August 26, 2015

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August 26, 2015


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1168 Hwy 71 S • Mena, AR 71953 • 479-243-9600

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County Crews Continue Flood Repairs

BY MELANIE BUCK Polk County Judge Brandon Ellison has announced that the County’s road crews have put another large project in the books for this year. The bridge on Polk County Road 40 was originally built about 25 years ago, however, after the last few years of floods and storms, it has been damaged beyond just minor repairs. The rebuilt bridge over Cedar Creek on Polk 40 was set to re-open by the end of the workday this past MonCONTINUED ON PAGE 9

Area Poised to Welcome 40th Annual Queen Wilhelmina Rod Run

Boydstun Appointed to State Board of Cosmetology

BY MELANIE BUCK Tonya Boydstun, Instructor at Rich Mountain Community College’s School of Cosmetology, has been honored with an appointment to the Arkansas State Board of Cosmetology’s Technical Advisory Committee. Boydstun will represent District 4 on the board whose purpose


Local Woman Conquers Pike’s Peak BY RICHIE LAWRY Local woman, Betty Sobeski, 67, ran the Pike’s Peak Ascent which took place in Manitou Springs, Colorado on August 15, 2015. The Pikes Peak Ascent is a racing event that begins at the base of Pike’s Peak, in Manitou Springs, Colorado, and over the course of 13.3 miles climbs over 7,815 feet to the top of the 14,115-foot peak. Runners consider the Pike’s Peak races America’s ultiCONTINUED ON PAGE 8


... d n e g e l l a a loc g n i r o n o H

l l e b p m a C Mark

Mark Campbell, the founder of the Rod Run that has been responsible for attracting 200+ hot rods to the Mena area for over 4 decades, lost his life to cancer in April of this year. The Campbell family plans to carry on Mark’s wishes for the event to carry on this year. With the help of Mark’s extended street rod family, his memory and contributions will not only be remembered throughout the weekend’s events, but will be honored for the vision he had that became one of Mena’s most beloved and signature events. Street & Performance, the company Mark founded, is featured as our Business of the Week on page 19 and the 40th Annual Rod Run section Is featured on pages 15-17.

Mon-Fri 8:30 to 6:00 Sat 9:00 - 3:00 (479) 394-4332 1020 MENA ST. MENA, AR 71953 | SINCE 1939 (888) 394-4332

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