March 8, 2017

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March 8, 2017


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Blake and Webb Heading to National Archery Competition

Marines Honor Local Officials and LEOs BY MELANIE BUCK • The local Marine Corps League Detachment # 1261 held a Star Tribute Ceremony on Thursday, arch , to e press their gratitude to local o ficials, la en orcement, and emer gency orkers embers o the County udge s O fice, olk County Sheri s epartment, ena o lice epartment, ena Fire epartment, the eteran s Service O fice, A Clinic, Arkansas ame Fish, Arkansas State olice, and the S Forest Service ere all honored at the service or their e orts to protect and provide services to citi ens o the area CONTINUED ON PAGE 8

Fresh Start to Host Walk for Life BY MELANIE BUCK • Fresh Start regnancy esource Center ill host a Walk or i e as a undraising event or the center on April , at anssen ark in ena Candace iner, organi er o the event, said they have anted to host the event or several years and are no in a position to do so y heart or this is that people ill understand the value o human li e, said iner The pro li e event ill start ith check ins bet een am a m , ith the alk lasting rom a m until noon The ay to raise money is or individuals or teams to gar ner pledges rom amily, riends, and community members Fresh Starts ultimate goal is CONTINUED ON PAGE 7

Stover Conviction Affirmed by Arkansas Supreme Court BY MELANIE BUCK •

Acorn High School Archery competed in the Arkansas National Archery in the Schools Program (ANASP) State Tournament in Hot Springs on Saturday, March 3rd. Senior Chantry Blake was declared the overall winner and number one in the state. Freshman Brody Webb came in fourth. The pair will move on to the National tournament to be held in Louisville, Kentucky. Read more on Acorn Archery on page 15 of this issue. [ P HOTO COURTESY OF CINDY STANDRIDG E]

The Arkansas Supreme Court a firmed a decision made by a olk County ury in the case o aniel Stover, age , ho as convict ed and sentenced in April o one count o ape an enhanced sentence o li e ithout parole , t o counts o First egree Se ual Assault an enhanced sentence o t o terms o li e , one count o Second egree Se ual Assault t enty years , and one count o Se ual rooming o a inor si years For those charges, as ell as a previous se ual o ense conviction, Stover as deemed a habitual

S enio r C itiz en Dis c o unt - T ear O f f s - R ec o vers N ew R o o f s - F lat R o o f s - M etal R o o f s - R ec o ating RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • AGRICULTURAL


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