CMA 2017

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October 18, 2017

1975-2017 For Full Schedule of CMA Events visit:!UserFiles/COC17_program_for_Web.pdf

Welcome, CMA!

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October 18, 2017



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erb Shreve; horseman, pastor, biker, evangelist and founder of the Christian Motorcyclists Association struggled in his calling to evangelize the motorcycling world. From his first visit to a motorcycle rally and eye opening look at the biker lifestyle, he prayed: “Please God, send someone to help these people. But please…don’t let it be me.” As he visited rally after rally the Holy Spirit continued the conviction and Herb’s heart began to change along with his prayers. “Lord,” he prayed, “You know I’ll go wherever You want me to go, and do whatever you want me to do. I just hope You don’t want me to start riding a motorcycle on a full-time basis. But if that is what you have in mind…please give me a willing and obedient heart.” As soon as he prayed that prayer he was put to the test. When receiving an offer from a larger church that would have meant certain comfort and financial security he felt led to turn it down in favor of putting his faith in God’s call and facing the unknown. It was only a short time later that some serious health issues resulting in open heart surgery further tested his resolve. This would have been enough to dissuade most, but Herb, in never wavering faith, saw it through and allowed God to work through him to put a solid foundation under the ministry that stands firm 40 years later. Make no mistake, although Herb was the one God called to pay the price to establish this ministry, the Christian Motorcyclists Association is firmly built on Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11) and guided by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Although experiencing several leadership changes in their 40 year history their vision or mission statement has not changed. God is just as much in control in 2015 as he was that day in 1975 when CMA was birthed. It was not an easy road Herb traveled, as he suffered through sleepless nights at rowdy rallies, Come and check out our endured long hours on the road in every kinds of weather, and put up with the intimidation and rudepurses, jewelry & more! ness of those he was there to serve, God blessed every mile of the journey. From ensuring physical protection, to allowing favor among the lost and providing every financial need, God was faithful to care for His servant. CMAers are faithful to acknowledge that it was Herb who came before them and earned the right to speak and gained the respect and acceptance CMA has in the motorcycling world. CMA CEO/Chairman John Ogden, Sr., stated, “It is our duty to protect and maintain that integrity and right to speak in our area of influence for the benefit not only of the lost but those future CMAers who will come after us in the ministry. Herb was for sure the pioneer that endured the brunt of the tough stuff and we are ever grateful for his commitment and sacrifice and I’m sure it never entered his mind that he was paving the way for a whole army of servants that were to follow in his footsteps. For me and

Welcome CMA!

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Welcome to Mena CMA!

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Welcome to Mena, CMA!

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October 18, 2017

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23 many members I talk to, without the hard won ministry opportunities open to us through CMA we probably never would have become as active in serving the Lord.” Herb witnessed the growth and maturing of CMA; some under his leadership, and some under others. For Herb and those who were here from the beginning it must have seemed nothing short of miraculous to e perience the steady growth from a few folks gathered around a stump on the original plot of ground orth of Hatfield to thousands of Christian motorcyclists gathered on Iron Mountain. In later years Herb was overwhelmed at the scope of the ministry and the organiz ation that was in place and although feeling inadeq uate to direct it at that point, he knew he had been God’s man for his season and was grateful for the present leadership and how CMA was still on track with the original vision God gave him. In his last few years he took great delight in being appointed CMA Ambassador at Large. He piloted his 4 0 0 cc scooter to many rallies and events, even riding it all the way to D aytona Bike Week and back. In Acts 2 0 :2 4 referring to the chains and tribulations that awaited him in Jerusalem, Paul declared; “But none of these things move me nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the ord esus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. Herb Shreve was a man of God and evangelist of the same fabric; he didn’t worry about the uncomfortable conditions and agoniz ing situations he knew he would endure for the Gospel. He fought the good fight, finished the race and kept the faith. e can be proud to know our founder finished well. R ecently, during lunch with one of his good friends and contemporaries, we concluded that Herb Shreve was not only sorely missed but was indeed a man of his convictions. He accepted God’s calling to evangelize the biker world and remained faithful to the end. 40 years ago Herb’s understanding of the vision was one man on one motorcycle evangelizing the motorcycling culture, but God definitely had much much more in mind when He birthed the Christian Motorcyclists Association in Herb’s spirit.

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