Weekly Publication
"What Christmas Means to Me..."
"What Christmas Means to Me..." by local 2nd graders from Wickes, Vandervoort, and Louise Durham Elementary Schools
Baby’s F
istmas r h C ir st
A special supplement of
Wickes Elementary Mrs. William’s Class
Camila Bone (8) Christmas means presents, snow, and hot cocoa. I love presents because I get new toys! I play with my new toys in the snow. I love hot cocoa because it makes me warm. Christmas is special because I spend time with my friend Avery and my Mom and Dad. David Carson (7) Christmas means presents and making snowballs. I like Christmas because I like presents. I also like to build snowmen and make snowballs. Yarel Cortes (7) Christmas means decorations, playing in the snow, and Christmas songs. I love to put the angel on the tree and the shiny ornaments. I like to make a snowman. I play tag outside with my family. I love to hear Christmas songs. We dance. We love Christmas so much! Sawyer Davis (7) Christmas means Jesus, playing in the snow, and decorations. I put a little sculpture of Jesus on the tree. I love to play in the snow. I pass out when I see the tree! Christmas is my favorite holiday. Joseph Dosch (9) Christmas means baby Jesus, friends and family, and the Christmas tree. Jesus is our savior. He sacrificed Him. I like to play in the snow with my friends and family. I like decorating the Christmas tree. I love hanging out with my family and having hot chocolate. Dominic Farias (8) What Christmas means is playing in snow, decorations, and presents. My family and I go play in the snow and make snowmen. My family loves to put up the lights. My family loves to wrap the presents and put them under the tree. I love Christmas because I like to put up the lights and play in the snow with my family, and put the tree. It is special. Bryson Chambers (8) Chrismas means Family, fun, hot cocoa and chrismas movies. Spending time with family. We like to have fun wrapping presents. We
December 19, 2018
like to drink hot cocoa when it’s cold. We like to wach chrismas movies and we like to drink and eat Dr. Pepper and popcorn. Chrismas is a time to spend with friends and with family. Sarafina Ford (7) Christmas means presents, playing in the snow, and decorations. My Mom loves to wrap our prents for Christmas and put under the tree. I like to play in the snow. I like to bulid snow men. I love to decorate the tree for my mom; so she can put up the other decorations. Christmas is a good time to spend with our family and friends and have fun. Brylee Frachiseur (7) Christmas means playing in the son, drinking hot cocoa, and decorating the Christmas tree. I play in the snow with Santana. I love to drink hot cocoa with Santana. My family loves to put up the Christmas decorations on the tree. I love Christmas because of all the extra things we do. Kamp Frachiseur (8) What Christmas means to me is when Jesus was born, playing in the snow, and decorating the Christmas tree. Jesus was born to create Christmas. My family plays in the snow and has snowball fights. My family decorates the Christmas tree, and we put the star on top. Christmas is a special day to spend time with family. Dean Helms (8) What Christmas means is Jesus’ birthday, presents and hot cocoa. Jesus was born on Christmas, so we celebrate His birth. We open presents on Christmas. We drink hot cocoa on Christmas and watch Christmas movies. I love Christmas because I get to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Jesus was born on Christmas, so we celebrate His birth. We open presents on Christmas. We drink hot cocoa on Christmas and watch Christmas movies. I love Christmas because I get to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Kevin Manuel (7) Christmas means playing in the snow. I like to build a snowman and have snowball fights. Baby Jesus was born, and we celebrate His birth. I like to decorate my house and my christmas tree. I like to see the lights.
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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year We are grateful for the opportunity to publish these responses EXACTLY as they are submitted with no editing/corrections.
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