April 26, 2017
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Area Athletes Gather for Track & Field Special Olympics
Maddox Summarizes First Legislative Session BY MELANIE BUCK •
State Representative John Maddox served in his first legislative session this year, representing District 20, which includes portions of Polk, Sevier, and Montgomery Counties. “ overnor Hutchinson called this session the most pro-growth and pro-business legislative session in history,” said Maddox. And indeed, several measures were passed by the legislature and signed by the governor in hopes of providing tax relief to businesses, industries, and individuals, and encourage growth across the state.
Council to Consider Water Rate Increase
BY LEANN DILBECK • The Mena City Council will be considering a recommendation from the Mena Water Utilities Commission MWU to increase water rates during their May meeting. Mena Water Utility Manager Charles Pitman said that the utility consulted with Communities Unlimited CU regarding its current water rates. CU confirmed that the utility is not charging enough to cover its costs. Pitman explained, “There are several reasons. The most obvious are that costs have risen while the overall amount of water that we sell annually has dropped. Additionally, there have been regulatory changes that resulted in different, and more expensive, chemicals necessary to treat CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
McIntyre Going ‘Down Under’ BY LOGAN MCCOURTNEY • olk ount an in ld lo e ents o the il .
ce s ustin agne and achiseu and the iconic l m ic o ch to kick o the ack ield ea S ecial l m ics held at ea cat Stadium onda
Robert McIntyre, a local high school track and cross country runner, will be competing in the international annual Down Under Sports Tournament this summer in Australia, representing the North Central Conference Cross County Team. Robert has been a standout track athlete for Mena high school and as a sophomore has received the opportunity to come showcase his skills. CONTINUED ON PAGE 19
Senior Citizen Discount - Tear Offs - Recovers New Roofs - Flat Roofs - Metal Roofs - Recoating RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • AGRICULTURAL
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. .April . . . . .26, . . . .2017 .....................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Rice to be Featured Speaker at Tourism Luncheon
he M ena A dvertising & P romotion Commission w ill b e hosting a T ourism D ay L uncheon on Wednesday, M ay 3 , 2 0 1 7 at the U niversity of A rkansas – R ich M ountain’ s O uachita Center. Jo e D avid R ice, T ourism D irector f or the A rkansas D epartment of P arks and T ourism, w ill b e the f eatured speaker. T ourism is a $ 2 6 . 2 million industry in M ena and P olk County, w ith the community hosting 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 visitors annually. T he luncheon w ill hig hlig ht the importance of tourism to the state and local economy, and ef f orts to g row tourism in A rkansas and M ena. T he luncheon w ill also f eature a preview of the upcoming 4 0 th A nnual L um & A b ner F estival, w hich w ill b e held at M ena’ s Ja nssen P ark on F riday, Ju ne 2 nd and Saturday, Ju ne 3 rd. T he luncheon w ill b eg in at noon and w ill f eature b arb ecue f rom Country Exp ress. Cost is $ 1 2 . 5 0 per person. Call 4 7 9 - 3 9 4 - 8 3 5 5 to reserve your seat or f or more inf ormation. Thursday, May 4 12:00 p.m. NOON Polk County Courthouse Lawn
In case of rain, event will be moved to the Mena First Baptist Church in the Multi-Purpose Building.
Child Abuse Prevention Rally Planned BY MELANIE BUCK •
A Child A b use P revention R ally w ill b e held in M ena on T hursday, A pril 2 7 th at the M ercy Child A dvocacy Center of M ena. T he rally is b eing held in conj unction w ith Child A b use A w areness M onth in A pril. T hroug hout the state of A rkansas there are Child A dvocacy Centers [ CA C’ s] , each serving the victims of child ab use. M ena’ s CA C is a satellite center, under the Cooper A nthony A dvocacy Center, and serves the P olk County A rea. K aren Wrig ht, director of the Cooper A nthony A dvocacy Center in H ot Spring s, said she is thankf ul that they w ere ab le to exp and services to M ena, “ T here is a real need in the M ena area. ” A s a w ay to raise aw areness of the needs of child ab use victims and to educate on the services that can b e provided, the M ena center w ill b e host the rally at the center, 4 0 0 P ort A rthur A venue, M ena, at noon on A pril 2 7 th. A t the rally there w ill b e 6 6 pinw heels placed in the g round that represent 6 6 dif f erent children w ho came throug h the center’ s doors to g et help last year. “ T he M ena center is making and will continue to make a real difference in the fight against child abuse,” Wrig ht said proudly. T he rally w ill educate people in the community ab out the needs of child ab use victims and w ill acknow ledg e those in the medical prof ession and law enf orcement that have f oug ht tirelessly f or ab used children. “ O ur true heroes are the people on the f ront line. By f ront line w e mean the people that are seeking j ustice f or these kids and helping make all this possib le. ” L ast year, Elena Cannon w as named Superhero f or her w ork as an investig ator throug h the 1 8 th West Ju dicial T ask F orce. Everyone is w elcome to attend the event. F or more inf ormation, call 5 0 1 - 6 2 2 - 2 5 3 1 .
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T he P olk County P ulse is the area’ s premiere and f astest g row ing new s pub lication. T he P olk County P ulse is F R EE and pub lished w eekly on Wednesdays w ith a distrib ution of 8 , 0 0 0 and estimated readership of 1 0 , 0 0 0 . A ll rig hts to contents are reserved b y P ulse M ulti- M edia. M yP ulseN ew s. com currently has an on- line audience of 2 4 , 0 0 0 g iving us a comb ined readership of 3 2 , 0 0 0 . P O L I CY : T he P ub lisher reserves the rig ht to rej ect or cancel any advertisement at any time. A ll property rig hts, including any copyrig ht interest, in any advertisement produced b y P ulse M ulti- M edia and/ or T he P olk County P ulse using art w ork and/ or typog raphy f urnished or arrang ed b y P ulse M ulti- M edia and/ or T he P olk County P ulse shall b e the property of P ulse M ulti- M edia and/ or T he P olk County P ulse. N o such advertisement or any part thereof may b e reproduced w ithout the prior w ritten consent of P ulse M ulti- M edia & T he P olk County P ulse. P O L I T I CA L A D VER T I SEM EN T S: A dvertisements of a political nature must b e pre- paid and must also include the name of the entity paying f or the advertisement. I f an entity other than the candidate the advertisement is endorsing is paying f or the ad, a statement must b e sig ned b y the candidate verif ying the candidate has seen and approved the advertisement.
April 26, 2017
Weekly Publication
ena P olice Chief Brandon M artin w ants to alert the pub lic ab out a phone scam that is currently b eing circulated using his name. Chief M artin said the department has received several reports of a phone numb er w ith a 5 0 1 area code calling people locally and soliciting donations. T he caller is using Chief Martin’s name to try to sound official and imply an endorsement. T he M ena P olice D epartment w ould like to make it clear that it has not authorize d anyone to use the department’ s name or Chief M artin’ s name to solicit donations f or any cause or reason. I f you receive a call like this, they do not have permission to use the department’ s name, Chief M artin’ s name, or to claim any affiliation with the M ena P olice D epartment. Citize ns are urg ed to disreg ard the phone calls.
Teague Talks Guns, Executions & Internet with Lions BY MELANIE BUCK •
tate Senator L arry T eag ue paid a visit to the M ena L ions Club on F riday, A pril 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 and spoke of many topics that the A rkansas G eneral A ssemb ly considered in their first session of the year, and of issues coming up in next month’s special session. Some of the topics he discussed with the club were guns, executions, and internet sales taxes. Senator Teague supported the open carry law passed HB 1249 in March 2017 that allowed the open carry of guns on college campuses. He also supported the amendment that came days later that b anned g uns f rom colleg e sporting events. T he amended b ill, Senate Bill 724, prohibits guns at collegiate sporting events, as well as UAMS and state hospitals. The Senator also expressed frustration over continued proposed “highway bills.” He clearly sated that “until we get solid commitments to maintain rural highways, I will not support a highway bill.” He said that rural highways are in rough shape and should be maintained b ef ore anymore new hig hw ays are constructed. As for internet sales taxes, the Senator believes the new trend of buying online has decreased state sales tax collections. Legislators are working on how to fix the issue. “It’s local business verses out-of-state business and I’m always for local business. It’s a no-brainer you vote for your people,” said Teague. As an example, he said when legislators began talks of taxing internet sales, Ama stepped up and offered to start collecting state taxes on their products not the products of third party sellers and sending it to the state. Ama on estimated that it would collect $31 million each year for Arkansas sales tax alone. Teague said both the Senate and the House each tried to passed measures to begin the taxation of internet sales, however, both failed to pass. Senator T eag ue said the A rkansas G eneral A ssemb ly’ s Special Session is set to b eg in on M ay 1 st. T o stay updated on the latest happening s, Senator T eag ue’ s w eb site is: http: / / teag uesenate. b log spot. com/
January 6, 2016
1020 Mena St. • Mena, AR 71953 • 479.394.4332 or TOLL FREE 1.888.394.4332 HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 5:30 pm • Sat. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
. . April . . . . . 26, . . . .2017 ..................................................................................................................... Weekly Publication
2017 Special Olympics
ARTICLE BY BARBARA TOBIAS • PHOTOS BY MELANIE BUCK The Area 14 Special Olympics Track and Field events were held at Bearcat Stadium on Monday, April 24th with scores of athletes and fans turning out for the day. Several schools were represented including Mena, Cossatot River, Acorn, and Paris, and also included adult schools such as PCDC and Woodcrest. The day included short distance running events, softball throw, long jump, and a lot of smiles and high es.
On behalf of the Junior and Senior Class of Mena High School, along with their parents, we wish to thank the following businesses and individuals for their generous donation to the Mena High School After-Prom Event. Your support and generosity made it possible for us to offer our kids a fun and safe way to celebrate their prom night. Without people like you, this event would not have been possible.
MRHS Presents $5,000 in Scholarships
he M ena R eg ional A uxi liary Scholarship Committee recently aw arded five recipients with $1,000 scholarships. T hose honored included L a’ Je nnif er L ynn Nash, Medical Billing and Coding anessa Rae Rice, Medical Billing and Coding Jared Ray Standridge, LPN Brianne Nicole Allen, Medical Billing and Coding and Kaylynn ictoria aughn, Mental Health of eriatrics LPN to RN Program . T he committee memb ers pictured pre-
senting the scholarships include M arilyn Davenport, Linda Johnson, Ewanta Turner, Miriam uigley, Melba Head, and Sara Mitchell. Members of the Mena Regional A uxi liary w ork dilig ently throug hout the year to raise f unds f or the scholarship program. The Annual Auxiliary Christmas Breakf ast and O nsite U nif orm Sales are tw o of the group’s signature fundraising events.
April 26, 2017
Schedule of Events Friday, April 28
Master of Ceremonies - Dale Hamilton 8am - Vendors pick up booth assignments Front of Library 10am - Arts/Crafts/Trade Show Opens Noon - Food Court Opens 5pm - Parade Line-up - Windstream on Hwy 70 “Y” 5:30pm - Parade Begins 6pm - Opening Ceremonies - Stage Broadway Invocation - Dale Hamilton Flag Presentation by Local 4H Presentation of Caddo River Fest Royalty Announce Winners of Art Contest & Bike Giveaway Presentation of Best Parade Winner Poker Run 6:30pm - Caddo Cowboys - Stage Broadway
Saturday, April 29
Master of Ceremonies - Dale Hamilton 7am - 5K Registration in Front of City Hall 8am 5K Race Begins - in Front of City Hall 8:30am - Food Court/Arts/Crafts/ Trade Show Opens Car Show Registration Begins - open lot by Mercy Clinic Baggo Tournament Registration Begins Fire Dept. 2nd St. 9am -Antique Tractors - Railroad Bed on S. 1st St. Kids’ Zone Open - 2nd st. by City Hall 9:30am - Presentation of 5K Race Winners - Stage Broadway Baggo Tournament Begins - Fire Dept. 2nd St. 10am - Car Show judging begins - Broadway TNT Gymnastics - Stage Broadway 11am - Shannon’s School of Dance - Stage Broadway Noon - Dewayne Hodges - Stage Broadway 2pm - Presentation of Car Show Winners - Stage Broadway 4pm - Canoe Races - Broadway 5pm - Sarah Cowart’s Piano Students - Stage Broadway 6:30pm - B-Positive - Stage Broadway 8pm - 7EVENTHTIMEDOWN - Stage Broadway
. . .April . . . . 26, . . . .2017 ..................................................................................................................... Weekly Publication
Water Rate Increase
to F ederal Saf e D rinking Water Standards. ” Communities U nlimited ( CU ) had several recommendations. F irst there are tw o parts to a w ater b ill. There is a base charge that is meant to cover the fixed costs. Then, there are the charges for the water used. P itman continued, “ Some of our customers w ere receiving 1 , 0 0 0 g allons in their b ase charg e so essentially, w e w ere g iving aw ay w ater to those customers. CU recommended that w e no long er include any minimum w ater and charg e f or w ater used. T heref ore, b ase charg es w ill stay the same b ut, some customers w ill see an increase in their b ills due to b eing charg ed f or all of their w ater. ” M WU also utilize s a decreasing tiered rate structure so that the more w ater a customer is b illed f or, the less it costs per thousand g allons. P itman exp lained that M WU has 3 tiers. CU recommended removing the tiers and charg ing all customers the same amount per thousand g allons of w ater. “ M WU believes that a decreasing tier system is beneficial to the customers we serve.” However, having 3 tiers makes it difficult to verify that water is being sold at a rate that is covering the cost to treat and deliver the w ater to customers. T heref ore, the rate schedule recommended is to be changed to 2 tiers. The cost of water will go from $3.13 for the first 5,000 gallons, $2.94 for the next 7,000 gallons, and $2.60 for everything over 12,100 gallons to $3.20 for the first 10,000 gallons and $ 2 . 8 0 f or w ater over 1 0 , 1 0 0 g allons. P itman exp lained that this w ill af f ect the averag e household ( 5 , 5 0 0 g allons per month) b y less than $ 5 . L arg er users, such as customers outside of tow n w ith chicken houses that use 5 0 , 0 0 0 g allons of w ater can exp ect approxi mately $ 1 0 additionally each month. M WU ’ s larg est user should exp ect to see an increase each month of less than $ 1 0 0 .
First City-Wide Earth Day Celebration Held
Local Agencies Collaborate to Make Drug Bust BY MELANIE BUCK •
he P olk County Sherif f ’ s D epartment and the 1 8 th West Ju dicial D rug T ask F orce exe cuted a search w arrant on T hursday, A pril 2 0 , 2 0 1 7 , that w as the result of a narcotic investig ation conducted b y the two agencies. The warrant resulted in the finding of drug s and paraphernalia and led to the arrest of P atrick R . T osta, ag e 3 2 , of M ena. T osta has b een charg ed w ith P ossession of M ethamphetamine w ith the P urpose to D eliver; M aintaining a D rug P remise; P ossession of D rug P araphernalia; and P ossession of M arij uana. T he w arrant w as exe cuted at T osta’ s residence at 1 5 1 9 R eine Street in M ena. D eputies and D T F I nvestig ators recovered approxi mately 1 1 g rams of methamphetamines, marij uana, and numerous items of drug paraphernalia. T osta is currently in the P olk County D etention Center aw aiting f ormal arraig nment. Bond has not b een set at this time. P olk County Sherif f Scott Saw yer said, “ We w ill continue our ef f orts comb ating drug s in P olk County. I ’ m proud of our g uys. T hey are w orking hard and doing a g ood j ob . ”
The first city-wide Earth Day Celebration was held in M ena on Saturday, A pril 2 2 , in Ja nssen P ark w ith many attending and learning how they can make their f ootprint on earth a little smaller. M any tab les w ere set up w ith displays of solar- pow ered eq uipment such as f ans, radios, and flashlights, as well as organically grown f ood, craf ts f or the kids, and inf ormation on how to sell your exce ss solar energ y b ack to the electric company. T w o of the most popular items on display proved to b e the T elsa electric car and an ELF solar-powered bicycle- car hyb rid. Woodsy O w l also made an appearance, much to the delig ht of the children in attendance. And count on me to help. When it comes to affordable, reliable health, dental and vision insurance plans, there are two names you can count on: Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield and LaDon Copelin. For more than 65 years, Arkansans have looked to the Cross and Shield for health plans to fit their health and budget needs. And, as an Arkansas Blue Cross Preferred Agent, LaDon Copelin can advise you on the plan that’s best for you and your family.
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MPI 3362 1/15
Weekly Publication
HSO Hosts Volunteer Luncheon
PHOTO BY MELANIE BUCK The Humane Society of the Ouachitas held their annual Volunteer Luncheon and honored longtime HSO Secretary Cheryl Murphy for her dedication of duties, all of which are volunteer. The event was held at the Concord Baptist Church on Monday, April 24. Pictured are left to right: HSO President Michael Povey, Secretary Cheryl Murphy, and Shelter Manager Tina Ball. HSO is a 501(c)3 organization and a no-kill shelter. They have an abundance of ways one can volunteer. If you are interested, contact the shelter at 479-394-5682 or check out their website,
Riders Saddle Up® for St. Jude T
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April . . . . .26, . . . 2017 ......
rail riders w ill Saddle U p f or St. Ju de at an event on Saturday, M ay 6 , 2 0 1 7 . T he event g ives horse lovers the opportunity to raise f unds to help support the lif esaving mission of St. Ju de Children’ s R esearch H ospital® , one of the w orld’ s premier pediatric cancer research centers. R iders may choose b etw een a 2 or 4 hour g uided ride followed by a bonfire and hot dog/marshmallow roast w ith live music. ( M eal availab le f or each g roup upon completion of 2 or 4 hour ride. ) P articipant f orms are availab le at P olk County F armers, M ena F eed, O uachita Equine Clinic, the Polk County Extension Office, and Country Exp ress. St. Ju de provides prize s f or individuals w ho raise f unds. I n addition, those w ho raise the most f unds w ill w in locally donated items, and all participants w ill b e elig ib le f or door prize s. Visit our event pag e at to sign up or make a donation. Since opening in 1 9 6 2 , St. Ju de has treated children f rom all 5 0 states and around the w orld. N o child is ever denied treatment b ecause of a f amily’ s inab ility to pay. With a daily operating cost of $ 1 . 7 million, St. Ju de depends mostly on pub lic contrib utions and f undraising events like Saddle U p f or St. Ju de. F or more inf ormation, please contact A manda Epperson at 4 7 9 -2 1 6 -1 2 4 6 .
January 6, 2016
A ribbon cutting ceremony was held at Friendship House on Thursday, April 20, 2017, to welcome them into the Mena/Polk County Chamber of Commerce membership. The Friendship House serves up specialty coffees, breakfast, soups and salads, with an array of pastries. They are located at 517 Sherwood Avenue in Mena, just across from the Historic Mena Depot. PHOTO BY MELANIE BUCK
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. . April . . . . . 26, . . . .2017 .....................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Maddox Summarizes Session
T he passag e of the T ax R ef orm and R elief A ct of 2 0 1 7 is one that M addox is particularly proud of . T he A ct low ers the income tax rate f or A rkansans making b elow $ 2 1 , 0 0 0 per year and w ill impact 6 5 0 , 0 0 0 people. F or those making under $ 2 1 , 0 0 0 , their tax rates w ere previously b etw een 0 . 9 % - 4 . 4 % T hose rates have b een dropped to 0 % - 3 . 4 % . L eg islation w as also passed that created an income tax exe mption f or retired military memb ers. “ T his w ill b ring us in line w ith how the surrounding states treat military pensions and help us recruit and retain military retirees, ” M addox ex plained. In his first session, Rep. Maddox co-sponsored several Maddox is shown speakb ills. O ne w ill reduce, and f ully exe mpt b y 2 0 2 2 , repair and ing at The Walk for Life replacement parts f or manuf acturers. “ T his should b e very pro-life event held recentbeneficial for all manufacturers located in the state.” Another ly in Janssen Park. he co- sponsored w as leg islation reducing the unemployment insurance tax f or employers b y reducing the numb er of w eeks an individual can claim unemployment f rom 2 0 w eeks to 1 6 . “ We listened to testimony and review ed data that showed that a significant amount of people were purposely waiting until the 18th or 19th w eek of unemployment b ef ore returning to w ork, ” M addox exp lained. With a lesser time period to collect, leg islators hope that the unemployed w ill seek employment q uicker, saving the state and b usinesses a considerab le amount. T his w ill save every county in A rkansas thousands of dollars. A rkansas is currently in a record- b reaking trend w hen it comes to unemployment data, w ith the state’ s rate in a steady decline since 2 0 1 1 and has hit a new record low f or the last several months. I n M arch 2 0 1 7 , it declined to a record 3 . 6 % . “ I also sponsored leg islation that w ill shif t the payment of j uror orientation costs f rom Please make The Cole
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the county to the state. In the research I did I found that the Administrative office of the Courts has a sub stantial f und b alance and can easily af f ord to pay f or the costs. ” M addox co- sponsored leg islation w hich reduces the developmental disab ilities w aiting list. F rom 5 0 0 to 9 0 0 people w ith developmental disab ilities w ould move of f the current w aiting list and receive home- b ased or community- b ased services under a plan announced b y the governor. He proposed allocating about $8.5 million from the state’s tobacco settlement revenue to provide the services and shorten the w aiting list, w hich now has ab out 3 , 0 0 0 people on it. U nder the f ormula f or this method of M edicaid spending , the f ederal g overnment w ould provide an additional $ 2 0 . 5 million, so the total amount of new spending on services f or people w ith developmental disab ilities w ould b e ab out $ 2 9 million a year. T he state D epartment of H uman Services said that currently ab out 4 , 2 0 0 people w ith disab ilities receive home or community services. A common alternative to community and home- b ased services is to place the person w ith disab ilities in an institution, such as a H uman D evelopment Center ( H D C) . T he A rkansas G eneral A ssemb ly also passed the “ speed limit law ” that g ives the A rkansas H ig hw ay D epartment the ab ility to raise the speed limit to 7 5 mph on certain interstates and 6 5 mph on certain hig hw ays w hich they deem it appropriate and saf e. T here is no w ord yet on w hether any of the hig hw ays in P olk County’ s b orders w ill b e af f ected. Several pieces of pro- lif e leg islation w as passed throug h during the g eneral session as w ell including A ct 4 5 , the A rkansas U nb orn Child P rotection f rom D ismemb erment A ct; Act 383, which states an abortion can only be performed by a physician and Act 733, the Sex D iscrimination b y A b ortion A ct, w hich outlaw s an ab ortion if the reason is the sex of the child. T o comb at prison overcrow ding , law makers passed the Criminal Ju stice R ef orm A ct, w hich places more f ocus on mental health and attempts to prioritize the incarceration of dang erous and violent f elons over nonviolent ones. T his leg islation w as part CONTINUED ON PAGE 9
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We've been thinking much about the state of our country. Economic woes, fear of enemies, health concerns, natural disasters, and confused morality call for our attention; and we continually ask what God's will is for this country. We are perplexed, but not surprised, that the fastest growing religious group in America is one that identifies as having "no religion". According to the Pew Research Center 2012, 33 million Americans have "no religion", a 5% increase from 2007 to 2012. Between 2007 and 2014, the number of Christians has fallen from 78% to 71%, a net loss of 5 million. America still has the largest Christian population of any nation. Many of those who claim to be Christians have convictions far different than the gospel teaches. For instance, a recent survey says that 52% of American Christians say that many religions can lead to eternal life (PRC 2008), a fact that contradicts Jesus' statement in Acts 4:12 "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” What America needs most is the gospel, the old story of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord. The divine story that will lead them to change their lives in repentance and unite with Christ in baptism. John 17:3 says, "Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent". We welcome all to worship at The Hatfield Church of Christ. Contact us at 479-437-5276, or e-mail us at, like us on Facebook.
Maddox Summarizes Session
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE of the g overnor’ s leg islative packag e. G ov. H utchinson sig ned the M ental H ealth Crisis Stab iliza tion Centers Bill into law that w ill estab lish three reg ional centers to reduce the incarceration rate of those w ith mental illness and to increase pub lic saf ety. M addox reports the A rkansas G eneral A ssemb ly w ill b e heading into a special session the first week of May, with a focus on healthcare. “We are going to attempt to pass leg islation w hich w ill allow the state of A rkansas to seek w aivers f rom the f ederal g overnment req uiring w ork req uirements f or persons w ho are receiving insurance throug h the A rkansas Works prog ram, ” said M addox. T he leg islation w ill also req uire a small premium to b e paid and limit the amount of people w ho are elig ib le f or the prog ram. U pon passag e, it w ill b e sent to the f ederal g overnment f or their approval. “In the next session we want to continue with the pro- business and pro- growth policies,” said Maddox. “We also want to continue to attract business to the state of A rkansas w ith these policies and continue to incentivize w ork and reduce the role of g overnment in peoples lives. ” R ep. Jo hn M addox can b e reached b y email at j ohn. maddox @ arkansashouse. org or b y phone at 4 7 9 - 3 9 4 - 6 0 6 0 .
Weekly Publication
Just 4 Fun Players to Host Auditions for Dinner Theatre
April 26, 2017
Weekly Publication
ust 4 F un P layers w ill have a casting call f or the Summer dinner theatre production of ‘ A Bad Y ear f or T omatoes’ , a comedy w ritten b y Jo hn P atrick. A uditions w ill b e at M ena M ountain R esort on T hursday, A pril 2 7 , at 7 : 0 0 P M and Saturday, A pril 2 9 , at 1 0 : 0 0 A M . T he play is ab out an older, successf ul actress w ho moves to a small tow n to b e aw ay f rom her public’ and have time to write her autobiography and fulfill a lifetime dream of growing tomatoes. A f ter b eing overw helmed b y nosy neig hb ors, she invents a crazy , mad sister w hom she locks in an upstairs b edroom to supposedly scare of f any visitors. Betw een the local dim- w itted handyman w anting to court the insane sister and the neig hb ors w anting to convert her, thing s g o dow nhill. When the actress supposedly sends her sister aw ay, she’ s accused of murder. T his f unny f arce w ill b e perf ormed at M ena M ountain R esort on Ju ne 3 0 and Ju ly 8 . Sample scripts may b e picked up prior to auditions at the resort’ s f ront desk. P lay characters include the actress/ mad sister over f orty; her ag ent/ romantic interest, also over f orty; the handyman, any adult male; the local w itch, any ag e; three f emale neig hb ors, any ag e; and the sherif f , any ag e. F or f urther inf ormation, call T im H esse at 2 4 3 - 0 0 4 2 .
Margie Marie McCord, age 89 of Mount Ida, AR, passed away April 22, 2017 at the Montgomery County Nursing Home. She was born August 1, 1927 to the late Walter C. Mahaffey and Monte Balisle Mahaffey in Booneville, AR. Margie is preceded in death by her parents, husband, Eddie Lee McCord, sisters, Wilma Baldwin, Eva Magee, Norma Sue Jones, brothers, Wilbert (Dick) Mahaffey, Mack Mahaffey, Loyd Mahaffey, grandsons, John Britton McCord, and Todd David McCord. Survivors include: sons, Bobby L. McCord (Denise) of Norman, AR, David M. McCord (Janet) of Judsonia, AR, grandchildren, Robert Jason McCord of Richardson, TX, Leah Carol Dixon of Neches, TX, Teddy P. Wilson of Ovilla, TX, great-grandchildren, Jacob Britton McCord, Andrew Stephen McCord, Anna Love McCord, Bailey Nicole Wilson, Brianna Lynne Rowland, John Paul Wilson, David Chase Dixon, Alexis Leigh Dixon, and brother, Rasie Vel Mahaffey of Denver, CO. Visitation was held Monday, April 24, 2017, 6-8 p.m. at First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall in Mount Ida, AR. Services were held Tuesday, April 25, 2017, 2:00 p.m. at the First Baptist Church of Mount Ida with Brother David Dixon officiating. Interment immediately followed at the Mount Ida Cemetery. Pallbearers: Jason McCord,
Ted Wilson, Jacob McCord, David Chase Dixon, Sam Amerson, and Wayne Hawthorn. Arrangements were made under the direction of Thornton Funeral Home of Mount Ida, AR. Guest register at www.
BERNICE RAMSEY Bernice Ramsey, age 73, of Hopper, passed away on Tuesday, April
11, 2017. She was born on September 21, 1943 in Mena, the daughter of Richard Henry Lee Reynolds and Bessie Fryar Reynolds. On January 11, 1963, she was married to Jesse Ramsey. She was preceded in death by her son, J. J. Ramsey; her sister, Ann Powell; and her brother, Dick Reynolds. She was a long time member of the Sulphur Springs Baptist Church. A stay at home Mom, she loved spending time with her family, especially her sisters. She loved to read and work crossword puzzles. She is survived by her husband, Jesse Ramsey of Hopper; two daughters and sons-in-law, Gail and Keith Horn of Glenwood and Lynn and Rick Foster of Mena; two grandchildren, Justin McKenzie and Jaylin Ramsey; three sisters, Retha Romero of Pencil Bluff, Doris Lewis of Pine Ridge and Jan Smedley of Glenwood; and her nieces and nephews. Services were held at 2:00 PM, Saturday, April 15, 2017, in the Davis-Smith
Funeral Home Chapel, Glenwood, with Bro. Andy Kennedy and Bro. Scott Vaughn officiating. Visitation was Friday, 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM, at the funeral home. Interment was in Hillside Cemetery. Guest registry is at www.davis-smith. com.
John Martin Sexton, age 91, of Mena, Arkansas died Thursday, March 30, 2017 at the Baptist Health in Little Rock. He was born on Friday, May 8, 1925 to Samuel David and Emily Silvania Halle Sexton in Howard, Arkansas. John retired from the United States Navy after 23 years of service spanning from 1942 to 1965 and when he retired her was an instructor. He served in World War II and was very proud to have served his country. In Mena, John worked at Carver Propane and US Motors after the service. John converted to Catholicism in 1968 and was a member of St. Agnes Catholic Church in Mena. John enjoyed building gourd birdhouse, decorating them and making nature lamps. John was a loving father, grandfather, uncle and a great friend and will be missed by all who knew him. He is preceded in death by his parents; his wife Doris Sexton and thirteen brothers and sisters. John is survived by his son, John
Sexton of Benton; his daughter, Sonia Sexton Miller of Wickenburg, Arizona; five grandchildren, Kevin Sexton of Haskell, Arkansas, Dustin Sexton of Benton, Arkansas, Kasey Sexton of Chicago, Illinois, Charles Miller of Los Angeles, California and Jamie Miller of Los Angeles, California; four great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. A Memorial Mass with Military Honors will be held Saturday, April 29, 2017 at 10:00 A.M. at the St. Agnes Catholic Church in Mena with Father John Tran as celebrant. Interment will be at Mount Calvary Cemetery with cremation with services are entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena. Online Guestbook:
January 6, 2016
January 6, 2016
Caring for your family since 1928 479-394-1310 611 Janssen Ave. Mena, AR 71953
. .April . . . . .26, . . . .2017 ..................................................................................................................... Weekly Publication
Photography Course Upcoming at UA-Rich Mountain Enrolling for UA-Rich Mountain Summer Semester U U BY MELANIE BUCK
niversity of A rkansas – R ich M ountain w ill of f er an Enj oying Y our P hotog raphy course in M ay throug h their D epartment of L if elong L earning . T he course cost is $ 6 5 and w ill b e instructed b y A ndy P hilpot. T he classes w ill b e held on T uesdays and T hursdays f rom M ay 1 st thru M ay 3 0 th. D uring the photog raphy course, students w ill learn to ef f ectively compose photos w ith any camera; learn the importance of lig hting ; understand the keys of shutter speed and aperature; pose photos, portraits, action photos, and landscapes; and dig ital camera b asics to advanced manual f unctions. F or more inf ormation, contact L isa Ju mper at the U niversity of A rkansas – R ich M ountain b y calling 4 7 9 - 3 9 4 - 7 6 2 2 ext . 1 3 1 1 , or b y email at: lj umper@ rmcc. edu.
Acorn Students Build Important Life Skills A
niversity of A rkansas – R ich M ountain is currently reg istering students f or classes f or b oth 2 0 1 7 Summer semesters. Each Summer term last around four weeks each - first term runs May 30th June 28th second term runs June 2 9 th – A ug . 1 st. Sixteen core classes are offered during the first Summer term and 10 core classes during the second Summer term, all b eing g eneral education req uirements. U A - R ich M ountain of f ers eleven associate deg ree prog rams, eig ht technical certificates, and twelve certificates of proficiency. They have financial aid personnel on site and can assist with any questions. F or more inf ormation, contact Ja red M cCormick at 4 7 9 - 3 9 4 - 7 6 2 2 , ext . 1 4 3 0 or j mccormick@ rmcc. edu.
corn’ s 7 th g rade students learned valuab le “ lif e skills” thanks to a training session provided b y D iamond L akes on M onday, A pril 2 4 . Students w ere provided a b udg et sheet that g ave them an occupation rang ing f rom pediatrician to a line cook. I t then detailed their annual income and then show ed them their net monthly income af ter taxe s b ef ore they w ere g iven the opportunity to visit b ooths staf f ed b y community b usiness leaders w ho posed as very persuasive sales people to make decisions on their housing , transportation, insurance, utilities, meals as w ell as saving s, g ym memb erships, pets and other discretionary exp enses. Students w ould then visit w ith b udg et counselors that w ould help advise them on living w ithin their b udg et and dif f erent strateg ies to cut costs and save money. T he session w as insig htf ul f or students in not only b udg et planning b ut also in neg otiating w ith hig h pressure sales people and learning to prioritize “ w ants versus needs. ”
ACORN SCHOOL’S BREAKFAST MONDAY 5/1 V ariety cereal, super donut, sausage link, fruit, juice, milk TUESDAY 5/2 V ariety cereal, pancake on a stick, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk WEDNESDAY 5/3 ariety cereal, lue erry muffin, yogurt, fruit, uice, milk THURSDAY 5/4 V ariety cereal, mini chocolate donuts, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk FRIDAY 5/5 V ariety cereal, biscuits & gravy, jelly, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk ACORN SCHOOL’S LUNCH MONDAY 5/1 K - 6 T H G R A D E : Chicken spaghetti, spicy chicken sandwich, corn, wheat roll, fruit, salad bar, milk. 7 T H – 12 T H G R A D E : Chicken spaghetti, hamburger, spice chicken sandwich, corn, wheat roll, fruit, salad bar, milk. TUESDAY 5/2 K -6 TH G RADE: Chicken enchilada, taco salad, cilantro/ lime rice, charro beans, fruit, jell-o, salad bar, milk. 7 TH – 1 2TH G RADE: Chicken enchilada, taco salad, piz z a, cilantro/lime rice, charro beans, fruit, jell-o, salad bar, milk. WEDNESDAY 5/3 K -6 TH G RADE: BBQ pork sandwich, hamburger, fries, fruit, salad bar, milk. 7 TH – 1 2TH G RADE: BBQ pork sandwich, spicy chicken sandwich, cheeseburger, fries, fruit, salad bar, milk. THURSDAY 5/4 K -6 TH G RADE: Beef taco pie, chicken tenders, wheat roll, steamed carrots, fruit, salad bar, milk. 7 TH – 1 2TH G RADE: Beef taco pie, chicken tenders, piz z a, wheat roll, steamed carrots, fruit, salad bar, milk. FRIDAY 5/5 K -6 TH G RADE: Spaghetti w/ meat sauce, piz z a, breadstick, green beans, fruit, salad bar, milk. 7 TH – 1 2TH G RADE: Spaghetti w/ meat sauce, chicken alfredo, piz z a, breadstick, green beans, fruit, salad bar, milk.
Acorn Menus Sponsored by:
Weekly Publication
Mena Choirs to Host Spring Concert
MENA PUBLIC SCHOOL’S BREAKFAST MONDAY 5/1 G laz ed donut, variety cereal, Scooby Doo grahams, string cheese, diced pears, grape juice. TUESDAY 5/2 Sausage pancake on a stick, variety cereal bars, Scooby grahams or animal crackers, mix ed fruit, orange juice, milk WEDNESDAY 5/3 Sausage cheese biscuit, variety cereal, string cheese, applesauce, orange juice, milk THURSDAY 5/4 Maple Blast pancakes, strawberry banana yogurt, Scooby Doo grahams or animal crackers, raisins, cherry star juice, milk FRIDAY 5/5 Apple cinnamon muffin, variety cereal, string cheese, diced peaches, apple juice, milk MENA PUBLIC SCHOOL’S LUNCH Sack Lunch: Sun butter & Jelly sandwiches MONDAY 5/1 E L E M E N T A R Y : piz z a sticks w/ marinara, chicken ranch wrap, corn, broccoli, apple, fruit juice, milk. M I D D L E S C H O O L : Piz z a sticks w/ marinara, cheeseburger, chicken taco, cheese piz z a, pepperoni piz z a. H I G H S C H O O L : Piz z a sticks w/ marinara, piz z a choices, beef, chicken or cheese nachos, BBQ chicken sandwich, chicken tenders, cheeseburger. TUESDAY 5/2 EL EMENTARY: Turkey roast w/ gravy, noodles, chicken tenders, green beans, red pepper strips, orange apple juice, milk. MIDDL E SCHOOL : Turkey roast w/ gravy, noodles, BBQ rib patty sandwich, cheese piz z a, pepperoni piz z a, chicken philly sandwich, salads. HIG H SCHOOL : Turkey roast w/ gravy, piz z a choices, beef, chicken or cheese nachos, beef or chicken taco, BBQ rib patty sandwich, hamburger, chicken sandwich. WEDNESDAY 5/3 EL EMENTARY: Orange popcorn chicken, hamburger, broccoli, cilantro rice, lettuce, tomato, grape juice. MIDDL E SCHOOL : Orange popcorn chicken, cilantro rice, pepperoni calz one, corn dog, chicken nuggets, cheese q uesadilla, salads. HIG H SCHOOL : Orange popcorn chicken w/ broccoli, cilantro rice, beef or chicken tacos, BBQ cheeseburger, chicken tenders, hot dog, chicken philly sub. THURSDAY 5/4 EL EMENTARY: Penne w/ tomato alfredo, hot dog, black charro beans, celery sticks, applesauce, orange juice, milk. MIDDL E SCHOOL : Penne w/ tomato alfredo, cheese piz z a, pepperoni piz z a, chicken fajita, hot dog, salads. HIG H SCHOOL : Penne w/ tomato alfredo, hamburger, piz z a burger, beef or chicken taco, beef, chicken or cheese, chicken sandwich, piz z a choice. FRIDAY 5/5 EL EMENTARY: Pepperoni piz z a, chicken sandwich, baby carrots, coleslaw, fruit salad, juice, milk. MIDDL E SCHOOL : Chicken rice soup, sloppy joes, cheese piz z a, pepperoni piz z a, nachos, chef salad. HIG H SCHOOL : Chicken rice soup, spicy chicken sandwich, cheeseburger, chicken tenders, piz z a choice, beef and bean nachos, beef chicken or cheese nachos, beef or chicken tacos. This weekly info proudly sponsored by:
Insurance with a name you know STATE FARM INSURANCE 624 Sherwood Avenue, Mena, AR
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April . . . . . 26, . . . .2017 ......
ena H ig h School Bearcat Chorus and Spotlig ht Sing ers w ill present their spring concert on F riday, A pril 2 8 , at 7 p. m. in the hig h school P erf orming A rts Center. T he concert w ill f eature a senior duet b y F elix N g uyen and Szi lvia F uleki, and MHS Choir Seniors for 2017: Rear from left: Heather Wilcox, Tiffany senior soloists A b i White, Kelsey Wiggins, Abi McPherson, Szilvia Fuleki, Arus MelkonM cP herson and yan, Hajin Kim, and Israel Thomasson. Front from left: Ciarra Ryan, K elsey Wig g ins. A b i Kendra Bodey, Anna Liu, Mikayla Barber, Krystina Armstrong, and and K elsey w ill also Felix Nguyen. Not pictured: Selena Hernandez, Zac Giles b e f eatured dancers in the opening numb er " Sing " , a recent hit b y P entatonix perf ormed b y the comb ined choirs. O ther numb ers sung b y the comb ined g roups w ill b e " H alleluj ah" f rom the movie Shrek, " Bohemian R hapsody" f eaturing M r. T odd Coog an on g uitar, and the traditional concert closer, " Why We Sing " . T he Bearcat Chorus w ill add " T he Ballad of Sw eeney T odd" and " L ava" to the prog ram w hile the Spotlig ht Sing ers w ill perf orm " I A sk F or O ne D ay" , " Beauty School D ropout" , and " I t' s R aining M en" . T he ladies of the Bearcat Chorus w ill present the L ed Z eppelin classic " Stairw ay to H eaven, " w hile the Bearcat Chorus men w ill sing the Coldplay hit, " Viva la Vida" . Choir aw ards w ill also b e presented during the concert. M ake your plans now to attend a w onderf ul evening of entertainment provided b y the aw ard w inning M ena H ig h School choirs.
January 6, 2016
Louise Durham to hold Kindergarten Registration L
ouise D urham Elementary w ill hold K inderg arten R eg istration on T hursday, A pril 2 7 th f rom 4 : 0 0 - 6 : 0 0 p. m. in the school lib rary. I n order to reg ister, your child should be 5 years old on or before August 1st. Documents needed are: birth certificate, social security card, shot record, and documentation of a w ell- child physical w ithin the last 2 years. Y ou may enroll your child w ithout having all of these documents. T hey w ill b e needed, however, prior to the first day of school on August 15th.
Mena Head Start Holding Registration M
ena H ead Start P reschool is currently accepting applications f or f all enrollment. Children must b e at least three years of ag e to q ualif y. Early H ead Start of f ers early childhood education f or children ag es b irth to three. Early H ead Start also serves exp ectant mothers. T hey do not transport. F or more inf ormation on M ena H ead Start or M ena Early H ead Start, contact them at 6 0 6 P ine A venue or call 4 7 9 - 4 3 7 - 3 7 3 3 .
April 26, 2017
Weekly Publication
Vandervoort & Wickes Elementary Holds Contest
oth Vandervoort and Wickes Elementary Schools held Easter Bonnet Contests at their campuses. Bonnets included variations of flowers, rabbits, and even chicks in a basket showing the talents and creativity of the youngsters.
Reminder: Wickes Elementary to host Registration and Pre-K Day this Week W
ickes Elementary School will have their pre-registration screening for next year’s Kindergarten classes. Children who will be five years of age on or before August 1st, 2017 are welcome to register. The pre-registration and screening dates are April 25th, 26th, and 27th. Parents will need to bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate, social security card or military ID, and a current shot record. Each child entering Kindergarten is required to have a current physical on file before starting school. Also, students who are attending Pre-K at Wickes will be screened during the school day. Students who are not currently enrolled in Pre-K will be screened upon registration. Each screening takes around 30 minutes. On April 28th, Pre-K Day will be held. Next year’s Kindergarten students will be allowed to visit Kindergarten on that day from 8 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Lunch for Pre-K students who are not enrolled at Wickes will be $3 that day. For questions, contact Wickes Elementary at 870-385-2346.
UA Rich Mountain Hosts Junior Day SUBMITTED 2017 T he University of Arkansas Rich Mountain held their annual Junior Day event on April 12th in the Ouachita Center on the Mena campus. For the day, approximately 425 high school juniors from eight schools in the UA Rich Mountain service area attended: Acorn, Caddo Hills, Cossatot River, Mena, Mt. Ida, Oden, Smithville, and Waldron. Chancellor Dr. Phillip Wilson welcomed the high school juniors to campus and stressed the importance of continuing an education after high school. Wilson stated, “We would like to thank our area schools for allowing students to attend Junior Day at UA Rich Mountain. It is important in today’s world for students to get some education after high school, whether that’s 2 or 4 year degrees, or technical education to join the workforce.” The juniors spent the morning learning about the workforce ready/technical program offerings at UA Rich Mountain. Those programs include Machine Tool Technology, Welding, Nursing, Medical Billing/Coding, Information Systems, Business Administration, and Culinary Arts. After lunch prepared by Arvest Bank and UA Rich Mountain employees, the students and high school staff enjoyed a concert by the band Run With It. UA Rich Mountain Recruiter, Jerod McCormick, stated, “This was the first time we have hosted a band for our high school recruitment activities. Run With It knocked it out of the park. I look forward to hosting more events like this in the future.” We would also like to thank Union Bank, Aleshire Electric, Arvest Bank, Nidec Motor Corporation, and Sysco for helping make this event possible. For more information about Junior Day 2017, contact Jerod McCormick at 479-3947622 ext. 1430 or Check out the event photos on Facebook/UA Rich Mountain.
MONDAY 5/1 Pop tart, orange wedges, apple juice, milk TUESDAY 5/2 Ham & cheese croissant, applesauce, juice, milk WEDNESDAY 5/3 Cereal bar, banana, orange juice, milk THURSDAY 5/4 Pancake on a stick, apple wedges, juice, milk FRIDAY 5/5 Super donut, raisels, apple juice, milk
MONDAY 5/1 Hot ham & cheese sandwich, french fries, ranch beans, fruit cocktail, milk TUESDAY 5/2 Frito chili pie, tossed salad/carrots w/ dressing, pineapple, cinnamon roll, milk WEDNESDAY 5/3 Baked chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, roll, pears, milk THURSDAY 5/4 Burrito w/ cheese, tossed salad w/ dressing, corn, mandarin oranges, milk FRIDAY 5/5 Hamburger, lettuce, tomato, pickles, baked beans, chip, peaches, milk
Cossatot Menus Sponsored by: powered by
April 26, 2017
Weekly Publication
Boyd & Brown to be Married
Jessica Laws and Roy Dandikar, of Mena, are the proud parents of a baby girl, born on April 17th. Amber Gage, of Wickes, is the proud mother of a baby girl, born on April 17th. Jessica Shewmake and Bascillio Vogel, of Oden, are the proud parents of a baby girl, born on April 17th. Kelli and Jerry Allen, of Hatfield, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on April 18th. Taylor Pearce and Raymond Bell, of Gillham, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on April 18th. Nancy Resendiz and Juan Marrufo Pacheco, of DeQueen, are the proud parents of a baby girl, born on April 18th.
Harley and the late Jennifer Boyd, and Polly and the late Ernie Brown, all of Mena, would like to announce the upcoming marriage of their children, Deanna Boyd and Alden Brown. The ceremony will be April 29, 2017 at 1 pm at Hanson’s Camp Wolf Creek, 752 County Road 57. Reception will follow. After a brief honeymoon the couple will reside in Mena.
Gracie is a disabled pupp who loves spending time outside. She can’t walk but gets excited and bounces and spins in circles to get your attention. Her family is David, Felicia, Alyssa, Ethan, and Sarah Maddox Please share your favorite photo of your pet. You may drop it off or mail it to: The Polk County Pulse | 1168 Hwy 71 S. • Mena, AR 71953 or email:
This week’s Cutest Pet Pic made possible by your friends at:
January 6, 2016
#LOL On opening his new store, a man received a bouquet of flowers. He became dismayed on reading the enclosed card, that it expressed “Deepest Sympathy”. While puzzling over the message, his telephone rang. It was the florist, apologizing for having sent the wrong card. “Oh, it’s alright.” said the storekeeper. “I’m a businessman and I understand how these things can happen.” “But,” added the florist, “I accidentally sent your card to a funeral party.” “Well, what did it say?” ask the storekeeper. “ ‘Congratulations on your new location’.” was the reply.
. . April . . . . . 26, . . . .2017 .....................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Michael Povey - Making Mena Home
ome is not alw ays w here you w ere b orn or w here your f amily is f rom. Sometimes you can b e thousands of miles f rom f amily and f eel more ‘ at home’ than you ever imag ined possib le. M ichael P ovey is home, despite b eing b orn and raised in Eng land. M ichael and his w if e, Stephanie, proudly call M ena home. M ichael spent his childhood in Eng land, b ut af ter j oining the A ir F orce f or 1 2 years, M ichael traveled and saw a lot of the w orld. A f ter the A ir F orce, M ichael w orked in the space industry as a parts eq uipment manag er. H is j ob took him across Europe, including a ten year stint in G ermany. H e lived in Scotland and L ondon as w ell. T hirty years ag o, M ichael moved to the States, much in part to his j ob . “ I w as w orking in the space industry and had larg e companies that w ere my customers all over the w orld. I had received an opportunity to come to A merica to w ork and I j umped on it, ” rememb ers M ichael. When he arrived in the States, M ichael knew that it w ouldn’ t b e f or a b rief time, b ut he w anted to make it his home. With this desire in mind, he moved f orw ard w ith the process of b ecoming an A merican citiz en. “ I w as really b lessed b ecause I w as w orking f or a company that had an immig ration law yer and they assisted me in g etting the g reen card and then I applied f or citiz enship. ” M ichael w anted to b e here and w anted to b e a part of everything that comes w ith b eing a citiz en of the U nited States, “ I w anted to b e ab le to vote, as human b eing s w e can’ t complain w ith w hat is g oing on if w e don’ t let our voices b e heard, ” says M ichael. Currently, M ichael serves as the H umane Society of the O uachitas [ H SO ] P resident. M ichael loves dog s and caring f or them, b ut this w asn’ t alw ays the case. “ I used to b e scared stif f of dog s. I helped a milk man on his milk round and every Saturday w e w ent to this housing estate. Each time, at the edg e of the estate, this J ack R ussell w as w aiting f or me and as soon as my f oot touched the g round, he started b arking at me, ” recalls M ichael laug hing . H is love f or dog s actually came f rom Stephanie, an avid dog lover herself . I n his w ords, Stephanie was the dog nut at first, not himself. “When we first started seeing each other, she had 9 rescue dogs in her apartment. In order to see if I was the one’ she gave me the Doberman test. She had a Doberman at the time and so we sat on the couch, me on one end, she on the other, and the dog in between us,” says Michael smiling. When M ichael and Stephanie g ot married they w ere living in L os A ng eles and he w as looking to retire soon. T hroug h much looking their eyes f ell on M ena, “ Stephanie and her dad had looked f or an investment opportunity and had looked in M ena b ef ore. T he more w e looked the more w e w anted to b e here. ” A lthoug h he has traveled the w orld and seen more than most, Michael says Mena is home. “At last glance I had traveled to 47 of the states, I flew over 3 million miles with American while working, but Mena is home. Home is where you hang your hat, ” says M ichael. A f ter moving to the area, M ichael and Stephanie w ere really impressed w ith the w ay of lif e and the caring people. “ P eople have really opened their hearts to us here and w e f eel that w e have b een show n a lot of hospitality. ” A lthoug h M ichael does have an accent that most people recog niz e around tow n, most recog niz e him b ecause of his involvement w ith the H SO . O n any g iven day someb ody can see M ichael around tow n in truck delivering or picking up dog s, or he can b e f ound at local b usinesses f or pet adoptions. H e loves his w ork w ith the H SO and b elieves that it serves a good cause, “There are a lot of cases of neglect and cruelty and we have the opportunity to help bring these dogs in, take care of them temporarily, and then help them find a permanent home. I t is very rew arding , ” says M ichael proudly. T he H SO has recently come into partnership with another no-kill shelter in Wisconsin and they have been transporting 70-90 dog s a month over the last couple of months. “ We are thankf ul f or our partnership. T here is such a desire to adopt dog s there and w e can help them w hile they help us g et permanent homes. ” R ecently at an adoption their partner hosted, they adopted 1 0 0 dog s out in less Diane Marosy, D.D.S., F.A.G.D. than a couple of hours! A long w ith his current service to the H SO , M ichael is involved w ith b ring ing smiles to the New Patients community w ith a couple of his ow n dog s. “ Each Wednesday I take a couple of my dog s & Emergencies Welcome to the local nursing homes and assisted living centers f or pet therapy. M any of the people Monday, Wednesday 9-5 don’ t g et many visitors and so this is a w ay to cheer them up. ” Wednesdays are a very popular time at these f acilities, one of the f acilities in particular has a f an club . “ Each WednesTuesday, Thursday 10-8 day that I g et there they are w aiting out in the lob b y f or us. I can’ t hardly g et inside w ithout Intersection of Dallas Ave. them coming to see the dog s. I t’ s a g reat f eeling , ” M ichael says. I n addition to his service at & Mena Street H SO , M ichael is also an advocate f or CA SA [ Court A ppointed Special A dvocate] . When he 479-394-7800 isn’ t b usy w ith his dog s, M ichael travels to F ort Smith to play in a b ow ling leag ue. M ena may not b e w here M ichael is f rom, b ut his smile and w arm personality make anyb ody f eel like he has b een here his entire lif e. “ We love it here. P eople know me and care, you’ re a someb ody here. ”
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Hospice Volunteers are local men and women who selflessly give their time to help support patients and families. Ouachita Regional Hospice would like to give a big heart thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers who make a difference in the lives of others.
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If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer for Ouachita Regional Hospice, please contact Pam Higgins Tabor, at 479-394-1134.
April 26, 2017
Weekly Publication
Liberty EMS- Compassionate Emergency Care E
ach year thousands of people need the services of an Emergency Medical Services EMS , often the EMS provides care that helps save lives. EMS are a first line of def ense, caring and treating those w ho need the service, until they arrive at the hospital. A t L ib erty EM S in M ena, they b elieve that q uality care should not have to w ait until the hospital. “ We started planning in 2 0 1 4 and then b eg an making runs in Ju ne 2 0 1 4 , ” says co- ow ner, T erry F reeman. L ib erty w as the dream of L arry T hompson, G eorg e M uns, and G reg H enry. Each of the men w anted to set the standard in patient care in P olk County. With over 2 5 years of exp erience each, the g uys at L ib erty b elieve they can make a dif f erence in the community w ith emerg ency care. A t L ib erty, the standard has b een set hig h f or q uality care and patient treatment. “ O ur exp ectation is that w e w ould treat patients like f amily. I w ouldn’ t ever w ant to hear that if my mom needed an amb ulance she w as treated b ad. I w ant to care f or patients j ust like I desire f or my mom to b e cared f or, ” exp lains T erry. T hroug h various training and meeting s, it has b een stressed to the EM T ’ s and paramedics at L ib erty that caring f or their patients is the top priority. A lthoug h medical care is important to T erry and G reg , they care even more that patients are treated w ith the respect and tenderness that they deserve. “ I t’ s not how g ood our skills are, it’ s ab out the care, compassion, and empathy that w e show . O ur skills are important, that could b e the dif f erence at times b etw een lif e and death, b ut if w e can’ t g ive care w ithout compassion and empathy w e have missed the point. ” O ne of the thing s that T erry has done to ensure the b est q uality of care f or their customers are postcard surveys, “ We send anyb ody that has used our services a card w ith a survey. T he survey asks how our services w ere and w hat w e mig ht do b etter. We take time to review each of the cards so that w e can continue providing exce llent care. ” For those that are interested in the services of Liberty, they have a membership program. The membership program has several benefits, one of those b eing that people can predetermine w hich amb ulance service they w ant to receive their care f rom. I n this case, customers have the availability to choose Liberty as their main emergency provider. Another benefit of membership with Liberty is that they are providing care for customers at a cost that is af f ordab le. “ I f someb ody sig ns up f or memb ership and they have no insurance, w e w ill take 4 0 % of f the total cost and if they do have insurance or they are under insured, that 4 0 % w ill b e applied af ter the insurance is paid, ” exp lains T erry. L ib erty understands the hig h costs to receive care and they w anted to take another step in b eing ab le to provide the q uality care that patients need. “ O ur hope is that people w ill b uy in, meaning , if they ever need an amb ulance, they w ill g o w ith us b ecause they have received this discount upf ront. ” Currently, L ib erty provides transf er and emerg ency services. T ransf ers may include taking a patient f rom the M ena hospital over to L ittle R ock, or any other hospital that the patient needs to b e transported to. A long w ith transf ers, emerg ency services can b e utilize d b y people in the community. “ T his is another perk of b eing a memb er. Y ou can trust that in your time of crisis, w e are j ust a phone call aw ay and w e are ready to provide q uality, caring service f or you and your f amily, ” says T erry w ith a smile. A t the moment, L ib erty has seven f ull time employees and several part time employees, along w ith f ull service amb ulances that can b e utilize d f or patient care. “ We hope soon to hire more people and start another unit that w ould allow f or us to b etter serve the people of P olk County. ” T erry and the crew b elieve that it is your lib erty to choose w hich amb ulance service you utilize . T heir g oal is to not only provide exce llent medical care, b ut to do so w ith a smile on their f ace as they serve. “ We b elieve the customer is the most important and more! responsib ility w e have each day. We w ant to continue to raise the standard f or patient care. ” F or more inf ormation ab out L ib erty EM S, the services provided, or memb ership, call them at 4 7 9 - 3 9 4 - 4 3 6 7 or visit them at 1 4 0 2 B H w y 7 1 South.
January 6, 2016
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. . April . . . . . 26, . . . .2017 .....................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Thursday, 4/27 • 10:30 a.m. – Gator & Friends will be performing at The Mena Senior Center. • 11:30 a.m. – Rotary Club of Mena/Polk County will meet at a a exican af . all i a artin or harle itman 216-4882 for more info. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - The Cove Branch of the ol ount ibrar i open. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00p.m. - The Sonlighters in Action ard ho will be o en at ighwa e t, one ile fro oui e Durha . • 5:00 p.m. - 9th Street Ministries will have a free dinner and fellow hi in the th treet ini trie building. • 5:30 p.m. – The Mena Hospital Commission will hold their onthl eeting in the Board oo . • 5:30 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous o en eeting at the AB lub acro fro ho ing Bloc , w , , ., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297. • 5:30 p.m. – Weight Watchers eet at Dalla Avenue Ba ti t hurch a il ife enter. all for ore information. • 6:00 p.m. – Live Country, Bluegra and o el u ic in the Dai oo at an en Ave lori t. • 7:00 p.m. – Amputee Support Group eet at ir t hri tian hurch. all aura at for ore infor ation. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the AB lub acro fro ho ing Bloc , w , ., ena. 4606 or 479-243-0297. Friday, 4/28 • 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – Road tests are given at the orrow treet ou ing Authorit o unit oo unle the road are wet. ritten te t are given at 1:00 p.m. • 12:00 p.m. – PCDC Board of Directors will eet in the onference oo A. • 12:00 p.m. – The Lions Meetings are held in the ion lub ou e on ighwa 71 South. • 12:00 p.m. – Fibers Arts Group eet at ena Art aller . All t e of fiber are welco e. • 2:00 p.m. – Take a Spring Trail Hike at Queen Wilhelmina State Park. Meet at the Amphitheater. • 5:00 p.m. – Make a Crafty Kite at Queen Wilhelmina State Park. Meet at the Amphitheater.
• 7:00 p.m. – Make Pinecone Bird Feeders at Queen Wilhelmina State Park. Meet at the Amphitheater. • 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. - Gator & Friends will la at he A erican egion in Acorn, ad i ion . otluc and drawing, with door rize . • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the AB lub acro fro ho ing Bloc , w , ., ena. 4606 or 479-243-0297. Saturday, 4/29 • 9:00 a.m. – Enjoy Amazing Spring re ented b o atot iver tate ar . eet at the arri ree railhead. .m. ossatot’s ild owe s will be re ented b o atot iver tate ar . eet in the i itor enter egac Room. • 2:00 p.m. – Take a Wonder House Tour at Queen Wilhelmina State Park. eet at the onder ou e. • 3:30 p.m. – Cossatot River State Park re ent other ature antr . eet in the i itor enter egac oo . • 4:00 p.m. – Enjoy a Silent Hike at Queen Wilhelmina State Park. Meet on the orth ide of the over ea trailhead. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at A erican egion Building, w ., Acorn. • 7:00 p.m. – Play Volleyball at Queen Wilhelmina State Park. Meet at the Volleyball Court. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the AB lub acro fro ho ing Bloc , w ., ena. 0297 or 479-216-4606. Sunday, 4/30 • 10:00 a.m. – Take a Reservoir Hike at Queen Wilhelmina State Park. Meet at the e ervoir railhead outh of the odge. • 10:00 a.m. – Take a Nature Detectives Woodland Adventure at o atot iver tate ar . eet at the i itor enter. • 2:00 p.m. – Take a Wonder House Tour at Queen Wilhelmina State Park. eet at the onder ou e. • 2:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the AB lub acro fro ho ing Bloc , w , ., ena. 4606 or 479-243-0297. • 2:00 p.m. – Feed the Critters at o atot iver tate ar . eet at the i itor Center. • 3:00 p.m. – Play a game of Washer Toss at Queen Wilhelmina State Park. eet at the icnic area. • 3:00 p.m. – Sulpher Springs Church eet at ul her ring .
• 3:30 p.m. – Thorns and Threats will be re ented b o atot iver tate ar . eet in the i itor enter egac oo . • 5:00 p.m. – United Methodist Youth Group at the ir t nited ethodi t hurch in ena. Monday, 5/1 • 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch ib a will be o en. • 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. – Mena Seventh Day Adventist Church Food Pantry at 149 ol oad , acro fro airground . on eri hable food, er onal care ite , and nutritional hel . ver one will be erved. • 6:00 p.m. – Polk County Fair & Rodeo eet at the airground . • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at A erican egion Building, w ., Acorn. • 6:30 p.m. – Boy Scouts of America Troop 92 eet at ir t nited ethodi t hurch. ver one i welco e. • 6:30 p.m. – Shady Grove RVFD business and training meeting. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the AB lub acro fro ho ing Bloc , w , ., ena. 4606 or 479-243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – Potter RVFD meeting at the ire tation. • 7:00 p.m. – Acorn RVFD meeting will be at the ire ou e. • 7:00 p.m. – Mena Emblem Club eet at the l odge. Tuesday, 5/2 • 8:00 a.m. – The Reynolds Gardner ommunit en’s eak ast at the ir t nited ethodi t hurch in ena. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Polk County Family Mission i o en in the th treet ini trie Building. • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – “Art Day” at ena Art aller , ena t. Bring our current ro ect and wor with other arti t . • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – The Sonlighters in Action ard ho will be o en at ighwa e t, one ile fro oui e Durha . .m. .m. he at eld anch ib a will be o en. • 5:00 p.m. - T.O.P.S. will meet in the nion Ban o unit oo for weigh in , followed b a eeting. • 6:00 p.m. – Sons of Confederate Veterans eet at the i etree e taurant for their monthly meeting. • 7:00 p.m. – Al-Anon for the fa ilie of addict and alcoholic will eet at the ABC Club. • 7:00 p.m. – Dallas Valley RVFD eet
for training at the ire ou e. • 7:00 p.m. – Acorn Fire & Rescue eet at the ire De art ent. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous eeting at ir t nited ethodi t hurch, 9th & Port Arthur. 479-234-2887 or 479234-3043. Wednesday, 5/3 he me genc wa ning si ens will be te ted in atfield, ic e , ranni , andervoort, ove, and ena at noon. • 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Charm Quilill Ba ti t ters will eet at the ree hurch on the corner of etro and herry St. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library is open. • 5:45 p.m. – The Mena First United Methodist Church Kidz will meet. • 6:00 p.m. – Warriors for Christ will eet at the outh ide hurch of od. • 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – Regeneration Youth Ministries eet at ena hurch of od w a t. • 6:15 p.m. – Dallas Avenue Baptist Church offers Discovery Kids – Kindergarten hru th rade; ollide outh ini tr th hru th rade ; and Adult Bible tud . • 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Trek and Varsity for iddle and igh chool tudent at race Bible hurch, w . ena. All Area iddle and igh chool tudent are welco e. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the AB lub acro fro ho ing Bloc , w , ., ena. 4606 or 479-243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Inquiry classes into the atholic aith begin in the ari h all of t. Agne atholic hurch at th t. o co t or obligation. ver one i invited. all or for ore info.
Weekly Publication
Mena Public Schools
May Calendar: May 1st FFA Awards 7 pm May 2nd & 3rd MMS & MHS ACT Aspire Testing May 3rd MHS Lip Sync Contest May 5th MHS Awards 8:15 am in the PAC 3rd Grade Fishing Derby @ RMCC May 8th MMS & MHS CAPS Conferences (7th - 12th grade) MMS 6th grade Career Day MMS Algebra 1 Parent Meeting @ 5:00pm May 9th & 10th Louise Durham to RMCC for a play MHS 9th & 10th AP testing May 10th MHS Academic Letter & Completer Assembly 6:00pm in the PAC May 11th MMS 7th grade “Choosing the Best Program” MMS 8th grade “Hunters Ed” May 12th HHE 4th & 5th grade Destination Science @CMA Louise Durham Parent Picnic MMS Talent Show 1:00pm @ the MHS PAC HHE “Mom & Son Make & Take” 5:30pm in HHE cafeteria May 14th MHS Graduation 3:00pm May 16th Board Meeting May 17th HHE “Wet & Wild Wednesday” MMS & MHS EAST Career Fair/Night Out 6:00pm in safe room May 18th HHE Awards 9:00am in the MHS PAC Louise Durham Field Day MMS Dance 6-8 pm May 19th MMS Awards 9:00 in gym MMS Backyard Picnic 11-12 Louise Durham Awards Assembly May 22nd & 23rd - Semester Tests May 24th Last Day of School “It’s more than an education. It’s an experience. Come experience it with us!”
for a full calendar of all our games and activities.
Acorn Junior Girls Crowned District Champs; Boys Earn Runner-Up BY MELANIE BUCK •
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April . . . . . 26, . . . .2017 .......
corn j unior g irls took top place and the j unior b oys took runner- up w hen they hosted the Class 1 A R eg ion 7 D istrict J unior T rack meet on T hursday, A pril 2 0 . A corn J unior G irls w ere crow ned D istrict Champions w ith 2 1 5 points af ter a hard f oug ht competition. M ineral Spring s came in second as a team w ith
2 0 0 points, and M ount I da came in third w ith 8 2 points. Earning points f or A corn’ s w in w ere: A llie Strothers, A shlynn Bissell, and H arlee R odg ers w ho took 5 th, 6 th, and 8 th, respectively in the hig h j ump. I n g irls long j ump, R eag han Weddle took 3 rd, w hile A lyssa Warren came in 6 th. A corn took 3 rd, 4 th, 5 th, and 6 th place in the g irls triple j ump w ith Corryn H olland, R eag han Weddles, H allie H olland, and A shlyn Bissell. CONTINUED ON PAGE 18
January 6, 2016
Acorn to Play Last Baseball and Softball Games of the Season BY EASTON LEONARD
he A corn T ig ers b aseb all team is set to play their last g ame of the season on Wednesday, as they play host to the K irb y T roj ans. T he T roj ans def eated the T ig ers 1 3 - 0 earlier in the season. A corn lost its most recent g ame of the season at D eirks H ig h School last Wednesday, b y a score of 2 5 - 0 . Coming into Wednesday’ s g ame, the T ig ers hold an overall season record of 1 - 7 . The Acorn Lady Tigers softball team played their final road game of the season on Monday at Arkansas High. The Lady Tigers are scheduled to finish off their regular season w ith a g ame ag ainst the L ady T roj ans of K irb y on Wednesday at home. Earlier this season, A corn b lew out the lady T roj ans b y a score of 1 6 - 3 at K irb y. Bef ore T uesday’ s g ame at A rkansas H ig h, A corn held an overall season record of 4 - 4 .
Cossatot River and Mena Complete Baseball Seasons
oth Cossatot River High School and Mena High School finished off their respected b aseb all and sof tb all seasons this past w eek. Cossatot baseball finished their season with an overall record of 2-13. The Eagles played their last g ame at home ag ainst H oratio on A pril 2 1 st, and lost 1 2 - 0 . T he L ady Eag les of Cossatot w rapped up their season as w ell, w ith a team record of 1 - 1 2 . Cossatot sof tb all lost their last g ame of the season too, b y a score of 1 4 - 4 ag ainst H oratio. T he M ena b aseb all team completed their reg ular season at A shdow n on A pril 2 1 st, and f ell short to the P anthers b y a score of 1 0 - 0 . T he Bearcats ended their season w ith an overall record of 1 - 2 2 . M ena sof tb all played their last reg ular season g ame as w ell on the 2 1 st at A shdow n, and def eated the L ady P anthers b y a score of 5 - 1 . T he L adycats w rapped up their reg ular season schedule w ith an overall record of 1 1 - 1 5 .
. . . April . . . . . 26, . . . .2017 .................................................................................................................... Weekly Publication
Mena Junior Boys Claim District RunAcorn Track ner-Up; Junior Girls Show Exciting Future
he Mena Bearcat and Ladycat Junior Track teams traveled to Nashville for their District Track Meet on Thursday, April 20, 2017. The junior girls brought home several medals after a long day of competition against some of the toughest in the area. In the 200 meter dash, Andrea Maechler took 8th. Ciara Lance placed 4th in the 400 meter dash. Alex Harper placed 2nd in the 800 meter with Jayden Harris coming in 5th. In the 1600 meter run, Jayden Harris placed 1st, with Alex Harper right behind in 2nd and Aryana Carter in 5th. Lauren Sikes placed 5th in the 100 meter hurdles. Cadie Cannon placed 5th in high jump and Emily Wagner placed 8th. Madyson Birtcher placed 6th in discus. In relay events, the 4x800 meter relay team took 1st place, 4x400 relay placed 3rd, and the 4x100 and 4x200 meter relay teams took 5th place. The junior boys brought home a runner-up plaque for their efforts at the meet. ane Stephens took 5th in the 100 meter dash and 6th in the 200 meter dash. Ia a Ingoglia placed 4th in the 400 meter dash and Curtis Curry placed 6th. In the 800 meter run, Curtis Curry placed 1st with Devin Adams in 2nd, Logan Myers 4th, and Damon Clark 6th. In the 1,600 meter run, Devin Adams placed 1st, Logan Myers 3rd, Thaddaeus Nance 4th, and Caleb Peters 6th. Chris Bollmeyer took 6th in the 110 meter hurdles. The 4x800 meter relay team took 1st place, while the 4x400 and 4x200 relay teams took 3rd, and CONTINUED ON PAGE 19
Sunshine Butterfield took 1st place in the shot put. Autumn Strother took 4th and Kaylee Tedder took 5th in the event. Butterfield also took 1st in the discus with Holland and Strother coming in 2nd and 3rd. The girls 4x800 meter relay team took top honors with Ariana Andrews, Emily Blair, Jada Elder, and Sarah Wallace each running a leg. The 4x100 meter relay team took 2nd place with Sunshine Butterfield leading off, followed by Corryn Holland, Hallie Holland, and Alli Strothers. In the 4x400 meter relay, Acorn took 1st with Ashlynn Bissell, Alyssa Warren, Reaghan Weddle, and Corryn Holland. In the girls 100 meter hurdles, Hallie Holland placed 3rd, Corryn Holland placed 5th, and Alyssa Warren took 6th. Allie Strothers took 5th in the 100 meter dash and Sunshine Butterfield took 8th. Acorn’s runners took the top four spots in the 1600 meter run with Ashlynn Bissell taking first, followed by Emily Blair, Faith Brandon, and Makenna oss. The 400 meter dash had Kaylee Tedder take 6th, Emmy oss took 7th, and Arian Andrews took 8th. In 300 meter hurdles, Reaghan Weddle took 2nd, Hallie Holland 3rd, Corryn Holland 5th, Abby Nance 6th. In the 800 meter run, Ashlynn Bissell placed 1st, Alyssa Warren 2nd, and Kiersten Larucci 3rd. Hallie Holland took 3rd in the 200 meter dash, Alli Strothers took 5th, and Madison Ellis took 8th. Acorn Junior Boys were District Runner-Up with 109 points, falling behind Mineral Springs with 288.5 points. Mount Ida pulled in 3rd as a team with 69 points. In boys high jump, Jack oung tied for 3rd place and Jacob Moore took 5th. T.J. Bissell took 6th in the boys long jump. In triple jump, Brady Lyle took 5th place with T.J. Bissell and Tristan Richey coming in 6th and 7th. Ethan Mayo took 5th in shot put. Acorn’s 4x800 meter relay team took 2nd place with Adam Hughes leading off, followed by Brady Lyle, Jacob Moore, and Justice Neufield. Acorn also took 2nd in the 4x100 relay with T.J. Bissell, Tristan Richey, Tristen reen, and Major White. In the 4x400 meter relay race, Acorn took 2nd as well with T.J. Bissell, Jacob Cottman, Jacob Moore, and Major White. In 110 meter hurdles, Jacob Moore took 5th, Tristan reen 6th, and Jack oung 8th. Caleb Bowers placed 8th in the 100 meter dash. Justice Neufield took 1st place in the 1600 meter run and Adam Hughes took 2nd. In the 800 meter run, Brady Lyle placed 3rd, Justice Neufield took 4th, and Adam Hughes 5th. Nathan Cottman took 4th in the 400 meter dash and Jacob Cottman took 6th. Tristen reen and Jacob Moore took 4th and 5th in the 300 meter hurdles. In the 200 meter dash, Braxton Kyle placed 8th. The district meet ended the Junior Tigers’ track season for 2017. Coach Keith Wilsey looks forward to the talent he has to work with in future seasons.
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Weekly Publication
Mena Junior Track
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 the 4 x 1 0 0 meter relay team took 5 th. Caleb H olmes b roug ht home 1 st in the long j ump w ith Z ane Stephens taking 3 rd and J ake Wiles 6 th. I n triple j ump, Caleb H omes took 5 th place, Z ane Stephens 7 th, and M ark Wilson 8 th. M athew M cCravens took 4 th in P ole Vault w ith T haddaeus N ance coming in 7 th and J etz ai H ernandez taking 8 th. Brax ton Bahr placed 6 th in shot put and Blake Castor placed 7 th. Bahr took 1 st place in discus w ith Castor placing 5 th. T he M ena j unior track season ended w ith the district meet, b ut the coaches are looking f orw ard to w orking w ith the rising athletes f or upcoming seasons.
McIntyre Going ‘Down Under’
The invitation was received in November. The track coach called Robert into his office to tell him about the letter. “Coach called me into his office to tell me about the letter and that it was a g reat opportunity f or me and f or our prog ram, ” ex plains R ob ert. H e admits that he w as shocked w hen he received the letter to come and compete w ith the b est in the w orld. “ I honestly didn’ t think I had met the standard yet that w ould b e req uired f or an event like this. I w as j ust really surprised. ” R ob ert started running track in 8 th g rade and j oined Cross Country in 9 th g rade. H e has show n a lot of promise and has continually improved. I n his most recent track meet, R ob ert set a new personal record in the 1 mile event w ith a time of 4 . 5 8 minutes. “ I am pleased w ith my times and my improvement, b ut I only hope to continue to improve. I w ant to b e running in the 4 . 3 0 ’ s w hen I g o to the event. ” R ob ert has b een doing a lot of training , some on his ow n, b ut much of it is done w ith his coaches. H e credits his coaches f or a lot of his success and improvement this year, “ Coach P enning ton and P eters have helped me a lot. T hey have helped me w ith speed w ork and endurance and they have helped me b reak my limits. ” While competing in the D ow n U nder T ournament this Summer, R ob ert w ill have the opportunity to sig ht see in b oth A ustralia and H aw aii. H e is ex cited ab out the opportunity to have an ex perience like this, “ I have never really traveled and so this w ill b e a b last. I w ill g et to meet people and ex perience new culture. O ne of the thing s I g et to do that I ’ m ex cited ab out is scub a diving on the g reat b arrier reef on one of my dow n days. ” R ob ert w ill b e g one a total of 1 2 days, many of those days spent competing and training , and even a f ew of those days w ill b e used f or students to relax and enj oy their trip. R eceiving an invitation to compete is certainly a g reat honor, b ut in order to compete, R ob ert is f undraising to pay f or his trip. “ T he total cost is almost $7,000. That money pays for our meals, lodging, plane tickets, and many other things.” Robert is already very close to his financial goal and hopes to reach it the nex t couple of months. T o raise the f unds needed, R ob ert and his f amily have completed several f undraisers. “ M ost of w hat w e have done is f ood f undraisers. We have sold b aked g oods, f udg e, and even sold over 1 , 3 0 0 cupcakes. I t has b een g ood, w ho doesn’ t like g ood f ood? ” A lthoug h this is a g reat opportunity f or R ob ert, he hopes it is only the b eg inning of his running career. R ob ert’ s g oal is to g o to colleg e on a running scholarship in a couple of years. H is dream is to run at the U niversity of A rkansas f or the R az orb acks. “ I am ex tremely thankf ul and b lessed to have received this opportunity. I t is an honor to represent my team, school, and state. ”
January 6, 2016
HOLLY SPRINGS REAL ESTATE, LLC 394-4200 1114A Hwy 71S Mena, AR Toll Free: 1-888-394-4200 Keith’s Cell: 479-243-5341
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1. Affects 1 in every 6 men Dr. Robert S. Williams, M.D. 2. Deadlier than breast cancer All Major Insurance Accepted 3. Detectable in early stages 4. NOT an old man’s disease 403-E N. Morrow St., Mena, AR 71953 5. Does NOT go away if you avoid 479-243-9024 testing. Gentlemen: We encourage you to get a PSA blood test.
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3544 - Elegant Home Overlooking Lake Mena. Completely remodeled in contemporary style, the 49 6 3 sq ft home’ s high tray ceilings are highlighted by lovely archways, crown molding and glass paned doorways. The Great Room is complete with fireplace, custom shelving and an entertainment center. The O ffice has bright windows and custom cabinetry as well. The K itchen is an absolute Chef’ s D elight with its center island with induction range, beautiful cabinetry, and high-end stainless steel appliances. The home has a split floor plan with 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths, 2 half baths, a utility room plus a craft room. The spacious Master Suite includes a soaking tub and a walk-in shower. There’ s a large 3 car garage, and a brick terrace at the rear of home accessible by lovely French D oors. MLS15019748 $499,500
1102 Crestwood Circle Mena, AR 71953
. . . .April . . . . 26, . . . .2017 ....................................................................................................................
Weekly Publication
Moments from America’s History: A T rue H ero
he g eneration of A mericans w ho f oug ht in World War I I are w idely reg arded as “ T he G reatest G eneration. ” T here are a numb er of reasons f or this, among them being that this generation was the last who, as a whole, understood sacrifice and possessed the traditional virtues of American character. I could cite many examples, including my own father, but here I want to highlight one in particular: Edward H. “Butch” O’Hare was born in St. Louis, MO in 1914. He graduated from the Western Military Academy at Alton, IL in 1932 and from the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD in 1937. He earned his naval-aviator wings in May 1940 and went on to train with an air squadron, learning aerial combat, night carrier landings and gunnery. After the U.S. entered World War II, Butch’s squadron was transferred to the aircraft carrier USS Lexington in January 1942. On February 20, 1942, the Lexington received radar contacts over several hours detecting separate planes and formations of planes approaching. One of these contacts was a formation of 9 Japanese bombers 12 miles out. Butch and his wingman, Duff Dufilho, were launched from the Lexington and were the only two planes in a position to attack. Dufilho’s guns jammed and wouldn’t fire, so that left O’Hare alone to confront the bombers. The Japanese were about three minutes from dropping their bombs on the Lexington when Butch made his attack. He stopped only because he ran out of ammunition. When he landed, his first words were, “Just load those ammo belts, and I’ll get back up.” There was no need, as his flying and shooting skills had broken up the attack and probably saved the Lexington. He had shot down five Japanese bombers in less than four minutes in one of the most, if not the most, daring and courageous actions in the history of combat aviation. Capt. Frederick Sherman, the Lexington’s commander, recommended that Butch be decorated. Butch was not interested in any recognition, stating that “The other officers in the squadron would have done the same thing”. Seventy five years ago, on April 21, 1942, Butch was promoted to lieutenant commander and awarded the Medal of Honor by President Roosevelt. His wife Rita was present and hung the medal around her husband’s neck. Soon thereafter, a parade was held in his honor in St. Louis. Over the next 18 months, through other engagements with the enemy, O’Hare would also earn the Distinguished Flying Cross and other citations of bravery. On November 26, 1943, O’Hare volunteered to lead an experimental mission for the first-ever Navy nighttime fighter attack from an aircraft carrier. During this mission, his plane was shot down over the Pacific while intercepting a large force of enemy torpedo bombers. No trace of him or his plane was ever found. He was survived by his wife Rita and 9 month old daug hter K athleen. In 1945, the U.S. Navy destroyer USS O’Hare DD-889 was named in his honor and in 1949 Chicago renamed its airport O’Hare International Airport. In the words of Paul Tibbets, a good friend and fellow pilot of O’Hare’s, “He was a hell of a fine man” - not surprising words to describe a true hero.
Weekly Publication
Meet the Artists: Gilda Meyers and Mary Poppins Opens Next WeekPatricia Trulock end at OLT T T CONTRIBUTED BY BARBARA M. TOBAIS
he M ay ex hib it at M ena A rt G allery is called “ BF F A rt Show ” and the tw o ladies make quite a team. ilda Meyers does a wide variety of work: exquisite pen and ink drawings, woodcarvings, jewelry, and note cards to name just a few. It is always fun to see w hat new ideas she has come up with since her last art show . P atricia T rulock has b een f ascinated with what she can find throug h the lens of her camera since her mother gave her a Brow nie camera w hen she w as eleven. ilda says she received one as w ell, b ut the mag ic f or her has alw ays b een in the thing s she can create w ith other art tools— not the camera. Both are happy to be able to share their vision of the world with others who may not have reali ed the beauty of a rainy day from a front porch, or the thrill of seeing something beautiful emerge from a piece of driftwood that someone else might have tossed on the woodpile. And both agree that their artwork represents what they have experienced in life. Plan to come to the reception on Saturday, May 6, from 1 to 3 pm at the gallery: 607 Mena Street. It’s a great opportunity to meet both of the artists and get to know them a little better. The exhibit will be on display throughout the month of May during regular gallery hours: 11 am to 2 pm Tuesdays and 10 am to 3 pm Wednesdays through Saturdays.
he last minute flourishes are going on at the Ouachita Little Theatre as the cast and crew prepares for next week’s production of the musical, Mary Poppins. The show opens Friday, May 5 and continues May 6, 7, 11, 12, and 1 3 . T here is no Sunday M ay 1 4 show - that is M ena H ig h School’ s g raduation day. Reserved advance tickets are on sale weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm at the theatre. Those wanting the best seating will want to stop in and get their tickets early. While tickets will be available at the door, it is best to lock in your seat in case the show is sold out. As part of the excitement of a Broadway musical, American Artisans is offering a special pre-show dinner on Thursday, May 11 Tickets are available at the theatre or American Artisans. The directors Jessica Kropp, Judy Kropp, and Rudi Timmerman are in agreement that Mena/Polk County not only has talent rivaled by none, but has the most dedicated folks working on this show and most supportive patrons. OLT is a true community theatre. Everything is volunteered and is funded by community support. Few reali e that OLT must pay Music Theatre International, the owners of the rights, $2,500 just for the permission to produce the show. It is only through ticket sales, memberships, donations, and grants that the OLT programs are possible. Folks attending the show will be treated to great music performed by the cast and orchestra. In addition, the multiple sets and set changes performed by the stag e crew and cast w ill b ring you to 1 9 th century Eng land along w ith the magic performed by Mary Poppins. Jane Buttermilk, with some help, has spent hours and hours getting great costumes for the more than 50 cast members. Abi Mcpherson and ini Burt have created some wonderful choreographic numb ers, w hich w ill surely entertain the audiences. T his musical is one f or the entire f amily.
Weekly Publication
Mena Senior Behavior Health Sponsors Ice Cream Floats
3 Ways Seniors Can Get More from their Smartphones STATEPOINT
Mena Senior Behavioral Health sponsored a Root Beer & Coke Float social at the Mena/Polk Senior Center on Thursday, April 13. While at the Center, members of the Behavioral Health center also provided information about Dementia and l heime ’s disease.
479-394-2 600 18 03 C ordi e D ri ve, Mena w w w .p each t
• Nursing staff available 7 days a week • Assistance with medication and administration • Assistance with all activities of daily living (showers, dressing, etc.) • Activity room, shopping, transportation, games, etc. • 3 meals served daily, plus snacks • Transportation provided to Walmart, monthy trips and medical appointments • Housekeeping and laundry services • Safe and secure • 24 Hour Staff available • Daily activities to enjoy
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April . . . . .26, . . . 2017 ........
ith the rapid pace of new developments in smartphone technolog y, it can b e hard to keep up w ith all the chang es, especially if you g rew up in an era w hen phones w ere attached to a cord. P hones these days aren’ t w hat they used to b e - - b ut that’ s f or the b est, as smartphone technolog y can actually improve your lif e. H ere are three easy w ays that seniors can g et more f rom smartphones: 1 . “ R ead” audiob ooks. Whether your hands are tied up g ardening or cooking , or you simply w ant to g ive your eyes a rest, consider listening to b ooks on your smartphone. Y ou can purchase audiob ooks a la carte or opt f or a sub scription plan, w hich of f ers deals, such as unlimited selections for a flat monthly fee. Features like bookmarks and back buttons make it easy to “flip through” a digital audiob ook. 2 . U se health apps to manag e conditions. Well- desig ned health apps can help patients manag e their conditions. F or ex ample, A rthritisP ow er, a f ree app f or patients w ith arthritis, allow s users to track symptoms and treatment outcomes, and share the inf ormation w ith their doctors. Created b y CreakyJ oints, a g o- to resource f or arthritis patients and their f amilies, in collab oration w ith the U niversity of A lab ama at Birming ham, the app is also a data- g athering tool f or researchers. Via inf ormed consent, user data is helping January 6, 2016 researchers b etter understand how dif f erent treatments w ork f or dif f erent people. “One out of every five U.S. adults of all ages lives with doctor-diagnosed arthritis and it’ s important that patients actively eng ag e in manag ing their ow n treatment plan,” says Seth insberg, President and Co-Founder of CreakyJoints and Principal I nvestig ator of A rthritisP ow er. T o dow nload the f ree app or learn more, visit arthritispow er. org . 3 . Video chat w ith loved ones. Talk and see grandkids and other far-flung friends and loved ones between visits w ith video chatting . I t’ s the perf ect w ay to ensure you don’ t miss important milestones. M any such video communications services are f ree, even internationally, and can present af f ordab le alternatives to placing long - distance calls on a landline. our smartphone is the world at your fingertips. Make great use of it.
April 26, 2017
Weekly Publication
The following information was received from Polk County law enforcement agencies. The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed, or that they have been found innocent, and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner. Mena Police Department April 16, 2017 A local woman reported that someone had damaged her vehicle. Case is pending. April 17, 2017 A Mena woman reported seeing someone wearing a mask in her yard. The area was canvassed and no suspects were located. April 18, 2017 A Mena woman reported that while she was away from her house for a few minutes, someone broke into the residence and stole her wallet. Case is pending. Richard Handy, 53, of Mena was charged with disorderly conduct. The arrest followed a complaint of a driver tailgating and harassing another individual. April 19, 2017 A 17-year-old Mena girl was cited for disorderly conduct after an investigation into a complaint by her parents. April 20, 2017 Eddie Landreneaux 41, of Carthage, Louisiana was charged with theft of property (shoplifting) after a call to a local farm store. A Mena woman reported that someone had gained entry into her house by removing a screen and coming in a window. Case is pending. April 21, 2017 Clay Riley Oglesby, 19, of Mena was arrested on an outstanding warrant for failure to appear. April 22, 2017 Brenda Gebhardt, 43, of Mena was arrested on an outstanding warrant from the Mena Police Department. Scotty Baxter, 38, of Grannis was charged with possession of a schedule VI controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was also served a felon warrant for failure to a fine and court costs. Neisha Fay Wikel, 24, of Mena was served an outstanding warrant from the
Mena Police Department for failure to appear. Christopher Stephen Davy, 25, of Mena was charged with driving on a suspended driver licen e, having no in urance, and having no license plates on his vehicle. Michelle Diane Bice, 38, of Mena was arrested on a warrant for failure to appear. The warrant was from the Mena Police Department. Ronnie Watts, 36, of Mena was charged with driving on a suspended driver licen e and for having no in urance on his vehicle. Darrell R. Boyd, 41, of Mena was arrested on a warrant for failure to appear from the Mena Police Department.
olk ount She i ’s e a tment April 17, 2017 Report from complainant on Polk 81 near Big Fork of the break-in and theft of two ATVs, a trailer and miscellaneous items. Investigation continues. April 18, 2017 Report from complainant on Polk 19 near Cove of being scammed of $391.50 from an unknown person claiming to be PayPal. Arrested was Richard B. Roper, 34, of Cove, on a Warrant for Intent to Defraud a Drug or Alcohol Screening Test and Driving with a u ended Driver icen e. Arre ted b an officer with the rannis Police Department was Humberto T. Lara, 47, of Wickes, on Charges of DWI, arele rohibited Driving, o Driver License and Refusal to Submit. April 19, 2017 Report from complainant on Jones Lane near Mena of the theft of three firear , all valued at , . . Inve tigation continues. Report of a vehicle stuck in a creek bed on Polk 61 near the Board Camp community led to the arrest of Ty Jones, 21, of Mena, on Charges of Driving with a u ended Driver icen e and ri inal Trespass. Arrested was Matthias C. Aviles, 26, of Mena, on a Warrant for Probation Violation. Arrested was Kizzie E. Wallis, 33, of Mena, on a Drug Court Sanction. April 20, 2017 Report from complainant on Tilley Road near atfield of being hara ed b an acquaintance. Information has been provided to the ro ecuting Attorne ffice for further consideration. Report from complainant on Polk 20 near Cove of damage done to a vehicle
door. Arrested was Jerad K. Haarmeyer, 25, of Mena, on a Warrant for Harassment. Report from complainant on Polk 76 East near Mena of the theft of two heaters, valued at $318.00. Investigation continues. Arrested was Bobby R. May, 29, of Mena, on three Warrants for Failure to Comply with a Court Order. Arrested was Patrick R. Tosta, 32, of Mena, on Charges of Possession of Methamphetamine/Cocaine, Possession of a Schedule VI Controlled Substance, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Maintaining a Drug Premise. April 21, 2017 Arrested by a trooper with the Arkansas State Police was Jeff N. Robinson, 47, of Wickes, on Charges of DWI and Possession of Untaxed Liquor. April 22, 2017 Report of a domestic disturbance on ol near ena. u ect ed before
deputies arrived. Information has been rovided to the ro ecuting Attorne ffice for further con ideration. April 23, 2017 Arrested was Tommy W. Herring, 56, of Benton, on a Warrant for Domestic Battery 3rd Degree. Report from complainant on Polk 61 near Board Camp of damage done to a rental property. Report from walk-in complainant of medical neglect of a family member. Arre ted b an officer with the ranni Police Department was Claudia Garcia, 36, of Broken Bow, OK, on Charges of ublic Intoxication and o Driver License. ol ount heriff ffice wor ed two vehicle accidents this week. Polk County Detention Center Jail Population: 27 Incarcerated Inmates, with 6 Inmates currently on the Waiting List for a State Facility.
April 26, 2017
Weekly Publication
Ad deadline is 5 p.m. on Monday. Payment is due with ad. Publishing and distributing 8,000 copies weekly.
idow’s unch – May 6, 2017 Dallas Avenue Baptist Church FLC. 300 Dallas Avenue. 10:00-11:00am. All widows are welcome. Call 479-394-2697 Monday-Thursday. 4/26
o Sale 2009 16x80 Clayton Mobile Home. Like new condition. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Master bath has garden tub and separate shower. Includes all kitchen appliances, washer & dryer. Will need to be moved. Asking $24,000. For more info call 479-394-4197 or text 479-234-0052. 5/10 ackhoe and concrete work. Licensed – Dependable. Over 30 years experience. William J. (Jack) Barnes. 479394-6175 or 234-2608. 5/3 a d Sale – 1010 Port Arthur – Saturday April 29th 8am2pm; Rotary Youth Group fundraiser. Help support our youth in supporting our community; donations accepted (no clothes please). Call 580-306-1781 or 479-216-4882 or arrange drop off. 4/26 S – 2001 Sunshine Mobile Home. 2 Bedroom/2 Bath. 2 Sheds. Storm shelter. 2013 New Metal Roof. Walk-In Shower – Handicap Commode. $30,000 OBO Mena in Town. Call (479) 234-5424 or (479) 394-5754. 5/10 aniel’s a ent and Painting, home repair, desks, fence rows, underpinning, etc. Also lawn and garden work. Call 870-334-2068 4/26 o e Trackhoe, Backhoe, Dump Truck, Ponds, Pads, Clearing, Roads, Hauling, Rich Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Shale, Gravel. Dozer operator Randy Egger, over 30 ear ex erience. e a reciate our Bu ine all 479-234-1357 TFN
a age Sale. A few old people getting rid of things they don t want. Bolton behind oui e Durha chool. Friday-Saturday. 8-6. 4/26 icensed Practical Nurse is seeking employment with in-home care/private care duty of patients. Trustworthy, dependable, and hardworking. References are available. Contact Missy Cost LPN at 479-216-1201. 5/17 ouse leaning and more. Call Winnie Cotter at 2343418. 5/10 odi nc. is accepting applications for a full or partti e office o ition. Boo ee ing, bu ine letter t ing drafting, and computer experience (accounting software, e-mail/internet, spreadsheets, etc.) would be helpful. Aplication a be ic ed u at the Brodix office, located at 301 Maple in Mena, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through rida . o etitive tarting wage ; benefit available for full time positions. Notice to Applicants: Screening tests for alcohol and illegal drug use may be required before hiring and during employment. 5/3 – Dog Grooming, hand dry, nails trimmed, ears cleaned, brushing. Deanna Boyd. 479-234. I will co e to ou i e aceboo . 5/3 e sonal a e Aide tate certified and trained looking for new clients. Assist with daily tasks of elderly, mentally disabled, chronically ill, or physically challenged clients as well as hospice patients. Duties include light cleaning, cooking, running errands, and laundry. Assist clients with bathing, grooming, and other personal hygiene tasks. Please call Heather at 479-437-3270. 5/3
ad owing weed eating, bush hogging, handyman services, power washing, garden plowing and tilling. Have tractor with implements for larger jobs. Bill Duff. Call 479-216-5204. 5/3
ugan awn Care and landscaping a complete ground maintenance company serving both residential and commercial customers. NOW TAKING NEW I A e tri orna ental tree , gra e , hrub , and ore. ree e ti ate . ffices in both Mena: 479-394-2699 and DeQueen: 870-2792250. TFN lean and comfortable housing since 1969, J. Ray & aria ar and ental . w orth, ena, A . 479-216-3085 TFN
ocal ans o tation company looking for Flat Bed Truck Drivers. Well maintained equipment. Good pay and goos working environment. Home most weekends. Can make up to $1,000/week average pay. Can earn $300 sign on bonus after 3 months of employments. Please call 479243-4524. 5/3 ugan awn Care and Landscaping a complete ground maintenance company servicing both residential and commercial lots in Polk, Severe, and Scott County. Call for a free estimate on any of your lawn care or landscaping needs. 479-394-2699. TFN
January 6, 2016
he he Hill Cemetery will have Decoration Day on Sunday. May 7, 2017. There will be a short business meeting at 9:30 a.m. on the benches under the big oak tree. 5/3
n i r p g
April 26, 2017
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