January 4, 2017

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January 4, 2017


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Charlie Company Deploys

Sales Tax Collections Down for 2016 BY MELANIE BUCK • news@mypulsenews.com

Sales tax collections for 2016 are down more than $ 23,000 for the year compared to the same period from the previous year for P olk C ounty. In 2016, $ 1,456,749.76 was collected, down $ 23,480.79 from 2015, causing a 1.6% decrease in collections. The same numbers apply to the R oad Improvement Sales Tax collections as well, with each being a 1-cent tax. The first uarter of 0 6 showed promising increases over 0 , however, six of the last eight months of the year had deficits, causing the decrease. February showed the largest amount of collections for the year with $ 132,108.05 being collected for both Sales Tax General and R oad Improvement Tax. April showed the largest increase from the prior year at CONTINUED ON PAGE 5

Newly Elected Officials Sworn-In for 2017 BY MELANIE BUCK • news@mypulsenews.com Newly elected heriff cott awyer was officially sworn into his new position on Mon day, January 2nd, as was incumbent C ounty C lerk Terri H arrison, and newly elected D istrict Judge D anny Thrailkill. The trio was sworn-in by C ircuit Judge Jerry R yan while surrounded by family and close friends. ncoming and incumbent officials were officially sworn into office for 0 7 by County C lerk Terri H arrison on Tuesday, January 3rd at the P olk C ounty C ourthouse. Those elected officials include randon Ellison, County Judge Jovan Thomas, Assessor Tanya Fret , County Treasurer Michelle eath chnell, Circuit Clerk Andy arron, Constable for Center CONTINUED ON PAGE 8

Mena Depot Welcomes First Train Passenger in 57 Years BY MELANIE BUCK • news@mypulsenews.com


A total of 139 soldiers with the 1st Battalion, 153rd Infantry, Company C, also known as Charlie Company, based in Mena, boarded buses after being served dinner at the local National Guard Armory on New ears Day roops ill rst o to ort liss e to prepare for a 12-month deployment to the Horn of Africa. SEE MORE ON PAGE 6

The first passenger to depart a train in Mena in 7 years stepped off the railcar on Wednes day, D ecember 21st, to a warm home welcoming. Al P feiffer, a train enthusiast spent ten days on the famed C oliday Express as an elf before being dropped off in Mena on a brisk D ecember morning. “ I’m a member of the K ansas C ity Southern R ailroad H istorical Society and they asked for volunteers for the oliday Express. had fun! We had somewhere between 7 ,000 and 80,000 people visit the train in twenty-something stops,” said P feiffer. Although passenger

Mena’s Newest Event Venue! THE GREEN ROOM RESERVE YOUR DATE: 479-394-3737


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