August 9, 2017

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August 9, 2017


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The 64 year tradition continues as the Polk County Rodeo kicks off this week! The Rodeo and Fair parade will be held jointly this year and will be held at 6 p.m. on Thursday evening, August 10, in downtown Mena. The ever popular Handicapable Rodeo will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, August 11, at the Andy Risenhoover Arena in the Polk County Fairgrounds. Organizer Wendy Strother said the event is FREE and everyone is encouraged to come out and support these athletes. The rodeo’s first night of action will be Thursday night. Strother encouraged everyone to bring lawnchairs, explaining that one new set of bleachers has been installed on the east side. However, the severely dilapidated bleachers had to be removed on the west side for safety concerns. “We’ve got a small set of bleachers there but we still encourage everyone to bring their lawnchairs.” Strother went on to explain that the Fair & Rodeo Association is working to raise the $50,000 to replace the bleachers like the east side and said that was just another reason for everyone to come out and support the fair and rodeo this year! [LEFT] Father and son team roping duo, George and Stran Strother of Ink, Ark., are among the cowboys and cowgirls expected to compete this weekend. For more information, see pages 1213 inside this issue for times, ticket prices and other exciting features of this year’s action packed event PHOTO COURTESY OF SWEET PEAS PHOTOGRAPHY

Lasso Up a Good Time During the 64th Annual Polk County Rodeo!

Elks Receive National Award for Benevolence

BY MELANIE WADE • The M ena Elks L odge recently receive d a national award f or their dedicated servi ce to the community. M ena Elks L odge # 78 1 Exhaulted R uler, B rian Thomp son, along CONTINUED ON PAGE 17

Local Businessman & Philanthropist Laid to Rest

BY LEANN DILBECK • L ocal b usinessman and p hilanthrop ist Ed S teve nson was laid to rest F riday, August 4, f ollowing a servi ce in which he was honored f or his devo tion to his f amily,

Sales Tax Collections Showing Improvement

BY MELANIE WADE • Although 2017 sales tax collections f or P olk County are still more than $ 9 ,000 b elow collections this same time in 2016 , monthly collections were up f or the third month in


August 10-12, 2017




. .August . . . . . . . 9, . . .2017 .................................................................................................................... Weekly Publication

Acorn Launches Online Meal Payment System



uachita R ive r S chool D istrict has announced a new online f eature that will enab le students and/ or their f amilies to dep osit money into the students’ meal accounts as well as monitor their account b alance. P arents or guardians can register f or a f ree online EZ S choolP ay account that will enab le them a q uick and secure way to vi ew their student( s) account b alance, meal activi ty, or to dep osit money with a credit / deb it card. There will b e a $ 3 transaction f ee each time that money is dep osited. Administrator of the new p rogram, Tammy F aught, exp lained that this is b eing of f ered as an added conve nience b ut that check or cash can still b e sent vi a the student as in years p ast. F aught also exp lained the new online meal p ayment system will enab le p arents/ guardians of multip le students the ab ility to make one p ayment that will b e shared among the students of that household. F or examp le, if one student f rom the f amily has a negative b alance b ut another student does not, it will allow those meal charges to b e ap p lied where money is still ava ilab le. M ore inf ormation will b e p rovi ded at the district’ s op en house scheduled f or Tuesday, August 15 , or you can vi sit http : / / ezsch oolp ay. com to get started.

Downtown Mural Nearing Completion BY MELANIE WADE • Work continues on a mural being created on the south side of American Artisans Eatery & Gallery. Local artist, Seth Stewart, has been commissioned with the project that has begun with a series of birds. The community will have to wait and see what the final product will look like. “We are extremely pleased with the excitement and positive reaction from the community. Passers-by stop regularly to look and ask questions,” said Rick Chrisman. He and wife, Donna, are the owners of American Artisans. “We’ll soon see the rest of the picture revealing the fantasy origin of the big bird. Stay tuned,” said Chrisman.

The Polk County Pulse & are p ub lications of P ulse M ulti-M edia.


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The P olk County P ulse is the area’ s p remiere and f astest growing news p ub lication. The P olk County P ulse is F R EE and p ub lished weekl y on W ednesdays with a distrib ution of 8 ,000 and estimated readership of 10,000. All rights to contents are reserve d b y P ulse M ulti-M edia. M yP ulseN ews. com currently has an on-line audience of 24,000 givi ng us a comb ined readership of 3 2,000. P O L I CY : The P ub lisher reserve s the right to rej ect or cancel any adve rtisement at any time. All p rop erty rights, including any cop yright interest, in any adve rtisement p roduced b y P ulse M ulti-M edia and/ or The P olk County P ulse using art work and/ or typ ograp hy f urnished or arranged b y P ulse M ulti-M edia and/ or The P olk County P ulse shall b e the p rop erty of P ulse M ulti-M edia and/ or The P olk County P ulse. N o such adve rtisement or any p art thereof may b e rep roduced without the p rior written consent of P ulse M ulti-M edia & The P olk County P ulse. P O L I TI CAL AD V ER TI S EM EN TS : Adve rtisements of a p olitical nature must b e p re-p aid and must also include the name of the entity p aying f or the adve rtisement. I f an entity other than the candidate the adve rtisement is endorsing is p aying f or the ad, a statement must b e signed b y the candidate ve rif ying the candidate has seen and ap p rove d the adve rtisement.


August 9, 2017

Weekly Publication



The Corner Shoppe/Pony Express Welcomed into Chamber

Architect Shares Vision of Possibilities for Farmer’s Market BY MELANIE WADE •


PHOTO BY MELANIE WADE The Mena Polk County Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting on Thursday, August 3, 2017, to welcome The Corner Shoppe and Pony Express as their newest member. The ceremony was held at the business location, 822 South Mena Street, with several chamber members in attendance. The Corner Shoppe and Pony Express are owned by Kathy Burks.

meeting was held on Tuesday, August 2, 2017, at the 4H Education Center next to the tension ffice, to iscuss the ision of a arger, more mo ern farmer s mar et in Mena an ho it cou ra ne isitors to the area, as e as ro i e a s ace for more oca fresh foo en ors an artisans to gain more income. o resent the rogram, tension Agent Car a aught incor orate the he of e , an architect ho is fami iar ith Mena s a ues an goa s. e as the architect ehin the Do nto n Streetsca e that he e to s ruce u Mena Street a fe ears ago. his time aroun , aught too e aroun the cit an sho e him a fe em t ots that cou e ia e ocations to re ocate the farmer s mar et to, if the ecision is ma e to o so, a though no organi ations or go ernmenta entities ha e ste e u to sa the i ac the roject as of et. e stu ie four ocations an create ren erings on t o of those. he most ia e o tion is a ocation one oc off of Mena Street, et een ort Arthur an Church Street, just across from ro i . Another o tion is the em t ot on the corner of Mena an Ma e Streets. ach ou ro i e co ere areas here en ors cou esca e the e ements. he a so inc u e a arge fire ace, creating an area to e use in co er months. Foo truc s cou ha e a court area outsi e, an man acti ities cou e he in the mar et, inc u ing fami reunions an e ings. he arger ision, just across from ro i , cou a so create a stage area an in the future cou e e an e

January 6, 2016


Chamber Members...

Mena/Polk County Chamber of Commerce is once again partnering with Pulse Multi-Media to produce the annual Chamber Connection magazine.


MULTI-MEDIA The Heartbeat of Our Community

1168 Hwy 71 S. • Mena ~ 479-243-9600

Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your business! All buys will be invoiced in September. Distribution Date: October 1st Contact one of our Marketing Specialists to reserve your spot in the Chamber Connection TODAY!




. . August . . . . . . . .9,. .2017 .................................................................................................................... Weekly Publication

Teague Receives Grade ‘A’ from Modern Woodmen Honor Local Hero Family Council Action Committee and Donate to Food Bank SUBMITTED



enator L arry Teague of D istrict 10, which includes P olk County as well as other counties, has b een awarded a high rep ort on the F amily Council Action Committee’ s annual Arka nsas R ep ort Card. S enator Teague tied f or the top sp ot with a 9 6 % grade. The F amily Council Action Committee selected vo tes on k ey legislation in the Arka nsas House and Arka nsas S enate b ased on their core b elief in p romoting, p rotecting, and strengthening traditional f amily va lues. The b ills were chosen b ecause they address issues conserva tive Ark ansans care ab out, including ab ortion; marriage and f amily; marij uana; education; and others. L awmake rs’ grades are b ased on 25 b ills that came b ef ore the Arka nsas House and S enate. S ome b ills were vo ted on b y one chamb er only, while others were vo ted on in b oth the House and S enate. B ills that neve r p assed a legislative committee vo te were not included. To receive a grade, lawmake rs had to vo te on at least 15 of the 25 b ills in the rep ort card; otherwise, they receive d a grade of “ incomp lete. ” B ased on their p ercentage grade, lawmake rs earned a letter grade. S enator Teague is a D emocratic memb er of the state’ s S enate, and has serve d D istrict 10 since Ja nuary 2013 .

Teena Brown, owner of Clarice’s Room of Hope, was chosen as the 2017 Modern Woodmen of America Hometown Hero, Chapter 13545. The Hometown Hero Award gives Modern Woodmen members an opportunity every year to honor an individual for their outstanding volunteer service. Brown received a certificate of appreciation and a $100 voucher to be given to a charity of her choice. Pictured are: MWA Financial Representative, Dicey Horn; Teena Brown; MWA Chapter President, Joan Childs; and MWA Chapter Vice-President, Karla Sims.

CASA to Host Volunteer Training BY MELANIE WADE •


he Court Ap p ointed S p ecial Advo cates of the O uachitas, also kn own as CAS A, will hold a new vo lunteer training f or P olk County in S ep temb er. The training will consist of 30 hours of training at the CASA office, just off of DeQueen Street in Mena. The training will also include courtroom ob serva tion. CAS A vo lunteers advo cate f or f oster children, b ecoming a constant in their live s and ensuring a saf e, thrivi ng envi ronment is give n. O rganize rs b elieve that to b e a CAS A vo lunteer is to give a child a vo ice, and to give them a vo ice is to give them hop e. For more information, contact the CASA office at 479-243-9277.

Dallas Avenue Dental Care, Inc.

Members of Modern Woodmen of America, Chapter 13545, recently donated “Birthdays in a Bag” as a service project for God’s Feeding Hands Ministry Food Bank in Mena. Modern Woodmen and its members helped contribute more than $1 million to Arkansas Communities in 2016 through social, educational, volunteer, and fundraising activities. Pictured left to right are: MWA Financial Representative, Dicey Horn; MWA Chapter President, Joan Childs; MWA Chapter Vice-President, Karla Sims; MWA member, Barbara Mulenburg.

Diane Marosy, D.D.S., F.A.G.D.

New Patients & Emergencies Welcome Monday, Wednesday 9-5 Tuesday, Thursday 10-8

Intersection of Dallas Ave. & Mena Street 479-394-7800

Edward & Teresa Anderson

Hunter Computerized 4-Wheel Alignment & Wheel Balancing Tires • Brakes • Custom Exhaust • Shocks & Struts Hours: Mon.-Fri. • 8am-5:30pm 1500 Hwy 71 South, Mena

•394-1938• Owner : Stacy & Julie Nash

August 9, 2017


“Union Bank of Mena mourns the loss of Ed Stevenson. In 1973, Ed was elected to the Board of Directors of The Union Bank of Mena which began his 44-year involvement with the bank. In 1988, he was elected Chairman of the Board when he and a group of local businessmen purchased the bank in an effort to keep the bank locally owned, Ed remained We will miss you, Ed. Chairman of Union Bank and Thank you for your many years of service Union Bankshares until 2016 when and dedication he became Senior Chairman.� to Union Bank.

H ometown B a nki ng A t I ts B est


. . August . . . . . . . .9,. .2017 ....................................................................................................................



Weekly Publication

News Laws Take Effect Across the State BY MELANIE WADE


eve ral new laws took ef f ect in the state on Ju ly 3 1, 2017, including one that has a harsher p enalty f or those who choose to text and drive . The laws were set to go into ef f ect 9 0 days af ter b eing p assed b y the Arka nsas G eneral Assemb ly. As lawmake rs try to comb at texting and drivi ng, they have increased p enalties f or io ators. A first offense for te ting hi e ri ing i go from a arning to a fine of u to 2 0. he a a so c arifies that using Face oo or other socia me ia counts as te ting. I t is also now illegal f or p ersons to carry an op en container of alcohol in a car where the drive r or p assenger can get to it, according to Act 8 49 . I n Act 1071, it will now b e legal f or emp loyees with concealed carry licenses to ke ep their guns in their car while at work. R ap ists who were “ convi cted of rap e b y f orcib le comp ulsion” will b e req uired to stay on the sex of f ender registry f or lif e, according to Act 5 3 8 . L egislators also p assed a law in Act 109 7 b ringing the sp eed limit on Arka nsas interstates to 75 miles p er hour. And, Act 3 13 now allows direct ship ment of wine f rom small f arm wineries to Arka nsas homes. Act 272 is an amendment to a law that now states it is illegal to trave l more than three miles on a p ub lic street or highway in a recreational of f -highway ve hicle. The only def ense of using the three-mile limitation is if one is trave ling to p riva te p rop erty f rom an of f -road trail or trave ling to or f rom an of f -road trail to the motor ve hicle that was used to transp ort the all-terrain ve hicle. M ore inf ormation on these laws and others can b e f ound at http : / / www. arkl eg. state. ar. us/ .

Chamber Welcomes Mizumi Hibachi

l a u n n A 42nd Queen Wilhelmina

RodAugust Run 25th-27th Friday Night Show & Shine 6:00pm - 9:00pm • North Mena Street

Presented by Mena Advertising & Promotion Commission

Queen Wilhelmina State Park Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm Sunday 10:00am - 12:00pm

Saturday Night Street Dance & Concert

7:00pm • South Mena Street Featuring The Richie Owens Band

Presented by Mena Advertising & Promotion Commission PHOTO BY MELANIE WADE A ribbon cutting ceremony was held by the Mena/Polk County Chamber of Commerce for Mizumi Hibachi on Monday, August 7, 2017 to welcome them as new members to the Chamber. Mizumi Hibachi is located at 814 Hwy. 71 South in Mena.

Visit our website to f ind a complete list of events & pre-register

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August 9, 2017

Weekly Publication



Masons Support Education with Mena School Board Votes to Change Dates of Annual School Food Fundraisers T Election Beginning in 2018 BY MELANIE WADE

he D allas M asonic L odge # 128 has long b een kn own f or their commitment to community and esp ecially to education. Hosting f undraisers year round, the L odge p rovi des scholarship s to area high school students and sup p orts education in other b enevo lent f acets as well. They have an up coming f undraiser to help do j ust that, and they invi te the community to help them continue their sup p ort. The M asons are a b rotherhood of men f rom the community. “ The M asonic L odge b uilt and sup p orted the school at O ld D allas in the late 18 00’ s and early 19 00’ s,” said memb er, R usty G onza les. M emb er, L ou B rooks, added, “ That was one of the reasons f or the existence of the M asonic L odge, to b uild and sup p ort schools. ” err Fu ua , a so a mem er of the o ge, sai e ucation is efinite a major art of their histor . n Ma 3, 2, seeing the great nee of e ucating the outh of the icinit this o ge asse a reso ution to esta ish an fun the first schoo of their itt e communit . ne hun re an fift -fi e ears ater, the rothers of the Da as o ge 2 still strive to p rovi de and encourage the adva nced education of the youth of our vi cinity in the f orm of scholarship s. ” I n recognition of their years of educational sup p ort, the M ason’ s give a scholarship to a gra uating high schoo senior each ear. he host an Fashion rea fast each ear an are current anning for their S aghetti Dinner to e he this Fri a , August 11. The dinner includes sp aghetti with your choice of six dif f erent sauces, meatb alls, salad, garlic b read, dessert, and ice tea. D iners are welcome to eat in the M asonic o ge Dining a at 70 ort Arthur the o ost office across from anssen ar , or get it to go. he inner i ast from .m. .m. rocee s i enefit oca charities. Eve ryone is encouraged to attend.


Produced B

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ust 7th Monday, Aug ust 8th & Tuesay, Aug 0pm 6:00pm-10:0

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ith the Annual S chool Election f or county school b oard candidates j ust around the corner, the M ena S chool B oard has adop ted a resolution that will move all f uture school elections to coincide with the p rimary and general elections f or gove rnmental entities. The change will take p lace in the 2018 election cycle. D ue to the Annual S chool Election havi ng b een held on the third Tuesday in S ep temb er, havi ng only school-related b allot candidates and issues, the school has b een resp onsib le f or the cost, including the use of p olling machines and p aying p oll worke rs. W hen the shif t is made in 2018 , the school will b e ab le to share the cost of the election with other entities. The costs invo lve d with holding the Annual S chool Election va ries each year dep ending on how may p olling sites are ava ilab le, numb er of p oll worke rs, etc. Although f uture costs are yet to b e determined, the shif t is exp ected to save the school district va lued f unding. The 2017 Annual S chool Election will b e held on Tuesday, S ep temb er 19 , 2017. A sentee a ots are current a ai a e at the o Count C er s office. he ea ine to req uest an ab sentee b allot is Tuesday, S ep temb er 12, 2017. Although each district has seve ral exp iring p ositions on their resp ective b oards, Harrison said there are no contested races in the M ena S chool D istrict or the Cossatot R ive r S chool D istrict. Those two school districts will not op en any p olling p laces on Election D ay. V oting will b e conducted b y early and ab sentee vo ting only f or vo ters in the M ena S chool D istrict and in the Cossatot R ive r S chool D istrict. Terms f or Todd Aynes and R ob b y Hines are exp iring on the M ena S chool B oard. The terms exp iring on Cossatot R ive r are f or M ark D uggan and B rian R usty Y oungb lood. The O uachita R ive r S chool D istrict will have one contested school b oard race in Z one 5 and will have a p olling p lace on Election D ay at b oth the Acorn Camp us and the O den Camp us. There are f our terms exp iring on the O uachita R ive r B oard, they are: Ja son N eugent, L ana P hilp ot, R ob b y S trother, and G ene M onk. The contested race f or Z one 5 is b etween R ob b y S trother and Annette Hays. Early vo ting f or all districts will b egin at 8 : 00 a. m. on Tuesday, S ep temb er 12, in the Count C er s ffice an i ast unti 4 30 .m. on Mon a Se tem er th. he C er s ffice is o en Mon a through Fri a 00 a.m. 4 30 .m. N one of the school districts in P olk County are aski ng f or a change to their millage rate during this election cycle.

January 6, 2016



Rodeo Dan


Saturday Nig ht Featuring CADD O COW BOYS! Senior Citizen Night Thursday $3,00

All Horses must have current, verified, Original Copy of Negative Coggins Test

Andy Risenhoover Arena

Polk County Fairgrounds • Mena, Arkansas

August 10, 11, & 12 • 8:30 Nightly

admission at the gate • adult $7 children 6-12 $5 • Children 5 & Under FREE

Rodeo Entertainment

Willie Cline & his car from Honabia, OK 8 Years old Claira Morris Trick Rider & The Shadow Rider

New Ownership - New Hours

Sunday-Thursday 10am-6pm • Friday 10am-5pm • Saturday Closed

Look for Special Coupon in next week’s ad.

. . August . . . . . . . .9,. .2017 ....................................................................................................................



Weekly Publication



f riends, and community. Although a memb er of Christ Community F ellowship , the f uneral servi ce was held at G race B ib le Church to accommodate the scores of p eop le who wanted to p ay trib ute to a man who had sp ent his lif e givi ng b ack to the county in which he was gratef ul to have sp ent his lif e. S teve nson was kn own as a devo ted f amily man, a b usinessman who had worke d in the timb er/ sawmill industry as well as radio and b anki ng, not to mention, an avi d R azo rb ack f an. M ore notab ly, S teve nson was rememb ered as a ve ry generous man who remained humb le, neve r f orgetting his roots. S ub -stations, gyms, and recep tion halls all b ear his f amily’ s name as well as countless scholarship s awarded each year, all servi ng as reminders of the f amily’ s generosity and inve stment into the p eop le of a small, rural western Arka nsas county. G randchildren, D rew, G rant, and K atherine, each read scrip ture f rom Ecclesiastes 3 : 1-7, Je remiah 17: 7-8 , and I I Timothy 4: 6 b -8 f ollowed b y a trib ute f rom S teve nson’ s oldest son, P hil, who shared that S teve nson was b orn as an only child in Hatton in 19 3 6 . His f ather owned Hatton L umb er Comp any. His mother worke d at the lumb er mill and ran a store the f amily owned in to n. Ste enson starte his e ucation in a itt e t o-room schoo , atten ing first to fifth gra e in Hatton. He would later graduate f rom V an-Cove High S chool in 19 5 4 and attend the U nive rsity of Ark ansas to earn a B usiness Administration degree. There, he also serve d as editor and sp orts editor of the Arka nsas Trave ler newsp ap er. I n 19 6 0, Ed married the love of his lif e, D orothy Ann S p ratlin of D eW itt, Arka nsas. He would then j oin his f amily’ s timb er b usiness, Hatton L umb er Comp any, which had b een estab lished b y his f ather and grandf ather in 19 3 2. P hil shared that in a world f ull of contracts, his f ather had shared with him the imp ortance of a simp le handshake and givi ng someone your word in b usiness transactions. S teve nson and his p arents op erated Hatton L umb er Comp any until 19 8 7. He continued his invo lve ment in the P olk County timb er industry f or the remainder of his lif e b y exp anding S tev enson Tree F arms, f ounded b y his f ather in 19 44. I n 19 8 7, S teve nson p urchased K EN A radio station and op erated it until 19 9 9 up on its sale. I n 19 73 , Ed was elected to the B oard of D irectors of the U nion B ank of M ena, which b egan his 44-year invo lve ment with the b ank. I n 19 8 8 he was elected Chairman of the B oard when he and a group of local b usinessmen p urchased the b ank in an ef f ort to k eep the b ank locally owned. Ed remained Chairman of the U nion B ank and U nion B anksh ares until 2016 when he b ecame S enior Chairman. U nion B ank P resident P hillip Hensley shared with The P ulse his resp ect f or S teve nson, “ I kn ew Ed f rom the day I was b orn… almost 6 0 years. I was around him when he as first associate ith First ationa an an for the ast 7 ears as co- or ers at U nion B ank. W hen I had to mak e tough decisions, I kn ew I could always count on him to have my b ack . He was a j oy to b e around at the b ank. He truly love d b eing associated with U nion B ank and was p roud to b e a p art of our team. I will miss him as a co-worke r, b ut more as a great f riend. ”

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Sales Tax


a row. F or the month of Ju ly 2017, the 1-cent sales tax collections were $ 126 ,8 08 . 3 3 , up b y $ 4,3 09 . 12 f rom Ju ly 2016 , an increase of 3 . 5 % . The 1-cent roa im ro ement ta re ects the same figures. he tota co ecte for 20 7 so f ar is $ 8 3 5 ,5 22. 08 , a 1. 1% decrease f rom the same p eriod last year when $ 8 44,9 5 3 . 5 8 was collected. The year has seen seve ral months of negative collections when comp ared to the same time last year, howeve r, it is consistent with a yearly trend, causing itt e concern for count officia s, at this time. ith internet sa es sus ecte for a ortion of the ec ine in re enues, officia s remain ho efu that reinforcing the imp ortance of shop p ing local as well as p ending legislation that would imp ose sales tax on internet sales will b oth help change/ correct the declining trend. I n an intervi ew in Ja nuary, P olk County Ju dge B randon Ellison gave his thoughts on the decrease in collections ove r the last seve ral years. “ I think internet sales have something to do with it. I t hurts local b usinesses and rural counties b ecause we don’ t have the servi ces that are ava ilab le online. D eliv er truc s an - hee er traffic ringing things in ha e tri e in the ast fe years. I t’ s a little discouraging that our taxes aren’ t growing like they should, es ecia ith the increase traffic. At that time Ellison also stated, “ W e encourage p eop le to sp end money at home. internet sales are not taxed. I t has certainly take n of f and p eop le b uy a lot of stuf f online and it’ s really unf air to b rick and mortar b usinesses at the local leve l. They’ ve take n the risk and made the inve stment and they are havi ng to collect state, county, and local taxes while the internet sales don’ t. I think it is CONCLUSION ON PAGE 17


August 9, 2017

Weekly Publication


................................................................................................................................ LOTTIE BISHOP OVERTON L ottie B ishop O v erton, age 100, a resident of D eQ ueen, Ark ansas p assed away W ednesday, August 2, 2017 in D eQ ueen, Ark ansas. S he was b orn in M usk ogee, O k lahoma on S ep temb er 10, 19 16 to the late Clarence B ishop and the late F lorence N orthcutt B ishop . L ottie was a memb er of the D eQ ueen M ethodist Church. S he and her late husb and, M ax, were the owners of the W estern Auto in M ena, Arka nsas f or 3 1 years. L ottie was p receded in death b y her husb and M ax D . O v erton, her p arents, F lorence C. N orthcutt and Clarence C. B ishop , three b rothers, Clarence C. B ishop , J r. , F loyd B ishop , F rank “ B ob ” B ishop , one sister, Haz el R eynolds, and one son-in-law, R omie C. R ay. S he is surv iv ed b y daughter, Charlotte L . R ay of D eQ ueen, Ark ansas; grand-daughters, K isha D ev asier and husb and K ev in of D ierk s, Arka nsas, K im Conley and husb and J oe of F risco, Texas; f our great-grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren. G rav eside serv ice was S aturday, August 5 , 2017, at P inecrest M emorial P ark at 3 : 00 p . m. under the direction of the B easley W ood F uneral Home of M ena.

JERRY ALVA ROBERTS Je rry Alv a R ob erts, age 73 , of M ena, Ark ansas p assed away S aturday, August 5 , 2017 in F t. S mith, Ark ansas. Je rry was b orn in W ick es, Ark ansas on M ay 14, 19 44 to the late M ark R ob erts and the late F lorence S ulliv an R ob erts. He was married to Edith G olden R ob erts. J erry raise chick ens and enj oyed his liv estock and watching them grow. He was an av id hunter who enj oyed b eing outdoors. He was a hard work er and cou fi an thing, as he as mechanica inclined. M ost of all he lov ed his f amily and will b e missed. He was a lov ing husb and, f ather, grandf ather, great-grandf ather, b rother, uncle and f riend to all. He is surv iv ed b y wif e, Edith F aye R ob erts “ J o” of M ena, Ark ansas; sons, J erry R oy R ob erts and wif e R achel of M ena, Ark ansas, M ichael Anderson R ob erts and wif e L isa of M ena, Ark ansas; daughters, Cindy F aye W atk ins of V anderv oort, Ark ansas, Amy R uth

B etz and husb and D av id of M ena, Ark ansas; f ourteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; b rothers, Alton R ob erts and wif e M ary of S herman, Texas, G ene R ob erts of S ummerset, O hio; sisters, O neta G entry and husb and O . A. of G rannis, Ark ansas, M axine S mith and husb and L ellern of L eb anon, O regon, L ouise M arie D rennon of B urlington, Texas, R uth M addux and husb and J ames, and daughter S arah of G reenwood, Ark ansas; numerous nieces, nep hews, and f riends. He was p receded in death b y his p arents, b rother, Alb ert R ob erts, sister, M audie P ink erton, and sons-in-law, P hil W atk ins and D onnie P owell. F uneral serv ices will b e W ednesday 9 , 2017 at 2: 00 p . m. at B easley W ood Chap el ith rother rett ee officiating. nterment i f ollow in the B oard Camp Cemetery under the direction of the B easley W ood F uneral Home of M ena. G eneral v isitation. P allb earers will b e J erry Cordell R ob erts, M ark R ob erts, M ik e Henderson, J ack son W atk ins, G ab riel B etz and D av id B etz . Honorary p allb earers are L ogon R ob erts and Haden R ob erts.

EDWARD (ED) WALLIS STEVENSON Edward ( Ed) W allis S tev enson died August 1, 2017, at his home in M ena, Ark ansas at the age of 8 0. Ed was b orn D ecemb er 15 , 19 3 6 , to Eugene and N ina B oyce S tev enson in Hatton, Ark ansas. A lif elong Ark ansan, Ed graduated f rom V an-Cov e High S chool in 19 5 4 and earned a B achelor of S cience and B usiness Administration D egree at the U niv ersity of Ark ansas in F ayettev ille. W hile attending the U of A, Ed was a memb er of K ap p a S igma f raternity, B lue K ey and serv ed as editor and sp orts editor of the Ark ansas ra e er ne s a er. n 9 0, marrie the lov e of his lif e, D orothy Ann S p ratlin of D eW itt, Ark ansas. U p on graduating college together in 19 6 1, the two mov ed to M ena, Ark ansas. Ed then j oined his f amily’ s timb er b usiness, Hatton L umb er Comp any, estab lished b y his f ather and grandf ather in 19 3 2. He and his p arents op erated Hatton L umb er Comp any until 19 8 7. The timb er industry remained one of Ed’ s most p assionate endeav ors. He

continued his inv olv ement in the P olk County timb er industry f or the remainder of his lif e b y exp anding S tev enson Tree F arms, f ounded his father in 944. n 9 7, urchase K EN A R adio station and op erated it until 19 9 9 up on its sale. n 973, as e ecte to the oar of D irectors of The U nion B ank of M ena, which b egan his 44-year inv olv ement with the b ank . n 9 he as e ecte Chairman of the oar when he and a group of local b usinessmen p urchased the b ank in an ef f ort to k eep the b ank locally owned. Ed remained Chairman of the U nion B ank and U nion B ank shares until 2016 when he b ecame S enior Chairman. Ed was a dev oted f riend and a resp ected b usinessman. He was a lif elong adv ocate f or his b elov ed P olk County and the f riends and f amily who resided there alongside him. He v alued the imp ortance of education and was committed to sup p orting educational op p ortunities f or P olk County residents through his lif etime of inv olv ement with R ich M ountain Community College and the U niv ersity of Ark ansas. Ed serv ed in numerous cap acities in the state and local community, including serv ing on the Ark ansas S tate P ark s and Tourism Commission, and as P resident of the U niv ersity of Ark ansas Alumni Association, P olk County Election Commission, the M ena P ub lic S chool B oard, and the M ena L ions Club . O f all of his accomp lishments and endeav ors, his greatest were his three children and nine grand-children, who adoringly called him G rand D ad. Ed lov ed his f amily dearly. His most cherished moments were b eing together with D orothy, their children and sp ouses and grandchildren during summers at their house on L ak e O uachita, at R az orb ack f ootb all games or during holiday gatherings. Ed and D orothy also lov ed the op p ortunities that they had to trav el and see many p arts of the country with their close f riends, p articularly their trip s throughout the western U nited S tates. He is surv iv ed b y his wif e of 5 7 years, D orothy Ann S p ratlin S tev enson; two sons, J ohn S tev enson and his wif e, M elinda, of Houston, Texas, and their children, Caroline, K atherine, and M ary Claire; P hil S tev enson and his wif e, L eigh Ann, of M emp his, Tennessee, and their children, D rew, G rant and Emma; and daughter, Anne S tev enson G lank ler and her husb and, Chris, of M emp his, Tennessee, and their children, L ewis, Hal and L iz z y. A v isitation was held Thursday, August 3

f rom 5 to 7 p . m. at B easley W ood F uneral Home. F uneral serv ices were held on F riday, August 4, 2017 at 11 a. m. at the G race B ib le Church in Mena, Ar ansas. nterment fo o e at P inecrest M emorial P ark , M ena, Ark ansas. M emorials may b e made to the U niv ersity of Ark ansas R ich M ountain F oundation. Arrangements are under the direction of the B easley W ood F uneral Home of M ena.

RUSSELL CLIFFORD SUCKOW R ussell Clif f ord S uck ow, age 70 of M ena, Ark ansas p assed away W ednesday August 2, 2017 in M ena. M r. S uck ow was b orn M ay 8 , 19 47 in W est L ak e, O hio to the late Clif f ord S uck ow and the late Haz el B ehring S uck ow. He was married to D orothy K endell S uck ow until her death. He p roudly serv ed his country in the U nited S tates M arine Corp s f rom 19 6 7 to 19 71. R ussell work ed as a f eed store manager. He enj oyed fishing, hunting an as acti e in the American L egion in O hio. M ost of all he enj oyed and lov ed his f amily and p laying with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He was a lov ing and k ind f ather, grandf ather, great grandf ather, and f riend to all. He is surv iv ed b y daughters, Teresa S uck ow Townz en of M ena, Ark ansas and K aren N ewman; grandchildren, P J R ob inson, Charles S mith, J esse Townz en, R ob ert Townz en, Tina Tugman, Cynthia M aup p ins, M elissa Townz en, Heather N ewman, M att Townz en, S r. , Cody R ob erts, Timmy N ewman, J r. , and Christop her B rown; and twelv e great-grandchildren. He was p receded in death b y his p arents, Clif f ord and Haz el S uck ow, wif e, D orothy S uck ow, son, R aymond S uck ow, and a great-granddaughter, K ylee L ynelle Townz en. M r. S uck ow was sent f or cremation under the direction of the B easley W ood F uneral Home of M ena.

January 6, 2016

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August 9, 2017

Weekly Publication



Bearcat Golf Team Drives Away the Competition


he M ena B earcat G olf team recently trave led to the M alve rn Country Club to p lay 18 holes. S tart time f or the golf ers to tee of f was 10: 00 a. m. Af ter a day of p lay, the B earcats came out on to for their first istrict in of the season. After the first match at Ash o n as cance e ue to sche u e con ict, this as the first o ortunit for Mena to com ete. he earcats finishe first ith a score of 247, coming in ahea of Fountain a e ith 2 an Ma ern in thir ith a score of 3 . n a ition to inning the match, Mena a so oaste the a me a ist, Austin ohnston, ith a score of 7 . e t time to tee off for the earcats i e Mon a , August 4th at ash i e. he match i e hosted at N ashvi lle Country Club with a start time of 3 : 3 0. All comp etitors will p lay a 9 hole course.

Golfers Take a Swing at PGA Jr. Golf Tour BY LOGAN MCCOURTNEY •


he Ar ansas A unior o f our ournament as hoste in itt e oc on u 27th an t o earcat go fers sho case their s i s. Danie Da is an Austin ohnston, oth memb ers of the B earcat G olf team, comp eted in itt e oc as a art of the 20 7 Ar ansas A unior our. o fers e igi e for the e ent were those 19 and under. After a a of com etition, oth Da is an ohnston finishe near the to of their res ecti e i isions. Da is came in st ace in the - age i ision ith a score of 77. ohnston ace 3r in the 4- age i ision ith a score of 7 . As a resu t, oth ath etes ua ifie for egiona s in Mus ogee ahoma. nce again Da is an ohnston com ete e an oth ere c ose to inning their res ecti e i isions. Da is finishe 2n ace in the o s - age i ision ith a tota score of 47, shooting a 73 on a one an a 74 on a t o. ohnston att e for 3r ace in the 4i ision ith a tota score of 4 , shooting a 77 on a one an a

on a t o.

Adult Softball League Crowns Champion M


onday night, August 8 th, teams f rom the M ena adult sof tb all eague com ete on the iamon at McMi an ar to see ho ou e cro ne Cham ions. he e ening of a mar e the fina night of a for the 20 7 season an the en of the eight ee season. 99 ro ems an a Com an a e the first game of the night in a ou e e imination tournament. 99 ro ems ost the game an mo e into the osers rac et. he a e t o games in the rac et efore eing e iminate . Scare it ess a e the first of their tournament games ast ee , ut after osing their first game an then the game Mon a eve ning, S cared Hitless was eliminated. After a ing se era games, a Com an s uare off against urn Two in the Champ ionship . B ad Comp any turned in some timely p lay and u e out a c ose game 4- 3.

Weekly Publication

Ouachita River School District August 15, 2017

5:30 p.m. *6th Grade Smart Core Parent Meeting 6:00 p.m. *Title I Annual Report to the Public *Annual Public Meeting immediately following the Title I Meeting 6:30 p.m. * Open House/Classroom Visitation

Oden Campus Cafetorium Acorn Campus Auditorium Weekly Publication

Barracuda Swimmers Medal at SUBMITTED 2017 AAU Junior Olympics T


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August . . . . . . . 9, . . .2017 ......


his year marke d the 5 1st Annive rsary of the Amateur Athletic U nion [ AAU ] Ju nior O lymp ics games. O ve r 43 0 swimmers trave led to the U nive rsity of O akl and N atatorium, located outside of D etroit, M ichigan. S immers came f rom all ove r the U nited S tates to comp ete in the 2017 AAU S wimming N ational Champ ionship p ortion of the games. Team Arka nsas, the Arka nsas N ational Team, was well rep resented b y ove r 70 swimmers f rom all around the state. Two of the Team Arka nsas swimmers were f rom the M ena B arracudas swim team and each swimmer rep resented the community and state ve ry well throughout the ultra-comp etitive meet. There can as many as 5 0 p lus swimmers comp eting in the same indivi dual eve nt, at times only sep arated b y less than a second. S wimmers are awarded p oints f rom p lacing in p ositions 1-8 ( M edal) and 9 -16 ( R ib b on) in b oth indivi dual and relay eve nts. R anessa R icke r in the 11-12 girls divi sion p laced 7th in the 200 meter F reestyle relay with a time of 2: 3 3 . 44 and 7th in the 200 meter M edley relay with a time of 3 : 14. 16 . B rendan R icke r comp eted in the 11-12 b oys divi sion and p laced 2nd in the 200 meter M edley relay with a time total of 2: 5 5 . 5 7 and 2nd in the 400 meter M edley relay with a time of 7: 05 . 40. B rendan also p laced 13 th in the indivi dual 100 meter F ly with a time of 2: 08 . 06 . eam Ar ansas com ete at a high e e , finishing 3r o era out of 7 teams in attendance, with 2,75 3 p oints. This concludes another outstanding season f or the entire M ena B arracuda swim team.

January 6, 2016

Alley Family Establishes Foundation SUBMITTED Scholarship S

Parents and Community Welcome!



ince 2010, D avi d Alley has serve d on the R M CC F oundation B oard of D irectors and he and his wif e K ay made the decision to sup p ort an annual scholarship to assist U A R ich M ountain students in allied health p rograms achieve their educational and career goals. D avi d and K ay Alley retired to M ena in 19 9 5 . D uring their careers, D avi d worke d as an accountant and K ay as a registered nurse. S ince their retirement, they have serve d in numerous vo lunteer cap acities to imp rove the q uality of lif e f or the residents of P olk County and the O uachita M ountain R egion. Through the D avi d and K ay Alley D esignated S cholarship F und estab lished through the U A R ich M ountain F oundation, their desire is to p rovi de op p ortunities and resources f or U A R ich M ountain students to have access to higher education, achieve their higher educational goals, and p rovi de b etter health care in the O uachita M ountain R egion. F or more inf ormation ab out givi ng op p ortunities through the U A R ich M ountain F oundation, contact: Tammy Y oung, D irector of D eve lop ment and Community R elations at ( 479 ) 3 9 4-76 22, x. 1220 and tyoung@ rmcc. edu.



64th Annual 2017 Polk County Professional Championship


August 9, 2017

Miniature bare back riding Nightly • Inflatable horse races (750 lb. weight limit) • JR Barrels Nightly (17 and under) • Bareback Riding Saddle Bronc • Ladies Break away Calf Roping • Ranch Bronc Riding • Steer Wrestling • Bull Riding • Team Roping • Ladies Barrels • Mutton Bustinʼ nightly at 7:30 pm (60lbs or under)


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August 9, 2017

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. .August . . . . . . . 9, . . .2017 ....................................................................................................................



Weekly Publication

Marty Caldwell - Serving Local Veterans R


onald R eagan once said, “ W e can’ t help ev eryone, b ut ev eryone can help someone. â€? This q uote is most certainly true and one that ev eryone can striv e towards in order to mak e their community a b etter p lace. M arty Caldwell, memb er of the local Elk s L odge, f ully emb odies what it means to lend a help ing hand. M arty has b een a memb er of the local lodge f or 3 0 years now and at the end of the year is eligib le f or the L if etime M emb ership of the Elk s. “ The req uirements are to b e an activ e memb er f or 3 0 years and b e 6 5 or older. I meet b oth of those req uirements,â€? smiles M arty. B eing b orn and raised in P olk County, M arty has called the area home f or as long as he can rememb er. “ I was b orn at R ich M ountain and I work ed at the airp ort f or a real long time, M ena is home. â€? I n 19 6 6 M arty was draf ted into the Army. At the time, he was work ing at the airp ort, b ut it was his time to serv e. M arty sp ent two years work ing on a tug b oat in the engine room. “ I had nev er heard of or b een on a tug b oat. I t didn’ t turn out to b e a b ad thing though, it was a good p lace to b e f or two years,â€? M arty says chuck ling. Af ter returning to M ena when his ser ice as fu fi e , Mart as at a frien s e ing hen he first hear a out the s, A frien of mine ha gotten married and then he had his recep tion at the Elk s when it was still downtown. I went to the recep tion, met some of the p eop le and enj oyed it. â€? Thirty years later and M arty is thank f ul to b e an Elk . The Elk s was estab lished in 18 6 8 and b egan its mission to b uild stronger communities. W ith more than 8 5 0,000 memb ers, the Elk s continues to grow nationwide. Each memb er, when initiated, mak es a p romise to liv e b y f our comp onents: rother o e, justice, charit , an fi e it . he s se ess p our time and resources into M ena in order to meet the rising needs of the community. This can b e done in a v ariety of ways. oca , the s hosts fishing er ies for i s, ac e er foo b ask ets, and help with a toy driv e j ust to name a f ew. M arty is no excep tion, he has b een f aithf ully serv ing the community since b ecoming a memb er of the local lodge. R ecently, the Elk s held their N ational Conv ention Weekly Publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in . . R . .eno . . . .N .ev. . ada, . . . . .celeb . . . . rat............................................................ ing 15 0 years of serv ice in communities around America. M any men and women were recogniz ed b ecause of Assistant Director of Nursing their work in their local lodges. O ne of those recogniz ed was M arty f or his serv ice to V eterans. The Elk s N ational V eterans S erv ice Commission selected memb ers f rom each state whom they f elt went ab ov e and b eyond serv ing v eterans throughMust be an energetic, Must be a RN out the year. M arty was nominated f rom Ark ansas as the 2016 -2017 V eteran V olunteer of the Y ear. “ I don’ t f eel lik e I did anything sp ecial to deserv e the award. I was compassionate person, • insurance available • vacation accrual only doing what ev eryb ody should b e doing, serv ing. â€? M arty has b een serv ing as an making the lives of our • competitive pay Elks N ational V eteran S erv ice Commission R ep resentativ e. I n his current p osition, he has b een serv ing local v eterans in a v ariety of ways. residents worth living. • home like atmosphere W hile M arty would certainly nev er serv e to earn an award, his serv ice reminds us of something: in a world that is of ten too b usy and many b ad things tak e p lace, R ich M ountain N ursing & R ehab C enter M arty’ s lif e and award are p roof that we still need and want heroes lik e M arty in our 3 0 6 H ornb eck , M ena • 4 7 9 - 3 9 4 - 3 5 1 1 community.

“I don’t feel like I did

anything special to deserve the award. I was only doing what everybody should be doing, serving.�


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August 9, 2017

Weekly Publication



Polk County CALL- Working to End the Foster Care Crisis 5


,000. I t may not seem lik e a b ig numb er, b ut numb ers are all ab out p ersp ectiv e. 5 ,000 f ans at a college f ootb all game would b e awf ully low, or 5 ,000 p eop le in a town is a small community. Howev er, when 5 ,000 describ es the numb er of children in f oster care in Ark ansas, that is not j ust a numb er, b ut 5 ,000 indiv idual liv es in need of real care. he CA of o Count , a faith ase non rofit organi ation, is see ing to su ort those ho care for these foster chi ren, train men an omen ho ant to he the help less, and recruit those who want to b e a p art of meeting the needs of f oster children in P olk County. he CA , an Ar ansas organi ation that as foun e in u as i Count in 2007, ith the ur ose of recruiting, training an su orting foster fami ies in Ar ansas, has no create in i i ua organi ations in 44 counties, ser e 1,5 00 f amilies, help ed f acilitate 8 00 adop tions, and changed the liv es of 10,000 k ids. The CAL L work s in close p artnership with the Ark ansas D ep artment of Children and F amily S erv ices [ D CF S ] to help f acilitate the p rocess f or ros ecti e foster an a o ti e fami ies throughout the entire certification rocess. e are not DCFS or e en an entity of D CF S , b ut we exist to help D CF S train and eq uip f oster p arents, and to do so in a timely manner that p laces k ids in a saf e env ironment,” exp lains P olk County CAL L Coordinator P at F lanigan. hi e the CA artners a ongsi e DCFS to he ros ecti e fami ies a through the rocess of ecoming certifie to foster or a o t, the organi ation see s to accom ish this through the oca church. hi e our go ernment oes o ersee organi ations i e DCFS, it is not the go ernment s jo to en the foster care crisis, it is the oca church s. e e ie e in e ui ing an mo i i ing the church to en the foster care crisis in our communit , sa s o Count CA Church ecruitment Coor inator Scott oh man. o ut into ers ecti e the effect that oca churches cou ha e on the foster care crisis, consi er these statistics: I f one f amily f rom each church in Ark ansas b ecame a f oster f amily, the crisis would b e ov er. O r, if one f amily out of ev ery ten churches adop ted a child f rom f oster care, all these children would hav e a home. he three rimar a s that the CA is see ing to cur the foster care crisis is through su ort, training, an recruiting. e can ro i e su ort in numerous a s for foster fami ies that are in the rocess. e can he them get a their a er or one in or er to ecome a foster arent a ing through the rocess ith them. orma , ecause of the tremendous work load that D CF S has, it may tak e them 18 months f or p rosp ectiv e f amilies to get ev erything done, b ut we can help get it done in 9 months,” exp lains Amanda B ohlman. Along ith training fami ies an he ing them com ete the rocess of ecoming certifie through DCFS, the CA a so sho s su ort in tangi e a s, inc u ing ro i ing for materia things for the foster fami ies. So man fami ies that jum off into foster care nee things for the i s i e ia ers, c othes, e s, an so much more. ne of the things that e are e cite a out is that we are going to hav e a CAL L M all, a p lace where f oster f amilies can come and things f or the k ids f or f ree that would cost so much somewhere else,” says F lanigan with a smile. he ea ershi team a so note that the ant to he io ogica fami ies as e , f an o stac e re enting a foster chi from returning to their io ogica fami is a e , then e ant to p rov ide them a b ed,” says Amanda. ne of the most e citing cha enges for the CA in o Count is that the are currentor ing on a ui ing for their hea uarters. e ha e een esse ith an o ortunit to use one of the acant ui ings at no charge o ne he Crossing Church. hen the b uilding is comp leted, we will house trainings, hosts v isitations f or f amilies, op erate the CA office an eo e i e a e to come an sho at the CA Ma , smi es F anigan. hi e there are so man ositi e things ha ening ithin the o Count CA , there are sti rea nee s that the organi ation is see ing to meet in or er to en the foster care crisis here in P olk County. A ong ith see ing cor orate an church s onsors to he ith the arge tas of su p orting f oster f amilies in the area and v olunteers, the CAL L is also look ing to p lug churches into the mission of the organi ation. As e ha e sai , our goa is to mo i i e churches an • 10 am we really need the p articip ation of churches in P olk County. I f ev en j ust one f amily f rom ev ery church in the county committed to f oster care in some way, there would no longer b e a crisis here. At one p oint nearly 8 0% of k ids in f oster care in the County were b eing sent somewhere else b ecause there weren’ t enough homes, it doesn’ t hav e to b e that way,” states Scott oh man hum . As the Church ecruitment Coor inator Scott esires to estab lish relationship s with local churches in order to work together towards the common goal of tak ing care of f oster care children in P olk County.

January 6, 2016

First United Methodist Church 501 Ninth and Port Arthur, Mena

Invites you to these upcoming events Blessing of the Backpacks Sunday, August 13

Students and Educators, bring your backpacks to be blessed and enjoyed a youth-oriented service with music and puppets. A Hot Dog Social will follow the service.


Sunday, August 13 • 2 pm - 4 pm

Walk through the hallways of the Mena School District and Ouachita River School District (Acorn) campuses and pray for everything that will take place in the new school year. Ann Ferris, Pastor


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. . August . . . . . . . .9,. .2017 ....................................................................................................................


Weekly Publication

Summer is for Hot Dogs!



ena Art G allery and Atwoods are teaming up to b ring them to you. O n S aturday, August 12, f rom 10 am to 2 p m, M ena Art G allery rep resentative s will b e manning the stand in f ront of Atwoods. O ne dollar will b ring you two hot dogs and a coke . All p roceeds will go to help cove r op erating exp enses of M ena Art G allery— utilities, insurance, telep hone, and all the other things it take s to enab le the f olks at your local art gallery to b ring you exhib its like O uachita Exp ressions, which is on disp lay now. O uachita Exp ressions has b een p rovi ding local artists a chance to comp ete f or cash awards f or ove r 20 years now. Come p ick up a coup le of hot dogs f or lunch and then go b y the gallery at 6 07 M ena S treet to see the talent and ski ll of our local artists disp layed. And our thanks go to Atwoods f or sup p orting the gallery, as well as to all the vo lunteers who contrib ute their time and k nowledge to mak e it p ossib le to ke ep the doors op en. W e also ap p reciate all the local b usinesses who hav e contrib uted to the awards f or this exhib it.

Re ections, Mena’s Creative Arts Center, continues construction work in an effort to be open this fall. Sheetrock has been installed and the interior will be painted by the end of the week. Crews have already painted an e terior wall, added windows, torn out much of the back and upstairs areas, and plan to bring the building back to glory. wner, mmye Rowell, e plained that ultimately, the Center will include multiple music studios to include not only dance, but also voice, guitar, piano, and drum lessons as well as an aerobic room and martial arts. Weekly Publication

home & garden


New Classes at the County Fair A


s the county f air ap p roaches, we wanted to let you k now ab out some new classes this year that you may not hav e thought ab out. There’ s still time to get entries finishe , ut on a fe ee s. ntr ates are August 29 an 30 for the ucation ui ing. See the fair cata og for com ete entr information. ith so man eo e tr ing to eat g uten-free, e a e a se arate g uten-free c ass in the ca e, coo ie, east rea , uic rea , an ie sections of the a e G oods and Candies D ep artment. A class f or accessories such as cosmetic b ags, p urses, etc. has b een added to the S ewing dep artment. Another item that some p eop le sew is “ adult b ib s” . These are b ib s f or p eop le to use that may hav e troub le k eep ing f ood of f their clothes as they eat. That would include me! Also, tote b ags that are not q uilted would b e entered in this dep artment. Adult coloring p ages is a new interest f or many. These are usually done with colored p encils, b ut crayons or mark ers can also b e used. A class f or these was added in the craf t dep artments. L ocal interest in yarn and sp inning led us to add three new classes – homesp un yarn and b oth hand and loom weav ing. L otions and P otions is a new class in Household Arts & Craf ts that included scrub s, soap , lotions, lip b alm, etc. The last coup le of years has seen some interesting entries in Arts and Craf ts f or j uniors and youth. O ne of these was models made with L egos, so we added a class f or them. M ost children hav e some L egos, so let’ s see how many entries we can hav e this year! I n the Q uilt dep artment, we sep arated machine ap p liq ued q uilts into two classes – either hand or machine q uilted. And, there is also a class f or q uilted totes, b ags, and p urses. W e would lik e to encourage ev eryone to enter sev eral entries in the f air this year. The more entries we hav e, the more p oints the f air b oard gets and that turns into more p remium money. S up p ort your local county f air with entries and attendance. I t’ s f un!

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August 9, 2017

Weekly Publication





with longtime memb er, M arty Caldwell, trave led to R eno, N eva da to receive the award at their national G rand L odge Conve ntion. M ena Elks is considered a D ivi sion Two L odge, havi ng b etween 3 00-5 00 memb ers and receive d the 3 rd p lace national award in that category. “ I am ve ry p roud of M ena # 78 1,” said Thomp son. “ F or us to receive this award, it ve ry much humb les us, b ut we are also ve ry p roud. I t’ s not something we exp ected. ” He exp lained that their b enevo lence to the community is what garnered them the accolade. “ All lodges ke ep up with charitab le rep ort f orms, vo lunteer hours f or memb ers and non-mem ers, rograms the o from fishing er ies to foo b aske ts, and eve rything in b etween. The national organiza tion looks at the hours and work and lodges gain p oints of f of that. ” And this year, those p oints garnered them national recognition. Mena s o ge enefits man in i i ua s an organi ations around the area including ve terans, elderly, and children. They f req uently vi sit the elders and ve terans in nursing homes, taki ng them care p acka ges, mother’ s and f ather’ s day gif ts, and hosting cooko uts f or them. “ S ometimes j ust sitting and vi siting with them, it means the world to them,” he smiled. They also give elderly f ood b aske ts and ki ds’ Christmas b aske ts during the holidays, as well as host a sp ectacular 4th of Ju ly eve nt each year. “ W e b ring 5 00-p lus ki ds to see S anta eve ry year. ” I n addition, they assist local scout troop s, award dep uty and students of the month, and p resent drug awareness p rograms to youth. Thomp son is p roud of their memb ership and their dedication to the community. “ W e are not a dance hall. ” He continued, “ I t’ s our b enevo lent p rograms that we do within the county that shows who we are. W ith excep tion of the Christmas p rogram and 4th of Ju ly, eve rything else we do is of f our grounds. ” Thomp son said their lodge recently added up how much financia ene o ence the ha e oure into the communit since the first o ene their oors in Mena, ears ago. “ S ince our incep tion, the Elks has give n $ 4,9 8 8 ,000 to P olk County. ” W hile in R eno to receive the national award, Caldwell also receive d a N ational V eteran S erv ice Award. Y ou can read more ab out Caldwell, his role at the M ena Elks L odge, and his award in this week’ s Citize n of the W eek f eature on p age 14 of this issue.

Farmer’s Market

to include a sp lash p ark, a p layground, and a larger f estiva l area ( p ictured lef t) . Although the concep ts are j ust that, concep ts, some local b usiness leaders, county and city officia s, an citi ens e ie e it cou e just the ke y to exp anding the f armer’ s marke t and b ringing new shop p ers in. S ome current F armer’ s M arke t ve ndors exp ressed their concern on the cost and wondered why they can’ t j ust remain at the D ep ot on S herwood Ave nue. The high p itched sound of the train whistle was mentioned as a deterrent f or ve ndors and consumers, alike , as well as the want to move the marke t closer to downtown. The p rop osed new marke ts would cost roughly $ 1 to 2 million dollars, dep ending on the p lan chosen, an the return on in estment cou e astoun ing. n a fe ee s, a financia a iser ho is er fami iar with economic and rural deve lop ments p lans to p resent a p lan on how to raise the f unding f or the marke ts. Although it is now j ust a vi sion, in the f uture, those vi sions could b ecome a reality. F or more p ictures of the p rop osed f armer’ s marke ts, vi sit M yP ulseN ews. com.

Sales Tax


p rob ab ly af f ecting more rural Arka nsas counties also. ” M ena City Council p assed R esolution 13 3 9 on Ju ly 11, 2017 that sup p orts p rop osed f ederal and state legislation to insure the p rop er assessment and collection of sales tax f rom all internet and online sales, no matter where that b usiness is located. The Arka nsas M unicip al L eague aske d each city in the state to p ass a similar resolution and to send it to Arka nsas G ove rnor Asa Hutchinson to encourage him to call a sp ecial session f or legislators to vo te on the matter. Amazo n. com is ahead of the game when it comes to the concep t. The large on ine retai er ma e it their o n o ic to egin co ecting oca an state sa es ta es. Mena recei e their first a ment from Ama on in Ma . A though it is not et a significant num er, egis ation cou increase it rastica if tax dollars are sub mitted f rom more online retailers. Amid b ig-b ox retailers and the conve nience of ordering online, many rural communities have f elt the crunch, whether directly as a storeowner, or indirectly as a citize n of a town whose sales tax collections continue to decline. S hop p ing locally has long b een the stap le of many small communities, and recently there has b een a p op ular move ment to go b ack to the roots of local shop p ing as communities try to revi ve their economies. ot on oes sho ing oca re i e an area s econom , there are man more enefits as e . Sho ing locally p rovi des a p ersonalize d exp erience that is of ten uniq ue. P rovi ding j ob s to locals, who in turn sp end their money locally, ke ep s a larger share of tax dollars in the area. And, according to the I nstitute f or L ocal S elf -R eliance, “ I n an increasingly homogenize d world, communities that p reserve their one-of -a-ki nd b usinesses and distinctive character have an economic adva ntage. ”

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January 6, 2016

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. . August . . . . . . . .9,. .2017 ....................................................................................................................


Weekly Publication

Thursday, 8/10 • 7:00 a.m. until sold out – The Polk County Farmer’s Market is open next to the Mena Depot. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. • 10:30 a.m. – Gator & Friends will be performing at The Mena Senior

Center. • 11:30 a.m. – Rotary Club of Mena/Polk County will meet at Papa’s Mexican Café. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - The Cove Branch of the Polk County Library is open. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. - The Sonlighters in Action Card Shop will be open at 3671 Highway 8 West, one mile from Louise Durham. • 1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. – The First Assembly of God distributes food at 2111 Sutherland or call 394-1229. • 2:00 p.m. – Cove Library History Club meets at the Cove Library. 5:00 p.m. - th Street Ministries will have a free dinner and fellowship in the 9th Street Ministries building. • 5:30 p.m. – Weight Watchers meets at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Family Life Center. Call 479-234-2297 for more information. • 5:30 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous


* BBQ FUNDRAISING DINR F R HA T M SS TRIP will be held at Grace Bible Church on Saturday, August 12, 4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Donations only. TakeOut available. Hosted by The Barnabas Partnership, all proceeds go towards providing Christmas meals to Haitian families. More information on Facebook at The Barnabas Partnership. PRA R WA K F R SCH S will be held on Sunday, August 13, 2 – 4 p.m. Everyone is invited to walk through the halls of Mena and Acorn School campuses and pray for everything that will take place there in the new school year. DA AS MAS C DG SPAGHETTI DINNER will be held from 5 – 8 p.m. at 701 Port Arthur, next to library, across from Janssen Park in Mena. Proceeds benefit local charities and scholarships.

Women’s Meeting at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy, 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297. • 6:00 p.m. – Live Country, Bluegrass and Gospel music in the Daisy Room at Janssen Ave Florist. 6:00 p.m. Hatfield’s ion’s Club meets at the Lions Club Field House. 6:30 p.m. Mena Chapter 243, rder of the Eastern Star will meet at the Masonic Temple at 701 Port Arthur. • 7:00 p.m. – Amputee Support Group meets at First Christian Church in Mena. For more information, 479-385-5130. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – Cherry Hill Fire Department meeting and training at the Fire Station. Friday, 8/11 • 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – Road tests are given at the Morrow Street Housing Authority Community Room unless the roads are wet. Written tests are given at 1:00 p.m. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. 12:00 p.m. The ions Meetings are held in the Lions Club House on Highway 71 South. • 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – Gator and Friends will be playing at the American Legion in Acorn. $6.00 admission. 50/50 drawing, potluck, and door prizes. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479243-0297. Saturday, 8/12 • 7:00 a.m. until sold out – The Polk County Farmer’s Market is open next to the Mena Depot. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Fibers Arts Group meets at Mena Art Gallery. • 12:00 p.m. – Ouachita Amateur Radio Association monthly meeting at the Limetree. 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Children’s Art Class at the Mena Art Gallery, for children ages 10 & up. Cost is $2. Call 479-394-3880 to reserve spot. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Hwy 71 N., Acorn. • 7:00 p.m. – Holly Grove Church in Grannis will have Gospel Music. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71 S., Mena. 479-243-0297 or 479-2164606. Sunday, 8/13 • 2:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the

ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479243-0297. • 3:00 p.m. – Worship service at Sulpher Springs Church 5:00 p.m. nited Methodist outh Group at the First United Methodist Church in Mena. Monday, 14 :00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. God’s Feeding Hands Mission Center will serve free groceries & free toiletry to the needy at 1200 Reeves Ave, Mena. • 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library will be open. • 1:30 p.m. – Polk County Genealogical Society will meet at the Polk County Library. Topic: Organizing records and family bibles by Margo Kimp. 3:00 p.m. The Airport Commission’s meeting will be held at the UA-Rich Mountain Boardroom. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Hwy 71 N., Acorn. • 6:00 p.m. – Democratic Party of Polk County meets at Papa’s Mexican Café. Anyone interested is welcome. You do not have to be a member. • 6:30 p.m. – Boy Scouts of America Troop 92 meets at First United Methodist Church. Everyone is welcome. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479243-0297. 7:00 p.m. Mena lks odge meeting. All Elks are invited to attend. 7:30 p.m. Mountain Meadow Chapter 22 rder of the astern Star will meet at the Mountain Meadow Masonic Lodge Hall in Hatfield. Tuesday, 8/15 • 7:00 a.m. until sold out – The Polk County Farmer’s Market is open next to the Mena Depot. • 8:00 a.m. – The Reynolds Gardener Community Men’s Breakfast at the First United Methodist Church in Mena. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Polk County Family Mission is open in the 9th Street Ministries Building. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – “Art Day” at Mena Art Gallery, 607 Mena St. Bring your current project and work with other artists. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – The Sonlighters in Action Card Shop will be open at 3671 Highway 8 West, one mile from Louise Durham. 12:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. The Hatfield Branch library will be open. • 5:00 p.m. – T.O.P.S. will meet in the Union Bank Community Room for weigh-ins, fol-

lowed by a meeting. 6:00 p.m. The Regular Hatfield Town Council will meet at the Town Hall in Hatfield. 7:00 p.m. VFW Post 4451 meeting at Veterans Park in Acorn. 7:00 p.m. The Marine Corps eague Detachment will meet at Lighthouse Fitness. • 7:00 p.m. – Al-Anon for families of addicts and alcoholics meets at the ABC Club. • 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Bluegrass music at Morrow Street Housing Authority Community Room. 7:30 p.m. Mountain Meadow Masonic odge 21 will meet at the Hatfield Lodge. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at First United Methodist Church, 9th & Port Arthur. 479-234-2887 or 479-234-3043. Wednesday, 8/16 • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. The mergency warning sirens will be tested in Mena at noon. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Polk County Library Cove Branch is open. 5:45 p.m. The Mena First nited Methodist Church Kidz will meet. • 6:00 p.m. – Warriors for Christ will meet at the Southside Church of God. 6:00 p.m. Regeneration outh Ministries at Mena Church of God Hwy 88 East. • 6:15 p.m. – Dallas Avenue Baptist Church hosts Discovery Kids – Kindergarten Thru 5th Grade; Collide Youth Ministry – 6th Thru 12th Grades; and Adult Bible Study. • 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Trek and Varsity for Middle and High School students at Grace Bible Church. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Inquiry classes into the Catholic Faith begins in the Parish Hall of St. Agnes Catholic Church at 203 8th St.

August 9, 2017

Weekly Publication



A Predator Among Us...



’ v e generally always b een an early riser, b ut ov er the last year, an insanely, f rustratingly early riser… 4 a. m. early riser. M y b elov ed S op hie girl, my uff , er , a oring o a shih-t u of a most 0 ears as not e ce t for this one articu ar morning. as c eaning out m refrigerator an she just oo e at me ith those ig ro n e es an agging tai i e she, too, as rea to get her a starte , so et her out to go ott . aite on the orch as t ica o an for some reason this morning, her routine as ifferent. ica , hi e in the ar , she uic oes her usiness an comes straight ac in i e a o t of ightning ut not this articu ar morning. She mean ere searching for just the right s ot. hear m r er u so came right in to remo e the c othing an came right ac out ut she as gone. ho ere and hollered b ut no S op hie girl. S he had done this typ e thing when she was ounger ut not in se era ears, es ecia in the ar . o ma e a ong an heart rea ing stor shorter, So hie ne er returne , an through neigh ors, e earne there as a n or mountain ion in the area. ther ogs ha een i e , too. t as e astating to our ho e fami . cou n t he ut on er hat her ast thoughts ere. f it as that, i she go uic , i she suffer, an on an on. e i e in the countr ith eautifu orches that offer eautifu ie s ac an front. o man hours ha e s ent out there, ne er thin ing a out p redators hav ing eyes on us? Don t e i e our i es that a , too here is a er ferocious an hungr re ator ith e es on us a the time, hom see s to i , stea , an estro us as eo e in genera an , e ie e, s ecifica our fami ies. e no s hen an here to stri e an ith cunningness i e a cat, he no s the strategic oint in hich to attac . ecause of m an Da i s restoration stor , some eo e at their most u nera e an ea est oints ha e reache out to us, hen the ere atching their marriages egin to unra e , in hat seems i e insurmounta e circumstances that mo e in i e a ion in the night. t s



L of p a b

ea h a nd Cov e, a r r ents of or n on A


A a r on B ur t, e the p r oud a b a b yg ir l ug ust 1 st.

Mi sty a nd D yla n L i nv i llke, of D eQ ueen, a r e the p r oud p a r ents of a b a b y g i r l, b or n on A ug ust 1 st. Ma ka yla Cr i p p s a nd S ha v e D a v i s, of W a ld r on, a r e the p r oud p a r ents of a b a b y b oy, b or n on A ug ust 2 nd .


January 6, 2016

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Please share your favorite photo of your pet. You may drop it off or mail it to: The Polk County Pulse 1168 Hwy 71 S. • Mena, AR 71953 or email:

Randy 2920 Hwy.

b een a b lessing to share what G od was ab le to do in our f amily as encouragement it is a to is g or . Sometimes it is ne marriages an e a no there is a earning cur e. For others, it s that t ica time that e rea so much a out, et een se en an e e en ears. An then there are the others that ha e eca es of ife s strugg es an ictories, gro n chi ren ith gran chi ren. i n t thin this cou ha en to us not af ter this long… I guess I thought we were saf e at this p oint,” were one’ s heart rea ing oman s or s. An , i e a thief in the night, her marriage ha fore er een change ut it oesn t ha e to e o er. he encouragement is this, truth from enesis 0 20, hat the enem meant for e i , o inten s for goo . ain an sim e truth. cou rite ages on the essings that ha e emerge from our har shi A D our restoration, not just in our i es ut in the i es of our chi ren. e ie e ith m ho e heart that the essings from our restoration i e rea i e for generations in our fami . ut ou can ne er no these if ou thro in the to e , e ie ing the cunning ies of the enem , t s too ate, here s too much ater un er the ri ge, m not ig enough to o ercome this, an the rea iggie, eser e more than this ou n t o ant more for me than this es, e oes, ut ho on ear rother an sister, ecause e is sanctif ing ou, too, an the si er that comes out of this fire i g isten in a is majest Marriages ta e or an an one ho te s ou ifferent is ing. ut marriages o ma e us etter eo e an it is one of the most eautifu of a of o s creations. An that is recise the reason that the re ator among us has his sights set on them. figure m So hie gir sa asn t on the orch, too her e es off me her she her an eci e to ha e an orner s e an an er a goo remin er of ee ing our e es on our She her , ho i always guard us f rom the p redator among us.

In the web address across J. Burgess D.V.M. the bottom, capitalize the M in Mena, the R in 71 N, Mena, AR 71953 Real & the E in Estate.

New Patients Welcome

Come be part of the Mena Manor team by applying in person at 100 9th Street.


Farrell & Sharon Cole

The Cole Team

816 S. Mena St. Mena, AR 71953 Office: (479) 394-5000


1102 Crestwood Circle Mena, AR 71953

. . . .August . . . . . . .9, . . 2017 ...................................................................................................................



Weekly Publication

Celebrate National Health Center Week T


his week leaders at the local, state, and national lev el will j oin communities in celeb ration of N ational Health Center W eek 2017. Their messages and v isits to health centers will demonstrate that not only is it p ossib le to mov e b eyond the p artisan div ide ov er health care, b ut to sup p ort and agree on a p rogram vi tal to our communities and the nation’ s p ub lic health. Community Health Centers lik e ours in M ena, AR are p art of a national network that is the f amily doctor to more than 25 million Americans. The p rogram started more than 5 0 years ago as a small, b ut b old demonstration p roj ect to p rov ide health care in medically underserv ed areas. O v er the course of their existence, health centers hav e save d countless liv es, reduced and p rev ented chronic disease in the most challenged of p atients, and p rov ided p atients with more af f ordab le op tions f or care than a costly hosp ital emergency room. Health centers hav e p rov en to b e innov ators in treating chronic disease and resp onding to national health crises, such as the op ioid ep idemic that k ills 78 p eop le in the U . S . ev ery day. here is itt e ou t that hea th centers ha e contri ute significant to cost sa ings for the American ta a er. I n f act, health centers sav e on av erage, $ 2,3 71 ( or 24% ) in total sp ending p er M edicaid p atient when comp ared to other p rov iders, according to a 2016 study p ub lished in the American J ournal of P ub lic Health. Y et, it is not suf ficient to escri e hea th centers as just another hea th care rogram. he are more than that. he are ro lem-solv ers that look b eyond medical charts not only to p rev ent illness, b ut also to address the f actors that actually cause p oor health such as homelessness, lack of nutrition, stress, or unemp loyment. Through decades and through b ip artisan administrations, Congress has consistently seen the v alue in growing the f ederal inv estment in the health center system of care. P ub lic inv estment is critical now more than ev er. R ight now a crisis looms with the scheduled exp iration of a f und at the en of Se tem er that i resu t in a significant cut to the u get of e er hea th center. Congress must act s ift an e ten fun ing an fi this fun ing c iff. h B ecause at a time when ef f orts to ref orm the health care system are mov ing f orward, this is no time to turn our b ack s on p eop le who dep end on health centers f or af f ordab le care. Health centers b ring a uniq ue and imp ortant p ersp ectiv e to the national conv ersation on health care. W e are p roud that we can work with lawmak ers on b oth sides of the aisle to strengthen and imp rov e the av ailab ility of q uality p rimary care and p rev entiv e serv ices to ev eryone who needs it. G ood health b egins with p rimary care. Access to Community Health Centers is a p rescrip tion f or the good health of our nation.

Beth Polo Beckel RD LD CDE our local licensed nutrition educator will always be in one place...

MRHS Announces 8th Annual Health Fair M

ena R egional Health S ystem will host their 8 th Annual Health F air on S ep temb er 16 , 2017, and wants all to sav e the date f or the ev er-growing ev ent. O rganiz ers say the mission of the ev ent is to of f er the community and surrounding areas a f ree day of health and wellness education, comb ined with f un f or the whole f amily. I n addition to getting discounted health screenings, exhib itors line the hallways disp laying their healthy-driv en p roducts and inf ormation. And, as always, there will b e f ree giv eaways throughout the day. Exhib itors are encouraged to reserv e their sp ot now b y contacting S onya M aye, M R HS M ark eting/ P ub lic R elations S p ecialist, at 479-243-237 . Dea ine for ooth registrations is August , 20 7. S ace is a ar e on a first-come, first-ser e asis.

Stay connected... while you’re away on vacation! powered by


Call 394.7301 to make your appointment! All ages WELCOME.

Weekly Publication

Moments from America’s History: M ount R ushm ore




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August . . . . . . . .9,. .2017 .....


t 5 ,725 f eet ab ove sea leve l on a granite clif f in the B lack Hills of S outh D ako ta, near the mining town of K eystone, stands M ount R ushmore. O riginally kn own b y the L ako ta S ioux as S ix G randf athers, it was named f or Charles E. R ushmore, a p rominent attorney who had vi sited the area on an exp edition in 18 8 5 . N early 40 years ater, South Da ota s officia historian onah e o Doane o inson as ins ire the i ea of car ing giant i enesses of nota e estern figures such as uffa o i Co and Chief R ed Cloud to help b oost his states tourism. R ob inson’ s insp iration lead to the choice of D anish-American b orn artist and sculp tor G utzo n B orglum to lead the mammoth en ea or. o e er, org um ha other figures in min such as four .S. resi ents. o inson ro ose the Mount ushmore roject in 924. Senator eter or ec an Congressman i iam i iamson ere instrumenta in getting the egis ation asse to a o the car ing. n March 92 , Fe era egis ation as asse Congress authori ing the car ing an setting forth the ur ose for Mt. ushmore State ar the esta ishment of a memoria commemorati e of our nationa histor an rogress. hen at ast he isco ere the site for the memoria , org um ec are , ere is the ace - American histor shall march along that skyl ine. ” inet ears ago this ee , August 0, 927, resi ent Ca in Coo i ge ga e a s eech e icating the cornerstone for Mount ushmore. n it, he state , e ha e come here to dedicate a cornerstone that was laid b y the hand of the Almighty. O n this towering wall of R ushmore, in the heart of the B lack Hills, is to b e inscrib ed a memorial hich i re resent some of the outstan ing features of four of our resi ents, ai on b y the hand of a great artist in sculp ture. This memorial will crown the height of land b etween the R ocky M ountains and the Atlantic seab oard, where coming generations ma ie it for a time. ot ong after ar s, resi ent Coo i ge authori e go ernment f unding f or the memorial and f or the creation of a M ount R ushmore N ational M emorial Commission. O n O ctob er 4, 19 27, 14 years of work b egan on carvi ng the gigantic f aces into the mountain, which invo lve d ab out 400 worke rs. Although dynamite was used to remove the massive p ortions of rock, most of the work started each day b y worke rs climb ing 700 stair step s to the top and strap p ing themselve s into swing seats b ef ore b eing lowered b y cab les ove r the mountain f ace. D angling in the air, they b lasted and drilled near ha f a mi ion tons of stone, car ing faces as ta as a fi e-stor ui ing. Ama ingly, there were no f atalities. I n the original design of M ount R ushmore, B orglum wanted to include a carve d inscri tion a ongsi e the resi ents. he inscri tion as to inc u e the nine most significant eve nts in American History and was to b e carve d on an 8 0 b y 100 f oot area in the sha e of the ouisiana urchase. A so, org um s origina an as to is a the four p residents to their waists, b ut time and money limited the carvi ng to only their heads. ashington s hea as un ei e in 930, efferson s in 93 , inco n s in 937, an oose e t s in 939. o re ace the inscri tion, org um concei e the i ea of a a of ecor s, hich he egan in 93 ut ha to cease in or er to com ete oose e t s scu ture. org um ie in March 94 , ut his son inco n assume ea ershi unti the roject as shut o n as fun ing ran out. n cto er 3 , 94 , the Mount ushmore ationa Memoria as ec are a com ete roject at a tota cost of 9 9,992 . n cto er , 9 , Mount ushmore as iste on the ationa egister of istoric aces. n 99 , 0 ears after it as egun, org um s a of ecor s as at ast com ete his fami an the ationa ar S stem. he a is a titanium au t hich houses a tea oo o insta e in the granite oor in the entrance a . he o contains si teen orce ain ename ane s. n these ane s are ritten the or s of the Constitution, the D eclaration of I ndep endence, a history of how and why M ount R ushmore was carve d, a history of the f our p residents with q uotes f rom each, a b iograp hy on G utzo n B orglum, and the histor of the nite States. he ca su e is sea e ith a granite ca stone. he inscri tion on the ca stone comes from ut on org um s s eech at the 930 e ication of the ashington figure. et us ace there, car e high, as c ose to hea en as e can, the or s of our ea ers, their faces, to sho osterit hat manner of men the ere. hen b reathe a p rayer that these records will endure until wind and rain alone shall wear them away. ” ne of m ho es is to once again see this reathta ing memoria , an ish this a so for those of ou ho ha en t isite it. hat has een car e into granite i remain carv ed into your memory f or a lif etime. I t has b een said that M ount R ushmore is more than a trib ute to those it p roudly honors - it is a trib ute to those who wisely chose such men to b e our leaders.

January 6, 2016



August 9, 2017

Weekly Publication


The following information was received from Polk County law enforcement agencies. The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed, or that they have been found innocent, and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner.

Mena Police Department July 30, 2017 No reports on file. July 31, 2017 Jonathan D. Martin, 29, of Mena was arrested on an outstanding warrant for failure to pay fines and court costs. James Clayton Shaffer, 29, of Mena was charged with theft of property and criminal trespass after officers were called to a local residence. Jack Allen Curry, 29, of Mena was charged with criminal trespass after a call to a local retail store. August 1, 2017 Stephen P. Copelin, 64, of Mena was served a warrant for disorderly conduct. Report was taken of the theft of items from a local farm store. Case is pending further investigation and evaluation of suspect. August 2, 2017 Benjamin Murry, 38, of Mena was arrested on an outstanding warrant for failure to pay fines and court costs. Two 15-year-old Mena girls were charged with theft of property shoplifting after officers were called to a local retail store. The case was referred to juvenile authorities and the girls were released to their guardians. A local man reported that someone had taken items out of his vehicle while it had been broken down on a local street. Case is pending. August 3, 2017 Richard Chad James, 38, of Mena was arrested on a warrant for failure to appear. Michael ilson, 50, of Mena was charged with third degree battery after officers responded to a call at a local residence. August 4, 2017 Report was taken from a Polk County woman who reported that a friend of her son was harassing her. Case is pending. Benny Lee Anderson, 44, of Mena was charged with driving without a driver’s license, leaving the scene of an accident, and having no proof of insurance. A local woman reported that her estranged husband’s current girlfriend is harassing her. Case is pending.

August 5, 2017 Report was taken of someone finding a backpack in a local park. The item was released to the police department, where it will be stored until such time as the owner is located.

Polk County Sherriff’s Department July 31, 2017 Report from complainant on Polk 181 near Mena of the theft of landscape timbers. nformation has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report from a Hatfield man of inappropriate behavior involving a juvenile ac uaintance. nvestigation continues. Report from complainant on Little Bear Lane near Mena of problems involving a neighbor. Deputy responded. Complainant refused to press charges. Report from complainant on Little Bear Lane of vandalism done to a rope. Deputy responded. August 1, 2017 Report from complainant on Elm Street in ickes of the theft of a bow, valued at $60.00. nformation has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report from a Mena woman of being threatened by an ac uaintance. Deputy responded. Report from complainant on Casey Lane near Nunley of the theft of a motorcycle, valued at $17,000.00. nvestigation continues. Report from complainant on Polk 117 near Acorn of problems with a neighbor regarding property boundaries. Deputy responded and advised both parties that it was a civil issue. Arrested was Candace S. Lawrence, 35, of Mena, on a Howard County arrant. Arrested by an officer with Arkansas Probation/Parole was Tammy J. Dowdy, 43, of ickes, on a McCurtain County, OK arrant. August 2, 2017 Report of suspicious behavior led to a Juvenile Citation for Public ntoxication being issued to a 17-year-old female. The juvenile was released to the custody of a parent/guardian. Arrested was Dennis R. Stinson, 39, of Mena, on a Charge of Public ntoxication. Report from complainant on Aleeyah Lane near Mena of an unauthorized person on their property. The suspect ed, leaving suspicious property behind. nvestigation continues. Arrested was Kizzie E. allis, 33, of Mena, on a Drug Court Sanction. Arrested was Timothy S. oods, 41, of

Hatfield, on a Drug Court Sanction. Arrested by an officer with the Grannis Police Department was Kelly J. Charleton, 32, of Grannis, on a arrant for Failure to Comply with a Court Order. August 3, 2017 Traffic stop on Highway 71 South near Hatfield led to the arrest of Brandon S. Riddle, 25, of Cove, on Charges of Possession of a Schedule V Controlled Substance and Possession of an nstrument of Crime. Arrested by an officer with the Grannis Police Department was Matthew B. Parnell, 24, of ickes, on arrants for two counts of Failure to Comply with a Court Order. August 4, 2017 Arrested was Nathan M. Abell, 29, of Mena, on a arrant for Theft of Property. Report from a Mena man of a missing family member. The individual was later located. August 5, 2017 Report from complainant on Polk 630 near Shady of an unauthorized address

SA L A D CH O ICES: AV O CAD O • B CEL ER Y • CHEES E • CHI CO R Y • D I V E • ES CAR O L E • F R U I T • HAM • N U TS • O I L • O L I V ES • O N I O N • P • S P I CES • S P I N ACH • TO

change on an account. August 6, 2017 Report from a Mena woman of being harassed by an ac uaintance. Deputy advised suspect to cease all contact. Report from complainant on Polk 246 near Grannis of the break-in and theft of several items from a residence, shed and camper. nvestigation continues. Report from complainant on Bowling Lane in Hatfield of a hit-and-run accident while traveling on Polk 26. nvestigation continues. Arrested by an officer with the Grannis Police Department was Christopher A. Milam, 25, of Cove, on Charges of Driving with a Suspended Driver’s License and No Liability nsurance. Polk County Sheriff’s Office worked two vehicle accidents this week. Polk County Detention Center Jail Population: 22 ncarcerated nmates, with 13 nmates currently on the aiting List for a State Facility.


August 9, 2017

Weekly Publication

15 23


Ad deadline is 12 p.m. on Monday. Payment is due with ad. Publishing and distributing 8,000 copies weekly.

Backhoe and Concrete work. Licensed – Dependable. Over 30 years experience. William J. (Jack) Barnes. 479-394-6175. 8/30

Aleshire Affordable Lawn and Landscape. Dependable Quality Service. For over 20 years. 479243-2072. 8/16

Moving Sale – 338 Polk 69, Opal. Building Materials & Timbers, Tools, Air Compressor, Men’s new jeans & hunting clothes, disc harrows. 832-8177744. 8/16

Clean and comfortable housing since 1969, J. Ray & Maria’s MH Park and Rentals. Hwy 71 North, Mena, AR. 479-216-3085 TFN

Buckley Powder Co. Now Hiring. Laborer/truck driver. Must be able to work outside year-round. At least 21 years of age. No felonies. Drug test required. Contract 417-440-0119. 8/30 Daniel’s Carpentry and Painting, home repair, decks, fence rows, underpinning, etc. Also lawn and garden work. Call 479-216-1101 or 479-216-2299.

J&N Dozer- Trackhoe, Backhoe, Dump Truck, Ponds, Pads, Clearing, Roads, Hauling, Rich Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Shale, Gravel. Dozer operator Randy Egger, over 30 years’ experience. We appreciate your Business! Call 479-234-1357 TFN



Brodix, Inc. is accepting applications for an experienced CNC Machine Operator. Applications may be picked up at the Brodix office, located at 301 Maple in Mena, from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday. Competitive starting wages with benefits available. Notice to Applicants: Screening tests for alcohol and illegal drug use may be required before hiring and during your employment. 8/16


Swap Shop Buy • Sell • Trade • Give Away Live Broadcasts at 8:05 am & 12:30 pm Monday - Friday

Drop off your Swap Shop items here!

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Humane Society of the Ouachitas P T

January 6, 2016 F TH W


Enrich your family by adopting Penny! This cute & saucy Chihuahua thinks she is way bigger than only 7 pounds! She likes strangers but will act tough then come over to be petted. The ideal little guard dog for your house! Penny dreams of a home with a bed to sleep on and an AC for hot Summer days as she loves to be an inside dog. She’s mostly white with some tan spots. Penny is already housetrained and knows “sit” & “stay” commands. She is a 4 year old so past the puppy stage but with a long & active life ahead to share with you. Penny is kid friendly and likes other dogs too! This affectionate & smart little darling hopes she will be your new doggie! Spayed Shots. House trained. Give our no kill shelter a call. ou’ll be glad you did FF C PH MB R: 47 3 4-56 2 W B S T : HS is a K Shelter. HS is not affiliated with any other local, state or national animal rescue organi ation. HS is a 501 c 3 organi ation. Please consult your ta advisor to see if your donation is ta deductible.



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