THE POLK COUNTY 1168 Hwy 71 S • Mena, AR 71953 • 479-243-9600
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July 29, 2015
Back to School Issue
Your DAILY News Sources: KENA 104.1 &
Mena School District Announces Stadium Upgrades & KQOR 105.3 FM as Official Bearcat/Ladycat Sports Station YOU N R OF ATIO FICIAL BEARCAT/LADYCAT ST BY MELANIE BUCK
Mena Superintendent Benny Weston (RIGHT), Athletic Director/Head Football Coach Tim Harper (LEFT) and Pulse MultiMedia General Manager LeAnn Dilbeck have announced that beginning this fall, all Mena radio sports broadcasts can be found exclusively on the local KQOR 105.3 FM station. Pulse Multi-Media will be expanding its radio sports coverage for Mena beyond just football & basketball to also include volleyball, baseball and softball. Harper expressed his enthusiasm and what it means for the sports programs, “We are excited about the Bearcats and Ladycats having their own channel for our fans to follow us!”
40th Annual Rod Run to Honor Founder, Mark Campbell
BY MELANIE BUCK Approximately 200 hot rods are expected to roll into Mena for the 40th Annual Street & Performance Queen Wilhelmina Rod Run, one of the area’s longest-standing and much anticipated events for car enthusiasts. The event will kick off on Friday, August 28, and continue through Saturday, August 29. This year will be unlike the 39 events before it as it will be the first without its founder, Mark Campbell. Campbell, the legendary owner and founder of Street and Performance, lost his life to pancreatic cancer in April and his family is keeping their promise to host the 40th year of the popular event to honor his memory and legacy. The family stated that it will be a very special memorial and tribute to a very iconic man CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
Healthy Connections, Inc., Sponsors Back to School Bash
BY MELANIE BUCK The annual Back to School Bash sponsored by Healthy Connections, Inc., will take place this Thursday, July 30, at the HCI - Mena Campus where families can receive free backpacks and school supplies for their children ages K-12. The event starts at 4 p.m. and will last until 6 p.m. at 136 Health Park Drive, across from Handy Hardware. All children and adults need to sign in and then they will receive a backpack with their school supply list. Once the student has their backpack and list, they will go to the various tables that are set up to gather what they will need for the upcoming school year. All adults and children must accompany each other to receive supplies. As a bonus, when students are done filling their packs, they can turn in the school CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 1020 MENA ST. MENA, AR 71953 | SINCE 1939 Mon-Fri 8:30 to 6:00 • Sat 9:00 - 3:00 (479) 394-4332 • (888) 394-4332