January 18, 2017

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January 18, 2017


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Acorn Homecoming to be Crowned

County Budget Exceeds $8 Million in 2017 BY MELANIE BUCK • news@mypulsenews.com

Polk County government and the services that fall under its umbrella will operate on a budget of more than $7.5 million in 2017, with $4.3 million of that in County General Expenses. Many of the departments within the County General Expense system stayed very close to their previous years’ budgets, keeping their expenditures as minimal as possible. The County Judge’s Office will have a budget of $97,039.43, which includes payroll, supplies, equipment costs, and other general operating expenses. The County Clerk Office has a budget of $205,288.26; Circuit Clerk, a budget of $176,169.49; County Treasurer, $107,181.45; Tax Collector Office, $204,099; County AsCONTINUED ON PAGE 8

A Message in a Bottle is Finding its way Home BY MELANIE BUCK • news@mypulsenews.com Despite all odds, a message in a bottle that traveled over 8,000 miles across ‘the pond,’ only to sit on a shelf for more than three decades, will now makes its way back to its owner and will sit in its rightful place in a position of honor. For one Mena couple, a message found in a bottle has been on their shelf since finding it more than 33 years ago. It wasn’t until recently that they decided to take action and find the owner of the note, and with a little luck and a lot of digging, they did just that. Gordon and Cindy Brevik spent much of their lives in Florida and enjoyed diving in the crystal blue waters as often as they could. “We used to do a lot of diving in dive wrecks CONTINUED ON PAGE 9

Hensley Honored as Longtime Airport Commission Member PHOTO BY LEANN DILBECK

Presenting the 2017 Acorn Homecoming Court: Back row L-R: Freshman Maid Rebekah Frost Sophomore Maid Makayla Anderson, Junior Maids Tori Barrett and Breanna Jones, Sophomore Maid Tessa Kesterson, Freshman Maid Autumn Chumley; seated L-R: Senior Maid Brooke Bates, Homecoming Queen Morgan Fagan, Maid of Honor Harly Dearing, Senior Maid Brittany Wilhite. Fagan will be crowned during Homecoming Ceremonies beginning at 5:00 p.m. in the Tiger Gym, Friday, January 20.

BY MELANIE BUCK • news@mypulsenews.com

Philip Hensley was honored by the Mena Airport Commission at their January 2017 monthly meeting for his 14 years of service to the commission. Hensley resigned from the board for personal reasons and Kevin Williams has been appointed by the Mayor to fill the last few months of the unexpired term. Hensley was presented a plaque and thanked by the commission for his dedication of duties. Airport Manager, Fred Odgen, said, “The airport commission thanked Philip with a plaque for his 14 years of outstanding service on the airport commission. The commission com-

Mena’s Newest Event Venue! THE GREEN ROOM RESERVE YOUR DATE: 479-394-3737


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