FEBRUARY 20, 2019
THE POLK COUNTY 1168 Hwy 71 S • Mena, AR 71953 • 479-243-9600
Your DAILY News Sources: MyPulseNews.com & KENA 104.1
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A Night For Our Most Special To Shine Second Chance Prom
Mena and Polk County were a part of something very special Saturday, February 9th when the Special Needs Prom was held at the CMA Iron Mountain facility. Not just around the United States were these events being held, but all across the world people gathered to make a special evening for some very special people. CJ Liles, organizer of the local event said, “Last year I heard about this event on the radio; I felt this was something we could do for the special needs people of our area. It couldn’t have been done without all of the volunteers. We had over 300 people volunteer and over 150 special needs guests. This town and county is amazing.” Dinner was full smoked chicken with
all the fixings, formal photos were taken and a limo was on hand as well. All community safety personal were represented with Mena Police, Fire, EMS, National Guard, Mayor and County Judge in attendance. When asked what she would say to anyone who did not attend the Second Chance Prom, Ms. Liles stated, “You missed a great party!” CJ Liles and all of the staff who spearheaded the event would like to thank the following sponsors because without their help the joy brought to those who attended would not have been possible. Insulation Works- Wickes, Party Place (Ft.Smith), Tyson Grannis, Mena Ford,
-See Prom, continued pg. 15
Thompson Named National Merit Finalist Christopher Thompson has been named a National Merit Finalist! In February. Christopher is a senior at Mena High School. He… Some 15,000 Semifinalists are notified by mail at their home addresses that they have advanced to Finalist standing. High school principals are also notified and provided with a certificate to present to each Finalist. All winners of Merit Scholarship awards are chosen from the Finalist group based on their abilities, skills, and accomplishments—without regard to gender, race, ethnic origin, or religious preference. A variety of information is available for NMSC selectors to evaluate: the Finalist’s academic record, information about the school’s curricula and grading system, two sets of test scores,
-See Thompson, continued pg. 6
A crowning moment during the Special Needs Prom.
Photo by Rosie Davis
Coming Together for Area Veterans
Christopher Thompson
Three groups have joined forces to present a Veterans Benefit Fair in the Mena Old Historic Armory on De Queen Street, on March 9th, from 10am to 2pm. The groups, consist of the newly formed Polk County Community Veterans Engagement Team (C-VET), the Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, the Arkansas Department of Veterans Affairs. C-VET will present the first annual Benefits Fair to the vet-
erans of Polk County. Tables will be set up to provide assistance for applying to the V.A. for benefits, obtaining their DD214 or military I.D., healthcare enrollment and questions in general. Local community organizations are encouraged to participate. C-VET is a newly established community action board whose purpose is to assist
-See Veterans, continued pg. 6
Final Weekend Performances at the OLT - Feb. 22, 23, 24.
Friday & Saturday shows 7:30 PM - Sundays 2:30 PM Tickets at OLT Office & Door