March 15, 2017
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Buck Three-Time Talimena 13.1 Champion
City of Mena Implements Mobile Speed Sign BY MELANIE BUCK • The City of Mena has purchased and implemented the use of a mobile speed sign to help decrease the number of traffic accidents and help drivers to be mindful of their speed. “We average 25-30 wrecks a month and this will be a useful tool to help get those down,” explained Mena Police Chief Brandon Martin. “The purpose is to remind people to slow down and pay attention to what you’re doing. The goal is to reduce the amount of wrecks in the city,” he went on. CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
Mental Health Centers to Provide Treatment Versus Jail Time BY MELANIE BUCK •
Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson signed the Mental Health Crisis Stabilization Centers Bill into law on Tuesday, March 8, 2017, that will establish three regional centers to reduce the incarceration rate of those with mental illness and to increase public safety. Prison overcrowding has long been an issue in Arkansas, and the incarceration of the mentally ill has also long been an issue across many states. “We have neglected the mental health challenges in our nation for far too long. Through CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
Chamber Announces Community Award Nominees BY MELANIE BUCK •
The Mena/Polk County Chamber of Commerce has announced their 2016 Community Award Nominees, with winners to be announced at the annual Chamber Banquet in April. Nominees are submitted by community members each year for the awards, and winners are voted on by the Chamber’s membership. The deadline to cast a ballot is Friday, March 17, 2017. For Volunteer of the Year, 2016 nominees are: Pete Chambers, Donna Montgomery, Mi-
Running in the last leg of the grueling 13.1 miles, Mena Senior Clint Buck once again conquered the full Talimena 13.1 Race as t e erall inner’ or t e t ir year in a ro it a time o corn Co ntry on in t e team cate ory ee ll pic torial an story on pa e
Senior Citizen Discount - Tear Offs - Recovers New Roofs - Flat Roofs - Metal Roofs - Recoating RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • AGRICULTURAL
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