July 8, 2015
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Maddox Announces Bid for State Office
Growing the Next Generation of Leaders
BY MELANIE BUCK [MENA] – On Monday, John Maddox announced his candidacy for the republican ticket for State Representative District 20. The seat is currently held by Representative Nate Bell, who has stated he will not seek re-election. “This decision comes after many months of CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
County Road Resurfacing Project Comes to a Close
BY MELANIE BUCK Polk County Judge Brandon Ellison said the 2015 Spring Resurface Project is complete and crews are now playing catch-up on damage from the recent torrential rains the area has received. In the Spring Resurface Project, Ellison said crews were able to complete projects on several CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
Frost to Lead Polk County 4-H Five Mena FFA students represent Mena while proudly wearing the traditonal blue and gold corduroy FFA jackets standing outside the Jefferson Memorial. Shown are L-R: Sloan Hicks, Jacob Miller, McKinzy McGee, Keeley Jones, and Justin Godfrey. They joined only 31 other Arkansas FFA students that were given the opportunity to travel to Washington D.C. for the national Washington Leadership Conference held June 15-21. WLC is a national FFA conference where students from all over the country come to learn about world issues, advocacy, and diversity. Students were also able to tour the major memorials and monuments, the Newseum, the Capitol, Arlington National Cemetery, and met with Senator Boozman.
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BY MELANIE BUCK Lauren Frost has been named as the county’s new 4-H Program Assistant. Frost is a Mena native, graduated from Mena High School, is a Rich Mountain Community College alumni, and holds a degree in Family and Consumer Sciences from Henderson University. “I worked at CONTINUED ON PAGES 5
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