March 6, 2019

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MARCH 6, 2019


THE POLK COUNTY 1168 Hwy 71 S • Mena, AR 71953 • 479-243-9600

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Hatfield Man Points Loaded Rifle at Deputies On Thursday February 28th Polk County Deputies received a call to assist DHS at a home on Cedar Lane in Hatfield with the removal of a child from the residence. In his report, Deputy Steve Fortner states that he and Deputy Mike Godfrey approached the home to make contact with Greg Scott Brewer, age 50, and the juvenile, both of Hatfield. Deputy Fortner states that as he approached the front door and before he could knock, Brewer opened the door and stated they (deputies and DHS) were not taking the child and that he then produced a Savage 30.06 rifle and pointed it at the Deputies. The report states that Brewer then said the deputies would have to kill him first, or that he would kill himself. Brewer told

Deputies the rifle was not loaded. After this Brewer said he was “Lied to about his deceased daughter” and that “Deputies were there to take his daughter away from him just like Karl Roberts did.” Karl Roberts was convicted in May of 2000 by a Polk County jury of capital murder for the rape and strangling of Brewer’s then 12 year old daughter, Andi Brewer. According to the report Brewer then stated he wanted to talk to his daughter and afterwards would let DHS take the child. As Deputies continued to talk with Brewer Deputy Fortner heard the action of the bolt on the rifle worked, and as Brewer switched the rifle from one hand to another, the Deputies rushed Brewer, taking him to the floor. Deputies secured Brewer and his son for

their safety and searched them for additional weapons. Deputy Fortner secured the 30.06 that Brewer leveled at them and found that the gun was indeed loaded with five rounds and one live round in the chamber. During the take down of Brewer, Deputy Godfrey suffered injury to his lip and chest area. Godfrey was transported to Mena Regional Health System and released later that same evening. Greg Scott Brewer is currently in the Polk County Detention Center under a $100,000 cash bond for two counts of aggravated assault of law enforcement, endangering the welfare of a minor and possession of firearms by certain persons. A pre-trial hearing is scheduled for March 11th.

Greg Scott Brewer

Arkansas Lawmakers Approve Plan to Raise What You Pay At The Pump BY JAMIE HAMMACK, GENERAL MANAGER • NEWS@MYPULSENEWS.COM

Pictured, from left, are HSO’s dedicated shelter pet-care team, Kennel Tech Justin Otts, Shelter Manager Kelly Otts, Animal Care Manager Jennifer McMellon and Kennel Tech Juanita Howard, standing with HSO’s newly outfitted transport van.

HSO’s Benefits Benefit Everyone

Submitted By Cheryl Murphy “Many hands make the light work” is an old saying that still rings so true! With the many daily tasks required by Humane Society of the Ouachitas’ animal shelter staff to care for the typical 60 shelter pet residents at any one time, the “peripheral” duties of operating the business end of the organization are handled

by HSO’s dedicated volunteers! The “short list” of those duties include shelter maintenance, fostering pets, fundraising, grant-writing, bookkeeping, bill-paying, and HSO’s public representation online and offline. Can you imagine running a small business by an “all-volun-

-HSO, continued pg. 15

On Monday the Arkansas House passed legislation to impose a new wholesale tax on fuel to pay for Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s highway funding plan. The plan would also rely on up to $35 million in expected revenue from casinos to increase the amount of money spent on highway projects. The legislation put forward would increase gas prices by 3 cents per gallon and diesel by 6 cents per gallon. The proposal would also include a registration fee on electric and hybrid vehicles. Welcome to our world you environmentally conscience types. You thought you’d help the Earth and save money by buying electric and hybrid cars. Such a registration fee, penalty, if you will, for buying the vehicle, should be enough to make your lithium-ion batteries boil. With Arkansans already taxed to pay for the roads in the state you have to wonder where are the current funds going? They definitely haven’t found enough of their way to Highway 71 in our county. Mena was founded in 1896. Some may say the road through town hasn’t improved much since. Our local state highway department and crews do hard work that is all too often un-

appreciated, but they can only work with what they’re given. I also wonder if our betters in Little Rock ever think of us out here on the far reaches of the state that already pay a premium at the pump? According to the website,, on Tuesday the 26th of February, the lowest price for a gallon of unleaded in Mena was $2.12 while the folks in Little Rock could fill up at $1.99 a gallon, Hot Springs had a low of $1.98 and the lucky people in Russellville could fill up for a mere $1.89 a gallon! Now think about how our area log truck drivers and anyone else who buys diesel will feel with a 6 cent increase. Guess who will eventually pay for that increase as well? If it costs more to deliver goods to Polk County it will be the citizens who will bear the brunt of the cost every time we go to the store for a loaf of bread. Who say’s trickle down economics doesn’t work? Obviously I am no fan of an increased gas tax on the people of Arkansas. I wish the lawmakers would find a better way of

-GAS, continued pg. 12

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