March 22, 2017

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March 22, 2017


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1168 Hwy 71 S • Mena, AR 71953 • 479-243-9600 ...............................................................................................................................................................................

Your DAILY News Sources: KENA 104.1 FM &

The Wall That Heals to Arrive in Mena on Wednesday

‘Veteran’s Day Eagle’ Soars Again

BY MELANIE BUCK • The Wall That Heals will arrive Wednesday morning, March 22, after being escorted by a band of motorcyclists from Waldron to Mena. The Wall is expected to come into town around a.m. on igh ay . Citi ens are encouraged to line the streets ith flags and ave them in honor of the names of Vietnam Veterans that line the monument. The route of travel will be Highway 71 to South Mena Street to Dallas Avenue to South Morro , and reach its destination at earcat Stadium here it ill remain for the ne t ve days. CONTINUED ON PAGE 8

Westphal Honored as Distinguished Woman in American History BY MELANIE BUCK •

U dene Westphal, mostly known as ‘ Denie,’ was honored with the 2017 Distinguished Woman in American History Award by the James K . Polk Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR ) on Thursday, March 16. The award was given as part of NSDAR’s two-year commemoration of the ending of the war in Vietnam. Westphal was chosen “for her volunteer and paid service to all Polk County veterans over many years.” Not only does Westphal work to help veterans every day, she herself is a veteran. She CONTINUED ON PAGE 9

Sixty-Nine Year Old Cyclist Taking 2,200 Mile Trip BY MELANIE BUCK •

A 69-year old cyclist stopped in Mena overnight to take a short break from his border-to-border trip that began in Matamoros, Mexico on March 6th and will end in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. Bill Pierce is a resident of Burlington and had his brother, Martin, drive him, his recumbent bike (with the pedals out front), and his 70 pounds of baggage to South Texas where he would cross the border into Mexico to begin the 2,200 mile journey. The purpose of his trip is to follow Spring north. Pierce said as the season begins to move


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