POLK COUNTY, ARKANSAS GENERAL ELECTION UNOFFICIAL RESULSTS Voter Turn-out: 50.74% Editor's Note: The following results show votes cast in Polk County precincts as provided by the Polk County Election Commission. Vote totals are not final until certified by the Secretary of State.
RACE: Mena Mayor Candidates Brandon Martin (Ind) Seth Smith (Ind) Ron Tilley (Ind)
Total Votes 545 708 482
% 31.41 40.81 27.78
Early 330 397 287
Absentee 21 22 28
Elect. Day 194 289 167
Total Votes 1,403 4,617
% 23.31 76.69
Early 746 2,313
Absentee 48 151
Elect. Day 609 2,153
Total Votes 5,789
% 100
Early 2,935
Absentee 170
Elect. Day 2,684
Total Votes 265 235
% 53 47
Early 154 136
Absentee 8 12
Elect. Day 103 87
Total Votes 300 437
% 40.71 59.29
Early 170 261
Absentee 10 14
Elect. Day 120 162
Total Votes 1,209 438
% 73.41 26.59
Early 701 261
Absentee 47 18
Elect. Day 461 159
Total Votes 87
% 100
Early 10
Absentee 6
Elect. Day 71
% 40.63 59.38
Early 2 11
Absentee 3 3
Elect. Day 34 43
% 35.79 64.21
Early 5 8
Absentee 3 3
Elect. Day 26 50
Elect. Day
RACE: Coroner Candidates Richard Allen Walker (Ind) Brian Bowser (Rep)
RACE: Circuit Clerk Candidate Michelle Heath Schnell (Rep)
RACE: JP District 1 Dst1 Candidates Chris Daniel (Ind) Benjamin Finley (Rep)
RACE: JP District 11 Dst11 Candidates Landon Rowe (Ind) Tawana L. Gilbert (Ind)
RACE: Mena Alerman Ward 3 P2 Candidates Ed Gibson (Ind) Craig L. Cohen (Ind)
RACE: Hatfield Mayor Candidate Linda E. Denton (Ind)
RACE: Hatfield Alderman Position 1 Candidates Cecil Fairless (Ind) Diane Osborne (Ind)
Total Votes 39 57
RACE: Hatfield Alderman Position 4 Candidates John Gordon (Ind) Riley Johnson (Ind)
Total Votes 34 61
RACE: Hatfield Alderman Position 5 Candidates
Total Votes
Dec. 4 Run-off Dec. 4 Run-off