April 19, 2017

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April 19, 2017


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1168 Hwy 71 S • Mena, AR 71953 • 479-243-9600 ...............................................................................................................................................................................

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Drugs & Guns Seized in South County Raid BY MELANIE BUCK • news@mypulsenews.com

Westerman and Maddox Tour HCI and Mena Airport

T h e P o l k C o u n t y S h e r i f f ’ s D e p a r t m e n t co n d u ct e d a r a i d o n T h u r sd a y m o r n i n g , April 13, 2017, that resulted in two men being arrested for drugs and firearms. Around 6 45 a.m. on Thursday, law enforcement officers executed a search warrant and an arrest warrant at 409 Polk 10 in Wickes. The warrants were the result of a month-long undercover operation. A large amount of methamphetamine was found at the location, along with guns and drug paraphernalia. Arrested in the case were Floyd Paul Evans, age 58 of Wickes, and Don ester Hoglan, age 59 of Grannis. CONTINUED ON PAGE 9

County Judge Announces Upcoming Spring Road Projects BY MELANIE BUCK • news@mypulsenews.com C o u n t y J u d g e B r a n d o n E l l i s o n h a s a n n o u n ce d t h e l o ca t i o n s o f t h e 2 0 1 7 S p r i n g seal and reseal projects, which include approximately nine miles of roadway in several parts of the county. In addition, the county has purchased equipment that will speed up the process and save tax dollars. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5

1st Annual Junior Rodeo to be Held Proceeds to Benefit Andy Risenhoover Arena BY MELANIE BUCK • news@mypulsenews.com The Polk County Fair Rodeo Association will host the first annual Polk County Junior Rodeo this Saturday, April 22nd, at 2 p.m. at the Andy Risenhoover Arena. The rodeo will serve as a fundraiser to make additional improvements to the facilities in an effort to restore it to its original glory. Admission to the junior rodeo will be 5 for adults, 3 for ages 6-12, ages 5 under are free. Events include Barrell Racing, Pole Bending, Breakaway, Goat Tying CONTINUED ON PAGE 9

Congressman Bruce Westerman paid a visit to Mena on Monday, April 17, touring the Mena Airport and Healthy Connections, Inc. During his visit, he listened to concerns from both facilities about legislation and regulations that affect their respective businesses. FULL STORY ON PAGE 3. ester an is pi t re a e it e ers ealt y C nne ti ns’ staff and board. Left to right: Phyllis Cunningham, Jamie McMahen, State Representative John Maddox, Gretchen Cannon, U.S. Congressman Bruce Westerman, Derwood Brett, Tony Calandro, Salvador Elizalde, and Doreen Tapley.

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822 Mena St. • Mena, AR 71953 Phone/Fax: 479-394-7377 Business Cards, Postcards/Invitations, Letterhead/Envelopes ponyprint@gmail.com Copies, Fax Service, Lamination also available! Tuesday - Friday 9am - 5:30pm Kathy Burks, Owner

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