May 17, 2017

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May 17, 2017


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Drug Court Graduate Shares Testimony of Second Chances

Local Department of Human Services to Relocate BY MELANIE BUCK •

The Department of H uman Services is preparing to relocate to a much larger area to benefit the clients that are serviced through the programs they offer. Carolyn Strickland, Administrator at the local DHS office that is currently located in the Polk County ffice Comple , also known as the old hospital,’ at 606 Pine Street, e plained that they have simply outgrown the location and need more space, both inside and outside. Parking has always been an issue at the Polk County ffice Comple . ver the years, CONTINUED ON PAGE 26

Annual Troy Miranda ‘Beagle Run’ to be Held on Saturday BY MELANIE BUCK •

The 8th annual Beagle Run will be held this Saturday to honor SFC Troy . Miranda, a member of the 1 3rd Infantry, also known as Charlie Company, that gave the ultimate sacrifice while serving his country in Iraq. Miranda was killed in action May 20, 2004 while leading his squad through one of the most treacherous areas of Baghdad, known as “Purple Heart Alley” near Talia Square, a sight of tremendous bloodshed, to assist another unit that was “pinned down.” Miranda’s life was cut short at just 44 years when his unit was CONTINUED ON PAGE 8

Main Street Arkansas Director to Speak on Downtown Revitalization [PHOTO BY MELANIE BUCK]

Doreen Baker, pictured right, is shown with Drug Court Advisor Steven Free, and Circuit Court Judge Jerry Ryan, following her graduation from the Polk County Drug Court Program. Baker is the most recent success story to come from the program and hopes that her story will help others that are battling addiction. See Ba er’s full story on page 8 of this issue.

BY MELANIE BUCK • Rick Chrisman, Mena Downtown Partners president, has announced that reg Phillips, Main Street Arkansas State Director, will be speaking at the uachita Center of the niversity of Arkansas Rich Mountain on Tuesday, May 23, 30 PM. Judy Thompson, MDP Downtown iaison fficer, notes that anyone interested in the revitali ation and development of downtown Mena is invited and encouraged to attend. Both Chrisman and Thompson advise that downtown business owners managers downtown property ownCONTINUED ON PAGE 26

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