July 1, 2015
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The Queen is Back ...See Special Section Inside!
Displaying the Red, White & Blue
Siler Convicted on Multiple Felonies BY MELANIE BUCK A jury handed a 36year sentence down to a 37-year old man in Polk County Circuit Court last week. The panel of 7 men and 5 women found Kenneth Kerment Siler guilty of three felony CONTINUED ON PAGE 9
New Delivery at MRHS Breaking Records
BY MELANIE BUCK On Tuesday, June 23, a baby was born at Mena Regional Health System and is possibly the largest baby ever delivered at the hospital. Parents Gregg and Jenna Ramos proudly announce that Jared West Ramos weighed 11 lbs. 8 oz. and was 23 inches long. Certainly the largest baby in the Ramos family, Jared is also the CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
Jail Shut Down Draws Nears
These local Boys Scouts proudly carried the red, white and blue during Saturday’s Jubilee in June opening parade in Hatfield. Sunshine filled the sky and fun filled the air during the annual community celebration that boasted vendors, crafts, concessions and live music. The festivities concluded with a spectacular fireworks show. The County has a number of upcoming Independence Day Celebrations. Check out pages 24-25 for a schedule. [PHOTO BY MELANIE BUCK]
BY MELANIE BUCK Polk County Sheriff Mike Godfrey addressed the Polk County Quorum Court in their regular monthly meeting tonight (Tuesday, June 22, 2015) and said that the County Jail is in danger of closing by this fall and that he was asked CONTINUED ON PAGES 6-7
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