tion on S aturday, A p ril 8 , 20 17 at the A rkansas Youth F ishing A ssoc iation ( A YF A ) B ull S hoals bass Tournament. Two teams rep resented Mena B assc ats at the tournament. A ustin Rose and E van G raves c ame in 6th p lac e while, A ustin J ohnston and A ndrew G raves c ame in 9 th. I n the three tournaments the B assc ats have p artic ip ated in, A ustin Rose and E van G raves have c ame in 2nd, 3 rd, and 6th.



G O D I SI N C O N T R O L ?

April 12, 2017

(or “ Hum ani ty G one C r az y” )

References: Romans 1:18-25 Matthew 13:24-30 Philippians 2:9-11

I t i s s ti l l tr ue. G od i s om ni p otent. G od i s om ni s c i ent. G od i s om ni p r es ent. G od i s s ti l l G od and He i s m or e G od than we c an ev er i m ag i ne. This is all still true, but… something is terribly wrong with it all! How many times have I heard the statement, “God is in control?” And, every time I hear it, or read it, something just ties up in knots inside of me. The statement does not match with what we observe in this word, nor does it match up with the theology that it assumes. There are some things about the statement that need to be evaluated. F i r s t, i f G od i s tr ul y at al l ti m es and i n al l ways i n c ontr ol , then He has m ad e a ter r i b l e m es s of thi ng s ! That means that He could have stopped Hitler before the whole world got into a war that killed, blew up, tore apart, millions of young men and destroyed millions of families. The casualties of all wars are horrible beyond expression. Question: did God do this? If He is in ab s ol ute control, then the answer must be “yes.” But the f ac t i s , G od d i d N O T d o i t! God’s sovereignty allowed Him to create life and people with the will and the freedom to make REAL CHOICES! And, the real choices that men have made over centuries have caused all sorts of horrible things. Humanity has gone crazy. When a teenaged girl is being brutally beaten, raped, and murdered, did God do that? When she cries out, “what kind of a God do you serve?” What do you say? For those who say that His “control” is absolute, the answer must be “yes.” But He d i d not d o i t! N o! G od i s not the A uthor of ev i l ! A nd our und er s and i ng of Hi m m us t nev er m ak e Hi m to b e s o. In creation, God created a people “in His image” and “in His likeness.” If this means anything at all, it must mean that mankind was created with the ab i l i ty, and r es p ons i b i l i ty, to m ak e r eal c hoi c es , r eal d ec i s i ons , ev en i f thos e c hoi c es d i d not c onf or m to G od ’ s d es i r e. Freedom to make real choices enables us to truly love each other and to love and serve God, or, it enables us to rebel against Him and every standard that He has established. And, there are consequences… always consequences! I think that some of those who make this statement do simply because they can’t understand why things happen as they do, and it is just easy to say, “Well, God has a reason for this.” NO! There are things that happen that fall far outside of what God has a “reason” for. Make no mistake about this. God is in control in the ultimate sense, and He will step in and close it all down in His own time. But, in the interim, because of something called the “sin nature,” we will continue to “mess it up.” If you have studied the Word of God, you will have read that Jesus called Satan the “prince of this world.” And, you will remember the passage in 1 John that says, “the whole world lies in the evil one.” You will remember, do you not? A nd i n thi s i nter i m , b el i ev e i t or not, G od i s d oi ng what He s et out to d o; He i s c r eati ng a p eop l e f or Hi m s el f , and that “ p eop l e” wi l l b e m ad e up of thos e who us e thei r ab i l i ty to m ak e r eal c hoi c es to c hoos e to l ov e and wor s hi p Hi m . This life is not a stage play, where all of the lines are written for us, and the outcome is pre-determined with no real choices to be made. This life is real. Choices that we make are real. Consequences are real. Final accountability is fixed in place. God will NOT make our choices for us! He will guide us by His Spirit IF WE ARE YIELDED TO HIM! Even then, disobedience is a real and ever-present possibility. I t i s hum an d i s ob ed i enc e that has c aus ed the m es s that we hav e m ad e, not the O ne W ho g av e Hi s Son to f i x i t! T HI S P A G E P U R C HA SE D BY G E N E ST A C K S

April 12, 2017



From the bombs dropped in Japan, when thousands of people were killed in one moment, to nine-eleven, where thousands were killed or maimed and untold numbers of families were tragically disrupted, from Hawaii to Japan, to ISIS of today, in all of that and all of that in between, some would dare to say that “God is in control” of all of this! No! Not the God Who came to us in the person of Jesus Christ! W hat we s ee i n al l of thi s i s hum ani ty g one c r az y. We see rebellion. We see the rejection of God and His Only begotten Son. Yes! God is God and God is sovereign, but He will not violate His own creative purpose; a people with freedom to choose who would choose Him… Did He know how it would turn out? Y es, but it had to be this way. F reedom to mak e real choices can go in many dif f erent directions. L ucif er rebelled in H eaven. H is seed are still rebelling. What we see in our world are the certain consequences of rejecting the very purpose of our existence. We are here as the product of Jehovah God, who wants us as His family. We sometimes forget the why of our being. And when we do, we have “humanity gone crazy.” The “God is in control” argument is tragically flawed. Tell it to that 15-year old girl who is being beaten and raped… tell her that “God is in control” and she will ask you,“What kind of a God do you have?” Having said all of this, once we come to God in faith, believing in the all-sufficient sacrifice of His Only begotten Son on the cross, things change for us. We have given back to Him the control that we took for ourselves. It is now that He makes “all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to HIS purposes.” ( Romans 8:28) But even then, He does not say, “all things are good.” This world is, in some ways, like a garden. The seed was good. The plants came up, each with all of the potential of the others. But humanity is different in this respect: plants do not choose; humans do. Plants have no choice as to be good or bad; humans do. In this sense, God IS in control. He i s i n ab s ol ute c ontr ol of the f i nal outc om e of i t al l . After we have had our way, God’s angels will come. Harvest will occur. Separation will happen. Choices will determine whether we go with them to be with Him, or, will we be with the group gathered for eternal destruction? The only way to escape this “world gone crazy” is to choose another K ing. His name is Jesus. He will accept you, but… C HO I C E S A R E O U R S. C HO I C E S A R E R E A L . C HO I C E S HA V E C O N SE Q U E N C E S. SO ME C O N SE Q U E N C E S A R E I R R E V E R SI BL E . God IS omnipotent! God IS omniscient! He is sovereign! God IS God! God IS love! P.S. Remember, “every knee SHALL bow…” It is not that ever knee is bowing now! BU T IT WILL BE! Hard-headed, hard-hearted people, no matter their success in this life, no matter their standing, no matter their wealth, no matter their achievements, W I L L BO W , BU T f or m any, i t wi l l b e too l ate. T hey wi l l not hear “ wel l d one, thou g ood and f ai thf ul s er v ant. ” T hey wi l l hear , “ d ep ar t f r om m e… I nev er k new you. ” W e ar e al l a p ar t of one s ys tem or the other . W e c hoos e whi c h. T he c hoi c e i s not f or c ed up on us . T her e ar e no thi r d c hoi c es . I S G O D I N C O N T R O L I N Y O U R L I F E ? O R A R E Y O U A P A R T O F T HI S W O R L D G O N E C R A Z Y ? T her e ar e no thi r d c hoi c es ! A nd , i f you woul d ar g ue wi th m y c onc l us i on ab out a “ wor l d g one c r az y,” j us t l ook f or a b r i ef m om ent at the wor l d outs i d e of the U SA . Y ou and I hav e b een d e-s ens i ti z ed to the hor r or s that ar e at thi s v er y m om ent hap p eni ng ar ound m os t of our l i ttl e p l anet. L ook at i t! L ook at i t! A nd , i f you s ee i t as i t i s , you wi l l c onc l ud e… as hav e I … that we l i v e i n a wor l d wi thout G od , a “ wor l d g one c r az y. ” C hoi c es ! A l ways c hoi c es ! My nam e i s G ene Stac k s and I ap p r ov e of thi s m es s ag e.




. . . April . . . . . 12, . . . 2017 .....................................................................................................................


Weekly Publication

County Teams Hit Final Stretch BY EASTON LEONARD

he Acorn Tigers baseball team 1 , traveled to Mount Ida on April 7th and lost 23 1. Acorn will play their next game on April 12th, when they host the Mineral Springs Hornets. Following Wednesday’s game, the Tigers will travel to Dierks on April 17th and play their final game of the season at Cutter Morning Star on April 19th. The Acorn ady Tigers softball team 2 2 , also traveled to Mount Ida last Friday, and fell short by three runs, 2. Acorn took on the Cossatot River ady Eagles on April 11th, and will host the Mount Ida ady ions on April 14th. After hosting the ady ions on the 14th, the ady Tigers will play their final four games of the season on the road at Dierks, Cossatot River, Horatio and Arkansas High. The Cossatot River Eagles baseball team 2 9 , lost to Genoa Central on Monday night, April 10th, by a score of 9 4. Cossatot traveled to Fouke on Tuesday night and will travel to Ashdown on April 14th. For their final two games of the season, the Eagles will play host to Prescott on April 17th, and to Horatio on April 21st. The Cossatot River ady Eagles softball team 1 9 , lost their last game 12 1 to ashville on April 7th. Cossatot traveled to Acorn to take on the ady Tigers on Tuesday night, and will travel to Fouke on April 13th, and to Dierks on April 14th. The ady Eagles will play their final four games of the season at home against Precott doubleheader , Acorn, and Horatio. The Mena Bearcats baseball team 1 17 , fell short on April 6th against Dierks 21 7, and traveled to Centerpoint on Tuesday night to take on the nights. Following Tuesday nights game, the Bearcats will host Prescott on April 14th and Horatio on April 17th, and then travel to Bismarck on April 20th and Ashdown on April 21st for their final four games of the season. The Mena adycats softball team 7 13 , won their last game against Cossatot, on April 6th by a score of 3 0. Mena hosted Fouke on Tuesday night, and will host Prescott, April 14th, Horatio, April 17th, and Ashdown, April 21st, for their final three home games of the season. The adycats last away game will be on April 18th at Ashdown.

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Cossatot Soccer Teams Continue Winning Streak BY EASTON LEONARD


he C ossatot River H igh S c hool boys soc c er team has now won their first six games of the season. Cossatot defeated the Mena Bearcats on April 4th, by a score of 4. The Eagles took on the Arkadelphia Badg es on Tuesday night and will travel to N ashville to take on the S c rap p ers on the 14th. The C ossatot L ady E agles soc c er team has won their last three games of the season after a first game loss. Cos satot defeated the Mena adycats, 3 2, on the 7th of April. The team traveled to A rkaldelp hia on A p ril 11th, and will travel again to N ashville on A p ril 14th to take on the Scrapperettes.

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Weekly Publication

Mena Junior Boys Taking Track by BY MELANIE BUCK news@mypulsenews.com Storm


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April . . . . .12, . . .2017 .......



Reagan Sikes [left] & Lexi Brooks [right] hit back to back homeruns on Tuesday, April 4th for the Mena Ladycats softball team.


Did you know that before 19 33 it was illegal to play professional sports on Sunday in Pennsylvania? A law had to be changed before the Pittsburgh Pirates ( renamed the Steelers in 19 41) and the Philadelphia Eagles j oined the National Football L eague. Anybody remember the " blue laws? " There was a time when most all stores were closed on Sundays. No liquor sales, either. Back then there was something special about Sunday. Times have changed. The world has changed. Sundays aren't so sacred any more. I t's a sad commentary on our culture. The truth of the matter is that there is something special about Sunday, the first day of the week. I t's not the Sabbath. There is no " Christian Sabbath" in the Bible. Sunday is the day of Christ's resurrection from the dead ( Matt. 28 : 1) . So, fittingly, this is the day His disciples gathered to observe the L ord's Supper ( 1 Cor. 11 : 23-29 ; Acts 20: 7) , remembering His death. This is why we gather on the first day of the week ( Sunday) to worship, observe the L ord's Supper, and sing songs of praise. There is nothing more important on Sundays than gathering with others and worshiping G od. Absolutely nothing! The world at large may not agree. Some people may make choices that reflect a different view. But what could be more important than worshiping G od? I compliment everyone who comes to worship each week. There are other things you could do. Y our choice speaks volumes about yours spirituality. W e welcome all to worship. Hatfield Church of Christ. Contact us at 479-437-5276 or e-mail us at hatfieldcofc@ gmail.com, like us on Facebook.

he Mena Ju nior B oys Track Team is making waves in a variety of track and field events, acco rding to C oach Randy Peters. H e is exci ted about what the boys have accomplished so far and ca n’ t wait to co ntinue to watch them succe ed. I n their most Pictured above: Mena Junior Track Boys celebrate after winning a recent track meet. recent meet, they took 2nd place as a team, right behind ashville, which is a feat all on its own. Mena’s competitors also placed well in individual and team events. Results included 100 meter dash ane Stephens, 4th in 11.77 seconds and Caleb Holmes, 6th at 11.91. 200 meter dash ane Stephens, 4th in 24. 7 Caleb Holmes, 8th in 2 .46. 400 meter Izia Ingoglia, 2nd in 7. 9 Mathew McCravens, 3rd in 61. 800 meter Curtis Curry, 2nd, in 2 13 Devan Adams, 3rd, in 2 23. 1600 meter Devan Adams, 1st in 21 ogan Myers, 3rd in 24. 110 meter hurdles Chris Bollmeyer, 3rd in 18.09. 4x100 meter relay 3rd as a team in 48.16. The team consisted of ane Stephens, Caleb Holmes, Izia Ingoglia, and Marc Wilson. 4x400 meter relay 2nd as a team in 4.02. The team consisted of eremiah Swint, acinto Perez, Curtis Curry, and Izia Ingoglia. 4x800 meter relay 1st as a team 9.36. The team consisted of Devan Adams, Curtis Curry, Thadeus ance, and Damon Clark. High ump Chris Bollmeyer, 6th with a ’2” jump. Pole ault Mathew McCravens, th with a 9’ jump Thadeus ance, 7th with an 8’6” jump. ong ump ane Stephens, 1st with an 18 03 jump Marc Wilson, 7th with a 16 11 jump. Triple ump Caleb Holmes, 1st with 40 1 2 Marc Wilson, 7th with 3 03. Shot Braxton Bahr, 2nd with a 42’ throw. Disc Braxton Bahr, 1st with a 136 04 throw.

January 6, 2016

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. . April . . . . . 12, . . . 2017 ......................................................................................................................



Weekly Publication

Linda Johnson- A Desire to Serve



S ometimes life brings you full ci rcl e to a similar p lace you have been, only to show you how much you have grown and life has ch anged. O ften the things that we leave behind are the things that we learn to love again the next time. L inda Jo hnson grew up in a small town in southeast O hio about an hour and a half from C olumbus. N ow, j ust like she started her life, L inda is living in another small town as she enj oys retired living in Mena. L inda grew up in Philo, O hio. I t was your typ ica l small town co mmunity. A little smaller than Mena, it made for a memorable exp erience growing up . “ I t was your typ ica l small co mmunity. A co up le of groce ry stores, a co rner lunch , and some gas stations. I remember D ad act ually having a ch arge acco unt at one of the groce ry stores,” reca lls L inda. A fter high sch ool L inda went to sch ool to beco me a nurse, beco ming an L PN afterwards. S he and her family had never traveled much , their biggest trip was j ust down the road an hour and a half to C olumbus. “ W e never really had the money to go anywhere big so we would j ust go to C olumbus. I t was like driving from here to F ort S mith.” D esiring to see more of the world and use her nursing skills in a meaningful way, L inda j oined the A rmed F orce s. “ I wanted to be a medic in the A ir F orce , which I eventually got to do, but I went in with an op en co ntract ,” she exp lains. The military was a big p art of L inda’ s life, her service totaled almost 25 years, some of which were act ive duty and reserve. L inda and her husband, W ayne, have lived in several different states due to her military exp erience . W hile living in V irginia, she was dep loyed to D esert S torm to co ntinue her medic work. A fter dep loyment, she and W ayne ended up in Tulsa for 10 years before her unit was deact ivated. “ I enj oyed my time in the military and meeting new p eop le. I got to do a lot of fun things, esp eci ally for a small town girl,” smiles L inda. A lthough her service in the military was over, after moving to Texa s, she co ntinued serving p eop le as a nurse while working at the V alley B ap tist Medica l C enter working in I nfect ion C ontrol. “ D uring the time I was working there, a guy that worked in the building with me knew that W ayne and I rode motorcycl es and he was a member of C MA . H e invited us to j oin and we have been involved since .” A lthough she was no longer in the military, L inda co ntinued serving the military as the Jr . V ice C ommander for her loca l V F W . L ike many p eop le that ca ll Mena home, L inda and W ayne were looking to retire and slow down. W ayne wanted to move cl oser to family that was in O klahoma, but it hap p ened that the co up le ended up settling in Mena. “ W ayne kep t search ing for p rop erty cl ose to his family, but instead of p rop erty in O klahoma, the co mp uter kicke d us over to Mena each time. Time after time of doing it, we started looking at p rop erty in Mena and found our new home.” D esp ite moving to Mena to settle down and slow their p ace , L inda is involved in many different things, incl uding taking cl asses at U A Rich Mountain, serving as the C ommander of the loca l V F W Post # 445 1. There are many fundraisers and p roj ect s going on that the V F W sup p orts as they co ntinue to be a valuable organiza tion in the co mmunity. “ A s C ommander, I work on things like our membership , but my attention is really on ch anging the p erce p tion of the V F W . W e have a lot of good p eop le and we are sup p orting many good things, most of the sup p ort being given loca lly.” Rece ntly, Mena rece ived the op p ortunity to be a host site for The W all That H eals, a traveling rep lica of the V ietnam V eterans W ar Memorial. L inda was instrumental in bringing ‘ The W all’ to Mena, and the idea to bring ‘ The W all’ originated while L inda was at home one day last S ummer. “ I was sitting in my living room and was thinking about whether we co uld get one here. There are four different wall rep lic as and one was booked until 20 18 , and the others already had ap p lica tions from A rkansas. I t left me with The W all That H eals and so I ap p lied.” Much to her surp rise, L inda rece ived an email in the middle of N ovember telling her that Mena had been ch osen as a host site. “ I j ust thought, ‘ W hat? N o way! ’ I was so exci ted, but I knew it was time to get to work.” W ork is exa ct ly what it was going to take to get the wall here. L inda, along with many other faithful volunteers took the nece ssary step s needed to bring the wall, incl uding talking to area businesses to raise the needed $ 7 ,5 0 0 . “ I sent letters to sch ool district s all over A rkansas and in O klahoma. W e wanted to make it available for anyone to co me.” The W all That H eals p roved to be a big succe ss, being visited by thousands of p eop le from around Mena and the surrounding areas. “ H onestly, numbers were the seco nd thought I had. My first thought was about the ets who would never be able to go see The Wall in Washington. I wanted them to be able to experience this so that they could finally experience healing,” says inda humbly. So many people had the opportunity to experience The Wall for the first time, and it truly was an exp erienc e that many will never forget. “ There were V ietnam V ets that ca me and thanked me and others who help ed bring The W all. Their thank-you are what made all the hard work worth it, seeing their ap p reci ation meant the world.” L inda’ s life is an exa mp le to anyone around her, the service that she has given to her co untry and now her co mmunity is admirable and exa mp le to everyone. “ I ’ m fortunate, my time of service has allowed me to see and do things that I would have never had the op p ortunity. I ’ m very thankful.”

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April 12, 2017

Weekly Publication



Mountain Airframe - A Quality Experience M



ena is home for many hard working men and women who have, through their hard work, have not only made their lives better, but the co mmunity itself. F or any business, co mmunity, or group to truly taste succe ss, hard work will have to be one of the ingredients. D avid B ly once said, “ S triving for succe ss without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’ t p lanted.” F or D el L ehmann and B rett H am, owners of Mountain A irframe L L C ., hard work is j ust a p art of everyday life. Del and Brett are no strangers to the airfield, both beginning work at the airport during their high sch ool years. D ue to a work p rogram in the high sch ool at the time ca lled C oordinated C areer E duca tion [ C C E ] , both of the guys were able to gain some p ract ica l exp erience working in the aviation business. “My first day working at the airport was my 16th birthday. I started working for Fred Hampton at Rich Mountain A viation after my dad had bought some p rop erty from him and introduce d us,” says D el. D uring that same time, B rett was also working at Rich Mountain, an op p ortunity that was made available because of CCE. “The program was really beneficial for us. I knew I didn’t want to go to college, but this allowed me to get p ract ica l hands on training. That p rogram and others like it have been help ful for so many,” says D el. A co rding to both men, there were a lot of high sch ool guys working at the airp ort at the time, but both felt fortunate to have the exp erience they did working for F red. “ A lot of the other guys were working in the paint shops, but I got to work somewhere that we did a lot of structural work,” explains Brett. Both realize that there is a need for co llege for many co ming out of high sch ool, but also ackn owledge that there are many students, j ust like them, that don’ t desire a four year university exp erience . “ A fter you have went to sch ool your whole life, you aren’ t always exp osed to that much . S ometimes the best thing for some kids may be to go learn a trade or attend a voca tional sch ool. W e, and many others at the airp ort, show that it is very p ossible,” says D el. A fter both men had op p ortunities to work in a variety of ca p aci ties in the aviation business, they had desires to join efforts and start their own business. Del had been working in various hangars on the airfield doing subco ntract work, while B rett was co ntinuing his work in struct ural rep air and maintenance . O ver time, D el and B rett had talked about the details of going into business together. A fter rece iving enco uragement from p eop le within the business, D el p ursued the op p ortunity to open the business and in 1996 Mountain Airframe was incorporated. “We both felt that we had the experience to do it and had received encouragement to do so. Brett knew adjustors and had contacts, so when we joined it was mutually beneficial.” ver the last several years, Mountain Airframe has grown immensely. What started as a small business with three to four employees has now doubled in size. ntil March 1st, Mountain Airframe was working out of two hangars, one on the east end of the runway, the other on the west. “It was getting hard, we would have to run back and forth to get tools so we co uld get j obs done.” A t the beginning of March , D el and B rett and the cr ew have been in a much larger hangar, a ch ange that was much welco med. “ The p revious tenants didn’ t want to renew their lease and we had been wanting to be here for a long time so it was p erfect ,” says D el p roudly. W ith the move, not only did Mountain A irframe get to co nsolidate under one roof, but their size in facilities doubled. Between the combined hangars they worked out of before, there was a combined 13,000 square feet. ow, their hangar boasts more than 2 ,000 square feet. “ ot only have we grown in space, but as the business has grown, so have our employees. ntil four years ago, we only had three to four employees, now we have 12,” explains Del. The sweetest rewards are often those that have been realized after much hard work and effort. “It has really been so great to see where this thing started and where it is now. To see it grow like this has been unbelievable,” says Brett proudly. Mountain Airframe specializes working in. heavy structural sheet metal repairs, refurbishments, and modifications. There are various reasons that planes may come into the hangar, for some, modifications are needed but others, due to landing accidents, may need 70 to 80 of the aircraft rebuilt. O ver the years, the hard work at Mountain A irframe has earned them a great rep utation acr oss the co untry. “ W e have traveled co ast to co ast to p ick up or deliver p lanes. ver time, as we have performed quality work, word has spread and customers desire to use our services.” Their credibility for producing quality work is something that means a lot to the guys and the crew. “That is one of the reasons we wanted in this hangar, it increases our efficiency, which means we can produce quality work for our customers.” Mountain A irframe is yet another exa mp le of the hard working p eop le in the co mmunity and the blessing that it is for Mena to have an airp ort full of growing and diverse businesses. “We are fortunate to work at this airport. It is probably the busiest maintenance airport in Arkansas.” Brett and Del are a constant reminder for anyone that hard work and persistence will reap plentiful benefits.

January 6, 2016

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April 12, 2017

Weekly Publication


The following information was received from Polk County law enforcement agencies. The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed, or that they have been found innocent, and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner.

Mena Police Department April 2, 2017 Rodney Dale Morrison, 31, of Mena was charged with stalking, loitering, two counts of criminal trespass, resisting arrest after officers were called to a local residence. April 3, 2017 Report was taken of a window being shot out at a local business. he weapon appeared to have been a pellet gun. Case is pending further investigation. In two similar reports, two local resident reported that their front windows had been shot out, apparently by a pellet gun. Cases are pending. Jimmy Lee Wright, 31, of Mena was arrested on an outstanding warrant for non payment of child support. Christina c lveen, , of ena was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. Jerry . Haynes, , of ena was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. he arrest followed a probation search. Jason . omblin, 3 , of ena was arrested and charged with felony possession of cocaine or methamphetamine, simultaneous possession of firearms and controlled substance, possession of firearms by “certain persons,” and possession of drug paraphernalia, as well as misdemeanor possession of schedule I. April 4, 2017 Richard Chad James, 3 , of ena was charged driving on a suspended driver’s license and having no proof of liability insurance. He was also charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. he arrest followed a traffic stop. hillip . Riley, 7, of ena was charged with driving on a suspended driver’s license, having no liability insurance, and having no vehicle license. raci . agner, , of ena was charged with theft of property (shoplifting) after officers were called to a local retail store. April 5, 2017 Jimmy Wright, 31, of Mena was served an outstanding warrant from the Mena Police epartment. A local man reported the theft of a vehicle from a local residence. Case is pending.

orman ennis Cote, , of ena was charged with theft of property (shoplifting) after officers were called to a local retail store. A Mena woman reported that her wallet containing appro imately 3, . had been stolen from her home. Case is pending location and interview of suspect. A local man reported that he had had a firearm stolen from his unlocked vehicle. Case is pending. April 6, 2017 olk County man reported the theft of a atbed utility trailer. Case is pending further investigation and location of possible suspect. April 7, 2017 Report was made of several items of clothing being stolen from a vehicle. Case is pending location and interview of suspects. April 8, 2017 Logan dward itts, 3 , of ena, was arrested on an outstanding warrant for failure to appear.

Polk County Sheriff’s Department April 3, 2017 rrested was Cameron J. Rose, , of Hatton, on a ody ttachment arrant. April 4, 2017 Report from complainant on older Lane near corn of non payment for timber. Investigation continues. rrested was rica L. Lester, 33, of ena, on a arrant for heft of roperty. rrested by an officer with the rannis olice epartment was Joshua . Crow, 37, of e ueen, on Charges of riving with a Suspended river’s License and o License late and a arrant for ailure to Comply with a Court rder. April 5, 2017 Report of the discovery of an illegal substance led to a year old male being issued a Juvenile Citation for ossession of a Schedule I Controlled Substance. he juvenile was released to the custody of a parent guardian. April 6, 2017 Report from complainant on est oundary Road near Mena of the break-in to a vehicle and theft of prescription medication, clothing and accessories. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on olk 7 near Mena of being harassed by an acuaintance. Information has been provided to the rosecuting ttorney’s ffice for further consideration. Report from complainant on Highway ast near the Cherry Hill community that when they went to pick up a vehicle that they had purchased, it was not there. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s ffice for further consideration.

Report from complainant on North Polk Street in Mena of the break-in to a storage building and theft of tools, motorcycle accessories and electronics, all valued at 7, . . Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Highway 37 ast near ena of the break in to several buildings, with several items missing. Investigation continues. rrested was ravis . anuel, 3 , of Mena, on a Warrant for two counts of Sexual ssault st egree. April 7, 2017 rrested by an officer with the rannis olice epartment was Ricky S. Songer, , of alliant, , on a arrant for Residential urglary and heft of roperty. rrested by an officer with rkansas robation arole was Joshua . ernandez, 3 , of ooneville, on four arrants for ailure to ppear. rrested by an officer with the rannis olice epartment was Sarah . itchford, 33, of Cove, on a arrant for ailure to ppear. April 8, 2017 Report from complainant on West John-

son Street in Hatfield of vandalism done to two vehicle windows. Investigation continues. rrested was Ronald . Staggs, , of ena, on three arrants for ailure to Comply with a Court rder. Report of an unattended death on ings Lane near corn. he scene was released to the olk County Coroner. Report from complainant on Highway est near Hatfield of a missing vehicle and a stolen firearm. Investigation continues. April 9, 2017 Report from complainant on Highway West near the Rocky community of vandalism done to a mailbo . Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Highway est near the Shady rove community of vandalism done to a window, totaling losses at . . Investigation continues. olk County Sheriff’s ffice worked one vehicle accident this week. olk County etention Center Jail opulation Incarcerated Inmates, with Inmates currently on the Waiting List for a State acility.

April 12, 2017

Weekly Publication



Ad deadline is 5 p.m. on Monday. Payment is due with ad. Publishing and distributing 8,000 copies weekly. One bedroom house for rent in Mena – No smoking. No dogs. $350 per month, First & last. 479-385-9786. 4/12 There will be a cemetery workday at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 22, 2017. Coffee and donuts will be available in the visitor center at the Cherry Hill Cemetery at 7:30 a.m. 4/19 Moving Sale – Thursday-Saturday, 8-4. Kitchen table & chairs, couch & love seat. Queen size bedroom suite, small freezer, miscellaneous items. 4/12 Clean and comfortable housing since 1969, J. Ray & aria’s H ark and Rentals. Hwy 7 orth, ena, R. 479-216-3085 TFN Local Transportation company looking for Flat Bed Truck Drivers. Well maintained equipment. Good pay and goo6 working environment. Home most weekends. Can make up to $1,000/week average pay. Can earn $300 sign on bonus after 3 months of employment. lease call 479-243-4524. 5/3 DLC Dirt orks, providing light tractor services to olk County and surrounding areas. Brush Hogging, light drive way repair, front end loader work, general property clean up, dirt work and much more. Free estimates: 479-3942966. TFN



For Sale – One 200 Amp Meter 100p all copper encased in 19-foot steel post. Also 200 Amp main breaker. 870584-6026 or 870-784-0707. 4/12

Daniel’s Carpentry and ainting, home repair, desks, fence rows, underpinning, etc. Also lawn and garden work. Call 870-334-2068 4/26

Dugan Lawn Care and Landscaping a complete ground maintenance company serving both residential and commercial customers. NOW TAKING NEW CLIENTS FOR 2017 MOW SEASON! We trim ornamental trees, grasses, shrubs, and more. ree estimates. ffices in both ena 479-394-2699 and DeQueen: 870-279-2250. TFN

scmobiledogeash.com – Dog Grooming, hand dry, nails trimmed, ears cleaned, brushing. Deanna Boyd. 479-234-1866. I will come to you! Like Facebook. 5/3

Multi family yard sale – Friday, April 14th and Saturday, April 15th. Starting at 8:00 a.m. at 409 Lakewood Drive, Mena. Items include: refrigerator, oven, microwave, outdoor grill, clothing, household items, and other miscellaneous items. 4/12 MISSING – an older yellow cat female ear leasant Hills nimal Clinic. lease call 3 if seen. 4/12 LPN – Licensed ractical urse is seeking employment with in-home care/private care duty of patients. Trustworthy, dependable, and hardworking. References are available. Contact issy Cost L at 7 . 5/17 House 5 acres 3 bed full bath. ffice Space, laundry room, large walk-in pantry. Call for details. 394-6429 4/12

Help Wanted - The Oaks of Mena is hiring for a Ful-Time L C Housekeeping. lease apply in person between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. 4/12 For Sale – Wooden chicken house. Rafters 40 ft. wide 50 ft. underground .04 cable. 870-584-6026 or 870-7840707 4/12 Yard Mowing, weed eating, bush hogging, handyman services, power washing, garden plowing and tilling. Have tractor with implements for larger jobs. Bill Duff. Call 479216-5204. 5/3 J&N Dozer- rackhoe, ackhoe, ump ruck, onds, ads, Clearing, Roads, Hauling, Rich op Soil, ill irt, Shale, Gravel. Dozer operator Randy Egger, over 30 years’ e perience. e appreciate your usiness Call 479-234-1357 TFN

January 6, 2016

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