August 5, 2015 Stay Connected!
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Art Gallery Reopens After Remodel
62nd Annual Polk County Rodeo
BY LEANN DILBECK The Mena Art Gallery, located in the budding Arts District downtown, will reopen this Saturday in conjunction with the Ouachita Expressions Art Show. The gallery received a fresh coat of paint, new carpeting, a handicapped-accessible bathroom and relocated Executive Director Julie Vande Zande’s office to the front so she can greet guests of the gallery. COMPLETE STORY ON PAGE 24
Counterfeit Bill Surfaces in Mena
BY MELANIE BUCK Mena Police Department Officer Steve Stout investigated a report of a counterfeit $20 bill that was received at Bear State Bank last week. On Monday, July 27, Bear State Bank employees were sorting through the weekend’s deposit bags when the money-counting machine picked up the counterfeit bill. The bill had been taken at a local restaurant; however, there are no leads because the eatery has no way to determine when the bill was passed through their store. CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
Goodnight to Join Staff of HCI
BY MELANIE BUCK Healthy Connections, Inc.’s [HCI] CEO Tony Calandro has announced that Gretchen Goodnight, APN-C will be joining the staff of HCI. Goodnight will be accepting new patients for family practice of all ages at Healthy Connection, Inc., – Mena Street Clinic beginning August 17. CONTINUED ON PAGES 8
The Andy Risenhoover Arena will be the place to be beginning Thursday night and continuing through Saturday as the area welcomes the 62nd Annual Polk County Rodeo hosted each year by the Polk County Fair & Rodeo Association. Rodeo fans will have a chance to watch an array of events, including cowboys like Cody Carey shown above riding “Yo Momma,” and the always popular bull riding among many other rodeo events. Check out the full story on page 4 or the center-spread on pages 16-17 for a complete schedule of this week’s activities. [PHOTO COURTESY OF COWBOY PIX | VIAN, Okla] 1020 MENA ST. MENA, AR 71953 | SINCE 1939 Mon-Fri 8:30 to 6:00 • Sat 9:00 - 3:00 (479) 394-4332 • (888) 394-4332