March 15, 2017

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March 15, 2017


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Buck Three-Time Talimena 13.1 Champion

City of Mena Implements Mobile Speed Sign BY MELANIE BUCK • The City of Mena has purchased and implemented the use of a mobile speed sign to help decrease the number of traffic accidents and help drivers to be mindful of their speed. “We average 25-30 wrecks a month and this will be a useful tool to help get those down,” explained Mena Police Chief Brandon Martin. “The purpose is to remind people to slow down and pay attention to what you’re doing. The goal is to reduce the amount of wrecks in the city,” he went on. CONTINUED ON PAGE 7

Mental Health Centers to Provide Treatment Versus Jail Time BY MELANIE BUCK •

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson signed the Mental Health Crisis Stabilization Centers Bill into law on Tuesday, March 8, 2017, that will establish three regional centers to reduce the incarceration rate of those with mental illness and to increase public safety. Prison overcrowding has long been an issue in Arkansas, and the incarceration of the mentally ill has also long been an issue across many states. “We have neglected the mental health challenges in our nation for far too long. Through CONTINUED ON PAGE 8

Chamber Announces Community Award Nominees BY MELANIE BUCK •

The Mena/Polk County Chamber of Commerce has announced their 2016 Community Award Nominees, with winners to be announced at the annual Chamber Banquet in April. Nominees are submitted by community members each year for the awards, and winners are voted on by the Chamber’s membership. The deadline to cast a ballot is Friday, March 17, 2017. For Volunteer of the Year, 2016 nominees are: Pete Chambers, Donna Montgomery, Mi-


Running in the last leg of the grueling 13.1 miles, Mena Senior Clint Buck once again conquered the full Talimena 13.1 Race as t e erall inner’ or t e t ir year in a ro it a time o corn Co ntry on in t e team cate ory ee ll pic torial an story on pa e


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March 15, 2017

Weekly Publication


Harris Set to Retire After 44 Years BY MELANIE BUCK •

ongtime Mena S treet D epartment S uperintendent R oy H arris is preparing to retire after w orki ng for the City of Mena and P olk County for 4 4 years. Harris first went to work for the county w hen he w as 2 0 years old. H e has live d in Mena his entire life and still live s on the same place he w as born. “ W ell, I w asn’ t exa ctly born there, I w as born in the O ld H ospital, but it’ s w here they brought me home to, ” said H arris. “ I hav en’ t eve r w anted to live anyw here else. ” D uring his 2 4 years w ith the county, H arris learned how to build roads, bridges, and more. B ud S teve nson w as the County Ju dge back then. H arris said, “ H e w as a good guy and great to w ork for. The ‘ old hands’ took me under their w ings and taught me and show ed me how to do things. ” H arris’ father w as a construction w orke r his w hole life and he admitted to learning a lot from him grow ing up. A fter leavi ng the county, H arris w ent to w ork for the City of Mena and has spent 2 0 years there. H e started at the bottom and w orke d his w ay up to superintendent. “ I didn’ t w ant it, and still don’ t, ” H arris said j oki ngly. B ut, he took the j ob and has done w ell at it. “ I have w orke d through cleanups after tornadoes, ice storms, and oods. t’s been quite a ride.” O ne of his favo rite aspects of w orki ng for the city and county is that he w as able to be w ith his family. “ I got to stay home and make my livi ng, be w ith my ki ds and grandki ds, and to me, that’ s a lot better than going off and maki ng big money. P olk County and Mena have been good to me. I t’ s been good to me all my life. ” As for his future plans, “ ’m going to fish, hunt, do what want, and spend time with my grandki ds, ” he smiled. Harris will officially retire on March 30, 2017. The City is planning a retirement reception for H arris on that day w ith the time to be announced. E ve ryone is w elcome to attend and thank H arris for his servi ce.

County Assessor to Hold Mobile Office T

he Polk County Assessor’s ffice is preparing to host another mobile office, this time at the Mena/ P olk County S enior Center. E ve ryone is w elcome to attend and visit with the Assessor, ovan Thomas, and take care of your 2017 assessments. Thomas w ill be set up at the Mena/ P olk S enior Center on Thursday, March 1 6 th, at 1 0 a. m. The Assessor’s Mobile ffice will also make sure homeowners are receiving their homeow ner’ s tax credit.

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March 15, 2017

Weekly Publication



‘The Wall That Heals’ to Arrive Next Week - V BY MELANIE BUCK •


proclamation signing was held at Mena City Hall on Thursday, March , 2017 for The Wall That Heals. Mayor George Mc ee signed the proclamation declaring the week of March 20-27, 2017 as the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial Week. The proclamation states in part, “Whereas millions of Americans demonstrated their patriotic commitment in the Vietnam War thousands made the ultimate sacrifice and thousands more were wounded and Whereas, those who served in Vietnam had the highest lev el of education than serv ice members in any previous war, spent the longest

ol unteers Stil l N eeded

period of time in intense combat, and were the youngest to have ever served in the military and Whereas, all veterans of the Vietnam War, both living and deceased, P WS, and M A’s should be honored and remembered with respect and reverence.” The Wall That Heals traveling replica will arrive in Mena on Wednesday, March 22, with an opening ceremony being held on Thursday, March 23, at 10 a.m. veryone is invited and encouraged to attend. ight refreshments will be served. The Wall and the Mobile ducation Center that accompanies it will be available for viewing until March 26, at 3:30 p.m. rganizers noted they still need volunteers to help set up around 11 a.m. on March 22, and also for tear down on March 26 at p.m. They are also asking the community to line Highway 71 North, South Mena Street, and Dallas Avenue around 11 a.m. on March 22nd and wave ags as The Wall enters Mena and makes a few blocks before arriving at Bearcat S tadium. To schedule a group session, to volunteer, or for more information, contact inda ohnson at 56-2 1-2633.

Ouachita River School District Moving into New District Office BY MELANIE BUCK


uachita iver School District is in the midst of moving their District ffices into a newly purchased property the school acquired last ctober. The land, previously owned by Acorn’s Coach eith Wilsey, sits ust behind Acorn lementary and includes a home and seven acres. SD District Superintendent erry Strasner said the purchase and renovations cost approximately 170,000, but they were able to save quite a bit by using their maintenance staff to perform the remodel and their tech staff rewiring the offices for their network of computers and such. The three bedroom, two bath home on the property is being converted into the new offices. Part of the land is already in use as a playground. The building will house Superintendent Strasner, Federal Coordinator athy Medord, District Treasurer Shelly Staggs, Accounts Payable Connie Abernathy, Child Nutritionist and Bookkeeper Tammi Faught, and Student Data APSCAN Coordinator and Bookkeeper udy Schuller. Although they are currently on the same campus, they are not in as close proximity as the new offices will allow for. “ t’s exciting to be together and it’s also a good addition to our strategic plan,” said Strasner. Not only will it bring the district office personnel all together, it will also free up space in Acorn’s Preschool building. Strasner said long range plans for that building are to convert the entire building into preschool. They currently have three full classrooms with a total of 60 preschool students. They plan to start that pro ect this summer, with the maintenance team performing that work as well. Strasner said the transition into the new offices should be complete soon after spring break and they plan to be fully operational by March 28.

January 6, 2016

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March 15, 2017

Weekly Publication


ArkansasGives to Benefit Several Local Charities A BY MELANIE BUCK •

rka nsasG iv es is preparing for their annual fundraising eve nt and seve ral local organiza tions are in the mix, trying to raise much needed funds and earn enough for ext ra bonus dollars offered through the program. A rka nsasG ive s is a 1 2 - hour online givi ng eve nt that w ill be held on A pril 6 th, from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. and is sponsored by the A rka nsas Community F oundation. A rka nsasG ive s challenges all A rka nsans to make a donation in recognition of the vi tal w ork all local charitable organiza tions do. “ W hether it’ s feeding the hungry, caring for the elderly, or mentoring our children, the work of Arkansas’s nonprofits affects every citizen and helps improve every community. A rka nsasG ive s is a chance for our state to say thank s, ” states their w ebsite, w w w . arka nsasgive s. org. Polk County organizations that will benefit from the event include: A VAC, NC., CASA of the uachita egion Clarice’s oom of Hope Fresh Start Pregnancy esource Center Friends of the uachita Trail Healthy Connections Mena Art Gallery uachita ittle Theatre Polk County Developmental Center ich Mountain Community College Foundation and The CA . More organizations may be added the closer the date gets, be sure to visit their website and search Polk County to see the list of beneficiaries. A s a special incentive to give , each gift made through A rka nsasG ive s on A pril 6 th w ill be matched w ith additional bonus dollars, giving all participating nonprofits a portion of a pool of bonus dollars made possible through the Arkansas Community Foundation. The more that is donated, the more the organizations will receive in bonus dollars.

Mena PD to Provide Reserve Officer Class BY MELANIE BUCK • The Mena Police Department will host a reserve/part time officer class beginning in midApril 2017. There are a limited number of slots ava ilable and organize rs encourage those w ho “ w ant to be invo lve d and help make a difference in the community, ” to apply. Mena Police Department Chief Brandon Martin said, “Anyone who is looking to make aw nforcement or Criminal ustice a career, this is a great opportunity to get a start in the profession. ” The department is also accepting applications for eserve fficers. The deadline to apply is March 2 . You can pick up an application and a list of requirements at the Mena Police Department.

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March 15, 2017

Weekly Publication



Buck Claims Third Talimena 13.1 Title



lint B uck, an 1 8 - year old Mena H igh S chool senior, w as named the indivi dual w inner of the 4 th annual Talimena 1 3 . 1 R un and R elay on S aturday, March 1 1 , 2 0 1 7 after completing the 1 3 . 1 miles up R ich Mountain in 1 hour, 5 9 minutes, and 5 7 seconds. A lthough this year w as not his fastest time to complete the grueling run, it w as B uck’ s third year in a row to declare the ove rall w inner trophy. B uck said, “ H e has blessed me once again, ” givi ng G od the glory for givi ng him the strength to finish. S ara B licke nstaff came in j ust 3 minutes behind B uck to claim the ove rall female title. S he actually began running the race w hen it w as called the R ich Mountain Classic in the 1 9 8 0 ’ s and 9 0 ’ s and now she and husband, S haw n, continue to make the trip ‘ back home’ to run the ½ marathon each year. To complete the men’ s ove rall divi sion, 2 nd place w as aw arded to S haw n B licke nstaff, and Malcolm Moe placed 3 rd. E liza D rew claimed 2 nd in the w omen’ s ove rall divi sion, and E mily E merson took 3 rd. I n team competition, A corn Cross Country’ s 1 3 - member relay team took first place, coming across the line in 1 hour 36 minutes. This was their second year to claim the team trophy. W aldron Cross Country team w as not far behind in second, and the B earcat F ootball boys came in third. F inishing out the divi sion w ere U nion Bank in th, M HS Pacemakers in 5th, and ueen Wilhelmina State Park in 6th. There was also a -member relay team. Priority Aviation took first place in 2:0 .21. H ouston D esis came in 2 nd. n age divisions, Clint Buck, 1st place, 1 under, Shawn Blickenstaff took first in the men’s 35-3 group Malcolm Moe took first in the 5- group 50-5 enneth Hall, 1st, Noel Sagullo, 2nd 55-5 eff ohnson, 1st, otesh ao, 2nd 65-6 eff Teater, 1st 75-7 Marvin Glenn, 1st. I n w omen’ s age divi sions, A ngelina and Christianna Moe took 1 st and 2 nd in the 1 9 under group liza Drew, 1st, in 25-2 30-3 mily merson, 1st, Vanessa Mc night, 2nd, ristie Hutchison, 3rd 35-3 , Sara Blickenstaff, 1st 0Amber Arnold, 1st 5Cynthia Chastain, 1st, Catherine ’Brien, 2nd, Dustie obe, 3rd 50-5 Pam Moore, 1st, Mary Barrs, 2nd 55-5 Barbara Drew, 1st, Cyndee Maxwell, 2nd, Teresa agle oad, 3rd 60-6 Mary Ayn Tullier, 1st. eff Teater pictured bottom right , a 65 year old Army veteran from Fort Worth, made the climb in hours and 6 mintues. Teater participated in the race 30 years ago. He wanted to come back and complete the trek again as he is currently fighting prostate cancer. H e said he it w as on his bucke t list and he can now mark that dream as complete. rganizers of the event were pleased with this year’s turnout, especially amid such cold and windy conditions and look forward to hosting the event again next year.

January 6, 2016





March 15, 2017

Weekly Publication



Local Couple Launches Relief Effort for Victims of Panhandle Fires BY MELANIE BUCK •

local couple made it their priority last week to help the victims, both human and animal, of the Texas Panhandle fires that have burned more than 500,000 acres and continue to rav age through three states. A t least six people hav e been k illed, and thousands of others hav e been forced from their homes in Tex as, O k lahoma, and K ansas. F our of those deaths occurred in Tex as since that fire began on Monday, March 6. The fires in Texas are now contained and their governor has declared six counties as disaster areas. Four wildfires continue to burn in northwestern klahoma and southwestern ansas and were 2 contained as of Tuesday, March 1 . n addition to human lives, the fires have taken homes, farms, ranches, and livestock. Although some of the fires have died down for now, the risk for more wildfires remains high due to weather forecasts that predict little or no rain for the area through next week. Authorities in one county have said that more than 5,000 cattle are displaced and they have no numbers on how many perished. R ick y and D arcy D ollar, of Y ocana, launched a P anhandle R elief E ffort in P olk County planned to tak e a load of supplies to the v ictims ov er the w eek end. They ask ed for the community to rally together and help fill up their truck and horse trailer by Saturday, March 11, so they could deliver on Sunday, March 12. A ccording to D arcy, they w ere ov erw helmed by the response they receiv ed. “ W e nev er imagined that this w ould escalate the w ay it did. B efore w e k new it, w e had more than our truck and trailer could haul. A family friend, F rank D av is from Cherry H ill, offered to trav el along w ith us with his truck and a 32 foot at bed, which ended up being plumb full as well.” n all, the couple collected approximately 7 tons of feed, 1250 lbs of cattle mineral, 3 mineral feeders, a bundle of 5x8 treated wood posts, 23 rolls of barbed wire, a roll of smooth wire, 50 t-posts, t-post wire clips, a case of A 200, 1 1/2 pallets of bottled water, fence stretchers, 2 bags of milk replacer and calf bottles, leather fence glov es, miscellaneous vet supplies, feed buckets, 20 boxes of clothing, and 6 boxes of family care items w ith groceries, toiletries, etc. A ll a true testament of how P olk County rallies together to prov ide those in need. Darcy said, “A very heartfelt thanks to all that gave. We had people all over Polk and Montgomery County donating items. W e also had a fellow farmer out of N ashv ille, A aron P ropps, that rallied his community together and brought 6 tons of feed and vet supplies from his area. Also, Southwest Arkansas High School odeo donated items that were hauled to us from Hope. ur hearts our so humbled at the sacrifice the members of our community/state have made for those w hose liv es hav e been completely torn apart. To G od be the glory, H e is so good ” Darcy also thanked Sabrina Devers and Family of Perryton, T , for coordinating relief efforts in their area. “They have done a tremendous ob ” D arcy also ex plained their trip to deliv er w asn’ t an easy one either. W hen they w ere en W hen a b ab y is b orn, p eop le will of ten comment how much he/ she resemb les mom or is route to the Texas Panhandle, one of their atbeds blew a wheel bearing and caught on fire more lik e dad, and, indeed, as the child matures it continues to dev elop into the image of its in Tulsa. The situation turned into the relief needing relief,’ so to speak. “ ne of the firemen p arents. This is no accident rather it is designed to b e this way. j ust happened to be a farmer and let us borrow a trailer. H ome D epot got their fork lifts and In Ge n 1 : 2 6 God said: " L e t Us m a k e m a n i n O u r i m a g e … And so H e gav e man that which unloaded the disaster relief supplies and reloaded them onto another trailer. N ot only that, but that group of firemen stayed with our crew the whole three hours we were stopped, wawas lik e unto H imself : the ab ility to think and reason, to p lan and b uild, to f eel emotions and tered our horse, and took our atbed to a place for safe keeping overnight. God is so good ” b e creativ e, and to p ossess character traits uniq uely H is own. Y et when man ate of the f ruit By the time they met up with Devers for the supply exchange, the final destination had of the tree of k nowledge of good and ev il, man’ s nature changed. H e chose to p ursue his changed. “ ur contact in Texas actually found a family and area near Ashland, S that needf leshly desires than ob ey the Sp irit. It’ s called “ sin” . A transgression against God. ed the supplies and help so that’s where they were delivered.” 1 J o h n 2 : 1 6 notes: “ Fo r a l l t h a t i s i n t h e w o r l d - t h e l u s t o f t h e f l e s h , t h e l u s t o f t h e e y e s , D arcy again relayed how much she appreciated the county’ s help w hen the idea arose. a n d t h e p r i d e o f l i f e i s n o t o f t h e Fa t h e r b u t i s o f t h e w o r l d . ” Being in this world, what then “We want to stress how appreciative we are of everyone who donated,” she said.


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By S. J . Varner

are we to do? Ga l 5 : 1 6 instructs us to: “ Wa l k i n t h e Sp i r i t , a n d y o u s h a l l n o t f u l f i l l t h e l u s t o f t h e f l e s h . ” And Ga l . 5 : 2 2 - 2 5 instructs us regarding how we are to distinguish b etween the ways of the f lesh and the ways of the Sp irit. “ … t h e f r u i t o f t h e Sp i r i t i s l o v e , j o y , p e a c e , l o n g s u f f e r i n g , k i n d n e s s , g o o d n e s s , f a i t h f u l n e s s , g e n t l e n e s s , s e l f - c o n t r o l . Ag a i n s t s u c h t h e r e i s n o l a w . An d t h o s e w h o a r e Ch r i s t ' s h a v e c r u c i f i e d t h e f l e s h w i t h i t s p a s s i o n s a n d d e s i r e s . If w e l i v e i n t h e Sp i r i t , l e t u s a l s o w a l k i n t h e Sp i r i t . ” Therein are the character traits of God which we must dev elop ov er the course of our liv es. It tak es a lot of p rayer, study and ef f ort if these traits are to b ecome our f irst nature and not our second choice. R o m 8 : 1 4 notes: “ Fo r a s m a n y a s a r e l e d b y t h e Sp i r i t o f Go d , t h e s e a r e s o n s o f Go d . ” As the child is inf luenced b y the p arent so it is the child of God is inf luenced b y the Sp irit of God. H e cares ab out you. Good day. The H atf ield Church of Christ welcomes you this Sunday. F or more inf ormation, you may reach us at 479-394-3891, email hatf ieldcof c@ gmail. com and/ or lik e us on F aceb ook . To link to f uture lessons: p lease use the f ollowing internet address: cocsj v . b logsp ot. com

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Weekly Publication


Fire Spreads Quickly Across Pasture in High Wind Conditions BY MELANIE BUCK • M

ena F ire D epartment responded to an out- of- control burn on Tuesday afternoon, March 8 , 2 0 1 7 , and req uested mutual aid from D allas V alley V olunteer F ire D epartment. The call came in to 9 1 1 dispatch j ust after 1 p. m. on Tuesday that a controlled burn had gotten out of hand across from the Mena S chool D istrict B us B arn. Fire fighters used water to quench the ames, while forestry used a dozer to make a defensive line around the fire, which was located on a hilly pasture area behind a row of homes on ast Boundry oad in Mena. The ames also reached a wood line on the backside of the property. The fire began after embers from a burn pile blew into the pasture, which was covered in dead vegetation, causing the ames to spark, even after a night of moderate rainfall. t was almost 3 p.m. when firefighters cleared the scene, after battling the blaze in high w ind conditions. Pictured left: A dozer winds its way through hilly pasture land near a group of trees, trying to il a e ensi e line to stop t e ames e ore t ey reac a ro o resi ential omes

Mobile Speed Sign


Mobile speed signs are interactiv e signs that are generally constructed of a series of L E D s that display the ve hicle’ s speed as driv ers approach. S tudies have show n that the use of mobile speed signs have reduced speeding in areas by 8 5 % and, streets w here signs w ere installed continued to exp erience speed reductions eve n tw o years after the signs w ere installed. Mena Mayor G eorge McK ee said, “ I go to Tulsa q uite a bit to see family and they have them in betw een B ig Cedar and Talihina and they made me slow dow n, so I thought they would be good here.” Mc ee said they get complaints from residents on certain streets about speeding traffic. “A lot of people request “children at play” signs in situations like that. N ow , w e can place the sign there and that w ill help slow them dow n. ” McK ee also said that j ust seeing the sign is a deterrence to most drive rs. “ W heneve r see one, think there is probably a policeman there close by. f it will slow me down, it will slow others down. think it will be good for our town. t’s another precaution to help our citizens. The police try, but they can’t be everywhere at once so think it will make people think.” The City purchased the sign in late 2 0 1 6 for around $ 3 , 0 0 0 and spent approxi mately $ 6 0 0 on a trailer and havi ng someone local do the metal fabrication. Martin said the department saved around 2,800 by doing the work themselves. The sign not only displays the driver’s speed, it also keeps a tally of vehicles coming through and w hat their speeds are. That information can be dow nloaded to a computer and help identify problem areas. t’s a solar powered sign as well, making it a self contained unit. n addition to the signs, Martin said his officers will continue to monitor traffic and “try to keep things slow and good.” B eing a mobile unit, the sign w ill trave l to different areas of the city at random. “ I f w e get complaints about an area or w e see something going on in an area, w e can set it up there. I t w ill be a useful tool for us, ” Martin said.

January 6, 20

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March 15, 2017

Weekly Publication


Mental Health Centers


the creation of these stabiliz ation centers, this bill w ill prov ide much- needed assistance to those suffering from mental illnesses, and also provide relief to our law enforcement officers w ho so often hav e to deal w ith incidents inv olv ing those w ho need help rather than detention, ” stated H utchinson. H e added, “ W e hav e too many people incarcerated in A rk ansas as a result of mental illness, and w hile w e recogniz e this need, w e must continue w ork ing to treat the mentally ill and prev ent future criminal behav ior. ” Many counties across the state, including Polk County, have tried to find ways to alleviate ov ercrow ding, but housing the state’ s inmates puts a strain on all counties. I n the case of the incarcerated mentally ill, there aren’ t many other options. P olk County S heriff S cott S aw yer says the bill is a positiv e mov e and believ es its effects w ill be seen in the county in the nex t couple of years. H ow ev er, in the meantime, continuing to house the inmates is a must. S aw yer ex plained, “ I hav e tw o in the j ail right now that are w aiting to be transferred to the state hospital, but it’ s full and it costs 275 a day. n the new centers, the cost will be 75 a day, and that includes treatment to help them get off of drugs and other issues. ” The governor has committed 5 million to support these facilities, which will provide evaluation and treatment of those suspected by law enforcement officers to be in need of mental health treatment. I n the beginning, there w ill be three or four centers scattered across the state, w ith each holding 1 2 - 1 5 patients. S aw yer said there w ould be one in F ort S mith that the county could be able to use if there is room. “ W e don’ t really hav e enough here to need a center, but at any giv en time, w e may hav e tw o or three. I f there are centers close by, w e w ill use those. ” To learn how to recogniz e w hen a subj ect may hav e mental health issues, all law enforcement officers will be trained. The state will sponsor the trainings and Polk County officers will attend crisis interv ention classes in S ebastian County. A lthough the centers w on’ t do much to allev iate a full j ail in P olk County, S aw yer ex plained that it will be beneficial in other ways. “ f you can get them into counseling and the things they need, it w ill help us. W e spend a maj ority of our time w ith mentally unstable people. ” O ne example he gave was a sub ect that was found unfit to stand trial in ctober 2016 after being j ailed on criminal charges. H e needs psychiatric care, w ith the only current option being the state hospital. H ow ev er, as they stay full, he remains in the P olk County D etention Center, tak ing up a bed there. “ W e can’ t cut him loose because he has criminal charges, ” said S aw yer. B ut, they can’ t send him anyw here else either. S B 1 3 6 w ill giv e the county another option. “ I f someone is mentally unstable and someone recogniz es it, w e can get him in right aw ay, ” S aw yer said. H e also said that former P olk County S heriff Mik e G odfrey played a k ey role in helping the bill get passed. “ The A rk ansas S heriff’ s A ssociation and D irector Mik e G odfrey really got behind this bill and really pushed for it. They felt it w as really the right thing for A rk ansas and I think it w ill be the right thing for P olk County. ”

Chamber Nominations

Cossatot River School District Congratulations on a great year...

Wickes Elementary Archery

wickes Straight shooters


chael P ov ey, B rian Thompson, and J ohn V acca. N ominees for Citiz en of the Y ear are: P aulette Craw ford, Chris D aniel, and Carla V aught. B est N ew Construction N ominees are: S outhw est E MS – W ick es L ocation and The Crossing Church Children’s Building. Nominees for Best enovation/Beautification are: City of Mena – Mena S treetscape P roj ect, O uachita L ittle Theatre, and R eMax Mena R eal E state. N ominees for B usiness of the Y ear are: A rv est B ank , B ear S tate B ank , B ow ser F amily F uneral H ome, Century 2 1 / P erry R eal E state, D D H 1 0 Minit L ube, Mena Mountain R esort, R otary Club of P olk County, S helter I nsurance – Telissa Montgomery, Tim’ s Y amaha, U ofA R ich Mountain, and W ashburn’ s H ome F urnishings. Ballots for winners can be cast by contacting the Chamber office via email at: secretary menapolk chamber. com; v ia regular mail at: 5 2 4 S herw ood A v enue, Mena, A R 7 1 9 5 3 ; or by calling 4 7 9 - 3 9 4 - 2 9 1 2 . The w inners of each category w ill be announced at the Chamber of Commerce B anq uet and Membership Celebration on A pril 6 th at 6 p. m. at the CMA I ron Mountain Pavillion in Hatfield. Tyler W ilson, former R az orback q uarterback , w ill be the guest speak er. Tick ets are on sale now at the Chamber office. A table of eight is 250, or purchase single tickets for 35 per person. Tick ets can be purchased w ith cash, check , credit card, or member inv oice. F or tickets or more information, contact the Chamber ffice at 3 -2 12.

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FLOYD WATSON CLARK Floyd Watson Clark, Jr., 63, of Nashville, Arkansas passed away on Friday, March 10, 2017 in Little Rock, Arkansas. He was born on January 12, 1954 in Nashville, Arkansas, the son of the late Floyd Watson Clark, Sr. and Anita (Marshall) Clark. Floyd was an optimistic person with a positive attitude who loved people. He was a leader, an encourager and a servant. He was able to combine these talents to enjoy a successful career with Farm Bureau Insurance for many years. One of his other passions was working on his farm; tending to Brangus cattle, peach trees and a summer garden. He was an avid quail, turkey and deer hunter, and even became fascinated with bear hunting later in life. He enjoyed the fellowship and camaraderie of deer camp even more than the hunt. He was a proud Scrapper multi-sport athlete and Harding Bison football player. He served as the President of several organizations including the Arkansas Junior rangus reeders’ Association, the riar Ridge Camp hunting club, the Nashville and Mena Chambers of Commerce, and the Nashville and Mena Rotary Clubs. He was a member of the Mena Lions Club, was a Life Underwriters Training Council Fellow and a member of the Harding niversity President’s ouncil. More than his hobbies and professional accomplishments, Floyd valued meeting people and making friends. He made friends everywhere he went and he had a knack for making each of them feel like they were his best friend. He was a born-again Christian and a member of Sunset Church of Christ where he served for many years as a Bible class teacher and preacher. His highest honor was serving as an elder for the congregation for several years. He is preceded in death by his father Floyd W. Clark, Sr. He is survived by his wife, Coleen Clark of Mena, Arkansas; his mother, Anita Pearl Clark of Nashville, Arkansas; one son, Trey Clark and his wife Carmen, of El Dorado, Arkansas; two daughters, Leah Colley and husband Bubba of Texarkana, Arkansas and Lauren McCullough and husband Warren of Little Rock, Arkansas; and eight grandchildren, Ava, Isabel, So-

phia and Will Clark, Brett, Zoe and Gabby Lovelis, and B.J. Colley. Visitation was held at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, March 12, 2017 at Latimer Funeral Home Nashville. Memorial services were at 2:00 p.m. Monday, March 13, 2017 at Sunset Church of Christ in Nashville. Graveside services were held at Corinth Cemetery under the direction of Latimer Funeral Home. Memorials may be made to hildren’s Homes, Inc. at or CARTI at You may send an online sympathy message at

ELLA FAYE FAIRLESS Ella Faye Fairless, age 78, of Smithville, Oklahoma passed away Sunday, March 12, 2017 at her home. Ella Faye was born in Mesa, Arizona on April 24, 1938 to the late William “Bill” Harrison Gray and the late Frankie Glover. She was married to the late James Fairless. Ella Faye retired from Bell Helicopter, where she did bonding on helicopter blades. She enjoyed going to the casino, working in her garden, and fishing. Also Ella Faye enjoyed playing dominos and cards with family and friends. She loved to sing and play guitar. Most of all she loved her family and friends. Ella Faye was a loving and kind mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend to all who knew her. She will be dearly missed by all. She is survived by son, Wayne Fairless and wife Donna of Smithville, Oklahoma; daughter, Lawanda Thompson and Tim Hopper of Zafra, Oklahoma; grandchildren, Tawana Vanderwalt and husband Jeremy Roberts, Clinton Mahaffey and wife Erika, Jennifer Hamm and husband Newton, Jessica Johnson and husband Jerry Dale, Kyle Fairless and wife Amanda, Damon Tate, Darin Tate and wife Lisa; great-grandchildren, Jariah, Xaveion, Ferran, Katelynn, Sharlina, Chevy, Kru, Nathan, Jayden, Jamey, Jayne, Lyndsey, Codey, James, Christopher, Kaleb, Michael, Joey, Terah; special friends, Wango Johnson and wife Janice of Watson, Oklahoma and Polly Hopper of Broken Bow, Oklahoma; sister, Georgia Mae Smith and husband Hoyt of Hurst, Texas; nephew, Wayland Fairless and wife Shayla and their children, Ryland and Layla; nieces and nephews, Peggy Martin and husband

Roger, Jerry Smith and wife Dede, David Smith and Marla Smith, Chantay Fairless and Family; and a host of nieces, nephews and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, James Fairless, twin sons Doug and Don Fairless, and a daughter, Patrecia Tate. Graveside service will be Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 2:00 p.m. at Pleasant Hill emetery in Hatfield, Arkansas under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena. Pallbearers will be Wayland Fairless, Clint Mahaffey, Kyle Fairless, Nathan Hamm, Gerald Land, and Wango Johnson. Honorary pallbearers will be Joe Huff, Donald Blake, Jeremy Roberts, and Jariah Vanderwalt.


Freddy Gean Allen, r., age , of Hatfield, died Sunday, March 5, 2017 at his home. He was born on Monday, September 10, 1951 to Carl Edward and Fannie May Broadway Allen in Lawson, Texas. Freddy loved hunting and fishing, and spending time with his children. Freddy was a Baptist and a proud United States Army Veteran serving during the Vietnam War then joining the National Reserves for over 20 years. He worked for the city of Dallas for 28 years. Freddy loved bird watching; he got the most enjoyment from just watching his chickens. Freddy was a loving father, brother, uncle and friend, and will be missed by all who knew him. He is preceded in death by his parents and brother, Ricky Allen. Freddy is survived by two sons, Freddy Allen Jr. of College Station, Texas and erry Allen of Hatfield three daughters, Roxanna Robinson of Mesquite, Texas, Lauren Calderon of Saginaw, Texas, and usan ook of Hatfield three brothers, arl Allen r. of Hatfield, awrence Allen of Kaufman, Texas, and Steve Allen of Amity, Arkansas; two sisters, Barbara Friday of Dallas, Texas, and Vicki Crabtree of Dierks, Arkansas; six grandchildren; several nieces and nephews, and a host of other relatives and friends. A memorial service will be held at a later date with cremation services entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena. Online Guestbook:



March 15, 2017

Weekly Publication



Danny May, age 60, of Mena, passed away Sunday, February 26, 2017 in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Danny was born on June 21, 1 in akersfield, alifornia to Woodrow May and Roxie Sisney May. He was married to Cindy Hale May and was in the construction business by profession. Danny enjoyed riding motorcycles hunting and building houses. He liked listening to “Elvis” music. Most of all he enjoyed and loved his family and friends. He was a loving and kind husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother and friend to all he met. Danny will be dearly missed. He is survived by wife, Cindy Hale May; sons, anny May of pringfield, Missouri, Bobby May and wife Tabetha of Mena, Arkansas, Daniel May of Mena, Arkansas; daughters, risty Williams of pringfield, Missouri, Jamie May of Dierks, Arkansas, Crystal May of Mena, Arkansas, Pamela May of Mena, Arkansas; nineteen grandchildren and one great-grandchild; brothers, Gerald Powell of Kansas City, Missouri, Jerry May of Mena, Arkansas, Johnny May of Mena, Arkansas; sister, Wanda Elder of Missouri. He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother Bobby May. Mr. May was sent for cremation under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena.

January 6, 2016

CARRIE PEARL GOLDEN HOOVER Carrie Pearl Golden Hoover, age 87, of Mena, passed away Friday, March 10, 2017 in Mena, Arkansas. Pearl was born on June 17, 1929 in Galena, Missouri to the late Walter Samuel Golden and the late Mattie Lee Roseman Golden. She was married to Doran Hoover until his death. She was a devoted mother with a big servant’s heart, helping prepare meals for families, and loved helping with VBS every year. Pearl also enjoyed reading, crocheting, and working in her yard. She was a loving and kind mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, and friend to all who knew and loved her. She is survived by sons, Alan Hoover CONTINUED ON PAGE 10

. . March . . . . . . .15, . . .2017 .................................................................................................................... Weekly Publication



CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 and wife Barbara of Bedford, Texas, Sam Hoover and wife Vicki of Mena, Arkansas; daughters, Rita Smith and husband Ken of Nacogdoches, Texas, Patti Grace and husband David of Fayetteville, Arkansas; honorary daughter, Belva McDaniel and husband E Wayne of Mena, Arkansas; brother, Dick Golden of Mena, Arkansas; ten grandchildren and twenty-one great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband Doran, eight brothers and sisters, and a great-granddaughter, Abigail Grace Wright. Funeral service for Mrs. Hoover were Monday, March 13, 2017, 1:00 p.m. at First Baptist Church in Mena With Brother Russell hreet officiating. nterment followed in the Pinecrest Memorial Park under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena. n lieu of owers, memorials may be made to the 9th Street Ministries. Pallbearers were David Grace, Ken Smith, Greg Grace, Zach Bonner, Jay Tullos, and Grant Tullos. Honorary pallbearers were Andrew McDaniel, Scott Hoover, and Michael Smith.

LORETTA MILLER Loretta Miller, age 89, Of Mena passed away March 3, 2017 in Mena, Arkansas. Loretta Miller was born on December 21, 1927, in the Montgomery County community of Hopper, Arkansas. he was the first of four daughters of Roy and Madene Horn. By her mother’s account she was a happy little girl who loved going on the rounds with her peddler father. On one such trip to a store when she was about four years old she spied a small red rocking chair; just her size. She sat down in it and refused to budge. Mr. Horn couldn’t persuade her to leave so bought the rocking chair and took it home with little Loretta in it. That rocking chair is still in the family. The Horn family moved to Mena where

Loretta played basketball in high school and made many friends. She was one of those special people who made friends easily and kept those friends throughout her long life. One day a young man named Leonard Miller was driving her school bus. He said he was attracted to her because she wasn’t silly like many other girls. he was dignified and level-headed. t is also possible he was attracted to her because she was really pretty. n due time they got to know each other better and when Leonard returned from World War 2 and service in the Navy they reconnected. Loretta graduated from Mena High School in 1946, and in September of that year she and Leonard were married. Loretta did many of the same things as other women of her generation. She made a home for her husband and family, was one of the founding members of the Bright and Early Home Demonstration Club, and she had babies. Five in all. Four boys and one girl. She excelled in keeping her children fed and clean and well-behaved. Leonard often marveled that Loretta always had the children ready and presentable and never late. he loved the beauty of owers and enjoyed reading and learning new things. She was a lifelong member of the Northside Church of Christ where she was known for her beautiful voice and love of singing. At the time of her death she had been a member of that church longer than anyone still alive. When Loretta was born, many homes in her community had no indoor plumbing and no electricity. When she died on March 3, 2017, at age 89, she and Leonard had achieved a level of comfort that when she was a child she didn’t even dream of. he also achieved what she wanted most, a loving family. Loretta Miller was preceded in death by Leonard, her husband of 58 years, and her parents, Roy and Madene Horn. She is survived by her children, Roger Miller and wife Cynthia of Eagle River, Alaska, Ginger Hoyt and husband Dan, Souderton, Pennsylvania, Nick Miller of Las Cruces, New Mexico, Sam Miller of Mena, Arkansas, Tom Miller of Little Rock, Arkansas; sisters, Athalee Brandt of Bossier City, LA, Linda Tyler of Little Rock, Arkansas, Patty Rowe of Mena, Arkansas; four grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

Services were at 10 a.m., Saturday, March 11, 2017, at the Northside Church of hrist in Mena. nterment followed in the Pinecrest Memorial Park under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena. Visitation is general. Pallbearers were Roger Miller, Nick Miller, Sam Miller, Tom Miller and Alex Miller.

MABEL OGLESBY Mabel Oglesby, age 91, of Mena passed away March 6, 2017 in Hot Springs, Arkansas at Arkansas Hospice. She was born in Vandervoort, Arkansas on October 25, 1925 to the late Austin Parker and the late Bertha James Parker. Mabel was married to the late Paul Oglesby until his death and worked as a school cafeteria manager for Acorn Schools and was of the aptist faith. Mabel had a big servant’s heart, always wanting to be a blessing to her family and friends. She enjoyed being a “foster grandparent” helping children read and loved to be outside. Favorite things she enjoyed were drinking coffee, doing word searches, and helping others. She will be dearly missed by all. She is survived by daughter, Paula Roberts and husband Greg of London, Arkansas; grandchildren, Madison Roberts of London, Arkansas, Traci Wing of Hot Springs, Arkansas; many nieces, nephews, and cousins. She is preceded in death by her parents, Austin and Bertha Parker, husband, Paul Oglesby, four brothers and two sisters, son, Steve Oglesby, a grandson, Matthew Roberts, granddaughter, Kaitlyn Roberts, and great-grandchild, oshua ssacs Wing. Graveside service were Friday March 10, 2017, 11:00 a.m. at Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Hatfield, Arkansas under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena. Visitation was from 9:30-10:30 at Beasley Wood Chapel, prior to service.

Arkansas. She was born March 16, 1930 in Opal, Arkansas to the late Jesse T. Holmes and the late Snow Louise Sherman Holmes. Mrs. Smith worked at Wal-Mart for many years. She loved baseball, was an avid Atlanta Braves fan, and enjoyed gardening. She was a loving and devoted mother with a servant’s heart serving her family and others. Most of all she loved her Lord and Savior, her family, and her Bill and his family as her own. She was known as “Mom” at the nursing home, was also known for her radiant smile. Doris was a loving and kind mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-great grandmother, sister, and friend to all who knew her. She will be dearly missed. She is survived by children, Douglas Ray rain and wife Heide of e Moines, owa, Gary Alan Crain of Lufkin, Texas, Norma Elaine Baker of Mena, Arkansas, Virginia Gayle Davis and husband Wendell of Lufkin, Texas, Ronald David Ezell and wife Karen of Houston, Texas, Pamela Diane Strickland of Fort Smith, Arkansas; sisters, Sue McAfee and husband Charles of Texarkana, Arkansas, Jessica Dean of St. Louis, Missouri, Patricia Medford and husband Darrell of Texarkana, Arkansas; thirteen grandchildren, twenty-two great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband Bill Smith, son-in-law, Dariel Baker, grandson, Steven Crain, sisters, Odell Byrd, and Helen Gosvenor. Funeral services will be Wednesday, March 15, 2017, 10:00 a.m. at Beasley Wood Chapel with Brother Charles Holmes officiating. nterment will follow in the herry Hill Cemetery in Cherry Hill under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena. Family and friends visitation will be Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at Beasley Wood from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Pallbearers will be Kris Clark, Tim Clark, Chris Benner, Brandon Ezell, Aaron Davis, and Tyler Dennis.

DORIS JEAN SMITH Mrs. Doris Jean Smith, age 86, of Mena, passed away Saturday, March 11, 2017 in Mena,

C aring f or you r f amily since 19 2 8 479-394-1310 611 Janssen Ave. Mena, AR 71953

Weekly Publication

UA Rich Mountain Foundation Receives Donation for American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship O



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n March 7, the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 18 presented a donation to the University of Arkansas R ich Mountain F oundation to provide an annual scholarship for $ 1,20 0 . The scholarship priority award is to provide financial assistance to a Polk County student attending University of Arkansas R ich Mountain that is a female veteran or descendent of a veteran. Scholarship award is based on need and academic performance. The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 18 is comprised of women, or their descendants, of men who have served in the military during periods of war. Foundation Board Members, Donors, and Chancellor pictured l to r aren Mosier, David Alley, Brian Hensley, John acca, Damon Miller, American Legion Auxiliary nit 18 President Tawana Gilbert, D onna Montgomery, Avel Mendoza , American Legion Auxiliary Unit 18 Secretary Lou Davis, Dr. Phillip Wilson, and Ben Finley. F or more information about the UA R ich Mountain F oundation and giving opportunities contact, Tammy oung, Director of Development and Community Relations at 479 394-7622, x. 1220 or tyoung@

UA Rich Mountain PTK Honor Society Inducts New Members T


he Beta ta psilon Chapter of Phi Theta appa PT of the niversity of Arkansas Rich Mountain recently inducted 26 new members during their induction ceremony held on March 10th in the Ouachita Center. PT ’s mission is two-fold 1 recognize and encourage the academic achievement of two-year college students, and 2 provide opportunities for individual growth and development through participation in honors, leadership, and service programming. PT offers the opportunity for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, fellowship for scholars, and to encourage interest in continuing academic excellence. 2017 Inductees Ron Anderle, Andrew Blackwell, Julie Brown, Miranda Brown, Christa Castillo, Sherri dmonds, Cheyenne Garlin, Tessa Gentry, yra Gonzalez, Brooke Howell, Brittany ing, lgecca Gen Lewis, Hope Lyle, Shauna Martin, Cathy Mc ntire, Courtney Meador, Shawn Mowdy, anessa Rice, Carmen Ruiz, Jennifer Seitz, Allie Sessler, Danni Smyth, Jerusha Tedder, Chandra Warren, and Lonnie oung. 2016-2017 Officers Caroline Singleton, President aitie Golden, ice President 1114A Hwy 71S Mena, AR Keith & Sharon Aleshire, Melody Hampton, Secretary Adrianna Wolfenbarger, Treasurer Jared Standridge Toll Free: 1-888-394-4200 Broker/Owners Tara Davis, Public Keith’s Cell: 479-243-5341 R elations. 5 key facts about Prostate Cancer: F or more informa1. Affects 1 in every 6 men 3674 - Lovely Two-Story 3 b edroom/ 2 b ath home in tion about the Beta 2. Deadlier than breast cancer Timb er Ridge. A 6 f t p riv acy f ence surrounds the tree ta psilon Chapter of 3. Detectable in early stages shaded . 984 acre m/ l lot with deck ov erlook ing the b ack Phi Theta appa, con4. NOT an old man’s disease yard. The home has recently b een remodeled with new 5. Does NOT go away if you avoid tact Penny Lunsford, H ardwood f loors downstairs and new carp et up stairs. testing. Gentlemen: We encourage you to get History Instructor and O ther amenities added include a gas range in the a PSA blood test. PT Advisor at 479 k itchen and a gas log f irep lace in the liv ing room. 394-7622 x.1332 or There’ s an attached 2 car garage with p antry or storage plunsford@ room. The p rop erty is comp limented b y a 40 x 40 shop b uilding that has 2 roll up doors and a walk through door. MLS16028120 $170,000

January 6, 2016


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3702 - What a Pretty Setting! Set b ack f rom the road among good shade trees this p rop erty has a large f ront lawn f acing the road. This house is sp acious with great room, an island in the k itchen and b ig utility room. There’ s a large master suite, sp lit f loorp lan with 2 more b edrooms and b ath. N ice carp ort and p orch. The 2. 99 acres also includes nice outb uildings and a shop . Close in to Mena f or great conv enience! MLS17001229 $95,000


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. .March . . . . . . .15, . . 2017 .....................................................................................................................




Weekly Publication

Acorn High School Announces February Students of the Month


he Acorn High School F aculty has chosen their Students of the Month for F ebruary 20 17 in grades 6 – 12. The students were chosen based on having characteristics of: performing at ability level, participating in the classroom, respectful to faculty and peers, demonstrating a good work ethic and demonstrating all-around good citiz enship. Students chosen were: 6th Grade - Ally Bissell, daughter of Otis and Tosha Bissell; 7th Grade - Justice N eufeld, son of Jeff and Jerusha N eufeld; 8 th Grade - Corryn Holland, daughter of Steven and Samantha Holland; 9th Grade - Vivian Harper, daughter of Michael and K athy Harper; 10 th Grade - Tessa K esterson daughter of Travis & Tina K esterson; 11th Grade - Josey Webb, daughter of D uane and D otsy Webb; 12th Grade - Joshua Staggs, son of D anny and Shelley Staggs. Students received an academic plaque as well as had their lunch furnished by N idec at a restaurant of their choice.

UA Rich Mountain Hosts PBS Screening of ‘The Great War’ O


n March 6, a screening of The Great War was shown in the Ouachita Center on the main campus of the University of Arkansas R ich Mountain. The 40 -minute screening focused on Propaganda and Americanism and is part of a 6-hour series premiering on PBS/ AE TN on Monday, April 10 th, 8 : 0 0 p.m. CST. Additional topics to be shown in the series include: Wilson’s F ourteen Points, Influenza pidemic of 1918, Harlem Hellfighters in F rance, Vigilantism/ Slacker R aids, Selective Service, N ew Y ork 15 th N ational Guard, Suffragist Protests, F ood Conservation & Surveillance, Choctaw Code Talkers, Sinking of the Lusitania, and the Treaty of Versailles. Brenda Miner, UA R ich Mountain D irector of Library Services for the Johnson Learning Commons coordinated the screening and program. In addition to the screening, all veterans attending the event were recogniz ed for their service; Q & A with historian panelists: Harold Coogan, R ichard Hohman, and K athy Adams; and the following activities and events announced: - Host of WWI memorabilia currently on display in the Johnson Learning Commons, including letters from a WWI veteran. The American E xperience and the Center for American War Letters has launched a campaign this April to preserve wartime correspondence through the Million Letters Campaign. F or more information, visit . - UA R ich Mountain supporting Charlie Company through donations to buy needed items during their deployment in Africa. - Linda Johnson, Commander of VF W Post # 445 1 recogniz ed for raising support and coordinating efforts to bring The Wall That Heals display, a traveling replica of the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial in Washington, D .C., to Mena. The Wall That Heals will be on display March 23-26, 20 17. - A holly tree will be planted on the campus of the University of Arkansas R ich Mountain in honor of the WWI Anniversary. F or more information about the UA R ich Mountain Johnson Learning Commons contact, Brenda Miner, D irector of Library Services at ( 479) 394-7622, x. 1370 or bminer@ .

March 15, 2017



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3/28 3/31 4/4 4/7 4/13 4/17 4/20 4/24 4/27 4/29 5/11

COSSATOT GIRLS SOCCER ROSTER Megan Andrews - 12 Lara Herrlich - 12 Liliana Trinidad - 12 Carragon Brady - 11 Jennifer Esquivel - 11 Seline Lin - 11 Pricila Monsivais - 11 Taylor Owen - 11 Izzy Richardson - 11 Zebera Schmidt - 11

Natalia Alarcon - 10 Britney Antunez - 10 Ashlen Gonzalez - 10 Katya Gonzalez - 10 Lizbet Delgado - 9 Esperanza Ortiz - 9 Belen Vasquez - 9 Crystal Salgado - 9

COSSATOT GIRLS SOCCER SCHEDULE 3/28 3/30 4/7 4/11 4/14 4/18 4/24 4/29

Nashville @ Cossatot 4:00 Centerpoint @ Cossatot 4:00 Mena @ Mena 5:00 Arkadelphia @ Arkadelphia 5:30 Nashville @ Nashville 5:00 Centerpoint @ Centerpoint 5:00 Mena @ Cossatot 5:00 District Tournament TBA

March 15, 2017


Arkadelphia* @ Arkadelphia Nashville* @ Nashville Centerpoint* @ Mena Cossatot River* @ Mena Arkadelphia* @ Mena Nashville* @ Mena Centerpoint* @ Centerpoint Cossatot River* @ Mena** McAlester* @ McAlester Conference Tournament @ TBA State Tournament @ Batesville S.

5:30 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 TBA TBA

MENA GIRLS SOCCER ROSTER #8 - Blanca Caro - 12 #12 - Szilvia Fuleki - 12 #18 - Arriella Paniagua - 12 #20 - Anastasiya Bilous - 12 #24 - Arus Melkonyan - 12 #26 - Sophie Dennis - 12 #28 - Ansley Simmons - 12 #5 - Cami Driggers - 11

#14 - Morgan Bowling - 11 #21 - Rachel McCullen - 11 #29 - Zinianna Paniagua - 11 #36 - Maddie Fletcher - 11 #10/6 - Aimmee Williams - 11 #11 - Katy Caldwell - 10 #15 - Caroline Morgan - 10

#16 - Cassie McClaren - 10 #17 - Hannah McDonald - 10 #22 - Aliyah Aryes - 10 #2 - Madison Linch - 9 #4 - Faith Cheney - 9 #23 - LaDonna Barber - 9 #25 - Chantal Sims - 9

March 15, 2017


COSSATOT BOYS SOCCER ROSTER Gerardo Arias - 12 Jonathan Castrejon - 12 Gilberto Cervantes - 12 Jose Cordova - 12 Joel Delgado - 12 Alejandro Gonzalez - 12 Brayan Perez - 12 Marc Trinidad - 12 Yair Valencia - 12

Keelan Youngblood - 12 Titus Owen - 11 Daniel Perez - 11 Jose Rios - 11 Daniel Zuniga - 11 Luis Arias - 10 Elmer Delgado - 10 Hector Hernandez - 10 Brandon Marrufo - 10

Miguel Ortiz - 10 Sixto Aguilar - 9 Manuel Esquivel - 9 Jordy Roldan - 9 Ruben Trinidad - 9 Juan Trinidad - 9

COSSATOT BOYS SOCCER SCHEDULE 3/28 3/30 4/3 4/7 4/11 4/14 4/18 4/21 4/24 4/29

3/28 3/31 4/4 4/7 4/10 4/13 4/17 4/20 4/24 4/27 4/29 5/11


Arkadelphia* @ Arkadelphia Nashville* @ Nashville Centerpoint* @ Mena Cossatot River* @ Mena Gurdon* @ Mena Arkadelphia* @ Mena Nashville* @ Mena Centerpoint* @ Centerpoint Cossatot River* @ Mena** McAlester* @ McAlester Conference Tournament @ TBA State Tournament @ Batesville S.

5:30 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:30 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 TBA TBA


#1 - Hudson Ulmer - 12 #6 - Ryan Ozanich - 12 #9 - Elias Ntidam - 12 #11 - Marco Roggero - 12 #12 - Saujal Gyanwali - 12 #13 - Felix Nguyen - 12 #14 - Van Rigby - 12 17 Boston Butterfield 12 #18 - Brennan Ayres - 12 #19 - David Chaney - 12 #20 - Austin Wagner - 12

#21 - Elijah Snider - 12 #24 - Abraham Anton - 12 #28 - Fredik Gudim - 12 #29 - Bernado Sousa - 12 #30 - Joao Baranua - 12 #8 - Trey Brown - 11 #10 - Carson Cannon - 11 #23 - Lance Lee - 11 #25 - Devon Aviles - 11 #2 - Nick Linch - 10 #3 - Camden Bordersen - 10

#7 - Christian Lua - 10 #15 - Noah Sharp - 10 #16 - Tilman Portwood - 10 #36 - Zion Barnes - 10 #5 - Angel Ramierez - 9 #31 - Mark Wilson - 9 #32 - Andrew Graves - 9 #33 - Jacinto Perez - 9 #34 - David Grenier - 9

Nashville @ Cossatot 4:00 Centerpoint @ Cossatot 4:00 Gurdon @ Gurdon 5:30 Mena @ Mena 5:00 Arkadelphia @ Arkadelphia 5:30 Nashville @ Nashville 5:00 Centerpoint @ Centerpoint 5:00 Gurdon @ Cossatot 5:00 Mena @ Cossatot 5:00 District Tournament TBA

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Hot Deli Items, Hamburgers, Chicken, Soft Serve Ice Cream, Ice, Milkshakes & Snacks of all kinds

870-389-6245 • Hours 5am-10pm Corner of 71 S. & Hornbeck, Hatfield

Good Luck Bearcats & Ladycats

on a winning season! Aynes Ice Company 500 Ridge Avenue, Mena • (479) 394-4942



#5 - Rachel Lyle - 12 #13 - Alissa Miles - 12 #11 - Jessica Blackmon - 11 #00 - Harley Dering - 11 #30 - Raegan Richardson - 11 #4 - MaKenzie Whorton - 11 #33 - Bianca Ralls - 10 #22 - Jade Richardson - 10 #10 - Lauren Driver - 10 #24 - Makenzie Winkley - 10 #2 - Shanna Johnson - 10 #31 - Reeselyn Manasco - 10 #12 - Jordan Bailey - 9 #28 - Mayra Gutierrez - 9 #20 - Rhyen Martin - 10 #17 - LaShay Hackworth - 9 #18 - Anjah McBride - 10 #16 - Megan James - 9 #32 - Summer Raines - 9 #3 - Kayla Youngblood - 9

4:00 ( SB,D H) 4:00 ( SB,BB) 4:30 ( SB,BB) 4:30 ( SB,JV) 4:30 ( SB) 4:30 ( SB,JV) 4:00 ( SB,BB) 4:00 ( SB,BB) 4:30 ( SB,BB) 4:30 ( SB) 5:00 ( SB, JV) 4:30 ( SB, JV)



Harly Dearing #20 Ashley Sides #14 Tori Barrett #21 Brooke Bates #40 Makayla Anderson #3 Braxlie Strother #00 Makenzie Goss #2 Morgan Fagan #15 Lexi Powell #33

Harley Page


3/16 DeQueen @ DeQueen 4:30 ( V,JV) 3/18-19 Fayetteville/Farmington Tourn. TBA ( V) 3/27 Ashdown* @ Ashdown 4:30 ( V,JV) 3/28 Pulaski Robinson @ LR 4:30 ( V,JV) 3/30 Waldron @ Mena 4:30 ( V,JV) 3/31-4/1 River City Rumble @ Van Buren TBA ( V) 4/3 Cossatot @ Mena 4:30 ( V,JV) 4/4 Nashville* @ Mena 4:30 ( V,JV) 4/10 Fouke @ Mena 4:30 ( V,JV) 4/14 Prescott @ Mena 4:30 ( V,JV) 4/17 Horatio @ Mena 4:30 ( V,JV) 4/18 Nashville* @ Nashville 4:30 ( V,JV) 4/21 Ashdown* @ Mena** 4:30 ( V,JV)


ACORN SOFTBALL SCHEDULE 3/16 Waldron @ Acorn 3/28 Kirby @ Kirby 3/30 Caddo @ Acorn 3/31 Waldron @ Waldron 4/3 Cossatot @ Acorn 4/4 Horatio @ Acorn 4/7 Mt. Ida @ Mt. Ida 4/10 Kirby @ Acorn 4/17 Dierks@ Dierks 4/18 Cossatot @ Cossatot 4/20 Horatio @ Horatio 4/24 Arkansas High @ Texarkana

March 15, 2017


Shawna Van Horn #23

Makenna Goss #24 Kandy Simmons #32 Meghan Vaughn #12 Caici Hannaman #10 Madison Andrews #44 Gracie Hill #1

3/27 3/28 3/30 3/31 4/3 4/7 4/11 4/13 4/14 4/17 4/18 4/21

Horatio @ Cossatot Dierks @ Dierks Mena @ Cossatot Ashdown @ Cossatot Mena @ Mena Nashville @ Nashville Acorn @ Acorn Fouke @ Fouke Ashdown @ Ashdown Prescott @ Cossatot Acorn @ Cossatot Horatio @ Horatio


#10 - Reagan Sikes - 12 #12 - Lexi Brooks - 12 #24 - Sealy Thigpen - 12 #33 - Brandie Harrison - 12 #2 - Hattie Hunter - 11 #4 - Haley Castillo - 11 #13 - Sarah Lynch - 11 #20 - AnnaBeth Hunter - 11 #35 - Olivia Lockhart - 11 #3 - Kennedy Downen - 10 #25 - Shae Brown - 10 #32 - Hallie Shelton - 10

#54 - Aleligha Fortner - 10 #1 - Macie Johnson - 9 #5 - Lila Chapman - 9 #11 - Marissa Grafton - 9 #14 - Avery Bowling - 9 #15 - Cara Driggers - 9 #21 - Autumn Hill - 9 #22 - Katie Mesko - 9 #23 - Reigha Smith - 9 #40 - Justina Smith - 9 #44 - Autumn Powell - 9 #53 - Mckenzie Strother - 9

March 15, 2017



#8 - Brady Canada - 12 #9 - Reid Bowen - 12 #10 - Cody Chandler - 12 #3 - Cody Brown - 11 #6 - Ty Phillips - 11 #11 - Brayden Smith - 11 #19 than riffin 11 #20 - Matthew Littell - 11 #21 - Andy Morris - 11 #23 - Johnathon Rye - 10 #32 - Caleb McLellan - 10 #40 - Karl Reible - 10


#44 - Briar Oliver - 10 #1 - Brian Strother - 9 #2 - Jeremiah Sanchez - 9 #4 - Melchiah Hicks - 9 #5 - Gavin Hicks - 9 #7 - Damon Canada - 9 #12 - Garet Wilson - 9 #13 - Clayton Davis - 9 #14 - Dylan Whorton - 9



3/28 Kirby @ Kirby 3/30 Caddo @ Acorn 3/31 Mt. Ida @ Acorn 4/3 Mineral Springs @ Acorn 4/7 Mt. Ida @ Mt. Ida 4/10 Kirby @ Acorn 4/17 Dierks@ Dierks 5/4-6 Regional Tournament @ Dierks 5/11-13 State Tournament @ Woodlawn 5/19-20 State Finals @ Baum Statuim


Kadden Crawford - 12 Jon Beckman - 12 Landon Stidman - 12 Ty Keene - 11 Jake McCauley - 11 Brycen Aynes - 11 Luke Golding - 11 Robert Johnson - 11 Traven Lane - 11 Ty Cole - 11

Ian Martin - 10 Chandler Fretz - 10 Colton Sawyer - 10 Karson Miller - 10 Devin Belknap - 10 Jeremiah Swint - 9 CJ Brown - 9 Aaron McConnell - 9 Kyndon Schuler - 9 TJ Kiser - 9 Colton Baker- 9

#34 - Josh Staggs - 12 #12 - Kobe Hogan - 12 #16 - Ethan Hendrix - 12 #24 - Logan Frost - 12 #18 - Jacob Haddox - 12 #6 - Nick Lyle - 12 #23 -Aaron Bissell - 12 #27 - Tarren Blansett - 12 #32- Christopher Fair - 12 #33 - William Hicks - 12 #13 - Daniel Cottrell - 12 #8 - Adam Dilbeck - 11

#2 - Hadrian Lynch - 11 #10 - Warren Mcpherson - 11

#7 - Jake Ward - 10 #30 - Thomas Neely - 10 #21 - Caleb Mcpherson - 10 #5 - Cody Abbott - 9 #17 - Ethan Sides - 9 #3 - Matthew Nance - 9 #4 - Majjor White - 9 #0 - Jack Young - 9 #11 - Ethan Mayo - 9 #28 - Zach Mayo - 9


3/17 3/30 3/31 4/3 4/11 4/14 4/21

Horatio @ Cossatot Mena @ Cossatot Ashdown @ Cossatot Mena @ Mena Fouke @ Fouke Ashdown @ Ashdown Horatio @ Horatio

4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 5:00 4:30 4:30

Proud Supporter of the

Supercenter 67 600 Hwy 71 N, Mena

4:00 4:30 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:30 TBA TBA TBA


3/16 Horatio @ Horatio 5:00 ( V,JV) 3/20 Pulaski Robinson @ Pulaski Robinson 5:00 ( V,JV) 3/27 Ashdown @ Mena 4:30 ( V,JV) 3/30 Cossatot @ Cossatot 5:00 ( V,JV) 3/31 Nashville @ Mena 5:00 ( V,JV) 4/1 DeQueen @ DeQueen 2:00 ( V) 4/3 Cossatot @ Mena 4:30 ( V,JV) 4/6 Dierks @ Mena 4:30 ( V,JV) 4/7 Genoa Central @ Genoa Central 4:30 ( V,JV) 4/10 Fouke @ Mena 5:00 ( V,JV) 4/11 Centerpoint @ Centerpoint 4:30 ( V,JV) 4/14 Prescott @ Mena 4:30 ( V,JV) 4/17 Horatio @ Mena 4:30 ( V,JV) 4/21 Ashdown @ Ashdown 4:30 ( V,JV) 4/22 Bismarck @ Bismarck 11:00 ( V)


4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 2:15 3:45 4:30

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Tigers/ Lady Tigers

Eagles/ Lady Eagles

Bearcats/ Ladycats



COSSATOT JR. GIRLS TRACK ROSTER Liz Slocum Jaden Dering Kayla Richardson Makaya Floyd Landrie Tadlock Yazmin Medina

Alicia Castrejon Amy Haynes Tommie Whitmire Kaylin McKee

March 15, 2017

MENA JR. GIRLS TRACK SCHEDULE 3/15 3/27 3/3 4/4 4/10 4/11 4/20

Paris 7th Grade Meet Mansfield 7th rade Meet Manfield H Meet Nashville JH Scrapper Meet Waldron 7th grade Meet Waldron JH Meet JH District Meet

MENA JR. GIRLS TRACK ROSTER Paige Evans Cadie Cannon Kaitlyn Titsworth Sierra Grimsley Julianna Kennedy Nicole Medlin Addi Gibbs Madyson Birtcher Hannah Stockton


3/3 4/4 4/1 4/11 4/17 4/2 5/2

r. Mansfield Relays @ Mansfield r. Nashville Relays @ Nashville 7th grade Waldron @ Waldron r. Waldron Relays @ Waldron Quad City Relays Mansfield @ Mansfield r. High Conference @ TBA State @ TBA


Ariana Andrews Ashlynn Bissell Emily Blair Haley Blair Faith Brandon Emmy Goss Mindy Hibbs Corryn Holland Halli Holland Sophie Jackson Kiersten Larruci

Mercedes Mowdy Abigail Nance Harlee Rodgers Reese Rodgers Autumn Strother Sarah Wallace Alyssa Warren Rageghan Weddle Sunshine Butterfield Kaylee Tedder Shianne Johns

G o o d L uck o n a w inning sea so n! Hwy. 71 North, Mena • (479) 394-2214

M ena F o rd. co m

Ciara Lance Lauren Sikes Andrea Maechler Emily Wagner Jayden Harris Alex Harper Bethany Godwin

COSSATOT JR. GIRLS TRACK SCHEDULE 3/28 r. Mansfield Relays @ Mansfield 4/6 r. Nashville Relays @ Nashville 4/13 r. Waldron @ Waldron District Meet - TBA

G ranni s/ Brok en Bow C omp lex

Good Luck to All Athletes!

March 15, 2017


COSSATOT JR. BOYS TRACK ROSTER Dalton Mckenzie Iza Luna Melchiah Hicks Trayton Johnson Tanner Frachiseur Mauricio Medinamorales Justin Frachiseur Cooper Johnston

r. Mansfield Relays @ Mansfield r. Nashville Relays @ Nashville 7th grade Waldron @ Waldron r. Waldron Relays @ Waldron Quad City Relays Mansfield @ Mansfield r. High Conference @ TBA State @ TBA


Travis Bissell Matthew Chaney Jacob Cottman Nathan Cottman Brady Hair Kacey Head Cole Hair Brady Hair Braxton Kyle Jacob Moore

Eric Mowdy ustice Neufield Jon O’Donnal Trysten Richey Chad Sutton Donevin Tedder Jordan Ward Major White Jack Young Caleb Bowers


3/15 3/27 3/3 4/4 4/10 4/11 4/20

Paris 7th Grade Meet Mansfield 7th rade Meet Manfield H Meet Nashville JH Scrapper Meet Waldron 7th grade Meet Waldron JH Meet JH District Meet


Alex White Braxton Claborn Austin Rose Tre McMellon Matthew Sloan Blake Brown Brendon Brown Evan Graves Austin Kirkendoll Caleb Peters Zachary Medlin Jerrett Burger Travis Thrailkill Wilson Hughes Seth Fruen Logan Yang Jonathan Diffee David Lee Duncan McCauley

Bobby Wallace Ashton Powell Jetzai Hernandez Chris Bollmeyer Kolbe Smith Isaac Clark Gaven Hooper Dylan White Jake Short Levi McIntrye Jack Hunter Ryan Donelson Cody Curry Sa uel fird Andrew Davis Blake Castor Logan Myers Thaddaeus Nance Devon Davis

Micah Smith Curtis Curry Damon Clark Morti Ryan Dalton McCourtney Matthew McCravens Jake Wiles Jeremiah Swint Zane Stephens Braxton Bahr Iaza Ingolia David Grenier Caleb Holmes Martin Rodriguez Jayden Castillo Caleb Baber Mark Wilson Devan Adams Eli Cook

3/28 r. Mansfield Relays @ Mansfield 4/6 r. Nashville Relays @ Nashville 4/13 r. Waldron @ Waldron District Meet - TBA

Good Luck Polk County Spring Sports!

Have a winning season!



Jerrod Frachiseur Koty Martin Pate Taylor Johan Hernandez Joshua Richardson Enrique Loredo Victor Trinidad


3/3 4/4 4/1 4/11 4/17 4/2 5/2


Kenny Miller - Agent 4772 Hwy. 71 S. Hatfield, AR 71945

Phone 870-389-6632 Cell 479-243-3056 Toll Free 800-905-4170


We support all the Polk County Athletes!



COSSATOT SR. GIRLS TRACK ROSTER Shanna Johnson Rhyen Martin Ashlen Gonzalez Raegan Richardson

March 15, 2017

MENA SR. GIRLS TRACK SCHEDULE 3/28 4/6 4/13 4/17 4/25 5/2

Mansfield Tigers Relays Nashville Scrapper Meet Waldron Bulldogs Relays Ashdown SH Meet Ashdown District Meet State Meet - TBA


Jayzlee Bahr Anastasiya Bilous Blanco Caro Brooklyn Beck Cami Driggers Sarah England Hannah McDonald Arus Melkonyan Breanna Sanders


3/28 4/6 4/13 4/17 4/25 5/2

Sr. Mansfield Relays @ Mansfield Sr. Nashville Relays @ Nashville Sr. Waldron @ Waldron Quad City Relays Mansfield @ Mansfield r. High Conference @ TBA State @ TBA

ACORN SR. GIRLS TRACK ROSTER Morgan Fagan Faith Hill Josey Webb Mercedes Mowdy Mindy Hibbs Ashton Lawerence Parmota Velasquez Caici Hanaman Elizabeth Hacthtel

Shianne Johns Makenna Goss Sophie Jackson Cheyenne Reynolds Braxlie Strothers Makayla Anderson Madison Andrews Tori Barrett Martha Ingram

Abbie Smith Addison Smith Evie Smith Kelsey Wiggins Kyntlie Wiles Raychel Woody Alex Yang

COSSATOT SR. GIRLS TRACK SCHEDULE 3/28 Sr. Mansfield Relays @ Mansfield 4/6 Sr. Nashville Relays @ Nashville 4/13 Sr. Waldron @ Waldron District Meet - TBA State Meet - TBA

Good Luck, Ladycats, on a winning season! We love you! Mom, Dad & Bub

C aring f or you r f amily since 19 2 8

Good luck to all county teams on a winning season! 479-394-1310 • 611 Janssen Ave. • Mena, AR 71953

March 15, 2017


COSSATOT SR. BOYS TRACK ROSTER Brayden Smith Trevon Broach Keelan Youngblood Marco Ramirez Brian Strother


MENA SR. BOYS TRACK SCHEDULE 3/28 4/6 4/13 4/17 4/25 5/2

Mansfield Tigers Relays Nashville Scrapper Meet Waldron Bulldogs Relays Ashdown SH Meet Ashdown District Meet State Meet - TBA

MENA SR. BOYS TRACK ROSTER Joao Arauna Brennon Ayres Zion Barnes Donavon Barrett Camden Broderson Clint Buck Ty Cole Nyle Chularut Anthony Kennedy Zachary Godwin


3/28 4/6 4/13 4/17 4/25 5/2

Sr. Mansfield Relays @ Mansfield Sr. Nashville Relays @ Nashville Sr. Waldron @ Waldron Quad City Relays Mansfield @ Mansfield Sr. High Conference @ TBA State @ TBA

ACORN SR. BOYS TRACK ROSTER Nathan Chaney Jack Ha Iker Solozabal Mason Stout Matthew Chaney Kacey Head Chad Sutton Jon O’Donnal Dylyn Hayner Joshua Swint Jordan Ward Majjor White

COSSATOT SR. BOYS TRACK SCHEDULE 3/28 Sr. Mansfield Relays @ Mansfield 4/6 Sr. Nashville Relays @ Nashville 4/13 Sr. Waldron @ Waldron District Meet - TBA State Meet - TBA

Good Luck,

Polk County Sports! 479.394.4248

104 Port Arthur Avenue Mena, AR 71953-3344

Fredrik Gudim Cross Hughes Nick Linch Joseph Looney Christian Lua Robert McIntyre Blake Seals William Shaner Elijah Snider

Rich Mountain Good luck to all Acorn, Lumber Hatfield, Arkansas Buyers of Hardwood Pallet Wood • Pulp Wood

Buying standing timber and timberland



Cossatot River & Mena teams!



March 15, 2017

Weekly Publication


Tammie Minton - Joyfully Serving Polk County



ife is busy, so busy that it is too easy to go through life without looking up to see what’s going on around us. Tasks, even meaningful tasks and goals, can be distracting. Albert Schweitz er once said, “The purpose of human life is to serve and to show compassion and the will to help others.” Tammie Minton, administrative assistant for the Polk County Sheriff’s D epartment, is embodying this idea of service. Tammie is from neighboring Montgomery County where she lived in Pine R idge for much of her life. She graduated from Oden high school. In 1998, Tammie and her husband, Danny, moved from Montgomery County to the Board Camp area. When they first moved to the area, Tammie was a ‘ stay at home mom’ while D anny continued to work in the postal service in Montgomery County. In 20 0 5 , D anny received the opportunity to go to work for Mena Public Schools. Tammie has worked outside of the home from time to time to help meet the needs of her family, “As the kids got bigger so did their expenses,” she joked. Currently, she is the Administrative Assistant for the Polk County Sheriff’s D epartment, where she will mark six years of service this upcoming June. Tammie said she very much enjoys her co-workers, “It’s a great atmosphere here, it feels like family and I love the people I work around. It may not seem to people that this would be a fun place to work, but I have seen that the people make it worth it,” says Tammie with a smile. The Polk County Sherriff’s D epartment invests in the local community beyond serving and protecting. One such example is the annual Weekly Publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polar . . . . . Plunge . . . . . . .fundraiser . . . . . . . . .that . . . .supports . . . . . . . .Special . . . . . . Olympic . . . . . . . .athletes . . . . . . .in ............ competitions. “Originally, we were approached about being a part of when Mike Godfrey was Sheriff. In other places, law enforcement are big sponsors for the event so we jumped in.” Tammie has been an essential leader in coordinating the efforts on behalf of the department, it is a cause that she believes is most worthy. “I believe that is an event that is well worth supporting. It allows the opportunity for people in our county with disabilities to be afforded great opportunities.” Tammie loves living life and serving others along the way. One of the ways that she and D anny get to do this is through their church, N ew Hope Baptist Church in Shady. D anny serves as the pastor and they both love the opportunity to minister there. “It is absolutely wonderful being a part of the church. Just the drive out there for Bible study and church is so peaceful, it makes you slow down,” says Tammie. Ministry in the church and outside of the church in the community has kept them busy, but it is a busy that they enjoy. Along with the other areas that Tammie is currently serving, she is also concentrating her time and efforts towards her daughter, Jacklynn’s, senior year. Tammie is a part of the senior parents committee that is helping plan and coordinate different functions for the students as they finish school. It would seem that another regular obligation would be draining, but Tammie loves it. “Being involved with what is going on in the school at Mena allows me the opportunity to be a part of the community. Some of my best friends have developed through school activities,” explains Tammie. If the purpose in life is to serve and help others, Tammie is a living example of what it means to fulfill that purpose each day. “Life is too short not to be involved and make The Oaks at Mena is committed to providing personalized care that exceeds the meaningful differences.” Tammie is an integral part of what makes Polk County a wonexpectations of our residents. Quality care is provided by our staff of respectful derful place to live, raise a family, or retire. “We love this area and are thankful to be and compassionate team members. Call or come by today for a tour! here. This is where we plan to be until we go home to be with the Lord,” says Tammie.

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March 15, 2017

Weekly Publication



Clarice’s Room of Hope- Giving Smiles and Restoring Hope T


here are seasons in life that take our breath away, not because they are priceless moments, but because they knock us down. Suffering seems to be inevitable, it not only pushes limits, but like heat from the fire, it refines everything. Martin Luther ing Jr. said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at a time of challenge and controversy.” Teena Brown, founder of Clarice’s R oom of Hope, has walked through those times of challenge and crisis and is now standing beside others who are doing the same. In 2008 she lost her mother, Clarice, to Acute Leukemia. Preparing for chemotherapy therapy treatments, doctors told Clarice she would lose her hair. During her treatments, Teena and her mom asked where they might be able to find help with wigs. They began to visit the Reynolds Foundation in Fort Smith Arkansas. ach visit Clarice was welcomed with warm smiles and hugs as she tried on wigs and hats. “They cared for my mom so well. It meant so much to her and just as much to me,” Teena says thankfully. Through this process, a passion was lit in Teena to provide services for people in Mena that were suffering through cancer just as her mom was. She felt she had a purpose to stand beside people during their hurt and suffering. One season of suffering and hurt seemed to open up to another season for Teena and family. In 20 0 9, just one year after losing her mom to cancer, she lost her dad to Alz heimer’s disease. Shortly after her dad’s death, Teena was allowed the opportunity to continue her career as a cosmetologist and store wigs in a space that was provided. “At the time, I worked at The Look Salon with Michelle and she was really kind to let me begin to start with the wigs,” says Teena. This started the process of developing a 501 c 3 non-profit organization that has become a tremendous resource to many local patients and caregivers, now known as Clarice’s Room of Hope. Though she is far from where she wants to be with Clarice’s, Teena is filled with thankfulness that the organization is where it is now. “I have big dreams, but I still can’t believe that we have been able to do what we have already. This is a God thing, I don’t have it in me on my own to do this.” Since the inception in 2012, Clarice’s services have grown and as a result, Teena has been able to serve more people that are fighting cancer. “It’s amazing to see where we have come, this all started in a cubby hole,” Teena says with a smile. She has been serving people as a cosmetologist for over 30 years now, and she gets to use her experience in hair styling to help cancer patients get fitted for wigs. Teena does one-on-one consultation with patients to help them find the wig, scarf, turban, or hat that fits them the best. “This is a time that is all about them, I want to help them find something that is going to put a smile back on their face.” These services are free for any women that are going through chemotherapy or have lost hair due to their cancer. Along with providing services to assist patients in finding a wig or hat, Teena has been blessed to offer different outreach services to help the families affected. “I realize after driving my mom back and forth to the doctor or consultations that the cost adds up quickly. We have been blessed that we are now able to offer help in these areas.” Customers and family members can stop by to talk with Teena about getting help with transportation and lodging costs, or even expenses that pop up unexpectedly. At this point in the year, Clarices’ has already served nearly 40 clients. Cancer knows no age limit, with this in mind Teena has been able to serve cancer fighters from six years old to clients in their eighties. In addition to these services, Teena has offered a monthly support meeting for those going through cancer and for their families as well. “This is a time that is important to me. We pray for our clients and their needs, we talk through what they are going through and try to offer support and hope,” explains Teena. Clarice’s is a non-profit 501 c 3, meaning that the organization is funded through donations and is supported by the help of volunteers and people in the community. “People may not realize this, but I don’t earn or profit from any of the money that is donated. It is all put towards operating Clarice’s and the services we provide.” Clarice’s has grown immensely since it began, but with growth comes new challenges. “There is so much going on, so many things that need to be done that we could really use more volunteers. We don’t have any paid employees OWNER - JASON MILES so any of the work that gets done is either by me or a couple of our volunteers Currently, Carol Sickles has been assisting us and she has been a huge blessing.” Manufacturer There are many areas that somebody can be involved with Clarice’s. More assistance is of Quality CNC Parts needed in helping clients try on wigs and Teena would love to have more community involve“We’ll go the extra mile for you!” ment with their Monday night support meetings. “We have one pastor that comes now and he * Custom Homes does a great job just listening to the hurt of the people and praying for them when needed. I * Remodels would love to have more pastors get involved, or people in the community that have a heart for * Window Replacement what we are doing.” Until the day that cancer is defeated, services like Clarice’s will always be needed. Thanks * Additions to Teena’s passion and her heart to serve others, families walking through this difficult season * Vinyl Siding will be cared for in their greatest trial. “It’s all worth it if we can put a smile back on someone’s face.” For more information on services provided or opportunities to volunteer, call Teena at 479-385-5071 or visit Clarice’s located at 403 N Morrow Street, Suite C.

January 6, 2016


479.394.4248 104 Port Arthur Avenue Mena, AR 71953-3344


Lori Johnston, CPA, Manager Bambi Sharp Joseph Sanford, CPA Dottie Hobbs, PA Kelli McCurry Tiffany Bayne Stan Johnston



812 DeQueen, Mena, AR 71953 • (479) 394-5414 270 E 6th Street, Waldron, AR 72958 (479) 637-2860

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. . March . . . . . . .15, . . .2017 ....................................................................................................................


Weekly Publication


Thursday, 3/16 • 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. – The Board Camp Baptist Church at 107 Country Road 63 will distribute food. • 10:30 a.m. – Gator & Friends will be performing at The Mena Senior Center. • 11:30 a.m. – Rotary Club of Mena/Polk County will meet at Papa’s Mexican af . all isa Martin 1 -33 3 or harles Pitman 1 for more info. • 12:00 p.m. – Polk County Library Board will meet in the Susanna Mosley Community Room at the ibrary. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - The Cove Branch of the Polk County Library is open. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. - The Sonlighters in Action Card Shop will be open at 3671 Highway West, one mile from ouise urham. • 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Salvation Army Family Store helps families with utilities. • 5:00 p.m. - 9th Street Ministries will have a free dinner and fellowship in the 9th Street Ministries building. • 5:30 p.m. – Weight Watchers meets at allas Avenue aptist hurch Family ife enter. all 7 - 3 7 for more information. • 5:30 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Women’s eetin at the A lub across from hopping lock, 11 Hwy, 71, ., Mena. 7 1 - 0 or 7 - 3-0 7. • 6:00 p.m. – Acorn Water monthly meeting

• MISS SWEETCHEEKS MALE BEAUTY PAGEANT will be hosted by the Polk ounty Heroes Relay for ife team on aturday, April 1, 017 at p.m. at the Mena High chool Performing Arts Center. • ARVAC COMMODITIES will be issued on March , 017 from a.m. 1 p.m. at the Polk ounty Fairgrounds. For applications, contact the AR A office at 7 -3 - 707. • CMA PANCAKE BREAKFAST/BAKE SALE FUNDRAISER on March from 7 10:30 a.m. at Grace ible hurch, Hwy. 71 North in Mena. Rain or shine. All donations benefit MA’s Run for the on fundraiser. •TEAM MENA DONUTS WITH DAD will be hosted on all Mena school campuses on March 17th. All dads of Pre1 th grade students are welcome to attend from 7:1 7: a.m. . 0 cost for each adult breakfast.

at the Water Office. • 6:00 p.m. – Live Country, Bluegrass and Gospel music in the aisy Room at anssen Ave Florist. • 6:00 p.m. – Christian Singles will meet at nion ank in Mena. • 6:30 p.m. – Disaster Preparedness Group meets at Assembly of God hurch, 111 Sutherland Ave. in Mena. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the A lub across from hopping lock, 11 Hwy 71, ., Mena. 7 - 1 - 0 or 7 - 30 7. • 7:30 p.m. – Dallas Masonic Lodge #128 meets at the Mena odge located in the Old Post Office by anssen Park. Friday, 3/17 • 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – Road tests are given at the Morrow Street Housing Authority Community Room unless the roads are wet. Written tests are given at 1:00 p.m. • 12:00 p.m. – The Lions Meetings are held in the ions lub House on Highway 71 outh. • 2:00 p.m. – Silent Hike at ueen Wilhelmina tate Park. Meet at the North ide of over’s eap. • 4:30 p.m. – Frisbee Golf at ueen Wilhelmina tate Park. Meet beside ampground Bathhouse. • 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. – Gator and Friends will be playing at the American egion in Acorn. .00 admission. • 7:00 p.m. – Make a Tree Cookie Necklace at ueen Wilhelmina tate Park. Meet in the Hearth Room. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the A lub across from hopping lock, 11 Hwy 71, ., Mena. 7 - 1 - 0 or 7 - 30 7. Saturday, 3/18 • 8:00 a.m. – Dutch Oven Workshop presented by ossatot River tate Park. Reservations are re uired. all 70-3 - 01. ost is 0 per person, with a piece of cast iron cookware. • 2:00 p.m. – Skins and Skulls presented at ossatot River tate Park. Meet at the isitor enter egacy Room. • 2:00 – Wonder House Tour at ueen Wilhelmina tate Park. • 3:30 p.m. – Cossatot River State Park presents a Wild ower Walk. Meet at the Harris reek railhead. • 4:00 p.m. – Dutch Oven Demonstration at ueen Wilhelmina tate Park. Meet at the Picnic Area. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American egion uilding, Hwy 71 N., Acorn. • 6:00 p.m. – Black Bears presented at ueen Wilhelmina tate Park. Meet in the Hearth Room. • 8:00 p.m. – Cossatot River State Park will host ampfire tory. Meet at the andbar Picnic Area. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the A lub across from hopping lock, 11 Hwy 71 ., Mena. 7 - 3-0 7 or 7 - 1 -

0 . Sunday, 3/19 • 8:45 a.m. – Nature Jeopardy at Cossatot River tate Park. Meet at the isitor enter egacy Room. • 10:00 a.m. – Wonder House Tour at Queen Wilhelmina tate Park. • 10:30 a.m. – Caterpillars, Bugs, and Butter ies will be presented at Cossatot River tate Park. Meet at the isitor enter egacy Room. • 2:00 p.m. – Feed the Critters at Cossatot River tate Park. Meet at the isitor enter. • 2:00 p.m. – Un-Natural Hike at ueen Wilhelmina tate Park. Meet at the Amphitheater. • 2:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the A lub across from hopping lock, 11 Hwy 71, ., Mena. 7 - 1 - 0 or 7 - 30 7. • 3:00 p.m. – Cross Roads Gospel Singing at ulfer prings hurch. • 3:30 p.m. – Winter Twigs-Signs of Four Seasons. Meet at the Cossatot River State Park isitor enter egacy Room. • 4:00 p.m. – Bird Bingo at ueen Wilhelmina tate Park. Meet in the Hearth Room. • 5:00 p.m. – United Methodist Youth Group at the First nited Methodist hurch in Mena. Monday, 3/20 • 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library will be open. • 12:30 p.m. – Cossatot Senior Center will have a Board Meeting. • 3:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. – Seventh-Day Adventist Church Food Pantry across from the Polk ounty Fairgrounds. Non-perishable food, personal care items, and nutritional help. No one will be turned away. • 5:30 p.m. – Republican Party meets at Polk ounty ibrary, North Room. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American egion uilding, Hwy 71 N., Acorn. • 6:30 p.m. – Boy Scouts of America Troop 92 meets at First nited Methodist hurch. Everyone is welcome. • 6:30 p.m. – The Lady Ouachitas will meet at the ear tate ank Main ranch. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the A lub across from hopping lock, 11 Hwy 71, ., Mena. 7 - 1 - 0 or 7 - 30 7. • 7:00 p.m. – Ouachita Beekeepers Association meeting at nion ank. Tuesday, 3/21 • 8:00 a.m. – The Reynolds Gardener Comm nity en’s rea ast at the First nited Methodist hurch in Mena. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Polk County Family Mission is open in the 9th Street Ministries Building. • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – “Art Day” at Mena Art Gallery, 07 Mena t. ring your current project and work with other artists. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – The Sonlighters in Action Card Shop will be open at 3 71 Highway West, one mile from ouise urham.

pm pm T e at el Branch Library will be open. • 5:00 p.m. – T.O.P.S. will meet in the Union ank ommunity Room for weigh-ins, followed by a meeting. pm T e e lar at el To n Council will meet at the own Hall in Hatfield. • 7:00 p.m. – The Marine Corps League Detachment will meet at ighthouse Fitness. • 7:00 p.m. – Al-Anon for families of addicts and alcoholics meets at the A lub. • 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Bluegrass music at Morrow Street Housing Authority Community Room. • 7:30 p.m. – Mountain Meadow Masonic Lodge #218 will meet at the Hatfield odge. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at First nited Methodist hurch, th Port Arthur. 7 - 3 7 or 7 - 3 -30 3. Wednesday, 3/22 • The Emergency warning sirens will be tested in Mena at noon. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Polk County Library Cove Branch is open. • 5:45 p.m. - The Mena First United Methodist Church Kidz will meet. • 6:00 p.m. – Warriors for Christ will meet at the outhside hurch of God. • 6:00 p.m. – Regeneration Youth Ministries at Mena hurch of God Hwy East. • 6:15 p.m. – Dallas Avenue Baptist Church presents iscovery ids indergarten hru th Grade ollide outh Ministry th hru 1 th Grades and Adult ible tudy. • 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Trek and Varsity for Middle and High chool students at Grace ible hurch, 1 11 Hwy 71 N. Mena. All Area Middle and High chool students are welcome. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the A lub across from hopping lock, 11 Hwy 71, ., Mena. 7 - 1 - 0 or 7 - 30 7. • 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Inquiry classes into the Catholic Faith begins in the Parish Hall of t. Agnes atholic hurch at 03 th t. No cost or obligation. Everyone is invited. all 3 -1017 or 3 for more info.


March 15, 2017

Weekly Publication



Coles Celebrate 70 Years Nell and Warren Cole will be married 70 years on March 29th. They lived in Mena for many decades where they were active in their church and community. They moved to Texarkana, AR three years ago to be near family.

Laugh Often... W


ho doesn’t enjoy a good laugh? Whether it’s a giggle from something brutally honest spoken from a child’s mouth or that big ol’ belly laugh that a good time with great friends can bring about… it’s truly healing to the soul. The health benefits of it are well documented, ranging from lowering blood pressure, increasing blood flow, reducing stress, improving alertness creativity to simply just being good for the abs Today’s culture leaves most of us stretched to find enough time in the day to fit everything in with work and family and, unfortunately, social time with treasured friends or even our spouses may sometimes find itself taking a back seat when we are forced to budget, literally, every minute of every day. Those who are fortunate enough to take vacations for rest, relaxation, and restoration, typically only do so once a year and many times, they come with a hefty price tag, not to mention they are only a few days out of an entire year. I, for one, am so stinking “task oriented,” that I have been guilty in the past of sacrificing “fun” time until everything on my list was accomplished well, life has taught me that those days are rare and even more so, don’t have the same value as a fun time spent with loved ones There’s always going to be something that has to be done and it usually doesn’t go away. Laughter that is truly therapeutic brings out creativity, new perspective, and even relaxation. Proverbs 17 22 “A cheerful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.” ven in our deepest grief, laughter can be healing. Grief can develop into a depression, which can depress the immune system laughter strengthens the immune system. Depression can make it difficult to concentrate. Laughter increases alertness and creativity. The research goes on and on we have to allow ourselves to have a “time to grieve” and also allow ourselves to enjoy a “time to laugh,” as we walk through all seasons of life. Our list of ‘ priorities’ should include spending time with those people who help us enjoy the lighter side of life. We all have those friends who are just funny they’re funny even when they aren’t trying. We may work with them we may even be married to them. Take time to enjoy the laughter they bring to your life. It will make you a more pleasant soul to those around you and then you too, can bring laughter to someone else’s life.

January 6, 2016



Gus is a Rat Terrier. He is a big Razorback fan that belongs to Benny and Debbie Frost. Please share your favorite photo of your pet. You may drop it off or mail it to: The Polk County Pulse | 1168 Hwy 71 S. • Mena, AR 71953 or email:

Kassandra and Rodney Strother, of Mena, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on March 6th.

Codi and Jeff Pannell, of Dierks, are the proud parents of a baby girl, born on March 7th.

Cassandra and Michael Ralls, of Mena, are proud parents of a baby girl, born on March 7th.

Valerie and Trevan Cureton, of Vandervoort, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on March 9th.

Sarah and Anthony Mitchell, of Mena, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on March 7th.

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. . . . March . . . . . . .15, . . .2017 ..................................................................................................................



Weekly Publication

Wickes Archery Teams Compete in State Competition



ickes Straight Shooters, archers in grades 6th-8th, and Wickes lementary Archery Team, a team consisting of fifth graders, completes a competitive year at the State Archery Competition at Bank of the Ozarks Arena. The event was host to hundreds of students from across the state, each archer hoping to shoot their best score of the year. The tournament was held Friday and Saturday and 1,600 archers came out to compete. Students between grades 4th-12th competed. “It was one of the best tournaments we have ever had,” said Curtis Gray, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s ANASP coordinator. “The crowds were great all weekend, with 8,000-9,000 people in attendance. We also raised 2,900 canned food items through our canned food drive in conjunction with Hunters Feeding the Hungry.” Both the Wickes lementary and Straight Shooters teams competed at Regionals in Delight in February, where both teams were competitive against the other teams. The Wickes lementary team shot well enough to win medals. ach team finished in the top half of the field, finishing their season on a high note. Landrey Richardson of the Wickes lementary archery team finished in the Top 10 highest scoring girls in the lementary Division at State with a score of 263. “Landrey is a great example of a team member that stays focused and takes her time,” says coach Shelly Speight.

Tigers Drop Season Opener To Cutter-Morning Star F


riday afternoon, March 10th, the Acorn Tiger baseball team opened up their season at home against the agles of Cutter-Morning Star.

Nick Lyle earned the starting pitching job for the Tigers, as he started on the hill for Acorn. Cutter-Morning Star’s first two batters struck out looking against Lyle before Acorn allowed a single on a fly ball to right field. Lyle then struck out the fourth batter of the inning to keep the agles scoreless. Peyton Brewer started on the mound for the agles of Cutter-Morning Star and struck out the first batter he saw. Following, Acorn’s two hole hitter singled on a line drive to center field, and stole second base a few pitches later. However, the agles struck out the third and fourth batters of Acorn’s lineup to keep the game scoreless and complete the first inning of play. In Lyle’s second inning of work, he allowed the first two batters to reach before the agles singled to left field to score one run and put runners on the corners. A few pitches later, the Tigers allowed one more run to score on a passed ball. Cutter-Morning Star’s fourth batter drew a walk, then stole second on the next pitch to move runners to second and third. Daniel Brito then doubled on a liner to right field for the agles, scoring two more runners. The agles sixth batter of the inning hit a sacrifice fly to right field, scoring Cutter-Morning Star’s fifth and final run of the inning. Lyle was able to escape the inning on a few groundouts. The score was 5-0 in favor of the agles after one and a half innings. The Tigers went down one-two-three in the bottom of the second, as Brewer earned one groundout and struck out two batters in the inning. He held Cutter-Morning Star’s lead to 5-0 after two innings. Cutter-Morning Star’s lead-off hitter in the third inning walked, then reach third on a few stolen bases. Lyle then struck out a batter, walked a batter, gave up a run, and walked one more batter. The agles then grounded out to shortstop, scoring one more run, then reached base on a ground ball to second base, scoring another run. Cutter-Morning Star’s seventh batter of the inning drew yet another walk from Acorn, then their eighth batter drove in one run on a line drive single to center field. Lyle and the Acorn Tigers got out of the inning on a groundout to third, after allowing the agles to add on five runs. Going into the bottom half of the third inning, the score was 10-0. Acorn’s first batter of the bottom of the third reached third base on a ground ball that went under the shortstops glove. The runner later stole second base as the second batter struck out. Before Nick Lyle doubled on a fly ball to center field, the Tigers base runner at second was thrown out trying to steal third base. Following Lyle’s double, number two for the Tigers singled on a blooper to shortstop, putting runners at first and second. Both runners advanced to second and third, but Acorn flew out to center to end the inning, with the score 10-0 in favor of the agles. In the fourth inning, Acorn sent out Josh Staggs to pitch. The first agle batter of the inning reached base on a ground ball off of the shortstop. The runner stole second a few pitches later, but Staggs was able to strike out the second batter he faced. Before Staggs struck out the third batter of the inning, the agles were able to score a run after a few stolen bases he Irons Fork S uirrel Hunters Club held a competitive hunt on Saturday, March 4th. Organizer Josh Davis said, and a passed ball. To end the top of the third, Acorn got num“We had a good turnout and a great time.” In addition to adult hunts, the club has introduced youth hunts as well, ber 16 for Cutter-Morning Star to ground out to third base. which are proving popular with the young outdoorsmen. “We encourage everyone to take a kid hunting,” said Davis. The first two Tiger batters in the bottom of the fourth struck The day consisted of two hunts one morning and one evening hunt. The Hunts Results for the morning hunt are 1st out, but number 33 for Acorn was able to single on a pop up to place - Doug Steed and Doug’s Dink 2nd place - enny Davis and Ouachita River Sadie 3rd place -Brendan Catlett and first base. Following the pop up single, Acorn’s fourth hitter of San Creek Smoke. the inning grounded out to second base, making the score 11-0 The morning youth winner was Clay Davis and Ouachita River ate. Cutter-Morning Star after four complete innings. Hunt Results for the evening hunt are 1st place - Brendan Catlett and Brumbelow’s Sally 1st Place Reg. Class - enCutter-Morning Star’s first batter in the fifth inning flied out ny Davis and Ouachita River Bushwhacker 2nd Place - Benji Bass and San Creek Smoke 3rd Place - Cauy House and to left field, but their second batter was able to reach base on a House’s Jake. dropped pop up by the shortstop. After a few stolen bases and vening outh Hunt Winner was Cauy House and House’s Jake. a walk, the agles were threatening to score again with runOverall youth Winner of morning and evening points total Clay Davis and Ouachita River ate. ners on the corners. Staggs struck out the fourth agle batter of the inning, but the next batter singled on a fly ball to center field, scoring one run. During the next at-bat, the agles scored another run after a pick-off throw to first base. The Tigers got the seventh batter of the inning to ground out to the pitcher, to end the top of the fifth. Acorn’s first batter of the bottom of the fifth singled on a pop up into short right center field, but the Tigers then fouled out, struck out, and grounded out to second. nding the game with a final score of 13-0 in favor of the Cutter-Morning Star agles. On Friday night as well, the Acorn Lady Tigers softball team defeated the Cutter-Morning Star Lady agles by a score of 15-0. The Acorn Tigers baseball game scheduled for Monday night at Two Rivers was canceled, and as of now Acorn’s next baseball and softball games will be March 28th at irby High School.

Irons Fork Squirrel Hunters Hold Competition T

Weekly Publication



hen it comes to K -12 education, this session the House has addressed everything from school bus safety to reading proficiency. Act 246 increases the minimum amount a school district can pay a teacher. It increases the minimum amount by 400 for the next school year. School districts can pay more but not less than the minimum amount set by the state. The minimum starting salary for a teacher with a bachelor’s degree would be $ 31,40 0 a year. For a new teacher with a master’s degree, the minimum starting salary would be 36,050. The House passed SB328, which re uires anyone who applies for a -6 teaching license or a special education K -12 license to receive training and pass a test on the science of reading. This legislation is designed to improve the ways schools teach students to read. Currently, 63 of Arkansas third graders are not reading at grade level. This bill has passed both chambers, but is now in the process of amendment approval back in the Senate. Act 173 allows a student who attends a private school or home school to enroll in an academic course within their public school district. The public school district that enrolls a private school or home school student would be entitled to 1/ 6 of the state foundation funding amount for each course. The House passed HB1539, which re uires students to pass the civics portion of the naturaliz ation test, used by immigration services, before they can receive their high school diploma. The bill would re uire the student to answer at least 60 of the 100 uestions correctly. It allows the students to take the test as many times as needed. This is awaiting approval in the Senate. HB1144 allows images gathered from an automated school bus camera to be used in court. This technology could be used to investigate cases of drivers passing a stopped school bus. This bill is now awaiting the Governor’s signature. HB1002 directs school district administration officials to calculate the cost of placing seatbelts on new school buses if 10 of individuals within the district sign a petition. This would then allow voters to decide if they want to pursue installing the seat belts at the next school board election. This bill is now awaiting the Governor’s signature. The House ducation Committee advanced legislation this week designed to help fund technical training programs for high school students. SB288 would allow a school district to join with cities, counties, vocational-technical schools, and even neighboring school districts to create workforce development centers. These centers would provide students, who may not want to pursue a degree, an opportunity to learn a technical skill such as welding. The sponsor of the legislation explained that many school districts cannot afford the state of the art e uipment and facilities that are now needed to provide proper training. This would allow cities and counties to work together with the schools to develop new funding sources. There are still more than 30 bills waiting to be heard before the House ducation Committee. All House education meetings are held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 10am. The meetings are streamed lived and also archived on our website

National Guardsmen to Have Tuition Paid Under SB278



at the capitol

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ITTL ROC Soldiers and airmen of the Arkansas National Guard who are students at state-supported colleges and universities will have their tuition paid for under legislation passed by the Senate. Senate Bill 278 has several purposes. First is to improve the Guard’s readiness, both for domestic emergencies and foreign missions. Arkansas has lost units to other states that provide more benefits, which means that fewer units are available in Arkansas to respond to natural disasters and other emergencies. The loss of Guard units has a negative impact on local economies. In 2016 an estimated 37.2 million was lost in the Arkansas economy due to the loss of Guard units. After its passage by the Senate on a vote of 34-to-0, SB 278 was sent to the House ducation Committee. The Senate passed SB 136, a 55-page bill addressing criminal justice, prisons and sentencing laws. It authorizes the construction throughout the state of mental health crisis stabilization units with 16 beds each. The governor’s proposed budget calls for opening three units. Criminal justice experts say there is a need for as many as eight. Police officers will get some training in how to recogniz e mental health issues and how to deal with people experiencing a mental health crisis. They will be taken to one of the stabilization centers instead of to jail, where treatment for mental health problems is lacking. January 6, 2016 It passed 27-to-4 and was sent to the House Judiciary Committee, which gave it a favorable recommendation. The next step is a vote in the entire House. Both chambers passed HB 1426, which creates a new tuition grant program that will allow students to receive two years of tuition if they study in high-demand fields, such as computer science, technology, or welding. They must perform community service and commit to working in Arkansas for at least three years after receiving their degree. The grants will be available in the Fall of this year. The governor signed Act 281, a Senate bill that makes Arkansas the first state to designate the grounds of its Capitol as a site for a monument honoring Gold Star families. Since World War I, gold stars have traditionally designated the loss of an immediate family member during wartime. The monument shall be designed and constructed in the manner recommended by the Hershel “Woody” Williams Medal of Honor Foundation. Williams, who attended the bill signing, is the sole living recipient of the Medal of Honor from the battle of Iwo Jima in 1945. His foundation works to place Gold Star monuments all across the county. Both chambers have passed HB 1427 to re uire political candidates to file campaign finance reports electronically, and to re uire the Secretary of State to maintain those records on a web site with a search function. Candidates who do not have access to the technology necessary could submit paper records throughout the election cycle. The effective date of the bill is October 1, 2017. The Senate passed SB 362 to phase out a tax credit program for manufacturers called InvestArk. The bill gradually repeals the sales tax they pay on replacement and repair parts. By the time it has been fully implemented in 2022, it will save Arkansas manufacturers about 12.6 million a year.

We’re Always on at



March 15, 2017

BUSINESS & FINANCE Can Healthy Habits Contribute to Financial Security? StatePoint When it comes to feelings about finances, working Americans are practically split down the middle according to a recent study. 55 percent of employed Americans feel they are on the right track to achieving financial well-being, while the other 45 percent feel they are not headed in the right direction according to the 2016 Lincoln Financial Group Measuring Optimism, Outlook and Direction M.O.O.D. of America study. So what are those individuals on the right track doing so well The study found five key factors -- behaviors and influencers -- in their lives that correlate to positive feelings about money. “Right trackers” differ from their counterparts who are not on the right track because They are more likely to have created formal financial plans -- more than 70 percent of them in fact. They are forward-looking in general, with nearly 100 percent saying they are focused on the future. Also, 90 percent of those in the “right track” camp say they feel in control of their lives. They exercise more. Those with positive feelings about money tend to be active. About 80 percent of this group exercises at least once a week, and typically more often. Compare that with those who are not on the right track -- just 60 percent of that segment works out on a consistent basis. Physical health can correlate to financial health. They’re more likely to feel good about themselves. Financial health and emotional health go hand-in-hand too. Those on the right track are more likely than their counterparts to say they are optimistic because they feel good about themselves and their relationships with family and friends. They’re also positive about their careers and their relationships with coworkers. They take advantage of workplace benefits. Indeed, the more benefits you enroll in through the workplace, the better you will feel financially, suggests the study. Beyond health insurance and retirement savings, “right-trackers” are enrolling in insurance plans to cover dental and vision care, as well as life insurance and disability insurance which can help replace a portion of your paycheck while you recover from an injury or illness . They’re also taking advantage of other nonmedical benefits that can help boost financial security, such as accident insurance and critical illness insurance, which can help cover Ginger Sterner expenses that medical insurance does not, like high deductibles, or dayFinancial Advisor to-day expenses such as food or mortgage payments. The future is unknown, but certain insurance coverages offered at work 501c Hwy 71 North can help safeguard you against a broad scope of unexpected expenses, Mena, AR 71953 and can help you feel and be more financially secure. This is something 479-394-7940 to think about during annual open enrollment for medical insurance and beyond. For more insights and tips to help you take control of your financial ture, follow Lincoln Financial Group on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. Feeling good about your finances is about the big picture, not just your bank account. From a healthy lifestyle to a positive attitude, taking a cue from those who are on the “right track” may help you get your footing on MEMBER SIPC the path to financial well-being.



Weekly Publication

Moments from America’s History: B rok en



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everal years ago, I learned of a book about a man named Louis Zamparini. By now, his name and his story are probably well known throughout America. Being an avid reader and serious student of history, I was taken aback and humbled that I had not come across him before. Well, I read the book and a long book it was, but I couldn’t lay it down. Throughout chapter after chapter of Unbroken, I found myself buried in the story and moved to tears more times than I can remember. Louis’ story has been written several times and written well. And, it has been followed up on in shorter accounts such as this one. What follows here is simply my reminder, not a book review, but a life review as a testimony to me and others who see his story as one, not of unbroken but one of broken – the place that each of us in one form or another have to reach in our own journey before redemption and a new life in Christ can ever become a reality for eternity. Louis’ beginnings are hardly what you would expect from a man whose life turned out as it did. He was raised in Torrence, California, where he acquired a well-deserved reputation as a hoodlum and troublemaker. By age five he was a smoker and by eight he was a drinker, but these were the least of his problems. He built an adolescent career of steeling, fighting, and challenging anyone and everyone who would dare stand in his way. His family had all but given up on him avoiding jail and prison until he was convinced to join the school track team. Louis’ older brother Pete encouraged and trained him, and before long Louis became one of the top high school athletes in Southern California, having broke a national high school record in the mile run in 1934. After graduating from high school, Louis set his sights on competing in the 1936 Olympic games in Berlin. Having earned the nickname, the “Torrance Tornado”, he made a respectable showing at the U.S. Trials and became the youngest distance runner to ever make the Olympic team. Though his youth and inexperience kept him from competing for gold, he still finished eighth in the 5000-meter dash, setting a new record for the final lap. One of those in the audience who was impressed was Adolph Hitler, who shook Louis’ hand and said, “Ah, you’re the boy with the fast finish.” After his strong performances at the Olympics, Louis set new collegiate records at the University of Southern California. He went undefeated in his 1939 track season, and was planning on competing for the gold in the 1940 Olympics, but the games were called off after the start of World 2 War II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 6, 2016 . Louis enlisted in the Army Air Corps in 1941, serving as a B-24 Liberator bombardier in the 372nd January 6, 2016 Bomb Squadron. On May 27, 1943, Louis and his crew were 23 participating in a search and rescue mission over the Pacific, when their plane suddenly lost power and fell into the sea. Only 3 of the ship’s 11 crewmen survived, including Louis. After 33 days, Francis McNamara died. Two weeks later, Louis and Russell Phillips were captured by the Japanese Navy near the Marshall Islands after having drifted 2,000 miles in 47 days. Louis was moved to the Japanese mainland and eventually confined to three different interrogation centers and POW camps. Over the next 28 months, he suffered from disease, exposure, starvation, torture, and near-daily beatings from guards. He was battered with clubs, belts and fists and regularly threatened with execution. Probably what saved him from execution was his reputation as a former Olympian, but this is also what singled him out for more punishment. The Japanese also tried to use him as a propaganda tool, but Louis refused to cooperate. Louis and his fellow POWs were liberated following the Japanese surrender in September 1945. Following the war, Louis was reunited with his family and in January 1946 met a young lady, Cynthia Applewhite, at a Florida beach. They were engaged within two months and married in May. The years of malnourishment and torture left Louis unable to resume his career as a runner, and he became dependent on alcohol to try to escape the nightmares and flashbacks. This also took a toll on his marriage, a toll which eventually compelled Cynthia to seek a divorce. In the Fall of 1949, Cynthia heard some neighbors talking about about a young evangelist who was leading a revival in Los Angeles. They invited her and Louis, out of concern for them both. Cynthia asked Louis to take her to hear Billy Graham speak, but he refused so she went without him. Upon her return, she told Louis she wasn’t going to divorce him and that she had become a Christian. He was very happy about her change of mind, but not so about her change of heart. Between Cynthia’s persistence and prayers, and with help from their neighbors, Louis finally gave in and went. During the invitation, he stormed out of the tent angry and confused. After more coaxing the next day, Louis reluctantly agreed to go a second night. At the invitation, a memory he had buried was resurrected from deep within, a memory of a promise he had made to God while on that raft dying of thirst. If you will save me, I will serve you forever. At last, his thirst was quenched. He turned loose of Cynthia and turned toward Graham and God. The unbroken man from prison finally realized he had never left prison. He was now broken before God, and would remain broken without God. In Louis’ words, “Of all my near-death experiences my life never passed before my eyes. But when Billy Graham quoted Scripture my life did pass before my eyes.” Louis and Billy eventually became lifelong friends. Never again did Louis have a flashback or a bad dream. When he returned home, he disposed of all his alcohol, cigarettes and adult magazines. Then he found a Bible his mother had been saving for him and he began to read, and he kept on reading. He was indeed a new creation, and for the first time he truly understood forgiveness. Soon Louis began a new life as a Christian speaker, telling his story all over America and speaking at several Billy Graham Crusades over the years. But this wasn’t enough. In the fall of 1950 he returned to Japan to meet with the Japanese war criminals held at Sugamo Prison in Tokyo. He shook hands and embraced many of his old camp guards and shared Christ with them. He now saw them not as torturers, but as unsaved men in need of Christ. Mutsuhiro Watanabe, the worst of his tormentors, had avoided capture, but Louis later wrote a letter forgiving him and even offered to meet him years later to forgive him in person. Watanabe refused. In 1954, Louis established a wilderness camp for boys, Victory Boys Camp, to teach skills, discipline, values, and friendship in hopes the boys would avoid his own pitfalls. Louis and Cynthia raised two children, and he spent the remainder of his life as a force for good and for God in every avenue of life he walked. He even ran again - as he carried the torch at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles and at the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan. His Cynthia passed away in 2001. Louis reunited with her in 2014 at age 97, and together they continue on their journey to forever together.

f all my near- death ex perienc es my lif e nev er passed b ef or e my ey es. B ut w he n B illy Graham quot ed Sc ripture my lif e did pass be f or e my ey es. ”



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March 15, 2017

Weekly Publication


The following information was received from Polk County law enforcement agencies. The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed, or that they have been found innocent, and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner.

ed that someone had tried to break into his company’s truck. ase is pending. March 10, 2017 Charles Michael York, 34, of Mena was arrested on a pick up order from the Polk County Probation and Parole epartment. March 11, 2017 Report was made that ustin Ashley, 24, of Mena was arrested and charged with violation of an interlock device and careless driving.

Mena Police Department March 5, 2017 Melissa D. Wallace, 44, of Mena was arrested and charged with DWI after officers responded to a call regarding a reckless driver. March 6, 2017 David Higby, 32, of Mena was arrested on an outstanding felony warrant from LeFlore County, Oklahoma. Daniel Green, 40, of Mena, was arrested and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. n the same incident, Adam Green, 24, of DeQueen was charged with driving on a suspended driver’s license. he arrests followed a traffic stop. March 7, 2017 Carrie Rene Bass, 39, of Mena was charged with DWI (drugs) after a call to the parking lot of a local retail store regarding a woman having passed out in a vehicle. Kyle A. Woody, 21, of Mena was charged with possession of a schedule VI controlled substance (marijuana) and possession of drug paraphernalia. Report was taken of the theft of a four-wheeler from the yard of a local residence. ase is pending. A local business owner reported that someone had broken into the garage area of his business and done damage to items inside. ase is pending further investigation. March 8, 2017 A local man reported that a neighbor’s dogs had killed four rabbits in his yard. William Robert Brewer, 31, of Mena was charged with possession of a schedule VI controlled substance (marijuana) and careless driving. March 9, 2017 A man staying at a local motel report-

Pol Co nty eri ’s Department March 6, 2017 No reports were filed. March 7, 2017 Report of a domestic disturbance on Polk near Hatfield. eputies responded. nformation has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. March 8, 2017 raffic stop on Highway East near Cherry Hill led to Citations for Fictitious ags, riving with a uspended river’s icense, and No iability nsurance being issued to Michelle Hogan, 35, of Mena. Arrested was ristian . aylor, , of Hatfield, on a rug ourt anction. March 9, 2017 Arrested was esse . axour, , of Mena, on a Body Attachment Warrant. Arrested was uan R. Martine , 3 , of Mena, on a Warrant for Failure to Appear. Report from complainant on Polk near Hatfield of being harassed by an acquaintance. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Arrested was aniel . Green, 0, of Mena, on a Warrant for Failure to Appear. Arrested by a trooper with the Arkansas tate Police was Mark A. olomon, 30, of Mena, on a Charge of Driving with a uspended river’s icense. March 10, 2017 Report from complainant on Polk 1 near Grannis of the theft of a package from their mailbox. nvestigation continues. Report of a suspicious item led to a 13-year-old male being issued a uvenile itation for Possession of ntoxicating Liquor by a Minor.

Report from complainant on Highway East near nk of 00.00 in damages to a front door. Investigation continues. Report from the Polk ounty etention Center of the violation of an Order of Protection. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. March 11, 2017 Report from complainant on Polk 22 near Cove of horses running loose. nformation has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Report from complainant on Highway 71 outh near Hatfield of 00.00 in damages done to a window. Investiga-

tion continues. Arrested was yler W. Everett, , of Mena, on a rug ourt anction. March 12, 2017 Arrested was homas . Posey, , of Mena, on Charges of Possession of Methamphetamine and Possession of rug Paraphernalia. Polk ounty heriff’s Office worked three vehicle accidents this week. Polk ounty etention enter ail Population: 7 ncarcerated nmates, with 11 Inmates currently on the Waiting ist for a tate Facility, of which 1 is currently out of jail on a monitoring system.

March 15, 2017

Weekly Publication



Ad deadline is 5 p.m. on Monday. Payment is due with ad. Publishing and distributing 8,000 copies weekly. ATV For Sale: 2004 Yamaha Bruin 350 4x4, excellent condition, well cared for, very low limes, kept inide, $3,200, 479-234-1311. 3/15

Daniel’s Carpentry and Painting, home repair, decks, fence rows, underpinning, etc. Also lawn and garden work. Call 870-334-2068. 3/29

Rose Aircraft Services, Inc. has been in continuous operation at the Mena Airport for 53 years making airplanes beautiful and customers happy. We are currently expanding out painting operations and are seeking candidates of the highest integrity who desire to team up with us. Only the best need apply. Contact Dena Johnson Human Resources Manager at 479-394-2551. 3/22

Dugan Lawn Care and Landscaping a complete ground maintenance company serving both residential and commercial customers. NOW TAKING NEW CLIENTS FOR 2017 MOW SEASON! We trim ornamental trees, grasses, shrubs, and more. Free estimates. Offices in both Mena: 479-394-2699 and DeQueen: 870-279-2250. TFN

Handyman able to work any hours. Flexible with time and will do a great job. Call 479-227-9863. Joseph Bond. 3/15 Vernas B. Brigade would like to thank Bear State Bank for the use of the parking lot and to everyone in the community who donated items, food, and money for the bake & yard sale to support cancer patients in the community! 3/15 House Cleaning and more. Call Winnie Cotter at 2343418. 4/5

Local Transportation company looking for Flat Bed Truck Drivers. Well maintained equipment. Good pay and good working environment. Home most weekends. Please call 479-243-4524. 3/29 By Owner – Home for sale – In Board Camp on quiet dead end road, great neighborhood. 2BR/2BA, Central Heat/Air, 2,193 sp.ft., on 2 acres – ½ chain link fenced – ½ woven wire. Great potential for mother-in-law apt & add bedroom. $75,000 Call 234-8310. 3/22 Clean and comfortable housing since 1969, J. Ray & Maria’s MH Park and Rentals. Hwy 71 North, Mena, AR. 479-216-3085 TFN

J&N Dozer- Trackhoe, Backhoe, Dump Truck, Ponds, Pads, Clearing, Roads, Hauling, Rich Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Shale, Gravel. Dozer operator Randy Egger, over 30 years’ experience. We appreciate your Business! Call 479-234-1357 TFN



Yard Mowing, weed eating, bush hogging, handyman services, power washing, garden plowing and tilling. Have tractor with implements for larger jobs. Bill Duff. Call 479216-5204. 4/5 Paraoptometric Position Available – Looking to hire a couple of highly driven people 5 day work week. We offer on the job training. Wonderful new office space. Generous bonus program. Send your resume to PO Box 1138, Mena, AR 71953. 3/15 DLC Dirt Works, providing light tractor services to Polk County and surrounding areas. Brush Hogging, light drive way repair, front end loader work, general property clean up, dirt work and much more. Free estimates: 479-3942966. TFN

January 6, 2016

Mena Area Real Estate Guide Published Twice Annually... Spring/Summer Fall/Winter


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