May 10, 2017

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May 10, 2017


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Alstons Named as Polk County Farm Family of the Year BY LEANN DILBECK •

Mary Poppins Enters Final Weekend at OLT

Luke and Deedee Alston have been selected as Polk County’s 70th annual Polk County Farm Family of the Year. The Arkansas Farm Family of the Year program is one of the oldest of its kind in the nation. The success and longevity of this program has only been possible because of our sponsors and partners,” said Mollie Dykes, coordinator, Arkansas Farm Family of the Year Program. “We’re honored to recognize these hard working passionate, and resilient famiCONTINUED ON PAGE 7

Participants to Walk for a Cure in Relay for Life this Friday BY MELANIE BUCK • The annual Polk County Relay For Life fundraising event will be held at Janssen Park on Friday, May 12th, with more than a dozen teams competing for top honors at the occasion that raises money for the American Cancer Society. So far in 2017, fifteen teams in Polk County have raised more than $39,000 for cancer research. At the event, teams will set up booths with food, games, activities, and items to purchase. The event begins at 6 p.m. In case of rain, Relay for Life will be held at the CONTINUED ON PAGE 8

Otto to Receive Ballistic Vest BY MELANIE BUCK •


Polk County Sheriff Scott Sawyer is pleased to announce that Otto, the county’s K-9 narcotics dog, will receive a ballistic vest thanks to the generous donations of two local Mason clubs. The Dallas Masonic Lodge #128, of Mena, and Mountain Meadow Lodge #218, of Hatfield, each pitched in $500 to donate towards the purchase of the life-saving vest for the county’s newest member of the team. CONTINUED ON PAGE 7

OLT’s musical production Mary Poppins opened last weekend to rave reviews. The main character, Mary Poppins, is portrayed by local talent Lana Coogan. Brakiah Burk debuts as Jane Banks and Robby Burt, plays Michael Banks. The musical opens again on stage this week at Ouachita Little Theatre on Thursday night. Final performances will be Friday and Saturday. Don’t miss this fantastic version of the beloved classic Mary Poppins. See more on page 27 of this edition.

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